#I do hope I'm proven wrong somehow though <3
uten4 · 25 days
The first round of bid poker in Liar Game was... okay!
The card manipulation techniques and how to put together a good hand were pretty impressive.
The reveal that Kimura was the real leader of Harimoto's group all along was... well, it would be really really cool if (1) I could believe that the writer actually planned this from the beginning 😭 and (2) if it had some significance to the plot? After only ever seeing Harimoto in charge of everything for them during the musical chairs game, it was really weird seeing Kimura take the lead completely this time, everyone acting like it was always that way. And I can't think of any reason that it couldn't have just been Harimoto doing everything Kimura did this round. I guess it was for the sake of their backstory, but that was just strange.
I feel like we've seen enough similar strategies already that Kimura basing her entire win strategy on another player's words, no matter how convincing he appeared, no matter how many times he was correct before that, just felt sillyyyyy. I wish she had been more skeptical than that. I wish there were more back-and-forth blows and she'd fooled Akiyama at least one time.
And on a related note, everyone in Harimoto's group was so suspicious of Abe, but Kimura still put her and only her on spying duty, and lost as a result?
I do like Akiyama's attitude throughout all this hehe. It really is satisfying seeing him outsmart people.
And I love the themes so much... I love Nao's perseverance so much, and how they showed it really is possible to make people work together and trust each other if you REALLY REALLY REALLY try lol x) I love love love love that Nao's guilelessness is shown to be a strength now, to the extent that Akiyama couldn't have saved everyone without her <3
As for Fukunaga, even though I said before that I thought she was going to play a really big part in this game, she, in fact, did not appear at all except for the beginning LOL. Maybe they'll flashback and show what went down on her end! But I dislike that they just ended this arc by announcing that she had lost to Yokoya in her own match, BADLY.
Is it because I'm biased towards her? Maybe a little. But think about it. What's the point of us learning that she lost without even seeing how first? Is it to shock us? Make us scared of Yokoya? Well, it's neither shocking nor inducing of fear towards Yokoya, or at least it shouldn't be. It's just kinda... disappointing... Fukunaga was shown to be very intelligent and a big threat early in the manga, but her record is actually like this now:
Loss (to Akiyama)
Basically a loss (to Akiyama)
Tie (thanks to Akiyama)
Win (alongside Akiyama (don't get me wrong though she pulled her own weight and Nao's too))
Loss (on her own to Harimoto)
Basically a win (thanks to Akiyama)
Loss (on her own to Yokoya)
Making her lose to Harimoto on her own was effective at building up some fear of Harimoto. But now our expectations of her abilities should have decreased because of that. She's still quick on the uptake, but at this point, it is, VERY UNFORTUNATELY, no longer particularly surprising if she loses without Akiyama. And we already know exactly how smart and scary and capable Yokoya is-- he's not a new character. I wish they would give my girl a win and make her scary again 🙃 I guess that's too much to ask since Yokoya is like the final boss and thus should only be slain by Akiyama and Nao, but they could've just let Fukunaga help with that 😗 And maybe she still will help somehow, and maybe her match with Yokoya was actually so epic and fearsome. Maybe she actually intended to lose or something unexpected like that happened !? We shall see. But I think my point still stands no matter what... this usage of her character is lame!
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taesanrot · 6 months
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[love these days] eunseok x f!reader | 3.3k best friends to lovers, implied college au, making out, alc consumption, mutual pining, mls are both a lil dumb, cute n fluffy w a lil smut n angst syn. in which you drunkenly attempt to prove to your friends that you have absolutely no feelings towards your best friend (spoiler alert... you fail) note. storyline is based off of the manhwa these days love special! it's a super cute one shot and a comfort read for me so you guys should check it out. ++ thank u so so much for the support on the teaser, i honestly wrote it on a whim but i'm v proud of this fic so i hope u guys like it as welll <3
you winced at how loud your friends were yelling, sipping on your drink in a weak attempt to calm your nerves. you'd foolishly thought that coming out to drink with your friends would lift up your mood after your terrible week.
you were immediately proven wrong, chaewon and anton's loud arguing was making your head hurt and you just wanted to go home and snuggle into your blanket.
staring at the table top, you lost yourself in your own racing thoughts. you were pulled out of your trance as shotaro nudged you. you looked up at him drearily, and he gave you a sad smile, ruffling your hair.
"what's up? you seem downer than usual." you gave him a weak half smile, opening your mouth to answer his question. you were interrupted by a loud outburst from sohee.
"what do you guys think about guys and girls being best friends? do you think they can stay platonic?" the entire table erupted with noise, everyone drunkenly chiming in to answer his question.
"what on earth are you saying sohee? of course they can!"
"don't you know if you like someone the second you meet them? how can you catch feelings after being friends?"
"kissing my guy friends sounds fucking disgusting, yall stay safe."
you stayed silent, knowing better than to respond -- you already answered sohee's question with your own traitorous heart. you glanced at the table next to yours, eyes landing on the reason you were keeping your mouth shut.
your best friend, song eunseok.
who you were, unfortunately, in love with.
you and eunseok had met in during your college orientation, finding that your personalities clicked quite well as you discussed your respective majors and classes. the rest was history, you two bonded fast, and you quickly became one of his closest friends. it didn't help that the two of you lived in the same apartment complex, meaning that you basically ended up walking home together everyday.
it became a routine, even if the two of you had separate plans you'd meet up somewhere and walk back together
if you were being honest to yourself, you'd been attracted to eunseok from the day you'd met him.
sometimes, you'd think back to the early days of your and eunseok's friendship and wondered how you'd manage to not confess right then and there. chasing the high of the closeness of your friendship had satisfied you somehow.
these days, though, you started to think that you were losing your mind. your feelings for eunseok have only grown stronger as time has passed, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain your usual subtlety.
you felt like you were at your wit's end, ready to confess and be over all of this. and a couple days ago, you had been planning to do just that.
you reread eunseok's text in confusion, hoping you were walking in the right direction.
you had just gotten out of your last class, and eunseok had texted you to meet him and some other friends on the building's rooftop. you walked around a corner, recognize the back of eunseok's head and his terrible posture.
he was sitting at some picnic tables with two underclassman. just as you were about to wave, you hear one of the other boys speak.
"y/n.... as in kim y/n? you two are pretty close huh, eunseok?" you immediately darting back around the corner, hoping they hadn't seen you yet.
you pulse thrummed under your skin. they were talking about you. you felt your breath hitch as you heard eunseok's tired voice.
"cmon, you know it's not like that, sohee" sohee's loud laugh rang through the air.
"you wish it was though, don't you seokie?" a third voice, hong seunghan, chimed in. you cupped a hand over your mouth to suppress your nervous laughter. you heard eunseok shift in his seat before he spoke the words that would ruin your week.
"y/n.... she's nice and i like her. she's not even close to my type, though."
your face twitched and you clenched your hands into fists, nails digging crescents into your palms. you had to get out of here, and get out of there you did.
turning in the direction you'd come from minutes ago, you disappeared down the stairs, bolting to the comfort of your apartment. you shot eunseok a text later and make up an excuse, saying something came up on the way there. he never questioned it, thankfully.
remembering it made your shoulders sag, and you sighed for what had to be the 30th time that night, taking another swig from your beer.
of course you of all people would get rejected before you even had the chance to confess. you finally tuned back into the conversation. to your dismay, sungchan had begun to gush over his girlfriend of five years.
"it doesn't matter what i think, i'm already locked in for good." everyone rolled their eyes as he turned his phone around to show you guys pictures of his girlfriend, jiwoo, pictures that everyone had already seen a million times.
"isn't she so cute? i miss her, she's so busy these days."
huffing slightly, you felt your eyes waver over to the table next to yours. to certain brown haired boy, more importantly.
normally, eunseok would be drinking with you and your friends, but he was supposed to be getting to know some of the people in his major department better.
one of the students in question was doe-eyed underclassman sullyoon. your stomach turned uncomfortably as you watched her prettily laugh at eunseok's quips, covering her mouth politely and crinkling her eyes ever so slightly. it was impossible for you to look away as she unabashedly flirted with your best friend; the sight was almost nauseating.
jealousy tore through you, an eerie sadness filling you up from bottom to top. she was just his type, you realized, the epiphany making your mood even worse than it already was. today was the worst.
sullyoon's advances and your completely-not-subtle staring didn't go unnoticed by shotaro either.
"guess she's laid her claim on eunseok, huh?" he joked, nudging your side playfully. you dreadfully gulped down the last of your beer.
