#I feel like its Michael but I think Peter could too...
surgebestsoda · 3 months
I was staring at my computer so long at work I thought I was having a migraine attack this morning and because im insane I started thinking.....
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siriusblack-the-third · 5 months
Matching Misfortunes: Peter Pevensie
I binged read and watched the Narnia books and films, and idk what possessed me but I wrote. so. Let's go. Please check out the other parts for the other siblings!
Peter’s skin itches.
He heaves even breaths through his nose as he leans back to avoid the sloppy punch Easton throws at him, and stops himself from going for the throat for the third time in half as many seconds.
This is the fourth fight he has gotten himself dragged into since term began on Monday. It is Wednesday today, and Peter’s blood pounds in his ears, through his limbs and his flexing fingers as he holds back; doesn’t hit hard, doesn’t go for the liver or the heart or the head, does not give into the bloodlust that whispers siren songs of battle and blood-covered blades in his ears. He stops himself, clenching his fists and dodging the abysmal hits from the three boys that surround him, and refuses to lift a hand against these insolent children.
He is a King.
He is a boy stuck in a schoolyard brawl he did not start.
Peter’s skin itches.
He wants to claw it off— he imagines that this is what snakes must feel when their body gets much too big for their scales, and they have to go through the painful process of shedding their outer layer and come out stronger and larger. He suppresses a grim twist of his lips as he kicks out— harmlessly, wrestling against the lust that sings a song of death in his ears— at that idiot Michael’s knee to send him sprawling to the ground with a yelp, and thinks that what he went through was rather the opposite, really. He grew up, and then was forced into a body too unfamiliar, too awkward, too inexperienced. Too young.
He was a King.
He is a boy stuck in a body too unscarred to be a King’s.
Kenneth lunges forward to try and grab him around the waist. Peter easily steps out of the way, the part of him that is a seasoned warrior clawing to the forefront of his mind simply to scoff at the graceless flailing of limbs that these children call fighting. Lucy could do better.
Lucy did do better, twelve years ago. Or maybe it was five years ago.
The timelines blur together, in his mind; he can no longer tell whether he is in England or Narnia. He is wearing his school uniform and he is wearing his royal garments, he is walking the halls of Westbrook County Boarding School and he is walking the halls of Cair Paravel. He holds the blunted school practice broadsword in his hand and he holds the razor-sharp Rhindon in his calloused hands, he is a boy and he is a King.
“Fight back,” Easton snarls, dark brown hair falling out of its previously carefully styled place, and Peter thinks of how he has seen scarier Mice dig their teeth into the throats of Minotaurs and suck them dry of blood. He blinks, and the image of him sinking his own teeth into Easton’s throat flashes across his mind’s eye. He blinks again, and he’s back on this makeshift battleground where the mice are gone and his sword is gone and he is in clothes too uncomfortable and the skin is stretched taut over a body that is not really his—
“Fight back, Pevensie, you coward!”
High King Peter the Magnificent of Narnia, Commander of the Armies, Emperor of the Lone Islands, the Lionheart Warrior King, Protector of the People, wants to grab him by the throat and shatter his jaw into a thousand pieces for that grave insult upon his character. Instead, he laughs in his face and sticks out his tongue, like a small child.
He is nineteen, and he is thirty-three. He is not a child, in either world.
Sometimes, he wishes he was. Sometimes, he wishes he was thirteen and in his mother’s home, he wishes he had never left for Professor Diggory’s mansion.
Most times, however, he wishes for something he has almost given up hope for, something he was forced to give up five and a half years ago. He wishes, oh so dearly, for a faithful sword made of mithril in his hand and a heavy crown woven out of golden flowers on his head. He wishes for one last chance to step out of this world that was once his but no longer is, and into a world where he was once High King Peter the Magnificent, Commander of the Armies, Emperor of the Lone Islands, the Lionheart Warrior King, First of the Beloved Four, Protector of the Narnian People.
Easton yells as he lumbers forward, and Peter, too embroiled in old memories of running his fingers through the unicorn Ethrys’ snow-white mane while galloping through grassy fields, does not see the punch coming until it is too late. The loud smack of knuckles against flesh echoes through the school courtyard, and the impact of the heavy fist on his cheek is like an electric shock to his senses.
For a second, he blinks dazedly. And then his brain registers it properly. The pain flares, and with it so does blinding hot bloodlust.
‘Fine,’ he thinks as he lifts a hand to wrap his fingers around Easton’s forearm in a death grip, a high-pitched whistle echoing in his ears and red creeping into the edges of his vision as it zeroes in on the many weaknesses in the three boys’ defenses. ‘You want a fight? You’ll get one.’
It takes him four seconds to get the three imbeciles on their backs, one howling in pain from a dislocated shoulder, the other because of a broken nose and the third from a bruised kidney. His fingers flex around the hilt of a sword that he no longer owns, and he reminds himself that he is not allowed to kill, not in this world where he is not a King and does not lead wars.
He stares down at Easton, the image of a blood covered sword and a slain warrior at his feet flashing behind his eyelids when he blinks. He opens his eyes and the boy stares back, hand clutching his shoulder and face becoming paler and paler the longer Peter holds his terrified brown gaze.
“Don’t bother me again,” he says flatly to the three of them, and turns away, ignoring the teachers that are hurrying across the lawn with yells of his name tumbling from their lips. He lifts his gaze and locks it with Edmund’s for a second, brilliant blue meeting identical brilliant blue, before both of them turn away. One royal brother melts into the crowd of students without a whisper, and the other stalks off towards the dorms with blood on his ever-bruised knuckles and memories of a different world singing through the veins of a body that is too young for the mind it contains.
He is a King, celebrated and honoured for his services to a hallowed land.
He is a mere boy sitting on the roof of the boarding school, fingers flexing around the hilt of a sword that no longer belongs to him, nothing more than a memory he cannot let go of: a memory he refuses to let go of even after five and a half years.
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starlightseraph · 6 months
final (long) thoughts about the rpf debacle, as i’ve finally blocked all the major accounts involved
regarding david and michael: they seem like two great guys with great chemistry, and they appear to really care for each other. the nature of their connection, their happiness in their relationships, the details of their personal lives, etc are not for any of us to say. we certainly don't need to analyse every thing they do and every flick of their eyes or use 20 year old tabloid bits to create a story about them being trapped and potentially abused and "clearly" wanting to leave their partners so they can fuck. no one dislikes the theorising because it's m/m, anyone who does has issues to work through. 99% of us dislike it because it's invasive, done without any knowledge of the boundaries or comfort of the people it's about.
regarding georgia: idc what other people say, i think she can actually act. i think it's unlikely that my opinion is biased, given that i actually became aware of her before i even knew who david was (merlin, i was 11). do i think she's the greatest actress who's ever lived? no. do i want to fall at her feet to praise every word she types on her ig? no. to me, her public personality is pretty cool and likeable, and she certainly uses her platform for good things. i don't see evidence that david has an issue with the social media stuff that georgia does, maybe a bit of playful annoyance, but nothing too serious. she does actually say good things about him, quite often. when she says things that could be deemed insulting, it’s nothing unique to david, she does that with practically everyone she posts about. i see absolutely no reason to believe that she's abusive, a baby trapper, that her children dislike her, or that david is miserable with her. i genuinely feel that her "stalker" comments were jokes. based on what she and david have said, it sounds like she was acting like anyone with a crush would, texting the object of her affections and wanting to hang out. in my community, completely normal behaviour is called stalkery, just to poke fun at someone for having a crush, sometimes done in a self-deprecating way. as for the peter davison story and its inconsistencies, idk what to make of that. the claims that she got her "david" tattoo right after they met and that she changed ty's name without input from david are completely unfounded. I've seen no evidence for the name bit, and i've actually found evidence against the tattoo story. i'm not proud of it, but i did go digging through paparazzi photos, and she doesn't actually have the tattoo until later. no one, not even the tabloids, seems to have anything about an open relationship or them not going steady before getting married. the first actual records of those rumours is in the blogs that say the rumours have been around for nearly 20 years. all the "evidence" for these last few things that i've seen cited (or even very boldly linked) is from the trashiest of trashy blog sites with 2004-level web design. i take them with a grain of salt, given that not even the daily mail repeats their stories.
regarding anna: i'm ambivalent towards her. i don't see any obvious talent as an actress or model, but she also hasn't really done anything that has the opportunity to showcase ability in those fields. i also don’t see much chemistry with the others, but, again, we’ve hardly seen anything. the claims that she got pregnant through a one night stand seem more widely acknowledged, so maybe that was the case. if that is what happened, i have a few things to say. firstly, did neither of these grown adults have birth control? the baby trapping claims imply that she deliberately sabotaged it, which is an incredibly serious claim that we are in no position to make. within this story, michael apparently met her at an acting school graduation and they hooked up. she would've been in her early-mid 20s and he would have been almost 50… the rpf blogs say that they have no personal bias against georgia and anna, and that they're perfectly willing to call david and michael out on their bullshit, yet (to my knowledge) they haven't said anything about this. if they're really so concerned with the truth, and they believe the graduation hookup story, why not call michael out for it?? they were both adults and while i do believe that healthy relationships with a large age gap are possible, it’s still a bit weird given how they would’ve met. also, there are have been lots of (unconfirmed) allegations that michael is a serial cheater, so what makes these blogs think that he wouldn't also cheat on david in this fantasy world view of theirs? i believe that people can be bettered no matter what they've done and that they should get chances, but assuming that he wouldn't cheat in this singular situation seems pretty biased to me.
bottom line, we don't know! this is exactly what i’ve said since the beginning, that we have absolutely no place in these people's lives outside of admiring their accomplishments and supporting their work. please, everyone, chill. by all means, write fun stories on ao3 using the likenesses of david and georgia and michael and anna! i find it uncomfortable, but i don't have real moral objections to fiction that is only intended as fiction. i’ve previously said that we don't have a problem with the georgia/anna shipping jokes because they're jokes, and one of the pf blogs said that it was serious because of an ao3 slash fanfic and that we were only fine with it because it was f/f. correction, we were fine with that because it was purely and entirely fictional. not being presented was an investigation into real life.
i've seen lots of these blogs saying that a video of david and michael having sex could be released and the we'd find a way to brush it off or discount it. flipping this and applying it back, i think that david and michael could hold a press conference declaring that they're not in a relationship, and the blogs would work around it, claiming beards and façades.
quick warning to everyone, digital footprint exists. one blog in particular very casually displays her identity, and someone could easily send her graphic sex stories and claims of abuse about real strangers to potential employers or event hosts. this isn't a threat, i really can't be arsed, but it's something to be aware of, that these things can have real life repercussions.
i want to make it very clear that i would have absolutely no problem if all the theories actually turned out to be true. it’s the extreme parasocial obsession and complete lack of any boundaries that i object to.
the conspiracy story had been told many times, every single group of devotees to a public figure or piece of media weaves and incredible web of false evidence and imagined narratives. maybe you think that you're actually right this time, that you've become privy to a truth. maybe you are right. but to believe undeterred that this time it’s different and your theories are true is just wishful thinking. if everything is true, great. but, until they confirm or deny, you don't get to tell their story for them.
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trillscienceofficer · 27 days
I think it's actually quite interesting to see “Someone To Watch Over Me” still considered among the Voyager best (needless to say, I disagree!) Here are two perspectives, one ‘unofficial’ from shortly after the episode aired, and another more official for the show's 25th anniversary, which just ends up borrowing from the former, by then already 20-ish years old, source!
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from Cinefantastique Vol 31 #11, April 2000
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from Star Trek: Voyager - A Celebration (2020)
Transcription under the cut:
From Cinefantastique:
MY FAIR BORG Behind-the-scenes of fifth season's “Someone To Watch Over Me.”
By Anna Kaplan
When thinking back on VOYAGER’S fifth season, executive producer Brannon Braga enthused, “One of my favorites of the year is ‘Someone to Witch Over Me’, the Doctor-Seven show. It’s very, very charming, and heartbreaking." In the episode, Seven finally decides to go on a date, and the Doctor coaches her on proper etiquette. Along the way, the Doctor realizes he is falling in love with Seven.
Noted scripter Michael Taylor, who worked from a story by Braga, “When an action show finds that it can do a comedy, it’s gained a certain level of confidence in its actors, in its writing staff, just in a general sense of what the show is about, that it can loosen up a bit." Enthused Jeri Ryan, “Even the editors were coming up to me on the set and saying, ‘This never happens, but everyone was coming in out of the other editing room, and stopping what they were doing and watching this show while we were cutting it together.’ They said it was just so charming that everybody loved it.”
