#I choose the angry kitten
faunandfloraas · 30 days
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zarithial · 8 months
i feel like I'm going insane
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bonefall · 8 months
Warrior Bites: Dietary Needs
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[ID: A fish carcass, bird carcass, and mouse carcass on a stone slab.]
Are you wondering how much prey a Clan needs a day? What they should eat to stay healthy? Why food processing is useful at all? All the answers to these questions and more, contained within a general guide to dietary needs for your Warrior Cats!
As an obligate carnivore, a cat's entire diet revolves around processing meat. More specifically, the ideal diet should be 55% protein, 45% fats, about 1% to 3% carbs, with the remainder being various micro-nutrients. You can expect the average 10-pound warrior to need 350 calories per day, about 3.5 mice on average.
I've also included a section talking about obesity, which dives into how canon's depiction of it is both harmful fatphobia and wouldn't make sense from a cat perspective. It also discusses obesity in realistic cats; and how you're free to choose the realism on that aspect.
Below the cut;
Caloric Intake
Food Processing
On Obesity
Caloric Intake
The general rule for how much a cat needs to eat is that an active, non-neutered tom will need about 35 calories per pound of their own body weight, per day, just to remain the weight they are.
That means that the average warrior, assuming they are 10 pounds, will need 350 calories a day.
Kittens, pregnant and nursing cats, and large warriors will need to eat more than average. Neutered cats, elders, and clerics/medcats will eat less. There are calculators online for determining how much an individual will need, but you can estimate how much an entire Clan will need just by taking 350 and multiplying it by population!
Assuming the average population is about 30 cats, that's 10,500 calories to feed a Clan for a day! To put that in perspective, that many calories would feed 7 large humans. If you felt like fighting a group of angry cats to steal their day's worth of mice, I mean.
Generally speaking, land prey will have a caloric value around 5 calories per gram. Aquatic prey is significantly lower, around 4 calories per gram. Birds will be just below 6 calories per gram. To find out how many cats a piece of prey will feed, or how many pieces a cat will need that day, take the category and multiply by the prey's weight in grams.
So for example, the average house mouse is 20 grams and it is land prey, meaning its caloric value is around 100 calories! A warrior will need 3 and a half mice a day to stay healthy, and a Clan will need 105 mice daily to support 30 cats.
105 mice may seem like a lot, but remember that a wild rabbit is 1,800 grams on average which means 9,000 calories. 2 big pieces of prey will feed the whole Clan, with leftovers.
Those estimates include every part of the animal. Cats eat organs, small bones, and even skin. Skeletal muscle, or "fillets" in reference to fish, is so low in calories that it's typically somewhere between 1 kcal to 1.5 kcal per gram. That's what you're buying in the supermarket; but wild animals don't usually cut their food into choice strips.
(unless you're writing a clan that does food processing of course!)
Average warrior will need 35 calories per pound of weight
10 pound warrior needs 350 calories a day
350 x 30 cats = 10,500 calories to feed a Clan for a single day
Birds provide the most calories per gram, land prey the middlemost, and aquatic prey the least.
Calculate calories in prey by taking the weight, converting to grams, and multiply by 4, 5, or 6 depending on broad category.
If you're having trouble feeding a Clan on small animals, look at bigger prey like rabbits and trout.
Muscle fillets are inferior to organ meats and have a much lower caloric value.
Not all food is the same. The more important thing to consider about any particular meal is NOT its calorie count, but its nutritional value. This is especially important to cats because protein is not stored as fat. If the body has no immediate use for it, it's flushed out.
Since cats should not eat more than 3% carbs, ALL of their fat stores will need to come from fat.
The ideal piece of meat would be at least 55% protein and 45% fat. Every individual species will have a different ratio, and more importantly, individual cuts will have a different ratio.
Skeletal muscle has a higher ratio of protein to fat. Organ meat, also sometimes called "offal," will have a more balanced ratio. That said, nearly all meat skews towards protein. PURE fat is very hard to find on the sorts of animals Clan cats hunt, and must be carefully divided, collected, or processed to make sure all warriors are getting proper nutrition.
I'll be going more in-depth with dietary fat at some other time, as this guide is meant to just be an overview! Just know that some Clans will need to eat MORE food to stay healthy because of this.
Cats need more than the "macronutrients" to stay healthy. They can't JUST rely on the juiciest cuts of meat to keep their health intact, they also need several vitamins and minerals to support their body functions, and avoid getting a deficiency.
Here's some of the important micronutrients, where to get them, and what happens they don't get enough;
Vitamin A: Livers, mealworms, eggs This is one of the most important micronutrients in a cat's body, used for practically everything. Without this, their coats will grow dull, and their joints stiff, and they'll start to go night-blind. In a severe state, they'll start to lose the ability to heal skin lacerations and die. Pregnant cats and kittens need more of this than usual, but it IS also possible to get vitamin A poisoning from getting too concentrated of a dose.
Calcium: Bones, eggs With a calcium deficiency, the warrior will feel stiff and sore, and experience painful muscle spasms. Most cats will simply crunch the bones of small prey and never have to worry about this, but if your cats cook or scavenge, they have to be told to NEVER eat the bones of a roasted bird. Because bird bones are hollow and cooking makes them brittle, they can splinter and cause fatal internal bleeding.
Thiamine: Trout, boar meat, mealworms, eggs Called a Fish Seizure because raw carp and raw bream contains thiaminase, which will destroy thiamine in the body. Lack of thiamine will cause neurological issues, such as the aforementioned seizures, general confusion, memory loss, and muscle weakness. This can be counterracted by eating trout, which is so high in thiamine that there's a theory that carp evolved it specifically to eat salmonids better.
Potassium: Trout, boar meat, mealworms, eggs As cats get older, they begin needing a lot more potassium for their bodies. It's a very common micronutrient found in most meat, but elders should get the first bite of special snacks "out of respect" which helps keep their potassium level up. Without it, they become very weak.
i feel like that evil struthiomimus from land before time with how many times i typed eggs
The ideal ratio of a cut of meat is 55% protein 45% fat
Organ meat > Muscle meat
Micronutrients are important
But micronutrients can also cause poisoning if, somehow, they're too concentrated (very hard to come across concentrated micronutrients without the science of chemistry tho. Like if a cat swallowed a vitamin gummy.)
Food Processing
"Food Processing" is when you do something to your food before you eat it. Just a little bit of care is going to go a LONG WAY when it comes to health of the warrior.
Cats that eat raw meat the way canon warriors do are almost guaranteed to get worms. Roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms are all passed through the infected tissue of rodent prey, and in fish, roundworms, tapeworms, and flukes can pass through raw meat.
All parasites do something a little different, but most digestive worms aren't fatal unless the cat is sick or a kitten. However, nearly ALL of them screw around with digestion, making the cat need to eat more just to stay healthy, or causing stomach irritation. Some of them can even pass in milk, infecting a suckler's nursing kits.
The easiest way to reduce this kind of infection is simply to slice the prey open from mouth-to-butt, Tigerstar-style, and hook and lift out the GI tract before eating. There's nothing in that worth eating raw anyway. It can just be discarded, or cleaned out and used to case tiny sausages! But it's only a reduction; there's still a risk of catching worms from raw meat.
There's also always the possibility of getting salmonella poisoning.
Many believe that cats are immune to this, but that's not true! Carnivores just have a shorter GI tract than omnivores and herbivores, so salmonella spends less time in their gut and ergo has less chance of causing an infection. It still happens, ESPECIALLY when cats hunt songbirds.
Nothing can be done about salmonella in raw meat, besides eating it as quickly as possible. It's innate to the bodies of birds and reptiles, and usually found on raw eggs too.
Some animals are small enough to be dried and carried around as rations, such as minnows or grasshoppers. Others could be sliced up into strips, and marinated in spices like valerian or catmint for an extra boost of energy. It could also be worthwhile to cut the pelt off a particularly soft animal, like a mole, to dry and keep as bedding material.
All of the above examples of food processing are possible without fire, but if your cats DO have fire, they will have a DRASTIC increase to the quality of their health.
Such as;
Cooking will almost completely eliminate those foodborne parasites. Their eggs don't survive extreme heat.
No more salmonella poisoning! GONE! Cooking is the only way to eliminate this!
It can increase caloric absorption from anywhere between 20% to 50%. Our example warrior who needed 3.5 mice a day could suddenly need one less mouse; and even a meager 20% drop in how much the entire Clan needs saves 2,400 calories a day. 24 whole mice!
I HAVE TO STRESS HOW BIG THAT IS. You save anywhere from 2/10 to 5/10 successful kills.
Thiaminase is destroyed by cooking, making bream and carp healthier and reducing "fish seizures."
It allows for fats to be processed and stored as tallow, lard, and oil, so it can be added to other dishes to make them both healthier and tastier.
Most food preservation requires fire in some way; by heating, jellying, boiling, etc. The only other two ways to reliably store food is by having access to a ton of salt, which is hard for most non-coastal clans to acquire, or vinegar, which is so acidic it's a notorious cat-repellent.
While cooking can also destroy some micronutrients, its benefits FAR outweigh any potential "strengths" of raw food. Destroying micronutrients is also not always a bad thing; as TOO MANY micronutrients can cause poisoning. Fire-using Clans will be more likely to "seek" micronutrients than non-fire Clans as a result, though they probably won't recognize the science behind a hankering!
Worms. Basically unavoidable if your cat's eating like a canon warrior.
Some parasites can spread through milk.
Slicing and lifting out the GI tract can significantly reduce the chance of catching worms.
Salmonella can only be eliminated with cooking
Cooking will drastically increase the quality of a Clan's health, if your cats are advanced enough to figure out fire.
Warriors need to hunt a LOT less prey, and can store that prey, if they have fire.
Fire-using Clans will intentionally try to put more types of food in their diets and get 'cravings.'
On Obesity
Warrior Cats is not a realistic series. The boundary that any particular writer draws between humans and warrior cats is completely arbitrary. The series itself follows no sense of realistic genetics, regularly shows the cats using herbs that would poison them, and gives the characters human-centric morals like monogamy and paternal involvement.
So when it comes to being fatness in your project, please keep that in mind. You do not need too follow realistic cat weight distribution, if that's not what your project about. That said, let me tell you about humans vs cats in this department!
Humans have a massive diversity of weight distribution, with varied genetic predispositions to gaining and losing weight. The shame, bullying, and medical discrimination that comes with fatphobia is a LOT more harmful than being fat itself, and the causes of the "obesity crisis" are ridiculously more complicated than "ppl r snorking 2 much food".
Realistic cats aren't the same way.
When REAL cats are fat, that's VERY bad. It's a sign they are being fed the wrong things by humans, or live somewhere that they are able to eat what they shouldn't. They just don't have that same diversity in fat distribution that humans do. Because of how adipose tissue secretes certain hormones, feline obesity is like a chronic inflammatory disease which can cause arthritis, bladder stones, hepatic lipidosis, and more.
But with that in mind, fatness should be perceived very differently even in the most realistic settings. In comparison to humans;
It is harder for a wild cat to put on weight. Most of what they're eating is raw protein, actively trying to fill the 45% of daily fat intake they need to stay healthy. Protein isn't stored as fat, it's immediately discarded by the body if there is no use for it. A cat would need to be taking an INSANE amount of prey to start becoming dangerously overweight. Housecats are often fed human food, which has carbohydrates. Low-quality cat food will also use carbs as filler. High carb food is VERY bad for them, since they're only supposed to have 3% carbs at most. This is one of the reasons why it's easy for pet cats to become overweight.
Realistic cats don't look start looking overweight until they are significantly obese. Most of their fat is stored around their ribs and internally, unlike humans with our thick hips and round bellies, and they are covered in a naturally sagging pelt of fur. It's not as obvious with them. Visually, weight will be noticed best from a bird's eye perspective, unlike humans where it's apparent at every angle.
Putting on the fat that CAN be acquired is ridiculously important 3.5 raw, whole mice a day, per cat, are needed to fill their basic dietary requirements. There are going to be days or months especially during winter where they might be below that number, and that stored fat is going to be lifesaving. Bulking up is actually a big deal!
So not only is how canon treats overweight characters full of malice, it's full of lazy malice. It makes no sense from a realistic standpoint for wild cats to develop an association between fatness and greed or laziness. It's important, hard work for them to acquire it!
