#I can’t make limeade when it’s cold out
redheddebeauty · 1 year
I bought all these limes to make limeade and ever since then it’s been cold out :/
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duuhrayliegh · 3 years
dm slide
pairing: sebastian stan x reader
warnings: alcohol consumption, language, nothing else really, it’s just really fluffy i think
word count: 1905
a/n: okay so my other stuff is coming, i stg, i’m just in the middle of finals and moving out of my dorm, and starting a new job, so i’m a bit stressy right now, but i’m getting there loves.
so if this one isn’t as good as it could be that’s why, but i’m hoping to add on to it later
p.s.: my requests and tag lists are open!!
xoxo ray
ray’s m.list
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You were currently at your best friend’s birthday party, polishing off your third overfull glass of wine. Your best friend threw her hands above her head, shouting out “Shots on me!” She thrusted a shot glass in your hand, encouraging you to toss back the liquid. You set down your wine glass, picking up the smaller cup, not caring about the flashing cameras around you.
“I’m so glad you were able to get free from your oh so lavish lifestyle as a celebrity to come hang out with little ‘ol me!” She had to continue to shout for you to hear her over the loud music blasting through the club speakers. She grabbed your arm, pulling you towards the bathrooms. “Are you getting ready to go? The sound system is giving me a headache.” You smiled at her, grabbing your phone from your clutch.
“Absolutely, babes. Let me order the Uber and then we can go.” You held onto your phone tighter, walking up to the bar to settle your tab. “Hey, Gabe!” Gabe, one of the bartenders, turned to you.
“Hey, Y/N!” He went to grab a bottle of your favorite wine to uncork it, but stopped when you held your hand up.
“Just settling up and heading out.” You passed your black AmEx card over the counter to his waiting hand.
“You’re missin’ out, Y/N. The party is just getting started here.” You shook your head at the man.
“Nah, I’m celebrating my best friend’s birthday tonight, so this is her call.” He slid your card back to you, watching you push it into the slots of your clutch. “We’re getting outta here, but that doesn’t mean our party is ending.” You winked at him, meeting up with your companion. You linked arms with her, leading the way through the crowd. It was cold outside, which didn’t mean good things for you because of your almost too short dress. The Uber stopped beside the curb, rolling their window down for you to double check. You climbed in beside your friend, scooting closer to increase your warmth. The ride to your apartment wasn’t too long, thankfully because Uber’s creeped you out, no matter how safe you were.
Walking into your apartment was difficult to say the least. You both were stumbling the entire way to the elevator and then stumbling into your couch cushions. The two of you managed to make it to your bedroom, swapping out your tight garments for some more ill fitting attire. That was not before you took an absurd amount of photos together in your bathroom mirror. You sat across from each other on the black couch in your apartment, sifting through the pictures of the two of you. Your best friend was leaned over your shoulder, watching as you scrolled through.
“Oo! That one!” She pointed at the screen quickly, stopping your scrolling. It was of you holding the phone, leaning backward staring at the phone in your hand. Your best friend was facing you, her bare back displayed from the deep dip in the back of her dress. “We look so hot.” You both shared a look and then burst into a fit of laughter. You posted the picture to your Instagram, tagging your best friend in the corner, wishing her a happy birthday. She slid away from your, covering her lower half with a blanket.
“You want a water?” You asked as you rose from your spot on the couch. She smiled big at you.
“Can I convince you to mix up some margaritas?” Her bottom lip rolled inwards, waiting for  your response. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head before opening your liquor cabinet. You pulled down bottles of triple sec and tequila, reaching into your freezer for the bag of strawberries and limeade. You brought your Ninja Bullet out to make individual margaritas for both you and your drunk friend. Walking back over to her with containers in hand, you plopped opposite her on the couch.
“You’re literally the bestest ever.” She slurped on the drink through her swirly straw. The conversation faded between the two of you, allowing the both of you to go through your socials. “Did you see that Lizzo got a message back from Chris Evans the other day?” You laughed at her question, remembering your reaction to Lizzo’s TikTok.
“Mhm. Can you imagine getting a reply back from one of those hunks of men?” She shook her head while guzzling her margarita.
“I can’t, but I bet you can.” You scrunch your brows at her and she groaned. “You’re a celebrity too, dumbass. Girl, the amount of times that I’ve gotta remind you of that is insane.” You laughed at her, rolling your eyes.
“Babes, just because I’m quote, unquote famous, doesn’t mean that I’m on their level.” She pointed a finger at you.
“Hey, just shoot your shot, Y/N.”
“I literally don’t even know which one I would DM.” Your best friend scoffed loudly.
“Bullshit!” You choked at how loud she yelled. “You don’t know who you would DM? I know who you would DM in a fucking heartbeat.” You looked over at her with raised brows and in unison you said. “Sebastian Stan.” “Sebastian Stan.”
“Mm, he is a six foot tall Romanian God.” You shook your head while fake moaning, your friend laughing in the background. She reached for your phone before you could protest, typing away on your keyboard, smiling mischievously. She thrust the phone back into your hands, the empty DM screen of imsebastianstan on Instagram staring back at you.
“All you gotta do is send something.” She smiled at you while you glanced down at your phone screen nervously. You began typing something quickly then locked the screen, placing it facing downward on your lap, a giggly smile resting on your face. She scooted closer to you, folding her legs up to her chin. “Wait! What did you say?” You unlocked your phone, showing her the screen. She laughed at your message, drinking the rest of her margarita.
y/n.y/l/n: hi, i’m y/n and you’re the love of my life ;) <3
“That’s so fucking good, oh my God.” She glanced at the clock on your phone. “Oh girl, we’ve gotta go to sleep.” You checked it as well, dropping your head into your hands.
“Mhm, you’re right.” You stood from your spot, holding your hand out to your friend to help her up. “Let’s go to sleep.” You both crashed on your king sized mattress underneath your white fluffy duvet. You were about to drift off to sleep, when your best friend’s voice floated into your ears.
“Do you think he’s gonna reply to you?” Her voice was slurring more and more from the amount she drank and the sleep weighing on her mind. You smiled at her, it was a long shot that he would even see it, much less reply.
“We’ll have to see, babes.” She didn’t reply to you as you both fell off into a dreamless abyss.
The sun streaming into your room woke you up in the morning, light hitting your eyelid just right. You blinked harshly, bringing your hand up to block the glare. A groan escaped your lips, stretching out from your best friends grip. “Fuck me.” You held your head in your hand, groaning about the headache blossoming at the nape of your neck. You left the bed, pulling a sweater over your tank top to catch some warmth. You tucked your phone into the waistband of your shorts. You padded into the kitchen, grabbing your Advil bottle, dumping two pills into your hand. You got a glass of water, settling down on the couch after gulping down the headache medicine.
You opened your phone while basically inhaling your water. Your memories of last night were fuzzy, you drank quite a bit. Did you drink too much? Maybe… but did you regret it at all? Not a second of it. You had the best time hanging out with your best friend. You check your Instagram post, replying to several different comments. A red bubble was pinned over your DM button in the corner. You tilted your head in curiosity, wondering who messaged you now. You swiped over, eyes widening at the new message.
imsebastianstan: Hi, Y/N. I’m Sebastian, thank you for professing your love to me.
The feeling of panic running through your veins didn’t last long, A gigantic smile spread accompanied by a giggle. What the fuck do you do now? Your fingers hesitated over the keyboard, thinking through what you want to say back.
y/n.y/l/n: hello sebastian, what do ya say we  figure out if it’s a match :)
You sent the message before you could chicken out, locking the phone shortly after, shoving it in your waistband. You got up, refilling your glass of water, leaning against your granite countertop, tapping your fingers impatiently. You squealed as you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket.
imsebastianstan: What do you have in mind?
y/n.y/l/n: 917-555-0545 <3
Oh my god, you can’t believe you just did that. Holy shit, what are you thinking? Maybe this will all work out in your favor. You really had nothing to lose but your dignity, right? A disturbance in the peace to the right of your caught your attention.
“Why the hell are you up so early? We drank last night, that’s an excuse to sleep in, you fuck baffoon.” Her hair was tousled on top of her head, shirt hanging off one shoulder. You turned your phone around, thrusting it towards her face.
“There’s been recent developments on the Stan front.” Her brows raised, face becoming shocked.
“Oh. My. God. Are you fucking serious?” She snatched the phone away from your hand quickly to scroll through the messages. “You gave him your number?” She yelled at you as she stretched across the couch, laying her head in your lap. Your phone buzzed in her hands and her eyes widened to unbelievable proportions. “Bitch, you just got a text from an unsaved number.”
“Shut the fuck up.” You looked at the phone in her hands. “I didn’t think he was actually going to text me, I sent it as a joke! What’s it say?”
“How are we going to figure this out?” You both shared a look, shrieking enthusiastically. “Y/N! Sebastian Stan texted you!” She jumped up and down on your couch, pulling you up with her.
“What do I say back?” You held the phone against your chest, staring expectantly at your best friend. She shook her head at you.
“Nuh-uh girl. This is all you.” She held her hands up in surrender. You looked down at your keyboard, the blinking cursor waiting for instructions.
“Okay, okay, how ‘bout, ‘discuss over coffee?’” You looked at your best friend for approval, still standing on your couch. You sent the message after she nodded. A message bubble popped up, three blinking dots inside.
There’s a coffee shop on 8th street,  just outside of Washington State Park.
wanna meet up around three?
I’ll be there, Y/N.
You turned to your best friend, holding the phone to your chest. “Babes.” She raised her brows, waiting. “I have a fucking date with Sebastian Stan!” You both squealed, excited for what would happen on your date.
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catalystofthesoul · 2 years
advice from a desert rat
it’s often around 100℉ where I am; I accept it, I live in it, I sleep in it, I love it. But I get it if you don’t.
1. when you tryina rest & its too hot, throw a cushion on the ground and make sure your legs get direct floor contact. Got carpet/still too warm? Back to a wall; preferably one that faces inside the home and doesn’t contact the outdoors. 2. Getting sick?? pour cold water on your head (I’ve used that one to diffuse heatstroke). And for fucks sake; consume salt. Sweat pours it out. Ever wondered why a salt-rimmed tequila limeade is the Drink of the desert?? Same reason chips n’ salsa are legit awesome on hot days. 3. remember this if nothing else: when you flip between hot and cold air your body gets shocked. Sometimes it can be more comfortable to stay in the heat if you can’t find consistent, cool shelter.
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irikahkrios · 3 years
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@spookyvalentine tagged me to do this oc meme for emmett! thanks for the tag!!
Name: emmett richard shepard
Alias(es): none really. his family and partners call him em i guess
Gender: trans male
Age: early thirties for most of the parts of his story that i like to concentrate on lmao (me2/me3)
Birthdate: september 5, 2154. that's right he doesn't have the "canon" shepard birthday in april, he shares my birthday and bioware can't stop me
Place of birth: spaaaace
Hometown: spaaaaace (real answer: various ships lmao he doesn’t set foot on earth until he’s 18)
Spoken language(s): just english i think? though i do enjoy the thought of him learning bits and pieces of his partners' languages so they can communicate at least a little bit without translators. that's cute
Sexuality: bisexual, though i think he's been with more men than women
Occupation: very exhausted space marine at the time of canon, and stage actor and eventually high school drama teacher postcanon.
Eye color: green
Hair color: red
Height: 5'6" and about a half inch
Scars: one across his eyebrow and one under his chin (usually hidden by his beard) from uh. “incidents” with his birth parents, and some others he’s gotten from his military service over the years. they’re all gone after he’s rebuilt, and it fucks him up quite a bit. 
Color: yellow
Hair color: like on a partner? i think he likes dark hair, but it doesn't come up often as he’d rather date nonhumans. on himself he's perfectly fine with his natural ginger
Song: i wouldn't say he's got a favorite song, he listens to a lot of music and it’s kind of hard to pick. but abba's voulez-vous is his favorite album of all time
Food: cheesecake, any kind of potato hash, peaches, barbecue pulled pork 
Drink: red bull, limeade, apple cider, eggnog, cold brew coffee. for alcohol, he loves fruity little cocktails. 
Have They-
Passed university: not before the games, but years postcanon he goes to college to become a teacher
Had sex: boy has he
Had sex in public: almost certainly at least once. since thane doesn't show up at huerta in me3 in my rewritten canon i unfortunately can't take the thane/emmett hospital sex from the actual game as canon, but i do lowkey headcanon thane and irikah as being kinda into public sex and i think they've pulled him into a supply closet somewhere at least once lmao. also i know it doesn't count as public but it's worth mentioning that i think my canon's equivalent of that hospital scene is gonna be emmett/thane/irikah having sex on a table in an empty room at a drell rebellion base on kahje.
Gotten pregnant: once, postcanon!
Kissed a boy: yes
Kissed a girl: yes
Gotten tattoos: not sure? like, emmett definitely seems like the type to have at least one tattoo, but i just haven't been able to think of anything specific so far that really fits. in my pirate fic he does end up with magical glowing tattoos
Gotten piercings: his ears are pierced 
Been in love: yes!! with three people at the same time!!
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: oh god yeah. emmett and irikah, both operating on zero hours of sleep, see each other in the living room at 3 in the morning and are like that spider-man meme
Are They-
A virgin: HAHA NOPE
A cuddler: yes :') he gives great hugs
A kisser: yes!!! a good kisser. though the beard can tickle 
Scared easily: yes, but he's extremely good at pushing the fear down and acting like it isn't there in order to do whatever he has to do.
Jealous easily: nope!
Dominant: assuming this means in bed, lmao not really. he’s more than willing to step into that role if it makes his partner(s) happy though
Submissive: once again assuming this means in bed, um. very :)
In love: yes he is!!
Single: very much not!! he has three (3) entire partners
Random Questions (took out the darker ones bc i'm not really in the proper headspace to answer those)-
Do they have / have they had a job: space marine but just for the healthcare. at 18 he was like fuck the military but i would like to not have tits please :) and then he just never left 
Have any fears: anything involving his bodily autonomy being taken away (part of why he hates liara so much), losing people he cares about, and thresher maws.
Sibling(s): 4 adoptive siblings, 2 older (flint and cynthia) and 2 younger (clark and eloise). he also counts his clone, dick (who survives in my canon), as a sort of sibling in a weird way. often introduces him to people as his brother, when he doesn’t feel like answering all the questions that spring from “my clone who cerberus grew for spare parts when rebuilding me, who escaped and eventually tried to kill and replace me but i saved his life and helped him realize he could become his own person so we’re cool now and he comes over for holiday dinner every year.” he gets so used to introducing dick as his brother that i think at one point he accidentally introduces him as such to his siblings. 
Parent(s): his adoptive moms, hannah and natalie shepard. there's also technically his shitty birth parents if you wanna count them, but he killed his dad in self-defense with his biotics at 12 and hasn't seen his bio mom since being taken away by child protective services afterwards.
Children: two postcanon! his son norius (turian) and daughter juniper (human)
Significant other: his husbands garrus and thane and wife irikah :’)
Pet(s): a few cats postcanon! i have never bought any of the fish or the hamster in-game
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elekinetic · 5 years
do they vape? taz balance editon
magnus: hell no! vaping is bad for you
taako: yes. has a bedazzled holographic vape pen with a fuzzy keychain on the end. tries to do smoke rings and shit but can’t so he tries to magic it but fails miserably. has never been more frustrated in his life
barry: occasionally. was peer pressured into it a couple of times. if he’s drunk and the flavor is strawberry pinapple limeade, he might. it makes his stomach hurt edit: he does chainsmoke but does not vape. call him old fashioned (taako: or just old!)(barry: what the fuck man you’re literally like 150 years older than me what)
davenport: doesn’t vape! is actually straight-edge because this goddamn gnome is high on LIFE
merle: this little dwarf can fit so many goddamn juuls in it. merle vapes like there is no tomorrow. he has a portable rig that he can pop open from his bag of holding that is at least 4 by 4 feet large. also a master of vape tricks. knows how to do nearly everything just by watching someone do it once. taako flips his SHIT. it turns into the “adam” vine but seriously violent. the magnus-arm-crystal incident is nearly forgotten. (nearly)
lucretia: does not vape. knows it’s terrible for her (girl lost 20 years already) and also: smoke a doobie like a real man. she does smoke weed and one time merle walked in on her hotboxing one of the closets in her office and immediately pulled out a bong. (tears were shed.)
lup: vapes and only vapes to do tricks in front of taako since he can’t. other than that, she does not vape.
angus: that is a CHILD sir no way. also, angus took it upon himself to steal as many peoples vapes as he could (why the hell are they smoking these!! didn’t they read the articles i showed them??) lup did not notice, barry’s vape is expired, taako caught angus trying to take his and merle’s shit is soul bound to him so
kravitz: nah. not into the whole drug thing. also doesn’t need it bc his breath is already so cold that he always looks like he’s vaping
killian: does not vape
carey: does not vape, but is obsessed with those liquid nitrogen ice creams that make it look like you’re vaping bc she wants to do tricks. her and magnus spend 18 hours straight at the new shop when it opens in neverwinter.
lucas: yes oh my god this fool invented a new type of vape pen that he tried to get everyone at the bureau to try. taako stopped vaping for a month to spite him.
other people who vape: that weird gerblin from htbg, juicy wizard, jenkins, cassidy, paloma, the prince guy of neverwinter, lydia and edward, john hunger, avi, johann
others who don’t: klaarg, sloane and hurley, captain captain bane, no-3LL3 (she’s a robot!!), roswell, istus
special shoutout to the inventor of the vape himself and the only person or being that can rival merle’s usage/addiction:
garfield the deals warlock
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24hour-blues · 4 years
all the ones you haven't answered yet? i'm sorry you're sad💙
thank you, that's very sweet. i hope you're doing alright 💛
1. when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? - more milk. i always end up putting too much.
2. do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? - yes
3. what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? - library receipts, post-its, junk mail, pencils
5. are you self-conscious of your smile? - i think it’s one of the few things i’m not self-conscious about, actually. i like my smile.
8. what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? - writing, often poetry but sometimes prose. i like creating playlists, too, and singing.
9. do you like singing/humming to yourself? - yeah, i sing to myself all the time. whatever song i have stuck in my head at the moment.
10. do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? - side, but very occasionally my stomach.
12. what’s your favorite planet? - jupiter
14. if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? - lots of pillows and blankets of all types. succulents and cacti on the windowsills. wooden utensils and dark cabinets in the kitchen. a breakfast bar with stools that don’t match. rugs with funky patterns. a big, soft couch in a bright color that you can sink into. a small balcony with fold-out chairs. rows of mugs and barely any plates. the bathroom crowded with makeup and skin products, writing on the mirror in blue marker. beds never made. a guitar in the corner of the sitting room.
15. go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! - there are more trees on earth than stars in the milky way
16. what’s your favorite pasta dish? - angel hair pasta with puttanesca sauce
18. tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. - i can’t think of anything...
19. do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? - everything. sometimes it’s big things, sometimes small. my fears and what i’m in love with. regrets. shame. hope.
20. what’s your favorite eye color? - grey
21. talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. - idk if it’s really my favorite, but my current backpack took me all through college and it’s good for storing stuff or using as an overnight bag. it’s from timberland and is a nice earthy brown with a flap over the top. lots of pockets.
22. are you a morning person? - i can be
23. what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? - make breakfast and tea. read or watch a movie that makes me rethink everything
25. what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? - a school, i think?
26. what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? - i haven’t had them forever, but i wear my doc martens with everything. i used to wear plain white keds with everything.
27. what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? - winter green
28. sunrise or sunset? - sunrise
30. think of it: have you ever been truly scared? - yes
31. what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. - i like soft, fluffy socks and ones with fun patterns. i love hiking socks. i don’t wear them to sleep tho.
32. tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. - i went to a waffle house at 5am with a friend and some friends of hers i’d just met on her birthday. we were all really drunk, the food took forever, and it tasted awful, but we were happy and laughing.
33. what’s your fave pastry? - probably a cinnamon roll
35. do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? - i like a good calligraphy pen and new notebooks. i don’t use them often; i feel like i don’t have anything important enough to write.
37. do you like keeping your room messy or clean? - it’s usually clean unless i’m not feeling well. sometimes i get disorganized.
38. tell us about your pet peeves! - overlapping conversations. people interrupting others. loud mouth noises, like chewing or licking. people criticizing my driving. nitpicky comments on my clothes or how i look. being talked about.
39. what color do you wear the most? - black, probably.
41. what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? - how it feels to float by helena fox
42. do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! - nope
43. who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? - i’m not sure
44. when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? - i can’t remember
45. do you trust your instincts a lot? - not really
46. tell us the worst pun you can think of. - i can’t remember it but something about pigeons and being coo-l
47. what food do you think should be banned from the universe? - bacon. i just wanna make people angry.
48. what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? - my dad told me a story once, about when i was a kid. he said that he and i were walking together near the lake in the neighborhood across from mine. i was holding his hand, and i said to him that this was the happiest time in my life because i wouldn't be the same when i grew out of being a child. i think i have the same fear now--that i'll never be that happy again.
49 do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
- i like records but i only have one. it's an album by ccr. i really like them
50. what’s an odd thing you collect?
- beer bottle caps
52. what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
- maybe those "girl..." text posts that just say stupid shit
53. have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
- watched them all but pulp fiction. i don't really remember heathers at all
55. what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
- lets not talk about that
57. go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
- not in the mood sorry
58. who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? - bri is wine mom. quincy and i are vodka aunt.
60. do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
- yes but i rarely remember favorites. i read so much and feel it then forget all the words
61. what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
- someone gave me a rock once. i get too nervous to give stupid gifts
62. do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
- orange or cranberry
63. are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
- i'm more fussy about music than books, but i do like my books organized. i like them worn in and well-read tho, not in perfect shape.
64. what color is the sky where you are right now?
- a fuzzy, light blue-grey. it's snowing
65. is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
- a few
66. what would your ideal flower crown look like?
- lots of green leaves in all different shapes and sizes. tiny white and blue flowers.
67. how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
- isolated and insignificant. safe
68. what’s winter like where you live?
- cold, grey, snowy.
69. what are your favorite board games?
- idk if i really too many board games. maybe cranium. i like puzzles more
71. what’s your favorite kind of tea?
- honey vanilla chamomile
72. are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
- yea and even then i forget.
73. what are some of your worst habits?
- i give up too easily
74. describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
- excitable. emotional. so very smart. creative as all hell. self-conscious where they shouldn't be. never runs out of words in the best way. loves to share.
75. tell us about your pets!
- my dog shiver is turning into a little old man, but he still acts like a puppy. he likes attention and whines to communicate. he'll greet you at the door and put his front paws on your thighs to say hi. follows you all around the house. loves to cuddle.
- my pigeon spirit is young and vocal. she coos for attention. when i go to sleep, she grunts every time i move to ask where i am and if i'm okay. i take showers with her and sit on the tile; she puffs up right into my side and sticks her wings out for me to splash water on her. she likes to be close to me to get neck scritches and push her head into my neck and preen every bit of me she can.
76. is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
- a lot probably
77. pink or yellow lemonade?
- limeade
78. are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
- i dunno they're cute
80. what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
- it's white wallpaper with pink roses along the top and ribbons of pink and green striped vertically. my mom chose it before i was born.
81. describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
- they sort of remind me of dark water where everything is reflected back in it--not just the sky but the trees and people walking--and they make you want to look closer because you know there's something in there, it's not just a reflection, like flat glass. but it's hidden until you dio your hand in the pictures broken.
82. are/were you good in school?
- pretty good
83. what’s some of your favorite album art?
- i don't look at albums
85. do you read comics? what are your faves?
- not really, but watchmen is one of my favorites.
86. do you like concept albums? which ones?
- dunno
88. are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
- um. idrk. i like whatever monet was doing.
91. where do you plan on traveling this year?
- maybe michigan
92. are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
- i like cheese
93. what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
- i just kind of. let it do whatever.
94. who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
- my uncle
95. what are your plans for this weekend?
- honestly have no clue
96. do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
- put them off until windows tells me it's restarting the computer in five minutes
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
- mb
98. when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
- in college with jacob, although i wouldn't really call it joking. we just walked through a state park. it was beautiful.
