#I guess you could say I kinda liked that one Damon photo
sweetchildofrocknroll · 3 months
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mogoce-nocoj · 6 months
extensive gig reports, Berlin 12.03.24 + Leipzig 13.03.24 💕
they got kinda long oops
queue curse: missed jure walking by and nace and kris laughing at the queue for turning up the volume of cha cha cha because of looking for a public toilet and getting food respectively 🫠
jc stewart also walked by like four? times and people only started noticing around the third time or something, sorry jc stewart
bojan said that they love playing in smaller venues during soundcheck which made me laugh because of the downgraded berlin venue
kris ngvot but he looked so unenthusiastic about it and only did it after talking to bojan who I guess talked him into it? sorry kris, you were amazing though
bojan loved the shirt @zadig-fate made for him ❤️ he's such a nerd for being obsessed with eurotrip and was so excited to be like “this is a eurotrip quote!!!” lmao
bojan got a harmonica, said he couldn't play it, and then still played the wedding march on it because of course he was able to do that
bojan's slut leather(?) shirt 🫠 I hope damon suggested he should wear it because you could see his chest very well and he was moving so much and jfc
ended up on kris's side and since this was a no barrier stage he and his pants and ass were so close to me that I felt awkward directly looking at him 😭
jan just doing jan stuff. annoying jure and hitting his cymbals. casually sitting down onto the piano chair during umazane misli while continuing to play the guitar. this guy I swear
bojan got so emotional during EW that it actually made me emotional too. and the panic attack cheer 😂
the fact that the song can stay “schlager” for us german audiences and bojan yapping something about imagining that we're at an old people birthday party or something idk
the guys were very confused about the berlin flag 😂 jan was kinda holding it, very unsure, then went over to kiki, then went over to nace and they were just kind of. looking at the flag and then jan turned to kris and mouthed "berlin??" and kris signalled him a yes which was very funny
just. the vibes of the crowd. everyone was so respectful and we genuinely had an amazing energy. berlin crowd I love you so much
vita said they got the stage measurements beforehand and knew that racik's art wouldn't fit on the stage lmao. she's also super sweet and so easy to talk to. love u vita thanks for all the photos (selfishly glad she's pausing her studies for this)
hugged teya before she had to leave and didn't get to talk to nace and kris but managed to catch jan afterwards and had him sign in my gig book and it was? such a nice crowd? everyone was waiting and chatting for a bit and then when we were all finished jan was hovering there a bit awkwardly before saying bye and leaving. it was amazing and so chill (again. berlin crowd I love you.)
jure was walking by and we waved and a person turned around to see who we were waving at and let out a very loud “oh my god” after spotting jure. absolutely hilarious, we all burst out laughing
while the queue was being organised, kris, jc stewart with jure, vita, and nace behind them were walking down the street next to the queue and nace waved at us but no one paid attention (busy with the queue) so he kinda. stopped lmao
literally like ten minutes after that, jan seemed to try catching up to them but didn't know where to go so he just stared very intently at his phone and stopped in the middle of the street, turned left and walked right by us, then apparently went to far and had to turn back. top ten janči moments
kris walked into the soundcheck with a mug in his hand and left pretty quickly again after soundcheck was finished, he's just so funny to me
bojan said that it was a nice change that the EA crowd were mostly germans which like. ok.
the boys came down to us to talk and take pics with us after the soundcheck??? so nice of them but it confused the hell out of me (I wasn't prepared and was very intimidated by suddenly having a bojan directly in front of me)
a friend I was with asked bojan about the jo travel curse and munich because it's been horrible at least for us living in germany (snow chaos for munich, snow chaos when trying to travel to esns in january, train strike on the day of the berlin gig) and he just kinda forgot about munich until he was like “oh yeah right. it was still an amazing gig though.” 🥺
okay so. now we come to what was an absolutely insane concert
first we saw the eyeliner jure pic and went “oh my god??” and then he actually came on stage like that and we lost it. and then bojan came on stage with that lace shirt and we lost it again. not kidding when I say my favourite insane moment was me turning around to grip @itskrejsaitsparty's hand as I was trying to comprehend what I was seeing. Just. jfc.
bojan asked who had never been to a JO gig before and from what I could see it was around 50%? so there were a lot of new people which is probably also one reason why the energy was insane like that
bojan couldn't stop holding his belt and thrusting his hips, what the fuck 🫠
since I was in the middle I was also privvy to many cute jance looks and moments, they really are just like that on stage
the nace solo because someone requested a bass solo?? and how nace started and everyone joined and then bojan's “let's go nace” just. what even was happening at that point
everything surrounding metulji. first bojan giving jan that pic to “get him in the mood.” jan pretending to kiss it. it falling down making us all giggle and bojan already being on the brink of losing it and then losing it completely and jan stopping to just play different chords on the piano while bojan was trying to get it together. we really broke him 😭 and he was trying so hard to get back into the sad metulji mood and then he apologised for it afterwards like “i'm sorry this was so unprofessional of me” like dude. the was the best moment I've ever seen on stage
bojan was so keyed up that when kiki came to him to switch guitars he just bounced around him and started saying stuff to kiki and leaned his face towards him (I wouldn't be surprised if he expected another cheek kiss but shhhhh)
bojan AGAIN because he was jumping over the barrier and back on stage right next to me after umazane misli and I was like. what do I do. Do I, like, help him??? Can he do it by himself??? what if he topples over and I'm right next to him. Gah. In the end I just pressed myself back into @braveheart1418, stared at the back of bojan's lace shirt in slight horror and let Kiki do his thing 🫠 (I need a bojči break now I'm too anxious for any of this)
the gig went by so quickly because of all the stuff that happened that it was such a surprise when they said it was nearly over
I literally sank onto the floor after the gig because I couldn't understand what had just happened. so many memorable moments. I'm glad everyone just went down onto the floor with me, love you ❤️
everyone (except kris) came out to talk and take pics afterwards but bojan left quickly because of his health. and also, you know. damon baker. what a sweetheart. with all the stuff that happened, being able to talk to him about his art was such a lovely moment and I still can't believe that he was there
In the most funniest turn of events I managed to have everyone including damon baker sign in my gig book except for kris which is hilarious to me and so very fitting for him
I'm still trying process everything that happened but thank you so much to everyone I met and talked to and who made stuff for me, in particular @zadig-fate, @izpira-se-zlato, @braveheart1418, @esskuesli, @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare and @itskrejsaitsparty 💕💕💕
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swifty-fox · 26 days
hahzbzjsbsbz forgot to say it. they're Jan (left) and Nace (right) from an slovenian band called Joker Out!! Jan is one of the guitarists and Nace is the bassist. they went to eurovision in 2023 and their music is really good (well, idk which kind of music you listen to but i do like them hshs)
tbh the whole band in general has lots of gay vibes and they're very openly affectionate with each other (i love them for that), but these two are just something else...
we always call them "husbands" bc they once had a little "wedding" on stage and there's a whole video of them talking about how there's, and I quote, “an ongoing conspiracy theory that they are together and married” (they don't deny it and video certainly does NOT help beat the allegations at all)
all five members of the band even had photoshoot made by Damon Baker (a very famous photographer) a while back, and each of them got an individual photoshoot, just them, that were released one by one. but when it came to these two, they announced the photoshoot saying there was "traces of boys kissing behind closed doors" and -you guess it- they had their photos taken together.
not getting into the photos here because then i'll be talking forever, but when they later explained why only the two of them had a joint photoshoot while the other three got solo ones, they said Damon said their relationship was "noteworthy" and he needed to have them together
and like... those are only a couple things but i could literally go on forever they're just soooooooo
i listen to all music!!
