#I can imagine no less if Prowl will be decepticon
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somerandomcockroach · 1 month ago
maybe write a Decepticon Prowl fic with someone? :0 so your like constantly bouncing ideas off and can take turns writing to avoid burnout and you both and like be the firsts to read each new chapter like when yall proof read or something? Idk just a thought.
If i followed this, I'd give prowl too much power...
Pfffht, I have a bad case of "boring writing" and "closed inside my own head", not sure if I am even capable of bouncing something directly with someone XDD I wanna see what plots people make with him and in what situations put, wanna see his interactions with decepticons once he is among them. Because if autobots are monkeys in circus decepticons are alligators in the pond Oooooh yes, he is a big threat to autobots since he has a wild range of freedom, but I personally still think he isn't as overpowered here. Autobots will not kill you for all your mistakes, there are no rats until they were sent from enemies. Decepticons might kill you 👍So he will have to be 10 steps forward than all of them to find the most acceptable path where he has less chances of being beaten up to death. I swear to god I wanna see him being treasured by Megatron, Megatron being even scared of him. He keeps his best and loyal as close to him. I love how he said to Starscream one time that he obeys to him if he obeys to decepticon's case. I can see Prowl saying that to someone and Megatron having the smug smile on his face. I have my opinions on when he joined and why and so on. I think that he operates as a tactician under "Prowl" (and known only among closer circle of Megatron) but among regular decepticons he is known as a "Barricade" on a low communication work to lessen the chances of others to find out who he is and kill him. Because this is so easy to kill him, he is a bad fighter. I think Shockwave hates him pffht. (I have to be honest I know so little of the decepticon version of him as a character so I don't know what fruit he is) Scientists have their own meetings and I headcanon that such meetings are a taboo to intervene with false info, exactly what Prowl does. Soundwave might also hate him for how his cassettes might be treated like a chess figures? Idk I know even less about Soundwave ahah. So he might have an awful medical treatment here if any at all since he is just. Not loved? "Megatron's dog on leash" I can see him being thrown out by his own who got enough of him, with ripped off audials and comms, with no way of tracking him, on the planet like Junkion to let him die, but Jazz (aka Meister) also was here on operation, so Prowl ends up with autobots because of course Ratchet will not let even decepticon die. And no one knows real "Prowl". So he ends up in this clownery, covered as a Barricade low class coms decepticon who "defected" because had enough and now "Meister" keeps a close optic on him. Because he has broad "Jazz" net. He has a lot of information that autobots don't know. And things that Barricade says do not connect strings. Oh I better shut up
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signedaiko · 3 months ago
Hi there! Could I request HCs of Optimus Prime, Prowl, and Ratchet (separately) from Transformers Animated with a Cybertronian![S/O] [Romantic] [Gender Neutral] who is an Autobot specialized in Special Operations?
Cybertronian![S/O] is a commander of their own Special Ops team back on Cybertron doing missions ranging from hostage rescues to combat. They tried to visit Earth with the Elite Guards whenever possible to see their respective partner(s) since they missed them.
They may be misunderstood as tough, scary, and dangerous at first glance, sometimes mistaken for a Decepticon before showing their Autobot insignia. Even mentioning their designation (name) sends shivers down anybot’s struts (backs).
In actuality, they’re kind, sweet, and less serious when off duty and can take a joke.
Optimus | Prowl | Ratchet [Animated]
In which their s/o is the commander of the Autobot's information operations and visits Earth to see them.
Reader is: Gender Neutral | Cybertronian | Autobot.
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Despite all his sucking up to the commander, Ultra Magnus, few knew Optimus looked up to more than just the one
He wasn't under your authority, but you were still a commander, and he was so utterly proud of you for amounting to something
He hadn't seen you since his touchdown on Earth, but you'd been checking on him far more frequently to make sure he was okay
Initially, he doesn't tell you about the cons and tells you it's just human villains because he knows you're busier than he could ever imagine and doesn't want you to worry even more
But you do find out through Ultra Magnus when it's reported, and it only takes a week before you can find an excuse to step away from your position to see him
Your arrival on a small, dark ship catches the attention of Bee and Sari during one of their excursions, and they both go running back to their team, claiming more Decepticons have arrived
When he does go to investigate, he's pleased to see you step from the ship, but your name coming from his mouth only seems to unnerve the others more
"Whoa! Prime, you know them???"
"More than know, actually. Everyone, meet my conjunx."
Jaws are dropping
Very quickly they get to learn your and Prime's history together, how you met in elite guard training, how he saved your life, how different you were than the rumors made you to seem
"Don't be fooled; they're very scary when they need to be."
Prowl, like most things in his life, kept any mention of you to himself
After all, the others on his team liked to pry, and you were something precious to him; someone no one understood but him
Not only that, but he was worried if he brought you up, someone might try to contact you, and he knew that above all, your missions were at their peak, one after another
It didn't take anyone else, though; his own silence and lack of disclosure eventually led to you deciding to visit him yourself, which culminated in him literally waking up to the others screaming about a con at the base
He knew the very sound of your spark hum apart from any other noise and immediately told everyone else to calm down
Of course he's happy to see you, but he really wishes you wouldn't see him at such a low point
Stuck with a team of nobodies on a planet one hundredth the size of the one you protected
But you never cared about any of that; you were just happy to see your bot again, and beyond all the war stuff, he was happy to see you, too
He's very protective of you and doesn't let you spend too much time with the others because they're 'too annoying to deserve your attention'
Ever since the mission he carried out with you to save Arcee, he'd felt shame in comparing himself to you
Ratchet used to be on your team before you commanded it, but he eventually strayed into his current position while handling his guilt
Guilt or not, he admittedly hated that you'd taken up such an important position because it meant you had a bigger target on your back
Communicating with you poses a danger to you, so he's reluctant to send much your way and just accepts transmissions from you, which only Prime manages to find out about
Ratchet doesn't care if you're scary or not, if you're strong or not; he just wishes he could keep you from being known, keep you safe
Against all his wishes, you continue to be a more important link in the war effort, and you are the one protecting him in the relationship more than anything
Ratchet manages to keep your first few visits to Earth a secret, but it doesn't take much more for the others to meet you, especially after they had to help chase Lockdown off from trying to take you in
He doesn't have much of an ego, but he does like seeing the younger bots fawn over how cool his s/o is
And hearing them talk about how everyone fears you, well, it makes him feel just a bit more certain that you can protect yourself and that he shouldn't worry as much as he does
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Author's Note - I have actually been rewatching all of Animated so, perfect timing! Blitzwing forever tho <3
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primus-why · 5 months ago
Rom-Com Cliché -- Saying the Wrong Name at the Wedding
Idk why but I just imagined some post-war bonding ceremony shenanigans. Imagine the war has ended, and all Cybertronians are invited back to the planet to rebuild...
The tentative situation they're calling "peace" between Autobots and Decepticons is under constant strain, which was to be expected, but the returning NAILs don't seem to like the factions either. With tensions on the rise, Optimus and his advisors decide their best bet is to try and forge a fresh relationship with the NAILs-- after all, Optimis only ascended to the role shortly before the exodus. He'll show them that he's different than his predecessors! By extending a servo in genuine trust and a desire to understand, the Autobots and NAILs may find new allies in one another.
(Which, as Prowl points out, is a strategic military maneuver as much as it is a political one. By bolstering their allied numbers, it will make the 'Cons think twice about breaking the treaty and restarting the war.)
However, to their credit, Megatron and the 'Cons appear to throwing themselves into rebuilding efforts as much as anyone else. They even agree to share resources with the NAILs-- in exchange for labor or something of equal value, of course. Optimus can respect that. He knows Megatron believes actions speak louder than words, so it's encouraging to see the Decepticons making the effort to unify as well.
Slowly Optimus is put more at ease-- the three primary factions fall into a rhythm which sees the return of buildings for shelter and science, free-flowing energon, and nature reserves. As a result, he feels much lighter. The Matrix practically sings when he sits on a Council where they are productive!
Ironhide: Careful there, Prime. I think that grin might become infectious.
Optimus: Ha-- I keep forgetting how easy I am to read without my mask.
Megatron snorts. He was always able to read Prime just fine, even with a battle mask. The mech is too open and honest-- a quality the bit-brained Autobots admired in their leader.
But, even he had to admit, it's hard not to stare when the fool is practically beaming. It comes as a shock to no one that joy was not an emotion he often saw in his encounters with the Prime on the battlefield. 'It's natural to be curious,' Megatron reasons with himself; he simply isn't used to that bare face-- especially when it isn't weighed down by sad optics... or lips set in a hard line...
'... Scrap, what were they saying?'
Windblade: Is everyone excited for the festival?
Starscream: Ughhhh...
Metalhawk: It doesn't have to be perfect.
Starscream: Yes it does. There's less than a deca-cycle to complete the spires. If they're not-- nevermind. I won't get into it here.
Megatron: Isn't the point of this Council to communicate our collective needs? I daresay Winglord-- there's no better audience to hear your party-planning woes.
Starscream: Hmph. Perhaps. But I'd sooner scan another Earth altmode than accept your aid... no offense, Prime.
Optimus: None taken.
Ironhide: In all seriousness, if you need materials--
Windblade: --or even more flightframes to assist in construction..?
'There we go.' Megatron huffed to himself in satisfaction, 'That prideful idiot.' He knew Starscream would never have allowed himself to ask for help unless he gave him a poke.
A festival. He hadn't been to one in many years-- never in Vos, and never as a free mech. The last time he attended had been on those rare occasions he snuck out of the Pits. A handful of times he had been lucky and stumbled upon a festival. Once he deliberately snuck out to orate a speech, before the authorities broke up the crowd and spoiled the atmosphere of the event.
'... Maybe I should give a speech, for old times sake-- with the added bonus that Starscream would absolutely abhor it.'
Optimus stole a glance at Megatron, who had begun to help himself to the snacks brought for the meeting. The two faction leaders were certainly on better terms with one another than at the start of the rebuilding efforts, though Optimus would hesitate to call themselves anything more than acquaintances. Which felt strange, considering how intimately they'd come to understand one another in the context of war.
'He did it again...' For someone normally so prone to posturing, Megatron was not opposed to a display of subtlety, especially when in service to others. Of course he continues to lean into grand gestures, and always makes sure he gets the credit he is owed for his work in rebuilding Cybertron... but in these small, almost inconsequential moments, he still looks out for others in his own roundabout way. He'd cede his floor time to someone who spoke on an issue he agreed with, essentially handing them a platform; he'd do what he did just now-- toss out some snarky jabs to get a conversation flowing; Optimus once even saw him purchase fancy fuel at a market, then hand half to a sparkling who had been eyeing the goods... though he tried to hide gesture.
The duplicity fascinated Optimus. Has he always been this way? Surveillance of Decepticon command and years of combatting the mech head-on suggested this was not the case. However, they held different roles now. Optimus knows he's changed since the end of the war... he can't help but wonder how Megatron has been changed too...
'... Wait, oh no, did Metalhawk just say something?'
Metalhawk: Speaking of Earth, I've been meaning to ask you about it for a while.
Optimus: Yes, of course! What would you like to know?
Metalhawk: Having never been myself, I'm curious about your affection for it. You must hold it in high regard if you've maintained your altmode all this time?
Optimus: Oh! That's... well, yes. Despite the many unpleasant memories, I also made many fond ones that I will treasure. Even when I chose it, this alt just felt... right.
Metalhawk: I see. Would you be open to sharing some of those fond memories with me? Perhaps... at the festival?
'... Holy scrap. Is he asking what I think he's asking??' Despite his efforts Optimus can feel energon begin to rise to his face-- he hasn't been asked out since before he was a Prime! Distantly he is aware the room got quieter, save for Megatron coughing on a sweet that went down the wrong pipe.
Optimus: I should think there would be plenty of time, if we attended together.
Metalhawk: Then it's a date?
Optimus: Looking forward to it..!
Metalhawk takes his leave with a warm wave and a smile. Windblade and Ironhide gawk until he is gone before rushing to Optimus.
Windblade: Did you know that was going to happen??
Optimus: No, not at all!
Windblade: You handled it pretty well!
Optimus: Oh thank Primus. I don't know why I got so nervous all of a sudden. I speak to him nearly every day...
Ironhide: Ooooo, I'm telling Ratchet...