100. if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
- idk. i feel like i'd make the same mistakes if i went back, but the future scares me.
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danetobelieve · 4 years
Friday Night Frights || Ariana and Winston
Ariana found herself eager to be getting out of the house this Friday evening. It’d be nice to have a friend who wasn’t immediately moving away in a few months like most of her teammate’s were after graduation. She left her house around 6:30 PM and the everlasting night thing still seemed to be going on. Her curiosity was piqued with this whole incident, but she doubted there was much she could do to help. She was a werewolf, not a witch or whatever other species could have caused this. It was chilly with the long term lack of sunshine so she opted to wear her favorite leather jacket that Celeste had gotten her for her birthday. It was just before seven as she found herself outside the entrance to Nightshade Farmer’s Market. She scanned the crowd, but didn’t see Winston quite yet, so she grabbed a spot on a bench right beside the entrance. 
Everything was kind of wild right now, Winston hadn’t been expecting for the sun to disappear for such a long time and in that time they found themselves wishing more and more that it would return. Yet here they were despite that and life went on. Somehow, a farmers market that only took place during the night seemed like the perfect place for them, so they had decided to make the time for it that they needed. Besides this Ariana girl seemed cool. Spotting what they thought was her on a bench, Winston strode over. For the time of year it was pretty cold, colder then they had expected. Pulling their denim jacket tighter around them, Winston pulled their hoodie over their head. “Hey, Ariana right?” Winston asked with a smile, “I’m Winston, the math dude from the internet.”
As they approached, Ariana stood up and offered a warm smile and said, “Good to meet you in person, Winston, although we may need to work on a better title than math dude from the internet.” She gestured toward the entrance and said, “Shall we?” The pair walked through the entrance and Ariana found herself immediately hit with a wave of different and interesting smells. With the full moon only a few days away, all of her senses and strength were at near peak performance. There were definitely other supernatural beings here, but she shoved that curiosity aside for the time being. She was eager to make a new friend and Winston seemed like they were good people. A quick scan of the market floor left her a little surprised with the variety. Was that a blood stand she spotted off in the distance? She saved that thought for later and led them towards a produce stand that was at the front entrance. She turned and asked them, “Was there anything you were hoping to find while we’re here? I’m not too sure on what all the stands are. The website was a little vague.” 
“I’m not sure that I need a title, to be honest I kinda panicked and said the very first thing that came into my head, Math isn’t even the original love of my life so … awkward y’know.” Winston smiled in return and shrugged gently. “It’s nice to meet you too though.” They followed after her, heading through the entrance and immediately was taken aback by the variety here. They were sure that sign actually did say blood stand and not something else and Winston was starting to wonder why this market was held at night, every week, all the time. It seemed weird. But then there was also stalls selling hummus, stalls selling fresh crepes, there was a stall that only sold pickled goods and then of course stalls and stalls full of fresh fruit and vegetables. “Uh, I mean not really, I’ve always heard about this place, one of my high school friend’s little sister is now a chef at this fancy restaurant in town and she swears by the produce that they have here, but this is my first time and I guess I was just curious.” That sign definitely read blood stall and those vials of dark viscous liquid had to be … Winston was sure that they couldn’t have really got a permit for that.
Ariana found herself glancing back towards the stand with blood and noticed Winston had been eyeing it too. The sign on the stand definitely advertised as much. She wondered if it was human or not, but knew she couldn’t muse about it outloud. She laughed over their musing over the title of math dude. “No worries,” she assured, “I didn’t mind it.” She could understand and found it refreshing anyway. Genuine people were always good to have around. She scanned over the produce at the stand in front of her and didn’t see any black garlic, but there were some watermelons a few stands down that caught her eye. It’d been awhile since she made watermelon limeade and it was one of Celeste’s favorites. She turned to Winston and said, “That’s fair enough. Farmers markets tend to have the best varieties. I’ve always liked visiting them wherever we’ve lived. Plus, you get to support local vendors.” She scanned the area and saw a variety of different vendors. Her stomach rumbled a little bit at the smell of parsley and garlic floating through the air. “Aside from the fancy garlic, I wanted to shop around a bit for produce. Don’t really have a list either, but those watermelons look great. We could also grab a bite if any of the prepared food stands call to you,” she said.
As they slowly made their way through the farmer’s market, Winston spotted more and more weird things. There was a stall with birds in cages that Winston didn’t recognise, the birds not the cage. “So you’re kind of new to town then?” Winston asked curiously as they mentioned wherever they had lived, “when did you get to town?” They had to admit that they were curious as to whether all of things that they had previously taken for granted about White Crest were really things that were normal or whether they are things that were unique to White Crest. “I’m always down to try food from a food stall if there is one that is worth trying, but I get you. It’s nice to try niche little things like this and try support local business too.” They raised an eyebrow gently and nodded. “I’m sure my roommate would love it if I brought us all back some fruit from the market to share.” They eyed the watermelons and turned to Ariana. “Wanna give them a go and see if there is any good ones there?” They wished that there was someone here who actually knew anything about produce and what good produce was. 
The more they explored the market, the more Ariana became sure this wasn’t your run of the mill farmer’s market. There was definitely something off with the little birds they were passing by. Then again, she wasn’t much of a bird watcher. She saw a stand across the way that surely had to be supplies for spells. It’s shelves were lined with jars that appeared to be filled with different animal parts and rows of crystals. Everyone seemed unfazed though. Maybe that was part of White Crest’s charm. She returned her attention back to their conversation and said, “Yep, we got here just in time for me to start my senior year off.” She scanned the area, but none of the prepared food was quite calling to her yet. “If we pass anything that looks good, we’ll try it out. It’s for sure nice to help out the community. Plus, these places usually have the best prices on organic produce and some pretty cool specialty items.” She turned to them before stepping toward the watermelon stand. “These do look nice and I think your roommates and my sister will both approve. Bit of a bitch to carry around, but I came prepared,” she said while pulling out a variety of large canvas tote bags she’d gotten from previous markets. She began picking out the watermelons, looking for slightly paler spots on them that indicated they were good. They all felt heavy for their weight which was always a good sign. She turned to them and asked, “How many did you want for you and your roommates?” 
Winston followed Ariana’s gaze and spotted the stall selling what appeared to be various spell components. Winston sighed gently, it was a shame but they weren’t going to risk any odd questions by going over and looking at it. They could probably try and play it off as basic curiosity or some interest in the occult, but Winston knew that they were a terrible liar and this farmers market was around every weekend, they could come on their own another time. “Where were you before? Do you move around a lot or is this just like an occasional thing?” They looked at the rows of watermelons and then watched Ariana. They weren’t exactly sure how she was judging the watermelons, but there seemed to be some kind of method to it. Winston just wasn’t sure what it was. They weren’t about to admit that, and armed with a canvas tote bag they stepped alongside their newfound companion and attempted to mimic what she was doing. Spotting a watermelon that looked … well like a watermelon, they scooped it up and slipped it into the canvas bag. As they did so, they couldn’t help but notice the red spots alongside the green . Weird. “Uh, I don’t think we’ll even eat a whole one of these before it goes bad.” The roommate story was of course a lie, this watermelon was basically just for Winston as Ricky didn’t eat anything other then meat due to their selkie physiology. Winston wasn’t sure how they hadn’t picked up on it sooner, in hindsight after living with Ricky for several years, they’d never seen them eat anything other than meat or fish. Never. They’d just assumed they were fussy or on a keto diet. Or both. “I can’t believe I’ve never been here before.”
As Ariana picked the perfect melon and stuffed it away into her tote bag, she wondered what the best way to answer Winston’s question would be. Her childhood had been far from normal. Most people moved maybe once or twice, if that. She was sure to keep an air of nonchalance as she responded, “My sister and I moved around as a lot. Usually every few months. Most recently before White Crest we were living just outside of Dallas, Texas in a town called Flower Mound.” There were parts of her that wished it hadn’t been as much, but she found herself in White Crest now and she had to believe it was for a reason. She slung the tote bag with her watermelon over her shoulder and handed some cash to the woman selling the fruit before returning her attention to Winston. She let out a chuckle. “That’s fair, they are huge. Bigger than most I’ve seen.” The market definitely had a pretty decent crowd for taking place at night. Most others she’d been to had almost always been early weekend mornings. “Yeah, it’s pretty cool. There are definitely some stands that are very unique to White Crest though.” When they walked by a stand that had lobster rolls, she had to stop. She looked over at Winston, “How do lobster rolls sound?” 
Hefting the tote bag that Ariana had armed Winston knew that they were going to spend the whole time moving the bag from one shoulder to another. But that was just the way that it was meant to be. Swallowing, they shrugged. “How come you moved around so much?” they asked curious as to whether there was a reason that they had been required to move so much, “Is it just the two of you now?” They weren’t trying to be nosey, they were just curious. “You must be really good at making friends now if you move around so much.” Winston raised an eyebrow and laughed. “Yeah, I’m going to have to find some watermelon related recipes for this bad boy, or I’ll have to freeze a bunch of it or something.” As Ariana suggested lobster rolls, Winston’s stomach rumbled and they made their way over to the stand. “Lobster rolls sound amazing right now,” they reached into their jacket and pulled out their wallet, “can I get two large ones please?” they asked the person running the stall. Their bag shuddered in anticipation of their meal. Wait, why was their bag shuddering? Looking down, their watermelon sat calmly, red spots and all.
Shifting the tote bag on her shoulder, Ariana found herself glad the full moon was only a few days out. Two weeks ago and this bag would have been way too heavy for her to carry around the market. She looked over to Winston who was shifting their bag as well. Maybe they should have stopped back for the watermelons at the end of their shopping trip. Ariana held her bag close and said, “The moving a lot was more out of necessity, it’s a long story. My parents died when I was really young so it’s always been me and Celeste.” She doubted Winston would understand being on the run from hunters even though she’d never hurt anyone. Being born a wolf, she had pretty good control over her wolf form and Celeste had always supervised her during full moons though that was more to protect her than it was to protect others. She smiled a little bit at their comment on her being good at making friends. She definitely wasn’t shy. She responded, “You could say that. I’m good with meeting new people and chatting. It’s a little harder to maintain friendships with the moves.” Truthfully, not keeping in touch with friends she made was something Celeste insisted on. If they had been caught in one place, they couldn’t risk giving their new location away. She shook the thought of friends left behind away and turned to the older gentleman serving lobster rolls. “I’ll take two large rolls as well.” She swore she felt her bag jerk on her shoulder, but she figured she lost her grip. Once they had their sandwiches paid for and in hand, she pointed over to an area of mostly empty area filled with what was likely a different array of brightly colored plastic tables. She could pick up on the yellows, but all the other tones were muted. It looked like a nice quiet spot to chat and enjoy their lobster rolls. As they settled into their table she asked, “Did you grow up in White Crest?” 
Winston was starting to wish that they’d brought Ricky with them, if for nothing more then the fact that there friend was muscular as fuck and would’ve managed this just fine. Probably for both of them. Although Ariana didn’t seem like she was struggling as much as they felt like they were, they guessed that was because she played sports and Winston could barely climb stairs without breaking a sweat. “Oh, that’s … that’s shit I’m sorry that you and Celeste had to deal with that.” Winston couldn’t imagine what a life without parents was like and yet so many people that they knew had experienced it. “I guess it’s more difficult to maintain everything if you’re dealing with the move and can’t see people, but then again it’s not like you’re stuck writing letters like you would’ve been a hundred years ago. Technology is amazing for keeping in contact. None of my siblings live in state anymore and my parents make us all get on a call together every week or so, it’s a nice way of keeping in touch.” Honestly, Winston had been buying a lobster roll for Ariana, but as she ordered for herself, Winston just raised their eyebrows, flashed a quick smile and bit into their roll. The savoury flavour of it was truly delicious and Winston decided that they would definitely be coming back here, for both magical supplies and to pig out on lobster rolls. Following her over to the table, they settled down opposite her and began to struggle through the first lobster roll, already aware that they would have to save the second for another time. “Uh, yeah, been here my whole life, went to school here, then middle school, then high school, then undergrad and now I’m doing my postgrad, not really sure why but this place has always made me want to stick around.” 
The moment that people realized she had a past that was sadder than most was something Ariana had grown used to. Always being on the move, she had to have this very conversation at least a hundred times. “Thanks,” she said, “A part of me will always miss my parents, but I count myself lucky to have Celeste.” Biting into her lobster roll, she thought about what they had said. Of course, keeping in touch now was easier than it used to be, but disappearing was safer. A huge part of her hoped she and Celeste never had to disappear again. As nice as it was sitting here getting to know a new friend, she longed for a day where she could call her new friends old friends. She shook the thought and said, “Yeah, you’re right. There’s a lot of ways to keep in touch with friends these days.” Listening to them talk about growing up and continuing to live in this town brought a relaxed grin to Ariana’s face in between bites. “It’s because it’s home,” she said simply. It was a feeling she got upon first arriving here although her reasoning may have had more to do with being able to sense other werewolves like her. They had settled into comfortable conversation while they ate and all was going well. Ariana decided to try her chances with asking them what they thought about the supernatural stories in town. Worst case scenario, they thought it was all stories. They definitely didn’t seem like a hunter. “What do you make of all the folklore in town?” As she finished her question, she felt some at her foot. She glanced down and was immediately bewildered to see the watermelons had chewed through the tote bags and one was gnawing on her favorite pair of boots. “What the fuck?” she jumped and yelled. She quickly lifted her foot and stomped down on the one using her shoe as a chew toy which sent it scurrying a few inches away from her with a slightly cracked exterior. 
“Of course, no one can replace your parents, no matter how often they spend looking after you.” Winston chewed on their lobster roll as they listened to Ariana. For someone so young she seemed to have really lived a life, one that was different from Winston. They hoped that they hadn’t been forced to move about due to the Supernatural. The more that they met people in the world of the weird and wonderful, the more that they became aware of just how many people’s lives were affected by this world that they lived in. People moved around, people ran away, people had their life heavily impacted by the supernatural and so often it was completely out of their control. “I guess, it has always worked staying here and even though a lot of my friends and a lot of my siblings have all left the town, I don’t really feel the need yet.” Not to mention now that they knew about the supernatural there was just so much learning that they had left that was so easy to do here. There were so many spellcasters and the Scribes library and, “yeah it’s definitely home, I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere any time soon.” They considered Ariana’s question and frowned. “Uh, the folklore is really interesting, some people take it a bit too far you know, sometimes they’re like way too into it and cosplaying it and I guess ultimately who am I to judge others people's hobbies right,” Great avoid Winston, great avoid. They were about to elaborate on their opinion when they too felt the tote bag squirm and something tore a chunk out of their jeans. Winston just about managed to stop themself from squealing as they wriggled away from the bag and kicked it rolling away from them. No one seemed to notice, but their water melon had developed teeth and was currently trying to eat them. “What the fuck?” they said concerned, “What the actual fuck? THE FRUIT NOW TOO? Really?”
Of all the weird things out there in the world, Ariana never expected to see fanged watermelon trying to chomp at her. If Winston’s avoidance of the topic hadn’t given away their knowledge of the supernatural, their response to the watermelon definitely did. Fruit being practically a vampire was pretty wild and that was coming from a werewolf. A low growl came from the melon and she knew they had to smash these things quickly. Clearly, they weren’t friendly, given they were planning on eating the fruit before they knew it was going to get toothy with them. “Well, these have to be the best cosplayers I’ve ever seen,” she said with a laugh while trying to keep a careful eye on both watermelons. The one she was focused on was rolling about and she found her balance being thrown off by the other one knocking her other foot. She caught herself and raised her left foot down to give the melon a stomp with all her strength put into smashing the top half of the fruit into pieces.  
With the watermelon’s teeth still wrapped up in their jeans, Winston struggled away from it and collapsed away from the table. The watermelon rolled towards them, the entire thing basically unhinging in half with a row of teeth ringing the top and bottom of the ‘mouth’. They were in that moment perhaps the sharpest teeth that Winston had ever seen and they weren’t about to see how it felt to have them envelope their limbs or face. But the thing was snapping at them and Winston was struggling to keep it away from their face. “I don’t think this is a cosplay, and if it is then I really need to get tips on their makeup because I don’t know anyone who can so convincingly pull off a vampiric fruit.” 
Ariana looked down at the fruit in front of her and made sure to smash the other half for good measure. She wasn’t sure of the specifics on vampire fruit, but she didn’t want this thing respawning and trying to turn them into a snack again. If it weren’t for the chompy melon rolling around Winston’s feet, she would have laughed at their response. They seemed to be keeping a good distance. “Glad we’re on the same page with that then. I’ve yet to see any YouTube tutorials for how to turn yourself into a vampire melon.” With one last look, she concluded her own melon was thoroughly dead. 
As Winston felt the thing get a little bit too close for their own comfort, they felt their survival reflex take over. There was that familiar surge of energy, then the calmness and stillness that always accompanied magic. The serenity. The feeling of peace, as if everything was right with the world. “Oh definitely,” they managed to say as they felt energy surge up their arm and explode into the watermelon, causing Winston to be drenched in watermelon goop as the thing they had been trying to keep from eating them exploded. They even felt a tooth embed itself in their forearm, which they pulled out with a wince. “Fuck, that was weird as hell right? It just … exploded on its own.” 
Just as Ariana was going over to give them a hand with the remaining watermelon, it blew up without Winston even touching it. There definitely had to be some sort of spell or other energy used to make it just burst like that. Winston tried to play it off as if the watermelon just exploded on its accord. She was dumbfounded that they thought that would go over her head and looked to them with a brow raised high. “Right, I don’t know that much about vampire watermelons, but I’m pretty sure they don’t just explode on their own.” Ariana softened her features a bit to try and level with them. Head tilted with a slight smirk on her now watermelon coated face she said, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell anyone. I think it’s cool you can clearly do some sort of magic.” 
Winston’s mouth opened and closed as they reached up and wiped a huge chunk of water melon off of their face and glasses, before pulling their glasses off altogether and polishing them vigorously with the end of their also watermelon soaked t-shirt. Their mind was going into overdrive trying to think of how they could justify this one. They had nothing. “Until today I didn’t know that vampire watermelons even existed,” Winston pointed out as they did their best to lie through this situation, “so- I mean- it isn’t that unreasonable to think that they could just- they explode on their own clearly,” they signed and shrugged. “Okay, you got me, I can do ‘magic’ but I’m basically brand new so don’t expect any world ending magic from me anytime soon,” they slipped their glasses back onto their face before continuing, “and from the lack of surprise about the fact magic exists I guess you know about the weird and wonderful world that really is White Crest?” 
Ariana left out a breathy laugh as Winston tried to continue on with their story of the watermelon simply exploding. Maybe this world was fairly new to them. She’d been a wolf her whole life and vampire watermelon was still way out of league for things she thought were actually possible. A small smirk stayed on her face even as they admitted to recently taking up magic. “Man, and here I thought we were ready to take on the world,” she said with a small chuckle. “It looks like there’s much more to the weird and wonderful world of White Crest than I thought there was. But yeah, I know about the supernatural presence here.” She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should mention her own supernatural abilities to them. They had just shared their secret with her so it wasn’t like they would think she was totally insane. She scanned the area and took a breath before saying, “I can sense the presence of certain things because of what I am, too. If I tell you, promise not to like, totally freak? I’m not dangerous and scary or anything like that.” 
Raising an eyebrow, Winston sighed. “We’re definitely not ready to take on the world,” some days Winston wondered if they should even be leaving the house at all, they knew that they couldn’t be ruled by fear but this world sucked and there was so much chance that things would really go wrong. Something that Winston wasn’t sure that they were ready to take on something that they definitely didn’t want to discover. Yet they had no choice but to get every morning and face the world. Something that they still begrudged existence of. “White Crest is like the hell mouth out of Buffy, if it is weird and if it is dangerous and might want to tear your face off indiscriminately then there is a very good chance that it’ll be here. Whether you like it or not.” They swallowed, they loved the new world that they had discovered in some ways, but they hated it in others.” They looked at her and raised an eyebrow. This was very you show me yours and I’ll show you mine but they weren’t about to complain about someone being honest for once. “Okay, so you’re not just human either, that’s cool, I can hang, as long as you’re not like a serial killer.” Their roommate was a seal after all, what could be weirder than that?
The reference to Buffy went a little over Ariana’s head. She’d heard of the show and it popped up on her suggested on Netflix every once and awhile, but she hadn’t given it a watch yet. “I haven’t actually seen Buffy, but I think the word hell mouth speaks for itself. Let’s hope no more fruit betrays us though, especially not strawberries. If I get attacked by one of my favorite foods, I may be scarred.” Winston seemed like they could handle the truth of what she was. She definitely wasn’t a serial killer, she wasn’t even a regular killer so she was sure she felt confident Winston would be open to her truth. Running a hand still somewhat nervously through her hair, she finally said, “No serial killers here. I’m a werewolf, which sounds a lot scarier than it is. It’s something I was born with so I’m pretty in tune with wolf form.” It kind of felt nice to admit what she was. Her shoulders relaxed a bit and she let go of the tension she hadn’t even realized she had been carrying. She watched Winston closely to see how they took the news. 
“Oh, sorry for your loss but you’ve still got time to watch it, but fair warning, it’s very … 90’s.” Winston smiled and nodded. “The more that I learn about this shit, the more that I realise that there is a tonne of shit that isn’t normal and actually ruins … well experiences lets say.” Winston paused for a moment longer before continuing. “Which reminds me, stay away from the back alleys of that mime cafe, I found a weird mime monster thing there and it was no good for me and I would hate for it to be no good for you either.” Winston’s jaw fell slack when this girl said that she was a werewolf. They’d known werewolves were real. After all that’s why there were hunters, to hunt that sort of thing. But they’d never actually met a werewolf. Their eyes went wide and they opened and closed their mouth several times before finally managing something. “That’s really fucking cool…” they trailed off before standing and dusting the remaining vampire watermelon fragments off of themself. “Tell me more whilst I browse this magic stand that I was too nervous to try and lie about why I was looking at earlier.” Winston might as well make the most of the opportunity whilst they still could. 
A wave of relief and joy hit Ariana as Winston openly accepted what she was. They may have been a bit shocked, but overall, they were okay with what she was. There was no doubt in her mind that they’d be great friends. She was a bit thrown off at the mention of mimes. What the hell was with this town and mimes anyway? “Trust me, I plan on staying far away from anything to do with mimes. Their makeup is creepy and a mime monster sounds way worse than a vampire watermelon.” She found herself curious about what else White Crest had to offer in terms of supernatural species as they made way toward the magic stand. “You know, normally I’d say you could have played it off by just thinking occult stuff was cool, but from our conversations so far, I can tell lying isn’t your strong point. Which is a good thing.” She gazed over the jars lining the shelves of the magic shop without really understanding what their capabilities were. Magic was something she had not looked too much into although she was sure Celeste had. Absentmindedly running her hands along a row of jars, she explained, “The whole full moon transformation thing is true. Celeste has always supervised and I have a good grip on my wolf form. It’s liberating to run free under the full moon. I do heal pretty quickly and have a good immune system. I’m colorblind which is common for wolves and the closer it is to a full moon, the stronger I am physically… which helped with smashing watermelons. How’d you figure out you could do magic?” 
When you lived with someone who had seal skin and could slip into it at will, your best friend was a spellcaster, your other best friend could see ghosts and sometimes move kitchen equipment with their mind and you’d met fairies, well Winston was being forced to be more open minded about this world then they would’ve expected that they would’ve been otherwise. “Yeah, I would recommend that you give the mimes a miss, not worth the time or the terrifying amount of energy it takes to get away from them. They’re awful. The worst.” Winston hated mimes. “That was exactly the thought process that I had!” Winston replied, “I was looking at it and I was like definitely could try and lie my way through this one but it doesn’t ever really work out for me, I’m so bad at coming up with believable stories. Yeah. So, I was going to come back, but, not this time apparently, which is nice.” They weren’t sure that they were so much of a fan of the farmers market after they had been allowed to buy vampire watermelons. “Celeste is your sister? Is she a werewolf too? I’ve done a bit of reading into werewolves, more out of interest or anything, is it cool to ask if you were bitten or born a werewolf? Or is that like more of an offensive term?” They weren’t really sure what was supernaturally politically correct. “I was at a party that the Computer Science faculty holds at the beginning of every year, they call it poker chips not microchips or something equally dumb, anyway, some giant dog thing, I’m sure it has a real name but I don’t know what it is, it like jumped out at me and tried to brutally injure me and I guess my body freaked out and used magic. Then I kept getting put in compromising situations and I’d accidentally use magic, I eventually got together with some more experienced spellcasters and they’ve been helping me get better but it’s only been a few months and it’s all really … hit and miss.” 