Robert Duncan McNeill, who plays Tom Paris, directed the show. “It was a very unusual episode for STAR TREK, because it’s a very traditional romantic comedy,” he said. “I have to admit, when I first read it I was a little nervous. I thought, this is not what someone would expect from a STAR TREK show. But the response has just been incredible. A lot of people are saying it’s going to be one of our best episodes. It’s got the Doctor and Seven of Nine in a kind of MY FAIR LADY situation, with the Doctor trying to teach Seven about love, and improve her social skills, and in the process finds himself having feelings for her.”
In a subplot Ethan Phillips as Neelix gives a tour of the ship to a repressed alien monk, played by Scott Thompson of KIDS IN THE HALL. “We want to get something from his race,” said Phillips. “They arc a highly moral race, and before they can give it, we have to make sure that they sec us as an equally moral race. I am entrusted to show him our ship and all our functions, so that he can assess our righteousness. The guy turns out to be a lush, and a complete drunk. It’s kind of like that movie with Peter O’Toole, MY FAVORITE YEAR; the guy is entrusted with keeping him sober. It's a funny part and a really neat role.”
McNeill continued, “I really enjoyed working with Bob. He never gets tired of figuring out new ideas, and funny moments, and quirky things to do. Jeri found, I think, a different kind of humanity in Seven of Nine than we have seen before, a real kind of child-like sense of humor in her character. Seven and Bob sing together in a real nice, little moment."
McNeill added, “The ending wasn’t written when we shot the whole episode. When the whole script wasn’t written, we were just sort of making it up, shooting it as it was being written. It’s very hard to plan ahead and say, ‘You don’t want to give away too much in this moment. You want to save it for the end when you realize your feelings.’ It definitely kept us on our toes, kept us aware of how much we were telling, in what order we were telling the story, and not to have the Doctor fall in love with Seven in Act One, to really find the whole journey, and fill it out fully. It’s a real actors' show, so I felt particularly excited, being an actor, to work on a show that really depended on the performances and the subtleties that the actors could bring to it.”
What about the end? Said McNeill, “Because it’s two series regulars that are playing around with love, that’s always a very dangerous subject. If you go too far with it, you’ve got to live with the consequences. If you are not ready to deal with it on an ongoing basis on the series, then you have to be really careful with how far you go.”
The ending was filmed some time after primary shooting finished. Laughed Robert Picardo, “This episode is like the movie CASABLANCA, because we shot it without knowing what the end will be. It’s like shooting a romantic story, without knowing the payoff. But CASABLANCA turned out pretty well. I’m hoping that we will be equally fortunate.” The writers chose not to reveal the Doctor’s feelings to Seven. At the end, the Doctor is alone at Sandrine's, playing the Gershwin tune “Someone to Watch Over Me.”
from Star Trek: Voyager - A Celebration:
AIR DATE: APRIL 28, 1999
Teleplay by Michael Taylor
Story by Brannon Braga
Directed by Robert Duncan McNeill
Synopsis The Doctor teaches Seven about dating, then realizes he may have feelings for her himself.
One of the most popular episodes of VOYAGER is a bottle show, with the captain barely seen and no serious peril, unless failed diplomacy and a broken holographic heart count.
That Robert Picardo's EMH was going to be standout character was obvious from his first scene in VOYAGER's pilot episode. Three seasons later Jeri Ryan's Seven of Nine revitalized the show with her debut. Pairing them proved to be a magic formula.
The Doctor established himself as a mentor for Seven, helping her come to terms with her humanity, a complement to Captain Janeway's maternal approach. The on-screen rapport between the two was self-evident. Ryan agrees: “I loved any of my scenes with Bob Picardo's character the Doctor. I love their dynamic. He's a delightful human being to work with and be around anyway, So that was always fun.”
In season 5's ‘Someone to Watch Over Me’, when Seven reveals a curiosity about human mating behaviour, the Doctor eagerly a lesson plan for her first steps into romantic relationships. His class is initially played for laughs. with the Doctor performing a farcical interpretive dance in front Or the image of an ovum. When Tom Paris adds his own input, he turns the tuition into a wager, which the Doctor happily agrees to. However, when Seven discovers that she is the subject of a bet she is genuinely hurt, leaving the Doctor to realize how insensitive he has been.
If the plot seems familiar, it is. “It's My Fair Lady with Seven,” cowriter Brannon Braga smiles. “‘Someone to Watch Over Me’ is one of my favorites. I thoroughly enjoyed writing that episode." Cowriter Michael Taylor summed up the setup. “Putting those two characters together in that episode, it's not the blind leading the blind, but it's the partially sighted learning from each other and also standing apart from the rest of humanity.”
A key early scene has the Doctor select a tune for Seven to sing. which she does with aplomb. Taylor said, “I remember walking around with all these ideas I had for what the song should be, and Brannon just picked this much simpler song, which was all that was needed to really focus their interaction.” The Doctor and Seven perform a duet of the much-covered 1939 ditty, ‘You Are My Sunshine’ which elicits a look of pride, or first hint of love on the Doctor's face. The story was becoming more than an amusing look at Seven's clumsy dating efforts, though her at dinner with Lieutenant Chapman at Chez Sandrine was a comedy highlight.
This episode marked cast member Robbie McNeill's third stint in the director's chair. “That was one of my favorite episodes to direct,” he says. "It had more comedy than we'd typically have. It had rom-com silliness. reached out to some actors who were very good friends of mine play some of the supporting roles that Seven went on dates with: Brian McNamara (Chapman and David Burke (who played the hologram Steven Price) Was one of my best friends and a wonderful actor."
The parallel story involving Neelix's ordeal with visiting Kadi ambassador was also farcical. "That was the episode where we had the comic actor from The Kids in the Hall [Scott Thompson]." McNeill continues. "He was the alien that came on board. the Drunk Monk We cast an actor who had a lot of comedy chops. It was one of the better light-hearted, but also really meaningful and heartfelt episodes."
The story shows just how versatile VOYAGER could be. It's a romantic comedy involving an artificial intelligence teaching a former Borg drone how to be human. There are no action sequences or alien threats and yet it is one of the series' best stories.
“There is nothing wrong with that episode,” Braga says. He was particularly pleased with one shot. “The Doctor realize he's in love with Seven of Nine and that she isn't in love him, when she's singing. Robbie McNeil does this when shes nice little push in to the Doctor as she's singing ‘You Are My Sunshine”—a great moment. That wasn't planned and you know it kind of ended there for most part, unrequited.”
The ending for the episode was yet to be written when shooting began, leaving the director and crew having to wing it. McNeill remembers, “It definitely kept us on our toes, kept us aware of how much we were telling, in what order we were telling the story, and not to have the Doctor falling love with Seven in Act One, to really find the whole journey. and fill it out fully.”
On the last scene between the Doctor and Seven Jeri Ryan reflects, "I thought that was so lovely and so touching. [The end] just broke my heart.” The conclusion is deliberately subdued as the writers were not planning to develop a romance between the Doctor and Seven of Nine. And so, the Doctor returns to holo program Paris 3 Chez Sandrine for what would be a final visit, to perform the title tune for the episode—‘Won't you tell her please to put on some speed, follow my lead, oh, how I need someone to watch over me.”
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oh-no-another-idea · 6 months
7 Snippets 7 People VIII
Tagged here by the amazing @indecentpause--thank you, friend! To spice things up a little, let's have 7 scenes of my new Peter-Pan-inspired WIP! 💚
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Her bed was a small thing tucked beneath the third window in its own corner of the nursery, and she wasted no time remaking it shipshape. A maid delivered her breakfast to the door, and carefully, Gwendolyn carried the tray back to the first window.
If she was careful and didn’t let her skirts catch on anything, she could drink her morning tea with her legs swinging out the window, five stories above Kensington Gardens.
Gwendolyn rolled her eyes, far from worried. It would be many years before Michael’s mother, Belle, wanted him alone at night. The good lady had heard all kinds of stories before Michael’s birth of babes crying all alone at night, left to the whims of rats and passing burglars, suffocated by their own pillows.
That last was likely pure fiction, but Belle worried. And Gwendolyn had worked with young children before—Michael wasn’t going to be totally self sufficient by the age of four.
“Come on, Michael,” she told the baby who was nearly done with his milk. “Today I think we shall go for a walk through the park.”
He was handsome, her rescuer, with deep black hair ruffling in the wind and a strong slim face. His eyes were indecipherably dark, surrounded by soft crinkly lines like the sort Belle had—he smiled a lot, this boy.
She spared a glance to his clothes; was he a sailor, perhaps? But no, the plainness of his linin shirt and the scarlet kerchief around his neck was the uniform of a porter—hired as extra hands to load cargo, paid, and sent off to search for more work on another ship.
Gwendolyn bounced Michael on her hip. She didn’t dare take him too close to the rail, but made sure he could appreciate the view nonetheless. He seemed all together more fascinated with nearby crew, blowing bubbles into Gwendolyn’s collar.
“Don’t be indecent, Prosper,” said a voice from behind Gwendolyn, causing her to whirl. Two more young men peered out at her interestedly.
“He only means to point out what a novelty visitors are,” Prosper’s companion was quick to add. He was tall with bronze skin and black curls. “Are you lost? Perhaps we can direct you.”
“Don’t give her directions, she’ll leave,” Prosper complained. “And then all I’ll have to entertain myself is your stench.”
One of the other boys called out, “Don’t get anyone started on Edward’s stench!”
“We’re common criminals,” Nicholas announced. “From her majesty’s jail.”
“God save the queen,” the others said as one.
“God save the queen,” Nicholas echoed sardonically. “We’re to be shipped to the Americas, they say.”
“Wendy,” he said, recognition flooding his voice with warmth.
“You’re the one who pushed me out of the way of the luggage,” Gwendolyn realized. Without a strong feeling, her emotions drifted. Anger? Betrayal? Confusion?
He was still as handsome as ever, unfortunately. “I hope you’ll not hold it against me.”
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Tags for @lavender-laney @catchingbigfish @inkstaindusk @dogmomwrites @toribookworm22 @did-i-do-this-write @vacantgodling and anyone else who'd like to join!
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vannahfanfics · 1 year
One Piece Live Action: Review
Well, I came home after work yesterday and immediately binged the entirety of the live-action One Piece adaptation. Now that it's morning, I thought I would collect my thoughts (which I rambled to several friends and also into my handy-dandy phone notepad app) and write a review, for anyone who's interested. I'll be honest, it's mostly for me; I have so many feelings as someone who actually loves cinematography and the artistic analysis of film with regard to storytelling—because we all know how much I love my stories—that I just have to rave about this honest-to-goodness masterpiece of a show. Obviously, it will be very spoiler-heavy, so read at your own discretion!
So, I'll start with a blanket statement and reiterate that, again, I thought this show was a masterpiece. Given the history of live-action anime adaptations, I was cautious in not having terribly high expectations, even after learning that Oda was intimately involved in the production; I also went in looking to respect it as its own entity, though, and willing to look past certain things provided there were no egregious insults to the source material. And y'all, when I say I was blown away—I damn near had a smile on my face the whole night watching it. It wasn't just the nostalgia; it was the overbearing feeling that so much love was poured into this show, which I find to be unfortunately lacking in a lot of Hollywood films these days. I found myself thinking of the Peter Jackson adaptations of the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Though there were changes, some of them large, none of them felt averse to the source material; in fact, the changes felt like they came from an admiration of the source material and a strong desire to bring them justice. I dunno, I was just amazed by the pervading feeling that each and every person involved in making this show had a dream to bring One Piece to life, and they poured every ounce of effort into bringing that dream to fruition—which is what One Piece is all about. This has set the standard for live-action anime adaptations, and I finished this show so desperately hungry for more, to see how they could go bigger and better when bringing the subsequent arcs to life in a nostalgic but refreshingly new way. Goda has delivered yet again, and honestly, I will never be the same. Words aren't going to be able to capture the depth of my feelings about this show, but I must ramble on nonetheless because I am just so awed and inspired and emotional about it.
