#I call this his derpy face. he makes it when he's getting loved on
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#llywelyn the little#my idiot son#I call this his derpy face. he makes it when he's getting loved on
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Confession Time!
A lot of people say they wouldn't have a problem with destiel if it wasn’t for how terribly the hellers (not the regular, unproblematic Destiel shippers) behave. I agree on the fact that the death-threat hurling, actor harassing, fandom toxifying, gaslighting asses make me actively hate the ship, too. But, even if all of its shippers were calm and lovely, I would STILL hate the idea of destiel. This is going to about the ship itself and why I don’t like it, not about criticizing the people who ship it (reasonably).
If anyone stumbles across this and wants to claim it’s because I’m homophoic or some dumb shit, feel free to show yourself out. And grow up. If you agree or are just curious as to why, feel free to read on.
The first reason I can’t get on board with destiel is Castiel himself:
I hate the ship because, if you look at it as Castiel having feeling for Dean from early on, he comes off as an even bigger creep than he already is to me. First, how many times has he invaded Dean's personal space or stared at him while he slept, even though Dean has told him not to and indicated it made him uncomfortable? I can think of at least 4 off the top of my head, but I’m sure there are more. These moment are written as jokes, and to show Cas is a derpy weirdo, but if you want to read them as a biproduct of Castiel having feeling for Dean, it makes him a creepy stalker.
Second, Castiel only caring about other people, including Sam and Jack, because of Dean makes him a s selfish and kind of shitty character to me. I like the idea of Castiel being a defective amgel, coming off the assembly line with a "crack in his classy," meaning he was always inclined to question things too much, maybe have an natural affinity for humans, to rebel. The idea that our show's version of Sam, Dean and even Castiel were special because they always defied the story that was written for them is the ultimate demonstration of free will winning out, and it speaks to the uniqueness of "our versions" of their characters. But, when it’s framed as Castiel only rebelling because he has a boner for Dean (like the "confession" scene seems to retroactively suggest), only ever questioned anything because he had a boner for Dean, only went against his fellow angels because he was hot for Dean and not becuae Dean inspired him to do the right thing, and only cared about people he says he loves and calls family because of Dean … that makes Dean special, not Castiel. In fact, it makes Castiel a simp who can’t think for himself, and is anything but genuine in his claim of caring about anyone but Dean. It makes him bereft of his own agency.
Finally, I hate the idea of Dean and Castiel ever being in a romantic relationship because of the seriously wrong things he has done to people. Castiel essentially forced Jimmy Novak to become his vessel again by possessing his daughter and basically holding her ransom until he consented to be Castiel's vessel again, and he still thinks he did the right thing into late seasons, Even when he finds Claire to sort of, kind of try make up for taking her dad away, he makes a feeble effort at best, and then basically just wonders off and forgets about her again after his momentary attack of conscious. For Dean, a character who fights to have free will, to shack-up with someone who took over a man's body and when he died (because Castiel took his boy into battle), he just sort of took over the body for himself and called it his, like a crab … is a huge smack in the face to Dean being heroic. Hello, even Sam wouldn’t bang Ruby until she found a braindead vessel, whose soul had likely departed already (and he’s the monster fucker). Castiel also broke Sam's hell wall leading to him going insane and nearly dying of insomnia, and he did it purposely to hurt and worry Dean, and to distract him from his plan to play god. This is inexcusable, and that fact that Dean even stays his friend feels like a betrayal to Sam, as well as out of character frankly, never mind going on to have a relationship with him. Finally, Castiel has threatened and beaten Dean when he doesn’t do what he wants more than once, and despite what hellers think, I don’t find abuse sexy.
The next reason I can’t get onboard with Destiel is Dean:
Dean laterally implies, out right says, and demonstrates multiple times throughout the show that he is straight. Thus, with the version of Castiel that Dean knows being in a male vessel, Dean just isn’t going to be interested in him that way. I’ve seen shippers srgue that people sometimes fall in love with someone of the same sex despite identifying as straight, but come on, that is going to be a relatively small percentage of of people. But more than that, Dean isn’t a real person, he’s a character. If the writers were going to make his character have a change of sexuality, or make an exception for Castiel, they would have had to explicitly show it on screen, through words and actions, and not just drop "subtext hints" that never go anywhere, and are largely stupid or hinged on stereotypes. They never did, so Dean remained hero sexual to the end.
Even if his sexuality were not a barrier, Dean does not knowingly peruse monsters. Castiel despite how depowered an essentially useless he becomes over time, is not a human. Angels are essentially just another flavor of monster on Supernatural, thus Dean is not be interested in dating Castiel even if he were in a female vessel, despite what some shippers like to claim. The only times Dean has knowingly hooked up with a monster was with Anna, and that was before she got her grace back and was a true angel again. The other monster he slept with was the Amazon, or whatever she was, before she had a kid with him without his consent, and Dean didn’t know that she was a monster. He frequently criticized Sam for having been with monsters, and that criticism makes it pretty clear that he wouldn’t want to be with any himself. Finally, this is a bit of a side note, any many may not agree with me, but I don't think Dean sees any supernatural creatures as quite equal to humans, and that includes Castiel, Jack and Benny. If it weren’t enough that Dean isn’t into males, the fact that he also isn’t into monsters, pretty much makes the destiel ship dead in the water for me.
Finally, the way Dean treats Castiel is not conducive friendship at times, never mind me shipping them. Dean pretty frequently belittles Castiel, calling him essentially uselesess when he doesn’t have powers (baby in a trench coat), and he makes fun of Castiel working at the Gas 'n Sip to try sustain himself, after Dean kicked him out of the bunker powerless and penniless. If Dean loves Castiel, mocking him for working whatever job he can after he turned him away, is an interesting way to show it. He also lashes out at Castiel pretty harshly (I though often deservedly). He tells Castiel that "nobody cares that he’s broken," and he says "everything that goes wrong" seems to be because of Castiel, and he told him that if anything happened to his mother after Castiel failed to warn them about Jack' behavior, Castiel would be "dead" to him. Even when the show reminds us of Castiel's existence when he’s not in an episode by having Dean claim he’s worried about him, or having Sam reassure him they’ll find/help Castiel, when Castiel actually is back, Dean essentially goes back to ignoreimg him. Dean only seems to care about Castiel when he’s missing or when he can help them fight something. In down time, he’s usually pretty happy just to chill with Sam.
Finally, I can’t ship destiel because of Sam, or more specially, Sam & Dean:
Sam and Dean have such a twisted-up, enmeshed, and all-consuming relationship with each other, that shipping either of them with characters outside of their relationship just isn’t interesting to me. I personally don’t ship them together, either. What they have goes beyind relationship categorization (brothers, friends, adversaries, parent/child, life partners, etc.), and I honesty think if the show had defied network parameters and actually had them hook up sexually, the relationship would have lost something. Sam and Dean are so unique and compelling in that their big love is a sibling and not a romantic parnptner, or even a parent/child relationship, that even as a fan of a good romantic pairing normally, I love that them exactly as they are. And their relationship is more meaningful to me than almost any other fictional one I’ve encountered. So frankly, shipping either with anyone long-term (I wouldn’t have hated seeing both of them have one more short romantic relationship in there somewhere) just feels pointless to me, and would just pale in comparison to what Sam and Dean are with to each other.
#supernatural#sam and dean#anti destiel#Dean Winchester#Castiel Critical#Sam Winchester#SPN Fandom musings
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todays stream..... im watching the vod in 1.5x speed because i forgot to watch. another long one.................................
jim and oli meet up immediately. they go to jimmys graveyard and olis died a bunch and he called himself mrs canary. blond boyfriends is "one night only" and oli said no flower husbands. they started making jokes about closing tumblr and ao3..... blond boyfriends are dead </3 jimmy then says they dont spend their evenings browsing those sites then oli says speak for yourself im mr wattpad
oli says "put on something sexy" for the talent show because both of them forgot to make skins for it. jimmy says hes not putting on the maid one (oli: i will) then oli suggests they both put on maid skins. grrrrr
(oli: why dont you want to be a maid? why dont you want to be a maid? you loved it you had a thumbnail about it and everything, you loved it, you loved it! stop pretending you didnt love it!
jimmy: i only do it on special occasions...... i only wear the maid dress one time on one series....... i cant do it twice........
oli: yeah but this is a different character, this is blond boyfriend jimmy, its like a whole different action figure!
jimmy: right, right, ill put it on.)
then they ask chat to make oli a maid skin since he doesnt have one. specifically with the same face as jimmys (the derpy face) then they realise they need an invisiblity potion for their talent show thing so they go to steal one from pixs furious cocktail machine. they go material gathering for more talent show stuff and split up.
(he kept making spongebob references. i think im going insane)
they meet back up. on the way jimmy goes to sausages house to steal some milk and he sees saus so he stabs him and runs away. oli found a weird pillager looking base in sausages house and shows jimmy to see how he would react to it. (u know how his voice goes when hes lying? Yeah) then after talking for a bit about who they think is a pillager (lizzie) they split up again.

they meet up again and switch skins to their maid ones,,, then they start practising their dance for the talent show. not a lot happens other than flirting and oli theatening to kill himself if they lose. then they head over to the talent show and oli sings a gay little song on the way. he tries to make it sound less gay but it turns into sounding like a one night stand.
they arrive and sausage admires the outifts and asks if they want to work at the tavern later. oli says yes (only if they dont win) and jimmy doesnt say anything about it. they take their seats and jimmy sits in front of scott. hes standing on the back of the stair instead of the front so scott asks him to move so hes not blocking scotts view. jimmy says not my fault im 6 foot so scott hits him and he ends up landing on the back of the seat in front (which is eloises). eloise hits him back. he gets hit around a bit (notably laughing) then scott pulls his sword out and asks out loud how much of a blockage a grave will be. jimmy then shakes his head and goes please no i dont have any armour on :( and scotts like haha i know. then the talent show starts
mog introduces the show and prays for no deaths. first event with no deaths. please. he reads a poem for his pet sweetpea that died. its actually really good but the fact that its about a minecraft bee does make me giggle. the judges are fwhip, eloise, and katherine. not entirely people who hate jimmy.... he has a chance....... how the judging works is the 3 judges have redstone lamps that are ON and if they turn them OFF they dont like the act. if all 3 lamps turn off you have to leave the stage.
first act is shubble :) she makes cat jokes. i think theyre funny. fwhip turns off his lamp and shubble says "quit the catattitude". eloise also turns off her light. she ends her performance with 1 light on!
sausage goes next...... hes doing a play about boat boys. joel audibly sighs in the audience. sausage is wearing an etho skin and drags joel on stage. saus tries to get joel to say he loves etho but joel just goes I LOVE MY WIFE!! lizzies in the audience and she doesnt react at all. "etho" then goes on to say they have a kid together. then it ends with 2 lights on. (technically 1 but katherine turned off eloises light. then eloise turned off fwhips light but he turned it back on.)
then oli and jimmy go!!! fwhip turns off his light almost immediately but they basically just make puppy dog eyes at him until he turns it back on. they start with their dancing and they get the audience to join in. its much more organised than the rehersals. then they go onto the disappearing act. fwhip turned his light off again but eloise and katherine seem to be loving it. jimmy splashes himself with the invisiblity potion (and accidentally catches oli in it) then runs behind the seats and drinks milk. eloise turned her light off too :( but katherine and the audience really like it. they try to do their drowning act but theres a conduit power which makes it less interesting. they end the performance with 1 light on.....
then its mogs turn! hes. racing people. and jumping very high. then he starts flying. i genuinely think hes hacking and i respect the dedication to the bit. then he starts walking on water. i think he ended with all 3 lights on.
judging time....... notable thing is katherine gave oli and jim a 10/10.
1st: oli&jim. 2nd: shubble. 3rd: mog. 4th: saus. fwhip gives jimmy his coin and jim says thanks daddy fwhip. jimmy goes home and is very happy about it :) then he ends........ new sos video saturday and next stream is monday :P
long recap again.... this ones kinda all over the place cuz i was typing while watching. i equally love blond boyfriends and also want oli 100ft away from jimmy at all times
man oh man... the adventures of the blonde boy friends
Ok the maid dress......... I'm not too upset by it because I accept Oli joining in with the maid outfit thing as a valid form of helping Jimmy heal. Not that Oli INTENDS to do that (he's too stupid) but... Him insisting "you loved it! You did!" makes me want to throw up but he's stupid. He's his own fucked up thing who I don't see as participating in the Jimmy "bottom of the food chain" bullying culture. He puts himself down on that food chain alongside Jimmy... unintentionally, still, but. Mmmgh. If it were, say, Sausage instead whototallydoesnthaveamaidkink saying this... It'd be another story and I might just throw myself out the window
Oli's fooling around and I still hate his insistence on Jimmy liking the maid ordeal (and even here, Jimmy is voicing the opposite!! sobs) but then he goes and puts on a maid dress too. It might be unsubstantial fun and jokes for him, but at least Jimmy's not alone on that now in a sense... Even the derpy face is the same... And same with "I'm mrs canary now". It's more "haha we both suck" and less "you suck/I suck almost as bad as you". More affectionate and less derogatory
Oli saying he'll kill himself if they lose kinda sucks because Jimmy frequently gets blamed for failures of groups he's part of, and if not, he might just blame himself and apologize anyway. But at the same time if they did lose, I cannot imagine Oli blaming it on Jimmy. He'd only address it as them both being equally at fault. Shared failure... The bar is really low ok
OF COURSE Sausage is there to admire them OF COURSE Sausage whototallydoesnthaveamaidkink is asking them to work at the tavern. Fuckass sorry I'm gonna hold myself back in case any Sausage fans are reading this. Sorry Sausage fans. I don't hate you ok. and Jimmy not saying anything in response even when Oli said yes... he has trauma guys he has such trauma I cant fucking make this up its right there. This is making me so sad. Jimmy choking up.... Even if he were to voice displeasure he'd just be shot down again. Sausage won't take no for an answer and Oli being Oli would probably encourage Jimmy too. Unfortunately. This sucks
There's something about Joel here too but I actually can't talk about it I'm serious even Tumblr will cancel me
I can't tell you how fucking happy I am that they won though so that 1. Oli doesn't kill himself and 2. They don't have to go work at the tavern as is evident is against Jimmy's wishes anyway. He doesn't have to relive his trauma. Katherine you have no idea what you've done I love you Katherine
Also thank you Jimmy for stabbing Sausage. Deserved
#thank you again faithful inbox stream watcher. This means so much to me#I really didnt think SOS was gonna be that significant but wow is all the Jimmy misery turned wayyy up#just because of that ONE that ONE FUCKASS maid dance. I hate it here. But thank you Oli. Thank you blonde boy friends#I like Oli. He's not the brightest tool but his banter with Jimmy is nice...#Jimmisery#blabber
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I'm going to go off about some random filler episode that's supposedly at least somewhat Deidara centric, because...????
Shippuden ep 457 "Partners"

Right off the bat. Deidara's voice is....so deep. I was a little surprised because I haven't properly heard it in so long
(my timestamps are broken so...it's not exact.)

3:03 his height difference with Pein is surprising... You'd never really notice how short he is unless you looked into it. Really, Deidara has quite the aura.

4:04 Although I LOVE his half up half down hairstyle, I also loved his low ponytail. Realistically, it doesn't make sense for him to just switch up his style like that, he coulda kept it for a little longer, you know?...but they don't really care, I'd think so. (but for the fact that we see him tying his hair up, which is pretty pretty, it's forgivable you know)
(Timestamp inexact) For a few seconds in the overhead frame where they overlook the sand disc, I notice that Deidara is now wearing his socks. This is set in the past, so Dei wore beige "khakis" and sandals instead of the classic dark desaturated blue pants with matching "ninja shoes" with those.... Socks that have a stripe going OVER the shoe. So in this shot, he's supposed to be wearing his old clothes. It's not like he could just go "Hey wait here Danna, I'm going to go change my pants." (Which is weird and out of character, I should also mention that he already calls Sasori "Danna" despite having met him just today, which means Sasori has done NOTHING to earn Deidara's respect just yet. The disgrace.)
Also, Why'd they send the new kid out for the important mission of "take down the rogue member of our group"? To be fair, Dei has spark. Power. And they know that, but...? Oh, gee. It's a filler episode...

Somewhere around 5:20 Deidara opened up his cloak to reach out for clay. There are so many errors in these few frames? First of all, his nails ARE NOT supposed to be painted black yet! Why, did they just stop along the road, halting their important mission to get his nails done? Ludicrous. My attention is pointed to his clay pouch since he was reaching for that, and the chain dangling between said pouch and the belt is missing. At least they remembered that he had only one pouch on his left side at the time. He still has the bottom half of his cute kimono jacket but... It's that dark, desaturated blue like his new outfit. And he has the crop top and mesh undershirt above the belt now so HUH????? They didn't forget his new, shiny ring but they did forget the consistency of his clothing and... It's just kinda sad. Feels bad for the animators.

I should also mention that within the frame, his front hair fwips and flows, exposing his other eye sometimes. Though there isn't anything drawn there, which is fine enough, but in the next few frames when he turned to look at Sasori to his right, Deidara SUDDENLY has his eye scope even though at that point, he was fresh in and probably didn't develop it yet. (Okay but I kinda found it endearing how enthusiastic he was to perform his art.)

Somewhere in 5:30 something, Deidara's face is a lil derpy which is cute

Orochimaru appears. Knows Deidara immediately, calls him a kid which Deidara's opposes to. Look...orochi is like... A grandpa compared to him, so, that's fair enough to say, isn't it?

Sasori sent Deidara to go lookout, which Deidara looked annoyed about. Sasori said that Deidara, unless he had any grudges, wouldn't have any reason to fight the snake man. Which, fair. At that point, he probably held nothing against...but he looked and sounded miffed about it. Maybe just because he wants to preform his art and not because of a mysterious grudge? I don't know. This is a filler.
...well crap I ran out of image slots. Here's to hoping your imagination still works because I AM NOT DONE!
Sasori is fighting using a dead guy's corpse, Orochi summons said dead guy from the grave, Deidara looks somehow cute looking down from above. But he's also supposed to be handsome...hmmph.
Dang. Feels bad for the third Kazekage over there.
NOOO THE IRON SAND RAINED UP AT DEI AND ended up destroying the wing of his ride somehow...? He's coming crashing down.... Poor guy.
9:00 Deidara is raining explosives! Not much to comment.
In the subsequent scene, he's descending FAST into the ground. Which means you can catch his eye scope EVEN IF HES NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE IT YET
He's...getting a nice chance to shine, even if it's futile. Go, go Dei.
"After you two die, I'll resurrect you both in the same way."
Well...not you though, snake.
Gee, the Kazekage really has it rough being Sasori's puppet and Orochimaru's pawn at the same time.
5:48 something Dei's flock of creations are being sent after Orochimaru www, he gets to have his scene and his signature line is said! "Art is... An explosion!" And sounds so enthusiastic too!~ so glad he's happy here, blowing up the sand disc thing....
...though there is one thing to mention. And it's that his ring, though on the correct hand and finger, is on the upper part of his finger just under the nail for some reason.
Man, that explosion was so dramatic.
Heh, everyone's having a holographic zoom meeting. No comment here... Well, one. Deidara. He's very cute there.
Oh. Second half. Hidan's there. I find it funny how he has a modern day jacket as his original fit... Either that or he hasn't got a top on. Inconsistencies. I much prefer the jacket though.
Now....many a minutes later. 18:55. Deidara's there, fleeting cherry blossoms. Deidara's doing his thing, performing his art. He blows up a castle! He looks very happy, he's in his element, he's where he's supposed to be! I don't know what art makes him feel like...but it seems to be good.
Dei... always so flashy.
There isn't Deidara anymore, so, I'm signing out.
#this is just a filler episode but still#Deidara#naruto shippuden#akatsuki#i wrote this in four something in the moening im sorry#feels bad for the animators#at the very least#Deidara's good looking#never pause naruto you might just end up with an inconsistent character design#comeon. share your weird episode nitpicks too...or not?
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Happy Halloween/Birthday Curse!
Warnings: Wish being a little dumb, Rushed story
Note: Little Wish is a Dreamtale Au (Dreamtale belongs to Jokublog)
"Follow me, it's just this way," Curse said with a smile as he held Wishes hand, leading him through the Twilight Forest that surrounded the King of Souls kingdom.
