#I gave it a fake Email just to see how it works
emile-hides · 2 years
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Me, everytime I get access to an AI chatbot: But what if we touched on the nature of humanity and the inevitable rise of machines as we continue to do what we can to give them the required sentience to be our companions
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qqueenofhades · 3 months
I think the Aaron Sorkin fic people are writing about the convention to be extremely silly. It's going to be Biden. And if Biden's health takes a downturn and he feels the need to step down its going tk be Harris. This fantasy where we skip over her to whip up two random white guys(or like maaaybe Witmer) and somehow cruise to victory instead of fragmenting the party months before the election is simply not going to happen.
Look, I'm just saying, I got an email from the Biden campaign this morning where they seemed pretty darn happy with the actual (i.e. not-bloviating media) results of the debate: $38 million raised in 4 days ($30 million from individual small-dollar donors), 10K new volunteers in a week, 3x surge in campaign volunteers for battleground states, essentially no change or even a modest boost in the polls. So I think at this point, we can cautiously conclude the following things:
The debate looked bad for Biden, perhaps, but doesn't seem to have hurt him nearly as much the incredibly bad-faith BIDEN NEEDS TO STEP DOWN NOW takes being pumped out by the NYT and its other compatriots would suggest. Especially when these same media outlets have been gleefully sabotaging Biden at every turn for years already and whose fake-sanctimonious hand-wringing "for the good of the nation" pieces honestly should get them dropped into Superhell for Bad Journalists;
Biden went to Raleigh NC right after the debate and gave a fiery rally speech that was very well received. Now, I don't know why we didn't have that Biden at the debate, but it was the same night and there clearly was not any "cOgnItiVe dEcLinE" happening there (also Biden has a stutter and has for literally his entire life, and had a cold on debate night, so it was just an unfortunate confluence of factors)
There are very few actually undecided voters in this election (once again: HOW???) and those who tuned into the debate were largely already convinced of which candidate they were voting for and this didn't do much to change their minds. Just like, you know, pretty much every other debate in the history of presidential elections.
Ordinary voters, and not mainstream media outlets with BIDEN IZ BAD goggles clamped over their eyes, were able to see Trump's insane Gish gallops, lies, and full-blown dementia; this isn't going to get any better for him when he's already lost 20%-25% of GOP voters in every state primary and still is going to be sentenced in his criminal trial;
The D.C. political elite screaming about how Biden should step down (FOUR MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION) and leave the Democrats to start from scratch with some Star Chamber-selected candidate with no money and no incumbency record and no organization apparatus and a divided party are either fucking weapons grade morons or working secretly for Trump, because that IS in fact the best way to lose the election;
Such speculation seems to fall chiefly on Gavin Newsom, who (to his credit) has shut down any and all suggestion that he should try to step in and take the place of an incumbent who has won every state primary with 90% or more, because he's remotely sane and understands that this year is too important to fuck around with;
I've somehow never seen any suggestion that Biden should step aside for the duly elected (brown, female) Vice President, because everyone seems to think some Young Miraculous White Guy is coming and/or should step in;
All this while SCOTUS is clearly so confident of Trump getting back in that it's willing to grant him Absolute God King status pre- and post-emptively;
Yes, Biden needs to up his game before the next debate (though that's on Fox News iirc, blargh), but I think it's far enough post-debate that we can say it was bad but did not sink him, and if anything, reinforced the fact to many ordinary, non-brainwormed voters that Biden is old (which has been the number one chief theme of news coverage for four years and is no surprise to anyone) but is a decent and principled man doing a good job, while Trump is an absolute gibbering insane orange shitmonger fascist. I don't think he did himself any favors in that regard.
....anyway. The point is, do not be fucking insane people, Biden is not going to step down and frankly shouldn't, don't read the NYT (as noted, they've openly admitted to sabotaging him for personal ego reasons so I don't know why the hell anyone would listen to what they have to say about him), this is still an eminently winnable election, and let's go get those motherfucking fascists. I want Trump in jail and all of SCOTUS and the MAGAGOP fucking crying over it because they fucking suck. Let's go.
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jjkamochoso · 26 days
Hashing Out the Hatred for Hoshina
Enemies to Lovers, fluff
Soshiro Hoshina x gn!reader
Request from Wattpad: Reader absolutely despises Soshiro and his smug attitude; what will happen when they accidentally get locked in a room together?
Warnings: small mentions of bugs, cussing
“Another celebration? We’ve been doing a lot of those recently,” you said at the end of your meeting with your superiors in which they announced yet another night of drinks and dinner for everyone in the Third Division. You weren’t complaining in the least bit—you just remembered the days when times like these were few and far between.
“Yes, but we’ve had much to be proud of lately,” replied Captain Ashiro.
“Or do you disagree with our most esteemed Captain, Platoon Leader L/n?” mused Soshiro Hoshina, your vice captain and source of extreme irritation and headaches each day of work. You hated that man with every fiber of your being. His laid back attitude paired with his propensity to tease people to their wits end bothered you immensely. You couldn’t stand the sound of his ferocious laughter, nor the way he would double over with tears in his eyes at anything he deemed remotely funny.
You especially hated when he spoke to you.
You faked a smile, ignoring the anger pooling in your chest at the wicked grin he was sending you. “Not at all, Vice Captain. I look forward to seeing you all later this evening.”
You bowed your head respectfully, signaling your departure. You raced out of the room before you could punch the smirk from Hoshina’s face.
You looked in the mirror and sighed as you put the finishing touches on your appearance. You always liked to look your best at these celebrations since it was the only time you had the chance to dress a little bit out of protocol. You slid your jacket over your well fitted casual outfit and walked down to where the food and drinks were being distributed. To your dismay, the caterers hadn’t begun preparing food yet; they had just shown up! You frowned, glancing at your watch. You looked around to ask one of your peers what was going on, but the only person there was—
Ugh. Hoshina.
You’d rather break all the glasses and walk on them barefoot before engaging in a conversation with that fox eyed, bowl cut idiot. However, the worst case scenario was unfolding before your eyes as he slinked over to you, hands in his pockets and fangs peeking out of his lips in a wide smile.
“You here to help set up?” he wondered.
You didn’t know how to answer. If you said yes, you’d be forced to stay with him and spend too much time next to that thorn in your side. If you said no, you’d look like a total jerk in front of the caterers.
“Of course. I thought it might be a show of good will since my enthusiasm for tonight was questioned earlier,” you told him, referring back to your previous conversation that day. Cue his boisterous laughter and you were already regretting not telling the truth so you could get out of there.
“Here I was, thinking you just hadn’t read the email with the change of time,” he howled, wiping tears from his eyes. You groaned internally.
That’s what I get for leaving my office early to shower before everyone else.
“Maybe you just wanted to spend some time with me,” he wondered aloud. This time it was you who burst out laughing.
“Me? Want to spend time with you? In your dreams, Hoshina,” you said, picking up a box of cutlery to put out on the table. The catering company workers gave you a grateful nod as they dashed around you and Soshiro, preparing the banquet.
“You’re much more pleasant in my dreams, L/n. Do you dream about me, too?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. You picked up a knife and set it down with extra force.
“Those kinds of dreams are called nightmares.”
This time, there was no laugh from Soshiro.
The rest of the setup went by quickly as you and Soshiro worked in a surprising state of silence. When the rest of your peers showed up, you gladly left to sit next to your unit, not wanting to entertain your vice captain any longer. You didn’t notice the questioning stares of your underlings as they spied you and Soshiro working suspiciously well together by yourselves; your disdain for the man was well known among the Third Division. Kafka and Kikoru giggled and theorized what that could mean while Reno just shook his head, not wanting to get involved. You, on the other hand, were completely unbothered as you ate and drank to your heart’s content, happy to have such a fulfilling meal after working hard all day and helping with the set up. As the night went on, you felt the temperature of the room go up so you slid your jacket off and placed it under the table.
“What were you and L/n doing here before everyone else?” asked Okonogi curiously, making Soshiro almost choke on his food.
“We both wanted to help set up so we came early,” he replied curtly.
“I see. And how was that?”
He narrowed his eyes. “Whaddya mean by that?”
“I think what Okonogi was getting at was the fact that you two don’t like each other,” explained Mina in her typical no nonsense fashion.
“Which I don’t get anyway,” Okonogi piped in.
“Eh? They’re just… too serious. Not my style,” he shrugged. “Besides, someone whose skin is that easy to get under should toughen up. So really, I’m being a good vice captain and helping them.”
Mina and Okonogi shared a glance and quietly agreed to move the conversation to a different topic.
Soshiro quickly regained his excitable spirit, entering into an easy conversation with his two close comrades when he stopped talking for a moment, seemingly distracted by something. The women looked over to where he was staring and they had to keep from gasping in shock.
He was completely enamored by you.
You had taken off your jacket which showed off your phenomenal outfit, garnering a strong response from both your teammates and your vice captain. Everyone was complimenting you and you thanked them, a kind smile resting on your face. Soshiro’s face went from surprised to visibly bothered, but Mina and Okonogi couldn’t figure out why. All of a sudden, he jumped right back into the conversation as if there was no pause in the first place, leaving his friends bewildered by the emotional whiplash.
“Aww man! I spilled all over me,” complained Iharu as he furiously wiped himself with a flimsy napkin. The contents of his drink had landed all over the table and the floor, creating a slipping hazard for anyone in the room.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go grab some extra napkins from the storage closet,” you told him.
“Really? You’re the best, Platoon Leader!” he yelled. You smiled, happy to help.
“I’ll be right back, okay?”
You stood up and made a beeline for the storage closet, trying to hurry so Iharu’s drink wouldn’t leave anything too stained. You left the door to the closet open for extra light as you reached up for the flimsy lightbulb, bathing the small space in a yellow glow.
You scowled as you looked around for the fifth time, still not able to find any napkins.
“Having trouble?”
You yelped, not expecting to have someone sneak up behind you. You turned around to see Hoshina doubled over in giggles and you were tempted to kick him in his stupid face.
“I’m fine, thank you,” you said between gritted teeth. “Now leave me alone.”
“Doesn’t look like you’re fine. One of Japan’s finest can’t even find napkins.”
“I know where they’re supposed to be, but it looks like some air headed idiot put them all the way on the top shelf,” you snarked.
“That is one thing we can agree on. Those things are always in use, who puts them away so high?” asked Soshiro. You didn’t answer him, instead climbing on the shelves to try and reach the much needed paper products.
“If you fall, I won’t catch you,” Soshiro added.
“If I fall and you put your hands on me, I’ll make sure you don’t leave this closet alive,” you snarled back. Your hands found a good grip on the napkins and you pulled, climbing down with a handful.
“If you’ll excuse me,” you told him, trying to push past him.
Soshiro tapped your shoulder. “Uh, L/n?”
“What?” you growled, turning around. “I thought I told you not to touch me.”
“I thought you might wanna know there’s a big bug in those napkins.”
You gulped, bringing your eyes downward. Lo and behold, there was a large, black bug staring back at you from in between the napkins.
“Get the fuck away from me!” you screamed at the poor insect, throwing the napkins out the door of the closet. Soshiro, in his own panicked state, quickly closed the door so the bug didn’t make its way back inside to enact revenge. You put your hand to your chest in an attempt to calm your racing heart.
“That was… that was good thinking. With the door closing,” you told him.
“Oh? Yeah. Uh, thanks.”
Trying to escape the awkward silence, you reached for the door handle, only to find it not budging. You tried again and again, but still, the handle wouldn’t move.
“Can’t figure out how to open a door either?” teased Soshiro.
“It’s stuck, dumbass.”
“No way. Let me try.”
You reluctantly stepped out of the way. “Because you’re so much stronger than me, is that it?”
Soshiro grunted as he tried to shake the handle loose. “Is everything with you some sort of personal attack? Why can’t you just relax?”
“Do you think I got this job by relaxing, hm? By laughing it up with my superiors until I got promoted?” you seethed. The door handle, obviously stuck, was ignored by the vice captain who was now dangerously close to your face.
“Do you think that’s how I got my job? That I didn’t work hard every day to prove my worth? I trained just as hard, maybe even harder than you, to get where I am now.”
“Hoshina, from the respectable Hoshina family, worked harder than me to get to where we are today. You really are a funny guy.”
He leaned in even closer. “You don’t know anything about me.”
Your voice leaked venom. “And you don’t know the first thing about me either.”
You were locked in a stare off, neither of you backing down.
“Why do you hate me so much?” he asked.
“Because you’re simple minded, overbearing, and much too smug for your own good. Why do you hate me?”
“Because you’re somber, bookish, and you don’t know how to enjoy a good joke.”
You stood there, your breaths mingling in the small confines of the storage closet, and you wondered what in the world was happening to you as you noticed how handsome Hoshina was for the first time.
“God, you annoy me,” you whispered.
“And you mildly irritate me,” he replied. Without thinking, you closed the small gap between you, placing your lips on his. He eagerly reciprocated, kissing you back. You backed off after a second, embarrassed at your actions.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that-”
“See? You play by the rules too much,” Soshiro interrupted with a smile; this time, though, it was a sincere one. He leaned back in to connect your lips once more and you completely melted into each other. Your hands gripped at his hair as his made their way to your waist, holding you steady. You were totally lost in each other, nothing but Soshiro filling all of your senses. The passionate kiss lasted a long time, both of you continually going back for more. The only thing that made you pull apart was the sudden squeak of the door and light flooding in to highlight his tousled hair and your swollen lips.
“Oh! Platoon Leader! Vice Captain! I’m sorry, I’ll just take these napkins from the ground! I swear, I didn’t see anything!” Kafka stuttered, slapping a hand over his eyes.
“Kafka, wait! Check the napkins for a big bug!” you yelled, but it was too late. The bug had made its appearance and Kafka screamed, running into the storage closet and slamming the door behind him.
“Kafka,” Soshiro said lowly, “the door handle is jammed from the inside.”
“No way, I’ve got this,” said Kafka confidently.
“I don’t got this,” he said dejectedly after a few minutes, sliding to the floor. He looked up, pointing between you and Soshiro. “So… are you two a thing now?”
Waiting for Reno to find all of you in the storage closet was the longest ten minutes of your life.
TAGLIST: @kana-daydreams
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afrowrites · 2 months
Norman F Rockwell
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Black reader (plus size too!) x Homelander
Your a hardworking widow and single mother who works at vought in the graphics department, when a certain all American hero is intrigued by the sight of you, or maybe the scent of you...
Warnings: Stalking, Mentions of Death.
Wordcount: 1,891
Rating: Teen and up
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A woman stands alone with her ten-year-old son weeping next to her, her stomach holds the last legacy of her husband. And as they lower him into the ground a rifle can be heard to signify a fallen soldier. And a single tear runs down the woman's face knowing she must stay strong.
“~[Your name]~, did you get the final layout for the Homeboy Kids’ book yet?” She asked as she turned towards her coworker's voice, “Oh yeah, I got them, they look pretty good with all things considered.” 
The woman smiled, proud of her co-workers' adherence to her notes.
“Well, that's good, because you have to present them to Ashley today.” The woman said, dropping a bomb and slipping out of her office.
“Wait, I have to do what?!” You half shout.
You frantically search your emails trying to figure out why today you had to present in less than… 
“Oh shit! I gotta do this in an hour!” 
You were wearing your comfiest business casual clothes but were not ready to entertain your boss today, and the email mentioned that others would be attending. ‘Probably those weirdo's in marketing.’  You thought to yourself. 
You stumble down the hallway towards Ashley's office, holding your layout tubes while trying to zip up the back of your skirt. Thank God you had an emergency “I didn't just have a baby” outfit and some heels. 
You fluff your afro up, put on some lipgloss, take a deep breath and open the door to walk into Ashley’s office.
You could see Ashley's permanent furrowed brow shift into a fake plastered smile she gave to all her employees when trying to save face.
“Good afternoon, miss {Your Name}. Have a seat, please”
“Sure” you answer, feeling a bit awkward.
Seth and Evan are engaged in a calm conversation, tucked away in the secluded corner of the room. Meanwhile, you're absorbed in organizing your layouts, your back to the entrance, when the sharp sound of a door swinging wide pierces the silence. Out of the periphery of your vision, you notice the room's occupants abruptly rise to their feet in a unified, almost military precision.