"how would i know?" you spoke gloomily, and a frown slowly etched itself onto shotaro's face as he put together the pieces in front of him.
his gaze remained on your dull figure for a moment longer before he suddenly sat up and gasped, grabbing your attention.
"guys, we're forgetting about the closest guy and girl here! aren't you best friends with song eunseok, y/n?" your eyes widen as shotaro's words boom through the bar. after a short pause, your friends went into uproar.
"hey, you're right, taro"
"do you like eunseok, y/n?"
"oh my god do you think they've kissed"
the words coming out of shotaro's mouth reached your ears almost in slow motion. your posture stiffened and you coughed roughly in shock, looking over to make eye contact with an unamused eunseok. his table had fallen into silence as well, everyone listening and waiting for what you had to say.
oh god, does he think i told him to say that? he's gonna think i like him. fuck fuck fuck.
alcohol tainted thoughts ran through your head as you panicked, trying to think of ways to shut down the conversation as quick as possible.
"you guys are crazy. me and eunseok could shower together and i still wouldn't catch feelings" seriously? that was the best you could think of?
berating yourself internally, you tried your hardest to fake nonchalance and act like that blatant lie wasn't tearing you in two. you glanced over at your best friend again, his expression unreadable. there was no going back; you really had to get over eunseok now.
tearing your gaze away from him, you downed the rest of your beer and glared at osaki shotaro's back.
"it's too earlyyyy we can't go home" chaewon half spoke and half shrieked, arm wrapped around sohee's shoulder.
"let's go to karaoke!" seunghan chirped, his suggestion earning cheers. you and eunseok both stepped away from the group, saying quiet goodbyes and excusing yourselves to walk back home. your friends cheered seeing the two of you walk away together, and you wished a hole would open in the ground and swallow you whole.
"god i feel like shit" you groaned, rubbing your forehead drearily. eunseok chuckled at your frazzled state, tugging the sleeve of your jacket and pulling you closer to him.
you held your breath as he playfully tugged the hood of your zip up over your face, laughing at the way you sputtered curses at him. the two of you bantered like this almost all the way until your place. when the two of your finally fell into a peaceful silence, you spoke.
"sullyoon seemed pretty into you." you craned your neck and tilted your gaze to the dark sky, hoping the boy next to you wouldn't be able to notice the sadness in your eyes. eunseok rolled his eyes at your question and coughed.
"did she, now?" playing dumb, he smirked at the way your gaze whipped to his face, staring at him incredulously. he hadn't helped himself to nearly as many drinks as you, a slight buzz coursing through his veins.
"i mean i found it pretty obvious." this time, eunseok laughed loudly. you really couldn't hold yourself back at all when you were wasted. your eyebrows furrowed and a blush ran across your cheeks at his laughter and response.
usually, you were pretty careful with how much you drank around your best friend, not wanting to unintentionally expose the feelings your fought so hard to hide from him.
unfortunately, past you did not anticipate shotaro's quips or the events of the past few days, the frustration leading you to allow yourself more drinks than usual.
the front door of your apartment complex came into view before eunseok could answer you. looking at your flushed face and droopy eyes, he decided it'd be best for him to help you to your place. the two of you rode in the elevator in silence, opening to your floor. you're face contorted in confusion as eunseok stepped out as well, hand coming to rest on your back as he led you to your unit.
"what're you doing?" you slurred at him. the fresh air had done nothing to sober you up, and eunseok rolled his eyes with a smile.
"making sure you actually make it to your bed." he fished your keys out of your pocket for you and opened the door to your small apartment. slightly tripping over your feet, you walked in and kicked off your shoes.
before you could even think of slumping onto the floor or your kitchen, eunseok grabbed your shoulders and led you to your room, laughing as you swatted his hands and sat on your bed.
you groaned as you leaned back and laid on your bed, exhaustion catching up to you. you brought a hand up to shield your eyes from the dizzying ceiling light. feeling the bed dip slightly next to you, you turned your gaze to eunseok. he was sitting right next to your laying figure, hand coming up to rub your shoulder lightly.
"cmon, you gotta actually get ready for bed." eunseok sighed and shook his head, pinching your neck and earning another groan.
after a painfully long amount of time, eunseok had managed to get you off your bed and into the bathroom. he helped your wipe off your leftover makeup and made sure you took out your contacts and brushed your teeth.
routine complete and pajamas adorned, you stood and stared at your awaiting bed, something stopped your from getting in and slipping underneath the covers.
eunseok turned off the lights in your bathroom and the rest of your apartment before returning to your bedroom with a glass of water.
"here, have some water." after seeing your stilled figure still standing next to the head of the bed, his eyebrows furrowed.
"are you okay?" the boy inquired. he reached his hand out to rest on the small of your back, but you turned and sat down on the bed before he had the chance.
"seokie..." you mumbled softly. eunseok felt his cheeks burn at the nickname the rolled off your drunken tongue. you'd only used it a few times -- almost always when you were intoxicated. eunseok never found it in him to tell you he loved it.
"i lied earlier, i'm sorry." you stared at your socked toes and eunseok's brows furrowed in confusion. lied? what is she talking about?
"about what?" you looked up to meet eunseok's eyes. they bored into you, sending a shiver down your spine as your mouth suddenly dried up. clearing your throat slightly, the secret you had been keeping for so long slipped from your lips.
"i can't shower with you." well, not quite. eunseok chuckled lightly at your serious tone.
"what? why does that matter?" he pried further, chuckling at your pout. you didn't find this situation amusing, all of the memories of eunseok rejecting you flowing back into your mind. letting out a tearful sigh, your face fell into your hands with a loud smack.
"i can't because i already have feelings for you!" eunseok's lazy smile dropped immediately, not only at the fact that you just confessed to him, but also because you were now crying into your hands.
"i like you so much, i'm sorry seokie. sohee was right about me." you sniffled and cried even harder into your hands, not realizing eunseok kneeling in front of you. your crying subsided as eunseok's hands wrapped around yours, pulling them away from your teary face.
"you're seriously something else." your best friend smiled at your teary eyes and red nose. even while crying you looked so adorable to him. you opened your mouth to whine at him but he placed a finger over your lips, continuing.
"i can't shower with you either, y/n" your face crumpled even more.
"because i'm not even close to your type! i already know that, you asshole." it was your turn to stare in confusion as eunseok laughed and shook his head.
"no, don't you get it?" a thick silence hung in the air as you racked your brain for any possible explanation.
because he wants to keep things platonic? no, that can't be it. or maybe ...
does he... like me?
eunseok watched the gears turn in your head, seeing your face fill with realization before you spoke.
"do you l-" eunseok didn't give you a chance to finish your question, moving forward and swiftly capturing your lips in his own.
you made a noise of surprise before shutting your eyes, reaching for his shirt to pull him on top of you. eunseok was gentle as ever with you, laying you down on the bed slowly. hovering over you, he let his tongue run across your bottom lip, coaxing your mouth further open so he could taste more of you.
you sighed out in satisfaction as you felt his warm tongue explore your mouth. you don't know how long you'd been waiting for this moment. running your hands along the blades of his shoulders, you pressed them into his back, hugging him close as if he might disappear.
entangling his legs with yours, breathing the same air as you, eunseok wanted to capture this moment and lock it in his memory forever. he decided instead to let you know how he felt through his lips and hands, easing his fingers through your hair and sucking your bottom lip.
as he pulled away and the two of you watched the string of saliva connecting your lips, you wondered how you managed to bottle up your feelings for the boy above you for as long as you did.
twisting the hem of your shirt, eunseok looked into your eyes with a hooded gaze, drunk off of you.
"can i?"
opening your eyes slowly, you registered your surroundings. you were snuggled in bed, wrapped in your comforter.
as you mind flashed with the memories of the bar last night, you shot up in bed.
"morning." you screamed at the greeting, turning to see eunseok laying next to you in your bed, scrolling through his phone lazily.
"what are you-" you question was interrupted by a loud noise from the boy's stomach.
"ugh, i'm so hungry, lemme go pee and let's get something to eat, yeah?" eunseok fought to hide his laugh as he watched you scratch the back of neck in confusion.
you stared at eunseok intensely as he ate his burger and fries like a starved man. you and your best friend were seated in nearby diner. you wished you knew what eunseok was thinking; he hadn't brought up the events of the night before and you were starting to think they didn't even happen. not to mention your memory was pretty foggy following eunseok helping you to your room anyways.
you hoped nothing happened past the two of you making out; you'd really want to remember sleeping with eunseok if you did. looking up at eunseok nonchalantly sipping on his coke, your patience ran out.