Ariana found there was something incredibly freeing about being able to openly talk with a friend about all things supernatural. All over town, it seemed like a whisper no one really wanted to delve into. No one knew who knew what or who was potentially dangerous. But this, this was nice. Even explaining who Celeste was to her and what happened didn’t seem all that daunting. Picking up a couple of jade colored crystals that looked more decorative than practical she responded, “So, biologically, Celeste isn’t actually my sister. Her parents were hunters. I’d say it’s a long story, but it really isn’t. On her first hunt with her parents, they went after my family. Celeste abandoned hunting and rescued me. We’ve kind of been on the run from her parents ever since which is why we’ve moved so much.” She set the crystals down and ran a hand through her hair. Talking about what happened to her parents always gave her a little bit of anxious energy, but she wanted to share this story. “Celeste is totally family, though. I’m not even sure if that’s an offensive thing to ask, I’ve only just begun to meet others like me. I was born a werewolf though and I have no problems with what I am even if we’ve always been on the run from hunters. I know I’m a good person.” Ariana listened intently as Winston described their discovery of their magic. That had to be pretty scary. At least for her, being a wolf was all she had ever known so transformations and senses were never a surprise. She offered them a soft smile and said, “That had to be overwhelming at first. I’m glad you’re working with other spellcasters though. With time and practice, I’m sure you’ll get very comfortable with it. Plus, it’s good you have a solid way of protecting yourself. Are you enjoying learning how to use magic?” 
Raising an eyebrow at the story that Ariana had to tell, Winston couldn’t help but admit that they found it not only a little far-fetched (though they believed it, it seemed too ridiculous to make up), but they were terrified to imagine that was something that she had been through. It wasn’t really something that they had really considered but it was something that they would probably have to start getting used to. Everything in this world seemed hell bent on killing one another, whether Winston liked it or not. “Sure, I mean, honestly I’m so new to all of this that I really don’t know what is cool to say and what isn’t…” they shrugged and trailed off, “I never got how being something other than human made you not a good person, it seemed to me that it was always your actions which should decide whether you’re good or not. But if you just know, then you just know, just because you’re not the same as me doesn’t mean you’re not good you know.” They weren’t sure if maybe they were innocent and naive that had of course been a consideration throughout all of this, maybe they were just ignorant. “It was terrifying, had two weeks of denial and then couldn’t deny these clear things anymore and had to accept the truth, learning magic is really tricky but it’s a lot of fun. It’s more scary when I fuck it up though, always worried I’ll get it really wrong one day and hurt someone…”
It dawned on Ariana that coming across supernatural species and discovering a power later in life had to be tricky. Still, Winston showed an incredible amount of understanding which she was grateful for. In the world they lived in, that was a rare thing to find. “Well, you won’t offend me at least.” She shrugged and added, “Thanks, by the way, it’s nice to not be judged for the species I was born. I try to keep an open mind myself, though I’m a bit wary of hunters that aren’t Celeste. More of a self preservation thing though. I don’t actively go out trying to pick a fight with anyone. It’s kind of awesome that you’re so new to this and you’re still open-minded.” She nodded along as they spoke, doing her best to keep her features soft. It must have been hard for them being presented with the truth in such a scary way and having to come to terms with it. By the sounds of it though, they were using this to better themselves and learning to protect others too. “That’s hard,” she said, “Being introduced to this whole other world in such a crazy way. It looks like you’re really using it as a chance to learn and grow though. If you ask me, I think that’s really cool. If you keep practicing, you’ll be able to do some really great things with it one day. And if you need some wolfy backup, I got you, fam.” She said the last part with a big smile spreading across her face. 
“I certainly hope not,” Winston replied immediately perhaps a little too quickly, they’d always been a little bit too concerned of what other people thought about them. “I mean, you don’t get to choose who you’re born as, all you actually do get to choose is what you do and how you choose to live your life. It’s your actions that count I guess is what I’m trying to say.” Winston wasn’t sure whether they entirely agreed with Ariana. Perhaps they could say they were bettering themselves in someway, but the truth was that they were learning how best to survive in what was becoming an increasingly dangerous world, at least the more that they learned about it. “It’s not been easy, but I’m trying to learn what my place in this world is, its been hard, I used to think that we had a justice system that worked but then this whole world is so vibrant and in some ways so aggressive about the fact it is so unnatural and abnormal, which isn’t a problem until people start doing things that are wrong. That’s where I’m really struggling, coming to terms with the fact everything seems to hunt each other, it’s a huge blood bath in someways.” They shrugged. “But thanks, I appreciate that a lot more then you can imagine.” 
Ariana nodded along with Winston as they spoke and tried to really understand where they were coming from. She had the benefit of knowing about this kind of stuff her whole life so this was normal to her. Well, as normal as vampire watermelons could be anyway. “It’s good you’re learning to protect yourself. I know it’s gotta be crazy discovering just how crazy everything is. I for one, am not a big fan of everything trying to kill each other either. But hey, all we can do is try to be an example and defend ourselves and each other when needed.” She hoped it helped. She truly hoped to one day see a world where supernatural species could learn to get along, but she didn’t see that happening anytime soon. No need to make it seem impossible though. The world around them had clearly shown that nothing is impossible. She shook the thought off and asked, “Did you find anything useful?” 
Winston frowned gently at the thought of the fact that what they were discussing was not a metaphorical or an abstract concept. It was something that was really happening, it might even be happening somewhere now. This wasn’t something that Winston had particularly signed up for but this was no longer a choice that they got to make. “I get you 100%, this is all really surreal if I’m totally honest, I’m still trying to get to grips with this being a reality…” they gazed at the wares, having not particularl\y been looking for anything, and realised that they had been stood there for a while now. “Uh, nothing that I need now, but I guess it’s good to know that I can come back if I need anything.” There was no shortage of places that sold this sort of stuff apparently. Winston just wasn’t sure why they had never noticed this before. 
Ariana noticed the frown on their face and gave them a pat on the shoulder. “If it helps, everything gets easier with time. I know it sounds cheesy and cliche, but it’s true. And if there’s anything I can do to help, I got you.” She offered them a friendly smile as they made their way out of the little magic shop stand. Even if they had gotten attacked by vampire fruit, she counted the evening a success. They had gotten to share their experiences and she was sure she came out of this outing with a new friend. Looking at her watch she said, “We should probably head out before the vegetables start acting shifty, too. Plus, Celeste is home tonight so if I don’t make curfew I’ll definitely be hearing about it. I’m glad we got to do this though, vampire watermelons and all.” 
“Thanks, I appreciate all of the help that I can get.” Winston wasn’t exactly an expert here and anything that someone could do to make it all a bit better was not something that they were going to refuse. Especially not when it was someone who really seemed to know their stuff. Shrugging gently, they headed towards the exit of the farmer’s market. They’d parked their car a few blocks away so they’d have to split up here. “I really enjoyed this, despite the near death experience, although it was only a semi near death experience so I’m not sure that really counts. It’d be cool to do something like this again, but maybe without the monstrous fruit. 
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73 questions.
I was tagged by @wescoasts @machine-gun-casie (BABES)
Almost all my friends have been tagged and I don't wanna be that asshole so ill try not to be. I tag @awkwardrocker @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @trixiehoe @she-who-is-timey-wimey
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
Well it’s finals week so about -864. After that I have two weeks of legitimate nothing where I will bake my heart out so we’ll see
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
#yikes #ughshesinherfeelsagain 
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
Milo Ventimiglia, Kells, Rook.....being a music video love interest is only my life’s pipe dream 
If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
And that’s on daddy issues and no supervision...
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
I used to model like went to modeling school and got paid for it type shit
What’s your wakeup ritual?
get woken up by my dog tired of hearing my alarm, walk said opinionated quadruped, feed quadruped, get dressed, COFFEE, then take life as it comes
What’s your go to bed ritual?
melatonin gummies (gotta make anxiety fun), skincare when executive dysfunction will allow, brush teeth, fight dog for my spot in bed (moving a 90lb animal is no joke), turn on my sleep playlist or use my ambient noise app, stare at ceiling
What’s your favorite time of day?
witching hour followed by golden hour
Your go to for having a good laugh?
lately tiktok and Kellyvisions, previously vine compilations or Netflix specials
Dream country to visit?
Ireland. I NEED to go to the motherland. My families castle is still standing and I get in for free. its on my bucket list FOR SURE. 
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
getting into nursing school and chiropractic school. I’m a loser and I’ve never had a surprise party. I’d melt in puddle of love tbh
Heels or flats/sneakers?
Flats 98% of the time. Heels are reserved for business casual necessity, Halloween, or if I’m feeling myself 
Vintage or new?
both, depends on the item
Who do you want to write your obituary?
Amy-Sherman Palladino 
Style icon?
lmao a what? on the real though catch me fucking with those eco-friendly kitchen witch vibes. All the dainty jewelry, linens and converse/docks fam
What are three things you can’t live without?
my dog, my family (found and blood), healing people however I can (medicine ruined me for any other career and its sucks you guys)
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
tbh salt, I question a recipes validity if salt isn't involved 
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
Kells and the band (I'd be too nervous for a one on one), a dinner party with my MGK fam, Elvis
What’s your biggest fear in life?
Failure, not accomplishing anything 
Window or aisle seat?
window all day everyday, on the wing preferably cause I like to feel the landing gear #pilotsgranddaughter 
What’s your current TV obsession?
Roadies forever, pry that series from my cold dead hands (also Gilmore Girls and Criminal Minds)
Favorite app?
tie between Tumblr and Pinterest (im an aesthetic slut)
Secret talent?
I am bomb at disney princess songs, the girls I babysit for treat me like a jukebox at bedtime, cutest thing ever
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
delivered a baby has hands down been the coolest thing I’ve ever done
How would you define yourself in three words?
I fucking hate this question. always have. empathetic, resilient, intuitive 
Favourite piece of clothing you own?
overall: my senior prom dress. its emerald green, backless, with a slit to upper thigh chefs kiss 
everyday wear: Colorado sweatshirt
Must have clothing item everyone should have?
I second Jude: over sized hoodies
Superpower you would want?
nonspecific healing powers so they aren't limited to physical ailments
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
HA. probably that the body remembers more about trauma than the mind and your seemingly irrational physical reactions to things are your brain’s attempt to protect you
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
his mistake does not define your worth. I went for a variant of these boys aint shit don't judge me cause she needs to hear it
A book that everyone should read?
Harry Potter series (yes the whole thing), Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson, The Giver by Lois Lowry 
What would you like to be remembered for?
empathy, the way I made people feel
How do you define beauty?
FOR THE LAST TIME ITS SUBJECTIVE, things that give you peace, it could be a song, a person, a sunset, a scone, a leaf. If it makes you stop a second and exhale then its beautiful to you
What do you love most about your body?
holy trigger question Batman...my eyes, my hair color, texture, and its ability to grow
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
drive with the windows down and blast music while singing at the top of my lungs
Favorite place to view art?
unexpected places, like street corners, carnivals, just somewhere it takes you off guard and makes you stop and pay attention
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
it’d be one of those crazy long 2000s fall out boy titles for sure, subject matter yet to be determined 
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
violin hands down, it hits me different
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
I have a bunch planned, plane on my right shoulder, Kells related between 3rd and 4th ribs (maybe lower in case I ever need a chest tube), watercolor portrait of my dog at some point location TBD
Dolphins or koalas?
dolphins are stoners and they're super smart, but koalas cause they’re grumpy af and honestly same
What’s your spirit animal?
again Jude and I are vibin: I've been identifying with a phoenix as of late. according to pottermore im a greyhound though (yes a patrons is a wizarding spirit animal. fight me)
Best gift you’ve ever received?
seven year old me was stoked to get a functional microscope and metal detector, I was in my egyptology/archeology phase, I still have them lmao
Best gift you’ve ever given?
oh hell idk...I made my cousin cry once cause I made cupcakes for her birthday party, they were cherry limeade flavored and had little straws and everything. that was pretty cool, granted she was seven. I also made my teacher cry cause I made sea salt caramel chocolate cupcakes for her going away party. I guess my baking brings people to tears
What’s your favourite board game?
candy land, battleship, cards against humanity even though there isn't a board
What’s your favourite colour?
forest green atm
Least favourite colour?
bright yellow/orange, its offensive to my general The Dirt Mick Mars disposition
Diamonds or pearls?
pearls (actually opals though)
Drugstore makeup or designer?
not picky provided they are evironmentally friendly. I really like Besame Cosmetics though
Blow-dry or air-dry?
air-dry, I don't have the patience for blow drying
Pilates or yoga?
Coffee or tea?
COFFEE, im still learning to like tea
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
holy shit how much time do we have, my favorite weird word to say is fistula or omphalocele (they're medical conditions, don't goole it unless you have a strong stomach) 
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
dark chocolate
Stairs or elevator?
Summer or winter?
neither FALL BITCHES   winter if I had to pick cause I love Christmas 
You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
A desert you don’t like?
red velvet cake....just why is it a thing that exists 
A skill you’re working on mastering?
baking scones or shit that’s flaky in general 
Best thing to happen to you today?
being tagged to do this twice, I felt special for a hot second (thanks babes)
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
that I would make a good doctor (I handled a scary pt situation like a champ, they didn't know I threw up after I made sure my pt didn't die. puking in a foreign country on the download is a skill in and of itself)
Favorite smell?
bergamot, baking bread, baking spice cakes at Christmas
Hugs or kisses?
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
gifted kid fall off
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
In These Walls - Machine Gun Kelly
Casual Sabotage - Yungblud
genius assholes...
Lipstick or lip gloss?
lipstick for special occasions but actually tinted chapstick or lip stains 
Sweet or savoury?
savory to eat sweet to make for someone else
Girl crush?
Brittney Furlan Lee, Alexis Bledel, Lauren Graham 
How you know you’re in love?
you look at them and just say yep. them. usually while they're doing something stupid 
Song you can listen to on repeat?
imma out myself but Swing Life Away - Machine Gun Kelly
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
the grass is not greener ya’ll. id rather go back and relive days 
What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
hopefully passing my first trimester of chiropractic school. fingers crossed pls
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santoteez · 5 years
In The Bronx - Hongjoong (4)
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Part: 4 of (?)
Part 5 HERE!
Genre: Drugdealer!Hongjoong, Drugdealer! SeonghwaAU, Eventual Angst, Eventual Smut, Eventual Fluff
Word Count: 2.6k
Requested: no
Warnings: MC is a black female, mentions of drugs, mentions of child neglect & abandonment, swearing, Hongjoong’s brother is inspired by Mingi
NOTE: This fic does NOT, in any way, shape, or form, portray the way I view any member of Ateez nor does it depict their true personalities or actions. This AU is just that. An AU.
The ride back to The Bronx was eerily silent. After parking outside the building, Seonghwa helped Minjoon out of the car and inside the house while Santana carried the food inside. They didn’t risk not buying it, knowing Minjoon will always remember food no matter the circumstances. That, and Popeyes was his favorite and considering what has just gone down, he’s gonna need at least one good thing.
“The fuck does this kid eat? He’s built like a brick wall.” Seonghwa said, a loud crack coming from his back as he stretched.
“He’s not the star quarterback for nothing,” Santana said, eating a biscuit.
“You eating that with no drink?” Seonghwa asked, grabbing a carton of Minute Maid from the fridge. “You might as well choke yourself to death.”
“It’s not THAT dry.” Santana rolled her eyes.
“And I’m not THAT rude. Let’s all be liars for the night.”
“You really think he’s gonna confess?” Santana asked, staring off into space.
“Seonghwa sighed. “I hope he doesn’t but knowing HJ, he thinks we’re all better without him. He always spoke about turning himself in if some shit went down, but I always brushed him off. I let my guard down; didn’t think anything would happen. We were always so careful. You know, there was a time I almost stopped hustlin’.” He poured juice into a glass and handed it to Santana.
“Word?” She asked. “I ain’t know that.”
He nodded. “Around my 20th birthday. I had finally made enough money to put myself through school. Since I was a kid, I wanted to be a chef. Like Bobby Flay or some shit. This shit was only meant to be temporary. After all, when they ask you your occupation, ain’t no box to check off for ‘drug dealer.’ I was ready, I had spoken to Snake and everything.”
“So if you were so ready to leave, what happened?”
“On what was supposed to be my last day, Snake retired. Left the whole place to HJ.” He filled a glass for himself, putting the carton back. “HJ ain’t know shit. I was planning on telling him after my last drop. It’s not like I was going anywhere. I’d still fuck with him outside the trapping shit. His first order in power? Making me second in command. It was then I realized just how close we were. He had just inherited an EMPIRE, and his first thought was to bring me up with him. Snake gave me a knowing look when I made a complete 180, assuming the position. It was like he knew. That HJ would choose me, that I’d say yes. He always called us the dynamic duo. In the past two years, I’ve come to believe it. Now you see why I can’t just let him rot. I gotta go get my brother.”
“Please tell me you didn’t drink all the cherry limeade.” Santana and Seonghwa turned to see Minjoon standing in the doorway.
“Hey, sleeping beauty. Come eat some of this chicken you made me buy.” Seonghwa said, waving him over.
Minjoon grabbed some chicken, and the room was silent for a while.
“You didn’t tell me where Hongjoong is.” Minjoon broke the silence.
“Maybe we should wait till morning, Youngblood.” Seonghwa said.
“Nah, I don’t think we should,” Minjoon shook his head. “I’m tired of being kept in the dark. Being told I’m too young. Somebody better start talking.”
Santana grabbed his shoulder. “Minjoon, calm down.”
“Nah. You heard him, he’s grown. He’s gotta hear this. You know that lil packing job your brother has at Costco? It’s bullshit. All the paystubs, the uniform he carries in his backpack. It’s all a front. Your brother’s a drug dealer. Actually, no. He’s a fucking KINGPIN. He runs the shit! Your brother has been running an entire street pharmacy under your know for YEARS and you knew nothing. You think Costco was giving him all that money to buy you shit? Headphones, Jordans, backpacks, that big ass bed you have, this sectional couch?”
Minjoon opened his mouth but didn’t know what to say.
“Minjoon, say something,” Santana said.
“How’s that possible? There have never been any drugs here. No guns, nothing. I know I would’ve noticed a kilo of fucking cocaine by now.”
“Every morning he’d drop you off at school, he’d come back to the house and bag what he brought in from the night before. All that time you thought he was sleeping, he was bagging up product. A few minutes before he left to go get you, I’d swing by, pick up the product, take it back to the warehouse. That way, he’d get work done and you’d never see an ounce.”
“So it was all a lie.” Minjoon shook his head. “He’s a fucking criminal.”
“Shut up,” Seonghwa said, his voice rising.
“Seonghwa.” Santana started.
“No. I gotta say this, Santana. Your brother lied to you, boo fuckin’ hoo. You know what else he did? Became your legal guardian at 18. He was a fucking kid, and he took on another child. Raised you since you were 13. By himself. There’s grown people out here who are struggling to take care of their own kid, and here comes HJ, making it look so fucking easy! You’ve never starved. Never fallen asleep too cold or too hot. He’s ran his own body into the ground so you can live like a fucking prince. He sleeps on a fucking couch! And he wakes up from it with a smile on his face! When he does sleep. Between being up all-night making money and up most of the day packing product AND driving you to school and back, it’s a surprise he has any time for Santana. I’m not saying he’s perfect. But he’s all you got. And that more than enough. So stop being so fucking ungrateful.”
Minjoon sighed. “I’m sorry, Seonghwa. I never thought of it that way. And I’m sorry to you, Santana. You deserve to spend more time with the guy you want to be with. It’ll be different from now on, I promise you.”
Santana smiled, resting her head on his shoulder.
“That’s right, Youngblood. Be a man. The sun’s gonna come up soon. I should head to the warehouse, make sure it’s clean. Stick together, especially this weekend. Take care of each other until HJ is back. He will be back, if it’s the last thing I do.” Seonghwa said, getting up from the couch. “Santana, lock the door.”
When Minjoon was out of range, Seonghwa whispered to Santana. “Make sure he straight, it’s a lot of information to take in for a kid, no matter how grown he thinks he is.” Santana nodded, locking the door.
“You knew all of this, and you still said yes to being with him?” Minjoon asked when Santana sat back down.
“I see past it all. Your brother is no blockhead. He’s intelligent. Talented. Caring. Look at all the things he’s done for you. He threw himself into a world of danger out of love for you. He’s been saving up to send you to college, disregarding his own dreams. It’s always ‘Minjoon first’ to him. He packed all the money into the baby carrier the cops found you in when you two were abandoned. He made sure Seonghwa and I would find it because he’s planning on turning himself in.”
“Wait, what? Why would he do that? He could get life!”
“Just like I said. He’s doing it for you. Time and time again, he says he’d give his life for you. That’s what he’s doing.”
“No, he’s not. We have to figure out where they’re holding him. Talk to him. If he goes to jail for wanting the best for me, I won’t be able to live with myself. We have to go now!”
“Seonghwa will look into the cop that came here to arrest him. When he figures where that cop works, we’ll know where to go. Try and get some rest for now.”
“If I can, with all the shit I learned today. You wanna take the bed? I don’t want you in here sleeping on some couch, especially without HJ. If something else happens, you’ll be safer in there.”
“Minjoon it’s fine, really.”
“I insist. My sheets are clean, I swear. That’s one thing Hongjoong is always on my ass about. Laundry.”
Santana laughed. “I’ll only go if you promise you’ll sleep.” When he nodded, she stood up.
“Goodnight, Minjoon.”
“Night, Santana.”
 When Santana awoke, it was well past noon. Minjoon wasn’t kidding about the bed being comfortable. Just as she rubbed her eyes, her phone rang.
“Officer Carlo Bianchi. Works at Sing Sing. Visiting hours are over at 3pm, so get your asses in an uber NOW if you wanna see him today.” Seonghwa said on the other line, not bothering to greet.
“Thank you, Seonghwa. We’re leaving now.” She hung up.
She ran into the living room, where Minjoon was already awake, staring out the window.
“Hey! Let’s go, they got him in Sing Sing.”
“Shit, that far? Okay, I’m changing now.’ Minjoon scrambled into the room.
In 15 minutes flat, they were dressed and in the back of an uber. They arrived to the correctional facility a little after 1.
“Name of the inmate?” The guard at the door asked.
“Hongjoong Kim.”
“He’s new, so they might not bring him down, but you can have a seat down the hall to your left. If he’s able to take visitors, he will be escorted to you personally.”
They chose a table at the center of the room, observing the other inmates with their loved ones.
“We gotta get him outta here. This can’t become our lives. Seeing him for a few hours a day with a table between us?” Minjoon shook his head.
“Holy shit, they’re bringing him! He’s coming down!” Santana pointed.
Hongjoong entered the common area, dressed in an orange jumpsuit, handcuffed by the wrists and ankles. He looked like he hadn’t slept, and his usually styled hair was disheveled. Santana wanted badly to run and jump into his arms but could do nothing but sit and watch him be uncuffed to sit.
“Ain’t that the shirt you wore on Wednesday, motherfucker?” He eyed Minjoon once he finally sat down.
“Dude, you’re in fucking jail. There’s bigger problems than my shirt right now.” Minjoon said, smiling slightly. Even in a situation like this, his brother to make him smile.
“At least I can count on someone to look their best coming to see me.” Hongjoong turned to Santana. “How you sleep?”
“Clearly better than you.”
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about me. I’m where I should be. I’m guessing that if Minjoon is here, he must know the truth now.”
Minjoon nodded.
