#I feel so excited to finally have a fandom name TT
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Honestly there was not a ton. Got there maybe 15 minutes late, so if there was anything up front I missed it. Notes I took are as follows-
Described it as "the toys are out of the box" - ie. they don't have to worry about continuity, don't have to worry about canon, not limited to mighty morphin, or even existing characters.
- Lauren's background has changed a little bit - it sounds like this is going to be an all-new word based on the existing properties, even more so than the previous round of comics. (Hopefully the end of "see episode here!" things)
- You will see characters from the entire zeitgeist of power rangers, but also characters built to live in this all new word
- Characters from Aquitar, other places in the universe - was a little hard to hear but it sounded like they said "unexpected" places?
Overall there was a lot of talk about Massiveverse, some about the comic run in general. A fun fact that idk of was public knowledge before, Drakkon started off as the idea of an evil White Ranger. Kyle worked from that concept and where he started with Tommy and it eventually became the stinky man we know today.
Ryan mentioned M/tt at one point and I almost blacked out from rage. </3
So the vibe of what I'm getting is this will ultimately be its own thing, not really continuing off the 2016 MMPR series? Like at best maybe they'll be like "this is a new universe made from Billy's actions" but who knows how much they'll actually like. tie the storylines together. At this point I feel they would just say it's building off Darkest Hour's events if it was; the series has been over for nearly a month so it's not like Billy fucking up the Grid and it making a new universe would be spoilers (in fact, it would actually HELP the finale a bit if we finally got more context at what just fucking happened).
While I know everyone's excited about the possibilities of using elements and Rangers across the franchise, I can't help but compare it to Beyond the Grid's premise and fandom reaction. It was the same situation, where people were excited about working with characters and plots outside of MMPR, but fast-forward to now and it's overall one of the least liked arcs of the 2016 series. (Disregard my own personal opinion of it.) I think if they're not careful, this whole "we can do whatever we want!!! fuck canon!!!!" idea could easily devolve into canon characters ending up more like OCs with canon characters' names and faces rather than an exploration of the canon character (see: the discourse over whether or not BtG Cam was Cam or Cyber-Cam.) But we'll just have to see.
(PLEASE be mindful of who you start shipping, Melissa)
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mightve scrolled throu your blog a little bit, so without wanting to be too noisy here futaba, akira and kawakami for the ask persona 5 ask game tell alot about someone i really enjoyed your content pls do more for the fandom xx
To be honest I had totally forgotten about this ask, since I wanted to answer it when I’m on PC! :(
Thank you for your kind words, dear! I’m trying to do stuff for the fandom. It’s just a little far from what I usually do so it’s a little complicated. For my other fandoms I install camera mods, reshaders etc. and edit to find either small details in games or show the cutscenes in a different way. Editing and video game photography have become a big hobby of mine. As for Persona 5, that’s a little harder. There is no PC version, so I took some screenshots from Scramble’s switch version and enhanced their quality. I want to do more cool stuff, but it’s limited TT Atlast what I’m planning to do is play Scramble on YouTube when it comes out! Also for Scramble the in-game cutscenes have become way better. I might be able to do something about it. But enough rambling
Futaba: Favourite Palace?
This will be very boring since it is a popular answer as far as I have seen, but Sae’s palace, the casino. Kamoshida’s and Madarame’s are very close, but Sae’s has everything to me. The casino aesthetics are so beautifully done and the whole concept was thought through. You enter and have to obtain a members card which I found very interesting. Instead of just letting you pass and do the cool puzzles, this is your first job. When that is done, you need to obtain the High Limit card. This is all very casino-like. You have to play games to obtain it, but it is rigged. It is impossible to win and it is a hell lot of fun to see the casino workers losing their shit about you actually winning since you let Futaba hack the control panels, which by the way are the only part I did not enjoy. I looked for the red or green one for ages and almost died, because I kept running and circles. I’m good at reading maps, so I was surprised. This was the first palace where I kept going in circles and couldn’t find my way back - twice! I don’t remember a puzzle I didn’t like. I enjoyed both. The house of darkness as well as the Battle arena. The house of darkness gave me major amusment park during halloween season flashbacks. I love visiting haunted house, so this whole part just felt like something I would’ve loved doing in reality anyway and now I can enjoy it as a game with a fantasy aspect to it. It was really cool that without using Third Eye it was actually pitchblack - which I hadn’t expected from the developers. It was intriguing. When you went further, the casino lights came back, but enemies where around every corner. I loved it! The battle arena just felt epic to me. I liked how Joker had to fight alone, making it the first time the player is forced to do this alone, especially since you get tricked once again. The Phantom Thieves are told it is a 1v1 fight, but it’s not. Joker has to fight against two shadows, which is a major disadvantage. The boss fight was fun to me as well. It was the first one where I didn’t get angry, but felt like I was actually gambling. To think about if I put high risk high reward and might end up losing my life or if I play safely. Instead of just having to think about the combat strategies, you now had to think about how to gamble. Rather than getting mad, I got stressed - in a good way, what gamble does. Giving you adrenaline when you win, but making you fall even harder when you lose. I ended up playing safely and winning, so I thought let’s go high risk high reward - I died. Lastly, this palace is what ties everything together. This is what you see when you start the game and you finally get context to it on why Joker is running away - especially alone! - and how he gets arrested. The whole built up is nicely done and it feels satisfying, more than any other palace to me. Instead of just continuing with the story, you get so many answers on top and from then onwards the game takes a whole twist and becomes even darker.
I also really liked Madarame’s musuem, but hated the boss fight so it would never become my no1. For Kamoshida, I love the castle design and aesthetics. And since it is the first palace, you have so many memories with it. I started my second playthrough a week later and for some reason got all happy and excited during the first time you enter the castle. The beginning of Persona 5 just has a certain charm to it for me.
Akira: If you had a palace, what would it be?
Damn I never thought much about it. I read alot of headcanons for palaces for Akira and thought about them - I love the theater idea by the way, fits him a lot - , but never thought about my own. I think, without making this too personal, I would have a palace in this world. I definetely would. Probably an amusment park, an arcade or something along the lines of things going up and down, moods going up and down quickly as well as the way I view myself, my emotions and life. Just in general something where you can do a lot of different things and feel a lot of different, intense emotions but with an aspect that’s alot me. It would be a turbulent, kind of sad yet kind of fun palace. This would get hella personal, so I’ll stop here, but these two would be very fitting ^^ I might need to write it down one day for myself. It’s an interesting thought!
Kawakami: Most surprising scene?
It is either when you meet Akechi on Shido’s cruiser or the way end of the Yaldabaoth fight. As for the scene with Akechi, I was just exhausted. It was really late and I hated the mice puzzles. I died to the caretaker three times and was reliefed when he finally let us go. I thought Okay all that is left now is get back to the safe room and sleep in reality. My friend had warned me and told me to tell her when I’m in the engine room. After the caretaker fight being so hard for me, I thought this was what she had wanted to talk about. But well...then you leave the room and meet Akechi. I thought we would either never meet him again and he’d think Akira is dead until the very last minute or we meet him at the end somehow. It was surprising to me and seemed so random, until you find out Akechi’s real motives towards Shido. In general, I was just pretty dumbfounded at this scene. Didn’t die once against him, but it was a tough and kind of scary battle. Made me emotional and I went to sleep having nightmares actually. I felt bad for not being able to save him as well as I did in my dreams and cried in there. I don’t like him as a character, but stated in my analysis before that he is really interesting. My friend and I kept on saying ugh can he just leave or die he is so annoying, but when he died my first thought was that this ain’t how it was supposed to end. It’s not fair, not even to him. I wanted Akechi to attone for what he did. To get to jail with Shido together and then get help, but with genunine concern. This is what I wished for this character. As for the Yaldaboath fight, I died three times and got pretty angry. I was pulling an all-nighter to finish the game, it was 5AM and I had been emotional all day. When I finally had him down enough, I thought the Phantom Thieves would just kill him like normal and that’s it. Then this whole scene happens where all the people cheer them on and Akira has his second awakening, unleashing some freaking demon god. I was screaming to my friend. It looked so cool and it made me so emotional. Also, unpopular opinion, but I love the anime scene a lot for this. It’s beautifully done (it’s an OVA which have better graphics so be sure to check it out!) and made me feel a lot.
Thank you for your message! It was fun to write this.
Send me a Persona 5 character name for the ask game if you’re interested about my thoughts!
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Tag Game
I was tagged by @waywardfacegarden ! Thank you, love! It’s been a while since I’ve been tagged in one of these ;D
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Top 3 Ships:
1) Nico di Angelo and Will Solace (Percy Jackson): Son of Hades Darkness Emo Gay and Son of Apollo Healer Sunshine Gay?? How can I not ship.
2) Botan and Hirari (Donten ni Warau): I don’t know how big of a fandom Donten ni Warau has, but it seems pretty small...but if you’re into historical Japanese fantasy, PLEASE READ THIS MANGA. The art is incredible, the world is intriguing, and the characters are all wack bbs that need protection. Their dynamic is basically tied together by red string of fate I would die for you, and normally I hate this trope asd;lfkjasd but they’re just so cute.
3) Yuiji and Yamato (Koimonogatari): If you follow me and recognize these names, you already know how I feel about these two LOL Yuiji is the no-frills, nonjudgmental, and empathetic listener that Yamato needs and Yamato is the clumsy, innocent, and earnest bb that Yuiji needs. Sensei....if you don’t give us a happy ending......I swear...........
4) Yaomomo x Jirou (BNHA): They’re my only crackship, but how can I resist pairing a distinguished lesbian and a punk bi.
Last movie you watched:
The Half of It! It’s the v recent gay Netflix film centered around an Asian girl. The representation was wonderful and I think, objectively, it was an excellent movie, but for me personally, I just want the gays in media to be happy. Artsy realism in movies isn’t my thing LOL
Manga: Koimonogatari, Boku no Hero Academia, Kimetsu no Yaiba (just finished!!), The Story About You x Me, Rengoku ni Warau
Book book: The Final Empire (Mistborn) by Brandon Sanderson. I’m getting through it so slowly because my reading muscles have kind of deteriorated the last few years TT, but I’m slowly getting back into reading!! I’m excited to read more novels.
Next on my reading list:
Manga: Mob Psycho, Made in the Abyss, Ao no Flag
Book book: All of the Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson A;LSKDJFAS It’s going to take me so long....
