#I didn’t choose the hyperfix the hyperfix chose me
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thespaceyace · 1 year ago
“So…did ya’ hear the one about Alfred?”
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I think this is gunna be a series and I’m not mad about it
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onedeadkitty · 1 year ago
Adhd is so risky. Decided to watch the planet of the apes trilogy. now I can’t stop thinking about it, I’m watching review after review, reading about apes and now I’m the ape guy like GIVE ME A BREAK
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a-spacecadet · 8 months ago
My worst secret is that I pretend to like Confucius and JFK equally when in reality I think I may like JFK more 🫣
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swirlsabyss · 2 years ago
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No thoughts head empty, only Anomalous MC
Created: Apr 5, 2023
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stagefoureddiediaz · 3 months ago
Ok So who is down for a bit of a wild Eddie Diaz is Freddie Mercury theory that is actually based in colour theory?!!
Yeah, yeah, I know that sounds insane but hear me out!
So Freddie superstar queer man of moustache wearing fame who also happened to sport a swept back floppy haired look in the 1980’s
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Remind you of anyone??
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Yeah - similar hairstyle and moustache! Keep that in mind as we continue!
Did you know that he never actually confirmed his sexuality publicly?
He hinted at it in the lyrics of Bo Rhap - which he wrote (and released with Queen) in 1975 when he was figuring things out. At that time he was in a relationship with a woman (Mary Austin - who he called his wife even though they never married. They remained best of friends and she was at his side when he died - he left her most of his estate) but had an affair with a man - and was also dealing with religious and childhood trauma (he was sent to catholic school and had a difficult upbringing at the hands of his mother). Bo Rhap was Freddie sorting through all of his feelings around his sexuality - the lyrics can be interpreted in many ways but the other members of Queen have spoken about its meaning being clear and personal to Freddie at the time. So ‘mama’ is a reference to the Virgin Mary and also to his mother - playing on both his childhood and religious traumas, saying he didn’t mean to make them cry is about not wanting to disappoint them but also about needing to be true to himself. ‘Just killed a man’ is about the death of his heterosexuality. I could go on (I can always write a post explaining the lyrics more fully if that is something that would interest anyone - Queen and Freddie were a hyperfixation of mine as a teenager!!) but I won’t in order to keep to my actual wild theory!
Now I wonder who that sounds like?? Childhoood trauma at the hands of his mother, catholic upbringing that didn’t fit with who he is, relationship with a woman who he loved but didn’t love the right way?? Yeah that sounds remarkably like a certain Edmundo Diaz if you ask me.
Now the moment Freddie actually ‘came out’ without actually coming out and essentially confirming he was not straight (there is debate about if he was gay or bi because he referred to himself as bi) was when he released ‘The Great Pretender’ in 1987 - when he was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS (he had been showing symptoms since 1982 but he also never actually confirmed his diagnosis until the day before his death in 1991) The reason this is significant in relation to Eddie DIaz is multi fold!
Firstly this was the moment Freddie chose to shave off his moustache as a symbol of not hiding who he was anymore and he never grew it back. So for Freddie Mercury his moustache was a literal mask and not a symbol of his queerness. The song is literally about coming out to the world and confessing and not hiding who you are and about wanting to fit in even though you are different. When we have had Episodes titled Masks, confessions, and have wannabes coming up - and we have Eddie Diaz shaving off his moustache as a symbol of not hiding any longer - choosing to embrace his true self - that’s a pretty loud parallel if you ask me.
Now to the colour theory of it all - because you see we have pink coming to the party for both Eddie and Freddie!
Freddie wore this wonderful double breasted pale pink satin suit for the promotional photographs and for the music video of ‘The Great Pretender’ and the scenes he wore it for in the music video were the ones that symbolised him being his true self as he reflected back on his life and all the various costumes and ‘disguises’ he wore throughout his life and career.
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And now we’ve had Eddie in Pink for two very key scenes - the only time he has worn pink in the entire show.
Firstly we have the karaoke scene with Eddie in his Crockett and Tubbs pale pink suit and dark pink shirt.
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And then we have Risky business Eddie in a pale pink shirt
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Both times Eddie has worn pink pale pink have been in connection with being shown his true unmasked and unfiltered self - at the karaoke we see him letting loose and just enjoying himself, and then we have the newly shaven Eddie dancing the Risky business dance finding joy in something. They’re both scenes about Eddies joy, his freedom and him expressing himself. They’re about showing the audience who the real Eddie is - when he isn’t weighed down by all the other things in his life.
Oh hey look, its not even just the pink parallels of it all because we also had drag queens in the great pretender music video (L-R Roger Taylor, Peter Straker and Freddie Mercury) just like we did in the Karaoke scene.
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And then we have the green and pink parallel!
Because something I have been side eyeing hard since we first got the stills for the karaoke scene is the colour swap for Buck and Eddie. This was the first time we saw Eddie in pink - in any real colour colour to be honest - Eddie has stuck to a pretty rigid colour palette since he first appeared in Under pressure (oh look yet another Queen reference!) always in muted shades rarely wearing anything bright and generally in a green, grey, blue, black and white colour palette with a little bit of burgundy/maroon thrown in. The only time we’ve really seen him in anything close to a bright colour is the yellow shirt from 601 which we have just seen again in 806. Buck however has worn pink on numerous occasions (Mays graduation party, the tsunami, the hilly coffee maker scene, when Chim figures out Buck knew where Maddie was scene etc etc) and so it is a staple colour for him. Mint green however is not a colour he wears - in fact Buck wearing green more generally is not common at all (especially outside of break up scenes!). So I was already looking for significance in the colour choices that had been made - but didn’t have all the pieces (and not just because the actual karaoke element of the scene had been cut) - until now! Now it is very clear that wardrobe and ABP have to have been given specific colour instructions about Eddies costume colour - because they needed it to play into the Freddie Mercury concept - the pink suit and the swept back hair, the drag queens - the entire thing was a nod to the great pretender and basically the kicking off of a queer arc for Eddie - now backed up by the 806 scene.