"we didn't sleep together, right?" eunseok swallowed his drink slowly, letting your question hang in the air for the moment before answering.
"what do you remember?" he inquired and you exhaled shallowly.
"kissing. and you took off my shirt i think." the boy in front of you smiled. he was secretly very happy you remembered the night before. he'd be a little bothered if he was the only one who remembered your first kiss together.
"yeah, you passed out like right after that." he chuckled, watching your face turn bright red. chewing your bottom lip, you turned your focus back to your food. eunseok smiled softly at you. he thought you were too cute for your own good.
walking back to your apartment, you turned to eunseok.
"you never told me if you liked me." eunseok stopped in his tracks, turning to look at you in disbeilef.
"the making out wasn't enough of an answer for you?" he laughed as you smacked his arm, hoping no one passing by heard eunseok's crass answer.
"song eunseok!" smiling like you were the only person in the world, eunseok grabbed your hand and laced his fingers with yours.
"y/n, i like you too. will you go out with me?" swinging your arms, he pouted at you, waiting for answer.
"ugh, you're so corny." snatching your hand out of his grasp, you jokingly walked away from the boy, giggling.
"hey! you're the one with a crush on me!" he chased after you, laughing as he wrapped his arms around you and locked you in his grasp. turning in his arms to face him, you met his brown eyes and smiled prettily.
"i'd love to go out with you."
[bonus — the day eunseok "rejected" you]
"y/n.... she's nice and i like her. she's not even close to my type, though."
eunseok's words hung in the air as he searched for the right way to express his thoughts. just hearing your name made his cheeks flush pink. balancing his chin in his hand, he continued.
"somehow though, she seems prettier every time i see her." this earned a loud cheer from the two boys.
"eunseok hyung, you really surprised me." seunghan laughed at the eunseok's dopey smile.
"could you guys please keep it a secret for me?"
taglist: @shnnzsworld @beomgyusonlywife @pompompush @forrds @yoursyuno @snowyseungs @dreamiestay @taeraeverse
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splendsay · 12 days
COD Fic // Callsign: Sunshine // Chapter 8: Dancin' is a Dangerous Game
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^ that's me rn cuz I have so much planned for this fic muahahaaa my asks are OPEN rn and I'm workshopping a few more fic outlines so be prepared for a metric fuckton more of me
.............................................................. Callsign: Sunshine // Chapter 8: Dancin' is a Dangerous Game
Huzzahhh we made it to a time jump. hope you enjoy a lil bit of sunshine (or shall we say, ace???) and ghosty's growth.
.............................................................................. CWs: Explicit language, vague mentions of past trauma and recovery
Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Reader (You)
Chapter Excerpt:
You spend the next several weeks in a rhythmic pattern of training, eating and sleeping, the gray mornings gradually giving way to sunnier and sunnier afternoons. The weather itself remains crisp. You're not sure that Scotland experiences true heat, though it's still not quite summer. Maybe you'll be proven wrong.
It takes time to come back to life. But the old you is in there somewhere, and little bit, by little bit, she resurfaces. After the first week, you'd regained a semi-normal amount of energy, able to push through a full day without too much difficulty. That had only improved with time, but you still fall into bed each night utterly exhausted. Your sleep remains dreamless and heavy and all-consuming. 
You wake every morning with a roaring start, momentarily forgetting where you are. Hell, who you are, some days. But you're rested. You're groomed -- well enough, at least. You're fed. Though...
You're an awful cook. Ghost is somehow worse. The best the two of you together can scrounge up is a meager spaghetti dinner -- jarred sauce, of course. The cookies you'd made after that first day of sparring had turned out okay -- mostly edible, at least. Only a few bits too burnt to enjoy. But you found yourself eagerly awaiting Gaz's return, if only to eat something not made of years' old tomatoes. 
Plus, you feel it might be nice to see a face besides your own. Ghost doesn't count. At a minimum, he's always got the balaclava pulled up past his nose, but most of the time, he's wearing the full get-up. 
"Do you ever take it off?" you'd barked at him one day during a particularly grueling sparring session. He'd run you ragged that morning -- pushed you to finish a 5K without walking. You'd hissed and spat and growled at him the whole way, but you'd done it. Slowly. He'd celebrated your accomplishment by lording over you as you trembled through a couple dozen pushups, sit-ups, squats -- a whole menu of calisthenic torture techniques. 
By the time you'd made it to spar, you were entirely fueled by contempt. 
He hadn't answered you, of course. Merely looked down at you with his blackened eyes, arms crossed behind his back. Waiting for you to swing. You had -- too wild and wide -- and he'd put you on the ground with a solid whack to the armpit. You'd released a stream of more and more colorful swear words in retribution, but, as usual, they had bounced off him with no consequence.
And this was your pattern. Day after day after day.
............................................................................. Links to: Spotify Playlist Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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ryuichirou · 1 year
Hi I just wanted to also throw in my support and let you know that I'm sorry you're dealing with people being horrible. Art is meant to be whatever you want it to be and just because you like something in fiction doesn't mean you like it in real life or are some monster indorsing literal crimes (That's why it's called FICTION). You have an amazing art style and a great sense of humor and even though there are some things I don't like that you make I know all I have to do is skip them. People need to understand the difference between participating in ways to limit real threats real threats (like refusing to consume media made by proven abusers and crinimals) and functionally conservative censorship (even if they don't want to admit that is what they are doing) just because they do not like something or it makes them uncomfortable (especially when that censorship many times comes with unsubstantiated accusations and literal death threats). I'm not one to have the mind set of 'back in my day things were better!' because no they weren't, but one thing my generation did do right was learn how to block and ignore things that they were uncomfortable with instead of deciding that the best route to take is literal cyber attacks (I hate calling it 'bullying' since that doesn't even cover half the horrible stuff I've seen people say and do) on people to the point of wanting them to kill themselves over literal fictional characters in art.
I'm sorry this was a rant but please know that you do have people who support you and even if I don't like everything you do, ultimately your art isn't for me. It's for you, and no one has a right to tell you what you are and are not allowed to create. I hope that things get better. <3333
Thank you very much for your kind words of support. I always say that, but I mean it: it's super important to hear that there are people who understand where we're coming from and let us know about it and are willing to express their opinion. Your ask actually really cheered us up that day <3
You’ve made a lot of great points, and I agree with you wholeheartedly! An artist has their freedom to draw and post whatever they want, and the viewer has their freedom to look at it or block it and forget it. If you don’t like it or don’t get it, it’s not for you to get – it’s plain and simple like that.
And yes, there ARE ways to limit irl threats and problematic situations! There are groomers, a lot of them are in fandom spaces, but these folks are looking at the wrong people. And they know it damn well, their goal isn’t actually to bring justice or make someone feel safe: if that was the case, they would just have a list of tags to block and that would suffice nicely.
Also you’re right, things weren’t better back then, but people really did seem to mind their business and ignore/block stuff they don’t want to see more often. And even when artists/writers/people in general received shit from others, it was understood by everyone than people doing this stuff were just straight-up trolls whose entire goal was to mess with others. But nowadays people who harass, bully, threaten and send “kys” messages somehow try to make it seem like they are morally superior to their victims??? Which makes them even more closely resemble pro-censorship conservatives. Honestly, it’s stupid how similar these people sound to some of the 70 y.o. fools who run our country and the censorship laws they create. It’s like verbatim sometimes. Sorry, I digress.
Once again, thank you so much for your support <3 I hope you are having a great day.
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greenviewpassarchive · 3 months
The notion of not staring too long into the abyss, for fear of it staring back, has proven to hold true in ways I had not fully appreciated before. I am increasingly concerned that Greenview Pass may have an unseen influence on our world. It seems that this place is somehow aware of my presence and disapproves of outsiders peering into its secrets.
According to my phone it is now early November, for the sake of posterity allow me a moment to explain that at the time of this entry I had exited the Void Reality not but 3 days ago. Somehow I traveled months ahead of my entry date.
For those unfamiliar with Greenview Pass, entrances and exits are rare and unpredictable. Before venturing in, I always ensure I have ample supplies, as finding an exit can be a challenging endeavor. Fortunately, I recently discovered an exit and captured it on camera, although the quality of the image is quite poor.
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Please observe the unusual road and void-like surroundings in the photograph. Greenview Pass attempts to mimic our reality, but occasionally fails, resulting in anomalies that signal the presence of an entrance or exit. Any deviations, such as discolored bricks or strange markings, are indicators of reality destabilizing within the Pass.
I believe there may be an issue with my GPS, as it seems to be providing inaccurate information regarding my current location. The surroundings do not match the coordinates shown, and I have been driving for an extended period of time without encountering any signs of civilization.
