#I feel poopy for not tagging more - BUT THERE'S SO MANY
thelittlediaperidol · 4 months
Hello! Do you post anywhere else? You post great content and seem so very genuine, but Tumblr has been so aggressive with their moderation.
I do! But I’m super careful on Tumblr these days because you can get banned whether you break the rules or not, is all about whether or not you’ve had a large amount of people report your post then it will get hidden and if that happens enough your account will get deleted….
so is important when using tags to not use ddlg tags or commonly searched words like “sexy gir” or anything that a large amount of vanilla people would be searching for because if you do a lot of those people get freaked out or weirded out and they will report the post even if there’s no rules broken. My first Tumblr reached just about 200,000 followers before it got deleted with no explanation and no way to appeal… so almost all of us, girls have back up tumblers, which is allowed, in case our mains get deleted, which happens pretty frequently, even though I’ve been in the top 10 a few times there are certain models that are basically untouchable for whatever reason, you will never see the ABbTumblr page get deleted, You will never see Apple or Faye’s account deleted As well as some of the other girls that have been doing this for like seven years or more. but 70% or more of our revenue comes through people that find us on Tumblr… so is a necessary evil in my opinion 🫠 thas why I’m a dumb drooly baby cuz dada take care of all that for me, we are a team 🥰. I think I’m probably one of the only girls that actually lives as a baby 24 seven. dada an I do have serious thoughts when buying a new home or car. I have never actually called him by his real name. I have always only called him, Dada or daddy hehe. but at this point I’ve been in diapers 24 seven for so long I have legitimately forgotten what it feels like to be potty trained or to have the ability to hold in number one or number two. is tha ultimate humiliation an dada always pulls my diaper band back to see if my diaper is dirty or not yet, no matter where we are or what we’re doing. no even though we carry around a diaper bag, powder, etc. and my stuffy We are very careful out in public to never expose our kink to anyone, but there have been a few accidents, like if I’m leaning over to grab something off the bottom shelf there has been times where my diaper is in full view, and when I turned around there is like 20 or more people looking! So that was utterly terrifying and humiliating, and I legitimately did not mean to do that tha diapers are so normal and natural to me at this point that I usually don’t even think about them. they have gotten to the point where there is many times where I haven’t even realized that I pooped my pants until dad walks in and announces it to me and whatever friend I’m with whether they are fellow models or not, all of my friends already know, and they’re OK with it, being off by your husband to have your poopy diaper changed oh, while your best friend knows exactly what you just did is so incredibly humiliating being humiliated like that is one of my biggest turn ons… you have to be so careful to be respectful of our community and of our friends so I’ve had talked with all my friends and asked if it’s OK that this an dada leading by tha arm to a handicap bathroom and then bring me back, fresh and clean, usually with a bottle in my hand. I always ask my friends if they want to try and it’s rare that they say yes, which is perfectly OK! But every now and then one of them is curious and they want to try wearing a diaper and sucking on the pacifier when we play video games…i can tell some of them want to try so badly but they’re way too embarrassed to admit it but a few of them have played mommies in the videos with me or mistaken babysitters, that somehow went to the wrong house and think I’m the toddler that needs to be babysitted regardless of how much I protest or beg! but we never suddenly spring this, on any of our friends ever, we usually write a script, tell them what I do for a living, if they have any sign of interest, they tell them more, and I invite them to join in and some capacity if they would like to, but never pressure, always all about consent, Then, even before I considered myself, an ABDL i really should have been in diapers because of always had a very weak bladder that led to many many embarrassing accidents over the years…
but this is the life I wanted to live and it genuinely makes me happy and we make a good living doing this. Of course, every single person in my life, including all of my family members and extended family members no now thanks to a nasty cousin of mine, telling everyone… happened a long time ago and it doesn’t bother me anymore except for the fact that my girl cousins that are my age know that I’m wearing a messy diaper when a Thanksgiving dinner and they know when I get pulled to the side by daddy what’s going on (mega red cheeks).
Never wanted to involve my family in any capacity whatsoever, but we were forced to and I didn’t lie about it. I just said that I need them and this is just how it is now….
Littlediaperidol #babygurl #I needmydiapers
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aaami · 2 years
Hey I noticed u were upset abt not getting attention on twitter? I have a few tips if you want them!
-use lots of hashtags
-make fanart (I recommend Pokémon or celebs?)
-caption your art with a joke or a quote
-interact with others and do art trades
-make art relevant to trending tags
-make art that’s appealing to non-artists: realism, bright colors, and “aesthetics” (cottagecore, goth, etc)
-make art that “feels good to interact with” like stuff with a political message (pollution and mental health are examples)
I understand your post was a vent, and that it’s important to make art you like instead of what’s marketable but alas. I am that guy. Your art is genuinely beautiful and I love the way u do blending and shading and I WANT TO SEE U SUCCEED <333333
so sorry if this hurts you or makes things worse. I’m not very socially apt unfortunately
The post was more of a tiny vent about how it feels like my posts often disappear into the void and the audience I have managed to gather doesn't get to see everything. Twitter is poopy that way (and for many other reasons). But yea, those things would certainly get my art more attention, but I kinda just don't want to draw things I'm not genuinely interested in, since I draw mostly for myself on my free time.
School and hopefully future work stuff is a different thing, those I handle with a different, more professional mentality because you can't always work only on things that you are super into (which is a big reason why on my free time just do my own thing).
Drawing stuff just because they are popular at the moment isn't my thing (it's very important to me to have a connection to what I'm doing or it will feel lifeless and boring to me), but this might be good advice for someone else who wishes to grow their audience!
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marikyuu · 7 months
I watched the livestream RT did the other day last night and I'm still feeling that sadness, I thought about posting something but didn't, but I guess I am?
I started watched RT in like 2010/2011, really got into them in 2012. But long before any of that, I watched RvB not knowing it was something RT did. It was on some other website that I can't even remember now, along with myriad of other content I found.
I stopped watching them after a certain On the Spot episode (I can't remember the number), with Gavin, Geoff, Jack, and Ryan. I remember this like it was yesterday, but was actually like 6-7 years now? Ryan made a rape joke and everyone went along with it and that's when I had enough of RT so I took a break.
2 or so years had passed and then STF formed and they started putting out videos. I loved their whole thing. They basically said, "this is my family and I'll bury anyone who hurts them". They did wholesome and chaotic stuff, the complete opposite of AH, which I still loved but I could no longer take the toxic content and bullying (the way friends will some times say terrible stuff to each other, but its supposed be in a "I love you" kind of way which is still horrible). Their whole group just meshed so well and it was what I needed at the time. My favorite video of theirs will always be a Minecraft vid, where someone starts a fire and absolute pure chaos happens and it is the funniest shit I've seen. They did a tiktok version of it and I've lost count of how many times I've watched it. And then they said STF was disbanding, it kind of hurt. They were the main reason I got back into watching RT, and then this little group of dorks I've come to call "home" was no longer a thing.
And then we get to now; the sadness I feel now... boy howdy, I didn't think typing this out would make me cry but here I am. Ahem... RT shutting down hurts a whole more than when The Creatures disbanded and I was more of a Creature fan than RT sadly. But it's as they said on the stream, RT was this whole other thing that existed. So much good came from them, so many good people, and unfortunately bad shit happened but that's bound to happen with anything. And now I'm just focusing on all the good things.
I'm a cry baby, so I 1000% cried tons during the stream, some broke me more then others. And thinking now, I will forever have "poopy diapers" stuck in my head. It was just some random thing that was said during one of the earlier Extralife stream where they were playing CAH, I can't remember the context of it being said but it was a team 2 Spoopy thing.
I went through the RT tag and there's just a whole lot of "they brought on themselves", "they should have made better money choices", and so on and so forth. But like, just chill the fuck out. We get it, you hate RT, cool, but like keep that to yourselves. Didn't you're parents ever tell you if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all? Hate and negativity is not needed right now, there's already enough of that in the world.
Anyway, I don't really know how to end this. I'll miss RT. <3
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vibrates i foudn so much good jjk art...lays down...sobs
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verothexeno · 5 years
Do you know any other good tmnt blogs?
Oh dayum, anon, that’s like asking me to choose a favorite child HAHAHA !There’s so many good blogs ! But I’ll list those I always go check because the content is GOLD !(Also, warning, there’s some NSFW/18+ stuff)
@fear-the-antiverse (Good RP skills DAYUM)
@jessie-merrow (feeling lusty? GO RIGHT THERE FAM)
@sultrysirens (god-tier fanfic YES. –btw, go check her Patreon, as soon as I get some loose money I’m so gonna throw some bucks in there HELL YEH)
@zzipa (art god right there and the humor is on POINT)
@waterstar2016 and @catchoow (good HCs and I like to scroll through their blogs once in a while *clap*)
and so many, many, MANY more! Right now my brain is poo as I’m busy with the screening events, getting flabbergasted by how good the music I composed sounds freaking great in a huge theater room and just crying with my friends because I’m so proud of them xD
(also I’ll tag my own TMNT blog because FAWCK YEH @memes-in-a-half-shell heheheh)
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
Non-Controversial Loki Headcanons for These Trying Times
1.) Loki has had dozens of Midgard-based aliases over the years, for no other reason than the fact that he was bored and it was funny. DB Cooper was one of them. Hank Williams was another. He may or may not have even pretended to be a vampire at some point.
2.) Loki can definitely sing. Not just in a funny ironic way, but like.. he actually enjoys singing. It shouldn’t even come as a surprise considering he’s such a fine arts nerd, but yeah. He plays the guitar too. Surprisingly folksy.
3.) Loki’s rooms in Asgard literally look like a witch’s lair. I mean straight up spooky. All dark earth tones, spellbooks strewn everywhere, runes drawn on the walls to keep certain big brothers from messing with things they have no business messing with, vials of poisonous stuff sitting on every available surface, shelves full of strange little trinkets and talismans, a dramatic ass medieval-looking bed, a whole ass cauldron… and then in the corner on a stand there’s his Hank Williams Guitar aasdfghhjkl-
4.) When people call Loki a witch, they’re not joking. He’s. Like. An actual stereotypical, like.. witch. He doesn’t just do finger wavy magic- he mixes potions, he does rune work, he recites spells, he has a cauldron.
