#I don’t think she particularly makes a ‘good’ vampire
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unsiredtribrid · 2 months ago
Do you guys ever think about how hollow and isolating certain things about Hope’s life must feel? When she was a little girl she was promised to be protected by her dad and treated like a princess and she had this image in her head of growing up and being a powerful witch and doing all of these things. And then she gets older, her parents + family members die/split off, ‘always and forever’ is dead in a way, most of the supernatural community either thought or still thinks she’s a danger to them, and then by Legacies we know that she also is faced with having to become immortal in order to stop something that’s going to kill what few friends she does have. She doesn’t want to be immortal. She’s been kind of an introvert and a loner and for all intents and purposes, her existence has been a huge disappointment. She doesn’t see being a vampire as some cool thing, she sees it as something that will at worst, make her more isolated because everyone thinks she’s a monster like her dad. And then that’s before you dig into what the trauma of Greta and Roman did to her. She was told that who she is is wrong and is going to hurt people. She’s been trying not to live up to all these horrible expectations everyone has of her because one of the things her family (propogated by Elijah and even Klaus when he tried to keep her from falling asleep to the Hollow) seemed to believe is that her existence would somehow fix everything and she would miraculously be a good person. So not only is becoming a vampire scary because she doesn’t want to become the worst version of herself and prove everyone right (therefore also reliving all of this trauma she has from other peoples’ expectations of her) but she also has to be alive forever in this sort of lonely state. She doesn’t have ‘normal’ things to look forward to that normal kids do. She’s been told her entire existence will suck for her and everyone else, actually. We even have the firstborn Mikaelson witch thing that posits she will suffer from the strength and uncontrollable quality of her magic. Idk… it’s just crazy how miserable and depressed she must be sometimes
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yuikomorii · 6 months ago
Ayayui date♡
// I'm not sure why, but I suddenly got a burst of creativity. There's no special occasion for this post; it was really just an excuse to edit Yui in my favorite Princess Collection outfit. I like how the merch line was released right on Ayato’s birthday, so I really wanted to see an Ayayui date in those outfits! 😌💕
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I was in the mood to write a special scenario again. You just have to click on ‘Keep reading’ to find it. This one is set after the LE events, particularly after the After Story, so I hope you enjoy it! ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )
Ayato: Haa… finally!
After all this time, I’ve managed to sort out every single problem in the Demon World.
Geez, I’m gladly taking a break!
( Ever since I became king, I’ve been buried in an endless pile of documents—so many that I’ve grown sick just being in that place. Things seem to be getting better in the Demon World, though I’d lie to say it’s perfectly stable. )
( Well, whatever. I shouldn’t bother too much about that… for now. )
( Right now, all I can think about is her. Ugh, these stupid king duties have kept us apart for way too long. I’m sure she must’ve felt really lonely, huh…? )
( Damn it! That was never my intention, but I know it must be boring as hell to be stuck in the castle all day by yourself. )
( That’s why, I’m definitely going to make it up to her today and take her somewhere nice~! )
Place: Their room
Ayato: Chi-chi-na-shi, guess who’s ba—
( Hah!? She’s not here? )
Oi, Yui!
( She’s still not answering? )
Yui, where are yo—
???: Ayato-kun..!
— hugs his back —
Ayato: What the—!
Yui: Fufu, sorry for taking you off guard. I was just thrilled to see Ayato-kun again!
Ayato: Geez, next time I call you, answer me, understood? You’re still in the Demon World, anything could happen when no one’s around, y’know?
Yui: Ah… I’m sorry for being careless. I hope I didn’t make you worry…
Ayato: No need to sulk now. What matters the most is that you’re alright.
Now… about the thing you’re wearing. Where the heck did you even get it from? It’s the first time I’ve seen you in it.
Yui: Oh, actually I bought it last time we went shopping together. You see… I didn’t show it to you back then because I wanted it to be a surprise, but uuh… does it not suit me?
Ayato: Haa… normally, when a woman wants to surprise her man, she wears lingerie or something sexy, but I’ll forgive you this time. Why? Because you look hella cute in that, can’t deny.
— Yui blushes —
Yui: Ayato-kun… thank you! I’m really happy…!
Ayato: ( Is she seriously almost on the verge of tears for that? )
C-C’mon, don’t get all emotional over every little thing. The date hasn’t even started yet! You really want people to see you with red eyes and puffy cheeks outside?
— Yui shakes head —
Ayato: Good, now let’s go!
— He takes her hand —
Place: Kaminashi City
Ayato: Can’t believe I’m gonna say this but I somehow missed this place.
Yui: Is that so? I thought Ayato-kun didn’t like the Human World.
Ayato: I don’t mind either of them, but right now I’m sick of the Demon World. If I see one more document, I will end up throwing up on the spot.
Yui: Ayato-kun…
( That’s right, he’s been working a lot ever since he became king. I’m sure it must truly be tiring spending days in front of all those documents. )
I’m glad you put a lot of effort in your role, but take it easy, okay? I can’t do much in this situation, yet… If you ever need help, I want to be there to support you!
Ayato: Hmm… anyway. I’m not here to talk about work again. I just want us to enjoy some time together for once.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun really sounds exhausted… He’s matured so much these past few months, which isn’t bad, but I just wish he could relax a little. )
Then, let’s make the best of this day!
— tugs onto his arm and starts walking —
Yui: Haa… it’s way better outside.
( Ayato-kun is still waiting to pay for our things, but it was way too hot in that store, so he told me to get some fresh air. )
( Now that I think about it, vampires are always cold, so I doubt the heat bothers him as much as it does me, right? Even so, seeing him care about my comfort makes me really happy. )
— warm breeze hits —
Yui: Mm… so ni—
— something suddenly hits her —
Yui: Kyah! What on earth was that!?
Eh? That’s—
Familiar: Greetings. Pardon my interruption, but could it be that you are Komori Yui-sama?
Yui: ( ‘Sama’? Uuh… I feel like that’s an exaggeration. )
Yes, I am. Did anything happen…?
Familiar: Rest assured, there is no need for alarm. My purpose here is simply to entrust this to your care. Unable to find Ayato-sama, I must rely on you to deliver him this letter.
— Yui takes it —
Yui: But, what’s this letter about?
If it’s possible to tell, of course.
Familiar: In essence, a new set of documents has been prepared for Ayato-sama. Please inform him at your earliest convenience, as his return is eagerly anticipated.
Yui: Wait! Does it mean that he really has to return now—!
( Oh no! The familiar is already gone! )
( To think that Ayato-kun was finally starting to relax again… )
( All this letter will do is ruin his day, that’s for sure. )
( But at the same time, not showing it to him… that would undoubtedly get him in troubles. )
( Uuh… This situation is so complicated. What should I do…? )
Ayato: Chichinashi!!!
Yui: ….!
— suddenly hides the letter —
A-Ah, Ayato-kun, you’re back!
Ayato: Duh, and I kept calling your name but it seems you only answer to Chi-chi-na-shi~.
— He starts pinching her cheeks —
Yui: Whey dwont, staphh!
Ayato: Hehe, that’s what you get for spacing out and ignoring me.
Anyway, you weren’t approached by any creeps, were you?
Yui: N-No, not at all!
Ayato: Hmm… that doesn’t sound too honest. Are you lying?
Yui: No way! I… I’m just hungry and my stomach won’t stop growling, which is really embarrassing…
Ayato: Haa… you never change. Always getting embarrassed over everything, but no worries, I didn’t hear anything. Though, if you’re really that hungry, I guess we could get something to eat.
Yui: Y-Yeah, that sounds great!
* Timeskip *
Yui: ( After the restaurant, we went to the mall, then back to the center. Ayato-kun… we walked a lot today, but instead of getting tired, he just got more and more energetic. )
( I suppose he was really in need of this break, so maybe hiding that letter wasn’t entirely bad, no…? Still, I’ll have to give it to him today, otherwise I’ll surely put him at risk… )
Ayato: Oi Yui, look!
Yui: W-Woah! I’ve never seen such big Takoyaki before!
Ayato: Heh, right? It’s even bigger than the ones from the Demon World!
Also, Ore-sama got you this, so I better see you eat it all.
Yui: Eh-? This is such a big donut! T-There’s no way I could eat all of it!
Ayato: So you’re refusing my donut? You’re way too ungrateful for a Chichinashi. Well, in that case, I guess you don’t need it any—
Yui: No, no, the donut is good!
— starts eating it —
Come to think of it, today you’ve spoiled me quite a lot, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: And why would that be bad? I thought women liked that.
Yui: It’s not bad, but I really didn’t do anything special. You’re the one who’s been working all day and night, for this reason I believe you deserve this treatment more.
Ayato: Haa… getting all self-conscious, just like always.
Look, you know I’m not good at sentimental shit, but after everything we’ve been through, your presence is special enough for me.
I guess I just want to cherish you, that’s all.
Yui: Ayato-kun… I feel the——
A-Ah, oh no!
( The chocolate… it melted on my hand! )
I-I’m sorry, I’ll be right back!
— tries to stand up —
Ayato: Nah, nah. C’mere.
— grabs her and sits her on his lap —
Yui: Wait, don’t!
— he starts licking her hand —
Yui: A-Ayato-kun, stop it! We’re in public…!
Ayato: Mnn… Mm…
— slowly bites —
Yui: Uuh…
( At this rate, people will definitely start watching!)
— starts moving —
Ayato: Tch, you’re making this way too hard for both! Just stay still and stop acting like I’m about to kill you!
Yui: ( I know his intentions aren’t bad, but this is getting too embarrassing…! )
( I’m sorry, Ayato-kun! )
— tries to push him away but falls down —
Yui: Oww…
Ayato: ( Geez, what a klutz. )
Haa… are you hurt?
— grabs her arm and picks her up —
Yui: Ah, I’m alright, no worries.
Ayato: Oi.
What’s that?
— picks something up —
Yui: ….!
Ayato: Is that… a letter for me?
— starts reading it —
You… you had it all this time with you and didn’t say a word?!
Yui: I… I can explain!
You see, I thought—
Ayato: Shut up!
Do you even have the slightest clue about what you just did!? I seriously doubt you understand how important king duties are, do you?
Hah, of course, you don’t! Why would you?
You sit around doing absolutely nothing all day while I’m working my ass off to make sure you and everyone else can live comfortably!
I’m out here putting in the effort, grinding to create a decent life, not just for you, but for everyone, even if I didn’t ask for this shit. And you do this to me!?
I thought you matured too, but at the end of the day, you’re nothing but a selfish bitch!
Yui: Wait! Ayato-ku—
Ayato: Don’t touch me!
Yui: …!
Please, listen to me!
— grabs his clothes —
Ayato: Quiet! I’m not risking to go through that again only because of someone like you. Get lost!
— pushes her away and leaves —
Yui: …!
No… No… this can’t be the end…
How… How could I be this stupid…? Hhn… Ngh…
Kuh… Ayato-kun.. Nhn…
Place: Avenue
Ayato: (Fuck! I can’t return to the Demon World right now. )
( On top of that, why the hell am I the one feeling guilty now!? )
( She… Yes, she deserved that treatment. That’s what she gets for sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. Besides, what she did could lead to something dangerous. )
( It’s not the first time she pulls such shit on me anyway, but… )
( Why can’t I stay mad at her no matter what she does to me…? )
Tch, such bullsh— Hah?
Guy 1: Aww, she’s playing hard to get~!
Guy 2: Aren’t you a bit too feisty for a crybaby?
???: S-Stop it! Leave me alone!
Ayato: …!
( That voice… Yui! )
Place: Alley
Yui: I-I told you to stop!
Guy 1: Just come with us, it’ll be fun~.
Yui: No, I don’t want to!
Guy 2: She keeps struggling, isn’t she cu——
— gets punched —
Guy 1: What the—
Guy 2: Such strength!
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: Get out of my sight, you bastards! If you don’t leave this girl alone right now, I’ll make sure your already disgusting faces get even worse!
— they start running away —
Yui: Ayato-kun… thank you!
( He came back for me… )
Ayato: ….
— grabs her hand and starts walking —
Yui: ( Ever since Ayato-kun saved me, he hasn’t spoken a word. )
( It’s obvious that he’s mad… )
( But if both of us keep quiet, this conflict will never be solved… )
Ayato & Yui simultaneously: I’m sorry.
Yui: ( Eh? Did he just— )
No… I’m the one who should apologize. I hid that letter, knowing full well the consequences it could have.
However… I only did it because I wanted Ayato-kun to have some free time for himself too.
Ayato: You…
Yui: I’m aware of how much work you have to do, and being king is definitely not easy. That’s why, I really admire your for that.
Nevertheless, it saddens me seeing Ayato-kun so stressed out and exhausted. I want Ayato-kun to be always as energetic and cheerful as he was today, but… I do realize that I’m just being selfish.
Ayato: No… You… You’re not selfish, I am.
I was the one who didn’t listen to your side of the story. It’s just... I’m afraid of failing as king. There, I said it!
I don’t want to put the people I care for in danger, nor can’t I accept being a worse king than that old fart, so all I have to do is carry out my duties. Hell yeah, they’re a pain in the ass but that’s my responsibility now, which is why I can’t back off.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun… I never thought you felt that way… )
N-no, the way you reacted was understandable. Anyone under that much stress might have done the same, and I can’t blame you for it.
Besides, I can’t say your words were wrong. I am indeed incapable of fully understanding the challenges you face, however… no matter what happens, I want you to know that you’ll always be the best king to me…!
Ayato: …!
Heh… you really never change.
— hugs her—
Yui: W-Well, I suppose I can’t change if I do nothing all day.
Ayato: Hmph, are you throwing shade at me for what I told you?
Yui: Eh? No way, it was just a coincidence! I swear!
Ayato: Pfft, proved my point. You'll forever stay the clumsy, stupid, and oddly adorable woman that you are.
Yui: Hey, that’s backhan— Mm…!
Ayato: Nn…
Yui: ( Ayato-kun… his kiss is so gentle… )
( I really missed Ayato-kun’s kisses. I’m so happy…! )
Ayato: Oi, don’t tell me you’re about to cry again.
Yui: I’m not but…
I just want to know, will the letter get Ayato-kun in troubles…?
Ayato: I might get some weird looks for not showing up on time, and maybe a lecture or two, but it shouldn’t be too bad. I was supposed to start on them today since there’s a lot, but... I think I’d rather spend my time with my girl instead.
Yui: Is that so? Thank you.
But doesn't that mean you'll have to work even harder to make up for today?
Ayato: I guess it can’t be helped. I don’t want to think of tomorrow, all I want is to focus on the present.
Yui: Fufu, I see. By the way…
Will you uhm… stay overnight too?
Ayato: Heh~? Is that supposed to be a sex invitation?
Yui: I… T-That’s—!
Ayato: Heh~, don’t even try to get out of it, it’s written all over your face.
Rest assured though, the invitation is accepted~.
— Smooch —
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nightmaremonarch · 7 months ago
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jojo’s bizarre fantasy au BECAUSE I LOVE PART 5 AUGHHHHHHHHH
i rewatched the entirety of part five in the span it took to make this. Details about the lore and characters below the cut ^_^
Ok. I will be separating this based on character… in an attempt to be more organized. Included will also be my friend’s description that she gave for each character upon seeing the drawing.
Giorno Giovanna — Race, half vampire. Stand name, Gaia. Unfortunately lost his silly victory rolls, which have been replaced with donut shaped curls. Has a dream of usurping the Crimson King and ending his oppressive reign.
Friend’s Description: “‘pink is still manly for this era guys trust’”
Trish Una — Race, human(?). Stand name, Spice. I like to think she tries to maintain an air of elegance and superiority, but she’s just a kid who doesn’t particularly want to be in the situation she’s in. The princess of an underground kingdom? No way. She just wants to be Trish.
Friend’s Description: “Noblelady”
Guido Mista — Race, human. Stand name, Coitus Cluster (good god the creative juices are NOT flowing). Best archer, like, ever. Probably enjoys animal furs but is too broke to get any. Stinky loser.
Friend’s Description: “Robin hood.”
Pannacotta Fugo — Race, elf. Stand name, Purple Death. Former nobleman and still dresses like it. Had to limit the holes in his clothes because he is, unfortunately, not immune to being sunburn.
Friend’s Description: “totally not a vampire”
Bruno Bucciarati — Race, human. Stand name, Strings of Fate. I love him. He’s the love of my life. I may or may not have put the most effort into his outfit. He’s so beautiful. No notes. Also, since zippers weren’t invented till like… mid 1800’s, rather than zippers, he uses strings!!! Tugs on ‘em the way you would a loose hem…
Friend’s Description: “Italian nobleman”
Leone Abbacchio — Race, drow. Stand name, Rewind. It takes the form of a snake!! Because Moody Blues had them.. neck thangs. I don’t know. Anyways. Abbacchio coulda been drippier, but at the time of drawing I was running low on brain power.
Friend’s Description: “TOTALLY NOT A VAMPIRE”
Narancia Ghirga — Race, human. Stand name, Pheonix. Due to the fact that airplanes did NOT exist prior to some point in the 1900’s, Narancia’s stand is a bird. Probably breathes fire and can detect carbon dioxide… cannot come back from the dead though. Sorry buddy. Also, his left eye is blind from his eye infection. Sorry again buddy.
Friend’s Description: “peasant working on a merchant ship”
Diavolo — Race, Demon. The Crimson King. He took FOREVER to draw. Especially those tattoos. I tried to make his color scheme salvageable, but seeing as I was working with Diavolo’s actual color scheme… it is not the best. Diavolo used to have wings as well, but after an incident that prompted him to go underground, they’re gone. He hides in the body of a halfling named Vinegar Doppio… though they are two completely separate entities.
Friend’s Description: “Dante’s homosexual Inferno”
idk if ill elaborate more on this au. depends on the reception of this…!! this is all just for fun… goofs and gaffs… love u sorry for only posting wips for months before this
also in this au i think stands would be called spirits/be spirits ok that’s all fr now bye love u
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thebramblewood · 10 months ago
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The cat might just murder Lilith before anyone else gets the chance.
Previous / Next
Lilith: Helena. Darling. The sky is rapidly darkening, and you haven’t even begun getting ready.
[cat meows in displeasure, fleeing the scene]
Helena: What the- Hey! I was reading that.
Lilith: Haven’t you read every damn book in this library twice over by now?
Helena: Establishing a firm grasp on the foundations of vampiric history is absolutely vital to learning-
Lilith: All you’ve learned since arriving is how to parrot [raises voice] the incredibly questionable opinions of my infuriatingly pretentious brother.
Helena: That’s not true. I’ve-
Lilith: Class is dismissed! Time for your extracurricular activities. Now, run along and make yourself fit for the outside world. [wrinkles nose disapprovingly] Can you even remember the last time you washed your hair?
Lilith: Christ, you two are attached at the hip. It’s nauseating, truly. You’re certain you’re not trying to steal her from me?
Caleb: Lilith, how could I possibly steal her from you? She doesn't belong to you. She doesn't even trust you — with good reason, I might add. I can hardly help it if she finds me to be far more tolerable company.
Lilith: [rolls eyes] I’m not sure what’s worse, your insufferable pseudo-intellectualism rubbing off on her or her infuriating impertinence rubbing off on you. Either way, I don’t think I like it.
Caleb: And I don’t think I particularly care.
Lilith: Do remember I kindly chose to leave you with your windpipe intact. I can’t guarantee I’ll be feeling so generous next time.
[cat yowls and scrambles across her feet]
[shrieks in frustration] Curse this vile beast! I cannot get a moment’s peace around here anymore!
Caleb: [quietly] Good girl.
[cat purrs contentedly]
Lilith: I heard that!
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moonselune · 5 months ago
BEYOND excited about reqs being open!!!! i was wondering if you could do some halstarion x tav fluff/hurt comfort? i’m thinking of half elf tav in an established relationship with the two, but it’s still new so they’re keeping it lowkey in front of others, and someone in the group (like another companion) makes a lighthearted joke about them dating and being cute, and astarion gets a lil freaked out and makes a joke about how he would nEVeR cOmMiT tO sOmEonE like tAv (very over dramatic form of deflection bc you know how he is) and halsin is caught off guard so he doesn’t say anything but tav OVERHEARS!!!!! and notices halsin didn’t say anything so tav starts to distance themselves and then the other two notice and THEN fluff and comfort ensue… PLEASE AND THANK YOU love you bye
yesyesyesyesyes poly halstarion yes please
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Halstarion x reader
Halsin x reader x Astarion | Overheard
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It had been a long day of adventuring, and the group had finally settled down for the night, gathering around the campfire to share stories, food, and laughter. The warmth from the flames flickered against everyone’s faces, casting a golden glow that made the scene feel oddly peaceful, despite the chaos that often surrounded your lives. You, Astarion, and Halsin sat near each other, a little closer than the others but not in a way anyone would really notice. The relationship you shared with them was still new, delicate, and something you all had chosen to keep under wraps for now. There was a thrill in the secrecy, but also a sense of vulnerability.
You didn’t mind. In fact, you loved it—loved them, even if you hadn’t quite said those words yet. It felt like your heart was always full when you were with them, whether it was Astarion’s quick wit and sharp tongue or Halsin’s strength and steady presence. You found comfort in them both in different ways, a balance you never thought possible. But right now, sitting so close by their sides, the quiet touches you usually exchanged were missing, making the distance between you all feel just a little too noticeable.
