#I didn’t for the hostel for Several Reasons :(
shatterthefragments · 3 months
Also I feel like $20-$30 extra for an extra 150-200 square feet is reasonable for a regular sized room instead of a Mini Room so. Splurging a bit on my hotel next week 😭 ✌️ (it’s still less than $80 more than the hostel room would be after taxes… and I get my own bathroom :))
Hoping to leave work early (that unpaid overtime I’ve racked up to get to leave early when I want to 😘) (I did ask so it should be okay) (I did get paid 2.5 hours overtime on fathers day at least bc. Yeah. But then I stayed longer than my asst manager soooooo I jsut. Asked bc I am more than willing to offer to leave early BC I WANT TO START MY TRAVEL EARLY especially bc that way I can join the zoom meeting (and get paid for that even while Out))
I’m still kinda like. “Ugh three openers in going to be SO TIRED” bc. Uh. I will be. Idk if I’ll have time for a nap except for maybe on the bus. Bc it’s after a shift at work. I’ll probably be getting lots of juice from the bar tbh. (They do pineapple juice which is lovely :) a good change from apple juice boxes which I tend to bring with me)
#shatters’ fragments#shatters goes to concerts#shatters goes to concerts AFTER WORKING even though they said they’d never do that again last year (is a LIAR) (it’s fine I still love it)#(and this venue is better than the arena sooooo im way more likely to enjoy it based on that alone even if im GA and will habe to stand)#I simply do not wish to know how much I’ve spent on hotels the past year#I previously got rum and pineapple juice from that bar :) it was good#I just. don’t really drink anymore and tbh even though I KNOW my way from venue to hotel/_around the street VERY WELL by now#(heck. I did several many years ago too it’s MY stomping grounds fuck yeah)#I’d still be nervous about being anything other than sober and making my way around on my own a bit#like. I don’t feel unsafe in the city#99% of the time I feel perfectly fine and love the anonymity and that nobody knows me or where I am (except the transit company :P)#but it does violate at least one rule for If I Can Drink (this is silly these are my own rules I can change them)#but uh. an extra $10 for a bit of rum I don’t even want? I’m fine#(unless I do want?) (but also waiting to pee sucks)#(but if it’s like the last show I didn’t really have to wait in line at all actually)#ANYWAY#alcohol mention in tags#oooh I should pack a vibe with me since I’ll have my own bathroom~#I didn’t for the hostel for Several Reasons :(#ok. base rate for mini is $50 more than the hostel but. I like t spread my shit out. and have space to walk…#but one reason is
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unnervinglyferal · 2 months
Saw a thing that made me think of you for some reason. Gonna paste the entire reddit post here rather than link it, because you need to read in real time for the funny:
"My (31M) wife (32F) and I are in a healthy and happy relationship. That said, we’ve been together since high school, so we both feel that we missed out a little by being each others’ only sexual experiences. We’ve talked about this at length and decided a few years ago that we’re ok with having a few hall passes in our relationship, since we very much intend to stay together the rest of our lives and don’t want any resentment over missed possibilites. Plus it’s pretty rare that we could even find such an opportunity, as it’s a little hard to find hookups when you’re in a committed marriage and don’t go out much. We even gave each other advance approval in case a situation arises, so long as we’re safe about it and tell each other immediately afterward. We’ve both used one HP, each with someone we knew well enough but would never see again, and no issues came out of it. In fact, it’s only made us more secure in our relationship and how much we genuinely appreciate being with each other.
Recently, I had to travel to London for work. I don’t normally get to travel for work, so I decided to make a trip out of it and spend a few extra days of my own time in the city after the project was done. My wife couldn’t join because she didn’t have any vacation time left but was very supportive of me taking some time to explore since I’ve never been to London and she has. Being cheap, and being a pretty outgoing guy when I’m so inclined, I decided to stay in a hostel. I was interested in meeting other travelers since I didn’t know anyone in the city and love being sociable with new people. I chatted with several of the people staying there, and in particular a very attractive French girl (mid-20’s) who dressed super goth.
For context, I love the goth girl look. I’ve been sucked into the goth gf propaganda online, much to the annoyance of my wife. It isn’t her style, but she has been nice enough to cater to me by putting on a sexy goth outfit on occasion, since she’s knows it’s a huge fantasy of mine. Still, I pester her constantly to be more goth because I enjoy it so much.
Anyway, I ended up spending a little bit of time with goth French baddie - we both went to the hostel’s happy hour event and hit it off there. I found out that she was recently single and was in London for an art show. It turned out we were both into emo music, and we talked about our favorite bands. I had the thought that she was acting a bit flirty towards me, but didn’t think too much of it, until I later found myself sharing a sink with her in the hostel bathroom.
The hostel was co-ed, so each floor had a small shared bathroom with a communal sink, and a door that was meant to be kept open but which people frequently closed for the sake of having more privacy than just a stall to shower in. So I’m brushing my teeth while chatting up the real-life version of Shadowheart (who, mind you, is wearing an extremely low cut top), when she suddenly closes the bathroom door behind us. In my mind, my wildest fantasy is about to come true. It’s even more exciting because of the adrenaline rush of being in a semi-public setting, and a girl being so into me that she would make such a bold move. I can’t believe this is actually happening to me. I instantly get hard. Then she turns around and asks “Are you interested in learning about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?”
She had me cornered for 10 minutes trying to talk me into salvation, while I grew increasingly despondent and immensely disappointed, with the whiplash of going from what could’ve been one of the crowning moments of my life, to pure and utter dejection.
When I told my wife this story, she laughed for a solid hour. She said it’s karma for annoying her about wanting a goth gf.
TL;DR life dream was to bang a hot goth girl. Thought I was getting the opportunity, but got cockblocked by Jesus Christ. god is real and he hates me."
The fucking mood whiplash. I was reading this nodding along like okay yeah I guess that could be us in like 10 or 15 years, who knows, neither me nor my girl are the jealous type or anything, and then it fucking struck. The christians have weaponized goth girls. Fucking lost it laughing, it's been a rough 24 hours, thank you.
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asparklethatisblue · 4 months
for the reverse tropes thing.. fitzier + 1 & 3
Too many beds + Really nice guy who hates only you
Oooooh that’s a good combination
The short distance between the curb and the hostel’s entrance wasn’t short enough with the wind and the rain doing its best to drench them to the bones. Dragging their suitcases into the safety of a dry and warm room, Francis and James were already dripping rainwater onto the floor from just that quick dash.
“Good evening,” James said to the receptionist, smiling brightly as Francis carefully wiped his boots on the doormat. “We have a reservation? Under Crozier, I believe.”
The woman at the counter returned his smile, with a pitying glance at the way his hair was hanging heavy with rain.
“I do yes. I’m sorry, were you told that only our large rooms were available?”
“So long as there’s a bed, I’m sure we won’t mind.”
That Jopson had managed to book anything at all a mere two hours before Francis and James had set out on this business trip was a minor miracle. James had honestly not expected to find any reasonably priced rooms at all, but somehow Jopson had found this hostel that usually catered to youth groups and schools. Not at this time of year, at least.
They were shown to their room, and when James entered he let out a laugh.
“Look at this, Francis! I wasn’t expected a room this large for just the two of us!”
Ten beds stood in two rows along the walls of a long room, with a window at the far side. At least there were no bunk beds.
Francis grunted something incomprehensible and rolled his suitcase past James.
“Just like some vintage boarding school novel for young children,” James joked. “If it wasn’t raining so hard it would be picture perfect.”
Francis unwound his scarf and shrugged.
“If you say so.”
James pushed his suitcase to the bed just left of the door, and placed his messenger bag on the blankets. He glanced at Francis and then at the beds closest to him. Sure, it was a large room, but he had been looking forward to spending a week with Francis like this, both of them together all day and night. Perhaps something would come of it, if he was lucky. Perhaps his crush could finally be more than just a silly infatuation.
Francis looked at the bed James had picked, then at the rest of the room. He gripped his suitcase and walked right past the bed, and the next, until he was at the window. He placed his suitcase by the furthest possible bed away from James.
“I’ll go find the bathroom. We should sleep early.”
James watched him go by, his chest feeling oddly tight.
He didn’t know what he’d expected when Francis had returned to the office half a year ago, freshly sober and with a kindness that had rarely shown through before. James had felt such an odd little hope watching Francis take several interns under his wing, laugh around with Mr Blanky, be encouraging to his team. He’d even been polite to James. Yet…
Francis had never stopped being cold to him.
James got ready for bed as quick as he could, grabbed his toiletry bag and headed for the bathroom, just in time to see Francis head out of there. He forced himself to focus on nothing but getting ready for the night, not waste a thought on how jealousy reared its ugly head when Francis smiled at anyone but him.
When he finally returned to their shared room, Francis was in bed, back turned. James threw one longing look across the beds separating them, then quietly retreated to his own bed, and pulled the blankets over his head to hide his disappointment.
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extra-v1rgin · 1 year
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Tomioka was mostly sent on solitary missions. Though he was not a very aggressive alpha— in fact even his scent was muted in a more similar resemblance to a beta —his apathetic nature seemed to set off many of the other hashira. Wether it was another alpha like Uzui or Sanemi, or just a beta, all seemed equally adverse to his company. Even the few omegas within the corps didn’t hold any affection for him despite their compatible biology.
Ubuyashiki-sama was never so cruel as to completely isolate him, but since Tomioka didn’t have much care for other’s either, he was simply left to his own devices. Occasionally he (or rather his companion) could be coaxed into a joint mission. Shinobu is more friendly with him, and Rengoku is nice to everyone. Mitsuri is similar to her alpha mentor in the fact that she also is easy to get along with. In fact it’s for that reason that they don’t often meet. Giyuu’s avoidance of physical contact and any kind of typical bonding meant he practically ran at the sight of pink hair.
It was only because of her sudden injury that he was sent to the site of the demon. And though they were in close proximity (hypothetically) Giyuu hadn’t thought about the fact that he might’ve come across the younger omega.
The man had completed his task quickly, suffering only a few light injuries. None of them would be debilitating— but since dusk was nearing once more, and his crow hadn’t come with another mission, Giyuu wandered towards wherever the nearest wisteria house was. There had been a small hostel in a nearer village, though the sight of his sword had him turned away. Not willing to wander to much longer Tomioka let Kanzaburou lead him.
Hoping the bird wasn’t lost he followed his crow for several miles. Just before he decided to give up and spend the night outdoors a small house cropped up in the distance. Affixed with the familiar floral insignia, Tomioka took it as a sign to push through the gate and wait for a greeting at the door.
The civilian who welcomed him was much like all the other keepers, which was to say, relatively normal. It was an older woman with heavy laugh lines and loose hair. Her scent was sharp and tangy, clear enough that it made Giyuu’s jaw ache slightly.
She took a moment to analyze him before actually introducing herself. “I’m Watanabe Yuchi, thank you for gracing me with your company.” Her eyes softened as she stepped to the side so he could enter properly.
“We have another hashira visiting too. I’m presume you’re visiting due to her predicament?”
He could only offer a silent nod. The news of her injury had been surprising. Something bad enough to disable another pillar was foreboding enough. He didn’t know the full details of her condition, just that she couldn’t complete the assignment.
“Well, I’ll begin to prepare dinner. Mitsuri-dono is in the third room down the hall. If you’d like some time to yourself beforehand then the next room over is free as well.”
“Thank you.”
Yuchi fixed him with a very odd smile and a wink. “I hope you enjoy your stay here.”
He can tell exactly where Mitsuri is staying even without directions. Her scent has always been heavy and now is no exception.
The night is late but considering the ambiguous condition of his comrade Tomioka finds the energy to stop by her door. Knocking lightly he takes note that there’s no hint of pain, only slight distress. It makes his brow furrow. She could just be bandaged heavily enough for the smell of blood to be hidden.
The door opened slowly. Before the woman even came into view her scent leaped through the opening to announce her presence. It’s much… louder than usual, surrounding him within seconds.
“Tomioka-san?” Kanroji’s voice is a little hoarse. Her red face and damp scent might normally suggest sickness, but her large pupils mean something else.
His cheeks immediately go red. Now he understands why the details of her sudden absence weren’t disclosed. She’s in the middle of heat.
“Sorry, I thought you were injured. I can go.”
The woman is quick to push the door open more. “No don’t feel bad!” She clings to one of his sleeves for a second before releasing him. “I just meant that I really don’t mind. I feel fine for now.”
“It’s late.”
“I slept all morning!” Mitsuri lets out a little giggle that will bounce around his head for the rest of his life. The door creaks open more and her scent continues to flood his nose.
The robe she wears isn’t immodest by any means, but Giyuu can’t help but avert his eyes. Her green eyes are still boring into his face.
It takes a moment to build up the words and focus his mind but Tomioka chokes out the words, “You’re doing ok then?” Maybe he should’ve tried to excuse himself again. There’s still a small wrinkle in his sleeve from where she had grabbed it. Staring at the spot doesn’t help to clear his mind.
Immediately she starts to pout. “Not really. I’ve never spent a heat away from home.” The woman ends the sentence with a small sniff. Scrubbing at her wet eyes she tries to reassure him with a smile. “Sorry! Usually I’m able to prepare myself better.”
