#I dunno go watch ENA or something
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sketchiefoxie · 5 months ago
Guess who was watching out of context ENA videos, and is now saying the word turrón on repeat?
*vibrates and evaporates out of existence*
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aeondeug · 4 years ago
list 10 different female faves from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people
@wolffyluna left it open to whoever felt like it and I need a break between class and studying so...let’s go in no particular order... 1. Jame from The Chronicles of the Kencyrath. For a lot of reasons, really. Jame is just kind of...A mood? And one I personally really have needed. She’s like very much not a girly girl, but she’s still got like girly concerns and also she rides a death metal unicorn and she has a cat she is magically bonded to. Jame is very much a little girl power fantasy kind of character, but she’s also like deeply fucked up due to her very fucked up upbringing. And the handling of said mental issues and trauma is handled really well and in a Very Real sort of way. Jame’s also just fun and cute and hot and she falls off of something once a book at least. Also a character, a woman at that, whose method of helping things is breaking stuff? While also challenging the fact that choices are hard and your best intentions might still fuck shit up? Hell yeah. Go Jame. 2. Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb Trilogy. THE NEWEST FAV OF THE BUNCH. She’s goth. She’s a nun. She’s gay. She’s a necromancer. This is all very good shit alone. But then there is like the sort of person Harrow is. And Harrow is the sort of girl who will go days without sleep and break a bone and be like “Well I got a test today...” before downing 15 Red Bulls and taking some pain killers before going to class. Then she will get an A on the test and be a fuck about that. She’s mean, she’s got an ego, she’s weird and standoffish. But like she hates herself and she’s like weirdly repressed in certain ways and she’s neglected as shit. I love this awful bone witch 10/10 would watch her kick Griddle in the face again. 3. Soifon from Bleach. She’s angry. She’s short. She’s wasp themed. Also like the entirety of her story in the Soul Society arc is this like...It’s the aftermath of your typical S narrative, except the little sister and big sister were highly trained murder ninjas from the afterlife. Also one turns into a cat. Soifon’s just kind of a mood and she’s fun and she’s got a lot of potential for fans to play around with, both seriously and jokingly. Also like Soifon’s bookending is just...It works really well I feel like. Honestly, Soifon’s arcs in general are fun things and they’re good shows of what the narrative strengths of Bleach are and where they are. 4. Edelgard von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I have written over 80 poems involving this woman. I have written essays about her. El and her deal with trauma just...Hits right in a lot of ways. Also I appreciate having like an abuse survivor who is a woman who like...Doesn’t just lie down and take shit? And I appreciate that we can see what an Edelgard who doesn’t start recovering becomes versus what an Edelgard who does start recovering is like. We get to see both sides of this in one character. She can be both a hero and a monster. And that’s just really important to see when you’re an abuse survivor with BPD. I also really appreciate that she’s just such a cute goober about romance? Like El’s a romantic. She wants a fairy tale romance and a happily ever after. That’s cute as fuck. 5. Zero from Force of Will. Is Force of Will’s story awkward trash? Yeah. It is. But I love this grumpy gay vampire bitch so much. She is a gay vampire wizard who is married to a gay elf and her magic is at its most potent when she is pissed the fuck off. Good shit. She’s also the ruler behind my absolute favorite deck in the entire game and like in a tcg in general? She’s scrappy and annoying and hard to get rid off and she’ll tell you “No” a lot while also hitting you very hard in the face. I like that. It’s fun and can make people feel helpless against it. Which I think works well with her character? Her rulers also never work well with her wife’s, which I find a funny way of representing that they argue a lot via gameplay mechanics. 6. Houjou Satoko from Higurashi. A lot of people say she’s irritating and the worst character and you know what? That’s fair. Satoko is annoying. She’s a huge fucking brat. But like. I dunno. I get why she is. And she’s the first time I can think of where I saw like the way kids can and will sabotage attempts to get CPS involved in their situation portrayed. Like she knows she’s being abused and she knows that shit sucks and would like it to not suck, but she still sabotages her friends’ attempts to get the authorities involved because she knows what happens when the authorities can’t get you out. I’ve got a complicated relationship with CPS, due to my experiences with it as a kid. The arc where they come this close to saving her and fail is the most soul crushing fucking thing. 7. Tsukino Usagi from Sailor Moon. So like with Jame this is partly a case of like a girl who is very authentically girl. She cries a lot and easily. She’s kind of lazy as hell. She wants to just laze about and eat shit food and read comics and play games. But she also like wants to have a fairy tale romance and like. Fuck that’s a mood. Like that’s it. That’s what being a girl is like! Authentically a girl! Also there’s just something very satisfying about Usagi getting so fucking sad that the universe just outright apologizes to her basically and brings a dead girl back to life. Is it realistic? No. But I don’t care. Sometimes you just want reality to listen to you and your feelings. 8. ENA from...ENA. ENA’s rapid and extreme mood swings are like. They’re cool. I mean not cool cool but like. I’ve got BPD so like seeing extreme mood shifts like that is cool. Also she’s fucking rad as hell looking and in a really weird ass series of shorts? With hourglass dogs and turrónes and what not. I find ENA hard to describe. Just go watch Auction Day. 9. Fate Testarossa from Nanoha. Starts out a highly abused child and then ends up a gay mom. Fate’s just a really sweet person and she cares a lot. And I really like that she like has a weird complicated relationship with her mom. Like she knows the woman hated her and she knows that they way she was abused was shit but like...She does still love her mom. A lot. And what happened to her affects the entire trajectory of her life from that point on. Hell, she fucking chooses her career path as like a space cop for the express purpose of making sure that there aren’t any other Fate Testarossas made. Fate’s a character who is affected heavily by her trauma, but she’s not stuck in her trauma. She’s not destroyed by it. But it still very much impacts her life and it’s never going away. 10. Remilia Scarlet from Touhou. She’s a fucking vampire what the fuck else do I need? She’s like one of those eternal child vampires too so she’s a fucking brat who tries to act cool and refined. But really she’s like a dumb kid in a lot of ways. She still tries to be an adult though. There’s a lot of fun ways you can handle Remilia. A lot of fun ways that people have written her. That’s part of the fun of Touhou in general, really. Remi’s just my favorite of the Touhous because she’s a bratty vampire with a Dio reference maid. Also have you seen her blocking animation from Hisoutensoku? Because if not you fucking should. It’s great. anyway. whoever else wants to do this go for it i guess.
