#I don't want to hear anything about them wanting to market towards kids
otiksimr · 5 months
I feel like Pokemon should try and branch out with more complex designs now that they're working with 3d models.
I'm not saying to go all ultra realistic I just feel like it'd be better for them to try out more complex patterns and color schemes.
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
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mammon hears you're missing something from the human world. so, he decides to fetch it for you.
content + warnings: just some cute (implied) x reader, can be read as platonic, normal mammon tsundere shenanigans, fluff
word count: 952
[longer oc version coming soon?]
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mammon doesn't particularly think he's a nosy person. if you're having a conversation within earshot, then surely you're comfortable with someone nearby listening in. and when it comes to matters involving you-- well, surely your first man deserves to know more about you than anyone else, right?
while casually "passing by" (and definitely not stopping outside the door to the kitchen to listen in when he hears your voice get all soft and sentimental), mammon hears you talking to beel. you're talking about something you used to eat as a kid, laughing as you share how you used to make yourself sick on summer nights eating your fill. you paint a picture with your words of yourself several decades previous, with sweet red juice dripping down your chin, leafy tops discarded in the yard as you played long into the sunset. beel eventually has to ask you to stop-- he's actively eating his own meal, but your descriptions are so colorful that his stomach howls with want anyways.
mammon's lost in thought by the time he wanders off. what were these splendorous fruits you spoke so highly of? did they have a devildom equivalent? he didn't even catch its name...
part of him wants to grab these magical fruits and use them to turn a profit. since the exchange program had been initially proposed, a small but growing faction of demons had become obsessed with anything relating to the human realm. food, clothes, entertainment, etc-- all of it was heralded as exciting and mystifying. but the other part of him wants to see if you really liked them as much as you said. he wants to hear the stories directly from you, not overheard in the hallway, on how much you loved these little fruits.
a plan begins to form in his head. he'd be flying by the seat of his pants, but...
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"they're a summer-y red human fruit. y'know, with the juice that gets all over ya?"
two teenage employees stare at mammon, trying to understand what the hell he's describing. he's speaking cryptically, like he doesn't even know what he's looking for.
"sir, can you be more specific?" the employee with flaming red hair asks.
"you said a summer fruit?" the other employee, an older blonde girl, asks. "like, maybe... watermelon chunks?"
"I don't know, maybe?" mammon's face is just as befuddled as before.
"here," the ginger proposes. "how about we go get some samples and have him taste everything? maybe he'll be able to figure it out then."
mammon is left standing alone as the young girls dart off towards another market stall, whispering and plotting as they scurry together. he feels like an idiot, truly. damn you. damn you and your pretty words, your smile, the way you make him feel so in love with you that he's willing to brave a human world market by himself on a busy sunday just to make you happy. his cheeks feel warm just thinking about it.
the girls return as quick at they left, a little basket of fruit donated by some nearby stalls to help the poor confused man nearby find fruit for his beloved (a bit dramatic of a marketing pitch-- but they're not exactly wrong). they eagerly beckon him to try all of what they brought. after all, helping someone is much more interesting than, say, doing the more boring tasks in their job description.
watermelon are nice, but the moment he see the actual size of the whole fruit, he knows he's got the wrong one. cherries are too tart. he can't imagine you gleefully popping them into mouth as a child without choking and dying on a pit (humans are so fragile). raspberries are close, but he isn't quite convinced...
then he sees them pull out a fruit with the leafy green top-- if only he'd remembered that earlier-- and he knows he's found what he needed.
"what are these called?" he asks.
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there's a sense of awe in your voice as you look down at the little container. your favorite childhood snack is staring back at you, and they look just as wonderful as ever. mammon's face is red as he shrugs noncommittally.
"yeah, well, whatever. those lousy witches gave 'em to me while i was up in the human realm. i figured you'd know what to do with 'em."
he's lying. you could tell he would before he even opened his mouth, but you don't mind. the berries are vibrant and pretty under the kitchen lights.
"would you like to share them with me?"
his confusion only makes you laugh. you take your time washing them off, telling him the stories of how much you loved eating strawberries and running around your back yard at night. you have a feeling he knows these already. but he listens intently, arms crossed as he leans back against the counter and watches you, sprinkling in some commentary now and again about how human children are strange. there's a soft look on his face as he watches you work.
finally, you back to the counter and sprinkle a light dusting of sugar on the strawberry, then hold it up for him to try. his fingers brush against yours, but you make a noise and open your mouth-- you want him to do the same. he gets red again, eyes darting around for a good several moments, before hesitantly leaning in to take a bite.
a dribble of juice trails from the corner of his lips. you smile, chest warm, and thank him for caring so much about you. his sheepish smile only makes the strawberry taste that much sweeter as you take a bite yourself.
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weallhaveadestiny · 3 months
I started to think, that's never a good thing, but I can't get Butcher out of my fucking head and I read a shit ton of ff about him, and after many many years, it seemed I found inspiration again to dabble in fanfic on my own lol.
So behold, what my mind created, feedback is very much welcome for real HELP ME BE BETTER
I don't know if I'll do a follow up, who knows?
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I didn't want to go to this party. For fuck sakes, why am I here?
I'm here because of one person, Frenchie. We met at a flee market, I was hussling with a seller in French and this dude fucking appeared out of nowhere. Apparently he doesn't have any friends who speak our language. So ye, I guess he needed that. He is a weird guy, but we hang out sometimes. He calls me mostly late at night when he can't sleep and talks rubbish about his "missions" like he is some type of agent I don't fucking know he seems high 24/7.
Anyway he was bugging me so much about this party, it's not even his, but he wanted me to come. Because "mon amie amuse toi un peu" aka I don't get out enough for a woman in her 20s and it's a crime. So here I am, left alone by mister Frenchie with a glass in my hand, thinking if I escape now he wouldn't notice. Sounds cliche I know but I genieunly don't feel good surrounded by people I don't know. Call it social anxiety, I call it "I don't like people syndrom".
OK lemme find an exit, where is the door in this fucking mansion?
I was looking everywhere until I saw this guy. Brunette, arms crossed, looking at me super intensely across the room. What the fuck is this guy's deal? Jesus I don't have time to deal with men. So now I'm just crossing this room, having to pass in front of him to get the hell out of this place.
"OI leaving already?" The fuck ? I kept walking
"Frenchies girlfriend, I'm talking to you."
I looked at him, not saying anything. I should just keep walking.
"I guess Frenchie likes them quiet ain't he?" this time I fully turned to him, fuming.
"What did you just say to me?"
The dude was actually smirking, who does that?
"she talks!" Frenchie got to us. Fuck...
"Ava mon amie, monsieur le Charcutier. You already met?"
" Pas du tout. Frenchie j'allais justement partir, excuse moi mais vraiment It's not my crowd."
"Come on Ava you can't leave already"
"You know how I am around people I don't know, and you know so many people here, one less is nothing."
"Come one now love, live a little" says monsieur Charcutier? , still smirking, his body tilting in my direction. I was so done with him already.
"Charcutier dude..."
"Actually it's Butcher but you can call me Billy." he winked, he fucking winked.
"I'm not talking to you." I turned towards Frenchie
"Frenchie, I'll call you in the morning to check on you" I got closer to him to do our usual 2 kisses.
"Don't be a cunt and stay. Afraid you might enjoy yourself?" Butcher just doesn't ever shut up. I turned to him and pointed my finger in his direction. I could actually hear Frenchie chuckling.
"Listen here, butcher boy, I don't owe you shit, you don't know me, so don't act like you do"
"Frenchie tell your friend to get that stick off her fuckin' ass and have a drink with us." he said, never breaking eye contact with me
"Ava mon cœur... Come on, just an hour... For me?" He gave me those puppy eyes. Who was I kidding?
"You have one hour, ONE HOUR and I get out of here okay?"
"je t'aime" Frenchie said, hugging me like a mad man
"yeah yeah je t'aime aussi" pushing him off me
"And where's my hug?" Says Butcher
"Go fuck yourself."
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mahi-wayy · 4 months
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 | ᴄʜɪᴛᴛɪ ʙᴀʙᴜ
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ : Chittibabu x Fem!Oc
ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ : Rangasthalam
ʟᴇɴɢᴛʜ : 2k
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴs : Chittibabu being the adorable dork he is, fluff for once, mention of a physical fight, did I mention chittibabu being a goof?
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ : 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 chittibabu was just a little lovesick.
A/n : enjoy the fluff and cutness while you can bcz I am working on a ram one-shot next and it will not be pretty.
Chitti babu was NOT in love, he really wasn't okay. He was just curious, nothing else at all, people were talking nonsense.
That was what was running in his head all the time these days, the absolute denial of any feeling towards the new resident of his village.
Who is he talking about? Vedika Iyer.
She came to the village four weeks ago, along with his brother. At first the whole village thought Kumar babu got married, his mother almost had a heart attack and proceeded to faint quite literally, his sister was amused.
It took his brother hours to explain to all of them that she was just a colleague, someone who works with him, she had nowhere else to go so he brought him along with him.
Kashi is still suspicious about the whole thing but other than the that everyone believed him, mostly.
Now coming to the second question, how was Vedika? She was an anomaly to the whole village. She wasn't shy per say, she was educated as much as his brother which was a very unusual thing for a woman, she loved learning and teaching. Chitti was sure he had seen her teaching the kids something or the other on multiple occasions.
Other than that, she was what he liked to call a sweet red chilli. He will elaborate okay, Vedika was a polite lady, she spoke softly yet firmly with a certain rhythm, she was always helping the ladies around even if she had to learn the task first.
But she is an absolute monster when it comes to her opinions or taking stand for what she thinks is right. He still remembers, a week ago, one of the young boys coming crying to him and his brother, they thought some other guy had beaten him but it was actually Vedika who had thrashed him with a staff in the middle of the market.
When asked why she did that, she said the boy was messing with the girl's clothes when they bathed and she had even politely asked him not to but when he didn't listen she just grabbed the nearest thing and beat it into him.
I mean it was not surprising coming from a woman who ran away from her house because she wanted to study. 
But the point stayed Chitti just admired her as a person, he was NOT in love.
“Aye!!! Chittibabu, she is coming!!” 
The yell brought him out of his thoughts and he propped himself off his elbows before turning his head to the left and indeed there she was walking towards him in all her glory.
Wrapped in a blue sari and yellow blouse, her kamarband moving along with the sway of her smooth and soft to look waist, her mouth biting on the sugarcane before she tore a piece easily, sucking up the sweetness while the other hand swung her waist length, garland decorated, braid in circular motion. 
Yeah okay maybe he liked her a little bit, just a little.
He asks once she stops in front of him, he hasn't even realised when he has sat up straight, the woman just looks at him before spitting out the piece of sugarcane to her left.
He has to physically remind himself to breathe when her feet come to rest on his thigh, the sound of her anklets clearer than anything he has ever managed to hear and the sugarcane stick pressed against his chest as she leaned closer.
