#I drew him with ponytail too cute help me
bashzzey · 4 days
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ISAT drawings I did in recent aggie sessions! ^^ I love this goober a bit too much oops hehe :]c
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gadriezmannsgirl · 2 months
dad!ruben plissss🥹
You ask and I deliver😌 However, I'm sorry if this not what you wanted nor expected, did this at 3am😭 sorry. Let me know what you think, please!
O Meu Pai -R.D3
Summary: Vitória is daddy's little girl and her daddy, Rúben, loves her
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"Toya, c'mon baby" You spoke lightly "C'mon we've to get you ready para irmos ao aniversário da avó Bernadette!" (so we can go to grandma Bernadette's birthday!)
"Are you and Pai matching?" You smile nodding
"And so are you, dear" You kiss your babygirl's four years old hair before getting out of her closet a light blue dress to match outifts with you and your six years husband, Rúben.
You listen to her sing some children's songs as you got her clothes on her, as soon as you turned around to grab her shoes a knock on your door came in.
"Como estão as minhas meninas?" (How are my girls, doing?) Rúben asks pecking inside the room "Meu Deus!" (My god!) He gasps "You are so pretty!"
"Pai!" Vitória yelled in your ear as you were putting her shoes on
"Don't yell in mamã's ear, baby" You tell her with a small smile getting behind her to do her hair
"Sorry, mommy" She said softly kissing your hand.
You smile looking at Rúben who has a loving look on his face, whenever he tells you "Sorry" he gives a kiss on your hands or cheeks and your daughter picked up on it.
"No worries, baby" You kissed her cheek too and start working on her hair.
"Vitória, did you get your present for avó Bernadette?" Rúben asks, sitting next to her
"I did! I did a drawing for her!"
"Where's is it? Let me put in the bag so we don't forget about it"
"Right there!" She lifts her arm and points to her small table.
Rúben gets up from the floor and goes to her table to grab the drawing she made, you see the smile on his face and instantly smiled to yourself. You finished her ponytail and secured the small braid you did at the side.
"Vitória, baby. Why don't you go to the living room and play for a bit with Simba and Nala?"
"Is everything alright?" She asks seeing her dad silent
"Yes, babygirl." You say "I gotta talk to daddy really quick"
"But make it quick 'cus we're going to be late!" She says before getting out of her room.
"Just like her dad" Rúben laughs softly "Everything good?" You get up and stand right next to him
"I just can't help but think our baby's growing so fast. She used to draw the big and happy sun at the side of the paper, now she does it on the middle!"
"She's still young, Rú" You giggle "Also, she's learning that the sun comes out from one side and hides from the other, maybe she drew this in the early afternoon?"
"Or maybe she's just growing up?"
"Well, that's life and it's cyrcle" You kiss his shoulder "You're still going to be the man of her life, always. You know it, right?" He nods
"Until she gets married"
"No. You'll still be" You shake your head "But there's a long way until that happens. So let's enjoy her and her early life before she turns 18, starts brining guys home and wants to do a piercing"
"That will not happen!" You laugh kissing his lips
"You're cute. C'mon, grab the drawing and let's go. We'll be late if we stay here and missy Vitória Y/L/N Dias, doesn't like being late"
"She really doesn't"
"I'm telling you, just like her dad" He wraps his arm around your waist, pull you closer to him and kisses your lips softly
"You look gorgeous"
"And you look extremely handsome, love"
"My wife picked this outfit for me"
"She's a fashionista" You whisper before kissing him once again
"Mãe! Pai! Hurry up, we'll be late!" You open the door from her room as you both went out
"Toya, come on babygirl! Let's get to grandma's!" Rúben says before you hear a small "Finally!"
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"A mãe e o pai estavam a demorar muito tempo!" (Mom and Dad were taking too long!)
"Guys" Iván, your brother in law says looking at you and at Rúben "Keep it in your pants"
"Jeez, we weren't doing anything!" You reply "We were actually talking about Vitória's boyfriends?"
"Do you have boyfriend's, Vitória?"
"No! They are little ugly monsters who will only infect me!" She said before running to her dad's legs
"That's right, baby" Rúben says, you give him a look but he doesn't act on it
"Boys will not infect you, Toya" Beatrix, one of your in-laws, says with a small smile
"Either way! I don't wanna be contaminated" Toya says nuzzled in her dad's shoulders, her small arms wrapping around his neck
"Jesus Christ" You mumble to yourself before taking a deep breath
"That's my girl!"
"Rúben!" All of you scolded him as he opened his eyes and mouth
"My daughter, my ways to evite her heartbreak"
"Filho" (Son) Joao, Rúben's dad, says softly with a small smile "You're just like me"
"Like father, like son" Bernadette says making you all laugh.
"Hey, Vi" Carolina asks "Want for me to paint your face?"
"No. Pai"
"C'mon, minha filha" (my babygirl) "I bet you'd look pretty with a pretty drawing and some glitter on your cheek. Would you like that?" She nods
"But I want to cuddle with you, pai"
"You behave like a good girl with your tia and then we will cuddle while watching some cartoons and eating some food mamã and avó did, what do you think?"
"Yes, please" Rúben put her down watching Vitória run towards her tia and then laughing with her.
"I think she's too spoiled by you" Your voice comes in through the now empty living room
"Nah, I don't think so" Rúben smiles "She's just my babygirl"
"And you're her pai. She definitely preferes you over me"
"That's not true" You give him a look and after some silence he answered. "She's just a daddy's little girl, that's normal"
"She is"
"I love it"
"I know you do"
"I love you"
"And I love you too, Rú" You smile
"Can we start practicing for a sister or brother for her?"
"You want another one? Right now?"
"I do" He nods "You?"
"I do" He smiles getting closer to you so he can kiss your lips "How do you think she'll react to a sibling?"
"Mad because you are hers, I'm hers and nobody else's"
"We will have to explain that to her" You nod
"But let's wait 'till baby is in the oven" You mention your tummy "once that happens we can start planning everything"
"You're getting lucky as soon as we're getting home" You laugh blushing. Thank heavens you were the only ones in the room.
"Mãe! Pai!" Toya's voice gets closer "Look at the bee, tia made!"
"You look so pretty!" Rúben says impressed "So you're the queen bee, right?"
"I'm princess Bee, mãe's Queen Bee and you're King Bee, pai" She gave you a kiss on the cheek and a kiss to her dad.
"That's correct, love" Rúben kisses her non-draw cheek. "Ready to cuddle for a bit? What do you want to watch?"
"Barbie Princess and the Pauper!"
"You always know my favorites, don't you?" Rúben asks underneath his breath as he gets into the couch finding a nice and comfy spot
"That's why I ask for them, they're our favorites!"
"We need to sing our hearts out!" Toya laughs shaking her head
"Pai, this isn't our house to yell"
"Well, I'm sorry. But we can't watch a Barbie movie without feeling it at it's fullness"
"You're right, pai; so let's sing it then!"
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Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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dokries · 4 months
your hoshi fic was the cutest fluffiest thing I’ve read in ages. It was so cute keep up the great work, and if your requests r open, could you write something fluffy for jeonghan too maybe? Loving your writing so far ⸜(*ˊᵕˋ*)⸝ ♡
midnight popsicles
pairing: yoon jeonghan x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
word count: 553
warnings: mentions of food, jeonghan being a prick (in love, that is), a forehead kiss, reader is mentioned to be wearing sweatpants if that’s important
author note: HIII thank you so much anon <33 i really appreciate the support, and i’m so glad you like my hoshi fic! i hope you like this one as well ♡
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“hurry, the ice cream’s gonna melt by the time we get home!” you yell back at your boyfriend, waiting impatiently for jeonghan to catch up with you. though you loved him and his tendency to…do things slowly, to put it nicely, the ice cream stashed in the convenience store bags in his hands was going to melt soon, even if it was midnight.
he huffs as he gets closer, putting his head on your shoulder from behind you. “i’m literally a step behind you.”
you mock his tone before giggling when he nuzzles his face in your neck. he moves to walk beside you instead, and barely manages to pull out two plastic covered popsicles from the bag in his left hand and shoots you a mischievous look. “i’m sure the guys won’t notice if we steal a couple of them, right?”
you laugh before taking both of the sweet treats in your hands and opening them, stuffing the wrappers in your sweatpant pocket. you put one in jeonghan’s mouth, which is already open–you hear a garbled thank you from him, his mouth full–and then put the other in your own mouth, savouring the taste.
you stretch your arms out as you walk, looking up at the dark sky. thanks to the light pollution, you can’t see too many stars, so it was a good thing the full moon drew your attention instead. maybe it’s because you’re with jeonghan but you swear it seems much brighter than it ever has before.
amazed, you murmur to your boyfriend beside you. “the moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?”
he snorts, causing you to look over in time to see a smirk cross his face as he lazily takes a bite out of the almost finished popsicle. “i know. you tell me everyday to the point where i should set a limit for each day.”
you stop and pick at the tuft of hair escaping his loose ponytail, forcing it back to fit in with the rest of his hair before looking up at him “what?” you say, confused.
oh. he must’ve thought you meant the romantic phrase.
blinking too quickly, you stumble on your words, the popsicle in your hands almost slipping out. “i meant it literally! n-not like i don’t love you–you know i do, hannie–but i didn’t–” you get cut off by jeonghan placing his hand on the top of your head and giggling, both bags of ice cream now safely in his other hand.
“i know what you meant, i’m just teasing you!” he says with the insufferable smile he has when he pulls pranks on seungkwan, earning him an eye roll.
“i love you hannie,” you say with a smile, the forgotten popsicle in your hands dripping onto the pavement…and your pant leg.
he grins before looking at your legs in alarm, noticing the mess being created in front of him. “HEY YOUR POPSICLE–” he yells, making you look down and yelp, shoving what’s left of the popsicle in your mouth.
he can’t help but chuckle when you shoot him a thumbs up, your mouth full of the brightly coloured ice. he moves in with a cheeky smile, kissing the spot in the middle of your forehead.
“i think the moon is beautiful too when i’m with you,” jeonghan says softly.
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stray-kaz · 1 year
Buoyant : a Roronoa Zoro x f!reader oneshot
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Summary: Zoro finds himself unexpectedly falling for the young single mother Nami rescued, along with her little girl.
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The gentle rise and fall of the rolling sea stirred you to wake, inching over onto your side to search for your daughter. Your eyes, once sealed shut by sleep, flew open when you didn't feel her beside you, the once warm depression where her body had lain now cool and empty.
You scrambled out of the bed and threw on clothes, hastily buttoning and shoving your already socked feet into your boots. You didn't think that any of the crew members of the ship would let anything happen to her, but your heart remained lodged high in your throat until your boots met the deck and you glimpsed an unforgettable sight.
Roronoa Zoro gripped a wooden sword, the second of the pair being grasped fiercely by a much smaller hand, jewel bright eyes fixed on the swordsman's face.
Your daughter's long dark hair was pulled back from her face in an untidy ponytail, undoubtedly the work of Zoro himself, fingers perfect wrapped around the hilt of a sword but clumsy with a little girl's hair. Especially a little girl who was looking up at him like he lassoed the sun just for her.
You sat down on one of the wooden stairs to watch, not saying a word or making a sound. You drew your knees up to rest your chin on them, staring intently as Zoro put your five year old through her paces, teaching her slowly how to step and parry and weave.
"Cute, huh?"
You glanced up at the sound of the familiar voice to see Nami standing above you.
"I didn't know he could be like this" you admitted quietly.
She snorted and dropped down next to you on the stairs.
"You'd be surprised."
"Did she ask him to show her?" you asked, curious.
Nami shook her head.
"No. Luffy dared her to see if she could take his sword without him noticing. He noticed."
You sucked in your breath, your gaze snapping back across the empty deck to your daughter, your heart walking around outside your body. Nami put a hand on your shoulder and squeezed gently.
"Don't worry" she said softly. "All he did was tell her that his was too sharp, too dangerous for her to play with, but if she wanted to learn, he could teach her."
Nami rolled her eyes as she continued.
"Zoro knows it was Luffy's idea, not Amada's. He'll look after her."
More footsteps and a plate of pastries was extended beneath your nose.
"Tangerine tart?" Sanji inquired casually. "Breakfast and a show, darling?"
You looked up at him and took one.
"No problem."
He sat down a few steps behind you and it wasn't long before Usopp and Luffy joined him, drawn by the smell of fresh baking.
"How long do you think it'll be before he realises he has an audience?" Usopp murmured.
Not long, apparently. Before you could answer, Zoro turned and looked right at you, his unfathomable dark eyes fixed on yours. You didn't notice you were holding your breath until Amada tossed down her wooden sword and threw herself across the deck to you, cutting through the tension with a giddy laugh.
"Mama!" she crowed in your ear, making you wince. "Roro is teaching me how to sword fight!"
You held her tightly, meeting his eyes again over her head.
"Is he now?" you murmured, and kissed her cheek. "Are you listening carefully to everything he tells you?"
Amada nodded enthusiastically and bounced up to snatch a tart from the plate Sanji was holding out to her. You stood up and Zoro strode across the ship's deck towards you. You were standing in his way, but he just sidestepped you neatly and jogged up the steps, reaching down to ruffle Amada's ponytail as he went.
Something hot and bright burned in your chest and you followed him, still painfully aware of the collective gazes of Luffy and his crew all watching after you.
Zoro spun before you could get within touching distance of him, and you remembered Nami telling you how protective he was of his back. He raised his eyebrows at you.
"Can I help you with something?" he asked.
You arched an eyebrow back and held up the tart you still hadn't bitten into.
"You hungry after playing swords with my kid?" you retorted.
He shook his head, but you were standing close enough to see his pupils expand as you bit through the pastry to the filling, sweetness filling your mouth.
"I was not playing" he snapped.
"You cannot pretend you were not just playing with my daughter and ruffling her hair. There were witness, Roronoa."
Zoro snorted, fighting the shiver that rippled the length of his spine at the sound of his given name spilling over your lips.
"They are unreliable witnesses. You realise they're all basically certifiable?"
You swallowed and his gaze tracked the line of your throat.
"But I'm not" you said stubbornly.
Zoro sighed.
"I think salt's gotten in your eyes" he muttered flatly.
Your other eyebrow lifted.
"I think you've gotten in my eyes."
You watched his eyes widen a little before he tried to hide his surprise and play off cool, but the edge of his smile shattered the illusion and you bit back a shy grin before he shrugged his shoulders and turned his back on you.
You had just taken another bite when Nami snuck up next to you and elbowed you in the ribs. You yelped and eyed her.
"You like him!" she sang, smirking.
You felt heat rise in your cheeks and glanced away, chewing furiously. Usopp tore past you both and caught up to Zoro just before he disappeared in the direction of his room. He jabbed his elbow into his side, grinning profusely.
"You like her!" he crooned.
Zoro pinned him with a dark stare and shook his head.
"No. I don't" he said sternly. "You're all losing your damn minds. Not that you had much there to begin with."
He shoved away from Usopp, but he didn't get far before a streak of dark hair and patchwork clothes shot after him and launched onto his back. Zoro grunted, then hitched Amada higher to grip his shoulders properly so she wouldn't fall. She giggled and kissed him hard on the cheek before laying her head on his shoulder as he carried her deeper into the ship, ignoring Usopp's broad grin.
He was not going soft. He did not like you.
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The shoulders of the sea heaved and rocked under the Going Merry and black rain and salt lashed the window mere feet from your bed. A particularly hard jolt sent you gasping upright, clawing at the sheet. A glance to your right told you Amada was still sleeping soundly; a week's worth of lessons with Zoro left her exhausted by the close of each day and a hurricane wouldn't rouse her.
You slowly slipped from the bed and padded quietly across the floor, catching your balance against the wall and the door frame as the ocean continued to protest your presence above it.
Only a few lamps burned in the ship's halls, so you worked your way into the depths mostly in darkness, the shadows flickering all around you.
You barely recognised where you were headed, your half asleep mind refusing to cooperate, but the moment you laid eyes on Zoro's tightly closed door, you understood. He was a steady structure in the face of a storm, and a nightmare.
You didn't knock, just turned the handle and slipped inside, reclosing the door at your back. As your eyes adjusted to the gloom, you saw Zoro flat on his back in the middle of his bed, one arm down by his side and the other flung up covering his eyes. He was semi dressed as he slept, a light cotton shirt open to just above his navel. A white sheet covered the rest of him.
You shuffled over to the side of the bed and eased onto the mattress, biting your lip as it compressed a little under your weight. But Zoro didn't move, so you continued, crawling over him before slowly, so slowly, settling your body over his, your head tilted on his chest so you saw as one eye cracked open.
You expected him to shove you aside, to throw you out, but instead he just closed that eye and shifted his arms to wrap around you, locking you comfortably against him. You turned your head to press you ear flat against his chest, the steady thud of his heart acting as a lullaby.
It wasn't long before the storm and your nightmare disappeared into the recesses of your memory and you fell asleep.
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The heat of the morning sun woke you and you shook your head to clear it of the early brain fog, quickly realising you were not in your own bed and you were laying snugly on top of someone else. You opened your eyes properly and blinked at Zoro, who was already awake and watching you, waiting for you to regain consciousness.
"Hello, sleepyhead" he murmured, his voice throaty from sleep. "Nightmare?"
You nodded and tried to pull away, sit up, but he just rested his hand on the back of your head and stroked your hair, your eyes struggling to remain open with his touch.
"Don't like storms" you mumbled, rubbing at your eyes.
Zoro huffed a laugh and gave you an amused half smile.
"Really? And you live on a ship?"
You shrugged and nestled closer to him until the top of your head rested just underneath his chin.
"Nami rescued us" you reminded him. "I am grateful for that every day. A few storms are easy payment for feeling safe."
As if in response to your words, his free arm tightened around you again and he swallowed hard.
"Do you?" he asked quietly. "Feel safe here?"
You pushed up, shuffling to sit over his hips, and this time, he didn't stop you, just stared up at you, your hair falling forward to curtain your face. He reached to push it away, gathered it together in his fist, a makeshift ponytail.
"Yes, I feel safe here" you answered him softly. "I don't fear for Amada every day anymore. I know she has Luffy to protect her. She has you."
A faint flush bled into his cheeks and he blinked slowly, his eyelids suddenly heavy, but he didn't try to look away.
"I have you?"
The question was unsure on your tongue, bittersweet. But in spite of all his protestations to the contrary, Zoro hadn't even felt the crumbling earth beneath his feet before he fell for you. He did like you.
Zoro didn't give you a verbal answer. He just wrapped a hand around your nape and tugged you down, rising up to meet you halfway, his fingers branding your skin and his lips warm from sleep as they pressed against yours.
Your eyes fluttered closed and one of your hands found his jaw, holding it as if it were made of glass.
Zoro pulled back after several seconds and whispered into your skin.
"I'll chase away your nightmares any time, flower."