I like their vibe they're kinda maneskin but less cringe and Italian (NOT maneskin hate)
this is all very gay i hope they have a happy wedding
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mx-yip-yip-hooary · 3 years
Aight idk if you've answered these questions in previous posts about your OCs, so forgive me the repetition (if there is any). BUT I am incredibly intrigued to learn about your OCs so feel free to infodump beyond just answering the questions. (or don't answer the questions that's chill too <3)
1. Which oc is banned from the kitchen and what are the events that led to this banishment
2. Who walks the fastest and how much does this irritate everyone else
3. Which oc gets startled the easiest and does anyone else take advantage of this for comedic purposes
Anon really sorry for answering late but you do not understand the power you've given me
I'm gonna infodump so much
1. Which oc is banned from the kitchen and what are the events that led to this banishment?
Ok so in general, supernatural ocs are soft blocked in the kitchen since they can
1. Go batshit
2. Set everything on fire
3. Make bad pancakes :(
But these guys are like, BLOCKED BLOCKED
Like if you see one in the kitchen you're going to have to grab a fire station
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So this little bitch isn't actually that bad at cooking nor chaotic. Like, he'll take part in some arson once in a while but other then that they're pretty harmless. However.
They are a fire demon. Which means that her power comes from fire.
And guess what
Stoves will over power them
Cause here's the thing. Fire demons have grown to be used to a little fire since hell is actually room temperature. And a human stove creates enough heat to boil something in like 5 minutes
The event that led up to his banishment was when Damon (OC) asked Feth to help him cook some pancakes for Wyu (OC). It was going pretty good until they turned on the stove. And then woops Feth has suddenly grown 5x larger and is kinda going to burst through the roof
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[No Name] (Leaning towards Myth):
Sorry for the shit photo, I made it in fuckin' 10 seconds
Ok so they're a backrooms OC (or entity) so they've never used a kitchen. After all, how could you do that in the backrooms? You'll just get eaten lmao
But if they ever enter the frontrooms (normal reality) and try to use a kitchen, it is going to end in flames
1. They flicker between being corporeal and incorporeal, meaning that they could be putting meat on the stove or something and then bam incorporeal baby now you get to watch your house burn down
2. As a sort of "child" of the backrooms (It's weird, ask if you want me to explain) they never need to eat so why would they be in the kitchen
3. Just a naturally shit cook/baker
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He just stepped into the kitchen one day and everything lit on fire. The fire burnt out after 5 minutes and the burn marks were gone after a week. After Maxwell (OC) asked him what the fuck was that, he just gave a smile. He is no longer allowed in the kitchen no matter what and it's on sight if he's caught in there.
2. Who walks the fastest and how much does it irritate everyone else?
[No image]
Bitch walks like the speed of light. The only other oc I really care about in this universe is Tay who is always fed up with it
Everytime they take a stroll, Scott ends up like. 10 feet away. why.
Add this with Scott's insane height of 6'5 feet, Tay is very irritated with his dumbass
3. Which oc gets startled the easiest and does anyone take advantage of it?
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So he's too used to the peacefulness of heaven, since he's been on earth for 100 years
This makes it so that whenever people just walk behind him and say something too loud, they jump a little
Everyone probably would have made it a daily joke but Feth will commit murder if needed
[No image]
Willson gets startled easily, mostly because he is very paranoid
He watched his damn world go up in flames and always feels that someone is watching him.
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Daisies and Daffodolls Day 17: Book Series
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Sorry I've been MIA a lot. I've been busy doing sewing stuff (next photo challenge I'll prepare a few weeks in advance). But anyways, I took a pic of Celestina in what would be her meet outfit. Celestina's story is different in many ways than other AG characters. For one thing, she's my Gorillaz OC as well, so her story involves some Gorillaz lore as well, and her story starts at age 11 in middle school in 2016 and goes to at least 2020 when she's 15. Basic outline, Celestina is a cheerful creative girl living in Orbitz Ohio. She was raised by her mom Sharon and her stepmom Mia, (they got married in 2015 when gay marriage became legal in the US), and her dad is Stuart "2-D" Pot, the lead singer of the British band Gorillaz. In her story, Celestina faces many changes, such as her Mom starting a new paramedic job, her dad returning to England to reunite with the rest of Gorillaz to record Humanz, as well as starting her first year in middle school. I'm actually planning to write a whole book, maybe more, about Celestina, and post the chapters here on tumblr. I think I'll go ahead and post the first chapter here as a preview, but I'll post the full story later, maybe with illustrations.
Summary - It's the year 2016, and Celestina is starting her first year of middle school.  While she's excited for a fresh start of the new year, she's also nervous.  School uniforms, more classes, more teachers, and new classmates.  Unfortunately, the school year starts out on a sour note, she barely shares any classes with her best friend, and in homeroom class, she gets paired up with Lucy Phillips, a cold, aloof, yet mysterious, new girl from Britain.  Meanwhile, things aren't easier at home either, her dad ends up returning to the UK to reunite with his fellow band members to record their next album, and her mom begins work at her new paramedic job.  But when Celestina begins to get close with Lucy, the new girl's iciness starts to melt, and they both learn they have more in common than they thought.  
Celestina's Family and Friends
Celestina Damon - An excitable 11 year old girl starting her first year of middle school in the year 2016.  
Sharon Damon - Celestina's mother, a practical, but cheerful, lady.  She starts working a new job as a paramedic.  
Mia Lucci - Sharon's wife and Celestina's stepmother, a funny and kind woman, she's always there when Celestina needs advice.  She runs and works at The Leaning Tower of Pizza pizzeria with her twin sister Gina.  
Stuart "2-D" Pot - Celestina's father, and lead singer of the British band Gorillaz.  He isn't quite wired like other people, but in his own 2-D way, he's very deep, and he's also got a big heart.  Despite the troubles that come with being a long distance parent, he loves Celestina immensely and tries to be in her life as much as possible.  
Kailey Green - Celestina's next door neighbor and best friend since childhood.  A smart and sweet girl, if a little awkward.  A self proclaimed theater nerd.  Often gives Celestina the nickname "Lessie".
Lucy Phillips - A new girl in Celestina's homeroom, who's family arrived from Britain.  She seems mysterious and comes off as cool and guarded, but in reality, she's a little shy, and becomes much kinder and sweeter once you get to know her.  
Chapter 1
New Year, New School, New Hope
The alarm clock on the bedside table chirped on and on as Celestina Damon slept in, nestled in her soft, pastel colored, blankets.  She was dreaming a wonderful dream; Celestina, rocking a sparkly, purple, galaxy print dress, was singing in front of a sold out crowd on her first performance.  Fans in the crowd were holding handmade signs and cheering her name.  Here she is posing for pictures with fans!  There she is signing autographs!  She finishes her last song of the show, wishing the audience a good night.  The crowd erupted into a thunderous roar of applause, fans shouting her name "Celestina!  Celestina!  Celestina! -"
That did it!  At the sound of her mom's voice, the young girl jolted up from her bed with a start. "Gah!" she exclaimed.  Her wavy blue hair was messy and needed brushing, and she was no longer clad in galaxy print, but rather, blue and white pajamas with panda bears printed all over.  Celestina ground the sleep out of her eyes and smashed the "stop" button on her alarm. 
"Okay, I'm awake Mom!" said Celestina, slightly irritated.  Her mom chuckled.
"Hey, if I let you have your way, you'd be asleep until lunchtime." laughed Mom.  "I told you not to stay up too late."
"I didn't stay up late!" Celestina protested, "I'm just, not used to waking up this early."  She was kinda right.  Today was the first day of the new school year, after three months of staying up and sleeping in later than usual, it can be hard to get back on a schedule.  
"Fair enough," said Mom, "but I can't always be around to make you wake up, especially now, you understand?"  Celestina nodded.  What her mom had meant was that she just got hired to work as a paramedic at a new ambulance company, which meant that some days she had to go in early.  Unfortunately, it also means that she would come home later after working many hours, some nights possibly after when Celestina was supposed to go to bed.  Luckily, today was only her orientation, which wouldn't start for a few hours, so her Mom could drop her off on her first day of school, but she was still dressed in her work uniform, black boots, navy blue pants with lots of pockets, and a wine red shirt with the ambulance's logo embolized on the left breast, and her curly blonde hair was tied up in a long ponytail.  
