#I gotta stop modelling. I gotta draw.
charybdic · 6 months
I think I might have some sort of modelling disease I keep opening zbrush and/or blender and being like “yeah I should model” instead of photoshop and csp and drawing
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glittergummy · 5 months
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lanymme · 5 months
i think a lot about how people within the arknights world think about things like horns, ears, and tails as body parts.
we know beeswax's whole thing where she has model-beautiful horns and a bunch of horn care products and gives other operators horn care tips.
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it's treated like hair, right? like she has a hair care hobby? and good for her and all that.
right? right.
okay, but tails.
the thick tail/thin tail factions in acahualla are in the same vein as people talking about what kind of butt is best, right? people talk about tails like they talk about someone's thighs or butt?
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right? we agree on that?
so tomimi's prodigious tail would be seen by people on terra as like. equivalent to her having a ludicrously big ass? yes? like that's what we're supposed to take home from her up-from-behind E2 art?
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do you think people on the landship talk about her with the same kind of hushed awe as, say, utage?
"i swear to god it's true, there's a 4'7" archosaurian girl who's no less than 50% tail walking around rhodes island, you've gotta believe me" is a phrase that has definitely been spoken by at least one short-term oripathy patient upon returning to their community, right? like we can agree on this?
imagine with me if u will. a hobby artist on Rhodes Island--perhaps, for example, known terminally online loser and partially closeted 2chan poster kirara--on her tablet designing a ditzy, clumsy OC who, oops! just can't stop knocking things over with her big, fat tail! and then posting it to her pixiv account, getting clowned on by people on the intercity net for drawing exaggerated unrealistic female bodies, and making a bunch of vagueposts on twitter about how riajuu can't appreciate an otaku's understanding of true beauty, only to step outside her room for the first time that week so she can go to medical for a routine oripathy checkup where she witnesses doctor gavial's goth yandere shortstack childhood friend knock a bunch of expensive equipment off a table and get spanked repeatedly on her IRL hyper tail, and then she immediately starts crying tears of blood.
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3-aem · 2 months
hey if it isn’t any trouble…as a fellow artist could you please give a little anatomy tutorial/ back tutorial? I always struggle with drawing detailed backs like how u do lol💖
i thought i had a full back but ig not.
2 fold: one practice via studies of real references, and also get urself an anatomy guide to deepen ur understanding of what muscles are interacting and why. anatomy for sculptors is a good basis because to sculp you actually need an insanely good understanding of skeletal muscular interactions.
im ngl theres just a lot but a good example is me freaking out learning that ur shoulder blades move, crying bc theres a skeleton in all of us, and then going okay ya that makes sense based on all the back pics Ive seen so far.
the book also helps you with these ‘lets identify’ bits that help you learn what to look for and build that mental model.
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the repetition loop of: is what im drawing correct, no-why, correct it x 10000 is actually how u learn ig or is at least how private art classes work (where a teacher steps in and tells ur lines are wack) and u gotta figure out how to do that for urself. there is literally no other way to get better. you don’t just magically stop doing something bad without first learning what you’re doing is wrong as obvious as that sounds. (i assume ur coming to me for realism bc otherwise id say fk h8rs, follow ur heart)
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as for skin, idk how to give this tutorial at all. i don’t do anything special to my knowledge. and its kind of hard to break down in my head what you might like: color, lighting, texture, something else ;-;
but at the very least for texture its just my brush (i use oil brushes)
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Coffee Shop (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
You start a new job at a coffee shop in a popular plaza. You can't help but look forward to a certain regular. ♡
»Characters: Demon Bros + Dia + Barb
»Tags: Fluff, Bulleted Style, GN Reader, LeviLeviLevi-
»Notes: lol when was the last time I made a bulleted fic that wasn't a shitpost???🤯 Just simple short fluff lol, reblogs are appreciated + motivating ♡
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Always orders a cafe con leche every morning
Keeps interactions short but you learned his name
Always so serious but he does look like a business man
A very very handsome business man cough
After working there for a little bit he admits he likes the way you make his drink & hates when you guys miss each other on days off
One day he comes in normal clothes & you got caught off guard when he made it to the register
"It's my day off but I was craving my usual. I'm glad to see you're here."
Pleaseee you gotta be blushing right now alalfkfldk
You notice the record store bag he's holding & start a fun conversation while its slow
It does get busier & unfortunately have to cut the conversation to both your disappointments
"We can continue this later...maybe over dinner if you're available?"
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Usually gets an icy blended drink, the flavor changes frequently
You see him every other day, it looks like he works at a retail store in the plaza
You thought he was cute & funny despite how loud he could be
One day he defends you against a really rude customer
You say your thank yous & give him his drink for free that day
"Yeah I guess I am a hero. Heroes get free drinks all the time though, ya?"
You couldn't help but laugh & accidentally let slip "you're really cute!"
He starts choking on his drink, stuttering & blushing
He goes silent for a moment before asking, "whaddaya say to a date one of these days?"
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Usually orders sweet drinks & likes trying seasonal/limited time things
You've seen him at his job at the anime store in the plaza, since you visit there sometimes
You two are on friendly terms even though he can be awkward
You think he's very cute though, especially when he talks about his passions
You felt like you two were dancing around eachother so you decide to make a move
You drew a Gundam robot on his drink & wrote 'Gun-DAM you're cute!'
You nervously handed the drink & he took it without noticing the drawing on it
You watched as he left the shop,took another sip, then stop as he looked at his drink
You could see he was happily freaking out but then abruptly stop
He looked back to the shop & you waved a shy hello
He ran back inside to make sure, "S-sorry is this a mistake? W-was this for someone else??"
"Look on the bottom"
He raised the cup & looked under
Levi, AkuCon this weekend?
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Usually orders a simple cappuccino but will add a flavored syrup occasionally
Comes in often on his breaks
You've seen him working at the bookstore in the plaza
He looks like a simple guy yet very charming
You always notice a book on him & one day you decide to ask what he's reading
You learn you read the same things & start having fun conversations every time he stops by
Eventually he asks you if you'd be able to give your thoughts on his writing
"Sure, I'd be happy to read it if you bring it!"
He gave you a flirty smile
"Actually I was thinking maybe we could hang out...like somewhere that's not here?"
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Always orders an iced vanilla oat milk latte
You see him every few days, really friendly customer that loves to chat & you become friends quick even though you want more
You find out he works at a nearby agency & is an up & coming model
You felt a little intimidated, he could be really famous one day!
Nevertheless you treat him just the same even as those around him changed, he lets you know how grateful he is
One day he comes in upset & tells you the agency is moving across town to a bigger location so he won't be able to see you there anymore
At the same time both of you blurt out
"I still wanna see you!"
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You never know with this guy
He works in the sports store across from the cafe
He's always indecisive with the menu & one day just tells you to make whatever
You're his fave barista, he thinks you make the best drinks either way
Doesn't realize he just likes everything & has a crush on you
You can't help but get excited when he looks excited to see you golden retriever energy
You find out he's a foodie type & you guys talk about the local spots around town
"Would you like to check out the new sandwich store that opened a few doors down? Uh...like, maybe a date?"
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Usually orders a hot regular latte but occasionally orders hot chocolate
He appears to be a student as he comes in often to study & always looks tired
One day on your break you decide to chat him up & offer help on the subject he was struggling with
He thought you were cute & was thankful for your help
After a few weeks of tutoring (+some heavy flirting), he passed his exam flawlessly
"Actually can you help me with one other thing?"
"Yeah, what?"
"Would you like to go on a date sometime?"
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Has a new favorite every week but really likes lattes/teas
You can tell he's important with his assistant present
You wonder why the assistant doesnt just get his order though
Anyway hes hot really friendly & chatty & can tell a few good jokes, you appreciate them!
