#I don't post like this cuz every minute is a new thought
shslpunkartist99 · 1 year
One last random post.. probably
I'm conflicted in making my Keith Hispanic or Japanese. Simply because I easily see him as both
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ktempestbradford · 7 months
I have been on a Willy Wonkified journey today and I need y'all to come with me
It started so innocently. Scrolling Google News I come across this article on Ars Technica:
At first glance I thought what happened was parents saw AI-generated images of an event their kids were at and became concerned, then realized it was fake. The reality? Oh so much better.
On Saturday, event organizers shut down a Glasgow-based "Willy's Chocolate Experience" after customers complained that the unofficial Wonka-inspired event, which took place in a sparsely decorated venue, did not match the lush AI-generated images listed on its official website.... According to Sky News, police were called to the event, and "advice was given."
Thing is, the people who paid to go were obviously not expecting exactly this:
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But I can see how they'd be a bit pissed upon arriving to this:
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It gets worse.
"Tempest, how could it possibly--"
source of this video that also includes this charming description:
Made up a villain called The Unknown — 'an evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls'
There is already a meme.
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Oh yes, the Wish.com Oompa Loompa:
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Who has already done an interview!
As bad (and hilarious) as this all is, I got curious about the company that put on this event. Did they somehow overreach? Did the actors they hired back out at the last minute? (Or after they saw the script...) Oddly enough, it doesn't seem so!
Given what I found when poking around I'm legit surprised there was an event at all. Cuz this outfit seems to be 100% a scam.
The website for this specific event is here and it has many AI generated images on it, as stated. I don't think anyone who bought tickets looked very closely at these images, otherwise they might have been concerned about how much Catgacating their children would be exposed to.
Yes, Catgacating. You know, CATgacating!
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I personally don't think anyone should serve exarserdray flavored lollipops in public spaces given how many people are allergic to it. And the sweet teats might not have been age appropriate.
Though the Twilight Tunnel looks pretty cool:
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I'm not sure that Dim Tight Twdrding is safe. I've also been warned that Vivue Sounds are in that weird frequency range that makes you poop your pants upon hearing them.
Yes, Virginia, these folks used an AI image generator for everything on the website and used Chat GPT for some of the text! From the FAQ:
Q: I cannot go on the available days. Will you have more dates in the future? A: Should there be capacity when you arrive, then you will be able to enter without any problems. In the event that this is not the case, we may ask you to wait a bit.
Fear not, for this question is asked again a few lines down and the answer makes more sense.
Curious about the events company behind this disaster, I took myself over to the homepage of House of Illuminati and I was not disappointed.
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I would 100% trust these people to plan my wedding.
This abomination of a website is a badly edited WordPress blog filled with AI art and just enough blog posts to make the casual viewer think that it's a legit business for about 0.0004 seconds.
Their attention to detail is stunning, from how they left up the default first post every WP blog gets to how they didn't bother changing the name on several images, thus revealing where they came from. Like this one:
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With the lovely and compact filename "DALL·E-2024-01-30-09.50.54-Imagine-a-scene-where-fantasy-and-reality-merge-seamlessly.-In-the-foreground-a-grand-interactive-gala-is-taking-place-filled-with-elegant-guests-i.png"
"Concept.png" came from the same AI generator that gets text almost, but not quiiiiiite right:
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There are a suspicious number of .webp images in the uploads, which makes me think they either stole them from other sites where AI "art" was uploaded or they didn't want to pay for the hi-res versions of some and just grabbed the preview image.
The real fun came when I noticed this filename: Before-and-After-Eventologists-Transformation-Edgbaston-Cricket-Ground-1024x1024-1.jpg and decided to do a Google image search. Friends, you will be shocked to hear that the image in question, found on this post touting how they can transform a boring warehouse into a fun event space, was stolen from this actual event planner.
Even better, this weirdly grainy image?
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From a post that claims to be about the preparations for a "Willy Wonka" experience (we'll get to this in a minute), is not only NOT an actual image of anyone preparing anything for Illuminati's event, it is stolen from a YouTube thumbnail that's been chopped to remove the name of the company that actually made this. Here's the video.
If you actually read the blog posts they're all copypasta or some AI generated crap. To the point where this seems like not a real business at all. There's very specific business information at the bottom, but nothing else seems real.
As I said, I'm kinda surprised they put on an event at all. This has, "And then they ran off with all our money!" written all over it. I'm perplexed.
And also wondering when the copyright lawyers are gonna start calling, because...
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This post explicitly says they're putting together a "Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory Experience" complete with golden tickets.
Somewhere along the line someone must have wised up, because the actual event was called "Willys Chocolate Experience" (note the lack of apostrophe) and the script they handed to the actors about 10 minutes before they were supposed to "perform" was about a "Willy McDuff" and his chocolate factory.
As I was going through this madness with friends in a chat, one pointed out that it took very little prompting to get the free Chat GPT to spit out an event description and such very similar to all this while avoiding copyrighted phrases. But he couldn't figure out where the McDuff came from since it wasn't the type of thing GPT would usually spit out...
Until he altered the prompt to include it would be happening in Glasgow, Scotland.
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You cannot make this stuff up.
But truly, honestly, I do not even understand why they didn't take the money and run. Clearly this was all set up to be a scam. A lazy, AI generated scam.
Everything from the website to the event images to the copy to the "script" to the names of things was either stolen or AI generated (aka stolen). Hell, I'd be looking for some poor Japanese visitor wandering the streets of Glasgow, confused, after being jacked for his mascot costume.
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galactic-rhea · 8 months
WDYM Anakin is Luke and Leia's dad
I dunno if this post will reach the Star Wars fandom but I hope it does because I'm sure you all will get a good laugh at me.
As of recent I have developed a good hiperfixation for Star Wars, the thing is I knew nothing. NOTHING about Star Wars besides the fact it had aliens and...a war...in space? And funny swords. And main character is Luke or something, I spent over 20 years ignoring anything about Star Wars and somehow missing most references out there.
And recently, literally less than a month ago I saw a gif and said to my partner "oh this guy this guy looks cool, this gif looks nice" and he said "Oh well, he's a good character." And it all developed into me watching Clone Wars, the animated series you know and...and I was kinda blown away, on my opinion the show IS GREAT. And I love every character and their interactions, I love how much they focus on side characters, and they all seem very well written. I got hiperfixated really fast and saw Anakin and I was like "Omg, babygirl. He's a blorbo now."
And because of the show, this was super unexpected, but somehow I also got, really got, into the ship with Padmé because omg, cool woman. Literal happy squeaky noises of someone who was in a bad state and needed some good ol' distraction and comfort.
Now, like I said I knew nothing about Star Wars as a whole. And I still haven't watched the movies, besides the ocassional gif?
So imagine my shock, my surprise, my...bewilderment when I realized.
"Wait a minute, LUKE IS ANAKIN'S SON?! HOLY-"
Ladies, gentleman, and others, I think I came very late to this party and I don't even know how it took me so long.
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Not only that, but because of this sudden love for the series, I went to my friends circle like "BESTIE, GUESS WHAT, I HAVE A NEW BLROBO AND A NEW FAV SHIP AND EEEP"
And my friends are like "omg that's amazing, what is it?"
I tell them, and of course they all know these characters and they all react like they know this very bad secret fact and I got told several times already "Please, don't watch the episodes 2 and 3 alone, it will hurt."
I feel like blissfully walking among rainbows and blue skies while everyone else know that my future is doomed. Somehow.
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(Uncomfortable silence)
Not only that, but then I spent a whole deal of time thinking "Where the heck I have seen these guys" cus there was some fmailiarity I couldn't just point out and then one day I woke up, brushed my teeth and of all sudden I realized and it was such a shock.
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Do you know how SURREAL is to get very into a character, and into a ship, and then realize they're the same from that super widespread meme that has been around for who knows how much time?
I swear I thought that meme was from some old medieval fantasy movies or something.
But alas, Star Wars now is EVERYWHERE. People do references to Star Wars ALL THE TIME and it's just now I'm catching them.
I got spoilers. From a meme. In a youtube review that had nothing to do with Star Wars hah. Everything is a spoiler, the world is an apparent spoiler. Now I'm here, trying to avoid spoilers from something everyone seems to know, even my family knows. It's so surreal and I wouldn't have it any other way 😂
Anyways, if you read until here, know that a wild ride still waits me, cuz I'm only starting Season 3 of Clone Wars and I don't plan to watch the movies until I finish the series.
And yes, I made this blog just to ramble freely about SW and draw stuff because it sparked my inspiration after a long art block.
Have this doodle I drew after watching the two first episodes, my offering for you reaching this far.
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Note: Wouldn't Anakin and Padmé's ship name be Animé? Cuz that's hilarious.
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yyokkki · 2 months
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Riddle Rosehearts
A former city boy who ran away from home after refusing to become a doctor like his mother was.
Actually works as a lawyer at a small firm in the nearest town. He commutes by car and it's only a 30 minute drive with minimal traffic (thank god cuz his road rage is abysmal) but he works remotely on most days.
Is often found at the town saloon (the community centre after you fix it!) holding tea parties with Trey, Cater, Ace and Deuce or at the local library.
Loved Gifts: Strawberry Tart, Fairy Rose, Ruby, Universal Loves
"...Oh! Ahem, thank you farmer. Expect a return gift in the mail soon."
Hated Gifts: Eel, Clay, Royal Sword Cola, Universal Hates
"Ugh! This is unacceptable!"
Trey Clover
The local baker! His family runs a bakery in the city and he moved to NRV on his own to open another branch of Clover's Confectionaries.
He says the fertile soil and rich foragables make it the perfect place to gather ingredients on his own.
Rumour has it he runs a backdoor business for specialty toothpastes.
Is often found at the town saloon serving his pastries for Riddle's parties or at his bakery tending to his mini garden at the back.
Loved Gifts: Limestone, Pearl, Candied Violets, Universal Loves
"Thanks farmer! How did you know I needed this? ...I don't owe you anything, right?"
For Limestone and Pearl: "This is perfect! Now, to extract the calcium carbonate..." (Yes, for toothpaste)
Hated Gifts: Broken Glasses, Mustard, Universal Hates
"Oh... Uh... Thanks?"
Cater Diamond
A social media influencer and former travel blogger.
Used to travel a lot but decided to settle at NRV. He claims it's because the scenery and people are 'cute'.
Occasionally will go to the city with Kalim and Lilia to perform and hold concerts.
Is in a band with Kalim and Lilia, plays the guitar.
Is often found at the town saloon with Riddle, Trey, Ace and Deuce or in the town square chatting up the other residents.
Loved Gifts: Spicy Ramen, Diamond, Universal Loves
"Aww, you shouldn't have! #lucky #cutefarmer"
Hated Gifts: Anything Sweet, Clay, Universal Hates
"Aww, thanks but no thanks. #lame"
Ace Trappola
The local carpenter! Stays at Night Raven Valley with his older brother who he learned all his tricks from (bad and good).
Loves causing trouble and playing harmless pranks on the other residents (Deuce is his biggest victim), good at magic tricks too.
Plays basketball on sunny Saturdays with Jamil and Floyd.
The first character you meet, who was assigned with fixing up Ramshackle Farm. Shit talks your farm right to your face and holds no remorse.
Is often found at the town saloon at Riddle's tea parties or at the back on the arcade machines.
Loved Gifts: Cherry Pie, Cherry, Royal Sword Cola, Universal Loves
"Dwoes the wittle farmer have a crush on me~ Ack, I'm kidding!"
Hated Gifts: Clay, Oyster, Universal Hates
"Gross! Do you hate me or something??"
