#I had such grand plans for this round but my brain decided No More Writing with a whole multi chapter WIP half finished
aww-writing-no · 1 year
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Winterhawk Bingo Round 4 Masterpost
Square B4: Robin Hood AU (4360 words)
Square N1: Vampires AU (1321 words) 
Square N4: Stuck in an Elevator (1961 words)
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moon-lv3r · 2 years
blind date ~🔨
🦋 category: one-shot
🦋 characters: nobara, megumi, yuuji
🦋 summary: yuuji decided to set his childhood friend with his jujutsu buddies because of a little bet between the three of them
🦋 warnings: nil
🦋 notes: i hope my friends would do something like this to me as well 😔😔😔 i had a sudden inspiration to write this so why not hehehe. this took me months to complete after getting the inspiration because of exams 😒😒😒 wish my love life could come back from the dead
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"Fushiguro!" Itadori shouted. It was 2am and the first years were still up, Fushiguro was up against his will. Their second year senior, Inumaki Toge had just left Itadori's room after delivering the first years some leftovers from dinner, which Itadori took willingly.
"I am going to bed," replied Fushiguro, already out the door and getting ready to close it.
"So early?" Cried Kugisaki. "Come on Fushiguro, don't be a party pooper! There's no classes tomorrow, we can stay up late."
"I'm tired," he replied, already out the door and ready to slam it shut. It took Itadori and Kugisaki's relentless begging for him to stay for just 30 more minutes. It took 10 seconds for him to utterly regret his decision.
The both of them were being noisy, too noisy for the dead of the night. You couldn't even hear a pin drop from the amount of noise they made. Fushiguro was the only quiet one. If it wasn't for the fact that Gojo was once again out on another overseas trip due to work, the trio would've been caught red-handed. Not that Gojo would punish them seriously anyway. Why would he ever do that?
"Wait guys, I have an idea," Itadori smiled almost cheekily, gathering him the attention from Kugisaki and even Fushiguro. "Whoever loses this round of Machi Koro has to do something the winner says!"
"HA! Count me in," replied Kugisaki almost immediately. It took a while to convince Fushiguro but he eventually agreed, but said that he would only play round and go to bed right after. He had no desire to stay up late and risk getting any dark eye circles, the last time it happened, Kugisaki made a fuss out of it and introduced Fushiguro into the world of concealers, which he politely removed himself from. Sometimes he wonder how he deals with both Itadori and Kugisaki at once.
How does he deal with everyone sometimes should be the actual question.
“Eh Fushiguro,” muttered a surprised Kugisaki, “I didn’t know you were good at board games.”
“I used to be forced to play them,” he uttered out a response while Itadori was planning his next move so that he would not be the loser of the bunch.
"Well I am not losing to you!" Kugisaki proudly proclaimed to the boys as she made her next move.
The game went on for minutes, it wasn't clear who was going to win until Itadori made his last move and was the first one to win. "The loser would have to do something that I say!" He proudly announced like it was something grand and should be acknowledged by the world. Fushiguro did not care for a single syllabus that exited Itadori's lips. He was focused on the game, losing was not an option. He did not want to do whatever Itadori had planned. So did Kugisaki, she was way to engrossed in a midnight game. Her only motivation was to not lose since she had the feeling that she would not like what Itadori would put her through. What if it was a blind date with someone hideous? She would rather date a corpse if that ever happened.
After another few minutes, it was starting to be clear to the trio that Kugisaki, would indeed lose. She was not happy about it, not even one bit but there was nothing she could do. Fushiguro could only feel relieved that he wouldn't have to take part in anything stupid that Itadori was planning. Kugisaki was getting nervous and she was really using all of her brain power just so that she would not lose, she refused to lose. It was not an option for her.
But at last, she lost.
Fushiguro tried to excuse himself but Itadori wouldn't allow it. Not until they, or just Itadori himself, figure out what they should make Kugisaki do. She did not like that one bit and just wanted Itadori to get it over with as soon as his mess of a brain would allow him to.
"How about a blind date with one of my friends?" Itadori voiced his thoughts out loud, getting himself a loud, unbelievable gasp from Kugisaki.
"No way!" She instantly slammed the idea down. "Fushiguro, do you have any better ideas?"
"Clean up the trash in the park down the street tomorrow afternoon," he suggested the first thing that came to his empty head.
"Do you have any idea how hot it is?" Kugisaki replied in utter, completely disbelief. "Whatever, I will just go on the date but Itadori, you're dead if the guy turns out to be—"
"Alright!" Itadori grinned as he whipped out his phone and began texting one of his friends about the blind date with Kugisaki. It took a while to come up with a date but it was set. Fushiguro was glad that it wasn't him that got the blind date and went off to bed. Kugisaki sulked the entire way back to her own room, half expecting the date to end up as horrible as Fushiguro's willingness to talk to people most of the time.
Kugisaki stared at the clock in her room. The date starts at 2pm and she was supposed to meet whoever her date was at a nearby café. It was 1.30pm by the time she leaves her house in a pretty outfit that she personally thinks looks presentable but Fushiguro seemed to think that she looks a bit overdressed. Not that it bothered her much anyway. She walked under the hot sun, sweat falling down her neck like a pearl necklace that had just snapped. She had no idea that the weather would be this hot. It was the summer season afterall. Hopefully this wouldn't leave a bad impression on her date.
Fortunately, there was a table for 2 available and it didn't look as though her date had arrived. Kugisaki had been 10 minutes early, which was more than enough time for her to clean up all of her sweat and relax herself in the air conditioned room before anyone arrived. She ordered herself an ice tea so that she could cool herself down, which she finished within the matter of seconds, while waiting. The clear glass door swung open right on the dot at 2pm, revealing the mystery of who Kugisaki's date was.
It was you. Your eyes glanced around, looking for the short, orange-brown hair girl that your friend, Yuuji, had messaged you about. It didn't take long to spot her as her outfit, consisting of a black skirt and a white crop top, made her stood out among the office workers who often visit the cafe during their lunch break. "Are you Kugisaki Nobara?" You asked politely before sitting down.
"Yup!" She replied, scanning you up and down, looking satisfied. "Why didn't Itadori tell me that his friend looked so attractive?"
"I guess he wanted to keep it a surprise," you simply shrugged and signalled for a waiter to come to your table so that you could make an order. "May I get a hot cup of matcha latte and strawberry shortcake?" You ordered before glancing at Kugisaki, "you want anything?"
"Hmm... One cup of Hojicha?" Kugisaki answered.
The date started out simple. Basic questions were thrown around between the pair. It wasn't a bad date, Kugisaki only expected it to end up bad and has an escape plan. But the plan was useless as you turned out to be the opposite of her nightmare. Laughters were soon exchanged as the both of you engaged in more conversation about your life.
"Yeah!" You laughed. "There was this one time where I thought a whole stranger was my mother and almost went home with her. It wasn't until I saw my actual mom that I realised my mistake."
"No way!" Kugisaki replied, shocked at the stupidly amusing story. "You couldn't even tell a stranger from your mom?"
"I was a child!" You defended yourself. "They were wearing the same dress too!"
The conversation went through different topics, from your personal lives to Itadori Yuuji. You had no idea about the things that had happened to him ever since he changed schools out of the blue and never told you where it was. You had always been curious but decided to stay silent on the topic as he never talked about it much and you didn't want to pry in. If he wasn't going to talk about it, you weren't going to ask about it.
"He somehow died and came back alive?" You asked, absolutely bewildered by the revelation. It was not something that your mind has stumbled across, never ever. How does he even do that? Was it even possible. "Kugisaki, you have got to be joking."
"I am not, he just played dead for a day and returned like nothing happened." Kugisaki replied, you didn't know that she lied about what happened during the period that he "died" of course, so you could only take her word for it. "Still have no idea how he did it."
After paying for your drinks and food, the both of you decided to walk to a nearby mall and check out the stores available. It had some of the new sports shoe that you have been wanting to get your hands on. You would sell your kidneys for it, just do anything that would allow you to own it. Kugisaki had been wanting to check out some of the new dresses that they had so the both of you had your own things to settle. The both of you decided that you could give Kugisaki opinions on the dresses before the both of you headed off to check out sport shoes.
The both of you had narrowed down a pink floral dress, blue dress and a black dress for Kugisaki to try on. Kugisaki looked amazing in all of the dresses that the both of you had picked so it was almost impossible to pick one for her to buy. After a while of discussion, the both of you had decided that it would be wise to pick the one that was the cheapest, which was the black one and also Kugisaki's favourite. Next, the both of you made your way to the sport shoes and you ran all over the place, trying to find the red one that you had your eyes on. Unfortunately for you, it wasn’t there so you decided to settle for something else that you wanted, which was a black coloured sports shoe.
Eventually, it was time for the date to end. It was a rather simple date but it was good enough for the both of you. You had to take public transport home while Kugisaki was walking home. "Today was fun," you said before waving her goodbye. You had just one more thing on your mind which you wasn't sure if you should do and it seems that Kugisaki could tell that there was something bothering you. "Is everything alright?" She asked, frowning while being concerned that the date wasn't up to your expectations.
"It's just—" You muttered, stepping closer to her, lips inching closer to her cheeks. You could feel your cheeks gaining heat rapidly from your actions which only lasted a few seconds. But it felt like an eternity of embarrassment for you as you planted a small goodbye kiss on her cheek before quickly saying goodbye and immediately went on your way home.
Kugisaki just stared at your back view as you left. "Even Itadori's friend is a bit weird in the end." She shrugged. "Oh well, it wasn't so bad, wouldn't mind a second date."
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tardis-ghost-blog · 2 years
Change is the constant (Dhawan!Master x Reader)
Rating: T (mostly fluff and bickering ;D) Summary: You always seem to get lost in the Master's TARDIS. Or is there something else going on? A/N: Someone in a Discord server mentioned how funny it would be if the Master had a habbit of constantly redecorating his console room and how a potential companion would be super confused about it... So I had to write just that. XD Enjoy ;) I didn't use any pronouns. So anyone can read it. Also, this - technically - could still be Simm!Master, if you prefer him ;D
Being the Master's companion had many benefits. You had your own room, free access to the wardrobe and even your own kitchen. Especially the latter had been of great importance during the time you had been his prisoner. 
But when the time came for the Master's grand scheme to end and for the Doctor to collect you from his grip, things had long changed between the two of you. A strange companionship had formed that was neither quite friendship nor animosity and yet comfortable enough that you decided to… simply stay with him.
This is why you found yourself in a new, yet familiar situation this morning. After a nice shower and cradling your favourite hot beverage in a steaming mug in your hands you strolled through a door you had been certain would lead to the control room. Only that this wasn't what you remembered it to look like. 
Yesterday it had been more akin to a library, with shelves lining the walls and a weirdly soothing green light that emanated from the control table. Today you were greeted by a mingle-mangle of papers, writing equipment, old maps and mahogany furniture. And nothing looked like it could even remotely be a control table. So you probably stumbled into a new room... again. 
You sighed and flopped down in a dusty wingback, placing the mug on a small table to replace it with a book that had been sitting there. Something about the ancient culture of a place you had never heard of.
The moment you decided to leave you heard a door creak open and saw a familiar coat entering your field of vision. 
"Ah, there you are, pet," greeted the Master. "I almost thought you had fled already." 
"Fled?" You snorted, eyeing him over the rim of your mug. "There's nothin' to flee from. The only thing that's scaring me here, is how everything's changing all the time. I can never quite find my way 'round." 
The Master stepped closer, chuckling as he bent down to place his hands on the armrests to either side of you. "It's only because you can't understand my TARDIS. She's telling you whatever you need to know. Pity your brain is too underdeveloped to perceive it." 
The proximity to his face made you gulp and shrink a little and every answer slipped from your mind before it could leave your lips. But the Master already left, pushing himself away and swirling around with a clap of his hands. 
"So. Any plans? I'm done with mine, for now. The emperor of Derkalga wasn't a challenge after all. Sadly. Was hoping to play with him a little longer, but oh well…"
"Th…" You stopped and coughed slightly to get yourself together again. "The waterfalls of Zelfraxatoria sounded nice. You mentioned them a few days ago and… and I thought…" 
"Mhm… yes! Splendid idea, pet. I wanted to collect some dust from the lorica flowers anyway. Highly toxic if you mix them with… anyway…" He gave you a bright, toothy grin. "Go get changed. It's rather warm there." And when you needed a moment to get up he waved his hands towards the doors. "Hush hush. Off you pop. Don't make your Master wait." 
Quickly you shot up and left the room, almost running towards the wardrobe to pick some short trousers and a shirt in a nice colour. Some comfy shoes also wouldn't hurt and you even found a straw hat that you couldn't decide if it looked nice or ridiculous. But you took it anyway and jogged to the kitchen to pack some sandwiches and a bottle of water. The Master never quite got a hang of how much humans need to survive.
When you finally rounded the corner and opened the door to what you were certain was the console room you found yourself in yet another completely foreign environment. The walls had countless of the round shaped tiles you knew from other places and had a light turquoise colouring. Black pillars of vines surrounded a stone well and wore torch holders of iron. With actual torches in them. 
Your mouth hung open as you turned around yourself to take in the beautiful contrast of orange and blue hues in this room. And only then did you discover the top of a head peeking out from behind the well. The Master sat there, leaned against the dark stones, fingers tapping out a steady rhythm of four against his knee. His eyes opened and a smile crept onto his features as soon as you came into sight. 
"That hat looks awful," he taunted, although his voice was surprisingly soft.
You squatted down in front of him, taking the hat off to put it on him instead. It was a funny sight, although he managed to still look infuriatingly handsome.
"What're you doing down there?" you asked, hiding a giggle. "Aside from insulting me, of course." 
The Master furrowed his brows, his look darkening so much that you feared to have gone too far. He reached up to plug down the hat and then tossed it away, glaring at you. "You can't hear it, can you?" he muttered darkly, tapping his rhythm again. "It never stopped. Never found out how to get rid of it." He gritted his teeth as if in pain and suddenly shot forward, grabbing your shirt to drag you towards him. "It's completely useless now and I still can't get it to be quiet. Only the TARDIS helps a little." 
"O… okay?" You vaguely remembered him telling you about some signal his race had once implanted into his mind, but you hadn't known it affected him that much. "Sorry. I didn't want to… I… don't even know. Does it hurt?"
He grunted and pinched his eyes shut for a moment, then shook his head and sighed, dragging you still a tiny bit closer until your foreheads connected. And for a short moment you could hear it. The drumbeat, ever repeating, but faint.
"Doesnt matter," mumbled the Master and let go of you. We wanted to go somewhere, didn't we? Keep me busy."
"Yeah, sure. The waterfalls. But say…" You sat up on your knees, trying to hide your racing heart. "Where are we?" 
"What do you mean, 'where are we?' It's the console room. Same as ever." 
"The…" Your mouth hung open. "Definitely not same as ever! It looked completely different a few days ago. It had green lights and books everywhere!" 
The Master snorted and heaved himself to his feet, reaching a hand down that you took. You didn't expect him to draw you close as soon as he had helped you up, but he did, a grin on his lips again. "I've read all the books already. No need for them anymore." 
"You what!? How fast can you read? The room only looked like that for three days!"
He shrugged. 
"Wait…" A thought appeared to you. "Was the room from before also here?" 
Now he rolled his eyes. "Of course it was, silly." 
"But now it looks so different." 
"Yeah… I'm not in the mood for paper and wood. This has more flair."
"And…" Something dawned on you. "The room I stumbled in the last evening? Shortly before I went to bed. The one with the red balloon lanterns?" 
"Please. Why would I keep that? It's not a day for red."
"And you can't just change the light bulbs to have a different colour? I liked those lanterns."
"Pah, lanterns are boring. I needed something quiet." 
"So you redecorated the entire room instead of just… going somewhere else?" you asked dumbfounded.
The Master snickered and snapped his fingers. Some controls slid out from the well and he pushed a few buttons, after which the light started to dim and shapes started to shift. It was hard to make out anything until it was done. And when it was, you found yourself in yet another version. One that looked like a regular living room, with a tea set on the couch table and even a TV in one corner. 
"More like home for you?" he mocked. "Awfully human, isn't it?"
You shut your mouth, only now realising it had hung open. "I'd actually prefer the room to stay the same, thanks. I always thought… gosh! All those times I thought I'm lost I was actually here, wasn't I? How often do you keep changing it?"
He shrugged, plugging a pillow from the sofa and promptly tossed it in your direction. Surprised, you managed to evade, hearing it plopp to the ground. A snickering followed and you glared at the Master, unsure if his behaviour was more annoying or amusing, although you were happy to spend time with him. All the schemes and tricks he loved to play didn't leave much room for it, usually. 
"So… we're going out, or do you plan to stay here in your awfully human living room?" you taunted, tongue poking out from between your teeth. 
You swiped the pillow from the ground, about to throw it back, but the Master was in your personal space faster than you could move. His hands snaked over your own, leaving no room to move in any direction. Again your heart sped up and jumped when you saw his charming smile. 
"You know, pet," the Master said, voice smooth as silk, "I kept you here, because you're distracting. The only thing that really helps." His head dropped against yours. "So… be a good little human and do your job, will you?"
Swallowing the lump in your throat you nodded, hoping he couldn't feel how fast your heart was beating. The pillow between you was hopefully hiding it. 
"We'll then." Did you imagine it or had his eyes just darted to your lips for a moment? "Let's visit some waterfalls, shall we?" He let go of you and marched to a corner of the room to pick up your discarded hat to put in on you again. His smile widened. "Looks better the second time."
The smile fully blossomed to a grin and he swirled around to the controls - now inside the chimney - to push some buttons. The engines sprang to life, landing you in a new place. Then, again, the lights dimmed and everything blurred to shapes, setting itself together to something that more resembled the control rooms you knew, a hexagonal shaped table in the middle with its rotor slowly rising and falling. Desks appeared, filled with vials and devices for research. Bookshelves, a fireplace with blue flames and some comfy leather sofas. 
"Again?" you asked. 
"It's definitely a day for blue," explained the Master, as if it were the most natural thing to say. "And I'll collect some samples outside, so I need to experiment with them later." 
You pointed at the comfy corner. "And this?" 
The Master stepped in front of you again, tipping against your hat to smile at you. "I wouldn't mind some company." 
"R… really?" 
"Sure. It's always fun to see your brain almost explode from all the simple things you're too human to understand." 
"Oi!" You slapped his arm, but couldn't hide the smile. 
The Master let out a bellowing laugh, striding to the doors to open them dramatically. 
"You coming?"
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helnjk · 4 years
Stitching Together - G.W.
George Weasley x fem!reader 
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Requested: yes !! by my lovely bean marissa @lumos-barnes
please accept my humble request for a george x reader where the reader owns a shop in diagon alley and one day they walk into WWW and george knocks over a whole display, he is a complete SIMP & cannot compose himself. complete buffoonery when the reader is near. they become friends & do all these nice things for each other and the reader is oblivious like "george, i'm so lucky to be your friend" (even though the reader is secretly simping) and he's like "um what, i'm literally in love with you"
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: mentions of meals and drinks (coffee), but other than that it’s just pure fluff & Dumb Idiots In Love
A/N: somehow i always end up writing george knitting? idk how it happened, but it happened. i hope you like it marissa ���💕
You took a step back to admire your handiwork. 
After what seemed like neverending hours, the layout of your shop was finally perfect. From where you stood, you had a view of the streets of Diagon Alley, several passersby coming and goings from your sight. The display of charmed knit work by the window was already moving, demonstrating simple stitches that formed into a scarf. 
It had always been your dream to open up your own shop in the most prominent wizarding area of Britain, with your passion for knitting and crafting, but the timing had always been off. Now, about a year or so since the war had ended, your grandmother surprised you with the capital to make your dreams come true. 
The gesture was extra special because she was the one who first taught you how to knit. Many summers were spent in her cottage, sitting side by side and working on personal projects together. 
Outside, your sign read ‘Stitching Together: Grand Opening’. There were a few flyers posted right on the door and on the window advertising the different classes and crafting groups you were offering, as well as the different products that could be found in your store. 
It was as if your heart could burst at the sight of your fully furnished shop and you could wait no longer. With a flick of your wand, the sign on the door flipped to say open and that was that. 
“Hey Freddie, have you seen that new shop that’s opened down the street?” George yelled from the bottom of the stairs once the last customer of the day made their leave. 
“Haven’t gone in, but it’s gotten a lot of customers from what I can tell!” the disembodied voice of his twin replied from somewhere above. 
As he began the process of cleaning up and reshelving, products floating in midair or zooming towards their proper shelves, he called out once more, “What type of store is it d’you reckon?” 
“Arts and crafts? Something like that.” 
George’s eyes drifted towards the shop window, where he could just barely see the outline of the new store. Dusk had begun to set in London, so the sky was filled with brilliant hues of purple and orange. His curiosity getting the better of him, he decided that he would go welcome the new shop owner to Diagon Alley. 
With a shout to let his twin know where he was off to, George strode out of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes and into the brisk weather. Luckily for him, Stitching Together was still open. He could see you bustling around inside, fixing displays and swishing your wand to tidy everything up.
It had only been around a month since your shop had opened, but the local wizard folk of London seemed to be very keen on buying the different things you sold. Many came around to purchase the instructional books and the different kinds of wool and yarn, and some of your regulars had even taken an interest in the classes you held weekly. It was a great way for you to get to know the community and to establish friendships. 
You had always taken note of the joke shop a few shops down from you, but with the hustle and bustle of just opening, you hadn’t had a chance to visit or introduce yourself to the owners. It was just your luck that one half of them pushed open the door to your shop, the little bell at the top of it ringing to indicate his presence. 
“Oh, hello!” you smiled, turning to face the redheaded man, “Welcome to Stitching Together, what could I help you with?” 
Unbeknownst to George, your heart began to beat rapidly in your chest. How could a man be so positively handsome you didn’t know, but at the sight of him standing by the door, all you could think about was how gorgeous he was. And he hadn’t even uttered a single word yet! 
The charming smile he sent your way did not help the heat you could feel creeping up your neck. “Just popping by to say hello and welcome to Diagon Alley! My twin and I run Wheezes just down the street,” he said. 
Your smile grew as he stuck his hand out for you to shake, “Oh I was just thinking about how I’ve been wanting to pay your shop a visit! I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“George Weasley at your service,” his hand was firm and warm as he shook yours, eyes sparkling with something you couldn’t quite name. “Nice to meet you!” 
“So tell me about your shop!” 
Somehow, after that evening, George Weasley snuck his way into becoming a part of your daily routine.
Every morning he would show up with two cups of coffee in hand right before your shop was set to open. After realizing that you depended on caffeine to function throughout your day, he made it a point to bring you one everyday. As you sipped on your coffees, the two of you would spend a few minutes chatting about your plans for the day before going to work. 
Whenever you would offer to pay for your own cup or even try to insinuate that you could get your own coffee in the morning, just so that he wouldn’t have to go through the trouble, he would stop you in your tracks.
“But George–”
“Nope!” he would say in a voice louder than yours. “I’m doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I really feel for your customers who have to deal with a Y/N that hasn’t had her coffee fix. Could you imagine the grumpiness? Not on my watch!” 
You would roll your eyes, but secretly it warmed your heart how sweet this boy could be. He was slowly inching his way into your life and becoming a great friend. 
“So,” said Fred one day as George had gotten back from delivering your daily coffee, “The bird from the knitting shop, huh?” 
His twin only rolled his eyes in response, used to the teasing that came with being brothers (and twins) with Fred Weasley. Instead of engaging, George went instead to do the routine last check over their store before they officially opened their doors. Still, Fred couldn’t resist the temptation to continue provoking him. 
“Oi! C’mon, you bring her coffee everyday even if you don’t like the stuff. If I don’t remind you that you have a store to run, you would spend the whole day staring out the window just to catch a glimpse of the girl! Tell me you’re not whipped for her,” he teased, following George through the shop.
From their position at the till and on the second floor, both Verity and Lee tried to hide their smirks. This was too good a story to not eavesdrop on. 
“Come off it, Fred.” George rolled his eyes. “I’m just being a good friend, that’s all!” 
“Yeah but you wouldn’t mind being more than friends.” 
The cheeky wink Fred sent George was not appreciated, as the prior soon found out, having to duck away from a stinging hex. Still, Fred’s laugh rang through the semi-empty store as he ran away from his brother. 
Later in the day, as the lunch crowd tapered off, the four of them were left to mull around a bit. Lee and Verity were off taking stock in the back room, Fred was doing some accounting (because his twin couldn’t be trusted with any sort of math), and George was reshelving some Skiving Snackboxes. 
The bell above the door to the shop rang, but he couldn’t quite tell who came in from his position towards the back of the shop. 
“Welcome to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes!” he yelled, rushing to get all the boxes in order before he could help the new customer, “I’ll be with you in just a second!” 
Just as he admired his handiwork, eyes scanning the display to make sure nothing was out of place, a familiar voice called from behind him, “It’s alright, take your time. I’m not looking for anything in particular.” 
George almost jumped out of his skin as he heard your voice. He was so surprised that as he turned to meet you, his elbow caught on the edge of one of the Snackboxes and the whole thing toppled over. 
You watched as the tower of boxes crumbled around him, and your hand automatically covered your mouth as you tried to contain your laughter. It didn’t work, though, and soon the whole store could hear your guffaws. 
Thankfully, George was a wizard, and what would’ve taken a muggle quite some time to fix, only took a quick flick of his wand. 
“Oops,” you smiled at him bashfully as he finished, “Didn’t mean to startle you, Weasley.”
“Erm, it-it’s alright,” he blushed, “I just didn’t expect you to come ‘round today.” 
In truth, the reason why George was so flustered at your appearance at his shop was because he had just spent most of the afternoon thinking about you. He often did that, getting lost in his thoughts about the many little things that made you, well, you. The deep breath you took before that first sip of coffee in the morning, revelling in the aroma. How your face lit up when you spoke about the different people you met in your classes. Your hands and how skillfully they worked whatever project you were creating at the moment. 
He wouldn’t admit it to Fred, but what his twin had said earlier in the day was accurate. He was absolutely smitten over you. 
“Well you’ve been a regular over at mine for the last couple of weeks, I’m just returning the favor and visiting my favorite redhead at his place of work!” 
“I-I,” he stuttered, his brain refusing to acknowledge the fact that he was your favorite anything. 
Fred, who had heard the commotion and had gone down to check if everything was okay, nearly face palmed as he watched George fumble through his words. The man was whipped for you, no doubt about it, and as a good twin, he decided to save his brother from further humiliation. 
“I think what my lovely twin here is trying to say, is that you just haven’t met enough redheads to make your decision about your favorite one,” he said, smoothly inserting himself into the conversation. “Fred Weasley, at your service!” 
Your smile immediately brightened at the sight of George’s twin holding out his hand for you to shake, “Nice to meet you! I’m Y/N, George’s told me loads about you!” 
“Has he?” Fred raised his eyebrow, turning to look at George who was still a little dumbstruck at the sight of you in his shop. “Well, that just means it’s my turn to spend some time with such a lovely lady. C’mon, I’ll give you a tour of the shop!”
“Oh I’d love that.” 
With a small glance and wave at George, you took the arm that Fred was holding out for you, and so began his (largely amusing) tour of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. 
“What in Merlin’s name was that!” yelled Fred the moment you left the shop. 
George groaned into his hands, embarrassment creeping back into him. He had acted a fool, unable to even mutter a single sentence to you the whole time you were around. 
“Mate, I have never seen you so flustered around a girl,” his twin muttered, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, “Just tell her you’ve got feelings for her! Ask her on a date, do something! From what I could tell, you’re not the only one who’s caught feelings.” 
“It’s not like that between us,” he said, “I doubt she even notices how much I fancy her.” 
Somehow, George wound up taking Fred’s advice. Though, in typical-George fashion, he never explicitly mentioned to you anything about the way he felt. 
Instead, he would stay around your shop longer in the mornings, taking slower than usual sips of his coffee (which he still couldn’t say he preferred over a good cup of tea). Other days, he would come around closing time and help put everything back in order and if he was lucky, the two of you would go out to dinner. Of course, he would also never let you pay a sickle for your meal, no matter how much you insisted. 
Weekends were usually spent together as well. 
Saturdays were for brunch and muggle films on the telly. It was one of the rare occasions he would drink a beverage in front of you that wasn’t that (god forsaken) coffee. 
Sundays were more for crafting together. He would floo into your flat after having lunch with his family and the two of you would continue working on his little project. 
“My mum loves to knit,” he mentioned one day, while he observed your quick hands skillfully moving the thread through your needles. “She knits us all sweaters for Christmas. It’s become a tradition of sorts.” 
“That’s lovely,” you smiled up at him.
“Yeah, anyone who’s practically family gets one too. Like Harry and Hermione,” he mused.
“I could teach you how to knit her something, if you wanted,” you offered. “It’d be something pretty simple though, especially if you’ve never knitted anything before.”
The smile he sent you was so dazzling, you had to take a moment. You were practically melting under his tender gaze and you swallowed thickly, trying to gain your composure. 
 “That’d be bloody brilliant, Y/N!” 
You only hoped he didn’t notice how your face got hot and how your hands couldn’t move the needles to do what you wanted, too flustered to be precise with your movements.
Since then, the two of you spent most of Sunday afternoons making sure George had the correct strings of yarn on the correct needle. You would keep a close eye on him and his progress, but most of the time he was alright on his own. Sometimes, he would purposely sit closer to you on your couch and you could practically feel the warmth radiating from him. 