Episode 1: Romance Dawn
First of all, it's a no-brainer to have the first episode of the series titled "Romance Dawn," but it still made me giddy. The opening sequence was sick. Michael Dorman absolutely sells it as Gol D. Roger; his absolute blitheness in the face of his impending death is so spot-on, and his rendition of the "Wealth, Fame, Power" speech was so rousing. I loved that they kept the fact that Dracule, Shanks, Smoker, and Dragon were in attendance, too, and though they were the briefest of blips, their appearances hinted at the personalities and relationships with Roger that manga/anime followers already know well: Dracule, simply intrigued and stoic; little Shanks, distraught at the looming death of his captain; young Smoker, mystified at the downfall of such a legend but not necessarily sad; and Dragon, who is shown only in his green cloak, shrouded in mystery as he is. I liked the inclusion of Garp at the execution, especially given his expanded role in this adaptation of the series, but also because of his close relationship with Roger in canon; it only makes sense that he would be there at the end. I was also pleasantly surprised that they showed Roger's death on-screen. It immediately established that the tone of this version of One Piece would be darker, with the stakes higher, and I honestly love that. Finally, the overhead scene of all the people rushing out of the square to take to the seas was so breathtaking; it really drove home the impact that this one man and his words had on the world, to the point that his legacy is still going strong twenty years later.
I loved the way we are introduced to Luffy, with this new scene of him rambling to the mail pelican while shoveling water out of his sinking dinghy. It was very Jack Sparrow-esque, which was a nice nod to another defining powerhouse of the pirate adventure genre, but also so Luffy. And I maintained that feeling throughout the show. I mean, even down to the little things, like Luffy smiling every time he was in a fight, him holding onto his hat while fighting to keep it from falling off, him cheering and screaming and crowing with glee—all the little nuances were just so Luffy! I'll probably say it a thousand times throughout this, but every single member of the cast is astounding in their roles and how they embody the characters. Iñaki is no exception; he is Luffy, through and through, even if not exactly the same as the anime/manga Luffy that we all know and love. Also, the CGI effects of his rubber abilities are really cool! I imagine that was so hard to pull off, but they really do a good job of trying to make it as believable as possible.
I will scream from the rooftops about how much I love the treatment of Alvida's character. There was not even one single quip of her being "fat" or "ugly"; everything pertaining to how she is "bad" was geared to her cruelty, and I love that we've broken away from that stereotype in this show. Also, Ilia Isorelýs Paulino slayed as Alvida. She was every ounce of strong, brutal, and callous as canon Alvida, and honestly, she looks gorgeous doing it.
Also, I lived for Koby and Luffy's friendship in this series. Morgan Davies did such a fantastic job portraying Koby and his growth, and his chemistry with Iñaki was just so... yes. Every time they are on screen together, I have the biggest, stupidest smile on my face because you can just see how deep their friendship is despite not knowing each other for very long. Their goodbye scene was so, so, so touching; with the lighting, and the music, and the expression on Koby and Luffy's faces... I got misty-eyed in a way I didn't reading the manga. Given how Koby's friendship with Luffy is such a defining part of his character in the manga, the fact that they evolved it after this initial arc made me incredibly happy. If this show goes on, I'd love to see how they continue to show Koby's growth alongside the Straw Hat's adventures, given the pivotal roles he goes on to play in the narrative.
Another thing I love is the fact that the Straw Hat's backgrounds are shown in pieces throughout the narrative at key moments in the present, such that past and present parallel. It's so good and so much more impactful than just having it shown as one big chunk. Since this is largely Luffy and Shanks' background, I'll focus on it. Peter Gadiot did such a compelling job as Shanks. His portrayal of Shanks carried a tenderness and care for Luffy that just tugged at all my heartstrings. Like, his expression when he realized that Luffy ate the Devil Fruit was just so amazingly haunting... The guilt, the horror, the realization that Luffy's life will never be the same, and there's nothing he can do... Simply spectacular. Also, I will comment again on just how amazing the casting was. Even the background characters, such as Shanks' crew, just shined in their brief moments. Like, even Makino—her minimal reactions with Luffy and Shanks were just so her! She and Shanks really had that "husband and wife" energy, and I lived for it. I also have to give a round of applause to the dialogue in the series. The small changes from the manga/anime defined these portrayals of the characters as distinct from those we've come to love, but in the best way. I was on the FLOOR when little Luffy yelled "Why didn't you get his ass?!" at Shanks because it came out of left field yet was so believable and so Luffy with what we'd been shown so far. Iconic.
I loved the introduction to Zoro's character! It was so him, but also, I was amazed by the inclusion of Baroque Works so early on! His fight with the previous Number 7 was badass, and the fact that, again, the show didn't shy away from on-screen death really highlighted how dangerous this world really is. And it contradicts so well with Nami's introduction, which is so playful, with her jaunty little theme in the background. It's just so One Piece, adrenaline-pumping action and high stakes balanced with lighthearted energy and fun. Then, the bar sequence was just... chef's kiss. I love that the original three came together in the first episode; I was so excited to see what it meant as far as changes to the story and how their dynamic develops. The way they wove in scenes from the manga/anime into this new narrative was so clever; we still got Zoro eating the little girl's rice ball off the ground, establishing how good of a character he is despite seeming so ruthless. But also, can we talk about the choreography of Zoro's fight scene against all those Marines? Just... The fact that he didn't even draw his sword once because he didn't even feel them worthy opponents, the languid nonchalance of his movements when he stepped away from the bar interspersed with his crisp agility in cutting them down, the guy he took out with the cup?! Amazing. Mackenyu read the goddamn assignment. Also, Nami using her wiles to flirt with a Marine, then knocking him out to steal his uniform as soon as he's distracted... Classic Nami. And then Luffy, getting super excited at seeing Zoro fight... while Koby immediately crawls under the table to hide, LOL.
Also, props to Aidan Scott for his portrayal of Helmeppo, like, he perfectly captured the whiny bitch energy. Crawling on his hands and knees away as soon as Zoro gets one hit in on him is classic Helmeppo lmao. I also liked that they didn't shy away from hinting at how terribly Morgan treats him, though I do wish we could have seen a little more of it, if only for the sake of rounding out Helmeppo's character to make his growth throughout the show more impactful (and I will rant and rave about his growth because, my gosh, I love what they did with his character!). I died at the infamous naked sword-practicing scene, but like, it was also so perfect? Like, it just gave even more depth to his character, showing that he does desire to be strong and taken seriously, and how much his mistreatment by his father affects him. The fact that Zoro is the one who gave him his curly-bob haircut sends me, though, just... so hysterical. I screamed.
Langley Kirkwood did a great job at playing Axe-Hand Morgan, too; he totally captured his swagger, self-confidence, and tendency to exaggerate his own accomplishments. I liked that they changed the narrative a bit to where Zoro ended up in the yard because he refused to join Morgan rather than just him beating up Helmeppo; like, it just added such a neat spin to his character, showing that he is devoted to being a bounty hunter simply because he is searching for strong opponents for the pursuit of his dream and nothing else.
I also loved the changes to how Zoro, and Nami, end up joining up with Luffy. My heart swelled when Luffy untied Zoro simply because he wanted him to be able to follow his dream, and that's all, not as a means of pressuring Zoro to join him. Then Nami, sneaking around the Marine Base and stumbling upon Luffy, who almost gets them caught time and time again. It's just so them. I was so overjoyed to see Nami get some action with her Climatact, too! It was so nice to not see her overshadowed by the guys, but right there in the thick of it with them. And, speaking of in the thick of it, the fight with Axe-Hand Morgan was so good! The choreography was amazing, and the music accompanying it just made it that much more heart-pumping. I literally starting pumping my fist and whooping when the bandana and third sword came out, like, iconic Zoro moment brought to life.
Finally, Buggy's introduction at the end was so spot-on. The drama. The excessiveness. The madness. It made me so pumped, alongside seeing that Garp going after Luffy was going to be put at the beginning of the series. Some people didn't like the change, but honestly, it made more sense to me that he would go after Luffy immediately, seeing as he was intent on testing Luffy to see if he was ready to take on the world. It's evident that Garp deeply cares for Luffy, and it just makes sense to me that he wouldn't wait.
Episode 2: The Man in the Straw Hat
Honestly, this is one of my favorite episodes, and all because of Jeff Ward's portrayal of Buggy. It was so amazing. But, I also like the beginning segment showing Zoro, Nami, and Luffy's dynamic. There really is tension among them; they are not a crew yet, and seeing them come together over adversities and genuinely beginning to see each other as a crew and a family just gives me the warm and fuzzies. Because trust isn't just immediately given; it's earned, and it takes time, and seeing them slowly realize how special Luffy is and become compelled and inspired to follow him is so special.
Okay, but onto the main act: Buggy. Buggy. BUGGY! I loved the changes they made to this whole thing, honestly. Setting it in a whole circus tent where the audience is kidnapped town members rather than just... a concrete slab in a ruined town, was so smart. Like, as silly as Buggy is, he is still a menacing pirate, and the way they set up this encounter really reminded us of that. And y'all, I cannot praise enough Jeff Ward's Buggy. So amazing. Like, he's so demented yet pathetic in that Buggy way that it blows my mind, and yet, he still brought his own spin to it by really leaning into the fact that Buggy is the way he is because of his insecurities, to the point that he is totally delusional about what really happened between him and Shanks. Like, the personality switch when he realizes that Luffy knows Shanks, and he full-heartedly believes that Luffy was abandoned by Shanks, too, and is an outcast like him, and offers to have him join his crew, but being so spine-chillingly twisted the whole time is just so, so, so good. Also, again, the CGI for his Devil Fruit abilities was so cool and slick. It captured that perfect balance between horrifying and comical that's so Buggy. Finally, again, I love the changes to the dialogue that came with the show. Buggy's "Surprise, shitheads!" is just so him but still had me rolling because I didn't expect it.
And, in true One Piece fashion, Luffy's perilous plight is countered with the relative light-heartedness of Nami and Zoro escaping to rescue him. Seriously, I love the sass that Mackenyu brings to Zoro. The "Yeah, that does sound like me" was just so perfect.
The water tank scene was... oh my gosh. I will say it again and again throughout my review, but it was so clever and symbolic of them to put the flashbacks in places in the present that parallel each other. I knew it was coming, but the scene where Shanks saves Luffy was just so emotional and raw. Again, Peter Gadiot brings such a softness to Shanks that I love; the tenderness when he hugs Luffy and tells him that he doesn't care about his arm, that he's just glad he's okay, looks like it really comes from the heart. I was in tears at the end of the flashback when Shanks bequeathed his hat to Luffy; it was so emotional, and the choice to have Shanks tell Luffy to "Be good" almost killed me. Because it isn't just him telling him to behave... It's telling him to be a good person, and that's the core of Luffy's character: he's just, he's compassionate, he's truly good in a world so corrupt. Literally, that one small moment took my breath away. Finally, just a small note, but God, did I love the way that they showed Conqueror's Haki! I was interested as to how they were going to do it, and it delivered.
Finally, Iñaki has Luffy's "Don't mess with my friend or I'll kick your ass" glare down pat. When he looked at Buggy, I lost my mind with excitement because I knew shit was about to get real!
Episode 3: Tell No Tales
I really like the title of this episode, too. Not only is it clever because it's Usopp's episode, but it foreshadows the horror movie-esque vibe that Kuro's personage brings to the show by bringing to mind the saying "dead men tell no tales."
I love that the episode starts off with another scene of Luffy, Zoro, and Nami on the boat to show how they are coming together. The banter is different, somehow, with an undercurrent of growing care and trust. Also, of course, I love that they kept the janky Jolly Roger and the details of paint splatter on Luffy's face. It was just a classic cute, funny Straw Hats moment. I also loved all their interactions in the mansion, especially the changing room scene. Like, I love that they kept Luffy's acespec overtones by having him totally not react to Nami asking for opinions on how she looks at all.
I love the changes they brought to Syrup Village! Like, it was so clever to make it a shipwright's town with Usopp having a job in the shipyard, which gives more weight to his abilities as a shipwright and inventor plus the deep bond he develops with the Going Merry. Also, I adore Jacob Romero Gibson's rendition of Usopp! He makes his character so funny, so charming, so lighthearted like the comic-relief Usopp we know, but with some slight changes that really define him as a distinct Usopp. His chemistry with Kaya is so good; I loved the treatment they got in this adaptation. You could truly feel the love and deep bond between them.
Again, the side character casting is amazing. Celeste Loots makes the sweetest, most adorable Kaya. Her look of inspired wonder when Luffy was talking about a pirate's love for their ship and how it's a home was so simple, yet so defining for both her and Luffy's characters. I also loved that she and Nami bonded! It was a clever way to give insight into both of their characters. Alexander Maniatis played such a great Kuro; like, the instant I saw him, I got chills down my spine because he seemed such a prim and proper butler yet had such an edge of malice about him. Also, he nailed the Kuro glasses gesture. Also, Sham and Rika were so well done; they really nailed that whimsical horror vibe going on. Finally, Merry was done well, too! Though I adore him, I was glad that they chose to actually kill him this go-around. First of all, from a medical perspective, it's hard to survive that kind of wound LOL; but also, it again showed just how high the stakes are and how frighteningly ruthless and cold Kuro is.
