#I got home really late on Saturday and was so exhausted I had to basically go straight to sleep
emometalhead · 2 years
Aftershock Day 3 Recap!!
Here's the artists I saw: Lilith Czar, Point North, Thrice, Theory Of A Deadman, Yungblud, L.S. Dunes, A Day To Remember, and My Chemical Romance
Lilith Czar's set was a strong start to the day! The band sounded great live, and Lilith had some power behind her vocals! She was really interactive with the crowd, and gave a speech calling all of the womeb in the crowd "powerful, magnificent, and beautiful...". Always nice to start the day with compliments lol. One unexpected thing was that Andy Biersack (Juliet Simms (aka Lilith Czar)'s husband)) was there! I'm a huge Black Veil Brides fan, so I got very excited to see him on the side stage. Of course my main focus was on the band, but I did snap a few pictures of Andy.
Point North was really cool! I hadn't heard of them prior to seeing them on the festival lineup, so they're new to me. I listened to quite a few of their songs, and really liked what I heard so I decided to see their set. Seeing them was a great decision! They had a lot of energy, were really appreciative of the crowd, and played some good music. I will definitely be listening to them more. They also had Jeris Johnson come out for a song, which was fun. I'm not necessarily a fan, but I know he's featured on a lot of songs. It was nice putting a face to the name. Also shout out to Point North for repeating "abortion is health-care" multiple times through their set.
I didn't watch Thursday perform, because that was my one little bit of downtime before other things, but I caught a bit of their set while walking. First of all, I freaked out because Frank Iero was on side stage watching them, and it made me fully realize that I was in his vicinity. Second off all, I appreciated that they also took a moment to talk about the importance of reproductive rights.
The next band I saw was Thrice! I didn't stay for their entire set, but I loved what I heard! I only intended to stay for a couple songs that way I could get in line to meet Mikey Way. I stayed a bit longer than planned, because I wanted to hear my favorite song by them (Black Honey. Highly recommend it!) They were great though! It was a chill crowd experience too, because we were close enough to see the stage but didn't push into the crowd.
I spent an hour and a half in line for Mikey. The line was looooong. People kept walking by and asking what the line was for lol. I made a friend in line! I was by myself because my dad and brother were in the crowd for other bands, so I decided I should try to talk to the people around me. I started a conversation with the dude behind me in line, and we spent the entire hour and a half talking. This dude was really cool! Though expected given the setting, we have a lot of music in common! He was really fun to talk to. We exchanged Instagrams and phone numbers. Another cool thing about the friend I made is that I hung out with him for seeing My Chemical Romance! I'll get more into that later though.
I made a separate post about my experience meeting Mikey, but I'll briefly talk about it again here. It was incredible. I've only heard positive things about fan experiences with him, so I had high hopes going into the autograph signing. He entirely met my expectations. He was very nice, clearly happy to be meeting people, and it was the first time in my life I've been happy to shake someone's hand lol. However, it was over 90 degrees, and we had all been waiting in line in direct sunlight. I commented to the friend I made that I felt bad that Mikey was having all of these very sweaty people coming up to him. My hand wasn't clammy, but I still wiped it on my shorts before touching him just in case 😭. It's been 2 days now, and I still can't get over that I met him!! I met him and have two signed items by him. I touched Mikey Way and own items that he touched. Oh my god. Also he took a picture of me!!! Like what?? I was so shocked and shaky that I asked the dude I befriended to confirm it actually happened lol.
While in line, I was able to hear Beartooth's set, but unfortunately I wasn't able to see the stage. They sounded great from afar! I caught Theory Of A Deadman's set while in line. I had a clear view of the stage and screens, and was able to hear the band the entire set. It was really cool. They're a band I've been wanting to see for a while, so I definitely had fun rocking out in line lol. I was out of line and had met Mikey by the last song, so I was just hanging out by a tree jumping around and screaming along to Bad Girlfriend. It was so much fun.
My dad forced me to take a break for dinner after that. I was upset initally, but once I started eating and the Mikey nerves wore off a little, I realize how hungry and exhausted I was. I think I ran the entire day off of adrenaline. While eating, we watched Yungblud! We were really far back, but I could still hear and see perfectly. I was the only person in the area dancing and screaming, but it was worth it. His set was so much fun! I would've loved to be in that crowd, but food was a necessity.
We left Yungblud a little early to get close for L.S. Dunes. I was so excited for them!! I love the two songs they've already released, so I was really looking forward to hearing more. I was shocked when a mosh pit formed during their set! I didn't anticipate that there would be one. The pit wasn't too bad to be next to, but I was holding my Mikey poster and Electric Century graphic novel, so I was concerned for the safety of my things. (They were in a cardboard sleeve, but it was still risky.) Unfortunately, for the first half of the set, we couldn't really hear Anthony singing 😭. His microphone was soooo quiet. The band sounded incredible, and Anthony had so much energy but we could not hear him. In between songs we had to chant "mic up" to let them know there was a sound issue. Once we could hear, it was better lol.
I actually saw Frank on the side stage before he went on to perform! His family was sitting on the side, and he went over to hug his kids before going on. It was cute! Jamia was recording Frank a couple times throughout the set, and Ray was there!! I managed to get a couple pictures of him. I have a video where you can see Jamia recording for a second, but I was intentional about not recording her or the kids. They aren't public figures like Frank or Ray, so I didn't want to make content of them for their privacy. I almost got a setlist at the end! I caught it, but then had it ripped out of my hand. The woman scratched me to the point that she tore my skin. I was profusely bleeding. That sucked.
As soon as I left L.S. Dunes, I very quickly went to refill my water bottle. I knew I was about to be in a crowd for almost 4 hours. I practically sprinted to the stage for A Day To Remember. They were the last band to play on that stage before My Chemical Romance. I was able to find the dude I met during the Mikey line, and my dad gave me the green light to stay with that guy's group. My dad, brother, and aunt ended up hanging around for a bit at other stages. A Day To Remember was good! I headbanged the entire time, and enjoyed myself despite not really knowing the music. The dude I befriended used to be in an ADTR cover band, and is a singer, so it was fun hearing him sing along. The pits got pretty intense! At one point I was caught right in between two pits, and got pretty smushed. It wasn't too bad though! Despite just having met the rest of the dudes in the group, they protected me from the crowd. The funniest thing was that while smashed together a woman offered me a sip of her seltzer, to which I explained I was underage. This woman (very visibly at least 35), said she was too and laughed when we were separated. Weird experience lol.
Every time the crowd pushed or moved, we did our best to relocate. I was separated from the one guy I knew for most of ADTR's set, but the rest of the group was really nice, fun, and kept me safe. We found each other again during the hour long wait for MCR. We managed to get really close to the stage after ADTR. Some people were leaving the crowd to see other bands, and some people had to leave for their own safety. We took advantage of the people leaving in order to push our way forward. It was PACKED. Like I thought it was crowded while waiting for Slipknot on Thursday, but this was so much worse. It was super hot. Everyone was sweaty and very close together. While setting up the stage, the crew was passing water bottles into the crowd. People were pouring the water over the crowd, and it felt great. It was difficult to stay in the crowd, but I was determined.
I can't put into words how it felt to see MCR live. They're real. That happened. I will never be the same. The band sounded incredible. The set was so fun! The crowd was pushing the entire time, so we were moving around a lot. The dudes in the group kept having to grab and protect me. It was the craziest crowd I've ever stayed in, and I am so grateful to the dudes that protected me. I owe them everything. I have never experienced more crowdsurfers. They were nonstop at points. Partially, it was due to people overheating and needing to get out of the crowd, but a lot of people were just doing it for fun. I only saw one person legitimately passed out, but there might have been more.
Gerard stopped after a couple songs to ask if everyone was all right. He kept making sure people had the opportunity to exit the crowd if they needed to. He thanked the security, reminded everyone to keep passing forward anyone that needed help, and basically told us to keep doing what we were doing. Prior to the set and several times during, they had a safety reminder on the screens. I'll post a picture below. Though the crowd was really intense, it was entirely worth it to stay in. I was hot, dehydrated, and getting shoved around. It was the best experience of my life. To be surrounded by so many other people with as much love for the band as I have was indescribable. I felt so connected to the band and the people around me as we all jumped and screamed the lyrics together.
I tried to take photos and videos, but the movement of the crowd made it difficult. I'll look over what I have and post things eventually. I tried to record and photograph everyone equally, but I think I mostly have Mikey content. I was on his side, so Frank and Mikey were the most accessible. I definitely got some Ray and Gerard content. They were just physically more difficult to photograph. I want to acknowledge the best and worst people of the crowd now. Here's the worst. Gerard noticed the sign the woman who scratched me had, so if you see this "do a flip" chick, from the bottom of my heart, f*ck you. I had no access to anything antiseptic or a bandaid. I had to hold a paper towel to my bloody hand during ADTR, and my hand was burning during MCR. Luckily my fingers aren't infected. The biggest thank you again to the dudes that protected me during that set. Bryan and Cam, you won't see this, but thank you so much dudes. I had the best time with you, and am endlessly grateful for the experience I had that was only possible because of you.
Lastly, I was crying in the morning before going to the festival, but was so shocked meeting Mikey that I didn't cry! I was happy about that. During MCR's set, I kept feeling like I was going to cry. I was so dehydrated that I could not cry. I even had to pee during ADTR, but sweat so much that by time MCR started I no longer felt the need to go. It was THAT HOT in the crowd. Like I said before, I think I survived off of adrenaline lol. There was no way I would leave that crowd unless I actually passed out, but I was vigilant about drinking water to make sure that didn't happen.
All right my dudes, this was a very long post. Saturday was my busiest day, so there was a lot to document. This post excludes so many details about the day. If anyone wants further details about my MCR experience please ask away!!!!! I would love to talk about it in more detail. Also I will be posting pictures and videos eventually. Until then, here's some other photos from the day.
Photos in order. Tw for blood in 4th photo.
1. Lilith Czar performing. 2. Frank Iero and Anthony Green during L.S. Dunes' set. 3. The safety message that showed before and during MCR's set. 4. The inital photo I took of my hand after I got scratched trying to get the L.S. Dunes set. At first I didn't know if the blood was mine or someone else's, but then it began to bleed a ton and it stung. 5. Andy Biersack on side stage watching Lilith Czar perform. 6. A very blurry Gerard and Ray during MCR' set. 7. Full band MCR moment. 8. My hair and makeup before leaving my house. 9. My hair and makeup after getting home. (Note that I had to put my hair into pony tails, because it kept getting yanked 🙄.
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
No One Goes Hungry in this Mansion
Request from anon: Rossi x Daughter!Reader where she has been overworking herself and basically forgot to eat so she almost passes out and he cooks for her?🤍
David Rossi x daughter!reader
Summary: It's rare that anyone living in the Rossi household is hungry, but sometimes work gets in the way. When it does, your dad knows exactly how to fix it.
A/N: I have far too much fun writing rossi!daughter... even the slightly angsty ones are so nice and fluffy and sarcastic and I love it so much. I hope you love it too!
CW: reader forgets to eat, not a lot of Italian in this one (sorry), rossi being the best dad
You sat on the floor of your bedroom with your papers spread out in front of you. Next week there were final exams and to say that you were stressed was an understatement. You had only taken two classes this semester, but you were a TA for a professor that taught three classes and that was far more work. For weeks, you had been running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to keep up with studying and working at the same time.
“Mio passerotta!” You were so focused on organizing and planning the upcoming week that you hadn’t even heard the sound of the door as your dad enter the house. “I’m home!”
“Ciao, papa!” You called, continuing to work on organizing your notes for a study session you were hosting.
Rossi knocked on your door before entering. He looked around the room. “Why does it look like a tree was murdered?”
You rolled your eyes. “Well you can look around for a weapon or a signature but you won’t find one unless printer ink and pencil count.” You put aside the packet of requirements for the study guide you had to make and shoved another stack of notes- this one for your math final- in a different binder.
“Okay, well it’s already past midnight. You should really be asleep.”
With a furrowed brow you looked up at the clock on your wall- you hadn’t noticed how much time had passed.
“Why did you come home so late? Don’t you guys get off at six on Fridays?” You asked your dad.
“Aaron and I went out after work, just to have fun,” Rossi said.
“Let me guess, you went to a single-dads-in-suits meeting?” You smirked.
Rossi rolled his eyes dramatically. “Actually we were at the country club for their bi-annual whisky tasting night.”
“Ah, so an old and rich single-dads-in-suits meeting.”
Your dad sighed. He couldn’t say anything about your sense of humor- you got it from him after all. “Anyway, I just came to say goodnight.” He placed a gentle kiss on top of your head. “Buona notte.”
“Buona notte, papa,” you replied. He closed the door behind him as he left, allowing you to finish your work in silence.
You sighed and looked at all the things you still had to go through. Rossi was right- you did need sleep. But you also had to get this finished. “After I get this done I will go to bed,” you promised yourself. You also knew it wasn’t going to happen.
You woke up to a text from your dad: the team had a case and it looked like they would be gone for a few days. Normally you would be disappointed, seeing as Saturday morning frittata making wouldn’t be happening, but it meant that the mansion would be entirely quiet for 24 hours at the very least which gave you the perfect study environment.
After getting ready for the day, you set your materials up in the living room and got to work. You set off to work through your list one by one in order of priority. Hours into working you managed to put a dent in the tasks you had to do thanks to your dad’s premium coffee maker. You even thought about rewarding yourself with a break after finishing the next chapter in your textbook when you got a call from your friend.
She was in tears, unable to get through one of the problems on the study guide. It was nearly ten o’clock at night, but you agreed to meet her at the library anyway. By the time you left the library your friend was doing far better, though you were exhausted. You grabbed a water bottle and a candy bar from the vending machines, not bothering to look at your phone until you got to your car. It was almost 2 AM. Having put your phone on silent so you didn’t get yelled at by an angry old librarian, you’d missed a midnight text from your dad letting you know the case was going to keep them for at least another day. You sent him a quick text back, telling him to be safe, before driving home.
Not having the energy to walk up the stairs, you made yourself comfortable on the couch for the night. You had one more day of quiet before the week started and things got even more busy, so you decided to allow yourself to sleep a little later than planned- till 8 AM instead of 6 AM. As soon as your alarm was set you were out like a light.
The case didn’t close until Wednesday morning and due to the weather the jet didn’t land until it was dark outside. It had been a rough one- particularly for the parents on the team- and there was nothing more that David Rossi wanted than to hug his daughter. He was thankful to see your car in the driveway when he arrived home.
“(Y/N)!” he called out when he entered the foyer, dropping his go-bag on the floor.
“In here!” you called back.
“Where’s ‘here’?” He imagined you rolling your eyes at his response, but he knew your voice was coming from the dining room.
You were sitting at the head of the mahogany table, switching between writing something on paper and then going back to your laptop. There were textbooks and binders and papers scattered on the table. It was truly a mess.
“Hi, papa,” you greeted him. After what he’d been through the last five days, he was sure that he would look worse than you, but the bags under your eyes were clear evidence that you hadn’t gotten much sleep and the papers told him you were working far too hard. He didn’t need to be a profiler to determine that. “Sorry for the mess. How was the case?”
“I’m glad it’s over.” He put a hand on your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your temple. “Your finals should be over too. Weren’t they both on Monday?”
You sighed heavily. “Yes. I did well on both of them. The students in the class I TA for decided to leave all their questions until the last minute and a few people have questions about the classes I took last semester so I’m still working.”
Rossi looked at your weary eyes and pale complexion, then at the table. There wasn’t an empty glass or crumb-covered plate in sight. “Mio passerotta, when was the last time you ate something?”
“I’m not sure,” you admitted. “A few hours ago?” It was more of a question than an answer.
“Why don’t you take a break?” Rossi said. “I was really looking forward to trying a new recipe for our Sunday frittatas.”
You sighed. “Sounds good.” You rose to your feet, feeling dizzy and unsteady. Your face blanched and your dad caught you before you fell.
“Let’s go lay down,” he said quietly. He guided you to the living room and helped you lay down on the couch. “I’ll be right back. Don’t try to get up.”
All you could do was nod and mumble an “Okay” in response. He came back with a bottle of water and helped you take a sip. After a few minutes you were able to down about half the bottle and sit up, but you continued to rest your head against the couch cushions, still feeling ill.
“Are you okay if I go do something?” Rossi asked you.
“Yeah,” you replied, taking a heavy breath.
“I’ll just be in the kitchen. Just yell if you start to feel worse.”
You nodded and your dad left. You could hear him in the kitchen behind you, his shoes against the flooring as he moved around, the refrigerator door opening and closing, the sizzle of something hitting a hot pan on the stove.
You closed your eyes in an effort to get your head to stop spinning, taking a sip of water when you could manage it.
“Okay.” Your dad came back and sat on the edge of the couch, a plate in his hand. “It’s the new recipe, so I don’t know how good it will be.” He set the plate down on your lap. On it was a perfect frittata, complete with leafy greens and vegetables.
You took a small bite of the dish. Like everything your dad cooked, it tasted like something straight out of a five star restaurant in Italy. You sighed happily and took another bite.
“Good?” Rossi asked.
“So good,” you replied. Your dad began eating his own meal, reminding you to take a sip of water every once in a while.
You finished your dish. The color had come back to your face and you were more aware than before.
“Thanks, papa,” you said.
“Of course.” He smiled at you. “You need to stop working so hard.”
You smiled back at him. “I wonder where I got my work ethic from.”
Rossi sighed. “Well, you need to remember to eat something next time. There should be no such thing as hungry in this house.”
"I thought it was a mansion," you said.
"Then no one goes hungry in this mansion."
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joshuasearing · 10 months
Saturday 2nd December 2023
So yesterday started of with me struggling to get out of bed then being late to work. To make things worse it was freezing cold, then once at work they had me running parks occationally out in like 0 Celsius. After a while I got put on break and it was snowing. I did worry that I was not going to make it to my tattoo appointment but luckily it was all good. Anyways after about 30 minutes it stopped. Anyways after work I quickly got changed then waited at the bus stop then I got the bus. Then out of the ordinary this is but my bus crashed into a car but it was the cars thought I think. Basically the road we were on there is a bus lane then it merges into the other part of the traffic and becomes one lane. So the bus moved over like it usually does and this car just carried on moving forward. I didn’t witness this as I had my headphones on and was too busy listening to my music. But I did hear this scraping noise and wondered what it was then the bus stopped. Then the bus driver after a while of sitting in the stationary bus said he can’t carry on the journey as the car driver wanted to call the police. Anyways I took a photo of the car and it was ok it just had a bit of bumper and bit messed up. Also luckily no one was injured. Anyways I ended up having to walk the rest of my journey to the tattoo shop. Also on the walk there this guy got out of he’s car and was having an arguement with this girl behind and blocking all of the traffic. This happened in a matter of minutes after I left the bus scenario. Once I got to the shop I sat down for a little bit then someone happened which caused my intrusive thoughts to be playing up and left me in a really weird mental state as was being quiet. Then after a while I spoke placement and size of the tattoo with my tattooist. Then I got the tattoo done. The tattoo I got yesterday was warrior in red ink which is really nice and is on my left bicep. After the tattoo, I walked to the gym however only had about a 20 minute session as my tattoo cover was coming off so I decided to take it off then clean it. Then once I was walking home I spoke to Faith for a little bit and got my cookie dough ice cream for the shop. Once I got home I had some food and also shaved for the first time in a month as it is now December and movember has came to an end. I ended up raising £138 for men’s mental health which is really good.
Now for today same shit struggled to get out of bed. Also work was a shambles today it was ridiculously busy and we were severely understaffed. At one point it was so busy they had me doing just muffins in the morning for about an hour as the muffins were going so far. Also we had so many complaints today but there was only a certain amount I could do. Once the shift finished I got changed then went to the bus stop. Once I was about to get there the bus arrived so I ran a little to make sure I got on the bus. Then I got the bus to the gym. Today I went to the gym with Morgan from work and we did back and also legs for the most part. After are session I walked home got my cookie dough ice cream and ate it once I got home. Since I’ve been at home I’ve just been relaxing which is annoying but I think it is because I’m just so exhausted. I have also posted a few TikToks. Anyways bye journal!
Photos from today! ⬇️
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anlian-aishang · 2 years
hello! i have a priority request: Bad day/hard times. i don’t want to go into too many details cause i feel dumb but basically i caught feelings for guy and he doesn’t really return them, even though i thought he did. Can i get Levi or Erwin comforting reader about a bad date with a happy ending? i hope that’s specific enough, i understand if it’s not. it’s also alright if you post it publicly to the blog.
thank you so much!!
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Aww, I’m so sorry to hear about your hard times! We have all had a love unrequited, so just know you are not alone <3 I hope this priority request can help a bit ^^
Word count: 1000 Tags: erwin x reader, fluff, modern AU, pining, friends-to-lovers, food mention, gn!reader
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On paper, it should have been a perfect match. Taste in music was the same, playlists practically identical. You had seen all the same movies, liked and disliked the same ones. Over the phone, you had shared many late nights - dimming your screen, talking low - just so you could make the most of your days. Chatting before the date, you could not wait to meet him. 
