#I can't put into words how they're tragic
angel---eater · 3 days
Thinking about this passage from page 4489, and wondering if splintering Hal actually changed Dirk's persona. Not personality, something deeper than that. I have no idea how to describe this to singlets, but... the difference between 1 alter who was a fused combination of 2, and then that 1 splitting into 2 again. Combined, they're 3 distinct people, with 1 being a brand new person made up of 2. I dunno, think about the 2^sprites for a good and startlingly similar example. Probably should've just started with that instead of attempting to explain plural math, lol.
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Mainly I'm wondering about this because there are, at first glance, subtle but also sometimes startlingly distinct differences between Dirk and Hal throughout HS1. Obvious caveats being that a shit ton of change and development can happen to a teenager between the ages of 13-16, Hal is in an incomprehensible situation of duress, and Dirk is also under a lot of pressure that he put on his own shoulders. But I can't put this thought down. Hal is distinct. His speech patterns are different, he uses different words, he has a different sense of humour. He jokes around more often, for one. He uses more puns. He focuses and worries about different things. Mr Paprika Prick is Homestuck's plural poster boy, after all. I'm becoming more and more convinced that Hal was in there the whole time, and that - along with dealing with impossible loneliness - something else was compelling them to code up the AR. A tragically failed attempt at giving an alter life outside a shared brain.
'I am more like him.' is a massive overcompensation, probably also hangover urges from Dirk's backbrain to hide his plurality from him, because that's like... the main symptom of DID. Amnesia and denial. You won't know what you're not ready to. Dirk is scared of the AR because if he faces the fact that Hal is a distinct person from him, it means there was something deeply, deeply wrong. And he's not ready for that.
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Obsession - Part 1
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Summary: Y/N meets her brother's girlfriend's dad for the first time... and they can't seem to stay away from each other. Warnings: older!H, age gap romance, smut to come, angst
Word Count - 4k
"Jake, they're going to be here soon, right? You need to come downstairs so you can introduce me when they get here."
"Calm down, Y/N. I'm coming. Is the food ready?" Jake calls from his room. Y/N nods as she pulls the tray out of the oven before realising that he can't see her and yells back an affirmative. This is big. Jake had never invited any of his girlfriend's families to meet her - it had simply never been that serious before. But he seems to really like Isla, and Y/N, being the protective big sister, made him organise something. From what Y/N knows, Isla's mom is out of the picture, and she lives with her dad.
As Y/N quickly sets the table, she can't help but think about how much has changed since their parents' tragic accident five years ago. She was just 19 at the time, thrust into a world of responsibilities she hadn't been prepared for. But she rose to the challenge, becoming not only Jake's guardian but also his closest confidante and friend.
Now, at 24, Y/N is balancing her own life as well. She's in her final year at university, pursuing a degree in literature. Her love for books and storytelling has always been a part of her, and it's no surprise to anyone who knows her that she has chosen this path. Her dream is to become a writer one day, like her mom had been, crafting novels that will transport readers to different worlds, if only for a little while.
Jake emerges from his room, his usually tousled hair neatly combed. He wears a crisp shirt and a slightly anxious expression. Y/N can't help but smile at her brother. He has grown into a responsible and kind-hearted young man, and she is proud of him for taking this step.
"You look great," Y/N says, offering a reassuring smile. "Just be yourself, and everything will go fine."
Jake nods, though his nervousness is still evident. Y/N knows how much he cares about Isla, and she is determined to make this dinner a pleasant experience for all of them.
As they hear the doorbell ring, Y/N takes a deep breath and prepares herself, sneaking a quick glance at her brother, who looks even more anxious.
"Remember," Y/N whispers to Jake, "just be genuine. Show him that you truly care about Isla, and he'll see the same good-hearted young man that I see."
Jake nods, and they both make their way to the front door. Y/N swings it open and it takes everything in her to keep her jaw from falling open. Isla and her father stand in the doorway, the latter carrying a large bouquet of flowers. But the flowers aren't what has Y/N so taken aback.
The first thing that strikes her is his striking handsomeness. He has a timeless charm about him, with a chiseled jawline, piercing green eyes, and salt-and-pepper hair that only seems to enhance his rugged appeal. His eyes scan her up and down before he offers her a smile, one that Y/N feels in her core. He couldn’t have been older than 45, and he carries himself well. He oozes wealth and success, and Y/N has to remind herself to maintain her composure.
"Hello, Mr. Styles," she manages to say, though her voice quivers slightly. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Y/N, Jake's sister."
Mr. Styles extends his hand with a warm smile. "Y/N, the pleasure is mine, but it's Harry. I insist,” he replies, his voice smooth and comforting.
As they shake hands, Y/N can't help but feel a subtle connection between them, beyond the initial surprise of his appearance. His hand is warm, and she revels in the touch before realizing she might have been holding on a bit too long. She quickly composes herself, dropping his grip as Isla introduces herself, and Y/N sends the young girl what she hopes is a welcoming smile.
As they all settle at the dinner table, Y/N tries to put her initial surprise behind her and focus on making the evening enjoyable for everyone. The conversation flows smoothly, with Jake and Isla sharing stories of their time together. Harry doesn't grill Jake like Y/N had been worried he would, but instead, he is polite and extremely well-spoken. The sleeve of his jacket slides up slightly while he speaks, gesturing with his hands, and Y/N's eyes almost roll off her head when she catches sight of the start of a sleeve of tattoos. He must have noticed her staring because Y/N suddenly feels his eyes on her, and she meets his gaze to find him wearing a slightly mischievous smirk.
"So, Y/N, we haven't heard much from you this evening. Tell me about yourself." He leans forward, taking a sip of his wine, staring at her over the top of his glass.
"Oh, um," Y/N begins, feeling the blush rise to her cheeks. She is mindful that Jake and Isla are also seated at the table, so she needs to control herself.
"I'm in my final year at university currently. I'm studying literature."
"Really? It's one of my interests as well. I used to teach it before I took over running my father's company."
"Oh, that's amazing. I'm the same way… Jake likes to joke that we're going to run out of space for all my books." Y/N laughs, and Harry joins in her laughter. Jake simply rolls his eyes, muttering to Isla about how Y/N is going to fill his room with books when he moves out.
"Y/N, I forgot to ask you about this, and Mr. Styles, I hope it's alright, but I actually managed to get Isla and me concert tickets for this evening. Would it be alright if we went? I promise we'll be back before midnight." Jake pipes up, rubbing his hands together nervously. Y/N shoots Harry a look, who simply shrugs and nods.
"As long as you're being safe, I think that should be okay. Have fun, you two. Y/N and I will clean up."
Jake and Isla quickly bid their goodbyes, with Y/N and Isla exchanging numbers, and Y/N making the younger girl promise to text her if she ever needs anything. When the door shuts behind them, Harry and Y/N are left alone, and the air in the room shifts considerably.
"So…" Harry mimics, coaxing a small laugh from Y/N.
"You don't have to stay. I can clean up alone. I'm sure you'd rather get home." Y/N says as she starts taking the plates to the sink.
"No, I'd like to stay. Get to know you a bit more." Harry picks up the wine glasses and follows her into the kitchen. Her breath hitches as she feels him behind her, but he simply reaches over her to place the glasses in the sink before moving back to the table to grab more things.
"Are you sure? No one waiting for you at home?" The question slips out before Y/N can stop it, and she internally facepalms. Get it together, Y/N. He isn’t interested. He's older than her, by a lot. Even if he didn’t have a girlfriend, what he did have was a hell of a lot more experience.
Harry appears back in the doorway of the kitchen, holding more plates, his smirk back on his face.
"No… no one at home. Are you trying to kick me out? Got a boyfriend coming over?"
"No boyfriend. I… haven’t had much luck in that department." She turns away from him, facing the sink so he wouldn’t be able to see the blush on her cheeks.
"Really? Pretty girl like you? I would assume the boys would be falling at your feet."
She shakes her head in a silent laugh as she loads the dishwasher before pulling out two clean wine glasses, lifting one in offering.
"One more glass wouldn’t hurt. Then I’ll leave you to your evening." He takes it with a nod of thanks, opening the bottle, and Y/N moves to sit on the couch, bringing the glasses with her. He sits beside her, and Y/N forces herself to relax when she realises how close he is. She can smell his cologne now. It’s vanilla, intoxicating, and almost euphoric.
"It’s fine. I enjoy some new company once in a while. Jake is a great kid, but we do get tired of each other."
"He seems great. Isla really likes him."
"Isla’s really amazing. You’ve done a really great job with her."  At this, Harry looks proud.
"I appreciate that. Raising a kid alone has been a struggle, but we’ve managed this far. I can’t believe she’s going to be 18. So, I’m curious to know more about your thoughts on some classics.  I don’t know many people who take as much of an interest in books as I do. What are your favourites?
“I love this question. I've always been fascinated by the works of Russian authors. Dostoevsky, in particular, has this incredible ability to explore the depths of human psychology. 'Crime and Punishment' is a masterpiece in that regard.”
Harry nods, his gaze fixed on Y/N as if hanging on to her every word. 
"I couldn't agree more. Dostoevsky's exploration of guilt, morality, and the human condition is both thought-provoking and intense. 'The Brothers Karamazov' is another one of his works that left a profound impact on me.”
"And what about contemporary literature? Are there any recent books or authors that have caught your attention?”
Y/N pauses, considering her response, swirling what is left in her glass.
"Well, I've been quite taken by the works of Kazuo Ishiguro. His ability to craft emotionally resonant narratives is truly remarkable. 'Never Let Me Go' is a haunting exploration of identity and mortality."
Harry nods again in agreement. "Ishiguro's prose is beautifully understated, and his exploration of themes like memory and love is incredibly moving. 'The Remains of the Day' is another gem. I have a really great article on some of his work. What’s your number? I’ll send you the link.” He pulls out his phone and looks at her expectantly. 
Y/N rattles off the digits and her heart races when he phone dings on the table. She has his number. 
There’s silence for a moment as they both drink from their glasses. Y/N can tell they’re both well aware of the tension, but Harry is better at hiding how he’s affected compared to her. 
"Have you dated since Isla’s mother?" Y/N isn’t quite sure where the question comes from, but her wine glass is getting awfully low, and Harry’s presence is messing with her head. Every few seconds, her eyes wander to his lips, and Harry follows her gaze. They’re treading in dangerous waters, and they both know it, but for some reason, it’s even more exciting. Y/N shifts slightly on the couch, and her knee brushes his. Harry doesn’t flinch; he doesn’t move; he just keeps his leg where it is, maintaining the contact. She watches as he takes another sip of wine, his gaze fixed on her, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and desire.
"Dated is a strong term. I sleep with people when I feel the urge. I haven’t met anyone that I’ve wanted to start anything serious with. No one I wanted to… what is it your generation says? Wine and dine?" He raises his glass in Y/N’s direction, his eyes locked onto hers.