Though the Clans are notoriously xenophobic and kittypets are more likely to be overweight, it still doesn't make sense from a realistic cat perspective to be fatphobic in the same way as canon. It's more likely they'd see fat housecats as having "unearned" weight given to them by humans, like they're cheating, or they might be disdainful of how much junk food they eat, or pitiable because it's a sign of a bad twoleg... or just "sour grapes" variety jealousy ☕.
Bottom line is that there's a LOT you can do here which is better than canon's vicious bullying. The writers just lifted British cultural disdain for fat people and put it into the books. They simply did not think it through.
So please do what they didn't, and just put a little extra thought into how your project is going to view fatness! Consider if fatphobia is even a theme you need in your text.
As stated, you do not even have to write weight in your cats as being realistic in this way! I encourage you to pick and choose what's most fun and fitting for your own work. I personally give my characters a more human weight distribution, simply because I want to spite canon and be more body-positive. I am a fat people and you can take Bumble's big chunky bod from my cold, dead hands.
You can choose to make your work however you'd like, and now with this guide, you can have an easy reference for what your cats should eat! Thank you, StarClan, for this prey <3
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nanamiluvs · 7 months
wriothesley nsfw alphabet !
pairing : wriothesley x reader
rating : explicit
wc : 1.7k
warnings : smut content, reader is afab, wriothesley being both a cutie and an ass, handcuffs, biting, breeding, choking, oral (both receiving), wriothesley is clingy, slight cum play, roleplay, jerking off, spanking, creampies, rough sex, it's wriothesley what do you expect, dirty talk
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a : aftercare
wriothesley gets cuddly after sex. it may or may not lead to another round, but he loves the feeling of aftermath with you in his arms. has mad separation anxiety, leading him to make sure you're not leaving his side by pulling you closer into his embrace, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
b : body part
wriothesley is everything but a humble man. he knows his body is one sculpted by gods and wouldn't shy away from admitting it. if he has to choose one, he would pick his biceps or torso. if you asked him about his favorite body part of yours, he'd say hips and ass without hesitation.
c : cum
wriothesley is generally a messy person, and there's no exception when it comes to sex. he likes it messy. he likes seeing your body covered in ropes of white cum, loves filling you up to the brim and then fucking his cum back into you. off-white in color and a little thick in density. he also cums a lot, so there's that.
d : dirty secret
wriothesley loves being handcuffed and dominated. treat him like he's some filthy criminal and he's cumming in his pants. also likes it when the roles are reversed, and most likely not going to hide that version of the scenario.
e : experience
wriothesley has had a fair share of men and women in bed before and it's quite obvious. he knows he's experienced, he knows how to make you beg for mercy and come untouched. not proud of it, but not embarrassed either.
f : favorite position
wriothesley's favorite position is doggy style and he doesn't even try to hide it. he loves holding your hips while thrusting into you, fucking like an animal and watching as his cock disappears inside. he would lean forward, press his chest against your back and bite your neck, kitten licks and kisses following. he likes it especially as he can whisper filthy things directly in your ear. that being said, wriothesley fucks in a lot of different positions and likes to try them out, so nothing is off the table with him.
g : goofy
wriothesley has a variety of moods when it comes to sex. if it's usual, he's going to be the little shit he is. if it's intimate and gentle, he will whisper reassurements and praises, repeating how much he loves you and how well you take him. if he's jealous or stressed, it's obvious from how angry he gets.
h : hair
wriothesley likes body hair in general, and doesn't prefer to groom himself often. he's not at the level where it gets in the way, but definitely likes it to be there. he likes it better when you're also not shaven, but it's only a preference for him and not really a game changer. he loves seeing the hair down there get sticky with your mixed fluids, like i said, wriothesley likes it messy. he would shave if you tell him to because he wants to appear as the best form of himself in your eyes. won't tell you he did it because of you, instead saying he had a change of mind.
i : intimacy
wriothesley doesn't see sex as a necessarily romantic thing. yes, it can be, but most of the time it's the pleasure and release it brings. on rare moments of vulnerability, when the your usual act of fucking becomes making love, wriothesley is whipped. he will caress your body, holding you in his arms as he slides into you. he doesn't believe he deserves this moment, not with you. making love is very intimate to wriothesley and it takes a long way of trust to get to that point. regardless, wriothesley mostly fucks and wouldn't change that.
j : jack off
wriothesley isn't shy at jerking off to the thought of you. at work, when he's especially stressed, he doesn't mind palming the bulge formed in his pants, wishing you were there to help him out. he prefers to do it with you, obviously, but when you're away and he has no choise he's alright with masturbating. he also likes to watch you get off by yourself, dick hardening to the sight of you chasing your high.
k : kink
wriothesley has a long list of kinks up his sleeve.
‎ ‎ ‎ biting : wriothesley is a biter. doesn't matter where, doesn't matter when, he will bite and that's that. he will bite your lips while kissing, bite the insides of your thighs before going down on you, bite your neck while pounding into you, just bite and bite wherever he can.
‎ ‎ ‎ breeding : wriothesley would get aroused to the thought of cumming inside you, filling you up with his cum over and over until he sees your belly bulge. he loves to see the cum gush out of your hole, sore with the way he abused it with his cock. also loves it when you say you want to breed him. breeding is one of the things he won't admit he particularly likes, yet it's so obvious with the way he grunts and groans in your ear.
‎ ‎ choking : wriothesley loves having control of you and you having control of him. his hand reaches out to wrap around your neck, pressure just enough for you to feel it yet need more. he would also get turned on when you do the same, choking him while you ride him, he thinks you're just too adorable with your hands around his neck.
‎ ‎ ‎ spanking : considering you have given him the permission to do so beforehand, wriothesley loves spanking you as he fucks you from behind. he thinks it's just so cute seeing your ass redden with the impact, his large palm immediately coming down to soothe the area with his touch.
l : location
wriothesley may get off to the risk of getting caught but he doesn't want anyone else seeing you like that. so sex with wriothesley is mostly in his office, your bedroom, the shower, any closed space where you two are alone can be a place to fuck.
m : motivation
wriothesley gets turned on to everything about you. he's generally a quite horny person, so just seeing your body writhing under his much larger one is enough to keep him going. he's also motivated to pleasure you the way no one else can.
n : no
wriothesley is very much larger and stronger than you and sometimes fails to control his strength. so with him, things like knife play are out the window. he may be extremely kinky and like it rough, but he would never forgive himself if he actually hurts you.
o : oral
wriothesley is a man who will eat you out for his own pleasure. he loves the taste of you, loves dipping his tongue between your folds and lapping up your slick, the taste getting him drunk the more he has it. he wants you to come on his face, to squirt on him. his tongue will work you through your orgasm, careful not to waste a single drop while your walls clench around the small muscle. regardless of how much he likes going down on you, he thinks it's even better when it's your pretty lips wrappiny around his cock, your saliva mixing with his precum and staining your chin. he would hold your head and thrust inside of your mouth, lost in the feeling of your tongue swiping across his member. he likes to cum inside your mouth but he wouldn't mind cumming on your face either.
p : pace
wriothesley is ruthless when it comes to bed. he can and will pound into you without mercy, the bed creaking with the force of his thrusts. no matter he's being fast or slow, wriothesley knows how to push in deep.
q : quickie
wriothesley is up to every single kind of sex, so quickies aren't off the table with him. but he would much prefer a long, dark night to spend with you, to take his time relishing in your body and pleasuring the both of you.
r : risk
wriothesley is talented when it comes to sex, almost everything he tries turns out to your likes. he's very experimental and thinks trying everything at least once won't hurt anyone.
s : stamina
wriothesley can go longer than you ever can. it takes a lot for him to cum, and even then, he can last several rounds with ease.
t : toys
wriothesley doesn't really care about toys unless it's for binding. he loves being handcuffed, he loves handcuffing you, he loves tying you up and he loves getting tied up by you. anything restricting movement is a turn on for him.
u : unfair
wriothesley may as well be a criminal the way how cruel he is during sex. he will use anything and everything against you, wanting to get you all riled up before even properly touching you.
v : volume
wriothesley doesn't moan, but he's definitely a groaner and grunter. almost guttural as he pounds into you, voice deep and low with vibrations straight down to your core. he speaks a lot, too, with dirty talk being an indispensable tool to him.
w : wild card
wriothesley likes being dominated every once in a while. he wants to be at your mercy, to give up the authority and power he has to bear all the time and just submit to you. you wanting to dominate him makes him want to fight back, turning it into a battle of power igniting the thrill in his gut.
x : x-ray
wriothesley is longer than average and quite thick down there with a slight curve to the right. the shaft is a shade darker than his skin, the tip having a reddish tone underneath. has veins sparking up here and there, overall, wriothesley likes the way it looks.
y : yearning
wriothesley has quite the high sex drive, he's going to be up for the act whenever you want him to be.
z : zzz
wriothesley wants to hold you in his arms and drift off to sleep after making sure you did. he tires himself out during each session so it doesn't take long for him to fall asleep. he can stay awake if he wants to, but honestly, why would he?
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i might expand on the dirty secret with a drabble if someone requests it bc i know i want that.
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Platonic yandere step father Diluc has so huge potential... Just imagine he and his teen! step child. Like to bring a kitten from street. Something like that. My English is bad sorr
Fluffy companion
Platonic! Yandere! Step-father! Diluc Ragnvindr x GN! Teen! Step-child! Reader
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Description: You were in a bad mood. You wanted some company.
Diluc didn't like, that you had a bad mood. He tries to make up for it.
Warnings and tags: OOC. Platonic Yandere. English is my second language. Unpleasant Donna. Diluc is married (somewhat). Diluc's spouse's (Reader's biological parent) gender aren't specified. Reader's biological parent are a lousy parent. Child abandonment. Arranged marriage. Discussion of arranged marriages. Long backstory. Lumine is Traveler. Attempt at worldbuilding (arranged marriages in Mondstadt, CPS in Mondstadt). Diluc's age aren't specified. Implied blackmail, murder, robbery.
Sometimes, people of Mondstadt didn't look at you. They had to make themselves to look at you. And then, they would not.
The "would not" part was almost the same in all cases. They would look above your head, at the ground, at the birds, at Barbatos's statue. Anywhere, but not at you. Someone would even ignore you talking to them, forcing you to repeat your words again and again. Well, perhaps, such people want you to yell to get their attention, so they could call you a disrespectful brat, complain to Master Diluc and get you in trouble.
But, before "would not" part, came a "look". And "looks" were different.
Moco's and Hillie's looks were curious. In the worst way possible. They were looking at the source of gossip, when they looked at you.
You tried to shield away their whispers, focusing on a book.
"So... Are they a part of the Ragnvindr clan or not?"
just focus on a text
"No one knows... They weren't officially adopted..."
on a text
"Really? Well, it explains what I heard about their upbringing..."
"Tell me..."
please, stop talking about me
"Discuss your poorly done work, you lazy gossips!" Adelinde was livid. "Get back to work!"
A pair of maids quickly strode off, looking with fear at the Head Housemaid. She turned towards you.
Her look was full of pity.
"[Y/N], are you okay?"
You nodded. You weren't, but you don't want to discuss it right now. Adelinde didn't believe you, but decided to drop the subject.
"[Y/N], can I ask you for a small favor? Can you go to "Floral Whisper" and get decorations? They are supposed to be ready."
You immediately put your book down.
"Of course, Miss Adelinde!"
She gave you a small smile. She held a basket towards you.
"Here. For carrying them."
You took the basket and were ready to go, when Elzer called for you.
Elzer's look was full of sorrow and guilt. His gaze didn't linger, choosing to look at the owl statue.
"[Y/N], can you, please, bring that bottle to Master Diluc?" He pointed at the bottle on his table and turned around, showing, that he won't speak to you again.
You quickly put the bottle in your basket to leave the manor, heading to Mondstadt City.
People from the Winery were, mostly, fine.
Citizens, on the other hand...
Getting decorations would be a fine task, if Flora was there. She was kind. She looked at you.
Unfortunately, she wasn't here. But Donna was.
She was the worst. And that days she will be even worse.
"Hello. I am here to get commissioned decorations."
