#I gotta sit for a bit and just digest on this.
themunofprovidence · 12 days
Just watched the entirety of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners in nearly one sitting, with a “quick” break a few minutes before the end of episode 8 or so for the presidential debate. I knew what I was in for, at least I thought I did because damn was that impactful. The anime, I mean. Though this also applies to the debate, just not the impactful bit. I was in no way prepared for some of the bullshit that happened there, including Trump accidentally admitting the truth about some of his lies in a roundabout way (my favorite one is the bit where he said the country was going to hell as he was leaving office, a sentence that actually means that he is the one that sent us to hell).
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sheerioswifties · 2 years
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• Summary: You made many enemies throughout your career in World Wrestling Entertainment. Some of which you despise so much it makes you sick to your stomach. But the more you two hate each other, the more the sexual tension becomes too intense to ignore.
• Parings: Cody Rhodes X Fem Reader
Warning- Language, 18+ only (minors DNI), Dirty Talk, Smut, Pet names, praise kink, unprotected sex, dom!Cody dom!Y/N, smutter than the last two part. (READ AT YOUR OWN RISK)
Word count: 5.2k
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Your eyes landed on a particular person sitting next to Becky, causing you to smirk of accomplishment.
Sami. He's been avoiding you for a couple of days only because you told him when he saw him you were going to kill him for giving Cody your number. And he thought that maybe if he could avoid it for a whole week till the next show, you'll give over it. But that was him letting his hopes get the best of him.
He knew you held grudges, and deep down, a part of him knew you wouldn't let what he did slide.
You slowly walked up to Sami, who was laughing at whatever Becky said. Becky's eyes landed on you but quickly looked away when she saw you bringing your finger to your lips, telling her to remain quiet.
Sami's face then went from a smile with a bit of laughter to straight fear as he felt a hand on his shoulders, followed by your voice.
"Hey Sami," You spoke; Sami stared at Becky, who butted herself out by taking a step back. He then let out a nervous laugh.
"Oh, hey, Y/N," He said. "Oh, look, time to get ready for my match, gotta go."
"No, no, no!" You pull Sami right back as he tries to pull you back. You then had your finger directly pointed at his face. "Were you thinking about your life, Sami, when you gave Cody my number!?"
Becky immediately butted herself back into the situation with a smile on her face. "Way to go, Sami!" She applauded, causing you to glare at her.
"No! He shouldn't have done that!" You shook your head, looking from Becky to Sami.
Sami raised his hands in defense. "He told me he wanted to apologize for the rumor he spread; I thought he was being nice!"
"It's Cody; when is he ever nice to me!?" You scoffed.
"He's been more than nice to you," Becky muttered, causing you to again glare at her. All she did was stand there, smiling at you.
There are apparent differences between Sami and Becky; Sami was afraid of you, and Becky was not.
But what Becky said made Sami look between you and her—finally, pushing his cluelessness aside and catching on to something he hadn't seen before.
"Wait, did I miss something?" He asked. You looked at Becky, who looked at you. You then sighed and looked at Sami, explaining to him everything from the night he called you about the rumor, then said to Sami and now Becky the night Sami gave Cody your number. You questioned at the moment if you should kill them. They knew too much.
Sami stood in shock, digesting the information you gave him, while Becky shook her head, scoffing.
"I didn't see then, but I now see it," She said, smiling at you. "That man is in love with you!"
"What!?" You said in disbelief before laughing, thinking she was joking.
But she wasn't.
"Yeah, Y/N, I hate to break it to you, but I think he broke Cody, and he probably did too; otherwise, it would just have been a one-time thing," Sami said, agreeing with Becky.
However, Becky shook her head at Sami. "Well, I don't think He broke her; she is still talking to Damian,"
You were momentarily hesitant before that "Well.." slipped out your mouth. Sami and Becky turned back to you. "I ended things with Damian the next after Cody was in my room. I don't know, hearing that morning him telling me how much he liked me, I didn't feel the same and didn't want to lead the man on,"
"So what about Cody?" Sami asked. "From the time you gave Damian a chance, I honestly thought you would end up having feelings for him, but it's like Cody stopped you from doing that."
You remained silent, hearing what Sami said. Since last week, you and Cody got into that argument. You couldn't stop thinking about him, and it was worse than usual.
You end up staring at his number from time to time. It is saved as an unknown number as if you were going to call him. It wasn't hard avoiding him because you haven't seen him since that night. His words replayed in your head multiple times, and it was so bad you felt your dignity start to lack late at night, in bed, letting your pleasure out while thinking about the man you truly despise. And never have you done anything like that, let alone while thinking about a man.
And as much as you hate to admit it, everything Cody argued to you made him right.
He was right, which holds you back from even talking to him. You could see that smile of his while telling him he was right; that's not something you want happening.
"There's nothing with Cody. I haven't spoken to him, and I like to keep it that way," You said. "This whole situation is dead, so can we please not talk about it anymore?"
You notice Becky glancing over at Sami, who gives her a shrug as they both agree to stop talking about it. Neither one of them wanted to push your buttons.
"You're going to McMahon's party tomorrow night?" Becky asked.
McMahon's party. It is a party that now Stephanie McMahon and her husband, the COO of the company, host every year as a way of celebrating us Wrestlers and our achievements. This year, they're celebrating at the hotel where all the wrestlers stayed for the next few days. You find it complete bullshit, especially when some of the Wrestlers don't get enough attention on TV, let alone this company.
But you still go, only because of the respect you earned from Stephanie herself, despite her no longer working in WWE. But the minute you do go, you wind up leaving five minutes later.
"Yeah, we don't have a choice, though," You spoke. "Adam keeps telling me I must be there and can't leave like last time." Sami sighed. "I have to drag Kevin down tomorrow; Adam told him the same." He said. "You know how stubborn he gets."
"Don't let him hear you say that," You told him as you and Becky chuckled a bit.
Sami was going to speak, responding to your comment, you assumed. When loud yells from a distance caused you three to look in the direction where it was coming from.
Your heart immediately dropped, seeing Damian and Cody in each other faces as yell at one another. Sami takes off, pushing Cody back, while Finn appears out of nowhere with Rhea, pulling Damian back.
"Say one more word about her, and I'll fucking kill you!" The venom in Cody's voice caught your attention. You've seen him angry; hell, you made him angry multiple times. But never in your years of knowing him have you seen him this angry.
Damian, however, laughed at Cody. "Honestly, Cody, I hope two end up together," He said. "You two deserve each other!"
"Come on, Priest, let's go," Rhea smirked as her eyes landed on you. Damian glanced at Cody again before he, Finn, and Rhea walked away in your direction.
You looked at Damian, who didn't even look in your direction. Though, you knew he knew you were watching him. But you were suddenly caught off by Rhea, pushing past you, almost knocking you down.
You laughed as you grabbed Rhea and turned around as you got in her face. The yelling was now coming from you two.
"Is there a problem, Rhea!? Because if there is, I'm more than glad to handle the problem!"
"You know exactly what the problem is!" Rhea spoke. "I warned Damian about you, and guess what? I was right! So stay away from him!"
"Whatever he told you was probably lies!" You spoke before looking up at Damian and then back at her. "He and I are on good terms, so I don't understand where this all coming from!"
Rhea laughed at you before shaking her head. "Not Damian, sweetheart," She said. "Asked Cody over there!"
Rhea then walked off. Damian looked at you, then Cody, who you assume was still there, before walking off alongside Finn.
You turned around and saw Cody standing there. He looked at you. You haven't seen him in weeks, and despite knowing you may and may be angry by the question you would ask him.
Your mind began wandering off. He was shirtless, in his gear. He looked highly sexy when he was mad.
"What was that all about?" You asked him, confused. Cody looked at you. "What do you think, Y/N?"
He told Damian everything. And Damian probably said something that caused him to react aggressively. But you were confused again.
Why did he get so offensive and protective over you? You had people in the past called every name in the book; even Cody himself has called you names. But for him to get this angry over someone calling you a name that you don't know what it was surprised you.
Cody held his hand up, telling Sami he was okay as Sami let him go. Cody looked over at you once more before walking off.
Sami and Becky looked at you, confused about what the hell even happened. Sami spoke and sighed. "The situation is dead, huh?"
The more time went by, the less you were looking forward to the party. It was already the next day, and the party had already started. You looked at yourself in the mirror as your hair and makeup were set, as well as your dress, as it fits perfectly on top of your body.
It wasn't short; it laid just about your knee. It had a split from the side of the dress to show enough skin. Your breasts were shaped perfectly against the top part, and your hair and makeup were perfect to how you wanted it.
But it didn't make you want to go even more. However, after minutes of debating, you finally took your purse and went down to the party.
Upon arrival, you notice the amount of people already there, which makes you want to turn around and head back to your room.
"Drink?" A male walked up to you, holding a tray of drinks. You smiled at the male and took a drink, then another.
You knew it was going to be a long night.
"Y/N?" Becky called out as she approached you. She sees the two glasses in your hand and can't help but shake her head.
"Don't lose me, Y/N," she said.
"Well, if I don't have a drink or two, you will lose me." You said as you took a sip of your drink.
Your eyes wander around, seeing familiar faces. Some you are friends with, others you aren't. And most that you genuinely hate.
The last time you were at this party, you didn't even last 10 minutes and made the excuse that you were sick.
However, Adam Pearce was telling everyone how it's mandatory to stay the entire night. Everyone enjoyed the party, except you.
Becky wonders off, leaving you alone again as she joins her husband's side. You gulped down your first drink as you went for the second one in your hand, placing the first glass on an empty tray and finding another server, taking another drink.
Two drinks went from four to six. You sat down, drank your drinking, and ate a cup of fruit they had also at the party? You ran into a few people along the way of your drinking: Sami, Kevin, Adam, who had to remind her that she needed to stay, even The Judgement Day, whom Rhea and Damian glared at you.
You were still confused about what exactly happened last night other than the fact that Cody told Damian everything. You didn't know how much he told Damian, but you knew Damian said a comment about you that caused Cody to get riled up.
Cody. You haven't seen him at all tonight. You wanted to see him, though deep down, you wouldn't admit that to yourself.
But you and Cody had a lot to talk about. And you were tired of waiting for the right time or nothing.
And you weren't sure if it was the alcohol getting into your system, but you pulled yourself off your seat, finding anyone who might know Cody's whereabouts.
You stumbled upon Jey, Sami, and Kevin conversing about something, causing them waves of laughter.
"Have any of you seen Cody?" You whispered to them. You didn't want to make it evident that you were looking for him.
Kevin shook his head. "Not since leaving our rooms; why?"
You quickly shook your head. "No reason,"
"Y/N, are you drunk?" Sami asked, looking at you. You were going to deny it at first by shaking your head. But the laugh got to you, making you cover your mouth to stop yourself.
"A little," you admit. "You three enjoy the party." You quickly walked off and went onto Seth and Becky, who had said the same thing that they hadn't seen Cody.
"Don't you have his number? Try calling him," Becky reminds you. Seth was taken aback. "Number, since when have you and Cody been friends?"
"Friends!? No! Never!" You deny offensively. Becky, however, gave you a look along with a smirk, causing you to glare at her. "Shh!" You tell her, then walk off. "Did I miss something," You heard Seth asked his wife.
You looked around the party, seeing no sight of Cody, which made you consider taking Becky's idea of calling him.
"But what if he doesn't answer?" You thought to yourself. You pulled your phone, scrolling to his unsaved number as you debated whether or not you should call him. After minutes of discussing, your finger pressed the call button as you placed the phone on your ear, hearing it ring.
"He's not going to answer you," You thought once again. "You desperate, Y/N, the man still hates you. There's no way-"
You stood silent for a moment, panicking on the inside as you realized he had answered.
"Y/N?" Cody asked, checking if you were there.
"Hi," you quickly responded, letting me know you were there. "I accidentally called you; my bad,"
"Really?" He asked. Even though you were drunk right now, you could still tell that his smile appeared on his face. "Because I swore I just saw you pull your phone out and call me," So he is here
Your eyes wander around, trying to look for Cody. "On your left, Princess,"
You turned to your left, seeing a figure from afar looking in your direction. Cody sat down, staring at you while you were still on the phone.
"Has anyone told me how sexy you look in that dress," Cody spoke. "If we weren't at this party, I would absolutely ruin you in that dress."
"I thought you were mad at me," You spoke, ignoring the response you received in between your thighs as he said. Cody smirked at you.
"I could say the same thing to you," Cody said. "Is there a reason why you called me princess?"
You bit your lips while looking at him. You then scanned around the room. There is no sign of Adam or anyone you could run into.
"Second floor, room D." You spoke before hanging up. You glanced at Cody again before walking towards the elevator and sneaking out of the party. You thought you should have done that sooner if you knew it would be easy.
The elevator opens again as you walk to your room and open the door, leaving it open for Cody to come in.
You took off your heels, tossing them to the side as you sat in front of your mirror, taking off any jewelry you had on.
Your eyes landed on the door through your mirror once you noticed it opened, seeing Cody standing in front of your door as he shut it shut.
You turned around and looked at him as you bit your lips.
"Hi," you spoke, looking at him. You couldn't help but think how handsome he was looking. You have been thinking about that a lot lately.
He wore a typical suit, which he wore usually. However, it only made sense that he wore it since others also wore suits.
But you notice the hesitation in him as he eyes you. "Are you drunk?" He asked you. You brought your fingers up, holding them close together, indicating that you were a little drunk.
"I can handle my liquor, Cody. I'll be fine if that's what you're worried about." You said. Cody shook his head. "That's the least of my worries right now." He said and took a step towards you.
You two weren't close. But to you, you felt extremely close to one another. The height difference made you feel small compared to him.
"Why did you call me up here?" He asked curiously. You looked at him. "I wanted to talk about last night."
Cody sucked his teeth as you reminded him about last night's events. "I want to know what Damian said that made you so angry,"
Cody shook his head. "It was nothing." He lied. You rolled your eyes.
"Stop lying!" You said. Cody, from just that, was getting even more mad. You couldn't help but wonder where the sudden anger was coming from. You knew it wasn't just from mentioning his and Damian's fight.
"He said the most out-of-pocket thing about you, princess, that I don't even want to repeat," He admitted. You couldn't help but laugh a little after a moment of silence. "Where did this you getting defensive about me come from? You hate me, remember,"
Cody stepped forward, causing you to part your lips a bit accidentally. Cody noticed it as he licked his lips. The sexual tension was already forming.
"What about you, huh?" Cody asked. "Why did I find out from him that you were the one who ended things with him the day after I was in your room?"
You were silent as you remembered why it took you so long to talk to him. Telling him the truth meant telling him he was right.
And you'd rather die than tell him he's right.
"I didn't feel anything for him," You simply told him.
"And why's that?" Cody's voice went low as he looked down at you. You felt his hands on the skin of your thighs, brushing upwards, causing you to feel goosebumps on you.
"I'm not going to say it, Cody," You tell him. You already felt yourself getting turned on by how close you two are. But you also felt frustrated because of how easily he knew that he was right.
"Say it, princess," he said. "Say I'm right."
"No!" You argued. You gasped when you felt Cody's hand around your neck, pulling you closer.
"Say it," he demanded it. Your mouth was open, allowing Cody to be ready for you to say those two words he was desperate to hear.
"Never," you said, followed by a smirk.
Something in you sparked up by Cody's actions, causing you to push him onto the couch that sat in your hotel room. This took Cody back as he looked at you.
His eyes watched you straddled his lap, feeling how warm you were in between your thighs.
"I hate you, Cody," you spoke. "Nothing will change that, and nothing will make me say those words." You whispered to him.
Cody growled, grabbing the side of your cheeks and kissing you.
You missed everything about him. His touch, his kiss, the way he made you feel. You couldn't help but grind your hips against him as the two of you made out with each other.
"I miss those pretty noises of yours, baby, thought all this week," Cody spoke as you couldn't help but whimper at the pleasure you were feeling grinding against him. Cody watched you, hands on your waist, as you made the most pretty face and precious moans and whimpers out of your mouth.
And you noticed this: Cody sitting there, with his hands on your waist. You took one of his hands and brought it up to your breast, biting your lips as his eye landed straight at them, playing with them.
"So fucking gorgeous," He said, groaning a bit. You can feel his member joint a bit, causing you to moan. You pulled back a bit, pulling his tucked shirt out of his pants and unbuckling pants before pulling it down, showing his boxers. You noticed him pulling off his shoes before kicking his pants off. He was eager to feel more of you.
You straddled him once more, letting out a loud moan, feeling the layers now thin between you two.
"Oh my god, Cody," you moaned, tugging his hair. Cody's breathing was unsteady as the two of them started panting. You couldn't help but smirk, however, thinking about something.
"What are you smirking for?" Cody asked. You debated telling Cody; however, you knew it would turn you on.
"I have a confession to make," you said. Cody chuckled, "You finally gonna admit I was right?"
"No!" You spoke. You then brought your lips to his ears, saying something that just might have driven Cody insane. "I had touched myself thinking about you."
"Fuck, Y/N," Cody cursed under his breath. You looked at him as he struggled underneath you. "I couldn't help myself; I moaned your name and everything."
"Y/N, shut up," Cody said, groaning. You laughed and kissed all over his neck, grinding a little harder on top of him. You two were moaning a mess.
Cody lifts your dress, letting his hands trail up your dress. You wore a lace underneath that hardly covered anything. "Look at that pretty pussy."
You moaned, throwing your head back as you felt yourself approaching your second organism.
"Let me see you touch yourself for me, princess," Cody spoke. You moaned, doing precisely what he said by bringing your hands down to your clit, rubbing it in circles while grinding on him.
Cody watched in awe, as you were an absolute mess watching you. He didn't think you could get this beautiful.
"Cody, baby," You spoke. "I'm close."
As your orgasm appeared, it quickly went away, Cody pulling your hand away from yourself and stopping you from grinding by holding you in place.
