#I did this meme once with Billy
plistommy · 4 days
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Steve’s favorite things to drive ride
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justplainsalty · 1 year
Tedbecca, Battlestar Galactica AU 💀
Just so everyone has context, this one is a rubber band back to me. It is my fault. And now I'm having to eat crow.
Rebecca Welton is the relatively new commander of the Battlestar Richmond, an old and creaky ship that hadn't won any battles in almost as long as she'd been alive, possibly longer. She was the ship's XO for years, under her longtime-ex-husband Rupert, until he was caught sleeping with an NCO on the flight deck and court martialed back to Caprica. Now she's faced with taking over command of a ship where every crewman was highly loyal to Commander Mannion, and she must prove herself out of his shadow. The negative press attention on her since Rupert's arrest has not helped boost her crew's opinion of her. Her new XO, Higgins, suggests accepting President Adar's request to send a PR team up to the ship to film an on-ship pyramid match between command staff and NCOs and boost morale. President Adar has been pushing a multi-pronged initiative to "sanitize" (or in Fleeters' opinions, sterilize and castrate) the Fleet forces for years; Rebecca is the unlucky commander who is forced to accept it this PR move, but it doesn't mean she has to be happy about it.
Ted Lasso is the current Secretary for Culture and Sport within the New Caprican government; he is currently 45th in line for the presidency. Ted is never without his shadow, Coach Beard, the Under-Secretary for Sport. There are questions about how Ted and Beard rose to their positions, debates whether it was a good ol' boy backroom deal, or something more scandalous. After all, Ted has no real government experience on his resumé: prior to his role on President Adar's campaign staff, and then his role as Secretary, Ted was best known for coaching university-level pyramid. Everyone who has worked with Ted understands why he is a good leader and policy-maker; to everyone outside the room where it happened, the choice could not be more opaque. Adar asks Ted to attend the pyramid match with the PR team in order to ensure its smooth execution and diffuse any conflicts that arise.
Nathan Shelley is an intern with the Department of Defense, in the department responsible for the maintenance of the planetary defense mainframe. His girlfriend, Bex, works for a defense contractor. Nathan wasn't supposed to, but he let Bex have some access to the mainframe, so she could scope out some specs and look good for her bosses when they put a bid in for the latest contract. And then she asked if he could get her access to the software the Colonial Fleet was writing to update all the newest ships, and Nate wanted to impress her, so he did. Nate didn't want to ask too many questions -- he was too grateful that someone like Bex was with someone like him in the first place.
And then the cylons attack.
Suddenly, these disparate paths converge, as Rebecca is faced with a fight for her life from the outside, a fight for control of her ship from within, and a fight for the future of humanity from the teeth-grindingly jovial sports coach-turned-president who doesn't seem to understand just how dire their situation is. And what kind of a person says, "We have to get out there and start making babies!" with a straight face, anyway?
Keeley Jones, Tactics Officer
Dr. Sharon Fieldstone, Chief Medical Officer
Trent Crimm, independent journalist-turned-quorum representative and general thorn in Ted’s side (although with plenty of mutual respect)
Pilots: Roy Kent, Jamie Tartt, Sam Obisanya, Isaac McAdoo, Colin Hughes, Dani Rojas, Richard Montlaur, Thierry Zoreaux, Jan Maas, Moe Bumbercatch
Bex, cylon number 6
Leave an AU and a pairing in my ask and I’ll give you the plot of the fic I won’t write for it.
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steddielicious · 1 month
Stupid little headcanons I wanted to share
These may or may not have been influenced by the thousands of fics I’ve read and since incorporated into my standard headcanon. 
Lucas and Dustin have clocked Byler since they were ten. In their attempts to be the Best Allies Ever, their secret first kisses are with each other, where it’s clearly established that neither of them like boys. 
Robin and Steve shower together and help exfoliate/moisturize each other’s backs. 
Wayne is gay. 
Joyce is bi, which Hopper knows and supports. 
Max and Lucas fight over who gets to be the little spoon. 
Mike feels such immense guilt about his feelings for Will (his ex’s brother), that he comes across as homophobic, in that he’s Very Uncomfortable whenever the topic of queerness comes up. 
Nancy and Jonathan eventually get to a comfort level in their relationship that they realize they love when she pegs him. 
Will, El, and Max have their own little trio (once the Hopper-Byers tribe moves back to Hawkins). Max and El are fully aware that Will is in love with Mike and question him on his taste, but are the staunchest Allies. 
Steve and Tommy were each other's first kisses, but lie and tell everyone that Carol was for both of them.
Will, El, and Max also have been stealing weed from Jonathan and Argyle since they found out that it quiets the Upside Downies (aka anxiety, depression, memories of possession, etc.)
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin are firmly in the camp of freshman/sophomores who try their hardest to drink beer because it’s cool, but hate the flavour. (Lucas secretly likes the flavour of beer; he just doesn’t like being drunk.)
Chrissy survives and is very gay and repressed, in dire need of Robin to come expand her mind. 
Billy was some sort of queer and did not take it well. Neither did Neil, when he found out, and that’s the real reason they left California. 
Steve is an excellent baker. 
Eddie is secretly a massive hockey fan and a decent skater, but hides it from the Party since he doesn’t want to be a hypocrite about pucks and sideways laundry baskets. 
Erica has a crush on Dustin and will never admit it. 
The Neverending Story theme song always makes Hopper choke up. When he was in Russia, he’d hum it to himself in memory of everyone working together, so he’s got heavy emotional ties to it. 
Under his clothes, Eddie’s body is a sleeker version of the (very modern) Damiano David, especially because of the mix of gorgeous and shit and meme tattoos. 
Steve becomes a firefighter and eventual fire chief of Hawkins, while Eddie opens his own tattoo shop that has a secret queer lit backroom library. 
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thestalwartheart · 5 months
Prompt fill for @ithinkthereforiamfandom who gave me a bunch of prompts from the soft fic prompt meme. I went with 'slow dancing.'
Read below or on AO3. Comments/kudos/reblog tags are much appreciated 💖
“Now, with your right—no, right—” With a huff and a laugh, Bond stopped moving.
“Shit. Sorry.”
Bond looked down to see scuffs on his shoes from several encounters with Q’s two left feet. He would have been more annoyed about that, but it was hard to be in a bad mood when the Quartermaster’s hair was in wild disarray and he was flushed pink from embarrassment. He looked, for all intents and purposes, like he was on the better side of a lazy afternoon shag.
“This is hopeless, isn’t it?” continued Q, pushing up his glasses. “I’ll just—thank you for your time, but I should really…”
He moved back and tried to extricate himself from Bond’s grip. Bond held on tight. The clock over Q’s shoulder read nine pm. They’d been at this for two hours—give or take—in Q’s garage-cum-lab, and though Q had so far displayed only marginal improvement as a dancer, they had been two of the better hours of Bond’s life. It was safe to say he wasn’t keen to wrap this up too quickly and face his empty flat, not with Q so deliciously dishevelled and unguarded. The man was, for once, exactly where Bond wanted him.
