#I don’t mean the performances tho this cast always brings everything they got
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imogenkol · 8 days ago
man I really wanted to like born again but I am just not feeling it 😭
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dinosaurtsukki · 5 years ago
haikyuu!! characters and their fave musicals
pretty much an hc’s for funsies type of thing. which characters are absolute nerds for musicals and which ones couldn’t care less? i know not everyone likes musicals but if this is your thing, feel free to read! 
Hinata: he’s one of those people who watched Shrek the Musical unironically and ended up getting really hooked on it but no way is he going to tell anyone
Kageyama: thinks that the Shrek trilogy are counted as movie musicals because ‘the characters sing and everything’. will fall asleep in a theatre so don’t bring him you’ll be disappointed
Tsukishima: loves Avenue Q and The Producers because the humor is right up his alley. also has tASTE and his fave is probs something like Hadestown because it is the best musical. loves to break down the lyrics and listens to an album non-stop when he’s obsessed
Yamaguchi: he tried to watch Grease but ended up throwing popcorn at the tv-screen because of the blatant sexism. yams is not About That. gets his recommendations from Tsukki and has never looked back
Tanaka: likes anything with awesome choreography and really cool special-effects like Hamilton or Be More Chill. when you ask him about the story though he’s like ???
Noya: doesn’t get the concept of musicals. ‘she’s singing about the guy but he’s right there??? doesn’t he hear everything????’ ‘WHY ARE THEY SINGING JUST FIGHT ALREADY’
Ennoshita: also has Taste. watches pretty much anything and loves to keep track of new productions and new casting. if you ask him about his favorite musical he’ll probably specifically mention the cast and where it was performed
Asahi: y’all are gonna hate me y’all are gonna hate me but JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR haha jk. one hundred percent a Dear Evan Hansen kinda guy because he relates to the main guy’s personality. has waving through a window on repeat
Sugawara: LOVES the classics: Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon. knows every song and movement by heart. sings them everywhere. would not listen to anything else. also Moulin Rouge because he’s one Classy Bitch
Daichi: appreciates any good musical recommended to him but the kind of person who presses ‘shuffle’ when listening to the recording and all the fans around him die inside. does this more than once just for that reaction
Kiyoko: loves anything with awesome female roles, particularly Legally Blonde and Six the Musical. raises an eyebrow at you if you say you like Grease and you land on her list of people she would barely talk to
 Yachi: practically raised on disney movie musicals. loves to watch and re-watch videos from Broadway Princess Party a lot. is basically a disney princess herself and loves to put some songs on when she cleans the house. 
Kuroo: one of those people who got really into Hamilton back in the day. would sing the vocals, the back-up vocals, the chorus parts, and hum the intros. says he’s a musical fan but that’s the only one he’s watched/listened to.
Kenma: someone recommended Be More Chill to him (probably tsukki) and he ended up actually liking it. once in a while you’ll hear him humming ‘christiiiiIIiine’ under his breath. likes to listen to michael in the bathroom at 2 am
Yaku:  hates musicals ever since Nekoma had a movie night and then decided to watch Lion King and lev dead-ass lifted him up over his head like what rafiki did to simba in That Scene. 
Lev: another one who likes disney musicals but like, the basic ones (frozen, tangled, beauty and the beast). mostly because they’re his sister’s favorites tho. has more than once did the whole ‘do you want to build a snowman’ thing with alisa and probably his teammates
Oikawa: thinks that liking Heathers makes him edgy it doesn’t. practically paid hanamaki and matsukawa to sing Candy Store with him and using iwa as veronica. absolutely vibes to the Mean Girls musical
Iwaizumi: a hard High School Musical stan, now and forever. thinks that Ryan and Chad are definitely gay. one time oikawa was giving them a pep talk and said ‘what team?’ and iwa yelled ‘WILDCATS’ and then everybody looked at him because they KNEW they KNEW HE NEVER GOT OVER THAT PHASE-- 
Matsukawa: Cats. The Movie.* wrote a long-ass thread on twitter about why the female cats should be given six boob and tagged Tom Hooper. was blocked.
Hanamaki: *see above. probably had his sexual awakening when he saw Idris Elba as a sexy cat. there’s nothing gendered about a sexy cat
Kyoutani: likes the leather jacket aesthetic in Grease. looked up the lyrics to ‘Greased Lightning’ once and shut off his laptop when he saw the innuendos. may have tried to replicate the choreography at one point but fell off a table
Yahaba: a romantic at heart. has a copy of the West Side Story DvD and loves to sing ‘Maria’ and ‘One Hand, One Heart.’ he and Oikawa love to duet ‘I Feel Pretty.’ also tried to copy the choreography and sUCCEEDED
Ushijima: you’ve taken him to see an array of musicals, from the much-loved classics to the inventive modern musicals. every time, you glance at him hoping for any reaction. he always leaves the theater saying ‘it was good.’ only one musical has managed to make him crack a smile: The Muppets (the movie ver.)
Tendou: another boy with Quality Taste. is a hardcore stan of any musical by Team Starkid (also loves that they’re all on Youtube). makes so many references to them but nobody else understands. will yell ‘TIGERFUCKER TIGERFUCKER’ out of the blue
Shirabu: thinks that La La Land is Peak Taste. got angry when tendou showed him a video of ryan gosling scenes in the movie but it’s all replaced by barry, the bee from Bee Movie. now La La Land is ruined because he keeps on remembering ‘you like jazz?’ in barry’s voice 
Semi: tells you that he just doesn’t watch musicals but he secretly had such a Les Miz phase. writes enjolras x reader fanfics and his longest one was 200k words. if he hears anything that vaguely sounds like ‘do you hear the people sing’, a tear will fall out of the corner of his eye
Goshiki: was looking for slime tutorials one and stumbled on ‘not hamilton just a 2 hr slime tutorial’ y’all kno what i’m talking about and watched the whole thing. was disappointed that there weren’t any slimes but is now into hamilton
Akaashi: knows and understands the peak performance quality and biblical philosophy of Jesus Christ Superstar. doesn’t tell anyone about it though because they all assume its all church music. ‘it’s not’, he sobs. ‘it’s more.’
Bokuto: akaashi recommended Jesus Christ Superstar to him and he watched it, thinking that he’d see jesus playing an electric guitar. he was very disappointed and sulked about it for a week. LOVES disney musicals though
Atsumu: was one of those kids who would look up the Harry Potter Puppet Pals videos on youtube and stumbled in to A Very Potter Musical. ever since jk rowling’s snake side came out he began accepting that fan musical as canon. likes to piss rowling off by posting screenshots of the musical and saying its from the movie
Osamu: the Disney fan but with Quality Taste. loves Hunchback of Notre Dame, Princess and the Frog, Prince of Egypt, and Anastasia (the last two aren’t disney but animated musicals). cries at the sound of Phil Collins’ sultry voice. 
Kita: is in love with Phantom of the Opera because his grandmother loves listening to it. he’d sing THE ENTIRE SOUNDTRACK pretty much every day until his teammates catch him singing in the locker rooms while they were changing AND NAILING ALL OF CHRISTINE’S HIGH NOTES LIKE ITS NOTHING
Terushima: doesn’t like musicals so his friend recommended that he watch The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals by Team Starkid because of the crackhead humor. watched Robert Manion perform and ending up going on google and searching ‘does watching men move their hips real nice make me bi?’
Koganegawa:  y’all are gonna be surprised but this one’s a hardcore Wicked fan. has watched all of the different castings of it. he loves to imitate Elphaba’s iconic ‘FIEEEEROOOOOOO’ line in the showers and records it, just to see if he’s close to how it sounds onstage. has Idina Menzel’s autograph
Futakuchi: bitch does nothing but roast everyone else’s musical tastes. hamilton? ‘wow, mainstream much?’ dear evan hansen? ‘psshh, basic.’ be more chill? ‘think you’re edgy or something?’ the greatest show? ‘what are you? five?’ his favorite musical is actually Cats
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ectonurites · 4 years ago
for the character headcannons ask game, jason and cass?
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT im putting this one under a cut because it got SUPER long bc i cant shut up ever
lets start w jason
A (realistic headcanon): 
ok using the ‘realistic’ category here loosely but GOD i love the idea of Damian & Jason having interacted while Jason was staying with the League before getting dunked in the Lazarus Pit. like. this obviously would need to be set more in preboot and following the Lost Days & Batman Annual 25 version of Jason’s resurrection, but god the idea of it just makes me scream in a good way. Like... these are things Jason likely doesn’t remember very clearly once he’s brought back to life more fully by the pit because he was uh pretty catatonic, but Damian being a little kid and knowing about the boy that his mother keeps around the base, that she’s trying to help bring back to health. Damian not even knowing that’s his big brother, just that he’s a presence that shares his mother’s attention. Jason again being unresponsive but like, ok god you know that part of lost days where Talia shows the others observing him that he only fights back at those he perceives as genuine threats trying to hurt him, 
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Because Jason can perceive that she’s safe, she’s not actually trying to hurt him, he trusts her because she saved him? thinking about lil child Damian who is ya know already being trained in fighting stuff and like the idea of him trying to provoke Jason just to see what happens but Jason not fighting back because on some level be it his connection to Talia or even little baby Damian visually reminding him of Bruce, he knows that Damian is safe too 🥺 
and then when Jason and Damian meet again in Gotham as Red Hood & Robin respectively, Jason not really remembering because there was so much going on back then for him, but Damian realizing that oh... that was Him
B (hilarious): 
alright so if we are looking at comics currently, in modern stuff jason is what, like 22? hes old enough to drink in the US but still definitely early 20s so around my around my age, thats what im using as a basis here. if we adjust timeline and still consider his death having happened when he was 15, that puts it around 2013. and then coming back to like interacting with people about three years later if we still kinda base things off of the preboot timeframe (since we never got a super solid retelling of the timeline of death -> resurrection -> training -> tries to get revenge aside from knowing he went to the all-caste instead of the lost days version of the story) making him reenter the regular world and stuff around age 18 in 2016. meaning a solid three years of pop culture that he was entirely missing, and like im sorry but he really doesn’t strike me as the type to bother looking into what he missed, he’s kinda busy focusing on other stuff. lets take a quick look at some major things from those years. 2013 gave us ‘what does the fox say’ and ‘the harlem shake’ . 2014 had that time U2 just put a fuckin album on everyone’s phones, The Fault In Our Stars movie came out. 2015 introduced the phrase ‘Netflix and Chill’ and the whole blue & black vs gold & white dress debate happened. imagine any of the other batkids (or even arguably roy during rhato stuff) bringing these things up and jason’s ensuing confusion. thank you for your time
C (heart-crushing): 
so. there are two specific instances from rebirth era Jason i want to bring up here and much like a lot of these it’s less a headcanon and more of an inference based on observations, but i wanna take a sec to discuss Jason’s relationship with other people’s death. early in rebirth, Tim ‘dies’ from that whole thing in detective comics. he didn’t actually die, we as readers know, but in-universe they all very much so thought he was dead. frustratingly a lot of the batfam wasn’t really shown mourning him aside from in the Detective Comics Rebirth title itself (which just. when a major character dies even if its temporary- that should have a ripple effect) BUT an exception to that is in RHATO 2016, where we get this offhanded comment in Jason’s internal monologuing
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similarly later when Roy, who like, had an incredibly close relationship w Jason that had just gotten mended before Heroes in Crisis, gets fuckin murdered in that whole thing... Jason doesn’t go to his funeral either. He leaves a dramatic voice mail and then visits the grave on his own later, choosing to instead keep working on the mission they’d started rather than going and taking the time to mourn properly.
Jason’s relationship with death is incredibly complicated, obviously. He has died, he has come back, and he now is willing to cross the line most other bats won’t and will kill people when he deems it necessary. I think thats something important though- he doesn’t just like... go around killing for fun (usually, some writers preboot made him a little murder happy but even then usually this still was vaguely followed) he kills people he thinks deserved it. Like, even looking back at the mess of Morrison’s Jason during Batman & Robin 2009, Jason was still trying to bring a sense of justice with who he was killing (”punishment that fits the crime”), it wasn’t killing for the sake of killing. He sees things in this kind of almost black and white ‘people who deserve it’ and ‘people who don’t’ way, and he has no problem dealing with death when it’s with the people he thinks deserve it. 
but when someone who doesn’t in his mind ‘deserve it’ gets killed? i think he just goes into total avoidance mode. throws himself into other things he’s doing, tries not to dwell on it too much no matter how much he still thinks about it (this is especially evident in him consistently telling people “i’m fine!” after what happened to Roy, despite bringing Roy up literally like every few issues for a WHILE after he died and very clearly still struggling with it, Artemis is the only one who gets through to him on it a little bit) 
but yeah, I just think that from Jason’s relatively unique situation of having been murdered, he knows what it’s like and he is perfectly fine wishing that on people he thinks are bad and deserve it, but it crushes him to imagine the people he loves and cares about having to experience something as painful as what he went through. not to mention the whole “I came back, why do I get a second chance at all this when they, who are a much better person than I am, probably won’t” mindset we get some implications of him having 
D (canon is a coward and won’t) 
hello DC i am once again insisting a batfam member is bisexual
A (realistic headcanon): 
ok so we know cass likes ballet. thats canon. however i think we also should in general explore cass experiencing other types of dance/performance as well, be it herself as a performer or even just watching. like... god imagine her & like my brain just automatically for group activities puts her with tim steph and duke but also for this in particular I feel would be a Jason embraced activity, but like them going to see a broadway show or some other professional theatre or something, and her just being enthralled by the reading of body language of the performers! like again by any point in current stuff cass does have like, the ability to speak fine (reading still hard tho) but even so I think like. okay im a theatre kid if that’s not obvious from the Everything About Me but one thing I always do after seeing a show is ya know spend dinner afterwards discussing it with whoever i saw it with.
I just think that like, bringing those people i just mentioned to the table to discuss seeing a show after would be so FASCINATING because cass would bring this whole perspective of critiquing their acting on a whole different level- not based on how well they delivered lines out loud, but by what their body language was saying as they moved on stage. like im very amused by the idea of cass getting a totally different picture in her mind about what a character’s motivations were because she was paying way more attention to what their physicality was saying vs the words that were written and how they were delivered. i think the debates her and the others would have would be EPIC there. jason defending the text as it was written adamantly and cass being like ‘ok yeah sure but thats not what they did’
B (hilarious): 
cass having no concept of money because why would she bother? is SO funny to me. like it’s not that she couldn’t be reasonable if she wanted to, but like, she knows that the Waynes are well off so it’s not something she actually needs to be concerned about, so she just goes hog wild. takes steph out to fancy dinners and makes steph order for them since cass ya know doesn’t really read the menus, and steph’s like ‘jesus christ this costs-” “don’t worry about it” “but cass-” and she just holds up one of bruce’s credit cards and steph’s still like “but you don’t even know the range-” “it is fine”
bruce does not have the heart to tell her to stop
C (heart-crushing): 
i mean this is pretty much canon but especially now after death metal where she’s remembering, not just being told by a guy using weird alternate timeline technology, that she used to be an adopted member of the Wayne family... like that hurts so bad. To look at these people who have ya know been kind to her, Bruce has still been a father-like figure to her (i mean literally from the moment they met in New 52 canon during the flashback in Batman & Robin Eternal, where he’s telling her that she’s not a monster just because of what people forced her to do.... that she’s a hero... that hug.... dad behavior), and they do to some extent treat her as family... But to then really know, to feel and remember that she was actually adopted! She was a part of their family. To look at how she’s been calling herself Orphan while working with them this whole time... that’s so heartbreaking! I have cried about this idea so much! I want so badly a conversation between her and Bruce now where he offers to officially adopt her again, I need it so bad and if it doesn’t happen at some point in the next year or two I will be so distraught.
D (canon is a coward and won’t) 
i want an in-depth exploration of cass’ relationship to her own gender. being raised without language and you know with so much of her life being independent (remember: CASS RAN AWAY AROUND THE WORLD WITHOUT REALLY KNOWING ANY SPOKEN LANGUAGE) and outside of an organized society impressing too much of gender expectations on her, i feel like the way she experiences it would be very unique! like sure she’s so far been fine with being assigned ‘girl’ (ya know that comes with batgirl, and how people just automatically treated her based on how she looks) but in terms of gender expression and like her actual relationship with ‘traditional femininity’ etc like... because of how she was raised I just think she’d have a really different perspective on it that could be cool to explore, and I think she’d fall outside of the binary after she really thinks about how she identifies.
tldr on that: she/they nb cass is what i’m getting at here
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gaylotusthatexists · 5 years ago
pairing: logicality, background roceit
summary: A collection of letters from Patton to Logan, no responses.
trigger warnings: it gets a little dark towards the end, mentions of therapy, ambiguous/kinda sad ending
word count: 1175
a/n: aaa ok it hasn’t been long since i posted the last fic b u t here is today’s pride prompt! today’s prompt was letters :) and this was. fun to write, but d a m n my mind went some places when writing this and i’m sorry haha. hope y’all enjoy tho ^^
Dear Logan,
I miss you so much!
