#I don’t want to be happy with the show but DAMN im a weak castle to crumble
class-a-fanatic · 1 year
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Ice Skating Disaster- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
     Kody: I’m deadass running out of ideas, so request something for a DRaco x reader if you really want to.
     Summary: After weeks of flirting, Draco asks you on a date which takes a turn for the worst, but ends sweet.
     Warning: Draco being a soft boy, cursing, 
     House: Slytherin.
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     You still couldn’t believe it. Draco Malfoy had asked you out. After weeks of flirting you thought that was all it was gonna be, just flirting. Until he showed up at the dorm room looking like a nervous wreck. He pulled his hand from behind his back to reveal a basket of sweets and asked you on the spot if you’d like to go out with him. 
     You laughed at first because of his nervous behavior. Draco must of taken that as rejection because he turned around to leave. You grabbed his arm and said yes, which made his cocky grin return back to his face. He told you the time and place and left you to freak out in your room.
     Now you were slipping on your black winter boots on your feet. He said to dress for the weather so you put on layers. The harsh winter ruined your chance of wearing a tight skimpy outfit for the blond Slytherin, but you would manage. Your outfit still looked really cute. After you laced your boots you headed out your dorm room to meet your date.
      You walked down the halls of Hogwarts saying hi to a couple people you knew along the way to the courtyard. As soon as you left the warmth of the Hogwarts castle the piercing cold enveloped you, making you ears turn pink as well as your nose. You took a look around the courtyard to see Draco leaning against a tree. The sight brought a smile to your face and you walked over.
     He hadn’t seen you yet, which you took advantage of. You walked behind the tree and crouched down to make a snowball quickly and quietly. You formed the ball in your hand and stood back up, peering behind the tree you threw the snowball at Draco. You ducked back behind as Draco let out a gasp “Who through that!” you held in your laugh as he walked from the tree and looked around.
     He walked right past you and you hastily made another snowball. Hiding again and peering, you threw another one. This one hitting the back of his head. An angered expression came over him and he looked at all the other gathering students who were chatting in the courtyard “My father will here about this, you bloody menace!” you lost it and began to laugh, loudly. Draco snapped his head to the direction of the sound and slowly began to approach the tree.
     You jokingly put your hands up as he spotted you, his expression softened “Very funny Y/n” he rolled his eyes in slight annoyance “I know, that’s why i did it” you sarcastically replied. It’s one of the things he liked about you, you weren’t afraid of him. Draco smirks at your response and holds out his hand “Let’s get going, shall we?” you smile and accept his hand into yours “We shall”
      Draco led you away from Hogwarts and towards the black lake. You thought it was strange until you saw all the students ice skating then it hit you. “We’re ice skating?” “Indeed we are” Draco glances at you and notices your unsure expression “I thought it was a good idea, i apologize-” “No, it’s not that. I’ve just never ice skated before” you say sheepishly. Draco grins, tilting his head towards yours “Then all teach you, Y/n” you smile warmly despite the weather,
     “Okay, then i’m happy to try then” Your response makes Draco nod as he leads you onto the ice. “I may have never done this, but i’m pretty sure you need skates-” as you talked Draco took his wand out and casted a spell at your feet and his. So you both had skates. You slipped instantly and Draco caught your arms “I probably should have warned you beforehand” “No, really?” 
     He helps you stand straight and grabs your hand “Follow my lead, okay?” he asked. You simply nodded and watch as he skated, you started to copy his footwork and soon enough you were skating next to each other. “Must of had a good teacher” Draco says cheekily and you roll your eyes, but decide to boost his ego “The best” he smiles at your answer. 
     After about 10 minutes of skating and chating you heard commotion from the a bit away “Ron, you can’t do the spell. Stop trying!” Harry shouted at his friend. You heard Draco scoff “Damn saint Potter and his friends” his tone was laced with anger. You squeezed his hand and smiled “They’re all the way over there. Will be fine” you reassure and he sighs, nodding. “Your right. I’m on a date with a beautiful girl. I don’t need to be worrying about what the golden trio is up to”
     You felt your face flush at his words “But i can, watch!” Ron pointed his wand towards the nice “Reducto!” “Ron no!” Hermione shouted and pushed his arm. HIs spell hit the ice in front of you, causing a hole to break. You tried to stop yourself, but you slid and fell into the freezing cold water “Y/n!” Draco shouted as he went to pull you out.
     You went to swim up, but the ice had already froze back up. Draco felt panic course through him as the Golden Trio runs towards the commotion. Hermione went over to where you were under the ice and casted the same spell “Reducto!” she quickly went over and pulled you out the water by your arms. Draco turns to Ron who looked guilty “I’ll kill you Weasley! Understand?! You come near her, i will kill you!-”��“D-Draco..” Your weak voice broke him from his angry rant.
     Draco rushed to you and dropped to your side, taking you from Hermione’s arms. Your head laid against his chest as he looked at Hermione “Thank you, Granger” he spoke lowly, so only she could hear. She gave him a short smile and stood up, grabbing Ron’s ear to drag him away as Harry followed along. “I-I’m cold” you said meekly “Let’s get you somewhere warm”
     You stepped out of Draco’s bathroom “Thanks for giving me something warm to wear” Draco had taken you to his dorm and let you take a warm shower. He gave you some of his clothes to wear which he knew would be a treat for his eyes. You were wearing a emerald green sweatshirt and black joggers. Draco turned away from the fireplace and looked at you. 
     He swore his heart started to beat a million times faster. “uh- no problem” You felt small under his gaze so much that it made you look away. He had also changed into a long sleeve shirt as well as black joggers.  Draco broke from his gaze from you and went over to his bed, grabbing a blanket. He walks over to you and wraps the thick blanket around your shoulders. 
     You smile sheepishly as he leads you to the fireplace. He sits you on the sofa in front of it and takes a seat next to you. You feel the heat from the fire around your body making you hum. Draco smiles and wraps an arm around you, pulling slush against him. You lean into him and shut your eyes “I’m sorry” he spoke suddenly, you open your eyes and pull away to look at him “For what Draco?” 
     “I wanted this first date to be special and you almost drowned and/or froze to death” he said shaking his head, he looked annoyed with himself. Like it was somehow his fault that you fell into the black lake. “I wish i could take it back” he sighs “I don’t, who wants a normal first date? I for one enjoy the life threatening experience.” he smiles at your words “You really are something special Y/n” he spoke, turning his body to face yours.
     You smile cheekily and lean in “Then kiss me like im special, Malfoy” he didn’t need to be told twice and immediately kissed you. You liked how forceful he was being and let yourself melt into his touch. He tilted his head to kiss you deeper, leaning into you more. Your stomach filled with butterflies as you fell back onto the sofa, pulling him with you. He pulls away and smiles triumphantly. “You look good under me, we should make that a regular thing” he teases, making you laugh quietly “Good, i better be the only one” you reply and he smiles, nodding his head.
     ”You definitely are”
     Kody: This was wholesome as hell. Anyway, my requests are open.
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advena87 · 4 years
Aiden & Lambert’s love story because we deserve more than one and we didn't get any (at least not in canon). Long Post!
check out also Kaer Morhen Shenanigans
Here is: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8 and Daily Lambert
also Keira & Lambert’s love story and… this.
I love playing with incorrect quotes. The ones below are already used a few times in Kaer Morhen shenanigans, but I modified and changed them, and added a lot of new ones.
So the idea is that young witchers from the griffin and cat schools come to Kaer Morhen - including Coen and Aiden. The purpose of the visit is for aspiring witchers to learn something from each other, and in fact it’s just an excuse to play with the idea of Lambert x Aiden. Of course, Lambert’s witcher brothers will try to help him with his crush, and they will not miss the opportunity to make fun of him.
The setting is like this because the idea that Geralt, Eskel and Berengar will be Lambert's wingmen is simply priceless. I know that this configuration had no right to happen in the canon, but the canon has hurt us more than once. That's why we always have to fix everything. And that's why Berengar appears in my posts. In my opinion he deserved it and you can't change my mind. And I think he and Lambert have so much in common that it's really a shame they never met in games. I think that they would have a beautiful dynamics of the oldest and youngest brother.
Anyway I hope you enjoy it! :)
Aiden: Hi, I am-
Lambert, shaking his hand: Handsome.
Aiden: -Aiden. And you are?
Lambert: Apparently not as straight as I thought I was.
Lambert: Can I ask a dumb question?
Berengar: Better than anyone I know.
Lambert: Is it gay to think about your best mate in the shower?
Berengar: …
Geralt: …
Eskel: …
Lambert: Asking for a friend.
Berengar: …
Geralt: …
Eskel: …
Lambert: But now seriously: I’m not gay if I wanna date Aiden as like bros, right?
Geralt: I’m no expert but that does sound kinda gay.
Berengar: I’m an expert. That’s gay.
Lambert: I swing both ways.
Lambert: Violently. With a sword.
Lambert: Also, I’m bisexual.
Lambert: … promise you won’t tell anyone?
Berengar: Your secret is safe with me. I wasn’t even listening.
Eskel: The printer messed up the invitations. It was supposed to say “Lambert’ birthday”.
Geralt: What does it say instead?
Eskel: “Lambert’ bi”
Berengar: Well that could still work.
Geralt: Wait, what? No, Lambert is straight.
Berengar: Trust me, he isn’t. The only straight thing he is gonna do is that he is gonna go straight to hell.
Eskel: Wait, Berengar, isn’t this thing between Lambert and Aiden supposed to be a secret?
Berengar: Hardly. The only people who don’t know Lambert loves Aiden are Lambert and Aiden. And Geralt for some reason.
Eskel: You and Aiden seem very close.
Lambert: We're just friends.
Berengar: Oh please, we all know you're a heartbeat away from getting his name tattooed on your ass.
Lambert: You look nice, I want to kiss you.
Aiden: WHAT
Berengar, behind Lambert's back, mouthing to Aiden: LIES
*Aiden and Coen talking and laughing*
Lambert: *staring at them silently*
Eskel: You’re really quiet today, Lambert.
Lambert: Nobody plans a murder out loud.
Lambert: Why does this griffin dude keep talking to you?
Aiden: Lambert, we are friends.
Lambert: I know you two are friends but…
Aiden, deadpan: No, Lambert, I meant you and I are friends.
Lambert: Yeah, we’re friends, but I’d fuck you if you asked.
Aiden: What?
Lambert: What?
Berengar, eating popcorn: He said he’d fuck you if you asked.
Lambert: Fuck, Aiden, you look like hell!
Aiden: Yeah? I just got back.
Lambert: Dude, who hurt you?
Aiden: Do you want a list or something?
Lambert: *grabs sword* Actually, yes.
Aiden: No, wait, we can’t solve all our problems with murder.
Lambert: How about just this problem?
Lambert: I think I might have a crush on Aiden…
Berengar: Congratulations, you’re officially the last one to know.
Geralt: Aiden would never date a jerk like you.
Lambert: Fuck you, shouldn’t I be one of your best friends?
Gerelt: Yeah, which is how I know you’re a jerk.
Eskel: So what are you going to do?
Lambert: I don’t know, something dramatic I hope.
Berengar: Oh for fuck’s sake, just ask Aiden out! What’s the worst that could happen?
Lambert: Humiliation, embarrassment, fire, explosions, collisions, tears, nudity and death.
Aiden: Can you ride?
Lambert: *looks at Aiden up and down* Yes.
Aiden: I meant the horse, Lambert.
Lambert: How do I politely ask him to slam me against a wall and make out with me?
Geralt: Lambert, it’s four in the morning, if you want to make out with Aiden just do it quietly, I don’t care how you ask him!
*next day*
Aiden: *hands Lambert a water bottle*
Lambert: *drinking it* Thanks, what’s it for?
Aiden: Geralt says you get thirsty around me.
Lambert: *chokes on water*
Lambert, smirking: So when are you gonna go out with me?
Aiden, smiling back: I don’t know, when are you gonna ask me out?
Lambert, freaking out: uhhh....
*later that day*
Berengar: So you ran away like a fucking coward?
Eskel: Why are you ignoring Aiden?
Lambert: I’m playing hard to get.
Geralt: Why would you do that? You’re already hard to want.
Eskel: I shouldn’t be interfering in this but give him a chance. Lambert would throw himself in front of a speeding horse for you.
Aiden: Lambert would throw himself in front of a speeding horse for fun.
Eskel: Ok, point taken, but don’t worry, he grows on you.
Aiden: Oh, really?
Eskel: No, actually, he just gets worse.
Aiden: I’m having problems with Lambert.
Geralt: Problems like ‘his dead body won’t fit in your cupboard’ or problems like ‘you like him’?
Aiden: ...
Aiden: Problems like ‘I like him’.
Geralt: Too bad, I could have helped with the other one.
Aiden: I have 4 friends.
Eskel: But there are 5 of us. Me, Geralt, Berengar, Lambert and Coen.
Aiden: Lambert is my special idiot.
Aiden: That’s different.
Aiden: Lambert, look me in the eyes and be straight with me.
Lambert: So… Do I look at you? Or do I be straight? I can’t do both.
Lambert: I’m in love with you.
Aiden: That’s… a terrible idea.
Lambert: Yeah, I have a lot of those.
Aiden: ...
Aiden: Well then, let's try.
Lambert: Wait, does that mean you like me? For my personality?
Aiden: I know, I was surprised too.
Lambert and Aiden: *walk into the room together with happiness written on their faces*
Berengar: So who finally confessed?
Lambert: It was me, I made sure it was short and sweet.
Aiden: You yelled, “Listen here, you little shit, I have feelings for you and it’s about time you acknowledged them!” from the castle tower.
Lambert: It worked though.
Aiden: All in all, this may come as a surprise to you, but Lambert and I are dating now.
Geralt: Damn. Now I owe Eskel 20 crowns. You guys couldn’t have waited another week?
Lambert: Wait, what?
Eskel: You two just earned me 20 crowns is what, so thank you.
Aiden: When you're gay in your house with nobody else, you're homolone.
Lambert: When you're bi and there's nobody else around, you're biyourself.
Berengar: You're two morons.
Coen: So, you've already made friends with Eskel, Geralt and Berengar?
Aiden: Yeah.
Coen: Great, just a little advice - stay away from Lambert.
Aiden: ...
Aiden: Lambert is my boyfriend.
Coen: Oh...
Coen: Um...
Coen: So, what's he like?
Aiden: Have you ever met a human version of a headache?
Coen, pointing at Lambert: Is this guy bothering you?
Aiden: Yeah, but he’s my boyfriend, I signed up for this
Aiden: You’re annoying.
Lambert: But you love me >:3
Aiden: Doesn’t make you any less annoying.
Lambert: *spills water on his shirt* Oh, what have I done? Now my shirt is all see-through.
Geralt: *rolls his eyes* And so are you. I know what you’re doing.
AIden: So do I, but I am enjoying the show immensely.
Lambert: Did it hurt?
Aiden, rolling his eyes: When I fell from heaven?
Lambert: No.
Lambert: When you fell for me.
Aiden: ...
Aiden: Actually, yes. It’s hurts every day.
Berengar, from distance: BUUURN!
Coen: It’s so exhausting having a boyfriend! You’re lucky you don’t have one.
