#I don't actually know why it's green if someone knows pls tell me
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got me uhhhh og y2 jacket and another minami one but everything's embroidered 👀
more stuff: majima headphones + wireless charger, bowl n teacup, ikinari collab stickers, some wristbands, pen, kenzan card, lil guys, bigass ishin towel, and some y3 newspaper things
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beeoftheanxieties · 11 months
So, @da-proti-toku-grem kind of inspired me to make a lengthy post, sharing some positive vibes across the fandom, listing the reasons why I love each member of Joker Out and why I would go full mom-mode on them and cook for them and bake them gluten-free cookies.
A Joker Out, brain-rot, appreciation post
(members listed in alphabetical order)
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First up - as someone who had the chance to see them live, he is an insane performer
His ability to enchant the crowd is insane and you can tell really well that he has great acting abilities too
Watched him in Gospod Profesor too, spot on for someone who is a so-called amateur
His singing voice is... amazing to say the least, it feels really unique
Also, the way he talks, the sound of his voice, the words he uses, his pronunciation, if there were awards for talking he would get one
The languages he speaks, I want to study him, linguistically, he is truly a phenomenon
We of course love a bilingual king
He looks like he has his priorities straight
I also respect him so much for how open he is about his mental illness
I might relate to him a bit too much at times whoops
And the fact that he can somehow befriend literally anyone??? Love that
His friendship with Jere is the main one of course
Oh yeah and the fact that he literally helped people who collapsed at their gigs a few times
Bless him, he deserves all the rest he is hopefully getting
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First things first, I have a soft spot for math guys
And the way he talks about math is fascinating (but you still won't get me to like it Jan)
Cat dad???? We absolutely adore Igor and a man loving cats is such a green flag
I know people say he mumbles a bit and it's hard to understand him at times, but idk, he talks nice and slowly, so it's still really easy to understand him
He comes from my home region, so I am very biased haha
Also, every band needs a guitarist with luscious locks
He absolutely owns the colour red, that colour was invented specifically for him
The nose ring suits him so well too, this man KNOWS what fits him
And if that ends up being jackets with nothing underneath when he performs, THEN SO BE IT
I know people call Kris the lesbian icon, but from what I've seen lesbians are very drawn to Jan as well
Oh, and he gives me Klaus from the Umbrella Academy vibes (I blame the hair and the pink boa)
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Holy shit, sunshine in human form????
The most underappreciated one in the band imo
His surname literally means 'cat' and I am so normal that Jan has called him 'muca'
He also comes from my region haha, bias again
He's really good at filming, he actually shot a few things for RTV (national TV station) and edited them as well, god, talent
Also playing drums... I have sang, I have played guitar, played bass, but drums is something I feel like I could NEVER do, so hats off to you
As @da-proti-toku-grem pointed out, THE MOLE ON HIS LIP? weak knees, yes
He also reminds me of a good friend of mine and I vibe with him so much, I feel like I would vibe with Jure as well
I really don't like the fact that drummers tend to get ignored and I just wish there was more Jure performing content
Though I love it how every time, during Novi Val, he comes to the front and hangs with the others
His hair also looks so soft and fluffy aaaaaa
Again, biased but he resembles my bf the most out of everyone so hmmmm
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The baby of the band! (and the only one in the band I could actually call 'mulc')
In case you didn't know yet, he's half Dutch
And he speaks Dutch, which, as someone who speaks Dutch (in theory, not in practice) makes me really happy
I wish to study him linguistically as well
Also his parents' story feels very close to me, as I'm dating outside of my culture as well
According to him he was menace as a kid and I think we should normalise the fact that you can become a better person as you grow up
But pls don't honk at me on the road Kris, pls, I will cry
The songs he wrote??? NGVOT and Vse kar vem??? Oh boy, I love them, adore them
His holey sweaters are also a vibe
Dutch fans, if you don't shower him and the rest of the band with gifts at their Dutch concerts, I will be mad
Also gotta honorably mention Maks
They gotta be my fav nepo-but-not-really babies out there
Kinda like Maya Hawke?
I am ranting
He also looks like the only member of the band that I would fight, and idk why
Also, I must know if he supports Max Verstappen haha
Minus points for chemistry though, I cannot with that
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Okay everyone
Here we go
We have reached my beloved
I love all of them, but Nace just a bit more
It was love at first sight, I cannot lie
I have a soft spot for bassists and he might actually convince me to try and play bass again
He has been playing it for so long too??? like wow
I will always go feral about his tattoos
At every concert
I know he was the last to join the band but it looks like he fits in so nicely, it's beautiful
Strong mom-codded dad friend vibes
He kinda is the dad of the band haha
And he looks like he gives amazing hugs (lucky all of you who had managed to get one already)
A nice addition to the band
Oh and he's apparently shit at sports which is like... felt
Plus the fact that he wanted to be a vet?
Me too boo, me too, but neither of us is there now
Anway, I'll stop now. In conclusion, this band has my whole heart and they deserve every good thing that happens to them and so much more.
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nishloves · 1 year
seventeen as haikyuu!! characters;
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i know i know, it's been done a lot of times but i couldn't help but put a take on it by myself!
part-1 of svt as anime! series
choi seunghcheol - kuroo tetsuro
hear me out!!! perfect protective tease bf feeling?? captain but make sure they hear everyone's opinions, isn't too soft but loves their team, oh don't tell me he isn't kuroo!
yoon jeonghan - oikawa
pls the handsome, the drip, the way they both feel effortless but they aren't, you may not believe it but oikawa did hold his team together and so does jeonghan, i would have said he was more like suga but due to his prankster mind, i was like nah, he's oikawa fs
hong jisoo - sugawara
please, like he would be someone else! they both are angelic, mom type, and the sweetest with their fair share of idiocies and madness, but both of them are hella supportive and they look alike too! (or is it just me?)
moon junhui - lev haiba
pls they both are memes, handsome and so confident and optimistic, you can't say that they don't match! remember the first impression of lev? oh, he would be a badass player, he's so serious, so scary, bro is a freaking meme, so is jun.
kwon soonyoung - bokuto
the dedication! the green flag! the behaviour! the pouts! the sulkiness! the crackhead energy! self understandable
jeon wonwoo - tsukishima
okay okay, i went on aesthetics (I admit) i might be a bit biased here but aren't they very similar? sassy yet sweet and pro gamers? secretly works hard a lot! ambitious as hell but it's not visible (he would prolly also fit kenma!)
lee jihoon - kenma kozuma
okay, i have a reason alright, the brain of the group, the reserved one who watches people have fun at afar and feels content by it, doesn't mean that they aren't included or won't speak!
xu minghao - kita / kageyama
i know, they aren't same at all but the aesthetics of both 🤌🏻 on side note i feel like minghao would prolly be semi (because of aesthetics again)
kim mingyu - iwaizumi
kind of mom of the group but is the dad of the group? idk why but it seemed most appropriate for him, i actually wasn't able to think of anyone for mingyu, but he fit the most (imo)
lee seokmin - tanaka
crackhead, crackhead, crackhead, crackhead, yet i am serious when i have a game.
boo seungkwan - nishinoya
the mood makers, the social butterflies, the ones who can be serious when they want and be an absolute meme the next second.
chwe hansol - aakashi
fight me but he is aakashi, i would accept no further comments. look at them!
lee chan - hinata
why? the twinkle in eyes, the determined spirit, the sweet behaviour, the hardwork, everything, you tell me why he is not hinata? (it was also based on aesthetics)
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scribble-dee-vee · 2 months
Dale 💄🎈🧣
Hey nonny!! Ty for the ask <3
(Based on these questions, I have a sneaking suspicion that you're someone with more than a passing knowledge of this character,,,, in which case I am v flattered. If you DON'T know my terrible lil guy, then you may just be a bit psychic. hehe)
For anyone curious, the full prompt list is over here!
Answers below cut because you got me YAPPING and they're LONG. Pls note that I have listed a few content warnings in the tags.
💄 (lipstick) - What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
So, here's the thing: Dale is hot and he knows it. He likes to express this fact LOUDLY and OBNOXIOUSLY. A lot of this grandstanding comes from a genuine self-obsession, but he also has a complicated relationship with his body and how other people perceive him. The connection between a person's self and their body is actually a pretty major theme in Lost Letters; Dale is hyperaware of his own embodiment, and it drives a lot of his actions. At best, he can turn this awareness towards personal confidence and interpersonal gains (actively via manipulation and seduction, but also passively through social biases). At worst, he feels trapped, exploited, and overstimulated. He's constantly paranoid that people are watching him. He is extremely sensitive to texture and temperature, especially when he's upset. He's constantly bothered by how people see him and how he presents. We could talk about his relationship with blood, as a jilted descendant of the Queen who does a little violence now and then. We could also talk about his experiences with exploitative sexual relationships and assassination attempts, both of which have altered how he views his own body! But I feel these are tangents to the question at hand. In terms of his face, Dale likes his green eyes. In fact, his eyes are the ONLY part of his face that he ever tells the reader about in draft one! We learn more about how he looks through other characters' perspectives, but he's not usually looking at his face when he's looking in a mirror. He's thinking about the impact of his overall presentation and how he might alter it. In terms of makeup and skincare, Dale lives in a pseudo-Victorian dystopian fantasy hellscape with rigid gender roles – do with that what you will. (It IS really fun to think about skincare in the Diamond City, though!! I have no doubt that Dale keeps up with a meticulous standard of hygiene for his context, and certain other characters would LOVE Sephora in a modern AU.)
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
Dale goes to a LOT of parties in Lost Letters, so I've gotten to explore this in some depth! Dale is neutral to the common party activities of A.) hooking up with people and B.) consuming various substances – he generally does both if it will help his social or political standing within a given group. He's part of the Goldenheart aristocracy, so parties are a natural background setting in his life. He tends to go with friends, or frenemies. He pretends to have fun, but he usually doesn't. In Lost Letters, Dale is a college student and member of the Rosehip Club, which is essentially a co-ed fraternity for rich kids. He's lifelong friends with Rosalind Lake, the Club's ringleader, and Jamie Fenway, another important member. At the beginning of the book, he meets Charles at a Rosehip Club party! (Thus kicking off the main plot :)
🧣(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how any why does it comfort them?
Charles <3 For real, though, mutual comfort is a key factor in their relationship. Charles makes Dale feel protected and safe. It's superficially because Charles is an elite soldier who's always around him. On a deeper level, it's because Charles DOESN'T judge him based on political importance or appearance or history. He just kinda takes Dale at face value and listens to him???? Um the bar is in HELL but Dale has never really experienced this before. Charles provides a nice respite from his usual stressors. They spend a lot of their scenes together A.) cuddling, B.) arguing for fun about irrelevant stuff, and C.) doing tourist activities in various City locations. Lol. They would kill it at Disney World in a modern AU. Dale also likes to journal, in somewhat sinister and extremely plot-relevant ways. I GUESS that's comforting for him, lmao. I won't say much more because spoilers, tee hee.
If you read all the way to the bottom of this post, I love you sm!!!! And now you know All That about this morally deplorable blorbo. Please don't get too attached. I promise you, it's for your own good 😅
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astrolo-t · 2 years
Morning Sun Pt. 2
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Pairing: Ellie x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k~
Warnings: MDNI pls, Cursing, Alcohol, LOTS of Angst, Ellie running at literally any sign of conflict or messy feelings.
A/N: Enjoy :)
Ellie did in fact stay for more than just that night. Stubborn as she was, even she knew that leaving in her condition was not the right thing to do. And truthfully, it wasn’t like she had anywhere to go. So she stayed, and strangely enough, it just worked. As time passed and her wounds healed, the two of you fell into your own little routine of sorts.  The housework and chores were split between the two of you and more often than not Ellie did the majority of them. She was determined to ‘earn her keep’ is what she’d said. Though you knew in your gut it was all in the brunette's efforts to keep busy. You had your little arguments here and there, the stubbornness in both of you causing you to butt heads. But you also had fun at times. In fact, sometimes, if she let you, if you were being just a tad too ridiculous, Ellie would give you a smile. An actual real smile.
