#I feel u Reg
star4daisy · 1 year
rosekiller my beloveds
Regulus hears Barty say sharply, “If you ever let anyone else touch you again I’m killing you both.” he has one hand on Evan’s throat and the other on his hair pulling it as harshly as he had done with Emma’s as he dragged her around.
Evan laughed delightedly, Regulus can’t help but notice there is blood on his teeth and a dangerous glint in his dark eyes. “You promise?”
Regulus tilted his head as he studied them, he was deeply interested in the interaction in front of him, Evan gave off the feeling that he always liked to be in control, but now he was gladly surrendering it to Barty.
It seemed weird to him, but Barty still looked murderous from the previous encounter, maybe Evan was giving him leeway due to all the dark energy he had to hold inside of himself. And now Evan was allowing Barty to release it on him. If the smile on his face was anything to go by he was more than happy with the situation.
“Hurry up, you voyeur.” Pandora teased him.
“Oh fuck off.” Regulus followed her, hearing a grunt behind him and the bang of a body hitting the wall. He has to restrain himself from taking a peak behind his shoulders.
From the new chapter of Arsonist's Lullabye
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jewishregulus · 2 months
Regulus wearing sexy lingerie for james 🎀
see this is what i’m taaaalking about …. i can see reg in like modern soft lacey pieces too but in my head regulus’ version of sexy lingerie is like … full body chemise’s in a light silk with nothing under …. when he gets out of the shower and puts them on cling to his skin in translucent patches …… he’s gently lifting the edge up to his hip and exposing his leg and james is gulping …… but i also think when he wears lingerie he never buys it for himself . its always from james . some part of the jegulus sex dynamic is regulus being james’ little dress up doll who does whateverrrr he wants . love them.
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cosmicdenro · 11 months
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i got thsc birthday art cooking i have just been very late this year :p but i was going insane with friends on aggie last night so here's a bit of that :3 and here's the full canvas if u wanna see others' arts too
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stuckinapril · 4 months
how do you study for such long hours? 12-16 hours? i tend to tire out after 8 hours.
bc if i'm not top of the class then what's the point. duhh
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starrylayle · 3 months
Regulus’ character in fanon is so funny coz — guy who gets abused by his parents? Gets peer pressured to join the death eaters? Highly intelligent? An excellent potions master? Like babe ur describing kid Snape u can come out of the closet as a snapie I promise u are still loved (maybe)
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
OK OK OK HEAR ME OUT.... Lesbian Ichimatsu...
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lionmythflower · 3 months
Evan scoffs. "'Does he know?' he asks. Yes him and the whole fucking school knows."
Regulus' eyes go wide and he opens his mouth to respond but is cut off by Evan continuing his rambling.
"No, he doesn't fucking know are you crazy? I didn't even know for merlin's sake! And gods help you if they find out, because it's not gonna be me helping. Even Pandora didn't think twice about it until the quidditch match last fall! Jesus Christ, you are an IDIOT. An absolute fucking idiot. I hope you know that. Him. HIM, OF ALL PEOPLE. Salazar, Rowena, Helga and Godric are rolling in their graves laughing at you. I guarantee this is not what McGonagall meant when she said we need more 'House Unity' goddamn. And gosh let's not even mention-" Evan continues ranting.
Regulus' head was spinning. 6 years of knowing Evan Rosier and he still hasnt gotten used to his rambling. At least not these kind of ramblings. He could deal with ones about school, or Evan's lastest hyper fixation, or the random things that Evan would think of and just go with. Those he could deal with. Evan's angry rambles made his mind work overtime. He somehow managed to talk even faster when he was angry.
At least with Regulus. With anyone else he didn't let himself get too angry. Regulus didn't care how much Evan rambled though. He knows that he doesn't mean it. In reality Evan is just trying to work it all out in his mind, trying to connect the dots and fit the pieces together. Regulus is fine with it. In fact he encourages it. With anyone else Evan either stops himself mid rambled or gets interrupted. With Regulus, Evan doesn't stop himself, and Regulus doesn't interrupt. When he does stop, he looks over to Regulus and Regulus gives some input.
Talking isn't one of the things regulus is best at. He either doesn't think before he speaks or things too long about what he's going to say and then it's too late. With Evan that's not a problem. Regulus can blurt out the most nonsensical thing that comes to mind without having to think about whether Evan will find it weird. Regulus can take as long as he needs to think about the answer to something without worrying that Evan will get annoyed with having to wait.
Regulus looks up and realizes that Evan has stopped talking. "You done yelling at me now?" Regulus says with a slight smile.