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kitariauthor · 5 years ago
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And then there was seven.
//Soooo this has been sitting in my WIPS since the dawn of time. I’m trying to do most of them but taking enough breaks in between as well.
This happens after they find Ryo again in his route and manage to get him back. 
Basically what happens is that while Ryo’s heading down with the guys to the stage, a bunch of reporters swarm the guy (some dude gave em a tip off I dunno) asking if he was Ryo.
All of a sudden, some guy with an orange Revance-style uniform walks into the hall and calls out in a soft voice to Nagito-
“Nagi? Where did you go? You told me to try this on and then you just left me in there-”
All the reporters turn around and see this other Revance member?
Who the heck is this?!
And thus reporters give chase and this mysterious (maybe this guy is Ryo?) member and can’t seem to find you inside the building. Most of them get detained by the police since they were causing a havoc running around.
Fastforward after the concert, the reporters were able to snag a couple of pictures of this person. Couldn’t get a clear shot of the face because of the visor. 
Fast-Fastforward and later on in an interview Revance revealed that they had two people that made up their lyrist. 
My MC here is named Rei because I wanted to combine Makoto and Rei’s names to make Ryo (even though Makoto isn’t his real name) to encourage the ruse.
Needless to say, Ryo wasn’t allowed to work at his coffee shop job anymore.
Headcannons about Rei!MC and the gang (below because it’s hecka long).
Rei!MC; Rei’s a gender-neutral name. Rei!MC has long brown hair like the original MC does. Additionally, this MC is flat chested and short. Rei!MC retains a couple of things the original MC likes and does, like loving oranges (hence the color of the uniform), spacing out, writes screenplays, has a monster mode concerning said screenplays, and more.
You and Ryo are joined at the hip. He is your closest friend out of all the guys and the one you’ve bonded the most with. 
You have a very interesting knack for unravelling everyone’s pasts and feelings. You had figured out and solved so much before you managed to get Ryo back with the guys.
Somewhat shy but when something’s disagreeable you seem to guard up like a lion and make loud comebacks. 
Can and will die for Revance.
Revance sees you as their lil sibling and cherishes you in their own typical ways.
You and Ryo work on lyrics together and will lose all sense of time in the process.
The guys will say that you are like a combination of Ryo, Takashi, and Nagito. You space out a lot, a talented writer with a ferocious monster mode (that barely comes out which makes it all the more terrifying), but will stop at nothing to pick the guys up and make them feel like they’re on the top of the world.
You take great pride in the works you and the guys created. Like big pride. There isn’t a concert you haven’t been in where you haven’t cried in pride and joy at seeing the guys performing at their best.
And if they aren’t you’d know. You always know.
Makes screenplays under and alias and Ryo’s trying to make a new one. Since his face wasn’t directly seen, he’s thinking of going back into the world again like you.
Takashi had grabbed you and Ryo in a hug after they got him back, glared at the guys and specifically said; “Both of them. We’re keeping both of them’.” He likes you.
Iori and you fight a lot about the pettiest things. He doesn’t like oranges so seeing their existance multiplying in their kitchen has been annoying.
However he respects your determination and work ethic, if not, fears it for you seem to love to cost your health of it.
Kyohei is like a charismatic and boundary setting older brother of yours. Will constantly scold you for overworking and has carried you out of your room so you can retain bodily functions to survive. For some reason fights Little Yamanda for your attention.
There isn’t a game you and Kota hasn’t competed over. The fact that you’re holding a candle to him irritates and impresses him at the same time. 
You two also make the same reactions at the same time whenever watching Joe Watabe movies. You and him geek over the movies after they’re done, then fall asleep next to each other.
It’s been known to never put you and Nagito in the same stressful situation because 9/10 times you both will be crying because the other’s crying.
Both of you share sweets a lot, especially ice cream. You two are a chaotically sunshiney duo that shouldn’t be reckoned with. Together you both can make even Iori and Takashi genuinely smile.
The Ena brothers took you in one time and had been bombarded by how to properly take care of you and if they didn’t, there would be consequences.
You take great care not to really complain about living with them in fear the guys might do something...reckless to them.
Fumito has the same feelings about you as Takashi does.
