#I feel like dancer could go there but I don’t wanna put him twice
The Dancer and The Rockstar Part 6 (Joe Elliott X Reader)
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Part 6 is here 🫶
The band had made their way on stage and had gotten through about four of their songs. So far the show was incredible, Y/N watched Joe move around on stage as the rest of the band played the song. They always had to have some kind of dramatic ending. The riff to the fifth song started playing, which Y/N recognized as High N’ Dry. One of her favorites currently.
The crowd’s cheers were so loud they could easily be heard over the music. Y/N stepped a little closer to see the crowd, she noticed how all the girls screamed when Joe would do one of his usual sexy movements and how he would wink at them. It made her a bit jealous. The song ended, but the boys didn’t begin playing the next song, instead Joe put his mic back on the mic stand and he took a moment to look at the crowd. 
“How are we all feeling tonight?” Once again the crowd cheered.
“What? I can’t hear you!” This time the crowd roared louder.
“This next one that we have for you tonight, is a song I wrote a long time ago before Def Leppard was even an idea. I wrote it for a girl who believed in me from the day we met in 1964 all the way till now. This is for you, Y/N.” He turned to look at her with a smile as the intro began to fill the room. 
“Mirror Mirror just watching with your eye of glass,” He turned back to the crowd, “You’re just a wheel of fortune with something that I wanna ask”
“Mirror, mirror got my fate lyin' in your hands” .The music began to get slightly louder, “you're the fool, you're the juggler, hangman and lover, you're not like no other.” Was I really like no other? Y/N thought. When Joe sang the song for her earlier that day, she was certainly not expecting much, but its sound somehow had the ability to bring her back to the dance studio, back to when she would look at the young rockstar through the mirror. The band managed to make a song that sounded like her childhood, it was incredible. 
“Take a look into my eyes,” Sang the band and Joe, “Tell me what you see,” 
She smiled at the sight in front of her, the energy the band put into this song was amazing. They had put energy into the other songs they had performed earlier, but not as much as this song. Probably because Y/N was there. 
The solo began to fill the room and Joe walked towards Y/N. He towered over her with a smile on his face. She looked up at him, but she didn’t say a word. Her lips were slightly parted as she breathed slowly. The solo slowly faded away and Joe moved the mic in front of his mouth as he began to sing once again, “You’re the fool, You’re the juggler.” He winked, “Hangman and lover, you’re like no other, so,” and then the chorus started again as Joe walked back out on stage, with his eyes on her and hers on him. 
The chorus played twice in the end and Joe turned back to the crowd for those two choruses. When the song slowly faded away in the background, Joe turned back to the dancer and both Sav and Steve smirked at each other. 
The band played about five songs before the show ended and it was incredible, it’s like each Leppard show that Y/N sees gets better each time. 
Rick and Sav came off stage first, “You boys did amazing!” 
“Thank you, love,” Sav grinned.
“Thanks,” Said Rick. Pete and Joe went out on the other side and Steve exited the stage from Y/N’s side as well. 
“Do you boys want to get a drink at the club nearby?” The boys nodded, well four of the boys did. Joe wasn’t even there. 
“Of course,” Said Steve, “Let me go find Joe and tell him.” 
Steve walked backstage assuming that Joe would be in his dressing room. When he arrived at the room, he saw that the door was closed, but there was a faint light coming from underneath the door. He lifted his fist to knock on the door.
“Joe, mate, you in there?” 
Joe did not respond, instead he just opened the door, “‘Ello Steve.” 
“Are you coming with us to the bar or..? “I don’t know,” 
“What’s wrong?” 
Joe sighed before opening his mouth to speak, “I’m nervous.” He stated.
“Are you now?” Steve said in a knowing tone, “Nervous about Y/N?” 
“Yes,” Joe put his face in his hands from embarrassment.
“Joe, you’re in love.”
“She’s the kindest, most gorgeous girl I'd ever seen, how can I not be?” Joe questioned.
“I bet you a million pounds she likes you too.” Steve claimed and motioned for Joe to follow him out of the venue. 
Y/N, Sav, Rick, and Pete began to leave the building to feel the cold breeze of the night in London. 
The club they walked in was small and old. It had a fancy, but slightly dirty carpet on the floor. The ceiling was low and there was very  little lighting in the place. There was only one person behind the bar counter and there were only about five other people sitting at the tables. It was surprising because usually at this time of day lots of people would be in places like these. 
The boys and the dancer sat at one of the more hidden tables, just so they could speak privately without fans. Leppard was still a small band, so their fan base had yet to grow.  Sav and Pete went to grab some drinks for the group and Y/N remained at the table with Rick. 
“So, Rick, how old are you?” 
“Uh, 17,” He responded.
“Yeah, I joined the band when I was 15,”
“You are an incredible drummer, love.” 
“Thank you.”  
The Sav and Pete made their way back to the table with the drinks and about three minutes later, Joe and Steve arrived. 
“Finally, you boys made it!” Pete said. 
“Yeah, sorry for getting here kinda late.” Steve sat next to Rick and Joe sat next to Y/N. Joe snuck a glance at the girl next to him, obviously when you like somebody you can’t help but glance over at them every now and then, Y/N glanced at him too. Surprisingly Y/N and Joe hadn’t interacted since the band played Mirror Mirror. It was a little strange. 
“It’s all good, man.” Sav smiled as he poured drinks for the boys.
“Cheers mates!” Said Joe as they all raised their glasses to celebrate another fantastic performance.
After a few drinks and stories y/n asked the boys, “Was that your first time playing Mirror Mirror for an audience?”
“Yes, it was in fact our first time playing it for an audience.” Rick responded as he drank his coke. 
“It was spectacular,” the dancer exclaimed. 
“You think so?” Joe finally said.
“Why wouldn’t I think so?” She looked into his eyes and suddenly he lost his entire train of thought, “I don’t know….”.
The entire room went quiet, every person that was in the bar just disappeared as Joe and Y/N appeared in their own little world. It was just the two of them. 
“Would you be my girl?” Silence filled the room once again, “I get it if you’d never spea-” Y/N put her finger on his lips to shush him. 
“I would love to be your girl.” 
“Really?” Joe could stop himself from smiling, “are you sure?”
“Joe, I’ve never been more sure of anything in myself.” She leaned a little closer to him and allowed herself to kiss his lips, it startled Joe a bit, but then he relaxed, closed his eyes and deepened the kiss. 
When they pulled apart, they looked at each other once again. All those years ago, they were just best friends, did everyone around them know that they liked each other? Probably, but the important thing now is that they are together. 
The band paid the check and stood up. Joe and Y/N walked hand in hand to the door and then Steve walked up to Joe.
“Joe,” he turned to the blonde guitarist.
“You owe me a million pounds.” He grinned and went back to the other boys. 
“What?” Y/N asked.
“Uh Steve bet a million pounds that you liked me back and turns out he was right, and….” Joe chuckled. 
“I haven’t got a million pounds.” 
“I think you will. Just give it a few years.” 
“You think so?” 
“Of course, rockstar.” She winked. 
The band made it back to their tour bus and began getting ready for bed. Their next destination would be Heathrow Airport so that they could take the play to Paris, which is where their next show was. 
@the80srewinders @moon-fashioned @nikkisix @elliotts-personal-property @stevesfuzzypinkslippers @joes-sha-la-la-la-girl @genxrocker @steveinscarlet @armageddonviv @leppardcampbelllove @i-love-def-leppard @jimmysdragonsuit13
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llavender-honeyy · 2 years
kpop tag game ! ? ! ?
STFU MY FIRST TAG GAME ON TUMBLR . ty @ohmyejun for the tag !! <3
3 favorite soloists
i’ll be honest i only really know of .. like sunmi & woodz… does baekhyun count ?????
5 favorite bgs/ggs
xdinary heroes ofc ! also bts, ateez, stayc, & new jeans ☆
top 5 favorite mvs
omg i don’t really watch many mvs…. one of them fs is ateez the real ! xh hair cut 🫶🫶 stream hair cut hehehe.. got7 just right bc that was entertaining as hell. same thing for twice TT !! and lastly txt LO$ER=LO♡ER bc it made me feel… things….
top 3 favorite leaders
enhypen jungwon!! like wym he’s an ‘04 liner he’s so successful . skz bang chan i lov him 🫶 and atz hongjoong he’s so cool and real and fun and
how many albums you have / want to get
i always want more albums 😀 the 29 i have are not enough and never WILL be enough ‼️ the only groups whose discography i actually have every album of are enhypen and xh 🫡 still waiting on my signed overload album tho 😣
do you share a birthday with an idol/have a close birthday with an idol?
i’m just gonna compare based on my ult groups & the dates, not year ! in bts yoongi’s bday is closest to mine. for xh ode’s is closest. in txt it’s gyu!! from enha it’s jay, and from ateez the closest is seonghwa!!!
fancy date with bias or at home date with bias wrecker?
fancy settings are rather uncomfortable for me so i will take an at home date with ode mr oh seungmin the ult wrecker any day i’m so sorry junhan but like.. you get it right? 😍🙏
mv's or live performance?
i think i prefer watching/going to live performances ! it helps me assign each member of a group their voice, and it’s impressive to see how the pros put on a show 💪
favorite album and song of your ult group
ummm this is so difficult. just for xh, i’ll say overload might have to be the favorite album rn.. favorite song tho???? i’ll always have a spot in my heart for pirates.. but ghost is also a new favorite (´∀`*)
3 favorite maknaes
BTS JUNGKOOK HIS DUALITY AS A SOFTIE AND SEXYMAN 😍🤭 & ateez jongho!!! hes so .. 💘💘 also i think we are very similar !! and lastly jooyeon bc his VISUAL but also his BASS SKILLS but also HIM IN GENERAL he’s so lovely i want a bf
rap line or vocal line?
i have to say rap line.. 🤭 i always end up with at least ONE rapper bias in a group,, plus for a long time my bts bias line was hobi & yoongi 😦 now it’s a triple bias with jimin hehe
what song got you into kpop?
idk specifically, but first getting into kpop i was listening to a playlist of some chill bts songs as an introduction and the first song to catch my attention from that was 134340 !
album you will put on repeat?
if you were in a kpop group, what positions would you have?
as much as i’d want to be a main dancer and lead vocalist.. i’d probably be a visual & sub vocalist 😭 with some practice tho i could be a lead vocalist hehe
i don’t know anyone i could tag rlly .. brain not working !! if u wanna do the game, just go for it !
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0unfortunately0 · 2 years
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Bored again.
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roger-that-cap · 3 years
sam wilson x fem!reader
warnings: absolutely none. this is pure fluff, the perfect way to kick off my first sam wilson obsession
word count: 1.3k- basically a drabble
inspired by lover by taylor of course- y’all can peep the places i slid in a few lines hehehe
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 You were reading, but then again, you weren’t. There were moments where you could pull yourself together and look at the pages, but you knew that it was all in vain. Sam Wilson was right across from you, sitting at the table with you as he watched you the same way. You felt your cheeks warm up at his steady stare, and finally you put your book down. The soft music playing in the background filled the silence while you tried to string together a coherent sentence. 
 You could never remember to do anything around Sam but admire him. “Can I help you, Sam?” You asked, the playful tone of your voice not escaping his notice. You saw his lips quirk up into that small half smile that stole your heart months ago and propelled you forward into a life you never thought you’d live. 
  “Didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to look at my girl,” he drawled, and you rolled your eyes before picking your book up again, even though you both knew that you weren’t going to retain a word of what you pretended to read. ‘What, are you busy or something?” 
“Trying to get in some light reading,” you murmured, your heart settling to a calming rate when his leg found yours under the table, locking with yours in the way that he almost always did. You couldn't keep the smile from coming to your lips. It only took him a minute and a half to trail his hand across the table and take your left one, gently prying it from the book and holding it tenderly. 
 When you opened your mouth to scold him with less than your full chest, he gave you a look that made your heart stutter. “Just wanna be close to you, sweetheart.” He was just so charming. He was smooth in a way that made anyone’s mind falter for a moment, and so genuine that you knew he meant every word he said. He had this charisma, a dazzling aura around him that you saw from miles away, and it was what drew you to him in the first place. He never failed to put you in a romantic kind of haze, one that only he could put you in and take you out of. 
You had loved and lost a few times in life, had your heart borrowed and returned and dyed blue many more times than you would have preferred, but it was all worth it when it came to Sam. You knew that you would go through each heartbreak three more times just to love Sam once, if that was what it took. Your blue heart turned a passionate pink the second you met him, and you just knew that it was safe with him. You had never met anyone like Sam Wilson, and you had surely never met anyone who made you feel like he did. 
Within a few minutes, you had only turned the page once, and the feeling of his eyes on you surely didn’t make you go any faster. When you finally got to a new chapter, you saw that it was going to be told from the point of view of a character that had a particularly boring arc up to that point, and you knew that there was no way you were going to be able to ignore Sam while reading it. “You need something, Wilson?” 
He grabbed your second hand, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles. “Just you,” he said, and then the annoying sound of the wooden chair scraping the floor was loud in your small apartment. He brought you to your feet, and then you were standing with him, both hands intertwined over the table.  “Let’s dance.” 
You blinked. “Sam, you know I don’t dance.” You had two left feet and not enough heart to have fun while embarrassing yourself. The last time you had danced was actually with Sam, when he put on old, outdated slow song and tried to prove that he could out dance Steve and Bucky, even though they had lived through the slow dancing age. You had dragged him down a bit, but he still managed to show off with you on his arm. 
“You also didn’t ride roller coasters, eat fair food, swim in the ocean, or go to concerts,” he pointed out, and you rolled your eyes. “And look at you now, sweetpea.” 
It was true. Sam could bat his eyelashes at you twice and you would do anything he wanted. Not because he was too pretty to deny, but because he wanted you to be with him. He made you get on that terrifying ride because he wanted to see your face on the climb, and because he wanted to hold your hand while you went down together. He wanted you to go to the beach with him and get in the water because he knew you’d like it if you tried it, and because he would get to see your eyes light up when you realized it yourself. He wanted to do everything with you because he wanted memories with him. And deep down, you knew that you would always go where he would. So, without a word, you rounded the side of the table and went into his awaiting arms. 
He was a good dancer. He led you without even saying a word, a hand on the small on your back and the other pulling you close. You closed your eyes and leaned your head on his chest, humming in contentment as words left your mind until you were only filled with thoughts of him. 
“What are you thinking about, sweetheart?” He asked, and you nearly cursed him and his observant skills. 
“Just…” you said, and your heart swelled at the way he looked down at you, waiting patiently for you to form your words to your liking. “It’s in times like these where I can’t remember if I’ve known you for twenty seconds or twenty years,” you murmured, and he gave you a small smile. 
  “And why is that?” He asked, a teasing lilt to his voice, and you ignored the way that your cheeks heated up again. 
 “We just- we just feel close,” you explained weakly, but he didn't press. He knew you weren’t finished, like he knew everything about you. “Not even just physically, but, everything. All around.” 
  He was still swaying you gently, the innocent kind of dance that you would see between a sweet couple. His hands were warm on your skin, gentle and firm in reminding you that he was there with you, not halfway across the world and bleeding on some sort of aircraft. “Can we always be this close, sweetheart?” 
  Instead of your heart speeding up again, it just ticked on steadily like the time, a metronome that kept up with your swaying. “As long as you want us to be.” 
In a display that would have made your stomach churn with how sickly sweet it was had you been watching another couple do it, he bent down and kissed you again. “That’s gonna be a long time, darlin’.” 
You didn’t have a ring on your finger. Hell, you didn’t even have a full year under your belt with him. You didn’t have the same skills as him, you didn’t like to go on those long runs at the crack of dawn with him, and you sure as hell weren’t built for the kind of life that he lived so that others didn’t have to. But you knew that you loved him wholly and eternally and you could feel that he returned it,  and that fact was as hard and true as a diamond. You didn’t need three summers and a proposal to decide or realize that. 
“Forever, then.” You said, and your heart skipped at your own words, until he bent down and kissed you, lips against your for a few seconds until he pulled away, still so close that you could feel them moving against you when he spoke again. 
   “Forever works for me.” 
i quite literally have had zero time to write, and when i did have time, writer’s block was terrible. I’m fr very sappy rn and this was the cure i guess? this is my first sam fic and the first thing i’ve made since i got into a funk, so be please be gentle skfjs
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
Ocean Eyes, Cherry Lips, Ivory Keys
Pairing: 40s!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2747
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of alcohol, I think that’s all
A/N: This is a headcanon I’ve had for a while that I’ve been wanting to write about 40s!Bucky, pre-War. I kinda want to write a series about it, so that might happen. For now, enjoy this little tidbit I’ve written, with the prompt of Occasion for HBC’s Lucky in Love Day 18! (This isn’t beta’d so please excuse mistakes.)
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He’s something of a celebrity. A living legend. A God amongst humans. Starting as a kid in Brooklyn, his fanbase rapidly grew, expanding to Queens, Manhattan, even parts of New Jersey, just in the past few years.
You don’t get it. So what if he’s got cool blue eyes, soft chocolate hair, and a charming smile? Who cares if he’s got smooth moves and even smoother words? He’s just a man - a human being - with flaws just like everyone else. A talented and gorgeous man, who has all of New York wanting to fall to her knees to please him, but still just a man.
James Buchanan Barnes.
Most everyone knew his name, but there was a lot of mystery surrounding the actual character. 
You just don’t see what all the fuss is about. You’ve never personally met him, or even seen him, but you know people who have. Your friend’s cousin even claims to have danced with him once. Not that that would be hard. You hear he’s never danced with the same bird twice, and, considering most start dancing in their teenage years, that’s a lot of dames.
It’s not that you’re not curious about him - if he’s actually as dashing as they say - but you’re not about to stop your life for him like some of your friends. They’re obsessed with getting his attention. With seeing if they’d be the one. The one to finally chain him down and tame him. The one he’d go steady with.
It feels like that’s all you ever talk about anymore. It was amusing at first, but now it’s just getting annoying. It’s been three years since that day in March of 1938, when your roommate ran into your room, plopping down onto your bed, before ranting and raving about the new ocean eyed piano player at her favorite bar. And since then, he’s been in your life without actually being in your life.
Speaking of, here you are. Listening to Lucy, MaryAnne, and Jean gushing over the man, trying to enjoy your milkshake.
“I heard from Sally that Thomas said that he knew the brother of one of his friend’s in high school!”
“That can’t be true! I heard from Billy, who heard from Martha, who was told by Ben, that he only had, like, one friend in high school.”
“You’re kidding, right? There’s no way a man like that had only one friend.”
“I hear he does boxing and that’s why he’s got a body sculpted like a Greek God.”
“Oh my God! MaryAnne!”
You rub your temples, resisting the urge to roll your eyes as the three burst into fits of giggles. If you have to hear one more word about-
“I heard he’s going to be playing at Georgie’s on Friday!”
Gasps echoed around the table. “No way! Georgie’s?”
You raise an eyebrow, this actually intriguing you. Georgie’s is a popular little hole in the wall, on the edge of being a speakeasy, which doubles as a pub and a dance hall in Brooklyn. It’s one of the best hang outs for kids like you and your girls, but it isn’t very high class. Maybe that’s why it’s one of the best. “Isn’t Georgie’s a little…cheap for him? He’s been playing at the best bars and restaurants for a while now.”
“It’s a classic in Brooklyn. Near his home, probably.”
“Do you think he lives near there?!”
“Ooo! Maybe we could find out!’
You scoff. “That,” gesturing to Lucy with your glass, you take a sip of your milkshake. “Is called stalking, my friend.”
Jean waves towards you dismissively. “I think he lives near Tin Pan Alley. That’s where he plays the most, after all. Georgie’s was probably just an old hang out for him and his pals.”
“Wait, wait,” you shake your head, a thought popping into your head. You turn to Lucy, confused. “How’d you find out he’s playing at Georgie’s anyways? Isn’t part of his whole act not telling anyone where he’s playing?”
Giving you a smirk and a wink, Lucy shrugs. “I’ve got my connections.”
You roll your eyes again, turning your attention back to your milkshake. “So?!” MaryAnne squealed. “We’re going on Friday, right?”
“Hell yes!”
“Not.” You mumble, causing the other three to stare at you incredulously.
“I’m not wasting my Friday night going to see some fella you all have a crush on. Especially when he might not even be there.”
Your friends groan, exchanging glances. “And what’re you gonna do?” Jean crossed her arms with a pointed look on her face. “Sit down and read a book like you always do?”
You huff. “I like reading, sue me. I don’t get a lot of time to myself. You know that new girl’s been gumming up the works and I’ve had to stay late to fix her mistakes all week.”
“This is exactly what you need, then! Come out, have a drink, jive a little-”
You look up at that, an amused kind of smirk on your lips. “Jive? Me and my clumsy ass?”
You all laugh. “Okay, so maybe not dance, but c’mon! It’ll be snazzy, you’ll see!”
“Fine, fine.” Standing up with a sigh, you collect your things, smoothing down your dress with your hands. “I’ve gotta scram.”
“We’ll see you on Friday, right?”
You give a small smile, shooting them a wink. “I guess I can make it.”
Friday comes a lot faster than you anticipate. You dress up; a navy blue dress going to your knees with white, heart shaped buttons and a bow around the waist. The shoes you’re wearing are your nice black and white Mary Janes. Lips painted deep red, and hair pinned back in loose curls, you glance over yourself in a mirror. You’ll admit; you look damn good. You don’t wanna go, but you might as well try to have some fun since you are.
It’s a cool evening, early May meaning the summer humidity hasn’t hit just yet. You didn’t even think about bringing a coat, but you start to regret the decision as you start walking. MaryAnne, who you actually room with, already left, being way too excited to stay put.
It doesn’t take you long - you live on the border of Queens and Brooklyn - but your feet are more sore than you’d like when you arrive.
“I knew you’d come!” Lucy grins, coming up besides you and linking her arm in yours. MaryAnne comes up on your other side and does the same to your free arm.
“Where’s Jean?”
“Where do you think? She already found a Joe to swing with.”
You laugh. “Of course she has! So is your dreamboat here?”
The grins that are immediately on their faces answer your question and they quickly drag you inside.
It’s hot and crowded and dim. Skirts with their beaus, guys with their broads, swinging and dancing to the lively music of the band on stage. Smoke from cigarettes, pipes, and cigars is evident in the air as they neared the bar portion of the building, mixing with the boisterous sound of laughter and chatter.
“Everyone’s talking about it! He’s here, but he hasn’t played yet. We’ve been trying to catch a glimpse of him, but we think he’s in a back room.” The dramatic sigh MaryAnne gives makes you laugh a little.
“Okay, khaki whackies. Let’s get a drink.”
You, just as you thought would happen tonight, are left alone at the bar by your friends who quickly found partners to dance with. A few men asked you, but you have never been a good dancer.
You’re lost in thought, running a finger gently around the rim of your cup, when a voice sounded besides you, pulling you out of your thoughts, a slight rasp to the otherwise mellifluous voice.
“You gonna drink that, doll, or just stare at it all night?”
You raise an eyebrow at the jest, turning your head, only to have your breath hitch. What a specimen. Ocean blue eyes, fluffy brown curls, cherry pink lips. A white dress shirt is pulled over his broad chest, gray dress pants hugging thick thighs, matching suit jacket across wide shoulders. He has a blue, black, and white plaid tie around his neck and you can see the edges of his blue suspenders under his blazer. He’s put together, but it’s nothing special, a normal Sunday best suit, that much you can tell.
“Uh, not all night.” You look back to the drink, before looking at the clock with a hum, tilting your head playfully. “Maybe another hour.”
He chuckles, gesturing for the bartender. “Tell me this, sweetheart. What is a beautiful dame like yourself doin’ drinking alone?”
“I’m not very good on my feet, I’m afraid.” You laugh nervously, taking a sip of your drink.
“Don’t come here often, then?”
“Only for special occasions.”
“What’s the special occasion this evenin’, sugar?”
You shrug. “My friends dragged me here. They’re practically in love with this guy who’s supposedly playing the piano tonight. James Barnes. Have you ever heard of him?”
He chuckles, a grin pulling his lips upwards. “Yeah. Yeah I’ve heard of ‘im. Not a big fan yourself?”
“I’m sure he’s fine. I just don’t understand the fascination with him. Let the man be.”
“I agree.” He hums with a nod, grabbing the glass of whiskey the bartender set in front of him. “I actually know him.”
“Really?” You look at him in interest.
He tilts his head with a smile towards you that makes you melt. “Yeah. He feels the same. He just likes playin’. That’s all. He didn’t want all the attention. He gets enough without that.”
You raise an eyebrow, finishing off your drink. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I’m Bucky by the way.”
