#I didn't get into Denis but there's some interesting fucked up food stuff going on there too
Thinking about Armand's relationship with food and sustenance.
Much of his trauma relates to hunger--watching monks slowly starve in the monastery knowing that would be his fate one day, then being starved by his captors as a human AND as a vampire. Finally he inflicts this suffering on weaker vampires.
The first thing Marius does is feed him. Marius later becomes a literal source of nourishment by feeding Armand his blood, which he compares to honey. Armand often describes the lavish, abundant food at the palazzo. It's easy to see how he would grow to associate food and love.
That's especially interesting in light of his treatment of Daniel. When they first meet, he pulls his go-to coven master move (lock up+starve). A major turning point in the relationship happens when Armand orders everything on the menu for Daniel at the Copley. An abundance of food reflects emotion. It's how Armand expresses care.
On the night of the first blood exchange, Armand declares his love by feeding and feeding from Daniel. (Feeding is also an act of ownership: "you are mine, beautiful boy.")
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gayerthanthegays · 3 months
I once saw someone post about yandere dark Nikola Tesla x reader x yandere dark Beelzebub with body horror and smut and I have not seen anyone try and write it so fuck! I'll do it myself! But! I wanted everyone in the manga so fuck!
This reader is Isekai and has a system btw and male
Warning:basic writing with face changing (you are perfect no matter what)
You were just chillin in your bedroom,eating stuff and looking through job applications
After graduation you were just trucking by really,even with your parents help you were just not satisfied with reality
And so you escaped through Fantasy
Every day you would scoured the Internet,trying to find any media that would satisfy you for the day
Until one day you came across Record of Ragnarok
Truly you didn't have any expectations for it really,seeing that it was a battle manga with very real character death
But you digressed,trying to atleast read a chapter of it to just give it a shot
And after you really enjoyed it
Like really enjoyed it
It was no surprise to you that you had an interest in men,I mean come on!
-Who in this world wouldn't want any of these fine ass men!? Not you of course! Infact you want all of them!
But you digressed trying to keep the inner gay demons away you tried to atleast write it out
-It was a mistake since all you would write were fanfictions of going on dates with said men
-of course writing leads to obsession and that leads into no longer having a life
-so yeah with no life you began going deeper into the hole that we all call hyper fixation
-of course that leads into day dreaming of how you were the darling of all the fine men from Thor,to lu bu and even Thomas Edison because you cannot deny he is gorgeous even if he was a dick in real life
-though of course your day dreaming has some disadvantages,like no longer having a social life,being akward with your interests and the wish to have a gorgeous face just like all the gods and fine men in manga,heck maybe you can do it for yourself too
-and maybe that just happened
-one day you were doing your thing,having a new set of products you just bought from the market you began cooking your breakfast,maybe doing a little shimmy while making some food
-once your done you ate some eggs and bacon with a little bit of pancake with a slice of chili on a hotdog before going to the couch,and whoops you died in your sleep,on the couch
-yeah apparently isolating yourself really messes up your immune system and makes it weak,and eating a bunch of things filled with sustenance like chili on a hotdog really messed you up bro
-and so then you died,your soul floating about in the abyss when you heard a ding sound,and boom you had the system!
The abyss was cold,very cold actually,you didn't expect that the abyss had any feeling to it really, infact you didn't expect yourself to feel anything at all since you know,your dead
You were about to accept your fate before a ding sounded
"ding! The system has found a host! Greatings host! I am the wishfuffilment system"
You a dead soul was suprised, after all you didn't actually thought you could get a system,since you know- your a real life person but as you always do,you rolled with it
So after awhile the system gave you some options of subsystems and such and you a greedy thing you are picked all the ones that will make your irresistible
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sammydem0n64 · 11 months
YEA MAN, tell me uhhhhhh, feel free to ramble about any pokemon things you got going on in your au that you don't mind spoiling/talking about!! very interested to hear about some of the other charas!! :]c
OK WE WILL B DISCUSSING THE LOYAL THREE FROM THE DLC Ik you already know abt them bc you keep reblogging posts abt them + Ogerpon + DLC in general but I also know you havent played the game and won't for a hot minute so . This is spoilers for you bc it may be incomprehsible AND lore filled!
But I have some thinkies about the Loyal Three (mainly Munkidori)
Ok so basic run down of their canon lore since im adding it to the au: They're outsiders of Kitakami who came from another land, they're a gang of thieves who wind up killing a man (Ogerpon's trainer, though in the AU he's her father!) because they try to steal Ogerpon's masks from him and wind up going too far, and likewise they get killed as revenge by Ogerpon and are regarded as heroes by Kitakami. But they come back lol
There's also the fact that the toxic chains they have gave them their abilities (Munkidori's psychic abilities + intelligence, Fezandipiti's looks, Okidogi's strength and muscles), they were just Some Guys before gaining these chains
AU Has some stuff going on there too! Mainly for Munkidori bc I'm still working out background kinks for the other two given that. I gave this man some #lore and it'd b sad to give him all the cool backstory and the other two are just there, and there's also stuff abt them that will come out in the part 2 of the dlc sooo I gotta wait, but anyways
Munkidori is Zarude's adoptive son. Yknow, Zarude, the mythical SWSH shit out! I am completely neutral on Zarude but in the AU they're primary the God of Family! But since 1) a few other gods relate to that like Xerneas being the god of fertility and whatnot and 2) these family units fucking suck, they live away from the Gods and enjoy a life of solitude.
Munkidori was a mere mortal child when Zarude found him and decided to raise him, and his childhood was good for the most part! However, he was never the brightest child, so he was bullied in school by both teachers and students for his low grades/low intelligence. He always wanted to be something greater, but he couldnt do anything substancial without an education. Zarude tried being there for him, but ultimately it was never enough. He started to resent the people around him and yearned to become smarter, stronger even
This resentment soon was applied to Zarude. He began to believe he lived in his parent's shadow, since they were a deity and he wasn't. Sure, Zarude is hardly respected amongst the gods and is a very minor deity in the grand scheme of things, but they were still powerful. They were still an ultimate lifeform. And he was given none of that. Zarude didn't give him immortality, Zarude didn't give him cool God powers, he was just a simple mortal who couldn't do anything right. He wanted to be powerful, but he was denied it.
So when he hit adulthood he ran away from home, soon meeting Okidogi and Fezandipiti (fellow troubled young adults like him who wanted to be something more) and they formed a gang. Thieves who claimed their power back by harming the innocent. Munkidori was their defacto leader, which satified his need for power.
Along the way they were found by [ ] who granted their wishes through the toxic chains (this is. DLC part 2 thing. I know bc of leaks!) so Munkidori actually GOT intelligence (and psychic powers), seemingly without price (there IS a price. The Loyal Three's worst tendancies are now heightened due to the toxins in their body but dont worry abt it)! This only aided in the trio's crimes until they had to flee to Kitakami to escape the ramifications of their actions
Where the canon differs is that I imagine the Loyal Three actually did serve as proctors of Kitakami for a bit, though of course it was for selfish reasons. Free room, food and board for helping protect the innocent and all! But ultimately they all still committed murder against an innocent man and died as a result.
I don't know how they came back to life as of now (Tho I probably will when the rest of the DLC drops), but they all come back the exact same but everyone (... Zarude. Just Zarude) thinks they came back wrong. And they want to whoop Ogerpon's ass for killing them (its been 200 years. She was cursed with immortality FEEL FREE TO ASK ABT IT TOO)
And yeah! Thats the backstory lore I got, so I'll just list some other minor stuff I have cooked for the loyal three! Lil headcanons if you will
-They're all trans men, Fezandipiti is just extremely GNC
-...I think Okidogi has a little crush on Wo-Chien, which is sillay and not gonna work out bc Wo-Chien is one of Ogerpon's found family members and they are NOT gonna give the guy who killed their new baby's dad A KISS!
-They were all in their mid 30s when they died and are still like that now that they've come back, lol. They might have immortality now after being revived but we'll see
-Zarude constantly lives with guilt that they weren't a better parent to Munkidori, though they have no clue that he. Like. straight up became a criminal and died. They just know he's dead bc they raised him 200 years ago and he was a mortal sooooo yeah. Haunted by the horrors ESPECIALLY when he comes back and he's unrecognizable to them !
-I might make it so Fezandipiti and Okidogi also had a connection to some gods, just not on the level Munkidori has lol
-Their relationship with one another is. [Shrugs]. Like yeah they're a team but they constantly argue. but also stare at each other's tits (dw about it.). and they're kinda like a found family I guess? But also not really bc a lot of this was out of convience? they don't know what they are but they sure did die together!
-They technically have "a master" (aka the one who gave them the chains) and they might have been the force who revived them... and thats p funny bc imagine being Munkidori and you're entire thing is that you want power SOOO bad and youre finally the leader of a group so BOOM dreams achieved, and then you turn around and remember that 10 year old god (you also fucking hate the gods (take a guess why) so this is extra salt in the wound) who did weird shit to your brain is actually running the place. But forgot about you for 2 centuries. until now. Bro I'd die again.
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nacregames · 3 years
sooooo I got an ask about how the ROs would propose to MC and since I don’t think it’ll be in-game, I decided to indulge anyone who was interested in the answer. Also, please note, that I kept the scenes vague on purpose and avoided too much dialogue so that you can leave it mostly to your headcanons!
It's one of those nights your girlfriend is in a silly mood, gluing stickers on your faces and insisting on doing your make up even though she has absolutely no idea what she's doing.
Oh this was supposed to be for your lips? But it says eyeliner- oh- lip liner, yeah sorry, she only knew about lipstick, you know. In her defense, the last time she wore make up was back when blue eye shadow was in.
Somehow you're too focused on the cute face Mel makes while she's concentrating to complain, just accepting your fate as you hold back a grin when she sticks her tongue out while trying not to mess up the lines of your lips. With the right product this time.
The best thing? She's not even drunk. Mel doesn't need a single drop to be able to sprout nonsense or get stoned to devour a meal for two (or four, you're unsure).
So, yeah, it's kind of a pyjama party and you somehow end up sharing secrets and talking about embarrassing moments of your childhood and teenage years, your first crushes and eventually your dreams. At some point, Mel begins to tell a story about how she spend her whole allowance (pocket money as she likes to call it) for weeks on a giant gacha machine just for a single item.
When you ask her what it was, she tells you to hold on a sec and pulls something out from under her bed. It's surprising how quickly she finds it actually; your girlfriend has never been the most...."organized" as you call it. Mel sits down in front of you again, holding a small box in her hand. She offers it to you and you take it.
Inside the box there's a ring with a heart shaped pink gem, looking barely big enough to fit your pinky finger at best. Mel tells you that she wanted this ring the first moment she lay her eyes on it, swearing to herself that she'll use it to propose to the woman of her life.
She was only 9 when she made that promise. But it's still valid she tells you, looking directly into your eyes.
You are lying both on the grass, watching the sun set while quietly enjoying each other’s company.
It had started with a small picnic; actually Arrow had stolen all the food - and you mean ALL of it- and started running, grabbing your hand as he did. Everything happened so fast, the only thing you can remember is the uncharacteristically determined look on his face when he opened the fridge and before you knew it, you found yourself here.
Fuck, it's not like he didn't pull that off before, but not to this extent. This time he's in for trouble for sure.You have no idea what was going through his mind that moment and when you ask him, he shrugs it off, telling you to eat. You hesitated, but decided to drop it, knowing that he'd tell you when he felt like it.
After finishing your "well-deserved" food, Arrow suggested to play a game and since there wasn't really anything else, you decided to compare clouds to animals (or other, less appropriate things). You didn't even notice when the sky took an orange hue, but somehow you both fell silent, taking in the mesmerizing landscape.
It is him who breaks the silence first, slow and hesitant, almost shy as he begins to count everything he likes about you. The things he mentions are mostly stuff you even didn't know about yourself, which is kinda weird and yet you can't deny the warmth that spreads through you.
He eventually tells you what possessed him to invoke the anger of the entire crew and shyly admits that he kind of panicked when he thought about you and him...you know...m-marrying.
Arrow doesn't wait for your reaction as he takes your left hand in his own, slipping something carefully onto your ring finger. When you look down, you realize that it's a small ring made out of the daisies he had plucked from the ground. Looking deeply into your eyes, he tells you that he wishes to be with you forever, no matter in what kind of way. He doesn't expect you to answer...or even accept his proposal...All he wants is to be close to you.
But lord, he'd be blessed if you said yes.
Chal is thinking about it every now and then, the thought bringing a fond smile to her lips. Whatever "it" is. It's been going on like this for a while now and you're practically dying to find out about the reason; especially since she's throwing glances at you each time too.
Eventually you break and decide to go for it. Surprise washes over her face, her usually narrow eyes growing big and round when you ask her what's going through her head. Apparently she wasn't aware that she was acting so obvious and for a moment Chal doesn't know how to respond.
Which is highly suspicious to say in the least.
Your curiosity is at it's peak when you see her cheeks turning a shade darker than usual. Seeing your funny expression, Chal lets out a small chuckle and reaches out to caress your cheek. This time it's you who's caught off guard, unable to figure out whether it's your face that's warm or her hand.
She lets her eyes wander over your features for a moment, her gaze focused as if she's trying to find something...You're not sure what "it" is once again, but your lover seems to be content with her findings.
Releasing your cheek, she proceeds to take your hands in hers, her fingers gently brushing over your knuckles as she tries to gather her thoughts.
The gesture is so gentle, her touch so soft, it makes you turn to mush whether you like it or not. When she looks back up, there's another smile on her lips. Brighter. More open. The kind that makes you forget all your worries.
But it's only when she opens her mouth to speak that you forget the world.
"Marry me."
You're lying on his chest, sighing comfortably as he's playing with your hair and it feels like all of his wishes have come true. There's nothing Clay could want besides wrapping his arms around you and feel you.
Feel your presence, your warmth, your scent...
Well, there's one more thing he dreams of, something he didn't think he would want ever again.
And it makes him think; think about all the times he felt like he didn't deserve to be happy. About the rare times, where he asked himself if these thoughts were true and wondered about what would happen if he actually allowed himself to be happy.
Just a little, he'd tell himself.
But then he'd remember how scared he got when he thought about how much more he could get hurt if he did.
It had taken him a lot of time to get out of this endless circle of doubt and overcome his fears, but somehow he managed. And it was all thanks to you.
It's you who gave him a chance at happiness, you who taught him once again to trust, you who makes him forget all of his worries.
And with something so simple as a smile at that...
It's you, all you and he wants you to know. Know just how much he loves you, how much you mean to him.
Of course Clay knows that he still has some things to work on and that you're not there to fix him; you can't. No one but he himself can. But ever since you entered his life, Clay doesn't feel like everything will- has to- go wrong, like he'll break and fall apart if anything bad happens.
He has learned to accept things as they are, and not to always look for a greater meaning behind everything. Learned to forgive himself, to allow himself to heal instead of punishing.