I know it‘s only been a week, but I think I might be going slightly insane without you. I was with Virgil the other day and he feels the same way - both of us can’t wait for you to get back! I know you’re out here doing important work and I support you, but it sucks you not being here.
I really hope you’re doing well though! It must be difficult, stuck out in the middle of nowhere doing your research. I’m so proud of you! We all are, of course, but me especially!
I know you said you may not have time to be writing all the time, but I really hope you get to chance to at least reply to some of the letters I send you. I’m going to try to send at least one every week, just like I promised, but even if you can’t do that, I hope you can send some kind of response. Even just a postcard! Or, well, I guess there aren’t exactly any postcards in the middle of a rainforest, but a photo would maybe be nice? Do you have a camera with you? I noticed you forgot to take your phone - or maybe you couldn’t bring it with you, that would make sense as well.
Anyhoo, I love you so much Logan! I cannot wait for your return!
Lots of love,
Dear Logan,
It’s been a month now, has it? I haven’t received any letters back from you, but maybe they just haven’t reached me yet. Or maybe you can’t send them from where you are - that’s okay too! I just hope that these letters are reaching you.
Virgil was upset yesterday. He said that he was worried about you, because you hadn’t been responding to any of his letters either. I told Virgil not to worry, because you’re super brave and tough and would never let yourself get into any kind of trouble! I know you’re doing just fine out there, I bet things are going brilliantly! Anyway, Virgil felt a little better after we made some cookies together - I found a new recipe, by the way, you’ll have to try them when you get back home!
Roman asked me to say hello to you as well! He’s been pretty busy lately, since that show he got casted in started performing a couple weeks ago. I know you aren’t a massive fan of musicals, but I booked us two tickets for when you return, it would mean a lot to Roman if we both went to support him, and I’d certainly like to spend some quality time with you. He said that he misses making fun of you, and I told him to not be mean, but he just laughed and said that you could take it. Apparently it’s just a joke between the two of you - I don’t really get that, being mean is still being mean even if it’s just for a laugh, but I didn’t want to argue. If he’s wrong, though, let me know, I’ll tell him!
Well, I just want to let you know that I still love you, as always, and am anxiously waiting your return. Hopefully you’ll be back in time for Roman’s performance - we still have a month left, although you didn’t specify when you’d be returning. You can’t be that long, though, right? It’s fine, either way. I’m so proud of you, Logan!
Lots of love,
Dear Logan,
I went to see Roman’s performance last night. In all honestly, I couldn’t help but feel a little sad that you weren’t there, but I know your work is important! Maybe we can go see it when you get back - it’s still playing for a few more months, we have plenty of time! Virgil came along with me, anyway, and he enjoyed it just as much, even though he isn’t a massive fan of crowds.
I still haven’t received any letters from you. I don’t know if they just haven’t arrived in the mail yet, but... I don’t know. Virgil is even more worried, now, thinking that something bad has happened to you. But I know you’re just fine! If something really bad had happened, we would have heard, wouldn’t we? Yeah, you’re just fine. Maybe it’s my letters that aren’t reaching you? It must be difficult to deliver a letter all the way to where you are.
Things are going alright with me, at least. It’s difficult not having you around the house and all, but I’m still keeping on top of all my work and household chores and everything! I started volunteering at this animal shelter, the dogs there are so cute! Still working at the school though - it’s almost summer, you know? The kids are all so excited about the summer holidays. I think when the holidays begin I might look for a part time job, there’s a café opening soon who needs someone to work weekends.
I hope that you’ll come back soon, though. Summer will be so lonely without you here! I know I have Virgil and Roman and everyone - did I tell you that Roman has a new boyfriend? His name is Janus, he’s also in Roman’s show. They’re so cute together! We’ve been telling Janus all about you, he can’t wait to finally meet you!
Anyway, as always, I love you, and hope you are doing well. I’m proud of you!
Love, Patton
It’s been... It’s been quite a few months now, right? You still haven’t responded to any of my letters. I’m scared worried.
It’s been lonely, without you here. It’s summer now. I did get that part time job in the café, but had to quit the shelter. Don’t really have enough energy to keep that up.
It’s been really difficult recently to convince myself of doing anything. I miss you so, so much.
I started seeing this guy - Dr Picani, he’s a therapist. Not because there’s anything wrong with me! Seriously, I’m doing just fine, just... it’s just having someone to talk to, y’know? Virgil and Roman both get a little bored of me talking about you after a while, or just shut me down whenever I bring it up. Besides, Virgil was beginning to get worried about me, apparently, and Virgil recommended Emile Dr Picani to me. Said he was really good :) and he has been, so far.
I miss you. Please come back soon.
I think it’s been a while since my last letter. It’s really, really difficult to find the energy to write these days. Especially knowing you probably won’t reply.
There isn’t really anything to report. Nothing’s been happening in my life recently. I quit the job at the café too. Mostly just want to sleep.
I just wanted to say that I love you, again. And forever. I’ll always love you, Logan. I have to keep holding on to that fact.
I miss you. Please, please come back.
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escarlatafox · 5 years ago
whispers for the 'send you a series' meme, i'm tempted to just be Unoriginal and say kung fu panda, but if you'd rather something else, i'm seeing a lot of steven universe around here jfjfiea
Masha ily. You know that, right? :D
Kung Fu Panda:
Favourite character: Who else but Shifu? XD
Second favourite character: It might actually be Po
Least favourite character: Hard to think of a least favourite character. If we ONLY count the main cast + the villains in the movies and exclude any other minor characters, then I’d say Kai maybe? Just wasn’t as impactful to me as the other characters/villains. Or if we include minor characters I might say the hugging panda from the third movie because the gag and his character didn’t really add much. Also, I’ve already spoken about this in the past, possibly more than once, but back when I was a child upon watching the first movie, my answer to this question would actually be Ping. Suffice it to say, my opinion on him changed a LOT. XD
The character I’m most like: Maybe I am like Po in some ways. At my core, I’m a fangirl lol. And I like food :O
Favourite pairing: Don’t really have any ships. Crane and the girl from that one short tho. Like idk if I’d want them to get together, maybe not now that I think about it. But it would be nice to see them interact more.
Least favourite pairing: HAH. Let’s just say I really hate what Legends of Awesomeness decided to do with Shifu in the shipping realm and leave it at that. :P
Favourite moment: YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME CHOOSE? There’s no way. I could only list off notable ones. Okay, if we narrow it down to non-Shifu moments, off the top of my head, you obviously have the iconic cannonball scene at the end of kung fu panda 2, and in the THIRD movie I love love love how when Po is in the spirit realm and he says “turns out... I’m all of them” and the music swells and the framing and the scenery is just. so gorgeous . I love. So much. If I sat here thinking too long I’d probably start recapping all the movies SO since I’ve thrown those two out there I’ll cut myself off before I get too out of hand. XD
Rating out of 10: First movie is just 10/10 for me. It’s my favourite movie, not just in the franchise but like, probably ever among movies in general, and just about every moment and scene feels like home when I watch it. The trio of movies I’d then put at probably around 9/10.
Steven Universe:
Favourite character: I can now say with confidence that it is Steven Universe.
The people who liked Steven “before it was cool” certainly have bragging rights, because I was one of those people who failed to find myself among them, as I lacked the foresight, or... future vision for it. :P. At first, in the very early days, I didn’t really care for Steven. It’s often very easy to gloss over a protagonist, and, in my case, not truly appreciate what’s great in a character like early-days Steven, or even Po. Now, Steven and Po are, naturally, quite distinct characters in their distinct franchises but there are certainly parallels that can be drawn, not only in their character but how I initially felt towards them. By asking for both fandoms in the one ask, I feel like you’ve given me the opportunity to speak about this, which has been idly on my mind every so often. XDBoth Steven and Po are the protagonist of the franchise they’re in. They’re both fond of food, they both start out needing training and then develop incredible skills along the way until they become one of, if not the most powerful in the cast. They’re both generally very easygoing, excitable, enthusiastic, FRIENDLY, and generally kind. At the start of their journeys, there’s a lot of focus on how much they’re lacking in skills and abilities, how difficult it is for them to accomplish even the basics. They both gotta Save The World, whether it be more in the sense of the universe as a whole or China.And the thing is I had the same issue with Po as I did with early-days Steven; I didn’t realise how great Po is. I was just a little too dismissive. With time, (and I’m talking around the point where I actually entered the fandom after the second movie was out, so it was mostly kid me who is guilty of not recognising Po’s greatness) I grew to realise just how cool Po is, to truly appreciate his genuine enthusiasm and excitement and also utmost reverence and admiration of kung fu. I simply Expected Po’s character to be less than it was, which is what caused the oversight. But Po is honestly so fantastic and deserves every last bit of love the fandom has to offer him. Also, seeing his potential and him reaching his potential is so damn epic. See: his “turns out, I’m all of them” quote/scene I mentioned earlier.So to bring things back to Steven, whose character arc nonetheless has its VERY stark differences from Po’s, it was around when Steven managed to calm down and stop the cluster that it fully registered in my mind how fantastic and amazing he is and how much I appreciate his character. In fact, it was a little earlier than that. Pretty sure I hadn’t actually started watching the show yet when Sadie’s Song aired, but I was getting all the deets secondhand on my dashboard and I loved what I heard and saw in gifs/pics. A boy who just wants to perform and dance around on stage in heels and a gorgeous outfit to boot (I really liked the thought of trans girl Steven at the time tbh, which was being thrown about on my dashboard back then, though of course that’s not the path the show decided to go down, so he/him it is...!). He had my full support. And THEN when he calmed the cluster down like that... (and I think I was probably watching the show at that point?) I just, loved his incredible talent to reach out to others and HELP them, I loved his magical gem abilities and how he always seemed to be triumphing against the odds, and as the show progressed his feats only started getting more and more impressive. I absolutely noticed how much responsibilities he’d started forcing onto himself, how he was trying to manage everyone and be an adult to all the adults in his life, I was kind of intrigued by how much he was shouldering, and it struck me that he had developed an Atlas Personality long, long before he was ever listed as an example of it on the wikipedia page. I simply adored Steven and his placement in the show and everything.He’s also completely ACING things as usual in the movie too.And then Steven Universe Future hit, and oh boy, that’s a whole other story. Steven truly emerged as the forefront seeing as the focus was now unrelentingly on him and his issues. What initially got me really hooked as well, was the inherent shock and intrigue of seeing a character who would usually always do the right thing, who always seemed to know what was best for everyone, who always seemed to be able to read a situation and understand who needed help and then reaching out and offering them help... not only completely failing to recognise that HE was the source of a given problem (see: the pink dome rapidly closing in), but to actively dig himself deeper by being convinced SOMEONE ELSE was at fault, and whirling around and trying to pin it all on them. Before Steven whirled around to point at Lars, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that he was about to be like “guys, you know what? I think I’m causing this - I think I have some stuff going on” LOL NOPE. And that was only the tip of the ice berg. Steven had nowhere else to go but down, and boy, down did he go until he hit rock bottom, pulled out a shovel and started digging.
Second favourite character: Hard to say. I do know that I am crazy about the zircons (I mean c’mon - lawyers!). I was crazy about Blue Pearl when we first saw her too. My answer might’ve been Aquamarine or even Eyeball if it wasn’t for Steven Universe Future. Seeing more of them just kinda made me go “ok you know what, yeah this isn’t really what I expected and they’re not actually really my thing after all.” I reeeeally don’t know. Steven Universe has such a stellar cast of great characters. Steven Universe Future also kinda threw me off Spinel, but obviously Spinel is A+ as well.
Least favourite character: I don’t really care about Lapis. She just kind of lost appeal as a character to me and I never really understood her I guess. I was also never fond of the diamonds... because you know, discourse, and like, the discourse kind of has a point. But after Steven Universe Future I might invest more in trying to understand their positioning in the show a little more, now with the confirmation that Steven never did actually forgive them. I completely wrote-off White Diamond’s seemingly quick turnaround for the longest time and honestly never bought it and felt it was WAY too easy and rushed/forced. But I came to an internal understanding quite recently and I THINK I finally get what the show meant there so I think I can buy it now and find it believable at last, which is nice. So don’t quote me and don’t crucify me, but I might warm up to the diamonds a Little.
The character I’m most like: omg. There’s so many characters idk who is most like me hahaha
Favourite pairing: Connverse. Connie kissing Steven on the cheek in the movie made me SO pleased, and I can say this is my favourite pairing if only because the prospect of it not working out and instead going up in flames and not actually having a good resolution - which is a threat that felt so very real during Steven Universe Future - was deeply, DEEPLY upsetting to me. Like I didn’t care because I’d been taking it for GRANTED, but the moment anyone suggested, with alarming plausibility that they may split up or whatever, I was immediately on edge like “NO NO NO NO NO”.
Least favourite pairing: Stevinel. Stevidot. Just, any ship with Steven and any of the gems is an instant no from me. D:
Favourite moment: omggg. Again, there are simply way too many, so no answer I give here can or will be definitive. So I’ll simply state my love for when Steven is singing Change and Spinel yeets him in the sky and there’s the stellar animation where he goes “You can make it different... You can make it right! You can make it better! We don’t have to fight!”
Rating out of 10: I’d probably give it a 9/10, if only because, look. There are a LOT of shows out there. There are a lot of pieces of media I’m into and have watched. And Steven Universe is just. It’s good. Even when I like another piece of media MORE than Steven Universe, I can still more than readily acknowledge when/if SU has vastly superior writing. And it usually does. The only thing stopping me from giving it a 10/10 is because for the vast majority of SU’s existence I was mainly only ever a passive watcher/fan and/or got secondhand knowledge (closer to the start of it airing), so it lacks that fundamental closeness to my heart that something like Kung Fu Panda has. (Though I got way more close to it during SUF, as my reblogs can attest to LOL). The other thing stopping it from hitting that 10/10 is there are things I still take issue with, like how the Rose=Pink reveal undermines Pearl’s character (the “rebellion” aspect) and casts an EXTREMELY uncomfortable light on Pearl being in love with Rose. Yes, the show already showed us that Pearl’s obsession with Rose is unhealthy and problematised it. But regardless of how problematised it already was, I’m just not comfortable with a former slave being shown as being in love with their former master at all. What does that add, realistically? There are other valid criticisms that have been pointed out, namely how aspects of the show such as Sugilite’s role in Coach Steven do fail its Black audience. That undercurrent is there and it’s unfortunate.
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smokeybrandreviews · 5 years ago
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: This Is How I Win
I was finally able to sit down and finish watching Uncut Gems. This was a straight battle for me, man. The intensity in this flick can be legit overwhelming so I had to ease into it a few times. I never once doubted it's pedigree, however, as A24 almost always delivers. Every film I've seen come out of that studio so far, has been a straight banger. Now that I have had the time to take in Gems in all it's glory, actually digest what I saw, I wanted to give my thoughts on this heavily buzzed about film. Were  all the accolades worth? Was Sandler as exceptional as everyone said? Does this flick hold up to the sheer volume of praise heaped upon it? This is my addition to that discourse.
The Best
Adam Sandler turns in the best performance of his entire f*cking career. His Howard Ratner is manic, stressed, genius, and absolutely broken. The depth of this character expressed on film is amazing, range I had no idea Sandler was capable of portraying. Of course, I knew he could act, Wedding Singer and Punch Drunk Love showed us all that, but this is a true tour de force. Sandler loses himself in this role and you don't even see him, you only see Ratner and that's f*cking incredible. Watching Ratner's entire life of lies and bullsh*t burn down around him is a joy to watch, all thanks to Sandler's skill.
The Better
I have to tip my hat to the directors, the Safdie Brothers. These cats delivered one hell of a banger with Good Time. That movie single-highhandedly made me pay attention to Robert Pattinson as a proper actor and it was their vision which facilitated that revelation. They pulled it off again with Uncut Gems, giving Kevin Garnett room to basically chew up all of the scenes he was in, letting Julia Fox just seduce every shot she's in, and lending a level of credibility to Idina Menzel that I didn't think she'd be able to capture after all of the Frozen business. These motherf*ckers are dope and they're definitely on my list to keep an eye on.