Ritsuto, at first, joked about keeping you to spite Kyohei, but that will soon change, however.
Your monster mode has made Nagito cry once and everyone avoid you for a lil while and you’ve been keeping it under wraps since then.
However, it wasn’t uncommon that in the rare situation where something bad was happening to the guys while you were on set that you haven’t snapped at them.
You and Ryo (in this AU) never show your full face onstage. You coil your hair into a bun and hide it up in your hat. Ryo’s was a lot more difficult to hide, so his just hangs on his shoulders. You two are to wear your visors whenever you guys are in popstar mode, if not, your full uniform. They want to protect your identites as much as they can.
Yes, Ryo also has a visor.
Both you and Ryo are a high demand on stage, but both of you are infamously soft spoken and had been revealed to not sing very well.
Over time with you guys given some vocal training with the guys, it had been discovered that you and Ryo are good at rap duos since you two are good at assembling words to match a rhythm.
When you and Ryo finally get a knack for singing, you both make the most beautiful harmonies.
No, seriously, you made Takashi cry when he first heard you guys nail it down.
//if you guys wanna see more, don’t be afraid to ask~
//I’ll be making more random stuff, just wait...
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//I had forgotten how to draw proper eyes-
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artvmvs · 7 years ago
Ena mexri 100. Dhladh ola :)
damn y u do this
(btw they kinda got mixed up bc i am dumb sorrry)
The meaning behind my url:  idk. just stardust but star is in greek. idek.
A picture of me: im useless and idk how to put the picture on this place specifically, ask me separately if you do want one
How many tattoos i have and what they are: im a minor so none yet, but I’d like some in the future!
Last time i cried and why: ..no idea. Probably an arguement but I don’t remember, I’m more of a silent suffering kinda gal
Piercings i have: I am currently stretching my ears and I want a helix or an industrial, ik i don’t have many but I think they’re really cool
Favorite band: don’t make me choose
Biggest turn offs: dunno. does this mean generally pet peeves or nah,, 
Biggest turn ons: uhm i am a child!!! neck bites tho  we’re not diving deeper
Age: 16 
Ideas of a perfect date: something chill and not formal like maybe exploring the city or watching movies together at home or cinema idk, something exciting 
Life goal: bold of you to assume i have any goals for the future
Piercings i want: as i said, right now helix or industrial
Relationship status: single :))
Favorite movie: i currently like heathers and the imitation game but i really gotta watch new stuff I just never get around to it
A fact about my life: i didn’t think I would live to 2018, or at least whole (due to an unfortunate series of events) , but here i am binch  y’all have to tolerate me now!! sucks to be you
Phobia: fish and insects freak me out because they’re tiny n I don’t want them near me bc they are fast little shits and also I could literally touch them and they’d die and it freaks me out. or at least that’s what i use to justify me acting like a little bitch
Middle name: dont have one
Height: 165cm or as the ‘muricans like to call it  5'4 i think
Are you a virgin?: yes
What’s your shoe size?: um?? in greece we use different sizing i think? so in greece im a 37  but i looked it up and im a 6.5 in us and a 4.5 in the uk im VERY confused but basically smol
What’s your sexual orientation? i currently identify as a lesbian
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? i,,have,,,, drank beer once,,
Someone you miss: @221b-unicornstreet​ and people i cant tag
What’s one thing you regret?: not defending myself enough,,? I certainly have done many regrettable things but they’ve already happened now.. so
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: uhm BRYAN DECHART bitch i know im a lesbian but let me have this bc he is actually attractive and this is what came to mind rn so shut
Favorite ice cream?: i like vanilla flavour  dONT make that joke 
One insecurity: nose. spine.
What my last text message says: ‘’because it can mean either’’ im very interesting 
Have you ever taken a picture naked? nope
Have you ever painted your room? i want to
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? nYES
Have you ever slept naked? i think? in my?? underwear?? but not completely 
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? i,,yes
Have you ever had a crush? kinda
Have you ever been dumped? yes
Have you ever stole money from a friend? no???
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? i dont think so
Have you ever been in a fist fight? nope im weak LMAO you’d probably kill me by pushing me tbh
Have you ever snuck out of your house?  i’ve snuck into a house when i was six, i know im very cool.
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? yeah
Have you ever been arrested? nope
Have you ever made out with a stranger? IVE NEVER MADE OUT WITH ANYONE DONT
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? met?? up?? a date?? kinda ,, (regrets)
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents? idrk
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? nah fam
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun? if by more fun you mean cry myself directly back to sleep then yes, every week from grade 4-7 but now i dont have the ability to miss school for so many days,, still do tho, but less frequently 
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? yes
Have you ever seen someone die? no
Have you ever been on a plane? yup
Have you ever kissed a picture?,, i mean i was made to kiss pictures in church thanks mom!!