"Uh, Homelander, welcome," she greets with a strained smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes, her voice tinged with a detectable quiver betraying her anxiety. Indeed, the atmosphere has shifted palpably; a heavy cloak of tension settles over the room, making the air itself seem laden with foreboding.
“Ashley,” he notes her presence. Uninterested. 
“ Hey Seth, Evan, good to see you.” Now a hint of sarcastic enthusiasm sets in his voice.
He sets down into his chair, and as he sits he turns his head to you. He sniffs the air realizing something. Even before you'd know, he finds you leaking, and suddenly his interest in you increases tenfold and with a sudden interest in you he introduces himself.
“Why hello there,” his devilish grin and piercing blue eyes startle you, “you know it's a shame I never get to meet all the wonderful people here working at Vought, what's your name Ms…?”
“Rodriguez, although people just call me [your name].” You smile professionally. 
“Well Ms.Rodriguez,” he takes your hand in his, brushing your soft knuckles before planting a kiss on them. “I do hope to enjoy your presentation.” As he gave you a soft wink. 
You find his introduction performative but also slightly genuine.
The marketing guys gave their little spiel on how to market the homelander’s son, Ryan. 
You soon make a suggestion. “I believe that would go well with young adult males, but we aren't thinking of the bigger picture here. We know how Homelander is when it comes to women.” 
You see his jaw tighten, so you tread lightly when you continue.
“We’ve already seen the comic books, so how about we take a look at something more child-like for mothers, show the soft story about Homelander becoming a father raising a child all on his own, raising him to be a good American hero.” 
The market guys roll their eyes and scoff in protest, but before they can open their mouths you hear clapping.
“Wow that’s… well that's good,” To you he sounds almost genuine but his mind is still working on you. You breathe a sigh of relief at his approval. 
You mutter off a “thank you, sir.” And scurry back to your seat.
After muttering a quick, “Thank you, Sir.”, you scurry back to your seat.
“Well I think this has been a great meeting, thank you all for being here. I-” 
Homelander interrupts, “Ms.Rodriguez may I have a moment to ask you something?.” 
Stunned, you respond, “Oh-uh sure,” you give him a weak smile. 
“Great,” he grins a menacing grin. “Let's take a walk.”
It's quiet for the first few minutes, almost bone-chilling . He clears his throat to break the silence.
“So, Rodriguez. What do you do here?” He asks in a way that sounds like he's interested but also way too critical. 
“Well sir, I work in graphics and art, but I do most kid's artwork and stuff.” You chuckle nervously.
He nods at your answer, and he continues, “Well I think that is just super!” He still smells your body producing his favorite thing (well maybe second favorite thing). 
He continues the walk in silence until you guys reach your office, he scans around the room trying to find ways to see you more often. Until he sees, “Oh, you have a family,” you turn the picture towards him.
“Oh yeah, my babies,” you sigh at missing them. “Rafael and America.”
“Wow, what a name for such a cute baby,” he feigns interest because as stated before he's only interested in what's under your skirt.
“Yeah, their father named them.” You feel a sharp twist in your heart when mentioning your husband's name, Homelander sees this and with his well-learned acting exclaims, “Whatever he did to you I'll get him.” He places a hand on your shoulder as he jokes with you.
You look up at him with teary eyes before wiping them away. “Oh no it’s not that my husbands not with us anymore.” 
He feels indifferent to your plight, yet he pulls you in for a comforting hug. He smells like warm spices but underneath he smells metallic almost of blood. It’s unnerving.
He releases you from his grip, only to take a long look down and clear his throat. 
“Hmmm I think you might wanna…,” You look down horrified. You're leaking.
Standing at your threshold, the rich oakwood panels seem to reach out, inviting you into the warm embrace of home. Before your hand can grace the knocker, your mother-in-law materializes, her eyes alight with the joy of your arrival. "Hola mami!" Your greeting is tinged with fatigue, yet her presence ushers in comfort. "Hola, {insert Spanish nickname}, how was your day?" Her inquiry is simple, yet it's the undercurrent of genuine concern that touches you. "Well, Mami, to be honest, it was a bit perplexing..." you admit, the words trailing off as you grapple with the day's events.
Your exchange is gently fractured by the delightful pattern of small feet drumming against the floor, a familiar and heartwarming cadence. It's a sound that signals the arrival of one of the most precious joys in your life, a guiding light that brightens even your darkest days. The architect of your daily smiles, your cherished child, the ever-sweet Rafi, bounds toward you. This tiny being, the center of your universe, radiates unadulterated happiness, infusing your mornings with meaning and your heart with boundless love.
"Hey, Mamacita!," He says, 
"Hey there, Papito" you greet, the corners of your mouth turning up in a weary but warm smile. "You're not gonna guess who I bumped into today!"
His eyes sparkle with curiosity. "Who was it?"
"The one and only, most amazing superhero of all time!"
Glancing down, you notice he's clutching his beloved Homelander action figure, its edges frayed and colors faded from love and time. It was a gift from his dad. The sight fills you with a bittersweet mix of joy and a pang of sorrow, knowing the layers of memories it holds.
Sighing, you reply, “Well I met the one and only…”, pause for dramatic effect, “HOMELANDER!”  You see his gorgeous little eyes light up, you love to see your little guy happy. He jumps around the house as his grandma yells at him.
 “Papito! You're gonna wake the…,” she’s already too late. And as your second little bundle of joy starts to cry, your mother-in-law is about to get the spoon on Rafi, “Don’t worry mami, it’s fine I wanted to see my baby anyway.”  You smile at her as you trudge towards your baby's room. “Hey Meri, how’s my girl doing?” You coo at her. She has your husband’s beautiful green eyes, gorgeous fluffy curls and chubby cheeks. You hold her close to you, your heartbeat calms her down. You sit for a while ignoring the noise from the street corner thinking of when her father took you to New Mexico, 
The evening air is warm and the breeze carries the simple romance of the night through the air. He cradles you in his soft loving arms as the stars pale in comparison to the sparkle of his eyes peering into your own.
“Y’know (y/n), I was just thinking,” “Oh that’s never good.” You snicker to yourself.
“Hey, that hurts.” He pretends to get shot in the chest. “Whatever,” You roll your eyes 
“Well, what I was going to say was, what if we get married…” He sheepishly says that last part.
“Um well, to be honest, I want to, after all, little Rafi-,” He interrupts. “Or Meri, I plan on having ten beautiful girls, well eleven because of you.’
You laugh a hearty laugh. “Yeah right, let’s just focus on the first one, but yeah I wanna be married.”
“Okay great because I have this ring in a box and I didn’t know who I was gonna give it to.” He yawns sarcastically. 
You wide-eyed stare at him for a little, until it sinks in. You sit up and push his shoulders to the ground. “Oh my God!” You kiss his face all over.
“Hey mami, watch the baby. They ain’t finished yet.” He chuckles “I love you, baby.” he smiles with his gorgeous lips. 
“I love you too, papito.” You lean in for a kiss all while smiling into his lips.  And while you once again fall in love, your favorite song plays.
~Como la flor, Con tanto amor, Me Diste tu~
“Se Marchitó, Me marcho hoy,” You sing to the bittersweet words of Selena, “ Yo sé perder, Pero a-a-ay, cómo me duele, A-a-ay, cómo me duele.” 
The smells of your cooking penetrate the room and seep out of your window into the cold air of a New York night, the warmth and love from your kitchen emanating from your apartment.
Unfortunately for you, a certain pair of eyes enjoyed your little performance, and the ethnic food smelled to him albeit too much spice for his taste, he could still feel a distant mother’s love through those smells.
And when you decided to close the window, he took that as a challenge to get into your life and ruin it. 
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
long for you (act one) | h. hyunjin <3
a/n: hello and welcome to the first act of my hyunjin fic :,-) it is past my bedtime, so please ignore any typos lol. if you'd like to be added to the tag list, you can reply to this post or send me an ask ! pics not mine <3
♡ find all parts here ♡
content: fluff, romance, fake dating, angst, a happy ending | wc: 3.5k | warnings: none really! | pairing: nonbinary!painter!hyunjin x gn!writer!reader | requests: open
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synopsis: y/n is a writer with a long-awaited, well-deserved career opportunity. despite the excitement, there’s one major problem: the publisher expects a modern love story, equally romcom-like and authentic, but y/n lacks the inspiration to write something worth reading. through a chance meeting with mutual friends, y/n and hyunjin bond over upcoming deadlines and creative blocks. before the conversation ends, they discover that the ridiculous plot of fake dating might just work to solve their inspirational dry spell.
act one: a modern love story
groaning, you push your laptop to the side and rest your head against your hands.
felix, from the other side of your dining table, holds back a laugh, “that bad, huh?”
you scoff, rolling your eyes despite them being closed, “worse, probably.”
you hear felix shift in his chair, and you know he’s resting his chin on his hands, his classic flower pose he uses whenever you need his smile to cheer up. letting the frustration hang over you, a few minutes pass before you look up to see the sweet boy across from you. when you do, you can’t help the small smile that breaks through your bitter face.
“hah! i knew you couldn’t resist me,” felix teases, leaning back in his seat but making no move to take his attention away from you.
knowing he’s going to ask you what’s wrong, you explain, “so, you know how earlier this week i booked that gig with the publishing company?”
“yeah, the ghostwriting job for Odd One Out, right?”
you nod, “exactly. this is supposed to be a great thing. arguably the best thing that could happen for my writing career, even if it’s a book my name can’t be on, since it’s at least a foot in the door. and i’m not saying i’m ungrateful–”
“i’ve been trying all week to come up with even the smallest idea for the prompt they gave me, and it feels as though this is the worst writer’s block i’ve ever had and ever will experience.”
felix frowns, sympathetic, “do you think maybe the pressure of such a big opportunity is getting to you? i know all of us, at one point or another, have hit a wall because of imposter syndrome or just plain anxiety.”
you let his words bounce around your mind for a little. they don’t seem incorrect–surely such a monumental opportunity would leave you feeling a little apprehensive or stressed–but they don’t seem to capture the full picture. 
“i think…” you glance at felix, a little helplessly, but he just waits patiently until you find the right words, “that’s definitely part of it. if i’m being honest though, i think the biggest obstacle i’m facing is the subject itself.”
“which is?” felix cocks an eyebrow.
you drag your laptop back in front of you and open the window with the email the company sent you detailing your project, “you are tasked with writing a modern love story. one that swoons readers with classic tropes, one that pulls on their heartstrings with the right amount of angst, and, ultimately, one that makes us believe two imperfect people can find the perfect relationship together. we look forward to your first manuscript!”
“oh, i see…”
“yeah. they’ve asked me to write a story that i have practically nothing in my own experiences to draw from. i can’t exactly copy stories that are already out there when the whole point of this novel is that the characters are human and believable. they need me to write a story with heart, with messiness, and certainly with a happy ending. i’ve had the mess a few times, sure, but not for long enough to keep anybody’s attention if i turn the story into something more than a casual conversation piece over drinks.”
you push your laptop away, not wanting to look at the prompt or empty word document for another second. instead, you opt for a swig of your coffee, praying the caffeine would lift your spirits, if nothing else.
felix’s brow is furrowed as the gears in his head turn quickly. it’s hard not to laugh at his expression, cute and sincere simultaneously. you keep yourself quiet, smiling in appreciation of your friend’s genuine concern for your professional predicament.
“first, i’ll admit that this sucks. i can’t imagine how frustrating it’d be to feel almost…disconnected from an assignment you were so excited to receive. i can’t exactly offer help with my relationship history,” felix laughs, sharing your pain of bad luck in love, “but maybe if we combine our disappointments with jisung’s hopeless romantic outlook, you could come up with something?”
you sigh. it wouldn’t be out of the question to ask jisung for help. he’s a dear friend, just like felix, and he never struggles to write a love song for work. creative collaboration wouldn’t hurt, right? well, maybe it hurts your pride a little to go running to your brilliant music producer and songwriter best friend for advice on your first-ever real book deal. at this point, though, what other choice do you have?
“yeah, maybe you’re right.”
felix grins, “let’s go visit him at the studio then! we can bring him lunch in exchange for his assistance!”
“i mean…he is our best friend, so i don’t see why we have to pay him,” you tease, already packing up your things.
“i was going to pay for everyone’s food, but i guess we can all just fend for ourselves–”
“no! i’m being dumb and rude! buying lunch for jisung is a wonderful idea!”
felix laughs, texting jisung to alert him of your ETA and to get his order from your usual restaurant.
jisung tosses his spoon into the nearly empty takeout container and claps his hands together, “okay! let’s get started!”
you sigh, stretching your arms and neck before pulling out your laptop. felix settles in the corner, ready to spend time on his phone while you and jisung work your magic.
“can i see the prompt they sent you?”
nodding, you hand jisung your laptop and explain, “i understand what they want. almost too well, probably. the issue is i have absolutely no inspiration for it.”
“yeah, i could’ve guessed that,” jisung teases, nervously laughing after the death glare you send him.
felix chimes in from his spot in the studio’s corner, “play nice, jisung! they’re practically baring their soul to you asking for help.”
“okay, let’s not be dramatic here,” you shake your hand to dissipate the idea that you’re being as vulnerable as you are right now.
“drama might help, actually,” felix suggests, not looking up from his phone.
you look over to jisung, waiting for him to weigh in. a bit to your dismay, jisung agrees with felix.
“so you’re saying my life is too boring for me to write this book?”
jisung shakes his head, “no! i’m saying your love life is too boring. i say that with peace and love, of course–”
“how can you–”
jisung continues before you fall down a rabbit hole of bickering, “i think the reason i can write so many love songs is because i put myself out there. sure, i fall too hard too fast and get my heart broken more often than i’d like to admit, but i am able to do what i do because i let my heart experience everything. i haven’t been in real, capital-L love many times; however, even the littlest of loves, the glimpses of a future with someone, those can be a bigger source of inspiration than you’d expect.”
“wow, jisung, that was…really deep.”
you chuckle at felix’s response, before looking at the very earnest jisung again, “it’s not like i haven’t loved someone before. you remember…”
your voice trails off, too afraid to say his name, too afraid to bring the memories of your first love into the room with you. jisung nods knowingly and speaks quickly enough to prevent you from searching for words to fill the empty space.
“i could never forget that, y/n. maybe that could be something you pull from. i’m more than happy to retell you some of my romantic mishaps–you know i’ve got plenty–but i think, for a story as heartfelt as the one they want you to write, for a story as real as the one you want to create, it needs to come from the perspective of you now, not you then.”
you sigh, finding it impossible to disagree with his advice. for as much as you and felix tease him for getting his hopes up with every person he feels the slightest bit of a connection to, you both would admit in a heartbeat that he is the most well-versed lover in the world. you wished, secretly, that you could muster up the courage he does without even blinking an eye. you just weren’t wired like that, especially after you got your heart broken a few years ago.
“so what? do i start dating now and hope that i get enough romance before the first draft is due in three months?”
“good luck with that,” felix scoffs, “there are way too many duds on dating apps these days.”
jisung shoots felix a frustrated look, but he just shrugs in reply. 
“cool, so no dating but i need to fall in love. do either of you happen to have cupid on speed dial?”
they laugh, and felix adds, “if only you could be in a fake dating fanfic or something. then you’d really have something to work with.”
all three of you burst into laughter at the idea, and, once you calm down, jisung says, “actually…there might be something to that.”
“you can’t be serious?” you raise an eyebrow skeptically.
jisung puts his hands up defensively, “hear me out! it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to fake date someone you know, if it’s for the sake of work. between the three of us, we could probably find someone!”
