#I don’t really know what the 212th/obi wan tag is?
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onlykenobimatters · 5 months ago
Screaming crying at the fic idea that obi-wan gets injured during a campaign and they set him up in the med bay and they’re monitoring his heart beat but every time a 212th clone walks in it spikes slightly and this fact spreads and the clones are worried that obi-wan is scared/wary of them but really he just thinks they’re hot
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psyzook · 2 years ago
tag game: (star wars)
tagged by my moot @captainrexshusband (you are so great my dude, rock on)
1. ride or die ship/otp:
Codywan. Because who the fuck doesn’t!??
2. most annoying ship:
reylo or obikin. I hate both.
3. second favorite ship:
dinluke. idk it’s something about their dynamic.
4. favorite platonic relationship:
Bitch don’t make me choose 😭 hgggmmm- maybe anakin and obi-wan? or Rex and Anakin. Probably the 212th Clones and Obi-Wan!
5. underrated ship:
Anakin/Rex. Idk I feel like it has a lot of potential.
6. overrated ship:
reylo. And maybe padme/anakin, because he was not good enough for her and she deserved so much better than the homicidal young adult with suicidal tendencies.
7. one thing I would change in canon:
order 66/the ending of the prequel era. just- no mass genocide, mind control, and emperor. let them get therapy 😭
8. something canon did right:
showed us how much Obi-Wan cared for Luke and Leia during his show Kenobi. This bitch literally wanted to die and was so done with existing, BUT LIFE STILL DECIDED TO FUCK WITH HIM.
9. a thing I’m proud of creating for the fandom (PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART):
I have made some pretty iconic Star Wars themed posts, but nothing really large scale.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn’t change a thing about):
11. the character(-s) I relate to the most and why:
Quinlan Vos, because he is chaotic.
12. the character(-s) I hate to the most and why:
skeevy palpitation. y’all already fucking know what he did.
13. something I’ve learned from the fandom:
Literally all my sci-fy and space fiction knowledge. I still have alot to learn. Like whatever the hell a rotation is.
14. three tags I seek out on AO3:
Humor, Time Travel, and Fix It (in that order)
15. a song I strongly associate with my otp/favorite character(s):
For my OTP Codywan, and for my #1 fav character Cody.
Because Obi-Wan always comes in second place around here.
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ashenthornes · 2 years ago
Life Day Traditions | SW Secret Santa
Found Family: Obi-Wan Kenobi & the 212th Attack Battalion
Prompt: Obi-Wan sharing Stewjoni traditions with the 212th
Theme: Life Day
tags - @starwarsfandomfests / @shellheadsblog (hope you enjoy)
A/N: These traditions are real traditions that Scottish people celebrate, and Crom Dubh na Nollaig is an actual folkloric figure similar to Krampus!
Obi-Wan sighed as he looked over the ship. There were no decorations in sight, which he supposed made sense for the GAR, but it saddened him. Every Life Day at the Jedi Temple, he and Anakin would have decorated their quarters with the traditions they brought from their home planets. But his quarters at the Jedi Temple currently lay empty, and would not have any decorations in sight, save for those lying in storage to be taken out to decorate. 
Waxer, one of the 212th Attack Battalion stood next to Obi-Wan, surveying the ship with him. "General, are you alright?"
Obi-Wan shrugged. "This is not normally what Life Days looks like for me. I wish I had brought some of my decorations with me, I am not used to the space around me looking so barren."
"What does Life Day normally look like for you then, General?" Waxer asked. 
"Well, typically Ana- General Skywalker and I would have decorated our quarters at the Jedi Temple with anything that followed traditions from our home planets. It was quite fun, actually. And we would spend most of the morning cooking and preparing a meal for all the Jedi who wished to celebrate with us. Then, we would have breakfast together and then continue preparing to celebrate together." Obi-Wan explained. 
"Why can't you do that now, sir?" 
"Well, I suppose I could. I just don't really have all the supplies I would need, especially to cook a meal for those of you willing to celebrate with me," Obi-Wan said. "Unless, of course, we have the time to go planetside and do some shopping?" 
Waxer nodded. "I believe we do, sir. I'll round up some men, and we'll meet you at the bay."
Obi-Wan blinked in surprise. He was not expecting Waxer to be so up for celebrating Life Day with him, or for him to be willing to round up some of the men to go shopping with him. 
"I suppose I'll have to type up a shopping list," Obi-Wan murmured. "And I'll need to let Cody know." 
Finding Cody actually turned out to be quite the task. The man seemed to be difficult to find on most days, but this day it was especially hard to find him. His helmet was usually the best way to find him, having such a distinct visor that very few others did. Obi-Wan could not find him and decided to comm him later. He walked down towards the bay, a copy of his list in his hands and enough credits to pay for decorations and food in a pocket on the inside of his robes. 
When Waxer spotted him, he grinned widely and waved at Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan waved back and began walking a little quicker. He joined the group and greeted each of the men Waxer had gathered. But when he got to the last man, he did a double take. 
"Cody? You're joining us?" Obi-Wan asked. 
"Of course, General. Wouldn't miss dragging these men all over a marketplace. They're bound to make it interesting." Cody replied, smirking. 
"Well, then, if we have everyone, let's go." Obi-Wan hopped into the LAAT/i, waving the others inside. 
Obi-Wan smiled as he watched the men hang up the rows of fake holly vines over the railings of the ship. Strings of light were strung from wall to wall, and little candles burned atop tables. After finding a small store that specialized in Stewjoni foods and decorations, the trip ended up much easier than Obi-Wan had thought it would be. Obi-Wan was putting together a meal, though it was nothing as grand as it had been in the past. He hoped it would be enough for all the men, as everyone was pitching in to help with the decorations. 
"So, General, what's with all the greenery?" One of the men asked as they pushed the vines up to the others up atop the wall. 
"Back on Stewjon, people would bring greenery into their home because it represented life in a time when there was not much of it on dark nights. Some of the greenery has special meaning and purpose, like how holly wreaths are supposed to ward off evil spirits from entering the home." Obi-Wan explained, gesturing to the wide variety of fake greenery they'd chosen while planetside.
"What kind of evil spirits?" Another asked. 
Obi-Wan glanced around, then gestured for those interested to gather closer to hear the story. "A spirit named Crom Dubh na Nollaig would stalk the towns around the Life Day season, and watch all the children to see who was being bad or good. When he discovered a child who had been acting up during the season, he'd pay them a visit on the night before Life Day. When a child would hear the howling of the wind coming down their chimney, they would know that Crom Dubh na Nollaig was going to be visiting them that night." 
One of the young 212th members looked on, wide-eyed. "Did he ever visit you?" 
"No, I was a good child. But I heard the story often. Now, go and continue decorating. I have a meal to cook!" 
Obi-Wan waved them off, turning to check on the men who had volunteered to help him cook. Obi-Wan had chosen easier to prepare food, given that he didn't have as much time as he normally did and they were cooking for more people than normal. They'd be easy to dole out and would be enough for each soldier to feel full. Trays were already prepped, and the meal was almost ready. 
For the first time since the war had started, Obi-Wan felt content and safe. 
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captainkirkk · 4 years ago
All the fics I've read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please read the tags and warnings before deciding if the fic is for you.
DC (Batman)
Only in Gotham: Craft Store Edition by carolina_batboys
Bowie Chandler is literally just trying to pay her Gotham U tuition by working overnight shifts at Gotham’s 24/7 craft store. That’s all. That’s IT.
Then the bats start dropping in, and her job gets a lot more complicated.
the grief wheel by dustorange
“I couldn’t save you,” Alfred whimpered, fingers slipping out of Bruce’s. “I could never—”
(Alfred gets trapped in a time loop of the night that Bruce's parents die. For Bad Thing Happen Bingo: Time Loop).
Laundry Day by Hello_Spikey (+ podfic)
Shortly after rescuing Suki from Boiling Rock, Katara introduces her to the spectacle, the magnificence, that is Zuko doing laundry with his shirt off. Sokka has to explain to Zuko why the girls are even watching him. Zuko is remarkably slow on the uptake. Poor Sokka.
Star Wars: Original Trilogy
The Rod is Mightier Than the Lightsaber by Anonymous
In which Luke sacrifices himself on Cymoon-1 to make sure everyone else gets away, and Vader takes things too far before figuring out that this insolent young Rebel is his son.
Compromising by samvelg
Five times Admiral Piett misunderstands the nature of Luke and Vader's relationship, and the one time he doesn't.
Clone Wars
A Treatise on Breaking and Repairs by glimmerglanger
Obi-Wan Kenobi survives for three years on Tatooine before Vader finds him and takes him back to Mustafar, where Vader has already gathered members of the 212th. Things... don't go well for anyone.
OR: The oof!au. Heavy whump leading to an eventual happy(ish) ending. Please mind all the warnings. Written for the first 16 days of whumptober, so each chapter has it's own prompt, but they are an interconnected, completed story.
The Other Side by RobinRoost
There was a door in the bottom of the temple that was always closed. All the Younglings told stories about what was on the other side of it. For as long as most of the padawans and initiates could remember, it had been locked. No amount of slicing, prying, or force pushing could open it.
Anakin asked Master Qui-Gon about it once. His Master’s (though not the same type of master as before) face grew cold and distant and told him never to mention it again. What was behind that door was dangerous and a threat to the stability of the galaxy.
Obviously, he had to investigate.
What Friends Do by Trixree
“You have a choice,” Cody begins. “I don’t want any of you to think that you don’t. If you want no part of this, all you have to do is say so. But if I know any of you half as well as I think I do, this choice won’t be particularly hard to make.”
He takes a deep breath and counts his heartbeats against the reverent silence of the mess hall. “We may belong to the Republic, but we were made for the Jetti.”
And thus, the 212th Attack Battalion abducts their General. (It's for his own health, really.)
Displacement by missmollyetc (+ podfic)
A moment in the exciting lives of Waxer, Boil, and Adenn Squad. What could go wrong?
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calltomuster · 4 years ago
Star Wars Fic Recs Part the Fourth
[first fic rec list] [second fic rec list] [third fic rec list]
Been a few weeks since I've done one of these and I've read/reread some great fics recently so let me share them with you now!
And I Fear Nothing by @maiseey (Obi-Wan/Cody, WIP, 11/? chapters, 43.4k words) Picture this: I am sitting in the parking lot of my local grocery store, having just bought a load of perishables. I get the email that And I Fear Nothing has just been updated. What do I do: run home to preserve the food I just paid for, or sit in my car and read the new chapter right away? The answer is obvious, of course! That is exactly the situation I found myself in last week when chapter 11 dropped and I did in fact choose to read it in spite of my groceries, that's how much I love this fic. In this fic, Obi-Wan and Cody are raising Luke and Leia together on Tatooine, and they've got so much trauma, and new + old wounds, and love for each other and the children they're raising that it both warms your heart and tears it apart. But that's not all, this fic expands beyond just the small home in the middle of the Jundland Wastes and explores Ahsoka and Rex and their journey to de-chip as many clones as possible. I love this fic because it doesn't shy away from hard conversations, but it does it in a way that makes you want to cry and give everyone involved a hug. Plus, there are some fantastic minor clone characters that you will 100% want to die for by the time you finish reading. Cannot recommend this fic enough.
Obligate by @communistkenobi (gen, one-shot, 23.9k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin & Ahsoka) Just when you thought the Deception arc didn't have enough pain, this AU sees Anakin fake his death instead of Obi-Wan! My heart is physically ripped out of my chest just thinking about this fic, so imagine what it'd do to you actually reading it. Anything @communistkenobi writes is so well-done and I've gone through his works list on AO3 multiple times, but somehow I missed this when it was first posted and it was like a wonderfully delightful surprise when I ran into it the other day. So, so good. Highly recommend!
Moirai by damonkey (gen, WIP, 4/? chapters, 9.2k words, Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon) All I can really say about this fic without giving anything away is that it's a Phantom Menace AU and it's so intriguing. The author is very deliberate in having a vague summary and only tagging as the story progresses, so I truly have no idea what's ahead of me but it's so -- as I said -- intriguing that I'm happy to strap into the ride. Ahhhh I'm skimming through the fic and there are so many things I want to mention but I don't want to give anything away!
Almost Home by @frunbuns (gen, one-shot, 5.2k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) You know, every time I recc a Modern AU I'm like "I don't usually like Modern AUs but..." and then proceed to gush over the fic. I went and checked and I've recced a Modern AU on almost every fic rec list I've made! Maybe I do like Modern AUs?? Or maybe the fics are just that good -- and this fic is definitely that good. In this fic, the first of a planned series of fics set in a modern Star Wars universe, Obi-Wan is reeling from the loss of his adoptive father Qui-Gon and has to care for a young Anakin. Ooooooof. Definitely hits you right in the feels, this one. Love the non-chronological storytelling too!
Naked and Not Paid by biscuitlevitation (Obi-Wan/212th Attack Battalion, WIP, 6/? chapters, 14.9k words) This fic is essentially ~15k words of the clones thirsting over Obi-Wan and it is the funniest thing I have read all year. I'm not kidding, I just read the last chapter which features space-church-lady!Anakin and I laughed so hard I cried. I'm cracking up just thinking about it. I promise you will have a good time reading this fic. And if the tag "Obi-Wan Kenobi/212th Attack Battalion" puts you off, let me just say there's no sex in this at all, it's just thirst. And it's hilarious.
Full Disclosure by @trixree (Obi-Wan/Cody, WIP, 2/3 chapters, 7.4k words) ROTS AU in which the Force bonds Obi-Wan has formed with a few members of the 212th save them from the chip and Order 66, but it doesn't stop the devastation from happening on a mass scale and they all have to try and deal with Mustafar and Luke and Leia. This fic manages to be both extremely soft and extremely gut-wrenching at the same time, and I wish I could leave more kudos. Full disclosure (get it, little pun there for ya), I will be dying until the final chapter comes out. Time to go listen to Olivia Rodrigo and reread this fic and just live in my feels.
Thirteen Days by @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 (gen, one-shot, 4.1k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) Post-Zygerria arc, Anakin dresses an unconscious Obi-Wan's injuries and struggles. Ahhhh this fic is one of my favorite Zygerria arc fics, and given that that's my favorite arc, that's saying a lot! Obi-Wan doesn't say a word in this fic, but his presence is very much there, if you know what I mean. And the descriptions of injuries here are pretty graphic at times, but it's so good that you'll want to keep reading even if you have to do it through the fingers covering your eyes.
brother, let me be your shelter by @kenobilovebot (gen, one-shot, 1.6k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) This fic packs so much tenderness in a short amount of words. It covers an AU in which Obi-Wan's issues from Zigoola never really resolve, and Anakin finds out when -- well, you'll just have to read for yourself. I love Zigoola because it is such an excellent whumpfest for poor Obi-Wan and this fic is great for that, but also highlights Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship.
A Padawan At War (Again) series by @itstimeforstarwars (gen, 3 parts, 100k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) In this series, Obi-Wan and Anakin are transported from The Phantom Menace into the Clone Wars and have to deal with all that comes with it: fighting wars, discovering a Padawan you never knew you had, dueling your grandmaster who apparently is a Sith Lord now(?!) and all the rest. This series is a great ride, and I look forward to every update. Note: the first fic in this series is a one-shot that was expanded upon, and it drops you in media res. The second fic is a prequel that shows how they got to that point, and the third fic is the sequel that shows what comes after.