Have you ever slept in until 3? i do that every day in summer
Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now? i do miss someone now as ive said
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? yeah
Have you ever made a snow angel? yess
Have you ever played dress up? i think
Have you ever cheated while playing a game? probably when i was younger
Have you ever been lonely? hasnt everyone at some point tbh? but  not a frequent occurrence, at all
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school? yes, from exhaustion
Have you ever been to a club? …unfortunately, 0/10 would NEVER do it again
Have you ever felt an earthquake? yeah, i live in greece dude of course i have
Have you ever touched a snake? not really… which is sad
Have you ever ran a red light? i dont drive
Have you ever been suspended from school? nope 
Have you ever had detention? i was made to sit in a corner once dgkdhfkg we don’t have detentions
Have you ever been in a car accident? no
Have you ever hated the way you look? always fam
Have you ever witnessed a crime? no i dont think
Have you ever pole danced? HH NO
Have you ever been lost? sorta
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? if you count athens then yeah, if you count the islands which i dont see why you wouldnt then no
Have you ever felt like dying? i’ve felt like i was dying and i’ve felt like i wanted to die both buddy
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? i guess uwu
Have you ever sang karaoke? hell NO
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? probably a bunch of times and on a daily basis, i live to disappoint 
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? yES
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? no?
Have you ever kissed in the rain? nope
Have you ever sang in the shower? always
Have you ever made out in a park? nope
Have you ever dream that you married someone? i think i have
Have you ever glued your hand to something? nope
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? ,,no
Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked? ,,nO
Have you ever been a cheerleader? nope
Have you ever sat on a roof top? yesh
Have you ever brush your teeth? ,,, YES??
Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? SCARY MOVIES SCARE THE LIVING DAYLIGHT OUT OF ME AND I KNOW ITS STUPID DONT BULLY ME
Have you ever played chicken? no
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? i’ve been pushed into the ocean with all my clothes on and some money too
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? on tumblr where the magic happens yes because yall havent seen my face
Have you ever broken a bone? no
Have you ever been easily amused? on the not so frequent occasion i get in that mood i laugh at absolutely everything
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? yyess love that
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? n o
Have you ever cheated on a test? yup yuup
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? always
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? what does that mean
Give us one thing about you that no one knows. i cried when i realised im gay because i thought i want going to hell (im an atheist now)
Top 5 (insert subject): top 5 what anon
Tattoos i want: havent really settled on anything but i’ll design it myself so…
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myselfinserts · 4 years ago
“You’re stone cold brilliant. You really are.”
In hindsight, they both agree that her papa could have been a little more gentle in regards to the news. But then again, no one was handling it well. Odette nearly faltered, tugging so hard on her sleeves that they ripped. Les and Eira were practically frozen in fear. Nini trying so very hard to remain composed. 
No one was as enraged about it as Étienne Allard was.
“Can he still do tech?”
“What the hell is wrong with-”
“Can he still. Do. Tech?”
“...No. Not in his current condition. He’ll need to seriously consider retirement.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“We did the best we could! What more could we do?”
The news of Renegade possibly retiring was not received well.
The ride up the elevator was awkward to say the least. Odette and Sorley had been grounded, and the only reason she was even there was because of the work she put in to help make what was in the cases. As she adjusted the strap on her messenger bag, she looked up at her papa, impressed with the cold determination in his gaze. 
“Do you think he’ll see us?” she asked. 
“If he doesn’t,” he hissed, “he’s no longer allowed to see you or Sorley.”
“Harsh. But I respect that.”
She turned back to look at the doors, gripping the handle on the case tightly. “I hope he takes it. It’d be a pity if he doesn’t, given how hard we worked on it.”
Nothing more was said after that. They waited until the lift stopped on the correct floor, and with a quick step, made their way towards Regi’s room. Nini wasn’t sitting by the door taking in the shadows anymore. Urgent business had called them back to Estmund with the kids, and no matter how hard they tried, Luci couldn’t get out of it. From what she’d heard, it was one of the few times Regi responded to anything since waking up. And he’d told them it was alright to leave him in Japan for a little while. No doubt he’d been planning on thinking over his options after recovering. 
Hopefully, she thought, we manage to narrow down the choices. 
With a quick knock to alert they were coming in, the two Allards stepped inside. 
The effect was almost instant. Instead of seeing a perky hero and fellow designer, in the bed sat a tired man who had the life drained out of him. His hair was in a lower ponytail compared to his usual style. His cheeks looked hollow, and his eyes were glassy and fogged, resembling damaged amethyst crystals. What took her aback was the stump that was left of his left arm. She had known to expect it, but it was still something else entirely to see in person. With an encouraging nod from her papa, Odette took a seat at one of the nearby chairs while Étienne took the case from her. 
“Hello, Reginald,” he greeted warmly. “How’re you feeling?”
Regi barely made eye contact. “...I...I dunno...”
He finally speaks. This has to be a good sign. 
Étienne shrugged. “You must have some idea. You’re an idiot, but you’re not stupid, Gladstone. How are you feeling?”
“...Terrible.” He leaned back slightly. “I can’t exactly do tech work anymore...life’s...gonna get rather grey.”
“Ever the drama queen, aren’t we? You really think this is the end of things?”
Regi said nothing. 
“Come on,” Odette said softly. “You aren’t planning to give up, are you Uncle Regi?”
Again, he remained quiet. Odette watched quietly from her seat as Étienne set the cases down on the table and began to open them. Regi remained silent, the glassy look to his eyes seeming more unfocused than before. The only indication that he was aware they were still present was the hand playing with his ponytail.
"Beta Test. Alpha Launch. Analog. Digital. Techno." Étienne lifted the lid to the first case. "From your Apprenticeship days to now, you've had a varied and vibrant career, Reginald. And like hell we're letting it end here."