“Everything I did was for you. I can never get the image of Mom running into a car out of my head. I can never get that feeling of heartbreak out of me. I made a vow that no matter what, you never experienced that. I never wanted you to feel alone. In need.”
“And yet, here you are throwing in the towel. How can you say you don’t want me to feel abandoned when that’s what you’re doing? I know what you’ve done. What you’ve sold, what you work as, all of it. I thought long and hard about it. And guess what? I don’t feel any different. I loved you before I knew, and I love you now. But I don’t want to love you from a distance. Brother, please.”
Hongjoong looked away, focusing on nothing in particular. He turned to Santana. “Did you find what I sent you to get?”
She nodded. “The carrier.”
Hongjoong nodded. “It was initially just for Minjoon, but when I realized how I felt for you, I added more. That’s for the both of you. I want Minjoon in college. I want you to open your lil boutique and shit. Be what this world needs. Make money the right way.”
“What good is making bread if there’s no one to break it with? Hongjoong, listen to yourself.” Minjoon reached out to grab his hand.
“No touching.” The guard shouted from the door and Minjoon placed his hand back in his lap.
“HJ. Hear us out, PLEASE. Would you want us to give up on ourselves? What if Minjoon dropped out right now, despite being on track to graduate early? What if I just stopped sketching and designing altogether? You wouldn’t accept it from us, so why would you think we’d accept it from YOU?”
“Y’all don’t have an entire illegal business you’re responsible for. You’re not facing a 25 to life. That’s the difference, Santana.” Hongjoong shouted.
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have hope,” Minjoon said, fighting back tears. “We can use the money to bail you out. I can find another way to go to college.”
“Dry your face. I ‘hoped’ our mother would come back to us. I ‘hoped’ to grow old with the woman I love. Does it look like any of that happened? Hope doesn’t exist for Hongjoong. Never has. So, cut the crap. You’re not bailing me out. That money is for your future. Always has been. Don’t ” Hongjoong stood up, motioning for the guard to come over.
“You’re leaving? So soon?” Minjoon muttered.
“There’s nothing else to talk about. I made my decision.”
“Just like how Seonghwa had made his decision.” Santana blurted out.
“The day Snake retired. You claimed ownership. That was the day Seonghwa was gonna quit the game.”
“How do you know this?” Hongjoong sat back down, causing the guard to roll his eyes and go back to his post.
“He told me last night. He was all set to go to culinary school. It was gonna be his last drop. Until you made him second in command. He realized the loyalty and trust you had in him, even back then. So, he stayed. He changed his mind. And he has your back to this day. Even now, while you’re locked up in here, he’s moving heaven and earth for you. Don’t make his efforts die in vain. The least you can do is have some fucking hope. Seonghwa does. Minjoon does. And I sure as hell do.”
Hongjoong sighed. “If you all believe I can get out of here, then I’m gonna believe it too. I’m gonna find it in me to have hope. I believe in you guys.”
“Seonghwa is gonna find a way to get you out of here. You’ll see Minjoon off to college. We’ll get some house in the middle of nowhere and grow old and wrinkly together. And all this hard work will pay off. Speaking it into existence.”
Hongjoong smiled. “I love you.”
“And I love you.”
“That’s a wrap! Visiting hours are now over. Visitors, please make a single file line to exit the facility, inmates please stand up and wait to be handcuffed by your guard.”
“I will see you guys soon?” Hongjoong asked.
“Of course. You can’t keep us away.” Santana said, causing him to laugh.
“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Santana and Minjoon stood on line, watching as the guard cuffed Hongjoong and once again took him up the stairs. Santana turned her phone back on once outside the building and notice several missed calls from Seonghwa. She called him immediately.
“Santana? You’re out?”
“Yeah, just now. Why?”
“I sent you an address. Come quick. I think I found a way to get HJ out.”
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imhereforthetryus · 5 years
A Day Dream Away, A Crushing Spirt
Warning ⚠️ (the f-word is used once but it internalized homophobia) Warning ⚠️ angst but dont worry there some fluff along with the 1144 words of angst ( @green-lemonboys im coming for your crown as angst ruler) tag: @criminalambis sorry it took so long enjoy and i hope i did your song justice (aged them up to about 16-17 give or take bcs I needed drunk Tj for one of the lyrics and Cyrus needs to be old enough to be a designated driver):
I wish you could see your face right now
'Cause you're grinning like a fool.
TJ loved when Cyrus smiled, or when Cyrus just did anything, but he loved Cyrus smile the best and he loved that he could make Cyrus smile.
And we're sitting on your kitchen floor
On a Tuesday afternoon.
That Why TJ couldn't refuse Cyrus whenever he wanted to hang out with him, sure he had a ton of math homework and it wouldn’t do him good to put it off, but Cyrus made him feel good and that was close enough right?
It doesn't matter when we get back
To doing what we do 'Cause right now could last forever,Just as long as I'm with you
TJ knew Cyrus would forgive him eventually TJ always knew, Cyrus had to forgive, even if a few years passed before TJ could man up to say sorry finally done with Kira manipulation, and Cyrus just waved hi to TJ today and even sat down with him for a few minutes and how pathetic it was for TJ to be so excited about a wave and a smile but as long as he was with Cyrus, he was happy.
We would go out on the weekend
To escape our busy lives
And we'd laugh at all the douche bag guys
Chasing down their desperate wives
Sometimes they would go down to the pier to people watch after all they outgrew the swing sets, not like you could see more than a few kids and as the cold air blew sometimes Cyrus would lean on TJ shoulders and those were the best moments.
I would drink a little too much
You'd offer me a ride
And I would offer you a t-shirt
TJ felt the blush turn up on his cheeks, he had gotten drunk to forget surprise surprise he managed to hurt Cyrus again, and he didn't even know why in his drunken state he called Cyrus, because he always wanted to see him even when Cyrus didn't, TJ felt stupid as Cyrus, blocked him up, he felt stupid when the airy silence fell through the car he especially felt stupid when he threw up all over himself a chaotic mess like he was pitiful and disgusting, but he felt like everything when Cyrus just noticed him and he felt happy letting Cyrus shirt wrap around him keeping him warm, that was probably the best night of his life and he would do anything to keep that t shirt as long as it smelled like Cyrus
And you would stay another night
You're just a daydream away
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
And I'll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
So I never have to lose
TJ knew Cyrus had to leave Cyrus always had to leave unlike TJ, Cyrus whole life wasn't planned according to him, but how TJ selfishly wished it did, sure everyone had a crush but TJ fell hard for Cyrus and he knew it wouldn't hurt to try because if Cyrus didn't like him he would still hang out with him, but it would hurt bcs Cyrus not feeling comfortable around TJ was a fate worse than rejection.
We never stood a chance out there
Shooting love in real time
So we'll take it over ice tonight
TJ wasn't dumb well yes he was but that was another issue and despite popular belief about jocks, he was aware of other people , aware of the crude homophobic comments his teammates made about Cyrus in the hallway the one they think TJ didn't hear but he did and sure he told them to knock it off and fought them but it never worked for long, he wished he wasn't such a coward, but that was always the problem he cared too much what everyone will think he could hear the whisper now
“you know about TJ Kippen”
“Amber brother right”
“yeah apparently he a f*g”
He could see the stares of his classmates trailing behind slowly circling him and the future shoves, and name calling, his dad disappointed look,his mom face as she hears the latest gossip buzzing around town, he could hear his name in their mouths substituting Cyrus name with his, yeah while it was horrible TJ wanted to be free the freedom only being out can give and sometimes instead of lust, TJ looked at Cyrus with ice cold envy and that was the worse look in the world.
With a little salt
And a little lime
You're just a daydream away
But sometimes TJ had moments, nice moments with Cyrus that made TJ think that he could have the courage to ask him out but TJ knew better no matter how many days they spent cooking in the kitchen making a mess, laughing as they clean up and eating their sandwiches with a cool limeade at the pier feeding the leftovers to the ducks, Cyrus would always be unreachable.
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
And I'll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
TJ often watched Cyrus like a tv screen, any little thing Cyrus would do like how when they got snacks Cyrus would always wait 3 seconds till TJ had a bite before taking some, exactly 3 sec like clockwork, and how whenever Cyrus was nervous he would twitch his eye and unless you looked closely you would miss it, and as much as TJ wanted to grab cyrus and just kiss him he didn't he wouldn't so he settled for touching him constantly like any way he could get away with it, a pat on the back, moving closer to Cyrus put a smile to his face and made his heartbeat fast, his palm sweat but it was worth it ofcourse it was always worth it.
So I never have to lose
You're just a daydream away
TJ philosophy is you can't lose if you don't play, and well despite that he still lost,when he wasn’t playing was he lost many times, he lost when Cyrus flirted with the new guy, he lost when they dated, he won when they broke up but in the end TJ was tired of losing Cyrus to jerks that would break Cyrus trusting heart and to do that maybe TJ would finally talk to Cyrus how he wanted to talk to him all along
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
And TJ didn't know what to say, truthfully he never knew and he may not ever know but he wanted to say marry me but someone beat him to it, and like always TJ cried and he would always cry because now Cyrus smile wasn’t enough and perhaps it will never be enough
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csigirl3137 · 6 years
Bad Decision or Good Mistake?
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Pairing: Dean x Reader x Sam, Bobby, Jody
Word Count: 12,761
Warnings: Demon Dean x reader x Soulless Sam, partial non-con, rough sex, selfish Winchesters, fear, pregnancy, morning sickness, eventual fluff, eventual smut, oral (female receiving)
Author’s Note: AU where Sam was still Soulless when Dean became a Demon and Bobby is still alive. Fyi Sam and Dean are kind of selfish assholes. But later they both get back to their caring human selves.  Also, this one got kind of long. When I was typing it out in Microsoft word it ended up being like 18 pages. I hope you guys enjoy it! Sorry that most of the smut isn’t until the end.
 Y/N wasn’t quite sure how she’d ended up in this position. Well, that wasn’t accurate. She actually knew exactly how she ended up in this position with Sam. She wasn’t sure where Dean came from. She’d been working with Sam on a case that ended up being ghouls, but as far as she knew, and from what she’d heard through the hunter’s grape vine, Sam and Dean were now estranged, so when Dean showed up with his eyes as dark as night, she was quite shocked. Now she was on her hands and knees on one of the beds in her hotel room, Sam’s insanely long, hard cock shoved down her throat while Dean’s also, insanely long, thick cock stretched her pussy to the point of bursting. Y/N wasn’t sure how long they’d been at this. Both of the Winchester’s had cum twice already and they both seemed to be close to doing it again for a third time. Their recovery time was insanely short but, Frankly Y/N was exhausted and she just wanted the whole encounter to be over.
Sure, it’d seemed like a good idea at the time. She’d had a crush on the Winchester brothers forever and when Dean slid into the booth next to her while Sam sat across from her. She’d heard about what had happened between them of course. Dean becoming a Demon and Sam still didn’t have his soul. They reeked of danger and being the thrill addicted hunter that she was, when Sam proposed a threesome, telling her that they’d both had a thing for her, for the longest time, it had only taken a minute or so of thought before she agreed. She knew that she might feel like crap in the morning as they didn’t seem much like the aftercare, lovey dovey type now, but at the time it didn’t feel like a big deal.
But the sex had been rough, with the focus being mainly on them. Sam and Dean only seemed concerned with getting their rocks off, not giving a shit if she did or not, so, it was a god given relief when Sam pulled out with a grunt and came across her face as Dean groaned from behind her, his warm load shooting into her pussy for the second time that night.
“Oh, Son of a Bitch.” Dean growled, his fingers digging into her shoulders while he came. In the mirror above the bed, Y/N could see that his eyes were pure obsidian. He released her shoulders, his eyes returning to their beautiful green color as he pulled out of her cum filled pussy.
“Hmmm… you look so pretty with a cum covered face. I’m so going to want to see it again.” Sam tilted Y/N’s chin up so his lips could meet her cum covered ones. The kiss he placed on her lips was brief and he gave her a slap on the ass for good measure before he left the bed. Dean’s weight had also left the bed and knowing that she was alone on it, Y/N collapsed onto her stomach. She didn’t particularly like the way she felt. She’d heard stories about the Winchester’s being good in bed and yeah, the sex was okay, but with no focus on her, she was starting to get the feeling that with them being the way they were, they didn’t give a shit about her, but only saw her as a plaything.
Y/N reached over the edge of the bed and grabbed around for her shirt that she knew was on the floor. Her fingers made contact with the soft flannel material and she quickly wiped her face clean of Sam’s cum before she curled up on her side, yanking a pillow down under her head and closed her eyes. She decided to play possum in the hopes that it would spur the Winchesters on their way.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Is she asleep?” Sam asked, his eyes on Y/N’s curled up, naked form on the bed. Dean’s eyes flicked over to the bed and he moved over to the side of the bed she was facing and glanced down at her face.
“Yeah she passed out. Guess we gave it to her good.” A feral smile crossed Dean’s face as he yanked his shirt down over his shirtless torso. A similar smile crossed Sam’s face.
“Well, I guess we’ll have to do this again then.” He commented as Dean buttoned up his flannel.
“I’m down for it.” Dean replied as he buttoned his flannel. Sam buttoned his jeans, and zipped his jacket.
“Alright. I’m out of here.” Sam told Dean as he opened the door of the hotel room.
“I’m right behind you.” Dean followed Sam to the door. Once on the threshold, he paused and glanced back into the room. “Thanks for the Fuck Y/N, I can’t wait to do it again.” His voice was cold but had a threat of a promise in it. The door closed and then they were gone.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Y/N waited until she heard two engines start up and drive away before she knew that she was truly alone and that they were gone. She got rolled off the bed, stooping to pick up her cum covered shirt. She threw it into her dirty laundry bag and headed straight for the shower. She turned it as hot as it would go and waited until the bathroom was full of steam before she stepped in. The water hit her skin and made her feel like she was on fire, but she welcomed the sensation. It was the only thing that would get them off of her. Everything she’d been feeling after they were finished with her came to a head and she sank to the floor of the shower and cried her eyes out.
Once she’d gotten everything out of her system, she got back to her feet. Using her favorite scented soaps, she shampooed her hair, rinsed it out and then shampooed it again, just because she didn’t want to feel them on her anymore. She did the same with conditioner and then she drained her half full bottle of body wash, washing her body and face to make sure that she fully got them off of her. After an hour filled with soap and scalding hot water, she shut the shower off and wrapped up in her fuzzy bathrobe, her hair twisted up in a towel on the top of her head. She felt much better and she’d made the decision that no matter what feelings of love and admiration and lust she’d had for the Winchester brothers before this and no matter what she still felt, she was never, ever going to let them touch her again or be a part of her life. With this revelation, she climbed into the untouched bed and passed out.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Month Later
With a satisfying thud the last vamp’s head hit the floor. Y/N finally stopped moving, catching her breath as she surveyed the mess in front of her. The nest she’d been tracking for the last few weeks had finally stopped moving in a little town in Wisconsin, allowing her to catch up with them and now they were all decapitated and dead. She took another moment to appreciate the work she’d done before she trekked out to the front of her house where her bright red 1969 Chevy Camaro Convertible sat.
“Hey Ruby. I got it done, finally. We can finally be free of these fuckin’ disgusting vamps.” Y/N spoke to her car as she popped open the trunk and grabbed the rag to wipe her bloody machete clean. Placing it back with her other weapons, she grabbed the full five gallon gas can and a book of matches. She hauled the can back up to the house and then proceeded to douse all the bodies and heads in gasoline with a trail leading straight out to the front door. Her gas can was empty by the time she was finished and it was with Satisfaction that she scraped the matchbook to life and dropped it in the gas trail. She closed the front door and then walked back down the front steps to her car. She replaced the gas can back in the trunk and then hopped in the front seat. She brought the engine to life and then put Ruby into reverse. Backing a safe distance down the driveway from the house, she put it into park, killed the engine, flipped open the cooler on the passenger seat and dug out a bottle of her favorite alcohol, Jack Daniels Cherry Limeade. She twisted the top off as she got out of the front seat and then took a seat on the Ruby’s hood, drinking her Cherry Limeade while she watched the whole house burn. Y/N didn’t care what anyone said or thought, she got a thrill and a wave of satisfaction and pleasure washed over her as she watched that house and the monsters inside, burn.
The driveway to the house was about a mile long and once she’d finished her drink and the whole house was now burning, the fire big enough that someone would soon see it and call it in, she tossed the bottle in the bucket on the floor the passenger driver’s side, got back into the driver’s seat, brought the engine to life again, flipped a U and roared off down the driveway, the house still burning in her rear view mirror.
She congratulated herself for a job well done by stopping at the little diner across the street from the motel and getting a large greasy bacon cheeseburger with deep fried cheese curds on it, deep fried cheese curds as a side and a giant chocolate milk shake. The diner boxed it up to go and Y/N headed back to her hotel room for a night of celebration with her greasy food, and Netflix and later she’d break out the bottle of champagne she’d picked up for this specific occasion.
Y/N didn’t think she’d ever felt happier after she’d kicked off her boots and peeled herself out of her bloody, grimy clothes. She sat in her underwear at the small table in her hotel room and ate her dinner, not wanting to get her pajamas dirty and not wanting her food to get cold while she showered.
“Oh god,” she moaned as she took a bite of the burger. “These fucking cheeseheads make a killer burger.” Grease dribbled down her chin, but Y/N didn’t care, she was more preoccupied with the best burger she thought she’d ever eaten. She finished her burger in record time and then headed into the bathroom to run herself a nice soothing bath. She set her laptop up with Netflix on it on the toilet next to the tub as the tub filled with hot water and a scented bubble bath and then walked back out to the main bedroom area to strip off her bra and panties. On her way back into the bathroom, she grabbed the to-go tub of deep fried cheese curds and her giant shake cup and took them back into the bathroom with her. Y/N set them on the floor, started up her show about the 72 Dangerous Animals of Australia, and then slid herself down into the warm bubbly water in the tub, sighing happily.  
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Y/N laid in the tub until the water was long past warm. She glanced down at her fingers, now visible in the water as all the bubbles had disappeared by now. They were pruny and she knew it was time to get out of the tub. She climbed out of the tub, letting it drain as she took her shake cup and cheese curd container to the trash and then deposited her laptop back on her bed. She headed back to the bathroom and turned the shower head on and then climbed back into the shower/tub combo to take a quick shower and wash her hair.
When she was finished, she wrapped her hair up in a towel turban while she dried off her body and then pulled on her choice of pajamas, a pair of booty shorts and an oversized tee shirt.
“Time for some fucking Champagne!” Y/N’s voice was triumphant as she pulled open the room’s mini fridge and pulled out the bottle of champagne she had chilling in the fridge. She also had a box of high quality dark chocolate and chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge to go with the champagne and she was euphoric as she took them back over to her bed and turned her show back on, on her laptop to enjoy while she drank her bottle of champagne and ate her chocolate. It was an amazing, memorable night and Y/N was tipsy, chocolate filled and happier than she’d been in a long time when she finally turned her show off and fell asleep.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A loud crack of thunder combined with a flash of lightning woke Y/N from a peaceful sleep around 3:30 the next morning. She groaned and rolled over in bed, intending to get out of bed and close the drapes but instead, her stomach rolled and a wave of nausea washed over her. She scrambled to get out of bed and make it to bathroom as everything she’d consumed hours ago, started to rise in her throat.
Y/N barely made it her knees in front of the toilet before she started to throw up. She wasn’t sure how long her stomach retched, but by the time it finally calmed again, everything she’d eaten in the day or days before was now residing in the toilet bowl and her stomach was empty. Groaning, she flushed the toilet and then rinsed out her mouth and washed her face. Choosing to brush her teeth for good measure before she went back to bed, Y/N flipped off the bathroom light switch and made her way back to her bed, vowing never to have champagne and a milkshake in the same night, again. The sound of the thunderstorm and the rain pounding down outside made going back to sleep again easier than she thought it would be.
The next time that Y/N woke up, it was around 9:30 am and the storm still hadn’t cleared up. She was lying in bed contemplating whether or not she wanted to get breakfast at the same diner she’d gotten dinner before. Climbing out of bed and pulling back the drapes she’d closed last night after her puking spell, she saw that rain was still pouring down.
“Looks like the diner is the best option.” She observed. Turning back towards the bed, her heart sunk when she felt nausea wash over her again. She sprinted back into the bathroom and dropped to her knees in front of the toilet as her stomach started to heave again. Because she’d thrown up everything in her stomach the night before, she was basically just throwing up stomach acid. Her stomach calmed again, and she pushed herself back up into a standing position, wondering if she was coming down with a stomach bug, because this was the fourth time this week that she’d been sick.
After she rinsed out her mouth and brushed her teeth again and she was standing in front of the mirror observing her reflection, her brain unconsciously put all the little pieces together and then pushed the revelation to the front of her thoughts.
Oh my god, what if I’m pregnant!? The sickness, the lack of the period, some of my favorite scents making me feel sick… it all makes sense… and Sam and Dean didn’t exactly use condoms when they came three times each….
“Oh my god. Oh god, oh my god.” Y/N ran back out into the bedroom, yanking her pajamas off as she went. She yanked on the first pair of underwear and sports bra that she came across, jeans and a sweatshirt and her boots, grabbed her wallet and keys off the nightstand and then ran out into the rain to her car.
She headed down the road into town to a little drug store she remembered seeing on the way in. Once there, she hurried into the store and moved through the store until she found the section she was looking for. Grabbing two pregnancy tests she headed up to the cash register. She paid for the tests, ran back out to her car and then drove back to the motel, thanking god or the universe or whoever, that she had to pee when she got back to her room. Taking the little pink and white stick into the bathroom with her, she uncapped it and took the test. She capped it back up again, washing her hands while she waited for results.
Once the standard two minutes had passed Y/N took a deep breath, and looked down at the stick. In the little window on the test, there resided a plus. A plus. She almost dropped the test as she sank down into a sitting position on the closed toilet. She was pregnant.
“I’m pregnant. Oh my god. I’m pregnant. Her voice was little above a whisper as she took in this realization. “I’m pregnant with a Winchester baby. Oh my god.”
But maybe the test is wrong. It’s probably a false positive. The little voice in her head that wasn’t going to allow her to believe it until she took the second test, chimed in. Y/N knew she needed to take the second one just to be sure, so she walked back out of the bathroom to her mini fridge and downed the last four bottled waters she had in there. Then she laid back down in bed with her laptop and Netflix until she had to pee again.
It was about 45 minutes later when nature called again. Y/N took the second test into the bathroom with her, and took it again. The results developed again while she washed her hands and then picked up the test. The results weren’t fully developed but, she could see the faint blue plus. Taking a deep breath, she let it out and watched until the bright blue plus developed again.
“Well, that’s official. I’m fucking pregnant.” She dropped the test in the trash with the one from earlier and then moved out of the room to sit on the bed and contemplate her options for this kid.
It was around noon when she finally made up her mind about the baby that she was now carrying. She packed up her stuff and moved it out to the car, thanking her lucky stars that the rain had paused for a bit. After closing the trunk, she walked her room key back over to the main office.
While she was inside checking out, the sky clouded over again. Y/N just barely made it back to her car and closed the driver’s door when the rain started to pour down. She started the engine, turned on the heat, turned on the headlights, backed out of her spot and hit the road.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It was 6:15pm when Y/N pulled Ruby to a stop in front of Bobby Singer’s front door. She killed the engine, got out of the car and made her way to the front door.
“Bobby! It’s Y/N!” She yelled as she pounded on the front door.
“I’m coming’! Just a minute! You don’t have to pound the freaking door down.” Y/N grinned as she heard Bobby grumping from behind the front door.
“Hey Bobby.” She greeted him with a smile as he pulled her into a hug.
“Y/N. It’s been too long since I last saw you. What brings you here?” Bobby asked, stepping back from the hug. He moved into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of amber liquid, offering her some, which she declined as she followed him into the kitchen.
“Bobby, I need your help with something.” Y/N told him. Bobby took a drink before his reply.
“Need me to go through some lore for you?” He asked. She shook her head.
“No, I don’t. In fact… I don’t think I’ll ever need you to do that for me again.” She told him. Bobby raised his eyebrows, concern crossing his face.