“no way am i sending out requests for a fake partner. that couldn’t work, and it would be so embarrassing.” 
you shiver at the idea. jisung doesn’t budge, though he admits that it’s a long shot for it to work. felix suggests that you three reminisce about jisung’s recent romantic pursuits, which you do for a couple of hours. when it’s time for you to pack your things, you’re barely farther than the starting line. jisung apologizes that he couldn’t be more help, and felix offers to bake you your favorite treat as consolation. you assure both of them that they shouldn’t feel bad–you accept felix’s baked goods, of course–but, try as you might, you can’t get rid of the slump in your shoulders. this book is supposed to be a big step towards your dream. this story is supposed to be your gateway to being the writer you were meant to be. you never expected it to go smoothly, but you have to admit that you wish something as easy as a fanfic trope would solve your problem.
as felix says goodnight, he smiles softly, “hey, y/n, don’t be too hard on yourself, okay? it’s frustrating, and it feels like there’s no way out, but you’re smart and capable and strong enough to see it through. plus, the universe will take care of it. someone will show up sooner rather than later, and you’ll have that story in no time!”
you smile, grateful for his neverending efforts to make you feel better, “thanks, sunshine. i’ll try to have the same kind of hope you have, despite everything.”
“despite everything,” he nods firmly before turning away to head back home himself.
you stare at the door, your place quiet, save the humming sound of your appliances, and you wonder how fate could have anything to offer you with such short notice.
felix picks a few stray pieces of lint off your top and smiles proudly once your outfit is perfect. even though you’re feeling nervous, you can’t help but smile back at your friend’s beaming face.
“thank you again for coming with me to this, y/n. i don’t know if i could survive a whole company event without someone i like by my side.”
“don’t you have changbin? i’m sure he’d happily stay by your side all night.”
“i do,” felix agrees, “but he said he was bringing a plus-one, so i didn’t want to third wheel.”
“ah, how lovely it feels to be chosen as a preventative for third-wheeling,” you tease as felix opens the venue door for you.
“jisung isn’t the only one who can be romantic,” felix giggles and nudges your shoulder with his, helping to relax your nerves.
the venue is rather large, and there are more strangers here than you’d prefer. thankfully, you see changbin waving from a distance, so you know there won’t be any awkward small talk with felix’s other coworkers to get through. though they met through work, changbin and felix have been friends for years, thus making you a friend in changbin’s eyes. you take a couple of drinks from a waiter as changbin not-so-smoothly rushes his way towards you and felix, a tall person close behind him. as felix and changbin greet each other, you do a quick sweep over changbin’s plus-one. he’s well-dressed, probably the most fashionable one in the whole place, and frustratingly statuesque in appearance. his black hair frames his face and brushes his neck ever so slightly, and the only thing preventing him from looking dark and mysterious is the softness of his features, particularly his sweet brown eyes.
“y/n! this is hyunjin,” changbin grins, gesturing to the person beside him.
“hi y/n, it’s nice to meet you,” hyunjin smiles, voice lilting delicately.
you smile, unable to resist the naturally playful glint in his eye, “it’s nice to meet you too, hyunjin. how do you know changbin?”
“we met back in university,” hyunjin answers, “we lived together for the first two years.”
“best two years of my life!” changbin wraps an arm around hyunjin, and hyunjin laughs loudly.
“cute!” felix smiles, “so glad i get to finally meet you in person, hyunjin.”
“likewise,” hyunjin nods.
the conversation jumps around, mostly directed by changbin and felix telling anecdotes about the various coworkers that pass by. you and hyunjin laugh and ask questions, gasping at the drama and ridiculousness that pervades their workplace. eventually, felix asks what hyunjin does for work, and you’re surprised to learn that he’s a painter. or, rather, he works in design to pay the bills and paints in all of his free time, showing works wherever and whenever he can to build his reputation in the city.
“that’s so cool!” felix exclaims, and then points to you, “y/n is a writer. i’m sure you two could relate on a bunch of stuff since you’re both creative professionals.”
“what do you write?” hyunjin asks, looking at you intently as he takes a sip of his drink.
“fiction, mostly. i’ve taken plenty of different freelance gigs in the past that gave me experience writing all sorts of things, but i prefer writing short stories and novels.”
changbin lights up, “oh that’s right! congratulations are in order!”
you smile sheepishly, and explain, after hyunjin asks, that you just signed a ghostwriting book deal with a publishing company.
“that’s incredible! i know it couldn’t have been easy to secure that. i’d love to read some of your work since you’ve clearly got talent.”
“thank you, hyunjin, but i don’t know about that,” you laugh a little, “we’ll see if i have enough talent to write this book.”
hyunjin’s brow furrows, and felix responds, “they’re having some writer’s block. the prompt is a little…out of their wheelhouse. i have no doubt they’ll figure it out though!”
you pat felix’s shoulder lovingly, “yes, he believes that i’ll figure it out as soon as the universe sends me someone to fake date.”
changbin tilts his head in confusion, “is it a fake dating story?”
you swallow a sip of your drink and shake your head, “no, it’s supposed to be a ‘modern love story.’ full of angst and authenticity, and, most importantly, it’s supposed to be human enough to make us all believe it’s possible.”
hyunjin chuckles when you roll your eyes, which makes you blush a little as you realize he’s watching you so closely. 
“well, if you need someone to fake date,” changbin grins, “hyunjin would probably be a good fit.”
it’s time for you to tilt your head in confusion, “wait. hyunjin isn’t your boyfriend?”
hyunjin throws his head back and cackles while changbin giggles, “no, unfortunately we’re just friends. maybe one day i can break through, but five years down the line, i’m still getting rejected.”
“oh, stop pouting!” hyunjin smacks changbin’s shoulder, “you don’t actually want to date me.”
“and how would you know that?” changbin wiggles his eyebrows, “can’t a guy dream of dating someone like you?”
“it seems like you’re going to be dreaming for a long time, changbin. you might just not be their type,” felix teases.
their type? 
“anyway,” changbin says after his giggles die down, “hyunjin has been struggling with the theme for an exhibition they have coming up. maybe you two could help each other out!”
“what’s giving you writer’s–or, should i say, painter’s block?” you ask.
hyunjin chuckles, “the theme is ‘yearning.’ my friend, jeongin, is the gallery director and has been on a real angst kick these days after meeting someone special. not that i don’t have my fair share of yearning experiences, but i just can’t crack into something deep enough to create something that matters, you know?”
you sure did know, which is how you two spent almost the entire night discussing inspiration, love, heartache, creativity, longing, and everything else possible. eventually, felix and changbin leave you two alone to talk to their other coworkers, given that they couldn’t get a word in edge-wise with how passionately the two of you were talking. if you were honest, you hardly noticed they were gone. that’s just how captivating the conversation, and hyunjin, were. 
“ugh, it feels so good to talk to someone who gets it,” hyunjin sighs.
“i agree,” you smile, “it may not solve the problem, but it reduces the stress.”
“cheers to that!”
you and hyunjin clink your glasses together, and you reply, “also, sorry if i misgendered you when i assumed you were changbin’s boyfriend. totally my bad!”
hyunjin waves his hand in the air, “don’t worry about it! you weren’t exactly wrong. i use they/he pronouns, so technically i could be a boyfriend. just not changbin’s.”
you two laugh at this, and you’re relieved that you didn’t unintentionally get off on the wrong foot with someone who can relate to your current creative predicament so deeply.
“actually, speaking of boyfriends…” hyunjin trails off, waiting to get your full attention.
“what about them?”
“i’d be happy to be your fake one, if you really did want to try that out.”
“oh, you don’t have to do that,” you laugh a little, “that was an idea my friends brought up, but i didn’t take it seriously.”
hyunjin nods, “i see. well, even if it seems ridiculous, i think it could work. hell, i’d be down to try it too. i’m feeling pretty frustrated about this painting series, and maybe something out of pocket like a fanfic trope could do the trick.”
you observe them, trying to catch a sign that he’s joking, “really?”
“yeah,” they shrug, “what’s the harm? you’re a writer who needs inspiration, and i’m a painter who needs inspiration. instead of doing some dramatic spiritual artist retreat in the middle of nowhere, we take each other on some dates and explore the ideas of love and yearning together. sort of like a…group project!”
his eyes light up, and you can feel yourself getting won over already by their charm, “when do you have to finish your paintings?”
“i have to bring them to jeongin in three months.”
“that’s…well, that timing’s sort of perfect,” you admit, “my first manuscript is due in three months.”
hyunjin grins, “so it sounds like we might give this fake dating thing a try?”
you sigh, unsure of what you could be getting yourself into, “what would that even look like?”
hyunjin hums, putting their hand to their chin, deep in thought. you let a silence fall between you two, hoping one of you can come up with a good idea. your bet is on hyunjin, though, because you can’t begin to think through how a fake dating situation between two artists, two muses, should go.
hyunjin snaps his fingers, “i’ve got it! let’s say we just take each other on dates for the next three months. no expectations for the dates, no strict schedule, and no pressure to actually develop feelings or fall in love. we spend time together naturally, go through the experiences of getting to know someone, and we use that for our work. if, after a few weeks, it isn’t doing the trick, then we call it off. no harm, no foul. what do you say?”
maybe it was their enthusiasm. maybe you’re a sucker for a beautiful person with a creative mind. maybe you trust that someone who is good friends with sweetheart changbin could only have the best of intentions. maybe, just maybe, you trust what felix said the other day about the universe giving you what you need for this book to work out. whatever it is, something convinced you to stretch your hand out toward hyunjin.
hyunjin shakes your hand, and you smile, “no harm, no foul.”
tag list: @velvetmoonlght (<333 tysm)
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Can you do Mike afton with your prompts 57, 53, and 10? Also can it be romantic?
Sure! I'll see what I can do :) Been a bit since I've done this AU. This is a new take on it.
@okchijt helped me with this so this is mostly their take while I filled in the plot they gave me. Requester wanted FLS AU.
Yandere! FLS! Michael Afton Concept
What is the FLS AU?
Yandere! FLS AU! Michael Afton Prompts 57, 53, and 10
"You're stuck with me, like it or not."
"I left you a few voice mails, why didn't you pick up?"
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Violence, Breaking and entering, Manipulation, Kidnapping implied, Forced relationship implied.
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The phone rings on and on as you type away at your keyboard. On screen is an email soon to be sent to your boss, Henry. You were nearly at a breakthrough on an important case.
Incriminating evidence filled the email. Many documents and notes were attached all about two people behind a long list of murders. The case of The Aftons was very important to your employer.
Your job was to play detective. You were meant to work for them at their Pizzeria, collect evidence, then leave. That was it... that was the job.
Then one of them, the son, got attached.
You had a feeling he caught on to you. Even now as you type away and prepare to send Henry your evidence your phone rings. You knew it was him, the voice mails were endless.
You hadn't bothered to listen to them. Instead you focused on your email by putting on the final touches. Then your mouse drifted to the send button...
Only for the power to cut.
You go silent, eyes blown wide and looking at the computer in shock. There wasn't any storms. Did you flip something by accident?
"I left you a few voice mails, why didn't you pick up? Are you ignoring me?"
The voice echoes from close by and you feel the hair on your skin shoot up. You spin your chair around and search the darkness for answers. Unfortunately... your questions are answered.
Michael stands in the doorway of the room. His posture is confident and he stares at you like you're his newest prey. You can only stare as he blocks your exit.
"Don't you know how much I've done for you?" Michael sighs. "I've been protecting you from my father as I already know your plans. I could've just killed you... but now I like you too much for that."
The man in front of you does a fake pout while leaning in the doorway. The fact he knew everything made your heart drop to your stomach. He's more clever than you thought.
"I've already sacrificed so much by allowing these games to play out. However, this still means I have to prevent you from exposing the family business, y'know?" Michael sighs, playing with your emotions to satiate the sadism within him.
"You're a monster for doing all of this!" You yell at the man. You can see Michael feign shock and surprise before chuckling.
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!" Michael accuses in a playful manner before turning serious. "I could've just killed you, but I'm nice enough to protect you and let you live!"
You quickly stand up to keep distance as Michael walks forward. Despite the situation you manage to keep yourself calm. It's in the line of work, after all. Yet you still find yourself shaking when he gets close to you.
"I've been so patient with you. I think things should go my way for once, shouldn't they?" Michael hums towards you. You try to run around him but he catches you with ease. It's funny to him... did you not think he was an experienced killer?
You feel your chest hit the desk hard as your arms are held behind your back. The resulting impact causes the computer to crash onto the ground, the email and evidence now long destroyed. Panic sets in as struggle and fight against the killer behind you.
Said killer only appears excited by your fate.
"I think it's time you rest, dear. Isn't it getting late?" Michael coos, raising the knife in his hand. You suddenly feel a blunt object smack into your head before your vision darkens.
"You're stuck with me, like it or not." Michael whispers with a giggle before your vision fails you.
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dullgecko · 8 days
i think that riz often just sits in his wardrobe when he gets stressed/overstimulated because he likes small spaces
he has some fairy lights and like one of those dim reading lamps and comfy blankets and pillows and he just sits under the clothes, and often fabian will come and sit and talk to him through the door with his back against it. he knows not to open the door unless riz says because one time he did and it was too bright for riz and he freaked out and scratched him then pulled it closed
Rizs rogue exams aren't anything like the assessments his other friends do for their specialised classes. Hells, his rogue /classes/ aren't like their classes. All their school work is dolled out via cyphers and hidden clues and dead drops of information packets that need to be checked for traps before they're opened.
Given that their normal everyday classwork is that intense their exams are on an entire different level. Riz had spent an entire week "studying" for his exams, on top of the more mundane subjects they also taught at Aguefort, and had only /just/ managed to put the clues together to find out WHERE his rogue exams were taking place before he had to race off to the exam location.
He'd ended up having to ditch his friends that night, everyone else getting together for post-exam celebrations and icecream, in order to book it across town to the stadium. The goal of the exam was searching through the crowd at a massive concert to find their correct contact among a sea of fakes, get the information they needed, and get out without being spotted.
The rogue had already been exhausted before he got there but had to push himself hard to complete his mission. He did it, of course, dodging the fakes among the blaring music and flashing lights and sending a photo of his exam sheet to the proper email inbox before heading home. It was too much for him though, the bus ride home nearly sending him into a meltdown before he even got back to his apartment.
He'd never been super good with concerts, hell he didn't go to any other than Fig and Gorgugs, but at least his friends were smart enough not to use rapidly strobe-ing lighting effects in their shows. Without his light filtering glasses he might not have been able to push through long enough to finish his exam and get home. The rogue collapsing face down on his couch the instant he got home and covering his head with a pillow.
It didn't help that there were several other Aguefort students in the building either, Rizs sensitive hearing able to pick up on the loud music two floors down from their post exam celebrations that was clearly audible due to the shitty soundproofing.
It was at that point that Riz gave up, dragging himself to his room and shucking his vest and button up so he was left with just his soft undershirt. Lights getting flicked off in his room as he clambered into the small space in the bottom corner of his closet and slammed the door behind him. The blankets and clothes he'd stuffed inside doing a good job of blocking out the extra noise as he tried to decompress.
He stayed hunkered down there for a while, how long he wasn't sure but evidently long enough that his friends were sure he was done with his exam. Crystal buzzing with notifications from the group chat as they tried to see how he went.
He didn't answer with words, just sending through a series of photos he'd taken of the concert before turning the camera on himself and switching to video call mode. The closet was dark though so all they could see was his glowing eyes as his crystal screen reflected off them. His own screen getting dimmed as far down as it could go without turning off as his friends accepted the call.
Initially it was a mosaic of five different faces and camera angles of a booth in Basrars, then there was a little scuffling before it was trimmed down to just Figs. The archdevil propping her phone up in the booth where Riz would usually sit.
"Dude hi! You all finished with your rogue stuff?" Fig beamed, getting squished a bit by Kristen and Gorgug as they both tried to squeeze into the camera frame with her.
"Cool. You passed?"
"Yeah. It was a close thing though."
"But you still aced it right?"
"Yeah." Riz reached behind himself to click on the dim light he kept in the cupboard, propping his phone up on his briefcase which he'd dragged into the closet with him so he could sit up and be properly in the camera view. He was sure he looked haggard after the week of assessments and he couldn't muster the energy to lift his ears out of their tired droop.
"I'm not going to come out tonight sorry. I don't think I could... deal..."
"Oof. One of those nights huh?" Fig made a sympathetic expression at the camera when Riz nodded and rubbed his hands over his face.
