#I get it. It's a lot. Doesn't mean that each au deserves its own care and attention and appreciation
yoihino · 3 days
Auuaghh undertale fandom video essays my beloathed. Is it really so much to ask for just one (1) of these to be made by an actual fan who was in the fandom? Like it is so clear they are talking about it from an outside perspective or that they got into it just fpr the video and uggh. Where is the love? The appreciation for the aus and their creators? For the history for the fandom? Honestly I just want like a text post of someone saying 'hey remember those times? They were wild and they may not have been perfect but we sure had a lot of fun'.
#Undertale#Sorry I was watching a video essay about undertale fandom and I couldn't even finish it and it's just 30min long#They didn't even credit the authors!!!#'someone creted ink!sans' ywah no shit he sure didn't appear from the ether complete (😔 F in the chat)#'someon created error!sans in response' I'm... Pretty sure not? Been a while since I read loverofpiggies comics but Ink wasn't featured#In those at all. So#That was just a connection the fans did#Saying they haven't finished hanfdplates because the dub isn't caught up when you are explicitly reading it for research is... Well#And then they have the nerve to say that underverse was made/collaborated by Camila Cuevas and not even mention Jael Peñaloza?#While putting clips from her animations with the very clear sidebars saying Jael????#Tell me you didn't put a real effort into getting to know the fandom without saying it outloud good god#I'm not saying that a good analysis and outlook of the fandom can't be done from an outside perspective - look at supereyepatxhwerewolf's#Video for a very good example#But it just kind of hurts seeing something I love so much being treated so poorly#I get it. It's a lot. Doesn't mean that each au deserves its own care and attention and appreciation#Also he sucked ass at explaining he spent like 10min in one au and then just mentioned by bare name a ton others#And treated so badly ask blogs#Not shoqing the askblogs posts of the au and just the fanmade battle bcs then I would just be showing squares with text#Coward#Rant over sorry#mine
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wordsinhaled · 2 months
Restaurant owner/chef Charles / Food critic Edwin AU!!!
So, I just thought of this AU and I am so jazzed about it that I need to drop this idea somewhere so it can become a 100k fic I can devour in one sitting asdfhfhfhf
In an ideal world I’d want to offer the floor to someone Desi to run with this idea, or to collab with me on it because I want to do Charles' food and culture and relationship with his mum justice. I’ve only been adjacent to the restaurant business (my family ran a small café for a bit and I worked there, and I have a family member who did culinary school, so).
I just know that this idea has Arrived in my brain and I can’t just let it sit in there unattended, asdjfjfjf
I'm tagging @nix-nihili and @queen-of-hobgobblers 'cause I feel like this will be up your street???
Okay - so Charles and his mum own a small Indian restaurant. It’s a family business and his parents ran it together ("together") before. Charles’ father was incredibly controlling about the menu, their community partners and suppliers, as well as pretty much every other aspect of the business (and their lives, behind the scenes). Now Charles’ father is out of the picture—I'm undecided how this happens, but I just think Charles deserves to live an unfettered life without Mr. Rowland hurting him anymore, tbh.
He gets to rediscover the joy of cooking together with his mum, cooking as freely as he wants and not being held back by his dad's expectations, refreshing the restaurant's menu to feature more authentic versions of the dishes, making connections with new suppliers, redoing the accounting to pay everybody a living wage... Just generally, like, revamping the entire restaurant to be a more joyful place to be that celebrates delicious food and companionship as a form of connection and sharing. Edwin is a food critic who goes to the grand reopening of the restaurant. Edwin likes to write about and document food. He enjoys experiencing a restaurant and its food possibly even more than the tasting of it. He presents like the uptight, exacting sort of food critic restaurants are intimidated by, with his many layers and his bow tie and his posture and his perfect hair, his little notebook and his vintage pocket pen. But inside he just wants to be able to feel some sort of a connection: with the chef through the food (What is the dish trying to tell him?); with the other person at the table—if there is another person, which is so rare.
Family mealtimes for Edwin growing up were distant affairs, overly formal and stilted and coded, minefields for being scrutinized and speaking and acting in only the most acceptable ways; not places to be honest or genuine or to let one's guard down. Certainly not occasions to experience genuine enjoyment. He wants to believe that food, which is so vital to life, and the preparing and the sharing of it, can be different. Positive. Joyous.
Charles gives Edwin a tour of the restaurant when he arrives. Charles is not like a lot of other restaurant owners Edwin has met. He introduces Edwin to his mum and the way he looks at her makes a pang go through Edwin's chest because clearly, they love each other so much, and Edwin may have never had that but just looking at it heals something in him. He's not getting invested, though. (Right?)