You eye his hand, grabbing it after a second, letting him bring your knuckles to his lips. “Y/N.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, mama.” He shifts his body more towards you, running a hand through his hair. “You said you ain’t fond of dancin’?”
Shaking your head, you quickly defend yourself, “no, no. I like dancing. I’m just not very good. Got two left feet.”
He smirks, tongue poking out to run over those plump lips of his. “Well, with the right partner, it doesn’t really matter.”
“Are you asking me to dance, Bucky?”
“Not if you’re gonna say no.” He responds with a toothy grin, leaning his elbows on his knees.
You sigh and shake your head. “I’m afraid tonight’s not your night, pal. I just can’t seem to get myself in the mood.”
He hums, leaning back. “Is it the music? Too fast for you?”
“I wouldn’t mind if they slowed it down some, I suppose.”
He smiles cheekily. “I can help with that. Hold on.”
You grin at him, nodding. “I’ll be here.”
Watching him stand and make his way over to the stage, you quirk an eyebrow. He seems to know the band well, if the handshakes and the claps on the back have anything to say about it. He says something to the lead, who nods with a grin, shooting him a wink. Bucky laughs, but you can see a tint of pink dusting his cheeks, making you wonder what they were saying.
He makes his way back over as the band shifts tones, the animated swing changing to a slow jazzy number. Bucky beams at you, holding out his hand as he approaches. “Care to dance?”
You purse your lips, narrowing your eyes, but taking his hand anyways. “How’d you do that? Do you work here?’
“Uh…somethin’ like that.” He states vaguely, leading you to the dance floor with the other swaying couples. Pulling you as close as appropriate, his hands resting politely on your waist, he starts moving you side to side. 
“That’s not ominous.” You place your hands on his shoulders, following his lead as you stare at your feet.
He chuckles, hooking a finger under your chin to lift your gaze. “I’ve gotcha, doll. I won’t let you fall.”
“I’m going to step on your feet.” You explain.
“Nah. You’re doin’ great. You just need to get outta your head. Relax a little. Tell me something about yourself.”
You hum. “Like what?”
“Uh, okay…I have a roommate who is one of the girls who begged me to come, I’m a secretary - I know, boring - and…I dunno. I like reading.”
His eyes lighten at this. “Reading? Whaddya like to read?”
“Different things. Depends on my mood. I’m re-reading The Hobbit for, like, the twentieth time right now.”
“I love The Hobbit.” Bucky grins, making you smile back. “I read it almost as soon as it came out.”
“Me too! I was planning on reading it tonight but,” you gesture around. “Here I am.”
Bucky lips pull up softly, his hold on your waist tightening ever so slightly as he pulls you closer. “Well, as much as I love that book, I’m glad you came out tonight.”
Giving him a little tease, you tap your chin thoughtfully. “Eh…I think I’d rather be at home.”
He pinches your side gently, making you squeal and squirm. “That hurt, sugar. That physically hurt me. C’mon, mama, your gonna say you aren’t havin’ a good time?”
“I just met you ten minutes ago.”
“Well, sweetheart, if you think we’re movin’ too fast, I won’t introduce you to my folks just yet.”
You laugh, blinking up at him. “That’s very thoughtful of you, Buck.”
The two of you rock for a little while longer, before the band stops, announcing they’re taking a break and a special guest is going to play a little something.
“Maybe James Barnes is here.” You say, a bit of intrigue lacing your tone, trying to see through the crowds of people who started gathering around the stage to catch a glimpse of the charming pianist. “I see why he would be over the attention.”
“Yeah.” Bucky sighs, almost sadly, giving you an apologetic look. “Listen, I’ve gotta go work for a bit, but I’ll be right back.”
You smirk. “So you do work here?”
“Um…kinda. You’ll see.”
You raise an eyebrow at his words, but he’s kissing your knuckles and walking away. You frown, but can’t think more on it when three young women are on you, babbling about their dates.
“Who were you dancing with, Y/N? He was cute!”
You roll your eyes, feeling yourself heat up, and not because of the many bodies in the vicinity. “Just…some guy.”
“C’mon, c’mon! We’ve gotta get a good spot to actually see him!”
You huff, letting the drag you through the crowd, shoving their way towards the front just as a familiar deep voice spoke. 
“Thanks for comin’ out, everyone. I hope your havin’ a good night. Let’s get this hop started, yeah?”
Your eyes widen when you finally catch sight of the man sitting at the piano with a polite smile on his features. He catches your eye and shoots you a wink, before his fingers start flying over the keys. The beam that he gets while tickling the gleaming ivories, his azure eyes lighting up, and you can’t fight the smile you get. He looks so relaxed, so invigorated, that it makes you happy just watching him.
“Oh my God! Weren’t you dancing with him?!” Lucy shook your shoulder obnoxiously, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, mesmerized with the way he played like it’s the only thing he wanted to do with his life. Which, as you remember his words, ‘he just likes playin’. That’s all.’ you figure it is the only thing he wanted to do with his life.
You just danced with James Barnes…and he’s just as perfect as everyone says.
You’re still trying to wrap your head around it, your friends jumping around you, trying to get every little detail of him from you, when your heart skips a beat and your brain malfunctions. Bucky had started up another song, slower and more intimate, and he’s looking right at you. 
You find yourself doing something you never thought you would; you’re swooning over James Barnes, smiling like an idiot, heat blooming up your neck and flaming your face. And yes, he’s just a man - a human being - with flaws just like everyone else. But he’s a talented and gorgeous man, who has all of New York wanting to fall to her knees to please him.
And now that includes you.
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Pairing: Jake Jensen x Fem!Reader
Words: 2097
Summary: You and Jensen are stuck doing surveillance and Jake gets bored. Also, he tries some dirty talk for the first time!
Warnings: Fluff, explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex), SMUT, 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: This ended up being kind of precious, but I’m ok with that. I just love this giant nerd so much! Join my taglist here if you want! (Side note, I know that Brother Rapp comes after Sex Machine on the James Brown album but that would’ve been like 15 minutes of dancing I had to write)
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“Oh my god, I’m so bored.”
You shot a glare at Jake as you set up the surveillance equipment. He had draped himself over the table in your loft dramatically as you did your work.
“We’ve been here for literally a half an hour. Are you going to whine the whole time?” You loved the guy but weren’t looking forward to spending the next 12 hours with his ass if he was going to be a little bitch the whole time. You bent down to test the camera angles as he sighed heavily.
“I can’t believe you don’t even have a TV. What are we going to do this whole time?”
“I dunno, maybe our jobs?” You were barely paying attention as you made adjustments to the scopes.
“Nah.” He jumped off the table and stretched. “You’ve gotta have something to do here. I’m gonna look around.”
You just shook your head at him as he started wandering around aimlessly, still fiddling with the equipment to make sure you were covering all the exits.
“Ooh, what’s up here?” He started to climb the ladder to the second level. This was his first time at your place, and he was curious. “Shit.”
You grinned to yourself as you settled back in your chair, eyes on the monitor. He must’ve found the weapons cache.
“Oho, is this a rocket launcher?!”
You gave a laugh as you glanced up at him. “Sure is, baby. Maybe put it down though, you’re pointing it at your face.”
“Oh, fuck. Whoops.” He placed the launcher down gingerly as he scoped the rest of the landing. “That’s it? A refrigerator, a bed, and a shit-ton of explosives?” He started to work his way back down the ladder. “Kinda boring. Oh, what’s this?”
“Fuck.” You muttered to yourself as you considered what his new discovery might be.
“Look at this record collection!” He sounded stupid giddy. “Marvin Gay, Roxy Music, so much Led Zeppelin. Y/N, are you secretly cool?”
“I don’t think it’s a secret.” You teased back at him, smiling in spite of yourself.
“Oh, yesss!” You heard him start up the record player and all of a sudden James Brown was yelling over the speakers as the Sex Machine album started.
“Oh my god.” You rolled your eyes at him. “Turn that down, do you want the mark to know we’re up here?”
“C’mon, you know you wanna dance with me.” He had one of those ridiculous grins on his face as he slid across the floor into your field of view, rolling his hips and shoulders to the music.
“We’re supposed to be surveilling, Jake.”
“You just spent 45 minutes setting up all that equipment, you’re telling me the cameras can’t take over for just a bit?”
You bit your lip as you watched him dancing around your kitchen like a goofball. God he was such a perfect idiot. “Fine, but you tell anyone about this and I’ll stab you.”
“Ooh, don’t tease me, sweetheart.”
You rose out of your chair to join him, gliding across the floor easily, leading with your hips as your feet slid along to the rhythm. Your upper body rolled smoothly to the music, following the motion set by your hips.
“Fuck, you’re a really good dancer.” Jensen was giving you an appreciative look as you kicked your feet in a signature James Brown style.
“You seem surprised, Jake.” You laughed lightly at him.
“I mean, I kinda am. No offense, but you’ve usually got a stick up your ass.”
“Ouch.” You placed a hand to your chest in a mock wounded gesture. “This is nothing though.”
“Really, you’ve got more moves up your sleeve?”
“Yeah, watch this.”
You winked at him before spinning fast and lowering yourself into a split, then rising up as you brought your legs back together. He broke out into hysterical laughter.
“Ok, fine. You’ve officially shocked me.”
“Ooh, I’m full of surprises honey.” You slid closer to him as the song shifted to ‘Bewildered’, pressing your body into his.
“What happened to doing our jobs?” He teased as you started kissing his neck.
“You got me all worked up now sweetheart.” You murmured against his throat.
“Oh, fuck. I hate to do this but…” He pointed at the monitor.
The mark was getting into a black SUV in the middle of a group of motorcycles, getting ready to head out.
“Shit!” You hissed, scrambling over to the radio to call it in to Aisha and the rest of the team. “they’re on the move!”
“Fuck, did you get a chance to tag their ride?” Aisha asked over the comms.
“Yeah, did that first thing.”
“Ok, keep an eye on us while we tail them.”
“You got it.”
“Sooo….” Jake murmured behind you. “Should we pick this up later, or….?”
You just waved a hand behind you to shush him as you went over everything with Aisha. He gave a heavy sigh and went to make himself a sandwich. Maybe you had some books laying around somewhere.
It was three hours later when you finally signed off the comms. You stood up and stretched out, wondering where your puppy had gotten to.
You found him passed out on the couch, glasses askew and a sandwich crust resting on his chest as he softly snored, your copy of ‘Dune’ laying open next to him on the couch. You shook your head as you returned the book to the shelf and tossed the rest of his sandwich in the trash. You slipped Miles Davis’ ‘Kind of Blue’ album onto the record player and crawled into his lap.
“Fuck.” He jolted awake when you started nibbling at his ear lobe. “What time is it?”
“It’s 8 PM, dumbass.” You whispered into his neck. “You slept through the whole op.”
“What?” He was still out of it. “What about the surveillance?”
“Well,” you murmured, slipping your hands under his Petunias tee and running your palms up his torso. “There was a firefight, and it seems the mark is no longer an issue.”
“Ok.” His brain was almost caught up now. “So, sexytime?”
You lifted his glasses off his nose and gave him a low chuckle as you set them on the coffee table. “Yeah, baby, sexytime.”
He gave you one of his stupid grins as he sat up and wrapped his arms around you, his hands kneading into your hips as he ground his growing erection into your mound. You drew his shirt over his head as you gyrated against him, moaning as your cunt clenched around nothing, a fresh rush of arousal soaking through your panties and leggings.
Jake ran his hands up your back and tugged the shoulders of your cami down over your arms until your tits were exposed. He nuzzled himself between your breasts, brushing his lips against your skin softly as you arched into his mouth.
He moved his mouth to your nipple and elicited a groan as he swirled his tongue around your sensitive bud, bringing up one hand to palm at the opposite breast.
“Fuck, Jake.” You whispered, screwing your eyes shut and bringing up a hand to the back of his head as you drove your hips into him, desperate for friction. “God, I need it.”
“Yeah, sweetheart?” He whispered against your chest. “You need my big fucking cock? You gonna take it like a good girl?”
You couldn’t help it, you laughed. Those words coming out of your sweet puppy were just too much and you broke down into a fit of giggles.
“Aww, c’mon.” He was pouting now. “I just wanted to try something new.”
“I’m sorry, sweetie.” You fell back on the couch, trying to catch your breath “You just caught me off guard. I’ll be a good girl for you.”
You scooted yourself down on the couch until you could dip your hands into his sweats, biting your lip as you drew out his cock, biting your lip as wrapped your hands around him.
“Mmm, I need this cock so bad. My pussy is so fucking wet for you.” You ran your thumb through the precum at his tip at the same time you shoved your hand down your panties, moaning as you drew your fingers through your sopping folds until you found your clit.
“Fuck, baby. Ok.” He tore off your panties and lined himself up. “Uh, you want this cock, you better ask me real nice. Is this ok?”
You grinned and nodded to him. “Please, Jake, fuck me with that massive dick?”
“Shit, don’t need to ask twice.” He muttered as he nudged his tip between your folds, slowly pressing into you. You let out a whine as he sheathed himself in you, digging your fingers into the couch cushions. “Yeah, you like that don’t you? Like feeling my big cock splitting you open. God, you’re so fucking tight. Look at this pussy gripping me so good.”
His hips were driving into you hard, his cock dragging against your g-spot with each thrust. You met each of his thrusts with your own, whining as he pounded into you. You brought your fingers down to your clit, drawing circles around it desperately before Jake wrenched your hand away.
“Nice try, sweetheart, but I’m the only one who gets to make you cum tonight.” He licked his fingers before pressing them to your tiny bundle of nerves, making you scream.
“Fuck, Jake! Don’t stop!” You felt your pleasure gathering in the pit of your stomach as you writhed underneath him. “God, I’m cumming!”
“That’s right baby, cream all over my cock.”
The coil snapped and you wailed as every muscle in your abdomen knotted before releasing in quivering bliss. You felt your spend gushing over your thighs around Jake’s dick as you came down, his hips still plunging into you relentlessly.
“I’m gonna flip you over beautiful. I wanna watch this ass bounce while I make you scream.”
You whined when he pulled out, but then he flipped you over like it was nothing and drove back into you, knocking the breath out of your lungs. He slapped your ass hard before gripping one hip to draw you back into him over and over. He wrapped his other hand in your hair and wrenched your head back, making your eyes roll back into your head as he pounded into you.
“God, you’re fucking perfect. I swear this body was made for me.” He murmured as he picked up the pace even more, and you felt your pussy clench around him at his praise as you felt another orgasm starting to build. “You can cum again, pretty girl. I wanna feel this cunt strangle my cock.”
“Ffuuck.” You groaned as another orgasm ripped through you. You body rolling underneath Jake as aftershocks shook your core and left you breathless.
“Shit, gonna fill you up, baby. You ready to take all my cum, beautiful?”
“Yes, please.” You moaned against the couch cushions, still feeling the aftereffects of your previous orgasm.
He hissed through his teeth as you felt his cock twitch inside you, then his hot spend was coating your velvety walls, eliciting another groan from deep in your chest.
Jake stilled his hips and collapsed on top of you, suffocating you in his body heat as you felt his cock softening. You hummed with pleasure as he buried his face in your hair.
“Was that ok, Y/N?” Your boy was so fucking considerate and sweet, he made your teeth hurt.
“That was more than ok, Jensen.” You mumbled against the couch cushions as he pulled out of you and started to roll you over.
“Yeah, I wasn’t too mean?”
“Jakey, baby, you weren’t mean at all. You’re still my sweet puppy.” You gave him a massive grin as you drew your face up to his and gave him a soft, slow kiss.
He gave you a grin of his own when you pulled away and started to lay back on the couch, cradling his head between your breasts.
“Good.” He muttered against your skin. “Cause I have some other things I was hoping to try.”
“Really baby? What else did you wanna try out?” You ran your fingers lightly over his spine as the two of you lay there, starting to doze off.
“Mmm, what do you think about roleplay?” You could feel his eyelashes fluttering against your skin as he started to fall asleep.
You just gave him a light laugh as you slipped into a daze yourself. “Ooh, that sounds like fun.”
Permanent Tags:
@slothspaghettiwrites​ @starlightcrystalline​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @jack-skellingtons-stuff​
742 notes · View notes
Of something beautiful, but annihilating🚬4
Warnings: nonconsensual touching, fingering, deceptive behaviour, allusions to abuse.
This is dark!fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Note: I haven’t updated in a minute but I got the yen to come back to Arvin so here we go! Also working away at my gif requests which are super fun :)
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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The fight echoed in your head as Arvin buttoned up the front of your dress, although a few were missing. He helped you to your feet and you leaned on him heavily, barely able to see ahead of you, let alone support yourself on your shaky legs. You climbed the stairs as your mind passed through a tunnel of shock. You didn’t realise you’d even left the living room until you were lowered onto the bed.
Arvin sat beside you, his hand on your shoulder as he spoke softly. You didn’t understand his words as you turned your face away and tears trickled down your tender cheek. You weren’t sad that Roy was gone, you were embarrassed that another had seen what you let him do to you, and terrified of the nice man with the pistol. 
Was he really so nice? You barely knew him at all and he’d had a gun under your roof. Sure, Roy had a rifle but that was for hunting. You couldn’t say or even try to imagine why Arvin had a handgun.
The lamp clicked off and the end of the chain clinked against the long stem. You laid in the dark, not daring to move, and after hours of dazed disbelief, you dozed off, your back wracked with pain from the tension and awkward position.
You woke with a stiff neck, a swollen face, and a weight in your chest. You sat up slowly and held your forehead as the bed shifted. Arvin dumped an armful of Roy's old flannels into the open suitcase at the foot of the mattress. You blinked and rubbed your eye as you leaned on one arm. You yawned and stretched your shoulders.
"What are you doing?" You asked.
"I'll see him today," he said as he pulled open the chest of drawers and grabbed the stained and torn denim from within, "make sure he stays away for good."
"What? Arvin," you bent your legs and crossed your arms over your knees, "he's my husband."
"He didn't act like one," he continued to toss Roy's clothes haphazardly into the bag, "he beat you!" He stopped and put his hands on his hips, "he never talked to you nice and…" he stopped and shook his head and closed the suitcase. He zipped it up with a sigh, "I heard him that first night. I figured, you weren't my wife, I could live with it. Well, I can't. You deserve better than him."
"It's not that easy. I can't just toss him out--"
"No, I did," Arvin insisted, "and I'll keep him out."
"You shouldn’t have done that. Last night. He'll be mad."
"So?" Arvin hauled the bag off the bed and dragged it to the door. The bottom of his shirt moved and revealed the butt of the gun sticking out of the top of his jeans.
"Are you gonna make sure with that?" You asked as you turned your legs over the side of the bed, "you can't just shoot him, you know that, don't you?"
"Of course, but he doesn't know I won't," Arvin looked back at you, "I'm gonna make breakfast then head out… how's your head?"
"Feels like there's a rock in my temple," you groaned and stood, "I don't want anyone to get hurt."
"No one but you, huh?" He challenged, "Look, I won't hurt him, I promise, but I also won't let him hurt you."
You neared him meekly as you hugged yourself, "why?"
"Because you do," he said, "because if you won't save yourself, I will. I have to," he looked down at his scuffed shoes, "I seen too many girls, too many women, hurt in my life. I ain't that old, you know? But I can't stand no more."
You watched him go and listened to him descend the old stairs. You frowned and flinched as you glanced around and caught a glimpse of yourself in the antique oval mirror your mother had left behind all those years ago. You looked as bad as you felt, worse; you couldn't help but be comforted by Arvin's concern, in fact, it felt good to have someone who cared about you.
It was hard to concentrate that day. Even a chore as simple as the dishes or sweeping the floors took twice as long as usual as your mind strayed to the night before and fears of what was to come.
You tried to convince Arvin to leave the bag there but he wasn’t folding, not like you. You admired him for that, but at the same time it made you squirm. Something had changed. He was no longer the sweet young man staying in your attic, he became the indomitable and angry man waving the gun around as he spoke about killing others without so much as flinching.
You remembered what he said. He’d killed a man before, or was it men? It wasn’t like you had anyone who could or would help you. You doubted Roy would come back even if you wanted him to, and on that front, you just couldn’t be sure. He was your husband and it was improper to put him out but let another man sleep under your roof.
The only woman in town who’d dared divorce her husband was Carmen Dolan and there was no where in town she went where people didn’t whisper about her; at the store, in church, and even on the sidewalks. It didn’t matter that her husband was sneaking around or that he was little better than Roy in his manners. It was a small place and people had too much time to talk.
Well, how many friends did you have there? Noreen couldn’t be called as much and all the girls you knew in school were married and too busy to keep up those old teenage ties. You could bide them at the sewing circles, they never were very nice, and you went to church out of obligation not out of a need for that ridiculous shallow socializing of housewives. Besides, you’d failed at all that, hadn’t you?
Then you began to worry. What if Roy flipped and hurt Arvin? Or Arvin hurt him? The suitcase would hardly be taken with a thanks. If Roy was ashamed enough he might just grumble and ignore the other man for the rest of the day, but if he wasn’t, he might just pick up where they left off last night.
You were hanging out the washing when a faded old Chevrolet drove up the dusty drive. You squinted past the stiff jeans as it steered closer and the engine stopped. Arvin climbed out and jingled the keys as he went around the other side. He took out a paper bag and crossed the yard.
“How was your day?” he asked with a smile.
You stared, dumbfounded. How could he act so… normal?
“Wh--what happened with…” your voice trailed out and you unclipped a pair of his jeans.
“Roy? Oh, he took his things and tucked tail after lunch,” he scoffed, “he didn’t look too good. Probably didn’t feel good neither.”
You nodded and dropped the jeans into the basket and tucked the pegs into your pocket. He crinkled the paper bag and stopped you from reaching to the next pair.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
You shook your head and stepped back so that his hand fell from your arm.
“I know last night was-- hard. I only did what I had to, not anything I wanted to,” his brows drew together, “here.”
He held out the paper bag and you eyed it warily. You chewed your lip and he stepped closer.
“Please, it’s, uh, I want you to have it,” he said, “you deserve it and maybe it is an apology. I went a little far but… I don’t regret it. Roy got what was coming.”
You took the bag and he tucked his hands in his pockets. “You didn’t have to get me nothing,” you said.
“Like I said, I wanted to. You do all the hard work here,” he replied, “and I’ll finish this up.”
He reached up and took down the next pair of pants and put them in the basket with the rest. He moved down the line as you watched him, the bag under your arm. You didn’t move, just watched. You looked over at the Chevrolet and frowned.
“Where’d you get the car?” you asked.
“Used,” he said as he folded a shirt in half and dropped it into the basket, “they had it down at the shop for a while now and I told the boss to take out installments from my next few checks. He didn’t mind much, he ain’t been able to get rid of it. Some work to be done but--” He lifted the basket and neared you, “you didn’t look yet?”
“Inside,” you said, “I didn’t wanna just leave you out here with all that.”
You nodded to the laundry and he pointed you toward the house. He followed you up onto the porch and through the screen door. He stopped to slip off his shoes and continued on after you into the living room. You put the bag down on the end table and uncurled the top.
You pulled out the large square and held up the record. The man who stared back at you had sparkling blue eyes and black hair. Elvis Presley smiled as if it was all a funny joke.
“There’s more,” he said.
You set down the record against the arm of the couch and reached into the brown bag again. You pulled out the fabric and a finely tailored pink dress in the latest style unfolded before you. You stared as he neared and he took the bag from the table. He revealed the last piece from the bag and set them down on the carpet, a pair of brand new heels.
“Why did you do all this?” you shoved the dress at him, “I can’t accept it.”
“You can,” he stepped back, “and just so you know, I’ll be paying my rent to you direct now.”
He sidled past you and took the album from the couch. He went to the record player and slid the vinyl from the sleeve. He carefully placed it on the player and lined up the pin. He turned back to you and crossed the room. He pulled the dress from your hands and let it slump over the couch cushion.
“Do you know the shimmy? I could show you? It’s the new thing,” he said as he took your hand, “you just move your hips, bend your legs a little, keep your arms out like this.” He moved slowly at first as he drew you into the middle of the room, “just with me, to the rhythm.”
“I can’t,” you protested, “really, I’m not a dancer.”
“Me neither, but it’s fun,” he tugged on your hand, “come on.”
He sang out of tune as he kept his hips moving. You watched him and tried to copy him, hoping to placate him long enough that you could escape to the kitchen. The dress, the album, the dancing, it all felt so wrong.
As the song ended, he brought you close and wrapped you up and slowed down. He swayed you with him as the record kept spinning. His eyes clung to yours.
“He didn’t know what he had,” he said.
“Arvin, I gotta start supper,” you whispered as you pushed on him, “please.”