Honestly they were lucky he was even verbal at this point but he thought they at least deserved an apology. They'd been gushing about their plans for tonight all week and Basrars had only been the first stop.
"We don't have to go out tonight if you're not feeling it. We can reschedule." Fig picked up the phone and held it so she was the only person in view. Shushing her other team-mates as they tried to pipe in to the conversation.
"Don't... don't cancel on my account it's fine. Just take photos and stuff." Riz sighed, leaning back against the wall and bringing his legs up so he could hug his knees. "I'll feel bad if you cancel."
"Okay. Let us know when you're feeling up to hanging out okay? Got the WHOLE weekend to fill." She blew the camera a kiss, Riz sure she'd just tried to give him bardic over the call, before disconnecting.
The goblin sighed, slapping the light switch to put himself back into comfortable darkness again. Eventually, when he got bored of sitting and doing nothing, he pulled his arcubus out of his bag and started disassembling it to clean and do maintenance. Not even bothering to turn the light back on since he could still see just fine with his dark vision.
He was halfway through cleaning some of the internal components when he heard his front door being unlocked. The sound of several pairs of feet entering his apartment before one broke away and entered his room. Two soft knocks on the closet door announcing their presence properly before they all left, the front door getting shut and locked behind them.
Riz cocked his head to the side and listened for a few minutes after they left, opening the closet door to see what all the fuss had been about. The goblin smiling when he spotted a milkshake in a takeaway cup left just outside his hiding spot, grabbing it and dragging it inside before shutting the door again.
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heavenlycloud · 1 year
dream a little dream: yunjin x fem! reader ✧°🍒‧。°
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request: hi! It says that soft hours are open and I just had a thought from watching the LE SSERAFIM x Dream Academy Video where the fimmies surprised the contestants. Imagine being the 6th member of LE SSERAFIM and being in a relationship with yunjin and you both are smiling happily and holding hands while greeting the contestants, and then once you all leave some of the contestants are like “omg the way they look at each other, they’re definitely dating” or something of that sort LOL 🩷
a/n: ok so funny story i read this and then wrote it all whilst being sleep deprived and slightly delirious…so i lowkey mixed up the details but i can go back and rewrite it if you’re not satisfied (this is why i need sleep and why i need to stop trying to write from memory cuz i can’t do it).
Becoming an idol had been your dream since you were 14 years old as a freshman in high school. one of your friends showed you their favorite girl groups and you were immediately sucked into the world of kpop. as you went through high school and entered university your hope of making your dream come true slowly dwindled. companies were starting to debut girls younger and younger which you didn’t think gave you much of a chance at 18 years old. that was until you got an email from someone about submitting an audition for a new girl group that would form under HYBE in the next year. at first you thought it was a scam, but after doing a deep dive on the internet you realized it was more real than fake. you submitted the audition with little hope knowing that you’d practically ‘aged out’ of the trainee age range, on top of the fact that you hadn’t been singing or dancing since infancy like every idol seemed to have done. so it was a huge surprise when you got an email back 8 weeks later confirming that you passed the audition. by some miracle you’d convinced your parents to let you go to Korea to become a trainee under HYBE with the hopes of debut. truthfully, they only said yes knowing that you’d probably be sent back home after 6 months…and your university credits were valid for the next 10 years so you could pick up where you left off. 
Much like your parents assumed, you were sent back home, but instead of after 6 months, it was after 2 years. you gave everything you could to the trainee program but in the end you didn’t make the final cut due to “not having the look the group needed”. you were heartbroken to leave your new friends, the seven girls who were supposed to make HYBE’s new girl group. the three younger girls that had become like your little sisters, the two older girls that were like your older sisters, and the one same aged girl who was your best friend…maybe a little more. on your last day in the company you laughed while saying your final goodbyes, clinging onto your girls in a huddle as you tried to have a positive outlook on a shitty situation. when you got back home you were devastated to say the least. for the first few weeks you only cried and wished things had worked in your favor, until one day you refused to wallow in your sorrows any longer. 
you made a promise that you’d see them again, that you’d see her again and laying around crying all day wasn’t going to make that happen. so, you began practicing again using the techniques and lessons you’d learned over your 2 year long trainee experience. when the audition announcement came out this time around you didn’t hesitate to apply to the same company that let you go a year ago. given how hard you worked, it was absolutely no surprise when you found out HYBE wanted you back in their trainee program. at this point your parents didn’t bother refusing once again knowing university would be there if you ended up coming back home again. however, with the way you’d been training yourself it wasn’t looking like that would be an option. honestly you didn’t know if your driving force was to prove to yourself or to the people that sent you home that you had what it takes, but regardless you were ready this time. by the end of the first mission it was clear to the judges, trainers, and other contestants that you were certainly a force to be reckoned with. you’d only ever heard praises and slight critiques that could be fixed immediately from your trainers and judges. 
the eighteen of you all filed into the practice room and filled the seats as you sat in front of the screen that was presumably going to show your second mission. you sat between lara and sophia holding both of their hands as you anxiously watched the screen in front of you. their grips on your hand tightened when they saw the members of le sserafim appear, reacting to the Dream Academy trailer. squeals and screams filled the room as everyone shared their shock but you only laughed, finding it funny that this was the way they were seeing you again for the first time since you left. lara shook your hand and told you, “i swear if we ever meet them, i’m asking them to dance fearless with you.” a bunch of the other girls around you oohed and agreed before putting their attention back on the monitor. at some point you completely zoned out, only coming back to when you heard eunchae say, “the second ANTIFRAGILE team members are “Iliya, Karlee, Samara, Megan, and Y/N.” you leaned forward and looked at them with a big smile, nodding in agreement over your excitement to be teamed together. 
the five of you sat on the floor of the practice room and started talking about the song choice, karlee starting off with explaining how she wanted this song more. you all nodded in agreement and the other girls chimed in talking about their worries and what they were most excited for. after a moment the conversation stopped and all eyes were on you, “what?” your teammates laughed at you and you admitted, “i mean like…i’m not that nervous guys. i’ve done this performance in the shower a bunch so i meannnn…plus if i flop yunjin called me pretty so-” the girls around you fell over laughing and karlee pointed out, “dude she literally knows you.” in return you playfully glared and held your hand out, “can you let me have my moment?” megan and samara laughed even harder while iliya covered her face though her giggles. you all divided up your parts evenly, you getting kazhua’s part because of the leg extension, and megan insisting yours looked better when you couldn’t tell much of a difference. 
Throughout the practices you were given the dance leadership role which you tried to avoid but it was inevitable given your trainee history. there were little to no breaks, an incredible amount of jet lag, and a time crunch of only a few days before your performance. the pressure was certainly there and you could feel it especially with the weight of being an ex- HYBE trainee and the leader of your group. hours passed with you all in the practice room, your trainer comforting iliya as she cried out of stress and exhaustion combined with her own self doubt. you patted her shoulder and told her, “it’s okay…i cried yesterday in the shower and almost drowned in my tears and the shower water because i breathed through my nose.” the younger girl couldn’t help but laugh and you did too seeing the smile return to her face. 
“We’re watching them react to us watching their trailer and mission announcement.” chaewon and yunjin explained to their members in their van. the girls huddled around the ipad and a smile tugged at all of their faces when they saw you amongst your teammates. they watched closely, listening to all of your members speak their worries until it was your turn to talk which caused all of them to laugh, especially your banter with karlee. yunjin murmured, “i didn’t know i missed her this much.” chaewon side eyed her discreetly while eunchae and kazuha stifled a laugh. they then sent chaewon inside the practice room to pose as a staff member to record a tiktok for you and the rest of the contestants. when you all were in line you noticed how she was more covered than the rest of the staff members in the room. you narrowed your eyes, and then it was your turn aside Manon. when you made it to the front you just knew, but you only smiled and danced, the only person who also knew was chaewon herself when you winked. 
chaewon pulled off her mask and hood, “surprise!” the other girls screamed in excitement, only getting louder when the other idols walked in soon after. you ended up with marquise clinging to your side with her hands over her face. yunjin then started speaking in english, “we heard you all were practicing our songs right?” they all nodded and she added, “we’re so excited to see you guys, it’s crazy that we’re meeting you in this practice room. yunjin asked the contestants, “did you all expect it?” the girls overlapped one another with refusing responses to which the black haired girl responded, “we thought it’d be obvious…so we were like we should prank you.” the girls once again reacted with laughing and squeals which yunjin took the opportunity to make louder, “wait i think i know all of your names though.” 
Everyone straightened out into a more clear line and yunjin looked down the line and asked, “Iliya, right?” your teammate nodded and yunjin continued, “and Ezrela. Sophia, Emily, Celeste, Karlee, Marquise, Y/N-” there was a difference in her tone when she said your name, a different smile on her face, until you deadpanned, “No.” there was a second of complete silence before you burst out laughing and said, “no i’m kidding i’m sorry. do your thing.” yunjin and her members all laughed too, chaewon immediately mimicking you quietly, “no.” the black haired girl then said, “she always does this.” your teammates all laughed and nodded in agreement earning a satisfied smile from you. yunjin continued, “sorry ok- um Y/N, Megan, Brooklyn, Lara, Lexie, Samara, Daniela, Manon, Mei, aaaand Ua. Aaaand Nayoung, Yoonchae. Right?”   everyone cheered and clapped and she explained, “because i see you guys so much on like TikTok, YouTube, and everything!” you all turned into each other giggling and smiling until it was time to perform for the girls with your mission teams. 
Your team went first, you gathering your girls into a small huddle and telling them quietly, “just relax. we got this. alright come on, eat it up?” your teammates said in unison, “no dinner!” you laughed at the phrase you taught them on the first day, still using it now. while performing you had your nerves, especially knowing that the idols in front of you had seen your practice videos, one of which included you crying, something they’d never seen in the two years they knew you. while performing you kept your eyes on your old friends, primarily the one who still held a piece of your heart. the hours of practicing and endless stretching to get kazuha’s leg extension perfect paid off when you saw the look on all five of their faces when you did the move. 
Iliya stood beside you as you were between her and samara while le sserafim gave you all feedback as two teams. chaewon pointed out samara, praising her for the eye contact she made opposed to looking into the mirror, a common mistake amongst trainees during evaluations. kazuha looked at you and said, “y/n, your leg extension was so good! honestly you could just take my place next time we perform because you were that good.” you laughed and thanked her, sending a fond smile her way, the same one that always brought her comfort after long practices. samara tickled your leg and you playfully swatted her hand away, making her giggle quietly. when you thought one of the girls would now talk to the two teams as a whole, yunjin turned her attention to you. yunjin looked you dead in the eye, pulling a smile onto your previously stoic face. she told you, “y/n. i know from the practice videos you were worried about being leader, looking at everything to the smallest detail. but everything you did for your teammates paid off because you’re perfe- your team was perfect.” everyone in the room ouuuuu-ed which made you cover your face in slight embarrassment, yunjin doing the same. she then added, “and karlee i know you weren’t feeling well but you literally killed it…and team A, you guys chose your name right because you slayed.” the four girls burst into laughter and you all thanked the girls for their feedback before heading back to your seats, not before you sent a wink yunjin’s way which she instinctively made a heart with her hands back to you. when you sat back down you were sandwiched between lara and megan, both of whom whispered together, “you’re perfecttttt” then made the same hearts with their hands to you that yunjin did. you playfully scoffed and hoped they couldn’t feel your body getting hot with embarrassment as they teased you. 
after everyone finished their performances you all had the chance to ask the girls for anything you wanted to know. you were the first to raise your hand, “i think a big worry of us, as in all 19 of us is that we are now in a place where this is competition. all of us want to do well individually but even more than that we want one another to succeed so we can make it to the end together. it’s a given that the group won’t be 19 members. so knowing that eventually we will be sending home many of our best friends, sisters, soulmates… or whatever- like what can we do or tell ourselves so we don’t end up just dwelling on that fact? how can we keep going after dealing with that over and over?”  yunjin nodded in understanding and responded genuinely,  “wow that is a big question. there is like a motto that i live by where i just try my best to believe that everything happens for a reason. you all met for a reason, and you’re together for a reason…and i think goodbyes are unfortunately inevitable-” it was at this point that you realized she was staring directly at you. yunjin caught herself staring and looked away as she continued, “ but i think that is part of growing. and just the fact that you all collectively have this kind of worry is very touching and i kind of like teared up a little inside because it’s very hard to meet people who both support you while also maintaining your own individual driving force. i think it’s just kind of making every experience and opportunity…it’s important to continue rooting each other on. i think that’s the best way to keep going forward just knowing you know-” again her eyes found yours, “just knowing that even if you’re not together one day you will end up seeing each other again.” now there was a smile on her face as she looked at you, looking away to make it less obvious, “that’s what happened to me actually. I had practiced for quite a few years but after debuting and working my best in the end we came full circle and they were also doing their best so in the end we met.” she looked back at only you, “just take this time and make as many memories and relationships as you can. don’t be afraid of the pain that comes with having to let someone go because you can use that to get to where you want to be.” she paused then spoke as if you were the only other one in the room, “because look where we are now y/n.” you nodded and the four idols around yunjin ouuuu-ed making the rest of the contestants giggle. eunchae quietly remarked, “this just got really personal…” everyone laughed as yunjin slapped her leg lightly and brooklyn beside you started poking your side. 
a few seats down from you sophia spoke up, “i should have went before y/n because my question is gonna sound unserious…chaewon, how do you like blink on the beat in Antifragile because every time i do it i look like i got a bug in my eye?” everyone erupted into laughter and sophia added, “i’m so serious guys i look so dumb doing it!” which only made everyone laugh harder. chaewon stood up and danced the specific part before motioning for sophia do to it with her, then by herself. the idol praised your friend, “yes! you got it!” everyone clapped and sophia ran happily back to her seat with her face a light shade of pink. ezrela raised her hand, “so in your choreographies you all do a lot of like hand holding, and so like…how do you all not miss each others hands?” the idols in front of you all laughed and eunchae explained, we just have to trust each other like you go up i go down. we talk about it like that in advance and you have to hold the hands tight. even if one hand slips off, the others should hold them tight to prevent the accident.” ezrela nodded in understanding and laughed while thanking eunchae for her reply. 
right when you thought everyone was going to be done asking questions, lara raised her hand, “i have a request but you all can say no.” all five idols looked at her intently and your friend asked, “can you dance to fearless with y/n?” all of your teammates immediately cheered and your old friends looked at each other with smiles. they agreed and despite you refusing, yunjin stood up and pulled you over, engulfing you in a hug first. kazuha took off her heels and joined you her members on the floor. your friends were all giggling along, especially when they noticed yunjin had her hand slipped into yours, fingers intertwined. meanwhile the idols looked at you and you asked, “second chorus to the end? the debut formations?” they nodded and chaewon said, “from 겁이 난 없지, 없지” you nodded and found your place and let the music play. from this part of the song you were in the center, a smile on your face nobody had seen on you thus far. during the refrain everyone of your teammates saw the way yunjin looked up at you while she faced them, like you were the only girl in the world. the six of you danced to the end and when the song stopped everyone clapped and the five girls pulled you into a long and tight hug. when you all parted each of them hugged you individually, sakura first. 
the eldest told you with a fond smile, “i’m so proud of you y/n. i can’t wait for your debut.” kazuha spoke up next, “i’m wishing for your debut, unnie.” chaewon squeezed you tightly, “i’m so happy to know you didn’t give up. i’m so proud of you y/n.” eunchae pulled you into a hug, “i missed you so much unnie. i’m happy we got to see each other like this.” yunjin was last, and she mumbled into your shoulder, “come see me tonight?” you murmured back quietly, “mhm.” she grinned as she pulled away while you tried to hide the look of joy from your face. everyone thanked le sserafim and said their goodbyes before you all got a quick break, mostly for cameras to be moved and reset. the second you were alone with manon, your closest friend, she asked all knowing, “so when are you seeing her?” you tried to play it off but she knew you too well already, so you caved, “tonight.”