Deuce Spade
The local mechanic/handyman! He's self taught and lives with his mom, Dylla Spade who handles the deliveries in town.
Used to be a delinquent but has since turned a new leaf.
His passion project is modding the hell out of his motorcycle and hitting the roads.
Goes on runs with Jack every sunny Wednesday.
Volunteers at the Adventurer's Guild and takes requests from the board for security as his goal is to become a full time officer in the future.
Is often found at the town saloon at Riddle's tea parties or at the back getting obliterated by Ace in Junimo Cart.
Loved Gifts: All Eggs (Except Void Egg), Omelette, Battery Pack, Universal Loves
"Farmer! I knew you were a real one!"
For Battery Pack: "Thanks dude! I needed this for the finishing touches..."
Hated Gifts: Void Egg, Juice (He drinks it, it just reminds him of Ace), Bell Pepper, Universal Hates
"Hah? Oh, I thought you were pickin' a fight..."
TWST x SDV Masterlist
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alexfromjersey · 1 year
𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓼 & 𝓕𝓪𝓷 𝓓𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓼
jenna ortega x g!poc
summary: jah submits a demo. jenna gets questioned by hudson. fans start to piece things together
warnings: mature language
a/n: I want to quit my job 🙂. I wish we got paid to write fanfiction. I walked 14,987 steps in one single shift
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Series Masterlist
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@ghostridingwhip: aggressive for wat tho?
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@modernbussywhip: SSSHHHHHH I HAVE NEW INFO BOUT JAH'S MYSTERY GIRL! I have two potential candidates and please note that one of them is a little bit of a surprise
@highondatgreen: i thought it was clear that I'm Jah's girl
@ghostridingwhip: @highondatgreen whatever u smoke...slide some over here
@ghostridingwhip: @modernbussywhip who are the candidates 👀
@modernbussywhip: ALRIGHT CLASS IS IN SESSION. Now like I said i have two candidates but it could be more cuz we all know Jah is a hoe...a respectable one tho but i digress.
@modernbussywhip: CANDIDATE NUMERO UNO: Stacey Vernon, a popular social media influencer on TikTok. She has a twin sister Diana and with Davis, they all attended school together (as she has mentioned in a TikTok video). They were together at Stacey's birthday party not too long ago and even though Jah shut the rumors down of them being together...we never know when it comes to Shiesty.
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@fnthechat: geeeeezzzzz if this Jah's girl....
@behindthespecialk: I love jah but there's no way jah bagged her
@shiestylover: @behindthespecialk: whoa whoa not u doubting my girl's ability to bag bad bitches. you must not seen her roster 😏
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@behindthespecialk: HOW?!?! @sheistylover
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@shiestylover: she just built like that 😏
@modernbussywhip: LMAOOO while we can admire the untouchable rizz Jah has later....we should move on to candidate numero dos because this one...is a little out there but plausible.
@modernbussywhip: CANDIDATE NUMERO DOS: we all know her, we all love her and it's Miss Jenna Ortega. Now now now before everyone start think pieces just look at my evidence ok come come....evidence number one back when the Scream 6 premiere happened Jah accompanied Davis to it. I'm 95% sure that's where they first met because Jah didn't go to Canada while Davis was filming Scream 6. 1/4
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@modernbussywhip: we all saw jenna appear in Jah's vlog...the eye contact, the sexual tension, everything was there between them. But fast forward a couple of hours later, a fan posted a pic with jenna who was at a restaurant and in the pic u can see a tattooed arm and it's the same tattoos Jah has! 2/4
@modernbussywhip: CONTINUE TO WALK WITH ME! Fast forward more, they follow each other on Instagram and as a jenna fan also...that girl avoids that app like the bubonic plague EXCEPT for when Jah posts...every single post of jah has a jenna like...i don't think jenna even likes her mother's posts so for her to only be on Instagram liking Jah's posts....my spidey senses are tingling 3/4
@modernbussywhip: ALMOST DONE! now we always mess with jah on her Reddit so lately it's been nothing but pics and edits of jenna on it...NOT ONCE has she told anyone to stop sending pics and edits of jenna. AND every time she looks at one...her eyes lights up and she starts to smile and blush! Plus after the Met Gala, Jenna stayed in New York...why did she stay in New York?? Jenna's from Cali across the fucking country and she was seen around the Bronx area....YALL NOT FOOLING ME! 4/4
@fnthechat: if jah managed to bag the baddiest scream queen in existence...imma need her to write a book about how to generate THAT much rizz
@ghostridingwhip: fr...that's like level 100 rizz...past Duke Dennis level of rizz
"Man this is the fucking FIFTH studio I called today and none of them got availability tonight" You groaned out of frustration.
"Why you wait until the last minute to call these studios?" Delyse questioned.
"Well I just signed up for the contest. It was a spur of the moment thing I didn’t really think it through." You said.
Delyse hummed in response and turned her attention back to the food on the stove.
"We can see if Kenny still got his home studio. I think he still live on 33rd" Davis said.
"Bet let's go. We'll be back Ma" You said to your mother and left with Davis.
"You got a song you gonna record?" Davis asked.
"Yeah I wrote it a long time ago. I made the beat and everything" You smiled.
Soon the two of you made it to Kenny's house. You walk into the building and climb up the three flights of stairs, remembering that his elevator never worked. You got to his door and knocked on it.
You waited patiently and slightly out of breath. You knocked again, "Yo Kenny it's me Jah."
Suddenly, the door was ripped opened and a furious looking woman stood there with a crying baby on her hip.
"Uh is Kenny here?" You asked.
The woman laughed sadistically, "Of course you're looking for Kenny. Kenny left four months ago with a skank from Brooklyn."
You and Davis looked at each other stuck on what to say.
"Um...you don't happen to still have his studio equipment?" You asked carefully.
"Nope. I burned it. I burned everything of his" The woman replied.
"Okay thanks" You both gave her a small smile and walked away from Kenny's former apartment. The two of you left the building with you feeling utterly defeated.
"What the fuck am I gonna do? I have to submit this demo by 11:59 tonight" You sighed.
"Don't stress bruh we gon' figure something out. Trust" Davis reassured you. You nodded and took a deep breath in to calm your body down.
London, England
1:23 am
Jenna had just got to her temporary home after a long day of filming. She was exhausted and was glad she had the day off so she can rest properly. She pulled her shoes off and placed her purse on the table.
Just as she was about to sit on the couch, a knock is at her door.
She internally screams before she walks to the door and opens it to reveal Hudson.
Jenna sighed, "What do you want Hudson?"
"I...just wanted to check in on you. I know you've been working hard which could be harmful to the baby" Hudson said nervously.
"Now you care about me and my baby" Jenna said and raised her eyebrow in suspicious at the boy.
"I always cared about you Jenna. If I didn't I wouldn't be here right now" Hudson replied.
"If you cared about me you wouldn't have told my family about me being pregnant. That wasn't something someone who cared about me would do" Jenna said and crossed her arms over her chest.
"You're right. I shouldn't have done that, it wasn't my place to do that and I sincerely apologize" Hudson said.
Jenna hummed in response, not really believing his words.
Hudson sighed and scratched the back of his neck, "I truly am sorry and I regret doing it. I just...I just wanted to check on you after everything that happened with Neil on the plane."
At the mention of the male, Jenna tensed. She was doing good with pushing him out of her thoughts. Instead, choosing to focus on her filming. She couldn't and won't let him control her...not anymore. She deserved to be happy.
"I'm fine. I'll handle it" Jenna lied.
Hudson opened his mouth to say something but decided against it after seeing the look on her face.
"Okay...I'll uh...see you tomorrow" Hudson said and walked away from her door. Jenna shut the door after he left and sat on her couch. She was stressed and that wasn't good for her or the baby...she needed to relieve some stress.
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
i need help
NYC 🩵:
with 👀
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
im stressed
NYC 🩵:
well taking deep breaths and meditating i heard is a good source of stress relief
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
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NYC 🩵:
was that not the right thing to do?
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Hollywood 🤰🏻:
NYC 🩵:
ah shit
i know what u want
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🤤🤤🤤 vegan food looks bomb don't ya agree
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
I hate you with everything in me 😂
NYC 🩵:
💀💀💀 wym? wat i do? is that not right also?!?
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
you know that's not what i want
NYC 🩵:
what u want then
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
you know
NYC 🩵:
i dont know ms ortega
not a mind reader
use your words
A chill went through Jenna's body as she read the message, imagining you actually saying those words to her...under different circumstances.
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
don't say that
it makes it harder when you say things like that
NYC 🩵:
ain't it like almost 2 am or something over there
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
NYC 🩵:
nice try
go to sleep
goodnight my honey bunches of oats 😘🥰
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
you're annoying 😒
Jenna groaned and placed her phone down next to her. She needed to eat, shower, and sleep. But before she could even attempt to start, her phone dinged again. She grabbed it and opened the message from you, she took a sharp inhale of air.
NYC 🩵:
*attachment: 1 image*
It was picture of you in the mirror with your head titled to the side and tongue stretched out your mouth. Your tongue was naturally long, almost reaching to your chin. But what also caught her eyes was your hand placement which was grabbing your genitalia through your gray sweatpants. That's all Jenna needed.
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
i take back what i said
You laughed at Jenna's message and fixed yourself before walking out the bathroom. You and Davis got back to your Mother's house defeated from the lack of progress in finding a studio.
You don't know how you were going to finished this demo and submit it in 4 hours.
A knock at the door grabbed your attention, you watched as your mother walks to the door and cracks it open.
"Hey Leon" Delyse smiled brightly at the sight of the man.
"Hey Del, how you doing?" Leon gave her a smile back.
"I'm good just cooking for these clingy kids" Delyse answered and opened the door wider for Leon to see you and Davis.
"Hey Mr. Greenhill" You and Davis simultaneously greeted the older man. Leon chuckled and waved at them.
"Oh I knew I smelled something delicious. Man I missed smelling your cooking reminds me of the old days" Leon flattered.
Delyse let out a little giggle, "Yeah the old days."
The two adults stood in the doorway looking at each other basking in the comfortable silence. Meanwhile, you and Davis looked at each other before looking back at the older adults.
"I...uh just wanted to stop by and say hello. I don't wanna intrude anymore than I already have" Leon smiled at Delyse.
"No, no, no intruding...do you want a plate?" Delyse boldly asked.
It took a moment for Leon to come up with a response but eventually he did, "Uh yeah sure."
The older gentleman walked into the house and Delyse closed the door behind him. Leon pulled off his cap and held it in his hands. He sat next to you at the end of the table.
"How you guys doing?" Leon politely said to you and Davis.
"Eh" You shrugged.
"Eh? Why eh?" Leon questioned.
"Jah signed up for this music competition. Winner gets a five million dollar record deal with Passion Records. The contestants must submit a demo by 11:59 p.m tonight but we haven't found a studio all week" Davis explained.
"And I tried recording it on my phone but the audio is all grainy and hard to hear" You sighed.
"Hmm...can you sing the song you are going to submit?" Leon questioned.
You and Davis glanced at each other again but Davis just shrugged. You scrolled to the notes app and pulled the beat of the song you are going to use.
"Rollin' through with stacks, it's easy, money rainin' down, just like a storm, I got the riches-" You get interrupted by Leon pausing the beat on your phone.
"No" Leon said.
"No? What you mean no? It's a good song" You scoffed.
"Yeah for the early 2015 era when singing about money like that could get you hits. It's 2023 now, people want to hear something different something unique. If I was a judge and I heard that...I would think you're just hopping on the trendy music hoping for yours to be the hit. But you don't realize that everyone is thinking the same thing as you. The only way for you to be looked at twice is if you stand out. Let the lyrics come from within you, come from your heart" Leon explained to you.