It wasn’t long before the playful banter around the fire shifted. Karlach, ever the lighthearted one, was in the middle of a particularly animated story when she looked over at you, Astarion, and Halsin with a mischievous grin.
“You three are always together,” she teased, her tone good-natured but laden with implication. “You make a pretty cute trio, don’t you think?”
Gale chuckled, adding fuel to the fire. “Oh yes, the noble half-elf, the charming vampire, and the druid of the wilds. It’s like something out of a ballad.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, your heart skipping a beat. It was a harmless joke, but you could sense the shift in Astarion almost immediately. His body tensed beside you, his usual casual demeanor hardening as he prepared to deflect. You braced yourself, knowing how he could be when it came to matters of vulnerability, especially in front of others.
“Oh, please!” Astarion exclaimed with an exaggerated wave of his hand, his voice dripping with mock horror. “Me? Commit to someone like Y/N?” He made an overdramatic face, eyes wide with faux disgust. “Perish the thought! I would never tie myself down like that with someone like that.”
The words stung, even though you knew they were a defense mechanism. Astarion often masked his insecurities with humor and sarcasm, but that didn’t stop the sinking feeling that lodged itself in your chest. What hurt more was that Halsin didn’t say anything. He didn’t laugh, didn’t argue, just sat there in silence, looking momentarily caught off guard.
The moment passed quickly, with the others laughing at Astarion’s exaggerated performance, but it felt like a dagger to your heart. You couldn’t help the way your thoughts spiraled. Was this what they really thought? That being with you wasn’t something they wanted to commit to? You knew Astarion’s past made intimacy and trust difficult for him, and Halsin had always been patient, but the silence? That hurt more than any joke ever could.
Feeling the weight of the moment settle over you, you quietly excused yourself from the group, offering a weak smile as you slipped away from the fire and toward your tent. The laughter continued without you, but now it felt hollow, echoing in your ears as you distanced yourself from them.
The days that followed were… strange. You couldn’t help but pull away, your usual intimacy with Astarion and Halsin dampened by the uncertainty now gnawing at you. You spoke less, kept your distance, and avoided any lingering touches or soft glances.
Astarion, of course, seemed to brush it off at first, likely assuming you were in one of your moods. Halsin, however, noticed right away. His watchful gaze followed you, full of concern, but still, he said nothing. You weren’t sure which was worse—the silence or the worry.
At night, when you would normally curl up beside them, you found reasons to sleep alone. You claimed exhaustion, a need for space, anything to avoid being near them. You didn’t want to bring it up, didn’t want to confront the hurt. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding, you told yourself, but even so, the wound lingered.
It wasn’t until the fourth night of this strange, tense distance that they both confronted you.
You were by the river, staring out at the water as the moonlight rippled across the surface. It was a peaceful spot, one where you often went to clear your mind. But tonight, the peace felt forced.
“My heart,” came Halsin’s deep, steady voice from behind you. You didn’t turn, already knowing both of them were there by the way the air shifted. “We need to talk.”
Astarion was beside him, his arms crossed, but the usual smugness in his expression was gone. He looked… vulnerable. Almost as much as you felt.
“What’s going on?” Astarion asked, though there was an edge of guilt in his tone. “You’ve been avoiding us for days.”
You exhaled, trying to steel yourself against the rush of emotions that threatened to spill over.
“I heard you, you know,” you said quietly, still not turning to face them. “That night by the fire. I heard what you said.”
There was a pause, and then Astarion groaned softly, running a hand through his hair.
“That?” he asked, a mix of exasperation and regret in his voice. “Darling, that was just a joke. You know I didn’t mean it.”
“Okay and yet you didn’t say anything, Halsin,” you murmured, finally turning to look at them. “You didn’t say anything at all.”
Halsin’s brow furrowed, a deep frown forming on his face.
“I didn’t know what to say,” he admitted, stepping closer. His eyes were full of concern, but also confusion. “It caught me off guard. I didn’t think it would hurt you.”
You swallowed hard, the knot in your chest tightening. “It did.”
Astarion sighed, moving closer as well, his usual swagger nowhere to be found. Instead, there was a softness in his eyes, one he rarely showed in front of anyone else.
“I was deflecting,” he confessed, voice quieter now. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, love. I just… panicked.”
“Panicked?” you asked, glancing between the two of them. “Why would you—”
“Because I’ve never had this before,” Astarion interrupted, his gaze locking with yours. “I’ve never had someone I cared about this much. And sometimes, when people bring it up, I… I don’t know how to handle it.”
Halsin nodded, his large hand resting gently on your arm, his touch warm and grounding.
“And I’ve never shared something like this with anyone,” he admitted. “I’m still learning how to balance it, how to be what you need.”
You felt the tightness in your chest begin to ease, their words softening the hurt that had built up inside you. It wasn’t perfect, but it was real—an honest confession of their own struggles, just as much as yours.
“I don’t need you to be perfect,” you whispered, looking between them both. “I just need to know I’m important to you.”
Astarion let out a soft chuckle, a sad, almost relieved smile on his lips. “Oh, darling, you’re more important to me than I could ever put into words.”
“And to me,” Halsin added, his voice warm and full of conviction. “You are everything, my heart. We should have told you that sooner.”
You took a deep breath, letting their words wash over you, feeling the tension melt away as Halsin pulled you into his arms, and Astarion soon followed, wrapping his arms around the both of you. The weight of their embrace felt like home, and for the first time in days, you let yourself relax into it.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered against Halsin’s chest, your fingers brushing against Astarion’s hand as he held you tight.
“We’re sorry,” Halsin corrected softly, his voice rumbling through you.
Astarion pressed a soft kiss to your temple. “We’ll do better, I promise.”
And as you stood there, tangled in their arms, you knew that they meant it. You’d figure it out together—one day at a time.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I fucking love halstarion. Hope you guys enjoyed it! - Seluney xox
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otomehonyaku · 7 months ago
DIABOLIK LOVERS More,Blood Genteiban DVD Translation ☽ Mini Drama III (Ruki, Azusa, Kanato, Ayato)
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE,BLOOD 限定版 SPECIAL DISK IV Mini Drama III Voiced by Sakurai Takahiro (Ruki), Kishio Daisuke (Azusa), Kaji Yūki (Kanato), Midorikawa Hikaru (Ayato) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (thank you @uzi-boozii for providing the audio!)
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Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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Here's the final instalment of the More,Blood special disks! ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ ) This is my least favourite of all of them (even though Ruki is obviously my favourite Diaboy) because I think Ruki kind of got the short end of the stick in terms of content in my opinion... I had hoped we'd get to see more of his inner struggle seeing as the rest of the CDs have these fun little bits talking about what they'd like to do with Yui and stuff, but this one had a little less of that ( ; ─ ; ) Still, the part where Ruki talks about Yui having agency? A king indeed...
Anyway, there's more good stuff coming soon! As always, have fun listening and reading along! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
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[This scene takes place right after the last episode of More,Blood, when Ruki and Ayato each take Yui’s blood and the two agree on working together against the Founders. Note: AY stands for Ayato and AZ stands for Azusa.]
00:00 Ruki: Leave her to sleep. If the Founders are coming for her soon, we need to be prepared. Isn’t that right, Sakamaki Ayato?
Ayato: I ain’t taking orders from you, asshole. Yours Truly can do as he pleases.
Ruki: These are no circumstances for liberal ideas, unfortunately. Quarrelling will not help us if we have to face off against the Founders.
AY: You don’t have to tell me that. I ain’t handing her over to those Founders. Or you, or anyone else, for that matter.
R: Didn’t you just say that you can do as you please? 
AY: So what if I did?
R: She also has the right to decide for herself. You’re free to think of her however you like. However, only Eve herself can make the choice. 
AY: That ‘Eve’ shit is none of my business. Pancake didn’t have any rights to begin with. She’s my prey. I shouldn’t have to listen to every single little thing that my prey wants.
R: Eve has a stronger will than you think she has. I urge you not to take that lightly. Especially not by considering her mere prey.
AY: Tch. Self-important bastard.
R: Besides, it’s only a matter of time until the Human World is no longer safe for her.
AY: What do you mean?
R: As the lunar eclipse progresses, your power will weaken. The Founders are undeniably waiting for the perfect moment to strike. You know this, and yet you’re still picking a fight with me?
AY: Fuck…
02:03 R: The Founders are immensely powerful. We vampires are no match against them with the lunar eclipse chipping away at our strength. Are you fine with the Founders taking Eve away? Because that is exactly where we’re headed right now.
AY: Of course not! I told you, she’s—
R: Yeah. You sensed the same danger I did and that’s exactly why you came here, right? So, if you would…
AY: Alright, I get it. So? What should we do? You gotta have a plan ready if you’re gonna boast like that.
R: I have something in mind, though it poses great risk. Especially for Eve.
AY: Anything’s better than letting the Founders get their filthy hands on her. What is it?
R: We bring her to the Demon World.
AY: The Demon World?!
R: This lunar eclipse is not just any lunar eclipse.
AY: Yeah, Reiji also said it’s taking place at the same time in both the Human World and the Demon World.
R: Exactly. Which means that you pureblood vampires are particularly susceptible to its influence.
AY: I know. Isn’t that why we resorted to joining forces with you lot?
R: However, our working together still does not guarantee victory against the Founders. We barely know anything about them.
AY: So that’s why you wanna take her to the Demon World?
R: This might be a gamble, but there is a possibility that the effect the lunar eclipse has on us is reduced there. Of course, I have no experience with this either.
AY: So it’s all or nothing?
R: Exactly. We have little hopes of winning against the Founders to begin with if we stay here. Don’t you think we would have better chances of succeeding if we go to the Demon World?
04:04 AY: If we take her along, Pancake might be more likely to die, though. More people’ll go after her just because she’s human.
R: You can’t even protect her from regular folk in the Demon World? Are you really that weak?
AY: The fuck?
R: You’re a Sakamaki. You should be able to deal with such nobodies with ease.
AY: Are you fuckin’ with me? Of course I can!
R: Our enemies are the Founders. The so-called First Bloods, who are said to be the origin of all of us. This is no time to be thinking about the lower classes of the Demon World.
AY: In any case, I’m not gonna let Pancake die. Besides, I definitely won’t let her fall into their hands.
R: Save your yapping for after we save Eve. If you’ve made up your mind about crossing the barrier, let’s get out of here quickly. We need to get to the Demon World before the lunar eclipse reaches its climax.
AY: You like givin’ orders, don’t you? Asshole.
[There’s a knock on the door.]
Azusa: Ruki… The lunar eclipse is pretty far along… Oh… Ayato? Why is he here…?
R: Don’t mind him. What’s important is that Eve is in great danger.
AZ: Eve?
AY: Those Founder assholes are after Pancake.
R: And the wolves that attacked us here seem to be their familiars.
AZ: Founders…? But why are they after Eve…?
Kanato: Mukami Azusa. I will never forgive you.
AZ: Oh, Kanato.
AY: Kanato? What’re you doing here?
K: I will avenge Teddy!
AY: Avenge Teddy? 
K: I can still hear him screaming amidst the flames. He’s hurting… He’s burning…
AY: Ah, so Teddy’s a pile of ash because of you.
06:14 AZ: Yeah… I’m sorry…
K: Apologising won’t give me Teddy back! I will never forgive you, Azusa! You burned him! I can’t forgive this. I won’t forgive this! I’m going to kill you!
[Kanato attacks Azusa, causing the two of them to topple over onto the ground.]
AZ: Oh…
K: I’ll fucking kill you! I won’t forgive you! I’ll never forgive you!
AY: Hey, Kanato! Cut it out!
[Ayato stops Kanato.]
K: Ayato! Why are you getting in my way? Do you want to get killed too? My Teddy is… Teddy is…
R: Are you alright, Azusa?
[Ruki pulls Azusa back onto his feet.]
AZ: Yeah… I’m alright…
R: What did you do to him?
AZ: When I went to get Eve… I ran into Kanato, and he stopped me…
K: Of course I did! She’s mine!
AZ: But we need Eve too, so… I threw his precious bear… into the fireplace…
K: He’s not a bear! He’s Teddy! Teddy! Teddy…
AY: Hey, Kanato. Doesn’t matter what he did. Stop crying.
K: Teddy… It hurts, doesn’t it? It burns, doesn’t it? I feel so bad for him… I will take the girl home right now.
AY: Huh? What’s this all of a sudden?
08:22 K: She will repair Teddy for me. I will take her home right now. Where is she?
AY: This isn’t the time to be asking that. You heard it too, right? The Founders are after Pancake.
K: That has nothing to do with me. She will repair Teddy.
R: You saw the pack of wolves too, didn’t you? You know full well how powerful the Founders are. Don’t get careless.
AZ: That’s true, Kanato… Eve might be in danger…
K: Shut up, shut up, shut up! Stop scolding me!
AY: But you wouldn’t want Pancake to die either, right?
K: What? I don’t care. If she dies, I’ll turn her into a beautiful wax doll. I don’t see anything bad about that.
AZ: Then… What about Teddy?
R: Yes. If you let her die, you will never hold Teddy in your arms again. Are you fine with that?
K: I don’t understand. She’s mine. I can do with her however I please, and she will repair Teddy for me!
[Kanato starts walking away.]
AY: Hey, Kanato! Where are you going?
K: I’m going to look for her. Where have you hidden her?!
[Kanato leaves the room.]
10:04 AY: Tch. He’ll kill her himself in this state. Damn it, I got no time for this shit— Hey, Kanato, wait!
[Ayato follows Kanato.]
AZ: Ruki… I’m sorry. It’s my fault…
R: No, it’s fine. We need Eve the most, after all. 
AZ: Yeah, that’s true…
R: We’d better hurry. We have to get to the Demon World before the lunar eclipse reaches its climax.
AZ: To the Demon World…?
R: Yes. I think our odds of protecting Eve are better there. Can you go tell Kou and Yuma?
AZ: Yeah, got it… We will protect Eve… right?
R: That’s exactly why we’re leaving for the Demon World.
AZ: Ruki… If one of us becomes Adam… I wonder if… all of us will one day… see the same bright blue sky… that we saw back then.
R: Yeah. We might.
AZ: This time… Eve would be there with us… right?
[Azusa leaves the room.]
R: There is barely any time left… But we will be the ones to protect you, Eve. No matter what it takes.
[Wolves howl in the distance…]
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year ago
hi I love your blog we have very much the same opinions in everything except klamille is my favourite klaus ship and klaurora is second
I have been trying to enjoying klaus fics or any tvdu fics on wattpad but every thing I have read so far doenst show the characters accurately which is very annoying
I was hoping and want to request if you could give me some recommendations on fics on wattpad that are good. (Mainly klaus but any love interest would be good)
could you please give a short summary/review so far of any recommendation you give so I don’t waste time starting one only to not like ir
sorry if I am sounding rude English is not my first language but I can read it fully thank I you very much
Don't worry, you're not sounding rude at all, if anything you actually sound really sweet. I'm glad we share some opinions and I'm really honored you came to me for some suggestions.
I haven't read long fanfictions in a while outside works in ao3, I left Wattpad a few time ago but I'll still try my best, tho I'm not very good at giving summaries. Fair warning these are mainly fanfics I've read in Archive of Our Own, not Wattpad, but I hope it's not a problem. If it annoys you, send me an ask and I'll give you some Wattpad recommendations!
Patisserie (ao3, poly Mikaelson siblings x original female character, no incest) by @wickedlyemma:
Stats: (published: 2020-12-29), (completed: 2023-03-12), (words: 154,943), (chapters: 45/45), (comments: 4,385), (kudos: 8,469), (bookmarks: 1,799), (hits: 279,967)
Tags: Polyamory, Sugar Daddy, Self-Indulgent, Explicit Sexual Content, No Incest, Slow Burn, Not Canon Compliant
I think we've all read those kind of tvdu fanfics where the main character is a teenager, usually related to the Gilbert or the Forbes, still in high school and who suddenly stops trying to make a life for herself just because she gets dragged into the supernatural world. Well, Patisserie is the opposite of that. For once, the main character isn't a teen but an adult around her twenties, who works at a bakery and is completely unaware of the supernatural world until Klaus decides to change that.
The slow burn is is truly worthy of a chef's kiss, the way the author describes and writes the Mikaelson is just so on point it hurts. Their family dynamic is so entertaining to watch, but it's as fucked up as it is in the show, which it's something not many authors can accomplish. The way they behave around the main character, a simple human, it's so amusing because they truly know nothing despite their age and she's just so easy to relate to, because for once the oc is not ridiculously overpowered.
The way we perceive the Mikaelson and the vampire world from a human pov is truly interesting, how she copes with all of it and eventually learns to love all of them individually while being aware of the danger is so well done. Kol and her, as well as her relationship with Klaus, are particularly interesting to read, especially considering how they all behaved around her at the beginning and especially because both of them are the most dangerous members of their family. They are all selfish creatures, and I love how it shows the more their relationships with her develop.
Apotheosis (ao3, Klaus x original female character) by atriums;
Stats: (published: 2022-01-01), (completed: 2022-12-13), (words: 158,264), (chapters: 31/31), (comments: 606), (kudos: 1,817), (bookmarks: 491), (hits: 69,472)
Tags: POV Alternating, Minor Original Character(s), Minor Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Sex, Sexual Content, Devoted Reader, Author Rejects Canon and Substitutes It with Their Own, Cannibalistic Werewolf Cults, Nobody Is Good But Also Nobody Is Evil, These Characters are Flawed and Problematic (Probably), This Fic is Not a Bastion for Healthy Characters and Relationships, Reader/OC Especially, Reader/OC can be any ethnicity
You know those fanfics who fix (almost) everything problematic in canon? Apotheosis does exactly that. In this story, Klaus isn't a complete irredeemable character for once, but he also isn't half as bad as his canon version, and due to the oc being a werewolf, this fanfic does expand on his werewolf side a little more than The Vampire Diaries or The Originals ever did. His family and him actually have a healthy bond, and Finn gets the recognition he deserves for once.
The story is set in season three of TVD, exactly when Klaus and Stefan are trying to make hybrids for his pack, and in a ironic plot twist, Klaus decides to take you with him when you're still a werewolf after you say you're not worthy to be a hybrid, at least not yet.
Her devotion to him is completely endearing and I absolutely love how Klaus actually cares for his pack, especially because they're all canonical characters who were killed way too quickly. Her relationships with the members of their pack are so well written, and this fanfic it's the perfect mix of humour and seriousness. It has a ongoing sequel, which I just adore. I warn you though, all the characters have several differences from their canon versions.
Twisted Obsession (fanfiction.net, Klaus x original female character) by rocket-queen98;
Stats: Originals, M, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 16, words: 59k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: May 6, 2023 published: Aug 13, 2016, [Klaus M., OC] Elijah M., Hope M.
Lola is one of the most adorable mc I've read. She is human and around nineteen, if I remember correctly, and just a sweet girl and adorable. She's introduced into the supernatural world thanks to baby Hope, who is just the cutest, due to her needing a mother figure now that Hayley wasn't present in her life thanks to the curse placed on her.
Her relationship with Hope is my favorite part of the whole fanfic. She doesn't suddenly turn into her mother, she doesn't intend to either, but rather becomes her best friend and Klaus and her develop a bond thanks to this. The way father and daughter interact is so heartwarming too, the subtle hints of them being werewolves, and seeing a main character having a good relationship with her father for once is a good turn, especially in tvd fanfics.
It's clear Klaus and Lola have something going on, even if they won't admit out loud, but for some reason the people around them give the impression they don't actually want them to date. There is implications something more fucked up than usual is going on with Klaus and his relationships, and I'm pretty sure him and Cami were a thing in this fic too. Surprisingly, Hayley and Cami aren't turned into absolute bitches, but there is Jackson bashing though.
The Girl in the Forest (fanfiction.net, Klaus x original female character) by noblecrescent;
Stats: Originals, T, English, Mystery & Romance, chapters: 30, words: 311k+, favs: 232, follows: 176, updated: Feb 19, 2017 published: Jan 23, 2016, [Klaus M., OC] [Elijah M., Camille O'Connell]
This fanfic is a tetralogy of books set in The Originals, I read those fanfics a while ago so forgive me for any mistake. Maleny is a witch who was cursed, if I remember correctly, and was constantly body-jumping every short time.
In one of her lives, she met Klaus and they fell in love, but she died, if I'm not wrong, and they end up meeting again in New Orleans time later where he has a child on the way and a kingdom to conquer.
I can't remember a lot more without giving you spoilers, but it's worth checking it out!
Now, I'll give no more summaries because I honestly don't remember a lot of the next fanfics, but it's your choice if you want to read them;
A Veil Between Love and Hate (fanfiction.net, Klaus x original female character) by MandalorianHybrid;
Stats: Originals, T, English, chapters: 57, words: 200k+, favs: 609, follows: 359, updated: Sep 15, 2019 published: Jan 30, 2014, [Klaus M., OC]
Summary; Another five books set in The Vampire Diaries, with a story that eventually moves to The Originals.
Allure (wattpad, Klaus x oc x Stefan) by @viavolterra;
Stats: 575k Readings, 20,5k Votes, 34 Chapters
I just could not not recommend this fanfic. Mia comes to Mystic Falls to seek revenge after Damon kills her best friend Lexi, but she of course gets dragged by the problems in that little town.