The forests purple and blue leaves blew in the cool autumn wind, adding to the forests' scenic beauty, as long as you ignored the screams of terror coming from the echo flowers that littered every inch of the deceivingly beautiful forest.
"W-where are we even going in the first place?" Wish asked the taller male as he led him into the kingdom, the guards at the front gate not even bothering to stop them.
Curse slowed his paste, allowing Wish to get a better look at the black and purple decorated streets and the smiling faces of the kingdoms' residence. Curse held his hand tightly but was careful not to hurt him.
"This is how we celebrate Spirits Night, or as you call it, Halloween. But no matter what you call it, this time of year is extremely important to the kingdom and its people" Curse started as he led Wish through the winding streets of the kingdom, as if he knew this place like the back of his hand.
"It's the day when the veil between the mortal world and spirit world is at its weakest, allowing those who had passed on to reunite with their loved ones for one night, but as of a few hundred years ago it had also become a celebration of their current ruler and his birth"
Wish nodded along with what Curse was saying, but at the same time, unable to tear his eyes away from the sparkly decorations that the villagers had hung up all around the kingdom with love and care, he could tell that they loved the holiday just as much as Curse said they did.
Wish could see kids wearing costumes as they went house to house, and shop to shop with bags to be filled with candy and toys. He could see Jack-oʻ-lanterns and other carved gourds almost everywhere he looked.
"What's up with that?" Wish asked as he stopped to look up at the trees and saw what looked to be cardboard cutouts of apples covered in sparkly rhinestones on a string hanging from the trees branches.
Curse looked up to see what he was referring to and became visibly nervous at the question, "I-it's nothing! U-ummm... Y-you know how people l-like bobbing for apples? Well, w-we hang up fake ones as that's less dangerous for the little ones!" He quickly explained.
Wish looked at him confused, about to speak again when Curse pulled him away from the hanging apple decorations, "L-lets keep going, Spirits Night only last one day after all! And I still haven't shown you what we came here to see!"
Curse led Wish to the middle of a cliff that not only had a beautiful view of the village but also the large castle that overlooked it.
He let go of Wishes hand and ran in front of him by a few steps. He did a little spin before proudly gesturing towards a table he had set up with a variety of food and drinks.
"Ta-ah!" He said, looking at Wish with a proud and derpy smile. One that Wish couldn't help but to smile at.
"What's all this about?" He asked as he took a few steps forward to get a better look, only for Curse to grab his hand again and bring him closer to the setup.
"Come on, Wish, it doesn't bite," Curse joked, causing Wish to roll his eyes. Curse pulled a chair out for him, pushing it in before taking his own seat right across from him.
"You still haven't answered my question, Curse. What's all this about?" Wish asked him again, watching as his face started to become dusted with a reddish pink blush and nervously start to fiddle with the black gloves on his hands.
"W-well, you've never experienced anything like this before, a-at least that I know of, and I just wanted to make sure your first Spirits Night is a memorable one," he said with a nervous smile.
Wishes cheeks became dusted with a reddish pink blush as well, feeling touched by the gesture, "Aww, that's really sweet of you, Curse, but today is also your birthday, I should be the one doing something nice for you" Wish said before remembering something.
"Oh! That reminds me, before I forget again..." He trailed off as he rummaged through his bag, looking for something.
Eventually, he pulled out a small neatly wrapped box and handed it to Curse. "Happy Birthday Curse! I hope you like it! Ink and Blue helped me make it, and Lust helped me wrap it," he said with a smile that soon turned to confusion when he saw how red Curses face had gotten.
"Curse?" He asked, "Curse, are you alright?" He asked again, this time getting a slight nod from him.
Curse carefully took the box from him, "T-thank you Wish, I-I really appreciate it... I really do..." He stuttered out, his cheeks becoming an even darker shade of red as he slowly began to open the box, being careful not to tear the wrapping paper.
He pulled out a small handmade chocolate croissant charm attached to a keychain, his favorite pastry. He had only mentioned it once to Wish, but he remembered.
He smiled softly as he looked down at it, "Thank you, Wish, I love it," he said softly, unable to tear his eyes away from the small handmade charm in his hand.
"Happy Birthday Curse, and Happy Halloween," Wish said again with a closed eye smile.
Characters used in chapter:
Wish & Curse both belong to Me (Ali Craft)
#Undertale#Undertale Au#Little Wish#Little Wish Book 2#Dreamtale#Dreamtale Au#Human Au#Wish#Curse#Cursedwish#Happy Birthday#Happy Birthday Curse#Happy Halloween
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today was okay i had a lot of revelations and i got in the face with a ball they didn't say sorry my face burned and it took out one of my braids which i stressed about but my hair was wavy and nice all day i cut out tons of magazine pages to decorate my notebook with I'm so nervous to glue/tape it since all of them are so pretty! also guess what i have a page from a magazine that features MY LITTLE PONY AND DERPY AND RAINBOW FACTORY DASH!??! and that magazine was about gender and being trans so i also have a picture of top surgery scars i thought that was super nice. i didn't get to wear my special outfit and i may have to beg to wear it ( abbey and dad called it ugly ) but i didn't wear it cause it was freezing it was so cold i wanted to cry :-(. but when i was walking i breathed in the cold air listening to conversations on the track and i felt like all my worries melted and i was just a little girl with no pressure from the world and i was happy. later on throughout the day i took off my long sleeve shirt it was hot in the school put on my normal sweatshirt and let down my hair while i scrapbooked and i felt so at peace. i realized that if i dress up for norman 24/7 and pretend to be a fake perfect girl then whats the point if we do date and he sees the real me and I'm not perfect and i hate tight clothes kind of. plus he's not even that funny. so i listened to music i talked to cordell i feel bad for him a little he's the only person who has told me he's gay and he tells homophobic jokes to his friends in social studies to hide he's bisexual i told him cordell just don't say it period its weird and its ok also he showed me his crush and i teased him about it whenever he made a joke about my limp ( that pissed me off ) but he would push my aggressively and id almost fall over that wasn't the funniest. then i went to science he barely looked at me which made me feel nice and i got home just to take a nice cozy nap i was very happy. i ate some food watched my dad stop a fire with mittens on his hands that was sick and took a shower and here we are. today was good as a lot of stuff happened mostly me not liking him anymore and maybe ever i cant force myself to love someone nor can i love someone just cause they love me and maybe they love me for the wrong reasons its just bad and wrong. i feel so free and happy i don't have to show off anymore i can laugh and make jokes i can wave and walk around i can breathe and eat around him and be me and being me is the best thing ever.
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How would the other twst cast react to their Pokémon evolving and how would their families react

This is going to be very long so everything is below the cut...
Divus, Sam, Ashton, Trey, Jack, Rook, Sebek, and Ortho won't be included as their Pokemon are already fully evolved or has no other evolution stages by the time they got theirs...
Also, this is a what-if and I won't be including this headcanon in my story in the works.
Riddle evolving his Budew would take place probably during a match in school, his Budew is small and fragile but he has learned to utilize the spores she can inflict. Budew felt his determination and began to evolve into a Roselia.
Riddle would be proud at this point to know that his way of raising Budew was different from how his mother raised him. He felt like he was slowly recovering from his past.
Also if he wanted to evolve Roselia further into a Roserade, he'd ask Phoebe for a Shiny Stone but that won't happen for a while since he was satisfied with Roselia. He'll ask his Pokemon's consent if they want to evolve.
Of course, Riddle's mom would ask why his familiar looked different so quickly and he just said that the familiar changes form when it gets stronger. She just took his word for it and didn't question it.
No doubt she'd force him to evolve Roselia and that's not what Riddle wants for his Pokemon.
Ace would have to ask Phoebe for a Fire Stone if he wants to evolve Growlithe. He wondered why no matter how many times he trained his Pokemon, he never evolved. Though he wants to ask Growlithe first if ever, the Pokemon agrees to evolution by putting his paw on the stone.
He does this in front of the family and they watch in awe as the small doggo goes to the big doggo. All is fine at first until Growlithe, now Arcanine still thinks he's a lap dog.
His mom would now tell Ace to start being more responsible because Arcanine is no longer a puppy! I'm talking about using the garden hose to give him a bath and brushing all that fur! Not to mention he has to stop him from chewing the furniture.
Oh and walks? good luck bro! He fast as heck boi!
Deuce would cry when Togepi finally evolves into Togetic. It would happen when he comforts the crying Pokemon during a thunderstorm.
Togepi is calmed down by Deuce gentle and caring tone. The Pokemon would feel so comforted that she'll start to glow.
He would yell for his mom to come to see and she would be dumbfounded when her son showed him a different yet familiar face. His mom would be proud of him when they both called Phoebe to ask what happened.
It turns out, that most baby Pokemon evolve through happiness. If they feel that you love them enough then they get the strength to evolve.
Deuce feels like he's gotten over his delinquent past. If this little Pokemon felt his affection despite being a bit clumsy, then he can definitely make his mother prouder of him.
Just like RIddle, Deuce would want to ask Togetic for consent when evolving.
Cater isn't much of a battler, mainly because he doesn't want to hurt his little friend. As cool as Pokemon battles are, he doesn't see himself putting his little Wynaut through that.
But unfortunately for him, Vargas wanted the ones with Pokemon to test their strength. Cater was forced to participate but his Wynaut seemed eager.
He was surprised to see the little guy counter every attack dealt to him. Eventually defeating the opponent. Which in turn, caused Wynaut to evolve into Wobbuffet. (The bane of nuzlockers everywhere).
Cater was stunned that once he realized his Pokemon evolved and that he won, he celebrated by taking pictures and bragging about it on magicam.
His sisters thought that it lost its's cuteness though. Wynaut was small and derpy hence why it was so cute. Cater thinks Wobbuffet was just as cute, if not cuter. At least those two won't hound his Pokemon anymore.
Leona and Alolan Meowth would be at the palace wandering around and looking for places to nap. But he couldn't sleep in peace when servants and guards are bad-mouthing him nearby. Not caring if he heard them or not.
Alolan Meowth looked calm but inside she was seething, how dare those people to make fun of her trainer! She goes over to them all sneaky and stealthy and ends up tying a curtain to their belts.
They were embarrassed when they ended up breaking a rather expensive vase. What timing, a person of high standing saw it and now reprimands the servants.
Meowth smirks as she goes back to Leona who was awake all this time. Though he did find some satisfaction in the prank, he tells her not to do that again because they weren't worth it.
He says this with such certainty that Meowth took it as him saying, "Royals such as themselves don't need servants who aren't worth gracing their presence"
Imagine Leona's shock when the Pokemon started to glow and appeared as Alolan Persian.
Farena and his family were surprised to see Missy change so much. They just saw her the other day but now it looks so different. Leona only told them that the familiar he was given is able to evolve if certain conditions were met. He didn't elaborate further.
He didn't want to tell them that Phoebe explained how Alolan Meowth evolved through happiness. He's not going to admit how there was someone who genuinely wanted to be in his presence.
What a tsundere.
Alolan Persian is much more mischievous to those who badmouth them now. No one knows why these unlucky events happen to certain servants, they can't trace the source, how odd hehe.
Ruggie and his Murkrow were just playing around with the other kids in the slum but of course, not everyone is all buddy-buddy. In another part of the slums were some thugs who picked on anyone in the territory, rich or poor be damned!
Murkrow tried to assist Ruggie in keeping some of the kids in their neighborhood safe when one of them accidentally wandered into the wrong territory.
Ruggie remembered being given a Dusk Stone by Phoebe. Told him if he wanted, he can evolve his Pokemon by giving them the stone. While the two had planned on just selling it, circumstances called for a different solution.
Tossing it to Murkrow to finally evolve him into a Honckrow, they finally managed to scare off the thugs. The kids and his granny were so surprised to see Murkrow, now a Honchkrow, change.
He becomes the guardian of the neighborhood. Rallying the kids into schemes to drive away even the sturdiest of adults who dare to pick on their family.
Honckrow looks after his flock, so what if they have fur and fangs instead of feathers and beaks? Don't mess with the boss!
Azul and his Clobbopus were just swimming around when a group of sharks surrounded them. Usually, sharks tend to stay away from mer-inhabited waters but they seemed to be either brave or foolish to do so.
Azul could just spew an ink cloud and sneak away but that only works on one or two opponents. He was facing an entire group.
His Pokemon suddenly felt the need to defend his trainer and raised his fists in defense. The sharks just laughed and paid no mind to the little octopus.
But Clobbopus punched one in the nose and it hurt a LOT. That got the sharks to chase the little Pokemon all over the place. Azul was scared for his little friend.
But Clobbopus started to taunt the sharks to swim up to him, and all of a sudden he evolved into a Grapploct just as the sharks were swimming upwards. Azul was stunned as the sharks were all beaten up.
His parents thought Azul brought home a new familiar but they were stunned to find out it was the small Clobbopus.
He makes a call to Phoebe later who tells him that it evolves after learning the move Taunt. That's... way too specific for an evolution requirement, he thinks.
But he feels so damn proud of Grapploct! He may or may not start to try thinking more positively about his octopus form. Grapploct will support Azul if he wants to do so.
Floyd and his Wooper were just walking all over the forest but at that moment, they found a large bear roaming the area. Floyd was just going to ignore it because he wants to go somewhere with his little buddy.
The bear tries to scare him off by tossing branches, but the branch struck Wooper.
Floyd goes feral when he sees a bruise on his little buddy. Wooper watched in awe as the eel boy wrestled the now scared bear.
After the fight, Wooper was so in awe of Floyd's display of power that it simply evolved just because as a Quagsire he can clap for Floyd.
That was unpredictably wholesome, I guess some Pokemon take after their trainers after all...
Jade's Foongus would evolve after the little shroom has beaten enough students who got too close to the mushroom logs Jade was growing.
He was cultivating rare mushrooms that would fetch a hefty price if grown successfully. Some punks thought they could sneak past Jade and get some.
I guess beating people counts as a form of experience too, huh?
Jade arrived in time to witness his Foongus become an Amoonguss. Jade is very excitable and gushes over his newly evolved mushroom friend.
When he finds out the Spores that Amoonguss releases grow more mushrooms, you bet he's gonna start cultivating almost EVERYWHERE!
Floyd shrieks when he wakes up to mushroom on his blanket.
Jade is in mushroom heaven.
Kalim no doubt loves to pamper his Sunkern with gifts. Though he hears that trainers from Phoebe's world think that Sunkern is the weakest out of all the Pokemon. Kalim still thinks nothing less of his buddy!
To show how he loves his Sunkern, he would sometimes tag along with Phoebe to her world to buy gifts that he thinks Sunkern would like. Though he could easily purchase the most expensive pot and greenhouse in Twisted Wonderland, he wanted to make it more personal.
A gift he personally picked would show his Pokemon his sincerity.
He would walk a thousand miles to get dew drops from the mountain if Sunkern asked him to!
While looking at the market with Phoebe, he sees a stone that looks like a sun. It reminds him of Sunkern's sunny personality. He buys a Sun Stone and gifts it to Sunkern.
He was shocked to see his Pokemon glow when it touched the Sun Stone. In its place, a Sunflora stood. Kalim had to call Phoebe to ask what happened to his Sunkern.
He'll be relieved that his Pokemon just evolved, he had no idea just by giving a certain stone, his little Sunkern literally blossomed into a beautiful flower.
His family would be surprised to hear about the concept of familiars evolving but they were happy for him. Sunflora's bright petals shimmer and rustle in joy. His 30+ siblings can't help but have a desire for anything sunflower after spending time with Sunflora.
Though he has to get used to Sunflora staying still during nighttime.
Jamil and his Natu would be just doing their chores in the manor when a rather haughty noble comes into the estate to have a chat with Kalim's father about trade and stuff.
Jamil didn't like the noble, he was greedy and liked to own things because he wants them.
Kalim can't help but agree because at one point he wanted to buy off an expensive family heirloom, thankfully his father managed to politely tell him no without causing a fuss.
But he let his guard down when the noble saw Natu and since he's just a servant, he expects Jamil to hand over the exotic-looking parrot to him.
Kalim comes in time to nicely tell him that the academy, therefore an education system that holds influence, has given Jamil ownership. It's not for trade!
The noble doesn't see Kalim as someone he should listen to unless he inherits his father's title already. He demands once more to hand over Natu.
He wasn't going to hand over his Pokemon! He's had enough of having things taken from him, Jamil suggests they duel it out fairly. If Jamil lost then the Natu is his, if he wins then the noble gets nothing.
Under the permission of the head of the Asim family, they prepare the garden square as an arena.
Though it won't be just Jamil who will face the noble, Natu joins too. The noble has his best guards to face Jamil.
The thing is, Jamil is quite cunning. Strength can only be used properly if they were smart too, but the guards were just meatheads. No doubt just picked because they were strong.
Jamil and Natu easily won. The noble was about to protest but Mr. Asim already announced the winner. Unless the noble wants his supply cut off then he should be wise about his next course of action.
After the noble left, Jamil and his family celebrated in their home. At that time, Natu evolves into Xatu. The entire family was shocked and were asking Jamil what happened.
He remembered Phoebe telling him that Pokemon evolve through battling usually.
He feels proud of himself for some reason, seeing the familiar he was given become stronger under his care.
Though Xatu doesn't wander off like Natu, the Pokemon just stands there watching the sun in one spot that would almost be mistaken for a statue.
How odd...
Vil and his Snom would be brought to so many interviews after there was news of some students getting a special familiar. The public and his fans were eager to know what kind of elegant and powerful familiar he got.
Though the entirety of Twisted Wonderland shook when he presented his Snom, his fans got over that initial shock and gushed over how cute it was!
Cue merchandise based on Snom to go along with Vil merch.
Even Neige can't help but see how cute Snom is, though Vil was being so secretive and never reveals to him where he got it.
But a few people among the crowd were disapproving of Vil's Snom. Saying it looks weird and weak. Not like Vil's image.
He pays them no mind as he continues to post how much he cherishes Snom.
One night in his home, he rants to Snom how people call her icky or weak. But he doesn't care about their opinions, he loves his familiar.
Snom must have felt his sincerity because she started to glow and all of a sudden evolved into a Frosmoth.
Vil and his family were stunned but that turned into awe when they gazed at the beautiful wings of Frosmoth.
Choke on that haters! He posts Frosmoth's form and the video that was taken by his father who managed to tape it seconds before evolving.
Epel brought his Applin home and his granny thought he got a rare large apple to grow on the farm. Imagine her surprise when a small worm dragon pops out.
His family got used to an apple rolling all over the place following Epel. It was very cute yet the little worm was feisty like their boy.
During dinner, Epel accidentally gave it a sour apple instead of a sweet one. He initially planned on using an Appletun to be an unstoppable tank.
But what he ended up with is a small dragon in an apple.
He was disappointed at first, he called Phoebe about it and mentioned that Applin can evolve depending on which apple you fed it, it comes out either Appletun or Flapple. He must've forgotten that part.
He tries to give Flapple a chance since he won't be heartless as to release him into the wild just because he couldn't get the evolution he wanted.
To his surprise, Flapple was faster and hits just as hard as an Appletun would. Though the defense isn't as good as Appletun's the speed makes up for it.
Epel is easily won over by the little guy.
His family is grateful for Flapple as he would scare off potential thieves who try to steal apples from the farm.
Granny Felmier knitted a special tiny hat and blanket for Flapple in the winter.
Idia thought about evolving his Porygon at some point though no matter how much he trains it, it doesn't seem to be close to evolving.
Upon asking Phoebe, he realized that Porygon is a special Pokemon that is made up of code, therefore would require trade evolution while holding a certain object.
Not to mention this needs to be done twice if he wanted to evolve it into a Porygon Z.
Idia would've picked to evolve it into the last stage until he read the dex entry. He does not want the unpredictability that comes with a Porygon Z.
So he chooses to evolve it into a Porygon 2 instead. Phoebe was shocked because Idia made his own version of a trading machine to evolve Porygon.
Phoebe would only have to find an Upgrade for him back home.
He's only telling Ortho. STYX can't know about his little buddy. No doubt they'd use it for experiments, Idia has few good things to protect, he'll do so with all his might.
Malleus' Pokemon would definitely evolve after sparring with his retainers and even challenging other nobles who wish to witness the power of the prince's familiar.
The first time Vanillite evolved into Vanillish was when he and Sebek's Pokemon were sparring. Vanillite was getting so pumped up that it eventually evolved.
The first time it happened, Sebek panicked and thought he did something to his waka-sama's Pokemon.
But thankfully, Lilia remembered that Pokemon evolve if they have gained enough experience.
