#I finally have time to make a healthy dinner and lunch every day I’m finally getting enough sleep and I have time to do stuff outside schoo
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your-local-granny · 1 year ago
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floueris · 7 months ago
College boyfriend! riki
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College boyfriend! Riki x stem gf
genre : crack, fluff
summary : Riki as your college boyfriend
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College boyfriend! riki who is a history major
College boyfriend! riki who was so excited to finally be able to join his hyungs in uni
College boyfriend! riki who you met in high school (self promo but classmate! riki fic is here)
College boyfriend! riki who is smitten with you his stem major gf!
College boyfriend! riki who always makes it a point to try to have breakfast together before either of y’all’s first class (GUYS ITS THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS OKAY, I’m screaming bye, me when)
College boyfriend! riki who tries to have at least lunch, dinner or supper with you if he isn’t able to meet you for breakfast that day
College boyfriend! riki who if he isn’t able meet you that day would always try to leave things in your bag the previous day for a little surprise as he says
College boyfriend! riki whose favourite thing to leave in your bag is a cute love notes telling you how pretty you are or how smart you are and it’s because you always gets extra affectionate after you find them
College boyfriend! riki who is in the dance and baseball team (i KNOWWWW so many people would say basketball but like have u seen that vlog with him and jake, bro has a mean pitch)
College boyfriend! riki who gets extra clingy when tired he is tired (he thinks you are his battery pack, being clingy with you only recharges his energy)
College boyfriend! riki who is a very hardworking person and juggles his time well
College boyfriend! riki who loves to go on study dates with you after school (only because you make studying less tiring when you are there with him)
College boyfriend! riki who enjoys the peace and comfortable silence during these dates (also because he thinks you are really hot like REALLLY HOTTTT when you are focusing on something)
College boyfriend! riki who is elated when he found out that you want to minor in history
College boyfriend! riki who basically becomes your tutor the moment you have a history related module
College boyfriend! riki who is such a good tutor, only because of the rewards that he gets after you do well on a test (his reward being kisses LOL)
College boyfriend! riki who sits beside you during these tutoring sessions
College boyfriend! riki who has an arm around your chair
College boyfriend! riki who feels that you are too far and grabs the base of your chair to pull you closer to him (PLEASEEEEE I NEED HIM SO SO SO BAD, honestly if someone did this to me I would fold SOOO BAD)
College boyfriend! riki who gets a little all up in your face when he is trying to explain an important concept
College boyfriend! riki who does it on purpose because he wanted to see your flushed ears
College boyfriend! riki who then tucks your hair behind your ear and gives you a loud smooch on your cheek
College boyfriend! riki who can’t help but giggle when you smack his sturdy chest in shock and embarrassment
College boyfriend! riki who can’t help but look at you with a love struck expression as you clear your throat and compose yourself
College boyfriend! riki who thinks your the cutest, kindest, most gorgeous, most perfect person he’s ever met
College boyfriend! riki who just can’t help loving you more and more as the days goes by
College boyfriend! riki who always get a warm feeling, like how a hot drink feels on a freezing day every time he sees you
College boyfriend! riki who is so utterly and helpless in love with you even though you guys have been together for a while
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A/n : someone save me please , I’m TEWWWWWWW DOWN BAD FOR RIKI OMFGGGG, I literally need to start dating him or else I’m going to start crying ( guys in all seriousness this is a joke🙏 para-social relationships aren’t healthy 🙏🤫) also self projecting a little because STEM IS CRAZY
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gainerbf · 1 year ago
•How I’ve gained weight•
I’ve wanted to make a post like this for a while now because I get the question ‘how do I gain weight’ often. Here is an outline of what I’ve been doing
-In the morning, I try to have eggs. 4 eggs scrambled with a slice of cheese is my go to. That’s 24 grams of protein right away. Add a tall glass of milk (for me chocolate milk) and boom, 30 grams of protein immediately.
-I work on the road during the year so around lunch time I would try to snack on cashews and peanut butter crackers. Once I’m off work around 2-3pm, I would try to have a burger. Literally just a plain ass burger or 2 with ketchup. Alternate that with grilled chicken or a deli sandwich with some kind of red meat. Or even full fat greek yogurt is good.
-Dinner is…dinner. Eat whatever. Pasta. Pizza. Chicken. Steak. Burgers. Tacos. Hell pb n js will do. Go nuts
•Weight Training
I weight train. Almost every day. I can tell I am ruining some of your ‘ooo fat boy is out of shape. He probably can’t do a push up’ fantasies. Very sorry but I can. I can do a lot actually. I lift weights. I do lunges. I do squats. I have a fat fucking milkshake made up simply of ice cream and milk. Not even trying with the milk either, it’s low fat. Imagine if I did whole milk? In due time 😉 but this is important. I’m not saying ‘hit the gym blimpie!’. Get some dumbbells. Work your lower body. You need to do this anyways to carry your growing body. Plus you’ll feel A LOT better…and your ass and thighs look good, win win 😃
-Midnight snack/second dinner. My go to second dinner/before bed snack is a steak and cheese grinder. I don’t have it every night but probably 3-4 times a week. Again, it doesn’t have to be red meat but protein is key.
In conclusion
I started doing this for a few reason
My job causes me to move around a good bit and I lost weight because of it. I had no muscle. I was just pure fat. I wanted to change that and have
I figured it would help fill me out a bit more. Uhhhh mission accomplished 🥵
It’s healthy. Pretty simple
Final reason. I am always trying to find the most effective weight gain regimen. This is it. At least for me it is.
I’ve gained 23 pounds since June 25th. I have to make adjustments do to my upcoming work schedule but I plan on keeping this routine for the foreseeable future and even tweaking it a bit.
-I can add protein powder, whole milk and heavy cream to my milkshakes
-I can have 2 milkshakes a day (or 3 or 4 or just a constant stream 😅)
-I will go up in weight with my weight training. Increasing weight is key, don’t do a ton of reps because that is how you cut/tone. You want to build. Only way to build is to increase the weight you lift. Don’t hurt yourself. Start low, then grow
I’m not saying this is a guarantee plan for you. Everybody is different. But this worked for me. It DESTROYED a plateau I was hitting and then some.
Side note: this was influenced by a post that I have a screenshot of but I didn’t screenshot the name of the blog and I can’t find the post. When I see it resurface, will rb
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selfaware-bungou-stray-dogs · 5 months ago
hi idk if you’re open to requests or if you have already done it, but can you do the bsd with a reader that is struggling with e.d and all the to throw up and that stuff? i’ve been struggling lately and i’m trying to get better
sorry if i wrote this wrong, english isn’t my first language
Strong and brave
Self-Aware! BSD Cast x GN! Reader
Description: Some side comments made you feel disgusted of yourself
Warning: English is my second language. Eating disorder. Throwing up. Destructive negative thoughts. Reader have extremely negative view about themselves. Reader think, that they are weak (That's not true!). Supportive BSD Cast.
No matter, what we say, all people seek validation amd acseptance.
You could say, that you don't care, what people think about your body. But, the side whispered comments about you and your weight from your family and co-workers were slowly getting to you.
You remember, how once, when BSD Cast were discussing a problem with teachers in BSD kids' school, Goncharov scoffed, when it came to light, that some teachers called students with bad grades 'idiots'.
"The audacity... Aren't they realizing, that they are only make problem worse?! Call a person a pig for one hundred times, and they will start oinking."¹
At first, you didn't think too much about that proverb. But, after hearing, how people around you call you fat behind your back, you believed in their words.
It started with a diet. A simple diet and exercise.
But comments didn't stop.
You tried another stricter diet, but Yosano quickly put that idea down. She said, that you don't need to lose more weight. She said, that you have a normal weight for your height and age.
As much as you want to believe her, you couldn't. A little voice in your head whispered, that she is lying and probably won't say the truth. Because you were their Guiding Light. They will say anything to make you happy.
You stop with a diet.
You decided to try skipping meals.
On a third day of your volunteering starvation, Yosano sat you down and firmly, but kindly, reassured you, that it's unhealthy. And that you are healthy, that you aren't fat.
She offered to help. She offered her support.
You said, that you understand.
You promised, that you won't starve yourself.
On the outside, you keep your word.
You ate as much as you can during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes, you had raids on your mini-fridge you have in your room.
And after every meal, you spend ten minutes throwing it up.
You don't notice, when you start spending less time with BSD Cast.
Not because of constant dizziness you felt.
Because you can't think about you... And an ugly you being near them.
You loved them. And you hopped, that, if they won't see you until you lose enough weight, they will finally see, how ugly you are.
Your legs squished together, when you walk...
Your skin jiggled around when you moved...
Your stomach was one big paunch...
You were so tired of being ugly...
Of being gross...
You block the door, so you won't be interrupted.
You leaned over the toilet, reaching as far back into your throat as possible....
Your stomach churned and stung, but you kept going...
And going...
And going...
The world around you became black.
And with a loud crash, the door was kicked open.
The last few weeks were intense.
But, you finally were back home.
With an eating disorder diagnose and a plan for meals, pills and psychological help.
You knew about earring disorders before. You heard about people succumbing to dark thoughts, destroying their health in a process. You heard about the long process of recovery.
You always thought, that you will never get an eating disorder. That you could stop before the diet get too far.
You were wrong.
You just wanted to be healthy and good-looking.
You were laying on your bed, mindlessly scrolling through the articles about eating disorders.
About the damage. About the destruction.
After two hours of reading articles, you barely paid attention to the articles themselves. You were mostly focused on the comments.
Comments about mortality rate.
Comments about the sheer stupidity of people with eating disorders.
Of how weak people with eating disorder are.
A knock on the door interrupted you. You let out a weak
"Come in."
The moment after, Yosano walked into your room.
You felt guilty. You broke her trust.
"Came to say how stupid and weak I am?" you couldn't look at Yosano. Not after everything, that happened. Doctor tilted her head. Something dangerous flashed in magenta eyes.
"I wasn't thinking about it. But, please, tell me, has anyone already done it?"
You shook your head, still hiding your gaze. You clenched the phone in your hands.
"Not, for now, but soon they will. Because, it's true. I was stupid and weak." you spoke, and the little voice in your head was talking with you in unison.
Yosano was silent for a moment.
"[Y/N], were you looking up eating disorders on the Internet?"
You didn't answer, instead preferring to look into the phone screen. At the statistics.
Soft sounds of steps, muffled by the carpet.
A family pair of shoes came into your line of vision. Hand, that was put on your shoulder. And a voice. Soft, but firm.
"[Y/N], can I, please, take your phone?"
You let her take it. For a few moments, Yosano was scrolling through the articles and posts you have been looking for the last two hours. Finally, she looked at you again.
"[Y/N], you have taken quite a dive into the problem. It's a good thing, I won't argue. But, I am sorry, but I will have to stop it."
You turned your head towards her so fast, you became dizzy for a second.
"What? Why?! I want to become better!"
Yosano's voice was still firm.
"Yes, I know. And you will be better. But, [Y/N], you were looking at wrong information. You should look at how to become better. Not what damage eating disorder did to your health. And not about mortality rate. You should search for a support group and not browsing comments from trolls, who think that eating disorders are a joke material."
Your hands started to tremble.
"But my health..."
Yosano cupped your face. Her eyes were so warm, you wanted to cry.
"Yes, I know. But you want to help yourself if you will start stressing out. You must focus on recovery, not letting idiots from the Internet drag you down or make you give up. You can ask me, Doc or Mori questions, you can call the doctor from the hospital, you can look into books we have. But, please, don't try to drown in all this negativity."
For a moment, you both were silent. Then you repeated the words you said that night.
"I want to get better. Please, help me."
Yosano's eyes met yours.
"[Y/N], just for that words alone, you became the bravest and strongest person I have ever known."
Recovery was hard.
Some days everything went normal. You would eat, take your pills, speak about your troubles with a therapist or someone from BSD Cast.
You are doing great. We believe in you. Take as much time as you need. We will be here.
Other days, you would snap at others and yourself. And then refuse to eat. Thinking, that you don't deserve it. And others would always be near, reassuring you, that you are strong. That you are a good person. That you will be fine.
You are allowed to be angry. We don't know what you have been through. But you aren't a bad person. You are still our favorite person.
When, after weeks of controlled diet you confess, that, sometimes, you start feeling hunger between meals, you get hugs, and a soft explanation, that it was a small, but still a sign of recovery. Soon, small, light snacks were added to a three meal plan.
The road to recovery was walked in small steps. But, you weren't alone on the road.
"We love you, our brave and strong [Y/N]"
¹It is a real Russian proverb. It means, if you constantly put down someone, soon they would believe that they are a failure.