AIden: Actually, last time I checked I did have a boyfriend.
Coen: No, you have a Lambert. That’s not the same thing.
Aiden: What do you mean?
Coen: Well, he’s more like a puppy. Excitable, loud, always happy to see you, protective, and he bites anyone who threatens you.
Aiden: …
Aiden: Point taken.
Aiden: Because YOU cheated FIRST!
Lambert: YOU STUPID-
Eskel: I think we’re done playing gwent for tonight….
Geralt: Wait, no. I’m enjoying this.
Aiden: Don't you call me stupid!
Lambert: Okay, then how about 'bitch'?!
Aiden: Arrogant dick!
Lambert: Spoiled asshole!
Aiden: Fuck you!
Lambert: Fuck YOU!
Aiden: FUCK YOU!!!
Lambert: FUCK!!! YOU!!!
Aiden: ...
Aiden: My room, ten minutes.
Geralt: Okey... not what I expected.
Eskel: And we're done here.
Lambert: I have an idea, but I’m going to need your permission.
Aiden: Sudenly you need my permission? Why?
Lambert: Cause if I mess it up, I don’t want it to be just my fault.
Aiden: That sounds like a really risky and gay plan.
Lambert: So? You in?
Aiden: I thought it was an obvious answer.  
Aiden: I want to hear those three little words.
Lamber: I love you.
Aiden: Try again.
Lambert: Fine.
Lambert: I will behave.
Aiden: :)
Aiden: Close your eyes and hold out your hand.
Lambert: I played this game once with my brothers and got slimed by a toad.
Aiden: It’s not a toad.
Lambert: I didn’t raise you to be like this.
Aiden: You’re my boyfriend. You didn’t raise me at all.
Lambert: And yet you still call me daddy.
Aiden: Oh for the love of-
Eskel: I sleep with a knife under my pillow.
Geralt: Weak. I sleep with a sword under mine.
Lambert: You’re both pathetic.
Berengar: What killer weapon do you sleep with then, Mr. Badass?
Lambert, proud and confident: Aiden.
Aiden: The food's too hot, I can't eat it.
Lambert: You're too hot and I still eat you.
Berengar: It's family moments like these that we will never forget.
Geralt: With a good therapist, hopefully I will.
Eskel: I'm not hungry anymore.
Vesemir: One dinner. ONE NORMAL DINNER!!
Lambert: *phone starts ringing*
Eskel: *looks at who is calling*
Eskle, laughs: So you call Vesemir 'daddy'?
Lambert: *answers call and makes direct eye contact with Eskel*
Lambert: Hey, Aiden.
Eskel: *chokes on drink*
Geralt: Okay Lambert, truth or dare?
Lambert: Truth.
Geralt, smirking: Why did you get kicked out of the brothel?
Lambert, looking absolutely horrified: Oh no…
Aiden, whipping his head around so fast Eskel almost shits himself: You fucking what?!
Lambert: Look, you can’t be mad at me! I was just there, minding my own business-
Aiden: We both know that’s a load of crap, Lambert, you’re lying!
Lambert: Does this look like the face of a liar?
Aiden: You really don’t want to hear my thoughts on your face right now.
Lambert: Ok, you know what? Fuck you!
Aiden: Later. Now listen here, you little shit-
Geralt, laughing: Living my best life.
Eskel: Oh my God, Geralt, what did you do, they’re going to kill each other.
Geralt: This isn’t about them.
Aiden, siting on Lambert and beating crap out from him: Really Lambert, I expected better from you!
Lambert, rolling them and pinning Aiden to the ground: Then that’s your own fault! I’m not responsible for your expectations!
Aiden: Bite me!
Lambert: Where?
Aiden: ...
Lambert: So you going to take a swing? Or you just going to staring into my eyes?
Aiden: Hmm, what was that? I was busy staring into your eyes...
Labert: Oh you beautiful bastard! Just punch me already!
*Berengar enters room*
Berengar: What the fuck is going on here? Are they fighting or making out?
Eskel: At this point, I honestly can't tell.
Lambert: Eskel, how do I get revenge on Geralt?
Eskel: The best revenge is letting go and living your life to the fullest.
Lambert: …
Lambert: Berengar, how do I -
Berengar: Brick.
Aiden: How do you usually get out of these messes?
Lambert: I don’t, I just make an even bigger one that cancels the first one out.
Aiden: That sounds like a terrible plan.
Lambert: Oh, I’ve had worse.
Aiden: I’m fucking an idiot.
Eskel: Isn’t that grammatically wrong? Shouldn’t it be “I’m a fucking idiot”?
Aiden: No, I’m fucking an idiot.
Eskel: ???
Aiden, sighing: Ok, watch out.
Aiden: Yo, Lambert, are you high?
Lambert: What?
Aiden: High!
Lambert: Hello!
Aiden to Eskel, pointing to Lambert: That’s the idiot.
*witchers face complications during the contract. Lambert is abducted for the ransom*
Lambert, offended: You think I’m only worth 10.000 crowns?!
Kidnappers: What?
Lambert: Give me that *takes the megaphone*
Lambert: Make it 1 billion and we can think about it.
Aiden, from outside: LAMBERT SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Lambert: Okay, okay, what if I microwave a spoon? Steal some bees? Oh, oh, let's try to fuse corn and apples!
Aiden: What the fuck?
Aiden: Lambert, I asked you how we should spend our anniversary, I clearly do not remember requesting for ways to disappoint your family.
Lambert: Sorry, force of habit.
Lambert, drunk at 1AM: *in pajamas and blasting ABBA in his room* Gimmie gimmie gimmie my man after midnight! Won’t somebody help me-
Geralt in the other room: Aiden is dead. Get over it and go to bed! There’s your help.
Lambert: [drunken sobs]
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Harry Hook x reader - abandoned
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Could you possibly do a story about reader being Mal’s sister and pregnant with Harry’s baby during D3 and Mal doesn’t know when she says she’s going to shut the barrier? With lots of reader and Harry fluff!
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You rubbed your swollen stomach, holding new life, staring at the broken tv screen in lady tramlines hair shop, as beasty boy proposed to mal…your traitorous sister who abandoned you…for three years.
Its been three years since that fateful day when mal, evie, Carlos, and Jay went to Auradon.
Two and a half years since she broke and came back, when she saw you, she seemed surprised, as if she had forgotten you.
During the planning of getting ben back, she begged you to go along with it and she would have evie take you back to Auradon.
You refused, not wanting to leave your friends…your family.
She had just…left. Like the cowardly traitor she was.
And now, now after THREE FUCKING YEARS, she was finally getting more kids off the isle.
You knew you weren’t going to be one of them, you didn’t bother to fill out an application, and you knew she would never choose you. She offered to give you a better life ONCE before giving up. A hero she was? Yeah right, more like a backstabbing villain.
You glared as the core four and ben climbed into mals new purple limo-like she needed more fancy shit, she was more Auradon than isle now, she’d gone soft, weak.
The strong hold on to their promises, not afraid to say what they thought, not afraid to step up and call attention.
Mal was weak, she broke every single promise, she jumped on the bandwagon, she cowered and stepped down, letting others do the hard part and then took all the credit.
Just like all the pranks you did when you were young and mal taking credit and you were just her little henchmen.
You were lucky that your mother didn’t like it.
She demanded that mal start thinking for herself, evil queens didn’t use someones else's plot to rule the world, evil was original, not a copy cat.
It was one of the few times that you were higher than Mal in your mother's view.
Dizzy skipped down the stairs, a bright smile on her face. “omg (y/n)! can you believe im going to auradon~!” you smiled at the happy 16-year-old, you held no ill feelings toward the young teen, she deserved to leave the deary isle.
“I do, you belong there sweetie” dizzy squealed, wrapping her arms around you, you hummed, giving her a tight side hug.
“When you get there you have to let me babysit okay!”
Your smile dropped, but you faked one when dizzy pulled back “of course, who else would I let take care of the little one?”
Dizzy giggled, grabbing her designs and crafts from around the room, stopping at one.
“oh!” she grabbed it and raced back over to you, holding out an interesting necklace.
“This is for you!”
It had red gems and (f/c) jewels, with silver and gold vines with leaves decorating the front, it looked like a tiara made for a fae.
“the red ones are Harry's color see, and the (f/c) ones are yours! I wanted to look like the trees of the fae like in that old book you showed me!”
You stared at it in awe “oh dizzy” you teared up, damn hormones, “I love it!” you hugged dizzy, careful of the baby bump.
“ill treasure it forever!”
Dizzy squealed “im so happy you like it! Oh!” dizzy’s aunt Anastasia came down the stairs, holding another one of dizzy’s suitcases
“come on diz, the limo is almost here”
Casting a look on the screen, you saw the barrier opening, the limo pulling in.
“aye, now love, I think its time we go home”
Strong arms wrapped around you, a thick Scottish accent purring in your ear. You sighed and nodded, grasping Harry's hand and letting him help you up.
“yeah yeah, let's go”
“bye (y/n)! bye, harry!”
“yeah yeah, bye ya runt”
“shush har, see ya dizzy!”
You exited the hair salon, entering the streets of the isle, some of the residents looking up and glaring but coward back when your eyes glowed bright (e/c) and harry flashed his hook, a crooked grin on his face.
You arrived at bargain castle, where you took the reigns after your precious sister turned mother into a lizard.
After the events of the coronation, many tried to salvage whatever they could from the castle, but you didn't let them, baring your sharp teeth and glowing eyes, the flames and shadows flickered around you. Making those who dared to try cower away and never return.
Harry was the only one to step through and manage to take something, and that caught your interest. Uma did too, glaring back just as harshly and stepping right up to you, sneering in our face.
You liked her, so you broke away from your sister's calling of ‘shrimpy’ and made peace with uma, the two of you ruling the isle.
And harry was one of your treasures, after some time, people had started to call him the consort of the isles queen.
Now, why would they be calling harry that? Because you and him had begun to…see each other? If that’s the right wording.
And no one dared to mess with the darker descendant of maleficent and the insane son of captain hook, so it was an easy match.
And it had been two years and 3 months since you had started..dating…and now, you smiled down at your protruding belly, felling the life move within.
You were pregnant with Harry's child. About 2 months pregnant to be exact. Still flat stomached enough to cover it with baggy clothes, mostly Harry's jackets and shirts.
Harry unlocked the main door, stepping in and leading you through, he quickly locked the door behind him and followed you up the stairs, and into the kitchen.
“so love” he started, plopping down on one of Cruella's old plumply chairs, sitting halfway on and his other half sticking up in the air.
“are we just gonna chill in here for the rest of the night or~” harry sang, wiggling his brows “we gonna have some fun!?” you sighed, walking over to him and sitting in his lap, laying your head down on his chest. “chill, im really tired.”
Harry hummed, sending vibrations to you “alright love” he wrapped his arms around you, snuggling into your hair and sighing happily, rubbing his thumb on your swollen stomach.
“boy or girl, the baby I mean?”
you thought for a second, before mumbling out “doesn't matter to me, ill love them even if they don’t have a gender.
Harry snorted, smiling softly “aye, I feel the same”
The two of you fell asleep on the plump couch, soft breaths, and faces tucked into the other.
“so my little fire fae!” your father strut around the room, being his extra self. “how's your life been~?”
now, lemme explain a thing, you had a much better relationship with your dad than mal did since you went out of your way to see him and he kinda just grew used to you and stopped trying to force you away, becoming a semblance of a real father. 
You groaned, flopping into his chair and making a fart sound.
“that bad huh?”
“being pregnant sucks!!!” you moaned, pouting at your dad, who messed with his tall fire blue hair. “how’d you deal with mom when she was pregnant with me and mal?”
Hades barked a laugh “I didn’t! she had her” he made finger quotations “friends help”
You snorted, aka the people who would cower below her and the Tremaine sisters, sounded like the fairy bitch, but you digress “so how is harry?”
You smiled, you could talk about for hours “good, he hooked a couple people who tried to get in the castle to get me yesterday”
You sat up, clapping your hands “oh! Know what I heard~”
Hades slumped his shoulders and sighed exaggeratedly “what?!”
You grinned, teeth sharp “you tried to get out~”
Hades snuffed “yeah, didn’t work”
He turned, strutting up to you and tossing his scarf around your neck “now if you would be so kind, it's my nap time~”
You rolled your eyes, swinging your legs around and standing, bumping your fist into your dad's torso.
“yeah yeah, sleep well”
You watched as harry lept out of the barrier, catching his eyes as he turned back, he seemed to send you a message with those ocean blue eyes of his
‘I will come back, for both of you’
You nodded back, watching as uma emerged and the chaos ensued, you also caught her eye, and her mouth dropped open slightly at your slightly protruded lower torso.
You nodded at her, telling her to go.
You watched them all walk away, seeing Harry constantly glancing back before he became a tiny dot in the distance.
before pink smoke started to gather around you, you took a step back, eyes widening,
Everything went black.
---this is gonna be a 2 parter btw---
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mygirlblossoms · 6 years
Greatest Parts of the Coalition Handbook
Okay I'm writing these bullets as I read it so its all gonna be under the cut (it’s gonna be long and have spoilers)
Also this is both greatest parts and a low-key summary
“In Memory of the Castle of Lions”
Pidge is a GOD at tic-tac-toe
“Well, what are you waiting for? The dark threat of the Sincline beast is upon us! Might as well start reading, eh?” -Coran
Picture of all the paladins 
Especially Blaytz in there my daddi
brb crying its so cute
Pidge commenting on how she's #1 in Coran’s heart
Coran missing helping Alfor with his socks
Also coran calling it a celebrity friendship name
Hunk’s comments on Shiro’s page
“Shiro always makes sure that everyone around him feels comfortable. Except for Zarkon. He didn’t really want to make Zarkon comfortable. I mean, I don’t think anyone wanted to make Zarkon comfortable. Zarkon was the worst.”
What Lance misses about earth “Hanging with my niece and nephew and eating garlic knots”
Keith’s comment on the bottom being about the bonding moment and Lance not replying
That being the only comment Lance didn’t reply to
“Lance is an integral part of the Voltron team. Do not let his wisecracking behavior deceive you. Lance is fully equipped with the intellect and physical prowess to handle anything that comes his way.”
We love Lance being validated and praised in this house
what makes allure happy being seeing her fathers legacy continue
and drinking milkshakes
me too
I love allura
Lance saying Allura says his name like a rich person
Allura’s mom name reveal
its melenor
King Alfor, Queen Melenor, and Princess Allura
Kallura is canon
Tsundere vibes from Keith
The entire team supporting Keith tbh
Pidge’s fucking dog is named Bae-Bae
Allura emphasizing that Pidge is always valued and loved
“on earth you never feel alone” HUNK BABY I LOVE YOU
“I fear loneliness above all else” HUNK BABY DIUGHSDJKNSFGDHJK
Keith saying Hunk is so much more than a leg
Hunk getting the love and validation he deserves tbh
Why does kaltenecker have so much bio
Everyone being uncomfortable about the fact milk comes from cows
Lance being the designated milker
They have names!!!!!!!!
