#I got called weird once for this ship and Im still not over it
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goldentreasuredump · 3 days ago
Three years later and I still ship these two I never stopped
Feb 2025 on the left, Sep 2022 on the right
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Three years later and I still cant draw hands
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six-eyed-samurai · 4 months ago
HEHEHEHEH >:3 all im saying is rindou x popular!reader? like bratty and full of herself. REGINA GEORGE. REGINA GEORGE READER. but not actually
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A/N: PLEB MY BELOVED TERIYAKI PEACH I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG YOU ALREADY KNOW MY EXAMS AND SHIT BUT RAAAAAH ALSO I NEVER WATCHED MEAN GIRLS (the number of people about to murder me rn) SO I HOPE I'M ACCURATE, PLEASE ENJOY IN RETURN FOR THE VIP I LOVE YOU TO PLUTO AND BACK (Did someone say mushrooms? Well, I am a fun-guy- get it? GET IT?!) WARNINGS: Swearing and breaking the fourth wall. Nowhere says the Haitani brothers attend high school, but nowhere also says they don't, so here they do.
🌸First of all, let this be known that the one and only Haitani Ran came up with that title and is responsible for the whole story below (or so he claims, because I did about 80% of the work typing this out).
🌸You meeting each other was probably inevitable - the Haitani brothers the head delinquents of Roppongi, you the literal head of every single popular girl clique.
🌸Do you hit off at once? Absolutely not. You made a very cutting comment about Rindou’s hair, even after your terrified girlfriends (minions) warned you about who he was and similarly Rindou called you a wannabe with fake Prada and your makeup was smudged.
🌸What a great start to a friendship! From that day onwards every time you both caught side of each other it was snarky jab after snarky jab at each other’s hair, clothes, shoes, speech, grades, lunch, anything you both could think of.
🌸Rindou hates you because you’re just such a prissy, spoilt princess brat with hella nice hair. You just hate him because who does he think he is to insult your fashion taste? So what if he’s a total bad boy delinquent? What about it?
🌸Ran thinks it’s hilarious. Rindou cannot not talk about you even when you’re not around, even if it’s just the repetitive complaints of your usual petty annoyingness, and gee, Rin-Rin, are you really that obsessed with them that you even still think about what colour their nail polish are in the middle of a fight? It’s almost worth missing a nap, Ran decides, when he can record Rindou spluttering out protests and declarations that you’re the ugliest, nastiest girl he’s ever met.
[Ran turns the camera to his face] I think my brother is a kindergartener afraid that girls have cooties. Sigh, he was supposed to be the more mature of the two of us.
🌸Even your traitorous girl clique were shipping you both! Even after you told them to shut up! Ugh! You don’t need them to stalk out his socials, you don’t need them yammering about how you always greet him in the corridors (”Did a dog shit on your shoes, Haitani?”), you don’t need them taking pictures/photoshopping you both together. Just, ew.
🌸Once again, so what if both your rivalry was turning into a…really weird obsession?
🌸You were pretty sure you hated Rindou with a burning passion, but one day you caught yourself studying your figure in the mirror, judging - judging?! - your own outfit by his standards: what sort of comments would he make this time? Is he going to jibe that you had finally found a skirt shorter than you? Are you actually wondering if he’d like it?!
🌸You CANNOT be seriously breaking one of the sacred rules of no pink on Wednesdays right now either just because Rindou had once made a muttered remark this being the only thing that looked good on you.
🌸Rindou was quite certain as well that if he could, he’d run a bus over your snobby ass but…here he was, cringing at whatever made him stop by the roadside asking if you needed a ride home since it was raining. Not because he cared or whatever. He hoped you got soaked to the bone sitting on the back of his motorbike. And that your hair gets messed up from wearing his helmet.
🌸You treating him to the boba cafe that nearly opened the next day was also strictly returning a favor so you didn’t have to owe your biggest nemesis. In fact, HE should owe you for making you wash his stupid jacket that he had forced you to wear that night as protection from the storm.
🌸Rindou sasses you right back, but yes, he supposes he owes you another drink. And another. And another. And another.
🌸At this point it’s so obvious the only reason none of you have admitted you’re practically dating already is because of your egos and reputations.
🌸That is, until one day when you’re strolling home by yourself and scrolling on your phone to scoff at Rindou liking your latest photo, A FEW DAYS AFTER YOU POSTED, you’re cornered by several members of a gang with a grudge to settle with the Haitani brothers - what better way to do so than to target Rindou’s girlfriend (see, if they were targeting Ran, they’d have to target every girl in the neighborhood, playboy that he is).
🌸Now you might be a prissy mean girl but that don’t mean you can’t kick ass physically. One of them made the stupid mistake of trying to grab your arm and EW, WRECKED YOUR NAILS? You slapped him pretty hard for that…and the rest too, with your new handbag, which made you even more pissed off, because hello, that shit was designer?!
🌸Also, congratulations, you've managed to make them all extremely self conscious while unconscious with your jibes about their appearances.
🌸Unfortunately that can't help you when more of them show up and you're outnumbered. At least you're going out with a bang…but not in the way you think when Rindou’s motorbike suddenly plows through them, engines revving, an irritated expression on his face.
“The only one who gets to piss my girlfriend off is me, so hands off.”
🌸Most people would've thanked him once he was finished knocking them all out but you immediately start berating him for taking so long in arriving.
”You really took your sweet time driving here, so of course I just decided to head home myself! I didn't need you to accompany me!”
He rolls his eyes because if he ignores your ungratefulness he can see your fingers trembling as you picked the items fallen from your bag, evidence of you still being shaken up. This (bratty) behaviour was just your…coping mechanism? Or maybe just typical you. “Then how'd you get surrounded so easily?”
“How was I to know people wanna beat me up today?!”
“You know what, stuff it and get on the bike. I'm taking you home whether you want me to or not.”
You stuff it and get on the bike. Rindou only uses that tone when he's worried.
🌸Aaand then it's only when you're on your doorstep do you realize what he had said.
🌸Rindou sees you frozen and raises an eyebrow. “What is it this time?”
“You called me your girlfriend.”
“So I did. You're not? Aren't we going on dates and everything? Sorry, “outings just between the two of us”?”
“We never talked it out or agreed on anything official!”
“I didn't know we needed to file a form and get a stamp of approval in order to go out.”
“OMG, you're so annoying I can't even - fine, I’ll…be your girlfriend. The moment you get a better haircut.”
“WIPE THAT SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE! Ugh, gotta go redo my makeup now.”
“Stop talking about my hair then, before you look at yours.”
He's still smirking as he leaves.
🌸So now Rindou has not one but two divas in his life. He can't decide which of you is the lesser evil, because on one hand he has Ran killing his wallet with all his dye jobs and on the other you're demanding his wallet for that new pair of heels he's pretty sure will break in less than a day.
🌸What are dates like? You dragging him off to clothing/shoes/jewelry stores, mall dates where you empty him of all cash on dessert and boba, going to the latest trending cafe while you judge everyone around you, spill all the gossip at school and naturally, talk about yourself (Rindou secretly eats your cake and zones out when the last one happens).
🌸If you've seen that reel of someone digging a hole in their cake to secretly reach the other person's cake…you know what Rindou does now.
🌸However both you and Rindou's favourite kind of date is when you're just driving around aimlessly in your shiny sports car with the wind blowing through the windows and the only fights are over your music choices: popular ones from Instagram (you) and whatever strikes Rindou's fancy.
🌸Has Ran attempted to gatecrash your dates and plead to drive your car? Absolutely. Have you let him? No. It's one of the few things you and Rindou agree on.
🌸You can be pretty annoying with that full of yourself attitude, “camera eats first!” mindset and double meaning words, but it's only annoying because Rindou has to go clean up your messes and apologize - apologize - to whoever was dumb enough to incur your wrath lest you get into trouble (for the millionth time). You'd never admit it, but you'd stopped directing any of that bxxchiness at him a long time ago.
🌸For anyone that did something wrong to Rindou though? Hell hath no fury like a woman with an ego bigger than Jupiter and a protective instinct for her man.
🌸If Japan has prom, you both would be crowned king and queen. If someone's hosting a party, you both would be the ones rocking the dance floor. If any of this happened, it's because you forced Rindou and he can't say no, however much he grumbles.
🌸First kiss was probably during some heated argument in front of everyone and Rindou claims he only instigated it because he wanted to shut you up. You reveled in the gossip that came with such a scandalous affair but yes, he took you very aback with the “Because I love you, dumbass?!”
🌸(Ran recorded everything and posted it on his super secret fan account following his favorite crack ship, the two of you.)
🌸Rindou doesn’t strike me as the jealous type. He KNOWS, however full of shit you are, you ain’t going to leave him for any of those losers just staring at your ass. To him they’re just minor annoyances, like flies - bothersome, but easily dealt with. Besides, who’s crazy enough to take THE Haitani’s girlfriend?
🌸You don’t get jealous much either, or so you claim. It’s quickly proven false whenever you snap spitefully at any girl who dares to lay a manicured hand on him - you won’t even tolerate your own girlfriends. You’re proud of the fact he’s so attractive, but that makes you even more possessive, because some deep, dark, insecure part of you is afraid he’d leave you for a similar girl, because surely there’s no difference between you and them. Just petty, bratty, arrogant mean girls.
🌸”I’m just going to get this tattooed on you, because for the hundredth time, sweetheart, I’m not going to leave you for some airhead bimbo. You’re more than just a face, and yeah, you really need to get off your high horse sometimes, but I’m still here, aren’t I?”
🌸The sappy moment is ruined when you sniffle and slap him lightly for making you cry and ruin your mascara. Rindou sighs (how many times has he sighed throughout this piece of writing already?)
🌸Average conversation between you and Rindou:
“I’m not surprised he got beat up with that kind of hair…is he trying out a new style from the slums?”
“Mhm. Couldn’t even throw a punch properly.”
“I bet you put him in his place, bae.”
“I’d kill myself if I didn’t.”
🌸And if the person in question overhears?