Optimus: Go ahead, it's not like I wasn't planning on telling my amica... preferable he knows before the press.
Ironhide: I was thinking more-so that he'd wanna squeeze you in, to check if your firewalls are up-to-date--
Optimus: -- 'HIDE!
Starscream: *ehem* Congratulations, Optimus Prime, you two make a handsome match. Now, if we could get back to planning the biggest event of the stellar cycle...
Fast forward-- past the festival, past the tabloids speculating on the nature Metalhawk and the Prime's relationship. The Autobots meet with Optimus once again. This time, some propose... a proposal.
That is to say-- a political bonding ceremony between the leader of the Autobots and a leader of the NAILs.
Ratchet thinks it's a bad idea-- much too soon for something so dramatic. It will seem farcical, an echo of a time long past where higher castes bonded to better their social standing. Optimus tends to agree.
But Prowl argues their festival date generated a lot of public approval. Having the people's high regard and trust is important in unstable times...
Prowl: Not to mention we'd secure our relationship with the NAILs. If the 'Cons ever stir up trouble, we'll be ready for them.
But Optimus isn't so sure of that argument anymore. Why would Megatron put so much effort into rebuilding, to personally have a servo in shaping their new world, only to destroy it again?
Optimus: ... Jazz? What do you think?
Jazz: ... *sigh* Honestly? I think a big, public-facing, cross-factional bond would go a long way towards helping things solidify. Feels more permanent... and obviously the 'Cons are off the table. So... why not Metalhawk? He's a nice guy, right?
Ratchet: Being 'nice' isn't all there is to it! Optimus has every right to bond with someone he loves..!
The 'Bots bicker, and Optimus has a moment to mull it over.
Finally, he speaks.
Optimus: ... I think... I could grow to love him. In time.
Ratchet: Optimus...
Optimus: It's okay, Ratchet. I accepted long ago that being Prime would require personal sacrifices.
Ratchet: ...
Optimus: Prowl, please prepare correspondence to Metalhawk. I want him to make an informed decision, so that I don't take this choice from him under false pretenses.
Ratchet exits without another word and doesn't return to the meeting.
Fast forward again-- to the day of the bonding ceremony. Metalhawk agreed (after making sure Optimus was of sound mind) to bond for the unification of Cybertron.
Anyone who is anyone is at this wedding. Councilmech, visiting dignitaries and ambassadors, the rich and famous. Sprinkled among them are genuine friends of the couple. Across Cybertron the event is broadcast live, and everyone waits with baited breath as the ceremony draws closer and closer to its conclusion.
Megatron made sure to sit on the end so he could beat the crowds to the open bar. In fact, he doesn't even stick around for the latter half-- why bother? He's already made his required appearance. Might as well crack open some high grade and head home early.
He eyes the solid fuel as well-- energon goodies and foreign sweets piled high for guests to choose from to their sparks content-- but he doesn't have an appetite. Hasn't for quite some time. He inspects his cube and spots the broadcast on a nearby holoscreen.
He sneers, frighteningly enough that the staff lingering in his line of sight make themselves scarce.
Megatron: I thought you were better than this. All that talk about forging our own bright future, and yet here we are. Lining up for the honor to dance in the shadows of a gilded past. Disgraceful.
On screen the couple turns to face each other, ready to recite the last portion of their fictitious vows before sealing the deal. Optimus, the self-sacrificing idiot-- still all too easy to read even in times like these if one knew where to look-- is putting on a brave face out of a sense of duty.
... He can't watch them do this. Instead, he turns back to lean against the bar and contemplate how far back this puts his plans for a free Cybertron... a world where high caste couplings are a thing of the distant past, and Primes can bond whomever they please...
Clergybot: To love and to cherish...
Metalhawk: To love and to cherish...
Clergybot: ... Until all are one.
Metalhawk: ... Until all are one.
Clergybot: ... And now I, Optimus Prime...
Optimus: I, Optimus Prime...
Clergybot: ... Take thee, Metalhawk...
Optimus: ... take thee, Megatron...
Megatron spits out his fuel and glares at the cube like it offended him.
'What the frag is in this--?!?'
But the gasps and murmurs of the crowd replacing the dull recitation alerted him to the fact that the ceremony... had stopped.
Optimus: I... I mean...
'Oh Primus...'
Cameras zoom in even closer, showing the Prime frozen in shock. The cube slips from Megatron's servo, shattering on the floor.
'Did he actually...??'
Metalhawk was stroking the Prime's servos that were still held in his own, whispering something blessedly inaudible, but the other mech eventually twisted them free.
Optimus: ... I'm sorry, I-I have to go.
Murmurs grew into a scandalized uproar as the Prime bolted from the altar and out the back of the temple. Metalhawk and the clergy attempted to placate them, but in time Metalhawk would leave to join the search party who had ran after Optimus.
Not before Megatron downed the rest of his drink and stole some snacks for the road (the reception wouldn't be needing them anyway.) He takes to the skies-- an advantage not many Autobots had on hand that would take too long to mobilize-- and opens a private comm channel.
Megatron:: Soundwave! Get me visual reports from the Westside of New Iacon, near the temple! Prime has escaped!::
After a beat, he realizes how that sounded. Old habits certainly do die hard.
Megatron:: He's fled the scene. Can you tell me which direction he's headed?::
Soundwave pings an acknowledgment. It doesn't take long to get his answer.
Soundwave:: Prime: headed towards Archives.::
Megatron:: The Archives? That's halfway across--::
Soundwave:: Clarification: The Old Archives.::
'Ah, that makes more sense.'
Megatron:: Thank you, old friend. What would I do without you?::
Soundwave:: Megatron: remain single forever.::
Megatron:: You-- wh-- that is not why I am pursuing him!!::
Soundwave:: ;) ::
Megatron hangs up and focuses on his flight instead, the impending conversation he'll need to have with the Prime looming ominously like a cloud.
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 1 year ago
Hi I wanna know how would the tfa bots elite guard and cons react to meeting a female bot who is like Barbie who came to life by an allspark fragment and developing a crush on her
-Optimus feels ashamed of his crush because he doesn't think he's worth her. She's just so... so perfect. Beautiful, kind, funny, intelligent. She's got it all and Optimus doesn't. He'll probably try to avoid her for some time after realizing how he feels about her.
-If Optimus feels ashamed then Ratchet feels embarrassed. He's an old mech, past his best years and he's not supposed to go after some young, pretty bot that's just started figuring out life. Not to mention that he's long since given up on having a love life. Like Optimus he'll probably avoid her if possible in an attempt to smother these feelings.
-Despite his claims, Bumblebee don't have a lot of experience with lady-bots. You know what, scratch that. He's got ZERO experience. That doesn't mean he'll dive right in and do his best to impress her. Super nervous about making a fool out of himself but he masks this with false confidence. Starts stumbling over his words whenever she smiles at him though.
-Bulkhead in love is just so wholesome. He realizes he's got a crush on her when he finds himself painting nothing but portraits of her. Tries to woo her the old fashioned way, with flowers and poems about how pretty her optics are. Will ask her to model for his paintings as an excuse to spend time with her.
-For Prowl, him having a crush is divided in two parts. First, he ignores it. Ignores her. Tries to be smooth about how he leaves when she shows up but he's just desperately trying to avoid her so he won't fall deeper in love. But he can't focus on anything, all his thoughts keeps drifting back to her so eventually he accepts it. Now he's determined to woo her though he feels intimidated by how amazing she is. How is he supposed to prove himself?
-It's been centuries since Ultra Magnus last had a crush but he just can't help it with this bot. She's everything he looks for in a conjux. Graceful, gentle, determined, intelligent, kind. She would make a perfect First Conjux (cybertronian version of First Lady). Now, he's not been in the dating game since he was a new frame but he's still confident that he can muster up the old charm.
-Fuuuuuck, Sentinel is so damn annoying about his crush. He flirts, says a million different pick up lines that makes everyone else cringe yet he fails to notice how hard he's failing. In his mind, a perfect mech like him deserves nothing less than a perfect bot like her. Thinks she's got a crush on him just because he can't imagine otherwise. Tries to impress her all the time.
-Jazz, just like Sentinel, flirts, but he's so much better at it. At first the flirting is mostly playful, trying to test the waters and see if she's interested, and once he's more confident then he'll lay it on real thick. Loves coming up with improvised love songs on the spot, singing about her many amazing qualities.
-The jettwins, Jetfire and Jetstorm, are like two puppies the way they follow her around, desperate for any scrap of attention. Like, they are down BAD. They hang onto her every word and think she's the most incredible bot in the world. Desperately try to impress her.
-Every lord needs a lady and that includes warlords so of course Megatron is determined to make her his. While she's a little too kind for the position as Lady of the decepticons he doesn't mind it. Her intelligence and charm more than makes up for it. Super suave with his flirting.
-Starscream tries so badly to impress her, be it with his intelligence, power or by flying. He tries to to act confident and suave with her but the moment she does anything he feels completely lost because she does everything with such ease. She's naturally graceful, doesn't even have to try to make people like her and that's everything Starscream wishes he had.
-She's got Blitzwing's personalities rapid switching because they all want to spend time/look at her. Hothead's usual anger and bravado turns into a blustering mess around her and all he can say are simple sentences like "You're pretty" or "I want to hold your hand so badly". Gets so flustered by his admissions that he willingly switches out. Icy is better, he is calmer about his crush and tries to woo her by being a gentleman. Too bad Random suddenly switches in and ruins it by saying that he wants to eat her so they can be together forever. Awkward.
-Look, Lugnut already got a conjux that he loves and adores so he feels super guilty about his crush. Whenever he sees this bot he will shout at them to stay away, calling her a temptress. Secretly though he's wondering if Strika would like to meet her. He's pretty confident that she'd like this bot and she's always been up for a third.
-Shockwave is torn between acting professional and ogling her like an idiot. She's perfect in every way, sense and form and he'd be an idiot to just ignore her. But because she's so perfect he finds himself so taken off guard that he doesn't know how to react.
-Yeah, Blackarachnia feels terrible. She's got a crush on her bot at the same time she's super jealous. This bot is beautiful and highly sought after by everyone and she feels so lacking in comparison to them. Might try to flirt but honestly don't think it will go anywhere, even if they for some reason were interested. Blackarachnia simply couldn't bear constandly comparing herself to this perfect bot.
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mychlapci · 10 months ago
Can sfw angst be summited. It's pretty dark but there is nothing sexy going on.
Preaching to the choir here but I need it to be known, Transformer Animated Bumblebee has a lot going on and should be more fucked up because of it. His story is really dark when you give it the proper weight.
In bootcamp he accused an innocent bot of being a traitor. Wasp wasn't investigated or given a trail, simply sent to jail. Wasp wasn't a nice bot and Bumblebee was manipulated by Longarm but it doesn't make him less guilty. He wanted Wasp to leave him alone and went along with the plan to get his wish.
Now that was years ago and Bumblebee is not the same bot. He not a recruit only looking after his own interests but he's part of a team of heroes protecting Detroit. He's Sari's best friend and is making an effort to be a good role model for her. He's no Optimus but he's learning to be a better bot. He is one of the good guys. He is good...
Then Wasp comes back for revenge.
He might not realize it at first. It might start as a thought itching at his processor. He squirrels it away saying to himself "he had to be the spy, who else could it be?" It be a take him meeting Shockwave for it to dawn on him but the realization hits him like a tsunami. He sent an innocent autobot to jail. Wasp will never have a normal life because of him. He got turned into a techno-organic monster and it's all Bumblebee's fault.
The guilt becomes a constant thought. He might have been a selfish brat who didn't know better then that's an awful thing to do. Ruin someone life for stupid petty reasons. He tries to distract himself, video games, tv, patrol duty, beating up decepticons, just anything so he doesn't think about the awful person he is. He's still joking around, acting goofy, like he's the same Bumblebee he's always been... the same silly Bumblebee who sentenced Wasp to a fate worst than the pit.
If he lets the thoughts linger too long with no distractions he can spiral into really dark places.