The Desert Storm series by @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning (complete, 24 parts, 1.144 million words) There has never been a better time to start reading this series. If you read Star Wars fics on AO3, then you've definitely seen the Desert Storm series before, but maybe you were daunted by the high word count, or felt like it would be too much effort to go all the way to the beginning of a series but couldn't just jump in halfway. Let me tell you, it's 100% worth it, and now is the perfect time to read this series if you haven't already. This series is complete, but it turns out it's all just Act 1 of the larger story, which will continue in the Rise and Fall series. @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning is taking a break right now before starting the next series, so you have ample time to get caught up, and YOU REALLY SHOULD. Let me tell you, this series had me on the edge of my seat more than any other piece of media I can remember. With the most recent chapters, where everything that has been building for a million words came to a head, I would get so worked up after each chapter that beforehand I would have to queue up calming things to watch afterwards, and it still wouldn't be enough and I'd be too full of feelings to get anything done the rest of the day. Seriously, this series is amazing. And if you HAVE read it before but haven't reread, now is the perfect time for that as well. I've reread this series multiple times and it's so rewarding because the author sprinkled in so many hints as to what will come that you only understand the second (or third) time around. I know I've written a lot for this rec but this is a long series and it deserves it. Go read! Now!
If you like any of these fics, please consider reblogging so they can get more exposure! And if you noticed I missed someone’s Tumblr account, or linked the wrong one, please let me know!
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agirlunderarock · 3 years ago
Sas Vom ~Star Wars OC
So I’d like to thank @/queen-breha-organa for this really cool pdf form that looks like a wookiepedia page, and it forced me to be really concise in how I described Sas. I say compact because I have at least three, one specifically that breaks her story down by important years and people in her life, but since I’m constantly editing as I develop her- that is a major work in progress and it contains big spoilers for what I have planned for White Lie. I debated for a while on what picture to use for headshot, because technically my faceclaim is Zoe Saldana as Gamora, but if we’re talking specifically Clone Wars then I tend to use the Gamora model from Tell Tale’s Guardian of Galaxy game. But I’ll have several images linked down below. I’ll also have a few more descriptors down below, they’ll either be with pictures or marked with a ** to show that it was information I could not fit in the pdf.Theres so much more that I could write, but I think this gives the best overview, of the important things I’ve settled on after taking a year to develop her. If the picture is hard to read, I have it all laid out under the read more line.
So thank you, Ivy for sharing this wonderful form- I don’t know if you’ll ever see this because of how you said to tag you, but if you do, Thanks again!
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Sas Vom
Quote: "You call yourself peace keepers, but what about for the people who have never known peace? What about them? Do you keep peace from them? Sometimes keeping peace means upsetting the balance  so that everyone can actually know peace."
- Sas Vom to Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Biographical Information:
Homeworld: Zolan
Born: 52 BBY Died: 27 BBY
Physical Description:
Species: Clawdite/ Pantoran
Gender: Female
Height: 5′5
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Green
**Tattoos: Painted on, yellow crescents above her eyes and a broken crescent below her eyes under her cheeks. Sometimes they look more like petals if she's in a hurry to paint them on, or she might not have them at all
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Portrait done by @emptyspace008 Once again thank you so much friend! She looks amazing in your style!
Chronological and Political Affiliations:
⦁Clawdite Rebel movement
     ⦁ Scout and supply runner
⦁Unarri Crime Syndicate
     ⦁ Sniper and advisor
     ⦁ Later is responsible for its collapse
⦁Hondo’s pirate crew
     ⦁ Advisor and smuggler
⦁Blaster Babes
     ⦁ Founder
⦁Clawdite Alliance
⦁Confederacy of Independent Systems
     ⦁ Spy for Ventress ⦁ Grand Army of the Republic      ⦁ 212th Attack Battalion recon consultant ⦁Alliance to Restore the Republic
Summary: Sas Vom is a Clawdite and Pantorian woman that often planet hops between Zolan, Pantora, and Christophsis, to intercept cargo ships carrying food, and medical supplies. She doesn't consider herself a pirate, despite many others calling her one, as she rarely keeps the stolen cargo for herself.  She considers herself a rebel and a smuggler on her home planet of Zolan, but has also worked with and trained under Bounty Hunter Zam Wessel, and Pirate Lassa Rhayme. Her ventures would eventually have her and Her sister Crix in the custody of Asajj Ventress who then forced her to spy and report on the 212th Attack Battallion and 501st Legion during the battle for Christophsis.  After revealing herself, and convincing the two jedi generals to retrieve her sister and while searching for Jaba's son she would go on to be contracted as a reconnaissance specialist for the 212th. She served for the duration of the war and became very close to Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi who she later went into exile with after the fall of the republic. 
Personality and Traits: Sas has a strong sense of justice and is self motivated and rarely needs prompting to take action if someone is in trouble. Some can consider her reckless, as she relies heavily on her abilities to get her out of tough situations. She prefers to call herself confident. She tries not to bring other people into her issues and problems, nor wants people doing fighting on her behalf. Some might say Sas is rather playful, even in stressful situations and she does value a good sense of humor and a level head at those times. She can be incredibly stubborn and self sacrificing without intending to.
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Face claim from Gamora in TellTale’s Guardians of the Galaxy
Powers, Skills and Abilities:
Shape Shifting: Like many of her people have the ability to change their appearance at will. With much discipline and training, Sas can make herself appear like any person she comes across from memory. Though this ability is useful it does cause her excruciating pain over time. However she it does not deter her from using her abilities.
Marksman: Over the years Sas has built quite the reputation as a sniper.  Though she rarely misses a shot she often chooses not to kill her targets and aims to disorientate
Swordsman: After collapsing the Unarri Crime Syndicate, Sas trained under Lassa Rhayme as a swordsman, though did not fully hone her skills until the Clone Wars
Collapsible Long Rifle: A blaster she inherited from her father, Zam helped her modify the weapon so that it would be easier to conceal and transport. For many years, this was her weapon of choice as she disliked physical confrontations
Holo adjuster : A small device that projects a holo around the user to give the illusion of changing height or adding mass to the shape shifter.
Phrik sword: Acquired during the clone wars, to defend against sith lightsabers
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Picture was done by @inky-axolotl​ Dude This is literally my phone wallpaper I can’t get over how cute this is. They have my whole heart and just the little hand hold gets me every time.
Relationships: **Because I could not list her relationship with individual characters, this is just generally how she interacts with people important to her. I might make something that outlines her relationships with people on an individual level at a later time.
Due to her charismatic nature, Sas tends to draw people to herself. She is very close and affectionate with her family and friends. Her relationships with her family and friends. Though she has pursued romantic relationships in the past they often fall second to her duties as smuggler for the Clawdite Alliance. **The most important person in her life is her little sister Crix. She is the most protective of her and would go to any length to protect her sister. As stated she is very affectionate with her friends, this goes for Jankari Ismaren, and Pyrrha Eskel, the other two members of the Blaster Babes, as well. The three women grew very close over the years leading up to the clone wars, and often consider each other sisters as well. During the Clone Wars this bond was tested as the four women were pulled into different directions during the war: Sas consulting for the 212th, Crix studying and writing legislation with Padme’s guidance, Pyrrha trained Clones on Kamino, Jankari continued Bounty Hunting. Because of her work with the 212th Sas naturally grew close to jedi general Obi-Wan Kenobi as well as the troops in her charge. Her relationship with Cody was very rough in the beginning due to the circumstances of their meeting, but over time, and after a few daring rescues the two became good friends and a very competent command team under Obi-Wan. Sas’ relationship with the jedi has been questioned over the years that she’s known him. Though they also had rocky first meeting, after helping to recover stolen weapons, giving tips on how to track Senator Amidala’s true attacker, and surviving the first Battle of Geonosis together, he was glad to bring her into his command team for the duration of the Clone Wars. Over the course of the three years the two became very close friends, and eventually- though hesitantly- chose to have a romantic relationship. Their relationship is built on a mutual trust and understanding of what their duties require of them during and after the war.
And thats all for now. If you’ve found yourself interested in this character, I highly encourage you to take a look a the fanfics I have posted on my account, they’re all pinned to the top. Questions and feedback are always appreciated. As always thanks for reading!
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triptuckers · 3 years ago
The Necklace - Captain Rex
Request: no Pairing: Captain Rex x jedi!reader Summary: Five times you and Rex have given each other your necklace, and the one time you wear it for the last time Warnings: major character death!!, angst, mentions of serious injuries, burning, blood, bruises Word count: 3.2K A/N: I always wonder why do I do this to myself .. anyway, my brain made me write this and put it out there. I deeply apologise for this feel free to send me ur therapy bills TAG LIST (all star wars fics): @parker-natasha​ @romanoffstarkovs​ @just-deka​
It’s quiet in the Temple. You have to admit it’s rarely crowded in the halls. The Temple is quite a large building, and not nearly enough Jedi to fill it. And even if there were, at least half would be off fighting the war.
You’re grateful for the time you get to spend at the Temple. The long hallways always calm you down. No matter how long you had been away, it always felt good to come home to the Temple where you’d grown up.
It’s the place where you learned the ways of the force, where you’d spent hours reading everything you could find on the Jedi and their ways. You’d meditated in the gardens countless of times, and you’d found your family.
But most importantly, you met Rex.
He knew just as well as everyone else attachment was against the Jedi code. Still, you were pulled to one another by some sort of feeling you couldn’t explain. It made you want to spend every moment you got with him.
As your relationship blossomed, you knew you had to talk about the restrictions. You didn’t like it, but there were just some rules you had to follow, for both yours and Rex’ sake.
It didn’t stop you from occasionally sending a flirtatious wink his way, if only to watch his cheeks flush as he tried to remain focused on his tasks.
You were desperate for some kind of affection outside the safe walls of your quarters. When you were on a planet near the Outer Rim, and you waited as they refuelled your ship, you took the opportunity to check out the local market.
You found a beautiful, handcrafted silver necklace, and you just couldn’t leave it behind. When you got back to Coruscant, you showed the necklace to Rex, and you noticed how much he loved it.
When you wanted to give the necklace to him, he declined, saying it looked too good on you, that he couldn’t take it from you. So, you made a promise. The one wearing the necklace would give it to the one who wasn’t wearing it whenever they saw them, with the promise they’d be there to wear it again next time you’d meet.
Your walk around the Temple takes you through the silent halls. You don’t really notice where you’re going, your mind wandering off to other places. You turn a corner and see a door opening in the distance.
A few Jedi, Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Mace and Yoda exit the room, followed by Rex and Cody. You smile at them and they all greet you as they go their separate ways.
Rex is deep in conversation with Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Cody, but briefly stops when you pass him. He takes the necklace off and gives it to you with a smile. You return the smile as you put it on, and Rex continues his conversation with the others while you continue your walk, the necklace bouncing against your chest with every step you take.
You’ve done it a thousand times before, but landing near a battle is still something that could get your anxiety up. That creeping fear that a well aimed blaster shot could take out your engines and send you to the ground a lot faster than you intended, would never ease.
You hold on tight as the ship starts its landing.
The 501st and the 212th were already on the scene, fighting for their lives. Everyone had thought that they would manage, but that was before the Separatists sent in reinforcements. Because you and your men were closest, you received an urgent comm from Anakin and didn’t hesitate before gathering all of your men and heading towards their position.
Once you’ve landed and everyone has left the ship, you start giving out orders. Even though you’re not near the heat of the battle, you have to yell to be heard over the shouts and blaster shots from others.
You send your men to the frontlines while you take your second in command to look for the other generals and commanders.
As you’re running through the chaos, you’re contacting Anakin. Luckily, he responds almost immediately.
‘We saw your ship!’ he says loudly. ‘We’re on the right side, near the trees!’
‘Copy!’ you shout in your comm and you wave your second din command over, making for the tree line in the distance. You glance at the troopers as you’re running, trying to find Rex. He might be next to Anakin and Ahsoka, waiting for you to arrive. But you know Rex, and it’s also very possible he’s in the front lines.
It takes shorter than you expected to cross the battlefield. When you make it to the trees, you quickly spot your fellow Jedi, and Rex and Cody along with them.   Ahsoka is the first to notice you, and she waves at you as you’re running toward them.
You come to a halt in front of them, panting.
‘Thanks for coming so quickly.’ says Obi-Wan.
‘Yeah.’ you manage to say in between breaths. ‘What’s our status?’ you ask as you take off your necklace and blindly hand it to Rex, who is standing next to you.
‘We’re suffering a lot of casualties.’ says Ahsoka, not taking notice in you giving Rex the necklace.
‘You and your men are much needed.’ says Rex, and you turn to look at him. ‘We’re severely outnumbered.’ he says as he puts on the necklace.
‘We have a plan, though.’ says Anakin, and he starts explaining it.
It takes you a while to figure out what caused you to suddenly wake. You didn’t have any plans or meetings you had to attend to today, and you had planned on a relaxed morning of just staying in bed.
Your legs are tangled with Rex’, and one of his arms is swung across your stomach. Mornings like these are rare, and you wish you could stay like this forever.
No war, no pain or suffering, no Separatist this or Jedi business that. Just you and Rex, holding each other.
Occasionally, you hear soft snores coming from his side of the bed. You raise your hand to softly run it over his back. It’s only then, that you realise it isn’t his snores that woke you.
You comm is beeping furiously on the bedside table.
For one of the first times, you’re seriously considering just ignoring it. You didn’t have any plans today, you even declined Ahsoka’s offer of a training session, stating you needed your rest now that you didn’t have any formalities to attend. And with rest you meant staying in bed with Rex.
But what if it’s important? Says an annoying little voice in the back of your head.
You groan softly, reaching out to try and get a hold of your comm. You can’t reach it, but you also don’t dare to shift, scared of waking Rex. So instead, you use the Force and let your comm device land in the palm of your hand.
‘Yea?’ you say. It’s Anakin who answers.
‘Hey, Y/N, do you think you’ve got time to go over some maps with me? I’m assigned to traveling with Senator Amidala, she needs to go settle another trade incident. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but these maps sure do.’ he says.
‘Can’t Padmé go over those maps with you if she’s the going to the planet in the first place?’ you ask, not wanting to leave your comfortable and warm bed.
‘She’s on Naboo. I’m supposed to pick her up on the way there.’ answers Anakin.
‘Okay, fine. I’ll come see you at your quarters in a few minutes.’ you say.
‘Thanks!’ says Anakin.
You sigh and throw the comm device on the bed. You look to your side and see Rex is still asleep. It makes you chuckle. You could probably drop a bomb on the building, and the sound just wouldn’t wake him up.
You slowly untangle your legs from his and lift his arm so you can get up. You silently get dressed before hovering over his body.
Kisses are pressed to his cheeks, nose and forehead. Rex only shifts a bit, but doesn’t wake up. You take the necklace off and carefully place it around his neck. With one last kiss, you leave your quarters and head for Anakin’s.
You exhale sharply when you land on your back.
‘And that-’ says Ahsoka’s voice above you. ‘Is how you take someone out when you don’t have your lightsaber on you.’
