#I can't stand him 😭/pos
aberooski · 3 months
Chazz is a good fucking kid, have I mentioned that before? Because in his heart he's a fucking good kid.
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felassan · 1 month
As I understand it you’re probs going with Lucanis for a romance on your first run!! What in particular drew you to him as your first romance? (This is also free permission to gush about him from what little we know!)
hello! ◕‿◕ ooh hhh this is such a fun question, thanku (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
soo for this I'm stuck between Lucanis, Taash, Davrin, Bellara and Neve HHH. (which is a fantastic problem to have tbc /pos). aa they are all so 😳😳..
for Lucanis, what I like about him is the character he displayed in TN. in his short story he was really cool and interesting. he's badass - who can't love a dude who makes evil magisters shit themselves in fear just by the mention of his name - but he also has a soft heart.
Lucanis stared ahead, focused and intense. He was the kind of man you couldn’t look away from—until he looked at you. --- Lucanis exhaled through his nose. “If someone wants to pay me top coin to kill a bunch of racist blood mages—who have it coming—I’m not going to complain.” --- The word quit sparked some life in the Wigmaker’s blank expression. “So, the crow thinks he can best the dragon?” “The crow,” Lucanis mocked, “knows it.” --- “Death is my calling”
like... ok sir 😳
but he's also really funny, in that dry or wry blunt sort of way.
The mage was coming to. His unfocused eyes took stock of his situation. “I won’t talk,” he spat. “Even if you torture me.” “I’m too busy to torture you,” Lucanis said, and ran him through with his sword. --- “So, the Wigmaker.” Illario wiggled his fingers ominously. “Tell me about him.” “He’s weird,” Lucanis replied bluntly.  --- Don’t think about it. Lucanis took a deep breath and flung himself off the roof. --- Lucanis thought about securing the entrance—leaving it unlocked could raise suspicion—but chose not to in case Illario decided to work tonight.  --- “Eight marks the final kill,” Illario said, coming to stand next to him. He dusted off his palms. “Do you still recite that old nursery rhyme? The one Caterina made us memorize during training?” Lucanis moved to retrieve his throwing knives. “What can I say? It’s catchy.” --- Illario rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean. The Venatori already have your name. If they learn your face—” “I’ll grow a beard.” --- Ambrose threw down the matted mess. “Lucanis Dellamorte, I presume?” “Sì,” Lucanis answered, knowing even a single syllable of a foreign language would disgust the Wigmaker. It had the desired effect—Ambrose recoiled as if he’d stepped in urine. “Is this your handiwork?” “Sì.” The mage’s jaw pulsed. “You think you can come into my Imperium and act as judge and executioner?” Lucanis opened his mouth to respond, but Ambrose anticipated his answer. “Don’t say, ‘Sì!’” That earned a genuine smile from Lucanis. “Normally, there’s no judgment—only a contract. But for you, Ambrose, I made an exception.” --- While hunting his mark, Lucanis had opened the wrong door and walked into an orgy. Getting out of that had been interesting. --- That’s it. Lucanis smiled encouragingly. Good little demons. 
😭😭 lmao pls
what sent me over the edge into wanting to romance territory though is some of the things we learned about him, or the way he was described ig, during the DA:TV marketing era: "lacks social skills", loves coffee, "the sole dumpster fire of the crew" written specifically by Mary Kirby to be a "bisexual disaster of a human", that he's short and has a mullet. what can i say ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
how about you? :D is there a character in particular that you plan to romance during your first playthrough? ^^
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theanxiousghostartist · 7 months
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Gerry and GG!!
I had to draw these two, I just, I couldn't not draw them.
After going through a mini mental breakdown with episode 8, I needed to draw something for it.
I love these two sm.
And the fact that GG probably stands for Grandma Gertrude???
Gerry’s design:
This man is still emo, just in a painting T shirt. I gave his tattoos a little more color, and I added a flower tattoo around his neck. He has eye tattoos on his wrist, probably from the Institute or his mother. I gave him a bun, because I love drawing him and Jon with buns. He has a paintbrush in his hair and a paint stained smock on. His eyes have a green highlight for the Eye. He also has an evil eye necklace because I thought it would be something he would wear both in TMAGP and TMA.
Gertrude’s design:
Her eyes are green and she has an eye earring for the Eye. She’s wearing a turtleneck, maybe because it hides scars from the Institute fire or maybe because it’s just cozy and a gift from Gerry, no one knows. She has coffee in a mug made by Gerry, because she loves her grandson and she always drinks coffee in the morning, she lives off of caffeine.
If you turn the brightness up, there is a lil’ Eye imagery behind them (:
Theory/ headcanon time because these two are adorable:
Getrude met Gerry while working in the Archives at the Magnus Gifted Children's Program. She caught up with Mary Keay while Gerry was being tested, hearing her ideas about the fears and her practices. After getting a pretty good idea of what Mary would do to Gerry (basically what she did to him in TMA), Gertrude convinced Mary to allow her to mentor Gerry, which then turned into a grandmother/grandson relationship and guardianship of him.
I can't wait 'til Thursday, I'm so excited omg
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 8 months
i was never one for omegaverse since i could never understand all of it, but holy hell, you have me in a chokehold with HSR now 😭🙏 /pos
since i’ve been reading lately, it’s been making me wonder how blade’s mara would affect everything like his ruts and how he’ll get sensitive to certain smells and scents. idk why, but i can totally see him laying in a messy nest he attempted to make (watched his mate do it once and tried to recreate it [have no clue if that’s a thing in omegaverse but oh well]) that had his mate’s recently worn clothes in it and a couple other things that reminded him of them while having a bad mara episode that made it hard for him to move around or be around other people (i got a whole bunch of headcanons about this man’s mara episodes, and a/b/o is only fueling it now)
and whenever they do come around and find him, he just wants to be around them since their scent is the only one that doesn’t give him a migraine. he’d probably gnaw at their bond mark too since he just wants to sink his teeth into something
(i am so sorry this is long, i just felt safe rambling about it here since you post a lot about it 😅)
Yes! Yes! Join us in omegaverse hsr! This is a safe space to ramble so go nuts :D
Cw: omegaverse
With omegaverse you can do whatever you like since everyone has their own personal headcanons on what can happen within it. Like for example some believe that building nests is only something omegas do while others say it's something all secondary genders do for comfort. I personally go with the second one because it makes you think about how each would build their nest and why.
Blade's Mara messes with his mind and makes him lose himself so during and after his flare ups he's always so drained and burnt out. If he's in his rut during this time it's much worse as he's trapped between the strong urges of his alpha side to protect and claim his omega but worn out by the Mara.
His sense of smell heightens which just aggravates his symptoms even more as he can't stand the scent of another alpha even if it's faint on himself or his omega. The only plus side to this is that his omegas scent becomes stronger which is like a balm to aching wounds.
Since nesting is something he sees his omega do for comfort regardless of if they're stressed or not he decides to give it a shot himself. It's clumsily made and doesn't look to comfortable but it has some of his omegas laundry and a few of their well scented blankets so it's a start.
He wraps himself in their scent and feels the tension leave him as he basks in it all. He's not getting up for anything, he can't get up for anything he's so tired and out of it the only one who can really get close is his omega or he'll lash out. If his omega finds him vulnerable like this it's their time to look after him and make sure he's well taken care of.
Something that doesn't change much in his behavior is that he still follows them around like he would in his ruts though he keeps himself wrapped up in their stuff. He'll follow them to the kitchen as they make him some light food and he'll listen as they take him to the bathroom so they can run him a nice warm bath for his pain.
