#I don’t think I’ll ever forgive my sister for doing this because she reached out to me. then told me to never contact her again
whimsycore · 5 months
I dunno thinking abt how much I’ve needed people, the same people who either put me in horrible situations to begin with, knew about them, or prentended to care n when it was inconvenient for them to be near me or just talk to to me they straight up left me for dead. This has happened personally and professionally.
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 10 months
The Danger Zone (Part 12) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 4.3k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY. MINORS ARE NOT WELCOME HERE
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Military Inaccuracies; Brief and Not Really Explicit Sexual Content; Excessive Fluff; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: You and Jake take a new step in your relationship.
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Jake sat across from Javy out on Javy’s back porch. Phoenix, you, and Emma were out together doing something that Jake was sure had to do with the baby, and leaving Jake and Javy to have a quiet afternoon to catch up between themselves. 
“You still don’t know the baby’s gender then?” Javy asked, causing Jake to nod. 
“She wanted to wait, and I didn’t mind.”
“But you have an idea, don’t you?” Javy prodded, knowing Jake as he did. 
“Yeah, I think that the baby will be healthy and happy.” Tapping his fingers on the table, Jake added, “But I sort of—and you cannot tell her this—want it to be a girl.”
“You want a girl?” Javy repeated, not looking surprised. 
“I’d be very happy with a boy. But I feel like a girl, who takes after her mom and looks like her mom, that’s what I keep picturing in my head.” Scratching his chin, Jake looked over at Javy. “The more that kid takes after their mom, the better.”
“How is the future Mrs. Seresin doing anyway?” Javy teased, leaning back in his seat. 
“She’s glowing these days, Javy. I swear. She’s absolutely glowing. And she says that the baby is getting more active. Nothing that I can feel yet, but they’re moving around in there. Mostly at night, which I can tell is going to annoy her eventually, but she’s just so happy every time she can feel the baby. And I mean I can see her bump getting bigger every week. I started taking photos of her so that we can track her growth. And I don’t know what it is but when I’m right next to her, I just feel the need to touch her bump and hold it and just be there.”
“Look at you,” Javy chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re smiling more than ever. You’ve got a photo from the ultrasound in your cockpit and in your locker. You spend almost every lunch break calling her. You’re always rushing home to see her.” Javy laughed to himself again. “You’ve gone soft, Jake.” 
“Fuck off, Javy,” Jake sighed without malice. 
“It’s a good look for you,” Javy defended himself. “I mean, you’re the guy who got his callsign for being selfish, Jake.”
“Yeah, thanks to my kid’s uncle.”
“He’s still not over it?” Javy guessed, reaching for his beer bottle. 
“He’ll never get over it,” Jake scoffed with a sense of finality. “Because he’s an idiot who thinks that I took advantage of her and that I’ll do something to hurt or upset her and the baby soon.” Rolling his eyes, Jake added, “He’d probably celebrate if we broke up.”
“I don’t think he’d celebrate . . . in front of her,” Javy added after a moment of thought. 
“He can fuck off for all I care. He’s not getting in between the two of us or our family. If he actually cares about his sister, he’d back off.”
“Has he at least reduced his attitude?”
“He never says anything in front of her. I’m pretty sure that Emma and or Penny would actually drop kick him if he did. And he’s not a complete moron. He doesn’t want to stress her out.” Jake took a sip of his beer. “So, he’s just an asshole when she’s not around.”
“I guess that’s an improvement.”
“Barely. I’m not going to deal with this shit when the baby’s old enough to hear his bullshit and sense the tension between the two of us. I mean, what if the baby overheard him saying shit about me? I’d fucking kill him, Javy, I’m telling you that right now. If he wants to be an uncle to my kid, he’s going to have to get over whatever stick is lodged up his ass.”
“Have you talked to her about it?”
“No. I don’t want to stress her out or pick a fight. It’s going really well right now, Javy, and I’ll never forgive myself if I fuck it up over her idiot brother.”
“She’s aware of it, I’m sure. Her and Nat talk about it, I think. And Emma.” Javy rubbed his cheek as an amused smirk tugged at his lips. “My money’s on Penny to kick his ass honestly.”
“I’d pay to see that.”
“So, you guys are talking about the future?”
“Every day,” Jake agreed. “She wants everything sorted out—or as much as possible—before she gets too far into her third trimester.”
“What do you mean by everything?”
“Getting things put in both of our names so that if something happens to one of us, the other can take care of everything and the baby. Getting our wills updated. Discussing who would take care of the baby if her family’s history repeats itself.”
“And how is that going?”
“We were looking for a house because with the cheaper loans I would get, it just makes more financial sense, and we’ll need the space. And as for the baby, it’s a little more complicated right now because we’re not married, but we’re working on it.”
“Can I make an observation?”
“Why aren’t you guys just getting married?” Javy asked, causing Jake to pause. “Because a lot of this work would be done if you just signed a piece of paper at town hall. And you’d get benefits, she’d save a shit ton on medical expenses, and there’s no big fight in the hospital if something happens to one of you.” Javy added after a moment, “A huge part of why Nat and I got married was so that if a bird strike or G-LOC situation happened again, the other could actually get information from the hospital and make decisions.”
“I know,” Jake sighed, rubbing his face. “I was thinking about that.”
“I mean, I get it’s a huge commitment, but you’re already having a baby together. Getting married can’t be a bigger commitment than that.”
“Yeah, it’s not,” Jake agreed, leaning back in his seat. “I’ve been thinking about bringing it up to her.”
“Well, did you at least tell her about your family?”
“—Jake, you’ve got to tell her.”
“I’m just trying to protect her.”
“Leaving her without all of the information is not protecting her, Jake, it’s setting her up for failure. At least tell her about your mother.”  
“Why my mother?”
“Because it explains a lot about you, Jake,” Javy stated, causing him to look down. “And she likes you, for some reason.” 
“Fuck off,” Jake sighed, reaching for his beer. Taking a long sip, he set the bottle down and rotated it around, lost in thought for a moment. “I’ll tell her about it. When the time’s right.”
You woke late on Saturday. You were never an early riser before but pregnancy made waking up early on the weekend impossible. Picking your head off of your pregnancy pillow, which Jake bought for you, you turned to see that Jake was gone, as usual. 
But when you saw a note on his pillow, you sat up. You picked it up and unfolded the paper, smiling to yourself when you saw Jake’s handwriting.
Get your rest because I made plans for us tonight. I still owe you that first date. 
- J
Practically beaming with joy, you laid back down, thinking to yourself about what Jake could have had planned for tonight. You assumed dinner, at least, but he hadn’t mentioned anything to you about where he would take you on a date. As you were rereading the note, you heard the front door open and Jake step inside. You waited for him to walk into the bedroom and smiled at him. 
“Morning. How was your run?”
“Fine. Took a new route through the park,” Jake replied, kneeling on the bed and leaning over to press a kiss to your lips. Moving your shirt out of the way, he pressed another kiss to your bump. “Any movement this morning?”
“Not yet,” you replied, running a hand through Jake’s hair as you smiled softly m. “They only start to move when it’s inconvenient for me.”
“Yeah, that’s my baby in there,” Jake joked, causing you to shake your head at him. 
“So, what are we doing later then?”
“It’s a surprise,” Jake stated, getting off of the bed. “I was thinking that we should leave here around five.”
“You’re not going to tell me anything about it?”
“Dress nicely but nothing crazy. And just make sure that you’re comfortable.”
“That doesn’t narrow it down,” you called after him as he walked into the bathroom to shower. 
“It wasn’t supposed to.”
You scoffed at his words as he closed the door. Laying down, you decided to stay in bed a little longer as Jake showered. But you sat up when you felt your baby start to move right over your bladder. It started as a little bit of a tickle and then some more discomfort and then you were shifting around, trying to find some sort of relief, and then you were frantically knocking on the door to the bathroom and letting yourself in. 
Jake turned his neck, staring at you with concern and a question on the tip of his tongue. But when he saw you making a beeline for the toilet, he had the audacity to smirk a bit. You shot him a look right back.
“The baby’s moving?” he guessed, letting the hot spray of the shower hit his chest. 
“Don’t look at me like that. I’m trying to concentrate.”
You checked your appearance one last time in the mirror before you grabbed your phone and walked out of the bathroom. Jake was sitting on the couch, waiting patiently for you, dressed in a nice button down tee shirt and a pair of black pants. When you stepped around the corner, he looked up and you instantly felt your cheeks warm as his expression changed and his sharp green eyes studied your figure. 
“Does the dress make my boobs pop out too much?” you asked, adjusting the strap a bit subconsciously. “Or is it too nice? Or not nice enough?”
“You look perfect,” Jake told you, standing up and sliding his phone into his back pocket. He walked over to you and grabbed your hands, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “Ready to go?”
You nodded and Jake led you down to the car. Jake drove your car when the two of you were going somewhere because it was easier for you to get into compared to his truck. And he insisted that it was safer for you to sit in the passenger seat. 
“Where are we going?” you asked Jake, who smiled at you before turning back to the road. 
“It’s a surprise.”
“How far is it?” you asked, shifting in your seat. 
“It’s not too far.”
Jake drove a few more minutes before pulling into a long driveway. And even though you recognized the name at the entrance to the driveway, it still took you a moment to process it. 
“Why did you bring me to the place where Bradley and Emma’s wedding reception was?” you asked softly, more surprised than anything else. 
“Well, when it’s not just for hosting weddings. There’s a regular restaurant attached to it.” Jake pulled into a spot before turning off the car. “And this is where we met for the first time.” Pulling the keys out of the ignition, he turned back to you. “Is that okay?”
“Of course, it is,” you reassured him, resting a hand on his arm. “I was just surprised, that’s all.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, let’s go,” you insisted, grabbing your purse. 
The two of you walked inside and were led to your table, which just happened to be on the back patio. You could see the outdoor bar where you and Jake met for the first time from your seat. Had anyone told you that little conversation on those two stools was going to change your life forever, you never would have believed them. 
“You know, I’ve already made a list of everything I want to eat or drink after I have the baby,” you stated, flipping through the menu. 
“What are the top three?”
“Beer, salmon rolls, and pepperoni,” you listed off quickly, causing Jake to snort. 
“All in one sitting?”
“We’ll see how I’m feeling,” you mused, reaching for your water. The waiter came over and took your orders before walking off again. “Emma called me today and mentioned something about throwing a baby shower for us next month. Or a little after that.”
“Do the dads go to that?” Jake asked, causing you to shrug your shoulders. 
“I think we can just do whatever we want. I know that when one of the Kazansky kids had their baby shower, the guys went out and did something together but then they came back and everyone ate together.”
“Whatever you want, we’ll do,” Jake offered, causing you to smile. 
“Thank you. But Emma and Phoenix seem like they’ve got it handled. They said it’s returning the favor for me being their maid of honor. And I kind of agreed to let them make it all a surprise.”
“We’re not doing some crazy gender reveal thing, right?” Jake deadpanned. 
“No, I told them to not do that,” you chuckled, leaning back in your seat. Folding your hands in front of your bump, you asked, “But you’re okay with waiting still? To find out?”
“The baby’s healthy and you’re healthy and that’s all I care about,” Jake stated seriously. “And it’s not like we can control it either.”
“No, we can’t,” you agreed, nodding slowly. “But what do you think? Are we having a boy or a girl?”
“I haven’t really thought about it,” Jake lied, earning a look from you. “Alright, alright, I have. But what do you think we’re having?”
“No, because you’re just going to copy me to try and make me happy, even though I don’t care because we’re just guessing at this point and no one can do anything to change it and it doesn’t even matter at the end of the day.” Leaning forward, you added with a smile, “Just tell me, Jake.”
“I think we’re having a girl,” Jake stated quietly after a moment of thought. 
“I thought we were too, but then the obstetrician moved the monitor during the ultrasound and now I think that we’re having a boy,” you explained, causing Jake to think about it more. “Like she saw something there and moved it away before it was too obvious.”
“Maybe,” Jake agreed. “But I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
He took a sip of his drink before leaning forward with a teasing smile. You cocked an eyebrow as you buttered your slice of bread, shooting him a look right back. 
“How are you feeling now? Feel the need to walk in on me in the shower again? Because next time, you can just join me. No need to put on a show about it.”
You scoffed and tossed the crumpled up straw wrapper at Jake in retaliation. A smirk tugged at your lips as you leaned forward and lowered your voice. 
“Says the man who’s been glancing down at my chest ever since I stepped out of our bedroom.”
“I’m looking at your bump where our child is growing,” Jake insisted seriously, causing your smirk to fade and a sheepish expression to come over your face. “But, my eyes have been taking a pit stop between your bump and your eyes because that dress does make your breasts look perfect.”
You lightly kicked him under the table in retaliation, causing him to laugh. The two of you enjoyed your dinner together and talked all about your plans for the future and the baby. It was a first date on paper, but it was obvious to anyone who looked over at you that there was a long history and strong understanding between the two of you. Jake paid the tab—though you tried to grab it from him—before the two of you got up and walked out to the parking lot. 
“So, what do you think?” Jake asked as the two of you threaded your fingers together and slowly swung your hands back and forth. “Will I get a second date?”
“I’ll think about it,” you joked, leaning on Jake as you walked. 
“You’ll think about it?” Jake repeated as the two of you got closer to your car. 
“Well, it’s only the first date,” you added, shrugging your shoulders and laughing to yourself when you saw Jake’s offended look. “Maybe if you’re a decent kisser, I’ll think about it a little more.”
“Is that a challenge?” Jake asked, gently reaching up to cup your cheek. 
“It could be.”
Jake leaned down and tilted your chin up, bringing you in for a soft kiss. He started slowly, teasing you like you teased him a moment ago. And when you started to press against him, deepening the kiss, you could practically feel Jake’s smirk against your lips. Pulling back from your lips, and leaving you wanting more, Jake took a step back. 
“And my chances now?”
“I guess I can give you a second date,” you replied before grabbing Jake by the front of his shirt. 
Your lips met again and Jake rested his hand on your hips, gently backing you up against your car. He rubbed his hand over the front of your bump before raising it to cup your cheek, purposefully brushing his fingertips against the sensitive skin of the valley between your breasts. And feeling you suck in a breath and press against him further, Jake pulled your lips apart and rested his forehead against your own. 
“Any chance that we can continue this back at the apartment?” Jake whispered against your lips. 
“I’d love to,” you replied softly, before smirking to yourself. “But I can’t.”
“Why not?” Jake asked, sounding concerned.
“I have this rule,” you teased, leaning back against your car, “that I can’t sleep with a guy after the first date. It’s nothing personal, just one of my rules.”
“And if the guy already got you pregnant? Can you make an exception?”
“Hmm,” you hummed, running a hand down his chest. 
You held him in suspense for a moment, even though you honestly wouldn’t have minded if he slid your underwear to the side and done it against your car right then and there. And even though you enjoyed teasing him, you wanted him. You needed him. 
Placing your hand over his own, you offered him a genuine, loving smile. You leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. 
“Take me to bed, Jake,” you whispered to him. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
When the two of you eventually got back to your shared apartment, you let Jake pull you down the hall and into your bedroom. The two of you gently undressed each other before Jake helped you up and onto the bed. 
“You’re not going to be comfortable on your back, are you?” Jake asked as you sat back on your heels. 
“Probably not for long,” you agreed as Jake climbed up onto the bed too.
“Then come here,” Jake coaxed, laying on his back. 
You crawled over and Jake grabbed your hips, lining the two of you up. Your bump, which wasn’t so small anymore, rested against Jake’s strong chest. 
“Tell me if anything hurts or isn’t comfortable and we’ll stop, okay?” he assured you. 
You let out a shaky gasp as Jake pulled your hips down. His hands were strong on your hips and he welcomed the rock of your hips against him. You were a bit worried about suffocating Jake and tried to hold up your weight, but he didn’t slow down until you practically collapsed against his chest. 
Jake gently rolled you onto your side and laid down beside you, gently running his fingers down your cheek. You looked up at him through your eyelashes and offered him a giddy smile. 
“Are you alright?” he asked softly. 
“Yeah, Jake,” you giggled, “I’m better than alright.”
“I haven’t lost my touch then?” 
“Not yet,” you mused, pressing a romantic kiss to his lips. 
After taking a moment to recover, you sat up and climbed onto his lap. Jake rested his back against the headboard, letting you set your own pace with his hands there to support you. As your rhythm started to slow until you could only rock your hips, Jake gently rotated the two of you so that your bump rested against a pillow and your weight rested on your hands and knees before he sat up behind you.  
“Tell me if it’s too much,” Jake told you. 
“It’s not enough right now,” you practically whined, pushing back against him. 
Jake rolled his hips forward as his lips pressed a searing kiss against your neck, causing you to moan. The two of you quickly lost yourselves in each other until your body tensed up again. You buried your face into the comforter as your body shook. Jake kept moving above you for a few more moments before he let out a low noise and rolled over beside you.
You smiled at him as he laid down and caught his breath. Your eyes fluttered softly in the dim lighting as curled your body into Jake’s warm chest. He could see that you were exhausted and were probably about to fall asleep. Jake leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“You should go to the bathroom first before you fall asleep,” Jake suggested, causing you to open your eyes and look up at him. “I can clean up otherwise.”
“Let my legs recover for a second, Seresin. Unless, you want a Bambi on ice situation.”
Jake snorted in reply, causing you to smile.
When Jake got called into Cyclone’s office after completing his training exercises, Jake knew that meant two things—he either fucked up or he did something incredibly amazing. And he couldn’t think of anything that he fucked up lately, so he was hoping that the latter was true. 
“Sir,” he greeted Cyclone, standing at attention. 
“At ease, Hangman. Please, sit,” Cyclone stated, gesturing to the seat in front of his desk.
Jake sat down and stared at Cyclone, who seemed relatively at ease. He shifted a few papers around his desk before picking up a folder. Cyclone held it out to Jake, who immediately flipped it open, reading through the documents enclosed. 
“Congratulations, Lieutenant Commander Seresin,” Cyclone replied, causing Jake to look up from the paperwork. His expression didn’t give away any emotion, but internally Jake was swelling with pride and joy. “It’s well deserved and I’m sure that you’ll do well in your new role.” 
“And I’m to remain here?” Jake asked, looking quickly through the papers. “In Miramar?”
“Yes, you will,” Cyclone replied, allowing Jake to relax for a moment. But only for one moment. “Though, I should warn you that your chance of being deployed in the next few months has slightly increased.” 
“How slight?” 
“I would say guaranteed at some point within the next six months,” Cyclone answered honestly, causing Jake’s joy to disappear in a flash. “Not that it would be for an extended deployment, but you’ll certainly be on a short list, Hangman.” 
“I understand, sir,” he stated, looking down at his paperwork. 
A note of silence passed between them and Cyclone leaned back in his seat, folding his hands in front of him. Glancing at photos of his own family, Cyclone turned back to Hangman, who was reading through the paperwork in front of him. 
“Hondo tells me that your girlfriend is expecting,” Cyclone continued, causing Jake to nod in confirmation, though he kept his gaze focused on the paperwork. “Congratulations.” 
“Thank you, sir.” 
“I wish that I could offer you a guarantee, Hangman. Any sort of guarantee.”
“That’s not the industry that we’re in, sir,” Jake replied simply, picking his head up. “I understand that. She understands that.” 
“The promotion ceremony is in two weeks. Saturday,” Cyclone responded after a few moments. “I look forward to meeting her then.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
You walked into your and Jake’s apartment building, and stopped to grab your mail. Unlocking the small mailbox, you pulled the door open and grabbed the small batch of envelopes. You walked over to the elevator as you flipped through them, mentally organizing them. 
Bill. Spam. Spam. Bill. More spam. Even more spam. And . . .
You paused, looking at the last envelope. It was blue and shaped like a card, though it wasn’t close to either of your birthdays. Flipping it over, you paused when you saw that the return address was in Texas. And the name Georgia Seresin had to be Jake’s mom’s name, wouldn’t it? 
Jake got a card from his mom. 
Though you thought it was weird, especially because Jake swore up and down that he didn’t talk to his parents, you brushed it off. It wasn’t addressed to you, so it wasn’t yours to open. You would just tell Jake about it when he got home. 
Taking the elevator up, you headed into your apartment. Setting the mail down in the corner, you walked over to the couch and flopped down, exhausted from your day. Turning on the fan that Jake set up on the coffee table for you, you laid down and scrolled through your phone. 
And then promptly fell asleep a minute later.
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chososchalupa · 9 months
New to school
Fem!Reader x Megumi
♡ About! Yuji’s sister is new to Jujutsu High and Megumi may cause more issues than she’s ready for
Ch.12 - written
WC - 1.11K
The walk to Megumi's room was too short for your liking, your anxiety bubbling in your chest as you reached his door. You looked back the way you came, ‘Maybe I should just turn back’ you thought, ‘No, I have to do this’. You fought with yourself before you finally built up enough courage to knock on his door.