Y/N can't help but laugh at his playful tone, even as her heart races at the implications of his words.
"Yes, wine and dine. That's certainly an approach, Mr. Styles.” She hadn’t meant for the name to sound as suggestive as it did. Or maybe she did. He swallows thickly at the use of his last name, shifting in his seat. 
“Well maybe I just haven’t met the woman who’s made me want to change.”
“That’s a… possibility.” He’s slightly closer to her now and his scent is overwhelming her. Her gaze flicks from his eyes back down to his lips again and this time, he calls her out on it. 
“Do you need something Y/N?”
“I asked if you needed something. You seem rather fascinated… is there something on my face?”
“Oh! No! There’s nothing on your face it’s fine.” “Just fine?” He teases and Y/N covers her face with her hands, her head spinning slightly from the alcohol. She looks up at him again, meeting his eyes and trapping her bottom lip between her teeth. He groans, almost inaudibly. 
“Stop looking at me like that Y/N or I’m going to think-” He trails off, before shaking his head and running a hand over his face. He stands, picking up his wine glass and moves towards the kitchen.
“Think what Harry?” Y/N follows him, standing in the doorway, forcing him to look at her. 
“I- I think I should be going. It was lovely to meet you and Jake finally, I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.” 
Y/N decides to play dumb. She is fully aware of what’s behind his sudden change of mood, and she knows he’s cautious. Wary. Normally she would be too, but the wine has made her bold and he’s captivating. 
"Harry," Y/N says softly, taking a step closer to him."Is everything okay?” 
Harry lets out a sigh, his shoulders slumping as he looks at her with a mixture of longing and frustration. "Y/N, you're making it really difficult for me to leave," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper.
“So don’t.” Her arms go up, around his neck and they’re close now. Close enough that Y/N can feel the warmth of his breath on her face. And then he’s leaning in. 
Their lips touch for the first time and it’s electric. Harry’s hands move up her body, tangling in her hair, pulling slightly and Y/N moans into his mouth. He quickly establishes dominance in the kiss, kissing her until she’s gasping for air. He walks with her, pushing her until her back is against the wall and he’s leaning into her. Harry pulls back for a moment to breathe and Y/N pulls him closer, wanting needing him in her orbit. He sinks into her touch for a second, two, three and then he’s pulling away from her, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Fuck.” He mutters, almost to himself and his internal turmoil is more than evident on his face.
“Harry? What’s wrong?”
“Y/N I’m almost twice your age. And this?” He gestures between them. “Can’t happen.” 
“Why not? You feel it don’t you? The pull? There’s something here.” Y/N steps closer and Harry lets her. 
“Of course I feel it Y/N and that’s why I know that whatever it is, we need to ignore. You’re young, and I’m well…”
“Just because I’m young, it doesn’t mean I’m immature Harry. As an adult, I’m telling you that whatever this is, I’m ok with it.”
“I can’t- I don’t… Y/N, I have to go.” 
Y/N stands there speechless as Harry pushes away from her. He grabs his jacket off the couch and moves towards the door. 
“Harry, let’s talk about this.”
“Thanks for dinner.” And then he’s gone, shutting the door behind him, leaving Y/N alone, incredible confused and slightly turned on. 
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It’s been two weeks since Y/N saw Harry at dinner and it’s been about two minutes since she last thought about him. Well to be more precise, since she last thought about the feeling of his lips on hers. If she closes her eyes, she can picture it. The warmth of his touch, the way he pushed her up against the wall…
“Y/N? Are you even listening to me?” Jake waves a hand in front of his sisters face, noting that it’s the 3rd time that she’s zoned out during the conversation.
“Oh. Sorry. What were you saying?” Y/N forces herself to pay attention. 
“Isla said she’d text you but she wanted to know if you’d be cool with going over to their place to help her with an assignment for her literature class.” 
“Umm… is her dad going to be there?”
“Mr Styles?” Jake raises a quizzical brow. “I don’t know… why?”
“Uh, no reason. When does she want me to come over? I’m working most of this week except tomorrow.”
“I told her that, she said tomorrow was fine. Thanks for helping her Y/N she’ll appreciate it.”
“No worries Jake.” Y/N offered a small smile but internally, she couldn’t be more stressed. The thought of seeing Harry again, especially after he left in such a rush, made her incredibly nervous. Maybe he wouldn’t be there. Hopefully he wouldn’t be home. 
(4:09pm) Isla Styles: Hi Y/N! Jake told me you were happy to come over and help me tomorrow! Thank you so much! I should be home around 6pm, usually I work till 8 but I’ll ask to finish early. Dad shouldn’t be home so I’ll leave a key under the mat for you. Let yourself in at 6 if I’m not home yet and I’ll meet you there.
(4:34pm) Y/N: Hey Isla! No worries, happy to help. See you tomorrow :)
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6pm rolls around and Y/N finds herself standing in front of the house… well mansion Isla had given her the address for. There are no cars in the driveway so Y/N assumes Isla is running late. But just in case, she knocks. And she waits. There’s no sound from inside the house so Y/N fumbles under the mat for the key and slides it in the lock. She’s aware she’s alone in the house but she still tiptoes inside quietly. The ceilings are high, and there is a large statement staircase in the middle of the entrance. Floor to ceiling windows are in excess and Y/N stands quietly in awe for a few moments. It’s modern, and clean and everything Y/N would want in a house. She finds the living room easily, deciding to set up the few things she brought to help Isla with her assignment on the dining table. 
(6:09pm) Isla Styles: I’m on my way! 15 minutes, I swear! Make yourself at home x
Y/N is opening her laptop when she hears a noise. A noise that sounds a lot like a moan. And then it happens again. It’s faint, muffled due to where she is in the house, so she moves from the dining table to the bottom of the staircase. 
“Fuck Harry. Right there, oh my GOD!” The woman’s voice is high pitched, her moans increasing in volume as Harry, from what Y/N can gather, fucks the shit out of her. 
“You like that baby? Gonna come for me? You feel so good. Fuck Y/N.”
Y/N stills at the sound of her name, not waiting to hear the other woman’s response before scrambling back to the kitchen. Did he just…? Surely not.
10 minutes passes and Y/N hears heels click clacking down the stairs. From where she sits, she gets a glimpse of a woman in a short blue dress, who lets herself out without another sound. 
At least they’re done, Y/N thinks to herself. 
She’s scrolling mindlessly on her phone, willing Isla to appear, when she hears footsteps. She didn’t hear the front door open again which means…
Harry appears in front of her, with only a pair of boxers on, making his way to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water. He hasn’t noticed her yet and Y/N doesn’t really know how to handle it. But as usual, her mouth speaks before her brain catches up.
“Do you usually call the women you’re hooking up with my name? Or is that just a more recent thing?” 
He jumps, spilling a bit of water down his chest, as he realises who is sitting at his dining room table.
“Y/N what the fuck are you doing in my house?”
“Hello to you too. Isla wanted help with an assignment. She’s late, so she told me to let myself in. She also told me you wouldn’t be home. But obviously you are… and someone else is too it seems.” She smirks at how uncomfortable he seems as she makes her way over to him. 
“Isla isn’t home till after 8 on Saturdays.” Is all he can think of to say. 
“Mmm. You didn’t answer my question.”
“I’m not discussing my sex life with you Y/N. I told you, nothing is going to happen between us.” But even so, he steps closer. 
“Ok, but if you’re calling other women my name, you must want it to. And I want it to. So that makes us two consenting adults. I don’t think I can stay away from you, Harry.” 
Harry’s eyes shut as he inhales the smell of Y/N’s perfume, the intoxicating scent taking him back to the night a few weeks before. This time Y/N is the one to lean in, attaching her lips to his. She’s mindful that he was fucking someone else just moments before but in the moment she can’t bring herself to care. She can feel the moment that Harry gives in, caging her in against the kitchen counter, devouring her mouth with his. Y/N runs her fingers down his chest, revelling in the chance she gets to touch and feel. His skin is smooth and his curls are soft. She finds the harder she pulls, the more insatiable he becomes. 
“Y/N? Are you here?” Isla’s voice rings out from the foyer and both Harry and Y/N freeze, pulling away from each other.  
“Get out of here… when she sees you without any fucking clothes on she’s going to ask questions.” Y/N pushes on his bare chest and Harry quickly moves up the back stairs up to his room, but not before pressing a small peck to her lips again. 
“I’m so sorry I’m a bit late! Are you ready to get started?” Isla chirps, completely oblivious as to what was happening just moments before. 
Y/N nods, and starts to show Isla some of the books she brought when her phone dings. Once, twice, then three times.
“Someone’s popular!” Isla jokes. Y/N offers her a small smile as she flips her phone over. 
(6:31pm) Harry: You’re right.
(6:31pm) Harry: I don’t think I can stay away from you either.
(6:31pm) Harry: Let me take you out for dinner. Let’s talk. 
Y/N glances nervously over at Isla, who seems engrossed in her reading material. 
(6:33pm) Y/N: Ok. We’ll talk.
A/N: Hi!!! Thank you for reading, I am SO excited for this series to begin. What do we think of our characters so far...? Reblogs and Feedback are always appreciated 💋
@lukesaprince @harryspirate @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @lilyrmason12 @styleslover-1994 @stylesfever @kathb59 @indierockgirrl @bxbyysstuff @gills-lounge @lomlhstyles @opheliaofficial07 @behindmygreyeyes @gem1712 @stylesmoonlight12 @babyiamperfectforyou @velvetballaspark @harrys-flower @macy-tpwk @mema10 @intimacywithceline @jerseygirlinca @daphnesutton @rafaaoli
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gogobootz1 · 10 months
The Mentor pt.3
Finnick Odair x Reader
Summary: A morning chat at the train station proves very revealing for you and Finnick.
Warnings: mention of forced prostitution and mild self-harm
part two | part four
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The marble steps you sit on are practically ice, and the cold seeps quickly through your pants. The train station is entirely empty, and you sit outside of it looking out at the city.
Knees up to your chest, you take a deep breath. The roses you clutch in your icy fingers seem to taunt you, and once you look at them, you can't pull your eyes away. A beautiful gift belying your tragic fate.
You set all but one down beside you, then start to pick at its petals. Completely transfixed, you don't even hear the sounds of someone approaching until you drop the last petal.
"What'd you land on?"
The words break your focus, and you quickly gaze up to find who interrupted you. Finnick interprets your gaze as a confused one and elaborates, "Loves you/loves you not?"
That's not why you were picking the petals, but if you had been asking the flower, it would've been about him. The thought is embarrassing, so you give a half-hearted shrug and look away.
"Well, I got these for you," he holds out a small, far more rustic bouquet. Violets. "But it seems like someone's beaten me to the punch." What a cruel metaphor. Snow blocking your chances yet again. Standing in between you and a real life with real connections. Soon enough, you won't be real. What'll be left when you run out of choices you can make for yourself?