Platt (the chubby one), Chulatt (the smallest), Plachu (the blue tinted one), and Chuchule (the purple tinted one)
The mice outing Lance’s love for Allura again
The little section for the fallen blade members ):
Thace, Ulaz, Antok,and Regris
the spread of the rebels with Matt I love matt
why the fuck is slav in here
can we have a pidge artbook
“There is a 99.9 percent chance you don’t want to be around Slav.”
The 2 pages on Ozar and Te-Osh :’)
him being a supportive af brother
him thinking he’d never see his family again :(
“he was all buff and stuff” -pidge
“What I miss most about home: having the family all together. I worry we will never do that again”
“Something I’m not afraid to admit: I think Colleen is going to yell at me for not taking the kids back to Earth with me. Sorry, Colleen. If you ever read this, I love you, sweetie.”
Sam is such a family man I love him so much
Lance’s favorite planet being “the mermaid planet”
Hunk’s is a nacho planet
Side note: pidge knows that Lotor killed Narti???
this time, clouds
Keith wants to record all the names of the brave fallen warriors on Marchanda :(
Theres a whole page on the space hospital I'm
Idk who is writing - Coran I think - but he brings up NYC? How do they even know what NYC is (the writer says they’re Altean)
Okay, coran is writing this. How tf does he know about NYC bagels
Coran saying that Allura and Lotor “Romantically linked” and pidge saying they kissed and then Coran saying “We all make bad decisions sometimes!”
“Honerva and Haggar are two different people. Haggar is a twisted version of what was once so beautiful and pure”
Zarkon is afraid of cats
[About Ezor] “The Galra value honor, and camouflaging yourself isn’t exactly honorable” -Keith 
you know what I’m going to make a separate post about pidge’s drawings
She drew a smiling Voltron if you’re wondering
I love Keith for his lil comments 
“The [black] lion believed in me before I believed in myself” -Keith
[Keith about Red] “I’m going to be honest. I was surprised with how fast Red responded to Lance since she nearly let me die, but he totally deserves to be flying with her.” “Aww, thanks, Keith. That might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
Klance is cannon king
Okay so at the end of the book theres a letter from Coran saying look out for Lotor and the Sincline beast because they’re bad news and to call Voltron if you see them basically
So highlights/summary from his letter introducing himself in ‘his own words’
“Through my leadership - and not Voltron’s - we can create an empire that even my father, Zarkon, would have been fearful of. Together, we can do this. Together, we will fight on. If you are with me, please keep reading. These pages will include an insider’s look at MY empire and why we need Quintessence for ALL of us.”
Okay this whole thing is petty I'm - I love lotor
“To enter HQ you need to come through the landing bay. There, you will meet with a phalanx of sentries. These banners show that I am not, in fact, as bloodthirsty or cutthroat as the PALADINS have made me seem.” 
You tell em bby
He also mentions the “cool” sentry. He also mentions their cool cafeteria you can use if you join him. God, I love Lotor
Introduces all the Galran contenders for the throne
Known Pervious Galran Rulers
“Zarkon: powerful, yes. Flawed? Also, yes.”
There’s one of the stills from when Zarkon (?) was having flashbacks of the OG paladins and its of Alfor and Zarkon shaking hands and I love them so much Blaytz is there too 
Basically says that if you join his empire they will take down Voltron and bring real peace to the universe 
“Now doesn’t that sound BETTER than some measly coalition led by a bunch of weak Earth people? I thought so!”
“I am afraid I don’t have much more to say, other than thanking you for reading my letter. Together, with the Sincline beast, we will end Voltron and bring about peace to the universe.”
“How’s that for your coalition, Voltron?”
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pokefanbri · 4 years
Im beginning to feel numb, i can feel myself giving up on my feelings for him...im losing hope slowly. I cry now because I dont want to lose my love for him, & im dreading the day when its gone completely. It hurts terribly to let go. Now as each day passes I lose a tiny bit of him in my heart, but its still so strong...however fading. Though I was exiled out of his life a little more than 2 months ago with no contact since, im still holding on...when i probably shouldn't. It could take years to get over someone...2 months seems like its been forever. I know him like nobody else, the touch of darkness in him, his weirdness behind closed doors, his mistakes & lapse in judgment...i didnt care, i loved him for who he was & flaws always have room to be worked on ofcourse, but thats besides the point. It was unconditional from me through & through, I would've done anything to keep us afloat if I only knew how & if he'd be willing to help.
I miss his quirks, his smile with those big kissable lips of his, his hugs, our gaming time, the back & butt rubs lol, the way he did things for me so id smile, our favorite parts of eachothers time together...theyre memories but so memorable. He taught me how to drive a lawnmower & i rode on the back of it holding onto him...in our last days together...that was a precious memory ill never forget. Though he wasn't in love perse at least not how I loved him, & didnt show it like I did, he showed it in the little things he did for me that i appreciate that get me everytime. And nomatter how closed off & whatever amount of 1 sidedness there was, his loving light shined to me a bit on occasion even if I didnt see it at the time. All he did for me & precious little moments speak volumes.. Thats how I know there was something, that he cared about me too even if he didnt recognize it himself. He taught me so much within the 1st half of 2020.. he has no idea, & he really did help shape me to who I am now. Though my life is flipped upside-down from my decision to go with him & then coming back home to nothing...i wouldn't change a thing & I absolutely don't regret it, I wouldn't have gotten to know a great ass person if I hadn't.
When someone crys over someone even when together, it's that which means they care so much about the other. And im crying now, because everytime i write of him memories come flooding back. Everyone has their issues, among others mine include abandonment, & my God this relationship resulted in my worst fear. But even so, I didnt care, i loved him all the same. He was so lucky to have me too, & he damn well knows it. If I ever find another, they'll have nothing on him. But he probably thought I deserved better, even if i was to blame on the surface..when in reality he knew he couldn't give me what I wanted...that I was too good for him, that he knew I saw his weaknesses & couldn't handle me knowing of them, & maybe he didn't want to let me down anymore than he had so he did what he thought was best for both of us so neither of us would have to suffer. At the time i thought he was cowardly to rid of me..but looking at it now especially in the last days, it was very brave & noble of him to say goodbye to such a caring & loving woman that would do anything for his happiness in turn. But now I'm sitting here, 2 months later..still torn up about all of it...however whatever sadness or love I feel, even if it fades...it won't ever leave.
As the king now sits upon his throne in his castle without his queen by his side giving words of encouragement & gentle kisses on the forehead, & with the queen across the continent tending to & fixing her broken heart..fighting a tough battle with all her might without her king to guide & fight alongside her, God smiles upon them both, wraps his arms around them in a loving embrace & says gingerly "you two are strong warriors, this is a great lesson I'm showing you, ill guide u where u need to be, i gave u the free will to make your own decisions but don't abuse it...do right & just. You aren't perfect my children, you're only human but it falls upon you for betterment til the day u come home to me. Just keep fighting for yourselves, eachother, your loved ones, & me. I hear your pain and prayers loud & clear, this is all part of my plan. Have faith"
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ol-razzle-dazazzle · 7 years
1-50 for the ask game and I'm not sorry. ✨
ALSO TAGGING MY GF BC IM GAY @perfect-murderer
Under a read more bc long post 
1. Wake her up with kisses lesbian or play with her hair while you wait for her to wake up lesbian- Wake her up (wake her up inside) can’t wake up (wake her up inside) SMOOCH HER
2. X files lesbian or twin peaks lesbian- X-Files, I’ve always been gay for Scully
3. Pit Bull lesbian or corgi lesbian- I’ve never though about this but corgis! they look so happy and small!
4. Sweet tooth lesbian or saturates-everything-in-hot sauce lesbian- I can’t stand spice and I love sweet stuff (like my gf...and lemon candy)
5. Sunflower lesbian or white lily lesbian- As much as I love lily gay symbolism, sunflowers
6. Rose gold lesbian or white gold lesbian- this hit that ice cold I actually prefer rose gold
7. Dunkin’ donuts/Starbucks lesbian or strictly local cafe lesbian- I’ve never had Dunkin Donuts/Starbucks so cafe!
8. Sunrise lesbian or sunset lesbian- Sunsets, they also tend to be the best time to go crab catching~
9. Emily Dickinson lesbian or maya Angelou lesbian- I THINK EMILY DICKINSON (IS A LESBIAN)
10. Dark sexy ball gown or cute bright ball gown lesbian- depends...if the dark one shows too much skin (I tend to not like showing skin personally) then bright, but I love a dark dress as much as anyone!
11. Strawberry lesbian or watermelon lesbian- Watermelon lesbian all the way, though nutella dipped strawberries...
12. High waisted shorts lesbian or loose rolled up jeans lesbian- Loose jeans...I’m too ‘thicc’ and too short for any jeans to fit me comfortably tbh
13. 60s chic lesbian or 60s hippie lesbian- chic
15. Choir lesbian or garage band lesbian- Garage band, most of the choir girls who’ve I’ve had crushes on turned out to be homophobic :/
16. Twirl her around lesbian or get twirled lesbian- TWIRL HER TWIRL HER TWIRL HER but like, if there’s a dip I’m fuckinG DIPPING BUT I LEAD OKAY EVEN IF I’M TERRIBLE 
17. Sit com lesbian or artsy independent dramatic romance film from France lesbian- I like the ‘gal pal’ sweet lesbians but they’re both paired up with guys sadly (COUGH COUGH PARKS AND REC) so probably dramatic? I’m a drama loving bitch
18. Bicycle lesbian or bus lesbian- Mike on his bike and bus lesbian is wlw mlm solidarity (blease ask me about the legend that is Mike) but yeah sadly bus lesbian, I can’t ride a bike and whenever I do I hum the HGSS bike theme and fall. Trains and ships are better
19. Jelly fish lesbian or dolphin lesbian- Jellyfish!!! BUT CRABS ARE PRIME!
20. Biology lesbian or physics lesbian- Biology lesbian by far, gimme that gay bats and crabs and sexual mitochondriac tension
21. Studio Ghibli lesbian or Cartoon Network lesbian- As much as I love SU and OK KO and whatnot, I gotta go with Ghibli (is there a gay Ghibli movie? blease say)
22. Take the spider outside lesbian or scream at her to take the spider outside lesbian- take the spider outside! I always do that, even if I’m scared
23. Serena Williams lesbian or Ronda Rousey lesbian- Serena...those muscles...those legs...she’s absolutely gorgeous
24. Prismacolor lesbian or faber castell lesbian- Faber Castle always, though I have gotten Prismacolor for birthdays and they’re high quality it always seems too...elite for me
25. “Campers are for the weak” lesbian or “I will die before sleeping on the ground” lesbian- Campers are for the weak, but use a damn sleeping bag and tent yo
26. Calling every female character they see their girlfriend lesbian or “Dana Scully isn’t your girlfriend, I am” lesbian- SCULLY I’M GAY but the latter, I wouldn’t want any character to actually date me they should date each other
27. Roller skate lesbian or ice skate lesbian- when I was a wee bean roller skates but like...I always used to fall. So Ice Skates? No yoi but like it’s cold and cute and lowkey holding my gf so she doesn’t trip more like clinging onto her legs as I do the splits and break all my bones
28. “Christmas carols are dumb and over played” lesbian or belting out all I want for Christmas is you at the top of their lungs lesbian- Dumb and overplayed, I will listen to my gf and join her but like,,,tragic shopaholic mother backstories,,,always, always playing, always there. 
29. Buy her something lesbian or make her something lesbian- depends, I love making things but I have like, no dexterity so probably buy?
30. Cherry mojitos lesbian or cherry flavored vodka lesbian- ...I must betray the rat bois...but mojitos. I hate mint but it’s so fucking ~*fresh*~ (I don’t drink but I’ve made ‘mocktails’)
32. Tummy kisses lesbian or thigh kisses lesbian- t...thigh kisses....////
33. I’ll fight anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian or I’ll psychologically destroy anyone that makes my girl cry lesbian- Both, nemo impune lassit bitch- Edgar Allen Poe
34. Fall asleep in her arms lesbian or rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms lesbian- rub her back until she falls asleep in your arms
35. Floral pattern lesbian or tie dye lesbian- floral pattern, love those rainbows but plants dude,,,
36. Snake lesbian or frog lesbian- *tries not to make a kanako/suwako reference* Snakes, they blep, as much as I love memes. 
37. Send her memes lesbian or “if you call me the rarest Pepe one more time I swear to god”- SEND HER MEMES SEND HER MEMES I WANT TO NUT (Never leave her Unconditionally love her Treat her right)
38. Star Wars lesbian or lord of the rings lesbian- Star Wars, i’m not hugely into either but star wars
39. Spice girls lesbian or 5th harmony lesbian- no clue,,, but probably 5th harmony?
40. Pink hair lesbian or blue hair lesbian- depends, light cotton candy pink but on someone else blue (gimme that dark or lilac purple any gay tho)
41. Maple syrup lesbian or berry syrup lesbian-Maple syrup slorp slorp slorp
42. Vinyl lesbian or cassette lesbian- Vinyl? 
43. Paris lesbian or Amsterdam lesbian- never been to Amsterdam so probably Amsterdam? 
44. Jazz lesbian or swing lesbian- hHHhHHhHHHhhHhH DONT MAKE ME CHOOSe I LoVE THEM BOTH oKAY????
45. Pin stripes lesbian or plaid lesbian- Pin stripes forever, flannel looks good on other people but not my thing
46. Mini golf date lesbian or bowling date lesbian- bowling because there’s usually an arcade and snacks! I usually enjoy the shoot em ups and pinball and I’ll fuking destroy at air hockey and cause copious collateral damage, but mini golf is senseless whacking destruction so if there’s no security cameras mini golf
47. D E S T R O Y her at Mario kart lesbian or let her win lesbian- try but end up losing, but at least I have the cutest character-cart combo
48. Pullover hoodie lesbian or zip up hoodie lesbian- Zip ups forever, but like, not those shitty half crop top zip up shit, gimme an actual hoodie you heathens
49. Band tshirt lesbian or fandom tshirt lesbian- I got pokemon t-shirts so fandom?
50. Love her with your entire heart lesbian or lover her with your entire soul lesbian- uhhh both??? If souls are actual things then souls, bc giving someone your blood pumper would be messy, and I’m a gay ass demon
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Bloody Ocean Waves: Chapter 1
My arms wrapped protectively around my legs as I curled into a tight ball, doing my best to disappear. The cold bathroom tiles chilled me to the bone. I didn’t feel well enough to get up and get dressed. My extreme lack of body fat wasn’t really helping either. Fuck I can’t remember the last I ate, though there’s a good reason for that…
Monsters don’t deserve to eat.
My stomach growled loudly which echoed throughout the large bathroom. Yeah thanks body really needed that reminder, not like I’m already fully aware of how hungry I am. How could I not be when it’s always so painful. Even if I wanted to eat, which I very clearly DON’T, there was nothing around for light-years. I left my only food source back on Earth.
I could always just ea-
I shook the thoughts from my head before they could finish. It’ll never come to that. I’d willingly launch myself into space to prevent that. Especially considering the mess I’m in right now. The thing with being one of the saviors of the entire known universe, you aren’t allowed to be weak. But I’m weak. So all I can really do is pretend I’m not. Just keep pretending until it’s true, right? I breathed heavily while my thoughts wandered to my family back on Earth.