The door opened slowly and when you looked up from your shoes, you saw a puffy-eyed Megumi who looked like he was still on the verge of tears. He turned around without saying a word and walked back towards his bed, you looked down the hallway one last time before following him into his room.
“Here,” he said softly, handing you the clothes you had left there.
“Thanks” you whispered back, “I still have your shirt, you never messaged me back so I took it back to my room to wash it”
He nodded at your statement, “I’m sorry”
You snapped your head up from looking at your hands and stared into his eyes, “what?”
Megumi sighed loudly, running his hands through his hair before looking back towards you, “I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for the constant teasing, the drink at the mall, the party, and I’m really sorry for trying to turn everyone against you. The truth is, I was scared you were taking Yuji and Nobara away from me”
You looked at him with a confused look, “taking them from you? Are you serious?”
Anger overcame your anxiety as you glared at him, “You did all of this because you were scared I was taking your friends from you? Tell me you’re joking, Megumi. That is the most childish and selfish reason I have ever heard”
Megumi refused to look up from the floor as you continued,
“You tried ruining my entire life, do you understand that? I didn’t even want to take them from you. I wanted us all to be friends. And even at the party, I was willing to look past everything you did after you apologized because I just wanted your friendship and then you KISSED me and that fucked up everything I thought I had figured out and it was all just a game for you” Tears streamed down your face as you yelled at him, you weren’t sure if they were from anger or sadness. Maybe both.
“I didn’t know-“ he started, still staring at the ground but was quickly cut off by your hand slapping him across the cheek. His eyes finally looked up towards yours as his hand moved to touch where you hit.
“You didn’t know, Megumi? That’s your excuse?” You went to hit him again but he grabbed your wrist and held it down.
“Please don’t. I know I deserve it but I don’t want to have to go to Shoko again”
You huffed in response before pulling your wrist away from his grip. “You deserve so much worse than a slap across the face”
He nodded in agreement, “I know I do and I know my reasoning was childish. I’ve just lost so many people in my life and I already lost Yuji once, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking I was losing him again. It was immature, I know. You didn’t deserve anything I did. I’m sorry”
“Thank you for apologizing but,” You shook your head “You know you’ll never lose Yuji, Megumi. I swear he loves you more than he loves me sometimes. You guys are best friends”
Megumi chuckled softly at that, “That’s doubtful. He loves you a lot. He almost beat my ass when I told him the truth about everything. Everyone had to hold him back, and I really mean everyone”
You looked at Megumi wide-eyed, “HE almost beat YOU up?”
“He did. Did he not tell you?” he asked
“No, he didn’t seem mad at all when he came to my room. He just looked sad”
Megumi stayed silent after you finished your sentence, playing with loose strings on his blanket.
“I’ll forgive you on two conditions” You smiled
A small smile appeared on Megumis face, “What are the conditions?”
“One, I get to pour soda over your head, just for us to get a little even. And Two, you let my brother hit you once”
Megumis smile slowly vanished throughout your sentence, “I just said I didn’t want to go back to shoko”
You waved your hand at his words before pulling him up from his bed, “So do you agree or not? One hit won’t send you to Shoko”
He waited a few seconds before replying, “Fine. Let’s go.”
“Yuuuuuji” you announced as you opened the door to your room
“How was- Woah, what is he doing here?” Yuji asked as you walked into your room with Megumi trailing behind you.
You looked up at Megumi before turning back to Yuji, “Hit him”
“She said to hit him” Nobara giggled
“Yeah, thanks. I heard her. Why?”
“She told me she’d forgive me on two conditions, the second being a hit from you. So can we just get it over with?” Megumi grumbled, his arms folded across his chest
“Are you sure, Megs? I’m sure we can come up with something else” Yuji asked
“We did!” You smiled, “I also get to pour soda over his head!”
Nobara burst out laughing, “No fucking way. I’m definitely recording that”
You laughed with her before looking at your brother, “Hurry it up, Yuji!”
Yuji looked at Megumi for reassurance and Megumi gave a small nod before closing his eyes tightly. Yuji sighed, standing up and walking towards Megumi, “I’m sorry, bro” he said, before punching Megumi in the stomach causing him to drop to his knees in pain.
“I’m so sorry, Megs. Are you okay? I didn’t even use all my strength!!” Yuji dropped to the floor with him.
“He’ll be fine after this” you giggled as you grabbed your can of Coke from your desk and promptly tipped it over Megumis head.
“Are we even now?” Megumi asked, coke dripping down his face as his eyes finally cracked open.
You smiled at him, “We’re even, Gumi. For now”
“Finally!” Nobara shouted as she jumped from your bed, “Do you guys wanna go shopping? I told Maki you guys got even and she wants us all to go with them!”
Megumi glared at her before motioning to his hair, “Can I shower first?” he asked, causing everyone to laugh. You looked around at everyone with a smile on your face. Finally, it was over. You finally got what you’ve been waiting for since you started here. Your new school really wasn’t going to be so bad.
last chapter 😔😔 will continue writing short stories w yujis sister x megumi though if you guys want them bc i think it’s a cute lil au.
also i did rewrite this a bit just to cause megumi some more pain LMFAO
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abbatoirablaze · 4 months
Surrogate Luna, Chapter 26
Word Count:  1.9k
Warnings:  mentions of death/murder/corpses, mentions of blood, a/b/o dynamics, using someone as a diversion, manipulation.
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“You’ll never forgive yourself if you don’t do it, James…”
He sighed as he looked over at her, knowing that she was right.  Between them, in the large bed, were the children, snuggled up and safe.  They’d come into their bedroom a few hours previously, complaining that they had bad dreams, and Bucky was the first to funnel the children to their bed so that the pups could snuggle in safety between their parents.
“I know,” he admitted softly, admiring the little nuances of Stevie and Saradia that reminded him of the couple’s missing piece, “but I worry about what happens after we save him, Cinna.”
She leaned up on her elbow, “what do you mean?”
“Our dynamics,” he shrugged, “our dynamics with Steve.  The pups…our pup.  Will Steve even accept us?  He’s spent a lot of time pushing us away, omega.  You’ve only seen a small bit of what he can do when he feels cornered by anyone.  I’ve seen the full picture before.  It’s not pretty.”
Cinna sighed, reaching out to take Bucky’s hand in her own.  Slowly, she placed it over her heart, “Do you feel that, James?”
“Your heart?”
She nodded, “yes.”
He nodded in response, “of course I feel it, omega…Even without my hand over it, I feel the echo within my bones.  Just like I’ll always remember the same echo that comes from Steve’s heart even though we haven’t completed our ceremony.”
“Replace that echo with the amount of love and trust that I have for both you and Steve, regardless of what’s happened in the past” she offered, “I know that you are afraid.  I’m afraid too.  But I also know that Steve must be as well.  When he saw us at the summit, it was obvious that he didn’t expect it.  I don’t think he ever thought that we would find each other.  And to see us both there…without him…”
“Why did he stay if he realized how incomplete he was without us?”
“Sharon still has her mark on him,” she sighed, biting her lip, “yes, we could have removed it chemically, but he has grown dependent on her.  You know how they say that an alpha becomes weaker if they chose the wrong mate?  Well that happened in his case with her.  She’s siphoning off his power and strength.  But, I would never ask Steve to go through the pain that I went through when Sharon and her mutts forced me to get Steve’s mark removed.”
“James,” she whispered softly, looking lovingly at her mate, “do not fault Steve because of his personality…you never doubt yourself.  You’re strong…and confident.  But Steve…he’s only ever dealt with insecurity and weakness.  He was a sickly pup.  His father manipulated him into staying away from you.  Filled his head with notions of responsibility that he never believed in.  Our mate is lost…and it is our duty to find him…bring him home…and love him for everything that he is, and everything that he is not.”
“You’re right omega,” he replied after a moment to pause and think on it, “if Sharon’s planning on taking him down before his next rut is over we don’t have long…”
“Take Yelena, Natasha, and Clint!” she ordered softly, “we don’t need to alert her allies that you are paying her a visit.  I trust them to be stealthy in recovering our missing piece.”
“I love you, omega…”
“Yeah yeah,” she giggled softly as she laid on her side, her hand grazing over her baby bump, “be smart…and bring back our mate so that we can finally be complete.  And James?”
“I love you…”  
“It’s too quiet…”
Bucky’s eyes snapped to that of Natasha’s and then to Clints. 
They had managed to make the drop onto the outside borders of the Rogers pack without alerting anyone, and had managed to make it all the way up to the packhouse without seeing any patrols.
“Are they really this stupid?” Yelena growled as she turned towards her sister, “are they so sure of themselves that no one would come for them?”
“Focus, kid!” Nat growled at her younger sibling, “you never know what is a trap or not until you’re right in the thick of it!”
“Both of you!” Clint hissed, looking between the sisters, “we’re supposed to be quiet.”
“Doesn’t feel like there’s much of a point,” Bucky frowned as he continued to look for any sign that the packhouse was inhabited.  But just as he was about to come out of the shadows two younger men came around the corner, talking about how they didn’t want to be on watch.  Bucky pulled Yelena back to himself, while Clint pulled Natasha into the shadows he waited in.  When it was clear, they looked to Bucky, “first two we’ve run into, and we’ve been on the Rogers pack land for hours…”
“Something’s off!” Clint agreed, catching the curious tone of his alpha, “want me to raise the alarm?  Draw out the guns?”
“Take Natasha,” he nodded, “go around to the Northeast corner, but stay in the shadows.  Don’t let them see you.  Pull them to the woods and me and Yelena will go for Steve.”
“You really okay going into a packhouse without much backup?”
“What?” Yelena asked her sister, “you don’t think that me and Alpha Barnes can handle it?”
The two sisters shared a look before Bucky urged them forward.  He gave Yelena a disappointed look.
“If you keep acting like a child, I’ll remove you from future endeavors, Yelena…”
“It’s just some friendly banter.”
“And we’re on task,” he grunted, leaving her behind when he heard the whistles going off just north of them a few minutes later.  He found himself at the edge of the tree line as he watched for additional lights and voices, but was surprised when only a few more people funneled from the packhouse and after Nat and Clint, “odd…”
“They must be locked in tight,” Yelena commented, “Sharon might be preparing to kill your mate, alpha.”
“There would be more lights!” he frowned, “some acknowledgement that wolves were there!  It looks almost abandoned.”
“You think something is wrong?” she asked, “a trap?”
“Only one way to find out!”
And before she could question him once more, he was stealthily making his way to the house, looking out for any wolves.
But they encountered none. 
Not even a single one when they slipped into the back door, which was unlocked.
Nor when they made their way up the stairs and Bucky started following the overwhelming smell of Steve’s rut-induced scent.
It made his hindbrain scream for his mate, a hunger rising up within his own primal nature. 
Bucky snapped out of his thoughts, looking towards Yelena, “what?”
“I’ve been calling after you, chasing you for minutes!” she hissed, “where are you going?”
Bucky looked around.
He was not on the main floor of the packhouse.
Instead, he’d managed to make his way through the house, and in front of a heavy door, “I-I think that Steve might be here, Yel…”
“Oh, I know that he’s here,” she sneered, her nose twitching as she could smell the pungency in his scent, “he’s ripe…and still alive at that.  But it doesn’t smell like a normal alpha that’s gone into a rut, Bucky…there’s something…different.”
Bucky went for the door once more, and Yelena pulled him back. 
He growled at her, “what are you doing?”
“It might be a trap!” she said quickly, “you have to let me go first, alpha!”
“Steve is on the other side of that-“
“And Sharon might be too!” she reminded him, “it is the job of Nat, Clint, and myself to protect you under any and all circumstances.  Let me do that, alpha!  We don’t know that it’s not a trap, and Steve smells so strong…I-I can’t promise that she’s not on the other side of that door with him, waiting for us.  Can you?”
“But Stev-“
“Is alive!” she pointed out, “now please.  Alpha…I promised your mate that you would be brought home with Steve…both of you in one piece.  And I’d like to keep that promise.”
Bucky gave her a firm frown, but moved out of the way, allowing her to take hold of the handle. 
“Yes alpha?”
“I’m sorry about earlier,” he frowned, “calling you a kid.  You know how to make the right calls even when I’m emotionally clouded.”
“I am a kid, Bucky…it’s good to call me out on it every once in a while!” she smiled, before pushing the door open. 
Bucky felt like he was holding his breath as Yelena disappeared into the room.  When she opened the door a second later, he felt his heart sinking. 
Steve had pushed himself into the far corner with his back to them.  He was curled up and facing the wall.  From his neck was a heavy looking collar with an even heavier chain that had him bolted to the hardwood floor. 
Around the anchor point Bucky saw claw marks that looked so deep that there were parts of his claws embedded in the flooring. 
Blood littered the room. 
But he wasn’t sure just who all of it belonged to. 
Sure, some of it had to be Steve’s, but there was no way that it all belonged to him.  And in the corner just on the edge of the bed, Bucky could see corpses, or at least, the parts of them that Steve didn’t eat.
“Oh my god!” Yelena gasped, finally processing the entire scene, “she’s let him go feral…”
Steve’s eyes snapped in their direction as he looked over his shoulder. 
Bucky felt his breath catch in his throat as his mate’s eyes were black with thick amber rings, “Steve.”
He snarled, charging towards them, but was immediately pulled back by the chain when he’d reached the end of its length. 
Bucky felt his eyes watering as he took a few steps forward.  Yelena went to grab her alpha’s arm, but Bucky kept her at bay. Steve snarled, his eyes going to where Yelena was reaching out to.
“Yel…Steve’s feral…he-he knows that we’re mates…if you reach out to me, it’s only going to agitate him.  I need you to go and find Clint and Nat…take care of Sharon’s people and find the key for his chains…”
“Where is-“
“YELENA GO!” he commanded, “he won’t hurt me…but he will try to hurt you…and he’ll hurt himself if you get between us by trying to get to us.”
Steve watched through dark eyes as the younger she-wolf evacuated the room, no doubt to follow the commands of her alpha. 
“Steve…” Bucky whimpered after a second, “Steve…I know you’re in there…”
Steve’s lip twitched as he looked at the other alpha.  Bucky went to step towards him, and Steve growled once more. 
The word seemed to affect him. 
The confusion laced his features as he looked at Bucky.  And for a swift moment, it looked like he was battling himself internally before his eyes cleared ever so slightly.
His voice was raspy, “B-Bucky…what ar-“
“Don’t talk,” he begged, “you need to save your energy.  You’re feral, Steve…Sharon must have-“
“Sharon-“ he croaked, cutting his mate off.  His eyes snapped to the door behind himself, and he reached to the chains, attempting to pull himself away from the anchor point, “Buck…they-this was a trap.  They’re going after her…she’s going after Cinna…and the pups.  Sh-“
Bucky felt his heart plummet into the pit of his stomach, “what?”
“Buck…we have to get back!” he begged, eyes wild, “Sharon knew that you would come for me…she’s going to kill Cinna and the pups!  Everyone but a select few left with her…they’re going to your pack lands right now.  It’s a trap.”
Chapter 27
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @mrsevans90, @skulliecadaver-blog
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Still A Sunbeam
Summary: As a child, Elain Archeron is pushed into a pond by the heir to the Day Courts throne, Lucien Spell-Cleaver, and vows she'll never forgive him for it. But as an adult, Elain finds that if she wants out of an arranged marriage to a Spring Court prince, she will need Day Court's help. More is at stake than a decades-old rivalry, and when their home is threatened, Elain and Lucien will have to set aside old differences and work together
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Read on AO3
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Cadmus returned a few hours after he’d left her, appearing in the door she hadn’t bothered to close. Ever immaculate, the second born son smiled that wolfish grin as he stepped into the room.
“Sister,” he crooned, crossing his arms against his chest. 
“Don’t say that so loudly,” she warned, all but bouncing off the bed. Elain was bored. It had taken her ten minutes to unpack her things and Arina had never returned from wherever she’d gone with Eris. Elain knew she shouldn’t be frustrated but she was. Stupidly, she’d believed she and Arina were in this together.
But Elain was on her own, at least when it came to navigating Autumn. And clearly Cadmus was going to be her unofficial guide through it all, smirking like his older brother—like his younger brother, too. It must be a genetic thing, she decided, because she knew she’d seen that arrogant look on Lucien’s face more than once. 
Elain sighed. She missed Lucien which made her feel a little pathetic. She was certain he’d found ways to entertain himself and by the time she returned would have a whole host of stories for her. Elain didn’t believe for a second he was pining the way she was.
“Ashamed?” Cadmus asked, leaning casually against the frame of the door. She bet the ladies of Autumn went wild when they saw that. He was handsome in an aristocratic sort of way, with elegant, sharp features that could slice as easily as any knife. He was the only one of the Vanserra’s to have hair that was more brown than red, still coppery but in a darker, warmer sort of way. His features skewed toward his fathers and she wondered how that made him feel when he looked in the mirror.
She liked him, though. Liked him much more than she was sure to like the High Lord, at any rate. 
“No, I’m not ashamed,” Elain replied loftily, poking him in his broad chest when she reached him. “I don’t need you broadcasting what I told you all over the palace.”
Cadmus arched one elegantly groomed brow. “And when you return?”
“Would you like to be penpals?” Elain asked him with syrupy sweetness.
Cadmus’s expression shifted for a moment. “I’d like to see my mother more often.”
Ah. Elain mouthed a wordless oh, because she understood what he was asking—would she use her influence on Lucien so his half-brothers could visit without so much animosity. Elain’s heart ached at the thought of how little they must have gotten to see her and what it was like knowing she was happy without being able to see it for themselves. 
“I’ll talk to him,” Elain murmured softly. Anyone who stumbled on the scene at hand would think something intimate was happening between them which was better and safer than the truth. Killain would be irate but he was always angry when another male was in her vicinity. 
Cadmus exhaled a breath Elain hadn’t realized he’d been holding. His shoulders slumped for only a moment before he straightened himself back out and offered her that same arrogant smile.
“Yes,” she lied. Elain wanted to meet everyone who’d come and get a sense of what she’d be doing. Lucien had given her a rundown on the rather boring piece of policy Beron wanted to debate.
Which was shattered the moment Cadmus casually said, “Atticus is trying to rally the seasonal courts into strong arming the Night Court into war. They’ll see you as an ally.”
“Is she a prisoner?” Elain asked, certain there was no one and nothing that could keep Feyre if she didn’t truly want to be there. Not even the fearsome North and their Daemati powers were enough. 
Cadmus shrugged casually, falling into step with Elain. His smoke gray pants and navy blue jacket were a rather lovely combination against his complexion, and made him seem more naughty prince than anything. “No one knows. There is a rumor Feyre sent a letter, but no one has seen it so whether that's true or lies from Night Court, well…you’ll have to take Atticus at his word.”
“Atticus is…” A liar, though she didn’t dare say that. Not when Cadmus likely was, too. And she knew too well that these males often pulled rank and protected each other, regardless of the circumstances or female wishes. If Feyre was saying no, but Atticus was saying yes, Cadmus and Tarquin and maybe Lucien, too, was likely to fall in line. After all, if one female said no and they were forced to honor it, what stopped the rest of them from saying no, too?
Cadmus raised both brows. “I’m interested in your reaction specifically, princess.”
Elain narrowed her eyes, though she supposed princess was better than sister. “Is Tarquin here?”
“Yes,” Cadmus murmured, fingers brushing her back as he led her down a flight of stairs. “Viviane, too.”
Viviane felt like a dream to Elain. Had she once been jealous of Lucien dancing with the Winter princess…or…whatever she was? General to the High Lord who’d been unable to drag his eyes off her, at any rate. Elain wondered if Viviane would be an ally or if she’d side with the males. 
Reaching between them, Elain grabbed Cadmus’s hand. “Don’t let Atticus take me out of here.”
Cadmus paused. “Are you asking for sanctuary?”
“No, I—”
No. She couldn’t get stuck in Autumn and didn’t think the High Lord would ever let her leave. She’d become leverage in his silent war against Helion, made worse when he realized he had the prince's mate. 
“I’m asking you not to let Atticus take me out of Autumn.”
“I can’t stop him if he’s your prince,” Cadmus reminded her. Elain loathed all these rules that bound females unfairly to males and their territory. She hadn’t claimed Lucien and he hadn’t claimed her, hadn’t renounced her home in Spring. Cadmus’s steps slowed, his eyes burning the skin of her cheek. “Is he?”
“So I say you are—”
“You say my brother is,” Cadmus murmured, his voice so soft she felt like he was speaking directly in her mind. “And force me to honor our blood.”
