#I dont really know what Im doing
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yuzubread · 6 months ago
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absolutelyzoned · 10 months ago
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if you ignore thw parts where i fucked up it looks so good AUGH im actually kinda proud of myself. im gonna go over it when this coat dries an touch it up a bit :3
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eccentricgrace · 5 months ago
irondad & peter parker fic masterlist!
fluff & humour:
Toss and Turn
We Got Peter! (I Wish He Were My Kid)
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
whump & hurt/comfort:
Little Worrier
Howl, Talk, Scream
Spider in a Jar
peter and tony outings:
juice jam
social media and texting:
silly texts
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Afraid of the Dark
I've always been afraid of the dark.
As long as I can remember I've needed a light on, or a family member to sleep next to me.
When I became too much, too old to be this vulnerable, my parents had finally tried to get me to sleep in my own bed.
I could, as long as the bathroom light was on in the hallway. I'd leave my own room's light on if they'd let me.
It bothered my dad to use so much electricity, so I had to get used to sleeping without any light.
Little by little, month by month, year by year, I was weaned away from using the bathroom light. Adding in some nightlights. some bigger, some smaller, but on particularly bad nights it was right back to the bathroom light.
I made progress over multiple years, and one day lights out was more peaceful than anything else. Until the one day I had what I would later know to be sleep paralysis.
I laid in my bed, wide eyed at what looked like a dark silhouette of a boy holding the hand of a little girl, standing side to side perfectly in my doorway. I thought that it was me holding the hand of my youngest cousin, I was wrong. I know now they were both me.
Despite, I eventually mustered up the courage to stand up and run through them, all the way to my parents bedroom. I slept with them that night, much too old of a kid to be sleeping in the same bed as their parents.
From that day on I just couldn't do it. I had to sleep with the bathroom light on, or I wouldn't sleep at all. I slept with a stuffed animal every night without fail, because they were close enough to hear me.
This never changed no matter how old I got. All throughout high school, through different houses, I would always sleep with the bathroom light on.
Dad eventually gave up on trying to lecture me out of it, instead when he knew I was asleep he would go and turn it off himself, easier to work around the problem than with it.
Unfortunately I sleep very light, and while most times I didn't wake to him in my room, I would wake up at some point, notice the light was off, and try and go back to sleep for a few hours before giving up, getting up to turn the light back on, and going back to sleep.
That doesn't mean I've never slept with the lights off, I suppose that means I've gotten better at it over the years.
Nowadays, I live with two roommates. They don't invite me anywhere, and pretend I don't exist. They don't tell me anything I don't ask, and don't for some of the things I do.
I try not to think about it too much. After all, at some point everyone has to get used to being in the dark.
And there's not enough outlets in my room, so it's just a hassle to have a nightlight. No space in my room for stuffed animals, so I'll just do without.
And so I lay in my bed, hoping that there will be people in the doorway. Hoping someone opens that door and breaks superposition: am I afraid of what's in here, or what might be out there? Or more specifically, who might not be out there.
Tonight I'll do it all again. I lay where it is cold and dim and lonely. I'll hold my chest tight and stare off into air, eyes wide at the void. Here, I will be by myself, sharing a long, slow dance with nothing.
I've always been afraid of the dark.
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chaos-bear · 2 months ago
Wip Game?
Thank you for the tag @tommarvoloriddlesdiary This was challenging because most of my wips don't have names yet, but I did my best.
Here is my fairly short WIPS list (happy I didn't do this last month, oh boy).
Saint Harry (Harrymort)
Wrapped Around Her Finger (Harry/Narcissa)
The Exception (Snarry)
Waiting (Drarry)
Hermione builds a new life in Stockholm (Dramione)
Harry dreams of being swallowed by black fire (Harrymort)
Pansy cheats on her husband with Sirius (Pansy/Sirius
Harry is a little psychotic (Harry/Barty Crouch Jr)
Harry sees Luna at a party (Harry/Luna)
Lucius liked to hunt rabbits (Gen)
Luna liked to hunt at night (mermaid Luna/various)
Pears and knees on the carpet (Drarry)
Harry liked to go out dancing at night (Drarry)
tagging @known-concepts @wretchedanddivinee @marrythemonstersao3 @vespertineflower @metalomagnetic @alenablack share your wips list.
