#I don’t think I spelled her name right lol
breezysuffers · 2 months
Sam’s grandma has been on my mind recently, so I wanted to draw her!
Adeline In All Of Her Old Lady Glory!
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blaithnne · 6 months
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The first Heron design I showed off was from before Confidential Casefiles, so I thought I’d show you guys her look after she gets her new arm. Plus a few changes I made to her character for this AU! Just realised the way I placed my signature makes it look like I’M her worst enemy, whoops.
Meet the Cast!
╰┈➤ Canon ☄. *. ⋆
→ Scrooge McDuff → Matilda McDuff → Hortense McDuff → Qalhata Duiker → Goldie O'Gilt → Jack Duckworth → Bentina Beakley → LÙ Huifen (pre-caseflies) → Ludwig Von Druska → Bradford Butcher
╰┈➤ OCs ☄. *. ⋆
→ Lucrais NicRiada
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joekeeryswife · 9 months
arranged marriage 1 - f.c
hey honeys! i hope you enjoyed my last imagine. writing for Felix legit has me in a chokehold. dickhead!felix (im sorry!) mean reader at the start then she turns sweet, i also suck at endings so please ignore how bad it is and the spelling mistakes lol.
anyways, here’s another angst to fluff imagine, Felix is 22 and reader is 20! enjoy reading 🩰
taglist🩰 (add yourselves here): @hummusxx @lalademie @kikiandbella @anamiad00msday @saltburntt @livvy256 @gee72sstuff please make sure your @ are on otherwise i cannot tag you!!
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“mum seriously? Felix? as in the only person i absolutely hate with a passion Felix?” your mum rolled her eyes at your outburst. it wasn’t a shock to her that you were mad, you and Felix had grown up together but for some reason the two of you never got along. your parents had grown up together and had obviously been planning this for some time.
“i’m sorry sweetheart but yes, it will be good for the two of you to finally get along, he is a really sweet boy you know” you huffed “we could get along without getting married? i mean, i’m only 20 years old. i have my whole life ahead of me to get married” you ran a hand through your hair.
“why do i not get a say in this? shouldn’t i be able to say yes or no to this?” you were frustrated, you hated Felix. and no marriage certificate was ever going to change that. “stop being silly y/n. Elspeth is so excited to have you as a daughter in law, she loves you” your mum tried to end it there but you were not giving up.
“dad please tell her she is being irrational, there is no way you have agreed to this as well” you looked over at your dad “i’m sorry honey but i have agreed and so has the Catton family. you have no idea how good this would be for us, you will be bringing two very strong bloodlines together” you wanted to scream.
marrying Felix was the worst possible thing to probably ever happen in your life. Felix was an asshole to you, rude, snobby and ignorant. he thought he was this incredible man but in reality he was just a bastard, and you would be marrying him? you wanted the ground to open up and swallow you.
“i’m sure the two of you will get along just fine, you’re being a little dramatic honey. you’re going to have a beautiful dress, a beautiful ceremony, it’ll be amazing. and Felix is a very a handsome boy and you are a gorgeous girl, your kids will be absolutely perfect” you choked on your saliva
“kids? mum are you joking? i’m begging you, please don’t force me to marry him, my life will be a misery” your mum shook her head. “enough. this is final. you will marry Felix, end of story” your dad said making you and your mum look at him. you did not ever think that you would be in an arranged marriage with Felix Catton.
“now, get ready darling, we are going to saltburn to celebrate” this was going to be hell.
“Felix darling, will you come here for a moment please?” Felix heard his mother call out as he walked past the living room. he saw his mum and dad sat on the sofa next to each other with huge smiles on their faces. he walked into the living room and sat on the sofa opposite the two of them “should i be worried?” he said jokingly, running a hand through his disheveled hair.
“no of course not” his mum laughed. “we have some news for you which you may not like the sound of at first, but, i think the idea will grow on you” his dad said, excitement filling his voice.
“we have been speaking to y/n’s parents” Felix rolled his eyes at the mention of your name. “and we have all collectively decided that it’s time for the two of you to finally know that you will be getting married” Elspeth squealed in excitement.
his jaw dropped “isn’t that amazing? oh god it’s so nice for the secret to finally be out” his father seemed just as ecstatic as his mother.
“you are joking right?” his mothers smile faltered “no, it’s not, you two are getting married. oh i am so thrilled Felix, we have been planning this for ages and now that you both know i think it’s really set it in stone.” he shook his head at her.
“no, absolutely not. i’m sorry but there is no way in hell that i am marrying y/n” he shook his head and laughed. “this is bullshit, we fucking hate each other, why the fuck would you two even think that is a good idea?” he felt sick. “Felix, don’t use that type of language please” Elspeth said.
“mum, she’s a bitch. you really think i want to marry her?” James shook his head “she is a lovely girl. it’ll be good for us Felix. and it will be nice for you two to get along” Felix scoffed at his father. “you guys can plan this as much as you want, but i am not marrying that girl. i am 22 years old and i am old enough to make my own decisions, no is no”
“you will be, sorry Felix but it’s already started to be planned. the two of you will be getting married so you best start to try and get along. you guys will be moving into a lovely house after your honeymoon, you two will be fine” Elspeth said, her voice stern.
“now, since you know the news, go get ready. we are having a huge party to celebrate your engagement” he scoffed and walked away from his parents. this was going to be a long night.
your mother had already picked out your engagement party dress and to be honest she did a good job of picking it. the dress wasn’t too over the top which you were grateful for. this whole idea of getting married to someone you hated was a lot of getting used too. you didn’t even have a ring yet which you knew would make it feel more real.
when you envisioned yourself your life you didn’t expect to get married for a few more years, and you would be getting married to someone you actually loved. you never thought your parents would force you to get married to anyone, let alone Felix. “are you excited for the party?” your mum said pulling you out of your thoughts.
you gave her a tight lipped smile and nodded “look, i know it’s not what you wanted but we wouldn’t do it if we didn’t think it would work out. you and Felix will love each other in no time. i think when you two spend time together you will start to really like him” she grabbed ahold of your hand.
you were honestly willing to try the marriage thing for the sake of your parents, Felix was nice to everyone but you and you wanted to find out why. “oh, we invited practically everyone we know so be prepared to show fake smiles” she added as you stopped outside of Saltburn. knowing that you had to be lovey dovey with Felix made you anxious, it’s not like it was going to be easy when the two of you despised each other.
“right, let’s get this over with” you said as you exited the car, your mum scoffed “don’t speak like that y/n, you will enjoy yourself” she said as she linked her arm with your fathers. you followed behind the two of them and looked around the front garden of Saltburn, it had been covered in all different types of gold decorations.
Duncan the butler was waiting for you all at the front of the house, even though it was a party his face was still nonchalant. “theyre all waiting for you in the back garden, guests have already began to arrive.” your mother and father thanked him and made their way inside “not even going to break a smile for me, this is a party after all” you joked “enjoy the party y/n” he said making you laugh and brush past him. there was no breaking Duncan.
you made your way to the back garden which was just like the front, covered in gold decorations with guests slowly filling every section dressed in their party attire. you spotted Elspeth, James and Felix with your parents and you knew you would have to go over there. you put on your best brave faces d made your way over there.
Felix looked miserable as he stood next to his mother his eyes fixated on the grass. he hated the thought of you, he hated the thought of the two of you getting married even more. ��aww there is the beautiful bride to be” he heard his mother say which made him look up from the ground.
now, even though you and Felix hated each other, there was no way he’d lie and say you weren’t beautiful because you were. you were one of the most beautiful people he had ever met. but that didn’t change the fact that he thought you were the most annoying person he’d ever met.
“gosh you look gorgeous” Elspeth said as you finally stood next to your parents. she pulled you into a hug and kissed your cheek. “now that you are here we can talk to you both. we know that the two of you don’t get along but we are very happy that you are going along with the arrangement. we promise you both that it will be all worth it in the end” James spoke quietly but loud enough for you all to hear. they obviously didn’t want people knowing that it was an arranged marriage.
“we will see about that dad, this is the worst day of my life” Felix said shaking his head. hearing him say that hurt you a little bit and you didn’t know why. you didn’t show the hurt on your face and you were quick with a comeback “likewise, i’d rather drown in bleach then have to marry you but here we are”
“why don’t the two of you go talk to one another about it? it might be good for you two to have an actual conversation instead of arguing all the time. go to the library, there isn’t anybody in there” Elspeth said looking between the two of you. “oh and if you see any guests and they congratulate you, please act like the two of you love each other” she added as the two of you started, asking your way to the library.
the walk to the library was silent until one of the Henry’s and his wife stopped the two of you “there is the happy couple. we have been waiting for the two of you to get together since you were young. you look gorgeous together” Henry’s wife said. your sour expression was quickly forgotten and you tried your best to show you were happy by putting the fake smile on your face.
you felt Felix’s arm go around your waist. “thank you, it didn’t take too much convincing” you said as convincing as possible. “let me see your ring dear, it must be beautiful” your eyes widened, you did not think about that at all. “it’s at the jewellers, i accidentally got the wrong size so we need to get her a temporary ring until her real one comes back” Felix was quick with his answer.
“how did you propose Felix? was it romantic?” you both nodded “very, we were on a couples holiday. we went for dinner and then we went for a walk along the beach and i just got down on one knee when i felt like the time was right” how was he so quick with these answers?
“wow, that is truly romantic. anyways, we don’t want to keep you guys for any longer. congratulations you two” with that the two of them walked toward the garden. “how the fuck did you come up with that so quickly?” you said as you both also continued walking. “dunno, i just made it up” his voice was flat and his arm dropped from your waist.
the two of you reached the library and Felix closed the door behind him. you sat on the sofa and he sat next to you awkwardly “so, how are you feeling about this situation then?” you spoke trying to stop the awkwardness. “how do you think? i’m being forced to marry a girl who i despise” he scratched the back of his neck.
“well, i’m not ecstatic about it either but, we have to do it. we just need to try and be nice to one another and i think it could work out. it’s gonna be awkward but-” he cut you off quickly “do you really think i’m gonna try work this out? with you? you must be out of your mind” he started, you didn’t like where this was going at all.
“you are the most annoying person i’ve ever met, you do realise this marriage is just to make our parents look good? there is no way i will try work this out with you. i will never like you, i will never love you. you’re just going to be a person i’m being forced to live with” you looked at him “you are unlovable. no one will ever fall in love with you, you are that frustrating. your parents probably agreed to this marriage because they know no one else will fall in love with you” his tone was harsh. hearing him say that broke you.
you could feel your eyes filling with tears which you tried to conceal as best you could but it was no use. even though you hated him his words cut deep. “that’s a really fucked up thing to say” you shook your head and got up to walk away, slamming the library door as you walked to the nearest bathroom. you could feel your chin quiver as you sniffled, trying your best to keep your tears at bay.
Felix knew that was a low blow, and he regretted his choice of words as soon as they left his mouth. he was left in the huge library, the deafening silence making him feel even worse for how he spoke to you. the two of you always threw insults at each other but nothing like that, ever.
he could tell that you were trying to make the best out of a shitty situation and he had to ruin it by overstepping the mark. he knew that he was going to have to apologise to you because he did, that time, take it too far. he spotted Theo, another butler stood at the end of the hallway. “did you see where she went?” he asked him as he shoved one of his hands in his pocket.
“she walked into the bathroom down that way sir” Theo pointed in the direction you had gone, he nodded “thanks” he started making his way to the bathroom and once he was outside the door he could hear your quiet sobs. he didn’t know what to do, he didn’t think the person he was about to comfort would be you let alone for something he said.
he knocked on the door gently, he heard your sobs stop. “who is it?” you called out, trying your best to hide the waver in your voice. “can i come in?” he questioned. he was stood outside the door for a couple of minutes before he heard you unlock the door. he walked into the bathroom and saw you sat on the floor next to the door.
he cautiously sat down next to you, not knowing how you were going to react. “look, i’m sorry for what i said. that took it too far and i am truly sorry. i’m just stressed about the situation and i took it out on you and i shouldn’t have done that” you just nodded and looked down at your lap.
he sighed, he knew that both of you would have to figure out a plan. the two of you were getting married which seemed scary to both of you and if you went through with it with out a plan it would just crumble. he spoke “so” you looked up from your lap to look at him “we need a plan” you nodded again. “how do you wanna do this?”
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honeysbeebears · 4 months
Sleepover Schemes // BKG
Bakugo Katsuki X Reader
In Japan, saying ‘the moon is beautiful’ is a common way to confess one’s feelings of love
Word count: a lot
Warnings: none other than I did not spell check this lol & bakugo might be a little ooc sorry
“Arent sleepovers against the rules?” You look up curiously at the girls surrounding your desk. Right now the class was on a quick break before heading over to the training session. Mina frantically began shushing you “yes! so don’t go saying it out loud like that girl!” You giggle softly “oops”
Uraraka speaks up “it’ll be fun though, we’ll have snacks, face masks, the works!” You nod, looking up at Momo “you mind if i bring makeup? I think a little makeover sesh would be fun too” Momo beams “of course! that sounds lovely” smiling back at her, you give everyone a thumbs up “im in!” the girls exclaim happy cheers before hushing up again once they realized they made a bit of a scene before going back to giggling quietly amongst themselves
In the distance, kirishima is looking over at the group in wonder “hm, wonder what’s got them all worked up” Kaminari, who is standing right next to him shrugs “eh you know them” Bakugo rolls his eyes, not paying any mind to either group before Sero speaks up
“I heard (L/N) say the word ‘sleepover’ though” with that, bakugo is glancing behind him to look at the three boys. They’re obviously up to no good
Kaminari rubs his hands together as if he’s a villain coming up with some elaborate scheme, which is exactly what he was doing “A sleepover huh?” Kirishima and Sero look at him quizzically “dude don’t tell me you-“ Kaminari quickly cuts him off “want to go spy on them?! You betcha!” He gives the boys a thumbs up, kirishima is looking a bit nervous “I dunno man, isn’t that like an invasion of privacy?” Sero nods in agreement, the yellow headed boy smirks once more at his two friends “you know what girls talk about at sleepovers….?” He says, the scheming tone in his voice evident. Bakugo is listening, not like he has a choice while he waits
“Crushes” with that, the look on Sero and Kirishima’s faces change into that of determination, Kaminari knows he’s got them convinced now. Bakugo once again sighs and rolls his eyes
“Don’t you guys want to know who a babe like (L/N) has the hots for?” He throws his arms around the two, looking at the both of them with conniving eyes. At the mention of your name, bakugo freezes as well, making an unwanted grunt that catches the attention of the three boys standing behind him
“Oh looks like Bakubro is interested as well, it’s because i mentioned (F/N) isn’t it?” He teases, Bakugo whips around in his chair “Shut the hell up dunce face” he shouts, his usual angry tone just slightly angrier at the allegation before turning back around, huffing and crossing his arms “Will you be joining us then? Cmon I know even someone like you can’t help but be curious” Before Bakugo can go off again, he looks over at your smiling face, and then imagines the three, in his words, idiots, messing with you and he sinks lower into his chair
“… Fine”
Kirishima looks down at him in shock “no way dude i totally was not expecting that” Bakugo scoffs, slightly embarrassed “I’m only going so you three ass munchers don’t do anything stupid” Kaminari covers his mouth to stifle a giggle “oh dude you’re so down bad you don’t even know it”
“I’ll blast you all the way to hell!”