You’d put her up in your guest room, which had gone unoccupied for quite some time as it'd previously been used for storage. You’d cleaned it out and made up the bed for Ellie. However, you weren’t sure that she actually slept in it. Most days you’d wake up to her already up and about, wandering about the property or fixing some obscure thing in the house that you swore you’d get around to. It wasn’t necessarily a problem per se, at least not yet. But you couldn’t stop yourself from getting increasingly concerned every morning when you saw her looking more tired than the day before. Finally, one morning while you’re doing dishes together you decide to confront her on her strange nighttime habits.
“Ellie,” You start carefully, “the bed in your room….is it not comfortable?”
Her eyebrows raise a bit at your question and her hands momentarily halt in their rinsing of the dishes as you hand them to her. “No, it's fine. Why?”
You look at her, pausing mid scrub, “Cause’ you’re not sleeping in it. You’re not sleeping at all”
“It’s fine Y/n, nothin’ to worry about.” she murmurs quickly drying her hands off, before taking off outside.
You roll your eyes, calling her name. She doesn’t respond which has you then following her out the back screen door wet hands and all, hot on her heels as she heads down toward the lake not too far from the house.
“It is not ‘fine’ Ellie. Sleeping and eating are like, basic necessities for humans to function and you're doing neither of those things.” She whips around, finger pointed and mouth open ready to protest. “And don't tell me you're functioning ‘just fine’ cause’ you're not. We both know you’re not.”
She closes her mouth and looks off, eyebrows furrowing because yea, you were right. She was not getting any sleep. She tried, every goddamn night she tried. But the end result was always nightmares so terrifying that the tension in her body left her more exhausted than she’d been before. But you didn't need to know about that, no, she wouldn’t make her problems become someone else’s again. So instead of confiding in you she turns her back, walking away and plopping down against a nearby tree. Her eyes stare out at the lake and make no move to pay you any attention as you crouch down and start a little more softly, “You don’t eat, you’re irritable, you forget things, and-” you dip your head downwards in an attempt to catch her eyes. “You’re also starting to get some dark cir-”
“Ok!” She finally yells rising quickly to her feet.
“Ok, what?” You offer, from your spot still crouched on the ground. 
“Ok so I’m a trainwreck!” She bites out, “What the fuck do you want me to say!?” 
“I want you to be fucking real with me, Ellie!” You finally yell, meeting her at your full height now. “And stop lying to both of us!”
She looks at you, then away, the morning sun causing her green eyes to squint. Her shoulders shake slightly as she takes an uneven breath, kicking at some dirt with those old worn converse of hers.
“You don't actually have to tell me shit, let's be clear.” You start again, significantly softer, “As your friend, I’m going to care about you regardless. But also…as your friend, I want to know what’s going on so I can help.”
“We’re friends?” She laughs sardonically as if that very idea were preposterous and maybe it hurts your feelings more than you’d care to admit. Nodding her head she continues, “Yea we’re definitely friends after knowing each other for a few weeks.” She regards you for a second, noticing the way your gaze was a mixture of concern and something else. Something she hated more than anything. Pity. She scoffs, “You know nothing about me or who I am at all. How much fucking blood is on my- ”
“Ellie!” You yell, silencing her. You shake your head and whisper, “Come on, let’s not do that.”
From previous arguments you’d picked up on one of the brunette's defense mechanisms. Hurting you, so you’d feel the same dark, sticky, coil of sadness and anger in the pit of your stomach that she carried around everyday. 
At that, the fire in her eyes dies down just enough for her to turn around, running her fingers through her hair and plopping down against the tree once more. Instead of sitting next to her, this time you walk over, sitting on the opposite side, pulling your knees to your chest.
“You’re not wrong.” You admit, “Maybe we’re not quite friends. But…I’d like to be.” Running your hands over your face you continue, “Just….just talk to me Ellie.”
And after a long bout of silence…she does. She starts slowly, recounting how she’d ended up hurt in the first place. But pretty soon, the dam breaks and everything comes hurling out. Not perfectly because talking, especially about herself, wasn't Ellie’s strong suit. Despite her tumbling over her words and the frustration as a result every now and then, you stayed and listened patiently as she told you about Jackson, and the people she left there. Seattle and the trail of bodies. Joel. Dina. 
And Abby.
It should’ve been a relief to learn more about Ellie and who she was. And it was, however, there was also another nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you couldn’t shake. 
Not of Ellie physically, no. In your eyes she was no more capable of hurting you than you were to her. What scared you was her very obvious potential and need to self-destruct. What did that mean for you? Would you end up as another person left in the absence of her but never the same? Or worse, another potential source of trauma, as if she didn’t have enough of that already. Despite your most basic instincts telling you to just stop, stop caring about her, stop asking questions - you realize that it was already too late.
You’d see it through, whatever this was, to the very end. 
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dullahandyke · 5 months
and now part 3 of the case 4 liveblog! during this one mam audibly commented on how much i was writing in my note book lols
ok yiss we're back boyssss it's been like a week? wowza
ah. i had forgotten i was still dealing with the garridebs when we left off. :grimace:
yeah i don't like dealing w them can we leave pls
sholmes music is banging tho
oh no susato do Not look to these fucks as an example of a romantic couple
hi shamspeare i like your vibe
god the costume jewelry is a sight to see in the 1900s tho. boy who gave you a sceptre
hiiiii natsume it's been too long... i also like your vibes
sholmes eavesdropping... girl weren't they speaking japanese????
love love love when susato turns to look at me. are you seeing this shit naruhodo-san
can't get over natsume's sopping wet pleading face
'natsume's room s cursed' are we sure that's not just a gas leak
i like sholmes's thing about belief it's v sweet
ASOUGI FLASHBACK!!!! hi asougi :)
sholmes's trout dinner.... pov dinner date w herlock sholmes he leaves you for a doohickey
love susato's fist pump sprite.... patron saint of 'we are so fucking back'
20th feb.... huh that's tomorrow. contemporaneous playthru stays winning
'do all literary people take things so literally' first off youre one to talk ryuu second off autism on autism violence????
christ bvz's cracking out the wine early
bvz you're not doing yourself any favours by toasting to the victim's death
also i love susato's description in the profiles.... a huge help to ryuu always <3
also nice to have a non0murder case for a change. usually have to go to the audio cds for that
christ they really did give us precious little evidence from that investigation huh
boooo bvz don't waste good wine like that
ok predictions: blunt knife tip + lack of actual death = green is in on a plot to frame natsume
literally where would we be without susato. god bless
also ryuu appreciation he's so cute. little shaking sprites... his kind cow-like eyes have bewitched me
bvz's blue eyes unnerve me... get him some brown contacts. or at least dark grey
ryuu going back to nervous sprites... dw my boy it will be ok
also donut lips juror 5... :frowning2:
love ryuu's little wall slam. him klav + mvk are a holy twinity
fairplay leading the jury is also for sure some 'get natsume found guilty + we'll find you innocent' deal
yes ryuu know your rights do the examination <3
gregson in the background of the courtroom during the summation examination... lol
banging music continues to be banging
juror 2's freakishly tiny mouth irks me... girl how do u eat
ryuu should have called juror 2 a racist idiot to her face
ryuu why did you think asking garrideb abt natsume's character would workout
u can tell i don't play new games by how impressed i am by the animation of ryuu pacing as the camera follows him. real movie magic right here
surely juror 5 would've seen natsume if he jumped the trench tho... bvz what's the plan
booooooo once again bvz is way less cool without the cloak
points. the lovecore fucks have been spotted
also according to jules, your man was originally irish so in my mind he continues to be such
points at roly. autistic as fuck to be chewing his chin strap
'patrolling the beat is the most demanding work in the world' clearly someone's never been in the tumblr trenches
if i knew the beates irl i'd literally die from romance repulsion but patricia gets a pass for being cute. she needs to divorce that cop and get herself a real man (me)
society if this game treated fat women with even an ounce of respect
disliking the persistant domestic abuse jokes(?) this case... so uncomfy
the beats theme does not... feel fitting. for either courtroom or investigative scene
love ryuu's confident smirk... he's so >:)
bvz you need to get susato tossed so damn badly
'one of britain's guiding principles is tolerance' lol. lmao even
bvz's scowl sprite looks like 'eat yo sandwich bitch! the fuck you looking crazy for
i can so vividly envision juror 2's instgram it's awful
my god a third abusive wife... i have a feeling it's abusive wives instead of husbands bcos abusive husbands are more likely to be taken seriously/not treated as a bit joke and i dont like it
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redorich · 2 years
chapter four
"Und hier ist mein fucked up robo-dungeon," Doc waves to a rusty trapdoor sitting conspicuously in the center of the empty floor of the boiler room. Why Doc felt the need to extend his tour of the Boatem Mansion to here is beyond Grian.
"Don't go in there, you will get electrocuted. Desu." Doc rolls his shoulders and cracks his neck loudly to cover up for the fact that he almost forgot to end his sentence with a Japanese particle.
Very suddenly, in a bout of mania or something much like it, Grian grasps Doc firmly by the shoulders and stares intently into his eyes like a man pleading for mercy before a pitiless jury. "Doc, they're not here right now. It's just us down here. I know you're fluent in English."
"Ich have nein idea what you are talking about, desu," Doc rolls his eyes. They're very hard to focus on. In the dim light of a single dangling lightbulb in this boiler room, Grian can't make out whether the man's skin is green or white. His eyes keep telling him not to think about it, not to think about the blood on his frilly maid apron or the weird placidity of his gait.
"Kein idea," Grian whimpers like a broken man.
"Anyway, we should continue the house tour, desu!" Doc says jovially. It's like he's been reset. He shrugs Grian's hands off of his shoulders and turns to the ascending stairs. For lack of anything better to do, Grian follows.
Conveniently, the door right next to the stairs has a hot pink laser-engraved nameplate with the word "Grain" on it and embossed turquoise flowers along the bottom edge.
"Hier ist your rööm, desu," Doc says, holding the door open and bowing his head like Sebastian does in Kuroshitsuji.
All the throw pillows have a black-and-off-white chevron pattern. The bed is so massive that it takes up three quarters of the room's floorspace, and the comforter that covers the whole thing is neon, striped, and furry, like someone skinned a Yo Gabba Gabba character for the Christmas fireplace-rug.
The canopy covering the bed is layered pink tulle wrapped with lit fairy lights. Grian looks up at the ceiling for a sprinkler for this fire hazard and finds none. The ceiling is made of pocked, dingy, and water-stained tiles like every public school ever. The walls are pink, and have stylized decals of "girly things" like the Eiffel tower and flamingos.
"Wait, is that..?" Grian squints, unsure that what he's seeing is real. "Is that a fathead of David Cameron on the wall?"
Grian makes the vocal equivalent of a shrug in response to his own question. "Oddly contemporary, I suppose..? Maybe someone's got opinions."
"Do you like it, desu?" Doc asks. He's so close that Grian can smell, oddly enough, vanilla perfume in the air.
Grian jumps out of his skin. "Buggering--! Christ, wear a bell!"
Doc does not move. He is still uncomfortably close.
Fed up, Grian snaps, "Social distance."
With a laugh, Doc walks backward. He keeps walking until his back hits the pink wall, then he scoots left along the wall until he hits the doorframe, as he backs out of the room, he says, "Ja, ich will now perform social distancing with mein five meters."
The words are dreadful, settling into Grian's bones like a curse. He does not want to know the significance of Doc's five meters. He feels faint.
Well, no, he's actually faint. He stumbles toward the monstrosity bed so as not to crack his head open on the floor when he passes out.
"G'night," he mumbles deliriously.