Speaking of uniforms.  Not only was Celestina starting her first day of school, but it's the first day of a new school, specifically, middle school.  Okay, so technically this school is a combo middle and high school, so not only does she have to deal with the 7th and 8th graders, but also all the high schoolers as well.  And all the students have to wear uniforms.  Actually, the uniform itself wasn't that bad, it was pretty cute, the top was a rich shade of purple with a white collar and ribbon, and a white pleated skirt that fell below the knees, had a "sailor suit" sorta look to it, kinda like what an anime character would wear.  All the same, Celestina couldn't understand why she just couldn't just wear her regular clothes to school, you know, like everyone did in elementary school.  Sigh, another change to have to get used to.  Mom caught Celestina eyeing her uniform.  
"Well get dressed, hon." said Mom, "And come downstairs for breakfast.  I think Mia made some chocolate chip pancakes!"  Mmm, just the thought of those pancakes made Celestina's mouth water.  
"Okay, you win." laughed Celestina, giving her mom a hug.  "I'll be down in a few."  After Mom had left the room, Celestina got dressed, brushed and pulled her long wavy blue hair into a ponytail, using a hairband with two pink poofballs on it.  Before she left to go downstairs, she looked toward the corner of her room, and saw Scratchy, her fluffy gray bunny, stirring around in her cage.  
"Hey there Scratchy!" she cooed, giving the bunny little pats.  She then slipped a little chew treat for her to play with.  "Be good while I'm at school, okay?" 
The young girl grabbed her backpack, filled to the brim with school supplies, and headed downstairs to the kitchen.  The aroma of chocolate chip pancakes and maple syrup filled the room.  Mom had seated herself at the kitchen table, eating her small stack of pancakes, and Mia, Celestina's stepmom, was busy flipping the pancakes at the stove.  Her mother, Sharon, and Mia have only been married for less than a year, but Mia has lived with Celestina and her Mom her whole life.  They probably would have married sooner had it been allowed before last year!  Mia is a pretty lady, tall, tan skin, and shiny dark brown hair, and she's a great cook.  Her and her sister Gina (Aunt Gina to Celestina), run a pizza place called Leaning Tower of Pizza.  
"Pancakes, comin' up!" shouted Mia to Celestina.  Mia still spoke with a New York accent, despite the fact that she's been living in Ohio for at least 15 years.  She served the girl her pancakes before sliding her own onto a plate.  Celestina took her breakfast to the table and poured on the sweet maple syrup.  She cut a piece and took a bite, mmmm, was so good.  Her smile fell slightly looking around the room.  She couldn't get used to the empty space at the table.  
"What's wrong?" asked Mia, noticing Celestina's frown, "Don't you like chocolate pancakes?"
"I LOVE them!" exclaimed Celestina. "I just wish Dad was here to have some."  Mia and Susan exchanged a look of understanding. 
"You miss him don't you." said Mia.  Celestina nodded. 
"Yup!" said Celestina.  It was actually more than that.  She paused a bit, trying to think of how to put it into words, "I mean, I dunno, I guess I'm also a bit worried, you know, about him leaving again."  Celestina's eyes looked down at her pancakes.  Talking about stuff like that always made her uneasy.  
Celestina's dad, her whole family life in general really, was, well, unusual to say the least.  For one thing, her parents weren't married when her mom had her, in fact, they split up shortly before Sharon found out she was pregnant.  Whatever, no biggie, there are lots of kids whose parents are like that, people who have children before they got married, or had kids and didn't stay together.  However, it was even more complicated in Celestina's case, because her mom is American and her dad is British, meaning it's harder for her to see her dad on a regular basis because he lives so far away.  Also, her dad is famous.  Celestina's father is none other than Stuart Pot, better known as 2-D, the lead singer of Gorillaz.  Yes, that 2-D!  It's been awhile since the band did any songs together though, the last album, Plastic Beach, was released when Celestina was 5, but a couple years before that, something else happened, and that's what worried Celestina.  For a short while after Celestina was born, 2-D would often call the house to say hi, sometimes even visit.  But after a visit that Dad made sometime when she was 3, he had gone on a trip somewhere, and suddenly vanished.  Her mom tried to keep calm around her when she asked where Dad was, but even as a kid, Celestina could kinda tell that her Mom was worried about him.  The sudden release of a new Gorillaz album didn't help either.  At one point, her Mom told her stories that 2-D and Murdoc Niccals, the band's foul mouthed, green skinned, bassist, were taken by pirates and trapped on an island called Plastic Beach, an island in the middle of the ocean made of garbage and spray painted pink.  Looking back, Celestina wasn't sure if this all really happened or if this was something Mom was making up, but she knew something happened that made her dad unable to contact her for awhile.  Shortly before Celestina was 8, her dad had called her on the phone for the first time in years.  
"Celestina, is that you?" said 2-D in his thick Londoner accent, "You sound so big!  How old are you now?"
"I'm gonna be 8, Dad!" answered Celestina proudly, "I'm a big kid!" 
"8!?  Wow!  You really grew up!" exclaimed 2-D, Celestina could hear the tears caught in his throat. "I've missed you so much!" 
After a brief vacation, or "holiday" as her dad called it, in Guadalupe, he visited Celestina and the family for the first time in a while, right in time for her 8th birthday.  And since then, he had been able to keep in better contact, and came to visit Celestina in person more often these last few years, as if to make up for missing out for those last 5 years.  She even got to fly with him to England one time and met her grandparents, David and Rachel Pot, for the first time at the amusement park that Grandpop had owned.  This year, 2-D stayed in the guest room for a few months, he was able to keep Celestina company during the summer while Sharon was taking paramedic classes, and Mia was working at Leaning Tower.  2-D had been helping Celestina with her budding interest in music, teaching her how to play her new blue Melodica, a small keyboard with a flute-like pipe in it.  When they weren't practicing, the father daughter duo would watch scary zombie movies, or listen to some older Gorillaz songs on Celestina's old CD player.  On June 23rd, the whole family, and a few of Celestina's friends from school, celebrated her 11th birthday with a bonfire cookout in the backyard.  It was a wonderful summer.
But all this fun and excitement of summer had to come to an end.  It was now time for school, and just as well, Dad left to go back to England, rather suddenly at that.  Somehow, one of his old band mates, Noodle, the guitarist and the only girl in the band, (and Celestina's favorite band member, next to Dad of course), ended up getting back in contact with him.  Apparently, the band was getting back together to make a new album called Humanz, which would be released sometime next year.  Like always, Celestina was sad to see him leave, but she was also worried too, maybe because a part of her is scared he would go missing again.  
Sharon put a comforting hand on Celestina's shoulder.  "It'll be okay," she reassured her daughter, "He said he's gonna text us when he arrives to meet the others.  Plus, he said you can visit him during spring break."  
"I know," nodded Celestina.  She finishes up her pancakes, thinking about everything going on.  Mom's starting a new job, Dad's going back to England, I'm starting a new year in a new school, and we have to wear uniforms!  So far so good, she thought sarcastically.  She rinsed her dirty plate in the sink and slipped on her black flats to meet Mom out in the car.
"Are we taking Kailey today?" asked Mom.  Kailey Green is Celestina's best friend and next door neighbor.  
"No, Mrs. Green wanted to take her this morning," answered Celestina, "but she's picking both of us up after school."
"Okay, good," said Mom, "let's get going, you don't wanna be late," she checks her watch "and neither do I!" she laughed.  Celestina gave Mia a hug goodbye.
"Have a good day at school, rockstar." said Mia lovingly.  "I'm coming home from Leaning Tower about an hour after you get home from school, okay girlie."
"'Kay 'kay, I got it." smiled Celestina.  She gives Mia a fist bump, complete with a little explosion sound effect.  
"You have a good day at school," then she turns to Mom "And good luck with orientation Sharon."  Mom gives Mia a loving kiss on the cheek.  