“Oh…we were just, you know, discussing your ah, state of hair. Bad hair day? Thought so.”
“That black eye really goes well with it, don’t you think?”
“Now that’s why you’re my boyfriend.”
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femkon · 30 days ago
opinions i have that maybe u should share
this is fully bc i was having a convo in a group chat that i think more people should know about
dont ship real people. this originally came up in an irl convo with someone im kinda friends with, and somehow we started talking Abt stray kids or smth, and she said something about shipping two of them and i immediately locked in and started telling her to not do that bc its weird to ship real people, specially celebrities. u dont know their life or their feelings. its also disrespectful to the people u r shipping. what if they like someone else but cant express it bc "the yaoi!!!". and maybe they do like each other, good for u, but if they dont, what then? fanservice? being awkward? its also bad for ppl u know. i will make exceptions if both ppl like each other and know the other likes them (smth in my friend group rn), bc then they actually reciprocate. but if u have friends and ur like "kiss, kiss, kiss, KISS, KISS, KISS!!!" they might start to distrust u, and distance themself from the other so they dont get shipped. its just disrespectful if they're real people. fictional? go wild long as its legal and not toxic.
respect ppl's beliefs. the amount of times my friends and i have had to remind this one dude (who I will call ay) that other people have different religions and political views is wild. even if u don't agree, its not worth getting in a fight. everytime someone around me is like "the day trump got elected was the greatest day for america" I'm like, "maybe for some, but ppl have differing opinions" while I wish I could spread my beliefs, but its a bit risky currently.
if ur not part of a group, do not speak for them. for example, Ay once started talking about choosing between Kamala and trump, and when asked why he chose trump, he talked about how trans women are just trying to sneak into women's restrooms or attack children and blah blah blah, and my response was, of course, "what stops men from doing that now? if someone was dead set on attacking women in restrooms, why would they transition for that?" how does this relate to the topic u may ask, but I then went with, "and I'm sure some generally are women. you're not trans, how do u know they aren't women and don't believe themselves to be?because because holy shit shut ur mouth, ur not a trans woman. I'm not either, complete oppisite actually (ftm), so I wouldnt speak for trans women. that'd be weird.
how u present does not equal ur gender. i personally present kinda femininely because i dont have a binder yet and still have a good amount of fem clothes, plus, extremely masc clothes are kinda ugly as shit. so u would probably look at me and think fem or enby. but that doesnt make me less of a guy. how u present doesnt make u any less of ur preferred gender or pronouns!!! u dont need to fit into the box that has been set for ur possible gender, because thats not made for u!!! u need to be u, not what ppl think of u. do what u want as long as it doesnt harm other or urself. present however u wanna, u know what u r and thats good enough <3
ur allowed to be basic. i see posts that r like "ure just like ever other bitch" and so what? every other bitch is hot. they look good. i dont care if its mainstream or some random tiktok subgenre, it is the clothes I wanna wear. what is ur problem with me liking clothes? u dont have to be unique. u dont have to be smth completely new. be like every other bitch. or don'. I'm not u. u r. who cares what i think? its ur body, ur outfit, and ur choice. not mine.
u dont have to know who u r. no matter if ur old, young, middle-aged, male, female, or smth in-between, u dont have to know. that is completely fine. u can be unlabled. u can be queer. it is whatever feels right to u. and if u dont know what feels right, u have a while to figure it out. ot maybe u never do. thats fine to. ur still u, and that's what matters. as long as u can not stress over it, it literally doesnt matter. be u. whether u is in a label or not.
i have more of these, but I'm now rlly irritated thinking of this, so I'm gonna stop before I smash my school laptop against the wall
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baby-xemnas · 7 months ago
🐯🐻‍❄️ big big love (sort of a draft i want to make into a comic but itll take so long im scared)
pre rship lawbepo - the thought that the boys could suggest law gets into a relationship - ofc while joking that theyd be sad to share captains time with a woman, but it cant be helped! - bepo overhearing and getting upset....ofc law dismisses it, but it still hurts
does captain need a romantic relationship? would it make him happier, does he feel incomplete? its awfully selfish to not want it to happen then ..but where does that leave HIM - bepo chan spiraling into those thoughts... he knew that maybe one day his friendship wont be enough but he couldn't prepare for such a day to come
it would be cute if he didn't even consider himself as a viable sexual partner. they are different races, captain is not gay etc...maybe he rubbed off to a thought of what it would be like to be a cute girl being fucked by law 😳 oh bepo...his thought going there because of logic - okay im a human, and captain is a man, so he would be into a human female, what would that be like? and getting SO embarrassed so quickly because while he knows little about human romance he does know how things work (and how women act around their love interests in literature) so projecting onto that making his head explode. bepo doesnt have time to analyze how he feels he just panics, overwhelmed by the idea and after surprise subsides getting real upset that he is not in fact a human woman...
little did he know that not only its possible but law wants him BADLY. bepo darling he thinks about bending you over and spreading those furry cheeks So Much that if you'd know you would die of embarrassment.
physically it makes no sense cuz hes so big but i love light weight bepo - maybe its the lack of exposure cuz he drinks rarely. but imagine him confessing awkwardly like "haha if i was a human girl i could date captain and never let any other girls near him! 😖" much to 😦😦😦 from the other 3
penshachi: gtg bye (theyll later come back to not find neither law nor bepo cuz theyve gotten back to polar tang to make out in laws cabin. under the guise of "bepo you drank too much we have to go" and when law grabs his hand bepo cant do anything
law is so excited he can barely think straight cuz he only said he doesn't care much for women or human women, trying not to foam at the mouth at the chance with bepo that fell into his lap.
But its an uphill battle how to delicately explain to Bepo that not only Law wants him as he is (male and mink and all) he is the ONLY person he wants. imagine the pressure and fear that he simply misunderstood bepo.
imagine their walk back to the ship from the bar - bepo still tipsy but sobering up from fear because atmosphere got real weird once he said what he said ...and the boys left so they cant even get captain distracted. its just him.
bepo walks behind silent law and anxiety keeps bubbling up to the point bepo starts tearing up because hes not sober so emotions are extra hard to contain and he is so afraid that he ruined everything and what he said will break their relationship now that law knows how he feels. he made it weird and now law hates him 😭
law turning around after he hears bepo sniffle and ofc he puts two and two together
-bepo im not mad or grossed out
-whuh?? 🥺😭
-you dont need to be a girl to keep women away from me you know
-huh??? (at that point bepo is so drowned in worry he forgot what he said)
-you....[sigh] bepo calm down
-if you were a girl you would be my lover?
-dont say it like that captain im sorry its stupid i shouldn't have said it!! 😭😭
-but cant you do it now?
-do what?
-be that
-what, a girl??
-(law closing his eyes in frustration not wanting to call bepo stupid even tho he's being VERY stupid right now) my lover, bepo, it would make me happy if you were my lover now, as you are, you dont need to be a human woman for that
[cue bepo's whole would breaking to the point he almost faints]
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jacnaylor · 1 year ago
so i finished queer as folk
SO. look did i need to put off the ending for a month? no. did the last season have some weird fucking moments? yes. BUT THIS SHOW.
ok so basically like. s1 has some kind of magic where i HAD to watch it. it's been so long since i fell for a ship and a character the way i have for brian and justin. this show has been really important to me. i mostly identify as bisexual but kind of. just want to use the word queer but i'm still going to use both. which i was leaning toward anyway but this show helped me articulate it.
BRIAN KINNEY. you reminded me there is space for me. i'm queer. it doesn't matter if i never date anyone. i have a community. but it doesn't matter if it's not an outward aspect of my day to day life. it's there. i get to have it. it's mine. it's a part of me no matter what. he was unapologetic. he was himself. he was masculine. he was sexy. he was fucked up. he loved his family. he was so many things in one. he was a queer man on screen who got to be all those things. he wasn't a perfect watered down version of representation. he was so important for the time period but honestly even know in increasingly conservertive times. we got to have this character who said fuck them. fuck the straights. im queer. im going to live however i fucking want. CAN YOU JUST. LIKE HE REMINDED ME I CAN HAVE THAT LIFE TOO. brian kinney i love you. ALSO helped me think about sometimes switching up gender expression. i just can't explain to you how important he's been for me. i will love him forever.
and justin. my baby. i love him. love that everyone calls him sunshine because he's just radiant and beautiful but also you know what? he was a little shit sometimes. and i love that for him. i love that he always believed in his and brian's love and he wasn't ever afraid to say it. even when brian didn't say it back (until he did)
their relationship was honestly like. unconditional love. i'll love you if you leave me. i'll love you if you don't love me back. i love you enough to let you love someone else if that's what makes you happy. i love you enough to leave you. i saved your life over and over and you saved mine. you're the only person i've said i love you to in 20 years. like their growth.
and re: the ending. they definitely end up together. i mean i don't know how they wouldn't. i don't think anyone else would ever measure up. i think they would always just naturally gravitate back to each other and figure out a way to be together. once justin gets famous enough to paint from anywhere. it makes me sad that we didn't get to see it. but i know in my heart they're married somewhere. im sure i have more thoughts but this is just my incoherent initial thoughts.
ps. emmett honeycutt i adore you. ted you're ok. mel and linds, i wish these people knew how to write women better (mel you're a real one), ben, you are an angel on earth. debbie, daphne and jennifer, you're the true mvps of the show. michael, you can fucking choke.
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residentevil-4 · 5 months ago
im so obsessed with the Nursery Verse discourse on tiktok. long post incoming, this became a whole article on accident
recap: thenursery_nurse is a one-woman tiktok/facebook series made by a woman named Charlotte that started as the woman's recounting of her time as a nursery worker (and other peoples stories); eventually it became serialized, with the reoccurring stock characters becoming actual characters, forming relationships, going through character arcs. some characters have gotten divorced/married, miscarried, or had successful pregnancies... overall she still has amassed a fairly large following. theres a lot of effort put into it, she acts very well and is believable as different people, and the stories and skits are engaging if you like drama, so there is plenty to like. she uploads both dramatic, story-relevant videos & the regular old comedic skit videos.