He doesn't deserve to be a good guy like the other autobots. What he did was awful, evil. He hates the stupid bot he was. The stupid bot he still is. Bulkhead must realized by now what he's done. He must hate Bee but saving face just like he been doing. Pretending he's not an awful and evil bot. He should leave to save them the displeasure of associating with him. He wished he had gone to prison instead. Wasp was better than him, he can admit that now, more deserving of being a hero. He is glad that Prowl has joined the allspark and doesn't have to deal with Bumblebee anymore. Maybe Bumblebee should go next, straight to the pit where evil sparks rust and never return.
AAAAAAH i love giving tfa Bumblebee some fucked-up thoughts. Personally i feel like his issues should run deeper than they were shown. The whole deal with Wasp... but also everything else. I get the vibe that Bumblebee would use humour and goofiness to distract himself and everyone else from any turmoil he might be going to, any turmoil at all. But when he's alone, that quick mind of his is just flipping through terrible thoughts...
i can imagine Bumblebee would reason with himself at first, tell himself he made a silly little mistake with Wasp and who really cares, eh? They didn't like each other, anyways. But when he lets himself spiral, realizes just how awful it would've been if it was him, accused of being a traitor with no one to help him. Part of him feels like now that everyone knows he made that mistake, there is no one to help him for real...
I wonder if he'd actually do something to himself now that be feels so aimless. I think Bee would think about it but would never hurt himself for making that stupid mistake. He wouldn't tell anyone, however... just keeps on stewing.
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minniethemoocherda · 5 months ago
Iridescent: Chapter 27
"Mech I told you to bring her to us alive!" Jazz said, as Devcon dumped the grey husk of Silverstreak's body onto his office floor.
The bounty hunter shrugged.
"She was like that when I found her." He said, crossing his arms. "I'm still getting paid though right?"
"Since you did not complete the task you were hired to do, no." Prowl stated from where he was stood behind Jazz's chair, his voice vibrating against the sensor's of Jazz's neck.
Devcon's sharp eyes fixed onto the head of tactics' and Jazz was reminded that despite usually only taking jobs from the Autobots, at the end of the day, Devcon still killed people for money.
"Look I'll give you half." Jazz said trying to diffuse the situation. "But we're having a party tonight so you're welcome to stay and help yourself to energon there."
Devcon's eyes remained locked on Prowl for a moment before he nodded. Those sharp optics then turned to Jazz, stalking up and down the curves of his body.
"I might stick around for the after party too."
Jazz took a long look back.
Since Devcon was technically unaffiliated that meant that there wouldn't be any complications of sleeping with someone outside of his rank because Devcon was outside of having a rank at all.
And Jazz couldn't deny that there was something alluring about how those bright predatory eyes shined against that lightning blue of skin. Jazz imagined tracing said skin to find the red lights that flashed between the blue metal plates.
But thinking down that path only conjured images last night with Prowl. How the tactician had methodically discovered every pressure of pleasure in Jazz's body, touching him in such a complete way that Jazz wasn't sure he needed another's touch again.
"There is no after party." Prowl snapped startling Jazz from that rabbit hole. "And we will have to consult with Optimus Prime first to determine if you have permission to remain on board."
Jazz did have to admit that Prowl had a point.
Thankfully Devcon didn't appear too offended.
"Fair enough." The bounty hunter shrugged before once again turning the full weight of his gaze back to Jazz. "I'm sure the commander can ensure I don't make any trouble till the Prime makes his decision."
Jazz heard a crack of metal as Prowl clenched his fists.
"I shall go speak to Optimus now." Prowl said before marching out of the room.
Jazz had no idea what problem Prowl clearly had with Devcon. Maybe it was just his general lack of trust of people? Or maybe he was still upset about Bluestreak? Jazz had hoped that seeing Silverstreak's dead body might've helped the mech get out of his funk but clearly it had not. Oh well, hopefully the party would cheer Prowl up instead.
Jazz turned his attention back to the corpse currently leaking into his floor. A blaster bolt was scarred into her back where it appeared to have burnt straight through to her spark chamber. From that angle it was unlikely to be self inflicted. But with Ratchet still unconscious they wouldn't be able to perform a proper autopsy.
"Where did you find her again?" Jazz asked.
"By the rust sea." Devcon replied. "You're lucky it's the tides low season otherwise she would've dissolved away by the time I found her.'
Silverstreak's most recent mission had been near the sea so it was possible that this location had been where she had been meeting with whoever her Decepticon contracts were. Although that wouldn't explain how she got to the opposite side of the planet without a ship in less than a week. Something wasn't adding up.
But Jazz wasn't about to alert Devcon to his suspicions. No, instead he would wait to discuss them with Prowl.
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scribe-of-hael · 1 year ago
Y'know,I don't think TFA Oppi actually that scared of ES megatron because he defeated his megs twice-
NGL imagine the conversation about TFA megs just randomly appears and TFA Oppi be like "Yeah it's not easy to defeat a guy almost thrice your size while have to relying on borrowed hammer and makeshift jetpack-"
Like,he's so small but also so fierce he managed to defeat a warlord he never met before earth shenanigans twice-
And he don't even need a gun-
Not to mention it probably took less than two years to defeat him in TFA timeline
Shame on other decepticons-
This tiny copy of Prime can kick ass better than them probably
Not really scared, just unsure! When all you've ever known is a person being 1 way and get yeeted into a different place where their acutally nice. Its a little bit of weariness just by association. Granted both the times he defeated megs he nearly got killed and lost a team mate, so he's just like "its hard to imagine you any other way. But I see that's not the case." Very much apologizes for his hesitation!
Megatron would be impressed Optimus would be too. Like when Prome explains how big his cons are its like "YOURE INCREDIBLE ,,, WTF?"
I can just see tfa Finials flatten in bit ofa blush and explaining its not just him but alos his team. Megatron would just shake his helm with smile.
"Yeah he sure is you alright, no doubt about it, "
Give TFA confidence and reassurance that he is doing a good job. Not that he ever needed it , but to hear it is very nice. Since in tfa the Functionalists are still in charge (looking at you tfa magnus) To hear that he is more than is alt mode and fiction somthing that these two had to go though, means alot to TFA.
I think ES mega and Optimus would love to elanr things from TFA , amaizng opportunity. I just love the idea of telling his he is doing good. After loosing prowl when trying to beat megs its alot of weight I'd imagine. He won but at what cost ?
Therapy session with the elders.
But TFA Optimus is awesome and I think any Optimus would be impressed.
Wiggly finials all around xD
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catnerdenby · 2 years ago
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Bumblebee uses he/him and she/her pronouns. He is one of the youngest known Cybertronian and is using that fact to her advantage. Well, used, at least. For now he thinks himself too old for that kind of stuff, amd while she isn't exactly spoiled, she sure was a lot more sheltered than others, growing up.
She was the last known spark to emerge from the Well Of All Sparks, but practically as soon as he came out, he was taken to the Ark, and the Autopods left Cybertron.
She was loved and cared for, but of all Autopods he has the closest relationship to Optimus Prime. Almost familiar even.
When they crashed on Earth, Bumblebee went scouting ahead, and so she found his alt-form. A fiddler beetle. He was immedeatly drawn to its vibrant green and otherwise black color, that has a reddish hue to it in the light.
She is the closest to Carly (yes, I decided to use her) of all Autopods, who introduced him to Earth music. Bumblebee found himself especially drawn to punk rock, which she felt expressed him the best.
While Carly played bass, he took up violin. She has to use his holoform to play it though.
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Carly's parents really do not like her, since they think he is bad influence on their daughter. I will maybe make a list one day of all the people Carly's parents do not like. I just gotta decide wether I'm gonna do it in alphabetical order or from least liked to less disliked.
Bumblebee hates Decepticons with a burning passion. In her mind, they are all undeniably and irredeemably evil.
So you can imagine how pissed he is when the others bring in an injured Starscream and Windblade tells her that the Decepticon second in command is not that bad, and can even be cute and silly.
During his stay in the Autopod base, Bumblebee keeps away from him, repeatedly insisting that Starscream is untrustworthy.
She does not want to admit it, as it is very childish and petty, but he is jealous. He is jealous because Starscream is given a lot of attention, and she hates it. She hates feeling jealous over something so stupid.
And when Starscream is revealed to be a clone, he gets even more jealous as even Prowl and Ironhide have started to be nice to him. Instead of ignoring the ex-Decepticon she begins to actively be mean to him.
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When she is scolded for it, he feels neglected and alone, so she goes to complain to Carly.
The human girl advises him to try and see things from Starscream's point of view. Bumblebee grudgingly agrees to try and be nice to the clone.
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taratard · 1 year ago
Imagining an AU where Megatron gets captured. The Autobots are celebrating but Optimus gets ConcernedTM when Megatron makes a comment about seeing him soon. But still, the Prime does his job, locks up the prisoner, and the rest of Autobot High Command is convinced the war is basically over.
And then everything goes completely batshit. CHAOS, across the entire known universe. Because yes, the Decepticons have scattered, BUT NOT IN THE WAY ANYONE WOULD WANT THEM TO.
Starscream and the Command Trine have taken a large portion of the fleet and are off committing random acts of thievery, destruction, and miscellaneous shenanigans against all and sundry, because Starscream absolutely MUST "prove" he was better at leading an army than Megatron. This has very, very mixed results.
Soundwave is loyal as ever, but is unfortunately missing a lot of firepower (frag you, Starscream!) needed to try and rescue his glorious leader. He is still determined to do his best, though, using everything in his power to generally fuck with Autobot High Command, scramble long-distance communication, and generally make their lives a living hell. Ravage is enjoying being able to sabotage basically anything he can get his claws on. Laserbeak is being Best SpyTM, while Frenzy and Rumble are thriving in the overall chaos.
Overlord is committing genocide and torture on an even larger level than he did on Garrus-9, because if he can’t have that "final showdown" with Megatron, he could still prove himself the Better Bot by obliterating as many Autobots as he can, as brutally as possible. Because if the Autobots defeated Megatron, and he destroys "enough" Autobots, then it proves his Overlogic that he is "The Best" - but we all know it's never going to be enough for our favorite psycho.
Tarn is on his own bender similar to Overlord, but for him it's more a means of punishing the Autobots for daring to capture and hold Megatron, and is demanding the release of the Decepticon leader. And of course he makes sure Autobot High Command receives plenty of video recordings of what's being unleashed on their underlings in the meantime, his own particular brand of "motivation" at play.
Shockwave is now free of the only one able to veto his science projects and generally nobody is paying attention to manage him, so of course he takes the opportunity to begin unleashing his Most Unapproved/Unsanctioned Projects (which, despite getting vetoed by Megatron (Yes, MEGATRON) as "Too Evil" or "Too Unethical," he still kept the files for the projects JUST IN CASE) and it probably ends up with several planets transwarped into alternate dimensions, spontaneous black holes appearing and disappearing, and just... in general, those kind of universe-altering shenanigans. Probably alongside several smaller, less noticeable ones, like mild inconvenience fields where everyone's left sock disappears or something, idk.
Most of the general Decepticon populous are off committing random crimes and generally being minor (and/or major) nuisances, since their mindset is basically: "hey, nobody can tell me what to do anymore, I can do what I want!" So if they want to dick around on some random planet and mess with organics, or go off and steal things, or just cause random sabotages and explosions, then they will because why not.
(There are probably way more specific 'cons with their shenanigans that I could include, but these are just the top ones that popped into my head. PLEASE feel free to add in any ideas you can think of, because I thrive on chaos and these kinds of things give me life!)
Long story short: Everything winds up so crazy that at some point, Optimus has a complete breakdown and just barges into Megatron's cell, basically going, "FOR THE LOVE OF PRIMUS CONTROL YOUR DAMN DECEPTICONS BEFORE THE UNIVERSE IMPLODES" (likely with Ratchet and Prowl right behind him, trying to also get into the cell, probably yelling some variation of "OPTIMUS NO" - which is probably why Optimus sealed the door in the first place.)
And of course Megatron is just sitting there, smug AF, trying not to be petty enough to say I told you so but it's clearly all over his face anyways. So instead he plays hardball and is like, "So, what's in it for me?" And Optimus nearly implodes because the entire fragging universe is likely on the line BUT OF COURSE MEGATRON HAS TO BE AN OPPORTUNISTIC LITTLE SHIT ASWKQMWJMFUDM
Not entirely sure which continuity this would branch off from, but it's giving me major IDW vibes.
