#I brought part of a fabric picture I found back home but then remembered it might have
leverage-ot3 · 1 year
I need to know the story behind you breaking into an abandoned asylum! That sounds interesting as hell!
okay so I’m prefacing by saying if you actually looked it up you could probably tell the area in which I grew up, but I don’t live there anymore so I don’t really care and I don’t feel like any of you would, like, look for my identity so it’s fine
so one summer day I was going to hang out with my friend and we wanted to do something fun. I’m like hey K, do you want to go to holy land? I know you’ve never been there before and it’s a cool place to look around (having been there once myself before
for those of you not native to connecticut, holy land usa is an abandoned christian theme park (no, I am not making this up). I won’t go into the whole history because that’s not the purpose of this post but you can read it here. there has been a murder or two there but it has in recent years been bought by a church and is now semi-maintained again (as in, it doesn’t count as trespassing anymore and they sometimes hold religious services by the 56 ft illuminated cross)
ANYWAYS so I drove us 30 minutes from where we lived to waterbury and just as we were about to pull in SOMEONE FUCKING CLOSED THE ROAD so nope, we couldn’t go :(
so we’re in the car driving back home, still wanting something semi-spooky so I’m like, hey, I’ve never seen fairfield hills (abandoned asylum) up close, why don’t we stop by and take a look???
so we drive there and park. now, it’s not especially spooky NOW because part of the huge complex has been, like, converted into community buildings (like a community center, rec center/gym, a fire house I think) because after an internationally known tragedy happened the community got a shit ton of money and they invested a lot of that into community resources
so we park near one of the still abandoned buildings and get out to walk around. mind you, it’s still 100% STILL FUCKING DAYLIGHT out.
we round the corner backed by woods and what do you know- there’s a hole in the fence and an open second story window. my friend and I look at each other like 👀👀👀 and decide, fuck it, let’s try it. yolo and all that
she boosts me up as far as she could and I used the outside little ledge (I wish I had a picture because this is a flex) and pull myself through the window. I then pull her up from the ground and get her in too.
we look around. we are somewhere in what used to look like some sort of wooden cubicles which were no longer really there. her phone is dead, we only have my phone flashlight, but it’s still sunny out and barely any of the windows are boarded up so it’s fine
we walk around, obviously people are in here frequently because there is graffiti EVERYWHERE, some wrappers, a few c*ndoms for some reason, I think maybe a needle or two (yikes). so like, it’s frequented but we didn’t think anyone was there with us
it wasn’t even really that spooky during the day (I would probably never go at night because 1. more of a chance other people would be there and I’m not going to risk possibly having a negative interaction yk, 2. I feel like more police would be patrolling it then, and 3. I’m not all that superstitious but I would never go there at night as a group of two)
we found what we assumed was an old rec room with a still mostly functional pool table (and an old dress in the window???), some bathrooms, an elevator stuck between floors, and some cool graffiti
we were in one of the stairwells with cool large windows when we saw a police car further away in the parking lot and went NOPE and continued down into the basement. aside from the little windows towards the ceiling it was PITCH BLACK and my tiny phone light did fucking NOTHING lmao.
we were able to get into the attic and I REALLY wanted to find out how to get into the bell tower but one of the doors was locked I think and we couldn’t find another way :(
all in all, I wish it was spookier but it couldn’t really get that spooky in the daylight, but I like that I can say that I did it because it’s a fun story. I would honestly love to go again now that I have lock pics and investigate some more but I don’t live there anymore
here are some pics and a video:
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19 notes · View notes
ihavethedreamies · 7 months
Best Friend's Brother | Doyoung
Kim Dongyoung (Doyoung - NCT 127)
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~5.4k
Pairing: Doyoung x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Some Plot, Friends to Lovers
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Small Age Difference (Like 5 years, reader is 19 and he's 24), Swearing, Kissing, Oral (M! Receiving), Fingering, Spanking (once or twice), Unprotected Sex (Use a condom! She's on the pill)
Author's Note: I wrote this a long time ago and had it saved somewhere else and totally forgot about it till the other day, lol. I Beta-ed it myself but there might be some errors still.
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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You had always had eyes for your friend's brother. It was nearly impossible not to give the fact that he was simultaneously the cutest and hottest thing on the face of the earth. There were times where Doyoung would smile or laugh and you heart would melt; the other times he would get angry or annoyed, and THAT look…made your ovaries explode. His broad shoulders and narrow build appealed to you more than the ripped guys you'd meet at the gym. You did always wonder what he had hiding under there though, because every time you were at the pool, he either didn’t get in or wore a shirt…Though, the wet fabric clinging to his body didn’t leave too much to the imagination. The worst part though, was that your best friend knew EVERYTHING. And she would tease you mercilessly for it. She was never disgusted by your crush on her brother; however, she requested to never have to see anything between the two of you. Fat chance at anything happening though. To him, you were like another little sister. You had been friends with his actual sister for many, many years, and he probably still saw you as the toothless six-year-old that hit him in the head with a plastic baseball bat. It wasn’t on purpose of course, but he, and his sister, never let you live it down.
Luckily, since he was five years older, there was never a point where you two were at the same school. You weren’t sure you could handle all the stares and attention he got from other girls, because he for damn sure got it. You remembered one valentine's day the amount of chocolates and notes he brought home from school. The year after you had decided to make chocolates for him yourself, but when they turned out terribly misshapen -still tasty- you ate them yourself.
Little did he know, you had a framed picture with him on your vanity…Not in a creepy way. It was from a few summers back where your group of friends had gone camping and he went along with some of his friends to basically chaperone. Therefore, there were other people in the picture, not just him. Your favorite part of it was that he is standing behind you with that beautiful smile, his hand resting on your head. Right after the picture was taken, he ruffled your hair, then dispersed with the rest of the group. That night, several of your friends flirted and joked with his friends, but you and he sat aside, watching the shenanigans. You were both exhausted but would be teased endlessly if you went to bed, so you sat together under a tree watching the fireflies. It wasn’t until later that you had found out you had fallen asleep on his shoulder, and he fell asleep with his head resting on yours. Rumor had it, your best friend had a picture, but refused to show you. She claimed she needed it for when she did something otherwise unforgivable and needed an out.
One day you were over at her apartment, both of you studying on a hot late-spring day, the open windows allowing for a nice breeze to waft through. Her apartment was settled above her aunt's bakery and so she got a discount on rent. Since their aunt and uncle had no children themselves, Doyoung was set to inherit the business in a few years. On nice days, they would sit outside and offer samples and coupons to people walking by, and his beautiful face always drew people in like flies. It was honestly amazing to listen to him chuckle and converse with customers, but also distracted you from your studies. Often your friend would catch you, eyes closed, reveling in listening to him, daydreaming.
"Yah! Get to work." She tapped the end of her pencil on your notebook.
"Sorry." You snapped out of it and got back to taking notes. Summer break was approaching, which meant so were finals. Not too worried about it you realized you might gain a reason to be if you continued to drift off into Doyoung land. It had become soon to closing time for the bakery, staying open till about six pm that time of year. You decided to take a break and got off the floor to pace her apartment. The remnants of the food you had delivered had been put in the refrigerator and the dishes had long since been picked up by the delivery boy. Opening the fridge, you scan through it, feeling a bit snacky but not sure what you wanted. You also had a bad habit of opening the fridge when in the kitchen even if you weren’t hungry. Going to the small balcony, you leaned on the railing to watch Doyoung sweeping in front of the store and wiping tables down. The sleeves of his white button-up were rolled to above his elbow, and his jeans were perfectly hugging-
"How's studying going?" His voice startled you and your eyes moved from his ass to his eyes. He was looking up at you like a curious bunny and it was the cutest freaking-
"Uh, it's going." You huffed a small laugh awkwardly, hoping he didn’t catch you staring.
"Do you need any help?" He asked and you blinked back. Should you take the opportunity? You really didn’t need help…You glanced behind you at the pile of books and papers on the table, as well as his sister conked out, drooling on her homework.
"Uh, yes please. I'll be right down!" You called as quietly as you could for him to still hear you, but not wake her up, and shuffled back inside to grab your study materials. Your sandals flapped on the stairs as you descended the outside staircase and moved to meet him out front.
"Let's go sit inside, it’s a bit cooler." He smiled and motioned for you to follow. He closed the doors, flipped the sign to closed, and you found a table. There were only three small tables inside, so you had to put some of your stuff on the windowsill next to you. He removed his apron - dear lord his buttons were STRUGGLING - and moved the chair from across to next to you.
"What class are you studying for right now?" He asked.
"Advanced World History." You weren’t exactly having trouble, but it was the hardest class you needed to study for. His eyes widened then he blinked at you.
"You're, what, a second year? I could have never at nineteen." He shook his head.
"Can you now?" You asked and he laughed. Your heart thudded so hard it's like she fell over the railing of a balcony.
"I can try…I should have asked what class before I offered." He huffed a nervous laugh.
"Well, maybe you can just help me go over the study guide. You know, make sure I know what I'm talking about." You handed him a green-paper packet and he turned his chair to face you better, leaning back into it. He began to go over questions, and you answered, but he tripped you up. You had memorized them in order, and he was reading off at random. This meant you had to actually know what the answer was instead of relying on repetition.
"Daeng! Try again!" He eyed you over the top of the paper playfully. You crinkled your nose, thinking.
"You're so cute." he whispered, but you heard it. Your head shot up to stare at him, and realization crossed his face that he said it out loud. You expected him to brush it off as some little sister thing, but his cheeks and ears turned a bright red.
"I'm cute? Me? No, no, you're cute." You had no idea where the confident flirtation came from, but you were dead serious. He blinked at you again.
"Cute." You pointed at him. Your deadpan stare and serious tone caught him off guard. He cleared his throat nervously and wouldn’t meet your eye.
"Next question." You waved the situation off, screaming inside. It was like you were having an out-of-body-experience and your filter had been removed, letting him your instinctual thoughts.
"You really think I'm cute?" He put the paper down, sitting up straight.
"You are the cutest thing on the face of the earth." Once again, you were completely serious. His whole face bloomed red, and he brought his hand to his mouth, trying to hide his giddy smile.
"Come on, keep going, we didn’t finish." You pushed the paper toward him, but he just glanced at it.
"Questions." You poked the paper.
"How long have you thought I was cute?" He put his hand down, the embarrassment dissipating and turning to smugness.
"Forever, continue." Paper was shoved. Finally, he picked up the packet and when his face was hidden, you released a rush of air to try and calm down.
"On a level of one to ten, how cute am I?" Man, he was like a dog with a bone. You rolled your eyes.
"How long have you liked me?" That threw you off a bit.
"I never said I liked you-" You tried to play it off. He put the packet down.
"You think I'm cute." He smirked.
"Puppies are cute, bunnies are cute, you are cute. In what world does that mean I like you?"
"Why do you have the hoodie I lost a few years ago in your closet?"
"H-how did you know about that?"
"Saw it in the picture on your story when you were modeling the animal onesies you two got to match."
"It could have been any red hoodie; how did you know it's yours?"
"I didn’t…not until now. Plus… it’s way too big." He smirked and your violent intentions flared to life.
"You little shit!" You scolded and he guffawed. You were sure your face was as red as that sweatshirt.
"How did you even get it?" He questioned and you exhaled harshly.
"I was at your house when it was just me and your sister. We had ordered pizza, but I was in my bathing suit since we were playing with the hose outside in the heat. The doorbell rang and I wasn’t answering the door in my school swimsuit, so I grabbed the first thing out of the clean laundry I could find." You shared and he hummed.
"Just you in my hoodie, hm?" His gaze had changed, and you weren’t sure how to feel.
"Oh, hush, pervert." You mumbled, glancing out the window at the setting sun. You heard the chair scrape on the floor, then felt him standing next to you, close enough to feel his warmth. Turning to glare up at him, your neck cracked having to bend back too far. He was so close. If you breathed too deeply your chest would brush against him. That thought made your breath hitch. Do not breathe. However, the air was stolen from your lungs when his hands, his BEAUTIFUL hands, cupped your jaw.
"Can I kiss you?" He whispered, his lips already slightly touching yours.
"Ye-" You didn’t even finish your acceptance and he instantly latched onto you. You whined, any sass draining from you instantly. Carefully, you lifted your arms and clutched his shirt above where it was tucked into his jeans. His hand moved from your jaw to back of your neck, deepening the kiss. His other hand ran down your arm and settled politely on your waist. Doyoung finally pulled away and your breath came out harsh, sucking in air. After your lung's respite, he was on you again, this time his tongue snuck past your lips, brushing at yours. You gasped and he swallowed it, backing you up till your back hit the wall. Both hands ended up pinning you in as he placed them on the wall and your hands left his side the clutch the fabric over his chest. Once again, he pulled away right as you needed to tap out for air. A small trail of saliva connected your lips, and he licked over his own, breaking the connection. He moved to bend down, most likely to kiss your neck, but you stopped him.