Delyse then comes from the kitchen with a plastic bag with aluminum foiled wrapped plates inside.
"Here you go" Delyse smiled and handed Leon the bag.
"Thank you. I really appreciate this Delyse" Leon smiled at her grateful. He stood up from the table and grabbed his cap.
"Once you find those lyrics, come and find me on Southern BLVD but hurry though you got four hours left" Leon said and left the house.
Meanwhile, you sat stuck at the dining room table. Replaying the words Leon said, basically calling your song shit. It stung but deep down you knew he was right. The song didn't feel like you, it felt like a 14 year old wrote it and it wasn't your style.
You glanced at the clock on the wall as you grabbed a pen and paper. 7:48 p.m. Your eyes then glanced down to your phone and an unopened message from Jenna.
Hollywood 🤰🏻:
you have to be the greatest partner alive 😏
"Have to be..." You muttered to yourself. Instantly, your hand starts to move by itself as you write down the lyrics to your new song.
Let the lyrics come from your heart.
Two hours later, you finally finished and made your way to Southern BLVD with Davis tagging along.
"Why Southern BLVD though? What's here besides crackheads and prostitutes?" Davis commented.
The two of you continued walking down the block until you start to hear the sound of music. The closer you got to the corner, the louder and clearer the music became. It was street drummers and Leon was in the middle of them playing the electric guitar. You and Davis watched in amazement as he kept up with the drummers until they finished their last cord together.
The small amount of people that were gathered applauded them and a couple gave a few dollars before walking away.
"Yo I ain't know you could play the guitar Mr. Greenhill" Davis said.
Leon chuckled, "I'm a man with many talents son." The older male turned to you.
"I'm assuming you got something better with you this time" Leon teased.
You laughed, "Yeah I do. Wrote it from the heart like you said."
"Alright, well you better warm up that voice. You got a song to perform" Leon smiled and patted your back.
"Wait what? Right now? In public?" You questioned.
"Uh yeah. You need to submit that demo in two hours. I checked to see if you submit a live version of your demo and it said you could so get a move on" Leon said and stepped to the side.
"I don't got a beat though I just have the lyrics" You said. You were really trying your hardest not to perform in front of people severely underprepared.
"Don't worry about that" Leon said and placed the guitar over his shoulder.
Leon then played a cord on the guitar, soon the bucket drummer started feeling the vibe and matched the cord Leon was playing. Then you heard someone sweeping from behind you, it surprisingly also matched with everyone. You start to nod your head, feeling the rhythm and you grabbed the beat up microphone from the ground.
Davis pulled out his phone to start recording you.
"Can't wait for you to get home, we ain't got to go nowhere. Airplane on my phone, it can wait til the morning. I can't fathom why you choose me out billions but I'll take it" You sung. You felt your eyes close as you got lost into the music.
Soon, you finished off the song to a large crowd cheering and clapping at your performance.
"I told you let the lyrics come from your heart. You made magic tonight Jah, take pride of your work" Leon educated you.
You nodded at him and walked over to Davis who was fiddling with his phone.
"And submitted" Davis smiled at you as he submitted the demo on the competition website.
"Hard part is over for now. Now we wait" You exhaled deeply.
a/n: if you put a buck in my cup I will shut the fuck up… but you ain’t gotta be a baller to give me a motherfucking dollar…
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @raven-ss @fanboy7794 @morganismspam23 @cinffy23 @darklron @cheesybacon1 @octavias-next-meat-bite @playboysaleen @niqmandu @zaclewiss @yescruzzzzzzz @silentfor @gemz5 @alwaysdangerouschild @onceblinkarmyandmore @melonfruit442 @zataracloud @nepobaby08 @jennasslut @rimaybank @jaewu @j3nc0re @fillthwvoid
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lovedrruunk · 4 months
'Mango Letters ♡⸝⸝💌⊹˖➴
Venture (Overwatch) x GN Reader
[Established Relationship!]
Authors note!!!; DID U MISS MEEE??? also...IM SO SORRYYY!!!! BUT I THINK IM JUST GONNA START WRITING WHAT I WANT :((( i realized im sososo bad with requests like genuinely ughhhh!! Ill def do some every now and then tho! Anyways im just clearing out my drafts cuz I’ve come to the realization that this is literally tumblr and my posts don’t have to be perfect lmao, enjoy!!
75 days 18 hours 46 minutes and 3 seconds. That's how long it had been since you've seen your partner Sloan. Being with them you knew how devoted they were to their work and how much it required them to travel but on pretty days like this one when the weathers just right and the flowers are in full bloom and the sunset is the perfect hue of orange, you couldn't help but wish they were by your side.
And although they were thousands of miles away they always made sure to send you physical manifestations of their love.
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Through love letters of course!!!
It had been a tradition ever since they had started going on longer expeditions for them to send you things in the mail. So there in your shared closet in a cute little shoebox on the top shelf, laid all their feelings on coffee stained papers. Little crystals the same color as your eyes, maps with all the places they wanted to take you, polaroids of them doing silly faces, and your favorite part, the sweet scent of mango that came with it all.
And so although they weren't by your side, their feelings were. Their longing, their excitement, their thoughts, all in the palm of your hands covered in all types stickers and doodles.
Sitting outside on the porch of your shared home enjoying the calm breeze you smile holding the most recent letter delivered. Inhaling deeply catching the hints of mango as you carefully open it.
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Dear Beloved,
It's been so looong!!! I can feel myself aging without you! Hope this letter finds you well! Notice how I used "beloved"? Fancy huh? Arn't I just the most romantic partner ever? (don't answer that.) This is my fifth time trying to write this and it's annoying the crew so this is my last chance before they jump me... It's just so hard y'know!? It has to be perfect. Perfect for you. Is that cringe? That was cringe sorry! I miss you lots and I think about you all the time... You'd love Petra! A camel ate my shemagh... but It's whatever. I'll buy a new one tomorrow, I'll get one for you too so don't worry! Now that I'm thinking about it the days seem to be going by pretty slow and I'm not sure if I like it much. Like I said I miss you a lot and it stinks being away from you for this long. Can't you just book a flight over here? Can't you do that for me pretty pleaseee? That's ridiculous? Okay just say you hate me and never want me to come back, just say you don't love me at all and want me to get stuck in a cave foreva. Just kidding! or am I?... (I am! >ᴗ<)
I like to imagine you’re missing me really bad counting down the seconds till I get back, which by the way I am too so don’t feel the need to deny it! I can see it now… You all shriveled up like a raisin crawling on the floor going “sloannn… sloannnn…” because of how bad you miss me hehe. Just kidding again! It’s probably the opposite let’s be real… I’m going insane without you seriously, I started talking to the hieroglyphics yesterday and the crew even caught me tasting some rocks earlier (sos!!!!)
But speaking of, they’re rushing me to “turn the lights off already” what a bunch of buzzkills ammarite? Promise to show up in my dreams okay? Who am I kidding, you’re always there regardless. Sweet dreams ᥫ᭡ᥫ᭡
p.s they really wanna meet you!
p.p.s take care okay? I’ll be home before you know it!!!
Yours truly,
(so romantic!!!)
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sharp-silver4795 · 2 months
Hello, I reread your post about NSFW and if you Don't want to do this, it's totally fine! But my request is EJ x Liu, ik it's a ship you like so wanted to make it easier for you
EJ x Liu 🔞 HCs
*insert giddy man-kisser screaming*
Alright! Listen, there’s warnings, ofc. But there’s too many- Mostly about kinks n shit, but there is one section that goes into a bit of trauma.
Anyone <16 needs to get the fuck outta here!!
They’re more of a morning sex kinda relationship. Morning or midday, night time is too much for either of them.
Neither of them particularly like quickies because they like to take their time on each other.
If you thought this was vanilla, you are sorely mistaken….
EJ is top by default. I think I mentioned this in his anatomy before, but he doesn’t go to the bathroom or anything, so he doesn’t have a hole. So, he tops by default.
Liu is power bottoming 80% of the time
They take a while- like 1-1.5 hours at least blame Jack
They like to try out new things all the time, but more so on EJ’s end because he doesn’t wanna risk things with Liu buddy, Liu is freaky as hell, he can handle it
I talked about this before, demon man’s got 3 cocks. But they do have a function! One is a bit bigger than the other two, it has one main function- sperm. On most guys, that’s the testicles’ job. But EJ needs a bit more help. That one has a lot of extra pressure so it’s a lot more sensitive and Liu takes full advantage of this
He can also stop himself from cumming by folding the shorter two on opposite sides of the bigger one.
They’re more like tentacles, so be can move them freely as long as he’s aroused enough.**
EJ isn’t kinky on his own, Liu needs to be there for that. Normally, EJ would just fuck his partner raw- but with Liu he has to be more strategic cuz Liu’s not done until he can’t think properly.
He refuses to admit that he loved pet play when Liu gave him a collar and a leash later a muzzle
He really doesn’t need to, the purring gave him away
The man has ruts but they’re kinda predictable. I think if similar to a menstrual cycle, as in, it’s hormone/chemical based.
One of the few times EJ is a complete top is when he’s drilling Liu into the mattress like his life depends on it and Liu enjoys every fucking second of it
He likes to bite, no duh-
He hates hurting Liu, but he didn’t think he’d love getting “hurt”
It’s honestly not even pain to him, because demon and all- it’s more of a power trip sort of deal
Humans find this painful?
*Taunting Liu* “How many more strikes until I feel it?”
Bud really likes being the biggest one in the room, until he’s taken down a peg… but he finds that a turn on too
His hands are cold, but the rest of him is hot- those hands feel really good on Liu’s hot and hard dick tho~
His tentacle-members are also pretty cold-
In this case, temperature is a given, not a kink
EJ‘a favorite positions are: against a wall, doggie, eagle, 69, and 68 (idk what else to call it all- one is getting a bj the other is getting eaten out)
Definitely would want Liu to choke him on his dick if it weren’t dangerous- oh well, he’ll just have to choke Liu instead* 🤷
He likes “choking” Liu (pressure on the sides on the neck, safe sex, people!!!) because Liu likes it too
He’ll eat Liu out or have him sit on his face, he knows those tongues work wonders if he uses em right
Gently pulls (more like nudges) Liu’s eyelids open so they can make contact when they kiss- it’s hot and sensual.
Whether he’s topping or “bottoming” completely, it’s a whole new ballgame!
As a top, he’s a beast~
Can reduce him to a mess in mere minutes, though he usually doesn’t.
He likes it when Liu works for it- sort of taunting back at the man who whipped his chest to a deep noir.
He doesn’t feel the need from ropes or anything when he’s in charge, his hands will do just fine and ropes tend to be triggering for Liu
Boy can and has broken the bed frame and mattress!
✨cock warming✨
He’ll stick all 3 of em in there and just chill. Liu can be patient for a while- but he breaks eventually.
If he chooses not to listen and tries to get himself off- EJ’ll let him… but then he’s gonna screw him senseless until he’s done- which is gonna take a while
When the mark on Liu’s shoulder starts to fade… perfect time for a nice cock warmer.
For complete bottom (or as close as he can get) he’ll do anything and everything for Liu.
Come on, EJ put on a muzzle for this man- what would they NOT do for him??
This demon boi would see Liu cum 4 times on his dick and still not let himself release when Liu says no**
*completely out of breath* “Fuck! You’re doing great, sweetheart”
“Yeah? May I cum now? Please?”
*a complete mess of sweat, cum, eye-socket-fluid, and desperation*
“Yeah. Yeah, you can cum this time.”