Besides, Bond never quit, not even when the mission seemed insurmountable. What sort of agent would he be, packing it in at the two-hour mark of teaching someone to dance?
“You’re not giving up that easily,” he said to Q as much as himself.
“Sometimes, it’s abundantly clear that some things are best left to the professionals.” Q winced at the state of Bond’s shoes. “If you take those in tomorrow, I’ll get them fixed up.”
“Forget about my shoes, Q.” Bond leaned in. “You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were afraid of me being better at something than you are.”
“Rubbish. You’re better than me at plenty of things.”
“Oh, I am, am I?”
“Go on.”
“Ah. Well. There’s the hand-to-hand combat for a start.”
“For a start.”
“And all the jumping out of helicopters and such.”
“And a one-hundred percent equipment loss rate. It’s really quite impressive. I don’t think I’ve managed to be so forgetful of thousands of pounds worth of belongings in my life.”
“I brought back that radio last week.”
Q gave him a look. This was more familiar footing. “You’ll forgive me if I don’t throw a party.”
“No, you might have to dance at a party.”
“Oh, for—”
Q tried to pull away again. Bond was quicker this time to pull him back in.
“What was it you said earlier? It was imperative you learn how to dance.”
“Did I say that? I might have been a bit hasty.”
“You told me,” said Bond, his voice low, “that this bloke you were going to your cousin’s wedding with, Billy or whoever—”
A stupid name, thought Bond, “—was a proper gentleman and an excellent dancer, and that he’d murder you or some such nonsense if he found out you couldn’t dance.”
“It’s been a rather stressful day, Bond. It’s possible I was slightly dramatic about the whole thing.”
“I should hope so. I wouldn’t want to accuse you of having terrible taste in men.”
“Oh!” Q straightened. He was, for the first time in this argument, feeling properly righteous. “Oh, that’s not a road you want to go down, Bond, if we’re talking about partners with murderous intent.”
“No,” conceded Bond. “Probably not.”
Mostly instinctively, though not without a plan, Bond began to sway slowly to the song coming from Q’s speakers. It was one of Bond’s favourites.
“I suppose they knew how to dance, though,” said Q, beginning to sway too. “Your partners.”
There was a funny expression on his face. A twitch of self-consciousness, perhaps. Bond got a quick look at it before Q cast his eyes downwards, once again, to their shoes. The quip Bond had lined up died on his tongue.
It was time, he knew, to exercise a bit of caution.
“Anyone can dance, Q. Given the right mood, the right music, the right partner.” Bond hummed. “A good glass of wine.”
“Or a martini.”
“Or a martini, yes. But there are things more exceptional than dancing.”
Q’s head snapped up. “I thought you said you liked it.”
“I do.” Bond’s hand travelled lower, over Q’s waist and down to his belt loops. “Don’t you?”
“I can’t—” Q seemed astonished to realise they were making a go of it, moving in time to the music. The footwork was minimal, but dancing—the best kind—was never about the bloody footwork. “Oh.”
“Anyone can dance,” said Bond again. “But not everyone’s you.” His thumb stroked the bony protrusion at Q’s hip. “Just make sure Bill—”
“Bailey,” breathed Q, though he no longer seemed affronted or, indeed, particularly concerned about the man.
“Make sure whoever you end up dancing with never forgets it.”
Bond turned them around, still swaying, while Q scrutinised him. The newly curious look in his eye was familiar. All of this was familiar, except in the ways it wasn’t, not quite. They were in Q’s lab rather than a chandelier-ed ballroom, for a start. They were both down to their rolled-up shirtsleeves, and their suits were crumpled after a long day of desk work. Bond was sober and unarmed. There were no martinis in sight. The lighting was, frankly, awful. But the mood was right, and the partner was definitely right, and—
Q cleared his throat. ”If I was to—”
“Christ, yes.”
And then Q was kissing him, and he was kissing back, grabbing fistfuls of those irresistible curls and tugging Q’s shirt out of his trousers to get at his soft, velvet-warm skin. Q kissed like a wild thing, and his hands were everywhere. The lab amplified every sound they made: the huffs of breath against each other, the rough pull of silk and cotton against a callus or two, the wet suck of Q’s mouth around Bond’s bottom lip. And incredibly, they were still dancing.
With his hands on either side of Q’s face, Bond brought Q to a slow stop. Around them, Nat King Cole crooned about fascination, and Bond thought, yes. Yes, quite.
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qprstobin · 7 months
"there's no evidence that tommy and carol bullied anyone" so publicly humiliating nancy by spray painting nancy the slut wheeler on the hawk sign was just what. because steve implied that was their idea and they did it. you don't just go from never bullying anyone to doing some real diabolical shit like that so. sure steve never bullied anyone but you're reaching trying to extend that to tommy especially. don't forget how easily he got chummy with the racist the following season and joined in gleefully bullying steve
I'm not excusing the graffiti, but I don't think spray painting the slut graffiti as revenge because they (wrongly) thought Nancy cheated on Steve makes it bullying lmao. Bullying is repeated and targeted. One instance is not bullying. I also think "diabolical" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. Like what they did was cruel, but diabolical? Graffiti and spreading rumors is like the most typical "get revenge on your/your friend's shitty ex" thing you could do, they just did it in public instead of like the school bathroom. Public shaming for cheating is SUCH a common trope, like do you know how often I see that "WELCOME HOME CHEATER" meme? I'm not saying that makes it right, because it doesn't! But it also doesn't make them evil?
Like I never said that Tommy and Carol are nice lol. They're asshole teenagers! That's canon! Steve calls them out on that and breaks ties with them because of it! But being a dick teenager does not make you a bully, all teenagers are dicks lol.
I also think interpreting Tommy's scenes with Billy as that is in bad faith personally. Homeboy is in like two scenes with Billy - one where Tommy is clearly trying to make Steve jealous, and the other where he is making fun of Steve for his gf once again supposedly cheating on him. The gf that Steve dumped his friends for, after she supposedly cheated on him the first time.
And yeah Billy is racist but y'all are acting like? Everyone in the show should automatically know that? How? The racist shit Billy says on screen is mainly to Max, and later in the show where he actually attacks Lucas. There's a good chance that Steve didn't even realize that Billy's attack on the kids was racially motivated until after the fact.
Considering that Billy literally doesn't interact with anyone but his coworkers and Karen in s3, and the fact that Tommy does not actually seem to like violence that much or at least seems to have a limit! Considering how he reacted to the fight in s1 (going from "hell yeah a fight to oh fuck shit is serious"), I don't think Tommy stayed friends with Billy after season 2 lmao. Like idk I did not get the impression that Billy had any friends in s3.