“Your brother says you like me, the village says you don't and your mother says we should get married anyway. What is this confusion huh? I don't mind it, you're quite lovable.”
She speaks in a reasonable volume, one he could catch but also speaks slowly just in case he had to lip read what she just said, she was sweet like that.
But back to the point, he really wishes mother earth would open and swallow him whole. Does she have to be this direct? and what's with the position? It's not good for his heart rate.
“I don't, my brother says anything, I don't like anyone.”
It was true. He was NOT in love with her, for lord sakes.
“So you don't like me? At all?”
The woman steps back and lets the sugarcane drop from her hand, making him fumble with it before he manages to grab it just before it falls to the ground, his gaze lifts up only to stop at her waist. 
This was a trap. This was a very clear trap and he knew it but no matter what curse he yelled at himself he just couldn't tear his eyes off the tan skin decorated with that silver chain, he was just grateful his hands were full and under his control right now.
Her voice brings him out of his trance and he straightens up clearing his throat.
“Yeah yeah, I don't like anyone. Not even you.”
She turns away, her pallu brushing over his face in the process, walking off like nothing happened. 
Vedika Iyer really was an anomaly and Chittibabu was going crazing because of the said anomaly.
No seriously, Chitti was very suspicious of him losing his mind because no matter what he tries he just can't shake her off his mind, especially the conversation they had that day.
Nothing was wrong with her, the woman was chill as ever, helping people, chatting with his brother, roaming in the fields while learning about them and occasionally throwing a smile his way.
What was wrong was the fact that he has started looking forward to those occasional smiles, going as far as to step in her way for it hence the suspicion of losing his mind.
But he was Chittibabu, what was he if not stubborn as a damn bull. So he too vowed not to even be in a ten metre radius of her, let alone waiting for her smiles. 
It was working fine, he was a little restless but that was because of the heat not because he wasn't seeing Vedika.
He was proud of himself for not seeing the woman for two days straight when he entered his house and it was getting decorated, what's this now?
“Amma!! What's going on??” He asked, taking a glass of water and drinking while his mother continued tying the garland.
“Preparing for the marriage.”
His words were jumbled as he drank his second glass of water, it was hot today, he needed hydration.
He ended up spitting the water out, so much for hydration, nevermind that he thinks he misheard again.
He heard right, he cannot not hear that volume, he definitely heard right. Moving to the next question.
“With whom?”
“With my anna.” Annie said, taking the glass from him.
It can't be him because no one has even mentioned the topic to him so, not him then who…Kumar babu!? his brother. There was no way either of the parties were agreeing to this for very obvious reasons, nope not happening.
“I was so surpised when she said yes in the first time.”
He could hear his own heart in his ears and his chest hurts, was this a heart attack. Not the time for this to be honest, he needs to get to that girl right now. He half hears-half ignores the calls of his mother, stomping his way to the fields.
This was ridiculous, the girl talks about marriage to him, calls him lovable, winks at him, smiles at him but says yes to marry his brother.
He is calling bullshit.
It takes him thirty minutes before he finds her and it irks him because while he was sweating and panting like an animal she was asleep under the shed of a big tree. 
Her red pallu covered her face, her skirt rising a little up revealing her anklet clad feets which dangled off the cot slightly, his eyes stopped at her waist, like always. Since she has used the pallu to cover her face, there was more skin visible than normal and he seriously was contemplating his existence before he remembered why he came here in the first place.
Without a moment of hesitation he glides his colossal, rough from work palms on the soft, warm skin of her waist before pinching her.
It gets him the desired reaction of her jolting awake startled, her pallu falls off her shoulder in the haste, her hair open falling forward cowering some of her blouse clad chest but not much of it and Chitti is once again left to rethink the existence of the world.
“Chitti!? What are you doing?”
Her voice guides his mind back to sensibility and he pushes her physically to make space for himself to sit down.
“Did you say I am quite lovable or did you not?”
“Did you or did you not?” 
“I did…”
He can feel his eye twitching from the irritation rising in him.
“Did you or did you not say, you won't mind us being married?” 
“Where is this coming from?” 
He pinches her again making her yelp, he concludes he loves the sound.
“I did, I did say that.”
Chittibabu was really done with this nonsense, he folded his legs under him and leaned forward, invading her personal space.
“Then explain to me why my mother and sister are preparing for your and my brother's wedding!?”
The woman blinked at him twice and he kind of had the urge to kiss her. 
“What rubbish!? Why would I marry a man I consider a brother, what are you saying!?”
“What I heard!! Annie says you're all ready for the arrangement.”
The female frowns for a minute before face-palming and chuckling out loud.
“You're adorable, you know that?” 
That melts him faster than Chitti would admit and he backs away, choosing to set this perfectly fine moustache. 
However two soft lips press against his cheek in an audible and firm smack, his body freezes and the soul exits it.
What the ever loving fuck-
He hears a familiar giggle and pulls back his soul to his body and stands up with a jolt, to face the girl giggling at his state.
“Y…you're laughing!? what is this nonsense!?” 
He has no idea what he is even saying at this point, all he knows Vedika has kissed him and he was very close to death thanks to it.
“I did say yes for the marriage…”
“What the- you just kissed me!?”
“Let me finish you goof, I said yes to marriage with Annie's anna but Kumar isn't the only anna she has no? you're also her brother right??”
“What- you mean- I-”
He sits back down in shock of his own ridiculousness, her arms coming to wrap around him sideways, her chin resting on his shoulder.
“Umm hmm I proposed marriage, you mother and brother accepted it. I am not going to stay unmarried for my whole life because the man I love is a little slow.”
He nods his head in agreement before his brain crashes again, his soul stays in his body this time thankfully.
“Love? You love me!?”
“You think I talk about marriage to every other guy?” 
He shakes his head aggressively making her laugh out loud again, a soft chuckle leaves his mouth too as he turns his gaze away to hide the flushing cheeks.
Chitti feels her leaning closer, thinking he has missed something she just said he turns to ask her to repeat it only for a pair of lips to collide with his own.
His eyes widen, so does her as they pull back within seconds, for a solid minute they just stare at each other before she covers her mouth, looking away smiling. 
A blush graces his cheeks too, this time darker as he rubs the nape of his neck. Vedika looks back at him, raising her brows in a question he recognizes easily, he looks first left, then right before slipping a arm around her waist, her hands coming to cup his bearded handsome face before their lips meet again. This time with the intention of being on one another for a while.
He smiles in the lip lock and finally gives in. 
Chittibabu was not in love, he was sick in Vedika's love at this point. 
taglist : @warnermeadowsgirl @mayakimayahai @voidsteffy @vijayasena [let me know if you wanna be tagged!!]
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thetriplets3 · 9 months
I'm sorry if I confused you! I read the response wrong haha. Can I please request a fic, I know you like Matt more and I don't care if you do Matt or Chris
but one where Matt holds readers hand for the first time and it's all sweaty, but cute?
Thanks! 👙
sorry i’m just answering this now. this is my attempt at a blurb. a long blurb. also as i finished writing this i realized i didn't really do the request exactly sorry
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the boys had invited me to go to the flea market with since i haven’t been able to go the past few times. i can’t help the feeling of anxiety that washes over me as i get ready. will it be busy? what if i get separated from the boys and can’t find them? i’m from a small town i’m not used to stuff like this what if i stick out like a sore thumb and everyone can tell i don’t belong here? i shake my hands out before walking into their house, announcing myself to let them know i’m here so we can leave right away as planned.
i’m first greeted by matt who’s sitting on the couch patiently ready for his brothers to hurry up. a wide smile graces his face as he stands up and makes his way to pull me into one of his comforting hugs.
“everything okay?” he quietly asks as his head rests atop mine, concern lacing his voice.
all i can manage to say back is a small “mhm i’m good” with a smile in attempt to cover up my nerves. he pulls away from the hug still holding me at arms length looking in my eyes for any uncertainty and anxiety.
“it’ll be a good day i’m glad you’re finally able to come with us. i knew the first time we went that you’d love some of the stuff they have” he says with a smile before turning towards the stairs to yell at his brothers to get downstairs. waiting for them to come down my eyes look anywhere but at matt and i fidget with my finger twisting the bottom of it around realizing i forgot to put my rings on.
nick and chris come barreling towards me embracing me in a quick hug before we head to the car.
“are you looking for anything in particular?” chris turns to ask once he gets situated in his seat.
“no just whatever catches my eye” i softly reply.
as we drove around in circles trying to find an empty parking spot i could feel my breathing slightly pick up seeing how many cars there were. my eyes meet matt’s in the rear view mirror. i watch as his brows furrow ever so subtly not wanting to draw attention to our silent conversation of him scanning my face and wordlessly asking if i’m okay. i send him a small nod and a closed lip smile letting him know i’m fine. or at least that’s what i’m trying to convince him and myself. we all get out of the car and head towards where the booths are. i’m a few steps behind the boys trying to collect myself and my thoughts as i shake my hands out and let out a deep breath. i’m interrupted from my thoughts as i feel a warm hand in mine that’s quickly replaced by a cold feeling and fingers linking mine making my eyes snap up.
“just so ya know kid, the darting, wide eyes, the chewing on your upper lip, the hand shaking, heavy sighs, the antsy shifting, and fidgeting with your fingers doesn’t say ‘i’m good’” he says just loud enough for me to hear in a joking manner with an undertone of concern.
seeing the tears build in my eyes he squeezes my hand letting me know he’s here to listen. “i was so excited to come here but i just couldn’t help but think and worry about stupid thoughts and i let those thoughts get to me and then seeing how busy it is just made it worse. i just feel silly letting my thoughts get the best of me and ruin the things i look forward to you know?” my voice shakes.
“hey hey it’s okay deep breaths. you should have said something earlier i would have been able to help you. if you feel like it’s too much we can leave, or we can go look around and if at any point you wanna go we can, or you and i can just sit in the car and listen to music while nick and chris look around” he always knows what to say.
“do you mind if we sit in the car? ” i quietly ask, feeling guilty for ruining the plans.
“not at all because i get to spend time with you and that sounds even better than being around anyone else”
he sends nick a quick text telling him i don't feel good and that we're just gonna hang out in the car but tells them to take their time (wanting to spend more time with just you). getting yourselves settled in the car i lean my seat back so i can lie down knowing that'll make me feel better not having to see everything and everyone around me. matt follows my actions, turning his body to face mine with a big closed lip smile on his face. he pulls out his phone and scrolls looking for a specific playlist. my brows furrow briefly before turning soft as i hear my favorite song start playing. this isn't matt's taste in music and not a song i've ever heard on one of his playlists before. he must have been able to sense my confusion.