Liu loves experimenting.
It might be because his experience was stolen from him or maybe he was always like that. Who knows-
Liu is really chill and cuddly for the most part, but not once he’s in bed with Jack.
He has to get EJ going enough to have all 3 of his dicks to slide out of his “cock pocket” (as he says) and he can get pretty creative ~
He’s gone the route of making out until Jack gets impatient or just teasing his fingers on the “cover skin” and edges of EJ’s slit
Liu has zero shame for him. He wanted to try wax play once after a round and he just-
“Would you be willing to put hot wax on the bites you give me?”
*Jerks up* “What the hell? It’s 4am!!”
He was very curious with EJ’s anatomy when he started visiting Liu’s window. He would just let Liu play with him and try to figure him out.
Because of all that ⬆️ he knows all the things that makes EJ tick
*Despite his lover having at least 3x the size of any man, he can still give head like a champ! If Liu doesn’t feel like full sex he’ll give EJ a blowjob.
He likes teasing in one of two ways: presentation/show or surprises
By “presentation” I mean this man will get himself (or have Jason make him) some lingerie, tie himself to the bed frame, and wait for EJ. He’s kinda teasing himself but, hey! it gets the job done. This man loves himself some bondage
It could also be sending nudes or just shirtless pics with his V-Line a lil emphasized and the bulge being obviously visible
“Surprises” are when he’s kinda horny, but will just spend time around Jack while his head rolls out all the things they could be doing…
EJ can smell his lust the entire time
He always masturbates in front of a mirror. If EJ’s watching, so be it! For some reason though, he just doesn’t like mirror sex I’d chalk it up to trauma
He likes “hurting” (eh…) Jack because it gives Liu his own power trip: a demon that could rip him to shreds is completely under control just by his words and whip
He likes pet play ofc. He likes having control over a literal demon.
EJ only misbehaved one time, and now he’s got a muzzle. At least he learned~
He low key wants to get EJ a special collar, but he doesn’t know if that will be pressing too far it won’t
Liu’s favorite positions are: lotus, doggie, bridge, and heart (idk what it’s actually called)
He likes to be bent out of shape by the end of it. If he isn’t, they’re gonna keep going.
Chronically edges
EJ doesn’t let him use sounding rods anymore and he’s still salty about it.
Cries during sex. Always. Doesn’t matter what’s going on, he always cries. It’s almost never a bad thing tho.
I dont have the time not energy to fully explain how kinky this man is
General pt 2 (Romantic/Sweet Sex)
If they want to just spend time together, they usually go for heart or lotus.
Romantic sex isn’t exactly common with these two, but it is prominent enough.
EJ usually initiates sweet sex. It’s usually whenever Liu is pushing himself to do something he doesn’t wanna do.
Ej will stop him, pin his hands together and to his chest and kiss down Liu’s face, cheeks, neck, and all the way to his hands.
“You’re safe here. You will do nothing you do not wish to do… understand?”
*now in tears, nodding*
“Good. Now, let me love you for a while.”
Silly and sweet takes the longest for them. It’s an act of love and admiration. To them, it’s like setting up a row of candles and roses to the dinner table.
This is the only time they’ll have sex at night.
General pt 3 (sex with a side of trauma)
Aftercare bellow this in pink!!!
Sometimes during this, one of them can have a bit of trouble cuz of trauma.
For EJ it’s the bite marks- he remembers Selcra and still feels guilty over it and his head immediately goes to
I won’t be able to save him either. I couldn’t protect a DEMON… how will I save him?
Liu is never ready for those moments when EJ randomly pushes him away. Ofc EJ explains after a bit, but still
For Liu it’s SA and abuse in general. It isn’t often that it happens, but he has randomly- in the middle of it- burst out crying because he feels gross
“What the hell am I doing? This is so fucked up.”
“Why am I doing this? I’d be stoned for this- WE would be stoned for this!”
“DON’T! Don’t touch me. I want you out! Now!!”
EJ is never ready for those moments.
Both of them are completely aware that things might happen. They have safe words (Liu’s is “lighthouse”, Jack’s is “Armadillo”) but they also have it where- if they say “stop”, “out”, or “Off”- it’s over. They both take those words very seriously. “No” can sometimes be playful for them, but tone matters as well.
You would think these two went to war with how they look afterwards-
Liu is being carried, but it’s worth it.
Liu nearly falls asleep in the bath every time, so EJ has to hold him up.
It’s really bubble baths (yes, plural), changing sheets, sweet nothings, and resting on the couch.
Jack is getting pets the whole time and he can’t take his hands away from Liu’s sides/back.
I hope this is Alr!
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osscarh · 5 months
This is my first post ever and I thought maybe I could share a nice story with ya all. I've never really put it in complete order so it's time I do that.
As prelude, I own 3 cats. One of them, the oldest, is, at the time of writing this, 12 years old, with his papers noting that he was born the 6th of April 2012, 3 days after my dad's birthday. His name is Sacha, despite the vets who all name him Sasha (and also wrote that he's a girl for some reason? I mean he doesn't seem bothered but I don't think he understands English.) His name is kinda dumb but my bro named him. I prefer giving Egyptian names to my cats.
I got Sacha around 2015, I don't really remember which month. I was around 13 at the time and my first cat had just died. My mom was really feeling bad so we adopted Sacha from a center. His previous owners had placed him there cuz the lady got pregnant and apparently cats can mess with fetuses or something. Idk but I think his previous owners were lame cuz he stayed in that center for like 6 months and they took bad care of him. His claws grew in his paws, his fur got a lot of knots and he smelled really bad. He's half Persian so he needs a lot of care.
When he arrived home he was super sweet but really doing poorly. We toon him to the vet for his claws and hired a lady to remove his knots. He didn't like his new cut so the lady zooted him on I thinl weed? It was some drug, mfer has had more experiences with illicit substances than I and I'm kinda jealous tbh.
Sacha was my only cat for a while. My mom adopted Bagheera, a kitten born from one of her sister's cats when she divorced my dad around 2016 and Sacha stayed at my dad's place with me and my brother (the fucker who named him with such a lame name).
Anyway time passed, I lived my best life with my cat, took care of him, took him to vet every year for his vaccines (he goes outside), reconnected with my mom and adopted a kitten who was born in my mom's backyard and named him Settra. So that's why I have 3 cats. But back on track, in 2022 Sacha got an eye infection. We had to do a lot of ophtalmology to get it sorted and my mom helped a lot with that despite the fact that the cat wasn't even in her home. His eye's doing okay now but he needed new material be brought in his eye. Persians tend to be weak in eyes and nose.
Then when the summer vacations of 2023 ended, Sacha got sick. At first it was a minor cold so we didn't do anything, some snot in his nose, then around mid September he ate less. Come end of September and he was doing bad, still eating but always sneezing and his throat was inflamed. I brought him to the vet and he was given antibiotics that kinda helped.
By the beginning of October Sacha was doing pretty poorly and eating way less. He was always a fat cat so this concerned me a lot. The vet couldn't tell why the antibiotics weren't acting as he was supposed to have an infection so they gave him more and asked us to get a visit to a pet hospital 1h of travel away (Belgium is small, 1h of travel looks a lot for me but for American folks it's prilly shorert). So we did, got something planned for end of october. I wanted faster but they were full and he was still eating so not an emergency.
Meanwhile Sacha's health got worse. One of his eyes (not the one who had the surgery) couldn't open and he had little things in the part of forehead between his eyes that made a sort of scritchy sound when you ran your hand over it. Most concerningly, he wasn't eating. We (my mom and I) took him to another vet who did acupuncture with relative success, allowed Sacha to eat well for a day or two before going back to not eating.
I was getting really desperate so I mixed his food and fed him with a syringe for a week. I knew if my dad knew he wasn't eating, he'd suggest euthanasia as the costs of bringing a pet to the hospital are quite high. So I took his wet food, put it in my mom's mixer and mixed it for like 15 minutes when going back from school while dad was away, then cut it into even smaller bits and forcefed him with a syringe (his throat was super inflamed and small so he was probably in pain and I knew it but I couldn't stand to watch him thin like that).
On the 26th of October, we went to the hospital for him. My mom and I were reluctant to go there because it's an universitary hospital and we were kinda scared that he'd be put on life support and...I guess experimented on? We didn't want his life be prolonged if he was in constant pain but we went nonetheless. My mom took a day off work (again, she took a lot to get the cat to the vet) and I warned my Spanish teacher that I couldn't attend. She's a really sweet lady and I told her the story, she was super supportive.
The hospital was not all like we anticipated. The doctors were really charming and quite open with how much stuff cost. I speak French and the hospital staff spoke Dutch so we settled on English as a language to communicate with. Tirns out spending all that time playing dnd with strangers on discord paid off for me, I was able to talk with these docs no problem.
Of course without insurance it was expensive but it was doable to pay. They ran scans on Sacha and it was promising, they said he had an infection but had the right antibiotics for him. Since he didn't eat, they wanted to keep him there and we agreed. We gave our phone numbers and left.
When we visited Sacha the following day, they told us he had a lymphoma. It's blood cancer for those who dunno what that means (I certainly didn't till October). They asked us if we wanted to begin chemo.
I was fucking devastated. That cat had been with me through my parents' divorce, the death of family members, graduation, the lowest of my sick days and the brightest of my good days. I didn't want to leave him die of hunger without a fight.
My mom didn't have enough money to pay for it in full and my dad'd never use his money to pay for a cat's chemotherapy so I agreed to pay most of ot. I had a decent bit of money in a bank account, I basically never buy anything so pockeh money, student job money and birthday money stacked up. My dad'd never have allowed me to pay for that (neither him nor I even knew they had chemotherapy for cats) so I lied and said my mom paid for it.
He stayed at the hospital until the 31st of October, of course we visited him everyday and the hospital staff kept us informed with daily phonecalls to schedule a visit and tell us what was up. During that time (5 days since he arrived, 4 days since chemo started) they put a tube in his throat to feed him and started the chemo.
That. Shit. Worked. When we brought him home, he could open his eye again and even wanted to go for food (motherfucker do you know how much that tube costs?). He played with the other cats and we had a weekly checkup for him. I missed many Spanish classes. During his time at the center he really liked one doctor who calls him Sir and basically saved his life.
Of course he stayed at my mom's place. It was easier for feeding through his tube at first, my mom was in vacations and he needed 3 meals a day, then he stayed there. Wasn't gonna let him stay in the home of a person who'd let him die. I love my dad but fuck him for this. He admitted several times he'd have never brought my cat to that hospital (so he'd have left him die of cancer and hunger, poor cat was thinning by the day).
His tube was removed a month later and visits moved to once every 3 weeks. It's been continuing since then with me and my mom paying 50/50 for the costs. I missed a university travel to Athens because I couldn't afford it (something I'll never admit to my parents, I pretended there was drama and I didn't want to get involved) and I guess I won't leave the country this year. Honestly I'd have cut both arms to save that cat so it's a small price.
The people at the hospital love him too. He's really friendly so students can take his blood and try to take his heartbeat without worries. Problem is that he purrs too loud for a good lung listening to take place. Turns out Sacha loves getting pets and attention from groups of students and doctors who give him treats and headpats. He has done more drugs than me and has a better date game than me.
It's been quite a while now. Sacha's been doing really well and the recent reports note that he is in remission. I may have cried when I read that mail ngl. He goes outside and killed a big pigeon a few weeks ago. He plays with the other cats, he really likes Settra and for the first time in his life he does playfight. Bagheera likes him as a punching bag despite being smaller than him. My mom stays with him everyday and I visit half of the days of the week. He eats like a lion too, he went from 3 kilos to 4.7 kilos when he was last checked this Wednesday.