In between knits, your eyes would drift towards his focused face and you would smile. George had a habit of poking the tip of his tongue out when he was knitting. Something about the gesture helped him concentrate, and you found it absolutely adorable.
The more time you spent together, though, the more confused George got. It was getting to a point where in his head, it was impossible to miss what he was trying to say with his actions. You had to have caught on by now. And, since you hadn’t acknowledged what was going on between the two of you, he had assumed that this was your polite way of rejecting him.  
On a chilly morning, he clutched the warm cups of coffee in his hands as he pushed the door to Stitching Together open with his back. 
“Morning, Y/N!” he greeted.
You grinned in his direction as he made his way towards you. The moment he placed the warm drink in your hands and you took your first sip, a small moan of gratefulness escaped your lips.
“Merlin, I don’t deserve you,” you mumbled to your cup. 
“Sorry?” George asked, brows furrowed slightly. 
“Oh nothing!” you quickly said, “I’m just really glad you’re my friend, Georgie.” 
The word seemed to make his heart sink down to his stomach and ignite something in him at the same time. It was time that he told you how he felt, no matter what would happen afterwards. He couldn’t keep going on pretending he wasn’t head over heels in love with you. 
“Erm, about that Y/N,” he began, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his work uniform, “I’ve got to tell you something.” 
It was now or never. 
You smiled up at him encouragingly, almost oblivious to the bundle of nerves that were most definitely visible in his expression. 
“I-I don’t want to be just friends, Y/N,” he said, lips pursed in anticipation.
“What do you want then?” you still didn’t understand what he was trying to say. 
In a burst of confidence, George took your hands in his and gripped them tightly, “I want to be with you. I fancy you loads, I think I might even be in love with you, Y/N. Honestly, I might’ve been in love with you from the moment I first walked into your shop.” 
Your lack of an immediate response left him to back track, “But I understand completely if you don’t feel the same way, I just wanted to get it out there.” 
For a moment, the two of you were silent. George eyed you nervously, wondering what was going on through your head, bracing himself for the rejection that he thought was on the tip of your tongue. 
Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, “Y/N? Do you want me to go?” 
Instead of answering, you flung your arms around his neck. He was so startled at your sudden gesture that he almost didn’t notice your lips on his. Almost. 
As suddenly as you had kissed him, all of his apprehensions melted away. Almost automatically, his arms found themselves wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer to him. Your lips melted together seamlessly. It was as if this was where the two of you were meant to be, and you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. 
Sooner than you had liked, George pulled away from you slightly. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t help but dip his head down to peck your lips again. Once, twice, three times. This left you a giggly mess, your nose scrunching up in a way that was practically begging him to kiss it as well. 
“Does that mean you fancy me too?” he murmured against your lips. 
“Absolutely, head over heels,” you smiled in return. 
The pair of you spent a brief moment with your foreheads pressed together, giddy smiles on your faces. That was until a knock on the door of your shop sounded. Immediately, you sprung apart, a blush coating tip of George’s ears and cheeks. 
A few people stood outside, eyeing you amusedly. 
“Oh shit,” you said, hurrying to flip the sign on the door to say ‘open’ and to unlock the door with a flick of your wand. “I completely forgot I had a class today.” 
As the small group of people began to file inside, they sent knowing glances your way to which you only groaned softly and looked up at George.
“I’ll see you tonight?” you asked hopefully. 
With a kiss to your cheek and a mischievous grin he said, “You can count on it, love.” 
General taglist: @expectoevans @george-fabian-weasley @gxthsanrio @slytherinscribbles @harpyloon @nuttytani @mesmerisedangel @amourtentiaa @sarcasticallywitty15 @lumos-barnes
Weasley twins taglist: @whizboingies @pineapplesandpinas @papapapadumb @Mrs-g-weasley @a-castle-of--glass @hey-there-angels @leovaldez37 @pinkypurplemagic @werewolfslut @surprizeshawtyy
crossed out means i couldn’t tag you for some reason, sorry!
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egg-on-the-run · 3 years
I got my first proper request and I literally accidentally deleted it. Am I stupid? Yes. Did I immediately panic? Yes. Do I remember what was on it?........ mostly.
Haha anon I hope you see this I'm so sorry but ily.
The turtles s/o who's usually very calm but just bursts into anger.
Notes: swearing :) I think it's funny
He's used to a very calm s/o, you like to meditate together, he's always been good with helping you with breathing exercises.
You both like to keep arguments to a minimum, and even when fights do take place there isn't a lot of yelling
But when your mother came to visit :) that was just :) a lot of pressure :)
And she stayed in your apartment :) for a week :) everything was fine :)
Leonardo hadn't seen you for an entire week, not an overly long time, but certainly not pleasant. And he knew that you got stressed when you couldn't see him often. So as soon as you texted saying you had dropped your mother off at the airport, he immediately came round.
You were already screaming the moment you walked in the door.
"Oh she has some nerve! Some nerve! Speaking to me like that!"
"I'm guessing you're car ride went smoothly."
"She's been bugging me all week! When are you getting married? When are you have kids? I want some grand babies before I die! Ugh! She's obsessed with maintaining this perfect image all because her friend's kids are married and making babies like rabbits!"
He stayed quiet, not exactly sure how to comfort you. It wasn't like he could provide you with these things, and by the sounds of it, your mother would never approve of your huge turtle boyfriend.
"She just can't get that I'm happy! I have my own life and it's perfect the way I want it to be! I have a perfect boyfriend! You're a fucking delight! She–she's just so obsessed with her image that she'd never get that!"
"You... You think so?"
"I know so! She's too stubborn and she'll never get how fucking great you are and it just— UGH! It fries my brain."
"Even though I... I can't give you all those things... I can't legally marry you, we can't have kids."
"Even if you could give me a mansion and a diamond ring, or if all you could give me was a-a fucking walnut! I love you Leonardo, not that prim and proper white satin wedding she's made a thousand Pinterest boards for. I love you, I just wish she would get it."
Leonardo leaned down and kissed your cheek
"I love you too."
He believed in dealing with anger appropriately, but seeing you defend him with such passion made him feel so much more secure.
He's seen you angry before, he encouraged it. He's all about helping you with your confidence, teaching you to not be afraid to take up space and stand up for yourself.
But holy cow. You were mad that night.
He'd warned you not to take the trash out at night, wait to the morning — or better yet, he'll take it out for you when he came to visit after patrol.
But you are Raphael's girl. You are stubborn.
So you take the trash out, and some absolute creep decides that "flirting" in a dark alleyway in the key to a girl's heart.
Raphael swooped in, told the man to scram. But bold and drunk, the man spits back with a "Oh yeah? And would she want anything to do with a freak like you? What are you gonna do? Hit me? Aw, big angry turtle, you're gonna scare your girlfriend away."
It was two of his biggest insecurities. His appearance and his rage, especially in regards to scaring you away. It was a low blow, Raphael should have known to just walk away.
But he clammed up, he'd never admit when his anxiety got the best of him and you don't blame him.
"Oh go fuck yourself. If a vile man like you doesn't scare me, why the hell do you think a good man like him would?"
"A good man? He's not a fucking man! He's some freaky turtle thing, a pretty little thing like you deserves a real man."
"And are you a real man?"
"More real than your little pet."
The next thing you knew, the man was on the ground. You assumed Raphael knocked him out, but Raph's standing behind you and you're the one with your hand in a fist.
"Oh my god. Oh–Oh Raphie I knocked him out! O-Oh my god!"
"Holy shit Y/N! You probably broke his nose!" Raphael is grinning, shaking your shoulders.
"I didn't mean to hurt him."
"He deserves a broken nose at the least for messing with you! He was an asshole and he needed someone like you to set him straight!"
"I, um, well, I suppose he did! Saying such horrible things about you, I-I guess he did need someone to put him in his place."
Raphael ruffled your hair, "Thank you, my knight in shining armour."
"That make you my Prince?"
"Your Prince who was right about not taking the trash out at night."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me."
He appreciated you standing up for him more than you could imagine. And he found it mighty hot how hard you hit that guy. Seriously! He must be a good self defence teacher.
Donatello loves you so much, loves holding you and hugging you whenever he can. He adores it when you sit on his lap while he works.
But do you like to cuddle when you sleep? Tough luck. Getting him to bed is like trying to lick your own elbow: near impossible.
Regardless, you try. Because every once in a while Donatello is too tired to fight and he will go to bed.
Tonight is not one of those nights.
"Baby, please, just come to bed. Everyone's already asleep."
"I'll be there in a minute, just go on without me."
You sigh, not really seeing the point in fighting. Instead you return to his bed, trying to keep yourself awake playing games on your phone. When half an hour passes, you go back and try again.
"Donnie come on, aren't you tired? I just want to cuddle."
"I just need to put some stuff on a hard drive, April's writing a new article, she needs it for tomorrow."
You sigh once more, "Promise you'll come to bed right after?"
"I promise."
Donatello's bed is comfortable, but it's more comfortable with him in. You force yourself to stay awake; despite your exhaustion you're determined to cuddle tonight. It's all you want.
But it did not take an hour to put some documents onto a hard drive. And he's being awfully loud for just typing away on a computer.
"Are you fucking joking right now?!"
He jumps, almost dropping the box of beakers in his arms, "Hey love... Can't sleep?"
"You're rearranging your lab?! Why are you—since when do you rearrange things, huh? What the hell?!"
"I just y'know, thought things needed a change..?"
"Oh, and now is the time to change things, really? Of all the times to move your fucking beakers you decide to do it in the middle of the night after I specifically asked you to come to bed? Seriously?"
He gives a nervous grin, the kind that usually made you smile in return. But it was late — rather it was early at this point — and you were cranky.
"You can sleep without me, you're a big girl." He teased.
"I want to sleep with my boyfriend! I want to cuddle! Is that so much to ask for?!"
Donatello blinked, "You're right, I'm sorry, but I swear, I promise, I'll be ten minutes, honest."
"You can finish this tomorrow. If you're not in bed in the next ten seconds, I am going to scream and wake everyone else up."
"Don't be ridiculous—"
Donatello jumped, quickly moving to shove supplies in cupboards a little recklessly. You continued to count down from ten, storming off back to his bed for hopefully the finally time this night.
By the time you got to the very firm "Three... Two... One..." Donatello was racing to bed, dived in beside you, crashing and knocking your heads together.
He'd never tell you, for fear you'd let it get to your head, but he kind of liked it when you got bossy.
Anger and Michelangelo just don't mix. They just don't. He's the king of communication, he's tries his hardest to avoid fights at any and all costs. You've always appreciated his determination to talk things out with you.
But with his brothers? He shuts down, he goes quiet and just accepts whatever blame they put on him: he knows they don't mean it, they only say mean things when they're angry.
But it hurts, hearing his big brothers tell him he's stupid, that he's childish, that he's lackadaisical.
"What kind of word even is that?! I swear Donnie must read a thesaurus as a bedtime story.."
So he's allowed to complain, and you let him ramble when he comes to visit. He sits on your bed and the words just tumble out of his mouth, lets you move around the room tidying up while he rants.
"I just—Raph keeps calling me stupid. And I just—I-I just—You know, sometimes I believe it."
You freeze, sweater only half folded and turn to him, "But you're not stupid. Just because you're not some brainiac like Donatello doesn't make you stupid. If that was the case, then I'm stupid, Raph's stupid, April, Leo, Splinter is stupid. Do you think we're all stupid?"
"Well—no, but—"
"But what?"
"But I... I am a little stupid."
"No you're not! Mikey, how many times has you out of the box thinking saved the day? Y-You were the one who suggested playing friggen buck-buck to take down Shredder! Y-Your skateboarding—hoverboarding skills saved the world. You think your brothers could do that?"
Mikey scrunched his nose up, "That's not smart though. They're right. My-my focus is all over the place, I-I could never come up with a plan like Leo, I could never have half the brains Donnie has, and Raph just—he gets things that I don't and I-I am stupid!"
"I need to have a word with your brothers—"
"And that's another thing! Everyone still treats me like I'm some kid! I don't need you to have a word with them! You're not my mom."
"Then you have a word with them! But sitting here and complaining about things that just aren't true isn't going to change anything!"
He's taken aback. Much like himself, you hardly ever yell, never ever raise your voice at him.
"I am not going to stand here and let them insult you day in and day out! Either you do something about it, or I will!"
He blinks at you, you're aggressively folding the sweater in your arms and grumbling about how you could definitely take Raphael in a fist fight if need be. You mumble something about how nobody gets to speak to your boyfriend like that, and it finally clicks with Mikey.
"Alright. I'm going to talk to them," He's mostly talking to himself, "I'm going to show them that I'm not some stupid, ditzy, lackadaisical kid anymore. I'm your boyfriend, and nobody gets to speak with me that way!"
You beam at him, anger disappearing within the second with his newfound confidence, "Hell yeah! Nobody insults my boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend!"
"My boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend!"
His brothers' version of a wake up call is to point out his weaknesses, tell him what needs to be corrected. But you much prefer to build him up, point out his strengths.
But jeez, he does not like your angry face.
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
Tumblr media
PAIRING: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader WORD COUNT: 3.3k (oops) SUMMARY: You find yourself venturing deeper into finding the Loki variant on the loose with the help of Mobius and Loki while maintaining your temper around the God of mischief and fighting with your own demons. A/N: Downtime apparently lasted for more than a week. I had absolutely no motivation to write but I eventually came around. There’s alot going on in this. Please tell me what you think, what you love, hate and look forward to. Thank you so much for showing so much love to d&m. gif from this gifset by @sersi WARNINGS: Swearing. Imagery relating to death (i think?). You and Loki’s relationship fluctuating like the goddamn economy. support my writing through ko-fi💖 MASTERPOST ; MASTERLIST
Blue. Your flight suit is blue.
Your eyes sting with worry, ticking to a pair of hands buckling the straps that lay across your chest. A man secures it tightly, forcing your back against the cockpit chair. Your gaze drifts to the concentric steel rings of yellow, red, and white that stretch overhead and around you—being suspended within a 3-axis gimbal sends another churning sensation within your abdomen.
You hear a voice. It courses through the room and vibrates within your ears like fluttering echoes in a tunnel. It’s a man. He calls out your name from below.
“You ready?”
In your periphery, you see him, tall with slicked-back hair, standing with other men that adorn similar flight suits of blue. You nod, inhaling deeply as your hands reach for the controls. Suddenly, a metallic clang echoes through the room and the machine whirrs to life. The rings begin spinning in tandem, tossing your body in all directions. Your grip tightens around the controls, clicking with every push and pull as you struggle to analyze the spin. But, the machine spins faster.
Faster and faster and faster.
The machine continues to whirr. Your hands are still shifting the controls.
Faster and faster and faster.
Your eyes begin to droop, nausea taking hold of your body.
Faster and faster and faster.
You only hear your breaths; every inhale and exhale—they're loud.
Faster and faster and faster.
Too fast.
Click. Click. Click.
Footsteps. Not the clicks of the controls. You hear them clicking against tile floors from afar. From darkness, your eyes meet the color brown, shiny and polished—it’s wooden. The sound of the vast building’s acoustics hum in tune with the occasional chatter and echoing thump. You recognize the ambiance and it comforts your hasty thoughts as your brain tries to wreck itself in comprehending your current surroundings.
It’s one of those dreams again. The ones that kept you awake at night since the Sakaar incident, as if reliving the memories of another life. It isn’t yours but the realism to it makes it so complex that your brain cannot even comprehend the experiences during these dreams that occur.
To see, touch, hear, smell, and taste. Do dreams exceed the limit of disconnection and logic? Are dreams to be so immersive that it feels more like a memory, an echo of the past?
Through the turmoil of parsing between what’s real and what’s not, a tap on your shoulder hauls you back to reality. You turn to see Mobius, looking ridiculously exhilarated. Behind him lingers an amused Loki, hands tugging into the pockets of his jacket. The analyst says your name with a tone of equal exuberance to his manner.
“I thought I’d find you here. Do you always sleep at the archives?”
You snort, seizing yourself up as you wipe your face with your palm in hopes of feeling slightly more awake and alive than you were before. “No. Sometimes, I sleep at my desk too.”
Exhausted and sarcastic. Typical you.
Mobius rounds the table to sit beside you, gesturing Loki to his previous spot before he got up and ran away from you without any explanation. He shoots you a smile, lips pressed together, almost hesitant to sit across from you. You watch him through narrowed eyes as you address him with folded arms. “And here you are, back here again.”
Loki cannot fight the growing grin upon his lips, knowing all too well that you're referring to how he led you into an unnecessary chase down the corridors of the TVA for the sake of his entertainment. Well, it was not unnecessary. Things were turning out to be a bore and with the sudden thought of a proposition to help with his case, it doesn’t mean he has to drag out the fun of irritating the hell out of everyone else.
And you are not a bore.
“Loki! Where the hell do you think you're going?!"
You’re outright screaming at him but his long legs only stride faster than yours could handle, slumber still clinging to your face like a thick, waxen mask. He’s so quick, weaving through tangerine hallways, skidding across the tiled floors.
He saunters down the hall with quick feet but doesn’t sprint, clever enough not to draw any attention.
He ought to answer you. Throwing a glance over his shoulder, he flashes you a cheeky smile. He swears he saw flames burning in your eyes for a moment.
As you wind another corner, you already see him making one last quick dart through the elevator doors that slide open as it dings unceremoniously. Through your wide-eyed gaze, you signal him with eyes that carry a warning.
“Don’t you dare close that fucking door.” you snarl, voice booming from down the hallway and so does the clicking of the heels of your Oxford shoes as you march towards him like you’re on the hunt for prey.
Loki jams his finger onto the button to close the doors, unable to wipe off his grin. “Don’t you trust me?” is all he says to you, sending you a wink through the closing gap of the elevator doors as he raises his palm to wave you farewell.
You decided Loki wasn’t worth the time he has already taken from your assigned paperwork. So, you returned to your desk with a trace of bitterness in your tongue while attempting to suppress the regret for actually feeling sorry for Loki. Only because you know how it is like to be alone.
That’s the thing about Loki. He gets inside your head, makes you think that for once, he may be worth not pruning. He makes you think he is capable of change, capable of compassion. He makes you think he cares from the way he looks at you with those eyes that flicker the spark of hope in you. This Loki is the same old Loki.
Well, maybe the one in Sakaar had a good chance of earning your trust. But that’s gone now.
You shift in your seat, elbows now leaning against the edge of the table. “And to answer your question, no. I do not trust you. And I never will.”
Famous last words of the variant turned analyst.
Nobody trusts you either.
Except for the grey-haired analyst with the obsession for jet skis and you never understood why. Maybe, it’s because you’re the only one who is willing to put up with his ramblings.
Mobius eyes you and Loki’s interaction as the two of you seem to fall into the rhythm of making things even more complex than it appears. It's all part of his grand plan. Mobius knows you well enough to know you are possibly enjoying Loki's company no matter how much he irritates you. And Loki, it's clear how he admires you and how you constantly surprise him every time he crosses paths with you.
“What would I ever do without your trust?” the God sneers, each articulation of every word wrapped in mockery paired with dramatically placing his hand to his heart. Your eye twitches, the spitfire of your personality ready to fire back with a probable nasty insult. Yet, Mobius places his hand on your shoulder, while the other outstretched towards Loki as if trying to keep the two of you apart.
“Okay, okay. No need to get all riled up now. We only just had a breakthrough in the case, and I’m not letting you kill each other just yet.”
Your anger seems to immediately wash away, replaced by curiosity. You blink at your colleague. “Breakthrough?”
“Yes, and it was surprisingly Loki’s theory. Now—”
“Why do I smell...sulfur?”
You cut his sentence short as a strong whiff of a reeked scent began to descend upon you, billowing in the air. You inhale deeply, brows furrowing in concentration and confusion. An overpowering scent of a decaying body, faint but strong enough to seem out of the ordinary. The archives never smell rotten, always floor polish. Mobius and Loki share a look. Mobius is the one to speak up, attempting to distract you from your sudden strong sense of smell. “Sulfur? What, like when there’s a demonic manifestation? I mean, we are in the presence of Loki—”
“You went to Pompeii, didn’t you?”
In all of the time he has spent with Mobius who had a constant laid-back and confident nature to him, he has never seen him so red in the face. As the situation unfolds, he wonders why Mobius has made it a point to hide that information with so much eagerness which now has proved to be useless. You’re not only intelligent but also quick—only in terms of the mind rather than your physical capabilities.
You can hardly run, but your brain outshines everyone else he has met in the TVA.
Mobius is now waiting for the imminent chaos and mayhem you’re about to bring. You’re going to call him insane like every other time he has suggested an out-of-the-ordinary idea. Causing a scene is one of your talents. He has his hand on your shoulder again.
“You hate Pompeii, Mobius. Why the hell would bring him—Wait.” Your eyes are wide and blinking. “You went to Pompeii. Alone. I know that from the look on your faces. Which means no reset charge...No Nexus event.” You pause, pursing your lips. Then, you avert your gaze to Loki who watches you curiously. “Are you suggesting the variant is hiding in apocalypses?”
Mobius’ laugh comes off like a puff of air. He pats you on the back like a proud uncle. “Back on the game, Agent!”
Loki is slightly impressed. Only slightly.
“Okay, you two stay here. I’ll go get the files. Great work, you two.” Mobius gestures to the both of you with an outstretched index finger, grin so wide as he scurries off. Mobius loves a good case, especially when there’s a breakthrough. And with you finally familiarizing yourself with working together with Loki, everything is finally starting to look up.
The two of you end up finding each other’s gaze and for the first time, you smile at him. It’s small but genuine.
“You know you could have told me.”
“I would have, but you don’t trust me, remember?”
You hum, raising a brow. “And running away was supposed to gain my trust?”
Loki chuckles, eyes flicking to the table. “I never said anything about gaining your trust.”
Your smile grows wider, and Loki decides how he prefers you like this—relaxed and amused.
He oddly sees his mother in you. It’s the way you look at him. Like you know him.
Right, you have met him. Once.
“What was I like? The one you met at Sakaar.”
You blink, slightly taken aback by his sudden question that hasn’t got to do with insinuating you.
“The same as you—barely tolerable,” you say tightly, heaving a sharp exhale. ”Just…a lot sadder.”
You hadn’t mentioned how he willingly helped escape your execution because a part of you still believes it all to be a lie. The TVA has your complete fidelity but ever since the Sakaar incident, your trust in the way the system works has been swayed. After years of being trapped in your mind, the question of whether your capabilities in logic have been damaged due to loneliness still begs. Judge Renslayer believes in your incompetence but you believe she hides a secret about the Time Keepers.
The three beings, creator of the TVA, personally convicted you as innocent, allowing you to maintain your job. Nothing of this makes sense.
Maybe Judge Renslayer lost all her faith in you, her second-best analyst because your Nexus event relates to Loki. The one variant that has been causing havoc to the Sacred Timeline. And this Loki, the one that seems to be very curious about your place in the TVA and the Time Keepers, is no different than the others.
You find yourself feeling an uncalled sense of sadness that dwells in your chest at the thought of leaving the only friendship you secretly wished to have maintained back at Sakaar. Before you let yourself fall into the abyss of melancholic wishful thinking, you swiftly direct the conversation elsewhere.
"I’m sorry Mobius referred to you as the devil,” you say coyly. “You really aren’t.”
Loki, who seems to catch on with the sarcastic tone of your voice, leans farther into his seat. “Really?”
A smirk returns to your face. “You're worse than the devil." He snorts, noticing the vague hint of crimson growing upon your cheeks and how your eyes seem to crinkle a little more than usual.
He finds himself swallowing under your stare, fiddling his fingers in an attempt to calm his sudden erratic heartbeat. A stutter under your now kind gaze—no one ever stares at him with a smile. "You are not the first to say that."
There’s another pause; Loki’s face is set with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. You feel a pang of guilt in your chest in remembrance of how you’re not the first to have treated him the way you did. He’s dangerous but, there’s no reason for animosity. Yet, it all boils down to the lives he has willingly taken. It doesn’t differentiate him from the rest of the TVA.
Mysterious variant.
The devil is always in the details.
Strangely, the work of the devil may prove to be useful in times of cul-de-sacs as an idea comes to mind. “I think...I think I know where you’re at right now.” Your voice is light, distracted by your now running thoughts. You’re on your feet, chair squeaking as you push it back. Your pen is in your grasp and you wave it in the air, reflecting the gears that turn at high speed within your brain.
Frankly, you’re not making any sense. Loki furrows his brows, slowly standing. “What do you mean? I’m right here—"
“No. The other one. The variant. And it has to do with gum.”
You’re still not making sense and it’s clear that in your eyes, he is invisible. You’re the only one in that frenzied mind of yours.
You don’t answer him, feet quickly bringing you down the passageway along the vast rows of shelves that stretch along with the floor’s pristine balcony of white and the two of you are back to playing chase and run. Only this time, the roles are reversed.
Mission Haven Hills: not successful.
Really not successful. Far from successful.
You witnessed the doom of bombing the Sacred Timeline, firsthand. Employees scramble at the controls as you watch the screen that looms over the control room. What was once a single line, running along with time has now grown like a tree with fruits of chaos, caused by Nexus events scattered across time and places.
You wished the dust would settle and this was all simply a dream but you realize this was his plan all along.
Bomb the timeline. Distract the TVA.
There is one thing you know about Loki. He is moved by revenge and resentment.
As if you possess some sort of telepsychic powers, a part of you feels that danger itself is within the vicinity of the TVA. The variant is here, you just know it.
You hope Mobius is okay.
Scurrying down the winding hallways, past the hurried time hunters, and past the time theaters, you find yourself heading towards the golden doors of the Time Keepers’ chambers. In a time of uncertainty, your gut is your only source of guidance.
At the end of the hallway, you see bodies on the ground, nearly lifeless—time hunters, either unarmed or batons missing. You plucked one of the sizzling batons from the ground as you cautiously stepped around the laying bodies. You clutch it tightly to calm the blood rushing to your head, pounding along with your heartbeat as you take on the venture into the foyer of the grand chambers with secrets not wanting to be unveiled.
You round the corner, following the wooden panels for walls laid along the entrance. The glowing end of the baton within your grasp reflects off the black porcelain tiles beneath your careful feet. You hear voices, grunts, and shouting as if in combat.
Then, you see them. Loki in his variant jacket and a woman with locks of blonde and streaks of black. She adorns a headpiece of golden horns—one broken off.
Isn't Loki supposed to be at Haven Hills?
Recognizing the presence of another, the two turn to you, daggers still held to each other's throats. Loki eyes you with wide eyes, a silent plea whether to help or stand down, you’re unsure. Your gaze shifts to the woman once more who watches you with an equal resemblance to the other.
Then, it hits you. You recognize the dark emerald cloak she wears. You know exactly who she is. You just never thought it would be a she.
“You!” Your exclamation is bitter, and it’s directed towards the woman who seems to be strangely expectant of your remark as if she already knows who you are. She is L1190, a Loki variant. The one who slashed you with the TVA’s baton, scaring your left cheek. The one who hauled you through the time door and left you stranded in Sakaar for thousands of years.
You know exactly what she has done. She knows what she has done.
“You did this to me!” you gesture to the scar on your left cheek, eyes fixated solely on her, nearing the two with caution. You’re angry. Very angry. All pent-up rage begging to be set free.
Before Loki could even perceive the current situation he landed in between two women who very much want him dead, you’re already swinging the baton to her face with full force but she blocks it with her sword but slightly staggers in her step. You glare at her. She seems a little surprised. In an instant, you take a step back and go for another strike to her rib, but she blocks you again, sliding away and dodging your hit by a mere second. You growl out of frustration, seething through your teeth, and without hesitation, you strike again. The fight goes on—strike, block, strike, dodge. And with every blow, your intensity escalates, each a little harder than the one before. Loki stands there, watching, speechless and frozen.
You strike again, the baton crackling less than an inch away from her face but she dodges just in time, swinging her sword across your face. It grazes your cheek, now a gash of crimson on top of your scar, and with the sudden blow of searing pain, you lose your balance.
The variant spins into a kick that sweeps your legs out from under, knocking you hard onto the ground. The baton rolls out from your grip. Your hand flies to the gash, trickling with blood.
The brawl comes to a halt. You seize yourself up from the ground, back and head aching, turning to see Judge Renslayer accompanied by two hunters, batons held up in defense position. You were about to reach for your own that was a stretch away when suddenly, you felt a hand grip you by the collar, hauling you to your knees. Her sword held to your neck.
“Come any closer and I’ll kill her.”
“Go for it.”
Your eyes are wide in shock, all anger towards the variant now turning into this churning feeling of betrayal that resides within your abdomen. Judge Renslayer doesn’t look at you, focus fixated on the two variants—it’s like you’re not even there.
The three start to charge towards you and you involuntarily shut your eyes. Then, as quick as a rattlesnake, Loki grabs the tempad hung at her waist and sends the three of you falling through the ground.
That’s the thing about Loki. He gets inside your head, makes you think that for once, he may be worth not pruning. Now, with your back landing hard on top of him, all you could think about is wanting to strangle him to death.
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smmahamazing · 4 years
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Rounding out your Valentine’s Day with one last fic for the @inudayoflove2021 !!!
Summary: It’s White Day. Inuyasha and Kagome have been dating for a month, and Inuyasha has planned a nice evening for the two of them. Except Inuyasha has something a little sweet prepared for Kagome in hopes of getting a little steamy with her. What happens when Kagome has a similar idea? Set in the Cowboy Blues Universe. Rated E for smut.