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Tagging: @writingmysanity @elizabeth-karenina
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babybinko · 10 months
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My second batch of venture bros genderbends are finally done! :D [first set here]
PLEASE LOOK UNDER THE CUT!!! I made all these nice drawings and doodles of them and I want people to see them without this post being super long! :') [My thoughts on the designs and doodles will be under the cut as well]
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Okay NOW I'm going talk about my thought process on some of these:
Baby Rusty: I love the baby Rusty, the frilly socks and sleeves were a must. I actually drew her with the original set of genderbends but I turned off her layer and forgot about her 💀
Jonas Jr: not much to say about her, I tried to make her like Rosie the Riveter. Her little bandana has the Venture logo on it :)
Jonas Sr: I wanted her to be a hot bitch, her outfit is maybe a little scandalous for the time era they were in but I think it fits, canon Jonas is a whore. I think everybody would want her and that every celebrity, politician, and anybody with any power would chase after her so badly.
Blue Morpho: I made her so incredibly slay. I fucking love her outfit, I found the inspo for the outfit on Pinterest but I changed it up a bit. Also her gun has the bayonetta butterfly wings on it as a charm because I HAD TO.
Colonel Gentleman: Not a lot to say, I wanted to give her like horse riding esque boots and I gave her a purple flower cause she likes the ladies. I know generally WLW flowers are Violets and Lavender but I wanted to draw a rose so, Purple rose compromise <3
Dr.Boyfriend 2: With my last round Dr.Boyfriend was the only one people had complaints with. I think people wished he was more Masculine and I agree but if I switched up the design too much it wouldn't look like Dr.Girlfriend. I hope giving him armor and making him look like a knight helped him look more masc. I made the sheer wings cross over his chest to make it look like it was holding up the shoulder armor. Also his guild book is insanely high quality because I was procrastinating drawing his armor.
Goofy and Goober (Watch and Ward): I think they ended up really cute, I tried to make their hair colors close to Doc and Jacksons since I heard they are supposed to be like their "main" self inserts. With Ward I had a really specific idea for her hair, I kept thinking about this haircut from my sims and had to do it. It might be hard to see but her ponytail holders have skull charms on them. I also purposely gave them both some sort of ponytail hairstyle so they would match but be slightly different :) (They are absolutely prank calling or trolling their clients on that phone btw)
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Shoreleave: OH MY GOD I LOVE SHORELEAVE. I kept turning her folder back on just to keep looking at her when I was drawing the other characters. She is so captivating to me, she looks so soft and human. I want to take a bite out of her thigh. My biggest inspo for her was Cammy from Street Fighter, I felt like her dressing a bit skimpy works for her since canon Shoreleave kinda does. The girls out for the girls.
Alchemist: I love her design so much too. I wanted her to look like some kind of nun or priestess. She looks like if a Zelda fire temple was a person. I kinda gave her like a weird little hime cut under the hood. Also I put the Triad logo on all three of their designs (+ Triana).
Jefferson: Had a lot of fun with her, I didnt change her design much from canon though so there's not much to say. I did give her more flared pants though. Drawing her hair was a really fun change of pace, I very rarely get to draw textured hair.
College Rusty and Monarch Drawing: I love this one, Monarch turned out so hot dude. You can tell what character I like more LMFAO. I made rusty very obnoxious 80s while keeping the colors of the original college rusty outfit. Monarch kind of looks like postal dude but its fine because shes slay.
Hereditary Venture Family Dinner Drawing: This was one of the first drawings I started but the second to last one I finished. I wanted to draw the family doing something together but I think I really truly just wanted to draw Dermott again. 😭 Nobody has said anything if they noticed but I did give hatred the shirt from these edits. (I believe the one on the left is from reddit and the one on the right is by SquashFold on Twitter)
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Dermott piercing Dean's ears drawing: Even though its messy its in the top 3 favorites I did, It was also the last one I did. I just love the idea of Dermott giving goth Dean at home ear piercings. At first I didn't know if I wanted to make Dermott giving her piercings at the mall where she works or at home but the mall idea was too much work for a last minute sketch. Dermott is so mean older sister who shoplifts and works at the mall.
Drug bathroom drawing: Another one of my favorites, its based off a specific deleted scene from Invisible Hand of Fate where Pete and Rusty talk at the bar but Pete comes out of the bathroom sniffling at the start. I love the way I drew Pete pushing the hair out of her face and both of their expressions.
Bdsm 21 drawing: Okay first of all, The little devil Monarch was so cute I was screaming, crying, and throwing up while drawing her. I fucking love her, shes the smallest part of the image but my favorite. I also am quite fond of the bdsm 21.
Quizgirls Pete and Billy: I tried looking up Vanna White dresses to base Pete's outfit off of but I couldn't find one that Pete would actually wear so I just had to make shit up. Billy's design is really basic but the bow in her hair is actually from one of my rejected main Billy genderbends.
Me and The Bestie: I put a lot of effort into this one for no reason. Literally the moment I saw Jonas in the problem machine I thought he should be made of like blue slime. When I was working on this I kept thinking about Momopatchi's Hatsune Microbe drawing so this Jonas was definitely inspired by that. I gave Jonas makeup because she was having a party movie night on gargantua and I felt like she would still have makeup on thats like completely fucked up and deteriorating on her face after many many years. Vendata's outfit was partially based on Marguerite Chapman's from Flight to Mars, never seen it but I was looking up old sci-fi movie costumes to work with and I thought it would look good :)
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anbaisai · 9 days
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(Reference to this post!)
SHUU I'M??? It was barely any time since I made the post that you sent me this and jumpscared me in my inbox oh my God-
YOU MADE MAYU SO CUTE HELP the little ponytail with the snake hair tie?? The- is that matching shirts with Jamil but with her symbol instead I'm going to scream from how cute that is you are a GENIUS at these little details and designs 😭😭😭💖💖💖 and her expression is spot on she'd absolutely say it like that, determined to make Jamil understand he's beautiful then correcting herself wondering if it was too mean 😤
And then JAMIL you rarely ever get to see that kind of expression on him but you drew his flustered face SO adorable awwwwwWWW 🥹 and not to mention you drew him perfectly on model because I can see even the loose hair strands are the exact same as the sprite!! You're so good at paying attention to these details ✨
Thank you so much for this cute art I am so overjoyed to receive this today 🥹🥹 you are INCREDIBLE Shuu <333
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I’ve been having a lot of Persephades thoughts recently and I’m thinking about….70s/80s Au LIKE I AM I REALLY AM I NEED TO SEE PERSEPHONE WITH BIG FLUFFY HAIR AND FLOWERS IN IT AND I NEED HADES IN BELL BOTTOMS RIGHT NOW OR ILL TWEAK (I’ll probably draw it later but yea!! Just dropping this idea here😽)
But omg the fact that you’ve been thinking about 70s/80s Persephades makes me so happy like aaaa you’re thinking of aus for my babes?! 😭💗
I do have a couple of 80s AU ideas but never posted about them because they’re basically just my other more modern aus but in the 80s lol.
But, for my general modern au (aka the office romance au/Olympus Inc. au), it has a little twist where Persephone finally gets a job at Olympus Inc. so she moves from her small town to the big city and Hades basically takes it upon himself to help her adjust to city life lol (while in the normal AU Persephone and Hades have been working there for the same amount of time and she’s from the same city lol).
And for my music industry au, Persephone is just an 80s pop singer and Hades has a competing record label with Zeus lol.
I think my main inspiration for those is the movie Straight Talk (it’s a 90s movie but it’s very early 90s so it definitely has 80s vibes) featuring Dolly Parton and James Woods lol! Like I just love the idea of 80s Hades flirting with that sweet little thing (Persephone lmao) in the big ol city lol! 🥰
BUT SERIOUSLY I LOVE THE 80S AESTHETIC SO MUCH (I think it’s mainly because my mom grew up in the 80s so I was kinda surround by some 80s stuff when I was a kid and she’d tell me about the stuff she liked from the 80s when she was younger lol)!!! I can totally see Hades having that sleazy Miami Vice businessman aesthetic walking around in bright colored suits and those giant cellular phones from that time lol! But I can also see him just being like a classic 80s businessman with the chic suits and slicked back flame lmao! Idk I just always see Hades as a businessman wearing such nice clothes and suits in a more modern setting lol. It’s that used car salesman vibe he has I think lol.
And omg Persephone wearing the cutest vintage 80s outfits lol! Like the casual ones with lots of denim and the sneakers and thick ankle socks lol as well as the more generic “costume-y” 80s outfits with lots of neon or like the Madonna style outfits lol! And UGH YES Persephone with that big fluffy 80s hair with lots of volume lol! Doing those cute ponytails with the scrunchies and flowers! SO CUTE!!!
But honestly I’ve never considered a 70s AU! I love that actually!!! Like Hades in bell bottoms 👀 SHSKDHKD seriously he’d look so good in 70s fits too lol! I can totally see them meeting at a 70s disco! Like, Hades spots her from the crowd of people in the disco and just falls head over heels! 🥰
Seriously I would go crazy if you drew them in 70s or 80s style (and as always I’d be honored for you to grace your wonderful art skills with my silly couple lmao 💗)!!!! 😆😆😆
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sprinklenoodles · 2 months
So I MAAAY have gotten absorbed in the siblings instead of reading (at least in the moment of typing this). Tried drawing them all to some extent. Also, one of my pencil's got lost so some of their penciling is a bit mixed. Here are my thoughts on them all in varying levels of detail! Page 1:
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Byakuya: He was the first one I drew before I planned out drawing the siblings. If I were to draw him again, I'd probably try and call back to suits in the early 2000s. I say this mostly because I like channeling the idea that THH came out in the 2010s era and how it affects how the characters look. This applies to the rest of them too since I wanna ensure that they have a slight older look in their clothes to show "Yeah! this is in the past" minus Byakuya being a tot. Which gosh. Does this mean Byakuya's a Millennial with this logic/hj Ichiro: really wanted to give him that prick look. He's got a sleazy smile and sharp angles! Really happy how he turned out. Eyumi: Made her very straight laced, giving her some rectangles in her design but with a tad of edge. Also, it's not very apparent but her dress shirt is a gradient... for reasons I guess. Also, I looked a bit at Mai from Avatar the Last Airbender cus she gave me that energy and it definitely helped with getting her all finished! Wasuke: Wanted to give him rounder shapes to give off his lack of edge in the competition. Also, since I accidently made him look too young, I slapped on a sad little mustache for good measure. Shinobu: Made her a bit timid since she has that Toko inspo in her. Also some moles cus I felt it fit. Struggled a bit on her hair but I think I did okay? Was initially going to put it in a low ponytail but I changed it. Also, her poor face got reconstructed a bit cus I accidently made her look older. Takaya: He's kinda boring but I made his hair curly-ish I guess. Asa: Was kinda unsure with her, I'll be honest. Like, she looks cool but nothing else I can really say. She's got a cute bow and freckles I guess!
Page 2:
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Jiro: I like his energy. His suspenders really make him look sick. However, he's not really mentioned much at all so... whoops! Saburo: I made him look way too young and I am not proud. Shiro: He's the real mess up out of all the designs. I redid his hair and face so many times and I'm still not happy with him. They can't all be winners in the design department though! Mitsuzo: Really happy with him. Wanted to ensure his glasses were different from Byakuya's so I reversed the darker area and made them more square as opposed to the rounder edges I went with Byakuya. Asagao: She's cute. I like her energy. If I ever colored her in, she'd pop the most with her yellow clothes. Also, I'm guessing she has a skirt but she also looks like a bell-bottom queen Hiru: Probably one of the top designs of the half-siblings here. Feel she has that "determined sisterly" energy going on. Feel I failed with injecting some Celeste energy in her though like... big time. The most I did was give her vague playing card symbol earrings and that's it. Yoro: She's also pretty cool. She's like Asa though in which I have no clue if I did good. Also, think the descriptions were like, messed up at some point (not in the story itself) cus they were almost the same which I was unsure of what to do with. I think I made them fairly distinct though So I MAAAY have gotten absorbed in the siblings. Tried drawing them all to some extent. Also, one of my pencil's got lost so some of their penciling is a bit mixed.
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Also, if you have any tips on how to improve these designs, which ones are the favorites of the bunch, ect, am happy to here!!! Wanted to make them distinct in their own ways but not like, award winning at the same time. We ALL know who the star of the show is >:] Ichiro probably thinks it's him though! Also if I missed anyone, I am so sorry ;-;
These are all SO awesome! I ADORE all of them, but would have to say my fav here is Jiro. Dunno why but he just looks AWESOME!
I also love Ichiro- you captured his stinky personality perfectly in that drawing.
And as for Asa and Yoru (Hiru too but realized her clothing bit got cut off) that was intentional. I don't think it was mentioned a lot in the fic, but they're triplets. They're the only full siblings and in true triplet fashion decided to wear the same outfit. With their almost identical looks it makes them almost impossible differenciate for most people.
It's also why Hiru gives off that big sister energy- she does love her full siblings and is not happy when they get eliminated. Unfortunately for her though, Kijo isn't a fan of that...
But all of these are really awesome! The siblings aren't mentioned a lot, especially not the ones outside of Byakuya's Group.
From the start, I knew that this was gonna be a smaller fic, so I also wanted a small main cast. And even though the siblings wouldn't get mentioned much, it would still feel crowded if all of them were together at all times...
So, I just chose a few to stick with Byakuya and that was that. But now that the whole island is open, the siblings that haven't gotten eliminated might be seen...
In the end though, the fic is about Byakuya. Ichiro just happened to fit in nicely with the story. I really haven't given his siblings a lot of thought, mostly cuz it wasn't needed. But who knows, there's always a possibility of me making a one-shot collection about them...
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cooltrainererika · 1 year
I drew Alt-talia Japan, China, and Father Korea
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I decided I should start redesigning how I draw the characters, taking into account facial features from the countries in question; while I’ve done this before with my previous redesigns, I’ve looked more into it, took note of more stuff, and I wanted to see what the Asians would look like with this in mind too. It would help give the characters more distinct faces and all that, helping alleviate Hima’s Same Face Syndrome a bit. So almost all art I’ve done so far is now out of date lol. Also I wanted to see how short-haired modern Alt-talia China might actually look like, and I wanted to give Father Korea a design already. I maybe I should have drawn this in time for @hwsasiaweek , but whoops… Maybe I’ll submit it next year.
Despite me giving them these unique traits though, I wanted most of all to keep the resemblance to the original. Hence why I keep the anime pseudo-Hima style; if I deviated from the style too much they might be unrecognizable, I’d have to remove iconic parts of their design. Maybe it might clash with some of the subject matter I tackle, but whatever.
I’m most proud of Japan here! I was worried if changing his eyes, an iconic part of his design, would change him a bit too much, but I was able to keep them big and weird-looking. He looks almost cat-like for some reason. I wanna pinch his cheeks, he’s so cute. Pretty fitting for modern Japan’s image I must say.
I read somewhere that tareme eyes may be more common in Japanese people than other East Asians, and while idk if that’s true, it definitely fit Japan for him to be the only Eastern Asian with tareme eyes, counteracting the sharper effect more upward slanted eyes give, though them being more big and round definitely help too.
China… I fixed and adjusted him possibly the most, and I had many versions of him. I changed so much about him, the eye shape, the hair, even the eye color. Though I did heavily reference that one pic Hima drew of short-haired China. So I was worried if he still resembled China, but according to a lot of my friends he still does, so woo! The other thing I paid attention to was his androgyny; it’s a bit important to his character, so I wanted to keep it even with his shorter hair. I was also worried if he looked too “white” but my mother suggested that was just the suit. I tried a lot to keep these aspects in mind, and finally came up with a result I was somewhat satisfied with.
I drew him in a suit because I write Modern!China as a pragmatic businessman type; though I might draw him in something more traditional sometimes, I’d probably be drawing Modern!China like this often. The tsurime eyes definitely compliment the personality I give him. I debated letting him keep his amber eyes, and I darkened them, but they still look amber. Amber eyes apparently exist in East Asia and golden eyes could represent how special he was back in the day, so it fits I guess, so he still has sort of amber eyes.
Still, something feels missing without the ponytail…
Father Korea/Goryeo/Joseon/Korean Empire (though this is him during the Joseon era in particular) finally has a design! Yay! So people who read Student of China can finally have a face to put on him. Though he’d usually have his hair up, so he’d actually rarely be seen like this unless he’s going to bed or is about to take a bath or something. I’ll draw him with his hair up and hat on later.
I was split between giving him facial hair or nah, I just wasn’t quite sure on his age; but because a friend told me to keep the version with facial hair, I chose this one and to make him older. Pretty much all the Joseon reenactors aged, like, 30-50 I saw seemed to have this same exact mustache and beard, so I only assumed it was a thing. I was going for a DILF with this design and from the feedback I got it looks like I succeeded lol. I also tried copying South Korea’s face shape exactly, and had to use quite a bit of Photoshop to get it just right because my initial line work wasn’t quite right.
The stray hair may curl up or down depending on his mood; if he’s very excited for example it may curl up like South Korea’s hair curl, and if he’s depressed it may curl down like North Korea’s. I’m not exactly sure on this detail though because it might come across as Narm-y in serious scenes.
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yama-uba · 1 year
If you don't know what to give to a person who has a good imagination but poor drawing skills...
A person close to me has been concerned about my condition related to the problems and troubles in my life for a long time. I don’t even have a couple of dollars myself, so I was given a subscription to a chat with Midjourney Bot. And I forgot not only about my job, about the fact that I have not been paid for 3 months for it, about the fact that I cannot find a new job, but I even forgot to eat and sleep on these weekends. I want to show you what this neural network can draw.
For some reason, I wanted to draw already existing characters using a text description. The choice fell on the third-characters of the animated series. These are my first attempts, when I did not yet know the specifics of the commands for the AI bot. Then everything will be better.
Linda "Chameleon" Evangelista as Aurra Sing.
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When your two exes (a space pirate and a space cowboy) ruined your hunt. And while they both try to pretend that they don't need to justify themselves to you and push the blame onto each other... you already know that you will have new leather boots and a leather handbag. But you can't decide what will be made from "blue python" and what will be made from "saddle leather".
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Jornie flatly refused to draw "plumed ponytail", "arachnodactyly", "orange wetsuit", "pale skin" and so on. And if I gave too many hint words on the SW, the image became like shots from European cinema of the 70s.
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When the Force tells you to put all your money on one of the participants in the sand races in the form of a blond-haired slave boy who feels like a whirlpool in the Force.
The role of Dengar, Adriano Celentano and keffiyeh were made for each other to play in an old sci-fi movie.
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This character needs no introduction. It's a bunch of words "anthropomorphic lizard in fighter pilot overalls".
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These are the words: "space dragon in a spacesuit." 
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I failed to explain how many of the characters should look like. For example Latts.
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Jorny didn't understand why "purple skin" wasn't a clothing comment. As a result, images of a cute Korean idol-girl with a monstera in her hands were constantly obtained.
Sugi looks more like a stereotypical working-class girl in Ireland than herself.