What food are you craving right now:
Oh god don’t talk to me about this during quarantine A;DLFKJAD My latest food craving has been soul food. I’ve never even had soul food before but I’ve been looking at pictures....and watching videos.....it looks so unhealthy and tasty.....
Tagging: I hate doing this LMAO but the people talking to me on Tumblr know who they are! I’d love to see yall do this, if you’d like to~
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All My Fault 34
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Damian Wayne/Batman
Rating: PG-11/T- (for violence)
Notes: (Masterlist) At some point I don’t think I’ll be able to link all the chapters because Tumblr hates me. Anyway, I’m rising from the void because quarantine. Enjoy!
Tag List (Open): @batboys-and-other-messes @welovegroot @probsjosh @spooder-moon @lostredrobin @haylo4ever @na-n-na @rachelmorganroth @reclusive-chicken-nugget
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18, Ch 19, Ch 20, Ch 21, Ch 22, Ch 23, Ch 24, Ch 25, Ch 26, Ch 27, Ch 28, Ch 29, Ch 30, Ch 31, Ch 32, Ch 33
I sat on the stairs in the foyer, idly browsing my social media feeds like it was the morning paper—my Cloudburst account was always hopping—and waiting for Bruce to come home. Jon’s Superboy account was logged into finally and he was responding to every Tweet I’d made as Cloudburst, apologizing for not getting on and seeing earlier. Remarking it was nice to see me again after so long. I was smiling at his definite overuse of excited emojis but he was a sweet kid.
The front door opened.
Bruce and Alfred both came in.
I jumped up immediately. “Hi!” I greeted.
“Morning Nora,” Bruce said, sounding like he hadn’t had any coffee yet.
“Good morning, Miss McCloud,” Alfred agreed as I rushed across the foyer to hug them both.
“Morning,” I replied. I dropped onto my heels after tilting up onto my tiptoes to hug Bruce since he was so tall. “How was Metropolis?”
Bruce shrugged. “Hm. Boring,” he said.
I nodded. “I see. Y’know, I'm surprised Clark didn’t come keep an eye on us while you were gone,” I joked.
“Who says he didn’t?” Bruce mumbled, heading straight for the kitchen.
Well, crap. Hopefully Clark didn’t see anything between me and Damian if he did keep an eye on us and report it to Bruce before I could say anything.
“Huh. Fair point,” I relented. “Hey, listen, Bruce? Can we talk?”
“Those words are never followed by good news,” Bruce said, looking grumpy, as he found the half-emptied coffee pot and a mug.
I rolled my eyes. “No. ‘We need to talk’ is never followed by good news. I asked if we can talk and I was careful to phrase it that way,” I retorted. Bruce eyed me irritably over the top of his mug as he took a long drink.
“Okay. Talk,” he said after he swallowed.
I shook my hair out of my face and pushed some of it behind my ear. “Welp, long story short I don’t want to go back to the past, anymore,” I said.
Bruce coughed on his next gulp. “What?” he asked.
I was half-tempted to pull a cranky teenager and say, “You heard me!” but I didn’t. Instead I just shrugged. “I don’t want to go back to the past anymore. I know we still need to close the Time Bombs case and reopen the timeways but once they’re opened I still wanna stay here,” I said. Bruce lowered his eyebrows.
“There are a couple reasons,” I said, trying my best to maintain my cool as my ears grew warm. I covered them with my hair as subtly as I could. Messing with my hair was a quirk of mine so I doubted Bruce would even notice. “One of them is… I think my disappearance is, like, a fixed point in the timeline. Kinda like how in every timeline where Jason meets you as Batman, he ends up dying. Like if I went back to that Time Bomb attack eight years ago, I’d go missing some other way. Maybe then I’d never return.”
“And the other reasons?”
“I don’t want to go back and screw up this future now because messing with time scares me and I don’t know what would happen to you guys,” I continued. Bruce started taking another drink. I waited till he swallowed to continue. “And, lastly, there’s no two ways about it: I’ve fallen in love with Damian and I don’t want to leave him.” I rushed out the last part so it ended up sounding more like, “I’vefallenlovewiDamiananIdonwannaleaveim.”
Bruce had to just stare at me for several long moments while he figured out and processed what I said. During the silent moments I felt my heart rate rising and my hands start sweating nervously.
Once he understood what I said, the staring continued. But this time with raised eyebrows as he figured out what to say.
Finally, he seemed to gather his thoughts. “You’ve… fallen in love… with Damian,” he said.
“Yes,” I said plainly. I kept my sass out of my tone because I didn’t want to provoke him into a parental freak-out and/or a Batdad lecture.
“What?!” he demanded. “When did this happen?”
“Relatively recently,” I answered. “While you were gone.”
“Nora, don’t you think you’re jumping into that lake a little too fast?” he asked.
“B, there’s been attraction between he and I since I got here,” I said. “We just kept staring and sharing these moments of profound closeness and then fighting the feeling that we wanted to be together and I just… I can’t do it anymore.”
“Does he know?”
“I should hope so. The kiss was mutual,” I said, purposely leaving out everything else that happened between his son and me. Ease him into it.
“Oh so you kissed,” he stated.
“Mmhmm,” I said.
There was a pause.
“Are you mad?” I asked finally.
Bruce regarded me for another moment while I twisted a piece of my hair nervously around my fingers. He took a deep breath, set his coffee down, and sighed. “No,” he decided on. “I'm not angry.”
I wondered if I was supposed to ask what he was feeling about the idea of me and Damian dating. Or if he was feeling anything. I wondered if I even wanted to know.
Ultimately, I decided not to say anything. If Bruce wanted to say more, he would.
He took another long drink of his coffee—finishing his mug before pouring himself another one. I picked at the scabs on my knuckles while leaning against the kitchen counter and waiting for him to say something else—to express his approval or disapproval. I licked my lower lip and chewed on it with a crease between my eyebrows.
“Nora, relax,” Bruce said after a moment.
“I…” I said before just trailing off and trying to smooth out my face.
When that didn’t work, Bruce just sighed. “I'm going to go have a word with my son,” he said, taking his coffee with him.
I caught his elbow. “Don’t yell at him, please. We both… we both want this.”
Bruce just set his free hand on the top of my head. “I'm not going to yell, princess,” he said affectionately.
“Promise?” I pressed.
Bruce ruffled my hair. “I promise,” he said before leaving.
I peeled a scab off my knuckles completely—making it bleed again—and headed for the Batcave.
“Madam, we know it worked,” a man at the table said. “Access to the time-stream has been completely locked down. No one can travel through time except at the normal rate. What more is there to fear?”
The shadowy figure at the head of the table sighed. “Two of the missing from the initial attacks eight years ago returned after the secondary attacks now. Nora McCloud and that vigilante. Stormy or whatever her name is. The short one with the blue accents that isn’t Nightwing. There is no guarantee that the others who went missing aren’t also going to return. The Flash. Impulse. Kid Flash. If the speedsters were to come back, time travel would open up again, meaning the changes we made could be undone.”
“So what do we do?” a councilor asked.
“We capture the vigilante. See what she knows. If she’s found out why we went back to the past, we wipe her memory or take her out.”
“And the McCloud girl? She was the daughter of—”
“We can’t touch her,” the woman at the head of the table snapped. “She is practically the Princess of Gotham. We get close to her and Brucie Wayne will find a way to tear us apart. Besides, she doesn’t know anything about the purpose behind the attacks. If she did, the press would have blown that story waaay up before we could stop her. As it is, they’re too busy debating whether or not she’s dating her foster brother—meaning Little Miss McCloud has no idea.”
“Are you sure about that, ma’am? I just want—”
“Silence! I have spoken to her myself. She knows nothing. We don’t need the fire of that pathetic playboy Bruce Wayne burning under us. Everyone in the city knows how overprotective he is of those kids he takes in.”
“Yes ma’am. Apologies.”
“And if Princess McCloud did know something, she would have told me.” The woman leaned forward, revealing her face in the light. “She doesn’t keep secrets from the people she trusts.”
Damian leaned against the table I was sitting at in the Batcave. “Did he yell at you?” I asked, not looking up.
He chuckled quietly. “No. However he did inform me that he promised you he wouldn’t yell at me. Father is not often in the business of making promises—especially ones he cannot keep. Unless those promises are to his girls. Grayson was right the night you arrived here with me. Father likes his girls more than his boys. He may love us all the same but he likes his girls better.”
I snorted and rolled my eyes. “So what did he say to you?”
Damian pushed off the table to find another chair. He sat down near me and took my hand. “He told me you told him how we feel about each other that we wanted to be together. He said he didn’t know what to think or feel about it. We both know it is not his decision on whether or not we choose to pursue a relationship, but I believe his approval and acceptance would be beneficial to both of us. I, for one, would feel guilty attempting to pursue you without his acceptance and I believe you would feel similarly. Though, please correct me if I'm wrong.”
“You’re not,” I said. He rarely was wrong. “I would feel terrible trying to be with you if I knew Bruce really disapproved. He’s like a second father to me and I’ve been trying for years to make sure I make him proud and do right by everything he’s ever done for me.”
Damian sucked the backs of his front teeth. “Tt. I understand and agree.”
Someone cleared their throat nearby. I jumped with a yelp. Damian wasn’t so easily startled and turned in the direction of the noise.
Bruce stood there, barely out of the shadows, arms folded over his chest and watching us.
Dang it, I thought. OG Bats definitely hasn’t lost his stealthy touch.
“Hooowww… how long have you been standing there?” I asked awkwardly, picking at another scab on my knuckles as anxiety took over again.
“Long enough,” Bruce grunted. He pulled a chair over and sat so the three of us formed a loose scalene triangle—none of the distances between us equal. He leaned forward and braced his elbows on his knees, hands hanging in empty space between them. “Kids, you two have grown up into mature, responsible young adults. I don’t say it enough, but I am proud of you. Both of you. And… if I seem…” He scrunched his eyebrows, searching for the right words. “Hrn. Hesitant. It’s because you’re my kids. And… and I want you to be happy but…”
“Not with each other?” Damian challenged, eyes narrowing slightly.
Bruce closed his eyes and sighed, reaching one hand up and pinching the bridge of his nose—something Damian had picked up from him, by the looks of it. “That’s not what I meant, son,” he said. “It’s not that I don’t approve. It’s just—”
A siren started blaring through the cave. “What the heck is that?” I demanded.