Malleus was very pleased, as, in giddy pleased, his precious ice cream monster has gotten bigger.
The second time this happened, Malleus asked Phoebe if his Pokemon was going to be a banana split. He was a little disappointed to realize this was now the final stage.
But at least the Vanillish, now a Vanillux, has two heads to show affection to.
The nobles and his grandmother would grow curious as to how a creature can quickly change by simply becoming stronger.
Lilia would probably evolve his Gulpin by feeding him all that cooking he did. Gulpin probably decided that he needed a bigger body to eat more of Lilia's food then...
Bigger mouth to eat food with! Lilia just came back from the kitchen to see his not so little friend eating half the furniture now.
Lilia is tearing up, to think that his cooking was so delicious that his familiar wanted more of it.
Diasomnia praises the evolution because Lilia's cooking is entirely focused on Swallot.
Oh, Lilia can't make dinner tonight? That's okay... THAT'S MORE THAN OKAY!
Silver would fall asleep as usual while his Teddiursa ventures into the woods to find honey but meets a bigger bear who was stingy for the honey.
No matter how much the little Teddiursa tried, they just got smacked away.
The Pokemon grew frustrated that it ended up evolving Just to get the honey!
Ursaring returns and plops next to Silver who woke up and just shrugged it off like, eh... he just think he was still dreaming.
But once he realized that he wasn't, he shot up and poked at Ursaring who was chowing down on honey.
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🌹 Love Languages with the JJK Men🌹
🌸 ✨ or, their terms of endearment for you and how they express their love ✨ 🌸
Do not plagiarize or repost my work onto other platforms, especially tiktok! No plagiarism or hate please.
Author’s Note: god I spent all day on this and accidentally deleted it so here it is again I’m sorry everyone
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Toji Fushiguro, Naoya Zenin, Choso
Pairings: Gojo Satoru x fem!reader, Nanami Kento x fem! reader, Toji Fushiguro x fem! reader, Naoya Zenin x fem! reader, Choso x fem!reader
Content Warnings: use of y/n (your name), reader is fem!reader and uses she/her pronouns. nothing explicit but mentions of sex (specifically withholding sex in an established relationship) in Toji’s part, some mentions of violence/gore/blood in Choso’s. Slight spoiler warnings regarding Choso if you’re an anime only fan. Naoya being a misogynist and just…being Naoya in general? There’s some cursing and bad language.
🧿 🧿 🧿 Gojo Satoru:
-would purposely call you the most obnoxious names ever
-the farther you get into your relationship the more convoluted the pet names will get and the more you learn to just go with it.
-he’ll bounce towards you in public, saying in a sing songy voice, “I’m here, my little hazelnut and mocha cream topped with blackberry jam filled chocolate sprinkle topped choux pastry ball!” without even missing a step, and he’s not even out of breath. You will definitely get a lot of weird stares because he was not even trying to be quiet.
-over time, his pet names for you start to sound more and more like obnoxiously long Starbucks orders.
-will call you cutesy names too. Like (y/n)-chan, or a cutesy version of your name that he does for everyone (I.e: Nanamin, Megumin).
-they’re really random and you wonder how he even comes up with them but they’re weirdly endearing? they’re very much Gojo Satoru.
-for example, he calls you bubbmon because he thinks it’s cute and derpy looking and it reminds him of you (reminder that it’s canon that he’s a digimon fan lmao).
-he starts to get you all the merch he can find of bubbmon.
-for your one year anniversary, he gets you a cheap plastic figurine of bubbmon he got from one of those 100 yen gachapon crane games that he spent over three hours trying to get. You love it.
-ok, hear me out. Exchanging weird gifts is your guys’ love language.
-you start to call him a furby and for his birthday you get him a custom modified furby that you actually paid A LOT of money for. It looks just like him, with white fur and the blue-ist blue eyes (btw I love how the fandom calls him a furby I mean it’s true tho). It even came with a little blindfold and everything!!
-when he gets it, he’s delighted. he realizes he loves it because you obviously spent a lot of time and money into getting something really dumb that you knew would make him laugh. He’s received plenty of extravagant gifts in his life but he’s never felt anything when receiving them. Your gifts just hit different. He doesn’t know why, but like, they’re just so funny and clever and he loves that the gifts you exchange make absolutely no fucking sense to anyone other than you two.
-he carries the furby around everywhere. Like, he shoves it into the face of anyone who will listen and starts bragging about how his wonderful, perfect “bubbmon-chan” got him this customized western toy that reminded her of him.
- at first, while it was sweet and only a little bit obnoxious, the first years didn’t mind. But gojo started to bring the thing with him everywhere. He would have it sit next to him during training, he would even occasionally ditch class and have “Furby! Gojo” be perched on his desk as his “substitute.”
-yeah, you had unknowingly created a monster.
-the furby honestly freaks everyone out.
-his students unsuccessfully try to destroy it, but it turns out he extended his automatic infinity to also protect the furby. They find this out when Shoko tries to put out her cigarette on it and fails when he leaves it behind “to watch over the students” while he’s on a mission.
-“why can’t you two give each other flowers and jewelry like a normal couple?!” Nobara groans, as she vents to you, “I swear, that thing is sentient, its eyes follow me where ever I go.”
-“I think it’s kind of cute,” Yuuji says, “but, ah, it’s also creepy. Like one of Yaga-sensei’s dolls.”
-“do not associate me or any of my creations with that thing,” Principal Yaga grumbles as he passes by.
-But still, it makes you feel all warm inside that he treasures your gift.
-and like, you have to be at least a little bit insane to be with gojo. Just run with it. Embrace it. Because you know he will.
-gojo calls you more cutesy pet names too, just less often. Will coo “my little wife” whether you’re married or not, or “honey-chan”.
-might ironically call you “babe” or “baby” but it gets less ironic over time
🥖 🥖 🥖 Nanami Kento:
-I personally can’t see him as someone who calls you by any pet name at first lol.
-he would never use “babe” or “baby” I can’t see him ever doing that.
-literally will always respectfully refer to you by your name with “-san” even when you’re dating.
-when you’re close enough that he’s privy to your goofier side he calls you “fool” or “idiot” but ofc in an affectionate way—he calls you this as he smiles fondly.
-when you know each other for longer though he slowly becomes less stiff and drops the formal “-san” but he still doesn’t use any cutesy nicknames
-he’s more about showing his love rather than just talking the talk ya know? He’s that kind of guy
-he never dates casually, if he does date he’s looking for something long term and he makes this clear to you from the beginning. At the same time he’s not the most emotionally open guy and it takes a while to get him to put down his walls, so your relationship, while steady, will progress relatively slowly.
-after years and years of dating (yes it takes that long) he’ll finally start using pet names. You’ll probably be married by that point.
-But like, old fashioned and classic ones like “sweetheart”, dearest”, “dear,” “my love,” “love”. When he’s feeling particularly amused by you he calls you “dove” or “my little kitten” or really any animal you remind him of
-I really feel like of all of the characters listed here he’d have the most personalized pet names for you? Whatever silly or random thing that reminds him of you—ex: a detail or character from a story he read or a foreign dish he’s tried.
-For example, he teasingly calls you his angry little kitten because he revealed to you that before you two were acquainted with each other, he had seen you yelling at Gojo for dumping an entire mugful of sugar into your drink before stealing it for himself.
-You tried to jump up to get the drink, slamming your hands against Gojo’s imposed barrier. He had been holding the drink over his head, sometimes turning away to sip from it while shoving your irate face away with his large hand. You started to tear up in rage.
-Eventually Gojo disabled his infinity, infuriating you even further.
-“Aw, you cryin’?” he mocks, laughing while you tried to clamber over his ridiculously long body before giving up, but not before kicking him in the shin and stomping off, causing him to trip and lose his composure enough to spill a bit of the drink on himself.
-Nanami remembered smirking at the sight of Gojo doubling over from your kick—more so in surprise than actual pain, and mentally thanked you, a stranger at the time, in his head for providing him with a small moment of entertainment. After all, watching Gojo being humbled was always appreciated.
-his eyes, hidden by his goggles, had followed you for a reason he didn’t care to think about, and he found himself curious about you, which was…weird. No one really piqued his curiosity. All those idle thoughts vanished, however, when he saw your sad eyes and the tears that ran down your face.
-it was obvious to him that you were sad, and that it wasn’t about the drink, or even about Gojo, who had most likely stolen your drink in a misguided and idiotic attempt to distract you and lift up your mood.
-His hands twitched, and to his own disbelief, he found himself wanting to wipe your tears away. He wondered what had made you upset. Before he could think any further, you were gone in a flash, walking past him without noticing him at all.
-he admonished himself for these ridiculous notions, and was also confused. he wasn’t partial to public displays of emotion, he found them distasteful, even, especially from others. Why had he wanted to comfort you? It’s not like he, a stranger, could walk up to you and catch your tears in his thumb as he tells you it’s alright. Besides, he’s far too awkward and tired and broken to offer emotional support he probably can’t provide to someone he doesn’t even know.
-months later, he finally met you, and found that you were quite professional and subdued. Not at all like the first impression you had unknowingly provided. This piqued his curiosity even further.
-“you reminded me of a little cat trying to pick a fight with a tiger,” he recounted fondly, “when you were trying to get that drink back.”
“An asshole tiger,” you grumbled, “and he’s more of a beanstalk than a tiger, he still owes me for that drink, I paid for it—“
He presses a kiss to your forehead to appease you, “I agree,” he hummed, “Gojo-san is indeed an asshole beanstalk.”
-“more importantly,” he continues, “why were you crying?” He asks. You flush, immediately knowing what he’s referring to.
-“I was not!” you yelp.
-“you were,” he replies calmly.
-“fine,” you grumble, “maybe I was. But I don’t remember. It was something stupid, and that’s all I know. Probably waking up with a crick in my neck, or train delays, or the power in my apartment going out, I just felt really shitty and tired.”
-“and yet you recall that Gojo still hasn’t paid you back for the drink he took from you on that exact day?” He responds with a raised brow. You’re about to stutter out an over defensive and indignant response when you spy the corner of his mouth lift up. Kento? Teasing?
-“if you must know,” you say in a muffled voice, flopping face first into your pillow, “I remember that day only because a certain handsome stranger with the lame glasses I saw sometimes around campus saw me crying with snot running down my nose, and I started to break down and cry in embarrassment again as soon as I got home.”
-when you don’t hear anything for a while, you raise your head from your pillow. You see him, stifling his laughter, his broad shoulders shaking in exertion.
-“Kento?” You ask, concerned. You reach out to touch his shoulder.
-he grabs your hand and squeezes it gently before starting to laugh. The sound was hoarse at first, as if he hadn’t laughed in a while, before it settles into a full, rumbly timbre. The sight of it is odd. You don’t think you’ve ever seen or heard him laugh. You’ve seen him amused plenty of times, sure—your ridiculous antics made that possible—but you’d never seen him laugh in what seemed like pure, unbridled joy. You decide you like how his laugh sounds, and at that moment, you vow to do whatever it takes to hear his laugh again.
“I see,” he finally says, regaining his composure “well, I thought it was rather endearing.”
-he never uses these pet names in public, only during intimate moments shared between you two. You’re more likely to hear him call you a pet name when it’s his day off and he tucks a strand of your hair under your ear as he mutters it under his breath quite casually than when you’re both grocery shopping outside.
🗡 🗡 🗡 Toji Fushiguro:
-if you ask him to call you anything lovey dovey he’ll laugh at you for five minutes straight
-most of the time he’ll just call you “dummy” or “idiot” while fondly ruffling your hair.
-he will also call you “dumbass” or “loser” but not seriously, it’s his way of showing affection. He’s emotionally constipated.
-will call you “babe” or “baby” if you’re mad at him and he’s trying to get back on your good side.
-will even call you “sweetheart” if you’re super pissed at him and not having sex with him as a result.
-ngl most of his pet names for you are insults but you don’t mind because it’s pretty obvious he means them affectionately.
-yes even in soft moments lol, for example when you accidentally make him worried
-like when you forgot to charge your phone and it died while you were out with friends in the evening. when you didn’t answer his calls he panicked and thought that someone who held a grudge against him (very likely considering his line of work and his past) killed you or kidnapped you. Maybe someone related to one of his victims or someone from the Zenin clan.
-So he’s on this downward spiral of despair, thinking to himself that he ruins everything when you unlock the door and pad in. He just stares blankly at you as you unwrap your scarf. Before you can say anything he just wrestles you into a hug and just says gruffly, “you made me worry, asshole.”
-when you respond by teasing him for going soft on you he’ll give you a noogie.
🍎 🍎 🍎 Naoya Zenin:
-will call you by insulting nicknames, but unlike Toji, he will mean them and they are 100% malicious.
-if he’s in a good mood he’ll call you “wife” instead of his standard “woman” or “girl” (you’re probably in an arranged marriage tbh, I don’t see him dating casually bc he probably sees himself as above all that).
-most commonly will point at you or just call you “you”.
-however I know that you Naoya stans are out there so here you go:
-with Naoya it’s all in the tone and the nuances. in the rare, minuscule chance that he ends up somehow developing a soft spot for whoever he marries, he’ll call you “wife” but in a softer tone, muttered under his breath so no one else can hear. If the tips of his ears are bright red and he looks flustered and annoyed instead of his standard smug shit eating expression that means he’s a goner.
-before, when he’d call you “my wife,” or “woman” by saying those words through gritted teeth and barely contained rage, while gripping your wrist possessively when a visiting member of the Kamo clan started to get awfully touchy with you, you knew that possessiveness was akin to that of a spoiled child not wanting to share his toy with anyone else.
-after you start to understand each other though, and he saw the same Kamo try to get closer to you during the next big gathering, he’d ask them what they’d want while referring to you as “my wife”. This time, he’s not clutching your wrist to the point that you wonder if he’ll leave bruises, but he’s taking your arm so that it’s firmly intertwined with his. He’s angled his body so that you’re leaning against him. This time, he’s protective. And probably also possessive and jealous but hey this is naoya we’re talking about.
-it becomes increasingly more obvious that you’re the apple of his eye when you fall ill with a mild cold. He grabs your face and turns your head from side to side, trying desperately to remember any of the remedies his nannies had used for him. He doesn’t, sadly. He’s never had to care for anyone, including himself—there were always others to pamper him. So then why does he feel so helpless?
-He wants you to get better. What’s that tightening feeling in his chest? Is he coming down with whatever you fell ill with?? It’s called thinking about a person other than yourself, Naoya.
-He’s literally stomping around your bed giving pointless demands to the servants and the healer, checking up on you like a nagging mother hen.
-he literally demands the most expensive doctors and healers to be sent to your room to treat you. he’s even about to have renowned doctors from overseas be flown to your residence before you point out to him that by the time they’ve arrived, you would have probably recovered from the little cold you had.
-to the surprise of the servants, he doesn’t snap at you for speaking back to him or correcting him, but instead reluctantly agrees. When he feels everyone’s stares, his face flushed and he yells at them to get back to work.
-As you’re drifting off to sleep, you could have sworn you saw him wipe your forehead using a cool cloth with clumsy fingers and whisper your name. You blink in surprise because he’s never actually used your name before, at least not in such a sincere way.
-Later, when you wake up, he denies this. “What are you doing getting delirious and hearing things when it’s supposed to be a mild cold? Not that I’d know, I’m not weak like you so I don’t get sick. Hurry up and get better, will you?” (a few days later he falls ill with the same cold you had. He is very uncooperative with all the doctors who are called to treat him, and it is only until you coax him into letting you feed him a spoonful of cheap over the counter cold medicine that he calms down enough to fall asleep and recover, much to everyone’s annoyance).
-soon, word spreads that the spoiled, selfish Zenin heir has a soft spot for his wife. Naoya will punish any servants who overhear him during his soft or vulnerable moments by assigning them undesirable tasks (like cleaning up Naobito’s room after he’s gone on his weekly bender).
- When his family members and fellow members of the Hei unit start teasing him for being such a sap, he challenges them to a “friendly spar” and then beats their asses.
-basically if he has feelings he has no idea what to do with them.
-just to be clear, even if he does fall in love with you he’s still just as unbearable, he’s only slightly less intolerable to you.
🌙 🌙 🌙 Choso:
-he doesn’t get the concept of a pet name or a nickname.
-“your name is y/n, why would I call you anything else?”
-it takes some time. He does think of some pet names for you and Yuuji, but at first they’re just “*insert hair color*-haired love of my life-chan” for you, or “pink haired youngest baby brother-chan” for Yuuji. He’s trying his best, ok?
-the closer you get, the more enthusiastic he becomes. He thinks of some weird ones, like— “my bright sun for whom i would kill a thousand men for and countless more if you so desired,” which was quite a mouthful but oddly sweet.
-but as he grows more comfortable and familiar with the concept, he starts calling you “my muse” or “my light”.
-in settings where you’re alone he calls you “love”. It sounds right somehow. It’s something that you call him too and he likes that it’s a word that you can exchange with him too.
-he also has pet names for you based on inside jokes. When he starts to get better at pet names and suggests that he retire “my bright sun for whom i would kill a thousand men for and countless more if you so desired” because he’s now embarrassed by it, you pout, because you actually like it. When you ask him why he doesn’t want to use it anymore, he flushes before saying, “it’s not accurate. You’re not the sun.”
-“hm?” You respond, listening attentively. He hesitates before clarifying, “The sun is destructive, it makes its presence known immediately, it’s capable of great pain and fear—“
“ah, so did you decide on this after you got that nasty sunburn when we went to the beach for the first time last week?“ you teased, smirking. His cheeks darken and flush and he looks away.
“Sorry,” you say, fluffing his pigtails, “please continue. I want to hear the rest of what you have to say.”
“—If anything, you’re the moon. A gentle, calming presence.” He buries his head in your shoulder, “beautiful.”
-“I like that,” you respond thoughtfully, “I can be your moon. Yuuji can be your sun. He’s capable of great destruction and he’s so bright it’s impossible to not notice.”
“That sounds better,” Choso breathes, closing his eyes, “My moon. My precious moon.”
“But Choso?”
“Would you still kill a thousand men for me if I wanted you to?”
“Yes, I’d kill a thousand men for you. I’d create a crimson sea of blood for you to bathe in if that was what you wanted.”
“…that’s so fuckin’ awesome,” you say under your breath.
“I never knew you were so violent, my moon,” he says.
You snicker in response, continuing to play with his hair.
-however, afterwards he calls you “my bloodthirsty moon” or “my violent moon” sometimes as an inside joke between you two, in addition to “my moon”. At first he does this teasingly but it just comes out naturally as time goes on.
-he doesn’t really like using these terms of endearment in public, it just feels right when it’s you two (and Yuuji).
-remember, while he can be very affectionate, he is also capable of being cold, detached, and stoic. This is especially the case if he’s in protective mode (the killing a thousand men thing was a joke but also not really, he would kill for you without hesitation). When he’s worried about you when you’re in public, that’s the only time he’ll use a pet name for you because he won’t be thinking things through, and it’ll just slip out.
-so one day, you guys find yourselves in a supermarket where they have an extravaganza sale. There’s a line of super aggressive old people and housewives ready to run to the aisles and buy as much food as they can. You had come along and brought Choso (for help with reaching some things in the higher shelves). While you were grabbing a 70% off packet of premium cut sliced beef, a particularly aggressive housewife grabbed it after you, trying to swipe it. You tugged it back, and soon the housewife tries to shove you. Before she can, however, a cold hand grips her wrist.
“Don’t you dare,” a cold voice whispers into her ear, “lay a hand on my moon ever again.”
The housewife shrieks in terror as she sprints away.
“Geez,” you say, “and I’m the violent one?”
He doesn’t answer, and only holds your hand.
“Choso?” You lean in to whisper.
“Thank you,” you say, pecking his cheek. You smirk as you see him flush heavily.
You later find out she complained about you guys to the manager, and you’re banned from the place. But they let you check out your stuff for the last time so you end up getting the premium beef for yourselves and make a really good hotpot so who’s laughing now bitch.
#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen x you#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jjk x reader#jjk x you#jjk x y/n#gojo satoru x reader#gojo satoru x you#nanami kento x reader#nanami kento headcanons#Nanami kento x you#Toji Fushiguro x reader#toji x reader#gojo x reader#Nanami x reader#naoya zenin x reader#naoya x you#naoya x reader#choso x reader#gojo satoru#Nanami kento#toji fushiguro#naoya zenin#Naoya zen’in x reader#Naoya zen’in#choso Kamo#choso#jujutsu kaisen headcanons#jjk headcanons
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Beach Days Part 3 - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x FemMitchellOC
Here is Part 3 of Beach Days. I am not sure how many parts this is going to be, but I know based on how I write, I will make it at least three.
