#I guess you could say the mind stone also required a sacrifice though…
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capstoverogers · 4 years ago
A Soul for a Soul - Chapter 2
Pairings: Past Natasha Romanoff/Black!Reader, Eventual Carol Danvers/Black!Reader
Genre: Grief/Angst
Warnings: Mention of Characters' Death, Cursing, Lots o' Sad
Word Count: 3,016
Chapter 1
There was a party raging on the battlefield, because no one didn’t know what else to do, except you all knew Tony would want you to celebrate. But maybe everyone just wanted to put off mourning till morning, didn’t quite yet want to deal with the consequences, for better or for worse.
It was an easier concept to swallow when Thor and his pretty warrior friend with the flying horse disappeared for a moment, then came back in minutes with as much Asgardian beer and liquor as they could manage (which, between the two of them, was a whole damn lot). A friend of Rocket’s - Star Lord - then took the charge, cracking open the first beer and finishing off half it in a single gulp before blasting some mix tape of 70s tunes from his space ship that soon turned the battlefield, this graveyard, into an all-out function.
The largest fire you’d ever seen raged where the compound once stood, courtesy of Zoey, and bodies started to move under the moonlight, freely to the music, helped of course by the copious amount of liquor that helped bury down any sense of sadness in favor of this celebration.
You couldn’t focus, though. You still hadn’t managed to find Nat in this swarm of familiar and strange faces, and she was the only one you wanted to see. Once you had her in your arms, then you could let yourself celebrate - or at least you could try. Even as everyone slowly started to let loose, there was this permeating sense of sadness, as prevalent as the cascades of smoke soaring upward from the fire, as no one could escape the thought of the sacrifice that allowed you all to celebrate like this.
It was like everything was in the way, though, and you supposed you could give a few minutes to these friends who you hadn’t seen in years before you found your wife.
“I can’t believe you’re married!” Zoey was gushing as you stood in a small circle with Bucky, Sam and Steve; the superpowered were wielding Asgardian drinks while the rest of you eyed their bottles enviously. You couldn’t help but grin, showing off the simple, but sleek vibranium band on your finger as Sam pretended to squeal like a valley girl with a hand to his chest and Bucky shot you a simple grin as he held out his metal arm.
“We match.”
You beamed at him, though not with the fervency of Steve, who hadn’t pulled his eyes from the Winter Solider for a second since the battle had ended. Well, except to urgently meet your eyes, seemingly desperate to pull you away for a private moment. You didn’t know why - didn’t know if you wanted to know why - and found yourself avoiding his gaze as it drifted to the crowds of people, hoping to catch the one face you wanted to see above all else.
“I feel like I know no one,” Zoey murmured beside me, also taking in all the people around her. “It’s weird to think that it’s been five years. It felt like…a malfunction. One second I was gone and the very next second, I was here, like nothing happened. Like the world had just…glitched.”
“Like a blip,” Bucky said knowingly. Zoey nodded with a frown, then perked up when the Jackson 5 started blaring from the speakers. She turned eagerly to you, already drifting to where Star Lord had started up a makeshift dance floor.
“We gotta dance!”
Sam was nodding fervently, a little grin playing at his lips as he started to move easily to the beat. You grinned a little, but you were still so distracted, especially as you could sense Steve about to interject, his eyes once again set on you, and you couldn’t get caught in a conversation with him. As much as you truly loved him, they tended to be endless.
“I’ll meet y’all out there,” you assured, backing away before their protests could fully reach your ears. “Gotta find Nat.”
“(Y/N)…” Steve started, but Zoey beat him to it as she nodded with a grin.
“Oh, I bet you do,” she said, eyebrows waggling ridiculously, and man, you missed this. You laughed heartily, then turned away, starting to feel desperate the deeper you got in the crowd. It had been over an hour - where had she been?
You finally caught a glimpse of Clint, who had seemingly changed into his civilian clothes, your heart spiking when you saw that he was talking to someone who his body mostly obscured, but you could tell it was a woman shorter than him. Of course your best bet would be to find Nat with Clint; she’d probably got caught up in the crowd and reunion just like you did, but just like he’d promised before he left, Clint was still looking out for your girl.
Before you could make my way over to them, though, you found yourself colliding straight into Peter’s strong chest. He stumbled back, the profuse apology already tumbling off of his lips, only slowing down when he noticed it was you. All thoughts of making your way to Natasha fled from your mind as you took in your friend’s red eyes, half-empty bottle of aged Asgardian liquor in his hand and the sway in his step.
“How are you, Pete?” You asked, stepping close so he could hear your voice, soft with compassion and concern.
“Drunk,” he hiccuped with a brief, bright smile that reminded you of the fifteen year old boy you had met years ago before it quickly faded. “And sad.”
Peter was always the type to wear his heart on his sleeve - one of the things that hadn’t changed about him, along with his forever gentle and earnest brown eyes. Even as he sprouted up - shoulders broader and jaw firmer and covered in the scruff he hadn’t gotten a chance to shave off yet - he was still Peter. Just a wearier, more mature one, but still always filled with a hope that had helped fuel you all.
As much as your own heart hurt over the loss of Tony, it hurt even more seeing clearly how it was affecting Peter. You’d never seen him drunk before. Granted, it took a lot of Earth liquor for someone like him to even get a buzz, but the way his words slurred off of his tongue was telling.
“I’m sorry, Pete.”
He shrugged, eyes glazing over for a second before his attention drifted to the music. He perked up slightly.
“Hey, is that Zoey?!” He smiled a little in wonder, eyes honing in on The Flame as she figuratively burned a hole in the makeshift dance floor. She had attracted the attention of a drunk Star Lord, who was laughing as she showed everyone up. “Wow. I haven’t seen her in…”
You couldn’t help but chuckle as he struggled to count.
“Five years,” you supplied, your smile more soft than mocking as he turned back to you with an eager nod. “You go say ‘hi.’ She’ll like that. I’m gonna find Nat.”
“Okay!” Peter chirped, seemingly drunk and distracted enough by Zoey to let his sadness fall to the wayside, at least for a moment. He began to stumble towards her, but stopped, something pensive crossing his gaze. “It’s not weird anymore.”
You furrowed your brow at him, “What’s not weird?”
“If me and her went out. S’not weird anymore ‘cause I’m grown up.”
You chuckled fondly at how ironically boyish he sounded. Peter’s crush on Zoey back in the day had bordered on infamous with how completely obvious it was, but of course she had seen him as nothing but a little brother, with the nine year age difference and all.
But you guessed that was a four year age difference now.
“Better get on it before that Star Douche dude does,” you said, nodding to how the aforementioned space punk was dancing a little too closely to Zoey in a way that was almost rhythmic and would have maybe been charming if you weren’t already decidedly Team Peter Parker. You clapped Peter on the back, and you grinned at each other. He started to sway towards the dance floor, his shoulders bouncing to the beat, and you watched him for a second.
“Hey Peter?”
He looked at you curiously over his shoulder. You offered him a small smile.
“We’re gonna be okay,” you said. “I know it doesn’t really feel like it now, but…we’ll get through this too.”
You were happy to see his smile sincere, no matter how small it was. He nodded once, then turned back towards Zoey and the dance floor, finally leaving you to make your way to Natasha.
Except as you got closer to Clint, you realized that he wasn’t talking to Nat, but his wife, who he must’ve fetched from their home - along with their kids - and brought back to the celebration. You furrowed your brow at how even from across the way, you could notice how red his eyes were as his shoulders seemed permanently slumped. Tony meant a lot to everyone, but you hadn’t expect to see Clint that affected.
You let out a sigh as you recognized Steve’s voice from behind. In a second, his long steps led him right in front of you, this striking mix of urgency and tragedy saturating his blue eyes as he gazed down at you.
“I need to talk to you,” he said in a quiet, serious tone. He took ahold of your wrist, firmly but gently, and you knew you had no chance of pulling away from his grip.
“Can it wait?” you pleaded, your head started to crane around again. “I just really want to see Nat.”
When you looked back at him, something had completely crumbled in his gaze as he stared down at you, and you knew immediately. You think you knew the second you’d stepped foot on the battlefield and hadn’t seen her, hadn’t felt her, but had buried the feeling down deep, because it couldn’t be true.
“No,” you said, shaking your head as you tried to step back, though Steve’s tightened grip held you in place. “Steve, no.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“No.” Your voice stretched and cracked as your eyes started to sting. This wasn’t happening. You were misreading this. Nat was about to come up to you at any second, wrap her arms around your waist, assure you that she was there, that everything was okay.
“To get the soul stone, it required a sacrifice,” Steve said, voice strained and eyes pained, and slowly you started to feel everything crumble around you. “A soul for a soul. Clint tried to stop her, tried to give his life, but you know Nat…”
He tried to smile; it didn’t hit.
You did know Nat. How she always felt like she wasn’t doing enough. How she never felt like she had fully atoned for the darkness of her past. How big and noble her heart was, how she would do whatever it took to complete the mission, if it meant it would save you all.
It’s why you loved her so much.
It felt like your chest was about to collapse on itself. You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t see through the mess of tears streaming down your face. This couldn’t be real.
You could feel Steve’s arm start to come around you, but you pulled away, shaking your head as he stared at you helplessly. He was one of the greatest heroes Earth had ever known.
But there was nothing he could do about this.
One shot of Asgardian liquor, and you were done. Thor wasn’t kidding about that shit.
You didn’t know how much time had passed. Could’ve been ten minutes. Could’ve been three hours. You sort of wished that it was the rest of your life, that Thanos would’ve managed that snap before Tony snatched the glove away from him - then you wouldn’t have to feel.
The next best thing, though? Being fucking drunk. The ache was there, but it was more numb. Your head unconsciously swayed to the music, fainter from where you sat in the dirt, yards away from the party. You fingered your wedding band and felt so fucking empty, but somehow it was okay, because you were drunk.
You wanted to kill Clint. He told you he’d look out for her. You trusted him to fucking look after her.
Then you remembered how broken he looked when you’d caught a glimpse of him and realized that if there was anybody who could understand how you were feeling, how you were trying not to feel, it was him.
You were rooted to the spot, though. Maybe you’d never move again. Why did it have to be Nat who went to that dumb planet to get that stupid stone? It couldn’t have been anyone else? No one knew what you’d have to lose in order to win?
You heard footsteps approaching, and usually your reflexes were sharp (you hadn’t climbed your way up the S.H.I.E.L.D. hierarchy by being slow, after all. You wondered what your job would be now that Fury and Hill were surely back. You wondered if you���d make it past this night), but it took you a long second to pull your head up from where you had been staring at your ring.
You squinted at the strong-stanced blonde hovering carefully a few feet away from you. Her figure was imposing, but somehow you could tell that her eyes were soft.
“Hey,” you coughed up a hiccup, “hey, Carol.”
She looked amused and pitying at the same time as she nodded, taking a slow step closer.
“Hey (Y/N),” she said softly. She glanced down at the bottle perched in the dirt by your feet, chanced a small smirk. “I don’t think that stuff’s made for people like you.”
“You mean us mere mortals?” You slurred with a stupid, bitter sort of grin followed by a hollow chuckle.
Her own grin was drowning in the pity now.
“Yeah. No offense.”
You shrugged. You didn’t care. Nothing like spending the past decade with a bunch of super-humans to make one deeply confront their own mortality. You’d reckoned with your normalcy a long time ago, the fact that you’d never be as great as them, no matter how hard you tried.
“How about sad people?” You said after a moment.
Her brow furrowed, puzzled.
“Sad people,” you reiterated with a slur. “This shit made for sad people? ‘Cause I’m…” You frowned for a moment. “Not sad. ‘Cause sad’s a feeling, and I don’t think I have those anymore.”
You were kind of confused by the understanding in Carol’s eyes, and you realized you knew next to nothing about her. You knew she’d saved Tony, Peter and Nebula from space five years ago, and she was possibly the most powerful being you’d ever seen. You knew she’d known Fury since you were a child and that you liked her. She felt safe without trying, was witty and to-the-point and was really easy to get along with. She’d swing by the compound to check in, every few months, and it was always nice when she did.
“I heard what happened.” You don’t know when, but suddenly Carol was sitting next to you, and you think she was trying to drown you in sympathy as she looked intently, but gently at you. “I’m sorry.
You peered at her for a long second, then shook your head.
“You can say her name, you know,” you announced, strangely angry at the vagueness of her statement, like you were fragile, like your entire childhood hadn’t been marred by loss and struggle. “Natalia Romanova. Natasha Romanoff to us dumb Americans.” You gave a laugh that came out more as a hiccup. “Black Widow. My wife.”
You ran your fingers across your wedding band as Carol watched quietly. You couldn’t really read her gaze, didn’t really care to, but she’d stopped looking at you like you were the most pathetic creature in the world, so that was nice at least.
The two of you were silent for a moment. You kept playing with your wedding band. You and Natasha had been married for one month, two weeks, three days. You thought you’d have forever. Everything burned. Your eyes, your throat, your chest.
“I lost a wife too.”
Your head snapped up. Carol was staring off towards the party, the fire still going strong.
“The same one, three different times,” she continued with a dry chuckle. “I won’t lie, it’s different than your situation, but…”
She shrugged, turning her head towards you with a slight smile.
“I know what it’s like, feeling like your entire life has been ripped away from you and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m the biggest bad ass in the universe,” she gave a self-aware smirk, and it actually made you grin a little, “but I still couldn’t get her back.”
Helpless. That’s exactly how you felt. You’d always been able to get what you wanted, even against the most seemingly insurmountable odds - you had grown up an orphan in the hood, for Christ’s sake. But now there was this, and you knew you couldn’t get what you wanted this time. As hard as you tried, as much as you worked, what could you possibly do in the end?
You wanted to cry. You just hiccuped instead, then appraised Carol curiously.
“She didn’t die three times, though,” you said with drunken certainty. “Your wife.”
“No. Just the last time,” Carol said simply. Her words surprised you; you’d assumed maybe Carol’s wife had been snapped away but was back now. “I lost her a long time before that, though.”
There was steadiness, a resignation to the sadness that tinged her otherwise cool voice.
“Oh.” You shifted a little. “Sorry.”
She shrugged, meeting your eyes again.
“Me too.”
Taglist: @afuckingshituniverse
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jahaanofmenaphos · 5 years ago
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Art by the awesome @tommieglenn!
Of Gods and Men Summary:
When the gods returned to Gielinor, their minds were only on one thing: the Stone of Jas, a powerful elder artefact in the hands of Sliske, a devious Mahjarrat who stole it for his own ends and entertainment. He claims to want to incite another god wars, but are his ulterior motives more sinister than that? And can the World Guardian, Jahaan, escape from under Sliske’s shadow?
Read the full work here:
The Mahjarrat are dying, and they want answers as to why. To get them, they must journey back to Freneskae at the behest of Zaros, who promises them freedom from their Rituals once and for all. When Zamorak gets wind of his intentions, it leads to the two deities meeting for the first time since the great betrayal…
Jahaan had been informed of Ozan’s fate. He took it as well as expected.
Over the next few days, Ariane, Mary Rancour and Idria visited Jahaan in his hospital bed, but neither party welcomed the visits. Conversation was tense and weighted, with hollow pleasantries and distracted glances. After all they had been through, conversing just didn’t seem possible, let alone appropriate. Ozan’s absence choked the air around them, invading their minds. How could they talk about anything else? How could they talk about him?
They couldn’t. That’s why, before long, Mary Rancour made excuses to go back to Burthorpe, and Idria said she had business to attend to in the Guardian of Armadyl military order. Ariane stayed for a while longer. Usually the two just sat in silent, solemn contemplation. Jahaan slept through a lot of the visits, even when he wasn’t tired. He couldn’t deal with anyone, let alone her.
Soon, she too made her excuses and left for the Wizards’ Tower, saying she ought to go back and look after Coal.
Then, Jahaan was alone. It was a familiar state for him. He liked solitude, unless in the company of those he trusted. That list was growing thinner and thinner with each passing day. The only true friend he ever had was Ozan, though. Now he was gone too.
Jahaan felt angry. He felt rage, bitter, burning rage… but he was tired. Gods, he was tired. Soon, the rage became hollow. He felt empty, breathing just enough to keep living, the shallow air rattling around his insides.
That’s why he slept so much. At least in his dreams, he didn’t feel so empty.
Gaw’kara’s treatment consisted predominantly of bedrest and pain remedies. Every time he caught Jahaan attempting to walk without aid, even if it was just to stretch his legs and take in the view from the nest, he barked at him to go back to bed. Such injuries required time and relaxation, he would always repeat. Gaw’kara didn’t even allow Armadyl to see Jahaan until a good week into his recuperation.
By the time Armadyl was finally allowed to visit the World Guardian, Jahaan was growing very restless. He could walk, but not without the use of a cane, and he only had one good arm to hold that with. The pain ranged from mild and underlying, all the way up to agony if he twisted in the wrong way. Thus, pain relievers were always on hand. Still, Jahaan was looking forward to leaving the nest. He was grateful for all Gaw’kara and the Armadyleans had done for him, but he needed to leave. He needed to collect his armour from Wahisietel and rest up somewhere else, somewhere private. Not that he had much in the way of company, but still. He’d rather be recuperating on his own terms.
Jahaan was propped up in his bed when Armadyl greeted him with a warm smile. “Salutations, World Guardian. How are you feeling today?”
“Fine, thanks,” Jahaan replied, his stock reply for the question he’d been asked dozens of times by now.
“I apologise for not visiting sooner - Gaw’kara forbade it, and I daren’t cross that bird,” Armadyl chuckled, a wry smile on his beaked face. “But he told me what happened, and of your condition. You’re going to live, and make a full recovery, but only if you don’t do anything reckless.”
“Reckless is all I have,” Jahaan attempted a smile; that, and the joke, were weak. “Thanks for letting me rest here, Armadyl. I really appreciate it.”
“But of course. We don’t turn our back on the injured, World Guardian. And in spite of the horrible circumstances, I’m glad we finally got a chance to properly meet. Sliske’s ascendency didn’t exactly allow for pleasantries.”
“And the memory of the ascendency is anything but pleasant,” Jahaan retorted, wincing as the inhalation he took made his ribs ache. But instead of more small talk, Jahaan wanted to cut to the heart of the matter. He feared Armadyl might be in the business of recruiting him - the World Guardian was a powerful ally to have, some might argue - but Jahaan was in no mood to be under any god’s wing, no pun intended. Frankly, he’d had enough of the divine, and wanted nothing more than to leave the confines of the nest and lick his wounds in solitude. “Listen, while I appreciate your hospitality and all, I was hoping that-”
“You could leave?” Armadyl finished with a raised eyebrow. “Jahaan, you are not a prisoner here. You’re free to leave whenever you like. However, Gaw’kara had recommended at least another week of bedrest and observation. Allow that, and I’ll take you anywhere on Gielinor. And as an added incentive to stay, I’m hosting a banquet tomorrow to mark Taw-itsh Makaaw - it’s a holiday we celebrate twice a year. Could you be persuaded to attend?”
At the word ‘banquet’ Jahaan’s stomach started to rumble. Medic-bay food was hardly a feast fit for… well, anyone, let alone kings. It was nutritious, NOT delicious. He ate it out of sheer necessity to stay alive, and even then he wasn’t sure if it was worth it, knowing he’d have to suffer another mouthful of it the next day.
So, Jahaan accepted Armadyl’s invitation, and indeed stayed another week in the nest to appease Gaw’kara. Like Armdayl, Jahaan did not want to cross that bird. He was given an entire lecture upon the correct ways to treat his injuries, what to do and what not to do. The term ‘post-concussion syndrome’ had been bandied about, and Jahaan didn’t actively want to experience it, so he did take the advice to heart.
Once the week was up, Jahaan requested a teleport to Nardah. He was gifted with a cane to assist his walking, something Jahaan deeply wished he didn’t have to use, but begrudgingly did. It took him near five times as long to cross the room without it.
When he landed in the swelteringly familiar heat of the Nardah climate, Jahaan wished he also asked for a waterskin. Nevermind, the journey wasn’t that long. Though with his walking stick, and with every step being an adventure into achiness, it certainly felt like a long time.
Finally, mercifully, he reached the home of Ali the Wise.
It was a sight for the glamoured Mahjarrat to see; the last time Wahisietel had seen Jahaan, he was a lot more sprightly. Now, he was huddled over a cane. His left arm was in a sling, with his wrist bandaged. His nose was crooked, and a gap in his smile showed a missing tooth. Purple and blue splotches covered his cheeks.
Ushering him inside, Wahisietel demanded, “What happened to you?”
From the stony look on his face, Wahisietel had already hazarded a guess.
“I picked a fight and lost,” Jahaan replied, a half-truth at best, but he really didn’t want to get into it. Instead, he limped over to the set of armour neatly tucked into one of the corners of the room. “Thanks for holding onto this for me. I’m sorry I didn’t collect it sooner.”
“I am not so easily placated, Jahaan,” Wahisietel’s tone was stern, yet measured. “Tell me what he did.”
Rubbing the bridge of his nose, the back of Jahaan’s head was gradually starting to hurt. Headaches were commonplace, a side effect of the concussion. But just because they were expected, didn’t make them any less irritating.
Then, something troubling caught Jahaan’s eye. “Wahisietel, your hand…”
The Mahjarrat’s eyes followed Jahaan’s gaze down to his left hand; his glamoured human flesh seemed to be receding, a pale skeletal hand threatening to make its appearance known.
Pulling his sleeve down over the hand, Wahisietel was concerned, but not surprised. “This particular side effect started happening days ago, though I’ve been feeling the effects for weeks. My power… it has been draining at an alarming rate.” “But how?” Jahaan queried, his brow furrowing. “Lucien’s sacrifice should sustain the Mahjarrat for another five hundred years, right?”
“So you would think,” Wahisietel’s voice was grave and laced with concern. “If I am not the only one to suffer degrading, then that would mean another Ritual is upon us soon. That could mean…”
Shaking his head, the furrowed brow of Ali’s disguise relaxed somewhat; he gave a thin, sorrowful smile. “My apologies, I did not mean to burden you with this.”
Relaxing down into his armchair, Wahisietel motioned for Jahaan to take a seat opposite him. “Now that’s settled, it’s your turn to explain the state you are in.”
Slowly, Jahaan descended into the chair. It was a painful effort. “It’s a long story.”
“I have time. You can start by telling me why I was nearly crushed in my own home by a randomly materialising set of armour.”
Accepting that the Mahjarrat wasn’t going to budge on this, and rather enjoying taking the weight off his feet, Jahaan gave a heavily trimmed down version of events. No unnecessary information, and nothing about Ozan. He couldn’t bear to bring up the man’s name.
For the most part, Wahisietel sat there quietly, stewing. At least he spared Jahaan an ‘I told you so’, something the World Guardian was expecting more than his headaches. After Jahaan repeated the story, Wahisietel spent what felt like an eternity toying with his beard in silent contemplation. Jahaan was in no rush to break that silence.