Next (coming soonish)
#All My Fault#All My Fault 34#Chapter 34#Damian Wayne#Robin#damian wayne imagine#damian wayne fanfiction#robin imagine#robin fanfiction#Batman#batman imagine#batman fanfiction#DC#dc imagine#dc fanfiction#BatFam#batfam imagine#batfam fanfiction
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Merry Christmas!! I hope you are happy, and have a good New Year! 😁
Thank you!!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and will have a wonderful New Year too!!
Anon said:aaaaawwwnnn the good ol' platonic (or not, depending on the interpretation) bak*deku
I’m not anti anything anon, so you never gotta worry about that! I have ships I like and ships I don’t and ships I’m indifferent about, but I’m a firm believer in the ship and let ship principle~ sadly bkdk is strictly platonic for me (I see them too much as sibs for it to work in a romantic way, at this point), but I do adore their relationship and the way Horikoshi is writing it TT^TT it’s def one of my favorite Bakugou relationships, such a wonderfully complex story 💕
Anon said:Have you ever thought about drawing Bakushima as different ships? Like, from different shows. Put them in their outfits and such? I thought that wouls be pretty cool. Sorry if someone has already suggested this! I thought maybe Black Butler style ? Fruits basket, Death note, ect. ❤
I have in the past drawn them in AUs inspired by characters from other fandoms, if that’s what you’re asking! At the top of my head I can remember drawing them as Black⭐Star and Tsubaki from Soul Eater, Doumeki and Watanuki from xxxHolic and Jacuzzi and Nice from Baccano!, but I’m sure those are not the only ones... I’m never against that sort of AUs, if you have anything you’d like to see ask and I’ll see if I know the fandom you’re thinking about! :D
Anon said://squints// did your.... Did your lineart imPROVE??? holy maples Fran ur killing me with ur art I wanna survive my last 7 months of high school--
If you think so, then I’m seriously happy and glad to hear it! Thank you so much!! I feel like I’ve been getting sloppier actually, ngl, but I have been trying new tools for the line, so maybe that’s the difference you’re seeing!
Anon said:Gonna say anonymously caz' i'm too embarrassed to reveal myself for now, but I love your blog and art so damn much!!! Been following you for two years and you really inspired me to draw and really to stay in touch with bnha. Again, love you so much and hope you a merry Christmas!!!
Ahhhhh anon thank you so much!!! I’m happy I can make you keep up with bnha, ngl!! And I hope you’ve had a wonderful amazing christmas too!!!
Anon said:Sero with the long hair can murder me
He wouldn’t!
Anon said:what do you think of bakukamijirou 👀
I don’t ship it, sorry :( as far as shipping Bakugou goes, I only ship him around if Kirishima is involved - I do have a few Baku ships I like just for the aesthetics (like with Jirou, or Todoroki!) but I wouldn’t really call it “shipping”, I just like to see them next to each other cause their designs work well together haha
Anon said:Hello? Yes. Hi. Dave I love. Thank you.
I’m so happy to hear that!!! TT^TT thank you so much!!!
Anon said:Kamijirou cures my depression :3
Anon said:Have you every considered a voltron au for your ocs? I know youve made a voltron au befores so i was wondering if you ever did it for anything else (i really love all your art have a lovely day
I’ve never, actually :thinking: the vld fandom is very scary to me so I try to keep away from it, ngl! I’ve also not watched past the first season of the cartoon itself so by now I don’t think I have the necessary information to make AUs based on that fandom, but the concept of my kids in space or piloting mechas is a wonderful one nonetheless haha
Anon said:Ah man I love dav so much. It makes me so happy when you post your sweet green haired boy. Day: brightened.
:sob: thank you SO MUCH!!!! TT^TT it makes me so happy to hear you like my boy!!
Anon said:I love and appreciate every variety of your ocs
Anon said:You: This is my boy. | Me: I love him so much and his hair and his shirt- 👌
Thank you so much!! His hair and clothes make less sense every time I draw him, but I have fun with it so I’m glad you like them anyway hahaha
Anon said:Hey! Who is he? He looks cool
Thank you so muuuccchhhh!!! His name is Dave!! He doesn’t really have much of a story, but he’s a uni student and likes music, philosophy and cats! He has a bunch of friends I draw him with now and again, and they mostly spend their time avoiding studying and being generally ridiculous :D
Anon said:Just wanted to let you know your art style is GORGEOUS. You're one of the few people on this site whose art always makes me excited to see it. I'm a huge Bakushima fan to begin with but your Bakugou is just...oof. lol I don't know if it's the hooded eyes or the undercut but you make him HAVE it!
That’s such high praise oh my god! TTOTT I’m glad you like how I draw my boy, he makes me so happy to doodle !!!!! 💞💞💞
Anon said:The two art post with "An unexpected sappy thought" and "Bunch of stuff from yesterday I finally managed to finish" were both flagged. i tried to send them to u, but couldn't. Just thought you should know if you haven't been notified yet! sorry that i cant be much help. (also the protest starts in like 10 min for me, so youre probably off already if youre doing it) sorry for bothering!
Anon said:hey your post (a colored fanart) of kirishima and bakugou cuddling w/ song lyrics as the caption got flagged, just thought i’d let you know if you didn’t see it :( stupid tumblr
These are pretty old asks at this point but I wanted to thank you for the heads up anyway! I have gone through my posts twice already and new flagged things always pop up, so the fact that you took the time to let me know was seriously huge help! Thank you so much!!
Anon said:hi i just saw your year summery-thingy and i just realized that i have followed you for more than a year now and i just want to say thank you for all the beutiful art i have seen !! you are truly one of my favorite artist i hope that you are well
Ah man thank you so much!!! I’m so so happy to hear you’ve been following me that long, it’s incredible to me!! I hope I’ll manage to get out of the slump I’ve fallen into soon enough orz meanwhile thank you for sticking around!! 💕
Anon said:Seeing your art summary makes my soul feel the urge to have your beautiful kiribaku art in a book. Have you ever thought about making a little zine with some of your illustrations? Or selling prints ;___; You're absolutely amazing!
Oh heck thank you so much for being interested in something like that! I’ve actually thought about something of the like, but if I ever did it would be a small zine with pieces made specifically for it! I have to research the whole thing a bit more, but in case I’ll reach a point where it’s a concrete possibility I’d first post something to check the actual interest in it between everyone! ;^;
Anon said:... Why BakuJiro tho?
Why not! They are good friends, have a nice dynamic, and their styles match together well! And Jirou’s so tiny next to him, I like the idea of Baku hugging her a whole lot as it might have become obvious by this point haha
Anon said:7w7r I see you there
I dunno what this is about but !!! neat!!
Anon said:Soooo,,, DabiHawks or Hawks single? I have curious for how would a drawing of them be made by you
I’ve said this a couple of times before, but I’m really only interested in dabihawks if Dabi is Touya at this point! I might change my mind if Hori develops their relationship more, but right now that’s how it is... and until I have more concrete proofs of Touya and Dabi being the same person I don’t wanna get too involved with the ship, in case I end up disappointed haha
Anon said:Fran, have you ever posted a selfie before? For some reason, I imagine you looking a little more like Kuroo from Haikyuu!! Haha.
I haven’t! I prefer being behind the camera instead of before it hahaha a couple years ago you would have been right! By now I have too much hair for it, tho lol also, I wear glasses and have a bunch of piercings and earrings that Kuroo doesn’t have (but should have, cause it’d be hot 👀👀👀)
#fran answers#i wanted to post something colored today but my health said no#*sad*#instead i finally got around to answering the asks#a lil bit of productivity is always better than none at all haha#anonymous
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Keeping up with the speculations about Mon-El / Karamel / the Legion of Superheroes was a reasonable task until 3x06, but once the first promo for 3x07 was released, the fandom exploded and it is being difficult to keep up with all the storylines that have been proposed.
I was not sure that there was a most popular theory (I didn’t have a preferred one), so I made a list of all of the speculations that were posted or sent to me. Most of them would be amazing Karamel fanfiction prompts.
It was crazy and exciting and I loved it. We missed Mon-El that much.
Karamel Fam predictions masterpost here.
Trolls and haters will be blocked.
Predictions after the break.
• The dreams that Kara mentioned in episode 1 were shared with Mon-El. Clue = the beard is real.
• During his absence, Mon-El has been in a very dark dystopian world. Suggested options include being a slave, slave liberator, gladiator (War World), Wold Killer, prisoner/ tortured (by the Daxamite Army or someone else), criminal, assassin, sentenced to endless floating into space, being transported somewhere else, bounty hunter, clon, alien refugees, mind controlled or a dark version of the Legion of Superheroes.
•Mon-El was imprisoned and abused and has Stockholm Syndrome, so he thinks that he has to helps his captors. He may not be aware that he was abused because of his self-loath, guilt and the way that he was treated by his family.
•If Mon-El has been a slave/ gladiator he was sold by the Daxamites because they considered him a traitor. They may return to punish him.
•If he was a gladiator, his fight name was Valor.
•Someone tried to brainwash Mon-El into a gladiator/ assassin/ World Killer and he’s held this mind control at bay with the help of Saturn Girl.
•Someone cured Mon-El for him to become a gladiator/ assassin/ World Killer.
• Mon-El has PTSD and has changed significantly because of his experiences during his absence.
•In his timeline, Mon-El saw Kara being killed by Reign and is now desperate to save her. And he cannot tell her if he wants to save her/ the world.
• Mon-El has got more training/ experience in fighting. Clue = him knocking out the DEO agent efficiently.
• Mon-El has been with the Legion of Superheroes. He may be wearing a Flight Ring because according to some comics canon it could be invisible.
• Mon-El has not been with the Legion of Superheroes but they have been chasing him, either because they need him to become a hero or because he is a criminal.
• Mon-El has been cured from his lead allergy but he doesn’t know how. A potential reason may be the orange pod that he was in as some substance was there to keep him in hibernation.
• Mon-El’s DNA has been altered and that is why the lead is not affecting him anymore. Clue = Winn mentioning in 3x05 that the lead was linked to Daxamite DNA so it would be harmless for humans. Kara looking at a microscope slide and promo suggesting that she is not sure that the Mon-El they find in 3x07 is really him.
• Mon-El woke up because of the explosion in 3x04 and he has been alone in the spaceship but didn’t know how to wake up the others or he didn’t want to.
•Mon-El was starving when he was found as there was no need for food while they were hybernated. He survived because he could still absorb some radiation from the yellow sun.
•There are at least 6 pods: Mon-El, Saturn Girl and 4 other people. One of them might be Brainiac 5. Some of them could have died.
