#I genuinely don't ever know what to say to such heartfelt messages
runningwithscizzorz · 6 months
Not an actual ask but I just wanted to say, your art and art style and just everything you do is absolutely amazing and great and gorgeous and I admire your work so so much. I started following for the lmk content but when you started posting about cotl it brought me back in a game I adore but completely forgot about it, and I just needed to thank you for it I missed those silly characters without even realizing it
keep up the good work and thanks a lot for all those amazing things you do
This is so SWEET??😭 I'm so glad I brought you back to something you enjoy! I really hope you like the upcoming comic pages I'm working on, I love you guys!!✨
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tea-stained · 7 months
we NEED to talk about Cioccolata and Secco.
they are so fucked up. and so beautiful. their chemistry does things to me. the way they interact, think about each other, the way they perceive each other, it's so interesting. i love how disgusting they are. i love the way they are portrayed. i love everything about them.
Cioccolata is this absolutely sadistic, awful piece of shit human being, willing to do everything and anything to satisfy this morbid curiosity of his, never looking at anyone's feelings, probably never experiencing empathy for all of his life, checking just where the breaking point for people is, as if that was the only thing that matters in this wretched world. as a child he'd get pristine grades, constant praise. no faults, it would seem. none at all. i love how he pretty much has no real reason or explanation for his actions, other than a mere it's fun, it's interesting. it's so... cold. so horrifying. so raw, so real.
at the same time, this man is so unbelievably loving towards Secco; is it because he is the only one who understands this passion? because this is the only one who accepts him for who he is? the only one who has seen this side of him without dying or ignoring it? or is it because of that ass NONONO back on track. i am so in love with this contrast. he loves Secco dearly and deeply, no doubt in that. he cares about him, just as much as himself - yes, this selfish man! yes, this man who would murder innocent people in cold blood because of curiosity! yes, this man who would make the elderly kill themselves just for his sick, twisted idea of fun! he takes extra care - knowing it might cost him his life if he makes any sounds - just to send Secco a voice message, praising, reassuring, guiding him. and, honestly? the second voice message feels so heartfelt. "You need to let go". "Only you can do this". Cioccolata probably knows he's as good as dead at this point. these are not the actions or words of someone who is really, truly just using someone. he doesn't need to do any of this. and yet, he goes an extra mile, only to increase Secco's chances of survival.
and when Secco realises, he's... furious. he's mad. they were going to be invincible. undefeatable. this was supposed to prove them more powerful than the boss himself! how dare Cioccolata lose? this feels like an attempt at disconnecting himself from Cioccolata fully. if he says Cioccolata was weak, he is still strong. Secco is better, he didn't lose. it's so defensive.
but now, what really, really gets me about Secco's reaction is a specific line:
"That's why I felt safe following your orders."
this makes me feel so much. so, so, so much!! it makes me wonder about Secco. so much is unknown about him, but this implies lack of the general feeling of safety in his life before meeting Cioccolata. i can't help but wonder, just how he became his patient... and how they managed the get along.
Secco confessing this means so much. you don't just feel safe around anyone. i do genuinely believe he is mad at Cioccolata for losing, but this also reads like a breakdown, somehow. grief is weird. denial is weird. anger is weird. especially when they all melt together.
to Secco, by dying, Cioccolata is betraying every promise he's ever made.
but at the same time, Secco is emotional. Secco is the type of person to just get carried away by whatever he feels.
i'm in love with the way he's drawn, animalistic like that, his teeth, spit. how nothing is visible other than his eyes and mouth. it's such an interesting choice, much like him stuttering and admitting that Cioccolata tossing sugar cubes is also something he felt safe because of.
they did love each other.
and i feel like it's somewhat poetic, how they both end up in the "combustible trash" truck. at the end, they are both worthy of each other. same trash. that's why i love them.
i can't stop re-reading the chapters they appear in. i need to rewatch their episodes, too, they are straight up calling me.
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starsunderwaterr · 1 year
Comfort with the Idols + Agents! (pt. 1)
Hey guys! I really do apologize for the late posts. Trying to manage my time better. Not even gonna hold you all, my week's been pretty ass, and I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we could all use a little bit of comfort from our favorite cephalopods. Enjoy guys, love you ♡
I'll just be doing Squid Sisters for this part bc I am currently on a plane traveling home and I am off the extremely desired two hours bro
All characters are 18+
Minors DNI
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Girlie knows exactly when you’re upset
She can just read you that good because she’s the same way way herself
She can tell when you’re upset based on your body language, and she’ll do her best to be there for you
She’ll start by sending a few texts, but of course, it depends on the situation
‘Heyyy!! I noticed you were really off today and I just wanted to make sure you were feeling okay!!! (≧◡≦) ♡ let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!! ♡ ♡’
She doesn’t always want to press, but if you let her in, she’ll be all over you (in a good way)
Anything you need, she’ll get, and she means it
Water, candy, your favorite takeout place, a gun
In all seriousness, if you ask her to come over, she will bring a whole bunch of your favorite comfort things, go on a whole spending spree just for you so that you can feel better
She's definitely gonna make you something hot and warm, grab a blanket, and sit down with you on the couch to talk
Will take your hands and hold them with such gentle care omg>>>
Her hands are also super soft???? Like, girlie takes such good care of her skin
So she's holding your hands and she's just looking at you in your lil sad burrito
The softest voice, "Hey, it's gonna be alright. Tell me what's going on..."
You can't help but tell her, she's just so comfortable to be around
Halfway through telling her, you burst into a sob, and instantly her arms are around you
Will hold you gently but securely so that you feel safe
Will rub your back and kiss your head
Is like,,,, scarily calm but genuinely worried about you, especially because it's not every day that you break down in her arms
“It’s okay to cry, (Y/N). Just let it out. I’m here.”