He always seems reluctant to leave the shop which makes your heart flip
Always leaves a big tip! ... I want him to give me a big tip 😔
The two of you find out you have a lot more in common than you thought
One day he admits that these coffee runs are the things he looks forward to the most since his day is usually very busy & doesn't get much else normalcy
He lets slip that it's mainly seeing you that adds to his joy so he goes all in
"If you're interested, care to join me for dinner this weekend?"
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Always large orders of a few different drinks (part of his job)
Though you notice he always orders tea for himself & likes to buy different tea blends
He's a very (cute) polite customer, one of the few
You two usually chat as you make his large order & you can't help but fall for him
Knowing he loves to buy limited release tea blends, you usually save him one before the cafe sells out
You never tell anyone about it but:
"I appreciate you always saving me one."
"Oh? How did you know!?"
"I have a friend who stopped by earlier & said it was one of those times they missed out. Yet, there always appears to be one for me even after sell-out. Thank you kindly."
You blush at being found out, "seems I've been caught!"
He chuckles & gives you another shock:
"I've been meaning to ask...will you allow me to take you out one of these days?"
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weebsinstash · 8 months
Now Im interested on the "What if the 3 Vs passed Reader around like a blunt"
I kind of meant it in like a "what if you were some weird shared friend/pet" but I've seen people HC that the 3Vs are poly, although we've never seen any canon confirmation of this and on the Instas it was always Vox who was Val's explicit partner
Although to be nasty I feel like Velvette would be fucked up enough to watch Reader get railed by Val and Vox. Like in some party scenario where you're with all 3 in their house and Valentino dopes you up or something, she's just like, recording you getting spitroasted on her phone
I usually imagine these sorts of scenarios as Reader meeting Val and then slowly drawing the attention of the others, although Vox really has grown on me and I hope we see more of him these last two episodes. Anyways i'm starting to like the idea of Reader meeting Vox first. Like can you imagine you get hired on as a coder or a programmer or a product developer, and he's patrolling the facilities or checking in on a specific project and that's when you meet. He either notices the quality of your work or your manager brings it up to him, or there's some massive metaphorical fire you put out (like that woman who saved toy story 2 from being completely erased because she had all the files backed up, something like that)
You and Vox get to talking, getting along, having similar tastes. He starts giving you different projects, ones he thinks are better suited to your skills (and also put you in closer proximity to him). Fucking liar is arranging shit like company calendars or company events where there are photoshoots JUST so he has an excuse to pose with you for a photo. I mean, it makes sense right? Why would you question your boss wanting to take a celebratory photo at the release of a huge product launch? And you're happy and feeling so respected and successful and being friendlier with him the more you settle into Hell and feel safer, and then I imagine Vox's way of being "obvious" is that he's like, easily nervous or a nervous laugher , I dunno. It's all preference but I like yandere/antagonists who keep their cool a little bit but then it's also cute when they fawn over you 🥰 like the people who know him see the way he laughs around you and they Instantly Know
But then, maybe Val is perceptive enough to notice, "hey why does my man keep taking photos with this one specific person". Like maybe Vox is trying to be slick with it and all the photos are group shots but Val notices that every single photo has you in it and some of the photos are for really minor events he knows Vox wouldn't normally care about. Vox slips up one day when you and him are "sharing a car to go to a company event" which totally isn't like a catered dinner that there are only going to be SO many people at, TOTALLY NOT an incognito date that you're complerely unaware of the intentions behind, and Vox has to stop in back home to grab something, or you get pulled inside for a moment just to wait, he's gotta grab a laptop or a flash drive and, suddenly here's Velvette, "Vox I'm borrowing your nerdy employee, I'm short someone and I need a model for something" and you're getting dragged away
Vox is freaking out thinking you got swiped by Val and he's zipping through the electrical lines in the house (the electro-teleportation shit really is SUCH a game changer), and he finds you trying on things with Velvette, "oh my gosh I've never worn something this nice before, thank you for giving me the opportunity to try it on ^^" and Velvette is so pompous that any praise goes right to her head, and now Vox gets to see you all styled in... whatever. Velvette waves a finger, "now you two match!" as she puts you in an outfit with Vox's aesthetic and color scheme, and she's doing it to tease the both of you but she IMMEDIATELY notices "oh hey Vox what's that look on your face >:3c does someone have a crush?"
SHE would be the fucking gossip who would tell Val honestly. Actually new headcanon lmao: the Vs rarely want to share you but will rat each other out for "having you" in a heart beat. Velvette and Vox hide you from Val, but any of them will gladly steal you from the other lmao. God, a yandere Vox who's lucid and tryna keep his behaviors under wraps, keep it to pictures, stalking and looking from afar, and then you have the other two Vs like SHOVING YOU at him as like, a joke to watch him squirm and blush. They'd be randomly bringing you along just to tease him and watch him sweat. Valentino hits Vox up for a date or a night out and the tv demon shows up and you're there too lmao
I feel like these three are the worst because they all have the capacity to be obsessed with your appearance. Velvette is an influencer, Vox is a TV mogul and tech CEO, and Valentino... obviously we don't need to comment on his penchant for having arm candy. All of them are obsessed with their appearance and their brand and one of them is literally a tailor with magical clothes changing powers. You could have something like the other two Vs show up while you're serving Val drinks and Velvette cocks her brow, "hey, why doesn't this one have a proper uniform?" And she just starts zapping you into different varying levels of exposed outfits that match the other employees at the strip club and Val's aesthetic just for kicks as the big man himself oogles you like a pervert and his boyfriend is pretending he's not interested but, his screen is totally turning red
Tbh I'm suddenly thinking of like, imagine thinking "your body is safe" because Val has never come onto you and, you aren't sleeping with anyone and, you get upset one night and do some self harming behaviors. Velvette or Valentino comes and demands you try something on or you get nonconsensually zapped into something and there are cuts hidden on your body. Velvette is furious because this affects how you look in her clothes and what she can dress you up in, Vox is you know concerned because idk I imagine he knows what it's like to be horribly insecure and feel like you aren't good enough, and Valentino probably loves having you constantly half naked and the self harm scabs? Not hot, babe. Obviously they're all upset over you hurting yourself but, these are occasional feelings on top of that
Ugh I dunno just. They all have power and influence and money and they're all crazy and I'm over here kicking my feet and twirling my hair with thoughts of being objectified in allllll the fun ways
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For Never Have I Ever, nude model Peeta, please!
Well. I've written stripper Peeta, and half naked Firefighter Peeta posing for calendars, but not exactly this trope? So here's a little something? Maybe? I dunno, I feel kinda indifferent about this one, but that might just be me in a funk. Hopefully you all enjoy it!
Never Have I Ever
<3 kdnfb
RATED E: explicit language, nudity, mild sexual content (sort of?)
“God, I’m so tired of drawing dicks,” the girl in the front row mutters and Peeta has to bite back a laugh. She makes his job difficult sometimes, but he honestly looks forward to hearing the girl’s supremely snarky remarks whenever he models for this class.
And tonight, he needs it. The slowly growing ache in his back tells him he’s been posing for longer than normal. Without breaking pose, he tries to catch Annie’s eye, but she’s distracted. Standing on the top level of the terraced classroom, she’s engrossed in a discussion with one of her students, who keeps gesturing towards Peeta and then tilting his head as if trying to make sense of his own drawing.
Peeta tries not to smile or laugh. His own days of trying to make sense of human anatomy aren’t so long ago that he’s already forgotten the frustrations, or the hilarity that sometimes ends up on the page.
Still, Annie not paying attention stresses him out. He only agreed to model tonight because his favorite former professor was in a jam. The model she had scheduled backed out just yesterday, and she’d practically begged Peeta to fill in, promising class wouldn’t go over time by even a second. He should’ve known better. He took this class with Annie, only a few years ago, and it rarely released on time. Not only that, but because it’s an evening class, Annie almost always lets students linger to ask questions or touch up their work, sometimes forgetting the models altogether.