Your voice was loud enough to be heard. Yet Donna didn't react, choosing to look at the Quinn's stall. You waited. You repeat your words again.
"Please, can I have decorations? Are they ready?"
Donna didn't answer. But she spoke.
"Such a shame, that Windblume Festivals and Ludi Harpastum lost a lot of charm during last two years. Especially for a young maiden."
She gave you a quick side-eye. A very angry side-eye. You flinched, but repeat.
"Please... The decorations..."
Donna groaned, tear off the basket from your arms, took a box with Master Diluc's name on it, that was full of small flower decorations, and dumped the contents in the basket.
"Here. Be on your way."
You clenched the basket and walked off.
It has been going on for the last two years.
Young and unmarried were borderline hating you.
You were a constant reminder, that the Uncrowned King of Mondstadt was married.
Mondstadt was beautiful that days. Well, it's not like Mondstadt wasn't beautiful in any other days. But, no one would disagree, that during Windblume Festival, capital city would become especially beautiful.
"Angel's Share" tavern has surprisingly a lot of free tables for a Windblume Festival.
Right now, on the first floor, Lumine spotted Nelson and Payne, both were sitting on their usual spots. She and Paimon were occupying a table on the second floor, and were the only ones up here. Lumine and Paimon were enjoying their berry juices, when Paimon noticed someone else.
"Look, Lumine, there is a kid down here!" Paimon pointed a finger at the first floor's corner. It was hard to look at it from duo's spot (and if Paimon didn't float a little bit higher, she also wouldn't spot the kid), so Lumine had to stand up.
In the far corner, there were a teen. They sat at one of the tables, looking before them. A basket full of flower decoration were standing on the table before them. They looked deep in thoughts. And very sad.
What was conserving, is that there also was a bottle of wine on the table.
Paimon float closer to the railing, taking a better look at the bar counter.
"Charles isn't here. Do you think they steal the bottle?"
Lumine and Paimon glanced at each other. They have never seen an underage drinker, and they knew, that people of Mondstadt are very careful with drinking age. But, everything can happen.
Lumine and Paimon hurry to the first floor.
They didn't notice, that two more people walked into the tavern.
"Hi! Happy Windblume Festival!" Paimon waved her hand, trying to get teen's attention. Lumine smiled.
"Happy Windblume Festival!"
They almost jumped, and turn their head towards them. A solemn look returned to their face.
"Oh... Hello. Happy Windblume Festival." teen looked uncomfortable. They chew their lip. "Do you... need something?"
Paimon float forward.
"Paimon's name is Paimon. And that's Lumine!"
Lumine waved.
"Nice to meet you." Traveler cast a sneaky glance at the bottle. It still was full. And wasn't open.
Teen nodded. They didn't say a word. Paimon continued.
We just saw you here alone. In a tavern..."
Teen slammed both hands against the table. Their voice trembled. It looked like they were on a verge of crying.
"I have the right to be here! I didn't do anything wrong!"
Lumine raised both of her hands.
"Calm down, please, we didn't mean anything bad!"
"Oh, is our Honorary Knight harassing kids?"
Lumine could hear a smirk in Kaeya's voice. Calvary Captain slowly approached them. Diluc was silently walking beside him. Kaeya ignored Lumine and Paimon, instead focusing on the teen.
"Sad, [Y/N]? Want to have a hug from your uncle to make you feel better?" Kaeya opened his arms, inviting [Y/N] for a hug.
"Uncle?! Kaeya? Master Diluc?" Paimon and Lumine asked in unison. Diluc didn't answer immediately. He walked closer to the teen and awkwardly pet them on the head. After that, he finally answered.
"I am married. [Y/N] are my child."
"What?!" Paimon squeaked. Her eyes sparkled with interest. "Master Diluc is married? Who managed to win his heart?"
Lumine looked as interested as Paimon.
Duo failed to see an uncomfortable look on Diluc's, Kaeya's and [Y/N]'s faces.
Everyone in Teyvat know, that Mondstadt is a city of freedom. So, people would assume, that arranged marriages in Barbatos's land are forbidden.
People, who think like that, aren't mistaken, but, they also aren't completely right.
Marriages, that are arranged only for the sake of getting a hair, are banned. Here, parents can't sell their children into what can be called a slavery.
However, marriages, that arranged for establishing new business connections, for helping to Mondstadt, for making lives of both families better, are still legal. As long as parents discussed everything with their kids, there should be no problem with a consensual, mutually beneficial arranged marriage of Mondstadt's citizen.
On multiple occasions, Crepus spoke to Diluc about arranged marriages.
First time, he explained in the smallest details, in what situation he will consider arranging a marriage between Diluc and another person. Crepus also promised not to think about arranging a marriage, and doing it only as a last resort.
Second time, Crepus talked to Diluc and Kaeya at the same time. It happened few years after Kaeya was adopted into a clan. Crepus explained, that Diluc and Kaeya, despite both being part of Ragnvindr Clan, have different "fiancé" values. Diluc was more valuable, as future head of a clan. However, marriage with Kaeya will let someone have a higher title, without getting the hardest responsibilities of the clan members. Crepus gave a permission to hit anyone, who would discuss Diluc's and Kaeya's value as possible husbands.
The third time, Crepus discussed with Diluc reasons for agreeing to a marriage.
Of course, not for getting an heir. Diluc should find someone he loves, to have children with. And, Diluc should be careful about having kids in an arranged marriage. If one day, they decided to get a divorce, Diluc and his spouse won't deal with traumatized children.
Think twice, before agreeing to a marriage to help Dawn Winery. It would be better, if Diluc will deal with business problems with his own power.
It's a good reason to help Mondstadt by marrying a possible ally. And, as usual, it should be Diluc's decision.
Getting married to help someone is a noble cause. However, Diluc should be careful about who he helps.
Crepus Ragnvindr never insisted on Diluc getting married. He never tried to arrange a marriage for him or Kaeya. Master Crepus just wanted his sons to be happy.
Diluc didn't think about having a spouse.
Not before Crepus's death.
And, he wasn't thinking about getting married after Crepus died.
Perhaps, it was the end of Ragnvindr bloodline.
Diluc was sitting beside the fireplace, deep in his thoughts, when someone, who were standing behind his chair, coughed. He looked behind him. Elzer was standing here, looking exhausted and slightly guilty. Diluc raised an eyebrow.
"Elzer? Is something wrong?"
Elzer take a deep breath, before he spoke. He was speaking slowly, carefully choosing his words.
"It's complicated... Master Diluc, let me start with this... What I say next in no way, shape or form is a request, a plea or an offer." Elzer take another breath. "An old... acquaintance of mine has some problems. Many years ago he helped me with some serious task, so I have a small debt. So, to fulfill it, I agree to pass his message." Elzer looked at Diluc again. "I am simply delivering a message."
Diluc remained quiet. Elzer was always professional and collected, when he talked to him. Seeing him in that state wasn't something Diluc expected to ever see in his life. Diluc nodded to encourage Elzer.
"I understand. Please, continue."
Elzer sighed, rubbed the bridge of his nose. He even slightly lumped forward. He looked... tired.
"Will it be strange for me to say, Master Diluc, that I was hoping that you wouldn't listen to me?" Elzer asked rhetorically. The next second, Elzer spoke again.
"My old acquaintance is from Liyue. He is from one of the smaller noble families. He is facing some serious troubles." Elzer looked into the fireplace. Diluc could swear, that, for a moment, Elzer hopped, that fire would escape the fireplace and either burned him, or his mysterious acquaintance with troubles.
"He has two children. And older one messed up. Badly." Elzer, once again, spoke slowly and carefully. Diluc decided not to interrupt him. Better gave him as much time as he needs. "Twelve years ago they disappeared. Or, perhaps, they just decided to travel. Their father refused to elaborate. It's not that important. What's important, is that Older One returned a few months ago. With a spouse and a child. New made grandfather was delighted. Until the first family dinner."
Elzer rubbed his temples. This time, Diluc decided to ask a question.
"What happened?"
Elzer answered immediately. With every world, Elzer's voice became more and more irritated.
"Older One got drunk. And confessed, that they did something to... They trick their spouse into... Dear Barbatos!" Elzer was almost growling at that point. "That idiot confessed, that twelve years ago they were sabotaging protection and contraceptives, so their child would be conceived and born. They wanted their spouse to always be with them. They used the child to chain their spouse to them." Elzer became silent. Diluc waited. Elzer voice was tired.
"Their spouse weren't happy about it. They asked for divorce. And disowned [Y/N] on a spot."
"Their own child." Diluc wasn't asking. There was no need for it. Still, Elzer nodded.
"The word about the whole situation get outside the family. And now their reputation is in shambles, they are loosing their wealth. However, there is one way to fix the situation. To marry a younger one to a good family, to someone outside Liyue. That's why they asked for help."
Elzer looked at Diluc with a guilty expression.
"Master Diluc. They asked me to deliver their proposition. Fourth of their future income, partnership with Dawn Winery, base for gathering information in other nation. In return, they ask..."
Before Elzer could finish, Diluc spoke.
"For me to marry the younger one."
Elzer nodded.
"Yes. But, as I said, I only was asked to carry a message. I never promised them an answer, or an agreement."
Diluc looked at the fire.
"I understand... Never thought, that I would get such an offer."
It was a messy situation. And none of Diluc's business. He should just reject this "offer".
"The kid... How they are doing?"
Elzer shrugged.
"I can't tell for sure. "Happy" grandfather mentioned his kids and himself, but hardly spoke about [Y/N]. But, I can guess, that they aren't in a good place right now."
There was no doubt in it. Kid lost everything in one moment. And, it was unclear, if they have someone, who weren't busy and can reassure them.
Crepus did mention, that helping someone through arrange marriage was a noble cause. It would be a good deed, to help a kid. By marrying their relative.
Diluc turned his head towards Elzer.
"Can you, please, arrange a meeting? I want to talk to them."
Meetings went surprisingly fine and productive. Diluc counted at least five times, when his "future father-in-law" was ready to bow before him.
It was concerning, that there was hardly any interactions between him and his "future partner". But, as Diluc can see, that all family members were focusing on salvaging what remains of their family's connections. They didn't have much time for a small talk.
The contract was made.
Marriage will end, when the family establish themselves in a different nation and will be able to have a normal income, that will let them live and not survive.
Diluc can ask for divorce anytime he wants.
Cheating is punishable with divorce.
Diluc and future generations of Ragnvindr Clan will get all support family can give them.
Diluc's property and finances were secured, he shouldn't worry about losing them during divorce.
It wasn't relationship. It won't be a fairy tale romance.
It was a business relationship. That, hopefully, would help people in bad situation.
There was no need for a wedding ceremony. They could just go to the Cathedral and have a small ceremony. Just two of them. No guests, no feast. Nothing.
They could just sigh a contract in Liyue. No guests, no feast. Nothing.
But Diluc felt bad. He wanted to let his future partner have at least a celebration.
And all went downhill.
Wedding started with a scandal.
He said his wow.
And they start screaming.
Accusing him of being a monster. Of taking advantage over their sorrow. Of being a virtue.
Soon, the whole family was screaming at each other.
Younger one refused to get married.
But the contract was signed.
And Liyue citizens value contracts. Heir of family should marry Diluc Ragnvindr.
That day, the wedding did happen.
Diluc and Older Sibling got married.
And Diluc became [Y/N]'s step-father.
It was evening.
Diluc was checking on the vineyard. His mood was sour.
His "spouse" were an unpleasant person. They spent days pitying their previous marriage, they disrespect his workers and ignored [Y/N]. The kid were eleven, their family was destroyed, their parent disowned them and second parent didn't pay attention to them. Moreover, every time Diluc tried to talk with [Y/N], his attempt would be shut down with a "Don't you dare to parent my child, Diluc!"
And now, Diluc has loosed all chances to help [Y/N].
His "spouse" wanted to help their family in establishing a new life in a new region. So, they left in the morning, right after Diluc left for a Mondstadt city. Diluc didn't have a chance to say goodbye to [Y/N].
Vineyard was quiet and peaceful. Only sounds of wind were heard...
Diluc froze. Which of his grapevines caught a cold?
Diluc looked down, after he heard rustling of the grass. Red eyes met with [e/c] ones.