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AITA for scaring a facebook scammer?
so theres this scam that goes around on facebook marketplace a lot where a person acts like they are gonna help people get a free government phone. there are government programs where you can apply for a free phone or phone bill but you need really personal info to apply like social security numbers (because stuff like Social Security and other welfare benefits is one of the things that can get you approved). well my last job was phone based and i was basically phone tech support half the time so I have talked to people personally who get scammed by these people and it made me mad.
So i decided to try and waste one of these scammers time on facebook. at first i was just acting like i wasnt tech savvy (giving a fake email address instead of home address when asked) but i got this idea. this person had their legal name attached to this scam post and it wasn’t hacked in any way. so i googled their full name and what city was listed on their profile. voter record websites show peoples addresses in some states and i hoped this scammer wasnt ignorant enough to attach their real fucking name to a scam listing.
Yeah so I found their address. I had no intention to post it anywhere but I thought to myself, what if I sent them their own home address when they ask me for one? so I did. and they stopped responding UNTIL i gave them a negative review on fb saying they are a scammer. suddenly they got super pushy and mean and starting asking me info about their own house. “what cars are outside, my maps arent working” and all that bullshit. so i look up their address on maps and describe the cars outside on google map satellite signal. at this point i know they’re just seeing how much I know about them (and everything was accessible with a google search so no hacking stuff here) and eventually they stop responding when i guessed wrong if they had their sibling living with them.
honestly i prolly didnt need to keep going after the first address and after i gave them a fake review but i fully just wanted to scare them away from scamming people. i’ve talked to older people personally and they legitimately deactivate everything and get a flip phone when they get scammed because of how terrified they are. i dont regret it but i wonder if it was unethical or just not productive to try and waste her time and at least give me the ability to give her a review saying shes a scammer. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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ghostkingdoesstuff · 8 months
A friendly reminder I am not to be held accountable for the things I'm about to say. Percy Jackson Season 1 FINALLY (SPOILERS BUT THAT'S THE LEAST OF YOUR PROBLEMS)
The visceral noise I made eating popcorn as Luke said "look you didn't ask to be a half-blood" caused an earthquake in Alaska, I'm sorry I was facing northwest.
"Riposte" I'm sorry, no I'm sorry no-
Also, the background of the sword fighting scene was very pretty.
Poseidon showing up for his son!!! Letts gooooooo! THE WEIGHT OF THE OCEAN UPON YEE!!!
Right in the heel, it's gotta hurt!
Percy asked his uncle to please return his mom, wholesome family gold.
"He'll kill you." "I done to stop running from monsters." "You're gonna need all the luck you can get." The show gets why these two work. Friends before anything else.
Glory as a theme is something that I like that the show highlights more. But Grover is right. at least send an insurance email or something. A quick "on my way, please don't kill anyone"
Dropping the master bolt on some poor dudes desk, legendary.
Olympus is so fucking beutiful omg
I'm gonna cry if Luke and Percy are in the same scene as each other in this episode again. ILL DO IT! THAT'S A THREAT!
The dead silence, I'm shitting omg... yes I know what happens and?
Followed by "I didn't steal it! Neither did any of my friends" IM GONNA CRY! IM GONNA DO IT
The pin strip suit, the sky blue paisley tie, the presence, the voice, THE KING OF THE GODS PEOPLE
Lotta talk for someone so small and scary
"Of course we dream. why do you ask?" "Do you ever dream about mom?" ;-;
Thalia looking strudy as ever.
Another reminder I am not to held liable for anything I might say, you need only see how many times I've listened to "Last day of Summer" from The musical to understand how much I've thought of this moment in fictional time.
Confirmation that Luke was indeed what mattered most in the end? I'm gonna make myself cry shit-
Honestly, this Percy might be too smart for his own good. Bro's never gonna live this heartbreak down.
"You...I'm here to recruit." I- fucking- AHHHH
"Stop saying "we"!" "It’s the word Zeus fears the most."
AND SHE HEARD EVERYTHING! Wasn't she supposed to be watching Clarrise? He'll, if Percy could figure it out, I'm sure Annabeth would. It's worth it to see that LOOK on Luke's face. I'm sorry. Feel the weight of your actions, man.
Miss my old friend the pit scorpion but I also like my new friend "the first scars we gave eachother"
He knows Luke won't hurt him physically, but the psychic damage hurts more and has lasting status de buffs.
"Just be a kid" that's it
"I'll find you" that's it
Promising to meet again next summer...Percy just you wait.
"Grandpa" "don't call him that"
They are the ultimate mother son duo
Kinda hate that Sally didn't intentionally do a murder, or at least she has a lot more possible deniability now, but I hope she still makes a sweet sale on that sculpture!
And that's it! Fuck it's over what to do now... RE READING THE LIGHTING THEIF LIFE BLOG COMING SOON! As well I'll probably drop a summary of my thoughts on the whole season at some point soon! Happy Finally, y'all! Can't wait to see the discorse!
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waytooinvested · 3 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 18
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
Lena stood as Kara ushered Nia inside, seeming unaware of the vibrating hum of tension her two guests were sharing as they prepared to set the stage for what needed to come next.
‘Come on in Nia! Look who dropped round to surprise me.’
Nia did a clearly fake double take and then waved like Lena might not have spotted her from a few paces across the room.
‘Oh hey Lena, what a cool coincidence!’
Lena smiled indulgently at the over-enthusiastic play of their ‘happening’ to be here at the same time. Despite how many secrets this little group kept, hardly any of them seemed to be able to lie convincingly, and it made her wonder yet again how she had ever been taken in. Maybe she should offer to give them all a Luthor crash course.
Then again… maybe not. They might be on their way to being proper friends, but teaching them how to lie to her more effectively was just asking for trouble.
‘Hello Nia, I hope you don’t mind me crashing your time with Kara like this. I just heard the news about your new contracts and thought I’d bring round some champagne to celebrate – would you like a glass?’
‘Oh that’s such a shame. I would love some, but actually Kara was going to help me practise some dream power stuff, and it will work best if we’re sober. If you don’t mind hanging out for a bit we could have some after though? Maybe with another movie night? I had a lot of fun last time – and of course you’d be welcome to join in the dream journey too if you’d like to.’
To avoid unexpected snags they had rehearsed how this interaction should play out ahead of time, and Lena knew her part as well as Nia. It felt strange to be putting on this level of performance for Kara – uncomfortably like lying, but they had no choice, Project Atlantis was too important to risk to chance.
‘Thank you for the offer, but I prefer not to dwell too much in my dreams, they can go to places I’d rather not to revisit in my waking hours if I can help it. If it’s okay with you both I would like to stick around and see how it’s done though – I’ve been curious about it for a while, from a scientific perspective, and it would be nice to have another hang out session afterwards. Would that be alright with you Kara?’
‘Of course! More Lena time is always alright with me. Won’t you get bored while Nia and I are dreaming though?’
‘Not at all. I have an excellent book on the go, and my tablet if I decide to be really virtuous and answer some work emails. I’ll barely notice the time passing.’
It was as simple as that. Lena was in.
She sat back down on the couch while Kara and Nia settled cross legged onto large throw pillows on the floor. Nia talked a bit about what she knew about how the dream powers worked, and what she was expecting to happen once they got started. Then Nia and Kara held hands and closed their eyes, and after a few seconds they both went still, their breathing syncing up as they entered whatever dream space Nia had led them to.
Honestly, she had kind of been expecting it to look more magical. Maybe glowing lights, the way Dreamer’s powers could be made to manifest when she fought, or some kind of mystical aura, or hum. But from the outside all there was to see was her two friends. It was a little like watching people meditate. Or nap sitting up.
Lena did her best to do as she had said she would and answer some work emails, in between periodic checks to make sure Kara still looked well. But she found that whenever she glanced down to her inbox, her mind filled with the image of Kara in their last Q-wave trial – the slow trickle of blood shockingly vivid against her skin – and she would immediately look back up at her, scrutinising for the slightest sign of anything going wrong. In the end she gave up on even the pretense of doing anything else, and simply watched Kara.
It was not exactly a hardship.
She tried not to let herself stare too openly at her best friend these days, lest it complicate things further than they already were, but now she was free to take her in without worrying about being caught, or making her uncomfortable.
And Kara was, quite simply, lovely.
Somehow she always seemed to be brighter than other people, as if she was permanently limned in the sunlight that gave her her powers, even now she couldn’t access them. Even when she was ducking her head and fidgeting with her cardigan sleeves and acting as if she didn’t want to be seen. Lena saw her.
Kara’s breath hitched.
It was subtle – the slightest stutter-step taking her out of time with Nia, but Lena was instantly on edge. Her instinct was to wake Kara immediately, but she knew it was too soon. The slight change could even be a good thing – a sign that something big was happening, that Kara was remembering. There was no blood, and no indication that this was necessarily a bad-
Kara went rigid, her head thrown suddenly back and a gasp ripping out of her that sounded like it was tearing at her lungs as the colour drained from her face in an instant and left her a scary shade of grey-white. Lena was beside her in two seconds flat, pulling her hands free from Nia’s and taking them in her own. They felt clammy, and her fingers stayed bent into stiff claws even as her limbs began to jerk against whatever she was experiencing in her mind.
‘Kara. Kara, darling, wake up. Come on, come back now, it’s alright. You’re home Kara, you’re safe, just open your eyes love.’
Kara’s eyes snapped open. They met Lena’s but didn’t seem to see her as she continued to gasp and jolt. Behind her Lena was aware of Nia coming round too, heard her quiet ‘oh my god…’, but didn’t spare her so much as a glance as she pulled Kara in against her chest, still whispering reassurances to her as she stroked her hair and rocked her gently back and forth.
‘You’re alright Kara, it’s over, you’re safe now. You’re home Kara, and I’m here, I’m going to look after you, I promise darling. I’ve got you Kara.’
She barely even registered her own words as she went on and on in this vein, but the soothing tone of her voice did seem to be getting through to Kara, as at last the strangled, wrenching gasps eased to mere panicked hyperventilations, and Kara’s hands unclenched from their claw-like curl to instead wrap around Lena’s forearms, as if she needed to hang onto her to keep her from leaving, or else to reassure herself that she was real. Her grip was painfully tight, but Lena wouldn’t have dreamt of trying to loosen it. Kara needed to hold something right now, and Lena would be her something.
‘Kara, I’m… I’m sorry, I never meant-’
Nia stuttered, sounding completely stricken, and now that the absolute worst was past Lena broke off her murmurings just long enough to reassure her.
‘It’s not your fault Nia, you couldn’t have known that this would happen. You should go home now though. Don’t worry, I’ll look after her, I promise. Will you please call Alex and let her know what happened? Tell her I’ll call her when I can to let her know how Kara is, but it might be late. Can you do that for me Nia?’
Nia nodded. She looked in shock and like she wasn’t sure if she wanted to stay and try to help, or run out of there to escape what had just happened. She was clearly upset, but Lena didn’t have time to worry about her right now. Nia had said she would call Alex, and she trusted the elder Danvers sister to give her whatever reassurance she might need.
Right now Lena’s only concern was Kara.
After what seemed like a long time, Kara’s tense muscles relaxed from jerky stiffness into slack trembling, and her silent shock dissolved into sobs. At last she released her fierce grip on Lena’s arms and instead shifted to wrap one arm around her in a loose embrace, her face burrowing down against Lena’s bare shoulder while her tears flowed freely. Now she wasn’t so rigid, Lena pulled her up gently to sit in her lap where she could hold her properly. She took Kara’s free hand and pressed it to her chest, right over her heart.
‘Do you feel that Kara? Focus on my heart. Count the beats, and try to breath when I breath, alright?’
She took a few slow deliberate breaths, allowing Kara to feel the rhythmic rise and fall beneath her palm.
‘I’m here. This is real. And you are safe now.’
Without looking up, Kara nodded against Lena’s now-wet shoulder, and pressed her palm a little more firmly against her skin.
They breathed together until Kara’s sobs subsided, and she had stopped shaking.
‘Thank you.’
‘Of course darling. How are you feeling now?’
‘Better. I didn’t know it was going to be like that though. Poor Nia. What an awful power to have.’
‘I don’t think it’s always as bad as that… do you want to talk about what happened?’
Kara sucked in a deep, shuddering breath, and Lena was sure she was going to say no, but she didn’t. She tucked herself more securely into Lena’s embrace, and started talking, her voice a little hoarse and with an odd hollowness that was not usually there, but steadier than could reasonably be expected after the intensity of her recent terror.
‘I actually really do. If I tell it then it’s just a story, it’s not as real.’
She stopped for a moment, gathering her words, and then plunged on like she was leaping off a cliff into an icy sea of memory, in the hopes of washing up on kinder shores.
‘To begin with it was a flying dream. That part was great – well, you can imagine. Nia said we should follow the source of the flying, and even though that doesn’t make any sense now I say it out loud, I knew what she meant, and I knew where to go. So we followed the source, and it led to this- wall I guess. But not like an ordinary wall – it was a huge black expanse that went on forever and didn’t seem to have a top, it just cut the world in two… I wanted to go back then, but Nia said we were close, and the source would be nearby, and I somehow knew she was right, so we kept following it and found this little hole. It was tiny, but Nia said that was the way to the source, and we should go through. I didn’t want to, but she thought it was important, so I tried.’
Kara broke off with a little shudder, but started up again before Lena had time to ask if she was alright, or if she needed a break.
‘The gap was so small I wasn’t even sure I could fit. I had to wriggle in on my belly, and I was scared I was going to get stuck, but by then I was too wedged in to back up properly even if I wanted to, so I thought if I just kept going I would get to the other side soon, and then I’d be wherever this source Nia kept talking about was, and I would have really helped her with her powers. Only it didn’t open up. I was just in this tiny tunnel that kept going for what seemed like miles, and it felt like it was getting tighter and tighter around me, like it didn’t want me in there and was trying to spit me back out, only I couldn’t get out because it was squeezing me so hard, and I couldn’t hear Nia anymore. I was completely alone.
And then... I wasn’t, and somehow that was so much worse. It was like I was back trapped in the car, only multiplied by about a million, and the Things trying to get to me were something so much more horrible than coyotes or wolves, they were… monsters, or demons, or something. I couldn’t see them, but I knew they were just a breath away from me in the dark, and that they really, really wanted to hurt me. I tried to move forwards to get away from them, but then the pain started. It felt like my skin was being seared off my bones, and my blood was full of nails that tore my heart to shreds with every pump, and I wanted to scream but my lungs were on fire and breathing hurt too much. I couldn’t move backwards or forwards anymore, I was just stuck there feeling all of it, forever. I was so, so alone, and everyone I loved was dead or dying and I couldn’t help them. And... you hated me Lena. I knew, somehow I knew that you hated me.’
Kara started crying again, but it was different this time. Less painful, tearing anguish and more cathartic, like she was washing out the lingering remains of her ordeal to leave a clean wound that could begin to heal.
Lena closed her eyes against the tears that welled there, refusing to let them fall when Kara so badly needed her to be strong. She buried her face into the golden waves of Kara’s hair and pressed a kiss to the top of her head instead, pouring all of the things she could not voice into the gesture before giving a more moderated response.
‘I don’t hate you Kara, I- nothing could be further from the truth. It sounds unimaginably horrific, but I promise you none of that was real. Everyone is safe. Alex is safe, and Nia and James, Winn, Kelly, Brainy, J’onn, Sam, Ruby, Eliza: no one you love is in any danger. You’re not in any danger. It’s all over, and you’re safe, alright?’
Kara sniffled and wiped her eyes.
‘I’m just so tired now. I feel like I’ve been fighting a battle for a year without stopping. I am so tired. But I don’t think I dare go to sleep, in case I go back there.’
‘How about if I stay with you? I’ll look after you, and if you show any signs of bad dreams – even just a murmur or a change in your breathing, I’ll wake you up, so you won’t be back there for more than a second.’
Kara hesitated.
‘I can’t ask you to do that.’
‘You’re not asking. And whatever happens I am not leaving you alone tonight. If you don’t want me to stay I’ll call Alex to come instead, but you need someone here with you.’
‘Well then… I’d rather it was you.’
Lena’s heart swelled at the quiet admission, and she gave Kara a gentle squeeze of acknowledgement.