"Bye honey," said Mom grabbing her keys.  "I should be home by dinner tonight."  Celestina and her mother wave goodbye to Mia before getting in the car.  As Sharon drove on to the school, Celestina sat in her seat nervously, her breakfast doing flip flops in her stomach.  
"Are you doing okay back there?" asked Sharon, looking at her daughter in the rearview mirror.
"I dunno," she answered.  "Honestly, I'm pretty nervous.  Middle school sounds kinda scary.  All these classes, new teachers, ugh, no recess, school uniforms," she grimaced.  She had so many thoughts, so many "what-if's", that they started coming out one after another.  "What if I don't like my teachers?  What if me and Kailey don't have any classes together?  What if all the classes are too hard?  What if I get bullied by the older kids?  What if -" 
"Celestina!" said Mom suddenly, "sweetie, sweetie, it's alright." She took a deep breath before continuing, "I know this isn't something you want to hear, but I kinda know how you feel.  I was nervous starting middle school when I was your age.  And, if I'll be fully honest, I can relate to how you're feeling right now.  I'm a bit nervous starting this new job."
Celestina looked up in surprise, "You are?" she wondered.  "But you said you were excited."  Mom gave Celestina a loving smile.
"And I am," answered Sharon, "But I have so many mixed feelings.  I'm worried I won't be good enough, I'm worried the boss could be a jerk, or that I won't like my co-workers.  So many things can go wrong.  But," she paused before continuing, "There are also good things I'm looking forward to as well.  I'll be able to use the skills I worked hard learning in all these classes, I'll be able to help people, I'll be bringing home a little more money, which means we will be able to go out more often." she said with a smile.  "It's normal to be scared and nervous, it's okay in fact.  But you also have so many good things to look forward to.  Yes you have more classes, but you get to have more classes you enjoy, like music and art.  And even if you don't have any classes with Kailey, you'll always be able to see her because we're neighbors.  If you're having a problem, whether it's classes, mean kids, or even a mean teacher, you can always come to me or Mia.  I just want you to know, even if the bad things do happen, there are also a lot of good thing to come, I want you to remember that."  Celestina thought over what her mom had said.  She did have a few good points.
"I did hear that the music department puts on a school musical every year," said Celestina, feeling a bit more hopeful, "And there's all these fun clubs".  Sharon's eyes lit up.  
"See, there you go!" said Mom. 
"It just seems like so many things are changing at the same time." Celestina admitted, "it just feels so fast, I feel like I can barely take a breath."  
"I know, it sucks, it really does." said Sharon in an understanding tone.  "The funny thing is, is that the only thing that never changes, is that everything changes."
"That's so confusing to think about!" said Celestina laughing.  
"Ah, but that's the truth," said Sharon with a chuckle.  "But you know what else will never change?"
"No what?" asked Celestina.
"I'll always love you," Mom answered warmly, "The same goes for Mia, and for your dad, we will never stop loving you.  You are our child, and nothing will ever change that."  
"Aw mom, I love you too!" she exclaimed.  At that moment, Celestina's cell phone chirped with a new message.  Oops, better silence it before class, she thought, making a mental note.  But seeing who the message was from made her smile.  
"Ooh I got a text from Dad!" shouted Celestina in excitement.  The text read "i made it to studio 13 in london.  about to start recording for the new album.  I miss you already, but i'm happy to be home again.  russ, noodle and murdoc say hi.  say hi to your mum for me.  love you little panda bear."  Celestina smiled at the mention of the special nickname her dad gave her.  Attached with the message was a picture.  It was a group photo of the whole band in what looked like the inside of a recording studio.  Celestina had yet to meet the other band members in person, but she knew who they were from the music videos and interview clips on YouTube, and from a few stories from her dad.  There was Murdoc Niccals, the band's bassist, and probably the biggest troublemaker of the band.  He has an odd scrunched up nose, and green skin and black hair, sorta made Celestina think of the Gangreen Gang from The PowerPuff Girls.  Then there was Russel Hobbs, the drummer, a heavyset black man from New York, with bright white eyes lacking pupils, a result of being possessed by a demon when he was young.  He seemed to be the voice of reason in the band, and when he speaks in interviews, he has a gentle voice.  Then there was Noodle, the guitarist, and the only girl in the band.  Celestina almost didn't recognize her at first, she's so used to seeing her in the music videos back when she was a kid or a young teen, and now she's a beautiful grown up woman!  Noodle was not much older than Celestina is now when the band released their first album, and according to her dad, when they were first looking for a guitarist, Noodle traveled from Japan all the way to England, in a FedEx delivery crate, and gave such an epic explosive guitar solo, that the band ended up giving her the part on the spot.  Celestina likes to imagine that if they were the same age, she and Noodle would be great friends.  And in the middle of the pic was her dad, 2-D himself.  He's tall and wiry, the tallest of all the band members in fact, he has spikey blue hair, and due to two separate car accidents (which were Murdoc's fault), he lost his front tooth, and his eyes were injured, they now look like blank black circles.  Murdoc gave him the nickname 2-D because his black eyes made it look like he had "two dents'' in his head.  Surprisingly, her dad liked that nickname, at this point, the only people who really call him Stu anymore would be Nana and Grandpop, as well as Sharon and Mia.  People would often describe her dad as, well, not very bright, sometimes saying he's thick and calling him names like "space cadet", but Celestina doesn't like any comments like that.  To Celestina, her dad has his own 2-D way of thinking, and his creativity with making music is where he shines the best, and he's got a kind heart.  In the attached picture, all four band mates were smiling (even Murdoc), and that made Celestina happy, seeing her dad and his old friends all back together.  
"That's great!" said Mom, "What does the message say?" 
"Dad said he got to England safely, he's excited to work on songs again, and that he loves and misses me, plus he sent a pic of him and the rest of the band." said Celestina.  "Oh yeah, Dad says hi, and so does Russ, Noodle, and Murdoc."
"Aw that's awesome!" replied Mom, "See, I figured he would make it there okay.  How do the other three look?"
"Murdoc is as green as ever," Celestina replied with a laugh, "Russel pretty much looks the same, but Noodle looks so different!  She's a grown up lady!"
"Yup, I believe it," said mom with a chuckle.  "Oh man, I haven't seen her since you were a baby, she was still a teenager then.  Grown up so fast, both of you." she said with a sigh.  "It's good they seem to be doing well." She paused, thinking, "I got an idea.  We're almost there, why don't we take a few back-to-school pictures of you when we get there, and you can text them back to your dad?"
"Ooh I'd love that!" said a delighted Celestina.  She was quiet for a bit before continuing.  "Hey, I know I was sad before with Dad leaving, but, well, it's also really cool that the whole band is back together and they'll make more songs again."
"I know, I can't wait to hear them," agreed Mom, "but like I said earlier, it's okay to feel sad about missing him.  Just don't forget that there are also a lot of good things to look forward to."
"I understand," answered Celestina.  Mom had just pulled up to the school.  There it was, Orbitz Public School.  Mom was lining up to park at the entrance where the middle school classes were.  While Celestina had seen the school many times when going on errands with her mom's around town, today the building somehow seemed larger and more intimidating.  Her breath slowed down and her hands grew sweaty the closer they got to the entrance.  Mom had found a parking spot and Celestina nervously left the car, carrying her backpack.  
"This place is way bigger than South Lincoln," remarked Celestina, referring to her elementary school.  Sharon gave Celestina's hand a comforting squeeze.
"I know it's scary," said Mom. "But you got this."  Even though Celestina was still nervous, she somehow felt a bit better with her Mom hyping her up.  
"I got this!" repeated Celestina.
"You're the star of your own stage," encouraged Sharon, "You knock 'em dead!"
"I'll knock 'em dead!" repeated Celestina, feeling pumped.  "Oh yeah, let's get that picture taken to send to Dad" she remembered.  Celestina and Sharon walked around to find a spot with good lighting in the courtyard. 
"Ooh, we can take one here," said Celestina, handing the phone to her mom.  She struck an adorable Sailor Moon style peace sign pose in her new uniform with the school in view in the back.  After the picture got taken, she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder.