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The "horns" were drawn by the neural network both as part of the interior, and as part of her clothes, as an element on her tattoos, and even drew animals with rocks nearby. "And who are these Zabraks of yours?!"
This Buddhist monk is clearly engaged not only in contemplation and meditation in his life... but also in cultivation in causing death and mutilation. I think this portrait perfectly captures the essence of Embo.
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It doesn't look like this character at all, but you still recognize him. You would recognize him even if I just wrote those words for Jorny: "the protagonist of the Red Dead Redemption 2 + the protagonist Destroy All Humans! 2".
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There are still too few eyes and too many ears and noses in my opinion. Reminds me of Ghost Rider.
It was just a warm up. Because all night I was helping Midjourney paint interiors that would fit these characters as a home. It was the best present for me.
And, just in case anyone else is interested, "YES, HELL!". You can take whatever you want from here and do whatever you want with it. All this was painted by Midjourney and now it belongs only to art and Midjourney!
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ikaroux · 3 years
Happy Valentine's Day!
Synopsis: How does Valentine's Day go with the boys?
Style: F!reader, romance, dating, cute, a little old school (but I'm old school too, don't judge me!).
Alert: (Very) mild NSFW (18+) I remind minors to avoid reading this kind of content.
Characters: Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Xiao, Albedo, Kazuha.
Note: I'm taking a little bit of time to write this! Sorry if you can't find your favorite characters!
Sorry for the delay, I didn't have time to do the English translation yesterday!
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Diluc is undoubtedly a great romantic at heart, I would even say that he is quite old-fashioned. It's not obvious at first glance, as he always shows a cold and serious side in public, but with you, his heart warms with love.
Diluc will secretly arrange a Valentine's Day date, quickly freeing himself from the tasks he had to accomplish during the day to focus on you. He'll secretly prepare a romantic dinner at home, pulling out his best bottle of wine from his wine cellar. He'll buy you flowers and place them all over the dining room and in your shared bedroom. Knowing perfectly well the size of the clothes you wear, he will have ordered an evening gown, custom made with the finest fabrics from Fontaine. He doesn't usually spend his money on this kind of event, but with you it's different. He wants to spoil you, to pamper you. He'll make sure to give you both some face time so that he can freely express his affection for you. He will also dress up. He wants to please you, dressing in a tight white shirt, adorned with a black jacket highlighting his waist and chest. His hair will be tied back with a black ribbon in a high ponytail. He knows you will love to see him with this hairstyle.
Diluc will welcome you to his home with a bouquet of flowers in hand. You can't help but blush when you see him in this outfit. He is terribly attractive. And just like you, his cheeks will warm up when he sees you wearing the dress he bought you for the occasion. After dinner, Diluc will ask you to dance, as Elzer will be there to play a waltz on the piano. The smile on his face was so sweet, giving off an incredible charm. You could feel the warmth emanating from his hand on your lower back and in the one he was holding yours. The words he whispered in your ear were filled with love. Until today, you had never danced together, too ashamed to show him your level in this category. But Diluc guided you to perfection, masking your mistakes with his skill. You had never seen Diluc like this, so expressive, dancing with incredible confidence. He was so handsome, so attractive, his shining eyes never leaving yours. Completely under his spell, you pressed your cheek against his chest, hiding the redness that was settling in. Diluc held you closer to him, burying his face in your hair, soaking up your scent. He hoped you couldn't feel his heart racing from your sudden proximity. The warmth of your body against his was so attractive and reassuring...
Finally, as the piano played its last notes, Diluc lifted you off the ground, twirling you in his arms before wrapping them around your waist, keeping you at the same height as his face. Slowly, you both leaned in toward each other, joining your lips together as your hands tangled in his hair.
(NSFW) As the evening drew to a close, Diluc invited you to sit on his legs on the couch set up in front of the fire he had lit earlier in the evening. His hands caressed your thighs, unconsciously pulling your dress up over your knees. His lips were pressed against yours, his tongue greedily claiming the entrance to your mouth. Between two kisses, he was whispering his love and desire for you. Diluc gave off an addictive warmth, your fingers wanting more, reaching under the fabric of his blouse to caress his skin. Without moving away from your lips, he gently laid you down on the couch he was sitting on, placing himself comfortably between your thighs. He couldn't stop his hips from rubbing against you in a small circle while one of his hands caressed your face. You could hear his breathing quicken as the hardness in his pants rubbed against you, eliciting moans from you. His lips wouldn't let go of you, sometimes blocking your breath before he gave you a moment to breathe by changing the position of his face. His desire for you was so strong that the feeling alone made his heart ache.
The night would be long and restless. Diluc would hold you against him until daybreak, caressing your naked body and whispering his love for you.
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Valentine's Day was both a modern and foreign holiday to Liyue, coming straight from a distant land. But Zhongli found it charming and decided to spend this special day with you. He is a man who likes to follow traditions, so it is not surprising that he inquires about the course of this day.
Hu Tao will give him a day off work so that he can spend the day with you. Zhongli is a gallant and romantic man, he wants this day to be to your taste. He will suggest you a walk in the city, letting you stop at every stall and store you like, keeping your hand in his. The look on his face is tender and warm as you admire the most beautiful hairpins in town. He can't help but find you adorable as you browse the stalls with shining eyes.
He will eventually entwine his fingers around yours, guiding you gallantly through the streets of Liyue.
Zhongli will have reserved a table at the Liuli pavilion. He will take advantage of your meal to offer you a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a small rectangular box containing one of the hairpins you were admiring earlier in the day. He will gladly put it in your hair, sliding your strands through his fingers before styling them into a bun, finishing his work with the gift he had given you.
Sitting at the end of the table with you by his side, his hand resting on yours, his thumb lovingly caressing the back of your hand, Zhongli never took his eyes off of you as he listened to you tell him a few Valentine's Day stories of your own. Your voice was always something he loved to hear. As for your laughter, whenever he heard it, his smile became more dazzling while his heart beat faster in his chest. He thought you were so beautiful, so charming, he thought he was so lucky to have you by his side. As soon as there was a short silence between the two of you, he leaned in, his hand brushing away the few strands of your face before his lips met yours. It was a chaste kiss, but filled with love. And when he pulled away from you, his amber eyes meeting yours, he whispered his feelings of love to you.
The day was pleasantly full. Zhongli took you to see an opera, sung by the famous Yun Jin, and then offered you a cup of the best tea in town. The night fell slowly on Teyvat, letting the moon light up the sky little by little. You walked slowly through the streets of Liyue, hand in hand. There was a pleasant silence between you two.
Zhongli walked you home, hoping to spend as much time as possible with you. When he arrived at the door of your apartment, he stood still, silent. His gaze was on your door. Uncertain, he slowly turned to you, asking your permission to enter. Laughing at his hesitation, you opened the door, pulling him in by the hand. He let you lead him in, smiling fondly.
(NSFW) As soon as the door was closed, the former archon wrapped his arms around your shoulders in surprise as you stowed your jacket on the coat rack. His lips met the skin of your neck, moving slowly up to your jaw and then the back of your ear. Lifting you off the floor, Zhongli took you to your room, laying you gently on the bed. Standing over you, he removed the hairpin he had given you earlier, kissing it affectionately before placing it on your bedside table. Resting on his forearms, he brought his face close to yours, whispering his love to you before kissing you. It was a slow, languid kiss, his tongue curling with yours. One of his hands went down your body to grab your knee, hooking it to his hip. His hand slowly moved up, pushing your clothes higher on your hips. He wanted you with such strength, such passion. How could an ancient god like him lose control so easily to you? He wanted to be consumed by his desires, his lust for you.
He would constantly moan your name. He would repeat to you that he loves you.
If he was once the god of Liyue, you were now the goddess that made his heart beat.
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Kaeya will use his legendary charm, decorating your workplace with the most beautiful roses in Mondstadt. Taking your hand in his, his lips kissed each of your fingers before his eye scanned yours. Making sure you liked his gift first, he would then offer you the traditional Valentine's Day chocolate he had baked himself for you. Now that things were put into context, Kaeya took your hand in his and led you with a quick step through the streets of Mondstadt.
His fingers were intertwined between yours, a joyful smile lighting up his features. He took you to the city square, decorated with flowers for Valentine's Day by the inhabitants. Musicians were playing their instruments to brighten up the celebration. Several couples were already there, dancing and enjoying themselves around the fountain. Kaeya glanced at you briefly, widening his sweet smile before pulling you by the hand to join the group.
The music was more festive than romantic at the moment, and the joy and laughter was flowing between you two. Kaeya led you in a frenzied dance, twirling you around or lifting you in his arms before resting you on the ground to start again on more traditional steps. Hugging your waist and pulling your face closer to his chest, he nodded to the musicians, who slowly began to play a slower, more languid rhythm. Pulling you just far enough away from him so that he could look into yours, Kaeya was the first to initiate the movements of a waltz, quickly followed by the other couples.
Sighing at ease, you let yourself go against his chest. You felt something pressing against your head. Kaeya kissed you tenderly as he guided you. He was incredibly soft and romantic today, his head now resting comfortably in the place he had previously kissed.
When the music stopped, Kaeya held you against him for a moment longer, breathing in the scent of your hair as he closed his eye to better savor it. With your eyes closed, you savored the closeness between the two of you, kissing the part of his torso that he left exposed.
After a while of enjoying each other's closeness, you finally separated. Kaeya tucked one of your locks behind your ear before leaning in for a kiss.
The cavalry captain suggested that you spend the rest of the day with him. He'll take you out to dinner, take you for walks hand in hand. He will let you rest between his legs, his back leaning against the trunk of a tree for support. You will share together the chocolate he offered you earlier in the day. He will enjoy the traces of chocolate you leave on the corner of your lips, licking them slyly to tease you. Red with embarrassment, you pinched his cheek, and in return he laid you down on the grass, positioning himself over you to kiss you.
(NSFW) As night finally fell, Kaeya walked you home, accepting your invitation to enter without batting an eyelid.
He watched you go to the bathroom, hearing the water running in the tub. Slowly, he joined you, leaning on the door frame to admire your naked body plunging into the hot water. He stood speechless, admiring the curves of your body disappear into the steaming water. Noticing after a few moments his presence, you invited him with the most seductive of smiles to join you. He was easily convinced, quickly taking off his clothes to plunge his body into the water. Once he was settled behind you, Kaeya drew you against his chest, his lips kissing your shoulder. His hands eager for you wrapped around your chest, kneading your water-heated skin. You had such an effect on him, driving him crazy with love and desire. Kaeya didn't need Valentine's Day to show his affection for you, but the symbolism of the day amplified his feelings for you. You could feel his teeth nibbling the skin of your neck, leaving behind several purple marks. His hands spread your legs to better penetrate between them...
When you woke up the next day, your sleeping lover's arm was resting heavily on your stomach, you noticed the letter he had left on your bedside table just after sleep had taken you. Simple words were written on it. Sincere and loving words...
"I love you."
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Xiao would not be concerned with all these human parties. Nevertheless, he would be touched by your gaze as you watched the couples strolling around the Wangshu Inn. Taking your hand in his, he would lead you away from the crowd to a more private place.
Xiao would remain silent as you walked, simply interlacing his fingers with yours without putting too much force into it. You could notice the redness that mocked the tips of his ears, but knowing him, it was best not to point it out. Looking around for the perfect place to spend some time alone with you, Xiao eventually led you under the shade of a tree, ideally placed facing the river. Sitting down beside you, he let you rest your head on his shoulder. Watching his hands rest on his thighs, you finally grabbed one of them in yours, silently playing with his fingers. Xiao watched you do this, a blush gradually settling on his cheeks. His hand finally stopped your movements, gently grasping yours in his. A sigh escaped him, followed by an apology. He knew deep down that he wasn't good at human relationships, he also knew that you would like to be like all those couples who were strolling lovingly through the streets. Part of him was afraid. Afraid that one day you would leave him for someone more... human. His heart tightened in his chest. Xiao drew your hand to his lips before turning his gaze to you. Your eyes were so full of love for him, he couldn't understand why you were so fond of him. He then asked you the question. Why him? There were so many better people around you. Men and women capable of giving you the happiness you deserved. Your answer silenced all his doubts. "You're the only man in the world who deserves all my love.
Xiao leaned toward you, gently kissing your lips. His hand made its way behind your back to attach itself to your hip. He pulled you closer to him, deepening his kiss. You could feel him reaching into his pocket with his free hand. He pulled out a small, finely decorated azure box, a ribbon sealing it. Surprised, you hesitated to take it at first, shifting your gaze between him and the gift he was handing you. Then you grabbed it, pulling gently on the ribbon before opening the lid. Inside was a gold necklace, a heart hanging from the chain. You looked at it for a long time, remaining silent. Xiao wondered if you didn't like his gift, he was ready to take it back and throw it into the river! But when he saw your smile brighten your features, all his fears vanished instantly. Taking the jewel out of its case, you asked Xiao to help you put it around your neck, lifting your hair to help him. You felt the coldness of the chain slide against your skin and then the warmth of Xiao's lips on your neck...
Xiao took you back to the inn after dark. Anyone could see the thin smile that graced his features. His hand could not move away from yours... Once in your room, you in turn offered him a box of chocolate that you had prepared yourself. You knew Xiao didn't like human food, but you hoped he'd make an exception. He tasted one, to please you, he told you! And amazing as it may seem, the box emptied quickly. His eyes went to you, standing in front of your mirror, admiring the necklace around your neck. Xiao parted his lips a little, pink painting his cheeks for the umpteenth time today. The moonlight illuminated your features, making the gold chain shine in the mirror. He joined you, embracing your waist from behind as he admired your reflection over your shoulder. The intensity of his gaze made you blush. Xiao was very observant, so he quickly noticed. His hands gradually disappeared under your blouse as his lips worshipped your neck, your jaw. When he reached your ear, he whispered his love and desire for you and as soon as he felt your legs give way to his words, Xiao lifted you off the ground, taking you to your bed.
He wanted to worship you like a goddess. His heart had given way to you.
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There was a time when Albedo was not interested in this kind of party. He didn't feel concerned and preferred to concentrate on his work. Of course, that was before he met you. You seemed so eager to make him happy on Valentine's Day that he went with the flow.
Albedo is an excellent cook, especially with desserts. He knows you've prepared something for him. The traditional chocolates perhaps? So, to play on the same ground as you, he set about preparing a recipe of his own. White chocolate, sprinkled with rose flowers that he ground himself. For the occasion, he had bought a medium-sized heart-shaped mold. He then focused on lunch, cooking your favorite dishes for you.
As Albedo finished his preparations, you were just starting to wake up. As you left your eyes closed for a few more moments, you could hear your lover's footsteps approaching you. The bed sank under his weight and one of his hands wandered into your sleepy hair. A tender smile settled on his lips when he noticed you were pretending to sleep. To help you out of your slumber, Albedo placed a kiss on your forehead, down your nose and finally to your lips. You loved it so much when he woke you up like that, so sweet and so rare coming from him. Just to enjoy it more, you kept your eyes closed for a few more moments, enjoying his cuddles. You could hear the echo of his laughter in your ears as one of his hands came to pinch your cheek. Ouch. The pleasure couldn't last forever.
"I know you're awake." - You opened your eyes, exposing a pouty look to him.
"Let me enjoy this! It's so rare that you come and wake me up with hugs." - You wrapped your arms around his hips, burying your face in his abdomen. You could feel the vibrations in his body as he laughed.
Albedo untied you from him, pinning your hands against the mattress of the bed. His weight held you in place as he towered over you, his small smile still on his lips.
"Too bad, lunch is getting cold..."
"Lunch? What time is it?" - Albedo lowered himself against you, nibbling on the skin of your neck.
"Past noon..." - He said as his mouth devoured your earlobe. Your muscles relaxed as you heard the time. You had so much planned to do with him today... But you were quickly diverted from your thoughts as Albedo's hands reached under your top to caress your skin. Well, maybe the day was a bust, but Albedo had found a great way to wake you up...
Albedo had finally heated up the food he had prepared a few hours before. As soon as you had finished eating, you hurried to offer him the chocolates you had proudly prepared yourself. He immediately tasted one of them. His hand went in front of his mouth, his eyes crinkling as if he didn't like the taste...
"What?! Isn't it good? Let me taste it!" - Just as you tried to snatch the box of chocolate from his hands, Albedo pulled it away from you, a teasing look on his face.
"It's very good, thanks y/n."
"You're being uncharacteristically naughty today..." - He tenderly took your hand, leading it to his lips to kiss it. In turn, he offered you a heart-shaped box with chocolates he had made himself this morning. Honestly, you didn't expect this from him, this kind of party had no interest for him until now. It was an incredible surprise that he thought of making you a gift for Valentine's Day. The chocolates, like the lunch, were of incredible quality.
"Let's go for a walk. I'd love to spend the rest of this day with you by my side." - Albedo had grabbed your hand, stroking your skin with his thumb. Of course, you agreed. His smile lit up his already beautiful features, he was so expressive today...
Pulling you by the hand, he helped you out of your seat, pulling you against him. His lips pressed against yours, his hand cupping your cheek. His voice whispered his feelings to you, wishing you a happy Valentine's Day with all his heart.
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dKazuha knows nothing about Valentine's Day. But by observing you, he quickly understood that this holiday was important to you, because it was the first time that both of you would celebrate it. To avoid disappointing you, he will ask you all the questions he can think of.
"Is there anything special I should do that day?" - You gently smiled at him.
"I just want you to spend that day with me."
And he will. Of course he will. But it couldn't be that simple... He didn't need a party as an excuse to spend a whole day with you. So, in doubt, he asked the crew of the Crux, and it was Captain Beidou who enlightened him. She had traveled enough to know the customs of every country she visited. Traditionally, he would give you chocolates or flowers, but he could also give you a simple romantic day.
Kazuha hesitated, he wanted to give you chocolates, but he didn't know how to make them. He could give you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, but was it really what you wanted? You wanted him to be close to you during this day, maybe he should focus on that?
As promised, Kazuha had freed himself to spend Valentine's Day with you. He had come to pick you up from your house, joining his hand with yours to keep you close to him during your walk. In his free hand he carried a bento he had prepared for you both, wrapped in a silky cloth from Inazuma.
While you found a nice place to sit, Kazuha recited some haiku that he had thought of for you, freely expressing his love for you.
As soon as he found the shade of a tree far enough away from everything to assure you a moment of peace, Kazuha settled down, drawing your hips against him. Your head on his shoulder had a soothing effect on him, his hand, still resting on your hip, tenderly caressed you. His cheek came to rest on the top of your head. He could smell you on the wind. You both had your eyes closed, enjoying the simple presence of the other. Your hand came to rest on his chest, gripping his kimono as if to keep you in reality.
He knew that you sometimes had nightmares, seeing images of him disappearing into the wilderness without ever returning to your side. In those moments, you held on to him, even as you slept, for fear that he would disappear.
A sigh escaped his lips as his hand grasped yours and brought it to his lips. He wanted to reassure you, to love you as you deserved. He wanted to chase away the fears that haunted you. When you felt his lips on your fingers, your gaze went up to him. The softness in his eyes made you wobble in his arms.