Charles' enthusiasm is like, off the charts. He's practically vibrating, to the point where excitement tips over into anxiety, clearly trying to keep it toned down and failing. And Charles is like, "I'm sorry. Just a bit nervous, yeah? I really care about this place. I need it to—I mean. I really want it to do well."
Edwin's heart goes out to him. "Do not worry," he says, softly. "I am not here to hurt you." He doesn't know why he says it but all the tension goes out of Charles, the slightly frantic look goes out of his eyes, and he gives Edwin the brightest smile he thinks he's ever seen. It's a gorgeous smile. Relieved, and carefree, and warm like sunshine.
"D'you want to try some food?" He says it almost conspiratorially, as though this is not Edwin's primary and entire purpose in being here.
Edwin looks around the quiet, empty restaurant. It's cozy and warm with mid-afternoon sunlight streaming in through the windows at the front. Even without any patrons, without the din or bustle of a full dining room, it seems to beckon to foster shared happiness within it. "I was under the impression that I would be partaking of your dinner service this evening," he says delicately, trying to hide that he might actually want nothing better than to never leave here at all, let alone try some food.
"Well, yeah," Charles says, "'course you are. But this is different, innit? Not for the article. Come on, let me cook for you. You look like..." He stops. Perhaps considering if he's about to say too much. His eyes are bright and thoughtful and fixed on Edwin so intently that Edwin doesn't breathe for a moment. "You look like no one's cooked for you in ages." It comes out soft, but firm; as though he knows what he's talking about. Edwin feels like the wind has been knocked out of him.
"No one has ever cooked for me," says Edwin matter-of-factly.
He has no idea what it is about Charles that makes him admit something so honest—although it is not entirely accurate. His family had had a personal chef. Technically speaking, all of Edwin's meals had been cooked for him, until much to his parents' chagrin he went off to a student flat, and culinary school, and began to cook them for himself. But he suspects that no one has ever cooked for him, the way Charles Rowland is offering to now. Properly. Like it means something. Like he is trying to say something through it; unspoken words that Edwin has always wanted to hear.
Let me know you. Let me connect with you. Let me take care of you.
Charles' eyes widen. Clearly, he is trying to process Edwin's bleak admission. "Right," he says, after a beat, as his posture gains something determined; his grin bright and charming. "That settles it, then. I know exactly what I'm going to make you."
And before Edwin can say anything else, he's taking Edwin's hand in his and tugging him towards the kitchen.
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pocketramblr · 9 months
AU where Hisashi calls Izuku regularly while he works overseas and one day Hisashi tells Izuku about his new boyfriend who is very sweet to him and unfortunately got into a bad accident many years ago that left him disabled so Hisashi helps care for him.Izuku later finds out this boyfriend is AFO.
why would you leave inko for afo. 'hold on yeah i think i'll leave this priceless bahia emerald and skip town and then i found a broken piece of chalk instead.' my guy. you deserve all might stealing your son.
1- ok so. Hisashi is an accountant who moves to new york to make more money. He and inko officially divorce, which means Izuku takes the Midoriya name and Inko has sole custody, but while Hisashi does not have to pay child support or alimony, he does opt to send them some support and tries to stay in contact because i guess his taste in men was so bad that he and inko just work better as friends. good for them ig.
2- actually Hisashi is just straight up color-blind: he can't see any red flags. Its not just his personal tastes. this man has worked for four separate blatant money laundering schemes since he went abroad. he has no clue. this is how he ends up coming into contact with AfO, but AfO's job offering is too indirect and vague, and Hisashi is like 'are you... flirting with me?' instead, but AfO can work with that. And while Hisashi certainly isn't a genius with people or warning signs, i will give him (and inko) this: he's a great lay.
3- He's also a very caring boyfriend, which was part of the problem with inko, they ended up really inciting each other's anxieties, but AfO likes being pampered so he decides to keep Hisashi around even if he isn't a employee. even better really, that he doesn't have to pay, bribe, quirkify, dequirkify, or threaten him. Hisashi, as a bit of a doting boyfriend, also has a lot to say about the man to others, so Izuku ends up hearing a lot of gushing over the phone as he's training with weights and is a bit too out of breath to change the topic. plus, he doesn't want to bring up going to UA until its a sure thing, his dad will definitely freak out about it not being safe. finally he tells his dad he got in, and hisashi is like 'oh yeah, cuz they changed the rules, which track?' and izuku goes 'oh uh hero track and alsoihaveaquirknowitscalledsuperpower oh look at that moms calling me for dinner sorry bye.'
4. Dazed, Hisashi gushes about his son to his boyfriend later, dropping that izuku's going to become a hero at ua, what a surprise- but, well, he supposes his son has always loved to watch heroes...