"Huh," said Celestina, before turning around to see her best friend, "Oh hey there Kailey!"
"Hi Lessie!" greeted Kailey, using the nickname she used for Celestina since they were little.  Kailey was wearing the same purple and white school uniform that Celestina was wearing.  She kept her short brown hair in her natural curls, and her red square glasses framed her blue eyes.  The giggly girls greeted each other with a hug, before realizing that both their moms were standing by with their phones.  
"Smile you two," said Mrs. Green.  Both girls smiled for the camera with their arms around each other.  
"Perfect!" exclaimed Sharon before handing Celestina her phone back.  Celestina then quickly sent both the pics to her dad with a special message.
"So glad you made it home safely Dad.  Mom and Mia say hi back.  Today is me and Kailey's first day of school.  Can't wait to see you again, and maybe meet the rest of the band (even Murdoc lol).  Have fun recording.  Love you lots!  We got this!"
Shortly after she sent it, her dad replied with another quick "I love you", and Kailey got Celestina's attention.
"C'mon Lessie," said Kailey, "We still need to get our schedules."
"Oh my, that's right!" exclaimed Celestina.  "We gotta get going!"  
The girls gave their Moms a quick hug and said goodbye, and headed into the school.  Celestina still felt a bit nervous, but she felt a lot better than this morning.  She headed inside the front doors of the school with Kailey, walking through the purple and white crowd of students, feeling determined to take on the day no matter what happens.  
"Celestina, you're on!" 
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
Hello Love/2
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Part 2
AU story with tvd characters
Miguel Galindo x Elena Gilbert💖
Ft. Klaroline, Kennett
It's a love story -no vampires. Human.
Featuring a song by David Bisbal_Me enamore de ti
Also, Yemaya is played by Zoe Saldana.
So much is going on in this ch, there is so many characters - I hope it still has a coherent flow - 😅
Thanks for reading. 😀😘
Niklaus, or better known as Klaus to his family and friends, just taken a cab to take him to the Mikaelson residence.
He still wasn't sure if he made the right decision to return home after so many years abroad, where he had built a very good reputation and established himself as a prominent young architect making his firm The Wolf Group, as they called themselves, one of the very best. He left it to be run by his partner, Marcel Gerard.
It was one morning after he spoke to Miguel that he made the abrupt decision to take a sabatical year and spend time with the family. Actually, to be precise, with his siblings, as his relationship with his parents was not a good one.
In Rebekah's office, she was looking at the photographs that were to go in the next issue.
"Get me Damon" she said to her assistant Vicki.
"Anything else?" Vicki asked.
"No. I'll be working till late, so you can go. Thanks" Rebekah said.
The eldest of them was Finn, who tragically died in a car crash, at the age 20. Niklaus was their second child. He was three years old when they adopted Miguel.
Rebekah chose to work hard to prove to her father that she can get the fashion magazine up and running and make a huge success of it when she took over. So, at work she was known as the shrew, some of her co-workers would refer to her as a blood-sucker at times. The Mikaelson family was regarded as the most ambitious when business was concerned. Their parents taught their children to be excellent, to strive to excel. To be the best. And they made them proud.
After, Kol, Rebekah and finally Henrik followed.
Miguel fell in love and chose to go to live in San Diego to work after he married. And as his wife died, instead of returning to New York, he chose to go to Mexico City. As for Klaus, after finishing his studies decided to travel the world, finally settling in Europe starting to work as an architect in a small firm.
The Mikaelsons were a big family.
But lately, work was all she had on her mind.
Damon got to her office in a little while, and as he entered the first thing she said was-
"We are professionals and personal stuff should never affect the work-still- I am going to say this, because Elena is my friend and I love her dearly - you're an asshole! If you weren't so damned good at what you do I would kick you to the curb."
"That's not bad. I kind of thought you would dagger me!" Damon said.
"Let's get to work. Look at those", she now showed what she didn't like about those photos and asked for a new photo session with the next month's cover person.
Bonnie and Caroline met Elena for some good old retail therapy. The best remedy when trying to kinda mend a broken heart. A change in style, hair was Caroline's suggestion. Also, they all had already received an electronic invitation to the Mikaelson cocktail night. And they need great dresses for the occasion.
Elena kept quiet about her unusual meeting in the cafe.
In the Upper East Side, Miguel met his son at his new school. Cris as he and all his family and friends called him didn't want to go to a private school, and so Miguel enrolled him in the public school recommended by Rebekah.
Cristobal, looked a lot like his mother, very savvy, goodhearted teenager, who knew exactly what he wanted in his life. He was very close his father. The death of Emily, cut them both and glued them even more together. Sometimes Cristobal took more care of his father, than the other way around. Mostly because Miguel was very dedicated to his work.
There were certain things he still needed to do regarding the transfer, and he now dealt with all that.
"There something different about you dad" he said to him when they got out of the school.
"In what way?" Miguel looked surprised at his son.
"I don't know.  But- different! You have a happy face."
"I have a happy face?"
"Yes. Usually it's - just serious." Cristobal said as he opened the car door.
Miguel looked at the watch and he had promised their housekeeper Senora Vega that they would be on time for the evening dinner. "Come on, we are late."
And there was a certain truth, he felt different. The woman Elena that he had met in the cafe was not getting out of his head. He had not felt a tingle in his heart for a woman for a very long time.
Greenich Village
Elena returned home later that evening and looked at the dress she chose for the cocktail party. Then at her new hairstyle, running her hands through them, inhaling deeply.
"Stop it!" she said to herself in the mirror, "stop thinking about him. Don't need anyone right now. Good-he looked so good in the three-piece suit- too good. "I am going crazy- what's wrong with me?!"
This man was not even her type. She prefered guys in jeans, with a badboy vibe about them. 'Mike' was completely the opposite. What was happening to her. Rebound thoughts. Totally crazy. Sliding the dress safely into the small closet, she went to the living room and put one of her mix playlists on.
Taking her laptop, she made hetself comfortable on the sofa. It was time to do some work. Lena's Cookie website needed updating. Browsing through the photos of her recent cookie creations made her stumble on a few she had done for her friend Yemaya's birthday. Though she was from Brasil, she was very much into mexican art and so she had requested mexican sugar cookies for her birthday fiesta.
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Thinking of 'Mike', she looked up a recipe from her notes.
Me enamoré de ti, jamás lo imaginaba
Que algun día yo, de amor iba a vivir
A couple of blocks away
"Move in with me" he blurted out inbetween kisses and half way to bed disregarding supper.
"Enough of work." Bonnie said closing Kol's laptop nestling comfortably on his lap, pulling him into a kiss.
Kol finished writing the draft of his last research paper.  Bonnie sneaked up on at him with a trey of food and wine.
"Who is joking? Move in with me. I'm serious. I want you here - all the time. It's crazy paying for two apartments, sleeping ovet here- there."
"Ok," Bonnie said,"yeah, let's be practical"
"This is not about being practical," Kol drew his fingers up her cheeks, looking at her dreamily, "I really want you here with me all the time."
"When you look at me that way, I could never say no."
"You drive me crazy" Kol smiled, "At times I can't believe you are real - and you are with me"
"Shut up and kiss me" Bonnie pressed her forfinger on his lips.
She was a person so very open hearted, giving and so loving. He met her accidently, so he thought, as he waited for Rebekah to meet him for lunch at the bar. He didn't know that the Rebekah and the others set Bonnie and he up on a blind date. He complained to Rebekah that he had no luck in the love department and that he had enough of dates that led to nowhere.
He kissed her, and he took that as a 'yes'.
Stefan met his fellow journalist Yemaya for a last minute check before he gave in his article for print.
"Stop joking"
"Want to grab a drink?" he asked casually.
"Just one!" she stressed out, "Last night I had one too many"
"Wow- in the middle of the week ?!"he teased her as he knew her rule not to drink during the week.
"We took Elena out to kick her shoes off. She was really down."
"I heard," Stefan said, "I cannot make excuses for my brother, he is not bad-but he makes hell of mistakes."