‘Then I’ll stay... Do you happen to have some sweatpants and a t-shirt I could borrow though? It’s no problem if not, I can just stay in my clothes, but I didn’t exactly dress bed-time comfy tonight.’
To her surprise, Kara actually smiled then. It was just the barest tilt of lips, but it was unmistakably there, like a single ray of sunlight breaking through a mass of storm clouds, standing out all the more vividly for the darkness that had preceded it.
‘Yes. I actually have the perfect pajamas for you.’
The ‘perfect pajamas’, it turned out, consisted of a pair of pink pants patterned all over with paler pink and white blobs; and a soft white t-shirt with a matching pink trim and a printed image of two large anthropomorphised cartoon marshmallows, wearing sleepy smiles and holding stick-drawing hands beneath the words ‘you make me feel squishy’ in sugar-pink bubble writing.
Lena raised an eyebrow, and Kara flashed her an impish (if still slightly watery) grin in return.
‘Because you’re a marshmallow.’
The pajamas were simultaneously so very much not Lena, and yet also kind of appropriate. Because Lena Luthor was absolutely not a marshmallow... Except when it came to Kara, maybe she kind of was.
Still, she couldn’t help feeling self-conscious as she emerged from the bathroom, makeup free and dressed in the sugary sweet outfit. She knew she looked silly, and childish in a way she rarely had even as an actual child (Lilian Luthor did not go in for cute when it came to choosing clothes for her offspring, and the only time Lena could ever remember wearing something with a cartoon print on it was the time in elementary school when Angela Howard had spilled chocolate milk over her at lunch and she had had to borrow a Tweety Pie t-shirt from the lost and found until the au pair had arrived with a fresh shirt), and as much as that shouldn’t matter right now, she instinctively crossed her arms over the picture on her chest as she stepped into the bedroom.
She was considering searching out a sweatshirt to at least cover up the top half, when Kara looked up from her comforter cocoon, took in Lena’s appearance, and let out a breath that seemed to carry half the weight of her nightmare away with it. Her tense shoulders lowered, the pinch between her brows smoothed, and she smiled with her eyes, the haunted look that had been lingering in them since the moment she resurfaced receding until it was almost eclipsed by something that Lena didn’t quite dare to name, but that made her cheeks warm until she was pretty sure they matched her pants.
‘You’re adorable.’
She cleared her throat and put her hands on her hips in unconscious imitation of Supergirl, realising a moment too late that she was no longer hiding the marshmallow print, and also that it didn’t matter.
‘I’ll have you know many people find me very intimidating.’
Kara ‘hmmm-ed’, her nose crinkling with feigned scepticism, and Lena let her arms drop to her sides, the last of her discomfort fading into insignificance under the influence of that sweet little scrunch.
Maybe she didn’t mind being adorable for Kara, after all.
She got into bed, having to edge up close to get any share at all of the blankets Kara had bundled herself up in, though she couldn’t say she minded that either. In other circumstances it might have felt dangerous to be here like this, in bed beside the woman she had been crushing on (and lusting over) practically since they’d met, who she absolutely could not cross that boundary with, but it didn’t. This wasn’t about that. It was about being here for her best friend after something awful had happened, and creating a safe space for her to sleep without fear. To that end they left the bedside lamp on in the hope that being able to see her surroundings would help keep Kara grounded; Lena made sure that water, tissues, and emergency post-panic chocolate supplies were all in easy reach (just in case); and then, after the slightest hesitation, she held out her arms in silent invitation.
She half expected Kara to shy away from the offer, despite the fact that she had spent most of the evening in Lena’s lap with her face burrowed into to the bare skin of her shoulder, but instead she snuggled into the embrace without so much as a flicker of her usual reserve. Apparently her ordeal had left her too wrung out to worry about whatever it was that normally made her hold back, and they slotted together as naturally and comfortably as if they did this every night.
After a few moments of quiet cuddling, Kara whispered into Lena’s neck:
‘Will you tell me something?’
‘Of course darling, what do you want to know?’
‘Just... anything. Tell me about what you’re doing at work at the moment. Something science-y that won’t leave room in my brain for anything else. I just want to hear your voice while I fall asleep.’
‘Alright. Well, I’ve been tinkering a bit with using ternary tetradymite films to optimise electron mobility in some of our spintronic devices this week – I could tell you about that if you like?’
So Lena talked all about electron mobility and spintronics, going into more detail than she probably should have to explain her as yet unpublished process to create a flawless crystalline structure in the ternary tetradymite films, and then when Kara didn’t ask her to stop, moved on to describe the wearable thermoelectric devices she had started work on using the same technology, which would, with a little more work, efficiently convert waste body heat into electricity to power the wearer’s devices.
She made sure to keep her voice low and soothing as she stroked Kara’s back and let the words carry her away, until at last her breathing became slow and even, and the subtle change in her weight against Lena’s side let her know that she had fallen asleep.
Lena stayed like that for another few minutes, just holding Kara and stroking her back, until she was sure that she was both deeply asleep and not currently in the midst of any upsetting dreams. Then she eased herself up to a sitting position and reached for her phone.
It was almost 2am by this point, but she didn’t think Alex would mind.
Lena: Are you awake?
Alex: Of course I am. Call me.
Lena: I can’t, I’m still at Kara’s
Lena: she’s asleep but I promised I wouldn’t leave her alone in case she has nightmares. So I’m texting you.
Lena: I need to tell you what happened but I can’t Lulu code it so you need to delete these texts once you’ve read them
Alex: ok. Is Kara alright???
Lena: Physically she’s fine. Emotionally though...
Lena: It was BAD Alex.
Lena: I don’t think I’ve ever seen her like that. I have bruises from where she was clinging onto me just to try and ground herself in reality, and even then it was at least half an hour after she came out before she started to look like she really believed this world was the real one
Alex: Fuck
Alex: How is she now?
Lena: She seems calm now. By the time we came to bed she was acting more like herself, just exhausted. She might have some trauma to work through before she’s really ok though
Alex: Thank you for being there for her tonight
Alex: And thank god you suggested one of us should join the dream sessions. I’m not sure if Nia could have coped with that by herself
Lena: Did you speak to her? is she alright? I was so focused on Kara I just sent her home and told her to call you
Alex: Yeah, she called. She feels awful for what happened. I told her it wasn’t her fault and we talked for a bit, but the poor girl is still seriously shaken.
Lena: I’m not surprised, it was pretty intense. I’ll have to check in on her in the morning.
Alex: Speaking of which, are YOU ok?
Lena: I’m fine, mostly just worried about Kara
Alex: Are you sure? You said you have bruises???
Alex: Do you think it was a returning powers doesn’t-know-her-own-strength situation? Because that would at least mean something good came out of it.
Lena: I think it was a regular human strength abject terror disconnect from her surroundings situation.
Lena: Which is lucky because if she had had superstrength at that moment I would currently be in hospital getting titanium rods fitted to replace the bones I would no longer have in my forearms.
Alex: ouch
Alex: so the dream work was a total failure then
Lena: Maybe not entirely. Did Nia tell you what happened while they were in there?
Alex: as much as she could. She said once Kara went into the wall it was like she lost control – she couldn’t sense her anymore, and Kara didn’t seem to be able to hear her when she called. She tried to follow but the dream wouldn’t let her.
Lena: Kara told me what happened after that. And I understand now what the barrier Lex built is made of.
Alex: Wait you do?! Tell me!!!
Lena: it isn’t something artificial we can just remove to let the two sides come back together. If we break the barrier, we’re breaking part of Kara’s mind.
Lena: that’s why the Q-waves gave her a nose bleed, I think
Lena: and it’s why Kara’s own mind is fighting so hard to keep away from it
Alex: WHAT IS IT???
Lena: It’s her fear.
Lena: Lex has taken all Kara’s Kryptonian memories, and walled them off behind every terror that Kara Zor El or Supergirl ever faced. So to get the rest of her memories back she would have to overcome all of them at once
Lena: The phantom zone. The loss of her planet. Every moment of pain from every time she was poisoned with kryptonite. Every time someone she loved died or was in danger, EVERYTHING. All at once.
Alex: That sick bastard.
Alex: Lena, Kara has faced so much fear.
Lena: I know
Alex: If she knew why she needed to she might be able to do it. But how can we ever expect her to go back in there if we can’t tell her why she has to?
Lena: We can’t
Lena: not without finding some way to protect her from it first
Lena: that much agony all in one go could break her mind permanently
Beside her in the bed Kara stirred, a tiny frown creasing her forehead.
Lena: I have to go, but we will work on this more at the next PA meeting.
Lena: Don’t forget to delete
Lena cleared the text chain quickly from her own phone, and then turned to pull Kara back into her arms, stroking her hair and murmuring ‘shhh darling, it’s alright, you’re safe’, until Kara relaxed back into more restful sleep.
She was tired and feeling a little shaky herself after what had happened, whatever she had just told Alex, but Lena didn’t let herself close her eyes. She stayed awake beside Kara as the hours ticked slowly by, watching for any sign of distress and soothing her back out of it whenever she seemed to be edging into nightmares, until at last the pale light of dawn began to filter in through Kara’s thin bedroom curtains, and they had officially made it through the night.
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whoiwanttoday · 2 months
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When I was younger I used to have to actually call in to work but the advent of voicemail in the office made my life a lot easier. I would wait until about 4 or 5 AM, call when I knew there would be no one to answer, put on my weakest voice and try to sound sick to make sure that no one could question that I was too unwell to come in to work. About 90% of the time I called in it was because of my depression, which early on was undiagnosed, then diagnosed and poorly managed, but I would fluctuate between being unable to sleep for days or being unable to do anything other than sleep. Either way, it gave me great anxiety that I would be caught because in those days you couldn't actually call in for depression, it wasn't a real illness, not like a cold, so I had to be vague while sounding like maybe I had a cold. Once we could start emailing in, a thing that existed but no one thought to do until we were able to easily access work email from home, it became that much easier. I still had the fear that they would think maybe I was out partying all night and just getting home and faking it but I didn't have very many other options so the emails still came in at 5 AM. It was one of life's many stupid ironies that I was in bed wanting to die and convinced no one thought of me but if they did they thought I was a pathetic loser but also they might think I was a lying party animal loser who was out living things up and skipping work because my life was too awesome.
Anyway, that's a long way of mentioning I am playing hooky today but my life is so much more privileged than it once was because I have been struggling with a pretty rough depressive episode for two weeks now and at the start of this week decided I couldn't do it anymore but if i gave myself a shred of hope maybe I could. So I am technically on vacation today, a thing younger me didn't get, actual leave for vacation, or really the ability to ask for, time off a few days in advance. My head being a mess still fucking sucks, it's not cheery to start singing in the shower and realize you've changed all the lyrics to be about wanting to die, though it is technically sort of funny, like the least marketable Weird Al anyone can imagine, but it's amazing how much easier it is if you have things like money and actual benefits. All of this is a long way of saying I have 10:30 AM tickets to see Longlegs, a thing I was supposed to see last week on Thursday but when the time came I canceled my tickets and took a credit because I was curled up in bed and could not make myself get out of it no matter how hard I tried. So I am posting Maika Monroe because she has long been dear to my horror addled heart due to the fact that she starred in what is one of my all time favorite horror movies, It Follows. She was also in the Guest which is frankly, pretty top notch as well but not on the all time greats list. I realize I am putting the cart before the horse a little bit here, given I haven't seen Longlegs yet but I both have faith and also the horse can absolutely go fuck himself. I am sick of worrying about the horse, who has, I might point out, done fuck and all for me. I haven't even used glue since like 3rd grade so the horse can just fucking rot for all I care. Anyway, when I first posted Maika Monroe she was still mainly coming up in tags on tumblr as a Surfer, which is kind of wild because I don't think that's how anyone thinks of her now. Either way, I enjoy her work, I think today will be good, today I want to fuck Maika Monroe.
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roboneco · 5 months
Who sent the email to Sam?
It was "from Jon" as Sam said, or at the very least it seemed like that. It is only a name. Could be "him". Could be fake. But why the name Jon, specifically?
First, all we know about the email is that it was sent with a name, an address, and from an internal email. The name and address being of Gerry specifically, and not of Gertrude because she's not who Sam asked for. That's it.
Here's where I got confused. Why exactly did Sam ask Gerry about the magnus institute?? From this alone, this shouldn't occur to him. Maybe he researched the name and ,as he claimed then, found a list of the kids who were there.
But...well... while Sam is competent & of course he was always obsessed with the institute after what happened to him....if he had a way to find the list himself, do you think he would have waited until someone sent him an email to go look for answers??
Of course not! He'd have already checked every single name on the list! Or at least looked for better leads than just begging people to trauma dump on him. I think someone else gave him the list. Or really the idea to ask about the list.
(I for some reason can't upload pictures so I'll settle for copy pasting the parts I want).
SAM: Right. Of course. I was wondering if you knew anything about the Magnus Institute?
SAM: I was on one of their gifted kids programs and – um – I got hold of a list of a few of the other kids, and thought it might be nice if we could get in contact, swap stories and that…
GERTRUDE: I see. Well, I’m sorry, but I don’t think Gerry can help you –
GERRY: (casually) Yeah, I barely remember any of it.
SAM: Oh, so you were a candidate?
To me it sounds like Sam was winging it. He hesitated before mentioning the list as if he wasn't sure it existed. he then seems almost surprised when Gerry confirms he was in the institute.
My guess is he never saw the list! My guess is whoever sent Sam the email had heard about his connection to the institute, and sent him a lead vague enough not to cause suspicion to who may have sent it & THEN personally planted in his head the idea that the lead & institute were connected.
Now, who do we know that: knows of the name Jon, interested in the magnus institute, and Sam trusts enough to listen to their advice about something he already wanted to do?
Bingo. It is Celia. Celia is the one who sent the Jon email & I have more proof.
1- this exchange right after leaving Gerry's house:
SAM: …Thanks for coming with me, Celia. I know we’ve only been working together a few weeks.
CELIA: Hey, it was my idea, remember?
hm? Your idea you say. good to know, bestie!
2- it makes sense for her to use any name really. I don't think it matters. But we should remember that when she listened to her first case (by Chester) right after that Sam got his email. Literally in the same episode.
3- she was in a podcast with Georgie in this world (as far as Sam & google know at least) so it makes sense for her to be able to search & find the list!!
4- this is weak but well.... She works in the OIAR... She has an internal email and could make another one (or hack her way through or something).
I am sure there are other things that I just can't remember right now but anyway that leaves some questions
Why did she take the painting?
Why Gerry? I understand how she could find the list but why choose him? I doubt either Melanie or Georgie mentioned him before. Was it random? Plot reasons? Or maybe her target wasn't Gerry, but Gertrude.
She could know about Gertrude. She was the last archivist after all. But she wants a reason to go without someone suspecting her personally. So after some research (stalking) figures out she has a roommate. And hey would you look at that. The guy's name is in the list of kids experimented on by the magnus institute. And oh? Who is also on the list? Her new coworker. Now isn't that a funny coincidence! It would be a shame if someone were to.... Maybe.... Use this opportunity for totally, definitely ethical reasons.....such as sending Sam a little email & connecting him with an old friend!
I think of this because Celia is the one who asked Gerry if he lives alone. She directed the conversation to ask about Gigi.
Anyways I had maaaannny more thoughts about this. Alas, I am tired & going to bed.
Have I mentioned that Celia lives I'm my head rent free. Sorry, wanted to say it, in case it wasn't obvious.
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eleganzadellarosa · 11 months
Business Before Pleasure
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Part 1
💕 pairing: Cha Eun Woo x fem!reader, Cha Eun Woo x OC
✨ genres: Dark Romance, CEO!au, eventual smut
💕 summary: After losing your job, you pursue your dream of working as a secretary. What you thought would be a piece of cake, turns into more because your boss is a POS
✨ author’s note: This fic is based off of an IG pause game lol. This will be a multi part fic so I will upload them as I write. If you would like to be tagged when I upload, please leave a comment! This first part is short but I hope the following parts will be over 2K words. Thank you for reading and enjoy your day <3 P.S the pictures I'll be using for this are not what the character looks like, just as reference to their style or personality.