"We can’t, not here. Your sister could come down any minute. At least let me get the rest of my stuff. We can go to my place, it’s closer." You whispered and he backed up a bit.
"Don’t you live in a dorm?"
"Yes, but my roommate works nights." You were still so close that your lips brushed as you talked. He grunted, backing up, and you moved toward the door so fast, you almost slipped. Your left sandal came partially off, and you fixed it, before shuffling rapidly out and upstairs again. Being as quiet as possible, you entered her apartment and grabbed your other things, shoving them in your bag. You bumped your leg on the table as you moved around and fought back a grunt. His sister was still asleep, so you laid a blanket over her shoulders and shut the windows, hitting your leg again on  the other corner of the table. Coming down about five minutes later, you saw he was behind the counter when you reentered, probably finishing last-minute business. You shoved all your study materials haphazardly into your bag and then waited patiently for him to finish. You were sure you looked EXTRA sexy with frizzy humidity hair, panting like an old dog with two still-forming bruises on your shins. He went into the back then came out with his own bag and smiled innocently as he met you.
"Ready?" He whispered directly into your ear, and you wanted to scream YES! but refrained.
"Yep." You tried to stay casual, and he chuckled. He led you outside and across the street to his car. It was nice, not super fancy, but still pretty nice. It was a dark blue with black leather seats. You weren’t sure your bare, sweaty thighs would love the upholstery. Getting in, you threw your bag in the back along with his and before you could reach for your seatbelt, he was doing it for you. Right as he clicked it, he gave you a brief peck on the lips. He went to start the car and your hand flung out to rest on his arm.
"Wait…I need to know, what- how do you feel about me?" You did not want this to be a one-night stand, a fling. You were pretty sure this was more than a crush, could be full-on love, and you didn’t want your heart broken. Especially not by him, anyone but Doyoung. His gaze turned to you, soft, and he sighed.
"Honestly, it was last year that I really realized what was going on. It was your birthday party at the noraebang, and you were singing with one of the guys there. I don’t remember his name. Anyway, it was a romantic duet and despite the fact that he could sing, and you cannot-"
"I couldn’t stand seeing you so close to another guy. Watching you struggle to read the prompter because your contacts weren’t the right prescription, was just so freaking cute. Then you smiled at me so brightly when the song ended, at least I saw it that way. I only wanted you to smile at ME like that. I've been hiding it, because I didn’t think you would want to go out with your friend's big brother…" He tapped awkwardly on the steering wheel, giving you a sheepish look.
"My dude, that is like the most popular trope in fanfiction, you realize that right?"
"Yeah, that and a daddy kink-"
"Okay, thanks, that's all I need to know!" He sighed again.
"I really, really like you." He finished and you brought your hand to rest on his, wrapping your fingers around his, resting them on the center console.
"I really, really, really like you." You emphasized the third really. He smiled sweetly and leaned in to kiss your forehead.
"If this is too fast for you-"
"I have been waiting YEARS for this. Drive!" You pointed forward and he laughed, doing as you said. Once you got to campus, you directed him to the parking lot nearest your dorm building. There were still people walking about in the dusk light, and you grabbed your stuff and his hand, leading him inside. Going up to your floor, you drag him down the hall, awkwardly nodding to your neighbors. They were gawking at Doyoung, and it pissed you off. You grumbled as your keycard refused to work the first time, getting more upset that you were letting them eye-hump your man…In reality it was probably because there was a dude there, not what he looked like. You finally saw the light turn green and heard the lock click open. Shoving the door open, you yanked him inside. Throwing your bag on the floor, you used your card to enter your room as he looked around the tiny dorm living room. Another room was across from yours where two other girls lived.
"Don’t worry these walls are REALLY soundproof." You reassured, shutting the door as he entered.
"How do you know that?" He smirked and you rolled your eyes.
"Because if one of them ever brings a guy, I don’t hear anything." You motioned vaguely. While your room was clean, bed made, you panicked upon seeing your rabbit stuffed animal on the bed. You grabbed it, its name might or might not have been Doyoung, and yeeted it into your closet.
"What are you hiding?" He teased and you closed the door to the closet, before being backed into it.
"Nothing." You tried to cover the act up by resting your forearms on his shoulders, linking your hands behind his neck. He hummed suspiciously, bumping your forehead with his, before very softly kissing you. It was different than before, this felt more like love than lust. It made your head swim more than the previous kisses. He pulled back after a much shorter time, and he ran his hands over your frizzy hair.
"You're beautiful." His soft voice made you want to cry.
"So are you," You brought him down to your level again and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you so close you could feel the buttons of his shirt dig into your stomach. One hand drifted to your short-clad ass and gripped. You let out a gasp and his tongue once again invaded. He was the best kiss you'd ever had. You also had a feeling he was about to be the best in other ways too. Disconnecting your lips, he moved down, laying wet kisses and sucks on your neck. You let out a shaky exhale as he sucked over your pulse. You knew the position he was in was probably not comfortable, having to bend over so far due to his height.
"Move to the bed?" You offered and he laid one more kiss on your neck, then pulled back to allow you both to move. You barely sat down on the bed before he pushed you lightly onto your back and crawled over you. He stared warmly down at you for a second, then shoved his knee between your legs, grinding his thigh into you.
"Ah!" You moaned softly and his lips reattached to yours. He dominated the kiss, and you were totally fine with it. As his tongue wrapped around yours, your hands flew to the buttons on his shirt, shakily undoing them as quickly as you could.
Much to your disappointment, he was wearing a white tank top underneath, hiding his bare body. He broke the kiss to remove the shirt and…fuck. Just seeing his bare shoulders did enough for you... While to many that may not be sexy, that was the most of Doyoung's skin you had seen. He smirked at your gawking, watching your reaction as he removed the tank top and let it fall to the floor next to the bed. Despite the fact that you had never heard of or seen him work out, he was nicely toned. For a man who liked to lie in bed all day, he had a nice body.
"Your turn," He argued when you tried to kiss him again. You swallowed, nervous, but none the less sat up to remove your own tank top. You were in a sports bra underneath, super sexy, and you hesitated, but removed it as well. Instantly, he was on you. He manhandled you to wrap your legs around his waist, and his lips latched onto a nipple. You sighed at the feeling, never being much sensitive there, but since it was him, you actually shivered a bit…He let go with a pop and you felt a surge of adrenaline, pushing him off. He landed on his back, using his elbows to prop himself up. Before he could question you, you straddled him, running your hands over the smooth skin of his chest and stomach.
"You have no idea how long I have wanted to see you like this." You whispered and he huffed in amusement. As you stroked his skin, his hands grasped at you, linking his fingers through the belt loops of your jean shorts. With a handle to hold onto, he pulled you down and grinded up into you. Since you were both wearing denim, there wasn’t a ton of sensation, but the act itself made you both groan. You could tell he was getting harder by the second, and you were sure your underwear was already ruined. He continued to grind up into you, making your hands falter.
"Okay!" you declared, climbing off of him just enough to move down the bed and fumble with his belt. He seemed shocked, but when he tried to protest you shot him a glare. He relaxed back onto his elbows again as you undid his pants. You rubbed his cock through the fabric of his boxers, salivating slightly. Finally pulling him out, you gasped, staring at him. While not absolutely huge, he was bigger than anyone you had been with before.
"(Y/N)-" Doyoung's thought dropped off when you ran your tongue up the length of him. Unfortunately, no moan or groan came out, be he did let out a harsh exhale. You had no idea how long you had wanted to do this, and no one, not even him, was going to stop you. Not that he wanted to stop you. After a few more licks and kisses, you wrapped your lips around the head and began to descend. Finally, he let out a light groan and it sounded heavenly. You couldn’t get all of him in your mouth without using your throat, so that’s what you did. When your lips met the skin of his pelvis and you swallowed, his arms gave out and he flopped onto his back. His gorgeous fingers dug into your scalp, gripping your hair but not moving you. You swallowed again and then began to bob your head, taking him into the base each time. He was getting louder, and his noises made you moan.
"Fuck!" He cursed at the vibration. So, you did it again.
"(Y/N) if you don’t stop, I'm gonna cum." He warned. You didn’t stop. You wanted him to cum down your throat. Continuing, if not increasing your pace and sucking strength, he let out a whining moan and thrust up slightly as you felt his cum shoot down your throat. Swallowing it all down, you slowly pulled off as he caught his breath. He looked up at you as you made sure to get every drop that had spurted around your lips. Seeing that did something to him, and he shot up, pining you down roughly against the bed. You squeaked in surprise as he rapidly undid the button of your shorts and yanked them off. He paused at your panties; they had little ducks on them. He gave you a look, to which you shrugged, and then those too were yanked off. You watched as he took his fingers and ran them up your soaked slit. You moaned, eagerly anticipating him fingering you. His hands were just so-
"Doyoung!" He had suddenly shoved a finger inside of you. He quickly found your sweet spot, surprisingly so, and the pleasure shook you. Without warning he added another finger, scissoring them as you tried to catch your breath. Hovered over you, waiting till you got enough air for him to kiss you. When you could finally breathe easily, his lips attached to yours, his tongue wrapping around yours. You were in heaven, and he wasn’t even fucking you yet. You weren’t sure you could handle the pleasure. He left your lips, and you threw back your head, the pleasure of his now three fingers building rapidly.
"Oppa, I'm gonna cum." You moaned and something about the pet-name got to him, and his movements intensified, his thumb moved to your clit.
"Then do it," he ordered, and you saw white. He continued his assault, helping you ride out your orgasm. Before you got too over stimulated, he pulled his fingers out, bringing them to his mouth to suck your juices off. You gaped at him, body feeling limp. By that point he was completely hard again, and he spread your legs, placing one knee up over his elbow, rubbing the head of his cock against your still twitching hole.
"Oh, please-" You encouraged, and he slowly began to ease into you. The stretch stung a bit, but the overwhelming feeling and emotions overpowered it. As he slowly got deeper you tried desperately to not cum again so soon. Having Doyoung inside of you, finally, was better than you ever dreamed. He finally was in all the way, barely bumping your cervix. You felt so full.
"G-give me a second." You gripped his biceps, controlling your breaths to get used to the feeling. He kissed over your face as you got used to him, ending with a soft peck to your lips.
"Ready?" He questioned and you nodded. He started slow, barely pulling out before going as deep as he could, grinding his pubic bone against your clit. Your breath hitched each time.
"More." You pled and he smirked. He hitched your other leg up as well then began to thrust harder, pulling out halfway before slamming back in. You could already feel an orgasm building, it made your head swim. Nothing had EVER felt this good. He continued the half-thrusts and after a particularly hard grind you came undone again. It shocked both of you, and he halted his movements as you clenched around him. His brows furrowed at your tight walls fluttering, trying hard not to cum himself. He wanted to give you the most pleasure he could before he finished. Once your orgasm had calmed, he began the slow pace again. He quickly built speed though and you practically screamed when he began to fuck you in earnest. You were were practically bent in half as he loomed over you, fucking you into the mattress. Your hands flew up to grip at his bare back, your nails dragging and leaving red lines. Doyoung groaned at the feeling and dug his own nails into your thighs. The slight prick of pain excited you, more than you thought it would. That was something to be explored later, though. All of a sudden, he pulled out and you exclaimed.
"What-!" With much more strength than you thought he had, he flipped you over onto your hands and knees. You barely kept your balance before he slammed back in, knocking your arms out from under you. Your front half fell to the bed, and you gripped the sheets to hold on for dear life. He was deeper now, each thrust ramming his head against your cervix. Tears pricked at your eyes; the pleasure so intense you almost weren’t sure you could handle it. Then, his hand came down harshly on your ass and you yelped.
"Fuck, do that again please." You pleaded and you could practically hear him smirk. He landed another hit, on the other side this time, most likely leaving a big red handprint. The somewhat flimsy wooden bed frame provided by the college rocked, the headboard knocking into the painted brick wall. If you weren’t being fucked out of your mind you would have made note that despite the unsteadiness, a lot of students had probably done something like that. That alone proved the resilience of the beds. Your hands above your head were gripping your sheets hard, and his hands left your hips to cover yours. He linked his fingers with yours, his thrusts getting slightly off rhythm. As he fucked his cock into you, each time he buried fully back into you, more of your braincells floated away. Nothing else came to mind but your impending orgasm.
"Doyoung…gon-gonna cum~." You whined.
"Me too, hold on a bit, princess," he grunted, leaning over you more, one arm wrapping around your middle, so his hand laid on your lower stomach. His thrusts got shallower, but no less deep, pressing on your tummy to feel himself inside you.