[ this is a link to a tiktok that features charlotte in all her character costumes edited to the song NurseryVerse, the song that sparked the discussion ]
some people started dipping out particularly after the relationship aspect because they thought it was weird that her mostly light and fluffy content started getting a bit raunchy (fair criticism, i found it a little weird but the content isnt even as explicit as abbott elementary, especially since she is the Only Actor in it), but some people are really into the relationship drama of it all, which is honestly what most of it is. people make edits of the characters and ask for more couple videos and have entire pages dedicated to these ships. in particular, the main ships are Winter/Autumn (Wintumn), Marjorie/Reece (Marjoreece), Charlotte/Mia (Mialotte), and more recently the failed relationship of Siobhan/Vivian (Vivihan).
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the story developing is controversial but more than anything, the relationships are very divisive! one episode included mention that two characters (winter and autumn) had sex in the baby room... while it WAS late at night, after hours and not acted out at all, i can absolutely see why people think thats very weird!
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apparently there are ship tshirts. this may be a step too far... i think its weird for other real-life media but when its just the same woman in a different costume its a little humorous.... lmfao
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i actually thoroughly enjoy this series since i enjoy hearing service workers complain about their shitty customers and similar styles of videos (like hair stylists, makeup artists, bakers, sallys/sephora workers). i honestly like drama as well, though i could take it or leave it.
someone once compared it to sanders' sides and im... hurt but accepting, it is a high-effort scripted video series with a single actor playing many characters, so... fair enough!
though apparently the more apt comparison is the Bistro Huddy, a similar story played by a single guy but set in a bistro.
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i do think it goes without saying that part of the reason people may prefer bistro over nursery is because of misogyny. a woman doing the exact same thing is more cringe than a man. i dont watch the bistro, so i cant say if his is more or less cringe, but i personally did not enjoy watching his videos, so there's that.
well, whatever media management company she seems to be working for (or with) released the most dogshit song for an anti-bullying charity called "NurseryVerse" with some unknown male singer. its supposed to be fun and uplifting and vaguely introduce you to the series but god. the singing and mixing itself isnt very good but the lyrics are abysmal.
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the song got popular (infamous, really, because again, its actually very cheesy) and the wider tiktok community has tapped into the nursery-verse. people do not understand it. they dont get the history behind the series, which is fair, its like entering a show 3 seasons in and expecting to understand the plot.
some of the hate comments are very funny lmfao
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she did eventually make a response to the hate in a 10 and a half minute video, though weirdly it is entirely in character (as Marjorie, Autumn, and Mia)... however its not unusual, since she rarely if ever posts videos out of character.
for the hate against the song, she says to let the people who enjoy it enjoy it & for people who dislike it to stop wasting time being an asshole. she tells the people who are being harassed to block anyone bothering them, since apparently that was happening
regarding the sexuality of the storyline, particularly the bit about Wintumn having sex in the nursery after-hours. she says that 1) theyre fake 2) it was not explicit and 3) previously established shows and movies for children have had raunchier and more explicitly sexual content
apparently people are also annoyed that there are a LOT of lesbian storylines (Mialotte, Vivihan, and the unmentioned pre-established relationship between Sorcha and her wife). she essentially says to get over it
she addresses those who miss the one-off skits: she never stopped doing the skits, there is just story between them. i'll add that, when she uploads it tends to be about 3 videos at a time and at least one of those will be a skit! though even some of the skit videos are becoming a bit serialized with reoccurring parent characters...
she adds that those who have "gone viral" for the hate against the song/series are just riding [her] coattails and have no original ideas, or at least have to come up with it.
she teases about the event in October possibly sparking a hate train; i imagine this is because October has a storyline about the (ADULT) characters having a halloween ball. some have made implications that their costumes will be revealing, so perhaps thats what its about?
she says that the money she gets from tiktok is how she makes her money and that the views, whether hatewatching or the genuine, is helping her renovate her home either way.
the comments are mixed it seems, but the negative or critical ones are at the top.
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i missed the specific comment but apparently she said something about "bed rotting" and the people aren't liking it:
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there are still supportive comments, though!
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all in all, after that, the buzz has somewhat died down. that's about it, she's back to her regular posting and the comments on her other posts are as they typically are.
i suppose we will see what happens in october.
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tableintheteacherslounge · 11 months ago
Abbott Elementary S03E08 thoughts
Melissa schemmenti angry slut
Barb’s protective goggles
“We gonna be down about $700
The squeeze my cheeks kid
Every one getting hit in the damn face
Ava pushing gregory
Greg vs tariq 🥵
Barb shooting in the wrong basket then saying “i’m carrying this team”
Gregory flipping the table
“Why dont u look better” ava really says what i wanna say to people
What IS up with melissa to be snappy, always on her phone, hookups, staying out late
Heyyy manny 🤭 he’s foine I’m SORRY
But if Janine’s meant to be in once a week whys she not seen her abbott friends - not her and jacob not seeing each other 😓
“Girl was there a fire?” See this delivery is why slr has an emmy
Ok I KNEW melissa would hookup with burt hummel. I cant deny the chemistry and at least he’s a better actor than g*ry, but lets keep it casual yeah?
The delivery on “interesting 😀”
Tariq hosting the panel?!? I love that for us
Badass janine get it girl! She is ON IT
Not ava and crystal speaking over each other 😭
“I don’t think this is on 🎤 “ “IT IS” ijbol 💀😭
Barb is stroppy and sad ☹️ but why wouldn’t melissa trust her! I get it! But also it’s casual so maybe I get not saying anything too! But barb is so sad (jealous) that melissa didn’t tell her (jealous)
No bc whys that ur face after ur friend tells u its just sex BARB? I get being upset at not being told but why are u upset its just sex … unless… jealousy
Why arent they clapping abbott 🙁
Why is tariq scoring 😭😭
“Give it some razzle For the love of god gregory give it some dazzle”
Janine just caring about the gossip she’s me
Friend of over 15 years!!! I appreciate the work wives lore but that is literally inaccurate I’m sorry
“Since your lips already touched” GASP (also br*no could never deliver a line like that I’m just saying)
The workwives having a marital spat while ppl are just trying to get their certifications
Is it different? Mmm lowkey bc melissa should know what’s going on in her house but also she can acknowledge that actually barb was validly upset but we know Melissa is stubborn sooo
On her roof? Ew! I dont need to know honestly
Janine not reading Jacob’s text 😖
Gregory sit down 😭 honestly that speech alone could give tyler an emmy nom
“You talked to me about gary” aww 🥺☹️
“Because that was a real relationship that YOU approved of” ok poignant emphasis on you - Barbara’s opinion is so important to her 🥺 that’s her number 1
“Awwwmygod congrats” “thank you baby”
Melissa’s true apology 🥺
“Look how coy this boy is” jacob always gets great ppl as love interests bc first zach and now i love this guy too “i even showed captain robinson” aw 🙁
Janine aced it! Quintas physical comedy is soo good
Wait is mr j wearing a jacket over his uniform 😭
Cancelling on the fireman for barb 🥺
I fear burt hummel doesn’t want it as casual as mel
“Ok did he just make me fall in love with him” 😭
BI AVA BI AVA!! Wbk but BI AVA (but yk im a hardcore barlissa truther so shipping them w ava makes me gag)
MR JOHNSON PANEL beep beep beep that to my face!!!
Wish they ended on barlissa at the bar tho :(
Ok overall I honestly didnt love that ep at first
And the big reason is i didnt think the panel needed so much and i wanted barlissa to have more
Their conflict didn’t feel as real and earnest as other examples
It got wrapped up surprisingly quickly - they fell out more over safety scissors and ‘yous’
And I’d’ve liked them to share a vulnerable moment away fro everyone else.
It just felt eh
Also being away from school felt weird too
Based on teaser clips i thought it could be a lisa emmy consideration ep but no - could be for tyler though
Barbara’s jealousy is v v interesting tho 👀
After a few days I like it more
I still feel a bit confused tho
OH MY GOD I FORGOT TO MENTION KEEGAN MICHAEL KEY HELLO??!?? What a guest actor to get oh my god
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danthediamondminecart · 6 months ago
guess who couldn't hold it in
(I WONT SPAM I PROMISE 😃😃😃😭😭😭👍👍👍👍)
I just wanted to ask a teeny tiny lil question, can you give us a semi-detailed summary of how you potray the BLSMP battlers????
Like how do u wanna show them in the series, cuz i have a feeling we r potraying them VERY differently, and i wanna know how YOU think of them before i start to theorize once again >:3 (hopefully i will soon)
And also, ships. Can you ramble abt rbb ships?? U said u were gonna ramble abt some??? Im still waitin' Xd
Cuz some of them r so weird dude like WHAT 😭😭😭😭🤚🤚🤚🤚
I’ll start with the ships question first, because I feel like the second question is a hell of a loaded one. Basically, I’m not a shipper, and don’t really get it. But ship and let ship, don’t ship and let ship, as long as you’re not being an asshole about it, I won’t get upset. Hence why I haven’t made one of ‘em ‘ranking ships’ lists, because I really don’t care.
Won’t stop me from having capital-O-Opinions, though. My friends will know that TanqrCraft became a bit of a NOTP for me because of its overabundance and some poor interactions with the forefathers of the ship (2021/2022 RBB fandom was wild, guys, be glad you weren’t there), and my theory on PinkNebula feels controversial, as I've said. I am slowly working on the PinkNebula essay, but it’s not a priority, so it might not come out for a while.
As for the second question, as much as I love rambling about characterisation, I think attempting to show how I characterise all fourteen of BLSMP’s main cast (including Jimmy and Russo) would be quite difficult, especially trying to keep it short. I do have my hypothetical 'bios' for a hypothetical ref sheet, but those are as much about their backstories and set-up than it is about their personalities.
So…who’s up for a drabble under the cut? This is something that I feel like definitely happened during BLSMP, but it doesn’t fit anywhere during the story, plus you know the cast, so you don’t need a scene like this.