He bites the inside of his cheek and tries not to freak out about the fact that he’s supposed to be somewhere thirty minutes after this class ends. He has an extremely important dinner date tonight.
“Did I say something amusing?” Front row asks, and Peeta’s not sure it’s even aimed at him until she goes on. “One of these nights, I’m going to break you and get you to laugh. I can tell you want to.”
He fights with his face, forcing his expression into neutrality, and she scoffs.
“Obviously you’re not tired of whipping it out for a bunch of strangers to examine proportions and crap. You’ve modeled for us how many times now?” Peeta hears paper flipping and bites harder into his cheek to keep from smiling. “Ten classes. I’ve got ten classes worth of drawings of your dick and your ass. Christ, if I wasn’t constantly shoving my tongue in her pussy, my girlfriend might actually start to get jealous of you.”
Peeta stays silent, as he’s expected to, but it takes some doing. He’s thought before about talking to the smart mouthed brunette after class. For non-romantic reasons, obviously. He’s completely taken, for one. Two, she obviously is as well. This isn’t the first time she’s mentioned a girlfriend. But she seems like she’d be a lot of fun to hang out with, like maybe their senses of humor could vibe together pretty well.
“Ugh stop complaining, Jo. Just ask Madge to pose nude for you one night. Then you can draw all the tits and pussy you want,” her neighbor mutters. The stunning blonde, who is probably a model of some kind herself, normally sits in the back row, but Peeta noticed her moving her things to the front row when he came out from the back room to take his first position on the dais. “I, for one, prefer it when Blondie here is our model. You gotta admit, if we have to draw a plethora of penises, his is rather nice to look at.”
“Ugh. Straights. Can you make it any more awkward for the poor penis poser?”
“And I thought you’d appreciate the variety of… bodily representation,” the blonde presses forward. Peeta feels his cheeks heating slightly at the reference to his leg.
“Still didn’t ask you. And what the fuck?” Snarky brunette snaps.
“Everything all right down here? Johanna? Cashmere?” Annie’s voice approaches and Peeta tries not to let his shoulders slouch in relief. But it’s short lived. “Oh, nice work on the shading this week, Johanna. And… Cashmere… it’s always interesting when students show some artistic creativity.”
Peeta wonders what that means, and can feel his skin flushing with even more heat, especially when Annie moves on and Johanna cackles a little. At least he knows their names now? Normally, being naked in front of a group of art students like this doesn’t bother him, but Annie is rarely shocked by what students produce. So Peeta is both massively curious and massively afraid of what Cashmere may have drawn.
“Alright, pencils down,” Annie announces, and her words are met with a flurry of activity as students hurry to pack their things. For his part, Peeta slips off the platform and shrugs into his robe as he’s leaving the classroom. He sneaks a glance at the clock on the wall and curses under his breath, making a beeline for the back changing room where he left his clothes and his phone.
Once he’s got his shorts on, Peeta snatches up his phone. He’s technically not late yet, so there’s nothing from Katniss. He fires off a quick text to her.
Had to help out a friend. Took longer than promised. Gonna be a few minutes late. I’ll pay for any appetizers you and your friends want until I get there.
You know how dangerous it is to tell me to order what I want…
Peeta smiles when the answer comes in quickly. He’s busy typing a response and distracted.
“Oh! Peeta! I thought you’d be dressed by now,” Annie says, stepping back and whipping the curtain closed between them again.
“Got distracted,” Peeta says and sits on the chair to get his pants on over his prosthetic. “Did you need something?”
“Um, well… I was wondering if you could do this again in two weeks? It pays double.”
Peeta pauses and hangs his head, remembering the syllabus enough to know what happens in two weeks.
Pairs. He’ll be modeling with another person, usually in intimate or amorous poses. Normally he wouldn’t care a lick about it, and would jump at the chance to bring in that much money for an hour or two of work. But last time, several of the poses were intensely erotic. Even if they weren’t, he’s not sure how Katniss would react to him doing that.
His cheeks burn and he yanks on more of his clothing as he admits to himself that he has no idea what Katniss would think of any of this. She knows that he does modeling work for art students, across several mediums, but he never really mentioned that it often involves him being naked or only partially clothed.
“I’ll um… I’ll think about it,” Peeta tells her and finishes getting dressed. “When do you need to know?”
“The sooner the better,” she says as he opens the curtain. She smiles at him and reaches up to fix his hair. “Good luck, tonight.”
“Thanks,” he says and leans forward so she can kiss his cheek. “Tell Finnick I said he’s a puffed up merman reject.”
She laughs and shakes her head, but Peeta’s smiling as he leaves. It’s kind of their weird thing, him and Annie’s husband, trading whacky insults they don’t necessarily mean.
He checks his phone again as he’s leaving the building, cursing under his breath and picking up his pace, hoping he hasn’t missed the bus, because then he’ll be forced to wait fifteen minutes for the next one. He’s already going to be a few minutes late.
When he reaches the bus stop, it’s empty, and just up the street, he can see the taillights. Smacking his fist on the panel advertising some kind of energy drink, Peeta curses and pulls his phone back out to text Katniss.
“I need something not phallic shaped to eat, right the fuck now,” Johanna announces as she flops into the booth and Katniss smiles at the second, and the last, of her friends to arrive. She taps her phone to send her reply to her boyfriend’s frantic apology text and sets it aside to focus on her friend.
“Would you stop complaining?” Madge teases and waves towards what’s left of the stuffed mushrooms they ordered. “You know you love that class.”
“You love anything that involves nudity,” Katniss reminds Johanna, and Jo snorts.
“Unless it involves dick overload.”
“You don’t have to act so disgusted, you know? It’s not going to gain you any brownie points,” Madge says and pushes her glasses up her nose with one finger. “We’re all fully aware of your sexual history.”
“You handed out Cliff’s Notes the first day of our friendship,” Katniss jokes and Johanna shrugs.
“I felt like you could learn some valuable lessons from my experience.” Katniss averts her gaze and spins her straw in her water glass. “Wait… I know that look. Fuck, no. Katniss!”
“What?” Katniss whines and Johanna glares at her.
“Tell me you’ve at least moved past kissing with him?” Madge chokes on air and Johanna’s gaze darts between Katniss and her girlfriend. “Oh my god you haven’t.”
“We’re taking things slow!”
“But why?” Johanna asks through gritted teeth. “You’ve been aggravatingly horny for this one for months now.”
“He’s had his hand under my shirt,” Katniss admits and Johanna shakes her head, moaning a sound that can only be called pained.
“Let her go at her own pace,” Madge says and soothingly rubs Johanna’s back.
“I can’t. At this rate, she’ll be in menopause before she gets dicked down.”
Madge rolls her eyes and Katniss purses her lips, fighting back annoyance at her friend’s insistence that Katniss have sex with Peeta already. 
She could tell Johanna that the last time they went on a date, they’d wound up in a secluded spot where heated kissing led to her unfastening her jeans so Peeta’s fingers could slide into her panties. She could tell Johanna how thrilling and terrifying it was, kissing him and whimpering into his mouth when he whispered questions to her. All she could manage were yes or no answers, but it was enough. She’d shattered on Peeta’s fingers and clung to his jacket, buried her face in his neck and moaned in exquisite relief as the pleasure unfurled inside her.
But she won’t tell Johanna, because Katniss refuses to let her friend demean or cheapen what had been a beautiful experience to Katniss. Her entire body heats to unbearable as she remembers the way Peeta had slid his fingers from her and whispered in her ear that, if she’d allow it, he wanted to taste her orgasm. That if they were at her place or his, he’d be on his knees, begging for the privilege of burying his face between her thighs and kissing her until he’s drowning in her orgasms.
“Can we not be talking about my sex life when Peeta gets here? Please?”