He learned to stand on his own. And he wants you to stand beside him.
Mercy & Lei - okay, sorry, I wanted to write a small scenario for them just like I did with the others, but the situation is just so funny to me, so please bear with me. Here's the thing:
So both of them plan out a perfect date; Mercy to every single thing they are going to do and Lei juts the important stuff, like booking a restaurant and a ride etc. Everything is supposed to be super romantic & intimate, but ofc Lei is blessed by the gods and the evening goes very smoothly for him, just like in a fairy-tale. It's better than anything MC ever dreamed of and super wholesome.
Meanwhile the whole universe is against Mercy and ofc they have fucked up (well, not personally, but things just didn't go as planned) and somehow they're just at the end of their wits, this close to a total breakdown - which they confess to MC and tell them how everything was actually supposed to go. BUT in the end, they've told MC their feelings in such an honest and open way, like they never did before and their proposal is so sweet that nothing else matters then them and MC being together and it's very wholesome!!
Candy - nope, don't talk to her about marriage, bc it's nonsense. She's already accepted the fact that you're together and that's the absolute, ultimate, highest level of proof of her love for you. She may agree if you insist, but it's very unlikely.
Lilith - would never build up the courage to propose to Lucifer, sorry. She'd say yes in a heartbeat if they asked her tho.
Gabriel doesn't propose either and it wouldn't even cross her mind to ask tbh.
Raphael looks you at you as if you had said something absolutely absurd, obviously trying to process what you just shared with him.
"Marriage?" he kind of spits out, as you stare at back at him, unsure what to do with his reaction.
"You wish to marry?" he asks you and you nod slowly, making him frown even deeper.
Now that he's saying it out loud it sounds stupid. It didn't before, but coupled with the look on Raphael's face, it sounds really, really stupid.
"Y-yeah...mmh maybe some day..?"
Uh, you shouldn't have said.
"Seriously? Like humans do?"
No longer able to keep up with his mockery, an exasperated sigh escapes you and you suddenly stand up. But you're being pulled back onto the couch by Falito. His grip is very strong, easing ever so slightly when he realizes what he's doing.
It's not threatening nor forceful, only enough to prevent you from leaving. You're not resisting, but you're making it a point not to look at him either. You know how much he hates it when you do it.
"Look at me," he says immediately, hand reaching out to cup your cheek. And even though you can feel his bright blue eyes boring into you, you're too upset to face him.
Please, love. Should be what he's saying next, always apologizing after he made you upset and not thinking beforehand. It usually takes him a few times and a little (affectionate) force for you to give in and you're making up again. So you're already preparing yourself, annoyed that it has to play out like this every time.
But the Archangel doesn't beg for you to look at him, neither does he apologize until you accept. No, instead of letting your usual quarrel go on, he says something that makes you whirl around immediately, skipping any other unnecessary talk.
Did he..? No you must have misheard....right?
"Let's marry."
Oh. You haven't.
Araqiel is studying human behavior again, this time using social media platforms as a source instead of invading their personal lives as usual. Although she only brings joy to these simple mortals, it's still funny to you how she does it so nonchalantly, how naturally she slips in and out of their lives.
"We gave them marriage to take care of each other and they just use it as a means to have a living bank at their side," she talks to herself (or maybe to you, you can't really say), "or they just get a divorce the next day, after they sober up from their trip to Las Vegas. Don't you think it's awful how they see their unions as simple paperwork?"
You hadn't expected the sad tone in her voice and turn to face her. Sensing your worry she gives you a weak smile.
"I guess taxes aren't that bad if it makes people stick together," she jokes halfheartedly, but you know the topic is troubling her.
"Come on, it's not that bad. Sure, there are people are together because they have some ulterior goal and you can't do anything about that, but there are others who love each other and that's what truly counts, right? There's just too much politics involved in these events nowadays and that's why many avoid it." She doesn't seem particularly convinced, but she knows there's no point in arguing, since you're both aware of the situation.
"Yeah, I guess," she shrugs and you nudge her playfully.
"You know, for someone who's holding marriage so highly, you're awfully quiet about the topic," you say, feigning disappointment.
"I don't see a ring on these hands either," you whine, holding them out in front of her and wiggling dramatically.
"Oh?" she says, matching your movements, "Silly me, missing something so important." Ara inches closer, whispering close to your ear.
"I know no words will remedy this horrible mistake, but it's not too late to change that..."
"Oh?" This time it's you who's (truly) surprised.
"Mmmhhh...," she mumbles, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.
"How about it, love? Should we marry?"
It quite noisy in the house with all of his siblings around and just when you thought you were being released, they bombard you with another set of questions. No matter how many times you visit, they never run short of those.
Luckily, Mac is there to save you, prying you away from their greedy hands and saying something to trigger their mother to get into action. Blissfully ignoring their hateful stares and cries, he guides you outside, dodging a pillow on his way like a pro.
It feels strange how used you've become to this- to him.
Once you've put some distance, you release a small chuckle and breathe in the fresh air to clear your thoughts. The way he smiles at you doesn't make this particularly easy, but you manage. He watches you for a moment before he comes closer and takes your hand in his, inclining his head for you to follow him.
"Where are we going?" you ask, instinctively throwing a look over your shoulder as you remember the others.
"Somewhere special where they won't disturb us," he answers pointedly, tugging on your hand lightly. Your interest is caught immediately and you nod.
"Lead the way," you smile at him and he takes off.
You stop in front of a tree, question marks popping up in your head for a second.
"Climb," Mac says and you continue staring at him.
"The treehouse? I thought you said somewhere they can't disturb us?"
"Well, I did remove the ladder for some reason and even though Milena technically can climb, she's smart enough to take a hint."
You have nothing to say against that statement, so you do as he says and he follows shortly after. You've been inside the treehouse before, but tonight it's different; Mac has decorated the interior, setting up a few candles (safely) and even prepared blankets and snacks. The house looks so small from the outside and yet he could fit everything in, including you two without making it uncomfortable. You're admiring the scene until you're interrupted by a low voice close to your ear.
"Do you like it?" he asks you, his eyes much brighter than usual thanks to the light.
"I love it," you answer and he pulls you in for a small, gentle kiss before he sits down and pulls you onto his lap.
Mac nuzzles his face into your chest as he holds you, sighing contently as he takes in your scent. He then begins to tell you a story about his family as you play with his hair and somehow ends up talking about how you two met.
It was a rocky start, true that, but somehow you ended up being one of the most important people in his life.
And the only other ones he knows are his family, so he asks if you want to be part of it, pulling a small box out of his pocket.
Do it. Don't. Do it. Don't.
It's an endless cycle of asking himself whether or not he should go along with his idea which Camus can't seem to escape.
Maybe he should just consult a daisy like he did before. Doing that certainly couldn't be any more stupid than his actual idea, right?
But wait- here's a thought: If he doesn't feel comfortable about it, wouldn't it mean that it wasn't the right time?
Duh, perhaps that was the answer he needed all along.
Or perhaps he was looking for excuses, this silly little guy, this joke of a man who's afraid of getting rejected.
He can feel his eyes roll far enough to see the inside of his mind as he runs both hands through his hair.
Well, whatever his decision, it needs to be made soon, because admitting that he spent many nights staring at the ceiling and pondered about their answer is worse than actually asking them and figuring out.
His pride is on the line. It always is when it comes to them.
How about he just casually walked up to them and asked as if it just crossed his mind?
Or insert it in a joke, that was way smoother, but then he would have to wait for the right timing and there's always the risk that someone else may disturb them...
Ugh, he hates them for making him feel this way, but he hates himself even more.
Because he actually loves it. This weird thing where he just has to smile and not scoff whenever Lucifer says or does something, that makes him curious to find out more and not dismiss it as a waste of time. He really loves it.
Loves them.
Yeah, that was it all along, wasn't it?
It doesn't matter how silly he feels or if his reputation (of being a narcissistic asshole) gets wrecked in the process. Camus wants his partner to know about his true feelings and desires and if he wishes to marry them, then he needs to say it out loud.
He promised to be honest after all. He did that and more on the day he confessed to them. So technically, this wasn't that much of a big deal.
Besides whatever their answer is, he knows their love and relationship will remain strong. And that's what truly matters.
You were talking about this and that when Polly suddenly asks you to marry her.
You drop your croissant and her eyes go wide at the realization of what she just said. You don't know whether it's out of embarrassment or because she's choking on her food that her whole face is red, but it doesn't look very healthy either way.
You also can't seem to figure out whether you feel more concerned about your girlfriends well-being or how quick she is to deny and take back her proposal.
Pushing those feelings aside, you reach out to give her a glass of water and a napkin, watching her as she tries to compose herself. It takes a few more moments, but the coughing eventually stops, though her face remains the same color as her hair.
"Are you okay?" you decide to ask, not willing to let the silence take over and force you to mull over her reaction. Paloma nods, purposefully avoiding your gaze.
"Y-yes, thank you," she croaks, her throat probably still itching. She's fiddling with the napkin you gave her and her lips twitch as if she wants to say something.
"What I just said, uhm, you know...I didn't mean it, not like THAT..and you see I was just rambling and...I'm doing it again, right?"
She chuckles to herself, her gaze set on the table. She's clearly waiting for you to clear the tension.
Any other day it would've been cute, but today it stings.
"Okay," you simply say, no other words coming to mind. Something in your voice must have alarmed her, her gray eyes searching yours instantly.
Her expression morphs to something miserable, an expression you know too well. It's the kind she adopts when she feels guilty, like when someone kicks a puppy and sees the expression on its face and feels really bad for it.
Not wanting the conversation to go into that direction, you open your mouth, but Paloma speaks first.
"Unless you want to."
Wait. What?
Panic crosses her features, but she doesn't take her words back this time.
"We can marry, if you want to...Well, I know that I want to, for a long time actually, I've always dreamed of it, but it became certain when I met you and everything....", she's trailing off again, but manages to get hold of herself quickly.
"But if you don't it's fine too! We can drop the conversation immediately, just say the word!"
Her voice is soft as she says this, her smile gentle, but the look in her eyes tells you that she's afraid you might refuse.
"So," she asks once again, "will you marry me?"
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kisspar · 4 years
Cute Angel & Husk Instagram interactions:
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Husk's first post on Instagram, Angel lovingly asks for a picture with him as well. Husk's response? "😾" but... not a no?
Angel, looking completely exhausted after a long day, complains about his hunger-
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Valentino is quick to point out in the comments that he forgot about Angel completely, so Angel asks to be picked up again as well as bring some food because he's starving.
Rat man reluctantly agrees to after he's done filming, but he wouldn't bring food because he already ate. Angel begs again, but to no response. So I'll take that as a no.
Cut to Angel's next post—
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> Husk got Angel food <
Husk was the one who went out of his way to get Angel something to eat.
Look at Husk's face and tell me that isn't the typical tsundere 'It's not like I like you or anything, b-baka!!' look.
The situation probably went down like this:
Husk: "Here."🙄😾
*Shoves food in Angel's arms*
Angel: "Huh? For me?? Husky you shouldn't have~💖"
Husk: "Hmph. I-It's not that I care or anything, don't read too much into it! I just happened to buy extra. Don't think you're special, w-whatever just fuck off already🖕."
okayyy maybe not exactly like that but I can imagine 😌
Angel of course is grateful for this considerate gesture, especially coming from someone like Husk—So much in fact he continuously teased Husk about having a good time together.
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But this goes to show how much Husk cares about Angel's well-being and isn't in is own little world despite pretending he couldn't give a fuck.
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I meeean Husk didn't have to make a whole ass post gushing about the fact his crush gave him a ticket to his private show but.. 🤭
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Unfortunately though due to Husk's heavy drinking he ended up passing out before he was able to go to Angel's show. However it actually seemed like he wanted to go? Husk didn't shrug it off like, "it's whatever" instead "Shit", he genuinely seems regretful he missed it.
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But because he feels guilty about missing the show, he allows himself to make it up to Angel by watching their son Fat Nuggets.
Now despite Husk not being "a fuckin babysitter!" he still chose to watch Nuggets while Angel went out in order to make it up to him. He didn't have to, but he did anyway. Took care of him pretty well though, despite Nuggets being "a pain the ass" letting the pig eat literally all the cherries and limes.
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I mean I dunno about you but this is some domestic co-parenting bliss right here. mhm.
Honestly if anything Angel is testing out to see how good of a dad Husk would be to Fat Nuggets change my mind. Angel could have asked a more responsible person but he chose the love of his life the drunk cat out everyone else to watch his beloved baby.
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Husk wants some sort of reimbursement for his troubles and Angel points out that watching the pig was the favor he owed him but Husk complains though, asking Angel if he knows how hard it is to get the drink materials in hell. Angel gushes about the fact Husk uses his first emoji, and that he's willing to pay him back for his troubles with a private show just for him❤️
Husk declines the offer of course but in a "...I'm not doing that." sort of way, see now imagine him trying to hide his embarrassing blushing face while typing that out. 
(Also he allows the nickname daddy but not Husky...k)
Angel acts a bit offended claiming he's worth it and Husk's response is just "Jesus fuckin Christ..." but not denying it??
He's not shutting him down completely, or telling him to fuck off—he's just saying no to the sexual stuff in the most unconvincing manner. Which leads us to the most jaw dropping conclusion.
Angel Dust asks Husk go grab some shakes with him instead, and Husk actually agrees.
It's literally a date.
Now I wanna take this moment to talk about why this is so important and special.
Every time Angel has made any sort of sexual comments/advances towards Husk either on the show or Instagram, Husk shuts it down. Because he doesn't want Angel for his body, he doesn't just want sex from him or to become some fuck buddy like Angel assumes everyone wants from him.
In fact it seems like they’re both building up a genuine relationship between them from what we've seen from the posts, I feel like Husk doesn't to ruin it by sleeping with him. They seem to be getting closer and much friendlier than from what we've seen from pilot as of right now, but I believe Husk is still hesitant because he’s terrified of the idea of love, being loved, again. So he keeps shrugging Angel off like a thorn in his thigh when in reality Angel is the closest chance he has at love again. But due to a horrible past, he drowns his sorrows in alcohol which leaves him closed up.
He’s in denial of his buried feelings he’s hid away because drinking is much easier than facing your harsh reality and emotions. Which is why it’s up to Angel to break down these walls he’s built up. To prove to Husk he’s actually serious about him--So far Angel has taken serious initiative to show Husk he’s interested in him, not backing down even when Husk tells him to fuck off.
As it’s much easier to tell someone to fuck off than it is to admit you have feelings for them.
However instead of rejecting Angel's milkshake date invitation, Husk accepts.
He's opening up to the idea of having someone close again, he's letting someone be close to him.
It's important for both of them to experience love before sex with each other. Angel probably has never had sex with someone "out of love" and Husk had "Lost the ability to love years ago" which is why they both need to learn what it truly means to love someone before stepping into the bounds of physical intimacy. It’s why its makes it all the more special for them. 
