#I def think I’ll also do a photo booth when I have my wedding
apricotluvr · 1 year
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September 2023
5 notes · View notes
goodvibesonlyix · 7 years
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Why, hello love - 
For this refreshing season with it’s crisp breeze has me thinking about the holidays and how fast they are approaching! Honestly, I couldn’t think of a better time to do a month long financial cleanse,  to better my spending habits and fatten my savings. With my wedding looming closer and closer and a constant string of celebrations coming up - this cleanse is much needed. Also, personally I want to work on my self-discipline (which I have been lacking as of lately) and doing less impulsive buying on my most-loved website (cough, cough Amazon - haaha). So, if you sound like me or just want to see how I’m doing with my journey - follow along! I’ll be updating this blog post daily with updates on my spending and overall experience.
My Rules :
1. No materialistic items 2. No take out / dining out 3. Only necessities (groceries, gas, etc.) 4. Each pay-week withdraw $100, used only for work / necessities  5. My savings goal - $700 6. Build on better money habits
Let the cleanse begin, namaste.
Oct. 1 
The first day of my cleanse! Yay! I’m feeling good, I haven’t dined out today. Today I went over to a local park for a Vegan Potluck hosted by my dear friend KB, Holistic Vegan Life. We all bought a home cooked dish and had some fun in the sun with good company! Amazing time. My friend and I did take an Uber to the park. However, we did walk back to my house for a glass of wine and a hot toddy.
Oct. 1 Expenses :
Uber (ride + tip) : $13
Drinks at home : $0
Tip #1 : Create your own Girls Night In, skip the club or bar. Put on a heaping dose of trap music and become your own bartender! Your pockets with thank you later x
Total : $13
October, is off to a good start!
Oct. 2
Today I set-up a hair appointment to have my hair braided.
1. I had the same style for far too long
2. I  wanted to deep condition my hair
3. I need to have a more flexible hairstyle for gym
The woman I go to is awesome, my braids always look great and last for about a month with proper care. She is so affordable and professional, I’m always going back!
Oct. 2 Expenses :
Braids : $70
Braiding Hair : $13
Birthday Donuts : $7
Tip #2 : It’s ok to pamper yourself once in a while - get your split ends clipped or change up your hair color. As long as you are doing it in moderation and not over doing it. So, TREAT YO’ SELF but stick your budget! I did!
Total : $90
Happy Monday!
Oct. 3
Back to work today! Yay … hahaa! So, one thing about me is I bring my own coffee, lunch and snacks to work. So, during the week I don’t spend much unless a emergency comes about - which happened today. A family member needed some help with repairing their brakes and being the person I am I couldn’t say no. I would hope someone would lend me a helping hand when I need a little help. “We all need somebody to lean on. .” Come guys join on in, lol!
Oct. 3 Expenses :
Brake Repair: $100
Gas - $24
Tip #3 : Lending a help hand to others is always nice however, never over extend yourself. You want to make sure you are comfortable with your pockets before filling someone else’s. Be honest with yourself and others.
Total : $124
Night, chat with you guys tomorrow!
 Oct. 4 
Hump day – Yassss! Today was an average work day when it comes to spending – I didn’t spend any money - I bought my own coffee / lunch / snacks. Bringing your own food and drinks to work or when you are out and about, is a smart move. Not only are you saving money – you often will pack a healthier option. You aren’t in rush, picking up sugary coffee drink on your way in or a fast food meal for lunch. When all is said and done your pockets and body will thank you! 