A/N: OH NOEESSSS!!1! grain fainted!!!1!!1 what happens next?? ehehe leave a reveiw for next chapter >:^)
grian: WHOSE THIS GRAIN?????
me: O.o i sowwy grian-sama pls forgive watashi...
grian: humph.... *crosses arms angrily* your lucky your cute...
me: OMG grian-sama thinks watashi is kawaii??? :D
pearl: NO WAy hes MINE!!!!!!!!!!
me: back off b!tch!!!!!!!!11!@
grian: iam sorry pearl but i love author-chan not u........ we can still be nakama though
pearl: *runs away cryeing*
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 8 months
it did tickle me but...would've been a lot better if it woke me up at like...9am and not in the wee hours of the morning 😔😔
you make me laugh ALL THE TIME brie pls remember that!!
DARK HAIR GREEN EYES IS HE A TREE? completely unrelated question...would you climb him like a tree.
ohhh thats so sad :( maybe one day they'll come to your city ??? if you do get to go to a con you should SO post a pic because i'd love to see more of you tbh (NOT IN A CREEPY WAY IDK IM SORRY IF IT CAME OFF LIKE THAT)
I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO APPRECIATE MY GUY FRIEND YES. but like.....last week he called me ma'am......LIKE THAT HAS TO MEAN SOMETHING GOOD RIGHT??? WHEN I TELL YOU THAT I ALMOST THREW MY PHONE WHEN I SAW THAT NOTIF POP UP. he's kinda flirty and ig he's playing dumb?? i have no clue cuz he's SO hard to read but there were times when we totally could've left each other on seen but we didn't so i assume that's also a good sign..
STAY SAFE W THIS FRIEND GROUP OKAY??? you are probably NOT the problem....people that are 'in tune' with their emotions are usually still VERY unhinged and NOT in control (they're just good at acting like they are) and besides!! it seems like you have a lot more personality than them HAHAHAH
HMM ALRIGHT?? I GUESS SCHOOL IS THE PROBLEM THEN AHHAHAHA.....(it's never really that funny is it 😔😔) best of wishes to you!! you got this <3333333
If nothing else my favorite think to do is analyze mr. lee jihoon it’s a great self-study, my new senior thesis
He is a tree…. But he’s the mc’s so i will refrain from climbing him 🫠
ILL SHOW YOU A PIC FROM ANIME CON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST!! I hope that spn comes close to me sometime though! I’d love to see them irl someday
Hmmm uh I don’t know how good him calling you ma’am is tbh… is he a sub IT WOULD BE GOOD IF HE’S A SUB… kinda flirty and dumb huh…. I don’t know if he’s flirty and dumb maybe he’s just a himbo… but i don’t know that last thing DOES seem like a green flag
YOU ARE ACTUALLY SO FUNNY it’s never really that funny…. 😂😂😂
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zarazmnie-cos · 2 years
my tumblr just crashed I hope it didn’t send some half written ask in >.< but idk if you see it when I comment on the color post for you so I’m sending it here :D
Green, scarlet, periwinkle, mauve, blush, fuchsia, vermilion, honeydew (also my fav fruit), umber, razzmatazz, saffron, plum, tangerine, burgundy <3
dumblr get yo shit together would ya???? oh boi, thats a whole damn rainbow and im here for it, lets go. from this game!
green - i think you're cute.
why are so many people think im cute???? i am not????
scarlet - you have influenced my decision/thoughts on something
im so confused rn but i hope it was for the better!!! or that it wasn't something dangerous!! take care though and in case, i'm here to help you decide, bUT I'D LIKE TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO DECIDED ON OKAY??
periwinkle - you make me laugh
hehe, good. g o o d. i love making people laugh tbh
this one will be longer, so here's a cut!
mauve - you are really talented
well, i'd say it's more experience. i remember my first-ever works in polish and then in english and i hope to forget about it lol
blush - seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better
GOOD!!!! im here to brighten up your days and make you smile!!!! and also for you all to have someone to talk to!!!! i want you all to smile bcuz of me everyday or at least every time i post <3
fuchsia - your blog content is gold
pls it's 90% filthy trash and 10% shitpost, yall really think it's gold???
vermilion - you make me feel passionate
oh my- i never expected to inspire someone??? especially with the horny shit i write??? but i'm happy to see that someone feels like it bcuz of me <3
honeydew - i want to call you by a nickname
GO FOR IT!!!! LET'S GO!!!!! i'm ness and i'm here for you to call me like that!!!! or any other nickname you come up with!!! let's get that moot shit
i have never eaten a honeydew but know i want to try it
umber - i want to know more about you
lets go. what do you want to know? i won't give you my phone number or bank account, though. but if you uwant to know about me, just ask!!!! whether through dms or inbox, i'm ready to tell something about me!!!
razzmatazz - i would share my favorite food with you
i- no one really shares food with me since i'm usually the one who cooks for my friends or gives them food and now i'm super touched :((((( i love food and i love you :((( you're so precious my dear!!!!
saffron - i love your ideas
would it be narcissistic if i told yall i love them too? but thank you, it means a lot, seriously!!! whenever i will doubt my ideas, i will come back here and read it through once again <3
plum - i'd like to chat with you
LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. my dms and inbox is always open, come in and text me!!!!! don't be afraid, i'm not a spider!!! but it can take me some time to write back, which i'm sorry for :(((
tangerine - i love your aesthetic
SKFJBSIRBV THANK YOU!!! i'm trying to stay with the red color on my theme but these anime caps are kind of hard to find and later crop. but still i'm happy it looks good and that someone likes it :((
burgundy - i get excited when i see posts from you
AND I GET EXCITED WHEN I SEE YOUR ASKS!!!! actually i get excited when i see any asks or comment or reblog with nice words lmao its just that interactions makes me happy because i don't feel like im throwing my works into a void!!!!! that's why i treasure every ask, comment and kind words in my heart and i just love you all :(((
whew i managed to get through all these colors and once again THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR INTERACTING WITH ME!!!! ily <3
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urfav-gurleo · 3 days
Funny Guy || Jerome Valeska 🃏♥️🎪
Authors note : Pls be nice bc this was a story I wrote a long time ago! Also enjoy I guess ( I’m deleting it off my Wattpad so I decided to put it here)
Warnings: nothing ig
I was sitting at the dinning table , clicking my ankles against each other waiting. My dad across the table from me, gave me a small grin, " He'll be here any minute now ", he looked at his watch, " I tell you y/n , this guy is quite a character ", he laughed to himself. I tapped my nails against my plate. My meal not ate yet, so to the company not being there yet.
I looked out the big black window at the dark smoky sky of Gotham. This place was like Hell's playground during the night. You couldn't pay me a million dollars to roam the streets at this hour. Clash! Shattered a window behind me. I jumped, then looked around at the figure that bursted in.
It was the first time , I'd seen him. Him, who I couldn't name yet. But I immediately found him attractive, not knowing anything about him. He was tall , ginger hair and pale skin.  But it was his smile... the thing that caught my eye. It had a natural reddish tint, I wanted to kiss them lips. Once he was in the room, he looked down at the shattered glass of a mess he said , " Sorry bout that, I like to make an entrance ", he smirked at me as he came from behind me and placed his green gloved hands on the head of my seat, " Hey Gorgeous, I'm Jerome", he whispered in my ear before sitting down in a seat near me. My dad gave a pay attention cough towards Jerome, " So Mr. Valeska, do you know why you're here?", he asked him.
Jerome smiled like an 5 year old in a school photo, " Because you wanted to congratulate me on my various achievements ", he winked at me . I sunk into my seat, oh god he was hot. My dad rolled his eyes at both of us, " No, and frankly I would like your circus play to stay out of this business meeting "
"Business meeting?", I broke my silence, raised in my seat. My hand stretched out across the table, almost touching Jerome's. My dad smiled, " Good thing you're showing some initiative y/n , because you will need to know this", my dad then explained why exactly Jerome was here.
Apparently since I was my dad's "campaign manager ", a term I was given so I had something to do in my free time, I just had to know my dad's most recent plan. Jerome, happened to be a sociopath who agreed to helping my dad getting in office by being a diabolically criminal for my dad then to be the hero and put a stop to his crimes. Now this is were I different from most people. If someone found out you politically corrupt dad had hired a psychopath to commit actual crimes and just get away with it, wouldn't you want to run from the hills of both your dad and Jerome. But to even my Dad's surprise, I just shrugged and said," Ok."
Dad got a sudden phone call, and had to leave the room, " I gotta take this, y'all get acquainted because y'all are kinda business partners."
Once my dad left, I grilled, " So you're a Sociopath, cute", I smiled pulling my brown hair behind my ears. Jerome gave a mischievous smile and an evil laugh, " I prefer the term ' method actor', but since your so pretty... I'll let u slide ", he played with the neckline of his red house coat. I tried not to blush," Why are you complimenting me, do you assume that I find you attractive or something "
He didn't flinch or even bat an eyebrow at my attempt to scare him. He seemed completely calm and casual as he responded, " Look baby, I'm not a fool, a clown but not a fool ", he pulled a rose from his sleeve and laid it on the table infront of me," But I happen to be quite smart, especially when it comes to reading the room. So why don't you explain to me why you can't keep your eyes of me ?", he said it in a huh tone, like he knew he was making me feel stupid. I didn't have words to respond with, so I just decided to flirt myself out of the situation.
I put my hand up to Jerome's chin , saying in a baby voice ," C'mon , you can't possibly be troubling a helpless girl like me", I fell into his lap, my hand still resting on his sharp jaw.
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For a second he just looked down at me , holding me in his arms against his chest. He twisted my hair around his finger," Your curiosity allures me", I sat up in his lap, putting my hands around his shoulders, " I'll admit, I like you ", I dropped my head down against him, my green knitted sweater rolled up, causing my stomach to brush against his chest. Jerome glared in my soul, his green eyes piecing through my skin. He put one of his hands on my waist and rested his other hand ( his thumb to be precise) on my lips, " You have thin lips", he teased rubbing my bottom lip between his fingers like sand paper, " I can fix that", he whispered in a sexy tone.
It wasn't long before I was leading him down to my room...
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edgaralienpoe · 1 year
hi, i’m back as promised. my actual reactions are under this post (and it’s reblogs) it’s well documented 🤣 also forgive me!! this ask is quite a long one 😭
we’re in on it for the same reason!! 🙃 i discovered park jihoon earlier last year bc of at a distance spring is green and i was hearing news abt this new show he’d be in that his character strays away from the boy next door types he’d been playing.
initially, i thought the show was quite unrealistic (the part where they managed to successfully stop some huge scheme that was going on, yeah, high schoolers?? fr??) and i hate seeing that in shows that someone mirror reality but i changed my mindset, started just looking over the unrealistic parts and immersed myself in the found family of the trio 🥹 (big mistake, really fucked myself up there). also it’s true what you mentioned abt the violence bc it’s somewhat a peek into why people did what they did to survive in the hellhole of a school (or show lol)
i thought it was well done for something so short (minus the first quarter or first half 😭) specially loved it when we started seeing into the trio more? I LOVED THEM SO MUCH AND I KNOW THAT IF CIRCUMSTANCES WERE DIFFERENT THEY COULD’VE BEEN REALLY GREAT FRIENDS! you can’t tell me otherwise :(
about bumseok, my thoughts in the posts/rbs are not representatives of how i think of him today pls do not take me seriously 😭 i was just rlly mad at him and looking for someone to blame when i knew (or know now that) it’s not his fault. i think all he ever wanted was a place where he felt like he belonged and for acceptance and for ppl to look at him as their equal rather than smth to look down on. while i think he really misinterpreted the situation with sooho, we also can’t blame him for feeling that way bc it’s all his ever seen so far :( i hurt for all three of them but presently, i hurt for bumseok most bc i know that everything he did wasn’t his fault (it was his decisions to do the things he did, yes, but everything leading up to were beyond him).
what hurts more is that nothing will ever be the same from this point on and there’s no happy reunion for them (also weak hero the webtoon is more on sieun’s life in that new school). and even if they meet each other further down the line, i don’t think i’d like to be happily friends with someone behind my being a comatose and we just have to live with that conclusion.
if there are specific points you want to talk to me with, feel free to do so bc i need prompts to bring up those traumatic memories (the show) HAHA i’m just thrilled that someone else has watched the show bc i have been suffering in silence for a MONTH. i actually got sad for days after watching it so i feel you. i hope talking to someone else abt it helps with the post-show depression 😭
ok so I just woke up and I wrote so much... I don't think my phone nor Tumblr are gonna like that://
some clothing piece that was rEd and read 'keep pushing' at the back like a warning or maybe it was positive. then bumseok being almost naked while his dad was hitting him, when he's generally fully covered and you can even see his arms when he's at school or hanging out -could also be to hide bruises and stuff :((- 
like you, bumseok made me feel so conflicted, cause we kinda know why he ended like he did but also, a person can't just excuse everything on their trauma.