For now, you put the roses down anyway. The breath from your melancholy laugh is visible in the crisp morning air. "Thanks," you say, holding your hand out to accept the flowers. They remind you of home. A patch of them grew out in the field behind the house you grew up in. Your fingers brush over his as you accept the bouquet.
He jolts, "You're freezing!" Dropping down next to you on the steps, he removes the violets from your grasp and rests them in the small space between you. You follow the purple flowers with your eyes as he swiftly takes your hands in his own, attempting to warm them. "Do you purposefully torture your hands?"
You don't answer, still looking at the flowers he brought you. Finnick sighs, "You take such good care of Darla. Do you even bother looking after yourself?"
"What's the point?" Your heart hurts. As much as he hates it, he doesn't have a reply to that. He often wonders the same.
"How will you hold all the flowers you're collecting if your fingers freeze off?" He tries for lighthearted, but you wince. Instantly, he frowns. While typically, your replies to him are short, bordering on rude, they're always spirited. You seemed upset before he left you at the party last night, but now you seem disheveled. Like you hadn't had a wink of sleep.
Clearly, he's caught you in one of those moments. All the victors have them, but usually in private. He's not keen to leave you, though.
"Who gave you the roses?" He ventures, suddenly getting a sickening feeling. He's not expecting a real response, necessarily, but a 'wouldn't you like to know' would ease his anxiety.
You pick up the heavily perfumed flowers, "Oh, these? A gift, I suspect. I made someone very happy last night, and I'm sure I'll be doing it more often," you say bitterly before you toss them back down. Your voice comes out small, though, like you haven't built your armor thick enough to face this yet.
"From the office of the President?" It's not even a question. He already knows. Your face reveals your surprise. "I got a similar congratulatory present when I made my first deal." While he figured out that Snow had you in a similar position, it's clear you suspected nothing of the sort when it came to him. As you look into his eyes, he hopes you're getting what he's trying to convey. That the two of you are the same. And you can finally, finally, be honest.
"It was more of a negotiation," you nod, holding his eyes. "Not my first deal."
"I figured," he says.
You laugh sourly, "Is it easy to tell that I'm a cheap whore?"
"Don't sell yourself short," he scolds, "you're a very expensive whore." He almost worries it won't go over well when you snort and launch into the freest laugh he's heard in his life. Thank God someone appreciates his humor- Mags hates these jokes. He's got plenty more of them, and will definitely use them on you now that he knows they'll land.
"Thank you for the vote of confidence," you reply, tongue-in-cheek. Finnick can tell by your genuine grin, however, that you appreciated the joke.
"You're welcome," he nods, "You know, I've considered abandoning prostitution in favor of stand-up comedy."
Somehow your grin grows wider, "Really?"
"Really," he confirms, "I just have to perfect my material before I pitch it to the big man." You nod sagely, entertaining his bit. "He might just keel over in laughter," Finnick suggests.
You lean in a bit, "Think he'll keel over dead?"
"Here's hoping!" He leans in, too, sending you a flashy smile. You laugh again and look back out at the city. An amicable silence falls between the two of you, and you enjoy it a bit before breaking it.
"I met with him before the taping to tell him our deal was off. My nana died during Darla's games, so I thought he had nothing to hold over my head anymore. Then, at the party, our escort told me that Snow wanted everyone to get to know her. And when I saw her talking to-" you cut yourself off, but he understands. Some of them are too difficult to even think about. "I marched into his house and told him I'd take on twice the clients if it meant Darla would never see one." Finnick's breath catches in his throat for a second.
"So... a reminder of my renewed imprisonment," you pick the white roses up again and wave them sarcastically.
Finnick snatches them from your hands and launches them far across the steps with a firm throw. They scatter and tumble across the white marble. The action is so unexpected that another laugh bubbles out from you.
"I think you're incredibly brave," he declares, looking you right in the eye. "You might be the only victor worthy of the title."
"No," you're quick to insist. "That's Darla. She's earned her peace."
"You haven't stopped to think that you might've too?"
You shake your head, "But I haven't. I don't think I could ever atone for what I've done- no matter how hard I try." His brows furrow, finding your words worrisome.
Catching his look, you elaborate, "Every visit to Mrs. Montgomery's classroom, the parks I design, the gardens I dedicate, my broadcast segments- they're all born of guilt!" You admit, getting choked up, "It's my way of saying sorry. Sorry for fucking your husband, even though he paid to fuck me, and I wanted to die each time he did it. Sorry for being a plague upon the Earth, here's something to make it better. Sorry for-" You only notice you'd been aggressively scratching the back of your hand when Finnick grabs your wrist. It cuts off your rambling and prevents you from hurting yourself anymore.
"Why don't you talk to someone instead of torturing yourself?" He sounds pained.
“Who would I talk to?” You shrug, swiping at a stray tear. 
“That was… supposed to be an offer,” he winces.
“Oh?" you blink at him. 
“I’m really just a call away,” he nods, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. 
“Right,” you say, still sounding a little unsure. You blink a few times, averting your gaze and thinking it over. 
“I know you think I’m gorgeous, but I’m sure it’ll be less of an obstacle for you over the phone,” he jokes. 
You turn toward him slowly, eyes wide, “she didn’t.” 
“She did,” he smirks at you. 
You hit him firmly in the gut, and he lets out a heavy breath as he curls inward. He’s glad you’re feeling up to your usual abrasiveness. 
You’ve already moved from your spot and are heading toward the station. He stumbles up after you. 
You stop suddenly. Not that you were really going anywhere. The train for Ten won’t leave without Darla and Darla is chronically late. He nearly runs right into your back, and you see him struggle to regain his balance as you whip around. 
He’s much closer than you thought, and you have to take a small step back. “What’s your number?” 
“What?” He asks, reeling from the near-collision. 
“How am I supposed to call if I don’t have your number?” You ask, and his eyebrows raise at the question. You totally skipped the ‘yes, thank you, what a great idea,’ part he’d been hoping for. But, he’ll take what he can get. He rattles off the number in an instant. 
“Are you going to remember that?” He asks. 
You nod noncommittally, “We’ll see.” The exasperated look on his face pulls another grin from you. He doesn't fight the smile off his face when he sees yours. 
A car door slam breaks your extended eye contact. The other District Ten mentor breezes right past you and Finnick, clearly annoyed at being up so early. You know him well enough to know he’s going right back to bed on this train. 
Darla, however, looks like hell-warmed over. “What the fuck happened to you?”
“Shhhhh,” she holds a finger to her lips, the other clutching her head. Your expression drops as you take in her appearance.
“Are you hungover?!” You try to steal her dark sunglasses, but she’s too quick. 
“Whatever, Mom,” she grumbles, “hurry up and kiss your boyfriend goodbye so we can leave.” She trudges further into the station, where a train is inevitably waiting for you. Your eyes go wide in embarrassment. 
“Darla!” You yell, and she winces at the noise. 
Finnick chuckles, “What happened to moderation?” She throws him the finger, earning further laughter. 
You shake your head at her behavior, and when you turn back to Finnick you find he’s already looking at you. “What?” 
“Nothing,” he shrugs, acting innocent. “Oh wait,” he snaps and doubles back to grab the flowers he arrived with. “You almost forgot these.”  
You shake your head at him, smiling, “Can’t have that can we?” 
“Safe travels,” he nods at you, turning to go. He makes it a few paces before you call out after him. 
“Finnick,” he quickly turns at the sound of his name. When you recite his number back a surprised grin lights up his features. “The uh- the phone works both ways, you know. I’m not a bad listener.” 
“Noted,” he nods, smiling. You smile back at him, a genuine one, and it makes you look younger. A loud call of your name from a train within the station makes the both of you laugh. 
“Bye, Finnick,” you smile at him, giving a cute little wave. He returns it readily.
And he thought he was in trouble before. 
I also didn't really edit this one, but I think I like how it turned out? I'm not sure if I'll write more for this mini-universe since I have a few other Finnick ideas but we'll see
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mayhaps-a-blog · 10 days
There's something about how it's Padme who suggests running away that just makes the most terribly tragic sense.
In the novelization, we start with Anakin, and he's so ready to leave, so ready to up and leave the order and has... no plan as to what's next. He'll be with Padme, and that's all that matters. He promises that he'll walk out, right this minute, if she just says the word.
And she doesn't. There's a war on, they're a Senator and a Jedi, they're needed - the Jedi need him, and the Republic needs her.
So they stay.
But then it's Anakin's turn to have a crisis. He needs to stay a Jedi to figure out his visions, but he needs to stay a Jedi to please Palpatine, but he needs to stay a Jedi because the Jedi need him... but it's all falling apart. The Jedi are being secretive, Palpatine's being manipulative, he hasn't slept in days and Obi-Wan is gone...
Padme is his only rock, and she can see that he's drowning.
So her solution? They run away. Take off, leave, get out, figure it out from there. They'll be away from the Jedi, from the war, from it all; they can figure it out. Together.
And you can see it, can't you? That fourteen-year-old queen. Still just a kid, but her planet needed her, and she refused to turn away. How many times did she dream of throwing it all away, running off into the stars? How many times did she dream, like teenagers so often dream, of that starry-eyed prince sweeping her off her feet, taking her away from all that? The pressure, the responsibility; freely taken, but sometimes knowing that you can't put it down only increases the burden.
And Anakin comes to her, drowning, like she once drowned, under it all - too much responsibility, too much pressure, too much everything. And she offers him the only thing she has: her dream. Her childhood dream, that carried her through so much: run away with me. Be my starry-eyed prince, and I will be your beautiful princess, and together we can be anything, far away among the stars.
The tragedy is that, in the end, that was never his dream. Padme dreamed of running away with a starry-eyed prince; Anakin dreamed of being the hero, saving the princess, saving the world. Padme dreamed of freedom - but Anakin dreamed of safety. Security. Power.
Neither were ever going to give the other what they wanted, no matter how hard they tried.
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fangirleaconmigo · 7 months
Lambert and the Tribute
Ok. Hear me out. You know how there is the porny/smutty trope of the witcher who saves a family/town from a dangerous beast? And the towns folk are like, well, we don't have (or want to spend) money, so, here is our young sexy innocent but eager son/daughter as a tribute? *cue porn music*
So as usual last night, I was thinking about blorbos and shit instead of sleeping, and was like...how about we turn that trope around a bit? (not that there is anything wrong with it, I just like fiddling with tropes)
I present to you my concept, and I'm using Lambert for this because as I thought of it, I could hear his voice in my head.
So, Lambert comes back from the hunt, exhausted, out of breath, bruised, cut up, but triumphant.
He stands in front of the penniless farmer with the gnarly severed head of a beast. He has saved all of their lives. Because of him, life continues.