Tip #4 : Today I received a text message from my sister about a credit card offer she received. It was a secured credit card offer, meaning she would have to put an initial deposit on the card as collateral. Also, that initial deposit would be your credit limit. Honestly, after doing a bit of research, a secured credit card works in the benefit of the banking institution rather than the customer, to me it appears to be a pre-paid credit card. Isn’t that what a bank account is for? On the other hand unsecured credits cards are the ‘typical’ credit card that most of us have with no initial deposit / collateral which my sister decided to go with. Although, I do understand building your credit with credit, it just didn’t make sense? Give you my money so I can just turn around and use it. . Hmmm – we’ll pass! LOL! My advice regarding credit cards - they are nice to have but, be smart when racking up those charges! Ideally you want to be able to pay off your credit card monthly rather than making the monthly minimum payments and carrying a balance. Although, sometimes smaller than your purchases – those interest fees / annual fees (only applies to certain credit cards) rack up and it takes longer for you to pay off that balance. Also, it shows on your credit report and can affect your credit score when you carry a balance or when you are using a certain percentage of the credit limit. Using over 30% of your credit limits is considered “bad” on your credit report. So, be cautious and careful! Credit Karma, is a great way to monitor your credit and see how your debt is affecting your over score. 
With that said -
No expenses for Oct. 4 
Total : $0 
Feel Good Wednesday x
Oct. 5 
With so much work on my desk and deadlines that need to be met - I honestly had not a moment to leave the office. With that said, I spent ZERO dollars! Go me, go me, go me! LOL
Tip #5 : Tomorrow is payday! Yay! Before paying any bills or buying a PSL, I must pay myself. An automatic deduction goes from my paycheck straight to my savings, where is stays and never sees the light of day. Investing in yourself is the smartest investment you’ll ever make and that could be in more ways than one. Love yourself / Pay yourself. 
No expenses for Oct. 5 
Happy Thursday - almost the weekend, ohh sweet weekend x
Oct. 6
1.   It’s Friday
2.   It’s Payday
3.   It’s a LONG weekend
I couldn’t be happier.  I love time to myself - to get my creative juices going and reset from the work week. Working on my aura / feeling good / eating for my well-being.
Since today is payday, I started by paying myself and bills. Then, I also put a deposit on the photo booth for our wedding. No unexpected cost - although, my other half was trying to get me to go to the mall to exchange a item and grab din-din. NOPE - dinner at home with wine and Def Comedy Jam. Perfect night with the perfect guy x 
Tip #6 : DIY’s can go a long way when it comes to the budget of your wedding. Venue and vendor fees are already so overprices so where you can cut your costs make sure you do. Personally, with my wedding the DIY’s I have put together have saved me a ton. Websites like Pinterest / YouTube / Etsy - sparks so many ideas which lead to beautiful creations!
Oct. 6 Expenses : 
Savings: $150
Citi Bank: $400
Wedding Photo Booth: $260
Total : $810
Cheers to the freakin’ weekend! 
Oct. 7
Saturday, felt so good! Although, I did dip into my wedding fund to purchase so decor for our big day - Yes, I have money set aside for everything. I felt good about the purchase because, we using my BOA debit card I got 5% back on my purchase. 
Tip #7 : Coupons, deals or special offers are all your friends! Haha. A tip I got from my dear friend was to always search the web for coupons before you click that buy now button. For example search “ASOS coupon” in google or go on the shop’s direct website, when at Michael’s today I hit the double jackpot. I had a deal on my BOA debit card for cash back and Michael’s website also had a few coupons I was able to pull up on my phone to use in store. Every penny counts especially when you are planning / paying for a wedding!
Oct. 7 Expenses :
Michael’s: $60
Trader Joe’s: $56 
Shaw’s: $62 
Target: $17
Total : $195
Errands and on the search for a new furnace / doors / tile. Long but great day with my love. Especially, when he treats to lunch and it’s your fave!
Oct. 8
Sunday - the lazy / best day of the week. Today was full of laundry, cooking and putting together creative content. All the things that make my Sundays complete! Although, I was  home for most of this rainy Sunday, I did head to the store to grab some comfort food for my hunny. 
Oct. 8 Expenses :
Shaw’s: $15 
(Shaw’s is literally 2 mins away from my house so it shows up my bank statement quite often - LOL)
Amazon Bill: $60 
Total : $75 
Tip #8 - Be mindful when it comes to spending. Especially when you walk into one of your fave shops. Here are my tips / tricks!
1. Remember what’s in your frig, even if you need to take a snapshot before you head out the door. This helps prevent buying something you may have already. Smart, will be your nickname after you share this tip with your friends.