(NSFW) Kazuha lifted your chin so that his lips could reach you. Your kiss was slow and tender. You suddenly felt his hands lift you up by the waist to put you astride him. As soon as you were settled on his thighs, he linked his lips with yours again. His hands were all over you, caressing your thighs, your hips, your back. His touches were so sensual, you could feel your skin warming up behind each pass of his hands. Kazuha was panting against your lips as he grabbed your hips to help you rock against him, rubbing you against his hardening member.
Your name escaped his lips in time with the swaying of your hips. He hid his face in the hollow of your neck, blushing violently at the rising excitement. He wanted you, desired you with a frightening force.
This wasn't how he imagined your Valentine's Day date. Fortunately, you had the whole day ahead of you. He was going to make sure that this first Valentine's Day together was unforgettable.
Luckily, the bento he had prepared for the two of you could wait to be eaten. For now, what he wanted to devour was you.
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sweetyyhippyy · 2 years
Morning After. Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader. *FLUFF*
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(Not my gif)
Summary: Steve wakes up and remembers the night he had with his girlfriend.
TW: Mentions of (rough) sex throughout - Doesn’t go into super descriptive detail but... ya know. 
Word count: 795
Steve started to stir in bed, slowly blinking his eyes open.
The morning sunlight was starting to poor in through the curtains of the room, birds chirping from outside.
Steve rolls to his other side, a dull ache radiating through his lower body. He grunts low as he settles on his side, looking at his girlfriend laying next to him.
She was still fast asleep, completely unbothered by his movements next to her. Some of her hair had fallen out of her ponytail from last night, the strands falling down her face. A small dark patch of drool was in the pillow under her mouth, making him laugh to himself.
Steve saw the small purple-ish bruise he had sucked into her shoulder At some point, the memory of the night before flooding back into his mind. He could almost feel the blood rushing back down between his legs.
Her nose scrunches before she inhales deeply, burying her face into the pillow. She slightly moans as she stretches.
The moan makes Steve think back to last night, all the moans he drew out of her when he was inside of her, how sweet she sounded when his name was tangled in curse words and different praises.
Steve shuffles over closer to her, rubbing her shoulder lightly.
“I could feel you staring a hole into my brain.” She finally speaks, her voice muffled from the pillow she was still face down in.
A smile spreads across his face as he leans over to press kisses to her bare shoulder blade. “Couldn’t help myself. You looked so cute.”
Her body shakes with laughter, picking her head up to look at him. “Yeah, so cute with drool coming out of my mouth.” She turns her body to face Steve, rubbing her cold legs against his own. “Morning.” A shy smile on her face that she tried to hide behind the blanket.
“Morning. You sleep good?” Steve brings his hand out to touch her cheek lightly.
“Yeah, you sort of wore me out last night there, Harrington. You were on a whole new level.” She raises her eyebrows. “I almost didn’t recognize you.”
“Yeah I uh…” Steve starts to chuckle, clearing his throat. “Was it too much?”
She reaches her hand up to rake through his wild bed head, pushing his hair back. “Not at all, I loved it. I love our normal sex, don’t get me wrong, but you being so… rough and, I don’t know kinda mean just turned me on more than usual.” Her fingers tangle in the back of his hair, lightly scratching his scalp.
Steve goes in to kiss her again, but she moves her head with a laugh. “Hey, what gives?”
“I have morning breath, babe.” She smirks.
“You think I care right now? Please?” He fake pouts, giving her soft eyes. He gets even closer to her, their chests pressing against each other, his arm draped around her back.
She giggles at his face. “You’re so lucky you’re cute.” She stretches her neck up to softly peck his lips, pushing his head forward slightly to deepen their kiss.
Steve’s hand grips the squishy part of her skin, right above her hip.
She laughs against his mouth, burying her face in his chest. “That tickles.”
Steve laughs with her, kissing her forehead repeatedly. “What’s on the agenda today, babe?”
“How about this? Laying in bed together… naked. Maybe having a repeat of last night? I think I’m sort of having a hard time remembering since you made me hit my head.”
Steve squints his eyes shut in laughter as he thinks back to when he thought he was smooth enough to wrap his arm around her, trying to manhandle her and change their position, he went to throw her back down on the mattress and she hit her head right on the wall next to their bed. The loud thud made both of them pause, Steve apologizing a mile a minute, snapping back to his sweet self right away.
“Thought I would forget from the possible concussion you gave me, huh?” She laughs into his hairy chest, her favorite place to be.
“I’m sorry!” Steve laughs, rubbing the spot on her head she had hit. “You know that I’m more than willing to make it up to you, however many times you want.”
She raises her eyebrows, a smile spreading across her face. “And how are you planning on doing that? I’m intrigued.” Her voice was low and sultry as she questioned him.
Steve rolls her onto her back, shifting his weight on top of her. “You want me to tell you? Or show you?” He whispers in her ear, kissing the shell of her ear.
“I think you know exactly what I want.”
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touyaspeach · 3 years
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camboy! Kuroiro Shihai x fem! Reader
A/N ; this took forever to write, but I think it turned out well! It's the longest fic I've written so far, and I'm really glad it's for Shihai. He deserves more love. Also I drew the banner image, do you like it?
Summary ; You learn that your co-worker and fellow pro-hero, Kuroiro Shihai aka Vantablack, has been moonlighting as a camboy. A deep dive into his hours of content later, and somehow you end up as his biggest fan and number one supporter. The only caveat is... you're pretty sure he hates you. Words ; 14.5k Warnings ; cam work, masturbation (m, f), sex toys, assplay (m), unprotected sex, cunnilingus, fingering (f), praise (f), Thanks ; @a-shy-blueberry for beta reading, brainstorming, and supporting me through the whole process!!
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It started with whispers, a quiet sussurussing behind closed doors, in empty rooms, among breaks and alleyways and friends and acquaintances. Your friend and pro-hero co-worker, Kuroiro Shihai, also known as the hero Vantablack, is supplementing his income by camming. No one’s shown you a video, or given you any proof yet, but you’re dying to know the validity of the claims.
It doesn’t help one bit that you’ve been insanely attracted to him since your time together in school, though nothing ever came of it. You were both too focused on studying, training, becoming a hero. And, well, now that you’re both heroes and living the dream, as it were. Maybe it’s as good a time as any to do a google search for his content. He won’t be hard to notice, his quirk gave him a unique appearance.
These are your thoughts as you round out your patrol for the evening. You’ve been on your feet for hours, walking the streets to keep bad guys from doing bad things and stopping potential villains from causing general mayhem. All in a day’s work.
This shift was a boring one. Your sector is a well-travelled one that’s got a relatively low crime rate, it’s one of the ones that newbies and side-kicks get assigned. You’d be fine with it normally, but that means there’s nothing keeping your mind from running wild with fantasies about your supposed camboy friend.
You wonder, as you walk, what kind of content he puts out. Is he a degrading dom or a praise-hungry sub? Did he fuck himself on toys or stroke himself to completion? You’d caught sight of his bare torso a handful of times here and there, and the curiosity of what lies beyond his waistband has you getting a little too wet in your hero. Thick and vascular, or long and pretty? Somewhere in between? Did he dress up in cute costumes or cosplays? Fetish wear? Harnesses seem like his thing, and you assumed he’d be the leather over plastic kind of guy, but you’d very much like to know for yourself.
You’re so lost in your thoughts, that you don’t even notice the dark figure in front of you until you’ve crashed into a broad chest and steadied with slender hands on your shoulders. Of course, you’d smashed your face right into the man currently occupying your thoughts. Of course.
“I-I,” he stammers, seemingly caught off guard just as much as you were. He steels himself for a moment and then clears his throat. Kuroiro is just as strikingly handsome today as he always is. His hero suit is all dark onyx like his skin, and his silvery hair is tied back into a ponytail. White accents adorn his wrists and shoes but otherwise, he cuts an intimidating figure.
“You won’t catch any villains if you can’t even pay attention to what’s in front of you, weirdo.” He chastises, hissing out that cute little laugh of his. You flush, and then the illusion you’d so carefully spent the last few minutes crafting comes to a screeching halt.
“Just as the prophecy foretold, our fated meeting at dusk means only one thing-”
Oh fuck, here we go. And this is why you and Kuroiro never became anything more than acquaintances. He babbled about something dramatic, and you were too focused on the way his suit hugged his trim and muscular frame to really hear what he was saying. He always said the strangest things when you were around like he was intentionally being off-putting. He was sexy as hell and getting to see him this close for the first time since you’d heard those rumors only gave them more stock. You could easily see how and why he’d be popular enough to make camming a successful side hustle.
Did he spout all that darkness stuff during his shows, you wondered. That thought did nothing more than pour gasoline on the flames. Were there people into such a thing? Surely, there were people into everything, so why would that be any different?
“You’re not even listening, of course,” Kuroiro said suddenly, drawing your attention back to him. He scoffed, and then moved aside to walk away from you without another word. Even when you turned to apologize, he’d vanished. Sucked into the shadows as his quirk allowed.
You crossed paths often enough with him, he tended to be assigned the patrol shift right after yours since nighttime lent itself to his abilities so much better than the day did. He was excellent at what he did, too, great at gathering information and catching ner do wells by surprise.
You just couldn’t put your finger on him, though. He was enigmatic, for sure, and the media seemed to agree with you.
When you returned home, you showered and ordered dinner. Once you changed into comfortable clothes, you grabbed your laptop and began your sleuthing. There were a ton of camsites to shift through, and you didn’t follow him on any social media (not that he’d use his professional handles to post porn with, let’s be real). A myriad of different search terms and combinations later and you finally found him, the rumours were true.
And with a quirk like his and a screen name like “vantabussy”, that secret wouldn’t stay secret for long. If you managed to find him before your takeout even came then surely the others at the agency and then eventually the press would, too. Maybe your co-workers had already found this and that’s why the rumours spread so quickly?
Curiosity piqued, especially after patrolling all day and thinking about him, you clicked through. He was offline, obviously, and there were a few VODs locked behind a paywall which you weren’t convinced about shelling out money for just yet. You scrolled down to the bio section and read through.
It was mostly standard stuff, his username, the date he joined, his birthday and age, what he was into, his streaming schedule, and his body mods. But what caught your interest the most was just how many followers he had.
Sixty thousand.
Sixty thousand people liked his content enough to make an account on this website and follow him, and probably pay a lot of money to see… what exactly? You were just about to click the “register” button when your doorbell rang, nearly making you jump out of your skin and toss your laptop across the room in your shock.
Oh right, the food.
You were quick to greet the delivery person, give them a fat enough tip, and return to your apartment to finally sate this budding curiosity. You set the bag of food on the table, retrieved your laptop and your wallet, and signed up.
You didn’t want it to be obvious that it was you, so picking a username that was interesting enough to get noticed-why did you want to get noticed?- and not too obvious, was going to be a little tricky. You considered it for a moment, your mind running through the options.
You could play off of his username, vantabussy, and use something silly like sparklepussy. But you didn’t like the connotations it gave you. Vantafan666 it is, you supposed. It’s not like you were actually going to interact with him anyway. Not outside of paying the price for the VODs and getting it out of your system.
You input your password, verified your account, and gave away your credit card information for this, so it better be worthwhile. Scrolling through the options, looking at the thumbnails and descriptions to choose which one you’d be shelling out your hard-earned cash for.
“Imagine me breeding you like this,” is the video you decided on. The thumbnail is a full body shot of the one and only vantabussy, on his knees in what appeared to be a room set up specifically for this, with a few toys around. He was completely naked, and it was the first glimpse you’d gotten of what he was packing.
It wasn’t going to be your last.
His cock was pretty, long, and vascular, flushed so red at the tip that it shone through the inky blackness of his skin. His hair was down, and his dick was standing at attention and the dirty talk potential was too good to pass up.
The video was around ten minutes long, and the price was actually pretty cheap. Or what you assumed was cheap, considering how rarely you went on sites like these. You ordered the video and clicked through and immediately your ears were blessed with the sweet timbre of his voice.
Had it always been so butter-smooth and calm?
“Thank you for buying this, baby,” he cooed, shifting his hips forward and displaying his gorgeous length fully as he spread his legs further. His thighs were delicious, all lean muscle and thick power from years of training up and working out. He reached out of frame to produce a small bottle of lube, which he squeezed out onto his bare cock. It jumped at the coldness and he chuckled softly, “so cold, I’m gonna need you to warm me up.”
You had to pause the video there, feeling all tingly and warm from seeing your co-worker and fellow hero in such a compromising way. But of course, this was intentional, right? So it wasn’t wrong of you to indulge, right? If anything you were helping him out by paying for it, so why did you feel so guilty? Guilty, and extremely, stupidly turned on.
You shifted on your couch uncomfortably, the slick pooling in your panties making things sticky. You could do this, you could get through this video without touching yourself!
You leaned back, grabbed your food, and pressed play.
Those long, slender fingers wrapped around his length and he stroked himself a few times to spread the lube around. A low, pretty groan ripped itself from his throat at the sensation and he purred, “can’t wait to fill you up, breed your pretty pussy and show everyone who you belong to. You want that, baby? I know you do.”
As he spoke he produced a clear fleshlight. You could see all the carefully crafted textures on the inside through the soft silicone and you knew he’d chosen it specifically because of his quirk. Getting to see just how good that lovely dick could make you feel was all part of the plan.
He pulled out a pillow from off-camera and placed the masturbator on top of it so that he could prop himself up higher on his knees and line up with the entrance. He smirked wolfishly at the camera, quirking a silver brow as if to tease you.
“You ready for me, princess?” he hissed as he slowly sunk into the toy, “God you’re so tight, feels amazing. You’re gonna milk my cock, aren’t you?” Kuroiro’s thrusts started off slow, his moans so deep and sweet as he enjoyed the feeling of fucking his toy. You could see it stretch and contract with every piston of his hips, and could only imagine what it’d feel like inside of you. “Fuck,” he groaned, picking up the pace. The only sound for a moment was the squelching wetness of the lube as he swirled his hips and hissed out a sharp breath.
“Feels so good, you want me to cum inside? Want me to - fuck - breed this pretty pussy of yours? I wonder if I could get you pregnant with just one, or if we should go for multiple rounds. What do you think, baby? Would you like that?” Words dripped from his lips as his pace picked up even more. He pressed a palm to the top of the toy to add more pressure and keep it still.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum, princess. Cum with me, I want to feel you cum on my cock. That’s it, good girl. Oh shiiiiiit-” he moaned loudly as he shot pumps of milky cum into the fleshlight. You could see just how much he gave, too, your eyes focused on where the head of his dick pressed out of the other end and pushed his load out. It all but gushed, staining the pillowcase.
“Nnnnmmm, so good for me, oh my god,” he pulled out carefully, sensitive, and leaned back on his heels. His expression was glossy and dazed and he had such a cute little grin on his face that you felt yourself smiling right alongside him. He let out an exhausted huff.
“Thank you, baby, I needed that.” And then the video cut.
You hadn’t realized you stopped eating, entranced by the show Kuroiro put on. Out of all the things you’d expected from him, that was certainly not it. Where was all that waxing poetic about weird stuff? He seemed so perfectly normal and insanely sexy in the video.
That only further proved he’d done those things just to drive you away, and your heart sank a little. It wasn’t like you were ever close but knowing that he hated you for no seemingly good reason was rather upsetting. You returned to your food, but your mind was swimming.
With the video still paused on your laptop screen and a mouthful of fried rice, you thought about what you’d just witnessed. Sure enough, pro-hero Vantablack - or should it be vantabussy now? - was making a decent amount from his side hustle of being a camboy. And it was so fucking sexy, no wonder he had sixty thousand fans. If that video was so good, what about the others?
Was it really okay, though? Knowing how much he disliked you? Watching him fuck a fleshlight felt like an invasion of privacy, but if he was going to hate you for no good reason then who cares? You could watch all of his content and he’d have no way to stop you.
That sounded like as good an excuse as any to have you clicking through to the next video. And the next. And the next. All 38 of them.
Before you knew it, you’d spent all of this month’s budget and half of next’s on Kuroiro’s VODs, and it was worth it. In your defense you didn’t really spend money on yourself, so this was like a good little splurge for you. On porn. Of your co-worker. Who hated you.
And true to form, he was totally normal in every video you watched. No spouting about the night and voids and fate and whatever else. You just had to catch him the next time he started streaming to really confirm it for yourself. It’d be easy to fake it for a short ten minute clip, but on live it’s so much different.
Scrolling down you checked his stream times and luckily for you it looked like he’d be on around 8:00pm tomorrow evening. That’s lucky, neither of you had patrol tomorrow, so maybe he was right earlier when he was talking about fate or whatever. You made a mental note to catch his show, and transferred some cash over from savings just in case. It’s not like you were going to tip him, but it’s just to cover what you’d spent already.
Including the extra hundred you’d transferred. That’s just… just in case.
You stepped away from your couch and laptop after what was definitely hours of binge-watching vantabussy’s VODs to stretch and clean up a bit. It was getting late, and images of his pretty cock busting load after load danced behind every blink of your eyelids.
You were asleep before your head hit the pillow.
The next day came early, as it always does. You made a point to be an early riser even on your off days so that you could keep a solid schedule. There was just one problem. Okay, two problems.
The first one was all the dreams you’d had last night about Kuroiro. Him hovering over you, pinning you down with strong, lithe arms and stuffing you full of cock and cum. His honey-sweet voice pouring filth into your ear as he makes you feel better than you ever have.
And the second one was how horny you were between the dreams and the memories and thoughts of him. Knowing that his show wasn’t until later the anticipation was almost agony. You needed more and you needed more now.
Grabbing your phone you opened social media, and it didn’t take but a moment before you found his twitter profile, under the same screen name. Unfortunately his account was locked, for good reason. You almost hit the request button, but it dawned on you that between the frantic watching of videos and cream-filled dreams, you realized he hated you.
And PR would throw a fit if you followed such an account from your verified one.
That left you one choice: start a new account under an alias to get your vantabussy fix. So you did, using the same name you signed up with last night to request the follow.
Now all that was left to do is get ready for the day and wait. You threw back your blankets and stepped into your slippers, wrapping your robe around you as you walked into the bathroom to wash your face and ready yourself for the day ahead.
Sure, you could go back and rewatch those VODs, the one where he wore this really lovely red leather harness and used a riding crop on himself stood out to you, but the thought of there being fresh, new content lurking just behind a follow request was too juicy. The notification came just as you were pouring your first cup of coffee for the day. He’d accepted your request. Odd, you hadn’t expected it to happen so quickly, considering his schedule, but you figured he must have just gotten off of patrol since it was still early.
You sat down at your modest dining table with coffee in tow and phone in hand to scroll through his hundreds of post like you were reading the morning paper. Only this was much sexier, and more sinful.