He looks up at you and shakes his head. "You will not finish till you tell me I'm right." He said, causing you to suck your teeth.
"I'm not saying that," You tell him. Cody looks at you and lays back, smirking. You looked at him as he smiled even more at you. What alarmed you was the hint of devilish in it. "What?" You asked.
Cody doesn't say anything at first as he leans in and kisses you, and you immediately kiss him back. He pulls back and looks up at you.
"Sit on my face," he speaks, licking his lips.
Your eyes went wide. Never in your entire lifetime have you done that. It brought a little fear in you.
"I'm not taking no for an answer," Cody's eyes went dark as he spoke. He was dead serious.
Before you could even say anything, Cody had already lifted you off the couch and onto the bed.  He takes pulls off your dress, not enough to rip it, and takes your panties off before he takes off his jacket, pulls his tie off, and unbuttons his shit till he was shirtless in nothing but his boxers and lays on the bed.
"Come on, princess, sit on my face," Cody demands. You hesitate for a moment before getting on top of Cody, hovering over his face as you slightly lower yourself.
Cody grew frustrated and immediately wrapped his arms around your thighs, pushing you down on his face until you were fully sat on him.
Despite the fact you're thinking that you're probably crushing Cody, you moaned at the feeling of Cody's touching tasting your clit. "Fuck" You let out.
It felt different. You never had someone make you straddle their face to eat you out. And as you looked down at Cody, you noticed him eyeing you, your Body. Just seeing you like this turned Cody.
And you were tired; you really tried not to buck your hips as you gripped the headboard of the bed. But the way his tongue lapped on your clit, tasting every inch of you, you accidentally buckled, causing your eyes to widen a bit.
"Sorry," You apologized, looking down at Cody. His eyes said otherwise; he wanted you to do that again. And it didn't take long for him to have you buckling your hips again, followed by a long moan.
You knew Cody was enjoying this, which made you care less about being scared in the first place. Your hands reached from behind as your hand slipped into his boxers, pulling out his cock and stroking it.
You buckled again, feeling Cody moan against your clit. "Yes, Cody, don't stop!" You moaned. At this point, you didn't care who could hear you. You swore you were a lot louder than the last time you two had sex.
Both hands were now on the headboard as you felt your orgasm. Your head threw back as it approached within seconds.
But you didn't cum.
Cody immediately grabbed your waist, pulled you up, and held you in place as you were still hovering over him. You let out a needy whine.
"Say I'm right!" Cody demanded. You use every strength to hold your ground as you look down at him.
"I said no!" You yelled.
In just a blink of an eye, Cody now had you lying on the bed. A part of you knew if he kept doing that, pulling away every time you were about to cum, you were going have to want to.
However, you were still stubborn. That was until he immediately attached his tongue to your pussy, his head vigorously shaking in between your legs as he led you back into your orgasm.
Your hand found his head, tugging it down as your moan grew louder before. Cody was way strong, however, and pulled back, causing you to whine once more.
"Fuck!" You scream. "Okay, you're right! Please, Cody!"
You felt that stupid smile on his back on his lips as he went back on your clit. Your legs shook as you clenched on your bedsheets, letting a cry of moans and enjoying the orgasm that you had been craving for what seemed like forever.
You lay there as Cody's head appeared from between your legs, panting as he looked down at you.
"That was fucking hot," he said, then hovering over you. "You're so fucking hot, so beautiful."
Cody kisses you. You can taste yourself on his tongue as the two of you fought with each other. However, you let him win. You were too deep in that aura stage, just by Cody simply giving oral sex, that you were weak to do anything.
But suddenly, you let out a gasp as you felt Cody's dick touch your clit. He watches you as he rubs himself against you.
"Cody," you whine. "I don't think I can handle more."
Cody shook his head, however, and kissed all over you. "Baby, yes, you can," he cooed. "I know you handle my dick, be a good girl to daddy."
You moaned at Cody's voice as he grinds himself against you for pleasure. You needed him inside of you; you desperately needed him. But it was more of the joy than anything you were worried about. You weren't sure if you could handle so much pleasure.
"Tell me what you want, baby," Cody said. "I know want this dick. I can feel you clenching, and I'm not inside you."
Your hands fell on his massive arms, feeling every muscle as he whimpered. "Fuck me, Cody,"
"Mmm, so sexy," Cody muttered to himself as he adjusted the length of his cock, lining it up against your clit and slowly inserting himself in you. "Fuck," he breathes out as he closes his eyes.
He forgot how good you felt, and every single bone in his body was holding back from fucking you so hard on this bed. But he wants you to feel him, take his dick as much as possible, cum as much as you need to.
He wanted to take care of you.
Cody, slowly but surely, rolled his hips, making sure he was fully pulled out till you only felt the tip, then sank back in. You moan, hands above your head as the two watch each other. It was like heaven, what he felt. Seeing you laying there as he allows his cock to enjoy you.
"That's it, princess." He whispered in your ears, patiently waiting to give you to go faster. "Take my cock, baby. You're doing so well, baby girl."
"Keep going," your breath heavily. "Keep talking; go faster, please."
Cody groans a little, speeding up the pace. "You're so wonderful, baby, taking my dick." He said. "No one has ever fucked you this good before, have they."
You shook your head, whimpers and moans talking over your mouth.
"Be a good girl and use your words," Cody demanded. You started to realize you had a kink for that.
"No," You moaned out. "No one- fuck- no one has fucked me this good."
Your hips started to move again his dick, causing him to hold down your hips and deepen his length into you. "That's it, baby- I can feel you." He moans. "You're gonna cum are you."
Cody was now at a pace where he was fucking you harder, faster, and you two were moaning uncontrollably. One of his hands was on your neck, choking you.
"Oh, Daddy, don't stop." You moaned. Cody growls. "Fuck, you going to make me come! Oh fuck!"
You reach your climax, having yet another orgasm. Your moans grew louder as Cody pushed himself deep, letting out his cum as his head fell in between your neck.
The two now lay in bed as you processed what happened. Cody smiled as he clenched his hands, thinking about the fantastic sex they just had and trying his hardest not to get riled up again. "This was a lot better than last time." He spoke.
You nodded, agreeing with Cody as you bit your lips, holding back a smile. Cody looked at you, grabbing your chin and making you turn to him.
"No more bullshit," He said. "I don't care how much you hate me. You're mine, got it?"
Something in felt butterflies in your stomach, which made you absolutely sick to your stomach. He's right; you do still hate him, which is why you hated the way he was giving you these butterflies in your stomach. But there's no way you can back yourself out or avoid him after this night. You slowly nodded, agreeing to Cody as if you were making a deal with the devil.
"Got it."
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finniestoncrane · 25 days
If I could request Reevesverse penguin with an absolutely needy as fuck reader. Like they’ve already cum like 3 times but they are BEGGING FOR MORE 🙏🙏🙏
Please and thank you! Your writing just… goosebumps
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Farrell!Penguin x Fem!Reader, word count: 700 good god i want him to dehydrate me to the point that i'm just a wee withered crisp sitting on his lap HNG 💜🐧 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fingering, kissing, groping
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Oswald lifted his hand to his mouth, inhaling as he brought his fingers into his mouth, parted lips closing around them as he savoured the taste of you. Your slick, your arousal, your satisfaction, all of it dancing on his taste buds as he sucked his fingers clean of you. Even at your third orgasm, you tasted as sweet, as strong, as you did the first time he'd made you cum that evening.
Through almost closed lips, too fatigued to even open your mouth properly, you mumbled your pleas.
"Ozzie... I could... I could go again..."
"Are you kiddin', sweetheart? You'll pass out."
He looked at your eyes, glazed over, lust-filled even after your two previous orgasms, both of them pleasurable and satisfying, but clearly not enough to completely cure your hunger.
"I'm fine, I can take it. I want it, please. Please."
It was hard for him to say no to you. A lot of his sense of pride, his affections, his dominance, his masculinity even, they all hung on his ability to spoil you. To treat you as he knew you deserved. But there was a little bit of him that delighted in teasing. And beyond even that, there was a distinct pleasure in hearing you beg him. It made his cock throb each time your lips formed the elongated vowel in the middle of your "please". Being wanted felt good, being needed felt even better.
"Whaddaya think this is, baby? Some kind of charity case? I'm a busy man, sweetheart. I gotta get back to work."
You reached out for him, catching the sleeve of his suit jacket as he moved to flatten the collar down, pulling him back to you and finding him surprisingly easy to control, almost like he was expecting you to keep begging, or that he wanted you to. One he was seated again, you shifted yourself onto his lap, ample space for you on his thick, wide thighs to get comfortable.
"No, please... come on, Ozzie. Once more, just a little more. It won't take much, I swear. Just your fingers again... I'm so close already."
You were writhing in the seat, jerking your hips a little as you tried to find the friction you were desperate for him to give you. Oswald watched your body moving, how it seemed so desperate, so needy, and the familiar stir at the front of his pants threatened to give him away.
Reaching down the front of your already soaked underwear, his fingers trailed over your swollen, tingling lips, the cool of his ring making your whole body twitch, head thrown back with a gasp as he spread your folds open. One finger tickled up the length of your entrance, teasing over your clit.
He cooed, a warm rumble from his chest that sent a shiver over you. As you digested it, let it warm you, surround you, he leaned in, a soft kiss pressed to the front of your throat, Oswald's strong nose against you, nuzzling into you.
"Please... please, Ozzie... please..."
Begging him always worked. He liked to be needed, to be wanted. To have you so desperate that you were willing to debase yourself just to get what you were pleading for.
You were close already, riding on the high of your previous climaxes, rocking yourself back and forth on Oswald's fingers as he kissed your throat, tongue flitting out over his lips to taste you, not quite satisfied with how much of you he had already savoured.
With you fucking yourself on his fingers, he let himself grab at your body, anywhere his hands could reach he touched, held, aiding you in the rough rocking that was getting you off. And he pulled you closer as you whined, shaking and convulsing as you orgasm took control of your muscles and limbs, the heat spreading through you, dissipating slowly with the relief it always brought.
Holding you to his chest, Oswald sighed, satisfied in his own efforts. He was a man of his word, it was important to him to stick to it. But if you asked again, for just one more, he would have to oblige.
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circinuus · 1 year
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"Hey, Yoichi."
Isagi watches you grin. He can already piece the puzzles. Something is going to go very, very wrong.
"Come sleep on my lap."
He was right.
With a jolt, the poor boy grows frazzled. Wide-eyed and mouth agape. His cheeks redden like the blush of dawn you worry lest he overheat and plop down on the warm grasses.
Years of acquaintance with his sweetheart—his everything. Isagi corrects himself—don't seem to be enough to prepare him for this. For you. Call the boy the master of being adaptable, but there's something about you that never fails to surprise him.
"Aw! Come on~"
Pat pat.
You tap your upper thigh. No skin is exposed, no. But with you sitting on your knees, the light fabric of your midi skirt did nothing to shield the outline of your-
"Absolutely not!" he splutters, hiding the blooming blush with the back of his hand. The spring wind blows a gust of dandelions. Then he remembers that you were enjoying a nice picnic and each other's silence, just now. Him watching people—and stealing glances at you. A little—while you munch on a butter sandwich. Just now.
"Why not?" the sandwich is now long gone in your digestive system. And of course, you'll find something out of pocket when you have nothing in your hands.
"I saw some couples doing it on social media, isn't it cute?"
"I mean," he coughs, "it's really sudden, but.. if you're okay with it..?"
"Yes yes!" your hands clap, "Besides, you've been working so hard. I gotta spoil you, my little precious!"
Just like that, his face reddened again. Eyes flitting from your face, then to your lap. Then like a boy caught stealing cookies, they drift hastily to a space behind you. It's difficult to imagine. This is the same boy who throws violent insults on the football pitch like Santa giving presents on Christmas. Get you a man who can do both, they say.
"Well.." Isagi hesitates, but scoots closer all the same.
"Here! Here!" You pat your thighs again, perhaps a little bit too eagerly. With the spring tide clouds rolling by, Isagi finally rests his head on your lap. His hair slightly tickling you through the fabric of your skirt.
He was tense, yes, the sweet boy. But you slowly thread your finger through his dark locks, caressing the crown of his head. Who was he to resist against your touch? Isagi soon melts in your hold and relaxes his head in your cradle.
You close your eyes, content, and once again you both enjoy each other's silence. Another gust of dandelion seeds flew by. Your other hand reaches for his as you hum a small tune. Your thumb rubbing circles in the back of his hand.
"(Name), you're very pretty."
And then Isagi took his turn to surprise you, this time.
Looking down, gone was the bashful boy with a skittish gait. His eyes are of a deep shade of blue like the prettiest sapphire you could ever find. And he dons the expression of a boy who might be stricken by a deadly case of young lovesickness.
Maybe he is. Because he reaches for your cheek as you are both lost in each other's eyes. And maybe you too. Because you smile at the sweet words and let him guide your face towards his, enough for your lips to...
-Reach his nose!
Isagi blinks. He received a perfect little Eskimo kiss!
"You're such a tease!" his laugh melds with yours, still in the comfort of your hold. Then you make another of that radiant grin. The one that Isagi really likes.
"Only to you," you said. And the lovesick boy can only wonder how the universe has given someone as perfect as you for him.
Turns out he was wrong, after all. With you, things will always go very, very right.
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I feel rusty it's been a while since I wrote something 😞 also first bllk fic in this blog :') things are getting out of hand and now im attached to these football nerds.
and isagi he is uhh canonically a thigh type of guy so...
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sunnyfoxsstuff · 27 days
Hello! Hi! Im quite happy tonight lol between @shadowfuka here's the draw of Ghost shi qingxuan!
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Be the judge buddy >;p i hope y'all like this little Fanart i made of my own fanfic! With that imma hop onto the fanfic!
Chapter 4: meeting again
Xie lian, hua cheng and shi qingxuan all shared their deserved diner
After this they went to sleep, hua cheng and xie lian sharing the same bed again it obviously became an habit while on the other hand shi qingxuan was in the guest room however he could not find sleep imediatly so he stared mostly outside looking at the nature around and falling asleep beside's the stair's of the front of puqi shrine,
In the morning the Sun ray's woked shi qingxuan up he wasnt really hungry but he decided to prepare breakfast for xie lian and hua cheng he wasnt expecting any special reaction about it from hua cheng he was more doing it for his friend as a part of pay back for his past help he had offered, not too long After xie lian woke up walking toward's the kitchen to shi qingxuan
XL:"i could've made breakfast y'know you dont need to work or do chore's around" he said feeling a bit awkward
SQX:"pff-" waving his hand "dont worry about it and i wanted to Cook breakfast since you two were still asleep i didnt wanted to bother" he said smiling looking for a minute at his friend before putting his attention back on the food he was cooking
XL:"how-..how does it feel?"
SQX:"huh?" Confused by the question his Friend had just asked
XL:"like uh- yknow? Dying and being a Ghost like- how did it felt? How do you feel?" He said smiling awkwardly
SQX:"since when did you figure it out? But i suppose i cant really hide it well yet, and didnt you asked hua cheng that? He's a Ghost even better he's a Ghost king" he say's joyfull as his usual self extending his arm's up making dramatising gestures
XL:"no i didnt asked him i usually dont it feel's kind of awkward and personnal to Ask someone 'bout their death" fidgeting with his finger's looking down a little
SQX:"hm well i suppose i could tell you, however my death wasnt really tragic unlike other people's that either die saving someone or on war or protecting someone you should know you said it yourself that i was sick gotta admit it felt like torture staying back there sitting and not being able to properly digest my food like literally! I couldnt even move!" He say's a bit annoyed about it "i was already slow because of my limbs which by the way dont really hurt anymore cant deny the pain is still a tiny bit present i dont know why or how so i keep the bandage's just incase who know's but as for my death, first my injuries were pretty Bad and barely had even healed of course and seccond i suppose the illness got me.." he said pausing for minute
A silence fell for a little while, while these minute's xie lian was preparing the bowl's for their breakfast seeing that shi qingxuan was almost done
XL:"i wish i had came back and picked you up" he said with a sad tone
SQX:"naaaa! I didnt even feel my death i just closed my eye's one morning After waking up and..poof! I was a soul!" He say's with a brighter tone bringing the rice and putting some in each bowl's not really filling his enough
XL:"sooo you didnt feel anything?" Tilting his head
SQX"nope! Not even a pinch!" Saying proudly putting the vegetables on the rice with an omelette
XL:"why did you became a Ghost then? You're not one to want vengeance and your brother is-" he shutted his mouth before saying one more word
SQX:"yeah well i thought i would pass on After all there was nothing else to do but,.." he paused thinking about that moment for a minute until he got snapped out of his thought's
XL:"but?" He said looking at shi qingxuan who's smile had wore off because of his thought's
SQX:"i saw a black silhouette looking at me with golden eye's" he say's seriously "you're probably thinking i imagined it but i didnt" he stopped seeing xie lian wanting to speak and without loosing a second he exclaimed what he was thinking
XL:"wait! So you're saying, black water sinking ship"
XL:"the one that traumatised you and killed your brother!," he exclaimed louder
SQX:"yeeesssssss i mean my brother was kinda going insane obviously but i still love him of course he'll always stay my ge'" he answered
XL:"why would that one person Come see you it's odd" he paused thinking with his usual thinking pose while hearing hua cheng waking and sitting at the table too and shi qingxuan starting to munch on his food
HC:"it doesnt look like what you usually Cook gege" he said looking at xie lian snapping him out of his hard thinking
XL:"oh!- yes, that's because i didnt made it shi qingxuan did he didnt wanted to bother us since he woke up before us" smiling at hua cheng finally taking the bowl and eating it without any more word's hua cheng on the other hand looked like a kid a picky eater toying a bit with his vegetables even so he still ate a little bit of it since xie lian seemed to appreciate the food
However soon enough hua cheng felt a stare and looked in the direction of shi qingxuan raising an eyebrow looking at his bowl seeing that he was empty, he tried to ignore the stare of this..New ghost but he couldnt shake it off and put down his chopsticks turning his head to shi qingxuan which had now a side smile and he started glaring back, not giving up shi qingxuan continued his stare and with that they continued their stare glare fight while sometimes breaking it to answer xie lian
In the morning shi qingxuan went off in the forest wanting to explore while hua cheng insisted that xie lian stay's and pass Time together, soon the afternoon came shi qingxuan was coming back while hua cheng was displeased with the presence of a so said 'ghost king' he looked more like a angry fish to hua cheng's eye's, xie lian however tried to make him at home but he'd refuse to enter puqi shrine as to not get more debt from hua cheng
Hua cheng and he xuan were kinda bickering seeing who would Snap at who first like a competition, when suddenly someone got Heard from a far sounding like as if they were running back
SQX:"your highness look what i got!-" he'd exclaim happily to then stop straight infront the three of them seeing he xuan up close again made him feel, fear, with a mix of a bit of happiness and didnt quite know how to act
Xie lian came toward's his friend continuing his talk "what is it what you got?" He answered as if to change his thought's
Shi qingxuan looked at xie lian for a little and then openned outer robe a bit a little white bird peeking his head out
XL:"he look's adorable! You shouldnt take animal's like that though he's a wild bird!"