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art-of-manliness · 8 months ago
5 Fast-Food Meals That Are High in Protein and Less Than 600 Calories
If you’re trying to lose weight, one of the challenges you’ll face is what to do about those times when you find yourself at a fast-food restaurant. The offerings at these establishments are typically incredibly high in calories. A Big Mac meal at McDonald’s can set you back 1,300 calories. Damn! If your calorie goal for the day is 2,400 calories, that’s more than half your daily calories in a single meal. The typical advice for people losing weight is to just avoid fast-food restaurants altogether. And with some preparing, thinking ahead, and good decision-making, you can accomplish that most of the time. But not 100% of the time. Sometimes, life throws a wrench in your plans. Maybe you’re on a road trip, and your friends decide to stop at Carl’s Jr. for lunch. Maybe your kid’s soccer team decided to go out to dinner to Chick-fil-A after the game. Maybe you’re just really pressed for time and need to grab something fast at a drive-thru on the way from work to another engagement. What to do? Well, what if I told you you don’t have to choose between convenience and your fitness goals? You can have your fast-food burger and eat it too—all while staying on track with your weight loss. When you want to lose weight, you want to choose foods that are lower in calories and higher in satiating, muscle-building protein. Thankfully, most fast-food restaurants now offer options that meet this criteria. With a bit of creativity, you can easily select meals at pretty much all the major fast-food restaurants that will give you 30+ grams of protein (which is a good minimum goal for a meal) and only clock in at around 600 calories. Below, we provide some suggestions for meals that meet these metrics that you can get at five popular fast-food restaurants. One thing to keep in mind is that while you can reduce the calories in your fast-food orders, it’s hard to reduce the amount of sodium. These are going to be sodium bombs. So they’re not great for everyday dining, but they’ll do in a pinch. Whether you’re looking to shed a few pounds or maintain your hard-earned gains, this guide will show you how to navigate the pitfalls of fast-food menus and stay on track with your goals. General Guidelines to Keep Your Fast-Food Meals Lower in Calories Before we get into specific meals, here are some general guidelines to follow that will allow you to keep your meals lower in calories, regardless of the fast-food establishment you visit: * Food tracking apps like MyFtinessPal are your friends. I use the app all the time when I’m at fast-food restaurants. Quickly look up the calorie and macro count of foods and piece together your meal with that info. * Choose grilled over fried meats. * Choose lean proteins. While you can still enjoy a beef burger, protein sources like turkey or chicken breast generally have fewer calories. * Ask for extra protein. Adding extra protein, like extra meat, can help increase satiety while keeping calories low. * Skip the fries. If you’re looking for a side, get fruit or salad instead. Also, hot take: fries aren’t that good anyway! * Skip the high-fat sauces, dressings, and condiments. Ask for lower-calorie options instead. * Load up on veggies. Satiety is premised in part on volume; calorically dense foods won’t fill you up and will leave you feeling hungry. To increase volume and nutrition, add low-calorie veggies to your meals like extra lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. * Choose water or unsweetened drinks like diet sodas. Finally, don’t be afraid to enjoy yourself with a no-holds-barred high-calorie fast-food meal every now and then. I love getting a double cheeseburger on occasion. You can just adjust your macros and calories accordingly and eat less the rest of the day. Or just chalk it up to an anomalous indulgence, and get back to your diet the next day. You don’t have to eat perfectly 100% of the time to still lose weight and stay healthy. Fast-Food Meals That Are 600 Calories or Less With More than 30 Grams of Protein McDonald’s… http://dlvr.it/TBgWkR
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violctcarter · 11 days ago
✧ single mom ✧
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violet stared down at the test in her trembling hands, her whole body frozen, her mind racing. two pink lines. pregnant. she was pregnant. she felt like the air had been sucked out of the room, like her chest was too tight to breathe. this wasn’t supposed to happen. they had been careful — she had been careful, always insisting on protection, always making sure. how was she going to tell her boyfriend? they had never even talked about the future, never talked about having kids or getting serious — they could barely agree on dinner plans most nights. her hands were shaking as she reached for her phone. she didn’t know what she was going to say, but she knew she had to say something. when he picked up, she asked him to come over. "i need to talk to you," she said softly, her voice already breaking. when he arrived at her parents' house, she could barely look at him, her stomach twisting itself into knots. he greeted her with his usual smirk, leaning in to kiss her like everything was normal. "hey, hottie," he murmured, lips brushing hers, but she didn’t kiss him back. her hands were clammy and cold. "let’s sit down," she whispered, gently guiding him to her bed. his smile faded at the look on her face. "what’s going on, violet?" he asked, suddenly serious, concern flickering in his eyes. she swallowed hard, her throat burning. "i... i don’t know how to say this," she stammered, before reaching into her pocket and pulling out the pregnancy test. she couldn’t bring herself to meet his gaze. "i don’t know how it happened. but i’m pregnant." the silence that followed was the loudest thing she had ever heard. "are you serious right now?" he snapped, standing up abruptly, running his hands through his hair like he was about to lose it. "you fucked everything up," he hissed, glaring at her. "you just had to get pregnant. good job, violet." she winced like he had hit her. "this isn’t happening. nope. i told you — i told you I don’t want kids. that’s on you," he growled. "either you get rid of it, or I’m out." violet’s breath caught in her throat, her eyes wide with tears. "i’m not getting rid of it," she whispered, her voice shaking, but firm. "then that’s it." he shrugged like she had made some casual decision about lunch. "good luck ruining your life." he sneered. "i knew you were stupid, but i didn’t think this stupid." and with that, he was gone, storming out of her room, out of her house, and out of her life — leaving violet behind, sitting on her bed, sobbing quietly into her hands.
months later
as time passed, her belly began to grow, a gentle curve at first, and then rounder, heavier — impossible to hide. violet tried to adjust, tried to be strong, but some nights she still cried herself to sleep, wondering if she was really cut out for this. thankfully, she wasn’t alone. isaiah — her best friend since forever — was there. he held her hand when she felt like falling apart, drove her to every appointment, made her laugh when she forgot how. today was one of those important days — the ultrasound that would finally reveal the baby’s sex. "thanks for coming with me, isaiah," she said softly as they walked into the clinic, giving him a small smile. "always," he grinned, bumping her shoulder gently. as violet laid down on the examination bed, her heart was racing. her eyes were glued to the screen even though she couldn’t make sense of the grainy images. "what are you expecting, couple?" the ultrasound tech asked casually. isaiah laughed. "we’re not a couple," he explained easily, smiling over at violet. "she’s my best friend." violet felt her cheeks flush as she added quietly, "my ex left when I told him I was pregnant... so isaiah comes with me now." the woman gave her a knowing look and nodded. "men suck," she muttered under her breath, making both of them chuckle. then she turned her attention back to the screen. "well, looks like you’ve got a healthy little boy in there," she announced warmly. violet’s eyes filled with tears — happy ones this time — and she squeezed isaiah’s hand so tightly her knuckles turned white. "good job, mama," isaiah whispered, giving her a proud smile. violet smiled back, a real smile, and for the first time in a long time, she believed that maybe she could do this.
the day her son was born
violet’s heart was racing faster than ever. she was drenched in sweat, her whole body shaking with effort and exhaustion. "i can't do this," she cried, shaking her head desperately as another contraction tore through her. "yes, you can," the nurse said firmly, her voice steady and full of kindness. "you’re going to bring this little boy into the world, and you’ll look back on this day as one of the best days of your life." violet gripped isaiah’s hand so tight she thought she might break it. "i don’t know how," she whispered. "you’ve already come this far," isaiah said softly, brushing her hair back from her sweaty forehead. "you’re the strongest person i know. you’ve got this, vi." and when she finally did it, when the baby let out his first cry, violet burst into tears, her heart swelling with a love she had never known. isaiah was right — she had done it.
the first days home were harder than violet had imagined. breastfeeding was nothing like she thought it would be — it hurt. her nipples were raw and bleeding, her body aching. the baby latched so hard it felt like tiny knives. some days she cried right along with him. when she got blocked ducts, she wanted to give up. they burst eventually, and the pain was unbearable. the home nurse that visited kept warning her, "if you give him a bottle, he might not go back to the breast." but violet had no choice. her baby needed to eat, and she couldn’t keep up. so for four long days, she pumped and bottle-fed, feeling like a failure. but then, on day four, something miraculous happened — her baby refused the bottle and crawled his way right back to breastfeeding like he had never left. there were still hard days, moments when violet cried from the pain and exhaustion, when she questioned everything. but after a few more days, it stopped hurting. she started to feel that rush of warmth, that deep bond when he fed. it wasn’t just about survival anymore — it became something sweet, something that brought them both peace. she even started feeding in public when she needed to, learning not to care about stares or judgment. she didn’t cover up — her son would’ve just ripped it off anyway. and slowly, she found her rhythm. he grew stronger, chubbier, and she watched with pride as he thrived. as he gained weight, she lost the pregnancy pounds, often laughing with isaiah about how all it took was sitting on the couch for hours on end. violet knew she had been lucky in some ways, but she also knew she had fought hard for this. she was glad she didn’t give up — glad she had pushed through. and though she never imagined this would be her life, looking down at her son, nursing peacefully against her, she knew she wouldn’t trade it for anything. because she had chosen him — and she was enough.
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blogofmastermind · 4 months ago
Meal Prep for Diabetes: Simple, Healthy, and Stress-Free Meals
Hey everyone! 🌿 I know managing diabetes can feel like juggling a lot of things at once—especially when it comes to meal planning. But I’ve found that making simple, diabetes-friendly meals doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In fact, meal prepping has been one of the best ways to stay on track with my nutrition and make sure I’m eating foods that support my health.
So, here are some easy meal prep tips that have helped me manage my diabetes without stressing about what to eat every day.
1. Plan Ahead (Even Just a Little)
One of the best ways to avoid those last-minute, unhealthy food choices is to plan ahead! You don’t have to plan every single meal, but I always like to have a rough idea of what I’ll be eating throughout the week. This helps me avoid impulsive decisions and ensures I have healthy options on hand.
I usually make a list of what I’ll be having for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the week. It’s flexible, so if something comes up, I can swap out meals—but it gives me a solid foundation.
2. Cook in Bulk for Quick Meals
Batch cooking is a game-changer. If you have a few hours on the weekend, cook a big batch of things like grilled chicken, roasted vegetables, quinoa, or brown rice. Store these in airtight containers, and you'll have ready-made meals for the week. This way, when I’m hungry, I don’t have to spend a ton of time cooking.
My go-to batch-cooked meals are grilled chicken wraps with veggies or quinoa bowls with roasted veggies and a protein source. Super simple, super filling!
3. Keep Snacks Handy
Having healthy snacks prepped and ready is a lifesaver. I always have pre-portioned snacks like raw veggies, nuts, or Greek yogurt in my fridge or pantry. Having these on hand means I’m less likely to grab something sugary when I’m in a rush or feeling snacky.
My favorites:
Carrot sticks with hummus
Almonds (a handful)
Greek yogurt with berries
Hard-boiled eggs
4. Focus on Fiber & Protein
When planning meals, I make sure to include plenty of fiber and protein. This helps keep me full for longer and stabilizes my blood sugar levels. Fiber-rich veggies like spinach, broccoli, and bell peppers are always in my meals. Protein sources like chicken, tofu, and beans make me feel satisfied and energized.
5. Try Simple, One-Pan Meals
One-pan meals are perfect for lazy days when you don’t feel like cleaning up a bunch of dishes. I love roasting a bunch of veggies, adding a protein (chicken, fish, or tofu), and baking it all together on a sheet pan. It’s easy, tasty, and requires minimal effort!
6. Listen to Your Body
This is super important—every day is different, and your blood sugar may react differently to certain meals. Take note of how your blood sugar levels change after meals, and use that to guide your choices moving forward. If you notice certain foods help you feel more balanced, go ahead and make them a staple in your routine!
Final Thoughts:
Meal prepping doesn’t have to be complicated, and it can really help you stay on track with managing your diabetes. By planning ahead, cooking in bulk, and focusing on balanced, fiber-rich meals, you can make healthy eating feel like second nature. Don’t forget to give yourself some grace along the way—it’s okay if things don’t always go as planned. Stay positive and keep making small steps towards better health!
#DiabetesManagement #MealPrep #HealthyEating #DiabetesSupport #MealPlanning #DiabetesDiet
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sp-newlifestyle · 11 months ago
New Lifestyle
Today I began a new journey. A new me. I have wanted for a long time to become healthy and today is the day I finally make that decision. While I do not believe this will be an easy task I’m willing to put in all the hard work necessary to complete it. 
Now to preface I do not know how long this blog will last since I am mainly doing it for the purpose of completing a project in order to be able to graduate. I’m a senior in high school, therefore this will not be an easy task since I still live with my parents and nor do I make enough money to buy healthy groceries. However this is what I’ll do to try to accomplish my goal. I will be working out every day, an hour on my exercise bike and making sure to stretch 15 minutes before and after. I will not be dieting but making sure I’m eating healthier. After my day is completed I will meditate then journal. After completing all of that I will blog about it. 
It’s late at night and my day is complete so let me break it down what I did today and how I felt. I just began my spring break so I made sure to wake up early and get my workout out of the way. I watched a YouTube video to follow my stretch before getting on my exercise bike. I biked at an intermediate pace with small intervals of high intensity. I will increase those little by little. I felt fine while working out, I played music and just tried to get lost in it. Obviously since it’s been quite some time since I’ve worked out I did get tired and sweaty. After I finished I hopped off and began my cool down stretch. After I had finished my stretches I relaxed on the couch for a bit before starting my breakfast. I ate some nonfat strawberry Greek yogurt, topped with granola, honey and cinnamon. For my lunch I ate rice and beans with a fried egg. I added avocado and hot sauce to increase the flavor. For dinner I ate some green beans with eggs and added hot sauce again. I felt great throughout the day, maybe it was my brain making myself feel a bit more energized than I actually was but it was still a pleasant feeling. Around 2 hours before I would head to bed and sleep I meditated. This was definitely such an amazing experience. I made sure I was in a quiet space, played some calming music and just let myself go. I felt extremely relaxed. After my meditation had finished I began to journal. Now this is my first ever time journaling and I basically used it as my diary. I wrote down whatever I felt like and vented a bit. Overall today was really an amazing experience and while yes I am just barely beginning, I cannot wait until a week has passed to feel a change.