He'll definitely lightly gnaw on their scent glands and or bond mark so he can smell them more and have the comfort of having them there beside him. It pacifies his Alpha half through the action and soothes his Mara through their welcoming scent.
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theghostbunnie · 1 year
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Just to preference alot of this is my interpretations/HCs/OC and very little of it is cannonical character analysis:
So her name is Penelope Esther Goldman but she just goes by her middle name Esther, as a funny little nod to know SK and Neil are both named Neil, she shares a name with Mrs Priss and I think I had them go to the same collage or something, might have to do the math on their ages again to see if that lines up
(I HC Carl's last name is Pasternak and Neil's is both, hyphenated.)
She's a incredibly intelligent scientist with extensive knowledge in biology, robotics, chemistry, ect ect. Esther doesn't really emote or exspress her emotions in her voice or face much at all, or well.
Carl when they first met was smitten, he was a groovy goofy goober and still is. He'd do that walrus thing with breadsticks in public at restaurants. He'd skate around with a fanny pack dancing to bee gees. Convince her to go to parties and she'd just be pleasantly content to stand there as he's like "that's fine I can dance enough for the both of us/pos" She had to pass a first aid course and he guided her arms and taught her you can keep the proper rhythm by singing Stayin Alive. He was just really persistent and really sweet and he grew on her okay 😭
Esther didn't really have a respect for philosophy because she didn't really grasp it's value or importance. As she grew to respect him more that sortaa changed.
They eventually got married and really kick-started both of their careers along the way.
(cw miscarriage implications for this next part) Neil's a rainbow baby that happened after several pregnancy losses. It may have been one of the things to strain their marriage but what really ended up doing it in was just the simple fact of life people change and grow apart and can fall out of love so now they can't really interact with each other for long. Their differences and flaws now clash and they butt heads instead of being complimentary.
I'm a firm believer the episode where each camper takes care of an egg they were reflecting their own parents. Carl is embarrassing but he's almost the exact opposite of a smotherer that Neil was showcased to be. His overall parenting style is like he's way more concerned about being Neil's friend than anything.
Esther is the one he's mirroring, here. She treats him like he's fragile almost. She gives him specific everything, down to his bedsheet thread count, knows how to cater to his living needs inside and out. Esther struggles to connect with anyone emotionally, though so her affection in the verbal department isn't as maintained. This never really bothers Neil, it doesn't register as "smothering" to him how much she shelters or caters to him. Because this isn't a kid interested in joining sports he could get hurt in and likes everything in a specific way anyways.
She's more aware socially than Carl is and knows how to not embarrass him in general.
Esther is Neil's biggest role model he wants to be just like her and is mad when he isn't, when he fails to be. He's upset even physically the only thing they share are the eyes. ((Regularly you can't even see Esther's I couldn't help myself in the art above from making them visible/forgot on the cc one but it's supposed to be a bit on "eyes are a window to the soul" thing and she's just that closed off and unreadable. Really only has a soft spot for Neil))
His mother is incredibly intelligent, and just seems so collected to him all the time.. and importantly not over emotional like he can be (his temper specifically.) and ESPECIALLY how emotional his dad can be.
I just love!! Character parallels!!!! How Carl is this emotional goofy person who joked around and danced and played music everywhere and Esther got regarded as "cold" and stiff and Neil is just both of them bc he's so smart but he's also silly. Like he plays video games and gets passionate over little things and allthat and it embarrasses him secretly sometimes, he wishes he could chill out and be like his mother. But the parts of him that reflect his father have always been the parts Esther always loved the most and found endearing. He doesn't know that though.
Neil to an extent even secretly believes if he didn't have his big brain and academic achievements him and his mother wouldn't have this close relationship because this is their shared quality. This is what makes her proud. He's so scared to lose that or disappoint her.
At the same time it doesn't stop him from pinning his parents against each other a bit from time to time. As he knows Esther's go-to move is to spoil him to win.
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silviakundera · 9 months
Lighter and Princess ep 36 - the finale!
What Gao Jianhong explains is honestly what I had assumed: Li Xun's sister's death and the ramifications ruined 2 lives, not 1. Geo Jianhong obviously never expected her to die at that hotel. (It was an accident, not even Fang's fault either as much as a POS he is.) But just like LX wasn't thinking clearly, neither was GJH- he was panicked and also consumed with guilt. Objectively, it was an unconnected accident. But she wouldn't have been at that location if not for Gao. So he just triples down on being the villian. Ok, I'm a monster. So be it. I'll play that role to the limit. Maybe this is how I finally win. After all these years, I think he's still been feeling guilt over Sister Li Lan's death. He can't stop being the villain because he doesn't believe in his own redemption. And this gets all mixed up with the resentment and hate that persists because of his inferiority complex.
This doesn't absolve him of anything, btw. He's a bastard who has stolen from & stepped on more amateur game designers; caused Li Xun mental anguish, betrayed his trust in a disgusting manner; abused his wife, blackmailed Zhu Yin with 'social death'... He tried to send Li Xun back to prision. Objectively a trash person.
But it's consistent, layered characterization. It's an explanation. I was glad to see the subtext I'd interpreted become explicit text.
gawwwwdd but I'M EVIL in that it's so satisfying for Gao Jianhong to hear that Li Xun has the inner strength & capacity to forgive him and let go. ("Impossible! It's me. It's me who wanted to step on him. It's me who stopped from from standing up.") BWAHAHAHAHA you fell short yet again, you pathetic man child. He bests u in everything. ❤ And now you're living for him, at his command.
They got the name back \o/
The biggest surprise in this drama is how I ended up loving class president Fang Shu Miao. Just a minor character but it's fun that she grew up into an awesome lady and good friend.
smh but up to the very end, this drama still trying so hard to convince me that ML is handsome lmao sorry I have eyes, no. Love u anyway rat boy 😍🐀😍
The Flying team scenes in the finale really were too perfect and made me so emotional. Mr Dong is still the boss! They're all shareholders! Eating ice pops again, the sacred tradition 😂😭
Mr Dong: "Your daughter is my boss now. She works for herself."
asdfghjk (whispers) it's true tho
99% of the time I dislike the "this company is my found family" storyline tbh. I've seen a lot of toxic situations in rl, especially young lgbt who were rejected by their families and had nowhere else to go, only to be taken advantge of. But this drama has been a big exception to that. A group of odd balls who aren't loyal friends at the start (originally out for themselves) but go thru adventures together. My favorite flavor. And now Mr Dong is defending Li Xun as an elder, when he has no one else to bring to the table. This drama earned it! (And it helps that the protagonists are clearly the leaders of this gang now, no power imbalance.)
"Mom, this is our home. You have no right to interfere. You have no right to make the decisions." 👏👏👏 i love herrrrrrrrrr
After Zhu Yun's mother makes an absolutely disgusting declaration (to an orphan whose parents & sister are dead) that she must marry her daughter to someone "with a happy family" of an equal social status, and invites him to bring his parents to meet them... It's now Li Xun's turn to be an absolute badass and instead of centering his own pain and insult, simply points out that he knows Zhu Yun has the ability to change the world, but her parents just want ZY to obey them. It's her parents that are wronging HER most of all and he sees that. Maturity!
I love how they roll. She suggests they have a baby because 30 is the right age, but then they'd need to get married. He's like ok, let's have a baby. And then a couple days later buys them a house. She's basically quasi proposed to him and then they just decide to get it done. Very them.
The marriage certificate guys' FACE. "You have many family members." !!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
The marriage was absolutely perfect. Loved the final group picture and that their friends gathered to support them in lieu of blood family.