But even as you sat across from him, admiring the outfit he wore and the bill he paid, you were thinking about the postmortem. It wasn’t that the date was bad on its own, but given all the build-up there had been, that was what really killed it. Not bad, just disappointing. 
Yeah, he said all the right things. Here, let me take your jacket. You look so beautiful tonight. It’s great to finally meet you in person. All his sentiments made you glow. 
But it wasn’t the feeling you got with Erwin. 
// // //
Back at your apartment, Erwin tried to keep himself preoccupied. It was a day he had been dreading. All the times he heard you locked in your room late at night, chatting and giggling with the stud on the other end of the line, it was the only thing that could turn your angelic voice agonizing. Your nights spent as roommates, as friends, grew fewer and fewer - as you chose your cell over him. 
He had exhausted all the coping strategies he could think of, and for a man of his wits, they were many. Timing his hangouts to overlap with your dates. Buying an expensive pair of noise-cancelling headphones. No matter how diverse his topics of conversation were, you always somehow managed to tie it back to your developing relationship. He’s so thoughtful, so funny...
When you went on and on about your newest match, Erwin learned to detach just enough. Uncharacteristically delusional for the man so ever composed - how he could hear himself in the words you spoke. He’s six feet tall. Drives a Mercedes. Works in finance. Erwin bit the inside of his cheek. Didn’t you hear yourself? Couldn’t you see? The man of your dreams was not in your future, but in your present. This very Saturday evening, awaiting your return home safe. 
Erwin tilted his head back against the wall, palm pressed to his forehead, and allowed himself an audible sigh. Others found him so put-together, but there was one who had worked their way into his home, his heart, his most vulnerable spots, and could truly unravel him. Everyone else named him the smartest guy they knew, but he thought himself so stupid - for signing that lease with you, for thinking you could just be friends, for believing that his feelings would ever disappear. Erwin thought your habits of leaving mugs all around and piling laundry sky high would make him realize that you weren’t the one, but instead, the opposite. He longed to wash your dishes. He longed to fold your clothes. He wanted to be that person - Erwin clenched his fist - and no one else. 
However, his own obstacle remained: he could hardly admit it to himself, let alone confess it to you.
And so, that was how he found himself here again. Sitting on the couch, waiting for you to come back, prepared as possible to hear you gush about this incredible date and this incredible guy. 
But this time was different, and though he had not expected it, he was more than ready for the surprise you brought.
// // //
He could tell just by the way you opened the door. The key was lazily pushed into the lock, the door slowly nudged open. On the front mat, you toed off your shoes and hung up your coat. A far cry from the enthusiasm you left with. 
Earlier than expected, too. Erwin checked his watch. Only 7:30, you had left at 6:00. Must not have been that great, but don’t let yourself jump to conclusions. He had done so and fallen many times before. He fumbled for the TV remote and flipped whatever on, covering up the evidence of how long he had sat here daydreaming.
When you turned the corner, your hair was undone, your outfit disheveled, as if you just didn’t care anymore. Still, as always, he found you beautiful. “Hey,” a strained smile, “everything alright?”
“Eh,” you shrugged, tossing your wallet and keys onto the coffee table, indifferent. “Coulda been better.”
Erwin pinched himself, attempting to subdue his dire curiosity. A desire to hear all the date’s shortcomings juxtaposed with his compassion - not to make you run it back. 
His lips parted, preparing to speak, but you closed your eyes and unknowingly cut him off, “Can we just - have a roomie night?” Hand scratched the back of your neck, his breath caught in his throat, “The two of us? It’s been too long.”
The only man you could rely on. The one who would always be there for you in whatever way you needed him. Sitting through junk TV and three-hour documentaries, never complaining. Playing video games together, always knowing when to let you win and when to give you a challenge. Tonight, he once again composed your perfect care package. Homemade popcorn, organic smoothies, a Netflix marathon. Transporting you from sadness to happiness - the song of your laughter filling the room - that was how it was supposed to be.
Over the night, your jokes and giggles were spaced more sparsely apart. Erwin began to worry that your dating woes were overtaking your thoughts, but instead, he leaned over to find you soundly asleep. Your head had landed just beside his thigh, your arm draped over the edge of the sofa, parallel to his shin. A blush complemented his pale skin, blonde hair, but he departed before you had the chance to see it - just to bring you the pajamas he had just gotten done folding and a fresh mug of sleepy tea. 
It was his greatest joy - to be what you needed: roommate, friend, a distraction to all those disastrous dates. Any of those roles, it was his honor to fulfill. And someday, you would realize, that there was no use in meeting potentials - for the whole package was already in your hands and wrapped around your finger. 
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// masterlist //
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babygirlbenji · 3 years
Show Me Your World - Ben Chilwell
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A/N: this gif benjamin my good sir i am FERAL i am absolutely FERAL... anyway here is something that's been in my wips list forever and is heavily inspired by my reaction to monza 2021 that shall forever been known as my comfort race anyWAY let's get into it yuh
Formula 1 had been your sport since before you even knew how a car worked. Your father and uncle watched it every race weekend, you’d gone to Silverstone more times than you could count, and no matter what, McLaren was your team. Even during the lows of their 2012 season, you would be representing the team who had made such an indelible mark on you.
As you grew up, your love for the sport never waned. Your new job meant you could only watch the race highlights once you got home, exhausted with hurting feet, and you kept up with all the drivers, even after they’d retired or left the sport. One driver in particular, though, had had your support since his HRT days. Daniel Ricciardo was without doubt your favourite driver, so when he announced he was moving to McLaren for the 2021 season, it was like all your wildest dreams were coming true.
You and Ben had been together for just over six months. Despite your best efforts, you’d still not watched a race together, which was probably for the best, seeing as Daniel wasn’t gelling with his new car as well or as quickly as you had hoped. However, one particular weekend in September, when F1 was visiting your favourite track in Italy, Ben had managed to get the weekend off training, under the pretence of a mild muscle strain.
You rolled over on the Saturday morning, fully expecting to see Ben’s side of the bed empty, but instead, you saw a fluffy head of hair.
‘Chilly?’ you asked, perplexed. He was normally gone by the time your alarm went off; the traffic from your place to the Bridge was often a nightmare.
‘G’morning, gorgeous,’ he mumbled. You stared at him.
‘Baby, you’re going to be late for training…’ your voice tapered off in pure confusion. He smiled cheekily.
‘I may have gotten today and tomorrow off.’ Your jaw dropped and you propped yourself up on one pillow. ‘I figured it was about time we had that F1 date you’ve been wanting to do since the season started.’ You grinned delightedly and tackled him into a hug, a small grunt of surprise coming from him at the force of your body colliding with his.
‘Benji, really?! You really wanna sit and watch cars go round in funny shapes for a few hours today and tomorrow?’ He nodded enthusiastically.
‘I’ve taken you to enough fights and matches, it’s about time you show me your world!’ You kissed him, smiling against his lips.
‘Okay, well, this weekend is Monza, my favourite track of them all, as you probably know, we have the sprint qualifying today which is different to normal qualifying, it’s basically a shorter race than the feature race tomorrow and it decides the grid for the actual race. Danny Ric is starting from P5 for the sprint quali, so it should be an exciting quali!’ Throughout your nerdy ramble, Ben was looking at you and how your eyes were shining as you talked about your favourite sport. You’d been a football fan before you met, dipping in and out to watch the occasional match, but F1 had always been your preferred way to spend a Sunday. As much as Ben slightly resented football being your second-favourite sport, he couldn’t deny your passion and enthusiasm for F1.
That evening, you were sat ready and waiting for the sprint qualifying to begin. Nerves were beginning to bubble up in your stomach, just like they always did before a qualifying. Daniel had had such a tough season; trying to get accustomed to his new car, fitting in to a new team, as well as being consistently out-performed by his much younger and much less experienced teammate, Lando Norris. Having witnessed his incredible highs and awful lows, you were incredibly attached to the Australian, and wanted nothing more than for him to succeed and have a confidence boost.
As if by magic, Daniel did just that. Although the actual sprint quali was not as exciting as one would have imagined, Daniel managed to finish P3.
‘Babe, babe, babe, oh my god,’ your voice was high-pitched and breathless. Ben couldn’t help but laugh slightly at your reaction. ‘This means that with Valtteri Bottas’s grid penalty, Danny will start on the front row!’ Your knee jiggled excitedly, and you spent the rest of the evening babbling away about how much you loved Daniel and F1, and how excited you were for the race.
The next day, you were sat on the sofa in your Gulf McLaren polo shirt, and the time was nearly 2:00pm. The race was about to begin. You were beyond nervous; you just wanted Daniel to have a good race, and there was a very strong possibility that he could end up on the podium.
Ben sat next to you, chuckling slightly at your nervous face.
‘I swear you’re never this nervous for a match, gorgeous,’ he teased. You snorted.
‘Yeah because football doesn’t involve driving cars at more than 200 miles an hour. And because my favourite driver is in touching distance of winning not only his first race in over three years, but his first race with his new team that he’s struggled with. It’s just… it’s very high stakes.’ He rested a hand on your knee comfortingly.
‘Well you know I’m here for you to squeeze my hand when needed.’
It was a good thing he said that, because boy, did you need that hand to hold throughout the next hour and a half. You cheered when Daniel took the lead from Max at the first chicane, you moaned and grumbled in disappointment when the pit stops started and Daniel and Lando dropped from the podium positions, and clamoured with excitement when they started to climb back up through the field again.
However, at lap 23, everything changed. Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen, the two championship contenders, were involved in a very strange accident at the first chicane, resulting in both of them retiring from the race. Ben swore your scream when the accident happened was louder than most of the screams he’d heard at Stamford Bridge, and he was surprised the neighbours weren’t pounding on the door to make sure you were okay.
‘Oh my god! Oh my god! This changes everything! Oh my god!’ You lost track of how many times you said those three words, hands running through your hair in shock. Daniel was in the lead and Lando in second; you were in disbelief. This would be McLaren’s first win since Jenson Button in 2012, and their first one-two since 2010.
The next 30-something laps were nothing short of torture. You were convinced Daniel was going to lose the lead, or Lando was going to try and race too hard to get his first ever Formula 1 win. You kept muttering to yourself, urging Daniel to keep a level head and stick it out.
And he did just that.
He rounded the final corner, and you were already sobbing. He crossed the line to take his first win since 2018, with Lando following swiftly behind him to take his best-ever F1 finish. You were completely overwhelmed, sobbing freely into Ben’s shoulder as he laughed silently to himself at your reaction. He knew F1 meant a lot to you, and it had helped you through some pretty tough times over the years, but he had no idea it meant this much to you.
‘Deep breaths, darling, there we go,’ he stroked your hair soothingly. ‘Shh, easy, you’re okay. He did it! Your driver did it! He won for your team!’ You leant back slightly and looked at the television. The team radios were coming in, and Daniel and Lando’s whoops and cheers of delight only made you even more emotional. You could hear how much this meant to Daniel.
‘I just... I’m so happy for him… he needed this… both of them did, the whole team did…’ The cameras were focused on Daniel and Lando as they parked and got out of their cars. You sobbed even harder when they hugged each other, when they lifted their trophies at the podium ceremony, and when Daniel did his famous and long-overdue shoey. You didn’t realise that Ben was filming you for his Instagram story, with the caption:
@benchilwell: @F1 has broken my girlfriend, can anyone help put her back together?
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beom1e · 3 years
everybody had the soul watch app, because everybody was curious to meet their soulmate. it was an app that told you when or how and gave you hints, but never who. and due to all the pressure, you downloaded the app too... just to find out you didn’t even have a soulmate after all.
PAIRING yang jungwon x gn! reader
THEMES soulmates au, highschool au, fluff, humour
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matching jewellery was a trend among soulmates when it came to being a highschool student. those that had found theirs wanted to show it off, basically shoving it into the faces of those that were still searching. walking down the corridors was a constant reminder that you didn’t have a soulmate for yourself, as matched couples would walk hand-in-hand with shiny bracelets or be seen wearing those missing piece style necklaces.
mondays. after freeing yourself from the couple-filled hallways, you sat down at your desk and placed your books onto the table with a huff. trying to block out your classmate bragging about meeting their soulmate over the weekend, you noisily checked around in your bag for your pencil case.
then came the clicking of your teacher’s heels as she entered the classroom, and there was a rush of students finding their seats. the squeaking of chair legs and quiet chatter only made you more annoyed at the world. to say discovering you were soulmate-less a few weeks prior had put you in a permanent bad mood would be an understatement.
but everything lit up as soon as yang jungwon appeared in the doorway. he apologised for being late, cheeks flushed and hair windswept. heat rose to your own cheeks at the sight of his sorry smile.
much to your dismay, he was a few seats to the back and to the right of you. he disappeared from your sight, making you slump sadly in your seat.
‘today is international soulmate day,’ your teacher smiled, setting her powerpoint up behind her. ‘as you all may know. there are many types of soulmate links out there, but i want to know about yours. so research and write about it — its origin, its rarity — and hand it in at the end of class.’
not sure what to do, you raised your hand. ‘what if you don’t have a soulmate?’ at the sound of your voice, jungwon looked up from his notebook. he didn’t have a soulmate either.
‘everybody has a soulmate, y/n,’ she reminded you. ‘maybe you entered your details into soul watch incorrectly.’
‘i don’t have a soulmate either,’ jungwon spoke up. you turned in your seat. ‘so what do we do instead?’
‘this is the first time i’m hearing of people being soulmate-less,’ she chuckled awkwardly, slightly panicked. ‘well, you’re both part of the student board aren’t you? just head down to the main hall and help the others set up for the soulmate dance.’
the soulmate dance. just the thought of it made you roll your eyes. you’d never attended, because you didn’t show interest in finding out until those few weeks ago, but you knew how cheesy it was. it was like every other kind of dance, totally cliché and super boring. except, you got to bring your soulmate.
you packed up your things as quickly as possible. as horrible it would be having to decorate for a stupid highschool dance that you wouldn’t even attend, at least jungwon would be at your side. and he must’ve understood your suffering, especially during international soulmate week on international soulmate day that just happened to fall on a monday.
you slung your bag onto your shoulder and followed jungwon out of the door. he walked slightly ahead of you, holding open each door for you which you quietly thanked him for.
when you made it to the main hall, the bright pink colour palette made your eyes burn. ‘this is going to be a long week,’ jungwon sighed, dropping his bag and leaving you at the door. mentally agreeing, you placed your own bag down beside his.
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you sort of felt bad for jungwon. it was depressing to know that you weren’t ‘destined’ for anyone, and that you’d have to find someone the old way. he seemed even less of a fan of soulmate week than you were, but he did seem really down about not having a soulmate of his own.
it was wednesday morning and you’d missed your bus. annoyed with yourself, you had to run to the nearest bus stop in hopes another bus would arrive soon. that was where you saw jungwon and his friends, all of them being upperclassmen.
trying not to be seen, you awkwardly leaned against the outside of the shelter and looked off to the side. ‘it’s not like i like them,’ jungwon argued, which earned a few laughs from the boys. ‘why would i ask them to the soulmate dance if we’re not soulmates?’
‘because you don’t want to spend saturday studying alone in your room?’ sunoo teased, ‘if they’re not matched, then you can ask them. no big deal.’
the bus pulled up in front of them. you waited for them to get on before following, avoiding eye contact and taking a seat at the back. ‘good morning, y/n,’ jake turned around to face you. ‘i didn’t know you take this bus.’
‘i don’t,’ you awkwardly replied. ‘i was late and missed my own bus.’
‘are you going to the dance on saturday?’ sunoo also joined in, smiling brightly at you.
‘oh, uh,’ you nervously fiddled with the straps of your bag. ‘no, i don’t have a soulmate.’
‘well, we were just telling little wonie here that you don’t need a soulmate to go,’ jay patted jungwon’s head, making the younger boy complain about him messing up his hair. ‘you could come with us.’
‘thank you...’ shifting uncomfortably in your seat, you looked between all of the boys who were staring eagerly at you. ‘for the offer... but i don’t want to go. it means a lot, i just don’t do school dances.’
the bus conversation was probably the most awkward thing that happened to you that day. or during lunch time, when you took a seat on a bench facing the sports field. there was jungwon once again, playing around with the same friends. you watched as jake gave up on running around and collapsed to the floor, with everyone mirroring his actions seconds later.
you’d always had a crush on jungwon. he was always so sweet and polite, with the perfect balance between humour and seriousness. you saw him as someone you could easily rely on and trust, despite never being close to him. his cheeks always had this natural blush and his laugh was addictive, and he looked so serious whenever he was concentrating. you felt your heart racing whenever he was around, but you never had the courage to confess to him.
as you got lost in your thoughts, you made eye contact with him across the field. panicked, you began packing your things away and into your bag. then you left, trying not to move too quickly so that it didn’t look suspicious.
after classes, you were called into the main hall once again. knowing today you’d have to be painting, you grabbed your change of clothes from your locker and headed into the changing rooms. coming back into the hall, you were met with jake and sunghoon covering each other in the baby pink paint.
you slipped past them and looked around for something to do. and then someone tapped on your shoulder. it was sunoo, who asked if you could help him with painting the banner. jungwon passed by you, sending you a soft smile before hurrying off towards jay. how did he seem to be everywhere?
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on friday afternoon, as you were exhausted from all the decorating you’d been doing, you were so glad to be able to go home and enjoy your weekend. the whole week had been a complete disaster, and you now had a strong dislike towards the colour pink. but much to your dismay, the head of the student board asked you to attend the soulmate dance in order to keep an eye on the students. why he chose you specifically, you had no idea.
so on saturday morning, you tried your best to drag yourself out of bed. though you really didn’t want to dress up for a highschool dance, there was an outfit you had in mind. things weren’t going to change, you weren’t going to randomly get a soulmate, but you stupidly had hope things could change.
you spent most of the day considering backing out, but gave in because you didn’t want to disappoint your classmate. you arrived at the main hall an hour and a half before the event, ready to set things up.
a few students were around, moving tables to either side of the hall. a large red carpet was being rolled through the centre of the room, leading out onto the school gardens. you turned around at the sound of your name, bumping into the source. they reached for your hand, preventing you from toppling over.
a shock of electricity shot through your arm, forcing you to snatch your hand back. ‘i’m so sorry,’ the voice spoke, and much to your dismay, it was jungwon.
you felt your heart racing again, heat rising to your cheeks in an instant. ‘it’s ok,’ you reassured him. ‘it was my fault, so i’m the one that’s sorry.’
‘well,’ he smiled. ‘i guess i’ll see you around.’
honestly, you felt like an idiot. he heard loud and clear just a few days ago that you didn’t want to go to the soulmate dance, but here you were. maybe he would realise you were being forced into it, but if he didn’t, then that would be humiliating.
you shook your head to clear yourself of all the thoughts. ‘y/n,’ turning on the spot, you were met with the sight of jay coming towards you. ‘you’re looking lost. i thought you weren’t coming.’
‘change of plan,’ you simply replied. ‘i was asked to help set up some things.’
‘well, i need help carrying some things in from the truck outside,’ he offered. ‘if you’d like to help.’ nodding, you followed behind him at a distance.
the sky was clear — not a single cloud in sight — and the sun was shining brightly. the back doors of the truck were open, workers from the catering company lowering large bottles of drinks onto the ground. jay gestured towards the cluster of fruit juice bottles before grabbing one for himself.
they were heavy, but you managed. walking at jay’s side, you couldn’t think of a conversation starter to make it all a little less awkward. but thankfully, or maybe not, he spoke up first. ‘you do know that jungwon has a crush on you, right?’
the bottle fell from your grip. panicked, you reached forward to catch it again. clearly the universe was on your side in that moment, because it didn’t split.
‘uh, no,’ you forced out a laugh, feeling your entire body heat up. ‘i did not know that.’
‘he denies it,’ jay shrugged, helping you lift the heavy bottle back up from the ground. ‘but we all see the way he looks at you. after he found out you were soulmate-less too, he wanted to ask you to the dance tonight. but when you said you weren’t going, he gave up on that idea.’
what were you supposed to say to that? as you placed the bottles beside the snack table, jay pushed them under it. turning around to see jungwon on the other side of the hall, you felt yourself swallowing your words before leaving to the outside again.
but avoiding jungwon wasn’t as easy as you had hoped. he seemed to be in your line of sight at all times and in all honesty, you weren’t even sure why you were avoiding him. after all, if what jay said was true, then the feelings were mutual. still, you couldn’t shift your mind away from the shock you had felt at his touch. you thought maybe you were going crazy and had imagined it, until your phone buzzed with a notification.
leaving jay to bring in the rest of the drinks, you leaned against the exterior wall and pulled out your phone. a notification from soul watch lit up your phone, 0 days until you meet your soulmate. eyes wide, you looked around the area, hoping to see someone checking their phone in that same moment. was that even possible?
you weren’t sure what to do. search for your soulmate? or would they just come naturally to you? did this mean jay was your soulmate? it was a possibility, considering you were with him when the notification came through.