AfO is like 'hm. being a hero isn't very safe...' ('i know...') 'why don't you try to push him to visit you? keep him safe. maybe in a safe. don't you just wanna keep a hold of him?' ("i do, but that'll only drive him away. he's growing up... besides, if i was busy only keeping watch over him, who'd take care of you?") 'mm, good point. keep prioritizing me, i will neither put a hit on the kid as competition nor do anything to keep him safer.'
5. Reveal... uh yeah so Hisashi does mention to Izuku when his boyfriend goes missing, sometimes he gets called to work suddenly but he's never been gone this long, he's worried, is he restocking his meds, where is he? oh yeah, he vanished around Kamino. unfortunate, but not incriminating on its own. What IS incriminating is rewound!AfO, looking at Izuku with a tilted head. "I can see bits of Hisashi in you, hm. Just the worst bits, luckily." Izuku starts realizing what this means. Bakugo distracts him and blasts him to the Shigaraki fight, because he also started to realize what it meant and simply did not want to deal with hearing anymore of that. Over at the ShigarAfO fight, AfO tries to keep throwing Izuku (and tomura) off their game by wondering if Hisashi will find this new, younger body nice as well- probably, its not like the man had the highest standards. Izuku and Tomura are united in such abosolute done-ness with AfO that he's immediately snuffed out of Tomura's head and nothing remains behind. Tomura is like 'uh, do you want a day's break and then a rematch because i need to bleach my brain' but izuku is like 'oh no i need to punch someone through a mountain rn, lets keep going while i reform you with the power of friendship and incredible violence.' (By unspoken agreement, neither Izuku, Bakugo, or Tomura ever breathe a word about it to anyone, much less to Hisashi.)
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azurexsnake · 1 year
💔🛡🎤✈️ 💤 for you and Vash!!
Oh geez, I wasn't expecting all that. Here we go~
🎤: Describe your f/o’s voice
This is honestly so vague. Like in bed? Normally? How would I describe Vash's voice... hmmmm.... well, the voice in my head is his JP VA, in a literal sense. But his voice as it is, hmm..... It's goofy and sweet at its core, just like him. Soft. He's a very thoughtful person, sometimes too much so for his own good, as we all know. But you really get a sense for it if you listen to him talk for an extended period of time, just how deep that softness goes. And how much hurt there is beneath that as well. He makes me cry a lot without meaning to. Part of being an empath a little bit lol He has firmer moments, too, where he's more assertive. Mostly when he's being protective, where his voice deepens down. When he whispers, too. That does things to me. It's somehow... idk how to say it, but it's hot. Like really, really attractive. Like makes me weak in my knees. He knows it. I know he knows it. But he doesn't abuse it and I wish he would more cuz.... he sounds really good when he whispers, or just speaks quietly.
💤: Do you sleep together? If so, describe your sleeping positions and patterns (E.g. who steals the blankets, are either of you insomniacs, etc.)
I'm the night owl and Vash is a restless sleeper. Any little thing and he pops right up, like he's always got one eye and one ear open. I end up waking him a lot and I feel bad cuz he deserves his rest. I only crawl into bed when I'm really ready to sleep then so we can actually get some shut-eye together, otherwise I'm off doing my own thing and letting him snooze on his own so I only have to wake him up once. He's thankfully not very warm-bodied cuz I produce enough heat for the both of us tbh. We usually end up cuddling each other facing forward on our sides and get all tangled up that way. We don't do a lot of spooning honestly. Once in a blue moon. Or he'll sleep on his back and I'm on his chest. I can't sleep on my back- usually, we only end up just cuddling that way, not sleeping, but on the off chance it happens and I do fall asleep, Vash takes full advantage of making a pillow out of me. And honestly? Fair. It is honestly a lot easier to fall asleep that way with his weight on top of me. It's comforting.
🛩: Where would the two of you go on your honeymoon?
On Noman's Land? Ship 3, but to make it my permanent home, cuz it's much safer, and Vash wants me to be as safe as possible. In a modern au, somewhere tropical, cuz I think he'd appreciate it and I'm not picky tbh. Even though he makes a huge deal about being the one to choose cuz he wants me to be 10000000% satisfied in every way possible, but like, I really just don't care so long as I get to be there with him. So I make him decide on at least a general locale. I think Fiji, so we can island hop and make a stop in New Zealand for a bit cuz I have always wanted to go. Compromise, see? He's happy with that.
🛡: Who’s the more protective one?
I want to say me, but def him. Vash is more physically protective, cuz I am just factually weaker than he is. He'll always insert himself between me and things he doesn't like. There's never a moment I don't feel safe with him, and I kinda wish that was equalized a bit more but like, he's Vash the Stampede ;w;
💔: Is it hard being away from each other?