“That must be hard.” Giyuu only experiences his ruts every other year. Suppressants allow him to carefully plan the event. Matters like this are private, but her scent lacks any tinge of the strong smell of medication. Natural cycles happen more often and tend to be stronger. Even if Kanroji is only a day or two in it’s a miracle she’s so alert.
“At least Yuchi-san has been very nice.”
Tomioka blushes deeper as he remembers her prompting to help with Mitsuri. With his mouth dry again the man just nods.
It grows quiet again. The younger hashira doesn’t seem deterred by Giyuu’s mix of panic and typical social unawareness. She keeps staring at him with bright eyes and a warm smile.
Focusing on capturing his voice again the alpha sighs. “Have a good night.” Before he gets through the whole phrase she’s gripping his haori again.
“I said you could stay though.” Each word ends in a slight whimper.
“I did stay. It’s late now.”
Despite his best attempts it appears something about his tone was too callous. Another whimper slips out from between her lips more drawn out. Within seconds her weak grasp on his sleeve has turned into fists balled up in his shirt.Mitsuri’s legs are slightly unsteady as she leans against him. “I’ve never spent one alone Tomioka-san. Can you please just stay for a bit longer?” There’s a wavering at the end of the question. Her desperation can practically be tasted.
And Giyuu knows that if he agrees it won’t be “for a bit” even if she really does mean it that way. The more (maybe less, actually) rational part of his brain wants to say no. Mitsuri is nice, nicer than any of the other hashira, which is precisely the reason he should say no. A person like her— much less a desperate omega in heat —deserves a better companion. He hasn’t cared for anyone before, minus his first rut intertwined with Sabito.
But every time he takes the smallest breath her warm and alluring scent dives all the way into his heart. It’s sweet without being sickening. With the way she’s rubbing her cheek against his shirt the smell will stick with him even if he says no. Which he still hasn’t managed to do.
When he finally does manage to open his mouth Giyuu can only cough. He’s practically choking on her need for care. “…Sure.” The answer leaps from the back of his throat, dry and quiet.
“Oh I’m so glad!” Kanroji drags his head down so she can sniff along the edge of his collar.
Giyuu still hasn’t processed his apparent agreement. As her arms wrap around him the man’s own nose is enveloped in even more of her sweetness.
If her scent was strong in the hallway then it practically drowns him within the room. His instincts have never been particularly strong, nor does he often act on them, but the back of his mind is saying to comfort comfort comfort. Listening to the strange pull of his sixth sense (and the soft tugging of Mitsuri who is still clinging to his side) Giyuu wanders towards her nest. He only needs to hover on the boundary of the bedding for a mere moment before she pulls him into it. Not all the blankets and pillows are saturated with her smell, still holding the light perfumed smell of fresh laundry. The alpha tries to focus on that as opposed to her scent that makes him go slightly dizzy.
“What do you need from me?” The question should’ve been asked earlier. She’s right on the cusp of true adulthood, might already be there already. His blood rushes southward, but not too quickly. It only makes his twitch slightly.
She wraps a warm arm around his neck. “I just like to cuddle. And someone to bring me meals. I know I usually have a ravenous appetite, but sometimes I get so tired I forget to eat.” Tomioka is tugged down further into the sheets. “But you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
It takes a moment to find his tongue. “I’ve never helped anyone before. I mean, my sister was there sometimes.” He doesn’t know why he adds that part. “But she was engaged, and I was too young anyways.” The man hasn’t ever felt like a bad alpha before. He doesn’t care much for things like that. Right now though red rises up to his ears.
Hot fingers wipe over the warmth gathering at his scent glands. “That’s fine.” She’s still smiling when she should be asking him to leave. Mitsuri would say it politely even though he should be scruffed and dragged out like an unruly pup. “You give what you can.”
She continues to prod at his scent glands. He’s never been more aware of how he smells. Even if his own signature is somewhat lacking it doesn’t clash much with Mitsuri’s. He gives a few cautionary sniffs, below her glands around her collarbones. Though the woman is making herself well acquainted with his neck Giyuu isn’t sure he could do the same. Breathing alone makes him nearly choke. It wouldn’t be a horrible way to die.
“Can I show you?”
Giyuu cocks his head.
“Your arms are too stiff.” She flips their positions to push him into the sheets. Nudging his head upward she finds a place to rest her cheek on his shoulder. Her bangs are tickling his chin.
Nudging his arm upward Tomioka hesitantly curls it around her back. A small rumble builds in her chest that morphs into a quiet purr. When his fingers continue to skim over her skin more of the gentle noises fall from her lips. Almost hypnotized he continues the circular motions.
Within mere moments her eyes are slipping closed. Tomioka can’t shake his stiffness quite yet. Despite all of Kanroji’s softness he’s far too aware of the precarious situation. He stays awake for far longer than he should, but eventually the gentle sheets and late hour convince his eyes to shut.
Tomioka wakes up still in his uniform. The top few buttons of his shirt have been undone. There’s no question of where Mitsuri is. With his scent glands exposed she’s dug her nose right into his neck. Her breath pushes against his pulse point.
He’s never slept in a nest before, never even seen one made. There might be fuzzy memories of his sister wrapping him up in piles of blankets, but he can’t bring them into focus. Everything is still soft around the edges even in real life. He can feel his arm pinned underneath her body. The other is free and Giyuu attempt to use it to worm out the rest of his body is mostly unsuccessful. With his arm and leg slowly going numb he shifts strategies.
Pulling her fully on to him the woman’s weight is more evenly distributed. Pushing himself up he bears her weight and lies her back onto the futon. She attempts to grip his shirt and thankfully her usual strength is weakened with sleep.
Free from her hold he darts into the bathroom. The smell isn’t so strong there. Generally the warmth is lesser too, though heat still buzzes underneath his skin. Tomioka is typically unaffected by the scents of others. It seems he hadn’t considered that something as strong as a heat could affect him so strongly. Even as he tries to go about a typical morning routine the glands on his neck are throbbing. The strands of hair the gather around his shoulders are more irritating than usual.
After going about his business and feeling somewhat presentable despite his plans to do almost nothing, he bumps into Mitsuri right outside the connecting door.
“Where were you?” Her voice is lined with a whine again.
Giyuu looks back at the door behind him. The bathroom is of course a dead end. He’s not sure if the woman is usually this air-headed.
“The restroom.”
“You should’ve woken me up.”
He stares at her for another moment. “I’ll warn you next time.” Naturally a hand raises to pass over her head. The action is smooth even with the strange unfamiliarity. Pink braids have become undone to flow into long waving hair that’s much easier to run his fingers through.
It placated her for the moment as she guides him back to the nest. There’s a large tray above the futon, filled with fruit and porridge and a few unfamiliar desserts. “Yuchi-san brought it for us! She’s so nice and makes the best foods. You won’t need to worry about lunch or dinner either.”
As they sink into the blankets she’s already pressing berries against his lips. “There’s a farm nearby I think! Everything is so sweet.”
“You should eat first.” He speaks around the food and tries to reject another treat. Juice is already staining his chin.
When she frowns Giyuu is quick to redirect the chocolate towards her own mouth. As soon as the sweet touches Mitsuri’s lips the thought evaporates. He forces several drinks down her throat until she complains loud enough to turn him away. The man settles for the scraps left behind. They’re just as delicious as the full meal and do their job to fill him up.
Afterwards Mitsuri pulls him deeper into the nest and tucks herself against his side.
After the first few nights Mitsuri slowly relies more on her hindbrain. Words are exchanged for simple tugs and grunted noises. Everytime Giyuu has to pull away to grab food or relieve himself the omega lets out small whines until he gets back.
Though leaving the nest is uncomfortable it seems she cares for Giyuu’s presence more. The man has managed to keep some of his privacy, but a shadow always signals Kanroji waiting nearby. As soon as he comes back into view she goes back to clinging to his arm and rubbing against his side. He doesn’t particularly mind her clinging, but it’s as unfamiliar to him as everything else.
It pulls him into the role of alpha eventually. When she noses his scent gland he moves to curl around her without even thinking. Tomioka happily stimulates Mitsuri’s spots too. At first he starts with her wrists, rubbing them against his own. When her tongue caresses his neck the man is compelled to echo the movement below her palm. Somehow he becomes comfortable letting his own tongue run over her skin. She’s completely at ease, even when Giyuu’s clumsiness means his teeth sometimes skim over the sensitive spots. Kanroji only lets out small gasps of air but it makes his whole body shudder each time.
Despite his bold reactions to each soft noise the woman makes Giyuu isn’t bothered by her body much anymore. None of her nudity is purposeful, but the robe she wears is often loose. At first he’d tighten it discreetly, or in her sleep. After a dozen failed attempts he decided to try to keep his eyes above her collarbones. It’s not foolproof, but she tends to only flash him once a day.
Yuchi leaves Tomioka his own robe, which he’s glad to exchange his uniform for. As soon as he strips off the old clothes Kanroji nabs them to tuck into the blankets. He tries not to wilt at the thought of his dirt covered clothes being lumped in with fresh sheets.
Being a demon slayer means he’s not completely discomforted by nudity. Shinobu has stripped him down to clean wounds and long missions leave him changing in front of his companions often. He doesn’t hide from Mitsuri but her staring is a little unnerving. Her pupils are wide enough that he might not even be in focus.
The moment passes soon enough. The omega drags him into the nest as soon as his feet brush against the blankets. “You smell like soap now.” She’s a little disgruntled when she says it.
“I probably smell gross.” Somehow his tongue has loosened quite a bit. When a prompt is given that brushes against one of his thoughts it slips out his lips.
When he curls against her, Kanroji pulls his clothing forward and rubs it stubbornly against her own. Her wrists roll over the cotton too. The woman has no care for the way she’s practically stripping Giyuu again. He doesn’t stop her until she attempts to pull his tie open. Instead he guides her hands to settle around his neck. Once she’s fallen back into their usual position Kanroji settles down again.
While his unbuttoned uniform wasn’t as constricting the loose robe certainly offered more room. Tomioka’s neck is nearly being attacked. With his scent glad all exposed and swollen it draws her mouth in like a magnet. Where she only exchanged scents before Mitsuri now goes over the area with her tongue. The soft muscle soothes inflamed skin only for quick teeth to prick it again. It’s stimulating in so many ways. Overall the alpha finds himself letting out quick breaths and odd jerks. Kanroji settles her weight on him until the man stills, resigned to his fate. It’s not as bad now with her on top of him. The heavy feeling helps drag his bones into the sheets rather than hopping upwards. He’s glad that even now he can control his breathing, forcing blood away from his dick.
But once the feeling of a woman on top of him fades to something less sinister he can revel in the sensations. Her tongue is smooth over his glands. She gets into a rhythm of soaking up the smell and then covering it with her own scent. Switching to the other side of his neck Giyuu lets her continue as he pulls his fingers through her hair. Every few minutes the man brushes against Mitsuri’s glands. They’re just as swollen as his own. Though he doesn’t have the gall to use his tongue he tries to relieve some of the pressure by massaging the area. Her smell pulses through the room, overtaking all his senses. He can’t remember smelling anyone this closely. Every bit of her is clear. Tomioka can practically taste the chocolate he fed her a few days ago. Her shampoo brushes up against his nose.
It’s a bit embarrassing the next day when Yachi checks in on them and Kanroji is still crouched over his chest. The woman squeaks like she’s caught the pair in the middle of sex. Mitsuri has enough sense to roll off of him, but that doesn’t improve much. His neck is covered in a myriad of hickies. The alpha’s scent glands have turned into two big purple bruises.
When she squeaks out and leaves Mitsuri murmurs out an apology. It doesn’t do much when only Giyuu can hear it, but it might be directed towards him as well. In further remorse she tries to send another gentle lick his way.
With a hiss that might be too harsh Tomioka fends her off. The stimulation was nice, but now the area is far too sensitive and drained. He’ll probably need to wear patches under his uniform for the next week.
“S-sorry!” she stutters out again. “Was I too rough? Usually my siblings only let me get one or two licks.”
“Oh I’m not sure. I’ve never been groomed before.”
“Huh? I have to keep going then! It’s the best thing in the world isn’t it? But don’t worry, I’ll just fix your hair or you can do my neck- but I guess grooming someone else isn’t the same…”
“It’s fine.” He tries to wrestle her into silence. “I’m hungry. I think Watanabe-san left the food outside.”
“Ok! Don’t take too long.” The moment he’s left her grasp Mitsuri squirms around to find his shirt that was long discarded. Buried into the dirty fabric she waits for him to return. Though he’s gone for only a moment she’s waiting eagerly.
“You seem more awake now, than last night or even this morning.” She doesn’t crush him when he returns. Instead clinging to him with a normal amount of strength.
He can’t tell if she’s trying to make a joke or not. Giyuu attempts a subtle smile which is vaguely successful is providing whatever response she wanted. “I think you’re the one who’s more awake.” He’s not sure whether he means it to poke fun or as a simple statement. Can it be both?
“Huh?! Are you saying I’m lazy? You shouldn’t make fun of someone in my situation.” Despite the whining words she continues to hide behind his arm and attempt to grow closer than she already is.