“Now what in Sam hill does that mean?” He growled, his concern even more obvious in his verbal response.
“Bobby, I’m done hunting. I can’t hunt anymore and I need you to help me disappear.” Y/N held her breath while she waited for his response.
“What are you running from?” Bobby asked. “Ya know, we figured out a way to kill the Leviathans, so we sure as hell can figure out a way to kill whatever it is you’re running from.” His response made her laugh.
“Oh no, god no, Bobby I’m not running from anything.” Technically I’m not running. I’m just going to disappear so that the Winchesters never find me again. That’s not running right?
She took a deep breath before she continued. “Bobby, I’m pregnant.” The air in the room became charged as Y/N watched a myriad of emotions cross Bobby’s face.
“You’re… pregnant?” Bobby quoted. Y/N nodded. “Pregnant?” Bobby repeated. Y/N again nodded, a small smile on her face.
“Well… then you have my congratulations. Who’s the father?” Bobby asked, his face relieved because Y/N wasn’t running from anything. Y/N however, was hoping that Bobby wouldn’t ask that question. She deliberately avoided eye contact as she tried to figure out how to respond to that.
“Y/N?” Bobby said her name as she avoided responding. “Don’t tell me that you don’t know who knocked you up.” Bobby’s voice held some disapproval. Y/N didn’t want to tell him who the possible fathers were, as Bobby was a father figure to both her and the Winchesters and she wasn’t sure how he’d react.
“No, Bobby, it’s not that I don’t know. I just…” She took a deep breath and held out her hands as a placating gesture. “You know what’s going on with Sam and Dean, I assume?” Bobby nodded.
“I know that they’re both messed up as hell and soulless, emotionless bastards right now.” Bobby growled as he drained the rest of the alcohol in his glass, obviously pissed at what had happened to his boys
“Well… One of those soulless, emotionless, bastards, is that father of my baby.” Y/N explained quietly. It took Bobby a minute, but he got what Y/N was saying a moment later.
“Oh you, with both… oh.” Bobby’s eyebrows rose as he figured out what she meant.
“Yes, I did, okay, and I’m not particularly proud of it, but, Bobby, I’m scared of them, of what might happen if they find out that they’ve possibly got a kid. I need you to help me get out of hunting. I’m packing away my weapons. I need to raise my baby in a normal town, with a normal mom, away from anything paranormal or supernatural.” She told him. She held up the bag that she’d brought inside with her.
“What’s this?” Bobby asked.
“It’s all my fake ID’s and badges and cellphones, oh and Ruby’s plates. I need new plates and I’m giving you these to get rid of.” Bobby set his glass in the sink as he took the bag. “Can you get rid of those for me?” Y/N asked. Bobby nodded. “Do you have new plates for Ruby?” Bobby nodded again.
“Yeah, just give me a minute.” He moved around Y/N and disappeared downstairs. When he came back upstairs, he was holding two new license plates in his hands. “Here.” Bobby handed them to her.
“TWF-589, South Dakota.” Y/N read as she looked at the plates.
“They’re already registered to your car. I registered them for you about five years ago. I figured that something like this might happen, or you might want to get out of it and I wanted to make everything as easy as possible for you.” Bobby informed her.
“Really?” She asked, looking up at him. He nodded.
“Yeah, really. You’re now a civilian.” Bobby paused. “Hey, Y/N, you know where you’re going?” Bobby asked, his voice soft and filled with concern, his eyes holding a hint of sadness.
“Not sure yet. I’ve got some family that I might go visit, but I’m not sure yet. I’m going back to my original ID, and I’ve already bought a brand new, permanent cell phone and plan.” Y/N told him. “But I’ll find a place. And it’s going to be a little, quiet place where nothing ever happens.” There was a smile on her face.
“Good Luck kiddo.” Bobby pulled her into a hug to avoid letting her see the tears that were starting to pool in his eyes. This girl was like a daughter to him and her leaving the life, well, it almost meant like he was losing her.
“Thanks Bobby. Please… no matter what, do not tell Sam and Dean or anyone what I’ve done.” Y/N’s voice was serious in Bobby’s ear as she returned the hug. Bobby let her go and stepped back once he had his waterworks under control.
“Wild Horses couldn’t drag it out of me.” She laughed. “You be sure and bring the little one around sometime.” He told her gruffly. She laughed and planted a kiss on his cheek.
“I will. I’ll see you around Bobby. Thanks for everything.” She gave him another quick, affectionate hug and then she was on her way out the door.
“Good luck kiddo. You’re going to be a great mom.” Bobby sighed as he followed her out to the front door, watching as Ruby’s engine roared to life and then Y/N and Ruby were off. He continued to stand there in the doorway as Ruby disappeared from sight, the sound of her engine getting softer as Y/N got farther and farther away from his house and salvage lot.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The next and last person that Y/N wanted to let know what she was doing was Sioux Falls Sherriff, Jody Mills. So, her next stopping place before she hit the road in search of a little town to call home, was the Police station. Jody was standing in the bullpen talking to a deputy when Y/N walked in. She waited until Jody was done with her conversation before she got Jody’s attention.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you!” Jody pulled her into a hug.
“Hey Jody. It’s great to see you too.” Y/N smiled as Jody stepped back and looked her over.
“What brings you to Sioux Falls?” Jody asked.
“Well, I had to go visit Bobby and also, I need to talk to you, you got a minute?” Y/N asked. Jody nodded.
“Yeah, I’m actually on my way out for the evening. You should come by the house and have dinner with me, so I don’t have to eat by myself. The girls are off at a concert this weekend.” Jody told Y/N
“I would love that.” Her response made Jody smile.
“Good, you can follow me home.” Together, they walked out of the sheriff’s station. Y/N waited until Jody had her Sioux Falls Sheriff’s Department truck started up before she started her car. Jody backed out of her spot and started down Main Street. Having been parked at the curb, Y/N just put Ruby into drive and followed Jody home.
“I’m making meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn for dinner tonight. The girls can eat the leftovers tomorrow when they get back.” Jody told Y/N as they walked into the house together.
“Oh god, that sounds good.” Y/N practically moaned as they entered the house. Jody laughed.
“So, how long has it been since you had a home cooked meal?” She asked as she hung up her jacket.
“Um… to be honest, I don’t think I’ve had a home cooked meal since I came and visited you a few months ago.” Y/N replied. Jody made a disgusted face as she hung up her gun belt.
“You’ve got to be getting sick of fast food and diner food!” She exclaimed. Y/N nodded.
“I’m so sick of it. But, after today, it won’t be an issue anymore.” Her reply had Jody turning around to give Y/N a questioning look.
“What does that mean?” Jody asked as she moved into the kitchen with Y/N following.
“Do you need any help?” Y/N asked as she took in the scent of meatloaf cooking. Jody shook her head as she pulled out a bottle of wine from the fridge. She grabbed two wine glasses and poured herself some wine.
“Want some?” Jody asked. Y/N shook her head.
“No thanks. Do you have anything nonalcoholic?” She asked. Jody nodded and grabbed a soda out of the fridge and handed it to Y/N. Jody grabbed her wine glass and the bottle, and headed out to the dining room table as she sat down at Jody’s dining room table.
“So, what do you mean you won’t be eating fast food all the time after today?” Jody asked as she sat down at the table with Y/N.
“Here’s the thing. Jody, I’m done, I’m out. I quit hunting. I killed a nest of Vamps last night, and then called it quits this morning.” Y/N told her. Jody gave her a surprised look.
“You’re quitting? You quit? Why?” Jody’s voice was laced with confusion.
“I’m pregnant.” Y/N decided to make it sweet and simple. Jody’s jaw dropped.
“You’re pregnant!?” Her voice went up an octave. Y/N nodded, a smile on her face.
“Oh my god! When did you find out!?” Jody was excited.
“I actually just found out this morning.” Y/N popped open her can of Ginger ale and took a drink.
“Wow. Wow. That’s insane. Who’s the father?” Oh, there it was. The dreaded question. Y/N took a deep breath and Jody noticed. “Oh, that’s a touchy subject?” Jody asked. Y/N nodded.
“Do you not know who the father is?” Jody asked the same question that Bobby had.
“Yes, no, I mean, sort of. It’s complicated!” Y/N dropped her head into her hands.
“Care to elaborate farther?” Jody took a drink of her wine and then added more to the glass.
“It’s one of the Winchesters.” Y/N blurted. Jody almost dropped the wine bottle.
“What!? You’re pregnant with Sam or Dean’s baby!?” Jody exclaimed. Y/N bit her lip and nodded, afraid of what Jody might think.
“Yeah.” Jody’s response was not what she expected.
“Damn! What’d you do? Sleep with both of them!?” Jody crowed. Y/N nodded again.
“Yeah, I did actually. And sort of… at the same time.” The end of her sentence was soft. Jody’s eyebrows shot up to her hairline and her eyes got wide. She picked up her wine glass and drained it before refilling it and replying.
“Okay, so, let me get this straight. You had sex with Sam and Dean Winchester, at the same time, while both of them are in rather messed up states of being.” Jody said what Bobby hadn’t. Y/N sighed and nodded.
“Yeah I did. Even knowing how messed up they are right now. And now, I’m pregnant with one of the two’s kid and I’m scared to death of what might happen if they find out I’m pregnant or where I am. So, I’m disappearing and I’m out of the life. I’m officially a civilian. I’m going to find a nice little quiet town to start over in.” Y/N told her. Jody was about to reply when her phone rang.
“One sec.” She fished it out of her pocket. The caller ID said Bobby Singer. “Huh, I wonder what he wants.” Jody answered the call and put it on speaker.
“Jody! It’s Bobby.”
“Hey Bobby, what’s up?”
“Is Y/N with you?” Bobby’s voice had a frantic edge to it.
“Yeah she is, we were going to have dinner together. How’d you know she was here?” Jody asked.
“I figured that she’d go visit you after she left me and besides, when she left my place, she turned towards town instead of the highway.” Bobby explained.
“Well she’s here.”
“Hey Bobby, what’s going on?” Y/N chimed in.
“Y/N you’ve got to get out of here. Out of town. You need to hit the road, now!” His voice was more frantic than I’d heard it in a long time.
“Bobby what’s wrong?” Y/N was starting to get worried.
“Sam and Dean just pulled in, in the Impala. And they’re looking for you!” Bobby’s words made Y/N’s heart sink and her body went into flight mode.
“How’d they find me?” Y/N’s voice was soft.
“They tracked the GPS on one of your burner phones. You’ve got to get out of there now. Once they finish searching here and don’t find you, Jody’s will be the next place they look. I figured I can stall them for at least an hour.”
“I can stall them for another hour while they’re here.” Jody chimed in.
“You’ve got to get the hell out of dodge. Take Ruby and put the pedal to metal. You get on the interstate and you don’t let her get under triple digits until you get the hell out of South Dakota. You know that the Impala has a helluva engine and if you don’t use every bit of Ruby’s power, you’re screwed.” Y/N was on her feet in a second, grateful that she’d never taken her coat off.
“Jody, Bobby, thanks for everything.” Y/N pecked Jody on the cheek and then sprinted out the front door. She didn’t think she’d ever unlocked, started and hit the road as fast as she did. She made it to the main highway out of town in under five minutes and was on the interstate ten minutes later. Luck was in her favor. It was clouding over and there was almost no traffic on the interstate and not a cop in sight. Y/N put her foot to the floor and watched as the speedometer edged past 90 and up to 100. She ran between 90 and 100mph for the next two hours, not believing her luck as she didn’t see any cops, swerving in and out of. Only when she crossed the state line into Montana did she let her speedometer dip back down to 70 miles an hour. She stopped for gas, filled Ruby’s tank and then got back on the interstate. Right now, she was literally headed to nowhere. She didn’t know where she was going and all she had was open road ahead of her. But despite all of this, she was feeling positive about everything. She made it out of South Dakota without any issues. Sam and Dean couldn’t track her anymore and she was going to start a new life. A small life, a quiet life and it would be blissfully uneventful.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
7 Months Later
“Dude, I’m telling you that deputy was checking me out!” Dean crowed as he and Sam exited the police station in Laurel Washington.
“You’re nuts. You need to get your eyes checked.” Sam replied, laughing as they got into the Impala.
“I’m telling you. She’s going to give me her number.” Dean told him as he started the engine. Sam scoffed at the very idea.
“You’re so full of shit.” Sam shook his head, a smile still on his face as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.
Despite everything, the Brothers were feeling good again. Yeah, they’d been through a lot in the past few months. Bobby forcing Sam’s soul back to him, Crowley helping Bobby cure Dean, but now they were back to being their normal, human, friendly, hunter selves. They’d both recovered from everything it took to cure and heal them and now they were back hunting and living in the bunker. This was their fourth case since they started again and frankly, neither of them had any idea what they were hunting here.
“I think it’s a ghost.” Dean commented as they pulled out of the police station.
“I think we’re dealing with a Woman in white here.” Sam countered. Dean rolled his eyes.
“Well, it’s a damn good thing that we’re going to interview this chick who’s supposed to know all about the history of this town. You got the address?” Dean asked. Sam nodded.
“Yeah I already plugged it into my GPS. Apparently, she lives way out in the middle of nowhere. It’s like a 15 minute drive.”
“Wow. I already thought this town was nowhere. How much more nowhere can you get?” Dean pulled onto Main Street as Sam’s phone began spouting directions.
15 minutes later they were driving down a little gravel road that finally came to a stop in front of a little white house with a wraparound front porch and steps up to the house. A bright red Car was sitting in front of the house. Dean pulled Baby up next to the bright red car. He whistled as he got out of the impala and looked the red car over.
“Damn! 1969 Chevy Camaro Convertible. In mint condition.” Dean looked up at Sam from where he was bent down looking into the car. “If this is her car, I think I might be in love.” Dean frowned when he saw the look on Sam’s face.
“Alright dude, that’s your thinking look. What’s going on in that melon of yours?” Dean asked.
“I don’t know Dean. I just… this car just seems familiar. Like I’ve seen it before. I can’t place it though.” Sam’s face was scrunched up as he tried to place where he’d seen this car before.
“I don’t know man. I think I’d remember if I’d seen this car before.” Dean told him, still looking the car over.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right. I’m probably remembering a different car. Come on.” Sam stepped away from the red car and moved towards the steps to the porch. Dean reluctantly followed him, not wanting to look away from the car.
The front door was painted a pale blue and the top portion of it had a half circle of beautiful colored stained glass windows. Sam raised his fist and knocked on the door. He waited for a response as Dean joined him in front of the door. When they didn’t get a response after the first know, Sam raised his fist and knocked again.
“Jasmine Overton?” He called as he knocked.
“Coming!” He heard a female voice call from inside. The door opened and Sam and Dean were shocked at who they saw standing there.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Y/N had just put together her latest craving when she heard the knock on the door. She swallowed down a bite of mac and cheese with pizza rolls and then took a drink of her milk to wash it down as there was another knock.
“Jasmine Overton?” A male voice called the Alias that Y/N had been using since she moved into town.
“Coming!” She called as she hurried to the door. She opened the door and was met by two suited men. She looked them over, starting at their feet and then moving up to their faces. When she got to the faces, shock ran through her like a livewire. Sam and Dean Winchester were standing on her doorstep.
“Oh Shit.” She squeaked as a wave of emotions hit her, fear and love and hate, and frustration all slammed into her as she slammed the door shut with the full intention of locking it and then getting the gun she had hidden under her kitchen island. But Dean got his foot in the door, not letting her close it.
“Y/N!” Dean yelled.
“You can’t come in! Go away! I don’t want you here!” Y/N put all her strength into closing the door but Dean was stronger and he shoved the door open making Y/N stumble backwards as he and Sam walked into her house. She hurried over to the kitchen island as fast as her big belly would let her and grabbed her gun, cocking it and pointing it at both of them.
“What do you want? Get out!” She told them, her voice cold.
Sam and Dean were still reeling from the sight in front of them. It was Y/N. They hadn’t seen her in, god, it’d been a long time, probably six months to be exact. Everyone in the hunting community thought that she’d disappeared. That something that went bump in the night got her on one of her solo hunts and no one would ever find her remains, but here she was, standing in the kitchen of this cute house, with a gun trained on both of them. And she was pregnant as hell.
“You tell me what the hell you’re doing here by the count of three or I’ll shoot you both.” She snarled. Sam snapped out of his shock. He held his hands up in surrender.
“Y/N I swear, we found you by accident. We’re working a case in town. We needed to find someone with information about the town’s morbid history, deaths and such. Deputy Johnson referred us to you, but we didn’t know it was you.” Sam explained it as simply as he could. “I swear, it was an accident.” Sam looked so apologetic, Y/N was instantly suspicious.
“You’re awfully nice for a soulless asshole.” She commented as she came around the island to stand in front of them, her gun still trained on both of them. Confusion crossed Sam’s face.
“Wait, what?” He asked.
“Sam I don’t think she knows.” Dean commented.
“I don’t know what?” Y/N snapped.
“Sammy’s got his soul back.” Dean told her, his hands raised in surrender too. “Bobby shoved it back into him a few months ago.”
“You’re not soulless anymore?” Y/N asked, her Y/E/C eyes trained on Sam. Sam shook his head.
“No, it’s me. It’s Sam. Normal Sam.” He told her. She still looked suspicious but she turned her attention to Dean.
“What about you? Are you still a black eyed bastard?” She asked. Dean’s eyebrows raised at the hate in her voice.
“No, Y/N I’m not. I swear. Bobby cured me.” Dean tried to look as non-threatening as possible. Y/N didn’t look like she believed either of them. She yanked two chairs away from her island and pulled them out away from the island.
“Sit.” She ordered. Not wanting to make her mad, but wanting her to believe them, Sam and Dean sat in the chairs. “Don’t move, either of you. If you move, I’ll shoot you, and I’ll shoot to kill.” Y/N moved back around to the island and they heard a drawer open and close and then she was moving around behind both of them. Sam grunted as she yanked his arms behind his back and zip tied his wrists together. She moved over to Dean and did the same to him.
“Is this really necessary Sweetheart?” Dean asked. Y/N’s gave him a nasty look.
“Yeah it’s really fucking necessary.” She moved back around to the other side of the island where she could observe them both, sitting across from the island in the chairs with their hands behind their backs. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed a number, her gun still in one hand.
“Who are you calling Y/N?” Dean asked.
“Bobby.” She snapped. She put the phone on speaker.
“Hello?” Bobby answered.
“Bobby, it’s Y/N.”
“Y/N! It’s great to hear from you. How the hell are you?” Bobby sounded excited to be talking to her.
“Bobby, I’m not good. I’ve got an issue and I need you to confirm something for me.” She told him.
“What’s the issue?” Bobby asked.
“Well, currently, I’ve got two Winchesters bound to chairs in my kitchen. Both of them claiming that you fixed them.” She told him. She heard Bobby sigh.
“Yeah?” He asked.
“Did you really fix them?” She asked, not wanting the sliver of hope that she had that it was true to be squashed.
“Yeah, I got really sick of them being little shits, so I teamed up with Crowley and Cas and we got them fixed. It’s them Y/N. Normal Sam and Dean. Nothing inhuman about them.” Bobby told her. Y/N sighed with relief.
“Oh thank god. Okay. Thanks Bobby.”
“Have you told them about….” Bobby started another sentence, not realizing he was on speaker.
“Okay thanks Bobby, Bye!” Y/N frantically ended the phone call before Bobby could spill the beans. She locked her phone and looked at the two handsome men sitting across from her as she set her gun down on the counter. She grabbed a pair of scissors from her “junk/random” drawer and then moved back behind the two men and cut the zip ties binding their wrists. Sam and Dean both got to their feet and turned their attention back to her, both men towering over her.
“So, um… Hi.” Y/N wasn’t sure how she was supposed to act around them now. But they seemed to have another thing on their minds. Both men’s eyes were trained on her absurdly round belly.
“You’re pregnant.” Dean commented. Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes.
“You’re very observant Dean.” She commented.
“How far along are you?” Sam asked. Y/N really hated that he’d asked that question. If she told him how far along she was, Sam, being Sam, was smart enough to connect all the dots.
“Um… is that really relevant?” She asked, her tone implying that it didn’t really matter. “You guys want anything to drink?” She asked moving over to the fridge.
“Y/N why aren’t you answering the question?” Dean asked as she stood in front of the fridge door. She sighed and turned back around.
“Y/N?” Sam asked, concern filling his voice. Dean’s face was worried. She groaned softly as all the feelings of love and adoration for these two men that she’d been suppressing since that fateful night eight months ago, came rushing back.
“I’m Eight months along.” She told them. She saw Sam start to do the math and his eyes widened as he got his answer.
“You’re eight months along?” He asked. She nodded to confirm. “Y/N did you… after we…?” Sam’s sentence wasn’t complete but she knew what he was asking. She shook her head. Sam’s eyes got wide as Dean stood next to him, clueless as ever, his green eyes darting back and forth between them.
“What is it!?” Dean asked sounding exasperated.
“Dean, that night that we all had. It was eight months ago. And neither of us exactly used protection.” Sam reminded him. Y/N saw all the dots connect as the answer clicked in his head.
“You’re pregnant with Sammy’s or my kid!?” Dean choked out. Y/N nodded.
“Yes, I’m not sure who’s the father, but it’s one of you.” She told them. “I didn’t have any DNA testing done, as I wasn’t planning on ever seeing either of you again.” She moved around the Island and towards the living room. She gestured to the couch. “Sit.” She gingerly started to sit down in an arm chair, surprised when both Sam and Dean moved to help her down. “Oh, thanks.” She genuinely sounded surprised. After she was settled comfortably in the chair, Sam and Dean both sat down on the couch.
“Why did you run?” Sam asked. Y/N sighed.
“I was running from both of you. You weren’t exactly the most stable, safe men to be around.” She told them.
“When did you run?” Dean asked.
“A month after our night.” She replied, trying not to think about that night and how horrible it made her feel.
“When did you find out you were pregnant?” Sam questioned. It seemed that they’d be alternating questions.
“A month after our night.” She replied with the same answer as before.
“So how soon after you found out you were pregnant did you run?” It was Dean’s question this time.
“The very same day.” She replied. “The day that you guys showed up at Bobby’s looking for me. I was at Jody’s, getting ready to have dinner with her when you guys showed up at Bobby’s. Bobby called me to warn me and I was got the hell out of Dodge. I was doing triple digits all the way across South Dakota. I stopped for gas once on my way across South Dakota. I didn’t let the speedometer dip below a hundred until I got into Montana. Then I stopped for gas again, and then booked it across the state. I found this little town on my way through Washington. I was headed for Alaska actually when I found Laurel. I did my research on it and it didn’t seem that anything bad ever happened, so I bought a house and stayed. And it seemed like the least likely place for you guys to ever have a case, but now, seven months later, here you are, in my living room.”
“We were looking for you and you ran?” Dean questioned Y/N again.
“Yes, because I was pretty sure I knew what you were after and how awful I felt after our last encounter I promised myself that I would never let either of you touch me again or make me feel that way again.” Her answer made both of Winchesters feel terrible.
“Y/N, I am so, so, so, sorry for what we did, for how we treated you. We were selfish, awful…” Sam seemed to be fishing for a word to describe how terrible they were. “Monsters.” He found his world. “We were selfish, awful, monsters. We didn’t give a second thought to how what we did might have made you feel. If you would… if you would let us do it again, we promise that the focus won’t be on us at all. It’ll be all you princess.”
“After last time… why would I?” Y/N asked, shocked at Sam’s offer.
“Because Y/N, we love you. Sammy and I have been in love with you since the day you flew into our lives, literally.” Dean chuckled as he thought of how Y/N had come into their lives. They were in the same town for a case, chasing the same vamp as Y/N actually and she’d had it cornered in an empty shop. The vamp didn’t like that it was cornered and it threw her through the front glass window. Sam and Dean had happened to be walking by just then and were shocked when this angry girl with a machete, wearing plaid had come flying through the window and knocked both of them over like bowling pins. She got all tangled up with them, swearing up a storm as she tried to untangle herself from the two men.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Get off of me.” She shoved Sam away from her and quickly got up. She sprinted into the shop but then came back out, her anger obvious on her face as she slammed her machete down on the sidewalk angrily and glared up at the two big men who were now on their feet.