I wrote at the time in my meta about pink being the colour for the season and being a play on innocence and naïveté - which did fit with this scene and Eddie in this scene, but it also felt like it wasn’t the entire answer - with the context of the risky business Eddie scene though - now it is making sense - it is about showing Eddie letting go and being free, but it is also symbolic of Eddie becoming lighter (and no I don’t mean in terms of the fact he seems to only wear half his clothes when he’s in pink!) as he allows his true self to see the sunlight.
It also gives us this very interesting parallel/mirroring - Eddie in Pink - Buck in green - in both scenes - the framing is the same - right down to Eddie drinking his beer!
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Notice how the tone has swapped though - Eddie darker toned in his darker pink shirt while Buck is super pale in the mint green - switched to Eddie in the super pale pink while Buck is in the very dark green. In S7 both are in relationships and they’re all over each other - because it is ‘safe’ to do so - its the most intimate we’ve ever actually scene them (physically I know they’ve metaphorically been closer) Then when they’re both single they’re keeping a foot apart!
The parallel is a really interesting one - this idea that the episode before - in 705 both Buck and Eddie nearly end up single but choose to stay/ pursue relationships that are not the right fit for them - highlighted by this karaoke scene showing who there person actually is - now backed up by the final scene of 806 - reversed colours and all - showing who their person is after both relationships have ended. The light and dark of both scenes plays into who is in the better place in that moment - So Buck was in the best place in 706 while Eddie is in 806. The other aspect of the two scenes is the loud v quiet. Bucks bi arc being a loud and bright colourful affair full of drama etc, while Eddies is taking a more sedate and quiet route - much like the quiet of a scene where they just sit together in silence. This is a reflection of what each needs in those moments - Buck needed the world to accept him and his bisexuality in 706 and in 806 its about Eddie accepting himself. Their journey’s from here on out are the opposite - Buck now needs to sit in the silence and accept himself while Eddie needs the acceptance of the outside world (namely his parents and Chris) they are holding mirrors up to each other and it perfectly highlights their respective personalities and wider journeys. It also reflects the duality of Freddie Mercury himself - a complete showman - confident and full of charisma on stage - off stage however he was, by all accounts a quiet and unassuming but complex man who accepted himself privately but wasn’t able or wiling to share all of himself with the world (as was and is his right).
So the Freddie Mercury parallel that it seems Tim is playing into is very loud and telling and the colour theory is backing it up perfectly so far.
This is a rambling mess - it’s 2:30am and I should be asleep so apologies if it makes zero sense, but I hope it does!
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cantstoptheimagines · 2 years ago
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Eighteen (JJ Maybank | Outer Banks)
Summary — Your life changes for the better after you go against your family’s idea of an ideal boyfriend.
Warnings and Other Tags (Contains a Small Spoiler for the Plot of This Work) ➳ Fake dating; friends to lovers; cursing; mentions of sugar mama antics; physical affection (kissing, hugging, etc.); John B trying his best; Reader’s parents are jerks (trying to set the Reader up with Rafe); matching tattoos (including mentions of needles); Reader is a kook; my new hyperfixation with this show is still shining through.
Notes ➳ Word Count is 3,315, including lyrics. ➳ Reader uses feminine pronouns (she/her) and gets referred to with traditionally feminine nicknames (“princess”, “pretty girl”, and others).  ➳ This is for everyone who voted for JJ on my recent poll. Don’t worry, “Stolen Love” will be coming very soon for those of you who chose John B! 💗 ➳ This is based on “Eighteen” by Anarbor. That song screams JJ Maybank energy! ➳ This work has a visual edit!
FAQ | Masterlist | Fandoms | Requests | Coming Soon | Schedule 
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Eighteen, crazy! Pulled up in your daddy’s car! You wanna move in with me! Guess we're off to a heavy start!
The sound of an approaching car drew JJ’s attention away from his motorbike. The vehicle’s striking red shade made it instantly recognizable. He waved at you with a smile as you stepped out, though it quickly faded at the sour expression on your face.
“What crawled up your ass?” he chuckled.
You rolled your eyes, choosing to ignore his question. You crossed your arms over your chest, and then asked, “Do you think John B would care if I stayed here for a while?” 
JJ’s eyebrows shot up at your question. He glanced at the Château. John B was inside and probably having lunch or taking a midafternoon nap. JJ twirled a wrench he had been holding in his hand as he narrowed his eyes at you. He then placed the wrench back into his tool bag and wiped his hands on a rag.
“Not with an attitude like that.”
You huffed, shoving his shoulder. Despite your bad mood, JJ could make out the remnants of a smile growing on your face. He grinned and began poking at your ribs until it appeared. 
“There you go!” he exclaimed, pinching your cheeks and gently shaking your head from side to side. “Now, tell Papa J what’s wrong.”
“Stop calling yourself that,” you laughed before shoving his hands away.
His grin only widened, “It made you smile though! That’s a win in my book! But seriously, why do you wanna stay at the Château? Get tired of Figure Eight, princess?” 
“More like my parents,” you scoffed. “They tried to push me off onto Rafe Cameron at their stupid business dinner last night—”
“Gross,” interjected JJ.
“I know!” you exclaimed. “Anyway, it’s been non-stop arguing with them since then. Mostly my dad.”
JJ nodded in understanding. He had more issues with his own father than he cared to admit. To you, at least. He didn’t want you to worry too much.
“They want me to date some washed up, rich boy if it means more money in their pockets at the end of day. They’ve been trying to increase their chances of a business deal with Rafe’s dad, Ward,” you continued. “I guess pawning me off to his son was something they thought would get themselves in his good graces.”
“Sounds shitty,” said JJ, once again glancing at the Château. “C’mon, I’ll talk to John B for you. I’m sure he won’t mind. Got any bags in your car?”
Another smile brightened your features. As you nodded, JJ couldn’t help admiring your sudden cheerfulness. He quickly helped collect the few bags you had shoved into the backseat of your car, carrying them into Château as he thought about how to explain your situation to John B.
Should’ve seen this coming from a mile away! I’ll play your game! I know what you want from me! I know what you want from me!