Once Kanroji can be pried away from the next for more than a bathroom break Tomioka tentatively brings up the idea of a bath. A week of being attached to her side means his own body is in a similar state of filth. While he’s been dirtier, musk and sweat and body oil has built up over him skin. The man’s hair is limp and shiny enough to look like it actually is wet.
Mitsuri’s hair is rather tangled outside of it’s braids. They haven’t done more than run fingers through it. The long tresses have become more like strands of overcooked spaghetti. Maybe the green leans more towards snakes, like Medusa.
She agrees but when Tomioka stands the woman’s arms stay wrapped around his neck, making it clear he won’t get much more alone time. With the need to be refreshed defeating the need for privacy he carries her to the bathroom.
As they both strip down Giyuu tries not to stare. Mitsuri isn’t shy. She doesn’t quite stare, but her eyes aren’t avoidant. The man probably has less to offer. He can’t imagine purple bruises and old scars are much of a sight. And he has no more muscle than most other slayers.
Mitsuri is beautiful by any means. Her wide hips are notable by purely biological standards. The insides of her thighs shine with slick. It’s a sign of what’s to come within the next year or so. A true heat is far away enough that it hasn’t crept into her scent yet.
What really makes her beautiful is everything unbiological. The strange tint of her hair that fades to match her eyes. (He wonders if her eyes were originally that hue, or if they changed along with her locks.) Kanroji’s cheerful demeanor and friendly nature can capture almost anyone’s affection. Even Shinazugawa grumbles less when she smiles at him.
When he bends down to take off his socks soft hands skim over his spine. He nearly jumps out of his skin. It pushes a laugh out of the woman. She repeats the motion a few times until he bucks her off and straightens out again.
Tomioka holds her hand while the omega steps into the bath. It’s like a sort of dance. When she settles in Giyuu hesitates. Her invitation doesn’t soothe any of his insecurities.
Her hand doesn’t slip from his even when his own grip falters. She tugs on the very tip of his fingers. It tempts him to step in beside her.
The water is pleasant. Though he hasn’t done much more than lie around for the past few days there’s still layers of sweat and dead skin to scrape off.
Before she can insist on scrubbing his back first Giyuu has already swiped the sponge from the counter. Just because he’s not as intoxicated as before doesn’t mean the voice in the back of his head has stopped whispering.
He moves over her skin easily. The sheen of sweat is replaced by a pink glow from the heat. Tomioka is surprised by the amount of scars covering her skin. They become more bold in contrast to her flushed back. At some places they match his own scars. He moves over them with reverence. It spreads out like a map between his fingers.
Moving lower he scrubs her thighs. The scars there are much more sparse. They intertwine with stretch marks to curl around her legs. Her scent glands lie a little too high for him to clean, at least comfortably. Instead he passes the sponge to her and settles against her shoulder.
By the time she’s done the water is already growing lukewarm. It’s not as bothersome considering their high body temperatures, but Mitsuri is decidedly done trying to be alert. Giyuu takes time to clean himself while the omega leans against the tub and tries to stay close to him. The alpha is less hesitant about prying her away from his skin, especially when she moves with his insistence instead of continuing to grab onto him.
“Alright I’m done.” Tomioka isn’t particularly fond of soaking pointlessly. Leaping out of the tub it’s no surprise when Kanroji hops out afterwards despite her shivering.
He passes over a few towels so she can wrap herself up properly. She makes what could almost be a faux nest with all of the material. The material of the bathroom is hard, but she curls up against the cold tile happily in the bundle.
Tomioka only needs one towel to rub down he body. Efficiently he pins his hair up while it continues drip down his neck. Pulling his robe back on he waits patiently at the edge of the door while Mitsuri sluggishly moves upwards.
While she hasn’t regresses into her former state of hindbrain, the omega has fallen into a near sleep with the humid air and luxurious towels. He has to help pin up her locks, but it’s understandable she needs help with the sheer volume of it.
She purrs louder than ever when his hands graze her neck simply by mistake. He can’t manage more than a plain bun. Of course she compliments the style regardless. “You’re so impressive Giyuu! I didn’t realize you could do hair at all! I guess it makes sense since your own is so long. Why is that?”
“It’s just always been that way.” As a child he’d always been jealous of his sister’s long locks. Tsutako used to comb it out while he watched the way it dropped past her waist.
She frowns a bit, like she knows it’s not the full truth, but doesn’t pressure him more. “Well it’s so pretty! I used to dye my hair black but then Kyojuro-san said he liked the natural color better. His is pretty too, with all the red and gold. I like natural colors like yours still!”
“Oh I hope you didn’t take any offense. I really do like it! It’s not black black y’know? There’s a blue undertone it’s really subtle but-“
“It’s fine Kanroji. I don’t care for things like that.”
She attempts to hug the alpha, and he quickly sidesteps the attempt. Still nude he avoids the sight of her breasts and offers up one of the robes.
“Wow thanks! It’s cold isn’t it?” The bath has really rejuvenated her. While he prompts her to finally make it back to their proper nest she follows cheerfully.
It’s surprising when Tomioka is the first to crawl into the sheets. He finds the scents and textures as appealing as the omega who made it does. While it’s not necessarily a clean environment it’s more mess than filth.
Without even thinking he beckons Mitsuri into his arms. It’s clear within the next two or three days she’ll be cleared to go back out onto the field. Giyuu himself still feels a little heady on pheromones. The woman fits naturally into his hold. Once again she peels open his robe to sit closer to his chest.
“Thanks for helping out Giyuu! You’re so nice. We should do this next time too. Or during your ruts!”
“I’ll think about it.” There’s some sort of smile in his voice but Tomioka can’t tell if he feels tortured or not at the idea of a next time.
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cloudsspoke · 2 years
Random talks about the Arg NT 🇦🇷 : part 1
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I start this random talk by mentioning Licha’s statement about him hugged Rapha on WC final. I was like, well okay, because I won’t forget how Argentina won Copa America 2021 because Angel Correa passed on information about one of the Brazil players (Renan Lodi) that also his (&Rodri’s) then- Atleti clubmate to which somehow that info became crucial for La Scaloneta in winning the trophy 😭😭
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So yeah, be friend with them just fine on your club, but spying on them proly will be useful for your NT. Who knows if one day your clubmate become Argies' opponent 👀
+I know karma is a bitch well just make sure it will never be tit for tat to our side 🤞
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Next random thing I want to talk about is how I find it ironically interesting that one of the reasons AFA chose Qatar University Hostel as La Scaloneta's WC homebase was because the institution is the perfect place to hold a bbq party (Asado). It's knowing they chose happy tummy over the chance to sleep lavishly that makes me love them even more ಥ‿ಥ
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As for the France side, I called it ironic because although staying in somewhere luxurious, but bad luck still followed this team as few days before final somehow The French players got affected by some flu virus that weakened their physiques. It had been the talk of the town tho Deschamps didn’t blame that condition as reason why his team played badly on final.
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Last random thing I want to talk about is the current performance of these World Champs on their clubs post-World Cup.
So far, I heard that many of them doing good. From Foyth, El Toro, Alexis, Julian, Enzo, Acuña, to the GOAT himself Leo Messi, everyone scored. Those who aren’t scoring yet also did a great job; several names are Dybala, Di Maria, Lea, Licha, and Dibu too 🔥
Right now, what I really wish the most is, they will give all their best damnedest peformance while playing for their clubs. Not solely for the sake of their club but more for them (this is an ill-thought coming from my evil personality), cuz they need to and have to do whatever it takes to secure their position on the NT.
On club-level let them compete to each other, because once they back to Ezeiza, all those talks about "who is the better player", or "who deserves to play as a starter" (hopefully) will be cease to exist.
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(pict+quote taken from Prime series: Camino a Qatar)
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6knotty6thotty6 · 1 year
Non-Furry (Normie) Friends
There’s a tweet that’s been circling around that’s caused some interesting discourse. 
Here’s the tweet (along with the sub-tweets due to the character limit):
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“Every furry should have at least a couple of boring normie friends to keep themselves grounded in reality tbh. 
Generally speaking, I don’t think it’s wise to surround yourself ONLY with people that exist within your niche. Diverse friends is good, I like my boring friends :)
This was meant to be interpreted as “sometimes hang out with people who like boring stuff like sports and cars”
This doesn’t mean you should try to be friends with conservatives and bigots, thas a completely different discussion
aight i see now. my biggest mistake was using the word "boring". obviously these normie friends should still have common interests you guys share. i mainly meant people who arent all about anthro animals/do not associate with the furry fandom. thats all. muting this now.”
This tweet is a mixed bag for me. Obviously, I don’t blame the writer of this tweet. Character limits make any intelligent discussion borderline impossible without just copying and pasting a twitlonger. Some of the comments though show me that some people just fail to realize why some people joined the fandom in the first place. 
At the risk of sounding cheeky, the answer is most of us joined the fandom BECAUSE we couldn’t make “normie” friends. Here are some reasons why:
1. Some people live in small towns where public transportation and sidewalks either don’t exist or are only available in cities. Gas is more expensive than ever, so driving to see friends isn’t a sustainable option. Befriending co-workers is an option, but certain workspaces are so hostel and competitive, it makes friendships more of a liability. It's even harder if you're a different age, race, gender, sexuality, etc from the majority of your co-workers. This is an example of how even "normies" don't like making friends out of their comfort zone. These are especially true with jobs in Corporate America when bosses will hold promotions over people’s heads and force them to see their co-workers as enemies to gain superiority over. Social spaces that don’t require spending money, in general, are almost nonexistent. So if you’re too poor to afford to hang out at bars, coffee shops, or gyms, then there really aren’t that many good options for adults to just hang out and meet people. There are clubs for adults, but almost of them require money for entry, and again the ability to transport yourself there. Volunteering is also an option, but some people's jobs are so time-consuming and stressful, that people are too exhausted to spend energy anywhere else.
2. Many furries were traumatized by non-furries from being bullied in school. Even now in 2023, kids are still being bullied for being furries. School can be a real social nightmare for children who aren’t considered “normal.” Any iota of difference can be grounds for bullying. I’m sure a lot of people had that one “weird kid” in their school that everyone was told to say away from. I doubt that “weird kid” was gonna grow up to be a social butterfly. Cliques are also a big deal. If you weren't in a clique, you didn't have friends. I didn’t fit into any cliques in my high school. I wasn’t smart enough to hang around the AP kids. I was rejected by several sports teams for not being able to keep up, so hanging out with the sporty kids was out. I was in band, but the teachers discouraged socializing as it was a distraction from practice, and I was too much of a teacher’s pet to disobey the rules. I was also an introvert. People in general don’t have much sympathy for introverts, especially if they’re not neurodivergent. People often tell us “Just stop being shy” or “just walk up and talk to people, it’s not that hard” when we lament how hard it is to make friends. Some real bootstrap mentality and victim-blaming rhetoric. When you add having niche interest, or god forbid interests outside of your assigned race/gender, then it's no wonder many teenagers end up feeling lonely. 
3. On that topic, being disabled and neurodivergent also makes finding nonfurry friends extremely challenging. We sadly still live in an ableist society where the vast majority of people think you can just buy some magic pills that’ll make you feel normal. If people either chose not to do that, or can’t due to lack of money, then they’re seen as selfish/lazy and deserving of being alone. Even though I’m neurotypical, it doesn’t take a genius to do some basic research to see why it’s not easy for neurodivergents people to just “act normal.” Even when neurodivergent try explain themselves, people either don’t listen or still treat them as lesser because they’re “too difficult to deal with.” For neurotypicals, “acting normal” is as second nature as breathing. So meeting other people who can’t do it, causes a lot of judgment and even resentment. "Acting normal" for some people can feel like playing 5d chess with quantum physics. This is the same struggles that cause some people to become hikikomoris. Hikikomoris are seen as losers who are too lazy or selfish to fix themselves. In reality, a lot of them are just mentally ill and/or neurodivergent people whom no one made any effort to understand. Instead of receiving help, they got left behind with nowhere to go but the internet. 
Reminds me of another tweet I saw months before the current one (written by an autistic furry):
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“i get so comfortable and caught up in the "normalcy" of my social groups and my every day lifestyle and get violently snapped back to the reality that i am fundamentally Different. trying to have any kind of conversation with a neurotypical feels so very alienating. I spend so much time holed up in my little cave talking to my friends and the comfort of it lulls me into a false sense of "...maybe i am fine and okay? my brain works perfectly and i can function well" but any deviation from that is so disastrous to my self and my routine. It just feels like nothing i do or say is the right thing to do or say. and suddenly they're getting mad at me for things i couldn't anticipate. what am i missing? i apparently missed every single warning sign.”
4. It’s no secret that the vast majority of furries are queer. It’s also no secret how queer folks often get treated in the real world. Especially if people are unlucky enough to be queer in the South. For queer people who grew up away from any major cities in conservative households with no access to any transportation, finding anyone who treats you like a human, let alone a friend, can be a real needle in the haystack situation. I'm aromantic asexual and an AFAB non-binary. I have “normie” friends, but all of them are allosexual cis women because they were the only ones who tolerated me. They were nice, but I had little to nothing in common with them outside of caring about our grades. Sexuality is a big deal in high school due to that being the time when everyone is going through puberty. I never cared about dating. So engaging in “who’s the hottest?” “who’s more marriage material?” or “who are you taking to the prom?” banter was impossible. I had to lie about who I was crushing on so people wouldn’t spread roomers that I was a lesbian. I tried being friends with boys, but cis straight teenage boys don’t exactly treat female-presenting people the best, or at least in a non-sexual way.
