#I feel weird talking about it as myself instead of Lu but I kinda like it maybe I’ll do it more often huhu
mydictionary-yume · 5 months
super star, super horn, coin + star bits for Sakuya!!! for the Mario ask game ♡
Super Star - In what ways have your F/Os made you feel special?
Ooooo that’s kinda hard for some reason skdjfngb. I guess it’s down to physical affection? Like the way he’ll be all over me when he’s excited, or vice versa where he’ll let me be dumb and smother him in kisses. It def makes me turn into a goopy mess<3
Super Horn - What music do you and your F/O listen to when it’s just the two of you?
Lots of jazz and cheesy old love songs hehe<3. It’s nice background noise and easy to slow dance or sway to yknow?
Coin - Has your F/O spoiled you? If so, what did they do?
Mmmm, not exactly? We’re both not into getting each other a ton of stuff we’re not gonna use, though we have gotten things like matching jewelry or keychains before :). As for affection spoiling, though, yes that’s super common lolol
Star Bits - Time for some fluff with sweets! Do you and your F/O feed each other?
As in get food for each other? Yes all the time, especially now with his part time job at the restaurant. As in spoon-feed each other? RARELY. No comment as to why ;p
Mario ask game
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phoeeling · 2 years
honestly, ursa and Iroh’s relationship with Azula is interesting specifically because of how many mistakes were made by the aforementioned adults. Some claim Azula rejected them, and I don’t believe that’s supported by canon.
In Zuko Alone, flashback Azula actually enjoys the letter Iroh wrote and laughs at his joke (alongside Ursa and Zuko). It isn’t until Iroh hurts her feelings that she starts talking badly about him.
Tumblr media
So for Zuko, a heartfelt gift with significance. Messed up significance, but still. And for Azula: an afterthought. That’s what it says.
I talked about Iroh’s gift here to Azula to my sister, and she pointed out that it also kinda says: hey look at this doll. it probably belonged to a different little girl. isn’t it cool how she probably had humanity, and feelings, and prospects? She probably got happy about things, and laughed about things and cried about things. There was a lot of things about her, she was a fully realized 3D person. She got tummy aches, she got nervous. And she’s dead now. Little tiny girl. Just like you. Lots of things that she went through.
like. seriously. I always assumed they took it from a shop, but it’s never actually stated where they got it.
Weird to try and humanize the people you are actively murdering to your niece, regardless.
This whole interaction is so very telling. Azula’s feelings get hurt, so in very typical 6-7 year old fashion, she talks about Iroh dying. That’s how kids tend to express hurt feelings. I’ve already talked about her and Ursa’s parts in this, so I won’t repeat myself.
The next time she’s mean regarding Iroh, she seems hurt that Lu Ten died and Iroh is giving up instead of going for vengeance. Objectively, what Iroh is doing makes him a bad general. Iroh didn’t care about all the lives sacrificed until it was Lu Ten. It was his siege, he was leading it. It didn’t matter until it was personal for him.
Of course Azula isn’t going to have a high opinion on him: the only reason that Zuko does is because the writers wanted to make Zuko look more sympathetic, despite the fact Zuko insults Iroh more than any other character.
Granted, she does call him a loser in addition to being a quitter. It’s unclear how long she’s felt that way but given her previous enjoyment of his letter, I’m guessing she’s still mad about the doll.
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lumine-no-hikari · 6 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #90
I'm not really sure what to write to you about today. I think I might have overextended myself in recent days, and once more I'm finding that my brain feels like soup. The sense of not really belonging in this place is hitting me kinda hard today, I guess. Suppose you would know a lot about what that's like.
Truth is, I struggle often enough with the way I perceive the world around me. I do it weirdly (much like how I do literally everything else... sigh...). I'm not gonna bother to articulate how, though; I doubt you'd be interested anyway. Fact remains that there ain't a whole lot of folks I can talk to about it; even if I could, most wouldn't understand, so why bother. Suppose it is what it is though; no sense in bellyaching. I just wish that it was a thing that could be measured, recorded, corroborated. Something that could be rationalized, explained, made logical. My mind tends to despise uncertainties; it likes everything to be concretized and nailed down.
…Ah well.
Like yesterday, today was busy, and also painful, thanks to Physical Therapy. There's weird stuff going on with the right side of my jaw, and the muscles holding it together needed to be mashed up with metal implements. I guess I'm gonna need braces sooner rather than later, because I really needed braces as a kid, but I didn't get 'em, and now my bite is all messed up, which means now my jaw is all messed up, and having the jaw messed up pulls on the neck, which then pulls on the ribs, and my ribs being weird is why I've been dealing with limited ability to use my right arm for the last almost two years to begin with, but I hesitate to get it fixed because braces cost a LOT of money, and I think most insurances won't cover the cost of it this late in life, so… it's a mess.
My whole existence is kind of a mess in a variety of respects, and… ya know. Sometimes I'm not sure why I bother persisting when all of it seems kind of like a farce; I live in a defective body on a dying planet where everyone is so traumatized that lots of 'em believe that killing each other is the answer to all their problems. Sometimes I just... don't wanna. Waking up in the morning in a world where there is no ethical way to maintain the integrity of my physical vessel seems like a chore.
…But then I remember that there are people who like having me around, even if I can't understand why most of the time. So I gotta believe that something good might come of my derping around on this mossy wet rock hurtling through space, even if I don't yet know what it is.
You ever get the feeling like there's something you're supposed to be doing, but you have no idea what it is, and you're running out of time? Feels like that almost constantly for me. If you know what that's like and know how to deal with it, lemme know, willya? I could use some pointers.
In the meantime… there's some stuff I've been meaning to learn how to do. I'm not gonna tell you what it is just yet, because it would ruin the surprise. But I hope the results will be good, if I can stop being intimidated long enough to get the gumption.
Anyway… Sephiroth. My brain continues to be soup. I think if I keep going, I'm just gonna keep rambling. I'm tired, but… I wanted to write anyway, because you're worth others' effort, even when they're feeling weird. But it's time to stop for today, because I'm having trouble staying on topic and stringing cohesive ideas together.
Please stay safe out there, okay? I don't wanna endure your absence, just like the folks who love me don't wanna endure mine. So let's both keep trying our best to keep our chins up and our eyes on the horizon, okay?
I'll leave you with this today:
I know you're not a little girl, so maybe you can think "little one" instead. Please take the overall message to heart. Please do your best to remain kind and gentle, no matter what tries to come along and break you.
I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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hyah-lian · 2 years
I made myself sad with a lu fic idea that I had a dream about some of this (mostly Wind's and times are what I remember from the dream qnd the rest is from bits and flashes or just feelsnlike it might have been where the dream was going?)
It started(or ended? The strongest recollection) with the dream pov being from wind's perspective of him waking up slowly. Laying on his stomach in bed hearing the waves and seagulls and the room is that late afternoon/early evening orange and too warm and he hears a fire crackling outside and sounds of people chatting and smells of cooking food and walks out all half awake and it's the entire island gathered on the beach near his house with a huge bonfire and cookout starting. Grandma sees him and does the "there's the sleepyhead finally awake" kinda thing and brings him over qnd he's looking around not sure whats up
He asks where Wild is, he's not cooking. He looks for Time and Four and Legend where his sister and the other kids are playing. Granny explains he came home alone about a day ago and has been sleeping since then and they wanted to have a big dinner to celebrate him coming home again.
And its similar. Time wakes up under a tree on the ranch. Propped up with Malon sitting beside him and the cows grazing in front of him and a horrific headache. And she just kisses him on the cheek and welcomes him back. She's teary eyed qnd says nobody else came home, just him.
Legend takes longer. He makes a few stops in his dreams which is so cruel and unkind of the goddesses (legend sees it as an overwhelming kindness to see Marin again and to get to talk with her about everything qnd still feels connected when he wakes up later and has more closure) Ravio thinks as he hears his Mr Hero mumbling in his sleep over two or three days. But he wakes up with tear tracks on his face and a shaky breath qnd says he knows it was real all of it and that it's okay. He thinks, he think he knows, that it's over now. And Ravio sits with him for a while with the sun coming up.
Hyrule want asleep at first but wished he was. But his instincts as soon as he hit home hit Hard and he needed to find somewhere safe. He is half lucid and horrifically disoriented but finds one of the great fountains he remembers from his journeys and crashes hard. His sisters are there for him when he is ready to wake up again and he stays there for ages. Not ready to be alone. But he does eventually. He finds the towns and helps people and makes his homes with his fairy siblings and knows he is never far from home even if it takes a while to feel like that. Home was with him for every step for a while and it's weird to have moments of travel again instead of always moving with his home and family.
Four spends a few days separated and nursing four of the worst headaches he has ever had. Any of them have ener had. It's a lot of separate emotions bubbling up and some stubborn attempts to find out how to get back before resignation and throwing all that sadness and loving ache into a series of gorgeous metalwork pieces. Some are weapons, some are tools, and one is a loving recreation of woodwork done in metal and molten glass.
Sky is so many tears. So many tears and hugs and trying to do all he can even though he needs rest. He's back home. Home above the sky. And soon enough he is also Home on the ground in a half-cabin-half-tent with his two favourite people. He has so many stories and cries so much telling them while he's pressed between two sets of arms and allowed to grieve and feel so much.
Twilight tries to rush back in to normalcy. Once he is sorted and allowed free he's back at the farm and back to playing with the kids and helping around town. He spends some nights sitting at the crumbled ruins of the mirror of twilight telling Midna about everything. He puts his memories of the others there too, little trinkets of all of them. Like a grave. Time has a few around. Wherever Twilight remembers the Hero's Shade being, gets a little bundle of flowers or sticks or something else remarkable in its memory. He tries to learn music and practices these things alone at their graves. Until one day he wakes up and everything shifted and now they are all still so very alive and he ca talk to Uli and Rus about it. And he stops trying to force it to an ending story of overwhelming grief. He brings it with him like another talisman that changes him as much as the dark crystal did.
Wild fears that he died again. He wakes up to feeling damp and lost. Squirrels chitter nearby qnd he sits up from the forest floor in faron. Zelda sits a little ways away on her own salvaged sheikah tech tapping away while it pours rain outside the shelter propped up above him. The humidity is familiar comfort and he reaches for her hand and starts a torrent of words nobody else aside from his 8 brothers and her will ever hear. He feels their spirits like imprints on his soul like the champions and lives knowing they all lived too. It opens the floodgates for him, talking (and or signing) more than ever. He craves the same feeling of belonging that he learned with the others and he makes communities for them, hoping they can all be together again and share more time.
Wars steels himself every morning. He has done this before he can do it again. Nothing has changed. Nothing has happened. His heart can't face the upheaval again. Until it can and he can and he remembers he doesn't have to be alone and walled away and a false socialite. He opens up about it. Most think it's all about the war of ages. He let's them. It doesn't matter. It was the same strain of pressure and loss and fear qnd acceptance. There's celebrations. There's quiet nights writing about it all. He works to have his image humbled and held less aloft. He wants to feel an easy comraderie again even if it makes his friends and soldier balk at his teasing and humor that's changed since the chain.
And prior to all these, but and different points in the dream kind of like each of them remembering at different times the appearance of portals. One for each of them. Familiar sounds and smells coming from them and glimpses of 9 different homes flickering through.
And nobody moving.
All of them stock still. Hands grabbing at hands or sleeves being held on to like a lifeline. The area alive with sound even though pits in stomachs scream like nerves when you realize the forest has gone silent and you're being stalked by a predator for lunch.
Mixed memories of hugs and laughing and crying and holding on like a child to their caregiver not wanting to leave. Strong and straight backed choices to move forward and keep going for better or worse.
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anon-rebel-writes · 3 years
Something Simple
Hi! Hey! How’s it going? Good? That’s so good!
So I’ve been gone...Ha ha. I feel like I should have an excuse ready, and an apology, and a promise to do better in the future. But honestly, I don’t have...any of those.
Well I do have an apology, I’m sorry that I’ve been gone and kinda just left the internet. I don’t really look at social media as much as I used to (which honestly is super good for mental health, but kinda sucky if you do stuff on social media :P)
I haven’t had a ton of ideas lately, and when I do, I get frustrated with myself because it’s not the most amazing piece that I’ve ever worked on. I had a serious talk with my girlfriend (she’s seriously the majority of my inspiration for most of my works) and she said something that gave me an epiphany.
