#I bully Z so much LMAO
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midnightmagicks · 6 months ago
FFXIV 30 Day Writing Challenge Day 2: Horizon
Horizon: The limit of a person's mental perception, experience, or interest.
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Two figures stood amongst ancient, crumbling ruins deep within the twisting forests of The Black Shroud. To the untrained eye, they were no more than a pair of adventurers. These two, however, were far more than that.
The shorter of the two, though not by much, stared forward into the darkness. Their eyes sharp and focused and…unblinking. Unsettling, to most. They giggled occasionally, eyes never leaving the darkness ahead. The man next to them watched quietly, glancing between the darkness and the strange person next to him. He fidgeted a bit, tossing a sideways glance to the nearly translucent figure that floated next to him. She too seemed as confused as him, whispering in a language nearly lost to time. 
The confused man, a half-Viera named Zetoichi, strained to see or hear *anything* in front of them to cause the shorter figure, an eclectic Vieran known as Arne, to pause and stare. While experienced in the supernatural, as evidenced by the spectre floating calmly next to him, he simply could not sense *anything* here. A bead of sweat ran down his forehead and he spoke softly, hoping for some kind of explanation. “Are you…uh….seeing something, Arne?” Arne giggled louder, finally turning his gaze to Zetoichi. With a slow turn of their head, they grinned at the man in what was perhaps a friendly manner. But it certainly was not.
“Do you not see them, little Onmyoji? They’re right there! They’re saying all sorts of funny things~” More sweat. Zetoichi glanced back at the darkness. Nothing. He looked to his ghostly companion. She shrugged as well, equally confused. Helplessly, he turned back. “I’m sorry but I don’t think there’s anything ther–” Arne shushed him loudly, holding a finger up and physically placing it against his lips. 
“Silence, foolish boy. Perhaps if you’d broaden your horizons beyond what you think is possible, you’d come to know them as I do.”
Keeping their finger against the taller man’s lips, much to his discomfort, Arne held their free hand out a moment. Stillness. Before a small blue flicker appeared. It hovered over their palm, soft light dancing shadows across the pair. And then another appeared. And another. And more. Slowly, the darkness was illuminated a ghastly blue as small wisps danced around the ruins. 
Whispers echoed around them, not quite words to Z’s ears. Arne seemed to understand them though as they smiled and hummed. They moved away from Z, walking towards the wisps and mumbling to them. After a moment, Arne turned slowly, tilting their head and giving Z a wicked grin. 
“A new lesson for you, my friend. I leave you with this; Allow yourself to not only hear them but understand them. Can you manage?” Arne laughed maniacally as the clearing suddenly plunged into darkness. The wisps disappeared and along with them, Arne. Their laugh echoed around a now thoroughly stressed Z before fading completely, leaving him in the dark of the ruins. Alone.  He felt a thud against his head as his ghostly companion began lecturing him loudly, swinging the sheath of his katana at him for being dumb enough to make such weird friends.
Thank you @shadesofblades for letting me borrow Z for this~!
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deadghosy · 1 year ago
If I was in Hazbin hotel:
Author insert x Hazbin Hotel
Prompt: an author is bored as they decided to jump into their favorite fandom at this very moment.
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Honestly I’m bored asf rn lmao.
Will, the blogger in tumblr known as Deadghosy was bored in his room as he listens to jay aka kub scoutz 😍 playing lil guardsman. Being even more bored they opened their palm as a digital portal opens-
OKAY STOP…at first I was gonna do that story ass shit but let me be real. I died by not getting enough sleep and I popped into hell for not liking those Jesus posts😭
I’d honestly be in the sloth ring for being lazy asf and being tired most of the time. But also be in the gluttony ring as well. A BIG BITCH GOTTA EATTTT😭
But I would probably still be able to go into the pride ring because of my pride in not needing help from people. 😭 I hate asking for damn help irl.
I actually have very sharp canine teeth and bottom rows, I might as well be mistaken for a humanoid demon lol/j
But if did have a demon form, it’s a bear since I eat and sleep all day lmao.
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Alastor wouldn’t “hate hate” me but find me annoying. I would try to get on his good side and never do deals with him obviously cause I like my soul 😍. But dead ass I’m showing him lingo of gen z ☝🏾💀 cause ain’t no way ima hear this deer man yap in a way I can’t understand. This is not no new broadcast from the old times dude. “Salutations!-” HAVIN ASS😕
Friendship level: 5/10
Sir Pentious, I’m teaching this bitch how to do the whip and nae nae 😄. I love him personally cause he so silly sometimes. I would just pop up as he works on weapons but not help him lol. I think personally our friendship would be the kind to talk to each other for a little and stop and repeat😕
Friendship level: 4.5/10
Charlie would like me because of my hyperactive personality sometimes. Like if I’m fixating on something, she would listen and probably tell her father. But mostly i wouldn’t do the trust exercises, she’ll have to drag my black ass to do them 💀
Friendship level: 6/10
Lucifer and I would be so chill dead ass. He’s probably adopt me if I’m gonna be honest cause I also have a duck toy in my room as we speak 😭LITERALLY I MIGHT AS WELL BE A MINI HIM WITH HIM HAVING HYPER FIXATIONS.