You're accusing me of reaching but saying stuff like "no one goes from never bullying anyone to something that diabolical" isn't? My whole point has always been that he may be a dick, but there's nothing to show him being anything other than a stereotypical class clown type douchebag lol. The Party's fucking bullies threatened them at knife point. Billy bashes a plate over Steve's head and tries to run the kids off the fucking road with his car. The Angela storyline was so extreme that it was unrealistic and is almost an universally hated part of the season. Tommy makes some mean comments, gives Barb a wet willy, and then rubs it in his ex best friend's face that someone has taken his place and that his gf is cheating on him. Like, the graffiti was bad and Nancy should've probably slapped all three of them not just Steve, but it was a petty and misguided revenge scheme, not bullying.
I think if Tommy was intended to be an actual bully the way fandom pretends he is, we would've seen more of it on screen. If Tommy and Carol were so cruel to the whole school, Robin and Eddie would've said something about it? But they don't! The Duffers are SO blatant about how they go about things, I think if they were truly meant to be bullies, they would've been way more obvious about it lmao.
Like, think what you want! If you wanna headcanon them as being an actual bullies, that's your prerogative. But it's not actually canon.
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Scaring up Confidence
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Requested by @meme-queen-lucy
Looking in the mirror, you give a smirk to yourself. Over the weekend you had found the cutest outfit, one that accentuates your curves. You had already felt good about yourself when later that day you found the perfect pair of shoes to go with it!
“I wonder what my crush will think of it…” you muse, getting ready to head out the door. Your crush, Billy Loomis lived in your head rent free. While other girls drooled over the jocks and the nerds, you had your heart set on him.
He has friends, but always seemed to you to be a bit of a loner sometimes. It’s odd, despite being with a bubbly popular group, he always seems to be the odd one out. And despite being with the popular kids, he was always extremely warm and kind to you.
It was just one of the many reason you’d come to be so smitten. So now you’ve gathered all your courage and put pen to paper to tell him so. Your handwriting wasn’t as neat as you’d like it due to your heart feeling like it was going to beat out of your chest. Once finished, you let out a heavy sigh. Is this really the right way to go about it? His friends could find it before he does and ridicule you. You know he’d stand up for you, but the embarrassment…Fuck it, you think. No better time than the present.
His locker was easiest to discern as he had covered his in punk and horror movie stickers. You could feel yourself begin to shake once again as you approach. Knowing your nerves would only be getting worse, you force your feet to move and with a quick glance side to side in case anyone was watching, you slid the note through a slit in the top of his locker door. Stumbling, you proceed to run away from the locker with blundering steps as you reach the bathroom. Filling the sink with cold water, you dunk your face in it immediately.
You couldn’t give less of a shit who was to find you, calming down was your first and only priority. All there was to do now was wait. Thoughts begin swirling in your head, a cloudy storm beginning to form.
Days begin to pass, and no response through phone, face to face or note. You begin to think that maybe that daring confession may have scared him off. You hadn’t been anything but friendly and kind to him, no reason to suspect that you harbored a deep crush.
It’s a few days later that the response finally comes, and to your surprise it’s in the middle of lunch. A sudden chill comes down your back, and you realize it was an ice cube slid down the back of your shirt. With a gasp and a sputter, you turn to see who did this and find it’s Billy grinning like a cheeky bastard. “Hey! What was that for?” You pout, poking his chest. “Thought I might give a scare to the person who scared me.” Your face drops and you stare directly at his feet. “No, no, no! Not like that!” Billy spits. Gripping your hand with a solemn face, he drags you out of the lunchroom where nobody can see.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you, but the note you left in my locker scared me a bit. A lot of people don’t like me and my friends, so at first I thought it might have been someone threatening to beat me up.” With a deep sigh, and a tightened grip on your hand, Billy continues to speak. “But I couldn’t be happier with what the note actually said. I’ve done my best to be kind to you so that you aren’t afraid of me. And…I guess in doing that, I harbored a crush on you, and hoped you would do the same.”
Without a second to speak, you tackle Billy in a hug. He likes you back, and wants to be with you! You can feel him tenderly placing his hands on your love handles, and you can feel his heartbeat. Holding back tears, you remove yourself from the hug, and look up at him, beaming. “So, would you potentially want to go on a date with me? You inquire. “Of course! We can hang out after school, maybe get a bite to eat? I want you to meet my friends, too!” Flashing that sweet smile you spent so many days dreaming of, you can feel your heart beat faster.
Wanting to make him smile even more, you try and think of other date ideas to offer that he’ll like. “We could also go see a movie together some time, I like a lot of the same stuff you do so you wouldn’t need to tone it down for me or change your picks for my sake!” Sure enough, he does grin at that and raise an eyebrow. “Alright, I may take you up on that.
So tell me then… what’s your favorite scary movie?”
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medusapelagia · 11 months
17 AU-gust: Fallen Angel
Rating: Teen and up Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson WT: none WC: 1466
Steve looks at his old profile on the dating app.
Robin chose the name obviously.
He hasn’t opened the app in years, but a few weeks ago Billy broke up with him and now Robin has finally convinced him to open the old app and put himself out there once more. 
The break up wasn’t a hard one, after years of relationship something shifted and when Billy was offered a good position in San Francisco he simply couldn’t say no. He even asked Steve to come with him, but Steve couldn’t leave Robin and they decided to break up.
They still text each other stupid memes, but they are no longer together and a few hours ago Billy posted a picture on Instagram where he was kissing another boy. 
Which is fine. Totally fine. But made his heart ache a little.
So FallenAngel92 is back, looking at some random pictures, trying to understand from a fake smile and a photoshopped photo if he might like the person behind the nickname.
He looks at the pictures of boys and girls, but he was never good at choosing, he was always the chosen one. 
He met Billy in High School, they started as enemies and ended up as one of the few gay couples of Hawkins.
It was hard, Steve’s parents don’t talk to him anymore, but he knows that he would have never had the courage to kiss a boy if Billy hadn’t kissed him first.
And what a kiss it was.
In the lockers, after they won the Championship game.
Well, Billy is far away with another guy and Steve has to try to meet new people. another thing he is not good at.
Even if he is a caring and lovely boy, somehow the first impression he makes on new people is always a bad one. Even Robin, who is like his platonic soulmate, thought that he was nothing more than a bully for months before they became friends.
That’s why she suggested going back to the app, just to make some practice of small talk.
What he is not expecting is to find an inbox after a few minutes of scrolling.
And from MetalDemon, nevertheless! Somehow it feels like a sign.
“Did you hurt yourself when you fell from the sky, FallenAngel?”
Ok. That’s cheesy. But with a nickname like that, he can’t really complain.
“Being a demon, you should know a thing or two about falling, don’t you?”
“Oh, I know a lot of things about falling. I usually fall on my knees for pretty boys like you. Do you really dress like a cute little sailor?”