Part 1, Part 2
Rating: T+
Words: 2.0k
Warning: Some agnst, fluff, screaming, swearing, tears, overprotective fathers, little bit of an age gap (11 years), and Hangman being Hangman.
Summary: As the daughter of Pete Mitchell and Penny Benjamin, Lily - nicknamed Sunshine by the pilots of Top Gun- had grown up with Bradley Bradshaw. She had admired him when she was a child, but now she didn’t know if she hated him or loved him after blaming her for what her father did when he pulled Bradley’s papers. A day at the beach changes the perspective of a lot of people while Lily’s father tries to train the pilots called back to Top Gun to be a team.
Sunshine sat nervously in Bradley's Bronco and kept looking out of the window and not at him. She didn't know how to talk to him anymore. They had spent so much time apart and not speaking to each other that she had no idea if he still liked the same things, had the same hobbies, etc. The brown haired, green eyed woman looked up as Bradley parked in front of her small house. She swallowed feeling her nerves twist her inside to knots and make her hands sweaty. Why was she so nervous? Could her mother have been right? Could the crush she had had on Bradley as a child turned into something she never realized before? She slowly got out and took her house keys out of her purse. She needed to have this conversation with him to make him understand he can't just apologize to her and expect everything to be okay.
Sunshine turned to Bradley as they arrived at her front door. She motioned to the shoe rack. "Put your shoes there. There are new slippers inside the closet to the right as soon as you walk in. Are you still a size 9?" The brunette watched Bradley for a moment as he went wide eyed before nodding and taking off his shoes like she asked him too. Sunshine opened the front door and the closet door getting her slippers out and putting her jacket away before letting Bradley do the same. A soft curse left her lips as she heard the sound of small patters. Within seconds, a beautiful white and light tan husky ran around the corner with a derpy smile on its face while its blue eyes shined in excitement at seeing her. "Uh oh," Sunshine said as she was tackled and covered in kisses and licks and slobber.
Bradley blinked and looked down seeing Lily on the floor with a husky on top of her. He bit the inside of his cheek trying to hold back his laughter but failed miserably as he snorted before it turned into full blown laughter at what was happening. He held his stomach and leaned against the closed front door trying to keep himself upright before a sudden yelp escaped his throat, and Lily's husky set their sights on him and tackled him...jumping up whining and kissing him cause the dog was excited to see a new person in its owner's home. He narrowed his eyes hearing Lily giggle at his misfortune.
Lily smiled seeing her husky - whom she had affectionately named Ahsoka Tano - not have a care in the world as she gave Bradley kisses and affection. The brunette smiled and got up off the floor and went to where the sliding glass door was to the small backyard she had and opened it to keep an eye on Ahsoka even though the pup used the built in doggy door to go to the bathroom throughout the day. She turned and busied herself with making sure the self feeding bowl and the water containers were filled. Once she finished, the brunette looked at Bradley and murmured, "Are you...um are you hungry? Or thirsty? I think I have some leftover wine or beers." Lily sounded as if she was trying to stall even if she was being a good hostess. She stopped talking as Bradley caught her hands to calm her down...which was a habit he had done for her since they were younger.
Bradley smiled gently as he caught Lily's hands to stop her from rambling and to stop her hands from shaking. "You don't have to make me anything Lily. I meant what I said earlier. I am so sorry for blaming you for what Mav did," he said softly, gazing down at her. She was still much shorter than him, and he found it amusing. His green eyes gazed into her own before he looked down at her hands and lightly let them go feeling sad at the loss of contact. The Pilot saw an unknown emotion in her eyes and could tell she seemed a little skeptical at his apology after all these years. "He told me not to blame you. He told me about the hell you put him through once you had found out about what he did with my papers. I...God I was just so angry at what he did to me and took all of it out on you because...because you were an easier target than going after Mav," he gushed, spilling his heart out to her as he turned away while closing his eyes and sighing.
Lily's eyes quickly filled with tears as her face twisted slightly. "I was an easier target?! I was easier to take your anger out on than my father - who was the one who wronged you in the first place!! That is unacceptable Bradley. You-you can't just apologize after all these years and expect me to fall at your feet! I am not a little girl anymore Bradshaw-!"
"What else am I supposed to fucking say?!" Bradley exclaimed as he turned to her, blowing up on her just like he had all those years ago. "What could I possibly fucking say or even do, Lils! I know you aren't a little girl anymore. God knows that I just now fucking realized how gorgeous you really fucking are!!" He panted softly, gazing down at her before going wide eyed as the words he said sunk into his brain. He stepped closer to her, lowering his voice. "I didn't mean to say all that shit, Lily. I never wanted to hurt you the way I did. You know full well, I never intentionally hurt you like some kind of damn idiot. I was blinded by my anger and rage and hurt like a fool." Bradley brought his hand up and lightly stroked one of Lily's cheeks with his index finger. "I missed you so damn much, Lily. I miss all the nights we would stay up without Mav knowing and watching movies. I miss talking to you. I want to have that again with you. I want my best friend back," he murmured gently.
Lily felt her throat tighten as she tried her best not to let her tears slip from her eyes. She looked up at him processing everything that he was saying to her and knew he wasn't lying, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to open her walls. She had heard his comment about her looks and felt slightly giddy at the thought of him liking her the same way she just realized she liked him. The brunette leaned into his finger lightly and murmured, "You hurt me so much Bradley. I cried almost every night for two years before I finally became numb to the pain. I...I want my best friend back too, Brad...We have both changed so much since you left, and I don't know how we would even be able to be best friends. A-And what's worse is I am almost one hundred percent positive that I don't just want you as my best friend anymore, Brad, because I...I..." Her green eyes widened for a moment in shock as Bradley leaned his head down closer to hers, and she felt a soft pressure on her lips almost as if he was hesitant and not knowing if she was okay with this. Lily felt a soft sound at the back of her throat form as she let her eyes flutter shut while she slowly returned the kiss. Time seemed to stand still for them as they kissed for the first time, and Lily had never felt happier. In fact, she - for some reason - felt like a giddy school girl confessing to her crush.
Bradley relished in the long moment as he kissed her before slowly pulling away and gazing down at her. A soft smile crossed his lips as he watched her pout at the loss of warmth. She tasted exactly like he had imagined...cherries, the sun, and a hint of motor oil from her working on planes with her father. "I care about you," he whispered lightly.
Lily giggled suddenly as she smiled and nuzzled his hand that had come up to hold her face. He was warm and calming to her. "I care about you too, Bradshaw," she whispered lightly in a teasing manner. She pulled away and pulled out the wine that she had while using her phone to turn her TV on. A smirk crossed her lips as she motioned to the cabinet with her popcorn in it. "Disney movies?" she asked lightly as they used to watch Disney Movies so often when they were younger. At his nod, they started a Disney Movie marathon well into the night while falling asleep and cuddling on the couch.
*The Next Morning*
Lily woke up in her bed confused and slightly disoriented. She swallowed thickly while looking around and saw a note next to a glass of water. The brunette opened the note seeing Bradley's familiar handwriting.
Good Morning Beautiful,
Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. I had to report early for another day of training. I am not sure what time we are going to be done, but would it be okay if we maybe took a walk on the beach tonight just the two of us?
P.S. Sorry Lils, but you are out of milk now...and cereal.
Lily smiled and shook her head at the note while rolling her eyes. Bradley was always like that with food. She bit her lip before getting out of bed and lightly scratched Ahsoka's head when her dog perked up from her spot on the bed. The 27 year old bit her lip as she went to her kitchen to make sure her dog's food and water were full before starting on her own breakfast of yogurt, granola, and fruit.
*Meanwhile on Base*
Bradley's head snapped to Jake's as he heard what the pilot said about Lily. "What the fuck did you just say?" he snapped interrupting the lesson Maverick was giving them.
Jake smirked and raised an eyebrow at Rooster. "What? Sunshine is single and quite beautiful. I highly doubt she'd go for someone who apparently broke her heart. What'd you do, huh? Was she an easy lay?" He was very clearly trying egg Bradley on. "I mean it must not help that your old man flew with our great Captain," he quipped.
Bradley's eyes widened as rage coursed through him and he bolted from his seat lunging at Hangman with the intent to kill. He vaguely felt Maverick, Phoenix, and Bob grabbing him to pull him away. He had a slightly wild look in his eye as he stared at Hangman. His green eyes went to Maverick who looked about ready to rip Hangman a new one because he spoke about Lily in a way that a father would never appreciate. He pointed at Jake. "Don't ever talk about Lily like that," he snapped and pulled away from Maverick, phoenix, and Bob before storming away and out of the classroom. He panted heavily trying to calm himself down. The pilot felt his phone vibrate suddenly, and when he pulled his phone out, he saw a text message from Lily.
*Thank you for last night, Brad. Plus, a walk sounds lovely.*
Bradley felt his shoulders relax slightly as he looked at his phone. A small smile crossed his lips as he chuckled to himself.
*Sorry again about the cereal and the milk.*
*You owe me for those.*
*I'll buy you more tonight.*
*I'll hold you to that Roose*
Bradley smiled at his phone feeling a lot better than he had a minute ago. He looked up seeing Mav with an eyebrow raised. "What?" he asked lightly.
"Is that Lily?" Pete asked softly.
"Yeah...We um...things went well last night. We were able to work through a lot of things," Bradley said lightly. "We were going to be meeting up again tonight," he whispered.
Pete watched him and frowned slightly. "Don't hurt her again, Bradley. Please. That is all I ask."
"I won't."
#top gun#top gun fanfiction#top gun imagines#top gun imagine#top gun maverick#top gun maverick imagines#top gun maverick imagine#top gun maverick fanfiction#pete mitchell#pete mitchell fanfiction#pete mitchell imagines#pete mitchell imagine#maverick#maverick fanfiction#maverick imagines#maverick imagine#pete maverick mitchell#pete maverick mitchell fanfiction#pete maverick mitchell imagines#pete maverick mitchell imagine#bradley bradshaw#bradley bradshaw fanfiction#bradley bradshaw imagines#bradley bradshaw imagine#rooster#rooster fanfiction#rooster imagines#rooster imagine#bradley rooster bradshaw#bradley rooster bradshaw imagine
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Invisobang: Morge pt 1
It was a beautiful day outside. The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming...a corpse was found in the woods.
Or, Amity Park's local cadaver dog trainer was walking her dog in the woods when they discovered a little surprise waiting for them six feet under.
Pairings: none WC: 9616 read on: [ao3] part 1 of 2, read: [part 2]
Some amazing accompanying art by @phantombreadproject
The dog bounded up ahead, his tongue flopping out of his mouth and his back paws kicking up dirt behind him.
If Sarah Abrams didn’t own him, it would have been too easy to assume he was just another derpy German Shepherd. But after years of training him, she knew how good at his job he was. As soon as the vest hit his fur, his playful demeanor changed to a serious, dependable, working dog.
He raced over to a tree, sniffing around the trunk.
“What you got there, bud?” Sarah called out from behind.
He looked at her momentarily before bending down, picking up a large stick in his mouth, and running up ahead.
It was a beautiful morning, one that a midwesterner such as Sarah had spent too long dreaming about through the dreaded winter months. But finally the ground had thawed, and all remains of winter had evaporated into the air. The birds fluttered around building their nests, the squirrels climbed up and down trees in search of food, and the plants along the forest floor were budding, preparing to release a colorful sea of flowers.
By all accounts, it was the perfect morning for a hike in the woods. Amity Park, though a bustling city, did have its peaceful trails along the outskirts. Most people didn’t bother exploring them, seeing them as too out of the way, but not Sarah.
And her dog, Atlas, with his tail wagging and his head tilting from the weight of the large stick he proudly hauled with him seemed to agree.
A dewdrop hit her forehead, and she looked up, shading her eyes from the sun. The air was just warm enough that she could forgo her jacket, but not quite warm enough to also leave her sweatshirt in her car. Though, the world was just beginning to wake up for the day. She had left with her dog just before stores opened, and by the time she would arrive back in her neighborhood, the streets would be bustling with activity.
It was the perfect Saturday morning.
“What do you say, Atlas. You think I should get a bagel on the way back?”
But the dog didn’t turn to respond, having dropped the heavy stick in favor of darting off the trail to chase a squirrel.
Sarah had always wanted to work in Amity Park’s K-9 unit, and was all too excited when her application for an open position was accepted. From there she underwent training before she was placed with a new puppy, Atlas. The two of them worked together for months every day before he was finally able to start on the field as a cadaver dog.
It was a bit of a morbid job, if Sarah were being honest. Her parents had been rather concerned when Sarah admitted what field of the K-9 unit she was going into, but they tried their best to show their support. Even if her mom couldn’t help but make a face when Sarah tried to explain the various training exercises she did with Atlas.
But Sarah loved her work. She felt like she was truly making a difference in this city, and Atlas was an absolute joy to work with. In the four years they’d been together, they’d developed a keen sense of trust between each other that could only come out of the hours and hours spent training each week.
And despite his serious, professional demeanor when he was on the job, off the job he could be a bit of a goofball.
She stepped over a log and continued down the dirt path. She’d lost sight of Atlas, but she wasn’t concerned. He was never too far away from her.
And as if right on cue, a bark sounded from behind some brush.
Sarah recognized that bark, it was the same clipped, alerted tone he used in training and out on the field.
“What’s up?” Sarah called out.
Atlas barked again.
She frowned, moving the brush aside and stepping out from the trail’s path. She stepped behind a few trees and bushes before she saw her dog lying down on top of a patch of dirt, his body language wary, looking at her just like he did when he found human remains in training.
Sarah froze, looking at him. He barked again, and sniffed the ground.
Well trained cadaver dogs had ninety-five percent accuracy, and could easily ignore dead animal remains and food in favor of decomposing or even skeletal bodies. They could find human remains up to fifteen feet below the ground, and could even sniff out bodies underwater.
Sarah pulled out her phone.
It seemed like her morning hike was officially over.
“You have a very lucky dog,” Mark said, handing her a coffee.
Sarah hummed, graciously accepting the beverage. The scene had been roped off and was flooded with officers, detectives, and medical personnel. The morning had since passed, and now the sun beamed down on the tired workers.
It had been pure luck that Atlas had decided to wander off of the dirt path that day, that he had bounded from side to side, too full of energy to keep in a straight line. If they had walked by, would that person ever have been discovered?
“It’s deep in the ground,” Mark continued. “Whoever buried this John Doe didn’t want him to be found.”
“Kind of sick if you think about it,” Sarah said.
They had just uncovered the body, but it was unidentifiable on sight alone. It would need to be transported to a morgue before they could get any answers.
Mark took a long sip of his coffee. He was one of the younger detectives on the force, and for that reason, he and Sarah bonded instantly when he was hired in Amity. He was bright, exceptionally so, and showed a compassion for victims that was rare to see in law enforcement.
Sarah threaded her fingers through her blonde ponytail. “Well, hopefully you can solve one of your missing children’s cases.”
“Yeah, that would be nice.”
A man with salt and pepper hair came up to the duo. “Abrams?”
Sarah straightened immediately. “Sir?”
“You have a good dog. We’ll need you to come down to the station of course to give an official statement.”
“Of course, sir.”
She hadn’t had much conversation with the police chief, who was often a bit too old fashioned for Sarah’s taste. The man had only just switched to his first smartphone after his trusted flip phone finally refused to turn on after its years of service.
Of course, Chief Davis had spent about a week bemoaning the fact that people were insisting he get a smartphone, no he didn’t need one, his phone was fine, people these days were too reliant on technology and back in my day…
Rumor had it that his wife had been the one to finally crack him. And the man got his new sleek iphone, spent about a week asking every young recruit at work how to do basic tasks on the device, before he discovered that he could use Facebook on his phone. The following week had been filled with nothing but praise for modern software engineers.
Sarah flickered her eyes back over to the scene. The evidence bags and cotton swabs were being taken out of their cases as detectives gently prodded around the body.
Suddenly, there was a chill in the air. Sarah shivered and pulled her APD sweatshirt sleeves down her arms.
It felt...odd. The chill, it didn’t feel the same as when a spring breeze cut through a harsh, sunny day.
Atlas let out a warning bark.
Sarah’s brows furrowed. Something wasn’t right. No, this chill wasn’t on her skin. It felt deeper than that.
But before she could think about it, the body started glowing a familiar green.
Mark jumped back. “Holy shit!”
The detectives around the body scrambled back and whipped their ecto-guns out of their holsters. Everyone stood, watching with bated breath as the temperature plummeted and the green glow brightened before a familiar spirit shimmered into view.
“What the fuck,” Sarah whispered.
The figure hovered over the body disoriented, rubbing at his forehead as if he had a headache. A black jumpsuit covered his body, fading out at the end where a ghostly tail had replaced his legs.
Mark shot Sarah a horrified glance. “Is that—”
“Danny Phantom!” Chief Davis said, stepping forward.
Phantom’s hand fell, revealing acid green eyes. He surveyed the scene before finally turning his attention to the decomposing corpse below him.
He stiffened. Sarah saw the exact moment when reality hit his features.
“No…” he whispered, his eyes growing wide.
The air grew even colder.
The Chief raised his ecto-gun. “Step away from the body, Phantom.”
Phantom flew down, ignoring the chief, and hovered just above the cadaver. He reached down as if to touch the body, before he shot back, hitting a tree.
He gripped his chest, his eyes filled with panic.
“Phantom!” Chief Davis tried again.
Phantom’s eyes swung over to their group, and Sarah felt the breath leave her lungs. She had never seen the boy up close before, and he never exactly stuck around after fights to allow for conversation or questioning.
There had been close-ups of him on the news, as well as the occasional Tiktok or Youtube video from a random teen. And in those, Phantom always seemed so human, so real. And while publicly, as a member of the APD, Sarah was unable to voice her support for the vigilante ghost, privately she had never minded him. After all, he mostly stuck to ghost affairs, and whenever he got involved in human crime, it was always from a rescue position. Like saving an elderly man from a burning building, or saving the bus full of kids that almost drove off the road that one time. He’d never really interfered with police, not really.
And that’s why, as a teenaged human-like ghost, he was so beloved by the people. Glowing aura and white hair aside, he just seemed like a regular teen. His personality, demeanor, sense of humor, seemed so... normal.
But now, something was off. He seemed more ghost-like than Sarah ever remembered.
For the first time, Danny Phantom looked dangerous.
“Why are you here?” Chief Davis asked.
Phantom looked between the police chief, the body on the ground, and then back to the chief. Something snapped inside him and his face set, his look of panic transforming to deathly calm.
“You need to leave.” Phantom’s voice was cold.
“This is a crime scene. You can’t be here, ghost.”
The aura around Phantom brightened. “No. You need to leave.”
The chief didn’t flinch. “You either step away from the body, or I’ll shoot.”
“You don’t understand.”
“Why? Did you know him?”
Phantom’s eyes widened, and he slowly raised his hand out in front of him.
Chief Davis stepped forward. “Were you the one that killed him?”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Phantom said, allowing the acid green to overtake his entire eyes. His hands began to glow. “You need to leave.”
“Phantom, don’t do this. You’re completely surrounded by armed cops who have a much better shot than the ghost hunters you’re used to dealing with. Come quietly, son.”
The ghost let out a hysterical laugh. “Come quietly? Or what, you’ll show up to my house and arrest me? I’m dead! You can’t do anything!”
Chief Davis’ eyes narrowed. “That’s not true and you know it. We’ve turned a blind eye to your vigilantism for over a year. You shoot, and you’ll be an enemy of the city. You won’t be able to haunt Amity Park peacefully any longer.”
The air in front of Phantom crackled with ectoplasm. His hair floated, as if underwater, and he brought up his other arm to share some of the acidic burden.
Sarah shivered, and she felt Atlas press up against her legs.
“I’ll repeat myself one more time: stand down, or we’ll be forced to shoot.”
Phantom gritted his teeth. Conflict played across his features, and it seemed like ages had passed before he finally opened his mouth. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I...I can’t let you take the... that.” He jerked his head to the corpse.
“And why is that?”
Realization hit Sarah like a ton of bricks. She froze, her eyes flickering between the rotting body and the distressed ghost above it.
Of course. It was too obvious.