"i- uh i made a playlist with your favorite songs because i know you find them comforting and i thought it'd help calm you down when you're feeling anxious and i like listening to them, they remind me of you" he says not letting you see the name he gave the playlist.
my heart melts at his admission. i didn't think he remembered something so small, i mean he knows my favorite artists but i didn't know he paid attention to the specific songs that were my favorite, let alone care enough to make a playlist to help me. such a sweet gesture that makes my heart flutter. i reach my hand out resting it on the center console, taking the hint he intertwines his fingers with mine giving them a subtle squeeze.
"thank you. for everything. i didn't think anyone paid attention to the things i say especially something so insignificant. i don't remember what i say half the time because it's usually nothing important" i say barely above a whisper.
"everything you say is important and significant to me. you're important to me and i see the way your eyes light up when you talk about things you love, of course i'm gonna pay attention and remember. seeing you happy is important to me" his volume matching mine. "i love you always have and always will, you're important to me"
i caught the way his pupils grew as they sparkled more than they usually do when he says i love you. he meant it differently this time.
"i love you matt" i confess, returning the sparkle. our eye contact is full of love and every unsaid emotion. his hand squeezes mine as he brings it to his lips.
"close your eyes and rest we might be waiting a while for them".
and we did just that with our hands intertwined and our feelings for each other out in the open.
taglist: @antisocialties @iluvmatt @dwntwn-strnlo @fake-coolbeans @opheliaofficial07 @angelcake-222 @oneirophobic @strniolo @lollibumblebee @ssturniolo @20nugs @abbie13sworld @strniolo @luvsturniolo
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fertilize-my-eggs · 4 months
King of decay
Player two unlocked? ch.2
Ch.1 ch.3 ch.4 A03
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A/N: trigger warning this chapter get violent and shigaraki is a full yandere in this so you have been warned!! I know this chapter is a bit short but the next one will be long!!! Every chapter will be posted on Friday!! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Who is she? She's a mystery to me, I watch her from a far as I hide behind a brick wall.
She's sitting on the floor with a dirty cup as she raises it up to people who pass by her, she's asking for money..
I feel guilty watching her beg for money, does she have a place to stay? There were questions running in my mind as I saw her put the cup down.
Laying back on the wall, she doesn't seem upset, she has a gentle smile on and decides to count her money. I wonder what happened to you and how you got like this. Clearly the people have easy jobs and decent households.
But I noticed some villagers are homeless and you were one of them.
I gasp to realize that you're getting up and leaving the wall, I begin to follow. Not too close but I was curious where you're going.
The quiet walk away from the flea market to an area that is a bit far from the village as I noticed there was an old broken down cottage that doesn't have a good roof. Everything is rotting and it looks like it could break down at any minute.
I hide behind a tree to watch a family come out of the cottage.. are these your family? He tilts his head as he sees you picking up a small little girl as you cheer happily and hug her close. A little boy comes running towards your legs as he hugs you close.
Is that your young siblings or …. I tilt my head in curiosity about this as I watch from afar. Then suddenly my blood starts to boil in rage as I see a man coming close to you, putting his hand on your waist pulling you close.
I almost disintegrate the tree as I see you and him kissing each other's lips.
For the first time, I wanted to hurt your family and hurt everything because I found my true love. You happen to have a family and children… A lovely husband too..
That will all change soon, I smile sinister.. you can't have a family and husband, you're supposed to be mine and my queen for the new family that we'll start having soon.
I grip the woods harshly as I watch you and your little family head inside.
This can't be happening, I feel rage as I begin to dig my nails onto my skin as I grind my teeth.
I should wait for midnight then destroy all your family and house entirely. I need to have you now.
I didn't care about the children or the husband, I wanted you to myself because I'm selfish and running out of time to not find a wife and get children of my own.
I waited for the hours of the night as I decided to destroy it all. in a blinding rage, I ran towards the broken down cottage as I put my hands on it. I watch it with amazement. Everything begins to break down to dust.
This alerted everyone in the house as I heard screaming and children crying. I went after the kids, I put my hand on their faces.
The little boy and girl were decaying rapidly as you screamed in horror and the loss of your children from a stranger that you bump into that day.
Your husband was front of you as I tilt my head with sinister smile, covered in blood and dust from your deceased children.
“ LEAVE IT'S NOT SAFE HERE MY LOVE!! ” you cry out as you pull your husband's shirt away to get to safety.. I chuckle as I whip the blood off my hands as I walk towards you and your husband.
“ Leave us alone!! You can have anything but leave her out of this please. ” Hearing him beg for forgiveness is getting me going as I smile unsettlingly wide, he was gonna start yelling as I flew on him and put my hands on his face.
Resulting the same faith as the kids as you started screaming and sobbing uncontrollably as you yell out for help.
I grabbed you quickly to throw you over my shoulder as I began to walk back home, soon you don't need to worry about your family.
All of your memories will be gone and you will be on your knees only for me and taking care of our children.
I chuckle darkly as you were ponding on my back and screaming your lungs out as you try everything to escape from me.
Don't worry love, I'll take you to a doctor to ease your mind and fix you up to be my loyal wife and mother to my children. I slap your butt to calm you down as I feel wetness on my cloak.
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galaxyedging · 8 months
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Din Djarin x f!reader
Dave York x f!reader
Marcus Pike x f!reader
Based on this post and comments made by @sheepdogchick3 and @bonezone44
Warnings: Smut. Stalker behaviour. Dub con. Lying. Betrayal.
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What has he become? The kid changed him in so many ways that when you came along in his absence it was easy for you to slip into his life. The affection he had for the child he could now devote to you. In his own way.
He wasn't open with it of course. He could never be that forward. He'd do little acts of service. He'd tidy your workbench. Bring your favourite food from the market when it was his turn to go. When it was your turn, he'd watch you from afar, just to keep you safe. He'd do anything to keep you safe. Even shed his armour and helmet to follow you on your supple runs. The Armour said he was Mandalorian no more until he bathed in the Living Waters. He may as well take advantage.
He told himself it was the cramped, dingy cantina that made his blood run hot. Not the man giving you attention. Not the way his fingers skimmed your bare arm or how you curve your spine towards him to draw his attention to your breasts barely concealed by your dress.
Then it was the night air on the arid planet. Not the way the man led you by the hand down a dark alleyway. Not the way he palms your breasts or dips his fingers into your underwear.
Then it was the ridiculous clothes he wore to fit in. Not the wet sound of your cunt being filled. Not your moans audible even over the muffled music of the cantina. Not him vigorously pumping his cock until he spilled his seed onto the sand at his feet.
When he returned to the ship, he thought you'd brought the man back with you for a second. He could hear you moaning as he snuck in. With his cock twitching, he listened intently only to discover that you were alone. That man had the honour of sliding inside your beautiful body and hadn't even satisfied you. This was the case with your next two encounters. At least one of them made you come, just not as much as you'd like. Din had watched from the shadows as the man fucked you from behind, bend over a crate with you dress around your hips and your tits spilling out. Din didn't even touch himself that time. Instead he committed it all to memory. Later he would bite down on his gloves as he painted his armour.
It all got to the point where Din couldn't stand to see you unsatisfied. Mandalorians weren't supposed to have sex before marriage but then again he was a Mandalorian no longer. Even if he was, it would be you he'd want to lay with first, and forever.
Din was surprised at how easily he caught your attention, unlike the times he'd watched you before, you pursued him. Your laughter was even more melodious without his helmet as you touched his bicep. The same touch found his thigh and he thought he might come there and then. You didn't seem to notice or mind his inexperience when you kiss. Or when his hands roam up body as he pushes you into the wall at the back of the cantina.
“How do you want me?” You purr.
In the shadows, Din felt bold enough to answer. “I want to take you from behind.”
Din's cock swells even further as you bend over a nearby barrel and hitch up your skirt for him. The beautiful pussy he'd fantasised about was now spread out to be taken by him. As he lined himself up he could feel the heat radiating from you. He doubted his ability to last.
When he pauses you look over your shoulder. “Sorry, it's been a while. Doubt I'm going to last in this gorgeous pussy.” He lies so easily to you he worries what type of man is left now that the Mandalorian is gone.
All thoughts leave his brain when you tell him that you don't mind. “I think it's hot to cause a guy to lose it so quickly.”
Din is glad of this confession as he slides in and knows a heaven he had never even dreamed of. It's all over in seconds. He thrust maybe two, three times. He hears you gasp at his size and praise The Maker. He feels you warm and tight around him then he's gone. His sizable load is flooding your pussy in waves. For a moment he stays deep imagining it taking and leaving no doubt about who you belong to.
“S-sorry.” He slurs, more drunk from your pussy than the alcohol.
“It's okay. Like I said, it's hot. Especially a big, sexy guy like you.” You start to fix your clothing.
“Let me make it up to you? Show me how to make you come?” He tries not to sound as desperate as he feels.
“Maybe tomorrow. I have to get back.”
Your fix your heels back in place, he'd fucked you so deep that they slipped off your feet as you whole body shuddered forward.
“What? You have a boyfriend or something?” Din tries to sound casual.
“Or something. He's so…” you sigh wistfully and Din's heart nearly explodes faster than his dick. “I don't even think he sees me though.”
With a quick kiss to his cheek and a thank you, you're gone.
“I see you.” He mutters into the night.
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Dave drags his boneless body up from his bed when the door to his apartment slams shut. He doubts that his roommate will just barge into his room but better safe than sorry. Even Dave would have a hard time explaining the panties haphazardly shoved back into their ziplock bag, while he's spread out naked, sweat cooling on his skin and cum still leaking from his softening cock.
Hearing various doors slamming in the kitchen, Dave knows that the route to the bathroom is clear. Throwing on some grey sweatpants and a white tee, he emerges from the bathroom grabbing the uncorked bottle of wine you have left on the kitchen counter along with a glass for himself. He'll sit and play the role of the understanding roommate. He'll listen while you offload about your crappy date and unsatisfying sex life. He'll make all the right noises in all the right places despite never having sex himself.
In high school he was too focused on earning his football scholarship to let girls distract him. Then he was taken down hard by a spiteful teammate. His football scholarship disappeared and he needed to find a new way out of town. The army seemed as good a way as any. He went to college, he let women suck his cock and jerk him off, he had needs after all. He'd make them come on his fingers or his tongue. He could never bring himself to cross that final line. Some part of himself still idealised his grandparents' marriage. He wanted what they had. They were each other's firsts. They were only in love with each other for their entire lifetime. Even by his early twenties. Dave had already been betrayed by too many people in his life. He wanted an unshakeable partnership. He wanted her.
They'd met on Dave's first day on the army base. She shadowed the doctor that performed his physical. With her brow furrowed and her lips parted in concentration, Dave thought that she was the most beautiful woman that he had even seen. Life took them on different paths but Dave never lost contact with her. He kept watch from afar as she went to medical school. He looked on with pride at her scores and fell deeper in love with her with each comment from his tutors. He followed her hobbies, she made the local papers a couple of times for her help in the community. He dutifully cut the article from the paper and stuck it in his notebook. In it he kept tokens to remind him of her. Ticket stubs from movies he'd gone to with her while she was on a date. The hotel key from the room he rented that overlooked her’s on that anniversary trip with her boyfriend. Dave had milked his cock dry that weekend watching her ride her boyfriend like a woman possessed. She took his cock so well too when he slammed into her. There was no way Dave could settle for anyone else for his first time.