SQX:"i do what i want" saying proudly "beside's he's the one that came on my shoulder he was cold so i putted him in there" petting the bird's head
He xuan just observed he didnt know why hua cheng asked him to come and seeing qingxuan standing right there wasnt feeling right, he was sure to have seen him die that day, that morning
Suddenly hua cheng coughed a little bit only to bring the attention to him "he xuan i asked you to come because thi- his highness's 'friend'. Wanted to see you dont make me do it twice." He said with a strict tone grabbing xie lian bringing him inside not wanting to deal anymore with these two he had already beared shi qingxuan's presence long enough he had even dared to cook breakfast instead of his highness saying that he was pissed would be an understatement
Both of the ghost's stared at the door that had been slammed shut right infront their nose, they both felt awkward not knowing how to start the conversation something qingxuan was usually good at, for once he xuan started talking first
HX:"so you're not dead?" Talking with the same monotone tone as before
SQX:"actually- i am-" he answered awkwardly fidgeting with his finger's
HX:"qingxuan" he sighed crossing his arm's "why are you here dont tell me it was to see me because as far as i can tell your body is against being near me." He said coldly not looking away
and he wasnt wrong qingxuan's hand's were horribly shaking he still tried to hide it by putting his hand's behind his back and smile a forcefull smile he didnt know why he couldnt just smile right now, "well i thooought we could probably start over? Our friendship, i wanna get to know you" he exclaimed with a bit of a shaky voice
HX:"sure." Still cold still monotone no change's "but i dont recall you having a home"
SQX:"i'll build my own house we could share it!-" he said determined and bold while the bird flew off back into the wild where he belong
He xuan take a sigh before walking off with an instant shi qingxuan was right behind him following
SQX:"he xuan where are you goooiiiiing!? Wait for me!" His bad leg betraying right on that moment falling face flat down on the dirt
He xuan stopped and looked back amused at the sight but keeping a neutral face, walking back toward him handing out a hand as to help him get up shi qingxuan accepted the help of course a bit embarrassed about falling down like toddler that barely knew how to walk
HX:"your leg isnt healed isnt it?" Looking down at the Bad leg that qingxuan was keeping up
SQX:"uhm, well it depend on the time sometime's it does hurt sometime's it doesnt" he answered to then saying lowly "i didnt thought it would hurt right now, its embarrassing it was fine until now"
HX:"you Can walk or do you need a stick?" He raised an eyebrow looking at him
SQX:"i'd rather die than keep a walking stick by my side!" He exclaimed with a pouting face
HX:"..you are already dead idiot" slapping gently qingxuan's back head
After a little while of fighting and chatting which was as usual only qingxuan talking he xuan made a teleportation array to a nice spot and offered qingxuan to live in a small but big enough house that had been abandonned there,
He wasnt much of a builder so he agreed and so their journey together started.
Imma stop here i feel like i wrote longer than usual! However i loved writing this chapter my creativity just kept flowing lol x)
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nomstellations · 3 months
Unorthodox Methods
yeah hi this is a. very self indulgent lim.bus vorefic with heath.cliff as a pred. story contains a reluctant male pred and unspecified prey, quarter size vore, protective vore, and its soft & safe.
“W-why's it always gotta be me?!”
None of the other sinners would look Heath's way. While they've had to do all kinds of odd jobs for the company…nobody was willing to take on this one. Their client has been partially shrunken due to some malfunctioning technology, and needed to be protected and escorted to safety. They weren't provided with any safe means of transportation, so Faust had determined that the best course of action was to carry them…internally. With no willing volunteers, all eyes fell on Heathcliff, whose face was flush with embarrassment and frustration.
“C'mon, Heath~ Just do us this favor  ‘kay?”
“It's your fault you weren't paying enough attention to opt out, you know…”
He growled and tightened his grip on his bat. He ought to show them he wasn't going to just take this sitting down, but his gaze fell on their client. They looked nervous; this idea wasn't theirs and they looked to be just as eager as he was- which was to say, not at all. His anger softened at their anxious expression.
“Bloody hell…fine! But I don't want to hear a peep out of your mugs about it unless you want your skull cracked!”
Faust had given him some kind of tablet to eat. He wasn't really paying attention to her explanation, but apparently it would suppress his digestive acids for a while so their client would be safe. He snapped at everyone else to screw off while he…put their client away, which left the two of them alone. He scratched the back of his head, frankly unsure of how to go about this. They weren't food, he couldn't just open his mouth and chow down on them…they frankly looked terrified. He didn't want to hurt them.
“Hey, easy there…” His tone was softer now, gentle in contrast to his rough voice he had used just moments earlier. “I'm no expert, but…I'll make sure not to hurt you, alright?” Heath only moved to pick them up when they gave him a hesitant nod. They were small, but not tiny to where he could crush them in his hand. They were closer to the size of a stuffed animal, but that presented the dilemma of how he’d go about swallowing them. He mulled it over for a few minutes, lifting them over his head to see if maybe feet-first was feasible. It made them squirm anxiously, so maybe not… “Alright, I’m gonna…try this, okay? Try not to wiggle too much, I don’t wanna…you know.”
With that he opened his mouth, revealing some surprisingly sharp teeth. He hesitated for a moment when he felt them flinch, but it was probably better for the both of them that he got this over with quickly. Carefully he started to nudge them inside, his fangs gently grazing their head as they went. He could feel them go stiff- they weren’t hurt, were they? He paused, but tasted no blood on his tongue…they’re probably just nervous. A thought flickered through his mind for a second, that they tasted surprisingly good and savory…
No, no, he is NOT enjoying this.
As if to fend off the passing thought he focused on swallowing, which pulled his little client’s head into his throat. This was easily the biggest mouthful Heath’s ever had; it felt a bit uncomfortable to him but he could only imagine what his client must be feeling now. Despite the discomfort, he was very slow and methodical with swallowing them whole. Each gulp was deep and slow after a brief pause, making sure they were still unharmed until there was finally nothing left in his mouth to swallow down. He breathed out a sigh of relief as the hardest part was finally over, adjusting his collar a bit as his client slid their way downwards. The sensation of their descent was…odd, but not terribly unpleasant.
After what felt like forever, they finally spilled out into Heath’s stomach. This was also the most he’s ever eaten in one sitting, and he could physically see his stomach expanding to accommodate its new guest. It stirred up a quiet belch from him, causing his client to start shifting and squirming around in a panic.
“Shh, hey hey….you’re alright.” He pats at his stomach in an effort to calm them down. “That egghead of ours made sure it’s safe in there for you. Take it easy, I’ll make sure nothin’ happens to you.”
He figured the noise from his stomach probably wasn’t helping. Even though it couldn’t digest anything, it was probably trying anyway…he could feel their movements slowly settle down while his stomach got to work. Good, they’re fine and they’re settled…Heath sighed, the whole ordeal kind of took it out of him. He was going to give everyone an earful when this was all over, make no mistake- but standing here with a full stomach kind of felt…good. It was weird! But it felt good. Surely the others won’t mind if he waits here a minute, right? Then it's right to work.
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starseneyes · 2 years
Chenford- Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 12
"Death Notice" aka "Bow Chicka Bow Wow"
SPOILER ALERT: If y'all wanna stay un-spoiled. Run. Just run. I say this with all love, but this is not the place to be. I am going to spoil EVERY SINGLE DETAIL that I notice. But, if you want to digest every morsel of deliciousness with me, come on in!
How'd it all shake out? Let's dive in!
Riding in an Elevator
Let's just call out Tim for stopping the elevator for Lucy, and her little breathless, "thanks". These two are adorbs. Also, shoutout to the makeup, hair, and costume departments who put a lot of work into this scene.
And Tim's eyeroll on the "Detectives" line? I was rolling.
Tamara and Lucy
FINALLY getting to see Tamara, again!
"You're here." "I live here. "I went to bed at one and you still weren't home. "Oh, I came home around then. I must've just missed you. Trivia went late." "And how was Trivia?"
Let's be real. The entire point of this conversation is that Tamara wants to let her know that she's onto Lucy. Tamara wants to talk about this new development, considering last she knew of Tim and Lucy was "This is work" when she caught them macking in the living room.
And Tamara is never going to judge Lucy, and will always give her space. But, it's about time the gal came clean with someone.
"You are such a smooth liar. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, all that undercover training." "I'm not lying. "I saw Tim drop you off."
I love the fact that Lucy literally drops the weight she's been carrying. Not only that, she slides around to sit on the couch and dish with her roomie about her new boyfriend.
Lucy crosses from behind the couch that was separating them and sits on it, leaning down to chat with Tamara. The camera moves down with her, the audience settling in with Lucy.
"Thank God. I am so over coming up with cover stories." "Why the big secret? You're both single." "I mean, we're just keeping things under wraps until we figure things out."
There are so many layers and levels here to the why. But this implies that Tim and Lucy don't want to go public until they have a gameplan. And that really makes sense for both their personalities.
I've seen folks ask, "Why is Tim so cool with this secret dating thing?" Do you know how weird it can be when friends start dating and they spend every. freakin. day. around their other friends? Everyone has an opinion.
Tim doesn't mind delaying that a bit longer. Same with Lucy. But, also, this is a huge transition. Even though they're both secure in the knowledge that they want one another, and they have years of history, they have to figure out who they are together.
"We're not sleeping together." "Why not?"
First off, the music cue had me rolling. Oh. My. Goodness. Director, Editor, whoever came up with that idea? Thank you. I had a much needed giggle.
But, also, remember that this is strange behavior for Lucy. Lucy isn't a one-night-stand girl, but she's also not a "dating you but not doing you" girl.
Tamara's gotta be wondering if Tim misfires or something, at this point, because there ain't no other reason she can think of that Lucy hasn't torn those clothes off by now.
And this is part of the maturity of Tim and Lucy's relationship that I love. They don't need to be sleeping together to be fully committed, but they're also not rushing to get to that moment.
"We're taking it slow. We want to do this right." "So, you're not sure how you feel?" "I know exactly how I feel. I mean, this is the most amazing relationship I've been in since, ever."
Oooh, the "r" word returns. Lucy tried to talk to Tim about their relationship on her last day riding with him as a Rookie and the man was not a fan of putting a label on it.
But, it's also important to note that Tim and Lucy have been dating a matter of weeks and she already knows this is the best relationship of her life. Not only the most important. Best.
"Okay. And you're waiting why… again?"
I hear Tamara's point! If y'all are on the same page and completely committed, why aren't clothes flying through our living room? For one, Tamara might want to get a look at Tim's bare chest in Jackson's honor. For two, what's the hold-up, lady?
I've talked a lot about them savoring this relationship. But, I also think Lucy has been using the "taking it slow" idea as an excuse so she doesn't have to think about the roadblock in her way.
Think about it. Lucy couldn't process through whether or not to date Emmett, so she needed to talk it out with Tim. Lucy couldn't process why she didn't want to move in with Chris until she talked it out with Tim.
What Lucy needs to do is talk it out with Tim. But, Tamara's push is taking Lucy in a different direction. It's not a bad direction.
They could have slept together and it wouldn't have wrecked anything. But, I think the security they have at the end of the episode (Yes, I'm skipping a little... go with me, here) is what Lucy needed.
Tim isn't facing the issue of their professional relationship. This whole episode demonstrates that. They need to take care of that power imbalance, because if they don't, then there's no point in any of this.
To truly be together, there were three things that had to go as outlined by Tim in Season 5, Episode 1. "I'm dating Ashley. And Lucy is with Chris. And I'm her Superior Officer, so..."
Tim told us himself what has to go for them to truly be together. And it's that last one that's still in their way, whether they acknowledge it or not.
"Morning." "Morning."
First, I have to say I love to see them greeting one another fully. Back in 5x06, Lucy kept trying to tell Tim "Good morning" and he kept looking past her or trying to avoid it. Because he was trying to avoid her and his feelings for her.
But that particular obstacle is out of the way because Tim knows how she feels about him and Lucy knows how he feels about her.
Now to the part y'all thirsty folks really care about:
Hands. Glorious hands. Wandering, sexual-desire filled HANDS. Lucy holds her keys in both hands so she can release one as she sidles up alongside Tim. Tim taps on her thigh with his fingers, a little, "hey, honey". Then he tries to catch her finger with his pinkie. In broad daylight. In front of the station. Are you insane, Tim Bradford?!
They can't keep their hands to themselves! Y'all, these two are outside a police station where they both work. Before they were dating, they would stand outside with at least enough room for the entire Holy Trinity. Now, they're practically walking on top of each other and "sneaking" in touches.
But nobody's gonna notice? Yeah, right!!
Tim seems to finally remember himself and wipe that gorgeous grin off of his face. But, oy, I love seeing him so happy!
Both of them quickly make fists with their hands after the initial contact, and Tim even presses his hand against his pocket as though checking for his keys.
But it's Tim's smile that I can't stop rewinding and watching. Look. At. Our. Boy. Have we ever seen him so happy? Tim is beaming and all they did was barely brush one another.
Because much as the physical is amazing, it's about simply being close to the person who makes you happiest in the world. Lucy is Tim's person and he gets to touch her and have secret moments with her.
He's no longer pining across the parking lot. He's walking alongside her knowing she is his as he is hers. And, let's be real, this isn't about being possessive. Lucy isn't a purse any more than Tim is a wallet. It's about knowing that this person is your person. And Tim and Lucy are each other's.
And don’t think I didn’t peep the ring. Lucy chose to put that on this morning when she told him it was naked time, just like she did when she came to the station to tell him Chris was out of the way. The streak continues!
Folks... I haven't made it past the first two words of the scene... Y'all know this is gonna be a looooong one. I hope you have snacks!
Look how Tim is still smiling as he leans his head closer to hear what she's going to say. So cute.
"Tonight is the night."
Tim was not expecting that. I'm not saying that he doesn't want to add that layer to their relationship. I'm simply saying he wasn't expecting her to announce it in the parking lot at work.
"Oh, really?"
Look at that man's quizzical brow. He wants to be sure he understands perfectly, that he's not misunderstanding. Because, come on, he misread things once before and Lucy set him straight. They've been on the same page for a while, now, and he wants to be sure they still are.
Lucy, meanwhile, has already planned out the outfit she's going to wear when he finally undresses her. Come on. You know she has. After the disaster of running late to their first date because she couldn't pick an outfit, Lucy can't be late to her own apartment.
Lucy's got a plan, and she's ready for her man. Wow, Dr. Suess just got a kinky upgrade, and I didn't even intend it! Anyway...
"Yes. Really."
Come-hither Lucy has made her appearance, folks. Yowza!! The Velvet Voice has traded places, and Lucy is already seducing her man... in the parking lot.
And poor Tim can't even see the way she's looking at him... Like he's whip cream and her tongue can't get enough. Like he's a chai latte and she wants to drink every last drop. Like he's... Okay, you get it. Lucy's got it bad for Tim Bradford and I am here for it!
"My place or yours?"
With doubt out of the way, Tim is wasting no time. And I'm proud of him for it! He is so fully committed to this relationship, and so is she, and it really shows in the confidence they both have.
Let's talk about that for a second. Lucy doesn't look to the future with the guys she dates. She doesn't want labels. She doesn't want to meet the parents. She doesn't invest in the relationship because it's never been worth it before.
Tim is the exception. In the past, it was Tim who didn't want to label their "relationship" (partnership... mentorship), but Lucy has always put a label on it. Even when she blurted out her feelings, she labeled it a "relationship". That was while she was still dating her "work in progress".
Because it's different with Tim. She doesn't want to rush into bed because she wants to savor every second of this. I've said it before, but when you know it's your last anything... you savor it a bit more.
Lucy's already half-joking about grandchildren, and thinking about their future together. She has the confidence that this is built to last—and Tim does, too.
We've talked throughout the series about Lucy's issues with second-guessing, but Tim has his own self-esteem issues. He trusts himself as a cop explicitly, but as a man, far less.
That's why he was so cautious coaching Little League, why he minimizes himself and his wants in relationships. He's so afraid of being his father. He doesn't trust who he is outside of the job.
Lucy has helped him find himself, again. She helped him go after his dreams of Sergeant. She prevented him from sacrificing himself to protect Isabelle. She had his back with the false-fender-bender. I could keep going, but I'll stop.
The broken pieces of a man are almost impossible to put together, but like the Japanese art of Kintsugi, there is a way to mend them into something whole and beautiful. Different from what it was before, but no less complete.