Friendship level: 10/10
Vaggie and me, idk she’s chill but short tempered. But I don’t think she would hate me but only he suspicious at first, but then just be chill with me. I would try to help her around but procrastinate lmao
Friendship level: 5.5//10
Husk would probably be chill but not have an opinion on me honestly. It will depend on me just going to talk to him or being nervous to talk to him. I hate being awkward so I would just wave or sit by his bar and chill with him as I draw.
Friendship level: it’s probably between 3/10 and 5/10
Angel and me, idk I feel like I would be a small friend of his to help. He wouldn’t trauma dump that much on me cause I’m just a kid so it would be like “oh my work is shit but my boss is even more shit.” So I would just nod acting like I don’t know what’s going on. Plus, I would probably try to make him something with the help of Lucifer
Friendship level: ima be honest…it’s probably a 4/10 cause I’m a minor and he has problems he need it overcome. He doesn’t need a minor to yap his ear off 😕
The Vee’s…😕ain’t no way ima talk to them front to front if I’m actually gonna be their friends dead ass. I would probably mostly be friends with Velvette to hook me up on outfits��
Friendship level: -1000/10
Valentino…HAH YOU WOULD HAVE TO CATCH MY BLACK ASS ACTUALLY DEAD IF IM GONNA CHILL WITH THIS BASTARD 😂 I’m burning his whole studio down in a cool ass pyro tf2 mask. Fuck that bitch, all my homies hate Valentino 🤭
ENEMY LEVEL: 10000000/10🖕🏾
Vox, I’m begging him to try to advance my phone so I can prank call heaven and hell at the same time. I’m using so much evil ass shit🦆 like dead ass ima say “I heard your high school bully is in heaven” to an angel so they would go crazy trying to find their bully lmao. But Vox would hate my ass cause..I’m me? Idk lol
Enemy level: 8.5/10
Velvette, eh I feel like we would be mutuals but not too friendly. More like a hook up just so i can get free outfits and she can get a quick teen model and I can leave with the fit fr 😍 no money, free outfit‼️
Friendship level: 4.5/10
Adam and me..we throwin hands. Full on fist to fist. He probably would try to cheat but nahhh, you gettin kicked in the manhood bitch 😄‼️ but yeah me and him, enemies for life. He’s funny I’ll admit, but be honest having him beside you irl💀
Enemy level: he better keep one eye open.
Sera…yeah she not letting me in heaven lmao 😭 that’s all ima say LMAOO
Friendship level: -0/10
Lute will 100% percent kill me for my mouth 😭. I’d probably say GYATT to her for funnies only to get stab. But I would just be quiet and try to be on her good side lmao
Friendship level: 2/10
Emily would like me but would be the type of person to keep me in check with my mouth and vulgar language as I just chill eating all the food in heaven. She def givin me good tours.
Friendship level: a good 7.5/10
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That’s all I have lmao
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beemovieerotica · 3 months ago
Learning g you went to Catholic school explains so much actually. Also what the fuck was wrong with your psych teacher
he was genuinely a really cool guy, like for all the clownery he was a deeply compassionate person and I know that sounds SO wild after talking about him bloodily faking his death in front of his students lmao
I was getting lowkey bullied in one of his classes - there was a girl who sat next to me who would do shit like mime punching the back of my head whenever my back was turned to get laughs out of other kids. the teacher got her to stop without me saying anything or risking physical escalation - fucking difficult to do if you know the type of personality involved here. one time later though she straight up took an exam I just got back and started copying the answers off it since she had to do a make-up test. I was like. Ok. This could be bad for me. zero tolerance college prep school where I could be expelled for "providing answers"
I ended up going to the teacher and being like "hey...is the make-up test that some people have to do going to be the exact same questions?" and he's like "...why are you asking this?"
ended up dancing around the point for a while until it clicked for him and he's like oh. ok, is this about ____? I didn't say anything and he just kind of looked at me and went "ok I'll handle it."
he ended up staging this big talk with each and every one of his classes. he went on a rant about a "recent uptick in cheating" and during each talk he said "and I'm not doing this just for this class. I'm doing this because I saw [x y z] happen in my other period" and I know I said the man couldn't convincingly fake his own death, but he sold it to us, and the dumbass bully bought it and then laid low until the semester ended and I was out of there, and I didn't get penalized for her behavior
he did a lot to try to reach out to me when I was going through the trenches of being a high school closeted queer. he lent me CDs when I said I liked certain types of music and would always try to strike up conversation. I miss him lol
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Thoughts on Gelboys Ep 1 (this is long)
Never felt more seen than when Fou4mod blocks the bitch on spotify, like that is The Break Up, I Do Not Want Your Existence Anywhere Near Me, Especially Not On My Holy Music.
I feel this boy walked out of my pinterest boards and stood infront of me like "yeah, bitch, you jealous?" I literally love everything he owns- from his guitar case to his mobile cover to his mirror to his fucking toilet seat.
The namedrops are going crazy.
The fucking editing. The sound, the visuals, the locations. Everything. Its all so stunning and simulating. This is exactly how our generation lives. We are not living inside our schools and homes, We Are Out and About and we are always filming something. In 10th grade, I don't remember a single day where I didn't have some shit going on somewhere. I was Busy, and now in 12th grade- I still very much am. My gallery is full of just really cool clips of me and my friends roaming about and cracking at our mere existence. This is precisely what I lived as the true extroverted Gen Z highschool experience.