(Also giving me vibes that this might be a setup for a potential MegOp, because Optimus is probably going to do something martyr-adjacent like offer himself as prisoner, basically reversing their current roles, in hopes of negotiating a formal peace treaty because clearly Autobot victory isn't likely to happen, and if Decepticon victory means the death of all his Autobots, well, they're not gonna go for that, either.)
You are a supervillain who commands most of the criminal underground, after being placed behind bars the heroes come to you for answers when crime shoots up by 60 percent.
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somerandomcockroach · 1 month ago
Your and Keferon's Deception!Prowl is fantastic, Jesus Christ. Soundwave would be all "fuckin finally, someone with two connections in their processor".
Now, I ask, what would be their reaction to our beloved Autobot saboteur Jazz? Because I can totally see them gettin to their consoles or something and finding the dude all like "Sounders, Prowler, evenin' handsomes" and being as irritating and confusing to figure out as a flea in a long-haired dog to Prowl.
Thank you very much for the amazing art and animations!!!
WHEEEZEE He is not mine, if he looks deranged and funny, it is not mine, it's Keferon's XDDD I am internally unable to make funny character I wanna laugh because decepticons are double stupid: socially and brainally, while Jazz is like 101% socially smart and far from dumb. Imagine seeing him playing dumb and funny, annoying you and flirting with everyone, but then you see this machine during negotiations where he lies so good he himself forgets he lies and on the battlefield he lays down 5 mechs 2 times bigger than him in one go, and you just "IF. IF I HAD HIM. I WOULDN'T NEED ANY OF THESE MORONS" and starts crying in helplessness and tiredness *cackling* If Jazz is decepticon, it's a hard way for Prowl to get him on his side and outside all the things they've made bad for him, autobots' side is obviously less traumatizing and actually tries to make a difference without the force. BUT. If Prowl is decepticon *wheeeezeee* "Obviously we have to kill, hack, manipulate and leave you all without any traces of hope to win. Join us, you already do all of above" "So... do you win?" *Prowl falls on his knees and cries* HGWFWDE Jazz will be his personal therapist after every failed attempt to make Megatron do the "right" choice
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decepti-thots · 3 years ago
Hello! So, I had a dream in which instead of Megatron it was Optimus/Orion who joined the Lost Light. And I’ve been thinking about it... how different would everything turn out? Megatron staying on Cybertron and confronting decepticons (because I believe he would have joined the autobots in this AU?? too) and maybe even going to Earth along with Prowl, Arcee and co, his conflict with Starscream (and Windblade?), his conflict with humans after AHM (awkwaaaard), trying to redeem himself but kind of failing (like remember Optimus annexing the Earth?).
And Orion (who may or may not become a co-captain) dealing with his deeds (because he, too, directly or indirectly killed a lot of people), Brainstorm maybe actually trying to kill him instead of Megatron, Rodimus vs. Optimus, Getaway’s conflict with him (he (believed) that he was “worthy” of the Matrix, after all).
There’s just so much that can be explored!
first off, you guys continue to have way cooler dreams than me, and i continue to be jealous.
second of all, i get that you probably meant this from an in-universe perspective, but my brain immediately jumps to 'what if Megatron was in exRiD and Orion was in MTMTE/LL', which tbh is something i have thought about before, haha. the way the storylines on Cybertron vs the LL go is so tied not just to in-universe plot events but also the genres those comics are in and the approaches they take, it's hard for me to imagine without considering that element.
some not-very-connected thoughts i have, given all the above:
barber is a loooot less sentimental than jro about many TF characters. i don't say this as a value judgement, just an observation. in particular, his approach to OP as a Big Iconic Character TM in exRiD is to make OP central to the lives of other characters and explore his impact on them, rather than necessarily making OP a very conventional protagonist. which definitely fits with a ton of what you bring up here, and ESPECIALLY the stuff re: humans on Earth if Megatron was there, rather than off in space. the entire element of what atrocities Megatron committed during the war mostly being towards non-cybertronians by numbers that gets brought up in EC becomes a lot less hypothetical and lot more immediate with Megatron on Earth. i think that's a storyline for Megatron that would have a very ambiguous tone and be a lot more about how other characters feel about him than in MTMTE/LL, where much of the focus comes from his perspective more directly.
i think megatron-prowl would have been a FASCINATING parallel in this context btw. AND megatron-arcee. honestly, i think megatron would have fit into exRiD surprisingly well thematically. arcee, prowl and megatron in IDW all represent different questions about surprisingly similar themes IMO: culpability, change, agency over your circumstances and actions, and exploitation vs. being explioited. and prowl-megatron especially is very personal, and really brings into focus the 'war left every side with dirty bullshit to deal with', versus arcee having been largely uninvovlved and having a very different outsider perspective, so.
by contrast i feel somewhat less enthusiastic about OP in the LL? partly because I am not sure jro is great at committing to IDW OP as flawed. i won't get too into it here because one day i really want to write meta about it, but the backstory jro fleshed out for OP (the 'one good hero cop' stuff we see first in Chaos Theory and then in Shadowplay, etc) has always been one of the weaker parts of phase two for me. also, I don't think OP fits as well into the themes of MTMTE/LL as megs does for exRiD
 there's a lot about what it means to make significance in your life when you have become insignificant, but OP never actually becomes insignificant in IDW. he sort of
 tries to, and the issue he has is that he fails. imo anyway.
still, there's definitely some interesting possibilities. for a start, the rodimus-OP stuff would be WILD. the chance to really address some of that Autocracy stuff is so tantalizing, and something there was just never room for anywhere else. likewise the Getaway stuff you mention, especially regarding the MTO subtext coming full bore with the guy who approved that for the autobots right there. OP is not just the guy who has the matrix, he's ALSO the guy who approved the program which created getaway AND the guy who presumably approved it being so
 you know. awful and a war crime and all that. (i would totally love a version of events where getaway preys on roddy's insecurities re: OP to depose him, only to turn on roddy himself.)
anyway jkfhjss yeah it's very interesting!! i will say, i didn't mention the starscream-windblade stuff because i genuinely am not sure where i think that would go... mostly because there are kind of two versions of those plots in idw and they have, imo, very different starscreams in particular. barber and scott were kind of telling different stories, especially re: that history with starscream, so... idk.
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hotrod-and-ride · 2 months ago
Okay fuck it we ball
I'll be sharing some ideas and tidbits of what I have in my mind, I hope y'all are fine with it being a bit of a jumbled mess of bits and pieces lol
Imagine this:
For Post-war, the Autobots and Decepticons form a peace treatise and are now at an era of rebuilding Cybertron. So that means merged leadership for the meanwhile, creating proper legistlation, prioritizing infrastructure and resources, etc etc. It's busy! It's been 5 vorns since the treaty, and certain cities have been booming since (Iacon, Kaon, Protihex). While most Cybertronians have been living on Cybertron, Earth is a popular planet among certain mechs. Some either stayed or visit there more often than others.
As for leadership, I was imagining shared faction leadership where Optimus and Megatron are Prime and Lord High Protector, and the reat of High Command are still under their leadership etc etc.
However, even in peacetime, problems still arise. One of these being the mysterious disappearances of the most random mechs. Some of them even dead. Soon, certain buildings or areas start to feel... Wrong. A mech can step a pede into the place and the need to run, turn around, and never look back fills them. It's eerie and unsettling. And so these areas become deserted.
Barricade and Prowl are put in charge of the whole thing and it frustrates them because every time, the case ends up with... Nothing. Except for one thing. The most random human objects are always found nearby and weird glyphs are etched into the plating of the dead frames.
Until one day a demon appears right as they discover another mech upon arrival, and so enter me! Or you or us, whatever- we're the supernatural exorcist/warrior/sorcerer sent to from Earth to investigate the anomaly of supernatural entities being pulled towards a certain point far into space!
And so the reveal of Earth's supernatural comes to! Why weren't the Cybertronians informed of this? Well... That's cause that specific community couldn't care less about a war by aliens, apparently, until one of them managed to kill a well-loved figure and a few had been found to steal things from the community.
So insert us being some sort of liaison and guardian for all things supernatural and having to work closely with the main leaders :DD
Somewhere around the timeline I'm pretty sure the reason why we get close to Optimus is cause Primus wanted to Talk and uh. We can't exactly just do that willy nilly and Prime acts as the medium. And we get close with Megatron because apparently Earth pantheons are At A Conflict as to what they want to do with his special Predicament. So he's also got a big target behind him.
If anyone asks how delusional I am, I'd answer them with how my constantly daydreaming ass has me living in a polycule with MEGOP as the post-war human third in their relationship, in a setting where Earth myth/folklore/supernatural exists and I'm part of that world as a dragon/human hybrid
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bluekat12345 · 3 years ago
TFA AU: Humanformers
This was actually an AU I’ve thought about for a while, but was hesitant to share because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to explain it well. My writings on my AUs tend to disorganized already, so I wanted to wait to I could properly explain this AU idea before sharing. I think I can explain now, but in case you still don’t understand it, don’t be afraid to ask, and I’ll answer the best I can.
As the title hints, this is an AU where our beloved Autobots are humans.
In this AU, the main Autobots start out as humans, but gain the ability to turn into giant robots thanks to the Allspark.
However, in this AU, the bots they turn into had lives of their own on Cybertron. I wouldn’t really call this a reincarnation thing, more like they main characters were given the ability to transform into Autobots that had died.
I actually got inspiration from Steven Universe, mainly how Steven inherits his mother’s abilities after giving up her physical form for him to be born, but he inherits her problems as well and most of his enemies think he’s his mother when they first encounter him.
So that’s a major theme in this AU, the characters often have to deal with the consequences of their predecessors’ actions.
They’re basically Superheroes in this AU, more than they already are in the show. Meaning, they actually keep their identity a secret from others, with only Sari knowing their identity at first. Maybe Isaac Sumdac and Captain Fanzone later on.
And they basically look like their human forms from Human Error. It was there so might as well use it.
You know how in other TF shows, the main group are experienced and respected heroes? I’m going to use that here. While the crew in this AU basically have the same personalities as the canon, their predecessors’, the bots they turn into, were indeed those experienced and respected warriors. So while Decepticons and Autobots are expecting skilled heroes, what they really get is a bunch of rookies who have no idea what they’re doing or what’s really going on.
Optimus Prime: Orion Fanzone. That’s right, for this AU, he’ll be son of Captain Fanzone. He is a recent college graduate who just starts working at Sumdac Industries. While Fanzone isn’t too fond of machines, Orion would be pretty okay with them. He, of course, would be the reluctant leader of this team. At first, he would be pleased to be able to help people and be a hero, but he would be the most negatively effected by his predecessor’s past.
Prowl: Pierce Roberts. He’s a park ranger in this AU, which I thinks makes sense, since he loves nature in the show. I imagine him being least effected by his predecessor's past, and would even be sympathetic to what his predecessor went through, and the one who deals with having to deal with his predecessor’s past the best.
Ratchet: Rowen O’Donnell. A doctor, a veteran, and family friend to Captain Fanzone and Orion. He, at first, would want nothing to do with all of this, but would more or less be convinced to do so by Orion. Aside from Pierce, he would be more understanding to his predecessor's past, since, as a veteran himself, he can empathize with what his predecessor went through.
Bulkhead: Benjamin ‘Ben’ Hudson. A college student who is an art major. He would have a love-hate feeling for his new abilities. He would enjoy smashing things and would be pretty fun, but he would hate how much damage his accidently causes. He’ll learn to be more carefully and how to use his new abilities for his art.
Bumblebee: Barry Baker. A high school senior. I wanted to keep him as the youngest, but not too young. He would be the most excited about being able to turn into a giant robot and would, at first, be irresponsible with his new powers, but he would mature over time and learn that he can’t just play around with his power. ‘With Great Power comes Great Responsibility’.
In this AU, during the Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons over the Allspark, there was a finally battle between Megatron and Second-in-Command Optimus Prime, Top Medic Ratchet, Master Cyberninja Prowl, Wrecker Bulkhead, and Scout Bumblebee.
However, while the Autobots are victorious, Optimus Prime and his team did not survive, and their ship and the Allspark was lost. Many assumed the team killed Megatron, but Starscream had a hand in Megatron’s demise.
And as we know, Megatron and the ship would fall to Earth, with the ship falling to Lake Erie and Megatron being found by Isaac Sumdac.