Today was my second day beginning this journey. I once again woke up early and immediately got started on my workout. Just like yesterday I made sure to stretch 15 minutes before hand, got on the bike for an hour. Making sure to go at the same pace as yesterday. While I do want to push myself more I know I must do it gradually and slowly to avoid hurting myself. I got off my bike and stretched for another 15 minutes. For my breakfast I ate the same thing as yesterday and it was enough to fill me up and get me ready for the day. Today was my day off so after I had eaten breakfast and finished my workout, i quickly hopped into the shower before laying back in my bed until lunch. Now since i'm on spring break, I do still intend to truly enjoy it. That does include being lazy and relaxing since I won't be able to until I graduate and even then I'll be getting another job. Now before I knew it, it was time for lunch. For lunch today I decided to eat pasta with chicken that had been cooked the night before. I made sure to get a healthy portion and to accompany it, water. Now for me, I do believe food is one the best ways to communicate with one another. Especially coming from an ethnic family, I'm salvadorian, it's an amazing way to be connected with your culture. Now the downside in this is that there really isn't always the option for it to be healthy. However I do not wish to stop eating it for the sole purpose of it being unhealthy. Due to that I've decided to combat through the way of getting a smaller portion if it's quite unhealthy. Now for dinner I ate chicken with rice. The chicken was made with a certain white sauce that I'm assuming is Alfredo. Again I found a quite space and time and began to mediate. Even though I've barely started doing it, i'm already in love with it. I truly feel so relaxed and in touch with my body. It makes me much easier to begin to journal afterwards. During that time I try my best to not use my phone. I place it on Do not Disturb Mode and just try to forget it exists. After I completed all my duties, I come back to give you guys an update and maybe hear your opinions and or thoughts. I'm open to any suggestions. 
Today I once again began my day. Now during school breaks I usually sleep in and stay in bed for a large portion of my day. No, i'm not depressed or anything it's just that I own a really comfortable bed. I can't help but want to be in it for as long as possible. I mean as I type this I'm in my bed, cuddled up with my blankets. So when I say today was a bit hard to get up, I mean it. Even though it felt extremely difficult to leave my bed, I managed to get up and quickly begin my workout. I guess what really pushed me is that the sooner I begin, the faster I finish and get to go right back to bed. It's exactly what I did. I got on my exercise bike, stretching beforehand of course, and began to bike. Now I slowly increased the time I did the high intensity intervals. Making sure that after I'd finish, i'd be sweaty. That's how I know it's been good. Now I definitely do want to also focus on my arms but for the mean time I will just be focusing more on my lower body. I do plan on going to the gym during the summer since I will be working another job, I'll have enough money to be able to afford it and my other stuff. Either way for breakfast today I ate the exact same thing. For lunch I went out with my friend and got half a sandwich of the chipotle chicken melt in panera. For dinner I ate some fruit since I wasn't that hungry. Now looking back, I probably should've eaten something more for dinner but at the moment I wasn't that hungry. Now again, I mean at this point you should know what I'm going to say, I began my meditation and then journaled. Now i truly do mean it when I say I love meditation. To the point where I think I'd like to attend a yoga class in the future. I've wanted to join pilates since it honestly seems like an amazing workout class and gets your body in a really nice shape. But I probably won't join such classes until I have enough time in my day and the money to afford it which probably won't be for another 3 years in my opinion. But nonetheless I would like to join it. Do my question to you guys is, are you in any workout clsss? If so, how is it? Is it worth it and don't mind me asking but how much? 
Now today wasn't not that good. It started off pretty bad and by that I mean that I overslept and somehow didn't hear my alarm whatsoever. Maybe I turned it off and just don't remember or something, either way. I woke up at 10 and by that point, I decided that I should just give myself a semi lazy day. I stayed in bed until 1pm. To be fair, this would be what I would have been doing if I hadn't started this project. After I finally decided that it was enough time to just be in bed, I got up and headed downstairs to eat my breakfast/lunch. Now once again what I ate was the yogurt, don't judge me it's extremely yummy. Now just because I didn't workout in the morning didn't mean I wasn't going to do it at all. I began my workout in the afternoon which just proved to me that I should stick to doing in the morning because not only was it extremely hard to convince myself to start. I biked at a slow pace and not wanting to overdo myself. Lesson learned! Thankfully I did it. For dinner I ate salmon with rice and with salad. It was quite delicious but I do know that I should not be skipping my meals nor combing them. I mediated again and journaled. Now i will like to say that I'm not entirely sure how long this entries will be. I spend quite some time just staring at my screen, not knowing what else to add. If I should just talk about fitness or also my day and my thoughts. I'm not tjat sure, just be sure that they will be getting typed and posted in a week. Well for you guys it's all going to be there but for me, no. 
Hello!! I woke up early today and made sure to do my workout. I pushed myself a bit more today, making sure to make the exercise bike harder so i would be using more strength to cycle. For breakfast I ate an instant oatmeal and drank coffee. For lunch I ate some cut up fruits and for for dinner I ate some rice with beans and avocados. Now i will say that a fear of mine is that these post will be getting repetitive. Now don't necessarily blame me, i don't really know what else to add and just talking about fitness is quite boring in my opionion. This is my blog and therefore my safe space in my opinion. So i will be mentioning different things in here. But like I was saying I am afraid of my entries becoming repetitive and if they are i apologize! but don't just complain actually give me tips on how to make it more entertaining not just for the reader but for me as well. If i feel like it's too boring I just end up staring at my page not knowing what else to add or change to make to more interesting. Also please give me tips on how to learn to get ride of gym anxiety! I've never been in the gym and the thought of going is actually terrifying even though i know it's not that big of a deal to me it is. So give tips, please and thanks!
Hello there! Today was a refreshing start as I managed to rise early and kick-start my day with a rigorous workout session. I decided to challenge myself a bit more by adjusting the intensity on the exercise bike, pushing my limits and engaging more muscle strength. Breakfast consisted of a quick fix of instant oatmeal accompanied by a steaming cup of coffee to fuel my morning. Lunch was a light affair with a delightful assortment of fresh, sliced fruits, while dinner brought comfort in the form of rice paired with beans and creamy avocados.
Now, let's talk about a genuine concern of mine - the fear of falling into the trap of monotony within these posts. I'm keenly aware that droning on about fitness alone can be dull, and frankly, I'd rather keep this space lively and engaging. That's why I'm open to exploring various topics to inject some variety into my entries. However, I must admit, the thought of these entries becoming repetitive does send a shiver down my spine. So, instead of simply complaining, I'm seeking your valuable input on how to infuse more zest into my writing. Any tips or suggestions to make it more enjoyable for both you and me would be greatly appreciated!
Once more, I greeted the day with the familiar comfort of my bed, a sanctuary I relish during school breaks. It's not a matter of melancholy, but rather a testament to the sheer coziness of my bed that keeps me nestled in its warmth for as long as possible. As I write this, wrapped in blankets, the thought of leaving feels daunting. Nevertheless, I summoned the willpower to rise and kick-start my workout routine, driven by the promise of returning to my haven afterward. Hopping onto my exercise bike, I embarked on my session, gradually increasing the intensity of my high-intensity intervals to ensure a good sweat. While my focus primarily remains on my lower body, I harbor intentions of incorporating arm workouts in due time, especially with plans to hit the gym come summer. Breakfast mirrored yesterday's fare, providing ample fuel for the day ahead. A lunch outing with a friend treated me to a half-sandwich of chipotle chicken melt at Panera, while dinner consisted of light fruit fare, though in hindsight, a heartier meal might have been more appropriate. As the day drew to a close, my ritual of meditation and journaling provided a serene conclusion. The solace found in meditation has sparked a desire to explore yoga classes in the future, perhaps even Pilates, though financial and time constraints may delay that pursuit for a few years. Now, turning the spotlight onto you, I'm curious: do you partake in any workout classes? If so, how do you find them? Are they worth the investment, and if you don't mind sharing, what's the average cost? Your insights would be greatly appreciated!
Once again, the crack of dawn found me up and about, eager to dive into my morning workout routine. Just like yesterday, I dedicated a solid 15 minutes to stretching before hopping on the exercise bike for an hour, maintaining the same steady pace as before. While the temptation to push myself beyond limits looms large, I’m mindful of the importance of gradual progress to prevent any unwanted injuries. After a satisfying workout session, I indulged in a familiar breakfast, which proved sufficient to fuel me up for the day ahead. Given that today marked my day off, I wasted no time in treating myself to a leisurely shower and a brief respite in the comfort of my bed before gearing up for lunch. As I bask in the joys of spring break, I’m keen on embracing the opportunity to unwind and savor the moments of laziness, knowing that such luxuries may become scarce once I enter the workforce post-graduation. Lunchtime rolled around, and I opted for a hearty serving of pasta with chicken, prepared the night before, accompanied by a refreshing glass of water. As someone deeply rooted in their ethnic heritage (Salvadorian, to be exact), I view food as a profound means of cultural connection, albeit with the occasional dilemma of health considerations. Nonetheless, I’ve resolved to strike a balance by opting for smaller portions of less healthy options while still relishing in the flavors of my culture. For dinner, a comforting dish of chicken with rice, complemented by a creamy white sauce akin to Alfredo, graced my table. Finding solace in the serenity of a quiet space, I delved into a session of meditation, a newfound love that has left me feeling remarkably centered and attuned to my inner self. Post-meditation, I immerse myself in journaling, making a conscious effort to disconnect from the digital world and embrace the present moment. As the day draws to a close and I complete my tasks, I eagerly return to share my updates with you all, eagerly anticipating your thoughts and suggestions. Feel free to chime in with any insights or ideas—I’m all ears!
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hauntingthechateau · 1 year ago
Sunday November 5th
High of 11 low of 8. Rainy morning but patches of sun in the afternoon. Clear evening (could finally see the stars walking home).
Yep, that breakfast at 9 again. Got up and got my start with a shower and chai tea at home and dragged my feet for a while before heading to the studios to kill a little time before breakfast. Breakfast is wonderful as always and its just great having all these wonderful new souls to meet and chat with about things big and small, heavy and light; I really feel some friendships coming on 🥲. I ate an excellent pastry breakfast which helped my poor upset stomach, and then took a second helping down to the stables as lunch so I wouldn’t have to walk back up in the hill in the rain mid day and interrupt my work flow.
Then I got to work.
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I organized my space enough to get to work, finished hanging the rest of my panels, and then I grabbed a small one and got to work on it. All in all I got the first pass done on five paintings, and also blocked the dark darks and shadows into another seven. I was either stingy or forgetful when packing my fluid paints because I didn’t bring a yellow ochre or a burnt umber and I’m missing them both dearly, so I went down to the supply closet in the Chateau when I had a lull in my productivity to see if I could find myself some. Yellow ochre was no problem, I even found a large bottle of artists’ quality fluid yellow ochre which has been treating me very nicely. Burnt umber for some reason was more illusive! I found a very crusty, little old tube of Windsor and Newton and after searching all the bins, finally found a larger tube of Amsterdam. Gave myself quite a fright when I found that I had what appears to be either oil or slow drying acrylic on my hands while I was wearing my victorian tweed which in regular life I try not to even bring near the studio with me, but here I was wearing it absentmindedly while going through old bins of paint 😬. I whiped most of it off on my apron and it doesn’t appear that I got any on my jacket… Phew. Back at the studio, I found without real effort I couldn’t get the cap off the Windsor and Newton so I gave myself a glob of the Amsterdam and went back to painting… man what crap! The Amsterdam is hardly pigmented, its so translucent. I sometimes forget what a treat these Tri-Art fluid paints are, I’ve come a long way from when I was okay with using Amerstam paints and I had no idea, in my memory they weren't this bad! 
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Anyway, I did all that painting and felt pretty satisfied by the end of then day. Headed up to the Chateau around 6:30 to chat with people until our 7pm meal time. Dinner tonight was a pork soup (that had some special French name that I admittedly didn’t catch), along with a greek salad, a carrot slaw, buttery rice and thyme roasted potatoes (and baguette with EVERY meal, obviously). The meat in the stew was in BIG chunks but shredded apart with a spoon. It was luscious and fatty and I think cooked with a healthy amount of white wine. The carrot slaw was also a pleasant surprise, I think I ought to start making that at home! For dessert was a big ole birthday cake for Claudio’s birthday! We sang and had candles and everything, it was great! The cake itself was a white coconut cake with white chocolate icings and a message written in chocolate chips, it was delicious! 