A small round of applause comes from the younglings you’re teaching. Originally, they were Ahsoka’s class but she asked you to join her in some examples, and you agreed. Though she hadn’t told you just how many times she was going to throw you on the ground.
‘Impressive.’ you say as you take a hold of Ahsoka’s extended hand and allow her to pull you to your feet.
‘All right kids.’ you say to the small group of younglings in front of you. ‘You’ve seen how it works now. Pair up with someone else and go try it out yourselves.’
They all excitedly pair up and get to work. You smile as you watch them struggle, thinking back to your own training sessions as a youngling.
‘I’m pretty sure we weren’t that small when we were younglings.’ you say to Ahsoka. ‘You were.’ she says, making you raise your eyebrows at her. ‘I’m taller than you.’ you protest, making her laugh out loud.
You watch the younglings for a while, correcting them every now and then. They’re very good for kids their age, and you can tell they’re fast learnings. You’re wondering if one of them might become your padawan, and about all the things you could teach them.
Just as Ahsoka tells everyone to take a break while she explains the next useful movement, the door to the training hall opens.
The clones didn’t train much in the Temple’s halls, but they did on the occasion theirs was too crowded. Or if they had been near the Temple and didn’t feel like traveling far.
A couple of the 501st have entered the room, and you scan their faces for Rex. He’s the last one to enter and you smile at him as he makes his way toward you. When he’s almost reached you, he takes off the necklace.
Just as he hands it to you, one of the younglings gasps loudly.
‘You’re Captain Rex of the 501st!’ he says.
Rex looks at him and nods. ‘That’s right kid. Keep up your training and I might see you out on the front some day.’ he says and the younglings look up at him in awe.
You chuckle at their reaction and shoot Rex a wink. He smiles at you, waves at Ahsoka, and then returns to his brothers to start their training session.
You don’t get a lot of free time nowadays. So when you do, you use it well. You’re currently in the gardens, meditating.
When you were younger, you didn’t like meditating very much. You would much rather be working on your lightsaber skills, than sitting in one spot of hours.
But as you got older, you realised the importance of connecting with the Force, and you started to appreciate alone time more.
Luckily, the gardens weren’t very crowded when you arrived. You took place in your favourite spot, closed your eyes and slowed your breathing.
After a while, you noticed other people’s presences in the force fading away one by one. Until you could feel no one else’s presence, and it was just you.
You’re unaware how much time has passed, when you sense a familiar presence coming closer.
You smile, but keep your legs crossed and your eyes closed. You hear footsteps coming closer, until they come to a stop right next to you.
There must be no one else watching, because you feel how Rex presses a kiss to your cheek. You then feel something cold be placed carefully around your neck. You smile again and after another kiss to your cheek, Rex leaves again, and you continue your meditation.
This war had taken too much from too many people. Everyone was tired of it, and everyone just wanted it to end. You were tired, too. You’d seen too many of your friends die, and too many innocent people you couldn’t save.
You weren’t a soldier. You’re a peacekeeper. But you can’t remember the last time you actually referred to yourself as one, let alone feel like it.
Still, the war raged on, like a hot fire turning everything in its path into ashes, leaving nothing but grief and sorrow behind. The war was unforgiving, merciless, swallowing everyone and everything in its path.
You couldn't stand by and watch anymore. Especially when all the fighting got too close for your taste.
You'd been sent to a planet you visited a lot when you were a child. It was a peaceful, neutral planet. Until the Separatists came to claim it. The planet's original inhabitants didn't have the proper training or recourses to fight, so the Republic sent you and your men there.
When you got to the planet it was nothing but chaos. The Separatists had wanted to take control of the planet for its strategic location. It seems they would do anything to get their hands on it.
Including wiping out an entire race of people.
You couldn't let that happen. You had been right there to see so many people get injured or killed because of the Separatists. You wouldn't stand by and watch yet another peaceful planet be taken.
The Separatists were using a new kind of droid, one that could follow orders all at once because of one single command center. You'd sent your men to keep fighting on the front lines, and to protect the people.
You would disarm the command center, so their commands couldn't get to the droids on the battlefield.
But you weren't an expert on shutting down such a massive command center on your own. While thinking back to all the happy memories you made in the past when you visited this planet, the only option you could think of was to blow up the entire command center.
You didn't have any explosives on you, so you decided to fling both of your lightsabers into the power generator. At the time, you didn't even know if it would work. Turns out it did. Maybe it worked a little too well.
The blast was enormous. You successfully blew up the entire command center, and your men could pick the droids off like target practice.
But when your second in command didn't hear back from you, he sent a few men to go and look for you.
They found you near the center of the blast, severely injured and barely alive.
They rush you back to the ship and on the way back to Coruscant, while the medical droids aboard the ship do the best they can. But they're losing you, and it's unwise to move you at this point, so they keep you aboard the ship.
Having heard of your state, both Anakin and Ahsoka rushed to the ship you're on in the hangar.
They watch anxiously as the medial droids fuss over you. Ahsoka can see your body is as good as lost, but she can still sense your presence in the Force. It's all she can hold on to.
Meanwhile, Anakin is trying to get a hold of Rex. He'd been suspecting something was going on between you and his captain. He figured if anyone needed to be there, it's Rex.
'Yes?' says Rex when he finally answers his comm.
'Rex, you need to get here.' says Anakin, voice slightly breaking as he talks. He was so terrified to lose you.
'Everything alright, sir?' says Rex.
'It's Y/N.' says Anakin.
Rex is quiet for a while.
'Rex?' says Anakin.
'Where is she?' asks Rex, and they can all hear how he tries to keep his voice steady.
'On the ship in the hangar. They just arrived but they can't move her.' says Anakin.
'I'm on my way.' says Rex.
Anakin knew for a fact Rex was nowhere near the hangar, but he arrives there in mere minutes. He must have ran all the way here.
Ahsoka stops Rex before he can enter the room you're in. Rex is breathing heavily, pressing a hand to his side which is aching from the sprinting.
'Rex.' says Ahsoka softly. 'She's not-'
But Rex doesn't let her finish, he pushes her aside and enters the room.
He nearly breaks at the sight of you. Rex blindly reaches for something to steady him as he stumbles on his feet, and Anakin catches his arm.
Rex' eyes fill with tears as he looks at you.
This is not how he remembers you. This is not how you looked when you cheerfully waved him goodbye as your ship took off.
The robes you always wear are covered in dust and ashes. There's burn marks all over them. On some places, the fabric of the robes was completely gone, showing the burn wounds on your skin.
The side of your head is crusty with a mixture of dried blood and dirt. One side of your body is littered in bruises, from where you must have hit a wall.
'There was a blast.' mumbles Anakin. 'She blew up the generator and disarmed all of the droids. She saved an entire planet from the Separatists.'
Rex presses a hand to his mouth and mumbles something in Mando'a which Anakin doesn't understand.
He slowly approaches the bed, one hand reaching out to hold yours. His other hand is clutched around the necklace he wears.
This wasn't happening. You still had to win the war, get your own apartment for the two of you, tell war stories to new friends. This couldn't be the end of your story. This couldn't be his last memory of you.
Rex lets go of your hand to stroke your cheek.
Anakin and Ahsoka leave the room, giving Rex a moment of privacy.
'Wake up, mesh'la.' says Rex softly, voice breaking at almost every word he says. 'Wake up so I can give you the necklace. You promised you'd always be there to take it from me when we'd see each other.'
And you do wear the necklace one more time. Rex slid it around your neck, and buried it along with your body.
And every battle he fights in the future, he does in the name of his beloved General Y/L/N. There was no reason to keep it a secret any more. He'd dedicate every single fight to you. He owed you that much. He kept your memory alive.
Every night, his heart aches because of the absence of your shared necklace. The absence of your love, and your promise to always be there.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit
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silvermoongirl10swfics · 4 years ago
Fear is crashing in, close your eyes and take my hand
For @codywanweek 2021 Day 4: Alternative Order 66.
Warnings/tags: (Rated for Teen and up) Major character death, Order 66 Happened Differently (Star Wars), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Hurt, Off-screen Character Death, Presumed character death, Grieving CC-2224 | Cody, CC-2224 | Cody Needs a Hug, Grief, Grief/Mourning, Survivor Guilt, Self-Hatred, Self-blaming, Mind Control, Clone Trooper Inhibitor Chips (Star Wars), Clone Troopers Need Hugs (Star Wars), Eventual Happy Ending, Happy Ending, this fic hurts, I was sad when writing this, Mental Anguish, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Order 66 Aftermath (Star Wars).
Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody & CC-6454 | Ponds, CC-2224 | Cody & CC-1010 | Fox, CC-2224 | Cody & CT-7567 | Rex, CC-2224 | Cody & Original Clone Trooper Character(s), Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, 212th Attack Battalion & Obi-Wan Kenobi, 212th Attack Battalion & CC-2224 | Cody.
(Please take care of the tags for this one! This is one of the most angsty fics I have written and while there is a happy ending, it does hurt a lot before it gets there! While a character does not attempt to commit suicide, they do not care whether they live or die.)
This fic is just over 11,000 words, so I am only posting a snippet of the beginning of the fic here. But you can read the rest of the fic here on A03.
It was with shaking and panicked hands that Cody called Ponds on his commlink, instantly Ponds’ face appeared. Before Ponds could say anything, his mouth hanging open, Cody was ripping his helmet off and yelling at Ponds.
“Ponds! You need to warn General Windu! The Chancellor just made me kill Obi-Wan!” he shouted, his voice cracking at the end. The free-falling body in Jedi tunics flashing before his eyes as it fell towards the water pools.
“You did what?!” screeched Ponds, his hazel eyes blown wide.
Cody’s throat tightened and he shook his head. “I don’t have time to explain, but the Chancellor gave me an order and I couldn’t stop myself doing it! There’s something in our heads, I was just CC-2224, and I could only watch what happened.” Here he stumbled over his next words and swallowed convulsively. “The order makes us think the Jedi are traitors. Vod… I shot Obi-Wan off a cliff face,” he added in a quiet sob as his shoulders began to shake.
Ponds just stared at Cody in pity, looking as if he wanted to reach through their screens and hug him. But then the gravity of the situation hit Ponds, they didn’t know who else would get this order and they needed to stop it happening again. Fast. So, Ponds nodded at him and promised to call him back later and ended the call.
Once Ponds’ face had disappeared from view, Cody’s hands shook so badly that he dropped his commlink. His entire body shook, and looking around him to check that no one was looking at him, he let his legs give out and he sat huddled on the floor, hugging his legs against his chest as he just sobbed.
Cody smiled as he watched his cyare ride away, a gleam in his blue eyes as the end of the battle and the war was in sight thanks to the death of Grievous. That’s my cyare, Cody thought to himself with a proud smile. He didn’t really want to know how Obi-Wan killed Grievous seeing as Cody had held onto Obi-Wan’s lightsaber, his cyare probably did something that would have caused Cody’s blood pressure to hit the roof. Situation normal, he thought fondly. Not that he was going to let on to Obi-Wan that he wasn’t going to give his cyare the usual mocking ‘your lightsaber is your life Anakin’ talk. Today, Cody was in just too much of a good mood to get into the old argument, so he had just left it as “I think you’ll be needing this,” as he reached up to give his cyare his lightsaber back.
Then his commlink chimed and everything just stopped.
“Commander Cody. Execute Order sixty-six,” came the familiar voice of the Chancellor.
Cody had a second to think, what? But then it was like his conscious thoughts were pushed to the back of his head and locked away. His mind uttering the words, good soldiers follow orders. He watched as his body became CC-2224 and could only watch as his brothers in the 212th all stood stiffly at attention, the order spoken on the open coms between them. “It will be done my Lord,” Cody. No. CC-2224 answered blankly.
Then the next thing Cody watched as he turned towards Blackeye, who was manning the gun. Without his command, Cody’s arm stretched out and gestured at Obi-Wan, while he ordered Blackeye to “blast him!”
Cody was screaming in his head, he watched as Blackeye jerked, like he was trying to force his body not to follow the order. But whatever was in their heads was too strong, and Blackeye was aiming at the cliff and firing the gun. All Cody could do was cry and scream as his cyare was blasted away from the cliff face and tumbled down towards the water pools at a fast speed. Use the Force, use the Force to slow down, Cody begged in his mind. Hoping and pleading with his cyare to slow his descent down, just like he had done countless times before. But Obi-Wan didn’t, which led Cody to believe that his cyare was hurt from the blast and he couldn’t slow down. Obi-Wan fell at such a speed towards the water that Cody knew that there was no possibility of his cyare surviving.
Once Obi-Wan had fallen out of sight, whatever was controlling them gave way. All of the men collapsed to their knees, ripping their helmets off. Some looked towards the water pools in disbelief, others buried in their faces in their hands, unable to look at what they had done. Blackeye threw his helmet far away from himself and tumbled off the gun, his eyes wide and filled with horror. “Commander!... I’m sorry…I’m so sorry!” cried Blackeye as he stumbled and landed heavily on his knees, his hands clenching the dirt covered rocks.
Cody, somehow still on his feet, with his helmet covering the grief-stricken look on his face, slowly shook his head. “It wasn’t your fault Blackeye,” he stated evenly. He watched as Gearshift and Flycatcher hurried to comfort Blackeye who looked like he was on the verge of breaking down, unshed tears shining in his eyes. Cody noticed Waxer walking towards him, with a concerned look on his face. Cody turned away and marched towards the building, his breaths nothing more than sharp gasps. It wasn’t Blackeye’s fault, because it was his. He gave the order. Obi-Wan was dead because of him.
The same two words repeated in his head.
Blast him.
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newswcanonprompts · 4 years ago
prompt #37 - Jedi are like Magpies and love their clones
sorry we haven’t posted in forever! to make up for it, i’m posting one of our longest and detailed prompts (maybe even the longest)- this came from a LONG discussion a few weeks back, and it was a lot of fun. this idea morphed a ton, and it became this huge thing. this is personally my favorite one, so hope you enjoy!
Jedi collect trinkets and wear them!!! Hand them to others as a very important gift
The Clones dont really get it, but they are happy
The jedi make them things like jewelry, keychains, little beaded things, colored strings, they’ll give them feathers, you name it 
Its another way to show that they are individuals, and that the jedi know them specifically 
The veteran clones have long keychain type things and the shiny clones want them very much and it’s something they look forward to 
The padawans hand the commanders things and being sad when the CC’s tell them they can’t take them into battle 
Krell gets found out earlier.
“Okay, look, i know krell is… well, he is *something* and i don’t want to accuse a master of the order but have you looked at his men?! where the hell are their keychains?!”
The padawans stage a protest at the senate because how else are they going to make sure that their troops know they are loved and get their trinkets 
This idea can get angsty really quickly (finding trinkets after battles, in ship crashes, or post-order 66), but we won’t do that because of how angsty this server already is, we need some fluff sometimes
Palaptine can commit self delete 
Clones will paint armor for padawans cause that is how they show honor and stuff 
The clones, upon figuring out what they mean, give their jedi trinkets also
Mirialan padawan holding armor they got: “ITS GREEN LIKE ME!” 