Eventually, the Mahjarrat spoke. “Do you have somewhere to stay?”
Jahaan was caught slightly off-guard. Not the line of questioning he was anticipating. “I… I’m heading on to Menaphos. I’ll find somewhere there.”
Nodding gently, Wahisietel continued, “I’ll help you carry your armour to the bank. I doubt you can wear it in your condition, yes?”
Jahaan blinked. “R-Right… thank you.”
And that seemed to be his cue to leave. The two didn’t say a word to one another on the way to the bank, and Wahisietel left Jahaan with a very conservative, very blunt ‘farewell’ as he made his way back home. Jahaan was left utterly baffled at the Mahjarrat’s response, regaining just enough stability in his mind to take out a waterskin and some coins before heading over to the flying carpet operator, replaying the conversation in his head as he did so.
What he didn’t realise was that, upon returning home, Wahisietel smashed his desk in half with his bare hands.
Jahaan didn’t want to go back to Menaphos, but in his heart of hearts, he knew he had to.
He was going to go back to The Golden City, to walk through the imposing gates that towered into the clouds and beyond.
He was going to walk through the Merchant’s District, marvelling at the opulence of the wares for sale as he did so. He’d gaze upon the beautiful silk robes of the residents, walk across the perfectly paved streets, trying not to feel like the outsider he had become.
He was going to look up at the Golden Palace in the Imperial District, where the rich and affluent lounged in excessive luxury, either oblivious to the corruption and poverty surrounding them, or unphased by it.
He was going to walk across the city’s main plaza where the statues of the four lesser deities of the Pantheon stood proud.
If he could face it, he would return to the Port District. He might even see what became of his old house.
But for now, it seemed as if Jahaan would end up in the Worker’s District, since that's what his budget would allow. He was going to return to the dregs of the city he had spent a fair portion of his youth in, when the alcohol guided him that way. Waking up to the sound of pickaxes against rock was something he’d get used to. That is, until his ribs healed enough for him to join the workers, earn a pitiful living and pay off the debt he’d accrue renting a place to stay. It was the only part of the city with an altar, for the Pharaoh hated religion, seeing it as a threat to his authority. He went so far as imprisoning religious leaders. The ramshackle altar at the shoreline was a beacon of hope for those trapped in the monotony of a pauper’s life.
And just as the altar was a beacon of hope to the residents of the district, Menaphos was as close to salvation for Jahaan as he could get. This was because Jahaan’s life in Menaphos was a life before Ozan. For twenty-five years Jahaan had remained in Menaphos, not meeting his best friend until he left the Golden City. Therefore, he’d made no memories with the man in Menaphos. For Jahaan, Menaphos was the last place where he felt normal. Once he left the comfort of the city walls, everything changed. But normality, stability and peace… Jahaan’s injury and grief-addled mind concluded that Menaphos was the only place to find such things.
That’s why he had to go back to Menaphos.
So, bracing himself and paying the fare, Jahaan began the magic carpet ride across the desert. When he left the Golden City, the magic carpet transport system hadn’t been introduced. He had to walk from settlement to settlement, and some stretches of the overwhelming heat almost killed him. Directions to towns were hard to follow - maps didn’t account for the endless stretches of blank, sandy nothingness. You couldn’t catch your bearings in such a place. So, despite hating the nausea-inducing carpet ride, he thanked the gods for its existence.
The large golden gates slowly emerged into view over the horizon after what felt like half an eternity on the flying fabric. Once the carpet was parked, Jahaan rolled off and sunk into the sand below. He ended up having to sit down in the sand for a good fifteen minutes before the world stopped spinning enough for him to continue his journey. It also took him a solid five more minutes to stand up again, his pride making him refuse the assistance of the carpet operator at the Menaphos station. Jahaan could have sworn the man’s pet monkey was snickering at him. Why were there so many monkeys in the desert anyhow? Jahaan had passed a whole colony on his journey. He thought them a mirage at first, but this one here disproved that theory.
Brushing those thoughts to one side, as well as brushing off the sand that coated the lower part of his body, Jahaan limped over to the imposing gates of Menaphos. They were taller than he remembered, somehow. They felt taller, at least. Possibly because, with his bruised face, bandaged ribs and cane, Jahaan felt incredibly small.
After signalling to the guards, the gates were eased open, and the spectacle of Menaphos unravelled in front of him.
As Of Gods and Men is a reimagining, retelling and reworking of the Sixth Age, a LOT of dialogue/characters/plotlines/etc. are pulled right from the game itself, and this belongs to Jagex.
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lapixie · 5 years ago
Ten Years Later Chapter 3
Chapter 1   Chapter 2
Chapter 3
About two hours after getting to the lab, the bulk of which he spent calming down his robots, he was finally able to look into the files and see what was being worked on. He was immediately floored.
“Kid,” he murmured to himself, reading the top file, “I knew you were a genius, knew you were gonna surpass me, but this is better than even I thought you’d be.”
As if summoned by his thoughts, the door opened and Peter walked in.
“Hey Tony, I was just checking to see if you wanted any help going over everything. I know you’re a genius and all, but it’s been ten years of progress.”
Peter’s face was timid and his body language was wary, like he thought Tony was going to be mad at him.
“Sure! I was just reading some of your files, and I gotta say, I’m impressed! Massively, gigantically, hugely, impressed!”  He may have gone a bit overboard, but he wanted to make sure Peter knew how much he thought of him. It must have worked, because his face lit up and Tony couldn’t help but stare. This kid was beautiful!
“Thanks Tony! That means a lot coming from you.” Peter almost whispered. Giving himself a shake, Peter walked over to where Tony was, and started going over all the updates to technology. Even doing just a light overview, it was still going to take days. To get a working knowledge again would take weeks.
He was caught between feeling depressed and hopeless that he was so far behind; and being elated that he would have an excuse to spend so much time with Pete. Which made him terrified, because he should not be feeling that way for a kid! Who, okay, was no longer a kid...but still! No! Bad Tony!
Pulling his attention back to the present, he was startled to notice that he had unconsciously gotten closer to Peter. Much closer. Like so close behind him he could probably feel his breath on his neck, and his arms were on either side of him. He went to quickly move back, but before he could, he heard Peter’s breath hitch. Was he nervous? Or could he possibly be attracted to Tony too? Before his brain could combust, Peter stepped forward away from Tony.
He was so stupid! Of course Peter didn’t want him! He was older and used to be his mentor. He probably thought of him like a dad. Oh God. He was lusting after a kid who thinks of him as a dad. He’s going to hell. Thankful that he was behind Peter and not in front of him, because he could feel his face was on fire, he cleared his throat and stepped to the side, giving the poor kid more room.
“So all these projects are amazing, and I can’t believe how smart you are! One question though. I don’t see anything about how you brought us all back? Where’s that file?”
He was genuinely curious. Strike that. He was genuinely bursting at the seems to find out how Peter did it. This amazing, wonderful, beauti...uh...awesome boy.
“Well, Mr. Stark, that’s the thing…” Peter seemed really nervous, and wait…
“We’re back to Mr. Stark, are we?” He chuckled, to let him know he wasn’t actually mad.
“Er, sorry, Tony. It’s just...about how I brought you all back...I kind of...didn’t. It’s just you. For now! We’re totally gonna figure it out! It’s just...when I figured out how to bring back one person, I knew it had to be you!”
His heart stopped. In all the universe, quite literally half of all the people in the universe, including his Aunt, which Tony knew how close he was to, Peter chose him to bring back! Maybe he did care about him as more than a mentor, maybe this could grow to be more, maybe-
“Because out of everyone we lost, I knew you could help me figure out how to get everyone else back! I know they’ll all understand when we get them back!”
Of course that’s why Pete chose him! For help. And he would help. He’d get everyone back for the kid so he wouldn’t have any reason to feel guilty.
“Yeah, I’ll help. Of course I’ll help! Who else is lost still?” He asked, needing to know.
“Well, um, you know Aunt May and Ned. Bucky, Wanda, Dr. Strange, T’Challa, Antman, Hawkeye…”
“It’s going to be okay. I have a question though. With May being one of the snapped, how was Happy dating her?” That had confused him since he found out May had been gone just as long as he was.
“That was before the snap. They didn’t tell many people, just me and Pepper. That’s why he’s unhappily single. Cause she’s been snapped for ten years.”
Peter looked so sad, Tony’s heart ached for the boy. He couldn’t believe that between him and his aunt, he was the one picked. If there had been any doubt before, there was none now. He would do everything in his power to help Pete get everyone back.
“We’ll get her back Pete. We’ll get all of them back. I promise!” Even if it was the last thing he did, he would get this done. The kid lost his aunt and his best friend. And he was a kid at the time. Only 17 years old. He had to make this right. The kid chose him because he believed in him. It was kind of humbling....but he was Tony Stark. He didn’t do humble.
“If anyone can do it, we can! Two brightest minds in the universe right here!” It did not warm his heart to see Peter chuckle and lose some of the sadness in his eyes. Which, coincidentally, was not killing him.
“So before we move on to saving the universe, tell me how you saved me? Maybe we can build on that?” He couldn’t wait to hear what brilliant tech he had come up with. It would probably blow everything out of the water, it was going to be amazing, it-
“Uh, I kinda just asked the soul stone and it gave you back.”
-it was so Peter.
“Huh? You did what now?” He wasn’t confused, he was just asking for clarification. Because surely the kid didn’t mean that he spoke to one of the most dangerous artifacts in all existence? Strike that, it’s Peter, that’s probably exactly what he meant.
“Well, I tried everything. And I mean everything! For ten years! And I just couldn’t figure it out. I was feeling really bad, and I just started talking. Not sure to who, cause I don’t believe in God. I mean, technically, Thor is a God? To the Norse? But no. So I was just talking to the ether, I guess. But then something started talking back to me. 
“It was the soul stone. It really didn’t like what it had been used to do. And it just happened to mention that everyone that was snapped was inside it. Which, sounded, ew. But eventually, it just came right out and said ‘Peter, I have your aunt, your only family left in the world, and I have Tony Stark, your’...uh, ‘the only person who could maybe help you figure this out. Choosing one would mean sacrificing the chance to spend this time with the other. A sacrifice is required to use me. Would you sacrifice spending time with one to get time with the other?’
“I have to admit, it struck me dumb for a bit. But I thought about what the stone was saying, listened to the actual words it said, and I knew it was trying to help. So I answered. I did what I had to do, to maybe save the world. The universe. I said ‘I choose Tony Stark.’ It wasn’t immediate. I kind of thought it would be. I mean, the snap happened within a minute. But the stone told me it would take some time. So I got Happy and Rhodey to come over, and called Pepper to come home, and you know the rest!”
Wow. That was. A lot. But he only had one burning question he needed an answer too. A dire need.
“Home? You live here?”
Peter looked a bit nervous as he answered, “Yeah, well, after the snap, I didn’t have anywhere to go. May was gone, and with her the apartment. Ned was gone. I didn’t feel right asking to stay with MJ. I was staying on the streets when Pepper found me. She told me I was moving in, and she wasn’t giving me any choice. Um, I don’t have to stay though…”
“NO!” He actually yelled it, without meaning to. Peter flinched a little and he felt so bad. A little (lot) quieter, he continued, “No. You don’t have to go anywhere! I’m just glad Pep was able to get you here. And yeah. She orders me around all the time too. I’m guessing after ten years, you’ve learned to just accede to her demands also?”
With a little quirk to his mouth, that Tony did not want to kiss, he just nodded.
“It’s really best that way. She usually knows what she’s doing better than us anyways. I’m sure you’ve learned that in the past ten years.”
“Yeah, yeah I really have. But she does make things easier, I have to give her that. I would still be struggling with the whole being outed as Spiderman thing if it wasn’t for her.” He shook his head ruefully, obviously remembering it all again.
“Boss,” Friday cut in, “it’s time for dinner. And Ms. Pepper has advised me to tell you that she has told me to cut all power to the lab if you have not started heading upstairs in ten minutes.”
“Friday, I thought you loved me! Would you really cut my power?”
“In a heartbeat boss. Go eat.”
He really had to shake the hand of the person who made her so completely life like and sarcastic. And then kick them. Oh wait. That was him.
“Let’s go Pete. Apparently, dinner waits for no man.”
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crystalelemental · 5 years ago
New Mystery of the Emblem is complete, and I have many thoughts.
Let’s just start with this: holy shit this was so much more fun than Shadow Dragon.  For three major reasons:
No one is expected to die.  Shadow Dragon bothered me immediately, because I’m required to let someone die in the prologue to escape.  That sucks, and I hated it.  I have never gotten over that, or the expectation to kill more units to access the bonus chapters.  Which, sure, you can argue are optional.  But those characters appear in this game and are recognized, so clearly those happened now didn’t they?!
SUPPORT CONVERSATIONS!  Okay, they’re not like...actual support conversations.  They’re Radiant Dawn style, where you have conversations with allies at your base and only your base.  But there’s a tier of 1-3 for most characters, and they’re essentially support conversations, and god Shadow Dragon was impossible to get in to without those.  Seriously, I may enjoy the gameplay of Fire Emblem overall, but I do not enjoy units for combat performance, I enjoy them for being characters, and thank god they feel like characters this time.
Actually interesting story.  Shadow Dragon was pretty boring, frankly.  Very basic concepts presented, not really a lot going on.  But New Mystery actually expands on a lot of this stuff.  I’ll get into that more below.
Suffice to say, I really enjoyed it more than Shadow Dragon.  I think in terms of ranking, I’d definitely place it above Shadow Dragon, Birthright, Revelation, and Sacred Stones.  Currently I think I’m putting it above Conquest too.  While Conquest is similarly fun to play, New Mystery has the benefit of being more interesting as a story.  I’m hesitant to put it over Echoes, though.  Listen, Echoes sucks as a game.  It’s really not fun to play, almost at all.  New Mystery is fun to play, so this should be obvious.  But while the story is improved, I wouldn’t put it anywhere near the level of Echoes.
See, the main thing with New Mystery is that it filled in gaps that made the world feel more organic than just generic medieval kingdom with magic and dragons and shit.  They delve into what the Fire Emblem here is, about the history of the dragons, and why, say, Tiki’s kept locked away for so long.  Also why Medeus is a villain, and out to eliminate humanity.  Turns out, he was the only Earth Dragon to listen to Naga and convert to a manakete, and even helped guard the seal over the dragons who were slowly losing their minds.  But humans, as soon as they had that advantage, exploited dragons.  Several maps showcase that these deteriorating dragons are being kept in thrall to human tribes who use their power for personal gain.  Exploitation of dragons led Medeus to despise humans, and seek to overthrow them.  Which is pretty cool!  I’m on board with that!  Tiki’s said to also be deteriorating without the seal in place, and that, as a powerful divine dragon, she’s bring ruin to the world if she weren’t contained.  So they basically kept her in stasis to avoid disaster.  Which...okay, Fallen Tiki should’ve just been that.  A feral Tiki that’s no longer all there, instead of just “Gharnef’s power is controlling her.”  Shadow Dragon’s momentarily irritable Tiki wasn’t shit compared to what they implied could happen here.
The trouble is that the game is still pretty basic.  Beyond this bit of worldbuilding, it’s still very much conflict between the kingdoms, again, all ochestrated by Gharnef, who’s working for Medeus.  Again.  They play around more with their themes and set up some cool ideas, but it’s not the most compelling of narratives by any means.  What’s also not helped is that, while support conversations exist to make characters more engaging, it’s not all of them, and not all are done well.  Some supports are just a sort of filling in the gaps.  At least, with the MU they are.  Maybe with other characters they get a bit more.
Speaking of MU, let’s divert a bit to talk about them.  Kris is like...the one MU I have heard universal hate for.  My best guess is that this is due to fans of the original FE3, who didn’t like their inclusion in the first place, because otherwise I have no idea what the problem is.  Kris seems fine.  Really boring, but fine.  The only reason they’re kinda my least favorite is because they’re supposed to be their own character but don’t do anything.  Like, Robin has a personality and is fun, and has a great dynamic with Chrom.  Corrin, for all the faults borne of Fates, feels pretty much like a typical Fire Emblem lord.  Byleth...okay, I don’t like Byleth much, I feel like their inclusion kinda hinders the game’s narrative a little bit, but otherwise they’re pretty blank and exist mostly as a support for the other lords.  But Kris...doesn’t do much of anything.  They don’t really have a dynamic with anyone, including Marth, and are just sort of...generic loyal knight with no knowledge of the world for some reason, and who only ever trained with their now dead grandfather.  Beyond that, they don’t really exude any particular personality.  Which is probably part of the problem with supports; everyone supports with Kris, but they don’t contribute much, so it’s mostly the other character doing stuff at them.  They just don’t have much to do.
With one exception.  We gotta talk about the other, presumably new character: Katarina.  I actually love Katarina.  Which is a shame, I pulled one of her in Heroes once and made her into a manual because I didn’t care.  Oh well.  Anyway, Katarina’s got a pretty solid story behind her, and is one of the more compelling pieces of the plot overall.  She’s part of a band of assassins who were orphans, taken in by Lady Eremiah.  Eremiah is super cut-throat, willing to sacrifice the lives of these children to accomplish her goals, which mostly seem to be serving Gharnef.  While Legion’s boring and lame, Clarine and Katarina are spectacular.  Clarine starts off really obnoxious, and kind of a bitch, but the chapter where she finally falls hit me pretty hard.  Katarina’s supports with Kris also give a bit more context to what had happened, particularly with the talk about how Clarine and Katarina share a birthday, because they never had one but Clarine just decided on a day and that was the end of it.  It’s a really cute dynamic you get to experience kind of in reverse.  You see how bad things have gotten, then get the history of what used to be, and why Katarina couldn’t leave.  Eremiah’s the same.  Gharnef shows up as she’s dying and reminds her of her own history.  The orphanage she worked at was burned to the ground and the children slaughtered in the last war.  In despair, Gharnef appeared and convinced her that if the children were strong, they wouldn’t die so easily, leading her to take in the next wave and train them for strength alone, all the while becoming corrupted by Gharnef’s influence.  That last part aside, pretty compelling.  I do enjoy narratives that play with the idea of kindness being manipulated to a sensible, but corrupted, conclusion.
My main problem is that Gharnef sucks.  He’s not an interesting villain at all.  He just kind of exists, and was largely motivated by getting passed over by his master when it came to who got the cool spells.  He’s a big, stinky baby man whining about not being the favorite, and I could not care less.  Yet he’s supposed to be this grand puppetmaster, of a particularly shitty puppet.  Hardin was an ally in Shadow Dragon, who became an enemy this game.  Why?  Oh, he was mad that Nyna didn’t like him back, and got super buttmad about it.  Which is honestly fair at this point, since they describe it as a depressive episode.  He gets to marry this woman he loves, only to find out she never reciprocated the feeling at all.  Feel like it’s fair to be upset.  But then Gharnef shows up and allegedly corrupts his soul with the Darksphere.  Which...okay, first?  Lame.  Second?  Why do we have that, and why does it do that?  This was a gift from Naga, why the hell is it so dangerous?  Third, super lame!  It takes away all agency Hardin had as a villain and removes it down to “oh, he was possessed.”  Which sucks, because the exact inverse happened for Michalis, and now he’s super cool!
His character arc this game was spectacular!  Showing up to take Minerva away from her captors.  Giving her refuge in the desert and helping her rendezvous with Marth?  There’s something going on, compared to last game where he was just some lame baby man who wanted power.  Minerva says Gharnef lost his hold, and Michalis is like “Oh, no, I would never bend to him.  I killed dad because we disagreed on Macedon fighting to become a major power in the world again, and he tried to have me exiled.  I did it for me, and regret nothing.”  Honestly loved that.  But when asked why he’s helping now, it turns out it’s for their sister.  He talks about how, after he was defeated, he was near death, and the first thing he saw when he came to was Maria kneeling over him, praying to the gods to save him.  He was so touched by her kindness despite his actions, that he’s now solely driven to save her as his final act.  He doesn’t regret his actions, but recognizes that he lost and needs to do something, and god damn if it’s not going to be saving his little sister.  That’s super cool!  I’m so on board with this dude now!  One of the bigger antagonists of Shadow Dragon who offered almost nothing became a big favorite in the game with a single conversation!  I feel like that encapsulates the difference between Shadow Dragon and New Mystery pretty well.
The last thing I’ll mention is gameplay.  I really enjoyed just playing this game, and I think a big component of that is because the maps are pretty short.  And yet.  They’re challenging.  There are a few that just repeatedly required me to restart the chapter, despite being maybe three turns long.  The extra chapter when you first face Legion, and it’s got the two mercenaries to the left and right of your starting position, and you can recruit both but you have to not kill them?  The map was so small they could get to just about anyone, so it was a real challenge to handle the archers with my high movement units, prevent those two from dying against the blockades to the sides, and take out the boss quickly without being swarmed.  Other times, the gimmicks were a little obnoxious.  Like Chapter 18.  You’re trying to take this one castle on the right that’s pretty well defended, but there are these super fast cav archers closing in on you from above.  You basically have one turn to get to the village on the left, so their king calls them off.  It’s a cool chapter, but I had to reset the first time, because I didn’t go into the chapter knowing that.  I put my dancer closer to the fortress, thinking I’d have to just move quickly and take out the boss to get them to back off, so Marth couldn’t reach the goal fast enough.  It’s just small things like that.
Overall, I think it’s pretty solid.  I could see playing this one again some day.  Maybe to intentionally miss one of the spheres so I can see what the bad ending is about.  But on the whole, I like it.  Still not super impressed with the characters in Marth’s game, I still feel like a lot are pretty bland (including Marth himself), but it’s a huge step up from Shadow Dragon.
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yzssie · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
Characters: Loki/Reader(Y/N)
Chapters: 4/7
Warnings: smut and smut (dominant Loki), mentions of self-harm, a little angst (added some fluff to compensate it)
Short summary: You find yourself in the midst of another attack by Loki, but little did both of you knew that things will get complicated, a strange attraction to each other will change everything.
Words: 2.9k
Disclaimer: I DO NOT ROMANTICIZE OR ENCOURAGE SELF HARMING! Mental health problems are very serious and real. If you have any struggles and you want to talk with someone, I am right here and I truly wish to help you!
Late Valentine’s gift! Though it’s a chapter more, domestic to call it like that, the next one will be smutty /smirks/. Sorry for the cliffhanger T_T  Trouble coming up? What do you think?
Please do tell me if I mistakenly added you to the Loki/Tom tag instead of “FANFIC GONE... GOOD?” or if you meant to be added on the general tag and I misunderstood you want only for the teacher au. I said I have only a general tag list, but then I had a lot of tag requests only for “FANFIC GONE... GOOD?” so I am a little bit disorganized. Please mention which tag you prefer (the specific fanfiction or the general one for Loki and Tom), or if you want to be changed or removed from the list! SEND ME A MESSAGE OR COMMENT! Thank you and sorry darlings! 