But the poor farmer is clearly distraught. He is a young man, early twenties, and is like...thank you so much Mr Witcher sir, we are mighty obliged. But sadly, tragically, we have no money. The harvest was lost, and we are hungry as it is.
The poor farmer tries to explain. Sir, I would gladly offer you my sexy and eager but wide eyed and innocent daughter as tribute, but tragically, my kids are too young to be sexy tributes. Mr. Witcher, they simply aren't reproductive age yet.
And the farmer is standing there, just anxious as hell about what the witcher will demand instead, like, will it be his young bride? His beautiful raven haired wife? They're basically newlyweds still and so very much in love. He can't abide the thought! He's racking his brain, is there anyone young and nubile and teen of aged in the next town???
And then he realizes fuck, WORST OF ALL, I hope this fucker doesn't want the law of surprise because that never ends well. Inside, this man is screaming, please do not take my kids in any capacity.
But isn't that what witchers ALWAYS want??? Children to make into MUTANTS????
So this poor (in every sense of the word) guy is stammering and angsting, but Lambert isn't paying any attention to him. He literally has not said a single word to him. He's not even looking at him. He's leaning a little to the right and looking past this guy, over his shoulder.
The farmer starts to get annoyed. Mr. Witcher, he thinks, I'm struggling here, help me out a little.
Lambert drops the nasty monster head with a thunk and turns back to the guy. Lamb is not particularly put out. He knew this family was poor. But still. This doesn't have to be for nothing.
He wipes the bloody sweat off his forehead with his arm and nods behind the man.
"What about him? He game?"
The farmer looks like his brain has just blanked out. He stares in silence. He slowly turns and looks behind him. Then he turns back to Lambert, waiting for him to laugh or to clarify. Lambert just stares at him expectantly.
"Well?" Lambert asks.
The penniless farmer is like.. "You---you want...m-...m-"
The young farmer doesn't wanna say it because that can't be right and he doesn't wanna embarrass himself. But Lambert is not helping him out at all. He's just looking at him like he's an utter dumbass, just waiting for him to get his shit together. "Spit it out, man."
Farmer tries again. "Mr. Witcher, sir. Are you saying that you want...my... FATHER?"
Lambert looks back at the object of his fascination. An older man is working, hauling bales of hay, loading them up in a wagon. And this man is like, mid-fifties, barrel chest covered with gray hair, full beard, inhospitable expression, overalls, dusty boots. He's thick, muscled and hard, he's covered in sweat, he's got calluses, he looks exactly like a man that's been busting his ass in the fields for more than a few decades.
As Lambert stares at the father, his expression starts to look a little hungry. "Is that your pops?"
"Uhhh yes?' The farmer's voice kind of screeches into a higher register.
Lambert shrugs. "Ok, well yea, your pops then. Ask 'im if he's game. Go ahead. I ain't got all day."
The young farmer just swivels, his eyes still in disbelief, still thinking he's going to humiliate himself. He wants the ground to open up and swallow him. He is starting to think maybe his youngest kid would make a good witcher after all. But Lambert is waiting and doesn't look perturbed. He doesn't look like he's kidding.
"Uh, dad?" The farmer is well, well into adulthood but his voice still cracks. But his dad hears.
The big older guy drops his bale and turns around. His eyes are sharp and hard. "Yep?"
The young farmer swallows. "Yes, um, father, the witcher here saved us."
"Obliged." The older man's voice is low, gravely, and he sounds like a man who does not suffer fools.
Lambert nods, an eager twinkle starting to gleam in his eyes. "Glad to help. It's what I do."
The young farmer continues, "And well, you know, we don't have any money to pay him. What with the bad harvest and all."
The dad nods, waiting. He's quiet too, not helping the young farmer out at all. So the younger farmer soldiers ahead. "So, father, he, the witcher that is, was wondering, um, if you would, um, want to be the uh..." he takes a breath and tries to say it fast, "tribute."
The young farmer almost faints from mortification. He's waiting for his dad to laugh at his idiocy. To shout at him. To kick his ass.
But what the Dad does is slowly raise his eyebrows. Then he turns purposefully towards Lambert. He switches his weight a little to one of his hips, and just quietly begins to look Lambert up and and down, assessing him with extreme interest. He is silently just raking his eyes from the top of Lambert's head down to his toes.
Lambert's grin gets wider, like it gleams, because at this point, he knows he's in. If the man is checking whether he is his type, then well, he's good with men. And Lambert just knows he'll be this man's type. Why wouldn't he be for fuck sake?
When the older man's gaze gets to his crotch, Lambert gives his prick a cocky little squeeze and licks his lips.
The older man grunts, and if the young farmer didn't know it was an interested noise, he certainly does when his father gives Lambert a wink. "Name's Abe, young buck."
The young farmer whispers several prayers for the gods to deliver him from this moment.
"Hi Abe," says Lambert, just eager and smug sounding as shit.
Abe takes his gloves off and hands them to his son as he passes him. He only says three words. "Don't wait up."
Lambert chuckles to himself, and there is a little hop in his step as they walk off together, since he is already anticipating the cock in his ass and could not be more overjoyed. Abe slides his hand down Lambert's trousers and squeezes his ass possessively.
The younger farmer just stands there with his jaw dropped. He had no idea whatsoever that his dad has this side to him. That man silently and stoically raised a family of seven children with his dearly departed mother, rest her soul. All his father ever did was work. You think you know a person. Honestly.
Lambert and Abe are long gone, and the son is still standing there in shock, when his beautiful young bride comes out of the house with a toddler on her hip. "Where did father go?"
The young farmer always likes that about his bride, she calls his dad father. "Yes. Heeee, um, went to pay the witcher for his services."
The young bride is surprised, she didn't know that father had money after the poor harvest they'd had, what with the locusts and all that. But oh isn't that a nice surprise, she thinks. "Well how generous of him. What a kind and giving man father is."
The young farmer puts his arm around his beautiful bride and pulls her in tight. "You know what my darling," he says, "it didn't seem like he minded in the least."
---the end
(and if any of you talented writers out there wants to write the sex scene, I would pledge my eternal friendship and love to you)
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its-chelisey-stuff · 18 days
Love Next Door: The Choi family vs Bae family
Full disclosure: Because nobody asked for it but I'm having a terrible cold and I'm high on cold medicine lol so of course I thought it was time to write this! Hope you enjoy it!
Because I don't like to linger on the sad and uncertain lol I started to think about the future and wondered how the families would react when these two get together (because they will, obviously). Way back into the first ep, I used to think Seokryu's family was gonna throw a party to celebrate, since they already see Seunghyo as a son but now I'm not so sure. That family is poison lol
Meanwhile, I kinda do feel like Seunghyu's parents would be totally on board, but more than that, they know they have no choice in the matter since it's their son's life and he's a grown man, able to make his own decisions and shape his life into whatever the hell he wants with whomever the hell he chooses. I feel like they'd be happy their son has found happiness, that the parents themselves lost some time ago.
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the man really thinks his wife had an affair.... and did she??
It's a bit tragic but the coldness and distance in the Choi family actually has some advantages. Since the parents have separate lives, they recognize their son is a separate entity from them, and not at all a reflection of their marriage or a measure of success.
Meanwhile, Seokryu's mom's first impulse on knowing she wants to be a cook is to humiliate her not caring who is watching, just like when she found out she broke the engagement and quit her job.
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I like her dad a lot less now, btw
Looking at it, it's fascinating the way these two families interact and how they might look at each other and wish they had what the other has. It's a clear example that you really can't have it all. Seokryu's family is so loud and outspoken but way too much into each other's businesses; they say things, and then it can't be taken back after these painful outbursts, but hey at least they're talking right?
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And idk if I want to cry or if it's the cold lmao
While Seunghyo's family look a lot like strangers cause they barely speak to each other; the silence is so loud filled with everything they want to say, all the resentment and regret bottled up, but they just can't find the words. And all these little details are so heartbreaking: The mom didn't even know the son had moved back home, the son gifted his mom a necklace he didn't even realize she already owned and the father looks like he's silently drowning in misery due to his failed marriage and a possible affair? It's just a lot.
In case it wasn't obvious, I like the Choi family more because their problem seems to be a lack of communication rather than a lack of respect and/or boundaries. And I'm rooting for them to clear all misunderstandings. Maybe it's because they're so quiet, they haven't worn me down like their neighbors lol On the other hand, the Baes have this problem of absolute lack of empathy AND zero boundaries. Seokryu has been saying everything she feels since she came back, and only been asking for her parents' understanding, but they (especially the mother) have refused to give it because she misses the facade of the perfect daughter she could brag about to her friends. It's so fucked up.
Also, I have lost count of how many times I saw the way Seokryu's parents interact and thought "yikes how are these two together?" and then immediately thinking they might have chosen to stay together cause that's what you do in a marriage, you go through hard times together, through rich and poor. But their marriage isn't healthy. And the way they put so much pressure on their daughter but let the son off easily... ugh
So yeah, Seokryu's family is gonna get a slap of reality right on their faces and hopefully that'd be their wake-up call. But my biggest interest lies with the Chois. I need them to speak and if the parents still divorce, at least they should have a heart-to-heart. That conversation holds more interest to me than any mental-breakdown and wave of regret the Baes are going to have. Deservedly so.
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roblogging · 24 days
what i really love about wolfstar, is that they can be messy together. they don't have to hide with each other.
it's that remus puts on this front all the time to avoid becoming what everyone says he is. he's always conscious of keeping his voice low, keeping his actions subtle, and fading into the background. he's conscious of making sure that the one day a month where he's taken over by the other part of himself doesn't bleed into the rest. he's so cautious. too cautious, even, that people rarely see all his layers. because there's anger too. there's anger at the fact he lives like this, anger at the fact every day is affected by it, anger at the world for turning him and then turning him away. there's so much anger that he can't show, because he doesn't want people to think the books are right.
then there's sirius who walks around like he's never learnt the meaning of the word cautious. spouting off about how much he hates his family, betraying them at every available opportunity, keeping himself loud and eccentric after years of being told he was to be seen not heard. he's outgoing, energetic, he's always putting on a show. he's saying "look at me, look at my family, see how i'm not them". he's smart, he's loud, he's doing so much all at once so that he never stills long enough to actually think about anything that's happened to him. and yes, maybe james gets some parts. maybe james is the one that takes him in, maybe james is his other half.
but he's not remus.
it's together that they're able to actually unpick their layers, that they can show each other the mess underneath and know that they won't be judged. sirius doesn't mind showing remus the more broken parts of himself because sirius watches all of remus' bones break every month. remus is okay being angry with sirius - not at, but with - because he knows that if there's anything sirius understand, it's anger at the cards that you've been handed. anger at the world for not understanding you, at your family, at your blood.
and i love that about them. but i hate it too, because that's the very thing that ends them.
it's the fact that remus showed sirius all his parts that sirius starts suspecting him. it's the fact that remus trusted sirius with so much that when he stops doing so, it's obvious. he must be hiding something right?
and it's remus, remembering fifth year when sirius showed him the worst part of himself. it's the fact that remus was the only one sirius didn't beg to see that he's not like his family, thinking that remus understood that what's in your blood doesn't define you, and remus ends up being the one that sees it most, that he stops telling him things.
so really, they show each other the parts of themselves that no one else gets to see, and they're never quite able to hand those pieces back and slot them into place again. and it's so fucking tragic that they found a person that knew them inside and out, and ended up wishing that they didn't. maybe if they didn't know each other so well, remus would have begged harder for a trial. he wouldn't have believed it for a second. he wouldn't know that there's Black blood in sirius' veins, wouldn't have thought him capable of it. and maybe, if sirius knew remus less, he'd take his silence as what it always was. caution, so that people around him aren't hurt.
but,,, well.