“Do you even know what a dick looks like?” Johanna asks and Madge rises to Katniss’s defense. “No, I’m serious. Have you even seen one before? As in, not a drawing in a health textbook or hospital pamphlet your mother made you read, but an actual, real dick.”
“Of course I have,” Katniss lies. Johanna can tell, lifting one eyebrow and scoffing. “Alright fine, no. I haven’t. What’s wrong with that?”
“Hold on. We’ll try baby steps. Not to brag, but my anatomically correct drawing skills fucking rock,” Johanna says and starts rummaging in her bag. “And this guy who keeps modeling for my human form class has got a choice looking dick, not gonna lie.”
“Thought you were tired of drawing dicks?” Madge asks, smirking and sipping her drink. Johanna glances up at her girlfriend and leans forward to kiss her on the mouth.
“So tired of drawing dicks.”
“Again, can you not be making me look at porn when my boyfriend shows up here?”
“It’s not porn, it’s art,” Johanna states in a snotty voice. “Besides, unless you’ve somehow found the unicorn of a man whose libido is as glacial as yours, I have to question a dude who is willing to meet your two best friends before he’s even so much as touched or seen your pussy.”
Katniss schools her facial features into a bored expression, but she must be off her game, because Johanna’s jaw drops and she makes an indignant sound.
“You’re holding something back! What happened? What did you do with him?”
Thankfully, Katniss is saved from answering in that moment by the sight of her boyfriend walking into the restaurant.
“Shut up and behave yourself, Johanna. He’s here,” Katniss says and walks ten feet away to greet him. Far enough that Madge and Johanna won’t be able to see them from where they’re seated. She’s not even a little ashamed when she slides her arms over his shoulders and melts into his embrace.
“Sorry I’m late.”
“I’m just glad you made it,” Katniss says. 
There was a part of her that worried that Johanna was right. That Peeta wouldn’t be willing to face the inquisition her friends would undoubtedly put him through when they still haven’t even slept together yet. She shivers slightly when his lips graze over her neck, awakening the hunger she’s felt more and more often around Peeta.
Squeezing her eyes shut, she admits only to herself that part of the reason she’s been putting off having sex with Peeta isn’t because she’s afraid it won’t be good enough, but because she’s terrified it will be so good. So very, incredibly good that she’ll be irrevocably changed by it. That she’d be handing Peeta the power to absolutely destroy her if it turns out he doesn’t care for her as much as she cares for him.
“Ready?” she asks and Peeta releases her. He’s smiling, and Katniss takes that as a good sign. He knows how important her friends are to her. Katniss takes his hand and walks with him back to the booth. 
Johanna is showing something to Madge, a stack of what look like drawings.
“Peeta, these are my two closest friends,” she starts the introductions.
“Oh my sweet fuck,” Johanna says when she looks up, and Madge spits out her drink, barely catching it in her hand over her mouth.
"Not on my homework!" Johanna says and yanks the pages up against her chest.
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Peeta mutters. 
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sadclowncentral · 7 months
Sorry if this is a weird question, and if that's the case you can absolutely not answer, but how do you cope with having multiple full-time jobs and still having energy outside of work? Feels a bit like I'm dying of exhaustion every day over here lol
I've been ruminating for a few days on this ask because truly I struggle with this more than I want to admit. My jobs rarely leave me with energy outside of work, and I have gone through times in the last two years where working and sleeping were the only possibilities, and it sucks, and it is kind of embarrassing, but I have also found some ways to mitigate it even slightly which I am more than happy to share:
1. Schedule fun times (yikes)
It was a harrowing realization that I need to schedule hang outs and self care just like every meeting - weeks in advance, colour coded in both the calendar and the to do list - but since I started doing it, my success rate has skyrocketed. You either die a type b or live long enough to become a type a i guess
2. Bring your fun to work day
I will suggest anything that's fun to me as a work activity. I like drawing so you KNOW the ministry is littered with illustrations. My PowerPoints create envy across departments. I scout the world of my office for ways to have fun and I am not embarrassed to say so. I'm funmaxxing the grind. So what
3. Everyone is depressed bitch
Acknowledge that everyone your age is looking at their fifty-year olds in their work life with white-hot envy (WHEN THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TIME TO GARDEN) and that the loss of agency that comes with starting your career is normal and sad, but also means that...
4. Let's get some fruit
...you gotta stop thinking in old time frames of friendship expectations. people you haven't talked to for eight months will not be mad about your absence as they are stressed and hobbyless as well and will instead REJOICE at a scheduled hangout. I have friends I see once a year we love each other. no one is mad and everyone is stressed tf out LET'S HANG
5. Win the war not the fight
hey. listen to me. this isn't easy. it sucks coming home and feeling like having no agency left. and it's hard to break that cycle of exhaustion, and I fail all the time, when is the last time i saw the sun, oh god oh no my twenties. and if you feel like that is necessary in the time you are in, that is respectable. don't be mean to yourself for being stuck in a system that tries to squeeze all the energy out of you like a grape of some sort. you just gotta make sure you don't FORGET that you are a fully formed person with hobbies in another life. buy that plane model kit. bookmark that recipe. join that knitting group. i know you dont have time and energy. but your future self will thank you for paving the way.
I hope these are helpful. don't forget to have fun and be yourself. godspeed
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Faust with a Star who's an artist and asks him to pose for drawings (HCs/Short Story, whichever works for you!!)
Draw me like one of your French girls!
Bc of how cute this idea was I made it both <33
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Loves being your model, doing poses you need with ease as you sketch it quickly
Honestly if you called him your muse he's giggling while telling you to stop (continue doing it he loves it so much)
If you need a specific pose he let's you move his body as you want it
Also 100% down changing outfits if you need to use them as a reference as well, he's basically Barbie with how many outfits he'll change in to
Makes silly jokes about the titanic how he's the Rose to your Jack.
When you finish the work he asks if he could post and brag about his awesome artist partner!
If you posted it already he's sharing it to all his social media platforms. Giggling as everyone complements how amazing it is
During streams he always talks about how you drew him again saying how loved he is by a artist.
"Like this?" Asking as he posed in front of Star. Looking at them with a soft smile, relaxing into the couch he lounged on. Faust's partner turned their head and smiled at the pose.
"Perfect! Your such an amazing poser! My muse!" Praising him, Star grabbed their pencil and started to sketch the base of how his body in on the couch. Preening Faust giggles hearing the nickname he loved so much.
"Is this for another commission?" Questioning, Faust watched as his artist's hand flys across the canvas. Quickly capturing how the pose is, he always loved seeing them work. It was like magic how they formed a blank surface into art.
"Yep! Red, is what he said to call him wanted an exact picture to that of Rose from the titanic. But it would be his partner." Mumbling Star's eyes shifted back and forth. From to canvas at their side to Faust posing in front of them so perfectly.
"Oh? Even naked? How scandalous~" Giggling as he wiggled his eye brows. Causing Star to snort at him, but then nodded as they recall the commission agreement.
"I know right? He got consent from his partner to send me a nude picture. Hopefully I do it justice!" Sighing out, Star remembered the first commission they did with a naked model. "I swear if I butcher it I'll quit art."
Faust pouted at that, but then remembered how distraught Star was when the commission was turned down. They tried redoing it multiple times but the commissioner just didn't like it. Huffing out Faust turned his head to them and spoke.
"Well if that person wasn't sooo picky! You wouldn't have felt bad. You redid it like....a thousand times! Honestly I wonder if they were just trolling you...." Mumbling out the last part, Faust saw Star shaking their head. Causing him to roll his eyes, Faust wishes they could see how their art was perfect and amazing.
"But still, I only need the pose then I can work from there. You wanna watch me work again? Might take longer than expected." Whispering as they focused on the canvas. Letting Faust think it over then sighing at them, shaking his head slightly.