The small talk with the stall auntie as if you're basically friends (especially demanding for more MSG lmao. It is the best part.) and the tuktuk rides (im surprised that everyone calls them tuktuks lmao) and the weird independence you feel when travelling by taking the BTS (or as we call it, the metro. They aren't in my town yet but ive spent so much time travelling through them in cities that they are)... these are such subtle but important experiences of teenhood in a thirdworld country. Where the cities are alive and the markets breathe and there's so much colour to go about.
Personally, I love that Fou4mod does have this friendgroup, because every highschool story ever seems to be about the lonely, the soft or the tough. The introverts with no friends or the nerds with genius skills or the bullies who Change™️ but there's no just normal kids who have friends and aren't dealing with Major Issues, but just living.
I cackled so hard at the tiktok interview scam, because one of my friends tried this exact thing but it was a dare and it went so south that we couldn't stop laughing about it for two whole weeks. I love that Bua is straight up spilling that my friend's a 2.5, you should not be invested, save yourself. Unless, you're looking for something casual because then i wanna see some drama. Always, always!! trust a fuckboys friends to tell you the truth about them, because they will give you a list of bitches their boy is talking to just because.
The whole vibe of Loserboy X Fuckboy is so well put with Fou4mod "trying" so subtly-not-subtly to make Chian jealous. I have seen girls wear their brothers hoodies and pose in their friends photos to make a random dude the friend hasn't even talked to jealous. And when i say this has a crazy success rate, i so mean it. Nothing gets people scheming about more than someone who potentially has a crush on them.
Also- the collage editing and imagining Chian kissing his cheek. Fou4mod, your name is pain in the ass to type because my autocomplete seems to not register it so i hope you start spelling it normally, but you are damn well relatable.
I love the vibe that this show is going for, it is so refreshing and stimulating. Can not wait for more.
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saiyansimp · 2 years ago
Dating (some of) the Z-Fighters…
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You probably met while training! Maybe you met at a tournament and put up a valiant fight against him, or you ran into him in a remote yet gorgeous training spot outdoors. Either way you hit it off immediately! If you aren’t a fighter, then you probably were set up on a blind date through Bulma lmao
You aren’t able to spend much time together, but when you’re on dates or training together you feel like you’re in heaven. He makes you feel so incredibly special: I like to think that since the Cell Saga, he’s learned that not everyone is inherently a fighter and that’s okay! He makes sure to take an interest in your interests no matter what they are 
Cooking. Lots of cooking. Or eating takeout. I’d say you can look forward to leftovers but I doubt there’ll be any lmao
Lots of laughter, whether intentional or not. Mans is a huge goofball and always tries to make you laugh, but some of his funniest moments are just him acting as his usual self hehe, he's so nonchalant when telling you stories about his past you can't help but laugh at how casually he describes getting shot and dying lmao
His love language is definitely touch! He’s very clingy so get ready for cuddles in the middle of the night after a looong training session, arms wrapped around your waist as you cook breakfast, or even just holding your hand as you walk down the street together!
I feel like he’d absolutely LOVE theme parks as a date, but he’d definitely force you to go on the biggest rollercoasters / death drop rides so be warned
Also enjoys any type of outdoorsy activity with you! Rock climbing, nature walks, even just fishing with you! Be ready to cook whatever he catches though
Despite not always being present he’s a 10/10 BF hehe
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Cracks knuckles
You’d probably have to be the first one to make a move if you saw him at a coffee shop or a party and found him cute, even after you give him your number he waits like two weeks to text you
Once you two start dating though he switches his attitude REAL quick
He’d never admit it, but unlike Goku, he definitely prioritizes your dates and pleasing you over training. He’ll be in the middle of sparring with Goku and remember that you two have a date soon and make up a lame excuse to leave (probably claiming he’s hurt Goku enough for the time being or something along those lines) before dipping lmao
I love the headcanon that Saiyans love strong women because even if you’re not physically strong, if you’re snarky enough you and geets are gonna have LOTS of fun
Bullying is his love language.It’s constant but if you try and return it at all he’ll get all defensive and pissy 
Can talk about your inferiority all day but you make a single height joke? Nope. He’s done he’s out go apologize to him Right Now
Actual love language is quality time! He’s not great with words or PDA but will always go shopping with you or take you out to eat. And don’t you dare think about paying how could you even think to damage his ego like that
Very cuddly in private though, won’t ask for it he’ll just sit at the edge of your shared couch/bed and stare at you until you go over to him and wrap your arms around him, running a hand through his hair. 
If you’re an artist do NOT draw him/paint him/etc. unless you want his ego to increase exponentially
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I feel like If You Are A Woman, then you’re Krillin’s type. 
Absolutely the type to make you food / homemade gifts to express affection even if they’re not great. You love them all anyways! He tries to make your favorite meal one day and it tastes burnt and raw but you can’t let him know that so you eat absolutely as much as you can without puking
You probably met by both being friends with either Bulma or Chi-Chi and therefore spent a lot of time at Kame house. Definitely a friends to lovers situation
Which adds an even more stable ground to your relationship! You’ve got friendship and history that makes your relationship even better, inside jokes that date back to before you were dating
Like Goku, he’s also a huge joker. Probably even more than Goku, but definitely more purposeful with his jokes and with
One of his go-to jokes is trying on brightly colored wigs and it never fails to leave you howling
Will literally do anything you ask him to, he just wants to make you happy. You need him to drive you somewhere? Hes on his way. You need cuddles? Always. You need to vent? Hes all ears.
pleasepleasePLEASE dont take advantage of this trait
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HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT…. Even though Piccolo is akin to plants in that he’s green and only requires water to survive, there are certain types of plants that do reproduce sexually! 