5. The furry fandom has a level of communal support that "normies" just don’t really provide. Every day I see so many furries promote their friends on their social media pages to help them pay for debt, medical procedures, or just to keep up with bills. Nonfurries don’t really do that. Not to say people's nonfurries have never helped them. It's just that we sadly live in a very individualistic sociality where we’re encouraged to only look out for ourselves. People may make exceptions for their best friends, but it’s unlikely that a community of nonfurries would donate to a random stranger’s GoFundMed compared to furries, especially outside of the internet. People don't open up their doors for official charity associations, let alone strangers asking for donations. The closest you’ll see nonfurries showing any kind of communal support is a church, even then that type of support is only reserved for Christians. It’s also doubtful that they’d pool their money to help a trans person receive gender-affirming surgery. This goes into a bigger discussion about how the concept of communities doesn’t really exist anymore. We live in a very individualistic society where asking for help is a sign of moral failure or weakness, especially if you’re a man. Neighborhoods, especially in the suburbs, are built so it's easy for people to only look out for wherever lives in their home. Everyone else doesn’t matter, or at the very least is second nature. Unless you’re lucky enough to live in a “safe” neighborhood that hosts community events like house parties and BBQs, most people’s neighbors are basically strangers. This is why suburban housewives are prone to feeling isolated and alone. The furry fandom fulfills that need for community that a lot of people were lacking in their personal lives. 
For clarity, I have absolutely nothing against non-furries, or befriending them. I still try to keep up with my "boring normie" friends by sending birthday shoutouts on social media and mailing them Christmas cards. The harsh truth is I’ll never be as close with them as I was in high school since we’re just too different at this point in our lives. They’re all in separate states, have time-consuming career paths, and as previously stated are all allosexual cis women who are either already married with children or dating. It’s just not possible for me to make friends outside of the fandom, at least in my current state. I’ve moved 8 times throughout my life, so I have no childhood friends. I went to college during the peak of the pandemic and took mostly online classes, so I didn’t make any college friends. I live with my mom and have all solitary hobbies. I’ve also mentioned that I’m introverted, so hanging around people irl physically and mentally exhausts me. 
So with all this in mind, I hope it’s easier to understand why most furries aren’t exactly interested in having “normie” friends. The fandom was originally created as a safe haven for people who were rejected by the outside world and had nowhere to go. This sentiment grew even more with social media where people outside of America were able to find a home. I wasn’t able to socialize with anyone my age or have people to call my best friends until I joined the fandom. Also, it’s not fair to think of all furries as the same. Yes, some furries are extremely infantilized, self-centered, and only speak in “uwu” and “owo.” However, in my personal experience, furries are just normal people who happen to indulge in the same hobby. I have furry friends who are STEM majors, work in music, are married with children, and have vastly different queer experiences. I think the fact that all these vastly different people who never would’ve even spoken to each other in real life are united under the same common interest is kinda beautiful. As the world grows more and more hostile towards, well, anyone who’s not a cis het white middle-class man, people need the communal support of the fandom more than ever. Instead of shaming furries who are “terminally online,” we should instead address the larger issue of why our current society is built in a way that makes certain people heavily rely on online spaces for love and support in the first place. 
If “normies” treated each other with the same unjudgemental kindness and support as furries, then the fandom wouldn’t have been created in the first place.
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disco-cola · 11 months
ok i need to rant again. when i was actually ON THE TRIP almost exactly 4 years ago (again, it was an educational trip organized thru a berlin based socialist youth organization) I literally had NOOO IDEA about palestine, like yeah I have heard the name before sometimes but I thought it existed CENTURIES AGO like no fucking joke I will admit this. in Germany they don’t teach you about this in school or in the media, ESPECIALLY due to germanys history, world war two and the holocaust you carry a sort of blame that’s passed on from generation to generation - it’s only been like 80 years too it might sound long ago but it really isn’t. you think oh israel is the jewish state and it has to be right after all germany did to jewish people, no further questions asked. before i never ever educated myself bc when I got old enough to watch and understand news that did involve Palestine, like in 2k14 i remember Gaza was big on the news with violent images and I was horrified just believing everything i heard and saw i distinctly remember googling where is Gaza bc i saw footage on the news and being scared but downright relieved when i saw its not close to germany (dumb) and I just believed the reports on tv. i didnt really use the internet then as much, i had no social media except Facebook and this blog at that point. Man I was 17 and in high school i didnt care for anything outside my small bubble bc I didn’t have to, being a privileged western child. So fast forward to late 2k19 in the project i was still hanging out at at the time we got the offer for the „israel travel“ and a lot of people wanted to go and I literally just succumbed to peer pressure imma be so honest. Everyone wanted to go so I did too, i didn’t wanna stay home. i just thought ohh i have not flown since 2003 and 300 euros for a two week trip i can actually afford this too for fckn once and there were too many people interested and too little spots so there was a Tombola and my name got drawn so that was literally the reason I went. And i usually pride myself with very good memory and recollection but those two weeks are honestly a BLUR to me like idk if it was the stress and excitement of the traveling itself but i wish i sometimes had listened more carefully, had already known what I know now and been able to ask more questions and watch and listen more closely. we did stay with Arab guest families in tamra for a week of the trip, the other half in Tel Aviv (i got wasted with the hostel staff after having to be freed aka 2 doors kicked down in my room the first evening we were there bc the doorhandle in the bathroom broke i was in trauma and then was mutuals on ig with the hostels chef until 2k21 when israel bombed gaza and there were also rockets from Gaza to Tel Aviv in response and he turned out to be Zionist so I unfollowed then) and then for the last few days we were staying in two air bnbs in jerusalem. We celebrated new years in haifa with a Christian Arab family that invited us. we did visit a kibbutz on New Year’s Day bc someone from our groups grandma was living there since 48 (yep back then i just thought oh wow that’s amazing now I would view this a lot more critically) which also got us an exclusive guide around the kibbutz which was just on the border to lebanon and seeing the bunkers was eerie but I understand it now that I got into the history involving Lebanon too. we visited several museums like ghetto fighters and yad vashem. which dont get me wrong im glad we did, it’s an important part of history. it was a „both side“ experience and I literally didn’t even realize there was a Palestinian side to it then. Like genuinely it wasn’t really made clear how this all came to be Israel. They showed us a map pre-1948 vs. now but how did it get so big i didnt know. What zionists are. What settlements are. What the IDF is (by now let’s just call it IOF) I just remember the second day in Tel Aviv someone told us israel has only existed since 1948 and I was like lol what like baffled how new it actually is. Dude it’s the first time I heard about that.
It was only a few months after the trip that i one day randomly started to read up on the history, like literally starting out on kids websites bc growing up i only ever just heard „it’s complicated“ making it seem like the „middle east conflict“ as they liked to call it was sooo hard to understand and you had to be sooo smart and diplomatic to have an opinion on it. and after reading up suddenly stuff I saw but didn’t question on the trip started to make sense. The huge checkpoint we went through going into jerusalem, our car full of Germans basically being waved right through without any control while i saw other cars being emptied out completely by heavily armed soldiers. We took a teen girl from Tamra to Jerusalem with us bc she liked to come along and then there were problems suddenly with BOTH our air bnb apartments and we asked the staff if we could accommodate our suitcases somewhere and just go explore the old city instead of waiting around blocking the entire lobby. first they said no you have an Arab with you (I didn’t even understand what they meant by that) then came around and let us do it after all at least. Dude she was literally a 15 yr old like 5‘3“ teenage girl. Why one of the guys from our group was detained and questioned at the airport for like 3 hours because he was born in Syria (had a German pass tho but anyway). And when we wanted to travel back the group guide prepped us for questioning and made sure we all had straight answers which I also didn’t understand the reason for - I wasn’t one of the people being asked questions but someone did truthfully tell Airport staff what we did during our stay and that we spent a week with Arab guest families and after that several suitcases SEEM to have been rummaged through (and I know bc I packed mine soooo neatly bc I bought baklava on the market the day before to bring my family and it was smashed like flattened) we did get into a storm when changing flights in Istanbul so idk maybe the suitcases really were just thrown around but for real it wouldn’t surprise me if they did control us after that.
Anyway I posted stories throughout the trip to my ig back then and just went with the first location tag that was suggested to me and looking back now, it’s all „…, israel“ when i was actually on occupied land (tel aviv jaffa haifa akka…) and I HATE IT ☺️ I can’t change it back now obviously. I don’t wanna delete the stories from my highlight tho, even tho it does make me feel kinda guilty, bc i see it as part of my journey. Quite literally. I honestly wish I could teleport back now being more educated about the situation and ask more questions, talk to more Palestinian people (like the guest families). Would I do such a trip again? Not as long as the destination on the ticket is called only israel. I genuinely hope I can visit Palestine again tho someday. But this time for real real.
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (804): Wed 29th May 2024
Up at half five AM with only four hours sleep but it doesn’t matter to someone who’s waited over a decade to see the mighty Jane’s Addiction. I got a taxi to the town and had half an hour to spare before so I went to get something to eat. There was a food cart with jacket potato’s listed on the menu so I ordered one with coleslaw but the lass behind the counter said the jacket potatoes would be ready until 11am so I burned the cart down. Waste of fucking time. I settled for some sausage rolls from Greggs and on the way to the coach a homeless guy asked me for change so I gave him a quid . As I walked away he was joined by a lass in sparkly pink sweatpants who started screaming and twitching. I wondered if maybe this was their act, that in exchange for money he gets his girlfriend with severe mental health problems to do some sort of odd transgressive art piece. We hadn't been on the road five minutes before someone got up to use the toilet which was right next to me, then one my one over the course of the next hour or so a different person would come up to spend a penny. Didn’t any of you think to take a piss before the bus came? It’s not like GoNorthEast where the cunts just turn up whenever the feel like it, National Express arrive on time so you knew how long you had. For the first hour and a half of the journey I re-watched the brilliant comedy movie Rat Race. More than almost any other comedy I've seen Rat Race manages to make it's characters brilliantly cartoonish and believably realistic at the same time. Once we got into London I used my Googlemaps to locate the hostel in Camden which was just a few minutes walk from the train station. After dumping my stuff at the hostel I went for a little shop around Camden market which is fucking amazing and the one reason why I'd be willing to live in London as it would provide me with all my everyday needs such as cooky clothes and…..nope that's pretty much it. Although I’ve already booked a coach home for tomorrow it’s at half seven in the morning and that means having to speed across the city on the tube so I decided that since there was a train ticket going for the fairly cheap price of £50 I would snap this up since Kings Cross is only a ten minute walk from my hostel. I set off for the show at half six but as usual I got there too early and had to sit through the opening act who I'm not even going to bother Googling to get the name of. While they were on I went and sat against a wall and genuinely read a hundred pages of Jules Verne’s Five Weeks In A Balloon on my phone, that's how unimpressive they were. Jane's Addiction finally took to the stage (after what felt like an eternal tease with a lengthy drum solo over the speakers) and the Roundhouse lost it's collective shit. They were dressed in trench coats and cowboy hats like The Undertaker and Perry Farrell has pretty much the same American Joe Pasquale voice he's always had which was cool. Throughout the night there was a hot red headed lass leaning on the same wall as me and she kept edging closer to me as the set went on. Then just as she was getting within chatting distance some bald cunt and his ugly wife came and stood in between us. I really wish these two had been in that baked potato cart that I burned to the ground this morning. Over the course of the night I was treated to some of the groups greatest hits such as Ocean SIze and Been Caught Stealing as well as a few new songs from the new album which I'll have to check out. For a while it seemed like Jane's Addiction would be one of the bands on the bucket list I'd never get to see as their tours are few and far between and it's not like the band members are getting any younger. However good things come to those who wait and after a decade of waiting I can now cross Jane's Addiction off the list.
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harrison-abbott · 4 months
empty and unwashed
This girl I used to date called Cassie got back in touch with me after a year, saying she would like to see me again. She’d broken it off with me, last November, and I’d been pretty hurt about it. But, on the phone, she said she was sorry about what happened and that she would like to meet up once again. And, in the bar, she was super friendly and touchy, and her big pretty face had me fooled all over again. She asked if she could come back to the flat that night? She’d be staying in a hostel otherwise. It would only be for one night? I said yes, sure. And, I took her back home. When we got into the living room she started kissing me. And the smell of her perfume and the length of her legs and her purple hair got me all bamboozled all over again. We slept together, and we both seemed to climax at the same time, and then we talked into the night, and then fell asleep. Cassie woke up before I did. I got up, hearing her singing in the kitchen. When I went through there, I found that she had helped herself to the toast and the cereal and orange juice. None of those items were mine: they belonged to my flatmate. But, I didn’t say anything. She really did look terrific. I made myself some toast too and I sat down at the table with her. In an hour I needed to go to work, for a long shift. She asked if she could stay here for another night, until she had to go back home. I said yes. As I was getting ready for work, Cassie asked me if she could borrow a little money? Please? Because it was Wednesday and her salary was coming through on Friday. She was a bit low. I said yeah, once more, for some dumb reason. Maybe because I was a loser. Am one, rather. It baffled me why she was tight for money because in the bar last night she had bought about five rounds. But I had a tenner in my wallet and so I gave her it. And then I ventured off to work. For a nine hour shift. And told her I would see her when I got back. The shift was pretty dull. Throughout nine hours of working a bad job, your mind can go through several divergent stages. When I went in to work in the morning, I was euphoric that Cassie had come back to me. By the afternoon I was leaden with apprehension, that it was not a good idea, whatsoever, that she was back. And then by the evening there was a mix of those feelings, as well as a wonder of what she would be like when I got back to the flat.