I was fascinated to see the addition of the Marines to this arc, but honestly, I loved it. The scene of Usopp running through the streets screaming for help was so heartbreaking; Jacob killed it, especially with the expression of disbelief, terror, and desperation on his face as he slowly sat down whispering "Why won't anyone believe me?" Again, so clever to superimpose this with the crux of his backstory, with the reveal that his chronic lying stems from the trauma of his mother's illness and believing that if he just kept up this ritual every day, his father would come home and everything would be right again in the world; sympathy for Usopp hit me more than it ever had. Then, for it to pan to Koby leaning over him earnestly saying, "I believe you," I got chills. Absolutely stupendous way to end the episode.
Episode 4: The Pirates Are Coming
This one is also one of my favorite episodes, for multiple reasons, all pertaining to character development.
The scenes of Zoro in the well will haunt me forever in the best way. It was just such an amazing choice, symbolically, to parallel his scenes of backstory with Kuina with him struggling to get out of this well, a deep, dark hole from which he seemingly cannot escape, just like the deep, dark hole of insecurity he struggled to climb out of with Kuina, and the deep, dark hole of trying to honor Kuina's memory that he struggles with early on. Him slipping each time he is defeated by Kuina or something happens to knock him down... Him climbing higher as his childhood self grows and bonds with Kuina... It was just so artistic, so beautiful, that I still get chills thinking about it. The amazing score that accompanies the scenes also has a lot to do with it. I haven't touched on the score much, but honestly, it's so amazing too. Also, shoutout to the actor who played Kuina's dad. Like, the way he delivered the news of Kuina's death to Zoro was so powerful; him trying to be the stoic sensei, but still crying a tear, and them embracing at the end... My heart hurted.
There is a lot of good Koby growth in this episode as well! This is where we really see him struggle with his sense of "justice" that he gains and grows throughout the anime/manga... Wanting to follow orders, but wanting to follow his heart, but not yet having the courage to stand up to authority, all foiled by Helmeppo, who is jaded by the reality of the Marines and lacks empathy for others secondary to his own self-hatred... It's so good, and a wonderful addition, in my opinion, because I hate that a lot of the growth of the other characters in One Piece happens behind the scenes sometimes.
Again, I love the changes to Usopp in this adaptation, and it peaks with him choosing to stay with Kaya in the mansion. It just gives a glimmer of the Usopp we come to see, the one who refuses to run away when the things he cares about are truly threatened, and drives home the fact that Usopp loves Kaya enough to face certain death for her, despite his cowardly tendencies. Just amazing.
But again, I have to give props to the actors of the Kuro crew, and the whole team behind this sequence. It was so creepy! Like, it had such a maliciousness and element of horror that the anime/manga just couldn't capture. I knew what happened in the end, but I was still on pins and needles the whole time because there was just so much tension! I did laugh at the Zoro and Luffy moment out in the woods, though, referencing Zoro's nonexistent sense of direction. And Zoro's fight with the lackeys was amazingly choreographed, as always, with Mackenyu really nailing Zoro getting enraged when Kuina's sword was stolen.
The ending scenes! What a way to end such a tense episode! I screamed at the UsoKaya kiss; it was so unexpected yet delightful! But also, the Straw Hats' reactions were so them. And then, the bliss and exhilaration as they sailed away on the Going Merry, while notes of "We Are" played in the background. Even the small details hit me, like Zoro finding a place to sleep and sleeping with Kuina's sword, and Luffy and Usopp arguing over who's captain, and all of them laughing together... just really captured the world I love. Then, an amazing cliffhanger with them being attacked by Garp and Luffy dropping the "Grandpa?" bomb. Perfect.
Episode 5: Eat At Baratie!
I was so hype for this episode because Sanji was my first One Piece love, and I was so excited to see the takes on his character and arc. I was not disappointed.
I liked howGarp's relationship with Luffy was given slowly over the course of the series. The flashback of him destroying Luffy's boat and hauling him off, with no regard to his dreams, really hit home because of how much value had been placed on dreams up until then. Garp as a character really started to shine here, with him hurling a cannonball with his bare hand, then laughing when Luffy bested him (because we all know how intertwined laughter is to the One Piece narrative, especially with regards to Luffy). The simple bit of Koby saving Helmeppo's life, too, and the look of bewilderment he gives him that heralds the change in his character and impending growth, was just so good, too! And of course, the interactions of the Straw Hats were great; they are coming together, but they still have a long way to go, and that just makes what follows in the Baratie arc that much more meaningful. They aren't a crew yet, but they will be.
So appropriate that Luffy's nose and gullet leads him to the Baratie. And, oh, I love what they did with this set! It's the most magnificent, in my opinion. I love the addition of a lighthouse, since the Baratie is supposed to be a refuge for hungry sailors of all kinds. I thoroughly enjoyed everything about the crew and how they interacted in the restaurant, too; it had so many good moments of them bonding. However, I have to take a moment to acknowledge Usopp, who just killed it throughout this episode; like, strutting into the restaurant tits-out? "I can't eat anymore, but it's so good?" The fishbowl? The dancing? The blabbing to a complete stranger only for it to turn out to be a legendary badass here for his captain? Iconic behavior. But, seriously, so many good character moments here. Luffy ordering milk like the innocent cutie he is. Zoro struggling to sit in the booth with his swords but refusing to check them. Nami being totally unimpressed with Sanji's flirting. The boys teasing Nami for Sanji's flirting. 10/10. And Zoro and Nami bonding by trying to learn more about one another! The shift in her character really is fantastic; Emily Rudd did a bang-up job of showing that Nami truly is a good person, but is so damaged by her childhood and is scared to get close to anyone because she inevitably hurts them. I loved that she called Zoro her friend while trying to dissuade him from fighting Mihawk, and the switch that happens in her debating on betraying them in secret comes from him rebuking her by throwing her own words back in her face.
Also, speaking of Sanji, I adore Taz Skylar's Sanji with all my heart. Like, first of all, I love that they toned down his flirtatiousness. It's still there, but it is at such a more tolerable level because it isn't overbearing or uncomfortable. Then there is his smile. My God, every time he smiles, my heart sings. Like, he just captured the essence of Sanji that is part dapper gentleman badass, part snarky, foul-mouthed asshole, and part pathetic wet beast of a man. I have fallen in love with Sanji all over again. I also loved his relationship with Zeff. It was so them; bickering incessantly, antagonism belying the genuine love they have for each other. Finally, I adore the relationship he gains with the crew. Like, it is so obvious how much he comes to care about Luffy after them talking about dreams and later while helping Luffy process what it really means to be a captain. Also, it's so badass that he did all his own stunts. Him fighting so screams Sanji! I just cherish this Sanji, I really do.
I knew going in that they condensed this arc, and honestly, I'm pleased with how they did it. I thought it was so clever to introduce Mihawk differently, with him absolutely decimating Don Krieg's crew single-handedly and calling it "Killing time." Also, he's so hot, it's honestly unfair. Again, the amazing casting shines through, because Steven Ward made such a spectacular Mihawk, totally encapsulating that devil-may-care attitude of his and his interest in powerful people. Phenomenal. And to pair this with more Koby growth, with him being appalled by Garp using pirates to do his business and that the World Government has the Warlord system. I had to laugh at Helmeppo's "You don't know shit about how the world works" because it was just a funny line in general, but funnier coming from him, who also doesn't know shit about how the world works in a different way. It was sad not to see Sanji shine in combat against the Don Krieg crew (though I loved the Gin appearance and that he lives this time!), I think it was a smart narrative choice to have this episode center around Mihawk vs. Zoro, given what follows. Speaking of, that fight was amazing. It was a dead ringer to how it goes down into the manga, down to the pose at the end when Zoro points his sword at the sky and vows never to lose again. I also love that Nami didn't flee in secret like she did in the manga; she stayed, and there was that tender moment of her holding Usopp's hand for comfort. I just think it does so well to illustrate how Nami is changing, but also, the sheer power that Luffy holds in making people who have given up all hope believe again. Nami stays because, deep down, she has hope that she can be a part of this crew, that she can have the courage to tell Luffy the truth and have him help her save her home, that she can be free of Arlong, and that is so powerful in a way that is different and new than the way things originally go.
Episode 6: The Chef and The Chore Boy
I love that there is so much weight in this episode on Zoro's injury. It was glossed over in the manga, honestly, but this adaptation goes into how grievous it is and uses that as the crux of Luffy's growth as a captain and how they come together. It's amazing, narrative-wise, enough for me to be content with the large plot changes they made to the Baratie arc.
The Mihawk and Garp interaction is so gold, honestly. It really captures Mihawk's thing about doing whatever he wants despite being a dog of the World Government, and the keen interest he takes in Luffy. Also, again, Garp laughing while losing his shit at the fact that his grandson is out there tearing up the East Blue as a pirate is so awesome.
Sanji's backstory is the only one told as a full, uninterrupted narrative, and the fact that it's different because of the circumstances and the fact that Sanji is telling it to show Luffy, who is obviously doubting himself, what it means to be a captain is again so clever. Again, Sanji is one of my all-time favorite characters, and his backstory was always the most gut-wrenching to me; seeing it come to life was so heartbreakingly beautiful and sad and inspiring. Props to the kid that played him, like, he did a stellar job. The way he attacked Zeff with unhinged rage over his food; the way he slowly unraveled throughout the time on the rock, starting out as determined to survive and having the optimism that only a child can have and slowly transitioning into the terrified little boy he is, curled up and sniffling as the days drag on; the look of shock, guilt, and disbelief when he realizes that Zeff gave him all the food and ate his own leg (especially with knowledge from the manga, knowing the way Sanji grew up and how he has never known any sort of love, so the idea that someone would sacrifice for him, especially as a stranger, just shatters his entire world view)... It's simply spectacular. And comparing that to the present Sanji, who is so full of energy and life and hope for finding the All Blue, is just so impactful.
But, seriously, I love the whole thing of the characters' growth revolving around Zoro and his recovery. I was touched by Nami reading the story of Noland to him (and also excited by another crumb for potential sequel seasons), and Luffy struggling with what to say because he is struggling with himself and his ability to captain.
Again, I really enjoyed how they handled the transition from Baratie to Arlong Park. First of all, I loved that they kept Buggy a part of the narrative. It encapsulates that spirit of One Piece in which events and characters hundreds of chapters back can still return to have profound effects on the narrative. Also, Buggy is just downright hysterical in this show, and I enjoy his presence. The fishmen are so intimidating, and I like how they used the Baratie to set that and Arlong's motivations up. Getting to see Sanji really fight was great, and when he lost his shit because Zeff got hurt... Yes, just yes. Finally, I love that Nami just "betrayed" them in person. The fact that it went down like it did made Luffy emotional intelligence and his belief that Nami isn't just a traitor that much more impactful to me. Emily Rudd did such a good job of showing Nami as someone who is callous on the surface but clearly has that undertone of hesitation and guilt about what she is doing, though she knows she is doing it to save their lives. Also, Sanji being shirtless while saving Luffy? Like, I will take the fanservice, but it was just so funny to me LOL
But the end of the episode was so hopeful! After everything going wrong, Luffy finally finds the words he needs to say because he knows now what it means to be a captain; he needs his crew as much as they need him. And Zoro waking up at that moment, and Luffy being so excited to see him that he crawls all over him and flings his arm around LOL, it's so Luffy. And I loved that we got official acknowledgement of Zoro as his first mate! It was so good! And finally, Sanji and Zeff's goodbye. It was so emotional, Taz's voice breaking as he thanked Zeff for everything and putting up with all his shit over the years... I cried. TT.TT And of course, ending it with the twist that Buggy will lead them to Arlong is just so exciting LOL
Chapter 7: The Girl With The Sawfish Tattoo
I was so ready for this episode because some of the scenes in the Arlong Park arc are still some of my favorites. I'll admit that this is the arc that had a few changes that I wish weren't there, but overall, I still like how it was handled, and it kept the spirit of the manga.