I guess this is a selfish post, it's kind of my way of both thanking the people who helped me like my mom, the docs and my Spanish teacher, without having to say thank you to their faces yet again, and a way of making my cat immortal in a way. Even with all the help, Sacha's gonna be gone one day, hopefully in a very long time. But this post'll remain for a while more so there'll be a trace of what humans did for that cat.
I also wanted to say that please don't be afraid to go to universitary pet hospitals if you have the means to afford it. It's a scary place, I didn't even know it existed but these people aren't out there vivisecting animals. They're really nice. And don't give up too early on stuff that matters to you, it's really worth to keep going, at least in this case.
And if you could do a few prayers for Sacha, that'd genuinely mean a lot to me.
Anyway here is the cat tax. I've included quite a few pics so this post can be even longer than it is.
Sacha as he was before he got sick:
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Sacha as he was in October:
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(Don't mind his lack of fur that's because he had too many knots and drastic measures had to be taken)
Sacha as he is now:
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Sacha with Bagheera, on their favorite blankets.
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Sacha and Settra begging to go outside (it's raining! I open the door and they don't leave!)
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I love you, you dumb orange fuck.
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silcoitus · 9 months
I saw you posted and I legit jumped through the roof (there is a hole in the roof now) cuz like OMG SILCOITUS JUST RESPONDED but also this is another request..
Do you have an tips for new tumblr writers? BUT ONCE AGAIN TY U FOR BEING AMAZING
Love ya
Hello again! Sorry about the roof damage. I hope you're able to get it fixed soon.
Tips for Writers, Specific to Tumblr
PUT YOUR FICS UNDER A READ MORE. Good lord in heaven please. You will turn off so many people to your writing if you do not use this function.
TAG APPROPRIATELY. And don't do the shitty TikTok way (with letter substitutions and stupid TikTok vernacular like "unalive" instead of "kill" and "slip n side" instead of "suicide" etc). Tag like a normal ass human being. And don't tag things that aren't included like characters that are in the fandom but don't show up in your fic. That crap is annoying. You're not gaming the system; you're shooting yourself in the foot and turning people off to your work.
LINK YOUR WORK. Make it easy to find what you've written. Searching for posts on Tumblr is terrible so make a Masterlist and pin that shit.
START A TAGLIST. Even if you don't have many followers, go ahead and set up a way for people to be added. (And Do Not Add People Unless They've Asked To Be Added)
Tips for Writers in General (below the cut)
GET A BETA READER. If you want to improve your writing, get yourself a beta reader. If you have a friend that also writes, become each other's betas. Both having an editor and being an editor can improve your writing so much. My betas catch fewer and fewer mistakes the longer I do this. And I learn so much from reading/editing my friend's fics.
DO SPRINTS. If you're having trouble just starting, set a timer for 5-15 minutes and just start writing. Don't go back and try to fix typos or make every sentence perfect; just get your thoughts down. A crappy low word count sprint is still better than not writing at all. You can edit and finesse and polish later, but first you have to have something to edit! (If you're on Discord, set up the bot Sprinto. Great for getting friends on sprints and it automatically tallies up your word count.)
WRITE FOR YOU. Don't write because you want the notes or the followers or whatever. Write because you want to share a story. If you're writing crap just bc it's popular and you don't even like it, why bother? You should write to enjoy yourself. I write because the spirit of Silco possesses me until the fic is written and who am I to deny him?
Let me know if you have more specific writing questions, Lj, and I'd be happy to answer them to the best of my ability.
Happy writing!
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pure--evil · 2 months
first vore post so idk who might see this- so if you dont like dont judge. warnings: vore as a whole. digestion, not painful but still death. reader is gn and is prey. teasing pred. fem pred. unwilling prey.
you'd be somewhere in the streets, maybe lost, or perhaps you do know this place but out of fear you can't process your surroundings as properly as you should. Either way you won't escape your predator as they follow you throughout the mostly empty streets in this dark and cold night.
Not long ago you were out for some late night grocery shopping, since you didn't find anything suitable in the fridge. You knew it could be dangerous, you've seen the news. Lately there's been a pretty big predator in town who's been lurking around the streets at night, but your hunger told you to go out anyway. You should've guessed you'd end up here.
You don't even remember when she caught you, it already slipped your mind the moment you were grabbed by her strong arms that lifted you upwards.
"Looks like I caught myself a cute treat~"
Now you can get a better look at her. She's much bigger than you, and looking down to where you'd soon be you can see that you defiantly aren't her first victim of the day. She looks as if she has already digested many prey today and you might not be the last one.
"Ohh~ don't look so scared dear" she says with fake sympathy "I prefer my dessert to be sweet, not salty.." maybe she says that because of your facial expression, or it might be the tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
She opens her mouth big and wide so you could see just where you'll be going though in the next minute or so, pulling you closer and into her mouth you can feel how moist it is inside her. You can feel her tongue tasting your face, the way it moves over each small part of your head. From the nose to the forehead, and than to your ears. Every bit of your head has been tasted and you can understand that she's enjoying you with the vibrating feeling around you and the sounds of her moans as she pulls you even deeper.
Your head is about to enter her throat the closer she pulls you. You can already feel her walls tighten around your head and soon your neck as her throat muscles help her move you in deeper with each gulp. Now you can understand the situation you're in, about to be a treat to a random lady on the streets. So your body reacts.
Thrashing around, trying to get your hands to grip something to help you pull yourself out, legs kicking anything and everything you can think of at the moment. But nothing helps as you hear a sinister chuckle vibrate around you. Next your shoulders are pulled into her mouth and over to her throat, and as you can already guess where your head will soon enter you struggle even more.
Warm walls push you in further and soon your head enters her stomach, acid already filling it, and as she pulls your hips into her mouth your head is fully in. next your shoulders join and soon your waist will as well. It's harder to struggle when half of your body can't move at all but that's all you can do, struggle and hope for the best.
A specific lick in between your legs stops your thoughts completely. Feeling her tongue help her push you inwards kinda makes you feel things.. As your legs will soon join you in her stomach as well you give up your struggles to get comfortable. And as your body is forced into a curled up ball position you can hear her stomach start to work.
"Ahhh~ it's soooooooo good to have a late night snack right?" you can feel her hand pat her stomach "espacially after dinner. Best thing ever" you think she might be smiling at this moment, but you don't actually know. It's kind of ironic you'll end up as just the thing you went out for in the first place.. but at least it's warm?
Gurgles and other such noises can be heard, anyone who even looks at her will know that you're in there, but they won't know you, cuz you're just a meal now. A meal digesting away inside of a random lady on the streets who's walking to who knows where, and all you'll ever end up as is as padding on a hot woman.
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Profile Info, I guess
Guess it's time I made this cuz I don't wanna see certain things on here.
Okay, how do I do this...
Right, um. Hi, I post literally whatever comes to mind, which is mostly random polls and thoughts on stuff. I do post thoughts and bad art about stuff, but not usually. Call me minute, I guess that works. I go by she/her.
To be 100 percent clear, no racism, sexism, queerphobia, extremism, etc. I support LGBTQ+ communities, all that fun stuff. Also, no sexual crap on here, please. If you're into that, okay, just don't be on here because I'm not. (Seriously, do NOT interact at ALL if that kinda stuff is what’s on your blog, please and thank you.)
I'm essentially fine with whatever you believe in, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone physically, mentally or emotionally. If you're shoving your opinion down my or someone else's throat, get out please.
Okay, moving on, I dunno how to do this, so bear with me here.
Right, so, I post polls and thoughts and stuff. I appreciate reblogs and comments, I like hearing people's ideas and perspectives. Asks are on for now, if any one at any point breaches these terms they go off.
Editing this for the first time. I do have a small fic I upload on tumblr only, might as well link that here so people don't have to scroll for it. It's called Where the Stars Don't Shine, that's also how it's tagged on here. I'll reblog the og chapter link post every time I upload a new chapter, but the master thing for it is here.
Edit: This is up on ao3 now! Link is here.
Psst. Second edit. I have ocs now. Look at my beautiful creations.
Loop Doup & Bloo
Wow, third edit. Here's some aus you can ask me about (expect rambling):
Narnia Au
Witch Au
Su au (very dead, but I still have ideas about it)
Truman Show au
Oh right also this here Dentist Au (it's not an au, I'm putting it here so I don't lose it again. You can stil ask questions about it tho)
Any other written ideas go under an 'au idea' or 'drabbles' tag (they're not drabbles, but that's where they go).
Yeah, that's all I can think of. I'm not a frequent poster (by that I mean I’ll be on for like 3 straight weeks and then won’t show up for a couple days), and barely anyone sees what I post, but I don't really care. Just don't send explicit or insulting crap and we'll get along fine.
(I follow the fnaf DCA fandom, and sometimes Undertale stuff. I like the Mouse Detective, Sherlock Holmes and Watson stuff, and Sonic the Hedgehog, in that order. Oh yeah also The Amazing Digital Circus is really cool and possibly a new hyper-fixation.)
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smzeszikorova · 1 year
Word Search
Thanks to @the-stray-storyteller for the tag!
So from what I remember, the rules of this game are: Give WIP snippets containing the words you're given, and if you can't find one, list a fun fact instead. (I didn't do that cuz I'm a rebel >:3 My version's that for every word I don't have, I post a snippet that I feel relates conceptually to the word I was given. Feel free to do either.)
Open tag, as always, and also tagging @clairelsonao3, @fountainfrog-cake171, and @mjparkerwriting. Eager to get to know some of my newer mutuals, but absolutely no pressure.
Your words are: Friend, Broken, Exploit, and Error.
My own words and answers are beneath the cut. All quotes are from Pemoki & Kenacia (Book 1).
My Words : Punch, Fell, Snore, Black
She planted her boots into the black earth—still soft from the previous night’s rain—and spent another fruitless minute ramming her upper body into the carriage house door, which had recently swollen to nearly double its thickness and wouldn’t close in spite of her best efforts. Years of wear had reduced the carriage inside to a pile of snapped, protruding beams; they greeted her now through the door’s gap with the smell of rotting wood and the disconsolate air of a neglected dog greeting its owner.
“Oh, all right, then. What about a house?” said Catherine. She sat up and scooted closer to her husband. “A big, beautiful, seaside house for the two of us, somewhere down south? You’d like that, wouldn’t you, leksijet?”  Lyn gave Catherine a smile and pulled her into a gentle embrace. “I think if you were with me, I could be happy anywhere.” “You’re no fun!” She swatted at him, narrowly missing his face, and fell backward onto the mattress while Lyn laughed soundlessly.
Unfortunately, I have neither of the others. So . . .
I'm kind of tied between a couple gut-punch lines I really like right now, but currently, this one's my favorite.
Besides, he thought, there was a subtler kind of grandeur in the coastal cliffs of Yebroch. They resembled Qhiron’s—craggy and grey, with waves as high as cathedrals crashing rhythmically against them. Adriel hadn’t appreciated them nearly enough when he’d lived with his family a stone’s throw from the sea, but he had drawn them a few times out of boredom, and aside from the odd news article discussing Hugh Oliver’s works and legacy, these drawings and the sketchbook that contained them were all Adriel had left of Kuryeiz. They took on a special significance to him now.
I considered briefly putting in a passage from chapter six where Adriel spends the whole day being bored out of his mind, but then it occurred to me that I actually did have a sleep-related bit in a scrapped version of Chapter One back when I thought I was good enough to make a Dream Opening™ interesting and novel. So I'm putting that here. (TW for brief gore description.)