The thing I like the most about Via's story is how there is no cliché: no bashing towards Tyler or Elena, Mia actually befriends them, Bonnie gets the recognition and love she deserves, Klaus doesn't suddenly turn into a different person just because he loves the oc, he continues to be a piece of shit, and how sweet and empathetic she is, not like those reused badass mc who are just rude.
I would recommend some more, but it's kinda hard to find fanfics with a good Klaus depiction. I'm pretty sure I left out a lot of amazing fanfics, though.
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charmandabear · 8 months ago
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Blood and Brandy
Astarion and Jaheira both need a little bit of a release after the events with the Elder Brain.
Pairing: Astarion/Jaheira Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3.3k Tags/Warnings: outdoor sex, piv, cunnilingus, vampire bites, praise kink, pet names
She's writing again! And this one was particularly fun to write, thank you @whispering-depths for the commission! I've gotten into the gif making game, so here are a few more inspired by this fic. Also, huge shout outs to @githyankidanky, @danse--macabre, and @sanguine-sunlight for championing the Jahstarion tag, y'all are the real heroes of this fic.
Read it on AO3.
Astarion comes swaggering into the Elfsong, waving down Alan for his usual post-hunt wine. It’s rarely a pleasant taste, but after the thrill of taking down an elk twice the size of him, he needs something to help him settle down enough to trance. He has no idea what time it is, only that it’s after midnight, so he’s surprised to see Jaheira sitting in an armchair in the corner, nursing a brandy and reading an issue of The Baldur’s Mouth. After swiping his wine glass off the bar, he makes his way over to her, hoping that his gait is more of a saunter than a stumble.
“Well if it isn’t the noble Jaheira,” he croons, perching himself on the arm of her chair and leaning his elbow onto the back. “Don’t you know that the Witching Hour is only for vampires and the deeply lonely?”
“How convenient, then, that you are both,” she lobs back at him, keeping her eyes on her newspaper.
Astarion gasps dramatically, clutching invisible pearls at his chest. “Jaheira, I’m hurt! How can you call me lonely when I have such lovely company right here?” He leans over her shoulder and her musky fragrance mixes with the spice of brandy, the intoxicating combination going directly to his head.
Jaheira drops her paper slightly, looking up at Astarion over her reading glasses. “I am not fooled by your theatrics, Astarion, I saw your little pout when you learned that Tav went to Avernus with Karlach.” She folds up her paper and smirks. “It isn’t easy seeing your ex and their new beau together.”
Astarion bristles slightly before slipping the mask back on. “Nonsense, Tav and I both agreed it was for the best to remain friends back at Last Light, I couldn’t be happier for them and Karlach.”
“Uh-huh,” Jaheira deadpans, thoroughly unconvinced. “And after they helped free you from your old master’s control, your feelings about intimacy did not change?”
Astarion sweeps over to the chair across from Jaheira, dropping himself into it and crossing his legs. He studies her for a moment, simultaneously discomforted and intrigued by her surprisingly accurate read on him. She smirks, the skin around her striking hazel eyes crinkling, and Astarion shifts under her penetrating gaze.
“Why do you ask, are you interested?” His tongue darts out to wet his lips, although whether from nervousness or simply old habits, he’s unsure. 
“A cute young thing like you?” Jaheira barks out a laugh. “I’m not sure if I could keep up.”
Astarion giggles, a little surprised by the giddy twinge that shoots through his core. “Jaheira, I’m older than you, by a good century.”
“And yet your skin is so smooth and supple. You must tell me your skincare secrets.” She narrows her eyes mischievously, crossing her legs and taking a sip of her brandy.
“A steady diet of the blood of the innocents will do wonders for your complexion,” Astarion grins, flashing just a hint of fang. Jaheira’s smile widens.
“Lucky for me, then, it sounds like I’m safe,” she retorts, and if she didn’t know any better, she’d almost think that the tips of his ears tinge pink.
The two quickly lose track of time, their comfortable banter and friendly jabs making it pass quickly. It’s only when Alan announces last call that they fully take stock of just how empty the Elfsong has become.
“Ah, the life of an insomniac isn’t an easy one,” Jaheira sighs. “Would you care to join me on my nightly walk to find the sandman?” She stands and stretches, and Astarion can’t keep his wandering eye from traveling down her figure.
“I can think of a few ways to tire you out,” he offers, making little attempt to hide the seduction in his voice. It’s a bit of a clumsier proposal than he’s capable of, but honestly at this point, he knows they can both use a release.
“I’m sure you could, cub,” she chuckles as she crosses over to him and pats his cheek, enjoying watching him try to hide the flustered look that creeps onto his face.
The night air is refreshing, and the city streets feel almost eerily quiet. They stroll aimlessly past darkened windows, neither really paying attention to where they’re going, until they find themselves wandering into the graveyard. Astarion surprises himself when he realizes that he’s subconsciously led Jaheira to a distantly familiar ivy-covered headstone. He pauses in front of it, his eyes tracing the faint outline of his name.
“Two hundred years,” he says quietly, and Jaheira peers over his shoulder. He looks back at her and chuckles, “That’s longer than you’ve been alive, gran.”
“Don’t remind me,” Jaheira groans. She looks on contemplatively, then adds, “You know, I don’t think I fully expressed how proud I am of you for stopping Cazador’s ritual.”
Astarion makes a noise somewhere between a scoff and a giggle. “You’re just trying to make me blush, aren’t you?”
“Maybe as a nice little side effect, perhaps,” she says coyly, sliding her eyes over to him. “But truly. With how much you have suffered, it takes a lot of strength to turn down all that power. And now, with a tadpole free brain, you can’t even go into the sun anymore.” She taps on his forehead to emphasize the point, and he swats her hand away playfully. Then her eyes unfocus slightly, and Astarion realizes she’s gone somewhere else entirely. “In my youth, I don’t know if I would’ve been strong enough.”
He studies her profile, brow furrowed as she loses herself in her memory. “I wouldn’t have expected the Great Jaheira to be tempted by something so base as a little power,” he says, punctuating his statement with that high pitched giggle of his. 
She returns to reality and flashes a grin at him. “You’d be surprised what I was tempted by when I was younger.”
Astarion’s eyebrows disappear into his well-coiffed hair. “Oh really? Do tell.”
“Another Rite of questionable morals,” she says with a humorless laugh. “Although admittedly, fewer sacrificed souls in the process. The Rite of Timeless Body, an old druidic ritual practiced by some of the more esoteric circles, allows the practitioner to extend their life span well beyond its natural reach.” 
Astarion crosses his arms and nods approvingly, taking a step back to get a renewed look at Jaheira. “Walking away from immortality takes some steel, I’m impressed.”
She shrugs noncommittally. “It feels a little less impressive when I’m standing in a graveyard in the last few decades of my life with a handsome young vampire who is a hundred years older than me.”
“If you want me to make you feel young again, you only need to ask,” Astarion grins salaciously, and Jaheira barks out a laugh.
“I might be younger than you, but I’m far too old to fall for your lines, cub,” she says, patting his cheek again. He grabs her hand, suddenly but not forcefully, and presses his lips to the inside of her wrist.
“Then maybe you can teach this old dog some new tricks,” he breathes against her skin, looking at her through heavy lidded eyes. She bites down on her tongue to keep her breath steady.
“So hungry now that he’s free,” she smirks, letting her hand cup his cheek. The stark contrast in temperature makes both of them shiver.
“Don’t tell me it’s not what you want,” he coos. “It’s been too long since Khalid, hasn’t it?”
“Oh, so this is for my benefit?” She lets herself step a bit closer to him, his bergamot perfume clouding her senses. “How very selfless of you, Astarion.”
He pulls on her wrist to close the distance between their bodies, putting her hand in his hair but keeping their faces a few inches apart. Waiting for her to make the final move. Surprisingly considerate, she notes to herself. She feels him pressed against her, his sinewy muscles pleasant against her soft flesh. His breath on her lip is cool, almost refreshing, with just a hint of lingering wine.
She leans in to kiss him, rough and unsteady, and his hands quickly move to her hips and squeeze her tight. He pushes her back until she’s up against a tree, pressing his knee up between her legs as he kisses along her jaw and down her neck.
“Don’t think you can get a free meal out of this,” she warns, but the sharp edge of her statement was dulled by her breathlessness. Astarion laughs against her skin.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, darling,” he hums between kisses, his fingers nimbly undoing the buttons down the front of her tunic. She arches her back into him as he slides his hand around her waist, his palm cool against her flushed skin.
“Ah-ah,” she slows him, pushing his hand away from her waist. He pulls away, wondering if she’s suddenly changed her mind, but she appears to be listening intently. “Not here, it’s too–”
“Close to civilization?” he smirks, raising an eyebrow.
“I was going to say sacred, but I suppose that’s true too,” she laughs. He grabs her hand and pulls her to the city wall on the outskirts of the graveyard. After a moment of struggle, he clambors to the top of it, looking down at her with an extended hand.
“Need help?” he asks and she rolls her eyes, smoothly shifting into her panther form and leaping over the wall with ease. She shifts back and looks up at him smugly as Astarion pinches his lips together, breath slightly uneven, his cock already pushing into the fabric of his pants. He drops down on the other side and she pulls him in by the collar for another messy kiss. 
“I’m starting to think you’re the one who can’t keep up with me,” she murmurs into his lips, giving his hair a quick tug. She delights in watching him struggle to keep his composure, hiding his want with a disaffected smile.
It doesn’t take long for them to find a grassy outcropping on the side of the mountain below the city. Jaheira shrugs off her tunic as Astarion makes quick work of removing his blousey linen top. Once they’re both shirtless, they crash back together, skin against skin, their mouths working hungrily against one another. Astarion pushes her up against a steep rocky slope of the mountain, palming her soft freckled breast in his hand. She inhales sharply as he flicks his thumb over her nipple, feeling it harden in the cool night air. 
She grabs him by the hair and pushes him down so that his lips line up with the sensitive pink flesh. He smiles as he swirls his tongue around the pert bud, and she sighs as her head falls back against the rock behind her. She holds onto his shoulders, unabashedly digging her nails into his skin. He ever so slightly teases her nipple with his front teeth, and he’s delighted when her hips buck into him.
“More interested in a bite than you first thought, eh Jaheira?” he hums, and she glares down at him.
“On your knees, vampire, and we’ll see,” she growls, and the tone of her voice makes Astarion’s cock twitch. He happily complies, and he can already smell her arousal through the cotton of her trousers. She might be able to feign apathy in her expression, but the heat of her cunt gives away how much she really wants him. He slides his fingers into her waistband and pulls her trousers down to her feet, which she quickly kicks off. He kneels forward to taste her but she stops him with the ball of her foot on his chest.
“You too,” she commands in a husky voice, her eyes flickering to the bulge in his leathers before locking back on his blood red eyes. His lips curl into a smile as he slides down his pants, maintaining eye contact with her. She breaks it when his cock springs free, only half hard and already impressive.
He digs his fingers into her hips and licks a stripe up her slit. She slides her fingers into his hair and drapes a leg over his shoulder, pinning him into position so she can maintain control. He laps up her arousal that’s pooling on her lips, threatening to drip. She quickly loses her hesitation to make noise, and her breathy moans as his tongue dives in and around her folds make his cock ache. He tries to subtly stroke himself as he continues to work her with his tongue, but she looks down and catches him.
“So needy, aren’t you, cub?” she purrs, and the noise he makes in response to the pet name is frankly a bit embarrassing. She laughs but it swiftly dissolves into a moan as he flicks his tongue across the hood of her clit. She tightens her hands in his hair and he increases the pace of his tongue, trying to keep up with the rutting of her hips against his face. The sounds of her pleasure as she gets closer to release, now unrestrained, only serve to spur him on further. He darts his tongue in and out of her, stopping only to lightly suckle on her clit.
“Ah– gods— Astarion!'' She shouts his name as she climaxes and he continues to lick her through her orgasm, feeling her pussy throb against his lips. He clutches her thigh as she slowly comes down, panting, and then eventually she releases the tight hold she had on his hair, ruffling it lightly.
“Well done, you know what you’re doing,” she says breathlessly, and he uses his palm to wipe his mouth clean.
“What can I say other than years of practice?” he smirks, standing and pressing his body to hers, his erection thick against her thigh. “I’ll give you a minute to recover, you old crone.”
“I’m ready for round two when you are, pretty boy,” she vaults back, pulling him in for another sloppy kiss. He slides his hand under her inner thigh and pulls her leg up, pinning her knee to the rocky cliff face. He positions the tip of his cock at her entrance, pausing just long enough to tease her into another growl. She squeezes a hand in his hair and he takes the hint to slide into her, their groans of pleasure mingling in the night air. 
He begins to pump in and out of her at a steady pace, her walls squeezing around his cock with every thrust. He drops his head into the crook of her neck, breathing hard and inhaling the sweet scent of her sweat. He peppers her flesh with desperate kisses, nipping at her skin without breaking it. She knows he won’t bite without permission, but he’s also not bothering to hide how much he wants to. She grabs his hair and pulls his ear to her lips.
“Just once,” she hisses, and he lets out a shuddering moan. “Somewhere I can cover, and no drinking.”
“Yes ma’am,” he groans, and bites down into the flesh where her neck meets her shoulder. She clenches around his cock at the sudden pain, but he quickly follows it with soothing licks to the bite mark. 
“Good boy,” she pants as he laps at her neck, and the praise causes him to push into her even harder, until a particularly jagged rock hits her spine. She puts her hand to his chest to get him to stop. “Astarion, wait.”
He pulls away from her, and she finds his dazed expression with his hair falling into his eyes to be surprisingly charming.
“Get on your back,” she hums, jerking her head towards the soft grass nearby. He lets out a visible sigh of relief before quickly positioning himself on his back, resting on his elbows to watch as she saunters over to him. She stands over him for a minute, appreciating the light flush across his normally very pale skin. He wets his lips as she gets to her knees, teasing him with her cunt in revenge for his earlier cheekiness. 
She sinks down onto him as he raises his hips needily to meet her. He grabs her thighs as she rides him, his fingers dimpling the soft flesh. She braces herself on his chest with a hand, her nails digging into his skin as she rocks her hips into him.
“Gods, Jaheira, you’re–” Astarion pants, the words getting caught in his throat. His head falls back into the soft grass and he arches his back into her. 
“Finally speechless, eh, Astarion?” she chuckles, and he shoots a glare back at her that quickly melts into a whimper. She pulls his face up to hers, treating him with another sloppy kiss before pushing his lips back to her tits. He eagerly takes her into his mouth, licking and sucking the sensitive skin. He ruts his hips into her as she grinds down on him, eagerly chasing her second release. He grazes his teeth against her breast and she shudders before yanking him back by his hair.
“Don’t be a brat,” she hisses through gritted teeth, and Astarion flashes her a self-satisfied grin.
“No need to keep up appearances. It’s clear that you want me to. No one will see it, and we both get what we want.” He lightly brushes her nipple with his tongue and she grunts as she tries to stifle her moan. “Come, Jaheira, let me make you purr,” he hums into her skin, nipping to punctuate his sentence.
“Fine,” she grumbles and lets go of his hair. “But one wrong move, vampire, and I’ll keep you pinned here until sunrise.” He grins and eagerly bites down, puncturing her skin but keeping his promise not to drink. He laps at the dark red drops that drip down the curve of her breast and she groans, arching her back and pushing her tits further into his mouth. He takes her encouragement and bites again, making a twin mark on the other side of her chest. She claws into his shoulders, bracing herself rather than telling him to stop.
The contrasting sensations of the ice cold shard of pain with the cool balm of his tongue afterwards is unlike anything Jaheira has ever felt, and she can feel the pressure building in her core. She moves her hand down to her clit and begins rubbing small circles in time with Astarion’s upward thrusts. He smirks and increases his pace, spurred on by her pleasure. 
“That’s it, cub, keep going,” she moans, and his balls begin to tighten at the praise. He grabs onto her hips, pulling her down onto him hard as he continues to fuck up into her, rapidly losing control of his speed. “Come for me, cub.”
It’s all he needs. A burst of pleasure rockets through his core as he spills into her, feeling her walls clench and throb around him as her own orgasm tears through her body. Her unabashed cries of pleasure only heightens the feeling, riding out the long waves of her climax with his rapidly softening dick.
When the ripples finally settle and the two of them are left breathing hard, Jaheira pulls off him and Astarion admires the sight of his thick seed dripping down her leg. She catches him looking and chuckles, “Just be grateful I’m too old to bring any dhampirs into this world.”
Astarion guffaws, still a little giddy from his orgasm and struggling to parse what the fuck just happened. “Trust me, no one needs that less than me,” he says with a breathless laugh. 
They clean themselves up in a comfortable silence, carefully picking up their swiftly discarded garments and redressing. They briefly make eye contact before bursting into sudden laughter.
Jaheira shakes dirt out of her hair and says, “Well this most certainly will not happen again.”
“Absolutely not,” Astarion agrees, but he can’t stop himself from smiling when he sees the light flush bloom across her freckled cheeks. They lock eyes on one another again before quickly looking away.
It’s a long walk back to the Elfsong.
@marvellover-12 @marlowethebard @pursuitseternal @imjiminiebean @gylving @beepersteeper
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homisexual11 · 1 year ago
Risk I’m Willing To Take (Jasper Hale X Alice Cullen X Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of blood… vampirism? Mostly fluff.
Summary: You’re new in Forks and become close with a couple… you find out what they are, fall in love, and… yeah.
Being a human in Forks was common; being a human in Forks who became friends with the Cullens… not as much. With the risks that everyone had to take, the Cullens and the humans alike would stay away. Well, the humans would if they understood. They would have stayed away from you if they could have, they really would have… but then Alice had a vision. She saw you. She saw you, someone they had never met before, coming into their lives. A human. She didn’t see you the same way she saw Bella originally, there was something different about you. She assumed it was just the fact that you weren’t going to be romantically involved with anyone, but she couldn’t have been more wrong.
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As they got closer to meeting you, she told Jasper all about you. All about what she would see. She saw you becoming best friends with her and Jasper specifically, even closer than Bella was to them. (Which wasn’t saying too much, but still…) Jasper could feel the excitement radiating off her, he could almost feel the same way about you just because of her. He had reservations, worried about becoming close with another human, so close after they met Bella, but when they saw you for the first time, it all felt better.
Your father was in the military and had been assigned to Fairchild AFB in the middle of the school year. It wasn’t particularly close to Forks, but your parents thought Forks was a good place to move and only thirty minutes away from the base. It was a small town, but you didn’t mind it. It was better than living on base. When you stepped in for Junior year on that first day, Alice almost exploded. She couldn’t believe she was finally seeing you, her new best friend… even if you didn’t know it yet. Jasper didn’t calm her down, even if he was almost overwhelmed with how happy she was. They were in three of your classes each, both were in English with you, but Jasper was in your Science and History, while Alice was in your Math and Art.
Jasper ended up meeting you first, not expecting when you walked into History at the beginning of the day. When he heard your name, his head shot up. Well, everyone did, but their reason was not expecting someone new. Then… he needed to get out of there. As if high school wasn’t hard enough for him, hundreds of beating hearts with blood pumping through them… that blood, no, YOUR blood was almost enough to drive him insane. He couldn’t walk out then, he couldn’t make a scene… he had to sit through the rest of that class, finally realizing what having a singer was like.
You weren’t nervous that whole day, but you were quiet. You kept to yourself, something Jasper could understand. You were an introvert, much like him. Edward could hear his thoughts, part of him being nervous about the logistics of being around someone who he wanted to drain more than anything else, the other part of him wondering exactly what your blood would taste like. Jasper could feel Edward being nervous about this, he had heard a little bit about you from Alice, but not nearly as much as the blonde. Jasper had been holding his breath the whole day, and he almost let something slip… he was eager for more of you, but he knew if he took a breath, he would lose it.
You got lucky enough to sit in the back, right next to Edward. You were going to become better friends than expected, even if he didn’t say anything to you yet. You had most of your classes with him, and although you were both quiet, you got along in the silence. History, science, math, and art. (I haven’t read Midnight Sun yet, I don’t know what classes he took but I feel like he would take art. I think every one of the Cullens would take art, but that’s probably just me) You got lucky, Edward was part of the reason Jasper didn’t find a way to drain you that first day. He got a smile from you as you sat down next to him, and immediately just paid attention to the lesson.
Your next class was English, poor Jasper couldn’t catch a break, but at least he had Alice with him. When Alice heard your name for the first time, she was going insane. Jasper held her hand under the table to keep her from running up to you and suffocating you in a hug. She knew so much about you already, and she was so happy to finally see you in person. There was a slight problem, though… the way your blood smelled. The vampire lovers had both managed to find their singer. Alice knew she could deal with it, even if it were hard… she would tell Jasper about it later at home, and everything would be fine.
You found that in English, you had a ton of free time, and the teacher was laid back enough to let people move around and do whatever they wanted after the lesson was finished. You would have been content to sit there on your own when one pixie-haired girl came up to you. “I’m Alice,” she said, giving you her hand to shake. Jasper was even surprised at her eagerness.
“Y/N,” you said, shaking her hand but feeling a little awkward about it. Her hand was freezing, but you knew better than to jump back or flinch.