Again, I like how Nami's backstory is interspersed with key moments of the present narrative. The initial scene of childhood innocence with her and Nojiko and Belle-mere, so light and happy, and coming to a jarring end as she snaps to reality in Arlong Park... Perfect. Also, I thought it was cool that they turned Arlong Park into an amusement park; it's a clever nod to Arlong's twisted notion of making the world a "paradise" for fishmen. Again, I have to commend the casting. Arlong is so savage in this. He practically radiates bloodlust, and it's so good, even though I know what happens, I was worrying for Nami the whole time because he could so easily turn on her on a whim. Then, pairing the conflict of Nami having to go collect money from her village with the conflict with Belle-mere, her hating that she's poor and weaponizing the fact that they aren't a "real" family, as a frustrated child would... So clever. I will admit that this is where the changes that I don't like come in. I really don't like that they made it to where the town had no clue about the fact that she was trying to buy back the village the whole time, and they pretended not to know to try and keep Nami safe. Like, they kept the idea that Nami felt sh deserved to be hated because she felt guilty for not cherishing Belle-mere as she should have and somehow responsible for what happened to the town, but still, what was special about Nami's arc is that she believed that she hurt everyone around her and that she didn't deserve to be loved, but she had been loved the whole time, and this show completely abolished that. In the same vein, I hated the cuts they made to Genzo's character. Belle-mere was her mother figure, and Genzo was her father figure, and that was largely unseen here. They had the nods to the pinwheels (it was cute that they used the tangerine skills), but, again, I felt it was a disservice to Nami's story and character to make changes like this, and I honestly don't know why they felt the need to do it at all, aside from maybe driving home the fact that Nami felt she deserved to be hated and so let the village hate her.
Again, very interesting how they wove in the Marines here. I honestly loved the dinner with Garp and Zeff; them talking about the old days, and Zeff hinting at the times changing and the upcoming generation that becomes a crux to the overall One Piece narrative, is so good. Also, love the Helmeppo and Koby bonding. Their friendship has become so important to me.
But, seriously, props to Iñaki, and the scriptwriters, for just perfectly capturing Luffy's emotional intelligence. Because Nojiko has no idea that Nami is trying to buy back the town, the cast is left believing that Nami genuinely betrayed them, but Luffy just refuses to abandon his gut feeling that there is something more, and he won't stop until he hears it directly from Nami, whom he knows is not being honest with him. Though I don't like the changes to the story, I do like the scene of Nami and Nojiko's reconciliation. It's very heartfelt and heartbreaking, especially when followed by Nezumi arriving to take Nami's money away; everything finally seems to be going right for Nami, and then it all falls apart. I loved the cinematography of her running through the tangerine fields; it truly captured the desperation, all the way up until her falling to her knees at the sight of her village being razed to the ground. Emily Rudd and Iñaki truly nailed the next sequence, which is my favorite in all the manga; Nami's screaming with rage as she stabs her tattoo, Luffy standing there, waiting for the ask for help that he instinctively knows will come, Nami turning around and whispering a broken "Help me," and then, in a perfect parallel to the manga panel, the rest of the crew, despite still not knowing the full context, all immediately being there for her... It will live in my head rent-free until I die.
Chapter 8: The Worst in the East
A good conclusion to the masterpiece that is the adaptation, but again, I am starving for more. Despite my problems with the changes in the previous episode, I thought the condensation in this episode was pretty all right.
The battle of Arlong Park was much shorter, obviously, but I still enjoyed it a lot! I like that they kept Usopp's first solo fight, and all-in-all, it lined up well with the manga. I am, however, so deeply disappointed at the omission of Usopp Hammer and Rubber Band of Doom. Like, I remember the first time I watched this episode of the anime in dub, and I had to pause it for five minutes because hearing Usopp trill "Rubber Band of Dooooooooom!" had me in hysterics, on the floor, laughing until I cried. They kept him pretending to be dead with hot sauce "blood," but not that? How could they do my boy like that? I did laugh at the whole, "I did it! ... Aaaaaaaaaand there was no one there to see it." That aside, the Zoro and Sanji team-up fight was awesome. The ZoSan banter really begins, and it was gratifying to really get to see Sanji shine in a fight since he didn't get to in the Baratie arc as much, as well as Zoro clutching at his wound throughout the fight! Also, I love that the singular "fuck" in the show went to Zoro, and it was directed at Buggy, "that fuckin' clown." Like, so iconic, so perfect, 100/10 moment right there. And, of course, Luffy's fight with Arlong. The teeth-shedding thing was so horrifying and gross, but again drove home the savagery behind Arlong's character. Obviously, they made some alterations to the fight because it would be hard to replicate in live action, but I was more concerned with them keeping the core of the fight: Luffy bringing down Arlong Park because it was all built upon Nami's pain and sacrifice, and that was rendered beautifully. I loved the shot of Arlong Park collapsing. It was so devastating and destructive in a way the anime wasn't, so the horror of the crew looking on as it came crumbling to the ground, wondering if Luffy was okay, and Luffy emerging from the rubble to validate Nami as their friend and a member of their crew gave me goosebumps.
Of course, it won't be a Straw Hat story without a party. I love that they used it as a way to tie the loose ends of the story together. Koby not only reaches the crux of his character arc by finally standing up to Garp and what he believes in, but Helmeppo begins to, too, but joining him, really cementing their friendship. We finally get to the meat of the tension between Garp and Luffy, and I loved the scene where Luffy grins and laughs, and Garp sees Roger in his head. It's a recurring theme in the manga/anime, and to see it here was gratifying. Also, the fact that Luffy got totally bodied by Garp was a good reminder that Luffy still has a long way to go; he will encounter stronger and stronger enemies henceforth, but will face them with a smile and unshakeable confidence and determination.
I loved the ending. I cried tears of joy at Koby bringing Luffy his wanted poster and them hugging and saying their true goodbyes... Luffy telling Koby to be a good marine, and Koby telling Luffy to be a good pirate. It was just so satisfying, so powerful, so solidifying of the friendship that will persist throughout the manga. Then, of course, it was exciting to see all the little scenes with the poster: Makino reading it, Kayagushing over Usopp in the backgriund, Zeff hanging it on the "Employee of the Month" board, Buggy seeing it and voicing that he'll kill Luffy and Alvida chiming in, hinting their team-up... And of course, the scene where Mihawk brings it to Shanks and they all celebrate. So nostalgic, but also so dripping with the overtone that the adventure doesn't end here; that the Straw Hats are only beginning. And that's paralleled by Koby and Helmeppo, too, beginning their training under Garp. And all of it topped off with the crew sailing forth on the Going Merry, with their sail unfurling to reveal the Jolly Roger, them making their vows on the barrel with it flashing back to their childhood selves... I truly felt like I had been a part of something special and was setting out on a new journey with the Straw Hats, and I can't wait to see where they're taken next, even if that never makes it to the screen.
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jasper-book-stash · 8 months
January 2024 Reading Wrap Up
As y'all know, I started this blog anew to record my thoughts on some books I read. Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of reading a lot more books than the average human should, and they knock each other out of my noggin. This is why I maintain a color-coded spreadsheet with columns to keep track of things. I also took on a winter reading challenge, and I've read most of the 17 books I was looking to read. With that said, let's see where things landed this month!
Religious Text
None applicable.
1/10 - Why Did They Publish This?
None applicable (thank the gods).
2/10 - Trash
Creating Magickal Entities: A Complete Guide to Entity Creation | David Michael Cunningham, Taylor Ellwood, T Amanda R Wagener
This one was...rough. Painful, even. This made me retroactively rate the other occult books I read higher just to cope.
3/10 - Meh
Heartbreaker | Julie Garwood [reading challenge]
I was hoping this one would be fun, considering the author is from Missouri and the summary seemed promising, but the main male character (not the antagonist) came across as a creep the whole time. I hated him very much.
4 to 6/10 - Mid-Tier
Sigil Magic for Writers, Artists, & Other Creatives | T Thorn Coyle [reading challenge]
With all due respect to Mx. T Thorn Coyle…this book sucked. It originated as a zine and tbh it should have stayed that way. There was a lot of fluff to get the page count up that could honestly have been removed (and should have been). I didn’t feel like I came away from this one learning anything new about sigils or how to incorporate them or my writing into my craft.
The Whittiers | Danielle Steel [reading challenge]
Unlike my surprisingly good experiences reading The Wedding Planner, The Whittiers was a sludge to get through. It was a bit annoying to hear Danielle Steel talk so much about how the characters weren't rich when they were clearly living a rather rich lifestyle without much financial problems in the beginning, and I eventually gave up on the book. The characters just...weren't too compelling to trudge through the repetition for.
The Stranger Upstairs | Lisa M Matlin
YOU. This book took a bit too long to get to the point (the plot), but at least part 2 was absolutely riveting and the epilogue was intriguing. I honestly think None Of This Is True by Lisa Jewell did this better, even though The Stranger Upstairs is more about a house than a person. Just...read None Of This Is True instead. Trust me.
Liber Null and Psychonaut | Liber Kaos | Peter J Carroll
Part of what I'm doing is research into chaos magic, starting with its foundational texts. And boy howdy, is this a severely middling book to me. Pointlessly obtuse, refuses to get to the point, spends too long sucking Aleister Crowley's dick... But utterly fascinating from a retrospective point of view, seeing what chaos magic looks like now.
7 to 8/10 - Good With Caveats
Dracula | Bram Stoker [reading challenge]
I'm going to beat Bram Stoker with a broom. Good with the caveat that you have to read it with the context of it being a product of its time. Also, post-vampire Lucy Westenra can GET SOME.
Strawberry Shortcake Murder | Joanne Fluke [reading challenge]
I "read" this one in audiobook form, thanks to my library having a Playaway of it. This one…aged a little poorly in some aspects. I might skip into more modern entries to the series rather than trudge through the older stuff to get there.
The Leftover Woman | Jean Kwok [reading challenge]
This one was a fucking TRIP. This book was full of twists and turns and physically pained me at points. It absolutely fucked me up and I was crying by the end, so I was lucky that no one came into work while I was reading it. I can't say much about it for fear of spoiling it, other than that it delivered upon what it promised.
The Midnight Library | Matt Haig [reading challenge]
This did NOT help with the crying! This book also fucked me up! It’s absolutely wild from the get-go. Content warning for animal death early on, though, because that did not help my anxious ass.
Marrying the Ketchups | Jennifer Close [reading challenge]
With all of the things this book was juggling, it ended exactly how it needed to.
Spells for Change: A Guide for Modern Witches | Frankie Castanea/Chaotic Witch Aunt
I was expecting something entirely different from this book.
Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magic | Phil Hine
Exactly what it says on the tin.
Magickal Servitors: Create Your Own Spirits to Attract Pleasure, Power and Prosperity | Damon Brand
Far more effective and to-the-point than Creating Magickal Entities was, but still far from perfect.
9/10 - Very Very Good
The Puppets of Spelhorst | Kate DiCamillo [reading challenge]
This book is one I've been meaning to read since the library got it in. It's an adorable story with great illustrations and plenty of drama for the 8- to 12-year-old in your life. Or for you, if you want a touching low-stakes story with an open ending.
Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under The Sea | Dav Pilkey [reading challenge]
From the guy who brought us Captain Underpants comes an adorable graphic novel about…honestly a lot happening, there was a lot. Luckily, even though it’s late in the series, there’s enough context provided that you can get a good grasp of the characters. Doesn’t have much to do with Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, though, so I’m deducting a point for that. I read Jules Verne's work and there was nothing about a dog-headed cop in there, nor a cat man who used to be a criminal and is having the worst redemption arc of his life.
Honestly, it was still fun.
Practical Gods | Carl Dennis [reading challenge]
Read for both my reading challenge AND my book club's Pulitzer Prize prompt, this is such a lovely collection of poems and really gets into the crossing of religious belief with modern problems. How does it do this as a book of poetry? I’m not sure! But it did! Definitely worth the multiple prizes it has won. I ordered my own personal copy and I'm waiting for it to arrive.
Gods of Jade and Shadow | Silvia Moreno-Garcia [reading challenge]
I AM GOING TO EAT THIS BOOK BECAUSE I LOVE IT SO MUCH. We love a book in which the main character dies but that's not the end of their story!
Warrior Magic: Justice Spirituality and Culture from Around the World | Tomas Prower
I did a little write-up of this one.
Give-A-Damn-Jones | Bill Pronzini [reading challenge]
This one was great because the titular character respects women and protects minorities and keeps getting into situations. We love a guy who doesn't want to be here! This was the first Western I've read, and I think it was a good pick.
10/10 - Unironically Recommend To Everyone
Well, everyone who's into the genre these fall under, at least.