"Cum inside." You told him and he almost outright stopped.
"I'm on birth control pills, please cum inside." You pleaded and he swore several times, grinding into you. When you felt his hot cum shooting inside, it knocked you over the edge. You saw stars and swore you blacked out for a few seconds. When you came to, he was pulling out and a great deal of fluid was flowing down the inside of your thighs.
"You squirted." He informed and you barely registered what he said.
"You soaked me." He chuckled and you propped yourself up to look back at him. You gaped at the very obvious splatter of wet covering his lower half.
"Shit! I'm sorry! I've never done that before!"
"Shh, it's okay. It was hot." Doyoung chuckled and you sighed in relief. You slowly let your body fall to the bed till you were laying on your stomach.
"Where’s the bathroom?"
"Second door across the living room." You waved your hand, already feeling drowsy. You listened as he partially clothed himself, pulling his underwear and pants back on, then left your room. Since you didn’t hear anything, you assumed your roommates were not home and he came back with a warm, damp washcloth. He was incredibly attentive and helped you clean up. Slowly, you sat up as he threw the towel on your dirty laundry. He picked his shirt up off the floor and handed it to you.
"I have clothes to change into," you pointed at your dresser, and he shook his head.
"Please?" He gave you a smug look and you narrowed your eyes at him. Snatching the shirt from him, you buttoned it up and you smiled at how the fabric pooled over you. The sleeves went past your hands, and you could practically wear it as a dress and still be decent to go outside. He sat on your bed, and you just stared at each other for a bit.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, almost sheepishly. You furrowed your brow dramatically.
"What kind of question? YES, of course!" You glared and he laughed, tackling you. Since you were on a twin sized bed, you both could barely fit. He pressed his back against the wall and hugged you so close to him there was still a good four inches of bed at your back. You buried your head in the crook of his neck and reached to pull the comforter over you two.
"What about when your roommate comes home?" He asked as you cuddled. You glanced behind you at the clock.
"I'll text her; she can sleep on the couch." He reluctantly let you get up to retrieve your phone. You stood, texting, and he admired you in just his shirt.
"Be nicer if it was red."
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Master-Master List
NCT Master List
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hanmaitani · 3 months
Sneak Previews
PAIRING - Bodyguard!Matsukawa x Reckless!Reader WC - 2.0K GENRE - smut CW - f!masturbation, toys (dildo + implied others), onlyfans!reader, dubcon (to be safe bc mattsun's a lil perv)
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In the following weeks, Matsukawa somehow finds himself a slave to your every whim. You turn him into your personal errand boy when he refuses to let you go to the store by yourself. Or really, anywhere by yourself.
You really take to sending him out for your things while you stay cozy inside.
Even when he leaves, however, you’re always stuck with a substitute bodyguard when he's away. Like now, when he's away, out of town at a conference.
He's currently spending his night in his old school friend's apartment, worrying about you rather than attempting to have fun as Oikawa blabbers away across the room.
"Hey!" Oikawa flops onto the couch next to Matsukawa, invading his personal space with a whine. "I'm letting you stay here, at least pay me some attention." Matsukawa groans, rolling his eyes at Oikawa's antics. " Or are you too busy thinking about that girl back home."
Matsukawa glares at Oikawa's mention of you, at the way his eyebrows wiggle up and down as he does, but doesn’t bother with a response to deny it, refusing him the satisfaction.
"Come oooon," Oikawa whines dramatically, "I got something that'll take your mind off her. Look at this girl I found."
Oikawa shoves his phone in front of Matsukawa's face so suddenly and without warning that it takes him a moment to process what exactly he's looking at. An icon in the corner of the screen reading clearly OnlyFans.
"You're foul." Matsukawa shoves Oikawa's phone away from his face before the video starts to officially play.
"She's so hot, I swear, one look at her videos and you'll forget all about that girl you have to protect."
Matsukawa goes to shove Oikawa's hand away again but his hand freezes mid-motion. His eyes are suddenly glued on the pink lingerie that the girl on the screen is clad in. An intricate design he notices all too well.
The same one that he happened to have bought for you just last month.
He remembers his cheeks burning at the checkout as the lady assumed he was buying it for a girlfriend. Remembers tossing the box at you when he got home with indifferent comments on his tongue as you giggled.
He tunes into the picture more, eyes scanning the background, a small little plant on the windowsill. The same one that you convinced him to buy for you last week.
He swallowed hard as the ankle of the girl on screen came into view and he caught sight of the intricately designed tattoo along the inner skin. The same small tattoo that you begged to hold his hand for when you got it.
He's frozen, staring at you on his friend's screen. He's sure it's you even though you keep your face out of the frame. Staring at the way your fingers tease the edge of the fabric that he bought.
"See! I told you!" Oikawa's voice brought Matsukawa back into reality and he's quick to lock Oikawa's phone to keep both of them from seeing any more of your video.
"That's foul, Oikawa. I don't wanna see your stupid videos." He rolls his eyes and shoves Oikawa away, pulling out his own phone instead to scroll through social media, ignoring how thoughts of you kept pressing on his brain.
Oikawa had left him alone for the rest of the night but it didn't stop him from remembering the handle of your account late in the night. Didn't stop him from looking it up, his thumb hovering over the subscribe button.
He felt dirty, worse than listening to you through the wall. But you were right there, just in reach of his pervy sight. Being able to see you… not just imagine you.
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Matsukawa can barely look at you when he returns at the end of his week away. He can't get the view of you sprawled on your bed for the camera out of his head as he sees you in the hall of your shared apartment. He hates it, a little green monster on his shoulder that rears its ugly little head and hates all the eyes on your body.
He justifies it for himself, says that it's to protect you. Justifies it by saying that you're attracting too much attention. He, by the time he's back in your apartment, has gone from a basic subscription to your highest tier. For 'safety purposes.'
He monitors it from afar. Not that he'd ever admit it.
And late at night he touches himself to the videos you post. Your moans play through his headphones on the nights where he can't hear your sweet sounds through the wall of your rooms.
It's wrong and he knows it, but he can't stop. Not even if he wanted to.
It doesn't take you long to develop your own plans, to go from just posting the videos of yourself secretly to roping Matsukawa into your nefarious way of making extra cash.
Your voice is so sweet when you call him into the bathroom that you've been in for nearly an hour already. He nearly turns right back around when he sees you.
"What the hell." He seethes as he shields his eyes from your form. It isn't like any of your body is truly on display when he walks in but it still makes him hiss at the sight.
Your chest is tucked under the water as you lean your arms on the edge of the tub. Your head is tilted innocently to the side but the small smirk on your soft lips give away that you're anything but.
"Need a favor, Mattsun." Your voice seeps into his senses like honey, and you aren't blind to the way his eyes try to avoid your body, fixating on anything else, the wall, the ceiling, the floor. "Can you take some photos for me?"
His body seems to freeze at the request, his mind buffering as he tries to process just exactly what you're asking him for.
"Can't get the angle right on my own."
"Are you insane?"
"Please, Mattsun." He regretted the glance he gave towards your face when he caught sight of the small pout on your lips. "Pretty please."
Your wide eyes batted lashes up at him innocently and he hated it. The long sigh that left his lips had your pout turning into a smile as he snatched your phone from where it dangled between your fingers.
His jaw was clenched the entire time, fingers near to breaking your phone as he takes your photos. Your most intimate parts are constantly covered by the bubbles in your bath, but when your bubbles start to dissipate, he's quick to leave your phone there, disappearing out of the bathroom as you smirk after him.
The pictures find their way into his messages that night along with a question. Your editing on them and their lighting are the only differences you make to the photos that Matsukawa had snapped of you earlier.
Do you think these look good enough to post on my OnlyFans account?
His body feels tight when he takes in the message, imagines them on display for everyone, but he lies to himself, tells himself it doesn't bother him. Your face is too close to being visible in it and he uses that as his excuse.
No. You can see your face. Don't post that… he stares at the message for a second before he adds to it. You have to stay safe.
It's the opening of the floodgates, however.
He lectures you the very next morning, about safety. Don't show anything above your nose. Cover tattoos and distinguishing marks. Don't wear things that include things that can identify you in any way or where you live.
All the things that gave you away to him in the first place...
It's a tease from your lips that ruins the perfectly crafted protective part that he's paying. "Why don't I just send them to you and you can tell me what I'm allowed to post?"
The way he freezes when you suggest it, his cheeks tingeing ever-so-slightly pink seals his fate.
Every photo and video finds its way to his phone before it finds its way onto your account. Little messages asking if he thinks it's 'safe' to post or if you missed something.
You act oblivious, like you don't know that they make Matsukawa's blood boil and body shake. You purposefully choose the most inopportune times in the next few weeks. When he's at conferences, in meetings. When he's speaking with your parents.
Or your favorite... when he's about to turn in for the night and you expect an answer before he sleeps. You'd be lying if you said you didn't wish he was touching himself to them.
He'd never let you know he does, his secret to carry with him to the grave. He archives the posts that you don't make public, hiding away in a little folder on his phone, locked.
He still keeps his subscription. He swears to himself it's just a precaution, to be sure you don't post any of the videos you promised you wouldn't. That's a lie too.
He feels even more perverted when the highest tier subscription allows him to make requests. To request to see you do something. Specific requests that can get you to buy things you don't already have.
He acts innocent and unknowing, even goes as far as to give you a disgusted look when you send him off to the store with specific measurements for a dildo that 'a subscriber' had asked for in a video.
What he did then was due to a moment of weakness. A moment of perverted lewdness that he'd never admit to. Thinking only with his cock and leading to a cloning kit being tucked discreetly under other items in his personal trash can before a box got placed in your room.
The video he gets from you that night has his breath stolen from his lungs. He knew it was wrong but he can't seem to care. Not as he watches the outcome.
Your head is tipped back, away from the camera, moans reverberating around your room. You're trying to ride the dildo he'd gotten for you, struggling to keep on, your own cream forming a ring around the thick middle - the deepest you can get yourself comfortably.
Your moans turn to whines, babbling apologies to your requester about how it's so big that you can't fit it, that you need someone to come and stretch you out. Your hands are white-knuckle gripping onto the sheets and your own thighs as you try but you can't seem to do it on your own, to sink any farther.
Matsukawa refuses to let you post the video. 'Too close to showing your face.' He grumbles when you ask him if you can post it. Even your pouting doesn't change his mind this time.
You make a sniffling apology video, a direct message, for that subscriber about how you unfortunately couldn't fulfill his request, too tight to fit it properly. Promise to give him a free request in the future as you beg for forgiveness.
Matsukawa has that video saved on his phone too, right next to the one he refuses to let you post.
It wasn't truly the almost reveal of your face that kept him from letting you post this time. It's his own selfishness, watching you fuck yourself on only half of a perfect clone of his cock.
His new favorite video, imagining you struggling on top of him, trying to take him. He thinks about how he'd fuck the rest up into you just to hear you whine and babble about how big he was, how you couldn't take it.
He knows it's wrong but he's blurring the lines more and more every day, imagining just how tight you'd be around him, just how hot you'd sound slurring his name.
He hates himself for it but he can't stop. Even if he wanted to he couldn't… and he wasn't even sure he wanted to.