A light seemed to shine in his violet gaze. "But…once the EHA learns about this-"
"Not to worry," Étienne interjected, opening the second case. "I've convinced Marianne to hold off on sending the medical report until we were done here."
"…You both look like hell," Regi grumbled. "Have you been sleeping? Please tell me you're eating."
Odette couldn't help but laugh. Almost a week of silence, and now he was talking up a storm. Or at least, what counted for one. And he was chastising them for neglecting their health?
There's still a chance, she thought.
"You promised me you wouldn't retire until I did," Étienne chided coldly. "Now, if you intend to keep that promise, I suggest you put these on." He turned the cases around. "If not, then this will be where we part ways. I can’t waste time on you if this is going to be the end, and I have a lot of other important work to get to.” His eyes softened. “You have at least one more age in you, Renegade. Make your choice."
A fire seemed to light in Regi's eyes as he gazed into the cases in awe. Slowly, he sat up, moving so he could properly crawl across the bed to the table to get a better look. His hand trembled slightly, hesitant to touch. For a moment, Odette was scared he'd pull away.
But he didn't.
"And what age would you call this masterpiece?"
Étienne smirked, rolling up his sleeves with a flick of the wrist as he reached in to take out a pair of earrings from his pocket. "That, my friend, is up to you. Now let us show you how this works."
Odette smiled and jumped out of her seat, pulling out her laptop. “There’s a lot of ground to cover if we’re going to get your re-debut ready in time. Let’s make some dreams into realities.”
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It hadn’t taken long for peace to be upended. While the other heroes were busy in different areas as well as escorting Einion to prison, what few were able had their hands full that evening. The sun was setting, the ground was shaking, and the civilians were all running in terror. 
At least, that was what Odette and the others saw on the TV. What had started as a simple study session to get caught up on two weeks of homework ended up becoming the entire gang watching as Red Riot, Suneater, Lemillion, and Nejire-chan combated a giant mechanical menace in downtown. 
“Where’s Deku and the others?” Atsuko asked worriedly. 
“Everyone else is busy,” Clem said. “They’re doing what they can.”
Ena narrowed her eyes. “Something isn’t right. Look at how those four are maneuvering. It’s almost as though they’re just...distracting it. Lemillion could take it out easy.”
“Or Suneater could,” Kasumi added. 
Kumamaru and Karane, who’d made it a habit of stopping by more often, nodded in agreement. “At least they’re getting the civilians out though, right?”
“I suppose.” Atsuko didn’t sound convinced. “I think they’re...waiting for something.”
“Why not ask Miss Allard,” Kumamaru asked. “She’s been smiling the whole time.”
Odette’s smile melted more into a smirk. “Simple. Something I had a hand in creating is about to appear.”
Before anyone could ask her what she meant, the report zoomed in on the scene. None of the civilians were left. The four heroes on the scene were backing up. A single person standing in the middle of the street in a black hoodie let out a whistle, catching the metal menace’s attention. 
The villain turned around to face the person in the hoodie. 
And the music began. 
The entire group’s eyes went wide. 
“Is that-” Ena started.
“Renegade?!” Kasumi finished. 
The person in the hoodie pulled something out of his pocket and started running toward the metal menace. He pressed a button, causing a hard light blade to appear from the object in his hand, which looked to be some kind of hilt. The menace swung an arm down, smashing the man in the hoodie, only to discover he was nothing but pixels. 
He reappeared behind it, this time in a pixelated blur that seemed to be morphing and taking shape. The hoodie vanished, and the face was plain as day to be Reginald Gladstone’s. The pixels continued to change and fade, slowly revealing that his hair was down, with two braids from the sides pulling around and meeting at the back. His trousers went into his boots, which were up to his knees with fitted pads. He wore a long coat similar to that of Amaryllis, with a half-cape over his left shoulder. There was a matching coronet on his head that seemed to connect to a clear mask in a similar style to that of Lady Lazarus. The ensemble was white, lined with silver, and seemed to be shimmering with an opalescent sheen. 
Atsuko’s mouth when agape. “Did...did Uncle Regi seriously do a magical girl transformation in the middle of a fight?”
Ena nodded. “He always had a soft spot for those kinds of stories.”
Sparks started to fly around. Renegade’s hair and cape flew about in the wind, revealing a strong, robotic arm on the left side. As Renegade charged forward again, this time easily dancing and gliding between the menace’s attempts to hit him and to throw things at him. Parts from demolished buildings and broken vehicles, pieces of abandoned electronics. All started to float and spin around. Some took the hit from the acid oozing from the metal, while others came together to form smoke bombs, tasers, canons, and all manor of contraptions that attempted to slow his adversary down. 
Renegade did his best to keep pace, holding the hard light sword in his right hand and slicing into the metal as many times as he could. The menace managed to swing an arm around and nearly knocked him back. A second attempt at the same move resulted in Renegade catching it in his left hand, the metalic fingers leaving sizable dents into the attacker. 
“Hm, that’s unusual,” Odette mused. “I’ll need to tell papa the strength needs recalibrating. We might have overdone it.”
“You helped make that arm?” Karane asked. 
“It was papa’s design, but I helped a lot with the coding of some of the more complicated functions. One of the few areas I excel in compared to papa.”