Piccolo absolutely values intellect and morality over looks but hes a tough nut to crack so you’d better be in it for the long haul
Lots of your dates are just sitting under trees together meditating, reading or sitting in silence 
Piccolos love language is absolutely gift giving and hes amazing at it. He knows what you want/need before you do. You wake up one morning and think to yourself about how you could use a cute new outfit and by the end of the day there’s a new dress on your bed that looks amazing on you. He also LOVES making you breakfast in bed, or any meal really if you’re too exhausted from your day to cook.
Don’t get me wrong, he can be intimate. He’s just emotionally constipated alright ! But when he opens up you better be ready to listen bc not many get that privilege 
Absolute freak in bed 
You have to be willing to get along with Gohan. Non-negotiable. If you start dating while Gohan’s a kid, you absolutely go on dates together with Gohan tagging along like your adopted child. If he’s older, then the three of you regularly get together to catch up and maybe act as adoptive grandparents to Pan!
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pardonmydelays · 1 year ago
> "most people who used to love lin in the past are his biggest haters now"
> "maybe pjo fandom is not as terrible as i thought"
two things! one: i actually did used to hate lin, but that was a short phase, and i realized i actually was upset at my younger self, and was just taking it out on people and things i associated with who i was at that time
two: that really made me think, so i have some comments actually! they’re not super insightful or conclusive, but: (if you don’t mind)
i think lin and rick riordan (the author of the pjo books) are actually pretty similar? they’re both goofy older dudes with usually much younger audiences (or at least that was true when i was a big-time hamilton fan, things might have changed), and they’re guys who have certainly made mistakes, but overall are good people (and incredible creative geniuses, but that’s a little more lin than rick tbh)
i definitely can be seriously critical of lin, i definitely think he’s corny as hell, and i definitely lightly make fun of him, but only to a point. if it starts looking a little too hostile, i remind everyone (and it’s almost always universally true) that all of us do actually love his work, and if any of us saw him in public we’d all want to ask for a photo and tell him how brilliant hamilton is, or how beautiful in the heights is, or several other wonderful things he’s done. we’re all very eager to see any creative work he’s involved in because we know it’s going to be awesome, so we really can’t complain about him that much
i am much more seriously critical of rick and things he has previously said than i am of lim (also, a lot of pjo fans call riordan "uncle rick", which is, let’s be honest, INCREDIBLY CORNY! like i do it sometimes but it’s GOOFY as HELL!)
i jokingly bully rick as well — i have sent messages about him that are like "dear lord i one day i am going to kick that old man’s ass", or more often just "RICHARD. COME ON." — but it also doesn’t get too mean. when i see comments that stray from genuine criticisms that also acknowledge he’s grown as a person or like a little friendly teasing of a guy we all admire and towards shitty comments about a stranger, i am always the first in line to defend that old man!
a while ago my older sister asked me why "gen z hates lin manuel miranda", and i explained that 1. he did some stuff that isn’t great but also really seems to have grown from that point (and also probably the smallest problem people have with him), 2. a lot of gen z went through hardcore hamilton phases and now resent their past selves (this is a major factor), and 3. being earnest is the internet’s biggest sin (the most likely culprit and also the saddest answer)
making fun of rick is very common in the pjo fandom, and at least some pjo fans bullying lin are doing it in the same way, so it’s supposed to be more "teenage cousins are gently ribbing that one goofy uncle" than actual hate? i know that there are a lot of people that are just genuinely being mean, but i hope you can find some solace that it isn’t quite as much as it looks like
okay this has been weird and maybe a little scattered, i’m blaming it on my adhd medication being way too low of a dosage lmao
but i’m sorry you & other lmm fans haters, (and i’m extra sorry because there’s a decent chance one of them was 15 year old me)
ok, wow. i don't even know how to answer that (anon, this is super long, WHY)...
so first of all, i am not a part of pjo fandom, this is important - i've said this before, i'm gonna say it again: i've never read the books, i started watching the show only because of lin, i know nothing about rick & all those inside jokes you guys have, but if making fun of him is normal in this fandom, that's totally fine. silly jokes & actual hate are not the same thing for me.
"they’re both goofy older dudes with usually much younger audiences" - that is not entirely true & it comes from someone in their late 20s (& i know a lot of people from this fandom who are waaaaay over 20). being goofy & corny, those are not real reasons to hate on somebody like that... actually, everything you said here, i already knew. people are ashamed of their hamilton phase - oh, we should definitely blame lin for that, he's literally the worst because he wrote a musical once & we were super cringe about it... did he make mistakes in the past? yes, we all do, nobody's perfect. i've heard about much more problematic celebrities & people don't even talk about them but for some reason they have to shit on lin all the fucking time. he's done more good than bad (i could write a super long essay for you but it's late & i don't even know why i'm writing all of this), that is the truth & this is where i stand.
now, we are not talking about "making fun of him", we are talking about actual hate, examples:
"lin-manuel miranda should die/we should kill him"
"i would also turn evil if lin was my father/i would kill myself if he was my father"
those are real comments i've seen about him & it all comes from pjo fandom. this is the reason why i said this fandom is terrible. like, are you guys aware that he actually has kids? go outside, touch some grass & leave him alone (i'm not talking about you anon, you're ok, i'm talking about real haters).