Lucien would kill her for this. She knew he wanted his brothers to learn about his bond at the same time everyone else did. Was she foolish to trust the Vanserra’s when conventional wisdom told her not to? No one in their right mind would entrust the second born Vanserra to a secret of this magnitude.
“Lucien is my mate,” she breathed. Cadmus’s eyes widened for only a moment, bright with wonder. 
“I ought to spend more time in Day,” he finally said, rubbing his hand against the back of his neck. “No one knows?”
“Eris does,” she said, grateful he’d kept that secret when it might have served him better to tell his family. Cadmus didn’t seem surprised to hear that. “And Lucien, of course.”
“He hasn’t claimed you—”
“He can’t,” she hissed, forgetting that in Autumn, males owned their mates. If Lucien had been born in Autumn, he could have declared it before court and culturally, the expectation would be that Elain would accept. Spring was the exact same way, but Day, like the other solar courts, allowed females to decide whether they accepted the bond. She could see Cadmus chewing on this knowledge. He knew it in theory—but he was watching it play out in practice and it clearly confused him.
“Are you?” he finally asked, his face a strange mix of wonder and vulnerablity. 
“Maybe,” she replied, poking him in the ribs. “Feeling sorry for Lucien, are you?”
Cadmus scowled. “No.”
“That’s good to hear,” Elain said with a smile, gripping Cadmus’s arm once again. “I promise he is not suffering.”
A cruel smile spread over Cadmus’s face—the sort that told her he was about to ask her something wildly inappropriate. She was spared by Atticus, who rounded the same corner they were coming down only to nearly crash into Cadmus. She’d forgotten how tall and imposing the future High Lord was. He halted, his severe, tan face eyeing them both with distaste. He knew, now. And there was no doubt in Elain’s mind that Killian would be informed at some point. 
Those pine green eyes landed on her, lip curling with distaste. “What are you doing here?” he asked roughly, the demand clanging through her.
“She’s Day Court’s emissary,” Cadmus snapped, speaking when Elain’s mouth opened silently. Heart thudding, she didn’t think she could speak to Atticus. Not without making herself look small and foolish.
Atticus smiled, then, his whole face lighting up as though Cadmus had told a particularly funny joke. “Of course she is. Just as you and I are newly crowned High Lords. My brother is looking for you.”
“He knows how to find me,” Elain said, but the waver in her voice betrayed her. Atticus’s smile was undimmed.
And then he was gone, swanning past the pair of them like they were little more than an annoyance to him. Cadmus watched, fingers clenched to fists at his sides. “Don’t know where he thinks he’s fucking going,” Cadmus grumbled, placing one callused hand against her back. “Dining room is this fucking way.”
“He’s going to call Killian—” 
“So?” Cadmus interrupted impatiently. “You knew that.”
But knowing it and being confronted with seeing Killian, who was going to try and drag her home, were two entirely different things. And Elain didn’t know how to navigate this situation. Grabbing Cadmus roughly, she pulled her toward a shadowy corner just outside the twin doors carved with the image of a long-dead dragon. 
“I kissed him, once,” she said. Had she told anyone that? Maybe Arina—definitely not Lucien. Cadmus’s brows furrowed, struggling to understand why it mattered. “Killian has been kissing females his whole life. Surely—”
“But he wants to be married, and he’s…you know….how they think about these things.”
“Are you suggesting I think every female I kiss belongs to me?” he asked archly.
“No,” she snapped in response. “You only think they belong to you if you want them for longer than a night or two!”
Cadmus smiled. “You’ve got me there. This is a serious gathering Elain and not an engagement party. Killian still needs the permission of the High Lord to attend and father famously hates everyone. He’s not letting the second Spring son into his home when he didn’t want the first one.”
“Are you sure?”
Cadmus shrugged. “No. Father does things for his own reasons more often than I can count. But I would bet he’s not half as interested in your personal life as Killian is, and he’ll want everyone out just as soon as he can manage.”
And for some reason, that made Elain feel a little better. Everything felt as though it revolved around her and hearing Cadmus say no one was half as interested in her as she was felt reassuring, if nothing else.
With that in mind, Cadmus tugged her toward the doors that would take the pair of them to dinner. With every new step, Cadmus seemed to fade into a male she didn’t recognize. Straight spine, bored expression, and an almost lazy gait. He was every inch one of the Autumn bastards then, leading her into the high ceilinged dining room as though she were of no consequence to him. 
Eris was already there, sitting at a high table at the far end of the room just beside his father. Arina sat beside Viviane, her back to the Autumn prince a few feet away. The two blondes were smiling brightly, ignoring a table of nearby Autumn court males watching them with wolfish expressions. 
From behind them, Tarquin shoulder checked Cadmus. “Excuse me,” the handsome Summer prince murmured, winking once at Elain before making his way toward Viviane. Slipping away her arm, Elain did the same, taking the last chair at the little table already laden with food. Cadmus sauntered off, seemingly unbothered. He didn’t so much as look at her, even when Elain stared him down. He merely joined his brothers away from the high table where his brother and father sat, eating and making rude gestures at a table of nearby giggling females.
“What are you two talking about?” Elain asked, turning back to Viviane and Arina. 
“The Hybern General,” Viviane said, blue eyes crinkled at the edges. She was, if Elain recalled correctly, one of the Winter High Lords most trusted soldiers. A General in her own right, not that she appeared so in her soft, wintergreen dress. “She’s in Spring right now.”
“Atticus is here, though,” Elain said with surprise. She’d seen him in the hall—surely he’d want to stay with his father if a foreign dignitary was joining.
“He was forced here to deal with the Feyre Archeron situation,” Viviane said blithely, forgetting that Feyre was related to Elain by blood. “And I suspect the High Lord doesn’t want an audience to his meeting with her.”
“Or he’s showing her the wall,” Tarquin said casually, picking at a strawberry from a bowl. “Rumors swirl, princess, that Hybern is after more territory.”
“He’d have to be short sighted and stupid,” Arina chimed in, watching Tarquin with an unreadable expression. “Where does he think Hybern will turn once he’s slaughtered the humans?”
“Maybe he hopes to work out some deal. Make himself regent–”
“The High Lord of Spring would never rule under someone else,” Elain interrupted, thinking of that proud, haughty male. “He’d be aiming for High King.”
“He’ll die, just last,” Viviane whispered as Atticus stomped back in, his face twisted with anger. “But not before damning us all to a war on two fronts.”
“Three,” Tarquin replied, popping a grape into his mouth. “He’s been looking for a fight with the High Lord of Night for centuries. He’s finally found it. Just something to think about as we decide Feyre Archeron’s fate.”
“Lucien Spell-Cleaver is doing that already, is he not?” Viviane asked, eyes turning to Elain. Elain had no idea what Lucien was doing while she was away, and thought it was a trap to admit she had any interest in his coming and goings. She shrugged, taking a page from Tarquin’s playbook. Arina, of course, knew better—she knew better than any of them what Lucien might be doing.
She said nothing, drumming her fingers against the table.
“So the seasonal courts agree Night has stolen a Spring Court princess and…what? We force her back—”
“And put the prince on trial,” Tarquin murmured, leaning forward on his elbows. “Draw out his father from his mountain court where he’s much easier to assassinate. Kill the son, see the power transfer to someone more…aggreeable. Like the High Lord’s brother, for instance.”
“A stupid plan,” Arina hissed softly. “Stupider if he thinks someone like Beron would ever bend the knee for him.”
“One thing at a time,” Viviane said cooly, reaching for her fork. “Feyre Archeron today, Prythian’s politics tomorrow. How are you planning to vote?”
“I’ll be waiting to hear what Lucien Spell-Cleaver has to say,” Tarquin replied, glancing at Elain. “He’s honorable—and if she’s been forced, he won’t pretend otherwise, Solar Court alliance or not.”
Tarquin’s gaze slid to her, and Elain knew he was thinking about the night on that pleasure barge when Lucien by rights could have taken her. She’d been throwing herself at him. Begging him, even. And Lucien had locked her up, had put her to bed, and hadn’t touched her any more than was required to keep her safe. She wondered if that was what kept Tarquin from saying anything else. Lucien had mentioned Tarquin suspected what was happening between them when he’d warned her who might be in Autumn. 
Elain was grateful for his silence. 
“I heard she wrote a letter renouncing her home in Spring,” Viviane said, looking once again at Elain. “And if that’s true, I won’t be calling to bring her back, and neither will Kallias.”
“Very progressive of you,” Tarquin said with a slick smile. Viviane’s answering smile was just as vicious, lethal in its beauty. Like she knew some secret about the prince none of the rest of them did—a secret she, too, was choosing not to divulge, at least for now. Elain didn’t care. Sitting at that table, Elain could only think of Feyre.
What trouble have you gotten yourself in this time?
“What are you painting?” he began, well aware she’d been working on a portrait of Rhysand. That didn’t seem to bode well for the Spring Court princess—was her mind consumed with him? And if it was, had Rhysand been the cause of that. He could scent nothing unusual about her. Not even sex, which he would have assumed would be present had Rhysand so much as touched her. That’s what Tamlin was alleging, at least partly. Feyre’s compliance was all forced. 
Scanning her form, Lucien couldn’t detect a spell bound around her. A bargain shimmered against her forearm, but that was hardly a secret given the swirling, black-inked tattoo was visible to anyone with a working pair of eyes. 
“Nothing,” she said, cheeks dark with embarrassment. Lucien was tempted to look behind him and see if Rhysand was still watching and didn’t think he’d like what he’d see. Feyre Archeron rose from her chair, fair skin splattered with multi-colored dots of paint. Planting her hands on her hips, she demanded, “Are you taking me back to Spring?”
“I could take you to Day Court, if you’re looking for sanctuary,” Lucien replied evenly. Feyre considered this for a moment, clearly not expecting him to offer an alternative. 
“With Elain?”
“Yes,” he agreed, picking up a dry paintbrush on a little stand by her easel. “I’m sure she’d be very happy to see you.”
Feyre snorted. “Annoyed, more like it. Nesta is here—no one is trying to drag her back.”
“I suppose they assume she plans to return at some point.”
“Well, that’s stupid considering she’s training with—”
“Feyre!” Rhysand interrupted, his smooth voice sharper than usual. “Manners, darling.”
Lucien did turn, then, sighing with exasperation. “You don’t have to watch, you know.”
Rhysands expression shifted, eyes wholly focused on Feyre. He said nothing for a period so long Lucien had began to wonder if he wasn’t going insane. Turning, he saw Feyre’s grinning back at him and— 
“Oh, Cauldron boil me! You’re doing very little to convince me she isn’t under your control, you know.”
“I’m not,” Feyre said with a sullen expression. “You don’t need to know everything.”
Lucien caught how Rhysand flinched at Feyre’s declaration Lucien didn’t need to know everything. Lucien raised his brows and decided to play a little harder. “Alright. Take me back, then—”
“She means about my territory,” Rhysand said smoothly, pushing off the door frame he was leaned again. “Not about her stay here. Isn’t that right, darling?”
“Oh, but of course,” she bit back sarcastically. “As I’m just a silly female, it makes total sense that the only way I’d be able to make my own decision was if another male was controlling my mind.”
Rhysand smothered his grin. “Play nice.”
Feyre rounded on him, arms crossed over her chest. “How is my sister? Do you boss her around, too?”
Lucien sighed. “Hardly.”
Feyre didn’t bother to hide her smile. “Good. I hope she’s giving you hell. She hates you, you know.”
“Yes, I am well aware of Elain’s feelings toward me,” Lucien replied dryly. He didn’t mention that those feelings had shifted because this wasn’t about him or Elain, but preventing an absurd civil war over one female Lucien was relatively certain had come of her own accord. “Why Night Court, Feyre?”
She chewed the inside of her cheek, turning toward the window looking over the mountains. “Nesta was here and I thought…Elain is practically engaged, and I think she’s content with that. I worried if I came to her, she’d urge me to go back. I snuck in–”
“How did you manage that?” Lucien asked, genuinely curious. Feyre glanced at Rhysand, something silent spoken between them. Lucien caught Rhysand subtly shake his head no.
“Their mind control doesn’t work on me,” Feyre told him, defiance flashing in those silvery blue eyes. “I’m daemati, too.”
Lucien blinked. A seer and a daemati in the same family. “Does Spring know—”
“No,” she said quickly, defiance replaced with panic. “And they can’t. This is between us, Spell-Cleaver.”
He inclined his head. “So, you can’t be manipulated. You sneak into Night. What then?”
“Rhysand picked me up at the border and brought me here.”
Lucien very much doubted that was the entirety of the story. He’d seen the city below, though, and guessed the prince was keeping far more secrets than one beautiful city. That was fine—Lucien was, too. All the courts jealously guarded their territories, hiding it from others who might try and take it if they knew it better. Night was hardly any different. 
“I’m not going back and I’m not marrying him. I wrote him a letter saying as much,” Feyre finished, her voice icy steel. “I know Atticus is convening in Autumn to try and whip the seasonal courts into a frenzy.”
Lucien sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Well, your sister is there on behalf of Day, so I suspect she’ll side with you.”
“You suspect, or you know?”
“I can’t predict Elain’s actions with accuracy,” Lucien replied in his most level tone. Rhysand rolled his eyes. “I don’t think she wants you to go back to Spring.”
“Why don’t you stay for the night?” Rhysand finally said, sliding his hands into his pockets. “Give it the illusion of fairness.”
That was the last thing Lucien wanted. He had to remind himself that going home wouldn’t bring Elain back to him any quicker and would only make him more restless. At least here he could pester Rhysand about Night and get to know Feyre a little better. He knew so little about her life before she’d come to him, though he knew the stories. Of course he knew of Feyre, but he didn’t know her well.
It was cynical, but maybe if he got in good with Feyre, Elain wouldn’t be so afraid to accept the mating bond—
“Mating bond?!” Feyre’s surprised gasp pulled Lucien from his thoughts. Even Rhysand’s eyes went wide, surprised by the news. “You and Elain are mates?”
Rhysand began laughing, pulling his hands from his pockets to cross them over his chest. “Oh, how funny, Spell-Cleaver.”
Lucien was tempted to divulge Rhysand’s secret right then and there. Careful with his thoughts, Lucien snarled, “My head isn’t an open play ground for you.”
“Forgive me for not trusting you,” she replied dismissively. “You were practically screaming them at me, besides.”
“We talked about this,” Rhysand murmured reproachfully. 
“Is he your teacher?”
“She has to earn her keep somehow,” Rhysand said smoothly. “Just like Elain does.”
“I asked him to,” Feyre said, defensive all over again. “You don’t know what it’s like to know everyones thoughts all the time.”
Lucien couldn’t imagine—didn’t want to imagine. That seemed like a particular kind of hell, hearing what everyone thought of you as they were thinking it, even as they smiled to your face and lied. He wondered if that didn’t play a part in why Feyre was so desperate to get away from Tamlin. She knew exactly what he thought of her—what he wanted, what he expected, even if his lips said something different. 
“It’s quiet here,” she told him with a slump of her shoulders. “I feel like I can breathe.”
Lucien tucked a lock of hair behind his ear. “How about lunch?”
Feyre’s eyes perked up. “Can I take him to—”
“Yes,” Rhysand interrupted smoothly, eyes twinkling like a thousand stars. “Don’t give it away. Lucien likes surprises. You two enjoy yourselves. I have to meet my mother at the border—mind what you tell the fox, hm, darling?”
Feyre’s smile was razon sharp. “As you say, princeling.”
Oh, Lucien liked her, even of Rhysand was wrong. Lucien liked nothing of the sort—at least, not the kind Rhysand found amusing. Still, he found himself charmed by Feyre Archeron and her easy, unguarded emotions. He sympathized with her.
And if she wanted to take him to lunch, well. Lucien was happy to tag along.
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Rolan drunkenly lashes out at Amelie and then later apologizes. Set in Act 2. SFW.
“…There’s another bottle of Arabellan Dry back there. Put it on the bar, then piss off and leave me alone.”
Amelie was overjoyed to hear the tiefling’s voice but then worry strangled any elation she felt.
He’s drunk.
He’s yelling at the children.
His siblings were taken.
“Jaheira said we should serve drinks, but that we shouldn’t serve drunks.” Ide said proudly.
“Jaheira didn’t save your ragged little tail from the cultists---I did.”
Oh gods.
As she approached him, she cleared her throat softly. “Alfira told me you’re the reason her and the kids escaped.”
Rolan sneered. “Cute---maybe she’ll write a ballad about me. She can leave out the part where my brother and sister were dragged away screaming while I was saving the orphans.” He spun around to face her, demonic yellow eyes narrowed and his jaw set. “If you hadn’t filled their heads with all that self-righteous heroic crap at the grove, none of this would have happened.”
At first, Amelie had no idea what to say.
Da said to always follow my heart because it would never lead me astray.
What if it did? What if it did and now Rolan hates me for it?
After what felt like an eternity, she said, “Then it’s my responsibility to bring them back.”
I won’t let you down, Rolan.
I won’t.
“They’re my responsibility. You go save the world, or your own arse, or whatever it is you do. I’ll fix this.” He turned back around and drank heavily from the bottle.
Her golden eyes burned with unshed tears, her mouth agape.
“Come on, darling. Let’s go find that cleric of Jaheira’s.” Astarion said not unkindly, offering his arm.
Not for the first time since her adventure began, Amelie cried herself to sleep.
Rolan, I’m so sorry. I’ll make it up to you. I promise. I’ll get them back. I swear. Please, please don’t hate me.
“Ahem, may I join you, my lady?”
Amelie blinked and then smiled at Rolan, standing like a nervous little boy. Awww! “Of course. Please.” She was sitting on the stone wall outside of Last Light, away from the others. Sometimes you need a little peace and quiet, you know? He nodded quickly and sat next to her, placing his hands in his lap.
He stared at the ground as he began to speak. “I, um, wanted to thank you again for bringing Lia and Cal back, b-but also to apologize for my behavior when you arrived a few days ago. I’m…” Oh gods, is he crying? Oh no! “I’m ashamed of myself. That’s no way to treat anyone, let alone a lady. I must ask for your forgiveness, your ladyship, though it’s not deserved in any way.”
Her heart broke for him. Reaching for his hand, she took it in hers. “Rolan, please. Just Amelie, and I do forgive you. You were upset and angry…rightfully so—”
One of my tutors called me “stubbornly self-righteous.”
And it nearly got Rolan and his siblings killed.
“My lady,” he lifted his head so he could meet her worried gaze. “Please don’t make excuses for me. I behaved like an uncouth, drunken ass. I beg your forgiveness.”
I want to kiss him.
Don’t do that.
He doesn’t like me in that way. No one does.
She smiled, squeezing his hand. “Oh Rolan, of course I forgive you. You’re my friend.” And that’s all I’ll ever be to you, to anyone, even though it breaks my heart. “That’s what friends do---forgive each other.”
“F-friends? We’re friends?” A single tear fell down a freckled cheek.
Oh Rolan.
You’re so much more than a friend to me.
“I think so. I hope so?” Amelie chuckled, wiping away his tears with a handkerchief. “At least to me you are.”
I want to kiss him.
Tell him how much I care.
Then kiss him some more.
A small smile tugged on his lips. “Yes. Yes, my lady. My friend.” He took both her hands in his, placing them on his lap. “Thank you.”
If I can’t kiss him, then I might as well—
She suddenly pulled Rolan into a hug.
He returned her embrace, groaning. “Good gods, woman! Do you hug all your friends like this?!”
Joke’s on you, Rolan.
Because you’re damn right I do!
“As a matter of fact—”
He groaned again and let go of her. “Hmph, I suppose I’ll need to get used to you hugging me.” Despite his tone, he was smiling like he’s the happiest person in Faerun. He’s so handsome.
I really want to kiss him.
She barely suppressed a yawn and blushed. “Gods, sorry. I should go to bed. It’s been a long day, and tomorrow is another long one.” When she stood, so did he. Rolan offered his arm, which she very happily took. “Are you walking me back, Rolan?”
“Yes, my lady. It’s what a friend would do, no?”
Rolan, you tease.
I see your grin.
You’re teasing me!
Stop thinking about kissing him…
It’ll never happen…
Then again, if I consider my current predicament, it proves that anything can happen.
Amelie did not realize she and Rolan arrived at her room.
“My lady?”
She smiled, feeling more tired by the second. “Thanks, Rolan. Have a good night, and…” SHIT. “You’re a good man. I’m glad you’re my friend.”
I’m in love with you.
You don’t have to shoulder your burdens alone.
You have me.
I’m yours.
Wait, is he blushing? That’s so cute!
“Thank you. You too. Good night, my lady.” He muttered as he disappeared down the hall, posture as stiff as a board.
Was that flirting?
I think it was?
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2dmenenthusiast · 2 years
Last Night on Earth Pt. 3
(Ethan Winters x Gn!Reader)
Me? Finally posting a chapter? Why, it couldn't be! I hope ya'll enjoy!