It is cuz he's trouble and I worry. And it kinda ties into him being more physically capable of handling himself. Like yea, he'll probably be fine, but there's always a chance something happens, and what would I be able to do about it? Makes me nervous. At least when he's around, I can keep an eye on him, like being able to breathe normally again knowing he's safe for a change. And obviously I just miss him :< Same goes for him in that he misses me. Traveling around Noman's Land is just a little too much and he'd rather I be safe than in danger with him. But it's still not an easy choice. When you're used to being alone, and then you're not after so long, and then you go back to loneliness again, even if it's for the sake of someone you love, it's just painful.
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westywallowing · 2 years
more of wes' dnf fic recs <3
alright you guys even though no one asked for it here are more of my dnf fic recs :] (pls be aware of readings and tags and remember that I am an adult so read at ur own risk lol) I'll put a 💌 emoji next to the fics that have some graphic/mature content!
"the spaces between words" by effervescentwolf 💌
George ever so slowly allows himself to be completely and utterly in love with Dream.
this has been one of my FAVS recently yall. Dream is just such a whipped sweetheart and is so patient with George. there's nothing more that I love than an unspoken understanding that sometimes verbalizing emotions is hard for people, but that doesn't mean they aren't there :) Affection is A++ here, so much fluff (read tags tho!)
"a brief inquiry into (real) relationships" by quarzfia
Or, Dream's misreads an invite to a wedding, and now has to fake a relationship with the boy he's fallen head over heels for.
look, I know we've all read our fair shares of fake relationship aus, but THIS. THIS IS WHERE ITS AT. I love how the author writes their relationship and how they interact with each other, it's the perfect mix of humor/wit and tenderness that makes it just 🥰
"The Sun Did Not Yet Know" by keepAPlaceForMe
George is the moon god and Dream is a little star who falls in love with him. Over the course of many millennia, he gains a body, a godliness, and a lover.
guys this was written by the loml @demigodfoolish and I still read it all the time, it was based off of my dnf sun and moon au and it is SO SOFT. SO FLUFFY. SO CUTE. please it deserve more hits and love and attention. if you love any writing with a shit tone of space/astronomy references then this is for you
"A Street Cat Named Patches" by lilchip
The cat always made her rounds to Dream's windowsill. It was the one day he followed her home that landed him on George's front lawn.
If you've been looking for a dnf getting together fic with the boys as cat dads, then LOOK NO MORE because here it is. this fic is so fluffy and cute and Dream is so delightfully nervous and caring. amazing. 10/10.
"anything you can do (I can do better)" by Not4typicalwritter
In which Dream and George are each parent of two very wonderfully smart and mischievous daughters who happen to be friends. Oh, and of course, two daughters who are completely sick and done with their stupid rivalry that always gets in the way of their friendship.
The plan? Get them together in time for Prom. Maybe then they'll stop being so annoying.
SINGLE DADS DNF WHO HAVE A PLAYFUL RIVALRY AND THEIR DAUGHTERS TRY TO SET THEM UP. guys I can't scream loud enough about this fic it is SO. GOOD. their rivalry is fucking hilarious and their daughters are very relatable and it's just such a good read. worth every word
"say the word and of course I'll stay" by didnt 💌
They broke up several years ago because George finished college in the states and had to go back home to the UK. It was less of a mutual decision to break up and more George panicking and dumping Dream over a phone call in the summer following George’s graduation.
Now that it’s been years, and George is back working a job in the US, he’s mildly horrified to find out that Dream works for the same company as he does, in the same building, in the same office. In the end, it's a case of realising that a lot of things might change, but the important parts stay the same.
okay okay HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE. I love this fic because even though there's angst, and past conflict, they've both aged and matured and (I think) handle the situation very well!! I love how the author has written this because it feels very real; even though you still love someone, time matters, and things don't just immediately click back into place. cute fumbling and slightly awkward encounters ensue but the ending is worth it :) a lovely fic by the amazing @didntstand check out their other fics too!!
"everywhere I go" by sootified 💌
George was convinced that he was the last person on earth after the dead started to come back and he hadn't seen another person for five months.
Turns out, he was wrong. Turns out, there is another person on earth. He grins too much and wheezes like a tea kettle, but there's another person.
okay this fic is definitely a more graphic fic rec of mine, but is SO worth the read. post-zombie apocalypse, George and Dream are some of the last alive. It's definitely one of those fics where the world is ending so the characters resort to humor to cope LMAO its so good. make sure to read the tags, but don't let the MCD tag deter you PLS. I don't want to spoil anything but,,, everyone ends up together and happy and (kind of) alive in the end so :) READ IT its one of the first fics I read in this fandom! if you love dystopian style world building then this is for you
"dance in the rain and my arms" by lazykitkat
Where George is a lonely rain god and the wind god Dream keeps coming up with excuses to be around him
another dnf Gods!au that I just LOVE so much. the way George is generally apathetic and just Chillin with immortality and Dream is so endearing and just wants to get to know him because he's pretty. its so wholesome and it has a part 2 that's just as good. 100/10 amazing read pls. written by the crazy talented @yourlazykitkat !