[Y/N] were shivering. They looked tired and hungry.
"Sorry, Master Diluc... I don't know if I am allowed to stay in the Winery! I will leave if I..."
Diluc shushed them.
"We will go inside. Adelinde will prepare a warm bath for you. We will have dinner."
Year passed.
[Y/N] were living with Diluc. Live was more or less normal.
Diluc can't say, for sure, when exactly he started to think about [Y/N] as his own child.
Diluc didn't think twice about hosting a birthday party for them.
But, one problem remained.
[Y/N]'s biological family.
Mondstadt laws about abandoned children were simple.
Child abandonment was a crime.
However, there was also an "Exception".
If the child in question had guardians, caretakers, and their distant parents can be reached via mail, in that case, it won't be viewed as an abandonment.
Currently, only Alice's and Klee's situation was considered an "Exception".
Alice treated that arrangement seriously. She spoke to Knights, nuns, her old friends and even Diluc's staff, making sure, that her little girl won't be left unsupervised. Alice was always reachable. Jean could write a letter to her, and Alice would respond. And would return to Mondstadt, if situation calls for that.
Was it a good solution? Maybe not, but no one would dare to call her a "bad mother". She did her best to care for Klee and fulfill her responsibilities for Knights.
Diluc's and [Y/N]'s situation shouldn't be an "Exception".
Diluc has no reason to let [Y/N] stay. He could just divorce their parent, who were nowhere to be found and who refused to contact their child.
There were no reason for Diluc to keep being involved with them.
But, Diluc knew, that he was the only one, who cared about [Y/N].
Two months after [Y/N]'s twelfth birthday, Diluc filled necessary paperwork.
Now, there were two "Exceptions" in Mondstadt.
While Kaeya was keeping Lumine's and Paimon's attention on himself, Master Diluc leaned towards you.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded.
Master Diluc pat you on a head again.
"Are you sure?"
You could lie again. Like you lied to Adeline. But Master Diluc wasn't Adelinde.
"Moco and Hillie were gossiping again. Donna was rude. Grandfather and others... still didn't write."
You missed Diluc's dark glare.
"Don't pay attention to them. They aren't worth it." Diluc saw, that his words didn't work so well, and you still were upset. He should find a way to cheer you up. But he still was busy and can't spend time with you. And you barely have any friends in Mondstadt. Adults knew about your family's behavior and were suspicious of you. They thought, that your situation was your family's ploy to get into Ragnvindr Clan. And kids tend to mimic parents' behavior, so, a lot of kids and teens ignored you. Still, Diluc didn't want you to spend the whole day in the tavern on in the manor. He took a heavy coin purse, full of Mora, from his pocket, and gave it to you.
"Hey... [Y/N]. Take it. Have some fun. Play games, eat a lot of treats. At the end of the day, we will go home together. Deal?"
A faint smile appeared on your face. You took the purse.
"Thank you, Mister Diluc."
You still have troubles with calling him "dad". Well, can't have everything at the same time.
You left the tavern. The basket and the bottle remained on the table.
You were bored and lonely. You were sitting on a bench, munching on a Hash Brown.
Food was delicious, but you weren't that hungry to eat for a whole day.
Most of the games weren't interesting to play by yourself.
You wish you had some company.
Something soft rubbed against your legs. You looked down and saw a fluffy ginger kitten. You always wanted to have a kitten, but your parents didn't let you, and you still were nervous near Master Diluc to ask for a kitten.
"Hi... Are you also alone?"
The kitten meowed, rubbing against your leg. You slowly reached towards kitten. He sniffed your hand, before bumping it with his forehead.
It looks like, you get a company you wanted.
The workday was finally over. Master Diluc and you were on your way home. You had your kitten with you. He was hidden. 
It was wrong to sneak in an animal. But, you wanted to keep the kitten.
"[Y/N]... Are you hiding something?" Master Diluc looked unamused. You tried to give him an innocent smile.
"No, Mister Diluc. I am not hiding anything."
Diluc skeptically looked at the suspicious bungle under your shirt. 
"Really?" Diluc flatly asked, pocking the bungle. One offended "meow" later, and a ginger kitten climbed under your shirt and sat on your shoulder. You were busted.
"Master Diluc... Cookie played with me today... I thought..." You swallowed your words under Diluc's gaze.  
"Today we will give him a bath and feed him. Tomorrow we will go to Margaret and ask for advices on kitten care." simply stated Diluc.
You looked at him with wide eyes.
"You mean... You are fine with me having a pet?" 
Diluc ruffled your hair.
"Why I should be against it? You could have asked for one long ago."
 You didn't know, what got into you. But you hugged Diluc, kitten was still on your shoulder.
 "Thank you do much, dad!"
 Diluc let your words sunk in. He put his hand on the top of your head. Diluc's lips barely moved.
 "You called me... dad." 
 You froze. You tried to get from the hug.
 "It was an accident, I didn't mean..."
 Diluc's hand pressed you against his chest in an awkward hug.
 "That accident... It will make me really happy, if you start repeating them more often."
It was middle of the night.
Diluc was patrolling Mondstadt City. Right now, he was observing, how Donna got in serious trouble.
Windblume Festival tend to lure criminals. People, who were trying to get their hands on something valuable.
Quite stupid and gullible people. Who believed an anonymous note about maiden from flower shop having some rare expensive jewelry at home.
Donna will be terrified, and her house will end up completely messed up.
Darknight Hero should probably help her.
But, she was so rude to Darknight Hero's child. 
That should be a lesson to her.
Diluc will make sure, that the rest of Mondstadt won't be damaged.
He had a busy evening.
He helped [Y/N] take care of Cookie.
He had a strict talk with maids. Reminding them, that they should do their job, and not gossip about his child. And reminding them, that he has connections, money, and he knows where their families live.
He had dinner with [Y/N]. [Y/N] called him "dad" a few more times.
 Last time, Diluc was that happy, was when he got a letter on [Y/N]'s thirteenth birthday.
From his allies from underground intelligence network. 
About a successful operation to get an intel on Fatui.
Unfortunately, they arrived a little bit late. There were casualties. 
A certain noble from Mondsdat became a widower.
To keep the network safe, that casualties should be hidden from the public.
Diluc was patrolling Mondstadt City.
And his thoughts were focused on [Y/N].
On how Mondstadt view them.
He could easily put the end to all rumors.
He could make Mondstadt citizens accept [Y/N].
He didn't do it.
It’s probably for the best that no one else tries to be friendly with them. Diluc wouldn’t want to see [Y/N] break out of that shell they were forced in, after all. As long as they are like this, he will be their only source of comfort. 
Their father.
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adelheidvonschicksal · 10 months
JJK crew with Fem Reader that visits their S/O’s home for the first time and meets their S/O’s cute puppy or kitten! If you choose puppy, could you please make it a Golden Retriever? If not, then a kitten’s small meows could pierce your heart!
Yuuji + Puppy
Itadori adores animals especially dogs. He’d always pet the neighbor’s dog to and from school before coming to Jujutsu Tech. He wanted a dog himself; but between his granddad’s bad-temperedness and their financial situation, it was out of the question.
When you finally tell him you have a puppy, he absolutely can’t wait to see it. He also figures you won’t be mean like Megumi either and get mad at him for petting the puppy for a few minutes…or an hour.
Watching him coo over the pup and play fetch, it’s almost like having equally excitable puppies. It takes a gentle reminder to get him serious about the real reason you’re here to visit, which is to meet your parents.
He immediately straightens up but ends up cracking for one more pet. How can he resist when those big brown eyes are watching him and his bright golden tail is thumping happily against the floor.
Megumi + Kitten
Megumi constantly repeats to you how he isn’t really a cat person despite being a fan of animals in general and despite you teasing him about how he apparently “behaves like a cat”. Nonetheless, you reassure him that your cat will definitely be his type.
He listens as you go on about your sweet fluffball of a kitten. You tell him you’ve been taking care of her since you found her as a fresh baby almost four weeks ago. She’s a pure white powder puff with big blue eyes and the most adorable meow that will melt his grumpy heart. Megumi doubts it but not for long when he finally meets your kitten.
She’s too precious, old enough to get around on her own and hold her tail up but still young enough to waddle everywhere, tiny legs hindered by a warm water balloon of a belly, causing her to occasionally take tiny stumbles toward him as she meowed for human attention and pets.
Megumi doesn’t think he’s ever met a cat this friendly, or one that fits and cradles so perfectly in his open hands. You’re trying your hardest to resist the urge to tease him as he offers to help you feed the kitten her bottle.
What you can’t resist is sending a picture in the group chat of Megumi and you kitten snuggled up asleep on the couch together with the caption: ebony and ivory.
 Gojo + Puppy
This man gets so excited around animals. Like Itadori, he wasn’t really allowed to have many pets growing up aside from some koi fish in the pond at the estate, which while pretty could get boring.
At first, your puppy doesn’t really like him. A tall, loud guy like him easily sends the puppy into a barking frenzy between angry and terrified. You’re sure Gojo was offended the first time the puppy rejected him, a huffy pout on his face as the dog avoided him.
He becomes a bit more playful once he accepts that the puppy probably won’t warm up to him, always teasing the pup whenever he snaps tiny teeth at him. “Oho, you think you can take on the strongest?” he remarks and goes in for the pet.
Sometimes you wonder if Gojo might actually dislike the puppy when the two get into competition for your attention, but he shrugs it off. “At least I don’t have to worry about you living alone,” he reassures you with a trademark laugh. “Hell, he’s almost as tough as Megumi’s dogs, you should let me take him out in the field.”
After that, you come to realize that Satoru might actually enjoy getting chased around by your puppy, and it isn’t long until you accept that this is how they seem to bond especially as your puppy gets older and starts to become more familiar with Satoru to the point that you think in a strange way that he likes the man more than you.
It especially becomes clear when Satoru spends the night and your big dog – no longer a puppy – decides to sleep in bed right at his feet, making you pout.
When he sticks his tongue out at you and calls you jealous, you decide that his shoulder looks really slap-able.   
Choso + Kitten
Choso is staring at your kitty with the biggest eyes you’ve ever seen on the man. You hold the sweet little gray and white tabby closer to his face, a smile a mile wide as you introduce your family member, expecting for him to return your excitement. Instead he asks, “What is it?”
“It’s a kitten,” you tell him, and he scrunches his face at the little feline with deeper interest.
It dawns on you that this may be the first time he’s ever seen one of the creatures, and you decide that he needs a crash course on pets. You quickly explain to him about cats and why people like animal companions in general. However, it isn’t until your cat reaches out, places the first little paw on Choso’s cheek, and mewls that it really sinks in to him. Smiling approvingly at the action, he takes the kitten from you.
He sits on the couch with your pet, scratching behind her ears and gently squishing her cute little pink paw pads while you head to the kitchen to make drinks. Just when you’re almost done, you hear a call of your name from the other room. You quickly come back to check on the two and notice him looking worried and plain STRESSED, like he did something wrong.
“She made a noise at me,” he explains.
“What kind of noise?”
You step closer and carefully pat the kitten’s head. She immediately stretches out and starts to vibrate and grumble with content.
“That noise.”
Chuckling, you explain. “She’s purring. It means she likes you a lot!”
“I see,” he says, relaxing with your explanation. His smile returns as he gently returns to stroking the kitten’s head with an affection you’ve only seen saved for yourself and his brother. “Purring would be too much for me to do but I like you a lot too.”
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grapejuicestyless · 1 month
It Killed You Just The Same
Harry Styles x fem!reader
Summery: He loved her, he loved everything about her. More than her looks, but how gentle she was. But when given the choice between killing her or letting them kill her, he had no choice.
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She wore long brown boots, ones with clunky buckles at her ankles. Long socks poked out of the tops, thick and white, matching the crisp white dress she wore, covered in eyelet fabric that fell no more than past her upper thighs.
She looked the closest you could get to a lamb, and Harry deemed she was just as sweet as one too. He noted the dirt on her knees, probably from kneeling on the ground to tend to the animals that scurried by, and the wheat in her hair.