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a/n lemme just imagine mattsun wanting so bad that he clones his cock to give as a present... im insane sorry
@boosyboo9206 @faumpje @miyamizuna @all-in-the-fandoms @pearl-blue-musings
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
so yeah, I went to the BC signing session at Nokia Arena today, because what else would I, a full-grown adult with a respectable dayjob, do on a wintery Saturday if not stand in a queue freezing my toes off surrounded by sugar-high teenagers for hours, just to exchange a few words with some band dudes? 🤡
(wrote this for me as to remember at least something about it afterwards, but you may read this as well <3)
The queuing part was every bit as shitty as it always is when queuing to any BC event really, but I was in high spirits and great company who were polite enough to laugh at my shitty amazing jokes 🥰
Niko was so soft and nice and aaaaaaaaaa the way he laughed so heart-warmingly at the silly (practiced) thing I said?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I want to put him in my pocket <3
So when I was a kid I used to collect stickers (this is relevant, trust me), especially dog stickers because dogs are cute, and I happen to have a full page of dachshund stickers that look exactly like Rilla, so I thought I'd give Aleksi a couple of those, and the other day I jokingly checked my local supermarket's sticker selection to see if they have any more fun stickers I could give him, and lo and behold I actually found some cool Spider-Man ones, and naturally I JUST couldn’t help myself 😂 and awwwwwww the way his entire face brightened up and he went "NO WAY!! 🤩" when he saw the dachshund ones aaaaaaa 😭💞😭💞😭💞😭 he said he'll put them on his laptop where he has also collected other stickers 🥺💞 I gave them in a Minigrip bag so that he hopefully won't lose them before he gets home (see the picture below for the stickers)
Aleksi’s hair looked super fluffy btw 🤲 you're welcome for this crucial information
The last time I saw Olli at a signing session I was so blown away by his beauty that I could barely speak a word to him, so this time I was determined to actually have some sort of a conversation with him, and I did succeed, even if we only talked about the weather (my go-to conversation topic) 😂 it's difficult to translate the Finnish word tarjeta, but basically I asked him how's the weather been in Oulu, and he said it's been cold ("Mites Oulussa on tarettu?" "Kylmä on."), but apparently he actually likes cold weather, my reply being "well I don't you fucking weirdo &lt;3"
Joonas heard this intellectual exhange of opinions and put in his two cents as he told me how they had recently visited Oulu and that it had been significantly colder than in Helsinki 👍
Also, as you may have seen from pictures by now, he was wearing no shirt under his blazer and yeah, I may have taken a good look at his rug while he was signing my totebag 👁️👄👁️ In my defence, he had it out for everyone to see, so where else was I supposed to look? His eyes? 🙄
At that signing session I went to in Stockholm last year (see the link above) I didn't manage to say a damn thing to Tommi lol (I blame Joel and Olli), so that was my other goal for this time and yaaaay, success! I didn't say much to him though, just "hi" and "ah darn, is that bloody marker not working? and here I thought I had bought a good one" ("Olin ostavinani hyvän tussin")
For context: I had brought my BC totebag (which I bought exactly 2 years ago tomorrow and have used maybe twice during all this time) with me for them to sign, and as I wasn't sure if they'd have fabric markers, I had gone and bought one for the purpose myself, and I had tested it (on paper) at home, but I guess the cold weather had affected the ink, so it was working quite poorly. They all did manage to scribble down their autographs though, and the extra time it took for them to do so offered me some extra time to chat with them, which was nice actually 🤭 (hehe sneaky meeee)
To Joel I said the new song is great ("Helevetin hyvä se uus biisi"), which he was pleased to hear. He gave me back my totebag but not my marker, so I had to ask for it lol, to which he said his brain was not working properly anymore (felt 💀), to which I said that at least he hasn't been standing in the freezing cold for hours, to which he said: "yeah, you're the actual heroes here" and hell yeah we are lol, I wouldn't do this shit for any other band 😌
Then he tried to give me the autograph card of the next person in line dfdggdgdgddd poor Joel, I guess his brain really wasn't working
Afterwards my mouth was SO dry from talking so much in such a short time lol, but I was happy I got to say most of the stuff I had wanted to say to them. I was planning to show Aleksi a picture of our family dachshunds like I had done in Stockholm, but with all the hassle with the marker I kinda forgot about it (I kept grumbling about the shitty marker to literally all of them except Joel), and anyway I didn't want to slow down the queue any more than I already was 🙈
After the signing session we had pizza and went to the local Christmas market that just opened today and I bought some organic coffee beans for my brother for Christmas, so all in all I had a lovely day (ignoring the cold-as-balls weather) 🥰💞
here are the stickers I gave to Aleksi:
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and here's my freshly-signed totebag (why is Olli's autograph so cute 🥺)
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(I know it looks like there are some strange stains on the tote but there really isn't, as I said I've barely ever used it, so I guess it's just the fabric doing a weird thing in that lighting)
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fortheloveoffanfic · 2 years
Moving Day
Andy Barber x Reader
Masterlists Author's Note: More aimless Andy fluff. Swear I've got things with more plot coming. Series Summary: A series of oneshots and drabbles chronicling Andy and Y/n’s life together. Summary: A big step in Andy and Y/n’s relationship dredges up painful feelings……and an impromptu proposal. Warnings: mentions of loss of a child, mentions of grief
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For almost five years, his house had remained hollow, a shell of what it used to be- a home. Jacob was gone and Laurie had vacated their marital home before filing for divorce, Andy though, couldn’t have brought himself to leave. It might have been painful to look at them, but there were still memories in every room, some of the best ones he’d ever made. Countless dinners in the backyard and dining room, movie nights in the living room and birthday cakes on the kitchen counter.
Some of his less favorable memories were there too; the police searching their place, sleepless nights spent pouring over Jacob’s case, the quietness after his very small funeral and then boxes of Laurie’s things packed into the foyer before the movers had taken them away, but Andy usually tried to not think of those. Of late, he’d even found that it was becoming easier to stow the bad memories at the back of his mind while keeping the better ones at the front, and making room for new ones- Y/n was helping with that. She was teaching him that it was okay to smile again at the good times; it didn’t make the bad ones go away, but it did mean that he was remembering his family the way they deserved. 
He didn’t think she realized it, but she helped him with a lot of things. Andy was learning that it was okay to move on because of her, and he was also finding more and more that he didn’t need to ‘get over’ everything he’d been through to find love again, he just needed to be willing to let someone in. It was still funny to him how a routine run to a local convenience store could change his life so drastically- that night, he hadn’t been looking for anything special, just a quick dinner and a drink to help him unwind after a long week, but then he’d helped a beautiful woman reach a cartoon of milk off a high shelf, then gather the contents of her spilt purse, without realizing that it would mean that from then on out, she’d make everything better. 
“Hey, where should I- what are you thinking about?” When Y/n came up behind him, touching the center of his back after she’d set down a box of linens on the dining table, Andy jumped, setting down the framed photograph he was holding on the bureau against the dining room wall. It was one from about fourteen years ago, when Jacob still liked sitting on his lap. 
Andy shook his head absently, collecting the photograph again, that time along with a few other family pictures, “Nothing,” he sighed heavily, “I was just thinking that it might be time to pack these up.” He didn’t really didn’t want to put the memories of another part of his life in some box  that would later be shoved in the back of  the attic, but Y/n was moving in and he didn’t want to possibly hurt her by having them out. More than anything, he wanted to prove to her that he was all in. 
“What?” She scoffed, “Why?” Her hand was still on the center of his back, the warmth of her palm permeating the thick fabric of his navy sweater and when Andy glanced at her, he noted her mixture of confusion and sorrow. “These are beautiful pictures babe,” with her free hand, she reached for one in a silver, reflective frame so she could study the image of a beach trip from about six years ago. 
He shook his head again, “Yeah, but…..” Andy sighed heavily, meeting her concerned gaze, “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, this is your home too now.”
“Yeah, it is,” she smiled softly, setting the photograph down in its usual place, “Its gonna be half me and half you-and this is part of your half. These memories, this family, its part of who you are and you shouldn’t put it in a box because you think it’ll be weird for me. It won’t be.”
Andy huffed, setting the remaining two frames down with a soft clatter so he could turn and take her in the circle of his strong arms, “You mean that?” She nodded and he lifted one hand to caress her jaw. Most times, Andy felt lucky to have her, and others, he couldn’t even believe that he did. Sweet, considerate and compassionate- she accepted everything that he came with and sometimes he felt the need to pinch himself to make sure it was all real. His second chance. 
And he had to make the most of it. 
“Marry me,” he said, off the cuff, as more of a statement than a question. He didn’t have a ring, they’d only been together for about ten months and marriage hadn’t ever come up between them, but still, Andy had to ask. He knew; she was the rainbow after the storm, a new beginning. 
She scoffed, jaw hanging slack, “Are you being serious right now?” A breathless smile was etched on her pretty features, while her eyes had gone wide with the most stunning mixture of disbelief and wonder. 
“Yeah,” he breathed, “Hundred percent. I want it to be you, babygirl,” Andy stepped closer while simultaneously tugging her against his broad chest, “Say you’ll marry me.”
She giggled, looming her arms around his neck and when Andy bent his head so he could press his lips to hers, she offered in a few mumbled words, “I’ll marry you.”
“I’m not joking,” he warned, pressing chaste, close-mouthed pecks to her soft lips, his beard tickling her skin. 
Y/n hummed, threading the tips of fingers through the hair near his nape, “Neither am I,” she swiped a sweet kiss off his lips, “I’ll marry you right now.”
He chuckled, “We don’t have rings,” he noted, with amusement.
“Don’t need ‘em,” Y/n countered, moving to deepen the saccharine endearment.
Again Andy chortled softly, the sound melting past Y/n’s lips, “Your parents would hate me,” he murmured when they broke for air, not yet pulling away from each other. 
“I can see how that would be an issue. Maybe not today then,” she relented, and he could still feel her soft grin against his lips.
Before that day, Andy didn’t think he ever contemplated the prospect of remarrying. Up until the day she left- and even after that- he’d loved Laurie. Even if what she’d done had ripped their family to pieces, and he couldn’t bring himself to forgive  her, she  was still his son’s mother and they’d still had so many good years. For a long time, Andy had told himself that that was the only good he’d ever be afforded. But then he met Y/n, who was willing to explore their relationship at his pace; who’d motivated him gather the courage to start putting his broken pieces back together.
He’d done it so he could try to be the kind of man she deserved. 
Andy wasn’t sure if he was that man yet, but he was trying his best, everyday. He also knew that the man she deserved would give her the wedding she deserved. “Not today.” he confirmed lightly, “But soon, honey.”
Beaming, she kissed him again, that time allowing her hands to slide forward so she could cup his face, her thumbs caressing the apples of his cheek, the roughness of his beard rustling under her gentle ministrations, “That’s good enough for me,” Y/n noted, leaning forward on her tiptoes as Andy straightened up, only for him to easily hoist her up. 
Playfully, she kicked her feet behind herself. “What are you doing?” Her voice shook with giddy laughter as Andy trotted to the living room sofa, his arms, wrapped around the back of her jean clad thighs not slipping once. 
“Celebrating,” he explained simply before unceremoniously onto the plush, gray sofa, “You’re moving in. We’re getting married, lots to celebrate babygirl.”
They both laughed as he sunk his knees into the cushions on either side of her thighs while propping his hands on the armrest of the sofa, practically boxing Y/n in. She reached up to tangle one hand in the back of his hair, while the other slipped under the hem of his sweater. Her eyes took on the darkest glimmer and as she urged his face closer to hers, she taunted, “Then what are we waiting for?”
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merakiui · 2 years
HELP KUNIKUWU HAS ME IN A GRASP. A horny take BUT imagine if during the party you ended up forgetting some things at the office and need to return. Out of curiosity, Kuni follows in pursuit. Maybe both of you are tipsy so he gradually gets the courage to confess in a very.. heated.. way. Taking you against your own employers desk 👉👈
It’s even better if you hardly remember that night come the next day. >:) you wake up in Kuni’s house, bundled up in blankets on a very comfortable king-sized bed and there’s water and some medicine on the bedside table. Kuni’s already up, scrolling through a tablet and cataloguing last month’s expenses, and you’re hit with so much horror when you walk through his house and find him sitting at the kitchen bar, working his afternoon away.
The night is very hazy. You remember you got into a drinking competition with Tartaglia—a foolish endeavor considering he knows very well how to hold his alcohol and will never back down from a challenge. And then Dottore was talking about some files or something—it’s hard to remember—and you’d realized at that moment that you forgot to pack your work folder into your briefcase on your way out. You’d been so excited for the party and ringing in the New Year that you left work in a hurry. So you’d gone back to the office and…that’s it.
Common sense tells you that you definitely found your way to Kuni at some point and that the two of you made it back to his place. But you’re not naked. In fact, you’re wearing one of Kuni’s shirts. The picture becomes increasingly clear the more you dwell on these details and you feel so terrible for dragging him into your mess, even if it was a mess the both of you probably enjoyed. But when you confront him and sincerely apologize, he looks at you as if you’ve grown a second head.
“We didn’t do anything. You were intoxicated and that old fool wasn’t going to bring you home, and you were too far gone to articulate your address. So I brought you here,” Kuni explains, his eyes never leaving his screen. “And then you threw up on yourself and I couldn’t just let you sleep in my nice, comfortable bed when you were so filthy. So I changed your clothes for you and you fell asleep the minute your head hit the pillow. That’s all.”
His response is so concise that it’s hard to find any fault in it. It sounds reasonable, even if the part about him undressing you while you were just barely conscious unnerves you a little.
“I believe I’m owed a ‘thank you’ after all the trouble I endured,” he snaps, and this time his head lifts to look you in the eyes.
“O-Oh, right! Thank you…and I’m sorry. This is kind of awkward right now, so I’ll just…be on my way. Just tell me where my clothes are and I’ll change and we’ll pretend none of this ever happened.”
What a way to start your New Year…
Kuni agrees and tells you exactly where you can find your clothes, which have been washed and folded in a neat pile. The fabric smells of lilacs and vanilla and you heave a relieved sigh as you change. Yet something doesn’t feel right. You’re not sure what it is, but the feeling that there’s something else going on persists when you observe his spacious master bedroom. Surely you’re just overthinking things. You don’t even have any visible markings or love bites. Maybe you’re too hungover and paranoid.