"All the time!" Yemaya added.
"Yeah, but I am not really into the Damon- Elena talk. Actually, I need a date for a cocktail party?!"
"You got invited too?!" Yemaya was surprised.
"Maybe it was some mistake, but it came from Mikael's official e-mail!" Stefan said.
"Yes. I would like to be your date!" Yemaya accepted happily.
"Good!"- Stefan smiled, and  now waited for her to finish off what she was doing.
Days went by in a flash, and everyone had mostly work on their mind. Well, not everyone. Elena had something else on her mind, or rather someone else.
The Mikaelson cocktail party started to be the thing everyone started to talk about.
Esther and Rebekah were deeply immersed in the event. Everything had to be perfect.
Esther had invited all her family for a family brunch the day before.
Kol, Miguel and Cristobal arrived an hour before the meal. Cristobal immediately went with Henrik, who was two years older than him and that was a bit strange as he was in actual fact his uncle.
"What is not weird with this family" Cristobal said looking at Henrik wide-eyed.
"I kind of have to get to know Klaus and Miguel- they look too serious" Henrik said.
"Dad can be fun-he just doesn't like to show it much!" Cristobal explained. "Show me the last vynils you’ve bought."
"Come on" Henrik said gesturing to follow him to his room.
Rebekah walked in the living room all chirpy, "Gossiped much?!"
"No. Why would you think so?" Klaus said. "Then you have changed- you always had something smart to say about me"
"I did hear already comments about what a dragon you are at work, " Klaus teased, "it's only fashion, but I guess it has to be run with military precision. Father must be very proud!"
"There-you see" Rebekah looked at Miguel, who wanted to stay out of it.
"I hear you have new friends," Klaus said,"kicked the old snobby ones to the curb, I hear"
"I am sick of her snoby friends- yes-I have managed to make proper friends, and if you behave, maybe I will introduce them to you!" Rebekah shot back at her brother tapping him on the shoulder.
Esther walked into the Salon and there was gladness in her heart. All her children were there, and that was a rare occasion in the last years.
Her husband now joined them and they sat down for a very different brunch they all were used to. It was warm, chatty and quite lively.
Esther was counting her blessings, though her heart was not entirely at ease.
The next day, the pre-cocktail buzz was already in full flow with both the hosts as well as their invites.
Caroline talked to Elena over the phone about the cocktail party and Klaus.
"He looks really good," Caroline said, "you should check his site- he has done some amazing stuff."
"Caroline, you are telling me that I get into things head over heals like instantly. Rebekah is great, but he is a Mikaelson. Do you really want to get involved with one of them?"
"Elena, I know what you're thinking. Too close to home. Could mess up a great friendship if things go bad"
"Not thinking anything. Ok. I got to go. See you later"
"I will pick you up," Caroline said, "oh, I went back and changed the dress. I am wearing the blue dress - right- Jess is hear to do my hair. I will see you soon."
"Ok." Elena put the phone down.
Elena went to do her hair and make up herself. She was good in anything creative. She decided to wave it a bit and pin one side. She was going for a more natural look, and yet looking glam.
Simplicity has always been her motto. And yet, everything she did never looked simple. From her range of cookies to her relationships. 
The door bell went and Elena was surprised to see Yemaya at the door. She had already been ready and dressed.
"Hey- Sorry. I just had to come" the woman stormed in.
Elena could see that her friend was all flustered. Something major must have happened for her to be coming and not calling.
Elena now waited to hear her spill the beans.
"Ok -I am going to say it- huh- I slept with Stefan. We went for a drink and it was just one drink -and we talked and he drove me home and then we kissed and then we kissed some more and- you know the rest."
Elena didn't understand what was so bad about it. He and Yemaya were work collegues. And that is exactly now what was Yemaya's concern.
"I said I would never get involved with someone I work with."
"Shall I guess what you told him in the morning?! Exactly that?! Right?"
Yemaya nodded. 
In the Mikaelson Mansion, Esther Mikaelson was going through the list with her personal party organizer for the afternoon cocktail party the family was hosting for an exlusive charity event for the hospital Miguel and Kol worked for. Just one look from her said volumes when she was displeased with something. When her favourite sister died in the car crash, everyone thought that she would retreat and never come back, as she did go away for a year to grieve and be by herself. The grief changed something in her, she became a recluse, but adopting Miguel, brought her back to life. As he now walked out into the garden, greeting her with a small kiss on the cheek.
"How are you, querida madre?"
"Very well - even better now that you and Cristobal are here." Esther replied.
"This looks beautiful. Thank you for doing this."
"Darling, it is nothing. It's my pleasure. Where is Cristobal?"
"With Henrik" Miguel said and now greeted Kol and Bonnie.
Kol then went on to introduce Bonnie to Klaus and Miguel. Rebekah quickly snatched Bonnie away from the men.
"So, I'm hearing wedding bells from the distance!" Klaus teased Kol.
"Unlike you, I actually want one woman for myself!" Kol threw back at him.
"You haven't changed at all!" Klaus said. "I will leave you two to discuss whatever medical thing you will discuss"
"Bonnie" Miguel started, " she seems to be lovely!"
"What about you? Are you never going to find someone again?” Kol asked his brother.
"I don't know," Miguel said, "maybe"
"What does that mean? Have you met somebody?" Kol continued with the quizzing. "Dr Ruben has set her eyes on you. She's been asking me if you were dating anyone?"
"Please don't play the matchmaker." Miguel warned.
"Don't worry -"
Cris and Henrik came up to them and Kol now turned to them, quizzing them about the band they were forming.
The guest started arriving and Cris now observed how Esther and Mikael, together with Rebekah glided among the guests and how masterfully they played the hosts.
Damon and Stefan arrived together. Krystal made a solo appearance. 
Elena, Yemaya and Caroline entered like a grand trio.
Rebekah was there like a shot and greeted her friends.
"Who invited Krystal?" Caroline shot at Rebekah straight out seeing the woman mingling with some of the guests.
"Father's office - she is the best model and it's about business -if you thought that this was a family thing only, then you are mistaken -come on -let me introduce you to Miguel and Klaus."
Elena's heart dropped when she heard the name, but when she actually saw that it was the man she had met in the cafe, her heart started beating uncontrollably. She tried to keep her composure as Rebekah officially now introduced them.
"Hello" Miguel said, curling a smile at the brunette.
"Hello" Elena muttered and smiled back at him, “I thought your name is Mike?!”
"Uhm - it's Miguel - when we were kids Rebekah would call me Mikey - uhm - I don’t know why I introduced myself using my childhood nickname - just felt like - I suppose being back in New York”
"Oh, you've met?" Rebekah said slightly wide-eyed.
"Yes- a few days ago" Miguel said, his eyes still fixed on Elena.
Se pinta de colores toda mi alma
Con esa dulce luz de tu mirada
Y al verte sonreír, vuelvo a tener fe
Elena nodded, confirming it was so, looking at her friend and then at the suave looking cardiologist.
The waitress with champagne cocktails approached them and Miguel now took the glasses and offered one to her.
"Strawberry Bellini! I think you will like it." Miguel said to the brunette.
"Thank you!" Elena took the glass. She was at ease now. His charm just enveloped her and she didn't care anymore that she had seen Damon and Krystal at the party.
Not standing far from them, Caroline already chatted with Klaus as if they knew eachother forever. He offered her a Mimosa cocktail. 
"You are looking in the direction of that brunette like she had done something to you so disgracefully" Klaus commented since Caroline looked at Krystal off and on.
_ to be continued
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twenty-nothing · 6 years
 When’s the last time you ate bread? I just had a sub, so about half an hour ago
What’s the last movie you watched on your own? Locked Up on Netflix. It was really good
What about the last movie you watched with another person?
The Meg, it was AMAZING
What about the last movie you saw at the cinema? Was it good?
^^^^ The Meg, fantastic!