2. Check for sale prices or any coupons you can find in the shop’s weekly ad. There are usually special discounts or even offers to buy in bulk to save time and money in the future. 
3. LIST - oh lists on top of lists. Always, be sure to make a list of the items you need and make sure to stick to those items. Nothing more and certainly nothing less. 
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Oct. 9
A nice day off calls for comfort food / cozy clothes / creative vibes. I started today with a stack of homemade pumpkin pancakes and a nice hot mug of almond pumpkin coffee with a dash of nutmeg and cinnamon! Yum. I feel bad - I didn’t leave the house today - at all. With halloween movie marathons and lots of creative thinking going on there was no need to leave, all I need was right here. Well, that was until 1pm when Anthony had to head off to work. 
I did not spend a dime today - just the way I like it, hahaa.
Tip #9 - Money saving tip as well as a self care tip - Sending a little ‘me time’ with ones self is never a bad thing. Make yourself some breakfast, lunch and dinner, just like Mama use to. Bring out that book that you’ve been wanting to read or pull out your notepad and write down some goals you have and how you plan to accomplish them. I realized this with one bad experience I had  with one of my fave places to eat recently - I was so disappointed because, honestly I could have done a better job. I promised myself I would try and be a bit more practical next time. Something in my gut was saying to pass on it, but I didn’t listen. Lesson learned, hahaa. Listen to your inner most it knows best. Be good to yourself and your pockets! 
Recap of Expenses!
10/1 - $13
10/2 - $90
10/3 - $124
10/4 - $0
10/5 - $0
10/6 - $810
10/7 - $195 
10/8 - $75 
10/9 - $0
Total: $1307 with all bills paid, hair done, putting deposit on wedding photo booth and lending a helping hand. I don’t think I did too bad! Let’s keep the good money habits rolling, every penny counts. 
Thank you for being here x 
Oct. 10
Today was a fun filled day of training on a new computer system. Although, long and tedious - I learned a lot and caught up with some good people. Today like most days I bought in my own coffee, lunch and snacks. Then after training - I came home and relaxed. Needless to say - I did not spend any money. I had everything I needed from coffee to leftovers for din-din. 
Tip #10 - In the line of work that I’m in, I know the importance of paying your bills on time because there could be life changing consequences. I’m not saying if you don’t pay your phone your bank account will be levied. But, if you don’t pay your phone bill it could result in late fees or even having your phone disconnected. You always want to pay your bills in a timely manner to avoid any of that awful backlash. Also, it matters when it comes to your credit! Creditors report late payments to all three credit bureaus for future creditors to see if you are a reliable payor or not. If not, it can make it harder for you to get more important lines of credit such as a  mortgage or cosigning for your children’s student loans. There are so many bill alerting apps, which track your bills’ due date and the amounts that needs to be paid each month. Be smart with your money love, your future self will thank you. 
No expenses for Oct. 10
Total: $0
Have a great night! 
Oct. 11
Today has been a pretty cloudy day. Not really feeling my best, so today was a well needed day off. A bit of self-care and love. Lots of tea and shut eye. However, I’m off to a sweet little baby shower this weekend. So, Anthony and I went to Babies R Us in search of a gift. After about an hour of searching for the perfect treat we were ready to check out which leads me to . .
Tip #11 
THE PRICE MATCH TOOL! Most retailers will price match items from other online and in-store retailers. Always, make sure to ask sales person if the shop offers this service especially if you know an item is sold in a variety of shops. Take your time - there is no need to rush  so you can be sure to find the lowest price. For example - today we saved over $20 bucks by simply taking a few moments to search the web for the best deal. Saving any amount is always better than nada. 