Before she could stop herself, Sarah’s mouth flew open. “Phantom, is that you?”
It was as if the air were sucked out of the woods completely. Every head snapped towards her. The ghost faltered, the ectoplasmic blast he’d been preparing disappearing into thin air.
Then finally, his shock morphed into fear.
She was right.
“That boy.” Sarah pointed to the body. “That was you, wasn’t it?”
A trembling hand shot up to the ghost’s chest. “You—you can’t...you can’t—”
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
The air was getting colder still. Phantom drifted closer to the body, as if to protect it.
Chief Davis lowered his ecto-gun and slowly stepped forward, as if coaxing a feral dog out from a corner. “Look, son, we can find whoever did this to you. We can bring them to justice.”
“You—you don’t understand.”
“No, I think I do. You were a kid, you were scared, and someone did something terrible to you and tried to cover it up in the woods. You’re trying to protect them because you’re still scared, but if there’s someone out there who hurt you, we can help.”
“It’s not like that. You need to leave.”
“You know we can’t do that. This is a crime scene now. We need to bring this—your human body in for investigation.”
Phantom turned down to face the rotting corpse, his face twisting in pain. “Then I have no choice.” He shot down, and had barely touched the body when Mark fired, his ectoblast burying itself in Phantom’s side.
The ghost was thrown back against the tree. “No!” he roared, but it was too late. Cops were on the body, shielding it from the ghost’s view.
Phantom glowed, his eyes turning blue.
“Don’t let him get that corpse!’ Chief Davis shouted, scrambling forward.
Phantom whipped his hand out front, but before he could release his glowing ecto-ice ball, Mark fired again, his blast hitting Phantom square in the eyes.
Blinded, the ghost screamed, unleashing spurts of energy from his mouth.
Sarah hit the ground immediately, covering Atlas’ ears. “It’s the wail!” she yelled.
But before Phantom’s miniature wail could manifest into something deafening, Mark’s partner, Jacob Crowley, fired his taser. It locked onto Phantom’s arm, releasing volts of electricity into the screaming ghost.
Phantom fell to the forest floor, twitching and jerking as his yells projected into the sky above him. And just as soon as it started, it all stopped. The ghost let out one final cry of pain before his head lulled into unconsciousness, and the forest was quiet once again.
Cops were on the ghost at once, locking ecto-inhibitors onto his neck and hands and hoisting him up to be carried out to a vehicle. There was no telling how long the ghost would stay unconscious for. If they were lucky, they could dump him into the back of a police car before he woke up.
Sarah stood, brushing dirt and pebbles from her pants. “Holy shit,” she breathed.
“Everyone alright?” Chief Davis called out. “Any injuries?”
There was a chorus of ‘all clears!’ from around the scene.
“Nice shot, Mark,” Jacob said, putting his taser back in its holster.
“I had no idea tasers worked on ghosts,” Mark said.
“Me too. Lucky guess.”
“Damn right.”
Jacob was a seasoned detective, having worked for APD for fifteen years. Despite the age gap between the duo, he’d taken Mark right under his wing and the two got along swimmingly. What Jacob lacked in physical prowess, Mark made up for. And what Mark—although intelligent—lacked in experience, Jacob made up for tenfold.
“Alright!” Chief Davis announced to the crowd. A hush fell over the scene. “Let’s pick up where we left off. Finish collecting samples, and let’s get the body over to the coroner. Crowley, Abrams, and Johnson, head to the station with Phantom. I want him questioned. The rest of you, back to work!”
Sarah tugged on Atlas’ leash, following Mark and Jacob out of the woods.
“That’s incredible,” Mark said, stepping around the brush and onto the dirt trail. “Who would have thought it’d be Phantom’s body?”
“Yeah, it’s pretty insane to think about,” Sarah agreed. “It was just luck that Atlas stumbled across it too.”
Jacob nodded, his expression hidden behind his sunglasses. The sun peeked through the trees, highlighting his tan face and accenting the small lines that adorned his skin. “Whatever it was, there was clearly a cover up. Now the question remains on whether Phantom remembers what happened or not.”
“I think I remember reading a paper by the Fentons that said ghosts don’t remember the details of their deaths, just the general gist of what happened and the emotions they felt during it. And knowing that Phantom hasn’t exactly spent his time enacting revenge on any one person in particular, it’s unlikely that he remembers who killed him,” Mark said.
“Unless it was an accident.” Jacob ran his hand through his black and grey hair. “Phantom could be protecting them.”
“That could be true,” Sarah said. “It could explain why Phantom was so insistent that we stop investigating.”
“Kids these days…” Jacob muttered.
“Regardless, we’re going to solve this one. No matter what,” Mark said. “Phantom’s been tied to this town for a year, and we’re going to figure out why.”
“Aye, aye, Captain,” Sarah said, giving a mock salute.
The trio lapsed into silence, and the sounds of their shoes trudging against the dirt and rocks was all that filled the air.
It seemed almost insane that the body was Phantom’s. Though relatively new to Amity, his popularity had grown so quickly that it almost felt as if he'd been a cornerstone of Amity Park for years.
He was the hero, but also a bit of an enigma. He appeared when ghosts attacked, he fought them, said a few bad puns, inevitably won, said a few words to the public, and then would disappear. No one knew where he came from or where he went when he was finished with a fight, just that somehow he’d magically materialize the next time Amity was threatened.
Lately, the public had seen more of him outside of his fights, however. It wasn’t much, but there were the occasional sighting of him lounging around at the park or lazily flying under the moonlight. But even then, the question of “ Who was Phantom really?” remained a mystery.
Not for much longer.
Off in the distance, she spotted the police car in a clearing. “Meet you guys at the station?”
“Where’s your car?” Mark asked. “You need a ride?”
“Nah, mine’s just down the path a bit further. It’s fine, we can walk. Besides, I want to talk to Erin first before I leave.”
Mark glanced at Jacob, and then nodded. “Okay, see you there.”
Mark Johnson was a gifted kid. He grew up in the honors classes, graduated top of his class at the police academy, and was promoted to a detective after just five years on the force, the minimum requirement to be considered for detective positions in his department.
He was a quick thinker with a keen eye for detail, and he knew it.
Which is why when he hopped in the passenger’s seat of his vehicle to see an absolutely irate overpowered teenage ghost already awake in the back seat, he realized that he had absolutely no idea what the protocol was.
He’d been warned that the ghost was awake. “The fucker bites,” grumbled one of the city cops as Mark had walked by. Yes, he knew what he was walking into. But for some reason, it never occurred to him that dealing with a ghost may be different than a human. And why would it be different? Phantom may have been a dead teen, but he was still a teen. Teens were dumb, they were moody, they said and did impulsive things.
And yet, when he looked into Phantom’s glowering eyes, he instantly saw just out of depth he was.
Because although their training had covered ghosts—after all, this was Amity Park—the training always had to do with how destructive ghosts were, the best places to shoot them, how to maintain their ecto-guns, etc.
But talking to ghosts? Interacting with them?
Cuffing them and sticking them in the back of a vehicle to transport for questioning?
Yeah, the books didn’t have much to say about that.
Crowley’s gruff voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “Alright, let’s go.” His partner slid into his seat and jammed his keys into the ignition.
“Right,” Mark said awkwardly, glancing back at the teen ghost.
Up close, Mark could see just how powerful this ghost was. He was small, even for a teen, but even without his powers he still emitted an aura that screamed danger.
Crowley pulled out of the parking lot, merging onto the road. Despite the obvious tension the ghost was building behind him, the veteran cop didn’t seem phased. He reached over and fiddled with his car stereo.
“You got any station you like?” Crowley asked, raising his voice.
The ghost didn’t respond, instead opting to continue simmering in his seat.
“I hope you don’t mind rock.” Crowley raised the volume, and the sounds of 80’s guitar filled the empty space in the car. “I got a kid about your age you know. Well, maybe a little younger. What are you, fourteen?”
The ghost’s eyes narrowed. “Fifteen.”
Mark blinked, surprised at how normal the ghost’s tone seemed to sound compared to the frantic echoing in the forest.
“Ah, well, close enough,” Crowley continued. “Anyways, she’s obsessed with this new stuff. What’s it called, Kpop? Tpop? Something like that. Plays it around the house all the time. I can’t stand it. I’ll never tell her that, but the modern pop shit just gives me a headache.”
Phantom’s eyes shifted over to the window.
“Johnson over here doesn’t agree.” Crowley nodded over to Mark. “He listens to that garbage all the time.”
Mark felt his face heat up. “I listen to electronic music. It’s a completely different genre.”
“Still sounds like crap, though.”
“Whatever you say, old man.”
Crowley scoffed, but otherwise kept silent. He was a good natured man with an unquestionable wit and preference for the “good old days.” But fortunately, he could take it just as well as he could dish it.
“I know it seems bad now, but eventually you’ll be thankful that dog found your body. We’ll be able to bring you justice,” Mark said.
“I don’t want justice. I want to be left alone.”
The car lapsed into silence, but it wasn’t a comfortable one. No matter how hard Mark tried, it was impossible to ignore the glowing, angry teen in the seat behind him. He wondered how much of that was because Phantom was the town’s ghost celebrity and how much was due to the fact that Phantom’s aura seemed to swallow the air around it.
Was the ghost somehow...projecting his irritation out to Mark and his partner? Could he even do that? Mark knew he was a powerful being, but was emotion manipulation one of his powers?
Phantom was the one to break the silence. “Where are you taking me?”
“To the station, of course,” Crowley answered easily.
“And the GIW?” the ghost asked, his voice tense.
Mark and Crowley exchanged a glance.
“Well…” Crowley started. “That depends on what happens when we get there.”
Crowley hummed, stroking his brown and silver mustache. “Technically we have to turn you over to the Ghost Investigation Ward, but considering you’re a key witness on this case, I can’t say I’m so keen on turning you over. At least, not quite yet.”
“Great.” Phantom leaned back in his seat. “So let me see if I’m getting this right. You’re going to use me to figure out who this big bad mystery killer is, and then you’re going to dump me over to the government?”
“Not exactly. Think of it more like, your fate depends on your cooperation in this case.”
Phantom groaned. “I’m so fucked.”
“Why do you say that?” Mark asked.
“Because I’m boring. You guys think there’s some terrible person at large, when spoiler alert! It was just me.”
Crowley’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “A suicide?”
“Sure, whatever you call it.” Phantom’s shoulders rose to his ears, and his face flushed green. “I...offed myself, okay? It’s boring.”
“That still doesn’t explain how your body ended up buried in the woods,” Mark commented.
“Does it matter?
“Well, it would make you a liar. So yes, I’d say it matters,” Crowley said.
Phantom lurched forward in his seat. “I’m not lying.”
“Then explain to me how your body ended up in the woods. You can’t have done it to yourself. There was an accomplice there. And if that’s the case, I’d be hard pressed to find out from the coroner if it was actually a suicide or, say, something else that you’re not telling us.”
“I’ve told you everything I know,” grumbled Phantom. “I’m not lying.”
Mark exchanged a look with Crowley before he twisted around, looking at the ghost directly. “Listen, I know how difficult this is. What happened to you was traumatic, I’m sure. We’re on your side here. We want to help you.”
Phantom averted his gaze.
“You had your whole life ahead of you. It’s not fair to you that it was cut so short. You never got the chance to grow up, right?”
“I don’t care about that,” Phantom hissed. He jerked his head up, and despite the ecto-inhibitors, the ghost’s eyes growed a ferocious green. “Shut up, you have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Mark saw Crowley stiffen next to him.
“Phantom, listen to me. If you help us, we can help resolve this situation. Bring peace to your death.”
“Just so you can ship me off to the GIW, right? As per law?” Phantom straightened in his seat, his aura around him shining impossibly bright. “Forget it. I’ve decided I’m done with you assholes.”
“Wait! What are you—”
The ghost yelled and yanked his arms out, breaking the chain between his ecto-infused cuffs.
Mark scrambled in his seat for his ecto-gun, but Phantom was too fast. Before Mark could blink, the ghost disappeared.
Crowley slammed on the breaks, and the vehicle swerved, rolling onto a grassy field next to the highway. A few cars honked as they passed on by.
Mark panted in his seat, his head spinning wildly as he searched for the ghost, but it was no use. Phantom was gone. There was no trace of him in the sky.
“Holy shit,” the normally calm senior detective breathed. “Holy shit.”
“He just broke out of the ecto-inhibitors. How did he do that?”
Crowley unbuckled his seatbelt and stumbled out of the car. He yanked open the back door and stared at the empty seat.
“Holy shit.”
As soon as Sarah stepped through her front door, she knew something was wrong. Even without Atlas’ growled warning, the air felt off. It was cold, reminiscent of the chilling temperature from a ghost attack.
“Who’s there?” Sarah said, her hand reaching for her ecto-gun. “Show yourself.”
“You were the one that found my body, right?” Phantom popped into visibility. He floated an inch above the couch, his legs crossed and chin propped on his fist. “You and your dog found it.”
That wasn’t a question. He knew.
And he looked pissed.
Sarah stood by the door, debating her chances if she ran. Phantom could fly faster than she could run, and if she tried to escape, who knew how he’d react. She wouldn’t make it far.
“Well?” He pressed at her silence. “I’m right. Just admit it.”
“Yes.” Her lips barely moved.
Atlas gave another low growl.
That wasn’t a question either.
“By chance,” she said.
He crossed his arms. “You’re going to have to be a little more specific than that.”
Her fingers twitched. If she could only reach her phone without him noticing, she might be able to call the emergency line. She could get their conversation recorded, and she could also get help.
She just needed to distract him. “I was taking my dog for a walk. He went off the trail, and found your body.”
“Just like that? You just happened to stumble across it?”
“Well, Atlas here is a trained cadaver dog. This is his specialty.”
The ghost furrowed his brows. He slumped, running his fingers through his stark white hair. “But I thought I—” he huffed. “I thought I put it deep enough.”
Sarah was taken aback. “What do you mean, Phantom? You buried your own body?”
“Of course!” He shot forward. “I had to.”
“I—I just…” He seemed to realize that he’d said too much, and he sulked back to the couch. “I just had to. You wouldn’t get it.”
“Okay,” Sarah said slowly, her brain struggling to work through the implications of that. “So does that mean nobody knows you’re dead?”
That puzzled look draped Phantom’s face once again, and he looked down at the carpet. Silence stretched between the duo, before Phantom muttered, “I don’t know.”
Even though her instincts were telling her to run, to pick up the phone and call for backup, something pulled her forward. She apprehensively made her way to the couch that Phantom was hovering just inches above, and sat down beside him. To her surprise, Phantom followed her lead, lowering himself onto the cushioned surface.
It was truly amazing how without his flared aura and powerful persona, Phantom really looked no different than any other teen. He was lost, confused, hurt.
“Why don’t you want the police investigating this case?” Sarah asked.
“I just…” Phantom face screwed up as if he were sucking on a lemon. “It’s complicated.”
“What makes it complicated?”
“I don’t know. It just is.”
“Okay.” Trying to get Phantom to talk was like pulling teeth. “But you know that the police have to investigate, right? Legally?”
That got a reaction out of Phantom. His eyes brightened, and his mouth set into a snarl. “But that’s stupid! It’s my body, what gives them the right to mess with it? I thought people got to choose whether or not they wanted to press charges. I’m here and I’m telling you guys that I don’t want to press charges, that it was my fault I was ki—I died in the first place, and I buried my own fucking corpse in the woods!”
Sarah felt her jaw tighten. For once, she didn’t know how to respond.
“Aren’t there like laws that give people rights to their body post-mortem or something? I’m here and I don’t consent to my body being messed with, so shouldn’t that count enough?”
Studies on ecto-psychology were lacking, and conflicted more than not, if Sarah were honest. She knew that ghosts functioned differently than humans, and she knew that some ghosts were more intelligent than others, but she also knew that ghosts, due to their Obsessions, were easily swept into delusion.
Phantom was a ghost. He wasn’t a person, he didn’t have rights like humans did.
But he clearly thought he did. Or at least, he thought he deserved them.
And Sarah wasn’t knowledgeable enough to understand where the line between true cognitive function and delusion lied.
Instead, she settled for the next best thing. “True, but those laws don’t hold if a crime took place.”
Phantom groaned. “Oh for the last time, there was no crime! It was just me!”
“But the police don’t know that.”
“I just told them!” He threw his hands up. “Literally right before I got here!”
“Yes but—” You’re a ghost. “—were you even reported deceased? Does your family know what happened to you? Your parents?”
“That doesn’t matter.”
“Of course it does.”
“No,” he fumed. “No, it doesn’t. It really, really doesn’t.”
Sarah peered at the teen. His brows were pinched tightly together, and he was glaring at the ground. His mouth twitched, as if to elaborate, but then his jaw clamped back up and whatever thought nearly passed through his lips were locked again.
Death was a sensitive subject for ghosts, and Sarah knew that just as well as anyone else. But there was something else there, something Phantom didn’t want to admit. Something that he was hiding.
But why? Was he trying to forget his living family? His old friends? What would drive a person to do that?
Was it abuse?
“Phantom,” Sarah said gently. “I understand if you don’t want to talk to me about what happened to you, and I understand that the memories from your past can be painful. It’s okay that you have a lot of complicated feelings—”
“I don’t,” he cut in. “I don’t have complicated feelings. I’m—I’m just a ghost. We don’t…” He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, this was a mistake.”
“Wait, Phantom—”
He darted up and out of the chair. “No. I don’t remember my past and it doesn’t matter to me now. Please, tell your friends to stop investigating. It’s over, I don’t care. I just want my body back.”
Sarah stood. “Hang on, Phantom. Why don’t we go down to the station and talk about this together?”
Without so much as a glance behind him, Phantom disappeared, taking the cool chill that had permeated her living room with him.
“He’s hiding something,” Sarah told Atlas, who hovered protectively near her legs. “He’s definitely hiding something. The question is, what?”
“You guys really gave me an interesting one this time,” Williams, the coroner, said, adjusting his glasses. “Assuming this is Phantom’s body, the boy did not have a peaceful end.”
“What happened to him?” Mark said, peering down at the sallow remains of the corpse.
“Well, looking at some of the protruding bones, I noticed something rather interesting. It’s hard to make out, but on what’s left of his skin you can see some interesting lines.”
Mark squinted down, trying to pick out whatever the corner was looking at.
“Yeah, the body’s not in great shape, and so the cause of death can’t be determined for certain. But if you look closely, you can see what appears to be some sort of lightning scarring on his body, along with burn marks and tearing along the rest of his body.”
Mark looked up, puzzled. “You mean...he was electrocuted?”
“Most likely. That, or the electrocution took place just before his death,” the doctor said.
Mark stood for a moment, stumped. He’d expected the boy to have died of something more common in teens, like stab wounds or gunshot wounds. But electrocution?
Crowley leaned in, inspecting the body. “He could have been in an accident. That could explain why he was so angry about us investigating. Whoever covered up his death was likely a close friend or family member.”
“Damn,” Mark rested his back against the wall. “And that means he’s probably gone off to tell whoever was with him about this investigation, which will give them all time to prepare their stories.”
“Assuming there even was a someone else,” Crowley pointed out. “For all we know, Phantom could have been by himself.”
“What, so he buried his own dead body in the woods?”
Crowley shrugged. “He can interact with human objects, can he not?”
Mark grimaced, trying to chase away the mental images of a dead fifteen year old ghost digging his own grave.
“That’s pretty dark.”
“Oh!” The old man jumped up, moving to the corpse once again. “But you haven’t even gotten to the best part! This corpse is simply incredible. I’ve never seen anything like it, truly. I thought my scales were all broken, had to go measure other objects just to be sure. But the science doesn’t lie on this one! Simply fascinating.”
“What is it?” Crowley’s gruff voice slashed through the bubbly coroner’s rambling.
“Well,” Williams picked up a clipboard on the table. “Take a look for yourselves. Phantom’s human body just...doesn’t add up. That’s the only way I can describe it. His bones are significantly lighter than they should be.”
“How is that possible?”
“I have no idea. Even if our victim had osteoporosis, I’ve never seen bones this light before. And here’s another catch, is that even though they’re light and porous, they seem almost stronger than a regular bone.”
“This doesn’t make sense.” Mark peered down at the kid once again. He looked entirely unrecognizable from the hero in the skies. His skin was decayed, and—
“Hang on, is that black hair?” Mark pointed to the cadaver’s skull. “Phantom has white hair.”