Sometimes you just have to make some sucky tea until you make the best tea of your life :) (I swear that makes more sense if you read the story lol)
I like domestic fluff. I like short and simple stories. So that’s what this is! I don’t wanna waste my time waiting fro inspiration to strike when I can make something to get me through writer’s block! So if you don’t mind my wacky schedule, I hope you enjoy this simple piece :)
It begins under the cut! <3 Ao3 Link
This should be easy.
It used to be easy for him when he was younger. When he was five, Luka would listen to the waves on the boat and hear a unique tune out of it. At eleven, his mom told him about an old tale she heard and he wrote lyrics based on it. Sixteen, Juleka would idly pluck her bass and he’d come up with three different songs just from the sound. Music was natural to him.
Now it was hard. Nothing inspired him. He was supposed to be a musical guy. How could this tear him down so easily! Maybe his life was too good now. No problems to sing about, no unrequited love songs, no daddy issues. His life was great! What happened to him?
After his dad came back into his life, he appreciated their little relationship. They would jam out and have fun, although it was still awkward to call him ‘dad’, it still seemed fine. He found out a lot of weird stuff with magic and identities when he was younger, but it led to Marinette confessing a huge secret to him. Misunderstandings got cleared up and they ended up reigniting their romantic relationship. After proposing to her last year, they got an apartment that was perfect for them.
Everything was perfect, really. Maybe that was the problem, everything was perfect. Juleka did tease him lately about “losing his edge”. Was his edge gone? His blue dyed hair was barely visible nowadays, any tattoos he got during university were usually covered up by his vast collection of MDC sweaters, even his ear piercings were replaced with whatever colored ones matched his outfit that day!
Maybe he was getting old. He was getting engaged to one of the sweetest people in the world, maybe her sugar-like sweetness rubbed off on him.
Was his music destined to be lost to the winds forever? Did all the talent leave his blood the moment he started settling into a domestic life? Juleka seemed to keep her musical charm, she still did small gigs with Rose in coffee shops every now and then. Ivan even toured around with his new band after university.
All Luka did now was make instruments. Was that even close to musical? His dad supported his career decision, despite intense protests. His in-laws helped him open a little shop. Everything was so easy and simple.
Even now, he waited for Marinette to come home so they could finish watching 'Halloween Wars'. He spends his nights watching reality television. Who has he become?!
It clearly led him here, on his couch, guitar in hand, with no progress being made. He wanted to make something fantastic. Something that Marinette would hear and be reminded of the songs he used to write for her. Luka would sing to her and he would tell himself how he “still has it”.
But nothing came out. No tune, no music, no notes, no lyrics, nothing. Luka sighed and put his guitar on the side of the couch and decided to take his mind off of music, at least for now. A little break should be good! Looking across the living room, he realized the utter mess he made.
Music sheets were scattered across the coffee table, pencils somehow found their way to the floor. Maybe he should clean up, just to have a clean environment to work in.
Or maybe he should make himself some tea. Tea always gets creative juices flowing! Not cleaning up, nope. That’s what people do when they’re avoiding stuff and Luka Couffaine does not avoid stuff! Especially not cleaning messes that look like a natural disaster hit his living room. Nope, not avoiding.
So that’s where Marinette found the love of her life two hours later after work. In the kitchen, making tea, warzone in the living room and his heart clearly broken. Opening the apartment door and seeing the utter chaos made her remember just who she was about to marry, but going into the kitchen and seeing the look of despair on his face when he realized they had no honey for his tea was just plain sad.
She took off her shoes and coat and walked over to where he stood, hunched over the counter, staring deeply into his bitter tea. Her arms wrapped around his middle and she let her head rest between his shoulder blades. “Lu? You okay?”
Instead of answering, Luka gently stirred the tea with a spoon and shook his head. “...we forgot to buy honey.”
“And…that’s the only reason you seem upset?”
One quick glance over to the living room definitely made her question if honey was truly the culprit. Then again this wouldn’t be the first time a Couffaine had caused trouble for something small. She’d never forget the shape of the boat after the Captain had lost her favorite headband.
“I… can’t make music anymore.”
Marinette slowly let go of his midsection and turned him to face her. She squinted at his face, trying to see if this was an elaborate joke. “Uh- No offense, but that doesn’t seem possible. I mean… music is second nature to you.”
“You don’t get it. I lost my edge! I’m not cool anymore. I don’t have daddy issues, or love issues, or school issues, or work issues, or-”
“Yeah yeah, you were an angsty boy. But music didn’t come from you because you were edgy. Music is just a part of who you are. Whether you have issues or not. And believe me, the songs you used to write for me were anything but edgy.”
Luka sighed and grabbed his cup of bitter tea. He looked in it and gave it to Marinette. “This tea sucks. It’s like my music. It doesn’t have that ‘umph’ that it needs to be good.” She looked into the cup and decided to take a sip. She let the flavor sit on her tongue for a bit and stared back into the cup, thinking to herself for a second.
“The tea isn’t great, I’ll give you that. But that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s just… simple. Nothing too extraordinary, nothing too disgusting. It just tastes like tea. And maybe you just need to make simple tea every once in a while before you can go back to making your delicious Luka juice.”
He chuckled at her analogy and took the tea cup back to give it one last sip. Honestly Marinette was right, although she always tended to be right about these things, the tea wasn’t awful. It wasn’t his favorite, but not every song is his favorite either.
She gave him a kiss on his cheek before heading over to their bedroom.
Luka decided to move back over to the living room to clean the area up a little bit. He put away the massive amount of paper and took most of the pencils from the area, leaving only one sheet of music, his guitar, and a single pencil.
He let out a deep sigh and sat back down on the couch, grabbing his guitar. He sat back and stared down at the music sheet on the table. “Something simple, huh?”
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pokefanclaire · 3 years
Secret Santa
Hello everyone! I’m no writer but I decided to have a crack at a fan fiction for a ship I absolutely adore. Alfendi Layton x Lucy Baker. Also I don’t own any rights to the game, or characters its purely my weird thoughts.
This fan fiction has mutual pining and teasing but is pretty tame. I’m not entirely sure how to describe this!
Secret Santa
‘Th’ Prof always uses the mug I gifted him for secret Santa. It’s a normal enough looking mug with “World’s greatest detective” printed in black ink and the inside is decorated with a flurry of magnifying glasses facing every which way. I watched him unwrap my gift for ‘im from under the Scotland yard Christmas tree about a month ago and he ‘asnt used another mug from the break room since’ Lucy thought proudly as she eyed the space allocated for making hot drinks.
“Good morning dear Lucy”
Lucy jumped in surprise of his sudden arrival and twirled to see a tired looking Alfendi sporting disheveled placid burgundy hair and 3 day old stubble across his chin.
“slept ‘ere again prof?”
“.. You know you have to fill that with water Baker?”
He gestured to the empty kettle Lucy was absent mindedly staring at. Alfendi laughed light heartedly at his assistants morning forgetfulness.
Lucy stepped aside as Alfendi began to make tea in his favourite mug. He had clearly slept in the mystery room last night she thought, yet his disheveled, unkept appearance did nothing to calm the flutters in her stomach or the increased pounding of her heart against her ribcage from his arrival to the break room.
Noticing the heat rising in her cheeks from his close proximity she snapped her attention toward the fridge to fetch a lemon slice to add to his earl grey tea Placid enjoyed each morning.
The coolness of the fridge gave her cheeks much needed relief, and Lucy gave out an audible sigh of relief.
“’ere ya are Prof”
Lucy beamed turning around. She felt a solid mass suddenly press against her entirety realising the Prof was standing right behind her.
“Sorr’ Prof”
she said stumbling back a step.
“It was entirely my fault I apologise dear Lucy. Are you okay?”
Smiling shyly placid prof tugged at the back of his neck nervously.
“It were nowt Prof, why’d you sleep at the mystery room anyways?” smiling at the nervousness she now felt. “was there some new case?”
“Not at all Lucy, I just didn’t want to get behind on paperwork. And besides my favourite mug is here at Scotland Yard. I really like it, and what it stands for”
Lucy stared at her mentor.
“I think I know who my secret Santa was”
“well you should” Smiled Lucy “been the worlds greatest detective and all that. Piece of cake for a great mind like yours”
Alfendi drank from his mug maintaining piercing eye contact with his dear Lucy.
“...And my dearest assistant, did you happen to find out the identity of your secret Santa?”
“nah Prof’ It was a crazy difficult puzzle with no instructions but it looks lik’ sum kinda box. I spent all Christmas day tryin’ to solve it. My ma and dad had a go too, and my neighbour tried but nowt”
“I wonder who would send you such a thing dear Lucy”
Lucy felt her cheeks burn from his relentless stare. She couldn't remember the last time Alfendi blinked…
“was ‘t you? Prof’”
Of course Lucy had her suspicions with him been the son of the famous Hershal Layton. A Puzzle sounded fitting. But she was a detective constable and all of Scotland Yard would of known that she would find a puzzle an entertaining gift.. Had Alfendi been staring at her this whole time? She watched his sweet amber eyes flicker to a darker, more dangerous shade of yellow.
Alfendi grinned sipping from his mug trying to guess her train of thoughts.
“You know, I’m quite good with puzzles my dear Baker. Can I possibly be of some help to you?”
Before Lucy could answer Alfendi had crossed the room to her. She had just enough time to groan as Potty Prof’s eyes met with hers. From his slightly crouched position he leant over her shoulder and whispered into her ear.
“because I am… the world greatest detective aren’t I Baker?”
“morning folks!” Dustin called glancing over at Lucy and Alfendi with a raised eyebrow “Not interrupting summat am I?”
Alfendi grinned at Dustin, his unkempt messy hair bright crimson.
“You ‘kay Lucy Love?” Dustin smiled, eyebrow still raised questioningly in Lucy’s direction.
Lucy was inches away from the grinning Potty Alfendi’s face, his unshaven dishevelled look making the break room vanish from her vision as heat rose to her cheeks. She took an inward breath, wanting to answer Dustin quickly before suspicion took hold and everyone at Scotland Yard would soon be making fun of her obvious crush on her mentor.
“um yea Dusti’ ta”
she finally managed with an altogether strange look on her face. Alfendi smelt of stale cigarettes, coffee and old books, an intresting and all together appealing combination rushing her senses.
“I’m just fine” Lucy added. Convincing herself this time.
“are you Baker? Because you look a little distracted by something, or someone perhaps?” he teased.
“then see ya Lucy love, have a good’n” Dustin stifled a laugh as he exited the break room noisily jangling his keys. “young love!” he added from half way down the corridor.
Lucy’s cheeks were hot, She could only imagine how uncomfortable she looked to Alfendi as he continued to intimidate her at her eye level.
“Baker, come with me”
He turned on his heels without looking back toward the break room certain Lucy would follow. Lucy hesitated for a split moment, deep in her own thoughts before racing to catch up with her handsome mentor. Out in the corridor, she looked left and right for Alfendi assuming he had gone to the mystery room she skipped up the corridor after him. The door to the mystery room was wide open, with no apparent inhabitant in there she knocked on the door.
“Hello? Prof? Are you here?”
her calls were met with silence but she observed on Alfendi’s desk was the still warm mug of tea, steam escaping the rim. He had to be here, She felt herself falter as she leaned inside the room knowing that it was most likely Potty Prof inside, Lucy felt the familiar heat rising to her cheeks at the thought of her Potty prof, the original Alfendi Layton. Fearless.
Lucy scanned the corridor once more before deciding to search the suspiciously silent Mystery room.
Hands quickly covered her eyes as the door slammed shut behind her, heated breath brushed against the nape of her neck.
“care to guess which of your dear mentors is here with you?” Whispered Potty..
“Th’ original of course”
Silence fell once more.
“what did you call me just now” twisting to be sure he saw her lips move as she spoke. “not po…did you say original?”
“aye, I mean ya were ‘ere first wernt you? What woul you like me to call ya?”
Dazed Alfendi stared still covering Lucy’s eyes.
