#I guess this could be tagged as selfship too lol
bennydwight · 1 month
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Based off that one scene from that one movie, with added smugness
Experiments: line weight, lighting, brushes, layer effects
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
Hiiii!, this is an idea I got thanks to a TikTok video that said "Imagine a parallel world where real people are characters from anime, videogames, etc. And your favorite character creates fanfics and fanarts about you." I can't help but imagine Fisher writing on Tumblr about the s/o lol.
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Holy shit Holy Shit HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT-
Sally as a Selfshipper-
[CW: self depreciation, unreality]
>When he first sees S/O, he could swear a chorus of angels had begun to sing and had swept him right off his feet. He couldn't take his eye off of S/O for a few minutes, absolutely and undeniably smitten, before he realized what just happened and felt pretty embarrassed about it. He knows he can't set his standards for a romantic partner very high, but they should at least be real… right?
>Denial about his feelings/ 'I just think (media) is neat' ➡ Bargaining/ 'I'll just look up the wiki pages and articles about the show. Saving a few images won't hurt, right?' ➡ Depression/Anger/ 'God, I'm really in love with some pixels I am such a loser.' ➡ Gradual Acceptance/'Everyone thinks I'm a weirdo anyway this might as well happen' pipeline
>I'd bet he'd be a lurker in the selfship and f/o tags for a long time, liking a bunch of imagine posts and images of S/O but leaving his page pretty bare besides the necessary info to interact with certain blogs. He resisted posting his own content until his feelings for S/O grew too big to keep in, and he knew people in the selfshipping community would understand what he was going through.
>When posting those dreaded first few gushes didn't kill him instantly, he started posting a few times a week, and all of his content is so goddamn romantic! Lots of pining under screenshots he took of S/O, sappy poetry/songs, painstakingly selected playlists, some personally-tailored imagines and a few cute little doodles on lined paper that he did his best on and was feeling brave enough to post (because he was thinking of S/O encouraging him 💘)
>And then he would have a venty (occasionally horny) sideblog that is technically unlinked to his main but he's not good at hiding it and everyone in the community is like 'oh yeah thats his side blog we didnt think it was a secret??' Reblogs lots of angst/comfort fics, quotes about the universe and love that isn't meant to be, "At least my fictional bf/gf thinks I'm cute" posts, etc.
>Might eventually make one or two selfship friends that he DMs, but definitely has some silent mutuals that pop up in his notes.
>Has sent in a few anonymous requests to fic writers that he will not admit to. He doesn't use sign-offs, but you can always guess he requested them because he's the first to like them. His emoji use and the way he types gives him away, too.
>Says he's fine sharing S/O because he doesn't want to be 'that guy,' but he is 'that guy' and quietly blocks the selfship tags of people that also F/O them.
>Nobody IRL can know ever know about his selfshipping or his crush on S/O EVER (but his friends have a feeling. And eyes.)
>Has one (1) self-insert that is just him but without the prosthetic and mental illness and trauma (and maybe a little taller than his IRL self)
>Consumes S/Os media regularly, but prefers to do so alone so he can stare, swoon and longingly sigh in private.
>Chronic (occasionally maladaptive) f/o daydreamer
>"I'm not ''''In looooove~''''' with [media]/[S/O]!" (Said while shoving a mountain of merch into his closet)
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musings-and-moans · 2 years
shy’s almost milestone event
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status: open /closed
till: 15th august, 2022 (yes, yes very indian of me lol)
so i’m at 190 which is almost 200 (edit: it’s 200 now hahaha) so it does count for a milestone i guess hehe. anyway, thank you so so much for supporting me <33
i’ve not been writing of-late, especially when it comes to nsfw stuff, and i need my mojo back *sob* so THIS is PURELY a NSFW related event (with bits of unavoidable fluff, and possibly darker stuff too)
which means, minors, ageless, and blank blogs, please dni with this post or my blog in general!! thank you <3 and anon requests are not allowed for this event!
also, if you’re following me for the sake of the event, please don’t unfollow me once it’s done, or i’ll block you!
fandoms you can choose from include: haikyuu, jujutsu kaisen, attack on titan, black clover, demon slayer, spy x family, hunter x hunter, jojo’s bizarre adventure (till part 6), tokyo revengers (anime + haitani twins, kokonoi, izana, kakucho and sanzu for now), obey me (only the brothers) (i’m not confident about tr at all, but will do my best)
so here’s how it’s gonna go!