They were all “monsters” like me. But they’re the best monsters in the whole wide galaxy. None of us had ever killed, we only fed on the already dead. Mostly suicide victims. Mama always taught us how to hide, we weren’t allowed to live without the constant fear of being found out. Papa was the “hunter” of our family, he was the only one with a job when I was growing up. He had to care and feed for a large family of seven ghouls. Big sis was never ashamed of being a monster like I was, she would always help dad with the “food”. When someone was having a bad day she’d even make us special treats. I never asked her how she made them, I didn’t want them ruined for me. Her name never seemed to match her. Lola meant “sorrows” yet she was anything but.
I never knew my big brother, he was caught before I was born. Mama didn’t like talking about him. Rosa or as I called her “Poco”, ‘cus I was the older twin, was never the same after she lost control for the first time. My bright and curious little sister was gone after she refused to eat for too long. She tended to keep to herself after what happened. Thankfully Mama stopped her before she could kill anyone but… Mama still has the scar. I’m afraid I’ll end up like her, not that I’d survive if I lost myself out here. Either the guys would kill me or I’d do it myself when I come too.
Last were the little twins Verita and Paz, or as I like to call them the little troublemakers. Despite being twins they looked nothing alike yet they were basically the personality-wise. You could never see one without the other. And when you saw neither of them it meant trouble was coming. Mom and Lola were forced to get jobs because of the now larger family. And since I was the eldest I practically raised them myself. Though Poco used to help before her accident. The twins are still too young to understand just what we are.
It’s pretty rare to find a family of ghouls nowadays. Our lifestyle is too dangerous to bring children into, when someone is born a ghoul they might have well been born dead. But I can’t bring myself to be mad at my parents for their choices. They wanted to be happy, they wanted to be human. I can understand the feeling. Anyone would prefer to be human instead of a human-eating monster. I just wish I had a choice to be something else.
I guess I got my wish. I was accepted into the Galaxy Garrison, the top military school for space exploration. I even got promoted to a fighter class pilot, even if it only because the top pilot dropped out. And god was I reminded of that everyday.
“Why can’t you be more like Keith, Lance?”
“Oh if only Keith hadn’t dropped out.”
“Why are you even here Lance.”
But I still tried every day while I was there. I wanted to be more than a ghoul, I wanted to be an astronaut. I wanted to be like my hero Shiro. But I never succeeded no matter how hard I tried. I guess monsters aren’t allowed to have dreams. But then I found a giant mechanical space lion with Keith, Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge. Then that lion chose me as her pilot and the five of us were sent far away from our planet.
We were thrust into a galaxy ruined by another kind of monster, The Galra. Purple space aliens that had spent the last 10,000 years ruling and expanding their empire. We met Allura and Coran, more aliens, that told us we had to pilot five ancient lions that combine into the legendary warrior “Voltron”. We were told we had to fight this war because no one else could and if we didn’t Earth would soon be conquered. I didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye to everyone, they probably think I’m dead.
It seemed everyone sans me took to the whole “savior of the universe” thing. Shiro was an escaped prisoner of the Galra who wanted to make this universe free once gain, he was our super cool leader. Pidge’s family were taken prisoner by the Galra along with Shiro and she spends every moment she can looking for them. Keith aka Mr. Im-super-cool-and-dont-try-with-anything-but-still-succeed-because-im-so-PERFECT was meant for this life, a life of battle and bloodshed. Hunk took the longest to reach his full potential, I mean he’s still incredibly nervous and panicky about everything but after seeing what the Galra are really capable of he started to grow into the role.
Meanwhile, I’m just here starving. I’m not a good leader like Shiro, or a stupidly talented hacker like Pidge, or a super skilled fighter and pilot like Keith, or even a great chef and engineer like Hunk. I don’t have a “thing”. Well, my thing is being a bloodthirsty and murderous monster but I try to forget that. But I’m not allowed to show my ever growing weakness so I cover it up with bad flirting and even worse puns and jokes. I’m the weak link already, I can’t let myself be even weaker by showing just how unstable I really am.
Not that anyone seems to notice, no one thinks anythings wrong with “jokester” Lance. Guess I should be happy no one knows about how fucked I really am. Wonder if that’s because I’m such a good actor or because no one cares to look deeper. I’d guess on the latter. Even Hunk and Coran who like me only like the front I put. They’d all be either terrified or murderous towards me if they knew I’m a ghoul. Ghouls don’t really have to best reputation with good reason. After all, we are superhuman, human-looking, and human eating monsters.
I raised my head from my knees. Guess I’ve sulked here long enough, not that anyone would really notice my lack of presence. I picked myself off the ground and walked over to where I left my clothes before taking my shower. That happened to be in front of a mirror. I looked at my reflection, our malnourished bodies that really showed how long it had been since we’ve had a meal, our still damp hair that hung over our borderline skeletal face, and just how human we looked. For the first time in awhile I let my kagune out. Bright blue pupils quickly changed to a deep red with a black background that leaked red veins onto my face. Funny how I can barely see the ones on my eyebags, guess I haven’t been sleeping enough lately either. A brightly colored “tail” sprung from my tailbone. It was made up of countless shades of blue that collided and bled into each other before ending into a white seafoam-like color at the tip. This “tail” was of course my kagune, a special organ that only ghouls have that can manifest outside the body. It kind of looks like when an ocean wave hits a rock that sprays seawater everywhere. The coloring and shape were the same. I’ve always loved the ocean. I used to think my kagune was beautiful when I was young and naive. Now it’s just a reminder of the monster I really am.
I relished in my monstrous appearance for a few minutes before tucking it away. I can’t afford to be found out. No matter how much it hurts to keep it hidden for so long.
Monsters aren’t allowed comfort.
I quickly got dressed before leaving my bathroom and into my room. Though it wasn’t really my room since I left that back home. This room was missing the glow in the dark stars glued to the ceiling and walls, the posters of various shows, the waterbed my mom finally let me get after years of begging, my surfboard I’d always hang over that same bed, but most importantly it was missing the sounds of a family of seven living together in a small house. Poco and I used to share that room before her accident, after that she always just slept on the couch. I guess she wasn’t comfortable sleeping next to someone.
I left my room and stalked down the long and empty halls that made up the ship. Most of this place was empty and abandoned with only me exploring the many rooms scattered throughout the castle-ship. I guess the others had better things to do. Either way, I love finding new secret rooms that I can use for whatever I want. Sometimes if I just forgot about everything and watched the colorful galaxies swirling into each other while bright stars twinkled all around me, I enjoyed myself. I love space I mean I wanted to be an astronaut, of course, I love space. I guess it’s not the worse place to die in hindsight, just wish I said goodbye to everyone. Man, I’m pretty damn depressive today. Well enough moping I’ve got a galaxy to defend and a space princess to save.
On our last mission Princess Allura was captured by the Galra and was taken to their home base by the order of Zarkon, leader of the Galra. Our ship was currently traveling by wormhole to get there after all of us, sans Keith the dick, decided to rescue her. While we were indeed traveling pretty fast to her location The Galra were still about an hour and a half away from us. When we first entered the wormhole Shiro ordered us all to get prepared for the upcoming battle. I went to take a shower and ended up moping for a lot longer than the healthy amount but whatever it’s totally fine~
The ship’s intercoms sparked alive.
“Paladins we are nearing The Galra’s home base, get to your Lions!” Coran’s voice echoed throughout the empty hallways. I quickened my pace to Blue.
Once I reached her hanger she sprung to life shield going down and eyes brightening up. She switched from her sitting position to rest her head on her paws with her rear high in the air with a grace that shouldn’t be possible from a giant robot. She looked like a dog. I rested my hand on her snout and I felt her purr resonate throughout my mind. Guess she could tell I’ve been having a shitty day. She’s so beautiful and wonderful and caring I love her so much how can a mechanical lion be this adorable. Not wanting to waste any more time I quickly hopped into her cockpit and took control of her movements. I switched the intercom in my helmet on was met by an eerie quiet uncommon of our radio station. I guess everyone knew just how serious this was, after all, we might just lose a teammate today. Whether it was a Paladin or the Princess didn’t matter. This was without a doubt the most dangerous mission we’ve been on so far since we first became Paladins of Voltron two months ago.
“Blue Paladin ready for action!” I spoke into my helmet’s mic to alert the others I’ve made it to my lion. A cocky tone seeped into my voice. Hopefully acting like nothing was wrong could bring the mood up.
“Lance what took you so long?!” Keith, The Red Paladin, spoke first.
“Even Hunk got here before you.” Pidge, The Green Paladin, was next with a halfway serious halfway teasing comment.
“Hey! I’m not that bad...” Hunk, The Yellow Paladin and the human embodiment of everything good and pure in this universe spoke next.
“Guys focus! Lance’s here now and that’s all that matters.” Our very own Black Paladin Shiro was quick to defuse the situation in his typical leaderly manner.
“Paladins we’ll be exiting the wormhole in exactly thirty ticks!” Coran’s voice rang through our helmets. Ticks are like a second I think? Wow did I show up late.
“Everyone we only have one chance to get Allura and escape, the moment we leave the ship we form into Voltron and hit fast. Our only objective here is to save her and escape remember that. Don’t do anything reckless.”
“Fifteen ticks!”
“Is everyone ready?!” Shiro commanded.
“YEAH!” We all responded in unison.
As the seconds counted down all of us kept silent in anticipation. Ten seconds left. I could feel my nervousness bleeding into my mental connection with Blue, she was quick to send me her own feelings of an oddly mother-like calm. Five seconds left. I flexed my fingers around Blue’s controls and took a deep breath in. Three seconds left. I let it lose just as the ship exited it’s wormhole.
“NOW!” Shiro orderly loudly, we were all prepared.
All of our lions flew out of their hangers in perfect sync and out into the cold vacuum of space. The Galra base was right in front of us and it was huuuuuuge. The main battleship was easily the size of a moon or a small planet with numerous smaller battleships surrounding it. And surrounding that was this huge mechanical ring. It was a terrifying sight to see so many of those warships at once, it was difficult for Voltron to take down one of those things let alone thousands. This was no time to get distracted. As our lions flew in sync all of them starting changing shape. The red and green lions became arms, the blue and yellow lions became legs, and finally the black lion became the torso. As Blue’s cockpit shuttered and shook I could tell she was connecting with the other lions. Where five lions once were now stood a multicolored humanoid robot. This was Voltron, legendary defender of the universe. Voltron… wasn’t moving?!
“What’s happening?” I cried out.
“Something’s wrong with Black I can’t control her.” Shiro called out, it obvious that he was trying to keep the panic out of his voice. After all, if our leader doesn’t have a cool head then none of us do.
“Uh guys we got company!” Pidge shouted as the hundreds of Galra battleships unleashed their fighter drones while their heavy cannons started charging. Those cannons could level a city in one blast and we are currently a giant multicolored STATUE. I know I said I wasn’t gonna be super negative for the rest of today but we are so fucked right now.
“Shiro what’s wrong?” Keith asked in a mix of concern and panic.
“Black is rejecting me for some reason!” Just as he spoke Voltron split apart leaving five dazed lions and their equally dazed paladins. Wait no make that four dazed lions and five equally dazed paladins. The Black Lion ejected Shiro from her cockpit before flying full speed towards the Galra home base, to Zarkon. Shiro, like the truly badass leader he is, quickly regained his hold on the situation.
“Alright change of plans Pidge you help me get into that base to rescue Allura. Keith you keep Black from getting to Zarkon. Hunk, Lance it’s up to you two to keep the Galra distracted!”
He all nodded our agreement in sync. Or at least I think we all nodded I mean I nodded but I can’t really see the others but- whatever let’s just say we all nodded.
As I took off towards the nearest cluster of Galra fighter drones I saw Shiro getting into the Green Lion alongside Pidge who then switched her ion into stealth mode. Hunk followed me as quickly as he could in the admittedly slow Yellow Lion. No offense to Yellow though I know he’s a real sweetheart just like his paladin. I mean if anyone knows how much a sweetheart Hunk is it’s me I mean I’ve known him forever and he always bakes me stuff even though it tastes disgusting to me, being a ghoul and all, but I always eat it anyways and yeah I know that’s not healthy bu- OH SHIT LASERS.
I veered Blue sharply to the right to a sudden barrage of Galra laser fire. Right, I can’t get distracted right now this is serious, especially if I ramble when I’m nervous. Not allowed to ramble in battle. I turned this sudden right turn into a tailspin to move Blue towards a mass of drones. There were a lot of them, I’d say like thirty, but they’re all pretty close together. So ice beam it is then. I swiftly charged up Blue’s ice beam and it struck the drone fleet dead on, I mean of course it hit dead on I’m the sharpshooter of Voltron. Even though I’m the only one that seems to think that- I’m getting off track again. About twenty of the fighters were rendered unusable from that blast and the remaining ten split off.
I aimed the regular beam towards three fighters that flew away together to make their own little group and fired. Blue’s laser beam hit one of them right through the cockpit causing it to crash into another ship, destroying both in a pretty cool looking explosion. That just leaves one left for me, assuming that Hunk takes care of the other five that flew off. It charged towards me guns a blazing. I gracefully avoided all the shots by rapidly dipping and spinning Blue around. Soon the fighter was up close enough to grab. I launched Blue at the drone and her massive jaws crushed the cockpit of the ship, she then threw the ruined fighter drone at another one that was closing in on us. The drones collided into each other began spiraling out of control, what a good kitty. I felt Blue’s affection come in mental waves at the compliment. I turned around and sped off towards Hunk who I saw had finished the five fighters that had split off and was now taking down a new cluster of drones.
The Yellow Lion was relatively short-ranged compared to his sisters but was perfect for close-range combat with its heavily armored body than could bash and bite better than any of the other lions. Hunk was perfectly aware of this fact and was taking down enemy after enemy. It was a super cool sight to see not that I should be watching instead of fighting. I was about to launch Blue into battle but something stopped me. I saw that a nearby Galra battleship had finished charging it’s heavy cannon.
But I knew that the Yellow Lion wouldn’t be fast enough to evade the blast and even if he was the most heavily armored none of us could take a laser like that head-on. Without a second thought I sped Blue right into the side of Yellow, knocking him and his paladins out of the blast range. I piloted Blue into a nosedive to escape the blast range but it was too late. Just as we were about to escape the cannon fired. Blue’s lower half was directly hit. Suddenly I was shot out of my chair in Blue’s cockpit and violently thrown about as Blue was knocked by the blast. Fortunately my hard ghoul skin and rapid healing factor kept me awake, or unfortunately since I was being smashed into every wall and panel in Blue’s cockpit repeatedly.
I was thrown against the right wall once again but Blue had stopped moving. The cockpit was completely dark, or it would have been to a regular human but hey night vision, as Blue’s power had cut out. That only ever happened when she was really injured. I hastily pulled myself over to the piloting and hissed in pain when I sat down. That’s totally a broken tailbone. My lungs pressed painfully against my ribs making it difficult to breathe, so a few broken ribs as well. Hopefully, none of them puncture a lung, a ghoul’s healing can only help so much. Blue’s cockpit flickered alive though the blue light was dimmer than it was before.
