#I don't think the america cancelled out canada
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literally-leo · 9 months ago
i’m americanizing you now. you’re american now. american beam to cancel out the canadian beam
caw caw
high blood pressure is in and maple syrup is out
🇺🇸 🦅 what the fuck is a kilometerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
o the rockets red glare
the bombs bursting in air,,finish the lyrics right now brutha
- @and-cassiopeia
i think.
i think I'm bri'sh.
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alex51324 · 2 years ago
North American Total Solar Eclipse, 8 April 2024
This is your friendly heads-up that if you want to travel to see the total solar eclipse coming up in the spring, now* is a good time to start making your arrangements!
This one will be visible as at least a partial eclipse to most of North America, with the path of totality cutting a diagonal from Sinaloa, Mexico to Newfoundland, Canada, including 15 US states from Texas to Maine.
Although we just had one a few years ago in 2017, we won't have another solar eclipse visible in the continental US until 2045--and the path of totality for the 2024 one is within driving distance for a much larger proportion of the US population than either 2017 or 2045. The Northeastern US won't see another until the 2070's.
For millions of people, including me, this will be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see a total solar eclipse without getting on a plane. Hotels in major cities along the path of totality are already starting to fill up.
Last time, in 2017, I was able to see the partial eclipse from where I live, but it wasn't feasible to travel to see the totality. I heard from people who did see the totality that it's really quite something, so I decided back then that I was going to go to this one. (The one in 2079 might be a bit closer to where I currently live, but I'll be 101 by then, so I figure I'd better not wait.)
Erie, PA is the closest place for me to see it, and I figured I'd camp. I started looking into it last night, and pickings are pretty slim already. I lucked into a camping cottage at a park 20 minutes' drive outside the path of totality--I think someone must've cancelled recently, for me to get it, because out 87 spots, all they had left was 9 tent/trailer sites, and the one cottage.
So anyway, if you want to go, it's an overnight trip for you, and you don't want to end up sleeping in your car at a rest area, now's* the time!
(*Actually several months ago would have been the best time, but the second-best time is now.)
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chasm-side · 10 days ago
The strangest thing to come out of Trump's threats to make Canada the 51st state is how unifying the Canadian outrage has been.
Like... we have a federal election coming up soon. Trudeau's not running again. There's a very vocal minority who have hated Trudeau's guts for years and wouldn't piss on the Liberals if they were on fire. AND YET the Liberal party might actually have a shot at holding onto power. Why?? Because Trudeau keeps talking shit about Trump. If there's one thing Canadians love, it's a prime minister who'll politely tell the States where to shove it. I don't know how to convey to non-Canadians how absolutely wild this all is. Do you remember the trucker convoy in Ottawa during the pandemic? That's the level of vitriol many Conservatives have for Trudeau. AND YET.
I feel like I've stepped sideways into an alternate universe. I have conservative relatives on FACEBOOK of all places who are writing impassioned screeds about how We Won't Let America Tread On Us. People are cancelling or putting off their trips to the States in protest. There are Buy Canadian initiatives. I've heard a lot of talk about boycotting American-made goods, even above and beyond the tariff stuff. That's all WILDLY outside of the social and political norms for Canada. It's like the whole country went, those bastards think they can try to crash our economy and destroy our sovereignty? Well then FUCK 'EM.
If there's any one thing that culturally unites Canadians, it's our violent repulsion to the idea that we're just like Americans. I've always known that about us... but I guess I didn't realize how deep it goes.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year ago
CyberSix - The 90s trans Animated Series, you did not know about
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Okay, I think it is time for me to talk about this Canadian/Japanese/Argentinian animated series, because it just is... surprisingly really good. And while maybe the entire trans/queer subtext was not entirely intended... It is so clearly there and really fucking amazing.
CyberSix is about, well, CyberSix, who has been created in genetic experiments by a Nazi scientist, who after WWII escaped to South America. While Cybersix escaped the laboratory, the Scientist Dr. Von Reichter still conducts genetic experiments on all sorts of animals and people. But he also wants to see Cybersix returned to him. So, to hide from him, Cybersix takes up the identity of the male teacher Adrian Seidelman, who teaches at a school for troubled teens. Things complicate, though, when she develops feelings for her colleague Lucas.
Now, let me be up front about two things... No, three:
Due to low ratings outside of Canada, the show was cancelled after only one season. Which also means that the ending of the show is kinda bittersweet - as what was meant to be a cliffhanger ended up to feel very finite.
The comic this was based on was on one hand very anti-Nazi. But at the same time it also uses a lot of racist stereotypes when depicting the Japanese characters (of which there are quite a few). While the characters are portrayed as good people, mind you, who end up helping Cybersix, they are depicted in a very racist way.
Also, if you look at the open ending and think: "Oh, maybe I should read the comic." Don't. Just don't. Trust me on that one. I read it. And it is... oh boy. Cybersix in it mostly exists as a male sexual fantasy. And in general the comic is very, very happy to show us naked women all the time, at times with explicit rape scenes. So, yeah, you definitely want to skip that one.
Still, despite those flaws. The show... is actually really fucking good. Especially because of the queer stuff.
While in the comic this was based on the fact that Cybersix hides under a male identity is just a plot device, in the series it actually is a lot more complicated. Because in the series we see Cybersix struggle with her gender identity. After all, she has been created, her sex was quite literally assigned to her. And while on one hand she kinda fantasizes about being with Lucas as a woman, she at times also feels more in home being seen as a man.
And while Lucas does not find out her true identity till the end of the show (again, there was another season planned), he kinda has feelings for Adrian and for Cybersix, not knowing they are the same person, making this king bisexual or pansexual (I read him as pan).
Meanwhile, of course, the main plot of the show is quite literally about punching Nazis, which is something I always can get behind. It literally deals with something that has happened in the real world (Nazi folks fleeing to South America) and I kinda think that this is neat.
For a while the show was on Youtube, but it sadly seems it was removed. You can still find it on... certain websites, though, given that the DVDs are hard to get a hand on.
I really recommend everyone to watch this show. Its just 13 episodes and it is... really, really good.