Clem couldn’t stop beaming. “You’re stone cold brilliant, you are.” 
Odette rolled her eyes. “Of course. You expect anything less from me?” 
Everyone turned their attention back to the news story. Renegade used the chance he had and pulled hard, dislocating the arm of the menace before jumping away to avoid the acidic blood pouring from it. The metal menace screeched, the sound so loud and high pitched that glass from surrounding buildings started to crack and shatter. As the glass around them began to fall, Renegade moved to avoid them. Every time he missed, his body seemed to pixilate and vanish into a new location. 
“How is he doing that?!” Kumamaru gasped. “This is so cool! The class has to see this.” He pulled out his phone and began to text quickly. “I wonder if his quirk evolved or something.”
Kasumi gave him a look. “Quirks don’t just change from one thing to something completely different like that. Not in the way you’re thinking, at least. It has to be a support item.” She looked to Odette. “What exactly did you and your papa do to Renegade?”
“I’m sorry,” Odette stated promptly, “but Atelier Allard does not disclose the secrets of clients’ gear to outside parties. You’ll simply need to observe and attempt to figure it out.”
A large blast coming from above, and Nejire-chan was back in the fight. Suneater jumped from the roof of one of the buildings, flying as his arm turned to metal, making it the perfect launch pad for Red Riot. Lemillion started appearing randomly, jumping in and out of the metal menace as Renegade continued to dance and slice, catching the arms with his left hand every time the villain aimed for him. 
Then things changed. Nejire-chan and Suneater worked together to throw the menace high into the air. Renegade and Red Riot continued to wear down the outside, while Lemillion handled it from within. Between the five, the menace remained ascended, denting and bending until it finally started to fall apart. 
The first thing to fall was an arm, which slowly started to melt and corrode until a form that appeared to be a person started to appear. 
“Holy shit,” Karane gasped. 
A large spiraling crystal started to grow from the ground, catching the person who slid down safely to the pavement completely unharmed. 
“That’s gotta be Tarren!” Ena giggled excitedly. “Backup’s finally arrived.”
The rest of the battle followed the same pattern. The villains were slowly torn away, maneuvered to the spiral, and once they reached the ground, they were apprehended by the heroes below. By the end of the song, the metal menace was revealed to be ten people joining their quirks together in perfect synchronicity.
Well, Odette thought, almost perfect. 
They continued to watch the broadcast until it came time for the media to get into the heroes faces. Renegade tried to avoid them, but it was no use. 
“Renegade! What’s with the upgrade? Rumors were flying that you were planning on retiring! What made you change your mind?”
Renegade smiled. “I was reminded of an important promise from a dear friend, that’s all. I still have one age left in me after all. Too many dreams to make into realities, as a bright up and comer said to me. And these upgrades are a reflection of that promise.” He lifted up the hard light sword in his robotic hand. “Renegade’s continuing into the Synchro Age, thanks to the brilliant minds of Atelier Allard.”
Clem smirked. “You hear that, Odette? You’re a ‘bright up and comer’. You did well.”
“He’s only speaking the truth,” she said. “Now, let’s get back to homework-”
The entire group let out a groan and turned back to their assignments. Odette pulled out her lap top and immediately began drafting an email to her papa, with links to any news reports she could find, and her observations of the upgrades. They still had a long way to go.
But she did love a challenge. 
0 notes
glacierbash · 6 years ago
*insert a clever title*
summary: Just Liall being stupid with her sister and another random elf I made up on the fly. Actually part of her backstory but... meh warnings: None Word Count: 2352 on Word, but I ended up taking it somewhere else and edited it so... Probably a bit more. I’d say 2375 is a safe bet. A/N: Ashane actually belongs to my friend! We were talking about elves and we thought “Hey wouldn’t it be cool if they acted like a specific animal” because I was joking about Liall being a stupid cat, so... There we go. Ashane is her sister and Arven just... Exists. He’s going to be important but I don’t know how yet. And Rosalie is... very important too. I’m sure ya’ll can guess why.
              “You’re an idiot, Ashane, and you’re going to get us all killed.” Liall crept forward from her branch, staring down at her sister. The elf was sneaking towards that blacksmith forge at the edge of town. Arven, their other friend, sat against the tree stump.
              “Have faith, Liall. She’s done this before; she’ll be just fine.” He glanced up and gave her a small smile. Still, Liall couldn’t shake the growing sense of dread.
              Ashane emerged from the underbrush of the forest, now just a few feet away from a shiny sword. All she had to do was grab it without being caught. Although, knowing her, she didn’t understand the “Don’t get caught” part of this.
              Liall hooked her legs onto the branch and swung down. Her hair flopped down, covering her eyes. Arven laughed, standing up and brushing the hair back behind her ears. Liall huffed and went back to watching her sister.
              She had a hand on the hilt now, slowly creeping backwards. She had it lifted ever so slightly, so as not to make a sound. And for a second, it almost looked like she was going to get away with it. Both Liall and Arven held their breath, waiting.
              Of course, the human just had to turn around right as Ashane was backing away. Which was when the shouting started.
              “HEY! DROP IT!” The blacksmith cried out, dropped some glowing metal onto the ground. He started saying some extremely colorful words that Liall didn’t understand. Were they in another language? She would have to ask the Keeper about it.