“I know,” she said without thinking, then trying to fix it, “I heard it when our teacher introduced you, and I think my boyfriend is in your History class. His name is Jasper, I don’t know if you know him or not, but you’re the talk of the entire town. Hasn’t been like this since Bella moved here. Ooh! Have you met her? She’s actually really sweet, if a little awkward.”
She had immediately felt like your best friend, even if you didn’t understand it. Jasper subtly used his gift, something he didn’t think through very much, just to make you a little more comfortable. He wouldn’t normally do something like that, especially not to a human he barely knew… well, technically barely knew, but he didn’t want to have to watch Alice humiliate herself. You had no choice but to feel okay, and when he left he tried his best to take it away without you having a drop.
The rest of that day sped by, and your new friend… well, technically friends (they’re a package deal) ensured you had someone to be around all day. You didn’t mind their presence–even without Jasper using his gift on you, which he didn’t use for the rest of the day–and found it comforting. Alice told you about their family, and as she did you looked around. There was a blonde girl, you soon found out her name was Rosalie, who kept staring at you. She didn’t like you much, and Alice explained that she didn’t like many people and that she didn't mean anything by it. She was Jasper’s twin. You could see a little bit of resemblance, but nothing too crazy.
Weeks passed, leading to months, and you had grown close to almost all of the Cullens. Rosalie learned to accept you, despite her earlier reservations. You knew something was off about all of them, but you never brought it up. You were happy to have friends; you would never have discovered their secret if it weren’t for Bella Swan. She was in PE with you, and even though you rarely ever spoke, you were friends by association with the Cullens. You had both managed to roll your ankle on the same day, so you could sit out.
“You’re Edward’s girlfriend, right?” She asked you.
“Umm.. it’s complicated,” she says, tucking her hair behind her ear for what seemed like the millionth time in that class period alone. “But you know how things are with the vampires…”
“Vampires, huh?” You thought she was kidding at first, but when you saw the look of panic on her face everything clicked. She tried to come up with some bullshit excuse, but you weren’t for it. She begged you not to say anything, which further proved it. She was either crazy, or your best friends were vampires. Either one was very likely when you thought about it, and they honestly weren’t mutually exclusive.
As soon as you had that conversation, Alice had a vision. She hadn’t seen this one coming, it was out of the blue. She saw you coming to their house after school, and only one other thing was clear… vampire. It didn’t make much sense, but she figured it out. And if she was right… there was a problem. She looked over at Edward who seemed to understand. They both came up with a plan to leave class, and grab Jasper on the way out. Edward could just barely hear your thoughts as you ran into the bathroom, they weren’t the only ones who were making an excuse to leave.
You tried to tell yourself that you were being overdramatic; how could your best friends be vampires? You weren’t superstitious, and you didn’t believe in things like that. You decided to tell your teacher you had been sick and go home, once school was over you would sneak out and go to the Cullen’s. You didn’t think it was the smartest, but you needed some time to think.
Your plan worked, both of your parents were working so they couldn’t be home. Everything would work out, leaving you to spiral. As soon as it was 2:45, you got in your car and drove straight to the Cullens. You knocked on the door, Carlisle answering. “Hello, Y/N, may I ask what you’re here for?”
“I need to talk to Alice,” you said. You barely noticed yourself, but you were almost shaking.
“That eager, huh?” He notes. “Well, come in. I think she’s up in her room with Jasper, but I can go get them–”
“Dr. Cullen, I think it’s best if I go up to see them.”
“I’m sorry, but I promise, it’ll be fine. I’m sure they won’t mind, sir.”
He hesitantly let you inside, and you thanked him before running up and knocking on the door. “Come in,” you heard someone say.
You walked into the room and Alice immediately stood up. You both looked at each other, no one wanting to say the first thing. Jasper just stared his usual stare. After a minute of awkward silence, you could only get one word out. “Vampire?”
Out of the many things you wanted to say, all you could get out was one word. Everyone in the house heard it, yet no one said a word. Alice finally looked down. “Y/N…”
“I’m sorry, I… maybe Bella is just crazy, and I’m as crazy for believing her. This was stupid, I should have left this be–”
“Y/N,” Jasper spoke this time. As soon as he spoke you felt a little more calm. He knew he was going to regret anything he said, everyone in the house would… but dammit, if Bella already said something their only choice would be to tell you or leave you thinking you were insane and never speak to you again. “You’re not crazy.”
“No, Jasper, I’m–”
“It’s okay, Y/N,” Alice assured. “You aren’t crazy. Bella… that’s a different story.”
You laughed a little, but it didn’t last very long. Jasper looked over at Alice, and then Edward walked into the room unannounced. You thought it was because of the Bella comment, but he didn’t say anything about it. He nodded towards Alice, before walking right back out.
Alice walked up to you and touched your arm gently. “You can leave right now if you want to, but if you do that… we won’t talk to you again. Or, you can come downstairs with us and…” she sighs, looking over at Jasper. “Is this worth it?”
“I don’t know,” he says. He couldn’t look at you, even if he so desperately wanted to. “This is risky, telling her…”
“So I’m right,” you said.
“It would be impressive, had Bella not told you,” was Jasper’s response.
“So… you guys are vampires?”
Alice looked up at you. “Let’s go downstairs, I think everyone is already waiting…”
You didn’t know what was going on, but you let her lead you downstairs with Jasper following behind. Just as she said, every one of the Cullens was waiting, and Bella was right behind Edward. Alice kept a supporting hand on you the entire time as Jasper stood right next to her. “Another human?” Emmett asked. He seemed pleasantly surprised.
Alice nodded, and at that same time, her face went blank for at least fifteen seconds. Jasper put an arm on her, “What did you see, hon?”
“Nothing,” she says, it was a lie. She had seen something that put some things into perspective. She had seen all of you getting together, you, her, and Jasper. “It’s too far away, it wasn’t clear enough yet.”
Edward tensed but he didn’t say anything.
“Well,” Carlisle began. “I guess she deserves an idea of what’s going on right now.”
“You’re vampires?” You half-asked, half-said. You could see Rosalie glaring at Edward and Bella, only for Carlisle to speak again.
“Rosalie, it’s alright,” Carlisle tried to assure her.
“She would have found out anyways, Rose,” Edward told her. Ever the Bella defender, “Bella just sped up the process.”
“It was an accident,” Bella tried to say, but Edward gave her a look that told her not to speak.
“We’re not mad at you, Bella,” Esme smiled. She walked up to you and tucked your hair behind your ears. “We aren’t mad at you, either. I hope you know that.”
You didn’t exactly know what to say, so you nodded.
“Considering previous events, it goes unsaid that you know. Yet I still feel the need to say it, Y/N. We are vampires, yes. Now that you know this, there are some… conditions,” everyone seemed nervous as Carlisle spoke, Alice unintentionally tightened her grip on you just short of bruising. “You cannot tell anyone what you know, not your mother, not your father, not your closest friends. I wish you would have had a chance to back out rather than what is going on now, everything you know is at risk now.”
You nodded, so he continued. “It’s not all bad, though. Now there aren’t secrets around here anymore,” he was purposefully avoiding the elephant in the room. The fact that they needed blood. Edward read your thoughts.
“Carlisle,” he says, and the doctor sighed but forced a smile.
“You want to know about the… blood issue?” Jasper tensed, and Alice put her other arm on him.
“Blood issue, he calls it,” Emmett snickered, Rosalie smacked him in the gut to shut him up.
“We don’t drink human blood,” Carlisle explained. “I’d be happy to explain later, whenever you ask. For some of us…” he glances in your direction, with Jasper staring down at the floor. “It’s harder than with the others. You needn’t worry.”
“Do you just not want blood…?” You asked, it was a stupid question.
“No, not exactly,” he told you. “We all want it, but it’s easier the longer you’re around it. We live off animal blood, we’re what you could call… vegetarians. Just the vampire equivalent of it.”
You nodded. It was quiet for a moment, before you asked something again, “What… um.. Happened with Alice a second ago?”
“Some vampires are gifted,” Carlisle responds. “Technically, all of us are. Some of us are more obvious than others. Mine, for example, is on the more subtle side… compassion. I have a better ability to resist blood than some others, hence why I’m in the medical field. Edward is a mind reader, on the more apparent side. Alice can see the future, she has premonitions.”
You stayed quiet. “I’m sorry you have to know this,” Esme says quietly. “I wish, much like the rest of us, that you would have had a choice…”
“It’s okay, Alice told me I could’ve walked away…” you said when you thought about it and looked over at her and realized something. Whether it was just a feeling for the moment or something that would stay, you were in love.
“We wanted to give her a… level of a choice, even if it was just two extremes,” Jasper said. You looked at him and felt the same thing you felt towards Alice. You saw him tense up for a second before he pretended to be okay.
“I still don’t understand why we couldn’t have said that Bella was crazy and walked away,” Rosalie rolled her eyes. “All of this could have been avoided.”
“Rosalie,” Carlisle says. “Y/N is part of our family now, like Bella.”
“Why don’t we invite the whole town… better yet the whole state into our ‘family’ while we’re at it!” She says. She wasn’t yelling, more like stating in an aggressive and loud tone. Emmett grabbed her hand and they walked to their room together. Bella looked ashamed, but it wasn’t much different than the way she normally looked.
“I’m sorry if I’m causing turmoil,” you said.
“Don’t apologize, my love,” Esme says. “Like Carlisle says, you’re a part of our family now.”
Carlisle smiled. “Do you have any other questions?”
“Not yet… I don’t think,” you said.
“Well, I’ll let you go then. My door is always open if you need anything.” Carlisle went to his office, Esme kissed your cheek before going into the kitchen, and Edward and Bella both went to his room, leaving you and your best friends in the room together.
“I’m sorry,” Alice said. “But at least now there aren’t any secrets.”
“Right,” you forced a smile. “No secrets.”
You weren’t going to say anything yet; you would probably never say anything if you were being honest. Having feelings for a boy was one thing, it was another to have feelings for both that boy and his girlfriend. If you had found out what Jasper's gift was then, you would have run away and forgotten all about that, even if it could very well get you killed.
“This is such a risk,” Jasper says quietly.
“Jas, it’s a risk I’m willing to take,” you tell him. “Y’all have been my only friends since I moved here, and pretty much the best friends I’ve ever had.”
A couple of months passed, and you hoped that feeling would go away… but it didn’t. Every day you fell a bit more for your two best friends. Jasper could sense it, and Alice would get visions, but neither wanted to say anything until you did. They spoke to each other about it frequently and agreed to wait for you to say something. They would wait years if you needed, decades even. They started to fall for you too, not just the idea of you… but you in who you were. They fell for you, your flaws, and your perfections. It wasn’t conventional, but they didn’t care.
You never would have said anything, not until a certain conversation with Edward. You had grown close to him, which was weird to both of you. But he started to feel like an older brother to you, and so did Emmett. The topic of conversation had been how Alice and Jasper got together, leading to you finding out exactly what Jasper’s gift was. Manipulating and… feeling emotions. Your heart sank and you told him you needed to leave, but he knew exactly what was going on. He didn’t stop you.
This was exactly what Alice had envisioned when they were telling you about vampires. It somehow had managed to stay the same, only now, she had more of a view on your future as well.
How you had managed to be friends with them for as long as you had, and never found out what Jasper’s gift was… you don’t know. You debated, once again, leaving and running away. But… something told you not to. You needed to go see them, needed to talk to them. You slowly walked over there, knocking on the door. “Y/N!” She says, hugging you. “What’s up?”
You didn’t say anything, just walked in there. They didn’t mind, you were close enough. Jasper could sense your nervousness and… well, a bunch of other emotions that you couldn’t figure out. “Do you want to talk?” He asked gently, coming to sit down closer to you.
“You can feel emotions,” you said.
“Yes,” he said. “I can, in fact, feel emotions. What about it?”
“So you’ve…” you couldn’t bring yourself to say it.
He luckily understood. “You mean your personal feelings? Yes, I have.” You were embarrassed. “Don’t worry, it’s normal… I guess.”
“Does she know?” You asked, glancing over at Alice.
“She was the first one to know,” he told you. She nodded. “She knew before you knew. I found out as soon as you did, and so did Edward. He mentioned it once, and never again.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, playing with your fingers.
“Don’t apologize, it’s alright,” Alice said, smiling and taking one of your hands gently. She did stuff like that a lot, but this felt strangely intimate.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“We didn’t want to embarrass you, we know a lot has been going on recently,” Jasper tells you. “This is a complicated situation, we didn’t want to add to the stress.”
“But you’ve known,” you said. They nodded. “I can leave.”
“Please don’t,” Alice said. “Y/N… I’ve seen it. I’ve seen a future with all three of us, where we’re together. It’s in no way conventional, and obviously, there are some… issues, but we can make it work. I know we can. We both love each other so much, but we also love you.”
“If you’ll have us, darlin’,” Jasper says. “We want you to be ours.”
You were almost speechless. Was this really happening? Was this just a cruel dream? Jasper comes to kneel in front of you, Alice sitting beside you. “You mean it?” You ask.
“Yes,” Alice smiles.
“But you need to understand, this is even more a risk than just being friends with us. I don’t mean to worry you, but this is a big deal, Y/N,” Jasper tells you. “I can’t let you go on without you understanding it.”
“I know, Jasper. And… it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
He smiled, taking your hand and pressing a gentle kiss to it. The little gesture made you turn pink, and he smiled. That was about as far as he could go, he would need a break from humans for a minute after you left. He went to sit back down a little further away from you. He had grown close to you as a friend and was fine, but now there was more to it. But somehow... It felt like it was getting easier.
Alice looked at you, she could deal with a bit more than he could, but she didn’t know what you were ready for. She kissed your cheek softly, intertwining your fingers with the hand she was holding.
You knew that this wasn’t going to be easy; it would tear you apart every day. You didn’t complain though, even with the dangers. You loved them, and they loved you… and that made this a risk you were willing to take
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dethtallica · 4 months ago
heyy im requesting again cus i liked the work you did for me so much :) could you do one with Jason/Anyone based on @hexxeddorm’s drawing on a waitress Jason? (im pretty sure you’ve seen it) the rest is up to what you want to write, just need to have him dicked down in that uniform 👀
again, love your works so much and take your time if you need to :) ❤️
GAHH had to make this into a halloween fic! i love that fanart so much this ask made me SO happy :)
Prove It
1987 • James/Jason
CW - semi public sex, toxic yaoi lmao, cross dressing, dubious consent kind of i don’t know, use of the F slur, internalized homophobia
Jason always looked forward to Halloween.
He’d dress in a fun costume, drink, maybe play a Halloween show if he was lucky. The Flotsam guys were even bigger on Halloween than he was and dragged him to countless costume parties with hookers hanging around; they’d give him a look, that look, and one of his bandmates would push Jason to go talk to a prostitute with a smirk.
“Cmon man, she’s like, totally your type! Blonde hair, blue eyes, looks like she could kill ya… go get ‘er!”
Yeah. It’s his type.
The girls were almost always wearing a sexy outfit. Skimpy, cheap clothes that accentuated their curves. The costumes were predictable— Sometimes a nurse. Sometimes a slutty witch who wants to trade her potions for your semen. Maybe a particularly naughty angel who decided maybe a little defiance would be good.
Or, a waitress.
Jason stares at himself in the mirror, regretting everything about this. He was still the Newkid, had to do everything the band told him. What James told him. So, when he was ordered to embarrass himself by wearing a very feminine, very revealing Waitress costume for the upcoming Halloween party, he obliged. Jason shuffled to the side to check the rest of his costume. Remembered how these costumes were made to show off ass and curves. It’s not a nice memory. His thighs seemed too muscular for the thin fabric of the light pink skirt, his chest and shoulders too broad and thick for the revealing top. Trying on costumes had been enjoyable in the past; now wearing his costume is the last thing he wants to do.
Jason’s eyebrows furrow as he continues to check himself out in the mirror. Maybe, he thinks, if he was a chick, there was a chance he would look good. But he’s not. No, he’s a guy in a fucking waitress costume too small for him just because James would get a kick out of it. Everyone else had a normal costume— a vampire, a werewolf, an imp. And, fuck, here he is. In a women’s skirt and top. In a shitty halloween store’s changing room where plastic decorations hang from the ceiling and walls. The painted on smiles of the plastic spiders don’t help Jason’s mood.
Jason sighs. He really doesn’t wanna do this. Surely there’s a way he can convince James to have mercy on him, right? Maybe he’d offer his personal stash of weed or Heineken. Embarrassed, Jason stops staring at his masculine figure in the mirror and takes a deep breath. James is on the other side of the dressing room, impatiently tapping his foot, and Jason assumes it’s because he wants to hurry up and get back to the guys.
“James? You’re.. really serious ‘bout this? Don’t wanna like, take my hash instead? This is stupid. Really fuckin’ stupid.”
Jason hears the other man grunt from the other side.
“What, too pussy? If you can’t even dress up in a stupid costume, why should I even keep you around?”
Well. Fuck.
“I- Fine. Whatever. I’m ready.”
A pause, then James is opening the door from the outside, not realizing how tantalizingly slow he’s going. Why did he do this again? To be honest, he wasn’t really thinking when he asked Jason to wear the costume. He was drunk. And, yeah. He’s usually drunk. Caught him there. But it was different. Jason was the one who brought costumes up in that stupid cheery voice, and you couldn’t blame James for wanting to mess with him. Not when he’s waiting for Jason to snap.
Here’s how it happened; the two were sitting in Jason’s room together with the steady beat of Electric Eye. Jason and James left all alone because Kirk and Lars wouldn’t do a damn thing without the other and Lars was tasked with getting the band more beer. Jason eyed James. James eyed Jason. Jason spoke up, blurting out a stupid question about Halloween, earning a groan from James. Like he wanted to make Jason believe talking to him was a chore. The conversation went on— if you count Jason sheepishly blabbering in hopes of entertaining James a conversation. It was when Jason mentioned those parties with his old band, Flotsam, that the blonde got an idea.
That’s when he asked Jason just how far he would go. Jason looked confused at first. The guitarist enlightened him. James asks the brunette what his problem is first, because of course he does, and follows it with something that made Jason determined.
“You always just take everything. All the pranks, all the jokes. When are you gonna snap at us, huh? When are you gonna snap at me? How far can you really take it? Prove to me you’re good enough.”
That’s how they ended up here. Jason showed him how much humiliation he can take by allowing James to lay eyes on him when he’s dressed like this. Because Jason is strong, Jason can take it. He can take all the shit James and the guys give him. In fact, he has to. So the bassist doesn’t hide when the door is finally opened all the way, only looking to the side, his cheeks dusted a light pink.
It hits James like a truck. He feels absolutely winded after he first takes the first look. The waitress skirt perfectly hugs his hips like it was specially tailored and crafted for Jason to give the guitarist a boner. His mouth goes dry, scanning the bassist up and down. The boy in front of him wasn’t supposed to look so damn perfect, the whole thing was supposed to be a joke. A stab at Jason, to see how far he’ll take it. To see if he’s good enough to be in Metallica. He is a replacement, after all. However, James would be lying if he said that replacement wasn’t making him short circuit. And James was also a dirty fuckin’ liar, because the waitress gag was more than just a gag to him.
“You. You, uh. You look stupid.”
There’s silence for a few moments. Then, Jason starts laughing. It throws James off, and he scrunches his eyebrows. The bassist giggles for a few moments longer before shaking his head.
“Is that all you have to say?”
James shifts uncomfortably and looks to the side. Walks in, closes the door behind him, then scowls. Like he didn’t just invite himself into an occupied dressing room like a freak. And he wasn’t! He swore. He only shut the door so no one else would see Jason like this. Which, fuck, wasn’t a great reason either, considering that’s the whole reason he’s forcing Jason to buy this stupid costume anyways. So people can see. And laugh. The only one that’s laughing is Jason, though, because he realized he’s got the big James Hetfield’s panties in a twist ‘cause of what was supposed to be a prank on him. Ironic.
“Don’t fucking laugh at me. Be grateful I’m closing the door so only I can see you. I should be the one laughing at you.”
Jason rolls his eyes. He’s not dumb enough to not pick up on what the situation is, though it is much different from what he expected. He really did expect James to laugh at him, to think he looked stupid. Instead he got that look, yes, that look, and a couple stuttered words when James stared at him like a dog staring at a treat. Jason’s no virgin. Maybe surprised, but he won’t let that show. What he does plan to show is dominance over this perverted blonde who was slowly getting closer to him.
“You look conflicted. Got something to say?”
Jason asks quietly, watching James get closer like a cartoon character floating to a pie. Pathetic, he thinks. He’s supposed to be the intimidating one and Jason’s got him hardening in his jeans from a simple costume like a homo. If you asked him, James was not a homosexual. He only liked girls. That was his justification for quickly hardening in his jeans at the sight of Jason. He looked like a girl, okay? That’s it. That’s the only reason.
But it wasn’t. Because James was inches away from the bassist, staring down at him with a hard on.
“I’m not- I’m not conflicted. Fuck are you trying to say?”
“Well.. I can see your boner through your jeans, but you’re trying to make yourself look like you’re mad. How’s that for a conflict?”
The blonde snarls. That was it. James shoves Jason against the back wall, rattling the little decorations in the dressing room. Jason yells with surprise and slight panic as he’s tossed against the wall like a ragdoll. Really hot once the initial surprise wears off, but he keeps that to himself. Jason’s chin is yanked up to look up at James’ flushed face. They meet eyes, the waitress boys’ gaze teasing and hungry while the guitarist’s is angry and lustful.