I got the bus home. And went up the stairs to my flat. By the way: my flatmate wasn’t here at the moment – she was off on a trip to London. So it was just Cassie and me here. “Cassie?” I called. There was no answer. I went into the living room. She wasn’t there. She wasn’t in the bedroom either, or the kitchen. I called her. She didn’t pick up. I went back to the kitchen and opened the fridge. And, the bowl of pasta that I had kept for the dinner tonight wasn’t there anymore. The bowl was in the sink, empty, and unwashed. And there was dirty cutlery in there, too. Cassie had even opened one of the bottles of champagne that was in the upper cupboards, that somebody had given me as a Christmas gift. She’d drank three quarters of it. And she had left her cigarette butts in a mug of mine. She knew it was my mug! She must have, because that was my favourite mug that I had for coffee. All in all, the whole thing was my own stupidity. I don’t get why she got in touch with me again. Just for sex? Maybe she was hoping that I would give her more money than just a tenner. I went back into the bedroom, feeling like such a degenerate. With me I had taken the leftover champagne that she had decided to steal, and drank the rest of it. And then I slept. Was just suddenly so tired that I fell back with my clothes on and I didn’t get up again. Until, at about 4 a.m., I was awoken with my phone ringing. It was Cassie, calling me. I thought about picking up, but, her ring had already annoyed me. And I remembered what she had done the day before. So I let it ring out. I remembered when I was with her, for 18 months, being treated in a similar manner by her. That manipulation, cobbled with somebody who was totally using me. She then sent me a text saying, “I’m outside, honey. Can you let me in?” And, a minute later I heard the buzzer buzz. But, I couldn’t be bothered with it anymore. I was an idiot to think that she had even changed. So, what I did was: I put the pillow over my head. And ignored the consecutive buzzes that she rang from down on the street. It wasn’t my duty to let her use me for another night. After twenty minutes or so, the buzzing quit. And, I simply went back to rest.
0 notes
loiswolf · 1 year
Summary of Anchorage - Toronto May 24 - July 31
Today I am flying home to Sydney. It will take 25hrs and 3 flights.
Somehow I’ve managed to pack Shirley and a pannier with contents (separate)
Into a normal sized bike box.
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Sadly I decided to lighten the load just a little by disposing of Pinkie.
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So sad….but she will be replaced by a new version of Pinkie asap.
My lovely host Rushd will drive me to the airport at around 1pm for my 4pm flight. I have been staying here with him and his nephew who is also called Rushd.
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On the 20th floor ( overlook Mississauga )
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I haven’t anything else to do this morning so I’ve gathered a few statistics for you.
Yesterday I took Shirley for a ride in order to try to buy something my sister asked me to get. We failed to purchase the required item but the ride was 16kms, bringing my total kilometres so close to 6000, we will call it 6000!
So total kms - 6000
Longest day - Day 36 Raymore - Melville 144kms. There were also many days just under this total which has brought the daily average to 100kms. There were also several short days for various reasons.
Toughest day - Day 3 Glacier View - Tolsona 116kms. Mountains and wind!
Rest days - 8 although 3 of those were in Tok.
Accommodation stats
Nights in motels - 37 ( I love motels!)
Nights in airbnbs- 15
Night in really bad hotel - 1 (thankfully)
Warmshowers- 4 nights ( including 2 here in Toronto)
Nights in cabins- 8 ( I love these too as long as they have running water (3 didn’t))
Nights in Hostels - just 3 in Tok but I loved it there too.
Nights with friends - 2 at Uxbridge ( also a favourite)
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Probably my 2 favourites were Toad River(above)
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And White Lake
So obviously I had help along the way which I happily admit to.
It was only because of lack of accommodation options and getting to my flight on time.
4 Rides in RV’s and 1 van - 625kms
1 ride in a bus - 385km
Total 1010kms.
I thank God for the amazing weather I enjoyed almost the whole time and keeping me safe every day from bears, bad surfaces on the road and drivers who do not appreciate cyclists. Also for sending people to reassure me, keep me company and provide something when I needed it.
The other amazing statistic is my incredible Shirley.
Number of flat tyres - 0
Number of times I pumped up the tyres after leaving Anchorage. - 1 at exactly halfway and I didn’t do it. Aaron in the bike shop at Vermilion did it.
Number of times Shirley got oil - 1. From a nice man at Nth Battleford .
Number of times Shirley complained or made a noise - 0. What a girl!
So I’m not sure if I’ll tour again. I’m really over dragging the box in and out of vehicles and through airports. Maybe if I could take a lovely cruise to and from my country of choice I might be interested. We’ll see.
Thanks for following me and thanks to all the people who wrote emails and messages. I hope you enjoyed reading my stories.
Lois x
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safereturndoubtful · 1 year
Friday 28th July
I’ve just spent a pleasant few days at Uyeasound, a naturally sheltered harbour on the south east coast of Unst. The van has been parked up on the pier, just opposite a French cafe and an old shop, but the shop closed down in 1678.
The ruin of a building once occupied by the shop, Greenwell’s Booth, is the oldest building in Unst, and was a trading post between the 12th and 17th centuries.
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The French cafe operates without staff on an honesty basis, selling pates, crackers, cassoulet and snacks, as well as hot and cold drinks. There have been a few honesty cake fridges around, but this is the grandest of the lot. Despite the TV series, it seems Shetland is so untouched by crime that even the cash drawer can be left open.
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There is also a Youth Hostel close by which offers camping and four electric hook-up pitches for vans and motorhomes. I was there for three nights, and only two other vans came along. A few locals and visitors came to use the cafe, and if they had dogs, which many did, we chatted with them.
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On the first day we hiked down the coast south to the island’s far southeast corner, about four miles. I’m not a lot further south than the day we spent at the abandoned village of Framborg, and Easting beach. This less rugged coastline attracts more otters, and there were plenty, most choosing to scarper when they got a whiff of Roja, but a few tough ones remained to stare him out. The strong wind of the last days had gone also, and in the calmer waters often seals were lounging the morning away.
This house on the water’s edge is partly renovated. The glass front is an attractive prospect when a storm arrives..
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This was a fine spell of weather, particularly the second day when we drove the few miles across to Lund Beach, and St Olaf’s Kirk, a ruined chapel. Here are the remains of a medieval church, and a burial ground with several stone crosses of the day. The church was built in the twelfth century and used until 1785. At present, the interior is closed off for safety reasons. Indeed, it does look like it’s about to fall down.
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Lund Beach is my new favourite. It’s a fantastic half mile of golden sand with surrounded by hills and cliffs with splendid views out to a selection of tiny islands of bare rock. It is little visited, as it’s necessary to open and close three gates on the road across to it. Many opt not to bother, too much hard work.
I got talking to the gravedigger, who was also there to mow the grass, as well as preparing one grave. He was from Kent, and had retired, passed the job to his daughter and new partner, but he cursed them for being lazy. Taking to him in more detail, it was clear they didn’t like the grave-digging side of the role, between them, they had only done one, last winter, and a sleepless night afterwards had led to some mental issues. The guy I was chatting to just blamed the work ethos of the young.
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This morning dawned as one of those Shetland days I had always thought of as very common, yet hadn’t experienced yet, a thick drizzly mist with visibility of about 10 metres. I’ve mentioned before, but the last time I was in Shetland, a brief passing through, was on route from the Faroes in the days the ferry used to call in here. The boat had left me at Tórshavn for 5 days and throughout that time the islands were in this sort of thick mist. I saw very little.
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We moved on, taking the ferry south to Yell, and then meandering down the east coast. A few weeks ago we came up the west coast. After a stop at the Aywick shop, more like a department store in terms of what it stocks, we called in at a couple of potential destinations, Vatsetter and Osterwick, before settling down at the pier at Burravoe.
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frostahesmegabite · 3 years
The Judgement of Carrion
@daily-writing-challenge - Day 4 - Accomplish/Macabre [ Content warning: Blood, Guts, Gore, Bits of Torture, That sort of stuff. While there aren't pages and pages of it, it is present in this short story. I tried to find a balance of detail and keeping things light without going into ‘Hostel’ territory. ]
Human forts were a dime a dozen, easily found and half of them forgotten or falling to ruin due to the numerous war fronts that were constantly moving across the face of Azeroth to fight one force or another. Some lost to time, others to ruin, some to marauding forces and others simply abandoned because they were no longer needed. It was one of these Forts that Megahes had put to use for himself and probably his most comprehensive and long lasting pastime.
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Clever little devices put into play to keep things looking abandoned and misused, neglected and falling to ruin. The place had not only been repaired but also reinforced with Magical and Mechanical Goblin ingenuity that was built upon with knowledge gained over the past several decades.
Inside of this fort, despite the fact it was never intended to receive an actual willful audience, was decorative furniture made of fine dark woods embroidered with rich velvets, soft silks and the finest wools and cottons coin could acquire. Tables stretching about with plates and goldware that no man or woman other than Megahes would ever see sat to present an atmosphere of riches on display. Trophy cases and stands line the walls with numerous weapons of both magical and mundane descent that perch over Armor Stands holding protective metal layers meant not just for Goblins, but all races.
If any ever came to somehow find the place and took the time to inspect any of it, they’d find that all of these items weren’t as ‘pristine’ as they may appear at a distance. Damage came to them all at some point or another. Blunted blades, shattered axe heads assembled to look presentable. Armor with gashes, pierced helmets or chest pieces, greaves with shorn metal by the thighs that most likely led to bleed outs.
The more one could look, the more they’d note that all of the gear was like walking through a museum of deathly wounds. All that stood or hung from the walls had a story of defeat and loss and probably before then, great triumphs, valor and victory… just to have their stories end here.
Megahes pays no mind to these things now though as he walks with his back rigid and straight, his arms back behind him with hands clasping the other arms elbow in some overly formal glide across the stone floor. His bright white and gold attire is a stark beacon amongst the dark colors and atmosphere of the room that one should have found comforting, but for some reason, only brought worry and dread with it as he moves about his untold business.
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[ Artwork by the Magnificent Fishadee. No Fire or Light Shards floating about in this scene, purely put for clothing example. https://twitter.com/fishadee ] He stops, not worrying to look around for any watchers, for he knows there are none as he stops at a small wall just behind a staircase. “Rehorur decno Kudex.” A series of flashes occur around our Goblin and once completed a small stone panel slides off to the side and Megahes puts his hand into the slot. A sudden sharp ‘shing!’ sound is head and Mega’s neck tenses but for a moment before his hand is withdrawn. A mechanical but feminine voice perks up from the slot. “Welcome back.” “Hmm.” The only sound Megahes makes before he takes a step back and then to the left. The stone wall jars forward at an alarming speed, spikes erupting from her stone crevices meant to impale and kill any would-be intruders while giving Megahes the solitary moment that was needed to pass behind the crude defense into the wall beyond. Whether by measured practice or perhaps sensors, the trap quickly retreats and returns to normal, giving off no telltale signs of a hidden door or of Mega’s earlier passing.
The reason for all this secrecy? Hidden at the end of the staircase Mega was already descending. Humans had their specialties sure, jacks of all trades those people. But the one thing they never fail to make well?
Jail Cells and Prisons.
It was this singular reason that Megahes took over this once ramshackle Fort for himself. Though there weren’t many cells, there was no need. Three of them sat in a row at the bottom of the stairs, each outfitted with custom Arcano-tech that allowed for the arrival of a singular occupant that was soon set to magical and electrical suppression to keep them docile and incapable of action while time slowly allowed them to become dehydrated and starved to where strength or speed was no longer an issue either.
The work put into this place was one of Mega’s hidden creations of pride and in the past, its use went towards a sorted pastime of torturing whoever was unfortunate enough to get caught by one of his traps. Times change however and with Mega’s newfound religion, came the need to change how and why he did things while applying them to old hobbies. Today’s hobby however, only involved one other person beyond himself and Mega comes to stand right before him as electricity pulses through his frail, nearly starved frame.
“Brother Abacus.” A stupid name, false to be sure, but one that Megahes didn’t really care about either way. “I realize you don’t know who I am and that’s quite alright.” He leans in, voice dialing down as he speaks through the bars just as another tide of electricity bombards the ‘Brother’, causing him to whimper and whine in pain. “You have been found guilty of being a member of a Twilight Cult, one in fact, that was run by Dinthoqaf the Defiler.”
The cultist looks up, arms shaking in heavy tremors as he tries to look his would-be captor in the eye. They give out however, causing him to hit the ground with an exhale. His cracked and bleeding lips wobble, trying to say something, but the lack of strength made their efforts near useless. It was sad really, or at least it would be if Megahes cared about the man's condition in the slightest.