Every movie begins on the page. That means the story has to be on point and Uncut Gems has one of the best. I'm a sucker for a character study and, while Howard does take point, it's the world around him that is wildly enthralling. The rich detail around Ratner is as vibrant as he is reckless and that's saying something. I can only imagine how incredible reading that script for the first time was for everyone involved. This is the brilliance of the Safdie Brothers on full display once again as they wrote this film, too. Auteur directors, man, they have real vision. Left to their own designs, given the resources necessary, these cats can really create something special.
Lakieth Stansfield turns in another outstanding performance as Howard's assistant, Demany. Dude is a legit talent, one of the best in his generation, and I love him in almost every production he decides to join. He's never bad. He's never boring. He's always a bright spot, even in genuinely bad films like Death Note. He's at his best when he can play off other great performers and Gems is chock full of them.
Idina Menzel surprised the hell out of me as Howard's wife, Dinah Ratner. I only really know her from Frozen but this lady has some real acting chops. Apparently, she was on Glee for a time but most of her catalog lies in theater so I wouldn't know a great deal about her ability but, my goodness, she kills this role. Every interaction she has with Sandler, every time Dinah and Howard speak, there is this viscous undercurrent of abject disgust and quiet cruelty that Menzel just exudes and it's incredible to see.
I just really want to extend my absolute gratitude to the two visionaries that cast this film, Francine Maisler and Jennifer Venditti, for bringing Julia Fox to my attention. Aside from being absolutely, breathtakingly, drop dead, gorgeous, Fox is pure excellence as Howard's side piece, Julia De Fiore. This role? This one that she absolutely killed? This is her first film. Fox has had a rather seasoned life experience and I think she pulls a lot from that ti bring this character to life. And what a life it turned out to be.
The Good
The tension in this film is absolutely palpable. The utter stress drives a line through every single interaction, every single scene, very single aspect for this movie. It never let's you rest. It constantly keeps it's knee on your throat. While I love this aspect of how this story is told, it can be a bit much and  I can totally see it overwhelming people going into this thing unprepared.
I would be remiss if I didn't give proper credit to the casting of this flick. I mentioned it earlier, but Francine Maisler and Jennifer Venditti put together one of the best ensembles in a film. I mean, they got Doc Rivers for a goddamn voice over! That;s incredible to me! The casting in this thing is exceptional. There are no bad performances, at all. Everyone fills their roll perfectly and the chemistry is legitimately combustible.
But the f*cking Weeknd, tho.
This film is gorgeous. Not in the visual sense of, say, a Ridley Scott or Denis Villeneuve but in more of a gritty, metro, flair. The Safdie Brothers have a way of capturing the grime and urban despair of the city. How this thing is shot, is as much a character as any one person in this film.
The sound design in this thing is some of the best I have ever head in film. It adds that extra pop to already loaded scenes. I said it before, but this thing never let's you breathe, never let's to relax, and the underlying audio sharpens everything you see on screen, to a knife sedge.
But that ending, tho.
The Verdict
A24 does it again. This movie is f*cking spectacular. Everything about it is pristine. It's as close to perfect film making as I have ever seen, championed by one hell of a performance from Sandler. You forget that dude is actually a gifted thespian with all of the schlock he makes himself, but under the guidance of an able director and given material that he can actually connect with, Happy Gilmore can be absolutely brilliant. The supporting cast is just as exceptional, as well as the aggressive direction. Uncut Gems feels like young Scorsese. This sh*t is as gritty as Taxi Driver. Uncut Gems feels like young Tarantino. It's every bit as tense as Reservoir Dogs. The script, cinematography, editing, character writing; All of it is exceptional. This is one of the best films of last year and one of the best films I have ever seen, period. It's a crying shame Sandler was snubbed at the Oscars because, seriously, this was, hands down, the best lead performance in any film released last year. I know Joker got the nod and Phoenix was great, but to not even give Sandler a nomination was straight wrong. This movie is tense, visceral, raw, and just plain brilliant. Uncut Gems is worth every bit of your time and deserves all of the praise it's received and more.
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smokeybrand · 5 years ago
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: This Is How I Win
I was finally able to sit down and finish watching Uncut Gems. This was a straight battle for me, man. The intensity in this flick can be legit overwhelming so I had to ease into it a few times. I never once doubted it's pedigree, however, as A24 almost always delivers. Every film I've seen come out of that studio so far, has been a straight banger. Now that I have had the time to take in Gems in all it's glory, actually digest what I saw, I wanted to give my thoughts on this heavily buzzed about film. Were  all the accolades worth? Was Sandler as exceptional as everyone said? Does this flick hold up to the sheer volume of praise heaped upon it? This is my addition to that discourse.
The Best
Adam Sandler turns in the best performance of his entire f*cking career. His Howard Ratner is manic, stressed, genius, and absolutely broken. The depth of this character expressed on film is amazing, range I had no idea Sandler was capable of portraying. Of course, I knew he could act, Wedding Singer and Punch Drunk Love showed us all that, but this is a true tour de force. Sandler loses himself in this role and you don't even see him, you only see Ratner and that's f*cking incredible. Watching Ratner's entire life of lies and bullsh*t burn down around him is a joy to watch, all thanks to Sandler's skill.
The Better
I have to tip my hat to the directors, the Safdie Brothers. These cats delivered one hell of a banger with Good Time. That movie single-highhandedly made me pay attention to Robert Pattinson as a proper actor and it was their vision which facilitated that revelation. They pulled it off again with Uncut Gems, giving Kevin Garnett room to basically chew up all of the scenes he was in, letting Julia Fox just seduce every shot she's in, and lending a level of credibility to Idina Menzel that I didn't think she'd be able to capture after all of the Frozen business. These motherf*ckers are dope and they're definitely on my list to keep an eye on.
Every movie begins on the page. That means the story has to be on point and Uncut Gems has one of the best. I'm a sucker for a character study and, while Howard does take point, it's the world around him that is wildly enthralling. The rich detail around Ratner is as vibrant as he is reckless and that's saying something. I can only imagine how incredible reading that script for the first time was for everyone involved. This is the brilliance of the Safdie Brothers on full display once again as they wrote this film, too. Auteur directors, man, they have real vision. Left to their own designs, given the resources necessary, these cats can really create something special.
Lakieth Stansfield turns in another outstanding performance as Howard's assistant, Demany. Dude is a legit talent, one of the best in his generation, and I love him in almost every production he decides to join. He's never bad. He's never boring. He's always a bright spot, even in genuinely bad films like Death Note. He's at his best when he can play off other great performers and Gems is chock full of them.
Idina Menzel surprised the hell out of me as Howard's wife, Dinah Ratner. I only really know her from Frozen but this lady has some real acting chops. Apparently, she was on Glee for a time but most of her catalog lies in theater so I wouldn't know a great deal about her ability but, my goodness, she kills this role. Every interaction she has with Sandler, every time Dinah and Howard speak, there is this viscous undercurrent of abject disgust and quiet cruelty that Menzel just exudes and it's incredible to see.
I just really want to extend my absolute gratitude to the two visionaries that cast this film, Francine Maisler and Jennifer Venditti, for bringing Julia Fox to my attention. Aside from being absolutely, breathtakingly, drop dead, gorgeous, Fox is pure excellence as Howard's side piece, Julia De Fiore. This role? This one that she absolutely killed? This is her first film. Fox has had a rather seasoned life experience and I think she pulls a lot from that ti bring this character to life. And what a life it turned out to be.
The Good
The tension in this film is absolutely palpable. The utter stress drives a line through every single interaction, every single scene, very single aspect for this movie. It never let's you rest. It constantly keeps it's knee on your throat. While I love this aspect of how this story is told, it can be a bit much and  I can totally see it overwhelming people going into this thing unprepared.
I would be remiss if I didn't give proper credit to the casting of this flick. I mentioned it earlier, but Francine Maisler and Jennifer Venditti put together one of the best ensembles in a film. I mean, they got Doc Rivers for a goddamn voice over! That;s incredible to me! The casting in this thing is exceptional. There are no bad performances, at all. Everyone fills their roll perfectly and the chemistry is legitimately combustible.
But the f*cking Weeknd, tho.
This film is gorgeous. Not in the visual sense of, say, a Ridley Scott or Denis Villeneuve but in more of a gritty, metro, flair. The Safdie Brothers have a way of capturing the grime and urban despair of the city. How this thing is shot, is as much a character as any one person in this film.
The sound design in this thing is some of the best I have ever head in film. It adds that extra pop to already loaded scenes. I said it before, but this thing never let's you breathe, never let's to relax, and the underlying audio sharpens everything you see on screen, to a knife sedge.
But that ending, tho.
The Verdict
A24 does it again. This movie is f*cking spectacular. Everything about it is pristine. It's as close to perfect film making as I have ever seen, championed by one hell of a performance from Sandler. You forget that dude is actually a gifted thespian with all of the schlock he makes himself, but under the guidance of an able director and given material that he can actually connect with, Happy Gilmore can be absolutely brilliant. The supporting cast is just as exceptional, as well as the aggressive direction. Uncut Gems feels like young Scorsese. This sh*t is as gritty as Taxi Driver. Uncut Gems feels like young Tarantino. It's every bit as tense as Reservoir Dogs. The script, cinematography, editing, character writing; All of it is exceptional. This is one of the best films of last year and one of the best films I have ever seen, period. It's a crying shame Sandler was snubbed at the Oscars because, seriously, this was, hands down, the best lead performance in any film released last year. I know Joker got the nod and Phoenix was great, but to not even give Sandler a nomination was straight wrong. This movie is tense, visceral, raw, and just plain brilliant. Uncut Gems is worth every bit of your time and deserves all of the praise it's received and more.
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years ago
(  josefine  frida  pettersen  ,  cisfemale  ,  she  /  her  ,  fire  emblem  :  three  houses  )  *  &.  i  know  it  must  be  scary  for  you  ,  edelgard  von  hresvelg  ,  after  not  surviving  the  takeover  .  to  turn  into  someone  like  edelle  hjördis  ,  a  twenty-four  year-old  code  enforcement  officer  at  city  hall  ,  right  here  in  castle  town  .  just  remember  that  you  are  as  ambitious  as  you  are  relentless  ,  and  to  be  wary  ,  be  safe  ,  be  true  to  who  you  are  :  neutral  through  and  through  .
hi  demons  it  me  ,  a  piece  of  garbage  !  this  is  ,  uh  ,  VERY  spoiler  heavy  so  …  i’m  sorry  ab  that  JSDHFNDJDHC  here’s  a  pinterest  board  for  edelgard  tho  bc  i  luv  my  daughter  !! 
TW.  food  /  drinks  ,  blood  (  pinterest  )  +  child  abuse  &  death ment.  /  trauma  (  intro  )  .
edelgard  von  hresvelg  .  the  fourth  daughter  of  the  emperor  and  out  of  all  her  siblings  she  was  the  only  one  born  with  a  (  minor  )  crest  of  seiros  .
however  when  she  was  nine  ,  edie  and  her  mother  were  taken  by  her  uncle  to  the  holy  kingdom  of  faerghus  .  unbeknownst  to  her  back  home  ,  the  insurrection  of  the  seven  was  taking  place  —  reducing  her  father  to  nothing  more  than  a  political  puppet  .  her  own  uncle  was  one  of  the  key  conspirators  .  though  her  mother  eventually  married  the  king  of  faerghus  ,  edelgard  continued  to  live  with  her  uncle  .  during  her  time  in  the  kingdom  ,  edelgard  befriended  dimitri  and  the  two  spent  a  lot  of  time  together  ,  unaware  they  were  step-siblings  .  soon  after  she  turned  twelve  ,  edelgard  returned  to  the  empire  …  without  her  mother  .
then  shit  got  real  .
imagine  going  home  after  three  years  only  to  find  that  your  father  has  been  stripped  of  his  power  .  imagine  going  home  after  three  years  only  to  be  subjected  to  painful  experiments  with  your  ten  siblings  .  the  adrestian  nobles  supported  the  crest  experimentation  performed  by  those  who  slither  in  the  dark  ,  no  matter  the  cost  of  it  .  it  wasn’t  them  or  their  heirs  ,  so  why  should  they  have  qualms  ,  right  ?  now  ,  imagine  your  father  ,  who  was  rendered  practically  powerless  ,  objecting  and  trying  to  stop  it  with  all  he  had  left  …  but  ultimately  being  unable  to  do  anything  besides  sit  back  and  watch  this  relentless  torture  of  his  children  .
all  in  the  name  of  crests  .
most  of  her  siblings  were  driven  mad  or  died  from  exhaustion  .  in  the  end  ,  edelgard  was  the  only  one  to  survive  and  retain  the  sanity  that  had  been  lost  by  many  other  hresvelg  siblings  .  because  of  her  success  ,  she  bore  a  second  crest  now  .  the  crest  of  flames  ,  and  a  major  one  at  that  .  due  to  the  stress  that  having  two  crests  brought  ,  her  natural  brown  hair  turned  a  silvery  tone  .
and  her  view  of  crests  ,  the  church  of  seiros  ,  and  the  caste  system  of  fódlan  were  altered  forever  .
she  arrived  at  garreg  mach  monastery  to  complete  her  education  when  she  was  seventeen  ,  and  was  resolved  to  reclaim  what  her  father  had  lost  .  her  admittance  marked  the  first  time  in  ages  since  a  member  of  the  hresvelg  family  sent  a  member  to  the  officer's  academy  .  she  would  soon  become  the  house  leader  of  the  black  eagles  .
sometime  before  meeting  byleth  ,  edelgard  took  on  the  guise  of  the  flame  emperor  ,  and  her  suit  used  agarthan  technology  to  heavily  distort  her  voice  for  protection  purposes  .  believing  that  she  would  have  a  straightforward  time  unifying  fódlan  without  the  future  leaders  of  the  kingdom  and  the  alliance  in  her  way  ,  she  hired  bandits  to  assassinate  dimitri  and  claude  ,  respectively  .
a  quick  deviation  from  background  telling  .  to  be  honest  i  feel  as  if  this  act  in  particular  highlights  just  how  young  and  ,  ultimately  ,  inexperienced  edelgard  really  is  —  because  she’s  so  quick  to  put  an  assassination  attempt  on  the  table  .  how  she  made  a  seemingly  solid  enough  plan  ,  yet  despite  everything  ,  it  still  failed  .  we  have  to  remember  the  fact  she  was  a  teenager  in  the  beginning  .  a  child  .  yes  ,  one  willing  to  commit  murder  because  she  saw  it  as  the  most  viable  option  ,  but  a  child  nonetheless  .  however  ,  it  also  showcased  how  ruthless  she  can  be  .  ruthless  in  the  sense  that  she  won’t  stop  at  anything  to  get  from  point  a  to  point  b  .  in  edelgard’s  case  ,  she  felt  her  goals  were  far  greater  than  her  own  personal  feelings  .  towards  dimitri  ,  towards  claude  ,  towards  …  well  ,  everyone  (  as  we  see  during  the  conflict  of  the  holy  tomb  ,  specifically  during  the  black  eagles  run  .  she  didn’t  want  to  fight  her  friends  ,  but  she  wasn’t  above  giving  the  order  to  kill  anyone  who  tried  to  stop  them  .  she  was  already  resigned  to  the  notion  that  ,  in  order  to  fulfill  her  chosen  path  ,  she  needed  to  do  things  she  didn’t  necessarily  want  to  do  .  )
ok  ,  back  to  your  regularly  scheduled  programming  .
as  mentioned  ,  she  needed  to  strategize  in  ways  that  she  may  not  have  enjoyed  .  teaming  up  with  those  who  slither  in  the  dark  ,  irregardless  of  her  own  hatred  and  disdain  for  them  ,  was  a  huge  one  .  they  had  a  common  enemy  :  the  church  of  seiros  .  and  as  they  say  ,  the  enemy  of  my  enemy  is  my  friend  .  with  full  intention  of  turning  on  them  once  her  war  against  the  church  was  over  ,  edelgard  allied  herself  with  the  very  people  who  were  responsible  for  her  trauma  .  for  the  greater  good  ,  she  undoubtedly  told  herself  .  it  had  to  be  done  .  in  my  own  personal  view  of  edelgard  ,  she’s  pragmatist  .  meaning  the  church  /  crests  /  caste  system  were  the  focal  point  of  her  takedown  ,  and  what  she  may  logically  be  able  to  achieve  .  she  could  only  wage  one  war  at  a  time  .  plus  ,  with  TWSITD  believing  she  is  an  ally  ,  in  theory  it  would  be  much  easier  to  get  to  them  …  opposed  to  if  they  were  still  completely  in  the  shadows  .