During her waking hours, grim statistical reports and photographs of the massacred soldiers in Kenacia consumed Catherine’s thoughts, and at night, these images had recently begun to haunt her dreams as well. She frequently found herself awake hours before sunrise, her mind filled with echoes of cannon fire and visions of Pemokese soldiers lying face up with their intestines strung around their necks and their eyes bulging from the sockets. One black morning, she reflected on the events of the previous night, during which she had barely slept at all. Pervading her otherwise pleasantly nonsensical dream had been the distorted, butchered face of a man she’d recently seen on the front page of the Suvlin Chronicle.
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xxxevilfilms · 28 days
The Osaka Bowl | Chapter 4
Info: A dirty fic collection featuring Asuka getting acquainted with some of the Tekken studs and a few gals. Viewer discretion is advised, a lot of these get a little icky.
Summary: A boring summer in the heart of New York City turns fruitful for Marshall when a cute Japanese youth arrives at his restaurant.
Warnings: Age Gap
Turning Japanese | Asuka Kazama x Marshall Law
Ao3 Link
She was only here for Summer vacation for a one-month tour around the city and the island with her super-rich relatives, but the four weeks she'd been here felt like a lifetime.
During her first visit, she was accompanied by her aunt, a stuffy youth a few years older than her who wasn't overly impressed with his menu but decided to order food anyway. Marshall didn't really care for her and hardly paid Asuka any mind, but he needed the money and served them without much fuss. She ordered a relatively healthy meal consisting of seafood subgum and broccoli while Asuka ordered a hearty plate of spare ribs with pork fried rice and a side of shrimp rolls that she devoured in one sitting. Marshall, suffice to say, was impressed by her appetite, but not so impressed by her aunt's attitude. She was snide and condescending in the way that rich brats always were if they didn't get what they wanted, but Asuka was incredibly grateful. She gave him a nice tip and promised to come back again soon.
“Thank you so much, mister!” She told him in private, English delightfully accented. “I'm sorry if Reichan was too mean... She doesn’t usually eat this kinda stuff often.”
“H-Hey, it's no problem!” Marshall felt bashful. “Come back anytime! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!”
Asuka laughed, an airy little giggle he noticed he enjoyed hearing, and watched her leave so she could catch up with her absurdly young auntie. He didn't think much of their interaction as the night went on, but her sweet face and sweeter voice remained in the back of his mind until he closed up for the day. He wondered if she'd actually come back or be whisked off to a five-class establishment by her relatives, but much to his surprise (and delight) she visited him two days later and stayed a lot longer than she did before.
“Hello, Mister! Remember me?” She asked. “I told you I'd come back!”
“Wow, so soon?” Marshall laughed. “You're gonna eat yourself sick if you keep this up.”
“It's okay, I didn't eat anything today!” She exclaimed. “I really couldn't get those spare ribs out of my head! I haven't eaten good greasy food like that in a long time!”
“I'm guessing your folks are pretty health conscious, huh?”
“ Eto ... Something like that. Reichan is really particular about her diet...” She thought over it for a minute before shaking her head. “Ah, but I'm not like that! I love to eat cuz I don't gain any weight, except where it matters of course!”
They shared a laugh and exchanged more pleasantries before revealing their names to each other. Marshall thought her name was very pretty when she told him what it was, and for the next couple of hours, Marshall was serving Asuka spare ribs and spiced meat by the truckload as he made conversation with her. She was the only other patron at his restaurant beyond maybe two or three customers who were ordering anything, so Marshall was able to allocate his time to her whenever she needed him. With each plate of food she wolfed down, she’d wash it down with green tea and lemon soda before ending her meal with a box of Chinese doughnuts she ordered to-go as a post-lunch snack.
He didn't want to say it out loud, but Marshall kinda enjoyed how much she could eat in one sitting.
“Damn, girl!” Marshall hoisted a stack of plates on his arm as he gawked at the youth who was slurping at a leftover soup dumpling. “You gotta black hole for a stomach!”
“Hee hee, yeah, I get that a lot!” She took a bite out of her appetizer. “I work out and train every day, so I need as much food as I can, ya know?”
“Oh!” Marshall's interest was piqued. “You know martial arts?”
“Mhmm! My, uh... auntie...? Is that the right word...?” She pondered over her sentence for a moment before perking up. “Ah, yes, my auntie and papa have been teaching me since I was a baby!”
“Wow, that's wonderful!” Marshall then sniggered a little. “I'm something of a kung-fu master myself, you know.”
“R-Really? I was wondering why you were so muscly...” Asuka remarked. Marshall found it quite flattering. “We should spar a little if you ever feel up to it. I haven't had a good fight since I got here!”
“Hey, it's been a minute since I had a scrap.” He gathered more dishes and winked her way. “But try not to eat yourself to death before then.”
“Eh? I'm not that bad!”
Asuka pouted Marshall's way but was too distracted by another soup dumpling to give him much fuss. He had the urge to call her cute but didn't act on it for professional reasons... At that point in time anyway. After the initial first impression and friendly pleasantries, Marshall wasn't exactly the most appropriate with Asuka whenever she came by, which was often, and he'd ignore his conscience’s warnings and call her cute, precious, sweet, and maybe even hug her if he felt bold enough. Asuka didn't find him weird or anything, thankfully; she simply thought all Americans were friendly and interpreted Marshall's thinly veiled affection as a foreign quirk that she wholeheartedly embraced. She'd return his hugs and spend time with him long after he closed shop for the day to help with chores, snack on leftover scraps, and chew fat with him until it was time for her to return to the inn she stayed at with her family.
It pained him a little to watch her go, but just knowing that she'd come back the very next day kept Marshall's spirits high. As much as he appreciated Paul and Forrest’s company, it had been a long time since he'd been around a woman's presence, not since his wife passed anyway. He never actively sought out female companionship since managing the restaurant took up so much of his time, but he didn’t realize how lonely he was until Asuka showed up. She was fun-loving, excitable, passionate, and so, so pretty; if he were three decades younger maybe he would’ve had a shot, but he always felt like a creep for even thinking about her in such a way. She was simply too young for him, just a year or two shy from true womanhood by American standards anyway.
For a while, Marshall was content admiring Asuka from a distance, unwilling to risk their friendship (or his freedom) for a forbidden affair of his own provocation. He relieved himself when his thoughts got too wild for his liking and vented to Paul frequently about his dilemma, but more or less behaved himself around her. He wanted to savor whatever time he had left with her after all. 
As her Summer vacation came to an end, Asuka spent more time with Marshall than she did before, often coming in the morning and leaving at the dead of night to get in as much time as she could with him. she'd go upstairs, to his top-floor apartment that led down to the restaurant to hang around with Forrest or watch TV, before coming downstairs for lunch. It was a routine they fell into during her last week, and Marshall cherished the time he still had with her greatly.
During the afternoon slow down, Asuka sat inside the kitchen, at a little table Marshall had set up just for her, and asked if she could have some general tso’s chicken. A slave to her command, Marshall quickly got to work and made the best batch of general tso’s he's ever made in his life and served it to her as soon as he was done. She nodded her head in thanks and hummed a gentle tune to herself before tucking into her food, eyes low and lips falling into a tight frown the longer she ate. Marshall, alarmed at her sudden change in attitude, pulled a seat up next to Asuka and asked her if it wasn't to her liking.
“N-No, it tastes really, really good...” She replied, voice betraying her words. “I'm just thinking...”
“About what? Are you sure it isn't the food?”
“No, it isn't... I wouldn't be coming by so much if I didn't like it.” She laughed a little. “It's just... Time is going by so fast, ya know? It feels like I only met you yesterday.”
“Yeah...” Marshall sighed wistfully. “Sometimes I wish I could turn back time.”
“You feel the same?”
“Oh, honey...” He shook his head from side to side. “I've been feeling like this for a while...”
“Oh...” She stabbed a chunk of meat and tore the breading apart with her chopsticks. “That makes me happy...”
Marshall glanced at her, heart suddenly pounding in his chest. He liked to think he already made her happy with his cooking but to know he made her happy with his words sent his cheeks ablaze.
Still, he didn't like seeing her sad. He'd rather keep her happy than ever make her sad.
“Hey, it's not like your trip is over yet!” He gently held her shoulder and shook it a little. “We still have a few more days left. Hell, maybe we can go out together? Show you around the city more...?”
Marshall grimaced at his choice of words. Go out together? See the city? Not only was he a creep, but he was stupid, too. She's been here for a month, what the hell else was left for her to see? The subway rats?
“We could...” Asuka blinked and then returned his gaze, honey-almond depths glinting under cheap fluorescent lighting. She's silent for a time as if she’s trying to find the right words to say. Marshall was used to it since English wasn't her first language, but she took an awfully long time gathering her thoughts still. He almost wanted to ask if there's anything else on her mind, but her sweet little voice beat him to the punch.
He gulped, unsure of what she was going to say.
“Yes, Asuka?”
“I...I was wondering...” She twiddled her fingers, unable to look at him. He could've sworn he saw her milky cheeks turn pink.
“Can I...spend the night here? With you...?”
Marshall's eyes widened, his heart melting in his chest and dripping into his stomach. Did she really just ask if she could spend the night? With him? Alone??
It was like every ounce of willpower he'd built up for the last month was ripped from his being in a single second.
“Reichan is covering for me if it falls through, but my uncles are going to a conference on the island. They shouldn't be back until tomorrow night...” She then sighed and picked up a can of half-empty ginger ale she was nursing, a beverage she'd come to enjoy since her stay here. “But it's okay if you don't think I should. It was just an idea...”
Yes, Marshall should say. She should come back tomorrow, should tell her that what she's saying is inappropriate and that gross old men many times stronger than her could take advantage of her, and touch her, and lick her, and fuck the absolute shit out of her--
Marshall breathed sharply through his nose, unable to hold himself to his morals. He knows he'll say yes, he knows he'll try to take Asuka to heights he could never take her down from, but he has to tell her, warn her of his intentions, even if it meant destroying the bond he made with her.
Sighing heavily, Marshall furrowed his brows and stared at the floor, words falling off his tongue like venom.
“Asuka...” He began. “I would, but...”
“I...” He leaned back in his chair, locked eyes with her. She looked so expectant, so eager; it pained him that he had to do this to her.
“I don't know how to control myself...”
Asuka's eyes quivered while Marshall held his breath. He expected disgust, shock, maybe even horror, but his girl, his sweet girl, stood up from her chair and approached him, arms stretched out and welcoming as they pulled him into a hug.
“It's okay...” She smooths her hand over the nape of his neck, fingers gliding through ink-black locks. “I don't want you to...”
Marshall, suffice to say, is speechless, his brain unable to catch up with his body when he hugs her back.
It was so wrong, but it felt so fucking right.
“Fuck...” He hissed through gritted teeth, head turning just enough to bury his nose into her neck. “Fucking hell, honey...”
“Law-san...” Asuka shivered, cheek nuzzling his ear.
“You can stay...” He sniffed her skin. It smelled like lavender and vanilla. “Stay as long as you want, honey...” He lifted his head and placed a calloused palm upon her cheek. “I gotta... I gotta close the shop.”
“Okay...” She nodded. “Can I help with...?”
“No, no, go upstairs.” He held her cheeks in both hands then. “I'll be right there with you.”
Asuka bit her lip and nodded deeply that time.
“Good...” He's tempted to kiss her, but he needed to think straight, at least for a minute. Instead, he thumbed the edge of her brow and sent her on her way. He has to make sure no one could ruin the time they had together, Paul and Forrest included.