Do you attend school, college, or uni? No I graduated college
What do you study, wherever you study? I got my degree in Accounting
What industry do you want to be a part of when you’re older? Right now I’m in the accounting industry but I want to somehow get into the whole criminal/true crime/police industry
Are you a Hugh Grant or Colin Firth kinda girl? I honestly don’t know who either of them are, but I just googled their pictures and I guess Colin Firth
Kisses on the cheek or the neck? Neck
How many girls can you trust? I don’t know. It depends on what I’m trusting them with, maybe 3
What about guys? Again, it depends, but a couple in my family. I don’t have any guy friends
How do you earn your keep? I go to work so I can pay rent lol
If you could speak three different languages fluently, what would they be? Spanish, French and German
How many texts have you ever sent on your current phone? Man, I don’t know, like a thousand? I don’t text much but I have had this phone for 3 years
Who do you usually text the most? Teresa from work, I would say my mom but I don't text her- we use facebook messenger.
Baths or showers? Showers
Cheese or tomato? Cheese
Shaved legs or shaved arms? Legs, although I HATE shaving them, takes so much timeee
Did you know they’re currently shaving their arms some people on this years xfactor? I didn’t, no
Early nights or early mornings? Early mornings, then I don’t feel like I’m wasting the day
How many coats do you own? Five
What about shoes? A lot lol Not as many as others but a good amount
One word to describe your most recent ex? Cheater
Fried, poached, boiled or scrambled eggs? Scrambled
Have you ever been surprised with breakfast in bed? No, I don’t know if I’d like it lol I don’t like to eat in my bed
Where, in your current country, would you like to live, other than where you do now? If I made a good amount of money I would love to live in Boston
Where wouldn’t you want to live?
Anywhere that has hurricanes or tornadoes or wildfires. Anything that could take your house. We may have terrible blizzards but it won’t ruin my house.
Has your life begun? I think it will truly start once I meet the one I’m meant to be with
Do you like snow? I guess so. I HATE driving in it but other than that, its fine lol
Have you always got good grades? Yup
Do you like sheer clothing? No, not really. I hate the way that material feels
List four things about your facial appearance: I have chubby cheeks. I have green eyes. I have ears that stick out. I have thin lips.
List four things about your general appearance: I’m average height. I’m fat. I have fine, dark brown hair. I’m white.
List four things you like about yourself: My personality in general. My sense of humor. My faithfulness. My eyes.
List four things you dislike about yourself: My fear of confrontation. My lack of any confidence. My anxiety and depression. My temper.
List four of your favourite TV programs: The Office, Grey’s Anatomy, 9-1-1, Hell's Kitchen
List four of your favourite foods/drinks: Chicken riggies, mojitos, fire tossed pizza, indian food
This quiz is pretty different to others, right? A bit, sure
Cats or dogs? Dogs, but cats are cool too
Llamas or sheep? Llamas
Have you ever seen anyone famous in the street? Yes, saw Matt Damon on my first trip to NYC
Are you hungry right now? Nah. I JUST ate
Do any of your friends really irritate you at times? Yeah, lol. But I’m pretty sure I irritate them, too
What do you think of couples who have entire albums just for them, with pictures of them just randomly at home, doing nothing that really requires a photo? Annoying
Can you cook? Somewhat
Can you iron? Most of the time it comes out okay
Can you work the microwave? Yes lol
Can you work the washing machine? Yes.
Do you like your photo being taken? No. I look so fat
Do you like taking photos of yourself? Eh, not really. I like having pictures of myself, but it’s hard when they all look bad, you know?
Have you ever got into a club, whilst being underage? I’ve never been in a club at all
How many magazines do you buy a month? Zero, I get 2 free subscriptions though
How many of them are car-related? Zero
What about fashion? Zero
Any celeb gossip ones? One
Who will do this note after you? Probably not lol
What pets do you have? One, Jasper
It’s getting pretty cold now, isn’t it? Do you have the heating on? Oh hell yeah but 2 weeks ago it was awful and close to the single digits. My heat is on 71 degrees
Do you watch Hollyoaks? Never heard of it
Do you like Silus? Again, no idea what you’re talking about
Who’s your favourite? Still don’t know
Who’s your least favourite? Nope
Do you watch Gossip Girl? I never have, no
Who’s your favourite girl? None
What about guy? None
Last gig you went to? I have only gone to one concert in my life. Luke Bryan with Dustin Lynch and Little Big Town. It was the best fucking night of my life
Next gig your going to? I don’t know yet
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lalainajanes · 8 years
@supremeuppityone replied to your post “Anyone want to hit me up with some mini drabble prompts? I’ve got a...”
Woohoo! How about: "So I told him that under no circumstances was he allowed to pet the yeti, and that's when it happened..."
Abominable Snow-Kol
Klaus ignores his ringing phone, squares his shoulder and attempts to focus on the nearly blank canvas in front of him. He’s been doing much the same for hours, ever since the incessant calls had started to roll in just after he’d risen. He’d checked the screen, found Kol’s name flashing across it and had angrily set the device aside. Not crushing it into a useless ball of metal and glass had been difficult. Kol’s taunts about his most recent traveling companion – the elusive Caroline Forbes – have been driving Klaus to distraction over the last few days.
As a result no one’s dared disturb Klaus lately, not since he’d gotten a bit testy and tossed one of Marcel’s hangers on over the balcony.
Kol knows precisely what he’s doing and Klaus would bet he’d barely been able to contain his glee each time he’d sent a message. Pictures only, what seemed to be innocent glimpses of gorgeous scenery.
Until one looked closer, which Klaus did, and saw the little hints of Caroline flitting around the edges of the frames. The curve of her shoulder, her blonde curls blowing in the wind alongside the edge of one. Her feet, toes painted bright pink, her ankles crossed and resting on a chaise in the corner of another. Nearly a dozen images over the past week or so, each at a different time, sent with no warning, each devoured and memorized.
Klaus had attempted to reach Kol but his brother’s not willing to give up his game, hasn’t deigned to pick up his phone, nor answer any of Klaus’ texts probing for details of their escapades (purely for practical purposes, of course. Kol inevitably got himself into a mess, it was only prudent that Klaus kept tabs so he could quickly send in a cleanup crew efficiently).
The fact that he wants to talk now is both curious and suspicious. Klaus is refusing to rise to the bait, as difficult as it is.
The ringing finally stops and Klaus straightens, dabbing his brush in a deep blue. Perhaps he’ll finally get something done. He mixes the pigments, searching for the perfect shade, losing himself in the task.
It takes a moment to register a new ringing. Tinny, and distant, had Klaus senses been even a fraction less keen he’d have missed it. He tips his head, trying to place it, realizes it’s coming from his bedroom.
There’s only one phone there. An old one.
Klaus is up the stairs before the palette and the brush hit the floor. He keeps the phone tucked away in his closet, plugged in and charged and he nearly rips the door off his hinges in his haste. He’s expecting a call, deflates upon seeing a series of texts from an unknown number.
Reading them, Klaus realizes just who the sender is.
Was Klaus supposed to feel sorry for Damon Salvatore and his pitiful returned humanity? Because he really didn’t.
Still, he rushes back downstairs, snatches his current phone up off of the table where it’s resting. He hurriedly dials, beginning to pace as he waits for the call to connect.
Caroline doesn’t bother with pleasantries, sounds out of breath, though he hears loud mechanical rattling in the background, “Finally!” she spits. “I have been calling you for hours.”
“Kol and I aren’t…speaking at the moment,” Klaus explains, feeling a tinge abashed. Caroline’s been travelling for a few decades now and they’ve seen each other a few times. Casual run-ins that he’d arranged where they’d caught up and she’d smirked and tossed barbs that were friendlier than not while mostly ignoring his contrivances.
She snorts, “Yeah, I saw his phone. He’s a creep, by the way, and we will be having words about the ethics of sneaking pictures and sending them without permission.”
Klaus perks up, pleased that it seems as if Caroline’s grown tired of Kol’s antics. “Oh? Have you two parted ways?”