Evan sighs and lays down so that his head is in Regulus' lap and he's starring up at Regulus.
"yeah," he mumbles. This is normal how most of his rambles end; with Evan finally having run out of things to say and going silent.
Evan looks like he's about to say something and then hesitates.
"What?" Regulus asks.
Evan starts tapping his finger tips on his stomach nervously.
"Was that too much? Sorry I didn't mind to react badly I'm not mad at you and your not an idiot, I'm just trying to process this for a minute and I didn't know what to say, sorry." And this is normally how Evan's 'angry' rants end. No matter how many times Regulus tells him that it's fine.
Regulus smiles and reaches over to put his hand over the one anxiously tapping on Evan's stomach. "It's not too much, your fine," Regulus promises.
Evan nods slowly. "Okay." He whispers.
Regulus nods too. "Okay."
Evan sits up and fidgets a bit before asking, "Can I hug you?"
Regulus almost laughs. Instead he just smiled again and hugs Evan gently. The other boy takes a few seconds before relaxing into the hug and hugging back.
Evan has never been one for physical affection. His parents never gave him any and he grew to not be a physical person. Which also led to him being severely touch starved. He hadn't even realized it until a few of this very very close friends expressed physical affection towards him. And he realized he was ok with it as long as it was someone he completely trusted. That didn't mean he wasn't still hesitant and slightly tense about it.
Regulus hadn't ever got any form of affection from his parents either. But he was fine with physical affection. Holding Pandora's hand, hugging Dorcas, resting his head on Peter's shoulder, leaning against Remus, coming up behind Barty and burrowing into his side, cuddling with Lily, being held against Emmeline, playing with Mary's curls when he got bored and more. He was able to tell that Evan didn't like physical affection too much. He was fine with that and respected it. The first time Regulus hugged Evan, he was having a panic attack, and Regulus panicked and had hugged Evan. Evan had tensed so badly at first that Regulus almost let go. But right before he made the decision to let go of Evan, the boy hugged him back and cried into Regulus' shoulder.
Another thing that Regulus was constantly had to reassure Evan about was that he didn't have to ask if he wanted a hug.
Evan let out a quiet sigh as he burrowed into Regulus' chest. Regulus pulled him closer. He would remind Evan as many times it took for him to accept it. To accept that he was loved and accepted and welcome. Regulus didn't care how many times he had to tell Evan.
Evan's breath eventually slowed to an even pace , that signified that he was asleep. Regulus stared at the boy hugging him for a while before he slowly drifted asleep.
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suntails · 1 year
I saw your SilRuggie post and I feel you on the "Silver and his many boyfriends" part.
Idk what it is about Silver but he's so... Shippable?
Like I ship SilVil, KalimSil and JadeSil which are kinda popular. But it's also stuff like RidSil and LeoSil (oh so much brainrot currently about LeoSil,) Which aren't as popular.
He's probably my most shipped character like... EVER.
(I may have gotten some ship names wrong)
IT’S THE CHEMISTRY IT’S THE WAY HE HAS CHEMISTRY WITH SO SOSOSO MUCH OF THE CAST!!! he’s so deeply just…good, and he cares so earnestly, and he has examples of interactions with almost fuckgng everyone at this point. like i can understand why someone would ship just abt any silver ship, i GET it, bc theres so much potential. i think i have like…3? that im neutral on? maybe?
also hearing u associate silvil with the kinda popular ones, im fuckign weak at the knees. that is incorrect but im pretending ur right bc it makes me oh so happy
#ask#nervouslywaitingforlife#its the way i like all of em. i love him he deserves love#silvil i have a manifesto abt#silkali i think they are best friends in LOVE with each other but specifically as friends. not that they love each other tho. theyre IN LOVE#does that make sense. IN LOVE as FRIENDS. IN LOVE. theyre married#jadesil gives me ‘theyll take rugged nature walks together’ and jade is so refreshed to have someone so sincere and sweet in his life#someone u can read like a book someone who will earnestly appreciate u. silver will love jades dedication and isnt put off by him like most#bc he sees ppl for the good in them. wipes a tear#silrid i feel so strongly abt. i firmly believe theyd be very sweet and good to each other. horse girls. riddle picked sil specifically for#his master chef partner. he chose him intentionally. silver acknowledges and appreciated riddles dedication and work ethic and talks highly#of him. in book6 ch6 iirc thats when riddle gets taken by styx and the way silver SHOUTS in worried fear. he LOVES him#i do think theyd get divorced but not in a funnt leovil way in a sad ‘things just arent working despite us loving each other’ way. adult yk?#leosil should take naps together. those are my thoughts. i want ruggie and sebek to find them passed tf out in the gardens on a reg basis#and this only scratches the surface of dear catríonas thoughts on sil ships. u didnt even mention silsebe and thats his most popular ship#i like him w ruggie too and jack and jamil and and and and AGGHHH dies#ADDING TO MY TAGS. FORGOT TO MENTION SILIDIA TOO. OH MY GOD THE FUCKING POTENTIAL AAAAAAGGHHHH take me off the stage i could ramble forever#me violently pointinh to my conspiracy board and detailing his chemistry with every single person in the cast
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tinycatstars · 11 months
omg if it isnt too much trouble do you think you could write some agere gamzee + cg karkat? they r my faves theyre so cuuuuuute :D
yess!! i really like the concept of karkat + gamzee using age regression to help gamzee heal and get better after sburb :D so this fic kinda revolves around that! i hope you like it !! <3 <3
also ill be posting this to ao3 too so the pesterchats will look 100 times better with the actual homestuck skin btw !! i had to improvise with tumblr lololol
(also also there is a lil cursing and mention of weed in this btw 0: just a warning!)