After shuttering blinds and locking every access point he could find, Marshall turned off all the lights on the lower floor before trekking upstairs where his sweet girl waited for him. When he found her, she was in his room, fiddling with her phone as the low hum of his television set resonated through the room. Marshall let out a puff of contained air as he flexed stiff biceps, the weight of the world suddenly lifting from his shoulders. Asuka looked up at him then, completely trained on his figure when he approached the bed, her legs uncrossing once he sat down next to her. He wondered if she wanted it as bad as he did.
Marshall thinks it's rude to jump right into anything intimate, but Asuka, much to his surprise, leans back on the bed, parting thickly built thighs to reveal the crotch of her shorts.
Marshall swallowed, suddenly feeling virginal.
“I like you...” The confidence in her eye wavered a little as she continued. “Reichan said this is what girls do when they like a boy.”
Marshall rolled his eyes; of course Reina would say something like that to her...
“You like me, too... Right?” She asked.
“Shit, honey, of course I like you. A lot more than I should.” Marshall leaned back, but didn't dare touch her. “It's just... Are you sure about this? You're still so young and...”
“No, I want this.” She shook her head adamantly. “I want you...”
Suddenly, she took his hand and puts it on her stomach. Marshall's fingers twitched in anticipation.
“Please, Law-san...” She begged him, eyes misty. “I want something to remember you by just in case...” She hesitated. “In case I never...”
Marshall doesn't wanna hear it.
Instinctually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, he kissed her, kissed her so hard that his lips bruised. Her mouth was so soft and plush, plump and pink like lotus petals. Asuka grunted, but didn't push him away; she wanted it too much to even consider it. She returned his kiss and clumsily mouthed at his lips, anxious to get her tongue into his mouth. Marshall did her the favor and parted them for her, smothering his groans when her tongue slid against his own, a delicious sensation he hadn’t felt in a very, very long time. It feels so little and so very soft, hardly anything he’s ever felt before, but maybe it’s because his perception was simply warped. She was a big girl, but she was so soft, plump, and small compared to his bulky frame, everything he could ever want in a woman. 
Marshall felt emboldened enough to touch her, hand sliding over her flat tummy to caress her hip. He opened eyes he hadn’t realized he closed and watched her expression as he smoothed his palm over a curving bone that led down her thigh, drawing a path down her skin and the denim of her shorts, leaving teasing touches that end where her fly began. Asuka made a plaintive, almost pleading noise against his skin then, rolling flaring hips towards his fingers in a desperate bid to get him to touch her more. Marshall is floored but otherwise excited by her behavior and gently guided her to the bed, big body rolling over her smaller one to keep her beneath him. He worked on her fly and nearly buried his tongue down her throat when she did the same to him, lithe fingers, scarred from training and constant sparring, working the waistband to his sweats like she knew what she wanted from him. She wanted his cock, he kept telling himself; she wanted his cock, she wanted his body, she wanted him, all of him.
“Fuck...” He cursed aloud, sucking wantonly on her bottom lip once she wrestled his pants down to his thighs. “Oh fuck, sweetie...” 
Cold air hits his rock hard, trembling length when it's free, thickened member swaying like a tree branch when his sweats briefly catch on to the tip of his prick. Marshall groaned while Asuka gasped, transfixed by the dark and mighty cock that hung between his legs. It made Marshall feel a little smug.
“Law-san...” Asuka was in visible disbelief. “I-It’s so...”
“Mmm, like it?” He kissed her jawline and gave her a look. “Not too big for you?”
Asuka doesn't say anything, just stared, mystified and curious. He can tell she wanted to touch it, but her innocence prevented her from doing so. Marshall was more than happy to help her out.
“Go ahead, it's okay,” He kissed her ear, whispering gently into it. “You can play with it.”
He felt her shiver and then heard her hum, a noise that made his loins clench. Her nails scratched down corded abs and a tapered waist before stopping at the thick hair trail leading down to where he needed her most. His cock twitched in anticipation, dripping with pearlescent precome that dangles from his slit that is soon smeared over his head by Asuka's fingers gripping his shaft. Marshall sputtered, nearly toppled over the younger girl's body when she twisted her fist, but managed to keep his composure more or less. 
“Ooh, that's it...” He rocked a little in her hand. “That's good, baby, keep touching it...” He flinched when her nail caught the rim of his cockhead, a delightful scratch that made him moan.
“Is that okay?” Her lips brush his temple.
“Oh fuck, that's better than okay...” He breathed sharply into her neck, content with just laying here, letting her play with his cock, but knew better than to neglect her. Hissing through clenched teeth, Marshall sat straight up and smiled down at Asuka.
“But...” He clasped her sides and squeezed her gently. “I shouldn't be the only one having all the fun, don't you think?”
“Are you gonna stick it in me now?” She sat up with him, until the underside of his prick was smothered by her bare belly, and swirled her thumb around the tip again. “Is Law-san going in my...pussy?”
“Fuck...” Marshall could hardly believe what he was hearing. Asuka must have learned some slang from Reina; foul language that did wonders getting his prick hard. 
“Yeah, yeah lemme see it, baby,” He hugged her and rubbed himself along her navel, kissing her hair, hips still pumping like an engine. “Lemme see how wet you are for me...”
Asuka peered up at Marshall, fingers quick to hook into her shorts so she could pull them down. Marshall watched with bated breath, eyes roaming over wide hips and a peachy pink pussy smeared wet with her arousal once it was revealed to him. Marshall's immediate reaction was to cup it in his hands.
“So fuckin’ pretty, hon,” He stuck his fingers between puffy cunt lips and poked her clit. “God, you’re soaked...”
“It’s like this a lot,” Asuka remarked. “Every night before I went back to the inn, my pussy was always wet for you, L-Law-san...”
“All for me...?” He was getting drunk off her neediness. “Did you ever take care of yourself?”
“Uh-huh... I’d rub myself, pretend it was you.” She shuddered and gripped his cock tight. “But it was never enough for me...”
“Poor baby...” Had he known any better about her feelings he would’ve gladly offered a hand, his cock, his mouth whatever the hell she wanted. “Don’t worry, I’m here.” He laid her back down to the bed, hand still planted firmly between her legs. “I’ll take care of it, take care of you...”
“Are you gonna make me come?” She nestled herself in the sheets, legs spread wide for him. “On your cock...?”
“Fuck yes, baby, if that’s what you want.” Marshall threw his chef’s jacket off as he settled himself between her thighs, thick prick bouncing against the curve of her pubis and flattened belly. “I’ll bounce you in my lap, eat you out, use my fingers, I’ll do anything you want me to.”
“Here is okay,” She spread her puffy kitty open just for him, trembling lines of slick stretched over her virgin hole. “This is where I want Law-san the most...”
Marshall licked his lips, eyes trained on the sweet little slit that would soon stretch around his cock. It's so very tiny compared to the rest of her and he questioned if he'd even fit, but the shine on her flesh and the tremble of her clit tempted Marshall too much to not try.
“Are you sure?” He asked one more time, on the brink of losing control. “It'll hurt.”
“It's worth it,” Asuka wrapped her legs around his waist. “Please, Law-san, I need you...”
“...Okay, hon,” That was all the permission he needed. “We're gonna go real slow, alright?”
She was silent but acknowledged his words with a nod. Marshall leaned over her and angled himself along her slit, splitting hairless lips apart with the blunt tip of his cockhead. Not unlike a sex-starved virgin, Marshall closed his eyes and breathed sharply through his nose, the plushness of her maidenhead nearly overwhelming him. God, how long has it been now... A decade? No, it’s been longer than that, way too long. He supposed it was worth it though; he simply had to wait for Asuka to show up in his life. He doesn't care how fucked up it is or how fast they were moving; he'd marry this girl and make her a mother in a heartbeat if he could.
Marshall weaved his fingers into Asuka's once he noticed a tear in her eye. He's quick to coddle and comfort her as he slowly popped her cherry, careful not to give her more than what she could handle when he managed to fit a third of himself inside of her.
“ L-Law-san ...” She flinched. It made her pussy flutter around him. “Oh God, Law-san...”
“S'okay, baby, I'm here; do you need a break?”
“No... No, no.” She bucked up into him and bore the pain. “Keep going, take me, sir...”
“God, honey...” Marshall claimed her lips again, back to working his cock inch by steady inch into her quim. “Okay, I'll keep it going, just stay with me. You're doing good.” He was halfway in now, cock now glistening with blood and arousal. Asuka held her breath during all of it.
“ Hnng ...” Her tear finally fell and rolled down her cheeks like raindrops on a leaf. “ I-Itai ...”
“Breathe for me, sweetie, you gotta breathe.”
“Okay, okay...” Asuka braced herself on his biceps. She's tense and tight, but Marshall managed to unwind her enough with his prick to push all the way through, until his pubic bone nudged her clit.
He moaned aloud, vocal and wanton while Asuka whined like a pleading child. She held him like one and called him like one, but still wanted it all the same. Marshall was more than ready to feed her pussy what it needed and rolled his hips, cock knocking against her cervix.
A new noise escaped Asuka, followed by a gasp for air. Her pussy clenched around him and grew wetter with virginal need. Marshall liked the reaction he spurred from her and kept fucking into her womb, treating his prick like a dipper in a honey pot.
“You feel amazing, Asuka...” Marshall mumbled into her skin as he dragged his wet lips over her chin. “Such a sweet pussy...”
“Law-san...” She cooed like a baby. “That... That feels...”
“Call me “Marshall,” baby,” He licked into her ear. “Say my name when I fuck you.”
“M-Marshall...” She grabbed at his hair, eyes rolling deep into the back of her head. “Marshall, Marshall...”
He fucked her properly then, his thrusts languid and steady. He doesn't go fast and doesn't stay slow, just kept stirring her insides, flat of his shaft racking her g-spot. Asuka arched her back and started moving in time with Marshall as she smoothed her hands over his neck, unable to let him go. Marshall is no better; he practically drowned her in kisses as he held her body in a vice grip, too out of his mind to pull away.
“Asuka...” He closed his eyes shut. “God, baby girl, so perfect for me...”
“Your cock feels so good...!” Asuka dug her nails into his back. “Keep going, Marshall, please!”
Marshall responded to her plea by moving faster, hips pumping so he could pound her little pussy into a quivering pulp. Asuka screamed while Marshall grunted like an animal, unable to hold himself back when the squelch of his cock pummeling her womb and Asuka’s ecstatic cries sent him into a fervor. Consumed by his lusts and wanting nothing more than to be as physically close to Asuka as humanly possible, Marshall hoisted the teenager into the air and fucked into her that way. Asuka yelped in surprise, but didn’t mind the position change, and wrapped her arms around Marshall’s neck to hold herself upright. He kissed her again, a deep and passionate one on the lips that only ended when he felt his loins clench.
“Oh fuck ...!” He cursed, his thrusts frantic and hips stuttering. “Oh my God, baby, I’m gonna...!” He had enough presence of mind to try pulling out, but Asuka put a stop to that by grinding down on him. It took the air right out of his lungs.
“Do it inside, please do it inside!” She begged. “I wanna feel it, I wanna feel Marshall’s come fill me up...!”
Marshall knew he shouldn’t do it, but she sounded too fucking sweet for him to even consider pulling out. Before he knew it, Marshall was shuddering and sputtering like a busted engine when he finally came, rutting so harshly into Asuka’s guts he felt her cervix pulse. Asuka panted out loud, breaths so laborious and heavy he thought she was ready to pass out, but she was still plenty lucid enough to peck his lips and chin, pussy fluttering like crazy when the last of his load trickled out from her entrance.
“Hold me, Marshall...” She hugged him tightly. “Don’t let me go...”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, hon...”