Thankfully, the pogues had a rule about sticking together. Not to mention, John B had always been a good friend to everyone. He had immediately welcomed you into the Château with open arms, even offering you his own bedroom while he took up the couch. You had politely declined, of course, not wanting to overstay your welcome in your new refuge. 
JJ, on the other hand, had been a little more difficult. He refused to let you sleep on the couch, and vice versa, which eventually led to your current situation.
You furrowed your eyebrows, pressing your face into your pillow as quiet snores echoed in your ear. You sent an elbow into JJ’s ribcage. He let out a groan, and muttered, “What?”
“Get off me and stop snoring,” you replied. 
JJ, albeit begrudgingly, complied with your demands. He removed his arms from their position around your torso. The blankets shifted as he rolled over, turning his back to you. 
Within seconds, he was snoring again with the blankets pulled up to his chin and his face squished against his pillow. You rolled your eyes with a smile before trying to rub the sleep from your eyes. 
For the last month or so, ever since you came to live with the boys at the Château, you had been staying in JJ’s room with him. Thankfully, John B hadn’t said anything about how much closer the two of you had become. You probably wouldn’t know how to respond if he did.
Waking up with JJ clinging to you had slowly become a regular occurrence. It was one of the many things that had changed about your friendship since you left Figure Eight. The two of you were much closer, both physically and emotionally.
Your family didn’t know where you were. Either that or they just didn’t want to intentionally come to the Cut, lest their precious reputations be ruined. And, despite their constant ignored messages and phone calls, you had no intention of telling them, especially when they had recently gotten Rafe in on the action.
You could only imagine your father’s face when Rafe told him you had blocked his number. Your parents’ idea of a perfect match, rejected not once, but twice. What a nightmare this must be for them. 
But later that day, as you wandered through the farmers’ market with JJ slowly trailing behind you, poking your sides as you tried to choose some flower seeds. Despite the boys’ hesitations, you were determined to clean up the yard of the Château as a thank-you to John B. 
“Can I at least choose the color?” asked JJ. “ Get forget-me-nots! At least they’re blue! John B and I don’t want the place to look too... frilly.”
You scoffed, “Seriously? Has no one ever given you flowers before?”
“Nope,” he shook his head, “can’t say they have.”
You hummed, giving him a once-over, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“What’s that supposed to—?”
He was interrupted by a voice calling your name. Looking up, your eyes met the surprised gaze of your mother, who stared at you as though she were seeing a ghost.
She stood on the other side of the table, a bag over her shoulder and eyes shielded by an extravagant sunhat. Typical.
“Let’s go, J,” you muttered, quickly grabbing his arm, only for your mother to dart around the table and block your path. 
“Please, wait!” she exclaimed. “I—uh—I miss you! And I’ve been worried sick!”
You scoffed, shaking your head at her, “Yeah, right. I’m sure you’ve just been worried about what the country club thinks about your kid running away. Or have you even told them? Wouldn’t wanna ruin your precious reputation, would we?” 
“Your dad wants to make things right,” she whispered, tears welling, though you couldn’t tell if they were true or for a performance. “Just hear him out, please? Come home for dinner tonight. We want you home again.” 
You felt JJ’s arm escape your grasp. His hand slid up your back, gently rubbing the space between your shoulder blades. His clothes brushed against yours when he moved closer. Only then did your mother seem to notice him. 
Her eyes narrowed in his direction and, for a moment, you could see through her façade. Taking a deep breath, she spoke in a strained voice, “Friend of yours?” 
In an instant, you hatched a plan. Whether JJ would go along with it, you weren’t entirely sure. But maybe he’d be surprised enough to fall in line. 
“Boyfriend, actually,” you smiled.
Her reaction satisfied you. Though you had to ignore the way JJ’s attention suddenly snapped to you, eyes wide and mouth slightly open in shock. Your mother’s reaction was similar, although you could see disgust flaring within her. More than her bewilderment anyway.
Her jaw clenched. Her eyes slowly raked over JJ, whose hand had moved to tightly grasp your shoulder, silently asking the only question that was running through his mind. What the hell are you doing?
Taking advantage of your mother’s silence, you feigned innocence, “You know what? I think I will come over tonight. I’ll even bring JJ along.” 
JJ practically choked on air. His grip on you tightened even more. His fingertips dug into your skin and his hand shook under your mother’s gaze. Her eyes were burning with an internal fury.
After a moment, she took another deep breath, “I will let your father know then. See you tonight.” 
She scurried away. If she had a tail, it would be between her legs. The thought of such a thing made your smile widen. It wasn’t until JJ suddenly grabbed your wrist that your focus was brought back to him.
His blue eyes appeared as though they would pop out of his head at any second. Slowly, his lip curled, “We gotta talk.” 
You know I’m broke, so you pulled out your daddy’s card! I drink, I smoke, you ate it up from the very start!
Ever since the two of you got back to the Château, the house had been filled with nothing but interrupted sentences, conditions, denials, and partial agreements as you tried to come to a compromise with JJ. Though it didn’t take him long to agree to being your fake boyfriend for your parents’ dinner, the two of you were still working out your respective terms and conditions.
Meanwhile, John B sat in silence, slowly eating a bowl of cereal, as his eyes repeatedly shifted between his two best friends. You sat to his right while JJ took up the chair to his left, sitting directly across from one another at the kitchen table. That gave John B a chance to enjoy the show. And he had been doing so for at least an hour and a half, according to his watch.
“I get to touch your butt at least once—”
“You do that anyway, perv—!”
“I do not!” glared JJ, crossing his arms over his chest when you gave him a look of disbelief. “What about a hand in the back pocket?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, kissed your teeth, and then sighed, “Fine! One time.”
JJ pointed at you with a grin, “In front of your dad.”
“Don’t push it,” you said. “But if you get to do that, I get to choose what shirt you’re wearing!” 
“Shit,” he muttered, groaning loudly as he thought it over. “Alright, okay! I get to throw something extra in to really piss ‘em off though. And you have to sugar mama me so I can pay for it! And you can’t know what it is until tonight!”
“Only if you lend me your good surfboard for tomorrow’s swell,” you replied. “Not that shitty one you gave me last time.”