I normally don't get attached or care too much for supporting characters. But Lighter & Princess and A Journey to Love broke that mold for me. Sorry Ren Di, though you are smoking hot I never could care about your angst. But the friend group really endeared themselves to me.
What a truly fantastic story from beginning to end. Never falters. I feel like modern cdramas have a bad rep compared to kdramas but there are some real gems. note to self: make a modern cdrama rec post this year
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roseeycreates-blog · 3 months
Hi, I just read your Farmer Lin AU and all I can is *chef's kiss*. I just want to ask, how would Toph find out or realize that Lin is her daughter? Would Toph go bazooka on Kanto? (that would be epic)
Anyway, hope you have a great day po :)
Hello, anon~
AHHH OMG, a fellow Filo fan 😊🥹😭 You made me extra happy! Thanks for liking the Farmer AU~ If you’re interested, we can chat more about it. Only if you want to, of course. Feel free to send me asks here anytime.. ANYWAY...
Toph met Lin three times 1st encounter: In the streets of Ba Sing Se, Lin, who was about 5 years old, was out with her babysitter. She accidentally bumped into the esteemed Chief of Police of Republic City. Toph, a little annoyed, reached out to the child but felt an unexplainable connection when she touched her. Before Toph could react, the babysitter apologized and quickly hurried off with Lin. 2nd encounter: At a recognition event in Republic City for the top contributors/businesses in the city, Lin, the youngest recipient, was getting an award. Toph noticed Lin during a journalist's interview and felt drawn to her. She wanted to approach Lin, but Suyin interrupted her. 3rd encounter: At Air Temple Island, Toph had just finished her mandatory healing/tea time with Katara when Tenzin arrived with Lin. Tenzin wanted his parents to meet his girlfriend. This gave Toph a chance to be close to Lin again. That familiar feeling returned when she touched her and heard her heartbeat. She couldn't shake the feeling that Lin was her daughter. Lin was a little confused by Toph's behavior but didn't react as the blind Chief let go of her. As Aang led Tenzin to another room, Katara asked, "What was that all about?" Toph simply said, "She's my daughter." Katara tried to reason with Toph, "Toph, why do you think that?" Toph shook her head, "I can't explain it. It's just that "feeling."" Katara sighed, understanding Toph's instincts, and said, "Go home and get some rest." Toph hesitated, then asked, "Can you gather some info about the young farmer for me?" Katara looked at her friend and, after a moment, nodded. "I will." The meeting went well overall, except for the sense of interrogation Lin felt from Katara's personal questions. Tenzin apologized for his mom's behavior, but Lin shrugged it off, understanding that Katara was being protective. She reasoned that Katara was just being a mom, considering Tenzin is one of the Avatar's children and the only airbender among them. Meanwhile, Aang noticed something was off and asked Katara what was going on. Katara then confessed everything to him, explaining Toph's suspicions and her request to gather information about Lin. When Katara told Toph everything she knew about Lin, Toph became more convinced that Lin was her daughter. She only needed proof, so she sent someone to investigate Lin's house. The other farmers and workers, including Lin, noticed the suspicious person hanging around for a few days. Two of them decided to stay overnight to keep watch. One night, Kanto called Lin and heard voices in the background. He angrily questioned her, but Lin explained the situation. He hung up and, hours later, arrived at the farm. The next day, Kanto sensed the suspicious person nearby and almost caught him with his knives, but the intruder escaped using metal cables. He had a bad feeling about it. The day he had feared for decades finally arrived—Toph standing right in front of him. Lin was taken aback by the sudden visit from the Chief of Police. Just as she was about to speak, Toph launched an attack on her father. Kanto swiftly dodged Toph's strikes and countered with throwing knives he had at the ready. Toph then distracted him, saying, "Aren't you going to use your fire today?" It caught him off guard, and Toph seized the opportunity, hurling a massive boulder of rock at him. Lin was bewildered by the chaos unfolding, but when she saw her father about to be crushed, she rushed to his side. Before she knew it, a wall of earth had risen up in front of them.
So that's how the reunion played out! I hope you enjoyed it. It was also when Lin discovered she's an earthbender, just like the blind Chief of Police.
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rapunzelforlorn · 11 months
I made my friend watch heartstopper and I got his reactions for you to all enjoy
Ep 1
Fuck Ben!
Elle actually trans?
Rugby bros nice & accepting
Charlie is him
Is ig the main communication method?
Does "x" mean more than kisses?
Ep 2
Charlie is just so supportive
Ben gives the ick
Let people have crushes
Why do school dynamics in shows never feel like they do in real life?
Tori's an odd one
Upset we got robbed Charlie getting his haircut and stressing too the barber
Nellie's barks fake??
What friends play in the snow like this?
Nick's mom read him like a book
Rocketman can't play drums lol
Loving the comic effects
Tori is SO weird
Floor person confirmed bi
Ep 3
Nick going through the queer rabbit hole, fuck that's depressing 😔
Do we like Imogen?
Feel bad for Tao 😔
What's with the sequined clothes?
Tao's a bit dramatic
Fuck Harry
Fuck Ben again!!
Good on Charlie standing up to him
Tao IS dramatic
Imogen is a bit much but not bad?
Who throws parties like this??
Is this a hotel?
The sneaker squeak breaking the silence
God I miss this nervous tension
Nick absolute Golden retriever
A boy, talking about his feelings?!?!
Nick never got that jumper
Imogen is too much lol still not sure if we like her
Tao & Elle?
Does this art teacher have a name??
Mr. Arjiya?
Gay people sport
I really want one of these rugby boys to step and be supportive of Charlie being on this team
Imogen...kinda annoying
Ally 🤣
Tao🤜vs🤛Nick 🙈
Harry's a twat
Nick looking genuinely upset about being "friends"
There's nothing wrong with worrying about your teammate¡!!!!
Nick being ambushed, not cool
Not sure Imogen is bad, annoying yes, but doesn't know better
Fuck monopoly
Not Imogen's dog 😭😭😭
Nick's so conflicted and it hurts
Saturday came so fast??
Tao's hair flaps gets me everytime
Wait...what about imogen???
Tao's overprotective, heart in the right place
Not the strongly worded DM 😭
Tao quick to judge
Tao & Elle 😏
Imogen, good friend?
Nick has good taste in pirate movies
PotC confirmed Bi movie
Bi panic
Friends to lovers pipeline
Why does it always happen in band rooms?
Girl, with very queer haircut - "never would've guessed you were gay"
The ice cream truck song?
Anti-homiphobia cheese
Picnic bants
Shout out to this vlogger
Tara is SUCH a good friend
Such a supportive group
Charlie's excitement for the official date!!
What is this magical milkshake shop???
Where do they get date money?
Tao being oblivious 😐
A concert after all that dairy?!?!
Nick saying he might be bisexual and then saying I'm not sure feels very bixeual
Poor Tara
Tao having the longest legs and being the slowest runner
The subtle carhart on Nick's coat 😂
Why is Tori so weird??
Charlie needs to work on standing up for himself
Rugby lad 😂
Sweet popcorn 🤢
Harry needs to piss off
Ben's a fucking creep AND a pos
Nick standing up to Harry, mint
Nick's mom know? Motherly intuition?
I really need Charlie to stand up for himself, love that he has people in his corner but I need him to step up
The "s" word
Art teacher complaining about crumbs like the counters & cabinets aren't stained with paint
Tao 😔
Elle's fits tho
Tao holding his own against Harry 👀
Tao & Charlie 😭😭
Ep 8
Harry's a twat, Tori confirmed
Tori still weird but good sister
Issac has been unbothered and in his lane all season, we stan
Don't you have to fill out papers to quit a team?