Visibility is limited, with only sporadic streetlights illuminating the road ahead. I am starting to doubt whether I have truly exited the Pass or if I am still within its confines.
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Luckily, I have a small camper that provides comfort during situations like this. While it is not designed for off-road terrain, my Westfalia is a valuable asset for my lifestyle. Despite the chilly weather, I plan to stop and rest in my vehicle for the night. By morning, I hope to have a clearer understanding of my surroundings and can continue my journey refreshed.
This situation is quite puzzling, as my phone indicates that a day has elapsed, despite the darkness outside. Nonetheless, I feel as though I have rested for a significant period, enough to continue my journey.
It strikes me as unusual that there is no traffic on this road, nor have I encountered any individuals or animals. It almost makes me question my sanity.
Where am I? Am I still trapped within Greenview Pass? This can't be right. Was I wrong about the exit? I need to calm down, I should eat.
I don't know which is worse, the feeling that at any moment I may spot an Entity stalking my car; or the fact I've not seen nor heard any other living thing for hours. If I'm truly still within the Pass surely I should have seen something by now. I've observed several various species of Entity that actively roam the Pass on a near daily basis. This is absurd.
I found the end of the road, I feel a presence watching me from out of view. I fear the Pass itself has become aware of me, it's illogical to believe such things; the Pass is not sentient. My body feels a need to run, yet I do not know where I could run to. I need to press onward, I cannot logically be trapped within the Pass. I found the exit, I made it through in time; I must have.
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I apologize for the lack of professionalism in my previous entries today. As a scientist, I strive to maintain a sense of stoicism. However, my emotions are getting the better of me in this situation. My fear is beginning to align with my logic, and I am concerned about what may come next.
I am currently experiencing a shortage of provisions, with limited water reserves for the next week. Additionally, my location is unknown to me at this time. Thus, it may be necessary for me to head back the way I came. Based on past observations, I suspect that the exit may be closed and the route may have returned to its original state.
I have arrived at a populated area! After what seemed like an extensive period of driving, I am grateful to be back in civilization. The sight of houses, cars, and lights is reassuring, even though I am not sure of my exact location. Tomorrow morning, I plan to locate a grocery store to replenish my supplies. The feeling of relief I am currently experiencing is difficult to put into words. Earlier, I was beginning to feel overwhelmed by irrational thoughts, but I believe I am now able to regain a sense of calm.
There is no one here.
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allthemusic · 4 months
Week ending: 4th August
A linguistic curiosity this week: two songs both with the contracted form of "ev'ry". That's not something you see much nowadays. I don't know when it faded out, either - I guess you only really see it in songs, otherwise there's no reason to specify that you're using the contracted version, outside of lyrics? I wonder if Americans were also doing it, or if this is a specifically British type of stuffiness?
Ev'ry Day of My Life - Malcolm Vaughan (peaked at Number 5)
Malcolm Vaughan was a Welsh singer who I had absolutely never heard of before this entry, but apparently alongside the McGuire sisters, he did a version of this song, later popularised by Bobby Vinton in the 70s. So I'm hoping for a serviceable pop standard, fresh enough for people 20 years later to want to revamp it. Is that too much to hope for?
We start with some very dramatic violins, and then a rather operatic slow-down into the main lyrics. And what lame lyrics they are, right out of a book of clichés, about how Every day of my life, I'll be in love with you / Every day of my life, I promise I'll be true. Et cetera. Malcolm will prove his love every day for the rest of his life, he'll prove it over and over, he'll be devoted always to you. Honestly, it smacks of either desperation or protesting too much. There's such thing as too much effort, Malcolm!
The only really notable thing is the bizarrely RP accent on youuuuu at the end of certain lines. Malcolm was Welsh, but you wouldn't know it. I feel like the Beatles might have been a tipping point here, with regional accents suddenly becoming okay in music, but I'm excited to see if somebody else comes along sooner to prove me wrong.
He has a set of pipes. You can't deny that. So of course we get a Big Old Ending. It's tolerable, because Malcolm really can sing, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
I have nothing else to say about this, but researching it I found out an excellent fact about a song that will appear on this blog in the 1956 section. So look forward to that, I guess.
Ev'rywhere - David Whitfield (3)
In any other entry, I feel like I'd have a sense that the only was was up, at this point. But it's David Whitfield, so I suspect we're going to get more of the same, but with less vocal chops. I'm open to being proven wrong, though. Maybe this will be the David Whitfield song that I finally love?
We start with some gentle violin melody, and then - and I am not making this up - an even more ridiculous version of the silly RP "you" that Malcolm used. Even worse, there's a pronounced "h" sound in the titular "ev'rywhere" and a distinctly reedy-sounding "meeeeeee" at the end of the line. So the first line sounds like Youuuu are everyHwhere, / EveryHwhere youuuu're there / Night and day youuu share with meeeeeeeeee.
This carries on throughout the song - if there's a choice between pronouncing a word normally or in an irritatingly affected fashion, you know which one David has chosen. There's a bit of his trademark strangled delivery on other lines, and then of course, the Biggest Oldest Endings of Big Old Endings, because David will not be outdone by some Welsh upstart.
You know, this made me wonder if David also has an accent he's suppressing, and wouldn't you know, he's from Hull. So probably also a bit of an accent-based classism dynamic. Which really ought to endear him to me a bit, as a fellow Northerner, but somehow doesn't.
It doesn't help here that the lyrics are super creepy. They're meant to be about how David's love is always on his mind, but it also sounds plausibly like they're dead and he's hallucinating their ghost? How else should I take lyrics about how Now I know you’re gone / You still linger on / You’re a haunting memory, or about how, walking down an empty street his love is still there, For now I’m on my own / I’ll never walk alone.
Actually, I think the ghost interpretation maybe improves this song. Otherwise, it's just about a break-up that David's hung-up on. Which is much less interesting. But ghost love following you around? That's some good material, metaphorical or otherwise.
Well, those songs were cut from very similar cloth. But my distaste for David Whitfield cannot be stifled! I cannot wait for him to no longer be scoring top 10 hits.
Favourite song of the bunch: Ev'ry Day of My Life
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shadowsterror · 2 years
Season 4 thoughts
I don't know if season 4 was actually that bad or if people watching it on release were disappointed with the leaks and spoilers, but watching it now it didn't seem that bad.
It definitely was worse, don't get me wrong, the Freddie episode was the worst one by a mile for me, but the others weren't as bad. The storyline with Laszlo and Baby Colin actually really enjoyable, and placed Laszlo up with Guillermo in terms of actual character development. It seems like there's a very small group of people Laszlo lets himself care about, but he cares very very deeply about them. This was clearest when he was Jackie Daytona, he was in a town for a week, ended up befriending everyone and sponsoring a local sports team. Acting human gave him permission to let himself care about them, and now his best friend is his human neighbour and he's raising a kid. Also letting him sing more in the show is always a plus.
Nadja's story and the nightclub didn't hit as well as it should have imo. I'm not sure how to put it into words but the nightclub felt less like a part of the story and more like a B plot setting whenever they needed one. She didn't get any proper personal growth at the end, really didn't seem to care that the nightclub would be gone after she burned it down, and then the reason for her opening and burning it in the first place was fixed when Colin Robinson became an adult again and had access to their bank account. Nadja didn't get any personal development except a couple of references to drinking a lot and possibly (probably) getting closer with the Guide. I do want to point out though that her going along with Guillermo's lie about being his girlfriend and helping him with Nandor's wedding planning isn't something she would have done a season or two ago.
I have to say I didn't like Nandor since the beginning, but season 4 made me hate him. His story arcs were always just boring to me, especially as I didn't care for his character, but season 4 just took it to the next level. It felt like the first three seasons were him being dumb and selfish with (very) occasional flashes of caring for others, and the season 4 he was actively destroying the lives of multiple people. Lots of things are played for laughs but time and again he's proven himself to be the most selfish person in the house. The Marwa storyline doesn't need rehashing, I think everyone has the same opinion of it actively having tainted the season, but it really just made me completely give up on him.
Guillermo and Nandor's relationship has always felt more like possessiveness than actual romantic attraction, and as Guillermo has started discovering himself more and more (and Nandor's showing progressively worse sides of himself), Guillermo's story has been more about him becoming his own person. I don't think the writers will let him become a vampire, either Nandor is somehow going to stop him, Derek's going to refuse to do it, or possibly something involving wishes. That being said though, I hope he does get something of his own that lasts for more than an episode or two (relationship, new job, vampirism, etc).