Her voice is always so gentle and calming, and she’s surprisingly a good listener when things get serious
Holds you until you tire yourself out, and even then, she’s not going to let go unless you make the move or say so
And she’s really going out of her comfort zone for you, since she gets extremely antsy after sitting for long periods of time, so she really does care for you
Will stay with you for however long you need, grabs you anything you ask for
Will try to sympathize with you through her own stories and whatnot
“You don’t ever have to hide it from me because eventually I will figure it out anyways!”
Okay nah but like why is it actually cute when she threatens you like that
Causes your chest to swell just a tad
Will literally stare at you before saying like the sweetest/most adorable thing ever
"You know I'm really happy I met you. I know I don't say it enough but thank you for being my friend and so much more."
Will literally bring you to tears like-
You had a bad day but your girlfriend just swoops in and brings you a care package, cuddles, AND A HEARTFELT MESSAGE LIKE HUH??????
We fr love Callie, she a real one <3
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So, Marie is observant, but maybe not in the way you'd think
She will notice changes in your behavior, but she doesn't say anything until it concerns her (AKA when she can get enough evidence to tell that you are not normal HDSHHHD)
Will notice you get either really quiet or way too bubbly (even if you are naturally)
Eyes you suspiciously and will stare into your soul before then having her aha moment
“So there is something wrong, you just didn’t want to tell me.”
You can’t really keep a poker face after that, I’m afraid
She’ll stare into your soul and glare at you (lovingly, of course) with her arms crossed over her chest
“Come on, (Y/N). Can’t fool me with that crap.”
Will soften up though once you respond, especially if you try to push her away or get snappy
“You don’t have to tell me, of course, but… I am worried about you.”
If you want your space, she’ll leave you be, but she’ll check up on you after a few hours
She knows the importance of and loves her alone time, so if you want it, she will, by all means, give it to you
After a few hours, she stands in the doorway, knocking softly on the doorframe, “Hey (Y/N)?”
Marie is usually very dry and nonchalant, but she has some care in her voice
Will look at you with soft, saddened eyes as you’re in your little sad burrito, trying to remain as gentle as she can be
Walks over and just scoops you up, even if you're heavier than her, SHE'LL MAKE IT WORK OKAY-
Holds you in her lap and will cradle you close
and yes her face is bright red and she's embarrassed but she's doing this for you bro
Will gently stroke your head and kind of hum gently as she does
I see Marie as a sort of grandma type (I mean, Callie calls her one all the time-) so I can see her literally holding you and crotcheting or something while you just relax against her
Will occasionally mumble something about a stitch pattern and kiss your head, or she'll talk quietly with you as she does it and holds you
Might crack the occasional joke to try and cheer you up
Will be stitching you a little cat/bunny hat, will look back at it, then at you, then back at it again, then back at you and just-
"Yeah, you'll look reallll ugly in this.-"
Will give you a look like YOU DID SOMETHING LIKE WHAT-
It works tho bc girlie gets you giggling out of pure confusion and caught-off-guardness (yes, that's a word bc i said so)
She doesn't actually mean it tho, I mean, come on, you're her partner of course she thinks you're gorgeous
Obvi if you're really upset she won't say that, but her dry and emotionless humor is a love language she uses to try and cheer you up
She loves you fr fr <3
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birbliophile · 15 days
Hello, I hope you don't mind me sending this to your asks box. I couldn't really figure out where to best send the message, but I really wanted to express my heartfelt appreciation for The Taste of Goodbye, so I just decided to send it as an ask. I cannot properly express my gratitude with words alone, but it's worth a try.
First of all - and I'm starting to sound like a broken record here - I obsess over so many aspects of Dungeon Meshi and its characters. One of those aspects I obsess over is Marcille, and how she'd cope with inevitably outliving everyone she holds dear. I think she'd manage, but I wanted to see more stuff exploring that in particular. I've seen comics about it. Beautiful little snippets that leave a hole in my chest and a rope neatly tied around my lungs, but this is the first time I've discovered an actual story about it. And not just any story. No, no no… It's an expertly crafted masterpiece, written in a way that makes me feel emotions I didn't even know I could still feel.
I can't go into detail without spoiling anyone in case this is responded to, but what I can say is that each chapter is unique. With each passing comes a new banquette, and with each new banquette come valuable memories, which can be cherished forever. Sure, they're gone, but their memories and legacy remain. Even if everybody who remembers you has passed away, the world is ever changing and worth exploring. It is worth it to cherish every moment, even if you're the last one standing. You only live once, and every moment of life has meaning. I think Chapter 9 and 10 have some of the most touching, saddening and simultaneously beautiful and hopeful conversations ever. After dwelling on Marcille's lifespan for so long, I'm almost kind of ashamed I never discovered this story before, but now that I've read it, I am eternally grateful.
Your writing style is so perfect for this, the narration describing each action worked wonders for my vivid imagination, and I had no trouble whatsoever imagining these scenes as though they were actually happening. Reading about Marcille's reaction to each passing, as slowly but surely she outlives everyone she loves... It's heartbreaking. The agony of parting is almost palpable. Like a thick smog clogging up my lungs as tears stream down my face. But with each passing, there's a silver lining. Their memories and legacy remain. The people they met, the friends they made, they hold onto those memories and cherish them.
On a more personal note - which I think is necessary to properly convey my gratitude for having read this story - it's almost like coming full circle with the story of Dungeon Meshi and how it affected me. I've attended plenty of funerals, and I felt just as distraught, yet simultaneously hopeful reading this story as I did when I was attending those funerals. At some point though, I stopped caring. I was tired of mourning and shedding tears, and so I stopped crying. I desensitized myself so I no longer had to face the pain of loss, and it's made me very out of touch with my emotions. Dungeon Meshi was the first story I ever read, where I resonated with its characters as deeply as I did. For the first time in years, I was crying, and it hurt. Physically. I genuinely thought I was having a heart attack or broke my ribs, because I hadn't actually felt true sadness in such a long time that my mind and body almost felt like they were at odds with one another, as though my mind was out of practice with emotions, and my body was all too eager to teach it.