Also, we are going to have the next chapter for “Fanfic Gone... Good?” next week, stay tuned! I wanted to make it slightly longer so I am currently thinking of expanding it in 3 chapters, that’s why I couldn’t double gift you this week! Thank you everyone for all the support, it means a lot to me!! SENDING LOTS OF LOKI LOVE!  ❤ ❤ ❤
*part 7 is out, check Masterlist*
You eye him while he takes his seat again and notice that the food was left exactly how it was before you threw your little fit. You get rid of that memory and aim for more basic and calm conversation in order to make up for whatever you two fought off.
“So… what is this?” you point to a plate which looked delicious.
“It's a rolled pastry with beef, vegetables, some you don’t know because they're Asgardian and cheese?” his eyebrows furrow at his explanation. “It sounds terribly normal but I have to keep it simple for your Midgardian tastes.”
“I'm fine with everything honestly. And I would like to know more about this one,” you take a bite of the roll and your eyes widen. “It's so goooood,” you throw your head back and Loki can't help but smile shortly at your overreaction.
“Ok, I would actually like to know about everything here,” your eyes scan the table and a hint of pride can be seen in Loki's glimpse. He feels pleased with your own satisfaction.
“There will be enough time.”
You look at him and can't help but feel content at his remark. This has to mean something, he wouldn't keep you with him just to toy with you, right?
“I recommend this,” his golden magic shoves a plate in front of you and you smile.
“It's beautiful.”
“The dish? Well, I wouldn't call it beautif…”
“Your magic.”
He raises an eyebrow and you cough.
“I mean, the colours and the way it works. Better than that blue thingy you have on your scepter.”
The Tesseract? Have you just assumed his magic is better than a cosmic box combined with an Infinity Stone? He shakes his head in amusement at your statement and continues eating his food. Sure, he worked intensely on developing his magic skills while he was “dead” and he reached a point where he can be called one of the best sorcerers in the nine realms, yet he also analyzed the Space Stone and he indeed grasped a better hold on its power. He took his time giving the fact that he was hidden from everyone over the assumption of being dead, but, even if he still needs time to comprehend them, he wanted to show off his new powers. And what wouldn't be a better target than the planet he almost owned and the race that caused his mother to sacrifice herself?
His hatred is paused by another satisfied sound escaping on your lips when you bring a piece of cake in your mouth.
“What did I tell you about…”
“I am sorry but I usually don't eat a lot. And since I wanted this cake so much I should refrain from eating much of a meal before it. You know, counting calories and macros, I bet you don't worry about getting weight and so on. Trivial things for a God right?”
“My strength requires a lot of replenishment.”
“Obviously,” you take another bite.
“I would much prefer you to be as replenished as I am than starving for such an idiotic human goal.”
You roll your eyes and take a bite from another cake.
“You know Loki, life on Earth is really hard. I mean, you underestimate the hardships a Midgardian goes through.”
“Is this why you hurt yourself?” he asks and you stop your fork from getting another piece of cake.
You're afraid to reach this subject with anyone, moreover with the God of Mischief.
“Let's make a deal,” his voice interrupts your thoughts but you still don't raise your head to meet his eyes, “You answer a question I ask and I will also answer one of yours.”
You finally look up at him and chew on your lip.
“I assure you that I can get all the information I need with only a touch, so you should be thankful that I am feeling a little bit… generous today.”
“Ok…” your fingers are starting to fiddle with the fabric of your robe and wait for him to start.
“Why did you self-harm?” the question sucks all the air from your chest and you gulp.
“Life,” the word barely escaped from your lips with a choke.
“You're testing my patience.”
“I'm sorry…” you whisper.
“What exactly in your life made you do that?”
“Well, I did warn you,” his body vanishes and by the next second your back meets his chest, one hand wraps around your stomach and the other one sticks to your forehead. You feel a weird pressure trying to get in your head and you lean on Loki's shoulder when your memories start to project in your mind. From high school when comments about your appearance made you starve yourself, to college when you felt useless, stupid and hopeless, to your boring work life. The times your heart broke because of failed relationships, the times you felt your existence a failure to your parents and friends. Nights you barely slept, anxiety attacks, moments you let your blood flood the sink, scenarios on how you could just end your life… he watched everything. You pant when the memories stop and struggle to get away from his grasp.
“No…” a muffled sound meets his neck and he does something you both get surprised of: he hugs you tightly, warmness from his body taking over your, making you totally give in.
“Stop,” his voice is stern and you do as you're told. “I would have done it anyway, sooner or later.”
You lay in his hold absent-minded, realizing that he knows everything now. You are ashamed, embarrassed, you never told anyone details about your depression.
“I am… not exactly proud that I invaded your privacy in this forceful way and pained you by reminding of those…”
“You mean that you're sorry?” you would have laughed at his attempt to avoid this word if you weren't in the given situation.
“I do…” there's a long break and then a soft whisper, “Apologize.”
He would have never said that to a mere mortal. But he can almost feel all your misery radiating through your delicate frame. He now concluded how easily to break you are, not just physically but also mentally. There was a slight panic in his chest when he blood on your skin. He now has second thoughts on this whole matter. At first, he didn't mind breaking you, wrecking you, that was his plan, but now it’s different. Why? He keeps questioning his actions. Why? You're messing his plans, his… crave for power and domination.
“Well…” you shift awkwardly.
He clears his throat and let's go of you, even if the absence of your touch makes him sigh.
“I guess this didn't work as I wanted,” you sit back in your chair and drink a glass of wine to bear with another awkward exchange.
“Let's say I would prefer you not to drink a lot, it doesn't seem like you can handle alcohol,” his hand pushes the glass away. “I will answer some of your questions if you behave.”
You look at him standing to your left and search his eyes. God, how can someone have such a beautiful pair of eyes? The blue irises are like an unknown yet mysterious place that fascinates you, wishing you would never stop falling into their profoundness even if you know it’s dangerous.
“You're staring.”
“Oh, yes,” you break the eye contact. “So, we're in Asgard.”
He nods.
Great. You've been drifted to another realm, though it sounds tempting to explore.
“Probably somewhere pretty far from the palace you're supposed to be at.”
He nods again and sits on the chair near you, prepared for more nonverbal replies.
“What happened to you after the…” you pause, “Avengers crash and so on?”
“Nothing special. Imprisoned and then,” he takes his time to think the answer, “Freed by the oaf of my brother.”
“And what have you been up to?”
“Studying magic and getting stronger.”
Good question. He wanted to attack Earth again, revenge his mother’s death but now everything seemed stupid in your company. But why? You are nothing but a mortal, as Thor's lover is. He somehow understands why his brother was so protective of Jane when the dark elves approached. But his mother… Did she also feel as Thor felt? As he still feels now? When she sacrificed herself for a mortal? Was it for Thor's happiness? 
Of course, the mighty real son of Odin and Frigga. 
He wants to hit himself for a moment that he actually assumed his mother didn't care as much for him as she did for Thor. She was the only one, the only person in his life who truly loved him.
“You…” he snaps.
“For me?” your face contorts in bewilderment.
“No. What's it with you? Is this a trick? Are you sent by one of my enemies? By Father?” he jolts, hitting the chair on the floor and you yelp. “Tell me,” he grabs your chin threateningly.
“Loki… you took me here.”
“Yes, yes I did! Because there is something about you, something that attracts me. Did he cast some spell on you?”
“Loki please, calm down.”
“Calm down?! You dare to inflict me with your affection? Affection? For whom? For what reason?” he’s screaming now and you're shaking at his outburst.
“I'm…” your lip quivers but no words are coming out.
“You're what?” his fist pounds the table.
“Understanding you,” you finally manage to respond, making him frown.
“I know how you feel. You're misunderstood because of your actions. But those actions were simply a reflection of the pain you're going through.”
He laughs ironically, “Understand me? You?”
“I was in New York when you fought with the Avengers. And I saw… your eyes. It was for a couple of seconds while Thor evacuated the building. And I just… felt it… knew it from your eyes.”
“You're completely stupid.”
“Meeting you twice… I will not call it destiny, merely a chance to…”
“To?” his tone is low.
“Know your true self. I know it sounds crazy, who do I think I am? You're a God, I'm a very non-significant human, more non-significant as usual people are. I don't know, to be honest, I am also clueless about my actions towards you. They're just led by… my inexplicable feelings.”
“Feelings?” a strangled sound comes from his throat. “For someone who almost killed you? For a monster like me?” his pale skin changes to blue and the ocean you adore becomes crimson.
So that's how a Frost Giant looks. Nobody from Earth seems to be aware of Loki’s true identity except you. When you were hiding under an office for safety while Thor was fighting Loki, you overheard the small conversation between them, including Loki stating that he's a Frost Giant, a species which they both hated. Your eyes follow the lighter blue stripes on his face and can't help to trace them with your fingers.
Loki's eyes widen and for a moment he leans in to feel your touch but hastily grabs your wrists to stop you.
“I will freeze you.”
You chuckle. “In case you haven't observed, my body’s temperature is literally 15 Celsius degrees.”
He is not amused by your joke and your lips tighten.
“Ok… it was not appropriate for this mome…” your words stop when Loki's hands wrap around your waist and his head rest on your stomach, his Frost Giant form gradually disappears. Unsure about how your movements could push him away, you hesitantly bury your fingers into his hair and gently play with his long black curls. 
Your scent is taunting him, you feel like… a place where he'll always be welcomed back whatever happens, a place that waits for him, longs for him... You feel like home.
“You are not to discuss about this moment,” his voice is muffled in your embrace and you smile.
“Of course I am not,” you roll your eyes. “What will happen to your enormously evil reputation if words are out about cuddling with such a weak Midgardian?” you massage his scalp and he hums in approval.
“Can you show me around?” you mumble while you're still stroking his hair.
“Why would you give up your life to accompany someone like me?” he ignores your question and you take some minutes to finally respond.
“Because I have pretty weird standards as you might have already noticed.”
“Indeed,” he agrees and lets go of you. His hand tangles in your hair and pushes your lips onto his, gently tugging on your lower one. His hands travel to your thighs, your muscles tense at his touch. He grabs and wraps them around his waist, jolting you up on the table. Your arms tug his leather blouse, while the kiss is getting sloppy, slow, as if he has to retrace a lost map. His tongue is looking for yours which gladly joins his dance for dominance. You thought this kiss will steal your soul, you have never been kissed like this before, needy but in the same time steady, passionate. His fingers brush your back and you shiver in his arms, moment which he breaks the kiss.
“It's not entirely safe to do so… but take a quick shower and I will show you around,” he grazes his fingers on your right thigh. “A quick one.”
You nod and storm for the bathroom while Loki grins stupidly at your excitement.
What did I get into?
After what lasted like 10 minutes you return to the dining room where Loki sits on the couch, reading a book.
“What are these clothes Loki? Renaissance times much?”
“Those are Asgardian clothes.” He takes a glimpse at your figure and his gaze drops on your revealing shoulders marked by his bites. You squirm uncomfortably under his stare and he stands up.
“You would have to stay near me and don't touch anything or speak to anyone, understood?”
You nod as he grabs your waist and your body feels weightless for some seconds before a weird sensation hits you and you hold onto his shoulders strongly. Your eyes shut close and your breath stops while his arms are now rubbing your back.
“We’re here,” he states and your legs go jelly but he holds you in place. “Breathe.”
He has just teleported the both of you in an Asgardian square but your body is not adjusting really well to his magic.
“I might throw up,” you gasp but a sudden warmth envelops your chest and you instantly feel better.
Did he just use his magic to make me feel better? Oh God, I'm starting to like him more than I already do.
“This is an Asgardian square, though it is not as fancy as it is in the center. We’re in a very reserved place in the mountains.”
You glance at him and gape at his changed appearance.
He rolls his eyes at your reaction, “I cannot be seen here, especially with someone like you.”
His features could be still seen slightly due to his blue haunting eyes which remained the same but he now he has shorter curly copper hair and a beard. His face is less visible from the black leather hood he wears.
“So are we shopping?” you smile widely while you take in the surroundings.
He grabs your hand and drags you back, almost sticking your body to his.
“There are some people here who can feel if someone is not Asgardian.”
“Are they dangerous?”
“They might be. My magic is covering your smell but I would prefer you close.”
You ignore his death stare and return your attention to the blue decorated stands with different objects. The sellers are wearing simple brown and beige clothes. You wouldn't know that they're Asgardians if you weren't on another planet.
“I actually do need some things like make-up? Skincare products? Comfy clothes?”
“I much prefer you naked, body and face.”
You roll his eyes and he tilts his head.
“Did you just…?”
“So if you can transport things,” you interrupt him, “Can't you like have a short trip to Earth and steal a Chanel make-up stand? Or a…”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I was just trying. I mean… since you would do this, at least let it be something expensive.”
“Choose whatever you want from here.”
“Loki… I have no idea what these are… what language is this?”
“Give her whatever she needs.” his gaze fixes the seller and a green glow flashes in her eyes.
“Of course, your majesty.”
Did he just cast a spell on her? Her mind-controlled gaze fixes on your face as she studies it. She quickly packs a few bottles in a box and she handles it to Loki.
“Let's leave.”
“Well if you can steal from a merchant in the square I assume you can do the same to a whole line of cosmetics which probably gains 100.000 times more than this woman.”
“Your tone pet, you better lower it and stop complaining,” he groans and grabs your waist to crash your body into his. For a moment you thought he would kiss you but it appears he’s sensing something and checks his surroundings from the underneath of his hood.
“We’re getting out of here, now!”
Taglist opened (please mention which tag you prefer):
Loki/Tom Hiddleston tag: @drakesfiance , @cutiepotpie177 , @brokenthelovely , @heart-shaped-hell , @ultrailoveharrystylesblog, @mooncrow123 , @screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms , @powerstrangerdacre , @darkprincessloki92     , @abrunettefangirlnerd , @little-moonbeam-666 , @youreawizardjulie , @writingmi , @lokislilslut , @abelstnbhd , @januarycalendargirl , @yuna-belikova @joyofbebbanburg , @timevortexheart , @captainrainbowpanda , @thesisterofthedevil , @unlikelytigerqueen , @loreleyfromouterspace , @bitchwhytho 
*crossed username means I cannot tag you for some reason :( *
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geniejackman · 6 years ago
Harry Potter: What the Movies Got Right
Because the movies get a lot of shit for the ways that they differ from the books, here is a way too overly-detailed list of moments from the Harry Potter films which IN MY OPINION improve upon the source material.
Sorcerer’s Stone:
The Norbert Storyline: Cutting out the whole midnight hand-off of Norbert to Charlie’s friends story-line was a good move. It slowed down the plot in the book, and come on, how were Charlie’s friends able to sneak into Hogwarts in the first place? There are literally entire chapters of people trying to figure out ways around the schools security.
 Chamber of Secrets:
Nothing to add, the book and movie are almost entirely one and the same (Sure wish they’d followed through with this on some of the other movies. Lookin at you Half-Blood Prince).
-ONE THING THOUGH; at the end when Harry tricks Lucius Malfoy into freeing Dobby and you can hear him start to cast ‘Avada Kedavra’ at Harry. It’s a small and HILARIOUS addition. Like, really Lucius? The killing curse? At this little twelve-year-old, right in front of Dumbledore’s office, in broad day-light, over literally nothing? I heard somewhere that this was because Jason Isaacs thought he should say some spell but nothing was scripted, and Avada Kedavra was the only one he could think of. But it’s just really funny to think about Lucius legit about to murder a kid in public over losing his house-elf.
 Prisoner of Azkaban:
-Aunt Marge’s Big Mistake: I love that Marge blows up and floats out of the house, rather than just bouncing off the walls like in the book. Hysterical!
-Lupin scenes: Lupin talking about how Lilly “was there for me at a time when no one else was” and how she had a gift for finding beauty in people “even and most importantly when that person could not see it in themselves”… just… fucking David Thewlis man. Actually, all the Harry & Lupin conversations in the movie have this sweet parental energy that was mostly there in the books, it just feels so much more potent here thanks do Dan & David’s incredible chemistry.
-Harry’s Patronus Lessons: the powerful memory that finally gets him to cast the spell is thinking about his parents talking with him. Kind of an understated change from the books, but it helps to underscore that the memory doesn’t need to be big or even all that happy, just emotionally poignant.
-Snape protects the kids: Even though Snape was being a dick the entire time in the Shrieking Shack, he still acts as a HUMAN FUCKING SHIELD between the kids and Wolf Lupin and even takes a blow to the chest while protecting them. Book Snape was unconscious the whole time. Also, Movie Snape is so much more sympathetic than Book Snape, fight me. More on this down the line.
 Goblet of Fire:
-Really scraping the bottom of the barrel here, because there ain’t much.
-David Tenant is fun as hell as Barty Crouch Jr: I mean, there isn’t much fleshed out motivation in the character in the movie besides being bat-shit-fucking-crazy, but hey, it’s fun to watch! Also, I love the added detail (which I believe was improvised by Tenant) of Jr’s lip twitch and how this gives him away when he’s pretending to be Moody in front of Crouch Sr.  
-Cedric’s bravery: It’s a very small thing, but in the book when Cedric and Harry realize something’s off in the graveyard, they don’t really react much, or even say anything. When Harry’s scar stars burning, my man Cedric has enough presence of mind to draw his wand, ask Harry what’s wrong, takes a defensive stance, and shouts “Who are you? What do you want?” bravely to an approaching Pettigrew. Guy spends his last few moments being an absolute champ. Hollywood did you wrong Robert Pat.
 Order of the Pheonix:
-The DA training sequences: They’re wonderful and full of teen-whimsiness and the score makes me happy. Seriously, go listen to the ‘Dumbledore’s Army’ track, it’ll make your day! https://youtu.be/fZane0CwAGg
Harry’s cheesy one liner which somehow still manages to be great: “Every great wizard has started out as nothing more than what we are now, students. If they can do it, why not us?”
-Neville’s Character growth: “We’re gonna make them proud Neville. That’s a promise.” Man, I really wish there had been scenes of Harry and Neville talking about their families in the books. There’s so much that they share in terms of past traumas. I like that they bring it up in the film, even if it’s a very quick scene.  
-Fred and George: It’s been said before, but the scene with Fred and George comforting a young student who’s had the Umbridge hand-slicing treatment is UNPRECEDENTED and I LOVE it. This helps show them as more than just loveable jokesters.
-“Neville Longbottom is it? How’s mum and dad” “Better, now that they’re about to be avenged!” FOUR FOR YOU NEVILLE LONBOTTOM, YOU GO NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM!
-Possession: I’m gonna be honest, this movie is my next-to-least-favorite of the adaptations. I’d be prepared to write it off as a bad movie altogether if it weren’t for the way they decide to end with the Ministry battle: In the book, Voldemort finishes dueling Dumbledore and starts possessing Harry, who tells Dumbledore to kill him. Possessed Harry says: “Kill me Dumbledore, death is nothing compared to this. Kill me. And I’ll see Sirius again.” This moment is really quick, and it’s not really made clear until the next book that Harry’s love and grief in this moment is what drove Voldemort out. In the movie, the scene gets more time and attention and shows Voldemort possessing Harry, forcing him to remember his worst memories of losing people he loves. For anyone who’s ever suffered from depression or anxiety, the way these horrible memories overwhelm Harry is shockingly familiar. But then, Ron, Hermione and the others come running in. The sight of them makes Harry remember all of the best moments with his friends: “You’re the weak one. And you’ll never know love, or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.” HOLY HELL. All the tears. Just all of them. I fuckin love this moment. Congrats Possession scene, you single-handedly saved this movie for me.
Half-Blood Prince:
Oooooh boy. Full disclosure, I kind of hate this movie. It’s just… it’s not ABOUT anything. Like, SO much was changed in Order of the Pheonix to make it tonally different from the book, AND YET: Sirius’s line in the OOTP film about how “we all have light and dark inside of us” is so cliched and not from the book at all, but it PAYS OFF and shapes the theme of the movie at the end when Dumbledore reinforces “It’s not how you are alike. It’s how you are not.” So yeah, not really from the book, but it’s at least trying to have a theme. HBP the movie is a mess. Instead of having a central theme, the main idea for the movie appears to be: “stuff is happening”.
-Despite this, there were one or two instances of “stuff is happening” which the film added that built positively on the book. One of those is, hear me out, the Burrow attack. HBP the book is pretty void of any action until the very end, and this addition (nonsensical as it is. Did they ever explain how the Death Eaters were able to break through the Ministry’s protective charms to get to the Burrow?) gives us some pretty cool visuals and some much needed tension. Too bad it’s totally meaningless as we see in the first few minutes of Deathly Hallows Part 1 that the Weasley’s have completely rebuilt the Burrow. Cause, ya know, magic.
-Draco on the Hogwarts Express: “Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school. I think I’d pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower if I thought I had to come back for another year.” HA! Oh the irony.
In general, the characterization of Draco is so much more engaging here than in the book. The fact that the movies are less exclusively only what Harry thinks and sees gives us opportunities to see more into other characters perspectives. Draco’s experiments in the Room of Requirement really add a lot to the characters emotional struggle. And boy howdy does Tom act the HELL out of the bathroom cry scene. Really makes you wish they’d followed through on that redemption arc in DH part 2 (more on that later).
-Last but not least; Slughorn and the Lilly fishbowl. HOLY SHIT is this scene powerful. Not only is it an incredibly touching story, but we get to see the parental and emotional aspects of Slughorn’s ‘collecting’ of promising students over the years. And the sadness of Slughorn’s unfinished sentence; “the day the bowl was empty… was the day that your mother….” Just, damn. I both love and hate this moment, because it adds something positive to HBP and that makes me mad because I guess I can’t totally hate it now.
 Deathly Hallows Part 1
-Opening montage with Hermione Obliviating her parents. In the book, Hermione tells the boys about how she did this in order to make them see how much she’s already sacrificed to their cause. But damn. SEEING it really makes it even more devastating.
-Hedwig’s Death. Damn, just typing those words hurt my heart. I really liked that Harry lets her fly free at the beginning, only to have her come back during the sky battle to save Harry. It’s sad in the book having her die in her cage, but they really amped up the cry factor for the movie by having her sacrifice herself.
-“Hey losers! He isn’t here.” Goddamnit, Neville just keeps wracking up those ‘Biggest Badass’ and ‘Best Character Growth’ points. It’s great foreshadowing for what’s to come with his hero moment in the Final Battle.
-Harry and Hermione’s dance. I know some people have called this scene unnecessary and awkward, but here me out. The dancing itself is, in my opinion, EXACTLY how awkward fools like Harry and Hermione would dance, and the moments where they slowly change from depressed and dead-eyed to light-hearted and goofy, it shows you that despite all the hardships they’ve gone through, they’re just kids. A little awkward, a little uncertain, but still able to enjoy the small things in life. Also, the little moment where they linger for a moment all serious after the dance always played to me like “hey, you know how Ron just stormed out after accusing us of having a thing? Maybe there’s a possibility that we actually do… nah.” It’s a nice little moment.