After dinner we stayed and chatted a while longer over wine, I got a nice cotes du rhone out of the wine cave that may be my favourite yet! It’s got a lute on the label and gold foil, so it feels fitting that this would be my wine. I excused myself around 9 so that Craig and I could watch taskmaster together. The walk home was clear and the sky felt HUGE with all the stars, so many stars. Got ready for bed and then we watched the show together over discord and that was really nice (good episode too). Good to see his face, I know he’s stressing about getting things done for their cabin weekend coming up this Friday. So long as its not cancelled, I know he’ll have a great time. I’m glad he gets to do some more camping and I can’t wait to see the pictures! I got to say hello to Shrew who apparently has been depressed since I left which just hurts my heart! I’m glad I at least have a cat to pet while I’m here.
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Went to bed at a good time and could barely keep my eyes open while I was reading my book. I’ve decided to switch my journaling to first thing in the morning in my studio while waiting for breakfast and this tactic seems to be timing out perfectly. Back to a normal sleep schedule and a good routine! 
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bigtfoe · 1 year ago
I started the 7 day diet challenge (more a change in diet than a diet-diet) and it was def doable, my favorite meal of the day was what I had for breakfast. I think going forward I’ll focus on cooking healthy breakfast with variety, instead of focussing on dinner. Keeping dinner the one thing that’s pretty much the same throughout. Why didn’t I think of that before?
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The hardest part was how full I was after I had the salad I had for lunch, but I also gotta remember that my IBD still isn’t entirely stable yet and that when it is, I won’t feel so full and nasty all the time.
Also, I’m gonna try to wake up earlier once my friend leaves. Because I basically eat breakfast at like 2 now, giving her space to get ready and leave the house too, making eating lunch harder, because I could so easily just skip to dinner. Speaking about dinner I had Curry soup, was good and not too filling. Though, the package said I basically ate for 2 people, but I can’t wrap my head around that if the whole package fits in one bowl. I won’t obsess over it either.
I’ve been very consistent with Japanese & Art. I’m on a 32 day streak on Duolingo already, which isn’t necessarily much, but it means I’ve been doing Japanese for like a month consistently. The bigger part of studying Japanese is outside of Duolingo though. I started my art course again about a week ago and I’ve been extremely consistent too. Something I was scared I wasn’t gonna be, so I’m proud af. I have every little thing planned on a daily basis and I don’t have to think much, I just do. At night, I think a lot though. Thinking of getting back into reading before bed, but that would mean I’d have to buy a reading lamp. Soooonn
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Plans for next week is spending time with my mom before she leaves for 6 ish months, my final therapy intake and then saying goodbye to bestie.
But this week the squad and I will celebrate other besties bday by solving crimes (playing a crime solving game) and hang out. Just hope I can keep to my diet challenge until Oct 10th, even while staying at besties.
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absolutepokemontrash · 4 years ago
MC is Half Demon and They’re- Oh Crap They’re Barbatos’ Kid!
This is the second part of that one request I answered for Dia and Barb’s possible kids. Sorry this took so long! Writer’s block, y’know? Anyhoo~ enjoy, everyone!
This story didn’t start on the first day of the exchange program, it started five days before in Barbatos’ room at three in the morning with the poor butler waking up in a cold sweat.
Oh dear, it appeared the exchange program would be up in a bit of a tizzy. He had… a child? Oh my… Barbatos hoped the young master wouldn’t be too miffed about the student not being a totally normal human.
On the day of the exchange program, Barbatos insisted he had to be present for the event, he carefully pushed a cushioned sofa in the drop zone before opening the portal. The child fell right out of the sky and landed perfectly on the couch, they were already wearing a helmet and looked quite shocked by the cushioned fall.
Well, it was a big shock to the assembled crowd, but the child gave everyone a lopsided smile and removed their helmet.
“So, I assume I’m here for the exchange program?”
Well, this child was incredibly… what was the word the kids were using? chill? They were quite chill considering the situation, and was surprisingly prepared for the sudden drop into hell.
“Oh, I had a dream that this was going to happen, and I dream about the future n’stuff. I thought I’d come prepared.” “Ah, that’s very sensible.”
Diavolo recovered quickly from his shock and was positively delighted to meet this little munchkin. He insisted that they had to stay with their dad.
MC was polite, if not a bit overly calm about a lot of things. They didn’t run off to start trouble, and they didn’t seem very impressed by the Devildom itself. It was sort of like this child had a very low maximum level of excitement. Barbatos was glad his child wasn’t some little hellraiser.
He was never a child himself, so he’s a bit clueless about what children actually enjoy. Here child, have a… have an old torture weapon. Don’t use it on anyone who doesn’t deserve it :)
(I’m kidding, Barbatos is too responsible to give one of his instruments of torture to a child. That’s for when they’re older.)
“MC,” Barbatos knocked on his child’s door. “Have you done your homework?”
MC answered the door with a grin on their face. “Yep, done this week’s and next week’s. I’m getting a head start on the potions project due next week.”
Barbatos almost breathed a small sigh of relief. Thank the stars his child was responsible, it already took a big chunk of his energy to make sure Diavolo didn’t get distracted from his paperwork. Though, his stress levels did rise a tad when he got a glimpse at the mess in MC’s room.
“Are you going to clean that?”
“Nah,” MC shrugged. “It’s whatever. I know where everything is and nothing’s a fall risk. See you at dinner, father.”
And with that, MC shut the door. Well… no child was perfect.
As much as MC’s lack of cleanliness bothers Barbatos, he knows his kid isn’t being maliciously lazy, just for the love of the Demon King please stop leaving cups on the coffee tables without a coaster!
Oh yeah, Luke has a big sib. Sorry- little sib, because Luke isn’t some chihuahua child, he’s a totally mature grown-up Angel.
Barbatos is the type of father who will let his child go off and have whatever kind of fun they want as long as they don’t slack on their important duties.
Barbs also has a goddamn torture dungeon so we here at Stupid Headcanons inc. do NOT recommend trying to eat MC. Doing so may result in you wishing you were dead.
Don’t fuck with the butler.
…out of literally everyone in the room, the last person Lucifer expected to have a secret scandal baby… had a scandal baby. Damn.
At least the human wouldn’t have to live with him and his brothers. The last thing Lucifer wanted was for Barbatos to be even more aware of the chaos that went down in that house every single day.
MC and Lucifer have a healthy level of respect for one another, but Lucifer just can’t shake the feeling that this kid is messing with him somehow.
Just, little things… MC offering him fruit and loudly assuring him that it was just blackberries and nothing poisonous, asking if the RAD uniform suits his tastes, proclaiming that the dirt was high quality-
MC wasn’t exactly visibly goading him, they said everything with an innocent smile on their face.
When MC starts getting nosy with the attic, he’s not terribly sure how to deal with it. He was going up against a child that could at least partially tell the future. After the first time Lucifer told them to scram, they never went back to the steps… at least not when Lucifer was there to guard it…
After everything goes down, Lucifer is glad that MC wasn’t hurt or anything. He’d come to like the child and it’d be awful to lose the only person who could get his more hyperactive brothers to calm down.
Mammon wasn’t present for the meeting, but when he was informed later, the news was met with an eloquent: “the fuck? Huh, wild.”
He isn’t too interested in MC at first. At least until the little runt saved him from getting busted for skipping class. Mammon was just eating his lunch in the courtyard when MC passed by and calmly told him that if he skipped class he should not hang out in the west staircase because Lucifer was going to walk down those steps during third period.
At first Mammon tried to brush off the warning, but ended up listening to the kid anyway, and what do ya know! He didn’t get caught by Lucifer!
That’s when it clicked that MC could see the future, right? Right?! Ya know what Mammon could use that for?! Right?!
Gambling! Scams! Schemes! General shennaniganery!
MC wasn’t terribly enthused about the entire situation, so they may have messed with Mammon a little. Just a bit.
It’s not like Mammon ever listened when MC told him to cut his losses and leave the casino anyway 🙄
First reaction? Thank the anime gods that there wouldn’t be another normie living in the house with him…
Reaction upon hearing that the MC was Barb’s kid? Really? Barbatos? Wow… well, to be fair Levi totally understood why someone would be attracted to Barbatos, I mean, Levi’s watched plenty of anime involving butlers, but Barbatos actually having a living breathing child? Damn.
But still, Levi wasn’t going to hang out with some normie brat. He had better and nerdier things to devote his time to.
Whenever MC visited, Levi was up in his room. But once MC decided to poke their head in the door while Levi was in the middle of gamer raging.
They calmly sat Levi down and explained to him that he could be upset about whatever happened in his game, but lashing out wasn’t going to fix anything or make him better at the actual game.
…damn it… they were right.
Slowly but surely Levi and MC built up a friendship, and the brothers rejoiced at the lack of rage related Lotan summons.
Out of everything Satan could have possibly expected from the second exchange student, this was not one of them.
Satan began to wonder exactly how MC’s powers worked, he didn’t exactly have any concrete data to compare them to because Barbatos was so mysterious
Hm, how very interesting. Satan decided that it was up to him to satiate his own curiosity and began to study MC. To be honest, MC wasn’t being terribly interesting.
They were a pretty normal kid all things considered. MC went to class, made friends, did their work, very very normal. Well, except for the fact that they seemed to dodge practically every unfortunate thing that could have happened to them.
They’d stop at the perfect time to avoid something accidentally being spilled on them, they always had pencils ready, and they always seemed to know exactly when a teacher was coming… mad sus.
Satan eventually confronted MC about this, and they just shrugged and explained that they tend to dream about what was most likely to happen the next day and would adjust their actions accordingly.
It may have been anticlimactic, but MC did inform Satan that there would be a cat in the courtyard in fifteen minutes.
Asmo had genuinely been looking forward to the new exchange program, he was excited to have a new face around the house to shake things up! He loves his dear brothers but spending thousands of years with them makes their shenanigans become a bit… well, a bit boring.
But my oh my, the new face was being obscured by that tacky bicycle helmet… the new face looked an awful lot like Barbatos…
Once Asmo registered what was going on, he was positively enchanted with the little half human. They were just so cute! They looked like a baby Barbatos with those adorably chubby cheeks!
Oh Barbatos~ he just had to let Asmo babysit!
When Asmo managed to sweep MC away for a fun day with shifty uncle Solomon, he was reminded of all the shenanigans that he, Barbatos, and Solomon used to get up to.
*sigh, Barbie was always so busy… no time for a fun night of torture, chaos, and revelry
Anyhoodles~ MC was always such a relaxed little thing. They let Asmo vent whenever any awful tragedies occur, like when Asmo finds a sweater that isn’t in his size… *sniffle*
A child of Barbatos? The best cook in the three realms Barbatos?! …hey kid want to hang out with cool uncle Beel?
Beel tried everything in his power to get MC to make him food. I mean, the genetic disposition for making good food has to have been passed down from father to child!
When MC finally made Beel food, he was ecstatic!
…Until the food touched Beel’s tongue and he realized it wasn’t good, it was just… okay. Average. Passable.
Aw man… but the kid looked so excited to have made something for Beel…
Beel really hammed up his reaction to make MC feel better. Beel was like “Wow. So good. Amazing.” “Thanks Beel.”
Very sweet child, they don’t mind being used in place as a dumbell.
Damn, and here Belphie was, thinking Barbatos has standards. Apparently not!
When MC went and walked up the attic steps, Belphie was almost bouncing on his toes in anticipation. This human had been a pain in the rear to call up, so he was excited to finally get a good look at them. And lo and behold, a half demon child of Lord Diavolo’s butler.
MC grinned and greeted Belphie first, using his name and asking why the Avatar of Sloth was stuck up in the attic of his own home when he was supposed to be in the human world. Belphie was flabbergasted and didn’t exactly know how to respond.
He came up with a new plan quickly. Belphie didn’t exactly know how this kid’s powers worked, so he’d continue with trying to trick them into opening the attic door. Allowing Belphie to end their miserable little life and thus ruining the exchange program.
The child continued to visit Belphie up in the attic, relaying the events of what was going on, and Belphie continued to play the part of prisoner. Until one day in particular…
MC appeared in front of the door, looking a tad more unkempt than normal, they weren’t smiling their usual carefree smile either. Their eyes bore holes into Belphegor’s skull as they flared at him.
“How long have you been planning on killing me?”
MC had seen the future where they died at Belphie’s hand, and they sure as hell were not going to let him out of the attic after that. Though, they did tell Belphie about Lilith’s true fate before they left, and assured Belphie they had no reason to lie to him about something he wasn’t directly involved in.
So, Belphie did get let out of the attic eventually, and even though MC smiled and welcomed him back all the same, there would always a barrier between the two. Broken trust wasn’t easy to mend, after all.
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collecting-stories · 4 years ago
Saving Grace - JJ Maybank
A/N: A You Are Ok drabble set ten years in the future 
You Are Ok Masterlist | Outer Banks Masterlist
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The Maybank house had sat empty on the cut for almost five years until JJ’s dad was released from prison. You and JJ had been down in Florida at the time, moved out of his cousin’s trailer and living in an apartment in the everglades. Talking about going home but unsure what the OBX had to offer at that point. It was barely two weeks after that when you both flew home, Luke Maybank had overdosed and the house was empty once again.  