Nick & Tao bonding
Tao is good friend
Seeing the "typing..." appear & disappear is such a relatable agony
Elle is her
Why don't we have a sports day?
What's the point of all girls/boys school if they're seemingly right next to each other and constantly intermingling
Charlie & Tao hugging it out 🥺
Kinda want more Issac
Tao & Elle 👀👀👀👀
Kith? No kith 😖
The principle over the intercom 🤣
Nick & Charlie locking eyes in the rugby match
The walk off!!!!!
Issac still unbothered and in his book lmao
"I believe you" 😭💜😭💜
Seagulls do not mean beach but okay
Proper date antics 💜💜
The beach is all rocks?
"In a romantic way, not just a friend way" 🤣
And they were boyfriends
We love a supportive mum
Ending with a montage, love to see it
All in all I think he formed the correct opinions but don't worry I WILL be educating him about baby angel Tori and solitare.
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hermanunworthy · 11 months
Hi, there, Siren, hope you're doing well! If you're still taking dndads ship requests, how about maybe 35 for Cheerkicks/Oakli (not entirely sure on the name here, but. Link and Normal. You get it), please? Feeling in a silly rarepair mood today hehe 💚💚💚
Bullet Holes and Acne Scars (and Other Wounds to Heal)
35. kissing their bruises and scars
from the touch prompts list!
I WAITED A MONTH TO START ON THIS HELP 😭 trust me though ive been so excited about this one, oakicks makes me ill /pos (and also im glad i waited bc i got to use the latest episode as context for this scene!)
cw: violence (including gun violence), blood and injury
also on ao3!
Normal never would’ve taken Lincoln as a fighter, at first.
Ever since they were young, Lincoln has been timid, uptight, the type to go rigid if you get too close to him. Or maybe that’s just in Normal’s case. They’re working on it, though. He thinks. He hopes.
He never would've thought that the sweet kid he used to see kicking rocks in the corner or a soccer ball on a field would one day be kicking FBI agents and military soldiers on the battlefield. With the force of a beast.
Normal thinks he understands, now, why Lincoln’s dads tried to shelter their son so much.
But he also thinks he understands, as he’s too distracted looking at Lincoln to succeed at the spell he’s currently casting, the way he feels. He may not understand what it’s like to be unconditionally loved by his parents (something that arouses a deeply-rooted feeling of envy in him towards his friend, but that’s another thing he’s working on), but he understands what it’s like to feel pressured by his parents. And he thinks, in their own loving way, Lincoln’s dads have pressured him too much. And this is his release. His rebellion. Like a caged animal set free.
And Normal does believe he deserves this. However. It also concerns him greatly.
Because the paladin is moving so quickly, so aggressively, and the cleric is barely able to even keep an eye on him but it sounds like he's breathing heavily and at one point he thinks he catches a glimmer of something in his eye. And it all keeps distracting him from helping out in the battle himself.
Normal just narrowly avoids another incoming attack. Focus, Normal, fucking focus! He shakes his head, his heart pounding irregularly in his chest, trying to pay attention to anything other than Lincoln, Lincoln, is Lincoln okay—
“Norm!” Scary’s voice calls from a ways away, blasting a fireball directly into a man’s face. “Taylor could use your help!”
“No, I—!” Taylor immediately snaps back from where he stands off, holding a soldier back with their weapons clashed. “Uh, I mean… Yeah! Normie! We need you!”
Normal leaps straight into action, fueled by his friends’ words and ready to defend them, but realizes while he’s charging his spell just what’s going on. Something burns within him, something that has settled deep within his veins and has been repeatedly threatening to burst through these days. Do you really need my help, or do you just want to feel better about being such a dick to me lately?
His spell fizzles out in failure again, and he clutches his head and growls to himself. Lincoln, get out of my damn head!
“Norm— Augh!” Scary, in her distraction, takes a blunt melee attack to the head, knocking her down.
Taylor swivels around with a slash to his opponent to face Scary’s assailant. “What the hell?!” He jabs his sword toward the FBI agent. “Normal! What’s with the weaksauce spells?”
The blood is roaring in Normal’s ears so loudly that he can't even hear himself stuttering. He dizzily looks between Scary on the ground, Taylor standing off against the agent, and Lincoln, off in the distance, surrounded by soldiers. He's paralyzed. His lungs feel compressed tightly in his chest, and not even the strong emotion shooting through his blood is enough to awaken any magic.
Scary, thank the metaphorical heavens and not the godawful place they all visited earlier, manages to make it back onto her feet, but not without great effort. “You're—” She coughs. “You're good, Norm, you're good.”
The squeezing feeling in Normal’s chest somehow worsens. Stop it, don't say that. Why am I even here? I'm no help at all!
He stumbles backwards, and his back bumps into somebody. Before he can turn around to face them, a pair of burly arms are slung around his neck. Already short of breath, the cleric is easy to choke out, and his hands fly up to scratch at their sleeves. Panicking, he looks to Taylor, the closest nearby person, and cries out, “Help!”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Taylor drops what he’s doing and, like a true hero, blindly sprints over to slice the back of Normal’s attacker. The arms release him from the chokehold, and he falls to the ground, heaving for air.
But he isn't able to recover for long, because somebody is yanking him back up by his collar. He braces himself this time, but finds himself face-to-face with Taylor. His expression is twisted in anger, the way he looked at him the last time they argued.
“What the fuck was that, dude?! You can't even use a spell to help me, but you can use me to help you?” He shoves him, nearly toppling him back to the ground.
He… I used a Command on Taylor, didn't I? He didn't even realize. It was just instinct, of course he wouldn't just use his friend like that…
You only ever want to help yourself, a familiar voice scolds him in his head.
“Taylor, quit it, he’s already been…!” Scary is beginning to argue with him now, but Normal can't even pay attention to that anymore.
Lincoln is now fighting Agent Shmegan.
The man is trying to resist his attacks, shielding his body with his arms and trying to talk to him, but the paladin will not let up. “Kid, if you could just— You're making this harder than it needs to be, we just want—”
“I don't care what you want!” Lincoln roars, the first words Normal has heard him say during this entire fight. “I'm not going to listen to you anymore! I hate you adults! Fuck you!” He kicks him again, and again, and he's starting to lose his momentum with each swing but he refuses to give up. “Fuck you! Fuck you!”
Normal knows Lincoln has a history with this man, but he also can tell that this is not just about him and Taylor’s kidnapping.
“Li-Wilson— Please just get a hold of yourself and your friends—” Schmegan orders through grunts of pain. Normal knows Lincoln has been training hard to perfect his soccer kicks, so that can't feel good to take.
“Shut up! That’s Mr. Kicks to you!” The soccer player utilizes a swift kick to the crotch as emphasis.
While the FBI agent is finally doubled over in pain, unable to make any more demands, Lincoln’s body heaves with effort. He looks like he’s preparing another kick, but he’s cut short when a loud gunshot fires out, and he stumbles backwards.
“Link!” Normal shrieks, his body finally allowing him to move again, and he dives over to where his friend has fallen. As he gets close, it becomes apparent to him that Lincoln is crying, and he’s crying hard.
“Sir, let's get out of here.” Another agent, holding the gun used to shoot Lincoln, rushes over to Shmegan’s aid, helping him to lean on his shoulder and escort him back to their helicopter. “Freeman kept us from capturing the King, but we have him and his buddies as hostages for later. We need to retreat for now.”
