#tom holland fic rec
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ruerecs · 9 months ago
𝑝𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑠 𝑖.
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two normal arms
take a hint
arms race
daughters will love like you do
by @waitimcomingtoo [i'm obsessed with your peter fics]
the last i heard by @webslingingslasher
teenage fever by @mvltisstuff
prom alert!
panty stealer
by @shawnxstyles
nice to meet you by @mrsstarkey1
still into you by @loverwebs
snowed in by @starlordsandrockets
by @mediocre-daydreams
private show by @croimilis
white lies, red & blue tights by @t-lostinworlds
tread carefully by @bi-disaster-yn
the baby assignment by @vendettaparker
secrets by @chaoticparker
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youngbugandtonystank · 10 days ago
Hey there just had endgame and no way home feels slam into me again, and i was wondering if you have any good Tony and Peter hurt/comfort fics? Or even fixit films lmao, i am in desperate need of them 😢
Sure, here:
1. A Sailor Went to Sea by YellowDistress
Peter made that wish to bring him back from an unfitting grave.
2. With Great Power... by Jadeys_World
The gauntlet falls into Peter’s hands on the battlefield, and instead of passing it on, he snaps. Through that choice he is burdened with more power and responsibility than he could have imagined. He is going to need Tony and the rest of his newfound family to help him manage it.
3. The Long and Winding Road by RedfieldFamilyFan24
A call saying that he has to go to Wakanda as soon as possible. That it concerns Tony Stark. Tony Stark who died months ago.
4. for peter by Hailfire_73 for frostysunflowers
An AU where Peter is turned into a dog instead of snapped out of existence and spends that five year gap living with the Starks at their lake cabin.
5. Saveable by the_writer1988
He’d condemned a brave man to death. A little girl to grow up without the father she adored. But Doctor Strange could still save Tony Stark. Endgame Fix-It.
6. once upon a Reality by Bean_reads_fanfic
A supernatural stranger appears in Tony’s house to make him a deal: Peter has been taken, but if Tony can locate him in each of a series of fiction-based alternate universes, they can have each other back.
7. team bonding with sam wilson by turtle_bean
The man, Sam Wilson, as Peter mentally fills in for himself, smiles indulgently and nods. “Yes, hello, my name is Sam Wilson, but you may know me as The Falcon. I’ll be conducting your group therapy session today.” 
8. No Regrets by inkinmyheartandonthepage
Peter is having doubts and thinks Tony Regrets bringing him back from the dead.
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harrie-fic-center · 6 months ago
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george daniel
harry styles [2] [3]
matty healy
niall horan
tom holland
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irondadfics · 8 months ago
Hey! Are there any fics where due to some multiversal hand wavy comic book science, RDJ and tony swaps places? Or universes or whatever? So tony is interacting with Tom Holland, whereas RDJ is chilling with the actual Spiderman? Ridiculous i know, but I can't get it out of my head lol, thanks! x
Here’s some that sound close to what you’re looking for.
Have You Ever Heard of the French Mistake, Mr. Stark? by RandomFanfictions
“Have you ever heard of the French Mistake, Mr. Stark?” Peter had asked, his eyes wide in realization “Can’t say that I have” he mumbles, looking back to the people in from of them “It’s an episode from Supernatural..the characters end up in the real world where their lives are just a TV show” “What does that have to do with anything” “I think that’s what happened to us”   Peter and Tony end up in our world, and let’s just say that it’s very meta. They meet RDJ, Tom Holland and friends, get introduced to the Marvel fanbase and watch movies all while trying to find Dr. Strange in this weird alternate world.
Avenger meet their Actors by GDogDfeld124
Avenger meet their Actors that’s all
When Two Worlds Collide by starksphere
The six original Avengers (cast) get sucked into Marvel Cinematic Universe from Endgame Premiere.
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bunnyweasley23 · 2 years ago
If you have Wattpad please read my latest MCU x Harry Potter crossover!!!
This book is for you if you like:
-Dumbledore Slander
-Wolfstar as parents
-Nice!Snape (sort of)
-Black OC!
-The Avengers as basically one big happy family!
-Fred, Loki, Pietro, Tony etc NOT *💀🪦*
-Ron x OC
Small Excerpt from a random Chapter below:
"Excuse me, Miss Romanoff have you seen the Weasley twins?"Umbrige asked sweetly, considering she's been trying to get back on my good side for the past week and a half.
"Sorry, haven't seen them since the last time I saw them." I said with a smile before taking a drink on my hot chocolate and looking down at my phone when I saw Steve got another word.
"And when was that?"Umbrigde asked confused.
"When was what?"I asked with mock confusion as I looked up at her.
"The last time you saw them of course."Umbrige said becoming slightly irritated.
"Saw who?" I asked innocently.
"Fred and George Weasley."Umbrige said firmly an I pretended to think about it for a moment. Like I didn't see them walk past me with Ron and Draco five minutes ago, carrying empty glitter containers and prank kits.
"Can't say those names ring any bells I'm afraid. However if you're looking for the Weasley twins they went that way." I mumbled looking down at my phone.
"Which way? Left or right?"Umbrigde asked frantically looking around.
"I don't know, that's what I'm asking you. Right or wrong? Up or down, you know? Do you think I'll grow more, I've recently become very insecure about my height. I feel like I'm not tall enough? But what if I'm too tall? I'm 5'9 but that could mean anything. Did you know brown cows don't make chocolate milk? Do you think the sky knows it's blue? Why do people have limbs? I'll tell you why, because of evaluation! Not to be confused with revolutions because those are bad. Speaking of revolutions, have you ever owned a unicorn? I've been thinking of starting a butterfly farm but I can't because I won't have time to take them for walks everyday. Do you think cats know that they're cat-" I asked rambling various nonsense questions with a look of concern painted on my face.