Making the new account, you found out, was worth it. Not only did Kuroiro make extra cash by doing his camshows, selling VODs, but also he posted the occasional tasty photoset for a pay what you want price. His way of giving back to his fans, so his twitter said. Pay what you want did mean free, if that’s what you could afford, but he was so pretty in the red shibari… how could you not give him a few bucks just for that?
There were twelve photos in the set altogether. Vantabussy in different poses, tied up in different styles with his dick rock-hard and begging to be sucked. The next set was worth paying the extra for, too, because he’d worn a maid dress from a fan request. It looked so good on him, too, the way his cock tented the skirt and how juicy his thighs looked in white fishnet.
Just like before you’d gotten so lost in consuming his content, that you’d spent far more than you’d intended and ran out of coffee, too.
This was bad, you felt like you were starting to get addicted to him; to the cock you’d have no chance of ever seeing or feeling in real life. The fantasy, though, was what kept you coming back for more. And he was gorgeous. The more you saw of him the more that fact solidified in your mind.
In the photos, too, certain aspects of his body became more apparent. The fine spattering of silver hair running down his belly, for one. Just how toned his abs and arms were, for two. The plump shape of his lips, also. Lips you now couldn’t stop thinking about kissing.
Lips you wanted to feel explore your body. His tongue, too, was pink and flushed just like his dick, and you wanted to feel if it was just as soft and warm as you imagined. You shivered, not from cold, but from how electric that thought made you feel.
You considered rubbing one out, just to get rid of this tension that’d been building all through the evening and overnight, but he was supposed to be putting on a show later, and thinking about edging yourself through the entire thing was so, so tempting. Making yourself wait to cum until he does, or overstimulating yourself to cum as many times as he did were both options.
But you didn’t know which one it’d be, and the thought of waiting was agonizing. So many possibilities flitted through your brain as you set about cooking breakfast, eating breakfast, and then cleaning it up. You looked through the photos you’d bought again, and then indulged yourself by watching the video from before as if it’d soothe the ache between your legs.
Realizing you were just working yourself up over and over, you tried to distract yourself by cleaning, doing laundry, cleaning some more, reorganizing your closet. And by the end of all that it was barely 3:00 pm. Five hours to go, and you were on fire. While all of that kept your body moving to work out the tension, you couldn’t get him out of your head.
Overnight Kuroiro had gone from eccentric co-worker and fellow hero to your wildest fantasy dream boy and you just couldn’t get enough. Surely there had to be more, right? Something you hadn’t seen yet?
Craving him, you browsed his public socials, scoured through pinterest boards and twitter accounts dedicated to him and his abs. Though, in your professional opinion, it was his arms that were the star of the show. Long, leanly muscled with broad shoulders. You imagined what they’d feel like wrapping around you, holding you close in an embrace as he gently thrust into you.
The frantic desire from before slowly started giving way to something else, something more intimate, the longer you looked through Kuroiro’s online presence. The press had captured several photos of him interacting with children and the elderly, including one kid dressed up as him for Halloween. Headlines talked about how intel he’d gathered via the use of his quirk changed the outcome of situations for the better.
You got stuck on one article, there was a photo of him smiling candidly while talking to some other heroes at your agency. It was from the day you’d all first started there together, and the article talked about you and your peers as breakout heroes with a highlight on Vantablack.
But that photo, somehow, seemed to paint him in a different light. He really tended to play up that grim dark persona for the media and had a real flair for the dramatics, but this was just so genuine.
Why did he have to hate you so much?
Eight rolled around more quickly after that.
You probably shouldn’t have gone out of your way to charge up your favorite two vibrators, and make sure your tried and true dildo was squeaky clean for this, but you did just to pass the time. You also shouldn’t have run out to the local sex store to get some of the same brand of lube he used, but you did it anyway (and almost bought a new toy while you were there, but you’d just spent hundreds on vantabussy content so perhaps another week).
You got comfortable on your bed, toys laid out neatly, and opened your laptop. The chat was already going wild when you logged in even though the stream hadn’t started yet. Theories on what today’s show would bring were being thrown back and forth, tips coming in already in anticipation, a side discussion on a previous show was also being had. It was overwhelming and chaotic but it looked fun. You had just started to write out a greeting when the camera flicked on.
And there he was in all his glory, wearing a white muscle top and boxers as he leaned back on those gorgeous arms and grinned at the camera. His silver hair fell forward into his face, concealing one eye while the other stared right at you. Well, at the audience, but it felt like he was looking at you specifically. You could see the bulge and dickprint in his boxer briefs, obviously already worked up and horny for the show, and your eyes trailed up along the expanse of his torso.
“Thank you guys for hanging out with me tonight, and for all your tips already. I got a special show in store today thanks to my new, biggest fan.”
The chat went wild with speculation as he trailed those long fingers down the length of his body to rub himself through the grey fabric covering his cock.
“Thank you for all of your support vantafan666,” he hummed, “Whoever you are, you paid this month’s rent for me so I bought you a little something to show my appreciation. Is this your first time here?” He smirked, pulled the camera closer so that the focus was more on his toned belly and growing erection.
He was talking to you, about you, and your face went hot. You supposed you had spent a decent amount on him, buying out his vods and photosets in your hungry fever of wanting more. The chat was mixed, some were disappointed that they had someone new to contend with, and some were congratulating him for it. Telling him how much he deserved it. You wrote your reply hastily, hoping he’d see your name among the hundreds already pouring in.
‘Yes it is, and might I say you look stunning tonight.’
You watched eagerly as his eyes scanned the chat, his thumb idly playing with the waistband of his boxers as he did. You could see the moment he noticed your comment because something shifted in his eyes and his smirk morphed into a grin.
“Mmm damn baby, you really like me, huh? Well, thanks to you, everyone gets to see the cumshot tonight, so everyone say thank you to vantafan666.” The chat filled up with so many thank yous and tips in your stead. Comments like, ‘it’s going to be so worth it, he’s so pretty when he cums’ and ‘thank you @vantafan666 for the food’. Tips broke up the comments, too. Some people tipping a single coin, others a hundred or more. You wondered what the protocol was about this tipping, what was appropriate, and why people were sending the amounts they did. How much did those coins cost, anyway?
You typed a reply in the chat before clicking away to see their pricing packages.
'Can’t wait to see what you have in store tonight <3’
As you looked through, Kuroiro continued to talk, engaging with his fans and replying to some other comments.
“You guys have been begging me to try the Lovense, and I wasn’t going to indulge just yet, but tonight’s a special occasion. This is for you, vantafan.”
The prices were…pricey. But you felt obliged to at least spend some since he’d apparently gone through all the effort of getting this…Lovense? Was it? Just because of you. The payment went through and you clicked back to the stream where Kuroiro was opening the new box and explaining the system. You could tip a certain amount to make this toy vibrate in certain ways for certain amounts of time.
The list popped up in the chat, and you browsed the options.
“So, vantafan666, you got a name, cutie? I wanna know what I should be moaning when I cum for you.” he said, producing the pink toy and showing it off for the camera.
‘Call me y/n’ you said before you could really determine if it was a good idea or not. What if he got your name and instantly knew who you were? Would he block you? His eyes flicked to the audience and he grinned again.
“That’s funny, that’s my co-worker’s name,” he said with a humorous lilt. He made a point to slowly tease the waistband of his boxers again, before turning around and sliding them just off his ass. His ass, which, you realized for the first time, was just as gorgeous as the rest of him. He bent over, presenting his hole which you noticed had the same flush of red that his cock had. You could hear him open the bottle of lube, and slick up the toy before rubbing it slowly against his ass. You were entranced, ignoring chat completely.
“I hope you’re watching y/n, this is for you, baby.”
And you knew he was talking about the y/n that was vantafan666, not the y/n that was his coworker, but you couldn’t help the aching between your legs growing at him calling your name in that buttery voice of his. Especially knowing what he was about to do.
You typed up a response, ‘You look so pretty like this, I can’t wait to see more’.
The chat lit up with the toy’s controls, as well as the tip goal for the day. When he reached a certain amount, he’d get to cum, but only then? And there were interesting options for the controls, too. Formulating a plan, you renavigated to the shop page and bought what was probably way too many coins. You didn’t care, though, the thought alone of getting to control the toy that was going to make him cum and work him up for however long this took was just too tempting.
When you returned to the stream, he’d changed positions, sitting propped up against a large fluffy-looking pillow. He must’ve put the toy in and replaced his boxers, but it’s not like you minded. He looked divine like this, with one arm behind his head showing off his toned bicep, and the other idly rubbing up and down his belly.
“Alright, my darlings, it’s on, someone want to send a tip or two in to make sure it’s working properly?” He grinned again, then sucked the corner of his bottom lip in between pearly white teeth. It was such a lewd face, and you were intrigued.
You hit the tip button, and donated enough to make the toy vibrate for 15 seconds on a medium pulse. It sounded like a good enough place to start. The cartoony sound of coins clattering together came from your laptop speakers as the notifications began popping up in chat.
You weren’t the only one with the idea to start him off strong, and you worried for a moment about the length of the show with just how long and how intense the vibrations were going to be.
“Ah, thank y-” he started, and then the most pornographic moan you’d ever heard ripped from his throat as the toy started up. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck… holy shit.”
Kuroiro threw his head back, his muscles tensing and his hips rising off of the floor from the sensation. His legs were shaking and his breaths came out in uneven pants. “Oh god, th-this is… oh fuck right against my prostate. Ohhhhh~” he groaned, barely coherent. From the angle that he was at you could see his dick harden significantly, and he roamed his hands up and down his thighs as if he could barely hold back from touching himself.
More donations and tips flooded in, keeping the toy going for longer and longer.
“Mmm, oh god you guys wanna make me cum don’t you? Such eager little whores. It’s so cute but we c-can’t have that just yet, yeah?”
This went on for a while. Just about every time the toy calmed down and Kuroiro let his body relax, more tips would cause it to continue pulsing deep in his ass, and the longer it dragged on the more intense and sloppy his moans and movements got. He hadn’t even touched his cock once and you could see the dark spot forming on the strained fabric of his boxers.
‘How much to take them off, pretty boy?’ you commented, and just like before he grinned from seeing your name. I just happened with yours, and you weren’t sure why, but it sent a rush of heat down your body when he did.
“Mm for you, y/n baby, you just gotta keep calling me pretty.”
A few arguments broke out in the chat at that, some calling unfair treatment, some commenting on how he seemed excited to get a message from you, and others that were far more threatening. ‘Just wait until vantabussywhore gets online, bet they’ll have a tipping war.’
“Oh no,” he groaned, slowly working his shirt over his abs, “Now that’d be something to see, wouldn’t it? My two biggest fans going at it?”
‘Vantafan wouldn’t stand a chance,’ someone said, ‘they’re new, and probably have good money but vantawhore gets all the private shows and special shoutouts.’
For some reason knowing that there was someone else willing to shell out just as much or even more as you had you flooding with jealousy. It’s not your fault you were only just learning about his shows and content, why should they get special privileges and priority just because they’d been here longer?
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice he’d completely stripped, and was now sitting on his knees for the camera, which focused on his muscled abs, strong thighs, and very erect cock. Just like in his VODs, he was so gorgeous.
‘Such a pretty prince for me’ you commented, and attached a generous tip to the message.
The toy went off again, and he moaned at your words and the stimulation, “Oh, thank you y/n. Fuck I can’t wait to cum for you baby.”
The show went on this way for quite a while without much really changing. He’d stroke himself, his body would react when the toy switched on, and plenty of chat interactions, but ultimately you thought you enjoyed his VODs more.
That opinion changed, however, when he hit the predetermined goal and chat lit up with hundreds of donations. All of them aimed with one goal in mind: make vantabussy blow his load for the world to see.
You could see his body break out in goosebumps as the toy started up again, Kuroiro frantically fucking up into his fist. “Oh shit, you really want -ohhh hhhhhahhhh- to see me cum, huh? Why the h-hurry? Ngh- fuck okay, okay I’ll give you what you want, y/n,” he moaned, and you’d forgotten that he was going to be getting off to you, for you.
You grabbed your vibrator, finally, and attacked your clit with it, letting yourself melt at the sensations. More and more donations flooded in, keeping the vibrator on and it wasn’t long before a loud cry of your name had you hyperfocusing. Pump after pump of creamy white cum coated his belly, and his whole body tensed and flexed with effort and pleasure. “Oh fuck, y/n, I’m cumming. I’m cumming for you, princess, oh my god. Feels so good, you feel so good! Gonna fill you up, baby, ohhhhhh y/n….”
That last broken moan of your name was enough to send you over the edge, hurtling towards your own orgasm. Once you came to enough to refocus on his stream, the tips continued flooding in, alongside comments of how sexy he is and how lucky you are. You loaded up the rest of your coins into one big donation and hazily typed out your message.
‘So pretty. Thanks for cumming with me.’
He smiled lazily at you, “damn you’re gonna take top spot with all these tips, baby. You really like me that much?”
Top spot? Like? Most donations? Now that was a title you wouldn’t mind. You looked around for the information, bought some more coins, and sent it through without any attached message. You’d bested the previous top donator, vantawhore, and upped the ante by double. Reckless spending? Perhaps. Did that mean picking up more patrols to make up for taking so much from your savings? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely.
“Holy shit, y/n. Thank you so much. Next time you’re here I’ll give you a special treat just for that, okay?” he chuckled, his grin just growing wider.
“Thank you all for cumming with me, I’ll see you later.” And then the stream cut.
That happened. You were so wrapped up in everything, in this new world of Kuroiro “vantabussy” Shihai, that time not only got away from you, but also so did your common sense. You cringed looking at your transaction history, realizing just how much you’d spent on him over the last 24 hours. Guess you really were his new biggest fan, huh?
And tomorrow you’d have to face him, even just in passing, because you were scheduled for patrols back to back. Not like it’d be an issue, really, you supposed. Considering how he actually hated you. It’s good he didn’t realize it was you behind vantafan666, because that would have definitely put a strain on your professional relationship.
You felt… strange. Like you were in a sort of limbo caught between your feelings that were just starting to develop for him and the fact that he really wanted nothing to do with you. If the fact that he’d just been acting out of sorts to put you off and drive you away was as true as you figured, then you had no idea what you’d done to cause such a reaction.
You’d been nothing but nice to him, so you thought. Always attempting small talk and asking about his day up until he started acting so weird. What had changed to make him hate you? As far you could remember…nothing. It was troubling but maybe you could at least show your support to him in this way? If he wanted nothing to do with you then you could do that, keep your distance in person and avoid him like he wanted. And at night, you could tip during his shows, buy his photopacks and VODs. It wasn’t conventional by any means, but it was the only thing you can think of.
And maybe it was better this way. You’d save him the horror of interacting in person, and become his number one fan online. And maybe when the time was right you could reveal yourself and change his opinion of you. Or ruin your relationship with him altogether.
As you readied yourself for your shift, you desperately wanted to reach out to him, ask him about why he’d hated you and what you’d done, but that would defeat the point. Avoiding him would be difficult, but you were sure you could pull it off.
The commute to work was wrought with nerves, knowing that he’d be changing shifts with you at the end of the day. But at least you had all day to figure out a more in-depth game plan.
Your shift was long and uneventful, scheduled just for your patrol before the weekend. No villains to stop or thieves to deter. Just a little old lady to help cross the street and a cat to rescue from a tree. The people were nice, though, and it was the perfect opportunity to overthink yourself into knots about Kuroiro.
Every plan or idea or thought you had throughout the day vacated your mind as you passed him on your way back to your agency. It would be more accurate to say you nearly barrelled straight into him. Again.
“Woah, watch it,” he said abruptly, making sure to avoid you by side-stepping. When he noticed the look on your face, though, he paused. “Hey, you good?”
You were looking up at him with wide, owlish eyes, as if he was the most insanely incredible thing you’d seen in ages. Your mouth went dry and your palms got sweaty as images flitted through your mind. His photosets, VODs, and the show you’d watched just the night before, the way he’d reached the height of pleasure with your name on his lips. Your name that didn’t belong to you.
“O-oh, yeah. Sorry.” You said hurriedly, scurrying away as quickly as you could and leaving a very curious and confused Vantablack in your wake. All of that stressing and worrying for nothing because you’d run into him anyway and proceeded to make an awkward situation even worse.
Fuck was he always that hot? After seeing the man beneath the mask, so to speak, it was easier to notice those little things about him. Like just how muscular he was, or how tall, or how… big. Your face got hotter and hotter as you went about your evening routine, thoughts lingering on the man that hated you.
This began a new normal. On his off days you’d watch his streams, tip absorbent amounts just to get the top spot and hear him call out your name when he finished. Sometimes he’d let the top few donors in on a private show, you included, where he’d ask you about personal things. Things that weren’t relevant to anything going on, like your hobbies and your job and if you liked anyone. To which, your answer was, of course, “I like you.”
And it kept going, streams where you would pour filth into his chat, and he’d spill it from his lips. Nights where you promised to cum together, despite the barrier of a screen and anonymity. Even the regulars in the chat started to enjoy the banter and chemistry between you, going so far as to tip just for Kuroiro to do whatever you asked, or write your name on his cock, or whatever they could think of.
You’d spend his streams riling each other up, teasing and dirty talking and blowing your entire spending budget. It was worth it, because during those times you felt like Kuroiro actually liked you, even though he had no idea who you were.
And, oh, how your affections grew fonder by the day. Despite his usual avoidance of you at work, you really fell hard for the man. How could you not? Having spent so much, chatted so much, cum so much with him. Feeling like you were the only two people in the stream, as if it were a private call where he was getting you off, and you were getting him off. And somewhere along the way you fell for him. Hard.
Even beyond a sexual attraction, you found yourself doing little things around the agency to make his day go easier. Making sure there was a fresh pot of coffee on in the employee lounge, anonymously leaving a box of fresh donuts for the night shift and including his favorite, and even occasionally leaving little handwritten notes of encouragement on his lunchbox. Part of that, also, was avoiding him like the plague.
If he didn’t like you, then you wouldn’t force him to be in your presence. That’s the least you could do, right? One less stressor on him, despite how much you really, really wanted to see him in person. To look at his handsome face and hear his pretty voice, to see him with fresh eyes, no longer as the awkward weird guy he pretended to be in front of you, but as someone strong, sweet, and fun. And sexy.
You considered for a moment making a fanpage for him, but would that be too much? Instead, you elected to fill your phone with the few pictures of him you found online, from articles and newscasts, candids and press, you just couldn’t help yourself. He’d never be yours, not really, so sighing longingly while scrolling through the folder you’d made just for him on your phone had to be good enough.
Watching his streams and buying his content had to be good enough.
Why couldn’t you be good enough?
As the year drew to a close, Vantabussy announced a special, end of year prize for his loyal and most faithful viewers. It’s not uncommon, a lot of people do it to show their appreciation to their audience.
You joined the stream, as usual, sitting comfortably on your bed with your laptop to watch and listen and participate as you normally did. Your heart skipped a beat when the camera flicked on, and Kuroiro made his appearance. He looked exceptionally good, with his hair pulled back and wearing what looked to be a complicated harness made of red velvet. He also wore a red blanket wrapped around his waist to hide himself until the time was right.