“Thanks a lot assholes! It got away. Fuck!” She threw her hands up in the air angrily.
“Hey, you knocked us over.” Dean commented, looking down at this angry girl.
“That wasn’t exactly my fault. It was that… that….” She didn’t know exactly who they were so she didn’t know what word to use.
“Vampire?” Sam asked, finishing her sentence for her.
“Yes! That fucking vampire got away!” The girl bent over and picked up her machete.
“We could help you track it again.” Dean suggested. The girl gave him a stink eye.
“Oh fuck off.” She stomped off down the street leaving Sam and Dean to wonder exactly what had just happened and who seemingly extremely angry girl was.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“We argued about it. Oh man we argued so much over who would get you. Until Sammy came up with the genius idea of, if you’d let us, we could share you. And that didn’t change when we became those different, cold people. We still loved you and wanted to share you, but didn’t have the guts to do anything about it until then. I’m so sorry that it was awful for you. Please, let us make it up to you.” Dean told her.
“Let us have a do over. Starting with the night that one of us got you pregnant.” Sam chimed in. Dean shot Sam a look, shocked at how bold he was being.
“You want to start there?” Y/N sounded wary.
“Yes, I swear, I promise that it’ll be all about you.” Sam was making a convincing argument, because well, they were the Winchesters and they were fucking gorgeous.
“We’ll make you feel things you’ve never felt before.” Dean wiggled his eyebrows, making Y/N roll her eyes.
“I think you’re full of horse shit. Neither of you are gonna want to have sex with me when I’m eight months pregnant.” She told them. Both men shook their heads.
“No, really, you’re still so beautiful to us. Even pregnant. I swear, we’ll be really gentle, really careful and we’ll make you feel so good.” Dean promised. Sam readily agreed with him. Knowing that she was going to lose this fight and vowing that if they fucked up and made her feel like shit like last time, that baby be damned, she was going to kill them both and bury their bodies behind the house.
“Fine. I’ll let you guys have a do over of that night. On one condition.” Sam and Dean leaned forward eagerly, waiting to hear what her condition was.
“Sure,” Sam said.
“Anything.” Dean promised. Y/N started to get out of the chair but Sam placed a hand on her knee, stopping her.
“Stay put, what do you need, I’ll get it for you.” He gave her a gentle smile that made Y/N’s heart skip a beat.
“The black folder. It’s on the desk in my office-slash-library at the back of the house.” She told him. Sam got up and moved towards the back of the house. He was gone for seconds before his long legs were carrying him back to the living room, the black folder in his hands. He handed it to Y/N before sitting down on the couch next to Dean.
“What’s the Condition sweetheart?” Dean asked. Y/N handed him the folder, pulling herself up so she was sitting on the edge of the arm chair, so she could get out of it easier.
“You go and finish the hunt you’re on. Then come back here and have your do over.” She pulled herself out of the chair and walked to the front door as both men stood up. “So there, take your information and go finish it. Now get out of my house.” Her words may have sounded serious, but her tone was playful. Bright smiles crossed both men’s faces as they moved towards the door and past her out onto the porch.
“I swear you won’t regret this Y/N.” Sam told her. She smiled at them.
“I know I won’t. Now, give me a kiss, both of you and go finish your hunt and then get back here.” She ordered.
“Yes Ma’am.” Dean was the first to comply. His hands slid into her (Y/H/L) Y/H/C hair as his pink plump lips met with hers. He groaned happily as he got to taste her. She tasted like the sweetest thing he’d ever had. God, Dean swore he could get drunk on her kiss. Especially when she moaned as he pushed her back so she was pinned against the front door. His tongue swiped over her bottom lip and he gave it a little nip before pulling away and stepping back. Sam took Dean’s place. His big hands framed Y/N’s face, his lips coming down to meet hers. She rose up on her toes to make it easier for him to kiss her. Sam’s kiss was sweet and gentle, but held a promise of something to come. He touched his tongue to her lips asking for entry into her mouth. Y/N’s lips parted and she moaned softly as her arms came up to wrap around his neck. Sam growled, and deepened the kiss, his hands sliding into her hair and tugging softly. She was gasping for breath when Sam pulled away, or more accurately, was pulled away.
“Okay mister eager. If you want that to go any farther, we need to get moving. Come on Sammy.”  Dean yanked Sam towards the stairs down to the driveway. Sam shot Dean a nasty look.
“We’ll be back. We promise.” Sam told her as she followed them to the top of the steps.
“I believe you. Be safe. Come back when you’re done.” Y/N watched as they walked down to where Baby was parked next to Ruby. She stood at the top of the steps, watching as they got in, backed out, and drove off down the driveway. She stood and watched until she couldn’t see the impala anymore, her heart hammering and her lips tingling from the kissing she’d just gotten.
Dear god she hoped she wasn’t making a mistake.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Y/N got a little bit worried when it came to be noon the next day and she still hadn’t heard from the boys. It wasn’t like them to have difficulty with a hunt that was basically so simple.
It was past 5:30 that evening when there was a knock on her front door. Y/N hurried over to it, spun the lock and yanked the front door open. Dean and Sam filled the doorway, both bruised and bloody and looking like the hunt had been more difficult than they anticipated.
“Oh my god are you okay?” She asked, looking them both over. They both didn’t look like their injuries were very serious, and both had what she recognized as their travel bags, in their hands.  
“We’re okay now.” Sam told her.
“What happened?”
“Nothing that you need to worry about.”  Dean told her. “We got it taken care of and we just got some scrapes and bumps.”
“We’re fine, despite needing a couple showers.” Sam told her. “We’re here now.”
“There’s a shower upstairs in the bathroom off of my bedroom.” Y/N told them.
“Well then let’s go that direction. I’m grimy and I don’t like it.” Dean told her as she stepped back and let them into the house.
“Boots and jackets off by the door.” Y/N ordered.
“Yes Ma’am.” Sam gave her a smile as they toed off their boots and hung their jackets on the hooks by the door.  
“So, who’s showering first?” Y/N asked as they followed her through the house to where her bedroom was in the back corner of the house with a connecting door to the office. There had been a room between what was the office and what was now her bedroom, but Y/N had knocked the wall out and made the room more open and airy, enjoying the space. It also made it so that the back wall of her room was mostly windows. There was a master bath off the main bedroom that had a Jacuzzi tub and a big wide open shower with a showerhead that dispensed water straight down in the center of the shower, the head lining up with the drain. Dean set his bag down and took a peak into the bathroom. His eyes opened wide with awe as he took in the bathroom and the shower.
“Dibs!” Dean disappeared into the bathroom, the door closing behind him, leaving Sam and Y/N alone in her bedroom. Now that they were alone, she was starting to feel nervous. She was pretty sure that Sam could tell, as he took her hand with a reassuring smile on his face, and led her to the bed. They sat down on the edge of her king size bed, her heart hammering in her chest and butterflies dancing in her stomach as Sam brushed a stray piece of Y/N’s Y/H/C away from her face.
“I can’t believe I’m here with you.” Sam whispered, his face moving closer to Y/N’s, his green eyes exploring her face like he was seeing it for the first time again.
“Well you are.” Y/N quipped. Sam chuckled and brought his lips to meet hers again, his big hands coming up to frame her face as he deepened the kiss. She moaned, liquid heat rushing to pool between her thighs as he nipped her bottom lip, his lips moving down from her mouth to her neck, his hands sliding into her hair and tugging gently to get her to tilt her head back so he could have more access to her throat. He nipped at her pulse point and then gently sucked the skin into his mouth.
“How do you think Dean will respond if he comes back out from the shower and I’ve got you all marked up?” Sam murmured against her neck as he went from sucking on her pulse point to kissing along her throat again. The timbre of his voice only made the wetness between her legs worse.
“I’m not sure.” Y/N gasped, feeling her clit pulsing. “I’m not familiar with exactly how possessive or jealous Dean gets.” She heard and felt Sam laugh against her throat before he pulled away, a smile on his face.
“Well, you’ve seen how he is with the impala, so that might be something to base it off of.” Sam grinned. “But,” he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “We did agree to share you, if we ever got the chance.”
“Well, I’m giving you the chance right now.” Y/N reached up and pushed back the hair that was threatening to fall in Sam’s face. He leaned into her touch and then pressed a kiss to her palm before pulling her close to him again and proceeding to kiss her until she couldn’t think straight. Her hands were in his hair and she marveled at how soft it was. She gave it an experimental tug, wanting to know how Sam would react to it. By the soft growling noise he made in his throat and how he deepened the kiss, his hands sliding through her hair, returning the tug, she figured that he liked it. Sam again turned his oral attention from her thoroughly kissed lips down to her neck again and he was proceeding to leave bright purple marks all over her throat when the bathroom door opened, drawing their attention to the rush of steam as Dean stepped out of the bathroom, toweling his hair dry, clad only in jeans that were zipped but weren’t buttoned, his feet and chest bare. Judging by how low the jeans were riding on his hips, she figured that he probably wasn’t wearing underwear.
“Jeeze Sam, you didn’t get her all marked up and not leave me any space to mark did you?” Dean teased as he observed the scene in front of him.
“I didn’t even get any of her clothes off Dean. There’s plenty of space for you to mark up.” Sam’s voice had a little bit of annoyance in it.  
“I borrowed a towel sweetheart. Hope you don’t mind.” Dean told Y/N. She shook her head, brain still a little scrambled and fuzzy from the make out session she’d been having with Sam.
“Hope you didn’t use all the hot water.” Sam commented as he stood up from where he’d been sitting on the bed next to Y/N.  
“I don’t run out of hot water. I made sure when I upgraded the water heater here after I bought it, that I would never run out of hot water. Too many years spent taking cold showers in motel rooms.” Y/N explained. Dean shot Sam a grin.
“See? There ya go. There’s still hot water left.” Dean stepped back into the bathroom, the towel he’d been using, still in his hand. When he stepped back out, the towel was gone, so Y/N assumed he’d hung it up in the bathroom. Sam moved towards the bathroom, Dean stepping to the side, allowing Sam to step by him. When the bathroom door closed, Dean’s bright green eyes trained on where Y/N was sitting on the bed. Dean moved towards the bed, sitting down in the place that Sam had just vacated. His green eyes roamed over Y/N’s face, just like Sam’s had, his hand coming up to brush over her throat, his fingers lingering on the marks that Sam left on her skin.
“I think I like you like this sweetheart, all marked up. It’s obvious that you got somebody you belong to.” Dean’s voice was low as his fingers continued their exploration of the marks on her throat.
“Do I?” Y/N asked, her voice breathy, her eyes trained on Dean’s handsome face.
“Do you what?” Dean asked as he leaned into kiss her.
“Have somebody I belong to.” Y/N’s voice was a whisper between the two of them.
“You’ve got two people you belong to Sweetheart. Me and Sammy.” Dean closed the distance between them, his plump lips coming into contact with Y/N’s. Dean’s hands slid into her hair, his fingers tangling through the strands and fisting in them. He gave a sharp tug on her hair and used her muffled squeak to allow his tongue to seek entrance to her mouth. Y/N moaned as Dean tugged on her hair. So, she had a hair pulling kink, so sue her. His tongue snuck into her mouth and she moaned as it made contact with her tongue. Dean deepened the kiss, his tongue tangling with hers as his hands slid down out of her hair to wrap around her and pull her as close to him as her baby bump would allow. He fidgeted with the hem of the sweatshirt she was wearing as his lips left her mouth and trailed down her neck. Dean, ever the possessive person that he was, started working on leaving his own love marks mixed in with Sam’s on her neck. His warm hands slipped under her sweatshirt and splayed across her bump.
“You know, I see now why they say that pregnant women glow.” Dean murmured against her neck. Y/N’s breath hitched as his hands ventured upwards, and he hummed happily when he found that she’d forgone a bra that day. She let out something that was akin to a combination of a gasp and a moan when his thumb flicked over one of her nipples while he nipped at her neck.
“You do?” She gasped as he started to roll one of her already overly sensitive nipples. Downsides of being pregnant, Y/N’s nipples constantly felt the need to be hard and sensitive. Dean pulled his mouth away from her neck and gave her a minute to catch her breath as he looked over her flush, aroused form.
“Can I ask you to do something for me sweetheart?” Dean asked, a smirk on his face. Y/N nodded. Dean crawled up the bed until his head was laying on the pillows. “Lose the little shorts you’re wearing with that sweatshirt, and the sweatshirt and come sit on my face.” He grinned at how Y/N’s eyes widened.
“You want me to…” She trailed off. Dean’s grin only got bigger.
“We promised, all about you this time.” He reminded her. Getting oral from Dean Winchester sounded like a heavenly idea.
Whenever there’d been times that Y/N had come across other female hunters, whether it was in bars, at hunter gatherings, or just on hunts. There’d always been a few that talked about Dean Winchester and his Sexual prowess. One woman, Shelia LaCroix, had told Y/N that Dean had been between her legs for an hour and he’d managed to make her come using only his tongue, four times over the course of an hour. Being one of the unlucky females who hadn’t ever been blessed enough to have a male make her cum during sex, Y/N was eager to see if he lived up to his reputation.
Y/N stood up and stepped away from the bed, and pulled off her sweatshirt, revealing her swollen belly and enlarged breasts. When Dean finally saw her breasts bare, his eyes widened.
“Damn! I mean, you never were one with small breasts to begin with but damn now…” Dean trailed off. Y/N rolled her eyes.
“One of the many side effects of pregnancy.” She reminded him. Hooking her fingers into her shorts waistband, she shoved them down as far as her pregnant belly would let her before allowing gravity to do the rest and the shorts pooled at her feet. Y/N could feel Dean’s eyes on her as she moved back towards the bed. She climbed back on the bed near Dean’s head, looking down at him before she actually sat on his face.
“Are you really sure you want me to sit on your face?” She asked, feeling a little nervous because of her swollen belly. “I don’t want to crush you or something. I haven’t really had very much experience with pregnancy sex ya know.” Dean’s grin only got bigger, his hands coming up to get a hold of her.
“Your pussy, my face, Now.” His tone was insistent as he helped her swing a leg over his body and get herself situated so that her very wet pussy was right over Dean’s lips. She gasped as she felt his lips make contact with the sensitive skin down there. When he swiped his tongue over her wet folds, his fingers following the path his tongue made, his thumb pressing against her clit before it started moving in circles, Y/N yelped and grabbed onto the headboard for balance. She swore she could feel Dean smirk against her pussy before his thumb left her clit and then he was sliding a finger into her tight wetness.
“Oh my god, Dean!” Y/N moaned his name as his tongue made contact with her clit. He swirled his tongue in circles around her clit as he added another thick finger inside her. He slowly started to pump his fingers in and out of her, his tongue moving around her clit at the same speed as his fingers were moving.
“Dean, oh god, please.” Y/N felt a tingly feeling building in her abdomen. Dean’s fingers and tongue started to move faster, making her wetter than she thought she’d ever been before. Her moans, combined with Dean’s slightly muffled grunts and moans from between her legs along masked the sound of the bathroom door opening. This caused Y/N to yelp as a hard male body suddenly pressed against her back. Hair tickled along her throat as a kiss was placed on her shoulder, large hands coming up to cup around her swollen breasts.
“You started without me.” Sam’s voice was low and gravely as he trailed a line of kisses from her shoulder up her neck to her ear, where he nipped at her earlobe before kissing her neck again.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N’s voice was high and breathy. Having Sam’s large hands on her breasts, his thumbs brushing slowly over her overly sensitive nipples made the ever growing tingly feeling in her abdomen swell at a rate that she was only used to when masturbating. Her moans and gasps of Dean’s and now Sam’s and well, ya know, the big man above’s names revealed this.
“Oh my god, oh god, oh god, oh fuck… Dean, Jesus, shit, oh, oh,” She squealed as Sam pinched both of her nipples at the same time. “Sam! Oh fuck! Oh shit… Dean I think I’m gonna…” She tried to warn him as the feeling she was only ever familiar with when she was alone, was right on the edge of bursting and making her see stars.
“Come on princess.” Sam gave her shoulder a bite, his voice in her ear, his huge erection obvious against her back. “Come for us, fall apart for us.” Dean added a third finger to the fingers he had inside her and sped up his thrusts in and out of her, his tongue matching the speed. Sam’s hands were caressing her breasts, his fingers each taking their turn in tormenting her rock hard nipples, and it was the first time Y/N had ever felt so much stimulus in her breasts. It only a took a couple more seconds before the dam burst and she was coming, her muscles vibrating and spasming, gushing wetness all over Dean’s face, crying out Sam and Dean’s names and just making unintelligible sounds in general. Y/N was so sensitive it was almost painful as she started to come down from the high.
“Dean, oh god, oh god, please stop.” She begged him, not knowing if she was serious or not, as he continued to play his tongue over her clit and his fingers in and out of her.
“You don’t really want that do you? I remember you telling us one time, that you’d never had a man get you off during sex. Well he just did and he’s going to again.” Sam growled in her ear as Dean continued his assault between her legs. Her clit was so sensitive and swollen, it only took a few more tongue movements and thrusts of Dean’s fingers in and out of her before Y/N was coming a second time, this time with a loud keening cry that if she’d had neighbors, most certainly would have been heard.
“Oh god, no more. Please.” She begged, the feeling between her legs actually painful because of how sensitive she was. Sam seemed to realize this and he helped her off of Dean’s face and onto her back between the two Winchester men.
“Well?” Dean asked, a smirk on his glistening face as he propped himself up on his elbow to look at Y/N flushed panting form. She held up a finger, indicating that she needed a moment. The movement elicited a laugh from the younger Winchester.
“You know that we’re not even close to being done with you, right?” Sam told her as his fingers traced lazy circles over her stomach. Y/N nodded.
“Yeah, I get it.” She gasped out a response. “But you’re gonna have to grant the pregnant lady a nap before you team up to torture her again.” She told them.
Dean wiped Y/N’s juices off his face with his hands and then wiped it on his hand.
“You only get a break because you’re pregnant.” He teased. Y/N didn’t reply, having closed her eyes.
“You can get some sleep princess. Hell, Dean and I probably need some too. We’ll be right here when you wake up.” Sam managed somehow, how he did it, Y/N didn’t know, to get all three of them situated under the covers and she fell asleep, being spooned on both sides by two big warm bodies, her mind trying to imagine exactly what the three of them could do when she finally woke up again. It was a nice feeling, being safe and secure between the two Winchesters and knowing that finally, they cared about her just as much as she cared about them. Now that she’ had them back, the good thems back, she finally felt like the one thing she’d been missing, was no longer missing. She finally felt complete and oh man, it was a good feeling. 
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muffinsaretaasty · 6 years
Things I miss a whole lot.
I miss the feeling of being in an ice cold house and walking outside to thaw out in the sun.
I miss driving in Alabama in a thunderstorm with the AC on high.
I miss the feeling of being surrounded by your best friends on a patio covered in plants while being drowned in humidity with an ice cold drink
I miss home.
I miss warmth.
I miss the people that I care about the most in the world and their lovely southern charm.
I miss having the time to go hiking and standing in the most beautiful places that brought me to the point of tears.
I miss spur of the moment trips with people that made the light come out even in the darkest of times.
I miss talking to people who shared my point of view on most things and were always in for a healthy debate when we disagreed.
I miss enjoying a beer with my dad over oysters while he told me stories from his past.
I miss cooking homemade Japanese food with the only boy who has ever had me completely wrapped around his fingers.
I miss sharing newly discovered music with people who appreciate it and talking about the lyrics that spoke to us the most.
I miss laughing with my brother over our childhood arguments and the people we used to be.
I miss having the patience to be kind and hold back.
I miss going to art museums and drinking over priced cocktails with my girlfriends.
I miss showing my friends the places that changed me forever.
I miss being with a human that pushed me to be better, and called me out when they knew I was being less than I wanted for myself.
I miss the feeling of hugging my dad’s neck and the sound of his laugh. I have a voicemail he left me on my birthday in 2015, and I still listen to it daily and weep.
I miss explaining what I’m going through and the way I feel to my dad and having him give me advice and having him call me out on my bullshit.
I miss making a massive breakfast with my grandma at 5 am for no good reason.
I miss the person I was a year ago, so secure and sure of what I wanted.
I miss the feeling of being uncomfortable because everything was foreign to me but still maintaining the desire to learn and grow within myself.
I miss making chicken and dumplings with my dad and throwing flour in each others faces for no other reason than it’s just fucking funny.
I miss sharing our family’s Cajun recipes with my brother so we could get the flavor just right
I miss eating cheesy Gordita crunches and drinking strawberry limeades with my sister.
I miss porch sitting and drinking coffee in the morning with my friends parents, and exchanging stories.
I miss meeting people who just radiated light and hopefulness.
I miss not being jaded, and looking for the good in every situation.
I miss having the time to sit in the mornings and read a few chapters of a really good book.
I miss study dates over wine
I miss making spur of the moment decisions to just drive ten hours overnight to watch the sunrise for no other reason than “why not?”
I used to be a person who was adventurous and took zero shit. I used to be a person that could cry and at the end of it literally be like “well, I mean, it be like that sometimes” and then GET. THE. FUCK. OVER. IT. I used to be a person that forced other people out of their comfort zones and would show up at their place with beer and a full tank of gas and just drive to somewhere beautiful. It’s insane what a year of total loss can do to a person. It’s insane to me that I ever let myself work 80 hour weeks and just thought to myself “it’s only a year”. The shit is fucking hard. Mentally, physically, emotionally. I’m angry at myself for losing so many bits of myself until I turned into a human that I don’t really like very much and can’t be very proud of even after all of the hard work that I’ve put in. And honestly, fuck that.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
The last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner? I have been as of late because I’ve been doing some deep hair treatment stuff with my hair so it’ll help it grow out nice and healthy.
Do you prefer light or dark jeans? Dark.
When you listen to music, do you generally sing along, or just listen? It varies. Sometimes I just gotta sing along; at least to certain parts.
Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook? Yes.
Who was your first love? Do you ever miss that person? Joseph. Yeah, I do miss him and our good times together. It was such a different time it’s weird for me now to think it ever happened because of how different things are now. How different I am.
How many cars are parked at your house right now? Three.
Do you have any Italian ancestry? Possibly. I’d really like to do one of those tests.
Do you prefer water to be ice cold or at room temperature? I drink mine room temp.
Has anyone ever told you you’re a control freak? No. 
Do you know anyone who has gone missing? If so, were they ever found? Yes. One of my cousins did a few years ago in the woods and thankfully was found a week later. It was a very terrifying week. He was of course dehydrated, out of it, and a bit banged up, but ultimately okay. 
What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten? Hmm. I’m not sure what I’d consider to be the spiciest.
Do you need to talk to someone? Not at the moment.
Is something confusing you at the moment? Not currently, no.
When was the last time you had a real deep chat? A couple days ago.
Who did you last see on webcam? I don’t go on Zoom or Skype or anything like that.
What’s your best friend’s pet’s name(s)? My best friend is my mom, whom I live with, so her pet is also my pet lol, but anyway her name is Princess Leia.
Have you ever taken a picture while laying in the grass? No, cause I don’t lie or sit on the grass; it makes me itchy.
Who’s your favorite Disney character? Alice, Winnie the Pooh, and Eeyore to name a few.
Have you ever deliberately tried to get someone drunk? Nah.
When was the last time you used a pay phone and who were you calling? It was sometime early on while attending community college, actually, so like 2009 perhaps. My phone had died and I needed to call for a ride and using a payphone was the only option I had at the time. I think they took them out a year or so later, though. I was surprised they even had one cause other than that I hadn’t seen a payphone in quite a long time. Now there’s people who don’t even know what that is and I feel so old lol.
Do you like being kissed on the neck? Yeah.
Have you ever had sex with someone you weren’t dating (but had feelings for) in the hopes that they would ask you out later? I haven’t had sex, period.
What’s the most you would be willing to spend on a good bra? Like $20 something. Ideally, even less than that. I don’t understand why they have to be so expensive.