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Slashers Toy Story!AU
Or, *cough* a way for me to write out a buncha funny Incorrect Quotes and smoosh two things I love together.
Tumblr media
Woody: Jason Voorhees
Buzz Lightyear: Michael Myers
Jessie: Ghostface
Prospector/Stinky Pete: Roman Bridger
Bo Peep and Ham: Freddy Krueger
Mr Potato Head: Chucky / Charles Lee Ray
Mrs Potato Head: Tiffany Valentine
Slinky: Carrie White
Rex: Bubba Sawyer
Barbie: Jennifer Check
Ken: Patrick Bateman
Lotso-'O'-Huggin' Bear: Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt. Was gonna be Bo, but Hoyt just fits way better. Plus he has Thomas.
Chuckles: Monty
Big Baby: Thomas hewitt
The Chatter Telephone: Luda Mae Hewitt
Also, Sunnydale Daycare: Ambrose. Because why not.
*I'm thing the kids in Toy Story are the fanbase and creators of the Slashers in this AU. Like, Andy and Bonnie are the original creators that make up the canon stuff and created them to be the infamous characters we all know- and Sid is us fan-people that twist and distort the characters for our own pleasure, haha XD *
An abundance of Incorrect Quotes bellow the cut!
Chucky: *With all the features on his face mismatched*
Chucky: Hey Freddy, look! I'm Picasso!
Freddy: ... yeah, I don't get it. *Leaves*
Chucky: *what... * You uncultured swine!! *Shakes his fist at Freddy's retreating back. That was a good fucking joke, goddamn.*
Michael: *Writing down on whiteboard:* Excuse me... I think the word you're searching for is
Jason: *Already so done with this edgy boy's bullshit*
Jason: *Moves attention to his own whiteboard, starts writing*
Jason: *Shows board*
NO. The word I'm 'searching for', I cant say, because there are preschool toys present.
*Gestures ferociously to Carrie and Bubba.*
Jason: *Ughhhh. Shows board that he frantically wrote on:* Its not a KNIFE! Its a little stick of plastic!!
Freddy: What's wrong with him??
Chucky: Knife envy~
Freddy: Ah been there
Jason and Michael: *Watching Dr Loomis give psychology advice*
Jason and Michael: *Slowly tilting their heads sceptically, in unison*
Michael: *Holds up board for Jason to read:* ... I don't think that man has ever been to medical school.
Jason: *Trying to get Michael to help him. Writes passive aggressively on board and shoves the thing in Michael's view:* Would you give me a hand!???
Michael: *Fucking slices his own arm off and chucks it at Jason*
Look, he's having a bad day...
Freddy: *Sneaks up on Jason and digs his fingers into the giants sides*
Jason: *Whips around and cracks Freddy in the face from shock*
Jason: *Realises its just Freddy as the other groans and holds his nose, and looks a little guilty. Oh, Freddy. Writes on board and shows him:* There's gotta be a less painful way to get my attention.
Freddy: Agh- Fucking- Merry Christmas, hockey puck!
Jason: *Catches sight of something above them, tilts his head. Writes and shows board:* Isn't that mistletoe?
Freddy: *A slow, creepy grin rips across his face* Yep.
~ Toy Stoy 2~
Jason: *Frantically holding up a board:* Michael! I was a yo-yo!
Freddy and Chucky: *Look at each other*
Chucky: 'Was'?
*Michael and the others watching a dude try to buy Jason and failing.*
Michael: *Thinking: Mm, now just walk away.*
Man: *Follows after where Jason went.*
Michael: *Thinking: ... the other way.*
*After Jason has been stolen- everyone is panicking*
Michael: *Stomping his foot, trying to gather these psychopaths' attentions. Wait a minute! Wait, hold on! When he semi has their attention, he shows a piece of paper with writing on it:* This is not time to be hysterical.
Freddy: Its the perfect time to be hysterical.
Bubba: *Gasp. Should we be hysterical!?*
Carrie: *Tries to calm Bubba down, a hand on his arm and voice gentle* No-
Chucky: Yes.
Michael: *Thinking: ... well, maybe*
Freddy: Give this to Jason when you find him
Michael: ... *Holds up board* Alright. But I don't think it'll mean the same thing coming from me.
Freddy: *Up ahead* Hey guys! Why did the toys cross the road!?