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sibyl-of-space · 9 months ago
well i decided to just have the stream setup for next fest be 100% gameplay, no webcam or mic - mostly because i know that nobody actually uses the chat in next fest, people are just there to quickly look through games and so i figure if i just show the gameplay that's sufficient. also it's just a less stressful setup for a completely new situation for me.
i did however add just a small sidebar that i hope at least a small handful of people will read, and go "yeah ok thats a pretty standard VN influence list----- hold on a second"
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decaying-aurora · 2 years ago
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i think r/foreverbox is the only subreddit im gonna miss
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dearlittlecordyceps · 1 year ago
I'm re-watching Adventure Time in order as an adult now, after being OBSESSED with it as a kid and as a tween (but i only watched by cartoon network live on tv so i missed a lot of episodes and watched pretty much all out of order and i think only until like season 5 or something) , so I'm currently at s06E07 "Food Chain" my god what an excellent episode if you don't recognize it or haven't watched it i highly recommend it i don't think it's particularly lore relevant either so I think you can watch it without worrying about spoilers too if you intend to watch it in order at some point.
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need i say more
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tittyinfinity · 2 years ago
The place I really want said that it'll be more than a week before they can let me know if I'm approved or not :( it's perfect and literally right down the street from my sister, brother, and one of my friends. My mom is a 5 minute drive away. The school is better than my son's current one. Fenced in backyard & a garage. And cheaper than what my rent is about to be raised to. I want it so bad😭
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fishmanwinsagain · 22 days ago
Yall really want me to get out of my big, comfy, warm bed on this cold day...? To do what? My 'responsibilities'? Mmmm... rude... I want to be a small little guy in my nest.
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easternbluenovellist · 6 months ago
Welp...had to happen at some point lol!
Created this tumblr just to follow some fan artists but now it's my turn to dump all my fanarts into the mix.
This tumblr won't be consistent or neatly arranged (or at least for now), It really is just a place for me to dump my fan content that I want to share at random. So..yeah! I hope you'll like what I'll offer!
Love y'all! ❤️
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foolsocracy · 9 months ago
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identity reveals are always fun
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goosetooths · 5 days ago
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heres an idea. what if they talked
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tsubasaclones · 1 year ago
16 min left of class please no one else be ready to do their screen exposure emulsifier whatever shit
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hexed-padlock · 1 year ago
Posted the first fic here. It’s a more serious reveal and a slight Astarion x Tav because I’m weak for our vampire. I’m planning a few more fics which will be different reveal scenarios independent of one another. I’ll be updating the main post with links and a master list as time goes on.
Still super obsessed with the idea of Tav being part of the og party that killed Strahd and they just… dont mention it. At all.
Like, you’ve got:
Gale: Archmage of Waterdeep, wizarding prodigy, Chosen of Mystra herself
Karlach: frontliner of the Blood War and escapee from Avernus
Wyll: The Blade of Frontiers and son of Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard
Astarion: Vampire spawn of Cazador Szarr, and former magistrate
Shadowheart: Priestess of Shar, Lady of Loss
Lae’zel: Githyanki warrior and proud servant of Vlaakith
And my Tav’s canon: Slayer of the Dread Lord Strahd von Zarovich, currently trying to find a way to bring it up to the party and is 100% awkward about it because they died *after* killing Strahd and only because they tripped off a cliff and their old party thought it’d be funny to cast Reincarnate instead of Revivify.