"Can't there's this new game out I got sponsored for to play and I gotta do that before it'd deadline. Maybe when your done with this commission we can play together?" Asking hopefully, Star was on a break from gaming. To focus on finishing the few commissions they landed. Once again his partner shook their head, giving him a sad smile.
"I'm sorry muse, but I'll make it up by playing with you on Friday. I wanna focus on this commission. Don't worry I won't push myself that far." Giggling out the last bit. However Faust gave them a look, to be serious about the breaks and not pushing too far.
"I swear if you accidently don't eat for a day like last time and get sick. I'm killing you. With love of course." Smiling innocently as he batted his lashes. Star nodded at their partner, better to agree or it'll be a long conversation.
"Of course my muse, my moon, love of my life-" Babbling nicknames for him, Faust gave them another look to stop talking or they'll focus on praising him.
"Oops! Well, I'll sing your praises another day. Now, let me fix your pose real quick I think you moved a bit too much." Mumbling out as Star got up and tweaked with the pose a bit.
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narcissarina · 6 months
𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔞𝔤𝔢, 𝔅𝔩𝔲𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔰
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જ⁀➴Previous chapter
Pairings: bodyguard!Leon × college billionaire!reader
Word count: 2,804
Tw: Gun handling
Summary: After you finish your midterms, Leon vouch to teach you how to handle and shoot a gun. To have you to protect yourself when he takes his leave after three days.
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You woke up sore, and an aching core.
You support yourself to sit up by your elbow you but hiss and jolt at the sudden ache you had on your lower back, you yawn and groan, moving your limbs to ease the stiff muscles. An arm tightens around your hip, startling you as you look down to see who; it’s Leon.
He does the have his shirt on, his muscles flexing as he frowns when you make small movements. You rub your eyelids with your wrist and stretch your arms up, good thing you wore some pajamas—did Leon dress you up?
“Stop moving so much…” Leon mutter, his voice tired and more deeper in the morning, making you froze in place as crimson creeps up to your cheeks and ear—getting turned on by his morning voice. “Sorry, did I wake you?” you apologized and asked, turning to him, lying down again and cuddling over to him. Burying your face to his chest.
“Didn’t know you’re a clingy type after se—” you hit him before finishing that last word. You frown at him and turn your back, “come here,” he coos, pulling you close—your back flush to his chest, his nose to the crook of your neck. Taking a deep breath as his breath tickles your neck.
You reach for your phone, ignoring Leon’s attempt to snatch your attention by brushing himself against you. You check the time and messages in your phone, “Midterms…” you mutter, dropping down your phone and groan. “What?” he asked, his chin resting to your shoulder.
“Gotta get ready…” you mutter and sat up, Leon’s arm still around your waist. Keeping you from getting off the bed, you struggle to make him let go, “can’t stay for today, princess?” he murmur, sitting up with you and resting his forehead to your neck.
“I would love to, but I have midterms.” You sigh in defeat, his fingers brushing against your abdomen, “sorry for last night, was I too rough?” he chuckle as he asked, you flush in embarrassment when you remembered how cock-drunk you were last night. Even going as far as calling Leon your daddy.
You hum in response, your body sinking in his touch. “What’s with the daddy kink, by the way?” he asked, obviously teasing you, “what do you mean? I don’t quite catch that.” You answered, pretending that you didn’t heard him.
“oh, look at the time. Time to go to school.” Quickly getting up and off your bed, catching Leon off guard as his grip suddenly loosen. You can feel his icy blues stare at your back, his gaze leaving a fire that’s been burning up and down to your back.
You look back and see him hold himself by his side, the pose that most people call paint-me-like-one-of-your-french-girls type of pose. The blanket covering his lower part, making him like a perfect nude model to sculpt and draw on.
Simply ignoring him as you get some things done, while Leon watches your every move.
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“I remember when you told me you want to hold a gun,” Leon started the conversation in the car, wheel turning right as he drives you to school. It’s so unfortunate that your driver isn’t available for today because he had to rush back home because of his daughter—which you gave him permission to leave for the day.
You were stiff and tense in your sit, eyes on the road while Leon talks. You thought to yourself that you’re fortunate enough that you didn’t get killed by his third leg, you feel like he’s going to kill you with his driving skills. One part of you wishes that his license get revoked.
You hum to answer his question, low and meek. Leon turns to you and raise a brow, “something wrong?” you shake your head in response and sink your nails deeper to your seat. His hand found its way to your thigh and give it a squeeze, “don’t worry, I’m not going to crash us.” He assured, his thumb caressing your flesh.
“as I was saying,” Leon made a stop and got out of the car—unbuckling his seatbelt first, then circle around the car and open your door like a passenger princess you are. “After your exam, I’ll be here. And I will teach you how to hold a gun and shoot. What do you say?” Leon suggested, he swear he caught your eyes sparkling with delight. “Really?” you took his hand and got out of a car, as if you’re some royalty that deserve to be treated with such delicacy.
Leon nodded, brushing your knuckles with his thumb as he brought up to his face and his lips made contact with your hand. You blush and chuckle at his move, trying to pull your fingers out from his grasp, “stop that, you look like an idiot.”
“I know I can’t get inside with you because you told me that I’ll cause a distraction because students find me perfection.” He said before interlocking your fingers together, “which I find such bullshit.” You shake your head at him and pinch his cheeks.
“Pop quiz before I let you go,” Leon said, bringing your hands up to wrap around his neck, his blue bonds with the warmth of your glittering eyes. “What is a microprocessor?” he asked, you cleared your throat and confidently answered; “A microprocessor is an integrated circuit having all the functionality of a central processing unit of a PC.” You grin and he nodded, “good, good.”
His face dangerously close to yours, nose touching as he part his lips and ask again, “What is a programming language?”
“A programming language is a collection of grammar rules to instruct computers or computing devices to perform tasks!” you yelp but answered correctly again, his hands were tickling your sides as you both hear a familiar shout from the distance, “bitch! I have called you for a w…” Sarina had gone silent as she saw the two of you, being all lovey-dovey. “Holy shit.”
“Girl!” The grin spreading to your friends face made you retreat from Leon’s touch, you know damn well that she’ll be asking you questions once you two got inside campus. Leon chuckle and held your hand before you leave, “want some Spanish latte after your midterm?” he asked, you nodded and smiled. “Text me when you finish your exam.”
“okay!” you walk up to Sarina and she gave you a bump on the shoulder, Leon got inside his car and drove away—looking at you from the side mirror as he drove off, seeing you wave him goodbye.
Sarina clung to your shoulder, pulling you as she couldn’t wait any longer to hear what kind of tea you’ll be sharing with her.
Walking around the hallways until you both found your respective class, your professor scaring the two of you at the door then giving the paper with a smile in his face. Laughing at you and your friends reaction, which got Sarina almost hitting the prof.
“by the way, girl. Why do you walk like that?” Sarina asked, taking the paper and walking beside you, tilting your head with confusion, you asked her, “what do you mean?”
“You walk like you just got fucked.” You hit her shoulder with the paper you’re holding and sat beside her, she made a small ‘o’ with her lips, pouting why you’d hit her when she just asked, “unless, you….” She raised a brow, your eyes rolled as you take your pen and write down your name, “take the test or keep gossiping.” You mutter.
“girl, you are fucking scoring to the Leon S. Kennedy!” she shriek in a whisper, she felt more happier for you and keeps bumping you to give you a shit-eating grin. God, you wish you could hide the fact that you just got fucked; it was hard and rough too for your first time. You wish you could’ve walked more normal than limping every few seconds because your core is sore and the aching feeling you had in your lower back.
Surprisingly, you finish the test since last night Leon was fucking you to oblivion while giving you a pop quiz, every wrong answer—he’d push deeper, but won’t move to satisfy your aching cunt.