“...and Lucy, you aren’t scared are you? Of me I mean. Us”
He moved a hand to the side, brushing through Lucy’s golden hair. She groaned as the familiar scent of the prof fogged her consciousness for the second time that morning. ‘Get it together Lucy, he’s your boss! and this sort of thing isn’t allowed.. besides he’s just teasing. He never goes through with it, jus’ leaves me hanging. He’s all talk, that Potty’ She managed to comfort herself with her thoughts for a moment before allowing one eye to gently flutter open. He stared silently as heat rushed to her cheek turning her a shade of crimson familiar to Potty.
Alfendi gently traced the outline of her cheek with his outstretched fingers casually moving his face closer to hers before lightly brushing his thumb back and forth over her bottom lip.
“what would happen if I.. We just…..gave in Lucy?.”
Lucy stared at him in disbelief, convinced he was teasing as always she roared with hysterical laughter causing her to lose her balance and tumble forward into Alfendi.
“If I knew it was so easy to get you onto my lap Baker, I would of trapped you in the mystery room months ago”
Lucy’s eyes met with his, smiling broadly.
“I know you Prof, its all teasin’ an nowt else”
“one day I wont be able to stop myself Baker?”
Lucy was left feeling confused at the look on the now placid Prof’s face. Well placid Prof isn’t one for teasing, she thought about the living nightmare her life would become if both potty and placid decided to tease her. Shaking the thought from her head she tried to stand steadying herself on the sofa, offering both hands to the Prof she helped him regain his balance.
“Sorry abou’ falling onto you there Prof! I didn’t mean ta”
Alfendi didn’t reply, instead he stared down silently.
“wa is it?”
Her gaze fell on what had taken the Profs attention. Lucy was still holding Alfendi’s hands after helping him up.
“sorr’ Prof!”
Lucy let go of his hands instantly, retracting her arms from his direction.
“….Lu… Lucy… can you do me a favour please?”
Still looking down at his now empty hands.
“o’course Prof, anything”
Beamed Lucy, hoping by now he would of finally stopped teasing for the day.
“Can you try, to be less… perfect in my presence during work hours. I’ve found it very distracting of late” Alfendi didn’t bring his eyes to meet hers, but Lucy giggled at Pottys latest tease.
Alfendi’s hair was a placid, pale wine colour. He looked up with dull amber eyes.
“I mean it Lucy.”
A silence fell between them.
“tea prof?, how ‘bout I make us a brew! Earl grey with a lemon slice kay? Or would the othe’ trouble maker like a coffee?”
Alfendi laughed sheepishly as Lucy skipped from the mystery room toward the Scotland yard break room.
“Tea would be perfect my love”
morning turned to afternoon, and then dusk as 18:00 flashed on Lucy’s wrist watch.
“I’m ‘eading home now Prof, would you like to ride together?”
Alfendi hadn’t heard the question, or ignored his assistants declaration that she intended to leave.
“Is the mysterious puzzle in your backpack Lucy or at home?”
“s’in me backpack, I like it a whole bunch and who knows when i’ll figure it out eh?”
“May I see it Lucy? If you would kindly accept the help of your mentor”
“Sure Prof, I would love you to ‘elp me get a little further with solving the puzzle. Can I grab you some food from the take out place ‘round th’ corner” Understanding Alfendi will tackle her puzzle for a few hours at least.
“May I suggest something similar? I need to return to my apartment building this evening to take care of some household chores, and shave as i’m sure you’ve noticed I failed to remember to bring my razor with me into to work these past few days”
Alfendi ran a hand through his newly emerging beard with a disgusted curl tugging at the edge of his lips.
“we could grab some take away, and we can cycle to my apartment and I can help you with your puzzle while I take care of my chores”
“I uh.. I like it the stubbl’ I mean Prof.it suits ya somthin wicked”
Alfendi looked over at Lucy his hand frozen in the rough patch of hair now inhabiting his cheek.
“Can you confirm please, the newly emerged stubble you like?” Alfendi raised an eyebrow at Lucy.
“wel’ I guess yea.  stubbl’ or ‘least yours”
Lucy stared for a moment before realising she hadn't answered Prof’s next question.
“oh an’ take out at your place would be grand”
Alfendi didn't say a word until they reached the take out place near Scotland yard.
“what do you fancy Lucy? I mean from the take-out menu of course”
He grinned from ear to ear.
“’ello Potty, wondered if you were joining us this evening”
“Do you fancy something Italian Baker?”
“This is a chines’ restaurant silly”
He leaned into Lucy’s scarf sending his warm breath over her ear.
“I’m the something Italian silly”
“no, I don’t fancy any dam’ Italian”
“yes you do Baker”
Alfendi blew warm air over her ear and felt the gooseflesh wash over her exposed skin.
“yes you do.” he repeated.
The pair stood in silence: Alfendi grinning at her blush, Lucy pretending to be very interested in the Chinese food menu.
“now are you ready to order from the Chinese menu?”
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The Legends (2019) - Halfway Review (first 30 episodes)
So far, this is a drama that I skim-watched, and I have only watched the first half. I keep hearing how the second half is even worse and goes downhill, so I’m bracing myself for it. But here are my thoughts about what worked for me and what didn’t. 
Plot Summary (this is kinda long, so skip to the next section if you’ve already watched it)
I actually really like the premise of the plot and think it’s different from your typical xianxia/wuxia/xuanhuan romance drama. The plot opens with a naive and innocent girl, Lu Zhao yao, who lives in a remote mountain forest with her grandfather. Their ancestral duty is to guard the seal of the Demon King’s son. Lu Zhao yao, our bubbly FL, is lonely. She wants a companion because it has always just been her and her grandfather in this empty and lonely mountain forest. 
One day, Luo Mingxuan from the Immortal sect breaks into cave in the forest and attempts to attack the Demon King’s son, but the son escapes and Luo Mingxuan is injured. The FL finds him, heals him, and falls for him. Luo Mingxuan is intrigued by her too. He tells her to be a good person and to be a keeper of peace of harmony in the world. He leaves, and she is determined to be a good person who saves people and helps the weak. 
Meanwhile, the Demon King’s son is bullied by the villagers and is soon captured by the Immortal sect who wants to execute to prevent him from becoming a harbinger of evil. Zhao yao saves him as her first good deed, defeats all the sect leaders, and proves herself to be far more superior than any of them. She is unbeatable, and therefore makes an enemy out of all of them. 
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The Demon King’s son cares for her wounds, and she teaches him to stand up for himself and protect himself. She names him Mo Qing. She tells him her dream of wanting to build her own sect to help keep the peace in the world. He takes in everything she says with rapt attention. But she then tells him that she needs to leave him to find Luo Mingxuan, the person who inspired her to be a good person. She tells Mo Qing not to wait for her because she won’t come back. Mo Qing watches her leaves. Despite her telling him to start a new life, he never leaves the encampment that they’ve created because he has nowhere else to go. 
A month later, Zhao yao returns to the encampment, bloodied and jaded. When Zhao yao had gone to the Immortal sect to find Luo Mingxuan, he chained her up, tortured her, and forced her to reveal the location of the Demon King’s son. She refused to surrender because she’s adamant that she did the right thing in protecting an innocent boy who did no wrong. Luo Mingxuan says that she’s going down the path of evil and prepares to kill her. Her grandfather shows up to save her, but is killed by Luo Mingxuan. She then realizes that everything that Luo Mingxuan had said about being a good person and upholding peace and justice is a lie. Out of spite, she reasons that if everyone thinks she’s an evil person, then she’ll show them what it means to be truly devil and despicable. She sets out to become the most evil person they have yet to see. She’s hellbent on revenge, and no longer believes in love and in the goodness of people. I just love her petty attitude because I can relate to it so much. You think this is bad? Okay, I’ll show you bad. 
For the next 5 years, she builds her fearsome sect. She recruits a group of loyal followers, and is now known as a cruel and devilish conqueror. Mo Qing stays by her side as a quiet guard and gatekeeper of the sect’s entrance, watching her from the sidelines. On the day when Zhao yao tries to take the Wan Jun Sword, she tries to take advantage of his feelings for her and tells him to distract the people from the Immortal sect so that she can take the sword. But the sword instead calls out for him and wants him as its master. This causes the cave to collapse, and Zhao yao is buried in the rubbles, her last words accusing Mo Qing of betraying her. 
We then have another time skip of 5 years. Zhao yao is resurrected when her body comes into the contact with the blood of Qin Zhiyan, a disciple from the Immortal sect. Their bodies are now connected; whenever Zhiyan is hurt or injured, the same injuries are manifested on Zhao yao’s body. To other people, they both have Zhiyan’s face, and only Zhiyan can see Zhao yao’s true face. Zhiyan’s personality is the exact opposite of our FL. Zhiyan is meek, clumsy, kind, and not clever, which means that Zhao yao becomes the bossy half of this blood-connected duo. Zhao yao is determined to return to her sect and get revenge on Mo Qing whom she not only mistakenly thinks killed and betrayed her 5 years ago, but whom has now taken over as the leader of her sect. She wants to reclaim her position and restore her clan to its prior glory as a sect to be feared.  
All of this happened within the first 4 opening episodes. To be honest, the first 2 episodes were slow. Episodes 3 and 4 were when the deaths, time skips, and Zhao yao’s rise and fall happened. 
Despite a slow first 2 episodes, the drama overall had a strong opening. We got to see a reversal of power dynamics where the FL is evil and powerful, while the ML is the quiet and demure “damsel in distress” who secretly crushes on the FL. It’s different from the usual underdog storyline. 
But after Zhao yao’s “death”, the plot slows down. The power dynamics reverts back to what we typically see in xianxia dramas: the ML becomes the almighty powerful sect leader, while the FL has lost her powers and her identity, and has to now pretend to want to be his disciple in order to slowly regain her power so that she can kill him and get her revenge. 
From episode 5 onwards, the FL’s arc is about how she and Zhiyan have to pretend to be the same person. This means that sometimes one of them has to hide (usually Zhiyan) so that no one sees both of them. However, this also means that we see more of the actress who plays Zhiyan than Bai Lu. While the second lead actress is good and is able to pull off playing both roles, I didn’t choose to watch the drama because of her. I had just started to get used to Bai Lu as the FL, and now suddenly, I’m forced to see the face of another actress as the FL. I imagine that this is when the drama loses most of its audience. It really tests your patience. In the comment section of these episodes, I saw a lot of people asking when the FL gets her face back because if the switch doesn’t happen soon, they’ll drop the drama. 
I was also *this* close to dropping the drama. It felt the Bai Lu barely had any screen time, and the SFL had very little chemistry with Xu Kai (which I guess was the point). And speaking of screen time, Xu Kai only appears for like 10 minutes per episode. 
The leads also felt very removed from all the plotting and scheming that was happening amongst the sects around them. So not even 10 episodes into the drama, the plot felt like a drag. 
When you realize that Zhao yao won’t get her face back anytime soon, you begin to wonder how the romance between her and Mo Qing will progress. Will he fall for her personality even though she has Zhiyan’s face? Does this mean that he’ll fall in love with both Zhiyan and Zhao yao because he thinks they’re the same person and doesn’t know that there’s 2 of them? Is this going to turn into some kind of moral/philosophical dilemma about what is means to love someone’s soul? Is this going to turn into some messed up love triangle?
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Thankfully, Mo Qing figures out what’s happening pretty soon (around episode 11), so he knows that Zhao yao and Zhiyan are distinct people. We don’t really see his thought process for how he is able to figure things out, but we just assume that he’s able to put the clues together. It seems that at first, he might have assumed that they inhabit the same body (like a Stephanie Meyer’s The Host kind of situation), where Zhao yao takes over at night, but then soon he figures out that Zhao yao is actually just invisible during the day, and appears at night with Zhiyan’s face. But then he gives Zhao yao her old necklace, which allows him to see her in her true form during the day and night, even though she doesn’t know it. 
The Good
This brings to me to talk about what I do like about the drama. Both the ML and FL are clever people. They’re able to see through people’s schemes and are always one step ahead. We also see that Zhao yao, the fearless conqueror/demonness, has met her match, which makes their interactions really cute to watch. Zhao yao used to be his hero that he could only admire from afar. She was the haughty sect leader that he could barely talk to because she her attention was always occupied by other things. But now, he’s her superior and the one giving out orders, while she has to put on an act to please him because she’s now his disciple. But at the same time, she keeps trying to kill him, and he knows it, and he’s always amused by her attempts because it’s a reminder that Zhao yao has really come back to him. He simultaneously enjoys and is hurt by her hate for him. Talk about being masochistic. 