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bluebugjay · 4 months
I could write essays on Charles' character. He's so tragic. That trope of 'you've become the very thing you wish to destroy' isn't in act here but it is his exact fear. He was brutally murdered by his friends, friends who we are shown beating up another kid as well, so assumably this isn't a rare thing for them, plus his abusive father. In life he was surrounded by violence.
And now in death he chooses to label himself 'the brawn' , Edwin relys on him to be the fighter as he can't even throw a punch, he's the only one of the main characters who has a signature weapon (his cricket bat) , when he gets angry or defensive or scared he gets violent. Because of course he does, look at his life.
He gets so scared of being like his father or even his literal killers that he puts on a positive mask all of the time (30+ years) to hide the anger and the sadness because he's a 'good guy' and he's only seen bad guys handle their emotions the way he does. He gets defensive over Brad and Hunter to the point of fault because he's desperately grasping for a man who isn't the worst. He's looking for hope that he isn't just like the others. He says "We've tried it your way, and it did nothing. Let's try mine." referring to his 'way' as fighting, which immediately seems weird considering Edwin and Crystal argue more than any other characters in the show but that's just the thing, they argue. They're quick with their words and sharp and harsh with them but they don't get aggressive and that's what Charles picks up on. Their anger doesn't become aggression but his does and he villainises himself for that.
Truth is, he could never be like his father or his friends turned bullies because he's their victim and he died their victim, (Night nurse: You never made it better and then you died) His aggression only occurs in defense of others, in the Devlin House he swings at the Dad whilst saying "Think you're big and tough with that axe? Big guy, killing a bunch of women?" he fights in defence of them. Then when he attacks the Night Nurse its in defence of Edwin being sent to hell, them being split up and also probably for how she tricked Crystal into having hope she'd found her family. (though spurred on by the Night Nurse forcing him to relive his traumatic memories too) It's always in defence of someone, to protect them. Which is the exact opposite of why his father and bullies were violent.
This is what's so good about dbda because obviously aggression is a flaw even with the best morals backing it up. Crystal calls him out on his anger issues, saying her and Edwin are on eggshells around him and later on Charles breaks down crying to Edwin who insists he is a good person because he cares about being one. Charles is allowed to have this journey that is most likely still ongoing, dealing with anger and grief and fear and masculinity and violence. We never doubt he's a good guy despite his flaws because he simply is, and all of the other characters know that as well.
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yumeka-sxf · 9 months
A chronological analysis on Twilight and Yor - Part 21
*This is part of an ongoing post series. If you missed the Introduction/Part 1, click here*
The next morning, Twilight muses to himself that there are still things in the world he doesn't understand, but nevertheless, a spy must overcome fear of the unknown. While his face and tone are dead serious, it's comical that the thing that caused him to burst into this heavy-handed inner monologue in the first place is none other than his misinterpretation of Anya's reactions the previous day. AniTrendz described the humor of this scene perfectly by stating that "Loid really spent all morning acting dramatic when he's just sad that his daughter called him lame."
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And yes, he really was bothered by the fact that he's still having trouble understanding Anya's emotions. While her mental well-being is important for Operation Strix, he also cares very much how she views him as a father. Unfortunately for Twilight, this trend will continue – after a whole day of fun activities, he's devastated to see the scowl on Anya's face when they're having dinner that evening. And, once again, he blames himself and even thinks that Anya could possibly hate him.
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As I've mentioned before, Twilight is always cool and confident when it comes to his spy missions, but whenever Yor or Anya are upset, he becomes a second-guessing nervous wreck! It's telling how frazzled he gets when trying to figure out what's going on in their minds versus anyone else. If Anya and Yor's happiness is tied to a mission, and he's always calm and collected about his other missions, why would he get so bent out of shape about them in particular? I think we all know the answer to that.
It's also important to note that the couple of days on the cruise are likely the longest amount of time Twilight has been alone with Anya, without having Yor for parenting support. If she were with him during all this, there's no doubt that her patience with Anya's antics and the encouraging words she always offers, would put his mind at ease. But without her around, there's no one to buffer his constant freak outs when trying to analyze the mind of a child. His anxiety gets so bad that Anya even starts to feel bad about it.
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Meanwhile, the big showdown on the deck between Yor and the assassins has so far been the most gritty and violent scene in the series. Endo has stated in the fanbook that making Yor likable while also giving her a profession that involves killing people, was difficult (though I think he's done a stellar job!) A reoccurring theme in Spy x Family is how the tragedy of war has led to otherwise good people partaking in immoral acts, whether for survival or because they're brainwashed into thinking that the side they're on is the right and just one. It's not only Twilight and Yor, but other characters as well, such as Yuri, Sylvia, even the young terrorists from the doggy crisis arc, as well as the assassins on the cruise – the factions that they work for, the politics behind their decisions, and the jobs they're assigned to do, are not framed as heroic nor completely evil, only the aftermath of political turmoil that the next generation has to suffer for.
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In Part 13, I mentioned an interview in the fanbook where Endo states that the Forgers should not be seen as virtuous role models…he doesn't think it's correct to only see their "nice family" side. Despite all the comedic antics in the series that sometimes stretch the veil of realism, one very realistic aspect is that none of the characters are depicted as "black and white," "heroes and villains," and their professions are portrayed as more tragic and ugly than "cool." This is in contrast to other shonen series, where the main protagonists are often portrayed as role models who fight for noble causes we can't help but support, while banishing only the most wicked of villains. And often these protagonists started out "normal" only to suddenly gain superpowers, opportunities to go on grand adventures, and have big battles against villains. But Twilight and Yor are the opposite. The series starts with them already having extraordinary abilities and exciting, dangerous jobs, so the end goal is instead for them to be able to attain a peaceful, normal life…because their professions aren't framed as wish-fulfilling but as heartbreaking, grim, and sometimes terrifying.
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Twilight and Yor's professions, as well as those of pretty much every other character in Spy x Family, have a lot of gray areas on the moral compass. This is why having a balance of both fun, slice-of-life scenarios, and spy/political action and drama conflicts, brings out the true complexity of the characters. Twilight may lie and act cold as ice towards people during his missions, but because we get to know him while he's living as Loid Forger, we can see that he's doing it for a noble cause, and underneath all that callous calculating, he's a compassionate guy who cares about the feelings of others. Likewise, we see that when she's not killing people, Yor is a total sweetheart who doesn't have a mean bone in her body, is a loving mother to Anya, selfless sister to Yuri, and, like Twilight, she does what she does because she truly believes she's doing good in the world.
If we only see Twilight and Yor as a spy and assassin, our view of them could be skewed negatively. On the other hand, if we only see them as a "nice family," we would be doing exactly what Endo warned against in his interview. But because we get to see both sides of them, we're able to relate to them even more, which makes us want to root for them. Is the immorality of their jobs too much to be forgiven, or are they righteous people who are simply victims of a cold war? Obviously if you're a fan of the series like me, you're opt to lean towards the positive view that Twilight, Yor, as well as many of the other characters, have been sorely damaged by the post-war era that they live in, but the commendable things they do far outweigh the ugliness of their professions, so they deserve a happy ending. And that's really the main appeal of the series – with all the gray areas of morality, seeing whether they can truly live happily without lies is something to look forward to.
Continue to Part 22 ->
<- Return to Part 20
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perotovar · 10 months
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hey sweeties!! kel and i put a list together of all the submissions we got for our event and split them into two masterlists of fics for you all to read and enjoy! this is my part of the list, so if you don't see yours give @beskarandblasters 's list >here< a look and see if that's where your fic/submission ended up!
we can't thank you enough for submitting and helping us give a voice to the smaller writers of the fandom ♥ oh, and for any multi chapter fics/series, we only read the first chapters to make it fair!
please make sure to read each fic's warnings carefully and happy reading! ♥
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@iamskyereads - Compulsion (Ezra x ofc!Beatrice)
i can't even begin to describe how much i love this fic already. it's so smart and the worldbuilding?? incredible!! it feels like a sequel to the film, or like it could easily take place in the same universe. just brilliant. and ezra's voice is so clear here, i could hear him saying every word. and the oc, beatrice, is fascinating already, i can't wait to see where it goes!
@all-the-way-down-here - This Is Why We Fight (Dieter x nb!oc!Bell)
i love the start of this. both dieter and bell have excellent characterization and the conversations being had by every character feel so real and are so important. bell's group of friends all sound like friends i would have, and i would love to hang out with them. i love the direction this is going!
@linzels-blog - Delta Palms Tropical Resort (Frankie x f!reader)
ahh what a delightful little fic! it feels very much like an early 2000s rom com and i mean that in the best way! very cute and i love the vibes. everyone's characterization is great and i can't wait to sink my teeth into the rest of it!
@elvenmother - Context and Perspective (Marcus M x f!reader)
completely obsessed with this concept. i love a good enemies to lovers and this is such an awesome way to do it! i always see marcus m fics featuring someone without superpowers, but to have a character that's just as powerful as him? sign me up!
@kedsandtubesocks - In the Dead of the Night (Din x f!reader)
one of my absolute favorite din fics. the worldbuilding and din's creature form is incredible. i love a horror au that's flipped on its head. i also love the "creature is also the hunter" trope and this does that incredibly well. the atmosphere is off the charts.
@ghostofaboy - Rock Bottom (Frankie x original male characters)
god, i don't even know where to begin with this story. it's so raw and visceral and i can't say enough how much i enjoy it. i love reading something new and especially if it's coming from a male perspective. this is, unfortunately, something i could see frankie getting up to. frankie is such a deeply tragic character and this fic does that justice in a dark, but really intriguing way.
@ishabull - The Way We Were Drawn (Marcus P x f!reader)
ohh this is such a sweet fic. i love the imagery painted and the dynamic between marcus and reader is so sweet!
@secretelephanttattoo - Headshots (Marcus P x f!reader)
this fic is beyond sweet and so dreamy. the ideal scenario for anyone, in my humble opinion. who wouldn't want to take pictures of handsome fbi agents and then fall in love with said agent?