𖦹︎ NSFW alphabet: (2/10)
i’d seen this template being used everywhere and i thought, why not slowly get back to writing with this. so, to enter, please send me an ask with the following:
your pronouns (this will determine whether i’m writing for afab!, amab! or gn! reader)
favourite character (one character = one entry), any repeats will be grouped together
a couple of letters from the alphabet (max 3, gives me more opportunity to write on other characters hehe)
example: for the milestone event, can i please request c,d,e from the nsfw alphabet for jotaro kujo? my pronouns are she/her and i’m afab!
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𖦹︎ NSFW Prompt Writing: (2/5)
So, I have some prompts in mind as well. keep in mind that i’m not using this to write one-shots, but thirsts and drabbles. so, to request for this, please enter the following:
your pronouns
mention if i should write it in canon or in au, and you can specify which au hehe (and if you have a thirst in mind, go ahead and spill hehe!)
max 2-3 prompts
character of your choice <3
example: for the milestone event, can i please request a thirst on haikyuu!timeskip tetsuro kuroo with the following prompts: "Want to try something new tonight?" and "I could go all night." (gush away with your thirst) and my pronouns are she/her and i’m afab!
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𖦹︎ NSFW matchups :D (10/10) CLOSED, open only for moots 💕
idk if this has been done before, but wanted to give it a try. this is based on your appearance and personality. so, for this, please send me a following: (followers get matchups from upto two fandoms, and mutuals, 3! ♥️)
your pronouns & mbti (if any pronouns, i'd go with they/them, and if not known then enneagram works too)
picrew of you (or picture if you’re comfortable, dw the ask will be deleted after the matchup)
two facts about yourself, including if you like it gentle or rough ;)(please don’t be shy, i won’t be revealing the ask on tumblr)
and which fandom would you want me to ship you from (+ gender preference if possible, if not, I’d be going with male by default)
example: for the milestone event, can i please request a matchup from jujutsu kaisen and haikyuu? my pronouns are she/her and my mbti is enfj, (picrew), (facts about yourself) + currently i like it rough ;)
what you will get: the characters, an ideal date, and the spicy way to end it ;)
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𖦹︎ NSFW ask games :D (send me how many you wish)
Spicy Ask Game (please be respectful when you send me an ask related to this haha)
FMK , Would you rather (you know the drill hehe)
Selfship Spicy Ask Questions: This is something you can ask me for my self ships with Jotaro, Kuroo, Nanami, Levi, Erwin, Yami, Fuegoleon, Iwaizumi, Kakyoin, and Aizawa hehe. I wanna gush about them with y’all! <33
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tagging my moots: @mrskodzuken @romiyaro @sanoinc @meowdarame @portfolio-of-dreams @xshinigamikittenx @httphaitani @bokuroskitten @bokutosmochi @hyeque @aizumie @satisfactooru @jordyn-degas @mekiza @jellyluchi @beelenciaga @wakatshi @kazububs @decayish @mxonigirimiya @25306 @p-antomime @trueformsukuna @kagejima @ofallthingswhythis @megumischubbycheeks @benkeibear @mystikawi @sanzucide @devoti @bowandcurtsey @arcanestage @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @blueparadis @atsumeii and others that i’ve missed *sob*
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I posted 499 times in 2021
232 posts created (46%)
267 posts reblogged (54%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.2 posts.
I added 867 tags in 2021
#me/g reblogs - 243 posts
#me/g answers - 109 posts
#about my danger star ✨ - 78 posts
#lol - 73 posts
#ask game - 67 posts
#about megavos - 66 posts
#✨ queued 🐾 - 62 posts
#xd - 61 posts
#from: her danger star ✨ - 57 posts
#megavos - 51 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#(i...had to reblog with the actual filled out responses because i didn't know how else to fix it. the original has been deleted.)