Shmegan’s face contorts in pain and anger. “That better include Wilson. I have some words for that man about his son.”
The other agent chuckles wryly. “Oh, yes, sir. He’s been incapacitated since the fight began.” He looks down at where Lincoln sits, with no sense of remorse. “Seems we’re not the only ones disturbed by that kid’s violence.”
Normal is crouched by Lincoln’s side, trembling just as bad as he is. “Link, it’s Normal. Normal’s here.” God, that must be the least comforting thing he could hear right now. He must be the last person he wants to help him.
Normal’s hands are on Lincoln’s hands. Lincoln’s hands are on his knee. Lincoln’s blood is on his hands, on his knee, on his clothes, on the ground…
“Dad,” Lincoln sobs weakly. “Dad.”
All of Lincoln’s fight has left him. Now he’s just a scared, powerless little kid.
And so is Normal, now that he’s drained of magic. He can't cast any more spells. He used the last one to help himself. He can't heal his friend. And dear god, Lincoln’s still crying for his dad. But Grant has been captured. And so have the rest of their dads, it sounds.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck!
He presses down harder on the wound, but he can't tell if it’s even helping to stop the bleeding, or if it’s just him trying to squeeze Lincoln’s hands to help himself calm down. God fucking damn it, I'm so selfish, even as my friend is sitting here with an actual bullet wound… Can’t do shit for him…
He dares to look back up at Lincoln’s face, and finds it even worse to look at than all the blood. His eyes are scrunched up, leaking a river of tears down his face, his lips quivering with each shaking breath. It reminds him of when he got to see this boy as a baby, and how he promised him that it was going to be alright. He has to make this alright again, if it’s the last thing he does.
With one hand still pressing against his knee, Normal uses the other one to carefully lean forward and stroke his cheek again, wiping away some of his tears.
Lincoln opens his eyes, and when they meet Normal’s it’s clear that they are bloodshot and unfocused. “D-Dad…” he still whimpers. “Help…”
It hurts, knowing that he doesn't want Normal, but he tries to put himself in his shoes. What would I want from my dad, if I were him?
He knows Grant wouldn't know any healing spells. But he does know that he was very tender and affectionate with his son. He seems like he’s very gentle in how he cares for him, like he feels like his own dad has the potential to be.
He knows what he wanted his dad to do for him when he got hurt when he was younger. Grant seems like the type to care unconditionally, though. So, unlike his own dad, he ignores the disturbing and gross nature of this situation, and with all the love (and lack of magic) in his heart, he presses his lips lovingly against Lincoln’s knee as if it was simply the scraped knee of a child.
Lincoln gasps at the feeling, and Normal instantly regrets it, feeling like an utter idiot, He has an literal hole in his knee, I can't just kiss it better, this must be hurting him so bad—
“Normal,” Lincoln chokes at last. He grabs one of his friend’s hands and squeezes it with enough strength to break him. “Normal.”
The cleric lets out a squeak from the strong grip, but watches as a golden light begins to slowly, slowly glow from underneath the paladin’s other hand, which is still on his knee. He’s casting Lay on Hands on himself. Oh, Normal didn't even think about the fact that Lincoln hasn't been using any magic, so he probably could've…
But no, Lincoln wasn't able to help himself before, was he? It wasn't until Normal kissed him that that something in his eyes cleared, like a fog being lifted. Did Normal actually help? Or is he just being selfish, just taking credit for something that had nothing to do with—
“Thank you, Normal,” Lincoln breathes. The words he’s been wanting to hear all this time. Normal’s heart squeezes at the sound.
“Did you…” Normal’s own voice feels thick in his throat, and he realized just then that he has tears dripping down his face as well. “Did you even realize what you were doing? How hard you were fighting?”
More tears begin to roll down Lincoln’s cheeks. “It… There was no pain… At first… Only anger…”
He squeezes his friend’s hand back, but it’s not nearly as strong. Not as strong as Lincoln, never. “I was so worried, it felt like losing you…”
Lincoln’s face crumples again, and Normal can hardly bear to look at it. “Normal…”
His eyes wander over Lincoln’s body, realizing that there are other spots of blood not just from the gunshot. All sorts of cuts and bruises, all of which look very painful, but Lincoln hasn't acknowledged any of them. That “zone” that he seems to get into, that rush of adrenaline, that thrill of violence, must be a very, very dangerous place for him to be in. He never wants to lose his friend to that darkness again.
So he shows him the light. He leans in close to each wound, trailing the gentlest of kisses over the dark spots on his legs and the nasty gashes on his arms, never once shying away from the blood or the hair or the sweat or the filth because it's all normal to him, and even though he knows it's selfish to give Lincoln what he wants for himself, he wants to love Lincoln like he’s perfectly new.
“Normal,” is all Lincoln can say now, through his continued crying. “Normal, Normal…” The way he’s whimpering his name, like a prayer upon his lips, only fuels him further, the way it feels to have replenished magic surging through his veins.
It isn't until he gets tugged away by his hair that he realizes he should probably stop. But Lincoln's hand doesn’t move from the back of his head, and when he looks up at him, Lincoln just stares back, his pupils wide. “Normal,” he whispers again.
Lincoln’s gaze is roaming over his face, and especially over the blood drying on his mouth. Normal can taste it, he realizes self-consciously.
“How can you still be so nice to me?” His eyes shine with a horrible, heart-wrenching guilt, a guilt that Normal can feel himself as he fights the overwhelming need to kiss the one little cut that he missed, the one he’s been avoiding, because he knows it would be too selfish of him.
The one on his lip.
“I'm… so sorry.” Lincoln’s fingers loosen in his hair, but Normal still leans his head into his hand before he can decide to let go entirely. “For how I've… I've been so…”
“It's okay, Link,” Normal murmurs, even though he doesn't know if it's true. It’s just hard to focus on the long-term pain this boy has caused him when said boy is caressing the back of his neck so delicately that it makes him melt.
“No. You're my friend. You're my husband.” The certainty with which he says it brings Normal a shiver. “I need to make it up to you.”
This time, Lincoln is the one leaning forward. Normal freezes up, his face flushing red as his husband’s lips land on his cheek.
But Normal doesn't understand. He doesn't need healing, he doesn't have any scars. Not on the outside, anyway.
Is he… kissing my tears away?
Another kiss. And another. Each touch of his lips to his face leaves him with a feeling of warmth and light. Lincoln even reaches with his bloody hands to brush the sweaty hair sticking to Normal’s skin out of the way, and begins to leave kisses on his forehead as well.
Oh. He’s kissing his acne scars.
More tears run down where Lincoln has kissed. Nobody has ever… He's always been told that he's gross, that his acne is a problem, something to be ashamed of. He has spent countless hours staring at himself in the mirror, popping pimples and picking at scabs (despite his sister’s warnings), wondering why he has to look like this and if anyone could ever love him like this. His parents would never do something like this for him.
But Lincoln is. Lincoln, the one he’s been trying to win over for years. Lincoln, the kid he always wanted to play with but wasn't allowed to. Lincoln, the friend who always seemed to shut him down no matter how hard he tried to love him. That same guy is here, sitting on the ground in literal Hell, a bullet in his knee and blood on his clothes, his fingers curling in his greasy hair and his lips kissing his pockmarked face.
“I'm sorry,” Lincoln whispers tearfully against his skin. “Thank you for… for being my friend. For being you.”
As he pulls back, Normal pushes forward, resting his forehead against Lincoln’s. “I love you,” he sighs, selfishly but honestly. He hopes it brings Lincoln as much catharsis as it does him.