The girls watch as Kaminari is running around the room, Bakugo chasing after him. Kaminari using the desks as a divider while kirishima and sero are laughing intensely at the scene
“What’s up with those guys?” Jiro questions, eyebrow raised, you shrug “you can never tell with them anymore” you and the other girls watch, entertained while Uraraka and Mina are cheering Kaminari on as he ‘breaks Bakugo’s ankles’ you giggle and join in
“Go get him Kacchan!” Bakugo looks over at you, angrily shouting back “shut your mouth before i blast your dumb ass all the way to hell!”
“Oh cmon (F/N) there’s gotta be someone you’re eyeballing i mean look at you” you quirk an eyebrow towards Mina, who’s been bugging you about this ever since you entered Momo’s room “and what’s that supposed to mean?” Mina starts wildly waving her hands around “i mean you’re like smoking hot girl! I didn’t mean it in a bad way” the other girls sitting around you agree in their own ways
You sigh a little, although you weren’t expecting that particular reason “even if i did like anyone I don’t really think it’d be reciprocated, im kind of a klutz” immediately your friends spring into action, showering you with compliments so much that you start to blush. You cover your face in embarrassment at the affection
“Why would you ever even think that? There’s so many dudes pining over you as we speak” Hagakure points out, she’s currently fixing her face mask that Momo had passed out to everyone
You playfully roll your eyes “oh yeah like who?” Thinking you were able to stump them there.
Jiro, who is sitting next to you, side eyes you, not really sure if you were being serious “dude” you whip your head to look at her in a surprised confusion, before you look at the rest of your friends who appear to share the same sentiment, you look at tsuyu, she’s honest right?
“I can name atleast 5 boys right now” the green haired girl points out. You’re simply flabbergasted “What? Who then” you cross your arms. One by one your friends speak in turn
“That boy from the sports festival, Shinso, seems to be quite interested in you after you almost won” Momo starts
“And that boy from 1B, Kaibara, ever since you helped him out at the sports festival he’s been lingering around to get your attention” Tsuyu adds
“Don’t even get me started on Amajiki-senpai, he literally said you reminded him of the sun and admitted you were one of the only people he felt comfortable around, he blushes so much around you im surprised the constant blood rushes haven’t been getting to him ” Jiro says
Your eyes are darting inbetween all of your beloved friends as they quite seriously list off a surprising amount of people, since when were they so observant? You shove your face back into your hands “ok I get it guys..” embarrassed is an understatement
“Oh! And bakugo too!” Uraraka happily points out, as if this was common knowledge, but for you this was the final nail in the coffin before you begin to practically steam out of how flustered you became “I highly doubt that” you managed to squeak out
You thought you were hearing things but you heard a soft thud somewhere in the room, you chose to ignore it
Momo gently strokes your hair, although she still found the predicament quite amusing
Mina finds this exciting, she begins to ponder and think about all of the interactions you’ve had with Bakugo since the beginning of the year
“Oh my god do you guys remember when…”
Evidence #1
Something was smelling quite good in the common area, and as everyone began filing down to prepare for the weekend morning they were met with quite the sight
You were baking cinnamon rolls for everyone, as a part of your weekly ritual of baking or cooking for the class. Bakugo happened to have woken up early, came down and found himself chatting to you as if it was a normal thing for him to do
There you were, happily conversing with Bakugo as you were mixing what appeared to be frosting in a bowl. He wasn’t adorned with any sort of scowl, his eyebrows weren’t furrowed and he was silently watching you while listening to whatever story you were telling him, if they didn’t know any better they would’ve thought it was admiration. Of course, upon seeing the two, the usual suspects surrounded them completely disregarding what they stumbled upon, and bakugo was quick to throw angry insults at them
Mina noted the soft expression on his face before the boys had shown up
Evidence #2
“Uhm (F/N), do you and Bakugo normally walk to class together?” Upon entering the classroom and walking to your desk, your friends were gathered into their usual group right next to it, you shrug before answering “yeah, for some reason I’ve been managing to catch him just before we enter the building, weird coincidence but i don’t mind it’s pretty nice company, plus when we were kids we’d walk to school together sometimes” your friends deadpan at the last bit ‘bakugo… nice company?’
They all look over to see bakugo arguing with the other guys about some mundane topic, of course he was the most aggressive, yelling and making the usual scene, they simply looked at his comically scowling face before simultaneously thinking ‘not a chance’
Jiro makes a mental note that when she walked into the building, she saw Kirishima run into Bakugo who was standing at the entrance, asking to walk to class together before Bakugo shuts Kirishima down, saying something akin to “Hell no I’m busy!” Kirishima gives him a puzzled look before seeing Kaminari and telling Bakugo he’d see him later
Could it be..?
Evidence #3
“I won’t repeat myself asshat, let go of her now” Everyone in the class froze, staying silent, usually he’d be screaming this sort of demand. he was seriously pissed off beyond belief. His eyes pierced into the boy who had his wrapped his arm around your shoulders, Shindo. You awkwardly smile “Bakugo im sure he doesn’t mean any harm-“ before you can finish your sentence you feel something tug on your wrist, ripping you from the black haired boys grasp. You blink in shock, looking up you see Bakugo’s fiery eyes that speak a thousand words, but he only speaks two. “Get lost” his voice absolutely dripping in venom as he slightly tightened his grip he’d laid on your shoulder
Shindo stares back, his eyes narrowing before he throws on a smile “My bad, bro, hey listen im sorry, let’s do our best out there o-“ he holds his hand out to Bakugo to shake, before Bakugo swaps his hand away, turning the both of you around “your words don’t match that expression on your face, i said get lost”
Everyone slowly began to speak amongst themselves again, Bakugo wordlessly handing you over to Kirishima and Mina before spinning around to wander off somewhere else. You simply watch him go, he really was pissed off, mumbling some obscenities. You almost missed the gentle yet tight squeeze he gave your shoulder when he let go.
Final Evidence
“Midoriya, you’ve known those two for awhile right?” Mina asks, everyone is currently training, but a small group is sitting by taking a break. Midoriya looks up after taking a drink of water, his eyes land on the two
“I can’t breathe…” you exhale your words, Kirishima is rubbing your back comfortingly as the training gets to you, Bakugo rolls his eyes “you damn lazy shithead you’re never gonna beat me with that lazy ass attitude of yours” You look up at him and glare before smirking, dramatically falling back on kirishima’s chest with your hand on your forehead “I can’t breathe… there’s no room in Kacchan’s EGO, can we go now?!” and just like that, Bakugo is on your ass as you zoom away with your quirk, screaming about how he’s gonna murder you
Midoriya smiles “yep, honestly i cant really imagine what it’d be like without her, she’s been like a middle ground between the two of us ever since junior high, a voice of reason” he has a gentle smile on his face before it drops in an instant and he cringes remembering that time, a chill going up his spine “honestly I don’t think I would’ve survived junior high without her…” before Mina can question that bit he starts to ramble
“Me and (F/N) are best friends, but her and bakugo have this special connection. She’s able to read him like a book, understand him to a level I just can’t. It’s truly fascinating” he looks at Bakugo’s smiling face as he dangles you upside down off a rock formation, of course it’s mostly his usual angry grin but somewhere under there is a genuine smile as you laugh while telling him to put you down
“I’m sure he feels the same way I do, he just has a funny way of showing it”
Mina makes a mental note of this
You’re now laid flat on Momo’s bed, each bit of ‘evidence’ making you blush harder and harder, and they just keep going
“And when we were picking vocals for the festival, he refused to be drums unless you sang also, ribbit”
You shoot up, steaming “okayyy guys please stop” Momo looks at you with a pitiful expression “yeah I think she gets the point girls”
Mina still needs to know though
“Okay fine but can you atleast tell us, if you had to pick, who would you date?!” Shes gripping a pillow to her chest in anticipation. You think to yourself once you regain your composure, deep in thought for a moment before taking a deep breath in.
“Shut up” Kirishima whispers, nudging Kaminari as he can tell the boy is absolutely struggling to keep in his laughter, who can blame him though when Bakugo Katsuki himself is blushing from ear to ear from all the information he’s just learned
Boys like you? That many? And how could they know he liked you? He didn’t even know that. There is absolutely no chance in hell he’d ever consider thinking of you that way the thought of it is absurd
Atleast that’s what he told himself
He was about to tell the both of them to shut up before the sound of your timid voice brings him back to reality
“If.. if I had to… I guess it would be..” everyone, including the invading boys, are sweating in anticipation, Bakugo’s palms are slightly damper than usual
“Bakugo..” you finally muster out, barely audible, the girls cheer and clap at your admittance and the boys look at Bakugo’s absolutely shocked expression, they don’t tease though, not right now in such a compromising place
“But it would never happen” for some reason this statement makes him upset, what’s that supposed to mean?
“We both have the ultimate goal of becoming heroes, and we both can’t afford to become distracted with romance, plus I really don’t think he’d ever see me that way, he sees me as an annoying little kid who’s been sticking around since diapers” you laugh, albeit pitifully, at the end of your sentence, the girls don’t know what to say or how to comfort you, they know you know him better than anyone, so if you say it then it’s probably true
Mina gives her a big hug “aw im sorry for making you sad” you give her a gentle squeeze back “im not upset, don’t worry about it” she holds your shoulders and smiles before deciding on what you all were gonna do next
“How about we sneak over to 7 eleven, I bet we’re dying for some snacks right now” Uraraka shoots up “yes please!”
And just like that the energy in the room is back to its happy self, you giggling and nodding in agreement
As the group of you all put on your shoes, you ask Momo if you can borrow a hoodie from her closet
The closet, uh oh
The boys are frantically looking at each other, whispering ‘what do we do?!’ over and over, absolutely panicking
Internally, Bakugo is freaking out the most. What would he even do if you find out he heard everything you said? Would things be the same? Not that he cares.
They watch you come over to the closet, bracing, preparing for the worst as you begin to open the door
You softly swing the closet door open, and immediately the sight leaves you frozen in place
In front of you, on the floor of the closet are the boys, and Bakugo, and he’s looking at you with this angrily embarrassed look on his face, cheeks flushed. You blink and feel your cheeks heat up, spinning your head around as Momo asks what’s taking you so long, you look back at the boys, pleading with you with their eyes. You glare at the group of them before shutting the door in their face , telling momo you changed your mind on the hoodie
Relief was an understatement as the door to the dorm shuts and locks, the boys all loosen up as they give out a sigh, sinking to the wall and floor
“I thought we were goners for sure there!” Sero says, still terrified “luckily (F/N) is so cool, if it were anyone else we’d be dead for sure” Kirishima adds
Bakugo feels his phone buzz, he pulls it out to see a message and he freezes
(F/N): you guys better be out of there by the time we come back, I mean it.
He opens the closet door, and gets up “let’s get the fuck out of here, im never doing that shit again you fuckers” this time the boys don’t argue, and they all scurry out of the room, Bakugo says nothing as they go back to their respective rooms, and the boys decide not to push their luck tonight
By the time you return, snacks in hand, you look to the closet before walking over to open it again. ‘Empty. Good’ you thought. Atleast they listened to you, you were ready to rip them a new one if they decided to stick around after you gave them a saving grace
Momo asks what you’re doing, you say you’re admiring her clothes before asking what movie they picked to watch
After that, neither you nor bakugo had spoken a word to each other. For over a week the atmosphere in the classroom is thick with tension, Midoriya is the first to point it out to you while you’re hanging out in his dorm
“Uh.. (F/N)?” He looks up from the controller in his hand, the ‘victory player 1’ text on the screen on the TV blinking at him
You come down from your winning grin “yes Izuku?” He fiddles with the buttons before finally asking
“What’s up with you and Kacchan?” You are speechless, he noticed? Of course he noticed he’s Izuku.
You sigh, sinking into his bed, back against the wall it’s connected to “no point in lying to you huh?” Izuku gives a light laugh “after all this time, no” he looks at you expectantly
Putting down the controller you turn your head to look at him
“I think.. im in love with kacchan” hearing you admit it out loud after all this time was surreal, you thought it was something you’d take to the grave.
Izuku is shocked, of course, he never imagined his two childhood friends would catch feelings towards each other. He’s also used to you being the one giving him comfort or reassurance. He’s not very experienced in the romance department as is, so he’s not sure what to say to you about that. But he does know you like the back of his hand. You give him the same reason you give the girls as to why you’re never gonna tell him. You also tell him he heard everything.
“Wow that must’ve been super embarrassing..” he says, you face palm “I know! I can’t bring myself to look at him, and honestly the fact that he won’t look at me says something too..” you say, dejectedly. Izuku puts his hand on your shoulder, giving you a gentle smile “listen, im not the best with romance n all, but from what I know about the two of you, I think it’s best to just talk it out. You two don’t have to date, but maybe it’ll do the both of you good to get some sort of closure..” the look on your face is hard to read, he guesses you’re taking all of this in “id really hate to see you two drift apart over something like this, after everything we’ve all been through together.. plus I think you’d be surprised over what he has to say”
For some reason, you start to tear up, his words really got to you.
You missed bakugo, and you really didn’t want to lose him
“Is it really worth a try?” You mutter, looking down at your hands, Izuku puts his own hand on top of yours, making you look up back at him “it’s better to try than to not try at all”
Back in your dorm, you stare at your phone as if it’ll start moving on its own
You angrily sigh, snatching it up before finally writing the text you’ve been thinking about sending
(F/N): Hi
Bakugo: what do you want?
Ouch, for some reason that hurts a little after not talking in so long. You know not to take it too seriously though, you’re just glad he replied so fast
Bakugo is also mentally smacking himself for saying something like that right off the bat
(F/N): I was just wondering…
(F/N): Can we talk?
The boy stares at the message, of course he does, the awkward silence that’s been going on between the two of you has been miserable even if he didn’t want to admit it. He scoffs, finally deciding to reply after a few minutes
Bakugo: Ok
(F/N): okay! you want me to go to yours?
Bakugo: That’s fine
Bakugo: Actually, meet me on the roof in 10
Bakugo throws his phone down. He shoves his face into his pillow, screaming
He had no idea what to expect
Heading up to the rooftop, he’s surprised to find you there waiting for him first. He stands there for a moment, watching your hair flow in the gentle night breeze. You’re holding your knees up to your chest, shivering. You were cold
He scoffs, shrugging off his zip up hoodie
You’re shocked when a soft, warm fabric drapes your shoulders. Looking up, Bakugo is looking away from you “dumbass, you didn’t bring a sweater? if it weren’t for me you’d freeze to death” you giggle, exceedingly happy to finally hear him speak to you again
“Hello to you too” he ignores your greeting, taking a seat next to you to enjoy the view as well
“What’s wrong with you?” He speaks up after an uncomfortable few minutes of silence, you sit up straight “Me?! What’s wrong with you?!” Bakugo’s eyebrows furrowed and he shouts back “there’s nothing wrong with me idiot!” He turns to glare at you but he’s surprised when his eyes are met with your smiling face. He looks away “the hell you smiling for weirdo?” You notice the pink tint on the tip of his ears
“I guess.. I just missed you” now it’s his turn to sit up straight, he feels chills run up his body but he equates it to the coldness of the night
He says nothing at first, before looking back at you. You’re now looking up at the sky, a content look on your face. Your eyes are sparkling, and your skin is glowing. He shakes his head, not wanting to think of anything like that before you break the silence again
“the moon sure is beautiful, hm?”