“Sorry beautiful.” I said softly as I grabbed hold of her controls.
“Lance are you okay??” Hunk sounded like he was on the verge of a panic attack, better calm him down fast.
“Yeah I’m cool, both in health and personality.”
He breathed a sigh of relief. Now that Blue’s monitors were online again I could that Yellow was braced against Blue which is what stopped that roller coaster of pain earlier.
“Thanks for the save.”
“Are you sure you’re okay that blast looked really bad.” Ah Hunk, always the worried mom friend.
“Yeah yeah no I’m super it’s gonna take more than that to take out the great blue paladin of Voltron.” I get the feeling that Hunk didn’t believe me, he was always the one who could see through my act. Better change the subject before he presses more.
“Hunk I need you to take out as many cannons as you can, I’ll handle the drones for now.”
“But you’re injured!”
“Hunk please I’m fine but neither of us will be if the rest of the cannons start firing.” I pleaded with him.
“Alright...” He sounded concerned as he usually is but he took off to the nearest Galra battleship without further complaints. I trusted that he could handle himself.
I launched Blue at the nearest drone fighter and she easily tore into it. Another ten or so surrounded us as we finished off the first one. I fired her ice beam to my right and it froze two fighters solid while the rest scattered. I would have liked to chase after them but Blue’s pretty banged up, I don’t want her to get hurt anymore. I could feel her in the back of my mind reminding me that I’m also banged up. Instead of chasing after them I flew in the opposite direction and activated the long-term cannon, or as I like to call it the “sniper rifle”. Ahead of me, there were two drones heading for us. They swerved left and right rapidly to avoid being hit but that’s alright, patience is key for a sniper. I waited as they closed in on us. In their random swerving they had accidentally lined up, but it’ll only be for a second.
I shot a beam directly through the one in front that passed through its cockpit to blow the wing off of the one in the back. The fighter drone in the front exploded and the other veered off coarse before crashing into the body of a nearby battleship. I allowed myself a small whoop of joy. Now I don’t mean to toot my horn but- okay no I am totally tooting my own horn that was awesome. Man I wonder if anyone else saw that.
“Paladins I have been safely returned to the castle and am now preparing for a wormhole jump, everyone returns to the ship!” Allura’s angelic voice rang throughout our radio channel, looks like Shiro and Pidge got her out without much problem. Thank god she’s safe now.
“Looks like we’re heading back babe” I said softly to Blue. I was just about to turn around and fly back to the ship but the action was short by a sudden scream in my ear. It was Keith’s voice.
“KEITH!” I heard the others scream.
Looking to my left I could see The Red Lion getting its mechanical ass kicked by- ZARKON?! Apparently when Keith hears “Protect the Black Lion from Zarkon” he translates that to “Go get your ass kicked by Zarkon”. What a modern Einstein we’ve got here. Well looks like I’m gonna have to step up as the hero here, out of my duty as a Paladin of Voltron not because I care about him. I had Blue launch herself at the two figures at top speed.
The funny thing about Keith’s battle against Zarkon was Keith was piloting a giant space lion while Zarkon was piloting nothing, he was winning without even a spaceship. Oh man why am I getting into this I’m gonna die. Oh well, might as well go down swinging I guess. Maybe I’ll get a sweet Viking funeral or like a really cool tombstone that’s got my face carved into it so even in death people can appreciate my beautiful face. That’d be pretty sweet. I’m rambling again oh man I’m totally gonna die.
Blue crashed right into Zarkon right before he could strike down Keith, who was currently sitting in the cockpit of a powered down Red Lion. Zarkon jumped back and out of Blue’s reach before he could be crushed but it gave me just enough time to grab Keith and get out of here. I had Blue pick up Red by her scruff, does she have a scruff I mean she is a cat but a scruff is just a bunch of flesh on the back of a cat’s neck and robots don’t really have flesh ya know? Whatever I picked Red up and I started my very heroic escape. I heard Zarkon scream in anger behind me and it was pretty damn terrifying, not that the heroic Blue Paladin of Voltron was easily frightened.
“Haggar don’t let anymore escape!” He hissed. I’m pretty sure Haggar was that druid lady that hung around inside their ship. Looks like the others had made it to the ship though considering how pissed he sounded. But how is he expecting some hag inside their ship to do to us? Honestly kind of stupid- what the hell is that.
Behind me I saw what I could only describe as something ripped straight from a fantasy game. A beam of purple lightning was coming from the castle and headed right towards Keith and I. It didn’t look like one of the ship’s weapons, it looked like magic. And I knew what a Galra druid’s magic could do to someone.
“Lance dodge!” Oh looks like Keith finally came to good work there champ totally didn’t know I had to avoid the magical death beam.
I couldn’t move Blue away quick enough, not while carrying Red as well. The beam hit both lions dead on. Words cannot describe the pain that rocked my entire body. It felt like someone with cold, sharp, and wrong hands were ripping me apart and putting me back together. I could feel those hands everywhere. I could feel them stroking my kagune even if it wasn’t out. Each stroke felt wronger and more painful. It was like very secret I’ve hidden was torn right out of my body. Oh god, my eyes are gonna pop out of my head. I heard someone screaming, I wonder if it was me or Keith.
Then suddenly the pain was replaced with an extreme lack of breath. All the air had been knocked out of my body and all of my limbs felt heavier than should be possible. I collapsed back in my chair while trying suck in a breath of air. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin everything was wrong. Whatever that witch did she knew what I was now. I could still feel her gripping my tail and pulling as hard as she could. I could feel her ripping open my eyelids and pressing her fingertips down into the sockets. Oh god I think I’m going into shock.
“Lance! Keith!” I heard Shiro yell as Black stood protectively over the collapsed Blue and Red Lions. I wearily pulled myself out of my stupor and gripped Blue’s controls just as she came back online. The moment she was awake she filled my mind with calming and concerned thoughts. I shook my head slightly and mumbled “’m f’ine” to both my team and to Blue. I could hear Keith groaning in the background, looks like he’s doing just as well as I am.
I stood Blue up just as Black picked up Red by her not-scruff and took off once Shiro was sure I could pilot Blue back to the ship. I followed behind as quickly as someone who might be in shock could, I don’t think Zarkon was following us. I hope he wasn’t I can barely keep my eyes-cold nails tracing the sides of my pupil- open. Before I even knew it all three of us were back in the castle and I could hear the rest of the team talking to each other but it sounded really mumbled to me. Surely I could take a quick nap now that we were back at the castle…
Wait, I hear them yelling at each other something’s wrong. I can’t sleep yet oh god what are they saying I can’t focus.
“Can’t stay toget-”
Huh? When did Blue leave her hanger, why are we outside? Why am I in a wormhole? Why’s Keith about to crash into me-
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maandags · 5 years
Fixable Mistakes (Hunk x reader)
fam im jsbdcjs
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Summary: When you show up at the Castle of Lions with a heartbreaking story and a request for help, Hunk accepts immediately, not thinking anything except the fact that you needed help and he could give it to you. But as schemes begin to unfold and errors are committed, Hunk constantly needs to remind himself of something: that not every mistake can be fixed...
Word count: 11.2K 
Genre: angst/fluff
Notes: masterlist - yalls idek what to say. i show love by making my babies suffer
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At first, Hunk thought you were a hallucination.
He was in his room, minding his own business, when his wristband went off and Keith’s face appeared on a little screen hovering over his arm, telling him to get to the briefing room right now. Before Hunk could ask why, Keith broke the connection.
So Hunk sighed and pushed off his bed, trudging towards the briefing room with a scowl. He had stuff to do, damn it–he needed to show Pidge some inconsistencies in a program he was working on. Maybe she could help him. There were dozens of other things he needed to do, and there had been no meeting scheduled until two days from now. It made no sense, he grumbled internally as he pushed open the door to the briefing room.
He froze, one hand still on the doorknob.
There you stood, looking regal as anything, your hands clasped behind your back, your feet standing solidly on the ground and your shoulders drawn back. A strange thing he immediately noticed was how your hair seemed to flow behind you as if you were underwater, the ends dissolving into golden dust–as if you were a sand statue seconds away from crumbling.
You turned your head, two eyes that seemed forged out of hot embers casting him a surprised glance before your lips curled into a tentative smile. “Hello.”
“Hi,” said Hunk, voice squeakier than usual.
“Hunk? Sit down, please,” said Allura from the head of the table, and somewhere in the back of his mind Hunk noticed how shaky her voice was. His mind was completely entranced with your image in front of him, though, so he didn’t pay any attention to it until Lance brought it up later.
He ripped his eyes from your form and quickly sank into his seat, Pidge at his side. She leaned towards him and whispered, “Don’t worry. We all had the same reaction when we first saw them.” For some reason, that didn’t sit well with Hunk at all.
Everyone was there. Everyone looked at you, seated opposite Allura at the other end of the table, your body giving off its own golden-orange glow, your hair turning to stardust behind your head. You looked like… well, Hunk thought, somewhat embarrassed, you looked like royalty. Yet you also looked slightly nervous, your eyes darting from Paladin to Paladin and your shoulders drawn up to your ears as if you were expecting to get yelled at. The opposite of how you'd looked only minutes ago.
After a moment of silence, Keith spoke up, and you jumped. “So. Are you going to introduce yourself?”
Shiro’s eyes snapped to Keith, a careful warning lying in them. “Keith–”
“No, it’s okay,” you interrupted him. Your voice was quieter than Hunk had expected–twinkling. Like a melody from a music box, back on Earth. Or a star.
You took a breath, bringing delicate hands onto the table and lacing your fingers together. Even your nails seemed to give off that strange golden glow. “My name is Y/N. I’m a Comet, and I’ve come to ask for your help.”
There were exactly two seconds of dead silence, and then everyone began to speak at once. They bombarded you with questions or simply said, “What?” Lance practically jumped over the table and shouted in your face, Pidge right by his side, and you shrank more into yourself with every word they uttered. Keith had grabbed Shiro’s arm and was saying how much he didn’t like this, how he was sure this was some kind of scheme from the Galra to infiltrate them, how there was no way this was going to end well–
No one paid any attention to how you felt, and when Hunk locked eyes with you over Pidge’s head, all he saw was absolute terror and confusion and desperation. The fire he’d seen earlier was still there, but it didn’t glow as brightly as it had before–they were frightened little flames, grasping and reaching for any bit of air they could get before they were completely suffocated.
“Everyone SHUT UP!”
He surprised even himself with his shout.
But it worked, because the room went so silent you could hear a fly drop dead. Lance and Pidge slid back into their seats, having the decency to at least look a little embarrassed. Keith still held on to Shiro’s arm but cast an annoyed glance at Hunk. But Hunk’s eyes were on you only, and the look of gratefulness you sent him made his chest churn.
“Can you explain who exactly you are and what you need our help for?” he finally said.
“I still don’t like this,” whispered Keith angrily.
“Let them talk,” muttered Shiro back. His eyes were back on you again, but not before they slid over Hunk with a new sort of interest.
You nodded, chewing the inside of your cheek. “I’m–I’m sorry for barging in like this, first of all. But you must know I would never seek your help if I had another choice,” you said, your voice strained and your eyes pleading as you kept your gaze firm on Allura. The princess’ expression was guarded, but held also something that was almost reverence, and Hunk got the feeling she knew exactly who you were–or at least what you were.
“As I said, I am a Comet. You have probably heard of my people, whether the ones talking about us knew what they were saying or not, but you probably have never made the connection between the comets you know and beings like me.” With these words, you burned your fiery gaze through Keith’s as if defying him.
“Well,” said Lance hesitantly, “we do know of comets on Earth–but they’re nothing more than lumps of ice and space dust and gas that burn up in our atmosphere.” But his tone was questioning as he said it.
You smiled faintly. “That’s what we made you believe.” Hunk could almost feel five pairs of eyebrows lift at the same time. “You know of falling stars, yes?” you said patiently, and when they all nodded, “All falling stars are comets–and some are, indeed, lumps of ice and dust and gas.” An amused look towards Lance. “Others are Comets–capital C.
“We’re a nomad people. Pacifist. We travel across the universe, needing nothing but starlight to survive. Sometimes we touch down on a planet and mix with its population for a while. One lifetime. Two lifetimes. Maybe more. But we always return to the space between the stars. It’s where we belong.”
“If you’ve always been around,” began Shiro cautiously, eyeing you as if he didn’t quite know what to make of you, “why has no one ever heard of you?”
“They have,” you stated simply, ember eyes flicking to Allura and Coran. “We stay out of wars. We don’t have a home for belligerents to conquer or destroy–we’re perfectly happy roaming between the stars. We don’t fight.” The words were tinged with a sadness Hunk couldn’t quite place. There’s a twinge in his gut.
Allura cleared her throat. “Comets were always regarded as deities, back on Altea. They represented everything important to us–freedom. Peace. Tranquillity.”
“Whenever a Comet touched down on Altea, they were treated with the utmost respect and were offered hospitality in the Castle of Lions,” continued Coran, a sad smile upon his face. “They always refused, wanting to be among the people instead. They never asked for anything in return, and what could we give to them? They lived so much longer than us. They were so much wiser than us. There was nothing we could give them except for kindness.”
“We never wanted anything more,” you said in that twinkling voice of yours. But then your eyes grew sad, the embers dimming to nothing more than a slight glow.
“Why did you come?” asked Allura–the question that had been burning on everyone’s lips from the moment you stepped inside the castle.
Your lips pursed themselves into a straight line, and as you screwed your eyes shut a single tear slid down your cheek. It was black and seemed to suck all the light into itself instead of glowing with it like the rest of you did. “The Galra found a way of harvesting a Comet’s quintessence,” you said shakily. When you opened your eyes again, they were blazing with a fury that almost has Hunk shrink back in his seat. “My people have been disappearing from all over the universe. We don’t know how to fight, it’s not what we were meant to do–how are we supposed to resist?” You balled your fists. “I don’t even know how many of us are left.”
Allura had her hands clapped over her mouth, and Coran had gone stark white. Looks of confusion were painted across the other’s faces, mixed with sympathy and anger. Shiro ran a hand through his hair. “The Galra have been capturing your people for their quintessence?”
You sighed shakily. “A Comet is aeons worth of starlight and energy. If you can harvest that much power all at once…” You shivered, looking suddenly very small and weak.
A spark of anger ignited in Hunk’s chest and he clenched his fist underneath the table. This was just another example of how the Galra would stop at nothing to get more power. They would just keep on destroying and harvesting–even if it meant wiping an entire people from the universe. But he remembered with a shock that it wasn’t the first time they’d done that, either; Allura and Coran were living proof of that.
“We’ll help you,” he found himself saying. Now everyone turned to him, and Keith shot him a murderous glare, and he was probably right to do so–it was way too quick to agree to something like this. But now that the words were out there he couldn’t take them back anymore. Hunk tried for an encouraging smile your way.
“Of course we’ll help you,” said Allura after a moment of silence. She took a breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, determination glinted in them. Hunk had seen this look on her before. It was the one she wore just before going to battle. “Coran and I know what it’s like to watch your people fall right before your eyes better than anyone. Of course we’ll help you.”