Perhaps I'll post this as supplemental material (like, in a separate 'work') on AO3?
“You know, Russo.” Jimmy pipes up, snapping Russo out of his thoughts. “Remind me. How many Robloxians got trapped again?”
“Twelve.” Russo answers. “How come?”
“Well, you know. I don’t know any of them, and I kinda want to know a little bit about your friends! Well, I know, BigB, but you get the gist.”
“Jim, if I attempted to explain my friends to you, we’d be here all day.” Russo chuckles a bit.
“Okay, well, why don’t we make it a game?” Jimmy suggests. “You attempt to explain your friends to me in 3 sentences or less.”
“Oh?” Russo raises an eyebrow, so Jimmy elaborates.
“Like, uh, using BigB as an example. Kind but mischievous, enjoys mucking about, cares deeply for his friends.”
“Hmm. Okay, I can do that, though I’m probably going to go over the limit. Repeatedly.” Russo takes a second to think, before starting. “We’ll go in alphabetical order:”
“AshleyTheUnicorn, RB Battles S2 finalist. Fearless, reckless, goes headfirst into battle, always encouraging her friends to be the same, BigB, we both know and love him, but he’s a little quieter around Robloxians from what it sounds like, DenisDaily, also a finalist - can charm anyone that he meets with just his smile, generally more aloof unless it’s a matter to do with someone’s wellbeing, DylanHyper, though we usually just call him Hyper - yet another finalist, prone to nervousness but also the smartest person in a room, if he's got a plan for something he'll have considered every detail, Flamingo, aka Albert, lover of chaos and breaker of rules, the type of person to kidnap people for fun, but does love his companions in his own way-"
“Slow down, what do you mean kidnap-"
“KreekCraft! Another finalist and the former victor. Jack-of-all-trades, super confident as long as you don’t question him and his determination is unmatched (even when it gets unhealthy), LeahAshe, finds it easy to make friends and teases them all, generally likes to act as both a mediator and as the cause of strife, adaptable but cowardly at times, MeganPlays, likes to know everything she can about everything and is always curious, a bit of a pessimist, and tends to hold grudges for longer than she can even remember, PinkLeaf, quiet and dislikes social situations, but with one heck of a temper so don’t anger him (we all think he’ll be the favourite to win Season 3), prefers to run away from fights both verbal and physical, iAmSanna, or just, well, Sanna, unafraid to speak her mind even with a sword pointed at her, super perceptive and spots everything, prone to intense emotions of whatever variety, Sketch, an ‘act-first-ask-questions-later’ kind of guy, likes to mess about and has a tendency to end up as a bit of a load, will look out for his team though always himself first, Finally, there’s TanqR, current reigning champion. Normally laid back and chill but has a fiery side, likes his control, likes the fact that people are intimidated by him, would rather solve his problems through punching.”
“Okay, there’s a lot you glossed over there, but I won’t bring it up.” Jimmy’s still reeling from the ‘kidnaps people for fun’ comment. “Ooh, ooh, actually, do me! You’re good at the 3-sentences thing, do me!”
“Hmm…only if you do me. SolidarityGaming, you’re, hm…prone to yelling and making mistakes, but more courageous than you first appear, and dedicated to whatever cause you choose.”
“Aww, that’s…you know, with the way that started, I really wasn’t expecting you to be nice there.” Jimmy admits, somewhat bashful. “As for you…well, you’re optimistic at all times and clearly will do whatever it takes to protect your friends, though I have to say, you’ve got some wild ideas.”
“I’m going to take that last part as a compliment.” Russo jokes, leading Jimmy to giggle.
“Well, your friends sound like a colourful bunch.”“We’ve gotten pretty good at controlling the more chaotic personalities. Uh, not perfect, but pretty good.” Russo replies.
“I certainly hope so.”
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bisaster-energy · 1 year ago
you can tell me about your idea!!!
thank you so much 😭 it's kinda long sorry
SO i was listening to a song my sister like (Valerie, Amy Winehouse) and there's this line about ginger hair and it was just so specific ig it stuck with me? so im thinking man who do i know with red hair...DUH KUWABARA!!!
nearly every song i listen to gets assigned a character or ship or relationship of some sort idk why but yeah once i fixated on the hair i was able to expand on the rest of the song and a sort of idea settled in the back of my head about kuwameshi
we all know kuwabara is always the one getting left behind but what if while he's off doing his thing yusuke also feels that sense of loss? an absence even though it was his decision to up and leave. it makes no sense cos hey! you felt the need to go back to the demon realm bro but he cannot help how he feels left behind in some illogical sense. i made some notes 😤😤
centers round the time where yusuke goes back to makai after the whole sensui debacle and kuwabara is getting his education studying in prep for college (hell yeah boy !!) not sure if the timelines even match up like that but i literally dont care
i'm working under the canon divergence that keiko really did decide she's not gonna wait for urameshi like that but ofc she's still his bestie and he loves her sooooo much <3
so he's going back. he's a demon now so he feels drawn to the culture. it's a side of himself he's never known after feeling so othered ofc he's interested right?
i mean sure he grew up with other humans but almost everyone hated him/was scared of him ironically he was called a demon or monster or wtv
reactions like that are why he almost decided not to come back to life in the first place!! it wasn't a welcoming atmosphere and even his home didn't feel great cos his mom isn't exactly the mothering type
im all for deadbeat moms but the neglect will fuck a kid up. demon heritage or not
and he loves her and all but it's just all fucked up at home so he ended up wandering around a lot being mad about his shitty life and he likes fighting so that's what he did!
and obviously in makai this behavior isnt like. crazy or uncalled for
but yeah the only connections he's got to ningenkai is his mom, keiko (her parents by extension) and of course kuwabara; the only friends he managed to not scare off
anyway. you get it. so yusuke is back in makai and without his permission his mind keeps wandering to kuwabara who he hasn't seen in let's say. a year and some change? i'll decide later but A While
and like. last time he was in the demon world kuwa was WITH him yknow? like yeah the world was ending but it feels weird without him even if he is having a blast fighting with his new demon buddies and acquaintances
so he's a little distracted when he literally came here to fight he cant even focus on it
"how is college prep treating him? are the teachers there just as bad as middle school? did he make new human friends? a girlfriend?" basically he's spiraling over changes he might be missing out on this very moment
there's a bunch of talk in the song where the singer wonders if valerie dyed her hair if she's busy if she ever paid that fine if she sold her house if she got a man so that's where i got it lol
yusuke doesn't have to worry about kurama and hiei cos hey they're from here and have lived way longer and they actually do visit but who knows what typa shit could be happening to kuwa right now
ofc he can take care of himself he's really strong but yusuke can't help but remember that time he let kuwabara go when he shouldn't have and he almost died because he wasn't there and yeah. he's worried. sue him
so it's half worry half wistfulness and maybe some other secret third thing and when hiei and maybe kurama (depending on how the idea forms as i write) come to visit or maybe they're also participating wtv
he cant help but think well kuwabara could be here with us if he really WANTED to :/ he's got the jigen to down pat by now so...why hasn't he...
and those old but ever remaining insecurities resurface about how people don't wanna be around him they think he's a nuisance at best no good waste of time a trouble maker. keiko already dumped my sorry ass so who knows maybe kuwabara just...wisened up
hiei and kurama are like this bitch is back on his bullshit (affectionate)
they manage to weedle his worries out of him hiei ofc trying to act like he doesnt really care (he cares a lot) "you must not have much faith in kuwabara if you think he'd abandon you just from some time apart. and i thought HE was the oaf between the two of you"
kurama with his fox self is like "well yes hiei is right of course kazuma is too loyal to do something like that. but he is human...the only human of us now."
yusuke is like wth is that supposed to mean on the defensive even tho kurama is their friend and hasn't even said anything untrue and hiei narrows his eyes a bit maybe but is still acting like this doesn't really concern him
"i just mean that...from what i've learned about humans over the time i've spent with them...time feels different. we demons live such long lives that when faced with the human lifespan well...it can be laughable to some. that's why demons can be so callous about their lives."
yusuke just wants him to get to the point ofc "what i'm saying is we don't need a lot of contact with each other to keep relationships fresh and healthy but, kuwabara might be a little different. 3 years will do nothing to your bond but...i do worry about longer periods..."
and he seems to just trail off and it just gets quiet and a little sad and hiei isn't looking at them anymore
kurama starts again pretty cheerfully tho "well, don't worry! i'm planning on staying in the human world for quite some time once i'm done with this visit! i do have the company to take care of so i'll make sure to see kazuma all the time! i'll even send him a message from you if you want to say anything :)"
kurama has deliberately been using kuwa's first name knowing damn well urameshi doesn't even use it because this dude is not JUST a sweetie he's a fucking master manipulator. gaslight gatekeep bbg
yusuke is like okay yeah no new plan i'll just go see him now. no need for a middle man thanks anyway and then he's just gone. left the tournament early. like bruh that's what you came here for 😐
so yeah he's breaking into kuwa's house next thing you know and ofc he goes through the window not the door like a normal person and he just kinda stops short because he hasn't seen his friend in what feels like forever even though it's only been like a year or so but he just looks so different
and yeah a big part might be the hair he's never seen without that popadour, long soft copper coils, and he's somehow even bigger than when yusuke left him jesus when did he get so swole? when did he have time in between all those brainiac classes
yusuke knows he's bound to look a lil different too ofc i mean they weren't kids anymore really but like. when they hell did you go and grow up?