The story everyone knows is that (Tav) died in the fight against Strahd as a “final heroic sacrifice for the greater good.” When in reality, they’re too embarrassed to correct anyone so they’ve picked a new name and literally made a deal with Neferon or Exethanter for completely different magic to what they used to wield and now they’re committed to the disguise/new life/fake backstory of being tricked into a Warlock pact. At this point, they’re neckdeep in this awkward situation where everyone believes they died a hero’s death, their old party is kinda just laughing about everything, and their BG3 party is completely oblivious.
Astarion: “It’s near impossible to kill a true vampire lord. Cazador is almost unbeatable.”
Tav the Strahd Slayer: “…I see.”
Upon request, I’ve decided to start a short fic series of reveals—all just drabbles and oneshots since I’m not used to writing anymore.
Below will be a masterlist of the different posts once I begin with them:
“Do the Cattle not know you, boy?” - Facing Cazador (Serious)
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thespeakinnova · 1 year ago
Bitter lies
—... Piénsalo, ¡Es el fruto del amor! ¡Podríamos estar juntos!— dijo, tomándole el rostro
Ella se suelta de ese agarre — no uses nuestra relación para tratar de convencerme. Sabes cómo son ellos.
—pero yo había dicho que tú vendrías conmigo— dijo en un tono que Vita jamás pensó escuchar en su amado. Manipulación. Lo conocía bien por el tono de su voz
—Tu no puedes hacerme esto—susurro asustada Vita. Este no eres tú, tu no me harías eso... ¿Verdad?— con lágrimas en los ojos, aletea y se aleja un poco.
Mortis le miraba incómodo. Había llegado el momento de tener esa conversación que había pospuesto con Vita. El cielo le presionaba para obtener su respuesta, y desde que empezó a ir allí se sentía... Cansado, se sentía diferente. Tal vez por la comida que le empezaron a servir en lujosos banquetes para convencerlo
—....¿Acaso te estás escuchando?— Vita ya se estaba molestando—¿Quieres que incumpla mi designio solo por... Ese ser?
—¡No te refieras a el así!— gritó mortis. — "ese ser" tiene un nombre
Vita se encontraba aturdida. Las lágrimas caían mientras se escondía detrás de sus alas. No quería ser vista.
—¿Te quieres poner de lado de ellos? Hazlo. Es tu libertad, pero— dijo, dándose la vuelta— conmigo no cuentes. No me prestaré para el teatro que quieren montar los ángeles y, ahora, tú.
Mortis se iba a ir, cuando de repente, hordas de angeles corrieron tras de Vita. Esta, viéndose emboscada lucho con todas sus fuerzas. Llevándose vidas en el proceso,hasta que la sometieron de los brazos y pusieron unos enormes grilletes, dónde sus manos y poderes no eran utiles. Mortis hablaba con metatron al frente de ella. Ella vio como un polvo extraño salía de la boca de metatron.
Era un polvo de manipulación, y ella lo sabía porque sus hermanas lo usaban. En especial,Incertidumbre.¿Habrán emboscado el reino de ella? ¿Estaría bien? Intento una última vez liberarse del agarre pero fue en vano.
La llevaron a rastras a el cielo, a una habitación blanca, aburrida. Los grilletes que tenía en sus manos, con cadenas largas, fueron atados a la pared, y tensadas. Encadenaron sus pies descalzos también, quedando en una posición incómoda.
Estaba tras un vidrio y rodeada de angeles, como si fuera una exhibición. Todos murmuraban. Metatron, al final exclamó
—aqui está la muerte. Ninguno de mis ángeles ahora se vera perseguido por ella. La vida eterna es nuestro premio
Los angeles vitoreaban, se sentian exaltados; Vita, aún en shock, se encontró con los ojos chocolate de Mortis. Le veía como si hubiera hecho algo malo, como si fuera su culpa. Sus mejillas estaban llenas de lágrimas que rodeaban sus mejillas. Una fuerte tos le atacó, a lo cual todos se quedaron en silencio. Un crisantemo amarillo salió de su boca.
Todos salieron corriendo, menos un ángel que se quedó a ver a Vita llorar.
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