And that was that.
You were given your own room, at the end of the corridor and opposite Hunk’s. Everyone agreed you shouldn’t be left to roam the universe on your own when the Galra were rounding up Comets left and right, and you seemed beyond relieved that the team had decided to help you. When Hunk asked if Comets even slept, you merely smiled. “Not as far as I know… but there’s a first time for everything, right?” Your ember eyes, burning into his.
He grinned, expression a mirror image of your own. “Right.”
You arranged a meeting with Allura, Coran and Shiro first thing the next day and left the room. Everyone sagged in their seats and released puffs of air. Hunk pushed back his chair and prepared to get back to his own room, but a hand on his arm stopped him. He looked up right into Keith’s scowling face.
“You were stupid to just agree to help them like that,” he hissed, voice low so only Hunk can hear him. The rest talked in hushed voices, their heads close together. He opened his mouth to retort but again Keith cut him off. “I’m not gonna say anything to them–but know that I’ll keep an eye on them. I don’t trust this. I don’t trust them.”
“You still think this is some scheme from the Galra to try and infiltrate us?”
“They’re insane enough for it. But, Hunk?” He paused, violet eyes hard and steely. “If this all goes to shit, and any one of us gets hurt? That’s on you.” He let go and joined the others before Hunk could answer.
Despite Keith’s bitter words from the first night, the others seemed to warm up to you pretty quick–including Hunk himself.
You were the type of person anyone liked to be around: cheerful, always kind, always trying to help in whatever small ways you could. You glowed, lighting up a room by simply being in it. Hunk caught himself staring at you more often than he’d like to admit. Sometimes you’d meet his eyes. Smile. Hunk would look away, cheeks tinged red in embarrassment.
Around two weeks passed before there was another meeting. There had been small missions; gathering intel, trying to find out where the Galra took the Comets once they’d been captured, how they were captured, what was done with them. They’d all been working themselves to the bone to get all the information they needed to craft a solid plan. Now seemed they could at least lay down a base.
Shiro pressed a button and a hologram map sprang to life in the middle of the room. “This is where we think the Comets are taken once they’re captured,” he announced. Straight to the point, Hunk thought. All right.
“It’s a base in the Kianre quadrant, section KV-23. We’ve searched out for it. Found nothing but a whole lot of radiation emanating from this exact spot.” He wrote down some coordinates. “They’ve concealed the base, but now that we know it’s there, that’s not a problem anymore.”
Lance raised his hand. “So. This might be a stupid question, but why don’t we just form Voltron and blow the base up? Boom. Problem solved.”
“It’s what we would do if there wasn’t the slightest chance that there are actual alive Comets still being held captive there. We just can’t risk it,” said Allura.
“All right, then.” Pidge puckered her lips. “So it’s a stealth slash extraction mission then?”
Shiro nodded. “That’s right. The plan is to go in, find the Comets, take them to the lions, find out how the Galra harvested their quintessence and destroy it.”
“Sounds awfully simple when you put it like that,” muttered Keith from behind his crossed arms. A wave of irritation washed over Hunk and he bit back a retort. Why couldn’t Keith just relax? He saw threats where there weren’t any.
They discussed strategics. Hunk pitched in here and there, scratching the back of his neck and casting looks at you every now and then. You were a little off to the side, fiddling with your fingers. You looked, for the first time, unsure of yourself. As if you didn’t quite know why you were there. The glow permanently surrounding you had dimmed.
“Y/N,” called Allura.
Your head jerked up. “Yes?”
“Do you know how to fight?”
You pursed your lips. “I’ve never had to fight. I wasn’t trained.”
“So that’s a no,” said Lance helpfully. Hunk kind of wanted to punch him.
Allura looked torn, trying so hard to keep a straight face. “There’s nothing you can do to defend yourself?”
“I mean… I can manipulate my light a bit,” you mumbled, drawing your hand to your chest. shy under the sudden attention. “I’m only a young Comet. I have yet so much to learn…” Your fingers opened and closed, a little ball of pure golden light dancing between them. It was hypnotising. “It’s not much of a weapon, though, I don’t think.”
Allura and Shiro shared a look between them, and Hunk sensed that in that look a whole debate took place. Finally Shiro lowered his gaze and sighed. “Y/N, I’m sorry, but you won’t be able to come with us on the mission.”
You pursed your lips, clenching your hands into fists at your side. You looked like you wanted to say something, but thought better of it in the end: the decision had been made. You sat down, your gaze firm on the floor and your fingers entwined.
Shiro put a hand on your shoulder. Your body tensed ever so slightly–Hunk didn’t think anyone but him noticed. “I’m really, truly sorry.”
“No, I get it,” you muttered. “It’s okay. Really.”
You didn’t say anything more after that. You stayed until the end of the meeting, and Hunk was impressed with you for that because he could see how much it hurt you, the knowledge that everything could go wrong in a second and you would be powerless to do anything about it. But when Allura declared the meeting over, you were the first to exit the room.
It made Hunk’s chest ache. Seeing you like this–shoulders hunched, glow dimmed, completely deflated–made his chest ache. He wished there was something he could do to help. Just make sure the mission goes all right, he told himself. Just make sure their pain isn’t for nothing.
Hunk could feel the anticipation building inside the Castle as preparations were made. Their training schedules were altered, so every moment they weren’t resting or out and about they were holed up on the training deck, working their asses off.
Shiro yelled, “Training sequence over!” The sound of the training bot deactivating was the most beautiful sound Hunk had heard all day. He blew out a breath and let himself fall to the floor where he sat cross-legged, grinning at Lance who was splayed out on his back and making sure everyone knew how tired he was.
“I swear to everything that’s holy,” he said, staring up at the ceiling from where he starfished on the floor, “once we get the Comets out of that base I am rewarding myself by not doing any form of exercise for a week.”
Shiro frowned. Hunk knew you were supposed to stretch your muscles out after exercising. Technically. Shiro was the only one doing it. “That’s not a reward. You’ve gotta keep in shape, Lance.”
“Shut up. My limbs are jelly.” Lance demonstrated this by meekly flopping his arms.
Behind Shiro, sitting against the wall, Keith rolled his eyes. “We’re probably all going to die anyway in this stupid rescue mission. So I don’t see the point.”
Pidge sighed audibly. “Okay. So I know you never liked this idea to begin with but can you please don’t be a dick about it?”
Lance now sat up. “Yeah, I mean, what is your problem? Not to be passive-aggressive,” he added quickly, “I’m actually genuinely curious.”
Keith pulled his knees up to his chest, eyes pointedly to the wall opposite him. “I just don’t trust Y/N.” Now it was Hunk’s turn to sigh and roll his eyes.
“Why not, though?” Pidge asked, eyebrows knotting together. “They’ve been nothing but kind and helpful.”
Keith shrugged again. “I don’t know. Just a feeling.” There was a pause. “It’s just–don’t you think it’s weird that they just… showed up? Like, there was no warning, no distress signal, no nothing. None of us except for Coran and Allura have even heard of Comets before. And yeah, I get it. They need help. Their people need help. But still.” A defiant look Hunk’s way. “It doesn’t sit right with me.”
And with that happy thought, he pushed himself up and left the room.
“Well,” said Lance after a while, “paranoid much?”
But Shiro’s eyes had taken on that sheen that screamed doubt. His jaw was set, and Hunk could almost see the gears turn in his head. Even though it wasn’t clear if he actually believed Keith, the fact that his words had let Shiro doubt whether what they were doing was the right thing was enough to make Hunk past uncomfortable. He narrowed his eyes.
“You don’t actually think he’s right, right?”
Shiro turned to him, everything about his expression masked with doubt. “He might have a point, you know.”
“Oh my god,” Hunk choked out. Scrambling up, he grabbed his bayard and threw up his arms. “Y/N needs help! When have we ever refused anyone help?” He glared at Shiro. “They watched their civilization get destroyed. We’re their last resort! And you’re starting to doubt if they’re even telling the truth?”
Pidge stood up now, too. “I’m with Hunk on this one. Y/N doesn’t seem the type to be a traitor or something. A spy? They can’t even fight to defend themselves! And I don’t think I’ve ever caught them lie.”
“Maybe they’re just good at their job,” muttered Lance.
The words hit Hunk like a truck. “You too?”
Lance gave an apologetic shrug. “I’m not saying I don’t trust them. But Keith does have a point when he’s talking about how randomly they just showed up. You’d think we’d hear about it if beings as powerful as the Comets were being rounded up en masse.” He sniffed, rubbing his arm. “I’m just saying we could be a little more careful.”
Hunk bit his tongue, knowing that if he let his emotions spill over now he would say things he was for sure going to regret later. Instead he turned and headed for the door, making sure to slam it shut behind him.
He had the whole trip to his room to calm down, taking deep breaths and shaking his head as if he could shake the others’ words out of his mind. There was nothing wrong with a healthy dose of suspicion–but you?
Cheerful you, who Hunk was sure had never hurt a fly in your life. You, who made him laugh every evening at dinner, talking animatedly to anyone who would listen. You who were always keen to try whatever new concoction he’d come up with in the kitchen and tried your best to convince him he’d done a good job, even when he could see the strain in your grin. You who could make him feel better by simply being by his side.
One hand on his doorknob, he bit his lip. You hadn’t been much out of your room since the meeting; only for food (and even that was just out of politeness since Comets didn’t need to eat) and occasionally for a chat or two. It was clear you didn’t want to be reminded that the fate of your people lay in the others’ hands and that you could do nothing about it. But there was an itch in Hunk’s chest–he wanted to see you. Hear your voice.
So he spun on his heel and marched to the door opposite his own.
He had to knock twice before he got an answer. Your “Yeah?” sounded slightly irritated, and Hunk pulled back his hand, but before he could decide if this was actually a good idea you opened the door, eyes widening ever so slightly at the sight of him. “Hunk! Hi.”
“Hey,” he said, fighting the urge to awkwardly balance on his heels. There were smudges of something dark under your eyes and on your cheeks. Hunk frowned. Had you been crying? Your eyes weren’t rimmed purple like they had been when you’d cried that first day you were here, but there was still something about the darkness on your face that made Hunk the slightest bit uncomfortable.
“Um… did you–uh–want anything? Or…”
Hunk jumped, feeling his own face heat up. “Oh, uh, no? Not really. I just wanted to check on you.” Your gaze softened and he suddenly really wanted to wipe away the smudges on your face. But he didn’t. Because that would be weird. “Are you okay?”
You grinned. Carefully. As if smiles were a fragile thing. And in a way, Hunk guessed they were. “Mostly. I’ve just been… you know. Stressed out. About stuff.”
Hunk sensed there was something you weren’t telling him, but he didn’t want to pressure you. If you wanted to tell him, you would. End of story. But your eyes were full of insecurities and doubt and there was something you weren’t telling him and it was something important. He opened his mouth to ask about it–but you cut him off with a question of your own.
“Hunk, do you ever feel like you’ve made a horrible, terrible mistake?”
The question caught him so off-guard he was rendered speechless for a second. But you were looking at him expectantly, almost desperately, so he thought about it before answering. “Well, I mean–of course. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes. But, you know, that’s okay. Everyone does.”
You nodded, chewing on your lower lip. You avoided his eyes as you mulled over his words. “And… when you realise you’ve made a mistake. What do you do?”
Hunk cocked his head. He didn’t quite understand what you were on about, but if he could help…
“Well, I try and fix it, don’t I? Almost every mistake can be fixed. Even trying goes a long way.”
Again you nodded, your eyes distant and your eyebrows furrowed. Your lips were moving, but whatever you were saying Hunk couldn’t make out. Your fingers fiddled with something dark but shiny, almost subconsciously. Upon closer inspection, Hunk saw it was a piece of fabric. It looked a lot like silk–but it also didn’t look like anything Hunk had ever seen before. The fabric was shimmery and seemed to shift between hues of blue and purple and black, glittering here and there with silver stars, as if someone had pinched a piece out of the universe and wove it together.
You saw him looking. Quickly withdrew the piece of cloth from sight. “Oh, that’s just–I’ve had it for ages. It’s like a good luck charm.”
Hunk nodded quickly. “Right.”
There was something else. He could tell. There was something else and it was bothering you and all he wanted to do was help–but if you wouldn’t tell him… Maybe this was something you needed to deal with on your own. He resisted the urge to pout. “Well, if you need anything else…”
Your eyes widened and snapped back to his face as if you’d forgotten he was still there. “Yeah. Sure. Thanks.”
He smiled. You smiled back. Before Hunk closed the door to his own room, he swore he could see a tear track down your cheek.
– – –
It was finally the day, and the tension could be felt throughout the entire castle. Hunk bounced on his feet, repeating the plan in his head, rolling his shoulders. Lance and Shiro were practising hand-to-hand combat. Pidge checked the wirings inside their helmets. Allura spoke with Coran in hushed tones, frantically waving her hands around. Keith sulked in a corner.
You were nowhere to be seen, and it made Hunk uncomfortable.
He’d thought you’d see them off, at least. You wouldn’t be completely alone during the time the rest went on the mission; you’d have Coran to keep you company. But still–your absence was unnerving, and he was positive the others felt it too. They were lingering, hoping you’d show up without having to go get you. He could almost hear Keith biting back some snarky remarks.
At last, Shiro sighed. “We have to go.”
Hunk kept hoping you’d come until his lion shot out of the hangar and joined the others. No sign of you. He ignored the disappointed prick in his chest. Maybe it was too difficult for you to see them leave without you, he told himself. Maybe you’d fallen asleep. Maybe, maybe, maybe. It didn’t give him any certainty. It didn’t make him feel better.
The ride was silent. Everyone was alone with their own thoughts. There wasn’t as much nervous chatter as there usually would have been. It only added to the ominous atmosphere pressing onto them. Something was askew, and yet no one wanted to mention it.
So they kept going.
The view was nice as ever, yet Hunk couldn’t bring himself to enjoy it. His mind was filled with worry; for you, for himself, for his friends. So much could go wrong. He should speak up. They weren’t ready enough. They weren’t prepared enough. It was going to go wrong.
If this all goes to shit, if any one of us gets hurt–that’s on you.
He groaned, lowering his face into his hands. When he closed his eyes, all he could see were your own staring back, blazing embers forged out of pure starlight. It made his thoughts muddy and his actions sluggish. He started doubting his every move. Things he used to be absolutely certain of weren’t so clear anymore.
He hated it. He wanted it to stop.
It was probably the stress, he thought. The pressure of this one particular mission that could determine an entire civilization’s fate, and yet… they’d done missions of an even more important scale before, and he had never reacted like this. A voice inside him murmured, but this mission isn’t like the others. Because the others weren’t about you.
“Dammit,” he muttered, rubbing his temples. He vaguely noted how hot his forehead felt.
“All right folks, we’re getting close to the Kianre quadrant. We probably have ten minutes left to go before we reach the concerned sector. Get ready,” said Shiro’s tight voice over the speakers. It wasn’t like him to sound this nervous, Hunk thought. But then again–they’d all sounded nervous. Nothing made any sense anymore.