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They end up going on the milkshake date, things turn a bit messy than romantic—but hey look at fat nuggets cute lil tongue (´・(oo)・`)
Angel straight up said "💖🕷️🐷😺💖"
It's official they're a family
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
"candy floss"
Summary: After Fred's death, George and Y/n lean on each other to carry on. This wasn't the most brilliant idea, though; George was pretty much in love with the girl, and Y/n— well, she had been dating Fred prior to the Battle of Hogwarts.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst
Suggested by: @crispykittywitch
Things never go as planned: @sarcasticallywitty15 @beautyschoo1dropout @s1ut4georgeweasley @leovaldez37 @missmulti @weasleywh0r3s
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: grief, feels, brief mention of Fred x Reader ig?
A/N: I decided to name the parts bc why the fuck not so keep an eye on the titles 👀. This story is based off this convo and these headcanons. If you wanna be tagged in the next parts tell me, and enjoy <3
Prologue :the aftermath
Part I : sleepless nights
Part III: shock therapy
Part IV: wrong name
Part V: the perfect excuse
Part VI: the downfall
Part VII: apart
Epilogue: I still love you
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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The moment the last group of customers decided it was time to call it a day and exited the shop, I left the till counter and grabbed my wand from my pocket, instantly turning the sign in the door so it could be read from outside 'closed'.
A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned against the multicolored wooden rail.
I was drained.
The shop helped our minds to get distracted and stray from the grief, yes, but it was also exhausting.
We had been subconsciously overworking ourselves to the point where it was borderline self-destructive.
It didn't help that I was throwing myself into comforting George, either. I could not be blamed for doing that, though; he was broken.
A part of me, the rational one, knew he would pick up the pieces and build himself up again, it would just take a lot of time.
There was another part of me, though, that depressed, drained part, that was beginning to think he would never heal by himself —maybe he wouldn't heal at all— but still held onto the hope that, if I tried hard enough, I would be able to mend what had been broken in him.
A terrible idea, really, because I started to dismiss in its entirety my own miserable, damaged state.
And George, ever the caring, sensible one, would have noticed that; he would have made me realize I was not doing nearly as well as I thought, he would have talked some sense into me, but he wouldn't— he couldn't, because George was lost in an ocean of grief, trying so hard not to drown that he wasn't able to notice I was trying to aid him from my very own sinking boat.
It also seemed to be working; he was more animated, slept more soundly, and his smile was a bit brighter even —at least the one he had for me.
"Rough day?" My eyes, which I didn't know I had closed, fluttered open at George's voice.
He walked to me with a tinge of guilt in his face. "You know we can switch places, right?" I had been working as the public face of the shop since we had reopened, and George had taken on the task of doing the paperwork and shippings instead, showing up from time to time to help me and to let people know there was still a Weasley running the business.
I had been the one to suggest this, since I knew George had compromised with reopening only because of me, and he was clearly not ready to put up a sociable, positive attitude for dozens of people every day.
"Nah, it's fine like this." I assured him with a reassuring smile.
He measured me with his eyes for a second; I couldn't really tell if he saw through me or not. "So I was preparing the today's shippings," he rocked a tiny purple basket I quickly recognised in front of me. "I found this in the back of the stockroom."
"Are those—?"
"Candy floss cupcakes, yes." A year and a half ago we had bought five baskets of candy floss cupcakes from Honeydukes per George's request in order to unsuccessfully try and implement them.
"Are they even edible anymore?" I couldn't help but laugh.
"I hope so?" He chuckled too, tearing the film covering the sweets. "Thought we might as well finish them."
My eyes travelled from the basket to him and viceversa before stating, "well I'm hungry so..."
"Same here." He was the first one to pull out a pastel colored cupcake, though he handed it to me. "Wanna get food poisoning together?" Laughing, I gave him a nod as he grabbed his own cupcake. "At the count of three?"
"Three." We said in unison right before taking a bite of our respective madeleines.
I frowned at its surprisingly good flavour. "Am I delirious or are they actually edible?"
"Dunno," he shoved the rest of his cupcake into his mouth with a shrug. "maybe we're just starving."
"Go big or go home, I guess." I finished my cupcake before leaning on the basket to pick another one. My head snapped up with my brow quirked when I heard a soft chuckle. "What?"
"Nothing." George shook his head, motioning at the stairs. "Shall we sit down?" I followed his lead, sitting on the stairs and waiting for him, who had stepped towards the drinks aisle to grab a couple of juice bottles, to do the same.
We stayed there, eating and drinking in a comfortable silence until the basket was empty and our eyelids threatened to shut.
"I think we should head back to the flat." He spoke, leaving the half empty juice aside so he could stretch.
"I'm gonna learn how to cook." I stated, getting up. "We can't get by based on most likely expired sweets and whatever is in the Leaky Cauldron menu."
"Aight." He mimicked my actions, picking up the stuff we left on the stairs. "We will learn the basics tomorrow." He got behind me and began to gently push in the flat's direction. "But now we're gonna get some sleep, miss."
I would be lying if I said my heartbeat didn't pick up when his hands landed on my shoulder blades and made their way to rub both my arms reassuringly.
I would be lying if I denied I leaned back when he did that, letting myself get closer to his chest.
And I would definitely be lying if I said I didn't crave going back to my room so I could cuddle him all night.
One Week Later
"—right in the cauldron, love." I pointed at the cauldron besides me, giving a sweet smile to the kid in front of me, visibly going to be sick thanks to the free sample of Skiving Snackboxes.
"Y/n!" I spun around at the loud calling of my name above the shop's racket. I was able to discern a long, red mane flowing fast towards my position right on time for the owner to wrap her arms around me.
"Glad to see you too, Ginny." I laughed, trying not to lose balance due to her enthusiasm. "How come you're here?" I questioned, pulling away.
"We heard you were open." Harry walked up to me, appearing from behind the girl, "And thought we'd pay a visit to our friends, right?" Ginny nodded, looking around while Harry gave me a quick, yet comforting hug. "Where's George?"
I motioned up to the small office, redirecting the couple's eyes to the second floor. "Doing paperwork—AH!" I jolted when a pair of hands tickled my sides, my head snapping to see the towering ginger standing behind me. "Speaking of the devil."
"I thought I saw Gin through the window," George explained, his hands lingering on my waist for long enough to his sister to stare, before pulling Ginny into a tight hug. "And came down to check if she was distracting my employee."
"You got her all bored here, mate." Harry pointed out, a light joking tone in his voice.
"And you're the one supposed to help with that?" George rolled his eyes dramatically. "Pfft... What a world we live in." With the said, he gave the boy a side hug. I heard Harry murmur an 'We missed you' before they pulled away with a pat on the shoulder.
My gaze landed on the youngest Weasley, whose welled up eyes were trained on her older brother's half smile. I only averted my eyes and waited for her to discreetly wipe away the unspilled tears while Harry and George catched up.
By the letters she had sent me, I reckoned the last time she had been near George, he had been lifeless; seeing a glimpse of who was once one of the most cheerful, funny and charismatic people in her life, was probably poignant to Ginny.
I hadn't realized she had moved closer until I didn't hear her soft voice. "Thank you." I offered her a confused smile, though deep down I knew what she meant.
Two Days Later
George was having one of those days.
We both knew it was coming soon; it had to happen sooner rather than later, since he had been in a surprisingly good mood for almost a week. I suspected seeing Harry and Ginny had brought back the events of the Second of May.
I suggested to close the shop for the day, since he was unable to move out of bed; he refused to do so, but I convinced him to stay in the flat and rest —it was Tuesday, anyway; I wouldn't have to handle many customers.
Due to that, when I saw Hermione, Ron, Bill and Fleur entered the shop, it was understandable that I hadn't become the happiest person in the world.
I greeted them, there were hugs, kisses, and even a joke or two, and when Bill asked about George, I excused him without giving much detail.
They understood.
Fleur was the one to restart the conversation, lightening a bit before requesting a tour for the shop, since she had not yet been there.
It was when we reached the love potions that Hermione, using the fact that Fleur was very much interested in the product, held my hand and pulled me aside.
"So... how are you doing?" The frown in her face, the fact that she was whispering, the squeeze her hand gave mine, let me know she had read me the moment her eyes met mines.
I sighed with a shrug.
"You can tell me." Could I? "No one's asking you to put on a happy face, Y/n." The girl assured me, her eyes digging into mines. "It's not just George, we all lost—" she shook her head at her own words before correcting herself. "you lost him too."
I lost him too.
I bit my lower lip to stop it from quivering.
The memory of Fred's broken smile as his corpse laid on the stretcher, that memory that haunted my dreams, appeared vividly before my eyes.
My lips started to burn with the ghost of that kiss he gave me before we split up, him with Percy and me with George; it hadn't been meant to be a goodbye kiss. It was meant to be a good luck kiss.
I covered my mouth to muffle a sob, and Hermione's arms were quick to be wrapped around me, reassuringly rubbing my back.
I saw them entering from Y/n's balcony; I wasn't emotionally ready to face them all at the same time, but when I didn't see them exit, I figured Y/n hadn't been able to dismiss them.
I decided I owed to them all to bite the bullet, so I threw on a shirt and the first trousers I grabbed, cleaned up a bit and left the flat.
With a deep breath, I made it to the second floor and mentally prepared myself to go down to the first one.
As I began to climb down, though, I noticed Hermione and Y/n talking in private, closer than the others to the stairs.
I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but all my senses were automatically focused on Y/n whenever we were in the same room; she just stole me away from reality.
"You lost him too."
Hermione's words visibly triggered something on Y/n.
'Something', as if I didn't know what they had triggered, as if I didn't know what— who was on her mind.
I guess he was always on her mind, though.
What was left of my heart shattered in a million pieces when she broke down to tears —for several reasons—. "I miss him." She whispered in Hermione's shoulder. "I miss him so much."
If I had any tears left, I would have cried my eyes out right there. Had I been so selfish that I had disregarded how she was feeling? So blinded by the light and love and warmth she was constantly giving me that I had forgotten about her grief? Was I that bad of a person, that I would have rather live in the illusion that she had not lost the boy she was dating?
My mind told me I didn't want any of those questions answered.
"George!" As Ron yelled my name in surprise, Hermione and Y/n pulled away, the latter rubbing her eyes while both of my brothers jogged upstairs to hug me. "Ginny told us you're open—"
"But Y/n said you weren't feeling well." Bill finished, squeezing my shoulder. "We only stayed a little longer for Fleur to see the shop."
"Yeah, we'll come back tomorrow," Ron assured me. "So you can rest and..."
My brother's voice sounded further and further with each word; I felt myself drifting off, getting lost in my own mind and gravitating towards the same thought over and over.
She deserves better.
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soccerbites · 4 years
listen to my heartbeat, JJ Maybank
masterlist in bio
a.n: i posted this a few months ago but it got deleted when i deactivated my old account, and it was a request, if you think it's familiar that's probably why :) english is not my first language so i apologize in advance for any mistake.
words count: 1,6k
warnings: swearing, lots of angst, death of a close family member.
(not my gif, if it's yours please tell me so i can give you credits)
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You knew she shouldn't go to that trip, you told her not to but she didn't listen to you, as always.
After losing your dad a few years ago she was everything you had left.
You just couldn't believe it, your uncle told you on the phone call that your mum died in her sleep, sudden death, but it was senseless she was the most healthy person you've ever knew, she had a super strict diet and every morning ran around the neighborhood as a exercise form.
They say god takes from us the best people sooner, and you were starting to think they were right. At least she felt no pain.
I lifted my head to watch the wall clock, in any minute from now everyone would arrive at John B's as always, you were not going, not like that, not after what happened.
Your house was flooded with your hard crying as picture frames flew all over the room, making it a glass broken disaster, everything you saw ended slammed onto either a wall or the floor.
You kept on punching the kitchen table and all on it fell, the mug from where you drank your coffee earlier that day shattered on the floor, the sound of it making you more anxious; your anger filled every inch of your body at the same time you let your madness leave it by kicking and hitting things. You decided you had enough of that when you saw the blood from your knuckles slide over your hands.
You let you body fall in a corner, knees up to your chest and hands pulling your hair, screaming the word 'fuck' again and again.
"Y/N? are you here baby?" JJ's voice echoed through the now silent spaces of your home as you tried to stop sobbing so he'll think no one was there, "i know you're here, your bike is right beside me and you would never walk on your own right now" you hadn't notice how dark it was outside, you had spent the whole day crying in that little corner.
you didn't answer to him, hoping he would go away eventually.
"i'm coming in k love?" you hid your face with your blood covered hands trying to avoid his glare. It was not the first time he had seen you cry, but it was never this way, you were the one who comforted him and that led you to cry too 'cause you couldn't stand seeing your boyfriend so broken.
"he- what the fuck Y/N?" he ran towards you and tried to make you look at him "your hands are covered in blood love, what happened?" still no answer from you, "come on baby look at me" he begged you but you just moved your head side to side indicating a no.
"go away JJ i can handle this on my own" you mouthed between multiple sobs.
"i'm not sure about that baby" he started petting your head. "god, why do you always think you have to do everything on your own?" JJ whispered but you heard him.
"'cause i have to, i'm supposed to" you answered, still not looking at your golden boy.
"no you don't" he softly said while hugging you close to his chest, "why don't you tell me what happened so we can figure this out together?" you kept denying with your head.
It felt as if the room was becoming smaller with every second and breath you took.
"baby i need you to look at me and explain what's happening" your lovely boyfriend tried to convince you to talk to him.
"no, i can't" tears soaking JJ's t-shirt.
"why Y/N? now you're worrying me even more than when you didn't go to John B's" he kissed your head.
"'cause if i do it means it's real, if i say it out loud it becomes real" you grabbed your arms around the blonde boy's back harder.
"take deep breaths come on" he broke your hug and hold you by your shoulders as he searched for your eyes, you did as he told you and started paying attention on your breathing, "you're doing amazing, go on" JJ cheered on you, "you've always been strong for me, let me return the favor".
"shes is dead" you said finally looking to his beautiful blue eyes, "my mom is dead" tears fell down your cheeks again and JJ's eyes filled with them two.
He was shocked with what you were saying, he hugged you again, pressing your head over his chest, right were his heart was, JJ didn't want to say anything, he couldn't say nothing due to the fear of making everything even worse. Your boyfriend couldn't get it either, your mum was the kindest woman after you and also really young.
"my uncle said it was sudden, while she was sleeping" he rubbed your back, "no pain", the sobs, not only from you but also JJ now, were louder with every word you said "i told her JJ, i fucking told her not to go" you screamed, "i knew it, i had a bad feeling about it but she didn't listen to me, she never did" you pulled out of JJ's arms .
"it's my fault, it has to be" you punched the floor again and again, the golden boy didn't know what to do, and he hated himself for that; you were always there for him and now that you're the one who's drowning he doesn't know how to take you back to the surface, "WHY HER?! WHY HER AND NOT ME YOU ASSHOLE!" you screamed at the ceiling as if it was the sky and god could actually hear you.