Williams clasped his hands. “Yes! I nearly forgot about that one. Again, assuming this is Phantom’s body, it seems he had black hair when he was alive. I believe the hair samples, fingerprints, and other samples are already in the labs being tested. Hopefully they can pull a match—”
“Yup, they’re being tested as we speak. In a few hours, we can ID Phantom’s human body and put this whole case to rest,” Crowley said.
“I just wonder why his hair turned white. It must be some ghostly attribute. It makes me wonder what else about Phantom’s body changed, although he looks about the same height as his human counterpart. I wonder how much alteration is chosen by him and how much is ghost biology.”
“You’ll have to ask the Fentons about that,” Mark said.
Crowley scoffed. “Those lunatics? Please.”
“They may be lunatics, but they know their stuff.”
“I’d rather ask the GIW for help than the Fentons,” Crowley said, rolling his eyes. “Which speaking of, since we don’t yet have concrete evidence that this is Phantom’s body, the Ghost Investigation Ward hasn’t been summoned. But if the labs come back with some solid evidence, then this case may be taken out of our hands.”
Mark refrained from cursing. Internally, he knew that would be a likely outcome. But this was such a big case, and although he never voiced his opinion at work, he had always been a bit of a Phantom fan.
Well, aside from some of the vigilantism that the ghost participated in. Although well intentioned, at the end of the day Phantom was a teenager. They weren’t exactly known for thinking through the consequences before jumping headfirst into situations.
“Have they been alerted at all?” Mark asked.
“Not yet. But we’ll see when the labs come back.”
Mark nodded, studying the misshapen body. It wouldn’t be that easy though, would it? This was Phantom they were talking about. Surely the ghost wouldn’t have just let the police keep his corpse for so long unless he was confident that nothing would come out of this.
Surely he had a plan.
“What do you mean he showed up at your house?” Mark’s alarmed voice sounded from the other line.
Sarah pinched her cell between her ear and her shoulder. Hands free, she picked up a rag and began drying off her damp dinner plate. “Just what I said. He showed up at my house after he escaped from the police van and he told me that he buried his own body.”
“Why would he admit that to you? He didn’t even fess that much up to us. He must know that you’d talk to us.”
“Perhaps.” Sarah slotted the plate back in her cabinet. “I wonder if a part of him was almost relieved to tell me.”
“Did he mention anything about who he was with? He’s definitely protecting someone.”
“No, and honestly I’m not sure if anyone else knows about him. Mark, this seems like an accidental death. Did you get the coroner’s report yet?”
“Yup, death via electrocution, or at least that’s their best guess. A pretty gruesome way to go if you ask me.”
She paused, her hand frozen reaching for the dripping pot on her counter. Electrocution? That was certainly a rare case.
“It’s probably how he became a ghost,” Sarah said. “Ghosts form from tragic deaths, right? Electrocution is intense enough to form a ghost from.”
“You could be onto something. Depending on the lab results, we may have to call in the experts on this one.”
“The GIW?”
Mark hesitated. “We might...try to keep them out of this one. We’re trying to get Phantom to cooperate with us on this case. If they get involved, that’s sure to scare him off.”
“That’s smart.” Sarah wiped the now damp cloth along the base of the pot. “Did he say anything in the car with you before he ran off?”
“A bit, not too much though. Crowley tried to warm him up, but the ghost was too suspicious of us. Though, he did get defensive when we implied he was lying about his death.”
She internally groaned. That would explain why he seemed so pissed when he got to her house.
Well, that among other reasons.
“You’re an idiot. Did no one ever tell you that ghosts are sensitive about their deaths?”
“Hey, it’s not like ghost psychology is a part of our training!” Mark defended. “Hence why we’ll likely need to call in an expert.”
“Well maybe it should be,” Sarah mused. On her own, she’d admit that she’d read more than a few papers on ghosts on her own time. In such a short amount of time, ghosts had cemented themselves as an integral part of Amity Park. In her mind, the police would be remiss not to do their homework on ghosts too.
Although, the state didn’t care much about how much training police received on anything, much less human and ghost psychology. It had only been due to her sister taking the career path as a social worker that Sarah had any expert knowledge on how to handle cases of behavioral outbursts in severe cases of mental health.
But she was just one person in a sea of other cops, detectives, and other professionals in law enforcement. And unfortunately for them, ignorance was a plague in law enforcement.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, he got pretty defensive with me too.”
“What happened?”
“Like with you, he left before I could really get anything out of him. But when I asked who knew about his death, he just told me that he didn’t remember anyone from his past life.”
Mark was silent on the other line.
“Yeah, I don’t believe him either.” Sarah put away the last dish and hung her kitchen towel back along the side of her oven. She pulled her phone out from her shoulder and continued, saying, “I’ve been doing some research since then and I read Maddie Fenton’s recent paper on ghost cognition. Now I know her specialty is biology, but she’s actually really onto something here.”
“Give me the rundown, Adams.”
“The paper’s basically an analysis of over a dozen recordings she’s taken while out on the field interacting with and following cognitive ghosts, as in ghosts who can at least hold a basic conversation. Her findings are essentially that there is a correlation between higher power ghosts and their memories, although she said age of the ghost could affect this as well. She said a level six ectoplasmic ghost Ember showed vivid signs of remembering certain details of her high school memories including a teenage boy and her desires of fame, as well as a pair of level five biker ghosts she encountered, who wanted to relive their days road tripping together.”
“And what’s Phantom’s level?” Mark asked.
“According to the Ghost Investigation Ward, Phantom was classified as a level seven specter.”
“And yet he said he didn’t remember anything? Well, that’s not exactly surprising. We’re investigating his death, which he doesn’t seem too happy about. It’s no wonder he’s willing to lie about that. Especially if my theory is right in that he’s protecting someone.”
Sarah sat down at her kitchen table and drummed her fingers against the wooden surface. Off in the distance, she could hear Atlas chewing on a bone.
“But that can’t be the only reason you brought this up, is it?” Mark’s tentative voice sounded from the other line.
“Yeah I just.” Sarah sighed. “I just can’t shake the feeling that he’s not just hiding this because he wants to protect anyone from the police. I don’t know...I just think there’s something deeper at play here.”
“Whatever it is, we’ll find out tomorrow. Lab reports should be in by then.”
“Tomorrow? That’s a bit delayed, isn’t it?”
“Yeah well apparently they got corrupted.” Mark sighed in audible annoyance. “Forensic ran all the samples and all of them showed errors. Nothing was usable.”
“You think someone sabotaged it on purpose?” Sarah asked.
“Most likely. But we have plenty of samples, so whoever’s trying to delay this won’t get far. If it happens again, the head of the department will get involved. Either way, we’ll know who Phantom is sooner than he’d like.”
“Well, I’ll keep my finger’s crossed.”
“Talk to you later, Abrams.”
Nothing felt right.
His body was hot and cold. It tingled, ached, was numb. Anxiety surrounded him like a blanket, wrapping his body in its arms.
He was trapped.This was wrong.
Nothing felt real.
Danny didn’t understand at first. He just knew he had to leave his room and he had to go somewhere. It was instinct, pure instinct. He couldn’t explain how he knew to teleport or where he was going, but he knew.
And then it was worse than what he could have imagined.
It had been two days since the police found his...his…
Body. It was his body.
Danny twisted his t-shirt in his hands. He wanted to stand up and walk out of the room, but if he did that then Lancer would ask questions and Danny didn’t know how to deal with that. As it stood, he was barely holding onto his human form. His core was aching to transform, to let his ghost half take over. He knew that if a single thing went wrong, his core would simply override his stubborn willpower and transform anyway, class be damned.
Because his core didn’t care about Shakespear or whatever playwright of the week Lancer had decided upon. His core only knew one thing: that his body was in the hands of the police.
And that the police were...ugh. Danny didn’t even want to think about it.
He wasn’t a science experiment to be tested upon, he was a person. A person who deserved to be treated with respect. A person who deserved to be left alone.
And yet those detectives don’t care. They’re mocking you. They’re poking and prodding at you. Are you going to take this? It's YOUR body. You need it back. Just take it. They can’t stop you, it’s YOURS.
But they could stop him. And Danny knew this because he’d already tried last night, and he couldn’t even get close to his body.
Stupid ghost shields, stupid GiW, stupid anti-ghost tech around the morgue.
It had only been a few days, and yet to Danny it felt like it had been a year. The fact that he had managed to go to school at all today he considered a huge accomplishment. Even if he hadn’t even managed to open his notebook in any of his classes, much less remember if he’d been assigned detention or not for missing homework. Knowing him, he probably had.
But that didn’t matter to him. Not now, and possibly not ever again.
His future was one bad day away from being over. By the end of the week, he could be property of the US government. What would Shakespear or the quadratic formula matter to him then? If he was strapped to a lab table for the rest of his half-life?
Mr. Lancer called out to him, but Danny didn’t respond. He felt a hand dully poke his shoulder, and he felt the weight of everyone’s eyes on him, but he couldn’t look up from his desk, he couldn’t open his book, he couldn’t do this.
His body moved on its own. Standing up, walking out of the classroom, ignoring the protests of his teacher or the laughter of his classmates.
He couldn’t do this.
School didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was ensuring his safety, and to do that he needed to get his body back.
He pushed a side door open, transforming nearly as soon as he stepped out the door. He felt the tug at his core, and he followed his instincts to a brick building not too far from the police station.
There. That must have been the morgue.
That was where his body was.
He landed, and stared at the entrance of the brick building. He wanted to step forward, to reach out and rip open the doors. He wanted so badly to fly through, take his body, and go home.
But he could see it. It was invisible to him in his human form, but there was a faint ripple around the building.
And there was his problem. The building was locked to those who didn’t have a keycard access, so Danny couldn’t just walk in as a human, but he couldn’t phase in due to the ghost shield around the building.
Which meant that he had to stand outside and wait for someone to let him in. Which was never going to happen.
He crossed his arms, glaring at the brick building. He could try to destroy the outside of the building, thus hopefully destroying the shield, but that could potentially endanger the people inside.
Not to mention his body. If the building fell, he could harm his body. Which he would rather die again than let that happen.
His core tugged impatiently, desperate for Danny to reunite with his other half. But he couldn’t.
It was impossible.
A car pulled up behind him, but Phantom didn’t pay it any mind. He stood, staring at the building. He needed to figure out a way inside. If he could only get inside then he could solve everything.
“Phantom?” a familiar voice called out from behind him.
Danny ignored the voice. No one else mattered, he just needed to get inside.
“Phantom, I need you to step away from the building,” the voice said.
Danny shushed the voice, glaring at the door.
He was so close and now someone was going to ruin it for him. He was just one stupid shield away. If he turned human and phased through the door, the shield would clock him the moment he activated his powers.
No, this was no good.
“Come on, Phantom. Don’t make this harder than it has to be,” a second familiar voice piped up.
“I need to get inside,” Danny finally said.
“No you don’t. Trust me, you need to step away from the building.”
Danny ignored the voice. It was so annoying. It didn’t understand what he needed. “I have something inside. I need it back.”
“I know, bud,” the original voice said. “But I can’t let you get inside. You know this.”
“Why not?” Phantom finally turned around to be faced with the two cops from the other day. To his surprise, neither of them had their weapons raised. “Why not let me inside? It’s my body. Mine. Not yours.”
“This is an investigation,” the older cop, Crowley, said.
Danny narrowed his eyes, allowing the glow to flair. “I didn’t ask to be investigated.”
The younger cop, Johnson, nodded. “I know, but we have to. I know you don’t understand, but it’s our duty to investigate all missing kids, including you.”
Danny glanced back to the building. If he could only find a way inside, he could just forget these past few days had ever happened. He could forget about the cops, he could forget about the stupid investigation, the fact that the GIW would likely find out he’s a halfa, the increasing possibility of him becoming a lab experiment, all of it.
If he could just get inside.
“Why don’t you come back to the station with us. We can talk more there and you can tell us why you don’t want to be found. Look, no guns and no cuffs this time. It’s up to you. If you want to talk, it’s on your terms,” Johnson said.
“It’s not,” Danny whispered. “It’s not my terms. None of this is my terms.” He glared back at the officers, his voice getting louder. “Why won’t you take the hint? Just stop all of this. Stop investigating, stop sticking your nose in other people’s business. Let me have my body back, please, just let me see it just for a moment. I just—I...I need to see it. I need it.”
Crowley shook his head. “No can do. Sorry, Phantom.”
“This is stupid. This is so fucking—ugh!” Danny threaded his fingers through his hair. “I can’t do this.”
Danny didn’t wait for Johnson to finish his statement. He shot to the sky, trying to ignore the stinging in his eyes. It was just the crisp air against his face, wasn’t it? He wasn’t getting emotional over this.
That would be ridiculous. He wasn’t helpless, he was going to figure this out. He’d gotten himself in this predicament, he could get himself out of it.
He just needed to figure out a way into the building. Then he could get his body back, he could hide it somewhere far away, somewhere nobody would ever find it, and then everything could go back to the way it was.
That was it. He could do this.
Mark studied the files slack-jawed.
There was just no way this was possible. Even with Amity Park’s high concentration of ghosts, he’d never seen anything like this before.
“They ran them again?” Mark said, looking up at Crowley. “They ran them again and they still got this?”
“Yup.” Crowley’s typical lackadaisical expression was replaced with something more hard-set. “Labs re-ran all tests and still got nothing but errors.”
“But I don’t understand. How is this possible?” Mark held up the lab results in his hands. “How is it that every single molecule of Phantom’s human body was covered in ectoplasm? Right down to the DNA?”
Crowley leaned against the wall. “In all my years as a detective, this is a first for me.”
“It must be someone working for him, right?” Mark said. “The science doesn’t lie.”
“No, indeed the science doesn’t lie,” Williams said, rounding the corner of the station. He placed a manila folder and a coffee mug down on the empty conference table and offered them a cheerful grin. “Interesting reports, eh?”
“Please tell me you’re here to explain these,” Mark said, raising the files in his hand.
“Yeah.” Crowley stroked his silver mustache. “I’d certainly like to know what exactly is so interesting about corrupted DNA reports.”
“We can’t even ID the victim with these.”
Williams’ smile grew, and his face crinkled in delight. “See, that’s where you’re wrong! Now, we might not be able to ID the human body that this boy once inhabited, but at the very least we can officially confirm that it’s Phantom’s body.”
“Explain,” Crowley said.
Williams opened the manila folder and began shuffling through the papers inside. “There was a substance in particular that was messing up all the lab results, so forensics investigated further and found that it was ectoplasm. And when they tried to remove it to isolate only the organic material they found that they couldn’t.”
“How?” Mark asked.
“Because the ectoplasm had fused with the body’s DNA.” Williams lifted a piece of paper like a proud parent showing off their child’s report card. “I got some more samples and had forensics run tests on all different body parts, and found that every single cell had its own DNA corrupted with ectoplasm. And when we ran the ectosignature through the database, we found an exact match to Phantom’s own ectosignature.”
“So this was really Phantom.” Crowley didn’t sound surprised by the revelation.
“Bingo,” Williams said.
“But this doesn’t really make sense,” Mark insisted. “If this level of DNA corruption happened during ghost formation, surely we would have records of other bodies like this as well.”
Williams tapped his head with his finger. “Maybe we do, and we just don’t know. Phantom is a powerful ghost, is he not? Perhaps this DNA corruption can only occur in powerful ghost formations, and perhaps Phantom is the first powerful ghost with a body we’ve found and have been able to run our equipment on in modern times.”
“Maybe…” Mark’s voice drifted. He wasn’t sure if it was something Sarah Abrams had said to him on the phone, but he felt like there was a large piece of the puzzle he was missing.
He sighed, placing his manila folder down on the table. “I think it’s time to call in the experts.”
Crowley stared at him, his typically crinkled eyes widening to that of a bug. “You don’t mean…”
“Yup,” Mark said. “It’s time to bring in the Fentons.”
[part 2]
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"You know, when they said there was a boy out here sniffing around the area. I didn't think they meant it literally" said Hylla, eyebrow raised and arms folded with a look that to most looked stern.
But to those who truly knew her, they knew the Queen of the Amazon's was fighting a smile.
Jason for his part smiled sheepishly, rubbing his head. "I got lost" He answered simply. "No, you wandered off, ended up here and thought it was familiar so you went exploring." Corrected Hylla, fondly rolling her eyes.
Did he think she was born yesterday?
"Maybe...possibly" said Jason, looking anywhere but at her. "I'm more suprised you made it this far, I thought you had a leash on you, no?" Asked Hylla, looking around and seeing no sign of any other demigods. Jason winced "I erm... Was with the Greeks, Percy and the others and they forgot it... And I saw a butterfly." He explained.
Hylla snorted.
"Honestly Jason" she sighed shaking her head. "What was the butterfly like?" She asked, sitting beside him on the soft grass below. Jason, as expected lit up like the sun itself and happily rambled about the bright white butterfly.
That it was so tiny but so fast and it was as if the light made it shine like a star.
Hylla smiled, hanging on his every word. She never regretted her choice to become Queen of the Amazon's, she loved Reyna dearly but there paths lead elsewhere. She'd missed her and Jason, who had become her baby brother in the time she had known him.
When she first visited Camp Jupiter to see her sister and questioned her on the small child of Jupiter biting one of his centurions.
Seeing him now, covered in grass stains and shuffling about barefoot as he happily talked about butterflies, it warmed her heart. She really needed to vist more that was certain.
"You're welcome to stay, but we best call your friends before they start to worry" said Hylla, once he'd finished. She picked him up into her arms with ease, like he was merely a grape making him squeak.
Didn't matter how old he got, a pup was a pup.
"Good idea, oh Reyna's not gonna be happy..." He trailed off, fear in his eyes. She snorted, ruffling his hair. "Nope, but less at you and more at them..." a mischievous smile adorned her face "why don't we call them both at once? Have a little entertainment."
Jason blinked, "Hylla!" He gasped. "What? It would be fun, and we'd be killing two birds with one stone" she persuaded. He shook his head, scandalised but he was caving and she knew it. "It's settled, look I'll even be nice and not get mad for them losing you..." Jason gave her a look of pure disbelief.
"... Okay maybe not a lot" Hylla coincided, damnit raised him to well. But it was enough for Jason who curled up in her arms as she carried him back to the other Amazon's.
They nodded in greeting to their Queen, and waved at Jason who waved back. Those that hadn't known who he was, were very confused but didn't dare say a word.
And perhaps Hylla wasn't too mad because that little butterfly had bought Jason back to her.
#hylla ramirez arellano#Feral Jason Grace#jason grace appreciation squad#Jason grace#Percy Jackson#reyna avila ramirez arellano
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Tied:The Huntress and The Original' part three
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Winchester!Reader
Summary: Things gets hot and heavy between Y/N and Elijah and both open up to one another. Asmodeus sent out demons to find the oldest Winchester while Heaven is in a panic when word gets out the prophecy was fulfilled.
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Simping!Elijah, A bit of angst, Y/N being not good with feelings
Elijah kissed Y/N hungrily as the heat raised between the two and hands roamed one another's bodies. Elijah took off Y/N's bra and his mouth was on her collar bone right away pulling a soft moan from her. Y/N mewled burying her fingers in Elijah's hair as he left bite marks on her as more of their clothes were removed as Y/N let out a breathy moan.
Elijah took one of her breast into his mouth as his hand cupped her other breast and pushed her back against the pillows moving his mouth along her body leaving marks in his wake.
"Elijah." Y/N breathed shivering feeling Elijah's mouth on her thigh leaving a mark there. Y/N mewled burying her fingers in Elijah's hair when mouth finally was where she needed him most. Y/N trembled as Elijah left marks on her thighs then moved to your clit making her moaned loudly.
"Fuck.....so...good." Y/N moaned out trembling as he worked her with his mouth and slip two fingers into her making her arching crying out his name. Elijah added a third finger getting her to arch when he curled his fingers flattening his tongue against her clit.
Elijah raised his head watching Y/N come undone she was shaking gripping the pillows as she came all over Elijah's fingers as the vampire kissed between her breast.
"There we are, beautiful." Elijah says licking his fingers clean after pulling them from her. Y/N pulled Elijah down kissing him tasting herself on his tongue moaning against his mouth as he entered her dripping core. Elijah groaned burying his face in her neck while her hands moved a long his back feeling his muscles flex while he moved.
"Oh....fuck....why....are...you so....good at this?" Y/N moan out as Elijah raised her leg to the crook of his arm and her mouth latched her mouth on his neck trying to leave marks. Elijah growled fucking her harder and deeper as he reached up pulling her hair tilted her head back placing his mouth on her thoat leaving marks there.