@lesbianhotch - you walk by and i fall to pieces (Frankie x f!reader)
THIS WAS THE CUTEST DAMN THING. i love me a nervous frankie (hello, have you read my fic lmao) and this was by far one of the cutest. i'm obsessed with reader's confidence and i just know those two are gonna be menaces once they're together. throw in some patsy cline and i am a goner. this is going on the reread list for sure.
@insomniamamma - Remain Nameless (Ezra & Cee w/ gn!reader)
ok, this one actually made me cry. i'm not sure if it's my own sleep-deprived ass that caused it but this is probably one of the most beautiful but sad fics i've read in a long time. i mean all of this in the best way because i don't normally get emotional from fics. prospect as a movie makes me emotional, though, so it doesn't surprise me that this did as well. it's such an incredible missing scene that i can, unfortunately, see absolutely happening. have some tissues nearby.
@sweetercalypso - Unlikely Friends (Joel x gn!reader)
this fic is one of my absolute favorite fics for joel. a big reason for that is i have a cat named tilly. and imagining joel reluctantly and grumpily cuddling with my tilly makes me emotional, ok??
@softstarlite - The Casualty of Love (Javi P x f!reader)
very cute! i love the awkward tension around not seeing someone for so long and there being a huge glow up maturity-wise from one of them! seeing someone in a new light is always a strange thing and i love the start to these two and their journey!
@julesonrecord - Shots (Jack x f!reader/oc)
probably one of the best post-movie fics i've ever read for jack. the way jack's trauma and therapy is handled is so fucking brilliant and tonic is one of the best fucking characters, god. eva is written so well and i just. i can't recommend this fic enough. if you like jack, hell even if you don't, give this fic a shot. i promise you'll come out of it liking it.
@coulsons-fullmetal-cellist - The Audition (Dieter x f!reader)
goddd this was so cute! dieter's insecurities don't come up very often and i absolutely love what a match he and reader make. she's so sweet with him and takes such good care of him. and he loves her so much and i love them ok
@max--phillips - A Little Lipstick Never Hurts (Max P x f!reader)
this is one of the best explorations into kink that i've ever read. it's so respectful and hot as fuck. completely obsessed with this take on max as a character and i can't get enough of the dynamic between him, reader, (and eventually dieter). it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but i highly encourage you to give it a try. max gets some well deserved lessons taught, and who doesn't love that?
@coastielaceispunk - The Gift of Lingerie (Max L x f!reader)
god, this was so fucking hot. i'm so here for a mentally healed maxwell in a healthy marriage with a fulfilling sex life lol the little bit of teasing on both their parts was beyond sexy and i loved how equal everything felt. ugh, will be rereading this one for sure.
@lotrefcp - Hidden Away (Javi P x f!reader)
i'm obsessed with a no nonsense reader with just as much attitude/sass as javi does lol i just kept reading going GET HIS ASS. an excellent start to a universe i'm excited to sink my teeth into!
@beefrobeefcal - On the Waterfront (Frankie x f!reader)
oh, this is dark. i love the vibes immediately. i've had a weird fascination with the mafia for most of my life and this has that air about it. a dark, chubby mob boss!frankie is right up my alley for sure. i love that he's still frankie tho. sensible, practical, but with an edge. mind the warnings.
@flightlessangelwings - La Estrella de Mi Vida (Javi G x f!reader)
ahhh so romantic and so tragic!! i swear, it's impossible to make javi unappealing but this fic is just so sweet and manages to make me love him even more (somehow). but i love the added drama and tension from outside forces!! i need to read the rest of it asap!
@littlemisspascal - Rockford & Roan (Tim x f!reader)
my god, i love this?? i'm not usually one for superpowers/soulmate au's but i'm in love with the practicality of this? it feels otherworldly without being too much and it's very grounded. i love the reader and the way tim is written is so believable. i love that we as a fandom have created such a visceral image of this character from only a minute's worth of footage!
@something-tofightfor & @the-blind-assassin-12 - Aphelion (Oberyn x Ellaria & f!reader)
goddd the imagery painted in this one. so heartbreaking. absolutely breathtaking. i'm a slut for vampires and i'm a slut for oberyn/ellaria. this is absolutely something i will be reading the rest of lol
@bluestar22x - The Rockford Files (Tim x f!reader)
ok this is insanely good. one of my favorite books of all time is "red dragon" by thomas harris and i felt like i was reading that again while i read this. the details of the case and the cadence of everything was top notch. obsessed with the psychic element thrown in there and i'm beyond excited to see where tim and psy end up next!
@sweetenerobert - Fiction vs Reality (Tommy Miller x m!reader)
ohhhh my god. you give me a bisexual tattoo artist tommy miller with stretched ears and i'm supposed to be normal about it??? UNLIKELY. i am extremely tempted to edit this into reality ngl but my god. this was so fucking hot lmao
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Can i request Black butler with a very quiet darling and how would they approach them
Sure thing. You didn’t specify which characters so I just chose a few.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, clinginess, stalking, manipulation
Very quiet s/o
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕️Considering that most of the people in Ciel's closer surroundings are a mixture of energetic, loud and chaotic except his butler he would most likely appreciate his darling for being on the silent side. Being in their company is far more peaceful as he can actually do something productive without being interrupted although he does wonder where your thoughts are in such moments. Ciel isn't the most talkative person himself and sort of expects you to not be someone who feels comfortable holding long conversations. So if he does strike up conversations with you, they're always on the short side so he does not make you uncomfortable and doesn't risk losing his face if you would decide to just ghost him. He might show some patience but that doesn't change the fact that Ciel is still awfully possessive so expect any potential suitor to disappear or to tragically die.
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛Ever the proud and arrogant demon, Sebastian can't help but see your quiet personality as a little challenge, one he is very willing to take. With the end goal of winning of course. Working for his master automatically means that he's also surrounded by very bubbly and talkative people so he finds the clear difference in personality in you very adorable. Sebastian is quite convinced that he can charm you with his looks and his flawless courtesy. He stalks you in your daily life, figures out your little quirks and uses that knowledge to start conversations with you, hearing your voice makes his dead heart flatter. Don't forget that the man in front of you is a highly possessive demon though, one who appreciates your quietness for the additional reason that it keeps you from interacting with others. Why not only talk with him and let him be the only one to bask in the pleasure of hearing your lovely voice calling his name?
Ronald Knox
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😃Ronald blends in really well with others and is quite the chatty person himself which makes for a great contrast between him and his darling. Something that doesn't intimidates Ronald in the slightest though, instead he can't help but dote on you a bit more thanks to your quiet personality. He tries to talk with you quite often although he often ends up being the one who fills the silence most of the time. As long as he knows that he has your attention, he's fine with it though although it is a great achievement if you do reply to him without him having to ask you to do so. If he realizes that his attempts kind of put you off though, he pulls back for a bit, reluctantly that is. After all he prefers spending time with you instead of stalking you. Given your quietness though, Ronald can't help but grow just that tiny bit more protective and possessive over you.
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🤡 Joker pays especially much attention to you, a new member of the circus of his. Initially some just assume it's due to your very silent nature as you rarely speak up or talk to anybody. As time passes by though others, especially his friends, realize that Joker has turned quite obsessed. He's highly protective over his darling and just as possessive as he keeps you around him nearly all of the time and acts hostile as soon as someone asks him about you. You find yourself isolated thanks to Joker who is for the most part the only person you can interact with as he uses his influence as the leader of the circus. Technically speaking he knows that he's doing something wrong but he just can't help it. He loves you so much and your silent nature only worsens his protective tendencies, he wants to hide you from the world. He doesn't mind your lack of words around others but by all means, please talk to him and let only him hear your lovely voice.
Alois Trancy
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👅 Probably one of the worst people to handle someone who is as quiet as his darling is as Alois is a demanding and equally bratty person although he highly adores and even worships his s/o to a certain extent. The only thing that is certain is that Alois is bound to be highly possessive over you and very unwilling to let others near you. Talking with you is very tricky as you're a silent person but it gives him the impression that you don't like him which does nothing except triggering his paranoia and if you do have someone you open up to and talk with, you can bet your kidneys that Alois will see it through, after a great fit of jealous rage, that they will be gone. It should be him with whom you share your secrets and worries! He's the one made for you! Count on an abduction sooner than later and after that absolutely no break from the young noble as he's up your arse every minute of the day, all whilst begging you to talk with him.
Hannah Annafellows
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🟣 Hannah is cunning and manipulative, especially once she realizes that you are her mate. Considering how silent of a person you are, it's a rather convenient situation for her. There most likely isn't a huge group of people in your life which means less work for her as there is no one she feels the great need to remove instantly from your life. Hannah enters your life very quick though although she makes sure to adjust herself for now to your own personality. She acts docile and careful around you, doesn't want to overwhelm you with her real side for now. If she could arrange it already, she would like to become your personal pillar as soon as possible so that there will be less troubles later on. She makes sure to be the only person you can really interact with as she scares everyone else away, creates an environment where only her and you exist. As it should be.
Ran Mao
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🌺 I think it's a well-known fact that Ran Mao herself is a woman known to not be someone whose voice you will be likely to hear all too often too. Maybe that's what sort of sparks her interest in you to begin with, both of you are rarely heard speaking up at all. The lack of hearing your voice leads to excessive stalking as she desperately wants to hear what you sound like and the first time you actually do talk, she seems to become only more obsessed with you. She tries to respect your silence though since she herself isn't talking that much for herself either but if you do talk, expect her to hang onto every tone leaving your lips. Her lack of words is definitely made up with the amount of touching she does though as she's essentially like a cuddly and clingy kitten. Ran Mao is a professional assassin though and that spells danger for others as she grows quite protective over you.
Charles Grey
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 🤺 Charles Grey just happens to experience a streak of boredom which is why he decides to entertain himself a bit with you, a simple game to crack your silent shell and charm you as you don't swoon over him nor pay him much mind. The only thing is that you're quite a hard shell to crack as you don't give in much despite the man's attempts to provoke you slightly and tease you. Unfortunately that only earns you his obsessive interest in you as Charles suddenly pops up around you on a daily base to try to chat with you and attempt to get under your skin by teasing you and annoying you. If he gets any reaction out of you, especially a verbal one, he sees it as a win. He'd like to clarify that he doesn't hate you though. He can confidently say that he wants you and for that your silence around others fits rather well since it quenches some of his possessive tendencies. Now how to teach you to only ever speak around him~?
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stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
Hi I am deeply intrigued by your Kendall and Caroline posts and wanted to add a quick thought. My dad is the younger of two boys with an asshole, controlling father but managed to almost completely avoid the poison dripping through (he’s a wonderful father and has lots of healthy interpersonal relationships), while his brother ended up an absolute mess. When I was growing up my grandmother used to VERY CAUSALLY (and in front of my uncle and random strangers) say that once she had my uncle my grandfather got what he wanted, so my uncle was his and my dad could be hers. Honestly Caroline’s interactions with Kendall have always made me think of this. I think she sees him purely as Logan’s, while the other two are also her children (despite not being great at the whole parenting thing with them either). Anyway, sorry for the long as and excessive asides.