"no, no baby don't say that" JJ grabbed you face with both his hands making you focus on his features, you threw yourself back to his arms and he gentle received you again, "i love you Y/N, don't say that ever again".
"i could have stopped her baby" you cried on his chest.
"sshh, just listen to my heartbeat, ok?" for the second time since he had arrived you did what he told you to and focused on his heartbeat and remembered all those times when you were the one holding him the way he was doing now, all the times he had listened to you heart and how that was the only thing that calmed him down. And you were now finding out that, the only thing that could pacify you was JJ's heartbeat as well.
"you better now?" he asked while looking down at you, your eyes were closed, he rubbed his thumb on your on your rosy and swollen face from all the crying you did, he smiled when you nodded, "that's my girl" he placed a lock of your hair behind your left ear and kissed your head multiple times.
"come on, take a deep breath, it's gonna be alright, we will get through this together as we always do" you nodded again, "it's not going to be easy but i'll be with you in every step of the way, yeah?"
"yeah" you simply and fast answered.
"i'm gonna help you shower, we will have some food and go to sleep" JJ looked up to the ceiling, his chin on your head, and held you tighter, "tomorrow morning we are going to clean up everything, and go to my house so i can pick up some clothes and stuff" he looked back at you, "i'm staying here as long as you want me to".
"that sounds nice" you said and glanced at your amazingly beautiful, caring and favorite person.
"it does right!?" JJ smiled at you, excited at how well you had relaxed that were finally able to talk without sobbing for the first time since he had arrived.
You both followed JJ's plan.
He took you to the bathroom firefighter style, not letting go any second, then helped you get undressed.
He was making sure the water was extra hot because he knew you liked it that way and you just stared at him the whole time. JJ washed your hair, being extremely careful trying not to hurt you, after that he cleaned your body.
You got dressed with some sweatpants, a white t-shirt and JJ's hoodie,
He made you sit on your bed and started doing your night skin care on your face, following every step you told him was next. When he was done he kissed the tip of your nose and gave you a peck on your lips just to after heat some noodles you both ate while laying down in bed and watching a very interesting show from Animal Planet, a channel JJ and you loved a lot.
Your boyfriend really helped you keeping your mind off of what had happened for like two hours, but, as you were laying with his hands on your waist, making you the little spoon; the bad feelings came back. He was the most important thing in your life right now and you were afraid of something bad happening to him, a tear fell from your eyes and down your cheeks at the thought of it.
"JJ?" you called him, almost whispering just in case he was already asleep.
"mhm" he mouthed and shifted his head as you turned to face him, his hands never leaving your body.
"can you promise me something?" he placed his free hand on your face; sensing the wet spot on your cheeks and just nodded, "please never leave me" he looked deeply into your eyes while rubbing his thumb on your waist and hugged you being scared of you crying again.
"it's ok, i'm here, i'll always be here"
Finally, after a very tiring day you managed to fall asleep on the arms of JJ, the great big love of your life.
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waokevale · 4 years
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Porcelain Face - Chapter 7
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Both of the boys came running into the class, saying:
-"WE'RE VERY SORRY LO- MR.BERRY, WE OVERSLEPT-" They both yelled in unison until they noticed what was going on.
They didn't missed the lesson but there was something else that caught their attention.
Mostly Ethan's as Virgil looked down, covering his masked face.
There was a new student in class.
Apparently he was already after the introduction part and didn't look so sure about repeating himself just because someone was late.
-"Well...this is awkward." - The new kid said as Logan sighed and just told the late two to sit down.
The new kid looked rather...Interesting?
But more than that he looked like he belonged with the popular kids which didn't make things any better.
He had black, cropped leather jacket, orange shirt, ripped tight jeans, fingerless gloves and...A pair of sunglasses on his face?
That was a pretty strange look for spring but no one commented on that.
He looked pretty confident and that was usually never a good sign.
When Ethan first introduced himself he was pretty flustered and shy but this new kid though had this weird indescriptible vibe.
It even seemed like he was eyeing Virgil which made the porcelain boy glare at the new kid in suspicion.
As they both sat down the kid was already talking about himself though neither of the two boys really listened.
The part that they actually heard was just:
-"Aaand there's nothing left for ya'll to know about me. Can I finally sit down teach'?
Logan then nodded also clearly not understanding half of the things the boy just said.
After the rest of lesson ended,
All of the students were now all heading out of the class.
Virgil finally looked up as he got out of the class with Ethan.
Now the new guy was pretty sure, as he ignored all the popular kids that wanted to talk to him because of his interesting appearance as he went to the two of the late boys to introduce himself properly.
-"It's nice to see you again Eighty, oh and hi there beanie girl." He said as both of them looked very confused for why did he came to them.
-"Wait...What does this mean, it's nice to see you again?" Virgil asked, clearly not understanding what was going on, same goes to Ethan who grew rather more suspicious of the new kid.
-"Don't you remember me? It's ya girl Remy!" The new kid said pulling up his sunglasses revealing two bright-orangeish eyes.
the cardboard boy stared at him in disbelief.
-"W-wait...Remy?!" He asked now louder, getting excited.
-"Yup! It's really me myself and I!" He exclaimed hugging his apparently old friend.
-"Wait...what???" Ethan asked in very confused now tone.
-"Oh! Sorry there- Uh...What's your name?"
Remy asked awkwardly.
-"Ethan.." The boy replied turning his head from them.
The same look of confusion have had the popular kids.
Including Roman and Remus.
What was actually going on?
Why did this guy came to these losers?
They honestly didn't know....
And were they hugging????
Now it was confusing as fuck.
Then...One kid dared to say it out loud.
-"Yo, new kid! Why are you hanging out with the glass dealer and the freak?"
Little did he knew Remy's reaction as he came closer to the guy who yelled these words.
-"Listen up here you little bitch.
I can hang out with whoever I want and whenever I want.
You can't tell me to do shit unless you want to get punched in the face."
He simply said showing off his eyes as the kid gulped and run away.
-"Whoa....That was.... Pretty awesome." Ethan admitted as Remy proudly stepped back to the other two.
-"Thanks, Rem'. Also why are you here?" Virgil asked.
-"Uhhhh you know....I run away from these losers so called my parents."
Ethan looked rather unimpressed and Virgil just sighed.
-"Are you sure that is the reason?" The porcelain boy questioned.
-"Ummm...Anyways Virgie would you and your friend want some Starbie?" Remy changed the subject.
-"Sure, I guess." The cardboard boy agreed.
-"Fine by me." Ethan said.
After school all three of them went to the nearest Starbucks.
Remy was ready to pay them when both of them denied.
-"No, no, no Rem' I agreed yesterday when Patton, one other guy suggested to pay, so no, I can pay for myself" Virgil denied sternly.
-"Bitch,  I INSIST." Remy said, clearly determined just like Patton yesterday.
-"Nope, you are not PAYING for ME." The cardboard boy talked back as there was a short moment of silence between the three, Ethan still confused af.
-"I'm going to buy you stuff anyways." Remy said.
-"REMY!" Virgil yelled, pretty angry now for loosing.
-"Welp....Guess he had won, huh?" Ethan said.
-"Not helping, Eth..." Virgil whined.
-"Oh and Vitligo gurl! What do you want?"
Remy yelled not caring that half of the Starbucks could hear him as the other two other boys signed miserably.
-"Nothing, really...I don't... Drink coffee and I'm not hungry." The porcelain boy yelled back.
-"Oh, come on! Why not?" - Remy asked.
-"It's....Just....I can't say it out loud." Ethan said in a whispering tone to Remy who walked  back to them.
-"So what is it? You're allergic? ADHD? You despise coffee or?"
-"I just can't drink coffee..." Then he said why in sign language hoping that the new kid would not understand.
Then Remy whispered back.
-"Then how do you live?" which clearly meant that he indeed understood the motion sentence.
-"I....I.. It's complicated, ok?" Ethan signed in defeat.
-"Well okay then, Virgie gets the double then."
Remy simply said.
-"NO. YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! PATTON DID THAT YESTERDAY THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Virgil whined dramatically, pretty pissed off as both Remy and Ethan laughed.
-"Besides I'm going to be fat...." He mumbled the last sentence but both of them could hear it anyway.
[He thought Remy bought food as well]
-"Dude...You are literally just thin layer of skin and bones." Remy commented quietly.
-"Virgie? You okay there...?" Ethan said worriedly as the cardboard boy stayed silent before the barista yelled:
-"Remy? Your order is finished!"
Guess it's our stuff, Eighty." Remy said walking back to the counter to pick the drinks.
-"Why does he call you Eighty?" Ethan whispered as Virgil signed.
-"Probably similiar reason for why Patton calls you Dee."
-"Oh.." Ethan said.
-"Alright babes, here's your Spring Frappuchino with chocolate and coconut flakes." passing the pretty large Cup at still pissed off Virgil.
-"And here's your nonexistant coffee because I can't help." Remy said doing the motion of giving the Cup of coffee to Ethan who looked at him tiredly and said:
After some time of talking, Virgil's and Remy's past was brought.
-"Hey Virgie, can we spill some tea of our past to your new babe?" Remy then asked as the cardboard boy slowly nodded.
-"Well then....It all started...."
Virgil changed schools yet again.
Probably the third time now.
He was met with all the new students who like always either looked fascinated or spooked out by masked appearance.
Remy was the one of the fascinated ones.
He clearly wanted to be friends with the mysterious kid.
As Virgil introduced himself to the class and took his sit, Remy already talked to him.
-"Hey there newbie! Wanna be friends?"  Remy asked cheerfully, but Virgil though frowned.
-"You probably won't like me anyway...." He said, sadly, but Remy was determined enough.
-"Oh come on! I really do want to be friends with you!
I don't really care about your mask though it is pretty cool actually!" He excalaimed surprising the other kid.
-"R-really?" The cardboard boy said with the look of hope in his "eyes"
Then the bell rang as they started to hang out.
They hung out more often and soon enough became best friends.
Virgil was really happy back then as Remy was his protector from the bullies.
Unfortunetly one day it just wasn't enough....
There were five very curious kids... The two stronger ones tackled Remy who desperetly tried to free his grip from them, trying to get to his friend.
Unlucky for the two...It was too late.
They already ripped off his mask from his face revealing four pairs of violet eyes.
The kids imediatelly dropped him, very scared of his appearance as they screamed run away.
Only Remy stayed.
Looking at Virgil who was now sobbing on the ground uncontrollably.
He stood there for a few seconds, until he walked to the other boy and kneeled down, saying:
-"Hey, you okay there buddy?"
The boy with the multiple eyes looked a little up with surprise and disbelief painted on his face.
-"A-aren't you s-scared of m-me? D-don't you want to l-laugh at me o-or r-run away....?"
He asked, still very broken.
-"Nope! You look pretty awesome to me! I think spiders are very cool! Cause...you're a spider, right?"
The boy nodded.
-"Well then... As I promised before, I will protect you, Spidey-boo!" Remy said confidently as Virgil giggled at the nickname.
Remy then stood up and helped the other boy up as well, giving back his mask and holding him protectivly from the other kids just in case.
But of course...Virgil's parents found out that someone has seen his face and they moved out yet again...
He was miserable back then...
Because he thought he had lost the only person that actually cared about him...
Neither Virgil nor Remy mentioned the part when Virgil looked like a spider, because they both knew it was a sensitive topic for the cardboard boy.
Though Ethan....He looked kind of... sad and dissapointed If one could say.
At himself mostly.
Because now he finally realised...
He wasn't able to ever be there for the cardboard boy before, because he was home-schooled and now the only chance of someone liking him was gone..
Remy was apparently pretty close with Virgil anyway.
Remy had already seen his face and gained his trust, something that Ethan probably couldn't do...
Virgil deserved better than a weakling like him anyway...
He should probably just....give up on trying.
-"That's an amazing story guys! I'm not surprised why you missed each other so much!
But I got to go...Um- my moms told me I should be back at 4 PM."
-"But you said they let you-" Virgil was cut off by him again.
-"They changed their mind." he said colder than he intended to as he walked out of the building, not even turning his head back.
I hope to see them tears...
Lmao Jk.
But seriously that's the last time.
Is this a good level of Angst for you all?
And for fucks sake it lagged.
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shi-daisy · 4 years
Snowed In
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Well this it folks, my last Ulquihime Week entry for this year. As always it's been a joy to participate and see everything that all of the other users have created, and that those who host the event take such care to plan our ship week. I had a blast and I'm looking forward to doing this again next year. Till then however, let's all keep on making content for our otp!
Ok so onto the story, today's theme is Winter/Warmth and I really didn't know what to do, until I remembered I have a whole AU I could use and stuck with that. For those who haven't read my entries from previous years the Reunion AU basically had Ulquiorra and Orihime meet again after a few years, Orihime ran off from her wedding with Ichigo and Ulquiorra is now human(along with the other Arrancar). At this point in the time the two have been dating for a month. Hope you like!
Ulquihime Week- Day 6: Winter/Warmth
Snowed In
"For the last time Tia, I'll ask her but that dosen't mean she'll say yes." Ulquiorra repeated over the phone for what felt like the hundredth time that day.
His friends had all told him to invite Orihime over for Christmas dinner, and while he wasn't too keen on the holiday he knew his woman was. This would be the first time he would be asking her to spend an event with him and his 'family' and while he might deny it, Ulquiorra was nervous.
"Schiffer, of course she'll say yes. That girl is quite taken with you."
"I'd like to think so, but still, don't be disappointed if she declines."
"Yes, yes, I am ready to accept a negative answer. Still, I wanted some civilized company this year."
He could tell she directed her angry tone at Nnoitra. From over the phone Ulquiorra could hear them bickering.
"If ya don't want me to eat the cookies. Don't leave em on the table!"
"Those were freshly baked! How are you not burned?!"
"Cuz I still have Arrancar-like skin."
"Fool! Your hands are red! I have to go Ulquiorra. Our gigantic toddler has injured himself again."
"No surprise there. I shall see you later."
He arrived at the cafe soon after his call ended, yet he knew things weren't right. Orihime usually waited for him outside, but despite the closed sign in the door, she was nowhere to be seen. Ulquiorra rushed into the cafe, immediately upon entering he heard a loud noise.
"I know language was never your best subject but I think the sign on the door was pretty easy to read Kurosaki!"
"Inoue, just let me explain everything."
"I told you to fuck off!" Orihime angrily took off her arpon and walked away. Ulquiorra headed towards her. The second she saw him, her anger subsided.
He dared to look at Kurosaki. The redhead was no longer the headstrong teen he had met six years ago. His hair was shorter, and while he's grown taller, Ulquiorra thought he looked less intimidating.
"How- How are you here? You died."
"I got better." Ulquiorra answered sarcastically. "Now, I believe you heard the woman. She's not interested in speaking to you."
Ichigo didn't seem keen on backing down, his surprised stare turned into a glare. "You don't get to decide for her anymore, Ulquiorra."