Tim helped Lucy find surety in her decisions, sure, but she helped him find confidence in himself. They balance one another so beautifully, and in the light of one another's love, they're blossoming.
Tim is confident in who he is with Lucy. Lucy is confident in who she is with Tim. There's the promise of forever without the discussion. Because it isn't needed. They both knew as soon as they took this risk, it was all or nothing.
And now, they're taking the next step in their relationship, together.
"Jealous dog or nosy roommate?"
Kojo! Oh, Kojo is going to be so happy that his Mommy and Daddy are finally together. That poor pups been sitting there thinking, "When is the blonde lady who tastes gritty going to leave so I can get Mommy back?" Well, baby boy, your Mommy is coming home.
Just not tonight.
"Tamara knows." "What? You told her?" "No. She has eyes. I didn't have to."
Let's be real. Anybody with eyes (not you, Nolan) knows what's going on here. Tim's been smiley. Lucy and he are now glued to the hip out-of-uniform. He's doing an awful lot of "nothing".
"But she is staying at her friend's tonight. So…"
Suddenly Tamara's knowledge about them is a good thing. "I should go," Tamara once said... No worrying about her walking in on them this time.
And, look, I know some people really wanted to see Tamara catching them. But we already got that in S4 and it was hilariously done.
Not everything has to happen on-camera. Not every item on our wish lists will be fulfilled. And that's okay. This isn't the Chenford show (much as my Metas might suggest otherwise).
That's what fanfics are for! And, believe it or not, I wrote quite a bit back in my college days, mostly for Alias.
We are going to see some gooooooood stuff on-screen, even if we don't get everything we want. So, stick around, eh?
Side Note: It sounds like Eric has a cold! They really mean “the show must go on”. I once did a show with a fever of 102. I knew I wasn’t feeling great but had no idea how bad it was until I got off the stage. Performing’s a funny profession!
Grey whisks in, reminding me I'm supposed to be talking about Chenford and not me. Yikes! Let me get my focus back.
Tim and Lucy need that same splash of cold water because they are looking at one another and Lucy's doing that thing where she presses her lips together while thinking about Tim that is doing things to our boy.
"Mm, this is gonna be awkward. " "It doesn't have to be. We've ridden together hundreds of times." "Never as a couple."
Oooh, we've graduated! First it was "we're dating", then we got the "relationship" mention to Tamara, and now we've got the "couple" label. Nice!
Why am I making such a big deal about this? Lucy doesn't do labels. In that past she did, we know, because she mentions her boyfriends never being good enough for her mother. But with her guys in this show? Nope!
She wanted to keep things casual with Nolan and wouldn't leave her stuff at his place. Emmett was not her boyfriend, as she stated many times. Chris was her "work in progress".
Tim is a labels guy. He likes things to have boxes and labels and organization. His house is very put together and uncluttered.
But I feel like he is taking her lead on this. He knows Lucy. She doesn't do labels. But she does with Tim. Because Tim is the one she's been waiting for... she just didn't know it.
"So, are you telling me you're not gonna be thinking about tonight?" "Not at all. Thank you." "Me, neither."
It's like an un-said bet, except she is totally checking out his ass.
Also, Lucy and Tim opening doors for one another. Wow, is that a metaphor for this episode. Lots of opening and closing doors all over the place.
It started with the elevator with Tim making sure it stayed open and letting Lucy go first. Here, Lucy's the one opening the door for Tim.
Their whole relationship is littered with opening and closing doors. And this entire episode (much as the theme seems to be "judgment" and "the choices we make") is about opening and closing doors.
"I could tell Grey that I got food poisoning." "Just to get out of riding with me?" "I mean, I get the day off. We avoid all this weirdness. Wins all around." "You're overthinking this. We leave our personal life at the door, just like always" "Oh, And you can just shut it off?"
Lucy is the one thinking clearly, here. Look, I love Tim. He's my favorite character (Lucy is a very close second), but he's not facing reality. The reality is—something has to change.
And, oh, that is scary for a person who grew up with instability and clings to what is known and safe. The minute he acknowledges this problem, he won't be able to ignore it, and then they have to face it, and then everything has to change.
"At 7:59, I'm your girlfriend. At 8:01, I'm your, what? Your subordinate?
What. Did. You. Just. SAY!?!?! Lucy Chen, who has resisted calling any of the guys we've seen her date a "boyfriend" just self-identified at Tim Bradford's girlfriend.
I'm gonna need a minute, here. Because, OH MY GOSH IT HAPPENED!
I should save that for later, right? Right.
But, nope, I'm losing it. I'm squeeling into a pillow trying not to alert my kids so they run into the room saying, "Mama, Mama!" and then I miss what's next. Because Lucy bad*ass Chen just called herself Tim Bradford's girlfriend.
They've been dating three weeks! Remember Lucy's initial response to why she didn't love Chris when Tim asked. She said they hadn't been together long.
But everything is different with Tim. And it always will be. They were carved from opposite sides of the same stone, destined to reunite when the time was right. Or, we might take Plato's nod and think of the one being split into two, destined to search for their other halves.
"Really?" *models herself* "My duty belt. My taser is on the wrong side. Usually, you'd be all over me for that."
I admit, I didn't notice. Crap. I'm as in love with her as Tim is!
"You did that on purpose? You don't do Tim Tests. I do Tim Tests." "Well, that's 'cause this isn't a Tim Test. It's a Lucy Lesson. And, admit it, you're taking it easy on me. We're not even on duty, yet, and our dynamic has changed."
Damn, Lucy! Holding him accountable!! But I love Tim blowing air out as she said, "Lucy Lesson". He's so exasperated with his woman.
Lucy taps his arm, and I must applaud her restraint. It's definitely a "on-duty Lucy" touch in that her hand is open and barely connects with his arm. But, she's trying to check him.
"Get in the car." "It's called a Shop."
Much as I hate the point, she's absolutely right. Tim and Lucy on-duty dynamic together has changed. And it has to.
"You haven't noticed?" "What? That you're carrying your coffee in your gun hand? Of course, I did. I just haven't said anything because these Lucy Lessons are pointless." "You really don't think you're treating me differently?"
First off, Lucy's touch lingers, this time. Much as she's telling Tim that their dynamic has changed (and he does need to acknowledge it), she's demonstrating it accidentally as much as on-purpose.
Also, remember Tim barking at Lucy for holding her radio in her gun hand in front of Emmett? And how Lucy was angry at Emmett for making an issue of it, because Tim was technically the in the right?
That's where my brain goes, immediately. He rarely goes soft on her, and she always notices. But now Tim Bradford is f*cking mush around his lady.
Tim wants so badly for this not be an issue. It reminds me of him at the restaurant trying not to react to the two men arguing, hoping that it would go away. If he doesn't acknowledge it, it doesn't have to be faced... but this has to be faced.
"You're not a Rookie. You want to change up your duty belt, carry your coffee in your right hand, it's up to you. You know. This isn't about us. I'd give Thornsen the same leeway."
*cough* BULLSHIT *cough*
"This is robbery. Wait a minute, you had your gun! This is armed robbery." "I'm sure your earrings will come up. We will call you when we have them." "I want a receipt" "We don't issue receipts. Look, it's all in the report. If you want to file a complaint, you can do so at the front desk on your way out." "I didn't take the earrings." "I know."
Tim will never accuse you of stealing, but this is a big deal. And Lucy knows it. Tim knows it, too, but he wants to do whatever he can to save her.
FAST FORWARD: And, let's be clear, after exhausting every avenue, he was going to do it... to report her. But he was going to try everything in his power, first.
"God, I've been so focused on us. Did I screw up?"
Damn. This hits hard. Poor Lucy always does her best to do it by the book, the way Tim taught her. Where did the earrings go? Tim doesn't want to acknowledge it, but you can see how soft his eyes go, immediately. He's worried for her. He's not thinking about the earrings—he's thinking about Lucy.
FAST FORWARD: And, yes, I've seen the whole episode, now, so I know. But... I like to write these as though it's the first time. And the first time, I should have seen that Lucy Lesson coming.
I mean, it was so beautifully set up with Tamara commenting on Lucy's ability to lie so smoothly, and then with the string of Lucy Lessons. I should have seen it coming, but I admit I expected the worst and didn't.
I truly expect ships I love to go through horrible pain and be destroyed. I'm learning to trust The Rookie more as the show goes on, but I have a lot of harnessed distrust there to dislodge.
"We'll keep checking until we find them." "Wait, wait, okay. Look. You need to file a memorandum with the chief. It's protocol. I get it." "We're not there, yet."
Tim is avoiding. He's trying to hard to not have to face it. And Lucy's the one being practical, here. She can see that Tim is treating her differently and she knows it can't be that way.
He doesn't want to face it. He once felt responsible for pushing her towards a serial killer. We saw how unhinged he was, and they were nowhere near this level in their relationship, now. If he is the one to write her up and it tanks her career... He'd blame himself.
"Well, how long can it wait?" "I have discretion with things like this. We find the earrings no paperwork necessary." "But if we don't you need to report me to IA." "Maybe janitorial swept them up."
Lucy can see what Tim is clearly (yes, I used their word) missing, here. But she's trying to let him get their on his own. Talking to him about it was getting nowhere, so she changed tactics.
And I love how this is shot. It's giving me major CSI Grissom/Sara vibes. Flashlights and searching while dealing with tension and romance? Yeah, I've got a type.
But, seriously, there's such simplicity in the matching over-the-shoulder shots of them, on opposite sides of this issue, but still very much in line with one another. I love the symbolism, intentional or not.
"We canceled our date." "What happened?" "Well, Tim and I rode together today and it really drove home all of the problems with dating your boss." "It did seem tricky, but I didn't want to say anything. Does that mean you guys are breaking up?" "No."
No hesitation from Lucy. Look, I love Tamara (and her relationship with Lucy is one of my absolute favorites on the show). But, Tamara's view of relationships is filtered through her own experience.
Come on, all of us filter how we see Tim and Lucy through our own experiences, for better or worse. But those once-in-a-lifetime relationships are different. They change how you see your future because for the first time there is a future with that other person.
Tamara hasn't experienced that herself, yet, and based on what she's seen with Lucy, none of her other guys really stuck.
Tamara's known about this relationship one day, so she doesn't know all the details or struggles Tim and Lucy had getting to this point. There's no going back for Tim and Lucy. It isn't even a consideration.
"We'll figure out how to make it work. " "Great. How?"
This is tricky. This is tough. Tim and Lucy have to figure this out, and do it now. There's no more time to put it off, to pretend it's not an issue, to ignore what they know to be true.
Tim puts the people he loves ahead of everything because they are so few and far between.
He didn't want to coach Little League for two seconds, because just being on that field in that position risked him becoming his father.
We all know that risk is near impossible, but Tim doesn't. As a child of abuse, he's haunted by what he's survived and terrified of becoming it.
He will do whatever he needs to for Lucy... but that doesn't make it right. With Isabelle, he was about to go over that line if not for Lucy. We know he's capable.
And, to be fair to Tim, when there was no other recourse, he was willing to do what was right in this case. He hated it, but he was going to do it. Because he is still the man he was... thanks to Lucy.
"Lucy! Your boyfriend's here."
I love Tim's face on "boyfriend". This is likely the first time he's heard himself called Lucy's boyfriend, and it just makes me giggle every time I see it.
Tim has his hands in his pockets, much as he did the last time he stood outside this door, urging her to go to UC school as she feared he was pushing her away.
"Did she tell you I figured it out on my own? I'd make a great detective." "I have no doubt."
Such an interesting quirk to hear Tim echo those words in that doorway, again. Last time it was to Chris about Lucy's level of care. This time, it's about Tamara.
So, I have to believe that on some level, he means it. And that could be a very interesting turn of events if they ever wanted to take Tamara down the path of becoming "the rookie" since they try to have someone in a "rookie" position each season.
"Hey, I thought we canceled." "Uh, we didn't." "Oh."
Now that Lucy doesn't have to hide from Tamara, she goes in for the hug. And I love the way Tim's head ends up in the crook of her arm. It reminds me of the hug from Breakdown in Season 4.
It's like he's nestling into her. Because, it takes effort for him to bend down to that level. I'm always fascinated watching tall/smol ships and how they handle that.
Tim and Lucy have history to draw from, but I look back at The X Files and I giggle thinking about the "Gilly boxes" they had Gillian Anderson stand on to get them framed well in the same shot. I have wondered a time or two if they'd used them for Chenford. No lie!
But I love how... relaxed Lucy is in front of Tamara knowing that she doesn't have to hide Tim, anymore.
But this is a serious discussion, and they need Tamara to skidaddle. "Go on, kiddo. Mom and Dad need to talk."
"You have to report it, now." "I know." "And if it was Aaron, you would have reported him already." "I know. But it's not Aaron. It's you." "And you can't be objective when it comes to me, right?"
Look at Tim's sad face and the shake of his head. But this is where Lucy needed him to go. He needed to see that he is going to treat her differently, and that's not going to work.
"And now endeth the Lucy lesson." *giggle* "The what?" *giggles*
I love this, "What" Because Eric Winter puts so much into it that I am cackling with laughter.
"The earrings were never missing?" "Nope! I set them aside and I gave them back to Sergio after work." "That's evil. And impressive. And evil."
GIRLFRIEND! I am so proud of you. It's like a productive prank. Yes, she manipulated him, but much like some of the Tim Tests, it was what he needed. Tim helped Lucy become a better cop. She's helping him become a better boyfriend.
Because in this case, what he needs to do is be honest with himself. He can't be objective where she's concerned.
"I know, but you weren't facing the problem." "Okay, well now I am. So what do we do?"
These two are absolutely working together. I stan a couple who communicates. Because he slides that "we" in there so fast. Lucy and Tim are learning how to really communicate and work through issues as a couple, and I love seeing that on my screen.
When my husband and I first married, I came from a family where screaming and name-calling was the norm. He came from a family where conflict was ignored because it was "unpleasant". It took forever for us to learn how to have a productive discussion when we were on opposite sides of an issue.
One of the simple pleasures of The Rookie's track record with ships is getting to watch our favorite couples work together. Jyla and Wopez paved the way for Chenford, in that respect.
"We only have two real options." "Break up or one of us leaves Mid-Wilshire."
First off, I love how they never even entertain the option of breaking up. Because that isn't an option for them. Yes, it technically exists as an option, but it's not one Tim and Lucy will ever consider.
They're in this and neither one is giving up on it. No second guessing. No doubt. Tim and Lucy are completely sure about one another and secure in their relationship.
"It should be me." "No. No, you love it here." "No, I do. But there isn't an open Sergeant supervisor job anywhere else in the division. I checked. Which means you would have to take a demotion and that's not happening."
I love that she talked about it. And that she'd already researched other Sergeant positions. That's our girl! Sorry... Tim's girl.
But right this second, I can see the wheels turning in Tim's mind. Lucy is basing her assumption on what she's seen of him in the past.
She knew before Rachel did that he wasn't leaving LA. She didn't know about Ashley trying to pressure him into retiring, but anyone who knows Tim knows he loves patrol.
Different as this is for Lucy, I don't know if she yet realizes how different it is for him.
"Lucy-" "No, it'll be fine. Rookies leave their first station after making P2 all the time." "That's true." "So, this is the best move, right?" "Maybe, but we don't need to decide right now."
Lucy is ready to commit to this decision, and I love it for her and for Tim. Because Lucy is choosing Tim. Forget her friends, her commute, and her comraderie. In this moment, Lucy has chosen Tim. And what other woman in his life has ever done that?
It's a hard, hard decision either way, but they both are on the same page... something has to give.
And someone better do something, because there's footage all over these cameras of an Officer and Sergeant in love. Like, that could be a problem, too, if they don't get on top of it.
Tim and Lucy's Silent Approach
This is their first time in a dangerous situation together as a couple. Tim's trying to keep it straight, and so is Lucy. They have innocents to protect. This isn't earrings. This is human life.
And Tim and Lucy get the job done.
But was it harder because of their relationship? That's the question, here. Lucy already proved that Tim can't be objective because of her, but now they're looking at the other angle—what if that hadn't happened so perfectly?
"Nice work today." "You, too. It's not a bad way to end our partnership, saving a family."
First off, Tim has really embraced complimenting Lucy. Second, Lucy has fully embraced that they are no longer going to be in the same chain of command after today.
Look at her picking the lint off of his shirt, which was a classic relationship test in the series New Girl. And then she's touching him and
"Yeah, although we're still not partners. I mean, on the job, anyway."
Look at her tapping his arm in a very gentle hit. Because, now they are partners. And her adorable smile that coaxes out his loving one. Oh, these two!
"It's going to be so weird going to a different station knowing I'm not gonna to see you all day." "Yeah. And there's no guarantee that our shifts will sync up." "I hadn't thought of that. Wait. Wait, wait. So by doing the right thing, we're going to see each other a lot less?" "Most likely." "No." "Yeah."
Gosh, this is hard for them. Melissa O'Neil broke my heart with how Lucy delivered, "I hadn't thought of that". Because Lucy is often the one who has thought of everything.
But this is an area Tim knows better, and now that they're facing this reality, it kinda sucks. But note how Lucy doesn't change course. Because, much as it sucks, they both know it's the right thing to do so they can stay together.
"I'm going to put in my transfer request in the morning."
This is heart-breaking. Lucy goes to pull the bags out of the Shop, like she always does, but Tim grabs ahold of the one closest to him, waving for her to give him the other. He's carrying her burdens. And look at the way she smiles at him.
They hate that the status quo is going to have to change for them to be together. But they will be together. And that's worth it.
Meanwhile I'm screaming at the screen, "Swoop in and resign first so she can stay!"
"Got a minute." "Sure."
Well, that was fast! Tim closes the door behind him and takes a seat. He didn't even wait to get into plainclothes to have this discussion because he wants to be sure he gets there before Lucy does.