“Deal,” smiled JJ, holding out his hand for you to shake, which you did. “Pass over the credit card, pretty girl.” 
You rolled your eyes at him. He quickly snatched it from your hand after it appeared out of your back pocket, grinning mischievously as he said, “Thank you! See ya tonight!”
As he darted out the door of the Château with your father’s credit card in hand, you turned to John B, and asked, “Should I be worried?”
“Oh!” he scoffed. “More than you’ve ever been!” 
He smirked upon hearing you let out a loud groan. Your forehead then thump!-ed against the kitchen table as you allowed your head to fall forward, thinking about what nefarious plan JJ could possibly have up his sleeve.
So if you wanna piss off your parents, date me to scare them, show them you’re all grown up!
You anxiously paced in front of your parents’ house, searching for any sign of JJ. He was late, which, to be quite honest, you weren’t sure if you were disappointed or impressed by. You could only imagine the smirks on your parents’ faces inside the house, probably expecting you to concede to their ideas about Rafe.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, a red and blue dirt bike tore into the front yard. JJ grinned when he came to a stop, looking over his shoulder to see how much damage he had done to the yard. Your mother’s flowers were destroyed and mud had been ripped up and strewn about your father’s freshly cut lawn.
He approached you with a smile, slipping the credit card he had borrowed earlier into your back pocket. He then patted your waist with a wink, “Ready for this, babe?”
You snorted, rolling your eyes at him, “As I can be.”
“Let’s get this show on the road then!” he grinned.
You blinked in surprise when he suddenly began pounding on the front door of the house with his fist. You chuckled when he winked at you again. You couldn’t stop yourself from admiring his appearance.
Per your agreement, you had chosen his shirt. A deep green cut off that you thought brought out his eyes, but knew your parents would hate no matter what. The rest of his outfit was all JJ though. His usual pair of thick workers’ boots, some cargo shorts, and his favorite red and grey hat, which sat backwards on his head.
It wasn’t long before the door was yanked open. In front of you stood your father. His eyes twitched in irritation and he sneered as his gaze trailed over JJ’s appearance. He then turned away without a word, not even bothering to greet either of you.
With wide eyes, JJ looked at you with a sarcastic grin, “We’re off to a great start, aren’t we?”
If blond hair and tattoos are what attract you, baby, then you’re in luck!
“So,” your mother began, “what does JJ do for work?”
For what felt like the millionth time, you raised your eyebrows at her, “Why are you asking me? Talk to him. I’m sure he’ll be glad to tell you.” 
And again, she looked shaken by the very thought of speaking to a pogue. She had yet to address him directly, choosing to ask you about him instead. She obviously preferred to treat him as though he wasn’t in her presence at all.
Meanwhile, your father had done nothing but glare at JJ the entire night, especially when JJ had very obviously groped your behind like the two of you had agreed. Right after JJ had given him a high-five instead of a handshake, all with a wide, arrogant smirk on his face. 
“I mow lawns and stuff sometimes,” said JJ, shoveling some spaghetti into his mouth with a loud slurp, almost making you fall apart with laughter at the sight of your parents’ disgusted expressions. “I’m a busboy too.”
You heard your mother take a deep breath. Her hand gripped her fork so hard you thought the metal might snap in two.
“Any tattoos?” she asked, still speaking to you rather than him. “You know how I feel about—”
“Oh!” interrupted JJ. “I’ve got one, but I’ve been thinking about getting more!”
Even you looked at him in surprise that time. You never knew JJ had a tattoo, especially since he had never mentioned it or shown it off. You watched as he stood up from his chair with a mischievous smile. 
It was a bad decision to take a drink of your water at that moment. You choked on your drink as JJ lifted the bottom of his shirt and slightly tugged down the waistband of his cargo shorts.
There, on his right hip, written black ink and a beautiful font, was your name. It still had the protective, clear wrap on top of it and his skin was slightly red around the edges of the ink, meaning he must have just gotten the tattoo recently.
Your mind flashed back to the moment he’d asked for your credit card, claiming you’d see his surprise during dinner. This must have been what he was talking about.
Your hands flew to cover your mouth as you stared at the tattoo. Sure, JJ had always been a wild card, totally unpredictable, but this was something else entirely. As your father’s chair suddenly scraped loudly against the floor and his stomps echoed behind him as he left the room, your mother’s silverware clattered onto the floor. She looked like she would be sick if JJ continued showing off his new ink any longer.
With a smile and a quiet laugh, JJ glanced at the tattoo before his eyes met yours. They twinkled with an emotion you couldn’t pin down. His blue eyes sent chills down your spine, though they weren’t out of fear. In fact, you were certain that they did so out of excitement instead.
Finally, he decided to speak, “Pretty cool, right?”
And I know it’s just a phase! You’re not in love with me! You wanna piss off your parents, baby! Piss off your parents, that’s alright with me!
Sprawled out on JJ’s sheets, you stared at the ceiling of his room. He had been mindlessly scrolling on his phone next to you since the two of you got back from dinner with your parents, who both agreed you were no longer welcome until you ‘came to your senses’.
“How much was it?”
JJ hummed, furrowing his eyebrows at you. He turned off his phone and rolled onto his side to look at you. When you did the same, you repeated your question, “How much was the tattoo?”
He huffed, “Don’t worry about it.” 
“So you’re never going to tell me?”
“Nope! And you’re not allowed to look at your dad’s bank statement to find out!”
You bit your lip, trying to hide a smile, “He’s gonna be pissed.”
“That was kinda my job,” he whispered, as though you didn’t know that, “and I think I did it pretty well, don’t you?” 
“I suppose so,” you laughed quietly. “Don’t expect too much sugar mama money anymore though. I have a feeling they’ll cut the allowance they add onto my card each month. All I’ll have is my paycheck from the Wreck soon.”
“With that, my money from the club on Figure Eight, and John B’s, we should be okay,” he shrugged, before giving you a mean smirk. “Just means I’ll have to put up with you as a roommate for way longer than I wanted to.”