Dungeon Meshi has so many themes that stuck with me, and it drove me to feel something again. Something more than weird sensations stapled down under years of desensitization. In a sense, reading this story, about Marcille attending her friends' funerals, is like coming full circle. I was looking forward to reading this because it explored a topic I'm deeply interested in, but now that I finished it, it feels like it completed the story for me in a way not even the post-ending comics could. I wasn't expecting that, but I'm very glad.
I'm sorry if this is kind of an awkward rant, and I'm sorry if it's way longer than actually necessary, but I really wanted to express just how grateful I am I found your story. I am privileged to have experienced this, and my only regret is that I'll never be able to experience it the same way again. I look forward to reading more of your stories.
Thank you.
Wow! Imagine my surprise and delight to get such a kind and extensive comment about The Taste of Goodbye in my inbox! I needed quite a bit of time to compose my response, so here it is:
Marcille’s lifespan being so integral to the themes of Dungeon Meshi is something that also captivated me when I read the manga, and part of the reason I started writing TTOG was because at the time, the fandom was still growing exponentially and there weren’t a ton of fics on ao3 about Marcille and outliving her friends. 
Grief has always been a major theme in my writing, which I honestly only recently kind of figured out. I often say I like happy, fluffy stories, and that is still true—a lot of my works are rather comedic in nature. But grief—the pain of loss, the way it can tear you apart and ache like a wound that will never fully go away, it’s something I find deeply human and fascinating to explore. 
But it’s not really the pain that I find myself drawn to. It’s the love. There’s a quote from the game God of War: Ragnarok that stuck with me a lot and that I’ve thought about every time I write a new grief piece, and it goes like this: 
“The culmination of love is grief. And yet we love despite the inevitable, we open our hearts to it…To grieve deeply…is to have loved fully. Open your heart to the world as you have opened it to me, and you will find every reason to keep living in it.”
It’s a fantastic summary of everything I adore when I write about grief. To write about grief is to write about love, about remembering everything that was good and bad that will never be again, but will always be carried in the hearts of those that survive. Similarly, when I write about death I like to highlight the beauty of life, of change, of what makes life worth living.  
Every life is celebrated, wonderful in its own way, and no life is wasted if there is love in it.
I’m so glad that Dungeon Meshi was such an important piece of art for you, to get you to experience sadness and catharsis in such a powerful way. It’s so cool that art can do this kind of thing! I think good art is deeply important to humanity for this reason—it’s like carving out a piece of your soul and having it resonate with others like the song they never knew they were aching for. 
TTOG is one such piece of my soul, and I’m both immensely surprised and grateful that it’s touched so many people. It might come as a surprise to many that I wouldn’t consider it my magnum opus—I didn’t set out to make it the best thing ever, I just wanted to write a story I hadn’t seen yet in the fandom, and like you said, to bring the story full circle regarding the themes around Marcille, life, and food. In fact, there are a few lines that I’m like “hm, I could’ve done better” and often I’m like “has no one noticed that I forgot the beach I mentioned in Chapter 5 does not exist?” 
But I was very genuine when I wrote it—with all my writing I approach it with emotions that it would be easy to play cool or be ironic about. And I think it’s very clear in my narration how much weight and feeling I give to grief and to love. Which means I’m pretty satisfied with TTOG in the end! 
You absolutely don’t have to apologize for sending me this, I can’t express enough how happy it makes me to get comments from people about how much they enjoyed the writing I create! To have your creation be so meaningful and inspire such deep emotions in others is truly one of the greatest achievements for an artist. 
I don’t know if I’ll ever write anything that hits that hard for so many people again, but I do have a few concepts cooking that might end up having a similar energy to TTOG if I find the energy to complete them. 
Since I mainly write for the Dr. Stone fandom, it may take some time for me to come back to my Dungeon Meshi projects. But I’m happy to see that if/when I do start posting more Dungeon Meshi writing, I’ll definitely have an audience of people who really enjoy my style and themes.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts about TTOG with me, and I hope you have a lovely day.  
Oh, and to anyone wondering, the fic mentioned here can be read on ao3 as The Taste of Goodbye by Birbliophile (that’s me, of course!) Warning for BIG end-of-manga spoilers!!
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chrishoughton · 10 months
i have been a big city greens fan from the very beginning and i recently just started rewatching it with my best friend who’s never seen it before. she lives over a thousand miles away in another state and it’s so hard being apart, but every night we get on the phone and watch BCG together through disney+. it has been one of highlights of my weeks lately.
I relate so much to Gloria, more than i wish i did sometimes, as a barista currently trying to make it as an artist and dreaming of going to paris hahaha. I love her.
all of this to say that i am so thankful for big city greens and the characters, it is so real and so funny and such a comfort to me. when BCG came out i had just started art school and it was a huge inspiration and continues to be today as i have grown and learned. my dream was and still is to make something as heartfelt and genuine as BCG one day. I’ve come close to giving up so many times and this year especially has been really difficult in a lot of ways, but rewatching your show has reminded me of what i set out to do in the first place. it has helped me find that motivation again.
thank you and Shane for creating such a gem, you have no idea how much it means to me. I hope you and your family had a wonderful thanksgiving!
(and since this wasn’t a question and you got on me for that last time i sent you a message, I’ll end with this:
what are cricket and tilly’s favorite songs of all time, respectively, and why? I would love to know so i can add them to my big city playlist :’)
thank you again!!)
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Oh man, this made my day! Thanks for sharing. It makes me really happy to hear that BCG (and Gloria) is so special to you. I love that you watch it with your friend over the phone. That's adorable??? And it's surreal to hear that BCG is such an inspiration to you because I remember being in art school and wondering the same questions. "Will I ever be able to make something as cool/inspiring/original as ______??"
As cool as it is to be inspired by stuff you like, it can easily become discouraging (at least this is my experience.) Think of all of the artwork/songs/films we've missed out on because artists have talked themselves out of completing their project. Tragic!
