#I could probably take this further in the actual outfit I DO have a nasa sweatshirt
rotisseries · 2 years
girls when they have enough accessories to coordinate a theme with their outfit<333
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my-emotional-self · 6 years
Con-Flicted (Chris Evans x Reader)
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Smut, Angst, Drinking, Fluff
Summary: Going to the Seattle Ace Comic Con was like walking into a Marvel dream…..until some ungrateful people at the Panel got on your nerves.  
Word Count:  7k+
A/N: Chris Evans is at this con (let’s just pretend he didn’t back out) Also, I rearranged timing around a little bit (panel on Saturday before photo ops and autographs…that kind of thing)
Seattle, Washington. June 22nd.  Not only was it your first time in Washington, it was also your first Con you had ever been to.  It wasn’t the money that was an issue, it was the timing.  Each time Chris Evans was at a Con, there was always something in the way of you going; work, meetings, family.  But not this time.  Nope.  You made damn sure that you had an open schedule to be there; no matter how busy you were living your life in Los Angeles.  The only downside: all the VIP tickets were sold out before you got a chance to buy them.  
Walking through the doors of the venue Friday night was truly enchanting.  Today there wasn’t anything planned so you took your time to walk around and get a feel how everything went.  So many people were dressed up as their favorite characters, stopping you in your tracks.  Looking down at your outfit, you were wearing a pair of light washed jeans and a Marvel tank-top.  “Shit,” you whispered to yourself, realizing it would have been a lot of fun to dress up. Alas, you just didn’t have the time.
Vendors lined the wall selling everything from t-shirts, to buttons, to comic books and so much more. It was a dream.  As you walked around, you bought some t-shirts and Funko Pops to add to your growing collection at home.  
After a long day of walking around, it was up to your hotel room for you.  Taking a long hot shower, you dried yourself off and passed out on the bed; flying always made you tired.  
Bright and early the following morning you were up, hair done, makeup on and you headed down to the venue.  Luckily you were able to get a hotel room that was connected to the venue, making it that much more easily to go to and from.
As you made it to the venue, you immediately became overwhelmed.  Last night, while there were still plenty of people milling around, it was nothing compared to what you were looking at now.  Your heart began to beat faster as your eyes took in the crowd. Looking at your watch, you had about an hour to kill before the panel started.  Not wanting to move around the throng of people, your feet carried you swiftly to the auditorium and you found a seat right at the edge of the aisle where one of the microphones were placed.  
Your leg began to bounce up and down as you sat there anxiously awaiting the guys to come on stage. Behind you, girls began talking about Tom Holland and you had to hide your laugh from them.  They were going back and forth about what question they wanted to ask them and listing off all the names of people they wanted him to give a shout out to.  Shaking your head, you couldn’t believe that out of everything they could ask, they wanted to waste their time asking for shout outs to their friends.  It was completely ignorant and downright rude in your mind.  
Kevin Smith appeared on stage and the crowd began to cheer and clap; your cheering was a little more enthusiastic as theirs.  Maybe it was because you actually KNEW who Kevin Smith was!  
“Welcome of course to Ace Comic Con!  Is everyone having a good time?” Kevin asked the crowd and everyone cheered yet again. “The Ace crew has put together a fantastic lineup and today, we are going to talk to some bonafide Avengers ladies and gentlemen!”  The crowd went wild, including you.  Kevin went on to discuss how he has always been a big fan of not only Marvel, but DC as well and how lucky we are to be living in a time where they are taking those comics and turning them into magnificent movies for all of us to see. “We are going to talk to four people who have been a part of many of these movies.  First, we will start out with two of them because the other two are still taking pictures, but once they are done, they will come in and join us. So, without further ado, please welcome Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan!”
Everyone rose to their feet as the auditorium erupted into screams and applause.  Your heart was pounding in your chest as you saw Chris appear on stage.  A bright smile appeared on your lips at how absolutely gorgeous he looked.  He was wearing a pair of jeans, black tight t-shirt, and his ever present NASA ball cap.  His beard was trimmed to perfection and it took all your constraint to not run up there and run your nails through his beard.  
Ever since you first saw him play Captain America, you were hooked.  After that you watched all of his movies and realized just how terrific of an actor he really was.  Not only that, from what you had seen from his twitter and interviews, he was a great human being; standing up for what he believes in which was always a turn on for you.
Kevin sat down with Chris and Sebastian as the three of them talked on stage.  Soon enough people were lining up for questions as the guys on stage seemed to be having a great time.  Chris’ smile was contagious.  
You couldn’t help but watch Chris and the way he answered questions, or sat there and fidgeted on the couch next to Sebastian.  Knowing full well he had anxiety issues, your heart went out to him and this just proves how much he loves his fan to be here.
Without even introducing them, Tom and Anthony sneaked onto the stage and all the younger girls in the audience screamed so loud that you clenched your eyes shut tight from the sound; it was overpowering.  
“Better late than never,” Kevin joked making the four men on stage laugh and nod their heads. “Tom, are you having fun today?” It felt like five minutes of screaming before people quieted down enough for Tom to answer the question.  
“Yeah actually I’m having a blast.  It’s been a lot of fun!”
“And how about you Anthony?”
“Oh you know how it is,” he responded with a shrug of his shoulders and a smirk.  “These things are always fun for me to do because I get to pick on the rest of my cast members.”  His answer made you laugh like much of the rest of the audience.  
Kevin asked a few more questions to Tom and Anthony before he opened up the floor.  The questions went by with many of them seeming nervous to speak into a microphone and ask their questions; hell, you would be too which is why you didn’t want to ask anything.  The questions were simple, respectable….for the most part.  
“Take it away to the next person,” Kevin said and you looked to see a girl standing at the microphone.
“Umm, so first of all Tom, I was wondering if you could say ‘hi’ to my friend Mary, she’s a huge fan?”
Here we go you thought to yourself as you saw the girl holding her phone out and recording Tom.  
“Hi Mary!  How’re you doing?” Tom said with a smile from his seat on the stage.
“That’s probably going to make her, like, entire life,” the girl at the microphone said with a laugh. “Anyways, umm, so, I don’t really….well this is my first comicon,” she said with a nervous laugh.  “This is my first comicon and I just wanted to say that you guys are amazing actors and a huge inspiration and….just to point out to Anthony, Seb….Tom Holland, besides Chris, is the only here that actually HAS his own movie.”  Your jaw dropped to the floor at her saying that; your eyes wide as saucers.  It was such a disrespectful thing for her to say and you were flabbergasted that the crowd was actually CHEERING at her words!!!
Looking up at the four of them sitting on the couch, your heart dropped to your stomach.  Anthony was looking around the stage as both Chris and Sebastian tried to hide their embarrassment with laughs before their heads dipped way back.  From your view, you could see them shaking their heads back and forth.  
“I didn’t say it…I didn’t say it,” Tom said as his face was contorted with a mixture of a faked smile and embarrassment.  
“Things are getting hostile…AVENGE that comment man!” Kevin said.  
Sebastian grabbed his water bottle, Chris just sat there with his hands fidgeting in his lap, as Anthony began to speak.  “First of all….first of all, I’m pretty sure the movie was called ‘The Winter Solider’…..” the crowd cheered as you looked to Sebastian.  His face was hard, not even a hint of a smile as he nodded his head to his friend.  “I guess the two Academy Award nominated movies I did means nothing huh?”  
There were a few more ‘regular’ questions, people actually asking about the movies before another two girls stepped up to the microphone.  “Umm, yeah, I didn’t really have a question, but I just wanted to show this fan art my friend made of you Tom, and Tessa.  And I have a pitbull at home too so I just wanted to say I thought that was kind of cool and I was hoping you could give Tessa a pet for me?”
“I will, yes I will do that,” Tom replied with a grin.  
“Who’s Tessa?” Sebastian asked, confused as to who the girl was talking about.  
“His dog!!!  Oh my God educate yourself!” she spoke into the microphone with a scowl on her face as her friend laughed from behind her.  For the second time that day, your jaw dropped at the audacity these girls had to speak the way they were.  
Tom started laughing while Chris, Sebastian and Anthony had frowns on their faces, looking between the three of them.  
“You ah….you have a good time on the internet tonight,” Sebastian remarked with a shake of his head and you knew exactly what he meant by that.  The actual fans of the Marvel fandom would be making her into a meme and it would be ALL over the internet.  You grinned knowing that it wouldn’t be fun for her.  
“Time out time out…how do YOU know about Tessa?” Mackie asked.  
“He posts about her all the time.”
“Oh so he posts pictures of him and his dog?  Just hanging around at home?”
“Do you not follow Tom on Instagram?” she asked with her palms faced upwards.  
“Baby I’m an ADULT.  I follow no man, just so you know.”  You laughed so hard as Chris and Sebastian clapped, nodding their heads at his comeback.  Anthony always had the best comebacks.  
Next, her friend stepped up to the microphone.  “Ok, so before I say anything, I promised my friend Iris that I….”
Anthony quickly cut her off. “Ya’ll got a lot of friends. Where are your friends at?”
“I’m sorry…’friends’ maybe a term you don’t know…..” she trailed off and the crowd just gasped in shock at what she said.  Everyone on stage, all four of them were just as shocked as you.  