Lincoln glances up from where his eyes sat downcast at the blood on the ground, to stare into his husband’s eyes. His hand on Normal’s neck drifts to his jaw. Eyes still glittering sadly, he offers a smile, but the stretching of his lips opens his cut and makes him wince away in pain.
Normal reaches forward with a careful hand, and catches Lincoln’s chin. He really hopes this isn't going too far, too fast, too bold, like he always seems to be going without realizing it. “Let me…?” He can't even finish the question, can't bear another rejection.
But Lincoln beats him to it, kisses him first, kisses him better. Cradles him with such love and care that you’d think he’s the one being nursed back to health.
And it is undoubtedly healing. Something Normal has needed for a long time. Something that tastes like blood and grime and filth, something that tastes so normal and familiar that it feels like coming home. Feels like being blessed by an angel visiting Hell.
After all, Normal always thought Lincoln was more of a lover than a fighter.
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Here I'll write the comments as I watch the new Teen Wolf movie, so SPOILERS!!
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1) WTF! Why would you keep a evil spirit IN A RESTAURANT?! Easily accessible to anyone. And what if you open the wrong jar while cooking?!
2) All the Scott's first scene... kinda cringe
3) I'm not gonna lie, I missed the intro song 🎶
4) I've never heard Deaton speak so much (and for my Italian friends: lo vedo un po' sciupato)
5) Derek, my beautiful love! And hello, Stiles and Derek's son (called like Stiles' grandfather, Elias. iykyk)
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6) Why do they talk about the Nemeton like they don't know it?
7) I love Derek as a dad. My heart is melting.
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8) Parrish and Malia don't make any sense.
Update from the end of the movie. Ok, I kinda like them, but they still don't make any sense.
9) Apparently Deaton can fight now. Plus every time I see the nogitsune all I can see is this:
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10) For a moment I thought I was watching the Winx... I guess some things never change. I surely didn't miss the bad special effects.
And why does everyone needs to be naked??
11) OMG!!! VICTORIAAA. This woman scares me even now
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12) I've always dislike Allison, now even more: my poor poor Derek! 😭
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Ok no, false alarm, but I don't change my opinion.
I really love Dad Derek btw.
13) I missed Peter and Chirs together. My other ship
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14) Scott to Eli: "Find your dad". What if instead you tell him where his dad is too, since you do know Derek is at home but Eli doesn't *facepalm pt.2*
15) The parallel between Dark Allison and Scott and Dark Allison and her killing spree against my precious Erica and Boyd. YOU SEE WHY I DON'T LIKE HER?! (She didn't even say sorry for that btw)
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16) The Sheriff killing Oni while sitting on the couch is on another level
17) Derek dies pt.2 (my heart can't take it anymore)
18) What?! Why, tell me why did you run against theirs swords. You literally killed yourself, Eli. *facepalm pt.3*
19) Peter, that was cringe af. And Chris wdym with 8 hours at most when we know from the show that it takes about 24h before the death?? Omg I can't with this movie
20) And now why do they care about the game? Hello, your father's going to die, Eli!!
21) Oh, she's really doing it. I didn't expect it (Allison shooting at Scott)
22) Ouch, that must hurt (Nogitsune with a new hole in the middle of his forehead)
23) I missed Chris and Peter's duo, but please give me back Peter's old hair style, this one is a death crime
24) Jackson my beautiful little lizard. I've always loved you ♡
25) How disgusting! It's like Rufus (from Kim Possible) became the Darach:
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Do you se the resemblance too? Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the nogitsune unmummified.
26) The scene is kinda cheap but gods if I missed them
27) Why are Derek's eyes blue?? They were yellow again after the the Mexican fountain of youth
Update: nevermind. They reminded me that after Derek evolves his eyes go back to blue.
28) Can anyone stay dead in this city?? Harris too, come on!
29) You're giving your son TO SCOTT?? Are you serious, Derek?? It's like a big child, he can't take care of Eli. If Stiles was there, he would tell you the same (but if Stiles was there, Eli would be with his other dad -Stiles- so Scott wouldn't be even an option but I stand for my objection)
30) HIS EYES!! HIS EYES TURNED RED LIKE A TRUE ALPHA (btw, Derek, you've always been the alpha to me)
31) They've vanished. No corpse no death. And even then, we're in Beacon Hills so what is one more resurrection, right? Right??
And why are you kissing anyway! Derek's dead*! (*to them, 'cause in reality Derek's alive, safe and sound. I know it)
33) Excuse me, can I see at least one tear for Derek Sourwolf Hale, please? Are y'all being serious? Scott is almost smiling!!
Also, they had a funeral for Derek but didn't invite Cora, his sisters... they didn't even tell Isaac that Allison is alive (you know, Allison, your boyfriend. I know you kinda forgot him even when you were dying but if you remember everything then Isaac is supposed to be in that everything too). They didn't even call Stiles!
35) Why does it seem that when the Sheriff was talking about the jeep he was actually talking about Stiles and Derek (or sterek as a ship/concept). No matter what, we sterek shipper will stand. Always and forever.
Final thoughts
I thought worse but at the same time it felt rush. I wanted to see more Eli and Malia bonding. Also the way the Sheriff cares about Eli it seems more like a grandfather to a grandson (if you know what I mean) but we couldn't really see that. And can we talk about Derek and Noah (John for the friends)'s partnership? Or how Derek speaks about Stiles with Noah as he's still in touch with him??
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And where is Eli come from anyway?! Are we finally normalize mpreg?
Final final thoughts
I didn't like this movie. It was like a big bad Scallison fanfiction found on wattpad (ao3 is better). A lot of things were forgotten and other changed.
There's always a but (as in the Derek's "death" *wink wink*).
This movie gave us a lot of sterek material.
I'm afraid of what Jeff Davis' mind could possibly come with for another movie, probably more about Eli's past which means a mother for sure (unfortunately the world isn't ready for mpreg yet I'm afraid) and less sterek material. But at the same time I want to see Derek alive again, I want to see how they would manage with two true alpha and how Derek and Eli's relationship would evolve.
I want a lot of things to see but I'm afraid they won't give me any of them, so I can't decide either I want another movie or not.
What do you think?
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vampcubus · 5 months
Your fabolousness Queen Ashi, it is I, poll nonnie or a nonnie named desire.~ just kidding you can call me whatever. Anyways I thank you ever so kindly for giving me the chance to share my tragic story and unburden myself. Oh and that phrase you like is a spanish saying. One of my favorites that i try to live by. I believe you could use it in this time of need, because though I haven't expressed it you have my support. As I said previously fuck dem kids. Best thing you can do sometimes is not acknowledge the squealing, don’t give foolishness a platform. There's enough of that already.
Now, I will try to make it brief, but I tend to ramble, so I may require two parts. But I'll try to get to the point. So, without further ado, hit it with the sad violin music or Sarah McClellan.
I must begin by saying that I do not receive much male validation... like ever. Which is strange because I have an ample bosom and a winning personality, but alas men will fuck a mcchicken sandwich but they won't fuck me. I have found however that they do fuck with me quite often. See, ever since I was a girl, I've been the object of cruel pranks where I would be asked out as a joke. Boys had no qualms using me as a sort of penalty of a low bar of attractiveness if you will and that remained through grade school. Thing is everyone said you will thrive in college and that happened to some of my friends, but not me. Even in college nothing ever really happened, and I was always more invested in the interactions than the men were. So I've learned to pick up cues and behavioral patterns to know when I'm being led on, or when they're waiting for me to put out.