Gamzee woke up groggily, turning over to face his clock that sat next to his recuperacoon. It read 11 AM, which was earlier than he’s woken up in a while. The troll lets out a sigh before sitting up, cracking his joints as he stretches. 
He feels different this morning. Not a bad different, but a good one instead. He felt hazy, but not the usual haze he felt after smoking a bowl the night before. He feels… small.
Oh. Oh! He had regressed while he was sleeping.
He takes a few deep breaths before getting out of bed to find his phone. He needed to text Karkat to let him know he was regressed. He really wanted to see his moirail, but he wasn’t sure how busy Karkat would be today, and he really didn’t want to be a bother.
The troll hums, deciding that he would message the other anyways. Anxiety be damned, he wanted to see his best friend!
terminallyCapricious [TC] began trolling carcinoGeneticist [CG] at 11:12 AM
TC: GoOd MoRnInG :0)
TC: :0(
TC: CaN yOu CoMe OvEr? I tHiNk I’m FeElInG tInY
TC: HoNk :0)
terminallyCapricious [TC] ceased trolling carcinoGeneticist [CG] at 11:19 AM
Gamzee smiles at the exchange. As he waits for Karkat to get to his hive, he starts to get ready for the day. The troll quickly showers, or, really, just runs water and stands underneath it. He feels so much better afterwards, relaxing further into his headspace. He rubs moisturizer into his dreads after his rinse, brushing his teeth and finishing up his normal routine. He smiles at himself in the mirror - he’s come so far from where he used to be, mostly thanks to Karkat. He’s helped him feel like himself again, and now the troll finds himself doing things he never would have before, like this “self care” stuff Karkat had been pushing onto him.
He spots the scar from Nepeta’s claw that spanned across his face, it has since faded since he… yeah, best not to think about that right now.
Karkat arrives soon after Gamzee finishes getting ready.  He knocks on the door to his hive, and Gamzee excitedly goes to open it. He smiles as he’s faced with his caregiver. Karkat smiles back, seeing that Gamzee was dressed in one of his own old sweatshirts, large pajama pants, and some purple fuzzy socks. He looked extremely comfortable, not to mention adorable.
“Hey, little grub. I came over as fast as I could”, Karkat says. Gamzee smiles lazily, going in for a hug. Karkat held the other as best as he could, but it was a little difficult with the height difference. Gamzee towered over Karkat, but his head was bent so his forehead was touching the other’s, his dangling arms wrapped around the shorter troll’s body.
Karkat smiled despite the awkward position, leaning into the touch. Gamzee’s hair smelled like the loc oil the other had gifted him a while ago. The scents of passionfruit and pineapple filled the troll’s nostrils as his hair was pressed against his head.
They stay like that for a while, until Gamzee pulls away from the hug, quietly saying “Thanks for coming over”.
“Yeah, of course, I love hanging with my best pal! What did you have planned for today?” Karkat asked the little.
Gamzee shrugs, fiddling with his shirt a bit. He moves from the entryway so Karkat can properly come in. His hive was a bit of a mess, but nothing compared to what it was a few months ago. Only a few dishes were piled in the sink, a couple of pieces of clothing littered the floor, and a few pieces of paper covering the kitchen counter. It was a huge improvement from how it looked before Karkat had intervened; he couldn’t even see the floor of the hive. The other troll was so proud of Gamzee, as silly as it sounded.