Damnit. Once again, bakugo is speechless. Did you really say that?
He’s brought back to a moment in grade school
“I’m gonna confess to the person I love just like that!” You point at the movie the two of you decided to watch, bakugo looks at you in disgust “ew I did not need to know that you freak” you pout “come on wouldn’t it be so sweet?!” He shoves your face away from his as you swoon “whatever just get off me” you pout once again
He’s brought back to reality by the way you turn to look at him once more. This look in your eyes makes him feel uneasy, unfamiliar, but he can’t look away.
“yeah.. I guess”
Your eyes sparkle, you look back up up to the sky before mustering up the courage
You grab his hand that’s next to yours
He doesn’t do anything, he stays there, still as a rock before you speak up again
“I know you heard what me and the girls said that night” he meets your gaze, and you’re giving him a serious look that almost freaks him out but he lets you continue
“I didn’t want that to change our friendship, but I guess I was too scared that you’d hate me-“
“In what world would I hate you?”
His voice is so soft it makes your heart beat skip, and now it’s your turn to be freaked out about the serious look in his eyes
“Well I- uh. You see-!” You slap yourself, bakugo is taken aback and is about to question you until you finally say what you’ve been wanting to say for years
“Bakugo Katsuki, Im in love with you!”
There it is. That determined look in your eyes that the boy has never gotten sick of, your breathing is heavy and you’re avoiding eye contact at all costs, but you did it. You fucking said it
“I realized it after we stopped talking, I mean how stupid and cliche is that huh? You never know what you have until it’s gone? God what’s wrong with me, I just needed to tell you because it’s better to try you know?! I don’t wanna fuck up what we have, I mean shit it’s been so long you know. God I ruin everything I’m sorry forget I-“
“Stop talking, you sound like that stupid Deku, god you need to stop hanging around him so much”
You freeze up. You peek a glance to bakugo, he’s kept the same serious look on his face
“You didn’t even give me a chance to reply, dumbass”
His grip on your hand tightens, and he intertwines his fingers with yours. You stop breathing
“I don’t know shit about.. love.. or whatever, I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me, I can’t place it but the way you.. god, ugh..” he grits his teeth, his cheeks tainted pink, eyebrows furrowed and clearly angry but embarrassed
“God damn it (F/N) you drive me fucking crazy! It feels fucking stupid to just call it some dumb shit like love, it’s like you’re messing with my head all the time, I don’t fucking understand these.. these.. shit! you-” he meets your gaze, and his own softens
“I just can’t.. lose you, yknow?”
So he feels the same way you do, then. you lean your head on his shoulder, and he doesn’t back away
“You’d never lose me, Katsuki” the use of his first name makes his stomach flip. He wants to stay like this
He wants more moments like this
“We.. we don’t have to rush things, and I won’t force you to share your feelings with me, I think that’s something you should figure out on your own” he scoffs, he doesn’t need to figure shit out
“(F/N)” he says your name matter of factly, you lift your head to look up at him before you feel something soft on your lips
Your eyes go wide, you stiffen up until his hand grazes your cheek gently. As if he was scared you’d break under his touch. You shut your eyes, trying to relax into the kiss
Shakily, you snake your arms around his neck, and he deepens his embrace
Passion, fear, so many emotions and words that could never be said were being spoken through this moment. Everything he’s wanted to say to you, you could feel through the way his lips enveloped your own, the way he gently caressed your back in a comforting manner. All of his feelings, you understood
He’s the one who separates first, you’re left in a daze as he avoids your eyes once more
“That’s all you’re getting out of me, don’t expect more” you giggle, making bakugo look back at you
“Don’t fucking laugh at me you little-“
“Bakugo” he stops, looking at you skeptically, you smile back at him “from now on.. let’s just be us, no more holding back, no more secrets” you tilt your head at him, the gesture makes his own heart skip a beat and his palms are sweatier than usual
“Y-yeah.. whatever I don’t fucking care”
He gives your hand a squeeze “one day, when im number one,..” his red eyes pierce your own “I’ll make you mine, you got that?” You nod, a little flustered at his declaration before gathering up even more courage than before
“What’re you-“ you cut him off with a kiss to the cheek, then a kiss to the forehead, bakugo is getting increasingly more red by each kiss you place on his face and you back away to look at him. he’s got that same scowl on his face that’s a touch softer “the hell was that-“ you cut him off again with a kiss to the lips once more
This time, hes the one who’s frozen in shock, you cup his cheek in your hand, deepening the kiss slightly before you break it. Bakugo almost wants to pull you in for more but all he can give you is a blank expression as you whisper in his ear
“I’m already yours”
He can’t even muster up any words before you’re standing up, pretending like your face isn’t on fire . “Okay! Let’s head inside it’s getting too cold, how about I make us some tea yeah?” He just watches intently as you make your way to the door before following you, wordlessly he grabs your hand as you continue your speech about the different types of teas and what he’d like. You smile when he grabs your hand again, and he smiles when you squeeze his gently
“Aw man I lost!” When the door shuts, 4 people emerge from various hiding spots amongst the roof
Mina saunters over to the three boys before holding out her hand “pay up losers” she sings to them, begrudgingly the three place several yen dollars into her hand
You were the one to confess first, after all, looks like her and Kaminari’s sleepover plan worked
“I’m glad you and kacchan are back to normal, (f/n)” at lunch, about two weeks after the roof incident, you’re sitting with midoriya, you give him a happy look, nodding “yep! better than ever me and him” you can’t stop the blush from forming on your face, you’re saved by a familiar voice
“Oi (F/N)” you look up and grin, he stands there with his scowl. Usually, you’d get up and follow him to eat lunch alone together, but this time you decided otherwise
“Let’s sit here today Katsuki!” You beam at him, he wants to argue with you but he decides it’s not worth it, he groans before pouting as he plops in the seat next to you, you smile “wow, no yelling today bakubro?” Kirishima smirks at bakugo, before Bakugo can retort, Kaminari, unfortunately, starts up again
“You two sure are close nowadays~” Bakugo glares daggers at Kaminari “mind your business you rat” his fist slams the table. under the table, you feel his hand take yours, entwining your fingers “nothings fuckin changed” he mutters. you glance at him, smiling as he begins to eat his food
The conversations moves forward, and throughout Bakugo, or you, have yet to let go of the others hand, like it’s naturally this way as you speak amongst your friends
‘Yeah…’ you think to yourself, stealing glances , admiring his crimson red eyes, his spiky blonde hair, and the way he sends quick retorts back to your other classmates when they annoy him
He glances at you, admiring your infectious laugh, your soft hair, your glowing aura, you
Yeah, nothings changed
Sorry about spelling mistakes I did not realize this would be this long, I thought of the sleepover thing and thought it would be funny and then boom it spiraled out of control
Hope you enjoyed! This is my first time posting a oneshot here so im kinda nervous pls be nice to me ;-;
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honeybeedrabble · 6 months
Casanova (Cheating!Sasuke x AFAB!Reader) - iii
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CW: MINIMAL EDITING !!! mean!sasuke x AFAB!reader, reader pregnancy, homewrecker!reader, deadbeat dad activities, cheating, piv (unprotected), creampie, spitting/spit play, oral (f receiving) degradation (loser, whore), zero after care, breeder!sasuke, generally scummy behavior, lmk if i missed anything. short chapter lol
18+ MDNI !!!!!!!!!!
Sasuke knew he hated himself, like seriously- hated himself. He hated himself because everytime he came home he was reminded that he destroyed the family he loved so much just because he wanted to fuck you. Sure, the first time was an accident, if anything he helped you the first time! At least that’s what he told himself to be able to sleep at night. But the second time? The second time was pure lust, nothing but dirty lust that had taken over him and made him want to fuck you.
What didn’t help was how he heard people talk about you. How they would gossip about how nice your newly found motherhood was, and how it was sweet you’d decided to have your own little family. He hated that whenever people would ask who the father was you’d dodge the question, a flustered blush overwhelming your face as you clutched your chest.
But probably what Sasuke hated most of all was how the days went by and your belly got bigger, he got hard at just the sight of you. Your skin was always glowing, your breasts bigger, and of course your stomach bigger. He would think about how hot it was that he had gotten you pregnant, showing off how you were his, regardless as to how nobody knew it. In fact, the ignorance of how it was him got him unbelievably horny.
Whenever he would fuck his wife, he would put a hand flat on her stomach, feel the way his cock would bulge underneath, and imagine it was you while caressing where your child would’ve been. Sakura had no idea of course, she was just happy to get dicked down after a strange dry spell. Sasuke silently refused to fuck her, out of shame and pity mostly, but after getting hot and bothered by just the sight of you for weeks mixed with the feeling of sexual frustration he had to let himself go.
After the deed was done, his post but clarity kicked in like no tomorrow.
What am I going to do? How fucked am I?
He thought as he looked to his side and watched as his wife would catch her breath, post orgasm. He shook his head, pulling the covers up to his chest to cover himself up. Sakura rolled over, putting a hand to his covered chest.
“We haven’t done that in quite a while, huh?” she softly laughed, still breathing in and out.
“Yeah,” he smiled, looking away quickly. Sakura furrowed her brow.
“Are you okay?” She asked, sitting up and closer to him.
“Um, yeah… why?”
“It’s just… you’ve been so distant lately, and that’s saying something.” She nudged him and Sasuke made a halfhearted laugh. “You’ve been like this for weeks… if I didn’t know any better I’d assume something…” Sasuke tensed up.
“Assume what?” He bit back, jaw clenched. Sakura was taken aback.
“All I’m saying is ever since that genjutsu user got away you’ve been acting strange. You don’t feel bad about her getting away, do you?” Sakura asked, tone softer.
“She didn’t get away…” Sasuke muttered.
“Oh, um… Her. Yeah, that’s what it is.” Sasuke replied, rolling over and facing away from Sakura. She giggled.
“Oh Sasuke, you’ve always been so hard on yourself.”
“For good reason…” He sighed, once again the feelings of shame and guilt returned.
“There you go again. Why don’t we just change the subject, hmm?” Sakura asked. Sasuke wanted to vomit when she said your name.
“W-what about her?” he felt the bile building up in his throat.
“Well you know how she’s pregnant right?”
“Yes, yes, of course I know she’s pregnant! What about her?”
“Well she’s coming into the hospital tomorrow for an ultrasound! When I found out I just knew I had to be her doctor so I’m going to be giving her her screening!” Sakura chirped happily.
Without a word Sasuke got out of bed, not facing her the whole time.
“Sorry, I just realized I have to go to the bathroom,” he said, walking out the door.
“Oh okay, we’ll can you bring me a glass of water when you come back?” Sakura called as he was already walking down the hall.
“Yup.” He responded. He locked himself in the bathroom and turned the fan on, then vomited into the toilet before tangling his fingers into his hair and silently crying as his heart beat out his chest.
You had no idea of course, so nobody could imagine the slurry of emotions erupting inside of you when Sakura walked into the room, clipboard in hand for your check up. You laid back on the examination bed, heart beating out of your chest as she made conversation with you about your baby.
“You can tell me, c’mon! Who’s the father,” she asked, pouring jelly on your belly and spreading it around.
“I can’t…” you frowned.
“Why not?” She asked, turning to the screen and flipping it on.
“It’s cause,” you felt sweat bead on your forehead, you felt sick and had no idea how to tell her this was her husbands child. “It’s cause I had a sperm donor.”
Sakura spun around in the seat and looked at you.
“No kidding! So you’ve really wanted to be a mom that badly?” She asked, moving the small device around on your stomach.
“Um… Yeah I guess so,” you mustered a laugh.
“Didn’t they tell you who the donor was? Y’know if I check your appointment date I can see who’s they gave you-“
“Oh no that’s fine! I didn’t have a preference…” You lied as you both shifted your attention to the screen. “Just wanted it to be healthy…”
Soon enough the fetus was on screen and Sakura gasped with delight.
“Well it seems healthy to me!”
“Um, do you know it’s gender yet?” You asked, shamefully curious.
“Well it’s too early to tell, that’s also why it’s so small.” She pressed a little harder against you, and shifted it around. She pointed at the top of the oblong shape. “There’s the head.”
You smiled as you looked at it, then your face dropped. You felt tears roll down your face and soon enough you were crying. Sakura turned her head to see you.
“I’m sorry…” you cried, wiping your face.
“No no! It’s okay, plenty of mothers cry when they get their ultrasound done it’s completely fine! It’s also all those hormones don’t worry.” She sat closer to you and gave you a small hug, running her hand up and down your back.
You wished she had punched you, kicked you, or even yelled at you, maybe then you wouldn’t feel so bad about being her husbands mistress and baby mother. But instead she was coddling you and telling you it would be alright, which it certainly would not be. Eventually you stopped crying and Sakura grabbed her clipboard and started writing down on it. She tore a piece of paper out and handed it to you.
“It’s a list of some prenatal vitamins, they’ll make you feel better especially when you start to get further into your first trimester.” She was too sweet, and you were so shitty.
That night after dinner you heard a knock at your door and when you saw who it was you wished you slammed it immediately.
“Can I come in?” Sasuke asked, looking around nervously.
“Get the fuck in here.” You muttered. He shut the door behind him and locked it. You crossed your arms angrily.
“You know it’s already fucked up as it is that I have to raise your child alone, and now i’m reminded that your wife literally exists. You know she gave my ultrasound?” Sasuke cringed. “Yeah. Didn’t think about giving me a heads up?”
“I can explain-“
“Oh! So you did know?”
“What the fuck…” you cried, sobbing into your hands and turning away from him.
“So emotional…”
“Fuck you, loser.”
“If i didn’t know your hormones were out of control right now I’d remind you that out of the both of us the real loser might be the one carrying the married man’s child.” Sasuke snapped. You growled low, then with an open palm struck him across the face. He winced, a soft grunt escaping his lips.
“I should kill this damn fetus that you find so fascinating. I hate it. I hate you. Everyday i’m reminded there’s something disgusting growing inside of me that you put there, it makes me sick.” You cried again, ugly sobs ripping their way out through your lungs to bounce around the walls of your home.
“It’s not my fault you were acting like such a whore that day.” Sasuke frowned, his hand running over the red skin on his face.
“If you had killed that genjutsu user we wouldn’t be here right now.”
“You got in the way.” You scoffed.
“Always so pretentious, aren’t you?”
“It’s the truth. I could’ve handled it but no, you just needed to show off.”