Paranoid. Why are you paranoid? What’s there to be paranoid about?
Kuni bids you a terse farewell. See you at work. Right. Work. He’s your superior and yet he took such good care of you. He didn’t have to do that. You’ve always thought he was a grumpy man with a bad temperament, but the fact that he went out of his way to help you when you were too drunk to do much of anything is…nicer than you’d expect from him.
When you’re gone, Kuni releases an exhausted sigh. Thankfully his shirt covers the scratch marks on his back… Honestly, you’re so troublesome sometimes. Do you have any idea just how much he loves you? You did—last night, that is—but you don’t remember. Of course not. Why would you? He was foolish to think any of his tipsy confession would stick with you. But it’s not as if this is a step in the wrong direction. He got to see a new side of you last night and he was able to touch and kiss and love you. And you’d told him the sweetest things. There’s no way you could ever betray him when you’re in such a state.
But in the event that you do, there’s a special room in his expensive penthouse that’s awaiting a permanent tenant.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Mine Again - Harry Styles
a/n: this is something i just thought about after my nap today lol, so enjoy this treat, a classic exlovers to lovers fic!
pairing: Harry x Famous!Reader
word count: 3.4k
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Seeing an ex is never easy. Whether it’s by your choice or not. Working together with an ex is even harder and now you brought a situation on yourself where this is your reality.
Arriving to the studio of The Late Late show you immediately get escorted to your designated dressing room where a hair and makeup artist are already waiting for you. Today you are here to promote your new movie, Don’t Worry Darling with your onscreen lover, Harry Styles, however, what no one else in the building knows is that once the two of you were real life lovers.
Your romance blossomed during filming, having spent so much time together on set, it didn’t take long for a relationship to form between you and him, the chemistry you shared was immense and undeniable, anyone could see that and you felt like you were burning in a bonfire of the most intense feelings you’ve felt for any man. It was passionate and intoxicating, it felt like something that could only happen in movies, but it was your reality.
However filming ended and you were forced to go your separate ways, you both tried hard to keep what you had and though your feelings never changed, distance brought the worst out of the both of you. Six months after you became an item, you mutually agreed to break it off.
You haven’t seen him since then, meaning that it’s been five torturous months without having any contact with him and now that promo has officially kicked in, you are forced to travel around and make appearances with the man you love, yes, still love more than anyone on this Earth. Not even five months and absolutely no contact could change your feelings for him, however he might already be over you at this point, having forgotten about feelings and memories you still hold close to your heart.
How has he been doing? What is he like now? Has he been thinking about you? Does he miss you? What is it going to be like to see him for the first time?
The questions flood your mind as you sit in the chair and let the professionals work their magic on you, covering up the dark circles under your eyes that formed due to the sleepless night you had the day before, nonstop thinking about Harry and what it’ll be like to see him for the first time again.
After careful elimination, you choose a dress for the appearance, it’s tight and short, the fabric is covered in glittering sequins down your body and the long sleeves as well and while the dress covers a lot up from the waist, it makes up in the lack of length on your legs as the end of it barely reaches the upper part of your thighs, ending it black feathers that tickle your freshly shaven legs. The nude heels add even more to them, making you appear like you could hit the runway any moment when in reality you are not high enough to be a model.
There’s still some time until the taping starts, James drops by to say hello and tell you how excited he is to have you and Harry on tonight and you chit-chat for a little before you go to take a quick business call outside. When you’re done with that, you head back to your dressing room to take a few quick photos to post later, but right as you near your destination, a door swings open down the hallway and Harry steps out, wearing a black suit, of course, head to toe Gucci. The crispy grey shirt’s first few buttons are left undone, allowing you a glimpse of his toned chest and his necklace with the tiny cross pendant on it.
He looks good. No, he looks absolutely stunning, just like he always does and just the sight of him takes your breath away, forcing you to stop in your tracks when you lay your eyes at him. He spots you as well, stopping to take a look at you before you see a small smile on his perfect pink lips.
“Y/N, hi! You look… gorgeous,” he speaks up lowly, his eyes raking your body up and down.
“I, uhh—Thanks!” you breathe out, feeling already flustered. How are you gonna survive the interview, sitting next to him, talking about what it was like to play a married couple?!
His hand moves a bit and there’s a moment of awkwardness, neither of you really knowing what to do, last time you saw each other you kissed as your hellos, but now it’s not an option, obviously. At last, he moves forward and goes for a hug.
He envelopes you in his arms as you wrap yours around his neck, the warmth of his body bringing you a sense of home and it hits you hard how much you’ve missed him in these five months.
You swear he holds you just a second longer than what would be appropriate before his arms fall from around your frame and you force yourself to let go of him, though every fiber in you is protesting against it.
“How—How have you been?” he asks, his beautiful green eyes finding yours.
“I’m good. I’m good,” you nod. “What about you?”
“Same. Just the… usual stuff.”
“Writing music?” you ask with a soft smile. You still vividly remember those nights you spent together after a long day of filming, crashing at either his or your place and you often found him strumming his guitar in a corner, scribbling words down into his notebook. Sometimes he sang you the songs he came up with, sometimes he kept them to himself.
“Yeah, I’ve been writing a lot lately,” he admits with a shy smile.
Someone calls his name down the hallway and his head snaps up before looking back at you.
“I gotta go, but I’ll see you soon, right?”
“Yeah,” you nod, stepping aside so he can walk past.
“And you really look amazing, Y/N,” he calls after you one last time before jogging down the hallway.
You walk into your dressing room and shutting the door you lean your back against it, huffing heavily as you try to recollect yourself. Somehow, this encounter went really well, because the two of you were civil and respectful, but it was also a painful shock to see him in the flesh again. It was one thing to see pictures of him here and there, but actually meeting him, hugging him, talking to him… you need time to process it all.
Unfortunately, you don’t have much of that. Twenty minutes later you are walked to your spot behind the curtains from where you’ll walk out when James calls your name. Just as you arrive Harry appears as well, casually talking with one of the camera guys, having a laugh and just as he sees you, his eyes fall down your body again and you swear you see him gulp hard before turning his attention back to the man.
“Ready?” he asks upon walking up to you, a hand coming to rest on your lower back. Glancing over your shoulder you look down at his hand, lips parted at the feeling of his welcoming touch. He sees your glance and pulls his hand back quickly. “Sorry, it’s a habit, I guess,” he mumbles, blushing softly.
“It’s fine,” you smile. Of course it’s fine, for what you care, he could throw you over his shoulder like a cave man and run out of the building, you wouldn’t say a word. You want his touch on your body, you’ve been craving it since the moment you last saw him, but are you even allowed to admit it? You have no idea what he is thinking or feeling, you can’t just come right at him like that.
Harry fixes the lapels of his suit jacket, but what he doesn’t see is that the collar of his shirt is kind of stuck under the jacket.
“Your shirt is… let me fix it,” you breathe out and he turns to face you, letting your delicate hands fix his outfit, perfecting the look to the tiniest bit. “There, you look great,” you smile, your hands sliding down his chest before they fall to your sides again.
“Thank you,” he nods smiling back at you before offering an arm that you take gladly. He knows how much you hate high heels and that you are always scared of tripping and falling and being the gentleman that he is, he’ll be the support you need.
The taping soon starts and the two of you stand patiently behind the curtain as James introduces you.
“And now, please welcome the stars of the upcoming hit movie, Don’t Worry Darling! Ladies and gentlemen, Y/N Y/L/N and Harry Styles!”
The crowd starts clapping and cheering as the curtain moves and the two of you walk in, arms linked and Harry makes sure to slow down when you walk down the few little stairs. James welcomes the both of you with two kisses before everyone takes their place, James behind his desk, you and Harry sitting on the couch.
“Thank you so much for dropping by tonight, guys!” James smiles at the two of you.
“Thank you for having us,” Harry nods with a soft smile.
“You both have been guests on the show separately, but tonight you are here as a pair, since your latest movie, Don’t Worry Darling is hitting the theaters this weekend. How are you feeling about that, excited to see the film finally?”
“Very excited,” you nod with a smile. “I can’t wait to see the final version, because obviously we only know the version we envisioned while filming, but the actual movie is going to be something else.”
“Y/N, your role in the movie was originally handed to Florence Pugh who had to step back because she broke her arm,” James points out and you nod.
“Yes, I stepped in her place just about a week before production started and if I’m being honest I was scared that people would prefer to see her in the role, but I had a talk with her actually and she said she helped Olivia, the director to pick out the person to take her place and she said she instantly knew I would be perfect for it, so I trust her.”
“That’s amazing to hear, that the two of you didn’t have any rivalry going on,” James enthuses.
“She actually visited set a few times,” Harry chimes in and you nod.
“Yeah, we had a great time together.”
“Sounds like a lot of fun, the three of you together,” James chuckles. “So, the two of you play a married couple in the film and if I’m not mistaken you didn’t know each other beforehand. Was it hard to get into the roles with not much background on each other?”
“We met up a few times before filming started to get to know each other more and I think we hit it off right away, so it wasn’t hard for me,” Harry speaks up and you nod along.
“It was obviously a little different situation than when you meet someone and become friends, because as we got to know each other more, we had to go through scenes that were meant for a couple that was already years into their relationship, but I think it strengthened our friendship,” you answer, hands laid flat on your bare thighs.
No lie has been told, everything you said was the truth. You just left out the part where you become real life lovers and started dating a month into production.
“Y/N, you’ve been acting for a while now, have quite a few roles under your belt, what did you think of Harry’s acting?”
“I think that he is a wonderful actor and I hope people will give him his much deserved credit for it. He is often still seen as just a silly singer from a former boy band and they don’t take him seriously when he really is a very talented man. You’ll see in the movie as well, his role was a tough one, needed a lot of work and a wide range of emotions, but I think he did an amazing job.”
You dare to glance at him at the end of your little speech and for a moment you forget about the audience, James and the cameras. He is looking at you with so much gratitude and thankfulness. You remember every talk you had where he opened up to you about wanting to be taken seriously in the acting business, that he is not trying to be just a joke and another failed attempt of a singer to try himself out in movies. He told you how scared he is of not being good enough when you saw him every day on set and you were blown by his eternal talent and special take on his role. He deserves to be praised, he deserves every bit of it.
“It was easy, I had a great partner to learn from,” he smiles softly and you feel the heat crawling up your neck.
“You two really have the chemistry we’ve heard so much about, I can’t wait to see it on the big screen!” James sighs. “Tell me a little about what it was like to film? You guys spent a lot of time together, must have made a lot of memories.”
You take a deep breath as all those memories mentioned flood your mind. You had the best time of your life not just with Harry, but with the whole crew. Leaving after production was wrapped really broke your heart.
“It didn’t even feel like working,” Harry starts. “We always joked around, had lunch or dinner together, we were like a big family. It was so nice to have so many amazing, talented and hard-working people around you all day.”
“The jokes never stopped,” you add chuckling.
“I wish I could have been on set!” James laughs wholeheartedly. “That didn’t happen, but we have a little something. The crew has put together a short BTS video of the filming, so let’s have a look at that,” he announces and the video starts playing on every screen in the studio.
It’s a short little montage, but it captures the vibes of filming just perfectly. Clips shown from set are not just of you and Harry, but all the other cast and crew members. Goofing around, having lots and lots of laughs, dancing on set, which happened quite often and just all of you having a great time. Some of the slips however pain your chest, the ones of you and Harry.
This was very early into your relationship, no one on set even knew you were together, but seeing yourself on the screen you can’t deny the sparkles in your eyes every time you were around him.
A clip shows the two of you between two takes, doing a goofy dance in the kitchen of the home that was used as the set of the house of your characters, you are both wearing your costumes, Harry looks great in his suit and your long retro dress is flowing around you with every movement you make. He grabs you by your waist and spins you before you end up in his arms laughing crazily, you were so happy, so carefree. You wish you could go back to that moment…
Another footage was taken in your trailer when Harry took the place of Clare, your makeup artist and tried to do your eyeliner but miserably failed. In the video, he is gently clasping your chin, angling your face for himself as his other hand is working on the line, but it’s wobbly and way too thick, so you both end up just laughing when you check yourself in the mirror.
And there are some small moments of the two of you, moving around on set, lying in bed between takes, sitting in your chairs while eating, just tiny memories you still cherish so much and wish to live through again, but it’s the past. And it wouldn’t hurt this much if you knew Harry from the video was still yours.
When the video ends you need to blink a few times as your eyes have watered a little. You catch Harry’s gaze and he looks worried, he clearly wants to ask if you’re okay, make sure it was just the sentimentality of the moment, but he doesn’t have the chance, the cameras are still rolling.