And, it's so easy to say, "Oh, there's Tim Bradford giving more, again." But he really isn't. He's giving exactly what Lucy was willing to give for him. Only this scenario is actually better for them even if it's worse for him.
Because Tim finally has a partner who gives and takes, who will hold his hand through the heartache, and call him on his bullshit, and be the one to hold him when he deals with the rolling emotions of his father finally passing. Tim finally has the love of his life. And that's worth all of this.
"I've been keeping something from you. Lucy and I started dating a few weeks ago." "I suspected as much."
No surprises here. We've always said that Grey was onto these two. But, I think he was waiting for them to come to him since it wasn't impacting anything, yet, from what he could tell.
"Sir, we wouldn't've lied, but we needed time to figure out how we felt."
Which means we've missed some scenes. Look, I know I was the first person to say that we're not going to get to see everything (and y'all fic writers are on it, I'm sure). But I don't think they needed time to figure out how they felt so much as they wanted to make sure the other was fully on the same page.
After half a season of miscommunication, Tim and Lucy are trying to get on the same page at every step. Lucy's "Lucy Lessons" illustrate that they have a ways to go, but also that she knows how to get through to Tim when needed. They've got this.
"And since we're having this talk, I assume it's serious." "It is, but for it to be appropriate, I need to move out of her chain of command."
First off, "it is." That's it. That's all Tim has to say because he has full confidence in Lucy's love. Have we ever seen him so sure? Have we ever seen him so secure in love that he will shift the course of his entire career? Of course not.
Lucy is his sun. She is "the one" that Grey once said starting over would be worth it for.
And Grey doesn't question that it only took a few weeks of dating for Tim and Lucy to get to that conclusion. He's watched them battle against one another and together. He's seen the dance as they wrestled with what they felt, and he wasn't oblivious when dancing around one another shifted into dancing together.
This isn't a "You're marrying a man you just met" scenario. Tim and Lucy have known one another in so many ways. The typical timelines and steps don't apply. Yes, Tim and Lucy are taking their time, but that's never been for lack of assurance in one another's commitment to this relationship.
And now Tim is doing what he needs to to protect that relationship... to put them first. Not Lucy first, as Tim too often has done in his relationships, minimizing himself. He's putting them first.
Grey doesn't love helping Tim with this because he knows he's losing a great Supervising Sergeant who can hold down the fort when he goes on trips to visit his daughter at University. This is going to create a giant hole in the Chain of Command.
But Grey's going to help Tim, anyway. Because, this is a man of integrity—a man who walked into this office to come clean without prodding, who wants to do the right thing, who has finally finally found love after all his heartache and loss.
Who wouldn't want to help a man like that?
"Okay. Unfortunately, there's only one position open that'll do that." "I'll take it." "It's not a great job." "Doesn't matter. I'll take it."
TIM BRADFORD. See this is what we love about Tim. When he's all-in, he's all-in. Before, it was the job. Now, it's Lucy.
He is walking away from the job he loves to get out of her chain of command and keep her from having to leave. This is such an incredible demonstration of love, and despite the Chenford scene following this one, this is the scene that has me in a choke hold.
Tim doesn't ask for a pay scale. He doesn't ask for a job description. Hell, he doesn't even know what the job is. He sees that it meets what he needs to maintain his and Lucy's integrity and not be separated from the woman he loves. That's it. That's what matters.
Some things matter more.
No, he didn't utter the line. But, he's saying it with his actions. By making this sacrifice, he's showing her that a job will never be more important than her. That his love of patrol is great, but his love of Lucy is greater.
Because, at the end of the day, he doesn't want to see Lucy only on alternating Tuesdays and bank holidays. He wants them to have time together so they can continue to build this relationship. He wants them to build a life together. And that takes time.
So, to give them the time... he takes a step back. Because this is true love, damnit.
"So, I've been thinking, Hollywood division would be kind of ideal."
I love Lucy cooking for her man. Because next time it's Tim's turn. This is something neither of them will ever do out of duty or expectation, but because they both enjoy cooking, and this is an expression of love.
Lucy has a whole meal planned out for Tim. There's salad bowls, an open bottle of wine, plates and placemats.
Second, Lucy's about to give me a Wings-style heart attack with how many candles she's lit (the place burned to the ground while the couple hooked up... it's the only episode of that show I remember).
We knew from end of Season 4 that she likes to light candles like my Dad when he was tipsy during a hurricane (so. many. candles), but last time they weren't actually considering naked time.
"Well, it's not necessary. I talked to Grey, And you're looking at the new Court Liaison Sergeant." "But that's a desk job." "Yeah. Out of your chain of command. "You'll be bored out of your mind."
First off, Lucy knows Tim well enough to know he'd never be satisfied in a desk job. She didn't even consider this job when she looked up available jobs. But he took it without looking at the job description. Because some things matter more.
"That doesn't matter. Look, you and I'll get to see each other every day. And you won't have to travel to some, I don't know, far away station where they'll make you work the midnight shift because you're the newbie."
He has a sound argument. My husband and I worked opposite schedules the first year and a half of our marriage. I worked nights and he worked days. It was awful. Building a marriage when you never seen one another is a struggle I wish upon none.
And at this angle, I FINALLY get to confirm that Tim is wearing a shirt that snaps open and closed. It's not even a button-up. He went for snaps. This man came prepared. Talk about understanding the assignment!
"Tim-" "It's done. Okay. No sense in arguing about it."
This is such a husband move. Like, we all know she was willing to be the one to go, but he jumped in first, and it means they get more time together. "Wins all around", right Lucy?
And Tim and Lucy could argue about it (because they are "worth the effort"), but it's unnecessary. What's done is done.
"But we're so good at arguing."
Lucy, now you are reminding me of the couple with the golf clubs. The horny side, I mean, not the property-destruction side. Because, YOWZA, you knew what you were doing leaning over and kissing him like that, leaving enough room for him to stand up and come to you.
Yes, I know there are pieces of tape on the floor showing them where to stand. Shhhh! I'm in Chenfordland, right now, and I'm going to give Lucy full credit for that move.
Tim slips in his "I know" before kissing her, again, practically murmuring it against her lips.
"I know. But I'm hoping that we're good at certain other things, as well."
Welp. THAT happened. I mean, how the heck am I supposed to get through this scene without taking apart every move of the hand, of the lip, of the eye, of the BELT!? Oy vey, y'all, strap in (heh), because this is gonna take a bit.
First off, Lucy's kiss when he was sitting was definitely a come-hither kiss. She's got her arms wrapped around his shoulders for balance, but also to put a little weight on him. I mean, for all we know she likes it on top, right?
As they stand up, she's already got her hands on his shirt, on his chest. She's telegraphing interest as Tim's right hand takes a trail up her thigh to her waist.
And. Look. At. His. SMILE! Tim Bradford just walked away from patrol to take a desk job, but it's all worth it because he's looking into the eyes of his love, and she's staring back at him. And now they're both ready for this next step.
Tim is glowing in the light of her love. I once likened Lucy to the sun and Tim to a star. Now, technically, a sun is a star, right? And some solar systems have more than one sun. Lucy and Tim are each other's light. Neither has ever felt this secure in a relationship. This alive.
Rachel wanted Tim to move. He didn't. Ashley wanted Tim to retire. He didn't. Chris wanted Lucy to move in. She didn't.
Three weeks in and they're both ready to walk away from the job they love for the other? In the words of How I Met Your Mother, "That's love, bitch."
"Want to find out right now?" "Yeah."
Tim's "yeah" is barely above a whisper, but it's there. I wasn't certain it would be subtitled, but I'm so glad they did!
And I love that they are both on the same page. There's no doubt or confusion about what's about to happen. Lucy invited Tim to cross another threshold with her, and he breathed that sweet "Yeah" that's peppered their conversations since they became a couple.
"Yeah" when she said she wanted to get dinner sometime. "Yeah" when acknowledging they would do the right thing but never see each other. His soft little "Yeah"s are multi-purpose.
But that breathless one just now? Oh, that takes the cake, folks!
Lucy wastes no time with Tim's shirt. Her hands were on his snaps before his mouth met hers. No wasting time, here. She starts with one snap at a time, but at the end it's like popcorn, tearing that shirt open because it is in her way.
And her little sounds as she's undressing him? Girlfriend is gone. (and I can say that, now, because I'm never going to get over Lucy Chen being Tim's girlfriend)
C'mon. When she was wiring him to go undercover as the Hit man she was totally scoping those pecs. And let's not forget Rachel's house where all the man was wearing was a towel. Lucy's seen things. Now she wants to fully appreciate them.
There's a difference between admiring artwork from afar and really getting your hands into the clay on the wheel. Lucy's done looking. It's time to get hands-on.
Tim's left hand goes for her face, but he feels the last button give. She pushes the shirt over his shoulders, and as he pulls the sleeves off, completely, Lucy is all eyes on her man.
And what I love about this is that as Lucy is appreciating every inch of Tim's chest, her hands tracing the V toward his pelvis, his eyes are watching her, drinking her in. Seeing her turned on is turning him on all the more.
Her eyes meet his, and she smiles the most serenely sexy smile. This is everything she ever wanted in a relationship, and tonight is everything she ever wanted in a last "first time".
The second he shakes that shirt lose, his lips are back on hers. Her right hand winds around his back, her other on his face. He has both hands on her face, directing each kiss with the surety Lucy once dreamt.
Tim loves to touch Lucy's face. Like the airplane bathroom and the kiss at the food truck. But this kiss is different. Instead of sweet, this is starving.
Tim is starved from his want of Lucy. Forget the dinner Lucy was making... Tonight Tim and Lucy feast on one another.
Lucy got the engine started, but Tim's the one driving, now. And like her dream of him, she's all the more turned on by him taking the lead.
He's firm, but not aggressive, as he kisses her, drinking in every taste of her mouth like it's his first drink of water after days without. Lucy is the only thing to sate his thirst.
Her hand traces his back before both hands land on his belt. She's pulling him as much as he's pushing her toward the bedroom. They walk in step together, like the hottest four-legged, sandwich-style race. Lucy giggles as they go.
Because sexy as this is, it's also still them. Tim and Lucy are enjoying themselves. And we've learned through the course of this relationship, thus far, that comes with some giggles from Lucy.
No doubt, she's built this up in her mind. They both have. But here in this moment, they aren't second-guessing or wondering. Tim's not standing before her, waiting to see if she's interested. Lucy's not thinking about the past and letting it still her.
In this moment, they are both living, breathing, and craving right now.
Tomorrow, there'll be the jobs, and the logistics, and all the other things to worry about. But in this moment, Tim Bradford and Lucy Chen are carefree save the love they carry for one another.
Every kiss is punctuated by desire fueled by love. There's echos of every other kiss they've shared—but these kisses are like breathing. In this moment, Tim and Lucy are one another's oxygen tanks, and the only way to exchange breath is to share it.
They could bee-line right to the bedroom, but Tim can't help himself. He doesn't want to wait to feel himself pressed fully against her—every curve of her body responding to his.
His right hand reaches for the door frame, so when he pushes Lucy back against it, she doesn't hit her head. In fact, his left hand is cradling her head, so it's his hand that meets his hand.
But she feels every muscle, every part of Tim pressing against her, wanting her, aching for her. With every touch of his bare skin against her skin, his taste on her lips, and his pelvis pressed against hers, her desire grows.
Her left hand winds to his neck, as though she could pull him even closer, somehow merging every part of them before they've even made it to the next layer of clothing discarded.
Tim shifts so his left hand is around her waist as she backs into her bedroom, Tim practically on top of her, not wanting to separate an inch now that he's finally here. He can feel her responding to him, and like her lips, he's growing addicted to that feeling.
Tim pushes the door most of the way closed as Lucy giggles, completely free in the wonder of his love. Locks of Lucy's hair catch the frosted glass as the door slams shut—Lucy no doubt with her back against that door (and possibly lifted up by Tim, judging on the placement of her hair in that window).
Tim Bradford once more forgetting the bed behind him because they're going to break it anyway.
Seriously. I fully expect "Lucy needs a new bed" to be a plot point. Just to see her scrolling options on her phone would be enough for me! That bed is not ready for the action it's gonna see tonight.
I have to say, I love that we can hear the scene. The music isn't overpowering this moment, and for someone like me whose ears hear everything, but can't separate if sounds are too close in decibel or pitch, that made the scene.
Back when they kissed in the airplane bathroom, we could hear the sounds of their lips. But this scene was so much sexier with all of Lucy's hums and gentle moans into his mouth. The music volume was perfect to add to the moment without distracting from it.
Fan Fic Writers... go do your thing!
And to Eric Winter, golly, I hope he wasn't too sick. Listening to how much of a voice he has in each scene and gauging shooting scheduled based on how weak it was was amusing. But, seriously, the job of an actor can be killer. Any job in the industry that involves being on-set, really.
My mom is a hair and makeup artist. She worked on a series in Wilmington in the late 90's where one of the lead actresses and she both had the flu. Didn't matter. They both had to work through. Mom has this photo of the two of them passed out on a couch together between scenes. It makes her smile, now, but it reminds me of how hard it can be.
We think about the glitz and glamor. And while that does exist, the hours alone can be a huge deterrent for any sane person. Creating art takes time, patience, and a crew of folks who sacrifice so much of their personal lives to make it happen.
If it's a good crew, it can become like family. If it's a complicated one, it can be incredibly trying to get through 18+ hour days stuck together, short turnarounds, and Fraturday schedules.
Also, I hope poor Melissa O'Neil didn't get sick from Eric Winter because of this scene. Because, golly, it's a weird job, right? I once did a shoot where I had to make-out with two separate men I'd never met before on the same day (no, it wasn't a porno). Like, you're really getting paid to do this. It's so weird.
Back to the show... There's a line in this episode that Wesley says to Angela that really sticks out for me... kind of the mantra of all the ships of The Rookie "It's not ideal, but we can handle it."
Romance in real life is messy. Too often, I see television shows go one of two ways... full on soap opera or train wreck. There are very few shows I trust with ships, even in hindsight.
The Rookie shows these very real people dealing with very real issues. Kids keeping you on a schedule that prevents you from getting any sleep. Having more kids. Shared calendars. New love and job schedules. All of that is so relatable, and it's so nice to see a show that is committed to showing people work through.
It's a detail that I really appreciate as a real person with real issues.
Anyway, if any of y'all are still alive, I want to thank you for reading. I have so much fun writing these, and the fact that people read and comment and enjoy them still blows me away. Thank you.
See you on the next!"
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Crossroad Blues
"So much for our low profile. You've got a warrant in St. Louis, and now you're officially in the Fed's database." Sam said as we sit at a table in a diner and Sam was looking through his computer. "Dude, I'm like Dillinger or something." Dean said, grinning. "Dean, it's not funny. Makes the job harder, we've gotta be more careful now." I said to him and he shrugs.
"Well, what do they got on you two?" He asked Sam looks through the computer. "I'm sure they just haven't posted it yet." He mutters. "No accessory? Nothing?" Dean asked. "Shut up." Sam growls and Dean starts to laugh. "You're jealous." He said. "No, I'm not!" Sam said, angrily. "Uh-huh. All right. What do you got on the case there, you innocent, harmless young man, you?" Dean asked and I roll my eyes and shake my head.
Sam shuts his computer, annoyed, and pulls out several pages of research. "Architect Sean Boyden plummeted to his death from the roof of his home, a condominium he designed." Sam said as Dean and I look through the pages. "Hmm. Build a high-rise and jump off the top of it. That's classy. When did he call animal control?" Dean said. "Two days earlier." Sam replied.
"Did he actually say Black Dog?" I asked him. "Yeah. A vicious, wild, black dog. The authorities couldn't find it, no one else saw it; in fact, the authorities are a little confused as to how a wild dog could get past the doorman, take the elevator up and start roaming the halls of the cushiest joint in town. After that, no more calls, he doesn't show up for work, two days later he takes a swan dive." Sam replied.
"Do you think we're dealing with an actual Black Dog?" Dean asked. "Well, maybe." Sam said, shrugging. "What's the lore on the Hound of the Baskerville?" I asked and Sam chuckles a bit at this as he passes some pages to us. "It's all pretty vague. I mean, there are spectral black dogs all over the world, but...some say they're animal spirits, others say death omens. But anyways, whatever they are, they're big, nasty..." Sam said as Dean flips to a picture of a large black dog.
"Yeah, I bet they could hump the crap outta your leg, look at that one, huh?" He said as he holds up the picture and smirks. I let out a snort while Sam glares at us, making Dean's smirk slip. "What? They could." Dean said.
In a posh, well-lit room, the boys and I were wearing suits and interviewing a man about Sean Boyden. "So, you and Sean Boyden were business partners for almost ten years, right?" Sam asked him. "That's right. Now one more time, this is for...?" The man said, suspiciously, before I talk over him. "A tribute to Mr. Boyden. Architectural Digest." I said and the man laughs.
"This funny to you?" Dean asked him. "No, it...it's just, a tribute. Yeah. See, Sean always got the tributes. He kills himself, leaves me and his family behind...well, he gets another tribute." He said. "Right. Any idea why he'd do such a thing?" Sam asked. "I, I have no clue, I mean he lived a charmed life." The man replied.
"How so?" I asked him. "He was a flat-out genius. I mean, I'm capable, but next to him, I...and it wasn't always that way, either." The man replied. "No?" We said, questionable. "You wanna know the truth? There was a time where he couldn't even design a pup tent. Hell, ten years ago he's working as a bartender at this place called Lloyds. A complete dive." The man said.
"Right. So what changed?" Sam asked and the man shrugs. "You got me. But overnight, he gets this huge commission, and he starts designing...he starts designing the most ingenious buildings anyone has ever seen. It was like, the level of Van Gogh, and Mozart..." then the man cuts off abruptly.
"What?" Dean asked him. "It's funny. True geniuses, they seem to die young, don't they? To have that kind of talent? Why...why just throw it away?" The man asked us.