My Top Posts in 2021
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See the full post
14 notes • Posted 2021-02-03 06:46:03 GMT
1C with coda and hawk's👀
if this is ok with you
Here you go! I hope you like it. :)
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Give me a pose and your selfship, get a drawing like this (limited slots)
15 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 05:00:48 GMT
The “I’m running from a mutual friend for some reason and happened to run into you” how we met AU
I could come up with an actual story behind this though. lol And it is a “how we met” one.
Ft. @francis-norman-furter
17 notes • Posted 2021-07-24 05:10:21 GMT
Written in the Stars
No Matter What, When, or Where We Are
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No matter how we are born, and what we become...
...Our love is written in the stars
This was supposed to be for Valentine’s Day...but it didn’t work out that way. lol At first I was going to make a simple “dressed up nice and dancing” pose picture, but changed my mind. Deciding instead to do something more symbolic, which both shows the many AU ideas I’ve had with this relationship, and why I love AUs so much.
Under the read more is that explanation and some information on each AU:
I notice I make a LOT of AUs, and the reason is first that I just really enjoy exploring other story angles. From things where one or both are a different creature, where they are in different social classes, where occupation or how they met differs by the slightest decision change leading to it.
Yet they always find each other, and always find a connection. I guess that sort of goes into Soulmate theory too. lol
AUs listed left to right, top to bottom:
MLP:FiM: Made by my friend, @allykatsart, at first as a fun design AU since she got tired of drawing humans or dragons. We got to talking and included some lore on Aaravos in this universe; He is a Star Pony, which is an almost god-like race like in TDP, which are alicorns. He adopted Celestia and Luna after finding them alone in the middle of nowhere (or I think we jokingly said he woke up one morning and they were there. lol) and raised them (if Journal of Two Sisters contradicts the show’s canon, supposedly, so can I)
There was more to his backstory, but I won’t get into it. Meg (or whatever I call her here) was just a normal pegasus pony with an animal-based special talent. She met Aaravos while he was disguised as a different type of pony and they became friends, but were starting to like each other as more than that. Then he came clean about who he was and eventually they talk it out and work through it. (For the original images of their pony counterparts, check out my friend’s blog. She’s very talented!)
The Fallen Star: More of a teaser than anything, since this is still a project I want to share eventually. Of all the AUs on here, it’s the one I’ve worked on the longest and somehow is the most ambitious. It’ll be long, incorporate all the important TDP characters somehow, and have Aaravos as the main character (because I like writing about him way too much. lol) I can’t say much more, but Megavos is end-game there...and this project is special to me.
Chess Match: Not an AU really, just symbolism to an RP that is Post-The Fallen Star. Once again my friend, @allykatsart helped me a ton in developing The Fallen Star, and our (technically not canon I think) RP that takes place once it’s over is SO GOOD. Even if it isn’t canon, I hope we can finish it someday and maybe share it once the comic is done. 
As for the designs here, they were by Ally, and basically the section of the RP this is related to can be compared to a chess match. No spoilers, but Aaravos represents the White Queen (because he’s one of the good guys here) and Meg is the King of the same color. Why it isn’t the other way around is also symbolic. Aaravos is the most powerful piece on the “board” in TFS, and the leader of the group once it forms. Meg is not, but that doesn’t make her any less important. She’s the heart of the team, and Aaravos especially. Without her...things would have been very different. Plot-wise, and Aaravos’ role-wise.
Blood-Bound Oaths: This is a slow-developing story thanks to the “Send me two AUs mashed together, I’ll give a headcanon on it” Ask game message I got. The Ask mashed together the “arranged marriage” AU with I think it was “royalty” AU and came up with the idea of Aaravos being the Vampire King who marries princess or queen Meg of the humans to unite their kingdoms for some reason.