“That looked like so much fun! Next time make sure to invite me on set too!” James jokes and you force a laugh out of yourself.
A few questions are asked about future plans and just generally about your careers before the taping finally ends. You thank James for the invite again and a photo is taken of the three of you, you standing in the middle with the two men on your sides. When everything is settled, you head to your dressing room, using the chance to slip away silently while Harry is still chit-chatting on the set.
In the comfort and silence of the dressing room, you lean onto the vanity, staring at yourself in the mirror, finding it ironic that on the outside, you look perfectly fine, healthy and pretty, but on the inside… you could scream. You miss Harry so much, you hoped that your feelings for him have toned down a little over these five months, but it was just the same if not even worse.
A faint knock is heard on the door and you quickly fix yourself before calling out to the person outside. The door opens and for your surprise, Harry steps inside, closing the door behind him.
“Hey, you disappeared so fast,” he softly says.
“Yeah, I’m just… a little tired,” you lie, though you know exactly he can see right through you.
“Y/N, I saw that look in your eyes after the video…”
“What look?” you ask with a huff. “What do you want me to say, Harry?”
“The truth,” he answers. “I’m not James, don’t bullshit me.”
“You want the truth? I’ll give it to you, but don’t blame me if it’s uncomfortable for you,” you chuckle bitterly, throwing your hands into the air. “I’ve been miserable, Harry. I miss you so fucking much, seeing you today was like Hell. I really thought it would be easier, but now I’m stuck with going from one interview to the other with red carpet events all around the world, seeing you every day when I terribly miss you and it fucking sucks, because you might not even feel the sa—“
You don’t get to finish, because Harry crosses the distance between the two of you, his hands grab your face and pulls you into a hard and passionate kiss. His lips move perfectly against yours and it feels like he is trying to squeeze every missed moment from the past five months into the kiss, making you melt into his arms completely.
He is everywhere. He is all you can taste, you breathe him in, his hands are everywhere on your body and your chest is pressed tight against his as you wrap your arms around his neck, locking him into your embrace. Your tongues dance, teeth tugging and pulling on lips, it’s a whole mess, but it’s the most perfect mess you’ve ever been. He takes your breath away completely and you don’t even want it back if it means you can’t have him.
Harry pulls away first, both your chests heaving wildly from the heavy make-out session and he looks down at you with hooded eyes.
“If you think I haven’t missed you like crazy… you can’t be more wrong, baby. I couldn’t stop thinking about you, I wanted to call you a thousand times and beg for you to come back to me, but I thought you already moved on.”
“Moving on?!” you huff with a tired smile. “Harry, I could never…”
“Alright, then I’m not letting you go again. No way you are walking out of this building without being mine again.”
A shiver runs down your spine at his words as you pull him down for another kiss, needing to feel his lips on yours.
“I never stopped being yours,” you whisper against his lips and he moans weakly before crashing his lips against yours again. 
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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binniesthighs · 3 years
cherry knot | reader x ryujin
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a/n: you may be thinking to yourself, ro! a gg fic?? how unlike you!! well, boy do i have news for you 😂 truthfully, i’ve always been toying with the idea of writing a lil somethin’ (esp for ryujin god i love her) so i thought why not! if this isn’t your cup of tea, that’s totally okay <3 those who do read, thank you so much for reading and i hope that ya like it hehe and let me know what you think of it! :D (thank you @dom--minnie​ for enabling me too ;) 
cherry knot | reader x ryujin 
🍒 Pairing: self insert, female reader x shin ryujin 
🍒 Genre: fluff n’ a lil bit suggestive 
🍒 Tags: friends to lovers, high school au (everyone depicted is 18+), all girls school au, high school crush!ryujin, shy!reader, confession of feelings, that good, good makin’ out, ryujin being flirty and smug as hell bc i love her, yeah this is just me gushing about shin ryujin, ro trying new things on the blog :) 
🍒 Word count: 2.9k 
🍒 CWs: mentions of food and eating reader included
The grass felt sticky and uncomfortable under your crossed legs, and when you swiped your hand against the skin, you could feel the indentation from the blades. Your knee-high socks felt itchy too; everything felt itchy. Even the cotton of your shirt felt like it was suffocating, and the bow tied around your neck which hung loosely should have hung even looser. 
To distract yourself, you plucked up the blades of green and tied them into knots absentmindedly. It was easier to pay attention to your idle hands compared to paying attention to her. 
Could she even tell that you were looking? Could she see out of the corner of her eye when she threw her cotton-candy pink hair behind her ear? Could she tell that you watched as she gulped down the lemonade and caught a glance at the peachy fuzz of her neck exposed by her collar? 
Stop looking. Stop looking. 
Your other friends tied up their hair in clips and with lazy hair ties to free their sweating necks from the sun. No matter the sweltering heat, it was always tradition for your picnic just before the summer vacation. One of them had brought a cake and each of the girls attacked it viciously with small forks and smeared bits of frosting on each other’s noses. 
“Come here!! You’re next!!” They beamed while launching themselves in your direction to dot your nose with the white cream. 
A flurry of high pitched giggles peeled out from each of you once another frosting victim had been dubbed. Your cheeks felt furiously hot knowing that she was looking; and that she was laughing along with the rest of them. 
“Awwww cute.” She adored with a smile that turned her dimples into whiskers on her cheeks. 
You quickly wiped it off with a handkerchief that settled into your damp hand.  
She’s looking, she’s looking…
The other girls pranced around the checkered picnic blanket in their white socks--undoubtedly painting them with green that their mothers would scold them for later. Their careless steps made a mess of the food wrappers and canvas backpacks that held down the corners of the thin fabric. The joyous cheers of the girls seemed to harmonize with the song of the cicadas in the trees; both sounds reminded you of the coming of the summer and the humid weather that makes the air dense. 
One of the girls brought out her phone and played loudly from it one of her favorite songs which she knew every word too, regardless of the fact that her tone was far from the singer’s. 
You and your friends never cared much for how others would view you. Even at school when you would march through the hallways arm-and-arm, others would stare at the way that none of you batted an eye at those who would glare. 
They were just jealous was all. 
“Be careful!!” You found yourself scolding, “What if you fall running around like that?” 
In response, your friends promptly stuck out their tongues in your general direction. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Ryujin coolly popped another cherry into her mouth from the bowl by her crossed legs. “If they fall, let them! It's funnier that way.” 
She threw a wink right at you, which you almost didn’t catch because you had quickly averted your eyes to become much more interested in the tiny tea-cakes. 
“You’re always worrying Y/n! Its summer!”
“I-I do not.” 
Ryujin chuckled in that way that always made you feel like your heart was just about ready to leap out of your chest. 
“Lighten up! Come on!” 
Before you could process it all, your friend patted down the wrinkles in her skirt and threw off her shoes. She rose, and neared your corner of the blanket with hands outstretched. 
“Stop worrying about things or if people are watching!” She scolded you with a cute and tiny pout, “Get up!” Ryujin wriggled her hands with emphasis to show you that you could take hold of them. 
The other girls giggled on, hardly even noticing the two of you over their singing. 
You grabbed onto her hands, already loathing how damp your own felt against hers out of your own nervousness. She still held onto you tightly, saying nothing of them and helped you to your feet. Immediately she brightened once you played along and started to swing your arms in tune with the song. Your friend lip synced to the rap part and you felt just about ready to swoon from how cool she looked saying the words with ease. 
“Dance with me!! Don’t pay attention to people walking by or anything like that!” 
Ryunjin led you by the hand to the patch of grass with little white and pink flowers laced into it. You really did try to pay attention to dancing, but everything else seemed to be distracting even when you tried hard enough. She brought your hand up higher to spin her, and when she twisted, everything seemed to happen in slow motion: the billow of her plaid shirt, her rosy-pink hair which swiped just at her shoulders, even the way that the sunset melted behind her into swirls of sunburst yellow and vibrant orange. It was like she was all a part of it. 
“Your turn!” She said, twisting you too. 
You didn’t realize that you would have been as dizzied by it as you were, but when you lost your footing, she was just as quick to help you with her hands carefully grasped onto your shoulders. 
“You okay?” Ryujin asked, out of breath, but still genuine. 
“I’m fine!” 
Your knees wobbled with barely any strength to them, but you mustered every bit of confidence that you had to keep being this close to her. You surprised yourself when you reached back for her hands to continue swinging them between you. 
The other girls collapsed back onto the blanket in a pile of shallow exhales and airy laughs that they exchanged between them. 
“No more dancing, I-I can’t do any more…” One of them announced while leaning against the shoulder of another one of your friends. 
“I forgot! I brought this!!” One of your friends with pigtail braids dove deeply into her backpack and pulled out nearly all of the contents before finding the small cube-case which was decorated with an obscene amount of keychains. “My camera! We have to take some pictures so that we can remember this!” 
The other girls squealed in agreement and ganged up on her to fit into the frame of the white Polaroid camera that she had also splattered with stickers. 
“Here, I wanna show you something.” Ryujin drew your attention back to the blanket where she settled back down with her own bag draped over her legs. 
“What is it?” 
“Ryujinnie! I wanna take your picture too! Your pink hair is so pretty…” One of your friends cooed with a sad downturn to her lips, “I hope that you never change it.” 
“Hmm, I don’t know. We’ll see. My cousin has been saying that she wants to see what I would look like blonde these days.” 
The small talk didn’t concern you too much, you were more concerned with what it was that your friend had to show you. 
“I’m going on a trip with my cousins soon so we’ll see what happens.” 
Your friend sighed, and skipped over the mess of the blanket to pull Ryujin by the wrist to the walkway a little farther off. “You’d look so cute over here!” 
She pardoned her, and stumbled after the eager girl to let her take a Polaroid of her. Even from far away, you could still hear the two of them admire the picture with happy little expressions of “ah! I told you that it would look good!” 
The two girls returned, and you began to worry if your friend even remembered what she had said in the first place. 
What is it? What does she want to show me? 
“Shoot!!” Another one of your friends huffed out while looking at her phone, “I forgot that I have to tutor the middle schoolers today!! I’m late!!” 
The girls went to action in a mere matter of seconds sweeping up the picnic assortment and shoving the leftovers into their backpacks. 
You helped them and tried to look over to your other friend who didn’t return your glances. Perhaps she really had forgotten. 
You let your imagination run wild for just a few moments, although the more that you did, the more it all just seemed preposterous. Maybe it was a confession letter, maybe she had written for you one of those poems like she had liked to do, maybe she had rather wanted to talk to you about something...say something that you wanted to say back…
“I’m going to stick around.” Ryunjin said suddenly with her hands on her hips. “Y/n, you’re welcome to stay too if you want. We don’t exactly have to go home yet since the sun’s still up.” 
Your friends looked to you for your answer, to which you stammered out an, “O-okay…” The best that you could. 
“See you later!!” They called after with their shoes only half-slid onto their feet. 
You waved them off, but the farther that they walked away, the more the realization started to hit you that you were alone with her. The sound of your heartbeat echoed in your ears, and you calmed it trying to think about anything else but the fact that now her attention was truly undivided upon you. 
“You said that you wanted to show me something?” 
Your friend nodded, and patted the grass beside her for you to join her. She gathered up the small bundle of cherries left behind and positioned them into her lap. 
“I learned this trick a little bit ago and I wanted to show you!” 
“A trick?” 
She nodded, and plucked from one of the crimson berries a stem which she put directly into her mouth. 
“What are you doing?!” On the surface, it didn’t seem like the most sanitary thing to do. 
Ryunjin stifled a laugh and lightly hit you on the arm to chastise you. “Just wait a minute!” 
You watched in your confusion as her face contorted a little, and her eyebrows twisted like she was thinking. Her cheeks puffed a little too, and you could tell that she was doing something with it in her mouth--it was only then when you realized that you had been intensely observing her mouth. 
In your embarrassment you threw your eyes in the other direction, but it was no use one you heard her start to giggle at how flustered you had become. 
“It’s okay, you’re supposed to look.” She assured you. 
“What-what is it?” 
“Annnnd done!” Your friend proclaimed proudly and you struggled to meet her again without feeling like your whole face and the tips of your ears were burning up. 
Right on the pink of her tongue she had tied the stem into a tiny knot which she displayed proudly. 
“You...did that with your tongue?” 
Your hands reduced back to their clammy state, and they found the grass between your own folded legs to find something to do. 
“That's...that’s pretty cool…” 
“I know right?!” 
Back came your friend's little dimples, and this time your chest started to feel like it was swelling with heat. 
Stop looking, stop looking…
“I can teach you how to do it some day if you’d like.” Ryujin’s tone dropped lower, and more serious in the way that some had thought to be intimidating. To you, there was nothing more that could make you feel the beat of your own heart more obviously. 