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stranger-rants · 2 years ago
You are right about people sabotaging their own characters and ships. I honestly don't understand ship wars, to me is just a bunch of people bullying each other online over what they like/dislike and that is idiotic because we commonly use these spaces to have fun and find people who like the same things we do and maybe become friends with those people. I don't get why people love ruining other people's fun to the point they make others so angry to start fighting back or leave the fandom entirely. When it comes to Steve Harrington, my favorite character, I love almost all ships people have for him: Harringrove (my favorite ship), Stancy (yeah, I'm okay, dw about me), Stonathan (which now holds a dear place in my heart) , Stommy... And I'm capable of understanding the "illegal" ones such as Steve and Max (when they are both in their 20's and it is mostly AU) and Stobin (AU's) and many more. I have tried liking Steddie, I really have and I really want to meet the cool people you say are fed-up of the bullying extreme Steddie and Eddie fans cause... But god it is difficult to like something that has caused too much harm and it sucks these people cannot see what they are doing. Lmao, I feel like that girl from the Mean Girls movie who want to bake cookies and cakes and have peace all around haha
I understand ship wars to an extent. I just don’t love the dishonesty of it nowadays. When I was a teenager, ship wars were primarily a war over preferences that was usually hyped up by the creators of a series to increase interest and revenue. We knew this. While people took it seriously, there was always this underlying understanding that this is all just a part of fandom. This isn’t to say people didn’t take it too far or that there was no bullying involved. This isn’t a “those were the good old days” response. It was just more honest about its absurdity.
Now, you have people writing shipping meta as to why one ship is not only morally superior to another but trying to convince people that shipping is a form of activism. I am not talking about ships that are controversial because they inherently contain disturbing elements. It could be as simple as two relatively “normal” ships being pit against each other with one side arguing that a singular moment of conflict between characters in one ship deems the whole thing too toxic and unhealthy for audiences to support them.
*cough**cough*The Steddie vs. Harringrove ship war that boils down to differences in respectability*cough**cough*
Just be honest is all I ask. Like, you shouldn’t be out here inventing reasons why supporting one ship over another is a matter of social justice. It’s not. You preference something very strongly. You hate the competition. You whine about it. You find shallow reasons to hate the competition. You put up the get off my lawn signs. Then you think for some reason that you need a deeper reason to justify your hate so you Google queer theory and use all the Right Words to convince people shippers of x, y, or z are destroying the fabric of society.
(Not you personally, anon. This is the proverbial “you.”)
LMAO okay. Please be serious…
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its-ashley-95baybe · 2 years ago
Now the shippers are going about tom and z dating because he said in an interview he fixed his gf's door back in the beginning of their relationship. Like I know you don't like tom, but I do, and it's so awful the way this pr is affecting his whole life. People only talk about his stuff because of some random clip from an interview, and the shippers are so crazy like: OMG HE FIXED HIS DOOR! THEY WERE DATING BEFORE 2021! Let me remind you that tom was dating this girl in 2019, and Nadia in 2020, that makes him a cheater lmao wtf does his pr team do not see how they are constantly painting him as the bad guy? I get that its to get people talking about his show, but this is too much, how would his life be like after this pr thing is over? I feel sad for both of them. You're only aloud to date this one person, or your fans will bully all of your other partners
I don’t like Tom but I also don’t like people lying on this man. Everything and I do mean EVERYTHING has to revolve around Tom and Z.
That would mean Tom would’ve cheated yet they dragged and still is towards Jacob. It’s no longer called a double standard but a Tomdaya Standard. If it doesn’t make sense or conflicts the Tomdaya Timeline then we act like it never happened and make something up to make it seem cute.
Tom’s first crush? Yeah let’s edit that video to make it seem like he said Z.
Tom fixing his gf’s door? Yeah that’s Z because he only dated her.
Tom buying flowers? Omg so sweet it must means Z is pregnant(this is clearly made up but you get the point lol)
There was a significant change in his appearance about a year or so ago. He’s now more visibly upset and just drawn from all activities. When he’s away from Z and with his friends and family his true smoky arrives back. I just hope when this is all said and done he finds peace.
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saccharinemeat · 1 year ago
D , K , L , S , T , W , Z . good monin .... looks at you respectfully kissin ... hi ..... hello . hey
Answerin' this so latey but still! myah myah
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Depends on fandom,but from iii, clover/nickel and candle/silver spoon. which i know you do like but i just cant help but be annoyed by em sometimes. particularly the latter cuz yknow. f/o.
non object and unrelated to shared fandoms, definitely Jonmartin. I know they're canon i know wah wah the dinghy I DONT FUCKING CARE. martin is a little bitch to Jon during the eyepocalypse and idk. idk he gets on my nerves. JonMichael forever actually. (And i like martin with peter lukas. toxic gilf win.)
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Depends on the fandom, object wise i wanna say Balloon (especially in iii), and while i also love Flowers arc i feel she got a bit watered down at the end of bfb. Quite curious to know where Robot Flower's is going though. Non object fandom, I wanna say Riko from made in abyss has some amazing development,and in general the arc around Vueroeruko and Irumyuu was fucking insane. Sobbing immediately and violently.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
Ugh. Candle is not a bitch and im mostly just uncomfortable with how close she is with silver and her chill attitude is Annoying to a certain degree. Cabby is Fine in the very late episodes and her friendship with yinyang is Nice. Non object related, uhh. uhhhh. idk i dont have any MAJOR hatred i think. or if i do it's so bad i Deleted them from my brain lmao.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon
Oh there's so many, I'll try to stay away from my super edgy ones You Know,but let's see. object specific, here's a handful,will just do objects here cuz easier:
test tube is a coffee nerd. She loves all the borderline sciencey work to pull a single shot of espresso. and she WILL get annoying about it if not stopped
Baseball and Cheesy both have braces
Knife is a big fan of kawaii shit and loves the color pink. After the dora incident he's less shy about having one or two little keychains or plushies.