“What???” both Chris and Sebastian spoke into their mics as they turned to Mackie.  
“Oooohhh  ooohhhh oooohhh…I like that…I like that.  I don’t know the term ‘friends’, I know the term ‘family’.  When stuff gets tight, let me see where your friend at.”  
By now you had completely decided to stop listening to these young girls; not wanting to give them the time of day.  But you did faintly remember one of the girls saying something about a question for Tom and she didn’t really care about the others guys up there.  As you sat in your chair, your leg bouncing erratically up and down your eyes glanced towards the four of them on the stage.  They were embarrassed and extremely uncomfortable and now you felt the heat rushing up your neck and to your cheeks feeling utterly embarrassed FOR them, and for the rest of the Marvel Fandom.  
Once the girls were done, Kevin tried to end it but one more girl begged to ask her question.  All you ended up hearing from her was something along the lines of “I’ve been on my feet and in heels all day.”  It was enough to make you snap as you stood from your chair and went to the vacant microphone.  
Your heart was hammering in your chest but by now, you were running on peer adrenaline.  As the girl walked away from the microphone, you spoke up.
“Excuse me, Mr. Smith,” your nerves getting the better of you as your voice came out strained. Kevin looked at you, his brows raised. “I don’t have a question, I just wanted to make a real quick comment.”
“Well, I see there is someone out there who has manners.  What’s your name?”
“My name is Y/N.”
“Well Y/N, because you asked so respectfully, I’m going to let you make your comment.”
The heat was back to your face again as you blushed and you cleared your throat.  “I just want to start out by saying that every single one of you up there, are absolutely amazing.  Chris, Sebastian, Tom, Anthony, and you too Kevin.  You are all such talented actors and I want to say thank you for the movies you have given us.”  The crowd rejoiced and you felt encouraged to continue.  “I also want to apologize, on behalf of the Marvel fandom for today.  What some of these ‘fans’,” you stated with actual air quotes, “said to you guys up there, was disrespectful, and completely uncalled for.”  Turning sideways you glanced around the auditorium. “If anyone has a question for just one of the actors up there, you don’t have to actually go and say ‘you don’t care about the rest of them’.  The crowd, yet again, applauded you.  
You turned back around to face the stage and your eyes met Chris’.  He was staring right at you, staring right through to your soul and it took your breath away.  “Umm…,” you lost your train of thought for a minute.  “I know this isn’t part of your contract, to come to these cons and see your fans.  It is something you do, out of your own free will, and out of your own time.  There is no way that you should be treated the way you were today.  On behalf of the Marvel Fandom, I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here with us today.”
Chris, Sebastian, Tom, Anthony and even Kevin all stood up from their spots on stage and clapped for you. You noticed Chris quickly whisper something to each of his cast mates and they all nodded their heads.
As Kevin ended the panel you saw Chris whispering to what looked like a security guard; his head nodding in your direction.  Taking a deep gulp, you instantly thought you had maybe done something to upset them and were in trouble.  Sitting back down in your chair, you reached under and gathered your belongings before standing up, only to come face to face with the security guard that Chris was speaking with.  
“Are you Y/N?” the very tall and bulky looking man asked.  Swallowing the lump in your throat, you could only nod your head in response.  “Come with me.”
Fuck you thought to yourself as you followed him down the steps and trying to make your way through the crowd as everyone was leaving the auditorium.  You followed the man until you came up to the stage as he motioned for you to continue. Slowly you crept up the stairs as he ushered you behind the curtains.  
Your heart began to pound as you saw Sebastian, Anthony, and Tom standing next to a refreshment table, laughing, while Chris stood off to the side as he spoke on his phone.  
“Hey!  There she is!” Anthony’s voice boomed as he made his way towards you, arms out for a hug.  You couldn’t help the smile that graced your lips as you hugged him back.  And damn was he a good hugger.  “You know, you were our hero out there,” he said with a bright smile just as Chris got off the phone and walked over to you.  “Standing up for us an all.  I have to say.  It was ama-AZING!!”  Everyone laughed, including yourself as you felt the heat of your blush invade your neck and cheeks.  
“It was the least I could do after how some of those people were treating you guys.  I mean,” you looked down at your feet, feeling nervous from their gazes at you, “you guys put so much effort and passion into these movies for fans…it’s not fair for them to treat you like garbage when you take time out of your own life to do these kinds of things.”
All four of them murmured their agreements as Chris’ eyes never left yours.  It truly felt like he was looking deep into your soul and your heart skipped a beat.  Biting your lip, you turned you gaze down at your feet again.  
“Which is why we want to thank you.  How about you come up to my hotel room tonight.  We were all going to order some pizza and have some drinks.  We were hoping you would join us,” Chris spoke with a delighted smile.  
Your brain had to do a double take, as his words repeated in your head.  “Are-are you sure?” you asked with hesitation.  
“Of course we’re sure. It’s the least WE could do to thank you for what you did out there,” Sebastian chimed in.  At that moment, you weren’t sure if you had died and gone to heaven; or perhaps hit your head at some point and were dreaming.  
“Yes.  I’d love to.”
Since you didn’t have any autograph or photo sessions today, only tomorrow, you made your way back to your hotel room.  It turns out, the guys were all staying in the same hotel as you and you were to meet them at Chris’ room around 7 tonight.  
Looking at the clock, it was only 2 in the afternoon, but with everything that happened earlier, it felt much later than that.  Setting your alarm, you decided to take a little nap so you could be ready to hang with the guys tonight.
After waking from your nap, you lay there looking at the blank white ceiling of your hotel room.   Taking another quick shower, you re-did your makeup; making sure to keep it very simple. Taking one last look in the mirror, you gave yourself an encouraging nod before grabbing your purse and heading to Chris’ room, which just so happened to be on the same floor as yours; just on the opposite end of the hotel.  
Gathering a deep breath, you let it out before knocking on the door.  You could hear laughing and ruckus going on inside as the door opened to reveal a smiling Tom.  “Hey Y/N! You made it!” he beamed while opening the door for you to step inside.  
Looking around, you noticed it was a rather large suite.  It was a complete open floorplan with a large living room and kitchen; a set of double doors revealing the bedroom.  The furniture was very modern with sharp edges and neutral tones; the kitchen had dark wood with black granite.  
“Wow,” you said breathlessly as you looked around, realizing it was bigger than even your apartment back home.  Most hotels you had ever been in were very bland and boring; maybe you just needed to up your game and start staying in suites from now on.    
“There’s our girl,” you heard Chris say and the way he said it made go weak in the knees; his voice alone sending chills to your lady bits and you had to stifle a moan.  He had two beers, one in each hand as he came up to give you a hug.  And I thought Mackie was a great hugger you thought to yourself as Chris’ large arms wrapped securely around you.  
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” you giggled as he let you go.  Chris handed you a beer and placed a hand on your lower back, leading you into the living room.  
It wasn’t long before everyone was stuffed with pizza and booze; the suite echoing with laughter as you all were laid back on the couches and talking.  You were feeling relaxed and buzzed as you sipped on some sort of drink that Mackie had made for everyone.  The four of them welcomed you into their little group and you felt right at home. Chris also couldn’t keep his eyes off of you; especially your lips.  You caught him on more than one occasion watching your lips as you talked.
Chris wasn’t just watching you; he was being flirty with you also.  Each time the two of you were off the couch, either walking to and from the kitchen, or just standing around, he would always pass by you very closely. Many times he would even whisper in your ear, simple things such as “hey”, or “you look beautiful.”  Each time it made your breath hitch and you skin break out in goosebumps.  But your favorite part was when he would touch you with his hand to your lower back when he passed by.  This man was slowly torturing you in the most extravagant of ways.    
“Time for some fun! We are going to play Never Have I Ever! Everyone know the rules?” Tom said as he held up his drink.  It was a favorite past time of yours that you and your friends used to play in the summer at bonfires back in high school.  Everyone else nodded as Tom stood up.  “Alright. Sebastian, you start!”
Tom sat down as Sebastian stood up.  “Let’s see…..never have I ever…..had sex in a public place.”
“Really?  Never?” Chris asked as he shook his head laughing, taking a sip of his drink.  You bashfully grabbed your drink off the table and also took a sip.  
“Ooohh, look at our girl over here,” Mackie teased and you shrugged your shoulders; a playful grin on your face.    
“Alright I’ll go,” Tom spoke, standing up.  “Never have I ever hooked up with a cast member…or maybe in this case,” he said pointing to you, “a co-worker.”  Wheew, you were safe from that one; but Chris and Sebastian weren’t as they both took a swig of their drinks.  “Your turn Y/N.”
Standing up, you bite your lip trying to think of something that would perhaps get all of them to take a drink.  With a grin, you looked Chris dead in the eyes and spoke.  “Never have I ever hooked up with someone famous.”
“Oh come on!” a chorus of groans came about the room as you giggled.  
“Such a cheat,” Mackie said shaking his head as all four of the guys took a sip of their drinks. Looking around the room, you couldn’t help but feel his eyes burning into you.  With a small grin, your gaze landed on Chris and sure enough, he was staring right at you; his own mischievous smirk on his perfectly bearded face.  The way he was looking at you made you wet in your panties.  Biting your lower lip, you had to squeeze your legs together to stop the ache.  