Let me tell you, this chapter has truly taken it out of me. This is my first foray into writing smut, and y’all that is hard. But in the end, it’s been worth all the trouble in the world. Next month exactly will be ONE YEAR since I started writing. And that’s kind of crazy to me. I have six posted stories with an entire google drive of wips that scream at me day in and day out LOL. All because of a little White Day one shot that grew into a 23k story, with another 8k of one-shots, all set in the same universe. I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than with Inukag’s first time! Thank you so much to @clementinesgulag , who has also drawn a very sweet 😏😏😏piece of artwork for this chapter, and I’m so excited for y’all to see it!!! If you haven’t already, check out all the different fics with the Day of Love Collection on AO3!
Anyways, I’m dedicating this chapter to all you guys out there. This fandom has been an amazing part of my life this past year, and I’m so happy to be involved with such a great group of people. This past year has been crazy, but you guys have been worth it. I hope you all enjoy!!!
A special shoutout to @underwater0phelia for helping me with a few trouble sections! You're the greatest darling❤❤❤
Inuyasha loved routine. More specifically, he loved routine whenever his brain started to think too much about certain subjects.
Today was Mr. Tanaka's quarterly oil change. Mr. Tanaka had been a loyal customer dating back to the first week he had officially opened his doors for business. He told Inuyasha that he reminded him of a younger version of himself, and that he was happy to see a young man such as himself take a risk into opening his own business. Mr. Tanaka's kind words had really helped motivate Inuyasha through the good times and the bad times that first year, and so to thank him, Inuyasha gave the older gentleman a fair discount on any and all services, and let no one else service the vehicle.
Over the years, Inuyasha gained enough employees that he really didn't need to service any of the vehicles that came into the shop. He dealt with enough paperwork and general bureaucratic shit that, most days, he willingly let the boys take care of the line up.
But days like today were nice. Fantastic, really. Loud, heavy alternative rock blared through the speakers of a giant stereo as Inuyasha made quick work of the tiny honda. It was easy for Inuyasha to get all wrapped up in the monotony of his work. Today, Inuyasha had been more anxious than usual, so he decided to go ahead and perform a full diagnostic package on Mr. Tanaka's car. The extra work would help keep Inuyasha's mind focused.
The problem was that White Day was next week, and Inuyasha had absolutely no idea what to get Kagome. They had only been dating for about a month and Inuyasha was struggling with the decision of how grand of a gesture he wanted to make.
When he was growing up, the giving norm was usually either chocolate or candy, and sometimes flowers depending on the relationship of the giver towards the recipient. Given the short amount of time they had been together, chocolate seemed like a good direction to head towards, but Inuyasha had been overanalyzing the entire situation for several days now.
The main reason for his anxiety came from his already deep feelings for a girl he's only known for a month. Inuyasha truly enjoyed talking to and spending time with Kagome. They were constantly texting each other; asking a variety of questions about their lives and the things that they thought defined them. Random pictures broke up the mass of their text bubbles. Kagome had been given leeway from her boss to experiment with all different kinds of cakes, so practically everyday was an image of a new cake, decorated all cutesy for the romantic holiday.
The rational part of his brain told him to just get her a nice box of chocolates and flowers and enjoy a nice evening together. But Kagome deserved more effort than just purchasing a random box of chocolates. An ideal gift would be to make her something - she seemed like the type of girl to love homemade gifts - but to Inuyasha, the idea was….daunting, and a little embarrassing. Inuyasha knew enough about cooking and baking to just get him by, but he didn’t feel confident enough to make something for a woman whose career was based on cooking and baking. Not like Kagome would laugh at him or make fun of anything he made, but it was an insecurity Inuyasha couldn't seem to shake when put in front of his professional girlfriend.
It didn't help that the irrational part of his brain wanted to give her something more than just chocolate.
Despite being together for about a month, they hadn't had sex yet. Not because neither of them didn't want to, they just …never brought the subject up. The more they talked, the more Inuyasha began to realize how much he liked her, and he didn't want to do anything that would jeopardize the easy going relationship they had now.
In reality, he just didn't want to scare her off by demanding sex. Nor did he want to demand sex from her, he just wanted things to happen naturally. Before he knew it, a month had flown by.
Several hours passed before Inuyasha finally decided he couldn’t keep Mr. Tanaka's car in the shop any longer. He dragged his feet to the hand washing sink, taking his time to scrub the grease from his hands and the dirt off his forearms. 
Mr. Tanaka always came first thing in the morning before most people were functioning enough to stop by, so the waiting room had several more people in it then when he started working on the car.
"Mr. Tanaka," Inuyasha announced, grabbing a free computer at the front desk to pull up the service information. Mr. Tanaka stood with a smile on his face and walked up to him.
"She's all good I assume?"
"Yup, fit as a fiddle. Gave her a good once over, which is why it took a little longer than normal. On the house."
"Ahh, Inuyasha my boy, you're too good to me."
Inuyasha chuckled as the computer calculated the total, and he prompted Mr. Tanaka to insert his credit card into the card reader.
"So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Inuyasha asked. 
"Oh, I'm going to spend the afternoon with the grandchildren, maybe go out for a stroll and a banana split at the nice ice cream joint not far from my house. How about yourself?"
"Just take out for me and my girl tonight, nothing exciting,"
"Oh, I wouldn't say that, " Mr. Tanaka said with a glint in his eyes.  "Every evening with your woman is special. "
Inuyasha snorted at his statement, grabbing the receipt that just finished printing and giving it to the older man. "Alright old man, I'll see you in another three months."
"Alright then, Inuyasha. Don't work too hard now!" Mr. Tanaka says with a sly look on his face. Inuyasha merely rolled his eyes at the joke the older gentleman made every time he brought his car in. Inuyasha always thought him a strange man; despite doing good business, not everyone wanted to stay and chat with a hanyou, but Inuyasha tried not to think about it too much. If his mother was alive, she'd say something about how "people can always surprise you" or "there's still good in the world, Inuyasha". He tried to think about those theoretical statements when he was faced with an actual nice person.
With Mr. Tanaka's car finished, Inuyasha walked back out to the garage to finish cleaning up his station. There was some paperwork to be done, but he was hoping today would be busy enough to justify him working on the floor instead.
'Maybe a little snack first,' Inuyasha thought as he held his hand up to his rumbling stomach. Now the only question was, sweet or savory? Mr. Tanaka and his grandkids were still on the edge of his brain, thinking maybe Kagome would be up for getting a carton of rocky road tonight to share.
That was when the idea hit him. It came in small bursts, just split second images his brain conjured up to give him an idea of what it would look like. It was something Inuyasha had never done before. Kikyo kept their sex life pretty...vanilla. Not that this idea was all that out there, but the whole thing would definitely feel a little odd to someone who really only used the missionary position in his last relationship.
It was definitely something Inuyasha would probably like - just the thought of it was already starting to wake up his lower brain - but would Kagome? Would she misconstrue the situation somehow? Would she be into that kind of thing?
One thing was for certain; Inuyasha needed to continue this line of thought in his private office, not amongst all his employees. He found his assistant manager and confirmed their current appointments for the next several hours before locking himself in the office to come up with ways to make this little "idea" of his work.
It was just starting to get dark when Kagome pulled up to her normal spot at Inuyasha's apartment. She killed the engine as soon as she put the car in park, but didn't make a move yet to open the door and make her way over to his apartment. This way, Kagome wouldn't be able to chicken out or drive away. Eventually, the cooler air outside would make its way in and lower the temperature in the car, prompting her that her time to sit around has come to an end. 
Kagome didn't even know what she was so nervous about anyway. It was going to be just another date night with Inuyasha, perfectly normal and entertaining.
‘Oh yeah, because showing up at your boyfriend’’s house in nothing but lingerie is definitely normal,’ Kagome thought, shifting around in her seat a little and making herself much more aware of exactly what she was wearing and why.
She had been dating Inuyasha for just about a month now, and they had yet to “do the deed”. Which, if she was honest, Kagome wasn’t sure if that was odd or normal for a relationship. Her past relationships had been so varied, ranging from sex on the first date to no sex at all, or even pretty much only sex with little to no substance.
Kagome didn’t think it was because he didn’t want to. They had been texting back and forth practically everyday since their first date at that ramen shop. Inuyasha even made it a point to come to the diner for lunch just so they could see each other - which totally didn’t make her heart flutter, no siree. They just hadn’t really had the...opportunity to express their interest for each other in that way yet.
The plan for tonight was to just have a simple dinner at Inuyasha’s, and maybe pop in a movie during dessert. Very relaxed and extremely intimate. It was actually Kagome’s idea of a perfect date. Sure, going out to eat together is always nice, and spending the day out and about can create a lot of great memories, but she craved the closeness one could get when you were comfortable in your own home.
Kagome had some slight alterations to go with their evening plans  It was simple: walk inside, seduce her hot boyfriend, and fuck him into next week. She still wasn’t sure where dinner and a movie fell between it all; she was just going to have to wing it. Earlier in the week, Kagome had made a stop at the mall and purchased a most alluring piece of lingerie.
It was a fairly simple garment, which was good because Kagome couldn’t even begin to wonder how she’d get into some of the lingerie she looked at. She was pretty sure some of them could double as their own sex toys. In the end, she chose two different colors of a two piece bra and panty set - one in red, which she was currently wearing, and one in green, her favorite color. It was made from a soft silk with floral lace borders around the edges of the cup of the bra and the elastic of the panties. Overall, it was a very comfortable fit, which is what greatly prompted Kagome to purchase two.
However, the real stars of the show were the crotchless panties and the cupless bra.
Despite its simplicity, it was the raunchiest piece of lingerie that Kagome had ever purchased.
It was still chilly outside, requiring her to wear her purple peacoat to and from the car, but the only other piece of clothing Kagome wore was a random slip dress she found buried deep in one of her dresser drawers. She was actually pretty sure it was meant to go over your bathing suit when visiting the local swimming pool or beach, but with only three buttons and a waist tie, the garment was perfect for easy removal. She rounded out the whole outfit with the most expensive pair of black stiletto heels she owned, and hoped that Inuyasha didn't question its...quirkiness.
Well, she was wearing an old pair of boyshorts over the crotchless panties, but Kagome just felt too awkward driving without a proper pair of underwear on.
'Alright Kagome, time to get your butt in gear,' she thought, giving her cheeks a few good slaps to motivate her. With a deep inhale, she carefully shimmied out of the boyshorts and tossed them into the backseat before grabbing her purse and stepping out of the car to walk towards Inuyasha's apartment.
She knocked on the door, running her hands through her hair to fix any errant strands the wind may have moved. After about thirty seconds, she could hear Inuyasha's muffled reply to ‘come on in’, like he was on the opposite side of the apartment. It was unusual of him - he never failed to greet her at the door the few times she had been over - but she reminded herself they had only been dating for a month. Plus, he was probably still getting things ready. No big deal.
He must have anticipated not being quite ready for her arrival, seeing as the door was already unlocked. She quickly stepped in and locked the door behind her, taking off her coat and hanging it, along with her purse, on one of the hooks beside the door. She forewent taking her shoes off though, since they were a part of the whole 'fuck me' look she was attempting to pull off.
Looking into the living room, there were a few extra blankets and pillows stacked on the ottoman, but nothing looked particularly different. The apartment was always pretty clean due to Inuyasha's sensitive nose - he had a hard time dealing with dust - although it looked like he did a quick wipe down throughout the room not that long ago.
Inuyasha didn't have a space set up for a dining table since he normally ate by himself , but he had taken the time to set up a couple of placemats for them at the bar that separated the kitchen and living room. Each spot had its own dinner plate, salad bowl, utensils, and wine glass all ready to be filled. Placed on either side of them and in front of them were three long candlesticks in their own respective holder.
The whole scene put a soft smile on her face as she tenderly touched each piece. She had yet to see Inuyasha, but tonight was already turning out to be the perfect date. It was obvious to see the work he put into making this dinner special for them. The plates looked like they came from his own cupboard, but she was pretty sure he went out to buy candles to set the mood.
Kagome was beginning to get a little anxious to find Inuyasha, but the smells coming from the kitchen were strong enough to tear her away from her search. There were a couple of pots on the stove over a low flame. Nothing smelled like it was burning, but what kind of cook would Kagome be if she didn't take a quick peek at some unattended pots?
That's what she told herself, anyways, as she slowly lifted the lid to the pot on the right hand burner. The pleasant aroma of tomatoes and garlic filled the immediate area, and Kagome inhaled it deeply. Inside the pot was what looked to be meatballs, simmering in a homemade tomato sauce. Kagome took hold of the spoon being used to stir the sauce and snuck a quick taste.
She closed her eyes, groaning slightly in satisfaction. The sauce was tangy and savory, a hint of sweetness found in the aftertaste. Kagome might have been the professional chef between them, but Inuyasha never gave himself enough credit when it came to his own cooking. Growing up as a hanyou, he always had to be careful with foods that could possibly be too spicy or over seasoned, and he learned that it was sometimes better to just cook your own food.
Not to mention the fact that there were few things more attractive than your boyfriend cooking a meal for you.
Kagome set the lid back on the pot to go looking for the hanyou in question. She hadn't seen Inuyasha since she came in, and a quick peek behind the balcony curtains told her he wasn't outside either, which left the bathroom and bedroom.
There were three doors down in the back hallway. The first door on the left - which was left open and clearly empty - was the bathroom, with a small storage closet directly across from it. Kagome walked right past both doors in favor of the closed bedroom door; the storage closet was small and cramped, not big enough to fit even the small built Kagome inside with the door closed, and so, inconsequential to Kagome's mind.
She stood in front of the bedroom door, suddenly nervous now that the sight of cooked food couldn't distract her. She still had no idea how tonight was going to pan out, or how Inuyasha would react to her advances. Kagome took another deep breath to relax her shoulders, making herself stand just a little bit taller. 
She was a Higurashi after all, dammit! Known for their stubbornness and determination, there was no obstacle they couldn't climb. In fact, there was nothing for her to be nervous about at all. She was an attractive woman, he was an attractive man. This was just the natural next step that many people took in their relationships, and damn it all, she was gonna seduce the hell out of him.
Yet, she wasn't expecting the sight that laid before her as she opened the door. At all.
Her breath hitched as wide eyes landed on Inuyasha sprawled out on the bed.
Completely naked.
Well, was he considered completely naked if his dick was just barely covered? It was an errant thought that crossed her mind, despite how unnecessary it was at the moment.
Kagome didn't think she'd ever seen a sight as glorious as Inuyasha, propped up by a couple of pillows, one arm bent behind his head, the other laying across his stomach. She had yet to see Inuyasha without a shirt on, and found she couldn't tear her eyes away from the bulging muscles in his arms, or the rippling six-pack he sported. He looked like he could have been carved by Michaelangelo himself, an Adonis covered in whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and caramel, topped with a bright red maraschino cherry on top.
Kagome was sure she was about to develop a sweet tooth of her own.
She took a quick second to notice the overall look of the room. He had the same long stemmed candles placed strategically around the room, offering the only source of light. Beside him on the bedside table was all the fixings - the chocolate sauce, caramel, whipped cream, even a jar of strawberry jam.
'Oh my God, is this what he meant by having banana splits for dessert?' she thought, remembering the text conversation they had as she was getting ready earlier. Inuyasha hadn't told her what he was making for dinner, but he had asked her if she liked banana splits. Which she had replied to him that of course she did, who didn't?
Well, one thing for sure was that she'd never look at a banana split the same way again.
Neither of them knew how long she had been standing there for, but Inuyasha was getting more nervous by the second. She hadn't said anything when she entered the room, just stood there staring at him with this weird look in her eyes.
The last five minutes had been stressful for him, to say the least. Inuyasha hadn't wanted to put the whipped cream on too soon and have it start melting on him, so he waited until he could hear her soft knocking at the front door before getting himself all set up.
He had no idea how long it would take Kagome to make her way to the bedroom. She was far too curious for her own good to just sit out there waiting for him, but how many things would distract her on her way to the bedroom was the real question. Still, as soon as he heard the front door close, he got to work, covering his very erect penis with the whipped cream - just the thought of what her mouth would be doing to him soon was enough to get him going - and using deft hands to flourish it with the chocolate and caramel. He saved the cherry for the moment right before she opened the door, not wanting it to slide off and ruin the masterpiece he had concocted.
Surprisingly, he wasn't all that nervous as he was getting ready. It was when she finally came in and just stared that set his nerves on fire. What was she thinking? Did she like the view or was she trying to figure out how to get out of the situation entirely? He didn't really know what her scent smelled of when she was aroused, so he felt like he was walking into the fire blind.
He couldn't take it anymore. The silence was killing him, he was sure of it. He didn't know what he was going to say to her, but anything was better than nothing.
Hearing her name must have startled her from her own thoughts. She looked at him now - really looked at him - and what he saw in her eyes was pure determination.
Inuyasha didn't think he had ever been so terrified in his life. It was at this moment he realized that he really didn't know all that much about Kagome. Sure, they had been talking back and forth, constantly texting about their favorite movies or the places they like to frequent or comparing allergies, but that was just the small stuff. He had no idea what this look in her eyes meant.
And then, she showed him.
If he was worried about what she thought about his "gift" to her, her next actions put those thoughts to bed.
She slowly unbuttoned the dress she was wearing, sensually untying the waist tie until it opened and floated to the floor, bearing herself to him.
Inuyasha had to stifle the urge to whine. He had never seen a sight as alluring as Kagome, standing before him with her hair down over her shoulders in a bright red lingerie set. This wasn't like any lingerie set Inuyasha had ever seen. The cups to the bra covered the tops of her breasts more than most bras might, but he had a clear view of her dusky pink nipples poking through a set of holes in each cup.
The candlelight put the most tantalizing shadows against the muscles in her arms down to her toned calves, which was exaggerated even more by the black high heels she wore. And as his eyes wandered up and down her body, he was pretty sure they were crotchless, judging by the shape of the panties.
His first thought was that she looked like a snack, but he'd be lying - she was a whole goddamn meal.
"Is this for me?" she asked, walking up to the end of the bed, jutting her hips out with each step.
It sort of felt like an out of body experience, like she had control of her body but also not at the same time? Every step to the bed was fueled by a slowly rising arousal. Her mouth was beginning to water; she hadn't expected to do dessert before dinner, but she supposed she could break the rules just this once. After all, it would be rude to not immediately accept this most generous...gift.
"Ye - yeah," Inuyasha answered, trying to sound suave instead of like some virginal teenager. He wasn't so sure he was succeeding, but Kagome didn't seem to mind as she continued to get closer to him, bending down to lean her hands against the bed, giving him a fantastic view of her chest.
He couldn't control the twitch in his cock as she began to fully lift herself onto the bed. Kagome didn't miss it either, giving him a devilish smirk as she crawled her way to him. It made him feel like prey being stalked by a predator, which was a weird change in his bedroom dynamics. He had always been the more dominant party when he was with Kikyo, but he was finding that he didn't mind the change all that much.
Not when a beautiful woman like Kagome was looking like she was going to devour him.
And that was exactly what she planned to do.
Kagome gingerly put her hands on his calves, causing Inuyasha to take in a sharp inhale. He hadn't been expecting her touch, and it made him take in a sharp inhale. He expected her to dive straight in, but she leaned over to the right side of the bed instead, bringing her bare nipples dangerously close to his face. 
Inuyasha turned his head away slightly and closed his eyes, not sure if he could stand to look at her much longer before losing his patience and having his way with her. The bed shifted back to normal a second later, and Inuyasha opened his eyes to find she had grabbed the chocolate sauce and the jar of caramel.
Kagome desperately wanted a taste of him, but she also wanted to make this whole experience last. She wanted to tease and torture him until he couldn't take it anymore and took her instead.
"Do you mind getting a little sticky?"
Inuyasha's eyes started to darken as her plans for him slowly became clear. So she wanted to tease him a little, huh? That was fine by him. He was sure he'd let her do whatever she wanted.
"I'm your blank canvas Kagome,"
Inuyasha watched her face flush at his words and he subconsciously opened his chest up in pride at being the one to cause it. She looked so cute flustered, and he couldn't wait to see it again when she was underneath him.
Kagome took his words to heart and opened the top to the chocolate sauce. Moving over to his left side for a better angle, she started at his face, taking the bottle and carefully squeezing it over his skin - over his lips, on the apple of his cheeks, on his nose, sculpting the jaw.
And then she started moving downward, dotting all down his neck, not wanting it to run too much given the angle. When she reached his chest, she began drawing intricate lace designs over his pecs. Inuyasha could see the absolute focus in her eyes as she drew, almost as if she had done this before. She worked in a restaurant, and Inuyasha was pretty sure he remembered her saying she even did some baking, so she most likely had done this before. On a cake at least.
When she was done with the chocolate, she grabbed the jar of caramel and began painting him with that as well. Inuyasha had taken the honey dipper from his mother's old honey jar to make it easier to decorate with, and Kagome used it to accent the major chocolate work on his skin. She took extra care covering his nipples and belly button.
Kagome was about to get to work when she looked up and realized she had forgotten to take the strawberry jam. She went all out on covering his chest, so that was a no go. She scrunched her face up a little, thinking about what she could do with it, when suddenly the idea hit her.
"Hand me the strawberry jam?" she asked, innocently batting her eyelashes at him.
He did as she asked, going as far as opening the jar before handing it to her. She tossed him a sweet smile before taking hold of his left hand and dipping each finger into the jam. She gestured for him to take the jar back, watching him grab it with his free hand. She wanted until right before the jar was going to hit the table, and took his thumb into her mouth.
Just as she thought would happen, the jar clattered onto the table, the strange sensation of Kagome sucking on his fingers taking away all brain functions.
Inuyasha had never had someone suck on his fingers before, and if you had asked him prior to tonight if that was something he'd be into, Inuyasha would have probably answered with a scrunched face and a "hard no". Now though? He could see the pros.
She thoroughly cleaned his fingers, wrapping her tongue languidly around each digit and sucking hard enough to feel the blood flow temporarily stop. Inuyasha couldn't keep in the low moan as he imagined her using that tongue in the same way on his cock.
She gave him a break by starting with the chocolate on his face next. She pressed the flat of her tongue against each cheek, using the tip to sensually lick the chocolate off his nose and along his jaw, ending her explorations of his face with a sweet kiss. It was slow and wistful, sweet from of the chocolate.
Inuyasha parted his mouth to let her tongue in when she began licking across the seam. He used his right hand to thread through her hair, deepening the kiss. Gods, did she taste absolutely fucking divine, like chocolate covered cherries. 
Far too soon, she pulled away from him, nipping his bottom lip for attempting to pull her back in. Kagome used her own hand to run through his hair, tipping his head back enough so she could run her tongue up and down the skin, licking up all the chocolate dots she had placed there.
Her tongue was so warm, and soft. It left him in a daze as she moved lower to tackle his chest. From the way she licked, starting from one side to the other and slowly making her way south, she must have drawn an elaborate maze. Her tongue deftly moved with precision; she knew exactly where to go.
Inuyasha moaned, his eyes half mast in pleasure, as Kagome sucked at his nipples. She took her time there, giving each one an equal amount of attention, erasing all signs of the caramel that covered them before moving on.
It was the most pleasurable torture Inuyasha had ever endured. She was getting closer and closer to the whipped cream tower that covered him, but it was obvious that Kagome was going to savor the taste of him before digging in. No amount of skin was forgotten as she traced lines of fire down his chest, dipping her tongue into his caramel filled belly button. Sometime during her travels downward, Inuyasha had grabbed a hold of her hair, helping keep it pinned back so she didn't get any chocolate or whipped cream in it. It was also an exercise in control, being careful that he didn't pull her hair too hard to cause her any pain.
Truth be told, Kagome was excited to get to the whipped cream portion of her dessert hanyou, although not entirely for what lay underneath. She had been eyeing that cherry since she walked in on him. It was the best part of a dessert after all. 
She licked a line from the base of the tower to the tip, careful to not get too close to the skin of his shaft, picking up the cherry with the tip of her tongue and placing it between her teeth with the stem pointing out toward Inuyasha. Her gut reaction was to bite into the cherry and satiate her desire for the small fruit, but looking up at Inuyasha she had a better idea.
Leaning in towards him, she stuck out the stem towards his lips, offering him one last taste of her before she finally got a taste of him. Inuyasha greedily took the stem in his mouth, moving his lips generously over hers as she bit into the cherry, sharing the juice between the two of them for a moment before pulling apart.
Inuyasha wished he knew how to tie cherry stems with his tongue. He wanted to show her just what he could do with that tongue of his. Instead, he spit it out over the edge of the bed, far more concerned with what Kagome was about to do next.
Kagome had already moved to nestle herself between his legs, laying on her chest with her legs propped up at the knees, ankles crossed. Every time Kagome moved to another position, Inuyasha didn't think she could get any sexier, only to be proven wrong just a moment later. She gave him one last sultry look, placing her hands on his thighs to gently massage them, before taking the flat of her tongue from the base of his balls to the tip of his dick, all the way down to the skin.
Inuyasha pulled a low growl from deep in his chest at the feel of her tongue running up and down his hardened length. She felt even more amazing than he imagined she would, and he wasn't sure whether it was because he had been dry for so long or because Kagome just had a lot of practice.
They had been honest with each other from the beginning about their past sexual experiences. While Inuyasha wasn't a stranger to the act, Kagome had been with far more partners than himself, and with the way she licked his dick like her favourite ice cream cone was proof of that. Gods, when was the last time he received a blowjob anyways? Not since Kikyo, and that was years ago.
He played with the idea of threading his hand through her hair again, wanting to constantly be touching her, to feel her shiver as his claws lightly grazed her scalp. But as she finished licking off all the whipped cream, she fully engulfed his dick in her mouth, relaxing her jaw to fit as much of him in as she could. Inuyasha put holes into the bedsheets from gripping them so hard, and he was grateful he had stayed his hand from her head.
Inuyasha's head was spinning at the wet sounds of Kagome's mouth salivating around his dick. He didn't know how much more of this he could take before blowing his load early, and he much rather preferred the thought of cumming inside her undoubtedly wet pussy instead of her mouth.
She didn't slow down, didn't even look up at him as the hand that was squeezing towards the base tightened and the movements of her mouth went a little faster and deeper.
Kagome could feel his balls tighten and knew he couldn't hold it much longer. The act of licking food off Inuyasha's body aroused her far more than she would have expected, and there was one aspect of the "banana split" that Inuyasha was missing: the garnish of chopped nuts. The chocolate and caramel she poured all over him and the whipped cream left her with a wonderfully sweet taste in her mouth, but she wanted to know how the salty taste of his cum would mix with it.
She ran a finger from her other hand along his perineum and moaned as she gave him one last hard suck. The vibrations from the skin to skin contact of her lips caused Inuyasha to let out a pitched whine as he filled her mouth with his cum. She held him fast in her mouth, keeping some controlled movement of her hand on his shaft as she swallowed every last drop of him.
Salty and sweet. Kagome was sure this was the ultimate way to give a blowjob, and she hoped by the panting she could hear from Inuyasha that he'd let her do it again sometime.
After cleaning up every last drop of his cum, she gave one last, chaste kiss to the tip of his cock and started lifting herself up by the arms when she was suddenly grabbed by the forearms and hauled up towards his face. He smashed his lips against her, clinking their teeth together as he pushed his tongue into her mouth, groaning at the taste of himself on her. He wanted to tell her how much he enjoyed what she gave him, but words seemed immaterial and not enough, so he decided to show her instead.
In fact, he loved it so much, he knew he had to return the favor. Besides, Kagome got to have her fun, so it was only fair that Inuyasha should as well.
He wrapped his arms around Kagome and flipped them so he was top, not once severing their connection at the lips. Kagome didn't seem to mind the change as her hands roamed his body, tracing the muscles up his arms and in his shoulders. When the need for air became too great, Inuyasha moved down to line open mouthed kisses to the pulsepoint in her neck, nipping the jaw on his way there.
It took a considerable amount of restraint to not move himself even lower. She looked absolutely delectable laying under him, her nipples already pebbled and hard from her aroused state. She had a soft expression in her eyes, but there was still a light held in there that waited for Inuyasha's next move.
Just as she had done, he reached over her to grab the chocolate sauce and caramel and carefully spread it all over the tops of her breasts and stomach, saving the caramel for her exposed nipples. It was not nearly as intricate as Kagome's designs had been; despite his desire to give back the love she gave him, he was slowly becoming impatient. It had been so long since he made love to a woman, and the imagined feeling of her warm heat clutching him as he pumped into her made him grow harder by the second.
He also didn't have nearly as much space as she did. Inuyasha didn't want to get chocolate syrup on her lingerie, which he guessed probably cost a good deal.
Inuyasha set the toppings down on the nightstand, bringing his nose to the silk material of her bra and gently rubbed his nose against it. The silk was so soft against his skin and smelled strongly of her natural scent, intoxicating him.
His original plan was to slowly work his way down her body, but he couldn't fight the instinct to lay his tongue flat against her right nipple, licking up all the caramel in one swoop. Her body twitched, not quite anticipating his touch there yet, and she let out a sharp gasp as he curled his tongue around her nipple and completely enveloped it into his mouth.
Kagome's body was already beginning to tremble, not used to the feeling of someone's hot breath against her skin. She arched her chest upwards towards his face, desperate to keep that connection intact. Every lick and suck was sending jolts of pleasure down to her core, setting her body ablaze in passion. When he started nibbling with his teeth, Kagome trailed her hands up around his head, gently grasping the base of his ears and massaging them.
Inuyasha growled at the sensation, her soft touch sending shivers down his spine. Despite how good it felt, Inuyasha let her nipple go with a loud pop! and with almost lightening speed, grabbed her wrists and trapped them together above her head. This time was for Kagome; Inuyasha was determined to make her feel just as good as he did - if not more - and currently, that didn't include him. Not in the same way.