You clenched your legs together as you thought about last nights incident, wishing that the arousal isn’t pooling down to damp your underwear. You think of how he snaps his hips every time you talk back at him, making you choke and sob. How he would delay your release and every answer you got correct, he would circle around your bud and hard fucked you until you deserve to come.
You earn that fucking release because you got the majority of his questions correct, making you exhausted and limp. You hate how much he has his fingers all over you, that you’d b willing to please him. Looking like a dejected pup when he doesn’t give you attention right away.
Maybe he was right, you’ve become a brat—no, you are a brat. In his eyes, a brat that he’s willing to tame every chance that you misbehave.
These thoughts kept on running until Sarina harshly bumps you to snap back to reality, “earth to miss?” she whispered, pinching your side which made you wince and almost let out a loud ‘ouch’.
“You wanna turn it in or are you daydreaming about Leon f—”
“Say it, and I will give you an uppercut.”
Her lips now shut in a thin line as you asked her to turn your paper in too. You stood up and brush those thoughts away and catches up to Sarina.
You didn’t notice how time flies, when Sarina kept asking you question about your blonde bodyguard. Poking your cheeks and annoying you if you refuse to answer her.
“Is he like, doing the things men do in books?” you raise a brow to her question as you’re eating some hamburger, you thought about it for a while. He’s opening doors for you, when you ask that your feet hurts—he’d carry you bridal style, when you call for him, rest assured that he’s already there.
So it’s safe to say to your friend that he may be one of the real life book boyfriends that Sarina’s reading about, you gave her a nod and took the last bite of your food. She whines and keeps shaking you, “you’re so lucky!” she said. Yeah, so lucky that he’s a good fucker too.
You never knew you’d also ask yourself if older guys do it better, but then again. He’s your first.
A honk startled you, almost dropping your drink as you turn your gaze to the car—the windows rolled down and it’s Leon. His looking at you, nodding his head to gesture you to come now, “got to go, see you!” you bid farewell to your friend, she watch you walk away and as if she had seen her best friend finally clinging like a koala to someone else.
“Spanish latte, venti. For my princess.” He handed you the paper bag with your drink inside. “Thank you, you’re such a considerate bodyguard.” You blink pretty for him before taking out your drink from the bag, plunging the straw and taking a sip. “You’re forgetting something, sweetheart.”
You turn your head and tilt in confusion, “come on, where’s my thank you kiss?” he tease, his eyes on the road—driving to his workplace again. You rolled your eyes to him, and shift your position so you could reach him. He leans and you gave him a quick peck on the cheek, which made him grin so hard.
“Thank you for my lovely bodyguard and the D.S.O’s most dangerous agent to get me my drink.” You teased and lean back to your seat again, you hear him chuckle as he turn the wheels and parked the car.
Even though you only visited this place once, people already knew who you were—his co-workers and other researchers, as if the word spread like wildfire. You saw familiar faces again as they greeted you with a warm welcome back smiles, you clung to Leon’s bicep as he guides you to the shooting area.
His friends followed to watch how Leon can guide you, teach you the do’s and don’ts of holding a gun and shooting the gun.
You admit, you’re kind of nervous. Your hands visibly shaking and your palms sweating, Leon tease you for it. “Come on, sweetheart. How can you protect yourself if you couldn’t hold it properly?” you want to punch him here and there but people are watching. He does have a point, how could you defend yourself when Leon isn’t around when he’ll be sent away because of a mission?
You don’t want to be a helpless girl, taking a couple of deep breaths as you position yourself. Leon’s behind you and telling you the do’s and don’ts.
“I want you to know the Golden rules for handling a gun, princess.” Leon starts, his voice calm and a whisper, “Always keep your fingers straight and off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.” You nod.
“Like this?” you asked, positioning your fingers just as he said. “Like that, here—let me help you first,” he holds your hands that’s been holding a gun, both of your hands are in his palm. Squeezing so that you could stop from shaking and assures you that it’ll be all right and that it’s always scary when it’s your first.
“Now, remember to keep your gun pointed to a safe direction,” Leon mutters to your ear, his front flush against your back. His friends were standing there as if they’re watching a live romance episode.
“Aim at the target,” you do as he says as his voice became more authoritative, you aim—his hands still wrap around your fingers. “Take a deep breath,” you did, a couple more times, Leon help you shot the first one, “see? Not so bad.” He assures and lets you go, backing himself to let you be on your own.
You adjust your position, taking deep breaths—your eyes to the target. Your finger creeping in to the trigger, then bang. Right at the red dot, you never smiled so hard in your life. You shot right where the red dot is, “Leon! D-Did you see that?” you jump, “princess, the gun.”
“Oops,” you place the gun down, not wanting to accidentally shoot your toe, “sorry.” you scratched the back of your head and jump your way to Leon and brag about how you did that all on your own.
“yeah, so proud of you, princess.” He says, “why does it feel like you don’t mean it?” you raise a brow, suspicious of his own words, “you hurt me with those words.” He chuckle, “wanna have a go again?” you nodded and you did.
You were enjoying your time, Leon gave you another tip and rules on how to handle a gun. “Don’t aim your gun to someone who you don’t intend to shoot, okay?” you hum in response, you both sitting on a bench and eating the donuts that Luis bought for what he say, “love birds.”
The room fell silent, only your munching was heard and Leon is wiping the gun with some cloth, “I won’t here for a while, my flight leaves in three days.” He said, making you stop chewing and look at him in the eye, “what do you mean?” you asked, “got assigned to another mission,” you made a sad ‘oh’ and look down to your ground. “I trust you don’t cause any trouble, and if you’re ever in danger. You know what to do.” Leon spoke those words proudly.
You nod, but felt anxious since you have grown use to Leon always being at your side. In just a call, he’s there. What if he doesn’t come back though, what would you do?
“Will you come back?”
Those words made Leon crack a small smile, “of course,” he mutter, brushing a strand of hair at the back of your ear, “just gonna be gone for a couple of days or week…” you look at him with sad yet hopeful eyes, “probably a month…” he finishes.
“I’ll hate you forever if you die on me.”
You scoot over and lie your head to his shoulder, his arm swung around you and brought you closer. Feeling his warmth, you ought to make his three days worth a while before his flight. Be touch and hear his voice for the last three days before he departs.
You don’t have to worry, he’ll be safe when you are safe at the back of his mind.
He should remember to bring you some souvenirs when he gets back.
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Next Chapter>>>
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
Cod boys seeing their artist male readers art when they get back from a mission and they are just relaxing and they decided to ask him to see his art book since they never saw it and male reader says yes and they look through it and Is shocked how nale reader makes things so realistic.
It's... Beautiful Y/n...
Hello @gamersansblog ! I am SO SO SORRY this took so long!
I hope you enjoy it!
If there was anything that was needed after a tense mission, it was relaxation. When the boys got back from dealing with another terrorist, Laswell gave them so well needed time off and they used every second of it. Not only that, but a good friend of theirs also swing by as well.
Y/n was seen quite frequently at the 141's base, so just about everyone knew him.
Y/n was an artist who liked to sketch around their base sometimes.
The man loved making realistic drawings of them if he had the chance. Usually after 141 returned from their missions the man would be waiting there, doodling in his sketchbook. The others were quite interested to see it the first time they caught on to him being around and Y/n was more than happy to show them.
Inside, there were multiple pictures. Different mediums used, charcoal, pastel, water color, even some good ole' oil paintings. The man was very deserve in his style so he usually had a different instrument when he swung by.
Today, Y/n said he wanted to draw Price, the others a tad bit jealous that their Captain got the lucky honor of being Y/n's model but went with it nonetheless.
While Price finished the last of the paperwork he had, Y/n sat there on his couch sketching away with his graphite pencils he brought today. Though most would find the sound annoying, Price found it comforting as he heard Y/n's pencil rub against the multi-media paper. He could hear the difference between each stroke. Light and Hard.