“I got you the new dress so we could go to the drive-in,” he kept you against him, “Friday night. You like Audrey Hepburn?”
“I… haven’t seen much of her,” you confessed, “Arvin, really, the ham--”
“He’s not coming back,” he released you reluctantly, “I told you. I told him.”
“He’s still my husband,” you crossed your arms and looked down.
“Is he? He never treated you like his wife.”
“It’s the law--”
“Divorce him. You’ll keep the house, it’s yours. Your daddy left it to you.”
“And do what? I can’t afford it on my own--”
“You got me.”
“You won’t stay here forever,” you uttered.
He didn’t say anything and narrowed his eyes. He shrugged and turned away. “You have options and Roy is the wrong one,” he said, “you can’t hate yourself that much.”
You barely heard him and didn’t know how to respond. So you didn’t and left him to Elvis’ soft tones as you went to pull out the honey ham. You still had some of your sweet mustard left in that jar from last year or maybe the apple sauce. It was easier to focus on the food and not the madness of men.
The nights and days drifted by like sand in a glass. Whenever Arvin was there, even when he was in the attic and you were below, you were painfully aware that it was only the two of you in that big house. You weren’t afraid for yourself really, he hadn’t done anything to you. You should hate Roy for how he’d been to you all those years but you didn’t want to be the reason he got hurt.
But as the time went by, it was also harder to tell Arvin no. You never thought anyone could be overly helpful, especially after Roy’s indifference, but you were overwhelmed by his presence. He was always lurking around when you least expected, watching you, waiting. He always offered to finish the chore or kept you from doing it entirely. You should be thankful but it made you feel more guilty than anything.
When Friday came, you carried on your usual routine. You were mopping when the Chevrolet pulled up. He’d spent the night before with his head under the hood. He said it wasn’t too bad for the price and the repairs were minimal and none so urgent. 
The car door closed then his steps walked up onto the porch. As he entered the house, you hit the mop against the wall and kept your head down, swiping back and forth against the wood. He didn’t dare to step past the threshold and mess your clean floors.
“You should finish up and get ready,” he said.
You looked up at him and feigned ignorance. You hoped all day he would forget about the movie. You didn’t want to wear the dress, it made your wedding ring chafe just to think of it. You focused again on the mop and kept back stepping away from him. 
“Maybe not tonight, Arvin,” you said, “I’m tired.”
“You don’t have to work yourself sick,” he leaned against the doorframe, “really. You can always just take a day and… relax.”
You put the mop in the bucket and rested it against the wall. You took a deep breath but didn’t look at him.
“I don’t think we should go at all.”
He sighed and rubbed his cheek, “Really? Roy hasn’t even tried to come back. Hasn’t even tried to apologise. In all these years, did he ever once say sorry to you for anything?”
“Maybe not but I married him. I made that decision and I have to see it through.”
“Not like that,” he tutted, “besides, it’s just a movie…”
“Just a movie,” you repeated and walked over the drying floor, “alright then.”
He watched you and the thoughts wrinkled on his forehead. He let you go as you grabbed the railing and ascended the stairs. You felt his eyes on you, even after you turned down the hall, as if he could see you through the walls.
“We got time,” he called up, “no rush. It’s not even close to dark but I don’t want you to worry about… all this.”
You didn’t reply and closed the bedroom door. You sat on the end of your bed and clasped your hands. You still felt terribly trapped. You didn’t think so much of what Roy would say, he always said the worst. You thought about your father and how disappointed he would be. You knew he wouldn’t have let Roy treat you so bad if he was still alive, but he would still be sad if he knew how it all worked out.
You hadn’t been to the drive-in since you were going steady with Roy. It was a singular occasion and an unpleasant one. He got drunk and couldn’t drive home so you had to get behind the wheel and pray you didn’t crash. It wasn’t that you couldn’t drive, you just hated it. Thinking of it then, you should have expected all that came after.
Arvin pulled in as the sky dimmed slowly and he left you to go to concession and grab popcorn. When he returned, he handed you a box of chocolates as he cradled the large paper bag of kernels. You thanked him and opened the box, distracting yourself with the chewy caramels covered in milk chocolate. You offered him some as you looked around and waited for the screen to flash into motion.
There were a few families among the patrons but mostly teenagers, couples and groups, rowdy as they impatiently hollered for the film to roll. You hadn’t heard of this one, Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Arvin said he read about it in the paper and it was supposed to be a flick meant for ladies. He said he didn’t mind as he liked the actors.
When at last it was dark enough, the movie began and you set the box down on the seat and munched on a handful of popcorn out of courtesy. The credits began and you were quickly swept up into the life of Holly Golightly. You were almost agog to think that a woman could live like her. City life seemed so different, so free, so scary. And she didn’t let all those men rule her.
You felt Arvin slide closer to you and his arm snaked around your shoulders. You tensed as you focused on Hepburn’s waifish voice and offkey plucking of the ukulele. You tried to ignore him as you felt his warm breath and the kiss on your temple made you wince. Your eyes flicked over to the car on the other side of you, then the next. The audience was rapt.
His hand grazed along your skirt and he kissed your cheek. Your heart raced wildly. You wanted to stop him but didn’t know how. And he was so sweet and he did so much for you. He’d brought you all the way here and kept Roy from cracking your head open. Could you really say no?
“I know I said it already,” his hand lingered on the pink fabric, “but this looks wonderful on you.”
“Thank you,” you whispered as you kept your wide eyes on the screen.
“Really, you’re beautiful, honey,” he purred as he nuzzled your throat, “living so close… it’s hard…”
He pushed his hand under your skirt and up between your thighs. He wiggled until you parted your legs and grabbed your chin with his other. He turned you to face him and crushed his lips against yours. He leaned on you until you were flat against the seat and he brought your legs up onto the leather as he held himself over you.
He kissed you even deeper as his fingers tickled over the front of your panties and crawled up to the top. He slipped his hand down the front of your underwear and you whimpered. When he touched you, you were afraid but confused. It felt good, better than anything you’d ever done with Roy.
You gulped and turned your head as you gasped. You grabbed his shoulder and shuddered. His fingers delved between your folds and swirled. You murmured and squeezed his arm.
“Please, I’m-- I’m still married, we can’t--”
He nibbled at your neck and blindly reached up to grab your hand. He gripped the ring on your finger and forced it off and flicked it away. It rolled under the seat as he rasped against your throat.
“He’s gone,” his fingers danced around your clit eagerly, “don’t you understand? I’ll make sure he doesn’t come back, honey.”
“Arvin, I--” you squeaked as the waves swelled and flowed down your legs and you were caught in the tide, “please…”
You closed your eyes, your mind stormed with how wrong it was but your body pulsed with delight. He pushed his fingers further back and the heel of his hand pressed to your bud. He curled his fingers inside of your and you moaned as he rested the weight of his pelvis against his hand. He rocked his touch in time with his hips, as if he was fucking you, and kissed you on the mouth again, swallowing up your desperate cries.
Your legs wrapped around his as you came and you tilted your pelvis as you rode the high. He lifted his head to watch you orgasm and your lashes fluttered as you succumbed to the ecstasy. You squirmed as he slowed his fingers and stilled his hand entirely. You were out of breath as he stopped at last but kept his hand nestled between your legs.
You covered your face with your shaky hand and exhaled deeply. He pulled your hand down and rubbed the tip of his nose against yours.
“I’ll buy you a new ring,” he purred, “a nicer one.”
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luminnara · 3 years
The Dismemberment Song | BOP Victor Zsasz x Reader | 18+
Fandom: Birds of Prey
Words: 3,791
Summary: Zsasz takes a liking to one of the burlesque dancers at Roman’s club.
WARNINGS: graphic blood/gore/violence, reader may or may not torture and murder a guy, alcohol, all that good Gotham stuff, reader is kinda fucked up
Seriously, don’t read this if you don’t like blood
Based on The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid! 
This is written as a kinda vague fem!reader, but if there’s interest I can always write alternate versions for different genders, more specific body/personality types, or whatever else might tickle your fancy! Just hit up my ask box!
Requests are open!! Pls, I really wanna write more Zsasz or Zsaszmask x reader, gimme ideas!
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The Black Mask was a club that boasted only the best of the best. Top shelf booze, luxurious furnishings, and entertainers that Gotham’s other club owners wished they could get their hands on all came together to form the East End’s trendiest spot. You were lucky enough to be one of those very entertainers, and you had been performing onstage at Roman’s club ever since one of his goons saw you dancing at another spot across town. Roman Sionis had bought you easily, promising a good nightly wage and all the free drinks you could stomach, and a few years later, you were still enjoying the nice gig at the Black Mask. 
Most nights were the same; you showed up around seven, hung around in the dressing room with the others while you all got ready, and enjoyed a drink or two before your first number. You were always in the chorus, not that you really minded--Roman paid you more than enough to keep you happy, even though you knew the stars got more. Girls who did solo numbers, especially if they could sing, those were Mr. Sionis’s favorites. You never really expected to achieve that kind of status, not when people like Dinah Lance were around and holding his attention, so when Roman pulled you aside one night to tell you that he wanted to give you the chance to do your own routine, you nearly dropped your drink. 
“Full creative control,” he said, a hand resting at the small of your back as you gaped at him. 
“I--what?” you managed to choke out. “I-I mean, thank you, Mr. Sionis, really--”
“Please,” he chuckled. “Call me Roman.”
“Thank you, Roman,” you smiled, swallowing down your fear. “I won’t disappoint you, I swear.” 
“I know you won’t, doll.” he motioned for someone to bring him a drink. “Full creative control, like I said. I want to see what’s swirling around in that pretty mind of yours. Put some heart into it for me, k doll?”
You nodded. “You got it, boss.”
He grinned, hugging you to his side and pressing a kiss against your temple like he did with all the girls he liked. “Looking forward to it, beautiful.”
He let you go, turning to leave, and Zsasz slunk after him, but not before casting you an almost annoyed look. 
“Don’t disappoint,” he teased, whistling low before he followed his boss. 
You gulped. You were sure he wouldn’t mind peeling your face off, but you rather preferred staying alive.
“I won’t!” you called after him bravely. 
He glanced at you over his shoulder, his eyes practically boring into you as if were sizing you up. He thought you were just some prissy little girl, didn’t he? Just like Roman, just like everybody else. But you would show them. They wanted to see what kind of shit really ate at your brain? Oh, you’d give them a nice little glimpse.
And so, only a couple shorts weeks later, here you were, getting ready in the dressing room like usual, only you were far more nervous than you had been for any other shift. You had busted your ass getting everything ready, even taking a few nights off to work twice as hard on what you hoped would be a good debut. You had given the band their sheet music, you had learned your lyrics inside and out (because you were absolutely determined to go that extra mile for Roman Sionis and show him that not only could you prance around onstage, but you could sing, too), and you had spent hours upon hours hand-decorating an old corset and lingerie set you had sitting around. Roman wanted this to come from the heart, he wanted a passion project, and you were gonna give it to him. 
You just had to pray that he was in the right mood to enjoy it.
“Think you’re good to go, my love,” the house mom said as she finished with your hair. 
You stared at yourself in the mirror. So far, so good...your hair was in big barrel curls, still warm to the touch as your house mom gave it a couple more passes with the hairspray for good measure. 
“You sure I don’t need--”
“You’re gonna knock ‘em dead,” she interrupted, retreating to her usual chair. 
You kept staring at your reflection. “Do you think it’s too much? I mean...”
She laughed loudly. “Hon, this is Gotham. There’s no such thing as too much.”
Glancing down at your outfit, you weren’t so sure. “But...”
“But nothing. Now go on, go show Roman why he stays in business.”
You stood on shaky legs, nodding to her as you made your way towards the door. “R-right.”
“Break a leg,” she called after you. 
All you could do was nod. You knew what you were doing. You had practiced for hours every day to get ready for this. With a deep breath, you made your way down the hall leading to stage, shaking your hands out as you stood in the wings. You could do this. You were ready.
As soon as your stage name was announced, you stepped out, ruby encrusted heels clicking against the wooden floorboards. The lights were harsh, the crowd quiet as you came out to face them. The stage was set for you, a few props already waiting for you as you stood there, ready for the music to start.
Then, the band began playing, and you sprang into action.
“Hold still, my sweet. I’m tryin to measure the space between your molar and your jaw...” You sang, lunging forward to grab the medical-grade calipers sitting in a metal bucket for you. You trailed them down over your victim’s jaw, smiling as you did so. “...This caliper, no cause for fear. No it...it doesn’t hurt, it only helps me measure how much skin you have...”
Across the club, Zsasz looked up. He was standing near Roman, his boss sitting in a booth while he chatted with some business associates. He was far more interested in you than their conversation, his dark eyes tracking you as you moved across the stage. He was absolutely enthralled by your outfit, your tightly-laced corset covered in blood red rhinestones that glimmered under the stage lights, your matching bra and thong shining just as brightly. You looked like you were covered in blood, the gems catching his eye in a way he hadn’t expected. 
“--and the topmost layer of fat, but I won’t make an incision till you’re nice and numb...” There was an operating table on the stage, where one of Roman’s lowest-ranking goons was tied down. If Zsasz remembered correctly, this guy had fucked up pretty monumentally recently, so seeing him strapped down and struggling brought a grin to his face.
You ran over to the man, the crowd laughing as you leaned across him. “...Oh, and laughing gas can be so much fun, please don’t doubt my decision...”
The scene you had set was both comedic and sexual. In all honesty, Zsasz hadn’t expected you to do anything like this; you were a chorus girl, someone he had thought would go for something overdone and classic. Maybe some old school stupid, annoying, Singin In The Rain type shit, yet there you were, dressed in an outfit that was obviously meant to emulate dripping blood while you flitted around a man on a gurney. 
Zsasz couldn’t look away. 
“This’ll be ooh, this’ll be ahh, this’ll be absolutely whee!” you squealed, teasingly pressing your sawblade to the goon’s torso. “This’ll be nice, this’ll be neat and bring you closer to me...”
You grabbed the goon as he struggled against his restraints, holding him down. Zsasz was sure the man was in on your little number, and he thought it was cute; you were pretending to be some sort of killer, maybe trying to appeal to Roman’s face peely urges. Maybe you were trying to make the boss happy by scaring his lackey like this.
“So don’t you squirm, don't you fret, I'm not gonna hurt you...yet.” You grinned, leaning down before you shoved the man’s face to the side, letting him go as you ran back across the stage. “I just feel the need to be gettin’ a little of you, a lot of blood lettin’, I know the sensation you’re probably dreading...”
You pranced back to the gurney, moving with that little extra theatrical oomph that made everyone think you were just playing. You smiled as they clapped and laughed loudly. They would figure it out soon enough. 
“Cutting you up will be so refreshing for me...” you cooed, discarding the calipers in favor of a scalpel. You traced it down the goon’s bare chest, a little line of blood following the blade as it pierced his flesh. 
He let out a scream, just as you hoped he would, and you gave his little table a shove, sending it wheeling a short distance away. 
“Now don’t you cry,” You sang, “And don’t call Miriam, she’s my alibi...oh let me check your toes out!” You picked up a set of pliers, taking hold of his big toe. “Aren’t your toenails cute?” you grabbed one and pulled, the goon screaming as you removed the nail, leaving a bloody pulp behind. “...and red is such a lovely color on you!” you leaned down in his face, grabbing the opposite foot’s big toenail and yanking. “...But you won’t be needing those!”
Roman began clapping, giving a loud “Whoo!”  as he watched you. He had no idea that when you had asked him for the name of his least favorite henchman, this would be the reason. Now, watching the man suffer onstage in front of everyone while you were dancing around him in six inch heels and a scandalously skimpy outfit, Sionis was more than entertained. He was impressed, absolutely astounding by the cruelty his little burlesque dancer held inside of her. He couldn’t have hoped for more. 
“When you’ve got no knees!” you sang, dropping your weapons in favorite of a crowbar. “...Or shins, or pinky fingers, or arteries....”
You brought your weapon down on each of the man’s legs, somehow still managing to poise yourself perfectly as you did so. You gave him a few good whacks, then dropped the bar, leaning down to pick a knife up out of the bucket and run it over his hands teasingly. 
“...so hold still while I remove them!” you trilled. 
The man tried to sit up, struggling against his restraints, but you shoved him back down with a sweet smile. 
“...Oh, and don’t fight back,” you sang, hopping up to sit next to him. “I think you’ll find you’re missing the point, with that.”
Meanwhile, Victor Zsasz was grinning, showing off his gold teeth while he watched you. He kept a close eye on your hips as they swayed, his trained eyes following your ass as it moved across the stage. Were you really carving a man up right then and there? He wanted it to be true. He wanted to smell the overwhelming tang of blood as you plunged a knife into your victim. But he was too far away, and so he had to settle for watching instead. 
Your victim tried to scream, and you shoved his head to the side playfully. 
“That’s enough outta you!” you sang, holding his jaw tightly.
As you repeated your chorus, your knife returned to the man’s flesh and he grunted in pain, pleading to an audience that didn’t care about him. The Black Mask was a fucked up place for fucked up people, no matter how trendy it was, and nobody in the audience was going to protest when someone was torn apart onstage. Besides, Roman Sionis was far too powerful for the GCPD to go after, and as you heard him laughing loudly in the audience, you had a pretty good feeling that he wasn’t going to send anyone after you for carving somebody up in a way that only you could.
You kept going, peeling your underbust corset off with the same grace and dexterity that Zsasz peeled faces with. As you stood in only your bra, thong, garters and stockings, you felt exhilarated, powerful, as if you had been born to cur people up in front of an audience. 
It’s not like this was your first time chopping a body up, anyways; there was a reason you had to move to Gotham and get a new gig, after all.
Zsasz watched you. In fact, his eyes were glued to you, even when Roman walked away to chat with a few mob bosses in a nearby booth. Were you seriously killing this man right in front of everyone? Victor didn’t necessarily care for all the theatrics, but he could appreciate how seriously you took you took your craft, and he had to admit, he was surprised that this was what you had come up with when Roman told you to give him something good.
“‘Cause I’m all out of hurt, you’ve used up all I’ve got,” you taunted, sneering down at your victim as you brought your saw down on his leg. “So I’m chopping you up and still coming up squat! If I want it to bleed, I’ll just roll up my sleeve and saw and saw and saw...”
The blade cut back and forth, and Zsasz’s eyes followed it. Blood was spurting up, drenching your arms as if you were wearing red opera gloves. 
“And saw, and saw, and saw, and saw....”
“Zsasz, can you believe this?” Roman asked, leaning towards him.
“No, boss,” Zsasz said with a little grin, shaking his head. 
“She’s good. We may have to give her a new job...”
You paused, giving your victim a break as you tossed the saw back into the bucket, drops of blood spattering across the stage as you pulled out a large butcher knife. Before it could touch Roman’s henchman, you used it to flick open the clasp on your bra, tossing the thin little piece of lingerie out into the crowd. You didn’t really care where it went; you were too busy enjoying yourself. 
“This’ll be ooh, this’ll be ahh, this’ll be absolutely whee,” you purred, trailing the blade down the side of the man’s face. “This’ll be nice, this’ll be neat and bring you closer to me...”
“So don’t you squirm, don’t you fret, I’m not gonna hurt you, oh no, no, no, not...yet.” you plunged your blade into his chest, between two of his ribs, not close enough to knick his heart but definitely deep enough to cause him immense pain despite all the adrenaline that was sure to be running through his system now.
You pulled the knife back out, blood dripping off the metal blade as you held it tightly and pranced back across the stage. “I just feel the need to be gettin’ a little of you, a lot of bloodletting, I know the sensation you’re probably dreading but there’s one thing you’re forgetting...”
Turning back to him, you brought the blade to his throat, and in the crowd, Zsasz’s eyes lit up. He was delighted. He was enthralled. His pants were getting a little tight, but whatever. The rest of the audience was gazing up at you with wonder, disgust, amusement...but Zsasz was absolutely admiring the way you so confidently played with your victim. The theatrics were starting to grow on him, he decided, and he wanted nothing more than to go right up there and lick all that blood off your face.
“There’s nothing like the thrill of a shredding,” you sang, almost snarling, “but this is no orthodox beheading...”
You destroyed the man on the gurney, carving through him, drenching yourself in blood in an almost comical way. 
“Cutting you up,” you sang as you made an absolute mess. “Cutting you up...”
“Cutting you up is gonna be....” you finally stepped back, catching your breath as the song slowed. “...so refreshing for me.”
As your routine finished, you took a little bow, still holding the knife as you crossed your ankles and bent at the waist in a delightfully fancy gesture. The man on the gurney was very much dead, blood dripping down onto the stage, and the audience was still eating up every second of it. You could hear Roman cheering, and as you spotted him standing there amidst the crowd with Zsasz at his side, you blew them both a little kiss. 
“How about that?” you heard Roman’s voice boom above the clapping as you strode offstage. “I would call for an encore, but unfortunately, I think we’d need a new victim....”
Your head was still abuzz with the rush of killing, and you walked back to the dressing room in a daze. You were vaguely aware of Dinah Lance wrinkling her nose as you passed her, but you didn’t pay her any mind. Absolutely nothing could kill your good mood now. 
“Well?” the house mom asked as you made your way to your mirror. “Sounds like it went well, judging by those cheers...”
You smiled and hummed to yourself, nodding as you reached for something to clean your face with. You were going to need an entire shower to get all this blood off yourself. 
“Told you.” the house mom snorted a laugh. 
“He loved it,” you grinned. 
She shook her head in amusement. “You are one fucked up girl, I’ll tell you that much.”
“That’s showbiz, baby,” you joked, raising a towel to start working at wiping your face. 
“Oh, pussycat?” a singsong voice made you freeze. 
You could see Zsasz in the mirror. 
He was leaning in the doorway, smirking as he watched you. “Boss wants to talk.”
You paled. Had you fucked up after all? Did Roman get his shits and giggles and now planned on having Zsasz peel your face off? Sionis was infamous for his fickle moods. You’d watched him have plenty of people dragged off into back rooms just for speaking at the wrong time, and you had just done way worse than interrupt him. 
 You gawked at Zsasz, still staring at his reflection. What were you supposed to do? Run? He was blocking the only door, and there was no way you’d be able to get past him. You had no choice but to follow him to Roman. 
“O-Okay,” you managed to stammer out, finally turning towards him. “Lead the way.”
“Might want this.” he held up the bra you had tossed, twirling the strap around his finger while he gave you a smile that showed off his gold teeth.
“Give me that!” you snapped, rushing towards him.
“Ah.” he held it above his head, leering down at you. “Think I like this view more...”
“Zsasz!” you protested, scrambling against his chest and practically trying to claw your way up him to get your lingerie. 
He froze. He finally smelled the metallic tang of all that blood covering you, and coupled with the feeling of your tits against his chest...oh, he was so fucked. 
When he dropped the bra, you grabbed it from him, tossing it back to your mirror and moving to pick up a silky red robe off a nearby hook. You shrugged it on, tying it shut while Zsasz cleared his throat and offered you his arm. 
“Such a gentleman,” you sneered, taking it anyways. 
“When I want to be.” his voice was low and rough, as if his vocal chords were scraping against each other with every syllable. 
You looked up at him, a bit dumbfounded, as he led you out into the club once more. The band was playing as a few people cleaned up the carnage you had left behind, the bar’s patrons all chatting and drinking again. It was as if nothing had even happened and they hadn’t just watched a man be torn apart onstage a few minutes prior. 
Zsasz took you to Roman, the crowd parting before the two of you easily. Sionis was sitting in his favorite booth, sipping his drink and laughing, still seeming to be in a very good mood.
“Ah, there she is!” He said when he saw you, standing up and spreading his arms.
“You wanted to see me, sir?” You asked nervously as Zsasz let you go.
“Yes, yes, I had Mr. Zsasz grab you so that I could congratulate you on a thrilling performance.”
You stared at him. “You liked it?”
“Liked it? I loved it, darling! A bit messy for my tastes, but a lovely show, truly, though I suspect our dear Mr. Zsasz here wishes he could have been the one to take care of your victim. Isn’t that right, Zsasz?”
You glanced up at Zsasz. He grunted, not necessarily in agreement. He didn’t hate watching your performance by any means, and as much as he enjoyed helping little birds fly away from the world, he rather enjoyed watching you do it, too. 
“I’m glad, Mr. Sionis,” you said. 
“I told you, call me Roman.” he took a sip of his drink. “You know, normally, I don’t enjoy it when someone kills the people that belong to me, but I must admit, you certainly have a way with a knife.”
“I would have asked your permission, but I didn’t want to ruin the surprise.” you gulped. 