"next time i come back is this even gonna be your house anymore? will you still wanna hang out with dropout delinquent demon urameshi?" he gets so insecure in so little time
anyway kuwabara didn't sense him at first cos yusuke isn't a threat and he never really thought he'd be coming especially not yet but when he does notice
kuwabara just gets the biggest goofiest grin he's like urameshi you dog when the hell did you get back in town you're early!!
and yusuke is significantly eased by this reaction but now he feels stupid cos he up a left everything just to what? bother kuwabara while he studies to achieve his dreams? yusuke has got no human world aspirations like keiko had. like kurama has. like kuwabara.
and ofc kuwabara looks glad to see him but he wasn't desperate enough to just show up like yusuke had just done and he feels like a pathetic loser so he pouts
he's like yeah hey man just uh. checking in. and i should probably check out hah you seem busy with your books so im gonna scram and he tries to retreat through the window
and ofc kuwa is NOT letting him get away
and there's that desperation yusuke had selfishly wanted to see. kuwabara had just grabbed him without thinking even though he'd promised himself when urameshi left he wasn't gonna just sit around waiting for his life to start when he came back
he remembers when yusuke took him into that headlock and he wanted to succeed like he said he would that day
but still he's just thinking about urameshi all the time and it's awful. he always said he was gonna beat him some day but he just wanted to be near him. but all he sees is his back, even right now
part ii cos it's too many words!
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year2000electronics · 1 year ago
ship thingy mwah mwah ily
dawndory. brandi+bruce- WHICH SHOULD BE CALLED SOMETHIN- and…
im gonna skip dawndory because i like. dont rly have many active feelings on it. its cute. i dont mind it i think its cute i like it better than jd x hickory but i feel like a lot of the appeal crosses over w some of the appeal w shimmerdory for me SHSKJSHAKJGF so
What made you ship it?
its a canon ship and brandy was explicitly introed as bruce's wife so its kinda hard not to ship it haha but like, the reason im INVESTED in it is because i just love huge ass size difference couples and theyre honestly so sweet to each other
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
the TRUST they have for each other... like brandy lets him go do crazy stuff but shes like 'youve got my back when i wanna go do crazy stuff too' and just. how much they very unabashedly clearly love and desire each other
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
on my hands and knees begging for people to think about them more than just 'its so cute that bruce has a wife and kids'. bruce is so fucking small. hes literally from another world. do you understand how IN LOVE these two would have to be for them to make it work? how bruce will have to live his life surrounded by shit thats SO much bigger than him and how his kids will probably have more vacay islander culture than troll culture? thats a fucking sacrifice, okay, to live an entirely new life for the sake of your partner. but thats how much brandy means to bruce. thats how much they mean to each other dude. NOT TO MENTION 'happy married with 13 kids' DOESNT ALSO COME WITH CHALLENGES OF THEIR OWN... DUDE THEYRE BUILDING A LIFE TOGETHER. PLAY WITH ME IN THE SPACE!!! once the brozone bounty brucandy chapter drops its so over for all of you.
ok now for shimmerdory
What made you ship it?
well its simple you see. the moment i made an oc i was like 'she needs to kiss john dory NOW', and the rest is history
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I THINK THEIR SECOND CHANCE ROMANCE IS VERY SWEET... the idea of two people finding each other again and realizing they had a lot of issues back then and STILL have issues but like, somehow 20 years later they feel more authentically themselves and they feel weird and broken and not right but things feel a little nicer when theyre in each other arms. also i think jd deserves a tall prickly partner
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
is the fact that it exists unpopular?? lol some people just really dont like oc x canon its so weird
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makigorogoro · 1 year ago
disorganized thoughts on fionna and cake eps 5 and 6
ok ive only seen the eps once each and im going off of memory so a lot of this is probably gonna be paraphrased and mixed up but whatever . also this post is really fucking long lol sorry
-obviously we are in the farmworld, not surprised but very happy!!!
-also not very surprised fionna and cake immediately went along with simon’s plan
-the whole time they were talking about where to find a crown i was like lol. simon don’t look behind you
-cake bringing fionna a dead rat was really funny
-the versucci gag or whatever was also really good
-but what made me die was fionna talking abt how she’s played a lot of post apocalyptic rpgs and then it pans over to “man who has actually lived through the apocalypse”
-was really cool to see how the farmworld has developed after what happened with ice finn, i think it’s interesting how they’re more technologically advanced since the first time an ice age happened in this world they pretty much reverted to medieval times (does that make sense. you know what i mean)
-i was SO convinced jay was farmworld finn’s little sibling so when he said dad my heart stopped
-the name jay didn’t immediately click until bonnie was revealed to be one of his other kid’s name and i was like HOLY SHIT PUHOY???
-veeeery interesting since assumingely golb destroyed/erased the pillow world
-i guess you could just chalk it up to finn would have named his kids the same thing in any universe?
-but i mean speaking of his kids GOD he got busy with huntress wizard
-i mean it has to be huntress wizard. one of them looks just like human hunter wizard
-sucks that she died though
-simon’s ship of theseus thing was so fucking funny oh my god he’s just like me fr (i started talking about the ship of theseus in one of my assignments a few days ago and i was like. is this too nerdy.)
-i haven’t really talked about farmworld finn yet. a little sad he turned out so cold (pun not intended oops 😭) because of what happened to him when he was younger
-good on him for saying simon was a damn fool or whatever for wanting to put the crown on lol
-i wish they actually had a talk though
-cake saying fionna should kiss him while knowing he’s just an alternate version of her??????? girl
-also farmworld jake still being alive was crazy
-so it did turn out the crown was destroyed in this world, i honestly wasn’t sure since the crown from the main world survived direct contact with a comet lol
-the romeo and juliet style romance going on between finn’s kid and big destiny’s kid was really good
-finn showing up with bartram lmao!!!!!
-dude i love bartram, the bit in finn the human where finn’s mom says that they have to sell the mule and then bartram’s head peaks out from the bed in the corner is unironically one of my favorite jokes in adventure time
-i kinda forgot what happens between here and the end
-so did farmworld finn fucking die????
-idk what happened there i sure hope not
-i really don’t know if we’re going to revisit these worlds in any capacity considering the amount of time left but i hope we do now!! i feel like we need to see what happens lmao
-now for ep 6
-wasn’t really expecting it to open on “fionna world” as they started calling it
-i was wondering how they were gonna balance gumball and marshall yaoi with what’s going on with the main trio
-they did it really well though i think
-i also wasn’t really expecting to be introduced to winter king right away once we got back to the main plot
-he definitely gave me weird vibes right from the start im gonna be honest lol
-blaah i don’t really remember what happens between that and the winter wonder world sequence
-so ill just talk about that. holy fuck
-every review i read before the show came out was really hyping this scene up and i get why now
-was really cool to see the beyond the grotto animation again and the song was so good it’s still stuck in my head
-but the moment the winter king said he overcame the crown with sheer will i was like. um. im calling bs
-i was just thinking however it did happen though i have a bad feeling about! felt really bad for simon and when he said that he sucked i was like. oh no ☹️ dude
-the moment i saw little ice marcy pretty much cemented it for me i was like oh no something fucked up is happening here. tbh i still can’t really figure out what happened with that but given what the winter king said about making an ice betty. uhhhhhhhhhh
-OH YEAH cake once again saying simon and the winter king should kiss . GIRL WHAT ARE YOU ON
-i looooved crazy pb
-i remember when people were saying she was a marcy pb child lmao.
-simon saying that he wanted to “fix her” while the winter king just wanted to kill her was really interesting. im trying to figure out what it means lol. like we know that simon wants to be the ice king again but also now knowing he would want to fix and save someone from that madness…idk
-her song was really good
-her playing those ominous notes on her keyboard made me laugh
-i haven’t really talked about gumball (im not calling him gary im sorry) and marshall. i thought they were really cute!!! could definitely see marcy and pb meeting in a similar way
-the juxtaposition between gumball talking about his creations to fionna fighting the fucked up versions of them was really cool
-i hope gumball doesn’t take what the lemoncarbs said to heart . they’re just like that
-ok so. I was honestly more shocked that fionna kissed (a version of) simon than him disintegrating seconds after lmaooooo
-i have to wonder why he immediately died here when in betty (the episode) he was dying relatively slowly without the crown’s magic
-ive been writing down a bunch of crack theories and the first thing ive gotten right was the winter king transferring his craziness to pb lol lets goooo
Tumblr media
-i was thinking that simon might’ve transferred it himself but then i was like nooo he wouldn’t do that….apparently he would do that
-idk despite how he seemed i think the winter king was still a little insane in the membrane.
-maybe the crown was still influencing him in some way? and that’s the message here? idk
-i can’t believe bi fionna is real
-back to gumball and marshall. gumball describing slumber party panic……oh my jod 🥺🥺🥺
-the baby world was so cute
-“and i’ll be cursed the right way” simon do you fucking hear yourself
Ok that’s definitely not all i have to say but this post is long enough lmao ,, god this show is SO GOOD i can’t believe it’s real. ok that’s all
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sojrner-fishsticcc · 2 years ago
new hyperfixation girls!!!
okokok this is a lil weird but its like midight rn and i am HYPED AS FUCK!!!!! a while back i got really into fursuit stuff, like i was absolutely obsessed with it n i really wanted to make one. i finally went and bought a few of the materials - a big roll of foam, hot glue, sewing stuff, n then i like totally stressed myself out about it and dropped it entirely :\ that sucked, and it made me pretty sad for a while, but a few months have passed and its back! so im back at it, but this time im trying to be smarter abt it. i went into fursuit stuff with absolutely NO experience with sewing, modeling stuff irl, basically anything that would be important, and id be messing with expensive materials so uh. it was a bad idea. and i tried to do everything at once which fucked with me cos it was just too much work.
but this time i think i have a better idea! i really want to start simple, i plan on eventually making a mini partial, so head paws n maybe a tail. and im starting out as small as i can with just making a cardboard box head. like what cuptoast made to cover their face irl! just a box, stuff added onto it, im going specifically for just cardboard with sharpie and beige masking tape accents (going for both style AND funcionality!) so its going to be a lot simpler. its going to be a fun little experience to just practice making... things, in real life. what i plan on doing is kinda using this as a testbed. i love this project, its cool n i love it, but i want it to still be simple so if i fuck something up i can make it again and replace the parts. and slowly i want to ship-of-theseus her into a full head! im starting with just flat cardboard bits, so a box with flat ears and some floof n stuff, but i slowly want to modify her and swap out parts as individual projects. like at some point, i want to swap the basic drawn-on eyes for full on fursuit follow-mes, and add some foam padding to bits to slowly shape her out. its gonna be fun to build on her over the course of weeks or months, i even made a lil project name and badge for this! because of course i did :3. im calling it project rock salt because its gonna be of my oc salt, but i made a tweaked version of her design im calling "rock salt" because its more adapted to fursuit stuff. so floofier, no clothing items, not as complicated. and i thought of a really cute lil slogan of "foam, fur and faith" for it because i rlly like it. its nice, its going to be fun to learn all these craft skills.
ill try to update this (just kinda for myself, i really like just documenting this) as i add parts and upgrade her. hopefully the base box will be done this weekend! whichll just be the base parts, markers and tape. not doing eyeholes for seeing or padding for making her fit my head, just going to go as simple as i can, those bits can come later. also most of the money from my comms and models will go to her for buying materials for upgrades! because. i have a decent source of income from those now. so i can do stuff like this. so uh. thank you strange internet people :3 i promise ill pick back up on comms soon but i have finals next week so stuff is a lil hectic irl, and i dont want to commit to any stuff dealing with real money cos im anxious abt that. ill probably work on the box for the next while because its a super cool little project im happy to have picked up.
so ya! thats it for tonight! gonna post boxhead progress as i make stuff, but rn its just some basic sketching on cardboard, so there isnt much to show. ill share my scratchy stuff as it comes out but for now goodnight weird internet people! love you all!