Clearing his throat, Chris stood up.  “My turn.” You sucked in a deep breath as his eyes never wavered from your sitting form.  “Never have I ever slept with someone I met at a con.”  Instantly your cheeks became enflamed from the heat of the blush that overtook your body; and it clearly wasn’t from the drinking.  
“Ooohh,” came from the mouths of the three other guys in the room as they watched Chris stare you down.
“Dude, the point is to get other people to drink as much as possible.  Nobody here has hooked up with someone from a con,” Anthony chimed in with his signature smirk and chuckle.  
You stared intently at Chris, as he did the same; his eyes saying it all; not yet.  
A tremble went through your body as Chris gave you a devilish wink. 
“Damn it’s getting late. I’m going to head back to my room,” Anthony spoke up, breaking the staring contest between you and Chris.  
“Dude, it’s like, 10:30,” Tom responded giving him a goofy look.  
“Yeah and I’m old.  I’ll see you three in the morning.”  Anthony got off the couch and made his way to you, giving you a hug.  “And you all will go to bed soon enough too if you know what’s good for you!”
“Yes dad,” Tom remarked getting from the couch as well.  He too came over to give you a hug as you noticed Chris whisper something into Sebastian’s ear.  Sebastian nodded his head, giving you a grin as he came over to give you a hug also.  
“I suppose, it is time to go.”  Getting up off the couch, you began to retrieve your purse, thinking you should be heading out with the rest of them, but that didn’t seem like the case.  
Chris came up behind you and whispered into your ear, “stay for a while longer.”  A quiver went down your spine as you watched Chris head towards the door, walking his guests out.  Your mouth suddenly went dry and you nearly fell back onto the couch and hastily grabbed your drink; down the rest of it in three big gulps.   You are single, and so is Chris .  Have fun tonight your mind reminded you.  
Hearing the door close, you turned to see Chris heading towards the kitchen.  “Want another drink?”
“Umm, yeah, that’d be great.”
Sitting down next to you, he handed you a beer and you greedily began drinking it.  You weren’t sure what his intentions were for tonight, but at this point, you didn’t care one big.  He was a drop dead gorgeous man, and you were single.  You were allowed to have fun, right?
He sat rather close to you and the heat radiating off of him was searing.  The more you drank, the more brave you became and before you knew it, the words tumbled from your mouth.  “You’ve been watching me a lot tonight.”
Chris’ chest rumbled with a deep chuckle.  “How could I not?  You have an amazing personality and it’s quite a turn on.  I couldn’t help myself.”  His arm came to rest behind the couch, right behind your head as he placed his hand on your shoulder.  “I’m serious Y/N.  I don’t do this kind of thing.  I don’t just meet a girl and then hook up with her.”  So that is his intention tonight you thought to yourself.  “But there is something different about you.  You’re honest and caring.  Funny as fuck and not to mention fahking beautiful.”  There it was; his Boston accent you had so been hoping to hear.  “I don’t do things spur of the moment.”
You found yourself leaning into him, just as he was doing to you.  His words hitting close to home and it made you feel better knowing he didn’t just want to screw you and leave you.  The chemistry had been there, all night, that much was true.  As you got close to him, it felt as if a wave of electricity was bouncing off the two of you.  
“Do you feel that?” you asked, fanning his face with your breath.
“That connection?” he replied as his eyes glanced down to your lips.  “Oh yeah I feel that.”  He closed the distance and his lips finally connected with yours.  It was the greatest feeling in the world; but all too soon, he pulled away.  “Was that ok?”
Your heart was racing in your chest as you nodded your head.  “More than ok.”  You smiled before kissing him this time, putting all your sexual frustration into the kiss.  Reaching your hand up, you cupped the back of his head as your fingers threaded through his thick locks, earning a low growl from Chris.  The noise turned you on to no end as you moved your leg to straddle his waist.
Your lips continued to brush together, slowly at first.  Chris was a damn fine kisser and you found you could stay in this position for the rest of your life and be happy, just kissing him like this.    
His hands moved to grip your hips as the kiss deepened; his tongue swiping at your lower lip, begging for entrance.  You gladly opened your mouth, letting his tongue trace yours as a soft moan escaped the back of your throat.  Chris gripped your hips at the noise and you involuntarily ground your hips down.  
“Fuck Y/N,” Chris rasped as he pulled away from your lips.  He looked longingly into your eyes; his hips jutting up and you could very clearly feel how hard he was already.  His hands trailed from your hips and under your shirt; stalling at the clasp of your bra.  “Tell me to stop and I will.”
Your heart swelled knowing that he was thinking more intently about this situation than just a quick fuck and you gripped his hair at the nape of his neck.  “Don’t even think about stopping,” you cooed.  
With a seductive grin on his part, he unclasped your bra as his lips began giving slow, succulent open mouth kisses on your neck.  His kisses left you feeling dizzy in the best kind of way as your hands went to the hem of his white t-shirt, quickly lifting it over his head.  “Fuck,” you breathed out as you saw him bare chested; the tattoo on his collar bone just begging to be kissed.  Leaning down, you did just that as you let your tongue swipe across the beautiful words.  
It was his turn to rid you of your shirt as your arms raised.  He pulled off your shirt and bra with haste; staring right back at your bare chest.  “Fucking beautiful,” he murmured before his lips encircled your right nipple, making you throw your head back in pure delight.  You had never felt this kind of fire burning in your body and you couldn’t wait to experience more with Chris.  He gave your left nipple the same amount of affection before he began nibbling on your collarbone.  His large hands cupped your breasts and squeezed lightly, just as his tongue found a sweet spot on your neck.  A guttural moan left your lips and you felt his cock twitch beneath you.    
You began to gyrate your hips, needing to release some sort of tension on your core and it only spurred Chris on more as he lightly began to bite and nibble on your neck.  “Chris,” his name was a breathy moan as it left your lips.  
He didn’t need to hear anymore as he gripped your hips tightly and rolled you onto your back on the couch.  Chris made quick work of removing your pants and panties before positioning you into a seated position on the couch.  His alluring grin was back as his hands grasped your ankles and pulled you down a bit so your ass was close to hanging off the couch.  
Chris sunk to his knees in front of you and it felt like your brain began to short-circuit.  Is this really happening you thought as Chris pried your legs wide open for him. “Fahking perfect,” he breathed and his hot breath made you tremble from deep inside.  “You still want to do this?”
“Yes, yes Chris please,” you begged as your chest heaved with anticipation.  
His eyes roamed over your heaving chest before landing right on your open pussy; and fuck were you wet for him.  He began peppering the inside of your thighs with soft kisses; his beard tickling you as you tried to hold still.  Taking his fingers, he spread you gently and began to lightly blow making you wiggle with pleasure.  He damn well knew he was teasing you and he was getting a kick out of it.  Thankfully he wasn’t that cruel as his lips wrapped around your aching clit, making you scream out his name.  
Your head fell back and Chris moaned as he licked a strip right up your center and to your clit. Your hand grasped his hair as you wiggled your hips.  From all the sexual tension you’ve had tonight, you knew you wouldn’t be lasting long; especially with his expert mouth.  Fuck could this mad use his mouth.
As his mouth began to suckle your nub, he inserted two fingers into your core and you were a goner. Your orgasm washed over you in waves of pleasure; more than you had ever felt before.  You cried out his name as your body convulsed; Chris’ fingers still inside of you but they stilled their movements.  
When your high finally ended, you opened your eyes to see Chris kneeling before you; a beaming smile on his face.  “You are even more gorgeous when you come, if that’s even possible.”
A soft giggle escaped your lips as you leaned forward to kiss him; tasting yourself on his lips. Your hands trailed down his chest until you reached his sweatpants; your hand disappearing inside the waistband. A low growl came from Chris as your hand clasped his large and endowed cock.  “Oh that feels good,” Chris grunted as his head slumped onto your shoulder. Your thumb circled his tip, wiping his pre-cum all around him as you began to pump him slowly.  Hell, you were beginning to get off again just hearing the noises he was making.  “Wait wait wait.  Stop Y/N.”
You frowned at him, wondering if you were doing something wrong.  But he quickly kissed your worries away with the most passionate and heated kiss you ever felt someone give you.  “I just don’t want to come too fast,” he confessed with a smile as he pulled away.  “You’re turning me on like crazy.”
You chuckled as he stood up from his spot, shredding his sweatpants and boxers, leaving him completely bare just like you.  With your beating heart and even more aching pussy, you stood up from your spot on the couch and switched positions with Chris so he was now sitting down.  As you began to straddle him, he stopped you a second time.  “What about a condom?”
He truly was not only a gentleman, but the perfect man as you smiled back at him.  It amazed you that he was so caring and concerned. Most men wouldn’t care; they just wanted a quick fuck and then be done.  But not Chris.  “I’m clean and on birth control.”
Chris nodded as his hands raked over your naked form in front of him; eyeing you with greed.  “I trust you.”  His words made your heart skip a beat as you slowly lowered yourself onto his thick length.  The two of you groaned in pleasure at once.  You had never felt so full before.  Chris’ hands explored your body as your forehead rested on his; your breathing deep as you became stretched with his member.  “Are you ok?” he inquired.  Opening your eyes, you saw he was staring at you with consideration.  