The only thing that would remain of the original team would a shard of each of their sparks. And those shards would somehow find a way to the new team, and those shards would allow them to transform.
Eventually, the team would find a way to each other. For now, I imagine them all coming together during that monster attack during part 2 of the first episode “Transform and Roll Out!”
I imagine they had transformed at least once before the events of that episode, but that would be the first time they would’ve done so together. They’re fighting and teamwork would be sloppy and uncoordinated at first, but they would manage to get the job done and save Sari.
Shortly after their victory, the Allspark would call them to it, and wanting answers, the group would follow, with Sari being brought by Barry in secret.
But of course, they wouldn’t really get any answers as the Allspark is a very cryptic item. But it would still give Sari her key, which can still allow her to heal the crew in their robot forms and use it on other machines.
Sari would be the one who suggests they become superheroes. Barry and Ben would be quick to agree, Orion and Pierce would hesitate at first, but eventually agree, and Rowen would be “No, I’m too old for this.” Orion would eventually convince him to join.
So overall, the show would be about them being Superheroes, with only Sari knowing their identity and aiding them in whatever way she can.
But like a lot of superhero stories, it doesn’t take long before their secret lives as heroes start affecting their civilian lives, both in good and bad ways.
And it gets worse when Decepticons come after them, wanting to kill them for reasons the team doesn’t understand and thinking their someone else. Starscream would be the first, wanting to take the Allspark from them and gloating at how he killed Megatron, and they don’t even know what the heck he’s talking about.
Of course, as more Decepticons attack the team for things they didn’t really do and how the pressure of keep their superhero lives a secret would take a toll on each of the members. And it would get worse when the Elite Guard arrive, believing that their fallen heroes had returned, only for it to be just a bunch of humans turning into them.
There would be moments where each of the members would try to quit and try to return to their ordinary lives because it becomes too much for them. But they would eventually returning to being heroes, despite the difficulties.
Eventually, they would learn to not let the pasts and sins of their predecessors affect them too much, and sometimes, they may even be able to fix or at least make peace and bring closure for those past problems, showing that while they are rough around the edges, they much just be better than their predecessors.
When Sari is forced to leave her home, Orion is the one who becomes her temporary guardian.
None of them live at the Warehouse. Its more of an unofficial team base where they meet up and try to practice their new abilities.
They would still be able to turn into vehicles, but only in Cybertronian forms and that’s not something they do often, only when they need to get somewhere faster.
They don’t go by their Cybertronian names or really call themselves Autobots. They’re only called by those names when Decepticons or other Autobots call them that, thinking that they’re someone else. And soon, human civilians call them that.
Also, I was thinking, as a way for the main group to learn more about their predecessors’ pasts, The Allspark would allow to tap into their memories so the current team can get a better understanding of who these bots were.
Megatron would be the only one to really know that team are not the bots he faced in the past, and would at first consider them minor inconveniences.
I think this is the biggest AU post I’ve done so far. As you can probably tell, I’ve been thinking about this for a while. If I wasn’t already procrastinating with my two current fics, I’d probably write a fic about this AU.
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erimeows · 3 years ago
TFA Autobot favorite human holiday? ( Or the ones they find the most interesting)
Hey! This seems like fun and my S/O was interested in hearing my opinions on all of these, so I'll headcanon a holiday for most everyone. Thanks for the request; enjoy!
Optimus Prime: Valentine’s Day; Likes the concept of a day of love where he can show his appreciation for others through gifts.
Prowl: Earth Day; Very into animals and the environment, kind of an activist if I do say so myself. Will go out and pick up trash somewhere or meditate outside with some birds and talk about Earth Day to his teammates, who don’t really get it but listen bc they love Prowl.
Ratchet: Saint Patrick’s Day; A day celebrating some guy who killed snakes where he has an excuse to drink as much oil as he wants and pinch his annoying teammates if they aren’t wearing green? He picks up a green bracelet, so the only one who’s immune is Sari. He enjoys himself in a more childish manner than he’d like to admit.
Bulkhead: Pi Day; he’s a nerd... Enough said.
Bumblebee: Halloween; Enjoys dressing up and going trick or treating with Sari, as well as trying to scare/prank the others and decorating the base for the occasion.
Ultra Magnus: Father’s Day; A lot of the Autobots who have been on earth see him as a mentor/father figure and upon hearing about the holiday, tell Ultra Magnus about it and celebrate it with him. Very sweet.
Blurr: Christmas Eve; Actually loves Christmas, but has a thing with anticipation where he gets super excited about things and then gets sad when they get there because they’re going to be over soon. So he likes Christmas eve better than Christmas because everyone is celebrating Christmas, but it isn’t Christmas day yet, so it doesn’t feel like it’s going to end too soon.
Sentinel Prime: His own birthday; Cybertronians have their own equivalent of birthdays that are celebrated much less often, but upon hearing that humans celebrate theirs every YEAR, he insists that he should do so too and wants gifts, a party, and attention on him the entire day. AKA he’s like that person who actually, obnoxiously celebrates an entire birthday month.
Jazz: Mardi Gras; Loves everything about it from the music, to the food, to the partying, to the beads, to the costumes, etc. Despite being in Detroit when he’s on earth, he and Prowl sneak off to Louisiana every year they can to go, even if it’s not exactly Prowl’s scene.
Arcee: 4th Of July; likes the fireworks and the food (or, for Transformers, energon treats that Ratchet makes).
Megatron: Inauguration Day; learned it was a thing for presidents on earth and decided to make it a thing for himself as well, basically just an excuse for him to make everyone celebrate him and act better than they normally do.
Starscream: Easter; Imagine a regular Easter but with energon treats instead of candy, and Megatron convinces one of the Decepticons to buy them all for the egg hunt, only to steal them all and get them for free. He somehow manages it multiple years. 
Lugnut: Other people’s birthdays (namely, Megatron’s); He’s a big gift-giver and loves celebrating Megatron. 
Blitzwing: New Years; Enjoys the fireworks and how light-hearted and hopeful everyone seems to be at the beginning of a New Year. The parties are cool, too. 
Soundwave: Christmas Day; Uh... Y’all remember the episode. Enough said.
Shockwave: Organize Your Home Day; yes, this is a thing, it’s January 14th and one of those weird obscure holidays. I imagine he likes it because it’s the only time he can get the other Decepticons to clean up after themselves. 
Swindle: Black Friday; The only holiday he acknowledges, he likes being able to get things for good prices and makes it a whole thing with the Decepticons as soon as he catches wind of it.
Lockdown: 4th Of July; Not into it in the pure way that Arcee is, it’s just easier to do his job on earth when everyone is intoxicated, distracted by parties and loud, bright fireworks. He’s not really into holidays.
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smileforsmilez · 4 years ago
Tfa Underground City Au
Chapter 3
" And then they were back to normal, like nothing ever happened." Sari told the bots the next day. " Meanwhile, I'm stuck riding home with no dry clothes and an Autobot who's car mode doesn't have a heater!" She gives a small sniff, wrapping the blanket around her closer with one hand as the other held the warm mug of cocoa.
" You showed a lot of courage and ingenuity, Sari." Optimus told her. " And hopefully, you'll stop...backfiring soon." Human biology was still taking time for him wrap his processor around, he can only hope it isn't anything bad. He knows some bots can't handle the cold, extreme temperatures could kill a bot if they weren't built for it.
" And what about you, Optimus?" He blinks out of his thoughts, Sari had finished her rant and all attention turned to him. " Bulkhead said you weren't....yourself yesterday. Fanzone says it was like you were possessed or something. What happened?"
" Yeah, bossbot." Bumblebee joined in. " Also, who's the new guy at the med bay?"
" How did you-" Prowl began.
" I saw him on the floor this morning, he's huge!" The minibot held back a chirp. He couldn't let anyone find out he could smell the bot.
" There's a new guy in the med bay?" Sari asked curiously.
" Optimus found him trapped in ice, way deep in a cave...in Lake Erie." Bulkhead emerged from the corner with a concerned look. " Ratchet says he's stable but he's in forced stasis right now."
" I though there was something down there." Bumblebee mutters.
" Really?" Prowl asked him skeptically.
" Call it a hunch." The minibot insisted with a smirk, a bit of fang poking out. Prowl refuted with his own remark and soon Bulkhead had to diffuse the situation while Optimus managed to slip away.
" Going somewhere, Prime?" Ratchet asked before Optimus could step outside. " Do you realize who you brought in yesterday?"
" I do." He answered after a stroke of silence. Ratchet waited for the Prime to add anything, his blue optics giving off an icy feel to it as he stared back at the medic. " Just- Please keep him alive." His frame sagged with a low sigh, helm hanging low as he stepped out for patrol.
" Of course," The medic mutters low to no one in particular. He heads back into the base, passing by Bulkhead discussing something with Sari in the living space and Prowl meditating in his room. He slows down halfway to the med bay upon hearing a series of clicks and chirps. Quietly, he started to approach the entrance, a small shadow cast on the wall. Battle protocols spring to life as he activated his magnets, lowering himself to a defensive position.
The chittering noises continued, it sounded far too arranged to be random and listening closely it sounds more like a sentence or several sentences. Is it talking? That didn't matter because whoever it was, it's an insecticon of all things. Those things aren't supposed to be on Earth, much less in the med bay of their base. From the size of the shadow, he's hoping it to be pretty small. He wanted to call Optimus or Prowl to be safe but froze immediately at what he saw right then.
Bumblebee stared back at the medic with wide optics, all the noises he made muted by Ratchet's presence. He opened his intake to say something, anything to explain himself. Ratchet flinched and only then he realized his mandibles were still sticking out from the extended corners of his lips. He covers his servos over his intake immediately with a silent gasp, folding the mandibles back into its place behind his first set of jaws. 
" Kid?" Ratchet finally spoke, he looked like he was deciding whether or not he was hallucinating. Bumblebee took a few steps away from the bot on the ground, optics darting frantically between them.
" I can explain!" The minibot says quickly with a hint of his glossa making a small clicking noise. He stays there, trying to make himself smaller than he already is as Ratchet cycles his optics. " I was just curious, honest! I wasn't doing anything and I didn't touch any of your tools. I just..."
" You're an insecticon." The medic states blankly.
" I...half, actually." He corrects the medic with a nervous chuckle. The silence grows as the medic steps into the med bay slowly with a soft sigh. He kneels down to the big bot on the floor since none of their medical berths were big enough, checking the vitals silently as the minibot rubs his servo nervously. He wasn't sure what he should be doing next. He could run but where would he even go? " I just wanted to know why he and bossbot smell different." He says ever so quietly. " I thought they were like...from a different hive or something. I, uh, don't know a lot of insecticons other than my carrier." He trails off.
" Does anyone else know?" He blinks at the sudden question as Ratchet finally turns to him. He shakes his head passively. The old medic ran a hand over his face plate, shoulders sagging with a low sigh. " They're not insecticons, Bumblebee." He tells the hybrid with an even voice.
" Then what?" He inquired. Wasp had a different smell too, but he thought the green minibot had been a Decepticon spy. Imagine how surprised he'd been to think he'd literally sniff out a 'Con. The only problem being the 'Cons he met on Earth smelled different too, Starscream and Blitzwing had individual scents like any other bot he's met. Optimus and the stasis bot were similar somehow, he couldn't tell what but it was there. They weren't insecticons but they do belong somewhere. " Ratchet, who is this?"
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thewildwaffle · 4 years ago
Kidnapped Rival
So I’ve posted this Transformers au fic on Ao3 and have been writing it since Feb of last year ever since I saw an anonymous post on @zenxenophilia​‘s blog. I finally finished it, over a year and a half later.