It stayed empty while the two of you gutted the entire place and refurbished it. While JJ and you stayed at the Chateau or Kiara’s place, while you found a job and found out you were pregnant, while JJ got a job for himself in the area and went back down to the everglades to empty out the apartment.  
JJ laid the tile in the bathroom himself and fixed the plumbing. You painted the inside and outside of the house, planted a garden, bought a chicken coop. You and JJ moved in to the house and just like that you were back in the OBX.  
You sat outside on the porch, drinking a cup of coffee despite the hour nearing eight o’clock at night. The baby monitor was sitting beside you, a soft gurgling coming from the receiver. You were waiting for the familiar sight of JJ’s truck pulling down the long driveway in the dusk. The headlights were already on, flashing on you for a moment as he parked and then cut off, the engine dying.  
“Hey, what’re you doing out here?” He asked, climbing out of the front seat of the car and bringing a bag of chinese food with him.  
“Waiting for you to bring me egg rolls?” You joke, before turning serious, “I saw my dad this morning, at the grocery store.”
“Did he see you?”  
“Yeah...it was, really weird?” You suggested, reaching for the bag. JJ shook his head and held the bag away from you, a silent ‘I’ve got it’ as he leaned in and gave you a kiss. You wrinkled your nose at the familiar smell of fish as you pulled away, “how was work?”
“Alright...” he shrugged, “what did your dad say?”  
“That he wants me to come to church on Sunday.” You replied, following him inside.  
“You wanna go?” It was a question but the way he asked you knew that he already knew the answer.
“I mean...I’m not gonna like, start going to church with them every week and ya know, go back to how I was but...it might be nice. I do miss my family and, I want to have boundaries but maybe they don’t have to be like, huge ten-year silence boundaries where we never speak. I do want Willow to know her cousins; I think. What do you wanna do?” You asked, passing plates across the counter to him.  
A tinny half cry sounded from the monitor on the table and you both turned to look over at it, waiting for a crescendo of cries that you’d grown used to in the last four months. When silence settled back in, you both seemed to exhale in relief. You wanted to eat and finish this conversation before JJ ultimately showered and fell asleep until Willow’s usual one a.m. wake up.  
“Whatever you want.” He replied, never submitting to making the decision for you when you wanted him to. “Not exactly like your family’s a big of me.”
“Can’t imagine why,” you bumped his hip with your own, kissing his cheek. “Not like you totally corrupted their youngest daughter or anything.”
“Oh no, do not blame that on me.”
“I didn’t run away to marry myself.”
“If you go...” JJ posed, turning to follow you to the table, “do you want to go alone?”
You stood frozen in place, holding a box of cereal in your hand as you stared across the small expanse of Heyward’s shop, your dad there by the fresh produce, comparing two different apples with each other. The Outer Banks was a small island but you ran in very different circles and, in the three years that you’d been home, had avoided seeing your parents. Or anyone in your family.  
You’d driven passed the baptist church, a sign boasting a new assistant pastor, one of your brothers, when you’d first moved back but hadn’t actually seen anyone. The possibility of seeing them again had been a long debate between you and JJ when you’d finally decided to leave Florida for North Carolina. It had been hard in the very beginning, missing birthdays and anniversaries and new babies, but over time the ache had dulled and you had shifted your attention away from what you were missing and focused on working through the things you could heal in yourself.  
Now you were frozen. If you left your basket of groceries now you could make a beeline for the door and be out before he saw you. But then the bell above the door rattled as a customer came in and the baby swaddled against your chest started to fuss. Before you could attempt to placate her, your dad was looking over. For a moment you were certain he didn’t recognize you. Ten years was a long time. But then his mouth quirked into a frown and he set down the apples he was holding.  
“Ace?” He questioned, the old nickname feeling foreign to you. It’d probably been ten years since anyone called you that.  
“Hey, dad.” You nodded your head at him across the small store. You felt like tacking on a ‘surprise’ for good measure. ‘Surprise, I’m in the OBX, surprise, I got a kid...’
“When did you uh, when did you come home?” He moved across the store to be near you though he refrained from reaching out for a hug. You wondered if a decade had been just as hard on him as it had on you. Cathartic and healthy and freeing but hard. He seemed more mellow, you thought that before he might’ve pulled out a bible and started admonishing you.  
“JJ and I moved back three years ago,” you admitted, slipping his name into the conversation as if to prove a point. “He got a job on a fishing rig.”  
“Will you...would you come to church? We could have lunch afterward. Or you could just be there?” He offered. Ten years hadn’t changed his beliefs at all but it had made him miss you. Not knowing where you were or what you were doing felt like an ache in his chest that never went away. The anger had subsided to sadness and guilt.  
Seeing your dad had been startling enough and you had almost wished, while you were standing there in Heyward’s, that JJ could’ve been with you. Though, you weren’t entirely sure that would’ve helped anything in the long run.
“I think my mom would probably be nicer to me if I brought Wills but maybe, I mean, my dad already saw her. He didn’t ask about her but maybe...” you groaned, burying your face in your hands for a moment as you tried to gather your thoughts. “Why didn’t we stay in Florida?”
“Cause we both spent seven years talking about how much we wanted to come back to the OBX...and my dad-”
“Look. My dad was an asshole okay, he was a fucking nightmare but you know better than anyone that not getting to see him at the end...that was the worst call I’ve ever gotten in my life. Knowing Ricky was the only one up here and that he was alone. You should do whatever you want to do and I’ll be there, right next to you, just like I’ve been for ten years, but I don’t want you to have any regrets.” JJ replied, honestly.  
You nodded, looking down at the plate of food and pushing your fried rice around. You knew that JJ was still hurting, that gutting a house didn’t take away all the memories that were trapped inside. “God I hate when you’re right.” You sighed.  
“Don’t let your dad hear you talk like that.” He teased just as the monitor went off again, this time for real. You leaned against the back of the chair and groaned as JJ stood up. “I got it.”
“No, it’s okay, I’ll get her.” You stood too. “You need a shower, and sleep.”  
“I haven’t seen her all day,” JJ pointed out, following you down the short hallway to the bedroom that used to be his. It was painted in yellows and oranges now, with a crib and a rocking chair and baby books. A sunset mural painted on the wall from Kiara’s girlfriend and a chandelier of stars from Sarah.  
“What are you gonna do, take her in the shower with you?” You joked, lifting the fussing baby up out of her crib, “hey bubba, what’s the matter?”
“You have to feed her right? So feed her in the bathroom.”
“Oh sure, Jay, that’s super comfortable for me. I would love to feed her while I sit on the toilet.” You grumbled, already knowing that you would probably, definitely end up caving to him and doing exactly that.  
“I’ll put dinner away and do the dishes.” He promised, “and I’ll punch you’ll dad if he says anything to piss you off.”
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soft-boi-eli · 4 years ago
Ayo do you write for poly relationships?
If that's so, could you do a cc!Karlnapity x male reader? Quackity is hella stressed because of law school and is very tired so the others just
Do little things for him, like acts of service and just, being supportive---
Feel free to say no if it makes you uncomfortable :>
Yep. I myself am poly but not in a relationship yet. So I am perfectly comfortable with it.
We believe in you.
Summary: quackity needs some tlc. With the stress of law school higher then ever you, karl, and sapnap decide to take care of him while he studies.
Pronouns: he him his
Quackity. The hyper happy streamer. Was in his office/streaming room studying for finals.
The stress he was under was immense and all you and your two other boyfriends wanted to do was comfort him and help him through this intense time.
You were monitoring how much he has eaten or drank today. That counter was at zero. The amount of times for a stressful break was monitored by karl. And the bathroom breaks by sapnap. With all of the counters at zero you guys went to work.
You were the only one that could cook in this house. The others would burn it down. So you were always on dinner duty. Or lunch. Even breakfast.
Whipping up some tomato soup and grilled cheese you were quick to plate it. These we're quick simple and the best thing for them to consume.
While sapnap and karl were harassing him to get up you were setting up the living room for a mental break for him. Setting it up for two episodes of the show you guys were watching you yelled up to them. "guys I'm done. And if you have to drag him."
You were making him take this break. Whether he liked it or not. Cramming can be useful yes. But not all the time. Not for hours on end with no food or water. Watching your two boyfriends literally dragging your third one down you smirked.
"So. You thought that you could get away with not eating, drinking, or even bathroom breaks. You thought wrong." Quackity stared at you. That look. He's seen it before.
"No. No! If I don't study I can't pass!" He was desperate to get out of their arms. Walking up to him you squished his cheeks. "Hun. It's gonna be an hour at max. You need to eat. Get some water. We're worried. You haven came out of that room for over 6 hours. Meaning you haven't eaten, haven't filled your water bottle, haven't used the bathroom. It's not healthy. And your brain needs fuel. Not energy drinks." He looked at you for a moment.
What you said was true. Every human needs it. But he just wanted to finish his notes. The ones that he said would be done in less then three hours. The ones that he could study for the final exam with.
But all three of your guys puppy dog eyes won him over.
"Fine. But no longer then an hour." He fully gave in. Letting go of his face you smiled. "Great! I made grilled cheese and tomato soup." Quackity looked over with stars in his eyes.
"You could of just said that Mi Amor. You know I would die for you soup." Rolling you eyes to him as he quickly picked up his plate and bowl.
This man.
He was scarfing it down like he was a starving man.
I mean waking up, studying, and not eating at all does that to you.
As the show played quackity seemed to relax a bit more. That was all you wanted. Him to sit back, relax, give himself a break.
Sadly the two episodes were over faster then they began. Leaving quackity to go back upstairs. Laving his three worried boyfriends.
"Okay guys." They looked at you confused for a sec.
"Every hour we bring him something. Water, a snack, blanket, hot drinks, cuddles. What ever you want. Just make sure he's taking care of himself alright?" They nodded.
"Good. Who's on first hour duty?" Karl was quick. He was nearly springing out of his seat as he raised his hand.
You were fine with it because your took at least two hours.
You were making cookies.
You knew the boys couldn't resist any of the baked goods you made. After all you were a cooking and baking youtuber.
So as the hours passed by the guys kept reminding quackity to take breaks. Telling him to go to the bathroom, stretch his legs a little, have a hug.
So when you finished the last batch it was your turn up there. Bringing a plate full of cookies and milk with you, you knocked gently.
"I swear to God sapnap if you're there again I'm going to ki-." He opened the door and looked directly at you. "Not sapnap this time I brought cookies though!" He greedily grabbed the cookies and milk, letting you in as he did so.
"So studying been going well?" He shrugged. "Could be better could be worse." Laughing lightly you sat in one of the chairs there.
"But way better now that you brought me cookies." Shaking your head you stretched. "Honestly if I didn't decide to learn. I would of never met you guys. But boy am I happy for that. Now I'm with my three handsome boyfriends. One of them ever so cuddly. The other quite the amazing voice. And lastly my extremely smart boy who is going to help so many people when he passes his finals." He tilted his head at you.
Standing up you kissed his forehead. "I belive in you alex. Just remember that your mental health is just as important as this exam." Your voice was soft on his forehead.
"Yeah! You are one of the smartest j have met! Don't you dare give up. But don't you dare mentally strain yourself!" Sapnap was loud.
Rolling your eyes you looked at the two in the door way.
"Yeah! We're here for you alex. If you need a small break we'll always be right here for you! Be it a hug, kiss, cookie, a tv break. Even just an hour of us laying in bed doing nothing except talking. We're here for you!" Karl was quick to add on. God you loved them yet they always tend to get way to cheesy.
"God you guys. I have no clue what I'm going to do with you three. I can't thank you enough." Quackity was about ready to break down in tears. With the ruffle of the hair you smiled brightly.
"No need. You are going through something that you need to work hard on. We aren't going to let you not take care of yourself." You opened your arms. On arm around quackity already.
You were inviting the other two over to join the hug.
Rushing over their arms over layed quackity and you. Squeezing the life out of you both.
God. Don't let this dream come to an end.
At the end of the day. All you, sapnap, and karl knew was the day coming to an end. This wasn't going to end with out quackity.
"Hey. Alex. How close are you to being done?" He turned to you. You hadn't really interuped him the whole time only every once in a while to bring up a snack. He looked up and down your pajama clad body.
He shook his head lightly. "You get comfortable with karl and sapnap. I'll be there in about 15-20 minutes." Nodding lightly you walked up the stairs. Leading to the massive room. This was the room you all shared. While also having your own room for when you wanted to sleep separately.
Karl and sapnap laid awake in their respective spots. "He's not coming to bed?" Sapnap asked. You shook your head.
"He said 15-20 minutes." Crawling between the taller ones you left space for quackity to crawl in.
He was a little off from the 15-20 minutes. He took 30 instead. But you weren't complaining one of your main sources of heat for the night was now in the bed, curled up, head on your chest, hands lightly intertwined with the other two.
Leaving your hands open to lightly comb his hair back and massage his scalp and back. This man was studying for at least 12 hours. And he deserved it.
There was no complaints from anyone. Not even quackity which was quite unusual. Except for the fact he had passed out almost as soon as your fingers started at his scalp.
His little snores brought a smile to your face while little giggles came from karl. While a chuckel came from sapnap. It's unusual for quackity to fall asleep first. But you wouldn't change it.
Not for the world.