He laughed when you punched him in the shoulder. He quickly grabbed your wrist and tugged you closer, “Is that any way to treat your boyfriend?”
Now, leaning over top of him, you paused. JJ’s fingers ran back and forth over your wrist, helping you keep your balance with a hand on your waist. He looked up at you, eyes softening as they examined your features. 
“Before they cut me off,” you muttered, “I wanna give you some flowers tomorrow.”
JJ furrowed his eyebrows, unsure of why you were bringing up your conversation at the farmers’ market. That is, until your free hand gently caressed over his hip, where, just beneath his shirt, your name lay engraved into his skin. And a smile grew on his face at the thought.
And I know it's just a phase! You’re not in love with me! And I know it’s just a phase! You’re not in love with me!
JJ held onto your hand, gently caressing your knuckles with the pad of his thumb as you winced at the feeling of the tattoo needle against your skin.
Your left hip was being decorated with JJ’s name, along with a small bundle of forget-me-nots. He had already gotten an identical copy of the flowers added in the space next to his own tattoo.
He leaned down, pressing a series of kisses against your forehead, “So does this mean we’re actually a couple now?”
“We better be.”
You wanna piss off your parents, baby! Piss off your parents, that’s alright with me!
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solar-tl-27 · 1 year ago
Whoah I’m posting
All by myself ??
Woah woah woah woah! I am here to show SOME art!
A while ago the announcement of the next pokemon game came out! And with my favorite region returning there was only one thing I could possibly do!
Hyperfixate on my own oc lore in the Pokémon universe so much that once again i’ll only be disappointed by the game in the end lol. So…. Let’s talk about them!
This will be a collection of some of my older art to finally end up on the most recent art i just finished so if u don’t care about Pokémon plz scroll down and appreciate my art ( ToT )
Ok so! I always make original characters to be my protagonist is Pokémon games so when x& y came out i created a character named colette
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A woman in her mid 20’s that I totally 100% didn’t oc x canon ship with the villain (i did)
A looong time skip later pokemon sword shield came out which led to the continuation of the colette storyline!
With her daughter Pandora and her friends! Causing the creation of joshua & sapphire (the original image is definitely created with bases so credit to pokemon for the original art & selenaede for the bases)
(Draft didn’t save here so aha sob)
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They have been through several versions since then, all slightly different over time
You had pandora: a smart and elegant young girl and the protagonist
Joshua: the nerdy one but also the one that helps everyone no matter what
Saphie: the one who likes cute things and fashion
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They were pretty basic characters and evolved but this is theee base line of their characters up until their last design
Just 3 teens on an adventure
Timeee skip babyyy the return of Colette’s home means i wanna drag her daughter there!
The teens are now young adults! Trying to figure out what they wanna do in life and i can FINALLY MAKE BIG CHANGES TO SOME OF THEM
Let’s goo!
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Their outfits are loosely based on the pokemon xyz legendary Pokémon but i also wanted them to be able to stand on their own!
They are now young adults trying to figure out what they want to do with their life and having a change of scenery so
Let’s get into it!
Saphie’s finally got his cute accessories back!! He’s finally got a cutesy outfit which suits his style and iiii finally got rid of the side shave going for a complete adorable vibe for him instead. With bows, beads and a new cute hairstyle he’s finally ascended to adorable! He’s easily home sick and going with his friends on this journey sure is a big change. Someone who’s unsure of his future but knows he always has his friends to rely on!
Joshua is definitely still the nerdy one, he’s got the clearest vision of what he wants his life to be, not always understanding his friends but always trying to be supportive. His style is definitely the one that changed over time, leaving the nerdy studious look behind to try something new!
His friends definitely chose this outfit for him and it’s actually the closest he’s been to his oc predecessor as he was actually recycled. Sadly that art has been lost to type but, before he was joshua from this group he was joshua a character who was definitely a lot more edgy and artistic. I wanted to bring that back with this design and I personally think i did his original design justice.
Pandora always changes the least, her design has always been clear to me in ways but i did want to try new things. Finally deciding i cant choose between the 2 eye colors she’s had I decided i don’t have to choose SO I JUST GAVE HER BOTH. Putting her into something that’s just her style but also trying different colors she’s now more confident and determined, she’s on this journey to learn more about her family and try to choose what direction to take her life in.
Proud to see her friends figure out who they are but also sometimes feels like depending on what choices she makes could have them drift apart. Having to remind herself to have fun on the trip as well she’s probably the one who’s choices will make the biggest difference in what her life will end up being. A true protagonist with issues to deal with and secrets to uncover!
Thank u forrr looking at my little art post!
Now! I have a secret for all my winx people
Guess who’s back in the building again teehee
Ok bye bye!
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whomstress · 1 year ago
Heme no jax (A song for Jax)
First Crush Human au BunnyDoll Fic I promised with the poll on Tumblr!I've been practicing Hula dancing and learning more about Pacific Islander culture and LOVE this video and how the professional hula dancer in this moves. It's just so graceful and beautiful. And the tradition and heart that goes into it really inspired me.
SO I based my obsession of this amazing dance on my current hyperfixation lol. It's short so you can watch it or not but just know that Ragatha is pretty much dancing the same as the woman in the video and she is singing the song in it.
This very much a passion project fic so I hope you guys like it.
It was a beach day again. Caine tried not to do the same thing every day, but of all the time he’s been here, there have been a handful of days by the water. Usually by the lake, but on a rare occasion he’d heard from Ragatha, he’d take them to a room he made. A beach that only reached about a mile around in a circle. Sand, cocunut trees, and the ocean included.
Rolling his eyes, he lazily lays in a hammock under the sun with his hands behind his head and watches the others from behind. It’s been a while since he got some serious sun, and his skin was starting to look more purple than brown, which always rubbed him wrong way. They were all granted bathing suits, and they got to choose, for the most part. He chose to avoid it all together, changing into a purple hoodie and yellow swim shorts. He may be the most attractive one here, but he also had to be humble that way. He couldn’t help but chuckle at his own sarcastic thought.