All in all, not a bad season but they just didn't do enough with the story and did way too much with everything else. Some of the characters got great development, some became massive assholes, and some got none. For a 10 episode season it felt like there were too many filler episodes, and then at the end none of it seems to have affected anything except for Laszlo and Guillermo. Time will tell I suppose, and probably I would have said something similar about season 3, but the end of season cliffhangers need to be addressed in a more meaningful way.
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wildergrimm · 2 years
4 and 49 for the ask meme :^)
I never saw this I'm so sorry 😭😭😭 Better late than never, I suppose!
4. What cryptid being do you believe in?
Unfortunately I'm the least spiritual person in the world and have a hard time even entertaining the idea of the supernatural being real 😔 I've tried SO HARD, too; I just feel nothing. I do hope they're all real tho. I want to be proven so wrong
49. Can you skip rocks?
Sort of! I think I've only gotten em to bounce 1-3 times before plonking into the ocean. Haven't done it in years though; I wonder if I'm better at now somehow hehe
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hey there, I hope you’re having a nice day! I just had a random question. So like if I look on YouTube, for some reason I see like a ton of videos of people trying to debunk Jikook moments, and there’s multiple channels dedicated to doing this. Ofc the excuse is usually that it’s fanservice, so no one should take it seriously; it’s safe to say these ppl are almost all tkkers bc they often like comments that uplift tk while insulting jikookers lol. Obviously there are some that should be debunked like the “desire vlive” (I’m still not 100% sure abt that explanation bc of their reactions, but it doesn’t rlly matter bc we still have plenty of inexplicable moments aha) but making it a point to debunk even the smallest interactions is just completely unnecessary and they are often just plain wrong.
But like I have yet to see a single channel/video of ppl trying to debunk taekook moments, or any other ship’s moments really. And it’s definitely not because there have never been any misconceptions abt TK moments before, because honestly I can think of like 15 of those (moments with mistranslations, complete neglect of context, etc.) just off the top of my head. Why is that? I don’t mean this in a rude way, but is the tk shipper fandom just, well, typically younger?
(Btw, does doing those debunking videos make them Jikook anti? I saw some of them claiming they weren’t an anti; I’m not rlly familiar with antis in general lol so I don’t rlly know what qualifies as one.)
Last post about taekookers for now yall. I'm TIRED of talking about them. They are exhausting.
An anti is someone who expresses hateful or harmful opinions about one or more of the members. So for example saying "No, Tae was never supposed to be in Toyko, it was never a vminkook trip" or "No, TK were not together in Jeju, those were different people" etc is not anti behavior because you are correcting false stories with true and provable facts. But if someone said "Tae just needs to stop hugging on JK. Doesn't he know that just encourages hate towards Jikook. If he really loved them, he would be better" is 100% UNTRUE and Tae anti behavior. If you ever see anyone say anything like that, block and report them. It's shitty and it's not okay. It's also anti behavior to spread false narratives and rumors about the members around. It's one thing if you don't know or were mistaken. But when you get corrected and you refuse to acknowledge that (ie: jikooks bond is pure fanservice, they don't even like each other) that's also pretty anti behavior. Essentially just be respectful to all 7 members and don't be hateful. Basically what it comes down to.
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I have a post about the desire moment in my masterlist as well. I don't buy into that moment either. The difference is when Jikookers debunk jikook moments, it's to keep things factual. When tkkrs do it, it's to demean, undermine and devalue KMs bond to try and somehow make their own ship more real (newsflash, it doesn't work that way in real life and never will. Doesn't stop them though). And they also refuse to accept reality and facts about moments they all make up in their head and accept as truth, simply because they like their lies better. It fits with the narrative they are collectively creating in their head.
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In the end, it's all freaking ridiculous. Vminkooks bond between the 3 of them is beautiful and it's tight. It should be respected. They all love each other so much. Just make sure you stick to facts and watch original content. Form your own opinions and don't believe anything that comes from a taekooker unless it can be proven with official and original content. And not their fake subs and fake edits. Hope this helps some!
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handonhaven · 3 years
So a few things popped into my head, and will most likely stay there for a while.
1. This whole long hair thing with Landon. I refuse to believe they went through all that trouble just for a ten second scene. I believe they did all of that because we're gonna get a flashback episode so we can find out what happened to Landon and how malivore ended up possessing him. And I think this because I like to thing that episodes Aria wasn't in at the beginning of the season/or episodes he was in only a scene or two that's when he was filming the flashback episode. Because sometimes they do film episodes out of order for whatever reason. And I will go on believing this until October when I'm either proven wrong or hopefully proven right.
2. When this thought popped into my head I got mad and sad all at the same time. Because this is now the second time they've separated Handon from each other for months at a time. NOT once but twice they did that. First with Hope jumping into malivore and everyone forgetting her. So the whole summer and a couple months into the new school year they were away from each other. Then again when Landon ended up in malivore. So they were separated again for another two, two half months maybe. I refuse to believe it's any long than that. Since seasons 2&3 are one school year. My reasons for thinking that is because the season 2 final(3x04) was Handons 1 year anniversary and they started dating about half way through the first school in season 1. But anyways I don't I'll ever be able to forgive the writers for doing that to them. Just like I don't think I'll ever forgive them for giving us a whole season without the real Landon.
3. So I have this theory. So you know how there's been this pattern the last two season finals with either Hope getting separated from Landon or Landon getting separated from Hope. Well I think if they keep up with that pattern then the real season 3 final will be Handon getting separated from everyone else. I'm not sure how or why it'll happen but I think it might. But I like to think that when they get malivore out of Landon, Handon leaves to follow some type of leave. Or maybe Clarke does what he tends to always do and he screws them over and they somehow end up in the prison world or trapped in a alternate reality(I think that could be fun to see).
4. What is up with people trying to say that Landon is dead just because malivore is possessing his body. That's not how possession works, the person doesn't just die because someone takes over their body. That's never happened in the history of posseson in the TVDU(or any other show I've seen). And if Landon was really "dead" then what would be the point of those Handon flashbacks during that inspirion scene? I mean come out is peoples dislike and misplaced hatred for Landon run that deep and they'll try to come up with anything just to kill him off? You know what let me not good down that rabbit hole.
5. Okay I don't mind maliLandon being a thing for now. But I just don't want it to last very long. Because I want to real Landon back. And for him to finally be out of pain(again I don't think I'll forgive the writers for putting him through that). I know malivore will be more active in season four but just let it be in a different body not Landons. After this season I want him to be done going through trauma for a long while(and Hope) like just give him half a season with nothing bad happening to him or even a whole season with nothing bad happening to him. I know the chances of that happening are very slim but I can dream can't I.
6. So I saw this theory and I'm not sure how they came up with that or even if they were kidding. But they think that Ethan might be one of Malivore kids. I don't think that's the case, I truly believe that Ethan is just human. I feel like he couldn't be one of malivore's kids because he can be compelled and because his mom was never erased from peoples mind. And Landon can't even before he activated his powers back in season 1. And honestly I just want Ethan to be the one human teenager on the show. I know this show is about supernaturals but that's doesn't mean every character we met should be or has to be supernatural. But maybe that's me. Any thoughts on this theory?
7. You know I wouldn't be agaisnt seeing more of malivore's kids. We know for a fact that Landon is the youngest and last kid malivore had(at least we know that as a fact as of right now. They might change their minds about that). And Clarke is the oldest out of all his childrens. But what about the others kids malivore had. Are any of them still alive and if they are where are they? Are they all like Clarke personality wise or are some of them like Landon? I don't know I feel like that could be fun and nice storyline to do at some point if they ever decide to.
8. I feel like triad might be making a come back for next season. Because this season triad was mention a quite a few times. So maybe they'll come back into play next season. Like maybe MG finds out about another facility from his mom or something.
Wow that got longer than I meant too lol. Came here to talk about 3 things and ended up talking about eight. Lol my mind just got the better of me and I just needed to keep going.
I’ve thought the same thing. If they really pinned his hair back for all those months just for that one brief scene, I’m gonna laugh. Because why on earth would they go to all that effort for a small detail like that? It’s not like they’ve been consistent or realistic about other little things like that, so it had to have been for flashbacks. And my thoughts exactly. I had also wondered if that’s why he wasn’t in 3x14 or 3x15, because apparently, some contracts require the actors to have episodes off (which was why he wasn’t in 2x14 I guess). So if he had been filming flashbacks earlier on, maybe that’s why they were required to give him time off during 3x14/3x15? But it would make sense if he had filmed back during like 3x07 or something when his hair was long. That’s really what I’m hoping. And yeah, if we don’t get it in October, I’m gonna cry.