Also, lemme know if anyone would like to be tagged in this series!
Warnings/other info: references to injury, grief
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5 Pt. 6 Pt. 7 Pt. 8 Pt. 9
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It was cold. The frigid air seeped in through the windows and circulated around the large room. You laid curled up on your bed, knees to your chest. You’d be warmer if you got under the covers, but you didn’t feel like moving. Didn’t feel like showing weakness, which was all you felt the past three days. Weak and helpless.
“Do you know why you’re being punished?”
You turned away from Sister Jude, arms crossed tight against your chest.
“You can be silent all you want. It won’t change the outcome.”
With a huff, you sat up, a glare aimed at the older woman. How could she treat you like this? When it wasn’t even your fault!
You could feel your nose start bleeding again, and you quickly wiped at it. Sister Jude sat on the bed next to you and reached out with a tissue. You slapped her hand away, and she sighed.
“Why must you be so stubborn?”
“I don’t know. Why can’t you punish the jerk that smashed my guitar?”
“Well, maybe it has to do with the fact that he’s currently getting a cast on his arm! Why didn’t you come to me? To any of us?”
You scoffed and stood from the bed, pacing around and throwing your arms out in frustration. “Like you would’ve done anything! All I’d get is another rant from Father O’Neil about ‘being patient’ and ‘forgiveness.’ Screw that!”
“So that means you can just go ahead and start breaking limbs whenever someone upsets you?”
“Like they haven’t done worse to me,” you mumbled under your breath.
She remained for a moment, her eyes searching your face before she sighed and stood from your bed.
“I’ll expect you at confession. If this behavior doesn’t change, you know what will happen.”
When she turned her back, you raised both middle fingers at her and resisted the urge to scream, teeth painfully clenched together. Your eyes stung as you laid back down, hissing in pain and clutching your ribs.
No, you couldn’t tell her about how the other kids dragged you into the bathroom and kicked you until you were bleeding. You couldn’t tell her about the vile and awful things they called you, the notes they stuck on your back when you weren’t looking. Because it would only get worse if you did.
“Well, that’s mildly disturbing.”
You’ve seen more than your fair share of disconcerting things while being trapped in your family home. The occasional decapitated limb, the entrails of the hopeless victims your mother stored in the fridge like it was last night's leftovers. Oh, and not to forget the seven foot tall mold monsters brambling around the property.
Surprised to say, “mummified child corpse” was a new one on the ever growing list.
“That’s underselling it I think,” Ethan muttered, and you took a close look at the paper stapled to the lid.
D-Series cranial nerve
D-series peripheral nerve
“What kind of freaky shit is this?
For how long you’ve been trapped, you feel as if you know about as much now as you did when this all first started. You were completely left in the dark, scrambling for answers like a blind, helpless child. The only clue you had was Mia’s hastily scribbled note she left you before she passed out. But she could barely remember her own name most days, let alone what Evie and her minions were all about or where they came from. Was she even a good person if she was involved in all this from the beginning? Did Ethan really know the woman he was married to?
And what the fuck did she bring to your home? Your family?!
The lid slammed with a loud BANG!, shaking the table underneath and the candles meticulously placed around it. You would’ve picked it up and thrown it through the window if the phone hadn’t interrupted your rage induced fit.
You gripped the phone and put the receiver to your ear. “Zoe, I swear on this god given green earth, if you’re not back inside the fucking trailer—”
“Jesus Christ, would you cool it? I’m back. I’m safe.” She sighed on the other end. You could tell she was exhausted. “You found a serum?”
“No. But we found out how to make one. Had to get through Momma and her bugs to fuckin’ get to it.”
“Yeah, could’ve warned me,” Ethan said, raising his voice so Zoe could hear him.
Your sister chuckled as you raised your hand and pushed Ethan back, stilling him with your stare. He raised his hands and shrugged, turning his back.
“We need a D-series head and an arm. Which the creepy factor in this case isn’t surprising at all.”
“A head? I think I got one around here somewhere.”
Your eyes closed, and you pinched the bridge of your nose. “That’s such a comforting and normal thing to say, Zo. Thank you,”
She laughed, and the sound made your lips twitch. It’s been a while since you heard her actually laugh. It was a comfort to know she was still able to.
“Meet me at the trailer once you get it, alright? And don’t get yourself killed.”
You told her to do the same and hung up, relieved to know that your sister was safe. At least for now. With a huff, your back thumped against the wall, and your eyes met Ethan’s. How long has it been since he first got here? Four hours? Five? It felt like an eternity if you were being honest. Time going by at a snail's pace as you both fought tooth and nail to try and stay alive. 
This serum better fucking work!
“You alright?”
Your chest heaved with a breath, and you watched Ethan’s hand twitch at his side, like he wanted to reach out to you just to make sure.
“I will be.”
You moved to step away from the wall, but Ethan was in front of you in an instant, the intense concern in his eyes freezing you to your spot. His hand raised, and you instinctively flinched away. You knew rationally that he would never hurt you. He didn’t seem like the type. But that lingering paranoia, that smidgen of fear that remained, it lurked like a cold shadow over your shoulder. A constant presence and reminder of things that once plagued you so many years ago.
Your tensed shoulders slowly fell, a small indication that Ethan could continue,  and his fingers gently brushed against the base of your neck. A dull pain throbbed where he touched, and you grimaced at the quick reminder of your mother’s hands around your throat.
“Does it look bad?”
His hand came to rest on your shoulder, thumb gently sweeping over your collar bone and catching the chain of your tags. The cool metal dragged against your chest, goosebumps rising on your skin. His touch was so careful. Considerate. Something you haven’t experienced in a long, long time. And maybe you shouldn’t be craving more of it, because by god, this was a married man and you certainly were not some fucking homewrecker. But a part of you ached when he pulled his hand away, missing his warmth and the comfort that accompanied it.
“I think you’ll survive.”
A smirk tugged at his lips, and you tore your eyes away from him before any other intrusive thoughts were planted in your brain. Your hand rubbed at the back of your neck once Ethan stepped away, smothering the heat that spread over your skin.
You hate that you react like this. It makes you want to claw at your skin. To scrub at it until it’s raw and bleeding. You don’t want to feel like you need anything from Ethan, especially something he couldn’t give you.
Shaking your head, you immediately attempt to disperse any remaining inappropriate thought, steeling your expression and turning towards the small set of stairs leading towards an unsearched part of the house. 
The cluttered room you step into is almost comforting, homey even. If it weren't for the rotting rat stuffed in the basket at your feet.
Your lips curled downwards in a grimace, casting the sight out of your mind as you gently ran your fingers over the piano keys. They moved into a familiar position, gently pressing down until a few gentle notes clinked through. The sound immediately sent you back to a time more pleasant than what you were facing now. A time of gentleness and care.
"You play?" Ethan wondered from behind you.
You shrugged, turning to him. "Momma did. Taught me how to play a few songs. I don't remember much."
He didn't say anything after that, but he could see the heartache in your eyes at the mention of the person your mother used to be.
You quickly moved on, turning the corner and coming across another lantern and another locked door. You experimentally pushed on it, the solid weight under your palms not even giving an inch. You glanced at the lantern on the uneven scale when it hit you.
Son of a-
"We have to find her."
Ethan's eyes were wide, silently asking you what the hell you were implying. "What?"
"It's the only way to get through. Take the light and find the ingredients. You got me?"
“She’s going to slaughter us!”
“Do you wanna get the serum or not?!”
Ethan sighed in defeat, fingers pressing into his eyes. It wasn’t the smartest option, but it was the only one you could see. That, or stay here for the insects to burrow into your skin and fester.
“I’m not gonna go back to the trailer and lick my wounds when we’ve come this far. You told me we could do this, right?” 
Ethan finally looked at you, brows pinched and jaw clenched. You reached out, placing a hand on his arm and squeezing.
“Then let’s get it done.”
There was a monstrously heavy and bleak presence that loomed over you once you made your way back to the hole in the floor. You could feel it clawing at your back, breathing down your neck. It sent your blood pressure spiking, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up as you looked down into the soggy pit. The water had drained, leaving mud and squiggling bugs in its wake, and Ethan reluctantly descended the creaky ladder.
You followed once he made it all the way down and cursed when your foot slipped against the wet wood, fingers tightening their grip. But, Ethan was already there before you could fall, hands on your legs to stabilize you.
“You alright?”
Gulping, you nodded. The warmth of his palms through your jeans seared your skin, and his touch only left you once your feet hit solid ground. Muttering a soft ‘thanks,’ you gingerly pulled away and looked down the muddy cavern beside you.
What you saw forced a breath out of your lungs from shock. Your mother was scuttling ahead on all fours, her limbs an abnormally long length like a gangly spider.
“Huh. Well that’s special.”
You glanced at Ethan with raised brows and shook your head. At least he could find humor in the situation.
With your gun raised, you took the lead, Ethan right on your heels with his shotgun clutched tight in his hands. Sweat dripped down your forehead, the thick and musty air clogging your lungs and sticking your shirt to your skin. Once you finally made it out through the manhole, you greedily sucked in the fresh air, your sore throat and burning skin grateful.
“Fucking—” You shoved your pistol aside and gripped one sleeve of your shirt, pulling until you heard the satisfying rip of fabric. Doing the same to the other, your muscles tensed and flexed under the cool air, a pleasant shiver running up your spine as goosebumps covered your skin. Ethan looked on with curious eyes, but you soon had the solid weight of your weapon back in your hands and were already moving on.
The crushing reality that you might just have to kill your mother was finally starting to seep in, and it felt like a cement brick had been dropped right on your chest. You had accepted the reality long ago that your mom died the day Evie infected her, and she was too far along for any cure to work on her. But… this thing. This fucking monster, it wore her face, spoke in her voice.
But she wasn’t your momma. Not anymore.
The decrepit house she took shelter in felt like it was going to collapse any minute, the wooden beams holding it up practically chewed through and the foundation sliding.
“Try not to fall through the floor again, yeah?” you said, ascending the rotten steps.
Ethan spoke up, but he was interrupted when the window in front of you shattered and long limbs stretched out towards you.
“Come on now with me! We’re gonna settle this!” Marguerite screeched.
Ethan reacted faster than you would’ve given him credit for, firing off his shotgun as you pulled the trigger on your pistol. She screamed and crawled back through the window whilst you scrambled to your feet and raced up the rest of the stairs, Ethan hot on your tail. 
Boots skidding across the floor, Ethan’s body practically slammed into yours as he tried to dodge your mother’s oncoming attacks. Her hand seized through the floor and gripped his ankle, his gun going flying as she yanked him down.
“Fuck!” He scrambled for you, and your gun went off in your mother’s face.
“Agh! You son of a bitch! I’ll fuckin’ kill you, you hear me?! 
“Let. Him. Go!”
You shot again, and she finally released her hold with a scream, crawling off to somewhere you couldn’t see. Ethan pulled his foot out of the floor with a pained hiss, blood soaking his pants and large splinters of wood piercing his skin.
“Are you okay?”
He nodded, limping over to his shotgun, “Let’s go kill that fucking bitch.”
You could make out your mother’s yelling and cursing from the floor below, and you attempted to maneuver the upstairs without falling through the huge gaps in the floor. The smell of gunpowder and smoke was heavy in the air, shots booming and Marguerite’s screams ear piercing. Ethan tried to stay close to you the entire time, whether that be because he was scared or he was trying to protect you, you didn’t know. But you weren’t complaining, either.
The vile cracking and shifting of your mother’s limbs caught your attention, and you watched with horror as she jumped all the way from the bottom floor up to where you stood. She swiped an arm out and caught your side, and your body slammed into the wall before you slumped down against it. Ethan cried out your name, making a beeline for you when Marguerite snatched the back of his shirt and threw him towards the opposite side of the house. He crashed through the wall and landed harshly on the ground, rolling onto his back.
“Ethan! No!”
He wasn’t responsive, lying prone as your mother stomped towards you. Fear gripped at your spine, chest heaving with stuttering breaths and your body so tense it felt like you were made of ice. The monster in front of you breathed heavily, her limbs dangling at her sides and her disgusting, slimy belly peeking through her dress. She looked like something out of your nightmares. A horror story the kids in foster homes would use to torment you.
You tried to stand, bracing your hand against the wall, but your leg and side screamed in pain. She got closer with every long stride, and soon, she was right in front of you, a boney hand clutching your neck and lifting. She dangled you over the giant hole in the second level, your hand coming up to grip at her arm as she bared her disgusting teeth.
“You fucking good for nothing, bitch. I wish I never became your mother!”
She screamed the words, spit landing on your face and mixing with the tears that rolled down your cheeks. There was a quiet click, and cool metal pressed against her forehead.
“My mother—” you gasp for breath, finger squeezing down on the trigger, “is dead!”
You were floating. Falling. And then the ground meets your back like a speeding train. Your mouth opens, but you can’t gasp for breath because it’s being forced out of you. Your ears ring, and you can’t hear. Not even when Ethan is by your side, grabbing your shoulders and mouthing something you guess is your name.
Finally, your back arches with a deep intake of air, coughing on it violently before you can manage to breathe again. Ethan is there the whole time, his hands gently holding you and trying to talk you through it. When your head lolls to the side, you see your dead mother’s face right next to you. White crawls over her skin until her whole body is calcified and frozen.
And then she breaks and falls apart.
You can hear her crumbling, her face falling away until you can no longer recognize her. It hurts. More than you thought it would. 
She was so beautiful once.
“Hey! Hey, can you hear me?”
Ethan shakes you and you groan out in pain. He immediately apologizes and brushes your hair out of your face.
“Come on, you gotta get up. You’re okay. You’ll be okay.”
There’s desperation in his voice you’ve only heard once before. When he begged you to help him find his wife. And you don’t bother to question why it fills you with a bit of warmth.
You're pretty sure you fractured a rib, and it’s still incredibly hard to breathe, but you sit up anyway with his help, gripping his arm when the pain makes you seize up.
“I’ve got you. You’re alright.”
He’s got you.
Once you feel like you can deal with the pain, you shift onto your knees with a bit of difficulty, and look down at the pile of dust that was once your mom. Your hand slowly sifted through it, grabbing a handful and letting the dust fall between your fingers until a golden band rests in your palm.
She’s gone.
She’s really gone this time.
Your fingers curl around the ring and you hold it to your chest, body wracking with violent sobs. Ethan is next to you in a heartbeat, his arms carefully wrapping around you and tugging until you fall back into him. He mutters apologies and comforts into your ear, and all the while you’re screaming at yourself in your head for you to stop.
Get a grip! She was a monster!
Then why does it hurt so much?
“Hey. I know, okay? But we gotta go,” Ethan muttered, his hand gently rubbing your shoulder.
You knew he was right. You had to leave before something else came looking for you. With a sniffle, Ethan helped you stand to your feet and grabbed the lantern with his other hand, gently shaking the dust off of it. You never felt more hopeless than in that moment, injured and practically falling over if it weren’t for the man next to you. And while you’d normally detest at the idea of someone practically carrying you to safety, you wouldn’t put up much of a fight this time.
Still, you tried not to put all your weight on him, knowing he was hurt too. You leaned away a bit, but the second he felt your weight slightly lean off him, he pulled you right back against his side.
“Ethan, I can—”
“Don’t. I got you.”
“You’re hurt too, asshole. I’m not— Agh! I’m not lettin’ you do all the heavy lifting.”
Ethan chuckled and relented, letting you take a bit of his struggle. “You’re so damn stubborn, you know that?”
You smiled, and it was less painful than you thought it would be. “Is that what you were gonna tell me earlier? Back at the old house?”
“Something along those lines. Maybe a bit meaner.”
“You’ll break my heart by the end o’ this, Winters.”
The hand on your side gave you a light squeeze. 
“I’ll make it up to you.”
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
(A Parent’s Love)
“Look, I’m not gonna say you have to love her or even forgive her, okay?” Kerry knew he was marrying a stubborn man, because he was also a stubborn man. Especially when it can to the oh so fun topic of family. “I’m just saying… she’s actively trying to reach out again. Think about it?”
Vax huffed and looked down, into his glass. He knew it had been years now since Vex left him. And it wasn’t like she had chosen an easier life working for Arasaka. It was the fact that she had abandoned him.
“I’ll think about it… but only for you.”
“No. You’ll think about it because she’s your sister. I’m not gonna lecture you or anything, I get family sucks. But she’s trying, V. At least give her that.”
Kerry was normally on V’s side when it came to matters like this. But for some reason, Vex was his line. He didn’t even know his sister in law and yet he felt the need to try and get V to let her into their lives.
“Why do you always defend her? You don’t know her.” Vax didn’t say it in a mean way, just genuinely curious. He laid back into Kerry’s side and looked up at him.
Kerry took a deep breath.
“Because I know why she did what she did. It wasn’t to hurt you or make you mad… she did it because she wanted the best life she could possibly give her daughter. And I have to respect her for it. And if that meant she had to go to the dark side then so be it.” Kerry rested his arm over V’s shoulder, but didn’t look at him.
V stared up at his husband for a while, the man was impossible to read but V understood.
“You think she did the right thing?”
“No. Didn’t say that. I’m just saying she did what every parent would have done… not that she should have had to make a decision like that at such a young age. But she protected her baby in that moment… Arasaka probably provided some form of security and money she couldn’t have gotten on the streets.”
There was a sadness in Kerry’s eyes that told Vax this ran deeper than his sister. He shifted and pressed a hand to Kerry’s chest, pulling back to fully look at him.
“Do you think you did the right thing for your kids?” Kerry’s mask broke when those words came out and his face fell. He looked away from V.
“I did what I thought was best in the moment. Sound familiar?”
V wasn’t sure if he agreed with Kerry comparing himself to Vex, but wasn’t sure how to feel now.
“Do you regret it?”
“Every fuckin’ day.” Kerry’s voice was quiet, his eyes traveling to a picture on the shelf. “Kim’s turn 11 this year, Ted’s turning 17.”
“Why did you two divorce?” He had his theories but he hated assuming things about his husband and believing screamsheets was not something he did often.
Kerry took a deep breath. “We got together way too fast. Puppy love. She got pregnant with Ted after a few years of on and off… we got married. The arguing and cheating started when Ted was five, had Kim a few years later to try and save what we had… didn’t work. Filed for a divorce and was on a plane back here as soon as possible.” Kerry was still staring at the picture. V could see it was a soul deep wound being away from them.
“You ever… wish it had worked out?”
“‘Course I do, babe… everyone doesn’t want their marriage to fail. Told Johnny it had lasted too long… but shit sometimes I wonder what our lives would be like if Lou and I had been happy. Ted would hate me a lot less that’s for sure.”
V frowned. Not because of what Kerry said but because he knew that Kerry had regrets he couldn’t fix with his family. Ted hating him and being like him killed Kerry, and Kim wanting him and being upset that he wasn’t around was just salt to the wound.
“You know why I left so quick?” Kerry finally looked back at his husband, squeezing his thigh. “Because I thought I was doing what was best for my kids.”
V raised a brow, urging him to continue.
“Towards the end, I was high more often than not. Staying at the studio or somethin’ so the kids didn’t see me like that. I was reverting back to my old ways, drugs, drinking, partying till the sun came up… I missed Ted’s seventh birthday party… I had to lie to my own son to save what little dignity I had left. And he believed every word. And that’s when I knew I was only gonna get worse, and if I hurt one of my kids, became like my father, I’d never forgive myself… Louise filed for divorce a month later.”
V rested his head on Kerry’s shoulder, letting him finish while he soaked it in.
“Moral of the story, parents do stupid shit to keep their kids happy and safe.” Kerry finished off V’s forgotten drink, then looked down at him.
“Would you ever wanna see them? Your kids I mean?”
“V… I’d go back in time and change every bad thing I did if that meant I got to keep my kids.” Kerry moved some hair from V’s face. “I love you, and in a perfect world I could have you and them. But the world isn’t perfect, and Louise refers to you as a boytoy.”
“She’s just mad she’s not having amazing sex every week.” Kerry snorted and kissed V’s forehead.
“In all seriousness, talk to Vex. Invite her and… shit what’s her name again?”
“Yeah! Invite them somewhere. We can all go on a… family dinner I guess?”
“Shit that’s right… She’s your sister in law. Victoria is your niece! How’s that feel?”
“It’ll feel a lot better when I get to meet them.”
V could tell that Kerry was done talking about it. About kids and family. They had gotten way too off topic for his taste.
“Wanna comes shower with your boytoy?” V teased, standing up.
“Sweetheart, Archangel is in our room… if I ever say no to that question, I want you to use it on me.” V grinned and pulled his husband with him towards the bathroom. At the end of the day, they had a family, they were no longer alone… the outside world could wait.