He looked around at the others, as most of them played in the water. Kinger was building himself an actual sand castle to hide in, while Gangle helped him with her comedy mask intact for once. As much as he hated it, the old man actually had a good body. How did the guy always bend over, like a question mark, and have abs? Gangle, of course, was boring as hell and also sporting a jacket, but it had little cat ears and cat paws to cover her hands. She was hanging out with Ragatha as she went over her encyclopedia of ocean knowledge. As someone actually forced to have stupid animal ears come out of his head. The cutsie jacker made his eyes roll so back in his head that he actually saw black for a moment.
Ragtha, of course, had to be wearing some kind of traditional hula outfit. Cheater. That wasn't in his options. It was a long red dress with many folds that looked fluffy but sturdy at the same time and swayed with every move she made and, whatever that leafy hula hat thing was called on her head. He made a joke about weren’t hula girls supposed to wear coconut bras and grass skirts with a wink, but instead of getting flustered, she gave him a 5-point lecture that he once again only half listened to.
Ever since Caine let them know they were going to the beach Ragatha had practically been vibrating in place from excitement. He never quite paid attention to what she was saying when she’d gush about going to the beach, but since she told everyone and their mother too, he happened to pick up that one of the few things she remembered all this time was her being Hawaiian and having a deep appreciation and “heart” with the ocean. Whatever the hell that meant.
Jax understood her, kind of. One of the few things he also remembered, though he rarely spoke it out loud, was thinking in Spanish as much as English and the food he grew up with. He didn’t like speaking about, and he liked to be left alone about his past.
Not that he’d ever admit they had something in common. Her chipper attitude did get on his nerves at times, but over the years, he’d been there with the variety of characters he’d cycled through. He’d rather have her stick with him this long than anyone else. Kinger was fun to mess with, but he was also so out of it most of the time that his insults and jokes went straight over his head. When Gangle lasted longer than most, she became a new target as well.
There was always something different about Ragatha, though, that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He didn’t like to dwell on it too much, but he did learn when her smiles were fake and rarely true. Though he stayed mostly to himself today, Jax caught himself staring at Ragatha more often than normal. Not that he usually stares, but it was just that her smile was brighter than the damn sun today.
It was… weird.
And it made him feel weird. She’d directed her smile straight to him at times and beckoned him to come over to them as if she genuinely wanted his company for once. He refused every time but something uncomfortable would stir in his chest, seeing her smile fade for a moment like she was upset, he wouldn’t spend time with her. He decided he wouldn’t even entertain a thought of what that could mean, and even with the blazing sun, he forced himself into a sleep. A habit he unfortunately had to learn to do.
He slept in what could only be described as a gentle nightmare. It was the first time he broke down when he got there. The memory of that awful day and all the feelings that came with the realization that he couldn’t leave. He'd tried so many things to get out. But on that horrible, horrible day, he had a nightmare about what happened after running out of options to escape. Everyone was a monster to him, believing they weren’t real. He even threatened Ragatha with a knife he found, but she showed him he couldn’t get a cut on her, and he broke.
This is usually where his nightmare ends, but today he remembered what happened next. As everyone else backed away from his downward spiral, whispering something about "abstraction,” she walked forward. He tried to threaten her again, but she just kept coming. She tried to touch him, but he wouldn’t let her, and when he thought he was at his bottom, he heard a beautiful voice. It was gentle and calm, and even with his hiccups and heavy breaths, he could hear her through it. He listens distantly and slowly focuses. He doesn’t know when he starts to calm, but he’s mesmerized by the voice. It’s in a language he doesn’t know, but it doesn’t matter because his breath begins to even out and his head finally starts to clear. He doesn’t know how many times she’s sang the whole song, but it’s enough times he starts to notice the sounds of the first lyrics when she starts over.
Jax doesn’t know her name, but part of him coming down from his terrible high is taking in every bit of her face. Her eyes were closed, but she looked like a doll. Her frizzy red curls looked like they were soft as yarn, and her skin looked plush. He focused on her mouth and her slightly pink lips as they formed beautifully around her song. Something like a chill comes over him when she slowly opens her red and blue eyes and gently smiles at him. “Are you okay?”
He doesn't answer, but says, “One more time.” He’d never ask again; this is the only time anyone here would see him like this, including her. He says it all in his eyes, and without a word, she nods, starting over.
Jax closes his eyes and waits for the soothing feeling to come over him one more time.
“O Kalākaua he inoa
'O Ka pua mae'ole i ka lā”
His eyes snap open, and he searches for the sound to make sure he hasn’t lost it. It’s sunset, and his vision takes a hit from accidentally looking directly into the sun. As his vision clears, he finds Ragatha dancing on the beach, singing the same song she sang to him years ago. And all of a sudden, he’s back. Back to that day, back to that moment, where he is mesmerized by every one of Ragatha’s gentle moves and sounds.
“Ka pua maila i ka mauna
I ke kuahiwi 'o Mauna Kea”
The way she moves her body almost completely matches the waves behind her, as if she and the sea are dancing together. The movements are so fluid and blend together so effortlessly that it makes it seem easy, but from spying on her trying to teach Gangle earlier, he knows it's anything but. Her dress flows when she spins like a halo around her body.
“Ke 'ā maila i Kīlauea
Mālamalama i Wahinekapu”
Dancing always seemed like a waste of time to him, but watching her movements as captivating as her song, he finally understood why it was a profession. How can someone invoke such beauty and emotion with such a simple melody and sway of the body?
“A ka luna o Uwēkahuna
I ka pali kapu o Ka'auea”
And her song. so kind to the ears. It wasn’t just him. Even Kinger was completely still for once, allowing everyone to lull into a comfort they no longer had the luxury of.
“Ea mai ke ali'i kia manu
Ua wehi i ka hulu o ka mamo”
Anyone could fall asleep to Ragatha like this.
“Ka pua nani a'o Hawai'i
'O Kalākaua he inoa”
He wanted to fall asleep with Ragatha like this.
“He Inoa No Kalani Kalākaua Kulele”
Finally, she finishes with a strong movement, just slightly out of breath, and silence lets the moment of tranquility last a little longer before Cain sets off a confetti cannon, scaring everyone half to death and inviting them to a dinner. Coming back to earth Gangle and Kinger rush to her side, giving her compliments galore, and he watches her as she tries to stay as humble as possible while also showing appreciation for their compliments.