Oct. 11 Expenses :
Target: $15
Price Match Tool: $20 
Total: $-5
Until tomorrow x 
Oct. 12
My day started bright and early! I have a guest coming over Friday night, so I needed to head to Target for some apps and treats! Oppose to me getting the regular takeout when I have my girl pals over. I’ve been trying my best to be better at cutting back costs by going with either homemade meals or picking up foods I can pop in the oven! Takeout can be so expensive especially with the delivery cost! Also, who can resist going to Target - not this girl that’s for sure! So, I went up and down the isles loading up on my goods with a smile. Finally, I ended up meeting up with my favorite cashier to do some damage. Then suddenly I realized, I needed to check out cartwheel app and to my surprise I found more than half my goods where discounted through this golden app! Score! Double score when I used my Target Red Debit Card, I saved nearly $10 when all was said and done! With a little patience and time I found deals that I would have not gone had I not visited my cartwheel app before checking out. I even came to the conclusion with little bit of change I saved I would buy us a nice bottle of wine! 
Tip #12
If you noticed I mentioned I have the Target Red Debit Card. Which means I basically have a debit card for Target. When I first signed up, I was offered the debit card which would be linked directly to my BOA account. Or a Target credit card that would work like any other credit card through a third party bank. I decided a long time ago, if I didn’t have it I didn’t need it! With that said I went with debit card and never looked back since! I don’t have a monthly bill and don’t have to worry about flexible interest fees. It’s my money - my debit card which means I don’t owe anyone. Plus, I save 5% on all my purchases. My fiancé and I recently bought a new television with the Target Red Debit Card we saved over $50. I know I sound like a Target Ad hahaa! That’s why Target should sponsor me! Holla at ya girl! LOL 
 Oct. 12 Expenses: 
 Target : $66 
 Wine Store: $39 
 Total: $105 
I hope everyone had a spectacular day! 
Oct. 13 
 It just wouldn’t be October without Friday the 13th! I love all things Halloween, from the horror flicks to the sweet treats! The season is upon us with those Jason classics! Today is a beautiful crisp day in Boston. The sun is out and the air is cool. However, the only sun I’ll be able to see is when I take my walks around my workplace building. I work an extremely long day today and although I’d rather be apple picking with friends. I have a lot of work to complete before the weekend. So, its all good! Being at work the entire day also leaves no room for money to be spent. And from my previous post you know that I already have dinner squared away. Which means . .  
Oct. 13 Expenses: $0 
Total: $0 Yay! #notakeout 
Tip #13 
With today being Friday the 13th and all Hollows Eve approaching, I’m sure many of you are thinking - “What will I be this year?” and “Where should I start looking?” My answer to that question is your closet and craft bucket! DIY Halloween this year, don’t go out and spend a ton of money on costume that’s probably cheaply made but cost $50 and UP! A few of my favorite DIY costumes are - a Cat, Disco Star and Beyoncé (of course)! Check out Pinterest and Instagram for more great ideas!
 Stay spooky and careful!
Oct. 14 
Lazy Saturdays call for Boston Bagel Company and long drives with my love. I did a little self care and caffeine therapy. However, I did spend a little on Wedding decor. AC Moore was having a great sale on all their items, even sale! I’ve been waiting for this sale for some time now, so I knew I wanted to seize this opportunity to make out some deals. Sooo - $70 later I was wondering what I bought! Hahaha - but it’s all good. I left satisfied with my purchase! Although, I went a little out of the scope of my cleanse - this sale didn’t want to miss out on, especially when I could saving a dollar on items I needed in bulk. Wedding costs can add up so whenever I can catch a sale, I’m all for it!
Tip #14 
Even when you stray from your budget / spending plan. It’s ok - as long as you are conscious of what you are buying and where your money is going. If you need to spend due to an emergency or a sale that would save you a ton on an item(s) you need - thats ok. Conscious spending, can save you a lot in the long run because you won’t be spending just because you have it in your account. You’ll be buying with purpose.
Oct. 14 Expenses:
AC Moore: $70
Starbucks: $10 (Reload To App) 
Target: $77 (More, Wedding decor LOL)
Total: $157
Cheers to Saturday x 
Oct. 15
After a pumpkin pancakes type morning, I was ready for the day which called for a celebration of a little bundle of joy! It was great day filled with laughs and catching up with friends. I didn’t spend any money today with food being served at the baby shower and enjoying the company of those around me. I had no need to spend. It was without a doubt a great day!