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swingsetindecember · 1 year ago
Yeah i lived in Quebec for a bit and it really seems like consumer protections (and even renters protections) are way stronger there. It was really interesting to see the unique chains they had only there (i actually really some of them). i also remember something about companies not being able to have the “free one month sub” that you then are caught paying cuz you forgot to cancel after the month is up. There was a class action lawsuit with Spotify about it i think, and i just barely missed out on it.
yes! quebec does have a lot consumer protections. and again why so many clauses in companies will have except in quebec. its because they can't do their predatory businesses practices there. its the main reason a lot of brands and businesses don't operate in quebec.
people criticize quebec a lot, any for good reason. but their consumer protections are a lot more mature than most of canada and america and should be adopted. capitalism likes to say well if we do that then it will cost you more money or it won't be lucrative but quebec shows a business case where you can protect consumers and still operate a business
it doesn't get a lot a media attention because i think most businesses dont want you to know about how quebec legislated consumer protections
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yinlotus · 2 years ago
as far as i'm aware from reading US news (ny times) most of the smoke on the US east coast is from the canadian fires. also, the fires in canada are a lot lot lot worse than looks on the image you can see - hundreds of fires burning all across canada.
as a californian myself, i've also been kind of annoyed seeing all the news about like 'unprecedented smoke in nyc' like seriously? this isn't unprecedented, just for them specifically. I understand that seeing the orange skies was crazy but like...it's not new...I literally saw that myself during the fires of 2020 in Calif. i've had friends and family had to evacuate from nearby fires, i had to wear an n95 during the summer before covid because being outside in that air quality made me feel sick. my brother had school and sports cancelled because it was too dangerous to be outside breathing the air.
calif, oregon, washington, british columbia and all of the western US and canada (maybe mexico too, I don't know about impact of smoke/fires in central or latin america) have been dealing with this for years. australia and nz have been dealing with this too for years.
I'm sorry...I kind of just wanted to complain a bit...it was a bit jarring seeing all those headlines about it being new when it's really not, it's just only new for the US east coast which has the biggest & loudest mouthpiece coming from america.
i'd also love to see some resources about the fires in canada if anyone has sent you any. i know for california, Cal Fire (fire.ca . gov) has info on calif. since there was a lot of rain this year (i've never seen so much rain in my life) i'm hoping fire season won't be too bad but we never know...
hi anon!
it's okay to vent about it. i understand that for those who have dealt with or are currently dealing with large wildfires would be annoyed by those who are not experiencing it as they are. still, i don't think it's right to blame those people without educating them a bit on it first.
honestly even when it comes to the east coast smoke most news talk specifically about nyc than the other places dealing with the same thing. picky news coverage can be frustrating to say the least.
and you're certainly right about it being new to us but not everyone else. the east coast is generally pretty wet with hurricanes in summer (which hurricane season officially started around a week ago, which i'm curious if it'll be affected at all since the smoke is also going east into the atlantic and wildfire smoke throws off marine ecosystems and cyclones are worse when the water is warmer) and snow storms during winter. i think no matter where you are, people will react extremely if something out of the ordinary happens. personally i can't even imagine it since even when i lived on the west coast, it was near seattle and mostly wet.
thank you for providing some info on california! nobody else has sent anything yet, but i'll definitely post if they do! :)
my screenshot was from fire.airnow.gov and from zooming in more i get a slightly better picture of where the fires are but the low accuracy is likely because the site's focus is only the us. nasa is usually quite good in capturing this things in the states, so i checked the canadian space agency to see if they had better images of the fires. while i didn’t find any recent satellite images (best i found was a video from a month ago), i was directed to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) which has an updated interactive map on the homepage. This site alao has links to individual centers in each province.
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pbandjesse · 2 years ago
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Today was not what I expected at all. It was really good in parts and really not and others but we survived to see another day.
I slept okay here. I was very comfortable. I did not really want to get up. And I woke up at 7:30 when my alarm went off and then reset my alarm for 8:30 and go back sleep. I would wake up a little bit before my alarm went off and it didn't really matter that I had slept in. My first group wasn't supposed to come till 9:45.
So I got washed up and I got dressed. I didn't wear the outfit I have planned but I really liked the outfit I ended up.
Help a little bit better about myself to die. I still feel like my face seems wrong. And I was talking to CJ about it and I think I might be holding my breathing in the wrong spot. Like I'm holding my face incorrectly and pulling my chin in. So I'm going to try to be mindful about that.
I also just think it'll help me breathing.
Because breathing was hard today. There's more wildfire smoke coming down from Canada and we were back in the 170s for air quality. Not as bad as it was a couple weeks ago, but hazy.
I didn't really know if it was going to affect us today because no one communicate than anything to me. I had my yogurt and I walked down to the lodge to get to cartons of milk to replace the ones I had used. And then I came back up here and I started working on my knitting while I waited for my group. I also started reading one of my dear America books that I have.
And then Alexi walks by and she's like are you ready to teach inside today? And I'm like what? Apparently the Y made the call that we need to be inside as much as possible and cancel any programs that are outside. But mine's kind of both so I was a little confused. And she said that I should try to have my group fit at my picnic table in the building. So I had to take as much of my materials outside inside and set up a new still life and set up spaces for the kids to work. Which is fine I just wish someone would have told me earlier. I don't like that I felt like I was finding out on the fly.
And it ended up not mattering anyway because none of my group showed up this morning. I was supposed to have the boys and neither came. That was really upset about that! I felt stupid. I just hate the lack of communication. I just want to know what's going on.
So I started working on my boxes for color wars this weekend. I got paper cut and a different paints collected and brushes and things. I got really frustrated with my big paper roll and I kept threatening to die of things were even a little annoying. I was just really frustrated and just had to find some way to make myself laugh.
While I was working on that Tony came up to ask about helping him turn a pair of pants and shorts but because of the way that the cargo pockets were it would have made them like 4-in inseams and he didn't want hochie daddy shorts. So that was no. And we chatted for a while about how bad the communication has been. And he told me that Jorge wanted to do arts and crafts still even in their group missed it. So I said I would bring some over to the woodlands village.
I came down there with watercolor paint for him and brought some extras in case I need the kids wanted to do it too but they were watching a movie. So I said bye and went back up to my art building to read.
I double check with Cody that we were having the same lunch as normal and then when the time came I went down to the lodge.
Meals were a mess today. Every single meal was chicken nuggets. With some other side. Lunch was chicken with mashed potatoes which were incredibly salty. And vegetarian chicken was very overcooked. Apparently all of the food that was in the fridge spoiled when we lost power and this was the stuff that was still frozen. So it makes sense but it just kind of sucked today.