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moonxsuncelestials · 6 months
Aftermath of Ptolemy (Part 2)
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Jackal smiled sinisterly as he took over. 
Yes, all will pay for harming the precious moonlight who was trembling in his arms, clinging to him as she always did when she was upset and scared. “I got away…” she sniffled.
He smiled softly at her, mimicking Anubis’s as he started to hum the tune of one of the lullabies he had sung to her what felt so long ago.
“Hush now, precious Senet…Hush now my Little Moonlight who dances on the desert sands.” He sang softly, earning a look from their father while he stroked her hair. 
He knew what he had to do. Giving her one more hug, he kissed her forehead and let their breath mingle for a moment longer when he sensed their father in the room. 
Set knew that it was his son’s alter speaking, comforting the girl though he had to wonder…where was her twin? 
But he could not ask those questions because Jackal handed her to their father. He ordered their servants to draw her a bath, cover her in favorite scented oils, give her favorite sweets, and spoil her with stories of their family’s youth; the servants all gave him a wide berth as he left her chambers. 
“Jackal, wait.” Set called to him but the darker half of his son ignored him as he carried that sinister grin before turning to see Horus stepping back in fear. “Fly away Little Birdy. Fly lest I catch you in my jaws~” Jackal taunted before cackling as Horus took off. He then made his way to the corridor that led to the portal that would take him to the outskirts of their kingdom’s territory. He too wondered where his little brother was, but then again Amun was likely off somewhere else. “I’ll deal with him later.” He growled. 
No one will be spared, he will make sure that Ptolemy and his goons would rue the day they dared to set eyes upon her. ”Forgive me for not being there, My Little Moonlight. I should have been there to protect you; Amun is not up for the task. Know that I still love you, and that will never change. My love for you shall never waver, shall never cease. Don’t worry Amunet, Brother shall annihilate all who dared to harm you…They shall feel my teeth tear into their flesh and bone!” 
Upon reaching the portal he felt rather calm and laughed darkly which soon became maniacal at what he was going to do.  He will make all of Egypt rue the day that Pharaoh Neos Dionysus XII ever took to the throne. It was time to let the Primal Waters of the Nile flood Alexandria, wipe out the humans, and begin anew, this time with humans who will worship Amunet. 
Jackal then walked through the portal with the shadows clinging to him, forming his tainted black armor that appeared to be made from the blackest of metals and stained with the blood of Egypt’s enemies. 
They then surrounded his face, creating the very skull mask that Anubis wore whenever he ventured into the Human Realm, and his shadow jackals at his side as well as behind him, many of them as large as horses and pitch black as the hour of darkness drew near; the jackal god looked coldly onwards as he arrived within a village. 
The humans all gasped and cowered, some in awe of him. His once warm and honey-golden-tinged eyes were now as cold as the night’s breeze and his demeanor alerted the village that something wasn’t right. 
He looked around at the terrified expressions of the humans who had drawn back in pure terror and fled his presence. 
Many would compare him to his father, from the days when Set had allowed his jealousy to rule his heart and cause the destruction of his family; and yet Anubis didn’t care.
This was for Amunet. 
His precious and innocent sister had been nearly defiled, her honor tainted by a human who dared to think that he was above the Gods of Egypt! 
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He only chuckled darkly as he gave the signal to his jackals to attack. Jackal was merciless, nearly wiping out all villages and towns in his wake. His once kind heart was now hard as stone, and he shouted for all to hear that their Pharaoh was to blame for his displeasure that he had dared to touch Amunet. 
"Leave none unharmed! All are to pay for what their pharaoh had done to HER!" His heart was cold as ice, ironically like how his sister screamed for herself, while he walked through the blood-stained sands. Gone was the God who defended the Dead, who kindly guided the frightened to The Trials, assuring them they had nothing to fear. Before them was the angered brother who wished to erase the event that had disgraced his beloved sister, his moon, and his stars. 
None would be given their trial...all would be food for Ammit. 
His sister's honor shall be avenged; she won't have to fret over humans again.
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feymyth · 8 months
Fey huffed, tail whipping about, his ears pinning, “I know how they work and I know what your father wants of you. And regardless of us and how you or I feel one day you’ll have to do as they say.” Myth shook his head, closing his eyes, “That is not true and for you to think that – you know I love you.” Fey snapped a bit, finally letting his feelings out. Anger, jealousy, pain – so many all jumbled together, “You don’t know what it felt like to sit there and watch from a distance. It was torture. Every laugh, dance, flirtatious jokes. And I had to play along, to act like I was in support of the machinations of your father. Seeing how pleased he looked and knowing, knowing that if we ever told him of us.” Fey glanced down at the table, he didn’t realize he had been looming over it and Myth.  Myth was relieved that Fey was letting everything out, not that it pleased him, he wasn’t sure what Fey was looking for so he went bold. Like he always did when Fey’s insecurities and fear got the best of him. “I am not going to marry her or even entertain the idea of it. I never did at all that night. Remus was displeased when I told him no and I wrote a letter to her and her family stating as much. It caused tensions but I don’t care. I want you, Fey. I always have and I always will. My duties be damned.” “Then why can’t we be together, why do we have to –” He sighed, knowing full well why they had to and hating it. It was a pain that he felt would never heal. Myth let out a huff his own frustrations surfacing, “You know damn well why and it was your idea!” He was on his feet leaning towards Fey as well. 
“Yes and one day it will lead me to losing you.” Fey snapped, all the anger had gone out of him, and his ears wilted into his hair. His eyes watery, “You’ll be forced to marry some noblewoman and provide a legacy for your family.” Myth drew back finally understanding Fey’s concerns and that’s when he sighed, “I wish you would have said that from the beginning.” Fey closed his eyes, he hadn’t really understood what it was that was bothering him until a moment ago, “I – didn’t know until just now.” Myth hummed, reaching out to lift Fey’s chin, “I’ll go tell father now. Everything. No more hiding, we can fuck off to a place where no one cares. Leave the politics behind--these stupid cold tents and fighting. I just want you. Us.” Fey looked up meeting Myth’s warm eyes, they were determined and confident. Another thing that Fey loved about him. He always knew what to say and do when he felt lost and he felt lost a lot of the time. Like he was caught in a perpetual blizzard. He shook his head, “No. We can’t. You’ll be disowned and it will kill your mother and sister. We’ll have marks against us for resigning. Or even worse we’ll be dismissed and our names put on a list somewhere.” Myth scoffed, “Halone’s ass you think I care about that? I have brothers to carry on our family line, my sister will take care of my mother. Besides mother has known about us for years, perhaps even before we knew. She always knew about me that is.” He smirked. “I don’t want to feel that again, Myth. I don’t want to be there for those dinners if that’s how it’s going to be.” Fey stated, circling back to the topic. Myth was somber as he nodded, eyes begging for forgiveness, his thumb tracing lightly over Fey’s mouth, “I promise I will decline them in the future – better yet I’ll tell them I’m involved with someone already. They don’t need names.” Fey felt his doubts quieting at Myth’s words, and now the entire ordeal seemed childish. Four days of separation because he was jealous. His jaw flexed a few times before he inhaled. “I’m so tired.” “I know, Sina and one day we’ll get to rest, properly.” Myth whispered, his hand falling away as the tent flap opened and Idaline strolled through, breakfast following. Fey sighed, how often he wished for that day.
0 notes
foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
Awake My Soul • 10
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
WC: 4.2k
Summary: It’s been 5 years since zombies first began their invasion, and despite everything you’ve been through, you’ve managed to survive up until this point. Now it’s time to face your most dangerous challenge yet….the grumpy, untrusting, fiercely protective Bucky Barnes.
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of injury, lots of talk of blood and me trying to be scientific and shit lol, some angst but also FLUFF? WHAT? Oh and then like a really really really bad cliffhanger lol woops :,)
Series Masterlist / Series Playlist
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Bucky held your hand the entire journey back to camp.
Which was good, because the closer you got, the heavier your feet became from all the dread rifling through your body. If Bucky noticed the fact that he was basically pulling you along, he didn’t say anything.
Not until you reached the Bog, and as the door inside the massive tree creaked open, he turned to you, hands moving to cradle your face.
“It’s going to be fine,” he insisted, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “You’re family, sweetheart, and everyone in that camp loves you.”
You raised a brow. “Everyone?”
Instead of rolling his eyes - as he always did - Bucky just stared at you, a calm sea of cerulean gazing at you.
“Everyone,” he finally murmured, pulling you in for a chaste kiss. Your hands wrapped around his, thumbs stroking the backs of his palms.
“Fucking finally!” a shout came from the other side of the acidic water. You and Bucky turned your heads to find Yelena standing with her arms crossed in front of her, the most smug look on her face that you’d seen yet. “What’d I tell ya, Приятельница?”
Bucky looked back at you, confused, and you just shook your head, biting your bottom lip to hold back a smile.
“I’ll tell ya later.” Your chest moved up and down as you took a deep breath. “Alright, Beefcake, let’s get this over with.”
He nodded, jaw set as his hand interlaced back with yours.
“Everything is going to be okay,” he said. “And I’ll be by your side the entire time. You don’t ever have to go through this alone again, alright?”
You smiled as the overwhelming amount of anxiety coursing through you slowly eased to more tolerable levels, then walked into the tree, waiting to let go of Bucky’s hand until the last possible second as you climbed up the ladder to cross the Bog.
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“Holy fucking shit,” Sarah breathed out, finally moving from her spot across the room toward you to further inspect the bite mark on your neck.
The whole scene had played out in an eerily similar way to the first time you came to Shield, everyone standing in an arc in front of you in the meeting room at the top center section of the middle building.
But this time, instead of feeling totally on your own, terrified to open up to total strangers, there was a lingering sense of peace as you finally revealed your deepest secret.
This time, a calloused, grounding hand was wrapped around yours, arm leaning against yours in support.
This time, you looked into the eyes of those you loved, their expressions less skeptical and more soft. Concerned.
Kate had started tearing up when you began your story with your time at Hydra, reaching for Lena’s hand by her side.
Yelena stayed skeptic, the only trace of emotion showing through her jaw as it clenched tighter and tighter the more you went on.
“And you’ve known for some time now?” Sam asked Bruce, not in a hostile way, but more inquisitive.
Bruce nodded. “I confronted Y/n about a week ago, but respected her request to tell you all when she was ready. We’re trying to find a way to make the compounds of her blood more….forgiving to other samples.
Sam nodded. “Do you think you can do it?”
Bruce turned to make eye contact with you and bobbed his chin down once before looking back to Sam. “I’m going to try my damned hardest.”
Sam looked at you, walking up to his sister’s side to check out the wound.
Bucky squeezed your hand.
“She saved my life,” he said, meeting Sam’s gaze. “She would have been able to escape, should have escaped,” you bumped your arm against his and he narrowed his eyes at you, the corners of his lips curving upward slightly, “but decided to put herself between me and the runner. I’d be a walking corpse right now if not for her.”
You smiled back, allowing yourself to be temporarily lost in his soft, comforting blue eyes.
“Regardless of my intentions, we’re back to the same place we were when I first arrived.” You looked across the room at everyone present: Pepper, Clint, Laura, Lena, Kate, Sarah, and Sam. “Now you know the full risk of me being here, how bad it would be if others found out my secret. If you want, I can go back on the run, and that way you never have to worry about my situation putting any of you in danger.”
“If she goes, I go,” Bucky added, and you whipped your head toward him again, completely ignoring the wide eyed expressions from the others. He nodded at you, face serious.
“Alright, alright,” Sam said, stepping back and crossing his arms in front of him. He looked to the group. “Last time, I made the call to let Y/n stay, but these are different circumstances, and I don’t feel comfortable speaking for everyone else.” He turned to you with a somber expression. “Let’s put it to a vote.”
You nodded, swallowing as your heartbeat quickened. Bucky shuffled on his feet, thumb tapping restlessly on your knuckle.
“With a raise of hands, those in favor of Y/n leaving?”
A beat passed. Then two. 
Not a single hand was raised, the only movement in the room was your hand as it squeezed Bucky’s again.
Sam turned to you with a smile, not even looking at the group as he spoke again. “All those in favor of Y/n staying?”
The tears you had been holding this whole meeting finally fell down your face as you watched each hand lift simultaneously. 
“Guess that’s that, then,” Sam said. “Looks like you both get to stay.” He gave Bucky a knowing look before patting him on the shoulder. He then pulled you in for a hug. “Thank you for saving him,” he whispered into your ear. “In more ways than one.”
Your smile widened and you looked from Sam to Bucky, ocean blue irises filled with contentment.
Bruce walked up to you, eyes on your neck. “We should get that looked at. It also might be good to draw some samples to see how your cells are reacting to a fresh bite-”
“Bruce,” Bucky cut in, voice low and jaw clenched.
The scientist’s mouth shut and he gave you an apologetic look. “Of course, only if you’re comfortable.”
Just as you were about to respond, you saw a blond head whiz by the gang and out the door.
Your heart constricted at the sight of Yelena storming off, and you gave Bucky and Bruce a small smile and nod before following her down the stairs and out of the building.
“Lena, wait!” you called, running to catch up with her as her steps slowed. Her face was hard when she turned around, and she crossed her arms in front of her.
God, please, you thought. Please don’t hate me.
“Look, I’m sorry-” you started, before your beloved Russian crushed you in an embrace, your sentence cutting off with an oof.
You fought against her stupidly strong arms to move yours around her, hugging your friend back.
It was silent for a few seconds, the two of you quietly clinging to each other.
When she finally pulled back, Yelena slapped your arm and you yelped.
“What the fuck was that for?” you asked incredulously.
“What wasn’t that for?” she scoffed. “Not telling me this secret, jumping onto a runner and putting your life in danger! The thought that I might have lost you if you didn’t have crazy zombie-proof blood or whatever.” Tears welled in her eyes and her bottom lip trembled.
“Hey,” you squeezed her arm. “It’s okay, I’m here. I’m okay, Lena.”
She nodded. “I know, I know. It’s just,” her lips twisted to the side. “You’re my best friend. My sister. I can’t lose you.”
Now tears sprang to your eyes and you pulled her in for another hug. “You won't, I'm not going anywhere, ya hear?”
“You better not, Приятельница. Or I’ll kick your ass until you wish you could turn undead.”
You shoved her, and she shoved you back, the two of you giggling like a couple of lifelong friends.
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“Beefcake, you have to let go of my hand or let me turn the page,” you giggled, twisting your head and kissing Bucky’s jaw.
He nodded. “One second, sweetheart, I think I missed a few spots.” He pulled your palm back to his lips, tightening his grip as you tried to pull away, both of you laughing.
You weren’t sure what to expect for your first watch after returning. If Bucky would want to go back to how everything was before the supply run.
So when you climbed up the tower, you looked at your corner and Bucky’s debating which side to sit at.
Not wanting to push boundaries or make him uncomfortable, you sat in your usual spot.
When he climbed up a few minutes later, Bucky didn’t even hesitate to move to your side, pulling you in for a kiss before adjusting your body so that he could hold you in his arms.
That was when you realized how stupid you were to doubt whatever was forming between the two of you.
To be fair, it might have been better for you to have kept to your separate corners, because then you might have actually been able to do your jobs efficiently, rather than getting lost in the softness of Bucky’s lips as they traveled from your temple to your collarbone, or Bucky’s eyes closing when you pulled down the collar of his shirt to kiss the jagged, black-veined scarring on his left shoulder.
You hadn’t been able to read more than a single page of a book in days.
“Do you know how fucking long I’ve wanted to do this?” Bucky asked, fingers running along your arm. 
“What, harass me while I’m trying to work?” you replied sarcastically, followed by a yelp when his fingers moved to tickle your side. You tried to move away but he had an iron (or, in this case, vibranium) grip on you.
“Pretty sure I could do that no problem before, sweetheart. I meant this,” he said, kissing your ear. “Or this.” His metal arm gently squeezed around your middle. “Mainly just this.” He brought his hand back around yours, thumb stroking your skin. “I felt like I was going to burst into flames if I never got to know what this felt like.”
You bit your bottom lip, staring at the hand in yours. “It was the same for me. I truly thought I was going to go insane that first week, when I didn’t even have a book to use as a distraction and you had no interest in speaking to me.”
He groaned as you kissed his chin. “God, it was because I hated how badly I wanted to talk to you. I had so many dumb questions running around in my head and I knew if I started talking I would never want to stop. Your whole existence was so overwhelming to me.” Your brows furrows and his rose. “N-no, I mean in a good way, sweetheart,” he stammered, attempting to backtrack. “Like, I hated that there were years of us being alive and not knowing each other. I wanted to turn back time so I could have known you my whole life.”
Your expression softened to a small smile, and you rested on a hand to his cheek, pulling him in for a slow, chaste kiss.
“Well, Beefcake, what did you want to ask?”
He pondered that for a moment, twisting his head to kiss the palm of your hand. 
“What’s your favorite color?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “That is what’s been plaguing you for months?”
He nodded, expression completely serious, but you saw the mischievous light in his eyes.
“Blue,” you replied. “You?”
“Green.” He kissed your nose. “Favorite movie?”
“Pride & Prejudice, the Keira Knightly one.”
“Lord of the Rings, extended edition.” Bucky kissed your temple. “Favorite flower?”
“Roses. They remind me of my Ma.”
You felt your heart crack. “Is that why you have the tattoos?”
He nodded. “Dad used to bring a new bouquet of them home for her every week, so the house always smelled like ‘em. Ma used to say that no matter how sad or upset she was, roses could fix just about anything.” His eyes went to the ground, expression now a mixture between sheepish and sorrowful. “I guess this was just my attempt to hold onto that sentiment during a really shitty time.”
“Hey,” you murmured, resting a hand on his chest. He looked back at you. “I think that’s a beautiful way to remember your mom. And she would be so incredibly proud of the man you are today.”
Bucky’s nose twitched, and you saw a film of tears form over his eyes. “I don’t know about that, sweetheart.”
“I do, Buck. You’re the strongest, bravest, most kind-hearted man I know. You might also be a bit of a grumpy pants, but that just adds more character in my opinion.”
He kissed your temple. “I’m ignoring that last part.”
“Doesn’t make it any less true, bud.”
He pulled back, face scrunched. “Bud? Did you just bud me?”
Your eyes went wide and you gave him a sly grin. “What? You’re my best bud, Beefcake.”
Bucky groaned, his own devilish smile creeping up his face. “That’s it.” And then he attacked. Lips pressing against every square inch of your face, crushing you to him with a tight hold so there was no way to escape, you quietly yelping and laughing, trying to wiggle free.
If you were being honest with yourself, you weren’t trying as hard as you could to get out of his old.
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“Alright, Bucky,” Bruce began as you sat down on one of the lab stools, “I know you’re here to support Y/n, but I’m wondering if you might be willing to help test a theory.”
It had been ten days since you had returned from the supply run, and Bruce had spent the first few of them tending to and sampling the new bite wound (with your consent, of course). Once he determined that it hadn’t changed the structure of your DNA, it was back to square one of regular testing, resuming your search for a cure for everyone and not just yourself.
Bucky’s brows furrowed, looking to you for insight. You just shrugged, not having any idea where this was going.
Bruce took off his glasses and wiped the lenses with his shirt. “I’ve been giving this some thought for a while, about needing to find a sort of neutralizing compound for your blood to make it less…”
“Murderous? Crazy? Freakish?” you cut in, earning an elbow to the arm from your beloved Beefcake.
The scientist pressed his lips into a thin line. “I was going to say efficient. The point of the serum was to wipe out any threatening blood cells, such as a super contagion that turns someone undead. Instead of only finding the toxic components in zombie blood, it's registering any blood that isn’t yours as toxic, destroying any trace of it at such a rapid rate that it doesn’t have time to recognize it as normal, healthy blood. I wondered if someone needed to be bitten first, and have the virus in their body before getting a dose of your blood.”
You shook your head. “Sorry, Doc, but Hydra already tried that and it didn’t work. My blood was already fucking everything up before it could even find zombie blood.”
He tapped his glasses against his thumb. “I figured that would be the case. The zombie virus is fast and aggressive, meaning a serum that fights it has to be even more so. But then I thought…” he looked at Bucky again, “what if someone had been bitten and got most of the virus out in time, but not all?”
The image of faint black veins along Bucky’s left shoulder made your breath hitch.
Bucky swallowed as realization set in. “You think my blood could work?”
Bruce shrugged. “It’s a theory we haven’t tried. If your blood still has small traces of the virus, or has mutated in some way because of what lingered after you were bitten, maybe Y/n’s blood will go after that.”
You and Bucky shared a skeptical look before turning back to Bruce. “So how will you test it? Put them in a bowl together and see what happened?”
“It’s called a petri dish, but yes.” Bruce put his glasses back on. “Only if you’re willing, Buck.”