Yet he bided his time. He didn't think it was fair to not let her get to know him first before he made his move. He already knew everything about her. His new CIA connections helped with that. His training even helped him break into her apartment. He spent an hour searching for her secrets. He found her vibrator stuffed in her underwear drawer. It looked clean but he couldn't help but greedily shove the shaft into his mouth on the off chance that he could taste her. He took a pair of panties from her bathroom hamper. He rooted through her medicine cabinet and hardened in his pants at the thought of sliding his bare cock inside of her when he found her birth control pills. It took all his self control to walk out without fucking his fist. She'd moved out soon after, convinced that her roommate’s boyfriend stole your underwear. Dave decided that he had to be careful. No more sneaking around.
“I don't know. Maybe I'm just cursed.” You sum up the tale of your bad date to Dave. Downing the remainder of your glass, you eye him. “Anyway, enough about me. You not up to dating yet?”
Dave clears his throat. You two are roommates. Roomates share, right?
”Actually. I don't date.”
“Oh?” Your eyebrows raise at his words. Dave is gorgeous, funny, smart, you'd be lying if you said you hadn't fought to keep him out of your night time fantasies.
“I have, had, this crush and I sort of idealised it. My grandparents were only ever with each other and they loved each other fiercely. I know I'll never be with her but I haven't found anyone else I want to lose it to.” Dave confessed to the bottom of his wine glass.
Dave had been nothing but sweet to you the past few months. Yet his confession endeared him even more to you. “So are you still saving it for someone you want to spend the rest of your life with or…?”
“No. If it's not her. It's not worth holding onto. I just want to find someone I trust to enjoy the moment with.” His words charged the air. A current ran through you, connecting the two of you and drawing you close.
Just before your lips met so there were no mistakes, you asked. “Do you trust me, Dave?” He answered by crushing his lips to yours.
Dave might have been a virgin but he definitely had experience. After he made you come on his fingers you led him to your bedroom.
He was even more gorgeous naked in the low light of your bedroom. You'd laid him back on your bed and sat next to him.
“I have condoms but I'm clean and on the pill. Might make your first time more special if we go without.” A shyness suddenly came over you. Dave kissed it away.
“I'd like to go without.” His large hands held your hips as you straddled him.
Slowly you sunk down until he was fully sheathed inside of you. His eyes rolled back into his head as you did before screwing shut as he came hard with a moan.
“Shit. Sorry. I'm sorry. I…”
You hushed him to kiss his lips. “It's alright. We can try again, if you like.”
“I'd like that.” He kissed your lips then your forehead where he lingered to catch his breath from the best orgasm he'd even had.
He would definitely try again and keep trying while the fake birth control pills he replaced yours with did nothing to protect you. He'd given up on sneaking around. If he couldn't make a connection with you the old fashioned way he'd make sure you were bonded for life. He knew you so well that he knew he was your soul mate, he just had to keep you close to give you time to realise it.
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Marcus Pike. Sweet, good, respectable Marcus Pike was sitting on his living room sofa breathing hard and desperately trying not to blow his load as his older sister's best friend rolled a condom onto his eager dick.
He tried to think of baseball, of that teacher that he had for a while in Spanish class who hated him for being bilingual. He thought about the time he watched a few minutes of a dirty movie and came in his pants, the embarrassment burned his skin for weeks afterwards. He didn't know if he could ever face you again if he came before he was even inside you.
Marcus had been in love with you for two years. Even since you moved here after your parents divorce. You were the star of all of his late night fantasies.
There was only eleven months between you, you were still a sweet sixteen year old when you met. His older sister used to give him a hard time about him hanging around you both. You would just smile and say that he wasn't bothering you. With you being new to school, Marcus would look after you. After six months things between your parents turned nasty and you started to rebel. By seventeen, you had earned quite the reputation. Marcus knew that you lost your virginity to a college kid in the stock room of a local video store. He knew that when the head cheerleader caught you giving her boyfriend a blow job, you'd stop her complaining by lifting up her tiny skirt and making her come too.
As he turned eighteen his friends started to lose their virginity. He'd come close himself once but he stopped himself when he realised that he wanted you to take it. His desire was driven by overhearing you talk with his sister. Telling her all the dirty details and how good it all felt. His desires became harder to ignore the first holiday you came back from college to stay with them, while avoiding your parents.
The guest bed creaked as you touched yourself, believing that the whole family was out. That night Marcus took an extra long shower replaying your breathy moans in his head. The next night everyone truly was out, except for Marcus, when you returned home slightly drunk. Lazing on the sofa next to him, your hand high on his thigh, you told him how sweet he was after he got you a bottle of water. Your fingers combed back his hair as your peach sweet breath fanned his face. The alcohol on your tongue burned his as you kissed him. When your hand accidentally brushed against his hard on and he gasped, you only moved closer to deepen the kiss.
“My sweet Marcus. What do you want from me? Do you want me to swallow your cock?” your lips trailed kisses down his neck and he knew exactly what he wanted.
He had to swallow to wet his dry mouth to form the words. “I want you to fuck me.”
You smile against his skin. “You want me to fuck you? No, you don't. Not for your first time. You want to make love, you want to take it slow.”
Miraculously, Marcus managed to wait for the first roll of your hips to fill the condom. He gripped your body close while the euphoria washed over him. He mumbled apologies as you soothed him. “Don't worry. The first one is free. Let me take care of you.”
The second time, Marcus lasted longer. All the care he had shown you was returned to him. You let him gently explore your body. Showing him what felt good to you. Pride swelled in Marcus's chest each time you sighed or moaned at his touch. This time, the two of you worked together to reach your highs. The years and trauma melted away, and you were just that sweet girl he first met, laying vulnerable in his arms. That was the point that Marcus Pike forever became enamoured with finding a life partner that he could devote himself to.
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gauloiseblue · 6 months
Though he made the same mistake twice, he soon knew her name through other people's mouth
The town's people seem to take interest in her, as well as him. Whenever he walks through the market, one or two people will stop him, either to ask him about himself, or introduce themselves to him
It was nice and casual, until he told them where he lives
It's a wonder how people's face change when they hear it, and how her name immediately rolls out of their mouth, as if they're all under the same spell
Though he promised not to find out about her, he couldn't help it when people talk about her to an extent
"She's very strange, she doesn't talk too much either about herself."
"That girl is surely pretty. Pretty and mysterious. The kind of woman that mothers tell their sons to stay away from, don't you think?"
"She's a witch, I saw her feeding a black cat everyday, it must be her familiar."
"I think she's a mistress of some gang leader, or a politician. Have you look what's inside her house? You should, and you'll agree with me on this."
She's very kind, she bought my son a huge toy, telling me that it's rare for someone to like… what's that toy's name? Lego. She said it's rare for someone to like it."
"I heard she bought a bull for the cowman down the road, that's why the old man refuses any payments from her."
"She's up to no good. Did you know that she hired a young man to work in her garden? Oh, poor boy, he didn't know he'd get eaten by her."
"She's very misunderstood. Me and my husband almost closed our bakery because we couldn't manage our debt really well, but she helped us when I told her that. She didn't ask for anything, but people kept telling me that she's gonna take my husband. She's not! She just likes our bread. But people wouldn't listen. And because of that, she rarely visited us anymore."
"Oh?" He commented, "Have you talked about it to her?"
"Yes, I told her everything, I even told her that no matter what, I'd trust her more, but she dismissed me, telling me it's not wise." Her face heated up as she spoke, "You might think that I'm a fool, but sir, I can see people's heart. She's very kind, but she's lonely. I think she's been distrustful towards other people for so long, that's why she seems strange."
"Well, she does seem to be in her own world."
"But she's very kind, sir. I can assure you that. I hope you'll see it someday, because I think she really needs a friend."
He smiles, "She already has it. A good friend, in fact."
"Oh." She blushes at his words, "I'm not a good friend sir, I can't even defend her in front of people."
"But you did change my perspective on her." He told her, "I think that's enough proof."
"I'm glad if you do, sir." She smiles, which lets her innocence shine through, "Oh! If it doesn't bother you, sir," She then fumbles on the paper bag and puts a loaf of sourdough and other breads inside, "Do you mind if you give it to her? I know she's been baking her own bread now, but I want to give her something."
"Sure, I'll send your regards to her."
It seems to lighten her mood, and she shouts 'hope you'll come again sir' when he leaves
On his way out of the market, he replays most of his conversations in his head. Even though it's all just gossips, there should be a grain of truth in it, and it tickles him with the fact that he can easily find out about it
After 15 minutes of walking, he catches the sight of her home. It does look mythical from far, maybe that's the reason why the kids in town called her a witch
To his surprise, she opens the door when he knocks. She narrows her eyes when she sees his face
"You've visited my house three times in a row, do you like me that much?"
"Maybe I do." He gives her his smile, "Went to town today, someone from the bakery asked me to deliver this to you."
She picks up the paper bag from him, and furrows her brows when she sees the content
"Oh no… I just made bread today."
"You can always have room for one more."
"No, sourdough won't last that long." She said, "... Guess I have to give it away."
"Give it to me, then."
She eyes him and the paper bag in his hand, "Didn't you already buy one?"
"I always welcome free foods."
She looks at him, before chuckling, "So you're that kind of people." She said, stepping aside, "Come in then."
He takes the offer gladly
The inside of her house is as enchanting as the outside, with statues, colorful rugs, and artworks scattered around the room, making it almost like a museum
The kitchen is also the same, with different kinds of plates and mugs. The gramophone sits on top of the island, playing a familiar song
"You like Prince?"
"I do." She said while checking the oven, "You know him?"
"Big fan of him."
"I didn't take you as someone who likes Prince."
"What's your take on me then?"
"You like metal."
"I do like them."
"That's good." She takes her eyes off the oven, "5 more minutes, and it's done. Have you had breakfast?"
"Not yet."
"Does smoked salmon sandwich sound good?"
She pulls the ingredients and the plate, and cuts 2 slices of the baker's bread, lightly toasts them, before assembling the rest of it on top of the bread. He winces when she spreads the cream cheese on top of them, but he knows he has no right to complain
There's a change in her demeanor, as if she's no longer cold around him. Or maybe that's just his pride talking
"Here you go." She pushes the plate toward him, "Hope it's to your liking."
Which, surprisingly, it is. The cream balances the saltiness of the smoked salmon, and the leaves (he has no idea what those are) on top of it gives a slight bitter, but refreshing taste.