You can read it here on Ao3, and I’ll also post the story here
Original post - submitted to Zenxenophilia on tumblr by anonymous: ***** ***** ***** Imagine a human on Optimus’ team. Optimus practically treats them like a sparkling, Ratchet is their grandpa and Bee and Arcee are like siblings. This human wants to fight in the war. For earth, for humans, for their family. Of course, Cybertron’s atmosphere is dangerous to humans making it difficult for the human to get involved. After begging and pleading to Optimus the human is put under extensive training with self defense and handling a weapon (thanks to Bee and Arcee). The human is outfitted with a mech suit disguised as a cybertronian. Even inside the mech the human has an armored space suit along with a blaster that can filter oxygen out of Cybertron's atmosphere just in case the mech were to break. It doesn’t take long for the human to climb the ranks(being the ‘child’ of Optimus helps a lot). The human uses a Cybertronian persona. Later they go out to the Cybertronian battlefields. This is where they meet Deadlock, Megatron’s maddog, the one responsible for so many deaths to the human’s friends. The Human quickly becomes Deadlocks rival, able to counter all his attacks and save Autobots from his clutches. After a while Deadlock develops a strange liking to the 'mech’, he seems to almost enjoy seeing them on the battlefield. One fateful day the Human and Deadlock run into each other on the battlefield, it’s just the two of them. Deadlock has trained a lot more after the first few encounters with the 'mech’ and the 'mech’ sadly couldn’t keep up, however, it didn’t stop them from doing a number on Deadlock. Deadlock is smart, he makes sure to damage the mech’s legs to most so they can’t run anywhere. The one thing that he enjoys about fighting the 'mech’ is that they don’t seem to feel pain. The mech can no longer stand up or move, it’s stuck. Deadlock oddly enough doesn’t kill them.
“You would make a great Decepticon”. 
 W-What? Was that an offer? Oh hell no! The Human would never join this monster after all he’s done to their friends! The Human gets out of their mech, much to Deadlocks surprise. What a lovely twist! The Human uses their blaster to keep damaging Deadlock, ducking for cover. Even out of their mech they were a threat to any Cybertronian, however, they weren’t as fast as one. Deadlock didn’t use his weapons, that would make it too easy, instead, he scoops the Human up ignoring the humans screams. He takes away their weapons and destroys their commlink. “Well well well. Who would have known? This explains a lot
” Deadlock forces the human to look up at him. His little obsession, his rival, was an organic
 and a pretty cute one too!(Though he’ll never admit it) The Human struggles in his grip. “Now now. I don’t think you should do that” His grip tightens around the Human. 'It would be a shame if your armor were t’ break
’ the human stiffens, without the armor they would suffocate. “Heh.. I think I’m gonna keep you for a long while friend
” Deadlock keeps his rival on him at all times at the Decepticon base. No one is allowed to touch them but him. Most Decepticons see the Human as a living trophy to Deadlock, a pet, not knowing of Deadlock’s obsessive desires. Megatron is quite surprised by Deadlock's new pet. Megatron knew the mech that the human-piloted was Optimus’ favorite bot, not only would the Human be a good bargaining chip, but they probably know all the Autobots' little secrets. Megatron will let Deadlock do whatever he wants to do with the Human for now, after all, he earned it. Deadlock was happy with this. Meanwhile back at the Autobot base, Optimus is filled with grief. His precious human, his child, gone without a trace. He didn’t know if they were dead or not, Optimus sends out search parties for them, he regrets letting them in this war, they were too young. Ratchet is constantly checking for signals in his free time, for any sign that they were alive. Bumblebee goes quiet for a long time. He knows his sibling HAS to be alive! They have to be! They don’t die easily. He tries scout on more missions so he can find them. Arcee is filled with rage. That was her precious little sibling. Her anger is taken out on the battlefield. She questions any con she can for a sign of the human. She’s always training always, looking, always holding back her grief and the ideas that her sibling could be dead or tortured. No one has ever seen her like this. The human's disappearance is hard on everyone. That kid would constantly befriend and check up with everyone they saw, they were kind, helpful, and eager to learn. It’s dull without them at the base. They’re not there to tell Prowl to stop overworking himself. They aren’t there to help Wheeljack or Percy with their experiments. They aren’t there to jam out with Jazz or Blaster or to talk to and check up with everyone in the base. No one to listen to Ironhide's or Kup's stories. No one to complement Sunstreaker and play with Sideswipe. Everyone is heartbroken. This base isn’t a base without the kid running around. They can only hope that the human is still alive. The Decepticon base is another story. The human is filled with information about the Autobots, with the human on their side the war is in the bag. They have coordinates and information on practically every bot in the base and maybe
 with a bit of mnemosurgey they could be an excellent Decepticon. The human is fine. They’re patient. They’re smart, they know how to play their cards, (Perceptor and Wheeljack taught them) they just have to play along with Deadlock and the cons for now. Hopefully, the Human can escape or pray that Optimus will find them. And hopefully, Deadlock has mercy on them.
***** ****** *****
My adding to the story:
The room was filtered, much like the human’s armored spacesuit had been. The entire Decepticon base was, not that the human had spent much time outside their room. When they did leave the room, it was for “questioning.” And it was always accompanied by Deadlock. Usually being carried by Deadlock. Actually, always carried by Deadlock. He said it was because he didn't want his human to get lost or crushed under the peds of a careless con. Really, it was to feel their rival squirm in his tight grip. Megatron had been present for a few of the first interrogations, but other duties or battles made his presence less and less frequent, which was fine by the human. As far as they were concerned, there were more than enough Decepticons around as it was. Using techniques Wheeljack had taught them, they “gave up” the info the cons wanted, just not all of it. It was just enough to keep the Decepticons from getting suspicious, get them to believe that the information that they pulled from Deadlock’s new pet was indeed genuine, but not enough info, they hoped, to really cause too much damage to the Autobots. The human needed to find a way out of this nightmare before the Decepticons caught on to what they were doing. Or before they gave up info that could actually do damage to the Autobots. It was getting harder and harder to keep the vital info they held away from their more sadistic interrogators.
The human loses track of time since being captured. Deadlock had taken their armored space suit soon after bringing them here. “No need for it here, little friend.” His sinister smile always made the human uneasy, but he just laughed at their rival’s defiant expression, putting the suit away in his subspace and leaving for another mission, making sure to lock the door behind him. When the human had time alone in the room, they scoured every inch for some means of escape. The vents looked promising, but getting to them would be difficult, even if they scaled the height of the berth or the desk, they were too short to reach. They need a better plan.
Meanwhile, the searches Optimus organized finally turned up something. If it's a good something or not has yet to be decided. It was Bumblebee who found it- the mech suit the human had been piloting when they went missing. He brought it back to base and everyone nearly lost their minds! The human, their human, without their protective mech suit?! Their armor they wore underneath was not found though, did that mean they had it and were still alive? The mech was severely damaged, they must have tried to run on foot and been captured. But by whom? And were they still alive now? Hopefully Perceptor would be able to find out something from the damaged mech to get some clue to the human’s location.
For the human, however, thoughts of being rescued seemed to be little more than a hopeful wish. Deadlock did his best to make sure that any such wish seemed less and less likely. “They’ll never find you,” he tells them. “They've given up looking for you long ago.” Or “Even if they did find out you were still alive, what makes you think they'll want you after what you've done? It was your information that lead us to victory in the Cronus Plains. How many of them did we kill because of you?” Deadlock took great pleasure in seeing his rival’s reaction to this. He smiled, knowing he could break his once-mortal-enemy both mentally as well as physically. Lifting their chin with one sharp finger he cooed, “I told you before, you'd make a good Decepticon. It seems I was right.” He moves closer, a dangerous, hungry gleam flashed in his optics. As Deadlock took a step forward, the human took two steps back. Deadlock chuckled and used mass-displacement to shrink down to just taller than the human. The human dodges his reach and turns and runs towards the berth to hide. Such a tactic seemed childish, and was doomed to fail, but it was better than doing nothing, it was some show of resistance. Deadlock was a lot
 “touchier”... when he was this size, simply because it was easier to be so when the risk of crushing the object of his obsession was so much lessened. He grabbed the human by the shoulders and pulled them closer to him. “You're tense,” he murmurs, running one servo down their back. “Let me put you more at ease, my pet.” While still holding them so they couldn't get away, Deadlock stroked and prodded, massaging knots in their back and expertly melted the struggling human in his grasp. The human felt both frustrated by how effectively they'd been incapacitated, and blissfully relaxed as the tension they'd been carrying fell away. With what mental capacities they had left, the human willed themselves to make sure they made no moans or hums that would betray their pleasure to the Decepticon. After few minutes, Deadlock’s servos paused. He turned the human around to face him, holding them close and tight to his chassis. “There now, better?” One servo traveled down the small of the human’s back. The human didn't respond. Oh they wished they could be anywhere but here! They thought of the Autobot base, of their friends, of the bots that had become their family. Could what Deadlock said earlier be true? Had they given up looking for them? Did they blame them for giving up information? They must. The human sure did. As much as they tried to stop it from happening, the human let out a sob. Just the one, but it was one too many.
“There, there, none of that now,” rumbled Deadlock, “What's there to cry about? I've kept you alive. I've taken care of you. I will make sure no one dares harm you. You're one of us now.” He paused, his red optics glowing brighter. “You're mine.” He leaned forward, crushing his lips into the human’s. So taken by surprise, the human tried yelling out, which only made Deadlock squeeze them tighter in his arms, his glossa filling their opened mouth. The human struggled against his grip, but it was quickly obvious that they weren't going anywhere. As Deadlock’s servos traveled across their body, an idea of a plan came into their mind. It was a dangerous idea. It was an incredibly stupid idea, but maybe it was stupid enough to work. Instead of fighting against him, the human pushed into the kiss. Slowly, carefully, they loosed one arm and reached around to Deadlock’s neck, stroking the sensitive cables. He shivered delightedly as his cooling fans kicked on. After another moment, the human slid their other hand slowly up his chassis to where they'd seen their space suit stored away before. Lights all across Deadlock's body flickered. He reached one arm out to the berth to try to lift them both up onto it.
It was quick, before Deadlock could process what happened, the human pulled themselves away from him, opened his subspace compartment, yanked their suit out, and with one steady movement they had learned from Arcee, wrenched his arm behind his back and pinned him face down into the ground. Hard into the ground. They hoped that would be enough to keep their captor stunned long enough to get a good head start. They jumped up and ran to the door. If they could make it to the hallway and find a hiding spot, they could get their suit on and sneak out of the Decepticon base. They'd be free! The door was not locked, but it was closed and very heavy. They had only managed to crack it open when Deadlock began picking himself up off of the floor. Well, there went their head start. The human gave the door one last shove with their shoulder and started squeezing through. They were just about out when the door completely opened, sending them tumbling to the floor. Deadlock, now returned to his full size, reached down, scooped them up, and tossed them back into the room, sending them rolling across the floor. The door shut again with a loud metallic thud, followed by a click indicating that it was now locked. “I must admit, you're very good.” Deadlock's voice was dangerously calm, he almost seemed amused. “I've always known you were, the first time I saw you on the battlefield, I found you to be exceptional. A challenge for me after so many boring victories. Where was that again- our first? It's been a while, hasn't it?” He picked up the human again, who groaned at the movement of their bruised body. “Was
 it was just outside... Simfur,” the human gasped, still trying to catch their breath after having it knocked out of them by the throw. “I must say... your hand-to-hand combat... hasn't improved much since then. I don't even need my mech suit to take you.” Now was certainly not the best time to sass-mouth a psychopathic killer robot, but the human was beyond caring. Deadlock only chuckled and held them close, pinning them to him so they couldn't move. “That may be. I've found I've always done well enough with my weapons though.” He began stroking the human's back absent-mindedly as he sat down on the berth. “Perhaps with a bit of mnemosurgery, you'd be more willing to stick around and give me some pointers.” The human's voice was a bit muddled y Deadlock's hold, but they said something along the lines of “like hell I will.” Deadlock mused to himself about future days with his then-compliant human, smiling at all the implications that shadowplay could bring. “It will be interesting to see how well mnemosurgery works on an organic, but I'm sure it will do wonders.” With the adrenaline of their failed escape attempt fading, and warm living metal surrounding them, the human felt exhaustion creeping in. Before they completely slipped away, they thought of Optimus and for a moment, they were back at the base, surrounded by the Autobots. Would they ever train with Bumblebee and Arcee again? Would they ever help Sunstreaker feed Bob again? Ever listen to another story from Ironhide, only to be interrupted by Kupp who told them ’how it really happened?’ They hoped so. They hoped the Autobots still wanted them back. “I’m sorry” they muttered as sleep finally overtook them.