“Show off? You’re one to talk. You’re practically showing off to the whole village how you got me knocked up everywhere I go.” Your brows furrowed. Sasuke was silent.
He knew you were right. Maybe he knew it was the pot calling the kettle black, but he was backed into a corner. Something about the word ‘loser’ struck a nerve with him. A deadbeat dad with a distant wife- no fault of anyone else but him. Did he somehow think starting a family with you would be some sort of do-over? something to rid him of his guilt?
When he looked at his wife he saw a beautiful woman, strong and accomplished. But how can you have any room for attraction to someone you have so much guilt for. Guilt for his old days of vengeance and hate, guilt for his job that kept him away from home for years.
But you? You were a fresh face. Beaming with optimism and a subtle hint of indifference that he knew he could change. You had something Sasuke couldn’t quite identify, simply being around you now felt dangerous. Sure, it could be, but it was more than the thrill of danger. You were his whim, his drug, the fever he couldn’t sweat out and being inside of you was the only place he wanted to be every hour of everyday. Maybe you have animosity for him now but could this family save you? more importantly- could it save Sasuke?
You took a deep breath in, shakily letting it go.
“You need to leave…” You were about to walk for the door when a possessive hand grasped your wrist. You froze.
“You don’t understand, I need you.” His voice was almost a whisper, the low growl that it almost produced set a shiver up your spine.
“I…” you started, face flush from his sudden shift. “Please, I can’t deal with you right now. You’re just too confusing.”
Sasuke gripped you brash and pinned you against the nearest wall, mounted frames ratted when you made contact. You gasped, your free hand coming to rest at your belly.
“Sasuke! You can’t just do that! It’s not good for the baby, knock it off,” your face burned hot. Sasuke raised a brow, a small smirk pricking up.
“Oh? So you do care about the well being of our baby, huh?” Bastard. He had you.
He leaned down partially, teasing you with a warm breath against your lips. You fought yourself to not close the gap, your mind racing and your face flaming. Soon enough you gave into your impulses and kissed him passionately.
You both let out an exhale, his soft lips making yours wet with his saliva. He opened his mouth to lick your sweet lips, tracing how plush they were only for his tongue to slip past them and feel along your own. His tongue ran along the smooth underside of yours, then swirled back up to trace your rougher taste buds, leaving his own flavor behind.
He grunted when you tangled your fingers in his hair, digging deep towards his roots and gently yanking when he pressed a growing erection into your swollen core. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your arms around his neck and he carried you to your bedroom, where he laid you down onto the mattress as soon as you both arrived.
Sasuke ripped off your pajama pants then ducked down to the valleys of your flesh, kissing in between your thighs to suck deep hickeys into. You moaned and writhed under his chin, then he made haste to your sensitive pussy, licking hard against your clit. You let out a harsh and untamed cry of pleasure, it almost sounded like you were in pain. But the way you bucked your hips into his mouth and dig deeper into his scalp proved otherwise.
You didn’t realize your body was craving Sasuke for so long until mere seconds later you were cumming on his tongue, hoarse moans and soft whimpers escaped your lips without warning as your juices filled his mouth. Sasuke palmed himself when you flooded into him, he swallowed every drop you could’ve given him and when you were done with your orgasm he didn’t stop devouring you until you were shaking like a leaf.
Sasuke roughly grabbed one of your tits as he stood up, looking down at you through narrowed eyes, you quivered under his gaze.
“Off.” He commanded. You took off your tank top and threw it across the room. Sasuke swooped down to caress your tits in his hand and mouth, biting harshly on your sensitive nipples. You clenched around nothing when he did so, thighs clamping shut around his torso.
He quickly came off of you and he undid his pants, you watched as the waistband of his pants and boxers fell to the floor, his large cock standing straight up against his chiseled abdomen.
There were no words spoken between the two of you. No promises of love, no claims of possession, no gifts exchanged or fancy jewelry to court with, no battles won to impress with, and no acts of tenderness. Only one single thing was present and that was the absolute orgasmic pleasure that came from being impaled be Sasukes cock over and over and over again. He got off watching you bounce from underneath him, your tits giggling every time he bottomed out and his balls smacked against your ass.
Sasuke bit his lip to stutter his moans when you started shaking again. Your climax looked almost like a seizure, more whimpers and cries were let out as you shook, only to be met with more tremors the longer he fucked you, continuing to deliver what practically seemed like pleasure epilepsies.
“F-Fuck! Sasuke, you’re so good…” you mewled, toes curling when he hit that good spot deep inside of you.
His hips didn’t slow their violent pace, his thumb traced along your clit, rubbing tight circles against it with he pad of his finger.
“Yeah…” he grunted, pace getting rougher. “You like this dick, huh? You like it so much you got pregnant from it, little whore.” He smirked, teasing you with long, deep strokes that slowed down to an agonizing pace.
You breathed heavily, heart pounding so loud and fast you were scared you might have a heart attack.
“Fuck- yeah…” you blubbered, hips twisting when you felt him bottom out.
“You’re gonna raise my fucking baby, aren’t you?” Sasuke murmured, his pace intensified and yet again you were crying out again.
“Y-yeah,” you whimpered, legs shaking as Sasuke obliterated your leaky pussy.
“That’s right… you’d do anything for this uchiha dick, wouldn’t you?” He asked with a smirk as he jackhammered you raw with his thick rod.
You neared your orgasm, cunt clenching tight and making Sasuke grunt as he continued to rail you. You nodded, eyes rolling back as your eye brows furrowed. Your mouth fell open and Sasuke took this opportunity to spit into it, you shocked yourself when you swallowed it. Sasuke had a feeling you would but watching you do it made him go crazy and his pace inside of you was excruciating.
“Say you want our baby, say you’re keeping it,” Precum was spilling out of you, it was fully mixed in with your arousal and your ass was drenched from your fluids dripping down.
“I want our baby, Sasuke- I… I’m keeping it I promise…” your face burned, your body surprised you would utter such words to the man who ruined you.
It didn’t matter for much longer since you came hard on his cock, appendages flying all around him to get him even closer to you. He complied and pressed himself deeper into you, almost as if he were fusing into you. his cock twitched when he filled you up with hot cum and you loved hearing his soft moans. you wrapped your legs around him to keep him right inside of you and if it wasn’t for the fact it was sasuke who had led you to this misfortunate spot, you wouldn’t be upset by the state you’re in now.
Eventually Sasuke got off of you and clothed himself. His pants covering his sex, almost as if in a way he was ashamed of where it had got him. Hiding it away from the mess he had made.
“I’ve got to go, I’ve already overstayed my welcome.” Sasuke sighed, he turned around and looked back over his shoulder at you. “Goodnight.”
You were still naked and drenched in sweat and sperm, juices leaking down your legs. It was like he injected you with his own venomous guilt for living, having desire, having your own craving for freedom through your sex. That freedom was gone now, only one of you had to deal with this fuck up. Now this venom was killing you. It was as if the most pleasurable knife was jabbed inside of you and you were bleeding out your emotions.
The sheets were all messed up besides you and as you watched him go you were glad he didn’t offer to tuck you in. A good man would’ve offered, a better would’ve tucked you in without even asking. In a way, it was confirmation he was a shitty lover and maybe even a worse partner. It made you feel better he wouldn’t do such an intimate thing for the fling like this when he has a wife and child at home.
Still shaken, you managed to sit upright, angry and defeated. You knew your body and mouth betrayed you of the freedom you wanted so badly. They reinforced his belief that you wanted to keep this anchor of a weight that was Sasuke Uchihas child. You were furious your body betrayed you and led you down a path of self destruction. You felt cheated, then felt worse when you realized that the only person who should really feel that way was Sakura.
AN: i have been LAGGING !!! i am so sorry gang i'm trying to be better with posting like how i used to but somethings been up idk what is is or when it'll be over but i think i just gotta womp womp my way through it. anyways i'm sorry if i forgot to add you to the tag list just leave a comment and i'll add you to the next part.
tag list: @just-your-emo-sensei @princess-saki1 @mandy-yeager @emmaaas-posts
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wpdarlingpan · 10 months
will you do a platonic yandere older brother coriolanis (I think that’s how u spell it lol) snow x a sibling! reader ? and he kidnapped them? also it can be fem or gn. have a good day/night!!
I love this idea! And thank you so much I also hope you have a good day/night.
I’m open to doing a part 2 since this is somewhat short if enough people like this storyline. I’m curious on where it could go.
His Little Snowflake ❄️
Platonic Yandere Coriolanus Snow x Younger Sister
Female Pronouns
Word count: 1.1 K
Warnings: Obsessive behavior, mentions of murder
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Coriolanus wasn’t an only child, albeit he was the oldest. He had a little sister named Y/N. She wasn’t as known as he was, after all he was the heir to the snow name and ‘fortune’ so it wasn’t up to her to preserve the name.
When Corio found out he was going to have a little sibling, he was indigent. He knew he would keep all of the rights being the oldest but the idea of having to share with a sibling was torture in his mind.
That was until he saw them.
His mother died in childbirth after having the baby. When his father came home with her, he was prepared to loath the baby that took away his mother, even if she wasn’t the best one.
But one look into the baby’s eyes something shifted.
Corio was the one to look after his sister when his father passed away.
Tigres would always offer to help while Grand’mam claimed she was too old to care for her.
He didn’t care, this was His sibling. His responsibility. His little snowflake.
When the 10th annual hunger games began and he was forced to mentor, it took up some time. With having to write the proposal for the Doctor and being a mentor to Lucy Gray he barely had time for his little sister. He blamed everyone else for the situation. If a teacher kept him after class? That teacher would have something unfortunate happen to them.
He could just give up but he was obsessed with his little sister getting the life she deserved so he had to win the money by any means possible.
Everyday when he got home from all of his duties, he’d go to her room.
“Corio!” She squealed happily running into his open arms. She would jump as high as she could to try and wrap her arms around his neck but it would often end up with him having to bend over as she wrapped around him like a koala.
“Hello Snowflake, I miss you today.” Thats what he’d always say. That fact that he missed her was true but he would also say it to prompt her to say it back. After all didn’t she miss him just as much?
“I missed you too!” Then she’d ramble about her day to him. Not noticing as his scowl as she talked about her friends since the second she’d look up at him he��d change it to a soft smile.
All you needed was each other and he firmly believed that. Maybe Tigres on the occasion when absolutely necessary but she was a cousin. You are his little sister.
“You need to distance yourself from them, it sounds like they are bad influences”
“That doesn’t sound very nice of them, I think you should stop talking to them.”
“A boy? You’re too young. They’ll old hurt you. Do you want to be hurt? Don’t you trust me?”
Those are just a few things he’d say to try and turn the favor back to him through gaslighting and guilt tripping. Of course it always worked. Y/N loved her older brother, she couldn’t not trust him.
With all of the cheating Coriolanus did to make Lucy Gray win it wasn’t that much of a surprise he was caught, at least to everyone else but him. He was too focused on winning that the idea of getting caught was child’s play.
Now they wanted to take him away from you. He simply couldn’t allow that to happen. The idea of not seeing you every minute was distressing to him but for 10 years as he is sent away to the districts? He would kill everyone in his path back to the capital.
So in order to prevent that he did what he does best, manipulate.
First of all he had to get Y/N.
Bursting into her room he saw her where she usually was, sitting at her desk coloring.
“Y/N!” He spoke urgently as he ran around to pack some clothes “Get ready. We need to leave.”
Y/N saw the panicked look on his face he tried to hide, making her panic about what was happening. Or course she wasn’t told about his treachery, he would murder whoever painted him in anything other than a perfect light to his little sister.
“What’s going on?”
“I’ll explain later, we are going away for awhile.”
“What about Tigres? Grand’mam?”
“They are staying here.”
She was in shock, leaving her family? Her young mine couldn’t process the fact even if she would be with her older brother. It was natural to be scared of change.
And this would change everything.
“I can’t leave them!” Coriolanus was delusional and would hope they would accept to leaving but he planned for the rare possibility of them not.
“Please don’t make me do this the hard way. You want to be with your older brother right? It’s the two of us against the world remember?” She nodded with tears in her eyes as she hugged her little tiger stuffed animal “I have to leave, and I’m not leaving without you. I love you.”
“But-but” Y/N began to stutter out but Corio knew he was losing a lot of time. So he grabbed some sleeping powder he found in Dr. Volumnia’s office and lightly blew it into her face as he caught her as she began to sway on her feet.
“What’s happening-“
“You’ll be okay I swear, we will be okay. We just need to go away for awhile.”
He somehow convinced everyone he came across that he was allowed to bring her with him. Sure it took some convincing for some but the way he could talk circles around people make them give in pretty quickly.
Then he paid the transfer worker money to send him to district 12.
In no way did he trust Lucy Gray with his little sister, but he didn’t want you to see him killing people nor did he want her left alone for any of those district people to get ahold of and poison her little mind. But he didn’t have a choice so he had to go to the person who is his only option. After all her oh so kind heart wouldn’t allow her to get hurt. That is if Lucy Gray was still alive.
When Y/N woke up she was in the arms of her brother as he brought her into his individual room in the barracks due to his higher standing.
“Where are we?”
“Welcome to district 12 my little snowflake. Nothing can get between us now.”
And he meant it. Even if it meant getting a few people killed along the way and sending his best friend to the hanging tree after he suggested she return back to the capital.
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stinmybubs · 5 months
"I Want you Pt.2" NSFW
AN: Hi hi!! Thank you all so so much for the love on my last post, this one was planned out a tiny bit more but tbh I just want to skip to the sex at one point sooo Teehee. (I also decided to spell his name with the gou lol.)
18+!! Please Minors DNI! Please and thank you! I’m not too good at drawing sex scenes tbh! So I hope this’ll be okay I’ll practice more!
AFAB! Reader x Bakugou Katsuki
Warnings!!: Degrading!! LONGER THAN PT.1
Pt. 1 here!
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Bakugou was livid. Not only was every other boy in the class able to get a peek at your ass, but you keep purposely putting yourself out there for everyone to see. Of course he didn’t want anyone to look at what he wanted. What was his. But of course, you weren’t his yet though.
Bakugou found the best way to punish you, to tease back. Maybe leave some soft touches on your body here and there, getting you to want him, crave him, and only think of him.
So, as the time passed in the gym he plotted how he was going to go about this without being caught by everyone else. But seems fate had something in store for the two of you, because you could have perfect timing.
“Fuck I need more water…” you groaned, begging for time to go faster. As you grabbed your water bottle your good friend Uraraka waved to you, quickly walking over to you with her beautiful smile on her face.
“Where ya goin? We have like 20 more minutes.” The wide eyed girl asked, curiously looking at you.
“Well, I need more water if I’m gonna survive anymore of this…or I’ll pass the fuck out.” You say, wiping your forehead with your towel as the girl chatted it up with you before letting you go refill your water.
As you make your way out the hall and to the water fountain, you can’t help but think about how sexy Bakugou looked working out. His skin glistening perfectly on his muscles, oh and the way his pecs just looked so perfect, the way he would lift up his shirt from time to time to reveal his abs. Oh god. He was so hot.