A small smirk graced your lips as you nodded your head.  “I’ve uh…I’ve just never been with someone so big before,” you lightly giggled.  “It’s just going to take a moment to adjust.” Chris’ eyes softened as his right hand was placed at your neck, pulling you forward so he could kiss you.  His kiss was tender and gentle, making you that much more relaxed and easier to adjust to him.  
“I’m kind of glad you needed a few minutes to adjust,” Chris chuckled when the kiss ended.  Cocking your head to the side, your brows furrowed at his comment.  “Fahk Y/N, your pussy is so tight and warm.  If you would have begun to ride me right away, I would have busted instantly.”
All the tension released from your body once you found out just how turned on Chris was.  “Well, in that case.  Are you ready or do you need another minute?” you teased playfully with a wink.  
With his own grin, he placed his hands at your hips and lifted you up before easing you back down. No words were needed for you to realize he was ready.  As you placed your hands on his shoulders, you began to ride him.  Your breasts bounced as your thigh muscles were giving you one hell of a workout; but it was all worth it.  Opening your eyes, you saw Chris’ gaze go from your bouncing breasts and down to where you two were connected; watching his own cock disappear into your pussy.
Chris made a dangerously seductive growl before placing his hands at your ass, giving a tight squeeze. “YES!” you cried out, loving the way he was touching your scorching body.    
Without so much as a notice, Chris gripped his arms under your thighs and lifted you up, causing you to squeal as he began walking into the bedroom; the two of you still connected in the most intimate of ways.  
Chris placed you on the large bed with ease.  His hips snapped forward as he began to pound into you with a rapid pace.  Your arms went up to the headboard to protect your head from hitting it as Chris began to pound you into the mattress.  “Don’t fucking stop!” you begged as you felt the familiar ripple begin to tighten in your belly.  For, what it seems like the first time in your life, someone actually listened to you during sex and Chris’ hips never faltered.  In fact, he sped up if that was even at all possible.  Your toes began to curl and your muscles tightened.   “Fuck fuck yesyesyes CHRIS!” you screamed as your second orgasm of the night washed through you.  
“Right there baby…..FUCK,” Chris bellowed as he gave a few more sloppy thrusts before stilling inside you; his cum filling the inside of your pussy as his cock twitched inside of you.
You startled awake the next morning as an alarm blared rather early.  Groaning in frustration, you opened your eyes and realized you were cuddled in a cocoon in Chris’ arms; a smile gracing your lips as last night’s memories repeated in your head.
“Mmmmm, sorry about that,” Chris spoke as he turned his alarm off and kissed the back of your neck before getting out of bed.  
“What time is it?” you asked as you got into a sitting position.
“Almost nine.  I have photo ops starting at 10.”  He came around the bed and gave you a tender kiss before heading into the bathroom.  You heard the shower turn on as pushed the covers off your naked body, shivering at the loss of comfort.  
Making your way into the living room you began to dress yourself, a frown emanating on your lips. Although you had an amazing night last night, you were sad to see it end.  Chris was incredible; not just in bed but also in tune with your feelings, making you feel comfortable.  
Just as you reached for your purse, Chris emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He walked over to you, taking you into his arms.  “I had a great time last night.”
“Me too,” you replied hugging him back.  He smelled amazing and you didn’t want to let him go.  
“I meant what I said last night Y/N.  I don’t do these kinds of things without thinking them through.  If you hadn’t live in Los Angeles, I don’t know if I could have gone through what we did last night.  But since we live in the same city, I was kind of hoping things wouldn’t have to end tonight.”
Yep, you’re dead.  You’re dead and in heaven was all you could think as you stared into his baby blue eyes.  “Are you being serious right now?”
He hugged you tighter as you felt his chest rumble with laughter.  “Dead serious.”  He pulled away and gave you a chaste kiss to your lips.  “I want to take you on a real date next week.  Can I do that?”
You nodded your head quickly before the two of you exchanged numbers.  “I’ll see you soon,” he added before giving your butt a smack.  
As you left his room, you couldn’t help but grin as you headed back to your room.  Sooner than you think you thought to yourself.  
Not having VIP tickets was a bummer, but standing in line for your photo op only let you sit and memorize everything that happened the night before with Chris.  Before you knew it, you were next in line.  
Opening the curtain, there you saw Sebastian, Anthony, Tom and Chris as they posed with a fan.  When Anthony saw you, his smile brightened.  “There’s our girl!”
You quickly got in the middle of them, with Chris to your right.  Taking a quick glance in his direction, you winked at him before smiling at the photographer.  It may have looked like Chris’ arm was around you in the photo; but lo and behold, his hand was placed firmly on your ass and you couldn’t wait to get back home for your first official date with Chris.  
Tag List: @patzammit @brastrangled @miss-cap21 @pumbibaby @marvelouslyme96 @kanupps06 @zohoffman @the-real-kellymonster @princess-evans-addict @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @remember-that-one-blog @sincerelyfan @projectxhappiness @libbitinasdeath @hispeculiartreasure @guera31 @ssweet-empowerment @sfreeborn @jjlevin @badassbaker @sophiealiice @supernatural-girl97 @coffeebooksandfandom @esoltis280 @poerebel @laochbaineann @crushed-pink-petals @thisismysecrethappyplace
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stardusttrashed · 6 years
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Requested by @evansleftboobgrablaugh
Word Count: 3350
Summary: The other Avengers find out Y/n and Loki have been secretly dating for months
Warnings: fluff, implied smut, minor swearing
A/n: Thank you so much for requesting this, I really enjoyed writing this one. Sorry, the Avengers and pretty occ. Also, thank you to every who read this <3
“Loki stop,” Y/n giggled as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. Her back pressed against his chest, their thin shirts barely enough to keep her from feeling how sculpted his chest was. His other hand trailed down her arm slowly, ghosting over her skin down to her hand which held a butter knife. Loki gently wrapped his hand around her’s similar to how one would hold a baby’s hand, humming tiredly.
She was currently in the middle make herself some brunch, relishing in the fact that she wouldn’t have to share or have her meal interrupted for the first time in months. The Avengers had been called in for a last minute mission and it wasn’t until she had gotten dressed that Steve remembered to finally inform her she wasn’t needed.  
“Take the day off, maybe you can finally have that spa day you were telling me about,” Steve smiled encouragingly.
“The only reason I’m not gonna kick your ass later for this is ‘cause I’ve actually been looking forward to some me time,” Y/n yawned before playfully punching his arm, making his smile grow wider.  “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going back to bed.” She turned on her heels and started towards her room when Thor’s voice call out to her.
“Lady Y/n, be sure to keep an eye on my brother for me, keep him out of trouble.” Y/n bit her lip and hid her smirk. He was leaving Loki behind on purpose, just to mess with her.
“I guess I can manage that,” Y/n replied, trying to hide her giddiness. She waited before the team left before sneaking into Loki’s room and falling asleep beside him.
“I swear if you don’t stop I will cut you,” she threatened him, feigning irritation when he continued to graze the back of her neck with his nose and lips. The smooth sensation followed by the tickle of his invisible scruff sent shivers down her spine. She took a deep breath to take her attention off of the butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
“And I’d simply thank you, my love. It’s not every day that you’re graced with the pleasure of being stabbed by such a beautiful Queen,” Loki breathed against her skin. He planted a gentle kiss along the crook of her neck, letting his lips linger for a second. She could feel his lips curl into his signature cheeky and somewhat cocky smile as she giggled silently.
He knew without a doubt the effect he had on her and he loved every bit of it. He loved knowing the curves of her body like he knew his hand. He loved knowing where she was ticklish or the best places to pepper her body with kisses depending on her mood. Loki loved her more than he or anyone else could understand. What he didn’t love was feeling like he should hide his feelings for her when they were around anyone other than Peter and Thor. He still hadn’t managed to gain everyone’s favor and if they found out about him dating Y/n all havoc would probably break loose.
Y/n rolled her eyes, a small blush creeping onto her cheeks. “My King, please,” she bit her lip, hoping using that name would persuade him to comply. “I promise I’m all yours after I cook us brunch.” She turned her head just enough to see his beautiful smile. It took every ounce of Y/n’s self-control, which was fleeting away by the second, to stand her ground.
“You’re always mine,” Loki growled quietly, pulling away from her so she could finish her task. “Tell me again how you Midgardians wear these atrocities,” Loki groaned a few minutes after a comfortable silence fell over them. Y/n giggled and glanced at his attire as she turned on the stove.
The black joggers she had grabbed from Tony’s room clung loosely to his long legs, making them appear longer. He had paired it with a fitted grey NASA shirt she had bought him weeks ago so they could match. Half of his hair was pulled back into a bun while the rest hung freely just past his shoulders, making way for his ocean eyes to take center stage of attention.
“What do you mean? They’re really cute,” Y/n giggled. “Those clothes are just as sexy as your suits or armor,” she continued, making him blush softly which he covered with a scoff. Y/n quickly stole a kiss from him before attending to her grilled cheese again.
Loki took the moment to admire her. A NASA shirt hung comfortably around her body which she wore with a pair of black shorts. She was always so effortlessly beautiful, always managing to capture his attention as soon as she walked into the room even from the first time he laid eyes on her.