Marshall gently lowered Asuka back to his bed before rolling over so she could lay on his chest and stomach. His wilting cock stayed snug in her cunt, warmed by clenching muscles that refuse to let him go. Asuka is quick to nuzzle her face into the scars on his chest while Marshall rubbed her back.
“I don’t wanna go back to Japan...” She blurted out.
“I know, if I could marry you I would...” He kissed her hair. “But we have to make the most of it.”
“Let’s just stay like this.” She closed her eyes. “I don’t wanna think about it too much.”
“Of course, baby.” Marshall smiled as he did the same. “Whatever you want.”
Marshall heard Asuka mumble something in Japanese, but didn’t press her on it. Instead, he relaxed and followed Asuka’s advice.
He didn’t think about her leaving until the dreaded day came.
The night before her flight, Asuka bidded Marshall farewell with a hug and a kiss before giving him her contact information. Marshall wasn’t the least bit tech savvy, but he tried for her sake, and called her when he could. She almost always answered despite their time zone differences and talked to him for hours if she could help it, usually when Asuka’s male relatives weren’t around.
It was a strange albeit comforting situation Marshall had found himself. He never thought he’d be engaging in something so juvenile, but there he was, getting giddy like a teenaged boy when he saw her name pop up on his landline.
Eight months had passed since her vacation and Marshall kept himself busy with his restaurant and his dojo to keep the “demons” out of his head. While chopping away at a bundle of green onions, Forrest had entered the kitchen and gave him today’s mail.
“Here ya go, pop.”
“Thanks.” Marshall stopped what he was doing to take the stack from him before sighing. “More bills, huh?”
“Your favorite.”
“Great,” Marshall rolled his eyes as he sifted through utility after utility bill. He was ready to throw the pile on top of the table he used to serve Asuka food on before he happened upon a gold envelope sealed with white wax. The hell...?
He quickly tore it open and pulled out its contents.
It was two airline tickets and a spicy note written in perfect English.
“Hey, old man,” It read. “This brat is getting on my last goddamn nerve. She’s so miserable and shit without you, so I did you the favor and got you a ticket since you’re too fucking broke to afford one. You're welcome. P.S. Bring that blonde guy with you; I think we can have a lot of fun together~ Love, Reina ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚”
Marshall stood there, wide eyed, and then laughed.
That fuckin’ brat...
“Hm?” Forrest looked back at his father. “Something up, dad?”
“Nah, I’m good.” He smoothed his hand over his goatee and smiled. “I’m real good.”
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evilichu · 5 months
it's been a really long time since the last time i posted anything on this blog. like, really long. 2023 i think. maybe i should do an update but i have other things in my mind right now and i need to write them down just to clear my head.
topics -- self esteem issues, my relationship, college.
self esteem issues: i have let myself go. i don't even know what to say other than that. i'm very aware that i have a troubled relationship with food and weight in general, but it's been hitting me really hard lately; not because i've been restricting but the opposite. since i'm stressed i look for comfort in food and i can feel my belly growing bigger and my clothes feeling smaller. i'm getting so much fatter and i can barely look at myself in the mirror anymore. it's so fucking disgusting. but i can't stop eating, it's all i ever do. it's just so comforting, until i'm done eating and the realizations sets in and i wanna die. it's affecting my social anxiety as well, since i feel disgusting and look disgusting i obviously don't want anyone to see how bad i look. anytime i'm out i'm sure everyone can tell that i look a lot fatter than i used to and that i'm disgusting. i don't even wanna weigh myself in fear of the numbers that it might show me. god. anyway. that's topic one.
my relationship: my ex and i got back together. maybe some day i'll make a whole post about it but for now that's it. my attachment issues have resurrected because of it. i don't wanna blame the relationship in itself, but i did feel a shift in my mental health as soon as we went back together. we've been together almost a month now and things changed rather quickly. as time goes on he is getting more and more used to being with me and he's becoming less romantic. i'm aware that relationships lowkey work like that, you get used to the person but it doesn't mean you love them less. but i'm not like that at all, i think. i think about him all the fucking time even after a month and i wanna tell him i love him all the time and how pretty he is and all of that, and the only thing stopping me is that i think it would annoy him. i feel like it's unfair in some way, he started being so sweet and attentive with me and making me feel loved just to drop the act in like two weeks and now i can't even complain cuz he is "too busy". weren't you "too busy" two weeks ago too? it's not like you got a new job or promotion, you're doing the same thing but two weeks ago you'd take a minute to text me how much you miss me and now you simply don't. AND I KNOW! I KNOW THIS IS SUCH A NON-ISSUE! but that's what i mean, the attachment issues. if i wasn't so emotionally invested in every single little thing, if my entire mood didn't depend on three words written in a message app, then i would be absolutely fine. but i care, i care so fucking much and i feel so abandoned all the time. and i've been crying so much. and i'm putting too much pressure on him and i can't stop thinking that he's gonna dump me any day now. which, fair enough, but I CANNOT STOP. ugh.
college: i'm in college now and i'm a failure. i had never expected to be this bad at studying and it's affecting my pride so much. i can't focus for shit and i procrastinate so much it's embarrassing. i don't even know why i thought i could do this. i have my first real exam tomorrow and i am not ready at all and i can't study. i don't know what am i going to do. it's crazy.
i've been so angry at myself for all of these reasons that i am genuinely thinking of cutting again. i just can't take it. i don't wanna disappoint anyone, least of all my therapist (the only person i wouldn't be able to lie to) but i don't know what to do. i am so fucking angry that i can't do anything right and i'm fucking my own life up: my weight, my relationship, my career, i can't do it right. i feel like i do deserve the punishment.
but you know, that's my mental health for you.
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blueempty · 7 months
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Due to several sleeping errors, I forgor
My day was alright outside of my stomach waking me up after 3 hours of comfy sleep, and then me falling asleep for a little too long on the couch at work, which is why I don't think i'm gonna have a new kanji for today. I'll probably just practice some other vocabulary and keep hammering in the first half of my katakana
Like I'm always saying, I dont want to vent here but like, its part of my day ya know. And I'm not upset as I write this its just thoughts in my brain. Btw did you know that overexplaining yourself is an autistic trait? Anyway, I've been thinking about my brain and its problems because my partner has a new work friend who is also autistic, but her and I followed different paths. She seems to be on the Naruto Uzumaki grind of saying exactly what she means and is thinking at all times. The barrier between her and other people made her more forward and blunt, which is probably good. I however went the conflict avoidance route, where I got tired of trying to be understood so I've just spoken less and less over the years. I used to be very social but lately I'm going whole days saying almost nothing to anyone
Its largely because of the specific people I'm around every day, cuz my mom doesnt care about whatever the fuck I'm doing in Onimusha or Splatoon. I've learned what stuff people outside my fixations would be equipped to find interesting. My mom listens, but I dont want to waste her time or bug her while shes working with stuff that isn't relevant to her. And my brother is the most equipped to have conversations with but he's also on a different autism wavelength that seems to be becoming incompatible with mine. Like earlier today I said I was getting really tired of him and our friend being so fuckin negative about everything all the time and then like 2 minutes later he said I was a bitch for paying attention to what skills I have on in Monster Hunter. Something just ain't lining up in our conversations
BUT, thats all to say, my response to that comment wasnt to push the point further, instead I just stopped talking. Because I've learned that he in particular seems to have lost the ability to argue or discuss in good faith when it comes to specific topics. And because of that I sit there and filter everything I think about saying. I have a thought about something in the Splatoon DLC and before i say something I think "my brother doesnt like Splatoon anymore so at best he'll ignore me and at worst I'll get into an argument about whether or not skills are stupid"
So you the reader at this moment may be thinking "this sounds like a problem with you and the 3 people you talk to every day" and you'd be right. But this learned silence has got my ass unsure how to speak in general, so idk how to make new friends or how to interact with old ones. Its quite the pickle oh yes
Again this is literal hashtag thought posting, I'm not trying to complain but this is just stuff thats been on my mind since like January. And now this new friend that my partner has made me think damn I couldve just pivoted into an assertive style autist but I assumed a defensive posture. The human mind truly is fucked and full of terrors
But all that shit aside Dungeon Meshi is amazing, the whole crew is great. I am concerned that I'm getting incorrect localizations on their names cuz i'm reading it on manga dex. So I've just been calling the hobbit Chalk. I'm on chapter 15 now I think. Kensuke is my MVP right now I love that little guy
And finally the moment youve been waiting for yes its true I only have 4 weapons left to go in Side Order. I was spoiled on the name of Eights pallette weapon and it didnt tell me anything but it made me want to get it as soon as possible to see what the fuck it is
My partner also brought me a big sammich at work and it was good. I lob her
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Peace and Long Life
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deadchovsky · 7 months
Ok nvm more yapping under the cut. Tumblr is my diary and baby, I'm writing in pink glitter gel. Ignore this <3
I'm formatting this like greentext bc its funny
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Big Font.
Ddo you like Wilbur soot. Cuz I do
>be me on NYE
>one of my friends asked me to take a picture out of this end of year video thing I post on my 15 subs youtube channel every year at the end of the year.
> he says because his phone screen is visible and hes worried about what's on it. Says it might be some rp server he was on at the time the picture was taken and thinks it could he embarrassing. (This is important remember this.)
>I zoom in on the picture, it literally looks like a black screen.
> he says hes still worried about someone seeing it
>okay whatever. I try my best to remove this picture that last for like 2 seconds out of a 15 minute long video. (Sidebar, this picture was already in a different video months ago and he was fine w it then and literally has never brought up removing it from that video once.)
> I save changes to the video
> "okay I think I got it, but there might be like .5 seconds of it still, bc YouTube's editing thing sucks"
> he says its fine, because it's a 15 minute long video and the longest that clip is in there for is like. A singular second.
> 2 months later
> be me
> this mf hasnt talked to me, or basically any of my friends since new years.
> guy literally dropped out of the play despite wanting to be in it since September
>guy is literally in all 4 of my classes and hasnt attended a single one since the second day of the semester.
>I'm walking around the school bc the gender neutral bathrooms are closed, so I'm going to the least scary girls bathrooms near the front of the school.
> guy and one of my friends show up and stop me in the hallway.
> friend: "hey guy needs to talk to you."
> me: "bro I have to piss rn can it wait"
> apparently not.
> Guy: "I know you don't understand why I feel this way" (most condescending tone possible)
> turns out changes didnt save in YouTube video and the picture is still in the video for literally 0.003% of the entire runtime.
> tells me to remove it because he thinks that he was "texting his mom about his attempt at the time"
> picture was taken a month before the attempt. also he told me it was the rp server the first time I tried to remove it.
> ok whatever. I say I'll remove the picture.
> interaction is very awkward(mind you we're standing in the middle of a high school hallway while hes telling me all this) I leave and go piss
> I go back to class after pissing
>friend (who was with guy) says that was the first time guys talked to her in a few weeks.
>I show her the picture on my phone, bc I feel like I'm going crazy. The phone literally only looks turned on bc you can see a slightly outline of a white keyboard. Not to mention the photo is BLURRY.
>friend confirms that you can't see fucking shit on the phone in the picture.
>thank god because I thought I was somehow wrong for thinking you cant see shit
Also, bro saw that video that the picture was in once, freaked out bc he thought you could see his rp server in it, then tried to tell me TWO MONTHS LATER (and almost 10 months AFTER the picture was taken and posted in a different video THAT HE SAW) that he was talking to his mom about a suicide attempt in there. I didnt even remember about that bro how tf did he manage to keep that in his brain for two fucking months. Get different meds you fucking dweeb like oh my god. Clearly whatever you're on now isnt working.
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