“Thanks for tuning in today,” he said with a light chuckle, “I’m announcing the end of year prizes and their winners before we start, so please have some patience while we get through it, and then the fun stuff will happen.”
He winked, darted his tongue out to wet his lips and then smirked playfully. Fuck, he really was so effortlessly attractive, wasn’t he? No wonder he made good money doing this.
“First, I want to say a big thank you to all of you for supporting me. Whether you tip, or just enjoy the show, knowing I can make others feel good makes me happy! I’d give each of you a kiss on the cheek if I could!”
“Anyway, I’d like to thank my top ten supporters this year, who interacted, donated, and supported me the most. I’m going to do a private show just for you, with some special caveats, I hope you look forward to it.” From there he listed off the usernames of the winners, and it was no surprise that you were among them. Had you really spent so much on him over the last few months?
“I’ve also recorded a special VOD that’s going to be free for everyone, a little thanks from me. And finally for the big prize, for my top supporter this year, you get a choice. Either a private session with me, where we record a VOD together, or a one on one session. That choice is yours, vantafan, I will private message you after the show. Thank you for being my #1 this year!”
He smiled widely, genuinely, and it was meant just for you. The chat went wild, congratulating the winners, lamenting on how they wished they could afford more, asking when he’d take that blanket off.
But you were caught up on one thing: the potential to get to be with him, face to face, for real, in person. However, if you chose that, he’d for sure know it was you, right? And that would just be awkward, considering how he actually hated you.
Or did he? You’d been nothing but yourself over the months in the chat, and you’d barely spoken to him in person. Maybe he just hated the idea of you? Or had a problem with you as a hero in an attempt to drum up publicity from the drama, and you just hadn’t taken the bait yet?
Maybe there was a chance, and you could explain to him…
Just as you were running through your thoughts and getting distracted, Kuroiro flicked the lights off, plunging the screen, and your room, into inky blackness.
“Today’s special treat is something I’ve been thinking about for a while.”
Just as suddenly everything was illuminated in a dark purple: black lights. And Kuroiro was on his knees in front of the camera, barely visible in the darkness, with bright, neon patches of white painted on his skin, glowing beneath the special lighting.
The head of his cock, subsequent rings going down his shaft, and a variety of different designs painted along his body, focusing on the most sensitive parts of him. Rings around his nipples, and when he leaned back you could see arrows pointing to his asshole. There were bands around his arms to accentuate his muscles, and lines tracing down his abs, his hips, all but pointing directly to his dick.
And then he produced a brightly lit, neon pink dildo. At first Kuroiro didn’t strike you as a switch, but after watching him for so long, learning his kinks, bantering with him, that became very obvious. Though, even while bouncing on a long, thick silicone cock, he’d still lightly degrade the audience, cooing about how dirty they are for liking to watch him.
Fuck, you wanted him so bad.
You watched intently as he sunk down on the dildo, the bright pink disappearing into his hole, making for an interesting and fascinating show as you could map just how deep it was going. He moaned when fully seated, swirling his hips to rock against his prostate, drawing another sweet sound from his lips.
“Mmmm, fuck, it’s been a while since I’ve used one of these, hasn’t it?” he cooed, “Feels so good, shit.” Slowly, he rose until the head nearly popped out, and then slammed back down, setting a slow but hard pace. It was mesmerizing, the way he swallowed up the cock, the way the lines on his body moved and flexed with his muscles, and how his pretty, perfect dick bounced with each motion.
You snaked your hand down between your legs, typing with one hand. You look so good, baby.
“Hhhahhh, thank you, sweetheart, but you look better.” It was a sweet sentiment, and it made you burn. Of course, he couldn’t see you, but the thought of him thinking you looked good in any capacity made your heart race.
The tips started pouring in, as they always did, and Kuroiro thanked each and every one. Some requested for him to do certain things, like play with his nipples, smack his ass, or choke himself, all of which he did without hesitation, and all of which drew you closer to your orgasm. You ruthlessly played with your clit, wishing - pretending - it was him. How would his hands feel on your body? Would he touch you gently? Would he kiss you softly? Or would it be more aggressive, more filled with fire and desire?
Would he hold you down and fuck you hard, or would it be slow and sensual? There were so many questions, so many scenarios to fantasize about.
As he continued to ride the dildo and stroke himself at the same time, he spoke directly to you. “Mm you know, vantafan, I’ll be happy with whichever prize you chose, but… I really… *fuck*, I really hope you choose to do the VOD with me. I want to taste your sweet pussy in person. I want - oh god, mmmm - I want to feel you cum on my cock.”
That hit you like a freight train, the realization that you could have him all you wanted. That he wanted you just as badly. That you had the opportunity right in front of you to fulfill your fantasies and more.
The only caveat was that you were sure he’d call the whole thing off once he learned your real identity. How could you go about making this work and maintaining your anonymity? You could wear a mask, perhaps. One of those halloween masquerade ones that’d look real pretty on camera. But what if it fell off during whatever activities you got up to?
The blacklights. Of course! If you combined those two things, surely he wouldn’t find out the truth! Wearing a mask and dimming the lights so much that even if it somehow got removed, he couldn’t figure it out before you managed to recover. It was perfect.
“Gods, it’s going to be a quick one tonight,” Kuroiro’s deep, keening voice cut through your thoughts. “I just.. Fuck I just can’t take how good it feels like this, and thinking about you, vantafan. It’s just too much. You want me to cum, baby? Want me to paint my stomach white for you?”
Yes, you typed and then tipped what was probably way, way too much for such a short show, cum for me with my name on your lips.
And that was all the permission he needed, spurts of glowing white cum coated his abs as he moaned a broken cry of your name. Your real name, not your username. It was rare he used it, usually just when he was dirty talking with you or cumming, but it was enough to send you over the edge yourself.
Kuroiro wrapped up the stream as usual, and you were left in darkness when he cut the feed. Would he really be messaging you to set this whole thing up?
It wasn’t a few minutes later when the notification dinged on your laptop that someone had sent you a PM. Your heart shot to your throat as you opened it, seeing that it was indeed from Vantabussy.
I hope you enjoyed the show tonight, sorry it was short! Let me know which prize you decide on. If you want to do the VOD it doesn’t matter where you’re located, I’ll buy a plane ticket and pay for a hotel room, okay?
God, he really was a gentleman. You really had fallen for him, not just for his sex appeal but for his personality. His real personality.
I did! The blacklights were very sexy, and I was wondering when I come in for the VOD if we could use them? I’d like to keep my identity a secret if that’s okay.
You waited, probably for too long, for him to respond. But, oh, how you weren’t prepared for the message you received.
You’re so fucking hot, oh my god. Here’s my number, we can discuss things further through texts if that’s okay with you?
It was more than okay. And he thought you were hot? He hadn’t even seen you, yet! What was he on about? You eagerly plugged his number into your phone and were about to message him when you realized that he might already have your number saved under your hero name. You worked at the same agency, and crossed paths a few times, after all.
Or maybe he didn’t, because he hated you. You had to remind yourself of this, and every time you did it hurt a little more. Right, he could never know the truth because of that. What would he think if he found out? You swallowed hard, and took a chance.
Texting with him, it turned out, was even more fun than bantering with him through his stream. He was easy to talk to, funny, and sweet, and such a far cry from the Kuroiro you knew from work. The Kuroiro who’d spout such strange things about the darkness, and the void or whatever. Who’d sometimes say out-of-pocket stuff for no reason other than to make you feel uncomfortable. It was obvious that it was an act, because he was so different like this. This had to be the real him.
Of course, you lived in the same city, so there was no need for him to purchase plane tickets or pay for hotel rooms, and setting up a day and time was easy enough. Too easy, almost, and too soon. This weekend, specifically.
And, oh, how time flies when you’re anxiously awaiting meeting the man you loved for an anonymous hook-up that he’d record and broadcast to thousands. Reality started setting in the closer you got, knowing you’d be kissing him, touching him, fucking him. Knowing he’d be running his hands on your body and making you feel good.
But he was such a gentleman, texting you all week to quiet your nerves, telling you that he wouldn’t do anything you weren’t comfortable with. And even going so far as to send you a few voice memos just to tell you how excited he was, and how much he really, genuinely appreciated you and your support. That it was all he could do to try and make you feel good and cum for real and not just from behind a screen.
Surprisingly, picking out a mask wasn’t difficult. You just went to the nearest party supply store and found a half-face rabbit mask, with lace details and long, plastic ears. It’d do well to mask all but your eyes and your mouth.
The harder part was picking out matching lingerie to wear, because you couldn’t exactly go on camera and knowingly go into your first time with him without at least looking a little nice. After a trip across the city, hitting up every lingerie and adult store you could find, eventually you found the perfect set.
A black lace and leather bralette, with straps that accentuated your tits, and a small, strappy thong. You chose a matching garter belt and thigh-high stockings to complete the ensemble. Not bad, you thought upon trying on the whole get-up in front of your mirror. It fit well, hugged all the right places and you genuinely thought you wouldn’t be able to tell who you were. With your hair down, especially, as you usually wore it up for patrols. Surely there’d be no way he could connect you to the hero you were, and with the added protection of the darkness and black lights you were feeling secure and ready.
Well, despite your nerves. It’s not exactly a common arrangement, but you couldn’t pass it up. To know, finally, what kind of lover Kuroiro would be. To feel him touch you, to think for even just a little while, that maybe he could love you, too.
Even though he wouldn’t.
You steadied your nerves as best as you could as you made your way up to Kuroiro’s apartment. You felt jittery, giddy as your stomach filled with butterflies and your heart fluttered wildly. This was it. Finally. You were going to meet him, not as Vantablack, not as vantabussy, but as Kuroiro. As Shihai.
You swallowed hard, standing just outside of his door. A deep inhale, a slow exhale, as you placed the mask over your face and rang the doorbell. He was quick to answer, slinging the door open and leaning on the doorframe with one arm propped above his head.
Immediately you were taken with just how good he looked like this. Wearing a grey sleeveless turtleneck and black jeans with his hair tied half-up and a few strands falling in his face. He looked you up and down, towering over you, and grinned.
“Damn, you are just as fine as I thought you were. Holy shit.” he said with a chuckle, and then stepped aside to let you into his apartment. It was well decorated, not too large and not too small. Clean, and comfortable. He led you deeper inside, and you watched him walk. The muscles of his back showing through, his arms built so well shown off in all their glory, and those jeans made his ass look delicious.
You were in over your head.
He led you into the kitchen, instructed you to sit down at the bar and brought out a glass of water for you.
“So,” he said, leaning against the bar across from you and looking you over again. Like he couldn’t get enough of you. “I’ll just cut right to it, okay? We can go at your pace, establish a safe word. Tell me what you like, what you want, and I’ll do my best to make sure you have a good time. This is my first time doing anything with someone else, but I’m going to try to make it easy for you, alright?”
You nodded, smiled, “Okay, that sounds good. I hope I’m okay… I mean… I hope your audience likes me.”
“Babe, I like you, that’s all that matters.”
Oh, that made your heart do funny things, combined with the look he gave you, you weren’t sure you’d survive this. You sat and talked with him about what was going to happen, and he made it so easy. He didn’t judge you for your kinks or your desires, and made it very apparent that you were in control here. If you said stop, he’d stop.
But the longer you talked, the more you got the feeling that there was something you weren’t getting. Like there was something he was hiding. It was in the way he’d glance at you with this unreadable expression when he thought you weren’t looking, or the smile he’d sometimes give you that made you think he knew more than you realized.
There’s no way he’d know your secret. You were careful.
Once you were ready, your nerves calmed as much as possible, he led you back to his recording room, his hand falling to your waist to guide you through his home. It was so warm through the fabric of your shirt, and you had to fight not to let the shivers run up and down your spine.
The recording room was just as you’d expected it to be, having seen it so many times already over the countless streams and recordings you’d watched. Decorated in mostly greys, whites, and blacks, with the occasional red accents. It suited him, and you smiled softly as you watched him walk ahead of you to maneuver the camera and recording gear.
In the center of the room was a queen size bed, plush blankets and pillows just for the sake of looking nice as Kuroiro got off. A plush, red rug where he usually recorded, was laid out just at the foot of the bed. All around were things he’d use in his streams, or videos. A collection of toys were displayed on a low dresser, an array of dildos, cock rings, vibrators, wands, bullets, restraints, whips, floggers, ropes. Just about anything you could possibly want to use or experiment with.
“Wow,” you said, grasping the full scope of the room at last, “You’re really prepared, huh?”
He laughed, a deep, pleasant sound, and glanced at you over his shoulder, “Yeah, well, you kind of accumulate these things over time.”
Walking deeper into the room as Kuroiro continued to fuss with the equipment, you sunk slowly into the bed. It was far softer and more comfortable than you thought at first, and already your mind was going to naughty places.
“Alright,” he said, walking over to sit next to you, “I think maybe we should break the ice a little before I turn the camera on. We already have chemistry, but I want the audience to really feel that, and I don’t think they will if we’re all awkward at first.” He chuckled again, and you felt your face heat up.
“Okay… but first can you turn the lights off? I’d be more comfortable.”
“Of course,” he said, hopping up to flick off the switch, and use a remote control to turn on the blacklights. There were several around the room, lining the walls. It illuminated everything in a dark purple light, just enough to make out shapes, and activate anything that was white or otherwise bright in a fluorescent glow.
Kuroiro sat back on the bed beside you, and leaned back on both of his arms, tilting his head towards you and grinning. His teeth were so white that they shone in the light and for some reason it made your heart pound even harder. What would he taste like?
“What… did you have in mind?” You ventured, shifting uncomfortably under his intense gaze.
“Hmm,” he said, “I’m going to kiss you.”
You didn’t have time to think about that before his lips were on yours. Finally. Finally after all this time, you got to feel him, taste him. One hand came up to the side of your neck, his thumb tracing your jaw as the other fingers raked through your hair. His lips were soft, and practiced as he kneaded them against yours.
He didn’t miss the way you sighed and melted into him, and you were being pushed back until you were laying flat and Kuroiro was on top of you. One hand still at your throat and the other on your waist, his hips slotted between your thighs. He opened his mouth, and you could hear him hum as he licked over your lips, could hear him chuckle as you allowed him access to you.
He tasted of mint and cloves, an odd combination but not unpleasant in the slightest. He laved over your tongue, explored the expanse behind your teeth as his grip on your hip tightened. You could feel the hard press of his cock against your thigh, dangerously close to your core. You couldn’t blame him, as you tangled your fingers in his hair, undoing the hair tie that held it back and letting it fall around his face, because you were just as soaked.
He drew back, just enough to snag your lower lip between his teeth and pull gently before kissing you again. You trailed your hands down to his shoulders, and hooked your arms around his ribcage to pull him closer to you. To press his chest to yours and your bodies flush. This earned a low, desperate groan from deep in his throat, a sound that made you clench around nothing.
Kuroiro started to pull back, but you stopped him by closing your lips around his tongue and sucking, bobbing your head slightly for a moment before letting him free. He propped himself up on his elbows beside your head, looking down at you as best he could through the dim lighting.
“Fuck,” he sighed, then chuckled again, “you’re perfect.”
Heat flooded your cheeks, and you were glad for the mask, and the dark. He shifted slightly, just so that he could run a thumb along your cheek just beneath where the plastic and lace of the mask ended.
“Is it wrong of me to want you to remove this thing?”
You paused, wide-eyed. Of course it wasn’t wrong, you wanted to remove it, too. But that… that would ruin everything. Would you be satisfied with just this? Just the small make out that happened? You hated lying to him, hated feeling like he genuinely cared about you but knowing it was a ruse.
“I can’t,” you said, “I… I don’t want to risk my job.”
Of all things, he smiled, “I understand. My co-workers found out about me and they’ve been weird ever since. Most of them just avoid me, some of them act really strangely, and y/n… well,” he laughed again, but this time it was hollow, bitter, “nevermind about her, this is about you and me.”
He kissed you again, hotter, deeper, as if trying to distract from what he was thinking, what he was about to say. But that burned inside of you, what was it about you that bothered him so much? This was a good chance to ask him, without him knowing the truth, and figure out what you’d done.
You kissed him back, first, though. Because you’d be a fool not to. He was an amazing kisser, and as he tasted you again he rolled his hips against yours. His hard length pressing against your core and dragging out a soft moan.
You broke the kiss, head fuzzy from just how good it made you feel.
“Y/n… the one you work with?”
“Yeah.” he said, dropping his gaze to the side.
“What about her?”
“I don’t know, she just… She’s completely avoiding me,” he looked at you again, that same unreadable expression from before twisting his handsome features. “I guess it’s my fault though.”
“What do you mean?”
At this, he rolled off of you, laying on his back beside you, “You didn’t come here to be my therapist, y/n,” he said with another chuckle, a grin to mask the truth. Ironic.
“I want to listen,” you said, turning towards him and propping yourself up on one elbow to look at him properly. “If it’s weighing on you, it’s important to me.”
He sighed heavily, a rush of air that all but collapsed his chest. He must have been holding it in for a long time, finally able to let it out. Just why he hated you.
He lulled his head to the side, to look up at you, “Are you sure? I don’t want it to ruin this thing between us…”
“I’m sure.”
He considered for a moment, gathering his thoughts, and then sat up fully. Kuroiro crossed his legs, and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees as he spilled his confession.
“She… well okay, I guess I should say I’m not the smoothest guy. I do a good job on cam, I know how to, like, be the kind of guy who sweet talks, you know? But around her I just can’t seem to channel that same energy. I always clam up and say weird shit, or get so nervous I just can’t speak at all.”
“The truth is I’ve liked her for a long time. We went to high school together, and it’s been since then,” His shoulders scrunched up as he curled in on himself more, and you could practically feel the shame and embarrassment pouring from him. “But I just can’t seem to have a real conversation with her. And lately she’s been outright avoiding me completely. It sucks. I’m sure she hates me.”
Oh. Oh.
So that’s how it is? He doesn’t hate you, he’s just… nervous? Because he likes you? Because he likes you?
You shifted on the bed, crawling on your knees to wrap your arms around him from behind and pull him close to you. You could fix this. He melted into you again, let you pull him against you as you cradled him gently and ran your fingers through his hair.
The cat’s out of the bag.
“The worst part is,” he said, looking up at you, “is I know the truth. And it’s so much easier behind a screen.”
You froze, ice ran through your veins. He knows? How long had he known? Why didn’t he say anything? A million thoughts ran through your mind as you processed his words, and even through the dim light, he could see your eyes go wide.
You both just looked at each other, gazes locked. A stalemate.
“I know,” he said after a long, long moment, “But we can keep up this ruse, if it makes you feel better.”
You swallowed hard, searching his face for any sign of hesitation. For any sign of the hatred you’d been so sure he harbored for you. But there was nothing like that. His expression was soft, pleading, almost.
“How long?” you whispered.
“From the start.”