•All of the other people in the pods wear the same clothes as he does, so they could be wearing uniforms. Suggested explanations are them being legionnaires, slaves, prisoners, army, crew members, assassins, World Killers.
• There are other Legionnaires in the pods. The symbols may indicate Saturn Girl, Brainiac and Element Lad. They could be wearing invisible Flight Rings.
•Saturn Girl was the person moving in the stasis pod in the 3x07 trailer and that is why she woke or was awaken.
•Brainiac is in one of the stasis pods in 3x07 but they cannot or won’t wake him up until 3x10. Potential reasons are that Mon-El doesn’t trust him because of his obsession with Kara, it is part of the Legion’s plan, the DEO doesn’t trust them and doesn’t want another superpowered person, or they cannot do it.
• They are in pods because they have been travelling through vast distances at extreme speeds, so they need to be put in pods so they don’t age and/ or don’t get damaged by the gravity distortions of extreme hyperspace.
• They are in pods because they need it to travel through time with this technology.
• They are in pods because they are prisoners and this is a way to control them.
•The Legion of Superheroes are not from the future or another timeline. They are up from another galaxy or universe and they are part of a Galactic Council.
•The people travelling in the spaceship, including Mon-El, have been freeing slaves and they need to leave the Earth before the bad guys get to them. Clue = Comics (Seeding World storyline).
• Mon-El and the Legion of Superheroes have travelled to the past (2017 or years before that) to help with something (probably defeat Reign, which may be achieved saving Kara or ensuring that she sacrifices her life).
• Some of the Legionnaires (such as Saturn Girl) have been with Mon-El in a same dystopian world. They may have been imprisoned by a villain or even have been fighting in War World.
• The Legion of Superheroes does not exist yet and we will see how it starts during season 3. One potential origin stories is all of them being alien refugees that want to help others.
• Mon-El and a few Legionnaires including Saturn Girl have gone rogue to kill Reign without the approval of the rest of the Legion. Maybe Saturn Girl and Mon-El are teaming up to save both of their loved ones (Lighting Lad and Kara). Clue: In the comics the Legion had a strict code against killing.
•Reign changed the timeline and the Legion travelled back to the past to stop her.
•The Legion comes from a future where Reign killed Kara and Clark, and then other Worldkillers joined her and took over the Earth.
• Reign wasn’t supposed to exist, but a being has manipulated time to allow her to have escaped Krypton to come to Earth and kill Superman and Supergirl. The Time Trapper is a hidden enemy that would turn Mon-El into a killer. Clue: In comics one exception about the Legion no-killing rule was Mon-El killing the Time Trapper. He (along with other Legionaires) attempts to kill him as revenge for killing Superboy. TT survives, but Mon-El finally kills him, which resulted in massive disturbances to the time-stream, and the first “Legion Reboot”.
•The Legion members were planning to live undercover so that they could ensure that Mon-El would be able to fulfill his destiny. If they have been undercover for some time he may not know that they are Legion. Clue = During the New Krypton arc, the Legion Members were living undercover in and around Metropolis to ensure that Mon-El would be able to fulfill his destiny.
• Saturn Girl got herself captured with Mon-El to protect him and has been keeping him connected to Kara because Karamel love is important to save the world/ Kara. Clue = In the current canon, Saturn Girl is in Arkham Asylum waiting for Superman to drop in.
• The spaceship crash landed and they couldn’t wake up until the explosion in 3x04.
•The scary lady that has been visiting Samantha’s dreams was in the spaceship and escaped in 3x01 or when the spaceship landed.
•The scary lady was keeping Mon-El and the others in the post captives.
•Mon-El thinks that he is in a red sun planet and that is why he was carrying a gun. A possible reason for that is that in an apocalyptic future, Reign has made the Earth more like Krypton and now has a red sun.
• The only other person that the DEO is able to wake up in 3x07 is Saturn Girl (that at this point may or may not be a Legionnaire). There are at least 3 other people but they might be dead/ harmed.
• Mon-El didn’t know that he was on Earth and he was not expecting to see Kara.
• Mon-El thinks that the shouldn’t have seen Kara again because it will be a disaster for her/ the timeline/ the world or because Kara would try to stop the Legion. They planned to stay undercoveruntil they stopped the threat (defeat Reign or ensure that Kara dies at her hands). That is why Mon-El panicked when he saw her. When he wakes up in the DEO he tries to run away to find the others and stop the threat.
• Mon-El ends up in a bed in the DEO because he is weak (maybe hungry or thirsty) and passess out of the exhaustion and emotions. Clue = they put him in a bed with what looks like a yellow sun lamp. Chris’ arms are bigger but he looks like thinner (just muscles and bones).
• Kara worries that Mon-El has been harmed by the lead in the atmosphere and he will not be able to wake up again.
• The DEO trusts Mon-El initially, but they won’t when they find him knocking out agents and sneaking out. There is something strange in the microscope slide that Kara is holding in one of the photos. They also may find that the spaceship have been there for years.
• One of the DEO agents that Mon-El knocks out in the promo is Winn.
• Kara and the DEO are not sure that the Mon-El that is found in season 7 is the one they lost in 2x22.
• Winn finds out Mon-El when he is sneaking out in the DEO and gets him to surrender.
• We will get an angsty MonWinn moment, specially if Mon-El knocked him out. Winn still feels guilty because of the lead device.
• Mon-El is sneaking out in the DEO because he wants to help the other people in the spaceship. Potential reasons is that they are his allies (slaves, prisoners, bounty hunters, Legionnaires, alien refugees), he wants to rescue Saturn Girl, because if the Legion’s existence is discovered it would hurt the timeline, because he has Stockholm’s syndrome, has been mind controlled, is a clon or is being mind controlled by Saturn Girl.
• Mon-El is not sneaking out in the DEO because he wants to help the other people in the spaceship. He wants to escape from them or ensure that he or his captors/ allies will not harm the Earth/ Kara. Potential reasons are that he is a slave/ prisoner/ criminal/ assassin/ tortured.
• Mon-El is sneaking out in the DEO because he needs something that they have. Possibly kryptonite, either to kill/ defeat Reign of for his superserum. Clue = i some comics, the antiserum that “cures” his as allergy has to be taken regularly and kryptonite is the main ingredient.
• Mon-El is crying in his cell because he cannot be 100% honest with her to save her/ the world and because it kills him that they cannot be together.
•Mon-El cannot tell Kara what is he up to because someone his controlling him, he has partial amnesia or he believes he needs to keep it secret to protect her/ the world. Clue = he promised her that he would not lie again but will do whatever is necessary to keep her safe and to help her protect citizens above all else.
•Mon-El knows that he or she are going to die in the future and he is not telling it to her because he doesn’t want her to be attached to him again but he doesn’t want to lie to her.
•Mon-El doesn’t know that she is destined to sacrifice her life to defeat Reign in the future and the Legion has either lied to him or altered his memories.
•Mon-El knows that he has been mind controlled/ an assassin in the past and is scared to be controlled/ a mindless killer again, and that is why he is trying to leave. And he thinks that he cannot be with her to protect her/ because he is damaged.
•Mon-El is heartbroken when he is found because Kara doesn’t believe/ trust him, because he feels guilty because of what he has done or because he believes that he cannot be with her.
• Kara will not take Mon-El to the wedding because she is not yet sure that they can trust him or even believe that this is her Mon-El.
• Kara will believe that this is her Mon-El and her dreams of being with him again will come true during the season.
• At some point Kara will believe that this is her Mon-El because of her necklace. But not immediately because she thinks that she cannot help others if she is vulnerable.
• Mon-El and Kara are still very much in love with each other when he is found in 3x07. Clues = the way they look at each other, the way Kara can hardly say his name, the necklace, the dreams.
• Mon-El is not married or has a girlfriend when he is found in 3x07. Clues = no rings and he is wearing Kara’s necklace.
• If Mon-El has a girlfriend/ wife (Saturn Girl) when he is found she will break up with him because she is a psychic and will sense his love for Kara.
• Mon-El will mention that Kara was at his bedside in 2x08, or that he is again locked as an enemy as in 2x03.
•Kara and Mon-El will back away from each other when they reunite, for different reasons.
•Kara will be scared to make herself vulnerable and also will not be sure of how much he has changed. He might return with another (temporary) love interest. Clue = Melissa’s mention of the “Castaway” movie.
•Saturn Girl and Mon-El have been held somewhere and they are together out of pain, friendship and loneliness as they both have lost the loves of their lives (Saturn Girl’s is Lighting Lad). When Mon-El finds Kara he realises that his heart will always be Kara’s but has a sense of duty with Saturn Girl because she is in pain. She is a psychic and realises that Mon-El loves Kara, so she breaks up with him and urges Mon-El to follow his heart and his true love before it’s too late.
• Saturn Girl believes her love/ husband Lighting Lad is dead when she is found (for example, because she can’t sense his psychic bond) and he is hopeless to be able to be with Kara again or because he thinks that something bad happens if they get together. When Brainiac appears in episode 10 he brings news that Lighting Lad is alive and he may need to be saved or in a coma. She leaves Mon-El (maybe she breaks up with him) to be with him and save him and urges Mon-El to get back with Kara because she knows he loves her.
• Kara has closed herself off to protect her heart for so long that thinks that superheroes cannot have it all and that she shouldn’t have a relationship. So when Mon-El appears in her life she will be more reluctant to believe that she could be happy. She will realise at some point that she deserves to be happy.
• Mon-El knows Kara’s future and thinks that him being with Kara will mess with the kind of superhero that she will become.
• Mon-El knows Kara’s future and thinks that him being with Kara will kill her or destroy the world/ the timeline.
• Brainiac will be a romantic suitor for Kara. She will try to move on with him at some point because she will be hopeless that she can be with Mon-El but it will not work out.
• Mon-El will be jealous of Brainiac 5 and this will help Karamel to get back together.
•Mon-El (and maybe Kara) will think that they cannot be together but there will be an angsty moment when they will need to kiss each other.
•On Earth-X, Black Arrow and Overgirl are together, Felicity is dead and Mon-El is dead, married to Saturn Girl or somewhere else. Knowing about this will make Oliver and Felicity go ahead with their marriage plans and Kara rethink about her relationship with Mon-El. She will return wanting to get back with him, but there will be problems when she returns.
• Karamel will get back together during season 3.
• The Karamel separation may not be long (midseason finale or February sweeps). Clues = Dark Kara and Karamel break up in season 2 were much shorter arcs than expected.