5.) He also used to dress super witchy. Used to. Past tense. I’m talking black nail polish, lots of necklaces, rings, eyes makeup (ok maybe I wouldn’t go that far, but Loki in eyeliner would be pretty hot, right?), clothes that were like.. 15% scarier yet more fashionable than the ones he wears in canon. The only reason he toned it down was because someone whose opinion he cared about (it was Thor) made a joking comment about his appearance looking “wicked” or “evil” and it made him feel self conscious, so he changed how he dressed. :(
6.) He was rocking the whole short hair look years before Thor in Ragnarok. In fact, by pre-canon Loki’s standards, his hair in Thor 1 was even a bit too long. He did this because a.) he hates how his natural curls soften him and will do anything to get rid of them and b.) in Asgard short hair wasn’t really worn by noblemen because it symbolised servitude, so this was Loki’s subtle way of being defiant and deviating from the norm.
7.) As Frigga said in Endgame, Loki is very good at sneaking. Even when he’s not trying to. There have been many-an-accident in the Palace of Asgard because he unintentionally almost gave Thor a heart attack.
8.) Loki and Thor weren’t always at each other’s throats. They actually got along pretty well up until Odin started planning for the coronation. Loki was still jealous of the way Thor was treated compared to the way he was treated, but he knew that wasn’t Thor’s fault- not really. And Thor was still arrogant and entitled, but that was mostly directed at other people and not his own family, so while Loki knew about Thor’s character flaws, it didn’t really effect him personally. When the planning started, though, Thor gradually became even more superior and insufferable than normal, and Loki became even more bitter and unsettled, and their relationship just kind of went downhill from there.
9.) Loki absolutely joined the Mile High Club with that flight attendant from the first episode of the show. Her name was Florence and she was adorable, Loki thought so too.
10.) Loki’s the only person on Asgard who can beat Volstagg at an eating competition. He has a giant’s metabolism, after all. And, contrary to his elegant and refined tastes in most other areas, he’s actually a straight-up carnivore. I mean he eats other foods too, obviously, but meats are by far his favourites. Boar, fish, poultry, steak. Just meats. He doesn’t know it, but this is because frost giants are mostly carnivorous.
11.) His relationship with the Warriors 4 was always split down the middle. He and Sif always hated each other. Hogun never trusted him and Loki never had any interest in spending time with Hogun. Fandral and Volstagg, on the other hand, were always much nicer and Loki always sort of considered them his friends as well as Thor’s. This is why they were more reluctant to believe that he’d let the frost giants in in Thor 1.
12.) I refuse to believe Loki doesn’t have at least one tattoo somewhere. Probably more. Probably of a snake. The only parts of his body we didn’t see naked in Episode 1 were his thighs, lower back, knee area, pelvic region, and the back of his neck. So it’s gotta be in one of those places. (Might I suggest: snake thigh tattoo, tiny nape tat, goth tramp stamp lol, rune tat behind his ear, Norse mythos leg tat, badass above-dick tattoo).
13.) Loki’s prickly and insecure and has layers like an onion, but once you get to the point of actually being friends with him, he’s a total sweetheart. I mean a literal smol dork. A bit hyperactive and excitable, but still very very soft. It’s because he’s had so few actual friends in his life.
14.) Sometimes Loki only goes a few days before his gender changes, sometimes he stays one gender for years at a time. And he tends to shapeshift his body to match. That being said, one of his biggest pet peeves is how his other-gendered clothes get all dusty and musty when they have to stay in the closet for long stretches of time. So he’s taken to wearing luxurious gowns around the house when he’s in his male form. You know, just to air them out.
15.) Loki hates sleeping with people. Sex is fine, but he’s just so solitary and paranoid that he’s never been comfortable sleeping in a bed with another person. This may or may not have gotten him in trouble a few times when his partners woke up and found him gone lol.
16.) Laufey is actually incredibly similar to Loki, the way Odin is very similar to Thor. He prefers smaller blades (ice daggers), he’s very analytical and calculating, he’s very calm and non-confrontational even when he’s in a stressful situation, and tbh he seems like a better king than Odin- much like Loki probably would’ve been a better kind than Thor. (Whoopsie this one’s a bit controversial)
17.) Loki adores animals! …But he’s also a bit obsessive about keeping his environment clean. Not organised, per se, just clean. And animals tend to be hairy and slobbery and feathery and slimy and poopy and dirty, so he’s never been able to have a pet. He just takes a lot of nature walks to compensate :)
18.) All jotuns are naturally intersex, including Loki. This is a bit unusual for Asgardians, but because Loki is genderfluid and a natural-born shapeshifter- and has always had a tendency to change his body parts around as his gender changes (male, female, both, neither)- he’s never had a reason to find it very odd. In hindsight, that was one of the many eccentricities that should have made him realise something was a little fishy with his “asgardian” genetics.
19.) The snake + stabbing story from Ragnarok was nowhere near as nefarious as Thor made it seem. What actually happened was: Someone accidentally mixed a real knife in with the blunted practice knives. Thor and Loki didn’t know this, of course, and when they were playing a battle game, Loki ended up with the real knife. When Loki “won” and went to “vanquish his enemy” he ended up actually stabbing Thor for real. They were both hysterical and it took longer to calm Loki down than his brother. It ended up just being a flesh wound, though, so everything turned out fine.
20.) A lot of people think Loki discovered his “secret passageways between worlds” from TDW through some sort of inter-realm questing or magical study or something, but in reality, he discovered them when he was like 16 and desperately trying to find a way to sneak out of Asgard without Heimdall telling his parents.
Tagging @natures-marvel & @little-s-creampuff for expressing interest. Thx for listening to my mad ravings lmao <3
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jinpanman · 4 years
beautiful boy - teaser uwu
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anticipated post date: sunday, nov 15, 2020 @ idk-what-time o’clock!
pairing: namjoon x oc, namjoon x reader
genre: fluff, angst, single dad!au
final wc: um...it will be less than 15k...
warnings: reader is deceased.
a/n: LMAO ssooo this fic spiraled out of control. pls someone stop me. ‘tis a part of BTS Ghosties Dynamite Dads event soon to come your way! also uwu if you wanna be tagged when this fic drops, maybe, let me know 🥺👉👈💕🌱
“Daddy can you tell me about how you met mommy again?”
“Yeah, buddy of course. You know I always will.”
Jimin settles on his lap and he tells his son the story of how he and his mother met. Namjoon is brought back to the very beginning of it all. 
Just five years ago, he was here at this very park reading a novel that his pen pal had recommended to him when he bumped into you. His friends had always laughed at his tendency to trip over thin air, but who would have thought his accident-prone tendencies would eventually lead him to the love of his life? In hindsight, he should’ve known better than to walk around nose deep in a book. Before he knew it, he was sent flying to the ground with a sudden increase of body weight on top of him.
He never had time to feel embarrassed because the cup of coffee that was previously in your hand had now spilled all over him. It was a miracle the coffee wasn’t piping hot, but it was still warm enough to have him squirming to get out from underneath whoever this lady was. Their meeting was the classic tale of clumsy boy meets headstrong girl who wouldn’t take no for an answer. The first seed had been planted. You exchanged numbers and somehow one meeting to make up for the spoiled shirt and wasted coffee turned into two meetings which then turned into three… 
Before he knew it, Namjoon fell very much in love with you. It wasn’t long until you revealed what you assumed would make him run for the hills. He later found out it was out of pure preservation on your part. You didn’t want to fall more in love with him if he wasn’t going to stay. That morning you first met at the park, you had only just found out yourself. The news you shared with him didn’t deter him from falling in love, though. In fact, it only made him love you more. You were growing a whole little human all by yourself. How could he not fall in love with another piece of the person that had quite literally swept him off his feet upon their first meeting. Yet again, another seed had been planted within the crevices of Namjoon’s heart.
The seedlings had taken root deeply in his heart and grew so quickly under your nurturing love and care. You were well along your seventh month when they finally bloomed and the petals burst out of his mouth one random day in the form of a question that had been sitting on the tip of his tongue for many weeks. He was on the couch massaging your feet while you were watching a rerun of his favorite show. All of a sudden, his brain chimed with a realization. This was everything he wanted and the only thing that would make it better was… “Marry me?”
Everyone thought he was crazy. To fall in love so quickly with someone he just met? Who was pregnant with another man’s child? He could understand why those close to him were concerned, but Namjoon was never one to allow others' opinions to fill him with doubt. No one would be able to dissuade him from this decision. He knew you were the one for him, and he saw no point in waiting it out just because society said so. You both so wanted a huge celebratory ceremony, but you both also knew you had other priorities. With the blessing of both your parents, the two of you prepared for a small family wedding after your son’s birth.
Jimin was the second best thing to have ever happened to him. Nevermind that he wasn’t Namjoon’s biological son. Nevermind that Jimin took on your surname because you were not yet married. Namjoon could not have cared less. He never thought about it for a second. Even before Jimin was born, Namjoon loved him fiercely. Namjoon knew Jimin was his son.
You had two wonderful years as a family of three. You celebrated his first poopy, his first laugh, his first 100 days, and his first solid foods. You celebrated so many firsts together and Namjoon was on cloud nine. He found himself constantly searching the net for matching family clothes and despite having decent self-control, packages of father-son clothing would quickly pile up at your door.
This, of course, led to you planning for your first professionally taken photos as a family. Jimin was nearing 2 years of age, at that point. The seasons were changing, the weather was getting colder, but you always did love autumn. Namjoon never did understand your fascination with autumn. Since you loved flowers so much, he assumed you would love spring the most.
“It’s all about the sweater weather aesthetic, Joonie. You wouldn’t understand,” you had told him once, twice, several times throughout their marriage.
The matching family clothes he bought on impulse hung in their closet, ironed and lint-free, ready to be worn and flaunted. As luck would have it, the photographer you had your heart set on fell ill right before your scheduled photo shoot and had to postpone. And so there your clothes hung, for several weeks longer.
And then…
And then the worst moment of his life came much, much sooner than he could have ever anticipated. Namjoon never thought that his son's first battle with grief would arrive in the spring of his life.
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starcrossedyanderes · 4 years
The Wedding Part 1
(There will be a part 2 but this thing getting too long for me and i’m sweepy. enjoy. also there’s a mean lady who calls ya fat for literally no reason and she’s a mean poopy head and you’re all beautiful being you and she just a condor who’s a big mean poopy head and imma sleep now. Enjoy or whatever.