"That's enough! I'll find them myself!" Umbrigde yelled cutting me off.
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pixiexdusts-world · 1 year ago
October favourite fics
Stranger things
Steve Harrington
The assistant by @ashwhowrites
Eddie Munson
Oh baby by @ashwhowrites
Peter Parker
Wasn’t me by @waitimcomingtoo
Tom Holland
Dog says are over by @waitimcomingtoo
Ethan Landry
Reward by @rvuiluw
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do-not-go-gentle · 8 months ago
hey you guysssssss i'm looking through my bookmarks and I NEEEEEDDDD TO SHARE THIS FIC W YOU GUYS. this is the fic which has made me laugh every single time I reread it (which is frequently). it's dick or treat by thwip--thwip (Trickster88). it's a pretty quick oneshot but I love it with my wholllleeee heart <33333
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justsomerandomfanfic · 2 years ago
I wonder may I have 🥨
Yaya! Here are some of my recent favs!!
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Clark Kent by @alienguts
Clark Kent by @alienguts
Klarion Bleak by @dccomicsimagines
Jason Todd by @dccomicsimagines
Clark Kent by @dccomicsimagines
Clark Kent by @dccomicsimagines
Tom Holland by @waitimcomingtoo
Tom Holland by @waitimcomingtoo
Tom Holland by @waitimcomingtoo
Tom Holland by @waitimcomingtoo
Eddie Brock/Venom by @quin-ns
Alex Law by @happytales
Pedro Pascal by @talaok
And some by me:
Din Djarin by me
Faramir by me
Steve Rogers by me
Bucky Barnes by me
Erik Destler by me
Shaggy Rogers by me
I hope these bring you joy :)
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marvelgirlstories · 2 years ago
Fic Recs
Talented Writers that I love.
George Weasley
Tom Holland
@tomhollandfics (fic collecter not writer)
Marvel cast
Harry Potter
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ruerecs · 1 year ago
𝑡𝑜𝑚 ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑/ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
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➞ tom holland
➞ nathan drake
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bradtomlovesya · 2 years ago
waves hi, I'm Blue, kinda new around here. Do you have any favorite Peter Parker writers?
Hello Blue! Welcome to Tumblr's fam and thank you for your message, always happy to meet new people 💙
Some of my favorite writers are these: @parkerpeter24 @tomsholland2412 @tom-holland-parker @cherienymphe @madmadmilk @tomhollandfics
Hope it helps 🤍
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burned-out-ciggerate · 1 year ago
In the middle of the night when the wolfs comes out
"In solitude he dwells, embracing silence,
No company to share joys or strife,
Feeling alone, he wanders through life"
AU where Peter Parker is really Peter Stark. He just don't know it yet.
Language: English
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Anyone in the MCU Spider-Man fandom have recs for fics where Spidey is beloved by the city and interacts with them a lot? A bit like the PS4 game Spider-Man who has a social media feed. Idk, I just like seeing the city show its appreciation, like murals and parades and stuff for little old Peter Parker.
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ruerecs · 1 year ago
𝑛𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
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remarcely · 2 years ago
How To Cover For Your Vigilante Classmate
Outside, down the street, there was a totally inconspicuous black van parked up on the curb, right outside the bank. Anyone else, like the pedestrians walking past the van without a second glance, might have brushed it off and paid the car little thought. Not Peter. If the little buzz was to be trusted- and after all the dodged knives and bullets it was only fair to put his faith in it- it was trouble. He stared at the van- no logos or dents, and the license plate was blocked by another car.
“Uh, Peter?”
He jumped and landed butt-first on the floor, looking up to see a confused Ned standing above him.
“Ned!” He whisper-shouted and beckoned for him to crouch down too “Someone’s about to rob the bank across the street! You’ve got to cover for me, man.”
“What?” Ned whispered back and lightly whacked Peter in the shoulder “Are you kidding me? The last time for you I got detention for like a week!”
“No one told you to tell the librarian you were watching porn, my guy, that was all you.” Peter glanced back to the window. A guy, dressed in casual clothes, sunglasses and baseball cap pulled down to cover his face in shadow, was leaned up against the van. His hands were in his pockets and he glanced up at the bank ever few seconds, eyeing the security inside “I’ve got to go, man, I’ll be like ten- maybe fifteen minutes max.”
“What are we whispering about?” MJ jumped up close behind, her sneakers stomping on the ground, and smirked when the boys flinched and Ned joined Peter on the floor.
“Peter needs us to cover for him because someone’s trying to rob a bank.”
“Say no more.” She grinned and walked away; no further explanation needed.
Read More Here
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l0standn0tf0und · 4 months ago
40s!Bucky Barnes ☆ fic recs
part 1.
part 2.
part 3.
♡ = smut, 18+ only
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set me free
empty words
it ends with us
new house and a cat
dating 40s! bucky hcs
waking up to sargent barnes...
♡can't help the crush he has on the sweet nurse...
♡40s bucky + virginity
♡gift wrapped
♡damn bear
All credits and support to the original authors: @buckgasms @srgntjamesbuckybarnes @tom-holland-parker @jobean12-blog @sergeantbarnessdoll @lanabuckybarnes @buckyalpine @danikaawrites @intrepidacious
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