• Kara and the Legion will have different objectives. Mon-El will side with the Legion on this issue and he will be right. Clue = Melissa saying that they will cause problems for her. He was right in the past like with Rhea or Jeremiah.
• Kara will be killed by Reign at the end of the season, despite the Legion / Mon-El’s efforts to save her. This will be the cliffhanger for season 3 and she will be back in season 4.
• Mon-El’s Hero’s Journey is still progressing and there will be a lot of character development during season 3.
• Mon-El is not a full Legion of Superheroes member yet. He will become one and will get his flight ring.
• Mon-El’s supersuit has not been made yet. He will get that and his superhero name from Winn.
• Mon-El will have a full beard from now on, including his superhero looks.
• The DEO will not be able to wake up the other people in the pods in 3x07.
•The DEO will not try to wake up the other people in the pods until they feel that they can trust Mon-El/ Saturn Girl. And that is why Brainiac will not be introduced until episode 10.
•Alex doesn’t trust Mon-El because she suspects that he has a hidden agenda.
• Several Legionnaires will be seen during season three, including but not limited to Brainiac 5 and Saturn Girl. Clue = number of pods.
• The Legion will fight Reign.
• Saturn Girl will mention ‘Livewire’ at me point. This will make the DEO try to find her after the midseason finale. Clues = bts photos of someone with white hair. Livewire is another code name for Lighting Lad.
• The Legion will create Reign indirectly.
• Whatever happens in season 3 will change significantly the timeline, and as a consequence of that the Legion may be destroyed or changed.
• The 3 founding members of the Legion of Superheroes will be seen during the season, including Cosmic Boy and Lighting Lad (and of course Saturn Girl). Saturn Girl is married to Lighting Lad.
• Brainiac 5 is in one of the pods, wakes up in 3x10 and calls other members of the team.
• Brainiac 5 is not in one of the pods and has been looking for them. He finds them in 3x10.
• The Legion will leave a satellite team in Kara’s Earth at the end of season 3. Both Kara and Mon-El will be co-leaders and equal partners. Clue = Throughout the New 52’s run of the Legion, Mon-El was seen as field leader. Melissa mentioning that at the end of season 2 they see each other as equals and true partners. Chris saying that he wants Mon-El to be a true feminist superhero at the end of the season.
• Supergirl will probably travel to the 30th century for one episode and possibly help the Legion fight the Fatal Five, popular villains for the Legion.
•Alura is alive and her DNA was used by Zor-El to engineer Reign.
#supergirl speculation#mon-el#karamel#supergirl spoilers#legion of super heroes#supergirl#legion of superheroes#kara danvers#brainiac#winn schott#saturn girl#reign#karamel fanfiction#prompts
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Dusk till Dawn
Fandoms: Super Sons, Batman DC, Superman DC
Parings: Damijon, TimKon, JayRoy, BirdFlash,
Characters: Damian Wayne, Jon Kent, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Wally West, Connor Kent, Roy Harper, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana Prince, Lois Lane
Summary: Genius playboy Damian Wayne has everything he could ever want and more yet people fail to see how broken this boy truly is. He meets Jon Kent a bright cheerful boy who’ll show Damian there’s more to life than fame and fortune
Link: Dusk till Dawn by GoNEF
Chapter 1: The end of an era
Chapter 1: End of an Era
“Damian Wayne has ended his engagement with Kitty Moth, the singer told G! News that he and model Kitty Moth wanted different things, sources indicated that Damian didn’t want to be tied down, he wanted to party and be wild while he still could while Kitty wanted to have a calm more private life, she says that she was ready to start a family and Damian wasn’t.
Our sources indicate that the main reason Damian [Wayne] kept putting off the wedding is due to the fact that he was afraid of being tied down to one woman and needed freedom after three years of cheating, heart breaks, Damian [Wayne] finally ended the engagement leaving Kitty [Moth] heartbroken and distraught, the model refuses to talk about it and wishes Damian the best,”
“And me being gay having to hide my sexuality as well as this whole mess being a pr stunt to further her career has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I called off that engagement,”
Dick let out a surprised squeak as he turned around to see Damian leaning against the door way, glaring at the TV, Dick looked at the TV before he looked at Damian, he was about to turn off the television so that Damian wouldn’t have to see the media trash talking him about his engagement with Kitty, Damian however, had other plans.
Taking the remote from Dick the younger Wayne turned the volume up as he continued to hear the reported paint him as some bad guy while making Kitty look like an angel.
“Add to the fact that Gotham Fashion Week starts tomorrow and she needs all eyes on her so that she’ll be the main focus also has nothing to do with our ‘break-up’” he continues ignoring whatever Dick was going to say as he watched Kitty do an interview about how heartbroken she felt and how she wanted to apologize to all her ‘friends’ for not listening to them when they warn her about him.
It annoyed him to no end, especially when Kitty kept going on and on about how Damian didn’t treat her right despite her always being faithful, attended to his needs, and was always his shoulder to cry on when it came to his anxiety, the reporter as well as her father called her a caring girlfriend who deserves better.
“More like a fool if you ask me, if she was willing to stay with a man who cheated on her than she is a fool and anyone who believes her or calls her brave is also a fool,”
He turned off the television when the reporter continued going on about how Damian was nothing like his brothers and he should learn from them.
“Damian, you know that your dad only brought the two of you together because-“
“Because she is an upcoming model that needed publicity and her father is a business man who’s company would be a great help to WE and now that both sides got what they wanted it over and done with,”
“Everyone got what they wanted, everyone but me,”
“Damian look, I know that right now things are a little hectic but all this will be over once Gotham Fashion Week is done, then everyone will forget about this break up and you’ll-“
“Have another bimbo waiting for me to entertain so that she can get a head start of her career without actually doing anything,”
Dick stared at Damian in shock.
“Father already has another woman waiting for me, says with the wedding coming up he needs me to be seen with another girl this time it’s another blond bimbo who is nice and sweet and will hopefully help tame ‘the beast’”
“Wait, you mean to tell me that you spending some time with Melissa wasn’t coincidental?”
“Dick looked shocked at the mention of Damian going with another girl, hell he and their dad talked about giving Damian a break so that he could spend some time alone and focusing on his music career, not to mention he really needed a break after the past year of having the media attacking him and Kitty’s fans calling him degrading names as well as enduring racial slurs from those Islamophobic assholes who wouldn’t leave him alone.
Tt, no, if anything Father and Selina want me to be seen with a ‘good girl’ who will hopefully stop me and all my playboy ways,”
“I don’t even know what to say to that,” he answered honestly.
“Yeah, I know, any way if you need me don’t call because I won’t be answering my phone at all,”
“Where are you going?”
“Out where?”
Damian glared at his brother before saying,
“Just out!” he slammed the door and headed to clear his mind and gather his thoughts.
Damian Wayne was the youngest son of billion-dollar business man Bruce Wayne and world-famous model Talia Al Ghul. His three-half brother were Richard, Jason, and Timothy.
Each boy had their own success in the industry. Dick was a famous model, every agency wanted him, every fashion designer wanted him to wear their clothing, all in all Dick ran the modeling world with an iron fist. Jason was a famous athlete; whether the sport was basketball, football, MMA fighting Jason was the best. He was currently focusing on MMA and so far he’s been doing a good job at it. Tim is another business man in the making so it’s no secret that he’s going to take over WE when Bruce retires.
All three of them were also famous actors and all of them were currently working on a film together that Damian was also a part of.
As for Damian, Damian has always had a love for singing but lately he’s been losing his inspiration to write music, well he would’ve lost it completely if it weren’t for.
“Oh hello Mr. Wayne, how are you today?”
Damian stopped dead in his tracks when he saw where he was, guess he was lost in thoughts longer then he thought.
“I’m fine Kara, how are you doing?” he asked with the famous (more like infamous) Wayne smile that can charm anyone.
“Doing great, actually better than great I am magnificent!”
“Why is that?” Damian asked as he was lead to his usual table.
“Well, because my two nephews are spending their summer vacation so I am excited to see them here,”
“Yep, in fact they are right over…there! Jon, Kon come over here and say hi to Damian,”
“We’re coming,” a young voice shouted from the kitchen.
Damian watched as two boys came out of the kitchen, one was a muscular man, he appeared to be the same age as Jason, a strong chiseled jaw line and bright blue eyes with black hair and a nice tan skin. The other one, the other one was the one that caught Damian’s attention.
He looked…he looked… words couldn’t described the angel’s appearances, his skin-Damian couldn’t help but wonder if it were as soft as it looked-was smoothed, unblemished from any markings, scars, or cracks that would destroy the image of perfection that many try to obtain. His eyes, his eyes were a heavenly deep blue, two sapphire gems that rival the clear sky as well as the deep sea, Damian could see that those beautiful eyes caught the beautiful image of deep oceans glittering in the light of the moon. His midnight locks shone like the sea at night, the black strands utterly white where the bright lights fell.
He was an angel, that was all Damian could say about him, he watched as the two boy came closer and closer to him and the only thing going in his head was for him to not say anything stupid.
The two stopped in front of him and the angel smiled at him, Damian felt his heart stopping for a second before a warm feeling began to spread from his heart across his chest while his face began to turn into a light crimson shade as his eyes became a brighter shade of green, the angel extended his hand and spoke in a rich velvet tone,
“Hi, I’m Jon, Jon Kent and you are?”
For the first time in a long while Damian smiled, not his usual Wayne smile or the fake one he uses when it comes to the paparazzi but an honest to God real smile.
He shook Jon’s hand-Jon, what a lovely name for a lovely angel-and spoke his own name,
“Hello Jon, I am Damian it’s a pleasure to meet you,”
#damijon#damian wayne#jonathan kent#jon kent#dc batman#dc superman#super sons#dusk till dawn#writing#my writing#famous person au#no powers au
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Breaking... Ch.21
A/N: Welp, this was an interesting one.