I’m also a sucker for reincarnation/ghost plots. While Zhao yao isn’t exactly reincarnated (but more like reawakened), and she isn’t exactly a ghost but is invisible, the way that the plot plays out is similar. Both the ML and FL metaphorically have a new life: he’s a sect leader when he was once someone who was bullied and persecuted and couldn’t protect himself, and she’s now just a disciple who needs his help from time to time. It’s always funny when he respectfully refers to Zhao yao in the third person to other people as the previous sect leader, even though she’s in the same room with them. And it’s also funny how she calls him that weird ugly kid, her first nickname for him when they first met, whenever he’s not in the room with her. The way they talk about each other in reference to their “previous life” is such as contrast from how they currently treat other when face to face. 
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The invisibility plot point is also fun, especially in episode 21 when he follows her around town. It’s also the first time when we’re explicitly shown what he sees from his point of view. Zhao yao is like a hologram, and with a bit of magic and concentration, Mo Qing is able to lift the invisible “mask” that covers her to see her in her true form. Zhao yao is always startled when Mo Qing seems to be looking right at her. 
But between episodes 12 and 20, the plot stagnates. It’s not until episode 21 when it picks up again because all the subplots and backstories finally start to come together. And so far, episodes 21-30 have been good. The leads are finally getting involved with the larger plot. They actually make things happen. There are important consequences to their actions and decisions. Zhao yao still  doesn’t get her face back, but everyone finally knows that there are two of them, so Zhao yao and Zhiyan don’t have to keep playing the hiding/switching game. Luo mingxuan finally wakes up from his slumber, so the original villain of the drama has returned. It turns out that Jiang Wu is just a manifestation of Qin Qianxuan’s lust for Zhao yao. Lu Shiqi, a teenager(?) raised by Zhao yao, reppears again for the first time since episode 4. Mo Qing’s inner demon is starting to come out. Zhao yao finally finds out that Mo Qing already knew that she had come back from the dead and that she is invisible during the day all along. She also finally starts to accept that he has feelings for her and her for him (That line in episode 30 though: “If you fight, I’ll be your sword, if you retreat, I’ll be your shield”). The plot is finally getting good. But I’m just worried about how it’s going to be handled from here since I keep hearing how weak the second half is. 
I also like Zhao yao and Zhiyan’s relationship. Yes, they’re blood-bonded so they’re forced to look out for each other, but I just really like how wholesome their relationship is and how much they do care for one another. They have to share their secrets with each other because it’s them against the world. They’re a unit, and their survival depends on them cooperating and trusting each other. 
The Meh
The villains haven’t really been a threat to the leads, and they’re not that interesting tbh. I always skip the scenes when they’re scheming (which are a lot of scenes), and I’m still able to follow the gist. Like I already mentioned, up until episode 21, the leads felt so removed from what was happening in the other sects. Despite being a sect leader, it doesn’t feel like Mo Qing really does much besides interact with the FL, and the FL doesn’t do much besides stir up antics. She doesn’t actively try to figure out how to get her face back. She just thinks that if she gets Zhiyan to do more good deeds in her name, then she’ll wrack up more underworld credits, and she’ll be able to buy the pill that will help her restore her powers. But it’s also a little odd that her credit count is increasing so slowly when she’s done a lot to help Zhiyan. 
Mo Qing and Zhao yao have a really cute romantic arc, but Mo Qing is a very typically ML who unconditionally loves the FL and sacrifices everything for her. He doesn’t really stand out from the other xianxia MLs, and his character isn’t given much to work with (especially with so little screen time). Compare him with Sifeng from Love and Redemption or Ye Hua from Eternal Love who had to express so much pain and suffering. Maybe the angst just hasn’t happened yet in this drama.  
Mo Qing’s love and devotion to Zhao yao was also a little hard to believe at first. They only really interacted with each other closely for a handful of scenes over a period of a few days, but I guess when you take into consideration that he was abused and abandoned as a child, and then bullied and nearly executed, then the fact that Zhao yao was the first person to care for him, be his friend, and give him a name, it’s no wonder that he’d go to the ends of the earth for her. 
There is a very little character development, and the world building stagnated after the first few episodes. I guess we start to see some growth in Zhao yao and Zhiyan in the 20s episodes, where Zhao yao learns to be more caring and tender, and Zhiyan learns to be a bit more confrontational, but for the most part, it feels like things are happening to them and they’re just reacting to it. Zhao yao may seem assertive, but she doesn’t cause things to happen. Her being invisible does hinder her agency and makes her more of an observer in the drama. It feels like she’s been laying low for so long now, so I’m looking forward to seeing what she does in the next episodes now that Luo Mingxuan has awakened. 
I remember when this drama first came out in 2019, I had just finished Fuyao a few months prior, so I didn’t want to watch what seemed like a second-rate version of Fuyao. But this drama has a completely different premise, so I guess it goes to show not to judge a drama by its name. 
I also wasn’t in the mood to watch a drama where the leads are my age. I’m still getting used to the idea of people my age on screen, while I’m watching them at home, still having no idea what I want to do with my life. 
In terms of plot, it’s hard to compare Fuyao and Zhao yao since they’re so different. Fuyao works her way to becoming a powerful general, while Zhao yao starts as a powerful general and then loses everything. 
Overall halfway impression
People say that you should watch this drama for the romance between the leads, and while yes, the romance is watchable, I don’t know if that’s enough to carry you through this drama since the romance progresses very slowly. The leads only have a few scenes together in each episode, so you’re skipping most of it. Essentially, this is a very skimmable drama. I’m hoping that I’ll skim less as the leads become more involved in the sect politics, and I wonder if I’ll still be invested in the romance when Zhao yao and Mo Qing officially get together. Stay tuned.
Update: So I’m on episode 35 now, and it seems like a good place to end things. Is this where things start to go downhill because they’re going to drag it out to 55 episodes? 
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gilded-green · 3 years
In celebration of the 10th anniversary, I’ll probably reread GG and send updates/highlight areas and as for commentary. Probably XD
But first. What aspect of Gilded Green was your favorite? What was something you put in a lot of world building for but never got to show either in fic or on tumblr. Who is your favorite character and why, what makes them special in your eyes? Which character has turned into a completely different one as soon as you started writing them? Which part of the fic did you like most when you finished it, do you still like it? Similarly, which part do you dislike most?
Lasty, anything about gg2’s story you want to share/talk about/rant?
-love, the dai li fangirl
Haha, no pressure! But at the same time yes if you do feel free to send me passages for commentary here! <3
What aspect was my favorite? Hmmm. *thinking face* I think, when I first came up with it, I was just thrilled to have these two small things - minor character Lu Ten, overlooked villain organization Dai Li - that I was able to combine into something so big. That was pretty nifty!
As I started developing the story, I think what really caught my attention was the fact that “Wow, all these characters are awful people!” Like. The Dai Li aren’t good.The Fire Nation aren’t good. Lu Ten is a victim but also an oppressor. All off these people have extremely different beliefs and worldviews - Fire supremacist, police state enforcers, classist academic gatekeepers - and all of them think THEY’RE in the right here and none of them are. I think Tien and Hoang might be the only people with a decent, non-oppressive worldview in the story so far. XD I was growing out of the storytelling trope of black-and-white morality at the time, so it was really fun to start experimenting with writing awful people as enjoyable, sympathetic characters.
World building? Hmm. I was just learning how to use my worldbuilding muscles back then. I seem to remember reading up a lot on how brainwashing actually works in the real world and going “I don’t think this is compatible with what we have in ATLA” and just kinda tossing that whole thing out. XD I also recall looking up a lot of stuff for the bits about Jouin, some of which - kalua pig! - has since shown up again in WFFD. I also recall someone on FFdotnet at the time saying “All this chapter did was tell us more about a dead character than the living one” and I was just kinda like -_- yes because he is DEAD and this is your chance to feel sorry about that, we’ll get plenty more of the living one later on account of him still being, y’know, alive. XD
Oh, and Shirong’s personal side projects. I finally got into that a bit in A Meeting of Minds, but the dude DOES have his own stuff going on, which Delun so rudely interrupted to drag him off to see Long Feng about brainwashing a Firebender.
I also did a bunch of research for the birthday party interlude, I think. Mostly appropriate alcohol for such an occasion? And....okay, this’ll sound funny, but.....food containers. I wanted Fen to pack up leftovers for Suyin and Shirong. That’s what my Italian family does after get-togethers, and I assumed that a Chinese family/friend group would do the same! But I also had, like, zero exposure to everyday Chinese life, let alone everyday Chinese life in the 1800s, and I just didn’t have the...idk, cultural osmosis? to figure it out. Like, if you asked me how Victorians would transfer food I’d probably come up with “Idk, wrap it in cloth and stuff it in a basket?” and I assumed people living in modern China would also be able to explain what their people did for food storage/transport 150 years ago but I didn’t have that cultural background, now, did I??? Also this was 10-12 years ago I was looking this up, mind you, the internet was still very different, there was plenty of information on Chinese historical events but not on everyday life objects, CDramas weren’t easy to find if they were translated at all and I certainly didn’t know they existed, and no one was posting beautiful aesthetic videos of life in a rural Chinese mountain village to youtube yet. Eventually I learned that bamboo baskets were a thing, but there wasn’t much info on THOSE either and I wasn’t sure how to describe them, so I just tentatively typed “basket” and called it a day. XD
I’m very fond of the Dai family, along with the Trungs and Sais. I’m very proud of how Tuan turned out. I adore Yuan, who you’ve barely met, and Xun, who you haven’t. Huang and Wu Sheng are also definite faves and I can’t wait for y’all to get to know them better.
Characters do usually behave for me in terms of personality development. They surprise me, but they never really turn out to be the complete OPPOSITE of what I was expecting? They just kinda develop organically. Huang and Wu Sheng surprised me, tho, those boys got deep. I knew they had the potential, but developing their backstory actually caused Stingrae and I to develop Ba Sing Se’s socio-political backstory and Long Feng’s rise to power, all because of an inkling I had. That was a very satisfying few years of worldbuilding and story development.
Um, favorite part of the fic....idk, I’m very fond of the final scene, with Azula and her wall chunk from Lu Ten. I’m doubly fond of it because of how it always resonates with readers. Heck, during Azula week last year, I used that chunk of rock as an ongoing theme in Sandstone, and someone commented like “I DIDN’T REALIZE YOU’RE THE ONE WHO WROTE GILDED GREEN” and that made me really happy!
Lu Ten’s time stuck underground - I used the seven stages of grief to get through that one and it was very helpful in structuring that part of the story, and I figured it was deep or something because PSYCHOLOGY.
I’m also proud of myself for getting through the dark brainwashing scenes. So, like, FYI, fanfiction could get...very dark, back in the 00s. People love to play purity police these days and complain about how nasty people get can, but listen. Listen. Do you have any idea how dark FFdotnet got back in the day? Legolas And Aragorn Get Captured By Orcs And Brutally Tortured was an entire genre. I feel like torture fic was actually a lot more common back then, and darkfic in general - I’m sure someone could write a whole thesis on why it’s not so prevalent anymore, I’m gonna guess the fact that fandom is less-insulated and more public now could be part of it, maybe also the fact that the internet is more social media/influencer culture based so people care about their image, and also the purity police which is its own kettle of worms, but I also think that the Bush Administration had something to do with it? You have all these kids who were pre-teens when 9/11 happened, growing up during the Iraq War with an awful presidential administration while everyone was scared and conservative Christianity started to realize that their control over the nation’s “morality” might be slipping and reacted accordingly......yeah there was a lot of darkfic back then.
And I read a lot of darkfic too, but, uh....well, statistically speaking, a lot of writing is bad, okay? A lot of those fics were just weird; you could see where the writer had this idea, and also where they failed to execute it in a way that resonated or made sense. And whatever, writers were young and just wanted to pound out some catharsis, it’s cool, but it still just felt narratively awkward when you could tell how the writer was more focused on LET’S MAKE THIS AS DARK AS POSSIBLE instead of “Let’s tell this as well as possible.”
So the first several attempts at writing the brainwashing scenes, I was nervous because I didn’t want to get TOO dark, and when I finally decided “eff it” and said to Stingrae “I think I need to let this be as dark as it needs to be” I was still nervous because I didn’t want it to end up WEIRD. Idk if that makes sense, but anyway I seem to have done a decent job at it!