-Scabier’s creeper moments with Hermione. That scene in the forest when she’s put up the enchantments so they can’t see her, but he can smell her. It’s a great acting moment between Emma and the dude playing Scabier (even if this should have been Greyback).
-Draco at Malfoy Manor. Small but touching scene; when Draco is brought in to make sure the Death Eaters have caught Harry, he does the same thing in the book where he claims he “can’t be sure”. In the book, Draco says this while refusing to look Harry in the eye. In the movie, he looks Harry dead in the face and looks scared to death while asking “What’s wrong with his face?” Just… the concern and fear dripping off of him is DELICIOUS. (AGAIN WITH THE REDEMPTION ARC!!! THE POTENTIAL WAS THERE WARNER BROTHERS!!!!!)
-Hermione Tortured. Not really all that much was changed for this scene, but Bellatrix carving ‘mudblood’ into Hermione’s arm and the way it evoked Holocaust concentration camp victims was a stroke of genius.
-Dobby at Malfoy Manor. Way to give this ‘lil dude a moment to shine! Specifically; “of course I can, I’m an elf!” “Dobby never meant to kill anyone. Dobby only meant to mame or seriously injure!” And then… the death scene. I love that in the movie, Dobby gets a longer farewell. “Such a beautiful place… to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend. Harry Potter.” UGH! At least give me some warning before you rip my heart out.
 Deathly Hallows Part 2
-Snape vs. McGonagall; I’m torn, because I love the scene in the book where Harry defends McGonagall against the Carrows leading into the scene where she confronts Snape, but I also really love this big dramatic scene in the Great Hall with the “How dare you stand where he stood?” and McGonagall dueling Snape. Alan’s expression as Maggie steps up is PRICELESS.
-Harry and Malfoy in the Room or Requirement; “Why didn’t you tell her? Bellatrix? You knew it was me.” Yeah Warner Brothers, why didn’t he tell her? Gonna maybe follow through with this redemption-arc you seem to be building up? No?? OKAY THEN!!!
-Snape’s death scene. Changing the setting was a stroke of genius. This scene is wonderfully done and we all know it.
-The Prince’s Tale. Okay, I feel like I’m going to take some flak for this. At first, I wasn’t thrilled with how much was cut out of Snape’s flashbacks concerning his friendship with Lilly and their falling out. But when you really think about it, they cut out all of the really gross stuff. For instance, it’s never implied that he enjoys bullying people for fun, he doesn’t call her a mudblood, he isn’t shown being toxic towards Lilly and jealous of James, never has the moment where he asks Voldemort to kill Harry & James and leave Lilly for him, and in general is WAY less problematic than in the books. This might be an instance of a ‘less is more’ win in favor of the film. I know, I’m as shocked as you are.
-Malfoy’s Redemption: So this might be confusing for some folks since this wasn’t in the final cut, but here’s a link for what they originally had in mind for Draco’s redemption arc: https://youtu.be/hS5Z2YbyePg
I am SO MAD that this was left out of the final cut, since it’s so obviously built up in part 1. Also, it would have been a HUGE improvement on the source material since Draco effectively has NO character growth there. This moment, where he makes a huge stand by yelling “POTTER” (also, GREAT inverse from the way we’ve become accustomed to hearing Draco sneer at Harry by invoking his surname over the years), throws him the wand, and runs back to join the fray, is a great addition to the series. I really wish the filmmakers had stuck with this plan.
 Incredibly long ranting list over.
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lightrivals · 6 years ago
I’m still thinking so hard about the possibilities of Endgame when I found this post on Reddit and it made me think of this: what if Tony’s dream in Infinity War about having a kid wasn’t a dream, what if it was real; he said it was so vivid and real so let’s take that as fact. This means in some timeline, Tony and Pepper do have a kid and for some reason in Infinity War he sees that reality as a dream. He’s connected to that version of himself, the timelines are converging. It’s also important to note that the post IM2 arc reactor has properties similar to the Space Stone and the nanobot arc reactor probably does too. Not quite sure how that fits in yet but I wanna note it.
Anyway, that dream makes Tony do something different in this universe (IW) that strays from previous timelines. This also assumes that this timeline (IW) is under the influence of the Time Stone’s usage so Strange used the stone at some point to set a period to go back to, a reset/save marker I guess. This is a game after all and video games have save points. I want to say a save point is Avengers 1, where Thanos is his most vulnerable by giving Loki the Mind Stone and the Space Stone, but another important part is during the fight with Ebony Maw where Strange attempts to use the stone but is blocked from doing so (probably trying to create that save point).
Now, IW is the accumulation of all the events happened before, so that means if this IW universe is the one where things are different enough to make the Decimation happen. Maybe destroying the Mind Stone is worse than the Decimation (x). Maybe Loki has to steal the Space Stone so it doesn’t get destroyed because if it were to be destroyed, that would destroy space itself. The events in the movies before IW are different than the original timeline that we haven’t seen on screen yet because the entire MCU after Avengers 1, if not the entire MCU as we know it, is the time-altered timeline. I love this idea because the MCU, known as 199999 in Marvel canon, is technically an alternate universe to 616, the comic canon timeline, even though we often see the MCU as its’ own entity. This could lead back to a theory from way back about how Loki lost the invasion on purpose, how he gathered the Avengers together on purpose so Earth would have the means to protect themselves from Thanos, or why Selvig had such an easy fail safe for the portal with the scepter.
I still question why Loki did nothing when he had throne after The Dark World. He had the Nine Realms at his disposal and did nothing as creatures fought each other and descended into chaos. I have a feeling he was there to protect the Tesseract for whatever reason but also the events of GOTG and GOTG2 occurred during this time frame and he did nothing about it. 
Anyway this also allows me to bring up the point that in the Endgame trailer Scott Lang went back in time to the old Avenger’s bunker that Howard Stark and Hank Pym used to work at in the 80′s. If you look at the video, it says “archive” in the corner with a date that looks like it says 1983. That in mind, in many trailers there are things left out of the actual movie or minor details to lead us astray. I have a feeling Black Widow’s dialogue at this point is an overlay that does not line up with the scene. So I’m only focusing on the actual scene and Scott’s words here, which means he could be trying to talk to Tony. (x)
Speaking of going to the past, the AV4 set photos with a gray-ash-blonde Tony with Scott Lang--our resident time traveler while Strange has yet to become Supreme--AV1 Tony, AV1 Thor, AV1 Loki, AV1 Steve, and AV1 Hulk/Bruce Banner, I can see Endgame showing us how the MCU was altered to create the AV1 storyline we know. Endgame can show us how CAWS was altered too, how AoU was altered--in fact, we know Tony gets frazzled enough to create Ultron because of Wanda’s direct manipulation. Ultron needed to happen to get to the Mind Stone. We also could see how IM3 was altered, etc etc. Back to the kid thing, Harley was Tony’s first semi-kid before Peter and maybe because of Harley Tony is more willing to taking care of Peter, which means he’s more likely to have that connection with his alternate version of himself where he has a kid, and thus dreams about it.
[Also a side note, Pepper is in the Iron Man suit in IM3 and maybe she took on Rescue after Tony ditched the arc reactor, so the Tony on the ship who I strongly believe is a different timeline Tony caught in the aftermath of a failed attack on Titan, alludes to that?]
[Another side note: this kinda implies that the Avengers needed to be split up in sub groups around the world by the time Thanos came (done via CACW) and also shows that if the Avengers are together in full, they are indeed powerful enough to stop Thanos or at least destroy one or more of the Stones]
Back to Infinity War: when Strange went through time on Titan, he possibly was setting a new save point and going through all the different timelines and realizing that this current one, the IW one, is the one with enough changes that there’s a possibility things could be won as long as Thanos is able to snap. Endgame is then the story of these changes, of the alternate ways Loki’s invasion and/or the battle on Titan went, with the Avengers using the quantum realm to time travel and ensure things happen so the Decimation occurs, setting somewhat of a time loop. The loop is broken at the beginning of IW which is why IW is the timeline we see. The rest of Endgame is then how to bring back the people lost in the Decimation, which probably requires heavy sacrifice in all the timelines and I have a feeling given Tony is the centerpiece of the MCU (and especially IW because his dream sets off the difference that allows for the snap to occur) he might be the last to sacrifice.
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padawanlost · 7 years ago
can you list some of your favorite anakin or obi wan quotes from books?
This is going to hurt, anon. But you asked for it so… enjoy :P
Obi-Wan turned his back on the open door. He climbed out of thehomestead and trudged away. The sand sucked at his boots. He felt the wind pick up in thesudden way he’d become accustomed to on Tatooine. Sand pelted his cheeks. This was his lifenow. To protect a baby who didn’t know him, might never know him. To have noone by his side, ever again. To be Master to none, to have his life linked tono one.T o coexist with memories that he could not live with. To have thememory of Anakin be like living fire in his gut. To get up every day, to stand,to watch, to live, when so many had died. And keep on walking. [Jude Watson’s TheLast One Standing]
Obi-Wan indulged in his own swift smile. Yes. Theywere indeed working in sync. And he realized then how much he’d missed this.Had missed Anakin and the way they could read each other without the need forclumsy words. They were a better team than even he and Qui-Gon had been. Andwhile he understood completely the need for them to unravel theirpartnership—not only because of the war, but also because Anakin was a JediKnight now, with his own responsibilities, still … he felt sharpregret. Working without Anakin was likeworking half blind. [Karen Miller.Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth]
[Anakin] hadworried that Obi-Wan did not have room for him in his heart.But Shmi’s smile rose in Anakin’s mind. Hearts have infinite room, my son. Itwas one of her favorite sayings. Anakin sighed. He wished he could combineObi-Wan’s cool judgement with his mother’s goodness. Someday. Maybe his Masterwould trust him enough to let him tangle again with the Sith. Perhaps he wouldnever have a Master-Padawan relationship as deep and trusting as Obi-Wan hadwith Qui-Gon. Perhaps Obi- Wan kept his as a Padawan in order to fulfill adying wish. But maybe it didn’t matter how it happened. He should not focus onwhat he didn’t have. He had this. This was his. And that was something. Hewould work hard. He would be a greatPadawan. And Obi-Wan would come to love him. He would make him do so. [JudeWatson. The Trail of the Jedi ]
Anakin had always hated sand. It was one of the manythings about his Padawan that Obi-Wan understood better now that Anakin wasdead. That was the horror of losingsomeone: understanding came too late. [Jude Watson’s The Last One Standing]
Blade-to-blade, they were identical. After thousandsof hours in lightsaber sparring, they knew each other better than brothers,more intimately than lovers; they were complementary halves of a singlewarrior. This was not Sith against Jedi. This was not light against dark orgood against evil; it had nothing to do with duty or philosophy, religion ormorals. It was Anakin against Obi-Wan.Personally. Just the two of them, and the damage they had done to each other. [MatthewStover’s Revenge of the Sith]
 The suns had determined this at the dawn of creation.Brothers, they were, until the younger sun showed his true face to the tribe.It was a sin. The elder sun attempted to kill his brother, as was only proper.But he failed. Burning, bleeding, the younger sun pursued his sibling acrossthe sky. The wily old star fled for the hills and safety, but it was his fatenever to rest again. For the younger brother had only exposed his face. Theelder had exposed his failure. And others had seen it—to their everlastingsorrow. [John Jackson Miller. Kenobi: Star Wars]
Anakin was still alive in Obi-Wan’s mind. Obi-Wan wasengaged with him so intensely that he expected his apprentice to walk over oneof those shifting sand dunes and grin at him again. Or scowl. He’d takeanything. Any mood, any defiance. Just to see him again. [Jude Watson’s TheLast One Standing]
“A healthy slave is a slave who dreams of escape,”Krayn said. “That is what security is for,” Nor Fik said. “I amnot suggesting that you pamper them. Feed them enough to keep going. When yourship is struggling, you must conserve your fuel, but reach yourdestination.” Obi-Wan felt revulsion rise deep within him. Krayn and NorFik were talking about living beings as if they were machines to be maintained.You’re the one who doesn’t understand!Anakin’s tortured words filled his brain. His Padawan had been right. He hadn’tunderstood. He couldn’t understand the depths of Anakin’s feeling. As a child,Anakin had lived every day with the knowledge that his life meant nothing. Thathe was a possession, not a living being. Obi-Wanstruggled to maintain his calm. His heart cried out to move, to get on a shipand go to Nar Shaddaa. [Star Wars Jedi Quest Path to Truth by Jude Watson]
Obi-Wan nodded.There was something about this boy that wound around his heart.During the course of their missions together he had seen firsthand Anakin’simpulsive generosity, his loyalty, his thirst to learn. Remember, Padawan, thatmost beings are essentially unknowable. There are mysteries at the heart thatcan surprise even those who think they know themselves. Obi-Wan turned away sothat Anakin could not see his wry smile. Qui- Gon was in his head so often. Itwas as though his presence was so powerful that he could never die. Obi-Wan wasgrateful for it. He missed his friend and Master with a keenness that had notdiminished with the years. [Star Wars Jedi Quest Path to Truth by Jude Watson]
 There were tears on Anakin’s cheeks, he could feelthem. He wasn’t ashamed. He wasn’t goingto apologize to anyone, not even Yoda, for caring enough about Obi-Wan to weepfor him. [Karen Miller. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Wild Space ]
Anakin came awake and blinked owlishly in the warmcabin lights. “You were dreaming,” Obi-Wan said.“Not me. The ship,” Anakin said. “Or maybe we weredreaming together. We were traveling around the galaxy, seeing wonderfulthings. It was so great to just be free. You were there with us. I think youwere having fun, too.” Anakin held outhis hand, fingers spread, and Obi-Wan met it with his own hand. [Greg Bear’sRogue Planet~]
 What else had he done there?Obi-Wan didn’t know. He knew only from that day on, a shadow began to engulfAnakin, something Obi-Wan couldn’t penetrate. He had tried to talk to Anakin aboutit, but his Padawan had brushed off his questions. He realized now that Anakinhad begun to confide in Padmé instead. They had married in secret, and the marriagehad been part of the reason Obi-Wan had felt a divide between him and hisPadawan. If Anakin had told him of the marriage, he would have understood. Notapproved, but understood. He had been tempted once, too. He had loved, too. Ifonly Anakin had confided in him. If only … And why hadn’t he? Because Obi-Wanhad failed him. If he’d been a better Master, if he’d had more of Qui-Gon’skindness and wisdom … Anakin might have approached him, have felt free to saywhatever he was thinking or feeling …If …They had flown together, wingtipto wingtip. They had relied on each other. He was more daring when Anakin waswith him. Anakin had taught him how totake risks. But in the end he had lost everything. [Jude Watson’s The LastOne Standing]
 Obi-Wan reached out and closed Anakin’s fingers overthe stone. “I hope it will be with you always to remind you of Qui-Gon andme, of our deep regard for you.” Anakin’s smile lit his face. “I’lltreasure it. Thank you, Master.” [Jude Watson. The Way of the Apprentice]
 Soon they would be ending their journey together. Theyboth knew it. He had never had to bid good-bye to Qui-Gon as a Master. He wasstill Qui-Gon’s Padawan when he died. Maybe that was the reason he felt soclose to him still. He did not know if Qui-Gon would have left him with wordsof wisdom, with a direction to follow. Now he had no way of knowing what elsehe could give Anakin. He had given him everything he could. It wasn’t enough.Sadness filled Obi-Wan as they blasted into the upper atmosphere. He loved Anakin Skywalker, but he did nottruly know him. The most important things he had to teach he had nottaught. He would have to let him go, knowing that. He would have to let him go.[Jude Watson. Legacy of the Jedi]
Sometimes he [Obi-Wan] talked to him in his head.Arguments more furious than the ones they’d had. Talks in which he explained,Master to Padawan, why he’d done what he’d done. Simple words that managed tosay everything he’d meant to say, only more clearly than he’d ever been able tosay it. In these talks, Anakin listened and understood. Of course, he wastalking to a ghost. Anakin Skywalker was dead. [Jude Watson’s The Last OneStanding]
 “For Anakin,”Obi-Wan said at length, “there is nothing more important than friendship. He isthe most loyal man I have ever met—loyal beyond reason, in fact.Despite all I have tried to teach him about the sacrifices that are the heartof being a Jedi, he—he will never, I think, truly understand.” He looked overat Yoda. “Master Yoda, you and I have been close since I was a boy. An infant.Yet if ending this war one week sooner—one day sooner—were to require that Isacrifice your life, you know I would.” “As you should,” Yoda said. “As I wouldyours, young Obi-Wan. As any Jedi would any other, in the cause of peace.” “AnyJedi,” Obi-Wan said, “except Anakin.” Yoda and Mace exchanged glances, boththoughtfully grim. Obi-Wan guessed they were remembering the times Anakin hadviolated orders—the times he had put at risk entire operations, the lives ofthousands, the control of whole planetary systems—to save a friend. More thanonce, in fact, to save Obi-Wan. “I think,” Obi-Wan said carefully, “thatabstractions like peace don’t mean much to him. He’s loyal to people, not toprinciples. And he expects loyalty in return. He will stop at nothing to saveme, for example, because he thinks I would do the same for him.” Mace and Yoda gazedat him steadily, and Obi-Wan had to lower his head. “Because,” he admitted reluctantly, “he knows I would do the same forhim.” [Matthew Stover’s Revenge of the Sith]
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fallintothegrey · 7 years ago
Dusk Till Dawn - Chapter 25
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Also on AO3.
Rey groaned as the braid in her hair came loose yet again, glaring at her reflection in the mirror. She’d been standing in the ‘fresher in Poe’s quarters for thirty minutes trying to put the mourning braid in her hair, but she couldn’t figure out how to get the simple looking, yet intricate plait to stay. Grasping the offending strands, she started again.
The General had decided that they had gone far too long without honoring their dead. Loss had hung over the base like a shroud for weeks while they all tried to survive and figure out what to do next. Now that their chance of survival didn’t look quite so bleak, it was time to acknowledge that loss.
Rey didn’t know much about mourning practices. Funerals were few and far between on Jakku–you were more likely to pass away unnoticed on the desert planet. If you were buried, X’us’R’iia would just dig you back up again. A lucky few would be cremated by their loved ones, to have their ashes mix with the sands. But most simply fell where they stood. There was no room for ceremony in such a place.
She felt woefully out of her depth standing in the ‘fresher preparing for a ceremony she knew nothing about. The feeling wasn’t new, certainly, but it felt different this time. She wanted to pay respect to all of these people who had given their lives for the Resistance, but she didn’t know how. She knew people typically wore black to funerals, but black clothing didn’t have a place on Jakku–it was too hot and it made you stand out against the sand. In lieu of black clothing, she was trying to put the mourning braid she’d seen Leia wearing in her hair, but her efforts were proving to be in vain.
She had almost secured her fifth attempt to her crown when a knock sounded at the door. With her hands still tangled in her hair above her head, she elbowed the door control. It slide open to reveal General Organa, holding something black in her hands. Looking up at Rey’s braiding attempt, she smiled softly. “Would you like some help?”
Rey eagerly nodded and dropped her arms, the braid spiraling back out again. She backed up, letting Leia into the room, who laid what turned out to be a black dress on the bed. She gestured to the chair and came to stand behind Rey when she sat.
“My mother used to braid my hair,” she said quietly as she began to carefully twist the locks of Rey’s hair. “It was expected that the mothers of Alderaan would teach their daughters how to braid. And on special occasions, the mothers would braid their daughters’ hair and the daughters would braid their mothers’ hair.”
“That sounds nice,” Rey said as she resisted the urge to lean her head into Leia’s hands. A distant memory of someone carding their hands through her hair tickled at her mind.
“On the day I was captured by Vader, she’d offered to braid my hair.” She folded another strand into the plait. “I waved her off, saying a junior diplomat didn’t need her mother to braid her hair. When I couldn’t get the braid to lay smoothly, I put my hair in buns and rushed to the shuttle. I regret every day that I did not let her braid my hair one more time.”
She carefully wrapped the braid over the crown of Rey’s head, securing it with a pin pulled from her own hair. She placed her hands on Rey’s shoulders, and Rey reached up to squeeze the older woman’s hand. “Thank you.”
Clearing her throat, Leia backed up and gestured to the dress. “I guessed you didn’t have anything to wear today.”
Rey picked the garment up and held it to herself. She’d never worn a dress before–at least she didn’t remember ever wearing one. “Thank you,” she said as she looked from the long-sleeve, full-length black dress back up to Leia.
“It was custom for the Alderaanian royal family to always travel with a set of mourning clothes. The habit stuck and after all of these years–all of these funerals–I started keeping a supply with me for people like you.”
“I’m sorry you’ve had to do that.”
Leia smiled sadly. “This cause has demanded the ultimate sacrifice from so many, and they deserve to be honored. And we deserve the chance to honor them. The clothes, a braid, they seem trivial, but they’re what we have. They’re what we can do.”
Rey nodded solemnly.
With a final smile, Leia moved to the door. Before she opened it, she turned back to Rey. “When you’ve done this as many times as I have, you start to become numb to the loss. I still haven’t decided if that’s a good thing or not. I barely had time to grieve for Han–” She paused, her voice catching. “Now I’ve lost Luke too. And while I ache for them, my grief for them joins my grief for everyone else we’ve lost, a grief so momentous that I can’t feel it anymore, not if I want to keep moving forward. But I’ve been moving forward through grief since Alderaan still existed. Poe hasn’t, and he’s going to need you today.”
“Of course, General.”
“You’re allowed to need him, too, Rey. Help each other. Feel your grief together. You’ll be stronger for it.”
Before she could respond, Leia walked out the open door, leaving Rey to her jumbled thoughts.
As she pulled her shirt off and stepped out of her pants, she wondered if she could do as Leia had said. Could she be there for Poe? Did she even know how? He’d been there for her numerous times, through her injury on Jakku, through Kylo’s assault on her mind, through what she thought were the last moments of her life. He was good at being there for people. She didn’t know if she could do the same.
And the thought of sharing her grief with him terrified her. She was unpracticed in the emotion, having been alone for so long. She hardly knew what she felt at the loss of Han, of Luke. It felt more like a hole in her, a void that would never be filled, that her body had simply reformed around. She didn’t know what it would do to her if she acknowledged that hole, probed its raw edges. And she didn’t want to burden Poe with that, not when he had such grief of his own to carry.
In the time since they had returned from Takodana, she acknowledged that something had changed between them. After nearly dying, she’d realized that she did want to feel everything that had been denied to her in her solitary existence on Jakku. Listening to Maz and Sura, she’d taken a chance. Poe had made it very clear that she determined what they were to each other, so she made the first moves. She teased him, she toyed with him, because she enjoyed seeing his reaction. She enjoyed feeling playful. And she enjoyed the chance to explore what she felt, what she wanted, without losing her control.