I really liked the idea, but I couldn’t think of a way to do it...then changed it to Meg being the princess, whose father struck this deal with Aaravos. So she is sent to his kingdom as his bride and it’s basically a story about her learning to value herself and her opinions more, as he respectfully keeps his distance before slowly forming first a friendship with her before they truly fall in love.
Meg learning that the way women were treated in her kingdom was disrespectful and demeaning, and finding her voice through the very opposite treatment from the Vampire King and her appointed were-cat attendant (Ally. lol)
Written in the Stars (TDP-verse): I included this one both because it was where I started before getting comfortable enough to step away from the world of TDP and explore a more mundane, modern life with him. It isn’t as action-packed and adventurous as the lands of Xadia, but not entirely calm all the time either.
In the world of TDP, though, it was just the events of the show but an s/i thrown in because I can. I have a couple of TDP-verse stories I have planned (maybe) but there isn’t only one angle for it.
Snake Charmer: Very much an adult audience only AU...because the oneshot (that may become a multi-chapter story) connected plays with a few kinks of mine not mentioned on this blog.
To sum it up, the AU is of Meg as a student on a school trip to a tropical island where there are stories from the locals about a monster that lives in the jungle. If you get lost while in there, the monster takes you and you are never heard from again.
That monster is Aaravos as a naga/lamia creature called a Star Serpent. He normally eats trespassers, but Meg just happens to be found at a specific time in his life where he needs her for...other reasons. If the story was continued, it was going to be a darker beauty and the beast sort of story. Maybe with a curse being lifted at the end. Who knows.
Hades and Persephone AU: I probably won’t actually make this one either, but it is kind of symbolic as well. Especially after watching this video, where it goes into the original telling of the myth and some background information. Like how Hades has been reduced to being seen as the bad guy or more horrible than several other gods in mythology (like Zeus and Apollo)
Because of that, I thought Aaravos fit the role of Hades quite well. He’s strongly disliked, but not actually bad. TDP doesn’t go into sex and couples at all (well, couples: yes. Sex: no) but digging through Scorpio information (which he is) they require a connection to even have sex with someone. Or rather, they prefer it that way. So Aaravos seems very unlikely to go out of his way to hook up randomly.
Meg as Persephone is because she is portrayed as more innocent and kind...but in reality not a lot is known about her. Persephone is that way too, where she is actually feared even more than Hades is. I wouldn’t say Meg is that way...but you never know. I’m told I can be pretty scary when I get angry. And I mean reaching my limit-angry.
(Poses from the first QnA/Concept art episode of a Lore Olympus on Webtoons. The flowers on Meg’s headpiece are a specific flower.)
Siren AU: The mer-person AU, basically. This time my friend, @the-purpleflower helped me with this one. At least the ending, anyway.
In this AU, Meg is an intern at a marine research lab. Her boss is Viren, the head scientist there, who is off-putting but not unbearable to work for. He was kind of rude at first, especially if you aren’t keeping up with his thought process, but still a good boss...except something was off about him.
There’s also a locked door off-limits to everyone but Viren. There have been many rumors circulating what could possibly be behind it (some more ludicrous than the last) but the truth turns out to be even more shocking. There is a mer-creature of some kind down there, and Viren has been studying him for months.
As the story goes on, Meg and Aaravos grow closer over time and of course fall in love eventually. Not sure when or if I’ll get around to this one. Let alone finishing it.
See the full post
18 notes • Posted 2021-02-25 16:30:56 GMT
I’m curious…
Are there any people on here that selfship (or are ficto) that are past their 20’s? In their 30’s or older?
I’m wondering because my mom (who is patiently accepting and supportive of my ‘hobby’) seems to think you “grow out of it” once you’re past your 20’s (which I am in).