You thought about how his rough hands would feel on your body. How’s he would grab you by the waist, he honestly could easily pick you up without and issue. You gulp as you put the water bottle underneath the faucet of the water fountain. Not realizing how you were rubbing your thighs together and your breathing became uneven.
“Whatcha’ thinkin’ of? Hm?”
The voice made your heart sink. Feeling a sudden weight behind you, his hands grabbing the water fountain to trap you in front of him.
“N-nothing… I’m just thinking how long the workout out is!” You pant, your heart racing as he pressed against your back.
“Really? That’s all? Cuz yer sure was showin off a ton back there..” he leaned in to your ear, the feeling of his breath on your neck and ears made you shudder.
“I-…I don’t know what you mean Bakugou.” You try your best to keep yourself together. Oh how you wanted to just melt underneath him and let him take you right then and there.
“Hm…you think I don’t notice? Yer’ little stares? Ya’ pathetic attempts at teasing me?” He puts the thin skin of the tip of your ear between his teeth, nibbling it slightly. You let out a small whimper, omg. It’s finally happening! You shut your eyes prepared anticipating his next move.
Nothing. As hot as his pressure was, you didn’t realize he was gone. What the fuck? Was I imagining or was that real? Am I going crazy over this man? You panic internally realizing how hot your body was. Fuck, i gotta go home. With that you did not care if you all had 20 minutes left on the clock, you were all hot and bothered and needed some relief.
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“Fuck…” you quickly fidget with your keys, trying to get your room door open. “Why isn’t it working?” You hiss, taking the keys out to examen them. Wrong key. You accidentally grabbed the nearest key next to your water bottle instead of your own. The worst part is. It was Bakugou’s keys.
“Oh my god, you got to be kidding me…” your heart began to race, thinking of your last interaction with the guy.
“Oi. You got something that’s mine.” The familiar voice seen shivers up your spine, your heart dropping as you turned around to look at the blonde. “Haha…seems I do” you awkwardly laugh, watching him walk over to you, he had a towel wrapped around his neck with one hand holding one side and behold his other hand. A key.
“And I’m guessing that’s my key?” You point to the key in his hand. He nods, a small smirk entering I face. Oh how handsome he was up close. You couldn’t help but stare at his face, it’s like you were entranced for a moment, watching a bead of sweat drip down his face and off his chin. Oh how you saw his grin grow wider.
“Quite ya’ starin.” He uses his free hand that was once holding his towel to flick your forehead.
“Ow, sorry! Sorry…may I have my key back?” You looked back him, making eye contact for a split second before he made a ‘hm’ noise. His body shifted closer to you, pressing your back against your dorm door. The dangled the key over your head as he leaned one arm against the door.
“Come earn ya’ keys back pretty.” He once again flicked your forehead, grabbing his own keys out your loose hands and walked away.
You were freaking I out. What did he mean? Why did he do that? What the FUCK is going on? So many question filled your flustered head. Omg, omg omg, omg!! Your face burning red.
Katsuki waited patiently in his room, leaning against his own bed, staring at the keys he had in front of him. You were taking fucking forever, all that teasing and no guts to back it up made him snicker.
Knock knock
Finally. Opening the door to see you standing there, your face all flushed red. Cute. He thought, letting you into his dorm, grabbing your keys and throwing them somewhere.
“What took ya’ so long? Fucking thought you pussied out of wanting me.” He grabbed your face, making you look into his eyes. “I uh…was nervous?” You questioningly stated. Your heart racing. His room smelt so good.
"So uh...how do I earn my keys back Bakugou?" You nervously asked as he let your face go, blushing at how big his hands were. The boy hadn't answered you yet, but oh you got your answer when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him.
"B...Bakugou? Why-" you were cut off by Bakugou pressing his lips onto yours, moving the hand that was on your wrist to your waste to pull your body closer to him and the other pressing your head deeper into the kiss.
You were in shock, your eyes wide making eye contact with katsuki. Soon you melted into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. Fuck. You never knew kissing could feel so good, it got hot so fast it felt like the room was on fire. Your kiss with bakugou soon became sloppy as he effortlessly picked you up by the waist, your legs immediately wrapping around his waist as he moved you over to his bed.
Katsuki released himself from the kiss, you let out a small whine because the kiss felt so fucking good you never wanted it to stop. questingly looking up at him, you noticed that devilish smirk on his face. "Wha-AT" You squealed as he tossed you onto his bed.
"What the fuck Bakugou!?" You shout, super confused on what's going on. Trying to sit up you feel your legs being grabbed and pried open by his hands. "W-Wait!" You shout, trying to stop him from removing your shorts.
"I-...I haven't showered yet I might stink." You shyly try to close your legs back up but he was just too strong, keeping them open. "I don't care. And stop calling me Bakugou...ya' know what we're about to do and ya' still keep saying the wrong name. It's Katsuki." He gently slapped your hand away from you trying to remove his hands.
You gulp, completely surrendering yourself to his will, watching as he slowly removed your shorts. you could already feel how wet you were through your own panties and were extremely embarrassed because you knew he was gonna tease you about this.
"Wow...this we for me? Or was it when ya' decided to give the whole class a show hm..? " The feeling of of one of his fingers pressing against your soaked panties, at this point the panties didn't even matter, you felt how he rubbed his fingers against you fold causing you to let out a small moan.
Katsuki couldn't wait any longer, all the teasing and the thoughts he had of you all building up to this moment. Fuck you looked so hot laying on his bed, face all flushed and completely surrendered to him.
Katsuki removed you panties effortlessly, tossing them aside not caring where they landed, fuck. This is really happening. You felt Katsuki’s fingers slowly slip into you, your slick already making wet noises which made you really embarrassed.
Katsuki watched you, he watched as your body convulsed and your face contort as his fingers moved in and out of your pussy.
“K-…Katsu please.” You look at him with pleading eyes, his fingers felt so good, but of course you wanted more. And you knew he wanted more too. “Ya’ want me that bad huh?” He chuckled leaning himself further between your legs, his fingers still doing their job as his face got closer to yours.
“Why should I give a slut like you my dick?” He questioned, you barley able to answer him over the feeling of his thick, touch fingers pounding into your pussy. “C-cuz…please?” You beg, your eyes slightly welling up with tears of desperation. You’ve never felt so hot and needy in your life.
Katsuki hummed at your expression, he could feel his cock throbbing in his pants, his mind being clouded with lust. Finally having you laying in his bed, it felt like a dream.
Katsuki removed his sweatpants and boxers swiftly, ready to feel you. Of course he couldn’t think properly, not even caring to get a condom…not like he had one in the first place, him being a virgin. He was simply acting on instinct and desire.
You try your best to brace yourself, trying to get a peak at his dick. You couldn’t really due to his tank top dropping a bit far where you could only make out a bit of it, and boy was he bigger than you thought he would be.
His dick wasn’t huge, it was the perfect size about 6.5-7 inches and hell was he pretty girthy. This made your anxiety peak a little. Will that hurt? Well the only thing that’s been inside your body until this moment has been your fingers. So yeah pretty sure it’s gonna hurt.
“Look at me.” You heard the blonde boy growl, one of his free hands forcing you to look up at him, making eye contact the whole time he slowly put in his dick.
“Ah..! Katsu-…it hurts!” You hiss in pain, feeling his dick stretch out your walls. He simply groaned, stopping a little bit to make sure you adjust to him. “Fuck.” Katsuki leaned in to kiss you, trying to help distract you from the pain as he slid the rest of his dick inside you.
You moan into his mouth, deepening the kiss as you felt even more pain writhe throughout your body. Soon the pain easing into a more pleasurable feeling. Oh you felt so full.
“Kats..!” You separate the kiss, leaving a string of saliva from one another’s lips. “You can…you can move” you struggle to say. Katsuki didn’t waste anytime, slowly he started moving his hips. He was trying his best to hold himself back, but you were so fucking tight and he just wanted to ravage you.
Slowly his thrusts became faster, leaving you a moaning mess as your vision became a bit blurred. Oh how you didn’t regret teasing Katsuki at all if it all means he wanted you this badly as well.
“Fuck!” Katsuki exclaimed looking back into your blurred eyes, loving how pathetic you looked underneath him. “Ya’ look like a whore.” Katsuki’s comment made you feel something, you never thought you’d like anything like that but his comment turned you on even more.
“Ya’ like that huh? Like being called a fucking whore and slut.” You gulp, nodding your head profusely as he kept fucking your pussy.
“Katsu…please! More!” You beg, you couldn’t help but give up your own will because you just felt so good. “Beggin like a fucking whore…ya’ so fuckin perfect for me.” Bakugou kissed you, a rough and sloppy kiss.
You felt like a fucking pornstar as you stared at the ceiling when he kissed you, feeling closer and closer towards your climax. Fuck…thought I’d last longer. You admitted to yourself.
Immediately you remove yourself from the kiss, letting out pathetic moans, “gonna…cum!~” you shout, wrapping your legs around his waist trying to trap his dick inside you.
“Fuckin cum ya’ slut.” Throwing your head back in pleasure, you could feel your legs violently shake as you finally came. Katsuki stopped, looking at your pathetic state and with a lick of his lips he lifted one of your legs over his shoulders.
“Wh…what…?” You question, barley able lift your head to see what he’s doing.
“I haven’t cum yet…” he gave you his signature smirk.
Oh fuck. You were in for a long night.
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AN: This took me a lot longer to complete than I liked it to. I got stuck at the sex scene because I just forgot how to write it. So I’m trying to practice on smut again! I hope you all enjoyed it I am sick rn so I will proof read this later! Thank you so much for all the love!! Xoxo Stinmybubs.
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astarion-approves · 1 year
astarion reacts to tav being betrayed by a loved one and tav getting injured during the betrayal?
Astarion x Gender Neutral Tav! - Fucking Randy Astarion first person POV - it's alright lol I can't even think of a summary for this...
Tags: More humor than angst, first person pov (Astarion), 500+ words, drabble, poor description of a fight, OOC Astarion
Summary: Honestly, I don't know what Tav saw in that human. A complete jackass, and one that would eventually get them killed.
Read here or on AO3
The battle started just as any other. Tav ahead of us, usually sticking their nose where it didn’t belong, insulting strangers without a second thought, or even just punching someone at random for the hell of it. It was one of the things that made me approve of them so quickly. Their… ‘I don’t give a shit’ attitude. I admired it. Loved it, really. 
Unfortunately, I wasn’t the only one. 
His name was Randy. Yes, Randy, if you can believe it. A human male who was tall and lanky, but not in an unattractive way— again, unfortunately for me. Somehow he had managed to woo Tav before we’d even met. The barbarian was a complete savage, encouraging Tav to make admittedly stupid decisions, drinking past his limit, and taking advantage of Tav’s kindness without them even realizing it. 
It came as no surprise when Tav spit straight into the face of someone trying to intimidate our group. Hell, I laughed in response. Watching someone wipe spit from their face in shock is never not funny. Disgusting, obviously, but hilarious nevertheless.
Shadowheart clicked her tongue and readied her weapon, Gale doing much the same but with a heavy sigh, Randy (fucking Randy, really? Seriously? Randy? RANDY?!) revealed his sword and steadied it in his hands, and my lovely self exposed my dangers— each of us ready to destroy those who stood before us. 
Tav grinned at their lover, laughing as Randy lunged forward and buried his sword into the spit covered face of the one that stood before them. A dagger would have been a better choice, but who am I to judge? Right? I was only a fucking magistrate. 
Soon other’s flooded into the area, the quick murder drawing their attention to our group. Tav and Randy worked their way through the group, the rest of us picking off the rangers that tried to hide. 
A quick fight, as it usually was with our group… 
But then… something happened. 
A shot of fire, heading directly towards Tav and Randy— Shadowheart wasn’t fast enough to shield them and the pair were vulnerable against it. I heard Tav scream as Randy grabbed their shoulders and pushed them in front of himself. I could only watch as the fire flew towards them and exploded against Tav’s chest. They fell to the ground, landing on their side, no longer breathing. 
Gale cast a spell in the direction of the killer, but I wasn’t paying attention, I was running to Tav. 
They laid on the ground, their eyes open and staring into nothing, mouth hanging open as if they were still screaming from the blow. I dropped to my knees beside them, cradling their head in my lap, my hands tapping on their cheeks, words flying from my mouth but I didn’t even know what I was saying. 
“Leave them,” Randy said. “We need to keep moving.” 
I flung my dagger into his skull. 
Shadowheart began casting spells, anything they could do to bring Tav back—
But they still laid there. 
Luckily, all we had to do was carry them back to camp and Withers was able to bring them back from the dead. 
Randy we left behind. Because fuck Randy. 
And now, tonight, I’ll be making my first move on Tav. They’re still a little hurt from the betrayal, weeks later. And… they also tell us stories of their nightmares and the cool chill of death that lingers and haunts them— 
But they blush when they look at me, and that’s good enough for me. 
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ofsappho · 1 year
Summertime Sadness (part 2)
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader
Second chance romance, heavy angst, hurt/very little comfort
Ten years ago: the first time you met Simon
Today: the first time Ghost meets you
Tags: mental illness, therapeutic boarding school, self harm, suicide attempt/suicidality, self harm, abuse, parental abandonment, much the same as last chapter. This fic is unedited because I don’t feel like editing it lol. If you see spelling/grammar issues, no you didn’t.
Reader POV
It’s intake day.
Intake day happens once a week, always on Wednesday.
You don’t know why they pick Wednesday. It seems pretty arbitrary, doesn’t it?
On intake day, the nurses and counselors make all the current residents of the inpatient program line up to greet the newbies. You actually look forward to intake day. Everyone here is so boring and routine; your roommate never speaks unless spoken to and she always keeps her earbuds in. On intake day, the hope that someone nice will be admitted survives for the few hours of the intake itself.
It usually dies right after. There was one polite girl who smiled when you waved last week, but she was transferred to a different facility that night before you could learn her name.
You’ve been here for three weeks, so that’s three intake days.
You’re not sure why you’ve been here so long. It seems a little excessive; you’d think by now they’d realize your stuff isn’t so bad and maybe you could transition to outpatient appointments?
It’s a little dissociation and some minor depression. Not bad at all.
But your doctors agree, albeit gently, that you should stay for the full five month course.
The program isn’t so bad. The facility sits on a sprawling multi-acre property in the British countryside, where everything is beautiful and verdant and always chilly. It’s lovely. The tea is good. You’re getting used to how they take it here. It’s nothing like the sweet tea you drink back home.
You suppose that’s another reason why they won’t let you go home even though you’re okay; there isn’t a home to go back to. Your dad hasn’t looked you in the eye since Mom left. At least the orderlies here greet you in the morning.
(What Dad doesn’t know is that before she left, she told you she loved you and to wait for her. Soon, she’ll take you away from this place and you’ll never have to see your dad again.)
Before you head to the foyer, you check your hair in the mirror of your room’s suicide-proofed bathroom. A young teenage face stares back at you with cheeks flushed red from the sun. You trace your deep smile lines with the tip of your finger, then practice smiling. You would have feel better about moving to a therapeutic boarding school if you’d been greeted with a smile.