I loved the first scene on episode eight, when the three of them were together but sieun is left alone, because that's just how the show started and sadly, how it ended. and like you said, even if they find each other I don't think it would be the same because all of them hurted so much from that to the point that I don't think they're the same people anymore, would you like to see them back together? A lot of people want to.
who was your favorite character? What made them your fave? (I saw you talking about keep watching because of suho but maybe that changed)  do you think there was something else between suho and bumseok? I saw people take the whole situation as bumseok having a crush on suho -that would make sense because of how impulsive he got - but then some people took it as bumseok just wanting to be like suho and reading too much into what he was doing (kind of what you said) again sO complex
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mrcrawly · 2 years
here's more encanto stuff cuz u guys ate it up
- Abuela slander is stupid as hell. you could say she was abusive in some ways, but she clearly wants to change for her kids and grandkids. she LEARNED. i don't really think they should have forgiven her that quickly either but it was better for them to find closure. it should have been more about "i understand why you did this, and i know you only thought you were doing was best for everyone. i appreciate what you have done for us and i love you despite your shortcomings, but you have to earn complete forgiveness." that being said stop hating on Abuela. it got old very fast
- Camilo is a fantastic character with so much potential and who deserved more screen time. with that being said, Dolores deserves the same if not more hype
- i like to think that after the events of the film, Mirabel (plus maybe Julieta? some of the other kids?) got together to either fix or replace Bruno's ruana since it's pretty old and probably gross. it would be green ofc, but it would probably be more vibrant and have all sorts of fun little designs. maybe an hourglass or sand, a few mice, golden butterflies, caterpillars, flowers, etc. kinda like Mirabel's skirt but much more subtle and unique to Bruno's personality & liking
- call me a fatherless child but i feel like because bruno doesn't want any child to grow up the way he did (ostracized, antagonized, having to suppress themselves for others) he would sort of serve a replacement father figure or just generally a safe, supportive adult for the kids of the encanto so they would always have someone to come to. he'd be pretty nervous and on edge around infants but when it comes to children (5 and older or something like that) he knows exactly what to do. also he'd be a fantastic babysitter
- Isabela paints to express herself, either with just regular paints or she uses the stuff from her plants she can make
- Bruno has nicknames for all of his nieces and nephews. like he might call Camilo "engañador" and Luisa "hércules" or "pequeña dama" ironically (also if the Spanish is incorrect pls tell me i know very very little spanish as i am a native English speaker)
- Bruno is also very good with animals :) of course he has his little rats but i feel like he would have a very strong compassion for animals of all kinds, especially those that are injured, stray/abandoned pets, and lost baby animals
- this is sort of sad and of course you can disagree but i feel like Bruno likes acting because he felt like no one likes who he ACTUALLY was since he got his gift, so to cope he learned how to be like and copy other people and entertain, because that was the only time when people DID like him and accept him (does that make sense?)
- i feel like Camilo would like theatre for similar reasons. he never felt like anybody wanted him just as he was when he was himself, so he learned not only that he loved acting, but it was also something his gift was good for. he probably felt really useless as a kid, cause think about it: shapeshifting into only people doesn't have a lot of practical useless, so he found a way to be useful without having to be himself. hope that makes sense
- i feel like Bruno would connect the most with Camilo, Luisa, Isabela, and Dolores. Of course Mirabel as well, but that goes without saying.
i hope this was good !! i tried to keep these as respectful as i could. keep in mind i am not Latino, so if i said anything inaccurate about the culture or anything, please inform me. im still learning about Latin American cultures and im trying as best i can to keep my little white nose out of places where it does not belong. that being said, i have no ill intent and i hope this made someone happy :)
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hyogonokitsune · 3 years
hi love!!! I would please like to request something so jdneoe please I'm all blushy while thinking but imagine iwaizumi fucking you in front of the mirror in the locker room after hearing the Japan team talking about you, his precious girlfriend, how they would use you as some fucktoy, he knows you deserve way more than that
hajime knows all the players were watching by the door how you were almost breaking from the pleasure he was giving you, too lost in it you didn't even know they were there
pls this is basically mirror sex and unknown voyeurism for the reader 😭😭😭😭
ofc if you don feel comfortable you don't have to do it!! thanks a lot
this is my first-ever request, so as a prize you win a kissaroo from me to u 😘 this was a very fun idea anon, so thank you for sending it in! I was also blushing while writing it ksjdksdduhjd          
actual locker room talk, (semi-nonconsensual) voyeurism, mirror sex, overstimulation, creampie
2200 words
watching -- iwaizumi hajime x reader
He knew it wasn’t your fault; after all, you couldn’t help how cute you were. You couldn’t help the way the fabric of your skirt clung to your hips, the way the neckline of your blouse dipped down when you bent forward, revealing just a little too much skin. You certainly couldn’t help yourself from gazing at your boyfriend with those cute little bedroom eyes each time you visited him at work; it was a look that he learned early on was unintentional, it was simply your natural reaction to seeing him, and it was one of the little things he loved about you. That gaze was reserved for him and him alone, and it only appeared on your face when you thought no one else was watching.
But someone was always watching you; they just couldn’t help themselves, not when somebody as cute as you was wandering around the gym, trailing after Iwaizumi like a lost puppy, your sweet laughter echoing around the room. The looks they caught you giving to your boyfriend, a small indicator of what you were like behind closed doors, made it difficult for them to not fantasize about you.
Iwaizumi knew this, and to some extent he didn’t mind. Having a gorgeous girlfriend inevitably meant that other guys were going to think about her a little too much, but it didn’t matter what they thought to themselves, because at the end of the day it was him that you went home to.
What he did mind, however, was the way they talked about you. Crowded into the locker room after practice, unaware that he was just outside the open door, the team didn’t hold anything back.
“Did ya see what Y/n was wearing today?” Atsumu asked no one in particular. “That dress didn’t leave much to the imagination, huh?”
“Pretty sure she wasn’t wearing anything underneath,” Hinata said.
“Yeah, I saw the way you were starin’ at her,” Atsumu laughed.
“Can you blame me? When she bent over to pick up that ball….”
Someone whistled then, a low, long note. Several other voices murmured their agreement.
“If she’s looking for some balls to hold, I wouldn’t mind helping her out.” More laughter sounded out; Iwaizumi’s jaw clenched. He was frozen on the spot, unable to tear himself away from the disgusting conversation.
“Yeah? Why don’t you tell her that next time she comes around.”
“Bet she gives crazy good head.”
“Girls like that always do.”
“Fuck, I wouldn’t mind hitting that.”
“She’d probably just lie there and take it, too.”
“Not like I’d want anything else outta her, though.”
Their laughter rang out. Iwaizumi had finally had enough, forcing himself to turn and walk away; it probably wouldn’t have been a good look if the team’s athletic trainer wound up putting them in the hospital.
He definitely knew it wasn’t your fault; not you, his lovely girlfriend who had never asked for any of that attention. The fact that you just existing could elicit such disrespectful comments made him feel more frustration than he knew what to do with. More than the knowledge that other guys were thinking about fucking his girlfriend, he was more bothered by the way they had spoken about you, as if you were just a piece of meat, something interesting for them to play with. He knew better, knew that you were someone to cherish and take care of, someone he had gone out of his way to make feel good countless times.
But he also knew that their comments were, in the end, harmless. He certainly was never going to relay them to you, and as long as you could stay happy, blissfully unaware of what was being said about you, Iwaizumi could shoulder the burden of knowing the team’s true thoughts. He had managed to calm himself down by the next time he saw them, and was successfully managing to ignore what he had overheard.
Up until the next time you stopped by the gym.
When he spotted you across the court, chatting innocently to Ushijima and Atsumu, something in him snapped. He was hyperaware of the lustful way Atsumu was looking down at you, the way the muscles in Ushijima’s arm tensed when you playfully shoved him on the shoulder, laughing at something he had said. It was one thing to listen to the team talk about wanting to fuck you; actually seeing it so plainly on their faces was something else entirely.
Before he was aware of his own intentions, Iwaizumi was making his way over to you, putting a protective arm around your shoulders and tugging you away from the others.
“Y/n,” he said, his voice sounding oddly clipped. “Can you come with me for a second?” He was already leading you away before you could respond.
“Hajime? Is something wrong?” you asked, looking up at him. You could see the muscles in his cheek tensing as he clenched his jaw.
“No, baby,” he said, but you weren’t entirely convinced.
“Okay, because it seems like something’s bothering you,” you pressed as he led you into the team’s locker room.
“Nothing’s bothering me.” He pushed your back up against the row of sinks, large hands firmly gripping your waist. “Just wanted to touch you,” he said, head bending down to press hot kisses into your neck.
“Hajime, not here!” you said, but you made no effort to push him away. You sighed, melting into his touch, hands grasping at the fabric of his shirt as his mouth moved up to your ear, teeth nipping at the soft skin.
“Why not, princess?” he asked, voice low and husky. “Don’t you wanna see how cute you are?”
Turning you around, he pressed his chest up against your spine, hand weaving into your hair to tilt your head back so that he could kiss down your throat. You stared at your reflection in the mirror with wide eyes, gasping as his teeth sank into your skin.
“Don’t you wanna see what you look like when I’m fucking you?”
Your heart was pounding, legs trembling as his hands roamed over your body, lifting up your shirt and tugging down your bra to reveal your breasts. Your nipples hardened when the cold air hit them; Iwaizumi’s fingers brushed over them, pinching and rolling, making you moan softly.
“P-please, Hajime,” you said breathlessly, feeling his cock pressing into your ass. You grinded back against him, desperate for more contact. The wetness was growing between your thighs, soaking through your panties.
“Hmm?” he hummed in your ear. One of his hands moved under your skirt, tugging your panties down and letting them fall to your knees. “What do you want, princess?” he asked, sliding a finger along your pussy, making you squirm.
“Want your cock, please, baby, need it so badly,” you begged. In the mirror, you saw him grin over your shoulder. He tugged down his shorts and boxers just enough to free his cock, before flipping your skirt up over your hips to get a better view of you. He dragged the head of his cock between the folds of your pussy, his touch teasing.
“This what you want?” he asked, the tone of his voice making you shiver. You nodded, biting your bottom lip in anticipation. He pressed into you, groaning at the sight of your eyes fluttering shut as his thick cock stretched you out. His hands gripped your hips firmly as he bottomed out; you clenched around him, drawing another low groan from his lips. “Fuck, baby, you’re so tight.”
Iwaizumi loved the look on your face in the mirror, with your head thrown back and eyes squeezed tight, breath coming out in shallow pants as he started thrusting into you. It was clear that you had no thoughts other than how good he felt inside you, desperately wanting him to make you cum; but a part of his mind was thinking of something else. He was thinking about the fact that practice was almost over, and any minute now the team would be heading back to the locker room to find you there, shamelessly moaning from the way that he was fucking you.
“Open your eyes, princess,” he told you. “I want you to look at yourself while I fuck you.” You immediately obeyed, staring, mesmerized, at your boyfriend’s face in the mirror, his dark green eyes boring into you.
His cock was hitting that spot deep inside your cunt, making your whole body tremble. He dug his fingers into your hips, gripping you harshly as he fucked into you. Your pussy was tightening around him, letting him know how close you were getting.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he groaned, mouth sucking on the skin of your neck again. “Who’re you so wet for, baby?”