“I am not a fucking fag. Okay? I’m not. You- you just look like a woman, that’s IT. I don’t like guys. I don’t like you. I’ll beat the shit out of you.”
Instead of a reply, Jason forces his lips on James. Expecting resistance, he doesn’t go too hard— but, instead of being met with a punch to the gut, he feels the blonde hungrily reply by kissing him back like he’s been waiting for this moment for years. And, that’s not true. Because he’s only been waiting for months. Which is, like, significantly less gay. And this isn’t gay. Because right now Jason’s a just a slutty waitress. But, no matter how much James tells himself these things, they both know the truth. Thankfully, James’ worries melt away as they make out against the wall. Jason’s tongue finds its way into the blonde’s mouth and the taller boy whines, hands finding their way to Jason’s hips. It’s an ego boost feeling James fall apart in literal minutes all because of Jason. Jason did this to him. Made him straining against his jeans, begging to be inside the waitress boy. Made him shaky and whiny (to James’ dismay). He can’t think about that too long because everything’s happening so quickly—James’ hips start to rub against the bassists’ clothed dick as he nearly eats his face off with those sloppy kisses. It’s all teeth and spit as they dry hump each other, both sporting a full erection.
The kiss doesn’t last. James is pulling back, chest heaving, face red, and hard as a rock. His cock still rubs against the brunettes, and he can’t help but look at their strained cocks brushing against each other. Jason notices this and looks at the erotic scene too. He silently wonders if this costume will be ruined before he can even wear it for the party.
“If.. If you tell.. anyone about this.. I swear you’re a dead man..” James promises, trying to catch his breath and keep his desperate moans down at the same time.
“Won’t tell a soul.”
For some reason, that’s believable enough. ‘Cause James doesn’t miss a beat rubbing his length on Jason’s slightly shorter cock. Both are impressive. James thinks Jason’s is impressive. It’s got a pretty pink tip and girth that would make any girl drool— it’s too bad Jason’s using it on the Mighty Hetfield. Don’t ask James how he knows this. But, really, it is a beautiful cock, because all James can think about is how perfect and (probably) delicious it is as he ruts against Jason who is now leaning in to lick and suck at the blonde’s neck.
Shuddering, James’ grip on Jason becomes tighter as the tongue on his soft skin glides over him before picking a particularly sensitive spot and sucking. The bassist smirks against the taller boy’s neck as he sucks a hickey into the crook of James’ neck. Probably not a good look to have purplish marks all over your neck after you just walked out of a changing room with another man, but that was a worry for future James. He could always just say it was a vampire. And, ouch, Jason bites down on his flesh just like one, making James shiver and stutter. His hips trembled against the flushed cock below him and he bites his lip to hold back the moan that threatened to spill from his lips. It was already shameful enough he was doing this with another man, he doesn’t need the whole fucking store hearing it.
With a slick popping noise, Jason removes his tongue from his neck, leaving James dizzy. He stumbles back slightly, which he realizes is actually from Jason pushing him back to remove his skirt. The brunette’s fingers slowly push down that delicious pink skirt along with his boxers to reveal his weeping cock, and James swears he could’ve came right then.
“Don’t worry big boy, you can fuck me soon.”
Actually, he changes his mind. He could’ve cum to that. While he’s busy losing his goddamn mind, Jason’s fingers soak themselves in his wet mouth before dipping down to his hole, making sure James knows he’s teasing himself by circling his rim before dipping in. Jason makes a breathy noise as he works two fingers in and James can’t help but wonder if he’s starting with two because he’s done this before. His chest swells with jealously but he’s quickly distracted by realizing his hand made its way down to his cock to rub himself off while he watches his bandmate finger himself. He’s so goddamn horny his body’s doing shit on its own.
“‘S gonna feel so good, James. Just wait a- fuck- minute..”
James doesn’t respond. He can’t. His mouth feels like a desert. A third finger is added. When? It didn’t matter. James’ burning hot desire made everything feel like it was moving in both slow motion and high speed. Like he’s drunk, but really it’s just Jason making him feel like that. Because he can do that for some reason, which is really frustrating. It’s usually not very acceptable to fall for your bandmate, let alone fall for your male bandmate as a male.
But when Jason’s fucking himself on his fingers up against the wall, curls sticking to his forehead with sweat as he moans like a girl quietly in his very much girly costume, it’s different, okay? It’s different. Not, but Jason will have to get James to realize that a different time, because now he’s focused on getting James inside him and doesn’t really care if it’ll haunt both of them for the rest of their lives. James almost seems angry when Jason reaches to undo his jeans, like he’s trying to make himself angry so he’s not embarrassed. Typical James behavior. Typical James behavior is also fucking people till they break, which Jason is a little too excited for.
A position change and a few desperate kisses, and they’re back against the wall with James’ cock pressed against Jason’s hole. The guitarist twitches against the tight rim and he goes to bite his lip again, which does not go unnoticed. The bassist almost wants to laugh again at how badly James wants this.
“Desperate, huh?” Jason teases.
“Fuck you.”
“That’s a yes, isn’t it?”
“Shut up.”
Jason smiles lopsidedly, and James wants nothing more than to wipe it off his stupid, pretty face. So he grips Jason, white knuckling, and forces his hole down on his swollen cock, making them both groan. Jason’s eyes are wide as he’s stretched out and his legs shake and tremble . Hurts like a motherfucker, but damn, he knows it’ll be the best he’s had so far.
James doesn’t wait to prove that. He’s immediately ramming in and out of Jason, trying so desperately to hold back his embarrassingly girlish moans. It’s cute to Jason. He knows the poor guy is in the tightest hole he’s been in to date, because Jason knows himself, and he doesn’t know how to handle it. James can only tremble and watch his masculinity fade away as he’s being pleasured so immensely by a man, no, not a waitress, not a woman, no matter how much James wants to tell himself. James can’t control how fast he’s shoving himself in and out of Jason’s hole and the smaller boy almost feels bad— he’s really falling apart like a virgin. It almost reminds Jason of the first time he touched himself to a man. Except teenager Jason was exploring hormonal wants and James is fucking the prettiest guy around.
The bassist brings his hand up to the blonde’s face to gently caress it, the juxtaposition between the gentle touch and the rough sex below almost hilarious. His grayish eyes look into James’ blue ones, and he sees how vulnerable the boy is. He may be the one in Jason, but Jason’s done this before. With the Flotsam guys. With groupies. It’s not new. This is new to James because he’s denied himself for so long, and despite how awful James has treated the brunette, he feels the need to make the best for him.
“You’re doin’ so good- mmghh-, so good for giving in for me. Good boy, good boy-“ The bassist praises, tightening around him.
Jason pants, being cut off by a particularly hard thrust to his prostate. He seizes up, panicking, realizing he’s gonna cum. He’s gonna cum all over this costume he hasn’t bought and, well, it’s gonna be hot as fuck. James must’ve realized he’s gonna cum too, because he speeds up and goes even harder if that was possible. Jason cries out softly, trying to grab on to James as he feels his climax approaching. The humping the fingering, the fuck— it’s all gonna come crashing down into a brain numbing orgasm.
And that’s what happens when James stutters his hips and spills into him with no warning. Jason tenses, legs shaking and eyes watering, cum spurting out of him in thick ropes. It’s almost embarrassing how much he cums, and, James didn’t even bother to touch his cock. So why is he coming like a bitch in heat? And, funnily enough, James still isn’t convinced he’s gay despite cumming in another man’s ass. And liking it.
The two ride out their orgasms and catch their breath, thoughts spinning in their head. Am I gay now? What does this make us? Can we do that again? Did I seriously just cum in 5 minutes? The various hickeys become forgotten.
Questions left unanswered, because all that really matters is that Jason proved himself.
“…I still hate you, Newkid.”
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lottepriant · 8 days ago
How I Play
Content Note: This post discusses CNC, intox play, needles, emotional sadomasochism, fear play, (hypnotic) knifeplay, and a few other bits. It's not particularly detailed, but it is vividly described and quite brutal in tone.
Whenever someone asks me how I play, the answer must sound evasive: "I start with emotion first" or "I play talky." Perhaps you've heard I'm a hypnotist, perhaps you've heard I'm terrifying - but you don't quite know why. From both sides of the slash, I like CNC - "but not the roleplay kind." What does any of that mean, anyway?
She's stopping herself from shaking, feeling the cold steel of my knife against her throat. It's new, you see, and I never told her what it was. "I'm sorry, dear, it's been fun. But I think I've had enough of you now." A tear running down her cheek. "Please, tell me it isn't real." The only response she gets is the knife pulled across her throat.
I’ve been scared of needles since before I can remember. I used to sleep covering my wrists and neck, just in case. I told her this, and she grinned. I told her it was as close to a hard limit as it could be without being one. From the first needle, I couldn’t feel anything but the metal under my skin. The invasiveness. “It feels wrong,” I repeat, in a quiet voice I barely recognise. A single tear rolls down my cheek. I don’t feel it.
We’re just chatting after two hours of scene-ing. Both a little tired, her a little out of her mind with the remnants of trance. She calls me vampiric. I tell her if that’s true, she won’t be able to see me in the mirror. I flicker in and out of her vision - apparently she’s far enough away from the aftermath for it to not quite stick.
In a flash, I’m across the room, hand on her throat, eye to eye. “If you know what’s good for you,” I began. “You’ll know what not to see.” I let her go. Suddenly, I had no reflection.
At 29 years old I had never had alcohol. Not strictly true, but close enough. No nights out at University, no pints at the pub, no glasses of wine with a pile of marking. That night was my first. Me, her, and a bottle of red wine. Before I realised what was happening, her hand was in the back of my hair. The then-unfamiliar burning of alcohol hit the back of my throat. An entire glass in just a few seconds.
It doesn’t take long before I feel it. With no experience, and no tolerance, it hits me harder than anything else. I’m dead weight as she throws me onto the bed. I know she fucked me, but I don’t remember it - but I can feel it, any time I drink wine. I feel weak, helpless, and useable.
I don’t remember when she conditioned the response. The first time I noticed, I was limp, half conscious, and collapsed into her before I even smelled the perfume. We were at a kink party and playing show and tell. Every pair of eyes in the room is on her as she explains that she’s a hypnotist, that she does long-term conditioning work, that she has brainwashed me. 
I’m there to be shown off, and I collapse again, in her lap, as she grabs me with a hand with just a dab of that sandalwood scent on her wrist. She just keeps talking. I can’t make out my own thoughts, let alone her words, but I know I’m being watched.
She’s never been hypnotised before. Even this time, there’s no pocket watch, there’s no “Sleep!”, just submission and the right words in the right place. Her body is doing things she can’t quite believe, not moving when she wants it to. She feels more than she did before. But it’s not just her body.
I pull a string, and she grins, ecstatic. I pluck another, and fear flashes across her face. Underneath it all, confusion - that this can happen. That what you’re feeling can be so malleable to the right word, the right gesture, the right touch. “Isn’t it funny?” I ask. She answers with a laugh.
Emotional sadism is easy, once you know how. You find something sore - something deep, something hidden, something ideally that they can’t admit to themselves - and you poke it. You keep poking it. You twist your words into it until something gives.
It’s our second date. I’m crying in her lap, and it's not because of the black-purple bruises across my tits - that was just softening me up. She never raised her voice, not even once. She never needs to. She told me things - awful things - running her fingers through the cracks of my deepest insecurities. Everyone can tell, she explains, everyone who sees me can see this. Can see what I’m for. After a while, I’m completely silent, but the tears are still flowing.
There’s gentleness, too, in my dynamics and my play, but there’s always power. I am a tapestry of ideas woven into me. She calls me “My Darling Girl” and, without thinking, I’m small and helpless. Looking up at her with wide, adoring eyes.
We’re at dinner, and, without thinking, I pick up the water jug, and I pour. Starting with the person on my left, clockwise. I’m still holding the conversation, but I feel warm - right. Whole. A little smile crosses my face, as I feel her hand guiding mine.
How I play is broad, but there is a theme to it. The point to me is “not just to come, but to come undone.” There are more and less extreme versions of this, small ways to fall into another’s orbit and large ones to feel yourself disintegrate. To do and feel things that challenge who I am and how I feel. To feel the high of feeling someone shatter under your words and fingertips.
And it is, to me, magic.
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ruanbaijie · 5 months ago
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During the Republican Era, Shen Zhiheng, a member of the Tianjin gentry who happened to be a vampire, offended the Japanese and became the target of an assassination attempt. He was saved by a blind young lady, Mi Lan, and his best friend Situ Weilian. When he went to repay Mi Lan for saving him, he discovered the terrible family situation that Mi Lan was in, and so began to pay more attention to her. Meanwhile, Shen Zhiheng’s plan to take revenge on Li Yingliang, the mastermind behind his assassination, fell short of success thanks to Li Yingliang’s Japanese superior, raising suspicions about his identity. Since then, Li Yingliang and the Japanese were in hot pursuit of Shen Zhiheng, determined to dig out the truth about his secret.
Please do not repost this anywhere else or retranslate it!
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Shen Zhiheng gave Situ Weilian a call, asking how much of the task he had completed. Situ Weilian’s voice was deep with sorrow.
“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely get it done,” he told him listlessly.
“What’s wrong with you?” Shen Zhiheng asked. “Are you sick?”
“No, I’ve fallen out of love,” he sniffed into the phone, as if he was so depressed he was about to cry. “Jingxue is ignoring me.”
The second Shen Zhiheng heard that, he hung up the phone, relieved. Jin Jingxue ignoring him was very normal. Although Shen Zhiheng cared for Situ Weilian, he had to admit that Situ Weilian was not worthy of the second young mistress of the Jin family.
While Situ Weilian was suffering a one-sided falling out of love and was in so much pain he wanted to die, Jin Jingxue knew absolutely nothing about his suffering.
These few days, she had only been busy with running to the hospital. About a week ago, she had found out that Li Yingliang had gotten injured and had been hospitalised, and she had immediately gone to visit him. The moment she entered the room, she had noticed how pale Li Yingliang was. The two corners of his lips were red and swollen, and his two lips had become a red circle.
“What happened to you?” she had walked to the front of the bed, asking directly, “What are your injuries? Are they bad?”
Li Yingliang had looked at her indifferently. “Thank you for your concern, Second Young Mistress. It’s nothing serious.” Then, he had paused, and had asked hesitantly, “Are you here for me? Or to see someone else?”
“Which friend of mine would come to this kind of crappy hospital when they’re sick? Of course I’m here for you.” She had carefully examined him, extending a sharp pointer towards him. “Why has your mouth become bigger?”
Li Yingliang had regained his indifferent expression. “It was held open.”
“Ah? Who held it open?”
“A bad person.”
Jin Jingxue had snickered. “I think you yourself are the bad person.” As soon as she said that, she had straightened her face, sitting down beside the bed.
“Liang-gege, tell me the truth,” she had said softly, “are you the target of an assassination attempt by some anti-Chinese traitor organisation? I told you already, don’t work for and with the Japanese. You’ll get labelled a Chinese traitor, and it’s not a given that you’ll gain any benefits out of it. And, it puts your life in danger.”
Li Yingliang had been particularly cold to her that day. Because his lips truly hurt, he could not put on a fake smile. “Can the Chinese promote me? Can they make me an official?”
“Why must you definitely become an official? Isn’t running a business the same? As long as you have money to spend.” She had held her very exquisite little head high, her freshly permed curls quivering. “Here, I can promise you that if you are willing to resign and return home, I’m willing to spend money and support you. It’s a good thing I’m younger than you, I’ll definitely live longer than you and I can support you until you’re old and see you off when you pass away, caring for you for an entire lifetime.”
Li Yingliang had looked at her, his voice even, “Second Young Mistress, you seem to have a misunderstanding about me.”
“What misunderstanding?”
“I’m a person, not a cat or a dog.”
Jin Jingxue had tilted her head, smiling. “Of course I know! You’re nowhere as cute as a little cat or dog.”
“Besides clothes and a roof, I also need to marry and settle down, and start a family of my own. Do you want to support my family as well?”
Jin Jingxue had sat in deep thought. Li Yingliang’s legs and left forearm had been in terrible pain, but even so, he had still wanted to kick Jin Jingxue out of the room. She always made him angry, and he had really been on the verge of getting annoyed to death by her.
At this moment, Jin Jingxue had spoken, “I can’t support your entire big family, so I’ve decided to forbid you from getting married. Just stay by my side obediently!”
Li Yingliang had smiled slightly, replying internally, “Fuck you!”
Jin Jingxue was convinced that Li Yingliang had been targeted by the anti-Chinese traitor organisations, so she did not dare make it public, only visiting him and bringing nourishing food with her when she did over the course of ten continuous days. On the eleventh day, Li Yingliang ignored the doctor’s attempts at stopping him, forcefully discharging himself from the hospital and sneakily hiding in Li Guisheng’s house to let his wounds recover. Jin Jingxue could not find him, and had no clue where he could be, and could not help but be worried. Naturally, she was not in the mood to entertain Situ Weilian. So, to put it in more detail, both she and Situ Weilian were now injured, they both held melancholy in their hearts.
As for Li Yingliang, although the saying goes “injured bones and tendons take a hundred days to heal”, after resting for a month, he removed the splint on his left forearm, and could already slowly stand up to walk. This time, he had lost a lot of blood and he had been severely injured. He was already an attractive young man [1] , and now he was even whiter. With his skin like ice and his bones like jade, together with the lack of any expression on his face, if anyone saw him at night, it would be quite frightening. This was especially given how he had slept too much the previous month, and now he frequently suffered from insomnia one month later. At night, he could not lie down and keep still, and would often drag his two hurting legs to pace around his room. With a white face, stiff legs, and a left forearm that was plastered close to his body, he would spend a good part of the day walking around the room stiffly. 
To take care of him, Li Guisheng slept in the small cubicle beside his room. When he wanted to cut through the bedroom to leave the house to pee, he bumped into him the second he left the small cubicle. This gave him so much of a fright that his pee started trickling, almost releasing it all over the floor. He even came down with a low fever the next day, very nearly falling ill.
Fortunately, one and a half months later, Li Yingliang could move around freely. He packed up his things and left the Li residence, returning to his own home.
Li Yingliang felt that he had not recovered well from this injury.
He could not exert force using his left forearm, and although the two holes from the chopsticks in his thighs had already closed and healed, the scars they left behind often hurt. It was a pain that he could feel all the way to his bones. However, he did not hate Shen Zhiheng bitterly because of this; before bearing hate, he had more important things to do.
He held a few meetings with Yokoyama Akira, particularly to discuss Shen Zhiheng. Until now, he still dared to pat his chest and affirm that Li Guisheng had indeed killed Shen Zhiheng that night.
Yokoyama Akira thought for a long while, and finally said, “Your man killed Shen Zhiheng, and that night, Shen Zhiheng’s body disappeared. One month later, Shen Zhiheng reappeared looking normal. He was not a body double, and he treated you amicably and agreed to your invitation.”
“Sir, at that time, he did not look extremely normal, more like he had just recovered from a serious illness. But the next day, when he attended the dinner, he looked much better.”
Yokoyama Akira nodded, “Your man said that the night when they killed Shen Zhiheng, it had been incredibly difficult to kill him. Even when he had been shot in the head, he did not die, and had even retaliated and killed two people. So, your man had used a machine gun to shower him with bullets, and had even driven over him.”
“Yes, he had been completely crushed.”
“And when Shen Zhiheng attacked you, his skill was also… beyond what you could imagine? Is that the phrase?”
“Yes, that’s the phrase. Beyond what I could imagine. He grabbed my gun so quickly I could not see it clearly.”
Yokoyama Akira frowned. “How strange! Could it be that he’s a great master?”
“But Sir, looking at his actions and behaviour, does he seem like a great master?”
Li Yingliang agreed.
Yokoyama Akira pondered, “If he doesn’t seem like a great master, then what does he seem like?”
Li Yingliang licked his lips, finding it difficult to say it out loud, “I feel that he… there’s something evil about him, like… a demon or a monster.”
 Yokoyama Akira blinked, looking at Li Yingliang. Li Yingliang was well aware that what he had just said did not make any sense, and felt uneasy. However, after blinking, Yokoyama Akira said, “If he’s really a demon or a monster,  then he’s even more valuable.”
Li Yingliang decided to change his tactics against the demon or monster Shen Zhiheng.
He wanted to meet Shen Zhiheng, but Shen Zhiheng was usually active in the concession zone, and the Japanese influence did not allow Li Yingliang to throw his weight around in the English and French concession zones. So, if Shen Zhiheng did not want to see him, there was no way for him to bring his subordinates to go up to his door.
However, Li Yingliang had both courage and smarts. He decided with resolve that he had to find Shen Zhiheng. Even if Shen Zhiheng morphed into a ground beetle [2] and crawled into the cracks in a wall, he would break off a tree branch and poke him out.
Previously, Li Yingliang never particularly paid much attention to Shen Zhiheng, until when he had decided to kill him and had asked Li Guisheng to follow him. Now, he started to research this person in earnest, and discovered that there were indeed many mysterious things about him.