Silk, tulle, and lace cocooned your body. 
It fit you like a glove yet you couldn’t help to be slightly uncomfortable from the sheer weight of the material. Piled onto you were pounds and pounds of exquisite fabrics and despite the fact that it was designed with comfort in mind it could not be helped with the sheer weight of the accursed thing. 
The only parts of you the were free from this woven trap was all that was above your chest and a bunched up portion in front of your legs that allowed you to walk freely without ever stepping on the priceless dress. 
Your face felt heavy with far too excessive makeup and to make matters worse the pins that stuck up half of your hair scratched at your scalp. The wedding or reception hadn’t even started and here you were, fighting back a yawn. 
You had woken up far too early for this, and to think you haven’t even be allowed breakfast yet, ugghh! So far you had to experience 4 HOURS of pure torture, aka bathing, hair, and so, so much more. And of course Xavier had to hire the most well known person to prep you and manage everything, in other words an extremely cranky old woman.
To make matters more suprising at how long this was taking, you had no bridesmaids. Xavier didn’t have groomsmen, either. But the two of you did have your families here, of course but apparently the Royal Colvakian thing for weddings is no bridesmaids or groomsmen since all eyes should be focused on the couple.
Behind some servants you had gotten to know a bit better worked on the absurdly long train of your dress. Which just happened to add onto the weight of the dress. Oh, joy. As if walking in this monstrosity wasn’t going to be hard enough with heels on.
Well, you do take back your words. The dress was by far the most beautiful dress you had ever seen in your lifetime and is most likely the prettiest dress in the whole world. Also if you remember correctly the price tag was somewhere in the 10 millions.
At last the train had been secured and you were motioned to stand up and walk to a circlet of mirrors. You could feel the old woman’s eyes bore into yours but all you could focus on was you. 
Was that truly you?
Looking at you was a woman with (h/c) hair and was wearing a gorgeous, long, heavy wedding gown with platinum and gold embroidered into it with the slightest hints of purple at the tips that it could barely be seen. This could not be you! For this, this must be a princess!
You could feel some tears start to create but was stopped by that oh-so-annoying woman’s voice. 
“Don’t you dare cry! I refuse to do your mascara again!”
Your tears seemed to immediately go back into their ducts at the sheer idea of that woman getting anywhere near your eyes. Speaking of which she seemed to be circling around you like a hawk before a scowl crossed her face.
“That’s it! I know what’s wrong!”
She pointed a finger at one girl who was standing in the corner.
“You, girl! Unzip her and really tighten up that corset! The reason why this dress isn’t working on her is simply because she is too fat!”
She let out a cackle but was met by silence.
The meek girl in the corner did not dare move as you felt as if you had been slapped in the face; stunned speechless.
“What? You won’t do it? Can’t get good work these days, I suppose. I’ll do it then you good for nothing-”
You finally let out a noise as you screamed out when she zipped down a portion of your dress so she can pull at the wedding corset you wore underneath.
Before it was at the perfect tightness, feeling basically the same comfort as a bra. But when she tugged you felt all the air escape your lungs and body tighten in pain.
Before anything else was done the doors were burst open by what you assumed to be a guard that was standing outside. At once seeing the scene he looked absolutely dumbfounded.
He heard you scream and he could have sworn that old woman might have called you fat but either way he rushed over to the woman and pried her off of you. He had no idea what was going on but he knew for a fact that he was causing you excessive pain.
“What exactly happened here?”
That seem little maid before whispered up.
“For some reason the madame thought there was something with how the wedding dress looked on her then exclaimed that her highness was simply ‘too fat’ and started tightening her corset.”
It seemed the guard looked even more confused as he looked back and forth from the elderly woman to the maid before his eyes seemed to gain some understanding.
“For real, on her wedding day?”
“Put me down!” she screeched
The guard sighed and threw her over his shoulder before bowing down to you.
“My deepest apologies your highness for her behavior. Why she would tell such lies to you on your wedding day I have no idea. Someone else will take on from here, and as for you.. I’ve been ordered to take any troublemakers directly to the prince.”
And just like that the two of them were gone and you finally got the corset loose enough for you to breathe freely again.
“Yo, person who chillin’ in the corner. Could you zip me up and get me ready again? I fear what the outcome of Xavier waiting could be and I want out of this thing as soon as possible.”
The maid gawked for a second before nodding her head and getting to work.
  ・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
You could hear the chatter and music leaking through the doors as you stood outside the throne room. You were now fully prepared and your entire outfit turned out to be fabulous.
You know had a velvet purple sash with a glistening diamond set resting on one shoulder as it crossed over your body; a garmet that set you apart from every other bride, for you were a royal one. 
In your hands you held a large boquet of a large flower assortment that held oh so many varities that flowed together in a beautiful harmony. Your hair held an exquisite tiara gifted to you by Xavier and on your finger laid your engagement ring, which you have only been notified to be around 20 million dollars.
Your veil covered your vision slightly which you praised all above for. Oh the freedom of blinking felt just exquisite as you had to avoid doing so because of photographers getting your ‘getting ready shots’ taken. You swear the gave no warning before firing off that flash-
You heard the music change and you let out a deep breath before 2 guards swung open the large double doors and a heeled foot took a step forward.
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crybabytoy59 · 6 years
new storyline.
As I lay there I knew I could hold back no longer I would have to let go.... “look at us sweetie, that’s the way let Go.... ahah no don’t hold back sweetie...there we go ! Clever girlie Baby!!!”....
This was a time I had waited so very long for another person in life that would Not judge, would not dismiss the true inner Me  mistress D had found me through my tumbler page she had found out so much of me through her own submissive sissy P’s tumblr. she had sent many messages as if it were sissy P to me..so I had opened up after all P felt as I did? Was so very nice to share my inner most secrets with a fellow submissive, until one day someone joined my tumblr mistress D there was no contact only likes of certain stories or pictures I had put up, my favourites.
I was captivated by the tumblr she held...it was sparse but quite dark, a couple of clips of severe bondage slaves in black rubber they had been put into severe leather bondage equipment, her pictures were of cartoon artists all manner of bdsm art..one took my eye it had a pink sissy strapped to a stand in a babydoll dress with pink Shirley temple golden locks, a pink bonnet, the small room was padded with a rail on one side full of sissy pink dresses at the ready! This picture was different from all the rest as it was of a sissy the others were more bdsm gimp type pictures..I did loved the thought of this picture so I liked it..then shared it with a tag on it...”If only...such a clever girlie awaiting her Obedience training....mmmm” ..I never thought any more of it... then that night a message came from her? “So sissy you like that one do You? Interesting....tell me sissy are You Obedient?” I was a bit taken by her message but decided to reply in fun so I did! Yes mistress P I would like to think so😇” .... as I prepared my evening meal I heard a ping for my page a reply came “Ok sissy let’s find out....I want you to go and get the following items once purchased straight home strip naked then message Me for Your instructions!..Now 1. Three cream spray cans, 2 a tub of black grapes, 3 a bag of marshmallows, 4 a family bay of skittles, 5 a white bath towel 6 four rolls of cling film 7 three rolls of black duck tape. Now Go” I found myself very aroused by her message so decided to go get the items I returned stripped and messaged her to my surprise the reply was instant “Good now lets begin...take the first cream lay on your back on the bath towel shake the can then without hesitation put the entire contents up inside yourself! Eh Now!” This I did I felt it really filling me up but I got the whole can in! “Done Mistress D” I got a reply Clever sissy now stand up, bend and touch your toes 50 times Do Not let anything out! ...as I did this the urge to go to the bathroom was very strong “done Mistress D” now go potty’s...I did it exploded from me...then I was told to put the second can in as before, this I did but she .told me 100 bends “all done Mistress D” again I was allowed to potty this time it was just white cream that came out (I keep myself very clean) she sent more instructions “Ok Baby very good so far am pleased with you... on the towel again as if it was a nappy, put a little cream in then a grape do this 24 times then more cream, next push All the skittles in ! More cream then the mallows all of them ..Clever Baby Nappy On & tape it shut, followed by the cling film very tightly.....all three rolls then the rest of tape winding it under your hips up your bottom till your nappy is wedged tightly like a climbing harnessing! once done message me !” This took time but i completed the task then messaged her back “all done Mistress D” the message came back “Ok now the hard part...sit on the floor hands out front on the floor legs wide apart..then type Done!” I did as I was told I was now Very aroused ! I was panting on the floor as the filling wanted to come back out ! I typed Done Mistress D “ ..Suddenly there was a knock at my door ? ...I would just ignore it ..then I realised I had not locked it! As I went too get up the screen flashed “I told You not too move stay Still untill I tell You I want Obedience! As I read it my door opened two people walked in closed the door both dressed in rubber uniforms! Do not Move Babyslave!!!!!!