*****    *****    *****    *****    *****    *****
Deadlock had been watching intently from the moment the mnemosurgeon entered the room. He was tense and anxious about what was going to happen, but inwardly giddy at the prospects a successful outcome could bring. Thinking back, it had been rather easy to convince Lord Megatron about going through with the procedure. Granted, Deadlock had kept all reasoning points to how it could help scrape out any remaining info the human had been resiliently holding back, further the Decepticon cause, and provide a severe blow to Optimus and his Autobots when they found out what had happened to their small, spunky, cute, soft
 Deadlock shook his head ever so slightly. His mind was wandering again. It did that fairly often when he thought of his little rival. He watched as the mnemosurgeon inserted his needles to the base of their head. It was only two needles, and they couldn't be fully extended. As had been explained to him, mnemosurgeon was possible on organic life, but the process was different, and the results, varied. Instead of direct manipulation of memories as without on a cybertronian, organic life had to be done indirectly, usually through the twists and turns of emotions. Brains and processors, while shockingly similar, had their own operating systems, so to speak. The translation of mnemosurgery to an organic brain was difficult. It had been difficult to find someone capable of doing such a feat. Harder still, one willing to do it for him. Just in case the difficult and dangerous operation went awry, few wanted to run the risk of telling Deadlock they'd turned his little pet into a braindead bag of flesh. But he'd found one. A small lanky bot who went by the name Trepan. He seemed confident in his abilities and didn't even bat an optic when Deadlock added a bit more to his task. He was to not only seek out info, as he had told Megatron the purpose of this was, but he also wanted a few alterations. Nothing big, just a nudge, really. His little human, his little rival was still fighting him. They just needed a little mental persuasion to be sure that in the end, Deadlock won their little game.
It felt
 weird. Were you floating? Were you sitting? Did it even matter? If this was weird, then what was normal? You couldn't think of the answer. Should that trouble you? You weren't sure. There was a voice that seemed to say it was fine. Well, it wasn't a voice so much as an idea. Basically, it said everything was alright, or more, the "voice" felt like everything was alright. Everything was according to plan. What plan? Was there a plan? Had you forgotten to do something for it? No, the voice that wasn't a voice came again, everything was fine, perfectly fine, just be calm. Oh, calm. That sounded nice. You hadn't really been calm for a long time. Not since before the battle with Deadlock, back when you were with the Autobots and, and
 wait, what was the beginning of that thought? Calm. Oh yes, calm. You'd been calm for so long, you were the master at calm. How long had you been calm? Always. Oh, ok. That sounds nice, being calm is nice. Something seemed to nag in the back of your mind, something you were worried about, or should be worried about. What was it again? Is it about Deadlock?- the voice seemed to question sweetly. Uhhh, yes. Yes, it probably was. Why worry about him? He was perfectly fine. He can handle himself. No, not worried like that, it was more like
 Why worry about him at all? Because, you thought. Because of what he's done. The battle- he took- The training- the voice corrected almost as instantaneously as you thought each word. He saved- The training where we fought. He saved me and took me back to base. I've been trying to get away. I have to get back, everyone's probably so worried. Oh, how did this line of thought start? Go back. Deadlock. He saved me during training and I've been trying to do something ever since. Do what? What was I doing? Uhhh
 escape?- Leave, the word was replaced almost seamlessly again. Why leave? Deadlock would be so worried about you. You wouldn't want that. Oh, no, I guess not, right? Was that why I was worried about Deadlock earlier? Yeah, probably. He will be so worried when I'm gone. Then why go? He wants to take care of you, you need to be taken care of. Oh, yes. That was a good point. Cybertron wasn't exactly kind on humans. You needed help for sure. And if that help came from Deadlock, well then- But something still nagged in the back of your mind. Something? A couple of things? What were they? Did it matter? Did the somethings matter? What did matter? Deadlock. That's what mattered. And you mattered to him. In fact, you mattered so much to him that he was taking care of you. Oh, that's nice of him. Yes, very nice. You have nothing to be worried about with him around. It's easy to be calm around him. Yeah, it is. Very easy. Especially when he holds me...
*****    *****    *****    *****    *****    *****
Red Alert had checked the readouts. Had double checked them. Triple checked them. He had to be sure before he told anyone else. There'd been a pattern with the past few battles with the Decepticons. A mis-step on their part here, late arrivals and backups, tactical errors that seemed out of place of their usual methods. Yes, the Decepticons had won several important victories lately, but there was something off. It was like someone was feeding them misinformation and half-truths. The timing was too much to be a coincidence. Good thing that Red Alert didn’t believe in coincidences. The human, their human- was alive. And they were being held captive and questioned by the Decepticons. It took a bit of investigating. Red Alert felt confident enough to bring his discovery to Prime. He had to be sure. At the same time, he knew he had to make sure he had to hurry. Who knew how much longer the human would last with the Deceptions! By the time Optimus returned to base later that day, Red Alert and more than half the team were there waiting. "What's all this? What's going on?" Red Alert without a moment of hesitation handed Prime the datapad. “Sir, we have reason to believe that we know where (name) is being kept.” *** The human woke up wrapped in Deadlock’s arms. He was still in recharge from the even sounds of his air intake. They looked drearily up at his face. It was rare to see him look so calm. As they slowly became fully awake, they pulled as much of the soft blankets they could reach more tightly around them. They couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong. They frowned. What a way to wake up! But what? Was it because of Deadlock’s latest mission assignments? He often had to leave to fight or to do tasks given to him by Megatron. They were usually very dangerous and the human would hold his arm tightly in worry when he would return and recount his day to them. Were they worried about Deadlock getting hurt, or worse yet, not coming back at all? Well, yes, of course. Especially with this latest mission. But was that really the reason behind this guttural feeling of dread. They were anxious, like they had to act and act now before it was too late! What were they supposed to do?! They tried getting up without disturbing Deadlock. Something was wrong, but what could it possibly be? The human's breathing started to become frantic. It felt stuffy in the room. They wished they could go outside. Or well, maybe not outside on Cybertron, that would be deadly without their suit. It felt like every cell of their body was craving the feel of unfiltered sunshine. Their lungs yearned for even a whiff of fresh air. Walking on soft grass? Yes please. Digging through rich, organic-filled soil? It was like part of their soul hungered desperately for it. They tried to remember the last time they’d felt any of that back on Earth. They had taken it for granted then, not realizing how much they’d miss it when they went to Cybertron to join the Autobots. They’d been too full of righteous anger then, wanting vengeance for their losses, hoping to help end the war sooner in any way they could. They didn’t realize how much they’d miss
 Their heart froze in their chest. Autobots? When they’d left Earth, they’d gone to join the... Autobots? That couldn’t be right? That didn’t make sense! The more they thought about it, the more their memories started to make less and less sense. The Autobots were their enemy. Right? But then why were there memories of Optimus Prime giving them a tour of the Autobot base? Why had they gone on a joyride with Sideswipe? Hound had shown them some Cybertronian vegetation samples he had been preserving throughout the war. Arcee and Chromia had helped them translate their fighting moves to combat while in a battle suit. They nearly gasped in shock as feelings of guilt and grief flooded their brain. Why were they feeling this? Why did they miss them? Where were these memories coming from? Recoiling, they searched their mind. Deadlock had met them on Earth, had saved them from an Autobot attack? They frowned. That memory felt so colorless and hollow compared to the new ones they’d discovered, but they continued. They’d begged Deadlock to let them come with him to Cybertron. He’d trained them to fight. Shockwave built the battle suit which was destroyed. It was a close call, but they’d survived. Deadlock hadn’t let them leave the Decepticon Base since, too worried about their safety. That
 that was there. In their mind. Images of memories were there, acting as evidence of their validity. But
 the more they were examined, the more things started falling apart. Cracks started forming in the memories, like dried paint on a balloon when you inflate it, or puzzle pieces that don’t quite fit together. And like a mis-matched puzzle, the whole image was starting to make less and less sense the more they thought about it. Something was wrong. Something was terribly, terribly wrong. Despite the human’s efforts to remain still and calm, Deadlock started stirring. His optics came back online and their red light spilled down onto the smaller human. “You’re awake early today,” he commented in a deep, still somewhat sleepy voice. “How did you sleep?” "Fine," they muttered stiffly. Deadlock pulled them in tightly, his lips resting against the shell of their ear. "Mmmmmmhmmmmm. Something is troubling you," he paused as if waiting for a response. When none came, he turned the human around to face them. "What’s wrong? Tell me.” He paused again, but there was only silence. “How can I fix what’s troubling you if you don't tell me?” The human frowned, conflicted about what to say, or if they should say anything at all. They gave in as Deadlock’s grip began getting unbearably tight. “How long have I been here?” The grip became significantly more loose as Deadlock’s expression changed to a mix of surprise and confusion. “What was that?” “How
 how long have I been here,” they ask again, their confidence waxing a bit stronger as they seemed to find their voice. “What have I done?” The human could feel Deadlock tense at the question for just an instant before he relaxed again and responded in a dangerously sweet tone, "What kind of question is that? Where is all this coming from?" The human had enough sense to know that telling the truth about these new and confusing memories would only make trouble. If they were false, then it would only upset Deadlock unnecessarily. If they were true... well, they weren’t sure what that would mean just yet, but it definitely wasn’t good. In the meantime, they had to think of something to say. Deadlock’s red eyes were burning into their own. Thinking on the spot, they came up with what they could and told a half-truth. “I had
 a strange dream. I don’t know if it was a nightmare or not, it just
 it was
 strange.” “Strange? How so?” The human panicked a bit, but kept their cool. That’s what Wheeljack had taught them before right? Wait, right? Uh, well that was kind of the question and problem right now. They had to come up with something to say and quick, so they continued on with the half-truths. “I think I just miss Earth. I was dreaming about it, and then I was here with you on Cybertron, but I was also with the Autobots? But we weren’t fighting. And then Megatron was there and he was really happy about something and
” The human looked up at Deadlock with the most innocent puppy dog eyes they could muster, “I’m sorry, I know that all sounds silly. Dreams don’t always make sense though, especially when you try to explain them out lou-” Deadlock swore violently as he got up from the berth and returned to his full size. The human sat, dazed and confused as Deadlock stomped toward the door. Before he reached it, he turned back to the human. “You’re sure you were dreaming about the Autobots?” His voice was icy and sent shivers down the human’s spine. They silently nodded, still a bit in shock. With a low growl, Deadlock turned back to the door and stomped out, leaving the human locked and alone in the room. “Well,” they said aloud to themselves, “that was odd.” Odd, and terrifying. It didn’t seem to match their memories of Deadlock, or
 no. No it did. Dual images of Deadlock existed. A soft, caring bot who loved them and let them stay with him while on Cybertron was mirrored by a vicious and cruel mech who had fought and captured them and now kept them here as a trophy and play-thing. But which one was real? Why were there conflicting memories in their head? The human pulled their legs in close to the rest of their body and took a deep breath in an attempt to clear their mind. They had to figure this out. They had to get to the bottom of this. What was the truth? ---- Deadlock stomped down the hall, sending lower-ranking cons scurrying out of his way as he passed. They knew better than to be in range of the mech when fury roiled in his EM field like that, it was not a safe place to be at all. He paid them no mind though. There was only one bot that needed to watch out for his wrath right now. They weren’t on base now, but as soon as Deadlock got his claws into Trepan, he was going to pay dearly. Then he was going to address and fix the spots he missed in his dear little rival’s memories, before this all got out of servo.