He couldn't help but chuckle when he also looked up to see the others watching the man from behind as the man drew their Captain.
"Don't you boys have 'ork to do?" He hummed as he went back to doing his own.
"I don't mind them, Captain. After all, they were curious to see just how I manage to make it so realistic," Y/n chuckled to himself.
Price looked up and saw Ghost staring in awe at the paper, eyes widened at the probably nearly finished masterpiece. Gaz and Soap did the same as they watched over Y/n's shoulder, taking in each movement the man made as he worked.
It must have at least an hour that passed or so before the Captain heard Y/n's sketching come to a stop when hearing the "oos' and "aahs" of his men.
"Jesus Y/n, tha's amazing..." Soap said as he gazed at the photo.
"Agreed Johnny..." Ghost complimented as well baffled by the amount of detail that went into the sketch.
"Captain...you gotta' come see this, sir...it's.. it looks just like you," Gaz spoke as he looked upon the breathtaking piece.
"Guys please, your over exaggerating..." Y/n smiled up at them before walking over to the man.
Y/n turned the sketchbook towards the man slowly, smiling as he watched the man's eyes light up.
Price looked up to him, eyes full of curiosity making the artist chuckle again.
"That's...that's bloody beautiful Y/n... think I may frame it in 'ere."
"Thank you..." and he meant it.
"No problem, Captain..."
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drill-teeth-art · 8 days
A late night, slight retrospective on the tiny amount of Tumblr fame I've gathered that also might be slightly annoying for my audience to read so feel free to skip it if you want.
I started sharing Transformers fanart on here back in 2022, around October. I had been posting art on here for a while before actually but people really started following me and asking about my work and actually reblogging my stuff when I started posting Transformers fanart in 2022. I was in a really low place then, and I really welcomed the attention. My art was and still is something I take a lot of pride in. It's my own. There's quite a few years of my life where the fact I could still draw was the only thing stopping me from attempting suicide. It's something that has always meant a lot to me, so the attention on one of the only things I really liked about myself was nice. It was nice for a while.
But I've gotta say the slight Tumblr fame (and I do mean slight, I've only got around 3k followers which is a lot of people and more than I ever thought I'd have following me and more than a lot of folks will ever have but not like A Ton Of Fame) has wreaked havoc on my mental health. Which is already pretty rough as is. Suddenly I wasn't just some guy making Transformers fanart while desperately saving up to get out of my parents' house. Suddenly I was some people's FAVORITE Transformers artist. Suddenly I was a role model to people and I had people in my DMs clambering for my attention and I had an audience that would cheer or boo or go awkwardly silent at my every post depending on how much they liked it. And it was Not Good For Me. I had and still do have people all over my inbox, excited about how I drew fat and disabled and trans characters asking me over and over to draw some specific representation that I don't want to draw right away. I had and still have people begging me to draw their favorite Transformers character who I happen to not really care about and not want to draw at all. And I am painfully aware how often people take personal offense to my polite "no I'm not drawing that unless it's a commission" and my not answering their ask because I'm not in the mood. I've had people send in asks asking for a specific drawing and then follow up asks when I don't answer in a timely manner. And it's really uncomfortable! And it's almost more uncomfortable that it feels like a lot of people don't even notice that they're making me uncomfortable.
And I like learning how to draw bodies I've never drawn before. I like looking at a character who I think is meh and being like "well actually how can I make them interesting to me...". But it really felt and still feels like my art was getting away from me, like I was drawing more what people were asking me to make instead of what I wanted to because people would take it so badly when I'd say no. I was getting commissions though and I was saving up money to move out so I ignored that bad feeling of getting distanced from my own craft because I was trying so hard to save money and I was actually making some. And I still wanted the attention. Plenty of people were still kind to me despite everything.
Things got weirder for me after I released my Good Bi Gender comic. Which I do still recommend people read I think it's some of my best work. But that comic became a huge hit. And it made things really complicated for a while. I got anon hate. I was told to kill myself by strangers online more than once while I was already deeply suicidal. Something I thought I stated very clearly in the comic itself, that I didn't want strangers calling me "she" though I did and do let my close trusted people call me "she", was immediately ignored by my regular audience and people reading the comic. I got a lot of "you go girl!" kind of messages in response to my comic, and I didn't say anything at the time but it made me deeply uncomfortable. The comic was partly about how the she/her part of my identity is off limits to strangers. How I don't let just anyone she/her me because I work so hard to have the he/him aspect identity acknowledged at all. And it was like what Tumblr decided for me was to go against my wishes. Was to be like "we'll accept your identity for you!" when that's not what I wanted. I did NOT want to be she/her'd by thousands of strangers at the time. And though I'm grateful to have heard the understanding stories of other folks with nonbinary gender identities in the notes, it was deeply humiliating and invalidating to watch as others decided for me to accept the Girl part of my identity. The opening lines of the comic are explicitly a plea to the reader to listen and understand why they're not allowed to use she/her for me even though I'm opening up about the complexities of my identity.
And like. I don't care anymore if people online she/her me. At least I don't care right now that's why she/her is in my bio right now maybe I'll change that. But at the time it was awful. It was something I asked people not to do. And between that and the constant clambering for my attention from people I didn't want to talk to (because I was severely depressed and wasn't looking to make a ton of new friends) and the alienation from my own work I felt like shit. I felt like garbage. I still do. I hate my art sometimes. I really hate it. And for a while, I considered breaking my own fingers just so people would stop acting so entitled to my art and I would have a reason not to post. And honestly the only thing that stopped me was just trying to get by financially. Just watching my follower count and regular notes steadily trend upward so I could do more commissions so I could move out.
And doing things for the numbers, even for a relatively short time, only made things worse. It sounds a little silly even to me, but I get so stressed out when my posts flop, especially if it's art I was really proud of. I'm struggling to detangle my sense of worth in my art from the online numbers game. And I'm proud of the progress I'm making, but it does really suck and it's really hard. And I really wish I was still the same person back in early 2022 who could say "I don't care about the numbers!" and actually mean it because god I WISH I didn't care about the numbers now. Especially now. I dunno if it's me posting more art people don't wanna see or people leaving Tumblr or a shift in the culture of Tumblr but fewer and fewer people interact with my posts despite my follower count ticking up slowly but surely and it kind of bums me the fuck out. But. I am very proud of myself for still drawing the ocs that I want to draw even if they get less notes every time. And even if I'm slightly frustrated they get less notes every time.
I don't really have a neat bow to tie on my personal story right now. I'm still healing and sometimes I backslide and it's hard and it sucks. I don't want to sound ungrateful or to sound like I'm trying to shoo people off my blog because I'm not. I'm really grateful for the attention and interest and I'm not trying to turn people off my art blog. But it's been a rough few years on here. And don't be surprised if you see me take more and more breaks from this website. I do sincerely hope y'all will stick around and watch me continue to post whatever art and say kind things because I do appreciate that a lot. I'm trying really hard to mend my relationship with my own art. To not be so hard on myself. And for the record I don't want any asks telling me to take breaks when necessary or reminding me to draw for me. I appreciate the sentiment, but I already know all that and I personally don't find it helpful to be reminded of things I already know. But anyway. I hope that I will draw more and more of whatever I want to, even if that means I fade back into obscurity.
If you stuck around to read me reflect on the stresses and occasional humiliation of my small amount of online notoriety, then thank you. I appreciate that. And really I do like people looking at my art on here and sharing it and sending asks about my work. And the person I expect to be responsible for my mental health and how much social media is impacting it is Me first and foremost. But sometimes I think that it's important to remember there's a person behind your favorite art blog. And sometimes when you get swept up in parasocial attachment and hype, you kind of treat that person really fucking weirdly. And no that doesn't make you a bad person or a monster. But it does mean you have to learn to deal with it when someone who you might even idolize is like "back off me you're making me uncomfortable".