As for parts I dislike the most, uhhhhh Iroh’s retreat (I didn’t care, I just wanted to get it over with), Enlai might’ve been promoted too fast? idk, the fact that I came up with Nanyue AFTER I finished publishing GG so I couldn’t work that into the Quy bits, the fact that I was young and innocent and didn’t understand sexual slang or innuendo and randomly chose Dong as the name of the court physician which could lead to some awful puns except no one ever seemed to pick up on that and maybe I’ll regret pointing it out but the man IS going to appear again so I might as well get the first shot in myself. XD
I might have GG2 stuff to talk about but not sure, if I do I’ll make another post on that!
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crownedbyluke · 6 years
Long Road Ahead (Chapter Eight)
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Estelle Finley has been friends with Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings for three years. When the boys bring her along on a jam-packed road trip to Cape Cod with the rest of the band, their adventures are just beginning. Through long hours driving, exploring cities, and hidden secrets, something more is bound to happen on this journey. How will this road trip change Estelle’s friendship with the friends she’s come to love so dearly?
Word Count: 3,150 (EXACTLY!)
{Chapter One} {Chapter Two} {Chapter Three} {Chapter Four}{Chapter Five} {Chapter Six} {Chapter Seven}
The sound of rain greeted me as I woke up. Warmth surrounded me, making me feel cozy. It made me want to stay in bed all day long. There was movement next to me, a reminder that I wasn’t alone in my bed. I turned a little, finding Luke asleep next to me. My heart soared, seeing the calm and peace over his face as he slept. He looked handsome in this early morning light. Even though it was raining, there was a hazy sunlight to the room that made him look like a Greek god again. I wanted to bask in this moment for a little while longer, but Luke’s eyelids fluttered open. There was a softness to the look in his eyes, the love clear in the ocean blue. Last night happened. I almost felt his lips on mine again, the electricity practically surging through me. I went to reach forward to brush some of his hair off his face. He jerked away, his shoulders tensing from my movement. My eyes drifted from his face, suddenly unsure of myself. I pushed myself from the bed, going to the window to look at the view.
“Little dove, I didn’t mean to move away,” he said, voice raspy from sleep.
“It’s okay,” I lied, wrapping my arms around my body.
I felt the need to hide from him for some reason. When we came back last night, we talked for hours, sneaking kisses when the moment felt right. Now, it was like last night was a dream and I made a mistake by falling asleep in Luke’s arms.
“No, it’s not,” he said, his arms wrapping around me.
Against my will, my body relaxed into him. He laced his fingers with mine and squeezed lightly.
“I meant everything that I said last night and I still mean it this morning,” he said, leaning down and pressing a few kisses to my neck.
“So you still want to be with me?” I asked, needing to hear him say it.
“One hundred percent yes,” he said, turning me around so I was facing him.
“I love you, Estelle Finley,” he said, smiling down at me with that giant one I loved.
“I love you, Luke Hemmings,” I replied, returning his smile.
He leaned down, connecting our lips. The flurry of colors flying by my closed eyes as his hand came to rest on my cheek. When he pulled away, our noses brushed causing me to giggle.
“Well instead of going out, why don’t we stay in?” he asked, squeezing my hips.
“I love the sound of that and as much as I want to stay in bed with you, the boys will probably want to get some writing done,” I said, running my hands up his arms.
“The boys can’t find me if we never leave this room,” he whispered, making me laugh.
“Lu, it’s your job. I’m not gonna keep you from it,” I said, standing on the tips of my toes to kiss his cheek.
I wanted to keep him all to myself, his lyrics from the other day echoing through my head. He had a gift with words and he needed to share them.
“But staying in your bed all day sounds so much better,” he said, trying to convince me.
I shook my head, moving back so we weren’t as close. He was giving me that same look from this morning.
“I refuse to be the reason the fans don’t get an album for two years,” I said, getting him to let go of me.
“Little dove,” he argued, following after me.
I started looking through my clothes for something cozier than just Luke’s shirt that he grabbed at random last night.
“Lu,” I said, using the same tone.
“If you’re putting more clothes on, I will be forcing them out of your hands,” he threatened, grabbing me again.
“Wow you’re handsy,” I laughed, taking a pair of leggings out.
“I’ve been forced to hold back for a year and a half. Let me be a little handsy for the first day of openly loving you,” he said, once again kissing my neck.
“And I held back for three years, but you don’t see me being possessive,” I replied, tugging the leggings up despite his wishes.
“Forgive me for not noticing how you were madly in love with me,” he teased, squeezing my sides again.
“You were pretty occupied at the time. I believe her name was Whitney,” I said, pulling my hair up and walking away from him.
He sighed and stayed by my closet.
“Her name was Reagan and we only dated for a couple months,” he defended, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Right and then it was Whitney for five months. Oh, and how would we forget the last one?” I continued, taking out my laptop.
“Estelle,” he said, a warning tone to his voice.
“What?” I asked, arching an eyebrow as I looked at him.
“You really bringing up my past girlfriends?” he asked, staying on the other side of the room.
“Do you really think I’m being serious?” I fired back, setting up in one of the chairs by the window.
“I didn’t mean for it to come out that way,” Luke said, running his fingers through his hair.
“You realize that I would never hold your past against you right? Even if we’re dating, I’m still going to tease you. I was there for all of it too Lu,” I said, crossing my legs in the chair.
“I know. I’m sorry. I just, I guess I don’t know how we transition into being in a relationship,” he said, picking up his jacket and shirt from last night that were on the floor.
“We look at each other and say you’re my boyfriend/girlfriend,” I said with a shrug.
I was trying to hide how nervous I was about this. It was new for us and I didn’t want to take the risk of messing it up.
“Okay, but do we act differently?” he asked, walking a little closer to where I was sitting.
“I think the only real difference is that we get to kiss and hold hands,” I replied, looking up at him.
He nodded, still unsure of himself as he stood in front of me. It looked like I wasn’t the only one that didn’t want to mess this up.
“Luke, I love you. We will figure it out, no matter what,” I reassured him, taking his hand in mine.
“Okay. I’m gonna go write with the boys. Love you,” he said, residual tension in his shoulders.
He pressed a kiss to my forehead, rubbing his thumb against my hand. I watched him leave my room, the happiness from just being with him in a more intimate way thrumming through my veins. I wanted this, but how long would Luke tiptoe around me before going back to being us?
“Give me the details right now!” Crystal said, bursting into my room.
“Did he tell you or did Michael?” I asked, laughing while still working on Ashton’s birthday present.
“I overheard Ashton giving him shit for ditching them at the club and then the high five that happened after Luke confessed,” she explained, dropping onto my bed.
“They high fived?” I laughed, closing my laptop to look at her.
“Oh yeah. I believe there will even be a cake,” she teased, wiggling her eyebrows at me.
“No balloons?” I asked, deciding to play along.
“I don’t believe so. Maybe some streamers or confetti cannons,” she continued.
We laughed before I went to join her on my bed.
“What do you wanna know?” I asked, lacing my fingers together.
“Is he a good kisser? How’d it happen? Did anything else happen?” she asked, her words rushed.
“Slow down!” I laughed before adjusting how I was sitting.
“Spill the details!” she gushed.
“Okay. It happened at the club while we were dancing. It was really good though. He did this thing with his tongue,” I said, the memory coming back to me.
“Maybe a little too much detail, but continue,” she said, her face scrunching up from what I said.
“Okay sorry. We came back here and talked more, kissed some more. That was really it though. We’re transitioning into being in a relationship,” I explained, feeling myself blush from talking about it.
“So has he asked you to be his girlfriend yet?” she asked, leaning back against the headboard.
“Um no. We’ve just said that we love each other,” I said, biting my lip.
“That’s okay. Maybe he thought it was implied?” she suggested, holding her hands out like they were scales.
“I mean, I would think so too if I had just said I love you to someone and they said it back and then proceeded to make out for an entire night,” I said, falling back against the bed.
“Maybe you two should talk about it?” Crystal said, trying to help in any way that she could.
“We kinda already did. It’s just a little weird because we don’t know what we can and can’t say or how we’re supposed to act. I don’t want to ruin this Crys,” I said with a sigh.
“I know. I felt the same way before Michael and I started getting serious. You love Luke though right?” she asked, turning to look at me.
“Yeah. With everything in my body,” I said, completely confident in my feelings.
“Okay. And he loves you right?” she continued.
“I’m pretty sure. He said it at least a thousand times last night,” I said, a smile itching at the corners of my mouth.
“Then you’re set. You two will find the rhythm that suits your relationship. Even if it’s awkward at first, you have to keep pushing through it. Besides, you and Luke are bound to be a power couple and I would love to be able to go on double dates with you two,” she said, winking at me.
“So she does have a hidden agenda!” I teased, both of us laughing again.
“What can I say? A girl wants her friends to be happy,” she said, giving me a giant smile.
“I’m really happy with him,” I confirmed, the smile completely coming over my face.
“Good. Now, how about we put on some 90210 and face masks?” she suggested, looking over at me.
“I am so in!” I cheered, grabbing the remote for the TV on the bedside table.
“I’ll go grab the face masks, you load up Netflix,” she said before getting up.
I smiled, the day gloomy, but everything else around me shines like a perfect sunny day. If this is what it was going to feel like to be with Luke, I never wanted it to end.
“Estelle!” I heard Ashton call from the living room.
“Coming!” I yelled back, grabbing the apple I was washing.
“Your dad is calling,” he said, giving me a knowing look as he held out my phone.
“Right. I’ll be back in a bit,” I said, taking it from him and quickly running up to my room.
“Hi, Dad!” I said, trying to pretend like I was excited to hear from him.
This was the second call in a week. Something was wrong.
“Oh she has time to answer her phone while she’s out galavanting,” he said, his tone pure anger and disappointment.
“What?” I asked, the confusion I felt bubbling over before I could stop it.
“Who’s this one, Estelle? Are you out messing around with guys and getting seen on purpose? Is this supposed to be your way of getting back at me for college?” he asked, anger taking over as he spoke.
There were chills that went down my spine from his words. I was always extra careful when going out. Had someone really seen Luke and I?
“Dad, I was out with friends last night,” I said, trying to see what he was talking about.
“So you just dry hump your friends in clubs now?” he accused, making me stop everything happening around me.
“What?” I repeated, it being the only thing I could properly think of right now.
“There are videos of you and this boy dry humping each other in a club Estelle. You really think that you’re invincible sometimes don’t you? You know that people watch you everywhere you go,” he said, this time the disappointment being the main thing in his voice.
“I know. I don’t know how they saw me. Dad, I didn’t do this on purpose,” I defended, trying to make sure he wouldn’t disown me.
“Are you sure about that Estelle? Because it sure as hell looks like you did,” he argued, the tingles in my spine getting worse.
I felt the panic and the anxiety rising up again. They hadn’t made an appearance since college. It was like I was transported back to being a freshman in college and I hated that feeling.
“I promise you that I didn’t. I’ll be more careful. It was a mistake,” I swore, clutching the shirt I was wearing in my hands.
Luke. How was I going to tell Luke about this? Was I expected to just lay everything out there for him or was I supposed to ease him into the life that my father had forced upon me?
“You will because if I see another picture of you on the internet with him, I’ll be making sure that the house you bought with my money goes away,” he threatened, making the hair on my arms stand up.
“I understand,” I said, the defeat taking over.
I just bought the house two weeks ago with plans to start moving in before school started up. I had wanted more space and a better feeling of being home. He was right about using his money because I had used a small part of my inheritance to buy it.
“Good. So if you are dating this boy, I suggest you either stop going out to show him off to the press or you break up with him. His name is Luke right?” he asked, causing me to be at full attention.
I hadn’t told him about Luke or any of the guys, a direct decision made on my part at the beginning of our friendship. I had made it for this very reason, so he couldn’t use them against me to get what he wanted like he had with Aida.
“Yes,” I confirmed, knowing that if I lied right now, he’d make things worse.
“He’s in that band that all those stupid girls like correct?” he asked, the goosebumps emerging on my skin.
“Yes,” I repeated, my heart sinking with every question.
“Now, we want Luke to continue making music right?” he asked, the threatening tone coming back.
“Yes,” I said, losing the want to fight for my own rights.