What Leia asked of her, though, required her to relinquish that control, meet his vulnerability with her own. And she didn’t know if she do that. After spending most of her life without any control, living under Unkar’s thumb, she didn’t want to give up something she finally had. She trusted Poe to not abuse that vulnerability, but she didn’t trust herself to not shut down around it, push him away again. And now that she was finally at a point where she knew he was something more to her, she didn’t want to push him away.
But, she realized as she pulled the dress on over her head and the silky fabric ghosted down her body, Poe always was the protector and maybe he finally deserved to have someone protect him. And she was likely one of the very few he would allow to protect him. So she would do that for him, and reveal whatever she needed to in the process.
She pulled her boots on and walked to the door. Pausing before the door control, she turned back to grab the pieces of the lightsaber. She wanted to feel close to Luke today.
The atmosphere was somber as she walked to the hangar, the halls devoid of the usual sounds of clanking tools and chatter coming from the cavernous space.
She walked in to find the Resistance members standing near the hangar door, with stones arranged on the floor. She spotted Poe, wearing his uniform, his head bowed. She went to him, sliding her hand into his.
He looked up at her in surprise at first, before giving her a sad smile. “Hi,” he murmured.
“Hi,” she responded. “I missed you this morning. Where have you been?”
“Was the bed cold?” he asked cheekily, before turning serious again. “I couldn’t sleep. I came out to work on Ebon One.”
“Alright.” She studied his face out of the corner of her eye. “I’m here, if you need-”
“I know, sunshine,” he cut her off, squeezing her hand.
She wanted to say something else, something to make him see that she wanted to help him, but Leia stepped before them before she could.
“I said when we were still on D’Qar that we would honor our dead more fully and properly after the fight. But as in any fight, more have died for our cause—too many more. And as in any war, the fight still isn’t over. We cannot honor them more properly on this Force forsaken planet, but we can honor them as best we can.”
Rey felt Poe tense next to her.
“One hundred and thirty seven.” She looked over them, tears glistening in her eyes. “One hundred and thirty seven lives lost since we left D’Qar.” She gestured to the stones behind her. “One hundred and thirty seven stones, one for each of the brave men and women who died for the Resistance.”
Rey glanced over at Poe. He stared resolutely ahead, standing at attention, but she could see tears welling in his eyes.
“We are here because of them,” Leia continued. “We press on because of them. We still fight because of them.”
Rey gripped Poe’s hand tighter.
“As we rebuild, we cannot forget those who died to ensure that we could. We cannot forget those who died so we could live. We must carry them with us, like beacons into the world we seek to reclaim. We must carry their passion, their courage, their strength, their wisdom, and their love. If we do that, we will not fail them. We cannot fail them. For they will never truly be gone, not if we continue their fight.”
She knelt down to pick up one of the stones and walked solemnly out of hangar into Akuria’s sunlight, the snow crunching below her feet. The Resistance members watched her for a moment, unsure what they should do.
Rey smiled through tears when the first to follow Leia was the little orange and white droid. Reaching out one of his mechanical arms, he picked up one of the stones and rolled after the General. Spurred into action by BB-8, the rest of the Resistance followed.
They rejoined Leia in a valley protected by the ridge. She appeared to study the stone in her hand for a moment, her thumb rasping over the rough surface, before looking up at them. “Cairns are usually built on a hilltop, but I’ve been in this fight too long and I don’t have the energy to climb that anymore,” she said as she gestured back towards the ridge. A few people chuckled sadly in response. “More than that, though, I want this cairn to remain here, long after this war is over, long after we’re gone. On top of the ridge, it might topple in a harsh wind or fall with the snow–and the people we honor with this cairn were made of sterner stuff than that. So let us build this memorial here, in the shelter of the ridge. Let these stones be sheltered in the way that we have been sheltered by their memory. Let these stones be sheltered in the way that every one of us, living and dead, are sheltered by hope, by love, and by the Force. Emerging from such a shadow, our light can only shine brighter.”
She took a steadying breath, before kneeling and placing her stone on the ground. Her fingers lingered on it for a few moments as she whispered a few words. Once she stepped away, the rest of them built the cairn.
Rose walked forward, Finn clutching her to his side as she struggled to quiet her sobs. She nearly dropped to her knees, held up only by Finn’s arm around her waist, when she reached the spot. She shakily placed the stone on the ground and leaned heavily into Finn as he set down his own stone.
A group of new recruits who arrived after these lives had been lost walked forward together, their shoulders set, their faces impassive. They set their rocks down around Leia’s and Rose’s, forming the foundation. When they straightened, Jevlan led them in a salute, his slim shoulders swallowed up in the too-large private’s uniform he wore.
Chewie brought an armful of stones forward, offering a mournful cry for each person they represented  as he carefully arranged the stones. When he walked back passed her, Rey could see tears glistening on his fur.
“Godspeed, rebels,” C-3PO said as he creakily knelt to place his stone. R2, BB-8, and the rest of the droids echoed his call in binary and arranged their stones.
The members of Ebon Squadron, including Sura and Iolo, came forward with their arms around each other and placed their stones together. Snap pressed a kiss to Karé’s forehead while pulling Jess to his side, and Sura wrapped Iolo in a hug.
The rest of the Resistance walked forward, but still Poe didn’t move from his place by her side. Every time she glanced over, he remained with his head bowed and his eyes closed. The continuous clenching of his jaw was the only sign of his struggle.
Rey flipped the stone over in her hand, trying to keep the tears pricking at her eyes from falling. The immensity of loss took her breath away as she stood there. She had keenly felt the loss of Han and Luke, but she hadn’t fully understood the depth of grief that the Resistance members held until that moment. As the cairn grew before her, she realized that she was looking at a memorial for more people than she’d known in her entire life. Face to face with their many sacrifices, Rey resolved to repay their sacrifices. She resolved to continue what they started and to finish it, no matter what that meant for her.
She walked to the cairn and knelt next to it, her gaze moving over the numerous stones. She placed her stone and pressed her hand to the top of the monument, whispering “Thank you” in every language she knew. Beneath her hand, she felt an answering pulse rise up through the stones.
Rising to her feet, she fell back into her place by Poe. Hand now free, she reached out to press it to his arm. As if her touch burned him, he pulled away.
After all of the other stones had been placed, Poe still held his. He opened his red-rimmed eyes, straightened his shoulders, and marched forward, his back painfully straight. He set the stone on the top of the cairn, his hand shaking as it lingered for a moment. But as quickly as that slight crack in his demeanor appeared, he clenched his hand into a fist, turned from the cairn with military precision, and walked passed the gathered Resistance members towards the base. As he walked away from her, Rey could hear him muttering something over and over.
“It should have been me.”
Many of them trailed off then, giving the cairn one last look before turning back to the base. Soon, only a few remained.
Rey walked back up to the memorial, the lightsaber pieces clutched in her hands. She knelt again and set the pieces on the top of the cairn. “May the Force be with you, Master Luke,” she whispered.
“He doesn’t need that.”
Startled, Rey looked up to see Leia smirking at her. “What?” she asked.
“My brother’s already with the Force. He doesn’t need your words and he’d probably knock you on the head for wasting them on him. And he certainly doesn’t need that.” She gestured to the broken lightsaber. “You do.”
“But it’s broken.”
“Then fix it,” Leia said with a hint of exasperation. “You’re a smart woman. If Luke could figure out how to make an entirely new lightsaber, you can figure out how to put an old one back together.”
“But the crystal—”
“You will find a new one,” Leia cut her off. “That saber called to you, Rey. It is meant for you. But maybe the crystal inside wasn’t. Maybe it needed to be broken so you could find your crystal and make it whole again.”
Rey looked down at the pieces of the saber, examining them for the first time like something that could be fixed, not something broken beyond repair. She picked them back up and stood again. “Thank you, General,” she said with a nod.
Leia smiled fondly at her. “I know that look. Don’t immediately get your tools and start working. Remember what I said earlier about Poe.” Her smile fell. “You might be the only one who can get through to him today.”
They walked back to the base in silence. Leia stopped to give Rey a hug before returning to the command center, leaving her to find Poe.
She went first to his quarters, though she knew he likely wasn’t there. Finding her suspicion to be correct, she stowed the saber pieces in the footlocker and picked the uniform jacket up from where Poe had thrown it on the floor before he fled.
She ducked her head into the common room, where Ebon Squadron had gathered around the table to toast their fallen comrades. Jess raised her glass of whatever swill Snap had found to Rey. “Hey, Jedi. Do you want to join us?”
Rey shook her head. “No, I’m trying to find Poe. Have you seen him?”
“Not since we came back to base,” Snap replied.
“Look for BB,” Sura suggested. “He’s never far from Poe when he’s like this.”
“Thanks, Sura.”
As she turned to leave, Karé called out to her. “Tell him we love him, alright?”
“I will.”
She wandered through the base for several minutes, nodding to people as she passed. Finally, she turned the corner into a dimly lit hall and found the little round droid beeping insistently towards a closed door.
“Go away, BB,” she heard Poe’s muffled voice.
“Hey buddy,” Rey said as she knelt down next to him. “Is he alright?”
He spun his photoreceptor to her and whistled his dismay to her.
She patted BB’s head. “I’ll try talking to him. You go find R2.” He looked at the door once more before rolling away.
She knocked gently on the door. “Poe, can I come in?”
He didn’t answer for several moments, but then the door opened a crack. She pushed into the dark room.
Poe sat on the floor of the abandoned closet, his elbows propped on his knees and his face buried in his hands. When she joined him, dust puffed up around her. She pressed her side to his and looked over at him. He pulled in a deep breath as tears dripped from his eyes to the floor, but he would not return her gaze.
She sighed and placed her hand on his forearm. “I’m sorry,” she murmured. “I’m sorry you’re hurting. But you’re not alone. Your friends are here for you. I’m here.”
He turned to look at her then, and the despair in his eyes pierced her. “I should be alone,” he said gruffly. “Better yet, I should be dead.”
“Poe, don’t say that.”
“Why not?” he bit back. “It’s true. A lot of the people we built that cairn for would still be alive if I wasn’t.”
“You don’t know that,” she argued. “You don’t know what path they were destined for.”
“But that doesn’t matter. They still ended up on a path with me. I made the wrong choices and they were killed because of me.”
“Poe, at every moment, with every choice you’ve made, you have done what you thought would keep your people safe. You ordered the strike on the Dreadnought because you know it could take out the entire Resistance if you didn’t. You defied Vice Admiral Holdo because you thought she was dooming everyone. With every choice you’ve made, it appeared to be the only choice you had at the time.”
“Then I’m not fit for the Resistance if I couldn’t see that there were other choices besides letting my friends die.”
“Then maybe you’re not fit for the Resistance,” she said simply. “Maybe I’m not fit for the Resistance. Maybe none of us are fit for the Resistance.”
He gaped at her.
“None of us should be fit for the Resistance,” she continued, “because that would mean that we have so little faith in the galaxy, we assumed we would need to go to war.”
He snorted quietly.
“I don’t want to be someone like that and I don’t want you to be either. So, yes, you’re not fit for the Resistance. You made some bad choices because you didn’t see any good choices. But if that makes you want to give up, to die, rather than live and fight for those we’ve lost and those we have left–well, then maybe you don’t belong in the Resistance, either. But I know that’s not true.”
New tears glistened in Poe’s eyes as he blinked at her.
“You’re a good man, Poe. You wouldn’t ache with this loss if you weren’t. But they’re at peace. You need to know that.”
“You don’t know that,” he said as he wiped at a tear that rolled down his cheek.
“Yes, I do.” She grabbed his hand and gripped it tightly. “I felt it, when I touched the cairn. There was peace, and purpose. Now it’s time for you to find your own purpose, from within this pain, and move forward with it.”
He stared at their joined hands, lacing his fingers with hers. She leaned her head down on his shoulder, and he rested his head against hers.
“What do you think your purpose is?” he asked as his thumb ghosted back and forth over the back of her hand.
She thought for a moment before answering. “There’s been an awakening in the Force, and not just from me. I think I’m supposed to find the people like me, meant for something much bigger than they ever wanted, ever imagined, ever dreamt they were meant for.”
“Anything else?”
“I think I’m meant to end this,” she admitted. “Kylo and I, we’re equals on opposite sides. We’re destructive when we meet, and I think one of us is meant to destroy the other. I don’t think there’s any other way that this can end.”
“Please don’t think that,” he exclaimed, lifting his head to look at her and gripping her hand so tightly that his nails dug into her skin. “You have to be meant for more than that. You have to believe that. I have to believe that.”
She lifted her head from his shoulder and turned to look back at him. “What other ending can there be?”
“Something better than that—anything but that.”
“Like what?” she asked, wanting to know what he thought life should hold for her.
“I think you’re supposed to find people like you, teach them to seek the light, teach us all to seek the light. I think you’re meant to find your family, whether it’s the family you were born to or the family you choose. I think you’re supposed to live a long life, surrounded by the people who love you–Finn, Rose, Chewie.” He paused, eyes searching her face. “Me, if I make it that long.”
She smiled at him. “Maybe that’s your purpose–make it long enough for me to fulfill my purpose.”
“That would be alright with me, sunshine.”
Her expression turning serious again, she met his eyes. “No, your purpose is bigger than that, Poe. You’re meant to learn from your loss and lead with that wisdom. You’re meant to guide the hurt, the lost, and the broken back home–just like you did with me. You’re meant to fight this fight, and you’re meant to leave this fight and finally find peace.”
“That sounds alright, too.”
She returned her head to his shoulder and they sat there in silence for a few minutes, simply existing with each other. Rey eventually pulled her hand from his and patted his knee before rising to her feet. “Come on, flyboy. Ebon Squadron’s holding a wake in the common room.”
He rose to his feet, but he pulled her back before she could reach the door. She looked back at him puzzledly.
“I just need a couple more seconds,” he said as he stepped closer to her and set his hands on her shoulders. She stood under his gaze as he slowly brought his hands up to cup her face. He closed his eyes and gently pressed his forehead against hers. His breath fluttered over her skin as he exhaled long and slow, his shoulders dropping. She brought her hands up to rest on his arms and released the same calming breath.
“Better?” she asked.
“Hey, Poe.”
“Huh?,” he hummed.
“Promise me that no matter what purpose we end up having, we’ll be together at the end.”
“I���ll do whatever I can to be there, Sunshine, as long as you promise to do the same.”
He pressed a kiss to her forehead before he released her. As they walked to the door, it felt like the veil that had fallen over them, secluded in a forgotten supply closet, was pulled back.
Emerging into the hall, they emerged back into the Resistance, back into the fight.
But first, before they worried again about what the Force had in store for them, they would celebrate their friends–their lives, their memory, their courage, their light. As they walked to the common room, side by side, that’s what they intended to do.
They could find their purpose tomorrow.
A/N: Holy angsty chapter, Batman! Sorry about that–I can only apparently write about them having fun for two chapters before it's back to the angst. I'll lighten it back up in the next chapter.
Regarding the next chapter and the plan for this story, the demands of this story and the demands of my work and travel schedule are not really meshing right now. The story I'm trying to plot is requiring longer and longer chapters, which I'm struggling to write each week in time to maintain the upload pattern I've established. So, for the months of June and July, I will be uploading every two weeks. Once my schedule slows back down in August, I hope to go back to posting chapters weekly. I will keep you updated on that front.
As always, thank you for reading! Seeing your likes, reblogs, and replies makes a very stressful time for me a lot more bearable! Much love to you all!
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planabee · 7 years ago
UB kin with Pokemon Theory
The youtube video with this comment chain got deleted so I’m posting this here. Most of these I didn’t come up with originally, just filled in the extra reasoning. Copy and pasted from a notepad I had saved it on.
...I keep coming back to these theories. Paul Grote Beverborg's comment and some of the other comments here really got me thinking.
So I went through the Ultra Beasts one by one, looking at their designs and types, considering the locations they were found in, listening to their themes, etc. Just note, this may be a little long.
This is what I came up with so far.
Nihilego may be an evolved form of Cradily, originating from Glittering Cave (thanks mew for this theory!)
Reasoning: In the first games, it lingered near Wela Volcano Park. And we know that when an Ultra Beast gets lost in another world, it tries to go back home. That means Wela Park must resemble its home somehow. If you look on the maps WVP does resemble the route that leads to Glittering Cave.
And Glittering Cave is rather obvious, with all those beautiful crystal formations.
As for why I believe it's a new form of Lileep/Cradily, three reasons.
1) Of what Pokemon could be found in Glittering Cave, there are many fossils, including the Root fossil. Meaning Cradily once inhabited that place, long ago. Two quasi amphibious deepsea tentacled creatures discovered in (what was probably) the same cave? That confirmed it for me. But if you need more evidence
2) Their biology. Both are rock types with markings on its body and no immediately visible eyes. And they're symbionts in either form.
3) Another name for the root fossil is "sea lily" fossil. It's a bit extra but they both have a symbolic connection to Lillie.
Evolutionary pressure: When the sea receded, instead of going extinct the Lileep made the air their new ocean. Somehow not needing to attach themselves to the walls in the process.
I'd like to also add Tentacruel to the mix, because many people bring this up as an alternative. Let me just say, it doesn't have to be a dichotomy! Actually, since Cradily came from an ancient past, who's to say it isn't an ancestor of Tentacool? Perhaps the Lileep line, Tentacool line, and Nihilego all make up the same branching family tree?
Pheromosa might be an evolved form of Leavanny, with Pinwheel Forest as its birthplace.
Reasoning: The Pinwheel Forest and Ultra Desert themes are very similar, I think. I can't speak for the musical composition, but they at least share the same musicboxesque tone.
And if you imagine all those white rocks in Ultra Desert were plants at some point, then suddenly it makes sense. Replace the odd stone houses with hollowed trees, and the rough terrain formed from tall grass. How it happened is anyone's guess.
Following that thread, Sewaddle is the only bug found in Pinwheel Forest that can evolve into a human shape Pokemon. And it's not hard to imagine, really. Leavanny's thin green leaf body must've turned white and durable with the surroundings. Its antennae grew longer, and it crafted clothes to protect its torso instead of its legs.
Evo pressure: The world looks like those urban myths about post-nuclear fallout, but besides that I have no idea how it all turned into glass and white stone or how Leavanny became half fighting.
Buzzwole is a Jojo-fied Volcarona from somewhere near Mt Pyre
Reasoning: This is where things get uncertain tbh. I think you can find Volcarona on one of the Mirage Islands? But the music doesn't seem to match as well compared to other places on the map.
Buzzwole thinks Melemele Meadow looks like home, and all I could guess was Hoenn route 113, or thereabouts.
Evolutionary pressures: dance workouts (Hoenn Brass!!!), muscle bulk up drinks made from the sacrifices of the innocent and a healthy dose of lava... 
Celesteela could be a mutated Snover, from Acuity Lakeside or Mt Coronet
Reasoning: "It stores energy, might be a plant originally, lives in a crater, has a horn" were all the things I kept in mind when searching for a match for Celesteela. It came down to Snover or Shiftry's line, but I if I had to choose one it'd be Snover. This is going to be a stretch because I'm still working out the details, but let me try to explain.
The strongest ties between the two are the nearly matching color palettes and their tree like qualities. One anomaly though is Celesteela's ability to fly vs Snover and Abomasnow's groundedness. But they fly by storing and unleashing energy. That's not so different to how Abomasnow can create gusts of wind and blizzards, I think?
Evo pressure: I know this sounds like a crackpot theory, but it's possible that Mt Coronet's magnetic field slowly changed some Snovers to steel types. Perhaps Snover's ice became more mineral, which allowed them to react to that special magnetic field and evolved them into steel giants.
I wanted to fit Bronzong into this theory, but it's getting long and convoluted enough already.
Kartana (I honestly don't know, but I agree with the theory it's from Johto. But I think it's more likely from Ilex Forest than Ecruteak... probably. I mean that's the first place that requires Cut to go through.)
Reasoning: Besides the Cut thing, I thought I recognized some patterns between the Ilex Forest and Ultra Forest themes. I could've just imagined it tho.
What is it tho? I can't understand this Ultra Beast, or see any resemblance to Pokemon AT ALL. Not the color palette, the typing, the shape or any possible lore. I mean really, it looks more like someone folded some shikigami replicas of those Kartenvoys and magicked them alive or something.
I tried looking into which Pokemon can learn Cut in Ilex Forest, at least to make sense of this. The ones that came closest were Kakuna/Beedrill, Budew/Roserade, and Farfetch'd.
Evo pressure: ?????Cut
Guzzlord (This has already been done, but it seems like now it's a debate between Alolan Muk vs Zygarde. I'd choose... Zygarde, but only if the evolutionary pressure was replacing Alola Muk's ecological niche after it finally went extinct? I like the Muk angle too, but it just doesn't explain its features that well... besides the colors and the eating. -Then again, same goes for most of the theories I just wrote-)
Soo, those were my thoughts! Hopefully that wasn't tl;dr, I'd love to keep the speculation going. Thanks for reading all of that :D
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dfroza · 4 years ago
our Creator first chooses us
but we also have to respond in faith, to come to “believe…” rather than rejecting the Light of the Son who our heavenly Father is revealed through. and the eternal Son was born on earth through the lineage of the Jews through the miracle of a virgin conceiving, who is now in Heaven and His Spirit is here with us now.
it is True that those who do believe have their names written in the eternal Book of Life.
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 9th chapter of the Letter of Romans where Paul reflects upon this by writing it down:
O Israel, my Jewish family, I feel such great sorrow and heartache for you that never leaves me! God knows these deep feelings within me as I long for you to come to faith in the Anointed One. My conscience will not let me speak anything but the truth. For my grief is so intense that I wish that I would be accursed, cut off from the Messiah, if it would mean that you, my people, would come to faith in him!
You are Israelites, my fellow citizens, and God’s chosen people. To you belong God’s glorious presence, the covenants, the Torah, the temple with its required sacrifices, and the promises of God. We trace our beginnings back to the patriarchs, and through their bloodline is the genealogy of the Messiah, who is God over everything. May he be praised through endless ages! Amen!
Clearly, God has not failed to fulfill his promises to Israel, for that will never happen! But not everyone who has descended from Israel belongs to Israel. Physical descent from Abraham doesn’t guarantee the inheritance, because God has said:
“Through Isaac your descendants will be counted as part of your lineage.”
This confirms that it is not merely the natural offspring of Abraham who are considered the children of God; rather, the children born because of God’s promise are counted as descendants. For God promised Abraham:
“Now is the time! For in nine months your wife, Sarah, will have a son!”
Now, this son was our ancestor, Isaac, who, with his wife, Rebekah, conceived twins. And before her twin sons were born, God spoke to Rebekah and said:
“The oldest will serve the youngest.”
God spoke these words before the sons had done anything good or bad, which proves that God calls people not on the basis of their good or bad works, but according to his divine purpose. For in the words of Scripture:
“Jacob I have chosen, but Esau I have rejected.”