I enjoyed Celia and Annabelle's company at lunch though and we had some laughs and talked about how we can improve the enclosures for the animals and it was just a nice time.
Eventually I went back up to arts and crafts to chill until they camp was supposed to come. I was told that they were coming and they did. But then there was only five of them. And one of them wasn't even one of their campers they were from day camp one. But it was fine. They were actually a lot of fun. And they worked really hard on their drawings and once they were done their art that I planned they asked to use clay and draw and we were just having a blast up here. And I was really enjoying talking to my co-workers. I let them stay a lot longer than the plan time so I lost my break but I had such a long break in the morning that I didn't actually care. I was just having a good time doing my job.
Once they left I tested CJ to see if tipis was coming but she didn't know. So I sat down to read my book but then all of a sudden they were there. And I wasn't sure what to do with them because the plan had been to have everyone sit inside but there was 14 of them and their teenagers and so they were not all going to fit at the stable. And so we caught Alexa but she didn't have a good answer so I just decided to tell them all to grab watercolors and an object to draw and we would go to the dining hall. And it was not an ideal situation at all but you know what we made it work.
And it was pretty good time overall. The kids worked really hard and they were a lot of fun to talk to and there was some other drama because apparently one of the little girl cabins tried to clean but mixed bleach and ammonia in their bathroom by accident and created mustard gas. And so they had to evacuate their building. And it was just a day. We were really going through it.
Once TV was done they help me bring everything back up to arts and crafts and I gave them some stuff for their award projects that they need to do and then they left me.
I would spend some time reading and eventually Ty and Quan joined me. They sat on my back tables and ate their meal and we just gossiped and talked and it was a lot of fun. They filled me in on some of their feelings about stuff and I got to learn some of the weird things that are going on different villages that I don't always know about. It was very much a field report and that was a lot of fun to do because I haven't done in a while.
Eventually Quan would have to go but before he did we all laid in the hammocks and just chatted and it was a lot of fun. I just really felt connected to other people in a way I haven't yet at camp and that was really really nice. It was funny though because I was telling Ty that our age gap is the same as the age gap between them and the kids. So I see them as children which is why I don't participate in some of the things that they do outside of camp. But while they thought it was very funny they did seem to understand what I meant. And it was just nice to talk to them.
Eventually they would both leave me and a couple of the tipi kids came back to wash my arts and crafts stuff that was donated from Camp Spencer for service hours. So I pulled a chair out front and gave them some scrubby things and a washbin and they worked for about 45 minutes and I read my book while they chatted and told me all their good gossip and weird stories. And it was a lot of fun.
Soon Tony would come by with Ty and they apparently were playing a game that is Camp wide where people are trading objects. Some objects are "worth" more than other things. Black plastic spoons are very rare and will worth a lot. So I happen to have a bunch of those so I handed those off. And other objects are worth more because you can trade based on someone's perceived value. And I have a whole box of weird objects so I let Ty and Tony go through it and they fought over it and ran around the building and it was very silly. But everyone was having a great time and there was lots of laughing. And everyone was like why do you have all this stuff?? And I'm like I don't know I just collect things over time. And some of it was old pieces of dollhouse furniture and collections and things I've come across and been given and I was glad that it was going to some people that would enjoy it even if it was for a silly game.
It ended up being called the trinket game and I decided I wanted it in on it too. So I held back a couple things that I thought were interesting and I gave a couple away to Louisa and to CJ. So that they can participate if they wanted to. Later in the night I found out that Louisa traded the pen I gave her for a battery and then traded that for a mini jenga block which she eventually traded for the god pen which is blue. And she's trying to trade it up for the god egg. I don't know who has the god egg right now but that's high prize. I have not traded anything yet but I will. Maybe tomorrow. I have some really neat little objects that I think I can get even more neat little objects for. And I just need it'll be funny to be part of the ecosystem. The economy if you will.
Dinner was fine. I really liked the roll. They also have very good tater tots. And I set up my table in the back again and CJ and Annabelle joined me and it was fun. It was nice talking to them. And just catching up about the highs and lows of the day. We're all kind of already a little burnt out and it's sucks that that's the position we've been put in when it's only the first week of camp. It's literally felt like a month. I really hope next week feels more normal because this week has been hard.
After dinner I wasn't really sure what was happening. There was a birthday so they sang and there was ice cream sandwiches and then they were talking about flag and honor cabin and Kona ice. And no one really knew what was going on. So I walked back up to the art building to look for more trinkets and then I came back to the lodge and would go with CJ to help collect the mail to go hand out at flag.
And at 5:00 they get honor cabin so that meant I'm going to go get Kona ice before there's a line of children. So I got my snowball and I decided to get pina colada like always but I put a little mango in it for fun. I may or may not do that again. maybe next week I will try a whole new flavor. There's one called tigers blood that I'm interested in.
I wasn't sure if I was going to go to skit night. But I decided to because CJ wanted me to sit with her. And it was long. We were there from 7:30 until 9:30. They really need to put a cap on how long the kids skits can be if they're going to allow them to do skits. Because those first three took a full half an hour. Blanche and her group performed a song. One of her original songs. She played the guitar while the kids song and it was so sweet. And there was a couple shadow boxing rounds and then the tipis did a hilarious inflatable boxing match which was so good. And then some of the girls did skit of counselor impressions but it was like more dynamic than normal so it was really really good. That was probably one of my favorites. They all pretended to be kids coming to ask to go outside in a storm and they would pretend to be a specific counselor and respond the way that that counselor would respond And it was very funny. They really captured the essence.
But it was long and all of us were kind of done by the end. The last one was the oldest boys doing shadow boxing which was fine but two other group sat down the shadow boxing as well so it was a little bit like ugh. And they took like 15 minutes to do their whole sketch because there was a highlight reel pretending that like these two guys were like teammates and then rivals and then they had a falling out and never played again and became coaches and it was a really good storyline but the actual shadow boxing took way too long. I do got to give it to them though Quan had spent $80 to buy a trophy that he had engraved and I just love the commitment to the bit. That is hilarious.