“Teach me? How??” 
The question felt like a butterfly in your lips, fluttering and ticklish, light and uncertain. You met her eyes the best you could; even though you knew that there was nothing about her that you didn’t already know, or that was threatening. 
Your friend tilted her head, inspecting you and the way that you could barely keep your glance away from her lips--stained just a little red from the cherries--then smiled. 
“W-what? What is it? Why are you smiling?” 
She sighed, and craned forward on one of her hands in the grass, bridging the distance between the two of you to caress down the side of your face, all the way to your jaw with the back of her fingers. 
“You’re just too cute.” 
“Hm?” Your chest threw itself up and down, and you could thinly feel the breath that tried to fill your lungs when she was this close. 
“I just can’t handle it any more.” 
Ryunjin nodded, softening her eyes until they were nearly closed, and rid the two of you of all space, leaning over just so you could feel the weight of her chest nearly pressing into yours. At first, she placed the lightest of kisses into you, so light that it barely brushed against your lips, but merely imprinted upon them. She leaned back, leaving you with the ghost of a feeling of her upon you. It felt a bit unfair how fleeting it was, and how she looked at you like that: smug as ever, but as blissful as she always was. 
Your breaths tried to make sense of it all, if it had just happened, and what to think of it. As quick as it was, all you could want was to feel it again. 
She cradled both sides of your face in hers, leaning in with more fervor and parting your lips with hers, leaving you to squeak from the sudden movement. You couldn’t figure out how to kiss back at first, or if you should hold her too. Your head felt like it was spinning in circles from your disbelief when you could taste the tiny tang of the sweet and sour cherries which lingered on her lips. She rubbed her thumbs into your cheeks, and angled you better to let her growing smile paint your own mouth from corner to corner. 
At last, you were able to find a rhythm which suited you, and you kissed her right back. She giggled at your stroke of confidence and the vibrations made your whole body tingle. Your feet had surely fallen asleep where you had folded them beside you, but the numb feeling of them dissolved once her hands fell to your shoulder where she held to you tightly. The pressure from the tips of her fingers made you shiver, and you too smoothed down the pink shine of her hair. 
The warm and ticklish feeling of her tongue grazed your lower lip where she changed her approach and deepened her kiss. The heat of tongues finally met in the middle testing and learning more of the other the closer that you became, and tiny airy gasps got stuck between both of your curiosity. In your lap, her hands found yours and they laced together and held tight; each digit wrapping the other and becoming one with the eagerness of her thumb rubbing little circles into the squishy parts of your hand. 
After the heat of your passion started to melt, you found yourself hiding your giddy laughter the best you could once she started to peck at your lips over and over until you felt like she had kissed you so close to the brim that you would overflow. 
“I said that you’re cute and I mean it!” She snuck the phrase in between a couple more kisses, eliciting you to fold up in your giddy embarrassment from the compliment. 
Ryunjin pulled away, and popped another cherry into her mouth from the bundle, then threw her arms around your shoulders. You simply let your hands rest in her lap covered by the plaid of her skirt; shaking from the release of the endorphins and the adrenaline. 
“Ryujin...I wanted to tell you that I’ve had a crush on you for a...really long time…” You shied, but she brought your chin back to look at her directly. 
“Good. Me too.” 
You couldn’t even process the combination of her words for them to make sense. White noise filled your ears, even though it should have been obvious from the way that she had kissed you like that. 
“Oh! Here. I wanted to give this to you too. Something to remember me by.” 
She reached for her bag, and pulled out a white-out pen from the front pocket. The Polaroid had faded into its full color, and she focused with her tongue peeking from her mouth as she wrote the message: 
see you soon <3 
- ryujinnie 
Over her head in the picture, she doodled a few hearts, then she blew on the ink to dry it. 
“For you!” 
You took the picture with your hands still thoroughly shaking, and all you could utter was a “thanks” while you took in your friend looking as gorgeous as she always was. You knew then that you would treasure the image forever, and the day which it was taken. 
“Who knows,” Ryujin started, and let her head fall to your shoulder where she nuzzled in, “This might be the last that you’ll see of my pink hair too.” 
You turned the picture over, already sensing how it made your heart feel like it was aching sticky and sweet, just like the cherries. 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes @cherrychngkyn @iwanttobangchan @dom--minnie @waterthemoon @pastelracha @mistakensilence @hotgorloikawa @bowlofblueberries @lmhmins @eunaeiekim 
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lazypeachsoul · 3 years
you promise?
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Request: by anon “Could you write an Osferth drabble. About anything you'd like. Please and thank you.”
Warnings: Nothing.
Word count: 1,8k
A/N: Here's the first fic for The Last Kingdom Week! Hope you enjoy some sweet baby monk. I might have gone overboard with this story, but I can't help it when it comes to osferth. Enjoy 🌼
The streets of Cookham were bustling with workers returning home from the fields that surrounded the village. Thanks to Lord Uhtred and his fame the once forgotten town had become a stop for every merchant that traveled through Wessex and the workload had increased. And you were no different than any of those other people.
The sun was now setting and it was your time to return the children you minded back to their homes, where their overworked parents would take care of them. It wasn’t normal for common workers to have child minders, normally leaving the kids at home with their mothers, but Cookham was busier than ever and women were working the fields too. And that left you to take care of the little rascals that lived in town.
You had tried to work as a seamstress and at the alehouse, but nothing seemed to really suit you. Well, at least until you started taking care of the kids. You didn’t get much pay since the people you worked for were underpaid to begin with, but the little you got you saved for a new fabric, or a sweet treat or for those times you would meet Osferth at the alehouse and you wanted to prove him that you were a hard working woman.
And how you loved those times. Osferth seemed to always be busy either training or meeting with the rest of what had now been named the “Cookham squad”. Lord Uhtred and his loyal warriors were the talk of all Wessex and a great source of gossip for the entire town. Lord Uhtred and his beautiful wife Gisela took care of the people that lived inside their walls. Then there was Finan, the loud irishman who seemed to bring joy and fun to any occasion celebrated, always close to him was Sihtric, the mysterious dane who didn’t speak much but said a lot with just a look. And the last one was the monk who is not really a monk Osferth.
When you first met him you were trying to learn to become a barmaid and accidentally tripped on his foot, sending a pitcher of ale flying everywhere and leaving you both embarrassed and asking for mutual forgiveness. Since that moment, you had started to meet together at the alehouse every few days, providing you with a nice friendship but keeping all the rules a respectable young unmarried woman should follow.
And that’s exactly where you were headed after dropping your last child at home with his grateful mother. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the familiar blonde mop of hair sitting on one of the outside benches, and you had to admit to yourself that maybe it was more than just casual meetings at the alehouse. At that moment Osferth turned around and waved in your direction and with a small wave you made your way to the bench, sitting in front of him.
“I thought you didn’t see me, you looked distracted.” Osferth's sweet voice spoke and you had to admit he was right, you almost missed it because of your constant daydreaming about the man. But you couldn’t admit that.
“Excuse me, the children were wild and I’m extremely tired. Must be because of the nice weather.”
“Maybe we should meet another day, I wouldn’t want to tire you more Lady-” “No!”
You hadn’t been able to stop the agitated answer from coming out when you heard his dismissal. You were tired but never too tired to stop meeting Osferth. You could feel your cheeks hot with embarrassment and you tried to clear your throat to diffuse the tension.
“I mean, I would rather stay here with you and relax with a friend.”
Osferth’s face seemed to harden at your words but as soon as the barmaid brought you two cups of ale everything seemed to go back to normal, except for a small curious voice at the back of your head wanting to know why the expression changed.
“A friend. Of course. I enjoy the time we spend together too.” He nodded his head, his blonde hair falling in front of his eyes before taking a sip from his cup. “The weather is really nice so I wouldn’t blame the children. Lord Uhtred told us that the weather would turn nicer before we leave.”
You felt the ale you had been drinking get stuck in your throat but you tried to conceal it with a soft cough so as to not cause a scene in the packed alehouse. Leave? They were leaving?
“Are you leaving soon? You didn’t say anything before.”
“Lord Uhtred just confirmed it this morning. The King has requested the Lord’s help in some negotiations with the danes. He thought it best for us to accompany him since his history with the king is not the most amicable.”
You nodded along as he spoke but your brain was overworking itself trying to comprehend the situation. They were leaving to assist the King of Wessex and they would leave Cookham unattended for God knows how long. Of course the real reason you were worried was not the village, Lady Gisela could take care of it and more without a problem, you were worried about Osferth and you. Was there even an 'Osferth and you' to worry about?
“That’s...great that the King and our Lord are speaking again. Maybe it might help us get resources from the crown.” You tried to excuse your previous silence but it must have been obvious you were deep in thought because Osferth looked at you with a curious face. “And when are you leaving?”
“We’re expected to depart tomorrow morning. Apparently those matters are very important and require us to be there as soon as possible.” He shrugged in a move to downplay the entire situation.
Silence was the only thing that could be heard from your side of the bench, a deep contrast from the rest of the groups happily chatting and drinking. The table was silent but your mind was not, still overthinking every word your companion had said. You were overthinking so much that you almost missed his quiet voice.
“I am going to miss you.” Osferth spoke and as soon as you looked at him again he seemed to flush. “And our conversations. Or friendly conversations as...friends.”
You wanted to laugh at the poor man in front of you. In the many months you had known Osferth you had never seen him that flustered in his life, cheeks and ears bright red and a stuttering mess.
“I’m going to miss you too Osferth. And our friendly meetings.” You placed your hand next to his on the table next to his, not wanting to overstep and make the poor man more uncomfortable.
He moved his hand carefully almost imperceptibly until his fingers touched yours and a warm feeling ran down your entire arm from your hand. He seemed to be the one deep in thought at the moment and you almost wished you could pick at his brain to see what was going on. Is that how he felt every time you zoned out?
“Maybe you could remember me-” “Of course I’m going to remember you Osferth, don’t be silly. You are not going to war, only a mission for the king.”
A nervous chuckle was the only thing he could let out now and his reactions were starting to worry you a bit. If it was only a small trip he shouldn't have been that nervous.
“Let me finish. Maybe if I gave you something that you could remember me by, it would be easier.”
“You don’t have to do that, Osferth. I will remember you anyways.” You tried to reason with him but you couldn’t stop him from moving to look for something in the pockets of his robes.
After a bit of fussing with the robes he placed his closed fist on top of your hand, opening it just enough for something small and metallic to fall into your hand. Moving your hand closer you found a small fragile chain that seemed to have been at least as old as you.
“It’s not much, just a scrap of metal if you try to sell it. But it was my mother’s, the only thing I have from her. I hid it from the monks when I was growing up so they wouldn’t take it away. Carried it into battle with me every time I’ve fought too.”
Every single word of the explanation seemed to make your throat close a bit more and your eyes glossier. You knew Osferth had no real memories with his mother and you could imagine how important that bracelet must have been for him.
“I can’t accept it, it’s so important to you. Why would you give it to me?” You debated with your head shaking and trying to push the chain into his hand again. “Don’t be silly, Osferth. It’s your mother’s bracelet.”
“You must keep it. Please.” He kept his fist tightly closed to avoid you giving him back the piece of jewelry. “I want you to have it.”
“But I don’t have anything to give you in return.”
You kept trying to pry his fist open, all in vain because he wouldn’t even budge. You wanted to get up and hug him for such a meaningful gesture and hit him at the same time for wanting to part with such a meaningful piece.
“You have.” He spoke, grabbing your hand and halting your movements. “Maybe you can give me your promise.”
You looked at him curiously at what his proposal might be. Maybe he just wanted you to take care of Lady Gisela, you knew how he saw her as the mother he never had. Or maybe he wanted you to care for Lord Uhtred’s children.
“You can promise me that once I’m back from Wincester you will allow me to properly court you.” He explained and you felt your heart stop. “I-If you want, of course.”
Courting Osferth was not something you had thought about, mainly because you had nothing to offer. Your parents didn’t have fields or many resources they could offer a prospective husband. And Osferth was a warrior, so you thought settling down seemed to be out of the picture for him. But you had to admit the idea made your stomach turn in the best way possible.
You realized you had been thinking for a long time and still hadn’t given an answer when you felt him squeezing your hand. Could you promise him something like that?
“I promise.” Of course you could, the idea of a lifetime with Osferth only made you more excited about life. “Only you have to promise me to come back soon.”
He nodded with enthusiasm, moving his hands to take the small chain from your delicate hand and clasp it around your wrist. This mission hadn’t even started and you already wanted it to end.