*Ahem* I am now one year on testosterone! God it's been a weird journey but I do feel happier about myself.
Also I loved this fluffy tooth rotting oneshot. It made me happy to shower quackity, karl, and sapnap in love. They deserve it!
Anyways I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night/morning/evening.
Eli out.
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nancypullen · 2 years ago
Countertop Eve
 I’m as excited as a kid at Christmas. We get our countertops tomorrow! After nine months in this house the kitchen will be finished! I spend a big chunk of my time in that room and it will finally feel like mine.  I cook a lot, I mean a lot, and I like my work space to be pretty and functional.  I don’t think that’s asking too much. These new countertops will stand the test of time. Since we’re on the topic of kitchens and cooking. I have decided that I am part elephant...or maybe panda. They eat tons of veggies and stay plump, and I am living proof that humans can do that too.  Most of my snacks and meals are made up of fruits and veggies.  This is what my cart typically looks like when I’m shopping -
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Top to bottom - a bag of apples, blueberries, bananas, broccoli, green beans, romaine, 2 packages zucchini, carrots, celery, there’s a bag of basmati rice, two pounds of lean ground turkey, chicken breasts, and salmon.  Those two cans are extras to go into a big pot of vegetable soup.  Did I also cruise down the candy aisle and pick up a bar of dark chocolate with sea salt? Guilty.  But that cart usually feeds us for a about a week.  It’s not keeping me thin, but it is keeping me healthy. Knock on wood!  I guess I’ll have to be content with that. Quick snack - just cukes with a tiny sprinkle of Maldon salt. I love baby cukes and a big bag is usually under three bucks.
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Those green beans? I’ll roast a bunch and eat ‘em for lunch. I spritz just a little olive oil, a sprinkle of sea salt, and then a few shakes of this black urfa chili.  It creates a deep, almost smoky flavor.
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I roast them until they’re blistered then I squirt a half tablespoon of garlic aioli (yes, I know I could make my own, but this is soooo easy) into a dish for dipping. I swirl it around to make it look like more - who do I think I’m fooling? It’s delicious.   So 45 calories for the aioli and whatever is in that spritz of olive oil. I probably burn 45 calories loading the dishwasher. 
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  Here’s a more fattening veggie dish, but not by much. Slice some zucchini lengthwise, lightly salt it, and leave it to sweat for about 20 minutes. Dab off the water.
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Spray a pan with olive oil and plop them in face down until they’re nice and brown.  
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Turn them over and pop them into a 400 degree oven for a few minutes. While that cooks, grab some fatty and flavorful toppings.  I chose reduced-fat feta, red pepper flakes, and my bff, garlic aioli.  No, I don’t eat it every day. Only on days when I want to be happy.
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A schmear of aioli on the plate is enough.
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An extra  sprinkle of red pepper flakes doesn’t hurt either.  When your zucchini is done (we’re talking just a few minutes, you don’t want it mushy!) plate it and give it a crumble of feta and more flakes.
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This was a delicious and filling lunch.  Just because I followed it with a square of dark chocolate for dessert doesn’t negate the fact that my lunch was less than 200 calories; 45-ish for the aioli, about the same for the feta, and then the olive oil.   One medium zucchini is 33 calories. I probably burned that while cooking it.  The feta is a good source of B vitamins, calcium and phosphorus - so it’s almost medicine, right?  Like I said, I’m round but very healthy.
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That said, it’s time for more water and something yummy for lunch.  Dinner tonight is salmon and roasted broccoli.  Lunch is probably going to be veggies.  Mostly because it’s good for me, but also because my husband can’t stay out of Craft Bakery!!
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I think he’s trying to kill me.  He went out this morning to take photos and came home with a haul from the bakery.  My only real weaknesses there are her quiche and the blackout cookies.   This plate doesn’t tempt me.  The quiche is roasted potato, caramelized onion, and cheddar and it’s sitting in the frig calling my name. Pray for my salvation.
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Me too, Mae, me too. With that in mind I’m going outside in the sunny 46 degree weather to try to clean up that scraggly tree line and pull some ivy off trees.  I can’t hear the siren song of the frig out there.  I’m thinking of spring and what I want to see when I look out the windows to that back yard.  My itty bitty Jane Magnolia has buds, it survived the winter!  In a few years I’ll have a pretty pink tree out there.  If I want to live to see it I’ll avoid the quiche.  My good genetics can only carry me so far. I hope that you’re having a lovely Thursday and can get outside and turn your face to the sun. We’re already seeing longer days and I’m a fan.  There are daffodils up all over town and that always puts me in a sunny frame of mind. March up here came in like a lamb, so she may exit like a lion - but her sweeter sister, April, is waiting in the wings.  Here comes the sun, folks!
Sending you love & sunshine! Nancy
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professorrw · 4 years ago
Hey could I please request a LokixReader story set on Sakaar where they have an enemies to friends to lovers relationship? Lots of fluff and smut if that’s okay. Thank you xxxx
Lord have mercy is this long. I love the request (probably a little too much). I have to warn you before reading, it's 6.6K words, the longest fic I've written yet. BUT I love it. I'm really proud of it!
Pairing: female reader x Loki
Requested: Yes
Warnings: smut, 18+, praise, unprotected sex, fingering, enemies to friends to lovers, fluff, fighting (Hulk and Thor), spoilers for Thor Ragnarok, takes place during Ragnarok
A/N: And with this finished I'm going to take a day to myself tomorrow! I'm not feeling very well and I want to catch up on my series because I've been neglecting it. Requests open, taglist open, inbox open! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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You could ask anyone on Sakaar who the Grandmaster’s favorite person was and they would say it was you. You grew up on the trash planet with your father, who was a reject from his home planet. But on Sakaar you were basically royalty. Your father befriended the million year old Grandmaster when you were just two and from then on you were living in the lap of luxury.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been on Sakaar, but it had been a few hundred years. You didn’t look that old, more like twenty to thirty. But there was no way to be certain with the way that time worked on Sakaar.
Your life was perfect in your opinion. You and your father were happy and healthy on the trash planet. Every day you would dress in your finest silk robes, adorn your flashy face paint, and go to the arena to watch fights. When you weren’t doing that you were in your home or with the Grandmaster, who was basically a second father to you.
It was the end of the day and you were eating dinner with the Grandmaster, your father, and some other ‘royalty.’ As typical with all meals held by the Grandmaster it was full of excited and animated talking and extravagant food. You were too busy drinking your wine to engage in conversation, unlike your father who hadn’t touched his plate in favor of speaking to the man next to him.
Your father was a very social man, probably why the Grandmaster took such a liking to him. They were equally as flamboyant and outgoing. the Grandmaster often remarked how much you looked like your father. You had the same hair color, eye color and shape, and skin tone. Though you couldn’t tell your father’s true hair color anymore because it had started greying, contrary to the rest of his body that wasn’t aging as quickly.
There was a knock at the dining room door and the Grandmaster called for whoever it was to come in. The noise had drawn everyones’ attention, and all eyes were on the man that was being escorted in. He was tall, with fair skin and raven black hair. He was the most attractive man you had seen in a while. He didn’t look like a lot of the men you saw, but he still looked elegant.
“Who is this?” the Grandmaster asked.
Instead of waiting for the guards to speak, the detainee spoke, “I am Loki, God of Mischief and Prince of Asgard. I would like to say right now that it is a mistake imprisoning me and I will forget all about it if you let me go right now.” Loki spoke swiftly and with an accent foreign to many you heard normally. He had a very charming speech but you were in utter shock at the way he had spoken to the Grandmaster.
You expected the Grandmaster to order the guards to throw him in with the other gladiators and make him go against the champion, but he actually laughed, followed by everyone else in the room other than you.
“Well, Loki, I suppose I don’t need to make you fight. You can keep me company instead. How does that sound?”
It must not have been what Loki was expecting because he raised his eyebrows and said nothing for several seconds. “I think that would be fine,” he finally responded.
“Good, good. Why don’t you take that off him so he can pull up a chair?” the Grandmaster said to the guards. They did as he ordered and unshackled the dark haired man. As soon as he was free he grabbed a chair and planted right in between the Grandmaster and you. Loki sat down and gazed at you, offering a dazzling smile.
You squinted at him for a moment, sizing him up. You knew he was going to be trouble, to you at least.
“Ah Loki, please meet Y/N. She’s like a daughter to me,” the Grandmaster said to him.
“Hello Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” His words were so obviously a lie that it made you scowl. You could hear the sarcasm seeping from his words. You could tell that he was already trying to butter up the Grandmaster. But in actuality he was trying not to get himself killed. Thor was nowhere to be found and he was on this planet by himself.
“Likewise,” you said back. You turned away from the men and started eating your meal, pointedly ignoring Loki as you did so. You could hear their conversation and it was almost impossible not to eavesdrop. The Grandmaster was mostly talking about himself, all things that you’d already heard before. Loki, when given the chance to talk, was just complimenting him in return.
When the meal was over and the dishes were collected the Grandmaster addressed your father. “My dear Holden, would you house my company for the time being?”
You whipped your head over to the Grandmaster. You couldn’t believe the words that had just come from his mouth. You couldn’t believe he was asking you and your father to let Loki stay with you. But your father being your father would have no problem with it. You just knew he was going to accept.
As you expected he said, “Why of course, the more the merrier.”
Your house was incredibly close to the palace. There really was no need for guards to escort you and your father home but the Grandmaster thought it was necessary. So after dinner you, your father, and Loki made your way to your home. It was very beautiful, and almost as grand as the palace itself, but much smaller.
Your father was in high spirits as usual. Once you were inside your father turned to Loki with a brilliant smile adorning his face. "We are delighted to have you. Please follow me, you can sleep here in the guest bedroom. Y/N is right next door so you can go to her if you need anything."
You looked at your father with a deadpan expression, which he didn't seem to notice. Loki on the other hand was positively beaming back at your father.
"Thank you so much for the hospitality. I really cannot thank you enough."
Your father chuckled, "It's no trouble at all. Any guest of the Grandmaster's is a guest of mine. So please, make yourself at home."
"Thank you again. I am quite tired so I think I'll be heading to bed. Goodnight Holden, goodnight Y/N." He bowed and went to his chambers without another word.
You looked incredulously at your father but he seemed to not have a care in the world. He was awfully aloof when it came to matters dealing with the Grandmaster. Your father and the Grandmaster had a complicated relationship. You really had no clue what was going on with them. They called each other dear and said they loved each other, but you had seen the Grandmaster and your father doing a fair share of flirting with many men and women.
You walked to your own room with a heavy sigh. You stayed up for a few hours that night wondering about the man next door.
You quickly realized that the Grandmaster had taken a liking to Loki. The next morning you, your father, and Loki were having breakfast with the Grandmaster and Loki was hanging onto every word that came out of the man's mouth. You just knew that Loki didn't care. But what you want to know are his intentions. He randomly shows up on your planet and instantly catches the Grandmaster's attention.
You spend most of the morning with your father, preferring his company to the Grandmaster and his new pet. The next time you saw him was at lunch. And just like at dinner the previous night Loki was sitting right next to the Grandmaster. Instead of enduring the empty compliments that were coming from Loki you decided to sit farther down the table next to another one of your father's friends.
"Hello Marridija," you said as you sat down. Marridija was a very kind woman. Kind and very up to date on all the goings on at the palace. It was no surprise that she was close to the Grandmaster.
"Why hello Y/N. You aren't sitting at the front of the table today?" Her drawn-on eyebrows drew in and she tilted her head to the side slightly, making you worry that her hair, which was styled heavily with spray to keep it straight up, would tip over and ruin. Over the many years on Sakaar you had grown accustomed to the wild fashion in the palace. Everyone in the Grandmaster's group wore metallic face paint and did their hair as tall and elaborate as possible.
Out of everyone at the table Marridija had the craziest hair and brightest makeup. She always made sure she was seen in a crowd. Her hair was bubble gum pink and looked like cotton candy on top of her head. Her makeup was many bright streaks of pink, blue, and gold.
"No, not today. I thought I might try something new."
"Oh. Well I'm delighted that you decided to sit by me. I've been meaning to ask-" her eyes cut from you to something over your shoulder before returning to talking, "about your company last night."
You clenched your jaw for a second before you answered her. "What would you like to know?"
"Well… the whole palace wants to know about this mysterious man. Loki, he said." She was speaking in a hushed voice so no one other than you could hear her. If anyone heard her they would most definitely be listening in. But Marridija was good at being quiet when she needed to be. She wanted to be the first with fresh gossip, and for that she would have to hear it before anyone else.
“There isn’t much to tell really. As soon as we got home he went off to his bedroom.”
The woman narrowed her eyes for a second before giving a huff. “Oh Y/N, you won’t give an old lady a bit of juice now will you?” Her face changed from a pout to a sly smile a few seconds after she said that. “Or is there something you don’t want to share with me? A secret of your own perhaps?”
“Absolutely not Marridija. What I’ve told you is the truth. I’m sorry I have nothing juicy enough for your ears.”
You turned away from the woman and forward towards the table and the meal being set in front of you. Through the whole of breakfast you remained silent, listening to the chatter around you. There always seemed to be something to talk about on Sakaar, but with Loki’s arrival and the Grandmaster’s liking towards him has made Loki the center of attention.