Ugh, yep. I realized that as well, they separate them every season. The writers are cruel. Yeah, literally, it’s like every summer/into the new school year! And yes, I’m not sure exactly how long with Landon though, but it would’ve had to have been at least a couple months? But the whole timeline for season 3 has made no sense. I had thought season 1 started in like February or something, since the twins’ birthday is in March (1x06), so I figured Handon got together like middle/end of March (1x08). Then Hope would’ve jumped into Malivore around April/May, then we got a new school year throughout season 2. But then 3x04 is when it gets confusing, because I figured that was probably around April, since 2x15 would’ve been mid-March because it was the twins’ birthday again. But then with 3x05, they had the “3 weeks later” and then in 3x06, it seemed like a new school year was suddenly starting? And not long after, they were dressing for colder weather in coats and stuff, so what happened to the summer? They should’ve just said “3 months later” in 3x05, that would’ve made sense. So I have no idea what time of year it is in the show now. Some people thought it was spring again because of some posters at the high school? So who knows how long Landon was actually gone, I’m confused... sorry to go off on a tangent about the timeline haha. But anyway, they’ve still been separating Handon every season for way too long, and it’s terrible. I don’t think I can forgive them either, and same thing with Landon! I still can’t believe we went almost an entire season without him! I’ll never be over it.
Ooh, interesting... okay, I would actually love that haha. If they’re gonna be separated again, let it be together. I’ll take it! But yeah, it could happen. Maybe something will go wrong or they’ll get screwed over, but they’d be together this time around. But I feel like them ending up in a prison world again would be so repetitive, but I wouldn’t even be surprised haha. I think it would be fun to see too though. I had actually thought that might happen in 3x04 when they both were in the prison world, but that did not last long. But who knows, it’d be nice to see something different though, but I’m not sure what other alternate reality they could end up in. But I’m sure the writers could come up with something. Even if it was like a chambre de chasse or something where they had to be put in one of those for whatever reason, that would also be nice because they could get a break and be together that way. I think as long as they’re together and not separated from each other again, I’ll be happy (I think haha). And if they could finally have a break on top of that and be able to recover after everything, that would be ideal.
And I have no idea. Exactly, have they not seen the rest of TVDU? That didn’t happen, and I don’t think I’ve seen that happen in other shows either. So true, we saw Landon’s memories in that scene, that came from Landon so he can’t be gone. Yeah, those people are just so desperate for him to be gone, they’ll try to come up with anything to give themselves hope. They thought he was dead for good after he was stabbed by the golden arrow too. And after they spent an entire season showing how much Hope loves Landon, idk how anyone could possibly think they’re just gonna get rid of him.
I’m a bit torn when it comes to Malilandon. Because on the one hand, I feel it needs to last a significant amount of time. They’ve been building up to it since season 1, this is the main villain of the show finally achieving his goal (part of it anyway), so it’s a huge deal. And I feel they shouldn’t rush through it, plus Aria does such an amazing job, I want to see more of him playing that. But on the other hand, I need Landon back now. I want him out of pain too because I cannot believe all that the writers have put him through. I just want him to be okay again. And one of the issues as well is that he has been possessed for a long time, at least a few weeks now, maybe even a month or so, but they didn’t show it when I feel they should have. But I feel like they could make up for that by showing flashbacks of what Malivore has been up to all this time, and that way we would see more Malilandon, but they could get Malivore out of Landon sooner without it feeling too rushed and like we hadn’t seen as much of Malilandon maybe? Idk, them keeping Landon’s time in the prison world and Malilandon a secret made for some good plot twists, but I’m not sure it was worth it tbh. Because now there could be problems with us not seeing as much of that as we should. I would’ve preferred them letting the audience know what was going on with Landon and showing it throughout the season, while still keeping the other characters in the dark. But yes, if Malivore is still a big part of season 4, he had better not be in Landon anymore. I can’t imagine he will be though. And I completely agree, they better leave Landon alone after this. He and Hope shouldn’t have to go through anymore trauma at all, but at the very least, they need a break. True though, unfortunately, I don’t think they’ll let them have a whole season without something bad happening either.
I can’t see Ethan being one of Malivore’s kids. I think, besides Landon obviously, most of Malivore’s children would be pretty old. And they’ve implied throughout the whole show that Landon is the one child of his that was actually born, which took a very long time for him to achieve. I just can’t imagine he would’ve done that twice around the same time since Ethan and Landon are probably around the same age? At least within a couple years of each other? Plus you’re right about the compulsion thing too, that’s a big giveaway. And also, I think his mom would’ve mentioned something about it, like how Seylah knew, if that had happened. But she wasn’t at all aware of anything supernatural before. So if that ended up being true, that would be extremely weird I think, and would feel very forced and out of nowhere. And I’d like for Ethan to stay a human too. True, I feel like they could bring more humans into the show without everyone being supernatural, so it might be a nice change to have a human as one of the mains.
I’ve thought about that too, and I don’t think I’d mind seeing other children of Malivore either, as long as it was done well, of course. Because yeah, what happened to the rest of them? It’d be very interesting to see if there are others who are still around and if they also hate Malivore and want him gone, or if there are some who would side with him. That could make for some good new characters or villains. And if there were some who were good like Landon, I’d like to see Landon interact with them and maybe have some sort of sibling relationship with them too. So I agree, there’s definitely potential for some cool storylines.
Yeah that could be true. They really just kinda dropped triad after season 1. Where did they all go? They’re still out there somewhere so you’d think they’d go back to that at some point. And yes, something could happen with MG and his mom. And also, is he not curious what happened to his mom and the rest of triad? You’d think they’d try to find out what’s going on with them after what happened when they’ve supposedly disappeared. So yeah, I’d say there’s a chance they’ll bring triad back at some point.
Haha, I feel that though. There’s just too much that goes on in this show, it’s easy to go on about it.
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aspoonofsugar · 5 years
I know this might be weird but can you pinpoint what Eren actual plan is actually is? I still don't believe his declaration and i'm sure there is more that meets the eye. Can you give any other probability of what his real plan is judging from his character before his POV was shut off. Can you also include how the role of Kruger memory and advise to Grisha helped shaped the current Eren since I see a lot of similarities between the two in this final arc
The same dude btw. Do you have any theory on why Eren set up PATHS discord to declare his goal. Don't get me wrong but so far Eren intention has been presented as noble even though his method and goal isn't. The intention we have gotten from other character POV btw is to protect his friends and Paradise. What then do Eren benefit from monologuing like a stereotypical villain before unleashing his plan? He isn't the type to instill fear into people before killing them. That's OOC for him            
The wall titans will take days or even weeks before they realistically reach the shores of Marley. Maybe it cause of bias but if I want to commit a genocide with something as slow as the wall titan, I will cut off flow of information so that they will meet their doom by surprise. Also thanks to him announcing his goal, he has helped clear indecisiveness for any Paradisians that's opposed to that outcome. Did he really expect Armin to sit still and allow him after what he pulled in 112?
Lastly, in Eren memory shard. We saw a shard of the fez boy whom he was looking at the last night. The general consensus among the fandom is that Eren decided for the genocide after what transpired in the meeting but if Eren really went out of his way to meet that boy after he ditched the SC, that kind of puts a dent in his genocide plan cause that shard looks to pure with the hand placed on shoulder and the whole body language. Sorry for rambling too much. I know it kind of makes other         
characters development pointless if Eren isn't genuine. But it's just like saying Mikasa character development when Eren died is pointless cause Eren came back alive. I don't know if I make sense
One question, I want to ask about Kruger word on the wall " you have to complete your mission if you want to save Mikasa, Armin and everyone". Are we supposed to ignore that line or is it retconned or what? Many of the analysis I see base off of post timeskip Eren with no POV and ignoring established themes. I just see a lot of theory about big bad Eren and I can't help but wonder considering the scene was emphasized by both Grisha and Kruger. I feel like something is missing            
Hello anons!
These asks can be answered together. I am also sorry for the wait since it has been a while since  I have received them.
I have talked about Eren here and in particular I have said this:
Finally, when it comes to Eren’s future development, I currently see two possibilities.
a)  Either we are given more information through Historia and his POV and this new information can modify the reading of Eren’s actions up until now.
b) He will grow and develop because of the actions of the   other characters exactly like them will grow because of his current   ones.
I think that point a and b which describe two possible ways in which Eren can gain future development lead to two different machro-theories I see going around.
1) Eren plans to turn himself into humaniy’s enemy, so that humanity can join hands, fight him and overcome their struggle in the meantime.