‘you coming inside?’ speak of the devil. you quickly hid you phone, putting on a fake smile and nodding. ‘people will start arriving soon.’
as soon as the hall began to fill up with people, you wished you had never came back inside. you really needed some time and space to think everything through. there was that electricity when jungwon had helped you up, but then you should’ve gotten the notification in that moment, right?
you grabbed your phone from your bag, going out into an empty corridor. sliding down the wall beside the door and pulling up the soul watch app, you searched your profile for details. but all the information it had was about your soulmate link, which happened to be a countdown. and now that the countdown was over, there were no more hints?
you were in complete disbelief, but the soulmate dance wasn’t the place to be researching this.
‘i guess you got it too,’ you looked up to see jungwon. ‘you’ve been avoiding me all day, so you must’ve.’
‘i have not been avoiding you,’ but the redness of your cheeks suggested otherwise. ‘and got what? i don’t know what you’re talking about.’
‘a sudden notification that you’ve possibly met your soulmate...?’ he sat down beside you.
‘well actually,’ you could’ve laughed at how stupid you were about to sound. ‘i was avoiding you because of what jay said earlier. and i thought there was no way you could be my soulmate otherwise i would’ve received the notification after we bumped into each other.’
‘who else could possibly be your soulmate?’
‘what’s that supposed to mean?’ you turned your head to make eye contact. he quickly looked away and down at the floor, wishing he hadn’t been so bold with his last statement. jungwon was never this forward with people he wasn’t yet close to.
‘i know jay told you that i like you,’ he admitted. ‘and i’ve always known that you like me back. i just never thought to bring it up because i didn’t have a soulmate, and i thought you would have one.’
‘but you have a soulmate now,’ you reminded him, a smile lighting up your features. ‘or... however that works. do you think it has to do with us touching for the first time back then?’
‘you felt that too?!’ his eyes widened as he stared back at you. ‘i thought i was going crazy.’
‘do you want to go back inside?’ you gestured to the door into the main hall. jungwon shook his head, standing up and holding his hand out to you.
‘we could...’ he trailed off, looking behind himself at the exit. ‘or we could ditch this snooze fest and do something fun instead... like go to an arcade?’
‘sounds like a plan,’ you took his hand, letting him pull you up from the ground. he checked if the coast was clear before running towards the exit, the sound of your laughter filling the empty corridor.
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Atlantic Runaways (Part 3)
Lol we got part 3, which is mainly just a lot of fluff and plot developement uwu
Warnings: Mentions of smoking, vore, trauma? Swearing.
Words: 1.8K+
He rolled in bed as his alarm went off, the familiar tune of the able sisters calling him into awakening. Much to his displeasure. How dare this alarm tell him to get up when wait- shit! He had a job!
He came to his thoughts as he shot out of bed, checking his phone to see that the alarm was late. “SHIT!”. But then stopped for a minute, he remembered it was a Saturday. Why would his alarm be going off on his day off?
Then he realised he was going too late for his meeting with Tubbo.
He grabbed his hoodie, rushed downstairs and ran across the street to the nearby park that he and Tubbo would meet up in.
As he ran his best friend came into view, with an unamused face of course. “Tubbo! My man!”. He managed to get out as he came to a halt, panting his lungs out. “About time, you dickhead!”.
“Sorry! Sorry! A lot of things happened yesterday…”. It came out almost abrupt but confusing as the reality of yesterday’s events were finally hitting him. No wonder he overslept, he was exhausted.
“You okay Toms?”. He snapped out of his mind and looked to Tubbo, “Fine! How about we grab some coffee from the café?”, “Sure, but I’m not grabbing coffee. I’m getting hot chocolate!”.
The two made their way to the café in the middle of the park, it was quite a famous public area so many people frequented the place. They took their orders, the hot chocolate and coffee with a side of biscuits. Because Tommy didn’t have breakfast.
The two just sat on their phones for a moment, the atmosphere of awkwardness raising, it was apparent to Tubbo that something was off about Tommy, he was normally more hyperactive, talkative, and well, energetic. Something was clearly on his mind, and he didn’t want to talk.
But Tubbo was determined to get answers. The drinks soon arrived and Tubbo put away his phone, sipping at his hot chocolate. Ignoring the boiling temperature in favour of looking dramatic. He looked at Tommy with narrowed eyes, but his attention was focused on his phone.
“So…”. Tubbo spoke up, Tommy’s attention went from his phone to Tubbo. “What’s up?”, Tommy asked while furrowing an eyebrow, Tubbo was acting differently.
“What’s going on? You’re acting differently.”. Tubbo usual tone is gone, replaced with a serious one. Oh god, it was a serious one. Did he do something? Was he suspicious? He didn’t really want to tell Tubbo what had happened.
“Uhh, nothing?”. Tubbo slammed his fist on the table. “Okay! Okay! Maybe almost got murdered yesterday at work?...”. Tubbo always held a level of intimidation so Tommy couldn’t help and spit it out, much to his displeasure.
“What?”, Tubbo spoke quietly, not wanting to get more attention from the customers that were already staring at them.  “Okay, let’s finish this outside.”.
The two then quickly ate their biscuits and finished their drinks, Tommy grabbing a can of Coca Cola on the way out. The two then made their way to their usual bench, secluded from the rest of the park.
“So, what do you mean you almost got killed?!”, Tubbo asked the moment they sat down. Tommy almost choked on his cola. “Right uhm…”. He tried to find a way to put it.
“Basically, you know that trainer guy who was really sketchy?”, “Yeah…”. “Basically, he threw me into the water with a dangerous Mer? Well, not really dangerous now... But-“. Tubbo slapped a hand over Tommy’s mouth and pinched his own nose and sighed. “Slowly.”.
Tommy in turned sighed when his mouth was released, he was going to have to go into more detail. “Trainer guy I was working under was treating Wilbur like shit, course me and Wilbur weren’t on the best of terms but that isn’t a right to treat a creature like us like total shit! So, I stood up for em’ “.
He continued, “In turn, he got mad and pushed me into the water. As you know I’m not the brightest out there and I didn’t manage to suck in any air. So, I was drowning…”. “That’s how you almost died?...”.
Tommy looked down and nodded, his arms hugging himself. Tubbo comforted him with a hug, rubbing his back as Tommy leaned into the touch. “Mhm…”. He mumbled. The two stayed there for a moment, in comforting silence.
“How did you get out?” he asked once Tommy had calmed down. “I- Wilbur saved me. I don’t know why but he did, he fucking ate me while doing it too!”, “What?!”.
“Turns out some Mers have what’s called a brooding pouch, a place where they store young. Wilbur put me there for a while”. “Wait- Brooding pouch?! He ate you but didn’t eat you?”. Tubbo said in confusion to which made Tommy laugh.
“Yeah, turns out he can speak too! So, now I can actually talk to the bitch! And now we’re friends, I guess? Well, that and he actually comforted me after what happened, so after all that I walked home at whatever time it was and fell asleep.”.
Tubbo went straight into protective mode, hugging Tommy with a lot of strength, “I’m glad you’re alive! But Wilbur, you think you guys are friends?”. “I guess so, he seemed rather friendlier than usual”.
“Whatever it is, be careful. He could still be dangerous!”, “I will don’t worry! I just, I feel bad for Wilbur. I’m gonna try and do whatever I can to help… Wait- how come you’re okay with all this?”.
“Because I know you Toms, and I know I won’t be able to stop you even if I tried so you have my support, okay? If you need a hand lemme know”.
The two did their usual antics after that, playing around and such like they have since childhood and after all that he went to bed.
The next day went by quickly as he was mainly playing games and stuff. He tried to think of plans, something of what he could do to help Wilbur.
He woke up with a lot of energy that morning, he had plans and he knew that work is going to be absolute chaos.
The moment he arrived at work that day there was a sort of rush of anxiety and excitement, he was excited to see Wilbur again but also scared of the fact of how Wilbur would react.
He walked past the halls and into Wilbur’s containment. There stood the trainer, sitting on a stand, smoking his darn cigarette.  
He heard the door open and looked over to see Tommy. His eyes widened in shock, coughing as he clumsily inhaled his cigarette. “Y-you’re!”. “Yeah, I’m alive. Shut it”.
The man opened his mouth and stood up, approaching Tommy menacingly. Tommy’s confidence faded as he brought up his arms to shield himself from the man. But the man didn’t even stand a chance as water splashed around the two.
And there was Wilbur, barring his sharp teeth, his eyes dilated as he saw the man staring down at his trainer. The trainer immediately backed off when he saw the Mer, running away cowardly out of the room. Leaving him and Wilbur alone.
Tommy looked nervously to Wilbur whose harsh expression turned softer as he looked down at Tommy, he leaned down to Tommy’s height. “You, okay?”. “Yeah, fine. Thanks Wil.”.
Wilbur smiled as he brought out his hand, offering it to Tommy to which he looked down at it in confusion, to which Wilbur responded by just picking him up completely. “Glad to see you’re okay, I’ve been worried”. He nuzzled Tommy.
“Oi, stop it bitch!”. It made Wilbur laugh. “Why are you so cuddly?!”, “You should know this, it’s common knowledge for mers”. Tommy took a minute to understand what he meant then the realisation hit him.
“Right, you bitches get attached to things easily”. And in response, Wilbur brought a claw to gently rub Tommy’s hair. “Right there, gremlin boy!”. “I am no gremlin!”.
The two then settled down with Wilbur swimming around in his small pool, which honestly made Tommy cringe with how small it was. “You hungry?”, he yelled out as he pulled out a heavy bucket towards the pool, it was filled to the brim with fish.
Wilbur popped his head out of the water, “Always hungry, honestly”. He swam towards the end of the pool where Tommy was, “Right”. He brought the bucket to Wilbur, to which Wilbur opened his mouth wide.
Tommy could make out the many sharp fangs, he could easily be swallowed whole. It freaked him out, he shrieked and stepped back. Wilbur closed his mouth and tilted his head in confusion at Tommy’s sudden yells. “What’s wrong?”.
“N-nothing, just you kinda scared me for a second “, “Oh! Sorry! Just thought you’d feed me like that”. “O-oh…”. Tommy then took a breath and came back close to Wilbur, Wilbur picked up on what Wilbur was doing and opened his mouth back up.
He then threw the bucket of fish into Wilbur’s mouth, who immediately swallowed the fish. Although not normally a part of a whale mer’s diet, it was the only thing that he could really give Wilbur to eat out here.
Wilbur then went back to swimming whilst Tommy laid his feet in the water and surprisingly, Wilbur didn’t mind it.
“So. Uhm- you okay Wil?”, “Just fine, Tommy” he answered as he swam. Fortunately, Mers could hear just as well from above the water, even if they were underwater. So, the conversation would be rather normal.
“How are you feeling after that day?”, “Fine, I talked to a friend about it. Got it off my mind and shit.”, “You told somebody about me?”, his tone changed. Tommy looked to Wilbur, “Y-yeah, I hope that’s okay!”, “Are they trustworthy?”, “Yeah!”, “Okay.”.
There was another moment of silence until Tommy spoke up, “Wilbur, don’t you hate being here?”. “Yes, I do, I absolutely despise it here. I hated it the moment I got here”, “Do you wanna go back to the ocean?”.
“Yes I do, but that isn’t possible.”.
“What if it is though?”.
“Tommy, you’d have to be a maniac in order to pull off an operation on your own”.
“Well I am a maniac, I’ll do it!”.
“Let’s run away Wilbur!”.
 “Tommy!” Wilbur pinched his nose and sighed, “I get it, you wanna help and I’m all up for it. But it’s dangerous. I don’t want you getting hurt”.
“It’ll be fine Wilbur! Come on! Don’t you wanna get out of here?!”. Wilbur looked to Tommy who had determined eyes, he couldn’t help it, he found them adorable. He sighed again, “Finee, but we’re going to be really careful about this okay?”.
Tommy smiled and stood up, reached out for Wilbur, Wilbur happily hugged him back with his hand. It made Tommy laugh, which brought a smile to Tommy’s face.
“We’ll run away!”.
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parkers-gal · 4 years
Reader meet Tom during a Meet and greet for the first time. She’s European (like Belgian perhaps. You can choose that) and she catches his attention. They start as close friends and whenever she gets to London, they meet up. After a while they start a relationship (can be long distance) and they just adore eachother a lot.
a good story
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wc | 3k (SORRY i rly went off)
i chose france because i heard they have a bit more diversity...? i hope that makes it a bit more universal :) plsss i didn't proofread — hope u like it ! <3
You try to wipe the sweat off your hand for the fifth time in the last two minutes. Your pulse picks up while the line moves up again. You’ve been waiting for about an hour and a half, but you really don’t mind. Not when that mop of curls and pile of muscles is so close. Besides, you get to fangirl with the rest of the fans in line around you.
You’d been in deep conversation with a girl and her girlfriend for a good while until one of them went off to get coffee and the other asked to use the bathroom. The security guard assured them that they’d return to their exact position in line, ensuring they wouldn’t have to wait all over again. You missed them, though, because they weren’t back within seven minutes so you preoccupied yourself with the lanyard around your neck with your VIP Access pass attached to the end.
You play with the strings of the Spider-man hoodie; it’s the midtown hoodie that Peter Parker wears in the first movie. You wore it to be cute — and it is, especially with these jeans — but now you’re afraid you might die of heat exhaustion. As the security guards usher yet another fan through the curtains, your feet move forward a couple of feet until the movement stops and you’re stuck waiting again.
The girl and her girlfriend return not a minute later, one of them offering you a bite of their croissants from Starbucks. You ponder the offer before politely declining; you don’t want your breath to smell, or something to get stuck in your teeth. You know you’re overthinking this entire situation, but you can’t help but be nervous when you’re about to meet the one person you’ve spent so much of your time gawking over — and through a screen, at that. It’s pathetic, you admit, but you can’t help it. There’s just something about him.
Another fan goes through the curtains and suddenly you’re less than five turns away from meeting the beloved Brit. You can’t help but feel a little more connected to him, knowing that you’d flown all the way from Paris, France for this London Meet-and-Greet. It’s a wonder how you got your schedule to work so well.
You move forward another spot, tapping your index and middle fingers on your hip while tracing the lines of the tiled floor. You try to distract yourself — counting every prime number you can think of, naming all the superheroes in the Marvel Franchise — until you’re one spot away from going through the black curtains.
“You’ll be in in less than three minutes,” the girl smiles while informing you of the estimated time frame. You thank her, taking note of the tag attached to her uniform.
You take a deep breath, shaking away all nerves and last jitters before wiping your hands one last fateful time. And then all at once, the curtain opens and allows you to step through and into the room where a young actor awaits your arrival. It’s so surreal that you have to watch your feet to ensure they don’t trip and cause you to stumble.
“Hello, love. How’re you?”
Your breath hitches and when he finally takes a good look at you, his breath does too. Your eyes lock for a beat, the two of you lost in a trance before you finally spit out a response.
“I’m… really good. How’re you?”
He smiles, eyes crinkling and face lifting up. “I’m great, thank you.”
You nod, the tip of your tongue playing with your front tooth. You shake out of it, though, setting your bag and your lanyard down on the provided table before stepping a little closer to him.
“Ah, the Midtown hoodie,” He points out, holding your wrists out so he can examine the sweatshirt himself.
“Yeah,” you smile bashfully. “It’s… stylish.”
He laughs wholeheartedly, something that eats away at your shell and causes you to join his chuckling.
“What’s your name, darling?”
You bite your lip, inhaling sharply at the term of endearment. “Y/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Tom,” he offers a hand, something that makes your face scrunch up with a laugh.
“Can we hug instead?”
“Please?” He insists, realizing how embarrassing his last move was. The two of you embrace strongly, and you inhale the scent of Tom Holland while you can.
When you separate, you grow a little more courage, and pick up the conversation. “I loved you in The Impossibly. Obviously in the Spider-man movies, too, but your other movies are really good, too.”
“Thank you, love. That means a lot,” he scratches his neck with a sheepish smile, a blush rising from his neck and onto his cheeks. He smiles, an action you mirror. “Is this your first Meet-and-Greet?”
You nod, “Yeah, I’m a bit nervous.”
He nods in understanding. “Are you from England?”
You shake your head, “I’m currently living in Paris.”
“Ah, the country of romance,” He looks as if he’s thinking of what to say next — as if he shouldn’t say it. “How old are you?”
“Twenty-one,” You smile again, and the glint in Tom’s eye changes just a shade, as if he’s just unlocked a new level. He looks excited for a different reason now.
“How long are you staying in England?”
“Till the end of the week,” You can’t help but feel giddy because it’s only Monday, which means you have until Saturday night to explore the great country of Britain, home to Tom Holland and Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch and basically every celebrity you’ve ever been a fan of. You can’t anticipate what Tom’s to say next, because you don’t want to turn your experience into a Wattpad story, but you hope he’s about to offer something in relation to sightseeing.
“Would you want to… could I show you around? Show you all the best places?” He looks shyer than you, almost, and you swallow your heart so you can answer calmly.
“You’d do that?’
“Of course,” He smiles softly. “You look like a lot of fun.”
You’re taken aback at the compliment, and you stumble out a reply as best you can. The two of you are reminded to take the picture so the line can move forward again, and you will yourself not to frown at the coming end of your encounter with the famous Brit.
“Could we do this?” You show him a picture from your phone and he nods excitedly.
The two of you link hands, standing close together while you smile into the camera. Your encounter comes to an end, and though you’re disappointed, Tom asks for your number, giving you his phone for the occasion. You’re giddy as you wave goodbye, leaving the tent with your picture and his lingering energy.
A day passes, giving you time to recover from your celebrity-interaction and time to get settled into your comforting hotel room on the seventh floor. You’re a bit wary that Tom won’t ever text you, and seeing as you don’t have his number, you realize you have to wait it out. You don’t want to risk waiting for the entirety of your stay here, though, so you grow worried. But alas, Tom texts late on Tuesday night, apologizing for the radio silence that came when he had to finish up the Meet-and-Greet event. You’re relieved, to say the least.
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He exchanges details, telling you to meet him at a corner cafe at ten in the morning tomorrow. You comply, promising to get a good night’s rest before saying your goodnights and sleeping the hours away. You’re promptly awoke but your eight-thirty alarm. With a groan, you get up to shower, and the cold water wakes you right up.
An hour later and you’re ready for some quality, top-notch sightseeing. You grab what you need, locking your hotel room door before going down the elevator with a sweet elderly couple. You follow the map on your phone until you arrive at a small shop on the corner, just as Tom had said. You pull the door open, the smell of coffee beans entering your airways. You exhale the familiarity of it all, smiling to yourself before searching the shop. You spot Tom in a corner booth, and as you make your way over, he sets his phone face-down on the table with a smile, waving at you. You take a seat across from him.
“This place is cute.”
“Right? Best tea in London.”
Your stomach grumbles, loud enough for the both of you to hear and then share a laugh about. “I suppose I should eat breakfast.”
“I suppose I should join you,” he replies in the same tone, the two of you sharing tender smiles before someone comes over to take your order.
The conversation picks up and all tension and awkwardness wafts away in the air, leaving you in Tom’s comfortable aura. You talk until the check is paid, and as you step out on the crisp air of the city’s streets, you turn to Tom for the agenda.
The day goes on like that. The two of you go all around the city, visiting The British Museum, the Tower Bridge, Big Ben the clock tower, the Buckingham Palace, the Portobello Road Market, the National Gallery, and even the London eye. Tom knows everything like the back of his hand, and the ancient city makes you feel so significant. Your last stop is Cambridge University, something you’ve always wanted to see in person.
Tom’s been taking your picture all day. On polaroids, your iPhones, and even some of the tourist-profiting workers who beg for sales. He claims it’s so you can start scrapbooking, a conversation the two of you had covered during your many word exchanges.
The two of you have been all over the city since the end of breakfast at almost eleven o’clock. Now, it’s almost eight o’clock and you’re hungry as fuck. After some debate, the two of you decide to take a big red bus back to your hotel for some room service or hotel-restaurant food.
Tom sits in the seat beside you on the bus, the two of you up top and enjoying the city. You get lost in conversation again, the two of you going through today’s latest pictures and video-memories. You end up goofing off, so much so that you almost miss your stop.
The two of you stumble to the entrance of your hotel. Tom smiles, grabbing the door for you. You reply with a sheepish “thank you,” before waving hello to the front desk women.
“Do you want room service or do you want to dine in the restaurant?”
“Would you mind if I joined you for room service?”