Later, Dean exits the Animal Protection Agency, still wearing the suit. Sam and I were waiting in the car and DeN gets in the driver's side. "So." We said. "Secretary's name is Carly. She's twenty three, she, uh, kayaks, and they're real." Dean said and Sam let's out a sigh as I flick Dean's ear. 
"Ow!" He exclaimed and I glare at him. "You didn't happen to ask her if she's seen any black dogs lately, did you?" I asked him and he holds up a page. "Every complaint called in this week about anything big, black, or dog-like. There's nineteen calls in all. And, uh..." he said as he pulls off a Post-it note. "I don't know what this thing is." He said.
Sam takes it, reads it, and laughs then glances at Dean "You mean Carly's MySpace address?" Sam said, smiling, while Dean and I look at him, confused. "What the hell is that?" I asked and Sam laughs again. "Seriously, is that like some sort of porn site?" Dean asked with a smile. "Is everything in your world linked to porn?" I asked him, annoyed. Dean looks up, thinking, then said. "Yeah." I shake my head, annoyed, while Sam chuckles.
Afterwhile, we approach another white suburban door and knock. "I swear, if this is another freakin' Pomeranian barking in the neighbor's yard..." Dean grumbles. "Aw, don't worry, I'll protect you from the big, bad Pomeranian." I said in a mocking voice and Dean glares at me as the door opens to reveal a young woman.
"Afternoon, ma'am." Dean said as we pull out our ID. "Uh, Animal Control." He said. "Oh, someone already came yesterday." She said to us. "Oh, we're just following up. We're looking for Dr. Sylvia Pearlman?" Sam asked and the woman let's us in.
"The Doctor, well, she, I don't know exactly when she'll be back, she left two days ago." The woman said to us. "Okay. And you are...?" I said, curiously. "I'm Ms. Pearlman's maid." She replied. "So where did the Doctor go?" Dean asked. "I'm not sure. She just packed and went, she didn't say where. That stray dog, did you find it finally?" The woman asked.
"Oh, not yet. You know, you didn't ever happen to see the dog yourself, did you?" Sam asked her. "Well, no. I never even heard it." She said as I look around and take a photograph off the wall: it shows a woman, presumably Pearlman, at a bar with two friends. "I was almost starting to think the Doctor was imagining things, but she's not like that, so..." the woman said and I turn to her.
"Hey, you know I read she was, uh chief surgeon at the hospital. She's gotta be what, forty two, forty three? That's pretty young for that job." I pointed out. "Youngest in the history of the place. She got the position...ten years ago?" The woman said and I give a surprised noise.
"Huh. An overnight success. Ten years ago." Sam said as he and Dean come up to me. "Yeah, we know a guy like that." Dean said and I look at the photo closer. "Oh, look at this." I said and I hold up the photo and flip it over to show writing on the back. "Lloyd's Bar." I said.
We pull up outside Lloyd's Bar and get out. As we walk towards the bar, Dean looks to the side and stops in his tracks. "Hey." He said and Sam and I stop. "Yeah?" We said. "That's weird." Dean said as he points at the yellow flowers that are growing on the sides of the road.
"What?" Sam asked Dean. "Think someone planted these?" Dean asked. "Middle of all these weeds?" I said, disbelief. "These are, uh, what do you call 'em." Dean said as he looks at the flowers. "Yarrow flowers?" Sam said and Dean nods. "Yeah. Used for certain rituals, aren't they?" He asked. "Yeah, actually. Summoning rituals." Sam replied.
"Heh. So, two people become sudden successes about ten years ago. Right around the time they were hanging out here at Lloyd's." I said as I look around to see that we were in the middle of a crossroad. "Where there just happens to be a crossroads." Sam said then he turns to us. "You think?" He asked. "Let's find out." Dean said.
Then he walks to the center of the crossroads and looks around, measuring. "This seem about the dead center to you?" Dean asked us and we nod. He digs a few inches into the hard soil and hits something solid. He stops. "Yahtzee." He said and he drops the shovel and digs with his hands, pulling out an old rusted box.
He opens it, revealing that it contains several small bones, a picture and a small stoppered jar that Sam takes out. "I'd be willing to bet that's graveyard dirt. And a black cat bone." Sam said. "That's serious spellwork. I mean, that's Deep South Hoodoo stuff." I said. "Used to summon a demon." Sam said.
"Not just summon one. Crossroads are where pacts are made. These people are actually making deals with the damn thing. You know, 'cause that always ends good." Dean said. "They're seeing dogs, all right. But not Black Dogs, they're seeing Hellhounds. Demonic pit bulls." I said and Dean nods. "Yeah, whoever this demon is, it's back and it's collecting. And that doctor lady? Wherever she's running? She ain't running fast enough." Dean said.
"So it's just like the Robert Johnson legend, right? I mean, selling your soul at the crossroads, kind of deal?" Sam said and we nod. "Yeah, except that wasn't a legend. I mean, you know his music." Dean said to us. I nod but Sam shrugs. "You don't know Robert Johnson's songs?" I asked him and he shakes his head.
"Sam, there's, there's occult references all over his lyrics, I mean, Crossroad Blues? Me and the Devil Blues? Hellhound on My Trail?" Dean said and Sam frowns, then Dean rolls his eyes and I sigh. "The story goes, he died choking on his own blood, he was hallucinating, and muttering about big evil dogs." Dean explains. "And now it's happening all over again." Sam said. "Yeah." Dean and I said.
"We've gotta figure out if anyone else struck any bargains around here." Sam said and Dean scoffs. "Great. So we've gotta clean up these peoples' mess for 'em? I mean, they're not exactly squeaky clean. Nobody put a gun to their head and forced 'em to play Let's Make A Deal." Dean said, annoyed.
"So what, we should just leave them to die?" I asked Dean. "Somebody goes over Niagara in a barrel, you gonna jump in and try to save 'em?" Dean asked me. "Dean." Sam and I said, exasperated. "All right. Fine." Dean grumbles. "Rituals like this, you've got to put your own photo into the mix, right? So this guy probably summoned this thing, let's go and see if anyone inside knows him. If he's still alive." Dean said, holding up the picture, and we head inside.
"What's this guy's name again?" Sam asked as we walk up a set of wide, wooden stairs to the fourth floor of an apartment. "George Darrow. Apparently quite the regular at Lloyd's." I said while Dean looks around. "Though this house probably ain't up next on MTV Cribs, is it?" He said. "Yeah. So whatever kind of deal he made..." Sam trails off. "Wasn't for cash. Oh, who knows. Maybe this place is full of babes in Princess Leia bikinis." Dean said and Sam and I laugh.
"No, I'm just saying, this guy's got one epic bill come due. Hope at least he asked for something fun." Dean said as we reach the landing and stop in front of apartment 4C. The floor is dusted with a fine black powder.
"Look at that." I said and we crouch down, fingering it. "What is that, pepper?" Dean asked when the door opens to reveal a middle-aged man with graying hair, wearing a grimy t-shirt and open button-down. 
"Who the hell are you?" He asked us, in a threatening tone. "George Darrow?" I said. "I'm not buying anything." He said as he starts shut the door. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, looks like you went for the wrong shaker there. Heh. Usually when you want to keep something evil out you go for the salt." Dean said to him as George looks between the three of us.
"I don't know what you talkin' about." He said. "Talkin' about this." Dean said as he holds up the small picture. "Tell me. You seen that Hellhound yet?" He asked and George stares at us. "Look. We want to help. Please. Just five minutes." Sam said to him. George looks at us for a moment then opens the door to let us in.
George shows us in and pours himself a glass of whisky. The studio apartment is filled with paintings, completed and half-finished, and a table holds painting supplies. "So what is that stuff out front?" I asked him. "Goofer Dust." He replied and we look at him, blankly.
"What, you three think you know somethin' about somethin' but not Goofer dust?" George asked us and he tosses Dean a brown sack, tied close with twine. He catches it. "Well, we know a little about a lot of things. Just enough to make us dangerous." Dean said to him.
"What is it?" Sam asked, nodding at the brown sack. "Hoodoo. My grandma taught me. Keeps out demons." George said. "Demons we know." Dean said. "Well, then. Maybe it'll do you some good." George said as he walks over to a chair. "Four minutes left." He said.
Dean glances at us then Sam takes the lead. "Mr. Darrow. We know you're in trouble." Sam said. "Yeah, that you got yourself into." Dean said. "But it's not hopeless, all right?" I said, half-directing that towards Dean. "There's gotta be something we can do." I said as I turn to George. "Listen. I get that you three want to help. But sometimes a person makes their bed, they've just got to lie down in it. I'm the one called that demon in the first place." He said.
"What'd you do it for?" Dean asked. "I was weak. I mean, who don't want to be great? Who don't want their life to mean something? I just...I just never thought about the price." George said. "Was it worth it?" I asked him. "Hell no. 'Course, I asked for talent. Shoulda gone for fame. I'm still broke, and lonely. Just now I got this pile of paintings don't nobody want. But that wasn't the worst." George said, angrily.
"Go on." Sam said. "Demon didn't leave. I never counted on that. After our deal was done the damn thing stayed at Lloyd's for a week. Just chattin'. Makin' more deals. I tried to warn folks, but, I mean who's goin' to listen to an old drunk?" George said. "How many others are there?" I asked him. "Uh, the architect, that doctor lady — I kept up with them, they've been in the papers. Least they got famous." George grumbles.
"Who else, George? Come on, think." Dean said. "One more. Uh, nice guy too. Hudson. Evan, I think. I don't know what he asked for. Don't matter now. We done for." George said. "No. No, there's gotta be a way." Sam said. "You don't get it! I don't want a way!" George yells.
"Look, you don't--" 
"I called that thing! I brought it on myself. I brought it on them. I'm going to hell, one way or another. All I want is to finish my last painting. Day or two, I'm done. I'm just trying to hold them off 'till then. Buy a little time." George said then he starts to get up, interrupting Sam. "Okay, kids. Time you went, go help somebody that wants help." He said.
"We can't just —" 
"Get out! I got work to do." George yelled at me. "You don't really want to die." Sam said, firmly. "I don't? I'm...I'm tired." George said as he turns to his painting. The boys and I share a look before we leave George to his painting.
The boys and I approach Evan's front door and I go and knock on the door. A moment later, a man opens the door. "Yes?" He answers. "Evan Hudson?" Sam asked and he nods. "You ever been to a bar called Lloyd's? Would have been about ten years ago." Dean said. Terrified, Evan slams the door and latches it. 
"Come on, we're not demons!" I said as we hear him run then Sam turns to me and Dean. "Any other bright ideas?" Sam asked us. Dean steps back, sets himself, then kicks the door down in one go. "Well, that's one way." I said and we enter the house.
Once we make it to the back room, Dean prepares to kick down that door too but I catch his leg, stopping him. "What—" Dean start to say but I look at him pointedly. Then Sam turns the handle and pushes the door open gently. The room is quiet as we enter.
"Evan?" Sam calls out and Evan jumps out from behind a bookshelf. "Please! Don't hurt me." He pleads to us but Sam and I hold our hands out, pacifying. "We're not going to hurt you, all right? We're here to help you." Sam said to him, kindly. "We know all about the genius deal you made." Dean said, angrily.
"What? How?" Evan asked. "Doesn't matter. All that matters is, we're trying to stop it." Dean said. "How do I know you're not lying?" Evan asked us. "Well, you don't, but you're kinda running low on options there, buddy-boy." Dean said and Evan swallows and starts pacing.
"Can you stop it?" Evan asked us. "Don't know. We'll try." I said and Evan looks over at us, with fear. "I don't want to die." He said, tearfully. "Of course you don't, not now." Dean sneered and Sam turns to him. "Dean. Stop." He said, quietly.
"What'd you ask for anyway, Evan? Huh? Never need Viagra? Bowl a perfect game? What?" Dean asked. "My wife." Evan replied and Dean laughs. "Right. Gettin' the girl. Well, that's worth a trip to hell for." Dean said and I grab his arm. "Dean, stop." I said to him, firmly.
"No. He's right, I made the deal. Nobody twisted my arm, that...woman, or whatever she was, at the bar? She said I could have anything I wanted. I thought she was nuts at first, but...I don't know how to—I was desperate." Evan replied. "Desperate?" Sam and I asked, confused.
"Julie was dying." Evan said and we stand there in shock. "You did it to save her?" Dean asked him. "She had cancer, they'd stopped treatment, they were moving her into hospice, they kept saying...a matter of days. So yeah, I made the deal. And I'd do it again. I'd have died for her on the spot." Evan said and I give him a sympathetic smile.
"Did you ever think about her in all this?" Dean asked him. "I did this for her." Evan replied and Dean advances on him. "You sure about that? I think you did it for yourself. So you wouldn't have to live without her. But guess what? She's going to have to live without you now. But what if she knew how much it cost? What if she knew it cost your soul? How do you think she'd feel?" Dean asked, angrily, and Sam and I put a hand on Dean's chest, pulling him back.
"Okay, that's enough." Sam said and Dean turns and walks away. I sigh then turn to Sam and Evan. "You just sit tight, all right? We're going to figure this out." I said to Evan then I look at Sam. "Stay here with him, I'll talk to Dean." I said and I follow Dean into the hallway.
"You all right?" I asked him, concerned. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Hey, I got an idea." Dean said and he pulls out the Goofer dust. "You and Sam throw George's hoodoo at that Hellhound, keep it away from Evan as long as you guys can. I'm gonna go to the crossroads and summon the demon." Dean said and my jaw drops.
"Summon— are you nuts?" I asked as I look at him like he was insane. "Maybe a little. But I can trap it. I can exorcise it, and I can buy us time to figure out something more permanent." Dean said to me.
"Yeah, but how much time?" I asked. "I don't know, a while. I mean, it's not easy for those suckers to claw their way back from hell and into the sunshine." He said and I shake my head. "No. No way." I said. "You're not allowed to say no, (y/n), not unless you've got a better idea." Dean exclaims.
"Dean, you can forget it, all right? I'm not letting you summon that demon." I said. "Why not?" Dean asked me, angrily. "Because I don't like where your head is at right now, that's why not." I shouted.
"What are you talking about?" He asked me. "You know, you've been on edge ever since we found that crossroads, Dean, and I think I know why." I said and he rolls his eyes. "We don't have time for this." He said and he brushes past me.
"John." I said as I turn and see that he stopped in his tracks. "You think maybe John made one of these deals, huh? Hell. I've been thinking it. I'm sure you and Sam have been thinking it too." I said and Dean lowers his head. "It fits, doesn't it? I'm alive, Dad's dead. The yellow-eyed demon was involved." He said, softly. "What if he did? What if he struck a deal? My life for his soul?" Dean asked, quietly, as he turns to me.
Before I could say anything, we hear Evan shouting. "I think I hear it! It's outside!" We look towards the door as Sam said. "Guys!" Dean and I look back at each other then Dean said. "Just keep him alive, okay?" 
"Dean..." I said, worried, but he shakes his head. "Go!" He said and I frown, slightly, then I walk up to him and kiss his cheek. I pull back and I could see a shock look on his face then I placed my right hand on his cheek. "Be careful, okay?" I said. He nods and leaves then I head back into the office room.
After explaining Dean's idea, Sam and I started sprinkling the dust in a line before the windows. Then we start making a circle of it around Evan, who stands in the middle of the room. "What is that stuff?" He asked us. "Goofer dust." Sam replied.
"You serious?" Evan asked. "Yeah. 'Fraid so. Look. Believe us, don't believe us, whatever you want. Just whatever you do, stay inside the circle, all right?" I said to him and Evan nods then hugs himself.
He stands in the middle of the circle that Sam and I just finish as I shake the bag to get out the last grains. "That's the last of it." I said then we stand there and look around until Evan whirls around, like he could hear something.
"What?" Sam and I asked him. "You hear that?" Evan asked us, fear etched all over his face. "No, where?" Sam asked then Evan looks at the door. "Right outside the door." He said then the doors begin to rattle violently. Sam and I then step inside the circle.
Side by side inside the circle of dust, Evan, Sam and I stare tensely at the rattling door. "Just don't move, all right? Stay where you are." I said to Evan. The rattling became louder, and more violent, then suddenly it stops. 
Sam and I exchange a look before we, cautiously, look around. "Do you still hear it?" Sam asked Evan. "No. Is it over?" Evan asked us. "Don't know...maybe." I said when rumbling sound comes from  the wall. The three of us whirl to stare at the grating just as it bursts outward, kicking dust into the room. 
"It's here!" Evan screams as we see a visible wind coming through and surrounding us. "No! Back inside the circle!" I shout and we gathered close together in the middle of the circle.
Deep claw marks gouge into the floor in a path towards the circle; they stop just before the edge. We back away slowly, while the wind started to eat away at our protective circle. "Circle's broken. Come on!" Sam shouts and we pull Evan out of the room and down the hall.
We dart into a storeroom and slam the door behind us. Sam and I braces ourselves against it while the Hellhounds start to pound it down. Dean, hurry up! I thought, frantically, as the pounding on the door got more and more violent. Suddenly, the pounding stops and Sam and I look at each other then over at Evan, the three of us panting.
After making sure Evan was okay and Dean returned from the crossroads, Dean drives us down a dark road as he explains what happened. "Demons lie all the time, right? Maybe she was lying." Sam said to Dean, referring to the demon telling Dean that John made a deal to save his life. "Come on. That really what you think?" Dean asked Sam and Sam looks down.
"How could he do it?" Dean asked, disappointed and angry. "He did it for you." I said to him. "Exactly. How am I supposed to live with that? You know, the thought of him...wherever he is right now. I mean, he spent his whole life chasing that...yellow-eyed son of a bitch. He should have gone out fighting. That was supposed to be his legacy. You know? Not bargaining with the damn thing. Not this." Dean said, angry.