equality  through  force  .  it  might  not  be  the  best  choice  ,  but  it  was  a  choice  that  edelgard  considered  long  and  hard  .  it’s  pretty  implied  that  edelgard  believed  in  meritocracy  ;  none  of  that  birthright  bullshit  that  the  caste  system  brought  upon  fódlan  .  and  certainly  no  more  crests  dictating  who  and  who  wasn’t  a  suitable  leader  (  a  prime  example  being  miklan  :  she  outright  expressed  sympathy  towards  him  ,  even  called  him  an  impressive  leader  ,  despite  not  having  a  crest  of  his  own  .  )
now  i  would  like  to  point  something  out  .  actually  ,  a  few  things  .  i  recall  most  clearly  in  silver  snow  ,  it  was  said  that  edelgard  DEMANDED  that  her  father  relinquished  the  emperor  position  to  her  ,  when  in  fact  ,  that  wasn’t  necessarily  correct  .  we  can  see  her  coronation  as  emperor  if  byleth  chose  to  go  with  her  when  they  had  high  enough  support  .  if  anything  ,  her  father  appeared  to  be  understanding  when  she  convinced  him  .  however  despite  the  obvious  antagonistic  viewpoint  characters  had  on  her  in  silver  snow  ,  the  only  route  she  was  clear-cut  painted  as  a  true  villain  …  was  azure  moon  .  the  same  route  it  was  confirmed  she  had  many  long  thoughts  and  presumably  discussions  about  how  to  proceed  with  her  plans  ,  before  she  settled  upon  throwing  the  entirety  of  fódlan  into  a  war  .  her  declaration  of  war  against  the  church  of  seiros  and  all  its  allies  was  not  a  whim  .  does  that  make  it  right  ?  no  ,  i  don’t  believe  she  was  right  for  pulling  everyone  into  that  chaos  .  but  whether  she  was  right  in  the  way  she  went  about  it  or  not  ,  she  wasn’t  entirely  wrong  either  .  the  church  wasn’t  an  innocent  party  !  edelgard  only  had  half  truths  ,  which  can  be  just  as  dangerous  as  knowing  everything  or  nothing  at  all  ,  if  not  more  .
but  that  all  being  said  ,  i  am  pulling  edelgard  from  crimson  flower  .  because  regardless  of  her  actions  ,  i  still  didn’t  feel  it  was  right  to  paint  her  solely  as  the  villain  when  she  wasn’t  the  only  one  who  made  severe  mistakes  .  we  have  seen  she  is  capable  of  expressing  guilt  and  remorse  for  her  actions  .  however  unlike  most  ,  edelgard  knows  she  cannot  waver  from  the  bloody  path  she  picked  .  it  goes  back  to  what  i  said  earlier  ,  of  her  being  resigned  to  the  fact  .  personal  feelings  needed  to  be  pushed  aside  in  matters  of  war  ,  especially  this  far  into  things  .  for  her  to  give  up  would  mean  all  this  bloodshed  was  for  nothing  .  she  couldn’t  do  that  .  not  just  for  her  own  ideals  ,  but  for  fódlan  itself  .  even  speaking  beyond  unification  under  adrestia  rule  ,  it  would  have  been  worse  for  her  to  say  ‘  okay  no  more  war  ’  without  any  resolvement  ,  and  for  things  to  ‘  go  back  to  the  way  they  were  ’  despite  that  not  being  a  logical  reality  ...  it  would  make  everything  cheap  ,  like  it  never  mattered  to  begin  with  .  no  ,  she  intended  to  see  her  plans  out  even  if  it  killed  her  .
she  dug  her  grave  and  she  was  fully  prepared  to  lie  in  it  .
in  crimson  flower  ,  she  was  lucky  to  survive  it  ,  and  i  would  call  the  war  a  pyrrhic  victory  in  any  case  .
after  byleth  abandoned  the  church  to  stay  with  her  ,  edelgard  organized  her  former  classmates  into  an  elite  task  force  that  was  known  as  the  black  eagle  strike  force  (  although  BEST  ,  black  eagle  strike  team  ,  was  right  there  …  an  opportunity  missed  ,  i  suppose  )  .  despite  all  her  efforts  ,  they  spent  the  next  five  years  locked  in  a  bitter  stalemate  with  the  kingdom  and  the  alliance  .  though  with  byleth’s  return  and  aid  ,  she  was  able  to  swiftly  conquer  the  leicester  alliance  .  instead  of  killing  her  old  friend  ,  edelgard  spared  claude  and  forced  him  to  go  into  exile  .
after  beating  back  an  attempt  by  the  church  to  retake  garreg  mach  ,  edelgard  began  military  operations  against  faerghus  in  earnest  .  she  first  conquered  arianrhod  ,  a  fortress  on  the  western  border  between  adrestia  and  faerghus  .  afterwards  ,  she  began  a  direct  march  for  fhirdiad  .  dimitri  and  rhea  moved  to  intercept  her  at  the  tailtean  plains  ,  but  rhea  was  driven  off  and  dimitri  was  slain  in  battle  *  —  an  execution  by  her  own  hands  .
the  group  finally  arrived  in  fhirdiad  ,  and  rhea  ordered  the  city  burned  to  the  ground  in  order  to  slow  them  down  and  transforms  into  her  ultimate  form  ,  the  immaculate  one  .  edelgard  ,  byleth  ,  and  the  black  eagle  strike  force  engaged  her  in  battle  .  ultimately  ,  the  empire  emerged  victorious  and  rhea  was  slain  .  with  all  of  fódlan  under  adrestia's  dominion  ,  edelgard  finally  began  the  reforms  she  always  wanted  to  bring  to  the  nobility  and  the  crest  system  ,  and  began  a  silent  war  against  those  who  slither  in  the  dark  .  *
(  *  -  basically  just  copypasta  from  her  wiki  because  i  didn’t  feel  like  rewriting  it  JDHBSFCBHDHN  )
the  memories  of  edelle  hjördis  are  different  .  edelgard  von  hresvelg  doesn’t  exist  ,  and  there’s  no  reason  for  edelle  to  believe  otherwise  …  right  ?
the  only  child  of  a  well-known  politician  ,  edelle  is  expected  to  follow  his  footsteps  .  and  she  did  ,  sort  of  .  it’s  on  a  smaller  scale  for  now  ,  working  as  a  code  enforcement  officer  at  city  hall  —  she  says  it’s  a  stepping  stone  ,  solidifying  groundwork  for  the  bigger  leagues  .  if  she  ever  gets  there  .  code  enforcement  isn’t  easy  in  any  capacity  ,  and  it  renders  her  particularly  busy  .
everything  is  fine  .
yet  she  can’t  help  feeling  like  there  are  missing  pieces  .  like  maybe  somewhere  ,  somehow  ,  she  has  siblings  in  some  form  .  like  a  hidden  family  that  her  father  keeps  secret  from  her  and  prying  eyes  of  public  media  .  maybe  it’s  all  loneliness  carved  from  parental  absence  .  a  scenario  created  in  her  mind  to  ease  her  from  the  gnawing  feeling  of  solitude  .  that  must  be  it  —  there’s  no  other  explanation  .
everything  is  alright  .
there’s  this  dream  that  haunts  her  so  frequently  .  perhaps  if  she  finds  a  name  to  the  face  ,  she  can  lay  him  to  rest  properly  .  there’s  an  indescribable  sorrow  that  follows  the  execution  of  this  man  —  one  she  doesn’t  understand  ,  one  she  doesn’t  know  if  she  even  wants  to  understand  —  but  it’s  one  she  can’t  seem  to  shake  .  it’s  persistent  and  makes  its  presence  known  in  her  mind  ,  and  all  she  wants  is  for  it  to  vanish  .  farewell  ,  king  of  delusion  .  she  remembers  saying  those  words  (  was  it  truly  her  ?  )  in  this  vision  .  she  doesn’t  know  how  it  can  be  real  ,  it’s  impossible  ,  but  it’s  as  if  her  hands  were  sticky  with  metaphorical  blood  that  never  leaves  .  her  stomach  churns  in  response  if  she  thinks  too  much  of  it  ,  so  she  tries  to  ignore  it  .  it  doesn’t  easily  work  ,  but  she  has  to  try  .
she  remembers  taking  classes  at  castle  town  university  as  a  political  science  major  .  in  rare  moments  ,  she  found  herself  doodling  little  portraits  of  people  —  not  that  they  were  really  any  good  ,  or  that  she  even  showed  anyone  .  but  if  someone  looked  at  the  back  of  her  notebooks  ,  they  can  surely  find  a  badly  drawn  figure  or  two  .
she  doesn’t  know  what  this  weird  crown  is  that  she  randomly  has  ??  unbeknownst  to  her  ,  it  was  her  —  edelgard’s  —  crown  as  adrestia’s  emperor  .  she  just  …  had  it  one  day  ,  and  that  was  that  .  it’s  hidden  in  her  closet  at  home  ,  as  she’s  unsure  of  what  to  do  with  it  .  curiosity  bested  her  a  few  times  and  yes  ,  she  has  tried  it  on  for  size  .  it  fits  almost  too  perfectly  ,  like  it  was  meant  for  her  .  there’s  something  missing  .  there’s  always  something  missing  .  edelle  can  never  figure  out  what  ,  though  .
all  in  all  ,  despite  the  differences  ,  edelle  is  still  as  ambitious  and  relentless  at  achieving  her  goals  as  edelgard  was  .  only  thing  is  ,  she  doesn’t  realize  the  extent  of  it  .  stubborn  until  the  very  end  ,  edelle  can  be  described  as  a  workaholic  for  the  most  part  ,  but  there  are  peaceful  moments  where  she  takes  time  for  herself  and  those  who  manage  to  get  close  to  her  .
uh  idk  what  else  to  write  so  that’s  it  for  now  .  we’ll  see  what  happens  in  the  future  .
edelle’s  birthday  is  june  22nd  ,  aka  canonly  edelgard’s  birthday  (  22nd  of  the  garland  moon  )  ,  which  makes  her  a  cancer  sun  .  as  a  cancer  rising  and  water  sign  sun  in  general  ,  myself  ,  i’m  really  not  surprised  .  this  is  kinda  self  drag  lol  but  water  signs  are  notorious  for  being  manipulative  and  knowing  when  to  use  the  cards  to  their  advantage  ,  and  that’s  exactly  what  edelgard  does  .
although  this  being  said  and  being  the  astrology  heaux  i  am  ,  if  i  had  to  assign  her  moon  +  rising  signs  ,  i  would  probably  say  capricorn  moon  (  show  a  lot  of  initiative  ,  in  it  to  win  it  .  do  not  want  to  feed  into  another’s  beliefs  about  victim-hood  .  can  excel  in  things  that  require  cold  blood  and  seriousness  .  )  and  scorpio  rising  (  likely  to  experience  life  as  a  constant  series  of  obstacles  or  crises  .  confronting  darkness  in  the  outside  world  through  facing  extreme  situations  .  others  may  find  you  somewhat  inscrutable  ,  mysterious  or  just  hard  to  read  ;  likely  to  play  your  cards  close  to  your  chest  .  )
she’s  still  5ft  2in  ..  we  love  the  shorties  in  this  house  ,  ok  !
unlike  edelgard  whose  hair  was  originally  brown  ,  edelle  always  had  her  signature  white  hair  .  although  ..  she  does  have  a  slightly  “  goddess  green  ”  tint  if  you  look  at  her  character  portraits  closely  .  personally  i  believe  it’s  due  to  her  crest  of  flames  ,  since  the  color  is  vaguely  reminiscent  of  sothis-byleth  .
the  mention  of  her  drawing  little  pictures  of  people  comes  from  the  fact  she  drew  a  portrait  of  byleth  in  crimson  flower  ,,,
nightmares  by  all  time  low  was  another  song  i  had  in  mind  for  edelgard  ,  i  won’t  even  lie  ...
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cdyssey · 8 years ago
Saw Great Comet yesterday (7-30-17), and I just wanted to share some of my experience with you guys! I was sitting in the rear mezz, which I highly recommend!
*I'mma skip over a lot of the main details just because they’ve already been covered, but I’ll try to include things that were particular to this show/not often talked about.
• There’s a little vignette right before the show starts where Andrey is leaving for war, and it begins with Natasha screaming the most heartbreaking no you’ve ever heard in ur life. • When Oak came out, there was thunderous applause. Like, it went on for at least a full minute. I was so happy. • Also, hearing that first accordion note reduced me to tears bc I’m sensitive™.
• So lemme talk about Oak’s voice real quick. Someone noted that it’s this perfect blend between Groban’s smoothness and Malloy’s roughness, and I have to wholeheartedly agree. It’s absolutely beautiful. He’s a beautiful Pierre. • Also, he plays Pierre with a lot of melancholy. It’s almost as though he’s always on the verge of tears. • “He’s charming; he has no sex.” While the ladies are skipping around him, Hélène is conducting them, and it’s hilarious. • “I pity you. I pity me. I pity you.” — Oak sings these lines so gutturally. His agony echoes off the very walls of the Imperial. • “Pierre” received a long applause as well.
• GRACE MCLEAN DESERVED TO BE NOMINATED FOR A TONY AWARD!1! HOLY CRAP. HER VOCALS BRING THE HOUSE DOWN!!!!!!! • The moment she belts her first lines, you know exactly what kind of personality Marya D. has, and that’s a tribute to her actress. Srsly. • During the song, Marya will sometimes act maternally to Sonya, but the moment Natasha comes back into sight, she’ll roughly push Sonya away, and it’s hilarious. • Natasha’s humming is absolutely heartbreaking. It’s one of the many moments in the musical when you realize how young she is.
“The Private and Intimate Life of the House”
• There were understudies for both Mary and Bolkonsky/Andrey, Courtney Bassett and Ken Clark respectively. They were wonderful. Ken’s performance especially stood out to me. • “People enjoy me, though…” Before he sang these lines, he held eye contact with a person across from him for, like, five seconds, and it was incredibly funny. (Same goes for him patting his wig and powder flying into the air.) • “BRING ME MY SLIPPERS! YES, FATHER. YES, FATHER. BRING ME MY WIIIIIIIIIIIIINE.” • The audience interaction in this one is A+. Mary’s suitor and Bolkonsky’s cheap French thing draw huge laughs from the crowd. • “They are there upon his head.” I’ve seen a few posts where people lament that the audience laughs at this line, but I truly think it’s supposed to be laughed at. Mary is kind of coy when she says it, like she’s laughing at it herself. After that, though, her mood dips, slowly sinking into this utterly palpable reproach. • The audience was completely silent. • While she’s singing her final lines, Bolkonsky is slowly making his way back to his chair, and your heart shatters as you watch. He’s clutching his back and using the railing for support. When he finally collapses in his chair, he kinda puts his head in his hands.
“Natasha and the Bolkonskys”
• Towards the beginning of the song, Natasha and Mary hoist chairs over their heads and join a table of people on stage. It’s hilarious. They really milk the awkwardness of the moment. • “Constrained and strained” is so frickin’ good. When Courtney and Denée sing it, it’s really low and creepy. • “Says the mean, old man in his underthings” drew huge laughs, especially bc of Bolkonsky’s hand movements. He kept gesturing towards his entire body.
“No One Else”
• Honest to God, I could write essays on how perfect Denée Benton and her performance of this song is. She emotes so beautifully. Her voice, her movements, her facial expressions all come together to create Natasha, a young, lost girl who wants nothing more than to see Andrey again. • I cried (obviously). • The blue light is absolutely gorgeous in this song. (The blue light is meant to be the moon.) • At one point, Andrey shows up, and snow begins to lightly fall on him. He reads one of Natasha’s letters, brings it to his lips tenderly before walking away, and just behind him, almost able to reach him, is Natasha, her face the perfect picture of despair. • Denée Benton. • The applause after this song was long and well-deserved.