“And what a lovely surprise it was!” Roman laughed loudly. “You’re very talented...in fact, how’d you like a promotion? Yes? Perfect, perfect! No, no, don’t shake my hand, you’re...well, you’re covered in blood. Quite frankly, it’s disgusting.” He snapped his fingers. “Mr. Zsasz, take her up to the penthouse so she can clean up, I don’t want all this blood getting on the new carpeting in here.”
“Oh, Mr. Sio--Roman,” you cleared your throat, “I can use the shower in the dressing room, really, it’s no trouble--”
“Nonsense, nonsense.” he waved you away. “You’re part of the team now, aren’t you? Besides, a job well done deserves some sort of reward. Zsasz will show you upstairs. Don’t worry, he’s completely harmless.”
As Zsasz put a hand on your lower back, you had your doubts. Harmless wasn’t really a word you would choose to describe Roman’s right hand man. 
“Come on, princess.” Zsasz purred, guiding you through the crowd before you had much of a chance to protest. 
He took you to the elevator in the corner, the bouncer standing guard in front of it stepping aside with a nod. The man hit the up button, and soon, you were pressed up against Zsasz in the small space, on your way up to Roman’s spacious penthouse. 
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binunus · 3 years
college bf!rocky
a/n next is our rock and aegyo king sorry sanha park minhyuk !! also I was going to post this yesterday :( but me and my roommates got a little too lit for valentine’s and I literally sat for 7 hours straight in zoom so I couldn’t finish it until now but !! I hope you loves enjoy!!
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ word count: 4.9k
alright aright alrightttt
we’re gonna switch it up a little bit
add a little flavor
because as much as I would love to say that college bf!astro all got their partners in a cute and smooth sailing way
we all know relationships aren’t that easy
but before we get into how you and rocky met
major: dance
are we surprised? no
rocky is a prodigy in dance
he’s been dancing since he could walk
he started choreographing at age 6
it just made sense for him, like even his parents were like go pursue dance, you’re not a law or business type of kid
he can master any type of dance from jazz, to ballet, to street, to contemporary, to tango, whatever you can think of
he’s roommates with music tech!jinjin
jin literally takes care of him all the time bc rocky??? when he comes back to the apt after dance practice?? dead weight
only passes his gen ed classes bc eunwoo tutors him
if it weren’t for the boys, rocky would literally live in the dance studio
they make sure to drag him out for fun and food at least once a week
or they join and keep him company while he’s practicing
have they gotten noise complaints before while messing around in the dance studio? yes
rocky is loud alright, especially when he’s with astro
he’s a perfectionist, literally will not leave the studio until he’s 100% satisfied with his progress
oh the amount of times myungjun and jin nag at him to take care of his health
now now
you’re also a dance major
people could say that you and rocky are the top two dancers of your year
gasp a rivals to lovers au??? you betcha baby
granted you switched into a dancer major your second year so rocky technically had seniority
but boom baby as soon as you made your appearance, it rocked his world
now im not saying rocky’s cocky bc obviously he’s a cute hardworking humble boy
but was he used to always being placed first in evaluations or getting the highest marks??? yeah
so the first time you placed first and he placed second??? it lit a bit of a fire in him
he’s seen a ton of good dancers in his time, but no one has ever matched his capabilities better than you
there was an unspoken rivalry between you two, everyone knew about it 
you both always wanted to upstage the other
there was always a tension whenever you two were in the same room
but like...have either of you ever really talked to each other besides side remarks in class?
and it didn’t really help that the whole dance department basically pit you up against each other to see who was really the best dancer of your year
so you and rocky never had the proper introduction to a friendship, it just went straight to rivalry 
and then came the announcements for the end of the year showcase
and instead of putting on a solo, the department chairs decided to have you and rocky perform a duet
and you’ve never worked with him before so you were dreading the first time you met up
you to your roommate: ugh i can’t believe im partnered up with rocky, that arrogant rude–
your roommate: have you ever even talked to him, y/n? he’s actually very nice
you: no...but that’s what he wants you to believe!
your ego sorta just went along with the whole thing
and rocky was 15 min late to your meeting bc he was out eating food with the guys so your patience?? very thin
literally as soon as he stepped into the dance studio, the air turned stuffy
rocky could feel you glaring at him and he just smirks?? 
rocky: did I make you wait long y/n?
you: yeah you did
he liked pushing your buttons?? idk he just felt satisfaction knowing that any small of action of his affected you that much
it made him feel like he was winning or whatever
and god it took literally forever for you two to decide on a song and genre of performance for the showcase
you wanted contemporary, he wanted ballet
you were literally disagreeing so much on it that you had to ask Siri to flip a coin
and then you fought and said that Siri was rigged when it chose tails (contemporary)
so you decided on a happy? mix of both
rocky at the end of your first meeting: i get that we’re not exactly friends, y/n, but we have to work together so let’s at least be professional
you: i can if you can
rocky: fine
you two literally bicker like five year olds on a playground
even the guys are like ???? why are you being so childish ???
you have 2 months of preparation until the showcase and you start meeting once a week for choreography and practice since given the assignment
you two are pretty civil for the most part, you make the contemporary parts and he makes the ballet parts and then you combine it when you meet up and see how it can incorporate and complement each other
there’s not much joking around ?? like you know how rocky’s a clown when he’s teaching astro choreography?? it’s not like that at all
and honestly you two are too caught up in your rivalry and tension to notice that your styles really match and highlight each other well??
there’s definitely a lot of “i could do this better than you” from both sides
i repeat: you are children
and then there’s this one practice where you and rocky are trying a pas de deux for the first time
(i literally looked this term up, it’s basically what jungkook and jimin from bts did during the 2020 mma black swan intro...if you haven’t seen it, watch it bc it is perfection mmm chefs kiss)
and you don’t know if it’s because you didn’t have enough momentum or rocky didn’t prep himself enough for the lift but he ends up dropping you and you both fall
and you both immediately start blaming each other for the mishap
until you lift your hand to point at him and it just hurts
it’s like a switch goes off, rocky’s immediately concerned and he’s like gently taking your hand like: holy shit are you okay??
you shake your head and you’re wincing whenever you try to move it
you: ow fuck rocky, I think it’s sprained
and he suddenly feels so guilty, like he goes silent
you: can we stop for today? I’m gonna go get this checked out, make sure it’s not broken
rocky: do you want me to go with you?
you: no. I’ll see you next week.
boy he feels so bad, he texts you throughout the course of the following week asking if you’re okay, asking your roommate if you’re okay, telling you he’s sorry that he dropped you
you didn’t respond much, not bc you felt weird texting him–well, you did a little bit shhh–but bc you were beating yourself up for getting injured a month before the showcase
you show up to practice the next week with your wrist in a compression bandage
and he doesn’t greet you with a quip like he usually does, he immediately grabs your wrist (gently) and he’s like inspecting the bandage
you: uh...the doctor said I should be careful with it for a week or two if i want it to heal faster. so don’t bitch at me if i’m not going all out
rocky: y/n...i’m so sorry...I didn’t mean to injure you, it was my fault that we didn’t execute the pas de deux
you just shrug: it was both our faults...if I didn’t fall on my wrist maybe we could have avoided this little obstacle
rocky: if I caught you correctly, you wouldn’t have even fallen
you: are we really arguing right now about this??
and then the two of you just laugh??? 
this is the first real pleasant interaction you’ve had with him
and you notice like wow rocky had a nice smile
you: i should be back to normal before the showcase so we should be fine
rocky: don’t push it though while we’re practicing alright? if your wrist starts hurting then stop, and don’t even think about doing any floor choreo
the atmosphere between you and rocky change after that
he becomes pretty concerned about your recovery–and maybe it’s bc he still blames himself for the cause of it
each night before your set practice days, he always shoots you a text asking how you’re feeling and how your wrist is doing
he brings ice packs, painkillers, and extra bandages during your practices just in case you need it
and you’re actually pretty touched by his concern
about two weeks before the showcase, your wrist is back to full movement and you’re like excited to actually practice to your best ability
from now on you see each other twice a week, just to get that detail and fine-tuning perfected
rocky’s still a bit hesitant to have you go full out but you reassure him that you’re fine
you both try the pas de deux again the day you take your bandage off 
and you can see that he’s nervous to try it
you: rocky, i’m fully healed now. we haven’t practiced this move since the first time and we need it in our routine
rocky: but...y/n, what if I drop you again??
you: you won’t...i trust you 
and you really did, that move requires a lot of trust between partners and you know? maybe it didn’t work out the first time because of the lack of trust between you two
and so you go through the full routine and rocky was holding his breath when that part of the choreography came up but you both successfully did it!! and it was a beautiful move
he was so excited at the end of the run through that he hugged you
and you were smiling too bc this was the first time you did a full run through without any stops in between
you both don’t even notice that all the hostility is gone??
and the tension suddenly changed from hatred to...dare I say it...sexual
oo baby the day of the showcase you two were hella nervous 
but c’mon you and rocky were the best of the best so ofc you absolutely killed the performance
your energies literally merged as soon as the music started
every move was flawless
and you both had to face each other during your ending pose and you were just like looking at him like ??? wtf ??? did you maybe wanna kiss him??
and you know the look that rocky has in his eyes when he’s dancing
imagine that literally piercing into your soul
you got the shivers waiting for the lights to dim 
you both received a standing ovation after your duet obviously
astro watching it bc they always support rocky: they’re gonna fuck 100%
fast forward to the next term bc you both didn’t really have a reason to contact each other during summer break now that the showcase was done
you and rocky had two classes together, dance research and advanced modern technique
it was then that you started to see his actual personality and how goofy of a person he was
you still had a rivalry of course, but now it was healthy
instead of trying to bring each other down, you both started motivating each other to do better
and yes you’ve always been impressed with how good of a dancer rocky was (and vice versa), but now whenever you saw him practice you start to feel a little bit of stir in your stomach and shit are you blushing??
and then you two get paired up again for your midterm evaluation
your teacher: i saw the chemistry you had for the showcase last term, i think you two would work well together for this project
and god is your teacher trying to murder you??? the theme of this midterm was “couple dance” to encourage collaboration or whatever
you were just thankful that the song choice she gave you was more upbeat and not sensual bc you know for a fact that you would not survive doing a sexy dance routine with rocky
but that didn’t stop the way your skin felt like it was on fire whenever he touched you for partner-dependent moves
this time around, you did the choreography process together and it was actually pretty fun??
you and him would bounce back ideas and joke around whenever something looked stupid
you and rocky did this by the way for reference
and then there was one late night when you two were practicing
it was around 2 am, no one else was in the music building and you both didn’t have class the next day so you two were just like fuck it let’s just practice until campus security kicks us out or whatever
you both were literally dancing for four hours, not just this new routine but old ones and freestyles as well
and then you were doing your new routine and during the part where he had to twirl and dip you, you both fall again
but no one got injured this time luckily
and you both just burst out laughing, maybe you were a little delirious at this point in the night
you: i can’t believe you dropped me again
rocky’s laughing and you both just look at each other, and he’s hovering above you right???
and your heart is beating so loudly in your chest you’re positive he can hear it
and you’re thankful that your face was already hot from dancing so that he couldn’t tell that you were in fact blushing
rocky’s like looking at you for a good minute or so and he’s just like thinking in his head: have you always been this cute?
and maybe it’s bc you guys have been getting along so well lately and the vibes are??? immaculate
but the atmosphere suddenly gets super thick and he !! just !! leans down !! and !! kisses !! you !!
and phew baby you bet that you immediately respond to it
you’re literally making out on the floor for like five minutes
and mind you, five minutes is a long time
until rocky’s phone rings loudly through the speaker and you both suddenly separate
he scurries to his phone and you sit up trying to compose yourself 
jinjin: park minhyuk where are you?! it’s 3 am!!
you literally hear jinjin scolding rocky through the phone and you laugh a little bc it’s so cute how he’s getting nagged right now
rocky: hyung...im practicing...
jinjin: do i need to drag you out of there?! i’ll literally call bin to carry your ass to our apartment! how long have you been practicing huh?? have you eaten dinner at all??
rocky: okay okay I’ll come back home
he turns to you after ending the call and he’s so !! shy !!
rocky: I guess that’s the end of our practice haha...do you want me to walk you back to your place?? it’s pretty late out
you: yeah that’d be nice...hm you sure your hyung’s not gonna call a search party for you??
you’re teasing him and he just pouts
rocky: i’ll be fine
rocky walks you back to your apartment and it’s a little?? awkward?? 
but before you bid him goodbye he’s like: uh...the kiss earlier...sorry if I surprised you
your cheeks are hot again: it’s um...it’s okay, I didn’t mind it...it was actually pretty nice...I guess...
and rocky’s heart skips a beat and now he’s blushing: yeah...it was...i’ll see you in class then??
you: yeah, i’ll see you. text me when you get home okay?
he nods and waits until you’re safely inside and then he just starts grumbling to himself
rocky: i’ll see you in class?? could i say anything more stupid??? 
rocky’s adorable okay
him texting you when he gets back: im home :)
you: that’s good! good night rocky :)
he goes to the guys the day after like: i have a predicament !! me and y/n kissed !! 
jinjin: that’s why you were late last night??
eunwoo: you dirty dog, doing it in the dance studio??
rocky: we didn’t do anything else hyung !!
bin: so did you ask them out??
rocky: no...i said...i’ll see you in class
myungjun: i’ll see you in class?!?! are you an idiot??
sanha: hyung even I’d ask y/n out after that
rocky: i know !! im dumb okay!! help me
sanha: you’re a lost case sorry
jinjin: why don’t you start with, hey y/n do you wanna get some food with me??
rocky: AHHHH
yes he does want to ask you out, yes he does want to kiss you again more than he’d like to admit, but he’s shy
you’re not faring any better, you and roommate were literally talking about it all weekend
the next time you see rocky (in class), you two are awkward as fuck
you both keep stealing glances at each other and then if one of you get caught, you both immediately look away
those 50 minutes of class could not go by any slower
and you were so ready to book it after the professor dismissed you but then you hear rocky call your name
rocky: hey y/n, are you free right now?
you: uh yeah! why what’s up
rocky: do you...um...wanna get some coffee with me?? or food or something??
you: do you mean like just to hang out or...uh like a date?
rocky: a date...if you want it to be
and cue the blushies again
you and rocky end up going to this cute cafe and get smoothies bc neither of you were feeling caffeine at the moment
and the whole time you two are just ??? so cute and shy and awkward with each other ???
which is such a contrast from how you two would dance together
rocky’s so sweet, really the cutest boy
gives you so many butterflies
the two of you end up going on little cafe dates before practice 
and you’re all cute and wholesome
and then he turns all passionate and dominant when you start dancing
like wow alright rocky giving you whiplash or whatever
when you show the routine for your midterm, the teacher and other students give you both high praises 
and he’s all giddy after class and he goes up to you: i think its safe to say that we have really good chemistry when we work together, don’t you think?
you’re smiling hehe but you wanna mess with him a little: hmm i think we’re alright, but who knows, i might mesh well with someone else
and then he’s all frowny, a little jealous: what do you mean someone else? do you make out with someone who just has alright chemistry with you??
your eyes go wide and you put your hand over his mouth: im kidding!!
rocky just smirks at your embarrassed reaction and he like tickles your sides
and then he just grabs your hand like: don’t find another dance partner y/n, just be mine
how could you say no to that??? especially when rocky’s just looking all handsome and charming and shit??? exactly. you can’t and why would you ever say no in the first place??
you and rocky dating?? biiiig news in the dance department
and even outside of it
bc lowkey rocky had a bit of a fanclub bc of how good he is at dancing, are we shocked? no
the boys are so happy for him !!
you meet his friends literally the day the two of you start dating
and you’re a bit nervous meeting them bc ofc you want them to like you, they’re his friends
but they’re so sweet...and headass
when rocky brings you to their dinner, the five of them literally start applauding at your entrance
you were so confused and rocky’s just out here with second hand embarrassment
he’s the cutest boyfriend
shy with pda in public (unless you’re dancing), most he’ll do is hold your hand
but in private he’s very clingy
loves backhugging you
he also tickles you when he wants to be a little shit
which is 50% of the time
very playful bf, will tease you at least once every day
if you two are just practicing dancing, he’ll make any sort of excuse to hold you or kiss you
asddfadsjf he’s so cute
gets very soft at night especially when you two are worn out from practice
just wants to go back to your (or his) apartment and cuddle and sleep
imagine just you two cuddling in bed after hours of dancing and he’s just spooning you and he mumbles tiredly into your shoulder: you’re amazing y/n...you’re one of the best dancers i’ve ever seen
and before, his pride would have never allowed him to say that, but now it can
not really one for pet names in my opinion, but he does call you “my y/n”
after you two start dating, you begin to call him by his real name, minhyuk
or you say hyukie
he lowkey loves it when you call him that, it’s so endearing
the guys teasing him, cooing at rocky all gross like : heyyy hyukkie
then rocky just like crosses his arms: only y/n can call me hyukie
he didn’t realize he loves couple dances so much until you and him are dating
well he only loves it because you’re his partner ofc
alright hear me out !! slow dancing with rocky
slow !! dancing !! with !! rocky !!
he dims the lights in the dance studio until it’s just a single spotlight and some slow romantic music comes on and he just grabs you by the hand and twirls you once before pulling you close and you’re just swaying side to side
and then he presses your foreheads together and he’s just looking into your eyes and gives you the softest smile
!!! im freaking out!! i want this so bad !!
that’s how the first i love you comes out
surprise, you say it first
okay but like in the moment, the atmosphere is literally so perfect, and you can just see how much he treasures you and you always feel butterflies whenever he does this, but there was just something that night that made you say it
like your chest was constricting so hard and you were thinking to yourself, i love this man
and so you just said it
and omg the smile on rocky’s face just widens and he kisses you so sweetly before he says it back
loves kissing you, your lips are like a drug to him
can literally make out with you for hours
has pushed you against the walls of the practice room just for a little make out session
ahhh here we go ladies and gents
sex !! with !! rocky !!
first and foremost, dance studio sex??? yes
especially if it’s just you two late night practicing like the first time you kissed?
mirror kink? maybe so
and bc y’all are ~flexible~, you bet he likes bending your back like a pretzel
he’s a very passionate lover, your pleasure is his #1 priority
loves foreplay just as much as the main event
but oof his hips?? grrrrr bark bark ram me over with a truck
his stroke game is so good
literally knows how to fuck you in all the right places
and his stamina??? god tier, can go at it for hours on end
into edging and overstimulation, oof you bet you’re cumming at least twice during every session
i cannot stress this enough!! thigh riding
you know he has thighs of steel
will make you cum just from riding his thigh
most of the time you guys start off slow and sweet, and then just boom it turns it hard sex
will definitely get turned on from doing a sexy dance routine
the amount of times he’s wanted to just fuck you in the middle of class bc you turned him on?? but ofc he has public decency he won’t do that
he knows you get turned on from his fingers oops
anal or vaginal fingering?? he’s all for it baby
he’s loud during sex, all the grunting, huffing, growling, oo im getting chills
not afraid to tell you how good you’re making him feel
not really into spanking, but he grips a lot, like his fingernails have definitely left some deep imprints in your hips or your ass
hair pulling?? yes, both sides receiving
okay but if you call him rocky during sex? big turn on
i can’t explain why, it just is
favorite position?? cowgirl
he loves when you’re on top of him
yes he likes seeing you try to fuck yourself on him
and then when he can’t take it anymore and just grabs your hips and thrusts up into you until your body literally collapses on him
he always tries to make you cum first but oops sometimes baby just busts a nut
yes you will probably tease him about it and then he’ll just shut you up by kissing you 
on another note, no way to turn rocky on faster than sucking on his bottom lip when you’re kissing
will cuddle you after cumming, like he doesn’t care if either of you are sweaty or messy, he’s hugging you for at least five minutes
honestly becomes a baby after sex so it’s more like you’re giving him after care sksksk
the switch he makes from being a sex fiend to a clingy cuddly boy? whiplash
like you need to go to the bathroom to pee or something and he’s like: but...i wanna hug u
i would risk it all for rocky yes
anyway after graduating, rocky becomes a choreographer for this really famous dance studio and get recruited to join a highly-competitive dance troupe
you both do long distance for a little bit bc obviously he’s back home but you have to travel with your group for competitions, sometimes even internationally
and so that caused some strain in your relationship bc distance sucks, but you would always make sure to call him every night before going to bed and despite any time zone difference, he would always answer
your biggest supporter !! literally flew out to surprise you during a big dance competition in london or whatever and you cried happy tears bc was he really there right now??
that’s when you knew that he was the one :’)
you spent the night w him in his hotel room and after a good couple rounds of reunion sex, you were like trying to test the waters a little bit: i missed you hyukie
rocky: i missed you too, but now that you’re here with me, nothing else matters
you: what do you really think about this long distance thing??
rocky: it sucks...but i know it made us stronger. i feel like we can get through anything now
you: yeah, i agree
rocky getting paranoid: omg why? are you thinking of living abroad?? y/n, do i need to start looking at dance studios out here??
you have to hold in your laughter bc he’s so cute: why? would you move out of the county for me if i wanted to??
rocky: i mean...if you’re thinking of leaving for good...then yeah.
he gets so shy and quiet and you’re just !! wow you love him !! he’s yours !!
you kiss him shortly and you smile: no, i’m not gonna live abroad. I miss being home and I miss seeing you all the time. I told you before, I’m thinking of leaving the troupe in two months and then gonna find a job back home for good.
he lets out a sigh of relief: you scared me a little
you just laugh: I only wanted to confirm something and hmm I was right
rocky: what did you wanna confirm??
you being a confident baddie: that I wanna be with you for the rest of my life
rocky feeling his heart implode: you mean it??
you scoffing: why would I be lying about this?
he just laughs and kisses you: I wanna be with you too...I’ve been thinking it since the last time you visited. How much I love you and how much I hated seeing you leave for who knows how long, but I didn’t wanna say anything bc you’re still living your life and I didn’t want a promise like this to influence you to come back if you didn’t want to yet.
two months later you’re back for good and move in with rocky
you end up becoming a choreographer at his dance studio too
you and rocky: the couple™
and you live happily ever after
somewhere down the line...
sanha: hey remember when you two hated each other?
eunwoo: remember when you injured y/n??
bin: remember when you freaked out to us about your first kiss together
myungjun: and you said i’LL sEe yOu iN cLaSs
jinjin: those were fun times, right hyukie?
rocky: i hate you all
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jeontaehui · 3 years
nananananana (210331 VLIVE)
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taehee bites back a grin as fans enter the live. “hello everyoneeee,” she greets softly, her cheekbones lifting into a soft smile. “i’m in the practice room once again.”
“i was just learning a dance actually, it’s my break right now so this’ll probably be short,” she mentions. “and then i turned on vlive without asking permission— well, i did ask permission after i... turned it on,” she giggles. “she’s gonna say yes anyways. no one can say no to me,” the comments section blows up after she sent a sly wink to the viewers. she knew her effect on them one way or another. 
mark lee i love you HELLO THE TITLE?? IS THIS A SPOILER???
lee donghyuck’s long hair i only entered the live but i feel like crying T—T why must she be so cute
taeyongbub taehee in the practice room is so attractive??? wth???
taehee tucks a few strands behind her ear asking, “did you guys have dinner already? have you guys eaten?”
mataechan what did taehee eat today?
hyuckschurros PIZZA !!!!
“aw, pizza? i’m craving now,” she shortly puts on a pout before a smile shows itself once again. “i haven’t eaten but i think i’ll have........ um,” taehee seems to think for a moment as she looks up the ceiling, trying to remember what jungwoo said she’d have at the dorms.
“i can’t remember,” she shrugs, proceeding to continue reading the comments.
jungwoo tehet are you going to dance again?
aussiechan TAEHEEEE !!! come home to australia :(
“the dance that me and my teacher did today was to party favors by tinashe! i have to practice some more to get it right but i’m,” she stands up and dusts off her track pants, placing the phone on the floor in front of the mirror, “going to show you guys the part where i’m most confident in.”
she disappears as she goes to the side to play the music, and the strong beats of tinashe’s party favors fills the practice room. she adjusts her pants around her waist and runs a hand through her black hair, ruffling her bangs for a moment before getting into position.
she dances. no matter how hard-hitting the choreography is, taehee knew well how to control her own body, and gracefully yet powerfully sync her movements to the beats.
taehee marry me she’s so hot what the heck do i do
markcity i’m single for this reason only
from the corner of her eye, taehee sees her dance instructor imitate the part where she got the dance wrong during their practice, causing her to lose focus and burst into laughter.
ncityinthehouse everyone, the duality of miss jeon taehee
“unnie is laughing at me right now!” taehee giggles. her eyes glance to the side then back to the screen. “yes so, until there did i memorize the dance. i’ll try to post on instagram the full version of it. oh!” she claps her hands excitedly, a habit nctzens took note of before she says an idea.