“Oh, I wish,” Caroline bites out, a world of exhaustion in the words. “He’s currently completely out of it and growing fur after tangling with some witches. I seriously thought about leaving him behind and booking it but my pesky conscience got in the way.”
Apparently Klaus had been correct to anticipate trouble. He heads back upstairs, knowing he needs to find shoes. He’ll need to track down Elijah too, from the sounds of it. Bekah as well, if only because she’ll throw a tantrum if she misses the sight of Kol cursed and covered in fur. “Well, you’re young yet,” he jokes lightly. “I’m sure your conscience will grow less troublesome with time.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you’d like that,” she mutters, though Klaus thinks he hears amusement behind her exasperation.
“Where are you?” Klaus asks.
“I stole a car. I think we’re close to the Nepalese border.”
“Mmm, so grand theft auto doesn’t tickle you conscience?” Klaus teases.
She huffs out an annoyed breath, “Desperate times. Once Kol went down I chose flight.”
“Smart, sweetheart. Covens in that area of the world are secretive and said to wield great power.” They’ve been something of a fascination of Kol’s for centuries though they’ve always spurned his attempts to make cordial contact. “Now, what’s this you’ve said about fur?”
She makes a noise, low in her throat that’s almost a laugh, “So, witch familiars are a thing, which I’m sure you knew.”
“I did,” Klaus confirms. “I’ve seen a variety over the years.”
“Well, these witches have them. And Kol got a little bit too fascinated despite the fact that they warned him to stay away and promised dire consequences.”
Klaus held back a sigh. Waving that sort of temptation in front of Kol was a terrible idea. “What did he do, sweetheart?”
“Well, they invited us to a gathering and they seemed nice enough. No one tried to kill me which is kinda a novelty with witches, you know? Kol tagged along and didn’t really make friends. He totally needs to quit that smarmy thing he thinks is flirting. Learn how to read a signal. Actually, you know what? Maybe he comes by that honestly.”
Klaus laughs, ignores the dig and tucks the phone into his shoulder as he begins to pack. “And then what?”
The breath she blows out is long. “And then things got weird.”
“Not an anomaly where Kol’s concerned, I’m afraid.”
“Yeah, well, I told him that under no circumstances was he allowed to pet the yeti, and that's when it happened..." Caroline words trail off, her silence expectant.
Klaus pauses, straightens. Surely he couldn’t have heard that correctly. “Yeti?” he manages, unable to help his skepticism.
“Yeti,” Caroline confirms, sounding perfectly serious. “I know it sounds nuts and I promise I’m not in cahoots with Kol in some elaborate prank. Actually, here, wait.”
He hears some static, shuffling and the sound of the car slowing. His phone dings after a moment and Klaus sees he’s received a photo.
It’s of Kol, slumped awkwardly in a cramped and dingy backseat. Growing, as Caroline had said, coarse and prickly looking white fur out of his face and neck.
Klaus is torn between several emotions, annoyance at the fact that he was going to have to fly across the world to sort out this mess, that it would likely cost him a pretty penny, all because Kol was completely lacking in common sense. He’s a touch pleased too, because he’d just been thinking that it was time to track down Caroline for one of their visits before Kol had found it first.
He wants to laugh too because he knows Kol’s vanity is going to take an awful hit once he’s aware of his new hirsute state.
He clears his throat, does his best to sound matter of fact, “Right. Keep driving. I’ll pull your location from Kol’s phone.”
“You have him lo-jacked?”
“It’s proven most helpful, love. As I’m sure you can imagine.”
She hums an agreement, “I guess I can see that.”
“I’ll text you directions once I’ve gotten a flight together for you. We’ll meet you halfway.”
“Alright,” Caroline says, resignation clear. “Make it somewhere nice, huh? Warm, if possible. I’m freaking freezing.”
“I’ll do my best,” Klaus promises, saying goodbye and disconnecting the call.
He packs methodically, putting together plans as he goes. Caroline had wanted something nice, hadn’t she? And really, he was sure he could convince her to linger awhile. Footing the bill for a little luxury was the least he could do for her after Kol had gotten her entangled in his nonsense.
Klaus was certain he could persuade her. Rome was nice this time of year, and the perfect distance between New Orleans and Caroline’s location.
Had it only been an hour ago he’d been considering digging out the daggers? How quickly things could change. Klaus might even owe Kol a favor assuming setting him to rights wasn’t too much of a hassle.
39 notes · View notes
twenty-nothing · 6 years
When’s the last time you ate bread? Today for brunch
What’s the last movie you watched on your own? The Shining
What about the last movie you watched with another person? Terrifier
What about the last movie you saw at the cinema? Was it good? The Meg, it was awesome
Do you attend school, college, or uni? Nope, already graduated college
What do you study, wherever you study? I studied accounting
What industry do you want to be a part of when you’re older? Not sure
Are you a Hugh Grant or Colin Firth kinda girl? Neither 
Kisses on the cheek or the neck? Neck
How do you earn your keep?
I work
If you could speak three different languages fluently, what would they be? French, Spanish and German
How many texts have you ever sent on your current phone? A ton I’m sure
Who do you usually text the most? My mom
Baths or showers? Showers
Cheese or tomato? Both
Shaved legs or shaved arms? Legs since I don’t shave my arms
Early nights or early mornings? Early mornings
How many coats do you own? Two lol
What about shoes? Only like 11 without counting flip-flops and sandals 
One word to describe your most recent ex? Cheater
Fried, poached, boiled or scrambled eggs? Scrambled
Have you ever been surprised with breakfast in bed? Nooo, I don’t like eating in bed
Where, in your current country, would you like to live, other than where you do now? If I could afford it, NYC or Boston or Baltimore or LA
Where wouldn’t you want to live? In the middle of nowhere
Has your life begun? Very slowly and bumpy :(
Do you like snow? I hate driving in snow storms or cleaning my car off but it’s okay I guess lol
Have you always got good grades? Yes
Do you like sheer clothing? Not on me
Name three things that are overrated: Pumpkin spice, any apple products, weed
List four things about your facial appearance: I have green eyes, straight teeth, chubby cheeks and big ears...
List four things about your general appearance: i’m 5′4″, 6 tattoos, fat and no ass
List four things you like about yourself: I think things through, i’m loyal, I’m strong willed and I’m funny
List four things you dislike about yourself: East to get extremely stressed out over little shit, very introverted, unmotivated and vindictive.
List four of your favourite TV programs: The Office, The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Bad Girls Club and Cops
List four of your favourite foods/drinks: Pizza, Cherry Pepsi, Mozzarella Sticks, Wegmans subs
This quiz is pretty different to others, right? If you say so
Cats or dogs? Dogs
Llamas or sheep? Llamas
Have you ever seen anyone famous in the street? Yes, Matt Damon
Are you hungry right now? Kinda
Do any of your friends really irritate you at times? Of course
What do you think of couples who have entire albums just for them, with pictures of them just randomly at home, doing nothing that really requires a photo? Get out of each others ass, fucking annoying
Can you cook? Haven’t cooked much, so not really
Can you iron? A little
Can you work the microwave? Hell yeah lol
Can you work the washing machine? for the most part
Do you like your photo being taken? No
Do you like taking photos of yourself? No
Have you ever got into a club, whilst being underage? Never been to a true club
How many magazines do you buy a month? One
How many of them are car-related? Zero
What about fashion? Zero
Any celeb gossip ones? Zero
Who will do this note after you? No one prob lol
What pets do you have? A dog
It’s getting pretty cold now, isn’t it? Do you have the heating on? Its very fall out! High 40s. No heat yet, just sweats and blankets
Do you watch Hollyoaks? I don’t know what that is
Do you like Silus? What’s that?
Who’s your favourite? -
Who’s your least favourite? -
Do you watch Gossip Girl? No
Who’s your favourite girl? -
What about guy?
Favourite colour? Dark gray and mint
Are you regularly tired? Yeah
Are you excited to live on your own? I would like it more if I wasn't paycheck to day before my paycheck
When do you plan on moving out?
I’ve been living on my own for two years
Do you have a onesie? No
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