Michael: *But rolls his eyes. Not now bacon bits.*
Bubba: *Perks up and waives. Oh! He loves riddles. Why?*
Freddy: To get to the chicken... on the other side!
*They all look out and celebrate, seeing where Jason was being kept hostage... but then realise how dangerous getting across will be as a giant fricken truck careens by and crushes a can the same size as them*
Bubba: ... *Promptly turns around and starts walking back the way they came. Oh well. We tried-*
Michael: *Grabs Bubba back*
Jennifer: I can help! I'm Tour Guide Jen!
Jennifer: Please keep your hands, arms and accessories inside the car, and no flash photography! Thanks.
Chucky: -I'm a married man, I'm married man, I'm married man-
Freddy: *Shoves Chucky out of the way* Then make room for the single fellas.
Michael: *Ugh. Writes on board:* They're on level 23.
Carrie: How are we gonna get up there?
Bubba: *Gestures to balloons, then up to the sky. Meaning: Maybe if we find some balloons, we could float to the top!*
Chucky: Are you kidding? I say we stack ourselves up, push the intercom, and pretend we're delivering a pizza.
Freddy: How bout a roast? *Grins*
Freddy: *Assesses Chucky and Carrie in turn* With tenderised pig and a slaughtered lamb as sides.
Chucky: Hold the fuck up did you just call me a pig- and a side-
Carrie: What?
Bubba: Oh! Oh! *Pats his chest excitedly. Do him! What about me??*
Freddy: ... Eh, you can be the toy that comes with the meal.
*Michael does something to get them all hurt and doesn't to care at all, of course. Just moves on.*
Chucky: Remind me to glue his mask on his head when we get back.
Freddy: *Nods, yep*
Chucky:*Embracing Tiffany after having been away saving Jason*
Glen and Glenda: You saved our lives! We're eternally grateful!
Chucky: Oh, fuck...
Tiffany: You saved their lives, Chucky?? Oh, my hero.
Tiffany: *Immediately drops Chucky in favour of picking up the babies* And they're adorable! Lets adopt them!
Chucky: *Thinking: What? No- Absolutely not- Don't say tha-*
Glen and Glenda: Daaaaddy!
Chucky: Fuck.
~Toy Story 3~
Jason: *Holds up a sign as he stands there menacingly with his machete:* You got a date with justice, Charles.
Chucky: Heh, too bad, 'sheriff'. I'm a married man.
Tiffany: *Comes out screaming, wielding goddamn nun chucks*
Michael: *Eyes narrow behind mask, slowly holds up sign he prepared earlier:* Bastard son of a hundred maniacs.
Freddy: Hah. That's Mr Bastard son of a hundred maniacs, to you!
*The toys/Slashers watch some toys, including Jennifer and her car get thrown in the donation bin*
Ghostface: Oh, man, poor Jen.
Freddy: ... I get the corvette.
Tiffany: Its alright, Jen, it'll be okay.
Jennifer: Well... Needy and I have been growing apart for a while...
Jennifer: Its just... I cant believe she would kill me!
Chucky: *Who's 'best friend till the end'/victim also killed him* Yeah. Welcome to the club, toots.
Hoyt: They just love new toys, don't they?
Chucky: Love!? We've been chewed, kicked, drooled on-
Tiffany: Just look at my nails!
Hoyt: ... Hm. Well, here's the thing, sweetheart. You aint leavin' Ambrose.
Tiffany: *Thinking: Oh fuck no he did not just- * Sweetheart!? Who do you think you're talking to!? I have over 10 kills, and I deserve more respec-
Hoyt: *Covers Tiffany's mouth with his hand* Ah, that's better.
Chucky: *Thinking: I'm going to fuck this douche up- * Hey, no one takes my wife's mouth. *Shoves Hoyt back off her by the chest* 'Cept me.
*Hoyt and Thomas bring Chucky back from 'The Box'. He's more fucked up looking then usual, sand all through his hair and stuck to his plastic features. He shakes it out of his pockets.*
Tiffany: *Gasp* Sweetheart!
Chucky: Eugh... it was cold. And dark. Nothin' but sand and a couple of Lincoln logs.
Freddy: Ehhh... I don't think those were Lincoln logs.
Ghostface: I was wrong...
Chucky: Ghostface is right. He was wrong.
Jennifer: *Fake cries*
Chucky: *Slaps a Pidgeon*
*Trying to reset Michael back to his former settings/self (The one that knows them and therefore will maybe-perhaps-possibly not kill them*
Freddy: Oh- oh- oh, here we go. there should be a little hole under the switch.
Jason: *Little hole little hold little hole- Nods. Got it!*
Freddy: To reset your Michael Myers action figure, insert paper clip-
Jason: *Sharply turns to Bubba, urging him to put his finger in the hole quickly*
Freddy: Caution; Do not hold button for more then five seconds...