              Ashane didn’t drop the sword. Instead, she turned around and bolted off into the distance. Arven turned and followed. “DA’LEN, RUN!” He said, sprinting away. Liall tilted her head, looking at the approaching blacksmith. It took a couple more seconds for the situation to finally hit her.
              Oh. Ashane got caught.
              Liall swung back up, and then jumped down from the branch. She rolled as she hit the ground, and then began following. The blacksmith was still slinging insults, sometimes using those words she didn’t know, and other times using words like “knife ear.” Liall definitely knew what Knife-Ear meant.
              But they had an advantage the Shem didn’t have: They knew the forest like the back of their hands. Arven and Ashane were busy weaving through the bushes and trees, trying to disappear. Liall, on the other hand, was just trying to find the tallest tree she could. The blacksmith was chasing her now, and was gaining scarily quickly. Liall swallowed, glancing back for just a split second. “I DON’T EVEN HAVE YOUR SWORD!”
              “RUDE!” Liall kept pushing forward. And then she took a sharp right, directly towards a tree. She slowed down as much as she could and jumped up, quickly grabbing onto it. She scrambled up, just in time to avoid the blacksmith’s attempt to grab her foot. She looked down at him, stuck her tongue out, and continue scaling the tree until she reached a sturdy branch. The blacksmith was trying to climb the tree after her, but he kept slipping down after a couple feet.
              In the distance, she could see flashes of movement, and hints of color. No doubt it was Ashane and Arven. Liall looked down at the blacksmith, who had now resigned to just pacing around the tree. Then she looked back up to see how Ashane and Arven were faring. The two other elves were approaching now, moving quite quickly. Liall sighed and hooked her legs, swinging down again. She waved at the blacksmith, who tried to jump up and grab her.
              “Hey! I did nothing wrong! I was just minding my own business! I don’t even have your stupid sword, anyways! Stop trying to grab me.” Liall stuck out her tongue again, before she sat back up. A couple more minutes passed with the human still trying to grab her. And then Ashane and Arven both burst out of the brush, screaming and chanting utter nonsense.
              It worked.
              The human instantly turned and started sprinting away, shouting at them. Liall nearly cackled as she watched him flee. They waited until he was out of sight before they burst into their own laughter. Liall descended the tree, grinning. “Something told me you would get caught, Ashane.” She said, looking up at her sister. Ashane just smiled back with pride.
              “Still! I got the sword, which is better than what you idiots got!” Ashane held up the shiny new weapon. Arven folded his arms.
              “Mar solas ena mar dinv, friend.” Arven said, smirking. Ashane just chuckled.
              “Tel’abelas. Prick.” She replied.
Liall frowned, her ears lowering. “Uh… I think we have a new problem. No doubt we’re going to have to leave now. The shem is definitely going to tell whoever is in charge of their home what we did. And I don’t know about you, but we’re pretty recognizable.” Liall said. Ashane shook her head.
              “We’ll just cut off all your hair, Liall. How’s that sound?” She teased. Liall’s ears flew back even more.
              “Please don’t.” Liall replied. Arven was frowning now.
              “I mean, she’s right. We might’ve just screwed the whole clan.” He mumbled, scratching his neck. Liall nodded in agreement, though Ashane just scoffed.
              “Whatever. I’ll return the sword tonight, yeah? Then he’ll just look insane. Come on, let’s get going. I’m bored now.” Ashane turned around and started walking away. She then paused and stashed the sword under a tree, before she placed a flower beside it. And then she led the way. Arven motioned for Liall to follow, and they began the trek back to the clan.
Liall had drawn the short stick for real this time.
She was stuck returning the stupid sword Ashane had stolen. And the sword was clunky and awkward. Much less efficient than anything else. Even just a stick would be better.
Liall grumbled the whole way towards the forge, constantly adjusting her grip on the sword. How was Ashane able to carry this cursed thing with just one hand? One of the many things about her sister that never has and never will make sense.
Eventually, Liall could see the glow from the forge. There was nobody operating it right now, just some embers glowing. It actually looked kinda pretty, in a “burn your hands off” kinda way. She crouched down, creeping forward. She almost made it to the counter where several other weapons lay in a neat little row. They could so easily be stolen, laid out like that. It was like he was just begging for some thief to take them. Good thing Liall was a good person.
Unlike Ashane.
She set the sword down on the table, making it as straight as she could without cutting her hand open. She was about to retreat when she heard a voice.
“Hey. I can see you. What are you doing?” It was a woman’s voice, young. Liall froze, eyes darting around as she tried to find the source of the voice. The woman laughed.      
“To your left.” She said. Liall obeyed, and there she was. The first thing Liall noticed was that she was tall. Extremely tall. Granted, everybody was taller than Liall, but she was… even taller. She had a small smile and friendly enough eyes, and except for the fact that she was in armor, with a sword dangling in a hilt by her side, she looked almost nice. She laughed again. “Well, now you see me. So what are you doing?” She asked, walking over to Liall. Liall blinked, starting to back away. “Hey, wait, don’t go yet!”
Liall stopped moving, tilting her head to the side. The woman breathed a sigh.
“Okay, good. You can understand me. I’m not going to hurt you, okay? You’re one of those dalish elves, right?” She asked, holding out a hand. Liall swallowed, before she nodded.