So, what does all this mean? Are we saying that God is unfair? Of course not! He had every right to say to Moses:
“I will be merciful to whomever I choose and I will show compassion to whomever I wish.”
Again, this proves that God’s choice doesn’t depend on how badly someone wants it or tries to earn it, but it depends on God’s kindness and mercy. For just as God said to Pharaoh:
“I raised you up as ruler of Egypt for this reason, that I might make you an example of how I demonstrate my miracle power. For by the example of how I deal with you, my powerful name will be a message proclaimed throughout the earth!”
So again we see that it is entirely up to God to show mercy or to harden the hearts of whomever he chooses.
Well then, one might ask, “If God is in complete control, how could he blame us? For who can resist whatever he wants done?”
But who do you think you are to second-guess God? How could a human being molded out of clay say to the one who molded him, “Why in the world did you make me this way?” Or are you denying the right of the potter to make out of clay whatever he wants? Doesn’t the potter have the right to make from the same lump of clay an elegant vase or an ordinary pot?
And in the same way, although God has every right to unleash his anger and demonstrate his power, yet he is extremely patient with those who deserve wrath—vessels prepared for destruction. And doesn’t he also have the right to release the revelation of the wealth of his glory to his vessels of mercy, whom God prepared beforehand to receive his glory? Even for us, whether we are Jews or non-Jews, we are those he has called to experience his glory. Remember the prophecy God gave in Hosea:
“To those who were rejected and not my people,
I will say to them: ‘You are mine.’
And to those who were unloved I will say:
‘You are my darling.’ ”
“In the place where they were told, ‘You are nobody,’
this will be the very place where they will be renamed
‘Children of the living God.’ ”
And the prophet Isaiah cries out to Israel:
Though the children of Israel
are as many as the sands of the seashore,
only a remnant will be saved.
For the Lord will act
and carry out his word on the earth,
and waste no time to accomplish it!
Just as Isaiah saw it coming and prophesied:
If the Lord God had not left us a remnant,
we would have been destroyed like Sodom
and left desolate like Gomorrah!
So then, what does all this mean? Here’s the irony: The non-Jewish people, who weren’t even pursuing righteousness, were the ones who seized it—a perfect righteousness that is transferred by faith. Yet Israel, even though pursuing a legal righteousness, did not attain to it. And why was that? Because they did not pursue the path of faith but insisted on pursuing righteousness by works, as if it could be seized another way. They were offended by the means of obtaining it and stumbled over the stumbling stone, just as it is written:
“Be careful! I am setting in Zion a stone
that will cause people to stumble,
a rock of offense that will make them fall,
but believers in him will not experience shame.”
The Letter of Romans, Chapter 9 (The Passion Translation)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 28th chapter of the book (scroll) of Isaiah that deals with exposing fraud and deception and happens to be the very chapter that Paul quotes from in Romans 9:
Oh, it will be bad for you drunkards of Ephraim.
That once proud elegance of yours
Now droops and falls like a fading flower.
You leaders of the fertile valley are now drowning in your own wine.
Look well—the Eternal has called up one who is fierce and mighty.
Like a powerful hailstorm followed by destructive winds,
Like a storm that spawns devastating floods,
God’s agent will drive Ephraim down and smash him to earth.
Then the tarnished elegance of intoxicated Ephraim
will lie trampled in the dirt.
And the fading flower of its glorious beauty
that crowned Ephraim’s fertile valley
Will be snatched up and consumed as soon as someone sees it,
like the first ripened fig before summer.
In that day the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, will be a beautiful crown,
a glorious diadem, for His people who survive.
He will be a spirit of justice to those who sit in judgment
and a source of strength to those who battle at the gate.
Ah, what contrast to the drunken and bumbling priests and prophets
who can’t even see straight, whose minds are addled,
Whose steps wobble, whose visions mislead,
whose judgments waver, because of all their drinking.
There’s vomit on all of the tables,
filth all over the place.
The priests and prophets mock:
“Who is left for God to instruct in knowledge?
Who will listen and understand His message?
Maybe those infants just weaned off of milk,
those innocents just taken from the breast?
For here is how it goes: Command after command. Command on top of command.
Rule after rule. Rule on top of rule. A little here, A little there.”
For now that God’s people reject His message,
He will speak to them through the stammering lips
And foreign language of an invader.
Eternal One: This is the way: here is rest for the weary.
I am showing you rest.
But they wouldn’t listen to Him.
And so the word of the Eternal One to them will be just as they said:
“Command after command. Command on top of command.
Rule after rule. Rule on top of rule. A little here, a little there.”
But they’ll go and fail. They’ll fall back, broken and trapped,
and be taken away by another people.
Let this be a warning, the Eternal’s word to you sarcastic jokesters,
you leaders in Jerusalem.
For you have made an audacious claim:
Leaders: We have made a pact with death; we’ve made a deal with the grave.
When the scourge of disease and doom comes our way, they won’t touch us.
Death and the grave will pass us by
for our fraud disguises us, and deception is our shield.
So the Lord, the Eternal, has this to say:
Eternal One: See here, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone—
a cornerstone, chosen and precious—for a firm foundation.
Whoever trusts in it will never be disgraced.
Justice will be the line by which I lay out its floor plan,
and righteousness will be My leveling tool.
A hailstorm will pulverize and wash away the fraud and deception behind which people hide,
and floodwaters will overrun their hiding place.
Then your pact with death and the grave will be annulled.
When the scourge that you fear comes along,
It will find you and pummel you down.
Whenever it does come your way, it will grab you.
It could be anytime—morning, noon, or night.
To fathom its message will be sheer terror.
The bed is too short to stretch out and the blanket is too small
for you to hide in or pretend you are not here.
For the Eternal will stand as He did at Mount Perazim
and shake it all up as He did in Gibeon Valley,
To accomplish whatever it is that God wills to accomplish—
strange deeds indeed.
So don’t keep laughing it off,
or your chains will be made even stronger.
For I heard from the Lord, the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies,
that an absolute end has been determined for the whole earth.
Pay attention! Listen well;
take care to hear my words.
Does a farmer constantly plow and turn the soil to plant his seed?
No, of course not.
When he’s leveled and tilled the soil,
doesn’t he plant each seed according to its specifications?
He scatters the dill, sows the cummin, plants the wheat in rows,
puts barley and spelt where they grow best.
God instructs and directs the farmer
in how best to manage the land.
For dill isn’t threshed with a sledge,
and you don’t roll a cart over the cummin.
Dill is properly beaten free with one kind of stick,
and cummin with another.
Similarly, you have to grind grain to have flour for bread,
but you don’t grind it endlessly.
When the wheel on the cart and the horses go over the grain,
you must be careful not to crush it.
The Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies,
is the source of such wisdom.
His advice is wonderful.
The Book (Scroll) of Isaiah, Chapter 28 (The Voice)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Tuesday, july 6 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons about the “Spirit”
The Hebrew word "spirit" (i.e., ruach: רוּחַ) points to wonder, to something extraordinary and beyond our expectation, that is, to the mysterious Divine Presence that pervades all things yet rises above all things. Yeshua likened the ruach with the inscrutable motions of the wind. He said, "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit" (John 3:8). We see the effects of the wind, but not the wind itself, which illustrates that the wind surrounds us yet is ultimately beyond our grasp and control. To be “born of the Spirit” is therefore a mysterious intervention from heaven (John 1:13), just as being "led by the Spirit" implies seeing differently, that is, apprehending the Divine Presence in the mysterious motions of life.
“The wind blows where it will; you are aware of its soughing, but no one knows whence it comes or whither it goes. So also with longing, the longing for God and the eternal, the longing for our Savior and Redeemer. Comprehend it you cannot, nor should you; indeed, you dare not even want to attempt - but you are to use the longing. Would the merchant be responsible if he does not use the opportune moment; would the sailor be responsible if he does not use the favorable winds - how much more, then, is the one who does not use the occasion of longing when it is offered” (Kierkegaard: Discourses). Amen, may the hunger and yearning for the Lord be within you. Amen. [Hebrew for Christians]
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and another about the significance of our words and the actions that accompany them:
“If a person vows a vow (i.e., neder: נֶדֶר) to the LORD, or swears an oath (i.e., shevuah: שְׁבוּעָה) to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth” (Num. 30:2). The Hebrew expression “break his word” literally means “profane his word” (יַחֵל דְּבָרוֹ), that is, to defile the soul by causing it to be inwardly divided, irresolute, and cowardly. After all, breaking your word means violating the integrity of who you are, showing that what you say and what you do are not unified, and this leads to feelings of shame. Your words confess your reality and bring it to life... If you cannot keep your word, your word becomes profane, empty, lost -- you become a "stranger to yourself," unsure of what you intend. “Let your "yes" be yes and your "no" be no; learn to say what you mean and mean what you say (Matt. 5:37).
In the Book of Proverbs we read, "When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is wise" (Prov. 10:19). The Chofetz Chaim comments: "When people are preparing a telegram, notice how carefully they consider each word before they put it down. That is how careful we must be when we speak." As James admonishes us: "Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger" (James 1:19).
Since words represent thoughts, the use of our tongues has to do with how we choose to think... "Think on these things..." We are instructed to "take every thought captive" (αἰχμαλωτίζω, i.e., lead away as a prisoner) to the obedience of Messiah... It is wise to restrain our speech, because, after all, we often have no idea what we are talking about, and therefore our words can become unruly and even dangerous (Matt. 5:33). Whenever we open our mouth to speak, Heaven is listening (Matt. 12:36-37). [Hebrew for Christians]
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7.5.21 • Facebook
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
July 6, 2021
Mockers--Ancient and Modern
“But it came to pass, that when Sanballat heard that we builded the wall, he was wroth, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews.” (Nehemiah 4:1)
The art of mocking God and His people has changed little through the ages. The pagan enemies that surrounded the Jews as they were trying to rebuild Jerusalem 400 years before Christ tried various means to defeat them—essentially the same devices used by God’s enemies today.
They tried political and sociological means, after their efforts at infiltration failed, but these also failed (see Ezra 5:6, 17; 6:6-7; 9:1; 10:11-12). Then, when Nehemiah actually began work on the city’s wall, they tried discouragement by ridicule (Nehemiah 2:19; 4:1-3), by threat of violence (4:7-8), and by attempted treachery (6:2).
Likewise, the enemies of God’s Word and God’s plan today are trying all these devices in a modern format. They use political means (such as the ACLU), compromising infiltration (liberal teachers in once-sound Christian schools), and even persecution (as in communist countries).
The strategy of “mocking” is often especially effective against Christians in education, science, or other professional fields. Such people place a high premium on peer recognition and thus are sensitive to snide remarks about the Bible. Thus, when, in the words of 2 Peter 3:4, latter-day scoffers come saying: “Where is the promise of his coming?...all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation” (which is essentially a denial of God and creation), there is great pressure to tacitly agree with the scoffers, and many Christians will seek some compromise.
But Nehemiah did not compromise, and neither should we. The Bible says that those who ridicule God’s Word are “willingly ignorant” (2 Peter 3:5), and there is no need to pander to willful ignorance of God’s invulnerable truth. HMM
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empress-of-snark · 7 years ago
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(last header by @caseyblu)
(I am a Fool and I didn’t post this yesterday, I apologize)
AKA: I wish I hadn’t already used the “Everything hurts and I’m dying” reference on Iron Man 2, because it’s even more applicable now.
(So many spoilers, like seriously, don’t read if you haven’t seen Infinity War yet.)
Hoo boy, wow. This was the big one. It’s kind of like Civil War--there’s just so much going on that it’s hard to know where to start. Only it’s like 100 times bigger than that. So yeah, this might get confusing. Sorry in advance.
First off, I’m not totally convinced that Loki’s dead. I know, I know, I’m not gonna go off on a rant and it’s not just because I like him. It’s because his death really didn’t make sense. I mean, I understand why it had to happen plot-wise, but I don’t understand why someone as powerful as Loki would simply use a knife to attack Thanos, who now has two infinity stones. One could argue he wasn’t thinking clearly after seeing Thor tortured, but that doesn’t seem in-character to me. I dunno, maybe I’m just in denial. But I have a hunch he may come back one last time in Avengers 4, maybe with Valkyrie.
There were a lot of characters absent who I expect will make an appearance in Avengers 4, assuming they weren’t dusted. Hawkeye, Ant-Man & the Wasp, Valkyrie, Korg & Meik, Lady Sif, Wong (if he’s done protecting the Sanctorum, that is).
Actually, I’m calling it right now. End credits scene of Avengers 4. Dr. Strange opens the doors to the Sanctum Sanctorum, bloody, bruised, and exhausted after the fight of his life. Wong is sitting on the stairs with a half-eaten carton of Ben & Jerry’s “Hulk-A-Hulk-A-Burning-Fudge” ice cream. “How’d it go?”
Also excited to meet Captain Marvel and learn what exactly she’s been doing for the past ten years that was more important than ever helping save the world. Maybe she’s just so powerful that no threat has been big enough to require her presence? I guess we’ll find out next year.
Anyway, it was great seeing all the different characters meet and interact for the first time. It’s another big crossover, like the first Avengers movie. Except this one is like three or four big groups scattered across the galaxy and you have to keep track of who knows who and who’s where doing what. It gets confusing at times, especially trying to remember things like who’s supposed to know about the infinity stones, who knows about Thanos, who has no idea what’s going on, etc.
I spotted another timeline issue that confuses things even more, actually. Tony references the events of the first Avengers film and says they happened six years ago. Which means that technically Spiderman Homecoming is supposed to happen two years after this (as the beginning indicates it’s eight years after the attack on New York). I guess it doesn’t make a huge difference, I’m just surprised they’d make a mistake like that, with how meticulous they usually are about continuity.
It was still pretty painful to watch all those characters turn to dust at the end, even though I know they’re definitely coming back in Avengers 4 (they literally just announced the release date of Spiderman 2). Ugh, his scene still gets me. Knowing that his lines there were improvised honestly makes it worse.
This is obviously the first time we’ve ever seen a villain actually win, even if it’s just part one. And before anyone says anything else about Quill ruining the plan and being responsible for their loss, consider this: Strange saw this future. He knew there was only one way they could defeat Thanos and if he didn’t stop Quill then, that means it had to happen. If Quill had stayed quiet and they’d gotten the gauntlet off, something else would’ve gone wrong and Thanos still would’ve killed half the universe.
Also, consider that Quill has always been a very emotional character. He had the same reaction to Gamora’s death that he did in Guardians 2 when he learned that Ego killed his mother. He was not acting rationally and we shouldn’t condemn him for being sad/angry that the woman he loves is dead.
It is a little unhelpful that Strange dissolved before leaving any sort of instructions. He’s the only one who knows exactly what should happen and now he’s gone, leaving everyone else to figure it out on their own.
One complaint that my brother pointed out is that this movie kind of negates a lot of what happened in Ragnarok. Yes, Asgard is still gone, but the point of Ragnarok was to strip Thor down to nothing. He lost his hammer. In Infinity War, he’s got a new axe. He lost an eye. Rocket gives him a new one. He and Loki finally reconciled. Loki’s dead now. He befriended Valkyrie. Who even knows where Valkyrie is. Also half the Asgardian refugees are dead now. It just makes you wonder what the point of Ragnarok was if nothing stuck.
So let’s talk about Gamora real quick. First of all, her singing along with Quill to his music was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Second of all, I’m not convinced she’s dead either (yes, like Loki, this is partly just because I don’t want her to be dead). There’s theories that she may be trapped in the soul stone, possibly along with everyone who got dusted, which means that there may be a chance of getting her back in Avengers 4. I really hope so, cause I just can’t imagine another Guardians movie without her.
There’s probably a million and one other things left to say but I don’t want this review to drag on too long. You all saw the movie, you know how devastating it is, I don’t have to tell you.
RANKINGS:      Disclaimer: We’re considering the characters who went through the most change/development as ‘heroes’ and everyone else as ‘supporting.’ I’d love to sit down and rank every single character in this movie, but we’d be here all day.
     Hero(es): 8.5 Stormbreakers out of 10. This is Tony, Dr. Strange, Peter Quill, Gamora, Vision, Wanda, and Thor. All seven of these characters went through a ton of character development and growth, and come across as the real main characters. They all played off each other well (those that interacted, that is), and every one of them had to make some incredibly hard decisions that really reflected their heroism.
     Villain: 9.5 snaps out of 10. I mean, a villain always gets points when he’s easy to hate, and Thanos makes it soooo easy, omg. Like some others, his motivations actually make sense in a really twisted way and he’s not just trying to take over the world, which gets old. Plus, he actually succeeded in his goal! Can’t wait to see him get beaten to death in Avengers 4, fingers crossed.
     Supporting characters: 8 tuna melts out of 10. This is everyone but the seven mentioned above. Lots of the supporting characters provide a little comic relief in the more stressful moments. Just about every character plays some important role in the story and they all manage to work together to defeat Thanos.           Female characters: 7.5 Bechdels out of 10. This one kind of passes for a very brief interaction between Wanda, Natasha, and Proxima Midnight (Thanos’s evil daughter) on the battlefield in Wakanda. But we’ve established in the past that a movie can still be feminist whether or not it passes the Bechdel test. And this one still gets points for having multiple female characters who play crucial roles in the plot. Wanda and Gamora especially, as previously stated, are central characters. In fact, I think I read somewhere that Gamora actually gets the most screen time out of all the heroes, at something like 19 minutes.
     Action scenes: 10 punches out of 10. Nearly every MCU hero from the past ten years has to band together to fight Thanos and we get to see the full extent of everyone’s abilities. I especially love watching Dr. Strange and Wanda’s fighting techniques. Plus, the movie does a great job at balancing all the action by cutting back and forth between the different locations and giving us some reprieve from non-stop fighting.
     Stan Lee: 4 cameos out of 10. As Peter’s field trip bus driver, he delivers one of his best cameo lines: “What’s the matter, kids? You never seen a spaceship before?”
     Charisma: 8.5 points out of 10. This movie has some great themes of love and sacrifice. Multiple times one of the characters is forced to choose between a stone and a loved one (Thor and Loki, Gamora and Nebula, Wanda and Vision, etc.), and nearly every time, they choose their loved one. Thanos believes in sacrifice for the greater good, which is why he was willing to kill Gamora for the soul stone, but the heroes do not. Wanda is the only one who ends up sacrificing the one she loves (Vision) in order to destroy the mind stone, but she only does so under extreme duress and after exhausting every other option first. The running themes are very consistent, though I can’t say you leave the movie feeling good about anything, lol.
In total: 56 out of 65, so an 86%, which is actually higher than its Rotten Tomatoes score of 84%.
And that officially concludes the Great Marvel Rewatch of 2k18!! Thanks for following along, those of you who did! It’s been a fun, emotional, two weeks. Stay tuned for later, follow-up posts featuring a complete rankings list and possibly some other bonus materials! :)
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singekyo · 7 years ago
The Color Silver Ch 1
Here it is, the first chapter of my fan fic.
There were so many smells in the air. They were all familiar, but they were still unpleasant. Smoke, fire… blood. Screams of rage filled the air along with the clash of metal, breaking bones, slicing flesh and the much quieter, but far worse drip, drip, drip of blood. It was getting farther and farther away, as a women I recognized but didn’t truly know carried me further away. She was as familiar as all the others, hair the palest shade of blonde, smooth face, alabaster skin, strong, toned muscles, thin lips set in a grim line, eyes that were cold and unfeeling, eyes that were only like mine in color. The color silver.
It was only after hours of travel that she finally spoke, her voice was strong and unrelenting. “You can’t begin to understand what’s going on child. You’ve only just passed our clans initiation. Know that we are not like other people, because we are not human beings. We are little more than the beasts that we have hunted for countless years. The only difference is our minds are still intact. But there will be no more beasts to hunt, and so there will be no more reason for us to exist. There are others who believe different, that we can force our purpose onto this world indefinitely. They have lost sight of why were created in the first place. This is the desired end result, a world that does not know the threat of Yoma, where the humans do not live in fear of being devoured in the night.” She tilted her head down, eyes meeting mine as trees and mountains continued to race by. She spoke again, softly this time, her words weighed heavy by years of pain, “A world where our sisters are no longer slaughtered one after another. Our suffering can finally end. But they don’t see that, they have forgotten what it was to feel human. Their memories of such a time... are blurred and buried by inhuman bodies. When the fighting is done, there will be no one left.” I had never heard words like that come from any of the warriors. They had only spoken of our clans great and vital purpose, of their feats in battle, their greatest triumphs against the Yoma.
Her lips shifted just the smallest bit, lifting into what could almost be called a grin. “But you have fresh human memories, you can be more than a simple hunter, you can build a true life for yourself with comrades to share in your joys and sorrows. Our clan is dying from the inside. But I will not allow our fate to be yours as well, you shouldn’t have to pay for our hubris. Remember the rules laid out by your handler, if you wish for even a sliver of our clan to survive, know that it must be through you, as a human being.”
I didn’t like the boat. It was damp and cold below the deck, and it smelled like old, rotting fish. It reminded me of my first days amongst my clan, they kept us locked up underground in dark cells of metal and stone. The only comfort the twisted bodies of the other children. We huddled together for warmth, we cried our silent tears into each other’s shirts. Our bones growing and shifting under skin pulled too tight against our small bodies. The hot malicious aura of our yoki writhing and bubbling, threatening to spill over, to split our bodies open. I released my hold on my arms, blood running from where my nails had dug into my flesh. My breathing loud and labored. It was done, I had passed, I was good enough and it doesn’t matter anymore. I fought to control my breathing, to keep from being heard by those on top. I can’t get caught now, I won’t survive if they throw me off. I need to make it to land. As the boat continued it’s nauseating rhythm, I tried not to think about how the smell was like the failures rotting back in the cells. There won’t be anyone to clean out the old ones anymore. I shut my eyes tight, keeping my breathes quiet, waiting until it was over and I could see the sun. I never saw such a brilliant blue before and the giant light was too much for my sensitive eyes. It cast it’s radiant light across everything, touching everything underneath the sky. Warmth seeping into my skin. I shed more tears, knowing the others wouldn’t get to see it, wouldn’t get to feel it.
They don’t matter, they aren’t anything. We have no use for them, they can not even survive under the weight of their own power. You will fight and bleed and even die if our clan demands it, as long as you remain useful, as long as you can stand under the weight of your strength, of our clans strength, you will be known as a warrior. But if you falter, if you succumb to the beast within, you will be another failure just as they were, and I will not hesitate to strike you down.
I felt the sting of tears escaping for the first time since that day, if our clan is dead, then what will I become, I can not call myself a warrior, I never even killed a Yoma. I’ve only just learned what it is to use yoki. How do I be a human being. Is it just by crying, or is it from the feeling of crying. Is it something else, something more than just doing or feeling?
Will the sky look the same in the land of fire? What do the people there do, where do they live, what do they eat? A million thoughts swirled through my head on the fourth day on the boat. I’d only ever known the members of my clan, I’d never seen a normal human before. Would they look the same as us? But I didn’t look like them, my hair is the wrong color, brown not blonde or the occasional gray.