This all leads to a couple days ago. You read that right. Mere days ago I reconnected with someone from early college through Facebook, a den of foolishness and evil. Being graced with male validation I was gleefully happy for the first couple interactions. I returned to my youthful girlish days of squealing when I got a message.
My grave sin, is I caught myself simping. *Simping* for a human male when I swore to myself and vowed by the queens Ruby and Teresa that I would *never* be caught simping for a man unless that happened to be Leon Sexy Kennedy in the fucking flesh. Needless to say, the man I was tragically simping for is far from a Leon. I wouldn't even consider him an Ethan Winters (less beloved but perhaps equally devoted lover). I decided to stage an intervention and request assistance in this endeavor from some bad bitches because that could not stand. No it would not stand. Homeboy was leaving me on read. Taking hours to reply. Sending single sentences responses? I knew the signs. I knew them well, I had not put out. Or perhaps he had realized that he'd drunk messaged me. Regardless it would not stand that interaction though only days brief would end by my terms dammit. I just needed some reassurance that I was doing the right thing, because a softer. Weaker part of myself kept making excuses for this fool. So thank you again your fabolousness, and if you've made it this far you are a real gem. I sincerely thank you for helping me remember my worth because Queen Ruby didn't get her face burned so that I would simp for a common peasant who can't be bothered to send a timely reply.
“alas men will fuck a mcchicken sandwich but won’t fuck me” TOOK ME OUTTTTT 😭😂
PLEASE I JUST GOT HOME FROM A HARD DAY AT WORK AND YOU GOT ME DYINGGGG /POS. “i wouldn’t even consider him an Ethan winters” DRAG HIMMM 👹
i could listen to you ramble about your life all day i am so entertained. your storytelling skills >>> i’m glad metaphorically kicked that guy the the curb cus you deserve better queen 😤 especially with a personality and sense of humor like yours.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
all this talk of school makes me think of little cove getting an mc who is the local bad boy/girl/kid. like they always are getting in trouble or assumed to be causing trouble bc of history or assumptions. cove is pretty much their only friend too. cause everyone else is scared of this kid. everyone invites the nice, cute, popular cove to stuff but the mc is glued to him like he's glued to them so they show up too. they carve cove and their initials in the lunch table or spook others away from him. during detention they always text cove the entire time. cliff isn't sure he picked the right kid to be Cove's friend... but cove is. cove loves them. AND WHEN THEY'RE DRIVING AGE THEY CAN HAVE A MOTORCYCLE AND COVE IS SCREAMING THE WHOLE TIME ATTACHED TO THEIR BACK BUT FEELS VERY HAPPY TO BE ATTACHED TO THEM. Just. ugh I love the concept of bad kid mc/cove.
I literally fantasize abt mc going outta state or smth for college n just pulls up one day sees cove on the street n goes smth liken "hey pretty/sexy, wanna ride?" and he turns around ready to fucking bark at whoevers hitting on him n he sees its mc n freaks!!!!
is very afraid of the motorcycle but also he definitely thinks it's hot n he will get on, doesn't care that he's screaming n holding on tight he's having the time of his life!!!!
omg I literally use to write pastel x punk phanfiction...... shut up it was a time ok i have some shame 😭💀💀💀💀
ppl are all "you sure you wanna keep messing w them?" (cliff especially)
n coves like "💕💝💘💞💝yes💘💕💞💘💝" PLEASE HES CRAZY ABT IT
I'm always talking abt how cove loves when you stand up to Jeremy n stuff so ik he just loves punk!mc
cove feeds into it too, which I won't ramble abt too much since this is basically all my other jealous/possessive reade posts lol
but he feeds into you texting him whenever you want, he doesn't stop you from glaring all the guys n girls away, he doesn't really stop your jealousy if you're jealous of terri/y until it becomes ear they're gonna be friends n he's like "I love it but maybe.. stop growling?"
giving him your jacket!!! idc I'd you gotta buy a jacket 3x your size or you just give him your jacket even if it's too small, he loves it
mmmm cove has the keys to your bike?
man's even has the ability to unlock your phone, everything. MATCHING COMBAT BOOTS
I'm thinking abt the anime Nana where punk!nana's bf has a lock for a necklace
if you're up for that, he does it to you n carves his initial in the lock
cove won't even care if ppl stop inviting him, he loves you n your punk style too much, even tho you could cut down on the trouble. can't go on a date if you have after-school detention 🤷🏽
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theanxiousghostartist · 2 months
(theories and reactions)
Sorry this is late, I didn't have time to listen to the episodes last night 😭
Pre - Case (Sam, Celia, and Alice):
Celia classified the case as "dog?" Idk, it's been bothering me (like it was with Sam) because it had no cross-reference whatsoever. Putting that aside, this scene, it felt like Celia was manipulating Sam a little bit? Like the tone she had while asking Sam what he was worried about felt werid. It could be just me but idk.
Yay! Establishing and respecting boundaries about the Institute! /pos
Helen tried to eat Celia, so it makes sense that she would bring a big knife to their meeting. "It is remarkably easy to buy an axe in Central London."
Also, can we take a moment to appreciate the word "Magnussing?" It was very clever on Alice's part, and I have a feeling that will become a new word in the language of the OIAR.
Case (Chester):
This case is Eye-related, mainly because of [Error], but it also feels like the End a bit? Not just because Rumins's father and Jarrod died, but when Rumins's father died - so did his love of running and his relationship with Jarrod.
The line "...if I took my eyes off him, something truely awful would happen." reminded me of Graham in TMA, the person that told his neighbor to keep watching and was later taken by the Stranger (specifically a Not-Them). Maybe Rumins is Eye aligned?
Jarrod's statememt (or at least the fragment we get) "They're coming now and getting close and when I slow and when I stop they will catch me and they will hurt me." makes him seem like he was a victim of a fear before [Error], as he is forcibly giving a statement. Perhaps he was a victim of the Hunt (his running reminds me of prey running from a predator)?
[Error] is an Archivist!!!! (Annabelle Cane theory fell through, but failed Archivist theory still stands lol)
Post Case (Alice and Gwen):
Alice realizing that [Error] is from the Archives!!!
I really like the Alice/Gwen back and forth here, even if it was a small bit. You can really see how each character shines through here!/pos
Post Case (Helen):
Helen is getting a section dedicated to her because something feels off with her.
Helen yay!!!!!!!!!!! (She is my favorite character from TMA so I am so happy)
Helen feels like she's reading off a script? IDK how to put it, but it feels like she's trying to manipulate Sam and Celia with a facade. When they start talking about the Institute, her voice lost it's softness, and it feels more real. I might be reading into this way too much, though.
She seems to have a good amount of information on the Institute. I wonder if she will have a reoccurring role...
Institute requirements - big basement, security options - what was the Institute doing? What kind of experiements were they partaking in?
Helen hasn't had contact with the Institute in 20 years, and she assumes all contacts are out of date, and she can't share them because of a GDPR. She could be hiding something. I wonder if she's had contact with Gertrude since she was firm about nor giving up contacts. Maybe she wants to try to steer them away from information, like Gertrude?
She is giving Celia and Sam real estate information that relates to the Institute, violating her GDPR... She is most definitely manipulating them in some way. We know that she wants to be featured in the documentary, but I wonder if there's more.
Also, her laugh - it is very reminiscent of the distortion. It says so in the transcript, lol. I wonder if this is a different path for her, sort of like Gerry. With Gerry, instead of being traumatized, he's happy. Maybe with Helen, she feels more in line with the Spiral as time went on. So instead of being forcibly turned into the Distortion, could this be a path where she slowly Becomes on her own? It would be cool to see how the Distortion could come to be, without forcing someone to it's heart.