“Y-you, Hajime—oh, fuck—only you,” you gasped out, surprised by how much you were loving being able to watch yourself getting fucked. Your cheeks were flushed, hot breath fogging up the mirror as you came closer and closer to your release. “F-fuck, please don’t stop, baby, I’m g-gonna cum—god!” You had barely gotten the last word out before your orgasm washed over you, eyes closing again at the intense pleasure.
You were too wrapped up in your own world to notice the sound of footsteps getting closer, but Iwaizumi was all too aware of them. He was looking at the door in the mirror when the team appeared there, grinning to himself at the stunned expressions on their faces. He put a hand on your back, pressing you down until your chest was lying flat on the counter.
“You want more, baby?” he asked you, just loud enough for the others to hear.
“Yes,” you moaned, head nodding against the cool surface of the counter. “Feels so good…”
Iwaizumi started thrusting into you harder, the sound of his balls slapping against your cunt echoing throughout the room. You were quickly coming undone, breathing shallow and fast as your nails grasped at the surface beneath you. His name left your lips over and over, begging him to go harder, faster, to give you more.
He loved the way you felt around him, loved how easy it was for him to completely wreck you. Your cunt was clenching so hard around his cock, drawing him back in each time his hips pulled away from you.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” he murmured into your ear as one of his hands reached around to play with your clit, the added sensation making your spine arch. “You wanna cum again, princess?”
“Mm hmm,” you whimpered, unable to say much else. You could hardly catch your breath with the relentless pace he set, the feeling of his cock so deep in your pussy making your mind go blank. He was rubbing tight circles over your clit, the friction sending you over the edge again.
With one cheek pressed into the counter, Iwaizumi could see half your face as you were cumming. He smiled at the way your mouth fell open, no sound coming out as he continued to rock his hips into you, not giving you a break for a second. He glanced up at the mirror again to find the whole team still standing in the doorway, watching intently as he fucked you better than they ever could. Several of them were palming themselves through their shorts, desire plain on their faces.
He increased his pace even more, fingers still playing with your clit, making you cry out. Your whole body was shaking underneath him; the sight of it drove him mad.
“T-too much, Hajime!” you wailed, but the look in your eyes as you gazed up at his face pleaded for him to keep going. The overstimulation was electrifying every part of your body, a tingling sensation running up and down your limbs as his cock slammed into you relentlessly.
“One more, princess,” he said, never stopping his movements. “You’re gonna cum for me one more time.” It wasn’t a question or a request, but a clear order. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from his, even as they watered from the intense pleasure, your vision blurring, body shaking uncontrollably.
“Fuck, fuck! Hajime!” you screamed out as your pussy clenched around him again, eyes rolling back. A string of curses and moans flew past your lips, dissolving into unintelligible babbling. If he hadn’t been gripping your hip so tightly, you would have collapsed from the intensity of your orgasm, knees trembling wildly.
Iwaizumi couldn’t hold back anymore. He leaned down over you, chest pressing into your back and lips latching onto your throat as he came, spilling his load inside of you. “You’re so amazing, baby,” he whispered, his words intended only for your ears.
Panting hard, he pulled out of you, fixing your clothes into place before tucking himself back into his shorts. Pressing one last kiss into the back of your neck, he looked up at the mirror. The hard look he gave the guys still standing in the open doorway was more than clear; without needing a word from him, they all turned to leave before you could sit up and notice them.
Iwaizumi wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you in close to plant a kiss on your temple. He led you out of the locker room, grinning at the way the team stared at you in the hallway, their eyes moving to look at his cum slowly dripping down your inner thigh.
➣ masterlist
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elles-writing · 3 years
Daughter Moments
Request: Hello! I’ve read your imagines they are sooo good! I was wondering if I can request a Kili x daughter reader? The ploy can be anything you want but the reader has to be kilis daughter pls? Thankyou!!❤️
Requested by @imagines4everyone
A/N: First of all, thank you so much!! I hope you will like it!
Then also...The ending is my favourite.
Triggers: mentions of injuries, scars, angst, feels (if there's any more, let me know please!)
Tags: @guardianofrivendell @dumbassunderthemountain @imagines4everyone
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Kili took a deep breath, as he looked over Dale. The town was beautiful, and he was lucky to be able to look at it during sunrise, every day, before he had to get back to his duties.
He felt the soft wind, running through his hair, and sun glittered in his deep brown eyes. He thought of his wife and daughter, and his mouth had soft dreamy smile in second.
When Kili came back to their shared chambers, he noticed Tauriel, gently stroking their ten months old Y/N's cheek.
"How are my two beautiful girls?" He chuckled, and his eyes were soft, as he looked down at his daughter and wife.
"Papa!" Y/N suddenly let out, and Tauriel and Kili looked at each other in shock and surprise. Their daughter just said her first word!
"You did it, Y/N! You did it!" Kili cried out, and started dancing across the room with his daughter in his arms. You giggled, and Tauriel watched the moment with tears in her eyes.
Five years later
"What are you doing?" You frowned, when you noticed your father.
Kili was trying to make a surprise for Tauriel - his wife's birthday was a very special day to him, as well as your birthday - and this year, as any other, it was something sweet. Last year he made her a pair of twin daggers and got all her favourite sweets from bakeries around Dale.
This year, he decided to bake a cake.
Needless to say, it was very funny.
To watch, obviously.
You sat up on the chair, and Kili put his hands on his hips. You looked into the bowl, and giggled. You tasted a bit of it, and frowned.
"Uncle Fili said you can't bake, daddy." You shook your head. Kili nervously looked at you.
"What did uncle Fili say?" You looked at your dad, and decided to tell him everything.
"Well, Uncle Fili said you cannot bake, and that you only eat in the kitchen, and he was right," you said. Kili looked at the light-coloured dough.
"It is salty," you said, and Kili's eyes widened. He slapped his forehead.
"I really switched sugar and salt," Kili sat down to the table, and put his chin on his hands. You wanted to say something, but you noticed his eyes were filling with tears. You jumped off of the chair, and walked to him.
"Why are you crying, daddy?"
"I'm not crying," he said, and got up.
"Can I help you?" You gave him your best puppy-eye look, and Kili sighed.
You just had to get this from him.
When you finally finished the cake, the sun was rising, but you and Kili fell asleep, sitting by the table.
The finished cake was, however, worth it.
Twelve years later
"What did you say?" Kili frowned at you. You shrugged.
"What do you mean?" Kili's usually kind brown eyes had a spark of anger in them.
"That I don't care about you."
"Oh, this. Well, because it's true! You literally make any guy run away from me, and then you make me stay inside! How am I supposed to get to know at least one?"
"You have still enough time for boys." Your father shook his head, as if he tried to get out the idea of dating out as quickly as he could.
"Fine. But if anyone asks, it's your fault," you said half-upset, half-joking.
You almost opened the door, when you heard your father speak.
"You know I want you to have someone who truly loves you," you turned around.
"I...I, um..." Kili deeply sighed. He felt a bit of guilt about the misunderstanding.
"Sit down, please." You did as he said, and he gently took your hands to his.
"When I met your mother, I knew she was...the One. My One. I fell for her even more, when we talked for the first time. And a few years later, there was also you. I was holding you after you were born, and I promised I will make sure you will have the same kind of love, the person you will roll your eyes at, but know you wouldn't want them any other way."
"Dad, I-"
"I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just worried about you and want the best for you, but...the problem is, that in my eyes, nobody is good enough for you. I know you think it's the other way, but, it isn't. At least to me." You felt tears in your eyes.
"What do you think...mom would say?" You quietly whispered, as you felt tears in your eyes. He took a deep breath, probably to try to stop tears, too.
"Your mother would...secretly agree with me, but let you...let you go on an adventure, as long as you promise you are safe." Kili blinked to stop a tear, and sadly chuckled.
"You never know who you meet on an adventure."
You took his hands into yours, and gave him sad smile.
"She is alive. Trying to find her way back, from the orcs. Mom is a fighter."
"I believe too," he said, and looked outside. The sun slid across his face, and made his eyes spark, and showed you the way they used to shine when your mother was still there.
It's been a few months since you and your father talked, and you were on a ride from Hobbition. You liked to visit Bilbo and Frodo, and, as always, told each other news. When you almost got to Rivendell, you noticed someone lying down - with red hair. You stopped your horse, and jumped off of it.
You felt a rush of shock, when you realized who it was. She was full of cuts, but breathing.
You got to Rivendell safely, and when Lindir saw you, you let out just a whisper.
"Help her,"
You had no idea how did you end up in the working space of lord Elrond.
But, having soft blanket over your shoulders and sipping warm tea, after the shock, you wouldn't complain.
"Can I see her?" You whispered. Lord Elrond talked to a healer, and both of them looked at you.
"Your mother is asleep now," the healer carefully said. You nodded.
"Is she-"
"She is alive. We cleaned her injuries, and luckily, they were not even infected yet. You found her just in the right moment." You let out a breath. It felt like a huge weight fell off of your shoulders.
"Get some rest, princess Y/N. It will be good." The healer said, and helped you to get to other chambers, you guessed for guests. You laid down to bed, and fell asleep. You didn't even notice the healer turned around in the door, and slightly bowed, before he walked away.
You woke up into bright sunlight. You realized it was afternoon, and when you properly woke up, you found out you slept almost whole day and night.
When you took a bath and changed into light dress, you decided to go ask healer how was your mother doing.
You carefully knocked on the door. Someone slowly opened the door, and you realized it was the healer you already knew. After a short talk, he told you to get some rest. You decided to listen to him.
You didn't expect to fall asleep next to the bushes of lavender in Rivendell gardens, but the sweet, calming scent was strong.
You woke up with slight headache, and sat aside from the plants. You watched the sunset, and yawned. You also realized you haven't eaten whole day, and looked around for some fruit. You got up, and soon you found a few servants, who were actually looking for you, and as they mentioned dinner, you had no more questions.
At the dinner, you noticed the male healer you met earlier. You blushed when he noticed you looking at him, but he didn't do anything. Later, he catched your eyes again, and send you a tiny smile. You felt yourself smile as well.
After the dinner, Lindir walked you to your chambers. You took a bath, and when you got dressed, you opened your window and put a pillow and a blanket on the floor, to continue watching the sunset, and look at the stars. The sky was bright, and the fresh air made you feel lot better.
You got back to bed, but left the window open.
Your felt familiar smell, as you woke up. For a moment, you were five again, in your chambers in Erebor, and it was your birthday. Only other thing was the itchy feeling on your arms and legs.
Damn mosquitos.
"I didn't mean to wake you, wildflower," you gasped and sat up, wide awake.
It was really her. Your mother, her red hair shining in the morning sun, looking at you.
Her face was full of cuts,which were in process of healing, and fading scars. Her hair was literally chopped off, now down to her chin.
Her green eyes were, however, full of motherly love. Just as you always knew them.
"This-this is a dream!" You let out a cry. She hug you tightly, and let out a cry too.
"I'm so glad you're safe..."
"What happened to you?" You whispered, as your arms tightened around her, afraid of it being just a dream.
"The orcs prisoned me, I tried to escape, but I was weak and didn't have any weapons. This time, I was finally lucky," she whispered, as she brushed your hair by her fingers.
"I'm here, Y/N. I promise it isn't a dream. I was fighting to run away every single day, and nothing could keep me away from you anymore."
Later that day, you sat down, to write a letter to Erebor.
Dear father,
I had to stay in Rivendell for longer, but, as you will find out - it was worth it...
Two years later
"Kili," Tauriel frowned at her husband. Kili looked at his wife with raised eyebrow.
"It's a boy, Tauriel!"
"She's my little girl! She was born like...yesterday," Kili wiped off a tear from the corner of his eye.
"Well, our little girl is having a lovely partner. You will like him." Kili's eyes widened, and Tauriel tried not to laugh.
"You already met him? And didn't tell me?!"
"Well..." Tauriel would roll her eyes. Her husband was literally freaking out.
She didn't have the heart to tell him the reason you went to Rivendell or Mirkwood was because of your love, not because of political...anything.
Before she answered, you walked in, nervously smiling at both of them.