“since it’s a wednesday today and! the end of the month, you guys can comment whatever you guys want me to do or any question you want to ask and i’ll answer them.”
“i’m going to scroll with my eyes closed and whatever my finger lands on will be picked,” she cutely asks if the viewers got it before briefly explaining what she just said in english.
“i’ll give you guys maybe 30 seconds? is 30 seconds enough? okay, ready and start!”
taehee bobbed her head as she counted the numbers in her head. “30! okay, i’ll close my eyes now.”
juhfahm skincare routine?
merrymark give us a phone tour :D
twiceyeon please watch switch to me by dahyun and chaeyoung !!!! <3
“from twiceyeon,” taehee reads, putting her emcee mode on. “please watch switch to me by dahyun and chaeyoung! ohh i think i’ve seen this on my recommended but i haven’t had the time to watch it— sorry, chaeyoung-ah,” she winces.
you can hear keys being tapped on taehee’s phone screen as she typed the title on youtube’s search bar. the music video appears a few seconds later and she immediately clicks on it.
“oooo dahyun-ssi is very pretty,” taehee says. her expression quickly changes when she sees the twice member use her foot as she played the piano, her hand going up to cover the giggles that escaped out of her. “this is so cool,” she beamed.
“oh sexy!” taehee exclaims after chaeyoung appeared. “i really like chaengie’s short hair.”
she compliments the set when the scene changes, a summer pool vibe replacing the vintage set-up at the intro. “the dance is cute too,” she mumbles.
she smiles at chaeyoung and dahyun’s playfulness in the music video before moving on to compliment her best friend again. “chaeyoung is seriously so pretty... whaaat!”
taehee continues to watch the rest of the video as she moves to the beat, occasionally letting out a chuckle or two at the adorableness of the duo.
“hold on,” she grabs her earphones and plugs them into her phone. “(it’s) to avoid copyright,” she smirks.
taehee finishes the music video with a grin on her face, “the music video was very cute! did they perform this on stage? i think the stage set and the fits would’ve been pretty.”
“speaking of music videos, baekhyun hyung’s new album just dropped yesterday! have you guys watched the music video?” taehee shuffles closer to the camera to read the comments. almost everyone was saying that they did, in fact, watch the music video and really enjoyed it.
“i never said this directly to him but i really am a fan of his, seriously,” she dictates. taehee breaks into a grin as she giggles again, the viewers watching how her eyes twinkled while she talked. “‘bambi’ is really great— it’s immaculate. you guys should stream the whole album and recommend it to your family and friends. baekhyunie hyung never fails to deliver (good songs).”
bbhubblegum taehee promoting baekhyun and other artists better than sm pt. 74628392
going on her phone, she mumbles, “and i really like the choreography of his songs.” there was an adorable pout to her lips as she spoke, much to the amusement of the viewers.
then she looks up from the device in her hands and her eyes hold a certain glint in them before she playfully squints. “just be quiet about this though. i am never gonna hear the end of this from him,” she shakes her head with an amused chuckle, recalling all the times baekhyun teased her and the ‘admiration’ she has for him.
“you’re my only bambi bambi,” taehee sang effortlessly. “it’s a perfect night for you,” her tone was a little softer this time.
“okay so that was our first request? dare? of the live, let’s get to the next one right away!”
taeheeroar do you listen to the neighborhood?
wooyoungification do you want to collab with anyone? if so, who?
“the next one is.... wooyoungification! ooo wooyoung-ah hello,” taehee says, prolonging the last syllable of her sentence. “they asked, “do you want to collab with anyone? if so, who?”
“well,” she clears her throat, furrowing her eyebrows as if she were in thought. “there are a lot of great artists out there. taylor swift is already my answer by default but,” she giggles again, “if i have to think of people outside sm, i think it’d be nice to have a collab with stray kids’ 3racha. they’re their producing unit if i’m not mistaken. it’d be fun to work with them.”
“i also had this dream of having a collaboration stage with the other dancers outside nct, like blackpink’s lisa or seulgi unnie. would you guys want that?”
midzyseason this isnt good for my gay ass
reveluvbar can taehee just take over sm
taehee hums, “i think i never mentioned it before but i wanna try doing drama ost’s too. i don’t watch as much dramas as i do before, but when i was still learning korean, they helped me so much.”
“i watched ‘guardian: the lonely and great god’ a lot and i really liked ‘stay with me’. hopefully, i can collab with punch too.”
taehee unconsciously moves her lips to the side, forming another pout and thinks again. “from sm, i think kai hyung? not counting superm, okay?” she beams.
“kai hyung and,” then a snort escapes taehee before she could even stop it, “baekhyun hyung.”
she puts a hand to her chest once she recovers from her mini-giggling fit before holding it up and swearing it was the truth. “these two were the ones that came to the top of my head, seriously.”
beansprout lolll remember when kai used to “complain” about taehee ever only talking about sehun cause he was the one she was closest to in exo when they first met ?
sodangerous it’s so touching how taehee looked up to exo while she was still a trainee and now they’re like family
taehee nods and bites her bottom lip, asking herself, “why do i feel like a youtuber?”
she smiles to someone off screen and quickly glances back to the camera, “next question!”
asteroidsung what did you get for renjun’s birthday?
“what did i get for renjun’s birthday? i just gave mine literally yesterday. i know it’s summer but i gave him a hoodie that i thought would look cute on him,” she smiles. “it was pink.”
“i was with haechanie when i bought it.”
chenlezoned hyuck said he’s gonna marry daegal next month
“hyuck’s gonna marry who now?!” taehee exclaims, “DAEGAL’S A MINOR!!!”
dreamtopia BYEEEEEEE
themissingpuzzlepiece everyone at haechan marrying daegal:❓❓meanwhile taehee: 🌋🌋⁉️
boohoohyuck sending my prayers to lee haechan
just then, taehee’s phone suddenly rings and her eyes widen at the caller id displayed on the screen. “wow, this dude’s timing is really! spot-on.”
she puts the speaker on, “donghyuck-ah, what’s this i’m hearing that you’re marrying daegal?? are you leaving me and chubs already?! oh and you’re on speaker.”
fullseun don’t you just cry on the inside when markhee calls hyuck by his real name or fullsun
you hear haechan’s boisterous laughter first before he could answer taehee’s question. “i talked about that on vlive,” he said, “where are you?”
“i’m doing vlive.”
“but it’s almost midnight.”
when taehee makes no move to answer, haechan goes, “are you in the practice room again?”
“so?” taehee answers sassily, causing the boy on the other end of the line to groan.
“noona, we talked about this already,” haechan whines. “then we can talk about it again later!” taehee shrugs exasperatedly. “noona....” the former warns, as if he was scolding a child. “i’m just on a break,” she gives in, “i’ll go home soon.”
“promise?” taehee rolls her eyes, though it was clear that she was grateful for haechan’s concern by the soft smile she held on her face. “i promise.”
taehyuckles i know i wished for a taehyuck live but this will suffice Gosh they are so cute !!!!!!
“you haven’t said hello to czennie,” taehee reminds him. “czennie, hello!!” he greets sweetly.
“anyways, i just called you because you agreed to playing a few rounds with me but i’ll just wait for you until you get home,” taehee winces at his statement. she might have forgotten. “oh right, i’m sorry. just a few more minutes?” haechan hums affirmatively from the other end.
“get home safely, noonaaa,” after they exchanged their goodbyes, taehee hangs up the call.
“yes, okay! everyone that was lee haechan on the phone with me and i think i can do,” she turns her back to look at the wall clock in the practice room, “three more comments.”
yangqied taehee’s an idol in the day, pro-gamer by night
“okay, so our next question is: are you friends with aespa? yes! i am friends with aespa,” she beamed.
“i actually saw them the day before their debut stage. my time slot in the practice room was after theirs and so we met there,” taehee recalls. “they’re very pretty! and they look cool when they danced to ‘black mamba’. i wished them luck on their debut stage,” she chuckles.
taehee closes her eyes and proceeds to swipe at the screen, “next question is... oh! i dare you to post on instagram. okay, let me find some photos and show you guys so we can all vote.”
“i’ll send them on bubble but i’ll show it here too in case you guys don’t have a subscription. that’s okay.”
markerlee tb to when taehee sent her pcs to bubble... she really said fuck capitalism !!!!
“okay, option 1: this one,” she brings her phone up to the screen, showing a picture of her with the bird filter on mac.
kunniekunkun this one’s cute!!!
moloism markhee pls post ur photos with the mac filters im begging you
“orrrr this one,” she faces her phone towards the camera once more. she was sitting on the pavement with the view of the orange-pink sunset behind her, a mask concealing half of her face.
the127thsense everything just screams girlfriend material to me
deryqueen taehee, i am free this friday. i repeat, i am free this friday.
solhyuck i think you should post these as a set on instagram!
“what should i post on instagram? everyone choose between 1 or 2!” taehee tells them in korean, before switching to english. “you guys pick between the first one and the second one, and i’ll post it on instagram.”
oncezenni 2
flamboyanthyuck the second one!
ohmajesus i like the first one
iamjeno second pleaseee
“mm okay, most of you are voting for the second one so i’ll be posting that first thing tomorrow! and then i’ll just send the other one on bubble,” taehee puts her pinky finger up as she speaks, making a promise to the viewers.
“how many was that? two already?” a pout subtly makes its way on taehee’s lips and a few of her hair strands fell in front of her face, causing her to push them back as she huffed. nctzens found it adorable!
takeoffbesttrack can i kiss you.
“can you kiss me?” taehee presses her lips on the tips of her fingers before lightly tapping them on the screen. “i,” one of the corners of her mouth raises to a smirk, “kissed you.”
mahaecries GODDDD
tenvely you will be the death of me
taehee giggles after seeing the comment section blow up and her dimples peek out from her cheeks.
“i’m gonna have to end this soon, guys. this is the last one, okay?”
haecity can you go live with markhyuck?
snoopyscoop do you have any more funny stories with jungwoo?
taromilktea did you see sungchan when he debuted as an emcee?
“did i go see sungchan when he debuted as emcee? nooo,” she frowns, “but i did call him on facetime.”
“he said he was nervous but i told him he’d do great! and he did, right?” taehee’s frown was quickly turned into a proud grin. “i watched a replay of it on youtube the day after. he was very cute.”
“i told him to just think of it like he was talking to us so he’s more comfortable, and he told me it helped a lot so i’m relieved,” she nods. “i sent him churros too!”
taehee shuffles closer to the camera and brings her knees close to her chest while she talks, “please support him! i know sungchanie’s glad to have received this opportunity that’s why he’s been practicing diligently.”
taehee reads a few more comments and smiles at the funny ones. the humor of nctzens never fail to make her smile. the memes they send during menpas are so hilarious that she can’t help but reply to most of them.
taeheespresident i guess she’s gonna end the live now? :(
jungwootehet it’s nearing 1 am and i still have school tomorrow...... whoops!
“i’ll have to go now guys, it was nice doing all this with you,” taehee softly mumbles.
“i like this idea of having you guys comment what you would want me to do ‘cause i’m able to connect with you guys more, i’ll try to do a live again soon.”
“the weather’s nice here in korea— well at least for me,” she chuckles, “it rained recently but it might be hot? in other places so please remember to stay hydrated and drink lots of water.”
“also wear your masks and keep social distancing! we’re not only trying to protect ourselves but we have to stop the spreading of it all so,” taehee gives another small smile at the camera as she reminds the people to be careful, “stay safe.”
after a few beats of silence, taehee speaks again. “okay so, until here is taehee’s nananananana live!” she sings while doing the infamous choreo of ‘go’.
empathy127 I KNEW IT WAS FROM GO !!!!
“good night! or good morning to those who are starting their day right now,” she adds, “goodnight! we’ll see you guys soon.”
taehee does her infamous ily hand gesture and winks at the camera before waving bye and ending the livestream.
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rafecameron · 4 years
garden furniture - r.c
Summary: smut, it’s smut and that’s all it is.
A/N: don’t write a lot of smut sorry if it sucks! Might turn this into a mini series but i’m not sure so let me know what you think??
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*GIF is mine*
Parties were always fun, decidedly less so when adults were around, but still fun nonetheless. You’d always manage to sneak alcohol, knowing that you were never very good at hiding the fact that you were a little bit tipsy, but by that point you really didn’t care. You were well on your way to being drunk and having the time of your life dancing like an idiot with your friends, you could feel the disapproving looks burning into your back but you’d learnt to ignore them long ago.
“Another drink?” A glass of champagne appears before your eyes, your boyfriends hand attached to it.
“Thank you baby.” You grin widely, taking the flute from his fingers and leaning up to kiss his cheek, “You look a little tipsy yourself.” You giggle, noticing how his cheeks were slightly flushed with alcohol and his usual carefully styled hair looked a little messier than he’d usually allow.
“Topper found a bottle of port hidden in the kitchen.” Rafe grins, you could smell the alcohol on his breath but you didn’t mind, you were more than used to that by now.
“So you and Topper drank all the good stuff and brought me a measly glass of champagne?” You pretend to be offended but offer him a smirk all the same, “I’m disappointed.” You take a sip of the bubbly liquid, smiling as you swallow it down.
“I’m sure I can find a way to make it up to you.” Rafe smirks, his hand sliding around your waist to grab at your ass through your dress.
You jump away from him, laughing and slapping his chest playfully, “On the dance floor?” You shake your head at him, “You’re not that lucky.”
“I’m sure we can find somewhere more private.” Rafe takes your free hand, hurriedly pulling you through he maze of dancers away from the centre of the party.
“Rafe, where are we going?” You laugh, stumbling slightly in your heels but managing to hold on tight to your drink.
Rafe stops at the edge of the patio, the sound of the music fading into the distance, he falls down into one of the garden chairs and pulls you on top of his knee, your drink splashes out of your glass and onto Rafe’s shirt but if he noticed it he didn’t seem to mind. You quickly finished your drink, the bubbles instantly going to your head, you reach over and put your glass on the table behind you, feeling Rafe’s hand run up your thigh. You quickly slap his hand away, a giggle leaving your lips as you scold him.
“Rafe! The party is right there anyone could walk out and see us!” You blush at the thought of being caught but don’t push his hand away when it returns.
“No one’s coming out here baby.” Rafe pushes the skirt of your dress up your thigh, his fingers felt like burning flames running across your skin.
Usually you wouldn’t give in to temptation in public and you weren't sure if it was the alcohol or the sheer lust emanating from your body which made you allow Rafe’s hands to wander over your body. His nails scratched at your thigh as his teeth found purchase above your collar bone, you let out a soft moan as he sucks a mark into your skin, allowing yourself to move your hips slowly against his.
“Rafe,” You gasp out as his fingers brush across the fabric of your underwear, “Are we really doing this here?”
“Unless you want to stop, princess.” You feel his smirk against your neck, you quickly shake your head, letting out a low moan as his fingers rub you through the lace.
“That’s it, moan for me baby.” Rafe groans against your skin as he pushes your underwear to the side, “So wet for me already.”
You reach your hand round the back of his head, pulling his face away from your neck by his hair, you lean down, crashing your lips with his as you rock you hips against his finger, whimpering softly into his mouth. He slides a finger into you, pumping it in and out at a slow pace as his thumb rubs against your clit, you can feel his cock hardening in his pants serving to turn you on even more.
“Please, Rafe,” You whimper out, “I need more.”
Rafe smirks up at you, quickly adding a second finger and moving them faster, curling his fingers inside you to rub against your most sensitive spot. Your teeth bite his lower lip, sucking it roughly as you press yourself down against him.
“Feels so good.” You moan against his mouth quickly pulling him into another kiss as his fingers speed up pumping inside of you.
You move your hands to his shoulders, gripping them tightly as you let your head drop back, Rafe’s free hand moving round to grab your ass he squeezes it roughly.
“You like that, baby?” Rafe grins up at you, “You like having my fingers inside you when anyone can see?”
“Yes.” You groan out, “Baby, I’m gonna cum.”
You whimper as his fingers speed up, his thumb back to rubbing circles against your clit. You release onto his fingers, a load moan spilling from your lips. Rafe pulls his fingers out of you bringing them up to his mouth and running his tongue along them, “Tastes so good princess.”
You reach down to his pants, unzipping them clumsily and forcing them down, letting his hard length spring free. You rub your thumb over his tip, a sly smile on your lips at Rafe’s sharp in take of breath. You quickly slide off of his lap and onto your knees in front of him, looking up at him as you slowly stroke his length.
“You wanna suck my cock in public baby girl?” Rafe asks, teeth biting at his lower lip as you swipe your thumb across his tip, spreading the pre cum around.
You nod your head in reply then lean forward and take the tip into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around it, sucking gently and teasing him, your hand grabbing the base of his cock to hold it steady. Rafe grabs the back of your hair, forcing your head down and groaning as you choke slightly around him, “That’s it, you can take it.” Rafe juts his hips up towards your mouth and you hollow out your cheeks to allow him to fuck into you.
You moan against his length as he tugs on your hair, sucking hard and enjoying the sounds coming from your boyfriends mouth. You look up at him through your eyelashes to see his head leant back, mouth slightly open and cheeks painted red, a sight you would never get bored of. You pull your mouth off of him, stroking him up and down a couple times before running your tongue up the underside of his cock and then around his tip.
“Keep going like that baby and I’m gonna cum real quick.” Rafe groans out. You take him back into your mouth, working him with your tongue and your hand at the same time which Rafe thrusts up towards you. He quickly pulls your head away, sitting forward and crashing his lips against yours.
“Get back up here.” He growls out, pulling you up off the floor and discarding your underwear as he did.
He pulls you onto his lap, his cock in his hand stroking it slowly as he admires the sight in front of him. You hitch your dress around your hips and sit up, allowing him to line himself up with your entrance before you sat down on him, a moan leaving both your lips at the feeling you’ve been waiting for.
Rafe’s hands grab your hips and he doesn’t waste any time thrusting up into you hard, his fingers digging into your skin which you’re sure will leave bruises by the morning. You roll your hips against his as he thrusts fast up into you, burying your head in his neck you kiss and suck at the skin, marking him as your own.
“You feel so fucking good baby,” Rafe groans out, “Never felt anything better.”
He moans harshly as you bite down on his neck, nails digging into his shoulders as he hits your g-spot. “Yes, right there.” You moan out, bringing your hips down to meet each of his thrust, your vision blurring due to the alcohol and the sheer pleasure you were feeling.
Rafe reaches his hand round, fingers finding your clit and rubbing circles against it, you grind into his hands, feeling yourself slowly start to come undone for the second time.
“Rafe, please.” You beg, pulling away from his neck and looking down into his lust filled eyes, “I’m so close.”
Rafe pulls you into a kiss, speeding up his movements. You let out a loud moan into his mouth as the knot in your stomach finally comes undone and you cum around his cock, body shaking with pleasure above him.
“Where should I cum baby?” Rafe whispers against your lips, thrusts getting sloppier as he reaches his own climax.
“Inside.” You tell him, gripping onto his shoulders as you rock your hips against his.
Rafe doesn’t need to be told twice and lets himself go, cumming inside of you with a groan, his head drops back against the seat, hips grinding up against you as he rides out his high. You litter his neck with soft kisses as his hips slowly stop their movements and his chest rises and falls with his heavy breathing.
“That was so good baby.” You whisper against his neck, kissing the red mark you had made earlier. You move to his lips, cupping his face as you pull him into a deep kiss feeling him slip out of you.
Once Rafe had finally caught his breath back he helped you off his lap and passed you your underwear, you pull them on as you feel the mess you had both made start to trickle out of you. When you had finished redressing you look up to find your boyfriend staring at you with a grin.
“What?” You ask with a laugh, pulling your hair over one shoulder and running you fingers through it in an attempt to tame it once more.
“I never thought you’d let me do that.” He laughs, pulling you into his side as you begin to walk back to the party, he leans down to press a kiss to the top of your head, “Next time, we’re doing it on the table.”
You roll your eyes and slap his chest though you knew there was definitely going to be a next time.
@scandalousfemale​ @outerbankslut​
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cuddlepilefics · 3 years
Fandom: Stray Kids
Little: Felix (age 3)
Caregiver: Chan (daddy), Changbin (dada)
 Felix’ POV.:
We had all had a very stressful time lately, so the time we littles had to regress was very limited. I was lucky today, the dance line had finished their work in the early afternoon, so I could go back to the dorm and relax. At first it was only Minho, Hyunjin and me at the dorm, having lunch together before Minho-hyung got a call from Channie-hyung to go and pick Jisung up. My twin, also a little like me, had snapped under the pressure and slipped into his headspace while at the studio with 3racha. I wasn’t too worried about Jisung being little because he’d finally get some rest and while waiting for his caregiver to get him, he was with the two most amazing caregivers any little could wish for. Chan and Changbin have been taking care of my little self for a bit over a year now and they were really good at it. Just thinking about all the soft time we spent together made me feel fuzzy. It had been a while since I last regressed. Usually, I’d have to regress at least twice a week to keep my anxiety at bay but with how tight our schedule was…. How long has it been? Three weeks or maybe four? Yeah, I think it has been around four weeks since I last slipped and I could feel it. Focusing on any task proved to be a struggle, which was the main reason we took so long to learn the choreo and I could tell my two hyungs were starting to get annoyed. Luckily, Minho is a caregiver and therefore a bit more patient and understanding with me.
I should really regress soon, all those big thoughts racing through my head were starting to get overwhelming, so I barely got any sleep lately. No, I didn’t tell my caregivers because I could see that they were just as stressed as me, Chan-hyung probably worse, so I just held my stuffed bunny a bit tighter at night. It was probably a good thing that I couldn’t fall asleep since I often get nightmares. The only people who could calm me down afterwards were my caregivers but they barely spent anytime at the dorm and wouldn’t be there when I woke up shaking with tears streaming down my face. I barely saw them even when I was big and I missed them badly, I couldn’t regress now because I knew my little self would only miss them more and I didn’t think I could take being without them. A loud squeal pulled me from my thoughts and I recognized Jisung’s voice. Minho and him were back from the studio and Hyunjin joined them to play with little Sungie in the living room. I had missed Sungie too but I couldn’t join them because my little friend would always make me slip too. Putting on headphones, I lay my aching body down on the bed and tried to drown them out.
I didn’t know how much time had passed, when suddenly there was someone next to me. Startling, I pulled off the headphones and looked at Hyunjin, who just looked as startled at my reaction. “Sorry, I knocked but you obviously didn’t hear it over your music”, he chuckled, “Sungie missed you and I wanted to ask if you’d like to come play with us too.” Biting my lip, I looked down at my lap. The invitation sounded tempting but I would for sure slip, being surrounded with all those toys. “Lix, you can be little too, if that’s what you’re worried about.” There it was, the sentence that made my resolve crumble. The person telling me that it was okay to slip but was it really? The only people who could tell me that weren’t here. My glossy eyes met Hyunjin’s and I whispered: “Hyung, I can’t. I haven’t slipped for so long and I’d need my caregivers here with me if I was going to be little.” The older gave me a sad smile, knowing as well as me that Chan and Changbin wouldn’t be coming home anytime soon. “We know you haven’t slipped in a while. Our little sunshine is barely smiling anymore, that’s why we thought it’d do you some good to spend this rare free afternoon in your headspace. Yeah, I’m neither a caregiver, nor are we as close to you as your caregivers but we don’t mind taking care of you for the time being, plus Jisung would be playing with you so you don’t even have the time to miss them. Just think about it, Lixxie”, Hyunjin explained, taking a seat next to me and pulling me into a hug. It felt great, I couldn’t remember the last time I got a proper hug, which is a big deal for me with how cuddly of a person I am. We sat in silence for a few minutes and I was grateful Hyunjin didn’t let go, feeling how much I needed the physical comfort right now. Resting my head on my hyung’s shoulder, I closed my eyes and let go of my adult mindset. For the first time in what felt like forever, my mind was nice and quiet, the racing had stopped and the weight on my chest, preventing me from breathing properly, had vanished. I opened my eyes again and blinked up at the person holding me. That wasn’t my daddy and it wasn’t my dada either. “Hyungie?”, I whispered. Hyunjin looked at me stroking his slender fingers through my hair: “Hey there, sunshine.”