"Oh just shut up already, Ichigo! I don't owe you shit! Tatsuki picked up my stuff a while ago, I've kept away from you and your kin, and paid back what I owed to you father. Aside from those unresolved matters we have nothing else to talk about!"
"I think leaving one's own wedding and then vanishing for two months is something to talk about! You never gave me an explanation for that."
He'd never seen Orihime so enraged, her pale face turned red and she was clenching her fist so hard her arms shook. "You want an explanation?! Fine! I left because just as I was going to get Kenpachi-san to walk me to the altar, I found you and Kuchiki-San! Then you kissed her! When we were young I thought you were in love with her, but since you proposed to me and made me feel as if I was the one you wanted, my worries faded. Imagine how I felt at that moment! I gave up NASA for you, scholarships, internships, my own damn college ambitions all went down the drain! All because I wanted to be with you, and look where the fuck that got me!
So there's your bloody explanation! Now scram!"
There was a small moment of silence before Kurosaki left. The second he was out the door, Ulquiorra hugged Orihime close. "Let it out."
Orihime didn't want to cry over it anymore, but her body betrayed her. She shook as she cried, her sobs echoed in the small cafe and the only solace she could find was the warmth Ulquiorra's hug provided.
As he held onto her, Ulquiorra checked an alert on his phone. There was a snow storm coming to Naruki.
"Woman, it's likely we won't be able to reach your apartment in time. Would you like to accompany me home?"
Orihime stopped crying after hearing that. "Yes. I'd love to go with you."
"Good, I've sent a message to Szayel, he should be coming to pick us up before the storm gets worse."
Orihime stared at Ulquiorra's face for a moment. When she first saw him again after all these years he looked just as he did the day he turned to ash under her touch. Now, he seemed so different. His hair was longer and styled, he often wore leather and dark make up, and even facial jewelery. She also noticed he began doing those things when the two began dating. Maybe it was an effort to become more human like for her.
"Ulqui, are you sure it's okay for me to come home with you? I don't want to bother the others."
"It's no bother, they were all hoping to see you again." Ulquiorra cleared his throat, as he often did when he was nervous. "Actually they were insistent that I brought you home for Christmas celebrations next week."
She blushed. "Really? I'd love to go! Spending Christmas alone is not much fun. I would be happy to spend it with your family."
He sighed in relief. "I'm glad."
"You sound nervous, did you think I'd decline?"
"Well, yes. But that's not why I was nerveous. It's just the others can be quite a handful. I don't want them to overwhelm you."
"I'll be fine, I love hyper groups of people. Besides you and I can have some alone time later."
"That I won't mind."
Szayel arrived at the cafe slightly later than expected. The sky was already darkening, and the road was icy. He drove slowly but made sure to calculate the time properly.
"Inoue-san, I hope you don't mind, Halibel has prepared a room for you, along with clothes. It's likely the snowstorm will keep you from going home tonight, perhaps even longer."
"That's fine. Thanks for telling me Szayel. I'll be sure to not cause any trouble."
"Oh sweetie it's no trouble at all, we are all looking forward to having you around. Ulquiorra has told us so much about you!"
Ulquiorra, Who had been dozing off in the front seat, was now wide awake and glaring at Szayel.
Orihime laughed at the scene before her. "Does he? What has he told you?"
"That he enjoys speaking to you, and that you have a lovely aura, and that you look very pretty in a sundress."
By now Ulquiorra was a blushing mess, he hid his face under the hoodie of his coat, but Orihime has already seen it. She smiled and blew a kiss in his direction. "Well I think he looks good in black clothes."
Ulquiorra caught the hint. Black was what he always wore, meaning Orihime always found him to be cute. He smiled, this time without covering his blush.
Her arrival had been met with hugs, greetings, an enthusiastic snuggle from the family's pet.
"Kukkapuro's no stranger to cuddling new people. He won't leave you alone for the rest of the night." Stark drowsily told her as he tried to get Kukkapuro to move. The hollow puppy ignored him.
"That's okay, Stark-san. I don't mind."
The sleepy man nodded and went back to his favorite spot, on the lap of his boyfriend. Szayel rolled his eyes and let him sleep.
She smiled at the scene, it reminded her of the times she'd act overly affectionate and Ulquiorra would be either unimpressed or dead quiet. Strangely enough she didn't mind.
"Orihime! Can you come to the kitchen? I need your help!"
She followed Halibel's voice to the kitchen. The older women had baked a new batch of cookies and wanted her opinion.
"You're the star baker after all." She told her.
The woman's tone was so sweet Orihime couldn't bear to tell her she hadn't finished culinary school.
She took a bite, savoring the sweet yet salty ginger cookie. "These are great! You're an incredible baker, Halibel-san."
"Thank you, it means a lot coming from a professional. There is something I'd like your help with."
"Are you going to chose a movie already?!"
Ulquiorra glared at Nnoitra, who had probably been banned from the kitchen.
"I am not choosing anything until the girls come back with the food. Have some patience Jiruga!"
"I am plenty patient!"
"I agree with Ulquiorra, you have a short fuse. Now be quiet." Szayel snapped.
"Tch. If I'd know you were going to be so moody I would've spent the week with Tesla and Cyan."
"Tesla might've been your fracción but I think even he knows you shouldn't be around a newborn." Stark mumbled in his drowsy state.
Ulquiorra chuckled, as he remembered the little bundle Cyan had given birth to a week ago. He didn't consider himself the baby type but that had been disproven the moment he was allowed to carry the tiny child.
"Maybe you and Inoue will produce a cute baby one day."
Ulquiorra almost fell off the sofa. "Nnoitra if you don't shut up I will disembowel you!"
Szayel shushed them both and pointed down to a sleeping Stark, but by then it was too late. The pair began bickering and Kukkapuro howled along.
"See? It's always like this. Can't get some quiet until bedtime."
"Don't worry. This'll warm them up!"
The girls walked out of the kitchen with cookies and hot chocolate. "Settle down! We're here with the treats! Ulquiorra you can pick a movie if you'd like."
He nodded and began browsing. Orihime gave everyone a cup of chocolate and cookies. Once her boyfriend had picked a movie, she sat down with him and their treats.
It didn't take long for the others to fall asleep. According to Ulquiorra this was a common occurrence. 'They'll be asleep before the second act ends.'
The couple was snuggling together covered by a thick blanket, they had finished their sweets and once the movie ended they would be going to bed.
"Hey Ulqui."
"Yes, love?"
"Thanks for tonight. I don't know how badly things would've gotten if I hadn't come with you."
Seeing Ichigo had soured her day greatly, and walking home alone in the freezing cold to cry herself to sleep would've been twice as hellish. Thankfully her boyfriend was there to dry her tears and make her smile again.
"You're welcome woman. I shall always be here for you, so whenever you feel like the world is falling apart remember to lean on me. It is now my eternal duty to keep you smiling."
She giggled and nuzzled close to him. "Thanks Ulqui. You're really sweet." The beating of his heart was lulling her to sleep, but Orihime resisted, she wanted to see the end of the movie. "I have to repay you one day for all the kindness you've given me. Feels like I'm only taking."
"No, you're mistaken. It is I who's repaying a debt to you. Back when I was a hollow you brought joy into my life again, and since then I've thought that one lifetime won't be enough to repay you."
"Then you better be with me in every other lifetime."
He wouldn't refuse such a request. Ulquiorra looked down at Orihime, their gazes met and he knew this was the perfect moment to do as he had planned for so long. He leaned down to press his lips against hers, a soft kiss which caused them both to blush. They both tasted of chocolate and ginger cookies, still it was perfect.
"I love you." He whispered only for her.
Orihime caressed his cheek and smiled. "I love you too."
They stayed like that for the rest of the night, tangled in a warm embrace as the snow continued to fall outside.
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muwi-translates · 6 years
why u should love sanada fucking yukimura
man, this character... is one of the most lovable otome bois i have encountered in a long time,,, because he’s such a loser.
i wouldn’t even call this a character analysis anymore i just spilled all my feels and love for this stupid wholesome boy. thank you to my two biggest sandman supporters, this is all yuu’s fault. @sea-reiusly @snow--blanket
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LET’S START. so,,, aside from the fact that he’s cute-dumb; you should love him because he loves you a lot and he deserves love too.
he is the literal embodiment of boyish selfless love.
if iI had to describe him I would describe him as a big red blanket you can wrap around yourself and make you feel safe and warm. or a big spoon of honey; slightly bitter but also sweet.
1) he is mega Friend for Life
first things first; he would be, and is, a good friend - if not to you then to the people he cares about. his whole concept is ‘boy next door’. he is soft, he won’t disappoint you because he cares about you as a person and he worries sometimes even if he doesn’t show it. for example in Shingen’s route he plays messenger for you - he thinks you’re ‘cool’, you’re his pal. he seems like the type who could develop feelings for you but is content just being close to you as your friend and see you happy. despite being told that he’s ‘tactless’, Yukimura actually, not surprisingly, has the ability to read other people, but just sucks at expressing it to you. so occasionally, he ends up proper advice to other suitors if you’re not on his route:
like the time Kenshin was excited to bring you home with him to Kasugayama and you were torn about leaving the home you’ve come to love and your warlord family. to Yukimura, family and friends are important, that is what one of his 'wants' are, after all. he does it for shingen, he does it for his men and the men in the Takeda army.
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in a way he’s a bit like your brother too. except Hideyoshi is the clearly caring, wise older brother and Yukimura is your bratty younger brother who would throw a banana at your face, and pretends he doesn’t give a shit about you but that one time he sees you carrying heavy stuff down the hall he takes it from you and calls you ‘weak’ but he just doesn’t want to see you hurt.
if he's not established to be quite as close to you in other routes (Ieyasu/Masamune), he continues to help you on behalf of sasuke. even though you’re a complete stranger to him and he barely knows anything about you background - especially considering sasuke gave him a coverup story and not what or who you actually are. it's moments like these where he is willing and able to separate 'his job' and 'enemy' and do things that would otherwise produce results the opposite of what he’s supposed to be doing (which is actually a point of conflict in his OWN route, which will I will talk about later uwu)
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2) ultimate Fam man
Yukimura is inherently a selfless character. he doesn’t care about himself, he only cares about the people around him and what he can do for them. he overworks himself and shoulders all the stress by himself, to take weight off shingen (it's always 'leave it to me, lord shingen!!' from him). 
I believe he has a mild form of ptsd as well; he mentally and emotionally cuts himself away from feeling anything in battle to perform his best, he has trouble sleeping at night, and he ends up holding things he’s sleeping with very tightly (eg. you). we also learn from Shingen that:
he was raised to be strong and upstanding, but has problems with adapting, so he puts all he has into what he does, meaning he gets hurt more (EN)
when he has his heart set on things, his conviction lasts for a long, long time (CN)
so, he likes it a lot when he gets to surround himself with people he cares about. he comes off as an ambivert leaning on extrovert, based off how he seems to like hanging out with his men not just as their field commander but as their friend, he enjoys parties and even entertains Kenshin. it’s been noted that he is visibly more relaxed and laughs often around his soldiers - so it’s safe to assume he gets energy by being around the people he cares about, because at least he knows that they’re alive.
in fact, the idea of people around him dying makes him angry. he’s willing to put aside his hatred of Nobunaga to ensure that no unnecessary lives are lost, even if he’s sacrificing himself in the process. they all share the simple dream of one day being able to return to their homeland, and Yukimura expects almost all of them to be able to fulfill that dream together.
so when Shingen insinuates that he won’t be able to be there for that, Yukimura gets understandably worried and angry.
okay, so now we know that he's a selfless iron woobie. what else? as stated above we know that he is actually a closet Sensitive Guy(TM). Yukimura is sensitive to his own feelings, at least. he's a Thinker, he thinks a lot and even overthinks. he is a tsundere to himself - because he's hardwired himself to sacrifice other needs and wants aside from the goals he's set for himself. if it’s not something for the benefit of his dream or Shingen or Sasuke - does he really need it?
he clings onto all the light he can hold onto no matter how small for the sake of his dream - it’s literally defined his life, he’s somewhat dependant on using his body to fight for something or someone and that’s why he’s always moving around doing something. Yukimura also respects other people who have a similar mindset (also his highest criteria when it comes to women; he gotta have something to respecc). 
if he didn’t have anything to fight for what do you think would happen? :thinking:,,,, check out chapter 13 of his dramatic route for the answer,,,, it is not pretty :( 
3. 95% giver 5% taker (and only after some self-deprecation)
of course his selflessness also applies to his love interest?? 
even as a lover he's such an adorable loser that makes me want to cry. he is selfless love in the form of a man. he is basically a dog boi. he only wants to take care of you, your happiness is his happiness. he always offers to make YOU happy and not himself first- it's like as long as you're smiling he can keep going, even if he's tired or if he worked all day, he always has time to spoil and coddle you-- if you want all his attention he'll give it to you, no matter how tired or busy he is. in fact, he thinks that its part of the job description, that its his duty to indulge in your desires. even on his birthday, you know the day where HE'S supposed to get something, he goes out of his way to get YOU a present.
the conflict in his route is literally him coming to terms that he wants something for himself, denying himself from his own goddamn happiness. he finds out that you are on the side of his enemies, yet he still wants you because he’s fallen for you - but he tells/forces himself to think that he doesn’t need you after all, because “it wasn’t meant to be” and that he doesn’t deserve you because he brought you to the battlefield. even though he can do exactly what he needs to if you were simply just ‘friends’ or ‘acquaintances’ - the idea of giving himself true happiness by being with the person he loves? nah, fam.
literally the only time he wanted to be selfish for once he slapped himself and said ‘no’. if you didn’t chase after him, the regret would eat at him for a long time, regret that he’ll eventually learn to squash down inside himself and only add to fuel of performing only for others - and not himself.
👏 👏  related analysis: why does he come off as insensitive when it comes to his route? why has he demonstrated that he is actually not Stupid but is also a butthead to you?
answer: defence mechanism - he thinks women are bothersome because they cry. and when women cry he lacks the confidence(?) to use words to comfort them. they embarrass him, he’s a tsundere, he only says things truly from his heart under Very Specific Circumstances where he is completely vulnearable and open (like pre-spice or... some angst situation).
so instead he just falls back to being selfless like he normally is. all he knows is how to care about other people, carry their burdens and wanting them to rely on him. that's why when you're upset at the festival, he just keeps shoving food at you instead of asking 'what's wrong' and going off on that. because his mind is literally just thinking food = good = makes people happy = ok, let's do that then. that's also why he'd rather you be angry than sad. sad is bad because he doesn’t know how to deal with bad except being physically intimate - pretty sure Yukimura would rather die if he had to hug every crying woman he ever encountered.
conclusion: he’s just a lost, lost boi who doesn’t know how to comfort people so he sacrifices himself and puts others ahead of him using actions - he pampers, he lets people vent out on him, the works. what a fucking wholesome loser who needs to love himself for once.