The first girl was a blonde with heavy curly hair down her back she shed on a red rubber uniform all in one, she was around 5’u” with a curvy figure this girl spoke first as the other girl put down a ruck sack “Now Crybaby you do Not have permission to talk ! You will stay silent as we Get You Ready I will allow moans, yelling, gasping, squealing or crying..But Not a Word from that potty’s, got that, nod if You understand Crybaby! “ I nodded to her and she patted my head “Clever girlie Crybaby “ the second girl had a belt with straps from it she approached me then knelt down in front of me as the first girl went behind me. This girl looked younger dressed in a pink rubber uniform also all in one, she had a wee logo on her uniform it was a red unicorn ? She spoke to me “Ok Crybaby handies at your sides and lift your botty off the floor ( I did to a girrgle from my tummy) Clever girlie Crybaby are you feeling full? (I nodded) Clever girlie Crybaby filling yourself nicely for us, But hold it in Not a single drop in Your nappy’s “ she passed the large wide belt around me to the other girl who held it, as she clipped the steel clasping at the front shut I realised what this item was a corset with an array of strapping from it! As they tugged it tightly I started panting slightly, both for holding myself up and the new restrictions to my tummy, she pulled a large flap under me that had three smaller straps in a Y from the rear through leather loops, then she stood upright going behind me as the first girl knelt down she spoke to me “ Clever girlie Crybaby just relax breathe slowly ( she was feeding the strapping through eyelet buckles,one at each thigh, one at my tummy) Take a nice Deep Breath for me!” She nodded to the other girl who put a knee in the base of my neck then held my chin in both hand slowly pulling my head back this made me feel a sudden vulnerability as if sensitive to my new predicament she spoke “There there now Crybaby relax your Ok, just look at me” Suddenly each of the thigh straps tightened up, I felt a knee under my thigh as the strap was wrenching tighter & tighter! Both my thighs felt so compressed! Next the tummy strap was pulled this too got the aid of her knee, I was suddenly aware this flap had some kind of large studs in it, one over my back passage,two below my crotch and some up the side of my crotch! With the Now tightly strap wrenched up between my legs I Suddenly realised what they had just done! The first girl smiled at me then spoke “Clever girlie Crybaby Breathe now that’s a good girlie, Ok as You now are gussying You can’t go poopies until We both decide You will be allowed, so sit back down handies out in front of you please Crybaby!” Her voice had changed she sounded far more authoritative & matter of fact, she kicked both my thighs at the strapping making Me yelp! “Leggies Wide apart & lean slightly forward Crybaby! Cross your palms over each other Now! Hold Very still No talking ...Clever girlie Do Not Move!!” The second girl handed her a Scottish twase!  She raised it thin pulled sharply downwards, there was a loud crack & my hand exploded in white hot pain ! She barked at me “Change Crybaby!” I knew what she wanted, my other unbeaten hand ! I did as told again she belted me hard Six in All three each hand ! The girl handed her pink mittens in leather make a fist Crybaby! She put these mittens on very tightly, my hands stinging badly inside the mittens! She took another item from the girl, a pink arm binder “Arm behind You Crybaby!” She went behind me as she did the girl stood in front of me patted my head “look at the floor Crybaby!” As I did she put her hands on the back of my head pulling me forward then trapped my head between her thighs tightly! As the girl behind me set about strapping the armbinder on tightly I was gasping and whimpering the whole time as cramping had started due too my compression at being bent in this position, once in the binder I was let up, this time the Both stood in front of me, the older on spoke as the other got an item from the ruck sack, this looked like a short leather skirt,  she put it on the floor in front of me unzipped the rear, I could now see it had a base sowed into it? The oldest one smiled at me”crawl forward into your hobbling skirt Crybaby! Eh Now potty girlie!” I did as told, the girl was holding the sides until I was in fully, then she zipped it up the rear with some effort, a belt was strapped through loops at the top then pulled tightly she the Spoke “All Ready Mistress!” ....the older one spoke too her “Clever girlie sissy P kneel down in the corner for now please sissy P...(the girl did as told knelt watching Me!) Now Crybaby as you have worked out yes sweetheart My name is Mistress D! I am going to carry out your favourite Rachel clip ! So presentation please!” She lifted a huge heavyweight flogger as the penny dropped I lent backward arching out my chest! “Clever girlie Crybaby I do like Obedience!!” She swung the flogger !!!!!.....she took her time flogging me over and Over stopping onl when I bent forwards touching, stroking, kissing The growing redness and heat....half way she kissed my forehead then spoke “Crybaby present! Clever girlie Open Wide!” She put a cock dummy in my mouth it had a face harnessing that she buckled up tightly, then she smiled as the flogging continued! the last six lashes were full force! Mistress D was very strong As these felt as if my skin would rip open ..I burst out crying! “Aawwww Look Sissy P real tears from our New Crybaby potty Toy, come over here and help settle Crybaby sissy P......(P crawled over then started sucking My nipples it Did not take long as my tears turned to whimpering moans as my cock strained as the large studs in the crotch flap did there work. Mistress D had picked up what looked like a leather hoodie but the zip was up the rear she held it in front of me, then Spoke “Now Crybaby we’re going to Finnish your bindings then we are going too take you sweetheart back to our home so we can get started on Your training! We Have such big plans for You Crybaby! ..I know Crybaby is it wanting to come out Very Badly? (I nodded) Ok you be a Clever girlie on the way home and we will see once we are home, sissy P give Crybaby your gift Please!” Sissy P had a large syringe this she put too the dummy then pushed in the contents! Mistress D chuckled “Clever girlie Crybaby you finish that before we get You home and we will let you go poopies! Got that potty girlie?(I nodded) Clever girlie Crybaby “ everything went black as they pulled on the top half of the hobble skirt zipping the two half’s together, then zipped it shut up the rear, sissy P handed mistress D the last few straps one for the mid section one at the neck. Then the room went silent as Crybaby sat in silence baby’s mouth was watering around the dummy gag so Crybaby Swallowed down the saliva but too sissy Baby’s surprise something oozed out of the dummy is did not taste pleasant some kind of slimy goo?...worse still the swallow reflex made more goo come out ! I heard them coming back I was lifted on to something then everything seemed to go quite, as I was pushed forward I felt bumps then being lifted up a couple of loud clicks then the sound of a door being closed then voices in the distance, there was a light shake and we moved ! I was being transported to there home... my life was about to change I had no idea that this was a well planned thought out thing they had cooked up together with me as there New Toy... we drove for what seemed hours I had wet myself and was sweating heavy due to the anal contents wishing to leave my body!!.. finally I was moved then un-packed from the box I was in! I was then positioned, at that point I heard mistress D thanking someone “Thank you so very much for that... are you still ok for 9pm ?” A mans voice reply’d “Your welcome D yes sue can’t wait to meet Baby is it ok too bring our new toys to use on Baby?” I heard I chuckle “Why yes we can’t wait can we sissy P? (There was a loud crack!” Answer the first time Sissy P!!...much better best mind your manners Madam... we will see you both later then Tim “ ... I was shaking now, getting a little scared over my current situation! Just as I was thinking that the zip was pulled down on my top half ...
Hello sweetheart how’s you hhmmm? Is your tummy hurting? Ok let’s get you Un-strapped, so we can see if you were a clever girlie Crybaby, sissy P straps please” sissy P went behind me as mistress D undid the dummy gag, she slowly withdrew it a large string of saliva hung from it as she pinched it together pulling her fingers down its length, she smiled warmly to me “Clever girlie Crybaby, that was very clever sucking All sissy P’s gift... but don’t fret crybabies got lots more to come shortly to fill that cute tummy up! Open Wide...Wider Crybaby! Clever girlie in we go!” She put another cock gag in me it had just a single strap around my head, as she did sissy P was on the zipper to the hobble skirt she patted my rear “waddle backwards for us Crybaby...clever girlie that’s great Stop there. Sissy P lifted the hobble skirt as mistress D patted my chin look up sweetheart that’s it this is your room !” She stepped back I had not seen a thing as she had been in front of me the whole time I gasped at what a looked upon! I was facing a copy of my favourite sissy room picture in the middle of the room was an upright stand with strapping to the left was a railing packed full of sissy clothes,the walls we’re padded pink silk to the left hung all manner of punishment implementation of every kind !...shelf’s of jars, flasks with tubes from them, hoods, cuffs, belts, bars... it was very dimly lit apart from the stand it was flooded with light! ...she spoke “Aaww look sissy P ..Crybaby loves her new room ! Let’s get you up and fitted so you can go poppies for being such a clever girlie she turned to sissy P then spoke “Sissy P set up the feeding bucket please, then fill the priming pump for Crybaby... use the one in the fridge please sissy... she looked back at me.. now Crybaby this will not be easy as I know your tummy and leggier hurt but stand up I will help you as you have been a clever girlie.. that’s it yes I know it’s sore..sweetheart wait until you have to do this un-aided after Your a naughty Crybaby! Yes sweetheart trust me You will be naughty, then Your Punishment Will Be Very Severe Crybaby... ok now slowly over to the stand turn around.. that’s it bend forward so mistress D can get your handies over the bar..clever girlie Crybaby!” She strapped my arms to the frame then unfastened the corsets strapping the relief was great, then the corset belt came off, mistress D got a pair of cutters then cut the tape & cling film, sissy P was back behind me with a small cart it had a pole from it with two clear flasks, from these were a heavy tube connected by a silver T elbow, mistress D looked at me then spoke  “Now Crybaby I am going to take off your nappy not a drop comes out Or I Will Punish You Severely Understand? ( I nodded) clever girlie Crybaby just relax.. now open your leggies for me!” She took the nappy off then took a large pink potty putting it under me her rubber glove pushing my sissy clit inside The potty she spoke “Clever girlie Crybaby big breath and push hard! ...Clever girlie poopies come on All of it!” I did not need the encouragement it shot from me almost in one push ! I was panting now..” Clever girlie Crybaby...sissy P put this in the feeder please” Mistress D wiped my bottom then lifted a Higgins tube this was pushed up inside me, then she strapped my legs to the frame tightly she got up off the wee stool, as she did sissy P handed her a steel pipe with what looked like a mouth bit that took the teeth then had an oval protuberance that went 2” inside the mouth, it was curved at 45 degrees down wards the end  flared outwardly, she smiled as she removed the single strap gag, then spoke “Open Wide Crybaby...Clever girlie in we go!” This was fed into my mouth I could feel the rubber part over my tongue, it had a lower jaw mask in rubber that fitted over it holding it in place I was very scared now ! I genuinely started crying, she giggled “look sissy P she is crying again Clever girlie Baby! What do you think of her crying sissy P? “ sissy P stood beside Mistress D then spoke “She looks very scared Mistress D I think she looks Very cute when she cry’s Mistress!!” Mistress D patted sissy P’s rear then spoke “Clever sissy P yes she looks Very cute crying, Ok fill both her flasks please and let’s see if wee can keep that cute look on her face!.. give me the feeder please sissy P” this thing looked like a large coke bottle with a rubber flange inside the neck at the screw end the other end had a large oval handle attached too a plunger! She screwed it too the gag there was still two screw caps on the steel gag bit, Sissy P was unscrewing both of these putting each flask hose to each side they had a turn valve that was shut, Mistress D looked at me “Crybaby I am going to feed you Do Not wrench!!  