Anyway. I shouldn't be up as late as I am. A headache has been keeping me up all night. I'm gonna try to rest though. Goodnight.
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alanaartdream · 3 days
#drawing #sketches attempts at ideas on what older #fairlyoddparents #timmyturner #dannyphantom #dannyfenton we got off of butch with maybe my own ideas mix in; with Timmy there are still quite a few options that are up in the air with him; but with Danny butch made a few drawing videos on what’s happening with Danny Sam and Tucker in their futures (( apparently Danny and Sam get married and have 2 kids who inherited Danny’s ghost powers but one can teleport and the other can open portals and go wherever she pleases with these ghost portals of hers)) and Danny Phantom along with Sam and Tucker run a very good ghost hunting business and Tucker becomes Mayor of the tow/city they live in );; funnily Butch seems to like turning his protagonist’s into beef cakes and I normally don’t draw beef cakes kinda characters so this was a challenge to try to draw them
Not joking here with his 1st 3 cartoon series he came up for nick he did designs where the protagonist gets a lot of muscle 💪
Fairly odd parents - Timmy has a few older versions of him where he gets tall and beefy (heck there was a teenager version of him that got mistaken for a teenage super model in one episode)
Danny Phantom- episode he had a beefy muscle evil version of himself show up and there is two YouTube videos by Butch himself has said being as Danny is fighting with ghosts so much he becomes super fit by age of 25 and right into his adult years so kinda makes cents Danny have alot of muscles
And then Tuff puppy the dog was draw super beefy as well
So in conclusion even though Butch isn’t running the show fairly odd parents a new wish anymore the people will have to take in SOME advice from Butch on how adult Timmy gonna be
And if they choose to do more with Danny Phantom they’ll have to get Butch’s input on where that show will go being as Danny phantom & fairly odd parents were his ideas
So where does this leave Timmy Turner? Well we have a couple of choices to go with him we can
We can have him getting adopted by Wanda Cosmo so become a fairy and grow up with peri poof
Of he grows up becoming a lawyer/ someone who works in child services so whatever happens to him as a kid doesn’t get as bad as it did for him / maybe writes books/comics being as he was quite the creative imagination and gets to keep his memory and helps fairyworld on the side while being married to toothie being as Unless Trixie learns to stop worrying about how others see her and just be herself I don’t really see a romantic relationship working out with her and Timmy; best they might become friends as teenagers being as they share interests in manga / comics and toothie will probably calm down with her affections towards Timmy but being as she’s only one who’s liked him even when he was ignored neglected abuse kid I see Timmy learning to appreciate that as he has the chance to grow; I’d see Timmy getting away from his parents as he gets older being as they’re kinda crazy dumb and a little totic ALSO helping Toothie get away from her sister Vicky being as they were both abused by Vicky as kids (and the adults in their lives did nothing to stop it; I mean I get Toothie’s parents were scared of Vicky but they couldn’t even protect their other child from her?)
Maybe Jimmy Timmy could still be friends and Jimmy and Cindy end up an item not sure
In my au I went with Timmy becoming a fairy and gets to hang out with nicktoons unite gang as a fairy and Danny and Jimmy do well for themselves in their own universes
Now with nicktoons
Danny met Jimmy and Tommy with they were both 10 years old and he was 14; and with SpongeBob he’s already a adult (although SpongeBob is a weird sea creature so not sure how sea sponges age at all not don’t think he changes as much as Jimmy Timmy and Danny do as they get older)
So trying to work with their ages is also something ones gotta work with as well as where the creators of their shows wanted to take their shows
Also in the nicktoons unite games they started adding in Danny’s friends Sam and Tucker as well as a few of SpongeBob’s friends; with Timmy though they only ever had was Wanda & Cosmo
If they were gonna make more games they’d have added poof/peri but don’t think they’d add more being as not many liked that dog and Cole
But far be it from me to stop anyone from shipping who they like but not comfortable with Danny being shipped with a sponge and then a super hero character who’s supposedly the same ages as Timmy and Jimmy were in their shows OR I could be wrong about El Tgrey show it’s been awhile from few episodes I got to see of that show (( not sure even how the sponge got shipped with Danny in the first place the age gap with those two is pretty big but then people use to ship bald with Danny so I guess people will ship anything;;; I’m just not comfortable with enther ship honestly more so being as Danny kinda ends with with Sam at the end of the original Danny phantom series so can’t see Danny with anyone else after that) )
Also with the nicktoons unite game el Tgrey never made it as a playable character in those games being as the show didn’t get to be as popular as Danny phantom Jimmy neutron Fairly odd parents and SpongeBob did but funnily enough Invader Zim did so Zim and Dib ended up joining the nicktoons unite games grated only in one game then they switch anther series main character to join the gang if the nicktoons unite games were to do anther huge crossover game I believe they’d add my teenage robot life kj9 Jenny as the next playable character being as like in today’s world people are complaining there isn’t enough female characters to play in games and being as the fandom for my teenage robot life is still going strong it feels more likely they’d add her; they’d most likely add in Sam tucker and that squirrel that SpongeBob likes into games again as well being as they did add them before
So will most likely have them in my au for Fairy Timmy and the nicktoons unite gang (also Jimmy Timmy becoming a thing in my au being a Cindy will mostly become good friends with Timmy and a reluctant friend of Jimmy)
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snapzd · 1 month
more whiteboard drawings
They’re not on model yet, but I gotta stop letting that stop me from drawing them together ‘cause look at them 💔💔💔💔🥺🥺🥺
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And then we have a very tired very sad Dante with his communication amulet that I’ve yet to find out if it ever gets returned to him 😔💔
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elijasz · 15 days
sigh...i saw some capitano artwork so now I gotta post about that game.
First: They apparently picked up some of the early Wriothesley design elements that they abandoned for the Wrio design. Like the chains on his belt.
But now to the more important part:
Capitano has a lot of scale details. On his sleeves, on his coat, his helmet.
His helmet looks similar to the head of a dragon, the bottom part representing the teeth and the angular part on the top the upper part of the jaw.
His gloves are like claws, which doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I did notice it.
Now all of these little details scream DRAGON. So I looked at the other 2 dragons you can meet in human form in the game. Neuvillette and Zhongli.
Both have a tall man model. Both have a longer coat which frames their legs and isn't fully closed in the back. Zhongli also has scale details on his coat, in a similar place as they are for Capitano.
Capitano has rolled up sleeves, while the other two have long sleeves. Additionally, while both dragons have buttoned vests/coats, Capitano seems to wear his overcoat opened up, even when he isn't wearing the Fatui cloak
Now another thing I've noticed is that the designs of the humanoid dragons seems to be much more symmetrical than those of other characters. And you know who else has a very symmetrical design? Capitano.
Neuvillette and Zhongli both have long hair that is worn tied together. Capitano has some long hair that seems to be worn open, though the back of his head has short hair.
I'd also like to note that the Fatui Symbol, which the top decoration of his helmet seems to be modelled after, has some similarities to the shape and details of neuvillettes draconic eyes.
Last thing I'd like to note is that the angular eight shape that can be found in Zhongli's design, can also be found in Capitanos design, but mostly broken up.
All in all it seems that Capitano's design draws inspiration from several different characters but especially from Zhongli. There have been theories about their connection in the past that I have been a big fan of, but I could also imagine that their connection is actually that they are both dragons.
Okay. I'll stop talking about that game now, thank you for (hopefully) not unfollowing me. Back to the usual content.
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neutralonketchup · 8 months
yall gotta stop making samwise gamgee a twink in your fanart if i see one more copy pasted ig model looking hobbit next to frodo in your diy lotr yaoi im gonna kermit that man is MEATY he is a CORN FED COUNTRY BOY you cant knock that hobbit over with a PAIL OF WATER
get your fucking act together and draw him doughy
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