Sappho: A New Translation | Mary Barnard
I was so worried that this translation would...well, straightwash Sappho, but from what I see, Mary is dedicated to translating them as close to intentional meaning as possible, including Sappho's bisexuality. Hell yeah.
Welsh Witchcraft: A Guide to the Spirits, Lore, and Magic of Wales | Mhara Starling
This is an in-depth look into a Welsh witch's practice. It's delightful to read someone talk about their own craft, and you can really tell that Mhara loves the place she lives in.
Exodus 20:3: A Monster Romance | Freydis Moon
We love a gay angelfucker romance between a trans man and an angel, complete with smut. Honestly, a great time.
The Salt Grows Heavy | Cassandra Khaw
Do you want the mermaid from The Little Mermaid fairy tale to murder people? Do you want a nonbinary plague doctor? Do you want to hear about murderous child cannibals and freakish surgeons? Do you want your protagonist to McFucking Snap? Do you want a happy ending in the weirdest way possible in this setting? Read The Salt Grows Heavy! A mere 112 pages that will fuck you up while you're trying to poop in peace!
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fallen-and-holy · 6 months
TMA dæmon AU!!
My brain has been consumed by a dæmon au for a while now, i am going insane thinking about how the entities would warp and change dæmons, because when an avatar Becomes they are intrinsically changed and warped so their soul would as well and i am having Very Normal Thoughts about this. (Especially as a TMA fictionkin with a dæ) I don't think the dæmons would usually be replaced, but I think they would change forms. Becoming/dying is definitely an event that would trigger a re-settling. There were probably some Avatars who were always suited to their Entity before Becoming, so their dæmons didn't/wouldn't change much, just becoming more dangerous/unsettling. Also, I included links to dæmon analyses from the Dæmon Forum for some forms if anyone wants to look any deeper into this. More info in the form of rough bullet points below the cut!!
Psychopomp animals, bats, black cats, corvids, vultures, and black dogs. 
the animal would likely stay the same, but it would be a shadow/inky version
Birds and ocean creatures, usually much Bigger than they should be, dwarfing the dæs around them
Mike- some type of bird
Simon is a dolphin, they’re both little bastards
Same as the vast, they wouldn’t interact with their ‘mian tho. They wouldn’t be *gone*, that would be too kind. They just would always be there, at the edge of their ‘mians consciousness, never interacting, getting lonelier and lonelier. 
Or their original dæ, but cut off from them.
Peter’s would either be a solitary sandpiper, his daemon is always circling ahead but never interacting, or a sea creature that he leaves behind when he’s off his ship
Not animals. Conecepts, colors, ideas, shapes. Ever changing, never cohesive
Michael would lean towards colors and shapes, while Helen tends toward concepts and sensations
Owls mostly, maybe some corvids too. 
Jonah is a cuckoo bird or honeyguide maybe? I like the honeyguide bc it's ‘helpful’ but it's a parasitic egg layer like cuckoo birds. But cuckoo bird symbolism is much more recognizable
Jon is going to be an owl once he Becomes. The patterns on its feathers will be like eye spots
The spiders. 
Ooo, also maybe digital dæs because of the web's connection to the ‘web’/internet? 
Maybe there could be something like a Sergay Ushanka where someone tried to replicate their dæ in a computer program, or make a new dæ
Burrowing animals like pangolins or moles maybe? Im honestly not completely sure i've never understood these guys
Wonderful suggestion from anon! “buried's big thing is love, smothering love. the buried loves you unconditionally - i'd imagine the bond length between the daemon and the dæmian are very very short, almost painfully so. the buried eventually will probably make the dæmian its own daemon tbh, slowly merging the dust with the dæmian.”
I quite like that, thanks so much anon!
Dolls, porcelain versions of their animal, cuckoo birds
Cuckoo bird for the Not-Them
Breekon and hope i dont think would have daemons, i think they have a weird connected relationship so that they’re like each other’s daemons
Nikola would have a creepy little porcelain smthn
also, a manifestation of the Stranger could be replacing people's dæmons before replacing them, so they feel the terror of their own soul unrecognizable before them. Just a thought :3 
For flesh hives, the Hive itself is their dæmon. For others, usually bugs, also rats
Jane’s are her worms
John Amherst is a plague rat
Chimera animals, strange mishmashes of animals that should never work. Too many limbs, or too many bones. Also pigs.
Predators, specifically cats/felines and wolves/canines, but any predator works. Wolves/canines for the pack hunter aspect, cats bc they hunt for sadistic fun
Julia and Trevor would have complementary wolves/pack dogs, maybe Julia as a wolfdog and Trevor as a wolf. https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26989 https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=25939 
Daisy would be a domestic cat, the association of looking small and tame but being ferocious and dangerous, also hunting for fun and pleasure instead of necessity. Also less of a pack hunter, cats work well for that. Maybe a more wild cat like savanna cats or bengals https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1219169#p1219169  https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1228376#p1228376 
Honey badgers, hippos, bears, aggressive and dangerous animals. Teeth and claws are always a bit too sharp, too dangerous.
Melanie's daemon is a honey badger after her trip to india. Resettling after a traumatic experience is rare, but not unheard of. Nobody thinks anything of it until her daemon changes back after the bullet. https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26529 
Salamanders, foxes, tigers, made of wax or with fiery fur, 
Agnes would be a lion.
Jude a salamander? The passion associations would be good for her anyway
Humans or pre-entities
Basira: American staghound maybe? https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1228800#p1228800
Jon pre coma: I like northern mockingbird for the innocence ‘tricked into it’ aspect, as well as the general teacher associations https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1216836#p1216836 
Martin: im thinking colorado mountain dog https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1219914#p1219914 
Tim: Maybe bull? https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1203471#p1203471
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fyrefrostanimus · 1 year
Anyone who was watching me post remember that little meme I made about making a FNaF crossover AU because I noticed some characters were similar? Yeah that wasn't a joke, I actually have a bit of a plan now.
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I feel like the first thing I should really do is quickly explain the other inspiration of the crossover. It's called Scary Stories for Young Foxes, written by Christian McKay Heidicker. To avoid spoilers if anyone wants to read it first, I'll place this below a cut. There's also a basic rundown of the AU story later which doesn't include detailed descriptions of gore, but is pretty dark as far as I've gotten.
Scary Stories for Young Foxes is a collection of interconnected stories in the same universe of sentient foxes, with small sections in-between where the storyteller (who is indeed a character) finishes a story and sees that one of the kits she is telling the stories to has run away in fear. She tells tales about rabies, a story that somehow turns Beatrix Potter writing things like Peter Rabbit into a horrifying situation, and, suspiciously enough, a nigh-unkillable and murderous father figure trying to end his son's life.
So you see why I chose the fox book of all things now, right?
The only things I could see as needing a TW are
The main character of the AU is Evan (Crying Child if you don't know that's one of the fanon names of his), and it pretty much starts out like normal FNaF minus the fact that everyone's a fox person. Yes, the fox person aspect is important and you'll see why later. Michael sets up some prank involving an animatronic like what caused the Bite, but it's not Fredbear and it's not involving its mouth. I have no idea what/who the animatronic would be, or what exactly happens in the way the prank was planned, but let's just say Mike realized at the last second this could actually kill Evan and takes the blow for him instead (death by bleeding out, represented by a snake on the drawing as the death swap was inspired by an event in one of the stories in the book). He's left shaken from this, partially because his brother nearly killed him, and partially because Mike died instead.
What really confuses him is his father's lack of reaction to Michael's death. Despite how much Evan was devastated, nothing much changed at home. Elizabeth (who you may note is 7 years old) hasn't changed at all. It's like he's the only one who misses Michael in the whole house. Something doesn't seem right about not getting scared from around corners.
It stays like that for a few months until Elizabeth starts acting odd. Evan starts locking his door as soon as she begins glaring at him, and he refused to open his door for anyone if Elizabeth was nearby. He's tried to bring it up to his father, but he's not doing anything about it. Not even when she starts getting aggressive.
That's right folks, Elizabeth got rabies.
This ends up being too much for Evan, and he starts running off to stat with Henry and Charlie, where he actually feels safe. Henry sends him back home the first few times, until he realizes Evan is actively in danger back at home and lets him stay. At least until Elizabeth dies from her sickness and it's safe again.
William is absolutely disgusted with the fact that Evan refused to stay home and be with Elizabeth when she had a fatal disease, even if that disease could be passed on to him if he stayed home. Upon finding out that Henry was letting him stay with them, Charlie gets murdered, kicking off William's child murder spree. The others happen when he begins experimenting to bring Elizabeth back.
From this point on I don't have much on the AU, but I'll try to think about this.
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ritz-writes · 10 months
Get to know me tag game! I was tagged by @celestialcrowley
It's a long post so I'll put a cut here <3
Real Name: [REDACTED]
Nickname(s): [REDACTED]
Nickname Origin(s): [REDACTED]
Sorry, I'm not giving out my irl name </3
Preferred Name(s): Call me Ritz!
Ao3: RitzWrites
Social Media(s): I have a Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Pillowfort, Twitter. The only ones under Ritz tho are ao3, Twitter, pillowfort, and insta, tho I never use the insta.
State: Won't say the state I currently live in (tho i mightve mentioned it in a post somewhere probably) but I grew up in Texas
Birthdate: May 28
Pet(s): Currently have 7 cats and 1 dog in my house. One cat is specifically mine
Hobbies: Writing, reading, drawing, watching youtube, screaming about my fandoms
Personality: I'm the sunshine character, but I swear a lot. Also if you wrong my friends I feel it personally and will be very angy. I'm very open minded and won't make an opinion on smth until I get all the facts. I want to be friends with everyone but the gods nerfed me with social anxiety ;w;
Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas has always been special to me and give me Nice emotions. Halloween is also good tho.
Favorite Drink(s): Kiddo me would have an aneurysm when she finds out I like vanilla lattes. She swore up and down she'd never like coffee lmao. I also love strawberry milk and sprite.
Favorite Food(s): Pizza, donuts, sirloin, airheads candy, beef stroganoff
Favorite Dessert(s): Cookies and cream ice cream, cookies, brownies
Favorite Color(s): Pink!! I tried changing it when I was younger cuz I didn't want to be the stereotypical girl," but I've always loved pink. Gold is also nice, as well as pastel colors in general.
Favorite Quote(s): "New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings," -Lao Tzu
Favorite Book(s): The Enhanced series by T.C. Edge (I haven't finished reading it tho)
Favorite TV Show(s): Good Omens, Lego Monkie Kid, 2003 Ninja Turtles, Transformers Prime, Batman The Animated Series
Favorite Movie(s): Ocean's 8, Black Panther, The Martian, John Wick
Favorite Character(s): Crowley, Aziraphale, Muriel, MK, Wukong, Macaque, Tang, Jason Todd, Peter Parker, Tony Stark
Favorite Actor(s): David Tennant, Michael Sheen, Tom Holland, Zendaya, Robert Downey Jr.
Favorite Song(s): There's so many, but I'll list a few. Last One Standing by Icon for Hire. Ohio by Bowling for Soup. Rich and the Famous by Good Charlotte. and literally anything by set it off cuz they r my fav band
Favorite Music Genre(s): Pop Punk. Or what some ppl r now calling divorced dad rock
Favorite Podcast(s): I haven't listened to it in a hot minute, but My Brother My Brother and Me
Have You Ever Met A Celebrity: I met some YouTubers at a convention once, but I don't watch the channel anymore
Have You Ever Been To A Concert: Yeah. To see Fall Out Boy. It was outside and I had no water. Was fun tho
Do You Collect Anything: Braincells. I keep losing them tho (no I dont collect anything)
Do You Have Any Idols: Uhhhh I'm not sure. I have ppl I think are cool? I guess you could say my mom is my idol?
Is There A Real Life Friend You Can Completely Be Yourself With: My partner @novelcain <33
What Are Your Interests: Anything I end up hyperfixating on. So right now its Good Omens. Once s5 of Lego Monkie Kid comes out tho, I know that's where my brain will be. I also love graphic design, but I haven't been able to do it in ages.
Where Would You Love To Travel To: Maybe Scotland? Or Italy? I wanna go to Japan some day too.
Is There A Random Fact About Yourself That You’d Like To Share: I have binocular double vision, which means I see two things :) My glasses help a bit with that issue
tags: anyone who wants to do it
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Batman (1989)
"Batman" is a nostalgic film for most, but without having the same rose-tinted glasses, I can't look past its flaws.