Wordcount: 1875
Wanings: General not goodness and maybe language idk
Tags!!: @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit @renae-writes @deltablue202 @literally-melonkitty @meunicorn @favouritefighting-frenchman @demi-godamit @gum-and-chips @sweaterkitty-fluff @pinkyiger7 @littlemissshortcakes @msageofenlightenment @unprofessional-inhumanbeing @fandom-panda-221 @hummusandchips @spoopy-piineapple @ashwolfcub @myself-and-the-madman @sweet-fate @superwholockbooknerd526 @frozengal2013 @lmaodedhaha @itsmikayblr @sarmar29@arya-durin-77 @phantastic-fandoms @hoshihime98 @shinigamired @martapetrovic @robotic-space @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit2 (lol) @asprinkleofmermaids @pinkyiger7 (I’m tagging you twice my friend!) @satellitesuga @rose-coloured-nihilism @okie-dokie-artichokeme @alyssumax @pandartist @marquiis-de-la-baguette
Breaking The Passage
You weren’t sure what you were expecting. But this certainly wasn’t it. Philip walked into the room. His hair was longer, his shoulders broader and he even seemed to be a little taller. Everyone rushed over to him. Eliza and Lizzy obviously getting the most attention. You just stood there, a few feet away, staring up at him. When you looked back and remembered him, he was always cute, but not now. His cheeks weren’t as round as they used to be, his eyes seemed older than he was. He was handsome. He finally looked at you, you couldn’t read what you saw in his eyes but something flashed there. It was like a flare, there for one minute and faded out the next. He gave you a closed mouth smile. ‘Philly, fake smiles don’t look good on you. Your natural smile fits you better.’
“Hello, Y/N. How are you?” He asked with ennui. You were blown away, there was no color in his voice when he spoke to you. Where’d my ‘Autumn Rhythms’ go? You blinked away your astonishment.
“I-I’m…fine.” You tried to swallow your fears but you ended up choking on it. He walked right past you, your greatest fear had been realized. He didn’t look back at you; you were just another face. You felt that presence again and you wanted to feel angry at it. But you couldn’t. It swaddled you and held you, it felt smaller than you and yet at the same time it felt like the biggest thing in the world. He went up the stairs, you heard his footsteps, you heard his door close, you’re always listening. Always hearing, always feeling, always seeing, always experiencing. Helpless… I have been made helpless to you, I stand here and think to myself ‘Shall I ever be satisfied?’ I wonder if I was ever enough in my sentences, but am I paranoid in every paragraph of how he perceives me? Am I running out of time? Is this where it gets me? I wait for it, wait for him. He says no to this because why shouldn’t he? I wasn’t around, I swore that I would be around for him. His eyes were on me, but my story is told. Wait for him, wait for him, wait for him, wait for him, wait for him, wait for him, wait for him. Satisfied, satisfied, satisfied, satisfied, satisfied, satisfied, satisfied. Helpless, helpless, helpless, helpless, helpless, helpless, helpless. Am I the madman or the lover? For he is certainly the poet. Where has my soul fled to? Tongue, lose thy light. Tongue, not a word. Thus Thisbe ends. You felt something shaking your shoulder.
“TT! Hey! What’s wrong?” Angie called out to you. You blinked a few times and took a sharp breath. Your face felt wet.
“N-Nothing.” You heaved. Angie looked straight ahead at you.
“Are you sure? You’re crying and sweating and… Oh God is that blood?” Her eyes widened. You touched your nose with a shaking hand, a red droplet rolled down your fingers. ‘How are you?’
“I said I’m fine.” You rushed out of the room, dashing into your own and shutting the door behind you. You took the chair from your desk and propped it against the handle. You undid the back of your dress and let it fall to the floor. You looked up and at the window by your desk. You saw yourself staring back at you. You saw the unnatural dip of your waist from the corset. You loosened it. You saw your eyes, no sparkle. You pulled the ribbon out of your hair. You saw the blood leaking from your nostrils, it dripped onto the arms that hugged your chest. You didn’t wipe it away. This is who I really am… Then it was cold, it crawled up your back. That presence was strong, it always made it’s clear when you were vulnerable.
“Stop. Go back.” It whispered into your connective tissue, the vibrations echoed through the blood in your veins and dispersed through your nose as you took a breath.
“What are you?” You asked to freezing air.
“Home. Go home.” It muttered.
“What even is home anymore? I think I lost it on the way here…”
“Rise. Phoenix will come. Reborn once more. For you have commanded it.” Then it was gone, no trace, no presence, no watching. You fell onto your bed and curled up into a ball. You grabbed your head cloth off your desk and wiped you nose.
I’m fine. I can handle this. Don’t freak out.
The next day, Philip went out, he stayed out for most of the day. When he came back, he said hello to you, in that same voice. He would talk with the others and then go up to his room. This happened again the next day, and the next day, and the next, and the next. It was frustrating, he was completely ignoring you and you weren’t the only one who noticed. Every time you two were in the same room together, all eyes would be on you and once he left, they’d stay on you. Even AJ tried to stay next to you when you were together, he wanted to try and comfort you and that broke your heart. Angie said she tried to confront him at one point but he kept evading the question. Angie, Johnny, Willy and Lizzy’s birthday passed, Christmas passed, his birthday passed, nothing. This waiting game was killing you. Alex and Eliza tried to comfort you, they were worried about Philip as well. It didn’t help that the smell perfume would fill the room whenever he’d walk in. You wanted to talk to him, you wanted to tell him everything and you tried. He would shoot you down every time, not quite letting you finish. “Sorry, I’ve got a paper to write.” “I apologize; I have to meet my friend soon.” You wondered what happened, what made him have a distaste for you. Why couldn’t he look at you the way he did before? Or call you his starlight? Just one more time… Then you heard a knock at the door.
You straightened out your skirt and approached the door. You smiled politely as you opened it up.
“Welcome to the Hamilton estate, is there any way that I may assist you today?”
“Excuse me, Miss. I am here to see a dear friend of mine. Is Alexander here?” There was something about the way this man spoke that made you curious. You looked up at him, he was tall, had warm, sepia colored skin paired with dark facial hair and tight curls pulled back into a ponytail. His suit was a deep blue and he stood tall, he had fantastic posture.
“Um, yes, he is here. May I have your name, sir?” You asked.
“Ah, yes, forgive my rudeness. I have not been America for quite some time. Alexander knows me by Lafayette.” I KNEW HE SOUNDED A LITTLE FRENCH! TEN POINTS FOR ME!
“Oh! No, no! Nothing to worry about! Please come in!” You smiled wide and opened the door up for him, once he was inside you shut it behind him. “Does Alex know you’re coming?”
“Yes, he is aware, don’t worry. He said that it would be a good surprise for the children!” He said proudly.
“Well, I’ll take you to his stu-“ A loud, booming voice interrupted your sentence.
“I thought I recognized that French voice from somewhere!” Of course, it’s always Alex!
“Monsieur Hamilton!” Lafayette shouted.
“Monsieur Lafayette!” They both made their ways over to each other and initiated in the bro hug that you remembered so clearly. Seriously, I won’t get an explanation for that will I? Alex went over to the stairs and called for the children. It wasn’t long before a small army of Hamiltons came running down the steps to hug Lafayette.
“Uncle Laf! Uncle Laf!” Angie cried as she ran over to hug the tall man.
“Goodness! You have gotten so big, ma petite ange! I haven’t seen you since you were une tout petite fauteuse de troubles!” He laughed, he noticed her hair. “New style? It suits you.” Angie seemed relieved by the compliment. Philip came down and you tried to look nonchalant. “Ah, the boy of the hour! Glad to see that you are well, Philip. You never did get back to me about that package I sent you.”
“Actually, Angelica took it from me and refuses to give it back.” Philip scolded.
“Don’t blame me for looking better in it!” She scoffed.
The next few days were like this, everyone was excited about having Lafayette in the house. It gave everyone a bit more energy, everyone except you that is. You sat in the main room, your Midsummer Night’s dream in hand. You didn’t look at the pages, just stared out at your own reflection in the grand windows, and then you saw another face in the glass. You turned to find Lafayette kneeling down beside your chair.
“Miss Y/N, you seem out of sorts. Is something the matter?” He asked with a mix of concern and intrigue. You tried to brush it off, make it seem unimportant.
“No, I’m alright. Nothing to worry about.” He sighed at your answer.
“Let me tell you something, Miss Y/N. Back during the war, I was the mediator of my group. I’m good at knowing when someone is lying and I do not wish to, how you say, toot my own horn but I would say that I’m a fairly good listener. Now, is something the matter?” You couldn’t but feel like you needed to tell someone about how you were feeling. As much as you loved the others, they would be more conflicted. Lafayette was probably the closest thing to a third party that you were going to get. So, you told him everything you could. You told him about your feelings for Philip, how he drifted away, all of your fears about the situation, how horrible of a person you started to believe yourself to be. He just sat there and listened, only stopping you a few times to ask a question. You felt a little better afterwards, it was surprising how much of a relief it was to just get it out into words for someone else to hear instead of writing it away to fester. He took a deep breath.
“Got any advice for that?” You asked, trying to lighten the mood, he stood up.
“We’ll see.” He said simply before turning and leaving you at the window. What…What does that even mean?
A few days later, you were serving tea to Eliza and Alex when Philip strolled into the parlor.
“Mom, Pops, I have a question.” That was another one of his new things, calling Alex and Eliza that. They still didn’t seem used to it.
“What is it, my son?” Alex asked before taking a sip of tea.
“There’s a ball at the end of this month. I would like to go to it and I would like to bring someone with me.” He stated.
“Oh? Who would you like to bring?” Eliza asked sweetly.
“Miss Theodosia Burr.”
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{{ Mun: Portrayal Meme
1. Do you like how you portray your muse?
I mean, it’s all subjective, but from my perspective, I do like how I portray her, yes. c: Gentle but fierce in the right moment (which hasn’t been explored much on this blog, but is absolutely a part of who she is). I manage to condense her worlds of thought into words, and I portray a wide variety of reactions and situations and emotions, and even now and then, the RP goes on long enough to even EXPLORE it more!
That’s the only downfall of my portrayal though. It’s hard for me to move a scene past the introductory stages, just because it’s hard for me to write sometimes, so a lot of threads only get into Phase 1 and 2 of story, and never gets to the climax much, let alone a resolution. :P And because it’s hard for me to move a scene there, it’s hard to get Dove to a climactic and resolving place as well.
2. Do you think you do your muse justice?
For the most part, yeah. I feel like, due to the halting stop-and-go nature of Tumblr rps, it's really hard to move her past the point she's at. (That's why I ultimately decided to stop using a default timeline where Dove had just found the Titans, and decided to bump her up to the point after DDD and The Final Journey where she'd had her first unofficial "mission" and had already joined the team in their heroics. Plus, there's a lot more potential for Action Plots now that Dove (I don't think I'm leveraging that potential for her growth very much, though... hmmm.)