Until he could bury himself in her, the only thing he wanted from her was to hear her moaning in pleasure.
"Ah ah, no touching yet baby," he told her, keeping himself lifted off her just enough to take her in. Kagome moaned at the absence of his lips, arching her back just a little bit more to tempt him to come back for more. Inuyasha wished he could keep her in this position. He loved the way her chest opened up to him from this angle, but he fully planned on giving both nipples this undivided attention. Unfortunately he couldn't grow a third arm.
"Tell you what," he said, placing open mouth kisses down her neck. "If you can keep your hands up here, I'll make it worth your while,"
Kagome rolled her hands into fists, trying her hardest to break free as he gently pulled on her earlobe, snaking his tongue up the sides. She wasn't sure she could keep still while he lapped at her skin. She wanted something to do with her hands, and his ears were a perfect distraction.
But he was giving her a challenge, and Kagome had no plans to back down anytime soon.
"Then show me what you got," she replied, relaxing her hands and lowered her body back down into the bed.
Inuyasha released her wrists slowly, making sure they stayed where he put them. His hand slowly lowered down, caressing her cheek and trailing a line down her neck straight to her breast. He cupped the underside of her left breast, lifting it right to his mouth.
Kagome sighed as his other hand came up to the other breast, pulling and twisting the nipple. She managed to keep her wrists where they were, but couldn't help flexing her hands. 
When he was convinced her breasts had been worshipped long enough, he slowly worked his way down her body, licking the chocolate off as he went. Her skin was soft, arguably softer than even the lingerie she wore. Inuyasha had to control himself from marking her all over her stomach, settling for quick nips that only turned the skin red for a few moments.
Inuyasha couldn't wait any longer. He was so close to getting to taste her, and he was salivating at the prospect. Her belly button was the last place he focused on - swirling his tongue around it - before gripping her left thigh in his hand and lifting it so it sat on his shoulder. He used his other hand to spread her right leg, opening herself up to him fully.
Without thinking about it, he brought his nose against her dark curls and inhaled, letting out a deep groan. She smelled absolutely exquisite, a spicy scent reminiscent of ginger surrounding him. The image of her panting underneath him, pussy already glistening from how wet she was for him, was more perfect than he could have ever imagined.
He dove in, licking a long swipe from slit to clit. She was sweet and salty at the same time, something uniquely Kagome, and he’d never get enough. He worked his tongue in overtime, starting at the ever quickly hardening nub. He flicked his tongue back and forth, bracing his hands against her thighs as she twitched with each flick, before moving down a little lower. He used his right hand to gently push apart her folds, each swipe of the tongue imitating a soft caress to her sensitive nerves.
Kagome moaned at the feeling, jolts of pleasure shooting through her body like electricity. She had given up on his challenge, moving her hands down from above her head and threading her fingers through his hair, gently scraping his scalp with her nails.
She could feel her eyes roll towards the back of her head as he plunged his tongue inside her. There was something about receiving oral that just sent her over the edge. The feel of his tongue swirling inside her, hitting her innermost walls as she tried to keep him in, had her gasping and squirming.
Despite the overwhelming feeling, she made sure to keep her hands clear of his ears, not wanting to accidentally pull or pinch them. She tried lifting her pelvis off the bed, but her trembling body was no match for the pure strength of his arms as he held her down. Instead, she pushed his head further forward, making his nose bump her clit, sending jolts of pleasure straight to her core.
Inuyasha had to grind his pelvis into the bed to find a bit of relief from the sensory overload. He was drunk on the taste of her, but his impatience was beginning to get the best of him. He wanted to know how she felt wrapped around his dick, sucking him in and milking him dry.
He relished in the small whines Kagome made as he nuzzled his nose against her nub. He could feel her legs begin to shake as he slowly made his way upward, taking his time to generously lick around her folds before turning his tongue's attention to her swollen pearl.
It felt like the breath was being squeezed from Kagome's chest. Every inhale was followed by a shallow, barely present exhale. His tongue was working in overdrive. Every flick, every swirl had her entire body trembling under the force of her well awaited orgasm just starting to break over the horizon.
Inuyasha, in an effort to end their collective misery, took her swollen nub between his lips and sucked, letting out a contented growl, the vibrations finally sending her over the edge. Kagome let out an almost shrill whine and arched her back, her thighs tense with the desire to capture Inuyasha's head between them. Her eyes clouded, unable to focus on anything but the explosive orgasm running throughout body.
Inuyasha stayed right where he was, lapping up every drop of her essence that spilled from her. His ears stood at attention as he listened to her mewling, a soft rumbling spreading throughout his chest at the thought that he made her feel this way. 
Inuyasha kept at her folds, slowly licking her clean, until the tremors stopped racing through her body. He pushed himself up so he could get a better image of the woman under him. Her face was flushed red, small tendrils of hair already beginning to stick to her neck, and her chest was heaving, taking in large gulps of air. When her breath was starting to go back to normal, she finally focused her gaze on Inuyasha, eyes filled with lust.
Inuyasha found it difficult to keep her strong gaze, his confidence from before slowly wavering now that there was nothing to distract either of them. Inuyasha wiped his chin on his upper arm, suddenly embarrassed about the mess he had made despite his best attempt at licking her clean.
Kagome let out a short puff of air, not wanting to fully chuckle at the man on top of her. She wasn't trying to laugh at him, he just looked so adorable. His eyes tried not to land on her face, but he didn't shy away from running them up and down her body. He was looking at her with what Kagome could only describe as reverence, yet just a tinge of uncertainty lingered.
Kagome leaned up, tugging one of his forelocks gently to bring his face to hers so they could share a kiss. It was slow and determined all at the same time; Kagome tried to pour her heart into it, to try and let him know that it was okay. They were okay, and Kagome wanted nothing more than to be with him like this for the rest of the night.
Kagome could taste herself on his tongue, and it only helped fuel the fire that had settled slightly after her body wracking orgasm. She wound her hands behind his neck, grazing the back of his neck with her fingernails, causing a deep groan to emit from Inuyasha's chest.
"Inuyasha, I want you," Kagome purred, running a finger lightly over the outlines of his ears while the other hand ran lines up and down his chest.
Inuyasha tried to keep his actions calm and smooth - leaning over to the bedside table to grab a condom from the drawer - a feat that proved to be difficult as Kagome continued to run her hands across whatever body part of his she could reach. His hands shook as he slowly rolled it onto his dick. When he was ready, he lowered himself down to lay on top of her, being careful not to put his weight on her, and instead into his arms that framed her face. She opened herself up to him, allowing him to nestle his stiff erection in between her legs.
"Kagome," he whispered, nuzzling his nose against her skin, starting from one cheek to the next. "Are you sure?"
Kagome brought her lips up against his one more time, teasing him with her tongue, swiping it along his lips, lightly caressing his own tongue in the process. She gently nipped his bottom lip when pulling back for air. She leaned up towards the top of his head, her breath ghosting the fine hairs of his ears.
"Take me, Inuyasha,"
Inuyasha had never heard words so sweet.
He slowly sank into her, nearly wincing at the pressure he felt. God she was tight! Already her walls were clenching and pulsing around his cock, her warmth seeping into him all the way up to his chest. Kagome moaned when Inuyasha was buried in her as far as he could be, basking in the fullness of having him inside her. For a minute, neither of them moved, each of them getting used to being so intimately joined.
Inuyasha kissed all along her jaw and neck - internally rejoicing when Kagome tilted her head back enough to bare more of her neck to him, a sign of submission to an Inu youkai.
Once Kagome was used to the added girth inside her, she rocked her hips up, letting him know she was ready for him to start moving.
He started slow, pulling out till just the tip remained before sliding back in. Inuyasha was the one to moan this time, Kagome letting out an erotic sigh as her body shivered under his touch. Every thrust sent a wave of pleasure through his body, the smell of their activities slowly beginning to permeate the air around them, creating a natural musk that was absolutely intoxicating.
Inuyasha raised himself up onto his arms just enough to look at her face as he continued to thrust into her. Kagome’s eyes were only halfway open, seeing but not seeing as she let her body be taken over by the pleasure of having him be not just inside of her, but to actively give her what her body desired. Her mouth was parted open, and Inuyasha could hear every little breathy moan she made as he tilted his hips back and forth, torturing her slowly. 
Kagome hooked her ankles behind his legs in an effort to keep him as deep inside her as possible. One hand was gripping his bicep, the other was sinking into the supple flesh of one of his buttcheeks.
“Inuyasha....I….I need…”
“What do you need, baby?”
“I need more,”
“More of what?” he teased, slowing down his thrusts so he could circle his hips into her. Kagome let out a small cry at the sensation.
“I need it harder….faster…”
Inuyasha let out a low growl, and, with the precision only one with youkai ancestry could pull off, he fully raised himself up onto his knees, keeping himself inside of her. He grabbed both of her legs, hooking her ankles behind his head and gave her exactly what she asked for.
He began pounding into her with the fervor of a crazed man. Kagome became far more vocal, gasping and moaning at the force and speed with which he was fucking her with. Her head tilted back into the pillow, forcing her chest open to his eyed. Her breasts were bouncing violently against his movements.
“Touch yourself, Kagome,” he ordered, his tone leaving no room for disobeyment. She instantly grabbed her breasts, molding each of them to her hands before pinching and rolling her nipples between deft fingers.
Kagome was on fire, the heat radiating from her core and spreading all over her body. Once again, the ability to exhale was quickly becoming lost to her, the holding of her breath only making the heat in her groin feel more pronounced. Her legs were beginning to ache, but she could barely feel the tension as he continued to pound into her, using the force and dexterity only a youkai could give her.
Inuyasha could feel he was close to the end, the feel of her wet pussy clenching around his hardened length bringing him closer and closer. He could hear every gasp and hitch of her breath, knowing that she was getting close herself. He wanted to give her one more orgasm before his own. Being mindful of his claws, he snaked his right hand down and began rubbing her clit, his rough, calloused fingers inducing the right amount of friction for Kagome’s legs to tremble.
“Come on baby. Cum for me, Kagome,”
All it took were those four words to send Kagome over the edge. She let out a high pitched whine, white spots blurred her vision as a tidal wave of pleasure crashed over her body. Inuyasha let out his own yelp, unprepared for the pressure that came when her walls clenched around his cock, feeling as if she was cutting off blood flow. He erratically drove into her a couple more times before shooting his seed into the condom he wore.
Inuyasha slowly lowered Kagome’s legs to the bed before falling forward, catching himself on his arms so he wouldn’t crush her. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck as Kagome wrapped her arms around his shoulders, absentmindedly grazing her fingers on the nape of his neck. They simply laid there, basking in the glowing aftermath of their orgasm, as they took a few deep breaths.
Inuyasha could have laid there all night, taking in the sweet scent of sex and sweat that had spread throughout the room. There was absolutely no way he was washing these sheets anytime soon. In fact, he might have to research how to bottle this scent, maybe put it in a candle, so that he could relive this moment at any time.
Of course, given the soft humming coming from the woman underneath him, he might be able to reenact this night in the very near future.
Not wanting to crush her any longer, Inuyasha finally pulled out - Kagome letting out a small grunt at the loss of him inside her - carefully taking hold of the now filled condom, tying up the end and throwing it in the small trash can beside his bed.
"I'll be right back," he told her, giving her a quick kiss before walking out of the room towards the bathroom, not giving a damn that he was walking around completely naked. He was still high on all that is Kagome to care about something as silly as that. He came back barely a minute later, after quickly wiping himself clean, with a warm, damp washcloth for Kagome.
He chuckled at the sight before him. Kagome had already cocooned herself under the sheets, a warm smile on her face as she brought the pillow she was holding up towards her face and took a deep breath. She looked so happy, and content, and satisfied. The youkai that slept deep within Inuyasha rumbled with joy at the thought that he was the one to make her feel that way.
She opened her eyes as soon as he reached the bed, her smile brightening just a bit more at the sight of him. Maybe it had just been a while, but Kagome was pretty sure that was some of the best sex she's ever had. Her heart melted a little at seeing the washcloth in his hands. She had always took care of her own needs afterwards, having never really stayed the night at a man's house after sex before. She had to admit, it was….nice, and made her feel more loved than even during the act itself.
She thanked him with another kiss, finding that it was hard to keep her hands off him for more than a minute. He must have felt the same, running his tapered claws through her mussed up hair as she took care of cleaning herself. The feel of the warm washcloth along her thighs mixed with his soft touches could have put her to sleep.
When she was finished, he took the washcloth from her and threw it in the corner of the room where his laundry basket sat. He grabbed the sheets to cover them with, wrapping his arms around her body, pulling her close to him so that her back was flush with his chest
"You know what the best thing about being an adult is?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha gave her an unintelligible reply, muffled by her own hair that he had buried his face into. She giggled from the hair that tickled her neck because of his breath.
"I don't know, you tell me" He repeated, now resting his head on her shoulder.
"Well, we were able to choose to eat dessert before dinner," she said with a laugh.
Inuyasha chuckled at her joke.  "Dessert before dinner, that’s the dream,"
"Well, dessert has made me hungry for dinner," she said, playfully pushing him off her. She could feel that delicious ache between her thighs as she stood up, faltering a little on her first step. Inuyasha was ready to jump up if she fell, but Kagome shooed him away and walked to his closet to pull out a shirt of his to wear.
Inuyasha didn't think Kagome could be any more perfect than in that moment, wearing one of his favorite black long sleeved shirts. She looked beautiful when she dressed up in one of her floral dresses or high waisted skirts, and if all her lingerie looked like tonight's, then Inuyasha could count himself a lucky man. But there was something about seeing her in his clothes that riled up something primal in him.
Inuyasha had never really shown his more youkai tendencies to Kikyo when they were together. He had never suppressed them for her, but Kikyo generally ignored the topic, while Inuyasha's youkai side laid dormant and unimpressed with the woman Inuyasha had loved for so long.
Inuyasha had never experienced his youkai instincts feeling so active before. There was something about Kagome that fueled every fiber of his being, which was a little terrifying. He had only known Kagome for a month, how could he feel this strongly about her already? He certainly didn't want to scare her away because of it.
"Dinner can wait a few minutes, come back to bed," he said, rubbing the empty side of the bed
"Inuyasha, you can't let your apartment burn down because of unattended food! You promised me dinner and a movie. Besides," She exclaimed, a grin lighting up her face. “Who said we were done for the night,”
Kagome shot him a sly wink before stepping out of the room to go check on their dinner. The last thing Inuyasha wanted to do was get up after the mind blowing sex they just had - in fact, Inuyasha could fall asleep right where he laid - but a sudden gurgle of his stomach put thoughts of slumber on the back burner as hunger crept to the forefront. Another plus side to getting up was watching Kagome work in his kitchen, in nothing but his shirt.
Inuyasha thought there could be worse things to happen.
And so he flipped over the sheets, sauntering out into the kitchen, not bothering to cover himself. He would let her fiddle with his marinara sauce, and woo her with the fancy bottle of wine he bought for her to go with the meal. They’d then snuggle up together on the couch and put in a movie. The genre wasn’t important, it wasn’t as if they were going to watch it.
Like Kagome said, they weren’t done for the night, and he was looking forward to claiming her in every room of that damn apartment.
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kerwritesthings · 4 years
Orange Blossom At The Bottom Of A Shot Glass
Summary: Salty is followed by sour, which should always be followed by sweet. 
Word Count: almost 3.7k
Warning: little cursing, little sexual tension, a bunch of sweet and fluff
Author Notes: ::taps on mic:: Soooo it’s been a GOOD while. The muse has been a little bit of a fickle bitch. Or a lot of one, actually. Also didn’t help that the last piece I wrote totally went a hard boom splat - gee thanks tall idiot Canadian one for that :P
HOWEVER, the muse decided to let go with some of the hockey boys and me play with some words for J’s Winter Writing Challenge. I’m just one day off deadline, though I still want to fill the other 1-2 I was thinking of. Thank you J for pulling this all together, you’re a peach. 
This one, is the first attempt at writing Tyler, so please be kind to a girl. It was fun to play in this little part of my hockeysphere/hockeyblr. 
I’m also maybe possibly most likely making this into a verse/series. Cause y’all should know that’s how I roll. 
The prompt from the challenge was:  “Take another step and I can’t be held responsible for my actions.”
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“From the cute one in the three piece purple suit at the end of the bar, said to get you another of whatever you’re drinking,” Misty says, sliding the half-sugar rimmed martini glass across the copper bar top. “Wouldn’t even entertain doing this if I didn’t know most of them.”
“Thanks Mis,” you smile, pushing your empty glass towards her.
You peek down slyly towards the right. A gaggle of tall, well dressed men circle the far end. You think some look familiar. Then you see who Misty meant when he turns towards the front of the bar and towards where you’re sitting. You know straightaway who he is, know the reputation, the rumblings. It’s hard not to, as big as Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex is, it’s not at the same time. It also helps that you’ve been a hockey fan since birth, paying attention to the boys in green since you moved to Dallas a handful of years ago.
“Misty are you fucking kidding me?” you snap when she wanders back towards you.
“Nope,” she grins like the cat who got the canary. “You should go over and say thank you. Promise you, you may think you know, but he’s a good guy. The lot of them are.”
You shake your head no, downing half your drink in one sip before wiping your finger against the glass to lick at some of the sanding sugar. Misty’s blood orange martinis are your favorite, and a weakness you cannot kick when she’s got the good stuff in stock.
“Give me a blank tabcard and a pen,” you ask. “How many of them are down there? Do a round of shots on my bill, but lemme think of what to send while I write this.”
Misty places one of her pens, a card and your Visa to the right of your cocktail. You carefully fold the card in half, tearing it in two. On one half you cleanly script out your name and cell number while on the second half, you write a cheeky little note:
If you can figure out what the shot is, Misty has something for you. Thanks for the martini, the second always hits better especially when you lick the sugar rim.
“Mis, do you know how to make a reckless slut?” you snicker, capping the pen.
“Red-headed slut, but with whiskey instead of Jaeger yeah?” she questions, looking underneath the bar for a bigger, clean cocktail shaker.
“Honey whiskey if you’ve got it,” you respond, polishing off the rest of your martini before gathering your things. “Then it’s just a touch lighter on the peach. If he can guess it right, then you give him the second half of the note.”
“You got it, I’ll see you,” she waves, off to the middle of the bar to find more ingredients.
You carefully glance down towards the opposite end, noticing the boys all wrapped up so you carefully slip out to make your exit, smiling and shaking your head.
“I’m absolutely insane,” you say out loud to yourself as you head towards your car.
“Segs, my girl left this for you and a round on her for the rest of the motley crew,” Misty explains, slipping him the first card before handing out the shot glasses.
“What she say?” Jamie nudges.
“Other than I missed her licking the rim of her glass?” he chides. “I need to guess what this is and then Misty has something for me, supposedly.”
“I do,” Misty replies, handing the rest of the shots out. “She picked a bit of a good one to leave for you too. Cheers boys, bellow if you need anything.”
He lifts the glass, sniffing it at first, not having any clue.
“J, Rads you guys have any idea?” Tyler asks, they both shake their head.
“Bottoms up,” Jamie adds before they all tip the shots back.
“Anybody?” Tyler pushes again, glasses clicking on the copper.
“I know,” a voice chimes in from the back, dropping the empty shot glass onto the bar.
“Come on then Dicky,” Tyler urges.
He looks at Tyler, trying to hold back a laugh but it doesn’t work.
“It’s a reckless slut,” he manages out between his laughter. “It’s something else dark in place of Jägermeister. Slightly fitting, eh?”
The group busts out in hoops, hollers and their own peals of laughter while Tyler shoves at the one closest to him, this time it’s Alex.
“Whiskey, honey whiskey actually, so nice one there Jason. Winner gets this,” Misty trills happily, wiggling a card in front of the group.
“Hey, wait a second,” Tyler snaps, trying to lean over to snatch the card from the bartender.
“That’s the rules she set,” she says, flicking the card over to his teammate. “Take it up with him, he got it right.”
“What’s it worth?” Jason grins, fist bumping with Misty before turning more towards Tyler.
“Not whatever you’re scheming in that brain of yours,” he takes a pull off his beer.
“I was just gonna say take care of dinner tonight, but if it’s not worth that,” Jason trails off.
“Damnit Dicky,” he sighs, hand flexing around the bottle.
“Let’s go boys, they’re ready for us,” Joe interjects from the outskirts of the group, nodding to the back dining room. “And we like it here so no bloodshed, ok?”
You’re just about to slip the key into your front door lock when your phone buzzes in quick repeated blips. You juggle everything in, snag a bottle of water from the fridge before plopping down on the couch to see what has your phone trilling.
So, Tyler didn’t win the challenge, I did and Misty followed the rules passing it to the winner! Hi, I’m Jason.
::selfie of Jason with the boys scattered about behind him at the bar::
I’m refusing for a bit to give him your number. Want to spare and maybe prepare you before I do. Plus, it’s fun to watch him squirm for a bit when it comes to shit like this.
The reckless slut shot was a nice touch, so I’m hopeful in assuming when you spotted us, him really, you kind of knew who was all down at that end of the bar. Probably have heard some things about his adventures and antics, cause who hasn’t.
I can tell you most of it is blown out of proportion, don’t get me wrong he has his fun, but he’s not an asshole.
Maybe we can all do lunch after practice? I’m happy to play buffer if you don’t want to deal with him solo. We’ll go somewhere solid and make him pick it up :)
You cannot help but smile when flipping through the messages, making sure to save both Jason’s number and ridiculous selfie to your contacts list. You fire off a quick thanks text to Misty before you settle in to figure out the best reply to Jason.
You’re a good teammate and a better friend. I would also make him squirm for a bit too, little shit deserves a bit of discomfort.
I appreciate that, Jason – thank you. I know better than to judge a book by its cover, but it’s hard when the Cliffs Notes versions are face up all over the place. Plus, a lady can never be too careful.
Want to try lunch next week, the three of us? I can’t remember what your upcoming game sitch is like, sorry. Maybe PS214? Something good that’s not too fussy, but chill. Plus, they should have enough options for whatever your nutritionist wants you boys to try to stick to or options to totally cheat out on.
I’ve got some flex in my schedule for lunches, my later afternoons get to be what’s stickier.
You know they were having a team dinner, so you don’t expect a response right away, so you pull yourself together to wash up and get to bed. You wake up to a flurry of more texts the next morning, plans for lunch Monday their practice and a video clip of the two of them, which was utterly ridiculous and adorable at the same time. It eased your tensions just a touch, but lunch would be the kicker.
“There’s my favorite foodie,” Phil the manager says, hugging you immediately. “I was so happy to see your name on the reservations. Is this a work thing or a pleasure thing?”
“Little of both, I’ve got two possibly three of Dallas’ favorite hockey team joining me which is why I asked about the back-corner alcove,” you explain. “But I also want to taste some of the new things you’ve been floating both at the bar and on the menu. Nothing formal yet, but I’m thinking of trying to pull together something around new happy hour approaches.”
“I think one of your lunch companions just walked in,” Phil responds, as you catch someone walking towards the two of you from the corner of your eye. “I know him and his wife, they’ve been in a few times. Hey Jason, nice to see you.”
“Hey Phil, wasn’t sure if you’d be here, good to see you. You’ve met one half of my lunch date already?” he shakes Phil’s hand before reaching for yours.
“She and I run in the same circles, mutual friends, some projects that have crossed paths,” Phil adds. “We’re waiting on one more, yes?”
His phone trills, “It’s Segs, he’s parking now and apologized for being late. He had to let the pups out because his dog sitter couldn’t get there early today.”
“I was early, force of habit, so no worries,” you reply. “He’s going to be pretty much on time in the grand scheme. Plus, I got some actual work done talking to Phil before you got here, so it’s all good.”
“Jason, you best not be trying to steal her from me already,” Tyler claps his shoulder before setting his eyes on you. “You’ve got someone waiting for you at home.”
You can’t help but half roll your eyes and half chuckle, “Nice to officially meet you, Tyler.”
He reaches out, his hand easily dwarfs yours, “You too, Clementine.”
“If you are all ready, we’ve got the table you asked for set,” Phil nods to the right, into the dining room.
“You were mentioning your work when I came in?” Tyler questions as you all sit down.
“I guess you could say I’m a lifestyle writer, mostly food and drink but I’ve dabbled in some travel,” you say. “I started out with my own blog back when I was in college trying to figure out what I wanted to do with life and it kind of got a following from there. I refuse to say influencer, cause no I’m not. Not my schtick. Actual writing pays the bills, not sponsored Instagram or blog posts. I refused to let my baby No Fork become something tainted like that, I think why it became so successful.”
“Wait, wait. You’re A Girl With No Fork? Seriously, my wife is obsessed with your insta page and the blog,” Jason exclaims. “She’s going to lose her ish that I’m having lunch with you.”
“Still blogging but keeping that a little more separate now a days. There’s more bylines with Infatuation, Food and Wine, a good deal with some the local papers. I may have a piece end up with Bon Appetite if this pitch I’m working on comes to fruition,” you explain, taking a sip of what Phil just placed in front of you. “Trying to keep a little of that anonymity left to keep Fork as respected as it is. Your wife and I need to brunch at some point then.”
Phil comes by to ask about any allergies or dietary restrictions, the rest is up to him and the chef, and you know you’re all in good hands.
“So, a pretty girl with a unique name,” Tyler leads. “Feels like there’s probably a good story there.”
“I was a surprisingly early baby, literally my Mom went into labor at 35 weeks and in an orange grove. That was her craving when she was pregnant with me, a ton of citrus. Hence the name,” you smile. “It’s rare I hear anyone other than her use my full name anymore. Even my pen name for my byline on pieces uses my initials. Friends mostly call me C or Em.”
“No Emmy?” Tyler questions.
You shake your head, cheeks flushing. You’ve never allowed that by anyone; not that anyone has ever tried that out for size. It always felt to too special to you, wanting to hold on to that for the right person.
“Let me see these puppies that made you late,” you divert.
“Once you get him started on the three stooges, you cannot go back,” Jason rolls his eyes. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you smile, making grabby hands for his phone. “Come on I know you’ve got a ton of photos and videos on there.”
“They’re definitely a handful, and not so much puppies anymore. Though Gerry would fight me on that, he’s the baby,” Tyler grins wide before pulling up a video of three dogs running around like crazy in what looks to be his backyard pool.
Lunch was more of the same, good food, good conversation and a bunch of joking around. Smart play by Jason to recommend it this way, he’s as much of a sweetheart as his texts made him out to be and helps ease some of the worries you had about Tyler. And Tyler, you found yourself gravitating to him a lot more than you thought you would. You all didn’t realize it until the shift change was happening how long you actually spent in the back booth. As you’re saying goodbye, hugs are passed around between the group of you this time.
“We’re keeping you around by the way,” Tyler whispers in your ear. “Welcome to the crew.”
You fall into a quirky but easy friendship with Tyler and Jason after that, eventually Jamie too once the boys drag him to one of your tasting outings. It evolves quickly from random texting to grabbing meals and drinks, hanging out after games, even meeting Tyler at the dog park to finally meet his trio of crazy pups during one of your crazy timed breaks in your schedule that matched up before he needed to get into his pre-game routine.
Gerry is running amok hopping around with a German Sheppard while Cash just wants Tyler to throw a stick for him to fetch repeatedly. Marshall, however, has taken residence with his head in your lap.
“I know your younger brothers are insane,” you coo, rubbing the chocolate lab’s ear as he nuzzles into your thigh. “I’m sorry I have to leave you with them in a few.”
“So soon?” Tyler asks, tossing Cash’s favorite stick a little father. “You like just got here. He also just doesn’t cuddle like that with anyone. Feel special, so you shouldn’t leave him either.”
“Only a quick break today. Deadlines looming and a bourbon tasting that need to get done if I’m meeting you guys later after the game,” you explain, fingers digging into Marshall’s fur again.
“At some point you do need to come to a game,” he sasses as Cash comes barreling into his legs, Gerry not far behind. “I know you’re a hockey fan, you can’t hide that Em.”
“Perhaps maybe,” you tease, rolling your eyes sticking your tongue out at him. “Ok Marsh, I’m sorry buddy but I gotta go.”
Marshall just slides his head further into your lap, while now Cash head butts your free hand as Gerry crashes into your legs.
“I’m so sorry boys, we’ll have another playdate soon I promise,” you call to them as you pet all their heads.
“Where’s my goodbye pets and love?” he cheekily leans his head towards you.
“Oh Ty,” rolling your eyes as you get up.
You lean in as you were going to kiss his cheek, but you just tweak his nose and flip his snapback off, “See you tonight superstar.”
Misty is thankfully behind the bar again tonight at Oak and Cork, except this time you’re in the middle of the crazy group instead of the far end of the bar.
“You hitting that yet?” Alex grins wiggling his eyebrows and nodding to where you’re leaning against the bar talking to Misty while she makes your drink.
Tyler shoves his teammate, “Dude.”
“First off, don’t be crass. Em is in the damn room. And that’s a no by the way,” Jason rolls his eyes at Alex after handing off glasses to the two of them. “He most definitely wants to; I think that she does too. They just won’t actually talk about it.”
“She sent you reckless slut shots, I think you can talk to her about fucking,” Alex replies, taking a pull from his drink.
“Emmy. She’s not just some random girl to dick and dump, Rads. Fucks sake,” he sighs, hand threading through his hair as he looks over in your direction where you’re talking with Jamie, Joe and his wife.
“Emmy, eh? That speaks volumes. Just ask her already,” Jason interjects. “We’re all tired of your crank ass. I’m going to find my better half.”