But finally we were done and I came back up to the arts building and wash my face and put on lotion and I feel a lot better. I did have to go back down to the lodge to get my picnic table because I had left it there because someone told me they wanted to use it for their skit but then that did not happen so it's fine. I mostly just wanted to be laying down.
And that is where I am now. I brushed my teeth and I'm charging my phone and I am hoping that tomorrow feels more normal. I have stockade and pioneers and woodlands and some day camp groups and then I get to go home. And I talked to Alexa before I came up here and she said she's not sure what tomorrow is going to look like because of the air quality. It's gotten worse as the day's gone by. But hopefully it continues on the other way and it doesn't get super bad again. Let's hope.
I hope that you all have a great night tonight. I hope that the smoke isn't bothering you. I love you all. Good night!
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rain-droplet · 2 years ago
where do you think America got its bad genes from ? Britain, spain, portugal, etc. all have their long racist, colonialist, xenophobic histories; all of them making concentration camps at one point or another. the only reason canada is more mild than the U.S. is because france cancels out the British, as seen by their history together. quick question to the British: do you remember the boers ?
don't get me wrong, I hate America as much as the next tumblr user, but where do you think they get their bullshit from ?
"europeans are soooo much more enlightened and anti-racist than americans" haha sooo true, quick question, how do you feel about romani people?
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ear-worthy · 1 year ago
Ear Worthy: Markle Redux; Pod The North Sparkles ; Augmented Reality Guidelines
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Meghan Markle podcast -- Part Deux
 "If you don't succeed, try, try again" is a familiar maxim for those who screwed up the first time.
The podcast network, Lemonada, is taking a chance on a second chance. The network just announced a new creative partnership with Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex. As part of their new deal, Lemonada will distribute the first season of the award-winning “Archetypes” for all audio platforms and also develop a new original podcast series as yet untitled hosted by Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex. 
In 2020, Spotify had announced a $20 million podcast deal with Markle. Although the podcast Markle produced and hosted, Archetypes, was generally well-received, Spotify abruptly canceled the deal last year when it discovered to its surprise that its "We will conquer the podcast universe by throwing money at it" strategy failed.
Archetypes has seen over 10 million downloads, averaging nearly a million listens per episode, and debuted as Spotify’s No.1 podcast in 47 countries around the world.
No word yet on guests, but Archetypes didn't have a problem attracting big-name guests, from Serena Williams to Mariah Carey.
 Canada's Finest Podcast Newsletter -- Pod The North
I think it must suck a lot to be America's neighbor. Overlooked, misunderstood, and patronized, Canadians actually do have their own media universe. 
We have Canada to thank for Rachel McAdams, Celine Dion, Michael J. Fox, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, and many others. Can we return Elon Musk for a full refund?
And guess what, America? Canada is kicking our ass in all kinds of podcast engagement,
 Did you know that 71% of Canadians have listened to at least one podcast at some point, and 29% of Canada’s monthly podcast listeners spend at least five hours per week listening to podcasts?
 Revenue from podcast advertising is expected to reach $127.1 million in Canada in 2023, and brands have seen 89% higher brand awareness after advertising on podcasts. Even more impressive, 51% of bi-weekly podcast listeners have bought a product after hearing about it on a podcast.
And the future is bright for Canadian podcasters because 42% of Canadian monthly podcast listeners are aged 18 to 34 years old, so they'll be around listening for a long time.
If you're interested in podcasting in Canada, be sure to check out the Pod The North Substack newsletter by Kattie Laur.  
Pod the North is a free, biweekly newsletter aimed at uplifting the Canadian podcast ecosystem and fostering community. In each issue, you’ll find ecosystem commentary (to keep you in the loop), podcast recommendations, opportunities for your podcast ($$$ and notoriety!), and digestible interviews with Canadian podcasters who you need to know about. 
Kattie Laur is an Award-Winning Freelance Podcast Producer, Consultant, and Writer based in the Greater Toronto Area. Last October, Kattie hosted a live anniversary celebration of Pod the North in Toronto. I'm sure they'll be more live events to come.
You can reach Kattie: @Podkatt (Twitter, Spotify, and Goodpods) | @ PodtheNorth (Bluesky)
Here's an example of a Pod The North story. 
"In a press release that came out this morning, Canadaland has announced the launch of CanadaLabs,a hub for the next generation of audio journalists, open calls for short audio stories from across Canada, and applications to become Canadaland’s first Audio Journalism Fellows."
Check out Pod the North if you're a Canadian podcast fan, or an American who realizes that Canada has more to offer than ice hockey, Banff, and maple syrup.  
Guidelines for Augmented Reality in Ads just released
For many, I'm sure this announcement is filed in the "I don't give a s**t" category.
But we should care, because guidelines on the use of any new technology is critically important. Look what happened when we left social media to do whatever the f***k it wanted. We got Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, trolls, Nazis, Chinese bots, "Fakebook," the conspiracy theory of the day, and Donald Trump midnight rage messages.
So here's what is going on.
 In collaboration, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Media Rating Council (MRC) have released their Augmented Reality (AR) Measurement Guidelines to establish clear and consistent definitions and measurement guidelines for ads within Augmented Reality campaigns. The guidelines are open for public comment for a 30-day period until March 9th, 2024. 
The IAB AR Measurement Guidelines Task Force, working with MRC, set forth guidelines for advertisers and marketers to quantify how much media is delivered and gauge how well their media achieved their business objectives within AR media campaigns.
“Brands are increasingly utilizing AR in their media campaigns to connect with consumers in more meaningful and immersive ways,” said Zoe Soon, VP, Experience Center, IAB. “The Augmented Reality advertising market is projected to generate $1.2 Billion in revenue in the U.S. this year. Thus, as an industry, we need to establish a greater consistency on how we define and measure AR advertising to foster fairness and transparency for buyers and sellers.���
To effectively capture the impact of AR campaigns, these guidelines set a framework to establish clear and consistent definitions for ad delivery, viewability, audience, engagement, and performance. The guidelines are inclusive of AR’s interactive and immersive formats, as AR can accrue non-physical interactions with products as well as the physical interactions related to browsing in the context of attribution.
Did you get all that? Good. Now, can you explain it to me.