Ragatha is so distracted she doesn’t notice Jax had come closer when Kinger and Gangle started to move toward the feast. She saw him from the corner of her eye and turned to him with a teasing smile to ask, “So what did you..." She paused at the intensity of his eyes and asked, “think?”
Jax stays steps closer, her tan skin glowing with a golden light from the sunset, making her look like an angel in the light. She shuffles a little, uncomfortable under his powerful stare, her face starting to flush pink. She tries to joke, “Was it that bad?”
“What do I think?” He moves closer into her space, and she moves back just a mini step suddenly realizing how much taller he is than her. He looks at her face over like he's trying to memorize what she looked like before slowly moving to her eyes. “Do you really want to know?"
She pauses moment and then nods. Her mouth is slightly parted and he's watching her reaction when his hand moves closer. He brushes a loose curl behind her ear before dragging her fingertips softly across her cheek, making her shiver. One finger reaches her lips and he places the slightest pressure as if testing the feel agaist his skin, and she gasps. "I think," He pauses holding her in anticipation and moves in just an inch closer, but she feels like there’s no space left between them. He looks up back to her face a in a deep blush and hooded eyes and smirks just the slightest bit in pride, moving so he can whisper in her ear, “You're weird.”’
She blinks not registering anything but his hot breath against her ear when he snaps back with a with a wicked smirk and lazily walks away with his hands behind his head. “You coming, or what dollface? I’m starving!”
She’s left there light-headed and breath still caught in her chest, and it takes a moment to compose herself and her flustered nerves. What was he doing? He had never acted like this before, she questioned herself. But what she doesn’t know is that he was asking himself the same thing.
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bitchapalooza · 2 years ago
Can I like. Gush about Rome and my Rome headcanons please? Okay thanks :)
I love him so much and I love that he’s a loving grandfather— but I also love to think of him being an entitled dick because honestly of course he’d be an entitled dick. He was is the Roman Empire. A dominating power of his time. He is going to have an ego bigger than England at his height of power and modern America combined. But god I’d be lying if I said I loved him any less— and no, it’s not because of my Roman History hyperfixation bias! Totally not! 👀
But fr, Rome is an interesting character if you really apply his real history and culture in tandem with his canon character and I love it so much(take a shot every time I say love)—
You’ve got this loving grandfather, who does show favoritism for the younger of his grandsons. He’s a strong guy. A feared man. An absolute brute on the battlefield— but that’s really all that was going for him, besides his genuine kindness that came in waves really, because in truth, like any other empire or even modern nations, he was motivated not by achievement for the greater good but by greed, by selfish conquests. A big dick competition with the rest of the world. He was, in his heart, just an old xenophobic fart looking to expand his empire until it all came apart and fell.
Ancient Romans valued clean shaven faces over bushy beards. Shaving was a sign of cleanliness, which further cemented their belief of the early Germanics and many other outsiders as barbarians. They had facial hair. They were messy. They didn’t take care of themselves like they, the Romans, did. Although this, at its very core, fashion trend did fluctuate throughout its time, it is fairly evident shaving is a core Roman trait. And so, Rome being depicted in canon to have a beard or simple stubble is really interesting to me.
Being the Roman Empire he’d need to look his best at all times. Not only to look better than his enemies so they or others don’t look down on him but because he was essentially a nobleman, too. So I think he took meticulous care in his physical appearance. But later on in his reign, when things were falling apart within the empire marching towards his eventual death, he began to let himself go. Although he didn’t really pay much attention to this, others did, his citizens I mean. And they interpreted it as him going through a crisis, a direct reflection of what was going on at the time. By the time he died, his hair was messier, obviously zero attempts made at grooming it. His beard short and shaggy. And he didn’t care. Or possibly notice. Whether this was intentional character design or not, it’s still really great visual storytelling no matter which conclusion you draw.
Now for his human alias…
Romulus is a very common name I see used for him, meaning Citizen Of Rome. But it feels too obvious of a choice? It is a nice choice, naming him after the first king of Rome, Romulus, but it doesn’t tell us much about the character himself. So I picked—
Gaius Marcellus Priscus
I chose his praenomen and nomen as if he had picked them out - Gaius, a fairly common praenomen, meaning To Rejoice. I think he'd choose this name because of its positive meaning. It’s just coincidence that it happened to become a commonly used name.
His nomen, Marcellus, means Young Warrior, which he picked out for obvious reasons— to brag to others that yes he is a warrior. And later on, he’d probably try to hold that Young part of the name up high; something just tells me he’s the type of guy to lie about his age as well as hide it.
As for his cognomen, Priscus, he of course did not choose this name. Cognomen are basically nicknames(sometimes passed down from father to son). Something used to describe the person, usually physical attributes or place of origin. Priscus means Very Ancient, so l imagine his soldiers had given him this name in a light hearted joke of some kind, but still very respectful too.
So together, Gaius Marcellus Priscus could tell a person what this man is like without much conversation— well his surface personality that is.
Okay I’m done, I have to go back to work 😔(and think about Rome some more haha 😈)
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schizodiaries · 1 year ago
i didn’t choose the hyperfixation, the hyperfixation chose me
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thespaceyace · 1 year ago
The Larryboy Saga as comic book covers 🪠
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Will be adding onto this post if I make more
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night-crawler08 · 1 year ago
Haunted Mansion movie 2023 Rant
You know sometimes you have to watch a fashion analysis video about the new haunted mansion movie to really respark your thoughts about it.
now I’m sure this is a very niche thing, but I don’t care and you WILL be hearing what I have to say about this movie as someone who has been hyperfixated on this silly little ride and it’s lore for the past two-ish years. I’m by no means an expert on it and haven’t watched the movie since it was in the theatres, these are just my opinions but stiiiiilll.
anyways, I’d like to say first that I think the actual mansion part(the most important part of any Haunted Mansion movie) was done well. From *most* of the ghost, to the look outside, and the attic. And the character design and outfits were gorgeous especially Lakeith Stanfield’s character. Also I’m happy with all of the little nods to the ride and imagineers that worked on it! It’s clear the writers knew a lot about the ride and worked with it!
anyway now to the stuff I didn’t like, starting off with the biggest one being the Hatbox Ghost. Look I know there’s no like-main ghost person or focus on the ride, but of all the antagonists you could have chose(which I’m not sure I’m even a fan of the fact that they had a specific one) you chose???the hatbox???ghost????? Don’t get me wrong I know he’s important and all the stuff with his animatronic and history are fascinating, but like-you wanted a specific villain, and you looked at Master Gracey and the Ghost Host and I guess you could even consider Phantom Manor here, and especially you looked at CONSTANCE AND THOUGHT HMMMMM I THINK THE HATBOX GHOST should be the main baddy
Also to add on to that, Jared Leto.