At first, you think the newest crop of poor souls will be uninteresting at best. Listless rich kids detoxing off Mommy’s coke, frightened preteens who’ve never been away from their parents for an extended period of time, and a few teenagers straight from an ER, IV bags and all.
And then you see him get off the bus last.
He’s tall, towering over everyone else. A lanky, almost skeletal build, with a bored, aloof expression on his face. He hides the Zippo lighter he was playing with in his sleeve before the nurses catch and confiscate it.
There’s something horrifically severe about him. He can’t be more than a couple of years older than you, but he carries himself like he’s a blade and the world is filled with monsters.
His eyes are large and dark, rich brown irises rimmed with pale blonde eyelashes. And they’re kind, even though he would probably hate having that pointed out.
You decide then and there that you’ll befriend him. He could use a friend; everyone here does. He’s beautiful in his sharpness and elegant in his abrasiveness. Maybe you can coax more of that hidden kindness out, show him that it’s worth more than his anger. You wouldn’t be able to stay away if you tried.
You both like playing with fire, though you prefer less literal ones.
Ghost POV
Your smile fades swiftly as if it was never there to begin with.
There are two ghosts in this room. That’s what you are; a ghost of the girl he knew.
He watches and waits for you to shift uncomfortably and start blabbering to fill the silence like you used to. “Why’d you make them call me?” Ghost asks when it’s clear that you won’t.
As soon as you explain, he’s out of here. Ghost meant it when he said he never wanted to see you again.
You’re the last living reminder of the past he’s tried so hard to kill. The beeping sounds of your heart monitor spell out his mistakes in a grating, irritating rhythm.
Your answer disappoints his expectations. “I didn’t actually think you’d show.” Ghost doesn’t hear any wistfulness or longing in your voice, anything that would tell him that you’re clinging on to the boy you thought he was. Only a bone-dry and hollow statement of facts.
“What do you want?”
You ignore his question. At fifteen, you were good at that. At twenty-five, you’re better. “You got any cigarettes I could bum? You look like you still smoke them,” You say as you fiddle with your torn, bleeding nail beds with the classic anxiety of nicotine withdrawal.
He does that too when a mission stretches too long without a resupply and he finishes his cigarettes early to stave off hunger.
Ghost remembers fighting with you over the pack of smokes he smuggled into the program. He would hold it way above your head and laugh as you struggled to reach them. But you never gave up - they were bad for him, and you liked him too much to see him die of lung cancer.
He remembers the determination in your eyes and your unwavering faith that he could be saved.
“They’re bad for you,” Ghost echoes.
If you remember that moment, you don’t show it. “You know what else is fucking bad for you?” Your tone is so acerbic that it gives him whiplash.
He can’t resist taking a shot. “What, being a prick?” You just… bring out the worst in him. You make him feel as unhinged and unmoored as he was when you first met.
You roll your bloodshot eyes.
“I wasn’t going to call you out on that. I was going to say benzos and vodka. Also throwing yourself headfirst off a bridge.”
What is he supposed to say to that?
“Why did you come?” You ask after a long moment of quiet interspersed by that fucking heart monitor.
Ghost grinds his teeth into each other as he reflects. He hates doing that; the inside of his skull is a bad place. “…I don’t know,” He admits. Coming here was a mistake; Ghost understands that now.
The foul taste on the back of his tongue is guilt. But why? You did this to yourself. You brought him here to play games and fuck him up, so why is he the one who feels… bad?
You sigh. “Simon-“
“Ghost. It’s Ghost now,” He cuts you off with more violence than necessary.
Your mouth settles into a tight, pained line. “Ghost. Go away.”
“But you called me here.”
That provokes a reaction.
Ghost sees it and immediately wishes it hadn’t.
You stare him straight in the eye, your dilated pupils peel back his mask and see the face underneath. Your skin is tinged gray and your bottom lip blooms red with blood from where you’ve bitten through it.
He wants back the child sobbing for his forgiveness on her knees, who looked at him like he hung the stars in the sky.
“And it was a mistake, and I should never have done it, and I just wanted the satisfaction of knowing you weren’t going to pick up the phone. That I was truly alone.”
So the memory of him is a knife you’re using on yourself. Fucking disturbing.
You raise an eyebrow as you wave. “Bye.”
That’s it.
Though your dismissal rankles, Ghost does as you ordered and takes his leave of you.
His work phone vibrates a few times.
Only one person calls that it. “Captain,” Ghost greets.
Captain Price clears his throat on the other side of the line. “Lieutenant. When can we expect you back?”
‘Tomorrow’ is on the tip of Ghost’s tongue.
He’s never taken a day off in his career, which means he’s got at least a year or two in built up vacation time. “I’ll be gone for a while longer, sir. Not sure yet how long,” Ghost answers promptly.
It’s only for a few more days, a week at most. Long enough to make sure you won’t try to kill yourself again, long enough for the guilt freezing his blood and choking his lungs to fade.
“Alright, Lieutenant. Keep us posted.”
“Yes, sir.”
TAGGING: @devcica @igotmajordaddyissues @almightywdm @copiasratscheese @nerdyreaderpapi @schmelscorner
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waffledforbreakfast · 1 month
Nagi - Catchup!! - [BLLK X READER SCENARIOS]
Staring: Nagi x f!reader
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: heavy ooc, bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, cringe, scuff, etc.
>First Encounters 
Nagi is playing online games 24/7, but never really made friends there. It’s not like he had much of a reason too, most players he’d only play with once in his life. Until a while ago. This user, [user] was in every 3 games he played, every time he played Mario Party, they were there. Even across other games! Tetris, honkai, pjsk, etc!
It was probably mainly because he was playing Local everytime- but Nagi was very interested in this user
He was world hopping in Genshin once, and just happened to join [user]’s world
Nagi immediately recognized the gamertag, and sent a message, 
[Ch0k1] “Are you [user]? I keep seeing you in all my games”
[user] “OH IT’S YOU” “CH0K1 right? Yea ur everywhere LOL”
[CH0k1] “Mhm, didn’t think i’d find someone who plays so many of the games i do
You guys kept the convo going as he played with you, asking him about random things, game recommendations, manga he likes, literally anything
This was the first friend Nagi made on his own, he was actually pretty excited to talk to someone
Eventually you had to go, so you logged off as Nagi played a bit more. But it didn’t feel the same without you, so he hopped off soon after.
It was funny, you two would hop on around the same time everyday, play for a while together, and maybe switch games once in a while.
After some time, he asked for your discord, since you two played so often together anyway. He hadn’t heard your voice at all, and he wanted to at least know you before he could admit to crushing tolerating you
He got your username and added you quickly. You both sent the wumpus wave emoji and friended each other
“Wait, one mutual friend?” Nagi looked at the tab and clicked it, was there someone you both knew??
Mutual Friends - 1 -> Reo 💸💸
Nagi took a stared at it for a moment in confusion before messaging Reo, 
You Reo, do yk @[user]?
$$ Reo $$ Yea she’s in our math class??  Doesn’t she sit right beside you?
Nagi was shocked, there was no way… RIGHT??? He trusted Reo though, and maybe he could meet you
You Ur friends w/her right? Can i meet her?
$$ Reo $$ I mean but you don’t have to ask me lol She’s pretty chill Wait how do you know her-?? (seen) NAGI??? (seen)
>Second Encounters
Reo did in fact mange to hook you two up, but he was curious about what was going on between you two, so he invited the both of you to his place on a random weekend.
You got there and he welcomed you in, you’ve gone over a few times so you were pretty comfortable. 
“You said you wanted me to meet your friend right?” you asked him “tbh i didn’t know you had friends besides Nagi…” you took a sip of some champagne
“Wowww [Y/N], thanks.” he scoffed, pouring you another glass “Actually, it is him I want you to meet, but there’s something special.” 
You looked up at him, confused “Huh? Special?? Also- he sits beside me in math- i don’t understand why you well the need to throw a whole get together” 
“Eh, just get lonely, that’s all. Anyway, he’s running late again…”
You guys made some small talk as you waited, and luckily, he wasn’t too late
“Hey Reo, sorry I’m late..” he walked through the doors with a lazy wave
Then his eyes met yours, and he stopped “Oh, hey [Y/N]...” Nagi gave a small nod.
“Oh uh- yea! Hey Nagi!” you gave an awkward wave back, “I wasn’t aware you knew my name…” you joked, he was usually asleep in class anyway
He stayed silent and nodded again, still standing
Reo didn’t say anything for a few seconds before interrupting “He learnt it this week, and memorized it.” 
Nagi glared at Reo, 
“That wasn’t in the plan >:(“
“Yea but the plan was u make a move and u ain’t doing sh1t >:P”
Nagi sighed “So- you’re [user], right?”
That caught you offguard, he called you by your online username, “Yea that’s me… Do I know you???”
He hesitated for a second, “... So… I’m Ch0K1…”
It took you a few seconds, but you audibly gasped when you got it
Reo was just there, shaking his head :’3
>Birthday Gifts from him
Nagi really wouldn’t know much about gift giving, so he’d ask Reo. But Reo doesn’t know much about it their, and just told him to give you a fat stack of money
Nagi thought that was kinda boring (+ he couldn’t afford it), so he just wandered the mall, buying whatever he thought you’d like
He ended up with 2 bags of your favourite Sanrio character in plush form. He may’ve overdone it….
“Reo… can you come pick me up? I don’t think I can carry all these…”
“... Nagi- how much did you buy???”
Reo went to go pick him up nonetheless, and he was understandably shocked by how much Nagi had.
“Don’t you think this is a bit overkill…? Just how many plushies do you have???”
Nagi just shrugged, “Dunno. Will they fit in the back?”
“... I’m gonna call another car over-”
With the help of Reo, Nagi got all the gifts over to your house, and into your living room
He didn’t bother setting up any decorations, he just threw all the plushies on the floor, and flopped on them, waiting for you to come home
Reo silently laughed, before getting on his way, just as you got back
“Supriseeee…” Nagi said, doing little motions with his hand with no particular energy 
He pulled you into the pile and clung on to you, “Happy birthday btw :x” 
Super duper lazy, leaves socks around the house all the time
Can’t cook either, will ask you to do it for him
It’s almost like he’s relying on you to live, “Can you make dinner please? Hey can you pick something up for me at the nintendo store? You’re going to the cafe right? Can you get me some lemon tea? Do you have the charger?” etc.
But as you two get closer, it turns into “Can I watch you make dinner? Wanna come with me to buy a game? Let’s go to the cafe today”, and he’ll send you photos of anything he sees outside if it reminds him of you
Nagi :x 
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Kinda looks like u
He doesn’t contribute much as a roomie, but he does pay his bills on time (he just tells u where the money is and tells u to get it)
He also has a plushie collection, he didn’t mean to start one, but he did somehow :x 
Will get jealous is you say hi to choki and not him (for those who don’t know, Choki is his pet cactus)
>Kiss an their cheek
He was shocketh, the kiss came out of nowhere
“I-.... :x
He was blushing, he was totally blushing
It took him a few minutes to decide what to say, “I didn’t quite get that, do it again.”
>Watching his game
Nagi was slacking during warmups, looking around to entertain himself
He saw a blur and squinted, “Is that…?”
You waved to him, and he waved back, smiling a bit
“Cmon Nagii, let’s go!” Reo pulled him towards the field
Nagi waited a second before averting his attention, “Hey Reo, give me all the balls, okay? I’ll score them all”
“Sure thing, Nagi!”
Nagi nodded, before turning back to the crowd to look for you again
“... Is this all for [Y/N]-??” Reo asked
After the game (they won ofc ;) Nagi was absolutely exhausted he’s never tried so hard in a game, he hoped you at least thought he looked cool, or it would’ve been such a waste
He could hardly keep himself up right when he found you after packing up, Nagi slumped on top of you, almost making you fall back
“We won.” he told you,
“Yes, I saw.” You couldn’t help but laugh a bit at his current
“I’m so cool right?”
“Yes, you looked very cool, good job Nagi.” you ruffled his hair, giving him light praise 
“Mmm” he buried his face in the crook of your neck, content with your compliments, “Let’s order some take-out tonight, i think the new Haikyuu movie’s out too, we can watch that.”
Despite having just won a game, Nagi was looking forward to lazing at home with you
>Tell them ur busy
(Nagi POV)
You are u busy rn?
[Y/N] NAGIIIIII Yea sorry i am ;w; Hangin w/a friend rn
You Is it a guy
[Y/N] … noooooo? (read)
He frowned at the screen for like 30 seconds, before rolling on his bed and just: “ :’x “
Would look back at the message every minute, just incase he read it wrong
Nagi still texted you every 30min, even though you told him you’re busy
Would ask so many question about who you were hanging with, “Are they better than me?” “Do you like them more than me?” “Can they carry you in genshin?” 
Wouldn’t stop bothering you, and demanded that you hop on w/him after
I’m sure you wouldn’t leave him hanging, would you?
>First date
Nagi invited you over to his house, was it because he was too lazy to go out? Partially- but he was also really lonely at home(in episode nagi he lives alone 😭).
He cleaned up the house(shoved everything into a closet) and bought some new games for you guys to try out :D Bought some popcorn, jello, and every snack that he knew you liked, even ones he think you would enjoy.
So it may seem that he didn’t put in much effort, but in reality, he was going out every second day to buy things.
Would it be easier if he just made a list? Yea. But that didn’t cross his mind til the 3th trip…
He didn’t mean to over prepare either, but he found himself setting up hours before you were supposed to come over. This resulted in him sitting around doing nothing for a while.
When you finally arrived, Nagi greeted you and helped you inside,
“Hey [Y/N], you’re here”
“Mhm, thanks for having me over, Nagi!”
He nodded as he put your bags down for you, angling his his face away from you so you wouldn’t see the light blush on his face
It just hit Nagi that you were the first girl in his house, or even remotely near him.
He sat down on his bed, and patted the space beside him, inviting you to sit down.
You were pretty close to him, not touching but still. Mentally he was fine, he didn’t feel stressed at all, but his heart was going 20x faster, and he genuinely couldn’t figure out why.
He grabbed you a controller, pulled out the snacks, and threw a blanket over the two of you, “What do you wanna play?” he asked, “I’ve got basically everything”
We’re gonna try a little interactive part here, select one! [Animal Crossing] [Mario Kart] [Genshin(2player)]
Animal Crossing
He showed you his little island, and it was a mess, but he had (somehow) successfully paid off all his debt to Tom Nook
“Yea, I used to play daily… Do you have an acc? Let me friend you”
He let you re-organize his island, showed you the museum, etc.
He made a mental note to get back into the game for you, but he’d never admit that
Mario Kart
Pick One(don’t look, AND ACTUALLY CHOSE ONE)! 