It seemed the longer she was around, the more life came around. It was like even the most dim creatures knew how gentle she was, how much she could give them. Harry always loved that about her, how somehow, with all the cruelty spat at her, she always had more love to give. He decided she was better than most, motherly to anyone smaller than her, all the squirrels and kittens, the children and the wasps. It didn’t matter to her, her love was all the same, like a real life princess.
“Y/n/n!” Harry called out her name across the grassy field, and as she turned to him he swore all the air was stripped from him. He felt guilty for even going through with it, but her innocence was worth so much more than anything. He’d heard about how sometimes people will sit with their pets as they die, let them lay in their lap and comfort them through the darkness until the pain simmers out, make them think it’s not forever. Harry figured Y/n deserved that too.
“Harry!” She squealed, running over to him with a wife grin, her hands pulling at the ends of her dress even though the fabric was short enough to begin with. Her underwear peaked out from underneath. Harry usually would have scolded her playfully for being so forgetful, for nearly flashing the birds flying overhead, but he decided he couldn’t even fake being angry at her today.
Her hug felt like a blanket of warmth on his skin, her hair done in braids that fell down her back. He wished it had been down so he could have ran his hands through it one last time, but he stuck his nose as close to her scalp as he could and memorized her smell.
“I missed you.” She told him, giggling against his body. Her skin felt so soft in comparison to his, her clean cut cuticles and baby pink nails so beautiful in comparison to his calloused palms and bloody knuckles. He wondered how something so pure could have fallen into his lap at all.
He considered himself awfully lucky to have been given her, for her to have loved him like she did, because he was certain he loved her twice as hard, but now he saw it as a curse. His karma for all his bad doings. Because the world was cruel, and a man like him could never have a woman like Y/n. So it made him choose. He could take her, or the men who he tried so hard to keep her away from would have her.
“I missed you more baby, how was your day?” Harry asked, his words muffled by his lips pressing against the top of her head. Her smile spread against his neck where she kept her head buried.
The leather around his waist felt harsher than before, the very belt Y/n had helped alter for him, the holes punched in by an old screwdriver and a hammer that laid untouched in the junk drawer. In fact, it felt too tight now, a belt that was usually falling off of him, suffocating him until he felt purple.
He hoped the feeling of his hand rubbing her back distracted her mind from the feeling of his other pulling the knife from its pocket that hung on the side of the belt.
“It was awfully warm this morning so I spent most of the day leaving our extra jars outside with water for the animals. I swear I heard some chipmunks panting earlier today.” She joked, and a small laugh rumbled through my chest.
“I bet, baby. Thank goodness they have you to look after them.” He entertained, his arm raising to wrap around her back, the butt of the knife pressed into his palm, just barely touching the curve of her back.
“Honestly, Harry it has me thinking.” She spoke softly, practically mumbling now in the comfort of his touch. It seemed he always had that effect over her, lulling her into a state of vulnerability with him, baring everything for him to see.
His hand shifted, the cold edge creating a small gap between the eyelets in Y/n’s pretty white dress. Harry could only hum as his hand shook, the knife so close to her skin, he wondered if she could feel the coolness of it radiating onto her skin.
“I wanna be a mother.”
Her words hit him deep, but it was too late. Blood poured from where the handle lay, the blade hidden somewhere underneath her skin, stuck between the fabric of her dress. The delicate whiteness of it stained a deep satin, dripping in a line down the center of her back. But she didn’t move, she didn’t scream, she didn’t beg. She didn’t even gasp.
Her arms slowly wrapped around Harry tightly, her lips pressing against his skin tenderly.
“No, no, no.” He mumbled quickly, unwilling to believe he ever had the willpower to follow through. He tried to pull her from his body, willing whoever was watching over him to have the power to give him the gift of looking into her lovely eyes just one last time.
“No, please, darling.” He pleaded, pulling her off of him frantically. Her eyes were crinkled in the corners and her lips in a soft smile. She looked defeated, but not because of him, like her own body was giving out on her.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, baby. I had to, I had to save you, I’m sorry.”
He told her over and over again to make her understand, but he was a fool because it was all wasted breath. Of course she knew, she’d known it from the second it pierced her skin. Her lover was rough, cruel, violent, and vicious, but he was never mean, and he always was honest when he said he loved her.
“I love you.” She promised him in a thin gasp, her body lying against his in a final hug, and thats the way she went out. So fitting for such a loving woman to have gone out in the loving embrace of her lover, her soulmate. His hands drenched with the blood he never wanted to face, and his knife stuck in his back. He only realized as her heart stopped and her thinking ceased that the knife laid right where her heart would be just a few inches back.
But he had just missed it, in the end. He had missed her heart and he was glad he did. He only hoped as he sat in the dirt holding her in his lap like a wounded doe that in some other life, he was able to give her everything, and the birds that would shake him from his nightmares would have instead been their children he would never meet.
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raparopa · 2 years
a/n: i love house of the dragon that's all
warnings: fem!reader, some femslash
when someone at the tournament asks for a sign of attention from their sweetheart
daemon targaryen
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Daemon thinks this is funny. What a fearless, and it seems, immortal knight. Of course, he knows that his lover is beautiful, and he also knows that men pay attention to her. When a knight in a tournament asks his beloved for a sign of attention, Daemon ostentatiously, so that everyone can see, holds out his S/O wreath, which he himself chose in front of everyone, nodding with a smirk at the knight, who already regretted his decision.
- Come on, accept a gift from my wife, youngster. Isn't that what you wanted? -For the rest of the tournament, he will taunt in the ear of his woman, pointing to the impudent little knight, who had his head blown off after two races. 💕
criston cole
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Criston immediately gets angry. All he will feel is irritation and terrible anger. He can't do anything - he's just a White Cape who can't even throw something offensive at a bastard who dares to covet his beautiful lady. But his anger will subside a little when he sees his beautiful woman in a flowing dress, with flowing hair and ribbons, with a beautiful wreath in her hands - he just cannot help but smile, looking at his goddess. But the knight who asked for her courtesy is first on Criston Cole's list. Let him get ready.
aemond targaryen
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He didn't understand at all at first. Tournaments are generally the last thing Aemond cares about, he only came for his S/O. And when some man in armor asks his lover to give him a token, Aemond just:🤨
He looks at his happy, embarrassed companion, then at the impudent one, and silently clenches his fists, waiting for this ridiculous trick on the part of the knight to end. It's not like he's angry... He's ten times more tense, because usually she only smiles like that for him; and when his lady returns to him, he will be silent and look ahead of him for a long time. (slightly regretting not participating in the tournament, you get the idea)
aegon targaryen
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In the morning a knight fights with a wreath from his wife on a spear; in the evening his head rolls in the mud. It's all.
alicent hightower
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She is calm enough, because she knows that this is just a tradition. When she sees that her S/O has been chosen to give her a token of attention, she will smile gently at her, nod her head, and I think she will be proud that she has got such a beautiful treasure for a long time. When her lady returns to her, they will imperceptibly join their fingers, continuing to smile and giggle at each other, completely forgetting about the tournament.
lucerys velaryon
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Luke is the biggest kitten in the world. PERIODT. 😼
I think he really likes tournaments (he likes to have fun and family evenings in general). He likes to place bets (in secret) on knights, whistle and clap loudly. But he never paid attention to the wreath moment until he had his S/O. When a man asks her to give him a token, Luke is surprised. He will ask her a lot of questions.
- Did he like you? Why did you choose this particular wreath? Does he think you are beautiful? And you him? What if I asked for a wreath?
-Luke, if you want me to give you a wreath, I'll give you a hundred of them, please don't take it personally.
After such a promise, he will sit with a proud smile and your hand in his palm.
jacaerys velaryon
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He is surprised. He doesn't even want to let go of his S/O's hand at first, opening his mouth to say something. He sits with his mouth open and large, round eyes all the time, while his beloved, to the general applause, gives the knight her sign of attention. He glances at the man, clenching and unclenching his fingers. When his lady returns to him, he will simply continue to stare at her questioningly, making her laugh.
- Do you want flowers in your hair too, honey?
rhaenyra targaryen
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If the word "pride" was a person, it would be Rhaenyra. She proudly raises her chin, grins at the knight, as if showing with whom this wonderful S/O is here today, and the rest of the time in general, too. She has a beautiful companion, in silks and gold, who makes these unworthy ones drool over her. She perfectly remembers such moments in her life, and understands how such a request elevates you above other women who did not receive this.
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sanspuppet · 1 year
Another 18+ scenario of San because i can't stop thinking of him and his huge chest.
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smut, angst
Jealous/angry San: hard, rough sex
You entered into San's dorm, which he shared with his bestfriends, during the university year. He wasn't there, and you knew it, because he had one other class before the school day would finish. You looked around, searching for someone to talk with, when you noticed Mingi was laying on the couch, watching his phone. You saw his eyes staring at your body through the corner of his phone, it was quite understandable, given the length of your miniskirt, showing completely off your legs. Something went wrong in your head, and a sudden thought of you sitting on him, flowed in your mind.
"Hi Mingi! What are you watching??"
"Uhm... a f-film." he couldn't stop looking at your exposed skin, at the revealing tank top you were wearing, all for teasing him and his friends.
"Can i join you?" you asked, approaching him with an innocent smile, while taking off your shoes.
"S-sure." he only could respond, he knew what was your purpose, and he also knew it was completely wrong. But you wanted just to watch a film, right? He couldn't refuse, so you instantly sat next to him, your left hand resting on his tight. After some minutes, knowing that San would come back soon, you choose to make things a mess, like you were doing for some days:
"Min, i can't see clearly, can i sit on your lap?" you asked looking at him with your puppy eyes.
"Uhm... i dont think it's a good idea..." his nervousness growing under his oversized sweatshirt.
"Pleaaaseee Min" you begged him, already moving on top of him. You could feel heartbeat speeding up, so you layed your back against his chest. The film was catchy, but your focus was only on the face San would have seeing you like that. You started to rub yourself against Mingi's lap, and you could immediately feel his boner growing harder, under your panties.
And it was when, you heard the door closing, and saw a strong figure staring at you: San.
"H-hi bro..." Mingi's face was red for the embarrassment (and for how hard you made him "involuntarily")
"Hi Sannie!" on the contrary, you smiled as if nothing was happening.
"My room. Now." was the only thing your boyfriend replied, and a smirk was placed on your face once you were following him.
He shutted the door behind him, angry. The look in his eyes was intimidating, you could tell he was really upset.
"Tell me, kitten. Why the fuck do you keep teasing the others?" he said with a strange calmness.
"San- i-" you tried to say something, despite you perfectly knew he was not expecting an answer.
"Wanna behave like a slut, huh?"
You always thought your boyfriend was a calm and kindhearted person, so much that you questioned yourself if he would ever get upset with you. That's how you started to slightly tease his bestfriends, and see if he'd get jealous, and oh yes, he really would, but that stupid little joke turned in a serious way, when he decided that you had reached the limit.
"You like to rub yourself against Mingi's cock, with that little slutty skirt of yours, huh?"
"No please- i didn't mean-" you immediately felt scared, realizing that you maybe had exaggerated.
"You know you got him so hard, do you?"
"San, im so-" you got goosebumps, as he grabbed your hips with one hand, squeezing them with his fingers, so desperately that it would probably leave bruises on your skin.
"Shut up, i better mark you as mine, right?" He walked a few steps towards you, and placed his index finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him. But the only thing you could do was staring at the floor, too embarrassed to even see his mad face, you were used to a sweet San, who cuddled and praised you everytime he could, his angry look, was now seriously scaring you.
"Fucking look at me, what? Now you feel guilty?"
"Y-yes..." was the only thing that escaped from your mouth, you were trembling under his stare.
"Oh we'll see if i should forgive you, take your clothes off."
"Huh? What? you want him to join? You'd like to be fucked like him, yeah?"
"No i didn't mean that-"
"It seems like, seeing you behaving like a whore."
Tears started to fall from your eyes, you've never seen him like this, making you realize you've really messed up. You wanted to apologize but you knew he wouldn't forgive you, not until he could hear you screaming for him. San grabbed your hips with both of his hands, and threw you on his bed with force. His look was cold, like he didn't feel anything for you now, he was extremely upset, and you could tell it.
"I said, clothes off. Want me to call one of my friends to do it for you? You little slut."
"N-no, i can do it myself." you almost choked with your saliva, panicking by the thought he hated you by now. You got immediately naked, under his gaze.