She takes the bread from the oven, and put it on a rack to cool it down
While he eats, he watches her unpack the bread from her friend
"She's too generous."
"Liv." She sighs, "I can't possibly eat this many breads. She even gives me brioche."
"You can always share it with other people."
"Yeah," She said, "Mr. Harris likes sweet bread."
She begins to wrap the bread with parchment paper, and ties it up. She then stores the rest of it, except for a small bread, of which she gives it to him
"Liv's brioche is good, you'll come to like it." She told him as she put it in the paper bag, along with her bread
"Thanks a lot, (name)."
"So you've learnt my name."
"Can't help it, everyone in town talks about you."
"Guess it's inevitable then."
Back at home, he unpacks his groceries, along with her bread
Out of curiosity, he slices himself a piece of bread to taste them, and although the sourdough he ate earlier was amazing, something about a handmade bread that makes him warm
Maybe he, too, has been alone for too long
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skippygiraffee · 6 days
Now I wanna hear more of your thoughts about Raihan and Leon and their insecurities wrt each other, and how they might solve them please.
absolutely, thank you for asking <3!! as per usual with me, I'm unsure how long this will be, so I'll put my thoughts under a read more for the sake of people's dashes/the tag. BUT I do think about these two a lot, especially this side of them, so I have a lot of thoughts floating around in the mind palace that I will try and materialize >:3c
I have a hard time picking a place to start with these two because the aforementioned mind palace is more like brain soup, and I'm trying to pick out the tasty bits from the broth with this one (meaning I think about it a lot, a lot) and it's hard to put pen to paper so to speak. but essentially, I doubt either of them started their careers with high self esteem to start with, and then I have in my own personal headcanon that Rose specifically pitted them against each other for the sake of numbers and marketing. it would be good for his bottom line, and Leon's brand as a champion, if he had a really strong and flashy rival, and Raihan was right there begging for the spotlight for various reasons.
when it comes down to each other specifically, however, here's a breakdown of some of those insecurities:
Leon is infinitely jealous of Raihan's freedom and that he has control over anything in his life
Raihan resents the effortless way in which maintains his popularity
Leon's body issues manifest in being spiteful towards Raihan's assumed ease with posting on social media
Raihan feels like Leon never has time for anything or anyone outside of Rose's elite circle of people
both think the other has social skills that they themselves seem to lack (for Leon it's interpersonal relationships and close friendships and for Raihan it's the way Leon is seemingly comfortable around and with powerful people), and they feel equally small when the other is in those settings
there's a lot of unresolved anger and tension from the years and years of being sold as rivals that has done immense damage to their relationship, and neither thinks they can overcome it
Raihan in convinced that Leon will always be, forever and always, out of reach in every possible way
Leon thinks he'll never be good enough for Raihan unless he remains at the top, the best, the undefeated Champion
to break some of them down a little more, Leon just doesn't have time for anything or anyone that isn't Rose or the League once he's Champion, and of course to anyone he's close with that's going to sting. and I think Raihan has a habit of questioning his place in people's lives, to the point that any shift in energy or attention can feel like the end of the world. so for Leon to just be busy with shit out of his control would definitely fester and build inside him, to the point where I think a lot of that boisterous energy on the field in battle is Raihan trying to let out that building anger towards Leon, when he logically knows it's not Leon's fault. however, logic and emotion don't always meet at the same junction, so Raihan and Leon have definitely had fights that spilled over into their shared friendgroup over how Leon will just ghost everyone for months on end.
I also think both want what the other has, in that childish way that kids always want what their friend is eating, but also in the very adult way of wishing their lives had turned out differently. Leon so desperately wishes that he wasn't caged up in Wyndon, forced to perform, forced to be Rose's left hand (because Oleana is his right, and Leon isn't even good enough to be there). he loves battling, loves his Pokemon, loves everything about what he does except being Champion. so he wants to be Raihan.
and Raihan is sick and tired of always being one step from the top, constantly reminded that he isn't good enough to be Champion. so painfully aware of the sacrifices that come with it, but he'd be fine with it for a taste of the adoration that Leon has. he wants to feel what it's like to wear the crown, be loved and cheered for, rather than hearing someone else's name being yelled from the stands the moment he enters the field anywhere but Hammerlocke. he wants to be Leon so bad it hurts, makes him privately bitter, and publicly aloof to avoid dealing with it.
Raihan has spent so long looking up, and Leon has spent so long feeling trapped I truly think it's a genuine shock to the system when the whole thing just stops. Leon wakes up in the morning Champion, and goes to bed dethroned. and it wasn't even Raihan who took his crown.
dealing with that is a whole other beast, you know? because they defined a good chunk of their relationship on the rivalry dynamic. do they scrap it, do they keep it, what do they do with that? how do they look at and deal with all the emotions being thrown right on the floor after Leon is defeated, because Leon is also dealing with the after effects of the whole Darkest Day event, which is at best just a natural disaster narrowly avoided, and at worst an extreme upheaval in the lives of so many people thanks to Rose being in prison and his company being left without leadership and Leon being left with lifelong ailments thanks to it.
honestly, once Leon is ready for the conversation, I think a lot of anger on both their parts comes out first. tears, yelling, the works. where they just start listing off all the built up anger and resentment from the years. it's not healthy, by any means, but they aren't sure how else to really lay it all out. and once it's out there they have to figure out how to deal with it, like unpacking an old closet and finding long forgetting items, and figuring out whether to toss or keep them. for Leon, he's just sorry, because he wishes he had been better for Raihan, for everyone, and he carries all the guilt in the world for the past decade or so of being Champion. he let everything fall to wayside, and now he has to figure both himself out and how he fits back into people's lives. for Raihan, he has to really really confront where his anger is coming from, and he hates that it's been staring at him in the mirror for a long time, being displaced onto Leon.
the legitimate things wrong with their relationship, like the foundation it was built on and how they talk to each other and treat each other, they work it out by slowly rebuilding everything. not from the ground up, because they can't erase what happened, and don't want to, but their rivalry is different. they battle together, but they'll be damned if the other outdoes them in making curry (Leon can't, but that's because both Hop and Raihan aren't sure what the fuck is up with his tastebuds). a lot of it is just them mellowing out, getting calmer about things, and doing their passions in different ways.
I dunno, I just like thinking of them as middle aged guys who still think their older mons can still duke it out like they're spry, and of course will for them, but Leon and Raihan laughing and having fun. and the local kids are wondering how these two were once these fierce rivals that their parents still talk about, when they're just sitting back and having a relaxed match. where the baggage of the past still comes up every now and then, but they get to sit down, have the time to talk about it, and come back better. I think more than anything they work it out with time and openness, honesty and compassion, more than anything. and it's what they deserve really.
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Hey there! So, this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr so sorry if it doesn't make sense but could I request giyu,igouro, sanemi and rengoku x reader, thats platonic so like the reader is a kid. and the reader is non-verbal but the reader chooses who they talk to and who they don't, so how would they react to when the reader brings up enough courage to talk to them? (Also if you can could the reader use sign language when they don't speak? Sorry for the big ask)
Also English isn't my first language so sorry for any spelling errors or mis-wording of anything.
Four is a lot, honey. I hope you don’t mind me cutting it down to three but yes, I can do this. Selectively mute and sign-language using! Can do!
Shinazugawa Sanemi
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By the tug of his haori, Sanemi turns around to look at you from the battered test dummy he was practicing Wind Breathing on. His deep frown softened at the sight of your glowing life-filled eyes and he drops down to his knees to hear you out. You’re his little assistant, who has never spoken a single word, even after he took you in so he learnt sign language under the permission you were mute
“Yes, Dokusha?” Sanemi asks softly, tilting his head in contrast to his usual hyper-aggressive and temperamental aura. He is very gentle with you, due to how much he adores you. Today, you finally wanted to say something to him since you trust him fully and you felt guilty about hiding your voice from him, he deserves to hear what you want to say
What did he do to deserve to be lied to? Nothing, he is the reason you have a house and food right now, he basically rescued you from hell and decided to take you in for you doing stuff around his Estate. Sanemi is thankful to past him for making the right choice, he has learnt how to control himself better and he feels less lonely. He can rant and complain about annoying slayers to you all he wants and feel heard with the way you nod with a beam
You smile softly at your caretaker, grabbing his free thick sweaty hand whilst he kept his eyes on you and held yours back. He was a bit concerned that something was wrong but relief flooded him when a sudden wave of confidence washed over you, allowing you to speak: “You… you… haven’t ate, have you…?” His hand clutched around nothing at what he heard
Sanemi’s dark purple eyes widened in shock at actually hearing your voice and his katana dropped to the floor as he started stuttering in shock. You have never said a verbal word with him for all the months you’ve been with him and he genuinely thought you couldn’t speak as you always used sign language. That didn’t mean he wasn’t beyond happy that you felt comfortable talking to him, a loving smile spread
It was hot and sunny, concerning you that he could tire himself out with heatstroke or sunburns. Yes, he is the Wind Hashira and he does this type of training constantly but your care for him has grown. You find yourself comparing him to a older brother or a father a lot more often than you think. Actually, maybe more like a parent, though you two talk like you’re past best friends. He is favouritistic towards who he likes you and happen to be one of those rare people
“No. I haven’t, disappointingly. B-but that’s fine, we can eat together”
Tomioka Giyuu
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Besides your beloved caretaker, Giyuu, you noticed a gorgeous silky kimono in your favourite colour hanging up by a thin string over the head of the storekeeper. Whilst you and Giyuu were within the crowd of loud people and passing the many makeshift fleet market stands, you could see it as clear as day and you found your heart pinging in desire, the longer you kept your glowing eyes on it. You wanted to tell the taller, bigger man but you didn’t have the gut…
With all the blaring people wondering around you two, you nor Giyuu wanted to talk in this rather intimidating environment, even to each other, as neither of you are good at socialising in such a public way. Giyuu did actually owe you a gift for taking the time out of your night to fix up his dull katana to perfection, but he had no clue what to give you and he is stubborn so you can’t try convince him otherwise
With that kimono in your mind, you tap your fingers on his wrist to try catch his attention. A tough flinch runs through his skin as he carefully looks down to his side, seeing you still right next to him and feeling such relief flooding his senses. With the lack of touch, he was a bit worried that he lost you within this monstrous crowd and he didn’t know how he’d function without the beloved little assistant he rescued and cares for
The one who understands him the most out of everything on this entire planet. He looked around for any stranglers that may past you two and dropped down, you two hadn’t walked that far from the kimono stand and the one stealing away your attention basically danced in the wind, beckoning you to come over to it. Giyuu’s pretty blue eyes trained onto you as he mentally prepared himself to adapt to the sign language you were bound to use but it didn’t come, confusing him intently that it slipped past his usual emotionless demeanour
Pointing at the stand in your mind, allowing Giyuu to follow your movements and partly-understand what was bothering you. You opened your lips slowly and let out the voice you thought you lost years ago as he flinched this time in shock at what he heard. “C-can… can I have that kimono…” You ask lightly, hands still on his as his eyes almost dissolved into a lighter blue at his amazement. You can speak?!