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nityarawal · 1 year ago
@elonmuskparody I feel so violated by @teslamotorsblog staff. Did they really think they could just steal whatever they wanted from whomever since last #Trumpleberry election? They're trying to triangulate us with Airforce Hookers and celebrities to cage. Don't use me as catfish hooker prototype please! I love all my camp bro rockstars and would do anything for them but I'm sure they understand meme artists will be charged if they kidnapped our children. There's nothing funny or enlightening about watching military cancel Elon and our leading celebrities/Physicists. I don't think it's kind or happy to mass incarcerate our friends. Imagine only 7 million Jews in America feel entitled to Cage 2 million people. How many babies stolen since 2016? I'm sure you didn't intend for our people to rape in war so they could have invitro dissasters? No- natural babies are the priority. Your family is perfect but it's not sustainable. You met your fettish. But what about the 2 million parents caged in America for Ben Shapiro and friends? I wanted to show you Krakow with Ala. Please don't fly anywhere without me. I really don't trust the Jewish Santa's. They always put the buck before the heart because they lost 4000 penile nerve endings in circumcision surgery at birth. They will always hate you and want to sell you out like the Whales of Canada. I hope @himym-life-lessons is so proud of their gay war on families. Do they feel awake now? God- what Jewish men will do to stroke their egos since they're soooo bad in bed!
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randomclam24 · 1 year ago
Still holding out on the last subject
Fresh take: TRS's coined term "accountability culture", from some guy on it, is actually the best term for modern leftism in practice than any currently in use. It was used to say the "cancel culture" leftists are known for is, realistically, backed up by this internally-run "accountability culture". This term is more comparable to the phrase "social justice" than it is with "liberalism" - so, being what they're really doing, social justice is more accurate as a label for the current left-wing than liberalism.
If you assess the situation, you realize the actual roots by which the facets of the left are holding themselves intact is this accountability.
This accountability runs so deep in our culture, it could be said it is preeminent to the Christian moral authority in the story of Armageddon.
Update Look. If it was the case that I was genuinely just aloof and had no ties in common with this God-abandoned culture, the statement "those who want to attack someone should just watch hentai contents and calm down" would take precedence *as it already did*, and it would be *right.* That's not what's going on here. I and other people are unable to free ourselves from the entanglement of this accountability
You have to understand of the situation in the Middle East, the people from Gaza attacking Israel were in a situation where they had the mentality, we are eventually going to die either way, so they did this as a suicide mission
Update A lack of capitulation, no matter the level of sovereignty, will never be enough to provide freedom from accountability. We have Blackrock with Larry Fink and other endeavors like the usurping of farmland in the Netherlands etc. to see to that
I think there was something subtle implemented when the tab labelled "sponsored content" just here was altered to read "radar" when I arrived here.
The idea in liberalism runs, even if you *do* get out of direct liability with riches, the accountability consensus will *always* be what dominates the back of your mind - I think they're doing what they can in *their* eyes to directly feed it into your subconscious. But I think what they're actually communicating by this is what they see *after the fact* of their belief of what's in the back of the mind assumed. This would make the direct feed of what seems like identity masturbations make sense. But regardless, we don't know the assumption.
Update But there's something in the assumption being made by the left that in some sense gives them moral freeway to make everyone beholden to the accountability - I don't know what that is as I don't know anything about it - accountability culture is something I'm autistic to
Yeah, honestly, the people in Israel not really being a military aid to America in the Middle East as a boon of democracy is *always* going to be a functional non-argument - as a proxy to that original belief, the assumptions that the left have are *more* than enough to make people accept accountability
Of *course* the Netherlands and maybe Canada will give up their farmlands (the spokesman for the party advocating against this in the Netherlands only had a *pessimistic* expectation for his cause) - because reasons! (Literally, because reasons, where we don't know what they're talking about)
The thing is, what I get told with that kind of thing is, just because you don't know what's being said isn't an *excuse* - it's as if to say, I *knew* what to do But that doesn't make sense. I didn't know what to do
So what nature of knowing *is* this
As much as there's the Little Toe Nail lyric that you'd better come correct, there isn't actually a correct answer out in the aether by which to operate.
Update I had to assume it was by world-ending notions like climate change and the Holocaust that the left had to operate to justify the way their 'empathy' takes precedence over everything. Is there a real common denominator?
You know I don't just paint these pictures to justify living it myself (as in "the *world order* does it!")
Update Even if people know the left *does* cherry-pick in order to make their ulimatums, that doesn't matter because we are still connected via - what was it called again? Accountability
Update What it comes up as is that accountability is the baby that must be thrown out with the bathwater
The *baby?* It's none to me
Update Honestly, "social justice", outside of being accountability culture, is what was known as "humanitarianism" Why would that take the priority it does
"Accountability", by its base word, would mean to line everything up
Emotional thinking is still the mode by which it's expected to be considered, but the word accountability still expresses the priority which it assumes
Update There *is* a circulated concept that, while people think not everything is downstream from politics, it is - really that's because it's *metapolitics* that really fuels politics - do you think any of this is as trifling as accountability?
(In that sense I've been told my whole life, it's not politics, it's [insert concept here]. I've never *known* what it is.)
The point I was just trying to make, though, is that in my experiences, it doesn't matter *what* community you're there to be exclusively dealing with and no other related themes - with enough retrospect, or at least that's what I'm calling it, you look back at these people rejecting what I'm saying casually for benign reasons that are invalidating, and I realize what they're rejecting naturally is this amalgamation of my words as direct stimulation to the very specific intention their community has toward the rest of the culture. Nothing operates outside that.
People who exist say implicitly, how does *that* carry out this community's specific stance that you may not have even heard of? I don't know; I don't keep accountability toward other people!
Update On TRS, for example, there's the liberal audio mocking the lack-of-accountability way of being "we're going to offend you, isn't it funny! La la la la lalala" - you can say that liberals who can't get through to conservatives who exist without office are inherently "butthurt", but I think, justifying them in a way that waives *over* that, the liberal has a point that runs deeper than that that exists for some reason
Update And for some reason, probably by way of all their effective identity-masturbating over the assumptions, true conservatives are put on the defensive preeminently because people assume that the liberals' point is already made when it's not
Maybe the entire concept of paradigm shift of "new world order", as in the prototypically jewish concept of haves and have-nots, in practice at the ground level boils down to the hand-having of the benefit of the doubt
Update Resulting in everyone projecting, everyone has this mentality in things being interpreted of, how is this an expression of my politics?, although that might not be using the right words
Update Imgur: The magic of the Internet - some guy's *meme*
I think the appeal to other people being of a lack of accountability is a *canard*
Update Even the rightist debunking cartoon to mostly atheist metapolitical cartoons "I AM SILLY" still forgets that this is the underlying tenet - he is only demonstrating his accountableness
Okay so you come *correct* and say that - "I am unaccountable!" *Yes*. You are.