👏 👏 end of insensitive boi in love analysis
there’s a part of Yukimura that is actually a bit insecure. it's odd because he’s usually so confident in himself, and so proud, but he’s also so self-deprecating? under that tough boy exterior is just a boi who wants to be loved. he wants someone who will be there for him and support his stupid ass. he uses himself to hold up everyone else's burdens, but sometimes there's nobody that might be able to do the same to him. he wants someone to come home to, when he's stressed and wants some loving because otherwise he'd hole up his emotions and explode-- if he didn't have Shingen and Sasuke there with him.
his route sort of expresses the fact that Yukimura has never experienced a ‘mature love’ before, or a love where he imagines a life together with them. crushes, probably at some point in his life. sexual experience? how can he not have any??? but mature love? questionable.
these moments are few and far between because its not explored quite as much, but when they do...
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he says things like "don't leave me, i'll prove that i'm the man for you." (bitch doesn't have to prove jack shit, he literally radiates with Care and Love) and “I need you”. he just doesn't want you to disappear on him. 
why’d you think you decided to leave without telling him? bitch would fucking fight the sky to keep you with him.
he's scared to lose you because he's finally found someone who is willing to accept him and taught him that its ok for him to be selfish for once and do things for his own sake and his own happiness. what he wants most is to just come home and eat food with you together. every encounter with you is precious to him because you rarely see each other. he wants to spend time with you. he doesn't like it when things cut into plans that seperate the two of you- but he doesn't mind it if plans didn't run as expected as long as he still got to spend the day with you. even if he's busy, he lies to go out with you to do things that YOU want. 
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he’s finally come to find some happiness outside of work and outside of how he already copes - that alone is special to him, whether you end up as his friend or as his lover.
so basically:
you should love this guy bc he is mega Lovable and radiates warm Energy,,, he will always care about ur dumb ass one way or another.
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The New Girl, Part 1
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I'm going to hijack something else from you today, @m-faithfull. 😁 I saw you post this pic a little while back, and I was itching to write for it. Here you go, a leonine Robert going in for the kill. 😬 Just felt like making him a little more forward this time around.
Thanks to @starchild0985 for the argument idea a while ago, and thanks to @firethatgrewsolow for the sanity check on the emotional stuff. ❤️❤️❤️
Not smut yet, but there are "adult undertones." 😎
You round the corner with the food cart and hear them before you see them: the blaring radio and the boisterous, British-accented speech. And then there's a fearsome, metallic crash--a large, glass something, likely hurled into trash can.
You park across from the doorway, look into the room, and take a deep breath. It's your first night on the job, your first time serving a bunch of rock stars and their entourage. You've heard the stories and know that anything is possible in the green room: arguments, fist fights, food fights, hasty sex, even musicians too drunk or high to perform. But it's not just anxiety about the possible mood in the room that gives you pause. You are a huge Led Zeppelin fan, and you are as ashamed about your pink polyester work dress as you are excited to meet the young legends. You've daydreamed about meeting Robert, in particular, but certainly never under these circumstances.
You're glad to have had time to pull your copy of Led Zeppelin IV out of your locker while no one was looking and stash it on the bottom shelf of the cart, hidden behind the long, white tablecloth. An autographed vinyl would be a happy memory of the night, even if everything else went crazy.
Bonzo starts talking, and you realize things are not as jovial as you'd hoped.
"All I'm saying, Perce, is less talk between songs!" Bonzo's voice is colored with exasperation. "We both know damn well that you're just scanning the crowd to skim the finest birds off the top for yourself, innit?"
You're not sure if you should make your way into the room or stay out of the fray for a while. Since no one has noticed you yet, you decide to watch what happens next.
"How do you mean, Bonzo?" Robert's voice has all of the charm you'd expect to hear, but you don't know if his soothing tone will be enough to defuse the situation.
"All I'm doing," Robert continues, "is showing love and gratitude to the audience and setting the scene for you lot to release the sturm und drang, as it were."
"Fucking hell, Robert. Admit it, that's not the release you're most worried about! The crowds are bigger than in Birmingham, but you haven't changed your horny bastard ways one bit, matey…"
"It seems the song does indeed remain the same," Jimmy muses with a chuckle.
"I'm just surprised he ain't have a knee trembler onstage yet. G, Pagey, you're really lucky he didn't hump a pillar when you came to check him out back then. That's the sort of bollocks that I don't miss from this one." He frowns and takes a huge sip of his beer.
It seems this story is new to Jimmy and G, the imposing man you understand to be the manager. Both men exchange glances and shake their heads.
"Fuck it all!" Robert uncrosses his arms and picks up a cigarette package and lighter from the table. "Don't believe me, then." He turns his back on his critics and lights a cigarette.
You get a glimpse of his pout and his elegant fingers, marveling at how cute he looks when he's upset. Somehow this vision has neutralized any red flags raised by Bonzo's stories. You don't know why you can excuse Robert for things that would make you cold to anyone else. You are a little wary, but you know any objections you have left could be swept away with something as light as his sinful whisper in your ear, the brush of his lips against your neck, and the feathery touch of his fingers on your bud.
You are in danger of slipping deep into fantasy and decide to enter the room now to save yourself. Part of you wants to get your work over with, get your autographs, stargaze at the band and leave, but part of you wants to offer whatever comfort you can to the grumpy Robert before your eyes--just about anything he'd ask for.
Everyone else has moved on in a few different conversations. This ends up being a lucky occurrence for Robert, who is still sulking alone and notices you first.
He drops the hand with the cigarette by his side while he familiarizes himself with you. Then he lets loose with a dazzling smile.
G, the rest of the band, and the others in the room focus on you a beat later, while Robert quickly stubs out his cigarette in an ashtray. "And food saves the day. Your timing is impeccable, darlin'. Allow me to be your knight in denim and help you with that cart." He sidles up to you and rests one hand on your shoulder and the other on top of your hand. He winks at you, and you step aside so he can move the cart.
You drink in the sparkly, mostly open button-down that is hanging off of his broad shoulders, thankful that it ends just above the bulge in his jeans that won't be denied, so you can sneak a peek.
He is every bit as flirtatious as you've gleaned from the radio interviews. You get the impression that he doesn't mind the uniform you're wearing, that he's looking way past it in his mind, that he'd still flirt with you if you were wearing a potato sack. It is both a relief and something that leaves your stomach jittery.
"Our wonderful caterer…" he stares for a long time at the general region of your name tag, licks his lips, and relays your name with a wicked grin, "has brought the real food. Orange juice for Jimmy? And sandwiches and crisps for the rest of us. No need to gorge on three-day-old bananas anymore… Although there's one aged almost 25 years that's highly recommended, if you're into that sort of thing…" Robert murmurs the last part for your ears only.
You blush and are stunned by his boldness, but you get your bearings quickly, realizing things will be as out of control as you anticipated. You can't deny that you would love to spend some time alone with Robert, and you're ready to see what other bold moves he has in store.
You steady yourself to throw some of your own boldness his way. "Well, they are good for you--delicious and incredibly filling… And I do like them ripe, personally, so…" You reply just as softly and gaze into his eyes.
Inside of the stare, the two of you are zapped by a mutual, high-voltage flash of interest. Your heart races, and your body throbs.
"Prime example, this is!" Bonzo interjects from the couch. "Percy Plant plucking another flower for himself!"
"Not now, Bonzo," Robert mutters, still looking into your eyes.
You blink rapidly, realizing all eyes are on you. "Sorry… It's my first night here… I-- I've got to set these things out," you stammer to Robert. You want him, but to have things so very obviously play out in front of so many people… A curtain of shame weighs heavy on the lust that has engulfed your body.
Before you can pick up the tray of sandwiches, Robert steps in. "Allow me, love." He notices your conflicting emotions and removes all of the food from the cart for you. You're glad for his help because you feel lightheaded. The last thing you need to do is drop a tray of food on your first night and draw the ire of the rambunctious group.
"What's this, then?" Robert has peeked under the tablecloth and has found your record. "Fancy some autographs from us heathens?" He holds up the album for everyone to see.
"One of my favorites. I must commend your good taste." Jimmy's tip of his glass to you and his friendly words lighten your tension. Your thank-you to him is for his compliment as much as it is for the lifeline to normalcy that he has thrown.
Robert places a hand on your shoulder. "You know what? I'll let the rest of the lads sign first. You look like you could use some help getting this cart back where it belongs, yeah?"
You get the sense that Robert genuinely wants to blot out your embarrassment, but you know that he has other, wolfish desires alongside his altruism. You're okay with that, and you don't question why.
"That would be great." A weak smile grows stronger on your face as you think of how exciting a stolen moment with Robert will be.
"Yes, allow me to drive this for you then?" He begins to push the cart to the door.
"Thirty minutes until showtime, Robert," G calls out, knowing he won't return right away.
Robert doesn't respond to G but does motion for you to join him in the hall. You tell him which way to turn. You're back to bursting with excitement again as you leave the room in the distance.
The rest of my stories are here, or search for the hashtag #brownskinsugarplumlibrary.
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adampage · 7 years
Face the Facts | Sami Zayn
Pairing: Sami Zayn x Reader
I’m going to type the anon’s request at the bottom of the story because it gives away too much and I just want you guys to read it.
Author’s Note: I’m taking requests!!!!  THIS REQUEST IS WAS SO CUTE AND SO HEAVENLY AND JUST. JUST READ IT. PLEASE. Please leave comments I love y’all <3 (And for the love of god i need to make a legit tag list so please send me an ask if you’d like to be in it, even if i already tag you bc i just tag whoever comes to mind at this point)
Tagging: @llowkeys / @unabashedwwesmut / @hardcorewwetrash / @roman-reigns-princess / @the-geekgoddes / @xxmaddhatter39xx / @reigns420 / @xstylesxclashx / @crowleysqueenofhell / @wrasslin-x / @wrestlewriting / @sjwrites22 / @wwefluffandstuff / @wrestlingbabe / @helluvawriter / @helluvaclash / @squirrel666 / 
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It had started out very innocently. One evening, she sat at a table in the catering room, nibbling on her dinner. There was no one around, which was just the way she liked it. She held the book upright, just shy of her plate, as her other hand fed her forkfuls of spaghetti. It was a particularly harrowing situation, given that [Y/N] disliked getting food stains in her books, but it was a hazard of her addiction. Fact books were her life.
So as she cursed herself for splattering just a teensy bit of tomato sauce on page sixty five, All About Mosquitos, dabbing failingly at the spot, who should catch her in her own personal bubble of embarrassment but Sami Zayn? "Hey, [Y/N], mind if I sit?" She nodded in response, motioning to the chair in front of her with her fork, wincing when another stain hit the page. She gave the spot one last swipe before replacing the bookmark and swatting the book shut, settling it down on the chair to her right. His animated ginger brows expressed a flicker of mild amusement before his body settled in his seat. He was having the chicken salad. Of course he is, she thought. That would've been the better choice, given her own circumstances. Also, it was healthier. "What were you reading just now?" He asked amicably, the crunch of his salad hitting her ears as he took a bite. "Oh, um, that? Just a book." "I can see that," he said, smiling, "but about what?" "Uh..." [Y/N] mumbled. It wasn't something she liked to talk about. The few times she ever mentioned her fascination for the useless, guys and gals everywhere were immediately turned off. She could hear their voices change, the intonation in their mhm's differing slightly, monosyllables becoming more frequent replies. Their eyes would glaze over, no longer entertained by the conversation. And she never recognized it, until one day an old boyfriend broke up with her, his excuse being, "you just never shut up about that dumb, useless shit." So she never spoke of it aloud to anyone ever again. "It's nothing. Just dumb stuff." She could feel her body drawing back into itself, and she wondered just how much more of her spaghetti she would have to eat in front of him before she could make the excuse that she was full and leave. Sami gave her a wide smile. "Well, whatever it is, I bet it's interesting. When you're done with it, you mind if I borrow it? Most of the others don't really bring books along with them on the road, and I've been craving some new reading material." He took another bite of his salad. "You know, there was a study recently that said people who read are two and a half times less likely to get Alzheimer's?" It was like [Y/N] snapped back into reality after aeons of living inside her own mind. "W-what did you say?" "Yeah," Sami continued, "they said that even though reading doesn't outright prevent you from getting the disease, they proved that reading and Alzheimer's had a kind of correlation. Pretty useless, in the end," he chuckled. "But interesting to know all the same. I'm not going to take my chances." Suddenly, [Y/N]'s mouth went dry. The anticipation was killing her. "Do you know any other useless information? Anything else, ya know," she gestured with her hands, "interesting?" Chewing on his leaves, Sami thought long and hard. After about a minute, he remembered something. "Julius Caesar was kidnapped by pirates when he was in his twenties and held for ransom. When he heard the price, he told the pirates that it was an insult to his value and demanded they raise it. Once the ransom was paid and he was free, he tracked them down and executed them." [Y/N] giggled in response, hand reaching to cover her mouth. "Oh my God. That's amazing." "I wouldn't say amazing so much as arrogant, though," he argued gently. "No, I know," she replied, "but it's amazing that you know that." And that was it. The start of a budding friendship. He looked at her for what seemed like a year, biting his lip in contemplation. "Do you want to hang out later? Grab a smoothie or something, after the show?" [Y/N] flashed him a brilliantly beautiful smile. "I'd love to."
Weeks passed, and [Y/N] and Sami became the best of friends. She still kept her book and her useless facts to herself, but she knew that if it ever came up again, she wouldn't be afraid to tell him about it. Something about the way they'd spoken that day in catering gave off this vibe, this instinct to trust him. For the most part, they talked about movies, shows, work, politics. She was glad to find out that they had similar lines of thinking with pretty much anything, and they remained pretty much inseparable. It must've been the politeness, the kindness with which he spoke to her, that sealed that deal. She had a gentle, quiet nature that seemed to mirror his own. They were two sides of the same coin, as it were. One night, after a particularly grueling match with Natalya, in which Natalya actually spat in her face to the reception of boo's from the crowd, [Y/N] was feeling exceptionally down. She knew it was coming. She had told Natalya to give it her all. And it was only a storyline. It really shouldn't have affected her as much as it had. As much as it did. Sami had been right behind the curtain throughout the whole ordeal. He handed [Y/N] a towel to wipe off her face. "Really put the spit in spit-take, huh?" She wiped herself off with the towel, and threw it back to him. "No one laughed." "Good. That means they love you as much as I do." Sami slung the towel around his neck, and an arm around her slumped shoulders. "Guess you can sleep easy tonight knowing the entire WWE universe is probably writing hate tweets to Nattie as we speak." She looked up at him as they walked towards the locker rooms, placed a hand on his scruff and scratched it adoringly, before giving him a light slap on the cheek. "That's not nice, Sami. I wish they'd send me love tweets instead of sending her hate tweets." "Now that is a very noble and sweet thing to say. But, the heel makes the face, so..." "Did you just quote Glow at me?" "Who? What? Me? That wasn't Glow, that was..." He snapped his fingers, the bullshit answer coming to him. "...Vince McMahon." "Sami Zayn, you dumb, lovable idiot." "I'll take that as a compliment."