“Also, what are you saying about my outfits then,” Y/n teased, sending him a playful glare.
“That you’re the only one who can make these hideous things look like they should be captured in one of those art museums.” He leaned against the counter, watching her try to play off how flustered his comment made her.
Peter pulled out the small tablet Tony had brought and scanned the security cameras, looking for Y/n or Loki so he could say hi. It was weird being on a mission without Y/n being with them. Usually, she would come on every mission if he was going along even if she didn’t have to. Tony was a father/mentor figure towards both of them so naturally, they had a sibling relationship.
Within the past few months, she had stopped insisting on going on every mission with him. At first, he didn’t really think about it, but after a month had passed he began to get a little worried. Eventually, she confessed she had been spending time with Loki especially during her days off. He was totally fine with that, but when he found out they were dating he was overwhelmed with a feeling of happiness and surprise. As time passed and Y/n’s smile grew bigger, spreading from her to everyone else in the tower like a virus, it got easier to cover for the couple.
Peter dipped into a secluded area and spoke to the through the system. “Everything alright over there kid” Tony called out to him from across the ship, arching his eyebrow once the kid finally emerged after an hour.
Peter nodded quickly, “y-yeah Mr.Stark. I just um, I.” He failed to come up with any kind of excuse, interrupted by Thor who had looked over his shoulder.
“Was it a lady,” Thor began but quickly stopped when he saw the people on screen. He smiled brightly at the scene on the screen, which only drew more attention to them.
“Dance with me please,” Y/n begged as she tried to pull her lover off of the couch.
“Why should I,” Loki smirked mischievously, gently urging her back onto the couch. Y/n gave in and straddled his lap, biting her lower lip softly. She ran her fingers through his curls, twirling the black curls around her fingers, while a content smile rested on her face.
“Because you love me so much.” She leaned down and kissed his lips tenderly, pressing her body against his. “And it’d make me very happy,” she whispered, looking into his eyes with a small pout on her lips.
Loki smiled softly and stood up, holding her in his arms. “I can never say no to you my darling, especially when it comes to your happiness.”
“Relax Tony, he’s probably just checking on his little girlfriend Y/n,” Rhodey joked, trying to calm his friend down who was becoming antsier by the minute.
“Not helping,” Tony mumbled before getting up and walking across the hanger. “Hand it over, kid,” Tony sighed, holding his hand out to Peter. He couldn’t help but let the curiosity take over. Peter and Thor had been staring at the screen for nearly fifteen minutes while smiling like idiots. Peter reluctantly handed the tablet over, his eyes begging Tony not to freak out as his smile faded almost instantly. Tony couldn’t believe his eyes, it had to be fake. There was no way. Y/n and Loki?
“What could possibly be that bad,” Steve asked as he walked over to the furious yet shocked man. He peered over at the tablet and had almost the same exact reaction. His eyebrows knitted together as he tried to keep his composure. “Give me strength,” he sighed, looking up at the ceiling of the hanger.
“You are more beautiful than anything I’ve ever laid my eyes upon,” Loki smiled, admiring Y/n swaying in his arms. The sound of old love songs filled the air, taking up whatever space in the tower that they weren’t occupying. “I love you.”
Y/n smiled and ran her hand along his now blue skin, marveling in the feel of his cold skin beneath her touch. “I love you too. And I guess you haven’t seen yourself. You’re beyond handsome,” she looked up into his red eyes. “Both in your Asgardian form and your Jotun form, the only reason I prefer your Asgardian form more is cause it’s warmer.” Loki chuckled and pulled her closer, swaying to the beat. “Don’t change,” Y/n protested softly before the soft green glow expanded. Her voice was a soft whisper, barely making it past his ears. “I like knowing you feel comfortable enough to be like this.”
Loki smiled bashfully, “Darling, you are too good to me. I would love nothing more than to take you away from here, anywhere you want. I’d take away all your worries and stresses. All I can do is attempt to make you feel as special as you make me feel.”
“You do that now Loki,” Y/n coaxed him. “You’re my everything and more, my King.” She stood on her tiptoes and poured everything else she wanted to say into a kiss. The contrasting temperatures of their lips urged her loving touch on further, pushing it towards desperation.
Loki kissed back hungrily, nibbling on her bottom lip. The kiss wasn’t enough, wasn’t close enough, didn’t show enough love they held towards each other. Their hand explored each other’s bodies, grabbing and pulling gently to close the nonexistent space, pressing against one another. The music and world around them had drowned out into merely nothing, leaving the pair alone in their own little world.
Her legs bumped against the back of his bed as Loki guided her, never fully breaking the kiss. There was so much passion in the way they touched each other. Holding onto one another as if it were the last time they’d have a chance to. Breathlessly kissing each other, their moans barely making it past the other’s lips. His frigid fingers leaving a trail of goosebumps on her sides and the back of her thighs.
“Come on out Reindeer Games, we need to have a talk,” Tony yelled as he marched out of the elevator and into the living room.
“Y/n,” Steve and Bruce called at the same time, glancing at each other for a second before refocusing.
“Guys please don’t freak out, ” Peter attempted to plea, running a little to catch up with Tony who was ahead of the group.
“Not now kid,” Tony cut him off. The whole team had found out on the way back to the tower after Tony did. Needless to say, none of them were really happy about the situation, except for Peter and Thor- two nerds who just so happened to ship Y/n and Loki as if their life depended on it.
“Guess the team is back,” Y/n sighed, placing a small kiss on Loki’s cheek before he changed his form. “Maybe we should just tell them already. I don’t want to hide you anymore.” She looked over her shoulder at him as she tidied herself.
Loki smiled lovingly at her words, “well if you truly wish to do so, I suppose we can. Though I’m almost positive we won’t receive their loving approval or blessings.” His words were sprinkled with a cynicism that covered his hurt. No matter how much he claimed he could care less about their approval, she could always see the side of him that did. He wanted to fit in, to be completely a part of her life with his past hanging over him.
“Maybe we should wait for a better time. And don’t worry Thor and Peter will probably convince them over time,” Y/n giggled. “I love you, my King. I don’t care what they have to say about that, it won’t change how I feel.”
The couple walked out of his room in turns, into the living room where a gloom hung around the room. Everyone either had a displeased or an anxious expression pressed over their face. The mood lightened for a split second when Y/n and Peter hugged each other, followed by her and Thor hugging.
“How long has this been going on,” Bruce cut in, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Y/n gave him a blank stare and opened her mouth to respond before he quickly clarified. “How long have you and Loki been... Whatever you two are.”
Y/n’s cheeks flushed over as she looked between Loki and Bruce, and onto the rest of the team. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t play dumb with us Y/n,” Natasha spoke, crossing her arms over her chest.
Y/n sighed and looked at Loki for a sense of comfort. “For almost a year now.”
“Ten months and twenty days to be exact,” Loki grinned mischievously making Y/n roll her eyes. She quickly shit him a look telling him now was probably not the best time to be his usual cheeky self even if she still found it adorable.
Despite what she would’ve thought, Steve seemed to be the most upset about the news. Then again Tony could still be processing everything. Y/n took the moment to walk over to Loki’s side, lacing her fingers with his. A gentle smile crossed his face as he pulled her hand to his lips, taking the time to kiss each of her knuckles despite being in front of the others. A blush involuntarily appeared on her cheeks along with her lips curving into a bashful yet tender smile. Loki acted as her comfort blanket, steering her attention away from the heavy atmosphere.
“Perhaps we should all leave the situation as it is. It’s evident they both have strong feelings for each other. I like to believe he truly makes her happy,” Thor looked away from the others and at the couple drifting into their own world once again. “And that is the happiest I’ve seen my brother ever.”
“He does,” Y/n chimed in, breaking her eye contact with Loki. “I know how most of you feel about him, but he’s always had my best interests in hand.” She looked at Loki and playfully nudged him, “well almost always.”
“If I may interject, with or without your blessings I will continue to love every inch of her more than I can fathom.” Loki opened his mouth to continue but was cut off by Clint walking in, a bagel in hand.
“Oh my gosh! You’re in love with him?! That guy?!” He sighed and shook his head, taking another bite from his bagel. “You could do so much better than that greasy weasel.”
“Yeah, I doubt that. He’s my greasy weasley King,” Y/n chuckled, leaning upwards to kiss Loki’s jaw. He squeezed her hand gently as an annoyed sigh fell from his lips.
“Now that the cats out of the bag, can we take time to look at their cute matching outfits,” Peter smiled awkwardly, trying to ease the situation.
“Thanks, but probably not helping Pete,” Y/n said softly as she smiled uncontrollably. Out of the corner of her eye could make out Thor giving them an approving smile that warmed her heart.
Slowly the air in the room was becoming lighter, more comfortable for everyone despite the still apparent disbelief many of them had.
“I plan on staying by his side until he learns to have normal conversations and relationships with the people on Earth, mostly you guys. Maybe even a little longer after that,” Y/n admitted with a newfound confidence. “There’s so much more to him than the man you fought against years ago and I hope we can get you to see that. And I’m gonna stop now before I start rambling.”