There was a flash and a kind of humming sound. The air charged with energy. It pressed down on Hunk and he yelped in surprise, squeezing his eyes shut against the bright light suddenly filling his lion’s cockpit.
“Call off the mission,” you said in a hurried voice.
Hunk almost fell out of his chair. “Wh-what?” he spluttered, blinking furiously to get at least some of his sight back. When he did, and he focused on the figure standing behind him, he blinked a few more times for good measure. To make sure what he was seeing was real.
You grabbed his arm, fiery eyes burning into his with an intensity he hadn’t seen before. “Hunk. Call of the mission. Now.”
“I can’t just do that,” he said weakly, head still spinning from the rather unexpected turn of events.
You exhaled sharply. “Right. Okay. But Shiro can.” There was a flash again, and you were gone.
Hunk shook his head, still dazed, and pulled his lion to a halt. In his helmet, Pidge’s voice piped up. “Hunk, what’s wrong?” He didn’t quite know how to answer.
Then the comms crackled. “This is Y/N. Turn around and get back to the castle as quick as you can. The mission’s cancelled.” The connection broke.
There was exactly one second of silence before everyone started talking at once, but there was a flash again and something shot past Hunk’s window. It went too fast for him to make out anything more than a yellow-golden streak, but the resemblance to a shooting star was too big for Hunk to ignore. It was you. Somehow, this stripe of light was you. He was sure of it.
“Wait, wait–what just happened? Was that really Y/N?” Lance squeaked, his face appearing on Hunk’s screen along with all the others. They all looked at Shiro.
He nodded grimly. “I don’t know what that was all about. But they seemed genuinely distressed–”
Hunk interrupted before he could think better of it. “Well, actually, I don’t think they were distressed as much as they were angry. Frustrated.”
“You know. I’ve seen them actually distressed. Scared, and everything. This wasn’t that,” he said, shrinking back in his seat because of the looks his teammates were sending him.
“They came for you too?” said Keith sharply. “I knew we couldn’t trust them–!”
“They came to me,” Hunk corrected, irritated. “And we don’t know what they’re on about. Maybe Coran got hold of some new information that changed the whole situation completely. Stop being so quick to judge.”
“Okay, so let’s assume that’s the case,” said Keith angrily. “Coran couldn’t have sent us a message?”
“Maybe there was interference! That’s happened before!” Hunk threw up his arms. “I don’t know, damn it!”
“Guys.” There was a warning in Shiro’s voice Hunk didn’t want to challenge. “We’ll discuss it back at the Castle. Let’s just get going.” He frowned. “Y/N has some explaining to do.”
You were pacing, waiting for them in the hangar. Hunk noticed now that you did look distressed, but as soon as you looked up and met his eyes a huge weight seemed to lift off your shoulders. You still acted strange–a little scary–but you hurried towards him, only stopping in front of him at the last second, looking like you had to restrain yourself from throwing your arms around him. “Thank the stars,” you breathed when every lion touched down.
Keith was out first, and he stomped up to you, yanking off his helmet and pointing an accusatory finger at your chest. “You better start explaining right now–”
“Keith,” hissed Lance from behind him, looking equally cautious and curious as to what you had to say.
You cringed away slightly. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“Where’s Coran?” Allura’s eyes grew increasingly worried as they scanned the hangar for him. Then they snapped back to you and filled with fury. “If you’ve laid a single finger on Coran, I swear to–”
“He’s fine,” you assured her quickly, a dark blue blush creeping up on your cheeks. “He’s–in his room. Asleep.” You flinched when you said the words. “He wouldn’t let me go warn you, and, well... not many people know Comets produce a kind of sleeping dust.” You held up a hand. Something resembling sparkly golden sand swirled in between your fingers. Everyone took a step back, their hands hovering around their bayards and their gazes fixed on your hands. “I won’t use it on you!” you said hurriedly. “I never do, when I can help it, but I had no other choice.”
“Like you had no other choice coming to us for help?” Shiro’s voice was dangerously low. Hunk could see the fingers of his prosthetic hand flexing and curling. “It’s time you start talking, Y/N.”
You took a breath. “Most of what I said is true. My people are getting captured by the Galra and they are being drained of their quintessence.”
“But you also lied.” It wasn’t a question, yet Allura glared at you as if she expected an answer.
“I did.” You stuck your chin up slightly, your hands curling to fists at your side. “I was captured by the Galra too. And there are no more of us left. Not free, at least.” You sighed shakily. “The Galra decided they could use me for more than just my quintessence: luring Voltron into a trap. With bait they can’t resist.”
“You,” breathed Hunk. The heavy weight of betrayal settled on his chest, the floor suddenly pulled out from beneath him. His whole world had been turned upside down. You threw him a pleading look. A look that screamed I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
“Someone in need of help,” you said quietly. “They knew you wouldn’t throw me back out. Because you help people–it’s what you’re here to do.” Tears brimmed your eyes and you blinked them away angrily. “Anyway. You were supposed to find the base and ambush it, except they would be ready. You’d be captured along with the lions and eventually killed.”
The simple way you said it made Hunk want to throw up. Or maybe it was the thought of having been so close to death and not even knowing it that made his head spin. He grabbed onto the nearest pillar to steady himself.
“So all this time you knew,” said Shiro in a low voice. Again, it wasn’t a question.
You nodded stiffly. “I couldn’t–I couldn’t let you get killed.”
“Well, that’s a nice sentiment, isn’t it?” Keith growled, making half a step forward. He looked as if he physically wanted to fight you that very second. “You were going to let us get killed. While we were fighting for you.”
“But I didn’t,” you whispered pleadingly. “I know that doesn’t make up for the lies I’ve told. I really truly am sorry.” You looked directly at Allura now. “The Galra General–I don’t know his name–injected a tracker inside of me before sending me here. I managed to cut it out without destroying it.”
On your open palm lay a little metal object, about the size of a pill, covered in your strange night-sky-black blood. It was flickering with a little orange light. “It would have alerted them if they saw I left the Castle. I don’t know how long will go by before they realise you won’t be coming.”
Allura took a step back. “Keep that thing away from me.”
“I’ll take it,” said Pidge quietly before she plucked the little tracking device from your hand. She was the one who looked the less shaken by the whole situation. The one who acted the less hostile towards you. Which Hunk found strange–he’d thought Pidge would be utterly devastated, especially after having expressed her trust in you when everyone else had their suspicions.
Keith had pulled Shiro aside and was whisper-yelling to him and Allura, a mix of anger and smugness on his face. Smugness because he’d been right from the start, Hunk suspected. Lance was awkwardly hovering close enough so he could hear what they were saying, but not be an actual part of the conversation. Lance had liked you from the very first moment. He looked torn between anger and sadness, having run his hands through his hair so many times it stuck up in all directions.
You rubbed your collarbone absent-mindedly. A bandage was wrapped around your chest, barely peeking out from beneath your shirt. Hunk wondered if that was where the tracker had sat before you cut it out. You saw him look. “I kind of ruined one of your knives when I took it out,” you mumbled. “Comet blood’s close to impossible to wash off of metal. The stains are nasty.”
Hunk nodded dumbly. “Good to–good to know.”
“I think I can trace the signal this thing’s reacting to,” Pidge said as she studied the little device. “If I’m careful.”
“I’ll help,” said Hunk. Anything to take his mind off of you.
Pidge smiled at him. “Thanks.”
“Hunk?” Your voice was small, but when Hunk’s eyes met yours, he saw nothing but determination. There was a pause in which neither of you said anything, and Hunk almost lost himself in the fire that burned in them, brighter than ever. “I know you're mad at me, and you have every right to be--but this is my way of fixing a mistake.”
Hunk nodded. There wasn’t much else he could do.
Allura and Shiro decided, despite Keith’s protests, that it was best to keep you in the castle at least for a while. You still knew things that could be of possible use to them, and you didn’t show any signs of wanting to leave. As a matter of fact, when Allura informed you that you were basically their prisoner now, all you did was shrug and say “Okay.”
Not a very villainous thing to do, in Hunk’s opinion.
You were escorted to the cells, Keith and Shiro by your sides. Keith had his bayard drawn, probably because he wanted to look intimidating, because Hunk suspected you could get away from them any second you wanted, if what he’d seen in his lion was anything to go by. But you didn’t. You stayed. You were cooperative. It puzzled Hunk beyond belief.
When you were safely stashed away and Shiro and Keith had come back they all flunked down around the big dining table, plates of food goo waiting for them. It was silent for a good while. Allura had gone up to check on Coran, only returning when she was sure you had been telling the truth and he was merely asleep. With a few taps on the cheek, he was up and about again. A relief, even though Hunk had never thought you’d actually hurt Coran.
Finally Lance threw his fork down. “I just can’t believe…” His voice trailed off. “I mean, Y/N? They’re not like that! None of this makes sense.”
“They confessed, Lance. End of story.” Keith kept his gaze firm on his own plate of goo. He didn’t eat, though. Merely pushed around bits of goo with his fork.
“You know, there are parts of this that don’t make sense,” Pidge chimed in. Hunk didn’t understand how she could just chow away at her food, not with everything that just happened. “There are parts that do. And then there are parts that don’t.” She swallowed. “I get the feeling Y/N’s not telling us everything.”
“I know, Pidge,” said Allura. “It’s bothering me as well.”
“You can just ask them, you know,” Hunk muttered, sagged in his chair. “It’s not like they show resistance. They’ll answer your questions.”
“Do you have something to say, Hunk?” There was the hostile edge to Keith’s voice again.
Hunk exhaled. “No. I just don’t think it was necessary to throw Y/N in a cell.”
“They’re dangerous–”
“Okay, listen. We’re all upset, but we’re forgetting one thing here,” said Hunk, slamming down his fork, finally giving in to his irritation. “Y/N made the right choice in the end. No one got hurt. They answered all our questions and explained themselves. They cut the tracker out of their body to come warn us.”
“They’re still a traitor–!”
“Because you’re not looking at it from their point of view! I’m not saying we should immediately forgive and forget, but we can afford to go a little gentler on them, you know. Their people are being slowly killed and robbed of their quintessence, in case you forgot.”
Hunk hadn’t intended for the snide tone to edge his words, but it had crept in there anyway. He was worked up, and as he pushed his chair back and stood up, he had to curl his hands into fists to keep them from trembling. He snatched a towel up and wet it under the sink. “Don’t follow me.” And he left the room.
You were sitting with your back to the glass wall of your holding cell when Hunk pushed open the door. You immediately straightened, eyes darting around–but there was no fear in them. Only curiosity and caution, but no real fear. He pressed the button that made a panel to your cell slide open and he stepped in.
“You’re not scared I’ll kill you?” you said, a ghost of a smile on your lips and a twinkle in your eyes.
Hunk snorted, crouching down and tugging at the bandage on your chest. “Nah. Not that you’re not capable of doing so,” he added, “because I totally think you are. But I’m not worried about it.”
Your sleeve fell down a bit, and when he pushed aside the last layer of the bandage a gaping black wound was revealed, just between your shoulder and your neck. He flinched slightly at the unfamiliarity of it–but you gently pushed his hand away and tugged the bandage back into place. “It’s okay. Don’t mind that.” Hunk pretended not to see you grimace in pain.
So he twirled the wet towel in his hands and said nothing for a while. He pointedly avoided looking you in the eye.
“You don’t have questions?”
Hunk’s head snapped up. “What?”
You shrugged. “Well. I wasn’t really expecting anyone for at least a bit longer. But you’re here.” You regarded him curiously. “That must mean you have questions.”
Hunk hesitated. “Just one, really.” You waited, eyes expectant. “Why did you save us?”
You raised an eyebrow. “That’s not the question I was expecting.”
“I’m still curious.”
You mulled it over. “I guess… I don’t know. I’d started to care about you. You were so keen on helping me, and you didn’t even know who I was before I showed up–lying to you grew more painful by the day. I hated every second of it. Hated myself every second of it.” You cast him a tired look. “They promised me they wouldn’t harm her if I did it, you know. My sister.”
Hunk almost choked on air. “What?”
You sagged, back against the wall and arms crossed. “They said–they said if I refused the operation they’d kill her and make me watch. I didn’t hear anything she said, but the walls are clear. They like to be able to see their specimens.” Your voice was strangely monotone, carefully devoid of any emotion. Hunk listened with horror, unable to speak. “She was begging me not to do it. Begging. Screaming and crying and clawing at the walls. I could read her lips. ‘Don’t you do it, Y/N. Don’t you dare.’ Kyra’s always been a firm believer in peace.”
You pulled out the piece of dark cloth and started rubbing it out of habit. “This is her handkerchief. She made it herself. Used to carry it everywhere she went.”
Hunk took all of that in, mind racing with the bomb you’d just dropped. “You needed to protect your sister.”
“Twin, actually, as you’d call it. We were forged out of the same star.”
“Forged out of the same–”
“It’s Comet birth stuff. It’s complicated.”
A pause. Then you grabbed his hand. Your fingers curled around his, palm pulsing with a heat that coursed through his entire body from the second you touched him. If starlight was an emotion, he was currently experiencing it. He didn’t want it to ever stop.
“My sister is the only one in that facility, Hunk,” you said quietly. “They needed leverage and Kyra was perfect for it. I don’t know where the others are. I doubt they’re even still alive. But I’ve been having–I’ve been having these visions…” You shivered. “She’s getting worse. I don’t think I have much time left. I don’t know what to do.”
Hunk knew he should have been suspicious, or at least cautious to a certain degree–you had just lied to them for a month. This could just be another ploy from the Galra to make the team trust you again, but then he looked you in the eye and there was nothing but honesty there. As if you knew what he was thinking, you pulled your hand away, a dark blue blush dotting your cheeks. His hand felt oddly cold without yours in it.
“I wouldn’t lie to you, Hunk. Not now. Not about this.”
“I believe you.” And he meant the words with every fibre of his being.
– – –
“They only wanted to protect their sister.”
Pidge looked up from where she was fiddling with the tracker still covered in your blood (they’d tried cleaning it, but you weren’t exaggerating when you’d said that Comet blood was impossible to get off of metal), her eyes huge behind specialised magnifying glasses. “Say what now?”
Hunk plopped down in front of her. “They were set up. The base we found is the place where the Galra are holding Y/N’s sister. They threatened to kill her if they wouldn’t cooperate.”
Pidge’s face went white. Hunk knew he’d made the right choice to tell her–they were still looking for Matt, and even though she was utterly convinced he was still alive, Hunk could see how scared she was for him. She put her tools down, fingers shaky. “You’re sure about this? How do you know they’re telling the truth?”
“They wouldn’t lie about this. Not right now,” Hunk said, echoing your words from earlier. “We have to help them.”
“We have to tell Shiro and Allura about this is what we have to do.”
“That too. And then help them.”
He started pulling her up but felt she was a little bit reluctant. He frowned. “What?”
She shrugged. “I’m just saying… They’ve lied to us before. This could just be another ploy.”
“Not this time,” Hunk said with all the confidence he could muster. And that was a lot. There weren’t many things that he was sure of at the moment, but you telling the truth about your sister was one of them. “I swear. I can swear on their behalf, they’re telling the truth.”
Allura reacted about the way Hunk had expected.