There are little figurines, some painted rocks, some little shiny things found on the battlefield
The clones who aren’t as good with their hands singing songs or telling stories
The jedi record them and keep them on little datachips that they keep on them at all times
Barriss doesn’t go bad because this is happy time
The jedi padawans start a riot / protest outside the senate building because some clones got their trinkets taken away by asshole civilians because they’re “not human”, just copies
The (now very pissed off) jedi sprung into action
If a snooty senator(s) takes away a clone’s trinket, the jedi just sit back and grind to a halt. Because if the clones, the PEOPLE WHO PROTECT THE REPUBLIC, are gonna get treated like that, the war can wait 
The jedi knights and masters just meditate wherever the padawans are protesting
This is done to ‘keep the peace’
If anakin hears a snooty senator degrade the clones, he starts ranting and shouting about their individuality and accomplishments, while pointing at each trinket.
Someone live streams this
Luminara joins in (barriss is right behind) 
Aayla too 
Luminara, anakin, aayla, tag teamed shouted speech 
Ahsoka and barriss are being held back by the CC’s (ahsoka is making some very crude hand gestures and barriss is like “i can name every bone in your body as i break it” - cause barriss has all that healer knowledge) 
Once these three are done, mace windu comes along with the council. They think mace is going to scold the three of them until mace starts shouting at the senators too. The council just lets mace do all the talking. 
This is the most watched live stream this year. It’s very funny and starts a ton of memes (obi wans face, yoda meditating, the look of “oh shit” on the original snooty senator’s face, the look of surprise on everyone when mace starts shouting too - there is also a gif made of the council looking at the situation, looking at themselves (mostly mace) and then they all step back to let mace do the talking, the clones faces when they see that three jedi and then the jedi high council are defending them)
Mace, rolling up his sleeves: “okay let’s do this” 
The senators: backing away in fear 
Obi wan might commit a war crime right now because no way people can talk about his troops like that
Obi wan: “am i allowed to kill a senator?”
Cody: “General, do not-”
This whole thing leads to a massive debate and overwhelmingly good PR for the jedi and clones
Shady sheev doesn’t like that. Good PR for the jedi? No thank you. But since this is a fixit he gets his ass kicked later on so everything’s fine (skeevy sheev has to scramble to try to fix his plans though) 
All the padawans from that one lightsaber episode (the one on ilum where the younglings got their kyber crystals) are there and SHIT’S GOING DOWN
Petro in particular is very close to kicking someone’s ass 
Caleb dume is there also.
“Master depa said we should never raise our blades in revenge or anger. But this is not revenge.” this is war, this is justice, this is defense of a defenseless group 
Padme also joins in all of this (but much more calmly)
She also might make some passive aggressive comments about the snooty senators trash outfit 
She and all her senator friends are gonna blacklist the original culprit 
Padme and bail organa (they also got help from many jedi) put in the clone rights bill the next day
In the halls outside the debate chamber, padme threatens to gut people with her hair pins if they don’t vote in her favor
sure, it’s *technically* extortion, but come on, who’s gonna stop her? those pins are pointy y’all
Anakin tried to help draft / present the bill but he spent most of his time ranting about the injustices the clones have to face (leia had to get it from someone)
Padme: “okay ani i got this, drink some water please” 
Ahsoka also jumps in 
Plo, who’s watching the debate: “little ‘soka, please don’t hurt anyone” (but he’s not about to stop her, after all these are his sons we’re talking about) 
If someone said “well they’re not slaves?” anakin would go OFF. if you thought he was angry before… you got another thing coming.
If the public doesn’t know about his childhood before, they do now
Imagine the shock 
Padme: “Ani, deep breaths, it’s gonna be okay.” 
Also padme, to the other senators: “well i mean he’s not wrong you assholes”
Padme is also making very well timed comments and suggestions. It’s the most successful day she’s had since she became senator
She’s also revealing all the senators’ dirty secrets
Padme: “oh, senator so-and-so, i released all your finances and your voting history on the holonet. I’m sure your supporters will love that you’re embezzling funds. Oh, you lost your support? Tragic.” 
The jedi also have dirt on everyone and they just casually let everything slip like they weren’t secrets 
Shady sheev Palpacreep is in his little podium thing during the debate, and he is very pissed, because his plan is getting ruined, but he can’t let it show or else people will discover the truth about him
Anakin: “isn’t it great that we’re finally doing something about it?” 
Sheev, pained: “Of course-” 
This whole debate is still live streamed - and it’s very popular
The senate who made the original comment and started all of this is #cancelled 
This is the greatest thing the galaxy has ever seen / watched because drama 
If a jedi dies, and they aren’t brought back to the temple, they are burned with the other dead on the battlefield. Young padawans take their master’s trinkets in remembrance, wanting to follow their path and have tangible proof that the master passed into the force but that they left their mark in the world
You do not burn the trinkets. Krell tried once. It almost started a jedi civil war (maybe that’s how he gets found out) 
Or maybe krell was found out because he gives zero trinkets to his men, and everyone caught on and were like “hey wtf man” 
But if you wanna make it angsty ( cough cough umbara ) then krell tells the 501st to remove / burn / throw out their trinkets or he’d do it for them 
He gives them an example by slicing a very special one that anakin and ahsoka both gave to rex 
Krell also slices one of dogma’s. It was the only one dogma had because  he was newish to the battalion at the time and wasn’t sure if accepting the trinkets was against regs or not. Krell slashes it and dogma doesn’t say anything but there were tears in his eyes 
All the jedi who find out what happened replace all the trinkets so fast. They also give krell’s men a shit ton of presents.
Krell’s men have no idea what to do with them, but they are so touched a few shed tears when they get them 
The clones get small tattoos of patterns that the little padawans drew for the men
The tattoos are small because some of them *might* just be random squiggles but the padawans looked so happy the clones just had to get them tattooed
Anakin orders japor wood with padme's bank account to make snippets for the clones because it’s not only a jedi thing, it’s from anakin's homeworld - and that’s like the highest praise you can get from him
The clones might not know exactly what it means but they know its super special 
Padme figures out a way to buy japor wood in bulk. Anakin is very touched by this 
When snooty senators start badmouthing clones, yoda just sits there and meditates to drive the senators nuts
“Sitting, i am, because stand you bitches, i cannot” 
Padme gets many trinkets from the 501st because they all *know* about her and anakin
Any trinkets that she gets she likes to incorporate into her outfits (like the warrior fashionista that she is) 
She embroiders some of them into her dresses and hairpieces 
They both get a TON of trinkets when the twins are born
Padme also gives trinkets to the 501st, some of the 212th, and all of the coruscant guard. Especially fox cause she sees all the work he does and the senators he has to deal with 
She’s besties with the coruscant guard. Like yeah, she knows the 501st and they know about her and anakin (and she’s one of them because of it) but the guard is who she’s always with
She probably wore red on debate day to represent them
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appleslakesandeuchre · 5 years ago
Okay so usually I don't post or even write these things because my brain quits after the initial concept phase but this one wouldn't leave me alone so here's a Star Wars thing about Disaster Lineage bonding. Warning: this got pretty long.
The concept: Anakin, Obi-wan, and Ahsoka take a weekend (really just any two/three day stretch they can get) each month to relax. There are many hugs, they actually sleep, and they get too invested in board games and trashy holodramas/reality shows. The time is sacred and not to be interrupted.
The Details:
-Anakin cooks way too much food, everytime, without fail. They have leftovers for days. He remembers starving and will not let his family go hungry.
-Obi-wan is in charge of candy and sweets and he provides well known staples as well as things he picks up from various planets that range from absolutely amazing to horrifically scarring.
-Ahsoka tracks down any and all blankets she can get her hands on. The couch is positively buried under them all. Afterwards she'll hide them around the ship.
-Obi-wan is surprisingly intense when it comes to judging the contestants on Space Bachelor.
-They alternate between ruthlessly mocking the soap operas they watch and ruthlessly defending their favorite character's decisions.
-Ahsoka usually falls asleep first, Obi-wan sleeps the longest and Anakin is near impossible to wake up.
-The clones are very protective of this time because their jedi rarely get time together to just be happy and relaxed together.
-Rex and Cody (and many, many others, it's basically become a rite of passage in the 501st and 212th) have tackled people who tried to interrupt them.
-Rex probably got Anakin to sign some official sounding document that gives them permission to do this. 
-Those who get past the clones and reach the door get glared at, or blatantly ignored.
-Ahsoka had been very surprised when she opened the door to an aide only for them to get tackled out of sight by Hardcase. She promptly shut the door and went back to winning at candy land.
-If their coms go off for something Important the situation is dealt with with brutal efficiency.
-It is well known on both sides of the war how Grievous attacked a planet nearby and lost half his fleet in record time. 
-In the temple it is known that if you try to interrupt them and they not only answer but welcome you inside you must not sit down or eat anything they offer or you aren't leaving for at least two hours.
-Padawans talk of how half the council wound up playing team space monopoly. Four cases of cheating occurred (that were caught anyway) before Stass Allie knocked and was declared banker. Mace and Anakin won.
-Back to the beginning, Ahsoka knew that Anakin and Obi-wan would disappear for a few days and that it'd been happening for years before the war and it wasn't stopping now. She'd been shushed by older padawans when walking past their door, been herded away by masters with her fellow younglings, heard others talking about how it was That Weekend.
-She thought it was a Team thing, just another reason they were unorthodox, another way they hung on to each other after Anakin was knighted, not something she would regularly be part of.
-Cue her confusion when after a siege, Anakin had dropped an arm onto her shoulders, finished a call by telling Obi-wan to get his ass over to The Resolute asap or they'd start "Real House-Spouses of Level 5100" without him, shared a nod with Rex, and pulled her after him out the door.
-She asked where he was taking her and Anakin gave her a grin and said "mandatory weekend sleepover, you can't tell me you didn't know these happened, Snips." At her "yeah, I know, that's your thing with Master Kenobi. But, where are you taking me?" Anakin stopped in the middle of the corridor, paused, looked at her and then turned to face her and very seriously informed her that as his padawan she's part of this lineage and that means they look out for each other and are there for each other when things get bad. Explained that once upon a time there was a desert kid who wasn't too sure about his place in the order and a mission gone south. Told her that if she didn't want to she didn't have too and they wouldn't hold it against her, but it's- it's their Thing and it's tradition and she's part of that now and-
-Obi-wan finds them hugging in the middle of the corridor.
-And war is hell, the jedi are peacekeepers not soldiers, and they're losing good people, and Ahsoka's growing up too fast the same way Anakin did
-but Anakin cooks and puts too much food on the coffee table, before all but wrestling him onto the couch, dramatically claiming victory in a way that makes Ahsoka smile, then he doesn't get off him and throws a piece of popcorn at the holoscreen when someone makes a particularly petty comment
-and Ahsoka's managed a fairly impressive balancing act of food on her plate, wrapped in a blanket he didn't know they had in here, and she's looking a little more relaxed and a little less lost. Though she keeps glancing at them, something like disbelief on her face.
-and Obi-wan is breaking a bar of chocolate apart, pointing out particularly weak arguments made by the people on screen because honestly? That's the tact you're taking?, and asking Anakin what trouble he got into now because the food isn't as spicy as usual.
-There will be many frivolous uses of the force to avoid getting up, and they probably aren't setting the best example of serene and composed jedi for Ashoka.
-He hasn't been this relaxed in weeks.
-tomorrow there might be a crisis and if there isn't Anakin will teach Ahsoka about cooking while he's going to be supervised if he gets anywhere near the kitchen because Anakin is never going to let him live down the soup incident and he will almost certainly have to defend his Guess Who winning streak ("It's two games, master" "two games, in a row, that you haven't won, Anakin" "What's Guess Who?")
-certainly in a few days they're going to be back on the front and they might get sent to opposite ends of the galaxy and force knows what will happen but right now his lineage is safe and healthy and happy.
Tagging @jasontoddiefor because originally I submitted the concept as an ask. This is probably going to be the closest I get to writing it but we'll see.
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saltyladynightmare · 4 years ago
Your Jiliu Au, you should totally start a fic on AO3 for it. Also, when does it take place? You mentioned it's Jedi critical. How critical are we talking and do the Jedi get better? Why do you consider the fic Jedi critical? You have me intrigued and I feel there are a lot of details in the two pieces you've shared that I'm not quite understanding. So feel free to splurge a little and hit me with an infodump on it.
This takes place in an Alternate Universe, about four an a half months into the Clone Wars. The Cannon Divergence began shortly after Anakin turned 13 years old (or so I'm claiming. I don't actually know very much about Anakin's apprenticeship...yeah. 13.) Why 13? It's very simple.
Anakin needs literal years of therapy for his literal years of mental, emotional, and physical abuse as a slave on Tatooine. 13 is about a year after Anakin apparently started getting to know Palpatine. I am going with the version of Cannon where Palpatine threatened Mace Windu if he didn't allow Palps access to kid! Anakin. At 12, I figure Anakin would be a ball of trauma, poorly bottled emotions, and several tangled knots of low self-esteem. A year gives Palps plenty of time to work. A year gives the Force enough time to get angry that it's literal child is being manipulated, and his guardians aren't even trying to help him. What do I mean by that?
Before I answer, I need to make somethings clear.
I like the Jedi. As individuals. I love a well written Mace Windu. Or even an okay written Windu. Yoda is a troll with a sense of humor I can get behind. Plo Koon. 'Nouph said. Obi-Wan Kenobi. Beautifully flawed human being that he is, he is, to a certain extent, very easy to write.
The Jedi culture has an unparalleled potential to be one of the most diverse, and wide spread found-family known to Science Fiction, if not The Most. What with how they accept members regardless of species, background, or talent. The only real requirement is that they must be Force Sensitive. Which just makes sense, really, given they are an order of Force Sensitives. I will not be trying to drag that through the mud, because a good chunk of it is...nice.
This fic is going to be exclusively through the perspective of Anakin, and his men. Anakin, in this fic, has spent the last decade getting all of the Jedi's worst traits dumped on top of him with very little help from within the Order. He has seen the good, but very rarely turned toward him...and that came from two people. Obi-Wan, whom I will be *hurting*, and Aayla, whom I love and who is much more observant and compassionate them she really has any right to be, given what I will be doing to her. The 501st, who will be having a rough four months in the War before meeting Anakin, and a rough...ten years or less before even that (Seriously, Rex's past will make you *feel* things if I have anything to say about it) are going to be insanely protective of Anakin. So all they are going to see is how they treat him, and hate it.
And, as the last thing for this list that I can think of for this moment, the point of this fic, is not to be Jedi Critical. I wanted a fic where Anakin was forced to be self sufficient, was forced to mature, had to be more then he was, or die. Only, I didn’t actually want that; I wanted to see what this new and improved Anakin would do. Forget the Growth, I wanted to see the results. A side effect of this is that it is Jedi Critical, because there is no way Anakin ‘I want to free all the slaves’ Skywalker was ever going to be truly happy as a Jedi ‘everything you do reflects on us, we are peace keepers’ Knight. Slave stealing is a very good way to make the Huts angry. Not exactly peaceful.
Will I be using things the Jedi messed up on to push Anakin more? Yes. Will I be doing it for the sole purpose of burning the Jedi at the stake? No. That is a waste of resources, and I am not in the business of such foolishness. Besides. People are rarely so simple.