“So we won’t be going out with Luke anymore or he and his little band won’t be making another album for those stupid little girls. Understood?” he asked, tone final and arrogant.
He knew that he already won, had me right exactly where he wanted me to play games with him.
“Understood,” I said, letting my head hang.
“Lovely. Have a good vacation sweetie,” he said before hanging up.
The tears came instantly, defeat and hurt washing over me like I was standing out in the rain. My worst nightmare was coming to life right before my eyes and I couldn’t even tell Luke. I knew that if I did, he would try to fight it, try to get the better of my father, when I knew that he couldn’t. There was no fighting the monster that was Lance Finley especially after he knew what made a person tick. As if I wanted to torture myself more, I opened Twitter, finding thousands of new notifications and mentions. The fans knew and while some of them were supportive, some of them weren’t. My heart felt like it was in my stomach. Last night had been perfect, but it was fleeting at I kept reading. It was a mistake and I should have known better.
@EFTeaches should leave Luke alone. She’s just a peasant anyways.
@EFTeaches might as well just flaunt her boobs a little more so the rest of the world could see.
#GetOverYourself @EFTeaches because you won’t last.
I let the words and the tears take over, wishing I could wipe it all away from memory. The only thing I wanted to see was the look on Luke’s face from this morning, but as I tried to focus on it, the words and hurt turned it against me too. This was no longer just about Luke and I, it was about making sure he was safe and far away from my father. Even if it meant pushing him away.
“We can’t do this,” I said after we had sat in silence for five minutes.
“What do you mean? Little dove, what happened?” Luke asked, moving towards me as I sat on my bed.
“You and I. We can’t do this,” I said, playing with the shirt that was folded in front of me.
After the phone call, I couldn’t keep it on anymore, my father basically tainting the comfort from it.
“Wait, let’s talk about this,” he argued, sitting right next to me.
“We can’t. There’s too much here. I can’t handle the separation or the tweets. I’m not strong enough for this. We just can’t do this Luke,” I said, quickly getting up and moving away from him.
I left his shirt there for him on the bed. The bed still smelled like him from last night and it felt like I was betraying the memory of our first kiss by staying in it any longer.
“Estelle, wait, we have to-”
“No. We just, we can’t,” I said, trying to make my tone firm.
I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, causing me to look away from him.
“Yes, we can. What changed?” he asked, stuck sitting on my bed.
“Nothing. We’re not right for each other,” I said, knowing it would make him listen to me.
I walked away before I could hear him ask another question. The tears fell as I ran down the stairs. I left knocking on Ashton’s door in the back of my mind, walking in and looking up at him.
“Bugs, what is it?” he asked, closing the door behind me and wrapping me up in his arms.
I lost the ability to speak, sobbing into his chest and holding onto him like he was the only thing keeping me up. I walked away from Luke and even though I knew it was the right thing to do, it hurt like absolute hell.
So much do you guys hate me for that? I AM SORRY BUT I PROMISE IT’LL BE BETTER!
TAG BABES: @24kcalum @thruheavenandhighwater @slimthicccal @notoriouslyhood @bbycal @tommossoccer @a-little-international @cashton-queen @thebookamongmen @jetblackyoungblood @kiss-the-kat @no-guilt-in-living
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tardytothesimspardy · 2 years
In Which I Am in Utter Shock
I Am Simply Befuddled
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I played through a few days, and really only two things of note happened: Summer asked Laurie out on three dates, and I had Buck make a friend. Oh, and Laurie got a promotion, so now I think she's level 7 or 8 in the mixology career. She's doing way too good in the career, and I fear the Brokes won't be broke for much longer (like they're currently at a stable 3k, this is distressing). I need to do something about that. I tried to do a little renovation and decorating but the build/buy was lagging so ferociously that I couldn't do anything.
I started by having Laurie work on her New Year's resolution of losing weight, which I knew wasn't going to be enjoyable for her at all (given that she dislikes fitness and has the lazy trait). But I didn't rebuild the Oasis Springs gym to not use it.
I had her first try swimming, which she seemed to have a good time with, until she didn't.
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(I promise she's wearing a swimsuit it just blends in really well with her skin tone and I probably didn't think of that before because I never needed to)
Then Summer asked her on the first of three dates, and she did this and it was so cute <3
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For the next few days, I continued having Laurie go to the gym for as long as she could stand (there were days where I was really pushing her, she got super tense and angry), and I noticed something that, ngl, I still feel kinda weird about: she lost weight super fast. It felt like she had been going for two days and she went from the pictures above to this:
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Just,, weird. Idk.
Then the second date with Summer was in Britechester of all places, and they got pretty flirty (they usually do, like I always think, "Oh dang, they seem to just be doing friendly interactions, maybe I was wrong about them, and then bam they're both super flirty it's weird). I keep wanting to have them just run off and have Laurie live with Liberty, Summer, and Shawna, but I have to remind myself that 1) they just started dating like, not even a week ago, and 2) I'm not sure how I will play the households if they are separated like that. I know that if Rich and Laurie do separate, Rich will be staying with the boys, because if Rich goes off on his own I will 100% forget about him. It's probably not best for Flat or Buck for him to stay, but for the sake of whatever semblance of a story I have that he does.
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After that date, it was a Saturday, so I decided to focus a little on Buck, since he really wasn't doing much of anything. I had him go to the park in Oasis Springs, partially to work on his aspiration a smidge, but mainly to make some friends. I've had him do the "Make Some Friends" thing while he's at school, but I want him to actually have a few friends, y'know?
He first tried to talk to a girl called Bryanna, but she turned out have the mean trait, and just called him names until he got angry. For some reason, after she was rude at Buck, he had the option to apologize. Why?? He has nothing to apologize for!
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After Bryanna, I saw that Shawna had showed at the park, so I decided to have him become friends with her instead. Luckily, her trait is music lover, so she wasn't being actively antagonistic like Bryanna was. I'm not planning to have Shawna and Buck be a thing, that honestly would be pretty weird, given that Shawna's mom is Summer, and if I were to continue having Summer and Laurie be a thing, having Shawna and Buck be a thing would just be,,, yikes. Idk, not great. I kinda toyed with the idea of Shawna kinda being where Buck kinda started liking people with blond hair (because Mary Lu had blond hair), but idk if that's too weird, given that they're both kids. (Idk when stuff like that happens so it's hard for me to judge)
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Maybe tomorrow I'll find it within me to focus on Rich. Probably not. Right now it's a bit of a waiting game until the end of spring where I age up Flat and Flo. I've been meaning to have the rest of the family get to know Flo better, so maybe I'll do that. Maybe I could even play a bit from Flo's side, to help flesh her out as a character and get to know her better. Hm, that probably would be beneficial.
0 notes
barbika1508 · 7 years
Hidden agendas (Peter Pevensie x Reader/ Slight Angst)
Word Count:  3,8k
Type: Drabble, Modern AU
Genre: Fluff, Friendship, Bit of angst
Pairing: Peter Pevensie x Reader, Lucy Pevensie x Reader(Friendship)
Authors note/ Summary(Kinda): This is another type of fic I’ve wrote a year ago and it has been left unfinished as it has been sitting in a folder somewhere. So, I decided to post some parts as again, I got missing bits in between. I think my idea back then was that Y/N was related to the royalty of Narnia, the previous kings and queens before the Pevensie’s and Jadis (The long winter in this story lasts 10 years), and she was summoned to Narnia by the letter that her late parents sealed for 21 years. So, she turns into a princess overnight with a choice to become a queen. And this is the period in between, of her getting to know Narnia and her developing relationship with the Pevensie’s…I guess…something along these lines.
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 ‘’Do you need that alarm clock?’’
‘’That one, the red simple one.’’
‘’Am…not in particular it was a gift.’’
‘’It doesn’t work.’’
‘’Yeah, Ed took out the batteries and suspicious looking “gadgets”. It’s from a country we’re not on a friend level with, and getting something simple as this for a gift, it leads into suspicion.’’ Lucy explains rotating the small square simple alarm clock in between her delicate fingers.
‘’Welllllll…your brother is in the right mind for precautions. Despite how annoying he might appear to you at those moments. Or others.’’ I smirk by the end of my sentence to which she shakes her head but still looks amused but makes her way across the room to me.
‘’Here, it’s junk either way. Like most of the stuff in my room.’’ She hands me over the small device and lets out a deep sigh, turning ahead and starts to approach her bed once more.
‘’Those are not your words.’’ I point out, eyes trained onto the clock as I spin around on her desk chair, to her desk. But I take a moment and glance up at her, as she sits onto the middle and edge of her bed, now the big lights turned off, and the camera momentarily turned off as well. She smirks but tiredly.
���’They are starting to become.’’ She says as she picks up the few piece of papers that hold the script she wrote for herself. Not only is Lucy the youngest of the Pevensie’s and a Queen running a whole country at the age of 17 but she’s also a youtuber. Popular one too.
‘’Your sister can be a pain in the ass do you know that?!’’ I point out turning forward to the many screws and small wires that I’ve displayed over the clean and clear table that I’ve messed up and created chaos upon. Lucy chuckles while I feel her eyes on me, as I unscrew the small screws in the gift given alarm clock.
‘’What makes you say that?’’ she dares me instead to which I shrug.
‘’She’s controlling.’’ I reply ‘’Too much if you ask me. If I was in your shoes…well then…’’ I click my tongue pulling off the mainframe from the device. Edmund did a good job on pulling out the main power source from it.
‘’Then it’s a good thing you’re not in my shoes.’’ She says ‘’Not yet at least.’’ She adds to which I glance up at her. But she’s smirking at me, the gentle and genuine smile that she always offers me. Unlike most of the royal family, and counselors. I smirk mischievously instead shaking my head as I look up and start to remove pieces of the alarm clock by hand.
‘’What do you think my decision will be?’’ I ask her honestly. And then silence settles. Which I’ve expected. By the time I’m done remodeling the alarm clock, she speaks up.
‘’You’ll stay.’’ She says to which I glance up at her standing up and flattening the front of her dress as she stalks forward ‘’I know you love Narnia. I know it means a lot to you, I know you relate to certain things. Even remember some from when you were younger.’’ I raise an eyebrow up at her to which she nods as she stops on the edge of the white table and looks at the many pieces ‘’I’ve seen you listen to a song once and then singing it already in the next time around of listening it.’’
‘’What if I have excellent memory, or how do you know that I just don’t calculate the estimated words that would appear in the song?’’ I raise both eyebrows at her but she laughs instead shaking her head, which causes her long hair to fall around her face, before she tilts her head looking up at me.
‘’I do consider you a close friend Y/N. Please don’t doubt me.’’ She says now to which I laugh and look at her shyly.
‘’Aw Lu.’’ I reply, raising my hand up ‘’High Five for friendship!’’ I exclaim. She rolls her eyes at me but chuckles and meets my hand ‘’Oh yeah.’’ I add on and turn forward to the wires that I’m braiding together.
‘’I do hope you will stay.’’ She breaks another moment of silence, which makes my head snap up.
‘’Why? So far you’re the only one tolerating me.’’ I add her face turning sadder but the smile remains on her face.
‘’You know by know how my brothers and sister are. And you’re an artist and all Y/N so try to think out of the box a bit. If not try.’’ With that she turns around and walks to her set up, now turning on the lights and camera. Think outside of the box?
I frown slightly as I look across the many pieces on the table.
‘’Can you look if the camera is focused?’’ Lucy calls preventing me from falling into a brainstorm about her words. I nod turning around and tangling my legs together I almost fall forward, but only stumble. She laughs amusedly from across her room, settled on her bed, as I shake my head and smile at myself as I walk to the camera. A few moments alter and press of a few buttons she’s focused on the screen. I press play and place my pointing finger over my mouth, then give her a thumbs up as I back away, my bare feet not making any noise as most of her floor is carpeted.
But sitting down, the chair squeaks making me frown. But Lucy only laughs instead eyes focused on me, as I turn around and hunch myself closer to the table as she grins widely. I reach for my headphones and place them over my head. Another thumbs up she mimics me to which I show her my tongue while she still giggling turns to the camera instead. Music starts playing through the headphones dulling out the sounds in the background as I get to work.
My mind travels down, into the work I’m making, my fingers moving faster that my train of process but I’m used to it. I know what I’m doing. It’s fun. This is like I’m building a puzzle. I imagine it as a puzzle. Which makes it all the more fun, when piece after piece it falls together.