Post Case (Sam and Celia):
Sam is worried because he and Alice let out [Error], which is to be expected, but Celia? It feels like she's more disappointed here, not knowing how to outplay [Error], since they don't act like Jon. It's a bit suspicious on her part.
Celia is very nervous around Helen, which makes sense because, again, Helen tried to eat her.
Sam and Jack are so cute, I love his little impression of Helen!
Celia said she felt like they were being watched - perhaps [Error] is on to them?
The Celia and Sam scene - where they flirt and kiss - it felt wrong to me? This could be because I'm demi romantic and sex - adversed ace, but it didn't feel right. Sam is awkward during their conversation and seems uncomfortable at first, while Celia is not. It feels like Celia is manipulating him again. She's trying to get closer to Sam and pushing him further down the Magnussing route in order to figure out how/why she is in the TMAGP universe.
I might add more to this later, because I feel like I'm missing things....
Overall though, I really liked the case and the character interactions, especially with Helen and Alice/Gwen!
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msookyspooky · 6 months
LIKE DEWEY LET Y/N SPEAK ADSJFISUD IF WE All could drop the weapons and have a nice chat over some tea things would be sorted. jfdiujfd I can't believe y/n is being dragged away while Jill is still talking shit like they aren't gonna go through her phone…
tbh, when y/n was saying how they were alive in 2 but everyone thought she was crazy and now blaming her for knowing LIKE- Gale being mad y/n "ruined her career" when SHE STARTED TO RUIN Y/NS NAME IN HER BOOK IS BEYOND ME
Honestly, this was worth the wait!! You're so fucking amazing!!! I love you!! You deserve the fucking world!! Your writing is honestly a blessing!! YOU'RE SO FUCKING TALENTED OHMY I LOVE YOU💕💕
Gale would though. I think it got deleted but I pointed out how Gale is just a 'good' version of Jill. Both of them even have the same MBTI personality type. Fame hungry, ruthless, self centered, ambitious, charming, confident, one sided. To Gale, JUST LIKE IN SCREAM 1996 TO SID, she's just 'telling the story as she sees it/facts'. Oh but since we didn't let you put us in prison for a fabricated story with only half the facts we're the bad guy huh? Yeah okay. 😒😒😒
Dewey is just too hurt to listen which even though he's a dummy (ilh tho) I can't blame him. I mean, imagine someone you trusted with anything and everything who you treated like a little sister after your sister was murdered...Hiding the murderers and defending them + YN always being accused of helping them and he defended her like "How dare you she would never!" just to see in his eyes (BC HE AIN'T LISTENING) that they were right about YN. I'd probably be the same as him at that moment even if he isn't understanding all the facts because we couldn't explain to him like we could Randy and even Randy was understandably hurt and angry at us. Billy and Stu killed their friends/Dewey's sister and ruined their lives.
LMFAO Stu just army crawling when Jill started calling YN a monster and everyone was emotionally invested/distracted. Probably playing spy music in his head.
YN is better than me cause I cannot say I wouldn't tell Stu to shoot Jill in the head or do it myself and take the risk of dying or prison ♡ If I'm going down; you're going down too! Look what you started you lil pos? 😠
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blorbocedes · 2 years
i literally can't stop thinking about that video you reblogged of nico speaking in italian and insulting checo for his recklessness when he's /right there/ 😭 and then saying oh but I don't really know what it means lol 😭😭😭 (and it's a mild insult btw, "perez è un po' un pirla" means something between "he's kind of an idiot" and "he's a bit of a dumbass", but like dude,, why say that if you're not sure??¿?)
the most baffling thing though is that "pirla" is THEE insult in milan and pretty much nowhere else! and i'm just wondering when and how and from who he picked up such a geographically-specific word? truly a man full of surprises
My baby, my little shit stirrer... it's Very Nico of Nico to use a word to insult someone standing right beside him and then go I don't know what it means 😅 when called out abhdjd
Thank you for the translation I love his little sponge of a polyglot brain... Milan boy omg... he def did travel a fair bit for karting so likely picked it up..... Nico speaking Italian my beloved
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iheartmalewives · 2 years
hey so its me again ahhaha ok so deba earlier in karaoke a.k.a skady singing their heart out the song "falling for ya and president perfect" caught my attention so in this AU (note all my mcs are male JASHJASA because its me/j) mc was always the honor student and like top of their class etc etc when he came to TWST and met malleus he finally seemed loved for once but "that would be absurd behavior for President Perfect, I can't risk falling of my throne Deny the truth, that's easier You're just confused, believe him When he says there's nothing there It's never worth it When you're President Perfect" but as time went on he finally realized that he is inlove SO "I'm not the kind to fall for a guy who flashes a smile (It goes on for miles) Don't usually swoon But I'm over the moon ('Cause he was just too cool for school) And now I'm Falling for ya, falling for ya I know I shouldn't but I I just can't stop myself from Falling for ya, falling for ya Can't hold on any longer And now I'm falling for you It feels like I tumbled from another world Into your arms and it's so secure Maybe I'll stumble but I know for sure Head over heels I'm gonna be your girl" SO YEA UHM YEA THEY FALL INLOVE BLAH BLAH
THIS IS A LONG REQ XAV../POS but hey, i finally had the motivation to write this 😭 I made it gender neutral because I want everyone to enjoy reading this ^^
"Falling for ya!"
Malleus Draconia x GN!reader
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Before you've teleported into this random fantasy world, you've always been an honor student. Back in your world, you were someone who excelled in almost all of your classes, not getting a grade below an A.
Its fortunate for you to still maintain that As and A+s in this world you're not so familiar with, you were still that same President Perfect.
But after staying in this world for some time, you've grown attached to many people, like Malleus. The moment you two met eachother, its as if something sparked between you two.
You shrugged off the sparky bubbly feeling inside of you, "I cant risk falling off my title as President Perfect. I must deny these feelings."
But as the small meet ups turn into hangouts, you realized you were deeply in love with this fae. Not only that, he brought out this side of you that you didnt know much about.
You paused as these thoughts started to ram in your head, you werent the type to fall for a guy who flashes a simple smile.
It was unusual for you to swoon but its obvious you're over the moon for Malleus, god what has he done to you!
You shook your head, closing your eyes tight before sitting up, hearing a loud knock on your bedroom window.
You carefully got out of your bed, not wanting to wake Grim up as he was enjoying his peaceful slumber.
You tiptoed your way towards the window, opening it and to your surprise, he was standing there with a grin plastered on his face.
"Malleus? Its like 11pm! What are you doing here?" You whispered before letting out a small squeal as the fae grabbed your arm, pulling you into a tight embrace.
You felt safe and secured around his arms, you could feel the heat rise up in your cheeks. "I have to show you something. Come, dearest."
The nickname caught you off guard but you nodded, replying with a "be quick."
Malleus carefully snuck you out through the window, teleporting you both in a field that was not too far from your dorm.
Malleus snapped his fingers and then a few fireflies came out from the grass, their green light lit up the fields as if the stars from the sky had fallen down.
It was a beautiful scenery, the aura and the vibe completely radiating between you two. You couldnt help but smile, placing your head on Malleus's shoulder, letting out a sigh.
"I have something to tell you." Malleus spoke, averting his body towards you, his eyes facing your own. You felt the spark again and you could tell he felt it too.
"I love you." He continued, placing his fingers on your chin, patiently waiting for your reply. Without wasting anymore time, you pulled the raven haired fae into a delicate kiss.
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