“He’s right,” Alex taps his glass against Tyler’s. “Go to her. Ask her. Kiss her. Less cranky, more goals, more fucking.”
Tyler shakes his head, downing the rest of his drink in one go. He snags a bottle of beer from one of the buckets left out on the bar for the group before he looks for somewhere to take a breather. You catch him stalking off to the patio, amber glass clenched in his hand with his brows knitted together.
“He ok?” you ask Jamie, pointing towards the door where Tyler’s walking through.
“That’s not a good Tyler face,” he sighs. “I should…”
“No, stay. I’ll go check,” you interrupt, polishing off your martini to head outside.
“Hard to have congratulatory drinks when the first star of the game is hiding out on the patio,” you call out.
He shrugs, not turning around at first but you can see the tension across his shoulders even through his dress shirt. You take a couple steps out towards him.
“Hey, come on. Can’t be that bad. Right? Nothing’s wrong with the pups? Your family?” you tread carefully not knowing what could have happened between the dog park and that moment.
He turns around slowly, not looking up at first.
“Tyler, what’s going on?” your concern lacing through your voice clearly.
“I still think about that night here, you know?” he starts, placing his bottle on the railing next to him before leaning back against it. “I was intrigued, girl at a bar alone on a Friday night. Gorgeous one at that. She kind of saw right through me but dished it back unexpectedly and pretty well. Then, then that damn chaperoned lunch. Kind of just rolled from there.”
“Ty, what are you saying?” you need to make sure where he’s going with this.
“I can’t stop thinking about you, it’s exhilarating and unnerving,” he fights out, coming off the railing. “I still think about kissing you, wanting that, all the damn time.”
“Tyler,” you begin, trying to move closer.
“Take another step and I can’t be held responsible for my actions,” Tyler fights out, hands flexing at his side but looking you straight in the eye.
You can see the clench of his jaw clearly from there, the fire he’s holding back in his eyes. Your breath catches, your heart skips and your stomach flips.
“What if I’m ok with that?” you whisper, slipping an inch closer.
“I need you to be sure, Clementine,” he looks at you carefully, pupils flicking wider.
“Clementine? Really Tyler?” you try to tease to lighten the thick air around the two of you.
“Emmy,” he exhales deeply. “Don’t. Please, not tonight. Not now.”
You nod once he opens his eyes, stepping closer.
“Use your words, Emmy,” he murmurs, one hand grasping your hip while the other comes to cup your cheek, thumb trailing across your skin. “I need to hear you say it, babygirl.”
You’re distracted for a moment, having him that close. His words swirl around your head, your senses are slightly overwhelmed by him. His cologne lingers in your nose and makes your eyes flutter.
“You don’t need to placate me though, I’m a big boy,” he says softly. “Friends is better than nothing.”
“I wouldn’t,” you jump in carefully. “It’s why I waited, why I’m saying yes now to you Ty.”
Tyler pulls you forward and claims your mouth. His tongue wicked, swiping at yours. Your hands slip up behind his neck with fingers tangling in his hair at the nape. You lose sense of time, all you can do is sink further into the kiss, and into him, until you’re out of breath.
“You taste like those damn orange martinis you love. I like it,” he sighs, knuckle trailing against your cheek. “I’ve never felt possessive, but fuck. The thought of anyone else sipping your sugar after that makes me see red, Emmy.”
“Is that the ass backwards Tyler way of asking me out?” you tease, popping up on your toes to nip at his bottom lip.
He surges forward and knocks the breath out of you with another bruising kiss.
“Come to my game tomorrow, wear my jersey. Let me show you off properly, let me take you home after, breakfast with the dogs on the patio in the morning,” he asks, this time his thumb tracing over your bottom lip. “And the game after that and the next one after that, the next weeks and months ahead. Let me show you that I’m not that reckless slut you may think I am. You make me not want to be.”
You smile, nodding and pressing a kiss to the pad of his thumb.
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
03:22 am || sugawara koushi
➵ existentialism doesn’t have to be depressing.
wc: 2292
warnings: gn!reader, philosophical talk (I’m so sorry), existentialism
a/n: sorry for rambling so much about existentialism dslfk i was doing my best to get into the 3am mindset
The stars aren’t particularly bright, but you’re grateful that you can even catch a glimpse of them. Your apartment’s balcony is only small, and you can only see so much unobstructed sky. What you can see of the constellations are bleached by the city lights, but that hasn’t dampened either yours or Suga’s desire to stargaze. The two of you cuddle up on a dingy banged-up couch, barely big enough to fit both of you. Not that either of you care.
Suga seemed particularly unphased, littering quick kisses across the side of your face.
“Koushi,” you chuckle, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Hm?” A peck to your cheek.
“Are you quite alright?”
“I’m just peachy.” A kiss to your temple.
“Do you want something?” You giggle, turning your head to look at him straight.
“Nothing,” he beams, pressing his lips to your nose.
You grin, kissing his own nose in response.
You take a moment to admire him, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek. 
He looks a bit like starlight personified, all silver hair and round, bright eyes. He’s got one of those smiles that lights up his whole face, crinkling his eyes in the most endearing way.
Those kind eyes of his were one of the things that had drawn you to him at first. Initially, your intentions had been purely platonic. But how weren’t you supposed to fall in love with this boy made of starlight?
“What’re you thinking about?” You ask, smoothing a thumb over his cheek. He smiles at you, those beautiful eyes of his touched with a hint of melancholy.
“You’re thinking about something,” you smile. “You’ve got that look in your eyes.”
His eyes are kind, warm, gentle. But they’re perhaps a bit more expressive than he’d like.
Suga grins, shaking his head. “I was a fool to think I’d get anything by you, huh?”
“Good to see you’re learning your lesson,” you tease. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” he nods. “I’m just… thinking about the inherent meaninglessness of life.”
You snort, but you’re not surprised. This isn’t unusual for him. “That doesn’t sound like ‘alright’.”
“Oh, but it is,” Suga grins, looking you directly in the eyes. “It’s great.”
“I get to do whatever I want,” Suga shrugs. “It doesn’t matter if there’s no greater meaning to any of it. I get to live my life in a way that makes me happy.”
“What makes you happy, then?” You ask, smoothing the top of his head.
“You,” he fires back immediately, a cheeky grin on his lips.
“That’s a cop-out,” you snort, poking his nose.
“I just…” He sighs, turning his gaze back to the faint stars. “I just want to do right by the people around me.”
“That’s wonderful,” you smile. There’s such beautiful sincerity in his eyes.
“It sounds cheesy,” Suga scoffs, his cheeks tinged pink.
“So?” You ask.
His blush deepens as he meets your eyes. “Well… you know…”
You’re well-aware of what the concern is, but you’ve decided to mark it down as ‘silly.’
“If you’re going to be a nihilist, you may as well be nice about it,” you shrug. “Nothing’s worse than being an asshole who’s rude to people because ‘life is meaningless’ and ‘humans are just base animals’ or whatever.”
Suga chuckles at your rather accurate impression of a man in a first-year philosophy degree.
“Just don’t start quoting Nietzsche at me,” you grin.  
“I would never,” Suga scoffs. “It’s gotta be Kierkegaard.”
“Wasn’t he just… really sad?” You ask, tilting your head at him.
“He hated democracy.”
“He did?”
Suga shrugs. “I dunno. I just know he did.”
You giggle, shaking your head. “Good to see you’ve been paying attention in class.”
“Look,” Suga raises a hand, “I found that out when I was just scouring the net, okay?”
“Philosophy is supposed to make you think about life, not some guy’s opinion on democracy, okay?” Suga grins.
“You have to write a dialogue, right?” You ask. You remember him telling you about it, but you can’t quite recall what he’s actually supposed to do.
He nods. “Yeah.”
“Are you arguing with Nietzsche?”
He laughs. “Not sure yet.”
“I think you should,” you hum. “I’d laugh.”
“I can’t believe my assignment is basically me writing fanfiction about me and Diogenes hanging out,” he grins.
“Actually yeah, write about him,” you snort. “I, too, would like to find an honest man.”
Suga chuckles. “Unfortunately, that’s not gonna help me get a good mark.”
“You’re going to get a good mark,” you say, pouting at him. “You always do.”
“Bold of you to put that much confidence in me,” he scoffs. “I haven’t even started writing it yet.”
“Have you planned it out?”
“Kind of?”
“Well, what’s your key argument?” You ask. You enjoy talking to him like this; unpicking his brain, finding out what he thought about the world. He always had something interesting to say, a thought to share about life in general.
 “I mean…” Suga sighs. “I always sorta figured that if life doesn’t inherently mean anything, then we’ve got a choice, right?”
“A choice?” 
“What do you mean?” You shift yourself in his lap, your legs now dangling over the armrest. 
Suga pauses, pressing his lips together for a moment. “Well… you’re not morally beholden to anyone, right?” 
“Uh huh…” You nod slowly. 
“So… why wouldn’t you want to choose to do the kind thing? It’s not hard.”
You bite your lip. “But if you’re not ‘morally beholden’ to anyone, then what’s the point of being kind?” 
“You know… it’s the decent thing to do.” He raises an eyebrow at you. “And it feels good.” 
“But why?” 
“Do you disagree with me?” 
“No,” you laugh, shaking your head. “I’m just trying to help you solidify your argument.” 
“Ah, playing devil’s advocate, I see,” he grins. 
You flick him in the forehead gently. “How dare you.” 
“I’m just waiting for you to destroy me with facts and logic,” he teases, grinning at you. His eyes are much brighter now, twinkling with mirth. 
“Well,” you smile, running your fingers through his hair. “Presuming I did destroy you with facts and logic, then what would you say in response?” 
“Okay,” Suga sits up a little straighter, a determined glint in his eyes. “You know the whole ‘existence precedes essence’ thing, right?” 
“Kind of?” 
“Well, the basic principle is that we exist before anything else,” he begins. “That sounds obvious, but what it’s trying to get at is that our consciousness exists before anything else. There is no ‘essential nature’ to any of us.” 
“Right,” you nod. 
“So, we create our own values, our own meanings, because we don’t have any inherently,” he continues. “We have to make them ourselves, and that’s how we give our existence significance.” 
You hum in response. 
“A lot of people get kind of down if they believe there’s no inherent meaning to life, but that just means there so much more freedom. And there’s power in that freedom.” 
“What do you mean, exactly?” You ask. You’ve had these sorts of conversations before, but he’s been getting better and better at articulating himself. If anything, he seems relieved by it. 
“The essential meaninglessness of life isn’t a burden, it’s a chance to define ourselves and where we want to go,” he continues. 
“Mhm,” you nod, paying him the attention he deserves. 
“We may be meaningless in the grand scheme of the universe, but that means we’re free.” 
“How so?” You ask. 
He considers your question for a moment, a tiny pout on his lips. “We’re not inherently ‘good,’ but we’re not inherently ‘selfish’ either. We get to choose.” 
“Right,” you nod. “But… won’t some people find that overwhelming?”
“What do you mean?” He asks. 
“Isn’t that just the whole absurdity thing?” You’re trying to find the right words, to call on all the concepts you remember him telling you about. You may be no philosophy student, but you know Suga won’t judge. “You know, the… the contradiction between finding meaning and purpose in an inherently chaotic and meaningless world?” 
“Oh, right,” he nods. “Well… the absurd itself isn’t the problem, per se. If anything, one of the best things you can do is to accept that absurdity, even if it’s difficult.” 
“Yes, life is absurd,” he stresses. “Yes, it can be hard to find the motivation to press on when you feel that life is meaningless.” 
You wonder, for a moment, if he’s speaking from experience. 
“The idea is that you live on in-spite of that,” he smiles. “It’s like a big middle finger to a universe that doesn’t care about you.” 
“So… by deciding what matters to you is a way of biting back at a world that doesn’t care?” 
“Exactly!” He beams. “Freedom means we create our own meanings, and can find satisfaction in our lives by figuring out what we really want and how we feel we should live best,” he continues. “And it means that instead of having to worry about our ‘inherent, essential goodness’, we get to define ourselves by our actions -- people can claim that humans are inherently selfish, but we’re not.” 
He’s glowing now, eyes shining and cheeks bright. He really is beautiful. And good. So, so good. 
“Because neither behaviour is encoded in us, we’re responsible for the choices we make. We choose to be cruel, or we choose to be kind. We can choose to be good.” 
“And you think most people would do that?” You ask. 
“I’m not naive,” he sighs, “but I do think most people would want to do right by others. Not all. But most.” 
He takes a deep breath, looking to the sky once more. You follow his gaze upwards. 
“I just…” His voice is quiet now, almost as if he’s praying. “We’re all thrown into this absurd world, and we can make it easier for one another.” 
You press a gentle kiss to his temple, your heart feeling fuzzier than ever. 
Suga looks at you with the gentlest smile, a bright spark in his eyes. “We can bear the burden of the human condition together and show each other compassion.”
You run a hand through his hair, massaging his scalp with the tips of your fingers. 
He closes his eyes and leans into your touch, still smiling. “And the way I see it… if there’s no inherent meaning or purpose to the way things are, then there’s no reason to succumb to suffering.” 
“That’s a bit bold of you,” you chuckle. 
“I’m not saying that suffering is unavoidable or anything, but I mean, like…” He frowns, trying to unpick the implications of his own words. “Of course, there’ll be things you can’t escape and things that’ll fucking suck. I just mean that... You don’t have to do anything. In that sense, you can pursue what you want to pursue, prioritise the things that make you happy…”
“I see.” 
“I’m not saying that life’s a free-for-all either. Like, I’m not saying that it’s okay for people to be awful to each other,” he continues. “And I understand that the world we live in places limits on us and what we can conceivably do…”  
“What, like the… struggling artist thing?” You clarify. 
“Yeah,” he nods. “I know that it’s not that simple and everything won’t work out just because you want it to. I just think… if it makes you happy then… then it’s worth a try.” 
He sits back in the chair, sinking into the cushions. “But… I don’t know,” he sighs. “It’s hard to articulate.” 
“That’s okay,” you smile. “You’re making sense to me.” 
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Unfortunately, I’m not sure if my tutors have that same insight into my brain.” 
“You’re being too hard on yourself,” you giggle, shifting yourself in his lap. “Can you think of a good one-liner?” You ask, tilting your head at him. 
“Hm…” He muses for a moment, tilting his head upwards. “At the end of the day, I just think that… we have a choice to be kind. Why wouldn’t you be?” 
You laugh. “Why would you say something so brave and yet so controversial?”
“Isn’t that meme outdated now?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “I can never keep up with what the young people are doing these days.”
He snorts. “What are you, seventy-two?”
“In body, no,” you shake your head. “But in spirit?”
“Great, I’m dating a geriatric.”
“You knew this going into it,” you giggle. “I’ve just been burdened with age. There’s no space in my heart for optimism anymore.”
“That’s a lie and you know it,” Suga grins, gazing at you fondly.
“I like that about you,” you smile, smoothing a thumb over his cheek.
“I just think that there’s a lot of good out there if you look for it,” he shrugs, his words earnest and sincere. “I know the world isn’t that simple and that there’s plenty of horrible things too, but…” He chews his lip, eyes softening as he once again looking to the sky. “I want to contribute to the world as best as I can.”
You watch him as he watches the stars. You wonder if he knows he’s the brightest amongst them. If he knows how much joy and light, he’s brought to everyone who’s had the privilege of loving him. It’s a gift to be counted amongst them.
You’ve been told that people are made of stardust, but Suga makes you believe it.
You lean in and press a gentle kiss to his cheek, letting the warmth in your chest diffuse through your body. “I love you.”
He smiles at you, and you’re sure he can outshine the moon.
“I love you too.”  
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padfootagain · 4 years
A Very Rose Mistake (I)
Part 1: How It All Began
 Here we goooo!! New series! This is from a request from my 4.7k followers event, with the prompts 22 and 23 (I won't put them here, cause I don't want to spoil too much… you can check them on my post for the event if you want by doing a quick research.) by @paniconthepitch .
It's a fake-dating AU with the best friends to lovers trope, and it's gonna be a wile ride!!! There won't be any warnings in this fic except for some angst and tooth-rotting fluff, as usual for me :)
So, I hope you like it! I'm gonna structure the fic a little differently compared to what I usually do (even if it's nothing extraordinary), so tell me if you like this first chapter, so I know if you like how I've organized the fic!
Tell me what you think, please! I'm very excited and nervous to share the first chapter with all of you!
Oh, also, I don't like talking about the whole covid crisis in my fics (I write to mainly escape from it), so even though the fic happens this year, there isn't any virus around, so no one is breaking distancing rules or anything.
Pairing: Harry Styles x reader
Word Count : 4516
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                                                  Holmes Chapel
 It was a warm summer in Northern England. Sun high and warm and skies bluer than blue.
Your parents were unboxing some of your stuff in your new home, but it was the afternoon, and the weather was way too nice for you to stay inside. Instead, despite your tiny body, you had managed to climb on top of the stone wall that enclosed your garden and separated it from the street. Just a little patch of grass on the front of the house, but it was nice. You looked at the cars driving across the street, a thin layer of sweat making your forehead glisten in the sun because of how warm it was. You could hear your parents' distant voices through the open window of the living room. The air smelled of gasoline and blossoming roses from your neighbours' house. From time to time, a dog barked in one of the tiny gardens further down the street.
You were eating an ice-cream, that your mother had prepared for you by putting it in a paper cup. Some of it was sticky on your chin, but you didn't mind. It was good, and you were having fun looking at the new neighbourhood.
A little boy pranced out of the house on your right, carrying a bag to put in the bin outside the house. He seemed to be around five years old, just like you.
As he saw you sitting on the low wall, a curious expression settled on his features, and he tilted his head in wonder. He had never seen you before, and it was very surprising, as he knew all the children living in the street, even the ones who were older than his sister.
He thus decided to walk over to you and investigate.
You beamed at him as he approached, hoping to make a new friend already. It was your first day in this town, you reckoned it would make a great start for the life in your new home.
"Hi!" You waved at him, and his cautious behaviour slightly faded as he smiled back at you.
"Hi. Who are you?" He asked bluntly, a frown wrinkling his round face, chubby cheeks turned pink by the heat, and a bundle of dark blonde hair getting messy as he pushed a few locks out of his green eyes.
"I'm Y/N. My parents and I are moving in this house. Do you live there?" You asked too, pointing at the house he had walked out of.
He nodded slowly, seeming satisfied with your answer.
"Yep," he answered, popping the p at the end. "Why are you alone?" he went on, a lisp making him trip over his words a little.
"My parents are cleaning stuff inside. And I don't have friends here yet."
Again, he nodded at your explanation.
You remembered your grand-mother's advice about making friends, and reckoned that if you wanted to make the little boy your first companion in the neighbourhood, you needed to offer him something. So, you handed him the rest of your ice-cream.
"Do you want some?" you asked with a bright smile.
The boy decided that he liked seeing you smile. You were missing a couple of baby teeth, and it was such a happy gesture that he wanted to make you laugh instead.
He remembered the joke that his sister had played on their cousin that had made the whole table laugh. He reckoned that it should do the trick.
So, instead of taking the ice cream you were offering him, he jumped up and pushed it against your face.
And indeed, your face covered in vanilla ice-cream was hilarious, and he exploded with laughter.
But you weren't laughing at all, as the boy laughed at you. Instead, hot tears started to form at the corner of your eyes, and you looked at the little boy with so much hurt and betrayal on your features that his laugh died in his throat as quickly as it had formed in the first place.
When you started to actually cry, he was panicking.
"Hey, don't cry," he said, as if asking for a favour. "I... I didn't want to make you cry. I thought it was funny."
But you just kept on crying, and he felt so terribly awful seeing you like this that he found himself on the verge of tears too. Your eyes were turning puffy and you were sniffing, and seemed so miserable... he didn't want to see that look on your face, ever. He liked your face too much, actually.
"I'm sorry. It was a joke. Don't cry. Is it because you dropped the rest of your ice-cream?"
You didn't answer, quietly crying still, and he rushed to his house, running as fast as his little legs could carry him. And you were even more miserable than before.
So much for making a friend...
You were about to go back inside, finding no fun in being out anymore and wanting to clean up your face when you saw him running out of the house again.
He was carrying what seemed to be a container full of ice-cream and a spoon.
"Here!" He handed you the two objects, struggling to catch his breath after his run. "You can have mine instead. I'm sorry you didn't find my joke funny. Please, don't cry anymore."
Hesitantly, you took the objects from him, awaiting a new trick, but none came. You opened the box to discover some chocolate ice-cream, as promised.
"I'm sorry. I don't have vanilla one. But maybe Mrs. Richard has some... she keeps this kind of stuff all the time for when her grand-children come visit... do you want me to check for you?"
He seemed earnest, and his green eyes were full of concern. But you shook your head, eating a spoonful of his ice-cream.
"It's good. Thank you," you quipped, making him beam up at you.
He noticed that you weren't crying anymore, but you were pouting still, and he didn't like that look on you either. He wondered what more could he do to make you properly smile again.
"Why did you do that in the first place though?" You asked, interrupting his train of thoughts as he considered running to his room to get his new toy, thinking that maybe if he let you borrow it, you would feel better. But only on the condition that you didn't put ice cream on the red plastic car, of course...
"My sister made that joke to our cousin once, and it made everybody laugh, so I thought it would make you laugh too. I don't know why you didn't think it was funny, I thought it was fun!"
"You're not the one who got covered in ice-cream," you answered with sadness in your voice.
He bit down on his lip, and sheepishly shook his head.
"No... You're right. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I like your ice-cream better," you admitted, and he beamed at you again.
"It's some very good ice-cream! My favourite!"
"Mine too. Want to share?"
He enthusiastically nodded. Climbing on the wall by your side. He handed you the tissue his mother always forced him to have in his pocket at all times. Maybe she was right, it was handy.
You took it with a quiet thank you, trading the tissue against the spoon and you cleaned up your face while he ate some ice-cream too.
And as you looked at him again, you reckoned that maybe it wasn't too late to make a friend, after all.
But you couldn't be friends if you didn't know his name. That would be rude.
"What's your name?" You asked.
He swallowed his mouthful too fast, making his brain freeze and you laughed at the silly face he made as a reaction. He had chocolate all over his mouth, but you reckoned that it made him look even happier.
"Harry. I'm Harry."
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 "What do you mean lying to your family about us? What do you mean you need a 'plus one'?"
You heaved a trembling sigh. You knew that you were asking an awful lot out of your best friend but you simply had no choice.
Your cousin's wedding was in two weeks, and if you went alone you would spend the entire day hearing about how sad it was that you were single, and everyone would try to plan a date fpr you with this cute colleague they had. It wasn't helping that you had decided to move back to England after you would complete your PhD in California. You could not even begin to think about the people at the wedding who would actually make a move on you as the night advanced and veins were slowly filled with more and more liquor.
No, you most definitely did not have the strength to go through this. And all you needed was a tiny lie to escape it all. One tiny lie that would last only for a day and you could actually enjoy the wedding instead of trying to escape from it. You liked your cousin, and knew she would be devastated if you didn't go, so you really had no choice at all.
And all your hopes of spending a decent day relied on your rockstar of a best friend.
Harry was frowning at you, sitting across from you around one of the tables of the Cafe Habana, his pink cocktail since long disregarded as he struggled to understand what was it exactly that you were asking from him.
It was unbelievably warm in Malibu, and your table outside was only salvaged by the weak breeze blowing from time to time. You were nervously fidgeting, your hands resting on the wooden table between you and Harry.
He rubbed his eyes and readjusted his sunglasses upon his head, his green eyes piercing right through you as you explained the situation one more time.
"I need you to accompany me to my cousin's weeding and pretend you're my boyfriend, so I will escape my family's disappointment and all the drunk single guests who will try to dance with me."
"You want us to pretend that we're together. Like... romantically together?"
"During your cousin's wedding. In front of your entire family?"
"And you think that I'm the best man for the job because...?"
"You're my best friend. You've known me basically all my life. You know me better than anyone else on this Earth, it won't be hard for you to pretend like you know all the useful details about me because you actually know them. You get along so well with my parents. Plus, you're an actor now too! Even if it's part-time... You'll do great! Consider it like a training exercise for your career in the movie industry."
"Absolutely the fuck not."
"Harry! Please! I need your help!"
"It's a terrible idea! No... no actually, it's worse than that. It's the worst idea I've ever heard! I can't pretend to be your boyfriend! In front of your whole family! I know your whole family!"
"Harry... please... I need your help, okay? You don't know how they are, it's going to be hell... Half of my family considers that I am a failure because I was not married by the age of 22, and the other half begins to think that the reason I am still single is that I am insane!"
"For their defence, you do sound a little bit crazy right now."
"Alright, alright... calm down," he mumbled, raising his hands before him in a gesture of peace. "I was just joking."
"Look, my family is... on that particular point, they're a pain in the arse. I need your help. I will not make it through the day without punching someone if I try to go on my own. And Cassie is so excited at the idea of me going to her wedding! And it's in Scotland! It's gonna be so pretty! Harry, please. It's just for one day."
He heaved a sigh, but you could read in the way that his eyes travelled back and forth from left and right and the way he tugged on his lower lip in between his fingers that he was hesitating.
It was all because of your cute little pout and sad eyes. He couldn't resist those. Never had been able to, even when the two of you were just five years old. Damn you and your adorable face…
"I'll let you eat all the cherries I get from my grandma's orchard this year," you offered, making him smile and shake his head at you.
But you read in his body language that you were winning.
"H, pretty please... just one day... one day... I'll go to all your shows for your next tour. I won't ever tell you again when I don't like one of your songs."
He laughed properly this time.
"Liar, you're too honest. You'll never manage to keep that up. That's why I like you so much."
"Okay... but I will go to your shows. And I'll give you cherries..."
He heaved a final sigh, but nodded this time.
"Alright, I'll do it," he agreed.
"YES!" you cried, jumping to your feet to walk around the table and hug Harry so tightly he could barely breathe. "I knew I could count on you!"
"I mean... if I get cherries..."
"As many as you want!"
You kissed his cheek, loud and ridiculously enthusiastic, making him force a wince to hide the way he longed to grin at the gesture instead.
"Alright, alright, calm down," he gently pushed you away and you sat back down into your own chair. "I have a few conditions though."
"Sure, fire away!"
"Rule number one: no kisses, nothing happens during the day."
"Of course! That would be frankly disgusting!" you teased him. "I'd never want to kiss you!"
"Hey! No need to turn it like that! Careful, or I'll change my mind!"
You rolled your eyes, but waited for him to go on, counting on his fingers.
"Rule number two: I won't sing or do any kind of performance at the wedding."
"She already has a band and everything, no worries. Besides, my aunt doesn't like your music, so she would never let that happen."
"That... was the second blow to my ego in the span of two minutes..."
"It's big enough, it can take it."
He playfully stuck his tongue out at you, and you replied with an adorable giggle.
"Rule number 3: if some elderly member of your family starts being all mushy about us, we drop the act and reveal the whole thing. This only stands as long as it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings."
"Sounds fair."
"And last but not least," he added, shooting you one of his annoyingly charming cheeky grins, "You can't fall in love with me for real."
You scoffed.
"As if! Don't get over yourself! You might have pretty dimples and a nice voice, but you're not half as charming as you might think."
"So… it's all safe! Deal?"
He offered you his open hand, and you shook it with a grin on your lips.
"Thanks, H. You're a real life-saviour."
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The sound of your cousin's happy shriek was so loud, you had to pull your phone away from your ear. It seemed safer to put it on speaker.
You were back at your place, alone, and had decided to call Cassie to let her know that you would attend her wedding, and would bring Harry along. You were cutting tomatoes to prepare a salad for diner whilst on the phone, the device set on speaker resting upon the counter by your side.
"Hi, Cass! How are you? How is the planning going?"
"It's almost ready! We've just found the flowers and they're perfect! But I wanted to call you actually, you haven't replied yet to the invitation. You're gonna come, right?"
"Of course, I'm coming. That's why I was calling right now. I just..." you cleared your voice before finishing your sentence, your heart rushing as you lied. "I just had to check if my boyfriend was available too, so I could come with him as my plus one. And he can come so..."
Cassie let out another cry full of excitement, interrupting you mid-sentence.
"Your boyfriend!? How come you've never mentioned him before?!"
"Hum... we like our privacy, let's say. But we'll have more time to talk about that at the wedding."
"Of course! We have a whole week to catch up!"
You frowned hard, feeling panic rise into your chest.
What did she mean by that?
"A week?"
"Well, of course! You're coming to the family event, right?"
"The family event?"
"Haven't you received my email?! For the whole week leading to the wedding it's gonna be our closest family members and friends in Scotland! We'll finish getting ready and have lots of fun! I've planned so many activities! You're coming to that, right?"
"Oh dear, I can't wait to see you there! It's been ages! Did you really have to move to the States? I've already asked Amy to get your favourite pastries, I know how much you love those snacks. I can't wait to see you... so, you're arriving on Friday or Saturday then?"
You had to tell her the truth. Had to tell her that you had only asked Harry for one day and not a whole week. He was so busy these days working in the studio, there was no way he could clear a whole week for you being notified only a couple of weeks in advance. A weekend could be done but over a week?!
You heaved a sigh. You would have to spend the week on your own, but at least, the news of a boyfriend coming for the ceremony would ease your family's mind. You could still escape most of their terrible comments about your love life.
"I haven't booked my flight yet. Not sure if I'll arrive Friday or Saturday. I'll keep you updated. My boyfriend will be working though, so he can only come for the weekend of the wedding."