3. Do you portray your muse differently to the general fandom?
Obviously, Dove is my baby, so nobody else portrays her, exactly. There are a lot of fan characters with the barest concept being similar to Dove, though. Of course, I found out after I created a character to be Raven's sister, that was actually a very common trope in TT fanfiction circa 2006. Even the name "Dove" for fancharacters wasn't totally unique, I'd learn later. But my Dove is the only one I've found that's anything like her.
The vast majority of Raven-sibling OCs tend to do dark magic, wear dark clothes, have a temper, and oftentimes have some kind of royalty or Chosen One thing going on. On the other hand, Dove's power is telepathy, she’s garbed in a white dress much more suited to her Azarathean heritage, and she’s so painfully shy, you wouldn’t know she’s a superhero until you see her in the moment of Actual Action. The canon of the comics re: Azarath also informed Dove’s character quite a bit, so there’s a lot of spirituality in her-- even if she completely sucks at magic and meditation (the former, basically forever, but at least she gets better at meditation...) And that’s another thing; Dove’s stories (and RPs?) start her off much earlier in the developement of her powers. She doesn’t know how to control them yet, because her mother never figured out how, and Dove’s place among the team is very much that of a student or little siblings tagging along for the ride, moreso than the “Chosen One” type of story.
4. What aspects of your muse do you most want to explore?
Her growth through her relationships!
5. Are you looking to write any particular relationships with your muse?
I mean, I'm willing to explore a romantic relationship with her and Caleb so obviously I'm excited for that! But also the platonic relationships, friends, acquaintances, maybe a few enemies. People she might be able to help, being a hero in more pacifistic ways.
6. Is your muse canon-divergent? How? Why?
Dove was painstakingly developed specifically with canon in mind! (Mostly the comics, because it was adamantly stated that Trigon went after Raven so hard because she was THE ONLY child of his to survive! That's why Dove was kept a secret, kept hidden-- from the Watsonian perspective, it was because Dove's mother didn't want them to treat her child the way they treated Raven. But the Doylist explanation, the meta reason, boils down to the fact that Trigon, canonically, isn't supposed to have any other children, at all. and that canonical fact is why the "Sons of Trigon" storyline makes me SO ANGRY, but that's a rant for another time.
7. Is there a controversy or fandom disagreement revolving around your muse that has changed how you portray them?
(I mean, she's an OC, kinda hard to have controversy when I only ever interact with like 5 people tops. 8F)
8. Do you use narrative text differently between muses, or does your writing stay the same style for everybody?
Oh yes! My writing style changes dramatically based on mood and the character that's "narrating" the scene.
~ Dove's are usually very considerate, careful contemplation, so she tends to get a lot of words, and she's very quiet, so there's very little dialogue.
~ Kary's tends to be more "scoffy" and judgemental, physically and verbally expressive, and if she's contemplating, it's emotionally reactive.
~ Srentha is both bubbly and analytical, so his narrations tend to be eager and optimistic with a curious thought usually followed by a ton of questions or conclusions.
~ I haven't quite figured out what Leyla's style is yet, probably a mixed bag of contemplation and expression?
~ For grounded and perceptive Raven, I write brief and stark sentences, quick and to the point. (With the occasional thoughtful paragraph, because she's snarky, but she also has a lot going on internally.)
9. What thread types (e.g. angst, fluff) do you think portrays your character at their most genuine?
Angst, horror, and hurt/comfort especially! For me, writing about Dove isn't about agonizing over her suffering, it's about how she heals from it and comes back stronger. It's about the people she's with who are willing to help her. It's about the COMFORT, not necessarily the hurt for me. (Though I'm always down for some delicious drama. As long as we can show them Being Better Afterwards, too.)
10. Are there any crossovers you’d be especially interested in writing?
Dove on the Infinity Train? Whoooo boy, that could get interesting super fast! (So many opportunities for worldbuilding and character development!)
11. Do you write drabbles/headcanons for your character? Do you discuss them OOC, away from Tumblr?
I talk about Dove all the time, okay. I don't think I have a single friend who doesn't know about Dove. Even my family knows about Dove.
12. Do you think your muse would act differently if they had interacted with different characters in the past?
OH yeah. One of Dove's biggest struggles is social anxiety born from never interacting with anyone except her mother (and secretly Srentha every now and again). If Dove's situation was any different, she'd have much more confidence in social situations, and she'd be more at ease and more verbal. She'd show her calm, "zen" side to a lot more people.
13. Do you have any plans for the future of your muse? Would you like to see them grow a certain way?
Shipping with Caleb will already fulfill one of my curiosities. But I'd really like to write about her Getting Over Her Fears in battle. She doubts herself and hesitates, which is a terrible thing to do in the heat of battle. She doubts her abilities and either tries way too hard and blows things up, or doubts her control and tries to do something way too lightly which becomes totally ineffective. I'd LOVE for her to interact with muses that have the kinds of minds that can become psychological horror with Dove, considering she's a telepath! I got a taste of that once with an old friend's OC, and it was so FASINATING! Intriguing! Dove didn't know what to do with herself! I think in general, just putting Dove in a New Situation and making her figure out how to cope (or: how to GET OUT ALIVE!) sounds PHENOMENAL.
14. Do you wish you had a better grasp on a certain aspect of your muse?
I've been writing with Dove endlessly since 2005. And a few years before then, there are action-figure-based stories I was playing through with her. So what I'm saying is, there's not much I don't already know about her, and well enough to babble about for a collegiate-length essay if you let me! The only thing that's not explored Especially Much is Dove when she's in a romantic mindset. And that's largely because I'm aro, so I don't... really know how to write about that. Oops.
15. If you could start your blog again with a clean slate, what would you do differently with your muse? Would you change any of their base principles?
Dove's base principles are firmly rooted in the character I wanted to explore, so everything about her core concept stays! The only thing I'd change is that maybe I'd write more further down in her timeline, instead of making every single rp a story about Dove struggling even to interact. Sometimes it worked to the story's advantage. But most of the time, it just made interactions feel like I was playing the same thing over and over. I wish I'd known about pre-established relationships being a thing earlier on, then I feel like some much more interesting stories could have been written! (And that, my friends, is why I write with her post-TFJ, as an active-duty Teen Titan, and not just a meek houseguest. With rare exceptions, but Hero Dove is the default!)
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Breaking... Ch. 11
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Wordcount: 3214
Warnings: Cursing, questioable decisions, plot
Tags!: @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit @renae-writes @deltablue202 @literally-melonkitty @meunicorn @favouritefighting-frenchman @demi-godamit @gum-and-chips @sweaterkitty-fluff @pinkyiger7 @littlemissshortcakes @msageofenlightenment @unprofessional-inhumanbeing @fandom-panda-221 @hummusandchips @spoopy-piineapple @ashwolfcub @myself-and-the-madman @sweet-fate @superwholockbooknerd526 If anyone else wants to be tagged please just send me an ask!
Breaking Theories
The haze you had fallen into slowly lifted off of your fatigued body. Why is it so damn hot? You stretched out your body, which was surprisingly difficult due to the immense amount of blankets laying on top of you. You pushed them off of you and sat up, your body feeling stiff. What the hell happened? I don’t know how much more of this crap I can take. These outbursts keep getting worse and they hurt like hell… Why can’t the late 1700s have internet?! You pushed yourself off the bed and wobbled towards the door, your legs were still feeling a bit weak. Just as you were about to open the door you heard a voice somewhere close by. You quietly opened the door and peeked your head out to find the voice, or more accurately the voices. You looked towards the stairs and found Alex and Rachel talking to each other.
“I’m worried Alexander… I don’t know if I take care of her, I don’t even know what’s wrong!” Rachel exclaimed.
“I understand Rachel; I am worried about Titania as well. Since you refuse to allow me to stay until she awakes I can only trust you to help her. I believe in you, your strong, resourceful and have a good head on your shoulders, you’ll know exactly what to do when the time comes.” Alex tried to reassure her but she looked troubled. He sighed and continued. “I only saw your mother a few times while she was alive but I can easily say you are the spitting image of her, you even have her name. However, whenever I look at you I only see your father. You’re a fighter, I know you’ll persevere.” Alex smiled, Rachel smiled back.
“Thank you Mr. Hamilton.” She said hopefully Alex chuckled.
“You know you don’t have to call me Mr. Hamilton, Alexander works just fine. Just because you’re an adult now doesn’t mean I am any less of your friend.” Rachel looked down for a moment, almost like she was debating something.
“Very well, Alexander you better hurry up. The coach will be here soon and we do not want to keep the children waiting.” Aw, I’m glad they’re on good terms again. Alex smiled down at her but the look on his face gave you the impression that he had more decide.
“Actually Rachel, there is something more I must tell you.” Just after he said that he leaned down and whispered into her ear. You could see his lips moving but you couldn’t hear what he was saying. When Alex straightened his posture Rachel’s eyes suddenly perked up.
“Wait, are you serious? That’s unbelievable…” What’s unbelievable damn it?!
“Your father was a very caring man; he would never leave you without giving you something useful. I believe you are old enough to have this responsibility. Now come, Betsy will want to say goodbye to you as well.” He turned and began to walk down the stairs, Rachel following close behind him. You quietly stepped out of the room and closed the door behind you. You walk toward the stairs and heard the bustling and excited voices of the family below. You slowly descended the stairs and saw everyone rushing about in the main room. Everyone except for Philip, he was sitting at the base of the stairs, you could only see him from the back but by the way his shoulders were slumped you could tell he was glum. Angie was wearing her baby pink under dress, white gloves and matching hat. She bounced around excitedly with AJ in his light brown vest and coat, you’d never seen him wear a hat until now, it looked too big on him. Jamie and Johnny were standing by Eliza, they were wearing similar outfits to AJ except Jamie’s was a dull red and Johnny’s was a baby blue. Eliza had on her greenish blue under dress with her hair pulled back into a loose braid. Angelica looked really similar to Angie, especially since their clothes were practically identical. Rachel was holding Willy, wrapped up in his little white bundle, she was the first one to notice you looking out at the scene.
“Y/N? Oh, praise you’re awake!” She looked like could finally breathe. Everyone looked over at you with relief, Philip specifically jumped up from his spot and climbed up to you.
“Star! How are you? Are you well rested? Are you still cold? Do you need to eat? You have been asleep since yesterday! Oh my, you look pale! Do you need my jacket? Because I could-“ You grabbed his hand and shushed him.
“Sunshine I’m alright. You can slow down a bit. And to answer your questions; yes, no, not yet, and no I do not need your jacket.” I can’t believe I made him this worried…I’m so sorry Philly… You gave his hand a comforting squeeze, he sighed and clutched into his chest.