2) Eren’s wish to protect his home and loved ones coupled with his future memories led him to think that destroying the world is the only way he can ensure Paradis safet and so he is doing so even if he knows it is wrong.
I call them “machro-theories” because they can be interpreted in numerous ways and each one has a different nuance and a different spin to it. I am also sure that other explanations could be found, but, as for now, they are the two I find more plausible.
They can both make sense under certain conditions and I think they are the two ones that would have the more foreshadowing if proven true.
Now, let’s address some points you make against theory 2 and in favor of theory 1.
1) The boy with the fez.  I don’t think him appearing in Eren’s memories disproves nor proves anything. Him appearing in Eren’s memories shows how much important was that night for Eren himself. It is the last night he spends with the people he loves before leaving them and starting to act coldly towards them. What is more, the child is a person who reminds Eren of his past self since he is a victim of war and a refugee like he was. Because of this, it makes sense that Eren was such impressed by the child since he represents both his past self and how people outside and inside the walls are the same.
As a matter of fact even if Eren is indeed doing what he seems to be doing it does not mean that he does not realize its gravity (different from the Jeagersists). He clearly does. That is why he cries after seeing the child. It is because he realizes he will die together with other people when he activates the Rumbling. Or at least the hapter implies this.
Alternatively, in case theory 1 is correct, Eren crying might simply be because he is somehow giving up on his past and possibly on his future since he knows he needs to sacrifice himself.
2) Eren’s speech to the world Eldians.
As the first anon said in their asks, it might be a trick Eren is using to stage himself as the only true monster in order to unite the world against him.
Alternatively, someone (whose name I don’t remember, so tell me if yuou know) noticed that the Founding Titan powers seem to work without specific restrictions. So, for example, when Eren ordered that all the hardening had to become undone, not only the walls, but also Reiner and Annie resented of the effect of Eren’s order. So, Eren might have wanted to announce his plan only on the Eldians of Paradis, but ended up bradcasting to all the world Eldians. That said, I don’t find the theory that convincing even if it is interesting simply because Eren’s words seem to be directed to all Eldians.
3) Eren as an antagonist being against the themes.
To this I disagree. As a matter of fact a way to explore a theme is to have the MC have a tragic arc which embodies the opposite of a story themes. Because of this, having Eren who wants freedom ending up representing freedom’s opposite can be an effective way to explore the theme of “freedom”. If anything Eren manipulating everyone, so that things go according to his plan is something which risks not to fit with the idea of freedom. As a matter of fact, having a single character giving “freedom” to others through manipulation seems kind of hypocritical. That said, there could be ways in which theory 1 can be proven true without this happening. So we’ll see.
4) Kruger’s words. I have talked about Kruger’s words here:
He might be doing it because he has seen  Kruger mentioning to Grisha that if he learns to use this power  correctly he can save Mikasa, Armin and everyone else. All in all, just  this hope might be enough for him to push forward in a confused hell despite the fact he has only partial information and that he might very well mess up in the process.
In short, the panel of Kruger mentioning Armin and Mikasa is clearly important and I think that that panel together with the one of Mikasa in chapter one have still to be explained and will be in the future. What is more, I think they are connected to the Attack Titan piower somehow.
When it comes to Kruger’s words it is possible that, as I say above, Eren is also animated by them in doing what he is doing. As a matter of fact being told by my future self that doing something will save the lives of people I love might be a reason good enough to do whatever I am told. I also think we might see Eren sending himself this message in future chapters.
In conclusion, both theories 1 and 2 are still possible. They have both positive and negative aspects to them.
For example, having theory 1 be true would make difficult to understand why Eren could not simply tell the others about it. Why did he have to risk the destruction of the world hoping that a bunch of people who could have died countless times would join together and stop him against all odds? This is something which seriously needs to be addressed not to make the whole situation ridiculous and it can be addressed either by adding plot-points which make Eren’s choices understandable or by clearly showing that Eren was wrong not to tell others.
At the same time, for theory 2 to be true there is the need to find a convincing reason why both Historia and Eren’s POV have been hidden from us up until now. If Eren wants to destroy the world and that is, why have we not been shown his pov and why is there still mystery about a meeting between him and Historia? Similarly, there is the fact that it makes no sense for Eren to have told Floche his plan and not people he truly cared about. As a matter of fact even if he wants to destroy the world, why should he want a group like the Jeagersists rule over Paradis considering they are a threath to people like Hange and Levi he cares about?
All in all, why is he pushing Armin and Mikasa and the others away? No matter what theory is true, it must address this point.
These are my two cents as per now.
Have a great day!
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angelic-polar-fox · 6 years
I'm writing an otherkin character for a book, and was hoping to get some advice on how to respecfully portray an otherkin character? I'm not otherkin myself, I just think the community deserves representation. If you don't have/aren't comfortable giving advice, no problem, I just want to make sure I'm being respectful and accurate.
Hey, sorry for the late response. I had much going on these last days.And I’m glad, that you take your time to ask for advice instead of simply writing wrong and uneducated stuff about a group.First of, you should be sure of the basic concept.There are different definitions floating around on tumblr and many people getting it wrong, but the accurate and the one the community has agreed on the be the right definition of otherkin is to “involuntary identify AS a non-human, non-earthly being on a spiritual OR psychological level”The important points about this is, that it’s 1) involuntary = You can’t choose to be otherkin, you can’t change it either. You just ARE otherkin. Otherkin is nothing someone does, it’s something someone is. There are words like “kinning” used sometimes, which is probably because it’s easier or faster to write, but it gives the wrong idea. I’m not kinning an angel, I’m angelkin. The same as you’re not “kinning” a human. You are a human.2) identify AS = This should be self explanatory, but I still say it, because this is also something people get wrong. To be otherkin means, as stated before, that you ARE the being. It’s not just a strong connection, it’s not just really liking it, or identifying with it. It’s identifying AS it.3) spiritual or psychological = Otherkin are aware that they are physical human. 
For the non-earthly... it simply means that it has to be a being, that has never existed on earth, to be otherkin. Like dragons, angels, aliens and such.This is the difference between otherkin and therian.Therian = animal that has once existed or still does on earth. Dogs, cats, dinosaurs, birds...Otherkin = being that have never existed, or are at least unproven, on earth. Angels, dragons, aliens, gods...Then, the reasons for being Otherkin.It depends and is different for many people.I can’t speak for everyone of course.For me, my kintype is due to a past life. I believe in the multiverse theory where everything can happen somewhere, sometime. Even though angels might not exist in our world, or at least aren’t proven yet, they may exist somewhere else.And in this somewhere else I have lived as an angel. I also do remember some stuff from this life.Spiritual otherkin can also be due to a swapped soul, a parallel life or something complelty different.It’s also possible to be psychological otherkin.Even though I have one kintype that I thin is psychological, because don’t feel the spiritual connection like with every other kintype and also feels closer to the here and now, I can’t really explain the why.How does Otherkin act?Like everyone else I would say. As I said, Otherkin are aware, that they are physically human and they act like that. Otherkin don’t jump off of builiding trying to fly, they don’t eat rocks because they are a dragon, etc.But most otherkin probably express their identity somehow. I for example like to put decorations in my apartment that remind me of my kintypes, like to listen to music that reminds me of my kintypes, like to dress in a similar fashion, things like that.What it feels like to be Otherkin?This is also different for everybody.Many otherkin have shifts. A shifts is a state where you feel closer to your kintype. There are many types of shifts. For example astral shifts, where your astral body changes to that of your kintype.Some also feel phantom limps like their wings, or their tail (I also feel them sometimes), they sometimes may the behaivour changes a bit in a shift.Honestly, it’s not so easy to put everything into words.May someone else add things I’ve might forgot?@shadowfae @dovewithscales @ranthimi @kin-assistance
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Some things that have made me happy since starting this page
Hi guys, no, I'm not here to drop a huge Anti theory on you this time. I do have more thoughts about what I said, but this isn't that.
Some of you know this, some of you probably don't– I'm actually pretty new to both of Mark and Jack's communities. I only began watching Mark in August of this year, and Jack started even later than that.
I didn't even start this page until the day the first chapter of WKM came out.
And now, just over a single month later, I somehow have almost 750 people who follow me, and some who even call me a friend of theirs.
Being the anxiety-filled girl that I am, that means more to me than I can explain– but that's not the whole reason I'm making this post right now.
I wanted to share with you some things that I love about these fandoms/communities, because I've fallen harder and faster into them than I ever have into anything else.