seeing as this is your first time I will go slowly this time” Suddenly she pushed goo spilled onto my tongue then I had to swallow! I tasted the marshmallows! Mistress D was feeding my The contents of my own bottom!  I struggled to swallow but got into a rhythm until she emptied the contents into me..she spoke to sissy P “Open your gift from the fridge first!...Clever girlie Crybaby that’s a good potty swallow all sissy P’s gift...aaww More tears your ever so cute Crybaby!...other flask now sissy P please!” They both stood to watch as I had to swallow all the contents of both flasks! Mistress D clapped “Clever girlie Crybaby we going to get on a treat !! Potty girlies like you crying as they’re used are Very cute...sissy P put the feeding equipment away, I am going to dress Crybaby “.....I was unfastened from the frame and the fed gagging removed, Mistress D then took me to another room it was a wet room here I had three very degrading enemas in front of her & sissy P, then I had my entire body hair removed then she had Me knelt as I had my hair shaved off then my head shaved completely bald ! All that was left was my eyebrows, I was then washed with Very powerfully smelling baby oils even after I was dry my skin felt slightly oily, next Mistress D had me crawl on all fours to my Baby-room. There I was made too Kneel with my hand behind my neck fingers interlocked arched fully as she got items arranged, she then stepped in front of me, smiling down at Me she began “Now sweetheart am Very pleased with You thus far, you have been a clever girlie Crybaby not talking just all lovely whimpering squeals & not forgetting Your cute little baby Tears!! So now I want you to stay quiet as we dress you Don’t Resist us in any form or we Will punish You severely Crybaby Do I Make Myself Clear! (I nodded) Clever girlie Crybaby here we go stand up!” Sissy P stood in front of me, Mistress D patted my leg “Leggie Up potty girlie!” I was a bit unsteady but to my surprise sissy P held under my arms to steady me...Mistress D pulled on a pink see through stocking, then set my leg back down the other leg got the same treatment, then she patted my thigh & spoke “handies out in front at shoulder height Baby girlie” she pulled on a pink transparent rubber top zippering it up the rear, next she pushed ear plugs deep into my ear canal then held up a hood it too was pink transparent rubber, but had nose holes, eye holes and a built in rubber oval that had teething groove set in the rubber mouth bit, I was now shaking slightly, as she spoke “aaawwww sweetheart are you cold ? Or just getting scared ?... Clever girlie Crybaby is it the latter ? ( I nodded ) Clever girlie Baby You have good reason to be scared sweetheart..Open Wide!” She pushed the hood mouth bit into my mouth pushing on the teething groves fully home, then pulled on the hood zippering it shut! It was a tightly fitting hood. Mistress D was smiling to sissy P as she put her hand in the small of my back then spoke “Crybaby bend over and hold sissy P’s hips..Clever girlie Do Not Move!” I felt her lub my back passage then slowly something entered me she took her time waiting till my anal muscle relaxed then pushed it all the way home next she pushed something and it opened inside me! I felt her fit something then she again spoke “Very Clever girlie Crybaby stand up straight !Now sissy P is going to play with you close your eyes Do Not Open them” I did as told something touched my nipples through the rubber Very slowly, I couldn’t help it I started moaning as I love to have my nipples touched, I felt embarrassed as I was getting aroused! This was what Mistress D had wanted all along! I felt my balls being pulled through something “Clever girlie Crybaby..now this through here” my swollen member was pushed through something, I Now felt my balls forced downwards and my member Up wards she the pushed something Down my length as she did there was a click “Clever girlie Crybaby..I think potty girlie likes your touch Sissy P” they both giggled, what did she keep calling Me potty girlie? Perhaps I was to be potty trained? As I was thinking that I felt a smack not hard just lightly, the nipple play stopped as Mistress D spoke “sit down Sweetheart..Clever girlie lay back (sissy P was sitting on a stool at my head) give sissy P Your handies Crybaby..Clever girlie” sissy P put them under her thighs trapping my wrists “Ok botty Up Baby girlie Clever Crybaby” she put a large white disposable Nappy on me then took a small spiked wheel running it up and down the padding (this made me moan) Dirty girlie look sissy P our potty girlie likes this” a second Nappy was put on this too got the same treatment from the wheel, five Nappy’s in all, she smiled down at me cooing gently “mmmmm Baby girlie is nice and padded now...last one Crybaby “ this nappy was pink with wee fairy’s and unicorns on it in print!! After she taped it up pink runner pants were pulled up this took effort as the padding was so large, they had high waist & thigh cuffs after Done Mistress D slapped them hard “Clever girlie Crybaby look at you all padded out for us....she will need them today Sissy P wont she!” ...sissy P looked down at me “ Yes Mistress D Crybaby Will need every last layer for What lays ahead, aaww Mistress D She is welling up again, she is just so cute!” Sissy P let my hands out as Mistress D took my wrists she spoke “Up you get sweetheart...that’s a clever girlie all the way up! Open your leggings it will make standing easier..well done Crybaby! Now keep still....Sissy P front please” they swapped places and Mistress D patted my rear “Leg Up Baby!...Hold Her Sissy P” again I was steadied as Mistress D put something on my foot in rubber some kind of slipper...”Other foot Baby “ it too was fitted, the my foot resting on the floor Mistress D started pulling up the one piece pink maids uniform! The rubber skirt was huge my arms were pushed in one at a time then it was zipped up the back to my neck! Next she pulled on a pink hood, lining up the eye holes nose and mouth, tugging it on till smooth, she poke to sissy P “Put her in a spreader bar please sissy P” as Mistress D was zipping up the hood, sissy P put cuffs on my ankles then patted my leg she too spoke “Crybaby leggies wide apart please” as I did I felt the two clicks of the spreader bar locking in place...Mistress D patted my huge rear “ Turn around slowly Sweetheart...Clever girlie Crybaby that’s the way as I faced her she had a huge wig with blond curls in two pigtails to the sides, this she flipped over my head tugging it Down....”My my Don’t we look just the cutest wee potty girlie Crybaby...Ok time is getting on let’s get  Finnished up here Sissy P, hand me the posture collar!..Clever girlie Crybaby look up at the ceiling for us, aaawww Sweetheart Crying won’t stop this ..in-fact sweetheart....Nothing Will Your going to be bound then, shower your place in our home....isn’t she Sissy P?” Suddenly I was spanked Very hard on the huge Nappy! “Get your head up when your Told potty girlie....yes mistress D indeed she needs a good lesson to show her what’s expected of her!” Mistress D pulled on the collar coming up next to my face she spoke “Yes Crybaby that’s what your going to get A Severe Lesson in Obedience...As we get you potty trained!!!” Why did they keep saying that I had a huge nappy on how could I be potty trained?.....”Hand me her corset sissy P....Clever sissy..and the armbinder please sissy P”.......Take a Deep Breath Sweetheart!” I felt my waist starting too narrow I was panting short breaths as Mistress D tugged the laces relentlessly further and further she narrowed my waist! Finally she tied it off “Mmmm much better that’s a girlie stood up nice and straight now...Ok turn around so we can see how cute You look Crybaby....that’s the way we know it’s hard in your spreader bar....but keep turning! Perfect..Ok stop there Crybaby ! Back up slowly Clever girlie Stop !” Mistress D pulled a rope from the ceiling putting it too my armbinder, then I heard clicking as my arms went up behind me a was panting due too the compression, she set up a trolley with a black box on it this box had a clear front inside was a pair of cogs, the wee window had yellow fluid in it at the side of the black box was a tank much like a coffee machine but larger, Mistress D lifted a long tube at its end was a curved pink cock dummy with strapping from it to go over the face and head, she poke to me “Now sweetheart we’re going to hydrate You I want you to relax this Is Going In Regardless Of How You Feel....if you resist it won’t be a nice experience for our girlie !” ....She slowly pushed it halfway in “Push your younger forwards! Crybaby.....cry all you want tongue Forwards!! ..Clever girlie” she pushed it fully home as I wrenched the tip just before the back of my throat!...”Ok potty girlie let me explain the cord from your armbinder is connected to a pressure switch keep your arms up & you will be fine let them down and You will start the potty pump, so Crybaby it’s up too you how slowly you drink our piss in the tank !
Yes cutenesses your going to be trained to be a Crybaby potty !..look sissy P potty girlie is crying again !! Why don’t you help her accept her fate as I get the electric stimulation system set up for her!” Sissy P stood in front of me taking my nipples! “Clever girlie Crybaby that’s it swallow or you will chock cutenesses...Mistress D please can I help Crybaby go pee’pees?” ...Mistress D giggled loudly “Yes sissy P only six for Now please”...sissy P held my shoulders then spoke “Look at me cutenesses don’t look away or close your eyes!” Suddenly She kneed me in the crotch the bonds held me firm as she drew her leg back for the second harder knee !...i wheezed through my nose grunting loudly! By six I wet myself! “ Clever girlie Crybaby did you just go Pee’pees in your nappy? ( I nodded best I could) Clever girlie” sissy P went back too my nipples as Mistress D came over with a box it had lots of wires from it, looking down at my bent form she mocked me “Clever girlie Crybaby did our potty girlie Wet herself?...Clever girlie Crybaby Your going to be doing lots and lots of wetting for us....we’re going to train You to wet yourself on command cutenesses!” She knelt down attaching the first two wires to the back of the rubber tights, next wire went to the corset then the shoulder of my rubber maids dress !....”Ok sissy P that’s her all set up, let’s have You go get me a nice glass of wine Sissy, also bring Mistress D the prune juice as we need to get you hydrated for afterwards sissy P” I watched as sissy went away to get wine for Mistress D...she came over to me, then took my nipples teasing them “Now sweetheart I want our girlie to try and present herself..that’s a clever girlie! Arch more cuteness...swallow faster Crybaby keep with the flow....Clever girlie relax again” I slumped forwards panting hard out my nose, as sissy P returned......
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sssilverssserpent · 5 years
21 Things
Tagged by @dylanobrusso Thanks babe!🖤
Rules: Answer 21 questions, then tag 21 people
Nickname: Angel, Jelly/Jilly, Sweetpea (by my mom only), Little bit, and Poopie (I know, that last one is quite unfortunate, but only my parents call me that sometimes)
Zodiac: Cancer sun, Capricorn moon, Sagittarius rising
Height: 5’1
Last Movie I Saw: Captain Marvel
Last Thing I Googled: ‘can you put foil in an air fryer?’
Favorite musicians: Whitney Houston, Panic at the Disco, Beyoncé, Florence + The Machine, Paramore, Banks, Megan Thee Stallion,...I’ll stop now but there’s so many.