“The Opera”
• Just for the record, songs like this one, “The Duel”, and “The Abduction"—where all of the cast members are out—are absolutely electric. The energy is incredible. • “The opera, the opera…” Marya D. belts these lines so loudly, lololol. • On one side, you can spot Heath Saunders as one of the opera goers, and lemme just tell you guys, that long, black coat suits him. • “Hélène and Dolokhov arm-in-arm…” They aren’t so much arm-in-arm as they are passionately making out on stage. Omg. I love them. • “Noooo, I’m enjoying myself this evening.” Pierre pumps his fist and smiles this absolutely giddy smile. • When Marya sees that Natasha is talking to Hèlène, she runs up and pushes Nat behind her. • To indicate that the “curtain rises,” some of the light bulbs retract. It’s a cool effect. • I know the literal opera part of the song sounds incredibly weird on the recording, but in person, it’s more hilarious than you’d think. The actors are doing ridiculous things and making animalistic noises, lol. • When it’s over, the spotlight turns to Natasha and Sonya. Sonya’s asleep, lolololololol. • Right before Anatole comes in and around the time Natasha begins to “pass into a state of intoxication”, she hallucinates Andrey being injured during the war. The two circle each other around Pierre’s salon, simply gazing into each other’s eyes, and it’s intense. • Anatole’s entrance is frickin’ ridiculous and amazing all at once. • You know those measured beats at the beginning of his introduction? During each of those, he sharply turns his head in a new direction, ostensibly to show off his head. • Also, his walk is literally a swagger. • Either in this scene or during “Natasha and Anatole”, he caught a lady unaware and kissed her on the cheek. She jumped so badly, lolololol.
“Natasha and Anatole”
• During the intro of the song, Anatole checks himself out in a mirror before posing himself perfectly for the moment Natasha turns around to see him. • Also, let’s talk about Lucas Steele for a hot minute. He is Anatole Kuragin, from his almost exotic voice to the way he walks. Out of the cast, I’d say that Steele is the one who plays the crowd the best. • Throughout this number, Anatole and Natasha play the roles of pursuer and the pursued. Natasha tries so hard not to be wrapped under his spell. :( • When he takes the flower off her head, Natasha makes a perfect :O face. I love Denée Benton. • “And kiss me on the neck.” He does manage to get this kiss, and it’s really rough-looking. • “How do you like Moscow?” Lolololololololol. • For the most part, the two are roving around the stage (mostly bc Natasha is running away from Anatole), but at the end, they sit down next to each other, and it’s played as a really significant moment.
“The Duel”
• “The Duel” is epic live. Holy freakin’ crap. • The moment Dolokhov, Pierre, and Anatole clink their glasses together, the strobe lights come on and the real party begins. There’s intensely sexual dancing, half-naked people, and glow sticks everywhere. • Y'all, I saw Marya D., in a skin tight, black costume no less, whip several people with a riding crop with my own two eyes. • Also, in the very back of the rear mezz, there was, like, a threesome going on. • The energy during this song was absolutely nuts. • Sonya’s party outfit is so cute. It’s an almost innocent looking dress, and she’s wearing bright sunglasses. • The ensemble echoing back “corpulence” is really frickin’ funny. • Nick Choksi really highlights the psychopathic part of Dolokhov, especially in the “Here’s to the health of married women” sequence. His movements are jubilant but also shark-like. He and Hélène make out for a loooooong time.
“Dust and Ashes”
• Oak’s “Dust and Ashes” is an absolute privilege to hear, and if you have the chance, I would go and listen to it while you can. His voice could have shaken the entire foundation of the theater. • While he’s singing, the entire cast lines up in the rear mezz to provide backup vocals, and it’s incredibly poignant. (Also, tho, Lucas Steele stood in front of me, and I died.) • “Don’t let me die while I’m like this…” During these lines, Oak starts crying, and it guts you. • There was a two minute applause for “Dust and Ashes”, and I was on the verge of crying just bc he was getting such a huge applause. • Oak is perfect, okay?
“Sunday Morning” / “Charming”
• “Everyone sees a man!” Ingrid delivers this line so well. It got a huge laugh. • AHHHHHHHHH, now here’s a symbolic moment for you. When Natasha says that she can see a shape in the darkness as she’s looking into the mirror, Pierre is standing up right behind her. Pierre is her future. • (The moment Nat leaves, he sits back down.) • Amber Gray can slay me, tbh. “Charming” is everything I could have ever asked for. • When she walks in, the lights are bright behind her, and her hood is over her head, effectively masking her identity. It’s a really neat moment. • The lights dim when she takes off her hood. • Natasha is in her undergarments throughout the song until Hélène gives her her cloak. (Btw, Natasha looks gr8 in said cloak.) • At some point, Natasha starts mimicking Hélène’s movements, and it’s adorable but also a really nice character touch. Same goes for Hélène snatching Andrey’s necklace off of Nat’s neck and exchanging it for her own pearls.
“The Ball”
• This number was enchanting. I had a hard time focusing on the main stage bc the dancers in the rear mezz. were so mesmerizing in their movements. • Also, tho, the ensemble dancers mimicked what Anatole and Natasha were dancing at times. • When Natasha tries to run away from Anatole, he pursues her up the steps and forces their first kisses. She’s surprised at first, but gives into it with abandon a few seconds later. The kiss lasts a very long time. • At the end of “The Ball”, Natasha and Anatole run through the doors together and then turn to face the audience. They’re holding hands. The lights are bright behind them.
• “Letters” is such a frickin’ jam, y'all. • When it starts, the cast members spill out of the double doors singing. • At the beginning of “Letters”, just as Pierre is addressing Andrey, Andrey appears at the top of the stairs. Pierre faces him. • “I see nothing but the candles in the mirror.” For one of the very few times in the play, Natasha and Pierre face each other. • The geometric symmetry in the choreography is really wonderful all around. For instance, at one point, Mary, Natasha, and Pierre are all positioned in a triangle, taking turns facing one another. • Anatole’s love letter was an absolute showstopper. People were whistling, clapping, and screaming when he started holding those really long notes. Holy crap @ Lucas Steele!!!!!
“Sonya and Natasha” / “Sonya Alone”
• “Sonya and Natasha” is intense. I was on the edge of my seat for their fighting. • “I’m soooooooooooooo happy, and sooooooooooo frightened.” Kill it, Denée!!!! (When she’s singing about her happiness, her arms are extended widely, and when she’s singing about being frightened, she withdraws into herself.) • “I have no will. My life is his.” During these lines, Natasha is wrapped around an increasingly agonized Sonya. • “Sonya Alone” is one of the most powerful numbers in the show, and you really don’t recognize it until you see it live. • The theater is almost completely dark with the exception of a spotlight on Sonya. Throughout the entirety of the song, Natasha is ambling about, tightly clutching Anatole’s letter. • Sonya never takes her eyes off of Natasha, and your heart can’t help but ache for both of them. • Ingrid Michaelson is truly a wonderful Sonya—maybe not as sure as Brittain but she definitely doesn’t lack heart. • On the first “I will protect your name and your heart”, Natasha stumbles on a stair, staggered by the weight of her friend’s words. Then, she walks to the opposite side of the stage, only to be completely stopped by Sonya’s, “I know you’ve forgotten me.” • For the rest of the song, Natasha is still, her head inclined towards Sonya.
“Preparations” / “Balaga”
• When Pierre greets Anatole at the beginning of this number, it’s almost as though he’s caught Anatole out. Anatole had been trying to sneak past unnoticed. • Anatole shaves in front of a mirror during “Preparations”, lol. At one point, he turns to the crowd with shaving cream still on his face. • Dolokhov sings his arguments at Anatole very fiercely during this song, even more so than he does in the recording. • I looooooooooooove “Balaga”. It’s such a wild performance. Paul Pinto moves with such agility and manic energy. The ensemble hands out the egg shakers during this one.
“The Abduction”
• “THE ABDUCTION” IS SO GOOOD. HOLY CRAPPP. • Anatole singing “WHOOOOA” while swinging his green jacket cleared my skin, watered my crops, and cured my depression. • The whole theater is absolutely alive with commotion. There’s a dance off between a guy in the rear mezz and a guy on stage that’s frickin’ amazing. • People are doing backflips. • Natasha smashes a painting on Balaga’s head. • Marya and Hélène are making out. • Pierre is doing a cute jig. • It’s beautiful, beautiful chaos. • When Pierre screams his “WHOA” part, everyone collapses on the floor, absolutely exhausted, and then, then, the most wonderful thing happens. • Pierre giggles. • “Hee-hee-hee.” • God, I love Oak. • “Wait, wait. First we have to sit down.” Anatole made room for himself next to a girl, which was hecking funny, but what was even funnier was that the girl leaned her head on Anatole’s shoulder. The whole theater dissolved in laughter. Anatole held the quiet for a comedically long period before getting up, and when he did, he kissed the girl on the cheek. It was really cute. • When Marya entered at the end of the song, surrounded by this harsh, red light, there were audible gasps in the audience. People weren’t expecting her, lol.
“In My House”
• GRACE MCLEAN DESERVED A TONY NOMINATION: PART TWO. • She acted her butt out through this entire song. I’m serious. • Her voice is dangerously quiet until, “YOU LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU. YOU LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU.” • The tension in the room was palpable. • Also, all of the yelling you hear on the recording? It’s so much more intense live. It’s fierce enough to make you flinch. • “Don’t touch me!” At one point when Natasha screamed this, she physically pushed Marya away, and Marya wasn’t angry so much as she was stunned. • “Natasha’s whole body shook with noiseless, convulsive sobs.” She was literally bent over, grasping the railing like she couldn’t breathe. • “And she threw herself down on the sofa.” Natasha stands erect with her arms crossed and her head buried in them. The spotlights focus on her, and that’s when Marya softens. • You can see the fight leave Grace McLean’s body. Her voice is incredibly tender.
“A Call to Pierre” / “Find Anatole”
• GRACE MCLEAN DESERVED A TONY NOMINATION: PART THREE. • Her face is absolutely devastated as she’s talking to Pierre. Like, I still have chills thinking about it. • Also, Pierre is waking up from a nap at the beginning of this number, lol. • “I have been… studying.” He glances quickly at the place he had been napping. • The sheer power in Oak’s voice really comes out in these next songs. Anger and fear simmers behind the way he sings. A+++ • At the beginning of “Find Anatole”, he truly sounds out of breath. His body is fully bent over for a couple of seconds. • “He can’t be married!” The absolute horror in Denée’s voice nearly slaughters you, tbh. • When Pierre discovers Anatole and Hélène and gets mad, they start to run away. • Pierre is livid when he finds Anatole and Hélène. I mean, livid.
“Pierre and Anatole” / “Natasha Very Ill”
• Pierre nearly throttling Anatole is a sight™. • “Amuse yourself with women like my wife!” The spotlight shines on Hélène as she stands up and bristles indignantly. What an amazing character touch. • During that long pause before Pierre apologizes to Anatole, Natasha walks right between the two and drinks the arsenic. A few moments later, it begins taking effect, and she starts screaming. It’s a terrible, convincing sound. She runs off stage. Marya and Sonya follow her. • “FOR PETERSBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURG!” :’))) • There was a pause between “Pierre and Anatole” and “Natasha Very Ill” while we all wildly applauded that C#. Holy crap @ Lucas Steele!!!!!!!!!!!! • “Natasha Very Ill” is sad. Everyone is devastated, especially Sonya and Marya.
“Pierre and Andrey”
• Ken Clark is an amazing Andrey. He has a v. human approach to the prince. • When Pierre and Andrey are trading insults, there’s a lot of affection between them. It’s really as though the two haven’t seen each other in quite awhile. • Andrey’s somewhat tender tone continues until he asks Pierre to confirm whether the rumors he had heard were true, and when Pierre replies in the affirmative, that is the very moment when Andrey assumes his colder exterior. • It frickin’ breaks your heart. • #PoorAndrey • “If you wish to be my friend, never speak of that again.” During “If you wish to be my friend,” Andrey’s voice breaks seemingly on the edge of tears, and then it hardens at the end as he jabs a finger in Pierre’s chest. The moment he does so, though, he immediately looks horrified. Did I really just threaten my friend? • “Well, goodbye” is soft. • #PoorAndrey • CRAP. I FORGOT THE WORST PART OF THIS SONG. Behind Andrey and Pierre, Natasha and Sonya are standing in a darkened corner. Whenever Andrey refers to Natasha, she flinches and buries herself into Sonya. • :(
“Pierre and Natasha” / “The Great Comet of 1812”
• “Pierre and Natasha” broke me. • At the beginning of the song, Natasha slowly makes her way down the staircase, entirely dependent on the railing to get down. It tears at your heart. You can’t help but remember how lovely and vibrant she had been at the beginning of the play. • The nightgown she’s in makes her look so small, and with her braided hair, she looks just like a little girl. • Oak emotes his lyrics so tenderly, so gently in this one. His voice is always on the verge of breaking. • “She began to cry…” Yeah, no. She sobbed, and you sobbed with her. Her whole body was shaking. She had to hold on to the rail. • An interesting tidbit: Hélène is sitting right behind Natasha, and she has her head in her hands like she’s reacting to the sadness of this scene, too. • “All over…” At this point, Natasha is walking back up the staircase, and the theater is absolutely silent. You could have heard a pin drop. Oak says the written line to her back. • I’ll never forget the way Oak delivered it, and I will never want to either. • His voice simply broke on “if I were free”. • Pierre turns away from her, and then she turns towards him, slowly making her way back to him. • During her last lines, Natasha touches his cheek, and it is sincerely one of the most beautiful moments of this very beautiful play. • “The Great Comet of 1812” was moving, too. • The theater very much looked like a beautiful night sky. The comet prop was stunning, too. • Pierre sat down at the end of the song and gazed reverentially up at the comet.
This play was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life, and I recommend it with all of my heart and soul. Please, please support it if you can.
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BTS Intro Post
Title; BTS Intro Post
Genre; Info(??)
Type; Intro Post
Group/Member; BTS – OT7
Authors Notes; Enjoy! I’m soo terribly sorry it’s so late! Hope it’s what you wanted!! 😊 Also this is a rlly rlly long post with lots of facts and photos so um ye...have fun. Tbh all this post does is just prove what a big ‘ol piece of trash i am because 95% of these facts were from memory, I typed all dis shit out guys...im fuckin dead now. These are all facts from websites that I remember, certain nicknames are not necessarily what I call them but some dso. kbye 😊 x
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First up is Kim Seokjin {Jin, Jinnie, Mamma Jin, Princess Jin, Eomma/Eomma Jin, Pink Princess, Eat-Jin, Third Guy From The Left, Car Door Guy, Mr Worldwide Handsome, Seokjinnie}. Jin is the oldest brother, the oldest hyung in BTS and is basically their mother and let’s be honest our mother too.
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Some facts;
 Born in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea – it looks like dis;
 He’s got a papa, mamma, and hyung
 He majored in film at Konkuk University
 BTS be placin’ him as #1 visuals…I mean…he is gorgeous
 He has the longest legs & widest shoulders (60cm)
 He does this “traffic dance” which is adorable and you should go check it out, you won’t regret it
 He speaks a lil Chinese (Mandarin)
 Lil Jinnie usually cleans up the dorms (because he’s literally bangtans mum)
 He also rlly likes Disney princesses which is adorable
 He’s a v v good cook and has said he’s happiest when he’s with food (relatable jin m8)
 Fave number = 4
 Fave colour = blue (used to be pink, I think he still has a soft spot for it tho)
 Fave weather = spring sunlight
 Jin started playing Super Mario at like age 5 and Maple Story in Seventh Grade (Year 7) and he still plays them 😊
 When he’s hungry his left eye blinks a lot
 Fave foods = lobster, meat, Naegmyun, chicken, and greasy foods
 He’s friends with Jin Hyosang (Kidoh) from ToppDogg as Kidoh was under Big Hit Entertainment but left in 2012 and switched to Stardom Entertainment
 His role model is T.O.P from BIGBANG (same boi, same)
 He has lots of Nintendo games and Action Figures
 When he was younger he wanted to be a detective
 He wears rlly strong prescription glasses but doesn’t like wearing them because he’ll become insecure (I think we can all agree that Jinnie bean would look absolutely adorable in glasses??)