After breakfast the guests were clearing out of the dining hall. The Grandmaster had dismissed everyone and he and Loki were the last to leave. You stuck around and when the Grandmaster went to use the restroom and left Loki unoccupied you walked up to him. A smile appeared on his face as he saw your smaller frame scowling at him as you neared. For whatever reason he was quite enjoying how frustrated he was making you, though he didn’t know what exactly was making you mad.
“Hello Y/N,” he greeted.
“Don’t act all innocent. You’re up to something.”
Loki’s eyebrows shot up but his smile remained. “And what would that be?”
“Well I’ve come to find that out.” You crossed your arms and planted your feet in front of Loki. It wasn’t your best look but you wanted to intimidate him. You knew it wasn’t going to be easy. He was taller than you and obviously confident enough to tell the Grandmaster it was a mistake to imprison him.
“I’m sorry to burst your bubble, as they say, but I don’t have anything planned. I landed here by mistake.” Loki said the words so simply you just couldn’t believe it. If he was telling the truth then it would take more than that to convince you.
“And why should I believe you?”
“Well I suppose you shouldn’t. You don’t know me, you don’t know my past or all the things I’ve done. Maybe we could spend some time together and you’ll realize I’m being honest.”
Loki wasn’t entirely sure why he said that last part. He had never offered to let someone get to know him. But a part of him also wanted someone to be able to talk to since he was all alone on a planet he was an outsider on. And it helped that he thought you were incredibly attractive.
You on the other hand didn’t know what to make of his words. If you accepted you might be falling right into his trap, into his plan. But on the other hand maybe he was being genuine. It surely wouldn’t hurt to find out more about him. If he was lying then you could possibly find out his intentions. So you thought the only logical decision would be to accept.
“Fine. After dinner we’ll go to my home and we can… get to know each other. But only because I want to know if you’re telling the truth.”
He laughed, “Of course, of course. See you then.”
The door you were standing next to opened and the Grandmaster himself walked out. He clasped his hands together and a smile appeared on his face. “Y/N! Thank you for keeping Loki company. Are you two getting along?”
You and Loki glanced at each other. There was no way you were going to say no, both of you had common sense. So you both put on a smile and looked as comfortable as possible.
“We are!” Loki said first. He put a huge grin on his face and leaned towards you, draping an arm around your shoulder. The sudden touch almost made you recoil, but if you did that it would look strange to the man that had just questioned your relationship.
“Well Loki and I should be going. I’ll see you at supper gorgeous.” The Grandmaster wiggled his fingers at you with an award winning smile. Loki took his arm off you and started following after him when the Grandmaster began to walk away. A hole might have been burnt into the back of Loki’s head from your staring. He was so puzzling. Irksome even.
The footsteps eventually faded as they walked further and further away from you and closer to wherever it was they were going. Your own slippered feet padded against the floor of the palace as you made your way down to the bottom level, outside, and safely in your home. It was a shame that most of the people your age were bounty hunters. You were all in all lonely. Maybe that’s what led you to agree to getting to know Loki.
You assumed he was around your age. He claimed to be a god after all, so he must be more than the average person.
Dinner rolled around and you went to the palace to eat as you did everyday. Loki was there. Though you knew he would be. You weren’t used to his presence just yet, so every time you saw him you were still slightly surprised. You were used to being around the ‘royalty’ of Sakaar for years and attending the same mundane events all the time. Loki was something new, something fresh. That’s why he was such a buzz on Sakaar. Especially when he made such an impression on the Grandmaster.
After the meal you went home and waited for Loki. You knew he would have to tell the Grandmaster some excuse for him to leave, so he was going to be a few minutes behind you.
Ten minutes after you had arrived home the door opened and Loki walked in. You couldn't help but laugh when you saw the exasperated expression on his face. You knew just how tiring the Grandmaster could be. Upon hearing the ring of your laughter Loki smiled. It was the first time he heard you make that sound and thought it was beautiful.
He slung his hair out of his face and slid into the white bar stool next to you at the kitchen island. You already had two glasses of champagne ready for the two of you. Assuming you would need it.
"What did you have to tell him to let you leave?" you asked, raising the glass to your lips.
"Well I told him I was tired and he just laughed it off then I said I was having an upset stomach and wasn't doing so well down there and he let me go."
Neither of you could hold back laughter. You were the first to start cracking up and seeing your reaction influenced Loki's joyous noise. The atmosphere was smooth and laid back. In preparation you had a drink beforehand, hence why you were so calm. Loki's smile and infectious attitude were also to blame.
In the time span of lunch and coming home you realized how ridiculous you were being. You had only just met Loki yesterday and you were already trying to accuse him of trying to harm the creator of your planet.
Once the laughter had died down you set your glass on the countertop and turned to Loki. "I'm sorry for how I've acted towards you. I haven't treated you fairly or given you a chance at all. I started jumping to conclusions and that was wrong of me. So I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me."
“Wow- I- Yes I can forgive you. I understand where you were coming from. You care about the Grandmaster and don't want him to be in danger. I think that’s very noble of you.” The corners of Loki’s eyes crinkled up as he looked at you with a soft smile.
“Well… thank you. I’m glad we’re on good terms.” You gave him an awkward smile and took another sip of your drink. Loki picked up his own and took a sip of it.
"So your father and the Grandmaster… are they together?" he asked once his glass was empty.
“I’m not entirely sure. They’re relationship is complicated. I know they call each other love and darling but they also flirt and do things with other people too.” You cringed at the memory of coming home and hearing your father with one of his friends. But beside you Loki let out a chuckle. He was really enjoying getting to see this new side of you.
With a final tip of your flute you had finished your drink. Looking over you realized that Loki had too, so you stood and refilled it.
“I just realized I didn’t ask you if you wanted another glass,” you said when you had finished pouring.
He waved you off. “Don’t worry, I do.”
You slid his flute across the counter and leaned on it, not bothering to go back around to sit on the stool again. “So, you said that you ended up here by accident… what did you mean by that?”
“Ah, trying to find out if I’m lying again? I thought this was behind us,” he said.
“I’m not asking because of that. It is behind us. I want to know more about you and what you were doing before you got to Sakaar.”
He nodded. “Well I was with my brother. Though I don’t know why he hasn’t gotten here yet.”
“Time works differently here,” you interjected. “So if you both came through at the same time he might get here later than you did.”
“Ah okay, well that explains it then. Anyways, I was with my brother, Thor. My sister, Hela, has cast us out of Asgard and we need to get back there and defeat her. We don’t stand a chance though,” he explained.
“If you need help getting there then I’m sure my father and I can be of assistance.”
“I think I should wait for Thor to arrive, whenever that is…” he trailed off.
“He could show up any day. But while you’re here you can hang out with me.” “When you’re not with the Grandmaster that is,” you added.
“I don’t know how often I’ll be able to get away from him but I’ll definitely try.”
The last drops of your champagne slid down your throat as you smiled against your glass. You were really looking forward to getting to spend time with Loki.
For the next few days after that you guys were together any chance you got. The Grandmaster was keeping Loki close, but he was able to make up excuses to come see you when he could. Loki was like a breath of fresh air in your life. His life was a lot different than yours, but you found yourselves relating in multiple ways.
Every time you two were together all you could do was smile. It was like you had found your first true friend. But you knew that when Thor came that Loki would be leaving. Even though it was wrong you hoped that Thor wouldn’t arrive for a while just so you could have more time together.
It was a little over a week since Loki had arrived and you were laying next to each other on your leisure ship, staring up at the stars.
“It’s beautiful, everything here is,” Loki whispered. You were looking straight above you but when Loki was speaking he had turned his head towards you.
“It’s strange isn’t it? It’s called the trash or garbage planet but it’s dazzling if you take the time to look around.” When you finished speaking you rolled your head to the side to look at Loki. The whole time you were speaking he was memorizing every part of your face with a smile on his own. When you saw him smiling you shyly smiled too.
Without you realizing Loki reached his hand over and found yours. When he did he took it and interlocked your fingers. You looked down at your entwined hands. Your heart was racing and butterflies were filling your stomach.
No words were spoken, it was just the two of you underneath a blanket of twinkling stars wishing for something more. Loki’s hand was warm in yours, and you wished that same warmth would envelop your whole body. You scooted over closer and closer to the man until he wrapped his arm around you.
“This is nice,” you mumbled against his chest.
“It is. I like having you in my arms,” Loki whispered back.
You let your eyes close and the warmth and blissful feeling take over you. You woke up in bed, wrapped up in your covers. The sun was shining and filtering through your windows and splaying out on your floor. You thought back to last night and remembered you must have fallen asleep, which meant Loki must have taken you home and carried you to bed.
You walked out of your bedroom and stood right outside your door. You weren’t sure what time it was. It was morning that was obvious. Maybe it was early enough that Loki hadn’t been summoned by the Grandmaster yet. You walked over to the bedroom next to your own and knocked on the door.
“Come in,” Loki called out.
You opened the door and gently shut it back when you entered. Loki was still in bed but he was awake.
“Good morning beautiful,” he greeted you.
A tired smile went across your face as you sat down on Loki’s bed. He reached out to you and pulled you into him, setting you flush against his frame and placing a kiss on top of your head.
“How did you sleep?” he asked.
“I slept well. Thank you for bringing me back home.”
“It was my pleasure.” Loki tilted his head down and kissed the top of your head once more. His actions were so sweet you were feeling things you had never felt before. It was wild to you how quickly you had fallen for the God of Mischief.
After laying together for a few minutes there was a knock at the front door. You sighed and got out of Loki’s bed. The guards had arrived to escort Loki and you to breakfast with the Grandmaster. You both hurriedly got dressed and left to start your day.
For another two weeks things ran smoothly. You were happy. Loki was making you happy. But you knew that the day that Thor would arrive was approaching. It had been three weeks since Loki himself had fallen onto the planet, meaning his brother was not far behind.
You were sitting with Loki and mingling with other people in one of the palace rooms when Scrapper 142 announced she found someone. 142 was Grandmaster’s favorite scrapper. She brought him his champion after all. The person she had brought came into the room in the usual reinforced chair that all contenders usually did.
Loki was sitting next to you not paying any attention and neither were you until the man started yelling Loki’s name. You looked at him with confusion before you realized, it must be Thor.
When Thor finally got Loki’s attention he immediately stopped talking and got up. They were whispering back and forth fervently until the Grandmaster came up to them and interjected. They talked for a minute before Thor was thrown into the holding area for gladiators.
“That was your brother wasn’t it? Thor?” you asked when Loki came back over to you.
“Yes, yes it was.” He lowered himself back onto the couch and stayed quiet.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I just… wasn’t expecting him.”
“Oh, okay.” You nodded. Not only did you understand but you felt the same way. You hoped maybe Thor would show up later, and give you more time. But no. He was there and when given the chance he was definitely going to leave. But that wouldn’t be too soon. If he was fighting the Grandmaster’s champion he may never leave. You had seen the green monster in action and he was brutal.
Later that day you and Loki were sitting in the upper class stands at the Grand Arena watching the fights. Loki was constantly wiping his palms on his pants and his leg was bouncing up and down. He had never seen the champion fight but you had told him how ferocious he was and that made Loki nervous.
The Grandmaster announced Thor and when he came out onto the dirt the crowd was filled with ‘boos’ and other jeers. The ring around the bottom of the stadium begins to rise to accommodate the height of Thor's opponent and the Grandmaster started to announce him.
“Ladies and gentlemen I give you… your Incredible…” he trailed off, or at least you thought he did because before he could say the actual name the fighter burst through the doors and yelled, “HULK!”
The blood drained from Loki’s face next to you. “I’ve got to get off this planet,” he mumbled.
“Why what’s wrong?” you asked, worried.
“The Grandmaster’s champion is an Avenger, just like Thor. And he’s defeated me.”
Down on the dirt Thor had looked up into your box and was yelling, “We know each other! He’s a friend from work.”
The Grandmaster’s mouth dropped open and he looked over at Loki, who was staring straight forward and clearing his throat.
Thor was making small talk with Hulk before you heard him look over and shout again, “Loki! Look who it is!”
You’d never seen Loki so nervous and afraid. You reached over and placed a hand on his arm. “It’ll be okay.”
Down below Hulk was tired of hearing Thor talk and started running towards him. The fight was in full force and Loki was getting more nervous by the second. Hulk was in it to win it, and he wasn’t sure if his brother would be able to make it out. Surprisingly Thor was able to hit Hulk, sending him all across the barrier on the arena. The crowd was silent as Thor neared Hulk. He placed his hand in Hulk’s massive one and started speaking, but you couldn’t tell what he was saying.
They weren’t fighting and everyone was still and watching. Then Hulk grabbed Thor and swung him back and forth, hitting him against the ground countless times. Loki jumped up, startling you, and shouted, “Yes that’s how it feels!”
The Grandmaster looked over at him questionably and Loki responded with, “I’m just a huge fan of the sport.” The Grandmaster didn’t say anything, just turned back toward the arena and laughed.
Loki sat back down and you looked at him with your eyebrows raised, “What was that about?”
“Well… Hulk did that to me a few years ago.”
“Really?” you laughed.