Tip #15
One thing that I have not done in a while that I did this weekend was do my own nails. This simple act can save you so much! On average with nails and toes I spend about $50-$60. No act is too small! Save yourself the hassle and pamper yourself at home, like no other!
Oct. 15 Expenses: $0
Total: $0
Dear Sunday, I love you x 
Oct. 16
Monday, I love you too - just in a different way. Hahaa! Today started at Target I needed to pick up some stuff for my mother and fur baby, Willow. I could have done some serious damage but, I was steadfast on this cleanse and I honestly didn’t need anything else for the Wedding from Target at this time and there was no emergency. So, I was in and got right out. I didn’t even stop for Starbucks (Anthony would be proud)! 
Tip #16 
Cutting back on Starbucks has been a bit hard for me. I love their seasonal drinks but, I’ve learned to make my own Pumpkin Spice Latte / Coffee with the help of YouTube! I estimate that I’ve saved about $25 thus far this month! Honestly, I feel better drinking my homemade Starbucks drinks and they have way more vegan friendly. Making your own faves are so easy to make and save more than you think. Try it - I promise you won’t regret it!
Oct. 16 Expenses: $33
Total: $33
Recap of Expenses!
10/10 - $0
10/11 - $-5
10/12- $105
10/13 - $0
10/14 - $157
10/15- $0
10/16 - $33
Total: $290 
Not bad - if I do say so myself!
Oct. 17 
Lonnngg day at work. All that had going on with today was loads of work and the gym. I can’t complain. It was a nice and productive day, I must say. Just the way I like em’. With that said, I send $0 today. No need to buy anything when you have all you need inside you lunch sack and on your phone! 
Tip #17 Gym fees can add up and not to mention if you don’t make it to the gym most of the time it can be a waste of money. One alternative to going to the gym is looking up fitness videos on YouTube. My favorite is Fitness Blender’s HIT workout videos. It gets the job and usually under 30 minutes! The only reason I feel the need to have a gym membership is because, I have a Wedding coming up and I’ll be one of the main attractions! I want to look and feel my best so I’m up for the challenge! 
Oct. 17 Expenses: $0 
Total: $0 
Whooaaaa! Go Me! 
Oct. 18
Another day in the neighborhood. The weather was beautiful, truly a perfect fall day! Today was another long day at work. With my homemade lunch, coffee and kombucha, I didn’t have to step out of the office. Well, I did when I took my daily walks. Today I didn’t spend any money and staying on track with my cleanse!
Tip #18 
I have a couple of friends who are obsessed with their credit scores and constantly asking me “Why is my credit score not going up?” It’s because they are constantly checking Credit Karma striving to reach the 700′s. However, it’s not about being apart of the “800 Club” it’s about the creating better money / spending habits. So, don’t take it so serious, your credit score matters. But, it’s not the end all be all. You go this x 
Oct. 18 Expenses: $0
Total: $0
Happy Hump-Day!
Oct. 19 
These last couple of days have been nothing less than amazing – the weather has been awesome, I’ve been making it to the gym every night this week and I booked a trip! Life can’t get any better. Today I continued with my regular routine with homemade breakfast / coffee / lunch. I did not spend a dime, yes! Tip #19 
Quote : “I do not work for money. I work for the freedom” –Leonardo DiCaprio, The Wolf of Wall Street 
Oct. 19 Expenses : $0 
Total: $0 
Cheers to the Weekend Eve! 
Oct. 20 We have reached the weekend! As well, as payday! Woke up bright and early to run a few errand before work. Today started off at Car Wash where I did some serious cleaning of second half, Lola (my Honda)! She looks amazing from the inside out. Then I had to fun over to Target to pick up some dinner essentials and other little things which included Halloween décor, Wedding baskets and lady products. Feeling so good, so productive! 
Tip #20 
Quote: “Become so financially secure that you forget that it’s payday.” – Genius 
Oct. 20 Expenses: 
Car Wash: $18 
Target: $114 (Included cash back – always need cash on hand) 
Total: $132 
Cheers to being more than half-way through my financial cleanse!