“Can we play video games?” Gamzee shyly asks, eyeing his T.V. and gaming set up in the corner of the living room. 
“Sure, do you want anything to drink?” KK asked. Gamzee shook his head and plopped onto his couch, moving some of the blankets out of the way so Karkat could sit next to him. Karkat walks over and grabs the controllers that sat on the T.V. mantle, handing Gamzee one as he sits on the couch next to him.
“What did you wanna play?” Karkat asks, booting up the other’s gaming system to the home screen. Gamzee shrugs, saying something that sounded like “You pick”. Karkat noticed he mumbled a lot more while he was regressed, the other troll couldn’t understand him most days if he wasn’t reading his lips. 
He selects Mario Party, hoping it was a good choice. It was a simple enough game, something Gamzee could play and actually have fun with while regressed. He guesses it was the perfect choice, considering how Gamzee wiggles in excitement as the title screen plays. 
The shorter troll chooses to play as Bowser, while Gamzee is still trying to decide who he wants to be. “Need help deciding?” Karkat asks him, and Gamzee shakes his head as he clicks on Princess Peach. He smiled softly, she was just so pretty, he had to play as her!
They play a few rounds of Mario Party before Gamzee is practically falling asleep while sitting up. Karkat looks fondly over to the other, deciding that he needs a nap. He gently takes the controller out of Gamzee’s hand, which the troll barely registered as he moved another hand up to rub at his eyes sleepily. Karkat gently moves the little into a laying down position on the couch, pulling a spare blanket over the other.
Karkat decides he’ll make them something to eat while the little one sleeps peacefully, so he can get some food into Gamzee whenever he wakes up. The shorter troll gets up from the couch gently kissing the top of Gamzee’s forehead. The other troll smiles a little in his sleep. 
“Sweet dreams, little grub”, Karkat whispers.
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seriousbrat · 3 months
how do you deal with the fact that je*ulus and w*lfstat are so popular in this fandom because i think i may be too emotional but i tweak every time i see them
basically it's just none of my business. I definitely think the jegs should avoid spamming the jily tag for instance because that's pretty disrespectful. I also think that the same way they have every right to enjoy that themselves, I have every right to express my personal dislike of those ships on my personal blog-- as long as I'm not putting it anywhere they're likely to see it. It has nothing to do with jeg or wofl fans as individuals, it's not a personal attack. I think if it's viewed as such maybe people need to take a moment to value how much stock they put in the opinions of strangers. It doesn't (and shouldn't) bother me personally if I come across someone who hates jily or hates snape or something, the same way I'm not offended if someone dislikes olives (just kidding, if you hate olives unfollow me right now)
sure, I think it's worth pointing out that female characters are sidelined in fandom in favour of men. but all it is is pointing it out and discussing it openly, not demanding people change their behaviour.
Ultimately, I can't control people's opinions or preferences, at most I can give my opinion when and if it's warranted. I'd love for marauder fans to be more understanding of snape for instance and vice versa so I talk about them a lot, and maybe that gives someone cause to think differently about a character they hate but in the end I don't really have the power to change people's minds or dictate their interests. I do believe there is definitely a space to love both, as proven by the many people I follow who do so!
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rottencore · 5 months
Thinking about how I used to pro domme... I have some very interesting stories and fun stories . I almost want to get back into it. but it is legit work like you don't just sit there and get money you have to really invest in domming
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
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me, simply wants to make a cod oc. somehow ends up with a character with the most soulful eyes i’ve ever made. 
Anyway, meet lieutenant Juliette Dione aka ‘Le Regard’ or ‘Reg’. She’s 1,92 m tall, french and was normally send out alone. has an incredible adaptability to situations, which includes working in teams, which let’s her work with other’s pretty swell. surprisinlgy awkward off the field, but very confident in her abilities on it. very good analysist. picks up people when she’s hugging them and has carried Soap around bridal style. technically a very patient and happy person, but will lose all her shyness when angry and has very directly confronted people because of it. it’s a lot easier when it’s another persons’ or her teams’ name, but oh well. ambivert and more of a listener than talker. it takes her some time to open up and be sure of how close she wants others to be, but loves her close friends even more for it.
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morn1e · 1 year
methinks i will b making a seperate blog 4 my reg show art so regular followers do not get their dash unwillingly clogged w stupid oc x canon ahit from a fandom no1 cares abt lol
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nitonitonito · 1 year
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          New year... More growth!
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achillvs · 2 years
peace and love on planet earth <3
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oldestking · 2 years
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    /  I know for a fact that if my g.il met C.onstantine, he would be infatuated with him immediately
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