Bruce Wayne has started fighting crime as Batman and things have been fairly tame. That is until Jack Napier is sent on a suicide mission by his boss, Carl Grissom, for sleeping with Grissom's mistress. Batman tries to stop Jack's mission, but it ends up with Jack falling into a vat of acid. Horrifically scarred from the experience, Jack embraces his new persona of The Joker.
I know for a lot of adults nowadays, "Batman" was their first introduction to the caped crusader. Because of this, they grew up thinking this was an accurate portrayal of Batman. A lot of them learned about the real Batman as he showed up in more movies and media, but they still give this movie a pass because it's nostalgic to them. Honestly, I get it. I felt the same way about Spider-Man after watching 2002's "Spider-Man". I grew up thinking Spider-Man was supposed to have organic web shooters. After learning about the real Spider-Man, I still look back at Tobey Maguire's version of Peter Parker fondly because that's the version I grew up with. However, I did not grow up with Tim Burton's Batman. I went into this movie already having a strong idea of who Batman is. Let me get the obvious gripes out of the way. This Batman kills. It completely goes against the character's moral compass, but I guess people didn't mind back then because it was grittier than the Adam West Batman they were used to. Also, the Batsuit looks good... but only when he's standing still. Seeing Micheal Keaton move in that suit is awkward and unintentionally hilarious at times. I remember laughing especially when he had to look up and was forced to move his whole torso. Also, I knew people grew to love Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne, but I don't really see it. He doesn't fit the character for me. Still, after all my criticisms, what's left is something still special. I could feel the sense of wonderment audiences must've felt back in 1989. The gadgets are delightful. The special effects are charming. The Batmobile is iconic. The fight scenes are surprisingly really good, even by today's standards. Jack Nicholson's Joker is really damn good too. This movie has a lot of heart and it was a treat to see when general audiences started seeing this character in a more serious light. It was super interesting to see how Tim Burton was able to play with expectations of Bruce's origin story because general audiences of that time weren't aware of it like they are now. As an accurate Batman film, this movie fails, but as its own interpretation, this Batman oozes with charm. Although I won't be a die-hard fan any time soon, I can't help but admit how fantastic the Danny Elfman score still is.
Watched on July 1st, 2023
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moviewarfare · 1 year
A Review of “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023)”
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This is the first Transformer-titled movie to not be directed by Michael Bay. Bumblebee (2018) was a breath of fresh air from the ridiculously stupid Michael Bay movies. It gave me hope that the Transformers franchise will be able to finally accelerate in a good direction. However, is this actually the case? Or does it just fumble like the old entries?
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Firstly, the design of the transformers is great. I love that they are a lot more colourful with distinct looks which makes it easier to recognise who is who. There are new Beast Transformers called the Maximals and they look terrific. The action scenes are also way more visible and easier to comprehend what is going on compared to the Bay movies. The action is incredibly entertaining with great choreography. The story also gives a proper character arc for Optimus Prime which is interesting. We don't see this side to his character so I quite liked it.
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In terms of the human characters. I think Noah played by Anthony Ramos is okay. He has a sympathetic story about his very ill brother he takes care of and not being able to get a job. He also has good chemistry with the Transformers, most notably Mirage voiced by Pete Davidson. On that note, Pete Davidson does a good job of making the character likeable without being overly annoying. The legendary Peter Cullen continues to voice Optimus and he is still awesome. Michelle Yeoh is enjoyable as the Maximal Airazor, and Ron Perlman is great as Optimus Primal and does a good job of making him sound like an equivalent leader to Optimus. Peter Dinklage as the villain Scourge is great too.
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However, despite the title being about the rise of the beast, the Maximals are barely involved in the film. They are there at the beginning and in the 3rd act but that is really in. Plot-wise, they don't contribute much which is massively disappointing. There are just too many characters in this film and unfortunately, many of them barely get any dialogue or personality. This is notable with the Maximals Cheetor and Rhinox and even some of the Autobots. The 3rd act is a little dull to look at as well with its very grey landscape. There is also a very overdone cliche that is used here which has been used in a lot of superhero movies. The script is also kind of cringy and corny. Some jokes did land but there are definitely a fair amount of weak dialogue that doesn't feel natural.
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The plot is also very basic and has been done twice already in this franchise. A human meets a Transformer and gets scared but then help each other to take out some evil robot who wants to destroy the planet. It's weird that they keep doing the same formula. The 3rd act also has so many ridiculous plot conveniences to keep the humans involved in the plot. I also found the human and Transformer friendship to be weaker than Bumblebee (2018). They just don't invest enough time into it for me to care. I dislike the stupidity of the villains as well. They have opportunities to kill the characters but never do. E.g. they could kill the humans but instead they send silly spider things that can somehow be hurt by a stick.
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Overall, it's a fine Transformer movie. It definitely isn't as good as the previous entry Bumblebee or even as entertaining as the First Bay Transformer movie. It does a lot of things better than those but there are a lot of weak elements as well. This is a step in the right direction and the ending certainly made me interested in the future of this franchise. I hope to see them truly Transform this franchise for the better though.
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This seems like a good way to waste some time while waiting for my new laptop to be delivered. Current laptop has performed valiantly for 7 years, and it’s time for a relaxing retirement.
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! then tag 10 people.  
I was tagged by @gritkitty​. Consider yourself tagged if this is something you’d like to do.
1. The Waiting Room, Buffy x Sandman crossover
"Right," Buffy says. Sure. Why not? She's sitting in a supernatural living room with Death. "So...if I'm dead, what am I doing here? Shouldn't someone be judging me? Oh, god, I'm not going to hell, am I? I've slayed a lot of vampires. That's got to count for something."  
2. Dangerous Cargo, Firefly
"You can all put away your scruples and rest easy. These are prize Shih Tzus. They are very rare, and they are a sight too expensive to eat. Our client is a breeder, and provided we can get the dogs the hell back into the cryo crates, they are headed to a long and happy life of puppy humping."
"Oh," Kaylee said weakly. "Puppy humping. I guess that's okay, then."
3. Rubato, Sports Night
Dan smiled benevolently at her. It made him look like he'd had a little too much tequila. "Estella Marcolini. Her name means 'star', you know."
"Marcolini means 'star'?" Natalie asked.
"Estella means 'star'."
"What does Marcolini mean?"
"I have no idea. But 'Estella Rydell' trips off the tongue, doesn't it?"
4. Counterpoint, SGA
John had been okay with letting Rodney patronize him when he was just the hired help, but if he was going to nurse a secret crush on Rodney, then Rodney could at least respect him. "Actually, I was going to say that it had the precision of Bach combined with the scope of Beethoven, plus a little dash of John Adams, for that modern feel."
5. The man with a gift for finding things, The Outlaws of Sherwood
"I have several sisters and three of them have husbands. Besides, my father knew long before I turned outlaw that he would get no grandsons from me."
Will tripped over a tree root and cursed under his breath. When he recovered, he stared at the back of Much's head; after a moment Much turned around, and though he colored, he did not look ashamed of what he had said, or unaware of the implications.
"My father is an exceptional man," Much said. "As you have reminded me today, I am fortunate in many ways."
6. Wait Wait Don’t Eat Me, RPF - National Public Radio
TOM: Too bad we don't have a national currency any more.
PETER: I think it's fair to say that fear is now our national currency.
MO: Or Snickers bars. Those are really rare now.
7. Five Times Jack Was in the Wrong Story, Torchwood x multiple fandoms Crossover
Joey looked confused at the intrusion into their little bubble, but took Jack's hand. "Joey Tribbiani."
Jack held onto his hand and gazed into Joey's eyes. "How are you?" He wasn't even looking at Rachel, but she suddenly felt a little woozy.
"I'm good," Joey said, his voice low and husky. "How *you* doing?"
8. A Collection of Nouns, The Raven Cycle
His body became a new thing to him. It had always been a tool, something to get him through school and work, something to absorb his father's abuse, his mother's disinterest. It required fuel and rest, and he resented its demands and limitations.
9. Contractual Obligations, Roswell
Alex’s bright eyes and eager face made him wonder how he’d signed up to earn some money and ended up with this.
10. Belongings, Roswell
And Alex wants him so desperately, aches to make up for all the years they'd spent apart. He wants to grocery shop with Michael and argue about what brand of granola bars to buy. He wants to throw their clothes into the washing machine and sort them out when they're dry.
He thinks Michael wants it too. But Michael is scared, and all Alex can do is make him welcome.
(And it worked! My new computer is here!)
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allkinds-oftrash · 2 years
The Crown S5E10 Commentary
Non-Spoiler Review: That was so underwhelming. It just sealed to me what an uneventful season this was. I feel like Peter Morgan only went off on Ep 3, 4 then 7 to 9 then called it a day. I don’t know what exactly went behind the scenes to make him chicken out of going full on with the punches like he did in S4. Anyways here’s my live reactions as I watched it but I’m too annoyed to do a proper season review so lemme direct yall to my lovely mutual @mermaidsirennikita Caro’s post that outlined everything I felt about the season (I do disagree on some points but I’ll cover that in my post tomorrow or something when I’m done being mad - also hi Caro its viscountessevie’s side acc lol) 
Spoilers Under The Cut
Dodi and Mohammed!! I've missed them Shksjs Dodi is officially an LA producer Not him bidding against Michael Douglas for a house
The way I really thought it was gonna be Diana 🤡🤡 But it's just Barbara Gordan Sr (Erin Richards played her in Gotham) bdjdjdk
LMAOOO DIANA VOTING NO FOR THE MONARCHY Isn't this a lie tho?? I'm pretty sure she wanted William on the throne eventually... Oh well fiction wise it's fucking funny This voting scene is brilliant I love it so much What a great cold open!
(I forgot I watched the cold open last night before falling asleep and am rewatching this bit again for my commentary and GOD IT'S EVEN MORE HILARIOUS A SECOND TIME)
Oooh it's Lizzie's birthday Lmaoo not her getting gag gifts from everyone BUT CHARLES Between the boring ass book he got for Di and this, he really is the worst gift giver huh Not Chucky being jealous of Pedodrew's stupid gift Damn Charles really is a masochistic always watching these programs that make him upset Lmaooo not Edward and Pedodrew taking the piss out of him
God Queen Mother shut the fuck up you racist bitch "The Great Chinese Takeaway" 🙄 For fuck's sake and everyone laughing. God fuck these racist asses. Yeah this might be a fictional scene but YOU KNOW these bitches have said worse things behind closed doors. I cannot WAIT til the Queen Mother dies; she's so insufferable. Yall did not compare the liberation of a former colony to an ex attending a wedding jfc yall are the worst Charles is gonna fuck up the Hong Kong trip just watch
Random tangent but Fly Like An Eagle is on Glen Powell (Hangman in the Top Gun sequel)'s playlist for his character and now there's a plane while the song is playing, I fully expected Glen to come out of that plane why am I like this 💀💀
Anyways hiii Dodi what a cutie Is Barbara Gordan Sr playing his wife? Nope she is not. Who is Kelly?? Why do we need to know her Is this scene necessary Peter Morgan?? OH?? HE'S SLEEPING WITH HIS ACTRESS?? Dodi wtf don't be one of those gross producers Oh wait is that his fiancee he dropped for Diana oop Also why did I think she was his ex wife that happened way back in the 80s dhdjkd I'm sorry but I did not need to see that scene lmao it could have been an email Dodi really has a type huh Ew he's doing coke God he really became a Hollywood cliche huh I mean I never knew much about him so I can't say if this is accurate or not but if it is, bro why did you become a Hollywood cliche
I never followed Tony Blair's politics but we like him right?? In that case, Charles you're nothing like him How has the second Mrs. Al Fayed not aged at all 👁👄👁 It's been at least a good 7 years since Ep 3
Don't be fucking crude Mou Mou Let them speak their native language Kelly Yeah it's rude but you're giving White Woman rn djdkkdkd Heini is right lmaooo Okay actually they did do well with her make up to age her a little
WHAT?? His only talent is women??? "One day you'll hit the jackpot"???? What does that meannnn Mou Mou Peter Morgan are you implying Dodi was a golddigger omg This is so uncomfortable pls Kelly is like ???