 Noone’s POV.:
Finally losing his fight, Felix slipped in the arms of his hyung. He was disappointed when he opened his eyes to see none of his caregivers around but Hyunjin’s hold still gave him a sense of security. The older had meant to return to the living room with Felix right away. However, the way the Aussie snuggled up to him told him to just stay put for a bit and ignore the noises of an excited Jisung running from his caregiver. Usually, Jisung was the quiet and sensitive little, while Felix was the energetic one but today their roles seemed reversed. “Those are some really cute freckles you got there”, Hyunjin hummed, tapping the little’s cheek repeatedly. Felix giggled and buried his face in the older’s shirt to hide the pink dusting his cheeks. A loud whine made them both stare at the door. Apparently, Minho had finally caught the young rapper, who didn’t seem too happy about it. Hyunjin felt a small tug on his shirt and smiled at the little pointing at the door after hearing his friend in the next room. The little grabbed his stuffed bunny just in time before getting scooped up by his hyung, who then carried him to the living room. The older set him down on the carpet, where Felix came face to face with his twin.
Jisung was in one of his older headspaces somewhere around six years old, which explained his noisy personality. “LIXXIE”, the rapper screamed, squeezing the other tightly, “I missed you soo muuuuuch!” The Aussie only blinked in surprise, but then breaking into small giggles at the older little’s silly behavior. “Come, Lix, play tag, play tag”, Jisung yelled, tugging at the younger’s sleeve. Felix flinched, it was too loud and he didn’t feel like running around, considering how sore his muscles still felt. He whined, shrugging the rapper’s hand off and burying his face in the soft fur of his plushie. Jisung’s smile dropped and he tried to pull the bunny away to look at his dongsaeng’s face. Felix thought he wanted to take is plushie away only clutched it tighter. “Lixxie sad!”, the older exclaimed, pointing at his friend. “Nuh, nuh sad”, the Aussie denied, lowering the plushie and putting on a convincing smile. It wasn’t a complete lie, he wasn’t sad, just overwhelmed, or was he? Tilting his head, Jisung pouted: “Play? What do you wanna play?” The other shrugged, not feeling in the mood to do anything before moving closer to the couch and crawling into Hyunjin’s lap.  
While Hyunjin gently rocked the little in his arms, Jisung waddled over to his caregiver. Remembering his inside voice, he looked at the older with doe eyes: “Appa, why Lixxie don’t want play with Sungie?” – “I think Lixxie is just tired and really little right now”, Minho sighed, “Hey, Felix, maybe the two of you could color or watch a cartoon together.” The Aussie nodded making grabby hands at Jisung and pointing at the TV. The two littles cuddled up together and Hyunjin covered them with a blanket while Minho turned on a cartoon both of them liked. The caregiver gave Jisung a soft kiss on the forehead before walking to the kitchen to fill two sippy cups with juice. It were small gestures like this, that made Felix miss his caregivers so much more and he envied the other, that his caregiver came to his aid right away when he heard that he slipped. Did his caregivers even care about him anymore? They always favored their work, at least that’s how Felix felt. Hyunjin prepared a small snack for all four of them and Minho fed his little like he always did, despite him not being that young. Jisung giggled with stuffed cheeks missing how jealous the younger looked. “Come on, Lixxie, you should eat something too, you need the energy after dancing so much”, Hyunjin encouraged, frowning as the little shook his head and avoided his eyes. He never ate by himself when he was little, one of his caregivers always fed him. Of course, the boy would never ask anyone else to feed him, that was a thing between him and his caregivers only.
When another happy squeal came from Jisung, Felix couldn’t take it anymore and fled to his room with his bunny in his arms. He slammed the door shut and locked it, breaking two of their rules at once. Hyunjin had followed the little, feeling that something wasn’t right. He tried to enter the room only to find the door locked. “Lix, please let me in. You know that we don’t lock the doors here”, the dancer said in a warning tone, unaware that the little was fighting back his tears on the other side of the door. Another voice could be heard from the hallway: “Felix, if you don’t open the door before I count to three, you’re going into time out for twenty minutes.” Now, Minho’s caregiver voice could be very authoritative but Felix wouldn’t give in, the older wasn’t his caregiver after all. “One” The Aussie scooted further into the corned, slipping the ear of his plushie between his lips. “Two” The little squeezed his eyes shut as he heard some clicking noises from their lock picking attempts. “Three. That’s it. Time out now!”, Minho announced sternly, walking through the now open door. Felix’ face paled, he hadn’t expected them to be actually able to get in. Scrambling to his feet, he ran, pushing past the two members in his doorway. He wanted to run from the dorm but was stopped by Jisung who was still waiting in the living room, happily playing with his toy cars. The younger got angry at how happy the other little looked, envying him for the affection he got from his caregiver. “Lixxie, let’s play”, the rapper urged, getting up to pull Felix over to the carpet. “Nuh, Lix nuh wike! Go ‘way!”, the Aussie whined, pushing the shorter away harder than he would have needed to. Jisung fell and started to cry, unable to comprehend why his friend suddenly hated him so much. The incident had given Minho enough time to catch up to them and he angrily pulled Felix by his wrist, making him sit in the timeout corner before he went to comfort the crying Jisung. Hyunjin had used the time to call Chan and Changbin, begging them to come home because Felix was little and wouldn’t listen to them.
While the two caregivers were on their way home already pissed at their little for making things difficult on a stressful day, on which they couldn’t really afford to go home early, the little quietly sat in the corner. He didn’t feel the need to cry anymore, who would care anyways? Staring blankly into space, he held his stuffed bunny close to his chest, glad he hadn’t dropped it when trying to run away. It was the only one that still cared about little Lixxie, after losing his caregivers and friends, the boy couldn’t lose his beloved bunny too. Felix faintly heard the other little’s sniffles grow quieter but it didn’t matter to him that he made his friend cry, there was someone to comfort him when he cried after all. If Felix cried now, there would be no one. He didn’t feel sad, he didn’t feel much at all besides emptiness and a dull pain in his chest. The little didn’t even notice how the door opened and his caregivers walked in. Were they still his caregivers? There were still nine more minutes on the timer, then he’d be able to go back to his room and curl up under his fluffy blanket. It probably still smelled like his hyungs after all their cuddle sessions.
Chan and Changbin were watching the little from their seat on the couch, it didn’t seem like he was aware of their presence, or at least he chose not to acknowledge it. The timer rang and Felix slowly got up to trudge to his room, his motions zombie-like and his face emotionless. He had already made it halfway through the living room when Chan cleared his throat. “Where do you think you’re going?”, he asked coldly. The little froze at the familiar voice, looking up at his two caregivers. Suddenly all the emotions came back, reflecting in his eyes and making him feel so broke. All he wanted to do was to run into his daddy’s arms because that always made him feel like everything was ok but the caregiver’s cold expression stopped him. Shyly looking over at his dada, Felix had to realize that he wouldn’t get a hug from him either. “Why, Felix, just why? You hurt Jisung and made him cry. You broke the rules and didn’t listen to your hyungs. Why? You couldn’t just be grateful for having a free afternoon and the chance to distress. Your hyungs offered to take care of you but then you misbehave. You know we were busy but you made us come home. After Jisung left we had to work extra hard because it was only two of us left and you chose to make it even more difficult for us. Just so you know, I am really disappointed in you, Felix”, the leader scolded, his tone icy and dripping with disappointment. If there was one thing worse than an angry Chan, it was a disappointed one. Felix helplessly looked over at Changbin only to see him cross his arms. Chan had said it himself, Jisung had made things hard for them by slipping in the first place but they were nothing but nice to him. He wasn’t even their little but they treated him so gentle and understanding, while all Felix needed was a hug and all he got were cold glares.
It had almost been a minute of the caregivers waiting for Felix to explain himself but he couldn’t. The little didn’t even know why he was so bad today and he couldn’t take the heavy silence anymore. Breaking down into tears, the young Aussie made a run for it, slipping into his room and shutting the door as quiet as he could before sliding down with his back against the door. Harsh sobs wracked his shoulders and he tried to calm himself by hugging his bunny only to notice he had dropped it on the way. His cries grew louder and he felt his chest tighten making it hard to breath. Part of him had expected the caregivers to follow him, even if it was just to yell at him for running off during their talk, but nobody came and that hurt so much more. In a desperate attempt to calm himself down, Felix slipped his thumb into his mouth sucking on it. He was out of breath and his eyes stung but it didn’t matter because the pain in his heart was worse. The little felt so tired. Too tired to cry really. Sucking on his thumb he was reduced to hiccups with the occasional tear running down his cheek.
Minho had been in his room to calm Jisung down but Hyunjin had watched the commotion and after having had a weird feeling before, he decided to step in and talk to the stressed caregivers. The dancer sat them down on the couch again and described the afternoon from his perspective. Yes, he admitted that Felix had definitely acted out but that he was a bit off before and that at least to Hyunjin it seemed that there was something deeper behind the littles actions. Hearing his dongsaeng’s worried voice, made Chan think again. Felix didn’t usually act out and although Hyunjin had no experience as a caregiver, the leader trusted him with his judgement. The oldest repeatedly ran a hand through his already disheveled hair, not knowing how to approach the little after his outburst. Truth be told, the leader had just been too stressed to view the situation from an objective view and he knew he had scared Felix too much for the younger to be able to explain himself. Changbin knew that too and put a comforting hand on his hyung’s shoulder before getting up and making his way to the room they shared with Felix. He heard choked hiccups from the other side but got no reply to knocking on the door. Trying the handle, he found the door unlocked but still wasn’t able to open it. “Lixxie, let dada in please”, he sighed, resting his forehead against the wood. There was some shuffling and then silence. Trying the door again, he stepped in. The room was dim, since it was already evening and the little hadn’t bothered to turn on the light but he could still see the figure sitting hunched over on the floor.
For the sake of Felix’s irritated eyes and his own headache, Changbin decided against turning the lights on, instead closing the door behind him and scooping the little into his arms. He had expected at least some resistance considering how upset both parties were at each other but Felix just let him do whatever, not really caring what happened to himself. The rapper swayed them both from side to side, rubbing the little’s back as he felt the small chest hitch with exhausted hiccups. Despite his own exhaustion, it wasn’t too difficult to hold Felix, had the boy lost weight? The Aussie had always been skinny but this was different. He was hesitant, not knowing what to say for fear of having the situation escalate again but he tried, keeping his voice gentle: “Kitten can you tell dada what’s been up today? You’re usually such a good boy.” The Aussie shook his head, burying his face in his caregiver’s shoulder. “That’s okay, baby”, he hummed, “Maybe you can tell us when you’re ready?” Felix sniffled but nodded against the older. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up a bit. You feel icky, don’t you?” Another small nod, so Changbin turned to the door, carrying the little to the bathroom. He put Felix down on the counter but the little didn’t approve of being out of the older’s arms, afraid the caregiver would walk out and leave him there. Changbin had to stand between the younger’s legs, who clutched onto his sweater, limiting how far the rapper could move away. The bright bathroom light was a stark contrast to the darkness in their bedroom, causing both boys to squint a bit. The caregiver cringed at how red and swollen the little’s eyes lids were, that definitely had to hurt. Only now did he notice the dark bags under Felix eyes, which could even make Chan’s eyebags look harmless. Did Felix not sleep at all recently? “Hey, easy now! I’m not going to leave but I need to grab a washcloth from that cabinet over there”, Changbin whispered, removing the tiny hands from his shirt and holding them in one of his. It allowed him to stretch just far enough to take out a washcloth and towel before turning back to his little.
They stayed silent while Changbin ran the washcloth under warm water, squeezing it till the cloth was only damp before gently wiping the drying tearstains off of Felix’ puffed up cheeks. Then he soaked the cloth in cold water, covering the Aussie’s eyes with it in hopes the cold would sooth the swelling. “There, kitten, does that feel better?”, he cooed, receiving a shy nod against his hand. He kept the cool cloth in place for a few minutes till it became warm, then he removed it and pat Felix’ face dry before applying a thin layer of moisturizer. The caregiver also made sure to put a generous amount of strawberry flavored chapstick onto his little’s lips because they looked so chapped, they could start bleeding any moment. Stepping closer, Changbin wrapped his arms around the younger, who exhaustedly dropped his face against the rapper’s collarbone. Not wanting to break their embrace anytime soon, the caregiver kept one arm on Felix’ back and used the other to check his phone, so the little couldn’t see it. He had a message from Chan, telling him he was preparing a bottle for their little and that they should spend the rest of the evening cuddling after Chan apologized. Changbin quickly texted back asking the leader to add a generous amount of honey to the little’s milk because the sweetness was calming and the nutrients were urgently needed, given how light and weak the boy in his arms seemed. Feeling Felix nuzzle against him, the older put his phone away and carried the little back to their room. He pulled out a pair of his own shorts and a hoodie from Chan before approaching Felix on his bed: “Alrighty, arms up kitten, let’s put on a fresh sweater, it’s daddy’s. I know you like his the most.” The younger looked at him, eyes becoming teary again. “He nuh wan’ me weaw it. Daddy mad at Lixxie”, he breathed, trying to keep from crying again. “No, no, no, daddy loves when you wear his clothes”, Changbin promised, helping the younger to change quickly, “We both love when our kitten wears our clothes, you look so cute and tiny in them.” Felix turned bright red, bringing the sweater paws up to cover his face as he whined: “Dada chu make me all fuzzy.”
Both wearing a fresh change of clothes, the pair sat on Felix’ bed, with the little in Changbin’s lap as he wanted to enjoy his caregiver’s affection as long as it lasted. That’s what Chan walked in on, carrying his dongsaeng’s plushie and bottle. The younger visibly tensed when the leader entered the room, clutching Changbin tighter and holding his breath. “Ssh, it’s ok, seems like none of us have been having the greatest day today, huh?”, the oldest shushed, crouching next to the bed, “I’m sorry for venting my anger at you without even listening to your side of the story. Can you forgive daddy?” Felix gave a small nod and shyly looked up to face his caregiver, immediately spotting the bunny in his hand. The leader saw how the younger’s previously dull eyes lit up and handed the plushie to him, smiling at how gently the little cradled it against his chest. “Aww sweetie, did you miss him?”, he cooed but Felix’ face grew sad. Looking down at his stuffed bunny, he admitted barely audible: “Missed chu mowe.” The caregiver’s made eye-contact, their hearts breaking and the hurt in their little’s voice. “We missed you too, darling, I’m sorry we didn’t even think to check on you between work”, Changbin whispered remorsefully. Squeezing onto the bed next to them the oldest hummed: “Why don’t you have your bottle and them we’ll all go to sleep, hm? It’s been a long and exhausting day and at least daddy needs some cuddles right now.” – “Dada needs cuddles too”, Changbin was quick to agree. Nodding Felix reached for Chan’s hand as he mumbled: “Lixxie cuddles too.” The leader gently took the little into his arms, leaning against the headboard to feed him his bottle while Changbin dimmed the lights and retrieved Felix’ fluffy blanket that they always used when cuddling. He carefully spread it over his friends before climbing under it too and wrapping his arms around his little family. Yes, they do have their up and downs but in the end they always make it out ok.
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kikilefangirl · 3 years
New Light
Barry Allen x Reader
(Quick Note: Happy Inauguration Day! After all the craziness and stress four years in the making, I wanted to write someone as kindhearted and sweet as Barry Allen.)
(Word Count: 1837)
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“I’m on my way, Felicity, my train was running late—“
A hard shoulder slamming into your chest cut you off mid sentence and knocked you all the way to the hard ground.
Between the roar of trains coming in and out of the platform, shuffling footsteps, and your friend’s worried yelling through the phone, disoriented was a nice way of putting it. Your still head was spinning as you stumbled to your feet.
“Oh my, oh my god, I am so sorry—let me, uh— and you’re...already...up.” He rambled.
So it was a man who ran into you. And he was going on and on nervously as he picked up your fallen items. He had a thin build and dark hair, but you could only focus on his clumsy hands and apologetic eyes.
“It’s totally fine, just be careful next time.” You joked and pushed your braids away from your face.
The man rose to his feet and held your phone and purse out towards you. As you took them and gave him your best smile. There was something about his absentmindedness that was kind of charming and intriguing.
“I, uh, um...Barry Allen. I’m Barry Allen....Barry is my name.” He said.
You held in your laugh for fear of flustering him more and settled on a curious gaze. Barry wiped a hand on his back pocket and offered it to you.
“Nice to meet you, Barry. I’m Y/N.” You replied as you shook his hand.
You decided to omit the Queen part of your name, for now. Barry seemed sweet and genuinely interested in you. Having a dead father, a brother back from the dead, an out of control sister, and a mother on trial for mass murder tended to scare away any potential partners. You shifted your weight.
You had to get going sooner rather than later, but not wanting to let Barry go just yet, you took out a pen out of your purse and wrote your number on his palm.
“Try not to mow anyone else down today, and maybe give me a call if you're still in town, Barry.” You told him.
He stuttered through a response and turned a bright pink. You nodded with a smile and promptly walked off to your awaiting car.
“Barry Allen.” You repeated his name out loud once inside and heat built up in your cheeks. You hoped he’d call.
Oliver was waiting in his office for you when you walked up to the entrance of Queen Consolidated.
Pushing through the glass doors, you didn’t spare a second thought on the curious stares people sent you, you had spent your whole life getting them. A ping on your phone made you smile as soon as you saw it.
Sorry I ran you over earlier...I don’t really know places to go out here, but I could find somewhere if you still wanted to go out with me?—Barry Allen (from the train station, sorry again!)
A warm, bubbly feeling took over your whole body. Barry gave you a feeling you had rarely experienced: he was genuinely good. You needed some positivity in the midst of your chaotic life.
Before you could reply back, a woman’s voice and body stood in your way. You had only made it to the front desk.
“Excuse me—“
“No unauthorized personnel, here.” She explained.
Your eyes narrowed into slits as you looked up from your phone. Tons of other people were free and clear to pass by, but of course you, the black girl was stopped. Clicking your tongue, you tried to move past her.
“Do you have an ID for Queen Consolidated? If you don’t I’m going to have to ask you to leave before I call the police.” She said.
“My name is Y/N Queen. Move.” You sniped. You were already running late as it was, but today of all days a white girl just had to try you.
“I’ve never heard of you. I’m calling the police.” She threatened. Her hand was already on the buttons. You huffed. What had started as an annoyance had escalated into full blown danger.
You quickly dialed your brother’s number. He picked up on the second ring.
“You’re late, Y/N.” Oliver chastised from the other end.
“Actually, I’m downstairs being blocked from the elevator, in a building we own, and a company we have shares in. Get down here, now.”
For a few tortuous minutes, you stood there waiting at a stalemate. The security was bounding down the steps; they were big men in dark suits and earpieces.
You ran your tongue on the roof of your mouth, a mix of anger and fear and shame. Oliver wasn’t supposed to bail you out. You were just as much a Queen as he was and should’ve had the same access as he did. You ground your teeth and folded your arms.
You were relieved when the elevator dinged and Oliver stepped out of it.
His eyes widened in surprise for a split second, before the realization of what was happening sunk in. To anyone that didn’t know him, Oliver might have looked calm. But the clenched jaw, pulled back lip corners and the way he furled and unfurled his hands as he adjusted his suit said otherwise.
“Who told you that you could physically block and try to remove my sister from the area?” He said with a straight face, staring directly at the woman.
You smirked as she stumbled through a range of bullshit excuses and ‘I’m sorry, Mr. Queen’ over and over again to no avail.
Oliver protectively ushered you into the elevator, but before the doors could close you yelled, “Might wanna see who’s hiring!”
On the way up, you brushed off Oliver’s questions and concerns. You had lived your entire life black, this was nothing new to you. But after five years away, it probably was to him. You weren’t a teenager standing by his or your dad’s side anymore.
“I’m fine, Ollie. Drop it, please.” You pleaded.
“That woman was going to call the police on you, Y/N.” He continued, still bewildered.
“I get that being on that island wasn’t your fault, but I’ve held my own as a black woman for five years without you or dad. Things like that are just a part of the package.” You explained.
As the two of you stepped off the elevator, you softened when he gave you a long hug. It was his apology, and you leaned in, accepting it. Five years was a long time away.
“I only came by to check in on you. With the break in and all, plus Mom’s party tonight...” You trailed off.
Oliver offered a small smile as the two of you rounded the corner. You blinked in surprise when you saw none other than Barry Allen talking to Felicity. Your mood instantly brightened.
“Barry!” You called out. At the sound of his name, he saw you and fell flat on his face. Clumsiness was becoming a theme between you two. You hurried over and helped him up.
“I’m so sorry!” You exclaimed, but Barry stared at you, confused. You held Barry’s full attention as if no one else was in the room. It was refreshing, really.
“Hi-hi again, Y/N...What are you doing h-here?” He asked. You held Barry’s full attention as if no one else was in the room. It was refreshing, really. Too bad Oliver had to ruin it.
“Barry, how do you know my little sister?” He said it, more than asked it.
Oliver gave Barry an icy glare. The threat in his voice may have had an effect on everyone else, but it made you roll your eyes in annoyance. He just had to add the little sister part. Barry straightened up and swallowed nervously, his Adam’s apple bobbing in the process.
Damn it, Oliver. You two were very hot and cold lately and it bothered you to no end.
“I met him this morning, Ollie, mind your business.” You snapped. You turned back to Barry and smiled.
“There’s a party at our house tonight, you should drop by if my idiot brother doesn’t kill you first. Text me for the address.” You declared. Your eyes burned with defiance as you stormed off, matching Oliver’s mood. You guessed you really were siblings.
As you left, you hoped Barry would show.
The annual Queen family Christmas party was honestly, the most awkward two hours of your life.
You, Moira, Thea, and Oliver stood in an almost empty living room. The only guests seemed to be the caterers. Barry hadn’t texted you, either.
“Maybe...people got lost on the way.” You offered. Moira smiled at you and patted your shoulder.
“Thank you, dear, but we all know the real reason. Nobody wants to be seen with the likes of me.” She said. She was right. You shot her an apologetic look and handed her another drink.
Oliver took the opportunity to whisk you away from your mother and sister, “Y/N, help me with the drinks, please.”
You obliged without protest. You had already been stood up by half the city and Barry. Family really was all you had.
“What, Ollie?” You asked in an exasperated tone.
“I know that you took on a lot, while I was on the island. And I know that being the oldest wasn’t easy, especially for you in the public eye. I read the tabloids.”
Oliver’s admission made you a little teary eyed. He was the first person in the family to truly consider you family. He was your big brother. He caught up on all of the horrible headlines and rumors that swirled about you after the news broke about the Queen’s Gambit.
“Which is why I invited someone special, tonight. For you.” Oliver said. You raised a brow in confusion.
“I’m not that great over text.” You turned around and your mouth dropped open a little. It was Barry, in a really nice suit looking finer than ever. You gave him a hug and he took your hand.
“I’m also not a great dancer, I’ll try not to step on your toes.” He admitted. You led him to the dance floor and nodded to the musicians.
“Don’t worry about it. There isn’t much of a crowd to judge you.” You joked.
You and Barry swayed to the music, talking and laughing the whole way through. Barry Allen, you found, really was the ray of light you needed in the moment. The past few months were some of the hardest in your life, filled with dark moments and uncertainty.
As Barry held you and told you corny science jokes and yes, stepped on your toes once or twice, you realized you had never met anyone as sweet and as kind as him.
When the night was over, you couldn’t help but look forward to the next time you saw him.
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schrijverr · 3 years
Stepping Side by Side
Bakugo and Midoriya used to dance competitive ballroom together. When nightmares keep them awake they start dancing again and finding their friendship back as well. Until a dance lesson brings it to light.
On AO3.
Ships: could be read as pre-slash BakuDeku
Warnings: mentions of mild homophobia
There used to be a time when you couldn’t tear Izu and Kacchan from each others side with all the force in the world. However, that time had nearly completely passed by the time they got into Middle School, and had fully disappeared when both of them got into UA.
So now it was Midoriya and Bakugo, who walked through hallways as ghosts of another time with knowledge of the other and a person they could hardly place.
Still, the two got better. It might have taken a lot of trauma and a fake city that was destroyed in a fist-fight, but they were tentatively getting better.
The getting better got in the lift on a faithful Wednesday night (though it was already Thursday at that point), when both had woken from dreams that showed them memories they would rather forget.
Midoriya wasn’t an uncommon guest in the kitchen at ungodly hours, but seeing Bakugo there really surprised him.
“Kacchan?” he said softly, not wanting to startle the other.
“Deku? Why are you awake?” Bakugo didn’t even have the energy to sound harsh with big bags under his eyes and a slump in his shoulder.
“Probably the same reason you are,” Midoriya answered with a sad smile.
Bakugo nodded, also taking in Midoriya’s exhausted face, before silently offering him a cup of tea, which Midoriya accepted gratefully. He was surprised to find, Bakugo had remembered how he took it, though he had seen it many times on competition mornings.
They stood in silence for a moment, drinking their tea. Neither one really wanted to talk about what had awoken them in the middle of the night.
“We should probably go to bed again,” Midoriya said when they had finished their tea, his voice betraying how much he did not want to try to sleep. Bakugo had the same voice as he agreed: “Yeah, we probably should.”