Do you have any of your teachers’ personal cell phone numbers saved in your contacts list? No. I’ve never had a teacher’s phone number saved in my phone or ever even called a teacher.
Do you ever stalk peoples’ personal blogs, even if you don’t know them very well? Nah.
What’s one thing about today’s generation that you just can’t stand? Cancel culture. Is there anyone you currently want to reach out to? No.
What is your favorite piece of art you own? The few giraffe paintings I have.
What’s the one thing you apologized for this month? Hmm. I don’t know if I have apologized for anything this month. If I did it wasn’t for anything major I wouldn’t think since I can’t remember.
My favorite color is ______? I have a lot of favorite colors.
I wish I had _____? Good health.
What did you buy today? I haven’t bought anything as of now. I don’t plan to, but we’ll see how it goes. 
What about your life concerns you the most? My health.
What do you find particularly offensive? Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend? I’m not very easily offended, I think. <<<
What was the last series you finished watching? Do you have any plans to begin another? I think it was Loki. There’s a few shows I’m currently watching and others I’m waiting to start their new seasons or come out.
What is one way in which you are different from a year ago? What is one way in which you are still the same? My health changed a lot and I’m having to be a lot more dependent on my family now.
If you could learn about anything without the stress of grades or cost, what kind of classes would you take? More psych classes, perhaps. I could certainly use a refresher on things.
Name a song you’ve listened to today? I haven’t listened to any music today so far.
When you were younger, did you have a swing set or a playhouse in your backyard? I did.
Is your mall nice? My local mall is meh. I like to go other ones in nearby cities that are a lot better.
Do you have a Sonic near you? If so, what’s your favorite drink from there? Yeah. I used to get a cherry limeade all the time from there.
Will you be voting in the presidential elections next time around? Yeah.
How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries? They’re delicious.
Did you ever stop having feelings for someone and then started having those feelings again for them? Yes.
Do you hate the last guy you had a thing with? No.
To whom did you last give the finger? That’s not something I do.
What was the last musical instrument played in your presence? Probably the piano.
Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? No.
Honestly, have you ever crashed a party before? No.
Do you know how to do the moon walk? I know the move, but I’m not able to do it.
Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice? Ha, no cause I don’t.
Onion rings or french fries? I love beer battered onion rings. I don’t like when they’re super hard and crunchy. I love french fries, too. Beer battered french fries are even better.
Has anybody ever described you as a heart breaker? Pfft, no.
Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast? Yes.
Who is the best cook that you know? My parents and brother all have their specialties that are really good.
Which meal throughout the day do you skip the most? I’ve been having 3 meals a day regularly now for the past few months. That’s one positive thing that has come out of this health setback I had. Prior to that, I pretty much never had breakfast and it wasn’t uncommon for my first meal to not be until the evening or even dinnertime. 
What’s the largest amount that you can juggle at one time? I can’t juggle at all.
Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much? Like 7 something.
Which aspect of your daily routine takes the most time? What do you do? Everything takes me longer now. Just getting myself to get up and around takes time.
Is acting something you enjoy? No.
Are you a smoker, drinker, pothead or none of the above? None.
If you have your ears pierced, when did you get them pierced? When I was a baby.
When was the last time you spoke to someone in a different language? Most nights when I’m practicing Spanish with my mom when she does her Duolingo.
If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you? My younger brother lives here.
Have you ever gotten searched by the cops? No.
Do you like fried rice? Yeah.
What was the last thing you drank? Water.
0 notes
rwbyremnants · 7 years
THIS CHAPTER: Cuddles with boners, nail-painting, foot-worship, massage, toe-kisses, almost-footjob. Also, some of that also applies to July.
=Chapter 14
The half-sisters, half-girlfriends did exactly what they said they would do. The next day, they went shopping for all of the trimmings for a spa day, piling them in the back of Ruby’s car before they went to that special event showing of Akira.
And as it turned out, they didn’t actually make out much during the movie. Scattered kisses, but no intense groping or getting each other off; Yang was a little too interested. Especially in the main character’s motorcycle, which she gasped and smiled about every time it came on screen. Ruby was clearly a lot more invested in the actual storyline, but Yang liked that well enough, too - more than she expected, considering she was expecting somewhere between a Disney movie and Pokemon. Besides, it gave her a little more insight into what kind of girl Ruby was, the things she liked. Since she already knew she was head over heels for the brat, that seemed highly important now.
The whole way home, they chatted about it as they picked up shave ice from Ruby’s beloved spot. Just enjoying each other. Yang had started to worry that once they started doing non-sisterly things that the more sisterly side of their relationship might suffer for it, but it only made them closer. This way, Ruby could babble about her favourite anime and Yang could laugh about her excitement, and then lean over and kiss her cheek to make sure Ruby knew that she found it adorable, not annoying. The best of both worlds.
Dinner was nice and easy, and TV afterward just as uneventful. Gone was most of the weirdness and discomfort, and all the loose lips that nearly sank Ruby and Yang’s “ship” as Ruby had called it once or twice. Though Yang did need that explained at first, now she thought it was ridiculous to view the two of them as fictional characters, but to Ruby it was what she always did with the shows and movies she liked, so it naturally made sense for her.
“If that makes sense to you, then it makes sense to me,” Yang muttered as they snuggled into Ruby’s bed together. “Just don’t slip up and say anything about it in front of Dad.”
“Hey, I’ve been really good, haven’t I?” she protested. “Mom’s the one who’s doing worse. But she was way better tonight.”
Yang pressed her face in a little closer to Ruby’s neck as she hummed her agreement. Tonight, she just wanted to hold her. Though being that close to her did make her want to do more, she didn’t think it was necessary to do so every single day they were together.
“Mmm,” Ruby said with a smile as she held Yang’s arms around her body. Then she chuckled very quietly, “Oh, hello…”
“Ruby, don’t,” Yang muttered, though she clearly wasn’t that upset. When she felt a warm ass grinding back and forth, she giggled and said again, “I mean it, cut it out.”
“Why? I think somebody down there likes it…” But when Yang didn’t respond, she stilled and asked in a less flirty voice, “Why?”
“I dunno. Just… wanna take a day off. Maybe I’m weird, but today’s been so much fun, just hanging out with you. Kinda like the idea of keeping this memory separate.”
At those words, Ruby rolled to look at her again, smiling very slightly. “I get it. I mean, I’d still love to get you off, but I follow your brain-train. You like having PG-rated memories with me, too.”
“I really do,” Yang sighed, glad that she understood. Ruby’s little kiss took her by surprise, but it was a chaste, sweet little kiss. “Mmm… thanks, Rubes.”
“Anytime. I love you - all of you, not just my little buddy down there.”
Giggling, Yang grinned against Ruby’s face. “Your little buddy, huh? Sounds like you wanna dress her up in doll clothes and have tea parties.”
“Would… you be into that?” But Yang’s only response was to tickle her.
After showering and a late breakfast, the two girls set themselves up in the living room to do their beautification rituals. The coffee table was pushed forward a little to make way for them to sit there, it being a little easier than trying to do it on the couch or loveseat, and a mediocre crime drama was pulled up on Netflix to have going in the background. Ruby had mentioned some anime she liked, but it was decided that it would be too interesting to be able to ignore while focusing on the other stuff.
“You’d really wanna go back to the comic book shop?” Ruby was asking as she finished painting Yang’s toenails. Her fingernails were still wet, and she was blowing on them herself while Ruby worked down below. On each hand or foot, the middle was yellow, next two out from that orange, and the ones on the ends red, imitating fire; that part was Ruby’s idea.
“Sure,” Yang said, trying not to smile so she didn’t disrupt the moisturising face mask. It felt cold and gross, but she wanted to let it do its thing before she happily yanked it off. “Maybe I’ll find a t-shirt with that cool motorcycle from the movie. And then afterward, maybe we can grab a burger? Seems like we haven’t had straight-up nasty fast food the whole time I’ve been down here…”
“Ooh! I know a place that has great burgers, we can totally do that!”
It was harder to keep the grin away now, but she shook her head as she chuckled, “You’re too damn cute.” As Ruby finished the top coat and started blowing on them, Yang went back to blowing on her own. After a minute of that, she asked, “Hey, um… I also wanna stop by a jewellery store.”
“Really?” she asked, tilting her head slightly. “Why?”
“O-oh, I just… I was thinking I don’t have very much, and I look too, like… butch? So I just wanted to see if I could find some fun stuff.” It was a little white lie, but she hoped Ruby would forgive her eventually.
“Sure, yeah. There’s probably some places like that around by the comic shop.”
“Cool.” Then Ruby’s lips dipped a little too low and she kissed Yang’s toe. Laughing, she asked, “What are you doing?”
But Ruby only shrugged, going back to blowing the polish dry. Soon enough, they were, and she came up to plunk down next to Yang. “Masks off?”
“Yeah. One, two… three!” As they peeled them off, they both let out an “ewwwww” and then held them out at arm’s length. “Damn, but that was awful.”
Shivering, Ruby grabbed them and threw them in the plastic shopping bag they had designated as “trash” for now. “I kinda like it, but yeah, I’m done. Okay, so… my nails?”
“Sure,” Yang said, taking up Ruby’s hand. But Ruby pulled it back with a little smirk. “What?”
“Let’s do these first.” She scooted back and wiggled her toes about a foot away from Yang’s face. When she pushed them away, she whined, “Awww…”
“I told you to cut that out,” she said with a roll of her eyes. But when Ruby continued to pout, she sighed. “Fine. I guess it doesn’t matter if I do your toes before your fingers.”
“YAY!” Yang sighed while Ruby settled her heels against her thighs, waiting for Yang to begin. But when she didn’t, she asked, “What? You wanna give me a different colour?”
There was a slight pause as Yang’s eyes remained pointed down at her feet as if she were lost in thought. Shaking her head, she said in a distant voice, “No… I just… I have this strange feeling…” She picked up one of the ankles. “I don’t know what’s coming over me… I think… I think I need…”
“Huh? Yang, what are-” But when Yang started biting her foot all over, she cackled and thrashed around, “YANG STOP! No, nonono, you can’t! Not again!!!”
“But I can’t stop!” Yang called out as she nibbled and Ruby squealed, trying to escape. “Your feet are just SO IRRESISTIBLE!”
“Okay, OKAY, I get it, y- AHAHAHA! You don’t have a thing, you don’t have a thing!”
They were still wrestling with each other, just barely not knocking over the bottles of polish, when a voice from off to the side asked, “What the hell has gotten into you two?”
“O-oh, Mom!” Ruby half-giggled, half-sniffled. “I’m sorry, did we mess up your work?”
Summer shook her head with a bemused smile in place, hands on her hips through her silk robe. “No, no, don’t worry. Finished all that up about ten minutes ago. I was just about to get a glass of limeade and head out onto the deck for a while. You two want to join me?”
Yang resisted the urge to say ‘Depends on if you’ll have clothes on’ and just shook her head. “Nah, we’re having a spa-day. Maybe later?”
“Mom, you should paint your nails with us and stuff!” Ruby said with a smile as she sat up.
“No thank you. I want to make sure I get some sun in during the peak hours.”
“But I thought that didn’t start until after lunch.”
“Well…” Shrugging, she went into the kitchen, still not quite answering. As she opened the fridge, she asked, “What kind of spa-things are you doing?”
“Face masks and nail-painting, lotions. Maybe henna later? And we were gonna do pumice stones, but all that running around on the beach… I don’t have any callouses, really.”
The woman nodded along as she poured herself a glass. She held up the pitcher, looking at Yang and Ruby to ask silently if they wanted any, and they both shook their heads. “Sounds like fun. But I don’t want to intrude.”
“You won’t be! Just hang with us for a little bit, and then you can go out and cook yourself.” Yang laughed at the way Ruby had phrased that, and Ruby grinned and shrugged.
“Okay, but I really don’t need a face mask; I put mine on at night.” The woman hesitated, then shrugged and walked into the living room. “I’m not sitting on the floor, though. I might not be a grandmother, but I’m definitely too old for my butt to survive that hard floor.”
“Definitely not a grandmother,” Yang remarked. Afterward, she realised she probably shouldn’t have said that, but they were trying to work past the mistakes that had been made, after all. Making jokes was the easiest way to do that.
Ruby handed Yang one of the pumice stones and picked the other up for herself. When Yang raised her eyebrow, she said, “What?”
“Like, are we double-teaming your mom’s feet? What am I using this on?”
“Yeah, we are.” The other two were quiet, so Ruby looked between them and said, “So she can go outside sooner. Right? You take that one, and-”
“Alright, alright, makes sense,” Yang half-laughed as Summer slipped out of her flip-flop and offered the foot to her. She definitely felt a lot weirder about this than about working on Ruby’s, but not to the degree that she couldn’t start in.
The elder woman sighed as the two pampered her, leaning back and sighing. “Mmm… thank you, girls. You didn’t have to do this for me, but it is appreciated.” She twitched a little at one swipe of the stone. “Heh… tickles a little.”
“So Mom,” Ruby said as they worked on the slight callouses, which were pretty negligible to begin with, “we were thinking about going into town and hitting the comic shop again after this. Um… is that cool? I know we’re out a lot of the time, but-”
“No, no,” she sighed. “That’s fine. To be honest… now I’m almost more worried when you’re here than when you’re out shopping. For… reasons discussed.”
Yang dipped her head lower in guilt. Sure, Summer hadn’t said it in a cruel tone or anything; she just stated a fact. Now that she and Ruby were sleeping together, of course her mother would be wary of them being alone somewhere private enough that they could get up to mischief.
“Oh, Mom,” Ruby sighed with a roll of her eyes. “We’re taking care of each other. Isn’t that what’s important?”
“Yeah, and I’m worried about you ‘taking care of each other’ a little too much.” But when Yang came to a stop, breathing a little faster and more shallow, the woman prodded her nose with her big toe. “Hey.”
Summer’s eyes weren’t exactly happy, but they were piercing into Yang’s with intent as she smiled very slightly. “I’m teasing. Well… I’m also being honest, but mostly teasing about it. Sorry if I really made you feel bad.”
“O-oh. Well…” Yang never finished her sentence; she just started sanding again.
As if hoping to change the subject, Ruby put down her stone and picked up a few bottles of polish. “Umm… what colour do you want, Mom?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” the woman said with a grateful smile. “Um… a cool colour, like a turquoise?”
“That’s such an old mom colour,” she teased. “What about… bright red? I’m gonna do mine with this!” She held up the one she meant. When the woman reluctantly turned her eyes up toward the ceiling, Ruby hopped up onto the couch next to her and reached for one of her hands. “This’ll be great, you’ll see!”
“And what am I doing down here now?” Yang asked. “Since you’re in charge, I guess.”
“Keep pumice-ing!”
So Yang did. When she finished the first foot, she took over where Ruby had left off with the other one. As she did, she occasionally glanced up at Ruby’s painting job, listening to them chat about Dad and school, other mundane things. Most of the time, her eyes remained focused on the goal. She had to admit, Summer’s feet were nearly as cute as Ruby’s, and no less so when viewed up close. She took good care of them, as she did with the rest of her body and health. On the other hand…
Was that a weird thought to be entertaining? Was it Ruby’s insistence that she had a thing that was messing with her? She had never thought feet were ‘ugly’, exactly; just that they were feet. Those few moments of interest that her half-sister had “picked up on” seemed to give her the impression that it was a lot deeper than that. Maybe she just liked teasing her, or just thought feet were funny in general and that, for that reason, it was fun to tease Yang about it.
“Alright, I have to admit that was a good choice,” Summer was saying, admiring the first coat as Ruby blew on them to get them to dry so she could put on top coat. “They look nice, Ruby. Thank you.”
Yang spared a glance up at them as she uncapped the lotion and saw Ruby’s cheeks bunched in a genuine grin. “Hey, it’s… no big deal. Just wanted to make my mom feel as good as she already looks.”
“Stop buttering me up!” She elbowed Ruby, who only giggled. Then she twitched and gasped, “OH! Oh, that’s cold!”
“Sorry!” Yang hissed through her teeth. “I didn’t warm it up first!”
Sighing, Summer waved a hand. “No, it’s fine. Just surprised me.” Then she relaxed into the sensation of the fruity-scented goop being rubbed into her skin. “Mmm…”
“You said I’m buttering you up,” Ruby snickered as she began putting on the top coat. “But it’s Yang earning the brownie points down there, right?”
“She is, she is. Very seriously… you didn’t have to do this for me. Either of you, but you even less, Yang. I appreciate it.”
The praise and gratitude made Yang’s face heat up. Even though she was still a little upset with her for what she tried to do the other morning, she knew that Summer was still disgusted that the two of them were physically intimate. When their options were to either hold grudges, or try to move on, the second thing was a lot more appealing. Ruby’s mother putting forth that effort meant a lot to her.
Then Yang pushed into her sole a little more than she meant to, and heard a groan from Summer that made her look up. But her eyes were closed. Ruby didn’t seem to have noticed, either, intent on finishing up the clear coat. Her mother only looked very relaxed, but the actual groan had sounded like something else for a brief instant.
“There,” Ruby sighed as she capped the bottle. Then she glanced at Yang, and happened to see her ruddy-faced and blinking in mild surprise. “Hm?”
Yang shrugged just a little and turned back to massaging the lotion into Summer’s foot. She felt a little silly, but she also knew that it was for an innocent enough reason. Well, innocent enough as far as they could be after all they���d been through in the past few days.
“You girls are magic,” Summer sighed in a supremely relaxed voice. Finally, she opened an eye and looked at Ruby, already looking regretful before she continued, “Sorry… I know this is selfish after you two have been so nice, but could you help me get a drink of my limeade? So I don’t mess up my nails.”
“Sure.” Ruby did as she was asked, tipping the drink up for her mom. A couple of drips did run down her chin and neck, but not as much as it could have been. “Oh, hang on! I’ll get that for you!”
As she popped up to get a paper towel, Yang smiled after Ruby. She really was the sweetest girl who would never hurt a fly. If she hadn’t been in love with her already, it might have happened in that small, random moment. She was just too perfect to be believed.
“Ohhh, that’s so good,” Summer was sighing, flexing her ankle. It wasn’t intentional, but it did bring Yang back to focus on her job. “You didn’t have to massage me, either.”
With a shrug, she said, “Hey, might as well while I’m putting the lotion on, right?” Then Ruby came back to blot at her spill. “Did you wanna help me with the other one?”
“Actually… I gotta go to the bathroom.” The way Ruby said it was a little odd, but she was smiling at Yang. “I think you got this. Just… finish that and then paint her nails. I’ll help you if you’re not done when I get back.”
“Alright, honey,” her mother said lazily, not giving Yang a chance to reply. “Thank you again.”
Her eyebrows were raised at Ruby as if to ask “What?” but Ruby ignored that, just waving at the two of them as she padded off to the bathroom. All she said in an airy voice over her shoulder was, “Have fuuuuun!”
Yang had just finished and reached to pick up the lotion to start in on the other foot when Summer said, “You can stop, you know.”
“What? No, it’s cool, I don’t mind.”
“Well, I mind.” Her voice had been hard, but when Yang flinched from its impact, she frowned. “It’s not… I didn’t mean that I don’t want to you to touch me because you’re ‘beneath’ me, or anything like that. Just that… you and I are still…” Another sigh, this one more discontented.
“I know,” she said, staring down at the two feet, one shining from lotion, the other not. “I’m sorry for… some of what I said. But hey, I figure… we both messed up, a little? And-”
“Stop. Just… yes, we have made mistakes, and disappointed each other, and I nearly hurt you in a way I regret deeply. We’ve covered that. All I was trying to say is that it’s not necessary for you to try ‘making nice’ with me when Ruby’s not in the room.”
The words hurt, though Yang fully understood why she was saying them. In the end, she opened the lotion and squeezed some into her hand.
“Listen. You’re kinda right, but… I mean, there’s no reason we can’t be nice to each other, I guess. And I seriously don’t mind. Like, maybe if you walked in here and told me to put lotion on you, I’d feel weird about it, but we were already doing a spa thing, right? So it’s like… no big.”
Summer merely stared at her. Yang didn’t dare start in again without her approval, so she sat there, as well. Then she shrugged and gestured for her to continue.
“That Ruby. I guess she was ordering us to have fun with this while she was gone. Trying to make everyone ‘happy’. I don’t know how I raised a daughter who’s that much sweeter than I am; must be her dad’s influence.”
“Oh, that,” Yang snorted as she shook her head. “Ehh… I think she meant something else. But like, maybe you’re right; maybe she just really wants us to get along.”
“What else could she have meant?” When Yang didn’t answer, feeling trapped by the things she could possibly say, Summer raised her other foot to nudge Yang’s shoulder. “That wasn’t a joke about you catching me sunbathing, was it? Or about…”
That was referring to the terrible near-miss of two mornings ago. Yang shook her head vigorously. “No, no, she’d never joke about that. But you know that. Um…” There was really no way out. “She’s just teasing me about something stupid.”
“Really? Maybe it’s not so stupid if she’s teasing you. My Ruby tends to be pretty perceptive.”
That definitely didn’t make Yang feel any better, or her cheeks any less hot. If Summer was right about that, then she was really in trouble! She’d feel even stupider if Ruby hadn’t meant anything like this, after all, but she had a feeling it was the same old subject.
“For some reason,” she said as she massaged a little harder, “she got it into her head that I’m into this certain thing. And she’s wrong, but the more she teases me about it, the more embarrassed I feel.”
At the tail end of a long groan, Summer asked, “What kind of thing? Is this about the comic shop?”
“Not that kind of thing. Like…” Grunting in annoyance, she blurted, “She thinks I’m into feet. And I’m not! Like, never have been, and I don’t get that as being a thing, so… I don’t know why she keeps teasing me!”
“Really?” Summer asked. She was quiet for a moment, and Yang was sure she was about to get some kind of lecture, or a disgusted noise. At first, she managed to keep up the massage, but her movements halted when she realised there was no further response. She finally looked up to see that her stepmother was just watching her, patiently waiting for a reply.
“Y-yes. I don’t even know how it started; she just kinda asked if I liked hers out of nowhere, and I didn’t say ‘no’ fast enough, and ever since then…”
A low “Mmm” as the woman mulled that over. Yang couldn’t help noticing that she seemed to be flexing her toes back and forth a little more than she had been before. “Well, I don’t understand that being a ‘thing’, either, but I do know it’s pretty common. Meaning it’s the fetish you hear about most often, not that everyone has it, of course.”
“But she can’t give me a thing just by like, mentioning it, can she?! That’s crazy!”
“I don’t know how that works,” Summer laughed. When Yang just ducked her head and began kneading faster, she relaxed into the sensation. “Ooh… but I do know I’m enjoying this. You have a gift there.”
At first, Yang didn’t answer. She was too busy trying to ignore the near-sexual noises coming from the older woman, the wriggling of little appendages from between her thumbs and fingers. For a minute or so, that was all that happened; massaging lotion into skin. Even if Yang was completely mortified that Summer knew about this unwelcome insistence of Ruby’s.
Then Summer finally whispered, “I think that’s good.” When Yang blinked up at her, she elaborated, “The lotion. Massaging me. It felt wonderful, but I think you’ve done your job. You could move on to the nail polish.”
“O-oh. Sorry, I wasn’t- yeah, I’ll get on that.” But while she was fetching the bottles, she got another question that sidetracked her.
“Do you like my feet?”
“What? Uh… sure.” No sense saying otherwise.
“Tell me,” Summer asked, voice carefully neutral as she raised a toe to push into Yang’s nose. This time, it stayed there. “Don’t worry about the answer, about making me feel disgusted, or what Ruby would think. What would you do with them right now if you had no consequences?”
That sounded familiar. Ruby had done much the same when she first wanted to give her a hug, but had been suppressing the instinct. Though she couldn’t believe she had any such instincts in this area in the first place! “Um, I’d do nothing with them.” No answer. She forced herself to do as Summer asked and be as honest as she could. “Like, massaging them for you was nice, and um, I’m glad it helped you relax, but… I don’t need to do anything weird, alright? It’s all good.”
“I won’t tell Ruby,” she promised, a hand up as if taking an oath. “This is just for your benefit, to check in with yourself. You can do whatever you want with one or both of my feet. No thinking, just answer quickly: what would you do?”