It's important to remember that you'll never make anything like BCG (or anything you're inspired by) and that's a good thing! Whatever you create, will go through your individual "filter." It really will be unique because there's no one like you. No one has your exact experiences, perspectives, and outlook on life. Just keep making stuff that feels personal and honest to you and you're bound to make something interesting and unique.
And to answer your question (thank you for finally following the RULES)... Cricket's favorite song would probably be ever-changing depending on his current mood. But I like to think that Gene Autry's "Don't Fence Me In" is quietly playing on loop in the back of Cricket's brain. I could see Tilly loving Mama Cass's "Make Your Own Kind of Music."
Best of luck with the rest of art school!
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gaykey · 1 year
Jonghyun said: “The relationship between artist and fans is not only something always beautiful. We expect, disappoint, impress, get angry with each other. It’s a relationship of a person to person that goes through these emotions several times."
I thought it might maybe help in a long run. I don't know, sorry if it's nonsense. I also just wanted to say that I'm only ever lurking real hard around here because I'm shy, but I love your blog no matter what's it about. I absolutely love reading what you have to say about literally anything. I find you interesting and kinda look up to you. (^////^)' <3 I hope you'll have a lot of gentle, good days ahead. You deserve it. Take care.
hello anon!
thank you for this. jjong's infinite wisdom is always something i need to hear. he just knew what to say <3
so so lovely of you to say all that btw. i can't express how much i appreciate all the heartfelt and caring messages i've recieved over the last week. all the reassurance is genuinely so comforting, and just, makes my heart feel full.
i really hope you take care anon, and i am trying really hard too aswell xx
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onlyplatonicirl · 9 months
Hello HeadcANON here, late, but here nontheless to congratulate you ON TCOTI's fifth anniversary. To say this fic changed me would be an understatement.
It became something so much more than just a piece of fanfic.
It became a source of inspiration, of comfort, of joy. It became a reason for me to keep going, through anything really. Anything difficult I was dealing with, I knew I could do it because despite everything you've been through, whether minor or major, you persevered.
That and, if I hung up this hypothetical phone too early, I'd never get to hear the end of it, and I really, really wanna.
This fic meant and still means so much to me. You published it when we we're 13, now we're 18, and all throughout that time, my interest (if not obsession) with your fic and characters never dwindled. It only grew. It made me want to pick up writing again, and I did, and I still do. And, I hope you continue to do so, as well.
Genuinely, I'm glad to know how much this fic has changed your life, but I need you to know that on the flipside, it's changed mine and so many other people's lives as well. Whether by inspiring them to write their own stories or to begin drawing, or just giving them that same feeling of comfort and joy.
Thanks for everything, Lorel - HeadcANON
Under normal circumstances when I recieve a complimentary message I keysmash and spam a million heart emojis because I'm not the best at taking compliments, but I would be an absolute fool to not respond to this ask with the same sincere and heartfelt energy that you put into it.
I legitmately began to cry as I was reading this ask. It absolutely baffles me that I have literally impacted people's lives over something so silly and self indulgent.
I want you to know that I see and fully internalize every single person who has ever sent me a message like yours. To know that I am inspiring people to draw, to write, to create, to overcome challenges not based on my writing but from what I've been through myself, it's all I can really hope for in life. By all accounts, if my fic really did do everything you said it did for you, than I have quite literally succeeded in life. Even if it's only a handful of people, knowing I have helped them through dark times in their life, even inadvertently, means more to me than I could ever express in words. I am so incredibly happy.
Genuinely from the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful that I could help you all like this. And I know you know you've all helped me too. I hope even when my silly fanfic has finished writing, that we can all continue to support each other and go out into the world and raise more people up. I sound so insanely sappy and dumb right now, but about a couple of weeks ago one of my friends I met thru TCOTI flew out to come see me, and us plus a mutual friend hung out together in my appartment and talked and laughed and all watched movies together and I realized my life, and their lives as well, have been changed by this. Which is simply insane to me.
I hope that as I continue writing this story you all enjoy what I have to offer. I plan on updating by at least the 9th of January, but we'll see haha.
Have an amazing day headcANON and I hope you know how much love you have filled my heart with today. I don't think I will ever forget this message <3
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meiieiri · 10 months
Hi! I'm the anon from the Princess Diana comparison to your Prince Gojo story, I really loved your new chapter! As I expected. You also seem really smart, as I see you're a biopharmaceutical researcher if I remember correctly. But I could also tell by how beautifully you write.
Your new chapter really made me understand Gojo's character in your story so much more, even though he can be cruel I can see why he's so...messed up, no excuses for his lack of empathy or disgust towards people he deems as lower than him but his parents remind me so much of my own.
I couldn't for some reason stop thinking about what you wrote at the bottom of your message when I told you about my reaction to angst due to my depression, I genuinely couldn't stop thinking about it, it was so genuine and heartfelt to me even if I seem overdramatic by writing this because it may seem like a little to others, I don't know if I've ever gotten such a sweet message before, it was genuinely so kind of you. Even if it was short(NOT saying I think that's a bad thing I actually appreciated it more) it was so sweet💖🥺. It genuinely went straight to my heart😅🙃 which I don't think has happened before so thank you for that Hun💖
Anyway all dramatics aside, I can't wait to read more, of course reading your new chapter I cried for well everyone in the story actually. It was so beautifully written, better than most books that are deemed as "great modern romance novels" now and I feel like if you weren't in STEM, you'd do amazing in writing in general. Your works could be a literal book that sells incredibly well.
Anyway stay safe Hun and have a beautiful...well forever and everything 💖 of course I'll still be lurking 😅💖💖💖
Omg girl, I haven’t seen this ask! ✨💕 Thank you and I’m seriously blushing so much I think I’m gonna implode. Anyway, no worries about me comforting you, we gotta stick together even if some folks forget that sometimes and it’s not overdramatic at all for you to be expressing all this. Your emotions are valid. You matter. And though I am person you don’t even know, I see you and I can’t get enough of how enough you truly are.