You shake your head with a gentle smile, the two of you racing to the elevators. After hitting your floor number, the elevator goes up and the two of you talk again and again. Tom excuses himself to the bathroom when you get into your room; it gives you the opportunity to change out of your clothes and into a pair of sweats and a loose tank. Tom comes out ready for room service but is grown flustered at the sight of a different outfit on you.
“Getting comfortable?”
“Duh,” you lean back on the queen sized bed, back hitting the headboard. “Stay for a movie?”
He smiles, “Hand me the menu.”
He ends up staying until ten o’clock. You promise to go clubbing with him, for a full London experience, and the two of you schedule to do just that on Friday night. You book the entirety of Thursday to finish your sightseeing with him, and before you know it, you’re spending every day in London with Tom.
On your last day, Saturday, you eat breakfast with him at that first fateful cafe. He tells you he can’t take you to the airport — he’d probably get mobbed by fans — and you understand, promising to call him once you land. He promises to come with you to France one day, so the roles can reverse.
You finish your final cup of coffee just as Tom finishes his tea. He smiles sadly, one you mirror.
“I’ll see you soon, you know. And you can still drop me off at the airport.”
“I know,” he smiles sheepishly, hand reaching across the table for yours. “But I’ll miss sightseeing with you. I forget how amazing my own country is, sometimes.”
“Well,” you smile, “I’ll be back, so don’t worry too much, Tom. It’s not like I’m going across the world.”
“Yeah,” He chuckles, “And besides, I can come see you sometime.”
“It’s just so weird to have friends in France and shit,” He chuckles, running a hand through his hair. “Like you live there and I can just go and visit you whenever.”
“I’m still a call away.”
“And thank god for that.”
You exhale after a beat of silence. “This is so fucking crazy.”
“This. You, us hanging out. Just four days ago I was paying to see you, and now I’m having breakfast with you for the third time?”
“I promise, I’ll refund that Meet-and-Greet money.”
“Why?” You look at him quizzically and he bites his bottom lip.
“Well we’re friends, so you don’t really need to waste that money and I can get it back so-”
“Don’t,” you look up at him. “It makes for a good story.”
He nods, and after the two of you pay the check, you’re standing from the booth of the quaint little shop one final time, making your way to your door and settling in the passenger seat of Tom’s car. With your luggage in the backseat, he drives all the way to the airport, the loud sound of plane engines filling your ears. He drops you off at the terminal with a hug and a watery smile.
“See you soon!” He waves until you’re out of sight and the security guard is threatening to give him a ticket.
Half a year goes by, with quick three-day weekend trips back and forth, to London and to France even. You’ve seen Tom a total of seven times in the past six months, and you’ve grown closer than ever.
About a month goes by after your last trip, until your boss is telling you that you’re getting a week off for the upcoming paid break. You’ve already confirmed your flight and hotel plans to London, wanting to surprise Tom.
You decide to do it the night before you’re due on the airplane to the country of Brits.
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You can’t help but grin at your phone, eventually laying down to sleep while you can before your early morning flight. Tom’s on your mind, in your future, and in your dreams. The last month of FaceTimes and text messages have been amazing, but unbearable because you miss his presence. The extreme amounts of flirting, however, have definitely picked up over text. Your week long trip to London marks the eighth time you’ve seen Tom since that first fateful Meet-and-Greet. You can’t help but feel like the dynamic is changing a bit, though. The two of you have upped the levels a bit, and now you’re more cuddly, more flirty, and definitely more interested.
When you land, you text Tom but frown when the usual immediate response doesn’t come. Moving past a crowd of waiting people, you head to baggage claim to get your luggage. After excruciatingly lifting it off of the conveyor belt, it lands with a thud on the ground and you start wheeling it towards the exit.
The building is extremely less crowded thanks to your early flight booking. When you look up, you see that familiar head of precious brown locks, and you squeal. Tom never leaves the car when picking you up or dropping you off at the airport, for fear of paparazzi and fans catching him. But this time, he’s out and in the building to come get you.
Abandoning your luggage, you drop your carry-on on the floor as you run over to him as fast as you can. He can sense you’re about to jump into his embrace, so he prepares for the bone-crushing hug.
Your arms go around his neck while his hands settle on your waist. He smiles, chin settled in the crook of your neck while he inhales the scent of you.
“Tommy, oh my god. I missed you so much.”
When you pull apart, you’re each a jumbled mess of excitement and tears, so much so that when Tom’s hands grip your face to pull you in to a passionate kiss, you’re immediately calmed. Though you’ve never kissed before, it feels so right.
Your lips chase after his, deepening it as your hands go to his hair and his to the small of your back. When you separate, your foreheads lean against each other while you pant.
“That’s new.”
“Sorry, I should’ve asked.”
You chuckle, “I would’ve said yes.”
He interlocks your fingers, smiling. “I missed you.”
“I missed you more.”
Suddenly, he’s reminded of the fact that the two of you are in public, and when he looks up, he sees a group of girls holding their phones up and capturing the moment he’s just shared with you. Quickly, he pulls you into his chest protectively, hiding your face in your neck.
“We need to hide or else they’re gonna know it’s m-”
“Don’t,” you settle him. “It makes for a good story.”
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australiancarisi · 3 years
Sonny Carisi ~ It Reminded Me of You
the inspiration for this was literally a Ben & Jerry's ad on my facebook Not spon but B&J if you wanna sponsor me hit me up ada!Sonny x Detective!Reader A non-covid world all errors are my own v sorry words: 1365
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It felt like weeks since you’d actually spent quality time with Sonny. You didn’t even have to be doing anything you could just sit next to him while he sat on his phone for hours just as long as you were actually with him, that’s all you cared about. It was so much easier when you were both working as detectives, sure you were working and being professional but you were just with him more often than not.
Now that he’s an ADA however, it feels like your schedules just never line up. And yes of course you still get to work with him it’s just not the same level.
You texted Sonny earlier in the day to see how his workload was going, hoping he’d be home at a reasonable hour. It was Friday and you had the full weekend off, not even on call. Liv even promised the only way you’d get called in was if it was a matter of national security. She’d seen how down and exhausted you had been lately and she wasn’t having it - Mama Benson will not let anything happen to her people.
When Sonny replied saying he’d managed to plead out his most pressing cases and that he see you at his place for an actual home-cooked meal and a weekend of doing nothing, you felt yourself burst with happiness.
You were packing up your stuff for the night saying goodbye to Kat and Amanda as they walked out when your phone rang.
A dopey grin spread across your face like always and Fin rolled his eyes, heading into Liv’s office.
“Hey Handsome, I’m just packing up my stuff should be at yours within the hour”
“Doll-“ you knew that tone, you knew it was gonna be bad, something had come up “I’m so sorry Hadid just handed me about 8 files that all are being arraigned on Monday, I’m gonna have to put a rain check on that meal” it wasn’t just going to be a rain check on the meal though, you knew Sonny and you knew he was going to work over the weekend. He put so much pressure on himself to make sure he did well and got the justice the victims deserved that he would exhaust himself on his only weekend off in about 3 months.
Tears welled in your eyes, you looked to the ceiling and blinked them away, determined not to let any fall.
Taking a deep breath to steady your voice before replying, “it’s okay Son really, work is more important”
“Nothing is more important than you Doll” you smiled sadly at his words
“I love you Sonny, it’s okay there will be more dinners and lazy weekends”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course bub, I love you” you reassured him.
“I love you too Doll, I’ll be home as early as I can”
It wasn’t official but you had basically been living at his apartment lately in an attempt to see each other a little more.
You hung up the phone, throwing it a little aggressively on your desk as Fin and Liv came out of her office. With tears still in your eyes, you sat down and looked up at the two of them.
“y/n...” Olivia started, she knew your plans with Sonny had fallen through, she always just knew.
“Don’t Liv. Please. Because if you say anything I’m gonna cry and I won’t be able to stop” you sighed your voice cracking slightly
“Do you wanna go for a drink? I’m sure phoebe won’t mind” Fin smiled sadly
“N-no” you cleared your throat “no I’m fine I’ll just get some more paperwork done here. You go home”
“Nope, you are not staying here. Go home y/n, get some rest” Liv pulled you up from your best wrapping an arm around you
“Sometimes I just wish he was still here” you whispered
“I know... me too...” Liv sighed
You said goodbye to Fin and Liv out the front of the precinct, reassuring them both that you were in fact okay and grabbed a cab back to Sonny’s apartment.
“Actually just let me out here… Thanks” you smiled to the driver, handing over the money and jumping out of the cab and walking straight into the 7/11.
You walked around the small 7/11 store trying to decide what you wanted. At this point you didn’t really feel like anything, you just wanted Sonny. You spotted the ice cream and well if you weren’t going to get to spend the night with Sonny at least you could spend it with Ben & Jerry. You took your time scanning the different flavours, a very important decision.
Cookie dough...Strawberry cheesecake...Chunky Monkey...
Then your eyes saw it. You grabbed the pint of ice cream and paid, quickly walking up to Sonny’s apartment.
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Sonny rubbed his face in exhaustion and sadness. It felt like he hadn’t made any progress in the past hour on any of the cases he had been handed just before he was about to head out the door. He’d had such a plan for the weekend. Tonight he was going to cook your favourite meal and spend the night on the couch watching whatever stupid romcom you could find on Netflix. He planned to take you out on Saturday, walks in the park and maybe the art gallery and then Sunday, his favourite day, he was going to let you sleep in as long as you wanted and make you your favourite breakfast in bed and spend the day doing absolutely nothing. He was going to turn your phones off and spend the day lying in bed, order in any food you guys wanted because it was going to be the last day of just the two of you for probably a while. And now it was all gone to shit because of these cases in front of him.
Sonny loved being an ADA but right now he wished he never left the NYPD. Groaning as his phone pinged with a message he looked at it. It was Liv.
I know you are busy but please go home to girlfriend and get some rest, she needs you
Sonny frowned and typed out his reply
is she okay?
she just misses you Sonny and knowing you, you miss her too
how’d you know i was even still here?
The reply was just a screenshot of Liv’s find my friend's app. Sonny let out a laugh and sent back a heart before packing up his stuff and heading home.
When Sonny finally walked through the door of his apartment it was just before 10pm. Much earlier than you’d expected him. You shot up from the couch when you heard someone at the front door.
“Hey Doll” Sonny smiled putting his briefcase down at the door and shrugging his suit jacket off, letting it fall to the floor without a care in the world
“Sonny!” you ran to him and all but jumped in his arms. It felt silly but you really had missed him.
“I’m sorry Doll” he mumbled into your hair
“what for?”
“for messing up our plans, I feel like I just keep cancelling everything” he sighed
“hey” you pulled back from the hug and cupped his face making him look at you “do not feel bad. I understand, your job is important. Hell, how many times have I been called away? This is just how it is, but I’d rather only spend 5 minutes with you than a lifetime with someone else”
“I love you so much doll” Sonny blushed brushing his lips against yours “I’ll have to work a bit tomorrow but I’ll get everything done and then it’s just you and me all day Sunday” he held his pinky up to you “pinky promise” you grinned wrapping your finger around his. Sonny kissed your hand before leading you over to the couch. “now who replaced me tonight?”
“Chris Evans” you grinned flopping down onto the chair. Sonny reached for the ice cream on the coffee table “oh, and Ben and Jerry”
“Cannoli flavoured?”
“It reminded me of you” you whispered, snuggling into his side.
141 notes · View notes
mieohmy · 4 years
𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗌𝗈𝗎𝗋 | 𝗃𝖾𝗈𝗇 𝗐𝗈𝗇𝗐𝗈𝗈
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PAIRING: CEO boss! jeon wonwoo x secretary! reader 
GENRE: fluff, angst, humor, office au
WC: 5k (whoops got carried away- i mean its wonwoo)
NOTES: mentions of death, depression 
SUMMARY: you loved being a secretary, the work and stress included. but your ‘stone cold’ boss was really testing your limits in more ways than one. alternatively, who knew mighty CEO jeon wonwoo was such a softie?
update: part two can be found here !
update 2: final part → here 
“Yes, sir. Also, the opening ceremony is today at 7pm. Would you like me to set up your chauffeur?” The man nods. “Yes, make sure to finish the layout for tomorrow. And the catalog by Thursday. That’s all, you’re dismissed.” You bow politely before turning and exiting his office. 
You take two steps forward before displaying a scowl and muttering, “never get a break. not even a thank you. just wait, jeon wonwoo, one day i-“ “Y/n!” A voice snaps you out of your trance, spotting Seungkwan walking your way. 
Greeting him, you ask, “What’s up?” “We’re getting food tonight. Team dinner at 7. Can you make it?” he says. You sigh before replying apologetically, “Sorry.... boss wants me to finish something up for tomorrow.” 
Seungkwan taps his feet in disapproval. “The CEO is still giving you more work? When will that man ever let you have a break?” You grit your teeth, attempting to smile. Seungkwan stares at the CEO's office. 
“Y/n, you work the hardest out of all of us, and you have to deal with him every day. If there’s anyone who deserves a rest, it’s you. Our team’s planning on going to the beach on the weekend since we have Friday off. You should join us. It’ll be really fun!“
Contemplating for a moment, you’re about to accept before you suddenly remember what Friday is, eyes widening. Turning to Seungkwan, you smile sadly. “I really-like you don’t even know-really want to go, but I have something really important on Friday. I’m so sorry.” He nods, reassuring you it’s fine. “Well, you can join us on Saturday then!” 
You bow, biting your lip as you continue on. You totally forgot what day Friday was. 
The rest of your shift was rough. Wonwoo, AKA your horrible boss, didn’t seem to want to give you a break. The past few weeks had been very tightly packed with the upcoming debut, and although you understood it was very important, sometimes it felt like your boss didn’t know you were human too. 
Waking up at 5 am, driving to his place and setting up, and then getting to work was exhausting. Not to mention the late nights working on assignments. It all came with being a secretary, but recently, you didn’t know if you could keep going. Maybe it had something to do with your boss’s attitude as well. 
Jeon Wonwoo, CEO of one of the largest writing and printing companies. Exactly how you expect. Handsome, cold, quiet. You’re pretty sure he’s rejected more than a hundred women who attempted to ask him out. What did he even do for fun? Lame word searches?
When you first started working as his secretary, you had at least one breakdown a day. Everything you did was wrong, Wonwoo’s ‘redo it again’, echoing in your mind. He never cared about your feelings, just your work. You needed the job to help your family since it had good pay, and your siblings were focused on school. So it was up to you to provide for your family that you weren’t even close with.
You and your coworkers loved to complain about wonwoo’s cold attitude and the workload he gave out. Sure he was handsome, but it didn’t matter to you since his attitude was such a shutdown. You blamed him for not having a social life or a boyfriend, but of course, he didn’t care. 
That just made you want to work even harder. You stayed up countless nights practicing, studying to be perfect. Until Wonwoo tolerated you. Everyone knew you as Jeon Wonwoo’s longest secretary. It wasn’t easy work, but it made you feel proud, and you were able to push through working for him. 
At least before recently. Wonwoo was extremely busy with the preparations, and so were you. You understood, he was stressed, but was taking it out on you okay? You really contemplated quitting, but this time of the year was extremely important, so you would have to wait until after the new debut passed. I mean, you were kind enough to start the resignation after finishing the event, unlike another person you knew.
Wonwoo calls you into his office late that night, the floor almost empty. You walk in, carrying the same tea you always brought at the now perfected temperature. Setting it down, you bow before asking, “you called for me, Mr. Jeon?” You can tell he’s frustrated by his ruffled hair and wrinkled collar. Your fingers itch, wanting to fix it. 
“Finish the chart for tomorrow. I want you to adjust my schedule since father’s coming by. Cancel everything before 10.” You tense, feeling the frustration course through you. “But sir, I already got all the-“ “I don’t care, change it. You can go now.” You tightly bow and leave, fuming in anger. 
You’re not surprised you only got three hours of sleep. It was a regular thing these days. Groaning, you get ready as usual like every day, the schedule drilled into your brain. You grab a shirt, frowning as you remember the one time Mr. Jeon called your fashion taste revolting and ordered you to a complete wardrobe change. 
It was finally Friday, the day you were anticipating the whole week. Also the one day you got off from work early and seeing Mr. Jeon’s face. You couldn’t wait until 5 when you were done and could prepare for later. The whole week was awful, you’re pretty sure you looked like a raccoon with the amount of sleep you got. 
You’re typing furiously at your desk when Seokmin comes by. His footsteps alert you. “Oh, hey Seokmin. What’s up?” He grins. “Did Seungkwan tell you about what we’re doing later today?” You attempt to smile. “Yeah, I’m sorry I can’t make it. I’m busy later. Can’t wait to get off.” He claps, rubbing his hands together. “It’s alright. Don’t work too hard.” 
You smile, winking. “Don’t worry. And try not to have too much fun without me!” The buzzing on your desk interrupts you, causing you to groan. “What does he want now?”
Walking in, you find Wonwoo signing documents. He doesn’t even look up as he says, “I need you to complete the finalizing documents right now.” You pause, processing the information. “Wait, but those will take me at least four hours. My shift ends in one.” 
He finally looks up, face devoid of any emotion. “Well, that’s your job. You’re expected to do it.” You feel your heart speed up, tightening your hands into fists. You respond shakily, “I’m sorry sir, but there’s something really important I have to do tonight. I can get Mr. Lee to finish it. Can’t you let me go this once?” 
“But why? You’re supposed to do what I ask?” His voice sounds annoyed, bored even. You scoff, feeling your eyes burn. “Those last couple of weeks I’ve been doing everything you asked, even more. Don’t you think I deserve a break?” 
“You signed up to be my secretary. What kind of breaks do you expect? Things are very tense with the new debut now, so don’t expect me to take pity and let you go just because you did what I said,” Wonwoo retorts.
That was it.
You hated yourself. You hated yourself for snapping. But at the same time, you didn’t. 
You slam your papers on the table, shaking. “I work basically 24/7, every day, running errands for you and doing everything you tell me.” Your voice cracks, and you feel hot tears run down your face. 
“And you don’t even have the respect to treat me like a human being? I wake up immediately thinking about what you’re going to make me do for the rest of the day.” A sob escapes you. 
Wiping your tears angrily, you continue to stare at him with wide, furious eyes. “I go to sleep thinking about what I have to do for you the next day. But you don’t even thank me. Not once. No appreciation when I try to impress you and go above and beyond. And then you won’t even let me have one break? I don’t even get vacations or holidays off!”
You sniffle, body shaking, as you let the words sink in. “I signed up to be a secretary, not disrespected.” And with that, you walk out with tears pouring down your face, grabbing as much of your stuff as you can and leaving, ignoring the shocked whispers and startled questions.  
Once you get home, you slap yourself. What did you just do? What did you just say to your boss? Oh god, ex-boss now. You’re dead. Officially. You feel numb like you just watched a confusing movie and were trying to process everything. 
You want to bury yourself in the ground. Or become a rock. That’d be way nicer than being yourself right now. 
But you have to continue on. You don’t even care if you’re going out wearing sweats and a hoodie. He wouldn’t care. After buying everything, you drive to the spot. You pass blurs, barely paying attention as you blankly stare at the road. 
Once you get out, you feel the drops, glancing up. You didn’t realize it was raining while you were driving. You let the water pour over you, making your way to the familiar stone.
Stopping in front, you sink to your knees. 
“Dad...I’m so sorry I’m late. Can you believe I basically threw a tantrum in front of my boss? Well, ex-boss?” Laughing weakly, you wipe the tears you didn’t notice had run down your face. “I don’t have a job anymore, that’s for sure.” 
You look around, your whole body soaked now. Softly, you arrange the flowers neatly in front of his grave. “Are you still proud of me dad?” You smile weakly, adjusting yourself comfortably on the cold wet ground. “I’m so sorry... happy anniversary, still. Another year passed. How are you?” 
You spend days at home, never leaving your bed, only allowing yourself to mope about your life. Your phone is spammed with texts and calls. Probably from coworkers, you figured. You didn’t have enough energy to respond. 
You sighed for the millionth time. Everyone had probably heard about your childish rant in wonwoo's office. How could you let yourself break like that? No one had contacted you and deemed you officially fired, but you knew it the moment you opened your mouth. Maybe finally going outside and getting snacks would cheer you up. 
Cringing, you saw yourself in the mirror. Just like someone who got broken up with by their partner. I mean, it’s not like you had a job anymore or anyone to impress, so you just shrugged and went out for the first in a while.
Entering the store, you walk down an aisle, glancing at the options. You’re squatting, choosing between banana or strawberry when you spot movement in the corner of your vision. It’s just a man looking at the ice cream, but it’s what he’s wearing that catches your attention. 
You raise an eyebrow. Who goes to a mart in a full suit and tie like that? Scoffing internally, you bite the inside of your cheek. Ha, he looks like- The man suddenly turns, and you can never mistake that face. 
BEKDJRE WHAT IS MR. JEON DOING HERE?? You whip your head back, hoping, praying, that he doesn’t recognize you in your horrible clothes. Your heart pounding loudly, you stand up, deciding just to get the heck out of there before-
Oh ****. Why does he have to stand right next to you? 