Tree likes to smoke and is in his late 30s. I will Not elaborate,i just know I'm Correct.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
some headcanons ill die defending are mostly darker ones,honestly. but i guess heres some misc. ones from multiple fandoms
- Julian (The Arcana) has BPD and i will never back off from that
- Kenny (south park) sometimes is cis and sometimes isn't,depending how his body regenerated after the latest death
- Yin and Yang (inanimate insanity) have an extremely codependent fucked up relationship
- Rick (Rick & Morty) is bilingual and can speak spanish perfectly. Yes i know this is basically canon but goddamn if the show NEVER brings it up. Im salty about this.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Any fucking barista/florist/whatever the fuck AU. you people are boring,jesus. And poorly done Enemies to Lovers (ENEMIES ARE EQUALS) or Bully/Victim ships portrayed as good (toxic dynamics can stay tho)
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go!
Bro I'm tired,, but i wanna talk about fandom in general and how fucking annoying it is that people are always going for wholesome and pure and fluffy and like. yes that's fine and all but i miss when fandom was owned by the freaks. I feel like even the concept of fandom has gone far FAR too mainstream and it's annoying as all hell. It's difficult to not want to just live in a little corner. Also people treat writers and artists like fucking. content machines and it sucks so much. people used to establish friendships over this but now even requests are BARELY polite. Bleh. Also bring the kinkmeme livejournals back
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ratcandy · 1 year ago
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OH PROPHET OF THE ANGRY GODS, I am in dire need of your wisdom here. I got this ask from several months ago, and it has been sitting there for ages. Idk what to say here, but I need your knowledge about the z---
What happens if zote and vengefly King were siblings? Would it be like cogr but edgier.
Imagine if vengefly king's father adopted zote and took care of him, while vengefly King, who is zote's brother, bullied and tried to kill him?
Imagine it would just be like cogr but vengefly themed.
There is so much to unpack here SHDKGJH
Well I guess I mean. It depends??? Is VK a vengefly with a nosk brother? Or is Zote now also a vengefly? Or is VK a nosk? Because my answer will radically change depending on that HSDKGJH
If VK's rhetorical father adopted Zote, who I am assuming is still a nosk here, and VK bullied him... Then I suppose it'd just be like regular CoGR but vengefly themed, yeAH SHDGKJH. Just like his canonical cogr brother, I guess Zote would pull a Cain Instinct. And VK would be Dead. Especially if Zote is still a nosk while VK is a vengefly. VK would stand No Chance, lmao
If instead VK is a vengefly adopted into Zote's family, well. Uh. That just would not happen, unfortunately HSDKGJH. VK would just be eaten. If VK is a nosk somehow adopted into Zote's family (which I don't see happening, but hey, for fun!), then... Well, I suppose he's taking after his mother in disguise! But assuming he's a second brother instead of replacing Zote's existing brother, then. Well. Now Zote has two asshole brothers. And I don't know if Zote could hold his own against two asshole nosk brothers. He could kill one by cheating, but TWO by cheating? Hmmm. Not sure about that!!!!
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clarabowmp3 · 6 months ago
I wish Taylor would tell her fans to stop thinking about her exes so much, like I know some of them cannot break the habit and it's like a ritual conversation which is comforting but still. Since she's into telling her fans off for being wrong and controlling her and living through her and pretending they can predict her, and pretending she doesn't care about things she does care about she can call out the Swifties who have so many hours in a day to talk about a guy who does not matter and hasn't matter for a while now. It's sad how some fans see everything she does as being about some guy she used to love. A creative person can do things for fun, nobody thinks about people who used to be in their lives that much. Not people as busy as Taylor for sure. We are not in the post-exe times. Not everything is about him.
Yup yup definitely, the weeks after her breakup with Joe was confirmed were sooo hellish for me, many of the biggest blogs I followed openly spewing such vitriol towards him or coming up with condescending nicknames like ‘joebless’ and ‘yb’ and while I would expect smth like this from tiktok swiftie to see this on tumblr dot com in the year of our lord 2024???? I rlly thought most of us would be above this but guess not. I agree that she’s dated some more than questionable men in the past but that doesn’t mean they’re always at fault and even after so long London was released, no one seemed all that apologetic for the way they behaved OR WORSE cherry picked parts of the song to further bash joe. Like this is straight up mean girl behaviour/bullying!!!! yall are being awful ppl!!!!!!!!! Does your fave rlly mean that much to u??
I’ve seen some ppl say it’s good that she’s telling fans off abt trying to control what she can or cannot do, and I don’t necessarily disagree but I think there’s more nuance to it. When it comes to the Vienna incident, yes I totally get it, ppl shouldn’t have been pressuring her to speak up etc. My problem is when people lump things like her matty healy fling into this kind of take-no-shit attitude, or her private jet emissions (again, there’s nuances, im not saying she should auction her jet off or smth lmao).