0 notes
sepdet · 2 years ago
Unfortunately NASA doesn't have the budget for an ISS… it was only possible during a brief window when multiple countries, including Russia and China, were willing to collaborate.
NASA has its chain continually yanked by Congress and presidents changing its goals and missions every 4-8 years. That'a why it's sunk so much into planetary probes with short-term missions it can stretch instead of ambitious, long-term missions subject to cancellation.  Once a probe's left Earth, it seems wasteful not to use it.
And it's not just Congress. News media, regular people, even Tumblr posts are always asking — why space? when there's so many problems that need addressing right here on Earth.
People don't know that space research has yielded
a heck of a lot of medical imaging and remote tech from programmable pacemakers to modern breast biopsy digital imaging to heart pumps to fetus monitors
materials and tech from modern firefighters' clothing to space blankets to water purification technology to rechargeable hearing aids to vacuum sealed food to autonomous drone navigation
TONS of educational opportunities and science inspo, both thanks to astronauts spending countless hours talking to classrooms or recording demos/experiments, sometimes suggested by students, and thanks to contests letting schools send mini-experiments into space
prep for humans working off Earth on the Moon, Mars, and asteroids, which should become important for mining (we'd much rather the materials in our phones and gadgets be mined from lifeless rocks than the Earth)
Monitoring and documenting major historical events from 9/11 to volcanic eruptions, typhoons and tsunamis from space
Gathering millions of hours of footage of auroras and clouds/thunderatorms which can be used to study space weather and unusual, hard-to-monitor phenomena like sprites
And much more. This is just stuff I know as a NON scientist, because my grandmother and dad were a planetarium director and rocket scientist.
TL;DR: Space matters. But it's not enough for us to say, "Isn't it a shame a thirty year old space station is due to deorbit, and right now there's no plan to replace it." We have to educate lots of people about WHY it matters. We have to convince people it's still worth the money.
It's not enough to lament an era's passing, as I did in 1975 when I upset my dad by complaining I'd been "born after the space age" (ie the Moon missions). How do we fight for its future?
We have to lobby not just the capricious US government, but the EU, Japan, and Canada (who were ISS partners last time), the UK once it pulls its thumb out of its ass, New Zealand and Australia, INDIA whose space program has really taken off, and... hey, let's not forget Africa and South America this time, OK? They've sent up some astronauts, but I doubt they had much input on the current ISS.
The ISS was never going to last forever, any more than my beloved space shuttles which constructed it. (It was originally planned to come down in 2025, I think?) The next one could be even better by being MORE international. Then it wouldn't be dependent on western companies like Elon Musk's. he whose damned Starlink satellites are wrecking astronomy by painting light streaks on long exposures from every kind of telescope from backyard Dobsonians to the Hubble.
There are powerful corporations who want the era of publicly-funded, independent science and journalism to die. We have to push back loud, hard, and en masse to overcome their lobbying, and make politicians hear us.
I feel like nobody on Tumblr knows that the international space station is being discontinued.
Did you know that? In less than a decade it will be gone
Tumblr media
CNN Link from above screenshot
More detailed article by Space.com
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thirteenball · 2 years ago
Uganda Passes Anti-Gay Bill: A Perspective from Africa
It's a jungle out there if you get your information from the mainstream media, let's call them professional perception manipulators and they are relentless in pursuit of their mission to keep us misinformed. What a joke. The world is in the fast lane to the insane asylum, and that's insulting to the asylum. I wonder if I am the only one noticing what is happening in the world today
When I view this situation and apply some critical thinking that has since been long abandoned by today's society, rather let me put it as it is. It seems the West and by that I mean countries influenced by the five eyes agenda, reported by the media they control - America, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada - call them what you will, the hypocrites, the bullies on this global sandpit.
Since, I made it a point to not engage with their propaganda, brainwashing machine to hear what the arguments on one side are, these days that's all you going to get. It is completely insane, it is clear manipulation, I am beginning to think that this is intentional to drive a specific agenda.  
Let's balance this equation, hopefully, we don't get canceled… . 
Recently, Uganda passed an anti-gay bill, and it has sparked a global conversation about human rights, democracy, and respect for individual freedoms. Some have criticized Uganda's decision, while others have supported it, arguing that it is a reflection of the will of the Ugandan people.
As an African, I believe that it is essential to understand the cultural, social, and economic factors that have shaped Uganda's decision. Uganda is a sovereign nation, and its people have spoken.It is not for outsiders to impose their values and beliefs on them. People need to understand that we all people believe what you believe.
Instead, we should engage in constructive dialogue that respects Uganda's sovereignty and allows for a diversity of opinions. We must recognize that democracy is not a one-size-fits-all solution and that different nations may have different approaches to governance and human rights.
Furthermore, it is important to consider the economic and geopolitical context in which Uganda's decision was made. Uganda has recently discovered significant deposits of gold, which could make it one of the richest countries on the continent. In this context, Uganda may be exploring its options for economic and political partnerships that align with its interests and values.
One potential option for Uganda could be to join the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), a group of emerging economies that are challenging the dominance of Western powers in the global arena. By joining the BRICS, Uganda could leverage its natural resources and strategic location to promote its economic and political interests and strengthen its sovereignty. It is time for the BRICS nations to improve trade amongst each other. My observation is that these countries have a lot in common, we might be old fashioned and in my opinion let us be stuck in our old school ways of thinking, we will be fine. 
People do not fight over a mathematical equation, example, 2+2=4. I don't recall any nation going to war over this. But nations do go to war over their beliefs. And it is becoming clearer and clearer in my opinion that we have two very different belief systems at play. And hence there can never be any constructive humanity developing talks between these two belief systems. The old way of doing things works just fine for us and if a new technology comes along, we can use the new technology alongside the old one. Is that a crime
However, as South Africans, we have our own local issues to deal with, such as load shedding, the growing mistrust in state institution, the aftermath of the pandemic of which no one seems to want to talk about, while on the ground we are bury our loved ones after dying suddenly and how can we forget the economic instability. We must also recognize that our nation's history and context are different from Uganda's, and we should not impose our views on them. Instead we should applaud them for taking action in a democratic process where 387/389 were in favour of this bill. 