You internally freak out, don’t make eye contact I swear to god y/n if you do you’ll- 
“What do you recommend? Melon or banana?” You recognize his deep voice and freeze. Is he talking to you? Maybe he doesn’t know who you are??
Facing away from him, you respond in a croaky, low voice. “U-uh banana?” You catch him nodding in the corner of your eye. 
Time to escape. You turn, briskly walking away until a hand abruptly grabs your wrist, preventing you from leaving. Panicking, you don’t move, not wanting to expose your identity. What does this man want??
The hand on your wrist doesn’t loosen, instead, it tightens and spins you around until you’re face to face with him. Your now-former boss, Jeon Wonwoo. 
Surprisingly, he doesn’t have an angry look on his face. Instead, he simply says, “Y/n, I know it’s you. It seemed like you when you walked in. And the fact that you chose banana instead of melon for me because you know I hate melon confirms it.” 
You open your mouth before lamely responding, “Could’ve been a lucky guess?” 
 You would’ve never expected yourself to be outside a grocery mart at 1 am with jeon wonwoo.
Awkwardly shuffling on your feet, you watched as wonwoo paid for your treats. He insisted on it for some reason, and you knew you couldn’t beat him when he looked at you with that face. Chills ran down your spine whenever you thought about it.
When he finishes, you walk side by side out the door, a silence between the two of you. You wait a couple seconds before you can’t take it anymore. 
You quickly fall to your knees in front of him, head down as you plead, “Please forgive me, Mr. Jeon. I-I didn’t mean anything I said. I was just extremely stressed- I completely understand if you never want to see my face again, although I’m not sure why you confronted me today and bought stuff for me but it doesn’t matter anymore- It was completely rude of me, and I just hope you’ll accept my apology.” Finishing your ramble, you keep your head bowed and eyes squeezed shut as you await his response. 
You almost don’t notice it, it was so gentle. Wonwoo’s hand slowly reaches forward and tilts your chin up, and you don’t realize your heart speeding up. He squats in front of you, his face seems surprisingly amused. 
You would’ve never expected the words that came out of his mouth next, either.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I realized the workload I put on you, and it wasn’t wrong of you to burst out on me. I’m afraid I’m not good with words, but after you disappeared, I realized how much you do for the office. Truly, I appreciate your hard work. Hopefully, you can come back to work once you feel fit.” 
You stare at him, processing the words that the CEO of one of the biggest printing companies just said. 
You stay still, eyes still boring into his until you’re finally able to break out of it. You abruptly stand up, dusting yourself off. You breathe a sigh of relief, muttering, “thank you for not firing me.” You clap your hand over your mouth, surprised eyes moving to look at wonwoo. 
You watch as wonwoo’s lips slowly turn up, letting out a quiet chuckle. You blink. Did he just laugh? Like fr? Oh my god, you have to tell Seungkwan. His voice interrupts you. “I should drive you back to your place, it’s getting late.” 
Your eyes widen in shock. Shaking your head, you reply, “oh no, it’s fine. I’ll walk home. It’s not far.” He insists, and of course, you aren’t able to say no. 
It’s an awkward drive as you direct your boss to your apartment. Once you arrive, you quickly thank him, and he smiles. What the-
“Well, I hope to see you soon at work, secretary y/n.”
You can only nod, dumbfounded. You had never seen him smile before, and it was kinda nice.
You numbly wave goodbye as he drives off, entering your apartment and crashing into bed. 
After two days, you’re back in action. The second the elevator doors open, a swarm of people rushed up to you. You stand there as people begin talking, asking questions. You feel like a celebrity being interviewed by paparazzi.
You take a step forward, pushing past everyone. It didn’t feel right to have to answer their questions. You settle at your office, politely asking people to stop asking. Eventually, the crowd leaves.
You’re unpacking the stuff you took home in a blaze of anger when you hear footsteps approach. Sighing, you turn around. “I’m sorry, I don’t- ..Dokyeom?” 
“Y/n!!! What the frick happened? All we know is that you stormed out of the building and didn’t come back for a week!! And with our project, things were going crazy without you...”
Grimacing, you say, “I know, I know, I’m sorry.  It’s stupid, but I’m back for real now. Promise.  I’ll explain it all later, I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.” 
Dokyeom sighs, giving you one last ‘you better not forget’ before leaving you. 
It takes hours, but you’re finally able to get wonwoo’s schedule up to date. You check the time. Shoot. Wonwoo usually expects tea at this time.
You quickly run over to the drink station, hoping no one comes up to you. You glance around, mostly everyone’s focused on their work and staring at their computer screens. 
You’re pouring the hot water when a familiar voice calls your name. Turning, Wonwoo comes into view. You immediately jump, causing the hot water to splash onto your hand. 
Letting out a hiss of pain, you drop the cup. The sound alerts the workers in the room, most beginning to notice your presence. 
Wonwoo quickly walks over to you, gently taking your hands in his. “Are you alright?” You gape at him, and you’re pretty sure everyone else in the room is dumbfounded too. Whispers immediately break out. 
You snatch your hands from him and quickly bow. “I’m fine, thank you, sir.” Forgotten tea, you dash to the bathroom. Huffing, you place your hands on the sink.
What happened to your boss and why do you kinda like it? The feeling of his warm hands over yours causes you to shiver. You punch the sink, grumbling. 
“Ughh seriously, what’s wrong with this guy?  I yell at him and suddenly he becomes this nice guy? And then in front of everyone too?”
It doesn’t stop after that. For days, jeon wonwoo would somehow make his way to you and act all nice. Sometimes in front of others, and sometimes when it’s just you two in his office. You would always feel hot and nervous afterward randomly. 
It began spreading around the office. What happened to CEO Jeon and why did he become so nice to you? You heard some of the rumors, ‘probably slept together’ ‘did they find out some juicy secret about him? ..’
It was annoying, but you tried to ignore it. You were able to explain everything to doykeom and seungkwan. They were the only ones who knew about the late-night grocery mart trip and wonwoo’s sudden kindness. 
You wanted to confront him, really. And you tried, but he would just say it was because you were his secretary that worked so hard for so long. 
You wanted it to stop. You wanted it to stop cause you liked this side of him, and you didn’t want to admit it.
It all changed one day when you received a text at work. From a number that you didn’t recognize. At first. 
After reading it, you immediately shot up from your desk. Wonwoo came from his office, walking over to you, but you hurriedly made an excuse and ran out, leaving him surprised. 
Groaning, you noticed the rain. Perfect timing... You braced yourself and ran through the pouring rain. You had to get there, no matter what. You were soaked, gasping for air, once you reached the stone. 
They left. You stood there, staring down at it. 
It was just you and the rain.
Until it wasn’t, anymore. You look up. It’s a black... umbrella? Spinning around, you come face to face with a suit. An extremely familiar one.
“M-mr. jeon?” He’s holding the umbrella and staring at you, but it feels like he’s looking into your soul. 
You blink, eyes flicking down to the wet ground. It’s silent until he speaks up. “Why did you suddenly come here? Y/n?” 
You slowly turn back to look at the plaque. “This is where my dad is,” you softly say. There’s a pause before wonwoo responds, “I’m so sorry.” 
You laugh, shaking your head. “You don’t have to be sorry. This is why I blew up last Friday. I was supposed to be here that day.” You feel wonwoo tense next to you. 
Before he can say anything, you face him. “It still doesn’t excuse my behavior. But.. why did you follow me?” He fumbles a bit before replying, “it was raining.. it wouldn’t be safe for you to go alone.” 
You laugh, a pleasant sound ringing in wonwoo’s ears before saying, “thank you. And, I came here because of my family. You might not have known this, but I got this job to help them. After my father died, my mother became depressed and my siblings couldn’t do anything. So I had to get a job to support them.” 
You bitterly smile before continuing, “I’m not even close with them. I was too busy working, and my mother was too busy moping. My siblings are busy with school, and I never see them anymore. It’s gotten to the point where I just pay their bills and don’t even speak to them. Ha, they finally contacted me to say they were gonna visit him today, can you believe it? And I missed them. As usual.” 
Wonwoo looks down at his feet. “I never knew that about you... You’ve been working for me for years, and I didn’t know that.” 
You shift. “What about you?” He turns to you, surprised. “Me?” You nod, “your family?” Wonwoo shuffles closer to you, causing you to unconsciously swallow. 
“Well, I’m not very close with my family either. It was all work, preparing me to take over the business. I mostly grew up alone... and I didn’t really have many close relationships. Uh- well, you can most likely tell. Everyone in the office probably can too.” 
You glance at him. He’s going back into his shell. The one he would always go into when he was stressed, scared, alone. You hesitate. “That’s okay, you don’t have to be close to everyone. It doesn’t hurt to be a little kinder, though. Not to be rude, but a lot of people in the office are.... a bit scared of you? To be honest, we were all a bit shocked when you started caring more. I was surprised. Um- but i-in a good way.” 
Wonwoo stares at you with wide eyes as you focus back on the stone. A comfortable silence fills the air between the two of you. Standing there, hearing the sound of the pouring drops. 
As the rain falls harder, you feel as if you have too.
There’s an understanding, a deeper one between you and wonwoo after that day. You feel like you know him, even if it’s only a little more. 
The CEO suddenly turns into a completely different person. To others, he may still seem like a cold boss, but to you, wonwoo’s an endearing introvert who’s obsessed with cats. 
You were shocked, to say the least when wonwoo comes by your desk and shoves a phone in your face. You flinch before opening your eyes and staring at the screen.  “Mr. Jeon..... why are you showing me a picture of a cat?” 
“It’s cute. Isn’t it?” Laughing, you cover your mouth to hide a smile. “Yes sir, it sure is.” 
He continues to show more of himself, and you find yourself falling deeper. For someone who you never expected.  He has such a cold exterior to people around you, but once it’s just you two, he turns into such a softie. 
Seungkwan confronts you one day. “Y/n, you have to explain. What is happening between you and CEO jeon??” You shake your head in response, but you feel heat creep up your neck. 
“Seungkwannn, I told you already. He just helped me out, and I guess, I understand him a bit better now. He’s not bad, seriously.” 
He lets out a small tch! “A week ago you were complaining about his nasty personality, and now you’re saying he’s not bad?”
You whine, clinging to his side. “Ahh, seriously I said it was nothing. Why won’t you believe me??” Someone clears their throat. 
You and seungkwan turn. It’s wonwoo who else would it be. Immediately, seungkwan bows. “Sir!!” Wonwoo stands there, face passive. “Secretary y/n, come to my office.” 
Seungkwan shoots you a look, leaving you to shrug and follow the CEO.
He offers you a seat, and you sit on the plush couch, waiting.
He shifts in his seat awkwardly, and you raise an eyebrow. “Why did you call me in, Mr. Jeon?” 
He coughs before muttering, “are you close with him? Mr. Boo?” “You mean seungkwan? Oh, he’s my friend, that’s all. Why do you want to know? Are you jealous?” you tease.
But wonwoo only scratches his head. You’re about to apologize for going too far with the joke, but you can’t even respond after what he says. “Well, of course, I am. Cause I’m interested in you.” 
Your mouth drops open. “What did you just say?” He looks at you, a serious expression on his face. “I want to go out with you. Truly.” 
Heart beating faster, you internally panic. He just asked you out? He’s interested in you? What is going on? 
“So? What’s your answer?” You snap out of it, glancing back at your boss, nervously shaking his leg. I mean, you enjoyed his presence. But he was your boss, the supposed cold and scary Jeon Wonwoo.. and also the one who still managed to infiltrate your mind.
“Um, yes. I will go out with you.”
You find out and learn more and more sides to him. They all cause your heart to flutter harder and harder. He’s no longer just your boss, he’s someone you can trust, confide in. 
You begged wonwoo not to tell anyone. All the dates happening in secret. Wonwoo was upset, originally. He wanted to tell people, to show you were his, but you firmly insisted on keeping it quiet. If people in the office found out, you would never hear the end of it. 
You walk into wonwoo’s office one morning, carrying the itinerary for the week. Once he sees you, his eyes light up. He walks over to you, grabbing the file and throwing it on the desk somewhere. 
You stare at him with wide eyes as he strides over to you, wrapping his arms around your body. There’s a second of peace and content, but you interrupt him, tensing and saying, “wonwoo- someone might see us.” 
Even as you continue to shift and glance around to check, he sighs and rests his head on top of yours. “Secretary, can’t you just relax for a second? We’ve been working so much, we need a break.” 
Letting out a huff, you allow yourself to melt into his embrace. “Two more minutes,” you mumble. Wonwoo leans down, so his face is inches from yours, a small grin displayed. You smile back, knowing what he wants. 
You lean in, placing your lips on his. His mouth moves hungrily on yours, causing you to make a small sound of surprise. 
Then there’s suddenly a knock, and you hear the door open. “CEO Jeon?” 
You fly under his desk, squeezing your eyes shut and praying whoever it was didn't see you.
You wait there, attempting to muffle your breathing and keep still. You recognize the voice, it’s Mr. Choi Seungcheol. Vice President of the company. Why did he have to come at the worst time? 
You hear the distinct sounds of their conversation for what seems to be forever before Mr. Choi finally bids him goodbye. Your body slumps in relief, waiting to get out from under his desk until you hear seungcheol suddenly speak again. 
“Also, why is secretary y/l/n under your desk? I see their feet sticking out.” You silently curse yourself. Slowly and very ungracefully, you maneuver your way from under the desk. Standing up, you quickly smooth your clothes and hair. “Oh, ha, Mr. Choi. I had no idea you here. Um- well, you see...” 
You quickly look at Wonwoo and back to Mr. Choi. Stammering, you finally say, “Mr. Jeon thought he saw a coach roach and called me in. Must’ve just imagined it.” You nervously laugh as wonwoo sheepishly nods in agreement. 
Finally, he leaves the two of you, and you sit on the couch, biting your lip as you examine wonwoo’s expression. 
“Was the coach roach your best excuse?”
You cringe. “I’m sorry-! I couldn’t think of anything else. Do you think he saw?” 
Wonwoo shrugs, sitting next to you. “Is it so bad for him to see?” he speaks quietly.
You face him, aghast. “No! It’s just, you know how it is... if everyone knew. They’d misunderstand, think I’m using you or something.” 
Your body freezes as you turn to face him. “Wait- you don’t think I’m using you... right?” 
Wonwoo quickly shakes his head. “No, I know you y/n. You would never do that. I’m just afraid. That you’ll leave me because I’m too quiet, or too busy with work or-..” 
You smile at him softly.
“You know I love you?” He stares at you, shocked. You had never said it to each other before, but you truly meant it. 
Reaching for his hand, you intertwine it with yours. “Did you know I thought about quitting my job before? When we were debuting the showcase. It was so stressful that I really was gonna leave.” You feel his hand grip yours tighter, so you continue.
“But you know I'll never leave you, right? I won’t ever leave you alone.” Nudging him, you add playfully, “that means you’re stuck with me forever.” 
Wonwoo laughs- a short deep sound. 
“I’m okay with that, cause I’m in love with you too.” 
 author note: i actually wanted to write more but got lazy...  im conflicted if i should add to the story or leave it as it is :\\\\ 
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conceptsformyowner · 2 years
PTJ4: Body full of drawings, being their sex toy, and having a captive’s breakfast.
2022-07-10 Public Toy Journal 4
This week, I share with you what happens when I come back home and find myself without anyone awake to chain me up for the night, I tell you about a night where I was used thrice and then left helpless, and lastly, I become a canvas.
Saturday night
Coming back home late after being invited by a friend to a show. I found my owner was already asleep, so, as I’d been instructed, I chained myself up for the night.
I wrapped myself in my heavy blanket on the floor, by rolling around for a bit, then tightened a strap above my knees so I absolutely could not separate my legs, attached that strap to the feet of the couch, and then pulled my collar chain tight against the other foot, such that i was spread out, tightly wrapped strapped chained and stretched, with just a little pillow beneath my head.
Sunday morning
I awoke, unsurprisingly in the same position. I waited for my Owner, there, on the floor, inmobilized by myself without access to the keys to the chains that kept me there. Stored and degraded, I felt at home, put away when not in use with no possibility of escape.
They woke up and came up to me, a huge smile on their face. They grabbed a carabiner and joined my wrists together behind my back while caressing my face and just before kissing me.
They love me more when I’m restrained.
I’m prettier when I’m restrained.
They got up and started making breakfast, I waited there some more fore a few minutes, now less comtempt with my situation, having added the restraints behind my back. I managed to wriggle my newly bound wrists back into the sheet burrito I had made for myself. It’s winter, my shoulder were cold.
I watched them from the floor while they went to the table and poured themselves some coffee. They crouched down and set a plate with two croissants on the floor next to my head. They then went back to the table and had some coffee with their own pair of croissants in the comfort of a chair.
I was already more than familiar with how this worked, I had to eat everything with only my face, having my hands behind my back and my whole body chained and stretched out tightly against the feet of the sofa. I’d only be released once I’d finished my breakfast. Not guaranteed, mind you, but it wouldn’t ever happen before that.
It’s exhausting every time, some foods are better than others, this wasn’t so bad.
After that, I was kept with my hands behind my back for the next two hours. Bliss.
I was interviewed! By the very hot and wonderful @musingsformyowner. I got have an extensive and long conversation about D/s and 24/7. I loved it and at least some people found it really helpful! So I’m super happy about that, and my Owner made sure I looked super pretty for it, which I adore.
My owner once, long ago, before we had a dynamic, had me make them an adjustable link, that could go from 15cm to 45cm (6-18inches). On monday they attached one of my wrists on one end, crossed it in front of me to the opposite side of my body, and then attached the other wrist to the other end, such that my arms where sort of crossed in front of me and pulled backwards, like a stratjacket. We call this: using the straitjacket strap.
They kept me like this for a while, it made me incredibly helpless, more than I’d have thought, and after a while it starts being wonderfully painful.
They used me like that, feet together and arms basically gone, more objectified every day.
Saturday night
As per our most recent monthly check-in, I’m now forbidden from hiding the fact that I feel too free. I’m then incentiviced to go and fetch whichever items would fix that and give them to my Owner, giving myself to them as well to bind.
This happenned while we were watching a movie, I went and fetched a link, and they hogtied me, covered me up and we continued watching the movie. After a while, they paused it and started kissing me, after a while more than kissing they were just using my mouth. They undid the hogtie and attached my wrists together to the top of the bed, then went down and sitting on top of me, stretched my feet together right down to the bottom of the bed. Stretched out, compeletely helpless and vulnerable, they then fucked me, used my body until they came.
They then dettached my hands and linked them back together behind me, placed me on top of them and used me from the bottom until they came once more, I felt like just a body, a sex toy.
Their sex toy.
They then unlinked one wrist, and attached the other behind my back to the chain around my neck. They then strongly grabbed my only now “free” hand and used it to touch themselves, using me for a third time, while making me beg for them not to let me come, fuck.
My arm hurt, my other arm also hurt, I was exhausted and stunned, used, worn out.
When they were finally happy, they attached the hand they were using to my other hand, so i was now with both wrists up my back, pulling the chain around my neck back. Sadly, this wasn’t at all choking me in any way, so it wasn’t cause for alarm, and therefore didn’t mean I was to be released soon.
This week they started making me get up and get washed every time I orgasm, and sometimes that’s become incentive enough to ask to…not be made to orgasm. I never thought I’d beg for that. I love them so much. I’m so happy.
We finally finished the mothly check-in. We organized all my accesories (aka all the chains and locks and links and caribiners and tape etc) and they found inspiration to draw again! After quite a long time.
How? Well, I’m their canvas. They’re using permanent markers to draw on the cloth-covered parts of my body. They plan on having me all decorated by them, constantly changing as each drawing gets washed out.
I love it, being visibly of use to them.
I love being their toy.
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sherrybaby14 · 4 years
Moral of the Story
Summary:  Steve’s girl likes to party all the time and he’s at his wit’s end.  Then he meets you.
Pairing:  Steve Rogers x female reader.
Warnings:  Alcohol, Smut, ANGST
Words:  5k
A/N:  This is for the wonderful @captain-rogers-beard​ challenge. Congrats Doll!  My prompt was “Party all the Time” by Eddie Murphy.
   The music was a bit louder than you would have liked, but at least the song was catchy.   You sipped on your drink as you watched the dance floor, your friend’s waving you over.  
   With a smirk you shook your head and lifted your drink, far too sober to dance.
   “I think they want you to join them?”  A voice boomed in your ear.
Tumblr media
   You did a jump as you turned to see a gorgeous blonde next to you.  
   “I don’t want to spill my drink.”  You ran your hands down your now wet dress.
   “Oh Jeez, I’m so sorry ma’am.”  He reached for some cocktail napkins. “Let me buy you another.”