She couldn't sleep. That nightmare couldn't have taken more than a couple minutes for her brain to concoct and perform, and yet it had kept her awake for hours. It was Nattie's face, and yet it wasn't her face at all. It was warped, like the mirrors in a funhouse. Actually, now that she thought about it, the nightmare might have been about Nattie chasing her through a never ending hallway of funhouse mirrors, but it was hard to tell at this point. It had freaked her out. She had woken up in a cold sweat, and now she couldn't fall back asleep. She checked the time. 1:27 am. Fuck me, she thought, biting her thumbnail. Everything in the hotel was probably locked up or closed by now. The gym, the pool, the bar where she might've been able to drink herself to sleep. She didn't want to do it, but...at this point, she had no choice. Grabbing her phone off the nightstand, swallowing down every thought she had to deny herself this small ease of her soul, she opened up her chat with Sami. It took her a solid, oh, fifteen minutes to decide on her factual opener. Did you know mosquitos are most attracted to the color blue? It was about another minute or two before she saw the tell-tale chat bubble appear on the screen, signaling that Sami was typing a response. I didn't, actually. Remind me never to wear blue when we visit the south in the summer.
She let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't going to ask, then. Why she was still up. Her respect for him grew with every passing moment. I will. Also, don't wear black in the summer. Or anything dark, for that matter. Dark colors absorb all colors of light rays, as well as heat. You sure know a lot about colors, don't you? She bit her lip, holding back a smile. Eh, well, you know. I dabble. Dabbling is good, haha. I enjoy dabbling, now and then. I am quite the dabbler. Really? Oh, yeah. I've dabbled in marine biology. For example, did you know that a whale's penis is, ahem, scientifically called a dork? The only dork here is you. No way that's its scientific name. Also, leave it to the man to start talking about penis in a little light hearted, dabbling conversation. Ouch, that hurts. You got me, I'm not sure if it's scientific. Did you know that a male giraffe's penis is approximately four feet in length? That's about the size of an emperor penguin, or about the average height of a seven year old child. Oh my god. Now who's talking about penises? (Penisi?) I hope Finn and his stuffed animal giraffes stay far away from me for the next few weeks. I won't be able to stop thinking about what you've just told me. I feel so emasculated. [Y/N] burst out laughing. She was glad she didn't have a roommate this week, or else they totally would've cussed her out by now. All that tossing and turning, and now she was giggling uncontrollably at her phone screen. Emasculated? Come on. I'm serious. I will never, in my life, have a penis that large. That's upsetting. It truly is. The common shrew's penis is only a fifth of an inch long, on average, but relative to its body size, they're well endowed. So don't feel too bad. I am absolutely in awe at how much more you know about penises than me. My hope is that you don't know any of this from experience. Christ, Sami, NO. Omg, ew. I have definitely NOT dabbled in bestiality, thank you very much. Hahahaha, okay. Just making sure. ...So is that all you got? 😉 [Y/N] stared at the bright screen. She'd already woken him up, and it was nearing two thirty in the morning already. They'd probably be awake in the next three hours, since the gym opened up at 5:30. At this point, sleep wasn't much of an issue. She looked up at the ceiling, then back at the clock. 2:25. ....Boy, I'm just getting started.
So you're telling me that a superstitious pope is to blame for the Black Death? Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you. So if this pope had just, left these cats alone, and not told people that they were the devil's brood, that the Black Death probably wouldn't have happened, because cats kill rats. The rats, of course, being the cause of the plague. Absolutely. And that he is the reason people, to this day, are so put off by cats. Which is stupid. Cats are amazing. I'm totally in agreement. Gucci is a fine example. Gucci is probably the best example, imho. She's the paragon of all feline kind, if you ask her. Oh, speaking of cats. Did you know that cats were highly revered in Egypt I had heard about that, yeah. Yeah, pharaohs would be buried with their pets, mainly cats and dogs, along with their families and concubines. The cats were supposed to help guide their spirits to the afterlife. Is that why people say that cats can see ghosts? Sometimes Gucci yowls at the wall. OMG, are you serious? 😂 Yes. I'm totally serious. You might need to have her checked out, tbqh. Absolutely not. My Gucci is perfect. Okay, then.... So I've got a useless fact for you. In the nineteenth century, there was a construction foreman named Phineas Gage who, after some miscommunication or malfunction with explosives, got a metal rod shot through his brain, and lived. He fucking LIVED? Yeah, he lived. For another twelve years. That's just...that's insane. Twelve years? Christ. Yeah, crazy isn't it? Extraordinary. Now, I'm going back to animals because animals are fun. By all means. Did you know that bloodhounds are the only animals whose evidence is admissible in court? Really? Must be why Sherlock Holmes had one. Yeah. Apparently their noses have forty times the amount of receptors that human noses do, so it's easy for them to connect blood at the scene of a murder with the suspect who may have committed the act. Commit murder, stay away from dogs. Duly noted. Sami. Sami, no. I'm kidding, lol. Do I look like the type of guy who could kill someone? [Y/N] dropped her phone on her lap, incredulous. She sat there, head leaning against the headboard for a good long while. Could she imagine him killing someone? The answer was only too obvious. Sami, you wrestle for a living. The only reason you haven't killed someone yet is because you and the other person know what they're doing, and it's professional. Imagine yourself fighting someone who has no training whatsoever; you get mad one night and fists start flying. To me, you don’t look like you could hurt anyone. But you could hurt someone if you wanted to.
Why would I be fighting them, though? I feel like if I killed someone, it would have to be a very good reason. Not that I'm saying murder is justifiable. But. You know. The conversation had taken quite a turn. It was morbid at best, revealing at worst. She typed a response. Let's say they hurt me. Badly. On purpose. Would you kill someone for that? His response was static. It was like she'd accidentally pressed "scan" on the radio and nothing came up but noise. She was glad of it, though. It meant he was taking his time to think about it. If he said yes too quickly, it meant he really, honestly, couldn't give a fuck about human life, which she knew was untrue. If he said no too quickly, it meant he really could give a fuck about her. It was a selfish, loaded question. But she had typed it out anyway. I'd probably beat them to near death, if I could get away with it. Make sure they never hurt you again, or at least that they got the picture. An exhale of breath. Phew. Best answer, in her mind. Why is that so....sweet? Lol. I do consider myself sweet, so I'm glad to hear you say that. She dropped her phone on her chest with a smile. It was getting brighter, all of a sudden. Only then did she realize that soft light was glowing through the window shades. She checked the clock on the nightstand. 5:59. Sami, it's six o'clock in the morning. The gym's been open for a half hour! I know, [Y/N]. She stared at his answer. Why didn't he say anything? Why didn't you say so? I was having too much fun texting you. There they were. The butterflies that came to assault her tummy once every thousand exchanges. Sure, they toed the line of flirtation more times than she could count in a day. But sometimes, she could tell there was something different about the way he said certain things. That's all fine and great but we gotta go! Let's go, Sami, get ready. Gym time! 🤗 All right, [Y/N]. Give me ten minutes, I'll be knocking at your door.  
Teal sports bra, black yoga shorts, teal Adidas on her feet. Hair in a high ponytail. She looked at herself in the mirror. Maybe some eyeliner? Nah, just mascara. She rubbed her hands together, shifted weight between her left leg and her right. "Ooh," she shivered. The AC was way too low. Might have been half the reason she couldn't sleep. She grabbed a towel out of her gym bag, and a water bottle out of the mini fridge. A knock. Her mouth widened into a smile as she turned to open the door. She opened it to find a just showered Sami Zayn, ginger curls at the top of his head dripping lightly with moisture. He looked up to meet her eyes, and her heart nearly stopped at the sight. Those lovely dark eyes could melt the most cold hearted bitch. He stood there for a moment, didn't say a word. She wondered what he was thinking. Then, "Good morning, [Y/N]." "Good morning, Sami. How'd you sleep?" She shut the door behind her, and they made their way towards the elevator. "Not well. Some girl kept me awake last night. Kept spewing a bunch of weird facts at me." "Really?" She grinned. "Why didn't you tell her to stop?" A button pressed. The ding of an elevator, doors swinging open. He placed an arm to hold the doors, motioning as if to say, "ladies first." She pressed the button for the second floor, above the lobby, where the gym was. "Well, I don't know. She was really opening my mind about a lot of things. I learned a lot. She's really intelligent." "Nah. I wouldn't say spewing useless information is a result of intelligence. Anyone can remember a couple bullshit facts." He poked her in the tummy. "Well, I think it's endearing." He shifted on his feet, leaning against the back wall of the elevator. "Did you know that most people who die in elevators are elevator technicians? Statistically, it's the safest form of travel." Sami chuckled silently to himself. "Unless you have an elevator technician degree I don't know about, I guess we're fine, then, huh?" The elevator jolted suddenly, scaring them both. She grabbed his hand instinctually, dropping it once the elevator continued its descent to the second floor. He looked at her, and they both laughed awkwardly. "Why were you awake all night?" Sami asked her, finally. "Um." It was getting cold, and she could feel herself beginning to shiver. "You can tell me. You know you can." It was hard to dismiss those puppy dog eyes of his. They bore into her soul, begging her to spill her secrets. "I had a, a nightmare." It sounded like a question. She placed her water bottle on the floor of the elevator, the condensation of the beverage freezing her fingers. "I couldn't go back to sleep, but. I didn't want to say anything." "You could've told me." "I know, it's just," she crossed her arms against her, trying to draw heat from her own body that wasn't there. "I didn't want to worry you." "Hey, [Y/N]." His voice was a mere whisper, hardly audible if they hadn't been standing in an elevator, two feet apart. Sami closed the distance between them. "Yeah?" She whispered back. He cupped her chin, lightly pressing at her jaw. Their eyes met, and the butterflies and her stomach began their fluttering song. His eyes ran over her, studying every line of her face. When they paused a bit too long at her lips, the doors swung open, the sharp "ding" of the elevator indicating they had finally made it to the second floor. [Y/N] looked away from him, towards the open doors, but as she made to move, Sami shifted his body, stopping her for just a moment before he pushed a button. The doors dinged closed, and she looked back at him, confused. "There's something I need to tell you, and I don't think I should tell you in the middle of the gym, where our friends can see us. In fact, we've been lucky so far that no one's stopped this elevator." He scanned her again, the look on his face full of love and adoration. "What is it, Sami? What's wrong?" "What's wrong?" He chuckled. "There's nothing wrong. Everything's absolutely perfect." He paused. Then he continued. "Fact. I'm in love with my best friend and I think she's in love with me, too." What? "You heard me. Fact. I'm in love with my best friend. And I think," he paused again, looking straight through to the dark recesses of her soul, "she's in love with me, too." This was un-freaking-believable. Her mind was spinning. It was like the whole world had been turned upside down. But why? Why was this so difficult to understand? Just moments ago her heart was fluttering. Moments ago, she was wishing this was true and now it was and it was the one fact in the world she couldn't believe. "Believe it, baby. That's one fact that'll never change. I'm in love with you." And then his mouth was on hers like it was meant to be there all along. His body leaned in, begging to be touched. Her fingers ran under his shirt, grazing the ginger hairs of his tummy and his chest, feeling the goosebumps rising from his skin. His tongue flicked over her lips, and she opened them, every one of her vulnerabilities drifting away as he kissed her more passionately with every fleeting second, his tongue searching for hers in longing, and she met him briefly, before pushing him back just an inch to catch her breath. Her eyes looked away, shifting everywhere but to his own. Their breaths slowed and deepened, each passing moment bathing her in serenity. At last, her eyes locked onto his. "Fact. I'm in love with you, too. Now and always." He granted her a smile that would not go away, a smile that felt like starlight and sunshine, all at once. And the butterflies never stopped fluttering.