Moreover, we must also acknowledge that the US, a nation that often lectures other countries about democracy, has its own issues with its election process and voting systems. Before criticizing other nations for their approach to democracy, the US must investigate its own democracy and address the flaws in its electoral process. Furthermore, we are moving away from using the dollar as the global reserve currency, BRICS is going back to real money, the current system is not working for us. The US can continue printing their money, we will watch from a distance stuck in our old ways. 
In conclusion, Uganda's decision to pass an anti-gay bill has sparked a global conversation about democracy, human rights, and sovereignty. As Africans, we must engage in constructive dialogue that respects Uganda's sovereignty and recognizes the economic and geopolitical factors that have shaped its decision. We must also acknowledge that different nations may have different approaches to governance and human rights, and that we should respect people's opinions while promoting diversity and mutual understanding.
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givemearmstopraywith · 3 years ago
Re: n****l horoscopes: I unfollowed them a long while ago citing Inexplicable Bad Vibes, so I am feeling very vindicated rn... down with misinformation!
don't reblog or you'll get blocked / (telling this story bc i had a couple of people ask what i meant when i referred nh being xenophobic) i followed and unfollowed off and on for years but what got me was a couple of years ago they used the term wop pejoratively towards italians- i think started because it was columbus day? which like. go the fuck ahead, im not someone who sits around acting like italians are poc or something but my actual grandfather, who left italy in the 1950s because the economy was destroyed after mussolini and emigrated to a very small, very white town in canada, was harassed both in and out of the workplace by white anglos and the term "wop" was what he was called. i have family members who were physically assaulted in xeonophobic attacks specifically because they were italian immigrants in the 70s/80s and "wop" is the term that was used to describe them. the term refers to, and i am not making this up, the sound of two pieces of shit being slapped together. that's the etymology, at least in terms of the crackers who threw it around forty years ago were using it. am i gonna sit here and say i experience racism on account of being italian? no, of course not, but you have be genuinely stupid not to recognize that xenophobia against europeans, especially towards italians, continues to be fucking rampant, especially in extremely anglo (british) communities.
at the time i sent nh an ask politely asking them not to use that term, and they were completely belligerent and unapologetic. i'm not saying people should be offended by this at all, it was a personal offence because that term has a personal history in my family, which is almost entirely comprised of first generation immigrants, but it just. reeked. that side of the family is also where my jewish and romani ancestry comes from, i'm extremely protective of it because i still live around the people who were beating the shit out of my mom and uncle as kids for not being white enough, and that, for me, was where i finally gave up on trying to see the good in nh's blog (there isn't any). like i said, im not going to sit here and say cancel nh for using the term wop, its entirely relative in north america because italians do not face oppression here, but on the whole i'm pretty nh is not as smart or knowledgable as they pretend they are. scratch the surface of 90% of what they post and its either nonsense or something you can find on wikipedia.
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fallingsunflower · 3 years ago
Hello! Sorry to bother you, your asks must be blowing up atm but i had a question. Were Asia originally dates announced back in 2019 or not? Because i don't think they ever were. He said that they'll release them in the future but i don't think they did? Or maybe i missed out on it?
Hi love :)
North America (US, Canada, Mexico), Europe, UK tour dates were originally released November 13, 2019.
South America dates were released on December 3, 2019.
Harryween was announced February 26, 2020.
Australia dates were released March 10, 2020.
Europe and UK tour dates were postponed on March 25, 2020. Harry said "we will continue to update you in the months to come".
North America tour dates were postponed on June 10, 2020.
USA only tour dates were released on July 14, 2021. Harry mentioned it's not possible to tour the rest of the world and he teased new music. He also promised new news soon. I think this was also the same date Canada cancelled all their shows with no word from Harry about it.
The USA tour started September 4, 2021.
UK, Europe, and South America new tour dates released January 19, 2022.
From what I could find he never officially announced dates for Asia. The wording of his captions suggests he intended to tour there, though, but nothing was officially released.
I also don't think he officially postponed Australia but I might have missed that post. Seems like it was the venues that did it.
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soferalo-blog · 5 years ago
What You Need to Know About China 10 Year Visa
What You Need to Know About China 10 Year Visa Therefore, if you're the sort that likes their itinerary done and dusted well beforehand, you may want to think about a conventional tourist visa for India.  If you don't need this to take place, argue the case which you want to fly on from Lhasa to Beijing after their tour and need the excess visa time.  When you got the visa, you don't need to be worried about going to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate to receive a new visa each time you intend to visit China.
If you're a UK citizen and you anticipate going to China a few times each year, for the the next couple of years, you might be considering a 10-year China visa.   Accordingly, please contact the business you're visiting in China to get the essential letter.  Overall an extraordinary experience!
Ok, I Think I Understand China 10 Year Visa, Now Tell Me About China 10 Year Visa! In general it requires four working days to find the visa.  Before handling the program, you should be certain your passport is valid and remains valid for at least the time period in which you're in China.   There are particular things with which you need to take care when applying for a visa.
The Ultimate China 10 Year Visa Trick Qualified U.S. students may get student residency permits valid for as many as five years based on the duration of their educational program.   Tourists will have the ability to stay in the countries for as many as 90 days at any 1 time.  You might try your house country to find out if you're able to wangle a three-month visa.
Checkthat the range of documents are collated and are correct according to your document checklist.  There's no change in document requirement, although the classification is changed.  If you don't have sufficient documents or property back home, it's OK.
It isn't unheard of for folks to book hotels for the interest of obtaining the visa and later cancelling the reservations. The price of the visa will differ based on where you're from, American citizens will normally pay more.  Based on what you have to do, you will wind up able to calculate what the fees are going to be by looking into it.
If you're a US passport holder who's eligible for a transit visa, you aren't going to will need to submit an application for a China visa before your arrival.  You have to be applying for the specific same kind of visa.  In the majority of cases you'll have to make an application for the visa in america, at one of the Chinese consulates.