Song Stuck In My Head: It’s All Coming Back to Me Now by Céline Dion
Other blogs: I have 9 other blogs haha
Followers: 24
Following: 38
Amount of sleep: ~5-7 hrs on a good day
Lucky numbers: 2, 7
Dream Job: An astronomer/astrophysicist, or an engineer
What I’m Wearing: Grey scrubs
Favorite Food: Pizza, Burritos, I love breakfast foods too
Language: English and a little bit of French (reading more than speaking)
Can I Play Instruments: I played the trumpet in middle school
Favorite Song: I’m not even gonna attempt to pick just one. I can’t.
Random Fact: I have freckles on the back of my hands.
Describe Yourself In Aesthetic Things: A stack of books on a bedside table, a clear night sky full of stars, freshly made cup of tea, twinkly lights, the sound of rain, scented candles, seashells, thunderstorms, vodka,....ummm I’m not very good at this.
Tagging no one but feel free to do this if you want to! :)
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turtlejustice · 5 years
Thx for tagging me @olicityotp-always
🌻: What’s your favorite type of flower? Bleeding Hearts
❤: Describe your favorite person.
My fiancé
😊: What are some things you do to cheer yourself up when you’re having a rough day?
Talk to my fiancé and play with my niece and nephew.
🐾: What’s a fun fact about your favorite animal?
Sloths only urinate/defecate once a week. ...
📖: What’s a book/series you could read over and over again?
The perks of being a wallflower
📺: What’s your comfort TV show/movie that you watch to feel happy?
King of the Hill
☕: What’s your favorite hot drink?
French Vanilla latte
🛁: If you could have a bubble bath with any scent in the world, what would you choose?
💕: What’s something you love about yourself? I’m a good listener.
😍: What’s a trait you admire in other people? Understanding
👏: What’s something you’ve done recently (even if it’s a small thing) that you’re proud of?
I bought a house on my own.
⏲: What thing (no matter how small) are you looking forward to? Moving into my house with my fiancé
👍: Name a skill that you’ve improved recently.
Standing up for myself
😁: What’s your favorite physical feature on your body? I can’t think of one
🍕: What are your favorite comfort foods? Pizza!
🎶: Name a song that reminds you of a happy time, or of someone you love.
mambo no 5
🎙: What’s your favorite song to sing along to?
Too many
💖: What’s a goal that you’re working towards in terms of your self-improvement/personal growth?
Getting healthy
👕: What article(s) of clothing make you feel the most confident and comfortable?
Blue jeans, t-shirt and boots 👢
☀️: What would your ideal day be like? Sunshine and cruising with my fiancé
🌍: Where in the world would you like to travel to? Germany 🇩🇪
🏠: Describe your dream home.
I just bought it
☄: What would you like your life to look like in 5 years’ time? More travel.
🕸: What’s something you used to be afraid of that you’re less afraid of/not afraid of at all now?
Talking to people
🏆: What’s a bad habit you have/had that you’ve managed to improve on or kick entirely?
Hiding myself from people
💞: What’s your favorite thing to do with friends?
😂: What always makes you laugh?
My nephew
☘: Name something thoughtful/kind someone has done for you.
My fiancé drove almost two hours to hangout with me.
🐶: Do you have any pets? If so, describe them. If not, are there any pets you would like to have?
Two dogs who are poopy puppers 😝
🎀: What’s the best gift you’ve received? What in your opinion is the best gift you’ve given someone?
My fiancé gave me a promise ring until he can get me the ring he wants.
🛍: What’s something you’ve bought for yourself or been given recently that has made you happy?
My house 🏡
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heathergoffrier · 4 years
7 Baby Care Ideas For Dads In The First 8 Weeks
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If you're a sleep-deprived mom with a newborn, get dad involved with these baby care ideas and ways to help! And for help getting more sleep, grab my free guide, "How To Start An Infant Sleep Schedule." Click here to download
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My first baby arrived at 1:34am, and the rest of the night was lost to slurping down as much grape juice as I could get, getting a meal (I honestly don't remember what it was, but it was SO delicious because I was starving), and moving to our "permanent" room. Adam was a huge help that first night, but the next night he got himself into a bit of trouble... We got only a tiny bit of rest the day she was born, in between baby baths, hearing tests, learning how to nurse and constant interruption by hospital staff. Not to bash them, I had some pretty amazing nurses. (Then there was the really wacky one.) The following night was a mix of breastfeeding, cuddling, and changing diapers, with a few naps in between. When sunshine streamed into the room and the sky lightened, hubby rolled over with bleary eyes. "Wow, she slept great last night!" he gushed, feeling refreshed after sleeping through the night. "No, Babe," I laughed. "YOU slept great last night." He looked shocked and sheepish. I laughed and told him that I'd let him sleep. I was already up and right by the baby so I didn't bother to wake him that night. He felt bad and made sure to never make that assumption again! Though it was easier that first night to do things myself, I soon found many baby care ideas and ways to encourage Adam to help with all things newborn. And as the high of new baby wore down into sleep-deprived mom, I learned quickly to pass off certain duties to him. By the way, starting a gentle routine with my babies helped me get a ton more sleep! I created a free guide with more info called "How To Start A Newborn Sleep Schedule." Click here to download
Here Are 7 Baby Care Ideas For Dads In The First 8 Weeks
1- Changing Diapers My husband is a champ diaper changer. However, he deployed two weeks after my oldest was born, so he couldn't help for six months. It's ironic though because by the time he got back from deployment and our baby was six months old, she was down to one poop per day. So even though he jumped in and helped with diapers again, it was at least a couple weeks before he had to change a poopy one! He somehow lucked out by always being at work or out of the house when she happened to soil a diaper. Let me just say that after 6 months of solo-parenting, I celebrated that first soiled one he had to change. 2- Bottle-Feeding If you're doing formula or pumping + bottle feeding, there's no reason hubby can't jump right into the rotation. I never fed bottles in the night, mostly because nursing was going well and hubby was gone. But from other moms I've talked to, everyone gets a lot more rest if you trade off and let one person sleep while the takes the next feeding. Worth a try! Hubby can also mix bottles while you get the baby ready, or vice versa. So many options. RELATED: WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO START AN INFANT SLEEP SCHEDULE? 3- Holding The Baby Who doesn't love baby snuggles? And seriously, how cute is it to see your hubby snuggled up with baby while he watches football... and you finally get to take a shower, take a nap, or just do something for yourself? 4- Household Chores Chores: they're not glamorous, but they have to get done. Laundry, washing cloth diapers, cleaning, tiding up, organizing, dishes, you name it. If hubby can help keep a peaceful, clean environment that's a win for everyone. And what a blessing for Mom!
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I wanted ALL THE THINGS I couldn't eat for 9 months. Stat. 5- Cooking And/Or Picking Up Food My hubby is a great cook, and I know I'm spoiled by that. It was helpful when he took charge of cooking or could make a dash for take out. During the months I nursed, I couldn't eat or drink enough. It was so nice to have someone around to deliver my water bottle for the 80th time, since I forgot to refill it and stick it by my nursing chair... again. Thanks dear. RELATED: 4 WAYS I LOST INTIMACY FROM MY MARRIAGE AFTER KIDS 6- Coordinating A Meal Train I honestly haven't run across many men doing this. In my experience, a mom-friend of the pregnant woman has set up the meal organization. But that certainly doesn't have to be the case, because your spouse can certainly take the point on this. Takethemameal.com or MealTrain.com are two handy websites that allow friends to easily sign up to bring you a meal. Each website shows what people are bringing to help others volunteers prepare a variety of meals. That way not everyone brings lasagne. Not that I don't love a good lasagne, but no one needs 10 of them. 7- Sleeping + Taking Care Of Your Other Children If you have older children, it helps if at least one of you is getting a solid amount of sleep in those early months. When our middle daughter arrived, our oldest child was still needy (sometimes more so than the newborn) and required a full tank of energy during the day. Which I didn't have. So I didn't mind when Adam went back to bed and I was up nursing, because I knew he would be wrangling our preschooler. It was tag-team. Older sis also started waking up at night, which wasn't normal for her. That added to the sleep deprivation, especially when both of us had to get up. Losing sleep during the newborn phase is a given. But you can make it SO much easier by starting early with a gentle routine. We started with a plan right away and all our babies slept through the night at an early age. I created a free guide called "How To Start An Infant Sleep Schedule" so everyone in the house could get more sleep. Click here to download Marriage & Relationship Tip: It's important to discuss your roles and expectations, ahead of time if possible. For example: Who is changing diapers in the middle of the night?What kind of help can you expect during feeding periods?Who wants to or is able to do the cooking?Should you plan for takeout, or is someone coordinating a meal?Consider what expectations you might have of the other person, maybe without realizing it. By discussing your expectations, you can avoid unnecessary arguments and misunderstandings that often arise when we are sleep deprived and going through a big transition.
Baby Care Ideas Put To Use
Hubby more than made up for his first night off after our oldest was born, with all he did to help in the first few weeks. Thankfully, he was around for the entirety of our second daughter's first year, and he was an amazing help. Adam would get up with me in the middle of the night and change the diaper while I got ready to nurse, then he'd go back to sleep. He kept this up long after he went back to work. Thankfully we gently started a three week old baby sleep routine with all our kids which allowed them to sleep through the night at an early age (they all slept through the night by about 12 weeks). That way, we both got a lot more sleep and didn't have to get up very often in the night.
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If you're needing more sleep and ready for baby to space out his or her night feeds, don't miss my free guide, "How To Start An Infant Sleep Schedule." Click here to download
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peckhampeculiar · 7 years
On shiny dog-poop: gentrification in Peckham
By Rosario Blue
Growing up on the North Peckham estate in the early nineties was fun, exciting, scary at times; it was our tepee, our camp-ground, our empire; it was a jungle in Timbuktu – not knowing of course where Timbuktu was or even if it had jungles. The weekends were the one! Sweet reggae blasting out of windows, the soulful rhythm of Afrobeat playing out of others, cars going by with the best underground stations playing a banging garage or jungle tune.