Shit. He forgot to change his profile picture! It’s an old one for a Halloween party where he dressed in the Schoop Ahoy Uniform he wore at work during his first year of college.
“Well, that was a Halloween party. I usually dress more casually.”
“So no feathers for me?”
Steve snorts “Are you into feathers?”
“I’m into you, big boy. Your profile says that you are in Chicago. I’m here too for a few days and my job is beating my ass. Would you like to meet for a drink?”
He hasn’t had a date in years! He doesn’t know if he is ready for that.
He calls Robin right away, even if he knows she is still working at the pub.
“What’s the emergency? Did the house catch on fire? We have insurance somewhere.” she replies immediately.
“Not that kind of emergency Rob. The kind that someone is asking me out on that stupid app and I don’t know what to say.”
“Is he handsome?”
“I can’t really tell. He is playing in his picture and all I can see it’s the guitar and the hands. He has a lot of rings!”
“Mmmh… Do you feel ready?”
“I don’t know.”
“You know what? Ask him to come to the pub. I’ll be here and if anything goes wrong I’ll save you. No questions asked.”
“You are the best.”
“I know I am, but I’m still on the clock. Talk to you when I get back home! Love you dingus!”
“Love you too!”
“Sorry, a friend of mine called. Would you like to go grab a drink at the Upside Down?”
“Upside Down?”
“It’s a little pub I usually go to. But if you have any other ideas…”
“No, it’s fine, I’m not from here so everywhere is fine for me. Just text me the address and I’ll be there.”
“Ok. How we will recognize one another?”
“Don’t worry about that. I’m sure we will find each other.”
Steve is sitting at the bar counter, sipping his second beer and there is no sight of MetalDemon.
He sighs. He shouldn’t be disappointed. He just texted a man he doesn’t know and he didn’t show up. It happens all the time. Still, it hurts.
“One more?” Robin asks, getting closer to him.
Steve looks at the clock, he has been waiting for almost two hours. He should go back home. Tomorrow he has to work.
“No, thanks, I’m fine. Thank you for keeping me company, I’ll see you at home.” Steve leaves some bills near his glass and goes toward the door, only to find himself hitting the floor hard.
“What the fuck!” he complains, holding his elbow.
“I’m so sorry! I was in a rush.” a dark-haired boy says, trying to help him lift from the ground.
He has slender fingers and many rings.
“MetalDemon?” he asks, confused.
“Oh god. It’s you. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry…” but the boy doesn’t have the time to finish his apologies that Robin is between the two of them.
“You let my friend wait for you for two hours! You could have at least texted!”
“I know! I’m so sorry! But it wasn’t my fault. I mean. It was but it wasn’t! I just broke up with my boyfriend and one of my friends decided to set me up with some random guy and when he told me I got angry and I didn't really want to come. But then he told me I was being stupid and selfish, that at least I could have gone and grabbed a beer and I felt bad, and I wanted to come sooner but that stupid groupies will not let me go and…”
“Groupies? What?”
“Oh. I’m the lead singer of the Corroded Coffin. Didn’t Gar tell you that?”
Steve shakes his head, but he knows perfectly well the Corroded Coffin.
“Oh my god. You were at Hawkins High School! You won the battle band and got a contract with a major label.”
“How the fuck do you know?” The black-haired man looks at him confused, and then something clicks “Harrington? Is that you?!”
He nods.
“Oh my god. I’m going to kill Gar. I will. I swear! You are not some fucking random guy!”
Robin stares at them confused, and then she decides “Take a seat, I’ll give you the menu and you will explain to us what the hell is going on.”
Long story short, Eddie confesses that he had a crush on Steve since high school but when he finally resolved to confess his feelings to Steve, Billy beat him and he never got another opportunity.
“I found your profile on that app years ago, but I never dared to text you and then you disappeared again.”
Steve nods, he tried to use the app when he and Billy were having a crisis a few years ago but he never really chatted with anyone.
“Gar was playing with my phone, I suppose he saw you were online and he texted you. I’m so fucking sorry. I will understand if you don’t want to have anything to do with me anymore.”
Steve sighs.
His nickname is not random. Robin chose it because it represented Steve. A good guy destined to fail.
He should not be surprised that his first date ended up like this.
“You know what? I think you could be a good influence on our sad little angel. What do you say if you continue this conversation at home? We are closing and I’m dead on my feet.”
“Would you like that?” Eddie asks, shyly, and Steve finds out that he does.
He doesn’t care if this will turn into a relationship or not. Eddie is funny and has so many anecdotes to tell that the times fly and they end up talking till dawn.
When Eddie leaves Steve’s apartment he gives him his personal mobile phone.
“I’ll be back in Chicago in a couple of months. Would you like to go on a date with me? A real one?”
Steve nods, smiling, maybe this FallenAngel was always doomed to fall into a MetalDemon’s arms.
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billdecker · 9 months
So it's after 6am and I've had barely any sleep because my mind is racing so here's why my party went to shit. Hopefully getting this out somewhere will make me feel better. I'm sorry this is so long.
It started off feeling a bit ahhhh because my dress was a scratchy sensory nightmare. I also wore make-up. I never wear make-up because I hate how it feels on my skin so I was already feeling a bit horrible. So i changed out of my dress and felt a bit better.
Also, I invited my sister and she never showed up. I asked her to just pop in for an hour because she deserves a break (my eldest niece is going through some terrible puberty emotional stuff; been expelled from school; sister has a very misogynistic bf who does nothing to help her in the house so she's balancing everything and close to breakdown herself). So I felt upset about that but got over it and I completely understood why. It's a good job she didn't come along after all.
Things changed when alcohol happened (obvs). We had a couple of drinks and were singing along to some angry 90s girly pop and I felt really happy. I decided I didn't want any more drink for a while which BFF didn't like and kept trying to pressure me to drink more. I think that's when I started to kinda disconnect??
Anyway, she then spent wayyyyy over an hour (probably two hours tbh) just talking to my husband about her boyfriend. Telling D her bf's entire life story including really intimate details. Her bf is a musician in his spare time and he's currently working on an album. She wanted to end my playlist so we could listen to his youtube back catalogue of black metal songs. D is an expert on dealing with people who have drunk a lot (sadly; his dad was an alcoholic) so he was kinda handling all of this while I was sitting there feeling like a billy no mates at my own party. Honestly, she didn't look at me once. I'm sitting on the other settee on the other side of the room like that fucking John Travolta staring around meme.