I don’t even know how much time passes but when a cool breeze hits the back of my neck, I shake my shoulders hating the weird cool shiver that runs up and down my spine, it causes my concentration to break. I hate the feeling following because it’s a feeling like I’ve just woken up. I examine the half finishes chip I’ve assembled. Looking up I immediately notice the extra person in the room. I turn around to see the blonde High King with a smirk watching his sister as she talks into the camera. He’s in simple sweats today, a simple t-shirt.
His eyes dart to me, the smile slightly disappearing from his lips. I don’t give him another minute of my time and turn forward instead. Glancing towards Lucy she’s grinning widely as she shrugs at the camera, looking adorable. I can’t help but to smile. With that I know my concentration is messed up for now as he entered the room. We haven’t seen each other properly since the argument a week ago. I’ve saw him and the girl passing, my room and I’ve stumbled on them leaving a trail of clothes in their wake in the middle of the night. I was hungry. Doesn’t explain why he turned on me suddenly stopped talking and started to hold up a cold demander.
So, now I start to pick up all the small pieces and throw them into the trash bin that I pulled to the chair, in between my legs. Its effective like this the pieces don’t go nearly everywhere. Finishing up I lower my headphones down the music automatically lowering down until it stops playing. I glance up at Lucy again that’s saying her outro, but I feel the High King now close behind me, his curiosity or cautiousness brining him here.
I push the almost finished chip and Lucy’s old camera to the side, ready for me to tinker with them next time. The alarm clock is already working thanks to me, no spying gear on sight.
‘’…see you next time. Byeeee!!!’’ she greets happily as I turn forward and give Peter a stare as he’s looking suddenly like he’s being caught. But I quickly look at Lucy and get up walking towards the camera. She gives me a nod as I press the button, stopping the recording.
‘’By the sound of the outro, a job well done.’’ I state smirking as she jumps to her feet.
‘’Yeah I think I did good today.’’ She grins and turns back ‘’What do you think Pete?’’ she asks as she walks and stands next to me. I don’t waste my time, and put distance between us, pretending to get busy with turning off the giant lights that actually warmed up the whole room.
‘’From what I’ve seen it’s going to be amazing Lu. Good job.’’ He praises her to which she grins ear to ear but then turns to look at me.
‘’The software is uploaded and ready for you, so you can give it a try.’’ I say turning off the last light and turn to her completely ignoring her older brother, his eyes burning holes into me ‘’I set up also a tutorial so you won’t get lost. If you need anything, text or call me.’’
‘’What, where are you going?’’ she frowns while I pull my phone out of my pocket and just on time my uncle is calling me, to which I show her my screen and she immediately nods
‘’Business meeting.’’ I point out smirking but look down at myself. I’m wearing a simple iron man shirt and some sweats ‘’Yeah damn, I need to change.’’ I frown to which Lucy giggles and rushes past me and Peter who has a small smirk on his face.
‘’Good thing you have me.’’ Lucy points out marching into her walking closet, while I quickly write down a message to my uncle telling him I’ll be 5 minutes late.
‘’Company meeting?’’ Peter asks me as Lucy’s yelling is muffled from the other room. I nod my head furrowing my brows ‘’You know we have conference rooms, that you could use.’’ He points out standing there with his arms crossed while I lock my phone and look at him, neutrally.
‘’Yeah Lucy offered already.’’ I reply neutrally and turn forward to Lucy that rushes out, holding a blazer and a fancy white blouse ‘’That looks expensive!’’ I point out raising my hands up in defense but she pushes the two piece of cloth right into my hands and pushes me gently, stepping behind me and properly uses some force.
‘’You’ll be great; I’ll stop by later to check on you.’’ She rambles and opens the door for me.
‘’Lu it’s not really necessary…’’ I start but we’re already out of her room.
‘’Knock them dead Y/N!’’ she exclaims giving me a half hug before she giggles, and waves and then rushes back to her room, closing the doors behind me. I shake my head and look down at the clothes, and think of how ridiculous this girl is. Until my phone rings; then I’m rushing like crazy forward instead the previous moments monetarily forgotten.
Peter’s P.O.V.
‘’…by the power invested in me by Aslan, I…’’ the giggles coming from the video keep on interrupting and breaking my concentration. My fingers continue to write forward, but my eyes dart to my side and the other laptop. I can see both girls my sister and Y/N laughing like crazy, before my sister disappears from the frame and the older girl remains sitting there, eyes focused away at something behind the camera.
Lucy giggles next to me, making me roll my eyes as I sigh and stop typing and turn to her laptop now curiously watching the girl on the screen, pulling ridiculous faces at the camera, while Lucy is dying from laughter behind the camera and next to me. She pulls her headphones out so the sound is clearer which makes me look at her.
‘’I never knew Y/N could be this funny. She’s funny we know that but she has that comedy streak.’’ Lu explains as we watch the said girl trying to make a certain pose on the edge of the bed but then, her hand slips and she goes tumbling to the ground accidentally. This time we both laugh as well as Lucy did back on the video with small giggles leaving Y/N’s mouth.
‘’Funny or clumsy?’’ I say when we calm down and see the girl picking herself up, but lie down across the bed sprawled comfortably her eyes darting up towards the half of the glass roof that’s above us.
‘’Both.’’ Lu says sighing as we watch on the video Lu joining the girl, and start explaining the legend of the lion, that she has in the glass roof. I don’t pay much attention as I know the story by heart, and it’s one of my favorite ones. I watch Y/N instead that’s listening to it. Her face just lights up, and every time before she tells a joke she gets extra giddy about it, then pleased when she manages to make Lucy laugh.
‘’You like her don’t you?’’ Lucy suddenly states which makes me jump a bit as I look up at her fond expression.
‘’What?’’ I ask a bit with too much rush and sharpness ‘’No I don’t!’’ I add but even I hear the obvious high pitch in my tone and the obvious denial. I sigh after my words as she giggles, while I sag back against the headboard and lean sideways laying my head onto her shoulder, while she reaches for my hand and pats it.
‘’There, there big brother, maybe one day you’ll grow up actually.’’ She teases me to which I roll my eyes, and pinch her side making her squeal.
‘’You’re the one who needs to grow up.’’ I snap back playfully but her smirk turns smug as I think quickly and recap the words that just left my mouth ‘’No don’t never grow up you hear me?!’’ I exclaim to which she only breaks into a fit of laughter and lies sideways resting her head onto my lap as I pushed my laptop to the side of the big queen size bed, that she sleeps in. I can’t help but to smile down, and rest my hand on top of her head a she calms down her matching blue eyes looking up at me, as I settle back comfortably against the headboard.
‘’I still don’t know why you’re going along with Susan with this whole…things. It’s stupid.’’ She states while I pick up her laptop and place it down onto my knees.
‘’Because she is right. We need to be logical about this.’’ I reply the words coming now easier to my mouth as I’ve repeated them multiple times. But I can’t hide the irritation before my sister, that is growing inside me every time this theme comes along. She snorts rolling her eyes and turns forward to her computer, deciding to ignore me.
‘’By doing so you appear very cold as well. Douche-y.’’ she states to which I raise an eyebrow as the last term I know from who it originally is.
‘’Douche-y?’’ I ask her as she makes herself comfortable letting the video play, while she doesn’t want to look at me. That much she’s stating obviously.
‘’You heard me.’’ She replies and falls silent. I frown to myself knowing if I press this matter further she will get angrier and defensive. She has made up her mind about Y/N that much she made clear already when Susan stated and warned us to stay away from her. Which Lucy didn’t and they’ve became closer despite Susan’s tactic to keep Lu as busy as she could. Our younger sister is very resourceful, and went up against worse “enemies” than our sister. And me.
But on one hand I can’t help but to agree with Lu.
I know myself enough to admit that I like the strange girl with a mysterious past that happens to be related to the real royalty of Narnia. The true heir. She’s smart, well a genius to be precise which makes her at times wacky but in a good way. She’s brutally honest most of the time I’ve discovered myself. We did talk a lot when we hung out together. She’s a nice girl that has seen hell in her life. We aren’t so much alike from her. But my sister doesn’t see it that way.
And yet I know her logic is in the right place, this whole ‘true heir thing’ just came out of nowhere. So, did Y/N. It’s not her fault that’s obvious, nothing of this is her fault and she doesn’t deserve it. I know that. Lucy knows it better than any of us. She believes in Aslan and she believes in his Y/N honesty despite knowing her only for 5 months. But lots can change during that kind of time. A lot changed in a week too.
And it was my fault. This whole thing…I hold some of the blame in this whole situation. Which its eating me alive at time. Especially these past few days, whenever Y/N she stumbles upon me and…
I don’t know what drove me to act this way. To call up Madeline just like that after I’ve broke everything between us. The girl is delusional till a point. But I’ve been acting even more since the day Susan told us off and made an order. I’m blindly following a cause I don’t believe in for a second. It’s not fair not to myself let alone to Y/N.
My phone brings me back from my thoughts, making me look sideways and the screen, Madeline’s name flashing on the screen. I notice Lu glancing at it and with a disgusted expression for a moment she gets up and sits by herself taking her laptop back while I pick up my phone and just turn it off.
‘’Aren’t you going answer it?’’ Lucy asks showing me her back, as I fall to my side, and wrap am arm around her while with the other I prop my head and look up at her despite her refusal to look at me.
‘’I’m spending time with my favorite sister. No one is allowed to interrupt it.’’ I reply, earning myself a glance from her.
‘’If you have work to do, don’t let me interrupt you.’’ She states which breaks my heart even more. She’d never says something like this in the past. Because whenever I took my time or she arranged for our schedules to align, our time together was precious. She’d get very angry at whoever interrupted us for any small detail. It was always funny to see her fuming over someone just asking if we needed anything. But now it was the complete opposite. It was as if she didn’t want to spend time with me anymore. Like I’ve offender her.
‘’I’ve cleared my schedule, I’m here to help you edit. You know the usual.’’ I say but she stands up from the bed instead.
‘’I’m fine Peter don’t need your help.’’ She stalks over to her table instead leaving me just sitting in her bed.
‘’What did I do?’’ I ask going straight to the point now getting irritated at her behavior ‘’You don’t even want to look at me!’’
Now she turns around jaw clenching. She is mad ‘’That’s a very stupid question right there.’’ She snaps at me ‘’You’re a jerk. You’ve been acting like a complete jerk some time now. And it’s not fair!’’
‘’I’m the same as always!’’ I point out glaring back at her, as she shakes her head.
‘’You’ve all been acting like jerks not just you, but you’ve been the biggest one jet! Susan at least ignores her, Edmund is over analyzing her, and she’s only a human while you…’’ she points her finger at me standing up from her chair at the table ‘’You’re playing with her heart with her emotions which is very low, coming from you.’’
‘’I’m not playing with her emotions! She doesn’t even like me Lucy! If she would she’d be a crying mess by, because she caught me and Madeline. She doesn’t care.’’ Her eyes widen at me, before the blue in them turns ice cold.
‘’Not everyone shows they’re emotions so freely like some Peter. She doesn’t need to cry to show she’s hurt you idiot!’’ she shakes her head, hands in fists as she’s shaking with rage ‘’We’ve been through a lot, you are the only one that know what it’s like to have to hold back your fears and emotions. Not to cry in front of anyone! What makes you think it’s any different for her?!’’ she points out in which her words click in my mind ‘’She’s here in a foreign land for the first time in her life, with strangers surrounding her 24/7. She doesn’t know what we want from her, she doesn’t know her past or Aslan. Her picture of him is not all that sprinkled in flowers and smiles like ours is. And yet she is doing her best to stay strong to simply smile back and be polite!’’
She rants walking up and down ‘’And you three are being jerks for bringing her down. She’s hurting alright?! She doesn’t have to say anything or cry for me to know that she’s hurting bad. Just like I know you like her, because you still do she likes you okay?! I know for a fact she doesn’t go around and admit that to whoever.’’
She pauses and takes a deep breath ‘’Now if you please I have work to do.’’ With that she shows me her back and goes back to sit on her table.
‘’Lu.’’ I say wanting to defend myself back but she puts her headphones on instead ‘’Lucy!’’ I call but she ignores me, glaring at the screen as she taps the mouse in an angry manner. I sigh as I fall back onto the bed, watching my sister angrily continue and do her thing, while I feel like the biggest piece of shit for the moment.