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pesterloglog · 1 year ago
Jade Harley, Dave Strider
Act 5, page 3204
-- gardenGnostic [GG] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
GG: dave!!!!!!
GG: any dave out there please listen!
TG: this is a dave out there whats up
GG: dave i just saw you, and you were dead!
GG: you were in a green suit and covered in blood, oh god it was terrible :(
GG: if that was a future dave you have to make sure that doesnt happen!!!
TG: it wasnt a future dave he was from a while ago
GG: oh
GG: i am confused :o
TG: sorry you had to see that
TG: but dont worry it was just a doomed dave no big deal really
TG: i was swindled into splitting time paths along the way and that guy got the dead end of the stick
TG: ill be fine
GG: ok...
GG: i am still not sure i get that!
GG: but i guess i am relieved?
TG: yes you are go ahead and be relieved
GG: wheeeew! there i just was
TG: nice
GG: how did that poor dave die?
GG: was it jack?
TG: yeah
TG: hes pretty much the guy in charge of random teleportation murders right now
GG: D:
GG: what about your...
GG: um....
GG: oh no i dont even know if you know about this
TG: what
TG: my bro
TG: yeah jack killed him too
GG: ;_;
GG: is it something you would like to talk about
TG: not much to talk about
TG: this is some pretty serious existence threatening shit going down and some people are going to die i guess
TG: even crazy hard dudes like my bro slash weird covert biological ghost dad
GG: ghost dad???
TG: yeah roses too
TG: i thought john filled you in on the ectobiology stuff
GG: oh...
GG: yes he mentioned something about it
GG: i guess i didnt realize its full implications....
GG: but time was short when we talked!
TG: bottom line is were all related slimewise except you and me and him and rose pairways respectively
TG: makes the shipping chart pretty simple here hang on while i dig up that piece of shit karkat made
TG: where the fuck did that thing go
TG: fuck it never mind
TG: just imagine something ugly made by a jackass
GG: ugh i forgot i still have to get back to him
GG: its like a big unpleasant chore hanging over my head D:
TG: i guess
GG: anyway dave im really sorry about your bro/dad
GG: you were pretty close with him right?
TG: meh it was a pretty bizarre relationship by any standard
TG: fightin off wave after wave of face pumicing puppet ass every day
TG: always being on guard for stealth attacks in the middle of the night while getting up to go to the fucking bathroom
GG: heheh
TG: but i guess it all sorta amounted to some vague unspoken semblance of kinship
TG: if thats a thing
TG: like if honor among thieves is something then lets call it camaraderie among ironic rapping roof ninjas
TG: but thanks
GG: sure
TG: i thought about taking his sword
TG: when i was there
TG: but i couldnt
TG: couldnt really bring myself to try to pull it out it was too weird
GG: dave we have to stop him!!!!!
TG: what
GG: jack!
GG: he shouldnt get away with this
TG: you think
GG: yes
GG: why dont you stop jumping around through time like a maniac and stop being like a hundred daves all the time and come to my house so we can make a plan to kill him??
TG: well id like to
TG: but im still trapped in the chronologistics of this fuckin one man ballet
TG: there are loops outstanding and if i step out of line you get to see more bloody daves
TG: im getting pretty sick of it but i think itll be over soon
TG: then ill break out and ride linear the rest of the way i think
TG: once its time to put the end game in motion
TG: til then youre on your own for a while
GG: oh :(
TG: besides we cant beat him
TG: look what he did to bro and davesprite together
TG: im at the top of my echeladder with all the fraymotifs and i stand no chance
TG: johns even better than that even though he doesnt know it at the moment
TG: and he stands no chance either
TG: only thing we can do is hold out until the scratch
GG: what is the scratch?
TG: guess i shouldnt really say
TG: since you sort of lead the way in making that plan
GG: really??
TG: yeah well
TG: suffice to say
TG: if we cant beat him
TG: all we can really do is exile him to a place where he cant teleport back
TG: which hopefully buys us some time
TG: to try to take out his power source in a crazy suicide mission
GG: hmmmm...
GG: so was that like a hint?
GG: about what im supposed to do :D
TG: kinda
GG: well maybe im just being naive...
GG: but a crazy suicide mission does not sound like the ideal solution to me!
GG: are you suuuure we cant beat him?
GG: i dont know if we should rule it out!
TG: well
TG: youre about to do what youre about to do
TG: and im not going to tell you not to
TG: i wont do the bullshit troll thing and tell you what youre going to do and then just dare you not to
TG: while knowing damn well you will anyway
TG: so ill just say
TG: whats next is up to you
TG: and if later you want to talk about it
TG: im here
GG: ok
GG: thanks dave!
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I DID IT!!!! I FINALLY FECKING DID IT!!!!! I REWATCHED THE ENTIRE LOTR TRILOGY!!! and do i EVER have some tHOUHGTS hdosidhsaodi below the cut ✨✨✨
was it as good as i remembered??
short answer: yes!!!!!! long answer: oh my gfucijing go d soj shjues us god mother of shitw yEes yes yseeeessss 😭😭😭 (baby birb had better taste than present birb but don't tell anyone i said so 👀)
there are loads of things i missed before, as well as things i didn't understand, but i understand them now :'D it always gave me that wriggly weird feeling in my chest even as a kid, just like 'lilo & stitch' or the song 'reflection' from mulan, but i didn't know WHY. turns out, these things touched my heart and it scared me, bc emotions have always scared me. but ive learnt to appreciate them as well. not all tears are an evil. i know what gandalf meant now :'D
does it hold up????
in my opinion, it does!!!! some of the cgi may look a bit wonky to modern eyes, but for the most part it's totally fine, if not better looking than some more.....recent films 👀 i've never been a great fan of slow-motion, but it's used mostly effectively here, to enhance the drama as opposed to taking up space (sure the feckers are long enough without it anyway 🤣) the core message of the film is beautiful and timeless. there is hope and goodness and love in our world, and it's worth every ounce of courage in our hearts!! it's as true today as it was when the film was made!! as true as it was when jrr tolkien wrote his stories!! if i believe in anything at all (much as i often profess i don't) it's only that our world is worth fighting for.
are u still after shipping aragorn and legolas??
will u be making more bad jokes now??
OF COURSE I WILL!! do u even KNOW me it's like u don't even KNOW me wtf. there's just a lot this time so. OK HERE GOES 💪😤
i can't believe smeagol was always just. like that lol. baby birb did not realise it was the same character as gollum btw. baby birb was. silly 👀
'wake up, sleepies' is how i greet my cats in the morning btw
lol merry and pippin look high as FECK. baby birb didn't understand that lmao, i thought they were just tired 🤣
well, at least the gang are back together!! (mostly ;A;) merry & pippin dancing on tables, eowyn bringing aragorn a drink....good for them :'D
also!! nice pyjamas, lads!!! they all look so cute omg ;A;
THE ORB!!!! that's great, we here on tumblr love orbs, this is-----oh shit is he dead?? *SHOVES MERRY*
omg when aragorn grabs the orb and falls over and then legolas grabbed him 👀👀👀 I JUST WANT THEM TO KISS OK
the third act break up btwn merry and pippin is so sad 😔
aaAAH!! A CHILD!!!!! D: scary!! ;A;
every time elrond says 'there's nothing for u here' i keep hearing 'this is a DECENT town and a LOCAL shop!! there's nothing for U here!!!' lmao 🤣
the king's hall at minas tirith could use a few throw rugs or sth tbh, maybe a couple paintings. bit sparse in there really :P
right i'll just say it: the witch-king's fell beast's head looks like a di--
aragorn's arm-flail run is back and it sparks so much joy i love him i love him i love hi
i've counted THREE (3) BLATANT WILHELM SCREAMS across these films!!! one in ttt, and TWO in rotk!!! incredible
i can't believe denethor says 'yeah i wish u died instead of ur brother. rip i guess' 😐 TO HIS FUCKING FACE!!! evil. faramir's gonna remember that FOREVER. u got to be careful what u say to ur kids bc even if they don't bring it up again, they will never ever forget. my dad called me 'useless' once when i was 15 and i still think about it sometimes. DO NOT SAY WEIRD SHIT TO UR KIDS. IM BEGGING U ;A;
despite denethor's A+ parenting, faramir is a nice guy, totally willing to lead his men on a death march to a fight they can't possibly win, throwing away their lives (and their horses) on an impossible task for the futile hope of making his father love him. rip 😔
NICE SINGING PIP!!! reminds me of irish sean-nós singing, traditional music from ireland ;A; (here's an example :D)
ngl watching denethor eat is like watching the Dinner Scene from texas chainsaw 1974 👀
OH LOOK DAD'S HERE!! hi dad!! thanks for not giving us any facial expression as a hint to what dad wanted, theoden, ur so. helpful ._.