Beyond that, I cannot get enough of the Overprotective Clones tag. Or the BAMF Clones tag. Except most of that seemed to focus on Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka, and the 212th, which, okay, but I want Anakin to be taken care of too. You can’t tell me that right there wouldn’t have helped...something. Clone piles, for the win. The closest one I could find was Soft Wars on ao3, but that was Anakin getting adopted as a kid, not as a brother, which is what I want. Also, I’ve been waiting for the fourth book in The Making of a Man for over a year now, and I’m salty. (by Project0506, Behold. a Gentle Man, excellent Kix & Anakin interaction, I strive to be so amazing, it is beautiful)
As for details that you may or may not be catching, well. You will have to be more specific because I know things that Kix and Anakin do not, and so it was written around. ;) All will become less foggy in due time.
Also I need questions, or I have no idea what you’re taking about, because I finished writing this stuff days and/or weeks ago, and have since moved on. On top of that, I have things I want to be a surprise (what is one thing that is a rarity for Anakin to do? This Anakin will be doing it.), or have made changes to my Universe so ‘long’ ago that it is now normal to the character and thus not something to spend more then a sentence on (tell me, do you know Anakin’s saber form? It’s good.)
Salty Lady Nightmare
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glimmerglanger · 4 years ago
So I’ve been plagued by this since I read mirror AU. For your spice week, how would you feel about obikin sex with an audience? Can be purely for pleasure or a ritual thing or an accident, but like, thinking of Anakin staking a claim in front of Cody in agaptfaa may have awoken something in me? Ditto prime Anakin and mirror Anakin with either Obi-Wan. I know Obes would think it riduculous/primitive but maybe find it hot anyway?
Anonymous said:
hmm this isn’t particularly spicy on its own but it can be added to a spicy september fic? like ur prompts are the ice cream and this ask is the extra toppings haha. but like obi wan’s pale skin being marked up with finger shaped bruises and hickeys and his own flush? bonus points if he’s ‘pleasantly sore’ 🥺
Mmmmm, I like these ideas very, very much! I went with ritual sex with an audience because I’m legitimately so, so weak for that. Marking ended up fitting in very well with this particular plot bunny. Hey, if we’re staking a claim…. No reason for half measures. Established relationship set during the Clone Wars (close to the end, with Anakin’s mental state being frayed).
This is NOT SAFE FOR WIZARDS. No real warnings beyond that. We’ve wrapped up Spicy September Week with this fic! I hope you all enjoyed it! Thanks for all the wonderful prompts! I’ll be posting all the fics over on ao3 to make sure they don’t get lost etc. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week, time for me to get back to prepping for Whumptober!
They landed on Tuls on a clear, cool morning, with frost across the ground. Technically, Anakin wasn’t even supposed to be on the mission, but he’d been working with the 212th when Obi-Wan’s orders came through and…
Well. They’d had enough things go wrong for Jedi sent on solo missions from the Senate. He’d decided he ought to tag along, and Obi-Wan hadn’t protested. They’d even had some time to sleep, on the flight to Tuls. Anakin had hoped they might have time for a bit more than sleep, but Obi-Wan had still been recovering from...whatever the kriff had happened to him over Raydonia.
Anakin took one look at the fading bruises all down his ribs, and lost the urge to press the issue. It was more than enough to hold Obi-Wan close while they slept, to pour healing energy down into his skin, hoping to ease as much of the damage as he could.
By the time they arrived on Tuls, most of the marks had faded away. Obi-Wan had stretched that morning, when he woke, and looked down at his side with a surprise written all over his expression. “Feeling better?” Anakin had asked, dropping a kiss against his ribs, and Obi-Wan had smiled at him, looking soft and still mussed from sleep.
But that had been earlier, when it was just them. Obi-Wan looked nothing but professional as they set foot on Tuls soil, met by an entire delegation of tired, stooped humanoids, who looked at them and said, “Thank goodness you have finally arrived, Jedi. There is no longer much time.”
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan said, after the Tuls delegation had hurried them along, out of the cold and into a finally appointed meeting chamber. There was a fire crackling in a large hearth along one wall, which was a relief. There was a bitter chill in the air, which seemed odd. Anakin was almost sure Obi-Wan had said that it was supposed to be late spring on the planet. “I was not informed we were on a time-table, but you mentioned--”
“We are very late to bring the spring,” an older man said, rising heavily from a chair by the fire. He was solidly built - Anakin guessed he’d probably been all muscle, once. Time had added a healthy girth around his waist. He wore a crown of dark stone cut through with pale lines.
Obi-Wan glanced at Anakin, and Anakin shrugged. Obi-Wan looked back at the man and said, “And you… require our help, to bring the spring?”
The man nodded. He said, “Forgive my manners. I am King Urtus. And, yes. We need your help, specifically, Master Jedi.” Anakin could feel the relief radiating off of all of these people, even as their leader spoke.
“Ah,” Obi-Wan said, shifting around, loosening his shoulders in a little movement that Anakin wasn’t sure anyone else would identify as the first step towards a fight. “May I ask why? I’ve not heard of such assistance being required before.”
Urtus grimaced, looked to the side, and spat into the fire. “We did not need outside assistance. Not before the Separatist attacked us. The Keeper of Seasons was killed in the attack. Her apprentice…” He gestured to a boy standing to one side; the kid looked to be in his early teens. “Is not yet of age to bring the spring.”
“I think…” Obi-Wan said, as a creeping feeling ran down Anakin’s back, “that you ought to tell us, exactly, how one brings the spring, here on Tuls.”
“Are you serious?” Anakin said, after Urtus finished explaining exactly what it was they wanted Obi-Wan to do. He felt a prickle across his shoulders as everyone in the room turned to look at him, including Obi-Wan, who raised an eyebrow for good measure.
“We are quite serious,” Urtus said, as though he had not just suggested that - that Obi-Wan come down to some - some kind of ritual chamber and take off all his clothes and--
“Getting kr -- engaging in intercourse doesn’t make the seasons change,” Anakin said, feeling his cheeks getting far too warm. He, abruptly, didn’t like the way any of the people in the room were looking at Obi-Wan.
Urtus shrugged. “It ever has on Tuls,” he said. 
Anakin looked at Obi-Wan, hoping for support on how mad the entire suggestion was. He got a shrug, instead, and a thoughtful look, as Obi-Wan said, “I can feel the Force flowing through the core of this world. It is possible the seasons have become tied to… rituals, of a sort. And carnal relations are often tied to the advent of spring.”
Sometimes Anakin wanted to shake him. Not everything had to be a science project.
Urtus cleared his throat, before Anakin could point out that now was not the time to get curious about the ecosystem of some new world. “Please,” Urtus said. “It should be nearly summer now. We beg for your assistance with this matter.”
“Why does this have to be Obi-Wan?” Anakin asked, shifting to put himself between them and Obi-Wan, just in case they got grabby.
“We can feel his connection to the Force,” Urtus said, straightening and meeting Anakin’s gaze for the first time. “The planet responds to him, already.” Anakin figured he’d have to take Urtus’ word for that.
And Anakin knew damn well there was no way Obi-Wan was actually going to decline. He’d be full of concern about the fate of the planet and the safety of these people and if it meant him getting fucked on an altar to set things to rights, then so be it. So, it wasn’t much of a surprise when Obi-Wan said, “Of course, I will assist in any way I can.”
Urtus sagged with relief. Anakin felt the emotion vibrating through the rest of the crowd, and fine, he supposed they could make this work. He could help and they’d just get this over with, and-- Urtus said, “We will prepare you and arrange the melee immediately, then.”
The back of Anakin’s neck prickled, even as Obi-Wan asked, “Melee?”
Urtus nodded. “Indeed. To determine who shall have the right to assist you. So you may remove winter’s veil and bring the spring.”
Anakin tightened his grip on Obi-Wan’s arm; he felt Obi-Wan’s emotions shift, some hint of worry entering his feelings for the first time. None of it came through in Obi-Wan’s tone when he said, “Surely, I select who has the...right?”
Urtus shook his heavy head, making a deep humming sound. “No. It must be whoever is touched most deeply by winter, as decided by the Force,” he said, “it has ever been thus.”
Anakin looked over the crowd in the room. He really disliked the way they were eying Obi-Wan, and wondered, if he picked Obi-Wan up and bolted, what his odds were of getting to the ship. Probably not high, if Obi-Wan decided to fight him. Which he almost certainly would.
Anakin blew out a breath, instead, and said, “Is anyone allowed to join this melee, then?” Because, kriff, if it was a fight they wanted… Well. He was more than happy to give it to them.
In the end, the Tuls were agreeable to the idea of Anakin joining the melee. He had no idea what they meant by ‘touched by winter’ and he didn’t really care. He was taken to a chamber to prepare with all the rest of the entrants, while Obi-Wan was spirited off elsewhere. They were only to use weapons with blunted edges, apparently, but that was fine. Anakin had long ago learned how to fight with whatever was to hand.
He cracked his neck side to side, selected a weapon that fitted his hand, and waited, ignoring the chatter around the rest of the room.
It seemed to take an age and a half before the doors were opened again and they were led out, across a frozen expanse of ground, and into a small entryway, directly into the earth. It was dark inside, and warmer. There were steps, leading down, and Anakin followed the figure in front of him, flexing his fingers in and out until they, finally, reached the bottom.
They were… in a large, open space, ringed with seats stretching upward, many of them filled. The walls glowed, faintly. Anakin barely noticed any of that, because, in the center of the… well, the arena, there was a familiar figure.
Someone had taken Obi-Wan’s tunics and left him wearing…pieces of white fabric, tied in bands around his body. His eyes and mouth were both wrapped. There were more bindings around his arms and hands. He was standing in front of a tall lump of stone. Anakin assumed, with a hot lurch of his gut, that this was the altar.
Which meant the Tuls fully expected someone to fuck Obi-Wan right there in the center of this arena and, well. There was no way Anakin was going to let anyone else touch him. He took a breath, adjusted his grip on his weapon, and waited while Urtus made some kind of speech that he didn’t care about.
He shifted his weight from foot to foot, waiting for the moment when the melee started, and then springing into action. The Tuls were determined, he had to give them that. And they seemed to have decided that they didn’t actually care who won the right, as long as it wasn’t him.
They swarmed him, and Anakin snarled. Even with numbers, they were not a match, and he knew it. They had not a fraction of the practice and experience he’d gained, and he knocked them aside, one after another.
One almost cracked him over the back of the head with a cudgel, only to slip on nothing a moment before the blow could land, falling into one of his fellows, instead, and Anakin half-laughed at the feeling of Obi-Wan’s presence against his skin.
The Tuls woman in front of him balked at his laughter, and Anakin took the opportunity to elbow her in the gut, listening to the sound she made as she folded up, flinging himself back into the fight. There was no real strategy to it, it was nothing but a brawl, fierce and vicious, devolving, finally, into a bare knuckled scrap between the last contenders.
Anakin had something of an advantage in that area, and grinned fiercely at the sound his fist made hitting the jaw of the last Tuls standing between him and Obi-Wan. The man had a half a head of height on Anakin, but went over backwards with a satisfying thump.
Anakin stood, for a moment, in the midst of the groaning fallen, breathing hard. His clothes were torn and bloody, he noted. He throbbed from a dozen different places, wounds aching. He tasted copper on his tongue and turned his head to the side, spitting, even as drums started around the room.
He distantly remembered being told about the drums, and grinned, because they meant he’d won.
He met Urtus’ eyes across the arena, nodded, and stalked towards the center of the space. Obi-Wan hadn’t moved, standing there still as a statue. There were, Anakin noticed, as he got closer, clothes wrapped around his knees and ankles, too. His feet were bare on the stone and there were strange tendrils of light winding away from him, out through the stone.
Anakin decided he didn’t care about the light, right at that moment. His blood burned in his veins, his gut full of fire from the battle. He was already hard, when he stopped in front of Obi-Wan and reached out, grabbing the wrap around his eyes and pulling it away.
Obi-Wan blinked open his eyes, so clear and blue, and did not look surprised to find Anakin before him. Anakin grabbed the wrap over his mouth, hoping he was doing an adequate job removing winter’s veil, and Obi-Wan said, quietly, something tense in his expression, just for a moment, “I knew it would be you.”
Anakin shivered and could not stop himself from sliding a hand back into Obi-Wan’s hair and leaning closer, kissing his mouth, aware he was leaving smears of blood behind and - and liking it, liking the way it marked Obi-Wan’s clean, perfect skin. “I think I had some help,” he murmured, against Obi-Wan’s mouth, and felt Obi-Wan smile.
“Maybe a little,” Obi-Wan agreed, and Anakin kissed him again, pleased to know it had been him Obi-Wan wanted with him, here in the middle of an arena, here at this crude altar.
It made his pulse beat faster, instructions for what he was supposed to do jumbling together in his head. The Tuls had been specific about some things, but it was hard to focus on what they’d wanted. He’d needed to - to take Obi-Wan out of these bindings, definitely. 
Anakin could do that, He kept one hand in Obi-Wan’s hair, aware of all the eyes on them. He expected a prickle of anxiety across his nerves, he even anticipated, in a flash of worry, that he would not be able to maintain his current state of interest, not while knowing so many people were watching.
But these people had thought they could have Obi-Wan. Thought they could just use him for their ritual. And he, abruptly, quite liked the idea of showing them all just how wrong they were. He slid his mouth to Obi-Wan’s neck, nipping at the skin and then sucking, hearing Obi-Wan make a loud, surprised sound.
He slid his other hand down, tearing at the white wrappings, careless and rough. He just wanted them off. 
“The altar,” Obi-Wan ground out, his hands freed to come up, to grip at Anakin, pulling him closer. “We need to--the stone is Force-reactive, we need to be on--”
Anakin got the idea. The altar was the size of a large table, rising directly out of the floor. It came up to his thighs, he noted, even as he pulled the last of the wrappings away, grabbed Obi-Wan’s thighs, and lifted him. 
The stone lit up beneath Obi-Wan, when Anakin turned and put him down on the altar. Veins of color shot through it, so bright they were almost blinding. A murmur went up through the crowd, relief and joy, but Anakin barely noted it. 
Obi-Wan lit up, as well, and that was far more interesting. Trails of light stretched under his skin, glowing. He looked like something out of a dream, something magical. But then, he always had. Anakin groaned and crawled onto the altar, falling forward to kiss him, hands all over his skin, warm and soft and perfect.
He left behind smears of blood, marks that showed where he’d touched, and groaned at the sight of it. Everyone on Tuls had wanted Obi-Wan, but he was the only one who got to have this, the only one who got to touch, and he wanted, suddenly and fiercely, for them all to know it.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan panted, tugging at the closures on Anakin’s tunics. They were hanging off of him already, and Anakin yanked the outer tunic off, tossing it aside. He cared little about the under tunic; it wasn’t in his way. He slid a hand down, curled his fingers around Obi-Wan’s cock, and watched the light beneath him shift, spreading away from the altar, out across the arena.
Obi-Wan’s hands clenched at his belt. He made a sound, thick and pleasure-drunk, as Anakin stroked him, setting a fast, brutal pace. He had not patience within him, at the moment, he just wanted. Wanted to watch Obi-Wan’s eyes flutter, wanted everyone in the arena to see what he got to do.