"If you don't have too many requests, would you be able to do a Sami Zayn one where the reader stays up all night texting texting Sami facts he'll never need to know or use in life. When he asks her why she stayed up all night, she says it's because she had a nightmare but she was too afraid to tell him about it. If you want to do this, thanks!" - anon
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Come over Buster: Distract me so I don't have to blackout her bullshit by drinking in the AM Rio: She's gone? Buster: 'Course Rio: How'd you manage it in the end then? Buster: Standard. She basically lost her voice trying to call me out on mine Rio: The cabin crew are welcome, like Rio: Did she take Jay back too? Buster: Yeah Buster: Only way she can actually get to me, like Rio: That's shit Rio: Think that allows you a drink Buster: Like I said, distract me now or pick me up of the floor later Rio: I can be there in like, an hour Rio: Do you want me to bring anything forreal Rio: 5 o' clock somewhere Buster: Anything you want Buster: Don't laugh but it's legit dad proofed here still right now Rio: Why would I laugh? Rio: Not to bring up the unfavourable comparison again but Rio: hardly winning dad of the year with a load of gear lying about Buster: Yeah and have you seen Chlo high? 'Cause I wish I hadn't Buster: Hilarious enough with a drink inside her Rio: I can only imagine Rio: least she can afford the 2nd nose job Buster: 😂 Rio: That's more like it Buster: I have to hit the town to buy Jay stuff she apparently desperately needs the second they land, wanna come? Rio: That's code for 'gutted I'm too hungover for a shopping spree' if I ever heard it Rio: They got creches in first class? Rio: Sure thing though, I ain't no amateur Buster: Or you know, code for I spent all the cash you gave me on myself already Buster: Oh she wishes, babe Buster: She'd have bought her mummy along if the poor woman had agreed Rio: Unlucky Rio: get that hot face cloth on and forget the world, babe Rio: 😑 Buster: Unlucky for Jay, yeah, I feel like I can hear her screaming from here Rio: Poor babe Rio: She'll be alright, air hostesses will take care of her to avoid a fullscale riot whilst Chlo is merrily skimming Grazia Buster: mimosa in hand Buster: Should be me though Rio: Yeah Rio: Next time Rio: She'll want at least a fortnight somewhere hot in the summer, yeah? Buster: Next kid, like Buster: But yeah, always something she'd rather do Rio: Don't even play Rio: Your fam will sense it from here and then it'll be all chastity belts or worse Buster: 😂 Buster: Don't trust yourself to be that creative? Buster: I reckon we could work around it Rio: Easy Rio: I got my protection on lock though unlike some Rio: Very reassuring for 'em, I'm sure 🙄😂 Buster: Calms my pulse rate down Buster: So cheers Buster: Not trying to have another kid until I'm like 30 Rio: Surprised you ain't been put off for life Rio: cautionary tale for the rest of us, like Buster: If I get a better babymama I'll be golden Buster: Besides, need a son don't I? Rio: 🙄 of course Rio: you ain't that posh, don't play Buster: Not as funny as you, like Rio: You said it, babe Buster: You hungry? Buster: I need food if I'm gonna do anything close to what Chlo wants from me Rio: I see no downside to letting you get your strength up either Buster: As long as you can keep up Buster: Where are you anyway? Rio: Home, but I just set up everything so I gotta stream first Buster: What do I have to do to get a sneak preview? Rio: Ask nicely Rio: Of course Rio: Know I'm all about politeness Buster: You want me to say please? Rio: Least you could do, really Rio: They all paying so Rio: Consider yourself lucky Buster: You can get lucky too Buster: In the shops and out Rio: Nah, focus on your favourite girl Rio: I'm good Buster: I know you are Buster: That's why you always pull my focus Rio: Not sorry Rio: Though it's a point, ain't you got work you need to be doing? Buster: There's other shit I need more, you know Rio: I feel it Buster: So, please Rio: 😍 Rio: Now, was that so hard? Rio: [Sends pics] Buster: How fucking hot you are softens the blow Rio: Not my intention but I'll take it Buster: 😂 Buster: You know what you do to me Rio: Yeah, you're pretty blatant, babe Buster: 'Cause you're so subtle Buster: Shut up Rio: Not a bad thing Rio: wouldn't be here if I was Buster: I'm not sorry Rio: Me either Buster: Good Rio: 'Til  my conscience makes a reappearance, like Rio: but I'll do my best to schedule that for Sundays Buster: Cheers Buster: I'll do my best to sleep through then Rio: I'll wear you out Buster: Promises, promises Rio: Pshhh boy please Rio: even if I was all talk, you can hush and enjoy the attempts Buster: I am Rio: Good boy Buster: Sometimes Rio: Wouldn't be fun if you were all the time Rio: keep it interesting, give you that Buster: I could say the same to you, babe Rio: Me? Rio: 😇 always Buster: Save your lies for church Buster: Can't deny it to me Rio: awh but Rio: lying's the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off Buster: If that's your way of telling me you ain't over your emo phase Rio: 😂 Rio: the real confession Buster: Definitely need to take you shopping now, like Rio: Imagine Rio: Still rocking Hot Topic Rio: tragic Buster: Don't Buster: Not saying you wouldn't still be hot but Buster: Couldn't be seen with you Rio: I respect that Rio: Got to have some standards Buster: According to you I ain't Rio: Well, not my fault you got poor previous Buster: Well, kind of is Buster: If you'd given into me sooner Rio: 😒 Rio: Idiot Buster: Takes one to know one, babe Rio: Shut up Rio: I don't even wanna think about 'em Buster: Let me give you something else to think about Buster: [sends own pics] Rio: DAMN Rio: 🤤 okay that worked Buster: How do I look? Good enough to seen in town with? Rio: Too good to wanna waste on town baby Rio: now who can't focus, fuck Buster: Don't. Give it all to me instead Buster: Stream later Rio: You're killing me Rio: I just won't wanna leave later, rinse and repeat Rio: it's ridiculous how distracting you are Buster: Please Rio: Fuck Rio: Okay Buster: I can promise to kick you out if that's what you need Rio: Sure you can Rio: I know you want me just as much Buster: I know you know how to annoy me Buster: So if you have to leave Rio: I'll just start calling you cute Rio: Got it Buster: Exactly Buster: But right now I want you bad I don't even care what you call me Rio: Good to know Rio: Test out some new ones, see what's a turn on and what ain't Buster: Like everything you do isn't a turn on Buster: Come on Rio: I can't Rio: Gonna make you miss me more often Buster: Good luck 'cause I'm gonna make you want me all the time Rio: Not fair Rio: got the easy job Buster: How easy? Rio: Can't tell you that Buster: Show me then Rio: I'm already coming to see you instead of making money Rio: Can't say it any clearer, like Rio: [Sends vid tho] Buster: I'll make it worth more than they could Rio: I already know Rio: that's the fucked thing Buster: Anything you want, babe, you can have it Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: I just want you Buster: I know Buster: Fuck Rio, I need you Rio: I'm getting an uber Rio: I can't think straight never mind drive Buster: Let me pay for it I'm already costing you Rio: You don't give up, do you? Rio: but okay Rio: just this once Buster: I won't tell anyone Buster: Don't worry Rio: I just don't want you to think it's like that Rio: like you have to Buster: I know what's up Buster: And you know I only do what I want Rio: Obviously Buster: It's alright baby Rio: Weird when you're nice Buster: I'll be a cunt to you when you get here if you like Rio: Don't have to go that hard, like Buster: Just treat you mean to keep you keen then, yeah? Rio: I mean Rio: you won't hear any complaints from me Buster: 'Cause you'll only be doing what I tell you Rio: Buster Buster: Yeah? Rio: Don't let me stop us again, okay? Buster: Like you said, I don't give up Rio: Good Buster: We are Buster: So hurry that Uber up, like Rio: I'm in it Rio: 25 if we keep traffic and chat to a minimum Buster: 🍀 Buster: Save your chat for me Rio: I ain't the one trying to get ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rio: Bless him Buster: Tell him I'll pay him extra to get a fucking move on Rio: Rude! Rio: Way to make a bitch feel special, McKenna Rio: willing to drop bank on Omar too, like nbd Buster: Don't act like you wanna wait 25 minutes to touch me Rio: Got me there Rio: Stimulating as the chat as is Buster: Glad to hear it Rio: do we have to go out first? Buster: We can go out after Rio: I just need you to fuck me before I can do anything remotely productive Rio: Can't help it, like Buster: I feel it too Buster: I need you to cum for me before we go anywhere else Rio: Daddy Rio: Going to make me cum in the back of this car 'fore you've even touched me Buster: I wouldn't be mad about it Buster: Omar might have something to say Rio: Least I've got jeans on Rio: how wet I am ain't for him though Buster: They better come off easier than the last pair you wore Buster: I'm not waiting any longer than I already have Rio: Thought you loved a challenge? Buster: Don't you dare play Rio: Trust Rio: deadly serious about this Buster: Good Rio: If you don't wanna fuck me on sight we got an issue tbh Buster: The only issue'll be getting you through the door first Rio: One way to give the nosy neighbours something to talk about Buster: Don't tempt me Rio: But that's my job Buster: And you're doing it so well Buster: It's killing me, babe Rio: I'll make it all better for you so soon now baby Buster: Fuck Buster: How far away are you? Rio: [Sends location on the tracking app thing] Rio: 5 minutes too long Buster: Jesus Christ Buster: Okay Rio: I gotta get out of the 24 Rio: Not just for you, though that's all that's on my mind rn Rio: doing this drive to and from work is getting boring Buster: I'll set you up in some of our square footage Rio: You reckon you got room/patience for Indie too? 😂 Buster: I might like a challenge but let's not go that far Rio: Yeah, didn't think so Rio: anyway, she's #24folyfe Buster: I do need you closer though Rio: At least we don't have to ✈ every time now Buster: Thank Christ Buster: Don't remind me Rio: Doing well but not well enough to add that commute on my day to day, like Buster: You'd have to let me bankroll you then Rio: 😒 Buster: 😂 Rio: You wanna buy me so bad like I'm not already yours Buster: Rio Rio: Mhm? Buster: Get in this house now I swear to god Rio: Good ears Rio: just pulled up
0 notes
disneydreamlights · 7 years
Nicole (4, 6, 19, 20, 22, 24) Sky (2, 6, 10, 11, 16, 17) Annalee (3, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25) Marina, totally didn't only come to mind because i'm listening to marina and the diamonds. nnnnope. (3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 20) Landon (4, 5, 16, 10, 12, 24)
4: their insecurities
Well for one let’s start with her ears, she’s super insecure about those and never really will be comfortable about them. Her overprotective tendencies can also be cause for her to believe she might be too overbearing to friends, especially since she can get extremely angry with them to a point that terrifies her a bit.
6: how they deal with grief
What’s dealing with grief well? Nicole literally shuts down. She blames herself, even if it seems like she’s shifted that blame to somebody else, and then she throws caution to the wind and becomes insanely violent for no reason other than to try to get herself hurt. Like she won’t break her moral code, but she’ll take incredibly stupid risks in hopes that she’ll get really hurt in some kind of revenge driven plot, which gets worse when there really is nobody to blame.
19: their reaction to betrayal
Distrust and anger, but beyond that I actually also think she’s one of my ocs that handles this stuff better. Of course she’s hurt and angry at the betrayer, or outright distrusting if they come back to the team, but unlike several of my other ocs she’ll also still try to manage the situation and try to focus on helping the people who were hurt by the betrayal more than she will on her own recovery, so outside of avoiding the person, she doesn’t actually go murder happy on the traitor so long as nobody was hurt.
20: their reaction to a mystery love letter
Immediate reaction is to try to find who wrote it, but the longer she goes the less interested she becomes. Nicole’s interest in romance is honestly not very high, and in any universe she can count the amount of crushes she’s had on one hand. Unless the person meant a lot to her, she probably would turn them down anyways after learning who wrote it, so after her initial “Holy shit love letter!?” reaction she just eventually stops caring.
22: what they're like on two hours of sleep
Nicole is dead on less than two hours of sleep, she doesn’t know how to function on so little sleep unfortunately. 
24: what motivates them
Her love for her friends, and her willingness to do anything for them. Even before presenting a positive icon for Faunus, her first and foremost stuff comes from being there to support the people she cares about.
2: their smile
Sky has one of those nice truly happy big smiles you see on people, like it reaches her eyes and when she’s smiling you just know she’s actually and I just imagine Sky has a really nice smile. 
6: how they deal with grief
Flat out denial. If she can’t deny she at first feels kinda numb until the loss actually sets in and then she literally falls apart into a broken sobbing mess who can’t even really function on her own, so when she loses somebody she loves and there’s even a small chance they survived, she refuses to acknowledge it as even a possibility. It’d take seeing the body for herself to truly break down and lose it.
10: their fashion sense
Casual and comfortable. She doesn’t go out of her way for anything special, she just dresses in what’s easiest for her to fight in most days, and on the rare days where she has no missions and there are no Heartless popping up, she won’t wear anything more dressy than jeans and a t-shirt. It’d honestly take Sera’s wedding or something to make her do more than that.
11: their family life
Sky doesn’t visit home a lot due to the frequency of her missions and how long she spends training. That being said, Sera tends to come in to visit a lot, so she sees her sister a lot anyways. Despite never being home, her relationship with her family is pretty good. They love her, she loves them, and tries to keep in touch whenever possible.
16: their dreams
Sky dreams to be the greatest Keyblade Master and to protect the worlds at all costs. She knows it’s a difficult goal, but she wants to do the best she can for friends and family.
17: their ambitions
Her greatest ambition was to get through her training. After all the shit that happened to Landon she kinda struggled with believing that she’d be able to for a while, but her goals pulled through. Besides that, she just wants to keep the people she loves safe. Watching Sera go blind in one eye and struggle through the consequences was something she never wanted to do again.
3: their greatest achievement
This is such a weird thing to say, but to Annalee her opinion of her greatest achievement was just making a friend. She’s painfully awkward and to find somebody who could tolerate her awkwardness and not even mind was one of the things that made her happiest.
15: how they react to a brainfreeze
She literally immediately puts her hand to the top of her head in hopes of getting it to stop hurting and her face scrunches up. Depending on how hungry she is, she might drop the ice cream almost immediately.
22: what they're like on two hours of sleep
Not a lot different from how she normally acts tbh, Annalee has her own way of replenishing her own energy that allows her to function when she’s got no sleep...and I hate that she has this.
23: how they act when they're sick
Oh my god she’s probably working so hard on not letting onto the fact that she’s sick even though she’s dying inside so Andrew and Emmett basically have to tie her to the bed so she’ll rest and get better from whatever she has. Like she could be running a 105 degree fever and the flu and she’d still be trying to beat up some Heartless.
24: what motivates them
She’s motivated by wanting to do her dad proud. She wants to prove that birth isn’t everything and that just because she’s not entirely human doesn’t mean she can’t fight for the light and do what she’s supposed to do.
25: why you enjoy them
Annalee was honestly part experiment, part theory, part Vaniqua trash, and the fact that she still managed to to be a surprisingly good oc in spite of that makes me love her, not to mention rping her interacting with Emmett is always a good time. XD
3: their greatest achievement
You’d think it’d be being a Keyblade Master, but the truth is Marina has this one painting she did back when she was first learning to channel her anger into her art, and it’s a picture of her, Sky, and Landon and she’s so proud of the fact that she managed to keep them all still enough to draw a picture of the three of them without them being pains and moving a ton.
5: their shortcomings
We joke about Nicole having a hair trigger temper but honestly that’s Marina’s biggest short coming, she will literally fly off the handle for literally no good reason, like somebody could just breathe on her and she might blow up in their face.
8: what they like to eat
Lots of junk food, specifically salty stuff, while most of my ocs have sweet tooths, Marina would much rather have a bag of chips and munch on them for a few hours rather than a tub of ice cream.
10: their fashion sense
Marina is about as casual as Sky in terms of “You’ll never find her getting dressed up ever” but when hanging out with friends, she tends to dress down moreso than Sky does, and it’s common for her to head out in sweats or leggings or whatever comfortable things she can find floating around.
12: their romantic life
Absolutely awful. As in she’s only ever had one sided crushes and any crush that might’ve been returned has fallen for somebody else first. I think the one she’s most embarrassed about falling for somebody else is Sky, and that’s because Sky fell in love with Yuuya of all people in at least one verse, and well...as much as I love Yuuya I don’t think I need to elaborate. XD
20: their reaction to a mystery love letter
“Somebody actually likes me for once, what the fuck?” Marina is actually confused by this letter coming in because she’s never been a recipient, then she looks for the letter’s sender and hopes for the best.
4: their insecurities
You know how he accidentally murdered his Keyblade Master when he lost control of his darkness one time??? Anything to do with that instance is an incredibly, incredibly sore spot after everything that happened.
5: their shortcomings
A lot of them come from fear. Fear of himself, fear of causing people’s death, fear in general. It causes him to hesitate in a lot of decisions, and of course when that hesitation causes things to get worse he blames himself. So basically self doubt and being indecisive are pretty good shortcomings.
10: their fashion sense
He’s the only one of my keybearers who actually bothers to try to be less casual than jeans and t-shirts when not training, and by that I mean he’s that asshole who’s always in a jacket and you can’t figure out how they’re not dying. When training or on a mission he’s always in more combat oriented gear so he can fight well.
12: their romantic life
Also unsuccessful, but it doesn’t help that at best he pushed away any and all childhood crushes and most friends for a good three or four years, and at worst he actually dies so I mean...
16: their dreams
He’d like to rid himself of his darkness and find some way to move on from it, and of course bring his Keyblade Master back from the dead, that’d be a really nice goal for him if he could have it. It’s not exactly likely, but that’s besides the point.
24: what motivates them
Landon is motivated by a desire to keep others safe from darkness and prevent what happened to him from happening ever again. He’s really good at trying to help out other Keybearers with darkness issues to the point that when they start to seem powerful he does whatever he can to help So I guess in a twisted way he’s motivated by his own darkness to not be what it wants, even if for a while it doesn’t work out.
0 notes