“Yes. It wasn’t one of my finest moments,” he chuckled. You both settled back down on the couch and focused on the match again. The fight progressed and favor switched between Hulk and Thor for a minute or two. The Grandmaster and Loki were leaning in and cringing depending on the blow and who it had landed on. But things weren’t looking good for Thor. Hulk had him pinned down and was beating him to death.
Blow after blow was pounding down right on Thor’s face. Then something happened. You strained your eyes to see that Thor’s eyes began to glow and lighting began to glow and crackle all around his body. He seemed to gather his strength for a second, wind back his hand and land a punch right to Hulk, sending him flying with an arch of lightning, resulting in a collective gasp from the stands.
Hulk collapsed yards away from Thor. The Grandmaster raised out of his seat, stepped forward and stared at the scene below you. The crowd was murmuring and whispering all kinds of things. You looked over at Loki, who had his elbows propped up on his knees with his mouth wide open.
Thor and Hulk both stood up and ran towards each other, jumping and then hitting one another. It was like a mini-explosion where Thor’s fist collided with Hulk. You were on the edge of your seat. It seemed like Thor could win. The crowd sure seemed to think so because they were chanting, “Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!”
Your full attention was drawn on the arena and a perplexed expression crossed your face when Thor violently shook and then fell to the ground. You looked around and saw the Grandmaster pointing his activator down at Thor, activating his Obedience Disk. You couldn’t believe it. If the Grandmaster wouldn’t have interfered then Thor could have won. He could be freed.
The Grandmaster stood up with a smile and started his projection onto the center of the arena, “Well done! Well done! Two very good fighters, but it looks like my champion has defended his title once again. Thank you everyone for attending today, I hope to see you at the next battle!”
His projection disappeared and people started to file out of the stands. You could tell by the silence that followed that the Grandmaster wasn’t too happy. He walked out of the room followed by guards, leaving everyone else alone. Loki was leaning back on the couch next to you slack-jawed.
“That wasn’t fair,” you breathed out.
He shook his head, “No, no it wasn’t.”
“At least he didn’t die. He should be okay for now,” you said, talking about Thor.
“Thank god.”
You and Loki returned home and sat down on the living room couch. You never got the chance to talk about Thor’s arrival but now no one else was around.
“You might be leaving soon,” you said.
“I may.” Loki reached his hand over and took one of yours in his. You couldn’t mistake the sadness in his voice.
“I won’t make you stay. If you need to go then you should.” You looked at Loki with pure earnestness in your eyes. It hurt to say it, but if Loki and his brother needed to leave then you didn’t want to be the reason they didn’t.
“Y/N I don’t want to go. I want to stay here… with you.”
“What about your sister? Didn’t you say she was trying to take over Asgard, your home?” you questioned with a soft voice.
“Yes but- we don’t stand a chance. If we go we’ll only die. There’s no hope for us.”
You faced your whole body towards him and dipped your head down so Loki could see your face. “You don’t know that. You’re strong and I know you aren’t a coward.”
He stayed quiet but squeezed your hand and met your eyes.
“If you need to go, don’t let me hold you back,” you repeated.
Loki strained up and gave a stern look forward as he nodded his head. “You’re right. I do need to go. Asgard is my home.” He bent his head towards you and spoke, “But I want to make my time with you count.” He leaned in and tilted his head, eyes trained on your lips. You also leaned in and closed your eyes, letting yourself dissolve into the tender kiss.
It heated up quickly, pants filling the air between you every time you parted. You crawled on top of him, straddling his lap. His hands glided from your shoulder blades to your butt, caressing you.
You pulled away and opened your eyes for a second, your face only inches from his. “Should we take this to my room?”
“Yes, we should.” Loki raised up, holding you in his arms and carrying you to your room. You slid out of his arms right in front of the foot of your bed. He started undressing, pulling off his cape, boots, and other components of his complicated outfit. Yours was much easier to get off. All you did was kick off your slippers and undo your dress in the back and let it pool at your feet.
The whole process took a few minutes and you giggled when you had to help Loki undress.
“This is a mood killer,” Loki sighed.
“It’s okay,” you giggled. You pulled off the last garment including Loki’s underwear and he turned around to let you see him. He was so beautiful, every single thing about him. You could definitely believe he was a god, because he sure looked like one. Your wandering eyes made him chuckle, but he couldn’t say anything because he was doing the same.
His hands hovered over your hips, almost like he was afraid to touch you or else you would crumble in front of him. You smiled up Loki and put your hands over his, guiding them to your bare skin. He sharply inhaled as he felt how smooth and warm your skin was. He let out a small laugh in disbelief. He couldn’t imagine himself ever being so lucky as to have you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss you. He lifted you up again and walked over to your bed until his knees hit the edge. He crawled on and lowered you down onto the fluffy pillows. Your body was on display for him and he was completely swooning over you.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered in awe.
“And you,” you reached up and pulled him closer to you by his shoulders, “are very handsome.”
He smiled and pressed a kiss to your cheek. Since he was already down there he crept lower and lower, placing gentle kisses from your cheek all the way down to your lower stomach. Your breath hitched as his breath fanned over your vagina. He gave it a small kiss before he leaned back. He replaced his mouth with his fingers, sliding them up and down your folds before inserting one.
He surveyed your face as he began to curl his finger making you start moaning quietly.
“Does it feel good?” he asked tentatively.
“Yes,” you moaned out.
He smiled and continued to work you up, building the pressure inside your lower stomach. You couldn’t keep your eyes open. You tried to, but with all the new feelings going on you were squeezing them shut. Loki frowned and cupped your cheek with his hand, rubbing it with his thumb.
“Princess, will you look at me?” he asked. You opened your eyes and did as he asked. You kept your eyes open but your lids were only half open.
You loved the way his fingers felt but you wanted more- you wanted him. “Loki- Loki I want you inside me.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.”
He pulled his fingers out and wrapped that hand around his cock, pumping it and getting it ready to be inside you. He spread your legs further than they already were and walked forward on his knees until his tip was right against your entrance. You put his hand around it and guided it in slowly, letting you adjust to the length.
Your hands were on either side of your pillow and you were squeezing it. It wasn’t very painful, but it didn’t feel right to just have your hands open, so you clenched them around your silk pillowcase. Loki saw them and put his own hands on top of yours. As he rolled his hips into you that’s what kept him stable.
“Darling, you make me feel-” he moaned, “so good.”
The inside of you was warm and velvety, encasing his dick in a personal heaven. In just a few minutes he knew what was going to come. Him.
Loki was making you feel just as good as you were making him, if not better. You weren’t a virgin. You had lived long enough to want men and take them back home with you. But none of them were making you feel the way Loki was. He knew exactly what to do, what pace to go at, and all the right words to say. The gentle moans and vulnerable face were so beautiful above you that tears were staining your cheeks.
Worry crossed Loki’s face, he thought you were hurting. “Are you okay?” he asked quickly.
“I’m fine, you’re just- you’re so beautiful.”
He choked out a laugh and regained his original pace. The compliment had warmed his entire body. He was on cloud nine. There was a growing sensation in his lower region and he could feel his orgasm coming.
“I’m about to cum,” he panted.
“Go ahead darling, cum for me,” you returned. His eyes widened but he went ahead, cock stiffening before releasing his cum.
You moaned, head falling to the side from the buzz traveling through your body. You arched your back in an attempt to hurry your own orgasm along. You could feel it approaching but it couldn’t get there soon enough for you. Loki thrusted faster and tried to hit that spot that he knew you had. He succeeded, and an overwhelming pleasure drifted through you.
Your walls clenched around his dick and your own juices squirted out. You sniffed and wiped your tears, opening your eyes to see Loki’s face in complete and utter amazement. You laughed a little as he pulled out of you and rolled over to be by your side.
“What was that face for?” you asked.
“That was the best I’ve ever felt. You are… perfect in every way.”
“I feel the same about you.” You turned on your side and placed a hand on his cheek, just like he had done to you a few minutes prior.
He nuzzled closer to you, putting his face in the crook of your neck. “I’ll come back for you. I promise,” he whispered.
“I’ll be waiting,” you responded while stroking his hair.
Taglist: @deanscroissant
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citrinesparkles · 4 years ago
cat part three.
jason todd x gender neutral, cat lover (or tolerater) reader. 1,066 words. notes: part one here, part two here! (edit: part four here) brief snippets of cat life. warnings: food is discussed, animal illness (but everything ends up fine, i promise)
it was nearly four in the morning when you finally heard the window slide open.
unfortunately, it was accompanied by the sound of him moving- which usually meant he was hurt, too hurt to move silently.
so you set your phone down, climbing out of bed and making your way into the dim living room just in time to see him close the window and- hear his jacket start yelling?
"so," you started casually, not bothering to hide your amusement when he stiffened, "your jacket meows now?"
"oh, why aren't you asleep?" he all but whined- which, filtered through his helmet, was not only adorable but also hilarious- falling forwards to gently thump his head against the wall.
"my boyfriend ran late at the office," you teased. "you know how it is."
the jacket meowed again, and he just groaned.
"are you going to introduce me to your guest, or should i pretend i didn't notice?"
he took a deep, slow breath. "fine." he pushed back from the wall, turning to flick on the nearby lamp.
now, you could see the obnoxious bag covered in cartoon pineapples and flamingos slung over his shoulder and his signature leather jacket wiggling slightly in his arms.
he gently shifted the jacket, revealing a tiny, sleepy face.
one that immediately meowed again.
"this is cat," jason said, exhaustion lacing his voice. "a friend asked me to take care of it until it's well enough to go back out into the world."
"cat? really?"
"please don't start."
you took cat, setting its litter box up in the corner of the living room while jason took a shower.
cat was tiny and friendly, running its head into your ankles and purring whenever you acknowledged it.
the meowing, loud and persistent, began again as soon as you opened a can from the ugly beach bag.
cat was in desperate need of a bath and a careful brushing, you realized as it ate, but both could wait for the morning. for now, you did your best to make a bed out of spare blankets and get it to drink some water.
soon after, jason found you on the living room floor and all but fell into the space next to you.
cat immediately stood up from its makeshift bed and climbed up into his lap.
"i'm not keeping it," he said firmly, dropping his head to your shoulder.
you hummed quietly, watching as he scratched the cat's chin. "so what's the plan?"
"vet tomorrow-" he yawned- "find out what its deal is, get it healthy, figure out somewhere it can comfortably live out the rest of its days." he paused, and the sound of cat's purring filled the space between you. "sorry for springing this on you."
"a warning would have been nice, yeah, but it kinda looked like your hands were full."
"it just wouldn't. stop. meowing." he squished its cheek gently, making you laugh and cat look up at him with wide, innocent eyes. "yeah, you. you just don't know how to shut up, do you?"
it meowed.
he took cat to the vet that morning, and came back with it- her, you learned- in an actual carrier, along with a bottle of pills and a bag of pill pockets.
"antibiotics," he explained as he opened the carrier and released her into the living room. "she's got some kind of infection. vet said to give her one of these-" a shake of the bottle- "with dinner for two weeks and make sure she drinks lots of water."
two weeks.
yeah, no way he'll ever get attached in two weeks, you thought, watching her jump up onto the couch to glare at him and the carrier.
you came home the next day to an obviously recently-deserted living room.
jason's favorite blanket (which, 'coincidentally', cat had also taken a real shining to) was tossed haphazardly over the arm of the couch; a bowl of half-eaten popcorn rested on the coffee table; and a young mark hamill was on tv, frozen in an unflattering pause.
"c'mon, chewie," you heard jason grunt, dragging your attention to the other end of the apartment. "no- ugh, come here already!"
you followed his voice curiously to find him- or, more accurately, his legs- on the bedroom floor.
as soon as you stepped through the doorway, he froze and swore quietly.
"does that mean you named the cat?"
"no, she named herself," he grumbled from under the bed. "kept meowing every time chewbacca started talking- talking, roaring, whatever."
"oh, of course, my bad." you leaned against the doorframe with a smile, arms crossed over your chest. "so where is chewie, honey?"
"hyperspace, last i checked."
"right, right," you nodded, fighting back a laugh. "so what're you doing down there?"
"hopefully avoiding this conversation."
"jason. is the cat under the bed?"
"and why is that an issue?"
he sighed. "she stole the remote, okay?"
this time, the laugh won.
you woke up to an empty bed, jason's quiet voice floating down the hall.
"that's right."
"uh huh."
"you're a genius, truly."
"mrow!" you heard chewie hit the ground, presumably jumping down off of the back of the couch again.
"tuna for lunch. of course. i've never heard a better idea."
you smiled, rolling over and going back to sleep.
this time, you came home to a quick note on the counter. it said that jason had run to the store but would be back to make dinner, and there was a small pizza slice doodled in the corner.
it made a little burst of warmth flood your chest, and you plucked the note up to put away for a rainy day.
on the way, you caught sight of his jacket on the couch.
that was interesting. when he wasn't wearing it, it was always hung up carefully, tucked away with the rest of his gear where it wouldn't be stumbled upon unless someone was really looking.
you quickly got an explanation as chewie, curled up into a content donut shape on the sleeve, peaked one smug eye open at you and purred.
interesting, indeed.
you were dating a giant sucker.
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