Then when she did involve me (like, over an hour later) she starts comments about mine and D's intimate life and she's showing me all of these photos she's taken of me and saying how sexy I look in them all and I have to change them to my profile pic. I did not look great in them. I hated every single photo. Then she grabs the glowstick dick (this is a long story, it's a tradition that we make a dick out of glowsticks when we meet up) and starts rubbing it against me telling me to do stuff to the dick and pretend it's D, and if I don't wanna pretend it's D then pretend it's a couple of the men I've talked to online. I used to chat to blokes online for a bit of fun. D knew about it and never had a problem with it. It was all consensual fun stuff. I told her in confidence and didn't expect it to be brought up. I was just slowly feeling humiliated. By this point she's drunk a bottle and a half of rum (I KNOW. I only got the second bottle in bc I'd had the first for a while, sealed, but was worried about it) and I've had three drinks that I've slowly sipped over five or so hours so I'm still very sober. But I could feel myself spiralling. Like, my social battery is running out and I can't socially mask any longer so I said I was going to sit in the bedroom for five minutes because it's cooler and I'm gonna take off my make-up.
And I knew right then I just won't be able to go for the tattoo on Thursday. I don't have enough social energy left to do it. My mood has only started to get better after getting pierced. I know my own limits and I know I can't do it. Thankfully my other BFF is on the other end of Whatsapp. She's wise and really helps me to put things in a logic way when I'm spiralling. So she said to just be firm and say I'm going to bed because I'm tired and I need some rest.
So when I calmed down I did that and I thought I'd be honest about not being able to go to get the tattoo. Then things just got worse. She started saying I have to go and get it; that she, D, and my dad will practically drag me outside to do it. That we can make a whole day of it by visiting the park and then the pub (this is literally the worst thing I can do). And I'm trying to be firm and assertive and not mask and lay down my boundaries. I said no, I can't do it. I know a couple of days before I need to do something if I can do it or not. Like when I've been to the dentist or I got pierced, I might have been an anxious wreck but I knew deep down inside that I could do it. I know I can't do this. My mind won't change. She started arguing that I'll feel different on Thursday and I'm letting myself down (the other worst thing to say to me). She starts saying we should get some more rum tomorrow and have the party again because I've ended it early and it's not a proper party. Also that if I'm still drunk I'll get through the tattoo easier (wtf no). And I'm no fun, and I've been planning this for a year only to end it early by basically being a boring old fart.
By this point, I'm crying. I'm sitting there feeling like I'm being told off by my mum. She's saying all the stuff my mum would when I'd have a meltdown about having to go to family parties or if I just didn't want to go sit outside. BFF is completely ratarsed just having a go at me. She hasn't even noticed I'm crying. So I just stood and announced I was going to bed. I texted D from the bedroom to ask him if he could tidy up all of the buffet food and decorations. I lay on the bed and just silently sobbed until I kinda passed out.
I woke up when D came to bed and then I cried some more. I asked if she'd said anything about the tattoo or me coming to bed and she said she wanted to hatch a plan with him to force me to go outside. Then she started to talk more about her bf and their life and stuff that made D feel very uncomfortable. I'm going to have to do something nice for D or buy him something nice as a thank you for dealing with it all like an absolute pro. I cried into him and then had a really good chat with my other BFF about everything which made me feel better. I thought maybe I'd feel better after some sleep and I do, but in the way that it's just given me even more clarity that I definitely can go do on Thursday. My mood is still terrible and all I want to do is cry.
Tbh I just wanna stay in my room. She's here til Friday and I don't know how I'm gonna face her. D is going to cancel the tattoo for me later today and say I have covid. I might reschedule at some point and get a different tattoo just for me to celebrate my birthday. I'm so mentally drained I don't know how I'm going to get through my actual birthday on Saturday. I wanted to visit my parents but I can't even see myself leaving the flat. I feel crushed tbh. I hadn't seen her for five years. She hasn't changed. She's always been this loud and gone on and on about the men she's seeing (on my wedding day she spent 12 hours on myspace chatting to a boy she fancied, so she has form) but I think since realising I'm potentially autistic, my understanding of my behaviours has changed so I have boundaries now to prevent further mental breakdowns being worse in the long run. So I've really changed. I'm not just willingly going along with shit. I don't want to mask and I don't want to people please.
If you read this, thank you. She's here til Friday and I don't know how I'm gonna get through it because now I just wanna stay in bed, watch comfort TV, and do some work on my writing. I'm 40 years old in three days time. I'm too old for this sort of stuff to be happening. This stuff is shit that should happen 20 years ago. I just wanted a cute day where I listened to all of my favourite songs, had a beige buffet, and it was all good vibes.
Thank you all for your very sweet comments too. I kept coming to check on here to give my anxious hands something to do and reading them really made me smile while all of this stuff was going down. I have some of the best followers xxxx
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v1ctimplagued · 10 months
‘ you can do this, you know. if anyone can, it’s you ’
memes. / always accepting.
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The spark of pain is lightening fast as it shoots up his chest. He almost retaliates then shoving away the crutches and biting out a vicious curse 'cause why the fuck did he have to do this anyways? But he knows the answer already and she wasn't the type to pity him. Billy grounds down on his teeth as he adjusts himself and makes it forward the last few steps before he is sliding back down into the plastic hospital chair exhausted, covered in an ungodly amount of sweat, and feeling every nerve ending on his body screaming for him to stop this bullshit at once.
Physical fucking therapy. After Starcourt and how much damage he had taken it was a damn surprise he could still walk. Just the amount of damage done to his body should have killed him but it hadn't. Rather, he's stuck with a tough ass regime of workouts, pills to aid in his recovery, and every so often met with those freaks from Hawkins Lab to discuss the stuff he doesn't want to fucking talk about.
"You don't gotta be here for this," Billy grunts out - patience worn thinly as possible, blue eyes cloudy and tired. "You're not like the nurses who flinch away when I tell them to fuck off. Probably why they don't stop you from comin' in." His eyes flicker to his jacket, cigarettes' inside the pocket. He wasn't supposed to but sometimes the urge was still there.
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iantimony · 25 days
yay tuesday is back
return of tuesday! i had two weeks in the UK which was very fun but i am definitely vacationed out - i miss my routine. longer trips like that are only fun towards the end if you have a home base that isn't just a hotel room.
listening: newest coral bones ep is very chill. it's only three songs and they're all very vibey but i think my favorite is 'seatac'. i wish they were still posting on bandcamp. alas.