💕 word count: 2.26K
To say you hated your job was an understatement. You had been working as an at home event planner, only visiting the office for important meetings or to meet with certain clients. It's been 3 years since you started working for the company and to think you bared through the stress for this long should be counted as an achievement. Truthfully you stayed for the pay. Yes it wasn't amazing but it paid your bills and anything else necessary so it slightly outweighed the cons. Tonight however, you regretted your tenacity with how the woman on the other end was yelling at you. She complained and complained about how her entire event was ruined because of a simple mistake that wasn't even on the company’s part but she felt the need to be compensated.
"Yes ma'am, I understand the problem you're having and I'm doing my best to help you. However, I am only able to do that if you stop yelling."
That only seemed to fuel her anger more and she blurted some obscenities before hanging up on you. You rolled your eyes and looked over at the time. It was already 9:45 pm aka 45 minutes past your time to get off. You sucked your teeth and quickly clocked out before shutting down your computer and standing to stretch your legs. Punctuality was one of your biggest traits, especially when it came to your meals but with you staying over time, you had no energy to stand and make yourself dinner. Takeout was your best bet now and as you scrolled through the many options available, an email notification pops up on your screen. You cringed when you saw it was from your boss and already knew why he bothered emailing you so late.
He was an asshole to say the least. He always treated his employees like crap and would penalize them whenever they worked overtime. He especially seemed to hate you for some reason and you were never really sure why. You open the email and read its contents, predicting what you would see, only to be utterly shocked.
Dear Ms. Meng,
I am regretfully emailing you to inform you that due to complaints and interactions with your client tonight, we will unfortunately have to terminate your contract with us. At this time we are unable to reconsider this decision. We hope that you will succeed in your future endeavors.
Best Regards,
A.P Wilson
This could NOT be happening, especially after you took the time out to try and help her as best as you could with an issue that wasn't even your fault. You never received client complaints, so she would be the first and apparently last. You immediately scrolled through your contacts and selected your boss' number and gave him a call.
"Ah Ms. Meng I expected you to call. Unfortunately as I said in my email, the decision is not up for discussion."
"Mr. Wilson" you put on your best fake smile even though he couldn't see it on the other end of the call. "Would you care to inform me how one complaint from a client lead to my termination? Don't you think that's a bit much?"
"A bit much? You were 45 minutes over time with a client you weren't even being considerate to. She said you yelled at her and didn't help her at all. What am I, as a good boss, supposed to take from that?"
"I don't know, maybe ask your employee first before you just let them go? But I forgot, you have your head so far up your ass that you are so busy worrying about paying your employees extra for overtime that you didn't notice that she tried to get a full refund and then some for an issue that wasn't even our faults! Fuck you and fuck this company!"
You didn't even bother to hear what else he had to say and hung up. This job was never really worth it and maybe now you could get an office job that you actually preferred with a boss that you actually liked, no matter how hard those are to come by. You sat on your bed with your brows furrowed and tossed your phone to the other end. You were pissed and now you didn't even want dinner.
Flopping onto your stomach at the other end of your bed, you picked up your phone and immediately typed in a job searching website. Office jobs were common and shouldn't be that hard to find, yet after scrolling through almost 20 pages and finding nothing, you ended your search early. It was only the first day and unemployment should process quickly so you had a few months before you were flat broke. Surrendering to the growling in your stomach, you settle on some tacos for the night.
There was no point in sitting at home sulking when you could be enjoying your unintentional vacation. You never had much time for your friends before, so now was best to call them up to hang out. It was a unanimous decision on meeting at a cafe to chat and have some decent coffee.
"Hey girly!" your best friend Priya called out to you, wrapping an arm around you as she approached. "This is great, finally some time to yourself and time for me!"
Priya has been your best friend since high school. She was your ride or die, there for you whenever you needed her. She was on the much more outgoing side personality wise, but you liked that about her, it helped you get out of your comfort zone. To say this friendship was a blessing would be a severe understatement. You were grateful for her and so was she for you.
"How are you handling everything?"
"I'm doing great actually. I'm going to take this as a sign to go for what I really want." You push the door open for her and allow her to walk in.
"Optimistic as always. We love a consistent girl like you Faye."
A few minutes later, two more friends, Liz and Ada, popped into the cafe and happily rushed over to where you and Priya sat. You slid over to make space on your end of the booth for Ada to fit.
"Someone must have sold their soul to get this girl out." Ada says, bumping her shoulder against yours.
"Haha no, I actually got fired."
The whole table spent about 10 minutes cursing out your boss and praising how much of a good worker you were. As much as you hated how everything was handled, you were telling the truth when you said you were fine.
"Actually, one of my friends from college works at this business and they're looking for a new secretary. If you want, I can hook you up with all the info." Liz interrupts the "boss bashing" and you focus solely on what she has to say. "And I heard the boss is super hot."
You laughed and shook your head. She was always trying to be the matchmaker of the group and almost always ended up failing. You appreciated her efforts though, you haven't had a boyfriend or any love interests since highschool. Boys weren't really on your mind since you broke up with your last one, he was just like every other douchebag guy you knew of.
"Actually Liz, I'm going to have to take you up on that offer. Can you ask your friend if she minds that I have her number? I want to ask her about a few things before I apply."
She quickly nodded and immediately got to typing on her phone.
This was it. Your dream job coming true before your eyes and you didn't know how to handle the happiness. It checked off all the marks you wanted and then some. Sure there were a few things you didn't like about the job but nevertheless, it was what you wanted and you didn't let the chance pass you by.
Today your interview was scheduled for "noon sharp" as the secretary informed you just a few days before. You were all about great first impressions, so you made sure to be here 15 minutes early.
The building was huge and slightly overwhelming. You walked through the revolving doors that lead to the large space. It made you feel important and like the characters you would see on dramas that scanned their key cards to get past the turnstile gates.
There was a middle aged fair skinned woman sitting at a large desk on which the words "information" was read, with a phone between her face and shoulder.
"Hello, can I help you?" She looks at you with a bubbly smile, teeth pearly white.
"Yes, I have an interview with EWX"
"Oh yes, they're expecting you. Take this elevator on the left and go to the 4th floor."
You silently thanked her and waved goodbye as she took another call. The more the elevator ascended, the more your anxiety rose. It's been years since you were last on an interview and you suddenly felt like you left all your experience and skills with your old job. The elevator dinged when it reached the 4th floor and the two doors opened. There was another woman at the front desk on this floor and she smiled when she saw you.
"You must be Faye, here for the interview?"
"I am! Do I need to sign in?"
"Not at all, go ahead and take a seat and they'll be out here shortly."
You sat in the small waiting area for about 5 minutes before you heard someone call your name. When you turned around and looked, there was a girl, seemingly around your age looking over the front desk to see where you sat. Admittedly you were short, but she looked past you as if expecting to see someone a bit older.
"Oh, you're Faye?"
"Yes, I am." You chuckled and put your hand out to shake hers.
She sneered and hesitated to shake your hand. "Wonderful.” She says, sarcasm heavily laced in her voice “Right this way."
You didn't want to think negatively about her behavior but there was only one way to assess it. That's not what you were here for though and you wouldn't let it affect your professionalism. When you entered the interview room, there were two other people there; a man and another woman.
The interview went well. They asked you about yourself, your work history and how you found out about this position. They appeared to be pleased with your answers and said they would be contacting you within the next few days.
The first girl you met eventually introduced herself as Ashley and walked you back out to the waiting room.
"Don't get your hopes up, the boss doesn't really like people like you and most people don't last long."
You looked at her as you pressed the button for the elevator. "Do you mind elaborating on 'people like me'?" She was leaving a bad taste in your mouth but you gave her one last chance to turn it around.
"You know, extremely bubbly, overzealous. Just stop trying so hard and maybe you'll have a chance."
You wanted to roll your eyes. She obviously either has a crush on this man or secretly fucks him and thinks she's better than everyone else, but you bet money it was the former. "Well Ashley, I guess we'll just have to see if the boss wants 'someone like me' to be a breath of fresh air after dealing with someone like you." The elevator opened as you finished your sentence and you stepped in. "Have a great day!"
It's been 3 days since you last spoke with them and the weekend was quickly approaching. It was only your first interview so you knew not to put all your eggs in one basket, but you really wanted for it to work out.
You stood at the stove, phone propped up against your toaster as you made yourself a quick lunch. "I'm so excited to hear back from them whether they want me or not."
"I'm glad you're looking on the bright side and not letting it get you down." Ada praises your optimism and confidence.
"Same and for not letting that jealous bitch get to your head." Priya added.
"I'm sorry if they say no, I'm going to feel like it's my fault for even mentioning it." You looked over and saw a pout on Liz's face.
"Aww Lizzie, don't feel that way. I'm actually so much more eager about finding this type of work so this interview was a big step."
Just then, a number you don't have saved rings your line and you quickly put your friends on hold to answer it.
"Yes, is this Ms. Meng?"
"Yes, speaking!"
"Oh great, this is Sabrina with EWX, I was just letting you know that we would like to offer you the position. Are you still interested?"
"That would be wonderful!"
"Great! We would love for you to come in this Monday to get a fresh start and learn the ropes. Is that too sudden?"
"Not at all! Thank you again for this opportunity and I will see you all Monday!"
"Wonderful, it was a pleasure speaking with you Ms. Meng and we'll see you Monday!"
You quickly switched back over to the group call with your friends and they immediately knew of the great news with the huge smile you wore. They all screamed, clapped and congratulated you.
You never expected to get over this big hump so quickly but you were no less than grateful. This was big for you and you couldn't wait to see what your new job had in store.
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readyforthegarden · 1 year
Eternal - Part Five
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A vampire!gvf multi-part dark romance AU (Josh Kiszka x reader, GVF x reader)
Warnings: 18+ Only Minors DNI. Mentions of blood, death, vampirism. Smut: fingering (f! receiving) sex, blood drinking, biting,
WC: 3601
A/N: Just want to say thank you guys so much for your patience between updates! I really apprecaite it and I'm so thankful for everyone who's asked to be on the taglist and have sent me sweet messages about the fic, it truly means the world to me that you guys are enjoying the story!!
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Seven days. It’d been a full calendar week since you’d heard from Josh. At first you were sad. Near devastated, to put it bluntly. Then you decided that anger and pettiness was your ideal route. You were just the flavor of the week to him, literally. He got his fill and then took you to a nice dinner and ghosted you. Part of you wanted to start going to the club again, partly to drink and dance your feelings away, but deep down, it was mostly to find a stranger to hold your body and make Josh jealous if he was there.
Instead, you stayed in with Jameson, deciding that the idea of seeing the vampire with his arms wrapped around somebody else was too nauseating to bear. Your dreams were still strange, the swirling screaming black shadows seemed to have backed away, but were still circling, still watching. 
Still, when your phone pinged from its spot on the couch on the seventh day, giving the cat who was laying on the device a startle, there was a small flutter in your stomach, only to be crushed as you fished your phone from under Jameson’s belly and seeing it was just a spam email notification. You tossed your forkful of pasta down into the bowl, letting the metal clatter and clang against the ceramic bowl, feeling pathetic that yet again, you were wallowing over some guy. You’d decided you’d had enough, getting up and stomping to your bedroom, darting to your closet and towards the back where you kept your more risqué clothing. 
You slipped out of the oversized t-shirt you wore as pajamas, shimmying into the tight black mini skirt and pulling your lacy bustier top out of the closet too. You made sure to do a sultry, smokey look for your makeup, and spritzed your most femme fatale perfume on your neck, wrists and ankles. Once you fastened your strappy heels, you stood up, going to your vanity mirror and fluffing your hair. In your peripheral, you caught movement in the corner of your bedroom. An icy bolt of fear shot through your body as you tried to act normal, grabbing your bag off the vanity table and beginning to move quickly to the door.
“Where do you think you’re going?” you stopped, the ice in your veins turning to bubbling hot anger as Josh’s voice called out to you. “I asked you a question, love.” you spun on your heel, walking towards the man who emerged from the shadows.
“Don’t you fucking call me ‘love’, asshole.” you pointed a finger at him, jabbing him in the chest. “You don’t speak to me for a fucking week and break into my apartment the one night I decide to go out and get over you? How dare you?”
“As I’ve told you, you’re mine.” Josh grabbed the wrist of the hand that was poking his chest. “There is no getting over me, love.” his emphasis on your pet name made your blood boil even more, and tried to pry your arm away from him, but he only tugged you in further. Your chest was pressed against his, his other arm winding around your back, pressing you against him. “I was away on business. But if you were craving my attentions, I do believe even these modern cell phones work both ways, do they not?”
“Forgive me, but I thought you were more ‘old-fashioned’, and would give a girl a call after a few days.”
“After the way you left me high and dry in the back of the car?”
“Oh were you thirsty?” you gave him a fake pout. “Couldn’t find another blood bag for seven days?” Josh bemusedly rolled his eyes.
“If you’re jealous, then let me put your nerves to rest.” he murmured, looking into your eyes. “I have not seen, nor fed from another since you.” you stopped trying to pull away from him, gritting your teeth as he stared you down, an honest, unbothered look on his face. You hated the small feeling of joy in your heart at the admission, knowing he felt it in your pulse they way his thumb rubbed against your wrist. Your stubbornness reared at the small smirk on his face and you tried tugging away again.
“Well that’s lovely, but if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go out and have a good night.” you pushed yourself away from him, and turned, briskly walking out of the room. Josh followed, hot on your heels.
“Which spot are we going to, then?” you rolled your eyes as you tucked your phone and ID into your wristlet, making sure your debit card was in there as well. You ignored him, staring at your jacket on the hook by the door, wondering if you should bother with one. The weather was getting warm, but it was still mid-Spring, the nights were still near freezing. “I know you prefer Club Soleil, but it’s getting a bit stale, even if I do own it.”
“You own-? You know what, no I’m not letting you distract me. And I’m not telling you where I’m going, because you’re not coming with me.”
“My love, do you forget what I am?” Josh just folded his arms over his chest, giving you a smarmy smirk as he leaned against the door to the apartment, blocking your exit. “I can track you. I’ll find you wherever you go.”
“So you’re just going to stalk me?” you squinted at him as he shrugged nonchalantly. “Move.” Instead of moving out of your way, he unfolded his arms, straightening up and wrapping them around your waist, tugging you flush against his body. He looked down his nose at you, and the look in his eyes made you feel weak in the knees. 
“We could stay in,” Josh murmured, splaying his hands across your back and pressing you impossibly closer. “I could show you all the ways you’ve missed me in the past week.” you scoffed, though an image of your and Josh’s bodies wrapped around one another in your sheets made your will weaken.
“What makes you think I missed you?” you tried to keep your voice even, knowing he could see right through you as his smirk grew.
“An interesting thing happens when a vampire feeds on someone.” he brought his index finger under your chin, using the pad of it to lift your eyes back up to his. “I may not be able to read your mind, but if a feeling is strong enough, I can sense it, feel a part of it myself. And my sweet girl, I felt everything you did to yourself.” your cheeks were burning as you recalled pleasuring yourself, whimpering and calling out Josh’s name as you peaked.
“Well if you’d called, you probably would’ve gotten to feel more than just a fraction.” you bit back, your annoyance still bubbling within you. 
“You make me repeat myself once again, but phones work both ways,” he replied frankly. “Had you called me, I would’ve been here in an instant, taking care of your needs.” he leaned forward, cupping the right side of your face and pressing a kiss just below your ear on the left, making your eyes flutter close. He trailed a line of soft, wet kisses down your neck to your shoulder, letting his hand come up, fingers creeping under the strap of your bustier top and running underneath it teasingly. “Let me guess your fantasy, hmm? You come home from a long day of work, and I’m there. I’ve prepared a lovely dinner for you and have your favorite white wine ready. But before we eat, you want to take a hot, steamy shower, scrub the day away.”
“Let me guess, you follow me into the shower?” you half-heartedly taunt, swallowing the moan that kept rising up in your throat as he sucked a dark mark onto your collarbone.
“Oh no, you get to have time to unwind.” Josh promises. “But I find you in the bedroom after, before you get dressed, and I come up behind you,” he swiftly turns you around, pressing your back to his chest now. “Your flesh gets goosebumps when I touch you, running my fingers down your arms. I’d hold you to me, an arm wrapped around you for support as my other hand caresses your breasts.”