OK YES. you and I are shaking hands because I was literally going to make a third addition to that post (but was having trouble wording it so put it in drafts for later) about how I think their relationship is very much marked by the fact that he was always the mini-Logan (the heir, with Logan as his middle-name who Logan got his claws into when he was literally just a little boy) and that's why she 'gave up' on him and struggles to have a relationship with him. I feel like this also makes sense with the fact that one of the warmest moments Kendall gets from her in the show is after the bear hug, when she comes up to him and tells him she doesn't think any worse of him for it and almost seems reassuring.
but yeah truly cannot stop thinking about their relationship i keep rotating them in my mind. its so tragic in a way. the fact that logan groomed him for CEO was the reason she stopped trying with him which only made him cling to that one piece of validation/affection from Logan even more because it's all he had.
also have to say that I don't think it's that she doesn't have any affection for him at all. even in the scene in Return it's clear she loves him but i think she can't love this version of him. like she can love the baby version of him that lives in her head, that still belonged to her (too). but as soon as he was Logan's Heir it was over. there is just such a like. barrier between them. i mean it's apparent even just in the way the scene is set-up in comparison to the dinner scene earlier with roman and shiv. with that they're sitting at the same table sharing food. daylight coming in through the window. while in the scene with kendall it's just the two of them (as it was for a while before the siblings were there.) with him sitting at the table like a kid, half in the dark, while she's standing as far away as physically possible, eating at the counter. and the first thing she assumes when he says he wants to talk is that he wants to accuse her of being a bad mother lol.
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beneathashadytree · 5 months
Other ask lol This is a bit spoiler-y in regards to Rafayel's lore.
Rafayel's Your Fragrance card is visually stunning and quite sexy, but when the scent of the perfume is described, it sounded exactly like the potion he had witch MC make him.
And his reaction as he's sniffing MCs wrist actually breaks my heart. Who do you think he meant when he said "is this how they're trying to trap me?" (Not verbatim, I can't remember the exact words)
Spoiler alert!!!
I’m honestly pretty insane about Rafayel’s myths and past, even though there’s a vague “missing” period of his life with little info to go off of, so I’ve thought about this often, actually. I have all of Rafayel’s cards so far, and what I’ve put together so far is this: MC was—at some point—forced to collude with someone against Rafayel. Not of their own will, but still, it happened. Rafayel, having already been smitten by them, is PRECISELY the kind of person to let himself get caught despite his own instincts telling him to run away. However, getting caught = getting hurt, and it was inevitable despite his love for them. The potion is reminiscent of both his first love and his first betrayal, and he can’t exactly tell those two apart—because damn it, does he love them, but he’s doomed to death if he stays.
Also, another thing is that in his first myths, Rafayel is promised to MC as an almost-slave. He’s essentially her toy, and as a princess she has every right to destroy him should she wish to. It’s a horrifyingly cruel concept, but it’s very much true. Being “tied up” or “trapped” is a very recurrent theme in Rafayel’s lore, and it’s exactly BECAUSE he knows just how willingly he would go along with it and how he’d absolutely risk it all just to see/be with MC. Through it all, he still has the instincts of a fighter and a God. It’s a battle between nature vs. desire. It’s tragic, and it means that his reservations can never fully go away, and that he’s always naturally weak for the MC, but it’s also the only way he’s ever known how to love, and he’ll throw himself into it.
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artist-issues · 1 year
Screentime For the Prince
You know how in the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, each character's true nature is revealed by what they choose to treasure?
You know, Grumpy treasures safety because his true nature is vulnerable, the Queen treasures beauty because her true nature is ugly, and Snow White is the only one who's treasure is as true as her nature: pure love?
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And how the Prince only gets around 5 minutes of screentime, and in those 5 minutes, proves that he A) treasures Snow White's true nature of pure love and B) keeps his promises?
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Well, I was thinking. In the new Live Action, they're basically writing in a different male character in place of the Prince and not focusing on any kind of love story. So it's not actually "Snow White." But what would a good, faithful, beautiful adaptation of Snow White look like? (You know, one that actually does adaptations correctly--like Cinderella 2015?)
What should they be doing with the Prince?
I have a general idea below.
I mean, they can't introduce him in the same way they did in the classic animation. Obviously modern people aren't used to so much nuance in their big-screen fairy tales anymore; 5 minutes of screentime isn't enough, we prefer Mr. Darcy & Lizzie Bennet-levels of couple-building interactions, at least. And that's okay.
But it means we have to fill in a lot of the blanks about where this Prince comes from and why he values Snow White's "pure love nature" so strongly.
So I figure, in my head, it might look something like:
The Prince (let's call him Walther, German for "Walt," since basically everybody who worked on the original movie agrees that it was Walt's big brain child, and the popularized "Ferdinand" is not only fan-made but makes me think of a kindhearted bull) is the heir to a neighboring kingdom's throne.
Prince Walther isn't King yet, not because his parents are still King and Queen (they're dead,) but because tradition states he can only take the throne once he's come of age. Prince Walther's like 17, turning 18. So instead, his kingdom is essentially run by this council of busybodies, with one Regent holding the throne until he's old enough to take it. Something like that.
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(the picture is of Dean Stockwell who's the son of the original voice actor for the Prince, I think someone who looks like him ought to be cast.) Prince Walther experienced pure love from his parents, who treated him like a normal boy and didn't place much emphasis on courtly manners or politics when raising him. But then they died tragically, leaving their honest and innocent son to be raised by a bunch of old people who put way TOO much emphasis on those things.
Because everyone in Prince Walther's court has had to handle being next-door neighbors to the Wicked Queen's country. They're all super political, and afraid of appearing weak, and therefore, very insincere. That's what I'm saying.
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Everyone he interacts with on a daily basis never comes out and says what they really want. Nobody is genuine. He lives a life of hearing words like, "good morning Your Majesty, I hope you slept well. The Grand Duke could certainly stand to sleep better; the poor fellow looked run down at breakfast." but learning that what they actually mean is, "The Duke is getting old and ineffective and when your birthday passes you should decree that he give his land and resources away to me."
And he misses the genuine love the court used to feel from his parents' kind, simple way of ruling. No political games, no complex feuds. Plus, he misses the personal love they shared as a family, genuine, uncomplicated. He missed the days when people just say what they really want, unafraid, so that their rulers can take care of their needs.
Then there's the problem of why Prince Walther's in the Wicked Queen's realm in the original movie--that's not his territory, if he has his own kingdom.
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So I think it would be neat and interesting if the Queen wants Walther's land. Maybe she invited his parents, way back when, to a kind of audience to negotiate an alliance. Then she got jealous of his mother's beauty, maybe even tried to seduce Prince Walther's father, and assassinated them both when he rebuffed her. Oo, maybe even the Huntsman (her FAITHFUL Huntsman) helped her do it all those years ago.
But she didn't realize they had a young son, so she couldn't just raise her hand and say, "Hey Neighboring Kingdom, it's too bad your monarchs both mysteriously died--don't worry, I'll be your new leader" because Prince Walther's council suspected foul play (they always do, they're suspicious people) and were preemptively like "NO NO WE HAVE A PRINCE, WE HAVE A PRINCE! We're fine, we don't need help, everything's fine."
So she sort of had to stew on that. Maybe she even tried a couple more halfhearted attempts to get their throne, and they just never worked out--then eventually her attention was occupied by how much older her stepdaughter was getting, and how much prettier.
Anyway, Prince Walther asks for an audience with the Wicked Queen; he's about to become King, and he knows that the council fears their neighbor, and he sort of wants to go over and size the next-door ruler up for himself. So he rides over with a little delegation of the members of the Court he can actually tolerate the best, and is visiting.
It's not fun. They're only there for a day, but the Wicked Queen is definitely scary. For one thing, she's unnaturally beautiful and everyone he brought with him is either stupefied in her presence or terrified. He himself is very confused by her; he's an open-hearted guy, with a touch of naïveté even though he was raised with good intuition and doesn't trust the Queen. All audiences with her are full of all the formal, double-and-triple meaning conversations that he hates back home; except worse, because she makes everything seem more sinister.
So after a particularly weird conversation with the Queen where he can't decide if she was flirting with him or threatening his kingdom, he goes for a ride around the courtyard to clear his head. And what should he hear, like a breath of the freshest air since his parents died?
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A pure, beautiful voice. A young girl singing--and not just singing about anything, but singing about what she really wants. Genuinely. Her heart's fondest desire--and it's not power, or land, or even freedom. Just love. She's singing loudly, like she doesn't care who might hear such a vulnerable longing.
And he climbs over the wall and sees this scullery maid. She's absolutely beautiful, even though she's dressed all in rags, and he loves the picture of her: sharing her heart with doves, who feel completely safe with her, and not having to worry about what anyone thinks of her.
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He sort of eavesdrops on her for a little bit, and in this part of the movie, maybe we learn how impulsive he is. He just jumps over and tries to join in. Maybe it's even a little funny. And we can stretch out the feelings behind the part where Snow White runs from him--that feeling of her being unsure of a stranger, not because she worries about what he thinks, but because it's so surprising that anyone is taking notice of her so abruptly at all. And she doesn't know him.
Maybe he asks to extend his stay at the Queen's palace and keep negotiating or whatever, but he really just wants to get to know the scullery maid better.
Then the romance is sort of still fast, but built in a way that the audience can sink their teeth into. The Prince and Snow White have a few more mutually-agreed-upon meetings, not necessarily hiding them, but just in breaks between courtly audiences with the wicked Queen. They're both enamored with each other: she's never been treated so kindly by anyone and his whole faith in pure, innocent love and uncomplicated, genuine people is being restored just by talking to her. They bond chiefly over missing their parents.
Eventually he learns that she is the Queen's daughter--maybe from the Huntsman, maybe from Snow herself in an innocent way. He's stunned that she's treated so poorly, but the second he learns it, he confesses that he loves her and he wants to take her away from there. Plus, this solves the whole "will my kingdom go to war with the Wicked Queen or be allies even though we can't trust her" diplomacy thing--Snow White is her heir, so it would be a beautiful twist of Providence that the girl he has fallen in love with can also be the alliance of peace for the kingdoms through marriage.
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Snow White accepts his proposal, but she's afraid for a moment that her stepmother won't allow it. The Prince urges her not to be afraid: he'll take her to his castle and they'll be happy no matter what: he promises it, he gives her his word, he encourages her not to worry because he won't let anything stop him. It's lovely. She finally has someone she can gift her superpower of pure love to, and someone who can treasure her like she deserves.
Problem is, the Queen overhears this last conversation, right after learning that Snow White is the new "Fairest of All" from her mirror, just like in the original film.