He bent forward, kissing Obi-Wan deep and filthy, the drums pounding around them, almost drowning out the sound Obi-Wan made when he spilled all over Anakin’s fingers. 
“Force,” Obi-Wan panted, and Anakin grinned, rubbing his fingers together and considering. They’d not given him anything to ease the way. He shrugged, decided to make do, and slid his fingers back, between Obi-Wan’s legs.
He found Obi-Wan slick already, slick enough to slide two fingers in at once, and the revelation punched a groan out of him. “I thought,” Obi-wan gasped, deliciously flushed and glowing, “I’d better, ah, be ready.”
Anakin nodded. He felt quite beyond words, aching with so much want it felt hard to think. He wanted, so badly, to stretch out over Obi-Wan like this, to touch his glowing skin and let all the Tuls see how good he could make Obi-Wan feel, show them his beauty, the light of him--
The Tuls had warned them both that they might be...affected by the ritual. Anakin was willing to blame the hot jump of his pulse on whatever the kriff the Force was currently doing, whatever was making Obi-Wan light up, the glow off of his skin chasing away all the shadows in Anakin’s head, leaving him… singularly focused.
The urge to make everyone see swallowed him. Anakin took another kiss, hard, and then rocked onto his heels, batting Obi-Wan’s hands away - he’d gotten Anakin’s slacks open, that was more than good enough - and gripped at Obi-Wan’s hip.
Obi-Wan made a thick sound, surprised, when Anakin dragged his fingers out. His gasped beautifully, his skin all aglow, brighter spots of light at his freckles. Anakin ran a hand over his chest, awed, and then settled his hands, pulling Obi-Wan’s hips just so, gripping tight.
He heard the sound Obi-Wan made over the drums when he pushed in. Around them, the light started picking up colors, purples and pinks and blues, greens, spreading around the room, spreading across Obi-Wan’s skin, like an aurora, a celestial event, right in front of him.
Anakin jolted at the feeling of being in him. It was always amazing; he could have happily fucked Obi-Wan for the rest of his life, but-- Sinking into him on the altar felt like something else, the sensation spreading out to each nerve, clearing his head, leaving nothing but want and need and desire behind.
Anakin needed to fuck him, needed to drive into him, needing to make him gasp and cry out. Anakin gripped him, hard, keeping a hold on him, knowing he was leaving marks behind and - and liking it. He wanted marks, his marks, all over Obi-Wan’s skin, wanted everyone on Tuls and all the other worlds in the galaxy to know that Obi-Wan was--
Obi-Wan’s trembled, light spreading out from him, through the stone, the colors getting brighter, sharper. And Anakin wanted everyone to see, deeply. Force, he loved the way Obi-Wan looked when he was getting fucked, loved the way Obi-Wan’s mouth got soft, the way he flushed all across his cheeks and down his throat.
Every inch of him was beautiful, and Anakin groaned, driving into him as the light curled and flowed around them. He wished he had another hand, to curl around Obi-Wan’s cock, and in that moment saw no reason not to utilize the Force.
Obi-Wan jerked, full-bodied, when Anakin curled tendrils of the Force against his skin, pressure and sensation. Anakin thought he heard his name - it was hard to tell, the drums had gotten louder and his blood was pounding in his ears - and he took it as encouragement.
It felt like encouragement, through Obi-Wan’s emotions, overspilling into Anakin’s head.
He touched and touched and groaned when he felt Obi-Wan quake, come spilling across their skin and the altar and--and something shifted in the air around them, in the presence of the Force through the room. Anakin felt like lightning grounded down through his spine, pleasure and primal want swimming up through him.
He lost himself, for a moment, aware of nothing but pleasure, but needing to fuck into Obi-Wan, desperately, but the sheer joy of spilling within him. Anakin groaned, cock pulsing, and slumped forward, over Obi-Wan’s glowing form.
He held Obi-Wan - almost limp - and buried his face against Obi-Wan’s throat. He sucked hungry kisses against the skin, wanting to leave more marks, wanting to stain the pale flesh, wanting to leave no room for doubt that Obi-Wan was--
Was breathing shakily, trembles moving through him.
Anakin swallowed, hard, wrestling back control of all his riotous wants. He was aware, distantly, of cheering and the brilliant lights filling the chamber. But that all felt far away as he stroked a hand comfortingly across Obi-Wan’s stomach, pressing softer kisses to his skin, and holding him, there on the altar.
He managed to ask, as he got his breath back, “You think that did it?”
Obi-Wan laughed, tilting his head further to the side in what Anakin took as an invitation, and said, “Darling, you may have overshot us right into summer.”
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tragedy-for-sale · 4 years ago
So I have always wondered how the clones would react to seeing Obiwan and Anakin again directly after Umbara. Like would they flinch away when they gestured? Would they try to stay strong in from of their generals but all breakdown together in the middle of the night? Would they breakdown in front of their generals? There I so much potential to angst. The mighty angst iguana has chosen a good arc to write about
Okay, I did write a fic similar to this. It's not directly after, but it's close enough. The link is below 👇 that fic is actually one my personal favorites in terms of heartbreak, right next to 'Aren't you proud?'
Anyway, here's your direct reaction after. Okay well it's really just Rex's, I wanted to do a part two, but I think the fic above is the second part in a way.
Strong in The Real Way
The brain is the most mysterious organ in the human body, no one can't say they truly understand how the human brain works. When the human brain is traumatized, oh, now that's when things get strange.
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
They won. They took Umbara, Krell was dead, Dogma was gone, now it was time to get the hell off this planet. Captain Rex had gotten his boys ready to depart. Kix and a squad were out searching for the bodies of their brothers, everytime a few troopers came back with dozens of bodies, Rex's breath fell a little shorter. He couldn't do this anymore. Fives had taken over sweeping the facilities one last time and wiping any critical information. Jesse had gathered all the shinies, they hadn't left his side.
Rex stood in front of the cruisor, watching all his beaten boys board. He gave all of them hug, squeezing tightly and giving them a kiss on the head before they boarded. Every trooper, they all waited patiently in a line. If the brother was crying, Rex would wipe away their tears, caress their face in his hands and whisper, "It's okay, it's over now." He'd comforted every man but no one had comforted him. He'd been the last one to board. After Jesse and his shinies had boarded while singing a broken lullaby. After Kix and his med-crew came with the last of the body bags. After Fives and his section finished packing the occasional resources. Only after every man was on the ship, safe inside, did Rex step on the ramp, looking to Umbara and cursing the fact Skywalker had left them with that- that-
Rex put on his helmet to hide his now reddening face. Unlike all his brothers, he boarded the cruisor alone. He walked down the halls and to the lift by himself. As he did, his mind kept him uncomfortable, making him relieve that moment over and over again. He started to shake, his knees suddenly so weak, Rex held himself as he walked, hunching down as he fought the urge to fall to his knees yet again. As he stood in the lift, he pressed the emergency stop button, taking off his helmet, throwing it. "DAMMIT!" He wailed as he scratched at his armor as it suffocated him, stumbling back to lean against the wall, "Dammit-" he whined, holding his head as he cried. He slammed his fist into the wall, then looked up. He didn't want to move, he wanted to stay here and cry. But he couldn't, a Captain has to care for his crew. So Rex wiped his eyes, took a deep breath, put his helmet back on and started the lift again. He had to be strong again.
When he stepped out of the lift, Vaughn ran up to him, "Sir, General Kenobi and the 212th are coming up in the larties as we speak." His voice was weak and broken, just as every brother. "D-do I have to give my briefing?" He asked, as if he was scared of the answer.
"Okay," Rex responded initially before looking at Vaughn's patched up face, "N-no, Vaughn," Rex shook his head, you go rest, I know what happened so I'll cover it." He watched Vaughn's face light up ever so slightly in relief. The trooper nodded before excusing himself. Rex watched as he scurried off, Rex wished he could do the same, hide away in the arms of his brothers. But alas, he couldn't. He instead, was headed to the lift yet again to go to the loading docks, awaiting the arrival of the 212th. Back in the lift, he felt that suffocation flood over him all over again, it was so easy to fake it in front of his boys, but when he was all alone those demons came creeping in and he had no reason to hold himself together.
When the lift opened, Rex took another sharp breath, stepping out he saw the ships come in, a few already had landed. Rex didn't feel his pace pick up as he saw General Kenobi and Cody step out together, they looked so battered and held no urge to hurry. "Captain, how are the men?" Kenobi asked in a softer voice, usually that question held light, but it was spoken with the solemn feeling of darkness.
"They're doing alright, sir, all things considered." Rex mustered out as he forced himself to attention. He didn't know why, but he felt like covering his chest as he stood in the presence of the Jedi. Cody must've had the same feeling, for he'd moved to stand next to Rex. "I told my men that they didn't have to give their briefing, they need the break, I hope you don't mind, sir." Rex explained.
Obi-Wan nodded, understanding Rex's actions completely. "Of course, Captain, please, don't force yourself, we don't need it right away." Obi-Wan offered as the three began walking and as they did, Rex had reached for his older brother's hand, and when Cody took his, they gripped their hands tightly. "Anakin is en route from Coruscant, we'll be dropping out of hyperspace once we reach the mid-rim so he may join us, until then, Captain." Obi-Wan turned, offering his smile, "Get some rest, both of you." Obi-Wan put his hand on Rex's shoulder, who instantly snapped back into Cody. Obi-Wan stopped instantly, Obi-Wan's sad eyes looked up to meet Cody's, hidden behind his helmet. He- he wasn't going to hurt him.
Cody caught Rex, looking up to Obi-Wan with the same thought. "Right." Obi-Wan brought his hand back to his side and continued walking as if nothing had happened. He couldn't help Rex, no matter how much he wanted too. That was Cody's job, Obi-Wan knew, as well as the fact he couldn't help Cody either. It had just been them in the gunship and as he thought of their conversation, of that moment, shaking his head, Obi-Wan brought himself back into the moment. "I will be on the bridge the entire time, if you two need anything, com me and I will see it through."
"Thank you, sir." Cody spoke, he was now holding his brother in a hug, close to him. Rex was shaking with every step and only Cody was holding him up. "I'll check on all the men and check on you on the bridge as soon as I can." Cody added as they entered the hall. Obi-Wan nodded, he had his arms crossed and kept a distance. As they walked down the hall, Obi-Wan could sense all the pain and agony broadcasting from his men. They were in so much pain.
"Alright, Cody, but don't worry about me, worry about your brothers, they'll need you." He said as they reached the lift. Obi-Wan nodded to his Commander before the lift took him away. Cody held his brother tightly, they'd take the next lift, Obi-Wan knew that.
Cody turned to face his brother, taking off his and Rex's helmet, then lifting up his brothers head, frowning at the sight of Rex's teary eyed face. Rex looked down in shame, taking a slow, steady breath before whispering, "I'm sorry I flinched, I know you love him which means I should trust him but-"
"Shhh," Cody hushed, "It's okay," he told Rex, wiping away his little brother's tears, "You don't have to be strong all the time, especially not for me, I can be strong enough for the both of us." Cody explained as the lift opened. "Okay, lil'un?" Cody asked, still speaking in that hushed tone. The two stepped into the lift, holding each other tightly.
"Okay, bubby." Rex mumbled as watched the lift door close. Here he was, back again in the lift. But this time, he didn't feel that demon lurk in. He had his big brother fighting it for him. Rex brought his head up and pressed his forehead against Cody's. The two stood in silent, not moving, and as they stood there, for a minute, the world stopped crumbling, their hearts stopped bleeding, right there in the lift, even if for only a second,
They started to heal
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
|| Tag List ||
@ct7567329 @a-lil-perspective @mageofcole @advcntura @crying-at-ikea @stuckyjacos @crahsystor @obiorbenkenobi @satan-incarnate-666 @kalm421 @passionofthesith @mackstrut @jonathananubian @kamino-mermaid @hotnthorny @jyvorakal @xdangerouslysoftx @big1ron @blue-haired-grace @rangerslayer-97 @alienoresimagines
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kyberled · 3 years ago
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Anonymous asked:
can you explain some of your favorite character tags and why you chose them for the character/what they mean to braig?
This is a really cool question, anon! I don’t know if I have any ‘favourites’, but I do have some that are more ‘generic’, for lack of a better words, and others that are more personalized. The generic ones are typically for characters I haven’t written with - Yoda, Ki-Adi, etc etc. I can sort of theorize how Braig feels about them, but he’s never really interacted with them, so I keep it pretty plain. 
For the more ‘specialized’ tags, again, I don’t have favourites, but these are based more on relationships or perceptions of characters Braig has (based on past interactions, in the case of character tags) or just Braig himself (in the case of ‘meta’ tags, eg in character, out of character, etc). But, since you asked for character tags specifically, I’ll give you a peek at those (plus relationship tags, because those relate to specific portrayals and typically have more meaning). (I feel like I should also clarify here I’m absolutely open to writing with multiples, I just so far only have one relationship per muse, ergo one tag per.) 
OBI-WAN: ‘Paragon of the Order’ / ‘To Make You Proud’
This is the only case where both the character tag and the relationship tag are based on a specific portrayal. That’s simply because without Rodi/Spacedad, this boy wouldn’t exist. When I say Rodi has joint custody of Braig, I’m only half kidding. The tag ‘paragon of the Order’ is taken both from what some novels said about Obi-Wan, how he was the gold standard that other knights told their padawans to be like and all, as well as Braig’s own personal bias.  He loves his dad. He always has. In his mind, Obi is the best and brightest, so the tag reflects that. The relationship tag stems from that, as well - it’s really all Braig has ever wanted from their relationship. He just wants his dad to be proud of him. That’s it. 
CODY: ‘Unwavering Loyalty’ / ‘Follow Your Lead’
Now we’re onto Cody! The Marshal Commander of the 7th Sky, and leader of the 212th. Cody is known for his loyalty, and that’s something Braig has noticed. It’s impossible to miss. Loyalty to his brothers, loyalty to his Jedi… That’s just Cody. The relationship tag, ‘Follow your lead’, is for Liz’s (nieithryn / itspersonalforus) portrayal. This is another case of Braig bonding at the hip with someone, and it’s mutual. He ADORES Cody. Of course, it took them a little bit to get into the groove of things (If you’re reading this, Liz, I’ll never be over Cody’s shift from ‘it’s a little awkward having two commanders’ to *picks up Braig* ‘oh you mean my son? My child?? My boy???’), just as it took Braig some time to find his footing in a war zone. He was only fourteen, after all. When he was still figuring out how to navigate being around  soldiers, he took cues from Cody as much as he did from Obi-Wan. And the older and more experienced Braig got, the more Cody would come to rely on him, as well. So, in that sense, the tag ‘Follow Your Lead’ is representative of the trust and faith they have in each other as colleagues, allies, friends, and, eventually, as family, too. 