And about me being in STEM, I actually just finished up with some heavy laboratory work and results turned out so great that I did a happy dance in my office and then proceeded to post this new chapter because the relief I feel after burning through my laboratory research fund is so satisfying because that means I could write more frequently now. I can’t wait to hear more from you and I hope you always stay safe and a thousand hugs to you, nonnie! 💕💕💕
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sst-confessions · 1 year
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hey, everybody i just wanted to let everybody know that, no, i'm not ignoring the asks, and i'm still sorting through them.
some of them... aren't particularly kind, but a lot of them are genuinely heartfelt messages that would be a shame to see collect dust in my ask box. i'll be posting as many as i can stomach. i'm sure you all know by now, but, i wanted to confirm, yes. key was the other administrator of this blog, they were the one who wrote the newsletters when they got the chance, and to be honest, for the past few months they've sort of run the whole operation, ever since they joined. key truly did love this blog, and loved what we did. i'm not sure if i can keep it going in the same way that they did. i don't know. i need to think about it. for a while, i've wondered if this blog was a good thing, if i was just hurting everybody by keeping it. around but today, i see this huge outpouring of love and memories of key, and i think that we had to have done something right. i can't disgrace key's memory by saying it was all bad. they wouldn't want that.
things might be different. but i'll still be there. for key. and for all of you.
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hyunjinspark · 9 months
hello! i'm sorry if this may sound very weird since i don't know you personally, but i just wanted to say that your writing is absolutely beautiful and you actually inspire me a lot.
i've honestly read many books and fics but literally nothing tops slwy. slwy has a special place in my heart seriously, and i really wish you the best on it and i hope many people read it and i'm always gonna recommend it to any hyunjin stan who's trying to find fics to read. you're a really great writer please know that, and thank you for putting effort on it and taking your time on it, even though i already want chap 19 to be out, i don't want to rush things out and i'd say that you should take your sweet time on it!
this may sound crazy but i've literally told some of my friends about it even though they don't read fics 😭 i literally love it so much and i actually mean it when i say this. please know that many people actually support you and love what you're doing, so please never ever give up. even though sometimes you might go through hard times that makes you think about quitting or maybe you're not motivated anymore, you should always know that we (your supporters) are gonna support you no matter what and i'm so happy i actually found you because you're ACTUALLY so talented and i really hope you know that.
and about chap 18 of slwy, I LITERALLY SCREAMED WHEN IT CAME OUT!
i was so happy you don't understand, i literally kept telling my friends about it the day you said that it's coming out this month! and it's so fucking good seriously, like the storyline is actually so good and the fact that you connect some chapters with the others just shows how much of a good author you are. hyunjin is actually very misunderstood in this story and it's making me so sad 😭 even though i actually did kinda hate his behavior before this chapter.. I LITERALLY FEEL SO BAD FOR HIM NOW
honestly i actually understand both hyunjin and y though. hyunjin is trying to protect yn at all cost because he doesn't want her to suffer the way kairi suffered with chan, but he also doesn't want to let go of her because he actually loves her so much. and for yn, i also understand her because she probably doesn't understand how much she'd actually go though if she dates hyunjin, but since she loves him so much she literally thinks that she doesn't care about anything and just wants to be with hyunjin. and i understand why she's mad because literally he gave her no explanation when he left and literally didn't even try to explain himself or give a reason beforehand which broke her a lot :(
anyways, we should actually thank you for being such a great author and i really love and enjoy reading slwy AND I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAP ALREADY 😭 and i’m actually hoping like REALLY hoping that in the future you actually publish a book about this because this is just pure perfection, and all of this is coming from my heart really ❤️
hello 👋🏻 that doesn’t sound weird at all, in fact, i appreciate that so much. i love that you recommend it to others, that is so sweet. your entire message is just such a heartfelt sentiment ! wow and none of that sounds crazy dw. i share fics with my non-fic friends all the time, it’s the fun of it ☺️
you understand both their characters so well ! he’s definitely misunderstood at this point. yn certainly doesn’t know the extent of how had it could be but like you said, she also doesn’t care about it so it’s impossible for her to fathom why he’s so hellbent against it :(
thank you so much, love, this is so genuine and im reallly feeling blessed. im happy you found me too
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HII im new here and i LOVE the way u write 😭😭🫶🫶 trust me when I say that when I stumbled upon ur prince!gojo fic i fell to my knees. The way u wrote about his devotion and feelings for the knight 🥹🥹🥹🥹 ITS SO GOOD i read some of Ur other fics and the way u write suguru is so perfect like i don't usually read suguru fics cause ppl usually tend to mischaracterize him but U WROTE HIM SO PERFECTLY and im here to just appreciate ur writing and ask if there are any books or films that inspired the way u write? Genuinely curious 🙏🙏
ANON 🥺🥺🥺😭😭 u r the absolute SWEETEST welcome to my silly lil blog!!!!! i cant tell u how much it means to get messages like this and knowing that ppl enjoy my writing T_T thank u so so much!! <333
and wahh!! the fact that u like how i characterize sugu is also such an honour to me…. ive said this before but i rly do think hes so complex and multifaceted so it means a lot to know ppl enjoy my version of him 🥺🥺
AND AND AND…… we are so linked anon. i was literally JUST thinking abt different writing sources that inspire me (bc there are a Lot psjdjs)……. 
i think that just in general i try to emulate the kind of writing that i like the most!! so my writing style is probably like… just one big patchwork of every book/movie/game ive ever loved LMAO. but here are a couple of the most prominent!! 
first off all… poetry!!! :D a lot of books have probably inspired me too but i think poetry especially!!! since its usually so full of imagery its just become a super big inspo source…. :’3 some of my absolute fave poets are frank bidart, clementine von radics, AAAAAAND richard siken <333 hes my favorite ever and inspires me sm. my fave poetry collection of his is war of the foxes literally every single poem in it is so jjk coded ……
aaaa but also…. poetry aside!! i love kurt vonnegut a lot. his writing is so nice!!!!!! i recommend him a ton!!!!!!!! 