Michael: *Suddenly stops thrashing and goes slack*
Everyone: ...
Bubba: *Jumps off him, holding up his hands. Its not my fault!!*
Michael, on Spanish Mode: *Gives Jason two sweet kisses on either cheek*
Jason: *Awkwardly, slowly holds up sign:* We gotta switch him back.
Ghostface: Oh! Mikey!!
Michael, still on Spanish Mode: *Sees Ghostface*
Michael: *Drops to his knees, gathers up Ghostface's hand*
Michael: *Looks up at Ghostface in utter awe and admiration*
Ghostface: *Freaken freaked out. Shouldn't he be the creepy one in this outfit? Leans away* Uhh... did you fix Michael?
Freddy: Uh, sorta. I mean I for one think this is a huge improvement.
Michael, STILL on Spanish Mode: *Does a dance of feelings around Ghostface, wanting to express himself*
Ghostface: What- why- please stop I'm gonna pee myself- Of laughter or fear I have no idea but I WILL PEE
Michael: *Grabs and dips Ghostface, and holds up a sign* We will be the most famous killers in history, together.
Ghostface: *Thinking: Oh I can get behind that, hell yeah- *
Jason: *Arrives*
Ghostface: Oh- *Scrambles out of Michaels hold* JASE!
Michael: *Watches them move on together* *Throws down the sign*
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Freddy: I suddenly feel disgusting, like... I somehow ended up in some kinda... love-square, of some kind...
Jason: *Nicely gestures for Michael to give him some help*
Michael, stillllllll on Spanish mode: *Sniffs his nose at Jason's hand, shoving him out of the way with one arm like no thank you.*
Jennifer: Authority should derive from the consent of the governed. Not from the threat of force! // Or, alternatively which I think fits a whole lot better- // I am not going to stand back here and let another fucking old white guy tell me what the fuck to do!
Chucky and Freddy, two old white guys: *Look at each other*
Chucky and Freddy: *Shrug*
And that's it seeing as I don't really wanna see Toy Story 4. I hope you enjoyed this silly thing with me at least a little XD
Okay so I got a little attached in the end.
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caleocross · 3 years
even more bnha ship headcanons bc im out of control
villain edition >:)
dekusquad, bakusquad, villains, heros
DISCLAIMER: i cant see and don't condone any of the villain ships being canon, just because it would definitely be toxic as hell considering none of them are in the headspace where they could date someone. its just nice to think about them being happy considering they’re comfort characters for some people. ALSO. there are some manga spoilers in the shigdabi headcanons, at the end of the section. they’re crossed out, like this, but just a warning, they are there. 
togachako. its canon that toga has a crush on uraraka, and i know that if they got together in canon it would not be a good match, but if ochako was a villain then- i mean,,, debby ryan smirk they'd be pretty cute together ngl,,, murder girlfriends.
togadeku. def not in canon, but i think if it were a villain deku au then it would have some potential.
shigdabi. (this one is long asf im so sorry-) shigdabi definitely has some potential. anyways, my headcanons: shigaraki is really malnourished, meaning he's a lot smaller than dabi, so when shigaraki will steal dabi's shirts, they're always way too fucking big. dabi finds it absolutely adorable. shigaraki will usually sit in dabi's lap when he plays video games, and dabi will put his head on shiggy's shoulder and watch. he usually never cares for video games, but shigaraki looks proud of himself when he does something well that dabi absolutely melts. dabi naturally runs hot because of his quirk, which helps shigaraki a lot because since he's so thin, he gets cold super easily. their cuddle sessions never get uncomfortable because they balance each other out so well, temperature wise. dabi constantly has to take care of shigaraki because the bitch will never do it himself, which also helps dabi with his own mental health problems because it gives him a routine and it makes sure he's also taking care of himself. dabi has a lot of issues with his aggression, especially since he's never been able to resolve his issues with his family so sometimes he takes it out on shiggy. shigaraki is a petty mf and usually pushes back, leading them to have a huge fight and dabi running out of the base. shigaraki, after about twenty minutes, goes up to kurogiri and is like "go find him" and kurogiri is like "*rolls eyes* fine". they make up whenever he comes back, and they both apologize and cuddle it out. shigaraki also is terrified of using his quirk on dabi, so he always wears gloves (except without one or two fingers bc quirk) so that he can cup dabi's face without fearing that he'll kill him. (this fear is also bc of the shit that happened with his family). tbh their dynamic is just "crusty bitch (affectionate)", "hot mf (derogatory)"
dabihawks. i know absolutely nothing about hawks so i cant really give much of an opinion, but i saw fanart of if dabi had become a hero and it was him on a roof, and then hawks landing behind him and saying a shitty pick up/just shitty flirting, and dabi giving him a look of "why am i dating this dumbass mf"
endeavorhawks. endeavor doesn't deserve anyone after what he’s done, i don't give a flying fuck if he feels guilty in the manga, it does not and never will make up for the fact that he drove his wife to madness and abused his children. also there is at least a TWENTY year age difference between hawks and endeavor, so this is a hard fucking no for me.