'hey so listen ur gf is dying and since she's my daughter that means i have to make sure U don't die so. here.' *SWORDGASM*
actually that sword was baby birb's fav bits. baby birb LOVED swords ;A;
THE WORST BIT. eowyn tries to confess her feelings and aragorn rejecting her is SO PAINFUL AND AWKWARD AAA ;A;
legolas squinting at the ghost like 'this guy SUS'
aragorn's 'u WILL suffer me 😠'
it never occurred to me when i was a kid, but the gang are doing a bit of fucking. NECROMANCY here aren't they??? like???
wait who tf is iorlas
OH is it that hot blond??? NICE. i like him >:3c
being a wizard is cool bc u can cast spells OR if ur gandalf u can use the staff to wHACK DENETHOR OVER THE HEAD!!!! he's got a shillelagh and i'm glad of it 😌 (baby birb used to listen to da's political music and one of the songs had a line about being 'whacked with a sprig of shillelagh' which i got a kick out of 🤣)
'we should TAKE the broken city pieces and THROW IT AT THE ORCS!!!' :D (read it like the spongebob meme pls)
'GROND! GROND! GROND!' ('grond' refers to the biggest door-knocker EVER)
gollum u need to stop fat-shaming sam, ur being #problematic and they're gonna cancel u 😩
'CRUMBS ON ITS JACKETSES' lol silly that's a CLOAK!!
it might actually be easier to carry him in that cocoon
'don't go where i can't follow' FUCKING KILL ME 😭
[women screaming]
i still don't know what an eored is. or WHY i don't know. why
denethor re-enacts 'flashdance' lol (except he intends to burn himself and his son alive)
oh no!! uncle's horse!!! (oh and uncle, oh no!)
can't believe he really pulled the 'u should smile more, ur so pretty when u smile' rubbish before 😒
WOW we should have hired ghosts AGES ago, they can go thru walls and everything!!! O_O
sam is SUCH a badass, look at him go!! 'AND THAT'S FOR MY OLD GAFFER!!!' adding to his kill count with tears in his eyes :'D
sauron moving his beam around like 'EYE SEE U!! EYE AM LOOKING UPON U!!!'
aw feck frodo's doing the jesus thing where he falls down a few times but has to get back up ;A;
'a day may come when i stop memeing on this line....BUT IT IS NOT THIS DAY!!!!!'
lol they're bullying gollum, u love to see it 🤣
'what are u waiting for?!' 'i've got to give it a chance to defeat me, it's only sportsmanlike, sam!!!'
LEGOLAS'S FACE. WHEN ARAGORN FALLS DOWN. u can see his mouth go like 'ARAGORN' but it's slow-mo and silent ;A; he just starts shoving ppl out his way to get to him hdoasdiasadisj im. gay
AND THEN THE VOLCANO. and pippin sobbing 'FRODO!!!!' ;A;
god all this lava and frodo and sam haven't got any shoes smh
'uhgh i had an awful dream where my finger got chomped off by this freakish little----OH HAI GANDALF!!!!'
his friends are so happy to see him, they are all so happy omg ;A; THE SHIRE THEME STARTS PLAYING WHEN SAM ;A;
tbh sam and frodo could have made out at ANY point and it would have been less gay than. whatever tf had been going on btwn them the entire trilogy 👀
aragorn singing all elfy adn handsome an di love him i love him i lo
legolas all done up as well, they do a mutual shoulder clasp and he's all demure they look like a fecking WEDDING ok they are getting married ;A;
lol arwen looking out from behind the banner like 'PEEK A BOO!!' always sends me 🤣
(another thing that always sends me: legolas and gimli keeping track of their kill count lmao 🤣)
'my friends, u bow to no one' SIR UR FRIENDS ARE TERRIFIED (except pippin, he's ok with attention 😌)
side note: galadriel is low-key terrifying and i love her for it. she is such a FREAK, idek how to explain it or why i think so but i just. do 👀 she talks and there's a reverb on her voice, she smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes!!!!! SCARY 👀
'not all tears are an evil' fuck u gandalf stop stabbing me in the heart over and over, ur bullying me ;A;
WOW NICE JOB NOT PREPARING UR FRIENDS FOR UR DEPARTURE AT ALL FRODO!!!! jfc u could have at least TOLD THEM, this is FAR more traumatic and shocking!!! >:V
awww he and gandalf hold hands tho omg 🥺
and then they SAILED OFF INTO THE SUNSET!! for some reason. (oh right!! great war allegory 😔)
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silentstaresfanficandfanart · 7 months ago
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@ensemblewives pretty PRETTY PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU DO THE WATARU BLIMP WOULD LOSE IT im so glad someone understands us and we arent just sitting in the keito hasumi broth together alone heres some of the keitos ive thrown together-
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animal crossing keito because the concept was too silly and i wanted to make something more cartoony and stylized <3
most of these are rough sketches tho so theyre a bit wonky
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this is feral librarian keito, he was incorrectly sorted by the universe as a non-keito keito entity, we arent sure if it was an indentation error or if it was a sorting error but he was technically an instance of keito that just failed to have the 'keito tag' applied. So when he was added to hte keito list and brought into the keitoverse this radioactive looking creature emerged and a bunch of his 'functions' and 'codes' (as we're calling them though theyre a bit more abstract than that) broke and Eichis still trying to fix them, hes currently beign kept as the bitey pet of Mouse Cat and Snake keito who are in charge of the library
these ones are also just sketches
youve got
a hiyori-esque keito kanakeito (who was swapped at birth with kanata with kanata on accident and raised as the god of the sea who inexplicably is a total stick in the mud, he and kanata later become friends and realize after a while they were swapped, they wind up scheming to bring peace between their two families and settle the territorial dispute once and for all) theres eichi keito, who is a keito who took the role of eichi in his world (some are just "what if keito was this character, and he was a bit like a mix of the two and had the overal asthetic and some similar life experiences to and made similar choices to them but in some ways he was just completely changed and couldnt be really be called just keito or them) Theres of course, torieto whos a lil short business man with a shouty problem <3 and theres snakeito's first design who i admittedly probably based too much on orochimaru
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then theres my first sketch of mouse keito which was my first time nervously pushing at shape language admittedly and i think he turned out very smol and cute and friend shaped
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some of the group chat ships mouse keito and snake keito,which might sound weird but keep in mind hes a mouse and that things a snake, not one thing about them is biologically similar in any meaningful way nor do they consider each other 'the same' or 'related ' besides some of them treating "mamakeito" as their 'mother' of sorts
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also mouse keito and snake keito have a wheel also note: i accidentally made mouse keito fricking way shorter htan i intended on accident he isin fact supposed to be a bit over 5,5 or so , though snakeito is like, fairly fricking tall. i imagine theyre also some of the eldest keitos, not counting mamakeito who was trapped in a time loop for billions of years and came out about as well as he could honestly- (mama keito being og keito technically)
this was another one thats caled inverteito (hes inverted keito) hes very shy and softspoken and hes one of the first keitos we had, i believe ricotta had the idea for him (several are riccottas or other members ideas but i forget which ones are which)
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and this is one of my first keitos who i REALLY love the design of, this is Reito aka rei keito and hes actually a straight up genuine vampire and hes so angsty and edgy. hes trying really hard to survive while eichi searches for a cure for vampirisim, he loses control of his hunger sometimes and when he realizes its coming on he tries to tie himself to things using all the ribbons on him. hes very dramatic made for drama and angst and funsies like that
this ones not my art this ones straight up just adventure quest i made keito in adventure quest and i pretend its just another keitoverse boy
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i was playing in warlicks potions area and shortly after turned my hair more green than it currently was <3
in the game hes a 'neko'
haha- cat boy
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on to the next keito-
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and here was mamakeito
mamakeito was made before we were doing 'keitoverse' EXACTLY
originally itw as "make a keito inspired by yourself , your own personal keito , be as dramatic about it as you want and silly as you want and most importantly make it as fun as possible" and so i made mine based on me- i would probably design him tottaly different now that we're doing the whole keitoverse thing, that whole personalized keito thing got entirely out of control- and im so glad it did- cough sorry for the huge spam of screenshots-
every single day the wataru blimp gets more obsessed with Keito, we've come to the conclusion eichi can only 'define' the universe into stabalizing if he gets a keito of every single type organized into a singular universe where they can be stored under the same parent node (aka MamaKeito who acts as the 'parent' to the keitos under him) which means we can make ANY kind of keito and it makes perfect sense in universe, after al lhe has to define *everything* right? of course- we just follow the adventures of our favorite keitos in the keitoverse. Currently we're mulling over delights like the beef between mothman keito and cryptidcore keito
teapot keito's boiling hot sneezing problems
fruitiger aero keito
and of course early 2000's edgy oc keito who can shapeshift fly and has a werewolf and vampire form and also hes super powerful and original oc do not steal. (he is suffering deeply from 'randomness' and sometimes, he'll just spontaniously do something wildly out of character for the sake of the bit, he has no choice. ) he's like, dont worry pup i will protect you from the horrors of the night with my powerful teeth and to everyones horror he legitimately 100% can hes 100% serious and also hes just super op and rediculous, howevever hes a *lone wolf* so he doesnt join the patrols that deal with the 'bugs' in the system so he never actually shows up in time to deal with any bugs making him effectively useless. He hangs out with the incredibly unwell tumblreito who is as you can surely imagine...is not doing great.
this started as a joke and its gotten wildly out of hand and we are way too entertained feel free to come up with your own keitos our hope is that hapyele is left as confused as possible by creating an incredibly unreasonable number of keito's to love and cherish. i just think thatd be fun- and even if not- MAXIMUM KEITO is always a good thing we are just getting increasingly less normal about Keito hasumi and i think thats beautiful lets take this poor green bean and make him the main character he was always meant to be. lets make him the character of all time.