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 He has a cute lil dog named JJanggu
 He likes Alpacas
 Jin can play guitar and piano
 He says V is the member he’s the closest to
 Jin says if he’d get a day off he would want Suga to be his servant so he an order him around
 If he were a girl, he said he would date Jimin because he is shy and someone like Jimin would help him open up and be social
 Jungkook and Jin bicker a lot, and a taxi driver once thought they were twins because of their nonstop bickering
 He likes strawberries but not strawberry flavoured things (yO SAME THO)
 He makes a lot of dad jokes (goals)
 Suga is the only one who doesn’t laugh when he makes dad jokes
 Jin said that looking at bugs isn’t scary, but if they get on his body, that’s rlly scary
 He dieted for a year, only eating chicken breasts ☹
 He is friends with B1A4’s Sandeul, they even went to an amusement park together
 He’s also friends with VIXX’s Ken and Lee Won Keun
 Jin sang the OST of “Hwarang” alongside V, which is Part 2 – “It’s Definitely You” (can find it here)
 He was casted in Law of the Jungle in Kota Manado but left earlier than the other cast because BTS had an abroad concert that time
 After BTS attended the BBMAS (Billboard Music Awards), Jin got a lot of attention (internationally) for his v good looks
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Other members about Jin;
 Jimin; “He’s the oldest, but he likes to whine” [after school club] / “He’s like a grandma”
 Jungkook; “Jin-Hyung looks manly and he’s chic like a wolf but personality-wise, he’s carefree so he’s sloth-like (laughs). He’s really nice and he’s also a good cook, so we call him ‘granny’ between us”
 Suga; “A wolf”
 V; “Prince”
 J-Hope; “A princess”
 Jin’s ideal girl is a girl whose looks and personality is similar to that of a puppy, who’s hood at cooking, kind and takes good care of him
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Okay so next up is my ultimate bias (in case you couldn’t tell) Min Yoongi {Suga, AgustD, Yoongles, Min PD, Syub Syub, Motionless Min, Genius (self-proclaimed but I can reveal that this is a true fact m8), Min Monarch, Min Suga, D Boy, Sub-Energy}. Yoongi is the second oldest in BTS and probs the most savage human upon the planet, he often seems like the grandpa of the group but he can also be kinda childish and lively sometimes ^_^
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Some facts;
 He was born in Buk-gu, Daegu, South Korea – it looks like dis;
 He has a pappa, mamma, and hyung
 He attended/attends Global Cyber University
 Yoongles is usually in charge of fixing the things Rap Monster breaks. He changes lightbulbs, fixes the toilet etc (handyman ayyee 😉 )
 He is like the father or grandpa of BTS
  Although Rap Monster revealed that he sometimes acts like a 5 yr old (same m8, same)
  He usually scolds and nags the younger members when they make mistakes
  Yoongi chose to become a rapper after listening to “Fly” by Epik High
  His role models are; Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, Lil Wayne, and Hit Boy
  He has a driving license but doesn’t usually drive
  Yoongi loves to play basketball and when he was a trainee he played basketball every Sunday
 He is quite blunt and straightforward, a trait of many ppl from Daegu
 When he was younger he wanted to be an architect
 His hobbies include reading comics, basketball, playing games, and taking pictures
 He writes/composes lyrics daily, and even writes lyrics when he’s in the waiting room, car, or even the toilet (dedicatioooon)
 He wrote the song ‘촣아요’ (Like It) under 40 minutes
 If he has a problem he usually talks to Rap Monster because their age gap is small, they have things in common, and they’ve known each other for quite some time
 Fave food = meat, meat, meat (same tho)
 Fave number = 3
 Fave colour = white
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Suga comes from a poor family, in an interview he disclosed; “After we debuted, I went back to the dorm and sat there blankly staring. I could not believe that me, a kid from a poor daegu family, would be able to make it”. (you made it bby, so proud omf)
He speaks with a satoori accent when he’s nervous and when he cries ;-;
His ideal date would be something simple, “For me, just an ordinary date...I want to watch a movie, walk and would like to eat together”
When asked which member would he bring on a deserted island for 3 years, he answered Jimin.
Suga; “Jimin. To boss around. (LOL) Just kidding. I don’t talk a lot, I’m not the fun type, but Jimin is pleasant and mature, so I think it’d work out.”
Would date Jin if he were a girl
He loves taking photos (same)
His bad habit is biting his nails (also same ;-; )
3 things he likes are; sleeping, quiet places, places with no people
3 things he dislikes are; dancing, loud places, places where there are people crowding around
Fave weather; where you can wear short sleeves in the day and long sleeves at night
He thinks his looks are 50 out of 100; “Truthfully, when I see myself I think I’m ugly” (um liess boi, ur fuckin gorgeous so like…ye)
Other members about Suga;
Jin; “He likes being attached to his bed. He has a variety of knowledge and always gives help with that knowledge. I’m fascinated as to where he gets that weird knowledge from.”
J-Hope; “Is cool. His personality is quite strong on his own thoughts. Pretends not to care when he does. Seems like he’s all over the place, but is quite careful. That kind of personality. (Ah!! Personality where he only just shows strength ㅋㅋ)”
V; “He really has a lot of knowledge. He’s quite cool on stage. Cool and amazing. No answer to him being lethargic.”
Jeongguk; “He’s like a grandpa. But his passion towards music is overflooding. He also has a lot of knowledge. But he’s still a grandpa.”
Rap Monster; “Lingers on things more than you would think. He’s really timid once you get to know him. Full of random information. Grandpa. Although he seems cool – never… no no… Wants to be loved. Likes music. Has passion and stubbornness. Says what he wants to and can say everything well in front. Has style.”
Jimin; “He talks too much in front of you. He doesn’t hesitate, and although this is my personal thoughts, he likes being loved by the members ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”
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His ideal type is a girl who likes music, especially hip hop. He says he doesn’t really care about looks. He also wants a girl who can be very active when he wants to and very silent when he wants to. A girl that will always be by his side (boy im here, sign me tf up)
He has a male doggo named Holly and she’s deffo his weakness
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Summary; The lethargic turtle of BTS with a both a savage side and a cutesy side that spits literal fire that needs to be protected imo. He is a lil been who can act 5yrs old one second and then act like an 80yr old man the next.
Now we have the actual sun personified, Jung Hoseok {J-Hope, Hobi, Hopi, Hoseokie, Sunshine boy, Your Hope, Your Angel, Hope, J-Horse}. Hobi is basically literal sunshine and so sweet. He has the voice of an angel and can also rap like a gOD, he’s also the main dancer for BTS and he has major skillz m8.
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Some facts;
Born in Gwangju, South Korea
He got a mamma, pappa, and noona
He went to Gwangju Global High School; & Global Cyber University
Before he debuted, he hated doing aegyo but now he’s changed his mind (and we love his aegyo obvs)
Hobi and B.A.P’s Zelo went to the same academy for rap and dance in Gwangju
In his pre-debut days, he was part of a street dance team called NEURON
He won an underground dance battle and even performed at a festival (go hobiii) 😊
Initially he auditioned for JYP Entertainment, together with B.A.P’s Youngjae and Halo’s Dino
Fave colour = green
He has a cute doggo named Mickey
Hobi hates working out and exercising (I relate)
Used to be a tennis player in elementary school and played in competitions. He once received a bronze medal, out of 3 team competitors
He rlly likes melodramatic movies and remembers watching a lot of DVD’s when he was a kid, since his father also likes movies
His role models are; A$AP Rocky, J. Cole, Beenzino, G.D
He says he is closest to Jungkook
J-Hope’s motto “If you don’t work hard, there won’t be good results”
He likes visiting the Fancafe when he has time because he needs to know what are fans saying (always there for us armies)
When having problems or worries he would share them with Rap Monster or Suga (so cute 😊 )
When he was younger he was quite famous in the Gwangju dance underground
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Things he wants to steal from other members is Jimin’s chocolate abs, Rap Monster’s rap skill and his good English
His ideal date; “I love the sea, I would like to walk down to the beach and hold hands (laughs)”
Other members about J-Hope;
Jimin’s first impression about J-Hope; “The first person I met was J-Hope. He was very friendly to me, ‘Excuse me, Jimin.’. So, I remembered J-Hope the most.”
Jimin about J-Hope’s mean side; “J-Hope is bright guy, laugh a lot and has become hopeful like his name. J-Hope has good energy that effects everyone in a good way and I think J-hope is awesome. And people think he’s always nice and innocent. But, inside his smiley face, there’s an evil living there. J-Hope winds me up all the time but never stop smiling even when he does that. But you can never punch someone who looks so happy like that. One day, I was sleeping and all of sudden he poked me and shook me saying,
‘Jiiiimiiiiiiiin, wake up and play with me!!!!’
So, I woke up. But right after I opened my eyes, he just grinned at me and went back to sleep like nothing happened. So, I thought,
‘Uuuugh! I can never say anything to him cause he’s older than me!’.
And once he told me he would give me a massage and started squeezing the back of my neck, and that got tighter and tighter! He was smiling at then too! At the end, I was getting upset but he didn’t stop it. He was doing it even harder and said,
‘This will relax your muscles.’
When I was sitting down at the rehearsal room during the break, he head locked me. He hit me once and left the room so I looked at him with a serious face for a second. J-Hope, the timid, came to the room only after three seconds and gave me some mischievous hugs and said,
‘Jimin! Are you upset at me? Are you?? You are not! Aren’t you??’
Chuckling hard, he left room after 10 seconds. What should I do with him?”
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Rap Monster; “There’s something he always says whenever we make a comeback or wrap up our promotion. He says that we got to make a comeback or successfully complete the promotion, thanks to the love shown by our fans.”
Suga; “I’m not good at expressing how I feel with words. But Jimin and J-Hope are good at expressing themselves. I envy them for that.”
Hobi’s ideal type is a girl who loves him, is good at cooking, and thinks a lot
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Summary; he’s literally sunshine and he has one of the biggest hearts ever. Dancing machine Hobi is such a lil bean and he deserves the world, honestly 😊 alSO DESERVES MORE LINES!!
Kay so now we have the intellectual, the very philosophic Kim Namjoon {Namjoon, Joonie, Joonbug, Moni, Rap Monster, Rap Mon, Namjoonie, Leader Mon, God of Destruction, The Destroyer}. Smol dorky bean with dimples and a v v high IQ of 148. Also, literally a Rap God whose life is about philosophy, BTS, and music.
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Some facts;
He was born in Ilsan, Gyeonggi-d, South Korea
He got a mamma, pappa, and lil sis
He went to Apgujeong High School
Rap Monster studied in New Zealand and lived/stayed there for 6 months. :O  
He’s currently enrolled to Global Cyber University
Pre-debut he had already been performing as an underground rapper, with several tracks released informally, including a collaboration with Zico (Block B)
He’s really smart with an IQ of 148. He was previously ranked in the top 1% of the nation in his high school exams (so fuckin smart m8)
He speaks English fluently (he does so well omg ;-; )
Rap Monster’s TOEIC (The Test of English for International Communication) score was 900.
There was a rumour among the Korean fans that at the age of 15, Namjoon had a heart surgery with a 30% chance of living (but that’s probs legit just a rumour)
Hobbies include surfing the web
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He’s a great supporter of Gay/Lesbian’s rights 😊 😊
He has a younger sister the same age as Jungkook but when asked if he would introduce her to him, he said N.O (ehehe)
His image before debut was a neat and quiet student
He started to write lyrics since he was in school, on his textbook
Rap Monster has composed/produced 100+ songs (y’all needa check out his solo raps n mixtape boisss)
Clothes matter to him (yo I live for his daily kim posts)
Fave food = Kalguksu (Korean knife noodles)
Fave colour = black
Fave number = 1
Fave items = clothes, computer, books
Despite Moni’s rough and tough image, he is v playful n relaxed
He likes clear weather
If he were a girl he said he would date J-Hope because he’s like the mother at the dorm
Role models; Kanye West & A$AP Rocky
Rap Monster wrote the lyrics of ‘No More Dream’ because he had no dreams when he was in school ☹
He, along with Jung Hunchul (ex member of Bangtan) wrote a Brave Brother/YG diss track called ‘Hook’ (check it out here man)
He wants to be a rich Rapper in 10 years
He has a dog, whose name is RAP MON
He would like to make a sub-unit with Jungkook
He was the first member to join BTS
He likes to imitate his members
Rap Mon said that he and GOT7 Jackson are good friends. He said Jackson is very handsome and really good at dancing
 His ideal date; “It’s like the ordinary college student date. We can see a movie together, eat together, walk together. I want to have love like that. It’s because I can’t at all (laughs)”
Some of his popular quotes are; “Jimin, you got no jams” and “Team work makes the dream work”
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Other members about Rap Monster;
Suga; “On the stage, Rap Mon wears sunglasses and has a powerful image but actually he likes cute things. He keeps the ‘Pocket Monster Ball’ on his bed that he received at a fansign”
Jin; “The Baby Dinosaur Dolly. He shakes his tail and crushes things
Jimin;” In the fact, he gets hurt easily”
Rap Mon’s ideal type; “Sexy, even to a brain. Someone that is thoughtful and confident”
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Summary; lil dimpled smol bean Moni is all about his music and his groups and fans. He’s chilled and relaxed but has a powerful image on stage. Literally the god of destruction and could probs just look at something and it’d break (that’s what happens to me anyways)
oKAY so next up is lil squishy sinful bean Park Jimin {Jimin, Chim, Chim chim, Chiminie, Mini, Jiminie, Mochi, Sexy Mochi, Jiminie Pabo, Christian Chim Chim, Kumquat Mochi, Mang Gae Ddeok. Oh, and I regularly call him Chim Cham/Chim Chams}. Such a smol chubby lookin bean but then he turns into the personification of sin itself on stage and I literally cannot deal with it man…kills me
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Some facts;
Born in Busan, South Korea
He has a pappa, mamma, and lil bro
He attended/attends Busan High School of Arts; Global Cyber University
Pre-debut Jimin entered Busan High School of Arts as the top student in modern dance, but later transferred to Korea Arts High School with V
Fave colours = blue & black
Fave number = 3
Fave foods = pork, duck, chicken, fruit, kimchi jjigae
Chim Chams used to view himself as “fat” and he was self-conscious of his looks and cheeks (which were adORABLE)
When he viewed himself as “fat” (he doesn’t anymore)…(I hope) he went into depression and starved himself T_T
He prefers sunny and cool weather
Is known for his impressive abs (*dies*)
He likes to jokingly hit the other members as a way of showing his affection for them
If music is playing he will start to dance no matter where he is 😊
When the weather is sunny and cool, Jimin likes wearing earphones while listening to music that gives a good feeling.
Jimin became interested in a singing career after watching a Rain performance
Once he wrote some lyrics and gave them to Suga. Suga said; “You called these lyrics?!” (the lyrics sounded like a children song). Suga asked him to redo the lyrics, but in the end, he still couldn’t use Jimin’s lyrics ☹
Jimin’s role models are; Rain, Taeyang (Bigbang) and Chris Brown
He is most confident in his eyes
He enjoys reading comic books. He said that comic books influenced him a lot
Jimin usually solves his problems himself. If he can’t solve it, he will share it with V and ask for his advice
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Jungkook is always teasing Jimin about his height
In the dorm, Jimin in charge of the kitchen (chef chim doe??? 😊 )
Things he wants to steal from other members are; Rap Monster’s height, V’s talent and gaze, J-Hope’s cleanliness, Suga’s diverse knowledge
Jimin’s ideal date; “Sitting on the bench, drinking together… I would like to have a countryside date. We would also walk holding hands…. (Laughs)”
If he’d get a day off, Jimin jokingly said he wants to go on a date with Jungkook while holding hands together. And when Jungkook talked about his wishes, Jimin shouted; “Live happily together with me!” (fucKIN SHIP)
He felt a bit hurt when Jungkook ranked him the last in terms of looks. Jimin thinks the 1st is Jin while the 7th is Suga. (He was going to rank Rap Monster as the 7th but he changed his mind saying that recently Rap Monster got better-looking)
He has to use eyeliner while practicing the choreography, else he can’t seem to show strong expressions and he will get shy
Jimin appeared in GLAM’s MV Party (XXO). GLAM disbanded, they were under BigHit.
Jin chose Jimin as the member who has changed the most since debut😊
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Other members about Jimin;
Jin; “Comes at you really cutely. It’s like being attacked by a puppy. Can’t refuse requests because he’s too nice.”
Rap Monster; “Basically kind and gentle. Is very considerate. Isn’t as timid as you would think. Likes clothes and style (same with me). But even though he responds well, there are many times where he doesn’t actually do it. Is quite stubborn. Is the effort-type.”
Suga; “Follows the hyungs’ words well, isn’t the personality where he’ll receive dislike somewhere, puts in effort to live his hardest”.
J-Hope; “Is kind, listens to his hyungs well, has a lot of greed, and has a personality where he makes sure to do his part, and he has a really good personality where he likes me the most and his faith towards me is very strong~~ ♥♥♥♥”
Jeongguk; “He’s the effort-type along with being a triple blood-type A, timid, shameless, and hates losing.”