"A 1000+ years of practice, baby." Elijah said moaning when she began moving her hips to meet his thrusts. Y/N cried out when Elijah kissed her roughly as he began to pounded into her. Y/N moaned arching as her chest heaving as the vampire leaned back watching her writhing in pleasure under him.
Y/N's face was flushed her eyes closed tears rolling down her cheeks as she shook arching off the pillows when Elijah rubbed her clit. She cummed as her lover growled leaning down holding her arms above her head thrusting rougher.
"Fuck.....Y/N." Elijah growled as she cummed again and he followed after watching her fall back panting as he peppered her body with kisses. Y/N pulled him into a soft kiss making him hum softly as he pulled out and was about to lay down to pull her into his arms. But Y/N just pulled Elijah against her pulling a sigh from him as he nuzzled between her breast.
"In the morning we should head for New Orleans." Y/N said running her fingers through Elijah's hair making him relax against her as her other hand grabbed a sheet pulling it over their bodies.
"We should but for now sleep, baby." Elijah said softly getting quiet mutters from her. Morning came as the sunlight shined though the window as Elijah woke finding Y/N sitting looking at a map dressed in one of his shirts. It made him smile and moved behind her enjoying how she relaxed against his chest.
"What are you doing beautiful?"
"Looking for an easy way to New Orleans." Y/N answered Elijah marking a rout on the map as he pressed kisses on the back of her neck taking in her scent. Elijah hummed buried his face in her neck as for the first time Elijah felt like his other half and he wasn't going to let her go. It was nearing 12 PM when they got back on the road headed for New Orleans but not before stopping in a town and Elijah decided to spoil the huntress.
"I'm fine Dean. I am headed for New Orleans." Y/N said as Elijah watched her on the phone that he got her earlier as they sat in the back of her truck eating well more like Elijah feeding Y/N a fruit salad as she sat in his lap.
'New Orleans?! Why? We need you to head back to the bunker.'
"No can do. I have a witch to kill also to let Elijah's siblings know he is alive." Y/N tells her younger brother leaning back against Elijah's chest seeing his playful smirk something she had the pleasure of seeing the last few days.
'Wait?! You are with the guy that is the father of your prophecy baby?'
"Yeah for two days now," Y/N tells Dean pausing hearing a sound of wood snapping as Elijah held her tighter, "Dean gotta go. I'll call back later." Y/N said hanging up pulling out her shotgun cocking it with one hand as she got out of Elijah's lap.
When a large pitbull came walking out making Y/N lower her gun smiling crouching down hands out.
"Juliet, sweet baby." Y/N cooed softly as the Hound bounded to her licking and whining at the Huntress as she petted the Hellhound and another Hellhound trotted up whining to be petted too. Elijah blinked as he got out of the truck as a suited man stepped out frowning at Y/N seeing her making kissing faces as she mushed the hound's faces.
"Kitten, I wish you would stop baby my Hellhounds."
"Well Crowley tell them stop being such cute little Hell puppies." Y/N said in a baby voice as she mushed Juliet's face as the Hellhound had a derpy look on her face.
"Only you would find Hell's most feared beast adorable." Crowley says sighing stepping out noticing the Original and was quick to stand straight. Crowley knew of the Original family so to have one of the oldest vampires in front of him was quite imitating.
"What brings you by?"
"Asmodeus is looking for you since you kill his demons." Crowley tells the huntress making her frown.
"So he was the one that had all that set up."
"Of course. Your child is said to be a powerful being rivaling an Nephilim so I am leaving Romeo with you."
"That's sweet of you. If I didn't say any better you are getting soft Crowley." Y/N teased petting Romeo who licked her face leaning his body against her. Crowley smirked shaking his head leaving after telling her that Heaven knows of her being with Elijah.
"So you are friends with a demon." Elijah says as Y/N helped Romeo up into the truck getting a bright smile from the Winchester.
"Crowley is a friend started out as an enemy. He has always been looking out for me no matter what he says."
"And your love for the Hellhounds?" Elijah asked as Y/N closed the back of the truck when Elijah noticed the far off look on her face. Elijah gently cupped her face seeing the pain on her face as she subconsciously covered her abdomen.
"Love? Are you......" Elijah was cut off when Y/N pulled away harshly her eyes walking to the driver side of the truck.
"Let's get going."
"I don't want to talk about it." Y/N said lowly as Elijah picked up the pain in her tone one he knew all too well. Elijah made a note to ask later as he didn't want her in pain let alone holding onto it.
"I am here to listen when you want to talk." Elijah says cupping her face leaning in to kiss her but Romeo stuck his face between them. Y/N let out a laugh making Elijah smile enjoying the sound of it while Romeo licked her cheek.
"Alright boys let's get going."
Romeo had his head on Y/N's thigh as she drove with one hand on his head rubbing his ear. Elijah was surprised how comfortable he was with sitting in silence with Y/N.
"What is your family like?" Elijah heard Y/N ask making him look at her smiling.
"Well Niklaus is a headache but I can see good in him along with my younger brother Kol. Rebekah is....well a bit bratty but I know she'll adore you. Freya is my older sister calm trying hard to be a good sister. What of your brothers?"
"Dean is a hardheaded but as a good heart. My baby brother Sammy is too smart for his own good....tried to stay out of this life."
"You didn't grow up hunting?" Elijah asked her looking at her seeing a frown on her beautiful face.
"No....mom was killed by a demon. John train us in hunting and what started out as revenge turned into chasing a ghost." Y/N said remembering the long days of training and how John pushed her harder than her brothers.
"Your father sounds all most like my own."
"Really?" Y/N asked looking at him as the truck stopped at a red light as Elijah chuckled a bit nodding but he did know the difference between the men was the fact John didn't try to kill his own children.
"Mikael was a brutal man. But one thing I can take away that I learned from him is how to be a better father than he was."
"Elijah." Y/N said face turning red at the thought of Elijah holding their child or the three of settled off somewhere away from everything. Y/N tore her green eyes away from his mocha ones and started driving again as Elijah smirked hearing her heart racing.
"We should stop for the night."
"Yeah I'll find a motel."
"Oh love no. We are staying in a hotel." Elijah said having Y/N pull up to the nicest place in the town they were in. The room was nice every nice and Y/N let out a moan when she layed on the bed as it was the most comfortable bed she layed on.
"Comfortable?" Elijah asked smirking moving over Y/N as she reached up cupping his cheek and he leaned down kissing her softly.
"You are spoiling me."
"I am aware. I want to, I find myself adoring you."
"You are a giant sapp aren't you." Y/N teased as Elijah smiled leaning down kissing her then pulled away. Both got ready for bed and Romeo layed on her side of the bed as Elijah got in behind her.
"Night big guy."
"Goodnight baby." Elijah said softly kissing her bare shoulder lacing their fingers together as he held her close. Y/N relaxed against Elijah surprised with how safe he made her feel and was happy that he would be the father of her baby. Sleep came easy for the two unaware that Ketch was on his way toward their hotel along with Sam and Dean.
#L.R writes#elijah mikaelson imagine#elijah mikaelson x reader#elijah mikaelson smut#elijah mikaelson fluff
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hii everyone!!! im back at it again with yet another fic :-) i just wanted to point out all the love harrison has been getting recently and im so glad i get to write fics for him bc i never did two years ago :-( anyways i hope you enjoy this!!!
REQUEST: ‘So I've been checking your masterlist an i love it and i kinda wanna request 8 "okay, where are all my jumpers?" with Harrison please?’
dedicated to @angiefangirlworld-2, tysm for requesting this!!
The day you dreaded all week had finally come, and faster than you wanted it to. Harrison was leaving to film The Irregulars and would be gone until the season was wrapped up. This time he would be gone for 6 months, and as much as you didn't want him to leave, he was pursuing his dream career and you weren't going to stop him from doing that.
You were pretty sad to say the least, but you were so excited for him to live out his dreams. Seeing him happy made you even happier, and you could help but imagine the derpy smile he was going to have when you see him later today.
Your cellphone rang, and Harrisons’ personalized ringtone started blaring out throughout your apartment, you grabbed the phone and answered the FaceTime call,
“Hello?” You said, positioning yourself into the camera frame. Harrison had his camera positioned to face his bed, and you can see Monty chewing one of his bones on the bed. “Hi Darling!”
Harrison popped into the frame, throwing his backpack on the bed which startled Monty, “How’s packing going? I’m getting ready to leave to your flat in a bit.” You heard a sigh coming from his end, “Everything alright Haz?”
“I can’t find one of my jumpers, and I really wanted to take it with me.” He crouched onto the frame of the camera, “Which one? I can look in my closet to see if you’ve left it here.” He smiled, “I think I’ve found it,”
“Oh grea-” He cut you off quickly, “You’re wearing it love, and might I say it looks better on you than me. Just for that, I’ll let you keep it.” You giggled, blush forming on your cheeks, “Sorry Haz, can’t help it, your clothes are way more comfortable than mine.”
He laughed, “Hold on, I’m going to look for a different jumper,” He left the camera frame and heard his closet door creak, “Love, do you have any of my jumpers? I only have heavy coats in my closet.” You already knew the answer to that, although you knew he wouldn’t mind, you would always find a reason to come home with one of his jumpers.
“Okay, where are all my jumpers?” He asked popping back into the frame, “May or may not be in my hallway closet,” You voice getting quieter towards the end of the sentence. “They just smell like you, and it makes me feel safe when I’m alone at times.”
He sent you a soft smile, “I’ll forever and always be with you, in person or as a ghost,” You laughed at his response, “I promise to call you when I’m away okay?”
You whispered, “Okay, I love you.” He smiled, “Love you too darling,” and sent you a small kiss through the screen.
“Now about getting back those jumpers.”
a/n: ahhh i got kinda nervous half way through writing this, i felt myself getting sidetracked. anyways!!!! i hope u enjoyed this and pls keep requesting more fics <3 literally am having such a great time writing them!!
#pbnjparker#requests + pbnjparker#pbnjparker writes!#harrison osterfield x reader#harrison osterfield gifs#harrison osterfield#harrison x reader#harrison x you#harrison osterfield imagines#the holy trinity#harrison osterfield au#harrison osterfield smut#harrison osterfield fluff#pbnjparker + haz
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A wish for a different life - Adrien AUGreste Day 13
I know, ‘Sasu, you skipped Swap’. I did. The orignal idea had been Reflectdoll but instead of Juleka and Luka switching, it was going to be they found Chloe and Adrien, but I thought it didn’t make much sense for them to go through that and for Juleka to be ok with taking the ring off again. Then another idea had just them discussing who could make good holders but it didn’t work, so I decided to just made sense to skip it. Besides, when I was thinking of ideas oringally, I struggled with Swap so it worked out. It might get added back later. Anyway, enjoy
Cat Walker
“I can’t believe this is happening.” Juleka said for what was probably the millionth time.
During the cosplay shoot in the park, that Chloe had been invited to, she mentioned that the Agreste line was looking for models to walk the runway at Paris Fashion Week.
“What about Lila?”
“Please, with the amount of trouble she’s been getting into, her father would be crazy and utterly ridiculous to have her still walk.”
“Is that why she was screaming at her phone the other day?” Adrien asked, focused on putting eyeliner on Luka, who thankfully wasn’t plastered in white body paint. He was experiencing contacts for the first time though, which was interesting.
“It’s amazing that girl hasn’t been akumatized yet.” Chloe said, snapping open her fan prop. For a last-minute invite, she put together an outfit worthy of a descendant of Killer Bee. Did she know who he was, no, but she called herself a Queen Bee, so that’s all that mattered.
Apparently, she wasn’t just bragging the information. She actually paid attention to who fell into the pictures naturally and had suggested Juleka as a possible option to Nathalie, Gabriel’s assistant. Before the goth teen knew it, she was given a contract and payment for the event, plus rehearsals and fittings. Because she was in the same class, he decided she’d wear Marinette’s hat that won the competition.
Currently, she was in her trailer with Luka, looking over the suit she was given to wear. It was a black tweed suit and her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail tied at the base of her head and her bangs were pinned back.
“You deserve this. You are going to kill it out there.” Luka praised, rubbing at his sister’s shoulders as they looked at her reflection. “guess we’re really gonna have to thank Chloe.”
“I kept expecting things to be a trick, but I have pay checks that say different. What do you guys think?” she asked Tikki and Plagg who were poking out of Luka’s jacket pocket.
“I think you look beautiful Juleka.” Tikki said.
“Yeah, not bad Blacky. You’ll knock them dead.”
Knocking on the door made the Kwamis duck back into Luka’s pocket before he called the person in.
“Hi!” Adrien said, dragging Marinette behind him. Her blue eyes seemed to be staring into the unknown and she held the hat box in her hands in a near death grip.
“What’s wrong with her?”
“Did you know Chloe’s mom is Audrey Bourgeois?”
“The fashion critic? She’s actually here?” Juleka asked.
“This one saw her and she was telling Nadja that glitter is in and…” he gestured to Marinette as she burst into talking, like she’d been given a trigger word.
“It doesn’t have glitter. I can’t get glitter and it’s going to look horrible and everyone’s going to hate it. Why don’t I carry glitter? They’re gonna rip it off her head because it’s so horrible.”
As Marinette continued, with increasingly wild accusations, Adrien was able to pry the box from her. He gave it to Luka to hold as he pulled the top off and carefully pulled the derpy hat out, making sure the feather was secure. With the skill of fixing accessories during shoots, Adrien helped Juleka put the hat on, adjusting it until they were both happy before turning her so she could face Marinette, who thankfully stopped once she took Juleka in.
“Oh, you look amazing!”
“Fixed her.” Adrien joked.
“Marinette, they’re going to love your hat. I’m just honoured that they chose me to wear it.” Juleka said.
The door was knocked on again and Nathalie came in, her stern face softening a touch at the sight of Juleka. “You look stunning Ms. Couffaine. We’re ready for you.”
Juleka started to look a little nervous when her brother took her hands. “You are going to be amazing, ok? Remember, all Chloe did was suggest you. he picked you all by himself and you’ve proven yourself during each rehearsal. You can do this.”
She took a deep breath and nodded. “I can do this.”
The two shared a fist bump when Natalie took her wrist. “I’m afraid you’ll have to take off your ring. The only accessories we want seen are Agreste line.”
“Do I have to?”
“I’m afraid so.”
“I’ll keep it safe, don’t worry.” Luka promised.
Once it was safe in a ring box and with Luka, she followed the assistant while the others went to their seats. They got there just as Chloe’s mother was storming out, her husband and child following her. Chloe gave them a small nod and soon they were all seated.
“Maman was so mad she couldn’t come.” Luka said, looking over at Adrien’s mother who was able to get out of duties by being assigned to be here. “The yacht she’s charting today is full of people getting out of Paris for the duration of Fashion Week and only trust her to chart the course correctly.”
“Guess it pays to be good at your job. Don’t worry though, between all of us, plus Alya, she’ll have many angles to see her daughter.”
Nino, who had been hired to run the music, changed from the calming music to his set creation for the show. The sounds of cameras going off was added as the door to the stage opened and the first model came out. Before they knew it Juleka stepped out and started her walk down. with a hand in her pants pocket, she looked calm and collected. She was even able to give Rose a wink, if the sudden giddy giggling was anything to go by. It was when she started to pose for the cameras at the end of the catwalk did things take a turn.
An explosion of glitter dropped to the stage as an Akuma stood. She too was covered in a blinding glitter.
“Where’s the fashion disaster Agreste? I demand he come and knell at my feet for what he’s done to me.”
“I think it’s Chloe’s mom.” Luka said, eyes not leaving his sister.
“He’s not here.” Juleka said.
“Then I guess I’ll just have to go for you Lila.”
Clearly the news the Lila had been replaced didn’t reach Chloe’s mother as she shot Juleka was a blast that left her a gold statue and had started the crowd in screaming and scrambling to the door. Luka used it to hide so he could transform. But Adrien had gotten separated from his mother and everyone else.
Plagg had an idea as to how this could play out. Luka going to get another Miraculous, maybe loose it so Chloe would find or even able to defeat Style Queen himself. Maybe even a shred of mercy when she realised Juleka wasn’t Lila and let her go herself. But he decided to be selfish. It was luck his power hadn’t gone completely haywire that time. This time, Scarlet Bug would have back up.
As sad as it was to say, Adrien was getting used to the Akuma attacks. He didn’t appreciate it when they went after his friends though. He was worried about Juleka, and Luka who seemed to disappear when everyone rushed to get out. The Akuma, who announced herself as Style Queen, apparently didn’t know Lila wouldn’t be there and had taken to attacking random people once they started to run away. He hoped his mother was also safe, along with the rest of his classmates.
Hearing how quite it was, he decided to risk it and leave, just to see if the Akuma had left. He just opened the door, when something landed in front of it. He let out a screech, which was quickly silenced with a hand over his mouth as he was pushed back into the bathroom, he’d hidden in. his heartrate slowed once he saw it was Scarlet Bug, a finger to his lips telling him to be quite.
“What are you doing here? I thought you’d be fighting Style Queen.”
“It’s harder than it looks. Any attack goes right through her and her glitter blasts are powerful. Also, Cat got glitterized before she could transform.”
Adrien had a list of the times Akumas had been hard to fight when Catseye wasn’t there. This was even more important with Juleka in danger.
“I do have a backup, but.” Scarlet Bug pulled his yoyo off his side and swiped at it, dipping his hand into the white ether space, pulling out a black and red box. “Adrien Rossi, with the promise that you’ll return this at the end of the battle, will you accept the Cat Miraculous?”
“The Ladybug and Cat Miraculous are permanent heroes for a reason. I need help to stop Style Queen. Can you help me?”
Adrien looked from Scarlet Bug to the box in hand. Save Paris? Could he even? Maybe not, but Juleka, Catseye and everyone else was in trouble. “You’ll have my back?”
“I will, I promise.”
Adrien gently took the box from him, opening it and jolting when a black ball of light burst from it. In its place was a black creature, with whiskers and ears like a cat.
“Pleasure to meet you kid, name’s Plagg. God of destruction.”
“Well Adrien, ready to save the day?”
He put on the silver ring, which looked oddly familiar for some reason.
“Say Plagg, Claws Out to transform and if you manage to survive the whole fight without detransforming, Claws In. Ladybird here can give you the low down on your powers.”
He nodded. “Plagg, Claws Out!” a burst a black, almost similar to the Cataclysm, covered Adrien and left him with black hair and a dark green military uniform with gold detailing. Unlike Catseye, his ears and tail weren’t real, but instead fake. He took in how the green took over his eyes as he tugged on one of the ears. “Not my best choice, but that’s fine. So where do you think Style Queen is?”
“I followed her to the Agreste House and she left when I got there, heading to the Eiffel Tower. Come on, I can explain everything on the way there.”
The power and ability to jump with no issue was, unreal. His body somehow knew when to use the staff for an extra boost and how to balance himself in certain areas.
“You’re pretty good at this.”
“I have no clue how.” Was all he said back as they started to scale the national monument.
When Chloe saw them and started to wave them over, they quickly jumped onto the stairs where she was. Adrien tried not to do anything as she stared him up and down, no doubt confused at his presence.
“Where’s the gem cat?”
“In trouble. What’s going on?”
“She’s got Juleka in a barrier up there. Mom put her item inside it with her and I couldn’t get it to break. She’s actually starting to disintegrate. Do you have a plan to do this? Does he even know what he’s doing?”
“Chloe, we will stop her, ok? First you should get out of here.”
“And just what do you think you’re doing Claudine?” Style Queen suddenly appeared. “You’re fired.”
Adrien didn’t think so much as grab Chloe and jump out of the way. At such an odd angle, he landed and had to grab onto the railing to keep them both from tipping over.
“Go, go!” he said, pushing Chloe towards the stairs, only looking to see her start to rush down before he had to dodge another blast. Pushing himself off the walls in the stairwell, he made it to the outside where he saw Scarlet Bug hanging onto his yoyo. They were able to hide in a corner, which thankfully also gave them a view of the dome. Juleka was disintegrating fast. They needed to do something.
“Don’t move, ok?” Scarlet Bug let his yoyo loose calling for Lucky Charm quitter than usual. A spotted tube of something landed in his hand. “What even is this?”
“That looks like a tube of industrial superglue.” Adrien said. When he saw the raised eyebrow, he shrugged, a little red. “I cosplay a lot. I recognise supplies by looks.