"How many people do you think Dad saved? Total?" Sam asked. "That's not the point, Sam." Dean growls. "Evan Hudson is safe because of what Dad taught us. That's his legacy, Dean. But we're still here, man. So we gotta keep going, for him." Sam said to him and Dean stays silent.
"Dean?" I said, softly.
"Yeah." He replied and I swallow, nervously, fearing for the answer to my question. "When you were trapping that demon, you weren't...I mean, it was all a trick, right? You never considered actually making that deal, right?" I asked him. Dean told us that the demon would let Evan live if Dean would trade his life for Evan, ten years of course he would get but after that....he would be gone.
Dean stares straight ahead, then turns his head towards the window. He reaches forward and turns the radio on full blast and doesn't say a word. Sam and I flinch then Sam looks over at me with a worried and nervous glance.
I bite my lips then let out a sigh and lean back in the seat and look out the window at the passing scenery.
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dudadragneel · 11 months
Hello guys! It's me!
How are you doing?
Now, this one was supposed to be a little drabble but I got a little carried away...
Anyways, enjoy!
Thinking about Hyunjin who has a really bad stomachache and he’s been crying on and off all day and can barely eat anything but once he feels a bit better he goes with reader to the library while she study’s in silence and he just kinda tries to distract himself with reading, but then he starts feeling nauseous and can’t really talk because yk you gotta be QUIET in a library. So he has to text her to tell her he feels like he’s going to vomit but she’s not quite getting the hint that he wants to leave so he has to be really blunt with her 😭. THEN she takes him outside and he just dry heaves, then she gives him water and he just throws up the water. but when they get in the car…oh that’s a WHOLE new situation and mess.
While you were on your midterms, Hyunjin was in a well-deserved rest period. However,  the poor boy's body was feeling the toll from the last promotion. His immune system wasn't doing that great and he ate something that didn't sit well with his stomach.
He woke up with a really bad stomach ache, it was a sharp pain around his middle, especially sharp in the pit of his stomach. The pain was so strong he actually started crying at some point.
- babe, it hurts!
- oh baby. I know it does. I gave you medicine, it will take some time for it to work. Do you want to eat some light soup? Or maybe a fruit?
- no...it feels horrible...I feel like I've eaten enough for the week.
- but you didn't eat anything. Not since last night.
-I know....but I just can't, it's hurting too much.
- oh Hyune...do you want me to rub your belly?
- yes...
You sat next to him at the edge of the bed where he was lying down and proceeded to rub his belly. He felt comfortable with your touch and closed his eyes to try and rest. In a few minutes, he managed to fall asleep.
You let him rest while you finished doing your chores at the house and prepared something light for him to eat in case he woke up feeling a little better.
A few hours later, he woke up feeling a little better, the pain was barely there and he was actually feeling a bit hungry.
You had prepared some light snacks for him, as you thought that would sit better than soup.
- Hey sleepyhead.
- Hey babe.
He said going towards you like a little kid for a hug.
You hugged him as he buried his face on your shoulders and spoke softly.
- Are you feeling better?
- Yeah...a little....
- Do you want to eat something?
- Yeah...
- Come on.
You said as you grabbed his hand and walked to the table. You served him the snacks you were preparing before in hopes he'd be able to get at least a little bite in.
- You don't have to eat everything. Just pick what you think your stomach will agree with.
- Woah! Thank you, honey.
You just smiled as you sat in front of him while he ate. You kept scrolling through your phone and chatting with him.
- Hyune
- Hm?
- I'm thinking about going to the library to study later. Are you gonna be ok alone?
- Can I accompany you?
- are you sure? Are you feeling better?
- Yeah. I think going out of the house might help me feel less stressed.
- Okay then. Why don't you finish eating and while you digest your food, I'll take a shower and get ready?
- ok!
He did as you told him, he sat on the couch and patiently waited while you showered and gathered your stuff.
The local library wasn't that big but it was beautiful and cozy and definitely helped you feel more concentrated to study.
You found a free table, sat down, and organized your things, you put on your earphones to help you concentrate more. Hyunjin just sat in front of you, completely in love seeing you so focused. He loved seeing how passionate you were about the things you did, even if it was just sitting down and studying.
He couldn't really keep on using his phone so he decided to look for a book about art to read while you studied.
At first, he was entertained, almost like a toddler, he managed to learn about some other painting techniques and he was happy that this outing turned out to be productive for him as well.
But then things started to go south. As he was reading, the stomachache from earlier was starting to turn into full nausea.
And unfortunate to him because, ironically, he picked a book that had tons of Van Gogh's paintings in it, and all that swirling werent helping at all.
He brought a hand to his stomach and gently pressed on it because even though he felt nauseous, the pain from earlier was still lingering around.
He tried to stay focused on the book but the more he tried to read or look at the pictures the more his stomach twisted. He placed the book on the table, closed his eyes took and deep breath in, and exhaled, trying to keep the nausea at bay.
He kept bringing his hand to his stomach and fidgeting on the chair, most to catch your attention, but you were basically in another dimension of full focus, and he didn't really want to use his phone and risk feeling even worse.
But the nausea was growing stronger, so he had no other option. He got his phone and texted you, but the contents of the message weren't shown so you just shrugged it off as him trying to distract you.
He sent a few more texts, but you didn't even bother looking up, part of you wanted to show him that you could stay focused even when he incorporated a toddler to annoy you. But little did you know the distress he was in.
He set down his phone and lay his head on his arms, but the nausea was reaching its peak. He could feel the little he had eaten earlier sloshing around and his mouth started pooling with saliva. He started to swallow convulsively but things just weren't working.
He felt something rushing up his chest and a foul taste in his mouth, he was gonna throw up and there was nothing more he could do to avoid it. And you still hadn't read his texts. He didn't want to talk, first because you were in a library and it was really quiet, and second because he was afraid that if he opened his mouth he'd throw up right then and there, but he had no other choice. He needed to get out of there.
He abruptly put down your book and if you weren't in a library, you would've yelled at him.
You looked straight at him but before you could even get angry, he took his only chance.
- I'm gonna throw up.
He said as quietly as possible but still urgent. Apparently, just admitting that he was gonna be sick, made his stomach contract and he was quick to cover his mouth to surpass a gag.
- Shit.
You said standing up and getting to his side. You just grabbed his arm and wrapped your arm around him as you guided him out, his body already bending over as his stomach contracted again.
Unfortunately for him, some people noticed the sudden commotion.
For some reason, the bathroom wasn't near the room you were in, so you just took him outside in the yard.
He bent over, hands on his knees for support while you kept on holding his arm and rubbing his back.
He spat out the thick saliva that had filled his mouth as you two were walking out of the room.
He felt awful, saliva kept filling his mouth over and over again and he just kept spitting it out. But the nausea was still there and it was strong.
He tried straightening his back for a bit to see if he would feel any different, but it just made his stomach flip again.
He bent over one more time and began gagging again, you could feel him tensing up under your touch with every gag but nothing but saliva came out. You felt horrible and could only hope people would just pass by and not notice him.
- Hyune? May I try something?
He just nodded. You massaged his stomach with a bit of pressure to see if you could stimulate it somehow to help him get whatever was making him feel bad out. But it didn't work, he just kept dry heaving.
- I-I feel awful...my stomach is churning and flipping but nothing is coming up...
- Oh baby...Why don't you try drinking some water? Maybe trying to get something in will help you throw up. Don't take small sips, just try to drink as you normally would.
You handed him your bottle of water and he drank it just as you said.
He drank almost half a bottle and he could feel his stomach revolting inside him. He bent over again and gagged a few times before his stomach contracted a little more and brought up all the water he had just drank but nothing else.
You kept rubbing his back as he proceeded to throw up water and thick saliva. In a few minutes, he was left dry heaving again. You gave him some water to rinse his mouth and then wiped it.
- Babe? Why don't we sit down for a bit?
- Hmm...
You guided him to a nearby tree and helped him sit down.
- How are you feeling?
- Sick...
- Okay. Let's go home. I'll go grab our stuff.
- I'm sorry...I'm sorry for interrupting your study...
- Don't apologize...I should be the one apologizing for not noticing sooner... Just wait here, I'll be right back.
He lay his back on the tree and tilted his head back with his eyes closed. He took deep breaths and tried to pay attention to his breathing or the sound of the leaves rustling with the wind, anything that could distract him from nausea in his stomach.
You grabbed your stuff and apologized for the sudden commotion and left to get the sick boy waiting by the tree.
- Come on, let's go. Can you stand?
- Can you help me?
- Of course.
You positioned your arms beneath his while he held you for support, and helped him to his feet. You stood like that for a while, with a firm grip on him, to make sure he wasn't feeling faint before heading to the car.
- Do you prefer to roll down your window or the AC?
- The AC...I'm afraid that any smell will enter the car if the windows are open.
- Okay. Babe, tell me if you feel like throwing up, okay? So I can at least try to pull over.
- Okay.
The first 30 minutes of the ride were okay. He kept his eyes closed while you held his hand, thank God for automatic cars. You kept quiet the whole time because you didn't want to overwhelm him.
But then, the worst happened. Traffic. For some reason, traffic stopped. And you felt desperate because you wanted to get home fast, so Hyunjin could rest.
- Shit! There must've been an accident or the traffic lights are broken...you okay?
He just nodded and closed his eyes again. You knew he wasn't okay, he was far from being okay. Traffic felt like it was moving one centimeter at a time.
He was okay at first because the car wasn't moving but the realization that he'd be stuck in a car for god knows how long while feeling sick made everything worse.
The nausea which was somewhat controlled, increased ten times. He squeezed his eyes and let out a shaky sigh while his hands gripped his thighs and the door handle with such force his knuckles turned white. He tried taking deep breaths but the sudden movement of the car made his stomach jolt. He felt something coming up his throat and started to swallow convulsively. There's no chance in hell he was gonna throw up inside the car, he had already ruined your study day and now he was going to soil your car with vomit? No chance.
You were too focused on the road, trying to understand what was causing the traffic jam, so you didn't notice him fidgeting by your side.
He managed to swallow it back but it was a useless effort. As soon as it went down it shot back up, hot foul tasting liquid hitting the back of his throat. He gagged and quickly brought his hands to his mouth, fearing the worst.
The gag snapped you back into the reality of the car.
- Hyune? You okay?
He barely made eye contact with you when his stomach jolted one more time, making him gag once more. But this time, vomit gushed out, slipping through his fingers, and soiling both him and your car.
- Oh my god! Hyune!
His stomach didn't give him time to think before contracting again and sending even more pale vomit up, once again escaping through his fingers.
You were shocked with the situation unfolding before your eyes so it took a few seconds for you to react.
You quickly reached for the glove box and found a little towel you always kept with you, considering how he had gotten sick in the car before.
- Oh babe! Don't worry.
You placed it on his lap and told him to open his hands and let the vomit fall on the towel, while you drove a little more. Once you stopped again, you looked for a plastic bag inside your stuff so that Hyunjin could throw up everything making him feel bad.
- Here. Use this.
- S-sorry...I'm s-sorry...
- Don't apologize. It's not your fault you're sick.
He closed his eyes as he gagged again, this time inside the bag, liquid coming out and hitting the back making a sickening sound. You could only rub his back and mutter some words while you drove.
- Oh baby, just let everything out.
He burped another wave, followed by another one making him bend forward a little and you could feel him tensing up under your hand.
- Just get everything out.
He gagged a few times until he threw up again, vomit mixing with the liquid inside the bag. The car was starting to smell and you both wanted to get out of there.
Thankfully, the traffic jam stopped and you as fast as you legally could to get home.
Arriving there, you went straight to Hyunjin's door to help him.
- Here. Let me get rid of this.
You threw away the bag filled with vomit and turned your full attention to him, who was sitting inside the car facing you.
- We're home, baby. Let's go. Can you stand?
- I don't kno-
He was cut off by a sudden gag that sent up more vomit making him bend forward and you barely escaped from soiling your shoes. You shifted to his side and rubbed his back as he vomited again.
- Here. Rinse your mouth and let's go up. You need to take a shower.
He rinsed his mouth and you helped him up, wrapping your hands around him and carefully heading to the elevator.
Arriving home, you went directly to the bathroom with Hyunjin. You helped him out of his soiled clothes and tossed them in the dirty laundry basket.
- You don't need to stay here...
- Hyune, we've been dating for quite some time now...you don't need to be embarrassed. I just don't want to risk you fainting in the shower. But I'll turn around if that will make you feel more comfortable.
- Thank you...sorry...
- it's okay, honey.
Thankfully the shower ended without any accidents, despite him dry heaving over the rain for a brief moment.
You helped him change clothes and then got the bed ready for him to sleep.
You embraced him in a tight hug and kissed the top of his head. And that was the last straw. He started to cry and sob and buried his face in your shoulder.
- Honey? Baby? Why are you crying?
You said with a cute voice and almost crying yourself.
- I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...
- it's okay, baby! Stop apologizing.
- but...I ruined your day...you couldn't study because of me, your car is completely dirty...I'm sorry
He said breaking down even more.
- Oh baby! There's nothing to apologize for. You were sick! It's not your fault! You didn't ruin my day! Stop worrying about that! Hyune, I love you! I'd never, not once, think that you ruined my day.
You said as you cupped his face in your hands and wiped his tears away.
- promise me you'll stop feeling guilty about it.
- I- I promise...
He said pouting. You kissed him and then embraced him again as you two lay in bed.
- How are you feeling?
- Still a little nauseous...
- Wait here a little bit, let me grab a bucket just in case.
You grabbed the bucket at light speed and went back to bed. You cuddled him and started rubbing his belly. He sunk under your touch and within minutes, the poor tired boy was fast asleep.
You changed your approach and kept stroking his hair until you fell asleep as well.
The night went on without any other incidents, the poor boy had his energy completely drained after everything that happened and you couldn't be more grateful that he managed to sleep like a rock until midday.
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Heartwork- E.M. Pt. 3
You and Eddie go out to dinner at the diner.
1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - Epilogue
TW- Cursing, innuendo
Pairings- Eddie X Reader
Word Count- 1,711
(Gif not mine, Credit to owner!)
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You nod as you all walk out of the theater, having been the only one to see it before, you were the only one prepared for the complete mind-fuck in store. The three men with you walk out dazed, eyes glossed over as they digest the movie.  
“That was awesome,” Dustin muses as the four of you walk toward the front. You simply nod again. 
“I know. It’s genius,” You state. 
“New favorite movie, for sure,” Eddie comments. 
“I told you it was great! It’s an instant classic.”  
“I mean, Anthony Hopkins… He’s just…” 
“Fucking fantastic, is what he is!” Gareth exclaims. “And Buffalo Bill!” 
“It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!” Dustin imitates, making you all laugh as you push through the front doors.  
“Hey, we’re gonna go to the diner to get some food, you guys wanna come?” Eddie offers.  
“Nah, I’ve got work early in the morning, thanks though,” Dustin says.  
“Yeah, and I’ve gotta get home to Nicole. Maybe next time?”  
“Yeah, for sure! Here, take my number and we can schedule a lunch together!” You hand both Gareth and Dustin card from your purse and bid them all goodbye, then you turn to Eddie.  
“Okay, I’ll meet you there?” Eddie nods. 
“Yeah, I’ll see you in a few minutes.” You hug, even though you’re not saying goodbye, and you laugh as you pull away. 
“See you in a few.” You walk to your car and get in the driver’s seat, backing out of the space and pulling out of the lot. You see Eddie’s car pull in the parking lot for the diner just before you do, and you pull into the space next to him and get out to go inside to meet him. 
“Hey! Fancy seeing you here.” You laugh, pulling Eddie’s attention to you. He smiles, hands in his pockets as he turns to you. 
“Yeah, it’s like we planned it or something!” He takes a step towards you, that sweet, goofy smile you’ve always adored dancing on his lips. “You ready to sit?” He motions with his head to a booth in the corner. The usual booth that the three of you always used to sit at. You nod, remembering all of the good times this place held with a smile as you walk over and sit down across from each other. 
A couple of minutes later, a waitress comes over to greet you. “Hi guys, I’m Tina. Can I get you started with something to drink?” She looks a bit younger than you two, maybe still in high school.  
“Yeah, I’ll have a coke, please,” Eddie says, looking up from the menu. The waitress writes it on her pad and looks to you.  
“I’ll just have a water,” She nods and writes again.  
“Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?” You and Eddie look to each other, when you see Eddie shrug slightly, you turn back to Tina. 
“Just a couple minutes please,” She gives a tired smile as she nods again and turns to go get your drinks. The next couple of seconds are silent as you and Eddie look over your menus. 
“Wanna split some cheese fries?” Eddie asks, an eyebrow quirked playfully as if getting cheese fries was a risky activity. You chuckle and contemplate, lips pressing together as you hum in thought. 
“That sounds good…” You begin as you narrow your eyes devilishly. “But you know what could be better?” You lean in slightly. 
“What could be better than cheese fries?” Eddie rolls his eyes.  
“Chili cheese fries!” You exclaim. Eddie nods solemnly. 
“I knew I kept you around for a reason!” You reach across the table to smack Eddie with the menu lightly, both of you laughing. 
“I thought you said I was your best friend!” You feign hurt across your face, only thinly veiling the ever-growing smile you wear. 
“Yeah! Because who else would condone eating cheese fries at 10:30 at night?!” Eddie rolls his eyes like it’s obvious. You’ve missed this. You didn’t have many friends in Chicago. Most of the people you had classes with were stuffy, uppity people from rich families. You never vibed with those sorts of people. You’ve always preferred the outcasts, having been one yourself in most of your formative years. You had a couple of casual friends, but nothing comparing to the deep bond you share with Eddie, and what you once shared with Y/BFF/N. 
Tina comes back as your laughter wanes, a light smile on her face, probably amused by the antics between you and Eddie. “Alright, are we ready to order now?” You turn to her and nod, glancing back at the menu for the name of the burger you’re wanting.  