AAAAND honestly anon…….. my biggest inspiration source ever ever ever when it comes to writing is disco elysium!!!!!!! its my fave game and honestly probably just my favorite writing source in general? if u havent played it or watched someone play it pls do urself a favor and do so….. the writing is so earth-shatteringly good and pretty it makes me jealous. it’s such a genuinely funny game too (but also so so heartfelt!!!)…. gosh. i love disco elysium like i love nothing else in this universe.
if u play it and then read my fics its GLARINGLY obvious how much its affected my writing i think psjdjd 😭😭 here r some quotes from it for reference!! they’re so good it makes me cryyy
the last dream will be total annihilation. cinders peeling off the fuselage.
a white mourning. a modern death. divorce, or something similar. all you can do is put more distance between you and him, make him smaller. make him less *you*.
”every combination of words has been played out. the atoms don't form us anymore: us, our love, our unborn daughters…”
”where *are* we, lieutenant kitsuragi?” ”in elysium,” he replies, “behind our eyes. like all human beings, detective. (…) the world is what it is. i’m glad to see you’re stable. keep it that way.”
SORRY im just. so genuinely obsessed w this game psjfjdj i seriously could not recommend it enough!!!!
aaaa but what abt u anon??? do u have any sources that inspire u? or general recommendations? 👀👀 i would love to hear em if so!!! <33
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step-on-me-khun · 2 years
How do you do ? I loved your writing about White with the empathic reader, somehow it melted my heart..so can I ask for a fluff scenario with him using 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 #12. “Come cuddle." Thanks..have a nice day~
hello. omg fluffy White, i hope i can do this and not make White ooc.
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warnings: none words: 829 taglist: @unexceptional-h @rizonacigaravenue @koi-chairowo @aoi-turtle @bangchanbin {message to be added}
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Losing was never an option for White. Well, it was one of his ideals. But he'd never be saddened by a loss. If anything, he'd let his anger get to him. His fighting spirit was something you did admire, but it did give you a sense of loneliness from him. Of course, accepting genuine affection was somewhat uncomfortable to him until he met you.
How could you teach a slayer to be more open? Bam had no problem being genuine, and people loved being around him.
White, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. Wanted a heartfelt conversation with him to figure out more about him? He'd instantly suspect you of spying or something else.
But what was it about you? You seemed naive at first, maybe a little too trusting, but something about you drew people in. You were forward with him, telling him you weren't strong. The weird thing is, he admired your honesty but watched you from a distance, eager to see if you were to surprise him.
When White gets annoyed, having you near him calms him down.
The last thing you expected was a friendship with someone like White, even less some sort of relationship.
White was someone whose mood would affect the room, and that's when you acted, letting him vent to you if he needed. You would tell him that you weren't scared of him, even when he was less than happy.
He didn't give you affection, but that didn't matter when he was as protective as hell. Not like he would tell anyone, but White could swear you were some angel. His ego didn't let him be a softie. White didn't have the personality to be soft or gentle with anyone, including you.
The way White paced the room, you knew something was wrong, even before he got up. You let him walk around a bit.
"Stressed?" You ask softly.
Nothing was said, not a single word. White was either thinking or ignoring you.
After a second, White stands still, his eyes meeting yours. "What makes you suspect that?"
"You just seem a bit distant,"
"I need more strong opponents to face," White starts, "I can't afford to keep losing battles,"
It was repetitive, but it was White in a nutshell. He wanted to be feared, and White would do anything to achieve that.
"Do you need me for anything?"
"What? No. Why would I? You're not someone that will make me stronger,"
"Well, if that's the case, I'll let you think things through," you announce as you stand up.
"And when did I ever say you could leave?"
You stare at him for s second, waiting for some explanation as to why you shouldn't leave. "Do you need some quiet to think?"
"I have you here because you calm me," White starts, "you have this weird effect on me, and I hate it,"
Your expression stayed neutral, he could mean what he said as a compliment or an insult, and you learned to accept comments he gave you as an insult.
"Tell me what you need from me," you say, sitting back down.
"I don't know," his pacing continues, and the room begins to feel tense again. What could you do to calm him?
"White, look at me,"
Again, he stands still and looks at you. How could you not be scared of him when he's angry? Easy, why would he hurt you if he values you so much?
"Are any words going to stop you from worrying?"
"Of course not,"
"Then come cuddle,"
White stood there, a little confused as to what you just said.
"Come cuddle," you pat the space beside you, "you said that words wouldn't help. So why not? It might help you calm down a bit,"
Were you for real? Was this some sick prank or joke? You were trustworthy in White's eyes, so why was he hesitating?
"I'm not going to snitch on you. It's just us,"
The way you spoke was so soothing. You were treating him like an adult and were taking him seriously.
White makes his way over to you, suspicious of you.
"Stop being an ass already. I'm not doing anything malicious,"
As he sits beside you, you slowly wrap your arms around him, bringing him closer to you. At first, White was a little tense, but after a few seconds, he melted into you.
"See, that wasn't difficult," you say in a low voice, your fingers sifting through his hair, nails slightly scratching his scalp. Your touch prompted him to close his eyes.
"I hate that you've made me,"
"You're free to move away from me if you want,"
"I didn't say anything about not wanting this," his head lay on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. You were breathing so softly that it was making him sleepy. It was warm, and you had no complaints. Being around you made him question a lot of things.
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please don't steal or translate
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llycaons · 11 months
ep50 (3/4): tender romance time. painful decisions time. beautiful conversations time. threat time. music time. travel time
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he's still playful, here. excited, goofy. he doesn't know, yet
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and the camera focuses on lwj as wwx's joy fades into the background...lwj's frozen face this entire sequence is really painful. dude.