It was quiet again.
Then with a soft voice, Midoriya asked: “Remember when we danced together? We never really talked about it again, but- Never mind...”
“Huh, what made you ask that? Of course, I remember, dipshit,” Bakugo frowned.
“Well, it’s kind of dumb, but you remembered how I take my tea and that surprised me, but then I thought you saw it so many times on all the competition mornings and it got me thinking of the dancing and it suddenly popped up again,” Midoriya muttered.
Bakugo had been on the receiving end of Midoriya’s mutterings enough times that he could follow them and said: “Hmm, hadn’t even realized.”
Midoriya was surprised with how gentle compared to normal, Bakugo was being. Well, maybe not gentle, but he wasn’t being defensive or aggressive, which was a nice change. Itreminded Midoriya of when Bakugo had been his best friend.
“Yeah,” he replied softly, content to let the conversation end and fall back into silence.
They were truly just standing around in the kitchen, both in their pajamas, tired and still unwilling to rest for fear what it may bring. They must have looked like quite a pair, leaning against the counters at this hour.
Bakugo was typing away on his phone and Midoriya regretted having left his behind on his nightstand, because he didn’t know what to do with his hands.
Suddenly Bakugo’s phone started playing familiar music and Midoriya looked up in surprise, only to find the other holding out his hand with an expecting eyebrow raise.
“W- what?” he stumbled over his words in confusion.
“Come on, nerd, I wanna see if you kept up your training,” he said, “Though, I suppose I was always the better dancer.”
“Oi, you were not!” Midoriya protested and took the hand.
Bakugo grinned victoriously when he did. He knew his friends competitiveness like no other and he had played into it with success. So, he lead his dance partner and fellow sleep-avoider onto the floor, which was the bit of empty space they had near the door.
He’d put on a simple waltz, he didn’t want to think too hard at this time and it was more about the basic steps to keep his mind of other things.
They swiftly fell into old routines and Bakugo was surprised how well Midoriya was keeping up with him. He had assumed that since it had been his parents with the dance studio, only he would have kept up with the techniques.
Midoriya must have seen the surprise in his eyes, because he grinned in the little shit way no one in class 1-A believed he could and said: “You still hold instead of cup, Kacchan.”
Bakugo looked at his offending hand and saw it was indeed the case, so with an eyeroll he corrected it then send a glare to his partner.
He couldn't help but pout slightly: “And you still don’t keep your chin up.”
Midoriya had always been a bit shy and nervous, so their coaches and parents had always reminded him before competitions to ‘keep your chin up, just look at Katsuki, Izuku, you’re gonna do great out there.’
So, the other corrected his mistake as well as he was spun away, then back to Bakugo, who resumed their steps with Midoriya following easily. It had been their under 11s debut dance and it had been quite precious to them at the time.
The song on the phone stopped and changed into a latin song. Bakugo raised a brow questioning and Midoriya returned the challenge.
Not one to back down, Bakugo got into a familiar start position. He would show that shitty nerd he still knew his fucking latin, alright.
They danced a few more songs until the late hour and physical exercise caught up to them and they had to stop to breathe. Both felt more at ease and more ready to face the night than before. Midoriya smiled: “This was nice. You know, dancing again.”
Bakugo was quiet for a moment, then – almost as if he didn’t want to – he confessed: “Yeah. Yeah, it was.”
“I feel like I can finally sleep,” Midoriya stretched with a grin.
“Same, I- I’ll see you around,” Bakugo said awkwardly.
“Yeah, don’t be a stranger around the Midnight Kitchen Dance Club,” Midoriya joked with a hint of truth.
They held each other’s gaze, then Bakugo walked away, but not before saying: “I won’t.”
And that was the start. The first time had been a coincidental meeting, but after knowing the other might be downstairs, the two ventured to the kitchen more often, hoping for the comfort of familiar company.
The second time had been a bit awkward, but then Midoriya had asked if Bakugo still knew that stupidly hard foxtrot that had taken them forever to learn and Bakugo jumped on the chance to show that he still did.
So it had evolved until Bakugo grabbed his wireless headphonesby instinct so that they could share and not wake everyone up, while Midoriya always madetwo cups for tea.
When they had just started they dances old routines, but after a while they had started working on them, looking up competitors still dancing and trying to incorporate their moves into their own dances, making them unnecessarily complicated just by virtue of time.
While both still had enough sleep to keep them up as aspiring heroes doing a lot of exercise daily, they still found themselves in the kitchen at least twice a week. It would never compare to the six days a week and on Sunday competition regime that they’d had in the past, but still…
The dancing had helped both immensely with their sleeping as well as their bond.
Midoriya hadn’t noticed it at first, but suddenly realized that at some point Kacchan had returned to calling him Izu when they had their nightly dance session.
It delighted him to no end that he was seeing glimpses of the grumpy and competitive, yet observant and grounded presence Kacchan had been in their youth. Until Middle School had pushed him in the wrong direction and he didn’t want to dance anymore, because someone had said it was girly and that Deku was girly too and all the stupid connotations that had.
Sometimes Izu really wanted to slap Middle School Kacchan for who he had befriended and how he had let everyone shape how he viewed himself.
Sure, Izu might have been pushed into insecurity and skittishness, but Kacchan had allowed himself to be pulled into the “alpha’s” of the school, the ones who had to conform to a certain standard constantly or loose their place. Having to pretend to be someone else constantly until he thought he had to be that version all of the time.
It had fucked with Kacchans mind and perception of the world, Izu had seen that first hand.
But the dancing made Kacchan smile carefree again. Izu saw how he would get excited about learning moves they couldn't just pull off but had to work for and routines that went well.
In turn Kacchan couldn't help but notice how Izu was carrying himself differently again. The subtle grace that seeped into his normal cower and the confidence that rolled off him when he was being spun around by Kacchan.
Kacchan loved witnessing those little moments.
He loved how Izu would cheekily comment on his form or babble about his hero notes while they stretched or sip his tea at the end, smile playing around his lips.
It reminded him of how good it had been before he turned completely into an asshole and guilt bubbled up in his throat. So, one night when they were sitting on the floor, he began: “Hey, Izu. I, uhm, I wanted to, well…”
“Kacchan?” Izu frowned when he heard Kacchan stumble.
“I wanted to say sorry,” he said, wanting to erase the frown he put there.
“Why?” Izu asked, genuinely confused.
“Because I was fucking dick to you, Izu,” he answered, rolling his eyes at Izu’s obliviousness.
“Oh, well, yeah, you were,” Izu agreed and a pit formed in Kacchans stomach. “And it was hurtful, of course it was. But I understand and I think I had forgiven you before it even occurred to me to blame you. I don’t know why, Kacchan, but I could never be mad at you, you mean too much to me.”
Kacchan looked at him in shock. Izu said it like it was natural, unavoidable that he forgave Kacchan, just like that. After everything. He didn’t know what to say.
Izu understood that too, because he got up and said: “Come on, you promised that we could do the latin routine.”
He let himself be pulled up by Izu and got into the opening stance like second nature. He wondered how he ever got this lucky with Izu as a friend.
Naturally since it was them, things like this didn’t stay private. Though it had been their own choice. Partly. Mostly.
Class 1-A was learning how to dance.
It had come as coincidence and was part of their social relations course, since galas could be part of their future careers.
So, Midnight was teaching them, with Snipe as her partner, because he was apparently the only who didn’t mind dancing and could keep his mouth shut the entire time. Midoriya could guess who those two categories referred to, but didn’t see the point in identifying their homeroom and their English teacher out loud.
Midnight had explained the most basic waltz which Midoriya could do in his sleep, so he took his time looking around. It was easy to see that some had difficulty taking it seriously and that others were already completely lost.
“Okay, everyone, partner up,” Midnight clapped her hands, getting into the position with Snipe.
Since their class had more boys than girls there would be a few all boys couples. Being used to dancing the “girl part” anyway, Midoriya didn’t mind being the first to face that reality as he grinned to Iida and said: “Here, Iida, I’ll be your dancing lady.”
Some others snorted, but afterwards everyone paired up faster.
Midoriya couldn't help but look what Bakugo would do. He saw the fiery blond had paired up with Sero and had forcefully taken the “boy part” despite Sero’s protests that he was taller.
They went through the basic steps and spins and Midoriya found that Iida was semi-okay to dance with. Though, since he came from a rich family that shouldn’t be a surprise, those families forced most of their kids to dance classes at some point.
From what he could hear Bakugo had no such luck, because he was cursing at Sero loudly, while Sero apologized for stepping on his toes or accidentally tripping them up. Midoriya wondered how long Bakugo was willing to put up with it.
As it turned out it wasn’t long.
The first attempt to dance had just stopped and Midnight announced that they would go back to explaining before trying again.
Bakugo let Sero go as if it hurt him to hold on and scowled at the sheepish boy, before he turned to Midoriya and raised a brow, asking if Midoriya was okay with it.
It made Midoriya smile that Bakugo considered his side before yelling and he nodded back, smiling slightly. With Midoriya’s permission, Bakugo yelled: “I don’t want to dance with this shit head, he sucks. Izu, come dance with me.”
“Okay, Kacchan,” Izu agreed easily, apologizing to Iida as he switched places with Sero under the confused gazes of the class.
After gathering herself again Midnight said: “Well, if everyone is okay with that, then we’ll continue.”
There were a few whispers around them, most of them were about why Bakugo would choose Midoriya of all people and if they had heard ‘Izu’ correctly.
Midnight went on with her lesson, repeating all the steps they’d just learned and helping those who needed it.
With Izu and Kacchan dancing together, they just did the steps easily and Izu giggled at Kacchans bored face. Sure, the basics were very important and a big chunk of what you did at a competitions, but they could do much funner stuff.
So they did a few spins extra here and there, turned as they waltzed together and tried their best with their posture just to have something to do.
When Midnight came to check on them, she raised a brow and commented: “You two are doing well. I like it.”
Izu blushed brightly, while Kacchan just huffed: “Of course, I’m no longer dancing with that toe-stepper over there.”
Deciding not to engage with that comment Midnight turned back to the class and announced they would hold a mock ball and to get in position. She warned: “Another difficulty is keeping track of the other couples on the floor. Try not to bump into anyone. And have fun!”
Then she turned on the music and awkwardly the class began to dance.
Relieved that they would finally have something fun to do, Izu and Kacchan set into a simple waltz that was only slightly more difficult than what they’d just learned and glided through their classmates with more grace than one should seek in two teens.
It didn’t take long for the others to catch on that one pair – and the most surprising one at that – was doing much better than the rest. They slowly stopped their own dancing to watch them.
Kacchan was slowly upping the difficulty, dragging Izu along with him. He was faintly aware that others were giving them space, but he was more focused on Izu and the dance. Izu’s hand was heavy on his shoulder and his grin bright.
They were getting lost in their dancing.
Midnight had never seen such grace in her classes and it became clear to her that the two had been trained on a much higher level than she ever had. Curious to see what they could do and if they even would, she put on a latin song.
Unbeknownst to her the song she had picked was the one Izu and Kacchan had first started with and choreographed an elaborate routine to.
When the music started a gleam came into Kacchans eyes and Izu knew he would be pulled in too, which he gleefully did.
Both got in their starting position.
The class watched with absolute bafflement as Kacchan practically prowled around the dance floor, hips moving enticingly, while Izu twirled and teased in a manner they would have never expected of the green haired boy.
Their faces contorted as they fell into a rhythm, holding on to another and spinning away, only to be pulled close to the other again. Hand in hand, other on shoulder or back as their feet movedat a dizzying speed, everyone awed that they hadn’t stepped on the other’s foot yet.
When they were done, Kacchen unconsciously twirled Izu into the ending bow, while he bowed as well.
He hadn’t counted on actually getting the applause that they were used to, but sure enough class 1-A burst into enthusiastic cheers once they had gathered their bearings again.
Kirishima came bounding forwards, saying: “I didn’t know you could dance like that, Bakubro. So manly!”
“Tsk, of course I can,” Bakugo huffed.
“Don’t be mean, Kacchan, you know almost no one keeps up with the ballroom world,” Midoriya admonished.
“What?” Kirishima was now confused.
“Ah,” Midoriya explained, “Kacchan’s parents own a big dancing studio and they were world champions four years in a row. They’re a pretty big deal within the ballroom world, so it would make sense that Kacchan can dance, but you have know about ballroom first. Don’t worry about not knowing.”
Midoriya’s answer made the class explode again.
When they had calmed down slightly, Iida asked: “And how about you Midoriya? Where did you learn how to dance?”
“Well, uhm, my mom was friends with aun- Kacchan’smom,” he said, “They went to the same High School and uhm, you see, my- his-”
“My mom babysat because she didn’t have a boss to answer to so she could just have us with her in the studio,” Bakugo finished Midoriya’s babbling. “We learned to walk in a fucking dance studio.”
“Yeah, that,” Midoriya said awkwardly.
“Ahw, that’s so cute,” Hagakure gushed. “Are there pictures of little you?”
“No, keep out of-”
Bakugo was cut off, by Midoriya puling out his phone: “Yeah, my mom has them on her Facebook, wait a sec and I’ll look them up.”
A few of the girls leaned over his shoulder as he found the post. He grinned: “She posted this the first time we won the under 11s Junior championship. We’re eight in the second picture.”
The crowd prevented Bakugo from ripping the phone from Midoriya’s hands and he watched with a blush and slight horror as the girls cooed over the two of them.
The first picture was them smudging the mirrors with their dirty little hands. Bakugo was in an green sleeping-bag onesie, Midoriya in a orange one, both were standing for one of the first times in their life. The other was them in shiny shoes, black slacks, a neat white dress shirt and a black waistcoat with red embroidery. Their hair was slicked back and they were grinning widely, holding a trophy.
‘I’m so proud of my two little champions, how far you’ve come!’read the caption.
“You competed?” Tsu asked.
Seeing an opportunity to brag, Bakugo said: “Yeah, we started when we were 6. And from our 7thwe were undefeated in the Juvenile under 10s category and from out 8th we were undefeated in the Junior under 11s category. We competed in the under 14s as well from when we were 9, but we only won during our last competition in that category when we were 12.”
“That’s insane, dude,” Kaminari said with big eyes.
“We were good,” Bakugo shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, though he added: “Despite this shitty nerds flat dancing just now.”
“Oi, I’m not the one who had his balance wrong,” Midoriya shot back to everyone’s surprise. They had expected him to shrink under the critique, but on the dance floor the two had always been equals and Midoriya wasn’t afraid to call his partner out.
“I was not out of balance,” Bakugo pouted.
“Yes, you were, after the moving of the head part, I had to carry that bit,” Midoriya said. “You’re lucky we trained with that ballerina one time and I have good balance.” Bakugo frowned, but didn’t reply, so Midoriya smugly grinned: “Thought so.”
“Your side was still a bit flat,” Bakugo grumbled.
“I can live with that.”
With that conversation apparently done, Kirishima asked: “Why did you stop competing?”
“Yeah, Kacchan, why did we stop?” Midoriya repeated.
Bakugo looked away guiltily and said: “I didn’t want to dance anymore, because it was girly and not cool.”
“And some classmates were mean about it,” Midoriya shrugged. “I mean, it sucked, but they weren’t wrong. I was girly.”
“Izu…” Kacchan said, unsure of what his friend meant.
“It’s true, Kacchan, remember that one competition when I showed up in a dress,” Izu giggled. “I thought that one judge was going to explode.”
“The asshole one, who didn’t like we were dancing together?” Kacchan grinned. “I remember, god, that was amazing.”
“Why didn’t he like you two dancing together?” Kaminari asked.
Midoriya raised a brow, but Bakugo explained: “There are more girls than boys in dancing, so there are all girls tournaments. However, I refused to dance with anyone but Izu, so we got to compete in the normal tournaments, but they didn’t like that two boys who could have a girl dance partner were dancing together. And we were good, they also didn’t like that.”
“Which is stupid,” Midoriya added, still angry about it, “So I wore a dress as a sort of a ‘now we look like your normal pair, is that what you wanted?’ and he liked that even less.”
More people giggled at the story of little Kacchan and Izu, they almost couldn't place the two in front of them in that story, except when they looked at the grin they gave each other.
In that look you could see the two had known each other since before they could talk, you could see that there had been a time when neither wanted to leave the other’s side and when they were completely in sync.
A time that might be returning.
This whole fic is I watched the Baby Ballroomdocu on Netflix and I have nothing better to do than project my own want to learn ballroom onto characters.
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mirakumiruku · 4 years
Night Life
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bout time i posted something. hopefully it’s worth the wait! maybe i’ll make sequels with other babes if the interest is good...
Dabi/Touya x Reader Contains: Quirkless AU, Stripper!Dabi, drinking, multiple orgasms, unsafe sex WC: 4.7k Taglist: @nereida19​
The red light district was intimidating to say the least. The first time you dared to venture into the streets brimming with debauchery, you were overwhelmed by the flashing neon lights, the bass-blasted music, the stench of alcohol lingering on people’s breath and cheap perfume wafting from the clubs. 
You only made your journey to this den of earthly desires for one reason, a dancer you had heard your coworkers whispering about when they thought no one was listening. An intimidating man covered in piercings and haphazardly stitched leather, he always had the entire crowd hanging off his every move.
Needless to say, you were intrigued. 
You picked up on the name of the club, Smokescreen. It didn’t take too much digging to find the address and hours of operation, it was deep in the city and while it was open for drinks starting at 9pm, the shows didn’t start until midnight.
You didn’t know when the dancer was going to go on, so you figured you may as well turn up for the first show and wait until you saw the man your coworkers had chatted about.
The lineup was interesting to say the least, but you could tell that each dancer had their fans, based on the walk they would do around the edge of the stage by the end of each of their sets, picking up the various bills for 100, 500, 1,000 yen. An energetic man with a mop of electric purple hair; a duo of a shy, muscular blond and a bubbly young woman with her hair in twin buns; a man that had come out in a mask that had tossed his top hat into the crowd at the start of his routine. Each would step onto the stage, put on an impressive show for their fans, then head backstage to get redressed before making their way out to the bar where there was a handful of people offering to buy them drinks.
It was getting late and you were starting to feel your drinks before a bass-heavy song with low electric guitar blared out of the speakers, and the lights dimmed. Figuring this seemed interesting, you picked up your drink and made your way to the proper stage area, where a crowd was gathering once more, far larger than those for the other performers.
The man that stepped out was tall, even without the high-heeled leather boots whose tops disappeared under the hem of his long leather trench coat.
The DJ announced the dancer’s name– Dabi –as he approached the pole at the center of the stage. His walk was leisurely, almost lazy, and a blue spotlight followed him down his path.
A hush fell over the crowd when he stopped, his hands coming to rest at the collar of his coat, only to cause an uproar when he ripped the coat off and tossed it behind him. Now you could see his deep crimson tank top, his skin-tight leather pants, his boots that only ended halfway up his thigh. He stood for a moment, basking in the squeals and bills that were already being tossed his way, before he finally got to work.
You almost couldn’t hear the cheering crowd around you, nor the blaring music as you watched the way he interacted with the cold metal, the way his hands gripped the chrome until his knuckles turned white, or how he held onto it with his muscular thighs as he flipped upside down. You swore that when he stuck his tongue out between his spread fingers, showing off his tongue piercing that glinted in the spotlight, his dazzling turquoise eyes met yours.
Though, you were sure that everyone else in the crowd was sure of the same thing. 
Halfway through the routine he ripped off his top, tossing it into the crowd where it somehow landed in your hands. Some of the people around you clamored for it, but you held tightly to the dark red fabric without taking your eyes off Dabi. He was practically sparkling, from a combination of the various piercings that littered his body and the sheen of sweat that was visible on his skin. 
The show was over far sooner than you would like, and Dabi ended his routine balancing himself in an upside down split, his chest notably heaving as the sweat dripped down his forehead. You pushed your way to the front to wave a 2,000 yen bill as Dabi made his way around the edge of the stage. He gladly took it, giving you a wink as he stuffed the bill in the waist of his pants. You thought you saw his eyes glint as they darted over the torn fabric in your hand, but it must have just been a trick of the light. 
You found yourself back at the bar in a haze while Dabi collected his coat, making room for another blond decked in yellow and red. You ordered yourself another drink, gladly accepting it when the bartender slid it across the counter. You really didn’t realize how warm it had gotten in there. 
Just as you pulled out some cash to pay for the drink, you felt a nudge against your shoulder and a deep voice came from behind you. “It’s on me, Kurogiri.” Your jaw fell open as a familiar leather jacket slid in next to you, elbows coming to rest on the counter. “Gotta give our new customers a warm welcome, yeah?” The man behind the counter, Kurogiri, gave a silent nod before going off to fill some other orders.
“I-I’d think that I should be buying you a drink…” You said with a nervous chuckle, swirling the liquid in your glass before taking a sip.
“Nah, you’re way prettier than I am. Besides,” Dabi gave a nod to Kurogiri as the barkeep slid a glass towards him, “I get plenty of free drinks, sweetheart. I don’t need another.”
You gave a nod, taking another swig of your own drink, your eyes not leaving Dabi as he downed half the glass in one go.
“So what brings ya here? I think I’d recognize such a cute face if you’d been here before.” Dabi shot a playful wink in your direction, and you were thankful that the dim lights hid your blush. 
“Some… friends were talking about this place.” You took another sip, “About you, specifically.”
“Oh yeah? What’d they say?”
“Um…” You ran your finger around the rim of your glass, “Th-that you were hot, and the best dancer they’d seen.”
“And? Do you agree with them?”
Your face heated up a little more, and you gave a slight nod. “Mhm.”
“Good.” Dabi finished off his drink, “I’m headin’ to the back rooms for a smoke, care to join me?”
Part of you couldn’t believe that he actually asked you that, you tried to reason with yourself that no, he was just trying to be polite. 
But while you were thinking, your body moved of its own volition to follow Dabi to a door labeled “employees only”, drawing envious looks from the others at the bar.
You blinked a few times to adjust to the bright fluorescent lighting of the back hall, a big contrast from the low lights in the bar. The hall had only a few doorways, one open and leading to the group dressing room, another leading to the stage, a third to the kitchen, and a fourth was a staircase up to the second floor.
Dabi led you up the stairs and down another hall, finally stopping to open a door and waving you into a small bedroom.
“I didn’t know clubs provided housing like this…” You mumbled, standing awkwardly beside the door as Dabi stepped inside, picking up a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the bedside table.
“They don’t usually. I’m just renting this one from the owner.” He opened a window before lighting the cigarette, taking a drag and letting the smoke slowly out of his nose. “I don’t think we got introduced properly. What’s your name?”
“Pleasure to meet you, (Y/N). I’m Touya.”
“I thought you were Dabi?”
“What kind of idiot would use his real name for stripping?” Touya snorted, taking another puff off his cigarette.
“Yeah, guess you have a point…” You chuckled and finished off your drink, then set the glass on the bedside table. 
Touya took a seat on his bed, and you sat across from him in a dining chair. The two of you let the silence hang in the air for a moment, before he broke the silence once more.
“So what were you lookin’ for down here, anyway? No one’s really ‘just curious’.”
“What do you mean?” You tried to avoid his piercing blue eyes and teasing smirk.
“I mean that everybody’s got some kinda motive. So what’s yours? For most people they just wanna put a wrench in their one-note life by throwing some paper at a half-naked dancer, but… I’m gonna assume that you aren’t so simple.”
“What do you mean…?” You gave Touya a curious look, your eyebrows knitting together and your lips drawing into a pout.
“I mean that if you were just trying to mix it up for a night, you probably would’ve said no to coming into my bedroom.” Smoke poured out from between Touya’s teeth as he gave you a grin, “But… I’m nothing if not a gentleman. So if you really don’t want anything else, I’m happy to take you back downstairs.”
Your face flushed bright red, but you shook your head from side to side. 
Touya nodded, tapping his cigarette on an ashtray, “Good, been a while since I had a good lay, especially with a cute thing like you.” He shot you a mischievous wink before nodding to a minifridge near you.
“I’ve got some beers in there, you can make yourself at home while I finish this cig off, yeah?”
You didn’t have to be told twice, so you leaned over and opened the fridge, pulling out the bottle nearest to the front, along with the opener that sat atop the fridge itself. Dabi grabbed one for himself, holding it in his free hand while the ashes crept down the white paper. You were grateful that he had opened the window, knowing that you probably would be coughing up a storm if he hadn’t. You normally didn’t think of cigarettes as being ‘sexy’, believing them to be more odorous and irritating at best, but something about the way Touya pursed his lips around it as he took a breath in, and his soft sigh as he released the smoke through his nose or slightly parted mouth had you reeling over the sight.