Your pulse drummed in your ears, anxiety gnawed at your gut as that sank in. He’d known from the very beginning who you are, and he still went along with everything.
He smirked then, “You know the site shows me the real name of everyone who donates for legal purposes?”
At that he laughed, openly, brightly. Such a sweet sound that seemed to halt all of that fear and anxiety that was welling up inside of you, and replaced it with light-hearted fluttering.
“It was just so much easier to talk to you through a screen. It felt natural, it felt real.”
He moved then, removing himself from your lap and folded one leg beneath him as he leaned closer to you. He never looked away from your eyes, even as he brought both hands up to gently remove the mask that failed to keep your identity a secret. You let him, all but unable to speak.
He smiled warmly, placing the mask on the dresser, “There you are, y/n.”
“Here I am.”
“Can I kiss you again?”
“Please…” you whispered, and his lips were on yours in an instant. Both hands cupping your face, pressing in on you just like before. But this time was different now that everything was out in the open. It was slow, and sweet, but still charged with as much heat as both of you could muster.
He hadn’t asked if you felt the same, though he didn’t need to. That much was obvious, at least.
Your back hit the bed once more, your head resting gently on plush pillows as Kuroiro kissed you. He ran his hands down your sides, over your hips, to squeeze your thighs. He was hard, harder than before, you could feel it pressing into your core and flooding your body with heat.
Kuroiro rolled his hips into yours, dragging his hands along to your waistband, toying with the fabric as if he were going to remove it.
You broke the kiss, though he rested his forehead against yours, “What about the..the VOD?” You asked, getting the hint that he was ready to go.
“Fuck the VOD,” he said, voice laced with conviction and then his lips were on yours again. You moved together to help the other remove their clothes, and once he really saw what you were wearing beneath, he had to pause.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispered,”holy shit. You wore this for me?” His eyes raked over your body, over the straps and the lace, the lingerie you’d picked out just for this. You felt heated under his gaze, blush rising to your cheeks, burning your ears as you nodded.
“I don’t know if I want to leave it on, or rip it off. You’re so pretty, but I bet you’re even prettier when there’s nothing covering you.”
It was slow, the way he ran his fingers under the straps, carefully sliding them over your skin. The ghost of his fingertips sent shivers racing down your spine, your skin to pebble in gooseflesh. He took his time undressing you from that final layer, and while he did, you took the chance to really admire him.
Real life was nothing compared to what you’d seen in the months past. The subtle twitches and flexes of his muscles and subtle glances, even in this dim light, were far more noticeable. And there were other things, too, the way he smelled, citrus, clove, musky and citrusy. The way he felt under your touch, smooth, hard, electric.
As Kuroiro began peeling off pieces of your lingerie, he left small, soft kisses in his wake. They were gentle, reverent, and his breath on your skin tickled.You were so close like this, and you found yourself touching him, too. Running your hands along his chest, down his arms, over his hips. You traced the lines of his torso, his thighs, getting to know him and his body.
Other than the obvious, figuring out where was sensitive, what made his cock jump, and what made him shiver. His shoulders, you found out, were sensitive, as were his hips. You paid special attention there, more a tease – a promise – than anything else. Raking your nails along the v that led to his dick, watching him tense and huff a heavy breath as he continued slowly freeing you from the last of your clothing.
And then you were both bare, and there was a moment where you just drank each other in. This was real. This was happening. You were finally with him, and he was with you. No pretenses, no fake names, no hiding behind a computer. Just you and Kuroiro, the man you’d fallen for.
And who’d fallen for you, apparently.
Tentatively you reach out again, dragging your index down the length of his torso, coming to rest just above his cock. He never broke eye contact with you while you did, and you were more than happy to watch as his face twisted with pleasure as you wrapped your hand around him at the base. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and you could see his shoulders rising and falling as his breathing increased.
Slowly, with just as much care as he’d shown you a moment ago, you stroked him once, twice. Starting a pace that was ginger, and had Kuroiro groaning low in his chest.
“Fuck,” he hummed as you picked up the pace, “Easy, y/n, I’m really worked up right now, you turn me on so much… This isn’t like my shows. I don’t want to cum yet.”
You smiled at him, and fought the urge to jerk him to completion right there, just to know that you could. Just to see the pretty look on his face and watch the way his body twitched and convulsed as he came.
But that’s not why you were here. Technically, this whole thing wasn’t why you were here, either. You both wanted this, though, and you could figure out the VOD later. Right now you just wanted to be with him, be close and intimate with him, touch him and hear him moan out your name when he finishes. Just like on the streams, except better. Because this time it’s in person, and this time you both know the truth.
He kissed you again, it was deliberate as he lowered you back onto the sheets. He parted too soon, kissing again down your jaw, your neck, over your clavicle. Kuroiro placed a hand on either breast and kneaded gently, sucking a love mark onto the tender skin of your throat. You keened, arching your back into his touch.
More kisses down, over the crest of your tit until he took your nipple into his mouth, the other between two fingers, and paid special attention there. You could feel his tongue flick out and over your hardening bud as he rolled the other between his fingers. If he was already able to make you feel so good, make you so wet, from just this… You wondered just how long you could last when he was really trying to make you cum.
He continued kissing down your body, occasionally sucking a little hickey here and there, until he was seated between your thighs. With his strong arms he lifted both of your thighs over his shoulders, and pulled you closer to him. You could feel his breath ghost along your soaked core and shivered.
He looked up at you for a moment, gauging your reaction, looking for any sign of hesitancy. You combed your fingers through his hair, and he gave you that signature toothy grin in return.
His mouth was hot against your cunt as he buried his face into you, licking a long stripe up your folds from your soaking hole to your clit. Kuroiro pointed his tongue and flicked over your sensitive pearl, drawing sweet moans from you which went straight to his cock. He slid his thumb through your pooling slick to coat it, and then pushed it slowly into your core. All the while nursing at your clit.
You pressed back further into the bed, fingers curling in his pretty silver hair, as he familiarized himself with your most intimate places. “Oh shit, Kuroiro I’m - “ you tried to say, already feeling yourself tilt towards the edge. A combination of nerves and excitement, anticipation and the buildup over months of craving him and needing his touch.
“Shihai,” he said, drawing back and looking up at you, he continued to massage your sweet spot with his thumb, though, keeping you just at the precipice.
“Sh-Shihai,” you cooed, feeling yourself blush at calling him by his given name. “Please, I'm so close.” You untangled your fingers from his hair, trailing them down his face to gently rub over his cheeks.
There was a whisper of a smirk before he dove back in, attacking your clit with increased vigor and bringing you closer and closer. He reached up with his other hand and clasped it over where yours had fallen to the side, grounding you, keeping you steady as your body shook in anticipation.
Your orgasm crashed over you, intense and powerful. Your thighs shook, your cunt twitching and pulsing on his tongue and around his fingers and just the feeling of you cumming made him groan. Made his cock jump with need. He worked you through it slowly, relishing in your aftershocks with every flick of his tongue or drag of his finger until you were whining and babbling a string of ‘please’s over and over.
When he finally pulled away, his chin covered in your slick and a proud smirk on his face, his deep voice rumbled through you, “You taste so fucking good, holy shit. I don’t know if I can wait any longer, babe.”
You smiled at him hazily, still reeling from just how hard he’d made you cum, and reached out for him with both arms. Shihai gladly came to your embrace, kissing over your neck softly as he slotted his hips between your thighs once more. Only this time there was nothing to keep his painfully hard cock from rubbing right against your overly sensitive core.
He swallowed every quiet mewl with a deep kiss as he rubbed his dick along your folds, covering himself in your arousal in preparation. You could taste yourself on his tongue, feel the wetness of yourself on his lips as he licked into your mouth.
With one hand, he reached down between you, grabbing himself at the base and lining up with your entrance. Slowly, so, so slowly, he pushed in. Just the head, just barely, but it was enough to have you gasping breathy moans of his name.
“You’re so tight, god- is this okay? Does it hurt?”
You shook your head, trailing your fingers up your body to play with your tits and pinch your nipples as he sank further and further into you. Oh, how he was mesmerized by that sight, unable to draw his gaze away from the way you played with yourself. Only when he was fully hilted inside of you did he manage a glance away, down to where you were connected.
“Shihai,” you hummed softly, drawing his attention back to you, “You feel so good! I’ve wanted this for so long, Shihai-”
“Me too,” he groaned, coming to lean forward with his arms on either side of your head and his face just above yours, “God, so fucking long, y/n. I can’t believe you’re finally mine.”
Shihai swallowed hard, then, and just as gingerly rocked his hips back, only to snap them into yours again. Both of you moaned at the feeling as he tilted his head down to rest against your forehead.
The pace he set was deep and slow, each thrust rocking your body beneath him. You wrapped your legs around his waist, slender but muscular, and your arms around his shoulders. His gaze locked onto yours as he carefully, and intently fucked into you. Every drag of his cockhead along your sweet spot making you moan, every push back into your depths making him groan.
“Fuck,” he said breathily, not letting up and keeping the agonizingly slow pace, “You’re so perfect. You’re so fucking perfect. I love you. I love you so much.”
You felt him throb inside of you, felt his hips stutter slightly and you knew he must be getting close. “I love you too, Shihai. P-please, I wanna cum, please make me cum!”
It was as if he’d been waiting for permission, or perhaps just the right time. As soon as those words left your lips he propped himself up further, and started moving like he meant it. The difference was night and day, what were once sensually slow thrusts morphed into desperate snaps of his hips as he pistoned his throbbing cock in and out of you. Kissing against your sweet spot with every motion to make you moan loudly.
“Ngh-fuck, Soon. I’m… soon…” he huffed, and all it took was seeing the desperation and need lacing his features to send you over the edge again. You threw your head back as you came, your mouth falling open in a silent cry. The sight of you made him cum, too, busting deep against your cervix with pump after pump of hot, thick seed.
Once you both came down, panting, chests heaving, and basking in the heady afterglow, you finally said it.
“I love you too, Shihai.”
He smiled, a genuinely joyful expression, and kissed you. It mirrored your very first kiss, perfect, passionate, and sweet. Full of love, full of emotions that you’d both spent too long pining for. He held you close for a while, kissing you like that, lavishing in your closeness, until he figured it was time to clean up.
Carefully he pulled out, letting his cum all but gush onto his sheets, and helped you up. You walked together into his bathroom, where he started the shower and grabbed a couple of towels. Every time he passed you, he paused just long enough to plant a kiss somewhere on your body. Your forehead, your cheek, your shoulder, your hand. It didn’t matter.
The water was the perfect temperature when you stepped in, supported by Shihai’s strong arms. It was a relief to wash yourself off, to clean yourself after such a passionate display, and he was quick to help you.
His hands were so gentle as they rubbed his body wash over your skin. Careful, and almost reverent, and once again, more kisses. You giggled, realizing that he really was spoiling you with them.
Shihai grinned down at you as he squeezed a dollop of shampoo out onto his palm, “What’s that for?”
Long fingers massaged the citrus-scented foam into your scalp and ran it through your hair. It smelled like him, and you delighted in knowing you’d be carrying that with you.
“You just really like giving me kisses.”
“Oh… well, yeah. I mean, I’ve waited so long for this – for you – and now that you’re here I’m going to treat you the way you deserve. Including plenty of kisses.”
As if to accentuate his point, he pressed his lips to yours. It was soft, and over quickly, but it left you feeling fuzzy and warm.
Once you were clean, you returned the favor of washing him off. It was nice: getting to run your fingers and hands along his onyx skin. Getting to feel his muscles move with each breath and each subtle motion. The expression he made when you washed his hair, too, was one of pure bliss and happiness.
When you stepped out of the shower, Shihai was quick to wrap you up in a large, plush towel, and then pull you flush against him. He was still naked, but you didn’t care, just happy to be enveloped in his warmth.
“I really do love you,” he mumbled, “And I have, for a long time. Even though I always choked up and couldn’t talk to you like a normal person. You’re so strong, and so brave, and so kind. I can’t believe you feel the same way.”
You nuzzled your face deeper into his chest, “I really thought you hated me, you know? I’m glad… I’m glad things worked out.”
“Yeah, me too.”
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donut-powers · 2 years
Hii!! I love your hamefura fanart, it is so cute! My question is, how would you imagine a hamefura modern au? Have a lovely day!
Sorry for the (really) late reply and thanks for the compliment buddy! It really makes me happy that people like my silly doodles 🥰
Now for the question, I went a little overboard with it. I’m probably gonna draw the rest of the cast later. And I already drew Sophia but didn’t like the outfit I chose, so I’m gonna redo her later.
For the setting the Magic School → Boarding School for the rich, it’s probably in Switzerland or somewhere in Europe like Institut Le Rosey. I imagine it kinda like Ouran Highschool Host Club(must watch for a shojo/harem fan) aka a super elite school for the rich cause all the gang (minus Maria) are from the elite noble houses, so it fits, just change the uniforms to the dungeon episode ones or the ones from that volume extra.
These characters look really white, so it would not be set in Japan

You can find some drawings of how I picture them here
Now headcanon time below: (they are random af)
Nationality + Ethnicity(the only one I’m gonna do): Luigi is Italian, Miridiana is latina(nobody is gonna change my mind about my latina!Miridiana headcanon) or asian(I have seen people said that she is a tiger mom, and i agree to a certain degree, but i’m not that familiar with asian culture to make an assumption)
Clothes: sporty/comfy, her hair is always pull up(via braid or ponytail) because it gets in the way of her silly adventures
Family status: the Claes are the equivalent of the Armani/Gucci family(just cause Luigi is italian)
Career: she would go for a major that helps people(like psychology, nursing or social work) or agriculture cause farmer!Katarina.
Hobbies: farming, video games, anime (she is a nerd), exercising(those trees ain’t climbing themselves)
Sport they practice: hiking/climbing and baseball/softball(that snake aint gonna throw itself) she is afraid of cycling after remembering her past life 😥
Series/Movies/Videogames etc that they would like: any villainess story she roots for them, comedies, slice of life
Type of drunk: at first happy/live of the party drunk, as time goes on she morphs into the crying drunk, she misses her past family.
The most athletic in the group, has the biggest stamina
She ain’t interested in inheriting the family business
Her favorite anime is little witch academia
She is the type that likes to visit different places all the time. Likes to take a bunch of pictures/videos and recommends places.
She becomes an influencer without trying.
She always tips at least 25% and recommends places to people
She is banned from various buffet chains
She probably has some form of attention deficit disorder undiagnosed.
People on highschool sports clubs always ask for her help (they want to recruit her), she agrees most of the times but doesn’t join any
She tried Hunnie Pop(pls don’t search it up if you are a minor), she thought that it was a cute dating sim, that opened a whole can of worms 🥴
She wouldn’t be engaged to anyone here, cause it’s a modern setting (rip gigi’s biggest advantage)
She avoids going to Japan because she is afraid of maybe seeing her old family
Saves money for her exile in _____country
Now that I actually think about it, she probably learns a trade, like carpenter or welder idk
Clothes: he is anime Timothee Chalamet, he is the sweater kinda guy. Also, have you seen Loid Forger from spy x family in casual clothes? that’s how i imagine keith, smart casual(he wants Katarina to look at him as a man)
Family status: the Claes are his godparents, close family friends. He and Katarina practically were raised together
Career: something business related to help the family business and clothes design(he happens to have a good eye for that sort of stuff)
Hobbies: making clothes for the gang, stop motion animation(dirt doll equivalent)
Sport they practice: track and field athletics, Keith runs way too much in the manga, he can keep up with a carriage!
Series/Movies/Videogames etc that they would like: he is into superhero movies, sucks at video games(just plays bcs Katarina asks him to), and knows a lot of chick-flicks because of Katarina
Type of drunk: flirty drunk, it’s the only way to get playboy!Keith
Edna Mode is his role model
Katarina convinces him to do some stop motion videos with cute nendoroids (kind of like “Animist” on Youtube)
One time, he tried “seduction for dummies”, he was so embarrassed that he swore to never use it. 
Clothes: that one dude that’s always wearing formal clothes, also he wears hawaiian shirts because Katarina said (once) that she likes them
Family status: his family runs the equivalent of facebook/apple, a company with a shitton of money and influence
Career: Gigi seems like the type of person that would like a challenge (and something not related to his family-name) so a hard career like medicine/physics
Hobbies: driving fast cars and motorcycles, it really makes his blood pump and reading
Sport they practice: boxing, just to left off steam
Series/Movies/Videogames etc that they would like: adventure, mystery and secretly into romantic stuff
Type of drunk: sloppy!drunk, I like it when Geordo is portrayed as not perfect. 
His favorite movie as a kid was Cars (KUCHAOW), the gang roasts him on it
“Bet on it” from high school musical 2 hitted him hard, Troy Bolton stan
I’m sorry Geordo, but you look like a generic blonde dude in a Disney Channel show
Clothes: fabulous af, has the best fashion sense of the group(i had to look up what my favorite kpop group wear)
Family status: her family is in the entertainment industry, her mom used to be a famous actress and her father owns a big filming production company.
Career: i can see her being a good actress, but she wants to
Hobbies: gardening, painting
Sport they practice: before meeting Katarina fencing after meeting her she gets into capoeira(she wants to kick Geordo’s ass and good look doing it) 
Series/Movies/Videogames etc that they would like: gay stuff, stardey valley, fighting games, bayonetta, Knives Out 
Type of drunk: Touchy-Feely!drunk, not just Katarina anyone really
Usually does everyone’s make up, likes to mess up the boys
Sophia introduced her to Yuri(anime/manga genre), upset that most of the time it’s bait, and just gals being pals. But she takes any crumbs she can find
I can see her being a Lady Gaga fan
Big Halloween fan
Clothes: i could say emo, but I don’t think Alan would put THAT much effort in his appearance/make up. So casual bike/punk clothes
Family status: tries his best to make his momma proud
Career: music would be the easy choice, but I imagine if none of his brothers wanted to run the family business he would do it (bedgruguly)
Series/Movies/Videogames etc that they would like: underdog stories(shonen boi), music related stories and plays video games for the good music
Hobbies: composing music, playing weird instruments, and going to live orchestras/concerts
Sport they practice: soccer/basketball, he would try to befriend people through it or swimming, because he likes water and how you can’t hear anything under it 
Type of drunk: affectionate!drunk, he just wants to hug everybody
Hatsune Miku enthusiast
Sophia introduces Alan to the world of gacha music games
I can see him going to music festivals (Tomorrowland, Lollapalooza, Coachella etc)
Clothes: she wears a lot of cardigans and big sweaters, do you know lilypichu? kind of like that
Career: a lot of people headcanon her as a writer, but I think in a modern setting she would be more of a reviewer
Hobbies: drawing(her favorite characters), cosplay, blogging
Sport they practice: walkin, she doesn’t seem like the athletic one
Series/Movies etc that they would like: true crimes, (trashy)romance connoisseur 
Type of drunk: surprisingly high alcohol tolerance, but when she is at her limit she turns into the blackout!drunk
Used to play gacha games, her parents prohibited it
I can see her being a fujoshi…
She tried to dye her hair teal for a cosplay but she didn’t know it’s hard for albinos to dye their hair r i p
Avatar the last airbender fan
I’m sorry Sophia, I’m portraying you as a weeb
Clothes: practical/comfy, Nicol is a man of few words and so is his wardoble, but usually Sophia dress him up(he doesn’t mind)
Family status: his family runs Google or Microsoft idk
Career: something related with technology(computer science, business intelligence, robotics etc), his attitude reminds me a lot of my friends in that area
Hobbies: robot
Sport they practice: horse riding, he just likes the horses or fishing cause it’s really calm and he goes fishing with his dad
Series/Movies/Videogames etc that they would like: adventure stories, documentaries.