eraserdust. definitely not in canon, and theres also a really big age gap (shiggy is in his twenties pls), but like,,, aizawa is the only who can hold shigaraki's bare hand,,,, *sobs*
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jojosbabe · 3 years
Tw: vent post and f/o vent asks
If you do not like these. PLEASE DO NOT READ THEM.
Thank you
1) what’s a Hot Take you have about your f/o?
: Keicho cares about his brother. He isn't heartless. He has traumas and unfortunately people can't take the ugly sides of mental illnesses. Could he have done better? Sure. Anyone could. But I'm so sick of people vilifying people who don't have "cute" symptoms/behaviors. Also have you seen how siblings talk to each other especially brothers? Sometimes its shit talk. But he never hated his brother. And I'm sick of people thinking he does or passive aggressively putting it in fics.
2) on what do you disagree with other fans of your f/o?:
He isn't mean to girls. Where in the world did it ever show he was?!
He loves his brother.
He loves his father but hates his decisions and actions that put them in legit hell. Anyone would.
He doesn't love Akira otoishi,not romantically. But he and him were close probably. Not anymore tho. And even if they were,they aren't anymore. Even if they both got better,how could you love someone that almost killed you(if he lived) and your younger sibling? Like i like to think keicho orginally didn't want to kill his dad. Akira's the one that pushed him because Akira otoishi has a devil may care attitude. And may or may not have emotionally manipulated him because of the crap he went thu and was desperate. And Akira needed to prove a point. But aftet a while keicho got so caught up in his own rage and emotions that he couldn't back down. But in my au where he lives,he gets healed by josuke and takes time to heal spiritually. But again dont tell me Akira otoishi wasn't involved if not the instigator of keicho's stand user hunt.
3) did you used to ship your f/o with anyone before realizing you wanted to ship them with yourself?: nah
4) do you feel like you have to defend your f/o all the time?: yes. Unfortunately.
5) what’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about your f/o, either on the internet or irl?: that he has any kind of feelings for angelo. Like bruh wtaf?! Anytime i hear this shit i wanna punch anyone who said that. Sorry not sorry.
6) what are some tropes that fan art of your f/o tends to follow?: army brat. Tsundere hard ass. Older brother that gets all the bullshit unfortunately. Etc
7) did your f/o deserve better?: yes! God fucking yes. Good lord!
8) do you even like the source your f/o comes from or do you only watch it for them & nothing else?: i do
9) do you distance yourself from other fans of your f/o or their source?: sometimes
10) how did you feel when you realized “oh of course i had to like That Character”?: honestly i dunno. His first appearance i felt bad for him. But watching it a 2nd time i kinda thought he was cute. Plus... his stands dope af. And im a fan of hard rock and metal so...it's only a matter of time that i fell for this lad.
11) do you think it’s better to have a copious amount of content for your f/o, even with the risk of finding a lot of ship art, or better to have a lot less?: sometimes
12) aren’t you tired of being nice? this is an excuse to rant.: Ok look keicho again isn't a bad guy. Did bad things,made dumb decisions. Got involved with the wrong crowd. But never....ever....didn't care about his family. That's a fact. Keicho deserves so much better than what fans give him. He took the brunt of abuse,the brunt of bullshit. Took on the role to take care of his younger brother. Because their father couldn't. Keicho gave up a lot of shit so okuyasu could have a normalish life. He was hard on oku sure. But some of that shit is both from trying to "toughen" oku the only way he knew how. The world aint candy rainbows. Not to say keicho wasn't a dick but what sibs aint dicks to each other sometimes. Plus,their living conditions? Who would be 100% happy rainbows in that house? After what they went through? (Course i hc after the events of diu,they rebuilt the home and helped out okuyasu and in my au where keicho lives,keicho gets his own place) like fr. Keicho isn't a bad dude. He's like any dude really. He has pride,hurt,loneliness,fear but doesn't wanna show it,lots of shit bottled up so he could protect his bro so he wouldn't worry. And focus on better things. Like being a bigger sibling isn't fucking easy. You worry,you gets pissed at them. But god forbid anyone ever hurts them. That's a boundary that nobody should ever cross. Keicho nijimura has so much potential as a character,yet in canon was wasted. And it's sad nobody wants to write that. Nor does anyone wanna actually write a character's growth. Properly. It's infuriating.
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