So while the Prince is convincing his council that he's proposed to Snow White, the Queen's largely-unknown secret stepdaughter, and is going to reveal the fact to the Queen tomorrow, the Huntsman and the Queen herself are plotting the assassination attempt that eventually leads to Snow running for her life and living with the Dwarfs before she ever gets the chance to see her betrothed again.
Then the movie unfolds largely the same way it did, but with more dialogue and nuance strengthening the original's main themes: Snow White is pure love in nature, and that's everything the Prince has been missing, and he fulfills his promise which she has total faith in. And along the way, the Dwarfs learn to care more about protecting an innocent girl than they care about protecting themselves, and treasuring a person over jewels. Grumpy in particular. And the Queen dies because she's a jealous witch who's self-love has twisted her into something ugly.
Basically, what I'm saying is, there's a way to make the Prince compelling for audiences who are now used to more fleshed-out interactions in movie couples. Just give him a background that is longing for pure, uncomplicated, innocent love. Then when he runs into Snow White, who's never been treasured and valued since her parents died, they give each other everything they've been longing for--and then they have faith in one another when circumstances, both funny and sinister, force them apart.
It's like the Notebook (just in story structure)--you build up romance in the first act through a few poignant scenes, but then the rest of the movie is about waiting for that romance to be fulfilled.
Anyway. I guess I could've said all this more succinctly, but I was kind of making it up as I went. 🤷‍♀️
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writerfae · 5 months
So I read The brooch from the possible future au (this is why it was on my mind when you made that post about Cyrus) and I loved it😭 It hurt, but it was also heartfelt and beautiful and I got really emotional from it so sorry in advance if this rant sounds a little silly.
It was somehow so comforting despite being so tragic.
First of all at the beginning they're just sitting there, being content❤️ (you know I love characters just sitting around (or if you didn't, now you do!)
"Sometimes Aiden still couldn’t believe that this was real. That this was his. He never wanted Talon to stop looking at him like that. "
This says exactly what needs to be said!
Also, I love how much Talon's smiling in this (in the beggining of it)
"Too valuable for someone like me, he thought, but didn’t say it, because he knew Talon didn’t like it when he talked like this."
I don't like it when you talk like this! But it's so cute because it implies that Talon and Aiden did have talks about this!
"Wherever you are, my heart is with you"❤️😭
Now, you probably expect me to scream at you for the second part, but I won't because like I said it is somehow still heartwarming for me.
See, now I want to start quoting again, but then I'd put nearly the whole thing here, so I'll say this:
Every word describes the whole situation so perfectly. It feels like there's not a word out of place, like they are all emphasizing a point that I think isn't really the tragedy, but the love they have for each other.
I also love how much affection Talon is initiating here, trying to comfort both of them.
The fact that Aiden tries to give back the brooch. The fact that Talon doesn't let him, and that THIS comforts Aiden somewhat.
But I do have to quote my favorite part!
"A small sob escaped him as Aiden held out a small object to him, hands trembling. “I think… I think you might want it back. Give it to… give it to her.”
And the last part... it was so hard seeing Aiden like that so I won't go into much detail here. He reminded me of Milan a little.
And if you'll indulge me I would like to go on a little rant about my story and angst:
I don't know if I emphasize this enough but I NEED you to know this:
All the (canon) Ákos angst comes with the inevitable end of Ákos ending up all right. With someone comforting him, helping him, or him realizing that it's okay. Otherwise, I wouldn't do it to him.
You see, the thing is that Ákos is an incredibly strong person. More importantly he has people around him to support him (his parents and siblings).
The reason I talk so much about post story Ákos angst is because aside from those small things that fade with time Ákos goes back to being normal and happy!
He goes back to following Endre around everywhere.
He goes back to exploring the castle a houndred times with Moss.
He goes back to reading in Adél's room.
And when he's not able to do something that he used to be able to do, when he's scared, there's always someone to help him through it.
There's this moment in this holiday special thing (THAT I SWEAR I'LL BE SO SAD IF I CAN'T WRITE THIS YEAR) where they're walking in the winter woods and he wants to run off and look around, but he's a little scared, and Adél notices and follows two steps behind him so he doesn't have to worry. And then, after a while, he doesn't enen need Adél to do this.
Whenever he's having a problem, there's always at least one of his siblings to swoop in and help.
And like I said he's not always having problems!
Also this goes without saying but he will realize that it wasn't his fault.
Most importantly Ákos didn't lose his curiosity which in my opinion would have been the most tragic thing that could have happened (it happens in the villain Adél au). Sure he becomes a little more cautious (especially at first) but no less confident.
I might have mentioned this already but Ákos has always been interested in the Black swamp. And he didn't let what happened to him ruin this.
When he grows up, he will (probably, the specifics of this may change) research history with a special emphasis on the Black swamp, and he'll love it.
Ákos took this horrible experience that he had and made something positive out of it. Something that interests him, something that makes him happy (that down the line even ends up helping others).
Ákos' strength comes from two places:
One is that that's just what he's like
But more importantly because he was influenced by each of his siblings. He has a little bit of each of them in him, plus his own stuff!❤️
I hope you didn't mind this little rant🙈 I was just hoping that knowing this about Ákos gives you at least some fuzziness even if it is bittersweet like the ones I got from reading your short story.
I finally got around to answer this! Thanks so much for your patience 😌
I’m feeling really flattered that you liked The Brooch so much you wrote this ask!
Though I know the possible future au is a very painful one for us Taiden stans, it is really dear to me. And I loved writing this short story for it in particular! Both part one and two!
Part one really is mostly hurt, but it has lots of comfort in it too. I wanted to make the meaning of the brooch for both of them clear. I think I managed that quite well and to be honest, I did tear up a bit while writing the breakup part and the one where Aiden told Ash…
Also you’re not wrong, Aiden in the last bit is a bit like Milan, which is sad if you consider that it’s pretty much what Aiden always feared.
You’re always welcome to rant a little about your story to me!
You really don’t need to justify your Ákos angst to me. I know I complain about it (in a very fond way btw, never in the negative sense), but this is your story and you can do whatever you want! And don’t worry, I’m very aware that Ákos will be alright in the end. And I’m really glad about it ^^
And it’s great his siblings will help him through it all. That’s one of the best things about stories like yours!
(I’m very glad my boy Ákos will be alright in the end btw!)
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babbletaels · 2 months
I don't know exactly how to put this into words without rambling too much. I saw some people say something along the lines of "totk and botw have bad stories but so what, all zelda stories are bad because zelda games focus on gameplay". Now, of course I saw a lot of people and youtube videos proving this post wrong by pointing out the amazing stories in oot, majoras mask, twilight princess, and more.
But something they fail to ever mention is.. breath of the wilds story is not bad!!!! It's just not!
Breath of the wilds story IS:
Told in a very new format
Not experienced totally by the protagonist
But that doesn't make it a bad story! But all these qualities DO make tears of the kingdoms story bad, and that's because the way of telling the story of breath of the wild was curated perfectly in order to tell that story, not tears of the kingdoms story. It's very clear to me that with this brand new open world format they thought very hard about how to make the game "as free as possible" and still make it interesting to play through, and they did this by putting you totally in Links shoes: You and Link both wake up with no memories of where you are or why, with the vague idea that your name is Link and that you're supposed to like save a princess or something. You and Link both set out to explore this world in the way that you want to do it. That's how they made you relate to the protagonist, not by giving him a gripping story but making him and you have the exact same experience going through this world. Instead of throwing you into a world where the protagonist knows everything but you don't, and making the protagonist learn things that he probably already knew, they made him and you be in the same boat. I don't know about you but I loved exploring this world and wondering what different places could've been a hundred years ago, so that's what my Link was doing. All of the "bad" game decisions made in this game were made so that you could feel as free as possible. Yes, the divine beasts were all the same kinda which is boring, but they did that because they wanted to emphasize the freedom in this game, they wanted it to be a totally new kind of zelda game. Yeah it was a bad decision, I agree, but like that's their idea on how to make the game as open as possible, okay? I personally don't care how many "walking through the door" cutscenes a game has, but that's me and whatever they wanted it to have as little as possible, that was their vision for this game.
The actual story of breath of the wild is not bad, but it IS short and simple, and it takes place 100 years before we come into the picture so it feels a bit detached, however I personally found it very gripping figuring out what happened all those years ago and very tragic knowing that there's nothing I can do to save those people who I failed. I don't want to ramble on about the zora storyline but that story is especially gripping as suddenly everyone in that domain knows who we are and blames us for the death of their princess or were jealous of your relationship with her and just finding out how much she loved you and realizing yeah, they're right, she did die because of you. She only joined this mission because she wanted to help you and your cause because she loved you so much. I felt sad learning this in the story, and knowing there's nothing I can do to bring her back or make things right. Not only because of Mipha but also because of Link, how tragic his story all of a sudden became, knowing that he can't do anything to right this wrong and imagining the future that he could've had if all of this never happened, possibly a future together with someone he loves, but all of that's gone now. The story feels detached because it IS detached and it's so tragic because of it, and the world feels so lonely because of it.
This format does not work in tears of the kingdom. If there was any chance of me having actual emotional attachements to characters from 10 000+ years ago that my character never even interacted with, that chance was minimized by a million percentages because they were the exact same cutscene where they say the exact same thing, they always wear masks so you can't even see their face, and we just know literally nothing about them. We get to know three characters a little bit, but it's like.. Can I really be that invested in what my new girlfriends adoptive parents and aunt did 10 000+ years ago? Yeah I want to find Zelda and finding out she's a dragon and all that was very cool and stuff. But the story doesn't work, especially since it doesn't fit in with anything we saw in breath of the wild AT ALL except one npc saying she can see a castle in the sky. Ooh we're finally learning what the Zonai ruins were! Oh, they're actually not where the zonai resided at all and actually the ruins didn't even look like that somehow someone built the ruins around a different ruin how do you even do that using stone? Are the zonai ruins made of clay since they're wrapped around the older zonai ruins? Like idk they didn't tie any of this to anything we were emotionally invested in, so why is it in a direct sequel? Oh wait I know why, because they wanted to reuse the world since they had already created it and it's so big and it did have untapped potential. But then make a story that actually has anything to do with the story that its a sequel to!!
Actually, majoras mask did the exact same thing as tears of the kingdom, kind of. Except the story in majoras mask, while largely detached from ocarina of time, is an actual good and gripping story!!!!!
Okay I can't rant any more. Breath of the wild is an actual good game that actually had a good story even if it was short and simple, and it accomplished exactly what they set out to accomplish, and it does not deserve to get dragged as a bad game just because tears of the kingdom had a bad story and used the exact same format as botw. Since you're reading this I assume you have played botw and don't need me to explain exactly what happened in the story. Like you know, how everyone failed? How the kingdom fell to ruin because literally everyone failed at their job? That story.
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