I won’t be elaborating that’s all I need to say.
SPEAKING OF CONSTANCE, she didn’t have enough screentime(okay for her part in the story she was there enough but as a die-hard Constance lover there can NEVER be enough), also once again if you really needed a specific *bad* haunt why not choose her? She’s like the most obvious choice in terms of backstory and she’s like just so cool and scary, you have a perfectly amazing axe wielding bride, AND YOU CHOOSE JARED LETO, she could’ve even had her lore expanded on or delved into, and you could’ve even went into if she had any part in why the Hatbox Ghost is well-headless I would’ve loved to see that touched on(which again isn’t very important I just want more love and attention for my GIRL)
Another thing is our main human cast in this film. I loved the actor choices, and outfits and scenery and everything, but my god was the dialogue and character growth bad-which once again isn’t the most important part in a haunted mansion movie but still it irked me.
with such an amazing cast, you did them sooo dirty. It felt like watching one of those sketches where people are making fun of Marvel movies, like “he’s riiiight behind me isn’t he” type of thing😭 it’s just too light hearted of a thing of what I’d want from a Haunted Mansion movie and too much humor for what it called for, I’m not saying make it dead serious just like use the Disney channel humor in moderation at least.
also the romantic build up for Ben and Harriet was like non-existent I feel like, and while it’s not necessary in my opinion for the romance, I’d still like it to be feeling plausible and for me to root for them in some way, but it’s a modern day Disney movie what should I even expect.
There’s not as much love put into it, and it feels too sterile of a movie than what it could have been, but once again my opinion.
that’s all I’ll say on it for now, maybe I’ll edit it more later but yeah, those are my main grievances with it.
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sapphirehearteyes · 2 years ago
I didn’t choose the hyperfixation, the hyperfixation chose me
Finding a new favorite fictional character is like, will you be temporary or will you become a permanent part of my personality for the next 10 years?
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shut-up-merlin · 4 years ago
Me last year: Oh hey look a new hyperfixation. Alright let’s go crazy about Merthur for a week or two.
Me now: *sighs and reblogs her 13,025th merthur post*
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cithaerons · 4 years ago
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sljdlsjdks i know but......... Virgilio.......... i’m Love Him........ i also secretly haven’t read the aeneid since a hellishly stessful semester in 2016 so i need a refresher
but the cilippatikaram looks great too hdksjrke i’m definitely putting that one on my list
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guzmagang · 3 years ago
Hello! I found your page due to the Guzma head canons. He's become my hyperfixation as of late, as such I was wondering if you had any other headcanons you wanted to share?
Yeah, sure, I need to get back into writing. Also i need a distraction for my own mental wellbeing ahahhahahahah help. 
Guzma strikes me as the partner who will willingly listen to any music you’re into and with you and not make any comments about it but is secretly judging and half-way psychoanalyzing. 
He’s pretty handsy and unabashed; if you have any family who makes underhanded comments about you around him, he becomes much more crass and possessive. He will make sure it’s known that 1- you are his, so fuck off with that shit and 2- you chose him. You did not choose them. They’re stuck with both of you and he will make it hell for them for his entertainment. 
Guzma 100% eats like the Single Straight Man™ stereotype whether or not he is or is not straight; his breakfast is a weirdly toasted piece of bread and dinner is a frozen pizza topped with random shit he threw on. 
ON that note, if you cook for him/order higher quality food/ literally anything else, he’s so far gone; this man is chest deep into this relationship and he just fell for you. 
[ I just had a thought as I am writing this of Guzma hearing literally any song from “The Normal Album” and being legitimately wildly concerned. ]
Can and will fight any shitty person who is now removed from your life; ex, ex friend, shitty family, he will undo all of his therapy. 
Guzma is wildy crass at times, but when it comes to you, he’ll ask you rather intimate things with such maturity; asking you about your past relationships, if anything bad happened, why it didn’t work out and such, and will handle it with a lot of mercy and maturity. 
Give him some sort of gentle thing to stimulate him; let him pet a soft pokemon, comb a pokemon, brush your hair, attempt to braid your hair- just give him something soft and it’ll soothe him a lot if he’s feeling restless or trapped. 
If he didn’t live in a naturally humid and salty environment, his hair would not be nearly as floofy. Fluffy, yes, but not a swablu. Fucker got italian hair fr fr 
Guzma is obviously not particularly an academic, but he also doesn’t like to be seen as a stupid fuck-up; if you went to college or any sort of higher education, he’ll ask you to show him any of your notes from that and explain the concepts to him. He’s not the greatest at it, but now he understands how a pathogen works! 
He isn’t particularly entranced with reading, but he’ll definitely do it as a non-violent non-traumatizing form of entertainment. 
Has no fuvkin clue how a fountain pen works. None. 
If you have a hyperfixation/special interest to talk about, he will absolutely listen to you talk about it and such; no, he has no idea what you’re talking about. Yes, please keep on talking. 
Embroidery is the same fountain pen conundrum. 
Will grasp onto very random academic concepts; he knows there was an industrial revolution which led to the mass production of art equipment and technologies that revolutionized the art world and how artists worked, sparking the first movement away from the French academy of art. No he doesn’t know what impressionism is. Yes they are the same thing. 
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