Despite how comfortable you claimed you felt with him, you never said a single word to him. Sure, he doesn’t need words to feel close and connected to you but he figured you were mute so he kept his trap close for you. He did feel a bit betrayed that you didn’t signal a word sooner but he could understand your hesitation, you could have been worried that he would be mad at you but he couldn’t be mad at you. He smiles ever-so-gently and rises to his feet, looking at that stand
“You want a kimono? Well, you do need some new ones”
Rengoku Kyojuro
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Kyojuro’s cheerful smile never faded, repositioning the wooden staff inside his little brother’s hands and lifting his arms up to show him the more effective swing. On a bright, sunny day, the Flame Hashira was attempting to teach his little brother, Senjuro how to use breathing techniques so he can continue on the Rengoku legacy after his brother eventually goes to pass the torch. In the back, you waited patiently for your caretaker to come to you
You had something important to… well, tell him and this time not through your fingers. For the entire time you’ve been with Kyojuro, you never said a single verbal word to him nor anybody else so it lead him to simply assume you were mute. He spent hours perfecting sign language for you, his cute little assistant so he can still talk to you
Kyojuro eventually turned around after minutes or so of patience, meeting your eyes with his eccentric flame-patterned ones and shook his head in realisation he had been keeping you waiting. Quickly alerting Senjuro, he basically glides to you with such smooth strides and playfully pats your head with a open apology. He hated keep the one he adored on the edge for so long
“Sorry, little flame. What is it you need?” The young man asks, preparing his hands to calculate your signing but nothing he suspected happened, you mirrored his wholehearted smile and grabbed his much bigger hands, cupping them in yours as you managed to push out your unaided vocal cords to speak. You trusted him entirely to say your piece to him, like he deserved
“Do… do you have the refreshments for… Senjuro?” You responded in a semi-faint tone, almost weirded out by the sound of your own voice but you felt the complete need to show your beloved caretaker the truth. Lying to him for so long was a painful process but now, you’re free from those shackles as Kyojuro flinched visibly, feeling shock course through him. You can speak?! Since when, he genuinely thought you had no voicebox. He hasn’t even heard you grunt or huff
His smile widened at the words he heard, he is very happy you feel comfortable enough to talk to him as he chirps, propping himself up the elevated wooden platform of his Estate. He doesn’t bother trying to pull his hand from yours as you follow his skilful movements. Kyojuro can’t say that he loves you like a father does but he is glad he rescued you
“Not at the moment, but let’s go get some right now!”
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jpitha · 1 year
The Dreams of Hyacinth 11
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Nick relays the story so far to Queenie. He talks about boosting the coffin box, finding out it's empty, meeting with Jameson, working with Sunny, the whole story. When he's finished, she's silent a long time.
"Nick, I can see why your ladies like you. You have empathy, and are kind and are generous. Honestly when we first met I was just a twinge sad that Evie wasn't interested." She chuckled. "But Nick, you're kind of dim, you get that, right?"
Eastern nods. "Finally, someone else sees it. Right Sel?"
Selkirk agrees. "Dim as a spent LED."
"I knew there was a reason I liked your girlfriends Nick. They're the smart ones. So, let's get down to it. Both you and Eastern have a full AI suite of cybernetics installed by Jameson's dark doctors, and he didn't even give you a tutorial? That sounds like Jameson. I swear, the AIs are all the same. It's easy for them, so they assume it's easy for everyone. Selkirk, this is going to take a bit, and I think you'll be bored. Why don't you head up front with Evie and see if you two can figure out dinner. We'll be ready to take a break by then."
Selkirk stands. "Sure thing Queenie, thanks for taking care of these two idiots. We'll figure out how to pay you."
Queenie chuckles. "Don't worry, it'll be very affordable."
Selkirk makes her way to the front and finds Evie back behind the counter, watching something on her Pad. "Queenie kicked you out eh?" She doesn't look up from her show.
"Yeah, said I should find dinner. Everyone is going to be hungry when they're done."
Evie nods. "Probably. Even now, when Queenie gets it in her head to do some work, everyone else comes out tired."
Selkirk looks up at Evie. If she squints, she can see the resemblance. They have a similar bone structure in their cheeks. "Evie, I thought most humans died around one hundred or less. She's so..." she struggled to find the words. "Coherent?"
Evie laughed. "She has good days and bad days. You're just lucky today was a good day. But yeah, she thinks the implants are keeping her alive almost as much as her body at this point."
"Where did she get them?"
"Just like she explained. An AI thought they were 'helping' and gave them to her. As you probably guessed by our experience with Nick, running the shop wasn't always out main source of income and Queenie's line of work wasn't exactly... legal all the time."
Selkirk says nothing.
"To hear her say it, it was fashionable to have black market cybernetic mods installed back 70, 80 years ago. I don't know, it seems an awfully foolish thing to do for fashion, but she swears it was 'this close' to going mainstream."
Selkirk glances back down the hall. "I don't know. I've been around humans a long time, and I completely believe that they'd do something stupid like get cybernetic implants for fashion."
Evie laughed. "You're right of course. How long have you been on Hyacinth, Selkirk?"
"You can call me Sel if you want. I've been here, Ancestors, twenty five years now? I moved here from K'lax when I was just a kid. Familial group got together and sent me off to school on Hyacinth." She smiled bitterly. "Go and make something of yourself. Do your family proud!" She shook her head. "I was mostly sent here to get out of the way. The paterfamilias wanted his offspring to take over the leadership of the familial group. An older kit from a deceased line was a... complication."
Evie looked down at Selkirk. "Do you still talk to them?"
Selkirk flicked her ears. "Not in years. I sent them a message back when the Empress Melody shit started going down telling them I was all right and going to stay on Hyacinth, but never heard back so... I stopped sending messages. I'm sure they think they're better off that way."
"Oh Selkirk. I bet there are still people in your familial group that love you."
She snorted. "You haven't met them. I'm sure they don't feel any ill will towards me, but I'm also sure they don't feel anything to me. It's ancient history." She leaned back off the counter. "Queenie said to get dinner so I assume that if we don't she'll be upset."
Evie laughed. "Upset is possibly the most mild way that could be phrased." She took out her pad. "I know some local places that she likes, take a look and tell me which ones would work for you and your crew."
Nick and Eastern came out of Queenies room hours later looking exhausted but pleased. Queenie came out shortly after them with the help of her walker, but she also looked brighter and more alive than when she went in. Instead of going to Queenie's bedroom, they made their way to the front of the store, where Selkirk and Evie had set up a table piled high with takeout from a local place.
Eastern looks hungrily at the food. "This is quite a spread Selkirk, nice work!"
Selkirk flicks her tail and her ears. "Evie helped, but we both decided that you were going to come out of your training hungry."
"I feel like I haven't eaten in years." Nick laughs and sits at the table."
Queenie shuffles to the head of the table and sits. "Now, like I told you, those implants are powered by your bodies. Use them a lot and you need the calories to recover." She poked Nick's soft belly. "It's also a decent way to build a calorie deficit if you ever decide to lose that paunch, Nicholas North," but she was smiling as she said it.
They all sat down and started on dinner. After a few minutes, Selkirk looked up at Eastern and Nick. "How did it go?"
Queenie started gesturing with a fork full of food. "Typical AI. Stuff them full of tech and send them on their way without so much as a lesson on how to work it. They're lucky Nick knew me; they could have had their brains braised by the first aggressive attack they endured."
Eastern put down her fork. "We're very grateful Queenie, thanks for all the help." She looked at Selkirk. "Queenie put is through an initial setup, helped us with our encryption and firewalls and gave us some basic lessons on access and intrusion. Also, she looked at Nick's additional tech that Jameson installed. He could pilot a starship!"
Selkirk blinked and looked at Nick, surprised. "You can pilot a starship?"
Nick looked awkward and shrugged. "According to Queenie, I have additional modules and sensors that are related to piloting starships. She thinks its an upgrade to the old Colony Ship co-captain package."
"But... why? You're not going to be piloting a starship."
Nick shrugged. "Who knows with AIs. Maybe Jameson thinks I'll need it. Maybe he thought it would be funny. Maybe he's making a point to another AI faction that we don't even know about." He put his head down and continued to eat.
Eastern nodded. "You feel it too Sel, we're pawns in a much larger thing here. It's entirely possible that Jameson gave Nick the piloting package to show someone that AIs aren't the only game in town when it comes to operating a ship.
Queenie looked up at the three of them. "My advice is to not try and make sense of what AIs do. They go and do their own thing, they always have. It's up to us to stay out of their way and try and not get burned. Remember what they did when Empress Melody came by? They linked in a pile of their own Starjumpers and attacked her right above us. I remember looking up and seeing the flashes of the fight. It was something else." She shook her head sadly. "I never got to meet the Empress, but I heard she was looking out for everyone in Sol." She looked up at the three of them sharply. "Take heed that lesson though. Keep your heads down, do your work, and don't get involved in AI politics. It's worse than our politics."
Nick glanced at Eastern, but she didn't say anything.
After Dinner, Selkirk tried to pay Queenie and Evie but they wouldn't take her money. "You bought dinner, and you owe us a favor, that's enough." Queenie was firm. Evie smiled. Now, don't be a stranger down here, come by and say hello to Queenie every now and then. I haven't seen her this active in weeks." She winked at the three of them. "You're a good influence on her."
Queenie's cackling laugh. "They're anything but Evie, but they're fun to be around. If you ever need a fence, you see old Queenie first, you get me?"
Eastern assured them that they'd be the first place they stopped when they had some goods to fence and said their goodbyes.
When they left the shop it was late. The Metro ran all night long, but was on a reduced schedule to allow for maintenance. They decided to take an omnibus up to Eastern's apartment. As they rumbled along, Eastern and Selkirk fell quickly asleep on Nick as he looked out the window and watched Hyacinth go by. He mused on what Queenie had said about AI politics. He felt that it was a bit too little too late with that warning. They were being played off two if not three different factions now with no real sign as to the why.
Nick woke everyone up when it was their stop. They made their way home and fell into bed.
The next morning, everyone got up, got dressed and some coffee and tried to come up with something to do. They still hadn't heard from Sunny, so it was just a matter of waiting to hear from her. She had said that she would do fifty hours of searching, and by Nick's reckoning that meant they'd hear from her tomorrow afternoon.
Nick declared that they'd head to the lake today. Since Hyacinth is so large, the original designers decided to put a large lake on each arm. It was a long shallow lake, not more than three meters deep, but that was enough for watercraft and swimming and a small marine ecosystem. The beaches on the lake were a popular destination. Against Eastern's protestations, Nick took the girls shopping. They rode down arm to some mid range shopping in Laurel square and soon enough Nick found what he was looking for. He bought Eastern a black bikini and a sari skirt in blue and yellow, and found a K'laxi style bathing suit he thought would suit her. When Eastern saw what he bought her she blushed. "Nicholas North, you horndog."