So given how outspoken she’s been this past year I don’t understand why she doesn’t tell swifties to back off abt her exes? I suppose one possible explanation is that she doesn’t mind it/likes it, esp with the way she’s been so heavily incorporating Travis into her brand, like she does his archer pose during midnight rain part of the tour nowadays right? Personally (I a random person don’t know the inner workings of her brain, this is just my opinion/inference) I think she plays up this whole ex bashing thing/being cosy with her current bf etc to stay relevant/trendy? It gives ppl smth to talk about, gush over on social media so it increases her engagement with the younger, more immature gen z tiktok demographic. The reason why this all feels a little disingenuous to me is cuz she’s never played up her relationship on tour like this, certainly not to this extent, and idk if it’s a result of parasocial relationships or if she’s doing stuff like this to strengthen those relationships.
Whatever it is, yep fans should separate the art from the muse, but im also not sure how much it actually bothers her as long as it keeps her on top of her game
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dontjudgemeimstressin · 1 year ago
Hiiii :)
Oki so its the first day back from winter break anddd I’m confident in myself for the most part. I got straight A’s last semester!! 100% going to aim for that again this semester.
During the break though i did indulge mindlessly into alcohol and weed. I stole a bottle of wine Christmas eve and smoked some pot with my homegirl :) i had two bottles of wine ultimately (not in one day i promise❣️) and baby shots of tequila because my sisters were up my ass about getting shit faced >:0
I do really want to smoke and drink more often now though. Only because things are back on the surface and i just haven’t been able to sleep because of it :/
I applied to WEIS LMAO- I’m not excited about it but it’ll do while i find another job with better pay :((
Okay and for the best part. Today
A boy I don’t like decided to call me a bitch today in homeroom because i shoved into him trying to get past him.
“You’re such a bitch jane, stop being such a bitch.”
I was walking away while he said this and turned around so fucking fast and asked “what did you say?” And chucked my coffee all over him. Literally a huge fucking jug wasted >:0 but 100% worth it. Z targeted all over his head, face, HAIR, NECK, and hoodie. My coffee has so much milk in it too so he’s going to stink.
Someone texted me saying “respect, he runs his mouth too much.” A lot of people were saying he deserved it which makes me feel less guilty. Somebody has a video of the aftermath and I really want it.
Overall i feel kind of silly bragging about it because it was a bully move, but i promise he deserved it. Im a sensitive girl :( plus bitch is such a trigger word i hate it so much. Anywho thats all :D
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firecrackerhh · 1 year ago
This fandom is so retarded when it comes to proshippers dude I’m ngl I think it’s kinda ridiculous.
Like for fucks sakes you can think it’s gross, no one is saying you can’t, but I don’t understand what being a fucking asshole to these people does. You aren’t protecting actual children by harassing someone who ships incest or pedo shit or whatever.
I don’t deny it’s objectively fucking weird, ok? But for God’s sakes, if it isn’t real, who fucking cares?
If they aren’t harming any actual irl children I don’t give a fuck what they get off to in fiction, assuming they actually get off to it and don’t just write and draw that shit at least partly for the shock value of it.
For fucks sakes there are people in this fandom no better than antis to me on this issue and it frankly kinda pisses me off cuz for fucks sake! If they aren’t hurting an actual person, animal, whatever, why the fuck do you care??? I never thought being a moralizing asshole was something this fandom was known for! If anything I would be expecting the opposite.
“It grosses me out!” Dude if you don’t like that shit, fucking block the person and be done with it like a fucking adult.
You don’t like it when antis harass you over the shit you like, where the fuck does anyone in this fandom get off on treating people like persona non grata purely based on the shit they like in fiction?
Retard shit.
Again, you can think it’s gross or wrong or whatever, just don’t be a fucking asshole to people who haven’t done anything to you.
Unless you have actual proof of them grooming or hurting an actual child then frankly you should just shut your fucking dumb ass up and leave people the fuck alone.
I know proshippers understandably make people uncomfy but for gods sakes act like an adult and ignore it.
Like if proshippers are being mean to you or whatever, maybe they’re only being so passive aggressive because they get shit on constantly all the fucking time. Yknow, the same way the Hazbin/Helluva fandom gets shit on by retarded antis?
It isn’t like proshippers start this shit, every time I see proshippers getting harassed it’s the people who don’t like them who can’t mind their own business, not the other way around.
If a proshipper follows you or comments on your posts or whatever and you don’t like that, you don’t have to put them on fucking blast for the simple opinion of “telling people to off themselves over fiction is actually a shitty thing to do.”
Again, unless you have evidence that the person you’re shitting on has actually fucking hurt someone I just think you’re being a fucking bully and it’s disgusting to me.
We should fucking know better.
You people are fucking hypocrites. Like “oh X and Y are totally fine in fiction but if you do anything with Z you’re a MONSTER.” Like please be consistent at least.
And yes, there are shitty proshippers out there, there’s shitty people everywhere, but can we not fucking generalize a whole fucking group of people based off the worst of them?
Because generalizing people like that is legitimately retard shit. I’m dead serious.
People bitch about kids in this fandom but holy shit are we sure a majority of fans aren’t actually mentally 14 years old still? Jesus fucking Christ.
I like, barely fucking respect anyone in this fandom dude, everyone is so fucking retarded about the dumbest shit Lmao. Grow up and get over yourselves.