Megah glides over to a control panel on the wall and proceeds to flip a series of switches and dials which cause several mechanical tendrils to tear from the wall in Abacus’ cell that soon lash him to the same wall they originated from. His body was quickly drawn into an ‘X’ shape with limbs pulled tight and to their limits.
“You see. Your former… Employer? Boss? Leader.” Megahes hands lift and tumble in slow methodical circles as he tries to find the right word, but leaves it be. “Him and I don’t get along very well and thanks to his efforts, I find myself needing to improvise my tactics a bit. While I know he’s dead, face turned to slag and glass, I wanna make sure I get the job done correctly, meaning none of his followers try to take up his mantle. I’m sure you understand.”
He turns around and heads into the cell, worry of electrocution now gone thanks to the current state of affairs. “You see. I have this…” He pauses. “...Macabre little ritual I have to do every so often and believe me.” The Goblin laughs while looking up at the man while proceeding to straighten up his clothes, as if it mattered. “As much as people might want me to say I hate doing this… I don’t. I’ve been doing this to people way before you all found me and now. Now I get to put my hobbies to better use.”
Megahes’ hand comes up, his index finger pressing to his lips to tell Brother Abacus to be silent. His smile fades with the gesture and he reaches up, pressing his black and gold painted claw against the clothing of this man's thigh. Downward, slowly, it runs. Fabric quickly turns from a peasant-y brown to a heavy red and brown as flesh below seems to split before the clothing itself can.
Magic? Possibly. Insanely sharp claws? Not likely. But whatever it was, the man's thigh split open as if by scalpel and despite his starvation, he thrashes weakly in an effort to pull away. The machines holding his wrists tighten and continue to do so until the sound of bone is heard crunching.
This process continues on not just for mere moments but stretches of hours, lines drawn across flesh like sand. Megahes had nothing else to say and so, despite the protests and pleading, begging to let him go and he’d tell no one, Mega continued.
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Soon, details were carved away, facial features, scalp and its rooted hair, ears. Nearly anything that could be taken and removed without outright killing this poor cultist was taken in some macabre movie of silence and torture and finally, when the man was nearest his end, Megahes opens his own shirt.
The metal embedded into his Chest that shines with the Light like a beacon in this squalor, practically vibrates as Mega runs his blood coated hands across its surface. Red blood made semi-translucent by the sheer shine, soon was baked and cooked black, all Vitae devoured, leaving Megahes to sigh in relief.
“I would ask you to tell the Defiler thank you for giving me this. But… we both know you’re never going to have that opportunity.”
Megahes runs his hand up from Brother Abacus' groin clear up to his collarbone, shearing clean through flesh and muscle alike. What came next was a grotesque shower of innards that began to fall and slop to the floor, leaving our would-be cultist inanimate and lifeless.
“Now to clean up and go home. Tonight’s my date night and I have so many things to accomplish before She gets home…” Soon, the jail cells were left dark and eventually the slow trickling of blood and various other liquids came to silence in the dark, waiting to be cleaned up and for a new subject to be taken.
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bae-del-moon · 3 years
Classified: Writings from an Unknown Party || Pages 7-11
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GENRE: Crime, (attempt at) Epistolary, Informational, Romance
RATING: M (For Mature and Violent themes)
PAIRING: Criminal!Younghoon x Criminal!Reader
WORDS: ≅2.6k
BLURB: Classified documents describing an infamous crime ring and those they encountered are finally released to the public, years after their reign has come to an end. These are the pages that were uncovered.
a/n: Inspired by this Gap Crush Stealer Vid and their TBZ Stealers’ Tricks
❗️⚠︎ ❗️TRIGGER WARNINGS: (Mentions of) Weapons, Manipulation, Violence, Sex, and Death
Kim Younghoon, twenty-three, and eldest son of the Kim family. I know what you’re wondering, yes, that Kim family, though technically he is now Kim Younghoon of Kim Younghoon. He’s half of what the members of The Pears call the “Rich Twin Duo.”  The main goal and function of this duo is [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** information. But, for Kim Younghoon, being a conman is his main focus and a wonderful source of entertainment.
Kim Younghoon began his life of crime at the age of seventeen, stealing bikes and taking them apart to resell as individual parts. My research has revealed that during this time, he lived in a youth hostel under a pseudonym so no one would be able to connect him to his family (how original).
On the day of his seventeenth birthday, Younghoon was exiled by his family for having seduced a score of heirs, of which were from elite households. With the face of a so-called “angel,” his family was as close to unbelieving as they could be to the accusations the parents of the heirs came barring. But, as luck would have it (good or bad is inconsequential), they would stumble across a new possession of his: a hidden bank account possessing a fortune that they knew they hadn’t given to him. Family pride at stake, they would have forgiven him, brushed it under the rug, hidden his “mistake” (if you will) from prying eyes, and paid off the families if they hadn’t caught him attempting to con the Senator’s daughter. That man is incorruptible (a claim I, myself, still doubt). 
The reason Kim Younghoon lived in a youth hostel rather than the multi-million mansion he was supposed to inherit? Well, where else is an exiled son supposed to live? It’s not like he received any help from his parents-- then and now.[█]THE LINES THAT FOLLOWED HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSCRIBED AS THE INK WAS TOO FADED AND HAS RENDERED IT ILLEGIBLE[█] His existence, in the end, has become impossible to erase; but, he continues to be ignored and treated as taboo.
(Kim Younghoon, who?) 
His life of crime grew roots as a bicycle thief when another boy in the hostel roped him into the business. It begs- [█]THE LINES THAT FOLLOWED HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSCRIBED AS THE INK WAS TOO FADED AND HAS RENDERED IT ILLEGIBLE[█] other was, eventually, captured by the police; and, it took all the charm he (Younghoon) possessed, to convince the Director of the hostel not to kick him out, as the one had always been seen around the other. As the Director thought, there was no possibility that Younghoon wasn’t involved. So much so that when the Director is asked about Younghoon and what may have happened to him, he states there is no possibility he isn’t in jail or living a life of crime. (He does not, however, believe his criminal lifestyle would reach a level of severity as it has.)
Upon being let off, he proceeded to seduce all of the residents of the hostel. Meanwhile, [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** of The Pears) had been observing Kim Younghoon upon acquiring information that the heir of the Ki[█]INTANGIBLE[█]**. According [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** their beloved leader proceeded to decide that Kim Younghoon would be [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** and a wasted opportunity if they didn’t try [█]INTANGIBLE[█]**
The same day it was decided, Kim Younghoon [█]THE LINES THAT FOLLOWED HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSCRIBED AS THE INK WAS TOO FADED AND HAS RENDERED IT ILLEGIBLE[█] followed around the city until he came to a stop at the northern river bank.
It would seem that it took him more than half a day to realize he was being followed. He’d just happened to notice and decided [█]THE LINES THAT FOLLOWED HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSCRIBED AS THE INK WAS TOO FADED AND HAS RENDERED IT ILLEGIBLE[█] [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** and [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** cornered him, threw away his belongings, and [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** getting involved.
[█]INTANGIBLE[█]** could recount with vivid clarity (and amusement) that they were getting ready to pummel Younghoon for daring to not take them seriously and sassing them in a way that was peeving them off. But, Jacob stepped in and stopped [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** their fists could meet his face. It seemed that Jacob was able to recognize that Younghoon was afraid of the two. 
[█]INTANGIBLE[█]** -/on’t damage the product,” he said. / “Still, not to worry. Even with scars on my face, I’ll still look good.” 
At that moment, Kim Younghoon would get the (very bright) idea of attempting to run. He covered about five feet before he was yanked backward and thrown onto a grassy patch of land under the bridge with a broken nose.
According to my sources, they didn’t do much after that. [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** him back his luggage and told him they wouldn’t force him to join them. But, he did ask Younghoon to follow them [█]THE LINES THAT FOLLOWED HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSCRIBED AS THE INK WAS TOO FADED AND HAS RENDERED IT ILLEGIBLE[█] bank across the street [█]THE LINES THAT FOLLOWED HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSCRIBED AS THE INK WAS TOO FADED AND HAS RENDERED IT ILLEGIBLE[█] the cup of coffee going cold. Younghoon considered himself a brazen man - perhaps still does - but he couldn’t believe they were talking [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** openly (he would later tell them this). At the end of the day, Kim Younghoon knew what he wanted. His family fortune. He agreed to join their heist at the very least. 
Younghoon expected Jacob to double-cross him, take his family fortune after they’d stolen it. But, he didn’t, and though Younghoon now had everything he wanted (revenge second, fortune first). Two weeks after the heist, he found himself following the (spoken) directions he’d received to one of the hundred (supposed, I’ve only uncovered thirty) safe houses The Pears have in the city. He’d decided to join the crew. He’ll claim it was because he felt he had nothing better to do, though, in reality, he’d begun getting attached to them.
Though addresses are not often written, I was able to uncover the directions Kim Younghoon used to find the safe house that day. Using landmarks and [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** follows: [█]ADDRESS STRICKEN FROM RECORD[█]***. 
As of then: 
[█]INTANGIBLE[█]** discovered Kim Younghoon’s particular talents early on. 
According to many sources, including his own crew, if you’re looking to get a heart broken, Kim Younghoon is the man for the job. More so, he possesses the ability to easily charm the people he meets. As a result, the leader of The Pears has had him on assignment [█]THE LINES THAT FOLLOWED HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSCRIBED AS THE INK WAS TOO FADED AND HAS RENDERED IT ILLEGIBLE[█]. By day you may find the ex-Kim heir moonlighting as the owner of a bookstore located [█]ADDRESS STRICKEN FROM RECORD[█]***.
His work hours are from six am to four in the afternoon. Afterword, he’ll be with his other half (namesake) [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** at the underground market, or [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** at the base whenever he’s actually home. 
Outside of “work” hours, just as in, you’ll find him donning a pair of polished dress shoes, black slacks, a collared white shirt (top three or four buttons undone), an old, luxury black coat with golden buttons, and a brown cap he lowers to hide his eyes while outside.
A few exceptions exist, though none exceptionally important. However, when on official business, or if he’s with the rest of the group, you’ll find he’s convinced them to wear… specific articles of clothing. 
Kim Younghoon, himself, may be seen wearing black leather pants, a dark red shirt, and a black vest along with his polished shoes. 
As a conman, he does as con men do, but only with business and sellers that [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** has targeted. More often than not (always), they are associated or working with rival crews.
But, as an untrained spy, he manages to collect various types of information from the patrons, both overhead and charmed into telling him without realizing what they’re doing. A huge asset to Bae’s organization in terms of information about the city’s happenings. 
Some of his old conquests visit the shop frequently, most believe (intel shows), as passive-aggressive acts meant to ridicule his “fall from grace” and into “peasantry.” 
In their tirades, however, they also wind up providing (flaunting) high-class information that other crews would certainly pay a sizable amount for.
It was during one of these sermons that Younghoon met [█]INTANGIBLE[█]**, the heir apparent of [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** family that’s just [█]INTANGIBLE[█]**  brought them to the bookstore to show them the “fool” of their “kingdom” (honestly, these people think they’re actual royalty). As it turned out, [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** was unlike the rest of these heirs, caring nothing for the torment they tried to inflict on Younghoon. 
[█]INTANGIBLE[█]** stood up for him that day, going as far as to ridicule the other heirs themselves for having been tricked by Younghoon in the first place. Having been shamed, the heirs turned on [█]INTANGIBLE[█]**, but they didn’t care. 
Do NOT misunderstand the content of this letter. 
I recount the existence of [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** with purpose. They are the reason I have advised you against trying to manipulate and, or, recruit Kim Younghoon. 
While Kim Younghoon is not the type of man to fall in love with someone at first sight or at first defense, the fact should be stated that [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** sparked his interest upon their defense. 
Flirting was easy. 
[█]INTANGIBLE[█]** continued to shop at the bookshop every Thursday afternoon, and while they did not take Younghoon’s flirting to heart (remember they’ve already been made aware of his manners), that did not stop them from responding to their flirting. [█]THE LINES THAT FOLLOWED HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSCRIBED AS THE INK WAS TOO FADED AND HAS RENDERED IT ILLEGIBLE[█] since then, Younghoon’s conquests have left the premises. But [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** himself [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** information fountain. 
According to rumors (word of mouth from Q specifically), all Younghoon had to do was ask [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** to keep him updated on the happenings of his previous circle, and they readily obliged. [█]THE LINES THAT FOLLOWED HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSCRIBED AS THE INK WAS TOO FADED AND HAS RENDERED IT ILLEGIBLE[█] It comes to an end that they’ve seemingly grown [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** and [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** going on. Since they [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** Younghoon was at [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** They wanted to know how they came upon owning a bookstore when his family had disowned him and, they confided in him why rumor had it his parents had lost all their money, including his inheritance.
At this time, it was too late for Younghoon [█]INTANGIBLE[█]**. He had already fallen in love with them, [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** who had flirted but never actually meant it. According to the members of The Pears, it had been a bittersweet realization for Younghoon, who had returned to the base to tell them of his dilemma. 
“Younghoon,” he had said to them, eyes looking uncharacteristically somber, “Tell me why knowing this is so important to you.” 