"Spread your legs."
"Yes d-daddy-" when you called him like that he used to like that, so you thought it would somehow help his angst.
"Dont call me like this." He said before lefting the bedroom. When he came back, behind him was standing another person: Mingi. You gasped and instantly tried to cover yourself with your arms. San chuckled:
"What? Never seen a slut being shy for her naked body."
"San- i really-"
"He'll watch. If that's what you really want, he will see how much of a whore you can be, maybe you'll learn something."
"Uhm... San i dont think i should watch-" Mingi said, hesitant.
"Yes. You should." San replied, making him sit on the armchair, in front of the bed.
You eyes were now red from how many tears have fallen from your eyes. You barely cared about Mingi's presence, what you really wanted now, was your sweet San.
"Please im sorry San..."
"i'll forgive you once you'll be completely emptied from your cum." he started to untie his belt, and dragged down his jeans.
"San. Mingi has nothing to do with it, let him go." You tried to look more serious, hoping you'd convince him. In facts, he turned back and looked at Mingi. San rolled back his eyes, sighing:
"Okey, leave."
Mingi instantly stood up and left you two alone. San got closer to you, his face a few inches from yours, you could feel his deep breaths against your skin.
"If i fuck you mercilessly, you'll learn your mine, right?" he took your neck in his hands, squeezing it slightly.
You nodded, preparing yourself. He sat on the bed behind you, and dragged his hands down on your body, until they reached your clit. He whispered in your ear:
"One orgasm for each day you kept flirting with my friends, this is for Tuesday." he suddenly slided three of his fingers inside your pussy, pounding them into you relentlessly. His other hand keeping your leg still, while the tip of his fingers were touching your g-spot at every thrust.
"Come on, i know you'd like to moan, don't you? Fucking scream for how much you enjoy to be fucked."
The only thing you could do now was obeying, he had you, he owned you. You groan extremely loud, when he sped up his pace even more, his fingers rubbing against every single part of your walls.
"That's it, that sounds exactly like a slut."
"Please- San- im c-close-" you kept moaning, your body started to shake by the immense pleasure: he has never touched you like this.
"Already? That's so humiliating, how sensitive your pussy is." He placed his other hand on your clit, moving his fingers in a circular motion, harshly. Your pussy clenched intensely around his fingers as you felt your first orgasm coming. And in no time, you completely wetted San's hand. You've never released so much cum in your entire life, and it felt incredibly good.
"I should clean this mess up." he said, and moved in front of you, on his knees, his eyes facing your throbbing pussy.
"W-wednesday?" you trembled, knowing you probably couldn't take again all of that pleasure, since you still had to get off of your recent high.
"That's it." His lips were now placed on your clit, kissing and sucking it. Then he licked your walls with his warm tongue, sliding it inside you a few times. You arched your back, your eyes shutted as you tried to ignore all the pleasure that was taking the control of your body, you couldn't stop shaking, your fingers gripping the fabric of the blankets, desperately.
"So fucking wet, all because of me, right?" he asked you. Despite you were too fucked out to respond.
"Right?" he repeated, squeezing your pussy with his fingers.
"Y-yeah! F-fuck-" you choked.
He looked at you, smirking. His tongue was now rubbing against your folds relentlessly, licking them like it was his last meal, the tip of his nose pressing against your clit. His hands were keeping your legs opened widely. You were already reaching your climax again, so quickly that it was embarrassing. You couldn't help but scream his name:
"San! San- please! Im yours-"
He groaned, and let his fingers pleasuring you.
"Don't try to escape it like this. You have 2 days left." he said, before you squirted on his face, exhausted. He licked his lips, tasting it, and took his remaining clothes off. His dick was standing straight, his tip red, thick and pulsing for how hard he was.
"Doggy style." obviously, he loved seeing your ass slapping against his hips, everytime he fucked you. You immediately placed yourself on your hands and knees, barely standing, because of the tiredness. He didn't wait before taking his dick inside of you, already thrusting in you deeply.
A couple of minutes passed, before you felt your walls pulsing and clenching way too much around his dick, warning him you were hitting your orgasm once again. God, poor Mingi, the amount of screams and groans he was forced to hear, it definitely seemed like a pornographic film stage.
San's thrusts became sloppy and messy, segnaling he was close too.
"Gonna fill this pussy with my cum, and you'll take all of it." he said, before releasing inside of you, until his cum was sliding out of your folds. You layed your chest on the bed, too tired and fucked out, that you couldn't even think concretely.
"i-i can't-" you tried to murmur.
"Oh yeah, you can. You'll regret what you did to Mingi."
"s-sorry. i'm s-sorry."
"I know, i know. Just take it one more time, ok baby?"
Baby, that fucking word convinced you.
You tried to nod, turning yourself so you could face him. He looked at you, his stare was now more relaxed, and less angry, which it made you cheer up a bit.
"Good. I give you some seconds before the next round."
He layed on the bed, beside you, looking at you. His hand was resting on your tummy.
"Why did you do it?" he asked, with a sad tone.
"T-that was stupid, im sorry..."
"I asked you why."
"B-because you were just too kind, was thinking if you would ever get angry with me."
"Why would i? you're perfect."
You turned your head, looking at him, tearing.
"Im so sorry San, i swear i only want you."
He got closer to your ear, and whispered:
"I know it, i'll try to be more gentle now. Okey?"
He said, before sliding his cock inside of you again. He threw his head back for the amount pleasure, and moaned your name.
"You're so weird y/n... but i still love you."
i highly recommend this song, don't know.. it's just sooo good and they need more recognition :/
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
I totally see Daniel's Kitten giving the ultimate test for him to prove that he understands that either way she's his. She doesn't even let him touch her, books herself a separate room during races. Daniel is desperate like in the very beginning of their relationship. He's wants her so bad but she enjoys torturing him, spends time with another drivers, chooses more revealing clothes etc. And Daniel can only watch this. Just imagine Daniel after she says that he passed this test 👀
Temptation Snapshot || DR3 {4}
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x fem!reader Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, hurt/comfort, smut WC: 1.5k F1 Masterlist Story: One || Two || Three || Four || Five Snapshots One || Two || Three || Four || Five
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Daniel was asleep on Lando’s doorstep when you went to leave, startling awake as he fell through the opening he had been resting against. After a hot shower and cup of tea, you had finally calmed down but the evidence of a night spent crying still lingered on your face. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked as you crossed your arms. You desperately wanted to reach for him and snuggle into the thick padding of his hoodie he had his hands buried in. “Did you sleep there all night?”
“He’s the only one who didn’t answer his phone,” Daniel said hoarsely. “I tried Charles, Max and George so I figured you had to be here.”
Lando had heard the voices and approached the entrance to see Daniel a little worse for wear. It had been hard for him to ignore Danny’s calls but you had begged him not to, you just needed some time. Whether it was to bury your head in the sand, or to plan your future, you weren’t sure.
Daniel’s eyes turned to Lando and he waited with bated breath for the death threats to begin. It was always a risk letting you cross the threshold into his home but he was surprised when Daniel freed a hand from his hoodie pocket and said, “Thanks for taking care of her.”
“Of course, that’s what friends are for,” he said with a soft smile as they shook hands but it turned to a pained wince.
“A friend would have answered his phone so I didn’t have to wonder where my girlfriend was, waking half the city in my search.”
You should have been angry for what he did but you were still caught up on the word girlfriend, your heart scrambling to gather the fragments that had broken away when you thought it was over. 
“Girlfriend?” you asked quietly, hope filling your voice. 
“One argument and you think it’s over?” Daniel dared with a shake of his head before he reached for you and pulled you into his arms. “You’re mine, kitten, always,” he whispered in your ear. “I deleted it.”
“You shouldn’t have taken it,” you uttered under your breath. 
He pressed his lips to your temple and you shivered at how cold they were from a night in the elements. “I’m sorry, but I can never think clearly when it comes to you and just wanted something to take with me to testing.”
“I’ll take you to build-a-bear and make you one with my voice. I can’t promise it will say anything nice right now though.”
“I’ll take anything,” he chuckled before sobering up. “Just please forgive me?” 
You nodded your head, not trusting your voice not to crack as you heard the words you were longing to and collapsed in his arms. 
“Aww,” Lando cooed. “Told you everything would work out fine.”
“Don’t get me started, mate,” Daniel warned as he fingered the hem of the jumper you wore. “My girl doesn’t wear Quadrant.”
“She was cold! And I figured you’d prefer that over my LN4 hoodies. It’s new too, unreleased even.”
“Sniff,” you lifted the material to his face, “smells new.”
“Smells like you,” he hummed before grabbing the hem. “But you can wear mine home.”
He pulled the green hoodie over your head before taking his one off. It certainly wasn’t warm enough to just be in a Foo Fighters singlet but Daniel didn’t seem to feel the cold as he pulled his Enchanté hoodie over your body. “Much better,” Daniel said as he shot the hoodie at Lando, hitting him in the face with a smirk.
“Mate, that's €150 of organic cotton.”
“Send me the invoice,” he said with a wave over his shoulder before he looked back. “And you had better have slept on the couch or I’ll be back.”
“I’m not suicidal, gees,” Lando said as he rolled his eyes and cracked his back that was sore because he had slept on the couch. “See you guys on Thursday.”
Daniel was unusually quiet as you walked home hand in hand and you knew he was thinking hard when he nearly missed the entrance to the apartment. The door closing in the silence was louder than expected and you jumped a little at the bang. 
“I’m sorry,” Daniel apologised as he dropped onto the couch and pulled you over his lap so he could bury his face in your neck. “Please never leave me like that again. I was going out of my mind wondering where you were, if you were safe.”
Your throat clogged at the vulnerability in his voice and you felt guilty for not even sending one message to say you were fine, something to ease his mind. 
“Please never leave me again.”
“I never want to let you,” you promised as you combed his hair, soothing the worry that had knotted his insides all night. “I love you, Danny.”
“I love you too. And I know I’m possessive, I know I’m controlling. I can’t help it, you're my kitten and I need to protect you for my own sanity.” He twisted you to cage you beneath his body on the couch and a hand dipped between your thighs, pressing the seam of your leggings against your clit.
“I know, and I love that, I love being yours,” you sighed, before planting a hand on his chest and pushing him back. “But, when I get into trouble you punish me for it, and I think it’s only fair that it’s my turn.”
You crossed your legs and he pouted as his access was cut off. 
“How long?” he groaned as he buried his face in a couch cushion and palmed his erection to keep it from springing up. 
“I haven’t decided, but you’ll know.”
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Media day had been a flop since Daniel had channelled his inner Kimi Räikkönen and remained silent for most of the interviews, giving the bare minimum answers and refusing to elaborate. If you weren’t receiving dirty looks from the fans you would have found it amusing that he was so grumpy because he hadn’t had sex in a few days. It would have been a lie to say you weren’t affected and in need of your own release but you were enjoying the control he normally held.
You particularly enjoyed seeing him struggle to keep his hands to himself when you made the rounds of the drivers and stopped by his room. Unable to resist taunting him further, you had rolled the hem of your skirt up to bare more of your legs that he loved so much before stepping inside.
“Hey daddy,” you teased as you rested your back against the door.
Daniel reclined deeper into his couch with a groan, his eyes tracing the length of your legs as he bit his fist to keep from reaching for you. “Fuck, kitten, don’t call me that, not now, please.”
“What’s wrong?” you asked innocently as you bit your lip to hide your smile.
“Come here,” he urged you as he fell to his knees and pushed the coffee table out of the way so you could stand above him, his hands pushing your skirt up to your hips. “Are you enjoying this, kitten? Is this making you wet?”
His fingers brushed your panties aside and you moaned as he teased you, getting closer to you than he had for days. You looked down at him as you raked your fingers through his hair while he savoured the scent of your arousal, brushing his nose along your thigh to nudge them wider before his tongue flicked out.
“Ah, fuck,” you cried at the sensitivity that came with days of denial. All thoughts of teasing him were gone, all those thoughts replaced with need and you pulled him closer so he could bury his face between your legs.
“Can I come home, kitten?” he asked, his warm brown eyes begging you to say yes. Your eyes fluttered shut as his fingers curled into your cunt and you nodded needing more.