V; “Cute. Only the amount of him losing his temper is excessive, he’s kind and a friend that’s trustworthy. I talk to him the most, and if I have any worries, he’s the friend that I tell it first to”
His ideal type is a nice and cute girl who is smaller than him
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Summary; uuggggh he’s just so fuckin cute and he deserves all the love in the world. He loves the others so much and cares for them loads. He’s a squishy bean in the streets and a sinful bean on stage. Everybody needs a lil chim in their life 😊
Up next is the animal loving, sweetheart, 4d alien Kim Taehyung {Taehyung, Tae, Tae Tae, Taehyungie, 4D alien, Blank Tae, 4D, Alien, CGV, Gucci Boy, Gucci Prince, V} dis bean is crazy and extra as hECK. He’s also super adorable and his laugh is probably the best thing ever omfg.
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Some facts;
He was born in Daegu, South Korea.
He has a mamma, pappa, and lil bro
He attends/attended Korea Art School; Global Cyber University
Tae Tae can speak Japanese fluently :O
Fave colours = black, green, and white
Fave number = 10
V’s favourite items are = his computer, big dolls, clothes, shoes, accessories, and anything unique (like himself lol)
It is said that when his teaser image was released 5 personal fan clubs were created 😊
He has been in the group for a while, but fans didn‘t know or hear of him until the time around his debut
He likes anything that is unique
His favourite artist is Eric Bannet
His role model is his dad. He wants to be a dad like his dad, someone who takes care of his children, listen to everything they say and encourage & advise them in their future plans (so fuckin cuuuute)
He has the same hobbies with Jin
When V has a problem, he will share it with Jimin and Jin. But he thinks it’s easier to talk to Jimin since they have the same age
Fans said V looks like Baekhyun (EXO) and Daehyun (B.A.P.). He said Baekhyun is his mother and Daehyun is his father. (it’s true tho)
V is a mood maker in BTS, along with Suga (daegu princessss)
V’s motto; “I just came up with it but let’s life coolly to the maximum. Since life happens only once, waking up at ease in the morning and working doing your best”
According to Yahoo Taiwan poll, V is the most popular BTS member in Taiwan
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In the dorm V is in charge of the washing machine
When V celebrated his Birthday (131230 at MBC Gayo Daejun), he felt very happy because he able to share birthday with K.Will. K.Will’s waiting room was beside BTS’s room. So, K.Will came to him and said, “Hey, is it your Birthday today? It’s mine too! Let’s blow the candle together.”
V likes amusement parks. He especially likes the gyro drop, gyro swing and roller coasters (boi we can go together because same)
V can climb a tree but he can’t get back down (such a dork omg 😊 )
V comes from a poor family; “I came from a poor family and I never thought I would become famous.” He grew up under a family of farmers and often takes pictures of the farm they own
He revealed in an interview with ‘The Star,’ “[Being an idol is] a lucky chance that will only come once in a lifetime. If I wasn’t in BTS I would probably be a farmer. I’d be pulling out weeds from a farm with my grandmother.” (farmer tae doe can you imagine… :O )
V acted in the Korean drama “Hwarang” (2017-2017) (if you haven’t already watched it, y’all needa do so)
V sang the OST of “Hwarang” alongside Jin, which is Part 2 – “It’s Definitely You”.
If he’d get a day off, V wants to see his parents (he’s literally so cute tho omg)
V said the 3 requirements for his happiness are; family, health and honour.
V’s ideal date; “Amusement park. But nearby park is also good. I think that it’ll be nice if holding hands. My ideal is cute dating.”
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Other members about V
Rap Mon about V’s cooking; “Honestly, we’d love try it. But V’s cooking is too great, we might end up crying. That’s why up till now we haven’t tried it. If V can roll the seaweed a little better, we will definitely give it a try.”
Jimin about V’s cooking, “We’ll try V’s cooking sooner or later. I just hope, V will stop stealing the food when I’m cooking.”
Jin ranked V as the noisiest member; “First, there’s V. I’m not kidding. He’ll be sitting in the dorms, then suddenly he’ll run around going ‘HO! HO! HO!’. He’s really weird. He’s like a different species. Do you know what he does alone at our house? ‘Jimin, I love you!! Oppa, I can’t! Jimin, I love you!! (Imitate V’s alone conversation). Seriously...”
Jin; “Although he seems weird, I think it’s a concept. He asks before he does something, he’s very detailed.”
Jungkook; “Although he’s a hyung, I have no answer to describe his personality.”
Suga; “Compared to his age he’s immature and isn’t able to become serious. It seems he doesn’t care what others think.”
Jimin; “He has a cheerful personality and really doesn’t notice his surroundings. He likes playing around. He’s innocent.”
His ideal type is someone who takes care of him and love only him and who has a lot of aegyo
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Summary; le 4D extra alien who is suuuuuuch a family man which is so adorable is such a soft bean I can’t deal oh god. He’s v v sinful on stage tho so watch out…he’ll pull you in with his cute charms and then BAM hipthrust muthafucka
Okie dokie! Last but not least it’s time for the lil bun bun Maknae Jeon Jungkook {Jungkook, Kook, Kookie, Jungkookie, Bun, Bun Bun, Golden Maknae, Triple Threat, Muscle Pig, Jeon Cena, Ironman, Bunny, Seagull, Justin Seagull, Living Meme, Meme Child, Baby, Jungshook, Nochu
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Some facts;
Born in Busan, South Korea
He has a pappa, mamma, and hyung
He went to Seoul School of Performing Arts and graduated in February 2017
He attended Baek Yang Middle School
He has an older brother named Jeon Jung Hyun
Fave foods = anything with flour (pizza, bread etc)
Fave colours = red, black, and white
He loves playing games, drawing, and soccer (football)
He has a weird habit where he sniffles a lot because of his rhinitis. He also wriggles his fingers a lot
His shoe size (U.S. conversion) is 7.5
Would date Jin if he were a girl
He likes the number 1
Said to be a very skilled cook
He likes shoes and makeup
He dislikes tasteless things, bugs, getting hurt, studying
He speaks Korean, Japanese and English (basic)
In 7th grade Jungkook learned B-boying in a club with some friends and hyungs
He knows Taekwondo (he has a black belt)
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Before joining the group, he was a handball player
His favourite weather is a sunny weather with a cool breeze
In 10 years Jungkook wants to be the owner of a duck meat restaurant or a tattooist (fuCKIN TATTOOIST JUNGKOOK THOOOO
In middle school, he went to Superstar K auditions but failed to pass the elimination round
On the way back home, he received offers from eight different entertainment agencies
After randomly seeing and falling in love with future member Rap Monster’s rap, he decided to join Big Hit Entertainment (so cute)
Jungkook’s role model is G-Dragon (BigBang).
His dream, when he was younger, was to become a badminton player.
In the 1st year of High School he listened to G-Dragon’s songs and changed his dream to becoming a singer.
His motto is; “Living without passion is like being dead”.
Jungkook wants to go on trip with his lover someday.
He loves reading comic books.
Jimin says that Jungkook smiles when he swears.
About school subjects, Jungkook dislike everything except Physical Education, Art, and Music Class.
He doesn’t like bugs, but he likes cool bugs like (stag) beetles. He used to have a stage beetle when he was younger, but he didn’t take care of it well, so it died.
He said he usually doesn’t exercise a lot but started working out after seeing Taeyang and Jay Park.
The member who’s most similar to him; “V Hyung. He’s random, our comedic cords match well, and I think our personalities are similar.” (Profile written by Jungkook)
He is friends with GOT7’s Bambam & Yugyeom, Seventeen’s DK, Mingyu & The8, and NCT’s Jaehyun (a.k.a. ’97 line).
Jungkook, GOT7’s Bambam & Yugyeom, Seventeen’s The8, Mingyu, DK, and NCT’s Jaehyun (the ’97 liners) are in a group chat. (Jungkook and Bambam mentioned the ’97 liner squad in their ‘thanks to’ in their recent albums)
Jungkook’s ideal date; “Walking along the beach in the night.”
Things that he wants to steal from other members are; Rap Monster’s knowledge, Suga’s diverse knowledge, J-Hope’s positive mind, Jimin’s persistence and his effort, V’s natural talent and Jin’s wide shoulders.
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Other members about Jungkook;
Suga; “Jungkook has a good memory so he can imitate us well. And I remember that when Jungkook first came, he was shorter than me. Seeing him grow taller makes me feel like I’ve raised him.”
Jimin; “I’m 2 years older than him but he keeps making fun of me for my height.”
Jin; “He’s quite bad at refusing requests.”
Rap Monster; “Individualistic, doesn’t share clothes. Washes his clothes separately. A slight timid-ness that’s like a maknae. Although he wants to seem manly, he’s actually a cutie. Although his passion overflows, it doesn’t go on long. Puberty, rebellious, but it seems cute.”
J-Hope; “He’s the maknae who talks backs a lot and doesn’t listen. Although his personality is quite kind… I also have no answer for his personality”
V; “Truthfully, he’s the same as me. I have no answer.”
Suga; “Because he’s the youngest, he’s still immature. However, he clearly shows what he likes and what he dislikes.”
Jimin; “He’s kind, innocent, and is bad at expressing his feelings. That’s why he’s cute. Jeonggukkie’s mine.”
Suga about Jungkook entering High School; “Jeongguk was the most handsome one there.”
V about Jungkook entering High School; “It’s not that the other students were ugly, but JK was most noticeable because he’s tall.”
Ideal type; someone who’s at least 168cm but smaller than him, is a good wife, good at cooking, smart, has pretty legs, and is nice. Also, a girl who likes him and is good at singing.
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Summary; he’s a smol, innocent bun who is also a coMPLETE MEME CHILD HOLY FUCK NUGGETS. Hella tall bean with killer thighs and a v v disrespectful attitude on stage…I cri ever-tim ;-; 
{Request anything you want guys}
819 notes · View notes
saviormysticmeme · 8 years ago
yooooo idk if you take requests but here's one of you want it???? so can i get SUPER fluffy wedding vows? for the rfa plus the minor trio? it's cool if you dont want to do it tho
I’m totally down to try requests!!!I feel like I’m kind of awkward with fluff and it always comes out more ‘Poetic’ than the cute fluff,  so I don’t know if they’ll all meet the SUPER level of Fluff but I’ll sure try! I hope you like it, feel free to leave comments or constructive criticism!
He’s shaking a little. Wiping his sweaty palms on his pants.
He takes a deep breath and
  “MC, when we first met on the chat I was so nervous. I had talked to you for all of 5 minutes and I already knew I was going to fall in love with you. You were just so sweet, and kind, and whenever you got on the chat…Everything just felt better.”|   “Then I realized I didn’t even know what love was. I thought love was that feeling I had whenever we talked on the phone, but no, not even close.”     “Then I thought Love was the feeling of when I saw you in person for the first time. You looked like an angel, the type that revives players after the whole team has fallen. I thought you were going to revive me…But that still wasn’t love.”   “Love wasn’t the first time we kissed.”   “Love wasn’t moving in together”   “Love was …Love was the little moments.”   “Love was you cheering with me after winning a match even if you didn’t get LOLOL that much. Love was us taking care of each other while the other was sick. Covering each other with a blanket when we’d pass out after studying too hard. It was bringing surprise coffees to each other.”   “Love is the look in my eyes right now, staring at you. And I hope you can see it and I hope you know it’s nowhere near as beautiful as you or your soul but it’s everything I have to offer you.”                   “Will you accept it MC? Will you accept my Love?”
She’s calm, she’s content.
She takes one of your hands in both of hers and stares into your eyes
   “MC, I never expected this when we first met. I thought you were just going to be my new coworker, maybe friend at most. I didn’t expect you to make me the happiest woman alive.”   “It’s funny how things change over time isn’t it? When you first joined the RFA I didn’t even trust you to throw a party, but now…Now I trust you with my life. With my love. With my eternal happiness. Because to make me happy all you have to do is be by my side, because you make the world so much better. You make everything more fun, more pure.”   “I feel like because of my workplace appearance, everyone assumes I’m somewhat emotionless. Like I don’t have feelings, but I can tell you see me for so much more. But who knows, maybe you see more because I feel more when I’m with you. I used to aspire to be ‘successful’ but my idea of ‘Success’ was having a good job that I enjoyed, and while that’s a nice thought, I realize ‘Success’ is something else.   “It’s those moments when we’re holding each other and watching movies. Those moments when we laugh together. Those moments when we’re both behind the counter of the coffee shop pouring different drinks, but we glance at each other and we both smile.”   “I know this is Success because I don’t have any need to advance anymore. I’m content with this. I want the rest of my life to be like the way it is now.”                   “I want to spend the rest of my life with you MC”
He’s memorized his speech of course
He takes your hands in his, his touch is gentle
He takes a deep breath, ready to deliver his speech with all his gusto…but then lets it out his mouth slowly
This isn’t a performance, he reminds himself. This is true love.
   “MC, as an actor I understand just how powerful words can be. But I can also understand how that power can be overlooked. Sometimes I get scared…scared that when I tell you “I love you” you don’t know I mean “I love you with all my heart and I could never dream of a life without you”. I get scared that you think my version of ‘Love’ is devalued because I use the word so much, that you don’t know how strongly I mean it. When I say I love you, I don’t mean ‘I like having you around’ I mean ‘I need you’. When I call you ‘My Love’ I’m not calling you my partner, I’m calling you my soulmate, my better half.”
A tear or two start welling up in his eye, but he can’t bare to talk his hands away from yours.
   “And you’ve shown me a Love I’ve never had. All my life I felt unloved, until I became famous. Then I had strangers on the street telling me they loved me. And I expected that to fill this hole that had been growing in my heart, but it never quite did the job.”   “I had grown up feeling like I couldn’t be truly loved because of the way I looked. I felt like people would like me for my face and body and they wouldn’t even pay mind to what I was really like. I felt like they’d ignore my flaws just to look at me.”   “And the idea of someone looking past your flaws is nice, but not when they’re looking at someone who isn’t you. When people would ignore my flaws, it’s because they were looking at Zen.”
He gently squeazed your hands
No matter how much he had practiced his lines he still didn’t feel prepared
   “Then there was the first time you said you loved me.”
   “You did something thousands of fans and friends could not. You filled the hole in my heart. You taught me what it was to truly be loved. Not just for looks or talent, but for heart and soul as well. You didn’t ignore my flaws, you took them in your hands and showed them love and care. You said ‘We can work on them’.”    “You were never looking at Zen, you were looking at me, Hyun Ryu. And I                hope you choose to keep looking at him for the rest of our lives.”
He’s staring into your eyes
He’s ready and jumps right into it
   “MC. I love you.”   “Every moment I’m with you is like the moment you first jump into a cold lake. The first time you jump out of a plane to skydive. That feeling you have when speeding down an empty highway at 100 mph with the top down. Being with you makes me feel things so intensely I thought my heart would burst the first time we met.”   “You make me feel alive.”    “I don’t think I’ll ever know what it is to ‘live’ again if you’re not with me. “   “I know we come from different places, I’m privileged enough to come from a place that many people don’t, and I haven’t always paid much attention to it. I’ve been…cold to others. You taught me what it is to show warmth, compassion, to other humans. You’ve made me such a better man, and I have no doubt you will only continue to do so. “
He takes your hands in his.
   “But not only are you admirable for being kind, you are strong too. Most people are intimidated by my status, they roll over to appease me and offer nothing but their meek support. You are unafraid to tell me when I am wrong, when I am getting cold again. I know I have a long, long, way to go on my path to becoming a better person, and it’s your strength I need to keep me on track.    “MC, if you promise to stay by my side and help me grow, I promise to give      you everything you could ever want in life. Whether it be material things, or                      every ounce of love my heart produces. It’s all yours”
   “First of all I’d like to apologize. I always said we’d get married in a Space station…unfortunately the world isn’t that advanced yet and, MC, I can’t wait any longer. I want to marry you so badly…I hope you can forgive me for being impatient to spend the rest of my life with you.”   “Second, I want to thank you. You saved me, not only from others, but from myself. If I hadn’t met you I’d be hunched over my computer right now, doing god knows what, instead of looking into the eyes of the most beautiful person in the world.”   “I want to hold you in my arms forever, MC. I can see us now, just laying on a blanket staring at the night sky, talking about anything and everything, until our spaceship is ready. Then we’ll take a vacation out to space and take a trip around the earth. And you know what I will say to you everyday? Everyday I’ll tell you that I didn’t leave my world, because you’re my world. And it’ll be so cheesy and you’ll stop laughing after the hundredth time probably, but I’ll keep saying it so you never forget it MC. So you never forget that you are my everything.”           “Will you allow me to be your everything? Will you marry me?”