"Oh, of course, I understand. What does he do?"
"Hum... he's in the... music business."
She heaved a sigh.
"Oh, Y/N, please, tell me you didn't fall in love with a penniless drummer again, like you did in high school. Not again, sweetie."
You laughed at the memories, shaking your head.
"He's not a drummer. And he's not penniless either. It's Harry."
"HARRY?! Wait… You mean… HARRY HARRY?!"
"I don't even know anyone else called Harry," you laughed. "Yes, Harry Styles, from Holmes Chapel."
"I thought the two of you were just friends."
"Hmm… We… decided to give it a try."
"Wow… Oh. My. God… wait until your mum finds out. Have you told her yet?"
"No, not yet."
"She's gonna freak out."
"Why would she? She knows him! She likes him."
"As your friend, sure! As your boyfriend… Your dad will chop his head off."
"Yeah… I'm a bit worried about my dad."
"You'll have to tell me everything about it, but I have to run now... There is apparently an emergency with the napkins."
"Good luck with that. See you!"
"See you!"
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"Hmm... H?"
"Hmm?" He looked up at you from the cup of tea he held in his hands, his long fingers encircling the porcelain to warm his hands.
It was a little chilly, or as chilly as an evening in early autumn could be in LA, at least. You were enjoying a quiet evening with him, spent in his garden. You sat in the grass, with stars and torchlights shedding just enough light for the two of you to keep on playing scrabble. You had stolen his multicolour cardigan when the sun had set and the breeze had turned colder. Harry wore one of his Treat People with Kindness sweaters.
In the distance, a siren rang and then passed Harry's neighbourhood. You could hear muffled laughter coming from children playing in a garden nearby.
It was quiet still, the whisper of the busy city shushed for the most part. Time seemed a little slower now, an effect of the night and the lack of constant busy flow of people around you.
"About my cousin's wedding I told you about the other day... have you booked your flight yet?"
He shook his head, blowing upon his too-warm beverage.
"I figured we should book the same flight," he answered.
"Oh no! I'll be going a week early."
"I thought you were only staying for the weekend," Harry frowned before taking a sip of warm tea.
You could have walked back inside to finish your game now that the weather was cooler. But it was such a precious moment you were sharing that you were too scared to break your bubble if you did move.
After all, evenings spent alone with Harry were too rare to be wasted away.
You didn't blame only his busy schedule and his numerous friends though, you were a busy bee yourself. Entering your last year of PhD and getting ready to write your thesis to become a doctor as an history major was a lot of work. You also had friends of your own that you enjoyed spending time with, and if Harry sometimes joined you at a bar, it just wasn't the same as spending time with only him.
So, you didn't ask him if you could move in the house when you shivered as the wind blew with more strength. Instead, you enjoyed the way his hands moved across the board as he placed his letters to form a new word, his fingers bare, for once not wearing any piece of jewellery.
"No, my cousin is actually inviting the close family a week in advance to spend a few days with us. She has apparently prepared tons of activities and stuff."
"Oh... shouldn't I go to that too, then? As your plus one?"
But you shook your head, a little embarrassed.
"No, I told her you might not be able to attend that but you would be here for the actual wedding. It's alright. You have enough work as it is."
"You're telling me that you're gonna get a whole week alone with your entire family?"
"Only the close circle but... yeah. It's alright though... they're not that bad. Just annoying with the whole 'being single and soon 30' thing."
Harry groaned.
"We're only 26, don't make me older than I am, I don't need a reminder."
He seemed lost in thought for a moment, before he would ask another question.
"Won't they bother you for that week if you go alone?"
"I guess... they're probably gonna pretend like I'm not actually bringing anyone, criticize you a lot for not coming for the whole week, especially as you're a musician and they consider that you don't have a real job..."
"For their defence… I don't have a real job."
You rolled your eyes at him but couldn't refrain a smile.
"Anyway... as long as you come to the actual ceremony, I should be fine."
"Nah... that sounds horrid. I'll come with you to the whole thing."
"It's alright! It doesn't bother me at all! Besides, I haven't seen your mum in a long time..."
His eyes grew round all of a sudden.
"Wait... we're gonna have to lie to your mum..."
"And to my dad."
His worried expression turned into one of fear.
"Oh fuck... your dad is going to kill me."
You laughed at him, but it was hard to hide your own fear at the idea of the two of you facing your father.
"Of course not! He likes you!"
"Likes me? Have you forgotten the closed-door incident that summer when we were 14? Cause I haven't... I thought he was going to strangle me or something..."
"We're not 14 anymore."
"Yeah, but we're going to tell him that I am really fucking his daughter this time. It's much worse..."
You couldn't refrain a bright wave of laughter, despite the genuine fear in Harry's eyes.
"It's not funny!"
"It is. It is kind of funny. Don't worry, he won't hurt you. You know my dad, lots of barking but no actual biting."
"What about when we mysteriously break up right after the wedding?"
"We'll just wait a few weeks before I break the news to them. I can even pretend that I'm the one who called it quits, if you'd like."
"I better hope so! Or I'm going to earn a good old sermon from my mum."
"Anne can be terrifying at times."
"That's because she's the sweetest the rest of the time. It's too rare, we can't get used seeing her angry at us."
"Hmm... I agree."
There was a short moment of silence while you played, placing letters on the board too and counting your points.
"So... when is your flight?"
"Friday in two weeks."
"Alright, I'd better check if there's some room left for me too then."
"Harry... you really don't have to do that..."
"I said I'd be your plus one for the event, and I will. It's alright. I'll come to the whole thing. But know that if your father ends up beating the shit out of me, you'll be the one responsible! If you weren't a broke student, I'd make you pay for my hospital bills too, but I'm not that cruel. The weight of my suffering and broken bones on your conscience will have to be enough."
You laughed, and he soon joined you, enjoying the way your happy features made crinkles appear at the corner of your eyes.
"Poor chuckaboo..."
"Oi! Don't start with that, lambkin!"
"Why not? You've been teasing me with that stupid nickname since we were 12, I can tease you with your own too!"
"Actually, they're pet names, not nicknames. Terms of endearment."
"Oh, sorry, Mr. Dictionary."
"Well, I guess I should have the title, as I am properly kicking your pretty arse at scrabble right now, lambkin."
"Considering that my boxing skills are far superior to yours and that I could actually kick your pretty arse if I wanted to, I would tune the narcissist down a little bit, chuckaboo."
"You've always been a terrible loser."
"You're even worse than I am!"
"How could you know? I always win against you."
You threw a few letters at him in response, making him giggle in the most adorable way.
And as he struggled to calm down and stop his snickering, you reckoned that you truly were lucky to have a best friend like him.
And if he wanted to come with you to Scotland then... how could you say no? After all, you did need all the help you could get to survive this week with all your relatives.
After all, Harry would be there, pretending to be your boyfriend. What could possibly go wrong?
Taglist : @emcchi @fishstick-knows @eldahae​
@ponycake27​​​​​ @horsesreign​​​​​ @xinyourdreamsx​​​​​ @jbluevelvet​​​​@notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss​​​​ @stuckupstucky​​​​​@snek-shit​​​​​ @suchatinyinfinity​​​​​@i-padfootblack-things​  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi​​​​​​@jigsawlover10​​​​​ @emyyjemyy​​​​ @addictedtofictionalcharacters​​​​​​ @staringmoony​​​​​​@madamrogers​ @cronias13​ @stylesfics-xx​ @mellamolayla​ @mariaenchanted​
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kuroppiii · 4 years
sugawara taking you to an amusement park? hc or oneshot maybe
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    100 miles per hour ᵕ̈          sugawara kōshi x gn reader ˎˊ˗
⋮⋮ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ⿻ : every moment with kōshi  ⋮⋮  makes your heart go 100 miles per hour .
📋 content        ♡ # 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 🐮        ♡ # 𝘧𝘪𝘤 🥛        ♡ # 𝘦𝘴𝘵. 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱         ♡ # 4.8𝘬 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴
🧸 directory  ‹ ✩  like what you read ? check out more of my blog !  •ᴗ•
💬 kuroppiii ─ “ i decided to write it as a oneshot ! ah hah hah this took a while but we ’re not going to talk about that .. ”
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    kōshi glanced down to where your hands were interlocked. bright orange bands were wrapped around your wrists and the sight of them shot excitement through his system. ever since you two planned to have an entire day enjoying fun rides together, he was looking forward to it nonstop. walking to and from school, passing trains morphed into rollercoasters and the distant sound of neighborhood children playing around turned into the joyful noises of a carousel. after all the days of waiting, he almost couldn’t believe it was finally the day.
    suddenly he was strongly tugged forward, which snapped him out of reminiscing and forced him to quickly regain his balance. he refocused his gaze from the wristbands up to where you were in front of him. in the current moment there were no textbooks, no exams, no classmates–just each other. your own excitement was almost surging off of you and it enticed him to blindly follow your lead. he was only able to see the back of your head as you led him through the crowds of the park, but he could clearly picture the cute smile that was definitely on your face–the smile he was absolutely head-over-heels for.
    “ah!” he panics, suddenly realizing the direction you two were going in was the wrong one, “w-wait! y/n, the ferris wheel is this way–”
    kōshi can’t help but laugh at your eagerness and he points in the opposite direction behind him. the sound of his laugh immediately makes you stop and you turn around, slightly confused. kōshi’s laugh was almost like a spell that never failed to put you under a trance. it’s addictive, it’s lovely, and it’s contagious. you end up finding yourself joining him, laughing at your small mistake too. it’s so strange, you think in the back of your mind, the effect he has over you.
    but then without a moment’s waste you start running in the new direction, bringing you along behind him, of course. you can see it in the distance, the big wheel with its colorful seats against the blue sky, and your anticipation is barely even containable. kōshi understands your persistence, he feels it too, but of course his responsible side jumps out after you almost ran right into a stranger. 
    once you quickly apologize to the individual and they leave insisting ‘it’s alright’, you feel a pull at your hand. before you know it, your back hits against kōshi’s chest. you feel his arms wrap around you and heat starts rising to your face. your first instinct is to check if the crowds of people passing by are staring at the two of you, but when they continue moving along to their own amusement park whereabouts, you realize you’re alone on this one. You look up at kōshi and... he’s giggling.
    “kōshi! What are you doing? The line might get too long!” you complain. you make up your concern about the line to hide the fact he’s still making you flustered, even after the many months you have been dating. before your face can grow too pink, you try twisting your way out of his arms but he only laughs more, hugging tighter.
    “i know you’re excited sweetheart, but if you waste all your energy now you’ll end up falling asleep on me too soon. then it’ll just turn into a waste of our money, right?” he said.
    thinking about it, he had a point–but you can’t help but be excited! you haven’t been to this big of an amusement park in a while, you two took time to plan for it, and (little did you know) similarly to kōshi, you haven’t been able to keep it off your mind since you planned it. but you also knew better, and that if you didn’t calm yourself down at least a little bit, kōshi had the patience to stand there with you in his arms and wait for you to ease up. so you stopped squirming with a sigh. you took a moment to breathe before smiling up at him once again.
    “are we going to be careful and not to run into other people now?”
    “okay, good!” he finally sets you free and he rejoins your hands together like they were before.
    you two made your way to the ferris wheel holding hands but this time walking side-by-side. he happily listened to you as you rambled on about all the things you were excited to do together throughout the rest of the day until you reached the ferris wheel line. thankfully, the line wasn’t long after all. as you approached the front of the line, kōshi slinged an arm around your shoulders.
    “i hope we get an orange seat,” he says beside you. you chuckle as his head is tilted back, admiring the grand scale of the ride standing in front of you.
    “how school spirited,” you tease. he turns his face to yours feigning offense, and his arm tightens around you.
    “of course!” he dramatically gasps, catching onto your playful tone.
    you both break out into giggles before he looks back at the turning wheel in anticipation. your eyes drift to the ground, a smile still remnant on your lips. what a dork, you think to yourself. but you can’t deny you love him for that silly side, or that it makes your heart race at the thought you’re special enough in his eyes to see that part of him as often as you did. just thinking about it, you were worried he could hear the beating in your chest with it feeling so loud, and with him being so close.
    “green?” kōshi sighs now that you two are at the front of the line. the vibrant green seat waits in front of you, still swaying a little due to the wheel’s abrupt stop, “i’m starting to think i want my money back already.”
    you couldn’t help but scoff, “stop whining you big baby.”
    “your big baby?”
    “i don’t mind taking the next seat, kōshi.”
    “okay, okay!” he surrenders and you two share a laugh. he tugs you gently using the arm he has around you, and the simple gesture sets loose butterflies in your stomach. his laugh lingers in your mind as you two sit down and a worker slings the safety belt across your laps. as kōshi’s voice bounces around your brain, you truly can’t believe this boy just lives in your head rent free all the time. how unforgivable.
    the wheel starts to rotate again, periodically stopping to accommodate new passengers. once you two are both out of sight from the park-goers underneath you, kōshi slips his arm around your waist. he couldn’t help it, he always needs you close, almost like your touch is his lifeline. 
    you both look around in comfortable silence at the shops and rides and people slowly shrinking as your shared seat soars further up. your mind drifts to the conversation during the planning stage of this date, where it was agreed you both were going to take a round on the ferris wheel first, to evaluate which rides you wanted to spend the day on from a bird’s eye view.
    “but don’t dates usually end on the ferris wheel? so I can kiss you at the top and be all romantic like that?” you asked. you were only half-joking about the latter end of your remark.
    “exactly, but that’s why we should go while it’s still bright outside,” kōshi explained, “it won’t be very enjoyable if all the seats are filled with kissing couples. i wouldn’t even be able to see your pretty face in the dark, either!”
    “well aren’t you just such the smooth-talker, lover-boy?”
    when the memory ends, you look ahead to see you’re almost at the top of the wheel. you can almost see the whole park clearly, but the people in the seat in front of you are blocking the way.
    “do you see anything you want to go on yet?” kōshi asks you, and you can hear the screams from a nearby dropper ride as you face him.
    “not yet,” you huff, “i can’t see past the people in front of us... you know, i just realized we could’ve picked up a map at the entrance like normal people.”
    “i know...” he admits, “but I think this is cuter. it’s like going in blindly– it’s like a surprise, y/n! isn't that exciting?”
    you roll your eyes while he turns to look out on his side of the seat and points, “see, there’s this log flume ride I saw over there. do you think you’ll like that?”
    when he leans back to let you have a better view of the attraction, the seat starts to rock. Instinctively you grab onto him, “kōshi!”
    “a-ah, sorry sweetheart!” 
    he looks down at you, and you look up at him. your eyes look panicked, and, feeling a little bad, he runs a hand up and down your arm to try and soothe you, “did I scare you?–”
    “–are you alright?”
     No, you think, I am not “alright”, not when you’re looking at me like that, kōshi–
    “yeah. yeah, i’m... fine.”
     you lied. Because of course you can’t say what you just thought out loud. but it was only a little lie, you reason with yourself. you feel the seat jerk, and the sky is shifting behind kōshi. he breaks out of his concerned gaze as he points out, “hey, we’re reaching the top now!”
     redirecting your attention forward, the people in front of you move down. slowly, a panoramic view of the entire park is revealed to the both of you. a subtle gasp escaped your lips as you straightened in your seat to admire the picturesque sight. kōshi feels his heart swell at your adorableness as he admires the side of your amazed face. it’s only the beginning of your date yet he can see you’re already so happy, and that makes him happy. he doesn’t think when he leans in and kisses your smiling cheek. however, he doesn’t immediately pull back, he keeps his head in place. he begins to speak, and you let yourself lean into the hum of his voice.
    “like what you see? hm, cutie?” he asks, yet knowing the answer perfectly well solely by the look on your face. you can feel him smile wide against your skin when you excitedly nod your head. you feel like you’re going to have a heart attack.
    a flash of purple catches the your eye and you quickly tap kōshi’s shoulder, “oooh kōshi, look! can we go on that one?”
    “which one, sweetheart?” he lifts his head to try and spot what you were pointing at.
    “the rollercoaster with the double loop! can we, please?” you ask with pleading eyes.
    “of course we can!” he replies, bringing you closer to him on the seat happily.
     you spend the rest of the way down pointing at other roller coasters and attractions you could still catch glimpses of, all followed by “let’s go on that one”’s and “that looks fun”’s. not until you were off the ferris wheel and heading towards the purple roller coaster you first agreed on riding, did you realize:
    “wait– kōshi! you stole my move!” you gasp, “you planned that, didn’t you?”
     still holding onto your hand, kōshi gives you a puzzled look, “...what move?”
    “kissing at the top of the ferris wheel!”
     after realizing you were right, he just laughs before tugging your sulky self along to the next ride.
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    “that was awesome! i felt like I was going to faint!” you gush while you and kōshi stumble out onto the amusement park path.
    “i think that was my favorite, and that’s only been the first one we’ve been on!” he says in agreement. while he lists his favorite parts of the ride, your eyes drift up to notice how messily his grey hair is sticking up in all sorts of directions.
   you giggle, “kōshi, your hair!”
    “my hair?” he asks back, self-consciously trying to press the mess down. he doesn’t have a mirror to go by so he ends up missing all the messy spots of interest. you shake your head as your hands reach up to smooth out the soft strands yourself. but to your surprise, he then reaches out to do the same thing to you.
    “did you think yours isn't any worse?” 
    you both giggle like children as you get each other’s hair under control. you take notice to how intensely your heart was beating by the time you both pull away and kōshi grips your hand in his. 
    “let’s go on another one!” he quickly says.
     you jump a little where you stand, “you know it!”
    as kōshi leads you to a blue roller coaster nearby, you feel like fainting all over again.
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     after four roller coasters, two rounds on a dropper, and feeling damp from a run-through of the log flume, both you and kōshi were starting to feel hungry. you bring this up to kōshi and checking the time, he’s shocked he was so late to getting you two lunch.
    “it’s okay, kōshi, really! i was having so much fun with you, i didn’t even notice. plus, we’re here getting food, that’s all that matters to me right now!” you insisted while you stood in the line for fries.
    “but I can’t believe i almost starved my baby!” he hugged you and apologetically placed a kiss on your forehead, “i’m sorry, please forgive me–”
    once again, you worry that people will notice you two being affectionate. but then you are reminded that everyone’s still occupied with their own amusement park whereabouts, giving you no excuse to try and escape kōshi’s cute antics.
   you sigh, “i’ve already forgiven you three times while in this line alone, kōshi–”
    eventually, you each retrieved your sodas and fries, picking up bags of fluffy blue and pink cotton candy a few stalls down. kōshi takes it upon himself to hold both of the bags while you still finish your fries and drinks. as you walk and eat you look around and notice how it’s getting darker. you feel a bit sad as it dawns on you that you and kōshi’s date was coming to an end. you can’t help but wonder if you could’ve done more, or if you could’ve tried out other attractions. did kōshi enjoy it as much as you did? did the date meet up to his expectations?–
   you hadn’t even noticed you spaced off until you’re snapped out of it by a french fry poking at the side of your mouth.
    “k-kōshi? What are you doing?” you question, jerking back to shift your gaze back and forth between your boyfriend’s face and the fry he had extended out to you.
    “you looked a bit out of it, and you weren’t eating your fries so... i wanted to feed you! i cannot have my baby starving!” he firmly vows. on the outside, you pretend you can’t take his lovey-dovey remark. on the inside, you’re questioning what you must’ve done in your past life to be able to score such a sweet boy in this one. he goes to move the fry again and this time you accept it. it’s the same exact kind of fries you had in your own cup, but it just felt better knowing it was shared from kōshi. you are so very whipped, you concluded, feeling a blush creep onto your face much to your dismay.
    you reach into your own cup and grab a fry, bringing it up in front of his face. he’s taken aback for a moment, not expecting you to return the favor, but soon enough he accepts your fry as well. the edges of his eyes crinkle as he smiles while he chews. curse you kōshi, for being so cute, you think.
    discarding the empty cups when passing by a trashcan, kōshi hands you your bag of cotton candy and you both excitedly rip your bags at the same time. plucking a tuft of the spun sugar in your fingertips, you place it on your tongue and feel it sweetly dissolve. this action repeats until there is no longer any cotton candy, and the bag clings to your hands as you try and shake it off into a trash can.
    “my hands are sticky,” you mumble to yourself. 
    “well then here’s a wipe,” kōshi imitates your whining with a chuckle, pulling out two packet from his pants pocket–one for you and one for himself. 
   lightly glaring at his imitation of you, you stubbornly accept the wipe, “why do you have to be so prepared all the time?”
    kōshi only smiles down at you as he uses his wipe, watching you rubbing away the melted sugar on your hands with a cute pout on your lips in concentration. the sight tugged a fond smile at the edges of his mouth and he can’t stop himself from bending down and touching your lips with his.
    your body froze at the sudden action, but soon you relaxed into his warmth. it was a simple way he had always shown his affection to you, but it can’t seem to ever get old. he held the kiss there for a while longer, before finally pulling away. feeling the absence of touch on your lips, you find yourself slightly leaning forward as he leans back, chasing after him. you eventually need to shake yourself out of your own daze to playfully nudge at kōshi’s side.
   “what was that for?” you softly tease, still clutching your used wipe even though there was trashcan right beside you. it was the only thing grounding you and keeping you from freaking out.
    “you looked too cute, i couldn’t help it–” he stops to lick at his lips, “–and you taste sweet, by the way.”
    kōshi bursts out laughing and half-heartedly tries to shush you from making too big of a scene among the other park-goers. like always, he manages to calm you down, but that doesn’t mean your face is any less flushed. with the wipes now discarded your hands meet each other like a natural instinct and you start to absent-mindedly stroll around the park.
   “are you still in the mood for a ride?” kōshi asks you.
   “yeah,” you nod, “what did you have in mind?”
    it seems he hadn’t thought it through that far yet because you see him glancing around the area now that you’ve asked. currently, you were both in the children’s area, filled with small and easy-going attractions. kōshi stifles a laugh beside you.
   “how do you feel about the spinning teacups ride over there?”
    you scoff, “we just ate, are you trying to get me to throw up?”
    this time he actually laughs, “am not! hmm... well, what about bumper c–”
   “don’t even finish that question, sugawara,” you cut him short, jokingly using his last name, “you really want to see me ruin this lovely date we’re on, don’t you?”
   “fine, then pick out something you like, sweetheart. anything is fine with me!”
    He pulls you closer to his side by your waist as you continue to walk and leaves loving kisses on the top of your head while he waits for you to spot a ride that peaks your interest.
   “you suddenly can’t get all sappy on me like this after you just tried to sabotage our date!” you complain through giggles, trying to push him away but only resulting in him hugging you closer to him. in the process, your eyes lay on a nearby blur of colors and flashing lights. you take a moment to pause your attempts of fighting back so your eyes can adjust. they focus in and you’re met with a carousel. kōshi is still in the process of trying to smother you, but you can clearly see and hear the happy children that disappear and re-appear to the cutesy jingle emitting from the ride while the horses rotate around the circular platform.
   “kōshi, let’s go on that.” he immediately stops and glances over his shoulder to where you were staring.
   “the carousel?” he asks and you nod excitedly. he smiles, recalling how often he was thinking about the exact same ride before your date, “you’re too cute.”
  “yeah, yeah– c’mon, let’s get in line!” you wave off his cheesy remark before dragging him to the ride’s outer gates.
   after not too long of a wait, the worker checks your orange wristbands at the front of the line and you’re let in.
  “do you want a seat, or a horse?” kōshi asks as you walk along the platform. 
  “is that even a question? let’s get horses!” you say. kōshi happily obliges and follows you onto the platform once you find a horse you like. 
    he steps onto the platform first, extending a hand out to help you up with him. taking his hand, you felt similar to the dozens of little kids around you doing the same with their parents or guardians. it was a silly situation you two were in, third year high schoolers taking a round on a carousel meant for children. but as kōshi holds onto your sides and guides you onto the fake horse before getting on the other next to you, it doesn’t seem to matter at all.
    “my horse is cooler than yours,” you tease, pretending to pet it’s fake blue mane.
    kōshi laughs, “hey! that’s no way to thank the person who helped you onto it in the first place, is it?”
    “not when mine is exceptionally better than yours. it’s even got a cute little tiara! you can’t tell me that’s not cool, kōshi.”
    “yeah? well mine has golden reigns. it doesn’t need to be ‘cool’ when it’s classy–” kōshi is interrupted by the ride’s buzzer suddenly blaring. you both stopped your little argument when you felt the gears of the ride shift, and the area around you began moving slowly. the chime you heard earlier was more detailed, and the lights were brighter now that they were right in front of your eyes. 
  you looked beside you to see kōshi. the different colors danced over him, and the lights reflected in his eyes and made them twinkle. his hair was lightly being pushed back by the rushing wind passing by you on the ride. your horses feigned “galloping” as they were risen up and down, but you found your gaze following kōshi’s face whether you had to tilt your head up and down. you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. he was stunning.
  his hand comes off of the pole that connected his horse with the carousel’s gears overhead. eyes glancing somewhere in front of the two of you, his hand waves. you already knew it was some kid in front of you, kōshi always loved kids. it was one of the reasons you felt so soft for him.
  he suddenly turns to look at you, catching you staring. it feels like your heart is about to shut down. you can see his pretty eyes widen in surprise for a short second, before he flashes you a smile, because words aren’t needed in the moment. they say eye’s can say a thousand words, so does that mean he was able to read the words in yours? ones of adoration, of love.
  “i think i might love him a little too much,” you think to yourself. but before you can realize you had said that thought out loud, in a voice barely audible for kōshi to catch onto, he raises a brow.
  “‘him’? y/n, who’s this ‘him’?” he asks with a nervous chuckle. his question is lighthearted but you can hear its undertone of concern, which pulls at your heartstrings.
  “it’s you! i– um–” you felt your body warm up, stammering over your words like a little kid, like the ones who were enjoying the ride around you. dear god this boy is making you malfunction. “i was just thinking... about you– i didn’t mean– did I say that–?”
  kōshi laughs, cutting you off of your worried rambling, “you did, out loud. but, i’m glad you weren’t talking about someone else! i was almost worried for a second there, y/n!”
  a bashful and lopsided smile is all you can muster as you feel the ride slow down to a gradual stop. you can hear the buzzer, signaling it was safe to leave the carousel for the next group of people in line. you sigh and suddenly you can breathe again, slumping down slightly to catch your breath and calm down your heartbeat.
 then you feel two hands lightly grip your sides and discover kōshi is trying to help you off the fake horse. the simple gesture steals your breath away yet again.
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    the amusement park is much darker now. to compensate, every ride sparkled with flashy lights, inviting visitors in even if some of them were tired at the current hour. cutesy lampposts actually served their function, even when during the daytime they come off as nothing but environmental pieces. there’s a breeze coming in through the pathways that tickles at your exposed skin.
    kōshi’s hand, however, seems to warm up your entire body from simply just holding your hand. he swings it gently between the two of you while the amusement park’s exit is waiting for you... wherever it is. thanks to the lack of the amusement park’s map, you’ve been aimlessly looking for the exit for a while.
    you weren’t completely complaining, since this just meant your little date would be extended a tad bit longer, and kōshi was still by your side, which is something you’d never complain about. admittedly, your steps did feel heavier as you went on, following by kōshi’s lead (which was a total reverse of how your date had begun). it became more and more difficult to keep your eyelids open and to keep up with him. 
    “another dead end, huh?” kōshi muttered under his breath. when he looks back at you, you can make out his knitted brows in the dim lighting of a nearby restroom. this is before your eyes involuntarily start fluttering in an effort to stay awake, that is. noticing this, kōshi takes a step closer to you and cups your cheek with an apologetic look.
    “tired?” he asks you. when you can barely nod your head as an answer, he steps in front of you and ducks down, “go ahead, hop on sweetheart.”
    you hesitate for a moment, a voice somehow still conscious in the back of your mind worrying that by continuing you might tire out kōshi even more from carrying you around. but before you can mingle together a string of words to protest, you catch a glimpse of kōshi’s face. it’s so comforting–inviting, even.
    sighing, you give in and climb onto his back. you wrap your arms around him loosely and you rest your head on his shoulder. his arms automatically hook under your legs and he straightens, feeling you relaxing against him. the warmth you two give each other makes your hearts flutter and you’re thankful what was missing before in the chilly night has been found.
    soon, kōshi starts walking again, seemingly carrying you with ease as he hums an innocent tune. in this moment you remember how dedicated he is to karasuno’s volleyball club, and you start to take notice of his athletic physique against you. you can feel yourself start to blush through the haze of your fatigue. 
    were kōshi’s back muscles always this firm? is he using a different cologne? did he always smell this good? why is your boyfriend so perfect? how dare he look and smell and treat you so perfect?
    these thoughts were interrupted by a soft yawn that escaped you, and you find yourself nuzzling your face into kōshi’s neck. you hope this conveys how grateful you are for him after your sudden realizations since words that are promising enough to be spoken aren’t willing to formulate in your brain, even if he wasn’t aware you were currently thinking these things in the first place.
    kōshi turns his head and places a kiss again your temple while your eyes finally remain closed. he glances down, seeing your orange wristbands were now scrunched up, and the brightness of their pigment had been rubbed off, leaving patchy white blotches that passing lampposts painted to be a calm yellow.
   “i love you, y/n.”
   and finally, for the first time that day, your heart remained calm at the love kōshi gave you, beating steadily as your breathing evened out and you were lulled to sleep by his voice alone.