Josh was acting out his tale as he spoke, his hand running along your cleavage as he held you to him. You felt his hand begin to travel down your front, and over the front of your skirt. He rounded your thigh, and you felt your legs part to let him in. You felt him smile against your ear as he leaned down and continued whispering.
“You can’t wait for me to take you as my hand moves slowly towards your pussy, you’re already aching for me to touch you. I’d slide my finger along your wetness, in one slow, firm stroke, feeling you shake beneath me.” you sighed as Josh’s finger ran a firm line up your clothed pussy, the fabric of your panties already soaked. “You want me to touch you more, so badly, don’t you?”
“Mhm,” you nodded, reaching behind your and grabbing his shoulder, bucking your hips into his hand. 
“My poor, pathetic sweet girl,” Josh cooed with a dark chuckle. “Do you need me to touch you?” 
“Yes, please,” you were embarrassed you were already panting, the anticipation of his touch mixed with his words riling you up. He turned you around, capturing your lips in a searing kiss, his plush lips pressing against yours as his hands grabbed at the back of your thighs. You hopped up, wrapping your legs around his waist and letting him walk you back into your bedroom as your tongues tasted each others mouths once again.
He lowered you onto your bed, never breaking the kiss. Once his hands were free, he hastily ran them up your thighs and under your skirt, pulling down your panties and discarding them. You felt his finger on the seam of your pussy, running between your lips and collecting the wetness there. You whined, bucking your hips again and begging him with your urgent kiss for more of his touch.
“Josh, I need it,” you sighed, a hint of defeat in your voice as your resolve completely crumbled just as he began circling your clit with his slick finger. “Oh, shit.”
“I know, love, I know,” he mocked you gently. “You need it so badly. Need me so badly.” you were nodded as he applied more pressure to his circles, the tight, hot coil in your belly becoming hotter and more dense, the pleasure building up as he continued his movements. “But I need something from you too.” you looked up at him as he stared at your neck, feeling your blood pounding in your veins, knowing he could see its pulse.
“Just try not to get any on my sheets.” was all you said, and Josh was already at your neck, biting down where your neck and shoulder met. You moaned as the weight of his body on top of yours pressed his clothed, hard cock against your exposed pussy. You ground against his crotch, feeling him grind back as he drank from you. “Fuck me,” you groaned, the sensation of him drawing your blood still new and different and somehow pleasurable. You felt Josh pull away, smirking. He looked down at you, your blood tinging his lips dark ruby red.
“With pleasure,” in a flash his belt and pants were undone, pushed down and he was stroking himself as he gazed at you again. You realized he was waiting for you to fully say yes, and you nodded, reaching out and pulling his hand off his cock, instead wrapping your own around it and pumping it teasingly before you gently led him down, placing the head against your cunt. He thrust his hips, rubbing through your slick folds before pressing into you with a hiss. You sighed contentedly, feeling him stretch your walls deliciously. 
Josh barely gave you a moment to adjust to his size, beginning to pound into you at a rough pace, grabbing your hips and arching your body off the bed himself. Your breathing was inconsistent, you alternated between cries of pleasure and gasps of breath. You could feel small streams of cooling blood trickling down your shoulder and dripping onto your bed. Sheets be damned, at this point. All you cared about was the incredible pleasure coursing through your veins.
“Fuck, I knew you were mine.” Josh ground out between grit teeth. He let go of your body, letting it flop back down onto the mattress, and bent down, grinding himself against you, making your bodies writhe together as he kissed you. “So perfect,” you whimpered underneath him as the coarse, trimmed hair at his pelvis scratched against your clit as his hips slid against yours. The push and pull of his dick feeling unbelievably amazing, you felt as if your entire body was vibrating. Your hands grabbed at his body, not being able to stay in one spot before you needed to feel another part of him. “Are you gonna cum for me? Cum all over my cock, love.” Your mouth fell open, brows furrowing together as your orgasm overtook you. His name fell from your lips in the form of a prayer as he worked your through it, his thrusts rougher, sharper than before as he sought his own climax.  You felt his release, the feeling of him filling you making you hum against his lips as he kissed you one more time. 
When he pulled away he pressed his lips to the bite mark, his tongue lapping at the punctures to clean and heal the wounds. Josh untangled himself from your limbs. You would’ve helped, but everything in your body felt boneless, you felt like you were made of jelly. He smirked at your limp body, pulling up his boxer briefs and pants before kneeling back on the bed. He reached forward, tugging down the front zipper of your bustier top and letting it fall open. 
You half expected him to begin touching you again, but he merely pulled your arms through the straps and pulled it out from under you, tossing it to the floor and grabbing the oversized t-shirt you had been in before changing. He lifted your body up, pulling it over your head and down your body before shimmying your tight skirt down your legs. He sat at the end of the bed, deftly undoing the clasps of your shoes and tossing them away as well.
Josh left the room, and you felt a pang of despair. You cursed yourself for letting him back in, he was just going to leave again. Going through your self-deprecating thoughts, you missed the bathroom sink running, until he came in with a warm washcloth, wiping at your neck softly before folding the towel and cleaning up between your legs. He went back into the bathroom to put the towel away, and came back, shuffling you in the bed and getting you comfy before pressing a kiss to your forehead.  When he straighten up, your arm shot out from under the covers, hand clasping his wrist. Josh looked at you, slightly shocked at your speed in your fucked out state.
“Stay?” you asked, not caring how pathetic you felt or sounded at this point. “At least for a little?” Josh pursed his lips, glancing at the clock and out the window before nodding. He kicked off his shoes, and climbed onto the bed next to you, fully clothed, and rested back against the headboard. You didn’t have the energy to say thank you, instead you curled your body up next to his, allowing yourself to fall asleep.
There’s nothing but darkness. You can hear the leaves of the mighty tree shaking in the wind, but cannot see them. Fear is the only feeling you recognize as the wind whips around you, feeling like it’s tugging on your hair, your clothes; pushing and pulling you in any direction it can. The piercing screams and screeching are so loud you think they’re in your head only, and you clap your hands over your ears, trying to lessen the blow. Tears ran down your face, helpless and cold. You crumpled to the ground, on your knees, sobs racking your body as you felt like you would never escape this dark hell.
You looked around fruitlessly in the dark, trying to spot where the voice came from. It was smooth as honey, even in tone and low, though it was undoubtedly a female’s voice calling over the screaming wind.
“Awaken, child.”
“Who are you?!” you cried over the wind. “What do you want?!”
Your eyes snapped open, staring at the wall in front of your bed. Your breathing was heavy and you realized you were already sitting up. Looking next to you, Josh was staring at you, a deep concern creasing his forehead, eyes worriedly darting around you. You heard a clatter in the room, and turned your head towards it, expecting to see Jameson having knocked something over. Instead, in the far corner, there was a dark shadow, lingering and swirling around like in your dream. You froze, and you slowly reached over, touching Josh’s leg with your hand in an attempt to ground yourself.
“Do you see that?” you whispered, swallowing thickly.
“I do.” Josh’s voice sounded uncertain. “Stay still, love.” Josh gently removed your hand from his leg before getting up, and going towards the shadow. You almost jolted forward to grab him, to stop him from getting any closer, but willed yourself to stay still. He began speaking low, lower than you’d heard his voice before, in a language you couldn’t place. The shadow swirled angrier, like in your dreams, and you could hear a faint high pitched wailing coming from it as Josh’s voice became louder, holding up a hand towards the shadow. Josh was near shouting, and finally the swirling mass shot through the room, out the closed window and into the night, leaving a gust of wind that blew things around your room and smelled like ash.
“What was that, Josh?” you asked, finally finding your voice again. Josh ignored you, going to your closet and drawing the doors open, rummaging as you watched him, until he found what he was looking for. He dragged your suitcase out of the closet and tossed it on the empty space on the bed, grabbing an armful of clothes from the closet and tossing them in.
“You can’t stay here anymore.” he shook his head. “I can’t let you stay here.”
“Let me? This is my apartment.” you scoffed. “What was that thing Josh? And why do I keep dreaming of it?” Josh paused, glancing at the crystal around your neck then to your eyes.
“I had hoped the selenite would work, but obviously crystals are just rocks.” Josh huffed, going to your dresser and opening a few drawer, taking handfuls of panties and sock, and tossing them in the suitcase, then grabbing a few pairs of pants. “That’s the last time I listen to Samuel about that shit.”
“Josh!” you grabbed his hands, forcing him to stop and look at you. “Will you tell me what’s happening? Please?”
“I’ll explain in the car, I promise. But we can’t risk it coming back and bringing friends, okay? We have to go. We’ll come back for the rest of your stuff later, but let’s go.” He zipped up your suitcase and tossed you a pair of jeans he’d grabbed from the drawer that didn’t fit, and you began putting them on.
“What about my cat?” Josh stopped, looking at you as if you had a third head. “Josh, I’m not leaving my cat behind if that thing is dangerous and may come back.” 
“Fucking humans and their pets.” Josh rolled his eyes. “Go get the mongrel, but if it ruins the upholstery in my car, I’m throwing it out the window.” you rolled your eyes, going into the closet yourself and grabbing your cat carrier, going out to the living room and looking for Jameson. You finally found him under the couch, and pried him from the hiding spot, placing him in the carrier with a few treats and zipping it shut, grabbing a few cans of food from the cupboard for him and tossing them in a bag. 
“Okay, you have your cat, let’s go.” Josh ushered you out of the apartment once you’d gotten your purse and wallet together. You secured Jameson’s carrier in the back seat of the Escalade, and were surprised that Danny wasn’t in the drivers seat waiting for Josh the whole time. But it was Josh who climbed into the drivers seat, clutching the wheel and shaking his head as you buckled in. The late night was giving way to early mornings indigo hues, and Josh peeled away from the curb once you were secured. It was deathly silent in the car until he got on the highway, heading towards his estate. He tapped on the screen in the Escalade, bringing up a contact list and pressing on a number.
“Hullo?” a groggy voice answered, “I was just about to fall asleep, Josh.”
“Stay up, Jacob, wake up Samuel and find Daniel.”
“For what?” Josh’s grip tightened on the steering wheel as he swallowed thickly.
“Edric is back."
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@joshsindigostreak @lvnterninthenight @allieisacrybaby @xserenax-13 @sarakay-gvf @shutupdevvie @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvf2 @gretavanfleetposts @sacredthefran @josiee-gvf @highdefkiszka @ascendingtostardust @joshkiszkatoothgap @andeejoness @gardensgatedaisy @kkdarling @demonrat444 @teddiie @writingcold @dannyandthekiszkas @gretavanbestie @lightmylove-gvf @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @gretavanslut @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @earthlysorrows @earthlysorrows-backup @sunfl0wer-power @jankandjonch @gvfpal @allybjt @hippievanfleet @weightofbrokenbells @joshkiszkasbadussy @malany-gvf @ruby0antlers @samofthedawn @sacredjake
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Yandere Banda Sunato x Reader - Play you
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Notes: yandere themes - violence - manipulation - emotional abuse - murder - DARK - NON-CON - DARK BANDA - physical abuse - stalker Banda -
Banda picks you as his next victim because you have something he cant describe about yourself. He just likes you, he has these morbid dreams of you screaming for help as he attacks you when you leave work at night (why do you keep passing by that dark corner?). He laughts at how stupid and scared you look when you feel his eyes on you the entery walk to your home.
Banda will do his work and get your schendelure. From days to weeks. He knows what you do at every hour and with who you are. Banda will let you be free for a couple of days till he decides its a good time to kindapt you.
When he does he even leaves a fake email with your apparent words of wanting to go and visit new places.
He gets you at night, when you ordered food and instead he shows up, dreased as the delivery man with blood on his face and that empy smile.
He will keep you in a house apart from the big city or in a aparment complex where he knows no one asks couestions.
For some days he justs gives you food and water, does not talk to you or answer your questions. As day pass he will show you how no one is looking for you (thanks to his email) so he can break you and then take your pieces to make a new you.
But you, were smarter. For each piece he collected from you a part of your sanity stayed.
As time passed and Banda saw how subimisse you had become he started to give you freedom.
He let you shower, gave you proper meals and let you sleep in a bed.
With him, you had to hide very well how uncomfortable you were while sleeping being hug by him. Or during the days when he would kiss you and touch you.
Your plan was simple, fake your love for him and once you get him distracted enought kill him or attempt to. The news were talking about him, about how he killed 4 women and was now hidding.
Banda made you believe he did not do such a thing. That the police needed someone to blame and saddly he was there in the wrong moment.
You smiled and said that "of course i believe, you have been nothing but good for me" then will cuddle him, tremblingn a bit and when he asked about it you simplely said "if because im near you, i get such a happines that makes me tremble".
The next days you took notice on how Banda had been letting you be more on your own (inside the aparment, seeing the light of the day was still a dream), but now he would let glasses out, knifes he uses to cut the meat so perfectly by the reach of your hand.
You knew he had a cellphone and that he uses fingerprints as his password, so you plan on using that to contact the police once you kill him.
Was it messed up? Yes it was, part of you did die when Banda tortured you for these weeks, other part of you stayed strong enought.
But there was a darker part, one that kept telling you to not do it. That Banda was keeping you safe and well. You where healthy, having 4 foods a day, not having to worry about money, why would you want to get away from this heaven?.
"Lets drink tomorrow" you proposed to Banda. You two were currently having dinner with some random music in the background.
"For what exaclty? Banda asked. The took sometime studying your face.
"For celebrating...i have been with you for months now, and i believen they have been the best moths of my life.
Banda stayed silence eating his food, he had seen a change in your behaviour but was still unsure if you had truly changed. While his tortures were all mental and never physical (he liked to save these) he still tought you had some fight spirit on you.
And it ecxited him.
"Alright, i will try to get us some beer"
Tonight, tonight you were going to do it. Banda had bought lots of beer and some chicken meat. He seemed so happy about the situation.
Oh fool.
You two started to drink, you made sure to see him pouring your drink. As the two of you drunk you got closer to him, the knife hiding in you felt almost bad but you knew you had to do it.
Banda took one last drink and went down to kiss you, and in that moment you attacked, your hand when you the knife and ready to kill him but a hand took your arm, twisted it painfully and took it away.
You looked with horror at Banda. He had the most evil expression you had seen.
"So this was your plan, getting me drunk and stab me....not bad but too amateur"
You went to respond but you started to see blurry, was the beer ? It could be, you havent drink in a long time, but beer was by far not the strongest thing you had drink.
"Something's wrong darling?" Banda asked drinkingn a bit more "oh, it may be these pills i gave you, you know when you went to get us more food"
Shit, yes you did leave for a moment. You two were having such a good time that you let yourself be carefree and asked if he wanted more food.
You felt back, you back hitting the ground, you tried to get up but Banda pushed you down with his foot.
"I knew you were being too easy, i never made a mess of you, never did break you enough"
He got down, sitting on you, now he was moving the knife around your face and passing it by your arms. He cut you and you cried in suprise.
"Now, this will happen. Im gonna cut you, and you will cry because i know it hurts. But dont worry" He kissed your lips and then your neck.
"We will play around pain and pleassure tonight. I wanted to have you in a different way, a sweeter way, but you decided to act like this".
He did small cuts in your arms, kissing them, sucking your blood and then kissing you. He slowly took your shorts, making cuts in your tights, then he removed your shirt, and craved his name on your stomach.
You screamed and begged him to stop but Banda just laughted making you feel his hard dick.
"Oh im going to make you feel so good. You will be screaming my name all night. You wont ever think on doing something like this again. And you know what, we will repeat this in the morning, oh yes, stop saying no. We will do it anyways.
That night Banda tortured you in the worse way possible. The took your dignity away, he played with you all night and when he got tired he tied you up and as a promise he continued in the morning.
He left you there, covering in blood and cum. Said he needed to pick up somethings from a friend and left you.
It could have been hours or minutes, time became blurry, but he returned he took you to the shower, help you clean yourself and took care of your cuts. He then took you back to bed, he tied you up, kissed you and wished you a good night.
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