"I have, um...someone I want to introduce to you," you said. Your mother nodded at you with smile, and you sighed and patted your father's shoulder.
"It's fine, dad." You opened the door, and 'the elven healer from Rivendell', as you knew him two years ago, walked in.
"Mum, dad...this is, um, my boyfr-"
"Nice to meet you," Tauriel said, but looked at her husband by the corner of her eye.
"So...you are the elf my daughter is courting," Kili said, and you looked at your boyfriend. Him and your father were watching each other, and you gently took your lover's hand into yours, worried they might start fighting. Until...
They both broke a smile.
"Nice to meet you, Prince Kili. Y/N has told me a lot of good things about you."
"Y/N, would you come and prepare some tea with me?" Your mother asked you, and you both got out of the room.
You listened their conversation, talking about your meeting, and, your dad's, and your lover's, favourite - archery.
"I can't believe it!" You said, whispering.
"I know," your mother tried to hold in laugh.
"They literally-"
"Yes. Seems like they go along well."
"Now my dad will spend more time with my lover than I do," you pretend to be dramatic, but secretly you thought if it wouldn't be better if they didn't like each other.
You walked back in the room, with cups with steaming tea.
"Don't worry. Both of them know who are the best archers in the family," Your mother gave you a smile, and you proudly nodded, as you placed the cups down on table.
"That's not true, I always let you win!" They said at the same time, and you and your mother shared a look.
Later that day, you were with your father in the gardens. He was enjoying the quiet evening, and you were reading.
"You know...you said, about boys...that nobody would be good enough for me. In your eyes."
"Yeah." He nodded, and turned towards you.
"So, um...what do you think, now when you met my boyfriend?" You nervously waited for his answer.
"I think...I would never expect to say this, but...I approve him." You let out a laugh.
"Just because you're both good at archery?" He rolled his eyes.
"I wanted to say he seems to be very nice, but that too. We gotta keep the skill in family, don't we?" You shook your head and snorted with laugh.
"As well as recognizing elf men and elf maids." You started laughing when you noticed your father's wide eyes and flushed cheeks under his beard.
"Who told you that story?"
"Well...Uncle Fili has told me many interesting stories from your adventures," you said. Your father quickly stood up.
"Uncle Fili will quickly be reminded of what does it feels like to have younger brother," Your father muttered, as he walked inside the castle.
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: Officially Missing You by Tamia
Summary: When Tsukishima realizes how much he needs you even if you just started dating
Pairing: Kei Tsukishima x fem! reader
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 5.8k
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"Yes! Of course, Kei!"
It's only been two weeks when the blonde finally received your sweet approval of being his. You probably wouldn't have guessed to see the harsh boy with red cheeks and a smile on his features on that day, but it was safe to say it was a sight to remember. Icons and nicknames changed instantly when you two got home, the giddy feeling in your hearts making the new lovers stay up and talk until the dawn. You also couldn't forget the look on Yamaguchi's face when he saw you two holding hands when Tsukishima was walking you to your bus stop for you to go home, the green haired boy rushed to you immediately hugging you, genuinely happy his best friend finally found someone.
Even if it was only two weeks ago, it felt as if it should've happened a little earlier than that.
The only downside to this new found love was that you didn't exactly go to Karasuno unlike your boyfriend. You went to Nekoma high unknowing they were soon to be Karasunos opponent but you disregarded the idea and still decided that he was in fact, good for you. So every morning, he calls you when you two when you were on your way to school. He insisted on this little habit knowing you two never really have the time to be around each other since he was busy with training and so that he can spend time with you without his annoying teammates scramming around that he has a girlfriend.
With you being hours away from him, it was only right to text or call him whenever you arrived, reassuring him you were safe and sound. Even when you two were walking home, there was no way for you to end the call, cautious of the time you spent even if it was through FaceTime. In a short amount of time, this little habit was already embedded in your relationship. Tsukishima even managed to take notice of your schedule the minute you got home. When you've finally made it back to your house, you were bound to finish all of the requirements so you can talk to him all night once you're done.
You also managed to slip in a little gesture for the boy, sending him audios of you greeting him good morning or overall reminding him to take care of himself. Telling him it was his little good luck charm, something to remember you by whenever he was training. Surely he shouldn't be affected by something so simple but since it came from you, his heart never fails to flutter whenever he hears your sweet voice, greeting him so early in the morning with your little giggle when you went to talk about a dream you had.
As far as Tsukishima knows, he hasn't really made it clear to his teammates he was in a relationship. He didn't want to hear the never ending questions of the mysterious girl or even how it started. Even Yamaguchi doesn't ask questions about you knowing Yamaguchi was the only person Tsukishima even introduced you to- well was forced to introduce you since he really couldn't find an excuse as to why he was a holding a girls hand late in the afternoon.
"T-tsukki?" Yamaguchi utters, his eyes switching back and forth between your hands that were intertwined and to you in general. He wonders if he was dreaming, there was a huge chance of that but remembering how his best friend mentioned a girl in one of their conversations he can't help but blink wondering if you were the girl he was talking about. You look up to Tsukishima while he lets out a sigh as he pushes his glasses forward.
"This is Y/N my uh..girlfriend." You smile at the familiar boy and remove your hand from the blonde before sticking your hand out aiming to shake hands with him but instead arms were wrapped around you shortly catching you off guard. You hear a tch behind you but your hands were clasped into his shaking it excitedly.
"I'm Yamaguchi! It's so nice to finally meet you!"
On your side of the story, Kenma didn't really wanna intervene but when he sees you smiling at your phone he can't help but wonder if it was a game. Which lead you to admit that it was just your boyfriend and hearing the words slip your mouth, he just continued on with his game not even asking who the boyfriend was but soon Kuroo found out about the little secret at practice when it was just the two of them knowing you trusted Kuroo as well.
"Y/N promised me she was gonna ask something about chemistry. You know where she is?" Kuroo asks but he only receives a shrug from the smaller boy.
"Probably texting her boyfriend." He says nonchalantly and Kuroos eyebrows furrow but once he realizes that Kenma was actually being truthful, a smirk appears on his face.
"Ah! A boyfriend! That's interesting, I wonder who the bastard is. Do you know?" Kenma shakes his head no but Kuroo only lets the sly smirk on his features as he thinks about the next day, ready to bombard you with teases.
Kuroo stuck to his promise, urging you to spill who the lucky guy was but you only remained quiet with flustered cheeks as Kenma slightly glares at him wishing he'd stop the jokes, fully respecting your decision of not letting Kuroo know who the boy is.
Up til now, no one really noticed that their tallest teammate was in love since Tsukishima really didn't show an ounce of adoration on his features and he was entirely caught up in improving his moves and mocking the first years so his love life was kept behind doors.
But even if his features didn't show, his heart says otherwise.
How can his heart skip a beat when he sees you? What is that happy feeling in his stomach whenever you hold his hand? What is that anxious feeling when your name flashes on his screen? Needless to say he was new to everything, but nothing beats the feeling of having him make his way home to your arms when you two meet. All his exhaustion from long practices vanishes quickly when your arms were around him, your scent rubbing off him, and especially when your lips press to his cheek.
Disregarding his crave for your presence, he was still in denial of being clingy. He never really liked the idea of a person acting in such a way so he assumed he wouldn't act like that but when a girl comes strolling into his life, of course he was bound to act different but then he remembers a certain conversation between you and him.
"How was your day?" He asks and he can see through his screen you were shuffling in your bed hugging a pillow underneath you, your cheeks resting on the soft material and Tsukishima smiles slightly at the appeal.
"All good, Tsukki. Did you miss me?" You teased with an eyebrow raised. He rolls his eyes when he hears your little giggle, making his heart jump at the sound.
"You really didn't miss me?" You chuckle again but you look at the camera to see him staring right back.
"Pft..Of course I did, dumbass but I'm not the one to be clingy." He states and you run your fingers through your soft h/c hair. "Its okay to be clingy, babe. I really wouldn't mind having my boyfriend be crazy for me." He chuckles at your comment but shakes his head before adjusting his glasses.
"Sucks for you then, you can't expect me to be clingy that's for sure." You pout and his lips merely broke into a smile. How cute. He thought.
"Then maybe you are crazy."
"Oi!" And your laugh just echoes through his ears, a sound he found addicting like his favorite song.
Now that texting was your usual way of communicating, he wonders what it'd be like to be around you all the time. If only you were in the same school as he was, he wouldn't dare to pass up the opportunity of being with you 24/7 even if he has to be with his teammates, he'd still pick you over them in a heart beat.
With your father switching between Miyagi and Tokyo, it was beneficial for you two to meet at a location while your father was at work, waiting for him to pick you up. After school you would just ask him to take you to your school then picks you up in the afternoon so he can finish his job at Miyagi. With pure luck, you'd arrive at Miyagi at 7:30pm, wherein they've yet to finish training so you spend time with him when you're able.
So here he was after practice, bidding goodbye to Yamaguchi with his phone in his hands messaging you if you were here. You replied a yes and he was already on his way to see you, eager to experience your embrace.
And this is part of the day that he loved.
Ending the day, exhausted and worn out, just to feel refreshed when his eyes land on her figure. His heart swells with joy when he sees her sitting on the bench with a longing expression of her face. Then light is brought upon his world when her eyes met his, forming a smile onto her features as she walks over to him, slowly wrapping her arms around his tall figure. A sigh of relief is expressed and he reciprocates the embrace immediately his chin resting on top of your head as his hands caress you waist gently.
"You wanna eat before you go home? You look tired babe." You say and he just mindlessly nods, lost at the sweet tone of your voice. You step away from the embrace, grasping your hands with his before walking inside the convenience store. As you two pick up the food to eat, you were back at the bench with your head to his arm while you two feast on the snacks enjoying the night sky.
"Kei?" You turn to him and he looks right at you the minute his name slips off your lips.
"I might be busy for a bit. There's a group project and an individual presentation for me to do. Is that fine with you bub?" You ask and Tsukishima rests your head on his arm once again.
"Of course I'm okay with it, idiot. Just don't over work yourself got it?" You nod and place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"What about you? Still training with Yams and the others?"
"Tragically, yes." He comments making you laugh. You threw the wrapper into the trash bin at the corner, Tsukishima following your movements as well. You both stood up, linking your arms with his as you two walk.
"I'm assuming they're not as bad as you make them to be. I mean Yamaguchi is so nice." You say earning a scoff from the boy.
"I promise you that two of them are little delinquents from hell-"
"Kei!" You slap his arm gently and he laughs at your gesture before planting a kiss to your hair, catching you off guard and making your heart leap with excitement.
"Okay, some aren't bad but you don't need to meet them. It's too chaotic and I know Hinata would not stop when he meets you." Tsukishima comes to a hault when you've received a notification from your father who was ready to pick you up. As expected, you immediately hug Tsukishima before pulling away and landing another peck to his cheek.
"I'll see you when I see you, Kei. Thanks for tonight." You say and he too lands a kiss upon your forehead before muttering a stay safe underneath his breath. You smile at his words before walking away from him, turning back to wave at him once in a while. Once you were for sure out of his vision, he smiles to himself, satisfied of another happy night with you.
As five days pass, he's yet to hear from his lovely girlfriend, not even meeting him in the morning now that she's driven to school by her father later than the time she usually goes with him. He's received texts later than he expected but it just proved she had a lot on her hands. He was the one who said to take her time so why's he missing her this fast? So he put his thoughts into practice knowing there was a practice match happening soon and he was expected to do his best.
"Oi, focus." Kageyamas voice detaches him from his thoughts earning a glare from the blonde. As the practice went on, his thoughts remained to be consumed by you.
Once they were back in their classroom, Yamaguchi takes a sit in front of Tsukishima who was busy scribbling some notes he'd missed when his mind was distracted by the thought of you.
"Did you and Y/N fight? You've been distracted all morning." Tsukishima crosses his arms to his chest, leaning back on his chair with a scoff to his expressions.
"No we didn't."
"Then what happened?"