SeaTac - Coral Bones
also got back into listening to the altogether - their album 'when we were kids' is very travel-coded to me for some reason, it was on loop my entire train ride from london up to edinburgh. (i'm also pretty sure brian david gilbert of all people is featured on this album haha)
Billy & Anne - The Altogether
finally, i saw st. vincent live in london this past weekend!!! it was a really good concert, lots of fun, interesting venue. she's definitely got an insane stage presence. the opening act (heartworms) was fun too, my brother and his friend weren't interested and described it as 'moody goth bullshit' and i was like well. that is right up my alley. you boys enjoy the bar im gonna go be moody and goth. it was good!
i think if i do standing room tickets again i need to invest in some platform shoes, at least two or three inches, because some of that was a struggle to see Anything ... i did manage to find a spot where i had a decent little corridor between heads to see the stage, however i was directly behind a guy in a bowler (?? fedora?? idfk) hat and his boyfriend who kept moving around and dancing (fine) and gyrating (also fine ?? i do not consider st. vincent particularly gyrate-able music but what do i know) so i also had to do some leaning side-to-side to see around them. one of her songs has a line about jumping off the london bridge and the way they both looked at each other and pointed gleefully at themselves while going "meeee" was very funny. i bet they're on tumblr, they had the vibes. hello gay guys at the london st. vincent concert, if you're reading this.
reading: i read 'when the angels left the old country' by sacha lamb in the two days that i was alone in edinburgh before my brother came! it was good, speedy read, i enjoyed the characters and overall conceit well enough. probably not on the to-buy list, i'd just rented an ebook for my trip.
some miscellanous articles from my pocket emails:
How to Coexist With a Belligerent Catbird by Caitlin Gibson (<3)
The Last Kid in Ninth Grade Without an iPhone by Liz Kreiger (this was relatable as a kid whose parents did Not let her get anything more complex than a flipphone for emergencies until i got myself one as a senior in high school and i think i was better off for it)
The Case for Doing Laundry Every Day by Rebecca Onion (insane, IMO)
watching: mostly fallow, did watch one of the dunmeshi eps that came out when i was gone with the boy yesterday and will probably watch the second one tonight.
i have Opened the jenny nicholson star wars hotel video, not yet watched, but saw in my patreon emails from friends at the table that the tablefriends did a related episode on their star wars podcast, which, i then noticed like [leo decaprio pointing meme] xeecee spotted in the credits for the cover art ?? i'm not surprised they are aware of each other but i thought it was funny
playing: fallow! completely, for once! no ttrpgs, no video games, etc. i guess i played a Lot of solitaire on my flight back from the uk, maybe that counts lol
making: i did a lot of sketching on my trip! i made a watercolor travel journal that somehow doesn't have enough pages so i'll have to rebind it but oh well. no watercolor pics for now but i'm excited to share those as i go! in the meantime, some sketches i did in the east princes street gardent, the scottish parliament, and the victoria and albert museum in london respectively:
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i think once i finish the travel journal ill try to do a higher quality scan of it and upload a pdf somewhere, i feel like that will be fun.
eating: ough i ate a lot of good food in the uk. mostly the non-british food unsurprisingly but i Did have some really good fish & chips moments. last meal of the trip especially we got a recommendation from one of my brother's friends who goes to cambridge and ouuuugh that shit was So good.
misc: it's good to be back ... now i'm back in The Grind (work) but i don't mind it. despite the jetlag i'm feeling refocused and excited to get moving on stuff again. i liked a lot of stuff about the uk (trains, vibes) but i also did not like some stuff (why are the cold meds So weak there lmfao) and overall i'm glad to e home :)
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people i want to get to know better tag meme thingy (I still don't know how these work)
So uh, @bottombatch tagged me in this, I think there's a set of questions I have to answer? Anyway, I'm tagging @trygrievousbutgirl-blog and @zawazawanightmares because they're cool and probably know how to do this better than me. last song? Night Crawling, by Miley Cyrus (featuring Billy Idol). I just remembered that album, Plastic Hearts, existed while I was doing laundry. It's pretty good. favorite color? PINK! Like, damn near every shade of pink but especially bright and vibrant ones! currently watching? Nothing! But I'm gonna renew my Crunchyroll subscription soon and start watching I'm in Love with the Villainess and Bocchi the Rock! last movie? Me and my dad went to see Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom in the cinema, because we did the same with the last one and had an alright time. He enjoyed it, but I... well, there were clearly parts of the story that whoever wrote this clearly enjoyed writing more than others. And those bits were interesting, but what I came to see (Namely Black Manta) were... not as much. currently reading? Nothing as of yet, but the copy of Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor I got for christmas has been staring at me from my bookshelf for a month now... Oh and once I get a new phone I'll finally get to start reading Chainsaw Man! sweet/spicy/savory? Spicy! But I'm Swedish and really like fish, so I'm partial to savory too. relationship status? Single, ladies ;). But in all seriousness I'm hoping to get on the apps soon and finally go on real dates for the first time in my 25 years of life. current interests? Chainsaw Man and Baldur's Gate 3 obviously, but also two tabletop RPGs called Scion (2nd edition, we don't talk about 1st) and Deviant: The Renegades! They're really cool but also REALLY niche so finding games for either is a nightmare! (also Deviant is honestly kinda gender?) last thing you googled? The word "shonen" because I wanted to make sure I spelled it right. I never claimed to be clever, okay! selfie or another pic you took? Fuck no on the selfies! Maybe once I've gothified a bit more, but until then I am avoiding cameras like the plague. And for whatever damn reason I can't upload photos to any damn site, so here's something I found on reddit:
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cabezadeperro · 10 months
Fic Stats Meme
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words. (edit: i misread this and did whatever i wanted skhdghkdgkh and i can't be arsed to change it so. well.)
@brigittttoo and @elwenyere had open tags, and i have stuff i don't want to do, so here i am ♥️
most hits
a room with a view - Star Wars - Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi - 143k - 28654 hits
Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi is trusted with his first solo mission: escorting the Neimoidian ambassador and her niece in her luxury cruise across the Core, and making sure that the mysterious assassin after her doesn’t add her name to their already lengthy list. Madam Netrith is old, clever and arrogant: she doesn’t believe herself to be in danger, and regards Obi-Wan’s presence as more of an annoyance than anything else. The already hard job becomes harder once Obi-Wan discovers he’s supposed to share a cabin with one Jan Naasade, Concordian Journeyman Protector, for the trip's duration.
second most kudos
a good man is hard to find - Star Wars - Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi - 112k - 886 kudos
Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his padawan Anakin Skywalker travel to the mining colony of Tchuta-1, a small moon in a system in the middle of nowhere. Their mission is to mediate a conflict between the owners of the rhydonium mines and its workers: something easy and on the safe side of boring, the perfect mission for teams like theirs. However, once they get there, their shuttle is shot down, and they find themselves caught in a vicious gang war… and hunted by the most dangerous bounty hunter in the galaxy, the Mandalorian Jango Fett.
third most bookmarks
apocrypha - Star Wars - Rex/Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi - 7.6k - 127 bookmarks
Cody duels Pre Vizsla and wins. The hard part comes after.
fourth most words
dead men walking - Star Wars - Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi - 63k
It was supposed to be an easy job: prisoner transports are always quick money. Three years after waking up from cryo, Cody—formerly known as ICC-2224—finds himself working as a bounty hunter for one of the guilds. He has a body that doesn’t feel his, a memory full of holes, and little else. When the man he’s guarding escapes, Cody finds himself following one Obi-Wan Kenobi across a war-torn galaxy and into the most dangerous job of all: stealing a mysterious artifact from the heart of the New Republic.
least words
el comienzo de una hermosa amistad - Marvel 616 - Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan - 102w (2012 fic........)