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liquorisce · 4 years
... tell me i’m beautiful?
pairing: royai, roy mustang x riza hawkeye
fandom: Full Metal Alchemist (Brotherhood/Manga)
summary: on some nights Riza is delicate. and Roy is possessive. (warning: unhealthy amounts of pining.) (also havoc is a good friend) 3677 words.
a/n: i saw on my tumblr feed that it’s fma day (3.10) (the day when the greatest angst of our generation was born), and i was hit with major feels for full metal alchemist. it truly is one of the greatest stories of our generation. anyway, here is some old royai from my wip notes that i had to dust the cobwebs off of (that my anxious ass never had the balls to post). my writing style has changed over the years, but my heart is still so full for these two, so it was fun to rewrite.
The buzz around the Eastern Headquarters is that one of the Top ranks is getting hitched and that it’s going to be a fancy affair, traditional with a masquerade ball.
When Roy sees an invite in his post, he’s rather surprised. But the wedding is in Central and it’s an excuse to see his best friend, so it doesn’t seem so bad after all.
“Lieutenant,” he asks, just as she is about to leave for the day, “what’s all this I hear about a ball at the General’s wedding?”
“It seems we must be accompanied with a date, Sir. You received the invitation four weeks ago.” He detects some annoyance in her words, but he lets it pass, because his brain has begun to imagine Hawkeye in a dress, especially one of those grand, frilly ones.
“Then you will accompany me.”
It was acceptable, the way he states it like it’s the obvious course of action, because he is her superior after all. But it also ticks her off, that he expects it, without even bothering to ask. She may be his subordinate but there are times when she wishes he would just see her as a woman.
“That won’t be possible, Sir.”
She is just as shocked with her own coldness as he is, his eyebrows twitching in question.
“I’m afraid I’ve already promised Havoc I would go as his date.”
His eyes narrow and she sees a flicker of emotion awash in the dark of his eyes and she almost feels as if she’s done something wrong.
But she hasn’t, and she will not apologise. She clenches her fist. 
“Ah,” he drawls, not missing a beat, “have you decided what to wear yet?”
That wasn’t the question she was expecting and it throws her off balance.
“I,” she pauses for a moment, to regain her composure, “I haven’t thought about it yet.”
She doesn’t want to engage in his banter anymore, because there are feelings involved - mostly hers, and they are irrational, she thinks - and expectations, expectations that have no basis but are yet difficult to do away with. So she hastens to the door.
He’s quiet for a minute, but because he can’t help himself, he murmurs, “… You should wear green. It suits you." 
She ends up wearing a dress, it’s slinky, tighter than the clothes she’s used to, slipping past her knees. Somehow she finds herself in heels, black strapped ones she’s borrowed from a friend that she clearly cannot walk in. It lacks the comfort of her boots but she deals with it, because apparently this is the price that comes along with looking pretty. 
The dress is borrowed too, but she doesn’t miss the fact that out of all the dresses Rebecca paraded as options, she reached for the dark green one. … Apparently it suited her. 
At least that is what she is assured of when Havoc comes to pick her up, his eyes popping in surprise when he sees her. 
"Wow,” he let’s out a loose whistle, “you clean up real good, don’t you?" 
She blushes and it’s another rare sight. "The Hawkeye blushing?” He teases, “I’ve got to be dreaming." 
They make their way to the wedding and Havoc dives headfirst to the bar. She isn’t surprised. She looks around, her eyes seeking whom she had stubbornly decided not to care about and she sees him with a woman - obviously - hanging onto his every word. 
An officer of sorts, she guesses, but not from their division, because Roy has unleashed his charm, his eyes twinkling flirtatiously. 
She averts her eyes to the bar and to her date, who despite his melancholy has ordered an extra drink for her, a cocktail which he swears is the best he’s ever had. The thought of alcohol seems far more appealing than watching her superior with yet another woman.
"Did you want to dance, Lieutenant?" 
She’s a few drinks down, he’s had even more and his words are beginning to slur. 
"I’m sorry,” he says and he sounds genuinely remorseful. “I just… I can’t get her out of my head." 
She pats his head comfortingly and he slumps a little on the counter. "You loved her that much?" 
He nods gloomily and Riza pretends to ignore the glisten of his eyes. Havoc’s eyes rest on the newly married couple, a little envious of the ingenuity of their smiles. 
"You know, I actually thought we would make it there." 
He doesn’t have to say it but Riza knows he’s talking about the altar, of dreams of marriage that he harboured for his ex-girlfriend. He was painful to watch these past few weeks, ever since Rebecca ended things with him, and when he asked her to the wedding, she couldn’t help but agree. 
Besides, she had made sure Roy had seen the invitation days ago and if he hadn’t asked her by then, it was quite likely he never would. 
"I’m sure you’ll find someone else,” she says comfortingly. “Even we soldiers are allowed to be happy eventually.” She isn’t sure she believes it, but for someone as pure as Havoc, surely fate can be kinder.
He tries his best to put on a smile, nodding with the optimism in her words. “Well hopefully I find happiness before my hair turns grey,” he jokes, making her giggle. 
It feels nice, letting her hair down with a friend, even though she would rather let her hair and a lot of other things down with a certain someone else, but she tries not to think of it. 
When she turns, the smile is wiped clean off her face, because her gaze catches the eyes of that same someone else, eyes dark as night, hair even darker, swept back to show off the handsome angles of his face. He is with someone else, a pretty brunette with her back bare and his hand splayed on it, and they are moving to the music but his eyes are on her, intense, questioning… reprimanding her almost. 
For what? She thinks heatedly, he has no right to look at her like that, like he’s displeased with her, when she cannot even express just how unhappy she is with him. 
“But seriously, Lieutenant,” Havoc says, hesitating for a moment, but choosing honesty, “you look amazing tonight. I must be the envy of every man in here." 
She lets herself bask in his appreciative gaze and her cheeks heat up. "You really think so?" 
He nods, smiling at her. "You sound surprised. A woman like you must be used to such compliments, isn’t it?”
She laughs ruefully. Compliments? She couldn’t remember the last time a man had ever called her pretty. At least not since she entered the military. “You’re the first, Havoc." 
His mouth almost gaped open in surprise. 
She went on, her frustration further driven by the alcohol in her blood. "No one’s ever even asked me out,” she says, helplessly. “Sure, there had been a few men who seemed interested, but even they never tried to take things further." 
The Lieutenant didn’t date, everyone knew that. But listening to her open up about it, doubting herself, he felt for her. 
Because he was one of those men too, a long, long time ago. 
He remembers when he first joined the unit, newly assigned to Eastern, full of smiles. 
The place really was swarming with beautiful women, just as he had heard. He figured he would get on here just fine. 
And when he first entered the office of the Major Roy Mustang whom he was assigned to, he thought his heart was going to stop. 
He had never seen anyone like her, young, strong, leaning over the table and giving the Major a piece of her mind. She scolded him like she had the authority to, and he listened, even though there was a formal apology attached to her rant in the end. 
He was stunned, unable to do anything but watch when she turned around and stalked out of the room, because the view from the front was even better than behind, a round heart-shaped face framed in short blonde hair, deep brown eyes and a body that would make anyone’s thoughts stain the darkest shade of impurity. 
Life, of course, had very different plans for them, even though they got closer, just like he wished. One afternoon, Rebecca walked into the office and threw her arms around Riza, and Havoc soon learnt that love was far more nuanced than admiration at first sight.
"At first I thought it was the uniform,” she confesses, “I thought maybe I was just scaring the men away." 
You have no idea, he thinks, sighing. Riza Hawkeye was made of fire, and it turned men on even if they were afraid of being burnt by it.
"But my friend Jessica had absolutely no problem when it came to this sort of thing." 
She casts her eyes lower, twirling the remnants of her whiskey. "Maybe there’s just something wrong with me." 
Her lips lift up in a sardonic grin. "I’m a pretty pathetic Lieutenant, huh?” She rests her forehead against the counter. “I can’t believe I’m here at a wedding, crying over men.” Sighing, she murmurs, “I suppose these feelings are par for course when you have couples dancing all around you." 
He rests his hand over the back of her head, ruffling the softness of her locks. "It isn’t pathetic,” he murmurs comfortingly, “You’re only human, after all. We’re all just idiots who want nothing more than to be loved." 
He leaves out the part where he willingly offers himself up for the job, spurred a little by his already broken heart and embers of a decade-old attraction that never went away. He could make her feel special, take her out on all the dates she feels she missed out on, tell her she’s beautiful till she never doubts it ever again. It would be a selfish distraction, but Havoc is a romantic, and maybe, just maybe, it would lead them down a different path to happiness.
But he remembers what made him give up that mission in the first place, all those years ago, cold, blazing eyes that delivered a threat far worse than his words. 
"There will be no fraternisation within this unit,” he had stated calmly before even Havoc had gotten a chance to admit to it himself. “If I find out you’ve laid a hand on her, I will have you transferred out of Eastern before you know it." 
Back then he didn’t know if Major Roy Mustang even had that sort of power. But something else told him that if he didn’t listen it would be his burnt corpse they would be carrying out of Eastern. 
Even now Havoc knows it’s useless, that he cannot even comfort her the way he really wants to, because he knows his eyes are here, they don’t leave her, always watching from the corner, staking claim. 
"Thanks Havoc,” she says, trying for warm but still sounding miserable, lacing her fingers with his for a brief second in appreciation of his effort to make her feel better.
He sighs. “Would you mind if I went outside for a smoke?” They didn’t allow smoking in the ballroom, and his cravings had kicked in three drinks ago. 
“Sure,” she says, “I’ll come with you." 
He looks surprised because the Lieutenant has never approved of his smoking, but he thinks maybe she would prefer it to her own company tonight. 
But when she tries to stand it’s like the blood has drained from her head, and she falters. Gingerly, she rubs a hand to her forehead.
"On second thought, I think I’ll stay here.” She gets back onto her seat, “I’ve had too much to drink." 
"Will you be alright?” He asks, and it is more out of courtesy than anything else because he knows that if she isn’t, he will be by her side in seconds to take care of her. 
She assures him she’s fine, that a drink of water will make everything better, even though fine is far from what she feels. Having let out her feelings, she doesn’t feel the light headedness that most claim, just empty and dejected because it is more than just never being told she’s pretty or going out on dates. If only her sorrows were as commonplace as wishing for love. If only she didn’t desire a very specific love. A love she will never have. 
“Excuse me,” she mumbles to the waiter,“ could I have a glass of water please?" 
He hurries away to get it and she rests her head against the counter. As she closes her eyes, she wonders how they do it, all those women he talks to, all the willing females he engages with. Is it all the giggling? 
Does Roy like it if his women show a lot of skin? She remembers the woman from earlier, pale pink fabric shimmering off her dainty frame. Or maybe he likes the petite ones. 
She sighs dejectedly. At 5'5”, she had curves that filled out every inch of her uniform and a full chest that had been a major cause of discomfort during military school. She was anything but petite. 
In the end what bothers her most is that it probably doesn’t matter if she isn’t skinny or she doesn’t wear clothes that dip to the small of her back. Military rules state they couldn’t be together and it seems Roy wasn’t the least bit tempted to break them. 
“I’m afraid all the dancing has made my head spin,” he tells her. “It was really lovely to have the pleasure of your company…” He pauses at the end, awkward because he just spent the last 40 minutes dancing her in circles but he can’t, for the love of God, remember her name. 
“It’s Elizabeth,” she purrs, laughing, “You’re just like the rumours say, Colonel! So terrible with names." 
She comes closer, her breath damp on the shell of his ear, "And so incredibly handsome." 
"I’m flattered,” he says, untangling himself from her, smiling the way he knows is probably misleading, but in this situation it’s polite. 
He can’t quite explain it but he is struck by this inexplicable urge to see his own Elizabeth, a sharp contrast to this one’s dark hair and light eyes, her beauty stemming from self-respect that is sorely lacking in most of the women that threw themselves at him.
He can’t pretend that he’s a saint and that there haven’t been a few that have followed him into bed, but there is nothing more than frustration at play here, a compromise of sorts where he can make believe that the girl in front of him is one with pale hair that shimmers and eyes that would always show him the light. 
Where he can dream that the lips he kisses are the same bow shaped ones that admonish him at work.  
Looking over at the bar counter, he sees that she’s still there, this time with Havoc nowhere to be seen. There’s a small, selfish part of him that rejoices in this fact, because their intimacy and hand-holding had him seeing red a little while ago. 
It isn’t fair that he wants her like this, so irrationally and so selfishly, he knows it, but he can’t stop himself from this desire and he knows it often scares men away from her.
He knows there have been times when he has deliberately scared men off of her. He wonders how she would react if she learns of it. Would she have preferred their affections?
When he comes closer he sees that her head is resting on the counter, eyes closed. “Lieutenant,” he calls, but she doesn’t stir. Roy is known to be a little paranoid when it comes to his aide and the tension creeps onto his face, furrowing it’s way between his eyebrows. 
He tries calling her again, this time placing his hand on her shoulder and shaking her gently. Her head turns to the side and he can see that her mouth is parted slightly and her breaths are even. 
Has she… Passed out?! Laughing to himself, he occupies the seat beside her, brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes and tucks it behind her ear. He could happily stay like this forever, wrapped up in the softness of her hair and skin, watching her without interruption as she sleeps. There’s a mole just under her ear, a tiny black little thing and he wonders if he could reach down and kiss it. It would be quick, no one would ever know it. 
He could press his lips to her skin, touch his tongue to her earlobe, take it between his teeth maybe, the way he’s always wanted to when they are alone in his office and he is tempted to misuse his rank. 
He gives in to this sweet compulsion and bends down, lips pressing ever so lightly against the mark. 
She smells sweet, of the lavender she’s been partial to ever since she was a teenager, wrapped in this very same fragrance when she would finish her shower. 
Roy knows this because every time she would be anywhere nearby his attention as an apprentice would falter, often earning him rebukes from her father. 
He had promised himself just one, but it’s a promise ill-kept because his lips inch further along her jawline, featherlight brushes of temptation going against everything he has worked for. 
But what good is his ambition when all it brings him is turmoil, and this cruel deprivation of her? When all he feels every day when he looks at her is longing, immense and painful, to the point of desperation. 
Reason loses it’s shine further when he can feel her pulse flutter, and the softest murmur of his name brushes his ear. 
“Roy,” she mumbles and it’s so maddening, the effect his name on her lips has, he considers giving her orders to never address him Colonel ever again, “I wore green. Just like you told me to.”
His eyes widen, remembering the day he’d asked her to accompany him. She had this look in her eyes, disappointment, frustration - or was it disgust - and he dared to hope she’d go with it anyway, but she didn’t. And the feeling of rejection, of being rejected by Riza, isn’t one he can shake so easily. 
“What?” She had asked confused, when the statement he hadn’t intended to say out loud - he liked her in green, and that was something he kept secret, it brought out her eyes - had clearly been heard. “It suits you,” he’d said simply, and her temper had flared. Narrowing her eyes, she had said, “What I choose to wear is none of your business, Sir." 
She’d emphasized the last word with as much sarcasm as one could possibly fit into one syllable. 
He had laughed that day… a frustrated laugh, but now seeing that she actually listened to him, he thinks maybe what he thought mattered much more than what she let on. 
"I even wore heels,” she whispers, still drunk, slurring the s’s. 
“You did,” he says slowly, because he noticed, just like he notices everything, the way it made her legs look endless, the way it made her hips sway when she walked in with Havoc. He runs an idle finger across her cheek. 
“Do I look pretty, Colonel?" 
When she speaks these words, he hears the uncertainty behind the pink lips that she licks, barely inches from his. 
He could tell her that yes, she’s pretty, but he’d rather show her. With kisses sweeping all over her body, and caresses earning soft sighs from her full mouth. 
He could. 
And he almost does. 
He almost kisses her, full on the mouth, tongue flicking across hers, telling her that pretty is an understatement and that the first time he saw her, he was already mesmerised. 
But he is mindful of their surroundings, not wanting to cause her any further disrespect by acting out the increasingly lewd fantasies churning in his mind. Because he doubts a kiss would stay just that, a kiss and nothing more, not when it is Riza underneath him, lips pliant and sweet, testing his restraint. 
"Havoc,” he says harshly when he comes to realise the looming figure behind him, keeping his distance but well within hearing radius. “Take her home." 
He’s surprised at first, because he was sure he had witnessed something deeper, more intimate between those two tonight. Havoc had seen the Colonel flush, and stroke her skin tenderly, the Lieutenant’s eyes dazed and gazing at him with blatant desire. 
"Sir, sh-shouldn’t you?” He stutters, clearly asking something inappropriate and out of turn but he can’t help it. There is no one in the entire hall who could have missed the palpable chemistry between the two of them. 
But he doesn’t say anything, just shakes his head, his eyes dark and stormy, and tells him to make sure she has a glass of water before she’s put to bed. 
When Havoc walks her out, one hand around her waist and the other firmly holding her arm around his shoulder he realises that he’s a bit irritated with this years-old game of hide-and-seek. His broken heart was urging him to slap some sense into the Colonel and yell, because people who’ve found love - the real kind - have no business denying it. 
“I think it should be fairly clear by now why you so rarely get propositioned by men,” he says dryly. 
She makes a noise, questioning, barely able to take in his sarcasm or even his words for that matter, as her eyes droop shut. 
He takes in the rare sight of a defenseless Hawkeye clinging to his arm and his mouth turns up with the hint of a smile. 
“… It isn’t that no one’s interested,” he whispers, “just that everybody knows they wouldn’t stand a chance. Not against him.” 
- fin - 
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omg-imagine · 4 years
⊱ Forget Me Not (3/15) ⊰
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves x Reader
Summary: After you wake up from a coma and realize that your memories from the last five years have been erased, Keanu works to bring back what you have lost.
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: Angst
A/N: Again, thank you for the sweet comments! It really means a lot and keeps me motivated. Not gonna lie, this chapter was a pain to write but I do hope you enjoy it.
Part 2
Los Angeles. The City of Angels.
The sun had begun to set behind the glimmering high-rises on the horizon, bringing another day to a close. The city outside of your window reminded you of the one you grew up in nearly three thousand miles away. A city whose memory was the freshest one in your mind.
Below, the streets were bustling, crowded with people strolling down the sidewalks and vehicles racing between red traffic lights. Your focus then shifted to the palm trees outside, watching them as they gracefully swayed in the gentle summer air. You closed your eyes and imagined the fresh breeze blowing softly on your face.
You could almost feel it.
Gazing out the window, you could see your face reflected on the glass pane, nearly unrecognizable at first glance. For a moment, you stared at yourself, studying every single change that the last five years had brought you.
Five years that you still could not remember.
After a few rounds of brain scans and a seemingly endless list of questions, the doctors had officially diagnosed you with retrograde amnesia. Luckily, the swelling in your brain caused by the car accident had stopped, and you were expected to leave the hospital in a matter of days. Yet, it didn’t change the fact that five years of your life had been entirely wiped away.
“Dear?” Glancing behind you, you realized that your father was still inside the room. “Is everything alright?”
You turned your body to face him while you sat on your bed, setting an empty tray of food on the table by your side. “I’m okay. I was just thinking.”
Peter hummed at your hesitant response. Even if you didn’t say it out loud, he could tell that this was stressful for you. Since your diagnosis, nothing felt right to you, and the world seemed out of place. You hated that feeling—the feeling of not remembering, not knowing.
Your parents did their best to fill in the lost memories. After you had ended things with your ex-boyfriend Eric, you had acted somewhat lost, unsure of what to do now that you were single again. Wanting a fresh start, you decided to move out west. It came as a shock to you that you had done something spontaneous, but your parents said that you believed it was one of the best decisions you had made in your life.
Settling down in California, you worked as an office secretary up until two years ago when you later became a photography assistant. You were often traveling across the country and even abroad, both for business and pleasure. Your mother shared that for the first time in such a long while, you were happy. Life seemed to have fallen back into place, a complete turnaround from the four years you had wasted with Eric.
You wanted to learn more,  but your parents had explained that they couldn’t reveal too much. It wasn’t because they didn’t know, you were always updating them over the phone every weekend. Instead, they felt as though it wasn’t their place to tell you the most important detail about your new life.
Because most of the memories that you had forgotten weren’t of your family. No—they were of your partner, Keanu.
When you first saw Keanu after he entered your room four days ago, you could see in his eyes how hopeful he was that you would recognize him. But once he realized that you didn’t, he had walked right back outside, his heart shattering into a million pieces as you heard your mother’s voice calling out his name.
He never returned after that.
Even though you didn’t know Keanu, it was upsetting seeing him that way. You wanted to remember, but it was something beyond your control. Seeing his devastated reaction had certainly left you wondering how important you must be to him.
And only those missing five years held the answer to that.
“So, have you thought about it?” Your dad suddenly inquired, and you knew what he was talking about.
By early next week, you would be mostly recovered by then and could be discharged from the hospital. Your father was overjoyed that you would be able to come home soon, which led you to ask where home was.
“I’m not sure if I can do it,” you replied. According to your parents, you had moved in with Keanu two years ago, meaning his home was also yours. “I haven’t lived with another man since Eric.”
“Well, you can come back with us,” your dad proposed. “We got a new place upstate a year after you moved here. It’s smaller than our old home, but we have a spare bedroom that you always use whenever you come to visit.”
“You sold the family house?” You asked, catching him off guard. “I thought you and mom wanted to live there forever.”
Peter shrugged, a sad smile tugging at his lips. “We did, but plans changed. This new house is much more beautiful, though. It has this lovely rustic charm and a grand view of the lake out in the front. It’s secluded, far from the busy cities, and the peaceful ambiance was what sold us.”
“Sounds pretty amazing,” you returned, picturing in your head of what it could look like.
“It is,” he nodded. “You were the one who convinced us to buy it because we loved it so much. Plus, Keanu helped a lot with the renovations. He even built us the fire pit in the backyard that we use every summer.”
“That’s good that he was there. You and I know that I can barely lift a hammer, let alone fix up a house,” you chuckled, albeit mirthlessly.
You heard Peter exhale deeply, his hand coming to rest behind your back as you toyed with the loose threads of the blanket covering your lap.
“Keanu’s a great guy, you know?” he noted sincerely. “I’ve never seen you so happy in life until he came along. You two really bring the best out of each other.”
You smiled softly at your father. “Can you tell me more about him?”
“I think it’s better if you talk to him yourself,” your mom’s voice startled you and Peter, turning your heads simultaneously towards the door. “He’s on his way up right now and wants to speak to you.”
Your heart began to race at the mere thought of seeing Keanu again. For the last four days, you had spent long hours late at night thinking about him, imagining the multitude of moments shared together that were lost. You wouldn’t know how to react if you were in his shoes, and you couldn’t blame him for needing time to deal with it.
Peter saw the look of uncertainty on your face. “It’s okay, darling. You’ll be fine.”
“I-I don’t want to upset him,” you stammered. “He’s been through a lot. If you only saw the hurt in his eyes when I couldn’t remember him—”
“Honey, relax,” he whispered, putting a comforting arm around you. “You’ve been through a lot, too. It’s not your fault that you can’t recall everything, and Keanu just wants to help. I know you don’t know much about him, but trust me when I say this—he really loves you. It’s a lot to take in, and I get that. I’m not forcing you to talk to him, but at least try.”
You then heard someone clearing their throat, and when your eyes flickered up, you saw Keanu standing by the doorway, hands stuffed in his pockets and a shy smile on his lips.
“We’ll be right outside, sweetie,” Your father told you, pressing a kiss on the top of your head before joining your mother out in the hallway.
Keanu’s gaze fell to the floor, the atmosphere shifting once the two of you were left alone. You swallowed thickly, unsure of what to say at the moment. His long hair was messy, his beard unkempt. He appeared as though he hadn’t slept in days, and you knew exactly why.
“You really don’t know me, do you?” Keanu spoke tautly.
Your head hung low before you gave it a shake. After the last time you saw him, you realized that you did recognize him, but not in the way he was expecting. He was Keanu Reeves, a famous actor appearing in several hit movies, some of which you had actually seen before.
You knew of him, but you didn’t know him. There was a difference.
“I don’t,” you answered him after a while. You lifted your head up to see Keanu, who was now looking at you with an unreadable expression and still standing a great distance away. “Do you want to sit next to me?”
You pointed at the chair beside your bed, and after a bit of hesitation, he ambled to the empty seat and sat down.
“Um, so how are you?” You questioned Keanu, whose head slightly bowed, hiding his eyes behind a curtain of his dark locks.
“I’m fine,” he replied simply. You might not know him entirely, but you could tell that he was lying. Keanu also sensed that you had caught him and sighed. “I just can’t stop thinking about this whole situation. I’ve been having a difficult time accepting it, but I should be the one asking how you’re holding up.”
“I’m doing alright. Better now, to say the least, but it’s been difficult for me, too,” you admitted. “Every day, I wake up wishing that I could remember the simplest of things like what I did for my birthday last year, but my mind’s been drawing a blank each time.”
Keanu brushed his hair back, and you finally met his gaze. You found yourself smiling as you stared deeply into the rich brown pools of his eyes. You wondered if you often did that—admired the way his eyes looked as they bore into yours.
“I, uh, have some pictures of us if you want to see,” Keanu nervously brought up as he took his phone out of his pocket. You watched as he typed in his passcode, which you had recognized to be your birthday. You smiled softly to yourself before the phone was passed over to you, and you began scrolling through the array of photographs saved in his gallery.
In every photo you saw, you could see the undeniable look of love in your eyes and Keanu’s. You had long forgotten the feeling of it, but you were sure that at the moment when the picture was taken, you were happy. Happy with Keanu.
“How did we meet?” You asked, setting the phone back down in front of him.
“A few months after you moved to Los Angeles, you were driving to Santa Monica Pier, but you never made it. Your car had broken down in the middle of the highway,” Keanu began with a faint smile on his face. “Luckily, I was riding my bike when I saw it happened and pulled over to help you out. I couldn’t do anything to get it running again, so I called for a tow truck.”
“You called a tow truck?”
Keanu nodded. “Yeah, after you complained that you didn’t have enough money to have it fixed. I told you that I’d take care of it.”
You raised a brow at him. “And I agreed?”
“You did, and we then exchanged phone numbers. We were in contact with each other for a few days, and once your car was out of the repair shop, I personally dropped it off at your house.”
“Why did you do that? You barely knew me. I’m sorry, but what you did was too much.”
“It might seem that way, but I just wanted to help you out since you were struggling at the time. After the car got fixed, I still wanted to keep talking to you. I don’t know, I guess I just wanted to get to know you better because you seemed so genuine and fun to be around.”
You giggled at that. “Sounds about right.”
“It sure does,” Keanu responded with a light chuckle. “Anyways, we continued texting each other until finally, I asked you out for coffee. Since then, we were almost inseparable. Our anniversary is actually coming up in September. It would have been five years.”
“Five years,” you repeated lowly as if it were hard to believe that you and Keanu had been together for that long. “We looked happy in those pictures.”
Keanu lowered his head, staring down at his phone’s lock screen photo of you and him. “Yeah, we were...”
It was quiet for some time until Keanu talked again, glancing back up at you. “I’m sorry that I didn’t come back here after you didn’t recognize me. I had been so optimistic while waiting outside of your door, only to find out that things aren’t going back to normal any time soon.”
“It’s okay,” you assured him. “I understand that you needed some space. To be honest, I don’t think I was ready to hear all of this on the first day.”
“Yeah, it would have been overwhelming,” Keanu agreed with you before you heard him sigh. “Your parents kept me updated while I was away… dealing. They told me the doctors said that the best way to recover your memories is to go back to your usual routine.”
You listened to what he was saying, already knowing where the conversation was heading. You still weren’t sure whether to pack your bags and move back home with your parents—back to the only life you could remember having. Or you could stay here in Los Angeles with Keanu, waiting until your memory returned, and that’s if it did.
“Have you decided on what you would want to do?”
“I want to remember,” you revealed truthfully. “But I’m just scared.”
And that you were. You were scared of not remembering anything, and you were scared of disappointing yourself and everyone, especially Keanu. 
You were also not the same person before the accident. Healed wounds were fresh once again, and you were still wary of falling in love due to your past. Despite the pictures showing that you were indeed happy with Keanu, you couldn’t help but feel reluctant about jumping into this.
“Amalfi Coast,” Keanu blurted out all of a sudden, pulling you away from your thoughts. It took you a second to realize that he was referring back to what you had mentioned earlier. “On your birthday last year, I surprised you with a trip to the Amalfi Coast in Italy. You’ve been begging me to take you for a while, and I’ll never forget the look on your face when I told you that I had booked us a week-long vacation there.”
“What did we do?” You asked, a soft smile gracing your lips.
“The basic tourist things,” Keanu reminisced, gazing off into the distance. “We went sightseeing, took in the gorgeous views of the mountainside, relaxed on the beaches, did a few boat rides, and feasted on the most delicious food we’ve ever tried.”
“That’s my dream vacation ever since high school.” You grinned as you imagined the bright blue waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the beautiful architecture of the towns surrounding it. You couldn’t believe that you had finally gone there after years of trying to save up and plan for it. “We had a great time, didn’t we?”
“We did. You called it one of the best times of your life,” he added, smiling fondly.
“I wish I could remember it,” your voice cracked as you said those words, feeling a single tear running down your cheek as you blinked away the ones pooling in your eyes.
Keanu could only sigh as you sat there before him. “I know, Y/N. And I’m hoping that you will.”
Silence fell over the room, but surprisingly, it was more comforting than not. Ever since you had emerged from your coma, you had never felt so at peace and content until now. Something about Keanu being there brought you a strong sense of comfort and somehow reassured you that all would be okay.