Daniel growled happily as he grabbed your hips and cast you onto the couch, shoving his jeans down his thighs. Your panties were lost to the floor next and you relished the crazed look in his eyes as he spread your legs.
His beard tickled your thighs as he kissed and nipped his way across your skin, the small sharp bites sending bolts of lightning to your core. Like a starving man, he devoured you, his tongue lapping at your cunt until you were a quivering mess.
“I need you, please,” you begged as he knelt between your legs and dragged your hips to the edge, his swollen head already running through your wet folds.
“You’re done torturing me?” he asked as he inched slowly forward, slow enough to know he was torturing you in return.
“Yes, just fuck me already, daddy,” you whined as your body stretched to accommodate him.
With a sharp snap of his hips he buried himself all the way home and the guttural moan had your pussy clench. “Fuck, kitty, I missed you.”
Click here for another snapshot.
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acrylic-anxiety · 4 months
things I thought were canon in mha but are probably just things the fandom made up that are so deeply ingrained in fanmedia, coming from someone who only joined the fandom a few months ago (correct me if im wrong)
(also not caught up on s7)
- literally any ships (rip, i know, but guys, no student relationships are canon as of rn)
- eijirou and mina went to middle school together
- denki probably has (absence) seizures due to overusing his quirk/bc storms
- red shoe theory (the quirkless have an extra toe joint and bc of that they need different shoes. unfortunately there's only one type, so doesn't matter if you're 5 or 80, you're stuck wearing bright red sneakers ://)
- erasermic. just the entirety of them being together. also includes erasermic fam. still rioting from when i found out erasermic is not canon >:((
- denki has adhd + dyslexia + dyscalculia (and probably a seizure disorder)
- hitoshi is in the foster system (and was probablg ab*sed bc of his quirk. includes mentions of muzzles and quirk suppressants)
- present mic was born with his quirk, deafening everyone in the room when he was born (includes mentions of muzzles)
- the bakugous (mitsuki and masaru) are either the best parents in the world (super attentive and caring) or suck and are probably ab*sive (quirk suppressants on katsuki any time he comes home, neglectful masaru, aggressive mitsuki)
- izuku is autistic (while not canon, i wouldnt be surprised, this is coming from someone with auDHD)
- denki's parents are both pro heroes (theres two pro's with electricity quirks. maybe?? maybe not?? we'll never know)
- endeavor is homophobic (i mean... im not saying he's not-)
- present mic was adopted by two moms
- eijirou has two moms (this one tho, so cute oml im screaming)
- the bakugous run a fashion empire (katsuki modeled for them before UA
- rooftop trio's full friend group included nemuri (a year ahead of them) and tensei (iida's brother)
- iida is autistic (ngl, if this aint the case im rioting)
- tsu never had a childhood, too busy parenting her siblings while her parents were at work or traveling
- back to the bakugous, they were too busy traveling to do photoshoots (mitsuki was the model and masaru designed clothes) to watch over katsuki, so he taught himself how to do everything (chores, keeping tbe house, cooking, etc)
- eijirou has depression/was su*c*dal in middleschool, the only thing keeping him from toppling was mina
- some mutation quirks are there at birth, others come in later. ex: toru (hagakure) was not born invisible, she turned invisible when out shopping with her mom (just imagine thinking "oh shit i just lost my kid at the store" and feeling something grab your leg with the voice of your kid but nothjngs there. wild, absolutely wild) just imagine this shit with the rest of our resideng mutation kids (whom i adore) koji, fumikage, mina, mezo, mashirao (would you consider hanta, kyoka, rikido, and mineta mutation quirk kids? bc i do)
- some kids come from all over the world (i like the idea of it, just how do they all know japanese then??) one i can remember rn were like denki is a 2nd gen japanese american, yuga we know is from france, hanta is latino (i adore this)
- mineta is great!! or mineta is a r*p*st (now, hes gotten better, i'll give you that, but hes still not great and i choose to hate him so im moving on-)
- the sports festival ceremony triggered a flashback for katsuki, making him feel like he was back with the sludge villian again
- izuku and katsuki co-wrote all might fanfiction and individually at one point had all might stan pages.
- fumikage, hitoshi, and kyoka rotate between the bakusquad and dekusquad
- the emosquad consists of fumikage, hitoshi, kyoka, mezo, katsuki, and shouto
- ochako has dad sneezes (loud asf and probably back to back) and katsuki has kitten sneezes (cute and singular) (no i will not explain further)
- while katsuki is loud and "angry" all of the time, you only really got to worry when he becomes deadly silent
- if you want tea on anyone, go to either mezo or kyoka. they know all
- shouto had many firsts after the dorms were implemented: first time trying ice cream, watching a movie, listening to music, trying certain foods, etc. bc endeavor either hated it, or didnt allow him access to it bc he thought it was a waste of time
- momo probably has an eating disorder, regardless of her quirk, due to her parents pressure as a high society family
- quirk related symptoms/damage. ex: katsuki's explosions causing low blood pressure and hearing loss. present mics causing hearing loss and chronic sore throats (maybe even repeat tonsilitis??). hitoshi getting migraines, insomnia, and nose bleeds from excessive quirk use.
- aizawa transfered to the hero course after winning the sports festival his first year at UA (i think it makes sense, what with him training hitoshi later)
(this is what i could think of rn, theres probably more, add on if you think of any)
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tunastime · 19 days
"hold my hand. please" + draping a blanket over their sleeping body?
you know i'm a rentho or ethubs guy but i'll be happy with any pairing you choose :3
"pull me closer…" / draping a blanket over their sleeping body (873 words) (x)
"You know, this would be a lot easier if you actually went to bed like a regular person, my dude."
The bundle carefully tucked in his arms gives an aborted huff, eyes narrowed as he stares up at him. Ren gives the bundle, shock white hair and mismatched eyes, a pitying glance from behind his half-moon glasses. Etho continues to glare up at him, all angry kitten-like and bristly and no actual bite. Careful not to jostle his precious cargo, Ren weasels open the door to the monolith. He'd be happy to make this Bdubs' problem, were it not that Bdubs wasn't here, and Etho didn't have a room closer than this, and Ren wasn't about to tuck him away in a cold castle.
"Tango's a snitch," Etho finally mutters, voice heavy with exhaustion.
"Feisty!" Ren snorts. "Tango would've let you sleep if you hadn't... hm, dunno, passed out in his dungeon?"
Etho burrows a little closer, a familiar, shifting expression flitting over his partially-concealed features. 
"I, ah, fell asleep," he offers. Ren raises a doubtful eyebrow.
"In the prize room of Decked Out," he states. Etho gives an aborted shrug.
The inside of the monolith is as homey as it had ever been, lined with smooth, white stone and dark wood, carpets and chests and low hanging lights Ren had to duck to avoid. 
"You're going to sleep in a real bed, my man," he muses. Etho sighs.
"I had it under control!"
"I'm sure."
"Tango... had it under control,” Etho mumbles.
"He's gonna have a heart attack thinkin' you straight up died and your body got all..."
Ren scrunches his nose, planting a kiss on the free space of Etho's forehead. Etho makes a startled squeak, squirming in his arms as Ren stands on the first step of the stairs, beaming down at him.
"You sound just like 'em."
Etho grumbles.
"Jerk," he warbles out, more embarrassed laugh than bite.
Ren laughs, a sound that rolls through his chest just as much as it probably rolls through Etho. Ren follows the staircase up several landings to the sparsely used bedroom, the faint smell of old candles and packed linens drifting through the space, tugging on memories. Etho spent some of his time here—when he wasn't sleeping in his workspace, or on the couch, or on the floor, or in his half finished build, or, it seemed, in the rooms of Decked Out Two. Those nights Ren remembers with a particular, swelling fondness, pressed carefully between the chambers of his heart. 
He lets Etho untangle himself, all limbs and sharp joints and padded muscle. He shakes himself out, flopping forward at the waist to stretch out his back as Ren steps backward, grinning at him. At this angle, all of Etho's hair, the partially braided bits that Bdubs attempted to keep together, fall over his head and brush the floor. Etho huffs, brushing it all back in one messy swipe as he stands up, looking disgruntled and dislodged. He lets his shoulders sag a little as he starts to detangle his hair, fix his clothes and wander to the bedside. Ren watches with a careful, somewhat attentive eye. It doesn't take Etho long to settle despite all his stretching and preening—as soon as he sits, tugging off non-essential clothes and changing into pajamas passed over, he crawls under the layers of blankets and curls up, small against the wide space of the mattress. 
Ren steps forward then, tucking the blankets better over his shoulders, carefully combing back hair that dips into Etho's face. Etho's face softens in the now-low light, smoothing out the freckles and smile lines, crow's feet and lines of stress under his eyes. Ren runs his hand through his hair, back over his shoulders and rests it there on the cusp of his arm before he pulls away. Just as he does, Etho catches his hand, tugging ever so, more deadweight than anything as he fights sleep.
"What's up, baby?" Ren jokes, giving his weak hand a squeeze.
"Stay here," Etho mumbles into the pillow. Then, partially aborted as he shuts his eyes, more sound than words: "Please."
"Well," Ren muses, scrunching up his face. "Since you said please, I don't know if I have much choice!"
Etho hums, the note high in his throat. Ren takes that as a fundamentally good sign. 
"But," he tacks on, sitting in the space Etho leaves for him, the warm impression of him still felt on the blankets. "I'm not lying down with you. I have other things to do, unlike you."
"I know, it's a terrible shame. I slept the entire night last night, so I'm allowed to work during the day."
Etho huffs. The tense look to his face dissipates though, as Ren leans forward to press a kiss to his temple, smooth back his mess of hair that most certainly, certainly needs a good brush, and probably a good shampoo. Ren sets the task a little higher on his mental to-do list. He lingers against Etho's cheek, kissing the high of his cheekbone, smiling to himself when Etho relaxes a fraction. 
The tired give of his body under Ren's careful ministrations is all he can ask for.
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smallgodseries · 2 years
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[image description: An inky cat - almost a silhouette - sits tall in profile, a glowing red-orange circle (with curled banderoles from at  top and sides) haloing her head. Behind her, an almost card-like scaled golden background, and behind that, the deep blue-black of space. Text reads, “160, A VOID ~ THE SMALL CAT OF BEING MISUNDERSTOOD ~ after the great Théophile Steinlen”]
• • • • • 
The first thing she remembers is warmth, tiny bodies crashing over her own as they fought for a share of their mother’s milk.  Warmth, and a purr that was the world, the sweet vibration of a mother’s love.  The voices in the distance barely registered with her:
“One cat was one cat too many.  You can’t keep six of them.  Those kittens have to go.”
“But Mama—”
“The kittens or the whole damn cat!  One or the other!”
Then she remembers hands, grabbing her and pulling her away from her littermates, from her mother, stuffing her into a cold, rough sack while her mother meowed piteously in the background, broken-hearted and confused.  A door slammed.  The meowing stopped.  And then there came cold, freezing cold, and wetness, and one by one her brothers and sisters stopped moving, and still she fought, furious, cold and wet and tiny and angry, until again, hands, pulling the sack out of the water,  pulling the surviving kittens out into the light.
After that came warmth again, and bottles held by human hands, and fosters who cared so much about the tiny lives in their care, but who knew from the beginning that they couldn’t save them all.  After that came open eyes, and light, and a world.  A world so big and so filled with beautiful things…for the cats who got to leave the shelter.  Her brother, born with a white patch over half his face, got to go.  Her sister, calico and striking, got to go.  And she, black as midnight, stayed.
“We’re sorry, sweetie,” said the volunteers, after yet another open day when no one took her home.  “It’s hard for the black cats.  They don’t understand how wonderful you are.”
And she purred, for them, and she played, for them, and she stopped trying to be charming, for the people who came every second Saturday.  She didn’t need them to understand her.  She wasn’t going anywhere.
She spent her whole life at that shelter, and when new black kittens came in, she taught them how to be cute and coy, how to flirt with the potential adopters.  How to find themselves a home.  And one night, when she went to sleep, a strange dog was waiting for her.
“Hello!” it said.  “Hello, I love you!”