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arkhamsrevenge · 2 years ago
Pt 2 @mxsmwndr The Witch of Red
“Shit. Just hold on Y/N ok?”Artemis sneered trying to find a way to free her friend. The call came in 2 hours ago. Mr. Freeze had trapped Y/N in a cave of ice. Y/N couldn’t produce the body heat needed to keep warm AND use her magic. Since her wings were what she used to warm herself, Y/N had been colder than usual. Her body temperature never adapted well to the cold. Poor circulation. Y/N had dialed Artemis with what little strength she had left. Artemis’s own blood froze when she heard the witch’s trembling voice.
“I f-f-fucked u-u-up.” Artemis wasted no time getting Jason and Bizzaro on board. But now, Artemis didn’t know how to melt the ice without collapsing the cave in.
“We’re right here. Fuck, just stay alive! I’m gonna get to you. I swear.” The Amazon said leaning onto the ice. No answer.
“Move!” Jason said in the Red Hood gear. He then used a small torch that he modified specifically to melt the ice Freeze produced . It was working but taking a little longer than Jason would have liked. “Just hold on Spooks.” He whispered.
“Bizzaro don’t like wait. To stressed” the clone said as he punched the rest of the way that Jason had created. The cave began to shake.
“No!” Artemis screamed. Then a S/C hand shakily reached up. Bizzaro took the hand then picked up the person attached to it. Moving them out of the cave the continued to collapse in on itself. Y/N’s lips and fingers were blue. She was shaking violently. Artemis ran to her f friend dropping to her knees. “My gods. Let’s get you outta here.” Y/N eyes were glazed over. She was conscious but didn’t seem to be responsive.
“I got her.” Jason said reaching his other two friends. “My body heat runs higher than normal. I can warm her up on the way back.” He said taking the freezing witch in his arms. She was so cold it was painful. Artemis nodded and lead her two partners back to the ship. The ride back to the safe house was silent. Jason couldn’t warm Y/N up as quickly since he was still in his gear. One back ti the safe house, Artemis took her friend from Jason, allowing him to change into civilian clothes. The Amazon wrapped her friend in a blanket and rubbed her shoulders attempting to warm the witch.
“Thanks…Muscles….” Y/N finally whispered through chattering teeth then closed her eyes and stopped shaking. Artemis felt her eyes well up.
“Jason! JASON NOW!” Jason hearing his friend in distress ran back in now dawning his red sweatshirt and black sweats. “She stopped shaking!” Jason took the cold Y/N from Artemis and held her close to him. Her skin still held a tint of blue.
“She’s ok. She’s alright. Just passed out from exhaustion. She’s starting to warm up.” Artemis exhaled and dropped her head in her hands.
“Fuck. Thanks.” Artemis said grabbing Jason’s hand. Jason squeezed back and nodded.
Sometime later Jason had fallen asleep with Y/N’s back to his front. They were both spread out on the couch, a blanket covering both. Jason was half asleep when he felt movemen6. Immediately his eyes popped open and he sat up straighter. Y/N was trying to get up.
“Hey. Hey! It’s me. Relax.” Y/N turned to face Jason her eyes where still glazed over.
“I gotta go.” She mumbled still trying to get up. It was only when the loss of heat made her shake did she fall back against Jason. Her teeth started to chatter once again.
“You almost froze to death. You gotta take it easy.” Jason whispered softly as Y/N settled back on his chest.
“How pissed is she?” The Witch whispered. Jason chuckled.
“Anger hasn’t set in yet. She’s just happy you’re alive.” Y/N hummed smiling softly.
“Give it till tomorrow.” And with that the witch fell back to sleep. Jason watched Y/N for a minute or two then let himself fall asleep. He felt weird, warm and safe almost peaceful.
“IM GONNA KILL YOU MYSELF!” Jason shot up from a dead sleep. He noticed Y/N was gone but from the roaring Artemis he knew exactly where to find the witch.
“I called you didn’t I? I kept my word!” Jason heard Y/N scream back. He got up and walked toward the kitchen where Artemis and Y/N where having a stand off on either side of th3 island.
“WHEN YOU WERE ALMOST DEAD! THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT!” Artemis screamed jumping forward. Y/N ducked and ran to the other side of the room.
“ I’m sorry Muscles. Ok? I really am. I thought it could handle it .” Artemis was breathing heavy, nostrils flared when she slowly started to calm down. Jason could help but smile. They both were acting like children playing tag. Y/N looked normal again. Well normal for her. It was as if she didn’t almost freeze to death last night.
“I will kill you if you pull that again.” Artemis said making her way over to her friend. When both where face to face Artemis pulled Y/N into a hug. Y/N new Artemis wouldn’t actually hurt her but was just scared that she would loose another friend. “you’re dumbest smart person I’ve ever met.” Artemis mumbled. Y/N eyes landed on Jason. She mouthed a ‘Thank you’ to him. Jason nodded. “What now?” Y/N asked.
“Pretty Red stay here? Get better like Pup Pup” Bizzaro stated.
Y/N started to pack her bag. She’d been staying with the Outlaws for over 2 months and throughout that time Jason had become almost attached to Y/N as she had become attached to him.
“So, because of the pit, your body runs hotter than most.” Y/N asked Jason. He invited her to read with him once she was done packing. He new she planned to leave soon and wanted as much time with her as possible.
“Yeah. There are a couple other changes that occurred but that one is more noticeable I guess.” Jason said as they were lying down on Y/N’s bed. They had been reading silently for an hour or so before they started talking about Jason’s past as he already knew hers.
“Huh. What’s the most noticeable change? If you don’t mind me asking?” Jason sat up and put his book down. Y/N was wearing a tank top, her massive scars were more visible to Jason but he didn’t mind. His body was also scarred up.
“I guess my eyes are the most noticeable to me. They use to be blue but now their greenish blue.” Y/N looked into his eyes, she still thought they were lovely. Hers would turn green when she used her power. They are usually violet. “I also heal faster than most.” Y/N nodded.
“Me too. The only thing that hurts me is the cold and metal.” Jason raised and eyebrow.
“Burns. Not to bad but enough. I’ve made myself almost immune.” The two were in close proximity, tension had surrounded them since he warmed her from death. “I never said ‘Thank you’ for helping me.” Jason smiled.
“All good. You’ve had other shit on your mind.” Y/N smirked.
“Still should thank you.” The witch said moving closer. “And for letting me stay here. I know you weren’t my biggest fan. I don’t blame you, I’ve done horrible things and not gonna lie, I've enjoyed it.”
“Listen I get it. I’ve done some shit I’m not proud of. It was always done with good intensions but most people don’t see it that way.” Jason muttered letting the witch get closer. He could feel her breath on his face. His eyes fell on another scar, this one was faint but because he was so close he saw it. It was a small gash on the side of her neck. Someone landed a kill shot on Y/N. The thought of her bleeding out alone somewhere lit something in Jason. He wanted to hunt down the son of a bitch and do the same to them. Jason flickered his eyes to Y/N for a second before lifting his hand and lightly tracing the scar.
“How’d you get this one?” He whispered. To his surprise, Y/N took his hand into hers and brought it down.
“A kid actually. Parents didn’t hide the gun very well and the kid found it, he didn’t know it wasn’t a fake. I knew it would go off and the parents weren’t going to survive it. So I took the hit. Hurt like a bitch but worth it. A family is still together.” Jason shook his head.
“I don’t understand you. Every tale about you id linked to something brutal, yet...” Y/N brow furrowed.
“Yet?” Jason blinked and stared at her, his eyes flickered to her lips then back up at her. Slowly, he moved in closer, his heart quickened. Y/N didn’t pull away or stop him until he was just about to kiss her.
“I can’t Jason.” She whispered. “You don’t know what you’re getting into.” Jason looked at her confused. “Humans use sex and kissing as a release of sort, yes? Witches are the same accept...you’d be bound to me. I can’t do that to you.” Jason held her face between his hands.
“Fuck that.” Jason whispered back before pulling Y/N in for a kiss. To his surprise, her skin started to open up, a bright golden color emulated from it. He could feel her heart race. “I’ll do what I want.” Y/N pulled Jason down and both started to undress.
Y/N lay awake in bed. Jason was fast asleep, her heart swelled and that scared her. These new feelings that she was experiencing scared her so much. She cant do this, not now. Not when she’s done everything she can to lock that part of herself way. Last time she was willing to let her guard down she got mutilated. Jason awoke something in her. Something she didn’t think was possible anymore. Y/N slowly crawled out of bed and grabbed her stuff. She wanted to write Jason a note but didn’t know what to say. How do you tell someone you feel something for them but are to scared and to focused on your revenge to do anything? Y/N bit her lip and started to head towards the door.
“Not even going to say goodbye?”
“FFFFuuck. Muscles you scared the sh-”
“Shut up.” Artemis said, clicking on the light. “You’re leaving? After all that you’re leaving to finish a revenge mission?” Y/N couldn’t believe what her friend was saying.
“You said you understood. Were you lying?” Y/N whispered hurt. How could she? She knows that happened and now all of a sudden she’s against it?
“What? Of course not. You’re running away from this and you know it. Your afraid I get that but-”
“I am not running away from anything. I need to do this. I have dreamt of nothing but this for years. Everyday I was bedridden because of the pain. They took everything from me. They don’t get to get away scott fucking free. I’m a witch remember? Happy endings aren’t for me. It’s bullshit, just like true loves fucking kiss. It doesn’t exist.” Y/N was breathing heavy by the time she was done. Artemis didn’t show any expression.
“This is going to kill you.”
“Then so be it.” Y/N said as she finally walked out the door. Artemis sat in the silence for a second.
“I know you’re there Jason.” On cue, Jason walked out for behind the doorframe.
“Sorry...again for ease dropping.” Artemis shook her head.
“It’s fine. Are you-?” Jason nodded.
“Yeah. I’m fine. I understand her obsession. I get it. Fuck. I get it. She needs to do this...but maybe not alone.”
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