He’s fidgeting.
You guys didn’t invite a lot of people, but the 10 pairs of eyes staring are enough to make him uncomfortable
“Saeran we can save the vows and everythi-” You were gonna try offering to do it all later
“No” His eyes snapped to you instead of your friends and family. You took his hands in yours. He’s not big on PDA but it hand holding usually soothes him a bit so you hope it helps. He glances down and seems to relax a little, then looks back to you.
You guys didn’t invite a lot of people, but the 10 pairs of eyes staring are enough to make him uncomfortable
   “I won’t lie, I’m a little uncomfortable right now. …I’m uncomfortable a lot of the time. My whole life has been pretty uncomfortable. But when I met you I saw…windows of time where I could be called…comfortable. The more time I spent with you the more ‘comfortable’ I got being around you. And eventually I think I found myself wanting to be near you. You’d come over and visit, and I’d find myself being disappointed when you’d leave.”     “One day when you came over…our hands touched. Like they are right now. And…you did it slowly…softly…I could tell you were trying to not make me jump cause I know I have a habit of doing that…and that’s how I knew you cared. It was a little weird honestly, you had taken the time to notice how I reacted to things, and what…what made me comfortable. You cared in a way no one else had…and yet again I felt uncomfortable. But a new uncomfortable. I usually wanted to be left alone, but now…being in solitude made me feel upset. I wanted you near me forever.”
   “So that’s why we’re here I suppose.” 
He cast a glance towards the small crowd, then back to you. You had a smile on your face, encouraging him on. 
   “You make me feel like you care about me. And I want you to know… I care about you. A lot. And I always want you near me. And… I’ll do whatever I can to make you comfortable by my side.”
             “So…MC…I want to marry you. And be with you forever.”
Jihyun/ V
He was calm and ready
He took his glasses off, usually in public he keeps them on because people get distracted by the slight fog to them, but this was about him and you.
   “MC…Words can’t begin to describe the joy I feel right now. Part of me considered just presenting a slideshow of pictures that express how I feel. A shot of a beach at twilight. Two orchids, stems and petals intertwined, swaying in the breeze. A panoramic that shows the moon rising and the sun setting…
   “I feel like when we’re together we create a path that the universe didn’t plan for, a path that’s spontaneous and beautiful. We’re an anomaly, no one saw it coming, not even us, but now that it has, every moment is pure magic. And I’d like to walk that path holding your hand every step along the way. When we’re together it’s impossible for me to feel pain. I’ve suffered from incidents along the way in life…but those moments when you look at me with a smile on your face, when you laugh at something silly, when you hug me each time you see me as a greeting…any injury I’ve ever had heals a little more.
   “We walked down this aisle, and now I ask you to walk a little more..because I love you more than anything else in the world.”
                  “Will you walk this path of life with me forever, MC?
He was oh so confident. Staring everyone in the audience in there eyes with a slight smirk on his face
Then he saw you and he lost his cool a bit
You walked down the aisle towards him and he just
Gulped. Lost his composure for a second, but pulled it back together as you took the spot across from him
“Damn Babe you look good” He said, mouth slightly agape still
The Priest coughed a bit as a slight reprimand for his vocabulary.
“Oh, sorry.” Vanderwood cleared his throat.
   “MC..I uh, I suck at words so I’m sorry if this all seems underwhelming…Just know…I uh, feel a lot more than what I’m about to say. Ok? Ok.”
Another deep breath. He’s not used to feeling shook like this.
   “We met under some of the weirdest circumstances ever, like that shit could be a video game or movie or something. And I never believed in a ‘higher power’ or anything but…looking back I can’t feel like everything that happened, happened by coincidence. Had we not met in that situation would we have gotten as close as we did? I…I don’t know that we would have. It’s moments when your life’s in danger that you see someone for who they really are…and I saw that you were sweet, and kind, and still somehow a badass.”
The Priest didn’t even try
   “You risked your life to help your friends, and to protect me, a stranger at the time. You have to be one hell of a person to do that. And you are one hell of a person. Even if I hadn’t known it instantly, I would find out after spending time with you. Time that I cherish every moment of, because…because I love you. And I want to spend more time with you, a lot more…so I look forward to us getting married and spending the rest of our lives together.”
Hope this was the fluff you were looking for!!
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starsocsideblog · 8 years ago
did u want to hear pointlessly long rambling about ocs.....this is the post for u
okay so studying is killing me atm so i decided to use some chill time to chatter about my ocs…my kids….because lbr this blog is a mess of assorted information
stuff under read more
context? i suck at plotting and also gonna dodge some spoilers for now so all u need to know is that the story is set in a futuristic sci fi/urban fantasy sort of world (with some of those sweet dystopic elements thrown in because i love dystopias, even ya ones, especially ya ones) in which magic is a thing which a few people have (is it genetics? is it prophecy? this is why i don’t have a plot yet) but its sort of rather illegal to use and have because either a. magic users have put people in danger in the past and/or b. there is a prophecy that claims magic users will revive an old aristocracy based society in which those with magic had absolute rule and it sucked for every else so there was a revolution and honestly? no one wants that back. it sucked. mostly magic users have their magic removed and their memories wiped so they can start anew in society (although with a few restrictions for a while)
the main four kiddos are a bunch of late teens/young adults (i’m thinking about 19/20?) that have teamed up for various reasons to do some of that sweet illegal magic stuff and maybe jumpstart a prophecy that dooms the world but that last bit was an accident, and accidents happen.
first up is stella shields, who technically dates back to one of the first ocs i ever made??? (she has definitely changed a lot tho haha) stella is the self-proclaimed leader of the group given that she has good leadership qualities and is confident and brave and also very tol and swol, so there skylar
she has no memories of her childhood and is fixated on finding her birth mother, who she believes was andromeda sparks, famed/disgraced figure in prophecy. stella has no magic and believes it was removed as a child, and has been adopted by a lovely but kind of sneaky lady called tamara. tamara studies prophecy and such which is how stella even guessed that in the first place (also because they look super similar).
stella is a deconstruction of a heroic stereotype - she’s tall, strong, and despite having no magic she fights just as well as (if not better than) most of the cast. she even has the fancy heir-style backstory to boot. unfortunately, during the story…things…happen which deplete her strength and she has to take a backseat to the action, which tears her up inside but also prompts her looking at herself without a heroic lens and seeing her flaws/how much unnecessary importance she places on her status as a hero and her heritage
besides being obsessed with the idea of being a hero like her mother was, stella kind of has an ongoing identity crisis which she fills up with fantasies of finding her mother and dumping traits she thinks a hero should have in place of her almost “blank slate” personality (which she’s pretty in denial about). her character arc is about her finally recognising the way that she fills in others’ traits as her own and her growing as her own person and aaaaaaaa i love to see my baby mature
next is lina taylor, the problematic fave™ and stella’s best friend since high school. I’m not gonna lie i love lina a lot because she’s probably the first character i started applying actual flaws and consequences - as in, not 100% forgivable and pure intentioned flaws like being ‘too selfless’ and stuff.
lina is paranoid to the point where it hurts not only herself but others, and tends to lash out when feeling pretty much any negative emotion - sometimes her caution pays off, other times it does even more damage. she’s deathly scared of being betrayed and thus hates anyone knowing too much about her, lies about herself incredibly often, and will attack anyone who tries to get close to her if she feels threatened. however, she is a quick thinker and will immediately take a fall for her loved ones if she thinks one of them is in danger.
is lina a magic user? technically spoilers (eh…like its pretty early on? not a big one?) but someone dies and in her panic she brings them back to life. sort of. mostly. in that yeah, their heart beats, but they’re kind of (unknowingly) a walking corpse. her magic is of the healing variety, but explaining how magic works is kind of complicated in a character post rn….maybe later. just know that that sort of magic is a one-off and no, she can’t bring people back to life willy nilly (or even fully back to life at all)
honestly i love her character development as well because she learns that hey, she kind of is a pretty toxic person and has to work to undevelop these traits and make up for the times she screws up. it makes everyone around her happier, but it also makes her so much happier too (which i think she does deserve)
next is skylar ashe, technically good person? best known for doing his best, skylar is far and beyond the best magic user in the cast (main characters and probably even secondary characters too) probably because he’s one of the few characters that indulges in the slightly illegal hobby. skylar is well spoken and clever, and one of those people who has stupidly high aspirations at all times. he and stella have a rivalry thing going on, and they’re very jealous of each other (although skylar never notices because his self esteem is so low he can’t comprehend someone admiring him. he needs a hug)
skylar for the most part is a sweetheart (#teammum) and is a nice person to be around but can also be a bit scary given that a. he is very very manipulative when he wants to be and b. his moral code is a bit worn down in places. he tends to over-rationalise his own behaviour when guilt becomes too apparent, and can come off as cold. rip don’t piss him off mostly
skylar is sort of??? essie’s adopted brotherish person (essie’s up next!!). his magic appeared when he was a really little kiddo but his parents didn’t want to turn him because he was like 6. and thus a pair of lawful goods decided to buck the law for a while (like 10 years, which is a p good effort i guess) but that went about as well as expected and skylar eventually runs away from home, and comes under the care of essie’s mums. this is partially why skylar gets so much of his self worth from magic because despite the fact that it kind of screwed up his family it’s one of the few things he’s good at - he spent years and years practising so he could bottle it up (btw his magic is illusion and telekinetically based)
listen just give this kid some history books and a quiet room and he will be the most happy ever, and probably give you a hug and buy you lunch. his heart is in the right place most of the time and he does try to act in altruistic ways. that whole self-rationalising thing gets challenged a LOT throughout the story likethetimeheaccidentallykilledsomeonebutdontworryaboutthat and honestly? boy learns that no, you don’t need magic abilities/fun illegal hobbies 2 b kewl. u just need to love urself xx
fINALLY IS ESSIE IM LOVE HER TBH. vanessa mayford, known gay, and also part of the magic squad made up of skylar and a few other characters. a dancer by day and the voice of reason™ by night. except she’s not really that great of a voice of reason per se given that her response to “is that illegal” is “did u mean a challenge"
essie is very extroverted and a bit (a lot) of an attention seeker - if she’s there she’s mostly in it for the thrills. even if she’s not the best with reasonable advice (see above) she’s a bit of a bleeding heart and will always give someone a hug and a pep talk if they need it. on one hand she’s got her super overdramatic flair going on but also on the other she’s occasionally chill?? like she’ll do dumb stuff just for fun but is also pretty much unfazed by anything. a dragon or something could be staring her in the face and she’d just be like “can i jump high enough to kick it in the nose”
alas, as is the way with many loud people, she has pretty low self confidence and relies on the validation of others to feel like she’s accomplished anything in her life (which is one reason why she’s always trying to get people’s attention). she feels very unfulfilled with how her life is going despite still being very young, and thus is driven by the fatal american need to have a pretty good time to do reckless things just for the adrenaline rush - everything is a performance for her. she also hates conflict within her own group of friends, and sometimes brushes things under the rug if she thinks it’ll cause a problem, electing to try to deal with it herself.
essie’s magic has been a bit fiddly given that the rules change depending on the rules of magic (which tend to change from setting to setting). her magic is atm shapeshifting but the rules of it are getting a bit confusing so I’m thinking about changing it a little bit. whatever her magic is, she cares the least about magic and thus while she has a lot of raw power she can’t be bothered training to increase it (if she did, she’d probably outrank skylar power-wise).
in conclusion? essie is a babe and im love her a lot. she’s the charming, gay and flirty gal that we all need in our lives and one of my fave characters to write tbh. wins awards for best dressed, most likely to succeed, best dancer (she’s a cheerleader btw) and probably also prom queen. i would vote for her. she would probably cry but that’s okay
so those are my children i love them and now i have to go back to studying my ass off bye
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littencloud9 · 4 years ago
can i hear about those 13 wips you have 😳
absolutely 😳 brace yourselves bc this is gonna be LONG
1) blessing in disguise - alolan movie (multichapter)
- it's basically a plot for an alola-based movie and the pokemon it's focused on is mimikyu bc i love it so much. the concept is kinda about overcoming your own fears (because when you look under mimikyu it's really terrifying right? so it's like seeing your biggest fears) and it mainly focuses on the main cast's dynamic and also papa kukui feels
2) nameless wip - soulmate au (multichapter)
- pretty self-explanatory BUT it's like your soulmate's initials appear somewhere on your body when you turn 10. ofc it's trustedpartner and those two idiots take FOREVER to realise they're each other's soulmates. there's also hints of jellowshipping bc why not
3) before you go (multichapter)
- this one already has 2/3 chapters posted but in the last chapter that's yet to be written (oops) ash meets mohn and gladion meets goh, chloe and delia. also ash and lillie have a Nice reunion bc i've always loved their dynamic and i simply must include it
4) i told you so (oneshot)
- this is prob gonna be posted here instead of ao3 bc it's pretty short but. it's based on this writing prompt i saw where it's like,, write different moments where 'i told you so' is said, so it can be happy, sad, angry etc. again it's trustedpartner
5) nameless wip - game night au (oneshot)
- this one's pretty self-indulgent LOL but it's just the main gang + gladion playing games like super smash bros and mario kart. a lot of cursing going on in there
6) nameless wip - modern au (multichapter)
- modern au!!! the gang are all in highschool and idk,, i don't have much written besides the trustedpartner meeting, a bit of the first chapter and info sheets for the characters. oh but hau plays a big role in this one too!! there's trustedpartner, aquariumplant/bittersweet, and snowlilyshipping
7) nameless wip (oneshot)
- this one fully shows ash and gladion's fight about nebby teleporting lillie to gladion and resetting her trauma. there's a lot of shouting and guilt going on in here and it's pretty angsty but there's also an apology and the two end up having a Bonding Moment (and they fall in love because i said so)
8) nameless wip - proposal/wedding fic (oneshot but possibly multichapter)
- i kid you not this oneshot is 6k+ words and i haven't even reached the wedding part yet.. LOL so it might end up two chapters, or i could slap all 9k words (possibly more) into one chapter like i did with gift you a lovely kiss. i didn't include a lot of the old companions cause i felt like it would be too much to write, but i did include the og gang aka misty, brock and gary!!
9) nameless wip - band au (oneshot but possibly multichapter, depends if i want to turn it into a slowburn)
- basically gladion's in a band with guzma and plumeria called... *drumroll* team skull!! never would've guessed! LMAO anyway gladion sings and plays the guitar, plumeria does keyboard and guzma does drums! but lillie brings ash to see them perform and they end up backstage bc lillie has Family Privileges™ and the gay tension gets THICK. then the two idiots bump into each other outside and all that but i'm still not sure how long i want to stretch out the pining, so we'll see
10) nameless wip - babysitting au (oneshot)
- wow other than the wedding fic i think this is the only fic where ash and gladion start with an established relationship LMAO. but it's just trustedpartner trying to babysitting lei! but because they are absolute disasters it doesn't go amazing,, they still pull it off tho LOL
11) nameless wip (oneshot)
- oh god this is also pretty self-indulgent BUT rmb that episode where ash dresses up as a nurse with the blonde wig and everything? yeah... now take that and let gladion walk in instead... yep. they're gay your honor
12) nameless wip (oneshot)
- this one's not trustedpartner (gasp) but it's actually the prompt by cartoonfanatic101, with zoroark comforting gladion after a nightmare :)
13) nameless wip - scene rewrite (oneshot)
- okay so during the necrozma arc rmb when naganadel appeared and *dramatically falls* and the gang go to help, but gladion resists bc he doesn't want to lose sight of lunala and ub black right? so take that but instead of gladion reluctantly following the gang, he goes after lunala alone like an idiot. and then when naganadel is explaining everything to the gang they hear a loud crash, and in the canon anime it was lunala crashing, but instead of lunala, it was gladion and noivern. noivern protected gladion but he still got injured but like an IDIOT gladion still fights with everyone. then when they come back gladion nearly collapses so ash is all like oh hell no and takes care of him. yes they are in love and yes gladion's stupid
ANYWAY YEAH oh god so many of these are trustedpartner i... if u wanna hear more about a specific wip here just drop me an ask and i'll be happy to answer! or if you want me to work on any of them cause ur more interested in that one then by all means tell me and i'll do it. i actually have more ideas in this google document but i don't think i should be starting on any more so-
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