The dog, it transpired, was named Adora, and Adora was a small god.  Not a large god, not life or death or anything of the like, but a small god, of imaginary friends.  And the cat, who had never had a name she truly felt was hers to keep or claim, had done enough for the kittens in her care, the misunderstood and the overlooked, that they were offering her the chance to be the same.  She could be a small god.  She could choose her portfolio.  She could do anything.
Anything but go back to the shelter, where her unbreathing body had already been found by a weeping volunteer.  That time was finished.
She looked at the dog.  She looked at the crying people who had been her only friends.  She wrapped her tail around her legs.
“I am A Void,” she said, “and I will be a small cat for the misunderstood.”
She takes her duties very seriously.  She is with those who are judged unfairly, who speak too fast or too loudly or not enough.  Who are out of step or out of fashion, who never get their points across.  She is with them all, and while she does not love as freely as Adora, she cares for all who bear her banner.  She cares so very deeply.
But she cares for the little black cats most of all.
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jumalanpelko · 10 days
Some lore about Her, the god of the cult
EDIT! She is real and not just something the cats have come up with. She is real, and Her powers are real but is it a good idea to treat Her as a god?
-What is She? No-one really knows. She is some kind of creature without a body. She cant be seen, heard, smelled ect. But you can feel Her presense.
-She has some sort of powers but they are pretty vague. Like She cant like. Magically make fire or shit like that. This is talked more in the lore comic that i will do in some point, but like She being there protects the cult.
-Suncat is a cat that The god uses as a body. Every Suncat is chosen by the god as a kitten, when previous Suncat dies. The god being inside of suncat is too much for suncats' body and they all die when they are about 1 year old.
-She is called She/Her cause she keeps choosing afab cats as suncats and the cult is like "must be a lady"
-Also almost every suncat is golden/yellow/orange/red. There doesn't seem to be a clear reason for this. She just seems to like some colors more lol. If there isnt a kitten thats colored like She wants, She will choose someone else, but will be salty about it. These suncats seem to die much faster than those with "sun fur".
-The god cannot control Suncat, but can kinda send vibes to Suncat to tell if She is happy or angry ect
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-She is shown in the comic like this, but can't actually be seen. This just kinda. Shows that the characters feel her presense.
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-This is not real glow and it isnt to show that The god is there, this is how Guard sees Suncat, his baby girl.
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mishuleshi · 1 year
Scarameow x readermeow
Archon meet up
Nahida is making some cookies because her old friends are going to come today.
She have known them for a while. Zhongli, Venti, Furina and Ei. Of course Venti can't come.
They are known for having cats. Just regular cats lovers group.
Ei has cat named shogun. Zhongli has cat named Xiao. Furina has cat named Lyney and lastly... Venti. That is allergic. So he doesn't has one.
And we know that Nahida has two cats. Scarameow and Readermeow.
Nahida is waiting for her guests while Scara is 'playing' with you.
'Playing' means biting, attacking and humiliating you.
"You know. Nahida is delusional if she thinks I would.. Befriend you."
Scara has mentioned you with his mean tongue.
"Well Nahida took me in and yet you act like I'm some... Stray cat."
You replied. Very annoyed.
"But it's true. Didn't she said that she found you on the streets?"
Scara snickered like he wasn't himself left on the streets before.
Now guest are here so Scara of course put on good show. How he is such a good kitten (he is grown ass not little baby).
And that's when interaction with other cats started.
"You know... You look very beautiful. Such a soft fur..."
Xiao was awestruck. He never saw such beautiful cat before.
"Oh.. Thank you.. Xiao"
You said quite unsure. It didn't make you uncomfortable rather.. You never got compliments so that's why.
"Xiao is right. Such beautiful face. I wonder why are you with Scara."
Lyney chipped in.
"I never choosed it. Nahida saved me and I'm very happy for that but... You're right. He is really mean."
You confirmed it.
And what was Scara doing? Eavesdropping the whole conversation.
After some time they left you alone and went to talk with Shogun. Scara came.
"So talking shit are we?"
Scara was angry and... Jealous? He saw potential rival in Xiao.
Of course he didn't know how to act so you would fall in love with him but he is trying his best.
"Eavesdropping are we?"
You mimicked him.
And that's when you and him started staring into each other's eyes.
And he didn't know why but his head started coming closer to yours. Closer and closer.
Your little cat noses were touching.
And that's when Xiao came back.
"So I have question-"
And that's when he saw them staring at each other with their noses touching.
"What the f-"
Zhongli then 'yelled'.
"Xiao. We are going home!"
So Xiao turned around to walk back to Zhongli.
Everyone left by now. Nahida after all that interaction with them was exhausted so she went to sleep. Not knowing what was happening in the other room....
Author note: Should I write smut?
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sillyvampireboi · 2 months
Why are you tormenting my kitchen??
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Summary: Armand is fascinated by blenders. Who knew that there were many different types with different functions? Do they only blend liquid or flesh too? He must experiment.. to Daniel’s demise.
Contents: pov Armand, romantic, fluff, attempt at humour, armandaniel, Armand being Armand, blood, gore, not beta read, description of cutting someone up ^^’ 
a/n: I feel like Armand is like a little child, regarding discovering new technologies and finding joy in trying them out. | I wrote it totally self-indulgently. I have that urge in me to see Armand destroy Daniel’s (blender at first) kitchen 👁️v👁️
tagging: @okaytosave
~ English is my second language ~
“So Daniel, you grew up and lived in this era, which one is the best?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know?” 
“Well, I suppose you used these machines before.” 
“Sure, but that doesn’t mean I compared all brands in the world. “ — chuckled my fascinating boy. — “But buy that one. It’s the most expensive.” 
We were standing in the Aisle of Blenders in Media Markt. Recently, I became spellbinded by this store. It showcasted the best and most popular technology on the market during those years. My love laughed at me many times, when waking at night and not finding me at our home, discovered me studying iPads in that store for hours to no end. How fastly changeable technology became! It felt like there were new updates to my iPad every month, new features were added which became more colourful, more easy to use and were more apps to choose from. Sims and Minecraft became my favorites to spend my time on. I created our own avatars, mine and Daniel’s, in Sims where we lived happily as a married couple. I even found a kitten, when I told Daniel about it, he simply asked me to make him a successful writer and ‘WooHoo’ him every night. He didn’t tell me what that meant. I need to check its meaning in the near future. 
However, back to me and Daniel looking at blenders: When I got used to the innovations phones and tablets offered, I found my new interest stirred in kitchen items. I have to admit, I abandoned my interest in kitchen utensils. They remained more or less similar for hundreds upon hundreds of years, so I let my curiosity wander to other directions. Then sweet Daniel stepped into the timeless night of my life, introducing me to feelings I’ve been absent from, besides human contraptions I didn’t pay attention to. Such innovation was this engaging appliance called Blender. 
As far as I understand, it can mix liquids and soft objects such as fruits and vegetables together. Mortals use these devices to create ‘smoothes’ and other drinks Daniel told me about. Sadly, they can’t break bones or other hard surfaces into tiny pieces. Believe me I tried, that was the reason me and Daniel were shopping for a new one.
“Are you still angry at me, love?” — I temporarily turned from the shelf to look at Daniel. He sighed deep, feeling frustration omitting from him rather than anger. 
“No. But I’m getting a little vexed since you keep tormenting my kitchen.”
“I’m only experimenting my beloved.” 
“Yeah, right” — The innocent voice I used had a nearly immediate effect on him. His eyes softened, and the aurora around him became a lovely pink coloured mess.  — “Just buy more, so we don’t have to come here every night, hm?” 
“Everything for you dear!” 
“Sure, don’t have to be in my ass. Just choose 3 and let us go already.” 
The night was hot and breathless, attacking our senses constantly with the noise of the beeping city. The streets were nearly as light as during the day in this new century, illuminated by hundreds of lamps, advertisements and closed shop windows. 
As I was walking beside Daniel, carrying my “newly doomed Blenders” - as he tells me - in their boxes, I thought back on the previous night. 
I was in the kitchen, while my beloved was still in our bedchamber. The sun just started leisurely sinking lower and lower on the darkening sky, painting it with pink and purple and then blue at last. While the shadows began climbing along the lengthy sides of buildings, I set up the kitchen. 
My love already had a Blender in his home, which I borrowed for my investigation. I prepared a victim for the night: a young, muscular boy. Barely scraping the threshold of twenty, full of life and strength, his young face shining with his youthful years I’ll be draining out of him. 
My voice covered him gently from his curly head, till his long legs. He truly was a beautiful boy, one I’ve seen centuries ago in the palace of my Master. His muscles and mind relaxed, regardless of his integral struggle for life, while I opened up his wrist and let his warm blood fill several cups, I organised in the kitchen. I let his blood flow until his heart began to slow, losing his hopeless battle against his fate, until it fully stopped. 
First, I poured one cup of his blood into the Blender, and turned on the machine. It began to buzz and whirl. It moved the blood around in circles, creating light bubbles in contrast to the shadowless. 
It passed the first test. After emptying its container I added another cup of blood into it, then turned back to the body of the boy. With a knife in my hand, I let my gaze travel over his lifeless shell. His pink flesh lost colour and turned to gray, and his eyes which were filled with fearful tears a few minutes ago, now stared blankly at the ceiling. I let him free of his thin shirt, and opened up his delicate skin. 
I put slim pieces of his muscles in the blood at first, then steadily increased the amount. The Blender succeeded these challenges, cutting the meat into smaller and smaller parts, until it became a bloody meat ‘smoothie’. I poured it into a new cup and started again. 
At this time, I used his heart, lungs and a part of his brain in one session, mixing it with more blood. The machine seemingly struggled quite a bit, but mixed them nonetheless. It wasn’t as perfect as the previous one, but still liquid-y. 
I continued experimenting with his other organs, the Blender struggling more and more, until it reached its breaking point. 
It was bones that broke this interesting innovation.
I began with his blood again, and continued with adding tiny parts from his limb bones - which I smashed with my hands -, until I carried on with bigger bones: fingers, toes, and collar bones. However, as I added a forearm, it couldn’t pierce through the stone-hard surface of the white parts and its scales stopped while the motor still ran. I watched with wild wonder, while the buzzing got pregnant with panic, until it stopped with a sudden bang. The remains of the meat, blood and bones flew up in the air, and blanketed me and the kitchen furniture with a nasty, sloppy sound. 
Oh no - I thought - I broke Daniel’s Blender, there is still time to buy him a new one. He isn’t using it anymore, so he won’t notice and then I clean— 
“What the fuck has happened here?” — My beloved was standing at the door of our bedroom, arms crossed in front of his chest, sleep still heavy in his eyes. His gaze naturally traveled to me first, next on the body of the cut up form of my victim, until at last, traveled over the rain of dark red, thick wetness on the walls and ceiling. 
“Daniel, I can expl—“
“What is this? Why are you tormenting my kitchen?!” 
“I merely wanted to experiment dear. You showed me a lot about new technologies and the one that interested me the most was this apparatus called Blender! It moves and has knife-like edges inside and mixes substances! My beloved, you must understand I had to try! And what fascinating discoveries I made.” 
Daniel stood there completely spellbounded, staring at me in the grotesque scene I created. For a long time he said nothing, until I saw the slight smile in the light of his eyes, which meant he wasn’t angry at all even though he tried to appear to be. A deep sigh which he didn’t need anymore, escaped his lungs while he roamed his gaze over me and our kitchen again. 
“Alright, this is what we are going to do. First you clean this whole mess and then YOU buy a new blender. And I’m going to ask for a fucking expensive one, you can be sure of that.” 
I couldn’t help, but giggle at his mocked fury, that imitation of frustration he forced on his lovely face. 
The moment we arrived home, I organised our new Blenders in the cabinets, taking out plates and glasses, just to put them back and find a new place for them. Daniel was enjoying my structuring skills with an open delight, from the dining table. 
After I was done, I walked to him, sly as a cat, sitting on his lap and putting my arms around his neck.
“Will you show me how to order from Amazon?” 
“Why? “ — he eyed me with suspicion. 
“I want to order a robotic eater!” 
“Robotic eater? You mean a robot vacuum?” 
“Yes! Please Daniel, I have to see if it really eats everything and moves around furniture.” 
“God. What did I sign up for?” 
My soft laugh disguised us from the outside world, leaving us in a light pink bubble. 
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