“Yes. I am.” She said. She could see the woman raise her eyebrows in surprise. Probably at her voice.
“Woah, I… Ahem, sorry. I... didn't expect you to sound like that.” She cleared her throat. “Anyways. What are you doing at my father’s forge? Were you one of the ones that stole his sword?”
“…In a way. It was a… A friend.” Liall stood up to her full height. She barely reached the woman's chest. The woman laughed again.
“Okay, then. Follow me.” The woman motioned for Liall to walk with her. Liall just stayed put.
“I... I don’t think that’s smart. For me. To go with you.” She mumbled. The woman paused, tilting her head to the side.
“If I was going to hurt you, I would’ve done so already. I’m nice, I swear. Come on.”
“Where do you want to go?” Liall asked, still not moving.
“Some place where Dad won’t find you. He’s still livid from earlier. Now come on, stop risking your butt sitting here and chatting.”
“Oh.” Liall started backing away. “I… I can just leave… this way. I know the forest a lot… I can just go, and… I’ll be fine.” Liall started to back away, but the woman sighed and followed after her.
“Okay. You’re… not as smart as I assumed. I’m trying to get you to follow so I can talk to you.” The woman said, crossing her arms. Liall opened and then closed her mouth.
“Oh. That makes more sense. I thought you were just trying to kidnap me so you could kill me and cut off my ears.” Liall said.
“Does that actually happen?”
“I dunno. Probably.” After a couple more seconds, Liall walked up next to her. The woman grinned.
“I can’t blame you for being cautious, but…” she shrugged. “My name’s Rosalie. My friends and parents just call me Rose, though.” She smiled, looking down at Liall. “…This is the part where you tell me your name. You elves must have some weird customs if you don't introduce yourselves.” She added after Liall didn’t say anything.
Liall frowned, staring at the ground as they walked. “I… My name is, ah… It’s Liall.” She said, her voice barely a murmur at the end. Rosalie placed a hand gently on Liall’s shoulder.
“Then it’s good to meet you, Liall. Now, why did you steal the sword?” She asked, stopping. Liall froze, her body tensing up. This was it, she had walked right into a trap and now Rosalie was going to stab her and she was going to die and then her clan would get slaughtered and it would be all bad news. Liall started to back away, slowly. Rosalie said something under her breath, before she spoke up. “Would you stop trying to run away? It’s hard to have a conversation when you keep trying to bolt every five seconds.”
“I didn’t steal it! It wasn’t me; it was my sister! She took it because she wanted to prove to me that she could be quiet, and she also thought it looked really pretty but we don’t have any money and so she was thinking about maybe keeping it but then your dad caught us and—”
“So it was like a bet?”
“Huh?” Liall tilted her head. “I mean, in a way, but… We didn’t mean to hurt anybody, we just… Were having fun. It’s boring sometimes and we do competitions like that, and… Please don’t hurt me.” Liall's ears flew back, not unlike a frightened cat.
“I thought the dalish were all savages that would kill humans. But… Are they all like you? Rosalie asked, smirking. Liall frowned.
“No, not at all. That’s a stereotype. And they’re not all like me. We have amazing hunters that could beat a human in any way, any day.” Liall puffed up, a complete switch from before. But she was proud of being dalish, of course she was going to defend her people! Rosalie snorted.
“Likely.” She said.
“Hey. Your dad can’t even climb a tree.”
“He’s a blacksmith, not a knight or something.”
“Even our craftsmen can climb trees,” Liall said, almost smugly. “It’s not that hard of a skill.”
“Trust me, I know it’s not hard. I can climb them too.”
“Oh.” Liall felt herself deflate, that temporary burst of confidence draining from herself. "...Now I just... Did the same thing you did. I probably look really stupid right now."  She sighed, running a hand through her hair. Rosalie shook her head.
“No. You just care about defending the honor of your people. That’s not a bad thing, right? I mean, I’ve read about what the dalish have had to go through. Must be rough, all that.”
“Not just the dalish. Look at the Alienages in any major city. All elves suffer at the hands of humans. We’re just the ones that decided no more.” Liall sighed, rubbing her arm. Rosalie hummed for a second, before she nodded slowly.
“You’re nice. A lot nicer than most people I’ve met. I want to talk to you more, so you're going to meet me here tomorrow night. I’ll make sure Dad isn’t angry, and your clan will be okay. Alright?”
“Here? Meet here? Tomorrow night?” Liall asked slowly. Rosalie nodded.
“That’s what I said. Now you go back to your clan. Don’t let them catch you wandering around late. I’ll see you tomorrow then, Liall.” She then turned and walked away, leaving Liall alone.
Liall watched her walk away until she couldn’t be seen anymore, before she turned and sprinted away into the forest. Her ears felt like they were burning up, as did her face. She was blushing like crazy and she didn’t know why. And that fact that she actually felt like she could speak up with her, possibly even argue… It felt strangely good. Like… powerful, almost. Not quite, though.
Liall stopped when she felt she was far away enough, about halfway to the clan. She sat down and sighed. She was a strange human. She didn’t even look that old, she looked around Liall’s age. But why was she so tall? And that sword… She looked ready to fight anything at any time. It was…
Impressive, to say the least.
Liall stood back up and started walking back to the meeting place to tell Ashane she returned the sword. A distraction was what she needed.
What has she gotten herself into?
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