Loki’s ocean eyes focused on her, taking in the features he’s admired since the moment he laid eyes on her as if it were the first time all over again. She had his entire heart along with the rest of him. He was hers for as long as she’d have him and vice-versa.
“Get a room,” Tony groaned, sliding his hands down his face like the dramatic toddler he tended to act like. “Actually don’t,” he stopped his hands halfway down his face, realizing what that could imply. “Listen, kid,” he sighed as he moved his hands, one rubbing his temple while the other rested on his hips. “I.. God I can’t believe I’m about to say this.” He had everyone’s undivided attention, all of them hanging onto his words as curiosity ate at them. “If Reindeer Games really makes you that happy, then you have my blessings or whatever.” He looked up at Y/n to see her beaming from ear to ear, making him smile proudly. “Hopefully that goes for everyone in the room as well,” he added, earning hesitant nods from the others.
“Just don’t make the mistake of hurting her,” Bruce attempted to say menacingly, cracking a smile as soon as Y/n raised an eyebrow. Everyone in the room could already predict what she would tell Bruce- something along the lines of Loki would have to worry about her more than he’d worry about what they’d do. So instead she stayed quiet.
“Outside of the bedroom, I would never,” Loki smirked, chuckling quietly as Y/n nudged him.
“And his hourly limit of being polite in front of others must be up,” Y/n quickly spoke as she turned him around to face the hall. “We would love to stay and chat, but I think we’ve pushed it enough for the next couple of hours. Bye guys!” All of her words tumbled nervously out of her mouth causing a few to merge together. She pushed Loki in front of her, urging him in the direction of his room.
“Y/n you better not give him my pants to wear again,” Tony called after them, laughter and a hint of anger in his voice.
“If it makes you feel better Mr.Stark he wasn’t wearing them for very long,” Y/n yelled before she could stop herself. Loki’s loud laughter only made her even more embarrassed about her slip up. “Shut up weasel,” she giggled, closing the door behind them.
“What do you mean you already have a ship name for them,” Wanda spoke as she walked past Loki’s room with Peter. “How long have you known about them?”
“Yeah, Thor was the one who came up with it,” Peter chipped, avoiding answering her second question. “I think they’re gonna last a long time.”
“What do you think witch?” Y/n laughed, rolling onto her belly so she could face him.
“Hey,” Loki said offendedly. “We’ve been over this I’m not a witch or a wizard.” He shook his head as Y/n playfully rolled her eyes and mumbled ‘lame’. “But,” he reached over and pushed a loose strand of hair out her face. His lips curved up into a lazy smile as his eyes searched her’s, “I’d say he’s right.”
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Circuits of the Heart
Title: Chapter 1: Just Look Up What a Hug is Okay?
Warnings: Small amount of swearing
Summary: Circuit (code name) is the newest member at Mount Justice and your first meeting with the team. Interactions with humans are hard especially if your brain is a computer and your technokinesis only allows you to connect with technology. And especially if one of those people is Nightwing.
A/N: So um this is my reintroduction into writing. This is an old idea I stumbled across because of nostalgia. It can be read as Nightwing x reader/ OC because only the characters code name is used. It's a slow burn so not too much romance touchy feely stuff. Umm like this if you want more because this is only like 6 pages of the 11 I have so far. (I just didn't know where to split it so it kinda just ends)
Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7 Chapter 8
I entered feeling more nervous than ever. Batman was to my side and basically dragging me along to the training area.  He said that was where most of my new teammates were. I was in my new costume, it was a metallic gray color with purple and yellow trim.  It helped me to better connect with technology because of its a metallic inlay and magnetized fingers. Before all of this I didn’t have a special suit or a special name.   I was just a girl who liked to play with computers. I was just the hacker girl trying to figure my way into the Wayne Enterprises computer system.
Now I was a girl being dragged by Batman through mount justice to meet a bunch of people I didn’t really want to.  It is not like I hadn’t thoroughly searched through my new teammates background and history; I knew everything about everyone and probably some things even they didn’t know about themselves.  So when I saw Artemis's green suit my mind immediately began to swim with sportsman, cheshire, and tigress, etc. I hadn’t meant to but I put Artemis’ entire life into graphs and numbers.
“ Hi I’m-”
“Artemis number B07 one of the newer members of the team besides Zatanna and now me.  Age 19.”
Artemis just stared and then laughed “ Hey Wonder Boy we’ve got a new you on the team.”
Though Batman was my mentor I hadn’t yet met any of his other prodige. Batman said it was because I wasn’t really part of the bat fam.  Which I tried to pretend didn’t hurt but it did a little bit. Sure I had actual powers but that didn’t mean that I couldn’t belong with them.
“I told you not to call me that or I’d call you Mrs. West.”  A tall boy with black hair turned and said this. I recognized Nightwing immediately from the hours of research I did.  He had his signature black and blue suit and domino mask.
Artemis yelled and lunged but a girl with green skin (probably Miss Martian) held her back. “You are so luck Wally’s not here and M’gann is or you’d have an arrow to the jugular.” Artemis said with a cool glare. Then Nightwing turned to face you.
“Hi the name is Nightwing.  Not Wonder Boy.” He winked from under his mask.
“No your real name is Di-”  I started.
“Woah woah lets not let that slip.”  Intervened Batman hastily.
Nightwing looked shocked that I might know his real name.  “How in the world could you know my real name?”
“It’s part of my powers.”
“I thought you had a way with technology not fortune telling.” Nightwing joked still staring at me intently.  I shifted under his gaze suddenly feeling like he could see my circuits.
“No I can hack any database, write any algorithm, and program any tracker I need. Finding out who you are was easier than hacking NASA, the Pentagon, and the NSA at the same time.”
“Well my new team mate that is quite impressive I am sure you will be a valuable asset to us.”  For some reason that made me blush. I had never had such a strong reaction to a person. Being a tech mutation made people all that much more confusing and incompatible to my brain.
I immediately took two steps back and added the peculiar reaction to my database on Dick Grayson. I turned to face M’gann.
“Hello M’gann B05 from the now deceased planet Mars.” M’gann smiled and offered no other reaction to my greeting.
“You can just call Megan and I am so excited for you to join this team and become part of our little family.” Megan went in for a hug but I didn’t understand the movement. Stiff and confused and awkward I just stood there as Megan wrapped her arms around me.
“What is it that you are doing? Is this a normal human social interaction?” I inquired in a clipped tight voice. My eyes were wide and were looking at my fellow teammates. Most were trying to hold in their amused laughs.
Megan quickly let go and stared at me in shock.
“You don’t know what a hug is?”
“Well I know theoretically what a hug is. It is the joining of two bodies in an embrace. Is that what you were trying to accomplish?” At my mentioning ‘the joining of two bodies’ the whole team burst into laughter. When I heard Nightwing laughing I felt a heated rush to the apples of my cheeks.
Again with this strange reaction to him. I was going to have to investigate this further.
“Well, um, kind of… I guess?” Megan responded with confusion.
“As much fun as it is to see teenagers fumble with social interactions, I’d like to help settle Circuit  so she can get started as quickly as possible” Batman motioned for me to follow him to the housing arrangement he had set up for me.
Growing up in a lab that doesn’t exist anymore means I don’t have a lot of places to stay. Walking down the hallway that is an odd amalgamation of metal and rock, I sorted through my internal memory to find the schematics of Mount Justice. Hacking the system was pretty easy and my first mission will be to change that.
Batman showed me to my room and informed me that my boxes had been delivered earlier and that I should unpack my belongings and try again to interact with the team.
“Look I know that your childhood was, less that optimal in the interacting with humans part, but you have an infinite memory and can learn anything you download so just, look up what a hug is” Batman said before turning with a dramatic swish of his cape.
I turned to face my door. There was a lock on the door and I realise I wasn’t given a key or passcode. These were the moments that my powers came in handy. I had technokinesis and while in the lab they turned my brain into a computer. Basically by touching any technology I could control and interact with it. From hacking to controlling weaponry, as long as it had a microchip it was mine to mess with. The brain part, while a little messed up, meant my body acted more like an interface for a motherboard rather than organs. It also meant that the memories stores in my old brain were no longer mine. I has no idea what my life was before the lab.
I reached out and touched the keypad. Instantly I felt the connection and how the electronic was just waiting for my command. Technology was a living and breathing being to me. I felt the pulse of its electricity and how it spoke to me in binary. Closing my eyes I told the little box to open up for her. It immediately flashed ‘open’.
Walking through the threshold I took in my new living quarters. A single twin bed was pushed off into a corner. Three walls were the metal that outfited the volcano hideout and the other wall was the volcanic rock. A desk with a computer was off to my right. Just from looking at it I could tell it was inferior to my needs. I’d have to make improvements. As Batman had said my boxes were already in the room. I didn’t have much so packing would not take me long.
By the time I was done the room hadn’t really changed. There was a new pillow on the bed and the desk was now covered in random computer parts that I has been experimenting on. The closet that had only contained a thin layer of dust now had my few outfits. I decided that this was as good as it was gonna get and that I should greet the rest of the team. Hopefully with less awkwardness. I followed Batman’s instructions and downloaded basic interaction procedures. Hugs, hands shakes, and common greetings were apart of this new information. Sifting through it would take a while so I just add the protocols to my programming.