[Option Red] [Option Blue]
Option Red You play really well! Nagi was actually getting really into it, trying to beat you, and failing(much to his silent surprise) It was the first time he really concentrated on a game, and you and him were fighting for first, being well ahead of the other players. You won, and Nagi gave you a little “good job…” he was starting up the next game before giving himself a little smile, oh how lucky he was to find someone with the same hobbies
Option Blue Nagi was intentionally throwing, he chased behind you, staying in second place, and throwing bananas at anyone who came close. Did he lose his streak? Maybe, but seeing you smile(even if you knew what he was doing) was well worth it, even he smiled at the sight. If you knew, then you’d poke fun at him, and have a good laugh :3 “Lol thanks for the carry, Nagi” “...wdym? :x” 
Genshin(or HSR)(for the plot, this’ll be 2 player) Nagi would let you explore, or do your quests and trail behind you, killing any mobs, collecting loot, etc. Even though he wasn’t doing as much as he usually does, he was having much more fun. And he was totally looking more at you than the game. He’d catch himself staring, sigh to himself and go back to the game, just to go back to staring in a matter of time. Helps you finish all your quests, clears your Domains for you, will carry you through the game with no complaint.
He wouldn’t realise it, but playing with you made him really happy, like really really happy. 
“Hey, let’s order some take-out, what do you want?” He lazily leaned on you, pulling out his phone. 
You were still eating some of the snacks he provided, but leaned on his head to see his phone, “Hmm, ngl, think i could go for some [________]” 
“Yea, sounds good.” Nagi’s face flushed slightly at the contact, but he brushed it off
While waiting for the food, you two just lazed around with a show on in the background, talking about whatever came to mind.
Once the food came, you stood up to go get it, and Nagi immediately followed behind you, sticking close.
He watched you open up the box, and ate some himself, approving of your taste in food. 
You were about to take a bite, but then Nagi ate it off the fork instead, staring at you with a “ :x “ like he didn’t just fanum tax you(i’m so skibidi)
The rest of the day was chill, Nagi stayed close to you and turns out, he actually has amazing humor! Does that consist of “ur mom” jokes? Maybe - but don’t act like you don’t pull those either >:)
When it was time for you to leave, Nagi offered to walk you home, which was not in his original plan, but he insisted on it anyway. 
Please give him a hug before you go, he’ll be very happy, and may or may not stay up thinking about it :3 
>Sending Love Letters
Nagi highly doubted that anyone would like him, if anything, he was pretty sure most the girls hated him and were jealous that he got to be around Reo
Reo himself didn’t really care much for them, they came and went, not many stayed for long once they realized he wouldn’t give out money that easily
The only other constant friend Reo had was you. You and Reo used to hand out pretty often, until Nagi came along
Nagi was worried that you hated him, because anytime he entered the room, you’d leave quickly with a red face. Which was very unfortunate for him, since he had started to like you more and more.
For once he understood true jealousy, “why does she like Reo? Why doesn’t she like me? It’s so unfair….”
He refused to come to terms with the fact that he liked you though, thinking that you liked Reo.
Sometimes he’d just follow you around school without you noticing, listening to your voice, the things you said, the way you walked, talked, he was so jealous for every guy you talked to
He was tempted to just walk up to you and pin you down so you couldn’t run, but he figured that would just make you hate him more, and he didn’t want that.
So for now, he would just sit in the shadows, while you and Reo chatted like old pals
That’s why he was slightly shocked, but didn’t care much when he got a Love Letter
He was tempted to just ignore it, since there was no shot you were the sender. But he read it anyway, maybe out of desperation, maybe he was just bored.
“To Nagi Seshiro, I really want to get this off my chest, so I can have an actual reason to run away from you, but I really really like you. I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time, and everytime you were around I felt so embarrassed to I ran 😭 but yea, i just wanted to get this out so i could hide in peace ;w;   “
Nagi genuinely couldn’t believe it, he had to re-read the letter, it was the first time he smiled in like weeks 
In fact, he went to sleep with it under his pillow. He went to sleep SMILING
Oh the things you do to him
He totally forgot to text Reo about the first day, but he did mentioned it the next
Nagi finally felt comfortable to confess as well, but he didn’t want to scare you, so he too would make a letter
>Receiving Love Letters
If it were anyone else, he would’ve just ripped a corner of his notebook out, but for you, he ripped out a full page (It’s the thoughts that matters ;w;)
He wondered if he should use a sparkly gel pen, but decided against it in order to not look like a fool to you.
Nagi tried his best to make his handwriting somewhat legible, you could tell he was pressing hard on each letter
“Hey [Y/N], i rlly like u ♡ will u go out w/me? - Nagi :x “
He actually had a lot of thoughts running through his head, but it was too much a hassle to write it all out. He’ll tell you one day, surely 
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A/N: Nagi Catchup! Wasn't sure if i should've integrated his parts into the others, but decided against it and stuck w/my wattpad lines!
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book--brackets · 2 months
Note: Good Omens is by both Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, it just doesn't fit in the character limit lol
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (2011)
The circus arrives without warning. No announcement precedes it, no paper notices plastered on lampposts and billboards. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.
Within these nocturnal black-and-white-striped tents awaits an utterly unquie experience, a feast did the senses, where no one can be lost in a maze of clouds, meander through a lush garden muse of ice, stare in wonderment as the tattooed contortionist folds herself into a small glass box, and become deliciously tipsy from the scents of caramel and cinnamon that waft through the air.
Welcome to Le Cirque des Rêvez.
Beyond the smoke and mirrors, however, a fierce competition is under way—a contest between two young illusionists, Celia and Marco, who have been trained since childhood to compete in a “game” to which they have been irrevocably bound by their mercurial masters. Unbeknownst to the players, this is a game in which only one can be left standing, and the circus is but the stage for a remarkable battles of imagination and will.
As the circus travels around the world, the feats of magic gain fantastical new heights with every stop. The game is well under way and the lives of all those involved—the eccentric circus owner, the elusive contortionist, the mystical fortune-teller, and a pair of red-haired twins born backstage among them—are swept up in a wake of spells and charms.
But when Celia discovers Marco is her adversary, they begin to think of the game not as a competition but as a wonderful collaboration. With no knowledge of how the game must end, they innocently tumble headfirst into love. A deep, passionate, and magical love that makes the light flicker and the room grow warm whenever they so much as brush hands.
Their masters still pull the strings, however, and this unforeseen occurrence forces them to intervene with dangerous consequences, leaving the lives of everyone from the performers to the patrons hanging in the balance.
The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss (2007-present)
My name is Kvothe.   I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.   You may have heard of me.
So begins a tale unequaled in fantasy literature--the story of a hero told in his own voice. It is a tale of sorrow, a tale of survival, a tale of one man's search for meaning in his universe, and how that search, and the indomitable will that drove it, gave birth to a legend.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (2015-2016)
Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone. . . .
A convict with a thirst for revenge A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager A runaway with a privileged past A spy known as the Wraith A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes
Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first.
American Gods by Neil Gaiman (2001)
Days before his release from prison, Shadow's wife, Laura, dies in a mysterious car crash. Numbly, he makes his way back home. On the plane, he encounters the enigmatic Mr Wednesday, who claims to be a refugee from a distant war, a former god and the king of America.
Together they embark on a profoundly strange journey across the heart of the USA, whilst all around them a storm of preternatural and epic proportions threatens to break.
Scary, gripping and deeply unsettling, American Gods takes a long, hard look into the soul of America. You'll be surprised by what - and who - it finds there...
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (2012-2015)
Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth's fate hinges on one girl. . . . 
Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She's a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister's illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai's, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world's future. 
The Princess Bride by William Goldman (1973)
Westley ... handsome farm boy who risks death and much, much worse for the woman he loves; Inigo ... the Spanish swordsman who lives only to avenge his father's death; Fezzik ... the Turk, the gentlest giant ever to have uprooted a tree with his bare hands; Vizzini ... the evil Sicilian, with a mind so keen he's foiled by his own perfect logic; Prince Humperdinck ... the eviler ruler of Guilder, who has an equally insatiable thirst for war and the beauteous Buttercup; Count Rugen ... the evilest man of all, who thrives on the excruciating pain of others; Miracle Max ... the King's ex-Miracle Man, who can raise the dead (kind of); The Dread Pirate Roberts ... supreme looter and plunderer of the high seas; and, of course, Buttercup ... the princess bride, the most perfect, beautiful woman in the history of the world.
S. Morgenstern's timeless tale--discovered and wonderfully abridged by William Goldman--pits country against country, good against evil, love against hate. From the Cliffs of Insanity through the Fire Swamp and down into the Zoo of Death, this incredible journey and brilliant tale is peppered with strange beasties both monstrous and gentle, and memorable surprises both terrible and sublime.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl (1964)
Willy Wonka's famous chocolate factory is opening at last!
But only five lucky children will be allowed inside. And the winners are: Augustus Gloop, an enormously fat boy whose hobby is eating; Veruca Salt, a spoiled-rotten brat whose parents are wrapped around her little finger; Violet Beauregarde, a dim-witted gum-chewer with the fastest jaws around; Mike Teavee, a toy pistol-toting gangster-in-training who is obsessed with television; and Charlie Bucket, Our Hero, a boy who is honest and kind, brave and true, and good and ready for the wildest time of his life! 
The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare (2010-2013)
Magic is dangerous--but love is more dangerous still. 
When sixteen-year-old Tessa Gray crosses the ocean to find her brother, her destination is England, the time is the reign of Queen Victoria, and something terrifying is waiting for her in London's Downworld, where vampires, warlocks and other supernatural folk stalk the gaslit streets. Only the Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to ridding the world of demons, keep order amidst the chaos. 
Kidnapped by the mysterious Dark Sisters, members of a secret organization called The Pandemonium Club, Tessa soon learns that she herself is a Downworlder with a rare ability: the power to transform, at will, into another person. What's more, the Magister, the shadowy figure who runs the Club, will stop at nothing to claim Tessa's power for his own. 
Friendless and hunted, Tessa takes refuge with the Shadowhunters of the London Institute, who swear to find her brother if she will use her power to help them. She soon finds herself fascinated by--and torn between--two best friends: James, whose fragile beauty hides a deadly secret, and blue-eyed Will, whose caustic wit and volatile moods keep everyone in his life at arm's length . . . everyone, that is, but Tessa. As their search draws them deep into the heart of an arcane plot that threatens to destroy the Shadowhunters, Tessa realizes that she may need to choose between saving her brother and helping her new friends save the world. . . . and that love may be the most dangerous magic of all.
Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (1990)
The world is preparing to come to an end according to the Divine Plan recorded in the Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch (recorded 1655). Meanwhile, a fussy angel and a fast-living demon have grown fond of living among the earth's mortals for many millennia and are not looking forward to the apocalypse. If Crowley and Aziraphale are going to stop it from happening, they must find and kill the Antichrist.
Coraline by Neil Gaiman (2002)
In Coraline's family's new flat there's a locked door. On the other side is a brick wall—until Coraline unlocks the door . . . and finds a passage to another flat in another house just like her own. Only different.
The food is better there. Books have pictures that writhe and crawl and shimmer. And there's another mother and father there who want Coraline to be their little girl. They want to change her and keep her with them. . . . Forever.
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thrashkink-coven · 3 months
Funny bullshit my deities have done that I think about constantly
Hermes using the word “cringe”
Hermes: you should say my name before you blow out my candle
Me: oh okay, why? Is it fucked up if I don’t?
Hermes: no it’s not a huge deal it’s just… cringe
Lucifer frequently interrupting Lilith whenever she gives problematic advice
Lilith: You should curse that guy that keeps bothering you at work so that he gets fired and loses all his money lol
Lucifer: Please don’t pay attention to her right now.
Lord Cerberus getting super excited whenever we work with Hermes together
Me: I’m having trouble finding the right words for this spell I’m gonna call Hermes
Lord Ra asking for a little nibble of my food whenever I eat near his altar in the least subtle ways
Me: *eating a piece of pizza*
Ra: Ohhh woe is me… if only I had a little piece of pizza 🥺 if only a kind and funny devotee gave little old me a little pepperoni… 🥺🥺Doesn’t anyone ever wonder if Lord Ra likes pizza too? 🥺 No pressure. ☺️
Me: Aren’t you literally the king of the Gods
Inanna referring to herself with terms like “that bitch”
Me: Do you ever get sad that your worship has been abolished so many times?
Inanna: I honestly do not give a fuck 😊 I still come back every time because I’m that bitch and I always have been 😘
Me: Period
Lord Hermes making sure I get permission from Lucifer before working with him and/or other spirits.
Me: Okay I’m ready to start working now
Hermes: Did you ask Lucifer for permission before you invited Azazel and I into your space?
Me: Yes, I always ask dad for permission before I go play outside.
Hermes: Very good.
Lord Cerberus not at all being above the fluffy dog thing
Me: I know you’re a primordial death God with an incredibly important role but do you still like tummy scratches?
Cerberus: … perhaps… is this a hypothetical question… or are you going to do it…?
Me: can I?
Cerberus, already on his back: Do what you must.
Bonus: Lucifer not liking Eminem but being very fond of Hozier
Me, meditating at his altar and listening to music when “without me” starts playing
Lucifer: 😕
Me: what’s wrong? Your vibe just shifted
Lucifer: oh it’s nothing
*Song ends and Hozier’s “In The Woods Somewhere” starts playing
Lucifer: 🙂
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On thin ice (Hockey player! Miguel O’Hara x Figure skater! Fem! Reader)
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A/N: Im in a fucking rollllll. This series is my current hyper fixation and since I don’t really have an uploading schedule I just do it whenever lol. Also I LOOOVE reading all of y’all comments, they’re funny and they warm my heart. Y’all got me kicking my feet, giggling, blushing, twirling my hair. Anyways, apologies for If Miguel’s ooc and any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors since this isn’t proofread. Y’all may feast lol.
(Y/N)- Your name.
Cursing, angst.
Word count: 1.4k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 4: Are there some aces up your sleeve?
“(Y/N), that is the 4th time you messed up the Camel spin today. If you can’t do it then we’ll just take it out of the program-“
“No! No, I can do it coach! I’m just having an off day and-“
“That’s not an excuse. Regionals are in late October, it is September. There shouldn’t be any excuse, we’re been doing this on repeat. This should be muscle memory.”
Coach Kavinsky words were only twisting the knife. You brought your shaky hands up to cover your nose and mouth, attempting to warm your face a bit and keep yourself from sobbing. Ever since you woke up in the morning everything has gone to shit. You failed your exam in your math class, on your way to your english class, you tripped and dropped your Starbucks, causing it to spill all over your shoes, and now you kept messing up the program. Logan could tell you were mere minutes away from a breakdown, your eyes were wet and your breathing was rapid, partly from skating and partly because you were trying to keep an oncoming panic attack at bay. “I-I can do it! I can do it, I just need a minute-“ you stutter and stumbles over your words, you bring your gloved hands over your face and placing them on the top of your hands.
“I think we should take a break coach, (Y/N) just needs to get some fresh air, right (Y/N)?” Logan said in a calm voice as the put his hand on your shoulder, but you quickly shook it off.
“No, it’s okay I can do it. See?” You were going hysterical, getting into position to do the spin only to fail the spin and fall butt first on the ice. Okay now you were having a breakdown.