1. The feeling of knowing that everyone you're here with loves the same people that you do, just as much as you do– having social anxiety, that's a comfort that's hard to find almost anywhere.
2. How interactive the people we look up to are with us. Reblogging fanart, answering questions, joking around because they can– and they know exactly what they're doing, and it makes it all the better.
3. The sheer amount of good I see going around. People endlessly complimenting artists, writers, theorists, and everyone in between. It warms my heart when I see happy little posts start flowing around to everyone here– like "the person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy" and things like that.
4. The respect people hold for each other. This is more powerful than it might seem. Like, someone says what pronouns they prefer, what they sexually identify as, what kind of people they're interested in? No questions asked, no differences of opinion, just instant acceptance– because we're all just people and that's what matters.
5. Seeing just how much people in this community care for others. Someone posts about anxiety, depression, giving even the slightest hint that they want to hurt themselves? Almost immediately comes an overwhelming flow of love, sometimes from complete strangers who may or may not even know what it's like to feel those ways.
6. The way people can "argue" with each other with an underlying sense that it's all in good fun– though they'd probably never admit it– and the way even both Jack and Mark sometimes interact with us in a similar way (mostly Mark lately, lol).
7. How open-minded everyone can be. This one is something that truly blows me away– no idea is called "stupid" even if the person who posted it thinks it is. Though some can be taken with a grain of salt, everything is usually considered a possibility until proven otherwise, and even after that, older ideas resurface and can be recrafted. It's not making a mistake if you're wrong.
8. How inclusive everyone is. Making sure everyone who misses one of Mark's livestreams or a questionable episode of one of Jack's playthroughs isn't left out of the loop. That everyone who is a part of the action as it happens almost immediately makes sure that everyone who isn't also knows what they're up to. I've been on both ends of this one.
9. That if someone from one community doesn't watch the others (Mark, Jack, Ethan, et cetera), it's totally okay. Time is precious and not all of us have enough of it to be able to keep up with absolutely everyone.
10. The absolute joy it is to watch someone grow as a person. There's something special and different about a YouTube community that's different from other "fandoms" like band followings and things like that. It's a lot more intimate, because the people we look up to are people just like us, except with a camera and a motivation to create.
Like I said, I'm relatively new, but these are the things I already love so much about being here. I don't know exactly what I hoped to achieve by making this post, but thanks for reading through it anyway.
And I hope that, if you see yourself reflected in any of these points, that it makes you smile knowing that you're part of something with a lot of goodness to go around.
So I guess this is "thank you". To everyone here, whether I'm 'following' them or not– and to Mark, Jack, Ethan, and everyone else anybody here looks up to and gains inspiration from. :3
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18 year old girl here. Wanted to say that I think in istj but I need a final word on it. As you said that proving someone right or wrong is easier for you, I'm going to take this direction. For si, it's because I remember things that no one else remembers. I constantly compare what happened to me to what's happening now and see how that went wrong because if it were right it would've lasted -in relationships, in studying, in my way of life. If there is something that resembles the past (1/?)
Then I know that it will go down the hill even though that thing can be very normal, like someone not answering a text for a few days reminds of the time my sister ignored someone for days because she didn't like them. I never think that one thing has one cause, but a number of causes, coincidences and luck. At the same time don't lose sight of the fact that some people are guilty/ responsible for things and in that manner I break down a situation that has gotten out of control. (2/?)
As for Te, it's because I always have to feel a sense of accomplishment and I like eliminating whatever hinders my performance, and replacing it wisely, like, for example, I've gotten a bad grade because I've been using my phone too much, I won't fully remove my phone usage but rather limit it to phone calls -which are more satisfactory per amount of time than texting. For Fi, it's because whenever I think of a future goal, whether it's opening up my own company or not using a smartphone (3/?)
It's because of a personal value, where I'd like to improve my country's condition by making it sustainable and modern. I don't know much about Ne. As for hobbies, I always make a point to exercise every morning because I feel better about life overall and I know that it will be easier for me when I'm a grandmother when my bones become frail. Drawing was just a habit I picked up along the way and somehow improved it. Creativity isn't my strong point but copying imagery and paying attention (4/?)
to details makes me feel better. It can, however, make me feel tedious and repetitive but so long that I'm improving I feel better. I hope to open my own gallery but sometimes I lose sight of that vision and get too sucked up in life that I forget what it feels like to create art.
I’m already a little inclined to lean Si user if only because you’re one of the first people to actually read the FAQ or house keeping posts and change your actions because of it (I’m joking...kind of).
Good memory - Si users often have a pretty good memory because it’s so critical to our functioning but it’s not a guarantee. 
Comparing what happened to what’s happening now: as you described, definitely sounds like Si - the example with your sister is a good way to put it (also...providing examples is not limited to Si or sensors, but I find Si users tend to think in examples/provide them naturally without being asked whereas intuitives need to be prompted, since sensing goes data leads to interpretation and intuition skips over the data to interpretation).
I don’t think things have one cause: this can be lower Ne. Si can think things have a single cause, but will keep an open mind to that cause until proven.
Accountability for things is a value though Si users do often pride themselves on responsibility.
The anecdote about grades: could be Te working with Si, but I’m not ruling out Fe/Ti just yet since it’s more Si than Te.
Improving my country’s condition: also could be Fe or Te. The whole save the world mentality is often attributed to INFJs but not other Fe users; it’s more an Fi thing in my experience (Fe in said experience is often more locally directed). Te and Si (and other functions, this is not exclusive, but I’m pretty sure at this point you’re an SJ) do like to improve things.
Working out: can be anything as this is a known benefit of working out.
The part about creativity: this definitely screams Si. I feel the same way about details - if I’m making things better, I don’t mind a little bit of repetitiveness or data entry or whatever.
So: I definitely think high Si is correct. There’s I think more Te-Fi than Fe-Ti in here but I’m not 100% sure on that axis.
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sergioromo · 7 years
i don't know about you, but i feel more bummed out about this lose more than usual. maybe it's because we had a 4 run cushion, gave it up, came back, and our tired bullpen blew it. kontos was gonna have the night off. i'm hearing that they stopped playing "don't stop believing" when they're trailing late innings tradition. that really bummed me out bc, it survived 2013, 2015, last year, and now it's dead.
answering this at 3 am bc i cant sleep!!!! but also the 2017 season has completely destroyed everyone, in all honesty. the sellout streak has been broken. at&t park looks emptier every homestand. 
even the giants social media accounts can’t feign positivity at this (ex their captions have just been some variation of “the giants lose” with little to no silver lining). and all the pre/post-game shows are getting awkward because the most they can do is weakly offer some analysis on ways the giants can improve or be semi-hopeful, even though everyone knows the giants are awful. 
2017 is going to be a historic season. giants fans in the future will talk about how a team that was in the postseason the year before somehow managed to collapse to the second worst record the next year and they’ll talk about how everything was supposed to go well. the giants signed a big closer to a big deal, had an all-star infield, a semi-decent bullpen, a solid starting rotation, etc., etc. 
but then a shitstorm happened. 
madison bumgarner was injured. mark melancon couldn’t close. the bullpen hasn’t blown 30 saves, but that’s only because the giants offense has failed so much that there are rarely any save opportunities. on the flipside of that, the starting rotation has been horrific. jeff samardzija keeps on giving up home runs. johnny cueto has lost his control. matt cain isn’t the matt cain of 2012, and when he is, he gets no run support. matt moore can’t find his delivery. joe panik and brandon crawford aren’t the two-punch offensive/defensive secret weapon. hunter pence has had a down year. buster posey is still an offensive superstar in everything but rbis, though to be fair, he rarely gets the chance. 
this season has been rough and tiring and i’m only speaking as a fan. i can’t even imagine what the players feel like, going out there and trying so hard to win but ultimately failing. and that bit about them no longer playing don’t stop believing hurts a lot. giants baseball is torture. they’re built on close leads and dramatic comebacks (ie the 2012 postseason). 
but another part of the torture is the blown leads. 4-0, only to lose 11-9. score 7 runs, allow 8. allow 2 runs, score none. nothing is ever easy with the team.
hell, even watching the games are torture. there’s the hope that something will happen because there’s a runner on third and nobody out and they’re down by a run, but then everyone strikes out or grounds out. and in the past that was just enough, but 2017 has proven us wrong. there’s very little to actually believe in.
i won’t give up on the giants because i love every single on of them dearly and deeply. i’ve been a fan since i was in the womb and damn it all to hell if i don’t ride with this shitty ass team until the day i die. but i also can’t blame anyone for just kind of taking the season in stride and not expecting much.
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