   “It’s okay.”  You began to pat your dress dry.  “It’s probably better on my clothes than down my throat.  I don’t drink often.”
   “Me either.”  He gave a warm smile.  
   “Then why are you in a nightclub?”  You turned to the bar, trying to block out the loud music and not have to yell so much. “Here to pick up women?”
   “A friend invited me.”  His gaze went to the dance floor.
   You followed it and saw he was looking at a dark haired man.  You couldn’t see his face because it was being covered by a gorgeous brunette.  She pulled away and you blinked a few times, she had to be a model, a perfect ten.  
   “I think your friend is going to get lucky.”  You turned back to see his jaw clench up.  
   “Yeah, it looks like it.”  He looked away, there was a pain in his eyes.  “If I can’t buy you a new drink how about a cup of coffee?”  
   “Oh, I don’t think they sell coffee here.”  You shrugged.
   He erupted in laughter and you glanced around, not noticing the punch line.  
   “There’s a diner a block away.”  He leaned against the bar.  “Open twenty four hours.  I know I’m a stranger, but I could get out of here and by the looks of it so could you.”  
   “I’m game.”  You put your glass on the bar and started walking to the door.  
   “I’m Steve by the way.”  He held out his hand.  
   “I know who you are.”  You smiled.  “I think the whole world knows who you are.”  
   A confused look spread across his face.  The brisk nighttime air made your arm get some goosebumps, but you let out a sigh of relief when the music died down.  
   “That’s not the reaction I get from most people who know who I am.”  Steve grabbed his chin.  “Maybe I should grow a beard again.”  
   “Would you rather I asked for an autograph and a selfie?”  You raised an eyebrow, then put the back of your hand to your forehead.  “Oh Captain my Captain?”
   “Alright, I get it.”  Steve laughed.  “So what’s your story?  I guess your the one whose the stranger here.”
   “It’s not like I know everything about you, just the headlines.”  You winked.  “Workaholic, I love my job, it keeps me busy.  In my free time I do the basics,  read, watch movies, attempt and fail at the newest workout craze.”  
   “Pilates man.”  Steve pulled the diner door open.  “It’s a lot harder than it looks.”
   “I fall in every yoga position.”  You followed Steve as he slid into a booth.  “Zumba was fun, but I’m lacking in rhythm.”  
   “You?”  Steve’s eyes went wide.  “You look like you would be a great dancer.”
   “I’m great at a lot of things.”  You flipped over your mug.  “But bad at more.”  
   “I’m really bad at board games.  I flipped the board last time I played Monopoly.”  Steve leaned back in the booth.  “But I am amazing at tic-tac-toe.”  
   “Oh yeah?”  You reached in your purse and pulled out a pen, drawing the lines on a napkin.  “Prove it?”
“Even with all this coffee and stimulating conversation.”  You brought your hand to your mouth to stifle the yawn.  “Exhaustion is setting in.  I’ve got to get to bed.”
“How far do you live from here?”  Steve reached for his wallet.  “It’s almost 4 am.  Can I walk you home?”  
“Four am?”  You hadn’t checked your phone since you told your friends you were safe after vanishing, that was five hours ago.  
Sure enough the device read 3:56.  
“Damn.”  You grabbed a menu.  “Might as well order breakfast then.”  
Steve looked shocked, but then nodded in agreement, not pulling a menu. The server took notice and came over.  
“I’ll have a meat lovers skillet, side of country gravy, sub American cheese, eggs over easy, wheat toast?”  You but the menu back.  
“I’ll have the same.”  Steve leaned forward.
“Really?” The waitress was confused. “Not the usual?”
“I’m being adventurous tonight.”  Steve winked.  
“Okay.”  She walked away.
“I like the way you know what you want.”  Steve leaned back.  “Kind of no nonsense.  It’s refreshing.”  
“I wouldn’t say that.”  You laughed.  “Maybe when it comes to diner food at 4 am.  I’ve been eating my whole life after all.”  
“So why isn’t there anyone special in your life?”  Steve almost seemed fidgety.  
“There’s lots of special people in my life.”  You smiled.  “I’m very close with my parents, my siblings, have some great friends I’d call family, my coworkers are amazing too.”
“That’s not what I meant.”  Steve’s eyes showed a strange wave of vulnerability.  
“No reason.”  You wished you had a better answer.  “I’ve dated plenty, had some serious partners, some not so serious.  I guess I’m picky? What about you?”
“The friend who invited me to the club tonight, it was the girl.”  Steve gave a pressed smile.  “We were very serious, she broke it off about two months ago.  Wanted to try being friends.  I agreed to give it a go.  I don’t see how it’s going to work.”  
The perfect 10 brunette.  Your heart started to ache for the man.  He was heartbroken.  It was all over his face, body language.  Everything clicked.  
“What a bitch.”  You brought your hand to your mouth and looked at him with wide eyes.  
He laughed and you relaxed.
“There you go, being honest and direct again.”  Steve put his elbows on the table.  “I don’t think people can be friends with exes.  It’s not in the cards.”  
“I’ve never tried.”  You were more of the it’s done it’s done type.  “My philosophy is look forward.  The future.  Thinking about the past, it’s a dangerous trap.”  
“I’m starting to think the same thing.”  Steve’s eyes lit up.  “She is a big party girl, I mean, she’s a model so sometimes its a networking thing.  But I never really fit into her life.”  
“Wait, were you guys like a tabloid couple?”  You tilted your head. “Can I read all about your breakup on instagram?”  
“No!” Steve rolled his eyes.  “That was part of the problem.  I think she wanted that.  Being with me could elevate her career and it made me feel used, so I wouldn’t allow public photos. There’s a few that leaked, but nothing confirming our relationship.”
“Wow, you celebrities are a different breed.”  It never once crossed your mind to post about who you were having coffee with.
“I am not a celebrity.”  Steve wagged a finger at you.  
“Oh I’m sorry.”  You brought your hand to your chest.  “Historical figure.”
Steve cracked up.  His laugh was infectious and you joined, chuckling away.  
“Without being too forward young lady,” Steve reached out and grabbed your hand, sparks shooting down your arm.  “Could I have your telephone number?”  
You knew he was bating you for a joke.  But you preferred the natural type.  
“Yes.”  You reached for your phone, breaking the hand touch.  “You can have my number.”
Noon hit and you forced yourself out of bed, six hours of sleep was doable.  You began to make your mental checklist of projects for the day while you brushed your teeth.  
There was a giddy ness in the back of your mind over last night.  He was a cool guy and it was a fun time.  Your brain started to think about work.  You had to call your parents and check in, probably explain to your friends about where you went, you would leave out the Captain America angle.  
You grabbed your phone and your jaw about hit the floor.  There was a text from Steve already.  
Are you going to say good morning?  
You didn’t think you would hear from him for at least a few days.  It made you smile and wiggle as you sat on the bed.  
Good morning!  Or afternoon?  
Before you set the device down the reply bubbles started to form.   You parted ways seven hours ago.  It was a Saturday.  This was unexpected.   The bubbles disappeared and then reappeared several times.   You were on the edge of your seat.  
Then your phone started to vibrate.  You almost threw the thing, seeing Steve’s name pop up. Instead your smile grew as you slid it to answer.
“Was good afternoon not appropriate?  Technically it’s 12:15, that is literally after noon.”  You tried to stifle the excitement.
“You want to have a beer with me tonight?”  Steve’s voice was just as sexy over the phone.  “I would say dinner, but I know you had some things to take care of.  There’s this sports bar I love,  I promise I won’t spill anything on you and coffee keeps us up too late.”  
“I’d love to.”  You didn’t see a point in trying to act coy.  
“Great, nine o’clock?  I’ll text you the address.”  Steve’s smile carried over the phone.  
“Sounds like a plan.”  You ran your hand over your hair and wondered if you could get away without washing it.  
“Have a great day.  I”ll see you tonight.”  
“Bye.”  You clicked off the phone and did a little happy dance.  
You didn’t see that one coming.  
Your phone lit up with Steve’s message right away.  You sent a thumbs up emoji.  To your surprise, Steve responded:
Emojis, it’s like hyrogliphics are coming back?  Why did we skip the sonnets?
You didn’t even think before responding.
You: Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s Day?  Thou art more lovely and temperate.  
Steve: Sonnet 18, one of the greats.
You: I stole it from Clueless.  
Steve: What’s Clueless?
You woke the next morning, at your normal 8 am.  Even more thrilled with the date from the night before.   It was fun.  It was a fantastic time.  Of course the texting all day long made the conversation flow right to person-to-person.  
“I can’t sleep until noon tomorrow.”  You stood up from the bar stool.  “Plus I hit my three beer maximum.  Maybe once I know you better you can meet four beer me.”  
“You’re guarded in the strangest ways.”  Steve beamed at you.  
“Me?”  You were shocked.  “I’m an open book. Nothing to hide.”
“Well would this bother you then?”  Steve cupped your cheek and before you could react his face leaned in.
Warm lips met yours.  You melted into him, your body felt like it was floating.  Nobody in the bar paid you any attention as his tongue slid into your mouth before pulling out.  A little moan came forward when he pulled away.  
There was a devilish grin on his face as he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles.  
“Let’s get you an Uber.”  
All you could do was nod in a numb state.  This amazing man kissed you.  It was like a dream.  
You were all smiles as you rolled out of bed, straight to the bathroom.  Sundays were your lazy day, but you missed too much yesterday that you had to squeeze some work in.  It wouldn’t be too much.  
When you left the bathroom you grabbed your phone.  Your heart exploded when you saw there was already a text from Steve.  
Today you can say good morning.  I have faith.  
Steve Rogers was perfect.  Three dates in a week, not including coffee night.  Every other day he wanted to see you.  He made you laugh, listened to you, was always available.  Sent you little comics you found funny.   You giggled at the last gif he sent you of a puppy eating bubble.
You: I’ve got to head into a work meeting.  I’ll text you later.  
Steve: Knock ‘em dead.  
Supportive too.  You smiled as you slipped your phone into your pocket.  It had only been a week, but you couldn’t remember the last time you connected with someone this way, if ever.
“You’re smiley.”  A coworker bumped you with her arm.  “It’s almost like you have a glow.”
“Just a happy person.”  You shrugged.  “How is your son doing? Any luck on that math test?”
“Oh he did much better!”  Your coworker dropped her shoulders in relief.  “That tutor was worth every penny.”
She continued to talk and you tried to listen, but your thoughts kept drifting to Steve.  This was the best week of your life.
The meeting got your adrenaline pumping.  You left and went straight to your office, typing away the e-mails, ready to get the new project off the ground.   It was almost time to call it a day, the sun was starting to set.  
That was when you picked up your phone.  Two messages from Steve.  Fuck.  Guilt set in.  
How was the meeting?  
Everything okay?
You grabbed your phone and started typing.
You: Sorry work got crazy.  Major project.  Just leaving now.  
Steve: Do you want to over to my place for dinner?  Unwind?  I can have a meal and some wine for you, straight away?  
Unwinding with Steve sounded perfect, plus you were more interested in the version that didn’t involve a meal.  
You looked down at your work clothes, your makeup probably long smeared off,  but did that matter?  Steve didn’t seem to care about your appearance.  He wanted you for who you were.   And right now that sounded perfect.
You: Do you have ice cream?  
Steve: Oh my freezer is overflowing.  Any flavor you like.  Popsicles too.  
You: I’m in.  Text me your address?  
Every other time you arrived at a paramour’s place for the first time you were nervous.  Not this time.  Your brain played a slide show of the last week.  The way Steve listened, hung on your words, followed up with questions.  He made you feel like the most important person in the world.  
Your past experiences taught you that people were either fantastic talkers or listeners.  You prided yourself on being both, but Steve seemed to fall in that same category.  
With a strange confidence you hit the buzzer for his apartment.  The door unlocked and you walked up the stairs, speeding up with each step.  
When you got to his floor you spotted him hanging out the door, waving at you.  This was going to be the hard part.  
“Before I step inside, I have to let you know something.”  You rehearsed this in your head a few times.  “Work was insane today, and I know tomorrow is Saturday, but I have to put in a few hours.  This happens about twice a year, not a common occurrence.  But as much as I want to, I can’t spend the night.”  
“Okay.” Steve nodded and held the door open.  “Again I love your honesty.”  
You walked in to see all the only lights on in the apartment two candles on the clothed kitchen table.  Your heart started to sink at the thought he’d put into it, but then you noticed the meal set out at each end and began to laugh.  
“Full disclosure,  all I had was some TV dinners.”  Steve came behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.  “And there’s no ice cream or popsicles.  But I can think of something I want for dessert.”
You spun around and put your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss.   He reached underneath you and scooped you up.  You wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you, deepening the kiss.  
Nothing had ever felt so right in your life.  It was as if the cosmos had brought you together.  
“You’re too perfect.”  You pulled away as he dropped you on the bed.  
“You’re a one-in-a-million.”  Steve’s breath was heavy as he started to pull at your clothing.  
Hands were everywhere, lips randomly touching whatever skin they could.  Shoes and socks flying off with pants and shirts.  You shoved his boxers down as he unhooked your bra, the feeling of your bare chests pushed together making you shudder.  
Steve grabbed your panties and yanked them down as you settled back on his bed.  On your back, legs spread, knees up.  His arm encircled your thigh as he began to kiss.  You moaned and fisted the blanket, lifting your pelvis up inviting his mouth.  
He wasted no time and began to devour you. You tried to pay attention to what he was doing, but you couldn’t keep up.  Was that his tongue? His lips?  You cried out when something slid inside of you.  
“FUCK!”  Your body convulsed around his mouth.  
Your chest heaved while your brain tried to keep up with the pleasure.  Steve kept licking, touching, working you.  Everything was frenzied.   Your head collapsed to the side and you tried to regain control.  
“I knew you were primed.”  Steve kissed up your stomach.  “But you have one more in you.”  
He climbed until he was over you, his cock lining up with your entrance.  Never had you came that fast from another person.
Steve pushed forward and filled your aching pussy.  You squealed and grabbed onto his shoulders.   Rolling your body against his.  
“That’s it.”  He nipped at your neck.  “You were meant for me.  Never felt this way before.”  
You grabbed his face and pulled his lips to your own, enjoying the taste of yourself on him while he railed into you.  He returned the kiss and sped up.  Slamming his cock, teasing your clit while your g-spot came to life.  
There was no hiding your moans and his grunts as your bodies melded together.   Your breath started to tighten, and then your muscles started.  The edge came fast and you flung yourself over.  
Your head went back into the pillow as your screamed,  it was impossible to tell if your vision went black since the room was too dark.  But Steve let out a grunt and pulled out of you.
Instead of blowing all over your stomach he pushed your head down.  You slid down the bed and opened your mouth.  
His aim was perfect and for the second time you tasted yourself, enjoying the way he finished in your mouth, letting your lips wrap around his tip.  Drinking him all down while your body shook.  
“I think I’m falling in love.”  Steve pushed forward before pulling out and landing on his back.  
You nodded, breathless as you curled up to him.   He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close, kissing the top of your head.  
You ignored the tears forming in your eyes, fighting them away.  If pure happiness existed, this was it.  How did you get so lucky?
Steve: I’m going to hug my pillow all night wishing it was you.  
You glanced at the clock, it was already approaching midnight.  
You: I’m sorry I couldn’t stay.  Thank you for a wonderful night and a gourmet meal.
Steve: Get some sleep.  I miss you.  
You: I miss you too.
You grabbed your pillow.  If Steve was pretending his was you, maybe you could do that same.  A huge smile on your face as you drifted off.
You woke with a smile.  Maybe Smiley could be your new nickname.  You grabbed your phone eager to see what Steve had sent. To your surprise, there was no message.
All week long you’d woken up to messages.  You smiled even bigger, maybe you’d finally worn him out and the man needed more sleep than you did.
You rolled out of bed to brush your teeth, thoughts filled with nothing but Steve.
Work was so intense, you turned your phone off.  No distractions.  When the team broke for lunch you flipped it on, your heart racing to see Steve’s messages.  When the screen came to life you saw nothing.  
Maybe it was wrong?  Messages glitched sometimes.  You clicked the app open, all you saw was your last message.  It said read at 12:03 am.  
You shrugged it off.  Steve knew you had a big work day.  He was being respectful.  You thought about texting him, but you had to get back to it and didn’t want to come off as needy.  It wasn’t like you could text him all afternoon.  
The project finished an hour early, 4 pm on a Saturday.  Everyone gave themselves a round of applause and you did a lazy golf clap as you reached for your phone.  
Your heart exploded when you saw a message from Steve.
Steve: How was your day?
You: Good.  I have so much to tell you!
There was no bubble response, or read receipt.  You stared at your phone.  Maybe turning it off had been a bad idea.  
After saying goodbye to your colleagues and walking to you subway stop your phone dings with a message.
Steve: Can we meet for coffee?  
You giggled.
You: Why not dinner?  The real kind this time.  It was a big day for me!  I want to celebrate, you can supply dessert again.  
Steve: Coffee.  Now?  First night?
Maybe he had a big day too.  He’d been so supportive of you, it was due to return the favor.
You: Sure.  I’ll be there in twenty.  
You headed to the other subway line, more than eager for a sleepover tonight.  
When you arrive at the diner you scan it, not seeing Steve anywhere.  Maybe you beat him here.   You were about to grab a random booth when a man in a black hoodie, baseball hat, and sunglasses sticks his hand in the air.  
You smile, wondering if this is some Avenger’s mission.
“Are you going as the Unabomber for Halloween?”  You slide into the booth.  “I couldn’t even recognize you.”
“There’s no easy way to say this.”  Steve cracked his jaw.  “Ashley called me last night.  Very upset.”
“Whose Ashley?”  You blurted out the first thought that came to your mind.
“My ex.”  He let out a huge sigh.  “She’s a mess.”
“The bitch from the club?”  You were a little interested in the drama.
“She’s not a bitch.”  Steve put his hands on the table and your blood ran cold.  “She has some problems.  She is working on them.  And we have a lot of history and she needs my help.”
“Oh.”  You felt like your soul floated out of your body.
“You’re so perfect.”  He reached out and grabbed your hands.  “But she needs me.  You don’t need me.  We have a lot of history and I owe it to her to try.”  
“Oh.”  Everything went numb.
“I wanted to let you know in person and before things got too serious.”  Steve squeezed your hand.  “If I could take back last night, I wouldn’t.  It was perfect,  you’re perfect.”
“You already said that.”  Your voice was getting tight.  
“But I mean it.”  He pushed the hood off his baseball cap.  “I can’t leave her.  Without me, I mean, you saw her at the club that night.  She’s a disaster.”  
The tears started to boil in your throat they were so deep.  You yanked your hands away, thoughts flying to wild to speak clearly.  You didn’t know if you wanted to scream at him or plead with him to pick you.  
“I hope we can stay friends?”  He let out a sigh.  “I mean, you’re amazing and you made me so happy this past week.  Probably the happiest I’ve been in my entire life.  You’re smart, and witty, and beautiful, and you’re everything.”
The way he said week hit home.  It was only a week.  Not a month, not a year.  Just a week.  A lot of digs ran through your mind, ways you could make a joke, ways you could state your feelings.  But instead you said one thing.
“Sure.”  Your brain started to scream at itself.  
“That’s such a relief.”  Steve dropped his shoulders.
“I had a really long day.”  You stood up from the booth.  “Talk soon?”
You didn’t look back as you ran to the door, the tears spilling over. With a shaky hand you pulled out your phone, screaming at yourself for being so stupid to develope feelings, but smart enough to do one thing.  You highlighted his contact and clicked delete.  
Friends, family, whoever would talk had to listen to you cry.  You didn’t hold back for them.  You made sure they alternated duty.   You even took a week off of work.
“If I would have stayed that night, would he have ignored her?”  You sobbed to your best friend.  
“No hunny.”  She ran a hand through your head.  “No.  You got caught in a weird game.”  
Steve: How do you kill a circus?
It’s a random number not saved to a contact, but you know that’s the first text you get from Steve.  You know the punchline, but rather than responding you delete it.  The last thing you want is to memorize his number.  
You would’ve broken down and sent some very dumb stuff you would’ve regretted.  It’s only been five days.  He should send his girlfriend those jokes, not you.  
Three days later you get  another.
Steve: How are you?
You think about deleting it, you think about screaming you broke my heart, acting cool like you’re busy, or just gushing about how much you miss him and what a great guy his is.  
You: Fine.
Steve: Glad to hear.
You don’t hesitate to delete the thread.
Steve: I miss you.
Your heart races.  It’s been two weeks since the night you had the best sex of your life.  The tears sting your eyes.  You’ve been apart longer than you were together.   Did he realize he made a mistake?  Was he coming back to you?
You start typing: I miss
But then you stop.  No.  You had to frame this right.  State it right.  But what was there to do? Yell at him into loving you?  Did you love him?  Your heart hurt like it had, but this was wrong.  