He kissed them. A distraction. (A lie.) 
“A kiss will not distract me, Kim Younghoon. Even if it was a very nice one.” 
It is at this point that it’s said a change was visible in Younghoon, one that The Pears leader Jacob Bae was the first to take note of when Younghoon revealed that [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** had given him a week to tell them the truth or they would never get anything out of them again. (Paraphrased/Recounted by Q, getting anything out of Jacob himself is too hard a feat.)
This report concerns Kim Younghoon, but it would be imprudent not to note that Jacob Bae understood Younghoon before Younghoon understood what he meant by telling them what was happening in his bookstore. 
[█]INTANGIBLE[█]**, one of the more elusive members I’ve been able to uncover, has revealed that Bae sent him to supervise without Younghoon’s knowledge. (At this point in time, the newer members who lived at that base did not know of [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** did not live [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** mole. If the [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** responded badly to the news and attempted to rat, they would be taken. 
This was (obviously) not the end result. But, due to unknown circumstances, Kim Younghoon discovered this plan months later. Enraged, he attempted to attack Jacob Bae but [█]INTANGIBLE[█]**, who was now living (part-time) at the base, managed to calm him. 
As mentioned before, [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** lives at the base with Kim Younghoon. However, it took a year for them to leave their family home. Originally, they split their time between the base - as a new member - and their family home to still receive their inheritance. But, they were forced to choose when the now twice ridiculed heirs accused [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** of going out [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** parents. [█]THE LINES THAT FOLLOWED HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSCRIBED AS THE INK WAS TOO FADED AND HAS RENDERED IT ILLEGIBLE[█] They didn’t know [█]INTANGIBLE[█]**, it was simply lucky revenge. 
Bae offered to steal their inheritance as well to show they (The Pears) accepted their newest recruit. [█]THE LINES THAT FOLLOWED HAVE NOT BEEN TRANSCRIBED AS THE INK WAS TOO FADED AND HAS RENDERED IT ILLEGIBLE[█] gave it to them as a show of loyalty. 
Younghoon boasts about this frequently (everyone else points out the group didn’t need the money anyway). 
As of late, [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** and Kim Younghoon can be found running the bookstore together, continuously extracting information from their patrons (returning heirs included). 
At the base, the two prefer to hole up in Younghoon’s room where they canoodle and watch some of the pictures that have premiered at the local palaces (reels stolen at opportune moments, take that distributors). Though they only watch the pictures the others have decided they are uninterested in watching as a group.
If you haven’t understood Kim Younghoon through the details of this letter, then allow me to spell it out for you instead, rather than letting you hound me about it when you send your orders later.
Emotions are his weakness. 
Perhaps not as big as [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** or [█]INTANGIBLE[█]** but enough to sway him as you’ll please.
Attached are pictures of Kim Younghoon for your convenience.****
Postscript: I know how this looks*****
** [█]INTANGIBLE[█] due to decomposition and fading of print
*** [█]ADDRESS STRICKEN FROM RECORD[█] in consideration of homeowners’ privacy
**** Of four photographs, three were unfortunately degraded
***** It should be noted that the Postscript was written in a messy scrawl at the bottom of the page, as if written after the creation of its contents, in an afterthought.
<Note: The annotation [█]INTANGIBLE[█] refers to both single words that are unable to be read and various lines that are unreadable.>
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huggybug · 2 years
To that anon about what they should do about mutuals. There are several blogs that I have had to block for those reasons, blogs that I really like but I didn’t like how they treated anons. They get so hostel and mean because someone had a different opinion than them and I just don’t think it’s fair
i feel like there’s a good chance we’re all talking about the same blogs lol but yeah, fuck the toxic blogs!!!
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purplesurveys · 2 years
What’s the earliest you could go to bed at night and feel okay about?  Hmm, maybe around 10 PM? I’d feel like such a grandma the very next day if I realized I fell asleep earlier than that.
What time of the year do you dislike the most?  Around May to July. Shitty climate but it’s also the busiest period when it comes to brand campaigns, so work during this month just exponentially sucks.
What is your favorite color to wear?  Black, dark green, or maroon.
Are you an overachiever?  I guess you can say that. I always tend to go one to two steps beyond what is actually asked of me; Bea has jokingly called me an overachiever a few times at work – usually when I submit something that was never even asked for, lol.
What physical feature do you wish you had (i.e. freckles, curly hair)?  Can’t think of anything I’ve been wanting to have but maybe bigger eyes? My eyes aren’t super remarkable.
How long have you gone without shaving (girls- legs, armpits; boys- faces)?  I shave my underarms a few times a week. Legs, usually once every two weeks but it would also depend on how often I go out.
What is your favorite thing about your life?  It’s just great to be able to earn money on your own and not have to worry about people judging you for what you spend on.
Save all the animals that die during road kill or save 1 human from a fire?  All the animals.
Have you ever painted a picture of somebody?  No. Don’t see the point; I was never any good at painting anyway.
Did you enjoy your past relationships?  For the most part of it, yes.
When was the last time you were in a pet store?  It was like 3 or 4 years ago when my mom and I were at Tiende...I don’t even remember the reason why we were there, but that place has several pet stores so I couldn’t avoid passing through some of them. I didn’t go inside any though.
Who was the last boy that you saw cry?  As far as I can recall I have never cried in front of a dude other than my dad, and even that hasn’t taken place since I was a kid. I just don’t like crying in front of people, period.
Does your mom know you do surveys?  No and she’ll never need to know. Only my sister and ex know I do these.
Are you currently planning a trip?  Yep I’m going back to Zambales the following weekend. I didn’t like how our trip was cut short the last time, so I literally booked the same hostel  – just with a different, much less fussier group of friends haha.
How many plants are in your home?  I’m too lazy to count but we are definitely kind of populated with plants since my mom likes taking care of them.
What movies have tripped you out?  Eraserhead and Under the Skin are good examples.
Did you rollerblade as a kid? Do you still rollerblade?  I did; I even owned a pair. I was never any good at it though because I had no choice but to practice on unpaved roads – there weren’t any arenas or spots conducive to rollerblading back then just because it used to be a virtually unheard-of hobby here. Anyway, I was good enough to glide on my own but I never was able to learn how to go fast or do tricks. As for the second queston, I haven’t done it in years.
Would you take a dirty picture of yourself for someone you are dating?  I’ve already done it in the past so I don’t see why I wouldn’t be open to it again.
Do you use earplugs or a sleeping mask when you sleep?  I don’t use anything to help me sleep. Being aware that I’ve put something on just distracts me and does the opposite of helping me fall asleep, if that makes sense.
How picky are you when it comes to choosing who to kiss or not kiss?  I mean I’m ace so that should tell you a thing or two about pickiness.
Has anyone ever whistled at you?  Yeah.
Do you like scarves?  It’s not that I don’t like them, but considering where I live I’ve just never needed one.
Is your father homophobic?  He is not, at least I don’t think he is.
If Heaven and Hell exists, where are you going when you die?  A very quick ticket to hell most likely lol.
Who is the person that you are afraid of losing, above everyone else?  Either of my parents.
What is one thing that pisses you off pretty much everyday?  Work.
Is there anyone you know that you feel should consider therapy?  I’ve felt this way about my mom for years.
Do you like any of the songs on Twlight, or the actual movie/saga itself? I love "Supermassive Black Hole" and "Decode." < Lovely choices. But yeah in general, people like to knock on Twilight and while I get that, the soundtracks are actually so so fucking good!!! Apart from those two songs, which I also like, New Moon is my go-to OST - Rosyln and Slow Life are particularly my favorites.
How old was the first person you kissed?  She was 16.
Last person to stand up for you?  I don’t know. I don’t really find myself in situations where I’d hope someone would stand up for me hahaha.
Has anyone ever told you that you’re a good singer?  Nah.
Do you ever watch TED talks, live or online?  No. I was only into those when TED videos used to be everywhere back in high school lol, but I quickly got tired of the concept.
Does it bother you when you see a 6th grader with a bunch of gadgets?  These days it wouldn’t really bother me anymore, no. If you asked me like six years ago then it would.
Did you buy yearbooks every year in high school, or did you not bother?  Where I live you’ll typically only be offered a yearbook if you were from a graduating year because only those batches get to have a shoot and be prominently be featured in a certain year’s yearbook.
Jalapeños: yay or nay?  Love love love jalapeños, especially on my chicken sandwiches yum.
Did you ever play Minecraft?  No. It was something my younger cousins tried to get me into a few years back but it never did capture my interest.
Did you ever have a Club Penguin account? Were you a member?  I opened my own because everyone in my grade seemed to play it, but I didn’t find it enjoyable so I got over the hype pretty quickly.
What do you think is the biggest injustice that was ever done to you?  Not getting to have the peaceful childhood that every kid deserves because of alcoholism and because of a mom that sadly had issues of her own.
Can you honestly say that you always practice safe sex?  I honestly dk how to answer this lol. We never made use of like toys or devices that let you practice safe sex but then again I was with a girl for years, so.
Do you feel protective over someone?  One of my aunts who has Down.
What is your favorite way to eat chicken?  Chicken wings and fried chicken sandwiches.
Are you a fan of seals?  Sure.
Do you have a favorite pet?  I love all three equally but I will say that my bond with Kimi is slightly different and will always be slightly more special compared to the two. I’ve always been his person from the moment he settled at home, whereas the two pups are more chill LOL and never really picked a favorite person.
Have you ever played with toy cars before?  Yeah well my sister and I were the only girls in our duplex back then so we were surrounded by toys that were intended for our boy cousins, and that included a ton of toy cars.
When was the last time you cried?  Sometime last week from work-related anxiety and stress.
Have you ever touched a caterpillar?  No.
Is there a YouTube channel whose videos you always watch?  Yeah, I still keep up with Good Mythical Morning.
Have you ever won a game of chess?  I’ve never even been able to understand it, haha.
Do you enjoy staying at hotels? As long as the amenities are comfortable enough, yes. Some hotel rooms feel a little more half-assed and unsanitary compared to others.
How often do you bike ride?  I don’t know how to ride one. :(
Are you any good at Ping-Pong?  Yeah well table tennis is my main sport, so...
Does your best friend have any piercings?  Yup she has earrings but nothing beyond that.
Why did you last laugh really hard?  Last night my dad and I were teaching Aki how to play fetch, but since most of his toys are still too big for him he ended up tripping over the toys while he was running to return them to us.
How have you felt today?  RELAXED. I’m in the middle of a four-day weekend, and I’m not even stressing out about the following week because I’ll have another four-day weekend (I booked Thursday and Friday leaves for my birthday).
What’s the latest you went to bed this week?  That would be around 2:30 AM.
Anyone told you a secret this week?  Hmm, I don’t think so. I was the one who shared a secret, though.
In the next 4 months, what are you looking forward to most?  A new presidency, more money saved, possibly resigning and going into a new job maybe???
Do you have your driver's license?  Yuppers.
Who was your last text message from?  My mom.
Do you use teeth whitener?  If that’s different from toothpaste then no.
Do you iron your clothes?  Not always, but if I’m headed out and my outfit of choice is looking kind of wrinkly then I would pull out the clothes iron.
Do you live near any volcanoes?  Kind of? It’s in another province but it’s one of the provinces close by, so I don’t really know whether to count it as being near or far. We did get ashfall when it erupted two years ago though, so I guess it’s near enough.
Tell me something about yourself that you don't normally tell people.  That I am not on speaking terms with my brother. It’s obviously not the sort of  thing you’re supposed to just drop out in the open, but I mention it if it’s relevant.
Who were you last mad at and why?  A client. My team and I have been stuck on this deck for nearly a month because their feedback changes every week; and we got another wave of comments just before the Holy Week break started soooooo I’m not super delighted about that.
Do you think tomorrow will be a good day for you?  I think it’ll be just like yesterday and today. It’s Holy Week so it’s not like we can go out and do much since most public spaces are closed anyway.
What is something that one of your family member collects?  My mom has slowed down in the last several years but she does like to collect all types of chef figurines and knickknacks because my dad is one. We have a corner in the dining room just for them.
If you were able to set up a stand, what would you sell?  Pizza rolls, though I might end up buying a bunch of myself too hahahahaha...
Have you ever legitimately forgotten to do homework?  Very rarely but it has happened before, yes.
Depending on where you live, why might a day of school get canceled?  99.9% of the time it's because of a typhoon and severe flooding. The very few times rain wasn’t the cause, an earthquake or volcano eruption could also lead to a class suspension.
If you were given a certain amount of time to live, would you want to know?  Yep I hate not knowing information that’s already supposedly out in the open.
Who is your favorite Disney Princess?  Rapunzel.
When was the last time you did something that you’ve never done before? What was it?  Last Friday when I went to this restaurant and the brewery beside it that I’ve never been to before. I generally don’t go to that part of the metro either so it was a super refreshing and fun experience.
Now that you are an adult, which situations make you feel most like a grown-up? Which situations make you feel like you’re still a child?  I feel most like a grown-up because of the fact that I can pretty much make any plan now with little to no interference from my parents. The way I ‘asked’ permission for my upcoming Zambales trip was to literally just tell them in passing and as a heads-up, because I had already booked the accommodation before telling them lol.