Selkirk looked up at the both of them, "What?"
Eastern laughed. "This is what I was wearing when Nick and I were connected together during the surgery. Nick took me on a memory of a beach on Parvati."
Selkirk's ears flicked playfully. "Well, he has impeccable taste, you look great in it."
Eastern stared at Selkirk's suit too. "I will admit Nick has good taste. The suit he picked for you is stunning."
Selkirks tail and ears poofed in embarrassment. "It not a style I would have ever picked for myself, but I admit I look good in it." Selkirk and Eastern went to Nick and both gave him a kiss. "Nice work."
This time, they picked out a suit for Nick. Eastern insisted on a black speedo like in their shared dream and after picking up some towels and headed back out.
The most popular beach was off Dahila square. They grabbed some food to eat later and rode up to Dahila. From there it was a short omnibus ride to the beach.
Growing up in Naya Chennai, right on the water, the beach on Hyacinth was a bit of a letdown. He went to the beach once or twice after he first moved here and while it was interesting to have a lake and a beach in space, it really couldn't compare to the ocean. Eastern, a kid who was born and raised in space loved it though. It was the largest body of water she had ever seen. Selkirk had fun too. She hadn't been to a large body of water since she was a child, so she was enjoying herself too. Nick decided to try and leg go of his opinions about it being a 'real' beach and just have fun.
They spend the afternoon at the beach, sitting on the soft sand, splashing in the water and having a fun time. Nick even convinced them all to rent a watercraft and they zipped around the lake, getting a view of everything. Nick found a small secluded beach far away from everyone else and they stopped and relaxed all on their own.
Eastern declared that she wanted to try having sex on the beach like in the novels she read and they gave it a try.
It was very sandy.
After, everyone ran into the water to wash the sand off and Nick grimaced. "Okay, I think I speak for everyone when I say that I got sand in places I didn't think it was possible to get sand into. Let's keep that one to the novels, okay?"
Selkirk was in the water up to her head scrubbing her fur as hard as she could. "I agree Nick."
By now it was evening and they had to return the rental. They made their way back to the main beach, returned the rental and found a restaurant right on the water to get dinner. Hyacinth doesn't have sunsets, not really, but it was gently getting dark as they ate, and they even heard some animals in the water making noise as it got darker. You had to squint a little, but you could pretend you were on a planet. Nick looked over at his girlfriends and smiled. "Thanks."
"Eastern raised her eyebrow. "For what, Nick?"
"For being here. For being with me. Both of you. This is nice. Sure, we are deep into some shit, but we're into it together. I don't know." He looked out at the water. "It just feels a little more solvable with you two here with me, eating a nice dinner, looking out at the water."
Selkirk flicked her ears and smiled. "It is nice. Thanks to you too Nick. I'm glad we're all here, together."
After dinner, they slowly made their way back to Eastern's place, chatting and laughing. They kept their bathing suits on, garnering a few side eyes on the omnibus, but nothing else.
They made it to Eastern's place and fell into bed, tired and happy.
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suuho · 2 years
Honestly bullying is so prevalent in NCT I am not at all surprised anymore. But I guess it goes against some peoples ideas of these boys being 'friends' like Dream stans threw a huge fit about the fact that SM was gonna let members graduate out of Dream but... they're just coworkers they didn't chose to be stuck together anymore than most of us with jobs. Sure I like some of my coworkers and ofc I'll play along nice with everyone when customers are around but I honest to god wouldn't voluntarily be in a room with some of these people if I wasn't getting a paycheck and I think many idols feel similar. But try to get that into the head of delulu stans who wouldn't let Mark gracefully age out of the kids bop unit of nct so he is stuck now working doubleshifts alongside Haechan and then the same stans that campaigned for Dream as a fixed unit will defend Haechan's bully??? For what is he in this unit it's a sham and a degrace and people don't deserve him. But no they don't wanna hear that Jeno is a bully because Dream are besties and evil SM tried to rip them apart actually when they wanted to phase older members out of the group that was so cruel and evil because they are friends not coworkers friends friendship is magic
the funniest thing to me is that without mark and haechan, especially mark and haechan, nct dream has nothing distinctive going on anymore. mark is the best rapper sm has had in ages, maybe ever, and haechan is an incredibly skilled vocalist with range. he can harmonize, he can belt, and he can riff. he’s no baekhyun or chen but he is a very good singer regardless. mark is a monster performer and nct is literally his life’s work but god forbid these two have to do evil, evil nct 127 comebacks. god forbid! and i firmly do believe mark and haechan weren’t allowed to graduate because they know that without them, dream is lacking. they’re just the next txt or enhypen or whatever (including the bullying. wow.)
anyways, i do very much agree with you. and i do honestly think that wayv are to some extend friends, because they had to be stuck in a dorm together for ages and went through shit and i think that does something to you, and 127 are probably the closest out of the nct units. sorry it’s not your teenage dream of the teenagers they shoved together being mean to their band members that are friends forever.
dream should have been a revolving unit and let members graduate, so the rookies could have debuted either there or in a nct u unit. but whatever.
also, jeno does not have the talent to make such remarks towards haechan. out of all people. not that talent has anything to do with it, but there’s a reason why haechan has an ost and was in a killing voice video, toured around the world, while jeno… went to fashion week. unfortunately, their job as idols is mostly to be musicians, though, so good luck to jeno and his future endeavors once dream is off the market and the next boy group will take over. the thought of mark and haechan being stuck with them while the rest of 127 enlists is horrifying to me, someone free them fr.
anyways. this is rambly cause it’s late, but i v much agree with you, anon. most of these people are coworkers, and that’s it. also, i wonder why no one ever thinks about if this is what jeno allows himself to say on camera, what does he say off camera? food for thought.
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mxstball · 4 months
[Past Dealings] Parallels
New Jubilife City, Distortion World.
Heidi was following the three Giratina that were more familiar with the landscape as she was. While they could have just flown over to the house in question, it was Heidi's version to take a leisurely stroll around town to see how it's been. Honestly? Heidi was surprised. Despite the destruction of the world above and the artificial moon in the skies, it really felt like any other town that she'd walk through in her own world. She saw Pokémon Centers and markets, kids traveling and playing, adults walking through the street, and even the occasional small Pokémon minding their own business. Sure, there was the occasional person that walked through and the small whisper here and there, but Heidi couldn't sense anything malicious.
Still, it was best to be on the lookout for anything.
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"So… Mercy, right?"
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Mercy turned her head as she continued walking. "Yeah?"
Despite Mercy's tone, Heidi had been noticing that she's been keeping a strange eye on her since they met. "So, you're another version of Melony from a different world."
"That's correct."
"What's your world like?"
"My world?" Mercy looked forward and took a moment to think. "Well, if you must know, my world is one without an Arceus and without humans. Many various species of what you would consider as familiar Pokémon make their home in my world, but the ones that watch over them are myself and my rival."
"Your… rival?"
"...Hope. She's another Giratina that watches over our world. We don't exactly see eye-to-eye, but we're not necessarily enemies, either."
"Ah. I see." Heidi nodded.
As they continued to walk, Mercy took some time to consider whether to say what was on her mind next. Considering Melony's relationship with Heidi and the rumors of an Arceus version of Heidi aligning herself with the True Form, it was clear that Mercy's destiny was no accident.
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"So Melony is your Retainer…?"
Heidi nodded. "She's my sister, first and foremost… but yes, she's also my retainer."
"Tell me more about that. The… retainer bit, I mean."
Melony turned to Mercy, but Mercy shook her head. Mercy wanted to hear things directly from Heidi.
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Heidi looked at Melony. "Well, we've considered each other as sisters ever since we reunited four years ago. When she first started staying with us, Melony only had a few shards for her Griseous Core. I promised her that I'll do whatever I can to help her. So, while we were finding survivors from our home and doing whatever we could to save our new home, we went on the look to find more pieces of the Core. Eventually, we did and Mel was able to complete the core. Because of that and also in part because of my mom, she decided to pledge herself to me. It… was hard to get used to, especially since I wanted to make sure that we stayed as sisters, but we've worked things out in the end."
Melony nodded. She didn't say anything in case Mercy had questions.
Mercy nodded, too. "I see. So, your desire to help those close to you, not to mention your desire to help guide those around you to be what they should be is how you govern."
"I guess you can say that, yeah." Heidi nodded. "I think that everyone deserves a chance to be their full selves as long as it doesn't hurt others. Wouldn't be fair otherwise, you know?"
"...I understand." Mercy looked forward again. "...you remind me of her."
"Hope. You remind me of her. Maybe the two of you would get along."
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Melony turned to Mercy. "Do you mean to give the implication that My Lady could be another version of your rival?"
Mercy shrugged. "Could be. I get a similar vibe, at least." She turned towards Heidi again. "Hope's always one to try to passively guide others to their true self-realized destiny. Not only that, but whenever she is done a favor, she always returns that favor in a way to build them up as a creature. Maybe I can introduce you to her another time."
"Maybe. I'd love to meet her." Heidi smiled.
The group continued walking and observing the area until they eventually reached Sapphire's house. It was now time for Heidi to meet an old friend.
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 1 year
Claimed by the Beast - Chapter 10b
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*Warning Adult Content*
Feed the Demons - Part 2
- Knox -
Knox leaves before he says the wrong thing again and Everett convinces him to stay.
Long forgotten memories with Scar bubble toward the surface of Knox's mind as he marches to the main room.
The guy was a good fuck, very nice to look at and had a wicked sense of humor but if what Finn said is true, then none of that gives him a pass for crossing the line with Everett.
Knox doesn't have the patience or time for petty games from past fuck buddies with a jealousy trait and if Scar has a problem with that, then he can consider this his last visit to the clubhouse.
"Come with me."
Knox makes eye contact with Finn and Scar after entering the main room.
They follow him without asking questions and Knox stops in a deserted hallway nearby.
"From each of you, I want to hear what happened."
"What happened with what?" Scar asks, leaning back against the wall and looking bored.
Finn nudges him hard in the side, glaring at him.
"Oh. You mean what happened with the baby earlier? I don't fucking know. One minute he was fine, then the next he wasn't. For the record, I didn't do shit."
"Liar. Everything was cool until you showed up," Finn mutters, retelling the whole story from start to finish. "And then he started shaking and crying and shit. I didn't know what to do, so I held him until you eventually showed up."
"Maybe the kid doesn't do well when in confrontational situations," Scar adds.
"He didn't start freaking out until after Finn got in my face. As if I wouldn't snap his ass in two."
Scar rolls his eyes when Finn whispers something threatening under his breath.
"If anything, it's Finn's fault, not mine."