Bucky shrugged. “If it helps you pull off your nerd science shit-” you slapped his arm and he giggled “-then I guess it’s worth a try.”
Bruce, ignoring the usual jab, grinned from ear to ear, nodding his head up and down excitedly. He gestured for Bucky to sit in the stool next to yours, grabbing his materials.
You felt Bucky kiss your shoulder when Bruce’s back was turned, and you looked to see him staring at you with what could only be described as puppy dog eyes. 
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re the cutest thing to ever exist, Beefcake?” you murmured softly.
He grinned before quickly shifting his face to a hard, stern expression. “Don’t tell anyone, Sweetheart. Gotta keep up appearances and all that.”
You scrunched your nose, bringing the boyish grin back which then caused your heart to flutter.
“If you two are all set,” Bruce interjected, and you both shot up straight, looking at him wide-eyed as if you had just been caught making out in an empty high school classroom or some ridiculous shit. The scientist’s brows were raised. “Let’s get started.”
He drew blood from both of you, placing them in their own vials. He poured a small bit of Bucky’s onto the dish.
Then, with one shared look with the two of you, he poured yours over it.
The room went completely silent as your eyes glued themselves to the dish, watching the samples mix together.
Your chest constricted when you saw it start to bubble, bracing yourself for it to turn black as Bruce’s sample did.
But then, something strange happened.
Instead of the entire sample turning black, you watched as small, black dots rose to the surface, sizzling away one by one until the blood settled, still in its normal red coloring.
Bucky’s hand interlaced with yours, holding on tightly and you released the breath you had apparently been holding this entire time.
Bruce looked at you two, mouth agape.
“Holy shit,” Bucky breathed out, a small, incredulous chuckle following.
The three of you stared at it for a few more seconds in silence, trying your best to grasp what this might mean.
It suddenly felt like the beginning of something. For you, for Shield, for the world.
The beginning of an end.
Bruce relieved the two of you shortly after that, saying that this was just the start of his testing. He still needed to study the components of this new sample, and see if he could pull from and manipulate it to create a new serum that could work to make everyone immune.
Though it was clear that you weren’t out of the woods yet, that there was still a long way to go, you and Bucky practically skipped out of the lab, wrapping your arms around each other once you got to the hallway.
Bucky gently pushed you against the wall, his smiling lips hovering over yours.
“You feel it too, don’t you?” he asked, breathless.
You nodded. “Overwhelming relief? As if five years of absolute shit might someday be over?”
He feigned confusion. “I was going to say I felt like kissing you senseless, but I guess your answer works, too.”
His lips crashed into yours before you had a chance to giggle, and he managed to achieve his goal with ease, his kiss becoming the only thing your senses could focus on. You tightened your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you.
You gasped for air when he finally pulled back, lips swollen, head dizzy. 
“I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to that,” you breathed.
Bucky’s bottom lip jut out in a pout. “You better not, Sweetheart. I know I sure as hell won’t.”
“Good.” You kissed him again. “Alright, Beefcake, I need to go before I’m late for Yelena and I get my ass kicked more than usual. See you at dinner?”
He leaned down to kiss your neck. “Don’t miss me too much,” he whispered in your ear.
You fought back the shiver shooting up your spine and rolled your eyes. “I’ll try not to.”
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Your entire body screamed in pain as you walked out of the gym, and you debated skipping dinner and just sleeping the soreness off until watch.
As soon as you were outside, though, you found yourself walking further onto the grounds, soaking in the sunshine and inhaling the fresh air, a sigh leaving your lips at the feel of the gentle breeze hitting your sweat-covered skin.
Pepper, Laura, and Morgan were practicing archery with Kate over on one side, all turning to smile and wave as you passed.
Morgan turned back to the target and shot her arrow directly into the bullseye, and you beamed with pride as she jumped up and down, high fiving the women around her.
Before you could even notice, you had made it to the small memorial corner of camp, and for the first time since arriving, instead of turning around and walking back, you kept approaching. 
You walked up to the pine trees, pulling out one of your smaller daggers as you reached a stump that still had some empty spaces.
This was the one place you had not explored since arriving at SHIELD, unable to find the courage to acknowledge the many lives lost. It felt unfair that the people who were now your family had lost their own flesh and blood while you got to be here instead.
But you were here, and you were family, and you had lost your own loved ones.
They deserved to be remembered. To be honored.
You crouched down to the section of untouched bark, tears streaming down your face as you carved new names down the trunk.
Your parents.
The Eternals. Most of them, at least. It wasn’t until Sersi and Druig’s name were left that your blade shook over the surface of the tree.
They were dead. They had to be. There was no way they could have survived two years of captivity under the ruthlessness of Hydra.
….Though, you did.
You closed your eyes, silently pleading with the universe that they might still be alive. That you might someday see them again. 
It was a long shot. More than that, it was basically impossible that they were.
But that was just enough doubt for you to stand up, their names not present on the list of dead.
You took your time maneuvering through the trees, fingers gliding along the names that had been listed by the other Shield members.
Natasha Romanoff
Carol Danvers
Nick Fury
Phil Coulson
Tony Stark 
Rebecca Barnes
Your lips curved up in a small, sad smile as you stopped where Bucky’s family was listed, tracing over the letters of their names.
There was one final name at the top - just above Winnifred Barnes - that stopped you in your tracks.
Steve Rogers
Your whole body suddenly went cold, heart beating out of your chest, head growing foggy as a memory slammed into your brain.
Of a name listed on the white board in the lab you were held prisoner in, referenced in hushed whispers by the men assigned to torture you.
Blue eyes, blond hair, large hands clutching tightly to your arms as the man you had only heard of in passing during your last few months at Hydra pleaded for you to run and never look back.
Holy fucking shit.
You kept your eyes glued on the name as you slowly stepped back, hands shaking.
Then, you turned, heading to the dorms in a full on sprint.
Bucky was sitting on his bed, focusing on his metal arm as he worked on cleaning out the various creases with a rag.
You stood at the door frame, gasping for air loudly enough for his head to shoot up, standing immediately and walking over to you with concern.
“Sweetheart?” he asked, hands going to your hips in support as if afraid you might fall over at any moment. 
To be fair, chances of that were pretty high right now.
“Bucky,” you rasped, throat suddenly dry. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” His eyes scanned over you in search of any kind of injury or anything else alarming.
You shook your head, grabbing his face till his eyes met yours.
A small sob escaped you, his eyes growing wider with concern.
You knew you had to speak the words rattling in your brain, threatening to consume you, but a part of you was terrified of what would happen next.
These words. These two, simple words, were about to change everything.
“Steve’s alive.” 
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Chapter 11
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sugarbooger513 · 3 years
Mine (Stepbrother!ChosoxFem!Reader)
This is my collaboration piece for @severelytalentless Are You Afraid of the Dark collab! I had a lot of fun writing this... work. I hope you guys enjoy it! Thank you to my very amazing friends who helped me out during this piece, especially my wifey @kentosovertime and my bestie @roughwithfluff. It wouldn't have ended up as well written as it did without the help.
Warnings: stepcest, possessive nature, unprotected sex (wrap your willies), oral (fem receiving), spit, Choso slaps reader in the face like once, he also slaps in another place, daddy kink, dom Choso, Choso is very petty, mentions of cheating ex, mentions of alcohol and nicotine consumption, degradation, praise, slight breeding kink if you squint
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"Don't bother calling me anymore! I see what's more important to you.." You hang up your cell phone and throw it across the room. Your bed feels colder than it usually does, but you lay on it anyways, allowing your tears to flow onto your pillow.
Your boyfriend, now ex, of two years had called you with a plea, begging for your forgiveness. How could you forgive him, though? When you heard about your best friend sleeping with him, you couldn't get the image out of your head. You knew she thought he was attractive, but there was never a worry in your mind that either of them would take it anywhere.
You sit up, suddenly realizing that he would be on his way home from work in an hour, maybe two. You had to leave before he got home. It wasn't like you feared he would hurt you for leaving him, but he would certainly try to guilt you into staying with him.
Your heart rate increases when you realize that you have no idea where you can go. He knows all of your family, and is pretty loved by all of them. Your stepmom even has the habit of calling him her son. 'Her son...'
You rush to grab your phone, dialing the all too familiar number. If there's one person in your family you can call, it's the one he's scared of.
"Y/N," your step brother lets out a long yawn after answering, "what's up?" "B-bubs.." You can hear him drop something on his end. "Honey, why are you crying?" "He.. he cheated on me.. with her.. you were right.."
Choso bites the inside of his cheek, suddenly enraged at the thought. He never liked that guy. When they first met, Choso punched him in the jaw for being an asshole. You were mad at him at the time, but eventually understood why he did it. Since then, your ex was too scared to look Choso in the eyes.
Still, he now finds himself smiling.
"I'm so sorry, honey. Is there anything I can do?" Your sniffle makes him clench his fist. "He's going.. to be home s-soon." "Drive over here. I'll set up the guest-" "C-can you get me..? I don't want him tracking my car.."
Your pitiful voice goes straight to his crotch. Even though no one else is at his home, he finds himself trying to conceal his half hard cock with the kitchen counter.
"Of course, honey. Pack a bag. I'll be there in twenty." "I-I love you, Choso.. thank you." He has to bite his lip to keep from moaning. "I love you too, honey."
When he hangs up, he groans loudly and places his head on the cool marble. "Okay," he talks to himself aloud, "just.. keep yourself in control. You got this, Choso. She's your step sister, for Christ's sake." He shakes his head, grabbing his keys.
Still, he can't deny the things you do to him. It makes him feel terrible, but you're so damn tempting. He always figured that your hugs would last a little too long, your eyes scanned him a little too much, your hands lingered on him a little too suggestively.
He knew better, though. Your teenage years were spent on tons of dates with guys who were the complete opposite of your stepbrother. He would sit in his bedroom, no doubt on a video game, while he listened to guy after guy go in and out of your bedroom. It wasn't like you were a whore.
Those guys just eventually showed their true colors.
He knows that when you love, you love with your entire heart. That's why he was there for you through every heartbreak. He would hold you for hours, dry your tears with his own shirts, make you your favorite snacks, take you on long walks so you weren't cooped in the house all day.
Why? Well, because in his mind you already belonged to him.
You pace your living room, already holding your overnight bag in your hand. Of course, you'll probably stay with Choso more than one night, unless your dad tells you to stay with him and your stepmom instead.
Who are you kidding? If Choso offers to let you stay longer, you would much rather stay there.
Your front door opens, and you jump in fear that your ex came back early. "Shhh, honey it's me." "C-Cho.." Choso walks across the room in quick strides to pull you into his strong embrace.
His hands gently cradle you against his body. "He doesn't deserve your tears Y/N. Don't give him the satisfaction." "Y-you tell me that after every breakup, Choso.." "I know. That's because none of them deserve your kindness."
You close your eyes and feel yourself relax in his strong arms. He's never let you down. Choso has been the only guy in your life to prove he would always be there for you. You truly trust him with your life.
That being said, you can't ignore the feelings that have formed over the years for your stepbrother.
Your fingers grip his shirt in an attempt to pull him even closer to you. He sighs softly and buries his face in your hair. "Is there anything I can do for you, Y/N?" "Just... don't leave me. Please?"
His heart pounds in his chest at your feeble plea. His throat seems to dry, so he can't manage to speak. Finally, after what feels like an hour, he clears his throat.
"You know I won't, Y/N. I never have." "And never will?" His large hands squeeze your body a bit harshly, but your breath only increases at the feeling.
"I never will. Now, why don't we get you loaded into the car and get you home?" You finally pull away, blinking your still teary eyes at him so innocently. "Home..?"
The look on your face has his body on fire. You look so damn innocent, just like an angel. They're still red and puffy from your crying, but that only has him straining in his pants.
The things he would give to take the innocence from your face this second..
"Of course. My home is yours for as long as you need." He jingles his keys in an attempt for you to hurry and follow.
"What.. what about as long as I want..?"
That sentence has him blushing furiously. He looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Of course. You're family and I love you, so my home is yours. We should go though. I don't want to-" His sentence is cut short when you wrap your small arms around his frame.
"Cho.. you're the only person in my life that cares this much.." "Don't say that, princess. You know that isn't true." His large hands are so gentle as they rub your back comfortingly. The small action has your heart pounding.
It also has your core burning for more.
"I-I want to stay with you." "Princess, then why are we still here?" There's a hint of laughter in his teasing tone. "I mean.. stay with you." You bury your face in his broad chest, hoping desperately that he gets the hint.
And oh boy does he ever. He can't help the small groan that escapes his throat at the mere thought.
"Y/N.. you don't mean that." You finally look up, shocked at the tint of rosiness on his usually pale cheeks.
"I-I do mean it.. You're the only guy who has ever-" "I'm family." "Not blood. D-Don't act like you don't feel the same Choso!" His eyes widen, and your accusation has him backing away from you, causing your hope to falter. Had you been mistaken this entire time? Had the stares and lingering touches really just been his own way of showing platonic affection.
"Choso.. I-" "Am I truly that obvious, Y/N?" You blink once, twice before giggling softly. "Y-yeah.. have I not been?" "No. Your.. attention always seemed to be on others. I just assumed.. you saw me as your big brother." You shake your head, walking slowly to stand directly in front of him again.
You've always thought his eyes were gorgeous, a slight grey tint over the almost golden color, they truly are their own unique shade, but right now they seem even brighter.
"I.. I was scared. People would.. call us freaks if anything came of any attraction to each other. I mean.. we've known forever that we weren't related, but our parents have been married-" "Going on ten years now. Even dated for five years before that. Trust me," his hand reaches to touch your cheek gently, as if he's afraid he could break you, "I've been bouncing the pros and cons in my head for so many fucking years."
Your cheek fits so easily in his palm, as if it was made to be there. "So.. who gives a damn about the cons anymore?" His eyes darken at your words, suddenly not focused on your gaze, but your lips. "I don't think I do, Princess." He suddenly turns the two of you, pressing your body into the wall that was originally behind him.
His lips hover centimeters over yours, making you whimper pathetically. "Tell me what you want. I'll give it to you, Y/N." His lips turn at the corners, making the already handsome guy seem even more so. Your hands reach out, gripping the loose t-shirt he's wearing tightly. "I-I need you, Cho. P-please?"
"Well, why don't we take this little.. fiasco to my place?" "No." He tilts his head in confusion as you smirk. "Fuck me on his bed.. onii-chan."
His lips are on yours the instant that word leaves your mouth. Despite the fact you're almost certain that Choso doesn't know what lip balm is, his lips are so plush and soft. It catches you off guard, causing you to moan softly in his mouth.
He isn't shy about exploring your body either. His hands grab every bit of plushness they can. Your hips, thighs, ass, until he finally reaches your breasts. His hands squeeze them harshly, not caring about any actual pain he could bring. You gasp in the kiss, which allows his tongue to finally invade your mouth, easily taking over as the dominant one.
He tastes faintly of cheap wine and cigarettes, but that doesn't shock you. You've spent multiple nights in his room smoking and drinking after rough breakups.
You have to smack at his shoulder a few times before he pulls away, leaving a strand of saliva connecting the two of you. He lets out a deep growl before grabbing your arm to yank you upstairs.
He kicks the bedroom door open, not caring about possibly busting the damn thing. "I have waited for so fucking long," he shoves you onto the queen sized bed that you once shared with your ex, "to have you all to myself. Now that I have you..." He pulls the shirt over his head, causing your eyes to shamelessly wander over his toned body. He catches your gaze, causing him to lick his bottom lip in anticipation. "Oh I am never letting you out of my grasp now, little one."
You sit up and, without a second thought, throw your shirt off and into the floor. "A bit possessive, are we?" He chuckles a bit darkly. "I don't see you complaining. Besides," he rips your pants off in one fluid motion, purring at the dark spot already staining your panties, "it seems you know who you belong to." His head is almost instantly between your legs, his hands shoving your thighs open effortlessly.
He licks a long stripe up your covered slit, causing you to mewl. "Go ahead, princess, tell me exactly who owns you." This time he places a small kiss just over your clit. "F-fuck, you!" "Hmmm," his hand comes down to smack your pussy with an unnecessary amount of force. "Not good enough. Try again." He lands another smack, this one making tears prick your eyes.
"W-what do y-you want-" you cry out as he lands two more smacks on you. The pain is startling at first, but it quickly has you moaning in pleasure. "How about that fun little nickname you've given so many men that have entered your bedroom?" You squeak, making him chuckle. "Oh come on, there's no way you thought I never heard you. Always had the fucking nerve," another smack, this one even harder, "to cry out for other men while I was in my bedroom dreaming of making those pretty eyes cry in my bed. Come on, call me that sweet little name and I'll fuck you better than any of those assholes could have."
The last smack has you screaming, and you can't seem to care that any of your neighbors could hear. "D-Daddy! Y-You own me! I-it's always been you, I swear daddy! P-Please fuck me, I-I need it!"
He groans loudly before ripping your panties from your body. "I'll have to remember that you beg beautifully once I get you home." Two of his fingers spread you apart, and he smirks at the puddle of essence already pooling on the bed. "So fucking wet for me, aren't you?" He doesn't give you a chance to answer before he buries his face in you, eating you out like a man starved.
The sudden onslaught of pleasure makes you try and clamp your thighs closed, but one of his hands shoves it back down. His eyes look up at you as he continues to lap at your drooling pussy. The stare speaks every word he can't at the moment.
This is for his pleasure, not yours, and you're meant to lay back and take what he's giving you.
Your fingers tangle in his raven hair, and the slight pain has him growling against you. His lips wrap around your throbbing clit, sucking harshly, and he shoves two fingers into you without any warning.
You knew beforehand that Choso had slept with at least a few women, so he's not inexperienced, but you never knew that he was this experienced. His long fingers curl into you, pushing against the spot that has you screaming his name to the heavens. He has to rut against your mattress in a desperate attempt to get some sort of relief.
"D-Daddy.. I-I'm g-gonna cum.." He could already tell. Your walls sucked his fingers in as soon as they entered you, so he knew you wouldn't last much longer. "Hmmm," his sharp teeth nip your clit gently, but it still makes you squeak, "I sure hope you aren't telling daddy what you're going to do.. That would be awfully rude of you, little one."
The sheer dominance and control radiating from him has your eyes rolling in the back of your head. Since when was your sweet step brother so demanding? "C-can I please cum, daddy? I-It feels t-too good.." You feel that damn smirk against your clit. "Of course, baby. Just scream my name when you do it, okay?"
He really must not like you talking much, because he doesn't let you answer him before he starts ruthlessly pounding his fingers into your cunt. Your entire body arches from the bed as you cry out for him. It takes one last flick of his tongue on your swollen bud to have you writing in the bed, coming completely undone before he even pulled his pants off.
He slows down, but doesn't completely stop, allowing you to ride out your high as he uses his tongue to lap up every drop of sweetness pouring from you. "Good girl, I've got you sweetheart. Are you feeling up for more, or do you need to stop until we go home?"
He sits up, eyeballing your form as he licks his lips clean, ignoring the fact he's dripping your own cum from his chin onto you.
You giggle, still a bit spaced out from the intense orgasm. "W-want you.. inside me, please daddy?" He chuckles softly before reaching to finally unhook your bra and fling it to the side. "Of course baby. Where are your condoms?" "D-Don't have any. I'm on.. the pill." His cheeks flush a bit, but he doesn't question anything else.
He makes quick work of his sweatpants, leaving him in only his boxers. The outline of his cock alone has you snapping back to reality. When he pulls the boxers down, you outwardly moan when it slaps back against his abdomen. He's much bigger than any guy you've had before. Also, it's so.. pretty.
The shaft is a lot like the rest of his skin, a very pale color that almost shines if sunlight hits it. The head is a soft pink, very reminiscent of the blushes he always seemed to get if you teased him too much, with droplets of precum around it. A large vein runs from the underside of it, and you can see it actually throb the more he stares at you.
"See something you like, love?" You whimper at the very affectionate nickname. "I-is it going to fit? I mean.. I've never.." "Don't worry, little one," he gently lays you back, "daddy will get it to fit. If it hurts too much, just let me know. Okay?" he grabs one of your exes' pillows, placing it gently under your lower back. "O-okay, daddy. I trust you."
His smile warms your heart. "That's my good girl. Spread your legs for me." You nod, following his instructions immediately. His hand reaches between the two of you, grabbing his cock and gently rubbing the tip around your entrance. "You sure you want this, Y/N? I don't want you to feel forced." You whimper, nodding instantly. "P-please fuck me, Choso.. I've waited so long.." You spread your legs more, effortlessly enticing him.
When his tip enters you, you're already a moaning mess. It just feels too good. He watches your expressions intently as he slowly pushes into you, searching for any signs of discomfort. Once he's about halfway in, he stops completely.