North Peckham estate was also broken-down. There were a lot of gangs around, there were stabbings and robberies. The estate was designed by some genius in the 60s, which ended up leading to an area that even the police refused to come in. Takeaways wouldn't deliver here because it was too dangerous. There were squatters in a lot of abandoned flats, who, just for the record, were really hot and French – at least the ones who lived near me were. Graffiti tags were serious then, proper Warriors-style gang tagging. People avoided going out after a certain time at night, because it wasn't worth the risk. Peckham was honestly a terrifying place at times, and it was in massive disrepair.
But it was still home. As young as I was at the time, I do remember when the regeneration of the five estates – North Peckham, Camden, Gloucester Grove, Sumner and Willowbrook – was proposed. It was suggested that this would reduce crime. But there were some who thought that this was just making the place look new and would it really reduce crime?
There was a story that went round when we were kids that the architect of Peckham committed suicide. Another was that Peckham was built on a mass grave and was haunted by ghosts. I can't find out now whether or not there was any truth in these urban legends, but that we believed it tells you something about how we felt about our home. We thought Peckham was doomed: so did Southwark Council and the government who were desperate to fix the “problem” of Peckham especially after the tragic murder of Damilola Taylor. “Problem” families were moved out of the estate and new families brought in to replace them. A number of the remaining pockets of woodland on the estates were dug up and built over. The foxes that once lived there are now homeless, you can see them out every night – whether having a lovely chat, or straight-out fighting I can't tell you which, I don't speak fox. My feeling at the time was regeneration meant making everything look nicer while stripping the soul out of it.
It worked, though, because, in 2017 Peckham has become the “place to be”. It is hip, it's happening, it's in fashion, darling. We have new, nicer houses, and new, more expensive shops. We have modern, cool places to go, like the Bussey Building, Bar Story, Frank's Cafe, the Hannah Barry Gallery. We have exciting projects like the Peckham Coal Line. We had the council pouring an enormous amount of money into Bellenden Road and it looks gorgeous. We have an expanded UAL, and so now there are load of students.
What is this, gentrification?
(noun) Gentrification: the process by which something that was seemingly dog-poop gets polished and done up nicely, and new people move in with the money needed to live in nice polished places, and then that nicer polished place becomes a sought-after address, prices hike up on everything and the original non-polished people struggle to live in new shiny parts and have to move away or huddle in the still-poopy parts.
Peckham is definitely experiencing gentrification. But does it have to be a bad thing? When I asked Pete Kyrke-Smith, a promoter who was instrumental in building this new-age Peckham, he said he would like to see a kind of “moral gentrification” of Peckham – a “gentrification”, but (if my interpretation is right) one that doesn't subsume the Peckham culture(s) that is/are already there. Is such a thing possible?
I have thought about this a lot, and I don't think it is possible. The middle-class are the great destroyers of culture. They don't mean to be, but they are what they are and what they are is middle-class. When they come to Peckham, they may take an interest in the place, but they will not suddenly become poor. But I'm not saying I think that Peckham's newfound popularity will be its death. I think it's up to the locals to speak up and take control of their communities.
When I heard about the Peckham Festival I jumped at the chance to get involved. What I wanted to know was how much the festival was by and for Peckham. How interested were the local folk? Or was it just a bunch of white folk doing white-people things? Was it really the Peckham festival?
I was encouraged to hear, when I spoke to the organisers, about how much work was put into involving the community, from local businesses to charities and voluntary organisations, musicians and artists. I was discouraged when I spoke to my family and friends to learn that none of them had heard of it. Though I know it's often the case that arty things go unnoticed by the non-arty. And it’s only in its second year.
But I needn't have worried. The festival was a celebration of everything Peckham. The launch night at the Peckhamplex showed videos of Peckham dating back over a century – very pertinent, considering change was on my mind. The weekend had a strong emphasis on people of colour and Peckham’s LGBTQIA+ community, with the gal-dem Film Fest, and the BBZ installation, which was a look into the lives of some remarkable queer, trans and non-binary people of colour. Sunday was carnival: Holly Grove was transformed into a mini-celebration of Caribbean culture; a day mainly hosted by community groups, charities and voluntary organisations. A day that truly appealed to a lot more indigenous Peckhamites with an even more mixed crowd due to the beauty of the music, and real “community” in Peckham to bring people together. This was the day the Peckham I grew up in was really reflected.
Of course, Peckham means different things to different people and has changed many times over the years. For me Peckham is a melting-pot of culture but in the 90s Peckham was to the country at large a “yoof”-riddled no-go area. A hundred years ago, Peckham was a popular and sought-after location for shopping. In the early 1900s Peckham was “the place to be”! So you could argue that the gentrification of Peckham is really a restoration.
But all those early 1900s people are dead, and we're living here. Let's make sure our voices are heard and our needs are met, because the “gentry” (if you will) in Peckham don't need our input to change the place. To keep Peckham's individuality we must stay grounded and refuse to be displaced. To protect established families and community, we need to speak to the council about upholding certain privileges for people who live in Peckham but may not have enough money to continue to live here.
Despite being such a diverse place, or perhaps because of it, Peckham has always had a strong sense of community. I have faith we will work together to protect it.
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Dear Mutuals,
This gif set is for you.
I haven’t been online since Friday 23rd, which is quite poopy of me, since I haven’t answered your kind messages and reblogged your posts, which I really enjoy doing. I’ve had a self-induced SKAM hiatus. I feel really happy when I see a fellow mutual post a gif set, text post or a piece of art they’ve created for this wonderful SKAMily. I’ve just been in my emo state and closed myself off from tumblr and the world of SKAM (which you can see from my unupdated blog). I didn’t know how the reaction of it all ending would be here on tumblr, and since my cat has started to refuse being a cuddly ball of fluff in which I bury all my tears in, I didn’t have anyone to be around with physically (except for my cat and horse, but they don’t really understand when I go all emo on them) to help solve my many personal emotions that were raised with the last clip and all of the seasons of SKAM. But I’ve revived myself, and can see myself staying here on tumblr until the foreseeable future. I’ve made too many friends to just shut myself from tumblr for much longer, and I’d really like to continue being in touch with you all.
This gif set is each clip that Evak kissed<3 Sorry for not being online, sorry sorry sorry.
@br1skeby Faen Johanne, min Guru. I hope you know what you mean to me, so I’ll spare you a huuuugee multi-chapter piece of writing to show that (unless if you need a sudden boost of happiness, then dm me and I’ll be on it like a car bonnet)<3 Your writing metaphorically kills me each time you drop a new bomb ass chapter. I’m really happy I’m able to fangirl with you, be it over Evak, Yousana or Levi ;)
@beanievaltersen Hehe :3 As long as you’re happy with your new mattress, Evak and I am happy too :D  You must know what you mean to me too, but we need to revive our crazy theories about what all the Skam Squads are up to! Also, it’s an absolute honour to beta-read your artistry works!! kdjfakd I have no chill about how much I love it!!!
@du-er-ikkealene Elise, you will forever be my soup-bro :D (I really hope you remember why I’mma call you that, if not, I’ll remind you!) Taakk tak tak tak for introducing me to Kensington! They, and you, have inspired me to make cool gif sets of their beautiful, meaningful lyrics, and you will also forever continue to put me in awe of all the various, creative names you make up for Noorhelm :P  (Plus, ily)
@isakschili I’m now listening to Kent on a daily basis, thanks to you, crazy Swedish music-loving girl :*  And you neeeeeed to drop the second chapter of your fic ASAP!! You can’t just leave me hanging on an ending like that-- you’ll end up making me even more mad for your fic than I already am ;)  And, in my lil head, you’re my musician buddy! Once a musician buddy, always a musician buddy.
@julieseven Daaayyyyyaamnnnnnn Sue. You must also already know what you mean to me. But seriously tho... If you don’t, then open whatsapp later tonight, and you’ll find out fo sure then.
@levok I’m on the countdown for roasting the new US Skam with you! That’s the only reason as to why I’m probably going to watch it!! And you have contributed to me writing better Danish and thinking outside the box in regards to theories and all, which is really ace! Tak, tak tak tak!! And you’re a bloody wonderful person to talk to! You never fail to make me snort air out of my nose, which basically counts as a laugh.
@prinsenimittliv Tenna I promise I’m going to write that headcanon for you! I feel really bad that I’ve left it so long, but it’s given me more time to think about different angles I can take it from<3 For every beautiful piece of art you create, I will in return write you especially a headcanon! Alt for dig, girl! Plus, dayyYYYAAAmmmMMMMmmmmm your haircut looks hella fine! :*
@chillerhjemmeisak I keep on saying it, and I’ll say it again: GOOD LUCK ON YOUR A-LEVELS!!!! :D  I promise you that with the power of The Biology Buddies, you will ace them! And that’s a promise! In an AU, we’re running around London in crazy Chris-inspired outfits.
@loooreleii Heyyy youu<3 I also hope you know how kind and sweet and funny and just all the lovely adjectives you are. Your artwork kills me (metaphorically) everytime! I’m so grateful that you share it with us<3  I really would like to keep in touch with you, also so that I can update you with how my new life in Germany will be (Update: I’VE FOUND A FAMILY TO LIVE WITH!!! IN STUTTGART, well not in Stuttgart, in a little town outside of it, but still!) Ich liebe dich<3  Plus, I’m buzzing with all sorts of ideas for the 5 different kisses drabble idea you gave me! Can’t wait to write it for you!
@asflowerpot1 You were the first person I spoke to on this crazy site! If you hadn’t reached out to me so that we could fangirl together, I probably would’ve stayed alone and quite in my own lil fangirl bubble :)  I love how we can literally feel each other’s emotions through the use of caps lock and I just really connect with you! I look forward to continuing our crazy long messages and emo feels together!<3
@eivseank Diana, promise that you’ll remember this: Du. Er. Ikke. Alene. I will be there for you to share our happiness between us, and our sad times. Because that’s what friends do. Please, please remember that<3  I love our long messages about travelling the world and eating 100% cocoa chocolate! :P  Make sure to sleep really well this summer, and to eat loads of ice-cream!!
@isaksredscarf Gael, you da BOMB!.com  Thank you again, endlessly for bringing me into the skamfwn- it’s really boosted my confidence in writing, and everytime I published some little drabble, I always knew I could count on you to tell me how it was!<3 I’ve got an AO3 now, where I’m called tacha_bacha because I thought ‘mannentilminkardemomme’ would be quite long :P  so, yay! This past week I’ve been slowly easing my way back into the wonderful, glorious SKAM world by reading and writing fic, which has definitely lifted my m00d by 110%, no doubt about it. Say ‘hi’ to your fuffy, adorable cat!