Firstly, he had no wife. Even if he had no wife, that was not a big deal. But he did not go to the brothels, and neither did he like any dancing showgirls. He did not even have a servant girl staying at his house. In a nutshell, he was completely not interested in women. The only person who went to his house frequently was a little doctor called Situ Weilian. For a time, Li Yingliang had a suspicion that Shen Zhiheng preferred men instead, but upon further snooping, he discovered that there was no intimate relationship between him and Situ Weilian. Besides, Situ Weilian was currently openly pursuing Jin Jingxue; his taste was quite bad.
Secondly, he did not have any servants or attendants who stayed close to him. He kept a distance from everyone around him, apart from that Situ Weilian.
Thirdly, which was something someone had told him as a joke, was that Shen Zhiheng had quite a frightening hobby: he loved watering his flowers with human blood. He obtained his blood legally through Situ Weilian, buying it from Keats Hospital.  
After hearing these three pieces of information, not only did Li Yingliang not smile, his heart even contracted in terror.
Besides these three pieces of information, everything about Shen Zhiheng was meritorious. For example, although he was wealthy, he was not proud at all. He always treated people affably, was both cultured and polite, and even enthusiastic about charity, often doing good deeds. He also treated his friends well; when General Mi’s daughter fell ill and had to stay in the hospital, there was no one available to take care of her, and he had gone to visit her daily, and Mrs. Mi was immensely grateful towards him.
Li Yingliang had forgotten about General Mi recently. It was only after hearing this that he remembered him. Thinking about General Mi, he then thought of Young Mistress Mi; he had seen Young Mistress Mi before! That night, he had happened to do a good deed, he had fetched Young Mistress Mi home from the street–
Li Yingliang suddenly felt that something was off: first, Shen Zhiheng’s corpse disappeared on the first night, and on the second night, not far from where Shen Zhiheng had been attacked, he had met Young Mistress Mi who was alone. And now, Shen Zhiheng, who distanced himself from women and who did not seem to be close friends with General Mi, visited Young Mistress Mi everyday. Why? Young Mistress Mi was still a child, Shen Zhiheng could not have fallen in love with her.
If it was not love, could it be that he owed her?
Li Yingliang was a man of action. After thinking so much that his brain was in a mess, he decided to personally visit Shen Zhiheng. Yes, he had killed Shen Zhiheng once, but Shen Zhiheng had also killed him once, so following this line of thought, he felt that they were now even. That afternoon, he headed to Victoria Hospital, intending to catch hold of Shen Zhiheng.
That noon, the bright and sunny day suddenly became dark, and by afternoon, it was snowing heavily. It was terrible weather that could cause a person to freeze to death. Li Yingliang alighted from the car and raised his head. The skies were steel grey and the snow blew in the wind, hitting people square in the face. Fortunately, he was dressed in the most premium woollen coat from England, and it was of thick material. Wrapped around his neck was also a smooth mink fur collar, which helped block the snow and wind. Adjusting the brim of his top hat, his ears were a little frozen, but he did not complain. After all, this hat was enough to feed a normal family for half a year.
Without any warning, he was hit with an emotional lament: dressed in his thick woollen coat, he thought back to the cold and hungry days of his past. Now, he had been reborn as a human being, and even if he had to risk his life for the rest of his days, he had to hold on to the woollen coat and expensive top hat that he now wore.
Collecting his thoughts, he raised his head and looked at the entrance of the hospital. Before the hospital doors was a flight of high stone steps. He was sure that Shen Zhiheng was now in the hospital. Should he then go straight into the hospital to find him, or should he stand here and wait?
In any case, the one surnamed Shen could not escape from him today.
Right at that moment, he suddenly noticed someone standing on the stairs.
It was a girl, dressed in deep grey Western clothes, with a silver grey cloak wrapped around her. She was dressed completely in grey, and seemed to nearly become one with the grey stone steps. A pale white face faced outwards, and her eyelids were slightly lowered, filled with lofty indifference. Her cloak was a little askew, revealing a good part of her right forearm. She wore a small sheepskin glove on her right hand, which was grasping a thin black cane.
Li Yingliang’s first thought was that this girl looked very familiar. Then, he remembered – Young Mistress Mi!
Today’s Young Mistress Me looked much more presentable than the Young Mistress Mi he had seen that night. She was standing there, dressed neatly, could it be that she had fully recovered and was about to leave the hospital?
Li Yingliang thought, “Young Mistress Mi.”
These three words seemed as if they held a cryptic, hiding meaning, but he had yet to decipher what exactly it was. Walking towards the steps, he said merrily from a distance, “Young Mistress Mi? Is that Young Mistress Mi?”
Mi Lan raised her eyelids, turning to face his direction. That turn was extremely nimble, completely unlike a blind person. Li Yingliang continued to greet merrily, “When I saw you from a distance, I thought that it looked like you, but I didn’t dare to recognise you yet. It turns out that my eyesight is quite good, it really is the young mistress. Young Mistress, you must have definitely forgotten me already? I am–”
Mi Lan suddenly said, “Li-shushu?”
Li Yingliang was startled. “How did you know?”
Mi Lan remembered how he had extended a helping hand to her that night, and smiled at him, “I remember your voice.”
Li Yingliang was very surprised, and felt a little touched at the same time. He did not expect that he had left such a deep impression on her. “Why are you standing here alone? Are you ill?”
Mi Lan nodded. “I’m already better. I’m leaving the hospital today.”
 Li Yingliang went “oh”, and was just about to inquire more, when the doors of the hospital opened and a person walked out. That person was dressed sharply in a suit. He carried a small leather suitcase in each of his hands, and two bills hung from between his lips. He had used his shoulder to knock the doors open, and then squeezed his body out sideways.
Li Yingliang raised his head to look and was about to say something when Mi Lan turned her head and spoke first, “Mr. Shen, are the formalities completed?”
Shen Zhiheng could not open his mouth to speak, so he eyed Li Yingliang and went “mm”, going down the stairs.
Mi Lan nodded at Li Yingliang. “Li-shushu, thank you for bringing me home previously. I’m going now, farewell.”
Then, she stuck out her walking cane, leaving without any hesitation, her actions even faster than a normal person’s. While Li Yingliang was afraid that she would roll down from the stairs, he was also busy with looking at Shen Zhiheng. Shen Zhiheng stopped at a high point, lowering his head to look down at him. After looking for a moment, he suddenly extended his arms to him and passed him the suitcases.
Without knowing why, he received the suitcases in confusion. With his hands freed up, Shen Zhiheng stuffed the bills hanging from between his lips into his coat pocket, and then snatched the suitcases back from him.
Watching him going without saying a single word, Li Yingliang hurriedly said, “Mr. Shen, what a coincidence. We meet again.”
Shen Zhiheng asked him quite amicably, “Aren’t you afraid to see me?”
“Haha, Mr. Shen is joking. Of course I’m not afraid.”
“Then why are you trembling?”
“I’m cold.”
“Please take care of yourself, Chairman Li. I have other businesses to attend to and will take my leave first.”
He and Mi Lan walked towards the car. Seeing that matters were developing unfavourably, Li Yingliang chased after them, “Wait! Last time, I almost died at your hands. This time, I still dare to come to see you alone. This shows that I don’t mean any harm to you at all!”
Shen Zhiheng stopped in his steps, turning his head and smiling at him. “But I do.”
He continued walking forward, helping Mi Lan and her two suitcases into the car. Then, he closed the car door, turned around, and walked to Li Yingliang.
“From the start, we were supposed to stay out of each other’s way. From now on, we can continue staying out of each other’s way. But you’d better stop making trouble for me, or else–” He moved to his ear, lowering his voice, “I will eat you.” 
Then, he could not help but inhale deeply, the scent of flesh filling his nostrils entirely. He realised that he was growing increasingly tempted by live people. This was not a good sign.
Li Yingliang stumbled a step back, “What do you mean? What do you want to do?”
Shen Zhiheng patted his shoulder. “Whatever you can think of, I’m capable of doing it.”
Turning around, he opened the car door and got into the car. Li Yingliang stared hard at the back of his car, until it disappeared in the wind and snow.
Sitting in the car, Mi Lan asked Shen Zhiheng, “Do you and Li-shushu have a grudge against each other?”
Shen Zhiheng held the steering wheel, trying to recognise the roads in the middle of the wind and snow. “Li-shushu? When did you get to know him?”
Mi Lan told him the truth, and Shen Zhiheng listened without making any comments. He only said, “We do have a grudge against each other. That night, the person who killed me was him.”
He thought that as a young lady, her reaction would be to advise him to have compassion and not keep seeking revenge against Li Yingliang. However, Mi Lan did not say anything. It appeared that to her, this topic had come to a conclusion.
Shen Zhiheng sent Mi Lan back to the Mi mansion.
When Mi Lan was about to die, Mrs. Mi kept screaming “Lan” and crying her eyes out, as if Lan was her precious darling. When Mi Lan gradually got better, that one remaining fleck of motherly love of Mrs. Mi’s became jealousy, because Shen Zhiheng went to visit Mi Lan everyday. This blind wretch that just could not die had actually gained the love and care of a man.
If the man who cared for her was a worthless poor young man, the most Mrs. Mi would have done was to ridicule her at home. However, that man was Shen Zhiheng. She had been beautiful during her youth, but now she was reduced to a grass widow. What right did the blind wretch have to get to meet a golden bachelor everyday? Where was the justice? The blind wretch was blind, but was Shen Zhiheng blind too?
Mrs. Mi was full of hate, but she did not know whom to hate. With a straight face, she grudgingly thanked Shen Zhiheng. Shen Zhiheng did not stay for long, leaving after he saw Mi Lan and her suitcases into the house. Seeing him go off like that, Mrs. Mi thought that he had seen her black face and had left in anger, and both anger and satisfaction filled her heart as she thought that she had ruined her daughter’s marriage fate. Turning around to look at Mi Lan, she realised that after falling sick and staying in the hospital for two months, she had actually become fatter, and she immediately sneered.
Mi Lan ignored her.
Mi Lan had originally always ignored her, and now that she had a powerful friend like Shen Zhiheng, she was even lazier to entertain her.
At noon the next day, a girl came to the Mi mansion.
The girl lived in a Western-style house at the corner of the street, and her father was the manager in a foreign company. She studied in a missionary school and always went to and from school everyday by herself. Everyone on the street knew her. She hesitantly knocked on the Mi family’s door, saying that they had formed a choir class, and that they wanted to organise a performance during Christmas and the New Year, but were lacking in people. As Mi Lan was close in age to them, she had come to ask Mi Lan if she was willing to join their group and practise singing with them every afternoon in the chapel.
As Mrs. Mi had yet to wake up, Mi Lan decided for herself, agreeing in a heartbeat. When Mrs. Mi woke up and heard that her daughter was going to sing songs with a group of female students, she laughed out loud, telling her daughter to “not make a fool of herself”.
Mi Lan lowered her head and said, “I have already promised her… I’ll go and try. If I can’t sing, I’ll come back.”
Mrs. Mi continued laughing raucously, as if she wanted to laugh out poison and spit it onto her daughter. Mi Lan ignored her, and when the afternoon came, she felt her way out of the door to wait for that girl, and really followed that girl and left.
That girl was Situ Zhenni’s classmate, and Situ Zhenni had been entrusted by Situ Weilian. Situ Weilian had fulfilled his task, making such a big round to create an opportunity for Mi Lan to leave the house everyday, allowing her to live peacefully in the church for a good part of the day.
The first day that Mi Lan went, she did not say anything after coming home. On the afternoon of the second day, she got ready much earlier than needed, and before she left, she heard her mother laugh, “This child is really so shameless. They’re taking pity on you because you’re blind and just casually invited you, but you’re still taking it so seriously, going day after day like it’s endless. The girls in that choir class are all neat and proper, but look at you, looking so terrible but still forcing your way in. They can’t kick you out openly, but they must be laughing at you in their hearts, and even laughing at me together with you as well.”
Hearing her mother say this, Mi Lan gritted her teeth. First, she stood ramrod straight without moving an inch, and waited until Mrs. Mi became bored out of her wits and shut her mouth. Then, she suddenly extended her hand and pushed the door open, striding out.
She trotted down the steps, and as she was not wearing a hat, her long hair and the corners of her coat floated out behind her in the wind. The old maid wanted to chase after her with her hat, but when she stepped out of the door, she saw that Mi Lan had already left the gates and was standing on the road. Her walking cane was clamped under her armpit and the snowflakes drifted directly into her widened, unblinking eyes.
The old maid did not want to get snowed on, and so she retreated back into the house. 
Mi Lan did not know why she was so furious this time. Tripping over a stone, she whipped out her walking cane and turned around, yelling as she struck it.
A sharp pain coursed through her hand [3] as the tip of the walking cane struck the stone. Grasping her walking cane, she stood still, her frail chest moving up and down as she breathed heavily in the cold wind. Suddenly, she turned her face, hearing the sound of a car in the distance.
The car approached rapidly and braked to a halt before her. The door opened, and a familiar voice rang out, “Young Mistress Mi?”
She replied in her heart, “Li-shushu.”
Li Yingliang had realised that his approach to Shen Zhiheng was akin to biting off more than he could chew, and so he had changed his strategy again, and started to pester the people around him. The previous afternoon, he had gotten to know that Mi Lan would regularly go to sing at a choir class. He had personally come over today, lying in ambush near the Mi mansion, as he wanted to have a chance encounter with her. Little did he know that Mi Lan was unlike herself today. He had always thought that she was a poor little thing, and had never expected that she could also throw a temper tantrum.
Seeing her lose her temper, Li Yingliang got confused instead. “Did your mother beat you again?”
Mi Lan shook her head.
Li Yingliang sneezed in the cold wind, and then making up his mind, he dragged Mi Lan into the car.
After living for twenty-eight years, this was Li Yingliang’s first time inviting a person of the opposite sex to sit with him in a café.
He ordered a glass of juice for himself, and a plate of biscuits, a plate of sweets, and a mug of hot chocolate for Mi Lan. Mi Lan’s style and the impression that she gave others were a little similar to those of Shen Zhiheng. Her body fit the standard of a clothes rack; it was designed to display a full body of trim Western attire. It was very easy for someone dressed in grey woollen Western clothes from head to toe to resemble a grey mouse, but she looked nothing like it, thanks to her upright posture, her sharp and narrow shoulders, and her thin and defined waist. Facing Li Yingliang, she first smoothened her messy hair, then took out a handkerchief to aggressively wipe the snow and water from her face.
She busied herself, and Li Yingliang waited until she was done, before opening his mouth probingly, “Still angry?”
Mi Lan shook her head. “Not anymore.”
Li Yingliang pushed the mug of hot chocolate to her hand. “Drink something hot first. Where are you going? I’ll fetch you there later.”
“I’m going to the chapel.”
People in the area all knew where the chapel was, and so did Li Yingliang. “Oh, that’s very close by. Just one step of the gas and we’ll be there.” 
Although Mi Lan knew that Li Yingliang was Shen Zhiheng’s enemy, she did not harbour any hate towards him personally. Li Yingliang’s murder of Shen Zhiheng had happened before she had saved him. The things that had happened before had nothing to do with her, because before, she had not gotten to know Shen Zhiheng yet. “Knowing” was a watershed, in that before it, Shen Zhiheng was a stranger, and his life or death had nothing to do with her. The Shen Zhiheng after the watershed was different; he had become a personal god who could make her smile when she simply thought of him.
“Did Li-shushu come to me for something?” she asked.
“I was passing by your house, and happened to run into you.”
Mi Lan remembered that the car had sped towards her from the middle of the road. It had not just passed by; it had been waiting there all along. Not long after she had walked out of the gates of her house, it had suddenly moved.
But she was too lazy to expose Li Yingliang’s lie, and so she continued to ask, “Does this have to do with Mr. Shen?”
Li Yingliang realised that this little girl was a little strange; it was as if there was nothing she did not know. It was no wonder that quite a few blind people were fortune tellers, he thought. Perhaps they really knew some secrets of heaven, and so had received divine punishment.
“You’re very clever,” he praised sincerely. “Then let me be honest. The day before yesterday, at the hospital entrance, Young Mistress Mi might have already heard it. There is a big misunderstanding between me and Mr. Shen. Now, I want to reconcile with him, but he’s not giving me any chance at all. So, I wonder if Young Mistress Mi can mediate and help me pass him a message. Of course, I won’t let you do it for nothing. Whether I succeed or not, I will repay you heavily in thanks.”
Mi Lan replied, “Sure.”
Li Yingliang paused, thinking he had heard wrongly. “You’re agreeing just like that?”
Mi Lan nodded. She wrapped her mug in her hands and started to drink the hot chocolate. Li Yingliang was still in disbelief. He smiled, speaking in a tone that sounded as if he were teasing a young child, “Then you must not lie to me!”
Mi Lan raised her head. “I’m not lying to you. But I must ask you a question now, and you cannot lie to me either.”
“Go ahead.”
“Am I ugly?”
The answer hung on Li Yingliang’s lips, but before he answered, he specifically took a long, careful look at her. As she was so serious, he wanted to answer her seriously as well.
“You’re not ugly, you’re very good-looking. Your eyebrows particularly look like my little sister’s. When I was young, I thought that my sister was a beauty, and that when she grew up, she would definitely be able to marry into a wealthy family to live a life of luxury, and no longer have to suffer and starve.”
“Then is she now married into a wealthy family?”
A sharp edge suddenly flashed through Li Yingliang’s eyes. “She died a long time ago.”
His cute and pitiful little sister, the one he was dependent on and her on him, had died a long time ago, while stupid and noisy Second Young Mistress Jin was still alive and full of vitality. So, he hated Jin Jingxue. If Mi Lan were also a pampered, healthy, and lively young mistress, he would also have hated her. He also knew that he was a vile person himself; he already had so much wealth and influence, he owned Western suits and sat in cars, and yet he was still so vile.
As for today’s meeting, since they both received sincere answers, both Li Yingliang and Mi Lan were quite satisfied.
Following that, Li Yingliang fetched Mi Lan to the chapel. Mi Lan sang for a whole afternoon, and then asked Situ Zhenni to pass a message to Situ Weilian, that she wanted to meet Shen Zhiheng.
The word used here is 小白脸子 (xiǎo bái liǎn zi), which literally means “little white/ pale face”. It figuratively refers to young, pretty men.
土鳖 (tǔ biē) is a kind of ground beetle, but the word is also used to scold people, similar to “hillbilly”.
More specifically, the area of the hand between the thumb and second finger. This is called 虎口 (hǔ kǒu), literally “tiger’s mouth”.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year ago
I enjoy your blog and I’m not trying to be argumentative; just some friendly debate, but I notice you and Virginia both frequently reduce the entire Antoinette ordeal to Louis’ feeding habits and Lestat’s need for attention and adoration. Don’t you think Lestat had to have at least a little love for Antoinette? He had to love her on some level not to kill her right off the bat. This is apparent in the scene before Louis is playing cards before Doris tells him Jonah is there, Lestat is standing up close to the stage, completely entranced watching Antoinette perform like there is no one else in the room. Louis isn’t even present to make jealous. He slept with her and didn't kill her before Loustat was having serious problems like lack of intimacy. He stayed with her just as long as he stayed with Louis. I’m sorry, but I don’t think that man ever had any intention of being in a monogamous relationship.
Hey nonny!
(All good, you can be argumentative, as long as you're kind it's all fine, I just won't accept hate or insults anymore^^, hope that makes sense! Also, I really don't see that as argumentative^^)
I think @virginiaisforvampires and I just ... shorten the Antoinette discussion at times (by now) because it's been... a theme.
Like, the fandom latched onto the jealousy angle so massively, the asks wrt her were so numerous, the human cheating AUs on Ao3 so prevalent... the vampiric aspect seems to be often overlooked.
I think you're referring to my ask with the open relationship?
Because of course Antoinette was more.
(this is long, so the rest under the cut:)
She became more when he did not kill her as a feeding fling. (And I still stand by the fact that they must have had a lot of feeding flings, for example Louis is not really taken aback by soldiers in their bedroom - the same bedroom he gets so sharp about with Antoinette, which is another detail.)
So yes, Lestat apparently slept with her and didn't kill her. We don't get to see it, but it is insinuated.
But there is a lot more to Antoinette, and that is why some think she might show up again later. I am not sure if you're familiar with "the musician" from IWTV, "Antoine" from the later books?
Let me recap:
In IWTV we have the unnamed "musician". Louis never bothers to find out his name, even though it is clear that Lestat turns him. That unnamed musician then gets into the crossfire of Claudia's attempt on Lestat's life, and Louis... forgets about him. But he did know about him from the beginning:
"Lestat had a musician friend in the Rue Dumaine. We had seen him at a recital in the home of a Madame LeClair, who lived there also, which was at that time an extremely fashionable street; and this Madame LeClair, with whom Lestat was also occasionally amusing himself, had found the musician a room in another mansion nearby, where Lestat visited him often. I told you he played with his victims, made friends with them, seduced them into trusting and liking him, even loving him, before he killed. So he apparently played with this young boy, though it had gone on longer than any other such friendship I had ever observed." [..] "I could not tell whether he had actually become fond of a mortal in spite of himself or was simply moving towards a particularly grand betrayal and cruelty. Several times he’d indicated to Claudia and me that he was headed out to kill the boy directly, but he had not. And, of course, I never asked him what he felt because it wasn’t worth the great uproar my question would have produced. Lestat entranced with a mortal! He probably would have destroyed the parlor furniture in a rage."