Using the schematics I found the kitchen/ living room. Sitting on the couch playing video games were Kid Flash and Nightwing. Kaldur was on the adjacent loveseat with a book. Megan and Superboy were sitting on the stools along the kitchen counter talking.     As I walked in the group turned to look at me. Locking onto my newly learned social interaction protocols I stepped forward to greet some of the new members. Kaldur was the person that was closest to me so I walked up to him first.
“Hello Kaldur B02. I am offering my hand for the customary human greeting” I held my hand out to shake Kaldur’s. My movements were sharp and choppy but the general idea was there.
“Ah yes that is the customary greeting and it is nice to meet you Circuit.” Kaldur laughed light heartedly.
“Thank you, I downloaded basic human interactions since I messed up meeting Megan,“ I looked over at Megan in embarrassment, “human’s social interactions still vex me but I’m working on it.”
“You said ‘human’ as though you are not one. Are you not human?” Kaldur questioned.
I could tell that the rest of the team was also expecting the answer. I took a second to ponder the question.
“Well, genetically I am of a human species but,“ I paused trying to figure out how to put the next part of my sentence, “ my brain is now a computer and there are parts of me that contain circuits. Would you count that as human or something else?”
They all sat and puzzled the question I had proposed. It seemed that no one had an answer. A sudden breeze and a whooshing sound were accompanied by an arm around my shoulder.
“Whatever you are you’re hot and I’ll help you with all the ‘interactions’ you want.” The red headed Wally West stated, a smirk he assumed was smooth was plastered on his face.
“I do not believe that I have a fever. My internal alarm would have told me and the temperature of this room is at 69 degrees. So my outer temperature is also at baseline.” I rattled off with a confused expression.
Wally’s confidence was now shattered due to the misunderstanding of his compliment and the fact that he would no have to spell it out for me. Trying to pick up the pieces he continued on.
“No, um, I meant that you are attractive. Like your appearance.”
“Oh, well I have no protocols for that but we can participate in a hug if you wish?”
“Boy would I-” Wally was cut off by Nightwing shoving him to the side. He turned and glared at Wally.
“Dude leave the poor girl alone, she doesn’t understand and we don’t need you to corrupt her.”  He lectured as Wally rubbed where he had hit his head. Wally sat up grumbling.
“I was just gonna hug the girl geesh.”
Nightwing turned and faced you with an apologetic look.
“Sorry about that he hasn’t learned his manners yet.”
Nightwing put his hand on the small of my back and glided me over to where Superboy and Megan were.
“This is Superboy and you already met Megan.”
Superboy greeted my in a grunt and head nod. I nodded back and smiled. This was my favorite meeting, quick and simple, no mess human things.
“So now that you have met the whole team just get comfortable and make yourself at home.” Nightwing offered a smile that made my stomach feel fluttery. Again these symptoms were peculiar to me.
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Revelations Part Two
I collapsed by the time I got home. Oh gods everything ached, really, if I hurt this much why the hell wasn't I dead already? I groaned in a sort of twisted relief, my boots falling to the floor with offset thuds, first one and then the other. My tail worked it's way out from under me to sway slowly and my horns finally came in and allowed me to finally feel like I wasn't leaning back constantly to compensate for the missing weight of them. It was heavenly. This feeling of relaxing, and I hadn't even taken my bra off.
A giggle invaded a rather glorious stretch, my back even cracked a couple of times. I opened a single eye to bless the presence with an acknowledgment of her existence. The human version of my roommate, dressed in a Starbucks barista outfit stood in the doorway. "Please don't tell me I don't do that when I get home." Her wry smile was knowing. Bianca, being a half sloth demon, for nothing else could ever be content being that lazy and sleep for thirty-six hours and still wake up tired, knew that she was in fact likely worse. Still though, she was quiet, neat, and had few friends. My ideal roomie.
I flipped her off and she blew me a kiss in return. "Don't you have something better to do?" I sighed exaggerating my tiredness, even adding a fake yawn for good measure.
Bianca wasn't fooled, "Besides annoying you? Not really, don't even get to sleep for another six hours." The way that she said this made it sound like it was the end of the world that she couldn't just sleep all day and be paid for it. Actually, NASA had put out that job posting, maybe I'd look it up for her. "Actually," she pursed her lips in thought before letting out her own sigh, "I can't even do that, I said that I'd go out for some drinks." That was big news for a creature like her actually, I opened the other eye to look at her properly. "Would you," she always seemed shy when she asked me this and I knew what was coming, "would you like to come with us?"
I opened my mouth and then closed it. My usual excuses running through my thoughts. No thanks. I just have too much homework. I am too tired. My favorite show is on. Pick any of those excuses and I'm sure I'd used it a half dozen times in polite avoidance of going out and socializing. Anything but the truth of not really knowing how to and the constant fear of being an embarrassment. Something about growing up alone and in a world most others couldn't imagine did nothing for developing social skills. Funny that.
I made the mistake of looking up into her eyes, big watery blue things that always looked too tired and a little sad. I looked to my binder of homework, if I worked at it now I should be able to finish my Ancient Scotland essay that was due for Tigg Eden tomorrow. It wasn't that I couldn't make the time. You know what, fuck it. "Sure."
Bianca looked at me for a long moment. Slowly, comprehension dawned and I held back a smile at the look of sheer joy that covered her features. I had gone out a few times, and for some reason, she always took it as a personal victory whenever I gave in enough to let her drag me places. "Really?" I nodded, my smile genuine at the massive grin that lazily slid onto her serene features. "Great!" She hesitated, "Did you want to pick me up from work, and I'll give you directions?"
I could have laughed, but I didn't. I was just pleased to see Bianca so happy, I wouldn't make her uncomfortable over a lack of foresight. "Sure," I actually felt almost excited about the adventure. "You get done at eight right?" She nodded and almost seemed giddy as I watched her leave the apartment. It felt good to make her so happy, even if I had ten million reasons why I didn't want to go, I knew that it would make her happy. Besides, socializing was never a bad thing, so long as I kept my temper in check and didn't say anything too embarrassing, what could go wrong? I picked up my textbooks, pulled my laptop over and booted up as I found myself a beer, might as well get a head start right?
I had had my reservations pulling up to the club, Bianca too didn't seem too impressed with the idea but I think we were drawing strength from each other. Either that, or I was helping my friend carry out a plan that was hers in the first place. Not that that would really surprise me. Bianca was nearly as antisocial as I, and that took some effort. Twenty minutes later I was lounging at a small table doing my best to look comfortable in a place that smelled of cheap alcohol, sweat, cheap perfume, and even cheaper cologne. I sipped from my bottle and watched the crowd on the dance floor dancing to something that could be liberally titled as music. Personally it could have called it an auditory glitch and I would have known exactly what was being discussed. Still though, Bianca seemed to be loosening up, so I'd suffer for her.
Her friends were a trio, two men and one woman, two seemed to be a couple, or at least together given how much they were draped on each other. They had yet to offer more than pecks but given the heated looks that they kept giving each other I was sure that clothes would be flying, and I didn't think I wanted to be around for that. They were well enough company, she was a demonspawn, the man was human, I wasn't sure if the man knew so this time, I had learned from the last, to keep my mouth shut and not ask her. They had been introduced as Barry and Lisa. Both were polite enough, and I engaged in idle chit-chat about nothing in particular but neither really held my interest.
The second man was a quiet man, I had only barely caught his name. Christian. He didn't seem to talk much, more content to listen, and to watch. His eyes were a vibrant hue of green that seemed to nearly sparkle in the overhead lights though that likely was a trick of the strobe lights. He looked as out of place as I felt. A tall frame that was covered by a more relaxed business attire. Black slacks, black patent leather shoes, and a crisp white shirt which was open at the collar, and a black leather jacket that was currently draped over the back of his chair. He seemed like he would be at home in a corporate office, yet he didn't give off any of those vibes that most businessmen surrounded themselves with. Holier than thou, look at the figures in my bank account baby, that sort of thing. He did seem uncomfortable though, only spoke when spoken to, kept his back to the wall, and watched everything and everyone carefully. "Uncomfortable?" I asked politely looking at him from my angle, Bianca had decided to sit next to him, probably to spare the feeling of me sitting next to sit beside someone I didn't know but given that the other three were having their own conversation without us, I felt mildly put out. It wasn't that I was known to be a social creature, but, Christian intrigued me. He nodded, seemed lost in thought for a half moment before jerking his head to the door and pantomimed smoking a cigarette. Sure, what the hell, I didn't smoke but I could use the break.
"Thank fuck," his voice had a rich cadence to it, an accent I couldn't quite recognize though I felt like I should. German maybe? He leaned against a light pole and pulled out a cigarette case flicking it open to reveal cigarillos. Ah, what the hell, you only lived once. I took one and he smiled as he lifted his own to his lips pulling out a lighter and indicated me to come forward. Frowning I did so and he lit both of our smokes with a single flick of his thumb. "Tis good luck." I rolled my eyes and watched him take a long savoring inhale, trying to understand why I was so intrigued by this man. He rolled the smoke around in his mouth before he exhaled it into a ring. Show off.