Billy/Teddy en un AU donde es su primer día de universidad y les toca vivir juntos en la misma habitación de la residencia
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marypsue · 4 months
30, 33, 39 for writing ask meme?
[from this meme]
Sorry, meant to answer this sooner but then *gestures to All Of That*
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
Frequently! Mostly it's in terms of content rather than form, I'm just now realising, although the sheer length of the road goes ever on was a challenge in itself. That was also the fic with the broadest scope I've ever attempted - I'd written full, mostly-original plots before, I'd written canon-continuation fics before, I'd written ensemble casts before, but never anything on that scale, with so many moving parts.
It was, also, mmmmmaybe only the second fic I'd written where a Serious Social Issue that doesn't personally affect me had a meaningful impact on the storyline (in this case, Billy Hargrove's racism and the way the show swept it under the rug) and I was Not Sure I was gonna get it right. (Still not entirely sure I did, in fact, get it right, and not sure if I'll ever be entirely sure on that front, but so far the response has been positive.)
Also, all of the Grauntie Ford series, the institutionalisation stuff in Reincarnation Blues, the few times I've written non-fade-to-black sex scenes, and - it will look hilarious next to these very serious things to be concerned about - writing accents for Bunny and North from Rise of the Guardians and Fiddleford McGucket. Listen. Getting a distinctive accent - with dialect and slang - right in text is hard.
Mostly what I've taken away from these experiences is that I am frequently my own harshest critic; taking in as much as you can that exposes you to other people's thoughts and experiences and being curious and interested and sincere will take you a long way toward understanding things that you may never have personal experience with; and that it's good to be careful and thoughtful and deliberate when you approach a touchy subject, but being scared of getting it wrong will just make you avoid it or overwrite it into infinity and never get it finished, and it'll actually end up the worse for it. Also that having written something that scares you once makes it easier to do a second time. And how to plan my way through an original plot ahead of time instead of figuring huge chunks of the Dreaded Middle out as I go, which has been immeasurably valuable.
Also that yes, writing accents well is hard, but word choice ends up being like 90% of it.
33. If you write chaptered fics, what’s your ideal chapter length to write? Is it different from your ideal chapter length to read?
Once upon a time, my chapters tended to settle at about 3,000 words. These days, it's more in the neighbourhood of 7,000, which I think is also a nice comfortable length to read - long enough to feel meaty, but not so long that it gets tiring or you start losing track of what happened at the beginning.
I don't generally choose wordcounts for chapters on purpose, though. I tend to go until I've finished my thought, and then stick in a chapter break. On occasion, if a particular chapter's feeling overlong or too-short, I might rearrange where the chapter break goes, or even shuffle a few scenes, but that's a pretty rare occurrence, since I also tend to write chronologically and with my scenes in a pretty fixed order.
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who?
All of it all of it all of it all of it all of it. Great artists steal, right?
I have in the past made extensive use of many many things lifted from Terry Pratchett's pockets without his permission or, indeed, knowledge, but perhaps most memorably the idea of writing four hundred words per day (or some similar small, achievable milestone). Do I actually do this regularly? No, but it's a good idea.
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ariesbilly · 1 year
16 for the ask meme!
How do you think they would get together in canon?
itd have to be a slow burn. if we go from a season 3 where billy survived, i see it being him fully in on the upside down shit now and working with the group once he's healed (maybe he stays on the nancy side of things like helping with research bc his bodys still fragile and not up for fighting). and its still kind of touchy as far as the older teens wanting to be around him. max and el are firmly team billy but everyone else is still cautious, even if he did die for all of them. but turns out billys super smart and charming and knows how to work information out of people so he's a real asset.
and its through this that he and steve spend more time together. strictly on a "professional" basis like they only ever talk about the upside down and whatevers going on. but maybe one night all the older teens are at steves place trying to workshop something and eventually everyone starts falling asleep until its just billy and steve left. billy because hes a dog with a bone and will not rest until whatever problems he's having is figured out, and steve because well he doesnt sleep much these days.
they end up taking a little break by the pool to have a smoke or some beers or both. and its awkward at first but after some stumbling they get a conversation going. start joking and laughing about the shit theyre in and how weird it all is that everyones hanging out despite the history amongst the group. apologies are exchanged for their parts in how bad that night at the byers went and they agree to start on a clean slate
so they become friends, and its easier than anyone would have expected. billy has steves back whenever someone mocks him for being stupid and steve somehow can always finish billys thoughts and they become this weird duo no one saw coming, least of all each other. theres a monster fight, billy gets hurt, steve comes to his rescue, and basically its just this slow progression of them bonding until one night it all comes to a head and they kiss (could be a quiet moment of them alone, slowly leaning into each other until it just happens, could be a heat of the moment thing where shits going crazy and its life or death all over again and one of them kisses the other because who the hell knows if theyre gonna see each other again and well... feelings having been stirring, and then when the dust is settled and theyre both alive they gotta deal with that aftermath lol)
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this is what happens when you mix an emo punk rock fan with the sonic universe-
Sonic - Lead singer / guitar (kinda like Billie Joe Armstrong or Dexter Holland) Shadow - guitar / backing vocals (Frank Iero. NEED I SAY MORE) Tails - keyboardist / synth / DJ (it's giving Cumulus from Ghost or Sid from Slipknot) Silver - bass guitar (maybe even like the Geddy Lee pedal set up too) Knuckles - drummer (with the Neil Peart drum set up and CC from BVB vibes)
Sonic: pop punk vibe!!
probably shreads too fast on the guitar and loses his guitar picks every goddamn minute so he has his entire mic stand covered with those guitar pick holders
does the thing that Freddy Mercury does where he picks up the mic stand and walks around while singing
definitely crowd surfs and tells the mosh pit to go wild
*kicks over amp* AAAAAAAA
has random stickers over EVERYTHING, guitar case, guitar, you name it
reads all of the signs in the audience and sometimes replies to them
stops the show in the middle and starts ranting about literally whatever
*trips over every wire possible* IM OKAY!!