Type of drunk: reckless!drunk, he talks a lot, does a lot of stuff that he would normally not do
Star Wars fan
A lot of companies tried to recruit him as a model, later in life he made a deal with Keith/Mary to just appear in their stuff
Was into My Little Pony when he was little, he liked to watch it with Sophia
The Legend of Zelda fanboy, he see himself in Link
Clothes: cute
Family status: her parents divorced and her dad is a deadbeat-dad so her mom takes a lot of jobs to make ends meet(gotta make it tragic like FL), she stays with her grandparents most of the time, her grandpa used to be a doctor in the military (there’s no magic here so there must be an explanation of why Maria is good at healing people)
Career: she got a full scholarship, medicine, she looks up to her grandpa. Maybe specializing in physiatrist(idk).
Hobbies: baking, taking a stroll in the woods
She tried the realistic cake thingy and was good at it, she stopped doing it cause Katarina tried to eat E V E R Y T H I N G
Sport they practice: cycling, cause she has a bike
Series/Movies/Videogames etc that they would like: cooking mama enthusiasm, into the wholesome cooking/baking shows 
Type of drunk: she rarely drinks, but when she is drunk she turns into the pensative!drunk, aka sits down and overthinks stuff
She volunteers at the hospital way too much. She is that meme of “when employers want you to have 10 years of experience before age 22”
Tried to watch Grey’s Anatomy but it was too unprofessional and ridiculous
Likes "E.R." and "the good doctor"
Does a ton of fundraisers
Idk why but I imagine her always wearing something pink
Katarina asked her to recreate the Gordon Ramsay “idiot sandwich” meme, she refuses to do that to Katarina
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Were you the person who had a post about "what if Rayla had died on the mission and Runaan had lived"? I was thinking about that... is there a possible scenario where Rayla had escaped with the egg and princes the same way as in canon, but Runaan and the other assassins had survived and now believed Rayla was dead and both somehow missed each other? The angst possibilities from Runaan's end, at least until he got back to Silvergrove, but even then he would angst over having 'abandoned' Rayla...
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You know, I don't remember making a post like that, but I can tell it's an angst I could get behind, so maybe I did?
Fam, I love a good honest misunderstanding, oh man, those are great! Very tasty stuff. So let's see here... oh gosh this really took off, huh? Yas.
"Runaan, please," Rayla begged, planting herself between her mentor and her new allies the human princes, "this is a miracle, a chance for peace."
"No," came a smug, raspy voice from behind her, "it's not."
Rayla whirled in surprise. How had the dark mage gotten free of her manacle so quickly?
Claudia stood beside Callum, smirking confidently and holding the primal stone she'd just stolen back from him. But her smirk dropped at the sound of Runaan's bowstring. A green-fletched arrow whispered past Rayla's shoulder, headed for the dark mage's heart. Rayla's eyes widened as she realized she was about to watch her first human die.
"No!" Callum held his sketchbook in front of Claudia's chest. Runaan's arrow punched through it with a heavy thunk. Claudia, Callum, and Rayla stared at its poison-dipped broadhead in shock. The deadly metal fell just short of cutting through Claudia's tunic.
Rayla spun back to face the older assassin. "Runaan, wait-" But he was already loosing another arrow. Rayla cut it out of the air.
"Callum!" Ezran called plaintively. Bait, perched in his hair, croaked too.
"Get out of here," Rayla told the humans. "And keep that egg safe." She spared Claudia a single glare.
Runaan began striding closer, and he whipped another arrow from his quiver and nocked it. Rayla knew he'd loose that last arrow before he got close enough to use his swords instead. And that, she did not want to see at any distance. Not when so much else was at stake!
"That's far enough, elf," Claudia called threateningly. She held up the primal stone and began to chant in Ancient Draconic. The air started to crackle with lightning.
"Claudia, wait!" Callum shouted. He grabbed her wrist again, but this time, the primal stone wobbled and fell as they both scrabbled for control of it. Rayla gasped, watching it tumble. Neither of them were going to be able to catch it. She suddenly wasn't sure she wanted to, either. She shot Runaan a regretful, pleading look.
Runaan's arrow loosed. With everyone in motion, Rayla couldn't be sure if Callum would be in his line of fire when it arrived. She folded her swords and turned her back on her mentor, squeezed her eyes shut, and stepped into its path.
"Rayla!" Runaan's voice cracked the air like a whip.
"Rayla, look out!" Ezran shouted.
The primal stone hit the stone walkway and shattered.
The first massive gust of wind struck Rayla and tumbled her just as Runaan's arrow found its mark. With a cry of surprise, Rayla rolled across the high stone walkway, flanked by Claudia, Callum, and Ezran, who was somehow still holding onto the egg. Rayla thumped against the parapet and scrabbled for a grip against one of its crenellated edges, feeling her feet kicking in midair while a screeching gale scattered everyone and everything that had been on the castle roof a moment ago.
Runaan stood on the other side of the walkway, barely on his feet as he braced against the wind. His ponytail whipped like an angry snake, but his face was full of pain and alarm. "Rayla!" he shouted.
"Runaan..." Why was her voice so weak? Shouldn't she want his help?
Crumpled against the crenellated wall below Rayla's tenacious grip, Callum, Claudia, Ezran and Bait huddled together for dear life.
"Rayla, this isn't what I wanted!" Runaan shouted over the wind. He tried to stagger toward her through the strongest of the winds, but they only shoved him back against the far parapet.
"Claudia, help her!" Callum called.
But Claudia was distracted by the alarming amount of rainbow-hued magic that had begun crackling off the egg of the Dragon Prince. "What's happening?" she blurted.
"Help..." Rayla called.
"Fine, I'll help her, then!" Callum stood in the storm and reached for Rayla's hands.
Another arrow zipped past, whirling madly off target in the howling wind. Callum flinched back, then grasped Rayla's hands firmly. "I've got you!"
"And I've got him!" Claudia said. She pulled a glowing orange thing from her bag and started chanting, and she squished the orange shape until it oozed meatily between her fingers. Its gory remains caught fire, quickly swelling to a fervent blue heat that made the princes flinch away.
"No!" Rayla's grip slipped in shock, but Callum braced his feet hard and held on tight.
Then Claudia threw it, just as the storm grew an eye of calm.
Runaan was already leaping high with his swords in his hands. The fireball landed directly beneath him. Rayla's last sight of her mentor, as the blast struck Callum and forced her hands free of his, was of Runaan's tumbling, silent figure flying back over the outer wall of the castle and vanishing into the fury of the storm.
Was he coming to save me, or to kill me? she wondered as she fell too, engulfed by the same winds that took him. She closed her eyes, expecting to meet her fate, but a fluffy and overstuffed cart of hay had other ideas and Rayla flopped safely down into the courtyard.
Her first instinct was to jump up and go find Runaan. But then she remembered: his side of the castle roof had a much farther drop. She'd finished climbing it herself not an hour ago. And with all those rocks dotting the river, she couldn't imagine how he'd survive such a fall.
"Oh no... Ethari, I'm so sorry," she murmured brokenly.
But the storm was only growing stronger, and the rainbow lightning up on the roof grew brighter and brighter. Rayla stared in awe and amazement. Was the egg... hatching?
A newborn dragonling would need more protection than an egg. She scrambled out of the hay and darted through the wind, trying to find her way back up. Before she could, though, the storm wore itself out, and she ran into Callum, Ezran, and Bait as they bolted down a curving flight of stairs.
Rayla whipped out her swords. "Where's the dark mage?" she demanded.
"She ran to find her dad," Ezran said.
"Yeah, , but after she got giant heart eyes and squeed over the baby dragon," Callum added, looking starry-eyed in a conflicted way.
"The wot?" Rayla asked.
"Look!" Ezran opened his coat and showed her a cuddly, fluffy dragonling nestled quietly against his chest.
Bait grumbled, but Rayla gasped in delight and held the dragon's little face. "Oh, he's just so cute! Why is he allowed to be so cute?" she demanded playfully.
"His name is Zym," Ezran said.
"Hello, Zym," Rayla said quietly, ruffling his soft fluff. The dragonling sniffed at her hand and licked it, and then he nipped at her binding ribbon, pulling it off. Rayla stared at it in shock, allowing Zym the opportunity to nibble off the other ribbon, too. "Huh," Rayla mused. "Guess these things were just decorative after all."
They ran to the bottom of the stairs and began to hurry toward the main gate. "But what about Dad?" Ezran asked, looking worriedly at the uneven towers.
"He'll be alright," Callum said. "He has the finest guards in the kingdom defending him."
"Yeah, of course!" Ezran piped up.
Without Runaan, the others won't stand much chance, Rayla thought angstily. They'll soon fall too, if they haven't already-
"Rayla, uh..." Callum gingerly touched something stuck in the back of Rayla's hoodie. "You've got something on your back. Ez, go hide for just a second, okay? I need to help Rayla with something."
"...Okay, but hurry," Ezran whispered, as he darted into a shadowy tunnel. "Bait, no glowing, he didn't mean that kind of hiding."
"It's an arrow," Callum murmured to her, once Ez was out of earshot. "Is it, um, does it hurt? I didn't want him to have to see any blood or anything..."
The arrow. Rayla straightened her shoulders to see if she'd actually been hit. "I think it just missed me," she said lightly, not wanting to think about what would've happened if it had pierced even one more layer of clothing and scratched her skin with its deadly poison.
Callum tugged it out of the cloth and awkwardly offered it to her. Rayla took it and stared for a moment. The arrow's shaft had broken when she fell, and it dangled like a felled bird in her grip.
Runaan. He'd fallen, too. Probably permanently. Rayla's shoulders slumped, and she added, "I... We need to hurry. They'll be comin' for us soon, and it's a long journey to Xadia."
"Rayla!" It was Callisto, perched overhead in full Moonshadow form. "Where's- It's done?" he blurted, interrupting himself. His eyes locked onto Rayla's wrists.
A clamor of guards ahead drew his attention, and he leaped toward them, staff at the ready. Rayla grabbed Callum by the arm and ran, snagging Ezran's sleeve a dozen steps later. "Don't look back," she hissed, shifting into full Moonshadow form mid-stride. They didn't need to know she was only talking to herself.
In a few minutes, they reached the forest. Its cool shadows swallowed them whole, and they ran all night. There was no reason to wait anymore.
Runaan woke to gentle hands pulling him from the water. He coughed himself awake and sat up slowly, holding his head. When his focus returned, he shot an alarmed glance at the sky and saw that the Moon had nearly set. "We must hurry-" he began, trying to stand.
Four sets of hands pressed him back onto the grass.
"Easy, Runaan," Callisto said. "It's done. It's over. We can go home."
With wide-eyed disbelief, Runaan checked Callisto's wrists, then Andromeda's. Then Ram's and Skor's, too. Their binding ribbons were indeed gone.
A strange sort of lightness flitted through Runaan's chest, heady, intoxicating, and refreshing, erasing his injuries--or his perception of them, at least. His reward for a job well done. The ribbons around his biceps loosened and turned red before drifting to the grass as softly as newly fallen leaves.
Runaan reached back for his shadowhawk arrow and found his quiver gone. No... Ethari's arrow! He scanned his squad's expressions hopefully.
"Sorry. We couldn't find it. But we did find your bowblade," Skor said, offering it.
Runaan took it gratefully, feeling a bit of calm returning along with the familiar weight in his hands.
"We did it. We actually did it," Andromeda said as she got to her feet. Her smile beamed like the Moon. "I can't wait to get home."
"Unless Runaan needs a moment first," Callisto said mildly.
"No, we should leave now, and we should hurry," Runaan said. "Without the shadowhawk, the Queen of the Dragons will be waiting on my personal word. I should not keep her, not in her condition." The rest of his team stood immediately, and he took the hand Callisto offered and stood with focused effort. "We only need to make one stop along the way."
But the rock he'd parked Rayla on was empty. And so were the next dozen rocks. "You're certain you saw her?" he said, clasping Calisto by the shoulders, turquoise gaze boring into his eyes.
"Aye, clear as moonlight," he replied. "But only for a moment. And..."
"The human with her pulled your... a-an arrow... from..." Callisto looked aside awkwardly.
"If she took even a scratch..." Andromeda breathed.
"Shh," Skor hushed her.
The assassins went quiet, waiting respectfully.
Runaan's eyes widened. He thought he'd struck true when Rayla stepped into the path of his arrow. Then he thought he'd missed, when she survived long enough to cling to the parapet and call his name. Then he thought the explosion had taken her. Then, hope again, only to have it ripped away one final time. He knew how terribly deadly his chosen poison was. His face froze in a mask of pain, and he shut his eyes. He felt like he was falling from the parapet again, except this time, there wouldn't be any merciful oblivion to put him out of his misery at the bottom. There'd never be a bottom to this fall from grace.
Ethari gave me one job. And I failed him. Does he know yet? Did he watch her flower sink?
Runaan gulped and gritted his teeth. Mourning would have to wait with all his other feelings. He still had a job to do.
He stood straight, gripping his bowblade, and met everyone's eyes, one by one. "We run for home. Ethari can make me a new arrow there. Move out."
They flowed into motion, and Runaan let them take the lead. It was only logical to track and follow the other elves, he reasoned, since he was having such trouble seeing the forest clearly through the tears in his eyes.
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Mermaid - Inked Up Idiots
I got hung up on a different fic so I decided we needed some cute as fuck family shit for the tattoo AU. I missed these stupid fuckers. Mkay so my headcanon is that ciri has a hard time saying their names so she calls Geralt ‘Uncle Bear’ bc the girls call him Ger Bear, and she calls Jaskier ‘Uncle Ask’ bc her tiny little mouth cant do all those funny syllables yet. Hell I have a hard time with it sometimes. 
Warnings: i dont think theres any? its family fluff? i honestly dont even think i swore in this one??? who am I?
Geralt opened the door with what looked like Crayola markers on his face and a warning, “They’re both asleep, I couldn’t bear to wake them.”
Yen gave him a look of disapproval but followed him down the hall to the living room, “She has gymnastics in two hours. You’re telling me I have to get food in her and wake her- oh my god.” Yen covered the adoring smile spreading across her face as Geralt motioned to the couch. 
Jaskier and little Ciri were out cold. Jaskier’s leg was hanging off the side and one arm was stretched up over his head of absolutely wild hair - Ciri had it in several small ponytails. Ciri was laying over his chest, her tiny toddler body fitting on his torso like a custom made bed. Her cheeks were rosy with sleep and her little fist clutched at the collar of Jaskier’s shirt as she snored away. One of his hands laid over her back, looking rather massive over such a delicate little thing. 
“I don’t have the heart,” Geralt shrugged, pointing to the other couch, “But I did pack all her things.” 
Yennefer sighed, “McDonald’s wont kill her every now and then…” 
Geralt hoisted the little overnight bag over his shoulder as Yen leaned down to unstick a lock of hair from Ciri’s face, “Morning, Silly One. Time to get up.” 
Jaskier lifted his head, looking around in confusion, but Ciri still didn’t stir. 
“Oh, hey Yen.” 
She chuckled and plucked the tiny brightly colored scrunchies out of his hair, “Hey, you. Sleep well?” 
“Mm! Quite comfortably actually. Oh, If she asks about face masks, I just smeared some foundation on her nose to make her feel included. We were doing pore strips.” Jaskier wiggled his nose as Yen peeled Ciri off his chest. 
She finally started to stir when Yen had her upright, “Mumma?” 
Yen kissed her forehead as she wiped at her eyes, “Right here, Ciri. Geralt did a pore strip?” She snickered, crossing over to him to take Ciri’s bag. 
“He lied. He said it wouldn’t hurt.” Geralt explained, sending an accusatory look toward his husband. 
Ciri laid her head on Yen’s shoulder with a sleepy smile, “Uncle Bear cried.”
Geralt rolled his eyes despite his fond smile, “And you,” he tickled her sides while he spoke, “giggled the whole time. Didn’t you?” 
She squealed and nodded, now completely awake. 
Yen glanced at Geralt’s arms and smirked, “Looks like you’ve been working on your art too.” 
Ciri beamed with pride as they all migrated to the front door, “Bear! Your leg!”
Geralt smiled and hiked up the leg of his sweatpants, showing off the very brightly colored mermaid covering his calf and ankle while Ciri rattled on, “I got tired coloring monsters so Uncle Ask drew me a mermaid.” 
“It’s very pretty, love!” Yen practically sang. 
“She wanted to be like Mumma.” Jask added, “No coloring book would do.” 
Yen bit her bottom lip and positively glowed with pride, “Thanks guys. We’ll see you at dinner tomorrow?”
Jask nodded as he saw them out the door, “Tell my favorite receptionist I miss and love her.” 
An hour and two cups of strong coffee later, Geralt and Jaskier lounged on the couch, eying the mess Ciri had left in her wake warily, but ignoring it in solidarity for the moment. 
“Yes, darling?” 
Geralt picked a craft sparkle off his husband’s nose as he spoke, “I know you said you won’t tattoo me anymore-”
“-because you cry and whine and it makes me feel far too guilty. No.” 
“-but hear me out,” Geralt continued, “Will you do it for Ciri?”
Jaskier pushed off his chest and gave him a skeptical glare, “What do you mean?” 
“I want to get the mermaid tattooed there. For her.”
“Are you being impulsive?” Jaskier sputtered, a delighted grin on his face. 
Geralt raised his eyebrows, “I got a tattoo on our first date.”
Jaskier rolled his eyes and gave him a quick peck before he hopped up, “That doesn’t count. You’d thought about it before. This,” He motioned to Geralt’s calf like Vanna White, “is true Stupid Tattoo Addict behavior. And I love it.” He skipped to the front door and grabbed his keys. 
“Where are you going?” 
“WE are going to the studio! Come on!”
Geralt scrambled off the couch to wrap an arm around his husband’s waist and pull him close, “I didn’t mean now. We haven’t even had breakfast,” he laughed. 
“Put on your shoes. We’ll stop by the bakery on the way in.” Jaskier insisted, laying his hands over Geralt’s chest and looking up at him with unbridled glee.
 Geralt couldn’t help but feel a little giddy too, “Alright. But let’s put the numbing cream on now so it has time to work.” 
Jaskier patted his cheek and kissed his nose before darting back into the house, “Good idea, love. Don’t want anymore Bear tears.” 
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