WOLFFE: ‘Howling Fury’ / ‘Tough Love’ 
This is an older one, since unfortunately Xidori hasn’t been around tumblr in quite a while, but the old folks here will remember the snarly brother. The character tag for Wolffe is pretty straightforward, I think. His name is Wolffe, he heads the Wolfpack, he’s angry a lot. Ergo, howling fury. Tough love came from, again, Xidori. Braig was entirely convinced Wolffe didn’t like him, because Wolffe was, well, Wolffe. Then one of the other clone muses on the dash started teasing Braig and Wolffe threatened to rip their head off, so. It should be noted this became a pretty common trend. He may not have always been the most affectionate, but he was a protective ori’vod, so ‘tough love’ it was. 
AHSOKA TANO: ‘Earned Her Stripes’ / ‘Hear Us Roar’ / Honourable Mention: ‘Make It Through Together’
Ahsoka’s character tag is another straightforward one. It’s also a bit of a pun, which, if you know me, is about as on brand as I can get. She’s a stripey girl, but she also comes into her own over the course of the Clone Wars. She’s still a kid when we leave her, but she’s grown. So, to Braig, the ‘earned her stripes’ means that he’s acknowledging her growth, and he’s proud of her, for what it’s worth. It isn’t easy to do what they do. 
And I lied! I had, for a while, two different Ahsoka relationship tags. Only one of them is ‘active’ now, since I have no idea where Alpha’s gone off to, but there were two. ‘Hear us roar’ is the platonic/familial relationship between Braig and Cortnye (iamnojedi)’s Ahsoka. These two became fast friends, bonding over a love of a certain Fett (to be discussed later), shared eyerolls while their masters bickered, and general teenage tomfoolery. It was Cortnye’s idea that these doofuses used to have roaring contests when they were babies in creche, so the tag is partly in reference to that. It’s also because neither of them shy away from a fight when it’s needed. Whether it’s standing up for the rights of the men in the Clone Wars or facing down Inquisitors in the days of the Empire, they don’t know how to go quietly into that good night. They’re a force to be reckoned with at any stage, and I like to think the tag reflects that. 
The honourable mention goes out to Alpha’s Ahsoka. I can’t link a blog, because Alpha had a few, and I’m not sure which she’d prefer, but in this case, the relationship between Braig and Ahsoka was romantic. (They even had a daughter! Her name was Ashla, Ashie for short, and Braig basically acted like she hung the stars in the sky.) They started out as friends, then best friends, then Alpha and I realized it had progressed to something different, so here we were. They got up to all manner of trouble both on and off the battlefield, and tended to go to each other for comfort when things got rough. Alpha and I once said that they’d make it through anything if they had each other, so that became their tag. 
BOBA FETT: ‘Strange Parallels’ / ‘Worth The Risk’
I told you we’d talk about him later, and now it’s technically later. The ‘character tag’ doesn’t necessarily mean much to Braig, since, in a ‘typical’ universe, he wouldn’t know much about our favourite hunter, but it means a bit to me. These two are surprisingly alike. Both orphans at at least one point in their lives, both carrying the legacy of their fathers on their shoulders, both lost their dads at the end of a lightsaber, both struggling to grow up in a universe that is cruel to them. Every time Obi-Wan and Jango fought, I couldn’t help but think that if the fortunes had played out differently, the boys could have almost role-swapped. I didn’t even realize it until I started talking to Darian, well after making this boy of mine, but I thought it was really cool. And speaking of Darian, how about that relationship tag? 
In this case, the tag is for Darian (godshaped)’s Boba. This is, I think, the longest ship I’ve had on any of my blogs, since we’ve been writing them for at least five years - maybe six. I’m bad at counting. But yes, the boys are going strong, and that’s not about to change. I don’t think either of us expected them to go the route they did. To be fair, I’;m not sure the boys expected it, either. I still remember the moment Braig realized he’d caught feelings and they weren’t going away - the ‘oh. OH. oh no.’ will forever live in my mind. He doesn’t regret it. He’s happy. The ‘worth the risk’ kind of changed meanings over time. Originally, I think it was in part ‘worth the risk of attachment’, but they’re beyond that. They had that conversation early on, when they realized they were getting serious. ‘I love you and I don’t think I’m ever going to feel like this for anyone else, but I am a Jedi and my first commitment is always going to be to the Order.’ vs. ‘I love you too but I’m a bounty hunter  and that means I’m going to be very hard to contact at times if not completely off the radar. Also the legality of it is in question.’ Plus the general danger of their jobs. They ended up at the conclusion that ‘this was who you are before we met and will probably be who you are after, I don’t want to take that from you or get in the way of it, so we’ll just enjoy the time we have together while we can’. I’m proud of them. Anyway, I could go on about them for ages, but the tag has sort of transitioned to ‘being with you is worth the risk that comes with’, that being that Boba is a fugitive before the Republic falls, and Braig is one after. Not exactly the safest relationship, but they love each other regardless. 
DARTH MAUL: ‘Tenacity of a Roach’ / ‘Changing Course’ 
This one is laced with a bit more of Braig’s personal opinions. Maul is hard to kill, we all know that. In canon, Braig cannot stand Maul. Maul killed his grandmaster and Maul won’t stop tormenting his master/dad. It’s not really conducive to a good relationship. That’s honestly all I have to say about that. 
The ‘Changing Course’ tag is for the AU I have with Keats (rcvival). This one was a surprise for Braig. But you know what? Sometimes you just have to rehabilitate a Sith. You just gotta. This is still a relatively new one, though Braig is proud of the progress his uncle is making. He’s just trying to be very careful to not undo any of that progress, and - especially early on - not get himself stabbed. The ‘Changing Course’ tag is to show that this is changing the way the story went, in a few ways. Sidious still wins, 66 still happens, all of that, but it’s a bit of a different path for Maul to take. 
MACE WINDU: ‘Steadfast and Stern’ / ‘A Violet Legacy’ 
In this house we love and support Mace Windu. That’s the rules. He’s a good good man and Braig knows that well; I imagine all Jedi do. But still, the war takes a toll on him. This sort of represents the two sides of Mace we see: The man who holds firm to his beliefs, and the man who has to represent and defend the Order in public settings. Steadfast and stern. 
The relationship tag is for another one of Liz’s kids: Grandpa Mace. Another one of Braig’s favourites, and the person who came closest to training kiddo before Obi swooped in to scoop him up. If you get it, you get it: Grandpa tried to poach him with bird facts. The long and short of it is Braig loves his grandpa, and this should come as no surprise to anyone. The fact that Mace takes him on as a student of Vapaad only adds to that. It’s an honour to be taught that style, an honour to be seen as good enough, but it also gives them a fair amount of one on one time. They talk a lot during cool-down periods. Sometimes it’s about their days, or general thoughts, or the war, and sometimes Mace just told him stories. Braig learned a lot from him. He hopes that, by passing on these lessons, he can keep some of Mace’s memory alive, even if only in a small way.
Also, they both have purple lightsabers. 
SHAAK TI: ‘Matriarch of Millions’ / ‘A Mother’s Love’
Ah, yes. Mama Ti. Matriarch seemed to fit because, whether or not you view her as being motherly to the clones, she’s definitely in charge. And there are, well, millions of them. So, yes, another straight-forward one. 
As for the relationship tag, this one goes out to Sam (strcngered) and the mama they wrote for many years. (Fun fact, this is the character Sam was writing when we met, so, on a meta level, Shaak is very special to me.) Now, Braig doesn’t know what it’s like to have a mother in the traditional Western nuclear family sense. He doesn’t know what it’s like to have a traditional ‘family’ at all. His memories begin at the Temple. They would’ve ended there, too, but Palpatine is awful. All that aside, Braig has never felt like he was ‘missing out’, so to speak. Part of that was because of masters like Shaak. In our threads, this boy was absolutely doted on. He still has the baby blanket she made for him. (Or, he does until the Order falls. Again, Palpatine is awful.) He still draws great comfort and security from the sound of purring. And it’s all because of his mama. 
RAKO HARDEEN: ‘Learned to Hate’ / ‘Shattered Trust’ 
Fuck this guy. That’s basically what Rako’s character tag means, as far as Braig is concerned. Just fuck this guy. The Hardeen arc in general was a horrible time for him. He was maybe fifteen (which, granted, is kind of old for watching your dad die in Star Wars), he had no master and no idea what he was going to do, he watched his dad die (as I said), nobody seemed to care (yes, he knows Jedi don’t take revenge, but the dude broke out of prison, can we try to do SOMETHING to get him under some kind of supervision?), and for whatever reason, he hadn’t been able to do a thing to stop it. He was a mess those few days, and trying to process it all while also trying to do his duty as a Jedi was rough. I don’t think he’s ever really disliked anyone as much as he did Rako over those two days, so, yeah. 
As for the ‘relationship’ tag, that’s a bit of a misnomer in this case, since Braig only ever saw the real Rako once, when he shot Obi-Wan, and even that was only for a fleeting moment. It’s sort of a catch-all as both a Deception Arc verse/timeline tag and a way to describe his feelings towards the end of it all. It’s messy, and actually causes a chain reaction of events that leads to Braig getting his scar - but that’s a subject for a different post. Long story short, he didn’t really take the reveal well.
…. And that’s probably enough for now. I just picked some random ones here, for the most part, so sorry there isn’t really a theme between them. If there are any I didn’t touch on that you’re curious about, or any you want more clarification on, or anything like that, please let me know! <3
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siennahrobek · 4 years ago
Qui-Gon was meditating in the Garden when Obi-Wan approached him. He was sitting near a patch of flowers that the master and padawan pair had planted together after the plant had been gifted to them when they were both younger. It was one of best memories he had of the both of them. Obi-Wan stood next to him and bit his lip. “Master,” he murmured hesitantly.
His master didn’t open his eyes and took a sharp breath. “Fantastic,” Qui-Gon grumbled to himself, furrowing his brow. “Hallucinations. I knew it would not be good but-,” he sighed.
Obi-Wan took a deep breath and turned to kneel in front of him. He gently took his master’s hands which were resting on his legs previously. “Not a hallucination, master-mine,” he assured quietly. Qui-Gon was silent for a moment, hand shaking and curling around Obi-Wan’s. Tears began to leak out as the older man took another breath. “I am here, master. You can open your eyes,” he coaxed, softly.
“I fear to,” Qui-Gon whispered. “I fear I open them, and you are gone – or worse – someone else is there.”
“I swear to you, on all of those we have ever held dear that I am right in front of you – alive and whole…just with slightly less hair. My apologies, I look fairly terrible.”
Qui-Gon choked back something between a choked sob and a laugh.
“Come on, master. It’s okay. I promise.”
Slowly, the older master obeyed and opened his eyes. A fresh wave of tears washed over him as his hands rose out of Obi-Wan’s to cradle his former padawan’s face, cupping his cheeks. He gasped, disbelieving, as if unable to reach air.
“You look so young without the beard,” he croaked.
Obi-Wan smiled, leaning into the touch just a bit. “Why do you think I grew it out in the first place,” he chuckled, warmly.
“I can feel you,” he whispered.
“This is real, master.”
“You’re alive. How? What…what happened?”
Obi-Wan glanced away guiltily as he took a deep breath, grieved. The older master felt bad for asking. “I’m sorry master…”
Qui-Gon reached quickly in the Force, into his padawan’s presence and felt so much, such a myriad of emotions. He quickly went to interrupt him. In the end, it didn’t matter. Obi-Wan would never do something like this to hurt him so whatever happened, it was probably necessary. He was always doing what was best for others. And he already obviously felt awful about it, Qui-Gon didn’t want to add to that. Force, his padawan was alive. He made his relief known, sending it through the force in waves. “Never mind, padawan. Don’t worry about it. We can talk about it later. I don’t care that much.”
Obi-Wan looked torn. “I had to fake my death. Master, I-”
“Shhh,” Qui-Gon hushed and wrapped his arms around his old padawan and pulled him close. “It’s okay. I’m not mad; I swear I’m not. You did what you must. I am so relieved and grateful you are alive padawan-mine.”
Obi-Wan sighed in relief and nestled into the crook of his neck, like he was still young and a child and as if Qui-Gon could still carry him around easily. “I never wanted to hurt you,” he whispered.
“I know, I know,” Qui-Gon assured in a murmur, rubbing his back lightly. “I simply fear I will lose you to this war; in all of your plans and strategies. That you will get so lost in the war meetings and you won’t come back to me whole.”
“I’m just trying –”
“To save everyone, I know. You have always been a protector, Obi-Wan, a guardian, who only wants to help and protect people. I am so proud of that person, the man that you have become. So much light and kindness and compassion.” Qui-Gon started, and he had a hard time stopping. He had spent so much time during Obi-Wan’s padawanship quiet and closed off; not often giving nearly enough of himself. He always deserved more. It would never be enough, Qui-Gon was sure, but all he could do was try to make up as much as he could with the time he got. Post Naboo, alongside the verbal smacks he got from his friends and colleagues, had certainly helped him realize his relationship with Obi-Wan had to shift. He would never stop trying. “I know you and I know you do not take these things lightly. Whatever, you did, whatever you had to do, I believe you did it for your duty and what was right. You are so good at this, protecting and doing things for the greater good. You always work for the bigger picture. Just please, please do not lose yourself to it. I am not meant to outlive you.”
Obi-Wan exhaled, practically melting into him. “I will do my best, master. I want you to be able to travel to worlds again without the threat of a galactic war. I know you miss the travel.”
“I know. And when this is over, we will go to a beautiful system, something with waterfalls and trees and wildlife. To meditate and eat new food. See the living force in all things. A long and well-deserved vacation. Together.”
Obi-Wan hummed as he smiled against his old master. “I’d like that.”
“You can even let your men tag along if they want. Force knows I would never be able to stop them.”
Obi-Wan laughed, quiet and stifled. “I think I can probably narrow it down to Ghost Company.”
Qui-Gon grinned. “Those men are protective and a bit terrifying.”
“They do keep up with me.”
“Ah, to be young and able to keep up with the Republic’s best high general,” he added, wistfully. How he wished he could still do that; what he wouldn’t give to be able to have his padawan’s back once more. It was difficult trusting others – even ones as capable as Commander Cody and the 212th – to protect Obi-Wan. “I suppose they are a worthy replacement for me.” The two had leaned back, sitting in the grass but Qui-Gon did keep his grasp on Obi-Wan’s arms.
“They’d be honored to hear that, I imagine,” he smiled shyly.
“I hear a few are bragging about being your favorites.”
“Waxer and Boil.”
Qui-Gon grinned triumphantly as Obi-Wan blushed, just a bit, caught in the phrase. “So, they are?”
“They are two of my best,” Obi-Wan admitted and chuckled watching as Qui-Gon’s thumbs rubbed circles on his arms. “You and Waxer would get along, I think.”
Qui-Gon didn’t doubt it. If anyone knew him, it was his former padawan. “I believe you.”
“I imagine you haven’t eaten or slept in quite some time.”
The change of subject nearly caught him off guard. “Hmmm.”
“Let’s go get something to eat. I have to tell Dex I’m alive, anyways,” Obi-Wan explained with a lopsided smile. “He has probably seen it on the news, but I figured I should tell him in person. And you know, get some food too.”
“I would like to see that. He may crush your ribs, hugging you.”
“Perhaps,” Obi-Wan laughed again. “But quite worth it. And then, afterwards, you will be sleeping.”
“I’ve been spending most time at your apartment,” Qui-Gon admitted. Obi-Wan just nodded.