@sweetevak Ayo Emotional Overload, let’s keep sending dank memes of Honk vs. Cat in sunglasses :D  Also, I’ll literally never let you forget that you were the one to get me into writing!! You’re a godess! (At least, you’re my writing godess). I miss when you’d send seriously cute lil headcanons of Evak- they were pure and sweet, and just what every single hc in this crazy world should be made of<3
I’m going on holiday to The Motherland (aka. Denmark) this Tuesday for 11 days with my friend who has never been, and I’m not bringing my laptop, so writing any drabble will be harder on my phone, but I will do it for you all!! Because I love writing for you and seeing your sweet reactions in the tags and comments. I’m also bringing a notepad along, so there will definitely be a lot of inspiration coming to me! I’ve already started thinking about writing an AU -whaaaaaaattt???? This is new territory for me, but I’m so excited to be doing it with all of you, both my beautiful mutuals and followers (AND BEAUTIFUL ANON, IF YOU’RE READING THIS THEN REMEMBER THAT YOU PHYSICALLY AND LITERALLY MAKE ME SMILE!!!!! WHICH IS ONE OF THE BEST EFFECTS ONE CAN HAVE ON A PERSON!)
Jeg elsker dere alle! Have a wonderful summer. I really look forward to reblogging EVERYTHING I see! *sends an infinite amount of kisses*
Love from,
Natacha :o)
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sugabeans · 7 years
not actually tagged by @oikawae but i like these questions and talking about myself haha sorry no read more but it’s not that long, just scroll fast
Are you named after anyone? 
yeah! my first name came after some character in some movie my parents watched - they thought karina sounded nice and BOOM thats my name~ and my middle name is lynn, and that came from my grandma ^^ 
When was the last time you cried?
i got so overwhelmed at the cute 
and i was jealous
so i cried lmao 
Do you like your handwriting? 
no it’s real poopy 
like, it’s never the same size 
and it’s a bunch of scriggles 
What is your favourite lunch meat? 
uh.. turkey? 
Do you have kids? 
no but i have a dog - that counts 
i also have all my volleyball birb babies 
they’re my kids 
If you were a different person would you be friends with you?
no laf;sgdf;lg;fg; I’M NOT A GOOD PERSON 
Do you use sarcasm? • ya, too much 
Do you still have your tonsils? • yes!
Would you bungee jump? 
i’d like to live thanks 
if i did it, honestly i think i’d pee myself 
What’s your favourite cereal? • FROSTED FLAKES YO 
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? 
all the shoes i own with laces also have zippers at the sides 
and i don’t actually use laces as laces.. they’re decoration 
Do you think you’re a strong person? • no i am a weak baby pls help 
What’s your favourite ice cream? 
i have no idea anymore
i love red bean and black sesame but i also love a rich dark chocolate with brownie bits and stuff yeah  
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
their clothing or their face and body 
i have a lot of clothing envy and face envy when i see people lmao 
and body envy - like i’ll look at girls legs a lot and like clap my hands to myself bc damn girl you looking great 
What’s your least favourite physical thing about yourself?
aw man can’t i say everything 
my huge ass thighs 
What colour pants and shoes are you wearing right now?
i’m wearing my pajamas right now so i’m wearing red shorts and i’m barefoot 
What are you listening to right now? • laboum hwi hwi 
If you were a crayon what colour would you be? • A PEACH PINK ONE 
Favourite smell? 
concrete.. stairwells.. LOL 
i think it’s like the musty basement smell? i’m so weird i know g;dkdf;gld;k BUT I LIKE IT 
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? • my mommy 
Favourite sport to watch? • i don’t watch sports 
Hair colour? • dark brown, pretty much black 
Eye colour? • light brown
Do you wear contacts? • only circle lenses for cosplay 
Favourite food? • i LOVE RICE 
Scary movies or comedy? • comedy, if you give me horror i’ll die and hate you
Last movie you watched? 
it might have been wonder woman.. 
i don’t watch many movies 
it might have been koe no katachi actually.. thinking about it more 
What colour shirt are you wearing?
a white tshirt from my high school’s 30 hour famine 
it’s real old and crusty now lmao 
which is why it’s my pajama 
Summer or winter? 
i hate summer bc it’s so hot ((currently dying))
Hugs or kisses? 
hugs bc i’ve never been kissed 
and hugs feel SO DAMN GOOD 
Book you’re currently reading? 
haha book ur funny 
does manga count 
i’m reading (ongoing) snk, namaikizakari, pochamani, queen’s quality - off the top of my head 
Who do you miss right now • no one really 
What’s on your mouse pad? 
i don’t use one but the one i own has yuki cross from vampire knight on it 
What’s the last tv program you watched?
What is the best sound? 
kevin woo’s voice *shabang* *finger guns* 
Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
never listened to either of their music so i don’t have a preference (oops) 
What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled?
some island in the northern part of south america 
i was on a cruise ship 
also, i live in toronto, so really it’s not tooooooo far 
Do you have a special talent? 
how i wish i did 
Where were you born? • toronto, canada! 
AIGHT THANKS FOR READING, NOW I’M GOING TO TAG @sookashira @viktorsglabella @shoujoandbobatea @keiscute @riumew @helloseashell and anyone else because these questions are fun! 
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honney-bby · 7 years
So I was tagged by my lovely pal @notalk-justthought for this tag thingy so here it be
1. Nickname(s): I dont really have one but in middle school I had a friend that called me “Poopy” and that was dope 2. Bias: the only bias i am familiar with is 1) an unfair prejudice or 2) a kpop bias sooooo imma go with kpop and it’s Jeon Jungkook or like Min Yoongi but thats just from bts. I cant choose from all of kpop okay thats too hard… its hard enough to choose from one group 3. Blood type: idk man 4. Relationship status: singlé 5. Birthday: March 6th  6. Zodiac sign: Pisces  7. Pronouns: She/Her 8. Hair length: shawtttt 9. Height: 5′6 10. A crush: a boy at my university i talked to once :-) (its a very smol crush tho, i just think hes cute) 11. What do you like about yourself: I feel like i can kinda just have fun and be a goof and make a fool out of myself to make my friends and myself laugh without caring much what other people think. I definitely wasnt always that way though lol
12. Right or left handed: Right
13. List of three favourite colours: blues, oranges, and that warm golden yellow you get from sunlight illuminating your surroundings as the sun sets 14. Right now eating: uuhh i just ate sum apple sauce 15. Right now drinking: water 16. I’m about to: finish a dino documentary i started yesterday or mess around on this trash site for a few hours as per usual 17. Listening to: one of my spotify playlists, current song is Florence by Loyle Carner 18. Kids: hell nah 19. Get married: ¿¿¿ maybe ??? It depends on a lot of shit. Long story short I just really value my indepence and freedom. 20. Recent phone call: my grandpa 21. Have you ever dated someone twice: nope, ive never dated someone once :-) 22. Been cheated on: my cousin cheated when we were playing uno once :-) lmao  23. Kissed someone and regretted it: ive never kissed anybody so no 24. Lost someone special: so many people 25. Been depressed: yes my dude  26. Been drunk and thrown up: ive never gotten drunk before so no 27. Had glasses or contacts: Both! I cant see shit!! 28. Had sex on a first date: nope 29. Broken someone’s heart: i would hope not 30. Turned someone down: yes 31. Cried when someone died: yes 32. Fallen for a friend: mmm not really ive had short lasting crushes on a few but nah
In the last year have you…
33. …made a new friend: ive made a few and i love them all to pieces :’-) 34. …fallen out of love: i dont think ive ever even been in love 35. …laughed until you cry: yes my friends are funny as hell    36. …met someone who changed you: any person ive been good friends with has influenced me in some way and i have made a few good friends in the past year 37. …found out who your true friends were: some but its kind of a constant cycle as you meet new people and make more friends 38. …found out someone was talking about you: yes 39. Lips or eyes: both 40. Hugs or kisses: hugs are solid and easily enjoyed by many 41. Shorter or taller: i guess in a boyfriend i would prefer taller (i love me a tall boy) but ultimately it doesnt matter  42. Romantic or spontaneous: get you a man who can do both 43. Sensitive or loud: … sensitive i guess?? i feel like a person could be both of these things but…  44. Hookup or relationship: I dont think i could do a hookup. Knowing myself a lot could go wrong for me in that scenario. But im in love with the idea of love so a relationship sounds.. wow… amazing… so good 45. First best friend: A girl named Allie. we met in preschool and we were best friends (like sisters) until sophomore year of highschool. She changed a lot freshman year and started pushing me away. It hurt but it was okay because i had other really good friends by the time the friendship broke off and we like eachother’s selfies on instagram now and i wish the best for her. 46. Surgery: i had my wisdom teeth removed like four years ago (i had 7 of them! Ew ik) 47. Sports I joined: i didnt do team sports. I danced ballet and jazz for like nine years and i made it to pointe (my dream at the time) and took a year of pointe alongside my other dance classes and then my pointe teacher quit so i quit dance all together :-) I also did cheerleading when i was really young and i hated it lol. 48. Do you believe in yourself: in some ways yes and in others not really tbh lol 49. Miracles: i guess 50. Love at first sight: the hopeless romantic in me wants to say yes but no, i dont think its possible to love someone without knowing them 51. Heaven: idk idk idk. As of now not really but i was raised christian so idk idk idk. 52. Do you have any pets: no, unfortunately my bird died recently :( 53. Do you want to change your name: nah i like my name 54. What did you do for your last birthday: my family visited me at school and we spent the day in the city 55. What time did you wake up today: 9 am 56. What were you doing last night at midnight: reading fanfic, probably lmao 57. Something you can’t wait for: the next time i travel outside of the states, whenever that happens 58. Last time you saw your mom: like 3 hours ago 59. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i had more intrinsic motivation to achieve my goals and do the things i love (callout post @ Depression) 60. What’s getting on your nerves: the current political climate
I tag: @thefakebriansella @very-good-nice-day @andreivgadia and any other mutual who want to do this. Also no pressure to do this if you dont want to.
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