"It's nothing serious." Tsukishima exclaims making Yamaguchi shrug before grabbing his snack and munching on it.
"Well that's good then. I like Y/N for you." Tsukishima playfully pushes Yamaguchi while his friend laughs knowing he made the taller boy blush.
When practice came to an end, he was expecting a message from you claiming you've gotten home safe, but all he saw was his wallpaper staring back at him, not even a single notification displayed or even a sound indicating a message. Beside him, Yamaguchi sneakily peaks at where Tsukishima was looking and he smiles to himself.
"Looks like somebody's missing Y/N-chan too much." He says earning a scoff from his friend.
"Shut up, I don't miss her."
"Your face says the opposite." But I do miss her, she's just really busy and I won't bother her for it but what if she's not at school? He thinks to himself. Worry rushing to his mind but his pride of messaging her stopped him.
"She's probably busy. Why don't you leave a message for her then?" Tsukishima rolls his eyes before plugging in his headphones that were around his neck.
"Like I didn't thought of that. I got to go." Yamaguchi bids a goodbye to the blonde before riding his own bike, heading home. Tsukishima stayed behind, hands gliding over his phone picking a song for him to listen to since his usual companion wasn't there.
"I like this song, do you have a playlist?" You asked while you walked alongside him. He nods making you smile.
"Can you send me your playlist?" Kei knew it was just a innocent question but it was enough to make his heart triple it's speed.
"No. Low class people like you don't deserve my music taste." He jokes making your remove the shared ear bud and slapping his arm playfully.
"You're a pain in the ass."
"Geez, thanks Y/N."
Once he arrives home, he laid in bed with his phone clutched to his hands, still waiting for the notification sound. The more he hears the annoying ticking of the clock, he unlocks his phone hurriedly before clicking on your contact typing away his anxiousness.
Oi, answer the phone dummie
Minutes turned into hours and soon his message was left on delivered.
I hope she didn't overwork herself. He thinks before wearing his headphones hoping his nerves wash away with every song but with every melody who does he think of?
It was all you. He even wonders if it was healthy to miss a person like this. He opens his phone swiping continuously, gazing at every picture of you two taken from his phone. He'd see the photos of your cute little smile when you two were out on dates, you casually holding his hand, or even pictures with him when his arms were around your waist. He finds himself chuckling at photos you told him to delete but to him they were all adorable. From staring at the ceiling with memories replaying in his head, he falls asleep.
For Tsukishima, it was rather weird to step into your school knowing you didn't even expect him to be there.
"Hinata can you shut the fuck up?" Tsukishima groans as he tries to block out the excitement of the tangerine haired boy. Hinata was rambling on about how he was ready to beat the team against them but Kageyama wouldn't shut up as well making the conversation last longer than expected. The bus stops making them all step out, face to face with the Nekoma boys volleyball team.
"I've never seen you in your school uniform before. What school do you even go to again?" Tsukishima asks while you fix your tie. This was the first time he was seeing you after school. He couldn't really ignore the dark colors of your uniform.
"Nekoma High. Did I really not mention it to you?" Tsukishima shakes his head and Y/N giggles. In every date, you disregarded conversations about school since you two always had a nick for talking about songs and movies so it was no surprise the question slipped through his mind.
"I'm sorry I didn't mention it before, my parents went to Nekoma so I'm assuming it was only an obligation for me to follow in their footsteps."
"Following them to be the shortest student in Nekoma then?" Tsukishima teases and you roll your eyes.
"Says the fucking giraffe."
"Oi, say that again."
"A gira-" Tsukishima flicks your forehead with his fingers before walking ahead chuckling to himself before you caught up to him smacking him with your backpack.
He watches as Kuroo and Daichi shake hands, Yamamoto and Tanaka looking like a brawl was bound to happen, and Yamaguchi beside Tsukishma as they both watch the two teams.
"Someone can finally see their girlfriend~" Yamaguchi teases and Tsukishima rolls his eyes before looking around to make sure no one heard Yamaguchi.
"Shut up and lower your fucking voice, she's probably in class anyway."
"What if she watches us then? I bet you'd lose focus huh?" Yamaguchi laughs beside him and Tsukishima smacks the back of his neck playfully making him groan in pain.
"Let's get going everyone!"
"Holy shit!"
You stare at your phone with a miss call and message from Tsukishima but you couldn't respond as fast since you woke up late. Staring at the wall beside your bed, you got off your bed immediately and rushed your way into the bathroom to take the fastest shower you can take. Exiting the bathroom and wearing your uniform not even bothering that droplets from you wet hair created a trail around your room as you pack what you needed for school.
You went downstairs and bid goodbye to whoever was in the room and immediately opened the door to reveal your father, impatient with his hand on the steering wheel.
"I'm really sorry!" Your dad chuckles breaking his angry facade as he opens the door for you as you step in panting at how your energy was drained from moving so fast.
"You didn't eat did you?" You shake your head and your father hands you your breakfast. "I saw you passed out on your table I figured you'd be late so I went ahead and bought some." You smile at him, thanking him as he starts the engine and you pray that you weren't late and that you were able to compose yourself for the presentation.
When you made it to school you were already greeted by cold winds and you clutch onto your blouse, irritated that you couldn't bring a jacket but then you remembered a certain boy had your jacket. You decided it was best to find the jacket after your nerve wracking presentation since now you were focused of keeping away the anxiousness that was creeping up on you.
As you walked into the classroom, you were greeted by your also nervous classmates cramming around you asking if you were ready to which you responded too defensively letting your confidence collapse. You desperately wished the teacher would just cancel the presentation or even continue it some other day but she just had to pursue it tdoay and now it was affecting everyone.
"Good morning everyone!"
A voice echoes through the room and you swore you can hear the silent groans from your fellow classmates but a good morning was their response back. Your eyes land on the wall clock above the board and you bit your lip wishing it would all finish alreasy.
"Is everyone ready?"
"Nice kill!" Nishinoya shouts as Tanaka hit another successful spike. Everyone had their guards up especially the Nekoma boys, overwhelmed at Karasunos quick attack from the first year duo. Kenma, observing every teammates and reading the game as he usually does and Kuroo looking as intimidating than usual.
The bell rings and you felt a weight lifted off your shoulders. You place all of your belongings back to your bag and immediately leave the classroom knowing you were freezing to death. The presentation went better than what you expected, not a single stutter in your presence but deep inside you were crumbling with every word you manage to say. The minute you sat down, your heartbeat never came back to its original pace and the sweatiness in your palms didn't go away either but now that the class is officially over, you can finally have a moment to properly breathe.
You wandered around classrooms searching for the quiet setter to retrieve your jacket but he was nowhere in your sight. You assumed it was because he was still in training so you grabbed a snack before walking to the Nekoma gym.
With every walk, the more chills ran up your spine, cursing you were forced to wear a short skirt as a uniform. By the time you've reached the doors of the gym you already wanted to beg for Kenma to give you your jacket.
Your voice echoes through the gym as heads turn to your direction. The game to a hault suddenly and a certain pair of wide eyed golden brown eyes were stuck on you. Yamaguchi's eyes land on you before changing his gaze to Tsukishima who had a very obvious surprised state in his expressions. Yamaguchi chuckles as Sugawara looks at the boy.
"Who's that?" Sugawara asks as his curiosity watches you from afar as you make eye contact with your boyfriend, whose heart was picking up a new pace with every second your eyes remain on his.
"Ah Y/N! Come watch-" Kuroos eyes gaze at you and Tsukishima. He wonders if this was what Kenma was talking about, but you've never mentioned a boy like him, especially from a different school and with this assumption in his mind, an idea surfaces to his mind making him smirk.
The game finally resumed and you hear your heartbeat all too loudly as you took a seat watching them. Why is he here? A practice match? Why am I suddenly nervous? You assumed that the reason you felt nervous was because you haven't seen him in a week and you certainly did not expect to meet him like this, especially when Kuroo was there.
Kenma waves at you from where you sat and you awkwardly wave back as Karasuno wonders who you were.
"I bet it's their manager." Tanaka replies as his hands came contact with a ball, receiving it. Daichi glares at him and Tanaka quickly turns his head avoiding his gaze and Kuroo takes another look to where you were, eyeing your worry to a possible member of the opposite team.
The sound of the volleyballs colliding with the floor is a sound you should be used to considering every match Tsukishima has, you have to be there. Now that this was your first match you see him in, it was very unexpected that you came in such a random time. Even if you were late to this match, what mattered to you is that you finally get to see him. You certainly didn't mind watching him in such a focused and skilled state.
Your eyes linger to his teammates, seeing Yamaguchi in the corner and you waved to him and he flat out ignores you and you wonder why. Sugawara turns his attention to you giving you a warm smile before returning to watch the game.
They all look kind, what is Kei even talking about delinquents from-
A loud sound caught you off guard as two Karasuno members shout knowing they've once again succeeded with their quick attack. You turn to see number 9 and 10 as the others compliment them on the move.
Is this what Kei was talking about?
You began to turn your attention to the two watching them play as if every move was planned beforehand, moving in synch with each other. Kuroos confusion now grows as he watches you switch back and forth between 9 and 10. At that moment he wanted to give up in finding the mysterious boyfriend but once a ball suddenly hits a certain player, his assumption was proven to be correct.
"Tsukishima-" You watch as your boyfriend winces when a ball harshly passed to his fingers making Tsukishima look over to you, seeing your face painted with a weary expression. As he reassures his teammates he was okay, a rotation begins and he was face to face with the captain of Nekoma.
"The boyfriend huh?"
Tsukishimas eye's widen at Kuroos words but the second he realizes he was being serious, he lets out a sigh before returning his focus to the game not wanting to disappoint the team.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Tsukishima replies before eyeing the ball carefully as Kuroo manages to spike it past him. Tsukishima glares at the captain but Kuroo laughs staring him down.
"Okay then four eyes. You better not be lying to me then." Kuroo says and Tsukishima sighs once more before forgetting the conversation that just happened, desperately wishing your relationship wouldn't be announced in this way.
Despite having to switch back and forth between classes and to the gym, you really wished the practice match ended already. You had no other choice anyway. With every visit to the gym, your eyes were still fixated on Tsukishima. He knows you were staring right at him and the nerves catch up to him the minute you watch him.
Now it's different, finally the practice match came to an end as you went to Kenma, tapping him slightly on the shoulder. He turns to you but another figure comes beside you two.
"Y/N. This is Shoyo." Shoyo excitedly shakes your hand with his and you smile at him and take in his features.
"Are you Hinata?" Shoyo happily nods but his head comes to a tilt when you mentioned his name knowing Kenma didn't exactly introduce him that way.
"Do we know each other? Oh! You're the girl who entered the gym! I'm so sorry I didn't notice you though!" He rambles on and you giggle at him, understanding why Kei was irritated at the small boy.
"Well not really but-"
"Oh Y/N, I forgot here's your jacket. Sorry for keeping it too long." Kenma hands you your jacket and you smile, hugging the fabric close to you.
"Thanks Kenma! I actually wanted to get it from you earlier, I didn't know you were in a match." Kenma nods to you and he signals you to move close to him. You awkwardly obey as he whispers into your ear.
"I think Kuroo knows who your boyfriend is." You chuckle at his words but when you pull away you notice a certain friend was staring down your giant of a boyfriend.
"T-thanks, Kenma." Now, you weren't humiliated of your relationship, what you weren't ready for was Kuroos endless comments on how you've finally settled on a boyfriend.
As Karasuno entered the bus, Tsukishima desperately wanted to stay behind so he can walk you home now that school ended but coach Ukai insisted on training once they were back. You wanted to talk to him but his entire team was caught up with talking to Kuroo and the others and you didn't wanna interrupt. Tsukishima didn't even notice when the teams were all gathered, you were already gone.
But now he's caught a familiar figure with hands stuck to their phone with earphones plugged in with their eyes calmly set ahead of them. Tsukishima stands up with his duffel bag catching the sleepy Yamaguchi off guard as he quickly makes way to his teacher asking if the bus could stop. Takeda questions the tall boy as the rest of the boys woke up slightly wondering if they were at school already.