Damnn let's go Labour Party let's gooo Ohmygod that's Tony Blair?? Huh the one time the irl person is more attractive 💀💀 the actor is fine but Tony Blair was a DILF back in the day come on
Tell me why I feel sad John Major lost 😭😭😭 He was just so nice this season dhkdjd Lmao this historians convo is so meta especially since Peter seems to have a bias for John Major and have given him a hot actor and made him really chill and cool this season Lmaooo Lizzie you did not just say he's your favourite PM LOL bro it's fine the Brittiana is old af time to decomission her
"The youngest Prime Minister since Lord Liverpool in 1812" WELL Rishi Sunak is coming for that title 25 years later yall "And you're still a young man too" LIZZIE STOP LYING HE'S GOT A FULL HEAD OF WHITE HAIR Johnny Lee Miller playing him doesn't make him less old djdkkd
Can you imagine if the note to Blair had said "GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN" lmaooo Johnnn why you lying "A great job" as if you didn't spend this season just babysitting the royals
This boat nonsense plot line is so fucking stupid and pointless. Peter Morgan THIS could have been an email. I do not care for this shit at all They just sound like rich brats which we already knew they were So you could have used another example to show that
NEW BRITAIN SHDJJDJS This is so stupid omg It's just a fucking boat Lizzie let it go
Like I get sentimentality and all but don't anchor (pun absolutely intended) yourself and your sense of self worth to a old piece of metal Like That I would be alot more sympathetic (because we all have sentimental things tied to our memories)1 if they weren't old rich white people who caused so much pain whining about a luxary no one else can afford and expecting the government to keep funding it
HAHAHHAH HE'S IN BUSINESS WHILE THE REST ARE IN FIRST CLASS PLEASEEEE I CACKLED "You're going to have to be very brave" 💀 Camilla it's just business class yall need to calm the fuck down
What the fuck is this visual Mans is not left out of anything This visual metaphor falls so fucking flat when he's literally usually the one drawing the curtain on people Peter Morgan what are you doing
Omggg the Cantonese burning the British flag What icons They're so right for THAT
Okay Heini has grown on me Girlie really grew into her place in the Fayed family huh Good for her "You were so much more than a model. You were a socialite" MOU MOU WHAT This is so cringey pls
I have gone 20 mins after the cold open without Diana WHERE IS SHE Oh lmao here she is I missed you bby Awww her friendship with Mou Mou is everything I wanna h u g her Her voice is always on point I'm shook
God the flashes give me such anxiety The foreshadowing really gives me the deepest pit in my stomach Oh gosh the offer to Saint Topaz,,, the beginning of the end 😭😭 I don't want her to goooo Yeah Elizabeth took a few eps but she finally grew into the role as Diana we love to see it!
We hate Charles but damn doesn't Dominic look good in a uniform God I hate it here Also booo let Hong Kong be it's own country just passing it off to another country I can't even I get so anxious seeing the rainfall on everyone's head they're gonna catch a cold Dominic lost the Charles voice, it needs to be steeper bud
Charles don't be fucking weird Why did you link the ages to her relatives and husband and now son Don't say it Nope yall are not brothers stfu He said it 🤡 Welll he made Blair say it
Lmaooo Blair sick of the yacht talk too hsjjdkd Why do you feel bad sir?? Bruh it's just a boat 💀
YALL JUST GOT DIVORCED A YEAR AGO - Chill the fuck out Chucky Lmaoo Blair is right he was going behind Lizzie's back and briefing against her They always do this They brief against one another It's messy af
The amount of Charles cocksucking happening in this episode is gross Peter Morgan WHAT did he threaten you with Why are you trying to make him out to be this modern innovative man Was he??? Was he really??? Charles so self serving I cannot LMAO NOT CAMILLA WITH THE KNOCK OFF REVENGE DRESS YOU WILL NEVER BE HER
"Friendly invasion" Okayyy China whatever helps you sleep at night
Helloooo Martin,,, I really am a simp for Martin huh. Listen this season hasn't given me a single person in the main Royals other than Diana to feel anything for So Martin's hotness it is I can't believe I'm saying this: but Lizzie should have said No 😭😭 Martin snitching on Chucky hsjdjdk She's gonna TEAR HIM APART
There's 12 minutes left and this is such an unimpressive finale wtf Peter Morgan bruh what are you doinggg I told myself I won't follow press after the mess than is the Bridgerton production team But I NEED to know what Peter was thinking outlining this season The potential was there and yet it flopped Only Eps 3, 7 to 9 were solid episodes
Lmaooo affair "Divorced man whose wife is still alive" I'M SCREAMING Can't believe I'm agreeing with Charles abt his rls rn Oh never mind fuck you Charles No one brought up Diana why you gotta drag her name through the mud K Chucky sureee Camilla has Did their spin doctor write this episode??
SCREAMS "I don't think it's my behaviour threatening its (the monarchy) survival" Rip him apart harder Lizzie come onnn Yesss throw the whole monarchy away Yeah they yeeted yall cos you OPPRESSED THEM FOR 50 YEARS, idiots
I feel nothing for this stupid ship and her farewell God this is so depressing and underwhelming This ep should have just been the cold open only tbh If you aren't gonna commit to the end of the Diana era then leave it all completely to S6 which is so disappointing, I thought they were finish Diana's story this season I was mentally prepared for that And now I gotta be sick again worrying about it and then mentally prepare for it again before S6
That's it??? That was so underwhelming???
40 mins of white people whining abt their boat and losing a country to independence Then 15 mins of Diana's death foreshadowing?? 5 mins of Dodi being a Hollywood producer cliche and Mou Mou being a dick to Kelly??
That's all??? Bruhhhh
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cheeseandbretboy · 6 days
the painting i continued (from longer than a year ago) has too bright white highlights so i need to get rid of them AND quite possibly it would be nice to just give up and do whaeter and get on the train just ot look at all the stations i havent seen before nd cvt and listten to whip your kids on repeat again and again and have no money to afford to eat and find someone who is just so ?? and mean but not in that non self absorbed self absorbed way and stupid because everyone has too much to look forward to and too much to complain about and that makes everyone so yucky and hypocritical and ughghurejne me whenni have work tmr ALSO need to print out more movie photos AND anyone i meet gets so human and i get sick of them so easily but not myself so i will always be alone and thats a good thing unless im not listening to music then it is not so good bc i can hear my breathing an feel my skin also what even is life without music its just ------------------ no ty i do not want to be like amber or ritchie but oh i did thrift their shoes and also jasons but hes kind of an L WAIT that makes so much sense anyway that scene where they are walking in the store with the heavy combat boots that have been discontinued (why?) and a shotgun wow! imagine being tricked by a soda can what a loser anyway the sehleves ive built are really nice and after doing that with hands blistered and joints sore i realised i can fit everythign insdie it and oh god im gonna lose absolutely everything! and thn something even WoORSE hit me that none of this even means anytnign, what the flip, imagine this format will stop and we only live in the real world what then maybe just maybe musicals make sense and then i bash my head into my desk HOW COULD U FOR A SECOND THINK MUSICALS ARE OKAY blood is spurting just likein that scene in longlegs dilf, jokes no maybe nicholas cage hes too pasty this has gotten long uve recently discovered this rly underground and unpopular artist michael jackson yea nobodies really heard of him sigh WHY DO I HAVEA FRENCH BOOK OH GOD IM GOING TO HELL people should put everything ive ever ever made into a bible because that is all i am and i am so happy that is true so yea put this in as well and all my assigmnets and paintings and digital art from 2019 and old drawings and scribbles and south park doodles and short stories ad gore and all the deleted notes of measurrements (sigh why phone) and dont forget all the photos and the annotations i rubbed out later cuz they sounded dumb and too personal remember always to make ur writing as obscure as possible because people always look to make everything about them hey emotions are really stupid our brains are amazing at finding information so much of it but our conciousness is preoccupied with other stupid stuff like education and being horny so all we get is emotions that have been processed information so hey our thinking brain really is in the back seat and we cant change it yk im bnad! im bad! u knowit really really bad megamind... evan peters is eyeing me rn.. i did a really good job of diverting my mental problems its actually really good but i am hoping we can get back to them once they get fixed and maybe this dependence wiol go away too right maybe and wait a darn second are you telling me i wont find myself a tim burton anti hero what the flip unbelievable may i get a refund never sell your doc martens just break them in please the blisters and pus and blood will pass and they will be great i swear unless theyre the max platform types then u might have to keep getting pain but thats okay god dont tell me i need to work in the future although when i watched the movie for the 2nd time in cinemas there was 3 seconds where there was a doctor with a mask and wowww maybe i shld become one of those but i dontthink i have the right motivation maybe neurobiology maybe quantum mechanics mabe maybe even both like quantum mind god thats interesting but only after biology i need to get worried abt climate change and then realise OH MY GOD NOTHING MATTERS BUT OUR MINDS and thats
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
3/3 and then Randy said him and gale talked about it a little while ago ‘oh? You talked about prom a LITTLE while ago? WHY CANT THESE CONVERSATIONS HAPPEN IN PLACES I CAN VIEW?! Wait the high schoolers were real AND homophobic? Man..fuck them kids. EVERYONE BASHED HIM IN THE FACE? I remember Michael doing it but everyone? They had my man do 70 takes just so the crew could get in a hit..nice’ ‘straight women were the ones who watched the show? Suddenly I dont feel so alone. (Ron mentions women/children thing) ah fuck, i dont have kids. I just stuck around for those two’ Here is where they mentioned a reboot and I have never seen this man get up so fucking fast ‘HUH? *he starts laughing like a madman and turns to me and goes* please rewind and watch Gale, he looks like he’d rather be dead. Look how he smiles at Peter. But he will have to suck it the fuck up because I HAVE PLANS FOR THEM! Oh Blondie also looks like he’d rather be dead. Once again I HAVE PLANS SO DEAL WITH IT.’ Ron makes the new cast joke ‘I DONT FUCKING THINK SO! See! Peter is there to humble them. No, no grandpa, i have plans! You shush!’ Ron talked about how its great if youre married or not and that doesnt make you less and he paused it and went ‘Then why in the fuck did you keep everyone in Brian and Justin’s business? Why the fuck did i have to watch that fucking proposal? I will fight you grandpa! I dont like them’ ‘i wonder how Gale’s parents felt about him being Brian..especially cause you know cult.. Is there any other Gale interview I can watch? I miss him already’ they are now talking about how they decided to end after S5 ‘SIX SEASONS?! So they couldve fixed that finale? But chose not to? Or end it at bike ride! That was good enough. Why did they decide to make me suffer’ peter than mentioned renegotiating contracts and he paused it and went ‘Ohhh now i wonder how they were paid. Do you think it was equal? Like how Friends did it where they all got together cause David suggested it? Or were Gale and Randy paid more cause theyre leads? Imagine what all sent on behind the scenes, im usually not nosy but thats because social media gives me access to everything’ and then the host said a lot of fans wanted the wedding and he paused it and yelled ‘WHO THE FUCK WANTED THAT?! People actually liked that? Like for real? Not in a sarcastic haha way? The fuck?’ He was so offended. And now they’re finishing the panel with Britin obviously seeing each other and the poem ‘sweetheart, there was no other option than for them to still see each other but Brian couldve gone with him because that was his dream too you old grandpa! *rons starts fangirling about Britin traveling* oh fuck, he is me. That is me. (Ron starts talking about only time and reads the poem) i liked that Only Time line. That was nice, it hurt like a motherfucker and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since but it was nice. Shakespeare? *ron finishes the poem and my brother nods his head, lifts his cast a little like his usual fist thing and whispers* Shakespeare.’ And then he went back to watch the poem again and he saw Gale hunched over watching ron and he goes ‘oh that man is obsessed with Shakespeare, huh? OR he too thinks the finale was shit..i prefer the second option’ And then the panel ended and he goes ‘so basically, Gale and Randy just came to this thing to show everyone that theyre still pretty and to sit there and laugh at Peter. I support that’
Afterwards as a little treat, I did show him the clip of Randy whispering ILY. And he fucking lost his mind. He watched it like 5 times and went ‘how did we get from THIS to shy as fuck?Who do I have to fight? Who hurt my boys? This shit was the most adorable shit I’ve ever seen! WHY ISNT THERE MORE INTERVIEWS WITH THEM?’ And after that he went through every recommended video on youtube. And that’s how he found out about the 2018 reunion…
The belief that it was straight women making up the audience pisses me off because so many queer women and AFAB folks love this show. MAYBE it’s because the straight women were the ones crossing boundaries at the cons asking inappropriate questions because queer women would NEVER (queer women don’t let me down, let’s maintain the 4th wall, mm’kay?)
END AT THE BIKE RIDE. Yes, I have always said this. Your brother and I are on the same wavelength!
The clip of Randy whispering ILY is everything.
I am loving this!! Sorry I’m not writing more, I’m doing this in the midst of absolute chaos lol. There’s a dog barking and a bunch of people having conversations.
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