Clearly, Summer wanted there to be more to this. Or at least for her not to blow off the question. Her mind flicked back to Ruby finishing up her own toenails a little while earlier. It was the first thing she could think of, so she used that. “Kiss them?”
“There,” Summer said with an encouraging smile, just like a lot of her elementary school teachers wore. That did nothing to make her feel less embarrassed, but at least she felt a tiny stirring of pride that she had pleased an elder; it helped balance out her shame. “See? That wasn’t so bad. Now, is there anywhere special you’d want to kiss?”
The woman’s foot was still in front of Yang’s face. Did she want a demonstration? Hoping to get it over with, she leaned down and kissed the bottoms of Summer’s middle toes. It felt fine, not like anything special… but the whole situation was still driving her insane.
“Oh, I didn’t think you’d really…” But her words cut off with a slight sigh. “Mmm… you’re too sweet. Makes me feel even worse that I tried to trap you; I clearly was very mistaken about what kind of girl you are, Yang. I apologise.”
“N-no big,” Yang insisted as she unscrewed the nail polish, still blushing like mad. “You were trying to protect Ruby, and I get it. Like, I want that, too.”
“We can agree on that, at least.” As she watched Yang get to work, she asked, “Did you think about kissing my toes before I asked at all?”
Shaking her head, she held the foot still so she could do a decent job, trying to balance the open bottle between two fingers at the same time. “Nah. Just that they were pretty. I’ve never wanted to do anything to feet in my whole life, I swear.”
“But you thought mine were pretty? Well, thank you.” Cursing herself for the slight slip of honesty, Yang tried to refocus on the task at hand. “Odd as it is to have them kissed, I can’t pretend I don’t appreciate a compliment like that.” After a few more seconds, she changed the subject very slightly. “And the massage. You have very skilled hands.”
“Thanks,” she snorted. “Comes from giving my mom foot and shoulder massages after work some days. Sometimes it helps her be less crabby.”
“Lucky woman. Tai does that for me on occasion while we’re watching TV, but not terribly often.” After a few seconds, she suddenly offered, “I always wondered what the true reason was for Tai and her splitting up… he always just told me it was ‘personality compatibility issues’, but I also thought it might be something a bit deeper that he didn’t want to burden me with. But I suppose it’s none of my business.”
Shrugging off the darker subjects, Yang painted more furiously as she said, “Dunno. Mom hates talking about it, and I figure Dad does almost as much. But I’d be lying if I said you’re anywhere near the raging bitch she can be most of the time, so… probably mostly what he said.”
Around when Summer was still nodding, not having expected a much different answer, Ruby returned with a mischievous little grin. “How did we do?”
“Fine,” Summer told her with a smirk of her own. “Yang is painting my attractive toes.”
As she sat down, Ruby whispered, “Is that what she called them?”
“No, it isn’t. And you should stop trying to give poor Yang a complex she doesn’t already have!”
“You told on me?!” Ruby gasped, and Yang rolled her eyes. It was almost as bad that Summer told on Yang, but it was a minor detail by this point; the cat was already out of the bag. “Aww, but I wasn’t trying to do that! I just think she already has one, and I thought if I-”
“Well, it wasn’t very nice. Yang looked horrified at having to admit what you were talking about. I wound up teasing her without really meaning to, and I feel like I have done enough of that for one week.”
Seeing that Ruby was starting to look chagrined, Yang felt obligated to step in. “Hey, it’s no big deal. Pretty much, I just kissed her toes, and then we went on with painting.”
However, that had been the wrong thing to do. Ruby’s eyebrows shot up and she whispered, “What? Really? So I was right!”
“No, you weren’t! She just, like… we were talking about it…” However, the more she tried to rationalise the kiss, the less she found she could. All she had to tell Summer was that she didn’t want to do anything and stick to saying that; why had she said she wanted to kiss them?
“I talked her into it,” Summer covered for her, patting Ruby’s arm. “When she told me what you’ve been doing to get a rise out of her. And I wouldn’t have told you about that part, because I promised.” Now Yang felt stupid for having volunteered that information on her own. “Though I have to admit, she’s very good with feet; mine have never felt better.”
A few seconds passed as Yang blew on the red paint, trying to distract herself by doing her “job” for the moment. The more they talked about her and this topic, the more aware she was of how close she was to Ruby’s mother’s admittedly-pretty toes, handling them, staring at them. When had she started thinking of them as “pretty”?! It wasn’t something she had expected to ever care that much about.
“Well, I’m jealous,” Ruby said with a pout that Yang could hear as pretend, so she felt no need to stop and address it. “I’ve been trying to get her to kiss mine for a while.”
“Dude!” she half-laughed as she finally did look up. “I was just chewing on yours a minute ago!”
That made Summer raise her eyebrows. “Wow. And you were acting like I was making some kind of breakthrough with helping you figure that out, and you’re already nibbling on Ruby’s feet? I feel used.”
Gulping, she glanced between the two play-glaring women. “Wait… no, that wasn’t- when I did it to Ruby, I was making fun of how much she keeps saying I want to… I’m not really-”
“I think you should kiss mine now,” Ruby needled her as she pushed her feet into Yang’s face. Though Yang shrugged it off at first, she was insistent. “Come on! Just so we’re even!”
“How is that even?” she complained. But in the end, she could find no reason not to, so she gave the toes a quick kiss. Ruby switched feet, so she kissed those, as well. “There. Now leave me alone so we can finish?”
“Not quite even,” Summer insisted, raising her other foot that had been neglected before. Knowing that she was blushing worse than she ever had in her life, Yang kissed those toes, and she smiled evenly down at her. This time, she was definitely trying not to laugh at her, but she was also smiling fondly. Being able to play around like this was a positive step, even if it was a little odd.
“Hers probably taste old,” Ruby remarked, earning her a little elbow-nudge from her mother.
“They taste like lotion,” Yang snorted, blowing on the paint to make sure it was completely dry. As she grabbed for the topcoat, she got another faceful of Ruby’s feet, so she rolled her eyes and grunted, “WHAT?!”
“I just want more kisses. No reason.”
“Okay, okay, but then I have to put on the topcoat.” So she gave Ruby’s soles a few kisses, and she listened to the two of them chuckle. As she started giving the paint job a protective layer, she asked, “Why is it so funny to you, huh?”
“Because you should probably just tell us ‘no’,” Ruby was cackling, letting Yang finish up. “But you’re not. It’s funny that you don’t think you have a thing.”
“There’s nothing wrong with it, either way,” Summer told her daughter stubbornly, and Ruby nodded her agreement, though she looked a little reluctant to part with her source of entertainment. When Yang finished, she sighed and looked at her handiwork. “Alright… yes, I do think that will work nicely. Do you like them better painted or unpainted? Tai is a fan of unpainted.”
That had Yang curling her lip, and Ruby gasping, “DAD, TOO?!”
“No, not like that,” she snickered. “He just says that painted, they look ‘strange’; that’s it. Though it would be funny if it was a hereditary kink.”
“I don’t have a kink!” Yang tried to protest, but they ignored her. Actually, they didn’t; she would have preferred that. As if in direct response, one of them pressed a foot each into Yang’s face to silence her. And it worked; she instantly slapped her lips shut to keep from accidentally nibbling one or both of the soles.
“Ooh, look how lucky you are,” Ruby was cooing as she flexed her toes against Yang’s lip. “You’re the only girl to ever have both Rose women’s feet in her face at the same time!”
She was. And unbelievably… that knowledge, along with the whole of everything that had gone on before, was starting to turn her on. She hadn’t been aware of it up until that point; only that she was flustered. But by this point, the sheer absurdity of the moment paired with the soft sensation, plus the taboo of a mother-and-daughter combo, was affecting her libido in a way she REALLY didn’t appreciate. She’d been afraid that they would stink, but Ruby’s didn’t smell like much of anything, and Summer’s smelled like the fruit-based lotion and the acrid aroma of polish. Without that worry, it was somehow...
“I think she’s enjoying this,” Summer remarked, as if they were watching a vaguely interesting documentary. But when Yang’s eyes flashed down and to one side, she frowned. “Yang, are you alright?”
“It’s fine,” Yang said gruffly, then winced at how annoyed she sounded. They weren’t doing anything that bad, really. “Just… you don’t have to laugh s-so much, I guess.”
“Yang is getting woody from the footies,” Ruby snorted. But Summer’s elbow quieted her. “What? I was just kidding. Yang knows I’m kidding.”
“I don’t think she does. And even so, clearly she’s having a little trouble with this, so we shouldn’t tease. Unless…” There was a slight smirk that had been absent for a while. “She likes the teasing, too.”
When Summer’s other foot drifted down to push into her erection through her shorts, Yang had to flinch very slightly. That seemed to be enough. Ruby glanced between them, then cautiously lowered her other foot to do the same, next to her mother’s on its other side. “Ooh… maybe she does.”
“Mmhh,” Yang couldn’t prevent herself from sighing anymore, rolling her hips into the slight contact. It held fast. They couldn’t be serious. How could they be right at home with doing this together?! Even for one person, it was a strange thing to do, much less as a mother-daughter team!
“Good God,” Summer breathed. For the first time since she had seen her on the deck, she looked flustered and aroused - without being angry the way she was that morning she tried to trap her. “I had no idea when we started that this would…”
“Mom?” Ruby whispered; of course Yang could hear her, but she was trying to keep her voice down. “Is this weird for us to… y’know… at the same time?”
“No weirder than anything else from this week. But… I am starting to think we should rethink this.” Drawing her toes back a few inches, she dipped her head lower to catch Yang’s gaze. “What would you like us to do? We can stop at anytime.”
“Um… y-yeah,” she whispered, though she was still thrusting against their feet below. “It’s kind of… intense, but I think I’m gonna lose my mind if this actually keeps going.”
“Alright. That’s all we needed to know, sweetie.” That was distinctly more maternal than she had been a moment ago. The foot that had been grinding against her arousal patted her hip slightly in consolation.
“Sorry, Yang,” Ruby replied, taking the cue from her mom and lowering both of her feet at once. Their concern soothed her irritation, and she nodded. “Um… maybe we could put lotion on you? Or I could; Mom wants to get back to her sunbathing. Right, Mom?”
“Right,” she sighed as she scooted forward to slip her feet back into her flip-flops. “I should do that, yes.”
“Wait.” Catching the foot that had been on her face, Yang brought it up to inspect the nails. “Looks like you’re done, yeah.” Then she gave the top a little kiss before dropping it so she could leave. A small apology for overreacting to what was, after all, some simple teasing.
But it meant more than she intended to her stepmother. The woman paused to brush her hand over Yang’s hair. “You’re too sweet. Maybe if you keep that up, I’ll let you kiss my feet again tomorrow.” As she stood, she picked up her limeade and paced off to the deck. Honestly, Yang couldn’t tell if she was kidding or not.
Once the door was closed, Ruby sank to the floor and wrapped her arms around Yang. After a few seconds of wondering why she did that, she whispered, “I’m so sorry. Okay? I know I was teasing like, way too much, and then I got Mom doing it…”
“Yeah,” Yang agreed as she hugged back. “It’s not such a huge problem that you should feel bad, but like… I dunno, you went a little overboard. Maybe don’t do that again?”
“I’m sorry,” she repeated anyway, clinging tightly to her. “Mom said that, too, that I went too far. But like…” Clearing her throat, she said it in an almost fearful way. “You did kiss our feet… and I could tell it was turning you on. You could have come that way, right?”
Sighing, she tried to think of a way she could deny it. Ruby brushing over her bulge with one hand made that quite impossible. “Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with that whole thing. Especially both of you starting in at the same time, making fun of me. Why do you want me to like it so much?”
“I… huh. I really don’t know. I guess…” Ruby sat back on her legs, brow furrowed in thought for a moment. She hadn’t considered that very deeply, it seemed. “Well, it’s funny because they’re feet. Feet are funny to me, like butts. And I guess I also really liked what you said about liking all of me, but I figured that couldn’t be true. Like, maybe you don’t think I’m ugly anywhere, but that’s not the same thing as thinking like, my toes are sexy. My armpits are sexy, belly button. Weird stuff, right? So like…” A little shrug. “I guess I was testing you. Didn’t mean to be, though, I just wondered if I could tease you a little and find out whether or not you really did like my feet. And it was kinda funny to do, so that didn’t stop me. But I never meant to make you legit uncomfortable, I promise!”
That had taken a lot out of Ruby to think her way through her own actions, and she was being baldly honest. Yang knew she could do no less. “Yeah. I mean, I guess… I’ve never thought about feet like that before, and I haven’t been sure what you want me to do about it, anyway. Like, I started noticing your feet are cute the minute I got here, but before you started teasing me, that was it; like, you have a cute nose, too. But I don’t wanna fuck your nose!”
“Nah, I get you,” she giggled, reaching up to pet up and down Yang’s arm. At the same time, she crinkled her nose a little at the compliment. “Thinking something’s cute doesn’t mean you’re into doing stuff with it. Makes sense.”
“Good,” she sighed, running her hand through her bangs.
“Did you really like ‘em the moment you got here?”
Now it was right back to Yang feeling embarrassed. But Ruby’s expression was curious, no longer even remotely teasing or amused. That helped. “Y-yeah. Following you up the stairs, I didn’t want to look at your butt, so I looked at your feet… and they were cute, so it was only a little easier. Trust me when I say that staring at your ass would have been WAY worse, though.”
Ruby nodded. Then she whispered, “Yang?”
“I really am sorry for being such a jerk about that. But… if you like my feet… it’s okay. Just makes me happy that you think so much of me is worth calling ‘cute’, okay? Nothing wrong with that.” As an afterthought, she added, “And my mom’s. Which is weird, but like, we’re already half-sisters so it seems pretty dumb of me to act grossed out by that.”
Rolling her eyes, Yang pulled her into a one-armed hug. “Dumbass. I’d really be fine if your mom stopped doing stuff like that sometime soon. Like, I’m not gonna miss it.”
“Whose feet are better?” When Yang only rolled her eyes in disgust, she pressed, “Which turned you on more?”
“Well, I wasn’t expecting those!” Yang burst out in vague irritation, though she was smiling and blushing. “You’ve been bugging me with that for days, but I never expected your mom to do the same thing, okay?! I can’t help my reaction!”
Folding her arms over her chest, Ruby looked away in false offense. “Well, I’ll just have to step up my foot-game!”
“What does that even MEAN?!”
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A Quick Guide to British Drinks
Tea - boil the kettle, pour it in the cup with the tea bag, add the milk, add the sugar, stir. Or some people put the milk in before the hot water.
Coffee - spoonful of instant coffee, hot water from the kettle, add the milk and sugar to taste. Coffee machines, grinders, caffetieres, and pod machines are popular and probably half the norm now but for decades, coffee in the UK was mostly just instant from a jar. Which we had no problem with, leave your instant coffee snobbery at the door, please and thank you. Nescafe is the leading brand, it’s expensive as hell. The next one would probably be Maxwell House. If you go any cheaper, you’re looking at shop’s own and that’s where your snobbery can come back because that’s just coffee scented dust.
Hot chocolate - 3 heaped spoonfuls, hot water from the kettle, then depending on brand add milk and sugar to taste. The leading brands are cadbury’s and options, the really posh stuff would be Green and Black’s Cocoa. We now have varieties such as Malters, Galaxy, Mars Bars, Magic Stars (which is Rubbish! The packaging made it look like the chocolates floated on the top and they don’t! They just melt and form a melted lumps at the bottom of the cup!) but again, shop’s own versions are available.
Lesser popular hot drinks are ovaltine and Bovril. Ovaltine is a malt drink, people tend to drink it before bed, it’s got a reputation of being an old person’s drink and maybe what grandparents will give their grandkids before bedtime. I can’t stand the stuff. Bovril is a yeast extract drink. It’s got a reputation for being associated with Birmingham, but it’s popular in a lot of areas across England, and it’s also associated with football fans.
Even lesser popular drinks, is hot beef oxo. The poor man’s Bovril. Oxo is a stock cube mostly used to make gravy with, also used in casseroles and cottage pies (beef flavouring only). I don’t know if it’s popular in one area over others, it just tends to be a replacement for Bovril, or because the flavour isn’t as strong as Bovril, as a preferred choice over bovril.
Cold drinks:-
Almost all drinks with -ade in the name are fizzy drinks. Powerade, which is a brand of energy drinks, not a flavour, are not. But lemonade, limeade, strawberryade, cherryade, orangeade and raspberryade ald other flavours named like that all are. We do not use the word soda besides when talking about Cream Soda, a specific type of fizzy drink. Regional and age demographics with determine on if it's called pop or not. In some areas pop just means lemonade, in others it means all fizzy drinks. It can be one of those family idiosyncrasies.
Rootbeer is a modern American import, most people aren't likely to drink it, we also don't have Yahoo. Almost every popular type of branded drink we have here has a shop's own version, except Tizer, Irn Bru, Lucozade. You can have a good fun time making up discounted versions of drinks. In real life we had Panda Pop Cola, Rola Cola, and Happy Cola.
Ribena is a leading brand of squash, that's a bottle of concentrated fruit syrup that you dilute down with water. It comes in blackcurrant, orange and summer fruits. There's a non-concentrated ribena strawberry version, originally available in just a little carton that you drink with a straw, but now available in bottles. Vimto is Ribena's main competitor, it’s basically the same stuff.
Depending on social class, Ribena will either be called juice, squash or cordial. Cordial is actually something slightly different. It's the same principle, a fruity syrup you dilute down but it can also be mixed with alcohol. Cordials come on fancier flavours, like elderflower, barley and fruits of the forest and is mainly aimed at a more adult market. Squash is juice, cartons of fruit juice from concentrate is juice, freshly squeezed juice from fruit is juice, bottled freshly squeezed fruit juice is called juice. Ribena has a separate cordial range but they're fairly new to the cordial market. This is a sweeping generalisation, but actual cordial is middle class. Calling squash “cordial” is “Poshing it up”.
Going back to the ribena strawberry in a carton. We do not call them juice boxes, they are “small carton drinks” and only snotty people would comment on someone drinking from a carton with a straw. I’ve seen some wierd reactions to people over the age of 12 drinking from a small carton with a straw on american television shows and it baffled me, because that’s not the general attitude here. In fact, this is a general lesson everyone should just learn actually: Don't be rude about other people's drink choices. You have no idea why someone might be drinking from small cartons with a straw. In fact, for a while CapriSun were popular with everyone, not just kids.
On the other hand, Ribena Fruit Shoot, which are small bottlles with sports lids, are marketed at kids and young teens, and you don’t find many adults drinking them, but because they’re self contained and easy to hold, I saw them quite regularly being used in disabled circles, for both kdis and adults.
Other popular soft drinks we have, besides the obvious coke and Pepsi and ones mentioned above are: Lilt, 7up, Fanta, Rubicon, Dandelion and Burdock, innocent smoothies and innocent juices. And yes, orange juice from actual oranges will come in either "Orange Juice" or "Orange Juice with Bits".
Lucozade for years was touted as a sort of cure all. Have a cold, the flu, upset tummy, or headache? You'd drink Lucozade to help the actual medicine along a bit. In the 90s it changed tactics to be more of a sports drink but I'd say it's only in the last 10 years it was able to shake off the idea that it was good for you if you were sick. It then fell out of favour a few years ago when it changed its recipe to reduce sugars, and now a lot of people don't like it.
There was a whole craze between 2005 and 2011 of drinking RedBull energy drinks and there were so many channel 5 health documentaries that talked about how bad it was for you.
Energy Drinks are still quite popular and are also something you can have a wild time coming up with names for. Popular brands here are Monster, Relentless, Rockstar, Grenade and, er... Well, I don’t want to say the name of the other popular one. The people behind the product swear they don’t mean it in a sexually vulgar way but at the same time, their advert got banned for being sexually explicit, and there’s no cats involved in either the marketing OR the making of  process. Just think of the name of the James Bond character played by Honour Blackman and you can figure it out from there.
And then there's water. Generally speaking, all water in England has been safe to drink out of taps for decades. It would be highly unusual to have unsafe drinking water from a tap. However, it does happen and it’s a nightmare to sort out because you get passed from pillar to post as every department possibly involved blames all the other departments. So it does happen. But generally speaking, no big deal if your England-based character just drinks water from their tap.
And on a slightly related note, most water from the Midlands to the south is hard water - it produces lime scale - most water in the North is soft - it doesn't produce lime scale.
If your character is from the north and goes to university in the south, they might get a nasty shock one day after using their kettle for a couple of months if they didn't already know what lime scale in a kettle looked like.Especially when they’re tipping a kettle to pour the water, and lime scale comes out along with it, ruining the perfect cup of tea.
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flutecattle9-blog · 5 years
Cherry Limeade Recipe – Do It Yourself Better
Cherry Limeade is a fun and refreshing drink. Make it with lime and tart cherry juices instead of dyed syrups and artificial flavors for a real food treat.
Cherry Limeade is the epitome of refreshing drinks. Cold and refreshing, sweet and tart, sparkling and happy, it’s what happy days are made of. You can’t help but smile when someone hands you a glass of Cherry Limeade.
Can you?
Now the problem with Cherry Limeade is that the commercial versions are the epitome of fake food. Artificial sweeteners and colors galore! Not to mention that it can be expensive at take-out joints, especially when you have a crowd craving Cherry Limeades.
Can you make a Cherry Limeade at home?
Yes, yes, you can!
For years I tried to recreate it at home, but it seemed that you had to buy artificial cherry syrup in order to make it really taste right. I didn’t want fake food, as good as it was. I wanted a sweet treat that I didn’t have to feel too guilty about.
After much experimentation with different sweeteners and mixers, I finally landed on the perfect combination: lime juice, tart cherry juice, real sugar, and club soda. I promise you, it’s a winner, folks!
I tested this a few different ways, with sugar and with honey. My kids preferred the version mixed with sugar instead of honey. The honey flavor does try to overpower the cherry and lime flavors. Choose which sweetener you prefer.
Since the lime and cherry juices are not dirt cheap, I am leaning toward sugar since it’s a little more inexpensive. I like to make this with club soda so that it’s a fizzy drink, but you can make it with filtered water if you prefer a flat drink instead.
If you’ve got fresh limes and frozen cherries to use for garnish, you’ll have a super fun drink for any hot summer day or holiday celebration — or any day you need a glass full of Happy. I love it that it’s made from all natural ingredients without dyes and funky stuff.
After you mix up a batch — or two! — of Cherry Limeade, I’d love it if you’d come back and leave a starred review. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
How to make this good and cheap:
Here are some of the strategies you can use to make this recipe more economical:
Stock up on ingredients when they are on sale. Instead of paying full price, buy more than you need when you see it on sale. Then you always have it when you want it. This is particularly true for bottled cherry and lime juices as well as club soda. It’s always nice to have a stockpile of that kind of stuff.
Store your bulk purchase of limes in the fridge. Yes, citrus tastes best and juices more efficiently when it’s at room temperature, but you can extend its shelf life by storing it in the fridge.
Shop the stores that have the best prices. When I did my big grocery store showdown, I learned that ALDI and Costco have the best prices for a lot of the things I buy. You will naturally save money if you shop the best store for the items YOU buy. This may not be ALDI or Costco, so you’ll need to do your own price comparisons. The time investment as your research it is super valuable!
How I make this recipe easy:
This recipe really couldn’t be easier than it is, but having the right kitchen tools can really make your time in the kitchen more enjoyable. Over time, I’ve honed my collection so that they are perfect for my needs.
Here are the tools that I use for this recipe:
Cherry Limeade is a fun and refreshing drink. Make it with lime and tart cherry juices instead of dyed syrups and artificial flavors for a real food treat.
Keyword: cherry limeade, homemade soda, limeade, sonic
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup lime juice
1/2 cup tart cherry juice
1 liter club soda
frozen cherries and lime slices for garnish
In a large pitcher, combine the sugar and juices. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Slowly add the club soda, stirring gently to combine. Watch for overflowing foam.
Serve the limeade over ice with frozen cherries and lime slices for garnish.
Source: https://goodcheapeats.com/2018/08/cherry-limeade-recipe/
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