“I’ve spent the last two days thinking about how we could handle this,” Keanu started to explain, his gaze running over your face as his expression softened. “I want to let you know that I’m here for you. I made a promise on the night of your accident that I’ll never give up on you no matter what happens.”
A pause. You noticed Keanu move his hand slightly as if he were trying to reach out for yours, but instead, he clasped his hands together. “I want to ask you to come home with me. I understand that I’m a stranger to you right now, but I want to help you remember everything that you’ve forgotten. And if I have to win your heart again, then so be it. I love you so much, and I think this will work.”
You took a moment to let his words sink in. The man in front you was someone you had been with for the last five years, whether you remembered it or not. You wanted to learn for yourself what was so special about Keanu that he was able to make you believe in love again. If you had fallen for him only months after your previous relationship, then he truly did mean something to you.
But then, the thought struck you—Keanu was a celebrity. Your relationship would be different from all of your other ones. You weren’t sure if you could handle the unwanted attention that would surely come just because you were dating him. But you had stayed with Keanu for years. You must have gotten used to it, or it wasn’t as bad as you thought.
This was your chance to get to know Keanu again, and being with him could possibly trigger your memories. Perhaps doing it this way would lead you back to that normal life you used to have and loved. It was a big risk, but if you were brave enough to fly across the country for a brand new start, then you could do this.
“Keanu,” you uttered, realizing that this was the first time you said his name out loud. You didn’t miss the way his eyes lit up at the sound of it. “If you’re really willing, then I want to give this a try. I know that it’ll feel like we’re starting over, but if it means helping me regain the years that I’ve lost, then I’ll do it.”
“Are you sure?” He inquired, the corners of his eyes crinkling up as a grin slowly appeared on his face. 
You nodded at him eagerly, your lips curving up to a smile. You truly wanted this, to remember. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“Okay,” Keanu said softly, gazing at you as you both shared some semblance of hope that this was going to work.
With a smile, you tentatively reached out to hold Keanu’s hand, resting it over his open palm. He squeezed gently, his calloused fingers closing over your hand, still scarred from the car crash. You held him for what seemed like a long time, and for a fleeting second, you swore that you had felt something slightly familiar.
Closing your eyes, you waited to see if his touch would bring back at least one memory.
Part 4
Tags: @penwieldingdreamer @fanficsrusz @toomanystoriessolittletime @awessomness @meetmeinthematinee​ @ficsnroses​ @ringa-starr
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, November 16
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Jeffrey Epstein’s madam Ghislaine Maxwell’s nights with Prince Andrew and teen Virginia Roberts Giuffre
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Page 2: Brad Pitt kicked married galpal Nicole Poturalski to the curb after getting flak from his ex Angelina Jolie -- Brad’s relationship with Nicole hit the skids after Brad decided he needed to shore up his image during his ongoing custody battle with Angie and his focus right now is to get his dad image back on track and give Angie no more ammo to fling back at him
Page 3: Tiger Woods’ romance with Erica Herman has gone off course over legal troubles and wedding pressure and bickering over where to live and Tiger is so fed up he’s considering ditching his nagging girlfriend in Florida and moving back to his native California -- Erica’s been pressuring him to put a ring on it ever since she moved into his Jupiter Island mansion and that’s something he just won’t do and she’s already taken over his household buying new furniture and remodeling the master bath and building a new closet and hiring a gourmet chef -- California is looking better and better to Tiger who only moved to Florida to play on its tough Bermuda grass which helped improve his swing but now Tiger’s ex Elin lives in Florida with their two kids 
Page 4: Miranda Lambert is scoffing at ex Blake Shelton’s newly announced engagement to Gwen Stefani and she’s convinced Blake’s third walk down the aisle has failure written all over it because she thinks Blake’s bad to the bone and this marriage will wind up being a total disaster and after the hell Blake put her through Miranda can’t imagine his life with Gwen would be any different, lifelong bachelor Simon Cowell has had a change of heart since his horrific August accident and he’s finally ready to tie the knot with baby mama Lauren Silverman -- after spinal surgery to repair his broken back the entertainment mogul feels lucky to be alive and walking and the one constant in his difficult rehab after surgery has been Lauren and he wants to pay her back with a ring 
Page 5: Train-wreck Wendy Williams’ wacky behavior has TV producers scrambling behind the scenes to find her replacement after her unhinged performance on a recent episode of her talk show where she slurred her words and rambled incoherently -- there had been a hope a chatfest helmed by Nick Cannon could be a safety net should the daytime diva who spent a stint in a sober living house last year not be able to continue hosting but plans for that were pushed back after the comic made anti-Semitic rants in a podcast -- they also tried Jerry O’Connell when Wendy was out for three weeks last year but he tanked with viewers -- Wendy’s a mess and it remains to be seen how long producers will be able to put up with her problems before they decide to pull the plug 
Page 6: Grey’s Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo hinted that she may be making her final rounds -- Ellen who has starred on the show since 2005 and makes $20 million a year admitted she’s considering slipping out of her scrubs after the current season 17 but her departure could spell the end of the beloved series and show creator Shonda Rhimes has said it’s unlikely the show could continue without her but Ellen has also expressed her desire to spend more time with her husband and their three children
Page 7: Mariah Carey’s brother Morgan blasted her memoir as filled with lies and distortions and he’s considering legal action -- the book called Morgan and sister Alison her ex-brother and ex-sister and Mariah wrote Morgan had a long history of violence and when she was six he slammed their mother into a wall -- Mariah also wrote her siblings and mother were heartless in terms of dealing with her as a human being and once she got famous they started treating her like an ATM with a wig on but Morgan is fighting back and looking to hire a lawyer
Page 8: Reese Witherspoon’s marriage to Jim Toth is in the muck after the stunning collapse of his new business venture and tensions are mounting in the Hollywood power couple’s already troubled union now that the streaming service Quibi crumbled after less than six months leaving content acquisition president Jim out of work while Reese’s star continues to rise and there’s a real balance of power that’s been building up and that’s put a serious strain on the relationship -- living in quarantine added to the stress between them as Reese has been holed up with her two kids with ex Ryan Phillippe Ava and Deacon and her son Tennessee with Jim at the family’s ranch in Malibu
Page 9: Dementia patient Kenny Rogers cut his three adult children out of his $250 million will and now sources fear the late country legend could have been tricked into signing the document -- Kenny left everything to his 16-year-old twins sons with fifth wife Wanda and the will also stated it was his intent to specifically exclude his daughter Carole with his first wife and son Kenny Jr. with third wife and son Christopher with fourth wife and their issue as beneficiaries of his estate -- Kenny Sr. would never disown his own children according to the source especially since the singer’s son Kenny Jr. is incorrectly referred to Kenny Rogers III throughout the will -- the wording is not like Kenny Sr. and something is not right and his older kids are thinking about contesting the will 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Kate McKinnon shot a Saturday Night live skit in NYC, Sophia Bush hit the road in L.A. with her co-pilot pup Maggie, pregnant Jinger Duggar Vuolo in Venice with daughter Felicity, Heidi Klum walking the streets in her native Germany, Snoop Dogg saluted young rappers as he accepted BET’s I Am Hip Hop award 
Page 11: Unwitting Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler once dabbled in the secret sex cult NXIVM -- the organization masqueraded as a self-help group but in 2017 it was exposed as a pyramid scheme for founder Keith Raniere who forced high-ranking female recruits to become his sex slaves -- in 2010 Jen and Gerry who were dating at the time wound up at one of the introductory seminars but they were turned off by the level of commitment expected and never returned -- they thought it was just a networking opportunity and had no idea what they were getting themselves into, cash-crunched Gwyneth Paltrow is facing hard times like everyone else and is looking to change her free-spending ways -- the belt-tightening caused by the coronavirus pandemic has even hit her lifestyle empire Goop causing her to shut down the London branch and make hard choices for the future -- Gwyneth may be worth $100 million but she and husband Brad Falchuk spend money like it’s going out of style on private jets they use on a whim and they own a fleet of fancy cars and pay steep salaries for staff who are at their beck and call 24/7 and it’s all draining their bank accounts -- they’re looking at making cuts across the board from personal trainers and chefs and drivers to the masseurs and beauticians who come to their house several times a week -- plus the couple believe it’s a bad look for them to be living so high on the hog when the rest of the world is suffering during the pandemic
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- Angelina Jolie spent years developing her own version of the Hollywood classic Cleopatra and now she’s livid that Gal Gadot has stolen the Egyptian queen -- Angie’s dream was to play Cleopatra the role that made Elizabeth Taylor an icon and it was to be the part that won Angie an Academy Award for Best Actress and now that’s over thanks to Gal who will be playing the Queen of the Nile instead, after ABC scrapped plans to honor Regis Philbin with a prime-time tribute Jimmy Kimmel insisted on honoring Regis on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, MSNBC talking head Rachel Maddow is fleeing New York for her Massachusetts farm after hanging a $2.3 million price tag on her NYC pad but Rachel didn’t want potential buyers looking through all the personal stuff at her apartment so all the personal pictures and books and clothing and everything else was shipped out and replaced with staged furniture, Ariel Winter and her dog (picture) 
Page 13: Ailing Joni Mitchell opened up about how she’s still struggling to get back to her old self five years after a debilitating brain bleed -- after Joni was found unresponsive in her Bel-Air home in 2015 she said she was forced to relearn everyday tasks because the aneurysm took away her speech and her ability to walk and although she’s showing slow improvement she hasn’t been writing or playing the guitar or the piano, Randy Travis is defying all the odds as he plans the greatest comeback in country music history as he is making amazing progress after suffering a massive 2013 stroke that most believed would end his career forever and he was given just 1% chance of survival and even after he pulled through doctors believed he would be bedridden and unable to speak -- instead his grueling rehab efforts have miraculously put him on the road to realizing his dream of returning to the spotlight -- some of his motivation is financial; last year he sold his Nashville home and released his memoir which was fueled by his need to pay medical expenses after years of not being able to perform
Page 14: Hollywood Hookups -- Channing Tatum and Jessie J have split again, Cole Sprouse and Reina Silva dating, Kate Beckinsale and Goody Grace split 
Page 15: Ariana Grande is raising eyebrows with her raunchy new record Positions -- the former squeaky-clean Nickelodeon star who has been dating real estate agent Dalton Gomez spouted off X-rated odes to an unnamed lover on the LP, six months after sidelining her marriage to former quarterback Jay Cutler Kristin Cavallari admitted there are good days and bad days but insisted it’s been nice to be able to focus on herself and figure out who she is now and what she ultimately wants out of life, hotel heiress Kathy Hilton is joining The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills as a friend of the main cast which includes her half-sister Kyle Richards
Page 16: Crime 
Page 17: On Drew Barrymore’s talk show a psychic guest channeled the spirit of one of the host’s former in-laws but the man in question is very much alive -- medium Anna Raimondi told Drew she sensed the aura of a judge causing Drew to burst into tears and named David a relative of her ex-husband Will Kopelman claiming he’d passed but Judge David Kopelman is alive and still going strong -- Will slammed Anna was a submental hack and said he was surprised that Drew chose to give oxygen to someone like that
Page 18: American Life 
Page 20: Cover Story -- Prince Andrew is desperate to quash explosive testimony by his pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein’s accused madam Ghislaine Maxwell but the socialite’s second secret deposition is torpedoing his return from royal exile -- after Ghislaine danced around details of her relationship with the disgraced Duke of York in testimony released a few weeks ago Andrew is sweating bullets about her second grilling under oath which contains details of their intimate friendship and nights with Epstein’s teen sex slave Virginia Roberts Giuffre 
Page 22: Don McLean viciously slammed ex-wife Patrisha Shnier as the worst person her ever knew but in their ongoing war of words she maintains he was abusive to her -- Don is still bitter over a 2016 domestic incident at their home in Maine that landed him behind bars and led to divorce after 30 years of marriage
Page 26: Matthew McConaughey confessed he nearly turned his back on Tinseltown to be a wildlife guide like late Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin -- he made a splash in a string of blockbuster rom-coms in the ‘90s and ‘00s but he was eager to move on to meatier movies and even passed on a $14.5 million paycheck in 2010 to seek more substantial roles and the struggle left him considering other careers such as a wildlife guide, Jamie Foxx has been crushed by the death of his beloved sister DeOndra Dixon who was born with Down syndrome
Page 28: Good Catch -- Bachelor stars who are still up for grabs -- Jon Hamm, Owen Wilson, Drew Carey
Page 29: Benicio Del Toro, Ryan Seacrest, Matthew Perry, some stars seem to say I do at the drop of the hat -- Larry King, Jerry Lee Lewis, Billy Bob Thornton 
Page 32: Olivia Munn was caught on camera flashing what looked like engagement bling on her left ring finger as she exited a gym following a morning workout in Los Angeles but she reportedly broke up with boyfriend Tucker Roberts last year leaving fans wondering who bought the stunning sparkler 
Page 36: Health Watch 
Page 42: Red Carpet -- Michelle Pfeiffer 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- Allison Janney on Mom 
Page 47: Odd List 
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coffeeclubbuchan · 4 years
Stressed Out - INabber
So, I hit a block with another thing but I still wanted to write something. I ended up writing a Library AU with Fraser because I was inspired by that goddamn bear ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It’s the first actual piece of writing I’ve ever put up so constructive criticism an’ all that jazz is appreciated! 
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Fraser x (gender-neutral) reader
1.7k words
Work had been a lot lately and you were starting to feel the stress catching up with you. Your bosses at this point might have been out to get you with the piles of work they have mounted on top of you. You just wanted it all to slip away; to have a day when the papers and numbers aren’t clouding your brain that leaves you longing for an escape of the mindless work you have to do day in and day out. That’s how you ended up taking a drive on a Saturday - not knowing or caring where you were going, but only hoping to have some sort of fun with it.
You had been driving for about half an hour now and decided to pull onto the side of the road and get out of the car. The weather had been slowly getting worse and soon it was going to be unsafe to drive in. It was starting to pelt it down with rain, so quickly you grabbed your backpack, haphazardly throwing it over your shoulders and darted into the closest building.
That said building was a cozy library, grand old oak bookcases stood high against the walls. Spines of books - old and new - were coated everywhere the eye could reach. There were various wooden desks situated in between the bookcases. Not too many people were currently there but there was a quiet buzz to the room. It was almost tranquil; a polar opposite of what your chaotic life had been recently.
Deciding to not just stand in the doorway forever, you shuffled into the room. Your honest expectation had been for people to turn and look at the newcomer walking into the library - but no, everyone who was there barely even glanced a look at you, which was a huge relief.
You started looking at the front bookshelves, trying to find something to read while waiting out the storm. To an outsider, you would look like you were browsing, but really you just had no clue where anything was and was extremely overwhelmed with what seemed like an endless choice of books.
Nothing immediately grabbed your attention, so you walked deeper into the library. You had walked into the European History section. Now, there had to be something here that you would enjoy. You used your knowledge of the good ol’ Dewey Decimal System you were forced to learn in secondary school to help you locate the books.
‘941, British Isles… no…’ You thought as you scanned around the area; running your index finger along the bookcases as you walked along, noting all the literature surrounding you.
‘944, France and Monaco. I guess I could read about the revolution?’ You started gazing around the self, lost in your own thoughts but was quickly taken out when a voice spoke to you.
“Ma’am, do you need any help finding something?” You turned around to face a tall man (and a good-looking one at that). The light brown-haired guy stared back at you. His features soft and welcoming, with round clear glasses and his hair swept over to the left. He was wearing a dark green and navy tartan button down with black ripped skinny jeans. You read his name tag that was pinned to his shirt - ‘Fraser’ it read and. Oh! He asked you a question! ‘Answer it Y/N!’ You shouted at yourself.
“I’m trying to find something to read while waiting out the storm. I... I don’t know where to start looking” You stated honestly.
“Well, what do you want to read?” The guy - Fraser responded.
“Have you got any suggestions?”  You asked.
“Hmm,” Fraser started, “I normally read fiction, so if you’re only here until the storm blows over you could read something by ‘Terry Pratchett’ or ‘Phillip Pullman’?”
“Yeah, that sounds good. Show me the way o’ wise librarian,” You replied. Fraser turned around but you could see the small grin he had on his face. I mean it wasn’t the best one liner, but you’ll take it.
Fraser led you in between winding bookshelves until you got out of the non-fiction area. It leads straight onto the fiction part of the library, so you both walked forward with you trailing behind.  
Even just from looking at the back of Fraser, you could tell that he was cute looking. It wouldn’t be a surprise to you if he had a girlfriend or boyfriend. You could see his shoulder blades pressed up against the shirt and saw how the clothing clung to his arms. He wasn’t jack ripped, sure, but you could still tell that he had some muscles from working out and you always found lanky boys to be cute and charming, so it didn’t really matter anyway.  
‘Y/N!’ You shouted at yourself, ‘You literally just met the guy and you’re practically planning a wedding! He doesn’t even know your name!’
You didn’t want to give it your internal self (the smug bastard) a point but you have to give it to them. You shouldn’t be thinking about these things when the poor guy was just trying to do his job.
You gripped onto your backpack straps, taking in note the surroundings - it was similar to the other part but had more colour to it; In one corner a specially - 'children's books’ your brain (un)helpfully supplied. In that corner, the walls were painted pastel baby blue, with darker blue bean bags dotted around and you saw a large pink teddy bear sitting propped up against a wall. That had to at least be a 5 foot - why is it so big?!
Fraser looked over his shoulder to make sure you were still following and saw you looking at the pink bear.
“That’s Winnie, Will brought him in and the kids who come in seem to love him, so we’ve just kept him.” Fraser said fondly.
“Who’s Will?”
“He’s another guy who works here, he works on Sundays normally. Said some girl got it for him, I’m not sure - wasn’t really paying attention to him,” Fraser stated and you both walked over to see Mr. Winnie - the big pink bear.  
You each sat down on a bean bag facing each other and you turned your head to look at the bear.
“Hello Winnie, it’s nice to meet you!” You exclaimed while picking up his pink paw to shake.
Fraser looked at you out of the corner of his eye and chuckled. You turned his attention back to Fraser, “Wild guess here, but is he named after Winnie the Pooh?” You questioned.
“Yeah, we aren’t very creative when it comes to name making, and we saw a person looking at the books and just called him that,” Fraser replied.
"I think it's a rather cute name," You said. 'Fucking hell Y/N, laying it on rather thick there' Your inner voice whinnied at you.
You sat and quietly talked to Fraser for another half an hour, you found out that he played League of Legends and that this was his main job, and he created videos as a hobby. (also, he did find out your name during the conversation) The chat was winding down, but Fraser had a curious glint in his eye.
“You wanting to ask something?” You gently asked.
“Yeah... don’t think I’m pushing anything here, but you seem really cool and I want to get to know you more. Are... are you single?” He quietly asked, a blush rose on his cheek bones. “If you're not that’s fine! I’m just asking, and we can be friends and-” He quickly added, babbling on a bit more.
“Fraser,” You stated, moving your hand to rest in on his knee. “I’m single, I’m not seeing anyone.” You chuckled and slightly shook your head.
“Well I was wondering…” The blush that was on his cheek slowly worked its way along his nose, extenuating his freckles even more. “Could I get your number and maybe we can plan to meet up again?” He said. The word ‘date’ never left his mouth but was heavily implied.
And because at heart you're a person for the theatrics, you felt that just putting your number in his phone was too simple. You swung your bag round, so it sat in your lap and went into the front pockets to grab a sharpie. You found it and took Fraser's hand in yours and wrote on his arm.
[xxxxx-xxxxx ~ Y/N] and drew a little heart below and filled it in black. You put the pen back in your bag and swung it back round, pulling the straps back over your shoulders. You stood up from your bean bag and saw Fraser softly running his finger over the heart.
“Text me later,” You said, and he looked up at you with fondness in his eyes. You winked and spun on the heel of your foot. ‘Fuck yeah, what an exit’ You thought, and the rain had cleared up enough to drive, so you made your way around the bookcases and reached the front door.
Once you had gotten into your flat, you sat on your couch and started thinking.
‘Today, I never ended up where I expected to. What started as an escape turned into something much more than I could have ever predicted. Was this the thing that could take me out of the pit I’ve been slowly falling into? Maybe the thing I was missing was another person? Someone to help, care, comfort, protect, joke -’
A loud ping off your phone took you out of your thoughts. You sat up straighter and grabbed your phone - seeing it was from an unknown number.
“hey! Its fraser from the library! did you get home okay? are the roads bad?”
As you were reading the text a few more came in -
“If the roads are too bad I can come pick you up if you want?”
“Wait if your driving dont respond to that”
“oh god please dont crash because you were reading my texts”
‘Yeah’ You giggled to yourself ‘this is definitely going to be the start of something special’
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catsafarithewriter · 4 years
Day 4: Musical
A/N: This is, unusually, a Natori & Cat King ficlet, exploring the chaos of double retirement, inspired (and referencing) the song: “If I Were A Jolly Blacksmith” from the musical TV show: Galavant. (Hence posting it on Musical day) I’ve really enjoyed this, so maybe I’ll write more on the retired concept. Who knows?
Also, a big shout out to @linchxpin for very kindly allowing me to play with their headcanons for Natori’s past! 
Natori took to retirement like a landlocked duck took to the sea. That is to say, once he figured he wasn’t in any major danger of drowning, he wondered why he hadn’t retired years ago. 
Of course, the core reason was the cat who had retired alongside him. 
Regardless, the switch from working cat to retiree was aided by two factors. The first was simply that he was tired. If the Cat Kingdom had possessed a functioning economy, the thought: “I don’t get paid enough for this” would have passed through his head multiple times a day. Since it hadn’t, his brain had substituted the thought for a swan-like state - graceful and smooth on the surface, and incoherent confused babbling beneath. 
And the second reason was that not much had fundamentally changed. He still had an irresponsible, power-crazed old cat to kittensit, only now when the irresponsible, power-crazed old cat decreed that Tuesdays would now be known as Second Mondays, Natori could pat the ex-king’s paw and go, “Maybe not, Sire,” instead of having to change all the palace calendars and politely ask the servants to play along for the next month. 
(Early into his tenure as a royal advisor, he had taken to bribing the servants into backing up the ruse. Later in his career, he had realised that the King’s attention span didn’t stretch far enough for him to realise that Tuesdays still existed outside the palace.) 
But while Natori was like a duck in the ocean of retirement, the ex-king was more akin to a stone. 
Natori wasn’t sure what had possessed him to agree to the ex-king crashing in on his retirement plans, except that old habits die hard and he had felt that Lune would benefit from his father being out of meddling range, but agree he had. 
Anyway, Natori had managed for... too many years to count. He could manage a little longer. At least until the ex-king found some direction. 
And so the two palace cats had found themselves in Natori’s kittenhood home, out in the edges of the Cat Kingdom and squarely in the mouse belt. (That stretch of scrub land dominated by villages which had risen out of mouse husbandry, and whose yearly highlight was the annual scarecrow contest.) 
In such a village, there wasn’t much use for an ex-king, not unless he could harvest catnip, or sheer a rabbit, or wrangle a mouse, and the ex-king definitely wasn’t one of such persuasion. 
(He had watched, with some horrified fascination, as a butcher skinned one such mouse in the shop window, and had briefly sworn himself to vegetarianism until Natori had politely reminded him that cats were obligate carnivores, and then repeated the explanation with smaller words.) 
As such, lately the ex-king had turned to contemplation - a markedly foreign concept to the cat for whom “reconsideration” was a survey of side courses. Natori had even found him once in the library. A scary enough situation even before one considered that the ex-king hadn’t known where the palace library was located in all his years living there. 
He had asked Natori’s advice on words such as “self actualisation” and “inner peace,” at which point Natori had confiscated the book and distracted him with the golf club their neighbour had made for him. 
It wasn’t that Natori was against cats reaching self actualisation or inner peace. In theory, it sounded all very nice and relaxing. But after a lifetime trying to gently steer his monarch away from stupid ideas and sometimes even succeeding, Natori had learnt to trust his gut. And he knew that the ex-king would take such ideas and run completely in the wrong direction with them and probably start a few fires in the process - not all figurative ones, either.  
And the point of all this was that when “Young Gizmo Junior” came running over bellowing “Mr Natori! Mr Natori!” Natori knew exactly who was at the centre of whatever chaos he was about to be dragged into. 
Young Gizmo Junior, a runt of a tabby who had yet to grow into his paws, fumbled up to the cottage’s porch with the kind of frenzied energy that comes from being torn away from interesting happenings. “Come quick, Mr Natori,” the kitten gasped. “It’s your friend!”
Natori lowered the cross-stitch he had finally been making progress on, and felt his heart dip along with it. “Oh no. What has he done now? Is it the mice? The rabbits? Please tell me he hasn’t fallen into the salmon river again--”
“No, Mr Natori, it’s worse. He’s singing!” 
Natori blinked. "But he doesn’t sing,” Natori said. “At least,” he amended, “not while sober.” 
‘Please don’t let it be catnip wine again, please don’t let it be catnip wine again, please don’t let it be catnip wine again,’ his mind chanted, ever hopeful that he had developed magic wishing powers since the last time he had fervently wished for a saner life. (Last Second Monday.) 
It was not catnip wine. 
It was somehow worse. 
Natori slowly leaned over to Young Gizmo Junior and whispered, “And how long has he been at this?”
“He was on the...” Young Gizmo Junior counted on his claws and scrunched up his face when he surpassed his last easily countable claw, “eleventeenth verse when Grandpa told me to fetch you.” 
Natori raised both eyebrows and nearly unsettled his spectacles in the process. “This is bad.”
“What’s he doing?” Young Gizmo Junior asked. 
“I’ve heard of this before. He’s on the third stage of Searching For Himself.” 
“Why does he need to search for himself? He’s right there.”
“You know that and I know that,” Natori said, “but cats who go searching for themselves don’t. The first stage is talking to oneself, the second is staring into the nearest water source--” 
“Grandpa said he was staring at the well funny--”
“--and the third is bursting into song,” Natori continued. He couldn’t remember the next step, but that was mostly because the ex-king had begun another verse, and Natori’s mind had tapped out. 
“If I were a jolly blacksmith,
What a happy cat I’d be,” the ex-king crooned, rounding towards Old McGregor’s workshop.
“I would do all kinds of blacksmith stuff in my blacksmithery...
“I’d hit the thing... with the other thing. 
“Till I made a different thing!
“If I were a jolly blacksmith...” 
The ex-king trailed off, and if Natori hadn’t been assured that this was the eleventeenth verse, he might well have believed that that would be the end of it. But the ex-king didn’t know the meaning of defeat - mostly because the Cat Kingdom didn’t have dictionaries - and so, after a little bit of muttering (that Natori caught the tail end of “No, I’m not feeling it. Besides, I’d get filthy. There must be something better”) he perked up and made a beeline for Maggie’s meat pie stand. 
“If I were a friendly farmer, 
“Wouldn’t that be oh so sweet? 
“I’d be planting greens and lots of beans,
“And other things to eat.
“Then I’d plant some eggs, and a couple mice,
“Then a yummy salmon cake!” 
The ex-king paused, vaguely aware somewhere in the recesses of his kittenhood education that it didn’t quite work that way. 
(”No,” he muttered, “that’s not right,” and Natori briefly thought there was hope yet. Then the ex-king continued with, “Any moron can plant a cake,” and the farmer upbringing in Natori cringed.)
Natori leaned over to Young Gizmo Junior. “Why can I hear a pipe playing?”
“That’s Uncle Saburo,” the kitten replied cheerfully. “He’s really good!”
“He’s also encouraging someone who needs no encouragement. Trust me.”
“I want to be special,” the ex-king continued, undeterred from the whispered conversations. “Needed. Liked. I’ve got it!” he cried, and made a dash for Rosie’s valerian wine shop front. 
(Part of Natori knew he should stop this. The other part really wanted to see how this worked out. Historically, the latter was a bad idea, but Natori put it down to shock.)
“If I were a merry brewer,
“That would be a grand career,
“I would pick the grapes and peel the grapes
“And stomp them into catnip beer-- dammit!”
The ex-king slumped down onto a convenient crate, which Rosie suddenly decided she didn’t need right now. “I don’t know how to do anything but be a king,” he lamented. “And no one wants me to be a king.” 
“Mr Natori,” Young Gizmo Junior piped up, “shouldn’t you go help your friend?”
“Not yet,” Natori said. “Let him finish first.”
“Because one does not interrupt a cat when he’s singing an existential crisis song,” Natori replied firmly. 
“If I’m just a jolly... nothing,
“What am I supposed to do?
“I don’t have a skill, no niche to fill,
“No one to come home to.”
Natori had a sink full of dirty dishes that argued otherwise.
“Don’t know where to go,
“Don’t know how to fit,
“Don’t know who to even be.
“If I were a jolly tailor... juggler... barber... wet nurse... cesspool worker...”
The ex-king sighed and shook his head. “What difference does it make? I would still be me...”
Natori waited a moment longer. When the last echoes of Uncle Saburo’s pipe playing had died away, he sighed and approached the aged cat. “Sire?”
“Go away Natori,” the ex-king grumbled. “I’m brooding.”
Natori didn’t go away. He waited a moment longer, just until the other cat’s ears began to twitch. He could read his old monarch’s tempers better than he could read his father’s book on Mouse Husbandry. 
“Brooding’s rather boring, isn’t it, sire?”
The ex-king scowled. “Yeah.”
“Do you want go down to the Mouse’s Tale pub and see if we can convince Chaucer to let you try darts again? Maybe you’ll even hit the wall this time.”
“Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good.” 
Stage four of Searching For Yourself, Natori decided, was getting yourself uproariously drunk. 
If the rest of the evening was anything to go by, the ex-king agreed. 
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