So Like and/or Reblog if you are a selfshipper in their 30’s or older? Or if you know anyone that is (you don’t have to give names)
112 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 19:01:07 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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the-13th-rose · 3 years
Your selfships with Kurogiri and/or Grievous for the shipping meme! :Dc
Well, I mean, definitely ship, lol
1. What made you ship it?
‘Cause they’re both just beautiful. Okay also because I always kinda related to Grievous because I also have anger issues, that include getting angry too easily as well as not being able to manage anger without raising my voice or damaging something. I’ve gotten better at managing the damaging things part but I still get emotional really easily. I also just think Giri would make for a really trustworthy and helpful person to have around, like, provided you’re not his enemy.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Look, I just. I just like imagining being fawned over by a very scary man, and then by a very cool-looking, very nonchalant dude with a hidden caring side. It’s just so good, my mind wants it so badly.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
IDK what would constitute as an unpopular opinion but I guess for Grievous I guess I’ll say my unpopular opinion is I don’t wanna have sex with him. Seems like every fan of his does lmao. I’m just not into that, personally. I don’t think he really could, anyway, even if I did want to. The man has no equipment down there, literally just watch the movie/shows with your horny glasses off and you’ll see.
For Kurogiri, I guess the closest thing I have to an unpopular opinion is that I don’t ship him with anyone else. I don’t mind other people doing that, of course, cause people can do whatever they want. I just don’t ship him with any canon characters. And I’m. starting to understand why some selfshippers lament over their f/o’s tag being full of shipping content because I follow his tag and I keep seeing stuff correlating with ships I just don’t do. I don’t mind it existing, but it does feel a bit cluttered. It doesn’t bug me badly enough to wanna filter the ship tags just yet but that might change. Mr. Compress seems nice lol and I wish he could go back to being pals with Aizawa and Mic for old time’s sake but I just. Don’t ship it.
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giranswife · 5 years
The Day Before
Summary: It’s the morning before their anniversary, and Giran still has a bit of things to finish up before they can head out. Ash, of course, never makes this easy, however. Not that he’s really complaining.
Warning(s): self-insert x canon, fluff, slightly suggestive
Disclaimer: This includes a self-insert/oc shipped with a canon character.
@self-shipping-angel @wispy-selfship-eden
(( I just had to write a little fic to get excited for tomorrow!! It’s nothing but just fluff and a little suggestive which is why I didn’t really tag a whole bunch of people. But don’t worry, I’m going to tag everyone who wanted to be tagged in the fics tomorrow! And the moodboard! For now here’s just some filler fluff with no plot lol ))
The sound of clothes rustling woke me up from a deep sleep. I felt the warmth of the sun on my face next, and shifted in the sheets to yawn softly. The bed felt so warm and comfortable, my body weighing down in the mattress. There was no way that I was leaving the bed today for a while, pulling the sheets against my exposed skin and letting my eyes flutter open.
“Morning, Beautiful.”
A small smile curled onto my lips as I felt Giran’s hand on my cheek. He leaned down to kiss my forehead, shifting my hair from my face. My hair is always wild when I first wake up, and it’s honestly a miracle it wasn’t all in my face right now. I rubbed my eyes and patted down my hair, watching him slowly button up his shirt.
“Morning, Baby,” I sighed, my voice still slightly coarse from just waking up, “You leaving?”
“Yeah, just for a little bit. Have to get some business taken care of before we leave this afternoon.”
I nodded, slowly sitting up on the bed to stretch.
“You wanna eat something before you go?”
“Don’t have time. I’ll be back for us to have lunch, don’t worry.”
He winked, making me roll my eyes.
Not that I was going to fight, because when he made a promise to me he usually keeps it. Besides, I knew that he was just trying to finish everything up since we’re going to be gone all weekend. And just remembering that fact makes me more and more excited. Tomorrow is a huge day that I can’t wait for.
It’s just in usual Giran fashion that we’re making a big deal out of it. The second that I told him I wanted to make a big deal out of our anniversary he was already making reservations and everything he could think of. Last night he even came home with a bouquet of flowers for me. Just being overall sweet and making me feel loved.
“Fine. More for me, I guess.”
I smirked, watching him get dressed with a hungry look in my eyes.
“Don’t do that shit. I’m already running behind as it is.”
“Hmm? I don’t know what you mean.”
Sliding on his coat, he watched me trail my eyes up and down with a seductive smirk on my face. It wasn’t my fault that watching him was making me want to make him even later. This was just to make up for all the times he’s kept me behind because my outfit was too irresistible. Not that I don’t do that on purpose a lot of the time.