On the eighth day the boat stopped in the land of hot water, and I was finally able to breath fresh air. The sky still looked the same blue as when I left. I quickly ran off  before anyone could see me, I don’t need to get in trouble when I’ve just arrived, I’m not even in the land of fire yet.
After a few hours of walking I came to a stop. Night had fallen and I had no intention of getting lost in the dark, I need to keep heading west if I want to get out of the land of hot water, but I can’t do that if I don’t know which way I’m going. I had decided to stay in a nearby cave that night, but when I entered I found that it wasn’t as empty as I had thought. Inside was an elderly woman wearing clothing that could only be described as old rags. Though I suppose I don’t look much better after more than a week without bathing, not to mention the stench of dead fish.
“It’s been quite some time since I’ve had any visitors, what brings you here young one?” Her voice was surprisingly kind, though a bit nasally.
“I’m on my way to the land of fire, I was told they take in refugees. I… need a new home. And I promised my sister I’d make it there.”
The old woman appeared to consider my words, almost as if she were trying to decide something. “The land of fire certainly has its benefits, but it has also been part of many wars in the not too distant past. Surely your sister would prefer you stay in a more comfortable place. Yugakure is to the north west. They call it the village which has forgotten wars. They happen to be quite wealthy as well, I’d imagine you would have a much safer life if you went there.”
“Umm. I guess. I wouldn’t really know, I’m not from anywhere near here. But… something seemed a little off about the people I saw on the way here. I don’t really know what it was, but they don’t look the same as you.”
She let out a harsh bark of laughter at my comment. “I would think so, but I’m surprised your so perceptive. You right when you say that, the people of this land may have forgotten war, but not without a price.”
“What kind of price?” Is it like the price we pay for yoki?
Her face took on a more serious light as she spoke. “It was by staying silent in the face of evil. The stood by at critical times, when there were those who desperately needed help, and they did nothing. Even when those in need were from their own village.”
“Is that why you live out here alone? Because they didn’t help you when you needed it?”
She shook her head. “No, it was not me who they failed, but there are days where I wish it was. I lost someone very precious to me, and it left a hole in my heart that hasn’t filled since.” Her eyes were filled with sorrow, glistening in the pale light filtering in from the cave’s maw. “Whether your sister knows it or not, she made the right decision sending you to the land of fire. It may not be the most ideal place to live, but such a place doesn’t exist without some sacrifice. It is true that you will accepted there as a refugee, but they’ll want something in return. Are you prepared to pay for that?”
“I can’t say that I have any other choice. What kind of price is it?”
“Those who are accepted are required either to submit themselves as laborers or shinobi of Konohagakure.”
“Shinobi? I haven’t heard that word before, and I don’t know where… Leaf Town?- is.”
Her expression was one of confusion and laughter. “Well you’re just full of surprises aren’t you?” My face flushed in embarrassment as she continued to speak. “Konohagakure, or the village hidden in the leaves, is the heart of the land of fire’s military. It is a village where young men and women are trained to become highly skilled warriors called shinobi.”
Warriors! Is that why she wanted me to go there, to finish my training? No that doesn’t make sense, she said it herself that there aren’t any Yoma left. I frowned in confusion, unsure of what my sister had wanted of me.
“What’s the matter, getting cold feet?”
My head snapped up in attention. “No, no that’s not it at all. Just… what do shinobi do? What does it mean to be one?”
“Such interesting questions, you really are a strange one. But don’t think bad of it, different perspectives can be quite useful. As for the answer, well I suppose it’s different for everyone. They do all sorts of jobs, depending on the client that pays them. It could be something as mundane as weeding a garden to as dangerous as killing a feudal lord. But I hear in Konoha, to be a shinobi is to fight to protect the people who cannot fight for themselves.”
The reason we exist, is to protect those who cannot defend themselves. We are the thin line separating them from the overpowering force of the Yoma.
My eyes widened in amazement. This is it, this is why she wanted me to go, because our purpose can still exist there. “That’s what I want to do! I want to help people!”
Her eyes lit up just a fraction. “It’s nice to see such kindness in the young. Tell me your name young man.”
I was startled by her request. A name? You are one of the few who passed induction, from here on out you will be known as Akugin #78. “I don’t really have a name.” I looked down, feeling somehow ashamed by the fact. It’s not like I can tell her what they called me, what we called each other.
“Well that won’t do, a boy like you deserves to have a name.” I looked up surprised once more by the woman in front of me. “How about Kagame. It’s a lovely name that I think would suit you quite well. As for a surname, why not take some time to decide yourself, you’ll have plenty of time to consider on your journey west.”
I tested the name in my mouth, “Kagame… Kagame… It sounds nice. Thank you, umm… can I ask what your name is?”
She burst out laughing at that. “I’m nobody, just a hermit tired of living in villages. The name I once held is of little importance now. The person I was then isn’t who I am now. So the name just doesn’t fit anymore.”
“Oh… okay.”
Her eyes met mine for a minute, she seemed to decide something in that moment. “Before you leave, let me teach you something. You might find it useful later on.” She held out her hand expectantly, I lifted my own hesitantly before taking it. I felt a sharp pain as spectral vines burst out of her hand and stabbed into my own. Despite the pain I held my grip. Then as soon as they appeared, the vines vanished, they didn’t retreat back into her hand, they just vanished into thin air. My eyes widened in surprise as I let out a gasp.
“I call it hermit purple. I use it for divination of my surroundings and to grab things out of my reach.” As she spoke she had pulled out a pouch and dumped a handful of salt on the ground. “Watch carefully now.” She stuck two fingers into the salt pile as the vines reappeared, I was awestruck as the salt dispersed and formed a map. “Here’s the land of hot water where we are, and over here is Konoha, where you’re going.”
“That was amazing! How did you do that?”
“It took years of training to develop this technique, but well, I’ve had a lot of time to make it. When you learn how to manipulate chakra, you’ll figure it out too.”
She started laughing again, I’m getting the feeling that there’s a lot I’m missing here. “You don’t have to worry about that now. They’ll teach you all about it in Konoha, it’s something that all children working to be shinobi learn.”
I ended up spending the night watching the strange woman use her vines to grab rocks and sticks from far away and throw them around just by moving her arms. It was so fascinating, if all I need is this chakra thing to do this, then the kids in Konoha better watch out, I’ll be a shinobi in no time. When I woke up in the morning, she was gone. I don’t think I’ll get to see her again, but -I looked down at my hand, knowing it was different than before- I can’t ever thank her enough for all this.
After two weeks of travel I finally reached the gates of Konoha. I surprised by the number of trees in the land of fire. It should be called the land of trees. But at least the village is named right. The walls surrounding the village were huge, the buildings inside were… well I guess I don’t have much to compare them to. They looked well built, and they’re probably nicer than any of the caves or tree roots I’ve been sleeping in. And they can’t possibly be worse than the underground cages. And the sky's still blue. The men at the gate were nice enough, even if they made sour faces when they saw me. It probably didn’t help that the only cleaning up I’ve done was wading through a nearby river. I still can’t shake the smell of dead fish from the boat. One of them even walked with me to this really tall building under a mountain that had faces on it. He talked to a lady at a desk on the first floor and then told me to walk to the top floor, “But don’t go any further, we don’t want you getting locked out on the roof.”
When I got to the top floor -but not the roof- there was a man with a mask on waiting in front of a set of double doors. His voice was just like my sisters, cold and unfeeling, “Lord Hokage will see you now.”
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tricksheart · 5 years ago
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The iPersonic (Career) test!
DREAMY IDEALISTS Dreamy Idealists are very cautious and therefore often appear shy and reserved to others. They share their rich emotional life and their passionate convictions with very few people. But one would be very much mistaken to judge them to be cool and reserved. They have a pronounced inner system of values and clear, honorable principles for which they are willing to sacrifice a great deal.
Joan of Arc or Sir Galahad would have been good examples of this personality type. Dreamy Idealists are always at great pains to improve the world. They can be very considerate towards others and do a lot to support them and stand up for them. They are interested in their fellow beings, attentive and generous towards them. Once their enthusiasm for an issue or person is aroused, they can become tireless fighters.
As a Dreamy Idealist you are one of the introverted personality types. Therefore you prefer a quiet work environment where you can intensively deal with your responsibilities and are not disturbed by too many people and repeated distractions. You need a lot of time to dwell on your thoughts, to put them into words, and let your ideas take shape.
You are grateful for a certain measure of order and structure because they secure the time to achieve this so you can deal with one task after the other and not have to juggle a number of responsibilities at once - you don’t like that because it is important to you to deal with things thoroughly. Your capability to concentrate is unusually great and very often you become engrossed in something and forget everything around you - even to eat and drink.
Nevertheless, because you are very adaptable, congenial and interested in harmony and cooperation, you enjoy working together with others. A neighborhood that requires the ability to assert yourself and where direct confrontations are the order of the day is not your optimal environment. In order to permit you to fully develop your ability you need an environment that is as stress free as possible. If you can’t get that you soon suffer, because you take critique and negative feedback very personally.
You enjoy the opportunity for exchanges with other people you value and whose capabilities you respect but in this case remember the motto: Better less than more; better a few “hand picked” colleagues who truly move on your wavelength. It is best when you share the same high ideals and important objectives and together can fight for the same good cause because then you are truly in your element. If that is not the case, you do better by largely working by yourself because you belong to the personality types who can do that very well and don’t necessarily have to depend on others in order to come up with good results.
Send “👨‍👩‍👧‍👦” for one of my muse’s memories with their parents ( anon asked cat!dad Katsuya )
Really? A memory about his real father that’s obsessed with cats? The majority of the people in Japan know him more as the famous Katsuya Suou that’s mentioned in the media from time to time. Akira’s not too familiar with him for the most part. Strained relationship but it’s because the noodle boy hadn’t really met the man until after the events of his year away in the city. There’s not a lot to tell besides the usual, ‘what do you mean you used the code-name of Joker? Don’t you know know how serious that is to be named that???’. And being part of the police. That too. But there’s a still fresh memory in Akira’s mind that brings both a smile and a little bit of regret. 
“So I went over to his apartment to spend some ‘quality time’ with my real father, as mom put it. Although, I wasn’t so sure that was a good idea though because I was so nervous. I mean I didn’t know this guy. He could had turned to be like Akechi or someone worse. I was still traumatized by the whole ‘there was a hit on me inside of a police station’ no matter how much of a brave face I put on in mementos. That shit fucked me up. There were times that I felt withdrawn after that. So, I had every right to be a little nervous and a little untrusting to whomever I had met.
Morgana decided to tag along because they were worried about me for some odd reason. Maybe the cat knew I was nervous or that Morgana wanted some fancy sushi from the corner restaurant but anyway. Meeting Mr. media cop himself was what you expect it to be. Glaring face, glasses that almost were a shade darker than Shido’s, folding arms. You know, the typical tough person who doesn’t smile at all. To say I was ready to makes jokes and be comfortable with a person like that would be when it snowed in hell. It just wasn’t going to happen.
But as soon as Morgana popped out of my school bag, the funniest thing happened. He just went and had a sneezing fit! Call my sense of humor odd but it was the most funniest thing ever! I never seen someone sneeze that many times in my life. Turns out that he was allergic to cats and had to take some allergy medicine. I feel a little bad but at least that broke the tension in the room. I mean, I trust him a little more than I used to. Also, he dresses up Morgana like his own persona Helios sometimes and it’s really hilarious. Now when Morgana tells me to go to bed, I tell them that I’ll just bring him over to dad’s apartment. That makes them keep quiet. Haha”.  
Send “👨‍👩‍👧‍👦” for one of my muse’s memories with their parents ( ryuji asked this )
Figures Ryuji would want to know about his childhood. It wasn’t much since Akira didn’t really want to talk about his past too much. There was just too many sad memories that hurt to be brought up. Plus, telling things that might be considered annoying or not worth anyone’s time was also weighing on his mind. Didn’t want to be a pain in the ass to others. Nope, don’t want that.
“A memory huh? ‘Kay. I think I have a happy one when I was a kid”. There’s a pause. A thing that made him nostalgic? Well, Akira could tell the time where him and his mom went to a pet shop. Simple yes, and not something one would normally share but it was the best thing he could come up with at such a short notice. The thing was that Akira liked to analyze the situation and think about the best answer. There were times that pressure made him cave in and did stupid things like kicking the desert palace mechanisms
“Back when I was three or so, I can’t remember for shit back then since you know, being three years old. Sometimes I think I made it up to compensate for the lack of happy memories but Maya, my mother, took me to the local pet shop in my hometown, Sumaru City”. He looks to Ryuji to see if the blonde was doing okay with the story so far but he’s surprise to see the other just listening very closely to his story. Wait, was that a piece of paper and pen? Was he writing this down? How embarrassing! It wasn’t notebook worthy that’s for sure. Maybe it was best to finish the story than focus on the questionable habits of a certain Ryuji Sakamoto for today.
“So she brings me to the back end of the store, or wanted me to go because that’s where all the dogs and cats were. Maybe she thought I was either of those type of people. You know, like those who choose the most popular choice. Most kids would choose a dog or a cat because it’s the norm. But I wasn’t the normal kid, not by any means. Just like I am now. I guess I haven’t changed from the person who marches on to his own beat huh? Hahahahahahaha”. Akira sheepishly looks over, wondering if Ryuji was freak out by his odd sense of humor or the fact that he hasn’t really changed that much since then. Time to quickly say the next part. Akira was already saying too much then he wanted to let on.
“So my mom couldn’t find me since I sneaked off and was at the middle of the store checking out the rabbits. I don’t know why they drew me in but they are were so fluffy and they kind of reminded me of myself, especially the ones with the black fur coat. It almost matched my hair! So how could I not choose them over the others? They can’t compare to be completely honest. Maybe I liked them because mom also liked them a lot??? She even had a key-chain shaped like a rabbit named Mr. BUN-BUN that she let me play with sometimes.
I didn’t get to have a bunny as a pet though. My ‘father’ thought it was too irresponsible for me to have a pet let alone a rabbit. How he found out that we went to the pet shop in the first place still strikes me as odd because both mom and I hadn’t seen him in days. I repeat, DAYS. Sometimes I wonder if he said no on purpose……Anyways, not to make that sad at the end but that day I felt a certain kindness to those animals that don’t get enough love because they get looked over for the more popular pet. I wish Morgana was a rabbit instead of a cat. Hahahahaha. Nah. I wouldn’t change what he was. Maybe we can put some bunny ears on him or something next time. You game? Heh”.  
BIRTHDAY SYMBOLS - (02/26/2000)
Amethyst is a part of royal gem collections all over the world, from ancient Egypt to the British crown jewels. For some time, true amethyst was valued equally with the diamond. The name amethyst derives from the ancient Greek word amethustos, meaning sober. It was said that an amethyst could instill a sober and serious mind. Amethyst was known as a gem that would bring forth the highest, purest aspirations of human kind. Chastity, sobriety, and control over one’s thoughts were all attributes heightened by wearing the stone. Amethysts are recommended to those who deal with stress a lot, such as people with an excessive work ethic who are unable to enjoy relaxation.
Violet is a delicate flower that appears at the end of February. It may come in shades of blue, mauve, or even yellow or cream. Violet denotes faithful love, humility and modesty. In the Victorian era, giving someone violets suggested “I’ll always be true”. Dreaming of violets means that luck is coming your way, and that your future spouse will be younger than you. Violet is known as the state flower of Illinois, Wisconsin, New Jersey, and Rhode Island, and the official flower of Greece. It is also given on the 50th wedding anniversary.
Pisces people are devoted, compassionate, imaginative, adaptable, sensitive, kind, selfless and sympathetic. You tend to keep a low profile compared to other zodiac signs. You have a quiet disposition, yet on the inside you experience extremes of emotions, both good and bad. You have the talent of understanding people’s motivations where they might not be obvious to other people. You also have incredible strength of character. You will always stand up and/ or work hard for what you believe in, especially if loved ones are involved. You are the most sensitive of all the zodiac signs.
A symbol of Strength. You are lucky, passionate, flexible, eccentric, original, confident, imaginative, artistic, spiritual, and charismatic. You have a strong personality and will. You follow your own unique path in life and always speak your mind. You are honest and direct with everyone, romantic with your lovers, and confident in your abilities. You put all of your effort into anything you put your mind to, and you are a powerful force- never giving up on anything as you know there is always a solution to every problem. You are happiest when you have a good cause to focus on. You are full of energy and your charisma is inspiring. Famous Dragons: Nicolas Cage, Colin Farrell, Vanessa Hudgens, Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock.
You are compassionate, spiritual, intuitive, generous, mysterious, artistic, gentle, adaptable, sympathetic, and deeply emotional. Your path in life revolves around love- to receive it, and to give it. You hate the thought of others suffering or in pain, because of your deep compassion. You take on the responsibility of teaching others to be compassionate as well. As a teacher, you have the ability to know when to stand back and let others figure out their own paths of life. You are very self aware- you eliminate things that may cause harm to people.
The tree of peace. You are poised, active, natural, friendly, practical, compassionate, and trustworthy. You are a health conscious person, and do everything in moderation. You are always doing something to move towards progress and success. You are aware of what you need emotionally, physically, and spiritually, to be happy. You crave harmony and peace and as such, with your compassionate nature, you love to help other people too. You have an active imagination and you enjoy writing.
MUSICAL: [5] You like the rhythm and sound of language. You like poems, songs, and jingles. You enjoy humming or singing along with music. You probably remember things well when they are associated with music or rhythm. Try to incorporate sounds into your lessons, such as using a familiar tune, song, or rap beat to teach spelling rules, or to remember words in a series for a test.
SELF: [4.43] You have a very good sense of self. You like to spend time by yourself and think things over. You will often take in information from another person, mull it over by yourself, and come back to that person later to discuss it. You like working on projects on your own. You often prefer to learn by trial and error. Effective techniques to enhance your learning include keeping a journal and giving yourself time to reflect on new ideas and information.
SPATIAL: [4.14] You remember things visually, including exact sizes and shapes of objects. You like posters, charts, and graphics. You like any kind of visual clues. You enjoy drawing. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your spatial intelligence include creating and/or using pictures, maps, diagrams, and graphs as you learn things.
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how2to18 · 7 years ago
This essay contains many, many spoilers. Avoid reading if you haven’t yet seen Infinity War, or, honestly, if you’re a tertiary member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe who maybe hasn’t been paying attention. I’m looking at you, Hawkeye. —Ed.
The MCU cycle began when Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk were created in 2008, in the last year of Bush’s presidency. They are set against the backdrop of wars—in Iraq, in Afghanistan—that never seemed to end, and as such, are fables about the military industrial complex, artifacts from an era when people were still talking about “blowback,” when we still remembered (or cared) that the CIA had helped to create the conditions for Al Qaeda, and when “end the war” was a thing people promised, said, and demanded. To watch them now is to remember a time when we could still remember a time before we were at war, forever, with terror.
And so, those very first movies gave us Iron Man’s discovery that he is his own worst enemy, that Bruce Banner’s experiments have created a monster: himself. They are stories that take the salience of these stories for granted. Like Christopher Nolan Batman movies, which came to us around the same time, they are stories that ask a single, basic question: what if we are the enemy we’ve been searching for?
Since the answer, unavoidably, is yes, the next phase gave us The Avengers: with Thor and Captain America in 2011—leading up to The Avengers in 2012—the movies started to tell a larger story, about building a team of super-heroes out of this disparate set of “special” individuals; as fucked up as they all were, separately, maybe, together, they could be something… more? These are still stories in which the enemy we are searching for might turn out to be us, of course; they are still movies where anxiety about the self gets exorcized by violent combat with a double, just as Iron Man fought an even more iron man and The Incredible Hulk fought a bigger, more incredible hulk. And they are right to be anxious! What is Nazi-fighter Captain America, after all, but a genetically-modified Aryan super soldier? What is Thor’s quest to be “worthy” if not a conquering despot’s desire to justify the unjustifiable, to insist that he rules for some reason other than force? On some level, these movies always know that their protagonists are hypocrites, that the things they are fighting are basically themselves. S.H.I.E.L.D. vs. H.Y.D.R.A… what really is the difference?
But they are also stories in which “we” comes to take an interesting centrality, where the individual might be saved by the group, by friends, by family, by work. What if—in the course of human events—we the people could come together and form a union of super-special people? What if together we can become more than the sum of our individuality?
Alas! It only lasts as long as the alien invasion, and by the time we eat the shawarma, there’s not much to talk about. In Iron Man 3 (2013), we learn that terrorism really is just the MIC tail wagging the democratic dog; in Thor: The Dark World (2013), we learn that the Asgardians really are just conquering bastards; in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) we learn that S.H.I.E.L.D. and H.Y.D.R.A. actually are the same thing; in Age of Ultron (2015), we learn that keeping the peace with drone armies is a truly terrible idea, and it’s the only thing that Tony can think of; it’s the only thing ANYONE can think of. By the time of Civil War (2016), we’ve learned that “Us” is an unstable combination, that blowback is still real, and that no one really transcends their deep flaws. Even the two Guardians of the Galaxy movies tell a version of this story: if the first (2014) is about finding a new family, the second (2017) will be about remembering just how toxic family can be, and how long-lasting its wounds are.
Somewhere in the midst of all this, as the Avengers broke up and as the movies started to proliferate beyond narrative control—Ant-Man? Doctor Strange? Black Panther?—the people making them started to think about the next story they would tell. And so, it turned out that in the margins of these stories of American Empire—always the subtext for the original Avengers—they had begun planting the seeds for a different story, particularly in the post-credit sequences; there were hints and rumors and whispers of the larger story that was already taking place just off-screen, that had been from the beginning, a complex and nuanced and revelatory story—the very Grandest of Grand Narratives—about how a dude named Thanos was trying to acquire the six Infinity Stones so he could blow up the universe. This would be their big idea, their magnum opus, their greatest and most consequential story.
For a long time, only the super-fans saw it coming, only the people that already knew the story could see the groundwork being laid. If you weren’t a serious fan, after all, would you know that the “Tesseract” was the “Space Stone” back when Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) fought the Nazis to prevent them from using it? Would you realize that since Howard Stark was Tony Stark’s father—and since Howard Stark gets a good look at Tesseract-powered tech in that movie, and massively improves his own technology as a result—that the original Iron Man suit is, in a roundabout way, the result of Space Stone-enhanced technology? Would you be aware that Loki’s scepter had the “Mind Stone” in The Avengers (2012)—given to him by Thanos—and that he used the “Space Stone” to open the portal allowing the Chitauri army to attack? Would you realize that the “Aether” the evil elves in the second Thor movie are using is actually the “Reality Stone” (2013) or that the first Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) movie revolved around the struggle to find the “Power Stone”? Did you notice—as super fans did—that The Age of Ultron (2015) was always implicitly about the coming threat posed by Thanos and how earth could prepare for it?