Oct. 21 
Saturdays feel so good to me! Especially when you have one that includes Wedding shopping and Halloween parties surrounded by a fire pit with sangria in hand! Amazing company and convos, it couldn’t have been better. Today I sent a bit on Wedding items - table numbers, something blue and a welcome sign. Then later at the Halloween party in support of one my high school friends I bought some of his creative goodness - probably sent way too much! LOL Breaking my cleanse a bit - but, I consider it comes out of my $100 bi-weekly allowance and it helps a creative do what they know what to do - be creative and thrive!
Tip #21
Quote: “The goal isn’t more money. The goal is living life on your own terms.” - Chris Brogan
Oct. 21 Expenses:
Etsy: $150 
Shaws’s: $22
Halloween Bash: $56
Total: $228
Hope you’re having a great Saturday!
Oct. 22
Lazy Sunday full of naps and treats. Although, I didn’t have to leave the house much. I did buy a gift for a friend’s bridal shower next week, which was so much fun! I even found a few things to add to our registry! 
Tip #22
Quote: “There’s no way I was born to just pay bills and die.” - Unknown, #FACTS
Oct. 22
Bridal Gift: $24
Total: $24
Relax and be good to yourself x 
Oct. 23 
Mondazzze can be a drag but, not this Monday the sun is shining and I feel great after a great weekend that ended with a great night’s sleep. Today was a long day at work with so much to get done before I was away from my home office for a bit. With that said I did not have to leave the office and I went straight home after work due to pure exhaustion. I did not spend any money! Whoaaa - another day down!
Tip #23
Quote: “Financial freedom is available to those learn about it and work for it.” - Robert T. Kiyosaki
Oct. 23 Expenses: $0
Total: $0
Recap of Expenses!
10/17 - $0
10/18 - $0
10/19- $0
10/20 - $132
10/21 - $228
10/22- $24
10/23 - $0
Total: $384
Hope you enjoyed your Monnddazzze x
Oct. 24 
Pretty day - good vibes - self reflection Tuesday. Today was a pretty good day - long but good! I went for my daily walks and caught up with a good friend. I bought all I needed to work so I didn’t need to leave the workplace. This is becoming part of the norm I know but, this was my goal to be able to go to work without having to spend on breakfast / coffee / lunch / more coffee / dinner. My eye is on the prize to save the $700 I’m aiming towards. 
Tip #24 
Quote: “Pursuing your passion is fulfilling and leads to financial freedom.” - Robert G. Allen 
Oct. 24 Expenses: $0
Total: $0
Oct. 25 
I can’t believe I made it this far! I’m less than a week away from completing this financial cleanse. This was just what I needed and helped me be a bit more money smart. Realizing I didn’t always need to spend when I went out and that home cooked meals will always be better than whatever is on the menu for takeout. Today I did have to get my braids done over for upcoming events and the gym had turned my head into a hot sweaty mess. Hahaa. So, I made my way over to my friend’s house to get this hair did. Once done my mother asked if she could have a break from cooking and could we just get some .  .  . do I dare to say it?! TAKEOUT. Although, this goes against my financial cleanse. I just can’t say no to my mother. I love her too much. So, I did some damage :(
Tip #25
Quote: “If saving money is wrong, I don’t want to be right.” - Willam Shatner 
Oct. 25 Expenses:
Braids - $70 
Takeout - $60 
Total: $130 
Ouch! But, it’s all good. Take care beautiful people x 
Oct. 26 
Today instead of traveling to my home office in Taunton, I went to Chelsea to participate in user acceptance training for a new system that my employer will be implementing in early December. I love traveling to this location due to the fact that I can travel via the MBTA, which is my local transit system. I get to enjoy my ride to work with a book or podcast! So, along I went. I did have to pay for the train and bus. I loaded my Charlie Card aka Metro Card. I also treated myself to a cup of Starbucks. I know no take out meaning no coffee but, it was calling my name, honestly! Hahaa 
Tip #26
“You’ve got to tell your money what to do or it will leave.” - Dave Ramsey
Oct. 26 Expenses:
Charlie Card : $10
Starbucks: $4
Total: $14
Happy travels my loves!