*****    *****    *****    *****    *****    *****
The human had been sitting in silence for, well, they weren’t sure how long. In the hours of his absence, they used Deadlock’s absence to review their memories in peace. They paced until their legs were tired. They sat to think before they grew too restless and began pacing again. How could they remember being with the Autobots and leaving Earth with Deadlock at the same time? That was impossible. Something was wrong. What was real? What was fake? Why were there fake memories in their head? Their feelings up to this point, about the Decepticons, about
 about Deadlock
 were those even real? Their chest felt tight as they began hyperventilating. What had happened -really happened? Why were they like this?!? They were trying to fight back tears as they searched through confusing memories when the door opened. The human glanced up apprehensively. Deadlock? They weren’t sure they were ready to face him right now. Not like this. For better or for worse, it wasn’t Deadlock. It was
 it was Frenzy. The Casseticon’s silhouette was harshly lit from behind. The human stared silently, frozen in place as Frenzy stepped to the berth and pulled them up and along behind him roughly. “Looks like Deadlock’s gone off on one of his little jaunts. Humph. Just ‘cuz he’s Megatron’s favorite, he can do whatever he wants, go wherever he wants,” he looked back at the human, “take whatever he wants.” “What are you doing?” The human’s voice was barely more than a whisper. “More than what I signed up for today, that’s what,” was the gruff reply they got. Frenzy was a little more than a foot taller than they were and it was easy for him to drag the human along out the door. The relative safety of the room now gone, the human’s heart rate spiked even further. They’d left the room before. Plenty of times. But almost always with Deadlock. And definitely always not in the middle of some mental breakdown or memory mishap, or whatever the heck was going on with them! Primal fear stabbed through their stomach while at the same time, flaking memories surfaced in her mind of Deadlock telling them they’d always be safe with the Decepticons. Frenzy seemed oblivious to the mental war raging in the organic creature in his servo. He was much too focused grumbling about Deadlock’s sudden disappearance and having to cover his extra duties. “Now I get to haul you to Shockwave’s lab on top of everything else. If I were to just not show up for something, I’d never hear the end of it! Or rather, I would, right after I was put offline. But no, Deadlock can do whatever he wants whenever he wants because he’s Megatron’s little-” A loud alarm cut the disgruntled Decepticon off. He paused and looked around and tensed, then growled as he received orders over his comm. “Yeah I got the fleshie now
 but I
 but boss!.... Yeah, yeah, I got it. I’m going.” “Wh-what’s going on?” “Nonaya business, we’re just gonna have ta make a detour is all,” Frenzy started quickly down a corridor, nearly pulling the human’s arm out of their socket, grumbling as they struggled to keep pace. It was all they could do to avoid being dragged along behind the casseticon. Their mind raced as they tried to figure out what the heck was going on! Frenzy swore as the pair came around the corner. Two Autobots nearly ran into them, but one of them was able to jump out of the way to avoid a collision. The second smaller bot wasn’t quite as quick on his peds. The human nearly had the air knocked out of them as they crashed into the bright yellow of his chassis. “(Name)?!” The human looked up. Bumblebee? And the other
 Sunstreaker? Almost immediately, a swirl of double memories assaulted their mind, laughing with Bumblebee while pulling a prank at base, helping Sunstreaker buff out some scratches after a battle with the Decepticons, dodging a blast from Bumblebee on the battlefield, hiding under debris while they prepared for a counterattack
 wait, no, that hadn’t been Bumblebee, it was
 it was Deadlock? Wait, what? Their stomach turned. With a screech of metal, Frenzy grabbed the slightly larger Bumblebee by the arm and swung him into Sunstreaker. Before either could recover, the casseticon ran and reached out for the human again. Just before he could grab them, a small, multi-limbed something jumped and struck him sideways. “Good boy Bob!” Sunstreaker cheered as he scooped up the small insecticon. Before the human could register what was going on, they were swept off their feet by Bumblebee who led Sunstreaker and Bob back down the corridor they came from. “No! Let me go!” the human screamed. They weren’t sure what was going on anymore and all they wanted was just a few moments to try to process what was going on and what was wrong with them. “(Name)?” Bumblebee's voice sounded shocked and worried. “(Name), it’s me, it’s, it’s us. We’re your friends, we’re here to rescue you.” he glanced back to Sunstreaker who in turn looked back briefly at where they had left Frenzy behind. For a moment, it looked like he might go back and take a few extra shots at the small Decepticon. “What have those fraggin’ cons done to them?” With a kick and a struggle, the human squirmed out of Bumblebee’s grip and bolted. They didn’t know where. All they knew was they had to find somewhere, anywhere to think. “(Name)! Come back! Please!” The human stumbled a bit. Please? Since when did Autobots say please? Or, wait, no. No. Autobots
 when did Decepticons say please? When had Deadlock ever said
 From behind, the human saw Bumblebee, no Deadlock, no Bumblebee reaching out to them again. Past images flashed of Bumblebee reaching out to grab them, taking them away from the battlefield, no, away from their home on Earth? What was true anymore?! They grabbed their head as if that would help clear things. Not clearly watching where they were going, they tripped and rolled to a stop. “What did you do, drop them?” Sunstreaker ran up to help. With a loud clang, he was knocked back by a newcomer behind the human. “Autobot scum,” a familiar voice growled. The human’s spine tingled. Was that fear? But why? The human turned their head to see Deadlock look down and lock his glowing red eyes on them. “(Name), what are you doing out here?” he nearly snarled. He reached down toward them. As he reached, time seemed to slow down as the action sparked a surge of memories. On the battlefield, escaping a broken mech suit and running, doing their best to fight back while attempting to retreat, getting grabbed by Deadlock, the feeling of helplessness as they were carried off. The human’s eyes widened. These memories felt different than the others. This one felt whole and clear- like the others were glitching and foggy by comparison. They may not be sure what the heck was going on, but they knew one thing: Deadlock would not catch them again. They rolled and were on their feet with the speed that only comes from training. More clear memories surfaced: training with Arcee on evasive maneuvers, the Autobot base, the battlefield the day they’d been captured as they’d attempted to dodge Deadlock’s grasp. A wave of resolve filled the human. These memories were true. They clung to them desperately as they dove away from Deadlock’s reach. No sooner had they cleared the Decepticon’s outstretched hand that Bumblebee tackled him. The two tumbled back and Bumblebee kept his hits coming, trying to prevent Deadlock from being able to draw his weapons. The human nearly lept as Sunstreaker approached, crouching down to their level. The only thing that kept them from running was the fact that they were fighting against Deadlock. That was enough to hesitantly side with them for the moment. “(Name), it’s okay, we’re going to get you out of here.” Sunstreaker glanced up at his fellow yellow Autobot, now struggling to keep Deadlock occupied. He activated his comm. “Prime, we found them! We’ve got company though. Requesting backup.” Before he could end the transmission, Deadlock had managed to throw Bumblebee off of him. The minibot hit and rolled, leaving scrapes of paint and scratches in the floor behind him. As Deadlock reached to pull his guns, Sunstreaker blasted him in the shoulder. The con toppled back, crashing against the wall and dropping one of his blasters. Sunstreaker jumped up, pulling his arm for a punch. Before it could connect however, Deadlock’s hands shot out and stopped the oncoming attack. Sunstreaker cried out as Deadlock squeezed the Autobot’s fist in his larger hand and rose to his feet slowly. Sunstreaker threw a punch with his other hand, which connected with Deadlock’s face and caused him to stumble. With a terrifying growl, the larger con pulled Sunstreaker back with him, caught their fall with a sweep of his legs, and jolted forward to crash his helm into Sunstreaker’s face. Before the injured Autobot could hit the ground, the human had scampered to Deadlock’s fallen weapon. The gun was nearly as large as they were, but they were able to heft it up enough to get their arms around it. They put a hand on the trigger, and putting their whole weight into it, were able to lean it back enough to aim it at Deadlock. The smug smile melted off the Decepticon’s face as he noticed his rival’s actions. “(Name), put it down, you’re confused and afraid, it’s okay, I’m here for you now. You’re safe.” “Am I?” The human shouted back. Their voice sounded so raspy and not nearly as steady as they had hoped. “Then why do I have these memories? You attacked Earth! You attacked the Autobots! You attacked me! I remember fighting you in a mech suit.” Deadlock growled and his ruby optics flashed to the Autobots who were only just starting to stir on the ground. “They messed with your mind. Put that weapon down and I can get you help. We can fix this and you can be happy again.” The human readjusted their slipping grip on the weapon. “No! This started before they came. You did this, I don’t know how, but now I have double memories that tell two completely different stories. But you,” the human took a deep breath to steady themselves. They were shaking now. It was a struggle to keep the gun up and pointed at the menacing con in front of them. “You, I remember you. I have memories of fighting you that are clearer than the rest. I remember you destroying my mech suit and capturing me. You brought me here against my will. I don’t know what you did to me, but I’m leaving with the Autobots!” Deadlock’s optics narrowed. “What makes you think they want you back? How can you be sure they’re not just here to terminate you? Think of what you’ve done, what information you’ve spilled? How much Autobot energon do you think we’ve spilled because of you?” Deadlock smiled as the human’s eyes widened. Their hold on his weapon began to slip once more. He lowered his voice, “I told you, you are a Decepticon now. Like it or not, you belong here, with me.” The human’s eyes watered, and they blinked hard, trying to remove the extra fluids. Deadlock smirked. He had them. He would always have them. They could fight, and as amusing as their intrepid spirit was, he would always best his precious little rival. Thundering footsteps from down the corridor interrupted Deadlock’s triumphal thoughts. A large, red, and blue shape ran into view. “(Name!)” Optimus yelled, taking stock of the scene he was coming into. The human stared at him. Once again, memories flashed: meeting the Autobot leader on Earth, asking, begging him to allow them to join the fight, seeing the worried but proud look in those blue optics when they first powered up their new mech suit. Like before, these memories seemed sharp and clear. They brought a surge of emotions and comfort to the human’s entire body. Optimus was here and they’d be okay now. Deadlock snarled and reached for his other gun still holstered over his shoulder. Before he could draw and shoot, the human took advantage of his distraction and pulled the trigger. Their aim, as it were while trying to hold the too-large-for-them weapon, was not great, but it did hit. Deadlock stumbled and clutched his leg where he’d been shot. He turned back to the human, optics as angry as fire. With the remaining strength they had left, the human pulled the trigger again. The shot went awry this time, but Deadlock flinched at it nonetheless. As he pulled back his arm to swipe at the human, Optimus plowed into him, sending him tumbling into the wall. Having spent the last bit of their strength, the human fell to the ground, Deadlock’s gun pinning them awkwardly, but only for a moment. Optimus, as carefully as he could, removed the weapon and scooped the exhausted human in his arms. Behind him, Ironhide, Arcee, and Jazz ran up, weapons drawn and ready. Ironhide kept his cannons pointed at the unmoving Deadlock while Arcee and Jazz went to help Sunstreaker and Bumblebee who were struggling to rise now. “Up ya get my man,” Jazz helped Sunstreaker to his feet and pulled his arm over his shoulder to give support, “you’re brother’s never gonna let me hear the end of it if I don’t getcha back to base in one piece. You too Bob.” The insecticon who had been trapped under the fallen Sunstreaker, chirped and whirred weakly. Bumblebee, who was now being supported by Arcee, looked around and asked weakly, “(Name)? Are, are they alright?” Optimus looked down at the human cradled carefully in his arms. They gave a weak smile through their tears. It was about all they could manage right now as they were struggling to keep themselves from just shutting down mentally. The double memories had taken a toll on their mind. They still just wanted time to think, to figure all this out. There were wounds from this that would need to be healed. For now, though, they knew they could trust Optimus. They could feel that deep down, more than any memory, false or true, could say otherwise. Optimus nodded to his bots and opened his commlink, “Autobots, fall back. Ratchet, prepare to open a ground bridge at the rendezvous point.” The Autobots retreat, joy in their sparks. Arcee and Bumblebee look on with smiles as they retrace their steps down the corridors of the Decepticon base. They had their human “sibling” back! Ironhide led the way, canons at the ready as they went. Jazz soon joined him after Sunstreaker insisted that he could walk fine by himself and would cover the rear. No Decepticons snuck up on their back, and between Jazz and Ironhide, the cons they came across were quickly dispatched. They made it back to the rendezvous point with the other Autobots. The human at this point was barely hanging on to consciousness and didn’t hear Optimus comm Ratchet to open the ground bridge, but they did see the familiar blue and green swirling lights. As the Autobots retreated through the bridge, they looked up at Optimus. He noticed their attention and looked down concernedly at them. There were still tears in their eyes, though they were from relief now more than anything. “You came for me.” Something about the tone they said it in, tore at Optimus’ spark. Their shock and pitiful hopefulness spoke volumes about what psychological treatment they’d been dealt while captive. It was going to be a lot of time and effort to heal. Optimus looked around at his Autobots around him. They kept shooting worried looks to the human in his arms. He knew each and every one of them loved the human greatly, each in their own way, and would be supportive as they healed. The human, whom he viewed as his own child, was in good hands now. “Of course, (Name), we’re your family. We’ll always be here for you.” The human looked like they might break into tears but instead smiled softly before they finally slipped peacefully into a much-needed sleep.
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