“Jesus… okay. Logan take her outside, help her calm down will you?” Coach Kavinsky said to Logan who just nodded, waiting for you to move to your knees to help you get up and out of the rink.
“I-I don’t know what’s wrong with me today…” You stuttered in between shallow breaths, Logan’s hand rubbing slow smooth circles on your back in an attempt to help you calm down. “I’ve- I’ve never had trouble with that spin before- I just- I-“ you couldn’t finish, you’re stutters just devolving into more sobs as you put your face into your partner’s chest, tears spilling out. “I’m getting your shirt all wet…” You managed to say with a small chuckle as you pulled away after a few minutes, but the laugh was devoid of any warmness or joy. Your hand wiping some left over tears from your cheeks.
“It’s fine, I’m more worried about my best friend.” Logan said with a small smile, the hand that was rubbing your back now tracing up to your shoulders and pulling you closer to him in a side hug, you let out a small sigh as you laid your head on his shoulder.
“Thanks Logan… I’m sorry… I’m a totally mess…” You mumbled as you wipe some more tears away, your eyes red and puff, a headache slowly creeping up on you from all the crying.
“Why… the fuck my is Ice princess and her little skating partner so close…” Miguel thought as he got out car, slamming the door without realizing as he glares at you and Logan from his spot across the parking lot. You or Logan hadn’t seen him since you were both so far away, and were more focused on trying to calm you down, Miguel was too far to noticed your tear stained face.
“Damn Miguel, dent the door why don’t you.” Peter attempted to joke while getting out from the passenger seat but his voice faltered, letting out a nervous chuckle after. Peter already knew the team was gonna be used as Miguel’s personal stress ball for the entirety of the practice time. Miguel just sent a glare at him in response, a small grunt escapes his lips as both of them grab their bags and hockey sticks from the back seat. “You seem more mad than usual, wanna talk about it? Or are you just gonna “accidentally” slam half the team into the boards like always?” He probes his captain, but he already knew his answer. Everyone on the team knew that Miguel isn’t a talk-about-your-feelings person.
“Shut up Parker.” He mutters as he slings his bag on his shoulders, closing and locking the door before both males started to make their way to the entrance. You currently burying your face into Logan’s shoulder, so Miguel couldn’t see your face, and Logan’s head was resting on top of yours, his arm still over your shoulders, his thumb creasing small circles on your shoulder. As soon as you were in ear-shot, Miguel shouted out to you both. “Aww look at the two lovebirds!” His voice dripping with sarcasm to hid the slight anger and jealousy he felt.
“I’m not in the mood, Miguel…” You’re voice was horse and raspy, as you spoke, and your eyes were bloodshot and puffy when you lifted your head up to look at him. The sight made Miguel’s heart ache, but the way your body was so close to Logan’s made it fill with rage and envy a lot more.
“She’s having a bad day, can we save-“ Logan started but was swiftly cut off.
“And that’s my problem because?” He hissed, eyes narrowing. “What’s wrong huh? Did he drop you on your back again? Or was it something stupid like missing up a spin?” He taunted with a head tilt, Logan glared at Miguel, his hand’s grip tightening on your shoulder, Peter just nervously shifted his weight back and forth between his feet and you, well you were trying not to burst into tears again. He made it sound a lot more simple then it felt like, it made you feel embarrassed for being so distraught about it. He had no way of knowing that’s actually the reason for your tears.
“Can you not be a dick for 5 minutes?” You ask with an exhausted dry laugh, the laugh was your body’s way of holding yourself back from beginning to sob again. Your hand goes up to wipe some smuggled mascara from under your eyes. “Everything has been so fucking shitty all day, I-I don’t need you to come her and kick me while I’m down, Okay?” Your voice cracked as you spoke, and it only made Miguel feel worse.
You were right, he was acting like a major jerk right now. God what is wrong with him? Here you were in such a vulnerable place, your heart laying bare in front of him, and instead of making you feel better, instead of making your chest full with warmth and reassurance, he grabbed your still beating heart and began to feast on it like it was that night’s dinner.
God. What the fuck Miguel? What the fuck? What the fuck. Whatthefuck. Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck-
“Alright,” Coach Kavinsky came outside, crossing her arms as she spoke. “I’m just gonna cut practice short, it’s almost over anyways.” She said to Logan and you, before turning to you and speaking to you directly, “Go home, get some rest, and don’t stress yourself out too much over this, alright (Y/N?) Tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start, don’t let this one bad practice ruin your confidence in the program.” She finished, you just shook your head at her before she turned around and walked back into the building.
“Alright… let’s get you inside…” Logan said to you in a low comforting tone, getting off the sidewalk before helping you up, and began to walk you inside.
Miguel Let out a Heavy sigh, glancing to his side, running a hand through his slicked back dark hair, before attempting to speak, “Look. Princes-“ but he quickly shut his mouth when Logan looked over at him and sent him a dark glare, not stopping as he grabs your hand and drags you inside. If looks could kill, Miguel would be six feet under.
After a beat of silence, Peter cleared his throat before speaking, “well…that’s one way of trying to get her to notice you, nice going Miguel.” If Miguel didn’t already plan on releasing all his confused feelings and frustrations out on the ice before, he sure as hell was going to now. Miguel sent Peter a glare, mumbling some curses under his breath in Spanish , before he began to go walk into the arena, Peter stumbling to catch up with him.
Taglist: @tayleighuh @cowboylikeevie @coralineyouareinterribledanger @jukioku @loser-alert @migueloharaspookiebear @serpentstarr @littlexscarletxwitch
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frankoceanluvrr · 1 year
pairing : peter parker x fem!reader. angst!
summary : Peter and [Name] are in a relationship. [Name] is trying her hardest to be a “relaxed” and “chill” girlfriend. She bottles up her feelings which result in a heated conversation.
warnings : based off of the song “Idfc” by blackbear. I do NOT own the song, nor the character spiderman. arguing, swearing, topics of cheating are included in this! also english isn’t my first language, so please correct me if need be (eg spelling and grammatical errors). this is kinda long as well
a/n : WE HIT 30 FOLLOWERSSS!!!!!! TYSM !!!! Also the gif has nothing to do with the story lol I just like it
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He missed it. Maybe he’s busy? He’s always busy. He promised he’d come though, surely that means something? It was your one year anniversary of becoming a couple, and you both decided to go to the same restaurant where he first confessed to you. You sat there, like a fool, all dressed up for nothing. You had been there about three hours and it had just hit midnight. Practically everyone in the restaurant had given you the same pitiful look as they both entered and eventually left. You took a deep breath and apologised to the staff for being there so long. Embarrassed, you began to walk back home.
Maybe he just didn’t care anymore. You fell into your bed, hopelessly scrolling on your phone as if it could distract you from the humiliation. He hadn’t even sent a text. Your night was about to become worse when you heard a desperate knock on your window. It was Peter. You could only roll your eyes as he looked at you, cheeks flushed. He had the distinct smell of alcohol as he got a bit closer to you, almost attempting to read your emotions.
“Do you love me?” You cut him off, tears already starting to prick your eyes.
“What? Of course I do.” He defended himself.
“Tell me that you love me.”
“It’s not fake, [Name]. I do love you.” He muttered, maintaining eye contact as if he was trying to look sober.
“You’ve been out all night.” You sighed, “do you have any idea about what you missed?”
“I was out because of ‘spiderman-ly’ duties.” He slurred, obviously lying.
“You smell of alcohol Peter. I’m not dumb, you come in here, slurring all your words, you’re not making any sense,” You started, “but you know what, I don’t fucking care like always. That’s how you want me to be like, right?”
“I have so many feelings for you, [Name],” He sighed, “it’s not intentional baby, I’m practically a fool for you.”
“You’re the fool?” You scoffed, “you were three hours late doing God knows what. It was humiliating, and you know what I haven’t heard? A fucking apology.”
“I love you, you’re too good for me. I’m so sorry baby for missing our,” he paused, then quickly added, “dinner?”
You could only stare at him in disbelief, and yet the more you stared the more evidence you discovered. The subtle lipstick stains on his neck, how his hair was all messy, how his shirt was messily thrown on.
You felt a lump in your throat, “you’re cheating on me?”
His eyes widened slightly, gaze softening, “What?”
“You’re cheating on me.” You said, more confirming it to yourself than him.
“It was only twice, [Name]. And if anything it only made me love you more.”
“Twice?” You were in genuine disbelief about the audacity of this man, “Get out, now.”
“You’re breaking up with me?” His gaze hardened.
“Fine, fuck you [Name].”
He left, slamming the door. He was so obviously drunk, and wasn’t thinking right, but his words pierced your heart like a knife.
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whalesforhands · 8 months
HAII NYV!! hope ur doing well!!
tbh,, i’ve been thinking. How do you think SSS trio would feel about Dyf!mc going the same path suguru did? (Yk, seeing riko die and going spiraling to the point that she leaves jjt n stuffs,,) Do you think they would try and beg her to stay? Or would they let her go willingly because they’ve always wanted the best for Mc? Also, when they see each other after 11 years, Who sees her first?
tbh ive js been having brain rot of dyf so like…a million AUs are coming to me about it at once LMFAOO. but hope ure doing well, love ur writing xx
tw: yandere
lol why does ur spelling of name perfectly describe how it’s meant to be pronounced
what makes you think you’re even allowed to leave them behind like that? what makes you think you’re even able to leave them so freely?
you won’t survive out there on your own, are you just trying to die quicker? are you just trying to make them suffer just as much as you?
you’re in pain. they know, they know. you’ll get food placed outside your room’s locked door, have all 3 of them talk to you from outside too. sometimes it’s all 3 of them hanging around, sometimes it’s just 2, sometimes it’s just 1.
it’s gojo satoru that has had enough of your slump, kicking your door down with little to no effort as you flinch from shock, hiding under your blankets when you feel the dip of your mattress, and a head landing atop of your cocooned self, letting out a disappointed sigh.
“I didn’t wanna do that, ya know? You’re making things hard.”
it’s only then that he would lay down next to your form, an arm over your waist and spooning you from behind as you start to break down even harder, taking his intrusion and hoarding the comfort he gave you in this moment.
and your door’s been broken so many times you decided to just leave it unlocked… letting him and the others come and go as they please, letting him wrap his long arms around you at every given chance, letting him kiss you on the forehead every morning he gets to spend in school, telling you that he’ll be back from a mission soon.
maybe that was how it started.
“There are no missions for you, (last name).” Yaga’s scratching his head as he flips through his clipboard, carefully scanning the words.
“W-what? Why?” Your arms are shaky as you hug a Baby Panda close to yourself, soft purrs emanating from him as you pet him mindlessly. You’ve been loitering around in the campus for… Close to 3 months now.
“I’m quite confused as well. There haven’t been any curses within your grade level as of recently—“ He pauses as he flips through more papers, eyes narrowing behind dark sunglasses. “There just isn’t—“
“Then m-may I take one above my grade? T-that would put me on grounds for promotion, right?”
“You can, but there aren’t any sorcerers available to invigilate and recommend you for promotion anytime soon. Earliest I could find one is—“ The incessant flipping of papers stop.
“In about 6 months.”
ieiri shoko lets you roam around the school campus, watching you, talking to you, trying to improve your mental health. she prods you to speak your mind, convinces you that the world outside was the one that was going insane, that it wasn’t you that felt trapped, felt cornered in here.
“The campus is where you can be safe from such things. Don’t sweat it.”
and you believe her. why wouldn’t you? she’s your beloved shoko. shoko who teaches you how to do first aid when she notices how lost and listless you’re becoming, who teaches you how to treat wounds, how to stitch up open cuts, how to stop internal bleeding… all just to take up your time. she’s patient with you, holding your hands, letting you take tea breaks with her… it’s peaceful with her. you’re at ease.
so much better than being out on field, right?
geto suguru takes his time with you. he reads your favourite manga with you, asks you about the novels you have been eyeing and wanting to buy, talks about the soba noodles he had on that one trip to nagoya... hell, he’s the one who cooks food for you and helps you clean your room when he thinks you’re getting sloppy.
“Let me do it for you, okay? You’re not looking well enough to do it on your own.”
maybe that was when you thought to yourself that, maybe, just maybe… you didn’t want to leave this place.
though, if you still have some fight in you…
out of all three of them, the one who would most probably fold to your whims and let you leave is suguru. maybe when you go limp in his arms, break down crying into his chest, go quiet when he attempts to feed you…
or maybe it was that decisive kiss under the blankets of darkness, a show of your desperation and longing for something more than this that he starts to crack, starts to break. it’s then that he finally thinks that, maybe, perhaps, he needs to let you go. he’s always been quite the emotional one.
11 years of free roam? more like 11 years of surveillance. it’s not like you were allowed to go with no strings attached, you were still standing on soil that wasn’t Jujutsu Tech ground because they’re the ones who have given you this right.
they’re the ones who let you go have fun, even letting you get a job as a regular salary worker, let you get a quaint little apartment nearby, let you live the life of a regular person.
but no, oh no. you wanted to play hero again when you saw a little girl getting chased, hunted by a curse? wanted to save a life again because that’s what you could do? wanted to do?
And you got hurt from your decisions?
let’s just say you’re in for a bad time.
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captainzigo · 6 months
hey hi hello , as a fellow trans girl pony enjoyer i love ur art and posts and the like!!
do you have any headcanons abt how HRT affects ponies? personally when i transitioned i made my self insert OC have a lighter coat & mane color and changed her name a bit so she transitioned with me :) the hormones been brightening her up quite a bit
:3 yes! i think it changes your cutiemark
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on the left that’s marble pie from the show. pinkie’s sister. and that is octavio pie on the right. pinkie’s brother. from the silly pony life show. identical in design to marble, and not mentioned once in any of the many friendship is magic episodes about pinkie’s family. that’s because these are before and after transition pictures. i doubt anyone thinks of pony life as canon, but if it were then what im saying would be straight up canon. like not even headcanon.
one of the reasons people headcanon trixie as trans is she uses some animation assets normally used for the boy ponies. the only one i remember is her irises, but i seem to remember she may have also had a bigger horn? i don’t know if there’s any headcanons to form from that lol. but i like coming up with really alien biologies. like maybe some ponies wear contacts as an affirmation thing? that’s weird but it’s kinda cool to me. also possibly getting horns reshaped somehow
also i think they probably do transitions with magic. or maybe they do it with potions. but whatever they do its all fancy and whimsical like the rest of the stuff they do. when trixie and twilight had that magic duel they said no one can do the spell that “turns a mare into a stallion” but that’s not really what gender affirming procedures do anyway.
Prickly Pear, my oc from my profile. was just an oc long before i started using her as a sort of sona. i will not be revealing her assigned gender. but i did draw an actual sona one time and that bitch definitely used to have a different cutiemark. probably something i hate but was still kinda good at. like choir
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man i drew her a while ago. her proportions are weird. although i guess i do have a lot of ass in real life so maybe that’s fine
i realize now i talked mostly about affirming procedures and not just hrt, but close enough. i think your cutiemark changes magically when you redefine your own identity for yourself. also this is just a headcanon i have. i’m not denying the transness of ponies who’s cutiemarks stayed the same through transition.
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