(Interesting tidbit about the rage, which they picked up for the show!)
Louis even encounters Antoine, has a bit of a discussion with him after the initial attack on Lestat:
‘What is it?’ I asked him. ‘What did you need from him? I’m sure he would want me to...’ “ ‘He was my friend!’ He turned on me suddenly, his voice dropping with repressed outrage.
This last bit is important, for the later books, most importantly for "Prince Lestat", which we know Rolin takes from. Because in that book, in chapter 7, we find out what happened to "the musician", Antoine, after that fateful night, when Rue Royale burned (in the book).
Because Antoine did not burn to death (in the show, likely: Louis and Claudia did not know to scatter the ashes), and he survives, hideously burned, needing decades to heal. Lestat reunites with him before he chases after Louis and Claudia (to Europe).
When Antoine later tells of his own story, he says this:
“He was my friend, Lestat,” Antoine confessed. “He told me about his lover, Nicolas, who had been a violinist. He said he couldn’t speak his heart to his little family, to Louis or Claudia, that they would laugh at him. So he spoke his heart only to me.”
There is a LOT in that little paragraph. A lot that fits with what we know from the show, too.
Louis (in the show) tells of Lestat saying that "Antoinette fortifies him against them". Antoinette became more than a passing interest, a passing feeding fling, true, because Lestat can confide in her, can be himself with her, especially later, when things between him and Louis take on a strain. But he never leaves Louis, and I think that is often overlooked - (s)he was never a real threat to Louis, nor Claudia. Lestat left Antoine behind when he goes after them, to try to save them.
Louis on the show makes it seem as if Antoinette was that major threat. And the show (of course^^), sharpened that threat by making Antoine a woman, a white woman, whose very presence represented what Louis could not be in their relationship at the time, namely an official partner.
Louis uses the focus on Antoinette and what she represents to overshadow other things that coincide with the affair. He does the same later, when they are threatened, to shift the focus to Lestat's paranoia. It's clever, because it's built on truth, a "look at my right hand, not at my left" approach. But the real story is much more difficult than that.
And I think that goes for Antoine(tte) as well.
Since Rolin is specifically taking from "Prince Lestat" as well there is no way in hell he has somehow missed reading chapter 7, or has missed Antoine in the later books/chapters.
I for one wouldn't be surprised if she shows up at the trial - or in Dubai. Maybe she's that interior designer, who knows that Louis is missing the natural world....
I don't know. We'll see. But I doubt that the jealousy angle is all there is to it. There are too many discrepancies, even down to the make-up they used for her (which is its own meta). Lestat may have very well loved her, albeit differently than he loves Louis.
As for the monogamous relationship(s)...
Nonny, forgive me, but these are not humans. They are vampires.
They hunt, and kill humans, for food and pleasure. They play with their food, like other predators in our world do, too. They are also inherently hedonistic, looking for pleasure. (Maybe) Especially Lestat is trying to drown himself in the pleasurable things at times, for reasons that the show will still get to. Since the show explicitly added sex to the mix that desire is of course expressed in the hunt for pleasure, too.
But totally apart from "food", and sex... these vampires are a mess, relationship-wise.
When Lestat and Louis are "married" in the later books as Jacob calls it (I bet they'll make that literal in the show^^), that doesn't mean that they don't still love others. Have loved others. Will love others. They are beyond the need to narrow down their love though. And they are "official partners" then.
But it's... a knot of relationships and history.
Some of these people are truly immortal. Like, can not be killed anymore.
Imagine living with that fact (it maybe most famously sends Lestat reeling in "The tale of the Body Thief", for example).
Imagine loving with that fact. Imagine having the time.
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splatooshy · 2 months ago
NEW ORLEANS, 1914 - lore dump
okay so this au (which is always canon to me. in every fic of mine.) was inspired by a few things:
that interaction between kol and damon at the mikaelson ball in s3. “have we met?” “i’ve met a lot of people, and you… don’t particularly stand out.” makes me giggle. they’re so petty and for what.
the fact that marcel would absolutely despise damon. like i can’t imagine two people who would get on WORSE than them. especially since marcel is all about looking out for the little guy (even if it means going against his immediate circle), while damon looks out for his immediate circle only.
i just think that kol hitting on freya, getting rejected & then thinking to himself “ah, she must be a lesbian,” is hilarious. and i think that freya and damon would get on well, partly considering their similar mindsets with the small but profound list of people they’d do anything to protect. and also how freya’s life story is pretty much buck’s, the main character in call of the wild.
damon steps foot into the quarter and instantly manages to piss off marcel & his witches, but isn’t a big enough issue for klaus to take note of.
he and kol bump into eachother one night, and kol’s instantly suspicious of this young vampire who claims he doesn’t know who the mikaelsons are, and doesn’t bow down to marcel (revels in pissing him off, even). he finds damon refreshing (someone clueless but enthusiastic about vampirism, dislikes marcel, etc.). they then go their separate ways after a night of good fun.
the next night, he’s cornered by the witches in an alley next to the bar he’s in, and freya, who thought he looked pretty / interesting, (maybe saw him befriend her brother?) rescued him because why not. (maybe he reminded her of the man she loved once? maybe she was just getting fed up with the witches in the quarter. who knows). anyways so they become friends, eventually roommates.
so a month or so goes by, damon and freya now bffs, are sitting at a cafe maybe? or a park? idk. anyway, kol struts up (he sees the beautiful woman on a date with that fellow he bumped into a little while back, and decides to ask her out), introduces himself to freya, who goes, “not interested. thanks.” and kol’s all 💡 aha! “one for the ladies then? no matter,” and immediately starts flirting with damon. kol will not be dissuaded from the notion that freya is a lesbian, despite being told so & the fact that she, too, is sleeping with damon. he’s very supportive of her, though.
“stirrer in the cauldron” refers to kol poking about the witchy area of the quarter.
witches sensing eachothers magic/family magic — when kol touches freya he can feel the ache of a phantom limb, and since he doesn’t know what that means, he just assumes it’s because she’s powerful/he’s into her. or that it’s because he’s jealous of her magic.
freya owned ‘call of the wild’ first. finds it relatable and inspiring. she gives it (and a copy of little briar rose or smth) to damon for christmas with an inscription (january 2014, dowager fauline cottage / something similar) that damon’s been trying to puzzle out ever since.
“It’s cute that you think this,” she gestures to all of him, “is intimidating.”
It's inconvenient. Damon looks down enough to glare at his traitorous dick. It always gets him into these situations.
Freya smiled almost patronizingly. “Oh come on Damon, don’t play dumb. And here I thought that you were more than just a pretty face.”
“it’s a good thing you’re pretty,” Freya sighed, patting Damon on the cheek, “because there’s nothing up here.” Damon pouted as she poked his temple, pupils still blown from his recent feed.
“What’s a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?” Freya smirked, giving him the least subtle thrice-over Damon’s ever seen.
i can’t find the rest of my notes on this but i’ll rb with more if i do (i have two massive files that aren’t organised - they’re in there somewhere)
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lavenderfluorite14 · 11 months ago
A Taste of Plums | Astarion x Female!Tav
Chapter 7: Favorite
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Summary: Astarion begins his seduction, but someone unexpected gets in the way.
Chapter Rating: 18+, Explicit Smut, Porn with a lot of Plot ❤️‍🔥
Chapter Tags: Masturbation, Sexual Fantasies, Blood Drinking, Handjob, Cunnilingus, Blowjob, Vaginal Sex, Begging, Descriptive Explorations of Emotional and Sexual Trauma.
Read on A03. Chapter 6.
Chapter 7: Favorite
This is going to be so easy, he thinks, sauntering over.
“And how is my favorite snack this evening?” Astarion jests, arranging his features into a charming smirk. Tav’s smile falters. She laughs, but it’s a half-hearted exhale.
“Oh, the same as always,” she sighs, glancing towards Gale. “What’s one more life-or-death problem that only I can solve,“ she mutters cryptically. 
“Well, if we’re doomed tomorrow then that is all the more reason to enjoy tonight,” Astarion offers smoothly. Tav forces a chuckle.
“You can feed on me later if that’s what you are looking for,” she says simply, returning to her pack. 
“While I was hoping you would say that, I rather had something else in mind tonight,” Astarion hints suggestively.
He keeps his charming smile firmly in place. Tav eyes him warily from her kneeling position by the fire.
“And what is that?” She asks tentatively. Astarion stops himself from rolling his eyes.
“You’re always so good to me,” he murmurs. Gently, he kneels down and cups her cheek, tilting her face towards his own. The firelight flickers across their faces, casting them both in a deep chiaroscuro. “Why don’t you let me be good to you too, hm?” He purrs. Tav’s breath hitches. Her heart begins to thud. 
“But I thought you didn’t like me,” Tav deflects. 
“How could anyone not like you?” He says, running his thumb along her cheekbone. “Look at you, beautiful girl.” She doesn’t respond, but she doesn't shy away from his caress.
“Are you all right?“ Tav asks. Astarion quirks an eyebrow in surprise. 
“I’m quite excellent, my dear. You know I’m always up for a night of passion,” he hums playfully. 
“After today I thought you would want space, not a snuggle,” she explains. Astarion laughs, forcing out a haughty giggle.
“Oh darling, that’s in the past. I’m perfectly fine now,” he smiles. Tav fidgets uncertainly.
“Today was really terrifying,” Tav says carefully. “For many reasons. I’ll stay with you, we don’t have to-”
“You are too sweet, my dear,” Astarion forces out through gritted teeth. What a ridiculous idea. “You should be careful,” he warns, snaking his other hand around her waist. “Delectable little things like you get eaten up.”
Tav laughs and this time it’s more sincere. “I wish,” she teasingly retorts.
“That can be arranged,” he simpers. Even in the orange firelight, Astarion can tell that Tav is blushing deeply at his suggestion. She breaks his embrace, returning to her pack.
“Come now, darling. I’m beginning to think you don’t like me anymore,” he pouts. He keeps his tone light and flirtatious but anxiety has begun to prickle under his skin.
“Aren’t you mad at me?” The words burst out of her suddenly. He blinks at her, stunned. “For what I said earlier. About your,” she pauses briefly. “Situation.”
Astarion is mad. He’s mad at every thing. He’s mad that his freedom is so close he can taste it, and yet so far away. He’s mad that it rests firmly in the hands of a gaggle of disparate misfits, all of whom seem competent enough, but none of whom would be particularly deadly to a vampire lord. He’s mad that it took centuries for even this meager help to come. 
He’s mad that Tav’s offer is so sickeningly sincere. He’s mad that this makes him worried for her.
“Of course I’m not mad,” Astarion coos, trying to be comforting. “I just wanted to make sure you understood what you are up against.”
“You were right,” Tav admits. He tilts his head in mild shock. “I don’t know what we’re up against. Not fully.” Tav anxiously fiddles with the straps of her pack. “But I’m listening. I don’t understand, but I want to.” Her earnest face tilts up towards his own, haloed by the flickering firelight. Astarion scans her features but he can find no trace of deception in her clear eyes.
Astarion has no response to this. He just stares at her.
“I feel like I’m always saying the wrong thing around you,” Tav confesses into the awful silence.
“That’s not true, I enjoy our repartee,” he insists, finally recovering. “You can be quite fun, when you want to be,” he teases. 
“You aren’t even a little mad at me?” Tav prods. “It would be very understandable if you were,” she adds lightly.
“You can be a touch frustrating.” Astarion’s lip quirks. Hurt flickers across Tav’s face, even though she had asked. “But,” he stresses, “you are also my favorite traveling companion. I can easily forgive the transgressions of my favorite,” he contends conspiratorially. She smirks back at him, her blush returning. He grins slyly. “Unless of course, you would rather be punished for them?” Tav stares at him, her mouth slightly agape.
“You’re very hard to read,” she says. “I’ve spent this whole week wondering whether you even like me at all, or if you tolerate me because we are stranded in the wilderness together.”
“This past week has been-“ Brutal, unexpected whiplash. “Surprising. I will admit that I haven’t been at my best.” He makes himself say it. It hurts to admit this aloud, even though he knows it’s true. But this is a small sacrifice to cement their alliance. “So let me make it up to you. Let me show you my best,” he offers lowly. His voice is a deep velvet rumble, his eyes smoldering garnets beneath heavy lashes. He can feel her heartbeat quicken again.
“Am I really your favorite?” Tav asks quietly.
“Obviously, darling.”
Astarion thinks.
“Your beauty is positively breathtaking. It has been lifetimes since I’ve basked in such radiance,” he declares softly. Tav releases a quiet chuckle, then nods stiffly. He doesn’t understand why. He’s pleased with the line he’s crafted. Isn’t this what she wants to hear?
“There’s liking me and then there’s liking my blood,” she finally says. Tav bites her lip and Astarion knows to look at it, to let his eyes linger at her mouth. 
“It’s ok if you only like my blood. Really. You don’t need to pretend,” she says reassuringly. He knows it’s a lie. 
“Hush, darling,” he shushes her. “I’m growing to like the whole package.” It surprises him how true that is. “Honestly.” Their kneeling positions are a little awkward, but they are so close their thighs touch.
“I’m so pleased with everything you’ve given me,” he admits quietly. The blood. The book. The Gur. He leans in, pressing his mouth against her ear. “And good girls should be rewarded, shouldn’t they?” Tav sharply inhales. She clutches his biceps, bracing herself against him.
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to-“
“I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to,” He insists. Not anymore. “Besides, we’ve already been inside each other’s minds. What could possibly be more intimate than that?” He allows his eyes to roam over her, raking over her curves. 
“You’re a scoundrel,” Tav teases, and she finally reciprocates his touch, melting into his chest. He wraps his arms around her and she nuzzles into the crook of his neck. They stay like that for a moment, Tav resting against him, Astarion gently holding her. It’s nice. His neck is a sensitive spot for him but he holds himself still. He reminds himself that she is not Cazador, she is not going to rip into his flesh. And she is so close to saying yes, Astarion can feel it. 
“It was the weirdest feeling. I wanted to speak to you privately and then I suddenly could,” she says at last. “It’s like I thought it into existence.”
“These little worms have become quite useful,” Astarion murmurs. “I wonder what else they could do for us? Don’t you think they’re worth exploring?” His voice is a soft temptation.
“Yes.” Tav hesitates, righting herself and looking up at him. “But let’s talk about it tomorrow, as a group,” she says. Astarion clicks his tongue.
“You’re no fun,” he tuts. “But that’s all right. I’m fun enough for the both of us.” He gives her ass a quick squeeze and she gasps, light and airy. 
“So, darling. Shall we?” He settles his hand on her thigh where he traces slow, tempting circles against her flesh. He watches her with a visible, calculated hunger in his gaze.
“I want to. I really do.” Tav closes her eyes, pausing. When she opens them, she gestures vaguely to her pack. “But I need to sort this,” she says lamely. “I need to find something specific for Gale and I’m not sure what we can spare.”
“You’ve got to be kidding.” Astarion crosses his arms in a huff. His spell is broken.
“It sounds strange, but this problem could become dangerous if it’s not solved tonight,” Tav explains vaguely.
Astarion remembers her words from earlier and his ears prick forward. “Anything I need to be worried about?” He asks coolly.
“I don’t think so. I think this is just a Gale problem. That’s all I can say right now,” Tav answers. Astarion’s curiosity is far from sated, but he’s tired of talking about Gale.
“Of course. But surely that won’t take all night?” 
“I hope not,” Tav retorts dryly. 
“How about this,” he begins, stroking her cheek. 'You finish up whatever chore Gale has given you, then you meet me in the clearing just over the hill. I’ll have quite the surprise waiting for you when you’re done,” Astarion smirks. Tav studies him. 
“I’m embarrassed to say it, but I’m also just completely exhausted.” Tav unexpectedly wilts. “I’m really glad that you are all right, but I thought today was awful.”
At her words, a wave of exhaustion washes over him and Astarion finally feels all of the bodily cues he has been ignoring. His muscles ache, his feet are sore, his body is littered with bruises and thorny scratches, and he’s hungrier than he’s been in days. He has performed in worse conditions, but perhaps he should rest too.  
“Well then.” Astarion withdraws. He takes her hand and lays a kiss on its back. “My hunger for you will only deepen,” he pledges. He aims for suave, but he can’t stop annoyance and disappointment from creeping into his tone.
“I promise to make the wait worthwhile.” Tav leans in close, bringing her mouth to his sensitive ear. “Can you be patient? I won’t keep you waiting long.” She plants a soft kiss on his cheek and Astarion shivers despite himself.
“Don’t make me wait too long, my love,” he croons. “It would be so cruel of you.”
“Tomorrow. I promise.”
Tav rummages through her pack for a long time. Eventually she pulls out various bric-a-brac, laying each piece before her. She rubs absentmindedly at the amulet around her neck as she ponders. After a bit, she grabs an ax that Karlach used to wield, one that Tav had bought from the merchant in the Grove. It was nothing compared to the sword Karlach had wrested from those paladins. 
Astarion isn’t spying, per se. But he is watching Tav through the gap in his tent flap. 
He watches as Tav puts her things away, then moves towards Gale’s tent. Astarion has to crack the flap wider to get a better look. Tav moves out of his field of vision and he scrambles to follow her. He pushes his stuffed chair into his tent’s entranceway, perches elegantly in it, and opens a book, pretending to read as he tracks her movements across camp towards Gale. 
He watches as Gale greets Tav excitedly, then ushers her quickly inside his tent, magically closing the flap with a wave of his hand. Shock jolts through Astarion and he’s on his feet in an instant, prowling stealthily forward to eavesdrop.
He isn’t alone. By the time he’s crept to the entrance of Gale’s fine linen tent Shadowheart, Karlach, and Wyll are all crouched in varying degrees of closeness to its fabric walls. Lae’Zel hangs back a pace, trying to look disinterested, but her head is cocked so that she can hear better. Karlach presses a finger to her lips and Astarion rolls his eyes at her. Shadowheart casts Pass Without a Trace and they all settle in to listen. 
“-getting worse,” Gale huffs. “I need to consume….or it may….volatile.”
“This…last….I have.”
Astarion gently pries open the flap of the tent, just a crack. Shadowheart swats at him and he glares at her. The tent begins to shine with a soft lilac light and they all cram together to peer inside.
Tav stands with her back to the entranceway, completely focused on Gale, who stands in the middle of his tent clutching the ax. His tent somehow straddles the line between completely immaculate and desperately cluttered, a true portable wizard’s tower. Astarion’s ruminations on Gale’s interior decorating are interrupted when Gale’s chest begins to glow. The edges of the ax waver as the weapon slowly disintegrates, its essence pouring into Gale’s body in a purple torrent. Gale absorbs the magic seamlessly, but his expression is pained, his mouth pinched.
“Somehow the second artifact hasn’t had the same effect as the first. It’s relieved some discomfort but I feel…my hunger…hasn’t quite-“ Gale collapses mid-sentence and Tav rushes to his side. 
“Gale, are you all right?” Tav cries as she rubs his back gently. Gale clutches his chest, trembling slightly.
“The magic isn’t having the effect that it should have. Like a rainstorm that quells a forest fire. It merely drizzles. The embers still sizzle. The fire remains undefeated."
“But that was our last magical item,” Tav says.
“We still have several already in camp. They are just in use by the others. You even have one around your neck.” Tav’s hand jumps to her throat, grabbing the amulet Astarion gave her. Astarion bristles at his audacity. “If you could just-"
“I can’t ask our companions to give up their gear without a proper explanation. We need these supplies, our survival depends on this gear,” she says, clutching her amulet.
“Our survival depends on the stability of my condition. I cannot impress upon you enough that this is of the utmost importance.” Gale leans closely into Tav. “It’s not just my life is in your hands, Tav. It’s the lives of the others as well.”
“Gale, you need to tell me what is really going on, right now,” Tav insists sternly.
“I know I ask a lot of you without providing any answers. I need to think…need to retrace my steps to a glade of calm and think.” Gale tries to stand and Tav grabs his arm, supporting him as he stands. Gale grabs his staff, a new prize from the hag’s lair, leaning heavily on it.
“I promise you, I am taking this very seriously,” Tav swears. “I’m going to find more, I-"
“I am truly grateful to you,” Gale winces. “More than you can ever know.” He looks at Tav softly. “But should your search prove unfruitful, please consider other options. Even if it inconveniences the others, I promise it will save us all in the long run.” Gale turns to escort Tav out of his tent and they all scatter as quietly as they can, darting back to their tents. Astarion alights on his chair just as Gale’s tent opens. 
Gale quickly leaves for the woods and Tav beelines to her tent. Slowly, they all emerge from their hiding spots. Shadowheart waves them all over to her tent and they each rush inside.
“Holy shit, guys,” Karlach says. “What in the seven Hells was that?”
“Gale slurped that ax up like a horse with a carrot,” Wyll jokes. They all titter.
“So Gale just consumes magical items the way I drink wine?” Shadowheart observes incredulously.
“Yes, Gale takes his hunger for power a little too literally for my liking,” Astarion says. The group snickers. “I don’t like it. It’s a waste of perfectly good treasure,” he proclaims.
“I like Gale, but I am keeping all my good loot well out of sight,” Karlach agrees. They all nod. “He can have the trinkets and the thingamabobs. But definitely not my sword,” Karlach says.