“You never answered my question.” He finally drawled as he put out the last remaining smolders of his cigarette on the beat up ashtray. 
“What was that again?” You hummed, taking a swig from the bottle in your hand.
“What’d you really come here for?”
“I was bored,” You mumbled, watching the brown liquid slosh in the bottle as you swirled it. “And lonely. Figured I could just pretend for the night.”
“Pretend what?”
‘That someone as hot as you might even look my way normally. If I wasn’t in part paying your bills.” You laughed, and the corner of Touya’s lip quirked up in response.
“I mean, you don’t have to pretend, sweetheart. There have been plenty that have thrown money my way and they’ve never managed to get under my skin, let alone between my sheets.”
Your cheeks flushed, and you quickly averted your eyes from the intense teal gaze. “So… what, then? Is it out of pity or something?”
“No, idiot.” He took a swig of his drink, “It’s because you’re fuckin’ sexy.” He smirked at you, his lids lowering, “Even if you are a little dense.” He barked out a laugh, setting his bottle aside as he fought to capture your suddenly bashful gaze. “What? You think I’m lying? If I wasn’t, why do you think I brought you up here?” He stood up and took a stride closer to you, then took a handful of your hair to force your line of sight onto him. “I could get any bitch I wanted, and I don’t particularly like wasting my time.” He leaned down, pressing a hungry kiss to your lips, and leaving a string of saliva between the two of you when he pulled away. “So why would I have bothered if you weren’t the hottest piece of ass in that bar?”
Your breath caught in your chest as you stared up at Touya, eyes blown wide and the taste of tobacco lingering on your lips. As much as you wanted to keep questioning why he’d go for someone as plain as you… it would be stupid to pass up an opportunity like this.
Questioning could wait for later.
Before you could even cement the idea in your head, you were already pulling Touya down by the collar into another fervent kiss, managing to take him by surprise.
He took it in stride, though. He straddled your hips, his leather-bound bulge pressing expertly against your own clothed sex, drawing a moan out of you. He started to move his hips in a fluid motion, and he moved to press your head into his chest. If this weren’t your first lap dance, it surely would’ve been the best. 
With your face buried in between his pecs, his scent was strong, even under the cigarette smell. You could still catch whiffs of cologne and the sweat he had built up on the stage, and you let your tongue emerge from between your lips to lave against the fabric.
“Naughty little thing, huh?” Touya hummed, giving your hair a gentle tug. “Haven’t even started yet and you’re already acting like a grade A slut~”
He pulled away far sooner than you would’ve liked, standing up to his full height and dragging you along by the collar of your shirt. He backed up towards the bed, taking a seat on it and pulling you into his lap. 
You were immediately on him once more, burying your face in his neck, leaving behind kisses and licks, desperately taking in his intoxicating scent.
“No marks, sweetheart. Can’t break the illusion, yeah?” Touya delivered a sharp smack to your ass, “I might have to punish you if you do.”
Part of you wanted to know what this punishment would be, wanted to leave his neck covered in bright purple bite marks that would be near impossible to cover with concealer. But… you could be patient for now, you could give into your desires and reap your punishment next time.
Well, assuming there is a next time. You’d have to see how tonight goes.
The two of you began shedding your clothes, they were only a wrapping for the real prize after all. You watched hungrily as Touya revealed his piercings and soft pale skin; shiny metal rings were pierced through each of his nipples, which earned you a gasp when you gave the pink flesh a gentle tug.
Touya retaliated with a tug on your own nipples once all the barriers were removed, and your legs quivered at his rumbling laugh.
You removed your pants and underwear first, gasping softly as the cold air hit your dripping sex, which Touya quickly warmed up by circling two of his fingers over your clit. 
Once he deemed you ready, he started to unbutton and unzip his pants. The leather didn’t leave much to the imagination, but you were still surprised and a little intimidated by his size, but the real star of the show was the row of shining silver piercings that ran up the underside of his cock in a Jacob’s ladder. Part of you wondered how that could possibly be comfortable against the pole, but you were mostly thinking about what they would feel like rubbing against your velvety walls. 
“What do you think, babydoll?” Touya hummed, his hand tangling in your hair as you sank to your knees in front of him, admiring the metal that sat snugly against his skin.
Instead of responding, you leaned forward and licked up the column of piercings, eliciting a low moan from the man above you.
“Ah, fuck…~” He groaned softly, tugging gently on your hair. You purred in response, sucking at the head of his cock and licking away the precum with the tip of your tongue. “You really are fuckin’ cute,” Touya mumbled, his voice low and gravely with arousal. “But you already know that, huh?”
You smirked up at him, wordlessly answering his question, before diving back in to shower his length in kisses and kitten licks. Touya took your ministrations with a surprisingly calm air, the only giveaways being the hitching in his breath, and the single bead of sweat that ran down the side of his face.
You started slowly kissing, licking, and nibbling up his body. Over the thin white happy trail and abs that looked carved marble, taking care to tease at his pierced nipples as you continue your journey up over his chest, to his neck, then finally pressing a heated kiss to his lips. 
He growled softly into the kiss, grabbing you by your thighs and pulling you into his lap. You ground your slit against him, gasping when the piercings caught on your clit, sending shocks of white-hot pleasure through your body. You lined yourself up, your dripping cunt grazing over the flushed pink head, only to find yourself being flipped over onto the sheets.
“Patience, sweetheart.” Touya hummed, positioning himself between your thighs and pinning you to the mattress with his hands on your hips. “I dunno who you’ve been with, and I don’t really care, cus I’m gonna make sure I’m the best lay you’ve ever had.” He smirked, one hand ghosting over your skin to trace his fingers over your opening. “First you’re gonna cum on my fingers, then on my tongue, and only then will you get to cum on my cock.” He licked his lips, grinning when he heard the sound of your walls clenching around nothing. “That’s assuming you’re still conscious, that is. Wanna make sure you’re awake for all of it.”
With that he sunk two fingers into your waiting pussy, humming in content as your doughy insides clung to the digits, and smirking at the sweet mewl that made its way out of your lips.
Your eyes fluttered closed at the sudden intrusion, your hips canting up from the bed only to be held down by Touya’s other hand. His skin was sweltering against your own, and you could already feel the sweat beading on your forehead.
“So fuckin’ cute…” Touya purred, curling his fingers to pet against the spongy spot just inside of you. He drank up your needy moans in a feverish kiss, taking your panting mouth as an opportunity to run his tongue along yours. Normally you would’ve cringed at the pungent taste of cigarettes still on his mouth, but something in your arousal-addled mind loved it, savoring his signature taste. 
Touya was clearly experienced with his hands, the way he ground his thumb over your clit and thrusted his middle and ring finger inside you, making sure he attacked the spot that made you see stars. 
You panted when he pulled away, the tip of your tongue hanging out of our mouth as if trying to chase his own. 
“You’re really needy, aren’t you, babydoll?” Touya cooed, his free hand coming up to cup your chin and thumb at your lower lip. “What’s the matter, haven’t had someone take care of you like this before?”
You shook your head, any memories of past lays fleeting from your mind as all that could occupy your thoughts was the man above you.
“Good. I’d hate to be anything but the best,” He punctuated his words with a quick kiss to your lips, “Especially for such a sweet thing like you.” 
You whined and tried to chase his lips with your own, the knot of pleasure in your stomach growing tighter and tighter with each harsh thrust of Touya’s fingers, forcing desperate moans from your mouth.
All it took was Touya’s predatory smile and a pinch to your swollen clit to get you to squeal, the edges of your vision turning white and your back arching off the bed with your orgasm. 
“Mmh, you really are cute when you cum, huh babydoll?” Touya purred, pulling his fingers out and pressing them into your open, panting mouth. You eagerly sucked at them, eliciting a groan from Touya as your drool dripped onto his palm. 
You whined at the loss when he pulled his fingers from your mouth, wiping your saliva off on the sheet. “Don’t get all loopy on me now, sweetheart. I’m nowhere near done with you.” 
You squeaked in surprise as your hips left the mattress, and again as Touya’s breath ghosted over your sensitive heat.
“Ready for round two, babydoll?~”
Even if you wanted to say no, the way Touya dragged his tongue over your slit made you think that he wouldn’t take that for an answer anyway.
He was slower now that he was devouring your sex, his sinful tongue lapping over your ower lips and dripping entrance, drawing squeals out of you every time his silver piercing flicked over your clit. 
Your hands immediately found purchase in Touya’s hair, drawing a purr out of him as your fingers carded through his locks that had been so clearly damaged from all the dye and gel over the years. You couldn’t bring yourself to care about its scratchy texture though, not when it was only serving as a handle to bring that wicked mouth further into your core. 
Touya purred into your sex, tongue probing against throbbing walls with practiced ease and fingers rubbing over your clit in tight, adept circles. You clamped your thighs down around Touya’s ears at a particularly pleasurable lap, and as much as he hated having your sweet sounds muffled, he was more than pleased with your warm skin pressing tightly to his own, pulling him even closer in. A sign of exactly how much pleasure he was bringing you. 
You couldn’t take your eyes off Touya, not when his beautiful turquoise orbs were staring so intently at your flushed-red face, at your pouting lips and the tongue darting from between them. 
Your jaw hung open as you panted and blubbered out moans and nonsensical fragments of sentences, pleads for ‘more’ and praise for Touya’s masterful ministrations. 
You were so focused on the Adonis between your legs, you hardly even noticed your end nearing until it was too late, until you were already feeling the white-hot pleasure coursing through your veins and you were tossing your head back from the force of it all.
Of course, Touya lapped up all of your slick, purring at the taste and making sure he didn’t stop until you came down fully.
Once your thighs dropped from around his ears, Touya managed to pry himself away and crawl up onto the bed, caging you in with his hands planted on either side of your head. 
“Still with me, baby?”
You slowly nodded, only to feel a calloused hand at your chin, pulling you to face him directly.
“I’m gonna need a ‘yes’ if you want me to keep going.”
“Y-yes, Touya…” You breathed, leaning into his surprisingly tender touch.
“Good,” He purred, swiping his thumb over your lower lip. “Wanna make sure you’re here to get the full experience, y’know?” He smirked when he saw your miniscule nod, “Besides, it’s not fun for me unless you’re all there, screaming my name, begging for more…” His voice lowered to a growl right into your ear, right before he was delivering a playful nip to your earlobe. 
You could feel Touya’s hard cock against your quivering sex, the piercings dragging along your clit and sending near-electric shocks through your lower body. 
“Ready, babydoll?” Touya whispered in your ear, lining up the head of his cock with the entrance to your heat.
As soon as the breathy “yes,” escaped your lips, Touya thrust his hips forward. He only buried a few inches inside you, but it ripped a pleased gasp from you anyway. 
He was gentle as he slowly speared you open, drawing sweet moans from your sweet, pouty lips with each centimeter of his length. The piercings that ran down his cock produced a delicious drag against your walls, heightening the experience even further. 
Once he was fully seated inside you, Touya lowered his forehead to press against yours, his heavy breathing apparent as he gazed into your eyes, waiting for your signal. At your subtle nod, and your murmur of ‘please’, he pulled out at a torturously slow pace. Just before you could whine for more, his hips snapped back into you. 
He set a relatively gentle pace to start with, the slap of skin on skin and both of your heavy breaths being the only noise audible above the music from the club below. 
It was only when you whined out pleas for more, Touya, more that he finally picked up the pace, much to your relief. His hands held your sides in a bruising grip, and he leaned down to capture your lips in a fervent kiss.
You could taste yourself on his tongue, along with the lingering flavor of alcohol and cigarettes. A normally unappealing combination, but since it was Touya, you devoured it that much more. 
His cock felt burning hot inside you as your plush insides clung to him, the piercings dragging along your sensitive areas, distracting you from Touya’s wandering hand landing on your clit. He rubbed small circles into the bundle of nerves, earning a gasp and a moan from you. 
No matter how many times you had been with others or played with yourself, you had never felt this full. Each time Touya’s hips retreated, you couldn’t help the disappointed whine as you were emptied, even if only for a second. 
“T-Touya, I…~” Your voice came out high and breathy, jostled by the steady gyration of Touya’s hips.
“Getting close, sweetheart?~” He cooed, pressing a coy kiss to your nose. “I can tell, the way you’re milking my cock like that…” His voice delves into a growl, his eyes shutting as he presses his forehead to yours. “You really know how to get me riled up, huh, babe?”
Your mouth hung open, puffing out breathy moans each time Touya pistoned his hips into you. His hands were all over your body, circling your clit, pinching your nipples, holding your hips tight enough to leave bruises. He paid attention to your neck, pierced lips ghosting over the sensitive skin, leaving tiny kisses, nips, and licks. He was careful, not leaving any bruises above the collar. He obviously knew what he was doing.
All his ministrations sent the knot in your stomach winding even tighter, and you could feel yourself nearing your edge, when before you knew it you were already falling over it.
White-hot pleasure filled your veins, sending your head back as you let out a cry of orgasmic bliss, your tongue hanging from your grin. You held Touya close, arms wrapping over his shoulders and legs over his hips, keeping his thrusts shallow as he neared his own edge. He let out his own feral growl as he reached his own limit, and you felt his spunk filling you, leaving a pleasant warm sensation in your stomach.
“Shit…” Touya mumbled, though he made no move to get up. “You’re on the pill, right?”
You nod, and he breathes a sigh of relief. 
“Thank god…” He groaned, slowly pulling his softening cock from your heat and laying down beside you.
“What?” You shoot him a tired, but playful smile. “Am I not cute enough to have a kid with?”
“Nah,” He hummed, pulling you so your back rested against his chest, “Just don’t think I’m able to pay child support, y’know?” He laughed, prompting a giggle of your own.
“Makes sense…” You rested your head back, leaning into Touya’s hand as he played with your locks. 
“Maybe if you keep visiting, something can be arranged~” Touya purred, leaving a nip on the shell of your ear.
“Maybe so…”
Normally, the night life wasn’t for you. But if it meant seeing Touya…
Maybe you could make an exception.
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Stuck in reverse - pt 3
Neil x Reader
Chapter 3: Bad guy
(<- see Chapter 2)
(<- see Chapter 1)
summary: you and Neil end up on an undercover mission together, but what should you do with all that free time?
warnings: alcohol consumption, blood mention, swearing
author’s note: this one surprisingly works as a standalone fic as well, I had  fun writing playful banter and flirting, hope you enjoy it!
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It was a chilly evening, but it wasn’t bothering you. You inhaled a cold air deep into your lungs.
That’s more like it.
You really enjoyed the thrill of being on a mission, when you could lock all the bullshit deep inside and just focus on a task ahead: quick undercover scout of the location, then stopping a local kingpin from acquiring some inverted materials. You could already feel all your senses sharpening, you were ready for the hunt.
You heard Neil’s footsteps behind you. You glanced over your shoulder and smirked.
“Aww, no tie?” you teased, trying not to laugh as you watched the hint of confusion on his face.
“Nothing, you not wearing one on a..." – you cleared your throat - "...night out used to be a rare sight, that’s all.”
You didn’t mind though.
Neil blinked twice and crossed his arms. “Oh I’m sorry, should I go and change now?” He looked you up and down, a shade of smile tinted his lips. “I wouldn’t want to be under-dressed.”
“What, you don’t like my converse?” you huffed and mirrored his pose. “Hey, I enjoy a good pair of heels, just can’t save the day wearing them.”
“Fair enough,” he said and smiled, tilting his head and looking at you with those playful sparks in his eyes. “You look amazing.”
You raised one eyebrow and chuckled. “So do you. Now... shall we?”
The loud music hit you as soon as you entered the club, the bass blasting in your eardrums. While you were trying to mentally match the club’s layout from the brief to the actual location, Neil reached to his pocket for the phone. After few seconds he tapped you on a shoulder and showed you the screen with a message from Ives: “Uncle Bob is running late – looks like an hour, so have fun.”
You nodded and pointed at the bar. “Drinks?” you mouthed. No point in yelling, he couldn’t hear you anyway.
By the time you reached the counter, you already spotted eight security guards in various locations inside the hall, two of them trying to remain undercover in their civilian clothes.
Neil leaned against the bar.
“Nine,” he said, looking at you for confirmation.
You positioned yourself close to him so nobody could eavesdrop. The music was still annoyingly loud. You knew everyone entering the club was carefully examined at the entrance and that the club’s security was paying close attention to anyone behaving suspiciously, they weren’t willing to take any chances, especially that night. You were more than happy that Neil was your partner for that mission – you trusted him enough to just roll with anything the situation might require to remain unnoticed.
“Huh, I have eight, who did I miss?”
Neil gave you a half-smile.“The redhead at the end of the counter,” he said.
You didn’t even have to look at that direction, you knew exactly which one he meant. You smacked your lips, annoyed at your poor judgement.
“Damn, she’s hot,” - you nudged him lightly - “you sure she wasn’t just checking you out because of how incredibly handsome you are?”
“One hundred percent,” Neil laughed dryly.
“Nine then. Excuse me,” - you waved at the bartender to get their attention- “one gin&tonic and one vodka tonic.” You could hear Neil’s chuckle, so you shot a quick look at your partner. “Two can play that game, my dear.”
The smug expression on his face definitely made your heartbeat increase its pace. You shook your head and tried to stifle a giggle.
When your drinks arrived, you switched to a meaningless small talk, so no one would bother you while you were focused on locating things that might give you any advantage later on. There was still over half an hour of time left and you felt that you need to move to cover more ground, but you couldn’t just get up and walk around without drawing too much attention to yourself. Then you heard a familiar melody and gasped at that perfect excuse.
“Hey, wanna dance?” you grinned at Neil, your hips already swaying to the rhythm.
He pointed at his half-full drink. “Go ahead, I’ll join you in a bit.”
The dance floor was an excellent vantage point, you spotted two more guards hanging out at the back near the entrance to the VIP lounge. You let the music run through you, it almost felt like every part of your body was vibrating with that insane bass. You noticed Neil staring at you from across the room, but that only boosted your self-confidence. You knew you were good at this and it surely felt nice.
The song switched to something new, so you went back to the bar. You wanted to tease Neil about just sitting there instead of joining you but someone tapped your shoulder.
“Eyyy sexy, can I buy ya a drink?”
You turned your head and saw a guy smiling slyly from his seat. A quick look told you enough: a random stranger, pretty drunk, one of those business douches who considered themselves gods.
“No, thanks,” you replied, turning your back to him to strengthen the message.
“Come on, one drink!” he insisted. And then he grabbed your arm.
You could hear Neil’s glass clanking against a counter a bit too hard, but you were quicker. With one swift move you grabbed a toothpick from an abandoned drink next to you and pressed it against man’s thigh, hard enough for him to feel pain, but not hard enough to break the skin. He yelped and his eyes widened.
“Touch me one more time, I dare you,” your voice was dripping with sugar, but your eyes were deadly serious. “No means no, you twat, now piss off!”
The man squirmed and raised his hands in a defensive way. “Okay, okay,” he hissed and stood up. “Fucking bitch.”
You realized you were holding your breath the entire time, so you forced yourself to inhale and turned back to Neil. Your partner’s expression was a mixture of concern and amusement, so you let out a nervous laugh and ran the fingers though your hair.
“What’s wrong with those guys, I swear,” you shook your head, disgusted. You checked the time, 20 minutes.
Neil finished his drink and leaned your way. “Redhead and baldie over there have been watching the whole thing, come on,” - he said and reached out his hand - “I owe you a dance.”
You took Neil’s hand and followed him to the dance floor. You both knew you had to put on a bit of a show to keep the suspicion off your backs.
The rhythm of the song playing was a bit slower than before, the mood was heavier, made you think about a hot summer night. You could feel the bass pulsing in your veins, your heartbeat slowly getting in sync with it. Neil’s eyes found yours, you felt his gentle touch on your hand. You remembered he was a good dancer. He wasn’t a party beast, far from it, actually, but damn, seeing him move always made you swoon. That night was no different. Your bodies tuned to each other instantly, on one hand that was a familiar feeling, on the other- ...something changed, but you couldn’t put your finger on it yet, and to be honest, you didn’t really care in that moment. For the next few minutes nothing else mattered anymore, there was no mission, no past, no guilt. Only Neil and you, lost in the music, in each other’s closeness, in the rising warmth between the two of you.
Someone bumped into your back, making you lose your balance and fall into Neil’s arms.
“I've got you,” he said softly right into your ear.
His warm breath on your neck sent shivers down your spine and made you forget how to speak for a second. You pulled back to look at him and smiled, your heart singing in your chest.
With the corner of your eye you noticed a sudden change in the security’s behavior. Go time.
Neil must have seen the same thing, because he nodded and guided you back to the bar. The next few moments were crucial, but you already had a plan. You winked at Neil, took his hand and began to lightly stroke his long fingers. Then you got the bartender’s attention.
“Hey, settle this for us, we were wondering if you have any...” - you intertwined your fingers with Neil’s - “...tenets about PDA here,” you said, biting your lip at the sudden touch of Neil’s hand on your waist.
The bartender rolled their eyes and slid a glass of water your way. You could see a shiny metal object under the glass.
“Not really, but I recommend avoiding the main lobby,” they laughed and turned to the next customer.
You exchanged a quick look with Neil. So they are switching the swap location. With his hand still on your waist, he pulled you a bit closer, raising the other hand and slowly tucking a part of your hair behind your ear. That gave you enough time to get the key and hide it in his pocket.
You made your way to the toilet area of the club, where the storage was supposed to be. You maneuvered around the guards playing a tipsy couple, giggling and leaning on each other, not so different from other party couples around you. There were less people next to the storage, thank the Universe, you couldn’t proceed with the mission without getting your stuff first. Neil took the key and opened the lock, he was about to press the handle when you spotted another guard coming your way. You grabbed Neil by the front of his shirt and pulled him your way, slamming your back against the wall painfully. Your eyes locked with his. You buried your face in the crook of his neck. Neil’s hand grazed your hip, the other one, holding the key, slid behind your back. You closed your eyes so you could focus on the sound of footsteps around you, trying to tune out the overwhelming scent of Neil’s cologne.
“I think we’re clear,” he said in a husky voice.
You decided not to comment on it, focusing on leveling your own breath.
Neil entered the storage and you followed him, quickly closing the door behind you. You found your gear hidden in one of the boxes at the back of the room: a lockbox with a laptop, a pair of pistols, silencers, ammo, walkies, a backpack and two bulletproof vests. You opened the computer and ran a program, connecting it to the club’s security system and allowing it to access all the cameras in the building. Meanwhile, Neil got final instructions from Ives and checked the guns. The meeting had already begun. You watched two men carefully examining the contents of a black suitcase. There. Some of the parts dropped back into their hands. What the hell did they need it for?
Neil tossed you your vest, already equipped with everything you needed. Then you had to trigger some silent alarms to smoke the bastards out of that place, but without scaring the civilians in the club. The less people outside, the better. You tapped few command lines into the software and watched the guards outside the transaction room jump at their places, one of them going inside to alert the bosses, the other one rushing to check for the intruders.
You packed all your things to the backpack and gave it to Neil. He pushed three boxes together so you could easily reach the small window near the ceiling, allowing you both to drop in the back alley.
Clear. You jumped down quietly and ran towards the back entrance, where you expected some company. Neil was right behind you, taking cover at the other side of the door. 3...2...1.
The door opened with a loud thud and you grabbed the first man that went through them. He didn’t put up much of a fight, bless his soul.
The next one was quite a different story.
Same as all the others after him.
Next thing you knew, you were ducking into cover behind some dumpster, shots being fired in your direction.
“Just like old times, huh?” Neil laughed as he joined you a moment later, hitting his back against the dumpster. There was a moment of silence and he wanted to get up, but you grabbed his arm and shook your head.
Two more shots.
Why does nobody count?
You focused your fire at two remaining guards while your partner ran after a guy trying to escape with the inverted materials. Poor bastard didn’t have a chance. Neil shot him in the leg long before he could reach a car parked at the end of the alley.
You made sure none of the guards remained a threat and you joined Neil near the knocked-out man.
“Took you long enough,” you said, looking around for any witnesses. Luckily, the street was empty, thanks to late hour and the work of Ives and the rest of the team, of course.
“You told me to wait!” Neil scoffed, checking out the suitcase. Everything seemed to be in place.
“And you’re welcome.”
You wiped the sweat from your forehead and hissed from the sudden pain. You looked at your fingers. Blood.
Neil jumped on his feet, clearly worried.
“Y/N, your brow...” he raised his hand as if he wanted to examine your wound, but he hesitated. He placed it on your shoulder instead and looked into your eyes. “You okay?”
You put your hand on his chest and smiled reassuringly. “I’m fine Neil, what about you?”
Neil nodded and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug.
You noticed your team’s car approaching from the distance.
(next Chapter ->)
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