I laughed, "I'm not that talented," I took my own inhale, savoring the rich complex flavors before suddenly. I burst out coughing, hacking more like, I felt like I was dying. I felt a hard smack on my back and the feeling of being choked cleared.
"You haven't smoked one before?" I didn't really want to embarrass myself further but my nearly dying in front of this sexy thing had certainly put a dent in the ego. he smiled, it was understanding. "Just inhale into your mouth." He tried showing me what he meant and I nodded my understanding, though my head spun in a way that made me feel like I was drunk or something, and all I had were two rum and coke, oh, and the beer from before I had picked up Bianca. There was no way I should be this drunk. "Here, lean against the pole, your head is likely spinning." I stumbled as I moved and he caught me. He was surprisingly solid beneath his outfit, and he smelled incredible. Like cinnamon, clove, and spices. I wanted to bury my face into him and breathe in. What the hell? He pulled away, shame, "It is the nicotine, the high that that gives you is a headache-inducing nightmare, but I think you should be alright, you only did a small inhale." I was grateful for his assistance, even if it did make me feel like an imbecile.
I took another drag, a slow hesitant one and only inhaling the smoke into my mouth, it burned, but the tastes were of spices and whiskey, most pleasant, with no real burnt taste, just the heat of breathing in embers. After a few more in comfortable silence, I could feel the headache die away to a dull throb, though that might have been the music, I wasn't sure. Every time the doors opened it turned from a dull thrum that was more felt than heard to something obnoxious and made me feel like I was going to get knocked over by soundwaves. How did people enjoy this garbage? I looked to my cohort and saw the same wince cross his features, apparently, I wasn't alone. "Not much for clubs?"
He shook his head and exhaled a plume of sweet-smelling fog, "Not really, too loud, too many people." I raised an eyebrow and he smirked at me and I fought the fluttering in my chest at the devilish look that flashed in his features. "Socially stunted at a young age and never really recovered."
I breathed a sigh of relief, "Me too. Getting out is hard, and this music is likely going to give me a hangover before any amount of their watered down drinks will."
His laugh was a brief wash of pure pleasure, "Noticed that too did you? And my gin and tonic I think is vodka and carbonated water that was passed by a pine-scented air freshener." I laughed at his dry tone and noticed that he smiled too. It felt good to laugh, especially after being so concerned of fucking up in front of a crowd. Here, I had already made a fool of myself so what more did I have to lose? "Though I am pretty sure my head will not forgive me in the morning with that speaker that keeps on making my teeth rattle." I laughed more, easy and relaxed in his presence, and I did notice, that no, it was not the strobe lights playing tricks in his eyes.
We stayed outside, passing time between our inhales with easy talking, I had learned that he had come across the pond, I'm assuming he meant the ocean, about eight years ago. He hadn't said where he was from but since I was evasive about my formative years I didn't press for details. We talked about my interests in archeology and early religions and his interests in engineering. Soon that shifted to Roman aqueduct systems and my explaining how they were vital for Rome being as large as it was able to get and him telling me how they were built and how precise they needed to be. I glanced at my watch and couldn't believe it. "You know we've been out here for more than an hour?" He frowned and I twisted to show him my wrist. "Look."
He looked from my watch to me, to the building and then back to me. "I don't really feel like going back inside. I'm rather enjoying being out here, talking with you." And there were those flutters again, what the shit? I was right there with him, even without our drinks, I was content out here in the mild weather, my own leather jacket blocked out the playful breeze that had picked up and honestly, I was enjoying my time with Christian, more than I would have thought possible.
"Should we?" I saw him hesitate and shrug a shoulder. I didn't really want to but suddenly a thought came to me. "We could go to my place." What the fuck was I talking about? Sure, I wasn't a virgin but I had never brought a guy home, especially one that looked this good, or that I had any interest in doing anything more than satisfying a base instinct. Not to mention I had met him what? A few hours ago. Still though, it felt right. I saw his eyes flare, and knew I wasn't alone in my thoughts.
"Are you sure you feel comfortable with that?" Not really, but the fact he stopped to ask made my idea a lot more concrete, he wasn't the playboy type either, that was nice.
"Sure, we could watch some movies, I am sure that they will be a lot better than what's going on here."
He held the door open for me as we went back to the club and he had to lean close to be heard, I shuddered at the feel of his breath on my skin and the words he spoke. "I don't know, looked like we might get a decent show with Lisa and Barry." I swatted at him and felt him laugh as we walked back to where the others were sitting.
"We're going to go back to our place," I told Bianca, she raised both eyebrows but I smiled reassuringly, I was well aware of myself and my faculties, I wasn't being taken anywhere against my will. "You have enough for a cab?" She dug through her purse before nodding and looking from me to Christian before giving me a thumbs up. I smiled shaking my head and letting my roommate draw her own conclusions as Christian led the way out. I hadn't noticed but he stood easily half a head taller than me, six five maybe, but given that I was six foot one, I hadn't noticed that he practically dwarfed everyone around us. He really was larger than life. Actually, I wasn't sure he'd fit in my Mazda now that I thought about it.
Outside he looked to my little red sports car and smirked, "I don't think this clown will be fitting." I flushed, "Why don't you drive yours home and I'll bring mine?" It seemed, informal, but both of us had divulged that we weren't particularly normal so I nodded. "Phone?" I frowned and pulled it out looking at him funny before it dawned on me. I unlocked it and handed it to him. he quickly typed in his information before handing it back to me. "In case I get lost and you need to get a hold of me to keep me out of trouble." He winked before going off to a massive Mercedes-Benz truck thing. Kreischen Shadenfreude, well, wasn't that a mouthful. I tucked my phone into the cradle in the car and pulled out slowly, thankfully it wasn't closing time so it was easy enough for Kreischen to follow me.
I want to say that we went to my place and he helped me with my ancient civilizations essay, or that we watched old cheesy movies while curled up on the couch with a couple drinks between us. But no. Something came over me and we barely managed to get in the door before clothes started flying. He pressed me into the wall, his hands pinning my wrists above my head. It was so titillating being manhandled given my size compared to any other man. He treated me both as if I was incredibly precious and yet handled me with the rough passion of a man needing a woman. It was maddening.
"I barely kept my hands to myself all night," his voice was rough in my ear, hard and as desperate as we both were. "I just needed to touch you." I knew the feeling as I slid against him as best as I could, hot, wet, and needing him with everything in me. This was madness, utter and complete madness; and I couldn't stop. My shirt went flying off into a corner, my bra was next. His mouth found my puckered nipple and I moaned, crushing his head to my breast. It felt so damn good. For a human he knew his way around, we made it to the bedroom, barely, and he pushed me onto the bed. I felt like prey.
His green eyes practically glowed in the dim street lamps outside, the way he watched me had me all kinds of needy. I wiggled out of my pants and spread my legs for him, giving him plenty to see as I slid my lace panties aside. "I thought you wanted to touch me." I taunted him, sliding my fingers over my slit for him, Christ I was so wet already. I barely saw him move.
His hand wrapped around my throat, not hard, but enough to get my attention as I looked up at him. He kept watching me, hungry eyes flitting over every detail. "I didn't tell you to stop." Well, wow. I could feel my whole body react to the gruffness in his voice, to the hard rod of desire I felt pressed to my belly. I kept toying with myself, one hand rising to my breast and toying with the nipple as I slide two fingers inside. Oh, fuck. I shuddered at my own ministrations, whimpering at the way he watched me like some predator. It took everything to keep my demon attributes at bay but I managed. I managed even as the pleasure was mind blowing, as I felt my climax coming faster and faster, washing around me like crashing waves before I finally let go and released. My climax came out in a white-hot surging scream as my back arched and I felt my pleasure soak my hand and the bed. Holy shit, holy fucking shit.
I looked up and there he was above me, fully naked, aroused pole of man-flesh fully exposed and glistening pre at the tip. His voice was a sinful intoxication in my ear. "Good girl." I shuddered, my body relishing that response, my whole being thrumming like a well-struck tuning fork. It was insane. He slid into my wet and waiting body and I felt my whole body stretch to accommodate him. His entire being surrounding me, filling me, overwhelming me in the best ways. "You feel, so incredible." His voice was a distant murmur as pleasure clouded me in a dense fog. In and out he thrust, harder, hips gyrating into my in powerful rhythmic thrusts. My whole body lurched with each.
"Oh Kreischen," his name flowed off my lips easily, a sacred prayer as he thrust into me again and again, his massive hand taking my wrists and positioning them above my head as he kept going. my head spun, my body tingled, my magiks going haywire as pleasure surged through me in ways I had never known before, in ways that made me feel like I might, in fact, be going mad. "Oh fuck baby, yes, that's it, just, like that." Each word was enunciated by a shuddering moan.
I came in a blinding shower of sparks and awe, my entire body reacting as I screamed out for him. I came, hard, fast, and wild. I struggled to breathe, lying there, not seeing much as the world swam out of focus, that was incredible. I moved slowly, body already starting to ache in the most delicious ways. I found the solid heavy bulk of him and crawled myself over him and laid my head down, listening to the erratic beat of his heart beneath my cheek. "That," his voice rumbled beneath me, "was incredible." I agreed but had no energy to speak. The last thing I saw, was the glimmering green of his eyes, and then everything faded into a comfortable blackness.
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