I would much rather hang out with proshippers than antis any day of the week, at least proshippers wouldn’t waste time trying to make me feel like a piece of shit cus of the media I consume. At least proshippers don’t give off such a miserable vibe.
Frankly I think you kinda have to be a miserable sack of shit to care about that kind of shit anyway. At least, to care so much about it you feel the need to harass people just minding their own business and nothing more. Some people need hobbies Lmao.
🔥🧨~Firecracker out~🔥🧨
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sleepingdeath-light · 1 year ago
To me it's the Gim bullying, because ne and my boyfriend used to make fun of him, calling him pun names like La-Z-Boy furniture
To currently, as I'm typing this, I am absolutely going wild
Imagining him calling his s/o yeobo makes so much sense after the update, my heart melts and it aches for September 24th
I think I have one ready to be sent lmao
Makes sense! And I’ll keep an eye out for it ^^
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Thoughts on each TDI Reboot episode, almost halfway finished with 6. SPOILERS UNDER THE READMORE.
Had to take a break for food and other things, but I'm back for a few more episodes. Probably gonna have to finish it tomorrow tho lol.
Damn Chris is going off on the annoying fans lmao. Chef Hatchet really is the angel on his shoulder lol.
Oh wow they kept the continuity of Damien blowing up the kitchen. Tbh I didn't expect that.
Millie got bullied in school for the autism, I can feel it in my bones.
Ngl Millie and Zee are the most autistic people in this cast. Idc if Zee is meant to be the weed guy without the weed bc kids show, he's just a silly guy with autism to me.
OOOH Julia lost 300K followers. Again, I feel like is she originally had over 300K followers, then she definitely should have had bragging rights to say she was well known online. Even if she did call herself an influencer 🤢. Maybe I'll actually like the real Julia.
Never mind she slapped Bowie, that's another crime.
Wayne why do you eat hockey pucks. Honey, do you need therapy too?
Catapults are back...
Catapult camp 😰 Priya, get away from your family.
Crab rave in the crab pit
Damn Emma has a SCREAM HOLY SHIT. Rivaling Lydnsay ain't she.
Mutants are still a thing??? Does that mean the Tapioca sharks are also mutants?
Zee is so stupid, I lob he. Also Ripper now has a crab friend, hope it stays.
Rip Zee's spare leg.
Priya and Millie besties for real now!!
I'm glad they're reversing the gay character is a joke trope to the straight ally character is a joke tope.
Seeing Chris playing with a smartphone is such a weird thing to me. Like a fanfic thing, but it's real.
Despite all the stuff with MK and Julia, Bowie is still happy about getting kissed by Raj.
MK gone already? Bye I guess? Idk she wasn't too interesting and I forgot she was there half the time. Which I guess is the point, but kinda not great for a memorable character. But I would have preferred for her to stay over Julia.
Chris making an ET joke and MK calling it an old man joke is making ME feel old. I'm Gen Z, but I've watched ET at least once as a teenager.
Episode was kinda meh? RajBowie was the highlight, but as much as I love the queer rep, it's definitely shallow. Which I guess works out since most of the other het couples for this series are also super shallow. Equality lmao.
Also plot with MK and Julia already over? Man, wasted potential.
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raviposting · 2 years ago
Favorite Marvel ship and least favorite DC ship for the ask game?
idk how i missed this one but!!
What made you ship it? This is hard - much like Batcat it was a childhood ship so I don't have an exact thing, I just knew I always loved them.
What are your favorite things about the ship? So it comes from the comics mainly, but they just get each other so much. There's a scene I particularly love from the, I think 2001 comics? Peter and MJ are separated or going through a rough time in that comic, but there's a moment where Pete is staring at this building and MJ comes up next to him and they have a moment, silent there, and Peter says he misses her so much, and MJ says she does too, and we see the plaque is for Gwen. It was just such a beautiful, sweet thing, on how they both loved Gwen so much and miss her so deeply, and how even in this stressful time in their relationship they can have this shared moment of grief and understanding between each other, and idk I just!! Loved it so so so much
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I guess that I don't mind the Zendaya MJ version, if we're going with comics canon? She's obviously a very different MJ than we've seen before, but I remember watching a video that put what I think into words - MJ was introduced as kind of an outcast or differing person to society in her first introduction. She partied, she went out, but that wasn't what was seen for other female characters in comics during that time, and I like that we adapted that theme for MJ in the MCU movies (and this is besides the point of Peter/MJ, but updated a lot of themes in general for these characters and what they would represent in a 2023 kid's life versus what we'd be used to from like the say, 90s. Like Flash being a bully is the same regardless, but we see how he's well, a Gen Z bully and not a stereotypical 90s bully we're used to seeing physically beating people up lmao. And I just love it, I like that this is one that takes the idea of these characters and tries to update it but a;lfjal anyway that's a tangent).
Snowbarry - this one was so hard bc I feel like I've blocked most of the Arrowverse ships from my head and I could only think of the incest batman ships so a;lskdjfa;lkj let's go with this one!
Why don’t you ship it? The way the fandom was created basically right after Danielle and Candice's casting reeeeally did not help, as well as the intense racism - sure, from a minority of the fandom, but it just asjdfkl didn't give me a great taste. That and they just didn't seem like they had any actual real chemistry? A lot of the time they felt like siblings at best and colleagues the rest of the time.
What would have made you like it? If Grant and Danielle had romantic chemistry lol
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? The ship name is nice!
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