“I concur. Let him snack up all the magic he needs, so long as it’s not a Githyanki silver sword,” Lae’Zel states. “Nor my helm,” she adds after a moment. “And I’m disappointed that our leader didn’t tell us about this sooner.”
“It sounds like she doesn’t know that much herself,” Karlach counters.
“Well, she told me about it,” Astarion brags. They all turn to look at him with varying expressions of surprise and irritation. 
“What exactly did she say?” Wyll asks skeptically.
“She said that she had to help Gale find an item of some kind and that it was very important that she do so,” Astarion informs them.
“So, you don’t actually know more than we do,” Shadowheart concludes. Astarion glares at her.
“Gale and Tav seem to be getting pretty close,” Wyll notes. They all turn towards Astarion, who looks down to examine his nails.
“Do you think so? I think she pities him,” Astarion says airily.
“She certainly goes out of her way for him. Perhaps she has a new favorite,” Shadowheart suggests.
“You sound jealous, darling,” Astarion snipes back.
“So do you,” Shadowheart retorts.
“Now, now children. Let’s all go to bed before we’re discovered,” Wyll orders. The group disperses and Astarion stalks back to his tent to stew while he waits for Tav to fall asleep.
Astarion emerges from Tav’s tent full, but not sated. Although he had held himself back, the sensual pleasure of feeding from her is still too powerful to ignore. Her blood goes straight to his dick, which hangs hard and heavy against his leg. She’s just so delicious. 
A little blood-drunk and more than a little restless, he wanders out of camp to the romantic clearing he had spotted a few days ago. It was perfect, exactly the kind of beautiful, sylvan locale where someone might want to be fucked. He had filed it away for future use.
Tav should be here. If things had gone according to plan she would be here with him right now and not asleep in her tent. He leans against a tree and his head lolls back against the trunk with a gentle thud. 
Anyone else would have been putty in his hands after the sweet reassurances he had whispered to her. But not Tav. She needs additional enticing.
He expertly unlaces his trousers, pulling his stiff member out and into the cool night air. He palms himself experimentally, closing his eyes at the slow brush of pleasure. Her blood does something to him. It must. One taste of her and he’s fumbling all over himself like a schoolboy. Hells, he’s touching himself twice in one week. What has she done to him?
He imagines the way this evening should have gone. Instead of tending to Gale, Tav falls into his arms at his offer. She had been aching for him too, had wanted him so badly but was too shy, too intimidated by how handsome he is to ask for what she needed. Poor sweet girl. Astarion whisks her to this perfect little spot and she’s so enchanted she falls to her knees for him-
No. That’s not how it would go.
In his experience, most people were content to be ravished by the anonymous, handsome rake who picked them up in a tavern, willfully blind to his dubious intentions. Tav, for all her generosity, surely wants him to ravish her too. 
How lucky for her that he’d be glad to.
Astarion falls to his knees instead, tearing down her trousers and sliding her underclothes to the side so he can tongue her clit with voracious skill. Tav gasps wantonly, lifting up her thigh to make space for him between her legs. He clutches her body to him, helping her balance against his face, her thigh slung over his shoulder.
If her pussy tastes half as good as her blood then she will be a delicacy. She’d be so wet for him, so pliant and ready. Astarion pumps himself faster, imagining her rich taste. Her needy wetness. He’ll make her come undone on his tongue at least twice. As many times as she wants. If she asks nicely.
Astarion leans his full weight back against the tree, basking in the pleasure of his hand. He pulls quiet huffs from himself, small whines that would sound pathetic if anyone else were to hear them. But he’s alone and it feels too damn good to curate a performance. He imagines Tav’s sounds, her sighs, her moans, her gasping cries. He wants to hear them all. Could he make her scream with pleasure? He wants to try.
She adores his tongue but it is not enough. She begs him to fuck her. She needs it, she needs him so much. Not Lae’Zel, not Gale. Him. Astarion. She cries his name so sweetly.
He’ll lay her gently on the ground like the prince she wants him to be. Unless she wants him another way. Would she want him to mount her from behind? Would she climb eagerly into his lap, taking his length over and over with slick, greedy thrusts? Would she wrap her legs around his waist, clinging to him as he plunges into her, or splay them open for him to position as he pleases? He shudders at the possibilities, fucking up into his fist with ardor. He wants to try them all with her.
She still needs more. No one has ever fucked her like this, so thoroughly, so attentively. Please, Astarion. He’s the best she’s ever had.
Astarion comes undone at that thought, hot pleasure arcing up his spine. A high, breathy cry escapes his lips. His balls contract blissfully as he aims his cock downwards, emptying himself into the dirt. What a waste, he thinks blearily, briefly imagining Tav’s submissive mouth, his spend collecting in the hollow of her curled tongue. She’d swallow it all, like the good girl she is.
He allows himself to rest a moment against the tree, softly panting as he comes down from the vertiginous high of orgasm. He reaches into his pocket and grabs a muslin handkerchief, wiping his brow with the cloth. It’s just a clean rag, but he likes to pretend it’s something finer. Preferably silk, but he’d settle for linen. He uses it to clean the rest of himself off, then gently tucks his softening dick back into his breeches. He is glad that he has gotten this out of his system. 
Sex with Tav would not be for his pleasure. It was a trade. It was dangerous to project onto this, to want more than what this would be. Enjoying the act only made the inevitable more painful afterward. 
He shakes his head, trying to clear his mind. Cazador would not have this one.
But there’s no harm in enjoying a quiet moment to himself. As Astarion knows all too well, you have to take whatever meager pleasure you can get whenever you can get it. 
~ Chapter 8
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aloneinthehellfire · 11 months ago
Chapter Six: Prophetic Girl
The Pariahs That Saved The World
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Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: canon-events (demobats), some fluffy bits in this one, vecna's curse, not proof-read
[A/N: Oh my goodness, the procrastinator has returned- Whew, thank you all for your patience! I finally found some time to finish the next chapter; I really didn't want to rush anything so just know this one was created with every ounce of love <3)
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Prophetic Girl
You don’t know why you dived into the water with the others.
You weren’t a particularly strong swimmer, nor did you have a heroic nature urging you to help save a friend.
The look Robin gave you as her best friend was dragged under the water was probably the culprit, ripping open your heart with her absolute terror.
That was the scariest part of it all. The emotional discipline you had forced upon yourself over the past year could be shattered in seconds from just one look, reigniting a feeling you thought was lost forever. And god dammit, you would do anything to make sure that feeling never got away from you again.
“Steve!” Robin screams as you pull yourself out of the gate, wiping the water from your face.
The Upside Down. It wasn’t like you expected it to be. You know they had described it as a reflection of Hawkins, a darker universe than the one you resided in, yet part of you always assumed there’d be something strangely beautiful about this place. But you were here now, rushing to the others to help them fight off the local bats, looking around with nothing but disgust on your face.
Perhaps you couldn’t find the beauty in everything after all.
You barely reached the others before Eddie was shouting behind you. Duck? In the last second, you mange to crouch to the ground and avoid something with claws flying over your head, screeching into the dark sky. You blink. Was that a…
“Bats!” Eddie exasperates, grabbing an oar from the ground and charging full speed at the one swinging back for a second time.
It was a chaotic blur of stress and adrenaline, somehow batting away small razor sharp teeth and wrestling against their surprisingly slimy bodies. You had managed to pull one from Nancy’s back and drive your boot down on its head before Robin pulled you away from an attack, Eddie’s oar quick to slam it to the ground.
Steve was bitten pretty badly, the first thing you observed as he spat out the head of a bat, panting. You thought Eddie was about to explode from excitement, looking at you with wide eyes and suppressing a smile. How he managed to find joy even in hell, you would never know.
“You okay?” Robin’s hand shook as she places both hands on her best friend’s shoulders, worried eyes searching his. He lets out a breathy laugh and nods, her body practically depleting in relief.
“You’re sure?” Nancy prompts, and he examines himself closer, still nodding. “Took about a pound of flesh but, uh, other than that… never better.”
You let out a sigh and wipe your brow, watching as Robin crouches beside you to shine a light on a bat corpse.
“Uh, do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies?” Robin questions, looking up at you with a frown.
“What?” Steve gapes, and you suck in your lips.
“It’s just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear.” She explains, standing back up, “And I think we should get you to a doctor really soon because once symptoms set in, it’s too late. You’re already dead.”
Both Steve and Nancy look at her in exasperation, their features clearly telling that they didn’t appreciate Robin’s spiralling input. You start to smirk.
“Or you’ll become a vampire.” You offer with a grin and he mockingly nods his head.
“We need to get you patched up.” Nancy states, looking dishevelled from the fight, looking around, “Maybe we can-”
The trail of thoughts were lost as you all watch another group of bats fly down to where the gate rested, tearing at it. You squint your eyes, focusing. What were they doing?
“Uh, guys?” Eddie interrupts, and you turn to see him staring at the sky, your eyes widening. “I think we need to get out of here.”
“Nah, there’s not that many, we can take ‘em.” Steve breathes out, wincing when you lightly tap him. But it draws everyone else’s focus up to the sight that had you and Eddie stood in fear.
As your eyes fixate on the litter of shapes between the warm clashes of red and blue, you quickly start to nod, grabbing Eddie by the shirt and pulling him into a run as you all silently agree to a fast escape.
“The trees!” You yell, pointing to your left and you all head for the treeline, ducking for cover just as the bats attempt to swoop down, blocked by the thick expanse of wood.
You all manage to huddle under the flipped version of Skull Rock, panting as the bats fly past with no prey in their sight.
“That… was more cardio than I paid for.” Robin gasps and you collapse against a rock, catching your breath.
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Nancy was quick to start patching Steve up despite his polite objections. You even raised an impressed eyebrow when she rips off the hem of her shirt to substitute bandages with fabric, sharing a look of awe with Eddie.
Out the corner of your eye, you see Robin trying to calm Steve down in a way that would have you smiling. But Steve didn’t look to be in the smiling nature.
Calmly, you place a hand on her shoulder and gently guide her away, the girl giving you a smile.
Instead of berating her best friend with a million facts and questions that would probably stress him out, she took a seat on the ground opposite you, her smile noticeably less bright when Eddie plops directly beside you, groaning.
“So… anyone got a blunt?”
“Jesus Christ.” You groan with a smirk, eyeing him with amusement. “You seriously think now is a good time to be getting high?”
“I personally think this is the best time to get high.” He says with confidence, stretching out his legs.
“You’re an idiot.” You say, adoration in your voice that made Robin’s skin crawl.
“Ouch.” He mockingly holds his hand to his heart, “I wasn’t treated this way when you needed a smoke after you rear-ended Mrs Click’s car-”
“Shut up!” You hiss with laughter, gently shoving him away from you and he chuckles, shoving back.
As she watched the two of you tease one another with an ease that made her queasy, Robin’s brows furrowed. You were both much closer than she had hoped for.
“Why did you guys break up?”
The quiet laughter broke into silence, inquisitive eyes suddenly set on hers. She feels her ears burn, quickly swooping her hair forward to conceal them.
“Thank you for asking.” Eddie claps his hands like it was an interview and you roll your eyes, immediately easing the tension. “Well, you see, we were like, what? 15? 15. It was cute, very short, and we realised we were better friends. Right?”
“That’s about it.” You shrug, smiling. Your eyes land on hers with a lightness to them that made her heart swoon.
“So why did you even get together in the first place?” She frowns, face dropping when his eyebrows shoot up. “Oh, god, that sounded meaner than it did in my head.”
“We hadn’t really tried the friend part yet.” You chuckle, and Eddie hums.
“Too blinded by our mutual hatred for King Steve and his merry band of idiots.”
“So you could say Steve brought us closer together.” You quip and Robin suppresses a laugh.
“One of you say my name?” Steve suddenly asks and you all fall into laughter, ignoring the boy’s curious frown.
After a while, Eddie shakes his head and jumps up to stalk over to a fallen tree trunk, inspecting it.
“He’s pretty cool.” Robin sighs, watching him step up onto the wood and survey the land like an explorer.
“Yeah.” You look over your shoulder with a smile, something like sadness flickering across your face for just a fleeting moment. If Robin didn’t find herself completely captivated with every movement you made, she would have missed it completely. Was it… regret? Did you regret the break up? Did you want him back-
“So, uh…” Eddie’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts as you all turn to where he stood at the tip of the tree trunk. “This place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?”
“Pretty much.” Nancy responds, grunting a little as she attempts to shift some of Steve’s weight onto her. “Wait, watch out for the vines. It’s all a hive mind.”
“It’s all a what?”
“All the creepy crawlies around here, dude. They’re like, one or something.” Steve tries to explain, wincing as he brushes his hand over the bandages.
“I repeat, it’s all a what?” Eddie frowns and you stand up, grimacing.
“Uh, step on a vine, you step on literally everything else at the same time and then, well, evil wizard comes to snap our bones.” You shrug, his mouth parted in shock as he nods slowly in recognition.
“Shit.” He simply says, starting his descent.
“But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people, obviously?” Robin appears beside you, her arm brushing against yours.
“As far as I understand it, yeah.” Nancy nods and you can practically hear the cogs turning in Robin’s mind, humming with excitement.
“So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate.” She suggests and you vigorously nod along to her idea, loving where her mind was at.
“I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin. But guns, yeah, sure.” Steve rolls his eyes and you hum.
“I don’t know, I definitely think Hopper would stash grenades somewhere.” You say and Nancy tilts her head in acknowledgement, silently agreeing.
“Well, we don’t have to go all the way downtown for guns.” Nancy says and you raise your eyebrow. “I have guns. In my bedroom.”
“You,” Eddie jumps down with surprise, brows furrowed. “Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?”
“Full of surprises, isn’t she?” Robin grins.
Eddie doesn’t look convinced.
“Be a sceptic, but I watched her shoot at a demogorgon that was emerging from the ceiling.” You snort, crossing your arms. “And I gotta tell ya, Nancy owning guns is the least surprising thing in that sentence.”
“A Russian Makarov and a revolver.” Nancy confirms.
“Yeah, you almost shot me with that one.” Steve comments, getting closer.
Nancy starts to smile, turning her head to him. “You almost deserved it.”
They share a look and you twist your face. “Gag me with a spoon.”
“I got it.” Eddie says, slipping off his denim vest and launching it at Steve, the boy barely catching it before it hit his face. “For your modesty, dude.”
You almost laughed at his face until the ground violently shook beneath you, throwing you off balance and sending you crashing into Robin. She tried her best to catch you, but she was already falling to the ground, your body laying on top of her and you both squeezed your eyes shut until the earthquake stopped.
“What… the hell… was that?” You pant, turning your head to see Robin’s wide eyes staring back at you. For a second, you couldn’t peel your eyes away, closer than you ever would have imagined.
The moment was short-lived, a chorus of snarls and screeches echoing through the woods like an omen.
“Yeah, so guns seem like a pretty good idea to me.” Eddie gasps.
“Yeah me too.”
“Me three.”
You and Robin both reply as you peel away from eachother, avoiding eye contact like neither of you had any kind of self-restraint.
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It was impossible not to notice a particular pair of eyes on you as your own stayed glued to the ground, unfamiliar with the Upside Down and its tricks. For anyone to be watched would be somewhat discomforting, but not in this particular instance. Because, for as long as you can remember now, anytime she’s looked away, your eyes have been returning the favour.
“Did you wanna say something?”
You finally break the silent streak occurring between you and Robin, her sheepish smile brightening her face once she realises she’s been caught.
“I, uh…” She fumbles around for an excuse, letting out a low whistle. “Was just making sure you’re okay. That’s all. Nothing weird.”
“Why do you keep asking me that?” You laugh, catching her eyes and she almost melts. “Do I not look okay?”
“You look amazing.” Robin shakes her head, blinking when she realises what she just said. “Uh, I didn’t mean that. Not that you don’t look amazing, you do, even after all of that. Not in a weird- what I meant to say was I don’t think you aren’t okay, I was just…”
She lets out a groan and you laugh again.
“I’ve just dragged you into this and I can’t help thinking it will be my fault if you aren’t okay.”
“Robin.” You carefully step over a vine, clearing your throat. “Before you showed up at my door, I was already deciding that I was going to help.”
“Yeah.” You bite your lip, shrugging. “The, uh, the first time Nancy asked me to help, I wasn’t thinking straight. I just wasn’t in the mood to try and save a town that I hated. It was… complicated.”
“What changed your mind?”
“My gran.” You smile, albeit sadly. “I suddenly realised that I’ve lost too many people here. Even if… even if I don’t belong here, the people living in this town don’t deserve to die. I can’t just leave when people I care about are in danger.”
“So my whole speech was just for nothing?”
“Not for nothing.” You shake your head, suddenly sending her a smirk. “It was very entertaining.”
“Shut up.” Robin giggles, nudging your arm playfully.
As she does, her joy momentarily distracts her from her own very important mission: do not trip.
It almost cost her, glancing down at the last second to come to a screeching halt, the toes of her boots a fraction away from brushing the side of a vine. Her sudden stop itself threw her off balance, and she felt herself falling back.
Until your hands reached out and caught hers, pulling her closer to you before she fell victim to gravity completely.
“Thanks.” She says breathlessly, and you can only nod, looking down to where your fingers interlocked hers.
Clearing your throat, you take your hands back and offer a smile, ignoring the sickly sweet feeling of your heartbeat drumming a little faster than it had been before your hands found someone’s to hold.
“Gotta be careful.” You whisper, returning your eyes to the path and moving towards Nancy’s silhouette up ahead. Robin stood there for a moment longer, biting her lip.
She was just torturing herself now. Either she said something, prayed for some kind of miracle, or she moved on. There was no point living in this romance limbo when there were more important things to worry about.
Her feet were tired by the time you reach the Wheeler house, shifting in her shoes as Steve takes the flashlight from her and clicks it on, the door creaking beneath his push.
The interior reflected its exterior, dark and covered head to toe with vines that made her grimace at the sight.
“Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler.” Robin jokes, almost jumping when she hears you shut the door.
“Sorry.” You mouth, walking into the space. “Wow. Love the décor.”
“Come on,” Nancy tilts her head to the staircase, “I don’t want to stay here longer than we have to.”
She starts bounding up the steps, and Robin gives you a shrug before she and Eddie start to follow up, your own footsteps behind Steve’s. Except, for some reason, he stops.
“Hello?” You crane your neck around to where he’s shining the flashlight at nothing. “Earth to Steve?”
“Shhh.” He whispers, holding a finger to his lips. You frown. “I hear something.”
“Oh god.” Your shoulders slump. “You’re not hallucinating, are you? Because I can’t be the one to tell Robin the rabies got you.”
“Just… shut up.” He says, slipping past you and moving to the corner. “It’s him.”
Any sarcastic quips you had rattling around your brain were pushed away, fear flooding your body. “Vecna?”
“What? No, no.” He shakes his head, holding his finger in the air. “Henderson.”
“Hend-” You stop, tilting your head. “You can hear Dustin?”
“Just…” He sighs and waltz over to you, placing a hand on your back and moving you to where he was previously stood.
“Oh, hey, Y/n, come over here.” You mumble as you shrug his hand off of you. “What am I-”
“Just listen.” He says and you sigh, shutting your mouth and entertaining the idea.
For a moment, nothing.
And then the voice whispers around you, muffled, and most definitely Dustin’s.
“Holy shit.” You breathe out and Steve nods furiously. “Holy shit.”
“Dustin!” He starts to shout and you join him, the both of you shouting around the space. “Dustin!”
Once they hear your yelling, the other three are running down the stairs, Robin’s heart beating fast, assuming that the minute she left you had been attacked and there would be no way to-
“What the…” Eddie mutters and she widens her eyes in disbelief.
“Dustin! Hello?!”
The two of you are yelling at the walls and ceilings, making her blink.
“Maybe he really does have rabies.” She comments and Eddie frowns.
“Is it contagious?” He asks and she tilts her head, still fixated on the shouting frenzy.
“Only if he bit her.”
“Hello?” Dustin?!”
“Guys, what are you doing?” Nancy interrupts your next cry for the young boy and you turn to them, breathing heavy.
“We heard Dustin.” You breathlessly explain and Steve nods behind you, still shouting.
“He's here. Henderson. That little shit, he's here. He's like... He's in the walls or something. Just listen.” Steve grins at them before walking away, continuing his call. “Dustin!”
“Uh…” You stare as he spins around in a circle. “He might look crazy, but I promise he’s right. Listen.”
You watch the realisation fall over their faces, making you smile.
They fan out, calling out his name and following in Steve’s lead, trying to communicate with the boy on the other side.
As you go to join them, you catch something out of the corner of your eye, reflecting on the glass of the window. You can still hear Dustin’s voice droning in and out, like a radio that hadn’t been sent to the right frequency. But it didn’t sound the same as before. Something was different.
Your refection was blurry, making you squint. Goosebumps started to trail across your skin, making you shiver. It wasn’t your reflection.
Robin was the only to see how you blinked into a state of paralysis, immediately calling out for help as she rushes over to you.
It seemed like Vecna had something else to say.
Chapter Seven: We Are The Pariahs
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taglist: @kryztalglear . @learninglinesintherainn . @officerrrfriendly . @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean . @spacedoutdaydreamer . @endurexxsurvive . @em16cor . @gray-cheese . @chaosofmanyfandoms . @kitdjarin1 . @some-day--some-how . @cultish-corner . @marirxse .
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