“It’s a lie,” she snapped immediately, but Hunk could sense something in her crumble. “They’re trying to finish what they started. It’s bullshit.”
“I get why you’d think that,” said Hunk, “but please just hear me out. Or better yet, hear Y/N out. It’s the truth–and it makes perfect sense. It explains why they couldn’t say exactly how they’d found us. It explains why they always were trying to do something; to take their mind off their dying sister. It explains why I found them crying on multiple occasions in their room. It explains everything, Allura.”
Allura looked torn, on the verge of tears. “I don’t want any of us to get hurt, Hunk.”
“But we know what to expect now! We can do this.”
“Wait–what’s this all about?” Keith and Lance stood in the doorway, caution painted upon both their features. Keith’s expression immediately grew guarded as Pidge quickly explained what was going on, but Lance looked, if anything, relieved.
“I knew it. I knew they weren’t a bad person.”
“No,” said Keith flatly. “I’m not having this conversation again.”
“Then don’t. You won’t even try and understand where they’re coming from,” Hunk said, irritation stinging his throat.
“Why don’t we go ask Y/N themselves?” Shiro interjected. “I wanted to go talk to them anyway.”
Keith still looked set, eyes steely. “Fine. I’ll come. To prove to all of you they’re lying again, and stop this once and for all.”
So all seven of them trudged down the stairs again to your cell. If Hunk hadn’t been so worked up, he would have made a comment about how they looked like a herd of sheep looking for their shepherd. But now wasn’t the time for jokes. His mind hummed with anticipation.
You were pacing in your cell when Shiro punched the button for the door to slide open. You looked up, eyebrows raised.
“Get out,” he said. You did. “Explain.” You cast a look at Hunk, then you did.
Everyone listened intently as you told your story. It wasn’t much different from what you’d told Hunk, so he allowed himself to look at the others’ expressions. Allura was closed off. Shiro and Lance were sympathetic, Pidge was wringing her hands–no doubt thinking about Matt–and Keith, of course, being Keith, was scowling, a few feet away from the rest of the group with his arms crossed.
“Y/N–I want to believe you. I really do,” said Allura when you’d finished talking. “But you’ve lied to us before and I don’t know whether to trust you on this.”
You gave a resigned nod. “I know. I’m not blaming you. This time, though, I’m not asking for you to trust me or to help me. I’ll be going back anyway.”
Hunk’s heart skipped a beat. “What?” he blurted.
You looked at him–really looked at him, and he felt like his knees could give out any second. “I failed the operation I was given. That’s okay. But I owe it to my sister to at least own up to that. She’ll die–I will, too, probably–and the last of the Comets will be gone forever. But I’ll go out with a bang, take the base with me and as many of the Galra as I possibly can. I won’t go peacefully. I owe that to my people.”
“No,” Hunk said before he could think better of it. “No, you don’t–you can’t do that. Why would you do that?”
“You don’t get to make this choice for me.” You stood your ground, fists balled at your sides. Before you could go anywhere, though, a hand came to rest on your shoulder.
“Y/N, Hunk’s right,” said Keith–of all people, Keith was the one trying to talk you out of this ridiculous idea. Hunk didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry. “I’m sorry I was a dick to you. But I don’t–there has to be another way. You don’t have to do this.”
You smiled before gently shoving his hand off your shoulder. “Apology accepted. Still gonna do it.” You started marching for the hangar. No one moved for a second, stunned as they all were. Hunk snapped out of his daze first, and he sprinted to catch up with you.
“Y/N! Wait.”
You stiffened. When you turned around, dark blue rimmed your eyes, sorrow and anger and determination swirling in your ember eyes. “Let me do this, Hunk.” You brought a hand up to your chest, taking a small step back when Hunk approached you. “I want to do this.”
“No, you don’t.” Hunk didn’t know exactly what he was saying, but the words started pouring out before he could stop them. The only thought looping around in his mind was Stop them. Save them. Don’t let them get hurt. “You think you don’t have a choice. You do. Let me come with you. Let us all come with you. We can save your sister and we can destroy the base. Together. Please.”
“Y/N.” He took another step closer to you. You were close now, looking up at him through your eyelashes, dark tears spilling onto your cheeks. The stone-hard determination in your eyes was starting to crumble. He took your face in his hands, pressing his forehead to yours. “There are mistakes you can’t fix. Let me come with you. Let me help you. Please.”
And then he was kissing you. Your lips were warm, warmer than he’d expected–but he was revelling in it, and when you brought a shaking hand up to his cheek and kissed him back, he felt invincible. Like nothing could touch him, because he was here and he was kissing you.
He pulled away. “Please,” he whispered.
You took a shaky breath, fingers tracing his jaw, chewing the inside of your cheek. Then you nodded, pulling back completely. Again you nodded, more sure of yourself this time. “Okay.”
A noise sounded behind Hunk’s back. He turned to see the rest of the team hanging around the doorway, looking unsure of whether they wanted to come in or not. Allura looked slightly embarrassed, avoiding eye contact. Shiro’s eyes seemed to say: Really? Right now? But he was biting back a smile. Hunk had to hold back a grin of his own as he reached for your hand. He didn’t need to look back if you took it; the heat suddenly slipping in between his fingers was all he needed.
“C’mon,” he called to the others. He couldn’t imagine they’d still refuse to come. All resistance had completely vanished from their expressions. “We have a sister and a species to save.”
You rode with Hunk in his lion, pacing behind his chair as he shot out of the hangar, wringing your hands and muttering under your breath. Hunk cast you a look over his shoulder, eyebrow raised. “You okay?”
You gave him a tight smile. “Yeah. Just–worried. About Kyra.” The handkerchief had made its appearance in your hands again.
“We’ll get there soon,” said Hunk. “Kyra’s gonna be fine. You’ll see.” He hoped he was right.
During the trip, they worked up a makeshift plan. As soon as they started talking strategy, you hurried up to the front of the cockpit and steadied yourself on the back of Hunk’s chair, engaging in the conversation with sharp remarks and useful information about the base, the security there, the general layout of the place. Hunk felt a small burst of pride at how quickly you seemed to be able to readjust to a completely unexpected situation, though he also knew you were good at hiding your emotions. He would probably never truly know what went on in your mind–not unless you and him had time to work out… whatever it was that needed to be worked out. He didn’t quite know what you were to each other yet, but if the both of you came out of this in one piece…
He tried to push back the dopey smile threatening to creep up on his lips. This wasn’t the time to be thinking about an eventual future with you, damn it. There were other, more pressing matters at hand.
But your hand was warm on his shoulder and he allowed his mind, just for a moment, to wander and imagine the life you and him could lead. Together.
They arrived at the base way too soon.
They set the lions on a nearby asteroid because it would have moved closer to the base by the time they would need to get out (not much–but anything was something) and all of them piled into Pidge’s lion so she could get them to the base unnoticed. According to you, there was a blind spot at the underside of the base that wasn’t equipped with surveillance cameras, because you’d destroyed them prior to starting your mission.
Shiro had raised an eyebrow at that. “Were you planning something like this?”
You smiled a mischievous smile, and Hunk’s heart fluttered at the sight. “It’s good to be prepared.”
They touched down seemingly unnoticed. You had found some dark rags in Pidge’s lion, and Hunk had helped wrap them around your body, to at least dim the permanent glow that seeped from your skin. “How’s it look?” you said, voice muffled, from behind multiple layers of cloth that kind of made you look like a mummy, leaving only a slit for your eyes to peek through. In cases like these, it was nice that you didn’t need to, like, breathe.
You rolled your eyes, but they crinkled at the corners, and Hunk couldn’t hold back a smile of his own. It probably wasn’t the best idea for the two of you to act all lovey-dovey in the moments before destroying a Galra base and causing general havoc, but hey–it might also be the last chance either of you had.
“Seriously. It looks fine. Very mysterious. It does the job.”
You nodded, eyes pensive. “What if we don’t find her? Or we do, but it’s too late?”
Hunk set his jaw. “We’ll blow up the base and everyone in it.”
You looked at him for a moment, ember eyes ablaze. “Sounds good.”
You were very stealthy when you needed to be.
Footsteps nearly soundless, you didn’t carry any weapons with you except a long knife the size of your forearm you’d borrowed from Keith, and you got rid of the guards you encountered quite effectively. Hunk didn’t even need to unlock his bayard the first two times. He raised an eyebrow at you. You grinned. “I might not be quite as helpless as I made it sound.”
No shit, Hunk thought.
They were lucky to have you. You mumbled to yourself as you led them through the corridors–you’d insisted on taking a small team inside (consisting of him, Pidge, and Keith) while the rest waited for your signal–as you tried to recall exactly where your sister was kept. You had to backtrack a few times, and almost caused them to run into a chattering group of Galra soldiers, but you were doing fine.
You skidded around a corner and halted, looking around, eyes suddenly bright and hopeful. “I know this. I remember this. We’re close. I can feel her.” Hunk almost smiled. They were almost there.
But then the alarms started blaring.
“What,” muttered Pidge as she furiously tapped her wristband. She looked up. “I lost control over the system. I don’t–that’s never happened before.”
“It’s okay, we have enough time,” you said quickly, making a beeline for a particular door on the far edge of the corridor. “Wait here.” And you exploded into dust.
Hunk stopped in his tracks, not quite sure of what just happened. Keith and Pidge looked just as stunned. But on the other side of the door, he could hear grunts and surprised yells, and at one point there was a clang as if something hit the door on the other side. “Uh..”
A minute later, the door hissed open and you beckoned them in. “She’s here. Come on.”
Kyra was trapped inside a cell that looked like a glass tube–but a glass tube filled with liquid and so small she had to twist herself into weird shapes to even fit in. There was almost nothing left of the glow that usually surrounded all Comets; it had dimmed to barely a shimmer rippling across her skin. Her jaw was clenched, and Hunk could see how hard she was trying to break the walls of her confinement, and when he eyes settled on you they went wide and a huge smile spread across her features. Her lips moved.
You ran up to her, pressing a hand to the tube. “Kyra.” You balled your hand to a fist. “I’m getting you out of here.”
Pidge was already moving for the control panel. Her fingers hesitantly moved over the buttons, pressing here and there and waiting for anything to happen. “I have no idea what I’m doing.” She pressed a button again. Something puffed and hissed out steam, but nothing happened.
In the distance, the rumbling of multiple Galra soldiers approached with every passing second. You launched yourself at the panel next to the door, slamming your hand on it so it closed, and then you hacked the panel off the wall with your knife. You’d successfully locked them in.
“It buys us time,” you said in response to Keith’s glare before running back to Pidge. “Can you get it to work?”
“With time. This is different from the other control panels I’ve seen, and everything is in Galran, of course… I can get it to open. How long do you think we’ve got?”
The first bang sounded on the other side of the door. It didn’t dent, but Hunk could have sworn the walls shook. His hands itched for his bayard, and he summoned it, just in case.
“Maybe five minutes,” you said, face steely but nerves lacing your voice. “Lucky us they had to reinforce the insides of this place so we wouldn’t wreak havoc.”
“Then how did you get in?” said Keith, off-topic, more out of nerves than anything else, suspected Hunk.
“They had to worry about us getting out, not getting in.”
A hiss. A splashing sound. And the tube retracted, liquid spilling out of it in waves and Kyra flopping onto the ground, hacking a lung out coughing (did Comets even have lungs?) and throwing her sopping hair out of her face, blinking furiously. You screamed, skidding onto your knees and slamming into her like a freight train, pressing your face into her shoulder and almost squeezing her to death.
“Y/N, Y/N,” Kyra choked out, weakly tapping your arm, “watch the ribs. Ow.”
You immediately let go. “Of course. Yeah. Sorry.” You pulled down the cloth hiding the bottom part of your face, revealing your massive grin. You frowned, pushing strands of sopping wet hair out of your sister’s face, turning her head this way and that to check if she was okay, fussing over her as you sat in front of her on your knees. Hunk suddenly felt like he was watching something very intimate, and he looked away, just for a second.
But then there was a crashing sound, and a dent appeared in the door. Pidge scrambled up, pushing her helmet back on. “We need to go. Y/N.”
You nodded. “Right. Right. Can you walk? Can you streak?”
“Walking, sure. I think. Running, maybe. Streaking, probably not,” said Kyra with a wince. She held on to your arm for a moment before taking some wobbly steps forward. “Whoa. Funny how months locked in a tiny tube can mess up one’s body.” Hunk pretended not to see how you flinched at that.
You caught his eye and nodded at him. “Now.”
Hunk gestured for everyone to flatten themselves against the wall, then told Shiro to hit them with the lasers. Not them, obviously, but the room they were in. And sure enough, a humming sound filled the air, slowly growing louder. It made the hairs on his neck stand up. Then a scorching laser beam blasted the wall next to him, only feet away from his face, and when it died down there was a smoking, red-hot round passage for them to fly through.
You went first, giving your sister’s hand a squeeze before streaking out of the vessel. (Streaking was apparently what it was called when you moved so fast that he couldn’t see anything but–well–a streak of light. Creative naming, right there.) Hunk grabbed Kyra’s hand as he fired up his jetpack and made his way to Lance’s lion, who was on his way to pick them up. You, on the other hand, were planting explosives all around the base.
Sirens were blaring. Galra fighters were pouring out of the base. Everything had to happen quickly.
Lance took them all back to the asteroid. Everyone took back their own lions. In the cockpit of his yellow lion, at the controls, knowing Kyra was sitting in the back and alive and okay, Hunk felt instantly better. He allowed himself to hope–maybe this would work out, after all.
Whilst everyone else joined the battle, he waited for a number of agonising minutes for you to return. Nobody was to engage the base before they knew for sure you were out of range and safe, and the best way to ensure that was for Hunk to wait for you. He tapped the controls with his index finger, muttering under his breath, “Come on, come on, come on,” until he saw a familiar stripe of light zoom towards him.
He opened the hatch and a split second later you came tumbling in, slamming your body against the other side of the cockpit and making the entire lion rock with your speed. You didn’t seem fazed as you scrambled up and yelled “Go! Go, go, go!”
To Hunk, there was nothing more morbidly satisfying than watching the base that had caused you and your sister so much pain blow up in a bajillion little pieces. He actually smiled at it. And he meant it. He was the last one to turn back and follow the others back to the castle.
A familiar weight settled on his shoulder. He turned his head, pressing a kiss to your hand, ignoring Kyra’s startled but smug “Oh?” in the background. You looked down at him, the fire in your eyes not quite died down–but more at peace. A light flickering, as opposed to the violent blazing he’d gotten used to. He liked it like this. It made him feel warm in the chest.
“So where are you going to go after this?” he asked softly, recalling how you’d said Comets were a nomad people. The thought of you leaving was painful, but if that’s what would make you happy…
You grinned, placing your hands around his face. “I think I’ll stay a while.” And then you pressed your lips onto his, hand leaving his face only to flip your sister off who whooped in the background. He giggled against your mouth, pulling away to kiss you on the cheek and pressing his forehead to yours.
“What?” you whispered, a smile of your own curling your lips.
He nuzzled his nose to yours. “Nothing. I’m just–glad. That everything worked out.”
You closed your eyes, muscles finally relaxing. “Me too.”
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