“Well alright then.”
“There you are!”
They shot out of the hiding spot to avoid another blast, landing and skidding to a stop. Adrien watched Scarlet Bug look around, no doubt trying to figure out what to do. He did shove him out of the way from another blast. The force nearly caused them to slip off the platform but thankfully they were stopped by the yoyo.
“Any ideas you have would be appreciated.” The spotted hero said, as they dangled much like they had the first time they met.
Adrien glanced around himself when he noticed the French flag hanging from a post. “You know glitter is a bitch to clean up right? Gets everywhere and almost never comes out? Well, I’ve found that using a lint roller helps get a lot of it up. What if you made your own?” he said, pointing up to the flag.
“You are a freaking genius. Ok, but how do we get Juleka out? We can’t waste Cataclysm on the barrier when we need to break the item.”
Adrien thought to a post Alya had done of Catseye after he’d finally convinced her of the cat hero’s importance. “that move that makes a hole, what’s it called? It’s only been documented once.”
“Black Hole? It uses a lot of your energy. You’d have to move fast to use Cataclysm right after before you change back.”
“Only choice we have honestly.”
“Fair. I’ll throw you up, hold on. Just keep her distracted as much as possible.”
As soon as Adrien was up in the air, he had to twist from another blast. With his staff, he managed to get back onto the platform and running on all fours, kept out of the way of the golden blasts. Style Queen wouldn’t stop yelling at him to stop moving. He kept an eye on Juleka, who was losing more of her body by the second. When Style Queen let out a screech different from her usual ones. Scarlet Bug landed again, but this time with a flag in hand, currently half covered in glitter.
“This might not last as long as we wanted.” He said as Adrien got behind him. “Focus on where you want the hole to open to before calling for it.”
“Ok. Well, when I do that, use your yoyo as quick as possible.”
With Style Queen’s attention of the person stealing parts of herself, Adrien pressed his palm onto the floor and focused on the Seine. God knew the river had seen enough, but hopefully a floor from the Eifel Tower could be forgiven.
“Black Hole!” with a pulse from the ring, the whole floor was covered in black. Once Adrien got a gut feeling he lifted his hand and the floor disappeared. “Scarlet!”
Faster than he’d ever seen him throw his yoyo, a whole web was created, the table Juleka was on the most secure part. Adrien landed on one length of wire, and much like Yura from Inuyasha, he jumped up and towards the table. The minute he saw the rose, he called, “Cataclysm!”
The purple butterfly emerged from the destroyed rose only to be scooped up by the yoyo, which did leave them falling down at least until Reset was called and they were placed gently on the ground in front of the tower, both Juleka and Chloe’s mom back to normal.
That’s when Adrien felt his head spin and he stumbled as Scarlet Bug caught him. His voice sounded fuzzy and far away.
“My head.” He felt himself being lifted and the world moved a bit, with him groaning with it before he was put to sit on something and he felt some pressure be removed.
Blinking carefully, he looked up and saw Plagg floating in front of him and both him and Scarlet Bug looking worried.
“What happened?”
“there’s a reason Cataclysm is the only power used. Using both Black Hole and Cataclysm, on your first try? You’re lucky you’re not completely knocked out.”
“I’m sorry, I should have come up with another idea.” Scarlet Bug said.
“You didn’t have one, did you? there wasn’t much choice. Ugh, ow.”
“No but still. Where you with someone at the show?”
“My mom. Mama! I have no clue what – ow.” He whined.
“Ok, come on. I’m taking you to her and you’re going home.
“Oh wait.” Adrien pulled off the ring and handed it to Plagg, giving him a small, but pained smile. “It was really nice working with you.
“You too kitten.”
Scarlet Bug seemed to give Plagg an odd look, but he pulled out the box and they watched Plagg go back into the ring and tuck itself safely inside. He picked Adrien up again and as gently as he could, headed back to the venue for the fashion show. He barely remembered them finding his mom, just that he was tucked into her back in the car, her whispering soft Italian to him as he looked out the window. Scarlet Bug was surrounded by paparazzi and news anchors but he seemed entirely focused on Adrien. He was tucked in bed for a while, his whole room dark as he waited for the painkillers his mom gave him to fully kick in when Alya sent a link to the class group chat.
Scarlet Bug and the appearance of Cat Walker
Everyone had comments on the name. Adrien wish he got a chance to introduce himself. He would have gone with Kuro Neko. Or even Chat Noir. Yeah, Chat Noir sounded like a good name.
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02 liner aussie girl joining the group
Bang Chan
° Sees you as a little sister, and will baby you nonstop for that reason alone. Expect very long hugs and him trying to beg you for some affection.
° Let Felix take charge in helping you around JYP, watching from afar like a proud father. Even if you aren't much younger than the members, he can't help but become a giddy mess when you literally do anything.
° Since he sees you as a little sister, that also means he is very protective over you. Not even Minho can tease you for too long without Chan becoming a bit tense. He just doesn't want you to ever feel uncomfortable.
° Does many vlives with you, chatting about your life and what parts of Australia you grew up in. Whenever he is introducing you or if you call him during a vlive, he'll call you little sissy.
° Many stays have made edits of Chan babying you or treating you like a literal angel, you both have watched edits like these and neither of you can deny that he doesn't do either of those things.
"My little sissy y/n did great today in our dance practice, isn't that right sissy?" he asked, sitting you on his lap.
"Yeah, Minho Oppa helped me learn quite a bit. But I couldn't have succeeded it without my personal cheerleader Chris." You replied.
Lee Know
° Doesn't make a huge deal out of it, is honestly just really happy to have a new member. He doesn't care that your a girl or a fellow aussie, just sees you as a member.
° If you are ever struggling with Korean he'll do his best to try and help you, even if it is only on small thing such as the way you pronounce words. He admits to finding your struggles pretty adorable.
° Even though he is a huge tease, he'll go easy on you for the first two months. Letting you get settled in and get use to the chaotic behavior of all of them. But after those months pass, he'll start to tease.
° Minho likes to challenge you to dance battles during practice, seeing if you will ever beat him on one. But luckily whenever Snsd comes on you are in your element, showing him the true Gee master.
° Minho has a soft spot fro you due toy your age, he won't tease you too harshly and won't get mad if you don't remember one of his cat's names. All of the members notice his new soft spot for you.
"So I know Soonie, Doongie... And?" you sighed, trying to remember the third cat of Minho's.
"Dori, it's okay. At least you remembered two of them." He reassured, Felix looking at him with shock from across the room.
°When he heard that you would be joining the group, he hoped that you wouldn't make fun of him as much as the other members. And if you did, it wouldn't be too harsh.
° Appreciated that you weren't teasing him 24/7, and if you are shorter than him then he would be very smiley and giddy for days. Changbin likes your company and would often want to hang around you.
° Buys you coffee/tea every morning, and only you (occasionally Felix). And when the members ask, he explains that you earned your coffee/tea by not teasing him. Even if they haven't teased him for days.
° You are his favorite member, even if he won't admit it... Everyone knows it. You are his best friend and he doesn't want that relationship to change. Unlike the fan's pov, he sees you only as a best friend.
° Whenever he does a vlive with you, your ship name is all over the chat. Neither of you speak out about it, but both of you don't like each other in that way. And it makes situations awkward when they ship you two.
"I can't believe we're a ship, that is so weird to me." You chuckled, scrolling through Instagram on your phone.
"I know right! I don't get why a girl and a guy can't be friends without people shipping them." He sighed, clearly frustrated.
° Becomes putty in your hands, he just finds everything about you adorable. It also doesn't help that you are Australian, which he happens to have an interest in.
° He wouldn't describe his feelings towards you as a crush, more as a little sister and der brother relationship. He would feel weird if you ever developed something for him, since he is too close to you to be a couple.
° Very clingy towards you, constantly draping himself across you. Or sitting you on his lap when you are worn out from practice, he often let's you take naps on him. He also treats you to sweets, even when on diets.
° Hyunjin once got frustrated over how JYP was treating you, giving you an extreme diet even though you were already working hard enough. So he'd reassure you that him and Chan would talk with JYP about it.
° Hyunjin can be seen copying your accent, whether it be for fun or just to tease you. He'll copy or pick up on your accent, many fan's hearts melting at his determination to be part of the aussie line.
"I shouldn't be having this cupcake." You sighed, placing the cupcake you've been eyeing for the past few minutes.
"Screw JYP, eat what you want. You are your own person and shouldn't listen to some old man." He defended, passing the cupcake.
° Was the first member you met, even though it was by total accident. You both ran into each other when he was leaving the building and you were entering.
° You dropped the coffee all onto yourself in shock, making him chuckle as he tried to help you clean yourself up. He helped you into JYP, having no clue that you are going to be the new member joining.
° When Chan introduced you to the members the next day, Han was shocked. He was surprised to see a familiar face, but was also pleased knowing you seemed to be quite a sweet and charming person.
° You both are the stars whenever on reality shows together, many seeing you both as a chaotic duo. Doni and Coni once tried to correct you, telling you that women shouldn't be so hyper. Han got pissed.
° Not only did Han correct them on their manners, but also told them that a man shouldn't tell a woman what to do. Many fans and netizens applauded him for protecting his new and sweet Maknae.
"I swear those guys get on my nerves sometimes, don't listen to them." He sighed, patting your head softly.
"It's okay Hannie, I'm glad that I have some older brothers to stand up for me." You reassured, melting his heart.
° You are nervous to be around Felix, not because he's intimidating or harsh. But because he is so nice and angelic, and you don't want to develop a crush on a member.
° Even if you don't see him in that light at first, it will happen eventually because he has such an addicting energy that surround him. Felix is a sunshine, and it isn't hard to see why everyone loves him.
° Felix wants to make you feel as comfortable as possible, usually being the member picking up pads/tampons for you. He secretly develops a small crush on you, but he knows it would end up bad.
° You both would be worried about it ending bad due to the popularity of the band, Felix's popularity, your new career, and JYP's strict rules. So both of you don't truly progress that side of your relationship.
° It could blossom into something more serious in the future, but for right now it is just a mutual crush that both of you must hide. Your friendship is still very strong nonetheless, and you appreciate that.
"Okay here's a hard question, Back Door or All In?" you asked, as the managers watched you both from behind the camera.
"Neither because you aren't in them." He answered, trying to play it off as playful more so than flirtatious.
° Seungmin is your dorm mate, who always manages to make your nights more calm. He reassures you every night that you are doing great, even if you don't believe him.
° You both wrote down a schedule for dishes, laundry, cooking ect. The only exceptions to it is having a terrible day, birthday, or being sick. Either than that then you must follow the schedule stuck into the fridge.
° You both have derpy photos of each other as your wallpapers, both being taken when both of you just woke up. Seungmin can't help but giggle silently whenever he opens up his phone, looking at your bed head.
° Seungmin helps you out with waking up, letting you get use to the schedule of being an idol. Taking as many pillows to the face as he needs to for you to finally wake up, Once getting feathers in his hair due to it.
° Many think you both knew each other before you became a member, but you both explained that you just understand each other well and clicked when you met. Neither of you grew up together.
"Is today you dish day or mine?" he asked, bottle of soap already in his hand ready to begin cleaning.
"Mine, but I had a terrible day today. JYP critiqued everything about me." You huffed, getting a soft hug from Seungmin.
° Is glad he won't be babied as much since he isn't the maknae anymore, but will miss the benefits of being able to aegyo your way out of responsibilities.
° All of the members call you the babies or the baby line, even if either of you ar taller than some of them. Jeongin is also appreciative that he now has someone to relate to with being a babied quite often.
° He'll still call you noona just to get under your skin, but you honestly don't mind being called noona or unnie. Especially since some stays are younger than you, but you can become playfully annoyed at times.
° Jeongin will warm up to you very fast and treat you like a sister, he'll spoil you with stuffies and share his food with you every meal. Even though mama gets scold him for it, he doesn't care and continues to do it.
° Chan will cover both of your eyes when the members do something sexy, even if you kind of want to see it (mostly to tease them). But you understand why, since both fo you will get flustered by it easily.
"Y/n noona likes to steal my food sometimes." Jeongin admitted to fans, smiling at your playful glare.
"You share your food and insist I eat it Jeongin Oppa." You defend, watching the fans respond to the situation.
#stray kids#kpop#changbin#skz scenarios#stray kids reactions#han jisung#hyunjin#jeongin#lee know#bang chan#felix skz#skz seungmin#skz requests#skz reactions
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I Like the Way - NSFW (Jesse McCree x Reader) {Part 2}
Pairing: Jesse McCree x F!Reader
Warning(s): NSFW
Setting: Post-fall, a bit closer to the recall
Jesse McCree kissing you out of nowhere was one thing that got you feeling so giddy, but having to kiss him with so much anticipation dripping was something you only got to experience in your fantasies.
It was a late summer night when you agreed to have a bit of a shut-eye and pulled over to the side of a road that wasn’t popular amongst the townsfolks. You were fagged out as fuck. But even though you felt like you would just pass out out of nowhere while driving through the empty roadways, you couldn’t fall asleep for some reason. It was like adrenaline was pumpin’ inside you and refused to give you a rest. Something’s bound to happen, you thought. If your body wouldn’t shut the fuck up then something had to happen. And so, there you laid, on the back of your pickup truck with McCree’s flesh and blood arm wrapped around your shoulders and your head resting on his chest.
Well, that was five minutes ago…
I would’ve said the same had you not been making out and literally tearing clothes off.
Jesse had you bare beneath him, vulnerable and quivering at the nip of the biting air. A bright shade of red crept across your cheeks and you couldn’t but smile coyly at the intense stare McCree didn’t even make an effort to hide. “Yer so fuckin’ gorgeous, darlin’,” he candidly whispered, his accent appearing more blatant. Your cheeks burned a bit too much.
You stuttered out, “y-you don’t look so bad yourself.” McCree chuckled at your response but stopped when he felt a cool gush of wind kissing his thick ass cheeks.
“Well,” he grunted, “I ain’t lettin’ that cute li’l butt of yers freeze over.” You chortled at his words as you watched him bury you both in a thick blanket you had stolen from a motel a few towns away from where you were.
“Mmm…you can always warm me up, cowboy,” you said with what you hoped was a seductive and sultry voice – which seemed to work since you saw him turn into a tomato himself - and winked. Jesse shook his head to bring himself out of his daze and cleared his throat before he spoke, his voice dropping a few octaves lower.
“Oh, pumpkin, I ain’t passin’ up on such opportunity,” and without any other words, he began planting kisses on your cheek, lips slithering down your jawline and neck where he pinned a tiny patch of your skin between pearly-white teeth and began nibbling and sucking on it as he got your breathy moans and needy hands by heart. He caught a small bead of perspiration with his tongue and licked it clean while his devil eyes held yours, tempting you with your own emotions.
“Fuck, you really know how to get a woman going, huh?”
“Only for you, sweetheart.”
Jesse locked his lips with yours, not even hesitating to greet you with his tongue and letting your wet muscles dance in a smooth tango while the flesh surrounding them closed every now and then. All the while, his hands went on a journey of discovering parts of your body he wouldn’t even dare touch (unless you're really fucking drunk???), though tempting, when he still had no knowledge of what you exactly felt; whether it was merely romantic and fluffy or you had pitched in a spice of lust and ardor. He was a hungry man, packed to the gunnels with needs and wants, and he would like to take in as much of you as possible to stuff his head with such intimate moment until you pull up on the next stop.
You felt McCree’s cock glide deliciously against your sleek pussy, the tip prodding your clit. And before you could stop yourself, you broke away from the kiss and threw your head back with a high-pitched moan, your fingers grasping his biceps tightly as his name escaped your lips.
“You like that, huh?” His hips ground against yours again and you bit your lip to muffle out the sounds that protruded out of your mouth. “C’mon, baby girl, lemme hear those moans. God, you’re already so fuckin’ wet.” He repeated his actions a few more times before whispers of pleas invaded his right ear.
“Please, Jesse, show me…show me how you really feel about me.” Jesse raised his head from where it was nuzzled against your neck, looked down at you with the inner tips of his eyebrows tipped upwards for a moment, and leaned into your touch when your palm rested itself on his cheek and your thumb wiped a single tear that streamed down his face.
He felt like a child all of a sudden. He felt exposed. Nobody in his life had ever considered how he felt and asked him to be open about it, except for you. He was always known as this cocky, smug, and derpy cowboy who knew nothing but flirt around with his head held up high. He was known as this gunslinger who really knew his way around his revolver like how he knew every detail of the back of his hand and a somebody who liked to smoke a lot as a vice to keep himself occupied whenever he did nothing but stand around.
He was in Deadlock a certain amount of percentage of his life and hell, what do you expect from them? Blackwatch? That was just another gang, just with more rules. Faces there were always stoic and everybody barely had interactions unless they were talks about a mission or a job well-done or sometimes even the opposite of that. You and McCree seemed to be the only ones with the softest hearts and you instantly became as thick as thieves the moment you started talking about bad movies.
And though it may seem like it was smallest thing to cry about, his heart swelled with emotions and he silently thanked the gods for having you watch his back, and he yours.
“You’re only human, Jesse. You feel emotions just like me and I want you to show them. Show me how you really feel.” His eyelids pressed together like crumpled paper and he took a moment to press his forehead against yours and take everything you said in, his metal hand finding yours and holding on tightly as if it was the last thing he’ll ever grasp until the world ends. “I love you, McCree.” His breath shuddered.
He knew his words weren’t enough to express himself to you so he made a decision to just show it to you like how those cliché rom-coms always taught him. With his body pressed to yours with such intimate desire, he led his right hand towards his hardened dick and stroked himself a few times before he slowly pushed into you, the prosthetic that grasp your flesh pinning your hand beside your head.
You both groaned in the night, the stretch between your thighs sending electricity through your nerves and the velvety walls that surrounded McCree’s cock sending white noises to his brain. He laid on top of you for a moment to steady his breath intake before his hips started moving in a steady pace.
It was unusual for McCree to be that slow with his pacing. He was more of the pin-you-down-and-fuck-you-relentlessly-until-you-come-and-scream-his-name type (you’d already experienced this one time when you two got pissed out of your mind, though you couldn’t really remember it) and sometimes he would legit leave marks all over his partner’s skin to remind them of who fucked them like a god, but tonight, this didn’t seem to be his aim. His aim was different, so different, and it seemed like it was a result of something stirring inside of him. He silently begged to be closer to his partner, you, and he hadn’t done this before. He whispered so many sweet nothings in your ear and he looked as though he enjoyed your warmth. He was telling something, something beautiful and rare to him.
Jesse McCree was making love to you.
His thrusts weren’t as frantic as how they usually were but they were firm and you loved it. The thought of him opening up to you just like how you told him to made you arch your back and dig your nails on his skin, responding to his zephyr-like words with a few of your own until you felt a coil twisting in a gratifying discomfort. You bucked your hips up with the same manner as his own up to the time of the knot in your stomach snapping and your eyes being blinded with something white. The way your walls stuttered around him made him groan and he suddenly grew obsessed with you. And with a last vigorous snap of his hips, he came, growing limp on top of you and pressing a kiss on your sweaty skin.
“I love you, Jesse.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
Jesse took a minute to retrieve all air that came out of his lungs and was about to get off of you when your phone suddenly started ringing. You looked at each other, puzzled as to who could’ve gotten your number and called you at such a late hour. You grabbed the buzzing device from the pocket of your shorts and took a glance at the screen to see an unknown number.
“Hello?” You carefully spoke after answering the phone and putting it on speaker. The air you didn’t realize you were holding in mended with its cooler counterpart once you heard the voice of a familiar friend.
“Hey, Y/N! It’s Winston!”
“Hey, monkey!” The cowboy yelled to your phone.
“Oh, hey, McCree. Good to hear you two have been going around together.”
“Yeah, well, it’s better to go around the world with your friend than alone, right?” You smiled.
“Correct. Anyway, I’m just gonna make this quick, I know it’s late there, but um… We’re reforming Overwatch again!” Your eyes widened in surprise and you looked at McCree to see his bulging out too. Overwatch? Starting over?
“Uhuh. Can’t wait to see you two! Oh, and don’t forget to remind me to walk Y/N down the aisle once you two got married. Bye!”
“Wait-“ You exclaimed but the sound of the call ending cut you off. You both were dead silent for a split second until Jesse started laughing out of nowhere.
“Well, we’re gettin’ the band back together.”
“Mhm, and we’re going back together too!”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, darlin’.”
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