He leaned down to give me a quick kiss goodbye, leaning away back I could keep him longer. My bottom lip pushed out into a pout, reaching out for him but not being fast enough. He noticed the disappointment on my face, ruffling my already messy mop that was my hair.
Popping a cigarette between his lips, he chuckled at my feeble attempt of tugging on his sleeve and huffing at a slight defeat. I plopped back down onto the pillow, finally giving up on trying to get him back into bed. It was clear that he wasn’t going to let me persuade him, keeping his distance.
“You really gotta go through all that effort to resist me,” I grumbled, rolling onto my side and pulling the sheets over me.
“Always, baby girl.”
I rolled my eyes, but my smile returned when he kissed me on the forehead to appease me.
“Don’t give me that pout. The sooner I get this shit done the sooner we can leave.”
“Fiiine,” I sighed, shifting in the warm sheets, “Guess I can’t complain when I get you all weekend.”
Smiling over at him, I propped myself up on my elbow to watch him leave. Any other day I’d get up with him, but today I was feeling particularly lazy. I had all day to finish getting ready anyway. There wasn’t any particular rush, and I wasn’t going to spend time stressing about it when this was such a special weekend.
He gave me a timeframe for when he would be home, making me promise to get most of my packing done to save us time later. Normally it’s already done because he takes care of it, but this time I was in charge of it. And I’m too much of a procrastinator. Which he should have seen coming to be completely honest.
“Oh, baby, don’t forget to pick up your suit it should be ready today.”
He chuckled, “Almost forgot. Look at you remembering shit before me.”
“I mean, I’m your wife, it’s what I’m here for.”
“She can remember to tell me about my suit but can’t remember to pack.”
He mumbled under his breath, but left a lingering smirk knowing that it was loud enough for me to hear. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed a pillow and tossed it in his direction. It barely even hit his leg, but it still got the point across well enough. A soft yelp escaped my lips when he grasped my ankle and yanked me forward.
Chewing on my bottom lip, I breathed in his cologne he previously sprayed a few minutes prior and felt my heart skip. It was already hard enough to breathe from the action alone, let alone the impactful and fresh smell wafting my senses. I should have expected it given he would never let me just get away with something like that.
“You’re lucky that I don’t have time to punish you for that, Baby girl.”
“I mean… is it really that big of a deal if you’re late…”
He chuckled, letting me play with the collar of his shirt a little bit.
“It is if you want to make it tonight.”
“We could just stay here all weekend… have a second honeymoon.”
Tilting my head, I lifted my brows and gave a curious smile. I was really excited for this weekend, but there was a part of me that was serious. Anything with him would be nice, and it wasn’t like we weren’t going to be staying in when we arrived at the hotel anyway. At least, I didn’t really know what all he had planned.
But it was a tempting offer.
“That sounds like a good idea, Princess. But plans are already made.”
I sighed, “Okay, okay. It was worth a try, though.”
He kissed me softly, lingering a couple of seconds and making me even weaker for him. It just wasn’t fair how much he affected me. There was no way that I would be able to stop thinking about what could have happened once he left. I cursed myself for not waking up earlier.
Finally he was able to pull me off of him, not without having a couple of kisses to his jawline just for goodbye’s sake. Though, I’m sure he wasn’t complaining about that one.
“I love you,” I said, “Be careful. And please bring some food home.”
“Yeah, yeah. Love you too.”
I rolled my eyes, but had a pretty big smile on my face.
This kind of morning is the kind that I live for. Getting to say goodbye to him like a normal couple and share that moment together. My heart felt like it was about to burst, and I couldn’t believe that tomorrow would be our anniversary. There was so much to be thankful for, and my life is so much better now that he’s a part of it.
I just hope that I can tell him that in my small little surprise I have planned for him. It wasn’t much, but to me it was everything. He just deserved to know how much he meant to me. Every little thing he does for me means so much in ways that I can’t even describe. And I want to give that back somehow. Any way that I can.
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