With a shaky finger you highlighted the number and moved it to block.  The sobs came again and you cuddled your phone, regretting your choice.
The day you hit the month mark you were trying not to think about Steve, but then the celebrity hit:  CAPTAIN AMERICA ENGAGED!  It ran all over the headlines.  
Him and his fiance were plastered everywhere.  You couldn’t escape.  It hit you then.  You were a rebound.  You were nothing.  A temporary step on his life path.  It hurt.  It hurt more than anything.  No ice cream could repair the hole one week with Steve Rogers had created.
“I’m glad we got you out tonight.”  Your friend poked you in the side as she screamed in your ear.  “What’s it been, months since you’ve been in a club?”
“Yep.” Two, but you tried not to think about how your last time in a nightclub ended, how it could derail your life.  “But I’m here.”
You still hated the loud music.  Memories of a sports bar with Steve tried to come forward, but you buried them before they could.  
“Let’s dance!” She grabbed your hand.  
“Not yet.”  You yanked it away.  “In a few drinks.”
“I’ll wait with you.”  She settled next to you.  “But that dance floor is inviting.”
The bodies were moving and you scanned the area.  Your eyes bulged when you spotted a familiar face, tongue down a mouth.  
“Is that…..is that Captain America’s fiance?”  Your friend grabbed your arm,  you never told them the mysterious Steve’s last name.   “She’s not kissing Cap.”
She pulled out her phone ready to take a picture, but you put your hand out and lowered her arm.  
A wave of clarity rushed over you.  
“His girl wants to party all the time.  He buys her champagne and diamonds.”  A weird smile settled over you.  “He thinks he can fix her.”
That was the problem.  You didn’t need fixing.  And if you ever did you would figure it out for yourself, with the support of people around you.  Steve hit the nail on the head when he said you didn’t need him.  You never would.
“Go dance.”  You gave your friend a playful spank on the ass.  
For the first time in two months you felt like yourself and turned back to the bar hoping to block the music.  
A finger tapped your shoulder and you looked up with no jump.
“It’s loud in here.”  A handsome man with dark hair looked down at you.
“There’s a coffee shop a block away.”  You stood up.  “Can I buy you a cup?”
“Yes.” He nodded and set his drink down.  
“What’s your name?”  You yelled over the music.
“Stephen.”  He was right behind you.  
“Do you go by Steve and what are your thoughts on needy women?”  You pushed open the door to the club.
The air was hot and you rolled your shoulders back, embracing the lack of obnoxious music.
“If I went by Steve I would have introduced myself that way.”  His intense eyes glared at you.  “And I am a surgeon.  Everyone I encounter is needy.  I don’t have time for it in my personal life.”
You stifled your laughter at the response.   At least Steve had taught you to speak your mind.  Having a flashback to leaving the bar with him.  
“Well Mr. Stranger,  I will never need you.”  You grinned at him.  “Except for good conversation and occasional support.”
“It’s actually Doctor Strange.”  He chuckled.  “I think that’s the first time I laughed in months.”
“Tell me about it...literally.” You kicked at the sidewalk.  “How do you kill a circus?” 
The man scoffed at you and then wiped off his sleeves.  
“You go for the juggler of course.”  
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anightflower · 5 years
One Night Stand
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Summary: After a shitty one night stand, Bucky slut shames your sex life. You get a little revenge by playing a game Bucky doesn’t like. 
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY: S M U T 
You grumbled as you made your way down to the Towers main kitchen. Your body ached, you were exhausted, and all you wanted was a cup or coffee and some goddamn peace and quiet.
You internally groaned when you noticed that the kitchen was not empty. Bucky and Sam sat at the breakfast bar. One drowsily eating cereal, while the other attempted to flick runaway cereal pieces at the other. Natasha sat perched next to the coffee machine, scrolling through her phone and sipping from a mug of coffee.
Natasha's eyes left her phone and lit up as she focused on you. “You look tired (Y/N)” she snickered. “Did you have a late night last night?” 
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Bucky and Sam focus on you.
You glared at Nat as you made your way to the coffee pot and poured yourself a cup of coffee. 
Don’t even start. “I don’t know what makes you say that Nat.” You said irritated.
“Well for one you look like hell, and two I don’t think you’re supposed to put salt in your coffee. Unless you really prefer it that way.” Sam piped up with a shiteating grin. 
“Oh hell.” You hissed, tossing your salty coffee down the sink. 
Natasha made her way over to you with a fresh mug of coffee. “So tell me, was he good?” 
You nearly dropped the cup she handed to you. “NAT!” 
“Oh please. I saw you sneak out last night like a horny teenager. You’re an adult now, you can talk about sex. Unless the boys can't handle it.” She raised a brow at Sam and Bucky who pretended not to listen. 
Sam smirked into his coffee. Bucky remained stone-faced, glaring slightly at Natasha. 
“I for one, don’t need to hear the details of another one of your slinky one night stands doll.” Bucky grumbled angrily, pushing his stool back from the counter. 
“Slinky one night stands? Are you fucking kidding me Buck? Sorry I am a grown woman looking for quality sex that I clearly can’t find here!” You growled. 
Bucky eyes burned with anger. He looked like he was about to say something but all he did was huff and leave the room. 
“Sam maybe it’s time you got Bucky laid.” Nat observed, “He seems to always have a stick far up his ass.”
“Trust me, it’s not all it's cracked up to be.” You mumbled, stirring more creamer into your coffee. 
“Was it really that bad?”  Nat asked. 
“Oh, the guy wasn’t bad, he was horrific. Only cared about himself. I may as well have stayed home and used a toy for hell’s sake. 
Sam winced. “I did not need to know you had sex toys.” 
“Oh grow up Sam, it’s not a woman’s fault that men don’t know what they’re doing. Men are the problem, sex toys are the solution.” 
“Well, who knows (Y/N), maybe you'll meet a special someone at Stark’s Charity Gala Saturday.” Nat said wiggling her eyebrows at you.
“Fuck, I forgot that was this weekend. I’m all for charity, but if I’m forced to go to another one of Stark’s fucking parties-” You groaned. 
“Uhem” You heard a familiar voice sound from the door. “First off you love my parties, even if it’s deep down. Second, you always look ravishing in whatever you wear, and lastly, you get all the free alcohol you want. All you have to do is force a smile and be friendly.” Tony hummed.
You rolled your eyes as you pushed past him, careful not to spill your coffee. If Saturday you had to be a social butterfly, today would be a lock yourself in your room and watch Netflix kinda day.
“Tony was right, you do always manage to look ravishing. Very Bond-esque” Sam said to you as he entered your room. 
You smiled at him through your reflection, admiring the slimming black dress you had on. “Thanks Sam. Have you come to be my handsome escort?” 
He held a hand out to you,  “Bond, James Bond, happily at your service.
His other hand produced a bottle of expensive liquor from behind his back, a liquor that was most likely stolen from Tony’s “hidden” cabinet. “I have also come to get you throughly wasted before this party. Bucky’s in a bitchy mood and Steve’s very busy trying to untie Bucky’s panties.” 
“In that case, pour us some drinks, it’s going to be a long night if we have to deal with not one, but two grouchy old men.” 
You could have sworn this party was more extravagant than the last. The room shone with several different lights, giving it an ethereal glow. Champagne fountains stood about the room. It was like walking into a Great Gatsby fantasy.
Bucky and Steve were already at the bar, causing your joy to deflate a bit. You had avoided Bucky at every cost since the two of you had fought. He hadn’t sought you out to apologize either.
You let out an exaggerated sigh. “I hope the bar has enough of the strong stuff, otherwise I don’t think I’ll be able to deal with Bucky’s bitchiness all night, even with the alcohol we had before this in my system.” 
Sam snickered. “He still hasn’t apologized has he?” 
“Nope. So he’s definitely on my shit list. He had no reason to be angry with me or shame my sex life.” 
Sam looked like he was about to say something, but stopped himself. He shook his head. “Just ignore him (Y/N). Bucky will be Bucky. Besides if you really feel like enacting revenge I know a little game you can play to piss him off even more.”
You groaned. “Sam as much as I would love to piss Bucky off more, I am not in the mood to play 'One Night Rate’ right now. This last guy really put me off for a while.” 
“Oh come on (Y/N)! One guy can’t ruin your chances of a great one night stand. Look at all the beautiful people here.” He said gesturing around the room. “You’re telling me there isn’t a single guy you want to take home?” 
There was one guy you wanted to take home, but he currently was the one person who you weren’t speaking to. You knew you would probably regret this but-
“Fine.” You groaned. “I’ll play, but that doesn’t mean I have to follow through with it.” 
Sam grinned as you two made your way over to Bucky and Steve.
Steve smiled at the two of you, but it quickly turned into a suspicious look at the grin on Sam’s face.  “What are you two up to?” 
You and Sam remained quiet smirking at one another. Steve finally put the pieces together. 
“You two are not playing One Night Rate again are you?” He groaned.  
“Listen man, (Y/N) needs a better partner to make up for the last guy. The least I can do is support her and give good advice.” Sam said, as you blushed. 
“You’re the one who convinced me to do it! I wasn’t even going to play it.” You laughed, nudging Sam’s shoulder. 
Bucky stared at the three of you stone faced. “Do I even want to know what this game is?” 
You gave Bucky a sarcastic smirk. “It’s a game Sam, Steve, and I came up with one night at one of Tony’s galas-” 
“It was mostly Sam and (Y/N).” Steve interjected. 
You rolled your eyes. “Sure it was Golden Boy.” Sam snickered. “Anyway, we were bored and perhaps a bit more intoxicated than we should have been-” 
“Excuses, excuses.” Sam interrupted you. “You are avoiding the point. It’s basically a game where one of us chooses a person and the jury,” he gestured to you and Steve, “Comes to a consensus on whether or not that person should be brought home or not.”
Bucky raised his eyebrows. “Are you guys serious?” 
“If you’re going to slut shame, you can always hang with Nat, I’m sure she’s drunk enough to put up with your assholery. Besides, you wouldn’t want to play such a sleazy game right?” You said, plastering a fake smile on your face. 
Bucky winced. “(Y/N)-”
You held up a hand, stopping him. “I don’t want to hear it right now James.” You only called him by his first name when you were really pissed with him. “Right now, I want to drink, find a guy, and get an actual good fuck. So if you’ll excuse me.” You pushed past the three men, ignoring their shocked faces and Bucky’s very pissed one.
Sam grimaced. “So much for playing the game. Something tells me she’ll follow her own rules right now.”
Sam had remained at the bar with Bucky and Steve, long after you left them. Bucky’s face was steely, his eyes following every move you made on the dance floor. You weren’t alone, and of course the guy you had chosen was incredibly handsy with you. As his hands slide down your body, Bucky couldn't help but let out a growl.
“Buck, I don’t get it. Why won’t you just apologize and tell her how you feel? You’re being idiotic.” Steve said gently, putting a hand on Bucky’s shoulder. 
Sam nodded along with Steve’s sentiment. “Dude maybe if you opened your eyes you’d see that she actually likes you back.” 
Bucky’s eyes shot to Sam. “What the hell did you say Wilson?”
Sam gave him a look. “Don’t play dumb with me Barnes, you heard what I said. She likes you. I’m surprised that such a good assassin like you could miss something as blatant as that.” 
“Then why the hell does she go off with other guys then?” Bucky asked, irritated.
“Because she’s just as blind to it as you. You have no idea how obnoxious it is to be the middleman and keep quiet, especially when you’re dealing with two oblivious morons.” Sam groaned. Steve cackled loudly.
“What am I supposed to do? She’s off with some other guy.” Bucky sighed. 
Steve smirked at him, “That never stopped you in the 40’s.”
This guy was doing nothing for you. He was sweaty, way too handsy, and was unfortunately not as attractive up close, a drunken mistake on your part. But you knew Bucky was watching and you would not cave easily, so you kept dancing. 
The guy pulled you taut against him. “So babe when do you want to get out of here?” 
You grimaced, resisting the urge to push the guy off you. Was pissing Bucky off really worth all this?
“I think I can take it from here bud.” A familiar voice said. It sent chills down your spine. Your date, what was his name? Jake? Jason? You couldn't even remember, that’s how uninteresting he was. 
He turned to Bucky releasing his grip on you. “Back off dude, she’s taken.” 
Bucky glared at him unmoving. “I think you misunderstood me asshole. Fuck off.” The dance floor lights flashed over Bucky’s face giving sweaty hands a better look at who he was talking to. 
His face paled. “Oh shit I’m so sorry man, she’s all yours.” He quickly pushed through the crowd on the dance floor to get away. 
You turned to Bucky and crossed your arms. “Are you fucking kidding me James?  First, you call me sleazy and now you chase off any fucking guy I am interested in? What is wrong with y-” 
Your rant was cut off as Bucky dragged you off the dance floor and through a maze of halls. You were too shocked to say anything as he pushed you into the fancy one stall bathroom and locked the door. 
You yanked your arm out of his grasp. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You can’t just scare my date off then drag me into a bathroom.”
“Oh please, that guy was a scumbag, you could do much better.” Bucky snarled.  
He turned his back on you and let out a frustrated growl, running his hands through his hair. 
“You weren’t even playing the game right.” He said quietly. 
He turned back to you and moved toward you, causing you to back up until you hit the sink counter. His arms pinned down on either side of you and he leaned in. There were mere inches between both of your lips. 
“I said you weren’t even playing the game right. You’re supposed to consult Sam and Steve and come to a consensus. You just picked a random asshole to piss me off. I at least played the game right.” He growled.
You heart was in your throat. You thought of what to say to defend your choices, then you realized what Bucky said. “Wait what do you mean you’re playing the game right?”
Bucky smirked. “The jury came to a consensus. You’re the best choice to take home tonight. You got the highest rating (Y/N).” His smile turned more sincere. “I want to take you home tonight and every night if you’ll let me. I know I’ve been an ass to you and I’m sorry. I was just so pissed that other guys got to have you while I couldn’t. And-”
You grabbed Bucky by his shirt collar and pulled him in, smashing your lips against his. A growl emanated from his throat as he wrapped his arms around you. Causing both of you to go into a frenzy. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he lifted you up and placed you on the bathroom counter. You whined as Bucky placed kisses all down your neck. He sucked harshly in certain areas making you gasp. 
“If I can finally have you all to myself, I want to mark you as mine.” He mumbled against your neck. His words went straight to your soaking core. 
You began unbuttoning his shirt as he pushed up your dress. He pulled it over your head and  threw it behind him, pausing to admire you in your matching black lace set. You returned the favor and pushed off his suit jacket as he attempted to unbutton his shirt. You let out a moan when his chiseled body was finally fully in view.
Bucky pulled down your bra causing your breasts to be pushed up from the material. He purred as he leaned down and worshipped each one, placing kisses all over the top, then moving down and sucking on your nipple. His hand went to your other breast, his fingers massaging and playing with your other nipple. He tugged at it causing you to let out a loud moan. 
“Fuck, Bucky,” you cried out. He smirked as his hands and mouth traveled down your body. When he finally reached your panties, he looked you in the eye and slowly pulled them down with his teeth. 
You were speechless. 
“Fuck baby, just a few words and some teasing and you’re soaking for me,” He hissed out, his dick hardening as he gazed at your sexed out and wanton state. 
‘Bucky please.” You begged. Wanting, no, needing him to touch you. 
He smirked at you. “Oh I see now doll, when you want me to fuck you I’m Bucky, notJames?”
“James Buchanan Barnes, if you do not fuck me right now-” you growled. 
Bucky chuckled, lowering his mouth to where you needed it most. Your growl turned into a pleasurable scream. 
Bucky looked up at you, amusement in his eyes. He paused his work. “You know love, you’re lucky the music is so loud, otherwise you and I could be caught in this very scandalous position.”
You smirked and bit your lip. “Let them find us then.” 
With that Bucky feasted on you like you were his last meal. His tongue swirling over your clit and licking your slit until you felt that delicious build up in your stomach. Your hands grasped and pulled at his hair. 
“Bucky, don’t stop, I'm going to-” whiteness filled your vision as you came. You tried to close your legs, but Bucky had them pinned against the counter, continuing his work until you finished riding out your orgasm. 
Your chest rose and fell rapidly as Bucky kissed back up your body until he met your lips. 
You undid his belt and pants, letting his bulging member free. Bucky wasted no time lining himself up with your entrance. Sliding in slowly until he filled you completely. 
You gasped at the pleasure that filled your body. You had never felt so full in any other one night stand. Hell hardly any of them had made you come like this once, or at all. 
“God doll, you’re so tight.” Bucky groaned as he gave you time to adjust to his size. 
“Bucky if you don’t start moving-” you threatened, but were cut off as Bucky quickly thrust in and out of you.
He smirked as you let out a pleasured squeak. 
“Fuck you” you giggled. 
“Gladly.” He replied as he picked up his pace. 
It was relentless and god it was the greatest sex you had ever had. He had actually put your pleasure first, and was about to make you come again. 
The feeling built up in your stomach, and you clenched around Bucky. As if he could read your mind, he reached down and began rubbing your clit. You had to bite back a scream. 
Bucky smashed his lips against yours, as white flashed again in your vision, as your second orgasm hit you. Bucky followed soon after. 
When you both came down from your highs, your eyes met and you giggled. 
“What?” Bucky asked, returning your smile. 
“I swear this better be the last one night stand I ever had, because all I want for the rest of my life is you Bucky Barnes.” 
Bucky’s eyes softened and he planted a soft kiss on your lips. “Funny, because all I’ve ever wanted for the longest time, is you.” You felt your heart skip a beat. 
Bucky’s face turned more mischievous. “Now let’s get out of here. I have a long night planned to show you that you actually can find quality sex around here.” 
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I was exhausted all day and honestly did not have a very good day. But I guess I really needed the rest. It honestly makes me think back to when I always got the Saturday sads. This was just a Sunday sad. My body holds it together best it can all week. I'm high energy for work. People literally comment that. And then I fall to pieces when the week is over.
I honestly slept okay. I had pretty rough dreams. And when I woke up I told myself that if it was before 10 I wouldn't be upset. I hate waking up so late.
But it was only a little after 9 so I wasn't to mad at myself.
I went and got washed and dressed. A little in a daze. Just uncomfy and dizzy. My allergies had made my eyes swollen but they would calm down eventually. I wore my little romper and a sweatshirt and was glad it was cool enough for that.
I had cereal and half a pbandj for breakfast. I got to use the jam I made!! It came out really good!! I am excited that it actually worked out. Much better then last year's batch. That batch was to runny. It still tasted good but I'm glad I improved. I would love to actually try real canning sometime and not just freezer and pectin but this was still fun.
I played Stardew even though I told myself I wasn't going to. I just didn't have the energy to do anything else. I did open the back door and watered all the plans but I just couldn't get out of my head and get the energy to do anything else.
So I played my little video game. I watered my fake plants. I made cheese. I spun cloth. I went to the mines. It was fun. But I was just. Still so tired.
So around 1130 I laid in bed. And absolutely passed out. I would sleep for about an hour and wake up very hot. The sun had moved. So I took off my sweatshirt but then fell back asleep.
I basically slept the rest of the afternoon. I would wake up at 330. And went and had a snack and tried not to feel stupid. But I felt dizzy and exhausted and just not very fun.
James would get home soon. And they tried to make me feel better but I could feel myself being short with them and that isn't fair. Just because I am tired. I didn't feel like myself. I felt bad.
James made pasta for dinner. Sweetp stole some. I painted my nails again because having them all copper wasn't working for me.
Me and James would play video games for a little. And then go work on the Lego guitar. But I got upset and had to lay down again on the couch. So I mostly scrolled on my phone and watched James build the amp. Which actually has parts inside and is super cool. But I was just being such a baby. I tried to help but then I heard a name in the podcast we were listening to and I had to Google if it was who I thought and it took a lot of archive and way back searching but I found that it was a YouTuber they were citing and I was so proud of my research skills. I wish I knew how to make that a job. Professional googler.
I got a shower and still felt sad. But now James is making me a little sandwich and we are getting ready to sleep. They are determined to make me have a good day tomorrow because we have the day off together. I hope they can.
Sleep good everyone. Take care of yourself!
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lovingllix · 3 years
the work story! sorry i didn’t post it yesterday, i fell asleep. but yeah, here’s the events of saturday night for you all!
finally. after an exhausting six hour shift at the restaurant, you’re home. you take your shoes off at the door and catch a glimpse of minho lying on the sofa with his phone lighting up his face.
“hey, i was getting worried about you. you’re over an hour late getting home; were you busy?” he shuts off his phone and sits up, patting the spot beside him for you to sit.
“not exactly,” you sigh. “someone was really rude to me when i was cleaning off a table. you know i was supposed to host tonight, but jisoo and i decided to switch so she ended up hosting and i wait assisted. so-“
“hold on, what’s wait assisting again? i know you told me before but i don’t remember.” he turns to face you, taking your hand in his to let you know you have his full attention.