I know everything she said, she is right about. Which makes this all much worse. I need to fix this.
Copyright 2018© by barbika1508. All rights reserved.
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yeolkisses · 7 years
Tagged by @causekpop, thank youuu 💖💖💖 I totally wasn’t blushing the whole time I did this what hahahahha 😂😳😬
how to play:
list eight of your biases and bias wreckers so that each of them has one number and then answer the questions by copying the post and bolding your answers and/or giving an explanation beneath. don’t look at the questions before making your list though! tag your friends who you think would like playing the game as well.
Alright I’m gonna tag people here so they can make their bias list before they look at the questions because I *almost* messed up when I got tagged but I read the instructions so yeah 👍 tagging @laineylovegirl @ceeisinthehouse @okxu @solifiedchansooobsesser @vonseok @johnnyxin @negativenine @peachy-mari
biases/bias wreckers:
1. Chanyeol
2. Jungkook
3. Luhan
4. Yoongi
5. Jongin
6. Kyungsoo
7. Seokjin
8. Taehyung
(Gee I wonder what my bias groups are)
would you rather:
fall asleep next to 7 OR wake up next to 8?
Uhmmmm oh boy. Wake up next to Taetae??? He’s so cute so why not lol. His little smiley eyes peeking over the sheets while the sunlight streams in…sure why not.
make out with 4 OR grind in a club with 1?
hRMMM I’m choking but definitely grinding on Chanyeol. No questions asked. Oml I would look like such an idiot though I move like a newborn deer who can’t use their legs (my face must be red as fuck 😅)
play spin the bottle with 3, 4, and 8 OR take body shots with 5, 6, and 7?
Ooh…body shots with Jongin, Kyungsoo, and Seokjin, because like. Damn. All of them have nice lips. And bodies. And faces. And everything. Yup, body shots. (I wouldn’t even drink though lmao)
play never have i ever with 1, 7, and 8 OR strip poker with 2, 4, and 5?
Lol with my luck I’d be losing, but I’d go with strip poker. Kookie, and Yoongi, and Jongin…yes pleaseeeeee to all of them.
give 2 a lap dance OR get a lap dance from 5?
That’s like asking who I would rather die next to. I would DIE. DIEEEE. I must be blushing terribly holy shit but,,,,,, give Jungkook a lap dance 🙊🙊🙊 he’s just….ahhhhh.
give hickeys to 1 OR get hickeys from 7?
Give them to Chanyeol oh my goodnessssssss his pretty pretty neck yessssssss I’m down. 110% down. His soft skin, omg listening to him…yes. Love that boy’s neck.
get a naughty video from 6 OR get naughty pics from 2?
I’m choKING BUT… I have to choose my Kookie 😳😳😳 I mean he’s already pretty damn sexy how much better can he get… right? x_x I’d probably block him lmfao. I’m amazed my face hasn’t turned into ashes yet by how badly it’s burning rn.
have romantic sex with 4 OR rough sex with 6?
MY FACE IS GOING TO FALL OFF I’M GONNA HAVE A HEARTATTACK MY INNOCENT SELF SHOULDN’T BE DOING THIS WHAT but uhhh…Romantic with Yoongi? Like I love my Soo baby, but my Suga Daddy comes first and I’m also a wee bit of a hopeless romantic, so uh. Yeah. Romantic 🙈
have sweet talk with 1 OR dirty talk with 3?
Luhan sang Lu so I’d say that’s dirty talk enough x_x I’ll take Chanyeol’s sweet lies, please 😂 omg I hate myself that was a horrible joke but I’m amazed it even worked out that way but anyway, Chanyeol’s sweet nothings whispered in my ear while we’re cuddling after a long day? I’ll take it.
have shower sex with 6 OR pool sex with 7?
Eeeeeeeeee pool sex! I was supposed to write a pool smut this summer but that never happened x_x but pool sex, with Jinnie…sure. Sureeeee. Those shoulders…sure. Yup. Sure sure sure. Aight 👌
have kitchen sex with 5 OR wall sex with 8?
Ehehehehehehe this is killing me my face hurtsssss but I’d rather be in the kitchen with Jongin. I feel like the kitchen is a diverse place, you never know what’s gonna happen…and I feel like walls are dangerous lol. Knowing me, I would fall and hurt myself lmao.
get teased under the table at a formal dinner by 3 OR do it to 4?
I don’t think I could tease anyone…I’m the opposite of subtle lol…but at the same time, I probably couldn’t keep a poker face…I guess I’d rather be teased by Luhan though. Yeah, that’d be fine lol. He has a girlfriend thoughhhh I feel so weird whenever I talk about him ahhhh 😩
have angry sex with 2 or make-up sex with 1?
Omg no no noooooo I can’t choose between my babes!!! I feel like makeup sex doesn’t fix anything though like?? Let’s talk it out instead??? Coming from someone with no relationship experience lmao ummmm but I don’t feel like angry sex fixes anything either because again?? Let’s talk it out????? But if I gotta choose….I’ll take Chanyeol. He’d probably be really soft and sweet and shit, gently whispering stuff and moving slowly, it’d be passionate and loving and alright I’m sold I’ll take Chanyeol please.
have car sex with 7 OR backstage sex with 5?
Well car sex would end with us rolling down a hill to our demise because I’m bad luck sooooo I’ll take backstage with Jongin. I think the whole backstage thing is a bit hot too? Like, being all sweaty after his performance and yet he still has the stamina to go for it, his skin all golden and glowing and him using his dance moves, his hair slicked to his forehead, the sounds of exhaustion and pleasure he’d make…
get overstimulated by 3 OR get your orgasm denied by 2?
Jungkook would be a little shit wouldn’t he well I’ll take him anyway. Mostly because I’m still awkward with Luhan wahhhhhhh. And Jungkook has stolen my heart anyway (but not from Chanyeol). Plus I think it’d be something he’d do. Driving me insane, yeah I could see that being a thing.
go down on 1 OR have 5 go down on you?
I’m terrified of both but at the same time I’d be down with either what no I didn’t just say that uhm anyway I’ll take Chanyeol I guess right lmao I’d probably pass out anyway next question
ride 3′s thigh OR sit on 2′s face?
I’m cryinggggg this is shamefully easy but I feel like I need to bathe in a shit ton of holy water once I get home but I 😩 I’d sit on Jungkook’s face alright? And probably suffocate him RIP Right this is just a friendly sit right? Like there’s no more space on a bus or something and he’s sitting upside down for some reason so I sit on his face right that’s all??? Ehehehhehe my face is burning again.
get handcuffed by 8 OR blindfolded by 1?
Uhm what Chanyeol wants, Chanyeol can have, enough said…plus I think I’d freak out if I couldn’t use my hands.
make 6 beg OR have 4 spank you?
Ehhh uhm. I guess Yoongi? Idk 😅😅😅 I don’t think I could dom anyone and Kyungsoo wouldn’t let anyone tell him what to do anyway 😂 so I guess I’ll take Yoongi.
dominate 1 OR be dominated by 2?
C-can I have both? I really don’t think I could dominate anyone… I’d have to take Jungkook… I’m sorry Chanyeol
get tied up by 8 OR have phone sex with 3?
Phone sex with Luhan,,,,because like, he’s always on call I hate myself lmao also I don’t think I could deal with being tied up x_x I’d freak out.
have morning sex with 4 OR a one night stand with 5?
I couldn’t do a one night stand, sorry Jongin x_x I’ll take Yoongi. He’d probably be lazy and tired and it’d just be slow and soft actually I’d probably fall asleep again lmao
would you rather have a threesome with 1 and 4 OR 2 and 3?
Ahhhh whyyyyy…..Chanyeol and Yoongi…….vs Jungkookie and Luhan……omg I can’t. The rappers vs my babies…well they’re all my babies….ugh fuck it I guess I’ll go with Chanyeol and Yoongi since I love Chanyeol so so much and Yoongi kinda was my bias before Jungkook, and Luhan’s got a gf so I feel weird talking about him….ugh RIP.
This was hecka fun and also super embarrassingly awkward lmao
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voleuxe · 7 years
A Plotting-With-Lu Cheat Sheet
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your rp partners both present and future all the of juicy JUMPING OFF POINTS they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to TAG THE PLAYERS WHOSE CHARACTERS YOU WANT MORE CUES TO INTERACT WITH, and REPOST, DON’T REBLOG! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
MUN NAME: Hannah OOC CONTACT: I prefer through the inbox, but the IM is also acceptable (either way it’s likely you’ll have to wait a day or two!!) and, if we get to talking a good bit I also have skype !
You should know that I am a very scattered person and sometimes it’s like an entire week in between me logging into this blog but it’s nothing against you!! I just have very limited focus.
To quote myself joking about the whole situation: “like, a trust fund princess, but for the mob.” Lu is a businesswoman by day and professional thief by night.  She comes from a bloodline (passed through matriarchal heritage) that is tied strongly to an organization of assassins and thieves ((think Black Widow “Red Room” but less .. well, just less)) The only reason she wasn’t raised a killer is because she was (per her late mother’s wishes) raised by her brother instead. The real irony comes in when you realize she became a thief anyway because of her brother’s ties to a criminal syndicate. Now that I’ve said all that and you expect a queen of darkness: she’s an actual sweetheart who is very lively and sociable and generous. She has created and supported more charities than I could feasibly list, and there’s a 100% chance she wants to invade your muses’ privacy for one reason or another.
She’s been appearing in various news and tabloids fairly regularly since 2013, with a significant increase the last six months due to the “unsure” future of her business. She’s young and POC and queer and the head of a fortune five hundred company: as many friends and allys as she has, there’s more than a few out there (rivals as well as just general not-so-nice people) who don’t hesitate to drag her name through the mud any chance they get for any reason, so it’s an equal chance to have heard something bad about her as it is to have seen her making a headline. She also has something of a lack of respect for leaving things untouched, meaning that if she sees something she’s curious about, she’s going to pick it up or touch it, etc. She’s very tactile and sometimes people think it’s weird?
So much. Building up the family company and bearing on down anyone who has any potential involvement in her brother’s death or sister’s threatened safety. In her down time she actually has been a little more introverted than usual, finding that some social settings drain her out more than they used to. I use the term “down time” loosely though - she’s the type to keep busy to keep from being overwhelmed by her heavier emotions, so she’s definitely been clocking a lot of time just doing things. Anything that seems like it’s worth the time.
At work, obviously, or on “other” business. She’s also likely to be found at galas and events in the city (and sometimes abroad.) More accessibly, she’s known to frequent cafes for the fun drinks and also to people watch. She also does a decent amount of charity work, so you might see her somewhere like a woman’s shelter or something. And, of course, there’s always the “just around” option (walking her dog, shopping, etc.)
Nothing too set in stone - I like to sort of just go with the flow of threads and also I never know what my next idea is going to be. That said: mostly just her dealing with trying to keep her reputation(s) up whilst chaos surrounds her. 
Honestly? All the things. I love any interaction and dynamic I get.   The more chaos the better >:)
If I were to pick things though: I’ve always wanted something more like an openly hostile relationship for Lu to be tangled in, just because it hasn’t really come up. I also think it would be interesting to see a more “professional” relationship, as Lu tends to be really informal with a lot of her contacts. Also I’ve been trying to get someone to play her younger sister for 9ever so that would also be really cool if maybe somebody wanted to try that? She kinda could use some close lean-on-your-shoulder type friends right now too, but will probably never admit that.
AND OH YEAH : I wanna play with AUs more? Like I love OCs and Lu’s original verses but I want more interactions with canon characters in their worlds tbh. I had a TWD verse and a Supernatural verse and I never got to really mess with those?? But I definitely want to play around with more AUs.
Anything revolving around this mess that’s being made of her double identities! For instance: someone else’s muse could take responsibility for her brother’s death or the attacks on her sister, or we could just plot out them having some information about it, etc.
And, of course, there’s always: -Your muse hiring Lu -Your muse getting hired by Lu -Your muse and Lu working together for some reason
None right now! But I hope to put one or two up soon.
This took me forever to respond to and I apologize.
Tagged by: @destructiivity
Tagging: Nobody this time. Feel free to steal it from me and say I tagged you though!!
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