The procedure and requirements might vary for different nations, but because all US citizens are needed to have a travel visa and a US passport for their trip, we are going to be addressing how to acquire Chinese Visa in the united states.  The visa application office isn't always located at the true consulate.  While Hong Kong is pretty liberal in regards to handing out visas, there's no guarantee you will receive one.
Generally you are considering about a week to get this done.  The arrangement recognized that travelers would have to periodically finish an on-line form updating their biographical info.  These numbers are extremely important.
Applicants with less quantity of fingers will have to give biometrics only of the current fingers and will need to sign the exception form.   Your letter must be dated and signed.  The expense of the visa is the exact same in all cases (almost all situations,) but it's the service fee that is not the same.
Top China 10 Year Visa Choices You're unable to apply on the internet or fax in your application either.  Additional fees are necessary for express processing.  In terms of the payment, you will be asked to make it before submitting the application.
For more thorough info, you can observe the Chinese Visa Exemption.   Based on the visa category, you might be required for extra documentation and a reciprocity fee.  The price of the visa will be contingent on where you're from.
| Maybe you should travel back and forth because of work, or maybe you've got family in China, and you'd like to visit them a few times annually. It allows approved travelers to go to Canada as many times as they want, for as many as ten decades, without needing to re-apply each moment.  So it really is dependent on your travel plans.
It isn't unheard of for folks to book hotels for the interest of obtaining the visa and later cancelling the reservations. The price of the visa will differ based on where you're from, American citizens will normally pay more.  The fee is going to be utilised to cover the price of running the system.
Vital Pieces of China 10 Year Visa Everything from what documents you will need to apply to whether it is possible to send in your application by mail.  While an invitation letter does make the process simpler, it's not essential.  To book visa appointment, the initial step is to complete DS-160 form.
It is very important to know your visa might still be valid in the event the passport it's in expires.  The visas are accepted by the neighborhood offices and you must apply with the consulate office in your region.  Tourist visas are usually issued for six months, based on what nationality you're.
The remaining documents has to be submitted along with previous Chinese citizenship and visa too.  You could visit the Chinese embassy and submit an application for a 10-year visa, but there's a more convenient way.  The optimal solution for you could best be answered by means of an immigration lawyer.
How to Find China 10 Year Visa You don't have to understand the precise date.  You do not have to supply a hotel confirmation and might enter the address information of the hotel you propose to remain at.  These numbers are extremely important.
As it's inconvenient to devote an application for a visa a few situations every year.  The only reasons they let you maintain your previous passport, is in case you should demonstrate anybody, that has to know where you have been the very last trips or time.  There are particular things with which you need to take care when applying for a visa.
The New Fuss About China 10 Year Visa Visa request can't be processed without your initial passport.  Each entry is fantastic for as much as 60 days.  The price of the visa will be contingent on where you're from.
Therefore, if you're the sort that likes their itinerary done and dusted well beforehand, you may want to think about a conventional tourist visa for India.  If you don't need this to take place, argue the case which you want to fly on from Lhasa to Beijing after their tour and need the excess visa time.  When you got the visa, you don't need to be worried about going to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate to receive a new visa each time you intend to visit China.
The terrible part is that you need to go through China.  Accordingly, please contact the business you're visiting in China to get the essential letter.  Overall an extraordinary experience!
Key Pieces of China 10 Year Visa Don't forget to fill in the right jurisdiction that was identified earlier at the Widget Stage.  Applying for an ITIN will enable you to complete all the incomplete info and makes it feasible to make sure that the government has all the needed info about you.  On the biometric edition, it's moved to page 3.
If you would like some other excellent alternatives for Visa Services, you can have a look at this comparison of the finest China visa services. Following that, you have to choose the processing time of your application.  In order to submit an application for an on-line visa, you still have to fill in an application.
| There's just one consulate in Lhasa the Nepalese (you actually don't require a Nepalese visa as you're able to pick this up on arrival).  You will get your visa in the timeframe of your choice, and you may delight in a stress-free trip.  As an example, you had a B visa and want to apply for one more B visa.
The New Fuss About China 10 Year Visa The visa gets void if it goes past the date of ENTER BEFORE even if there are a few ENTRIES left.  Your letter must be dated and signed.   Generally, the fees are costlier if you want to have more entries.
The Principles of China 10 Year Visa That You Will be Able to Learn From Beginning Immediately Qualified U.S. students may get student residency permits valid for as many as five years based on the duration of their educational program.   Additionally, five year visas are offered for people from 18 nations.   You might try your house country to find out if you're able to wangle a three-month visa.
In general it requires four working days to find the visa.  The only reasons they let you maintain your previous passport, is in case you should demonstrate anybody, that has to know where you have been the very last trips or time.  There are particular things with which you need to take care when applying for a visa.
The Do's and Don'ts of China 10 Year Visa You're unable to apply on the internet or fax in your application either.  Following that, you have to choose the processing time of your application.  In order to submit an application for an on-line visa, you still have to fill in an application.
China 10 Year Visa - the Story It isn't unheard of for folks to book hotels for the interest of obtaining the visa and later cancelling the reservations. The price of the visa will differ based on where you're from, American citizens will normally pay more.  The fee is going to be utilised to cover the price of running the system.
You may generally locate the forms of visas on the internet that you are able to work with, and learn a bit more about whether it's possible to afford it.  You have to be applying for the specific same kind of visa. In the majority of cases you'll have to make an application for the visa in america, at one of the Chinese consulates.
The procedure and requirements might vary for different nations, but because all US citizens are needed to have a travel visa and a US passport for their trip, we are going to be addressing how to acquire Chinese Visa in the united states.  The visa application office isn't always located at the true consulate.  The optimal solution for you could best be answered by means of an immigration lawyer.
Chinese citizens who'd like to go to the usa now may have a visa valid for as much as 10 decades.  Explain that China is a huge place and you are in need of a lengthy time to see all of it.  If you've ever wished to go to China, now would be a fairly excellent time to create that happen.
The terrible part is that you need to go through China.   Accordingly, please contact the business you're visiting in China to get the essential letter.  Overall an extraordinary experience!
Key Pieces of China 10 Year Visa Frankly, it's tough to obtain any organized, useful info on there.  The passport has 48 pages.  All documents have to be in English.
How to Find China 10 Year Visa Generally you are considering about a week to get this done.  You do not have to supply a hotel confirmation and might enter the address information of the hotel you propose to remain at.  These numbers are extremely important.
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