Oct. 27
Aww - I have made it to the final weekend of my financial cleanse! I can’t believe I’ve made it this far! Like seriously - I’m so impressed with myself and all the progress I’ve made. The cleanse will be done on Tuesday, then I will be sharing all the data I’ve collected and most importantly HOW MUCH I SAVED and HAVE I REACHED MY GOAL? Be sure to be here to check it out. 
So, today my love and I had the day off. So, we made our way to the mall because I was in desperate need of a facial cleanser and eye cream. We get to the mall and after picking out what I needed at The Body Shop, I make my way to the checkout… I left my wallet at home! Maybe it was a sign that I should NOT be shopping, LOL! I mean I am on a cleanse! That’s when my superhero stepped and saved the day! Thanks to my love, I have clean skin! We also went to Spooky World with his brother, sister and a friend. I did buy the kiddos some treats so, I did spend a little but, not very much at all! 
Tip #27 
“Also, check your bag twice for your wallet.” - Tiffany 
Oct. 27
Treats : $8
Total : $8
Wallet-less Tiff signing off x 
Oct. 28 
Chill Saturday with spooky movies, blogging and house work going on. Life couldn’t be better. Plus, my love has the day off. I’m not planning on leaving the house until later for a Bridal Shower, with my gift already purchased there is no money coming out of my pocket today! Yes! I guess I spoke to soon, life did just get better!
Tip #28
“Building wealth is like a marathon not a sprint. Discipline is the key ingredient.” - Dave’s Daily Tip
Oct. 28 
Expenses : $0
Total : $0 
Keep the good vibes only rollin’ x 
Oct. 29 
Low - key Sunday, filled with all things Halloween and living in my PJ’s. In the name of laziness  - I broke my cleanse. I bought takeout! I have to be honest with you guys, I didn’t feel like cooking today and dived into some pizza and ginger ale. But, I can’t beat myself up about it because I was in the mood for some me time and self pampering. 
Tip #29 
If you must choose takeout, save a few bucks and choose the pickup option instead of delivery. Maybe even walk to pickup your grub, get some fresh air and exercise. 
Oct. 29 Expenses
Takeout : $20
Amazon Rental (Annabelle Creation): $6
Total: $26 
Happy ‘ME’ Sunday! 
Oct. 30 
Today was a great Fall day - started with a bit of rain and me losing power. However, as the the day went along the sun came out and I received good news that one of my co-workers was moving on to bigger plans. Which makes me so happy that someone is following the path they want to lead! Due to the power going out this morning, I didn’t have my morning coffee brewed at home. So, Starbucks again was calling my name (FYI : I will have my PSL hack up on my Instagram tomorrow) so I was excited for my AM treat. Yes! Tomorrow is the last say of this October Financial Cleanse, be sure come back tomorrow for my results! 
Tip #30 
Quote: “What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us.” – Julia Cameron
Oct. 30 Expenses:
Starbucks: $10 
Target: $9 
Total: $19
Happy Mondazzee, live it to it’s fullest x 
Oct. 31 
Final day of my cleanse! I can’t believe I made it! Most of all I can’t believe I’m done with my first month long blog! It wasn’t easy but all worth it. I’ve learned that you have to make your money work for you, not against you. You decide where your money goes. Good money habits, create opportunity for you do things that are value. Not the next Gucci bag or a BMW. Rather create memories with loved ones with travel and exploring new cultures by trying new foods or traditions through art exhibits. 
I’m happy to say I saved just under $1,100! My goal was $700 that means I’m in the surplus of $400! What a achievement, I couldn’t be more happy and proud. Today I intentionally did not spend any money. Just in the effort to end my cleanse with a bang. So, for the last day of my cleanse . . 
Oct. 31 Expenses: $0 
Total: $0 Tip #31 
Quote: “It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.” – Geroge Lorimer Thank you for sharing this experience with me. Stay tuned in November, I’ll be starting a new cleanse! 
- T, x 
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