“That’s fine. I don’t really sleep well in beds as of late. I’ll as the quartermaster for a field cot.”
“How is Anakin faring?” Qui-Gon changed the subject as Obi-Wan helped him to his feet. The younger man frowned but kept his footing.
“Not well, I fear,” he hummed. “He is rather cross with me and the Council.”
“But surely he was happy to discover you alive.”
Obi-Wan hesitated.
“I’m sure he is…but uh…he hasn’t behaved that way.”
“I’m sorry, Obi-Wan. He will come around. It is unwise not to be grateful for you coming back to us.” Qui-Gon nearly rolled his eyes. Anakin was being foolish and taking this all too personally. Being upset that Obi-Wan died, he could understand. He could even understand being upset that Obi-Wan didn’t tell him (even though Qui-Gon completely understood why Obi-Wan didn’t; Anakin had plenty difficulty controlling his emotions and reactions) but to not show such happiness knowing he is alive? That was ridiculous. What Qui-Gon wouldn’t give to find any of his loved ones alive again.
Obi-Wan’s gaze softened. “Thank you master.”
Qui-Gon linked his arm with his former padawan, this boy that he loved so much, and walked with him through the temple and towards their favorite diner. “Of course, padawan-mine. But for now, we will go buy some good food from good friends and keep everything away until tomorrow. They can wait.”
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morganas-pendragons · 5 years ago
When You’re Gone | Cody
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I was blasting Queen last night and the line, “How do you think we’re gonna get along without you when you’re gone?” hit me like a ton of bricks and BEHOLD that where this angst train came from. This deals with an OLDER padawan reader - Obi-Wan’s padawan reader - who is the one to help the 212th cope with the loss of their General circa the Rako Hardeen arc. 
I read a fic in which Cody had to do it alone and um... no. We’re gonna change that. And if any of you believe that 
if you’d like to be tagged in all clone fic please let me know 
Irrevocably numb. 
It had taken a remarkable amount of composure on your part to keep a facade of peace whenever The Jedi Council had told you that Master Obi-Wan had been murdered in the lower sections of Coruscant. Ahsoka Tano had been the one to hold his body after he’d fallen from the roof with a blaster shot burned into his torso. 
Anakin Skywalker has not said one word since you stood with him and his Padawan at the funeral. You have no desire to speak either. You just want to sink into the darkness of loss and despair and never bring yourself out of it. You want to hide. 
Master Obi-Wan would’ve told you to be strong. He would’ve told you to release your emotions, your anger and your guilt and your shame, into The Force. Because that’s what good Jedi were supposed to do. 
Too bad Master Obi-Wan isn’t here to tell you otherwise. 
So instead of being a good Jedi, you are swathed in shadow and perched on your meditation mat, unable to sink deep into The Force because of your anger at the fact that it had let one of its most devout be slaughtered. That it had let Obi-Wan Kenobi die. 
So hiding you were. From The Jedi, from Anakin and Ahsoka, from yourself - or at least that’s exactly what you were planning on doing until your communicator went off. 
  “I don’t know who this is, but I’d really prefer to not be bothered right now-” You cut in sharply, brow furrowed in irritation as you adjusted your position on the meditation mat. 
Your will crumbles at the sound of the familiar voice. That was Rex. Rex was calling you. 
Captain Rex shuffled awkwardly on his feet as he stood flanked by Wooley and Boil outside the door that lead into the 212th barracks. The 212th had only just gotten back from a mission off-planet, their first one without General Kenobi at the head of the Battalion. It hadn’t gone.. well, to say the least. 
  “Commander,” Rex said quietly. “I know you’re not wanting to talk, at the moment. I understand that. However-” 
  “C’mon Captain.” You muse lightly, trying to keep your tone light to hide the very obvious anger and grief that was plaguing you. “You’ve never been one to hide from words before. What’s going on?” 
  “The 212th has just made planet-fall back from their first mission without-” Your entire body stiffens at the very obvious pause. “And without you. Alot of the men are beside themselves because they didn’t hear the news first, and they weren’t able to come to the funeral The Jedi held in the Temple. They don’t feel safe there.” 
Boil and Wooley nod their agreement. 
  “We were going about our normal business whenever the 212th got back to the barracks, but Cody locked himself in his Commander’s quarters.” Wooley interjected. “We can’t get him to come out, Commander. We need-” All three clones looked at one another. “We need you.” 
The clones would’ve been oblivious if they hadn’t noticed their vode and his very obvious affection for their young Jedi Commander of the 212th Attack Battalion. You had been assigned to Obi-Wan Kenobi at the same time that Ahsoka had been assigned to Anakin Skywalker, which meant that you often spent alot of time with the young Togruta. She had been the one initially to notice how much Cody paid attention to you, how he valued your opinion despite your age and how you embraced his brothers instead of turning them away. 
Cody was fond of you. He was very fond of you, and what he needs right now is someone familiar. Someone he knows cares about his feelings and his heart, someone who could guide him through his grief. 
You hesitate with your arm still poised towards your mouth. You really didn’t want to leave your quarters, but the clones were your family - Cody was your.. something - and if he needs you, you’d be there. You’d be there to do what Obi-Wan couldn’t. 
  “I’ll be there in half an hour.” Rex breathes a sigh of relief. “And Rex?” 
  “Thank you.” 
Half an hour later, as promised, you are breezing through the barracks of the GAR until you find Wooley and Crys sitting outside what you assumed was the door to Cody’s quarters. 
You opened your mouth to call out to them but found yourself stunned as a wave of pure suffering hits you so hard that you’re forced to double over, hands braced against your knees. 
  “It’s okay, Commander.” A gentle voice quietly encouraged you as hands hesitate to rest on your own. You’d seen in previous experiences how much the clones thrived on touch as they had been bred in individual growth tanks since birth. “It’s okay, we feel it too. It’s suffocating.” 
You lift your eyes to meet Crys’ across from you. There was a point in time where the clones had not known how to grieve, how to embrace the feelings that made them human. That had changed for most of the 212th when Obi-Wan had become High General and you’d taken Command. The two of you had worked closely together to give the clones closure and security in a time where they really had none. 
  “Crys-” You gasp between ragged breaths. “Where-Where is that coming from?” 
He points in the direction of Cody’s quarters. You quietly thank the clone and murmur your condolence in Mando’a - Kenobi had basically forced you to learn the language of the Clones as he was fluent in everything - and move towards the door. Wooley and Crys watch you kneel before it and place your palm against the durasteel. 
How you’re going to get through to the grieving man on the other side, you have no idea. That didn’t mean you weren’t going to try. 
You’d do anything. You’d try anything because Cody was worth it. 
  “Cody.” Silence. “I can feel it, y’know. I can feel your guilt and your suffering even through this door. I can feel it.. and it hurts me.” You rest your head against the doorway. “I wasn’t going to come. I wasn’t going to come because I didn’t feel like I was going to be enough for you. I don’t feel like I’m enough for anybody. I can’t-” You bite your lower lip so hard that you taste blood, and that’s when the tears build in your eyes, tears that have you curling your fingers against the door and turning your head away. “I can’t even protect my own Master, Cody. If I can’t protect Obi-Wan-” 
I can’t protect you. 
The other clones must have felt it necessary for you to be alone during this one sided conversation, which left you alone in the barracks hallway. Most of them who were planetfall were engrossed in their side hobbies they took part in whenever they weren’t on the battlefield. They kept themselves busy. That mean less prying eyes for what you were about to do next. 
  “I’m coming in, cyare.” You murmur the endearment low enough for only yourself to hear, fearful of the inevitable rejection on his part as the GAR had strict regulations about long standing relationships within the army itself. It was strictly prohibited. And you are a Jedi, you can’t just.. fall in love. 
You curl your fingers and slowly twist your wrist to the right until you hear the click of the lock and slowly step inside. 
Your stomach drops at the sight in front of you. All the blood drains from your face and you freeze because this is so not Cody.. this is a Cody who is angry and shameful because he hadn’t been there to do his job - protecting his General - and he hadn’t even been allowed to mourn the man who’d taught him to be human. 
The man who’d told him to embrace the desires of his heart that he was terrified to admit. Because clones - people bred for war - were so rarely privileged to be happy. 
What you were currently looking at was not happiness. It was suffering. 
The majority of the room is in shambles. The bed that the GAR had been gracious enough to give to their Commanders was tossed against the wall. The blacks that he keeps in stock are scattered across the floor, and his armor which is usually meticulously polished by now is in ruins. The paint is chipped and you wonder if he purposefully scrubbed off the clear adhesive they use to keep it fresh throughout battle so that way he didn’t have to look at the names he had on the pauldrons and his forearms. The names of his fallen vode. Of his fallen General.
Your usually stoic commander is sitting in the middle of the floor surrounded by pieces of his livelihood, arms wound around his knees and head buried in his chest. He looks.. well.. small. Your heart aches at the sight because for all the things that Cody has proven himself to be, you often overlook his brokenness for the things that make him more beautiful. 
Heartbreak kills, as does bitterness, as does suffering. That’s the only part of the Jedi Code you’d ever agreed with. 
  “Cody,” His name comes on a choked gasp as you slowly move into the center of the room, afraid to touch him for fear he’ll lash out. You have to talk though. If you bask in the silence you’ll start thinking about your Master and his funeral and how Cody hadn’t been there. “It’s me. It’s me.” Cyar’ika lingers on your tongue, but you bite it back. “Look at me, Cody.” 
Nothing. You say it a little more firmly, pouring more Force into your words for a minor Force suggestion to break through his impenetrable mental shields. 
  “Look at me, Cody.” 
You are stunned whenever he lifts his eyes to meet yours. He looks so defeated - red rimmed eyes and stuttering breaths - as he looks back at you. Cody looks like a ghost, and the thought of losing him so soon after Obi-Wan is absolutely terrifying. “C-Commander.” He speaks roughly, running his hands over his face which shifts right back into the professional mask you so often see him wearing on The Negotiator. “Did you need something?” 
Kneeling to the ground, you slowly move forward until you’re touching each other, and you unwind his arms from around his legs to settle yourself between them. He looks up at you - eyes vulnerable and wide - as you exhale slowly through your nose and lift your hands to cup his face. His breath catches because he’s dreamt about this so many times and never in his wildest fantasies did he think he’d be able to have it. 
Your thumb runs back and forth across the taut muscle in his jaw until it loosens beneath your touch. You gently push on his mind, careful not to scare him, whispering let me in until he succumbs and throws all his shields down. You’re met with a flurry of images. Most of them are the veterans of the 212th being given the news by a non-Jedi General, Cody and Wooley and Boil reeling back at the words because no, that is not true - not after they’d just endured Umbara and lost so many brothers. You see him on the last mission he’d just come back from. He’s careless and cold and their casualty rates are astronomical, and you see his return and the way he shoves everything back as far as it’ll go because if he does that, he doesn’t have to deal with it. 
  “Cody.” You whisper. Your hands have not left his face, and you’re close enough now that you can look down and see the specks of color in the depths of onyx eyes that look back up at you. He’s hurting, you’re hurting, and this is not the time to allow your heart to rule your actions. 
He tries to say your name, and he fails. He fails and it comes out on a gasp and the minute you murmur i’m here for you everything within him that he’s tried so hard to keep together comes crumbling down and he pulls you into his arms, and Cody cries. 
It’s not the first time you’ve seen him cry. You’d been there that night on Umbara when Waxer had died and you’d been there to comfort him in the midst of mourning his brothers who had been turned against one another. That night had somehow ended up with the two of you in the same bunk with the best sleep you’d had since the war had started. Warm and safe in the arms of your Commander, who when you woke up the next morning was so close to you that you could’ve kissed him awake. 
You’d also never spoke about it again. 
Gentle hands run up and down his back over his blacks as you wind your legs around his waist, ignorant of the lack of space between both your bodies as he fists your robes in his hands and buries his face in your neck. The Force resounds with the pain you’re both in, but it also hums with pleasure at drawing two people who desperately need each other together. 
The Jedi may not agree with attachment, but that doesn’t mean The Force disagrees. 
  “Ner jetiise.” His voice is hot against your ear as the Mando’a rolls easily off his tongue, and you try to the best of your ability not to let the fact he said my startle you. Cody’s face is hot and stained in tears, but his hands curl around your hips and you very slowly pull yourself away to meet his gaze. There’s something deeper there. Something you’d been looking for that was now on the surface. Wanting. 
  “Cyar’ika.” You murmur. “We’re both-We’re both hurting-” 
His hands travel up your sides until they’re tangled in your hair. “But-” Cody pleads quietly. “Your soul makes my hurt turn into.. into..” He struggles for a word, it’s right there on the tip of his tongue- “Joy. You make me happy. The happiest I think I’ve ever been, honestly.” Cody pauses. “The General would want this-He’d want us to be happy, right?” 
With Anakin being married to Padme (Obi-Wan liked to act like he didn't know this, which made the entire thing ten times funnier) you didn’t think he’d mind if you were in a relationship with the Commander. He’d want you to be happy, to grieve and to heal and to get stronger together, so that’s what you were gonna do. 
  “Cody.” Your voice is warmer, lighter. Cody thinks it has something to do with the fact that you’ve just accepted the very thing you’ve been denying since you were taken in as a Jedi. “I have a question.” 
  “Do you want me?” 
He nods without hesitation. “I have never wanted anything more, but-” Cody pauses and closes his eyes to control his breathing - in and out, in and out - before turning gaze back to you. “I don’t want to mess this up. Not this, not you.” 
“If we’re going to mess up, we’ll do it together. We’ll be messes together.” Your fingers grip his cheeks lightly enough that you know you have his attention. “We’ll take back planets held by The Seppies together, we’ll make The Republic better together with your other vode in the 212th. We’ll do it for Obi-Wan. Yeah? 
You sound so confident about it that he can’t find it in him to disagree. 
“Good. Now do me a favor, al’verde, and kiss me.” His eyes follow the way your tongue darts out to wet your lips, and before he can stop himself, Marshal Commander CC-2224  - Cody - is kissing a Jedi. His Jedi. The one who makes him embrace his humanity, the one who shows him the love he desires and the one who’d follow him to the ends of every planet, every battlefield, every galaxy. 
By the time you force yourself away from Cody, the two of you are beaming and in a fit of breathless laughter whenever Jesse and Rex come to a stop right in front of the door which is now wide open, and his vode start shrieking like children and Jesse takes off down the hall yelling, “Kix, you owe me 100 credits!” 
You don’t have the heart to scold him for allowing the 501st to join with the 212th on the endless amount of bets they'd made concerning the two of you. You have a breathless, beaming clone in your arms who is shining so brightly with joy through The Force that you don’t think you’ve ever seen a more beautiful sight. You may hurt, and you may bleed, but Cody wants you. You with all your broken pieces and your heartbreak and your insecurity about the kind of Jedi you’ll be. 
He wants you. 
And you don’t think you’ve ever wanted anything more then him in your twenty some years of life. 
When Obi-Wan magically appears less then two weeks later, hell is unleashed. The 212th is furious, your Commander even more furious, and you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to look him in the eye again because he lied to you. That’s a story for another time. It’s just one chapter in the endless book of The Clone Wars. 
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