"How you doin' baby? Any pain?" He leans down to give you a gentle kiss. "G-good. I-it kinda burns, but nothing bad, I promise." He smiles against your mouth and starts to push in again. "We're almost there, little one. Just- fuuuuck." He finally bottoms out, the stretch of it making you whimper loudly and wiggle around. He pants on your face, the scent of you still heavy on his breath.
"S-so fucking tight.. can't believe this is happening..”
He chuckles softly, giving a tentative thrust into your heat. You bite down on your lip, finding both pain and pleasure in the burn that courses through your body. "D-daddy-" He cuts off the rest of your sentence by leaning back onto his knees and grabbing the back of both of your thighs. He manhandles you easily into what you can only assume is a mating press.
"So easy to throw around, aren't you? My pretty baby.." He pulls out of you until only his tip is still inside before slamming back in, causing you to see stars. "You take cock like a pro, baby. I wasn't sure a cute little thing like you could handle it." You tighten around him at his foul language, causing him to growl. "I'm gonna ruin you for anyone else, baby. I'll make sure I'm the only one who can make you scream. You want that, baby? Want daddy to fuck the imprint of his cock into your slutty little hole?"
You throw your head back and cry out for him. "P-please! Make me your little toy, daddy. W-want you to own me.. prove who I belong to, please?" You know you've done it now from the way he snarls at you. However, the sudden ringing of your phone makes both of you freeze. He leans back up to wrap your thighs around his torso.
He's the first to reach to the floor and grab it, still buried deep inside of you. "Oh, lookie there.. a video call. Hello?" Did he-
"Choso? Where is Y/N? Why do you have her phone?" Your ex's voice sounds from the speaker, making your eyes shoot open. You meet Choso's eyes, mouthing the words 'hang up' over and over.
"What does it matter? She dumped you and called me." "Of course she did. Dude, let me talk to her." Choso chuckles darkly, finally thrusting into you, making you squeak loudly despite your best effort to stay quiet.
"What was that?" "Y/N. She's currently.. held up. Or.. down, rather." He smirks at his own joke, reaching down his free hand to start circling your clit with his middle finger. The feeling has you tightening your thighs around his waist.
"You... what?" "Are you deaf and stupid? I said she's busy, aren't you little one?" He smirks down at your form, panting and shaking your head in a desperate, silent plea. This can not be how everyone finds out about this. No way in hell.
Choso's mocking pout makes your face flare up. "She seems a little shy. Let me show you instead." "N-no! Choso I-!" The choking gasp from the phone call shuts you up. Choso's eyes show no mercy as he looks at you almost amused. "That isn't what you should be calling me, is it?"
You look directly at the camera on the back of your phone, your face a deep scarlet color. Before you can correct yourself, the hand that was idly playing with your clit launches up, smacking your cheek with enough force to have your eyes switch to his. He smirks and shoves his index and middle fingers in your mouth without warning, making the ring he wears clack a bit painfully into your teeth.
"Pretty little whore just needs to learn some manners. Don't you, love?" He gets a wicked grin seeing how you blabber around his digits, trying so desperately to behave and give him an answer. "Sorry, princess, I didn't quite hear you. Try again for daddy." He shoves his fingers farther down your throat, causing you to gag and cough. Spit pours out of your kiss bruised lips, making Choso moan above you.
Your teary eyes make him pull his fingers out, wiping the spit across your face. "Why didn't you tell me you couldn't speak? Silly little girl. Now, what should you be calling me?" "D-Daddy! I'm s-so sorry.." He groans, running his thumb down your bottom lip. He gently pries your mouth open before leaning over you, letting spit fall from his tongue into your waiting mouth. He purrs as you swallow it so obediently. "I know you are. You're such a good girl for me. Oh, he hung up." Choso chuckles softly and tosses your phone back to the floor.
"I believe that I have some work to finish, right baby?" Both of his hands grab your hips, surely leaving bruises, before he starts to mercilessly ram into your sopping cunt. Your throat is still somewhat raw from his fingers being in it not two minutes ago, but he's determined to pull every sound he can from you.
He slides one hand down, harshly pinching and rolling your swollen clit between two fingers. Your cries only encourage his ruthless actions.
"D-daddy I-I.. something.. something doesn't-" Your pleas are cut off when the hand on your hip actually lifts you off the bed, giving him enough access for the tip of his cock to batter into your cervix.
If you aren't sore tomorrow, he hasn't done his job.
Sweat drips down his forehead and chest as he growls deeply. "There we go baby. T-that's the spot. Cum for daddy, want you screaming until my name is the only t-thing you know." His hand starts slapping your exposed clit again, finally throwing you over the edge. When the coil in your abdomen snaps, you scream his name, raw throat be damned.
Choso hisses as you tighten around his cock, spraying his lower abdomen in your essence. "Sh-shit I-" His sentence trails off when he thrusts into you one more time, letting out an animalistic snarl as his own climax washes over him.
You can feel his cock throb as he unloads his seed deep inside you. The feeling makes you tremble and mewl. There's so much of it that it still manages to spill out, staining the bed sheets under you.
He's still panting pretty heavily when he slides out of you, careful in case you're still too sensitive. When you squeak, he reaches up to cup your cheek. "You did so well, baby. I'm so proud of you." You nuzzle into his hand, placing a small kiss in the palm. "Th-thank you, daddy. I-I'm so tired." When your eyes start to flutter shut, he carefully stands from the bed, shamelessly admiring your disheveled state. "I'm sure you are. Let me get us cleaned up. Then I'll take you home, okay?"
Your small nod is plenty of an answer, so he rushes to the bathroom to search for a rag. He takes only a few seconds to wipe himself clean before rushing back to your side. You wince slightly at the feeling of the cloth wiping you down. "Shhhh, daddy's got you baby. I'll be done in just a second." He smiles to himself as you visibly relax into his touch, allowing him to finish.
"You know," he chuckles as he helps you pull your clothes back on, "your dad is going to try and kill me." "Your mom is going to call me every name in the book." He nods in agreement, finally starting to dress himself.
"So.. should we stay quiet? I imagine shit-for-brain isn't going to, but we can play that off as him being an idiot." You bite your lip, weighing the consequences of either decision.
There's no doubt in your mind, you want to be with Choso. It's clear he's willing to do whatever you want, but from the look in his eyes, the answer is obvious.
"I'm not hiding it." He blinks at you in shock. "B-baby.. your repu-" You stand up, despite your legs screaming in pain. He's quick to rush over and pull you into his chest. "I don't care.. I love you, and I don't want to hide it anymore." You squeak loudly when he picks you up bridal style, holding you easily with one arm.
The kiss he gives you is soft and loving, full of nothing but his affection for you. "I love you too, Y/N. I want nothing more than to tell the world that."
He carries you downstairs to grab your overnight bag, and then out to put you in his car. He really refuses to let you do anything, since he even leans inside to buckle you up. Your protests have him laughing. "When you're with me," he kisses your lips after getting into the driver's seat, "you're the spoiled princess. Got it?"
The drive to his house is quiet. He holds your hand the entire time, stroking along it with his thumb, occasionally bringing it to his mouth and kissing each knuckle.
"Oh.. oh shit." "What?" You open your eyes from almost falling asleep.
Your blood freezes when you see what he's looking at. Your dad's car is already parked in his driveway.
Tags: @katgalle, @savonline
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Winter Olympics Snippet #3
“Never?” The interviewer - a bottle blonde wearing an offensively bright shade of red - gasped as if Nesta had just admitted to committing murder rather than to not fucking her skating partner. “How is that possible?” The woman leaned back a little in her chair, eyes raking up and down both Eris and Nesta. Brain working as hard as it probably ever had trying to figure out how 2 attractive people saw each other regularly and managed to keep their clothes on.
“Unfortunately, Nesta is way out of my league.” Eris joked easily, much more comfortable in front of cameras than Nesta had ever been. If Eris genuinely was the person he pretended to be on camera, they would probably fight a lot less.
The interviewer giggled, filling the space where Nesta knew she was supposed to teasingly slap Eris on the arm and say of course that wasn’t true!
“Eris is like my brother,” she said on a calm voice. Giving something, a sweet clip people would replay that didn’t make her look cold. Ice dancers weren’t allowed to be serious athletes. Their sport was pretty and popular and sparkly. And they were supposed to be the same.
“I will be her brother soon, in fact.” Eris wrapped an arm around Nesta’s shoulders. Smiling in that crooked way that got Instagram fan accounts dedicated to him. Fuck, he was good at this.
“That’s right! I am interviewing Elain and Lucien later today. Oh Nesta, you must come back and do an interview with both of your sisters! Talk about genetically blessed!” What Nesta wanted to do was stick cotton in her ears to drown out that chirpy voice.
“Of course, if there’s time,” She said vaguely. “Feyre and Elain are on much different practice schedules than Eris and I.”
“Right.” The interviewer hated her. Most of the viewers would hate her too, until she came home with a gold medal around her kneck.
The camera turned off, the blonde’s smile dropped, and Eris rolled his eyes. “What the fuck was that, Nesta? You trying to lose our sponsors?”
“What?” Nesta defended sullenly. “Forgive me for thinking those people give us money because we are good at what we do.”
The blonde laughed out loud. Several octaves lower and a few beats slower than when she was on camera. “Please. Sponsors like pretty winners who smile. Men can get away with the arrogant reserved thing and just be called mysterious. No such luck for you, Archeron.”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion.”
The interviewer shrugged.
“Skewering your guests already, Mor?” Nesta froze at the thickly accented voice. Cassian walked casually onto the sound stage like he owned the place, settled an arm around the host’s neck in a friendly half-hug, and then looked up at Nesta. “For the record, I love the whole better than you ice Princess vibe. Hot as hell.”
“Don’t listen to Cassian,” Mor rolled her eyes. “Ever.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.” Nesta felt Eris’ arm tighten around her and it was everything she could do not to smack him upside the head. Why did she have to choose a life surrounded by alpha male ego cases? “I smiled in the commercials,” Nesta said, turning back to Eris. “When they were actually paying us. When this network gives us a million then I’ll do whatever they want - smile, giggle, give them a fucking strip tease-”
“Is that offer open to anyone?” Cassian drawled, patting at his chest as if looking for his wallet.
“You’ve certainly spent more money in worse ways,” Mor scoffed.
Eris glared. “Sunshine, I’ll give you 2 million to put more clothes on every time we see this prick.”
Cassian gasped in fake offence. “Are we about to start a bidding war?”
“No,” Nesta snapped. “Honestly.” She stood in a huff, head shaking and eyes blazing. “You both dishonour the entire institution of the Olympics with your caveman male machismo!”
Cassian snorted, “The Olympics were born because of caveman male machismo, Sweetheart.” He reached out to snag Nesta’s arms as she passed by, pulling her close enough that he could lean down and whisper in her ear, “And the ancient Greeks competed naked.”
Nesta jerked her arm back. Stood there for a second, eyes narrowed. “Why don’t you give that a try?” She smiled sweetly. “Go take a nice long snowboard run, naked, in the freezing winter. And get lost in the woods while you’re at it!”
“Only if you come with me to keep me warm.” He winked. Actually winked.
“3 million to put more clothes on,” Eris grumbled, clapping a hand on Nesta’s shoulder to lead her out of the studio.
Cassian’s laughter followed them all the way out.
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Could you do one where Lucien finds out about what happened on solstice but he and Elian isn’t speaking to him yet? I’m curious to see your take!
Look. I absolutely CANNOT help myself. If I had written that scene (and I am free, SJM), it would have gone down a little like this.
She doesn’t want him.
Azriel’s words rang through Lucien’s head, over and over on a constant loop, one he didn’t think he’d ever get out. He hadn’t wantedto overhear that whole conversation and, in doing so, was reminded why he never came to this fucking city to start with. He scrubbed a hand down his face, slung his bag over his shoulder, and slipped from his room. Feyre would be disappointed he left without saying goodbye but no one else would miss him. He could always make his excuses in a letter when he was far from Velaris.
I’d defeat him easily.
Lucien flinched beneath the weight of such casual violence. Azriel would love Autumn Court, if that was his first thought when it came to a blood duel. Lucien had no intention of calling one, not for Elain. He barely knew her and yet Lucien didn’t think she’d find the whole, bloody mess endearing.
He certainly had no intention of dying over a female that seemed to loathe his existence. He closed his eyes for a moment, willing Azriel’s voice to remove itself.
He doesn’t deserve her.
What would Lucien know about that, he thought miserably, his feet touching the first-floor landing. It wasn’t like he’d asked for her. If he’d it his way, the cauldron would given Elain to Azriel and the spymaster could spend eternity bound to a female that wanted nothing to do with their kind. He might have found it funny, the notion that Azriel thought she’d fall into his arms when Elain had made it abundantly clear she hated the mating bond.
Maybe he’d have a shot, then. Lucien stepped past the drawing room they’d exchanged gifts in when he caught a flash of that honey-colored hair all the Archeron’s shared. Feyre was up. Well fuck. He’d never be forgiven if he snuck right past her. He sighed and turned.
“Knock, knock,” he said before looking in. “Feyre, I thought I’d…” His words died in his throat when Elain looked back, her hands wrapped around her throat. “Never mind.” He wasn’t touching the red eyes and blotchy skin of the softly crying Elain with a ten-foot pole. He turned on his heel when something physically stopped him.
The fucking mating bond snarled in his chest, a physical beast that demanded he care for his mate. Fuck me, he thought furiously, keeping himself exactly where he was. He turned again, wary of the female that had caused so much drama. He wondered if she knew. Elain’s hands were still wrapped around her neck as a set of fresh tears slid down her cheeks.
“Are you alright?” He asked, every inch of him rebelling at the thought of comforting her through the rejection of another male.
Elain’s whole body seemed to tremble while Lucien warred with the bond, demanding it let him leave.
She doesn’t want him.
Lucien sighed and offered her a mocking bow while even the mating bond conceded. He turned for the third time, reshouldering his bag, and stepped out of the drawing room. Ten steps and he’d be at the door.
“Wait!” She called. Lucien’s whole body went taut as he closed his eyes and tilted his head towards the sky.
Have I displeased you? He silently asked the mother, walking back to the drawing room. He knew she could tell he did not want to be there, that he’d been trying to make his escape judging by the expression on her face. Was she planning to torture him a little, on her way out?
“Can you help me?” She asked, removing her hands from her throat. A red rosebud hung from her pale throat on a silver chain, and it was clear she’d been trying to remove it when he walked in on her.
Lucien dropped his bag to the floor and walked to her, her scent a punch to the gut. Honey and jasmine and something warm, like a breeze over a sunlit sky. All of that was mingled with fear and the better part of him wanted to tell her no and demand she tell him why she was so scared. He didn’t. What good was upsetting an already crying female?
She swept thick, honey-colored curls over one shoulder and it was Lucien’s turn to tremble, his stomach bottoming out. Had he ever touched her? He couldn’t remember a time. He reached for the tiny clasp, his fingers brushing over the nape of her neck. He swallowed hard as the chain was freed, sliding away into her waiting hands.
“Thank you,” she murmured as Lucien immediately put distance between them. His entire body was too aware of her and though he was angry, he didn’t know that he could stop himself from touching her again if he remained close. He wanted to guard her, to put his body in front of hers and snap and snarl until every male in Prythian was aware that she was his mate.
He reached for his bag. “Are you leaving?” She asked again and it occurred to Lucien she had asked him two questions and he had said nothing in response. He flexed his jaw, his back turned to her, and slid the strap of the bag back over his shoulder.
“I am,” he replied carefully. Elain wiped her cheeks with the palm of her hand and Lucien thought she was still so heartbreakingly beautiful, despite her hurt. Elain nodded, looking down at her feet and he wondered if he ought to just say goodbye.
“Will you be back?” She asked, her words nearly a whisper.
“Would you like me to return?” He asked, emphasizing her part heavily. Their eyes met again and Elain hesitated.
He turned then, his anger cascading over him, intending to leave her in the drawing room. She didn’t owe him anything but neither did he. At least he was trying. If she didn’t want him around, he didn’t need to come any more than was necessary and he certainly didn’t need to see her.
“Lucien!” Elain breathed from behind him. He stopped again, cursing himself and the tether that bound them. “Lucien I didn’t…I uh…”
“I get it,” he said, his words clipped, turning to face her again. He shoved down his instincts demanding he treat her with care. Maybe someone should tell her to get fucked, even once instead of the constant handholding she was subjected to. “I’m the wrong male. That’s fine, Elain. I don’t want to be in your way.”
His hand reached for the doorknob when she surged forward, her brown eyes still sparkling with tears. “What does that mean?” She demanded.
He laughed dryly. “I guess you didn’t hear the little reprimand the High Lord gave Azriel regarding you?”
Her face paled.
“Don’t let me get in the way of true love,” he commented sarcastically. “I wish you and the bat nothing but the best.”
Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not in love with him,” she half-whispers.
“You understand that’s worse, right?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. She looked him up and down.
“I don’t belong to you,” she began but Lucien rolled his eyes.
“When did I ever say you did?” He asked, raising his eyebrows. “You’ve made a lot of assumptions about someone you don’t even know.”
“Would you even be here if it weren’t for this?” Elain asked in return, one finger gesturing between their bodies.
“Would Feyre?” He snapped back. Elain hesitated and Lucien could see she hadn’t considered that. Something sparked in her gaze and Lucien waited to see if she was going to soften.
“I don’t owe you anything.”
“Great,” Lucien replied, yanking on the door handle. “I don’t owe you shit, either.”
He stepped into the cold, strangely pleased when she followed him out.
“What does that mean?” She asked, the door snapping behind her. She immediately wrapped her arms around her body and, cursing himself, Lucien began unbuttoning his jacket.
“Why do you think I ought to stand here trying when you don’t believe you owe me anything?” He demanded even as he handed her the emerald-colored jacket. She snatched it out of his hands and threw it to the ground like a petulant child.
“You wanted this—”
“The hell I did!” He interrupted. “Do you imagine I am having a good time, watching you desperately try to avoid me? Because let me assure you, this is not my idea of fun.”
“Then why do you keep coming around?!”
“Because you haven’t rejected the bond!” He replied, letting some of his desperation leech into his words. “And until you do, I’ll keep coming to Solstice and waiting, my entire life hinging on a choice you seem duty bound to ignore. Have you ever considered, for even a moment of your now immortal life, that you do owe me something?”
“I don’t owe you shit,” she whispered in response, all rebellion. Lucien couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of his throat, causing her to jump. Of all the things he might have imagined, her repeating his own words back to him was not one of them. He shook his head, meaning to turn and winnow away but Elain was watching him and he thought her lips curved upwards just enough to seem as though she were suppressing a smile.
Lucien offered her the same mocking bow he’d once given her sister, bending deeply at the waist, arms thrown out, so she knew it was not courtly in the slightest.
“Enjoy your night, Elain.”
“Lucien!” She snapped, very clearly exasperated. He shivered and it had nothing to do with the cold, which he barely felt. He took a step between them, hooking the lip of his jacket on his boot and tossing it into the air where he caught it and draped it over his arm.
Her eyes glanced back at his jacket, arms tightening around her body and for the second time that night, Lucien handed her the jacket. She didn’t budge and he sighed.
“Take the damn jacket, Elain.” “You’re rude,” she accused, snatching it out of his grip. And though Lucien was irritated with her, some of his anger washed away at the sight of her buttoning herself into his jacket.
“Yeah? Well you’re spoiled.”
Real mature.
She paused and then she smiled, as if he’d told her she was beautiful. “No one has ever said that to me before.”
“You’ll forgive me if I’m all out of sonnets.”
She laughed that time. “You’re so mean.”
Lucien hesitated. Did she like it? He took a step towards her and Elain, to her credit, held her ground. All traces of tears were gone, replaced by the open rebellion staring him in the face.
“You like it,” he accused. Elain didn’t deny it. Instead she took the tiniest step towards him, so close Lucien could touch her face. He reached between them, taking a fat curl between his fingers, knuckles brushing over her cheek.
“I’m not a doll,” she murmured, eyes wide as she held her ground. “I can handle it.”
Of that, Lucien didn’t doubt. He knew she felt his agreement, shimmering down their shared connection.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you wanted me to stick around.” “Good thing you know better,” she shot back, all teasing. Lucien, unable to resist testing his luck, dropped his hand and made to turn.
She grabbed his hand and his blood sang at the contact, the instinct to grab her and take her away from this place nearly overwhelming.
“Stay,” she breathed. “Get some sleep…you look terrible.”
He smiled, looking down at her hand clasping his own. “At least we share that commonality.”
Her mouth dropped open, eyes sparkling. “How very cruel of you. Will I see you in the morning?”