“I think I’m gonna do the Bacon Cheeseburger Royale, with no tomato, please, and we’re gonna split an order of chili cheese fries.”  
“Okay, great choice. And for you, sir?” She turns to Eddie. 
“I’ll do the Grilled Chicken Sandwich, and I’d also like bacon on mine, please.” Eddie grabs both of your menus to hand back to the waitress.  
“Alright, and will that be on one check?” 
“Yes!” You interject as Eddie begins answering. “I’ll take it.” Tina nods and turns to go put in your orders. 
“You don’t have to buy me dinner!” Eddie says. You roll your eyes exaggeratedly. 
“You didn’t have to buy my movie ticket! You can get dinner next time, okay?” You reason, smiling at Eddie across the table. He shakes his head lightly, but gives it up.  
“Alright, deal.” You shake on it and keep talking until the food comes, the conversation never slowing as you laugh together. 
“Oh, do you remember Steve?” Eddie asks, stuffing his mouth with a couple of fries. You roll your eyes up, thinking, until his picture pops into your head. 
“Harrington? Yeah, what about him?”  
“I talk to him every once in a while. He just got his degree in Education. Guess where he works now!” You think back on Steve, not the most studious person, you recall, but a nice enough guy. You mainly remember how attractive you and the whole of Hawkins thought he was. Man, he’s gonna have a rough time with his female students. 
“Hawkins High, I’m guessing? Jesus... Doesn’t that man have enough ego without being fawned over by a bunch of hormonal teenagers?” You chuckle at the thought, cheerleaders asking for special “extra credit” when they fall behind in his class. Poor guy, he’s gonna have to bathe in hand sanitizer just to keep the creepy off.  
“Yeah, but he seems to really like it. At least the kids listen to him for the most part. God knows that all of high school is a popularity contest. I guess it’s true even for the teachers.” Eddie says.  
“I suppose so. I heard from my parents that the Wheeler girl... Nancy, right? I heard she’s working for NBC now. My parents are friends with her parents.” 
“Yeah, and Mike, her brother, you remember him? He’s at CalTech. Sends me a postcard every once in a while. He was a little shit in high school but he and that girl he’s with seem to be happy.” You think back and remember the girl vaguely. You only ever saw her once or twice but Mike never seemed to stop talking about her.  
“Isn’t she his cousin or something?” You squint your eyes, trying to remember as Eddie laughs out loud across from you.  
“Fuck no! That was just a rumor going around for a while before everyone believed he had a girlfriend!” You chuckle now, slightly embarrassed at the false memory. 
“Oh, oops!” Eddie laughs harder as a bubble of laughter bursts from your mouth to accompany his and as you inhale, you snort a bit, which makes Eddie, and then you, laugh even harder. You’re practically in tears by the time the food’s gone, stomachs tense, face aching from all the fun you’re having.  
The bill gets brought out, and after you pay, you and Eddie walk out to the parking lot together, still joking about everything under the sun. He walks you to your car, and you turn to him, wrapping your arms around his slender frame in a hug. “This was so much fun. Thanks for inviting me out,” Eddie reciprocates, bringing his arms around you and squeezing, laying his cheek on the top of your head.  
“Don’t mention it. Now that you’re back, I’m gonna be dragging you out to everything!” He jokes. “You’re gonna get sick of seeing me.” You scrunch your nose and shake your head as you part. 
“I’ll never get sick of seeing you, Munson. You’re probably the best thing about this place.” You confess, smiling sweetly. Eddie scoffs, rolling his eyes dramatically and you almost swear you see a tinge of pink sweep across his cheeks as he smiles. 
“Nah, no way. You might be, though.” He leans in for another quick hug, and you get a shock as you feel his lips press briefly to your cheek. It’s not the first time he’s kissed you in this friendly fashion, but it feels different all the same. Maybe it’s just because it’s been so long. Still, the warmth of his lips on your face for that brief moment makes your heart skip an unexpected beat. “Alright, I’ll let you go now,” he says, smiling out of the corner of his mouth. You nod, trying to calm the beating in your chest as you say your goodbyes. 
“Okay. I’ll see you Saturday at my parents’ though, right?” He nods as he remembers. 
“Yeah, definitely. I will be there.”  
“Okay then, goodnight. I’ll see you soon.” You start to turn to get into your car. 
“Yeah, see you soon. Goodnight, Y/N.”  
With that, you get in and close the door, sticking the key in the ignition. You can still feel the spot Eddie kissed, and you let out a deep breath. “Well, that’s new,” You mutter to yourself, putting the car in reverse. It’s nothing, you think. You just didn’t expect it. It doesn’t mean anything. You keep trying to convince yourself as you drive home for the night. 
@corrodedcoffincumslut @haylaansmi @bebe07011
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casketjones · 5 months
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I'm not sure how to info dump for a bunch of character concepts in a way that's digestible but eh whatever
Concept work for a group of mafia hitwomen and their long suffering handler. They're likely going to be used in a underground illegal wrestling ring arc because that's all I really want in my media.
This post plus additional sketches and more background info will be going up on my patreon and kofi tomorrow.
more under the cut,
They're all vampires that I really cooked up to test a concept for vamps for my comic project. Based on a blood sucking animal and a historical anti-vampire burial method, some of the burial methods are gonna be pushed and fibbed because there's not that many of them. so yeah incidental vampires will have a cage motif even tho I know good and well that cages were to prevent resurrection men getting in not vampires getting out. I feel that's thematically close enough. There's so many really good sanguivore animals out there these are maybe too safe even.
The other thing I really wanted to accomplish with these designs is targeting lesbians, hey ladies these are for you. How am I doing?
going left to right here we got
Flea- She's a Flea I tried taking a lot from Blake's Ghost of a Flea but I don't think it comes through. Her grave-shackle is that scythe coming out her shoulder, it's maybe a bit of a stretch, the real thing was buried in the ground next to the corpse so if it rose it would decapitate itself but I didn't really want to complicate the design with a bunch of dirt or something. Regardless I like her design a lot. Short hairy goblin of a woman, someone stop me from naming her Puce.
Mosquito- Her hair took a little bit to sort out, it used to be real bad but this mess is perfect. Horrible 90's stylized part call back, reminiscent of boxer braids while being ostentatious enough to work in any setting. That cool bangle is her grave-shackle, an actual shackle this time. Her build was immediate, huge arms, weird long butt, perfection. She's the easiest to dress which isn't that surprising considering shes thinner but usually big arms are really difficult in women's wear. Flea is actually the second easiest to dress. There's gotta be a better name than Malaria, but i could call her Mal.
Geo(?)- small mafia man, constantly put upon, constantly behind the 8-ball with upper management; you know the type. The other guys definitely tell him he's lucky all the time but they'd never switch assignments with him. Why is he so small? because I can do whatever i want. His name might be Geoffrey.
Lamprey- Went through the most iterations, was very hard to piece together a woman this disaster lesbian. The spike through the heart, traditionally meant to keep the alleged vampire pinned to the ground was always part of the design, so was the long neck and heart lipstick, the hook earring came and went. Everything else was difficult; general build was pretty similar but i didn't actually work until I gave her a gut and dropped her waist. I used to have gill markings on her neck that looked like vampire bite marks and that took a while to give up but that hair is too good. She probably will end up being named Nakkila, it's a Finnish town with lamprey on their crest.
Leech- Took just two stabs to get her hair, body and face where I wanted it. Those bright red eyebrows work so well to subtly mimic leech markings, her hair shapes are perfect and I love drawing them. It's hard to tell at this size but her lips are sewn together which works almost too well for the theming, the cartoon jack'o lantern shape just sits right on a leech. Being built like a brick shithouse with fantastic fat rolls really gives the body diversity in the group the punch it needs. But dear god in heaven she is so hard to dress! I'm liking this dress a moderate amount right now and I really love the shoes but it's not perfect. I've tried suits instead, I've down active wear, all crazy difficult. It's like fashion doesn't want to accentuate horizontal stripes on large bodies or something? I gotta keep trying on it. I've almost convinced myself to name her Annelid.
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empressofdiamonds · 2 years
Pleaseeee share your ruthless memorisation tactics 😭😭
Firstly, I rewrite several times what I HAVE to memorise. I rewrite it two days later, one week later, and so on. Old fashioned perhaps, but forcing myself to spit off my memory what I gotta learn, it's how I personally learn. I've tried so many methods, but brute recopying is what worked best for me. Also re-explaining what I learned, on paper, or to someone, helped me so much. If you gotta teach, you gotta vulgarize what you wanna mean (aka dumb it down, to digestible, easy to understand bits), and vulgarization needs understanding, and understanding is making links between concepts, thus, you'll have a easier time at exams.
This brings me to another point, which is to focus on 1- the basics, the raw basics and 2- the foundational concepts.
From that, you basically reverse engineer problems by decomposing them from concepts you already know, or re-engineer them, by buliding them from the fundamentals. Without fundamentals, you can't do this at all. So focus on the IMPORTANT stuff that REPEATS.
Secondly, rememorizing it frequently signals to the brain it gotta learn this info because it comes back again and again, the brain doesn't wants to go through the resource-intensive task of short term memorization again, thus, it stores the important information in the long term memory. Below, the Curve of Forgetfulness, to illustrate what I mean.
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Thirdly, go study NOW. Get off Tumblr, shit down your phone NOW. Procrastination is your worst enemy, and anxiety is it's friend. You cope your anxiety by seeking study tips instead of just sitting down and reading and recopying and doing flashcards and reading up books and all that. Stop it now, incarnate your Study Babe/Dream Girl self ✨
What would she do?
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coredrill · 6 months
i think it’s hilarious they just. had lulu talk about future superbia and then had a conversation abt it outloud. LIKE 😭 poor isami’s gotta be sitting there listening to lulu’s explanation like “yeah why not this might as well happen too” LMFAO
i’m so curious. Does Isami Know. cause he sure was talking at the end like he Knew!! even as bravern put his mask back on!!! baby rice cracker just how perceptive ARE u……………..
this show is so good cause i still cannot tell which direction they are going for with the End State of smith/bravern(/isami)(/lulu?)(/superbia???). but in the sense that Any state could work. Like. the thing abt this show is that when they put green smith on screen i have assumed that it’s metaphorical BUT it could also NOT be and his body still exists which is why bravern can bleed. like that one fucking unit13 concept. or maybe they gotta harvest bravern’s legally distinct LCL and ungoopify him or smth. and they’ve Also given him very distinct purposes for which to live and exist After The World Is Saved in both mecha form (be superbia’s rival and apply the “you are gonna fucking live” message to a LITERAL deathdrive) and also human form (eat food and drink beer (and also frot? like that seemed like isami was gonna get pancakeified if lulu did not interrupt LMFAO)). however most of the human form could Also manifest in the sense that like. he gets a New Bravern (3dprinted??) Body with taste buds and/or superbiaesque orifices!!! and i’m soooooooooooo excited to see which route they take!!! :3
there is Potentially something there regarding like. maybe bravern needs a new digestive system + lulu needed to develop her digestive system + there is still a device in her hand that i don’t think has been explained? or it could also be coincidence between them just wanting to set up the food theme early and using lulu as a means to that, and also the device being just a hint that she was Not A Normal Human. idk!!!! either way it’s nice to bring that bit abt smith helping lulu eat and then lulu being concerned for bravern full circle
sorry this screenshot quality is ass and also for drowning it, my friend sent to me but i had to share it here too cause like 😭 lewis smith i’m so sorry for ever doubting you on this blog, you DO pass the Kaworu Nagisa Threshold Of Dogshit Takes And Willfully Misinterpreting The Source Material 😭😭😭 and the show isn’t even over yet!!!!! get behind me white boy!!!!
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cerealmonster15 · 10 months
Support Comes in All Sizes [Twst fic] [Trey&Cater]
Summary: Trey wants Cater to know that he's there to support him, when or if Cater's ever ready to talk.
Wordcount: 475
[Ao3 Link]
“You’re back early,” Trey comments as Cater walks through the door to their shared dormitory space.
Cater greets him back with a bit of a startled jump, but a quick recovery. “Oh! Hey, Trey; I didn’t know you’d be in. You workin’ on some Vice Housewarden paperwork?”
He walks over to where Trey sits at  his desk and positions himself behind the chair so he can peer over Trey’s shoulder.
“Yeah, just checking something over for Riddle - not that I really need to, of course, but Riddle -”
“Insisted you follow protocol to a T, huh?” Cater finishes Trey’s statement with a grin. “Aren’t you the most dutifully diligent secretary?”
Trey snorts out a laugh and shakes his head. “Yeah, yeah… Really, though, why are you back so early? Usually you like to stay out late on the weekends when you have plans. Did something happen on your date?”
He turns in his chair and tries to meet Cater’s eye, but Cater has already turned away and walks over to flop onto his back on his own bed.
“Oh, y’know,” Cater waves a noncommittal hand in the air with one hand and pulls out his phone with the other. “We just weren’t really, like… vibing, I guess? It’s no biggie, really, but now Cay-Cay’s gonna be BORED all night with NO plans!”
He sighs for dramatic effect, eyes locked onto his phone as he scrolls a little too fast to reasonably digest any of the content passing by.
Trey doesn’t speak for a while, but keeps his eyes on Cater.
Cater pretends not to see.
Trey pretends in turn that he doesn’t notice Cater’s refusal to answer his unasked questions. He doesn’t comment on the way Cater has angled his face just enough in the opposite direction to obscure his full expression from Trey’s line of sight.
They’re well into their second year at NRC. They’ve been roommates and friends as long as they’ve known each other. Trey feels more at ease with Cater than anyone else at the school.
But, Cater…
“...What’s up?” Cater’s reply is slow, and he is still refusing to look across the room.
“Do you want to go check out that cafe you were talking about this morning?”
Cater sits up slowly, but finally looks over. “Oh, for realsies? You KNOW I’m not gonna pass up an opportunity to go scope out the latest hotspot!”
The next thing Trey knows, Cater’s crossed the room and is tugging on his arm to pull him out of the chair. “C’mon, c’mon- they’re not open super late, so we’ve gotta motor if we wanna make it in time!”
Trey laughs, putting his papers aside and rising to his feet. “Alright, alright, I’m coming.”
Cater finally meets Trey’s eyes as they reach the door, and he smiles.
They go together, as they always do.
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scarefox · 1 year
Had to force feed Maya again and just wanted to show how I do it (she's fine now).
what happened?
I noticed the last time she ate was in the morning, she's just laying or sitting around and she refused treats -> my test to see if something is wrong, since they always take treats even if they are lazy
her body felt a bit shaky
she held her head up as if she was focusing on something. For better / controlled breathing? to act as if she's fine? (buns hide illnesses) she behaved unusual
feeling her belly it was soft, no cramping but her stomach felt empty
(hard belly and cramping are signs of constipation somewhere in their digestive system -> don't force feed !!!)
why is not eating bad for buns?
their digestive system stops moving if they stop eating for too long
the stuff in their stomach starts building gases which makes them bloating up (rabbits can't fart or burp so that's gonna be painful at minimum or turn critical)
they start feeling sick (which makes them even less motivated to eat), their body temperature goes lower, their immune system shuts down at some point
they die from it if it's not getting fixed (don't know why nature invented such a dumb system)
common causes I had with all my buns over the years
too much fur ingested due to fur changing season (clogged system -> don't force feed!!!)
did eat too much too fast (clogged system -> don't force feed!!!)
didn't eat enough (stomach starts bloating, bun feels sick and too uncomfy to eat)
tooth spikes when their teeth grow (as they constantly do) in wrong directions (force feeding is good here but teeth have to get fixed by a vet)
didn't drink enough on a hot day -> dehydration (bun feels sick and too uncomfy to eat, stomach starts bloating)
some illness or meds side effect that causes dizziness or nausea (bun feels sick and too uncomfy to eat, stomach starts bloating)
-> but I think Maya was dehydrated cause today was very hot and she's currently taking heart meds that can cause nausea and loss of appetite.
Tho she was obviously hungry / thirsty as you can see in the video. She's more or less taking the food willingly. If she hates it (like meds...) she fights back more and takes forever to swallow too. Sometimes she or Caramel lets it drip out of their mouth. But she still refused to eat the mash on her own. It's special hay & herbs powder mix + water for force feeding sick animals (sometimes I mix it with lukewarm herbal tea). The stuff in the syringe is the same just with more water to get it in.
+ I gave her some meds that eliminates the bloating and bubbling in the stomach. I had some from the vet still. But there are meds for human babies that I get usually: Sab Simplex. It works the same and you can't overdose that one. It will not cause any side effects and just leaves the body on the natural way if it's too much (tho 1ml per 1kg bun is enough).
Usually the whole treatment has to be repeated every 2h till the bun is fine again.
The way I am holding her:
it's working damn good with all my buns. I found that technique in a yt video years ago. Basically holding the upper body up, shielding their bum with your elbow and body so they can't escape backwards. And if the bun turns their head away you can stop them with your shoulder or the fingers of the holding hand. The syringe / whatever feeding tool you have needs to go inside their mouth behind their front teeth if they are unwilling to take it. If they are willing they might drink it normally from the front. You gotta give them small doses with breaks, time to swallow and to calm down too.
Oh and it's very helpful to put them on places (table, chair) that is unfamiliar to them, so they are more cautious to move fast. And they need something under their feet that makes them not slip away.
At the end I was checking her belly again to make sure it's still soft and not hard. Soft is good~ And massaging their belly helps with restarting the movement in there.
In this case today she basically just needed a jump start to eat & drink again. I gave her like 3 syringes full till she voiced discomfort (chattering of teeth). Right after the treatment she started eating on her own. She's fine now, is more agile again and even takes treats again.
[This is all based on my own experiences and what I learned from vets over the years. Don't do any of this if you are not sure and are inexperienced -> go to a vet then]
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