"Sir please, I promise I'll make my way back to the school for practice. This is um- important." Tsukishima pleads and Takeda nods giving in the boys request.
"Are we here?" Tanaka lazily asks, rubbing his eyes and he watches Tsukishima making his way outside the bus. He was half awake so he mindlessly lifts his duffel bag in his shoulders thinking they've arrived but he watches through the window of Tsukishima catching the attention of a girl. Takeda eyes Tanaka wondering if he was going to leave as well.
"Look Tsukishimas with a girl.. WITH A GIRL?" His scream awakens half the team but they groan and once Nishinoya lays eyes on the pair he was up on his feet, face near the window.
"TSUKISHIMA HAS A GIRLFRIEND- OH WAIT THAT'S THE GIRL FROM THE NEKOMA RIGHT?" Nishinoya shouts and Daichi runs a frustrated hand through his hair, now all the members of the Karasuno volleyball team had their curiosity to the window. Once they saw the girl give a peck to Tsukishimas cheek, they were all wide eyed and interested in what was happening.
"Are you sure she's isn't held hostage?"
"Yo, she looks hot-"
"Oh she's the girl Kenma was talking to!" Hinata exclaims and then they all look at the boy.
"Didn't know she was Tsukishimas g-girlfriend though!" He says and Ukai is confused as to why all the boys were all staring at the window, it's also been three minutes since Tsukishima left and the bus was still not moving. Sugawara looks over to Yamaguchi who had no reaction whatsoever so he nudges him.
"Did you know about this?" Suga asks and it was a moment of silence until Yamaguchi felt a dozen eyes land on him, suddenly feeling like he was gonna faint from how intense Tanaka and Nishinoya was staring at him.
"He- I uh.. m-met her already.." He shyly says earning a scream from the two years as they surround him.
They scream and Suga and Asahi laugh at the two years but smile as they watch Tsukishima walk with the girl, hands together with the afternoon sunlight shining on them.
"Let them be everyone. Sorry about that sir, we can go home now. " Daichi says and Tanaka and Nishinoya finally left Yamaguchi. Before the bus moves, Tanaka decides to bring up a plan for the blonde boy.
The trip finally resumes and once the couple was in their sight again, casually laughing, Tanaka opens the window with a goofy grin on his face along with his partner Nishinoya as the rest of the team open the window ready to tease the poor boy.
"I'm Sugawara!"
"I'm Kageyama."
You didn't really understand why the Karasuno team was introducing themselves to you, especially when you were on the walk with your boyfriend who has been blushing the entire time, badly wanting for the earth to swallow him.
"I'm Y/N! H-hello!" You say with a giggle, laughing at Tsukishimas expression and he walks ahead, hands to his pockets with head low as you catch up to him with the bus still slowly following you two.
"YOU'VE GONE SOFT YOU BEANPOLE TAKE THAT HA!" Hinata screams and once Tsukishima hears his voice, his head snaps looking at Hinata before Hinata grabs onto Tanakas jacket tugging on it and yelling for someone to drive and leave now. Before Tsukishima can even run to him the bus drives off leaving a very happy Hinata and an embrassaed boy.
You link arms with him again, still laughing at what he just had to go through. Tsukishima hides his face from you and you pull his hand making him stop as you stood in front of him with that gorgeous smile he adores.
"Kei, seriously they're gone. Stop blushing already." You say making Tsukishima drop your hand as he walks ahead making you shake your head before chuckling.
"I'm not blushing, dumbass." He says stubbornly and you pull him by the hand again bringing him close to you. You were 5'7 so it was enough for you to place your delicate hands to his warm cheeks and before he can respond you've placed your lips onto his for the first time, and you can sense how shocked he was. You pull away with a cheeky smile as you walk ahead of him while he was still in deep thought of what just happened. He couldn't really put into words how his heart practically went in loops at the gesture.
If this is what he receives after days of not being with you, then maybe he'd consider being clingy.
"Huh, first time you've got nothing to say." You teased as you continue to walk laughing at the impact your kiss hand on him. He looks at you before a smile creeps on his lips, then catches up to you pulling you by your waist and now he was standing in front of you, his figure towering over yours.
"Oi, you think you can just pull a stunt like that pipsqueak?" You happily nod as he lowers his head making you roll your eyes knowing this was his gesture when he was ready to throw some insults.
But instead of an insult, all you got was a pair of lips on yours before it vanished before you, the blonde pulling away from the peck as he flicks your forehead like he always does, with his fingers dragging you out of the daze.
"Are you coming with me or not?"
".. of course I am, Kei."
"Good cause it looked like you wanted something else-"
When he walks back to Karasunos gym, he was greeted by his teammates standing in front of him all lined up, as he lowers his head, Yamaguchi laughing silently at his friends embarassment.
".. yes she's my girlfriend-"
Then the sound of chaotic screams and endless questions has begun.
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shu-sakamaki · 3 years
(TW : Bullying)
Random and dark headcanons about Shuu Sakamaki
If you are not comfortable with those themes please just scroll, I don't want to make anyone uneasy, it's for fiction and fantasies only, Shuu is in NO WAY meant to be portrayed in real life, he is not a good person and none of his actions are acceptable.
In which you're a bride living in the Sakamaki manor :
- His voice is really low, much lower and raspier than his voice in the anime, it just makes more sense to me because he's always sleepy and horny, sadly he's the one who speaks the less (like, sir, just keep your mouth open and never shut up 👄🔪)
- He's just so disgusted everytime Reiji come near him that he's always scrunching his nose for a split second and then furrows his brows as if he smelled something bad but it's just Reiji (🤣🤣) and four eyes get even more mad.
- If your staring at him for too long he will stare back at you and look at you up and down. Now, there's two type of look, there is the "gtfo of my face, you're burning my eyes" (which is kinda hot in its own way 👉👈) and the "I'm horny as hell, keep staring at me I will mount you, female." And I don't know how, but he notice everything, you can try and  be unnoticeable by looking at him and then looking away but when your looking back at him again, he's staring right at your soul like 👁-👁 (sir pls stop you're scaring me)
- He have bedroom eyes like, 90 % of the times, Shuu always seems to be in his own reality with his closed eyes and earphones, he somehow look zooted (on sleep and sex uhu, anyways letmeshutup)
- He's the king of side-eye, if you bother his slumber he will give you the saltiest, hottest, coldest side-eye, it'll make you tear up. My theory is that he can make people crumble with just a look. (and that's on 💫trauma💫)
- Now that we're on the subject of tears, Shuu loves them (you monster) and try a lot of things mainly out of boredom and just to randomly see you cry because why not. And him being a teaser + dacryphilia is the worst thing you can ask for. Because when the oldest lay his interest on someone, I think that the rest of the brothers kinda back off to  not make him angry (they're not suicidal gud gud) so you're just getting bullied by him and everyone is just watching.
- For example when you walk past him, he'll pinch your thighs and it always hurts so bad and leaves red/purple spots or just grab your wrist and hold it really hard till you cry and beg him to not break it. And sometimes he'll just plainly ignore you which can be worst because it's always leaving you with the impression that something's gonna fall upon you when you least expect it. (Not mister playing as the Fates) And if you try to avoid him, he's going to catch up on it pretty fast and suddenly you're seeing him everywhere and he's not going to limit his torture to the manor, even in school he will find ways to terrorize you. He will say the lewdest, dirtiest things to you like its nothing or will just sneak up on you and touch your butt in the hall. (You need to keep an eye on him like the bogeyman). It's just a game for him, he's bored and you're the perfect prey to toy with.
- Yeah also he doesn't care about consent... just like the rest of his demonic gremlins of brothers, resisting him just makes it more fun for him. But if you are actually getting aggressive like pulling his hair, slapping him or scratching his skin he'll put out his knife (he gon look at you like dis 🔵👄🔵🔪) and will threatens to kill you really slowly. A thing about his knife, is that admin once said that he's carrying it everywhere, so he can just pull it out of idk where and rub it on your skin, threatening silently to slit your throat at any moment. There is always that one kid who like to draw on people's arms with a marker in school, Shuu does the same with his knife, you have little cuts here and there because of him.
- He's manipulative and merciless, you can pour your heart out to him and tell him how something just broke you and he's gonna look at you like "and what does it got to do with me?" or just fall asleep on you. He picks a lot on your insecurities just because he knows where it hurts (he doesn't really think it, he don't care lol) and will talk to you with such a mocking/condescending tone, as if your stupid and its not like you can complain about it.
- Shuu appears at the most random times and just ask you to do things that HE'S supposed to do. And you can either do your thing and he won't care or be bothered that you disobeyed and will punish you. Admin mentioned it often, how one of the scariest thing with Shuu is the unlimited feeling of uncertainty, you really never know. One day he's cool with you and the other he's not.
- Remember when Shuu talked about seduction ? He said that its the difference between him and Laito. Laito thrives off people's fear and disgust of him and he will force himself upon them, and with Laito, you're mainly scared of him. But with Shuu, there is something quite exciting about him being around you and just giving you his attention. (Idk how to explain it, it's the Shuu Effect 🦋) Sometimes you can even feel like you have a choice, when you really don't. He's guilt-tripping you a lot of the time and you don't realize it sometimes and think that it's your decision, but honey...
- When he starts to get use to you, use to you taking care of him and use to your presence that's when the trickiest part comes up. He can either, get bored of you so he'll probably leave you alone giving green signals to his brothers to do whatever they want (or he kills you) or he's falling in love.
- You know that he's falling in love with you when he's more around you to the point when he's the only face that you're seeing and his brothers are just avoiding you like the plague, everyone does, it's like, even humans have a gut feeling that being around you won't bring them good because of the scary demon behind you. (Well if you listen to him it's more of a "You're the one obsessed with me and not the opposite" but yk), he's going to insult you every ten seconds because you looked at an alive being "I'm not looking at you for ten seconds and you're already whoring yourself out ? Pathetic." (But really, it's the poSseSsiViTy), I can also see him as being more touchy in a way but it varies, it don't necessarily mean that Shuu would go tender on you.
- He built a wall around him (like attack on titan type of wall duh, Wall Maria I see you 🙄) to block and repulse any being who wants to be close to him, so when he realizes that he's falling in love with you (and hard because Shuu don't have the concept of limit) he will probably get scared and would try to back off, scare you, being even more brutal because he need to know, need to be sure, how willing you are to be with him. He can't handle a deception and also I feel like he is pretty aware of his mental state and he is deeply scared of losing you and losing himself completely in the same boat.
- When he starts to really care for you, I think that he will start to have nightmares again, especially about Edgar and other stuff involving you because how scared he is. Which bring me to an article that admin about Shuu mastering aftercare, it's 100% logic that he's with you and whispering sweet nothing till he sure that you are safe and asleep with him.
- When his shell starts to crack, it's when he's going to be as his probably most vulnerable state when you can just see how much the paranoia, the possessivity and all the trauma cloud his mind. He will still try to test you for some time and just kinda...still observing like a predator (but with more of a lovesick turn) till he's certain that you will not betray him. And don't take it personally, that's just how he is, everything has been taken away from him, all the happiness, all the color were sucked out of his life, and when there is a real opportunity of getting this happiness back he doesn't play. Literally, Shuu can not handle losing someone important again or he will go full-on Kanato insane. That's why he drown himself in sex and sleep, to not think, that's why he always have sound in his earbuds, to not hear the silence. Its not Shuu's fault that Edgar is dead, it's not his fault if the German shepherd got killed, it's not his fault if his mother didn't took care of his brother, but he'll still take the blame. (Well maybe not for Reiji but you get it.)
Thanks to everyone who manages to read it through and have a good day and remember that you're loved and worthy ❤😌
((I honestly LOVE how you emphasize the canon aspect that Shu has NO LIMITS. Or he LOVES you to the point of obsession, or no deal. That IS Shu... And I'm scared about the person I'm becoming but the ones about how scary he actually is while statically staring at you?... Was hot... O///O ???))
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