“If you’re lucky,” he replied, smirking. All his confidence died the moment she brought his hand to her mouth, pressing a kiss to his palm.
“If you’re lucky, you mean,” she replied, letting go. Elain turned, flouncing back into the house without so much as a glance backwards while Lucien stood beneath the fae lights flickering on Feyre’s porch, hand burning. He tried to figure out what had happened and how they’d gone from crying and yelling to…insults and a kiss.
Still, he did as she asked and came back into the house and walked back to his room…where Feyre waited, a smile playing on her lips.
“Good night?” She asked him, making it plain she’d heard at least part of what went down between him and Elain.
“Shut up,” he replied.
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cinnamon-roll-seth · 3 years
Meant To Be (Part Two) || Nick Goode
- Part One
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Request- Can you write an imagine of Nick Goode from 1978 where y/n is a redhead and is the sister of Ziggy and Cindy. Her and Nick were dating before y/n left camp and Nick dumped her. After a year she comes back with her sisters and they meet again and y/n tries to talk to him but he doesn't want to. And there is a fight like Deena and Sam at the beginning of the movie because Nick was also mad at her because she was kissing a boy and he squeezed her ass and he knows she didn't feel comfortable with it just like Sam and Deena’s fight. And after the fight he ignores her, still loving her, and always thinking about her after years. And then after years they reconcile and stay together for years, until death do them part. (there is no curse in the imagine)
“No, no, no.” You groaned, looking in your rearview mirror as a pair of red and blue lights flashed behind you.
You pulled over and sighed, running a hand through your hair while mumbling out a few curses. Cindy was going to kill you.
You reluctantly rolled your window down as the officer approached your car and bent down, “Ma’am did you know- Y/N?”
Of course it would be Nick Goode, of all people, to have pulled you over.
It had been 7 years since that night at camp where the two of you had fought. After that you avoided him at all cost and only spoke to him when necessary.
As the years went by and you’d grown and matured your negative feelings toward Nick had disappeared. You no longer held any hatred for the man. He was simply an old fling to you now, a silly teenage relationship that didn’t work out.
That still didn’t make him pulling you over any less embarrassing.
“Um, hey Nick. Look I’m sorry if I was speeding, I didn’t even realize. I’m late for my nephews birthday party and if I’m any later my sister is going to literally kill me.” You ramble, reaching into your wallet for your license to give to him.
“You weren’t speeding Y/N. I pulled you over to ask if you knew you had a taillight out.” He reassures you awkwardly.
“Really? The left one? Damn I just replaced that one a few weeks ago.” You mutter, “I guess you have to give me a ticket now, huh? Alright, get it over with.”
“Well technically I don’t have to give you a ticket. I’ll settle for your number instead?” He answers smoothly causing your cheeks to heat up.
Nick cuts off your stuttering, “Look Y/N. I’m going to go out on a limb here and tell you the truth. These past few years I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. About what it would be like if we’d stayed together. You were one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I was a dumbass and went and fucked it up and I’ve never been able to forgive myself for hurting you. Even if you don’t feel the same way please just give me the chance to properly apologize. The way we left things just doesn’t sit right with me.”
You weren’t sure what to say. You’d be lying if you hadn’t also caught yourself often thinking about what would’ve happened if you and Nick were together still. Would you be married and have kids of your own? Would you have that dog the two of you always talked about?
Yes the two of you had left off on bad terms but that was years ago. You were both older now, more mature. Maybe if you gave Nick another chance things would go different this time. Or maybe you’d get the chance to put the past behind you and be at least friends.
Finally you reached over into the passenger seat into your purse for the pen and notepad you kept inside.
You scribbled your phone number down and ripped the piece of paper off before handing it to Nick, “Call me tonight and we can talk.”
He nodded and smiled before thanking you and sending you on your way. You hoped you wouldn’t regret this.
And you didn’t.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Your family and friends cheered and clapped their hands as Nick gently placed his hands on either side of your face and brought you in for a kiss.
“Ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you: Mr. and Mrs. Goode!”
You’d dreamed about this day that summer at camp when the two of you were together. After your breakup you’d thought bitterly about how this day would never happen. And now the day had arrived after all and it was even more perfect then your sixteen-year-old self could’ve ever imagined.
You were finally married to the love of your life. You were Nick Goode’s wife. All because of an out taillight two years ago.
5 Years Later
“Lunch is done!” You called out to your husband and children from the your back porch.
“Mommy come see our leaf pile!” Your daughter yells excitedly. You make your way down the steps and across the yard to where your husband, daughter, and twin sons are standing around a large pile of leaves.
“Wow that is a big leaf pile,” You tell her enthusiastically.
“Daddy was throwing us in it,” She beams happily.
“Guys I think Mommy wants to play in our leaf pile too, what do you think?” Nick asks mischievously.
“Yeah!” All three of your children reply excitedly.
“Let’s all tackle Mommy on the count of three,” Your husband tells them.
“You better not,” You fake warn them.
“1…2….3! Get her!” The four of them come running at you and tackle you down into the pile of leaves.
The five of you all fall into the leaf pile giggling and laughing.
“You little devils! I’ll get you for this!” You yell playfully, grabbing one of your sons and tickling him while he shrieks and tries to wiggle away.
Finally the little one escapes and the three kids jump up and run into the house to escape your playful vengeance.
You turn to your husband and grin, putting a hand on his chest, “We’d better go before those little monsters destroy the kitchen.”
You go to get up but Nick pulls you back down and you let out a surprised gasp as you fall back into his chest.
“Let’s just stay here for a minute,” He mumbles, before pulling your lips into his.
You gladly kiss him back, putting your hand on his chest as he has his on your face.
“EWW!” You hear a chorus of little voices, breaking your kiss as you turn and see all three of your kids on the porch staring at the two of you.
“Alright now you’re gonna get it,” Your husband jumps up and runs after the kids, who run into the house yelling and giggling as their father chases them.
You laugh to yourself and stand up, walking towards the house while yelling out, “Let’s go Maisie!”
The german shepherd stops sniffing the bush she was inspecting and chases after you into the house.
You’d finally gotten your happy ever after with Nick and you couldn’t be happier. The two of you truly were meant to be.
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
Demon or Human?
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Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x Demon (Fem!)Reader
Summary: A foreign invader comes into Castle Dimitrescu just as you were settling in with your new family. However, how far would you be willing to go to protect your newfound home and your newfound love?
Warning: Game spoilers (I’ll try to keep those at a minimum), Blood, Slight G0R3, uncontrollable demon rage, fluff at the end
A/N: In light of some Resident Evil Village spoilers... Let’s just say I WILL NOT HAVE IT! So, I guess this is another entry to my The Demon Amongst Vampires series! R is My Character: Hydrangea Dragonfold
1 Year..
You’ve been inhabiting Castle Dimitrescu for one year. Alcina had been able to persuade Mother Miranda to keep you in her care instead of letting you be hunted for sport. You’d probably survive it anyway, with your demon abilities. 
“I have to go to a meeting,” Alcina announces to you and her daughters, “Apparently Mother Miranda has found a foreigner man-thing in our village grounds.”
“A man?!” Daniela squeals of excitement
"A new plaything?!” Cassandra asks
“You must bring him here at once mother,” Bela says
She looks at her three children, almost looking like she is tired of their pleas. However, she recomposes herself
“I will have to persuade Mother Miranda as best as I can,” Alcina says, “I appoint Hydrangea on watch. Bela is in charge.”
You leave your mouth agape, hearing your name after while of Bela calling you “micul meu demon” or everyone else calling you demon.
“But mother-” Cassandra interrupts
“Why can’t it be either one of us?” Daniela motions to her and Cassandra
“Because I’m the oldest,” Bela flaunts her ‘eldest sibling title’
“There will be no complaints my daughters,” Alcina says, “Guard the castle well Hydrangea.”
“Of course My lady,” you say out of respect
“You have permission to call me Alcina Hydrangea,” She smiles
Alcina makes her exit. 
“I get the first bite on the man thing,” Daniela blurts out
“Not if I catch him first,” Cassandra interrupts
“Enough!” Both you and Bela scream
Your blue flames ignite slightly, almost setting the table on fire. However, you compose yourself. Thus, your flames ‘dieing’.
“We will wait for your mother to return,” You sigh, “Gosh you two are rowdy. No wonder why Bela is in charge.”
You ignite your flames once you stand, heading off towards the staircase. However, Bela follows you. You didn’t notice her presence until she grabs your wrist and pulls you into a room.
“Bela love what are you doing?” You ask
You try to get her to let go of you however, you stop fighting her as she doesn’t reply to you but only snakes her arms around your midsection, taking in your warmth that you were producing. Not only from your natural body heat, but your demon form as well. You were also sure that she was also listening to your racing heartbeat. The one thing you feared was giving too much heat, too much to the point where Bela and possibly everyone else you’ve come to love and care about they turn to ash because of your carelessness of your flames. 
“I... Love, I have to leave,” You sigh, placing your hand on her head and the other on her waist 
“No you don’t,” She counter argues
“I do my love,” You say, looking down at her, “I have to keep you three safe.”
“And you think we can’t protect ourselves?!” Bela asks
“That is not what I meant love,” You say, “It’s just... It’s just I’m not over what happened last time... If I hadn’t come when I did, you would have died... I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself for that. I’d die if anything happened to you.”
Bela’s grip on you only tightens when you finish your sad ramble. This gets you in tears. You really couldn’t imagine the rest of your life without her.
“You’d die... For me?” She asks
“Of course I would love,” You smile, swooping her into your arms
Fortunately, your blue flames weren’t ignited enough to accidentally burn her. Your foreheads touch as you give her a kiss
“This is so much better,” Bela sighs in relief
“It really is,” You smile, “Thank you Bela.”
She kisses your forehead. You lay your head against her shoulder, hoping you could just stay like that for a little bit longer.
“Bela?” You ask, breaking the silence
“What is it my love?” She asks
“If this man... If this man scurries around the castle and hurts any of you,” You start, “What if I lose control of my demon form and I no longer see the human in me?”
“Simple, I‘ll get you out,” She answers
“What if you can’t?” You ask, worried now, “What if I’m the one who ends up hurting you?”
“Can you promise me one thing then?” She asks
You nod.
“The don’t use your full demon form,” She requests, “If you’re worried about hurting us, don’t use it. Should you though, I will pull you out.”
You had wished you were able to stay like that forever. However, you knew you had to begin your task. You and Bela give each other one last kiss before departing each others’ presence and embrace. Bela goes back down to the foyer to meet her sisters once more.
“You two okay?” Daniela asks, breaking the silence
“We are fine Daniela,” Bela answers
“Then when will the both of you just shut up and get married?!” Cassandra asks, clearly teasing Bela now
 “We are not-we don’t plan on that yet,” Bela says, “It’s never come up when we talk and we don’t need to yet.”
“Sure,” Daniela teases
As you were scouting the grounds of the castle, you already see Alcina returning to the castle.
“My lady!” You call out, “I’m assuming it didn’t go well?”
“Mother Miranda gave that man-thing to Heisenberg, of course I’m upset!” She groans in frustration, “I need a drink.”
You follow her back into the castle where her daughters immediately stand to greet her.
“Where’s the male foreigner?” Bela asks
“Mother Miranda gave him to Heisenberg that fool,” She groans
You all watch her walk up the stairs and disappear into the castle. You four seat back down into the couch, Bela leaning into your embrace. 
“How was scouting O-great demon king?” Daniela teases
“It was fine Dani,” you chuckle, “Are you just going to continuously make nicknames for me Dani?”
She nods as she leans back into the chair. However, before any of you could converse on, you could hear footsteps. You motion for the girls to stop talking.
“You guys hear that too?” You whisper
You motion for the three of them to follow you and once you get to the grand entrance of the castle, you see a man. 
“Looking for Rose?” Daniela calls out to him, taunting him
The three of them begin forming into their fly swarm and move toward him. You make the decision to tell Alcina herself that a man has entered the castle. 
“My lady, there is a man in the castle,” You sigh, “Your daughters are on the case. I’m not sure who he is- oh, speak of the devil, here they are.”
You hear the doors burst open along with struggled grunts. You look over and notice Cassandra and Bela dragging him in.
“Mother, I bring you fresh prey,” She says, trying to take the credit
“Oh, you are so kind to me daughters,” Alcina smiles, her daughters letting a slight giggle out of their mouths, “Now, let’s take a look at him.”
She stands up and faces him, “Well, well, Ethan Winters. You’ve escaped my little brothers’ idiot games did you? Let’s see how special you are.”
You watch Bela, Daniela and Alcina taste his blood. You stand next to Cassandra as you watch.
“Hey-Hey you, help me out!” Ethan pleas at you
You turn to look at him for a second. You feel your human willing to help him however, you end up turning your back to him, not willing to help him. If anything, you also hated men. 
“Starting to go a little stale,” Alcina says, “But, I must inform Mother Miranda. Later, there will be enough for everyone. Put him up.”
You watch again as Bela and Daniela hook his hands and Cassandra hoists him up. You hear him groan in pain as you all begin making your exit.
“Hey... Hey you!” He again calls for you, “Help me... Please...”
You stop in your tracks and look up at him. You only let out a low chuckle as Bela gently grabs your wrist and pulls you out from the room.
As you were finishing something with Cassandra you suddenly hear Bela’s grunts.
“Hey, I gotta go,” You say out of the blue
You follow Bela’s voice, rushing even further when you could hear her voice getting louder and louder.
“Bela! Bela!” You call out for her
You pass through the kitchen and notice Bela on top of Ethan. However, she doesn’t notice how he’s aiming his gun. Only you had noticed.
“Bela! The windows!” You scream, “He’s gonna shoot the windows!”
Believing that she didn’t hear you, you ignite your flames even more so than earlier. But, it’s concentrated to your palms. You begin melting the bars that had separated from you reaching Bela. However, just before the glass had gave way to the heavy damage, the bars melted enough for you to burst through. You hear Bela’s pained scream as the glass gave way to the heavy damage. 
“You- stupid man-thing!” Bela screams
You only pictured how she was the last time she was out in the cold. You let out an ear-piercing roar as you forcefully push Ethan out of the way to get to Bela. Igniting your flames ever so slightly, you pick Bela up and begin warming her up with your flames and your natural body heat. You go back into the dungeons and place her down gently, hoping you had warmed her enough.
“Are you okay?!” You ask, tears welling into your eyes
“I am now love,” She smiles, caressing your cheek
“Go!” You say, “Get your sisters an get somewhere safe! He knows! I’ll come find you.”
You watch Bela disappear into the dungeons, hopefully back into the castle to warn her sisters. You go back to where Ethan had shot the window. He was hoping you’d feel pain with the cold however, when you emerged from the cold wind, you came out, unphased.
“What the HELL ARE YOU?!” Ethan asks
“The one who will kill you,” You growl, taking in the cold, “My blood’s boiling...”
Your blue flame continue to ignite more than usual and you pounce onto him, snarling in his face. He tries to use his shotgun on you and he manages to graze the side of your head. He manages to wriggle himself out of your grip and shoots at you again, this time, in the shoulder. 
“Stay down kid,” He says mercilessly and runs into the direction you came
“Get back here you coward!” You scream, trying to stand
As your body began regenerating, you continuously crawled in the direction he was going in, beginning to track his scent. It was difficult as you were in the room where the wines are created. However, it didn’t stop you from continuing on the path. When you fully regenerated your shoulder, you get up nd try to track his scent as best as you could. However, when you only got back into the castle.
“Bela!” you call
You felt a hand on your wrist as you begin getting pulled into a room. A feeling of relief washes over you as you hug Bela tightly. You look over her shoulder and only see Cassandra with her.
“Where’s Daniela?” You ask, in a panicked state
“She ran off, hoping to take down the man herself,” Cassandra sighs
You hear the door burst open and it’s Alcina.
“That man will pay for what he’s done,” She growls, “My daughter are you hurt?”
“I was but- thanks to Hydrangea,” Bela sighs in relief, leaning into your shoulder to warm up some more
“Where’s Daniela?” Alcina asks
“She went to the library to take down the man mother, we tried to stop her,” Cassandra sighs
“You two stay with Hydrangea until I return with his head and Daniela,” Alcina orders before leaving again
She makes her leave. The three of you sit on the couch, Cassandra and Bela huddling against you for warmth. However, Bela practically seating herself into your lap.
“Do you have to be such a hog of the human furnace?” Cassandra looks at her older sister in annoyance
“I’m her girlfriend so buzz off,” Bela says
“She may be your girlfriend but I need some warmth too,” Cassandra growls
You could hear Daniela’s pained grunts and screaming. You stand up and place Bela down onto the couch next to her sister. You flick your finger and a small flame goes into the fire place, igniting the firewood.
“Alcina hasn’t found her yet,” You say, “I’ll go get Daniela the both of you stay here okay?”
Once you left the room you break into a run towards the library. You break through the door just as Ethan begins opening the roof to let in the cold air again.
“STOP!” You scream, grabbing onto Daniela
Sorry Bela... I have to do this... To protect all of you. You four accepted me almost instantly... I have to protect my home. I’m not letting anyone die here! The only one dying is him....
The ground around you became engulfed in blue flames, surrounding both you and Daniela
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[A/n: not my gif]
“I got you Dani,” You say, the last time you heard your own voice
You look at Ethan completely deranged, more than Cassandra could ever look deranged at one of her “pets”. Ethan begins to walk backward however, tripping over an object.
“Let’s talk about this kid!” Ethan pleas, “From one human to another-”
“I’m not a human!” You spat, your demon voice overtaking your real voice, “I’m a demon! I protect my home and everyone in it!”
You let go of Daniela and leave her on the floor for Alcina to check on her. You throw Ethan out of the library. Alcina takes Daniela to where her other two daughters were. You throw him down a set of stairs. Coincidentally where Bela had opened the door.
You stand at the top of the stairs, looking down at Ethan, “You’ve overstayed your welcome... Time to say goodnight.”
“No-No please I beg you please I just wanted to find my daughter!” He screams
“All of this? For a child who isn’t even here?!” You mock him, “Your little baby could even be dead for all I care!”
Ethan draws his gun and pulls the trigger as a last resort to get you to stand down. However, you slice his arm off. You could hear his screams of pain as you now stand over him.
From the other room, Bela, Daniela, Alcina and Cassandra watch as you begin devouring his flesh. You stop after two bites out of his flesh you turn to the four women. Unable to feel your human, instead feeling your demon take full control over your body, you charge at Cassandra, Daniela, Alcina, even Bela. Alcina, being the protective mother she is, stands in front of her daughters, ready to slaughter you so if you lay a finger on her daughters like this. However, Bela runs past the three.
“Bela, get back here!” Alcina yells
Before you could lay a finger on them, Bela throws her arms around you, holding onto you tightly. As you flail your arms about, Bela still held onto you
“It’s me,” Bela says, calmly, “It’s okay now... I’m right here. Come back to me...”
You finally stopped flailing, your blue flames dissipating and your demon eye slits turning back into their round pupils.
“Be..la?” You call 
You gently place your hand on her head and the other around her. You sink into her touch and fall to your knees, Bela following your movements.
“It’s okay now,” She coos, “I’ve got you love. I’ve got you.”
You choke on your sobs as you hold onto Bela for dear life, sobbing into her shoulder.
“Bela did manage to get you out after all?” Alcina admires her oldest daughter, “And I thought I was going to have to kill her.”
Alcina sips her wine.
“Mother!” Bela growls
“I need to protect my prides and joys,” Alcina states
Bela was sitting in your lap as Daniela is huddled against your side and Cassandra on the floor facing you, Bela and Daniela.
“Do you really have to hog to the human furnace Bela? I’m the one who almost died,” Daniela growls
“She’s my girlfriend,” Bela draws the ‘girlfriend’ card for the millionth time
“How long do you intend on pulling that card against us Bela?” Cassandra asks
“As long as I want,” She smiles down at you
You smile back up at her, “Daniela, I also warmed you up in almost an instant with that amount of flames I emitted earlier. Did that not help?”
“Oh it did,” She smiles
“Then you don’t need to be complaining,” Bela scoffs
“By the way, I am digging the new look on you Hydrangea,” Cassandra says, smiling at you
Black horns with bright blue accents had remained from your blue flame horns or at least under them and a tail remained.
“Do you now Cass?” You smile, “I do too.”
Your tail unconsciously wraps itself around Bela’s waist. You could feel Bela’s fingertips playing with the fluff end of your tail, making your cheeks flush a faint pink.
“Awwww micul meu demon is blushing,” Bela teases
“Ssshut it,” You hiss
You weren’t sure how well you were going to do with that man-thing called Ethan Winters roaming around the castle. However, this was your home. You went to great lengths to protect it. Especially your new family and your girlfriend. Even if you would lose your human, you had Bela. You trust her enough to bring you back, should you lose sight of that human in you.
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