“Thank goodness… I couldn’t sleep a wink last night! When I saw you on the ground yesterday I was scared out of my wits! You were cold to the touch… my anxieties got the best of me that night…” It’s moments like these that I remember how much younger he is compared to me. Physically it’s only three years but emotionally it must be over two hundred and fifty! I need to stop getting him all worked up… You looked up at him sadly.
“I’m sorry Philly, I don’t know what got into me there.” You weren’t lying, nothing about this situation made any sense to you.
“That’s quite alright, I’m simply happy that you are in better health! I’m glad I got a chance to see you before we leave!” He smiled blissfully at you as he helped you down the rest of the steps to meet with the others. Eliza had her arms wrapped around you in an instant.
“I’m so glad that you are up and about dear! You gave us all quite a fright!” Next it was Angie, hugging you by the waist.
“TT! You’re back! You didn’t get to help me get dressed but that’s ok! I’m going to miss you but never fear! I shall be back by your side when the frost passes!” All the boys came rushing at you at once. AJ looked happy, Jamie looked worried and Johnny was almost in tears. You kneeled down and scooped all of them up in your arms. Poor Johnny, he looks scared to death. You pulled away and wiped the tears from his eyes.
“Hey now Johnny! No need to cry over me, I’m just fine, see?” He looked and you and sheepishly nodded his head. Alexander walked into the room after turning out of the hall, carrying a satchel that he didn’t have before.
“Titania? You’re awake!” He ran over to you gave you a comforting hug. You patted him on the back to assure him of your safety.
“Alex, I’m ok, really.” You heard loud footsteps from outside and the door busting open. That seems to be a running theme in this house… It was Hercules and Cato.
“Alright everyone, the coach is ready! Everything is already packed in!” He looked over and noticed you. “Y/N? It’s good that you’re up, I heard about what happened. I’m glad to see that you’re in higher spirits!” He exclaimed. You gave him a warm smile. He’s a precious teddy bear oh geez! Rachel looked over at Cato and trotted over to Eliza, handing Willy over to her. She made her way over to you and leaned in close to your ear.
“I can’t let anyone get suspicious. When everyone is saying their goodbyes tell Cato, yes, he’ll know what it means.” She whispered and then walked past you toward the children. Rachel gave each of them a hug but it lasted a little bit longer than you expected. She’s pretty affectionate today, huh? She looked somewhat sad as she walked over to Eliza, hugging her side and saying something in her ear and then doing the same for Alexander. She really isn’t acting like herself… She didn’t even look at Cato as she made her way over the stairs. Something really isn’t right here… All the younger kids skipped over to you, you gave each of them a gentle pat on the head and told them you’d see them very soon. As they all ran out of the room, throwing their cloaks and coats on, Eliza used her free arm to give you a hug.
“Take care of the house, dear. We shall be back before you know it!” Alex helped her with her own cloak and she walked out to the carriage.
“Be careful while we’re away, alright Titania?” Alex instructed.
“Already got it covered… Dadexander!” He shook his head at your joke.
“Honestly, your word play is simply ridiculous!” He’s holding in his smile; I see you Alex! He pulled on his extra coat and followed Eliza outside, Philip was the only one left. He stepped over to you but something about his movement told you that he wasn’t too happy. Maybe it was the unusual way his shoulders were slumped, maybe it was the exaggerated steps he was taking, maybe it was how he held his arms behind his back, or maybe it was just because you knew Philip.
“I could still convince them to bring you with us, you’d like it upstate! You could meet my grandfather too, I’m sure father would be alright with letting you come-“ You shushed him, pulled his right arm from behind his back and held his hand.
“No Philly, you know I can’t go with you. It’ll only be for a couple of months, I’ll be back by your side in no time! Besides, Rachel would be lonely without me here to keep her company.” He intertwined your fingers and sighed.
“I know… I’m just worried about you is all!”
“You don’t have to worry about me. If anything I should be worried! What are you going to do without me there to make sure you don’t get into trouble?” You joked, he didn’t seem to find it funny.
“I have no idea…” You wrapped your right arm around his back, hoping that your embrace will reassure him.
“It’ll be okay; you can always write to me if that makes you feel better? After all, you do have a way with words.” You pulled away and saw a faint smile on his spotted cheeks. That’s more like it… Smiles fit you better than anything else. He let go of your hand and held his arm out to you.
“If that’s the case than I would like to at least have you escort me out, will you do me the honors?” He asked with a cheeky grin. And we’re back! You linked arms and began to walk towards the door. Everyone was outside, there were two carriages and the kids were trying to figure out who they were riding with. You saw Cato helping Eliza into the carriage, you parted from Philip.
“I’ll be right back; I have to check the luggage.” He nodded as you made your way over to Cato; once you stood by his side you whispered to him.
“Rachel wanted me to let you know that she says yes.” You pulled back and saw him literally holding in his joy. He looked like a kid on Christmas, like stupidly happy, it was great. He nodded excitedly.
“Thank you so much for telling me! This is fantastic!” He hurriedly ran over to Hercules, who was helping the Angelicas into the second carriage. Phillip made his way over to you, he must have decided to ride with his parents. You were going to say something but you were surprised when Philip grabbed both of your shoulders and pressed his lips to your forehead, holding you there like that for a moment. You didn’t move, for that matter you couldn’t, your heart skipped a beat. He moved his head away and looked down at you.
“I shall write to you every day and think of you every night when I look up to the shimmering sky. Wait for me until spring approaches, my shining star.” He hopped into the carriage and closed the door behind him as you took a step back. The coachmen had the horses pull the multicolored carriages out onto the empty roads.
“I’ll see you soon sunshine…” You spoke to yourself as the sounds of wheels and hooves got softer, the colors getting smaller and smaller. You didn’t notice how nippy the air was due to how warm your cheeks and heart felt. You heard Rachel call to you from the door.
“Y/N! What are you doing? Do you wish to fall ill?” You snapped back to reality and hurried back into the house, Rachel closing the door behind you, she looked nervous.
“So? What did he say? Was he happy? Was he upset? Did I wait too long?”
“Whoa, calm down Ray, he was extremely happy! Now you have to tell me what he was so excited about!” She seemed to shy away slightly. Okay Rachel is never shy, what’s going on? She sighed.
“I’ll tell you if you promise not to freak out and get mad at me.”
“Okay, I promise. I won’t freak out and I will never be at you. Now spill it, sister.” She took a deep breath blurted it all out at once.
“Cato and are going to run away together, we leave at the end of December!” What? WHAT?! She nodded her head happily as she read your surprised expression.
“S-Seriously? Rachel! That’s wonderful! Congratulations!” You wrapped your arms around her and squeezed her tightly. She hugged back and both you jumped up and down joyously. You separated and there were tears of joy rolling out of her green eyes.
“Thank you so much for being so supportive! I really need that tight now!” She sniffled.
“Of course I’m supportive! You’re my friend and you’re in love! Wait…why do you need support? Is something wrong?”
“It’s complicated… I’m going to him, I’ll walk if I have to, the problem is the cold. I’d probably die trying to get there… Oh no, I haven’t thought about this thoroughly!” She exclaimed. Idea! I have an idea! I love my brain!
“I’ll help you! There’s still a few horses in the stable, we can ride there together! I’ll even help you pack and everything!” You smiled at her, she looked relieved. The two of you agreed to the plan, a blissful feeling washing over you.
For the rest of that December, the two of you talked. Talked about everything she had to do. As the frost grew outside the plans started to fall through. Rachel wrote a letter to each of the family members. It took her days to figure out what to say to them, it wasn’t until you reassured that you could always write to them and most likely see them some time in the future that she was able to relax long enough to write. She gave you one of her old cloaks, the snow outside was quickly piling up. On the morning Rachel pulled you aside from your last minute preparations.
“There’s one last thing we need to get, follow me.” She said as you both fastened your cloaks. She led you down to Alex’s study and let herself in.
“Rachel? What are we doing?” You asked. She walked over to Alex’s desk and started opening drawers.
“Alexander told me that my father left me something that will help.” She reached into the back of the bottom drawer and pulled out a larger fabric sack. It looked heavy and you could see several bumps hitting the fabric.
“Alexander said that this has roughly $70 in it. My father left it with him in the intent to give it to me when I’m old enough. It won’t last forever… but it’ll be enough to get us started at least.” She set the bag inside her pack that she was bringing with her. She looked on at the house as the two of you walked through the main room. She knew it may be a while before she saw this place again, it was especially hard since the people living within were all she really knew. But she put on a brave face and followed you outside to the stables.
You picked the horse Rachel told you was most suited for the job and the two of you climbed on together. And so the two of you set out, the cold was harsh but luckily the snow was pretty calm. It took you both the entire day to reach the edge of the estate, the sun had already fallen when you found Cato waiting by the gates in a heavy coat, carrying several packs. Rachel jumped off the horse and ran toward him happily, clutching onto him.
“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this! Are sure we can trust your friend to get us to the other side of the state safely?” She asked, he nodded with confidence.
“Do not fear my love, we’ll be setting up our home together by next week at the latest!��� You got off the horse and waited for them to settle. Rachel looked over at you with sad eyes, she ran over to you and gave you a final hug.
“Thank you Y/N. I’ll write to you as soon as I can! We’ll see each other before you know it!” She smiled.
“I don’t doubt that Rachel.” You grinned back. She thought for a moment.
“Before I go, let me give you one last piece of advice… Always run with the thing you love, never from it, or else you’ll lose sight of it.” She let go of you and went back to Cato and took his hand. “Goodbye, Y/N. I’ll miss you…” Her smile was sad but her eyes were hopeful. And so they went off together, disappearing into the night. You climbed back onto the horse and looked back toward the direction they went.
“I’ll miss you too Rachel…” You ushered the horse to move forward, taking the route back to the estate. But as you drew closer to downtown the wind picked up, the snow began to flurry around you. You felt the cold hit your cheeks like daggers as the night swirled around you. You tried to keep your fears down but your horse was starting to get agitated. She started to speed up, moving about in different directions, you couldn’t control her.
“Hey girl! Slow down now!” You tried to calm her but neither of you could see properly with the thick snow flying past you. “Slow down! St-“ She was going too fast and galloped against the ground too hard, you were thrown off, a scream escaping your frozen lips. You saw the earth below approaching you fast, the snow piling up but you recognized grey pieces poke out from the white mass. You hit the ground powerfully and you could pick out the sharp pain that hit the left side of your head as it pulled you away.
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