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this is heartbreaking...wwx was so excited and now it must feel like he's being let down once again. and by someone he really thought he could trust. and it's not like lwj ever lied to him, or intended to hurt him, it's just...he can't. he can't
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and you can see the dawning understanding here in wwx's eyes because he understands, he does. it just hurts. I can tell why book fans got angry at this scene. but cql lwj takes his responsibilities very seriously, which is something that cql wwx also appreciates and admires. but it still hurts
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it's hard to tell but he's about tearing up here. swallowing, biting his lip. he's really trying to hold it together. but there doesn't even need to be an explanation, does there? he must know why
in the uncensored Japanese version, this scene comes immediately before the reunion, then the show ends at CR. but I actually like this version so much more, because lwj and wwx are warm to each other in the next few scenes but nothing fundamental feels like it's changed in their relationship. with the reunion, it feels like a definite change. the censorship worked for me metatextually in that we know we can't see what happens next because it's explicit. so it felt like a more definite romantic reunion and a change to their living situation bc wwx doesn't wish to stay forveer in CR. otherwise, it feels like, what's the point of wwx leaving and returning? to get used to being in the world again, I guess, but does anything really change upon his return? that's my reading
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this is an intriguing scene. lwj playing at the pond, and wwx walking down and joining him. what, did lwj leave a message at the house for him?
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don't remember why I screenshotted this. maybe because of his clothing - oh yeah! he wears the exact same robes for every CR scene in this little interlude. I really don't think it all happened in the same day. mysterious, maybe wwx just really liked that robe set
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see this is what I'm talking about! wwx is giving him eyes over his dizi and lwj is just *shyly looks down* like he has since they were 15. no if they're together I want to imagine lwj would stare back, finish the set, then walk over and kiss wwx on the mouth
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I really like the lyrics to wuji! I always have - especially the one about old flames never dying, it fits
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yes the vow!!! it's so important to me that wwx made this vow 35 episodes ago, and lwj made a matching one right beside him! deep down they truly share the same ideals and goals, and their hearts have finally been able to align after many trials and tribulations. soulmates from the very start, it just took a while to get there
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I LOVE this scene!!! wwx pleased with lwj, for taking on the cc role - surely he has some complicated feelings about that, but he's congratulating lwj because he trusts him and he knows he'll do well and live up to his name
and I read the meta for this scene so long ago, but lwh turning it right back around is so important! wwx, who must have felt like he'd failed so many times, who tried so hard to do good and was faced with unexpected consequences and unintended disaster time and again. here's the person who he trusts more than anyone saying, you did it. you stayed true to your ideals, your young and innocent goals carried through. you deserve the name your parents gave you, and you still embody everything you ever hoped to. it's one of the most heartfelt and meaningful things anyone has ever said in this show. it's beautiful
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didn't the rock used to be huge? also this is a really beautiful part of CR. ALSO where did all those new rules come from? are we to assume it's bc wwx is living there?
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this is genuinely a funny scene but the tense laughter is SO good
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on god every time I see this shot I'm like 'he looks like a mob boss with that hair' also he's so young-looking and short it's impressive that jl is able to pull off this world-weary middle-aged man energy
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personally I like "As for me, I'm a simple man,' more. welp, that's it for everyone else? where's lxc? don't worry about it he's fine
actually without it ever being specified, the audience doesn't know why lwj is staying. man, he must have looked like a real unloving asshole for refusing to go with wwx. but I didn't know about lxc going into seclusion my first time watching and it made sense to me. their sects just went through a lot, and lxc is in a bad way, also the cultivation world's in shambles. someone's gotta go and help sort all that out etc.
...unless we're meant to assume lxc is going into seclusion because lwj doesn't leave? or because he was offered cc in the brief moments before ditching the temple? many mysteries. all I know is, lwj wouldn't stay if he didn't have to, and it makes for some delicious ansgt, and they trust each other, and wwx admires lwj's commitment, and wwx has to go. he has to go and lwj has to stay. just for a little while
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beeb222 · 2 years
Toga x GenderNeutral!Reader Angst
Summary: You see your gf Toga for the first time in months, and instead of a heartfelt reunion, all your worries come spilling out. You both realize something has to change.. but will you be brave enough?
My phone dinged loudly and I flinched, sighing. It was probably just my mom nagging me to do a chore or a meme my brother sent. No one else would be texting me.
I turned on my phone and squinted at the brightness, clicking the notification. It was an unmarked number, and my heart almost stopped. Could it be...? I hadn't heard from her in so long!
The message read: "Hiii lovely!!"
Something tapped on my window and I sat up, giggling like an idiot. I slid open the window and stepped back, watching as someone flipped neatly through.
Toga grinned and launched herself at me, enveloping me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up, holding her as close as I possibly could. I lost my balance and we sank to the floor. I buried my face in her neck and inhaled her sweet scent, twisting my hands in the folds of her familiar school uniform. She clung to me just as desperately, grabbing my face in her hands and peppering me with kisses.
"Y/N." She whispered, holding my face close and looking at me lovingly. She smashed her lips to mine, her sharp canines biting my lower lip slightly.
My hands slipped under her sweater and she leaned into me. As I felt her warm skin, her lips, her, for the first time in months, something in me broke.
The kiss turned salty and Toga pulled away, sliding off of my lap.
"What's wrong, baby? Are you okay??" She asked with genuine concern. I cried even harder and she snuggled up to me, wiping my tears with her sleeve.
"Y/N, please don't cry! I'm sorry!"
I sniffled and looked her in the eye. "Don't apologize. You didn't-" my voice broke, "didn't do anything. I missed you so m-much."
Toga's confused smile turned into a pout. "I missed you too, baby! You know I did!! I miss you every second of every day!"
I mumble something into her shoulder and she stiffens. "Did you say I'm never ever around?"
I nod and press my face down harder, trying to hide.
"Aw, Y/N! Look at me, please?!"
I sit up slightly and look her in her beautiful amber eyes. I'm rewarded with a quick kiss.