Knox was tempted to slap sense into them both but he maintains his composure instead, just barely.
"From now on, you're to act like Everett doesn't exist," Knox says, looking directly at Scar. "What you and I had is in the past. Everett is mine now. I claimed him. Therefore, his problems are now my problems and you already know how I feel about having to stop and deal with stupid shit like this, so kill the fucking games. I won't warn you a second time."
Scar smiles at the threat, stepping forward to place his palms on Knox's bare chest.
He licks his lips before whispering in a sensual tone.
"I'm sorry, big daddy. I didn't mean to upset your new pet."
He lowers one hand down Knox's body, daring to taunt the angry giant.
"I'll do anything to earn your forgiveness..."
"Did you not hear a word I just said?" Knox snaps, gripping Scar by the neck and slamming him hard against the wall.
"Keep testing me, Lucas. Keep fucking trying me and I swear to God..."
"Hey, man. If you're gonna kill him, maybe uh... do it someplace other than the hallway where anyone can see?" Finn cautiously intervenes and it's then that Knox notices Scar's face is now blue. "Come on, bro. What if your boy walks by and sees this?"
Knox releases Scar, taking several steps back.
"Get the fuck out of here."
The man scurries off without another smart remark, coughing and gasping for air.
Knox redirects his attention back to Finn, making him stand tall despite the immense amount of fear glowing in his eyes.
"You need to be more careful around Everett," Knox says in a lighter tone. "I still don't know which of you set him off but you starting fights with people in front of him isn't helping shit either. The last time he saw you like that, he ended up covered in blood and holding Shaun's dead body. See where I'm going with this?"
Finn nods, looking apologetic.
"Is he doing any better?"
"He's fine now."
"So, uh, are you officially off the market now?"
Knox makes a face.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"I'm just saying..." Finn shrugs, smirking mischievously. "You took everyone by surprise when you claimed the kid and now you almost killed Scar for potentially triggering him into a panic attack. Seems like you two have gotten pretty close..."I wish you fuckers would stop saying that and learn to mind your own damn business for once."
Knox stomps off, ignoring Finn's fading laughter.
When he makes it back to his bedroom, he finds Everett nestled underneath the covers watching a movie.
He glances at the screen where a couple is holding hands and walking through a park, an upbeat pop song playing in the background.
Knox immediately laughs.
"Is this...?"
"Yes, it's a romcom."
Everett rolls his eyes.
He turns the covers down on the bed and pats the empty spot beside him.
"Get in and keep quiet."
Knox kicks off his jeans and happily obliges.
"Is this what we're doing for the rest of the night? Sitting through hours of cringe and cliche fairy-tales?"
"Shutting your brain off and watching a feel-good movie where you pretend to be the main character sounds like a great time to me, Mr. Debbie Downer," Everett says, keeping his eyes on the screen. "Do you have something better to do?"
Knox smirks, stealing a peek at Everett's beautiful profile.
Even if he did have something better to do, Knox wouldn't choose it over the moment that's happening now.
"I'm all yours, kitten," Knox says, getting comfortable. "Now, what's this sappy ass movie about?" 
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brickellbabe · 1 year
The Cold Hard Truth: Confronting Obesity Head-On
I was compelled to write this blog because this topic has been weighing on me for a while now, pun intended. Seeing how the media and certain influencers are normalizing being overweight is absolutely driving me crazy since it is not a life best lived - prove me wrong. Also, I am just fed up with hearing these airline stories and seeing more and more adults and kids clearly getting bigger and bigger by the day.
With that being said, now let's cut to the chase. Society, these days, seems to have become unusually soft. We appear overly sensitive, quick to take offense, and stubborn in our beliefs, making any form of criticism a treacherous path to navigate. Our readiness to lash out and condemn straightforward, honest communication seems to have made it taboo to be anything other than politically correct.
We've made a habit of substituting "overweight" or "obese" with phrases like "big and beautiful". We might be sugarcoating the language, but we're doing little to help the arteries of these individuals, who would strongly prefer we stop "body shaming" them (sigh).
Society's Double Standards
Perhaps what stings the most is the glaring double standard we've developed. It's seemingly okay for people struggling with weight to make remarks about their slimmer friends and colleagues - comments like "have a burger" or calling them "toothpicks". Yet, the moment a word is uttered about the challenges associated with obesity, it's seen as rude, mean, or insensitive.
People of all sizes have feelings.
The Effort Behind Staying Fit
Staying thin isn't easy. It requires constant discipline, the will to get up and exercise even on days you just want to curl up in bed, and a commitment to a healthy, balanced diet - which can be more expensive than unhealthy alternatives.
Where are the accolades for individuals who make these sacrifices to maintain their health and fitness? Ironically, society's spotlight seems to have swiveled towards praising obesity, as we introduce words like "thick" into our everyday vocabulary.
The Perils of Obesity
Obesity isn't just an aesthetic concern. It has been linked to an alarming array of health complications:
Type 2 diabetes
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Certain cancers (breast, colon, and endometrial)
Gallbladder disease
Fatty liver disease
High cholesterol
Sleep apnea and other breathing problems
Chronic lower back pain
Osteoarthritis, particularly of the knees
It's time we stop disguising obesity as something normal or benign. Let's not bury our heads in the sand. We need to confront this reality and understand its serious implications.
Influencers Must Do Better
Influencers with large followings have a responsibility. It's simply inappropriate to promote an unhealthy lifestyle to impressionable young minds. This leads to a cycle of body negativity, health risks, and overall unhappiness.
We need to stop making accommodations for obesity – be it in fashion, marketing, or elsewhere. Instead, we should be using our voices to stress the importance of health, activity, and self-care.
A Call to Action
We've reached a point where we need to act. If you're battling weight issues, take a long, hard look at yourself. Are you genuinely happy with the state of things?
Change is possible. Don't convince yourself otherwise.
Many individuals have successfully transformed their bodies and are now leading healthier, happier lives. It's time to stop making excuses. Seek professional help, set fitness goals, develop a healthy eating plan, and commit to a journey of weight loss.
Now, walking 5 miles a day, but then drinking coca-cola like it’s water shows that you aren’t fully committed to your weight loss so quit delaying your wight loss with lies.
Healthy Living Recommendations
Every person, irrespective of age, should aim to:
Exercise daily. This could range from a simple walk to high-intensity workouts or yoga.
Eat healthily. Remember, food is fuel. Your diet should be rich in nutrients.
Stay active. Especially if you work from home, find ways to keep moving throughout the day.
Appreciate nature. Spend time outdoors whenever you can.
And lastly, say no to fast-food. It's not real food, and it's certainly not doing you any favors. That includes soft drinks - coca-cola is not water, give it up.
To create a healthier, happier future, we need to be honest, upfront, and even a bit harsh. If people get upset, that's a sign that they've begun to confront the reality of their situation.
Being overweight isn't a badge of honor or a beauty standard to strive for. It's a health risk. Let's stop the madness of normalizing obesity and start advocating for a healthier society.
I’m done here.
#fat #overweight #obesity #health #fitness #change #influencers #action #behealthy #befit #commitment #decipline #fitnessplan #everydayfitness #everydayhealth #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #dobetter #weightloss #thinisin #thickisout #eatbetter #fitlife
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kaihoku · 2 years
V21   HIGH-SCHOOL GIRLS - October, 1996
Like your skirt short? Nothing wrong with that.
Wanna shape your socks a certain way? Don't see no harm.
For sure, you ain't gonna hear any complaints from me.
So long as you've got a map in hand and know where it is you're headed, you're free to go wherever.
Take care not to get into any accidents, though!
Right now, high-school girls of a "certain age" are unmistakably controlling current market trends, from CDs to toys right down to food. Some of them even own designer handbags that, until just a while ago, you'd only see adult women with jobs having.  And adults working in companies are, predictably, studying them to devise marketing strategies targeted at them. No doubt there are even some who are earning way more than guys working part-time jobs. And they even seem to have it together much better than those who deign to lecture them on so-called age-appropriate behavior.
These girls also have a specific way of talking and you'd hear things like, "Or, yanno, like..." or, "...feels kinda like, yanno..."  in the sentences that they string, to which adults would simply shrug at.  The difference in speech pattern gives birth to a strong divide between age groups where adults would tend to adopt a condescending attitude towards the younger group. Besides speech, there's also clothing choice and actions that adults may not be able to get. They can analyze it all they want but they won't be able to fully understand it. And the ones who would even bother to attempt are few and far in between. Middle-aged men, especially, may find the task more daunting than trying to get into Tokyo U.
You often hear about escort services on the news which is something society tends to blame on the girls who do it  but in my opinion, the men who think it's okay to pay thousands to wine and dine them and in the end sleep with them are the real problem. There can only be supply when there's demand, and it's really not in anybody's place to stop the flow. Still, if a girl I know is doing it, I doubt I can just pretend to not notice. I don't know what I'd end up saying to her, though.
The gap isn't so big yet from when I was in high school myself but the girls are definitely more stylish now. They can get hella creative with their school uniforms. Like, they'd shorten the length of their skirts and play around with the length and size of their socks. Many also color their hair, turning it into something fashionable where before it's more seen as a sign of delinquency. If anything, it seems to give them a softer look compared to kids with jet black hair who seem more severe now. When I become a dad, and if I have a daughter who wants to do all that, I'd give her my full blessings. I'd encourage her, and even buy her whatever accessories--earrings, loose socks, etc-- anything she wants.
I probably feel a certain kinship towards these fashionable girls still in high school. I get the notion that them playing around with their school uniform is their way of expressing their desire for mental freedom from whatever authority they are under. In our world, we have production companies and record companies, but as a performer, I kind of want to assert my own individuality as well. Which I suppose is why I let my hair grow out and got my ears pierced. Way back when, I even used to wear my jeans so long I'd literally be stepping on the cuffs as I walked. The idea is to feel like  my own person and from there, decide whether or not what I'm doing is cool, or if I were a girl, cute. This has got nothing to with being rebellious initially but if my efforts get denied, thats when the rebellious spirit kicks in.
And that's why you'll see me rooting for these high school girls and their bid to freely express themselves from the shadows. Don't get me wrong, this isn't me singing them praises or showing them my respect or anything like that. It's just seeing them persevere in doing what they think is right for themselves despite disapproval from authority makes it hard to not want to root for them.
To these girls, I say, "Take it as far as you think you possibly can."   And then, I'd also add, "But make sure you've also got a roadmap to navigate with in hand." Turning on the headlights and revving the engine before taking off as fast as you can in a car is well and all but it's also important to know where there are no guard rails, or where there's a dead end or when a U-turn is prohibited.
Adult disapproval may also be kind of like road signs. So I hope you'll all at least try to not miss it if a sign tells you to make a temporary stop. Even if it may merely be the personal opinion of a teacher or a boyfriend or whomever, it's important to at least take their concern under careful consideration, as they only mean well.
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