But I definitely still feel more like a kid than an adult at this point. My street smarts are pretty much nonexistent and things like insurance and medical exams terrify me lol.
What are three things/interests you are currently into right now?  BTS, Seventeen, and cooking videos.
What was the last small thing that really inspired you, that jumpstarted you to create or gave you a great idea?  We had to present a PR plan last Wednesday and the client started off by saying that it was by far the best plan she’s seen from us, and then proceeded to say nice things about all parts of the presentation. That was a really really nice boost and it brought me to a good mood for the rest of the day.
What are some things that you enjoy but you have no practical use for in your own life (e.g., baby clothes for a non-parent or school supplies for a non-student)? Do you still browse these items at stores?  Can’t say I regularly shop for things I know I’ll never need or use. I WILL SAY though that I did end up buying the BTS-branded brooches that Taehyung made even though I don’t even wear brooches or patches. I guess I do now. Do you wish that you had more followers on any platform? Do you even pay attention to how many likes/comments/followers you have?  I paid such unhealthy attention to my follower count in the past, as you do in your teens. I can’t care less for them now especially since I barely scroll through social media anymore.
Why did you move to where you’re living now?  Because it was starting to get too crowded in the duplex we were being raised in, and my relatives’ alcohol and smoking issues were becoming too much for my mom to deal with.
Are any of your relatives musicians?  I believe we have a couple of singers in the family, but I only know of one who sings professionally.
What color was the last swimsuit you wore?  It was a light pink.
Can you remember the last song you listened to?  It was the song Burn It by Agust D and Max.
Are you more of a phone or a computer person?  My laptop is my baby.
What months were you and your siblings born in?  April and September.
What did you have for dinner last night?  Pizza that my cousin brought over.
Ever peed in the pool? Be honest!  No way, and not in the middle of sea either. I’ve just never peed anywhere that isn’t a restroom lol.
Do you think “sleeve tattoos” are a good idea?  I like it when they’re all integrated together; I think it’s prettiest that way. I don’t super enjoy looking at ‘sleeve’ tattoos that are really just a bunch of separate images scattered all over the arm.
Ever had to take an inkblot test?  No.
Is there anyone you know who’s in any way paralyzed?  I never got to meet her, but Dev’s mom at one point had parts of her face paralyzed.
Have you ever seen a walrus?  Yep. Not in the circumstances where I would’ve wanted to see one, but I have.
Does your bathroom have a theme to it?  No.
What’s something you worked extremely hard to get? T Happiness.
Are you nosy?  Not always but I definitely can be.
Who was the best kisser out of all the people you have kissed?  I’ve only kissed one person.
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erismerald · 4 years
𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 (Ryo Asuka x plus size reader) 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮 2
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Part one
And finally here is the second chapter of my new ryo fanfic, I hope you like it and enjoy it, soon I will bring the third chapter. I LOVE YOU IMMENSELY <3<3<3<3
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 : none maybe fluff 
✥——————-✥——————-✥                ✥——————-✥——————-✥
Some weeks passed and you, Akira and Ryo spent hours investigating demons, it was scary to think that anyone could be a demon and you didn’t know, however it was funny to be you taking care of Akira or Ryo whenever they got hurt, you felt like you were still 8 years old.
You left school and it was already dark, it was raining a lot ‘I love the rain but it could stop raining a little until I got home’ you thought while you opened your backpack looking for the umbrella.
You opened it and walked putting the earphones and opening in the spotify, the street was calm, it was relaxing to see the rain fall and to see the reflection of the light in the water pools, but it was still scary.
Lost in your thoughts you didn’t notice that a car had stopped right next to you, distracted you looked and scared when you saw the door opening next to you, you looked inside the car and recognized the white coat and the cigarette smell.
“Ryo? What are you doing here?” you asked confused because you saw him there, you looked at the back of the car, but he wasn’t there.
“Akira asked me to pick you up, he won’t be home tonight and we have work to do” Ryo said with one expression would be
“O-oh I get it” you got in the car putting the bag in the back seat, and you noticed a black sports bag “What’s in there?” you asked
“Clothes for you, let’s spend the night out, let’s go to the coast area, I have information of strange activity there” he said not taking his eyes off the road
“But I didn’t warn Miki-” you said picking up the phone but you were interrupted
“She knows you’re with me, she said you went to spend the weekend with a friend and forgot to tell her,” Ryo said taking the vape pen.
“You really should stop smoking that thing, it’s not good for you” you said leaning your head on your arm looking out for the lights and for rain hitting the window
“Want to try it out?” Ryo said stretching the pen in your direction you could see his smile even though you didn’t look directly at him “Okay, but that’s only because I never expressed anything like that,” you said, picking up the pen by putting it in your mouth, inhaling and feeling the smoke going down your throat, choking on feeling the smoke coming out your nose.
Ryo laughed when he saw your reaction, he took the pen out of your hand and made the same movement you had made, he was used to it so it wasn’t strange to him nor did he make you choke.
“Don’t mock me! arghh” you protested about his reaction
“Don’t worry, I will teach you not to choke,” he said, breathing out the smoke through his lips.
At that moment your heart stopped, the street light, the wind entering the car through the window, the sound of rain, the smoke coming out of his mouth, his serious look concentrated on the road…this sensation made your heart accelerate, you felt your face burn…he was hypnotizing.
“What was it?” he asked softly
“N-nothing” you said by looking away and continuing to look at the lights, feeling your body relax and fall asleep
𝓡𝔂𝓸 𝓟𝓸𝓿
It was very calm, I looked to the side and saw her sleepy face, I pulled the car to the side of the road and put my coat over her…In so few weeks I got to know her again, it was strange to have her around at the beginning, but now…. Now I feel that I need her by our side, I touched her face with my fingers, she looked tired, I don’t blame her after so long spending nights awake studying and investigating more about demons it’s natural that her body needs to relax.
I got out of the car and leaned on the hood, took a cigarette out of my pocket and took the opportunity to smoke before continuing the trip, I don’t want the smoke to wake her up.
In a few minutes I got in the car and continued traveling, I could already smell the sea nearby, we should be almost there, I looked at her at a glance and felt my heart accelerate her hands were grabbing my coat pulling it closer to her.
I ignored this feeling and fixed my eyes on the road… it was the first time I felt like this because I saw her do that, am I gaining weaknesses?
“Fuck Y/n what are you doing to me” I sighed
𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓟𝓸𝓿
It was all dark, the only thing you can remember was a silhouette, with several wings, blond hair and two crystalline blue eyes? you saw the silhouette walking towards you, when it was close enough it raised its hand to your face, its touch was soft and sweet like an angel? you closed your eyes and felt tears fall on your face.
“Y/n…” his voice, you recognized that voice…
You woke up in shock, you looked at the window and saw the immense ocean illuminated by the moon, you looked around you and saw Ryo sitting on the hood of the car, you could see the smoke coming out of his mouth, in just one gesture he threw his cigarette to the ground and put it out with his foot.
He turned around and saw your face awake:
“I was going to wake you up, come on, we’re here” he said, opening the trunk of the car and removing a suitcase similar to yours, and a larger bag, to be honest it seemed a little suspicious, but good we’re talking about Ryo, surely he brings weapons in there.
You got out of the car and you walked and you removed your suitcase following him to the hotel entrance. It was a small hotel, it was more a hostel than a hotel, it was right by the beach, and it had a fantastic view, it seemed cozy, but why would a demon choose a place like this to attack?
They entered the reception of the small hostel and were soon received by a lady with black hair, her clothes were traditional, she looked at us and smiled:
“Good evening, how can I help you tonight?” she asked, her voice was soft as a bird’s song
“Good evening” Ryo smiled and said “We wanted a room” You looked around the place, you had a small sale of souvenirs and postcards, you looked again at ryo who was still talking to the lady, you approached to listen better “Yes a double room please” DOUBLE?! you felt your face burning “Ahm…we don’t have rooms with separate beds I apologize” she said looking at the computer screen, 'Please ma'am can you check again’ you yelled internally
“Don’t worry, we’ll take the room anyway” Ryo said smiling and stretching his hand to get the room key, the lady smiled and opened the drawer taking the room key and handing it over
“Have a nice stay,” she said before we retired to our room “We stayed in room 306 is on the top floor” He said walking, and opening the elevator, you remain silent feeling your face warm and your breath accelerated, Ryo looks at you at a glance and smirks “I promised Akira I wouldn’t let you out of my sight for a second, he’ll be here by the end of the afternoon” The elevator stopped and opened on the floor of your room.
the rest of the way to the room was quiet, why were you feeling nervous after all? For him you were just a childhood friend, there was no reason to be nervous, still lost in your thoughts you two had reached the room.
Ryo opened the door and the room was really cozy, it was rustic style, there was a bed in the center of the room on the wall,  a balcony that you could see the ocean, there was a small bathroom, it wasn’t a luxurious room but it was a perfect room to sleep in.
You put your bags down and walked to the window that led to the small balcony, it was still raining but the view was fantastic.
“You stay here, if you feel like it, I’ll take a look at the area, try to go to bed early please” Ryo said taking something from inside the bag, and without being able to answer he had already left the room.
You took a deep breath and looked once more through the window before you walked towards the suitcase and picked up some clothes and towels to go to bath.You turned on the light and opened the hot water and let the bathtub fill up while you undressed… you looked at your body in the mirror…  "It’s natural that no one wants to look at me differently, no one finds someone like me attractive" you said, looking at your body… you were always very insecure, you were always ashamed of how inferior you felt to other girls, for not having a big breasts or an angelic body, you looked down to your thighs… you could still see some scars from some cuts you had made months ago, something that no one knew and would never know….
Your body trembled as you felt the hot water covering you, it felt good to have a moment to rest, in the midst of all that demon-hunting, you threw your head backwards feeling your muscles relaxing because of the hot water.
“Why did I have to have these feelings for him…” You sighed
Minutes passed by, you got out of the water and wrapped your body in the towel leaving your wet hair to dry naturally, you opened the door carefully, Ryo hadn’t arrived yet, you took advantage of that moment to let your body fall into the bed, you faced the ceiling, you still felt your heart jumping because you knew you were going to sleep in the same bed as Ryo, of course for him it made no difference but for you it was something you never thought you would do with him.
You put on a hoddie and some shorts and opened the balcony, you leaned your body against the parapet and watched the reflection of the moon in the ocean was enchanting, you thought about your dream earlier, who would that person be?
𝓡𝔂𝓸 𝓟𝓸𝓿
It was almost midnight, I managed to find some traces of demons in that area, tomorrow morning I’ll investigate a little more, I entered the hotel and everything was very calm.
I opened the bedroom door, it was all dark, I looked at the bed waiting to find Y/n sleeping, but her body wasn’t there, I looked around the room… until I saw her silhouette on the balcony, her wet hair, her body just covered by the hoddie she was wearing, without intention my gaze traveled through her body the way she was leaving my body tense, she seemed hypnotized by the moon, I walked without making much noise and put myself beside her
“The sea is more beautiful this time of year” She was frightened by my comment
“R-ryo, I didn’t realize you had arrived” she said with a slightly embarrassed smile, her hand was resting on her chest, my eyes went through her body, but something called my attention… scars… She noticed what my eyes had seen and turned forward pulling the hoddie down. “So how did the investigation go?” she asked before I could talk about the scars that marked her body
“It went well… I found out that there really are traces of demons here, tomorrow morning we’ll take the chance to investigate a little more” I said by taking a cigarette out of my pocket and putting it in my mouth
“Oh of course…” she said turning her gaze forward, I looked at her discreetly, a sudden urge to touch her invaded my body… I can’t do it, I can’t do it at all, it will just distract me from my main goal. but for some reason I can’t control my body, I try to control myself but I can’t anymore…
𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓟𝓸𝓿
You felt the sea breeze, the waves crashing against the rocks, it was a sound that left you calm, you closed your eyes to feel a little more of this peace, when you opened your eyes again, you turned to Ryo but his gaze was already turned to you without you knowing.
“R-ryo?” His body approached yours, his hand touched your face lightly, putting a lock of hair behind your ear, his fingers ran across your face until you reached your jawline, his eyes intertwined with yours, you felt your heart beating fast, it was like a dream, his fingers wandered around your neck, down to your shoulder.
“Turn around” he whispered in your ear, you were hypnotized by him and without thinking twice your body reacted of its own accord, you turned your body leaving your back to him.
His hands continued to go down your body to your waist hugging you from behind, his head landed on your shoulder, raised his hand dragging your hair to the side. Without realizing it, you closed your eyes until you felt his lips on your neck, making you shiver at his touch. His kisses kept going up until your ear came up.
“I don’t know what you’re doing to me, but I wasn’t supposed to have these reactions towards you” he stopped “let me hold you tonight, I… I just want to feel you close to me” you couldn’t say anything just nodded and turned to him.
He took you in his lap and took you to bed, where he laid you down carefully as if you were made of glass, he lay down beside you pulling you close to him, you put your head on his chest, feeling his heart, his arms wrapped you, in a short time you felt your gaze getting heavy and finally you fell asleep.
You felt the sun hitting your face, you opened your eyes with difficulty due to the clarity in the room, you looked away and didn’t see anyone, in a flash your memory remembered the events of last night, you blushed violently looking up.
“Why did he do that?”
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