“basically just running food to tables and cleaning off tables when people get up. so i’m doing that tonight instead of jisoo. everything was going smoothly until like 7:30ish. i was cleaning a table outside and some lady at the next table was like ‘i thought jisoo was wait assisting.’ so then i told her we switched before we opened. super easy explanation right?”
minho nods.
“wrong. yoona, that table’s waitress, comes out and the lady asks again why jisoo wasn’t wait assisting. she tells her again and we start telling her how good jisoo does up front on weekends and i tell her that i get a little overwhelmed and anxious on the weekends when it’s busy. guess what this bitch says to me!”
“oh god.”
“she’s like ‘well if you have anxiety you really shouldn’t be working in a restaurant in the first place,’ like what the fuck? why would you say that to someone? wow thanks that really makes me feel good about myself. so i walk away and she continues to talk shit. so then i’m telling my coworkers about what she said and jisoo comes up and is like ‘you know that’s my mom, right?’ and im just like...uh no i did not know that was your mom, she was really rude though. so yoona goes out and tells them straight up she’s not waiting on them anymore if they’re gonna be talking about our employees like that. so they leave and leave no tip on their $100 check.”
minho’s face morphs into shock, his eyebrows furrowing and jaw dropping open.
“that’s terrible, baby, why would she say something like that to you? to anyone, really. do i need to find her and tell her off?”
you let out a chuckle at his antics. he’s always so protective.
“no, but if she comes in again i may just spill food on her on purpose. then jisoo got pissed at both yoona and me for getting offended at what her mom said. like i’m sorry was i supposed to just laugh it off like it’s okay? she was already pissed that i was wait assisting even though i told her i would host if she wanted me to. so y’know what? she can wait assist all she wants next week because i’m off. we’re going on vacation since you have time off as well and i want to spend time with you.”
minho laughs, pulling you into his chest. he smells like cinnamon and faintly of your perfume. he’d been wrapped up in one of your blankets, for sure. before you know it, you’re both lying together on the couch, hands intertwined. minho loves playing with your fingers, just holding your hand in his, seeing how well they fit together. he runs his hand up and down your side, occasionally sliding under your t-shirt ‘accidentally.’
“anything else interesting happen tonight? why were you so late getting off?” he asks, hoping your night went better after the incident.
“hm?” he looks down at you through his lower lashes, a cute double chin forming with his silly face. he still looks just as handsome as always.
“shit. some guy blew up the bathroom. he’d been in there for a while, left, then when we went in to to the bathroom cleanup, you know siyeon, the one who has the cats?”
minho nods again, remembering when he and siyeon met at the restaurant and talked for about ten minutes about their cats.
“she goes into the men’s room to put the trash can back in the stall. she comes out absolutely gagging saying how terrible it is in there. we don’t believe her, so i go back in with her to check it out and there is shit everywhere. all over the toilet, the floor, minho it was on the walls.”
this time, his face is a mix of shock and pure disgust.
“tell me you’re kidding.”
you shake your head, laughing.
“i swear to god, minho. it was everywhere. how does that even happen? like if your ass is on the toilet how the fuck do you get shit on the walls?”
you both tumble into a fit of laughter, tears running down your faces.
“...and then siyeon, siyeon had to go clean it up! she had to mop the fucking walls, babe, i swear! she had on like three masks! we all promised her she never ever has to do bathrooms ever again!”
minho clutches his stomach and sighs in pain. you haven’t laughed this hard in forever.
“poor siyeon, you guys didn’t even help her? heartless!”
that night, you fall asleep on the couch. you’ll definitely have a crick in your neck, but it doesn’t matter. you’re with the love of your life, your best friend.
maybe tomorrow will be better.
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marvel-and-mischief · 4 years
His Saving Grace Part VI
Title: His Saving Grace - Maxwell Lord x F!Reader  Words: 3700 Warnings: partial nudity, KISSING (yay!), little bit of angst but less than previous chapters (yay yay!) Synopsis: Maxwell is in a slump after the events of the gala, can you cheer him up?
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His Saving Grace Masterpost
Waking up in Maxwell’s apartment was an odd sensation. For once there were no impatient drivers angrily tooting their car horns outside to wake you up, the boiler didn’t make cranking noises all night, the fragrant candles were a constant, pleasant presence,  and everywhere you went it was warm. For a downgrade, Maxwell was doing very well for himself indeed. 
You opened your eyes when you heard movement from the direction of Maxwell’s bedroom. You swivelled onto your stomach to look over the arm of the couch to see if he would emerge into the living room; he didn’t. 
On the coffee table was your dress, neatly folded into a green square, clutch and shoes placed on top. It took you a second to remember that you weren’t naked but had one of Maxwell’s large vests on, hastily grabbed from the clean pile of clothes on a chair in his bedroom before you left him in there, snoring into his pillow, exhausted from the night’s events. 
You thought back to the night before in the car, holding Maxwell in your arms, letting him cry out his sadness and frustrations when the perfectly happy night had taken a dark turn. Your heart had broken for him, despite everything you had done, and were doing for him, you felt it wasn’t enough. He had become much more than a client now, he was your friend. 
Searching out the digital clock you saw it was just after seven in the morning. You’d make coffee and breakfast out of whatever you could find in the kitchen, you decided, and carefully sat up, experimentally rolling your shoulders and stretching your back. You hadn’t slept on a couch since you were a student but you didn’t remember it ever being this painful. You refused to admit it was because you were getting older. 
You made coffee for you and Maxwell and rummaged through the cupboards to find sliced bread and eggs and went about making some very basic French toast. When you were done you placed it all on a tray and made your way over to Maxwell’s bedroom door, tapping it with your foot and calling out his name.
“I’ve made us breakfast, can I come in?” You asked, awaiting his response. When one didn’t come you pushed down on the handle with your elbow, precariously balancing the tray in your arms as you did so and pushing the door open with your body. 
Maxwell was stirring when you entered, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he sat up in bed. You paused to observe him, the out of place hair, the wrinkle marks on his one cheek from where he’d slept on it. You had left him on the bed with most of his clothes on but at some point in the night he had stripped down to just his underwear. He realised this and pulled the covers halfway up his torso, which would have made you giggle if you weren’t trying so hard to not spill the coffee cups.
You placed the tray down on the side of the bed that was vacant, and took a seat next to him.
“You’re still here?” Maxwell asked, confused but not complaining as he took a sip of his coffee, black just how he liked it. 
“Yeah, it’s seven o’clock.”
“No I mean, you stayed the night?”
You frowned, nodding your head slowly as if it were obvious.
“I didn’t want to get a cab last night, it was too late. I thought you wouldn’t mind…”
“It’s no problem but you should have taken the bed,” Maxwell huffed at the thought of you having to sleep on his couch when he had a king size bed you both could have comfortably slept in. Though whether that was a good idea was another thing. Maxwell noticed for the first time that you were wearing one of his vest tops and had to quickly look away. It wasn’t just you in his clothes that got his heart thumping, it was you in his clothes on his bed. 
“It was fine,” you shrugged, the ghost of an ache reminding you that your body disagreed. You liked the idea of sharing a bed with Maxwell but he still hadn’t made any move to suggest that he had any feelings for you that went beyond friendship. Sharing a bed would have had you yearning for something you may never have. 
You smiled reassuringly at Maxwell and picked at the French toast on the tray. He only sipped at his coffee and stared out of the window. Neither of you had closed the blinds last night so you could see the clear sky outside and the city in the distance. You started to feel awkward eating your breakfast. Maybe you shouldn’t have gone to the effort, maybe you should have left last night after all. 
“Are you feeling better?” You asked cautiously. He had opened up to you a few hours ago, exposed himself in a way you were sure he hadn’t done in front of anybody for a long time. You hoped he felt comfortable around you knowing you wouldn’t judge him for being emotional. 
Maxwell kept his gaze out the window when he spoke.
“All I ever wanted to be is a businessman. To be successful, even before Alistair was born. I wanted to be someone to be proud of when I’m old. Now look at me.”
You heard the slight tremor in his voice and wanted to reach out and take his hand, but he gripped his coffee cup harshly and refused to look at you. 
The sun was slowly casting its rays into the bedroom, reaching across the room and stopping at Maxwell’s chest, keeping him half in the dark. 
“I can’t see Alistair like this,” Maxwell mumbled and placed the empty cup on the tray.
“Then take a shower, I’ll go home and get ready, I can be back here before Alistair arrives-“
“I can’t see him today,” Maxwell’s spoke with a finality that had you shaking your head.
“Maxwell, you’ve only had three Saturday’s with him, it’ll look bad if you cancel.”
“I cannot see him like this, I’m not in the right mindset.” Maxwell looks at you then, a pleading look in his eyes, like a child begging you not to make them do something they don’t want to do. You had seen the same look in Alistair’s eyes the previous week when he didn’t want to eat the broccoli he’d found in his pie. 
It was a hard situation to be in. You were the middlewoman between Alistair’s parents and would have to be the one to telephone Catherine Lord to say Maxwell couldn’t see him this weekend. You didn’t know what the repercussions would be, if the ex Mrs Lord would be forgiving or make a fuss about it to her lawyer. 
You also knew that Alistair was the most important thing in Maxwell’s life, so if he was willing to risk future weekends with his son then he really must be feeling terrible. 
You moved the tray to the bedside table and took a seat closer to Maxwell, legs underneath the covers, sitting up against the large headboard. 
“Are you sure? You might feel better once Alistair’s here,” you said gently, breath tickling the small hairs on Maxwell’s bare shoulder.
“I’m sure,” Maxwell replied, breath catching in his throat at your close proximity. 
You turned so you were on your side, legs accidentally bumping into his.
“I’ll tell them you’re sick.”
“They’ll think I’m hungover.”
“I can be very convincing,” you grinned lazily, and Maxwell matched you with his own sad smile.
“You are very good to me.”
“You deserve it,” you insisted and without thinking you reached up and attempted to move a long piece of hair away from his eyes, only for it to bounce back onto his forehead. 
You don’t know where your newfound bravery had come from, but the sun had moved its way up Maxwell’s body and painted an orange glow across his face and you couldn’t resist. Even if he pushed you away, rebuffed your affections, told you he didn’t feel the same way, at least you’d know where you stood with him finally.
But he did none of those things. He silently looked over the features of your face, captivated as you quickly licked your suddenly dry lips. He turned on his side to face you, moving to lean his forehead against yours, an indication of what he wanted and an opportunity for you to move away if you didn’t want anything more to happen. 
But you did. You’d been waiting for Maxwell to finally make a move that left no doubt as to what he thought about you. You were almost giddy with anticipation. 
His lips touched yours, insistent and impatient, and you reached behind his neck to pull him closer, greedy for more. Maxwell placed his large hands on either side of your waist, holding you chest to chest, the feeling of your breasts grazing his broad chest making you whine softly. 
You pulled away, only a fraction, the need for breath overriding the need to kiss him for longer. When you opened your eyes Maxwell was already looking at you, searching your features for any hint he had made a mistake. But all he saw was your delighted grin and he felt your hand move up to grip his hair and urge him forward for another kiss.
Maxwell obliged, and you opened your mouth to let him explore deeper. You pushed against his chest, keeping your lips locked with his as you urged him onto his back. He wrapped his arms tightly around your back and pulled you on top of him, a short, sharp giggle escaping him in disbelief. He was convinced he was dreaming.
You continued languidly kissing each other for a few more moments, getting acquainted to the feeling of your bodies pressed against the other, touches shy and over the top of clothing, both hesitant to cross that line just yet.
When you pulled away a second time you were both happily flustered, hair tousled, fingers gripping onto each other in one way or another. You both giggled at the sight. 
“I see you,” you whisper into the nonexistent space between you, nuzzling your nose lightly against his, “I see exactly who you are. You’re a good man, Maxwell. It’s why I’m working so hard to get you everything you want.”
Maxwell surged up, taking your face in his hands, kissing you fervently. 
“I don’t know what I would have done without you guiding me every step of the way,” Maxwell spoke in between placing kisses on your lips. Now he had your permission he was going to take every opportunity to do the one thing he had dreamed of doing for weeks. 
“Take the day off, relax. I’ll handle everything with Alistair,” you promised, rising off of Maxwell’s chest and rolling off the side of the bed. 
“You won’t stay?”
Yes, you thought, of course I want to stay in this moment of bliss and perfection. But a small part of you was hesitant to let things get out of hand. Maxwell was still hurting from the gala, so much so that he wasn’t going to budge on not seeing Alistair on the only day of the week he was allowed. 
Was kissing you just a distraction from having to talk about his feelings? Possibly. Not that kissing you meant nothing to him, you were certain it meant just as much to him as it did to you. But you needed to give him space to think everything through and hopefully the next time you saw each other things would be much clearer for the two of you. 
It felt weirdly like deja vu. When you got to Maxwell’s apartment Sunday morning he was already waiting for you, propped up against the doorway, welcoming you with a beaming smile, just as he had the very first time you had met him. He was wearing a grey suit you hadn’t seen before, his tie was pale blue and had polka dots of various shades of purple. It was happy colors, just like the look of happiness on his freshly shaved face.
“The cafe down the street opens in twenty minutes,” he said, making a show of looking at his watch, “shall we get breakfast?”
“Sure,” you responded with a shrug of your shoulders. Maxwell stepped out of his apartment, shutting his door and taking your hand to lead you to the elevator. 
You had no idea how the day was going to go, not after the previous days kiss in Maxwell’s bed. You were nervous about bringing it up, about having to have a conversation about feelings. But you felt positive witnessing Maxwell’s seemingly jubilant demeanour this morning. 
The journey to the cafe was mostly quiet, Maxwell pointing out which cars in the car park belonged to which neighbour. You found out the woman who had given you a dirty look the first day you met Maxwell was called Kimberly, she was rude and nosy and had cornered Maxwell half a dozen times to ask who the ‘weird woman’ who always visited him was because ‘lodgers weren’t allowed in these buildings’. You would have been offended but you were too busy laughing at Maxwell’s ridiculously squeaky American accent as he imitated Kimberly. 
The cafe was larger than you were expecting, but nearly empty except for a family of four huddled into the corner next to the window, happily chewing on waffles and pancakes. It had a classic American diner feel, with a red and silver color theme, metal chairs with plump seats and square tables, tall stools lining the entirety of the bar, black and white checkerboard style flooring. 
A waitress greeted Maxwell with a friendly but well rehearsed welcome speech and directed the two of you to a table off to the side. 
“I’m thinking something sweet, what about you?” Maxwell asked whilst perusing the menu. 
“I fancy an egg muffin. And plenty of coffee,” you said, trying to disguise a yawn behind your hand. Maxwell chuckled and ordered your breakfasts and the waitress left you both alone.
“I’ve sorted everything with Alistair, it’ll be back to normal next Saturday but if you cancel again I can’t promise it’ll be so easy next time.”
“It won’t happen again,” Maxwell promised, “I’m feeling much better today, ready to begin the rest of my life.”
You chuckled at how bright Maxwell shined, there was a twinkle in his eye you hadn’t seen in a while and he had been standing tall on the walk over. It was like something had changed, or clicked in his mind that the future was bright and for the taking.
“That’s good to hear,” and you meant it, you were glad Maxwell wasn’t dwelling on what the rude man at the gala had shouted at him. 
The waitress appeared to pour you both coffees and Maxwell pushed the sugar pot across the table to you.
“My investments are really coming through as well,” Maxwell nodded his thanks to the waitress and continued, “but I’m aware that isn’t a permanent solution.”
“You’re right, but I’ve got an idea I need to run pass someone first.” You had been thinking over Maxwell’s money problem and thought you might have a solution, but you had to speak to someone before presenting it as an option to Maxwell. You didn’t want to get his hopes up. 
“That sounds intriguing,” Maxwell raised an eyebrow, probing for more information but you gave him nothing but a teasing smile.
“You’ll see,” you winked and sighed in relief when your food arrived. 
“Whatever it is, I trust you. Together we’ll show the world that Maxwell Lorenzano does not give up easily!”
You paused with a forkful of egg halfway to your lips, frowning at a name you hadn’t heard of before.
“My name before I changed it,” Maxwell looked at you bashfully, nervous for your reaction though he wasn’t sure why.
“Why did you change it?” 
“Because, y’know,” Maxwell shrugged and went about meticulously cutting up his waffles as he tried to explain, “people would rather deal with a white mans name.”
Your eyes widened in surprise, not because you didn’t understand why he had done it, but because you had had no idea. Maybe you should have, Lord wasn’t a Spanish sounding surname.
“What made you choose Lord?” You asked, forgetting about your breakfast, fully absorbed in this revelation. 
“It sounds grand, don’t you think? I thought if my name matched my ambition to be at the top then it would be like creating my destiny. It was bound to happen with a name like Lord.”
“You’ve never thought about changing it back?”
“Maybe in recent weeks,” Maxwell sighed and wiped his hands on a napkin, “I always thought I would keep going up in the world, that there would be no reason to ever look back. But I see now that was wrong.”
“What do you mean?”
“I shouldn’t be ashamed of Maxwell Lorenzano. He was so much stronger.”
“Oh Maxwell.”
“No no, I mean it. He had many doors shut in his face, many people telling him he couldn’t be anyone important. Yet he persevered, never took no for an answer.”
“He’s still within you, Maxwell. You lost your way a little, it doesn’t mean you’re lost forever.”
Maxwell reached over the small table and interlocked your fingers together.
“Thank you. I agree,” he chuckled, it was lighthearted and soft on your ears and you wished you could hear it again, “I want to be more like him going forward. To be humble and keep in mind where I came from.”
You brought his hand up to your lips and left a few featherlight kisses along his knuckles. You could see his shoulders drop with a contented sigh, relishing in the feel of your lips on his skin. When you pulled back you saw his eyes flicker to your lips and you let out a self-conscious laugh. 
“Should we talk about what happened yesterday?” You had been bursting at the seams to ask all morning, waiting for the right opportunity even if you might end up regretting it, but you had to know if this thing between the two of you was mutual, was serious. With all this talk of Maxwell concentrating on his future you wanted to know if that involved you. 
Maxwell shuffled in his seat but kept your hands firmly linked together. 
“I’d like to keep things slow to begin with, is that okay?”
You nodded enthusiastically, a sigh of relief leaving your lips at the thought of this only being the beginning. 
“I need to think about Alistair-“
“Of course, I don’t want to upset him.”
“You wouldn’t be upsetting him, he already likes you,” Maxwell said calmly, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on the back of your hand.
“I know it’s just, kids can be easily unsettled, with changes in their parents lives, you know? And I didn’t know if I went too far yesterday, especially considering you were upset about the gala, I thought maybe I was taking advantage-“
“You need to breathe, darling.”
“Sorry, I haven’t done this in a while.”
“Me neither.”
Silence settled over the both of you for a split second before you and Maxwell were laughing, wholeheartedly and hysterically. You felt heat rushing to your face and a pain develop in your belly from laughing so hard on a full stomach. 
When you both caught your breaths, you watched Maxwell wipe the tears from his eyes before handing you a handkerchief from his pocket for you to do the same. You sat there with goofy smiles on your faces until you were ready to leave. 
You wished you could have stayed in that cafe with Maxwell all day, but if you were to get any work done at all you needed to get home. 
It was early afternoon by the time you left Maxwell’s side, parting with a longing kiss in the cafe car park, a promise of more to come in the future. You could feel his lips on yours as you walked away, peeking over your shoulder only to see Maxwell hadn’t moved at all and was admiring the back of you. He averted his gaze from your ass and waved you goodbye.
You could have gotten a bus home, you had memorised the timetable but the skies were clear and you thought the fresh air would do you good. 
You regretted it as soon as you saw the graffiti on the side of a disused warehouse building. Or half of it. Half of Maxwell’s face with devil horns and a spiky tail being painted over by a couple of men in high-vis jackets. It caused your heart to drop painfully in your chest, your heart that had been so full of Maxwell’s love mere moments before.
You hated that you let it bother you. You knew Maxwell, what did it matter what other people thought? But you soon realised it was impossible not to when people’s opinions were everywhere.
You found yourself walking through a quiet neighbourhood with small independent stores, a handful of fast food restaurants and as your luck would have it, an electrical store with televisions playing in the shop windows. Televisions with Maxwell’s face on it and some talkshow woman talking to camera about what she thought about his “fall from grace”. 
It was no wonder Maxwell found himself in a slump some days if this was what he saw all the time. You could imagine him flicking through the channels on his television and accidentally coming across this woman, this stranger, telling him exactly what she thought of him. It equally saddened you and made you mad. 
You knew what it was like to have your mistakes out in the open for everybody to have an opinion about, but at least your mistake was limited to the D.C area, Maxwell’s was worldwide. 
But the more you looked in that woman’s eyes and read the subtitles across the bottom of the screen, the more you saw her spewing her hateful comments and making her unfair judgements, the more determined you became to prove them all wrong.
And that’s exactly what you were going to do. 
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