Probably not. I wasn’t; I had watched a bunch of these movies, and after Black Panther I watched a bunch more, but it was only in preparation for this movie—where we were explicitly told that it would be based on the Infinity MacGuffins—that I watched them systematically, and then watched internet theorists break down how the backstory for Infinity War had been retroactively threaded through the variety of previous films that were ostensibly about something else. And it is true that, on some level, the Avenger movies are often about the Infinity Stones, even when they seem to be about something else. But it’s not all they are about, of course. Ant-Man, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Iron Man 3… these have nothing to do with the Infinity Stones. The villain in Spider-Man: Homecoming builds his tech from the wreckage of the Chitauri invasion, so without Loki’s use of those two Infinity Stones, that story wouldn’t have happened; Doctor Strange has a “Time Stone,” and uses it, but is it really what the movie is about? Meanwhile, Black Panther is not about Infinity Stones at all, and other than occasionally exporting advanced technology, it barely fits into that broader story at all. There had been much speculation that the “Soul Stone” would turn out to be the basis of the vibranium that powers Wakandan tech, but that turned out not to be the case… which not only makes the attack on Wakanda in Infinity War annoyingly unmotivated—as it requires Wakanda to volunteer for destruction and sacrifice in ways utterly alien to their demonstrated sentiments—but also demonstrates that tightly weaving these stories together hasn’t really been a priority.
“About” is a strange word, though. On some level, it is certainly true that without the Infinity Stones, these stories play out very differently, and perhaps not at all. Though only implicit in Infinity War, it can be inferred that Odin’s death and the destruction of Asgard, in Thor: Ragnarok, are what made Thanos’s attack possible: a fully-functioning Asgard would have stopped him from forging the Infinity Gauntlet in the first place. We can also guess that the death of Doctor Strange’s mentor, The Ancient One, leaves Earth particularly helpless, making now a good time for Thanos to put into motion the plan that Gamora says he’s been working on for the entire time she’s known him (but mostly, um, doesn’t seem to have been). Still that doesn’t mean that Doctor Strange or Thor: Ragnarok are “about” the Infinity Stones.
Think about how little ground-work those nineteen movies laid for the story of Thanos, the real protagonist of Infinity War. When did he get the idea for the Infinity Stones gambit? Why is he so naturally powerful as to be able to wield them himself? Who even IS he? What is his deal?
These are not questions with answers. Or rather, there are answers, but they are so stupid, so ludicrous, that they come apart in your mouth if you try to say them out loud. Do you know what Thanos’s real motivation is? Put aside the nonsense in the movie, the almost half-plausible-seeming Malthusian thing about culling the universe of its excess populations; Thanos’s real motivation, in the comics, is to kill half the population of the universe because he is in love with the embodiment of death and wants to get a date with her, and then, to retire as a farmer.
That is not an answer, but at least it’s honest about what it is: totally absurd.
“The main thing I’ve learned over the years is that the MacGuffin is nothing,” as Alfred Hitchcock once put it. And the best MacGuffin was “the emptiest, the most nonexistent, and the most absurd…boiled down to its purest expression: nothing at all!”
Why would this be a useful narrative device? One reason, I think, is that it allows the audience to disentangle their own desires from that of the characters; if we know that what they are struggling for is a meaningless, absurd, and contrived doo-hickey, we can detach our sympathies from them; we can regard them cynically; and we can understand that what the movie we are watching is about is not what the movie we are watching is about. They might want something in particular—a Maltese Falcon, say—but we are just watching a story about people who want.
What we want is not a particular, arbitrary thing, in other words; what we want is to want, in general.
Though there are many examples of the narrative device in question—the holy grail being one of the oldest, though unobtainium is my favorite—the term itself comes from a story that Hitchcock told about a story told by Angus McPhail:
A man is riding on a train when a second gentleman gets on and sits down across from him. The first man notices the second is holding an oddly shaped package.
“What is that?” the first man asks.
“A MacGuffin, a tool used to hunt lions in the Scottish highlands.”
“But there are no lions in the Scottish highlands,” says the first man.
“Well then,” says the other, “That’s no MacGuffin.”
A MacGuffin, in this version, is a thing which cannot exist; only in a world where there are lions in the Scottish Highlands could a “MacGuffin” obtain as an object. Since it doesn’t exist, it registers an absence, a lack, something we could—if you’ll pardon the pun—find wanting. But again, when we are watching characters want—and when we know that the thing they want is not the thing we want (because the thing they want isn’t even a thing)—it helps clarify that what we want is simply wanting: we desire desire itself.
In this sense, it’s worth observing that Infinity War can’t really be “about” the Infinity Stones. They are the object of Thanos’s quest, and all the action revolves around them, but they are also, as six of the most MacGuffinny Macguffuns ever to guff their mac over the story, ridiculous in that very specific MacGuffin way. They are too absurd to be what the story is about; other than the Collector’s ridiculous monologue in Guardians of the Galaxy, we never learn what they are or why they are or who made them or anything about them; they just are, so that the story can revolve itself around them. They are there so Thanos can want something, and so that—in using them—he can make everyone else find themselves wanting something: the lack of half the population.
Destroying people we like is something the movie can do to make us feel. And so it does. That is what the Infinity Stones are for, and what Infinity War is a machine built to do: channel the power of the Infinity MacGuffins to make us feel bad. The worst words that came to mind when I first watched it were “narrative sadism,” and a few days later, I still find that first impression to be broadly correct, with the caveat that “sadism” does not necessarily explain why we would voluntarily place ourselves in a position to be made to feel so bad. I heard people weeping at the end of this movie, and I myself feel about watching Peter Parker turn to ash the same way I feel about the time I saw someone get hit by a car: days later, the image flashes into my brain and my muscles tense and I feel really shitty about it. Why is this what Marvel chose to do with their power?
A better question than “Who is Thanos and what are the Infinity Stones?” would be: why has Marvel Studios made twenty movies about MacGuffins? Or, rather, why would Marvel pretend that this is what these movies are all about? Why would someone want to say that all of these stories have been leading up to this one, final, climactic story?
On a certain level, as I said, they aren’t about the Infinity Stones, not really; marketing claims about how Infinity War and Infinity War 2 (or Avengers 4 or whatever) are the climax of a twenty-movie epic are, well, marketing claims. Credit where it’s due: Kevin Feige and company have done an impressive job of connecting these very different movies—made by very different people in very different contexts—and they’ve been very patient and careful in how they’ve done it. But it’s a loose association at best, and for good reasons: most of the most interesting things in the most interesting movies have nothing to do with the Thanos plot at all. Black Panther is currently the most popular character in the franchise and there was never an Infinity Stone in Wakanda until Captain America brought Vision there (thanks, Cap!). More to the point, if there had been—if the Vibranium mound had turned out to have been the “Soul Stone” all along—well, it would have made the entire Black Panther story a lot more… pre-textual. It would have cheapened it. It would made a second Black Panther movie a lot harder to imagine.
If the eighteen movies leading up to Infinity War I & II were only about the Infinity Stones, the franchise would never have gotten there; the first Captain America movie is about an Infinity Stone, kind of, but the second one really, really is not. In fact, when you get right down to it, most of the movies have nothing to do with the Infinity Stones. They tell very different kinds of stories; if there technically are Infinity Stones present, that’s not really what those stories are about.
To pick a few random examples: Thor: Ragnarok was about emigrants fleeing a lost home, about how you carry home with you wherever you go. Spider-Man: Homecoming was about choosing not to be an Avenger, but simply to be a modest, humble, neighborhood hero (and also to be a kid). Black Panther was about blackness undefined by, conquered by, enslaved by, or beholden to whiteness. Guardians of the Galaxy is about finding a family among other people whose families hurt them.
Infinity War—as Gerry Canavan observed to me—destroys each of these stories completely. It does not develop them, build on them, or bring them to a climax; it simply eats them up. Thor: Ragnarok ended with the remnants of Asgard sailing bravely into the future in a kind of space ark; Infinity War begins with that space Ark having been blasted to hell (and though Thor later says something about how “half” his people were killed, come on). Peter Parker ended his movie by declining to join the Avengers; in this movie, he joins the Avengers almost immediately. Black Panther is about a place where everyone is black, the white guys are not that important, and Wakanda’s survival is the most important thing; Infinity War has T’Challa deciding to sacrifice Wakanda in battle without any trace of the prickly and regal insularity that has been the entirety of his character up to that point. Guardians of the Galaxy was about finding a family and staying together; in Infinity War, Thor arrives and they break up the group immediately.
My point is that there’s a conflict between the accumulative narrative impulse to see these movies as one continuous story and the sprawling impulse that lets them maintain different styles and themes and even narrative logics. If the MCU has been good because they let different voices tell different types of stories—and to the extent that it is good, it is because of that—Infinity War is bad because it smashes them all into indistinguishable paste. The Collector said that a powerful person “can use the stones to mow down entire civilizations like wheat in a field”; this is a good description of how Infinity War relates to its constituent stories: it harvests them.
Let me put it this way: There’s an extractive, exploitative relationship between the Avengers “team up” movies and the standalone single-hero stories, the same relationship we see between the Infinity Stone MacGuffins and the stories that the various Marvel movies have built around them. The Infinity Stones are the real story, the big picture, the driving force behind their master-narratives in the same way that capital always thinks it’s the “job creator.” But this is exactly backwards, in exactly the way extractive relations of exploitation tend to condition their beneficiaries to misunderstand what is happening: The Infinity Stones and the “team up” movies are spending the currency whose value was built out of the sweat and blood and human labor of the standalone movies. Infinity War is the moment when profits are extracted from the richness and depth of their stories, skimmed off and collected and sold: “Look, we killed Spider-Man, Black Panther, Bucky, Gamora, Loki!” they say; “Look how it makes you feel!”
But it’s a bad movie. It’s a bad movie in the way extractive economies are bad stewards of their chains of production; it takes interesting, complex, and very delicate stories and it reduces them to extremely simple versions of themselves, massively degrading the underlying system. They are complex ecosystems, these stories, their development a function of careful nurturing and adept pruning. Infinity War looked at those stories and saw fields, turned the fields into grain, turned the grain into money, and then spent the money. Infinity War learned the lesson of Game of Thrones: people are so desperate to feel something that they will mistake narrative sadism for powerful storytelling.
And it works, the way a strip-mine “works.” Spider-Man: Homecoming did interesting stuff with youth and with a youth’s relationship to a figure like Tony Stark—and with Tony Stark’s burgeoning feelings about playing a “parent” role—and so Infinity War brings that to a climax by making Tony Stark watch a terrified young man die in his arms. Black Panther came out of nowhere to be the biggest movie in the franchise, by far, a character whose narrative was rather uniquely tied to actual world history—and uniquely detached from Marvel’s historical timelines—and so Infinity War put him in his place by making his death meaningless, random, and utterly disconnected from everything that his story had been. Gamora’s relationship with her father was a mix of complicity, love, and hate, all forced on her against her will as a child; her death was her (inadvertent) assistance to his plan where he kills his darling. And Loki is a character who has died many times and always come back; when Thanos kills him, it means something that he declares, “No resurrections!”
So on and so on: if we feel things with these deaths, it’s because they are climaxes to stories that other movies have carefully developed. But only as end-points, only as final withdrawals. Infinity War has nothing to add to what those previous movies say about youth or about complex feelings about parents or about the African diaspora; moreover, because all of its deaths are transparently going to be taken back, it has nothing to say about the finite nature of life. Indeed, even though Thanos’s pseudo-Malthusian motivations would seem to be related, on some level, to Tony Stark’s discovery of a perpetual energy source in the first MCU movie—and his decision to make it into a weapon, instead—it doesn’t develop the problem of societal limit points that it might otherwise seem to be thinking through; other than linking the two characters in their final battle, the fact that Thanos can only understand power in terms of the power to destroy is a fitting climax to Iron Man’s story without doing anything interesting to develop it.
Thanos’s motivations, after all, are wildly nonsensical. Infinity War tries to imbue Thanos with tragic nobility, making his loss something we should have feelings about: As terrifying as his violence it, we learn, he thinks he is doing the right thing! But: with the gauntlet and the stones, he has become omnipotent and omniscient and he could do whatever he wants to make the universe a better place. The finger snap of doom is dramatic and terrifying and it’s also really, really dumb. It’s so dumb that the comic-book plot where Thanos is in love with Death herself, and kills half the universe to get a date with her, is actually less dumb.
It’s dumb because this movie doesn’t want to tell complex stories about the nuances of existence in an endlessly expanding and surprising multi-verse; it wants to pound us with stories about violence as simple and clear as a literal roller coaster. It doesn’t want to keep building a franchise; it wants to sell off the parts and pocket a percentage. It looks at a house and instead of a place for people to live and grow, it sees a real-estate property.
No one has an unironic relation to a MacGuffin. The MacGuffin is not the thing that MacPhail’s original story about the guy on the train is about, because the story only exists to explain what the word means. There is no MacGuffin without the story; MacGuffins are the things whose nonexistence the story was invented to explain, but which the story actually calls into (non)existence. This is a paradox, which is what MacGuffins are, paradoxical.
However, since the very definition of the thing includes its own incoherence—to define it is to explain why it doesn’t exist, but it only exists because of its definition—the MacGuffin, rather uniquely, is not something you can ever take seriously. To name it that is to know what it is—that it isn’t—and like trying to explain to someone that Thanos has a crush on death and THAT’s why he wants to blow up the universe, these are words and sentences that drown out their own meaning when you speak them.
Thanos is humorless and lacking in self-consciousness. He has an image of himself as the man who does what no one else will, and so that’s what he does. He does not quip; he does not get angry; he is patient and even selfless in his way; because he cannot see that he is ridiculous, he cannot be self-conscious. His tragedy is this lack of irony, his total commitment to a destiny from which he cannot obtain even the slightest trace of detachment. If he could, he would see how ludicrous it is. But he can’t. He is exactly the sort of person who would misunderstand what a MacGuffin is for, because he has an unironic relationship with it. He is the sort of maniac who would set out to be a farmer by burning the world to the ground; he knows costs but not value, because he farms but does not eat.
He is the people who made this franchise, on a certain level, or they are him: from the beginning, from the first Iron Man onwards, we’ve seen the development of powerful technology out of apparently limitless energy sources, and what is it that our heroes have done with that power? What Tony Stark does with his arc reactor—in first and subsequent versions, as it develops into ever more powerful and sophisticated iterations of the same idea—is not provide humanity with a clean, renewable source of endless energy; this possibility is raised multiple times, and then, instead, he make a death-robot suit for his ego to enjoy. He is the hero of that film, as Thanos is the hero of this one; as Thanos sets out to bring order and peace by culling the herd, arbitrarily, what is it that Tony Stark has been doing, since the very beginning? Has he not, as Iron Man, been killing the bad guys in the name of the greater good? Has he not, since the beginning, been arbitrarily deciding which is which?
My first reaction to watching it was that Infinity War is trash; my second has been that it’s a film which explores how the entire franchise is bullshit. But at least the first few films understood that Tony Stark was the problem, that his was the very same smirking rich frat-boy military masculinity that had gotten America lodged in wars which never end, which resulted in meaningless death for untold multitudes, and for no reason at all; ten years ago, the film still remembered that wars that last forever are a bad thing, that they were our fault, and that something had to change. But then nothing did; Tony Stark became the foundation for a franchise, and now, Thanos has been its logical endpoint: endowed with infinite power, he does not empower the universe, he culls it. And unlike our flawed heroes, who make spontaneous decisions that affect the fate of millions, he does it randomly. They are arbitrary, but him? He is unbiased.
So let’s come around to the beginning. What is bullshit good for? What the filmmakers know about what they have made is its value, but apparently not the process by which it came into existence, or by which it could continue to thrive going forward. They know what they can get from it by killing it, but not what its life could continue to do. Like Thanos, they have misunderstood the value of disorganized growth, of the commons, and of a wilderness where new things can happen that you didn’t plan for. Instead, they only seem to understand their property as a site to be mined of value as thoroughly as possible; they do not see that stories are the reason why value is valuable in the first place.
Most of all, Thanos is like the people making these twenty films: exhausted, over-burdened, and longing for the relief of peace and quiet. Can you imagine how exhausting it has been to make these films, and then to integrate them all—all these characters with all their different aesthetic textures, genres, and stories—into one single movie? No wonder the filmmakers killed their darlings by chewing and mashing and digesting them into a consistent narrative paste.
And so, this is the lesson of Infinity War: if this is how you think, this is what you get. If you build an entire movie around MacGuffins, the material embodiment of wanting, insufficiency, and lack; if you fill every beat and narrative space with the problem of those MacGuffins, leaving no space for anything else; if you crush every story down to the problem of how it relates to those MacGuffins; and most of all, if you find all the chatter and babble and noise to be tiresome, wearisome, and in need of organization, well, then this is what that will get you: a demonstration of why capitalists are bad farmers. They get it all backwards, and they don’t know what you use organic matter for. MacGuffins aren’t the crop, they’re the fertilizer; guff is the bullshit you put in the ground to make the plants grow. And if you think that shit is the thing that you’re growing in your garden, well, bon appetit! You are what you eat
The post Post-Shawarma: On Avengers: Infinity War appeared first on Los Angeles Review of Books.
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castlehead · 8 years ago
II. “I WANT SOMETHING GRAVE” Heave effect out to before a particular cause And leave that stillness sickening in its place. Deny the soldiering grace therefrom a pause To perfect like art, and let it yammer noises Of rickety reason. Then let the grace die too. The dry ages keep us all for the sound of themselves and Their immortalities. Displeased, we harangue like seagulls, Not herons happy in their saying wonderful realizing things, Apt things conciliations to the lord of words who knows; But rather things that harshen the ear. Do ages then create The essence of a physicality, or is flesh in moments only? Or does the mentor need his disciple, or The creator what is created by them; Does counting stars like cattle ably Campaign their true significance? No. But then, neither does living do that For the lives. Concept is a pessimism. Concept ridiculously evens out the intermittent call Birds make, an echo seething after something for mountains and Mountains of emptiness, something like a traveling seed we cannot Regret to have heard, because we did not know it was. Just heard it; favoring actions with riskier sides. We Spoke of different evils, speaking over vain-hoped Miracles only vain because we could not hear their Side over our own. Once again. I elongate my mock-dreams Of effect, as if like a child they could grow to be. I am attached to this child like the attachment Of leaves to trees tried by hankering wind’s welter Of the mind, nay, everything between, from those Effervescent scales of sky, leaves, which give in to Staying on the branch. Beginnings are concepts. Are pessimisms. They are the crude Reactions of the bones of subjects, subdued To effortful sludge that grants be sacrificed The talk of friendly ages on their wearer, time, And which, if let to free themselves To minor chords, could majorly be Answer and question, but for elements of greed That want each painful ruin to stay pain, And which, as minor chords, they would Subdue themselves. Keep the energy And yet you deny the spasm of its culmination. What else do we want, writer, of your thinking? An apt quiet, or demolished stones Thin words suggest, or which, from outside of doubt A higher doubt begins, or rather ends The potency of the trip towards what did Not need the angry linkage of disciple trees To their branches, held aloft by the ridiculous;
Bigness bangs, found by the deaf later as if for the first time. The
Deaf duke it out for the bigness, which recedes With more and more attention given it. Is this, My daemon, some unwelcome gunning shying Away from its full expression? Is The waiting for the rondure this all is To stop spinning, really an endless count Of stars that more and more deplete What perhaps never there, is now Even less; how long must pain be abstract? When will I remind myself of bridging depth To depth, like a scientific oddity that Makes no sense, yet demonstrates itself in front of you? I hear myself, and listen then for you, the reader; I am the writer, scrap of thousands, an etymological Nightmare of a thinking thing that wants not Words, nor wants what it has already, but not More than that, also. So I dreamt last night of fancy Restaurants, and told my dream upon this page. Or tell it now, or both. Simultaneity makes extinct the need For reminders to swell up into a burst or spasm of sense. If it means all it should mean tree and branch As much as breathless leaves, the nameless leaves: The grand intermediate of the dispersal: spying on Their own rear-reasons, yet not objecting wherever Is the place made for their wafting fall. There is no Proper guess to swerve me into but a surety, too much And too vain for to be the answer here, right now. Come Back later. I see what I ask, but then no deep quiet to it. Be in with me the placelessness where I put my shame So it knows not what it is. Do you, my reader, though, Take me to opinions of yourself you do not have, nor That I know, at least without your own permission, The which you do not give, up in arms about my Mentioning your clenching ass, yelling at me quietly And passively with these indecent squaring-tos just To punch me in my own remittent sayings of your Fumbling, mumbled criticisms you as passively take Back after I find them out? Or are you my friend in This funky, obtuse sort of mutual occasion of criticism? And do only the loudest respond to being anointed With a crisp wind of the words, in wandering, hairy woods Outspread like a riposte unto the great gyrating sky, opposing Its own lustre? The sky stuff has in it and which makes dry, Allegation after allegation, the resplendence that was once, for It was free of needing proof, nay any validation? What I have Here is not reckoned. It is not even by me understood. So give it trendy names like style, technique, implore its Vastness speak to you wistful and yet spry with wanting More. I want you to know the feeling. It is one of memory And knowing the connection there, which you grope for Like an arm under the bed for some dropped pill and finding Only dustbunnies and other clods. To these insensible Lines without a clench, relaxed as does the bough Against the wind, I give, beneath its sightless rile: A portent of weakness, disguising the chimaera With pedestrian distress, a failure utterly banal. If I am one to make sure of self-denial: it is a thing, A very Mobius of symbols for other conundrums Not to do with having spent myself unto infinity And finding it out: and explaining it to a chorus Of stubborn la-las with their covered ears. But You do not refuse what I want to give you; To hear the oily res of things that pockmark Screaming tribes of what would be a paradise If made more than fantasy, projection. I am sensible And speak herons, ducking underwater for little fish. I give this image. I give an image here and not again. It is a sacrifice for I prefer the metaphor. That is where my consciousness is. It fears It is not there, though; not while I am after it, Yet calls out my name for ages, and seems due To come. Is what I sense even there? For if it isn’t I have sensed a monster. For if it isn’t I have that profuse diamond Of an impossibility to sculpt into right crud Of happening never, for all melody is Only in this beholding eye upon An ancient hymn, while neither really are; I am not, so then the music is, or the music Points me toward rash truthless places here In your mind, reader, and what pox for me requires A flourishing of you to reach the want to gain A feeling for yourself as I who talk to you And see that you are listening, drift off Into senseless sleep, an ever-spawning vortex Of all plaintive reason for whatever doing, A sincerity you have to call out to me And not call me out, as people say, but Prove me real with the heart of some Crazy matter, crazy with imploding voice And rattling its courage with a core expression Of it deeper and the more a strangeness hearkening Reality be like this atom, this poem of withholding What I work towards that I have, while what I sense Replies in the black corners of where I do not go.
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