comes up with lyrics with Shadow. sonic's better at delivering than composing
mini list of songs he would FUCK UP /pos
Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) by The Offspring
The Zoo by Scorpions (him and Shadow are probably obsessed with the Scorpions bc theyre a good band with rock ballads)
Fist Bump from Sonic Forces (i hc that he sings this as a duet with Shadow. i feel like their voices would go well together)
MeMe from Miligram (i also hc that Sonic knows Japanese if it isnt canon)
In Too Deep by Sum 41
Shadow: classic rock, hard rock, rock ballads, heavy metal and EMO
he either stays in one place the whole show or runs around
Frank Iero chaotic energy i wanna see him go wild
contrasting to his introverted personality, on stage since the audience is all dark and he cant see the MASSIVE crowd the band has, he feels like he can let loose and stuff
he probably has had his fingers start bleeding during a live but didnt notice until Silver started freaking out
has probably broke down and cried on stage once but everyone comforted him and he finished the show EPICALLY
always makes sure that the crowd is staying safe. probably did that one thing that Andy Biersack did when he jumped into the crowd to personally fight this one guy
oh yeah he will also get pissed if you diss the band at their show or if you're just being an asshole and will deal with you personally
will beat you up if you assault someone in the pit
definitely a perfectionist and probably studied classical music theory. definitely a JS Bach fan and played the piano once
comes up with lyrics and melody line
mini list of songs he would do amazing on:
Mobius by HiiragiKirai cover by Meychan
The Show Must Go On by Queen (HES SUCH A QUEEN FAN ISTG)
Dragula by Rob Zombie
Infected by Bad Religion
Gone Away by The Offspring (he's def thinking abt Maria for this one) gone away lyrics yeah ouch-
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Tails: also classic rock fan but he also likes vocaloid!!
"accidentally" G notes the crowd (emos)
*plays a rick roll sample randomly*
during the parts where he doesn't have anything to do he just starts flying and tossing signed photo cards or some kind of merch into the crowd
probably manages some part of their social media as well
literally live tweeting the performance
is the supplier of Sonic's extra guitar pics and sometimes makes custom ones for him that are a bit more grippy? (idk how guitar pics work im a violinist)
honestly the most wholesome person there, everyone loves him, he goes apeshit sometimes but we love him
multi-instrumentalist and sometimes even makes his own instruments!
he plays the Theramin and nobody knows what it is but it sounds cool
makes up tracks on the spot during solos sometimes
is the one that does the mixing and stuff for their songs
personal favs he would love:
Jump by Van Halen (everyone likes this song, if you dont then ur wrong /lh)
Kingslayer by BMTH & BABYMETAL
Lost Valley from Sonic Forces (I LOVE THIS SONG SM)
Silver: goth, heavy metal, Ghost specifically
owns a Mikey Fucking Way t-shirt
probably can play the upright bass or cello as well
people from the audience give him gifts and it makes him very happy
also has a lot of stickers on his bass and it's case but the stickers are color coded and organized vs sonics random bullshit GO
i like to think that he wears fingerless gloves
is the one that stops Shadow from jumping into the crowd when someone disses the band
always makes sure that everyone in the band has like a solo area where they can just go wild because he thinks it's more fun that way
probably can do improv on the spot
gets excited when they have an acoustic live show
helps come up with album cover ideas and all of the depth in their album / song lore
Last Train To London by ELO (hes probably a big ELO fan)
Detroit Rock City by KISS (this is my dad's fav so it's mine too)
The Legacy by Black Veil Brides
Knuckles: thrash metal Slayer fan TM
can do the thing where the drumset go upside down
similar to Sonic, he throws his drumsticks bc he loves playing so much so he has a bunch of extra sticks
ties back his hair during recording bc it gets in his face
has A BUNCH of song cover suggestions for the band
probably plays the drums randomly while sonic is ranting and sometimes does a duet with tails
sings along to the songs but nobody can hear him bc his drums are too damn loud
accidentally stabbed his snare drum once and started panicking
he definitely gives a name to all of his different drum parts (his favorite is the crash symbol and bass drum)
everyone thinks he was a former band kid but he keeps denying it
sometimes people think the band is using a drum machine but they're not
Raining Blood by Slayer
1000 Memories by Bad Religion
You Give Love A Bad Name by Bon Jovi
ok and now for some random headcanons!!
Rouge is the agent or like manager for the group and helps pick out outfits for them and does stage design
ik i put in a lot of classic rock songs in my song headcanons but i feel like the band would be like a Smashing Pumpkins, early BVB, The Offspring and Sum 41 kinda vibe. and ofc MCR and Blink-182
everyone is a fan favorite, but they all dont know how to interact with fans except for Tails and Sonic
Silver and Tails sitting alone in the recording studio in the middle of the night writing a song aaaaa
sonic and shadow doing those song battles
they all play guitar hero, it's the law
they actually freaked out when MCR dropped the new single out of NOWHERE
sometimes their punk songs is just dissing G.U.N.
they have a fanart / fangift wall where they put all of the stuff their fans give them
the tour bus is like sectioned off and everyone decorates their space differently so it looks like 5 different aesthetics in one place
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take-it-away-erniee · 10 months
1x1 Fandom Roleplay search Canon x OC
*Edited to include a couple more fandoms!
Are roleplay partner search pages still a thing on Tumblr? Or maybe my dumb app isn’t working, so I’m just gonna post it out in the open!
I’m gonna keep this as brief as I can.
Trying to get back into RP after a long hiatus due to life & work.
I am F 25 and won’t RP with anyone under 21+ sorry. Been roleplaying for around 13 years ago now. Started on Quizilla and old YT those were the days man 🥲(also did anyone used to RP through these Platforms? I miss it man I feel like you could always find a partner easily)
I RP through email, Google docs or RPnation (I have no idea how to use discord)
I work full time Mon - Fri so unfortunately I can’t reply as much as I used to, I will always let my partner know if I am too busy to get a reply out but please don’t hound me! I promise I will get to it!
I can write anywhere from a couple of paragraphs to a novel styled response, but NEVER one liners, they’re so dull and I get bored super quick.
I love OOC chat, brainstorming ideas and scenarios, Spotify playlists, TikTok’s, memes, you made an edit for your ship? Send that sh— over!! I live for it! 🫡
I love AU ideas/scenarios and totally up for doing these! The only thing I ask is that the Canon characters don’t act OOC.
Always open to doubling!
Dark themes, angst, drama, complete devastation for our characters? BRING IT!
What I am really craving right now & Love interests:-
🩸Vampire Diaries🩸 - (Klaus Mikaelson)
🪄Harry Potter🪄 - (Draco Malfoy)
Potentially open to:-
🔮 Labyrinth 🔮 - (OC, Jareth) (Always wanted to RP this but could never really think of a plot)
🧪Stranger Things🧪 - (Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson)
💥Marvel💥 - (Bucky Barnes, Wade Wilson
🚬 Peaky Blinders 🚬 - (John Shelby)
🔪Scream (Original)🔪 - (Stu Macher)
🔫 Legend 🔫 - (Reggie Kray)
💰Gossip Girl💰 - (Carter Baizen)
🧚‍♀️Once Upon A Time 🧚‍♀️- (Jefferson - The Mad Hatter) (I haven’t seen past like season 4 but I can research and refresh myself for this!)
💃🏽Moulin Rogue💃🏽 (Christian, OC) (interested in doing this or some au based on it!)
I guess that’s everything!
Hope this catches someone’s eye out there! If you are interested send me a chat! 🌼
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