Toga grabs my hands, and we're now sitting face to face, both of us cross-legged.
"Hey- It's okay! I know I'm not here very often, and I cant text or call or anything, but I promise-"
"You don't get it!" I sob. "I love you so much and I only get to see you, what, once every three months? You could be dead for all I know, Toga! I- I need you, and I have nightmares about your bloodied body every night, and I'm just so fucking lonely-!" I break off, unable to continue with how hard I'm crying.
The blonde girl's eyes widen and her lip quivers. "What?" She pauses and laughs sadly. "You think I don't get it? It's hard for me, too! It shouldn't have to be! It's not my fault, okay? I'm sorry you worry about me, but I promise I'm okay!"
"You don't understand!"
Toga pulls away, her hands trembling. She buries her fingers in my carpet and takes a deep breath. "I do understand! I love you just as much, if not more, than you love me, okay? I dream about you, too! Sometimes it's a happy dream, but a lot of the time I see you dead! It's always one where I wake up wanting for you! You think I haven't noticed how sad you get? Do you think I don't hate myself every day for what I put you through? Everyday I hope that you realize how much better off you'd be without me!"
She pulls her knees to her chest and turns so I can't see her tear-streaked face. She takes another deep breath and stands up, walking towards the window. I scramble to my feet and reach for her hand, holding it tightly. "Toga, I'm sorry. You're right- we both have it rough, and I'm sorry for being so wrapped up in myself I didn't notice you were hurting. I can only imagine how you must feel, but-"
She spins to face me. "Is it worth it? Am I- Are we w-worth it?" Her face is bright red, one of her buns has come undone, and I realize this is the first time I've seen my girlfriend cry, and the first "real" argument we've had.
"Yes!" I say immediately.
"We can't do this anymore." The blonde states, but steps back into my room. "It's hurts. It hurts so fucking much. I need to- I- Y/N, I-" She stands on the windowsill again, peering into the darkness below, and then turning to face me again.
"Take me with you." I blurt.
She almost falls over and I tug her hand, pulling her into me. I hug her tightly and say it again. "Take me with you, please. I've been thinking about it for a while, and I want to join the League!"
"Y/N?! It's dangerous!"
"Everything is dangerous when you live in a superhuman society."
"...Yes, but I'm a villain! I'm always in hiding! I'm one of the most wanted in the country!"
"I know that- and because you're always running, so am I! I haven't been to school in half a year! My quirk isn't weak, I would be an asset. I don't care about all the people I'd hurt anymore- I'm tired of us being hurt because of the rules they forced on us. I just want to be with you, and I'm stupid for not realizing it sooner! Fuck morals, fuck everyone- it's their fault I can't just be with you!"
Toga, completely reenergized, easily breaks out of my hug and skips around my room, stopping every time she passes me to kiss me. She makes a few loops before she decides she wants longer kisses, and falls flat on her back, taking me with her. She presses her lips to mine and I happily let her, not resisting at all when her hands start to wander. "Y/N," She mumbles against my neck, "I promise you won't regret this."
Later, I was laying on a beanbag, cuddling with Toga. It was dark in the LOV's hideout, and we didn't get a bed, but she was here. I hadn't spent a full night with her since... ever.
She rolls over and buries her face in my chest, humming happily. "I love you so much!"
"I love you, too. Very much." I say as my eyes start to close.
That night, I sleep fully for what has to be the first time since we've started dating.
♡🗡 (1165 words) 🗡♡
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xoxoemynn · 1 year
Heya, no pressure to respond but, for what it's worth, my thoughts are with you and, I'm sending only the best vibes to you. I lost both of my parents in 2021 and, regrettably, caught COVID right before I was supposed to have their celebration of life. Loss can be so profound, and not feeling like yourself during that time just adds insult to injury. It doesn't fix anything, but know that you have a whole internet worth of people on your side, hoping for the best for you. ❤️
This is so incredibly kind. Thank you for sharing, and I'm so sorry for the loss of your parents. That you would take that kind of heartbreaking experience and use it to give me comfort says so much about you and truly I don't think I've ever had such an empathetic anon.
I've been thinking about this message all afternoon since you sent it and I still don't feel like I have adequate words to describe how much it means to me. So please just accept my heartfelt thanks and know you genuinely brightened my day during a really rough time. 💕
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substantialshordy · 2 years
i want to... no i NEED to act like you don't exist. like we didn't ever happen. u are not real. not even a fever dream, a nightmare or message sent to warn or guide me. i don't know who u are. and i don't feel right saying; i want the worst to fucking happen to u. if karma doesn't hit urself personally i NEEED it to hit the people u care about most. whether it be ur mom, brother, sister, best fucking friends, aunts and uncles, ur fucking new loves idc karma needs to destroy u from the root. and this is coming from the darkest parts of me. bc for the longest i wished u nothing but good/happiness and love.. even after u scream "FUCK YOU" and u took that and me for granted. i hope it all catches up w u and u drown in ur own sorrows. i hope it makes u feel like the worthless piece of shit that u are. i would give anything to see u in the same low ass fucking state u brought me to. u deserve wosre. future greatness, character development, future children u could have (god bless the woman that has them), the woman u decide to reside w, ur job, and u as an insignificant man, live w the lowest parts of the things u produced and accept it as ur life. i need u to crumble at the thought of the things u could've done better w me and the other girls. bc its all a reflection of what comes from ur decisions. and even before me u weren't making the greatess ones. it all has to do with ur insecurities and self awareness. u stroke ur ego with the love bombing, manipulation and pride. u are more than pathetic. it was never love between us. love lasts, u managed to turn everything i have had, every miligram of love i had for u, into hate. i would've tattooed ur name onto me and sadly carried ur children. be safe to the greatest/most chaotic/heartfelt/genuine love i have ever felt in my 24 yrs of living. u changed every prospect and concept of love for the worst. i hope and pray u r unwell and remember me always. i hope ur fam asks about me <3
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