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Taglist: @webreathfandoms @thebohemianpenguin @emilyhufflepufftlk @solinarimoon
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notanotherreidgirl · 3 years
Summary: Reader has some exciting news for Spencer
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ sexual content, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, pregnancy, light degradation, breeding kink
Word Count: 800
A/N: This is part of the Just Gimme Them Babies Collection
You bustled into the BAU with a packed lunch in hand, escaping the winter chill. You had persuaded Spencer to stay in bed this morning and as a result he left home in a rush, forgetting his lunch in the process. When you came in Derek descended on you immediately, grabbing the bagged lunch and peering inside. “This for me? You shouldn’t have” he joked. 
You laughed and swiped it from his hands, depositing it in its rightful place on Spencer’s desk next to a framed picture of the two of you. “Where’s Spence?”
Emily gestured vaguely towards the kitchen with one hand while reaching forward and snagging the bag. “Hey, can I have this brownie?”
“No, you can not” Spencer appeared behind Emily’s shoulder and stole the brownie from her. He gave you a peck on the cheek, starting to warm up to PDA. 
“Do you want to have lunch together? There should be enough in there for two” you asked and he agreed immediately. Smiling, you started to remove your layers. Derek let out a low whistle when you shed your coat. “Damn babygirl, you tryna give pretty boy over here a heart attack?”
Spencer did indeed look like he was fighting off a heart attack. Smugly, you gave a little twirl showing off how your skirt hugged your hips and accentuated your curves. “Oh this? Do you like it? It’s new”
“I like it a lot,” said Emily, sending you a playful wink. Derek came up behind Spencer who had suddenly lost the ability to speak and clapped his hands down on his shoulders. “I think we all like it,” Derek laughed. 
“Why don’t we go upstairs to eat? There’s a much nicer view there” his voice came out in a level, measured tone. Liquid heat pooled between your thighs, you knew that voice - it meant you were in trouble. He laced his fingers through yours and practically dragged you to the elevator, barely remembering to grab the bagged lunch off his desk. 
When the elevator doors closed you broke away, leaning against the opposite side so he could see you in your entirety. He regarded you coolly. “Are you playing games with me, little girl?”
“I wouldn’t dream of it” you replied innocently, launching yourself out the elevator doors before he could close the distance between the two of you. He followed you closely for a few paces before pulling you into a vacant office and spinning you around so your back was trapped between him and the door. 
“Oh really? Then what are you doing showing up in that little tight skirt just begging to be fucked?” he opened the zipper hastily, ridding you of the offending fabric and pushing himself against your clothed core. “What’s the matter baby? Where’s that smart mouth?”
“Spence, please” you moaned into his mouth, hastily unbuckling his belt. He kissed you hard, capturing your bottom lip between his teeth.
“What do you need?” His hand splayed out over your belly. He pushed your underwear aside and entered you in one fluid motion, thrusting into you so deeply that you could feel him hit your cervix. “You need me to fill you up? Give you a baby so everyone knows who you belong to?” 
“Maybe you already have.”  
His eyes widened and he froze. “Are you serious?”
“Surprise!” you smiled, tipping your head up to register the shocked expression on his face.
He hooked his hands underneath your thighs, lifting you up and walking you to the desk. He set you down on top. “I’m gonna be a dad?”
“Yes, we’re having a baby” you grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him in close. You kissed him and he smiled into your mouth, a teary laugh bubbling up in his throat. 
“We’re having a baby” he echoed, his voice filled with wonder. He looked down at you with pure adoration in his eyes. You leaned back a little so he could see you. “God, Spence. Don't you think I'm gonna look so good with your baby?” 
With a groan he started to rock into you again, his pace less frenzied and instead purposeful - deliberate. He lavished your neck with kisses as his hands slid under your shirt to cup your breasts. “Fuck. You’re gonna look so beautiful pregnant. Full with my baby”
You wrapped your legs around his waist, bracing yourself for your impending release. He found that sensitive spot under your ear just as he started to rub circles over your clit. “Let me take care of you”
You came with his name on your lips and he quickly followed, burying his face in the crook of your neck to muffle his moans. After a moment, he brought his hands to either side of your face and rested his forehead against yours. 
“We’re gonna be a family”
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Taglist: @rosienie @coldlilheart @spencerreider @newgirlinhell @ssa-natalya-reid @lauryn_need_help @spencerscumrag @gublerzwhore @beepbooptoop 
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Period Piece-SBI Au
This is a SBI x gn!reader in the SBI Au where Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, and the reader are all siblings with their father being Philza. For this particular imagine, the reader is the youngest of the siblings.  This is a bit Wilbur heavy because I have written Philza heavy SBI, Techno heavy SBI, and Tommy heavy SBI but not Wilbur and I was feeling soft for Wilbur sooo….. Oops.
This is gender neutral but it is about the reader getting their period for the first time so there’s that! Hope you enjoy! 
Masterlist here
Y/N starts their period at the worst time possible, the one time that Philza isn’t home… but their three brother’s are. 
Sunlight flooding in through my window forced me awake. I let out a groan before flipping over to try and fall back asleep. A sharp pain caused by me flipping over ripped through my stomach causing me to let out a soft whimper. “What the heck” I whimpered to myself as my hand shot to my tummy and rested gently on the aching muscles. “What is wrong with me?” My stomach had never hurt like this before… Maybe it was something I ate last night… It may not be sitting well… Maybe I should go to the bathroom. 
Carefully, not wanting to hurt myself further, I lifted up the blankets and slowly slid out of the covers. I let out a shiver as the air pricked at my exposed skin, but I marched on. Slower than I have ever moved before, I made my way out of my room and down the hallway to the bathroom. 
The cool tile on my bear feet caused me to shiver as I shut the door and locked it behind me. Slowly I made my way over to the toilet, pulled my pants down, sat down, and began going to the bathroom. (That was so awkward for me to describe lol). I let out a sigh of relief as so of the pressure from my stomach released as my bladder emptied itself out… But not all of the pressure and pain was gone. 
After a few more moments, I decided that nothing else was going to come out so I wiped. Once I was done, I moved to stand up, but something on my hand caught my eye. My eyes widened as I examined my hand and found that the normally clean flesh was now covered in blood. “What?” I whispered out, unable to stop the panic from building in my chest. My eyes scanned my hand even harder, searching for the cut that could have caused this bleeding, but found nothing. Then it hit me, maybe this wasn’t from my hand. 
My gaze left my hand and scanned downward, stopping at my underwear. I couldn’t stop the small scream that ripped from my throat at the sight of my clean underwear soaked in blood. My breathing picked up as my heart pounded inside my chest. This is it! This is how it ends! I’m dying! I must be dying! Why else would I be bleeding… Down there. 
A pounding on the door startled me out of my spiral. “Y/N?” I heard Wilbur’s panicked voice screech from the other side of the door. “Are you okay in there? What’s happening, why did you scream?” It was at the sound of my brother’s voice did I realize what a predicament I was in. Dad had to go to work today. Like real actual work in an office building. Usually he can stay home but he had a meeting he had to go to in person… I was home alone with my three brothers. 
Tears blurred my vision as a sob escaped my lips, “I think I’m dying Will. I’m bleeding.” I called back. Thinking about it now, that probably wasn’t the best word choice, but I was panicked and Wilbur’s panic made me panic too. “You’re bleeding? Open the door! Let me in so I can help.” Another sob escaped my lips, “Can’t. Stuck.” I answered, not wanting to risk getting blood everywhere. 
“Why the hell did Y/N scream?” Tommy’s brash voice questioned out loud. “Tommy, now is not the time. Please, go back to your room, or go to the living room,” Wilbur practically begged. I could tell Tommy was about to retort but Wilbur spoke again before Tommy could get a word out, “Tommy… Please,” the sincerity in Wilbur’s voice must have really shown Tommy just what situation we were in because I didn’t hear another word from him, only footsteps walking away.
“Techno get the key from Dad’s room,” I heard Wilbur order from beyond the door, “Stuck. Where are you stuck Y/N?” “Toilet” I whimpered. My mind was too far in overdrive to give more than one word answers. “Okay. How are you stuck?” Wilbur questioned, the panic in his voice slowly decreasing at my answers. If he knew what was wrong, he could help better when he got in. “Bleeding” “Where are you bleeding from?” A small whimper escaped my lips as I thought about the answer. I couldn’t tell him that, could I? That’s a bit embarrassing and a little too TMI even for my older brother. But still Wilbur prompted again, “Where are you bleeding Y/N?” his soothing voice called. I took a gulp and a deep breath before answering. “Down there.” 
There was a pause from the other side of the door as Wilbur took in the information. “Down there?” I let out a small whimper in confirmation. “Y/N” he breathes out softly, “did you start your period?” Period…. Period. That word sounded familiar. I could vaguely remember someone mentioning something about it once… “Y/N?” Wilbur’s soft voice asked, gently pulling me from my thoughts. “I don’t know” I answered with a hiccup. “Maybe… What’s a period?” 
The jingle of keys sounded from the hallway as I assume Techno returned with the key that would let Wilbur in. “Can I come in?” yep I was right. “Yeah,” I sniffed quietly, reaching up and wiping the tears away from my cheeks. I had already screamed bloody murder and scared the hell out of my brother, he might as well see me like this. 
“Techno, run to the store and get some pads and medicine would you?. I’ve already texted Niki and asked what to get, she’ll send you a list or some pictures… Please” Wilbur asked softly, still in the hallway. My heart melted slightly at the words. He texted Niki? To ask her what to get? I knew he couldn’t text dad because of work, I just didn’t expect him to ask him to ask Niki instead. 
The soft click of the door unlocking echoed through the bathroom before the door opened just a crack, enough to let my curly haired brunette brother in before the door clicked closed again. Wilbur kept his eyes focused on the ground as he shuffled over to the cabinet, grabbed a towel, before offering it to me. “Here, in case you want to cover yourself.” He said softly. My fingers gently wrapped around the fabric before unfolding it and placing it over my lap, making sure that everything was covered. “Okay. You can look now,” I told him, my voice equally as soft. 
Wilbur’s eyes lifted from the floor to my face, allowing me to see the soft blush that coated his cheeks. “I’m sorry that dad isn’t here to help you with this,” he apologized awkwardly causing me to shrug. “It is what it is… Do you know what a period is?” I asked, hoping to get some answers. The blush intensified on Wilbur’s face as he nodded at the question. “Can you explain it to me… I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to it’s just-” Wilbur held up a hand cutting me off before I could ramble more, “It’s okay, Y/N. I can explain it to you.” 
And so he did. Wilbur took the time to carefully explain what the hell was happening to my body. He was extremely patient with me as I asked questions, trying to understand. Wilbur did a really great job that by the end I felt a bit more satisfied with my understanding of my own body. 
“How do you feel now?” Wilbur asked softly once our little conversation was over. “Fine… Better… But still a bit gross. I think there’s a bit of blood… everywhere down there ya know?” I answered honestly, again already wayyyyy past the point of being embarrassed. Wilbur let out a small chuckle and shook his head, “No. I don’t know. I’ve never had a period before.” The two of us shared a laugh about that. “But, I could run you a bath if you wanted,” he offered up, pointing to the tub. I gave him a soft smile and a nod. “Yeah, I’d like that. Thanks bubby.” 
Wilbur quickly turned around and began running the water. Once he was sure the temperature was just right, he put in the drain plug, put in my favorite bubble bath, and turned back around and headed to the exit. “Wait” I called out, stopping him. “Could you… Could you stay? Please? Like sit on the floor looking the other way? I just… don’t want to be alone right now.” Wilbur’s gaze softened as he nodded, “Of course kiddo.” 
Wilbur looked away as I stripped out of my pajama shirt and bloody pajama bottoms and slipped into the bath. Keeping his eyes trained on the ground, he sat next to the tub, but completely faced forward so he couldn’t see me. I let out a content sigh as I sunk into the warm bubble filled water, the ache and pain in my stomach slowly fading away as the warm water soothed the muscles. 
We were silent for the most part, just enjoying each other’s company. At one point there was a knock on the door. Wilbur quickly got up to answer it. The rustling of a plastic bag sounded throughout the tiled room letting me know that Techno had returned from the store. “Techno got the stuff. I can show you how to put the things on if you want.” I was slightly surprised at the offer. I didn’t expect Wilbur to know how to be able to do that… Then again, he’s Wilbur of course he knows how, he knows how to do just about everything. 
But I agreed and so Wilbur picked up the underwear that Techno had also brought and carefully showed me how to apply the pad to the undies before gently setting it back on the counter. I mentally laughed at the situation we were in. Never would I have thought I’d be here, in a bathtub while my big brother Wilbur, showed me how to put on a pad. But here we are… Funny how life is like that sometimes. 
Once I was ready to get out, Wilbur handed me a towel before finally leaving the bathroom to give me some privacy while I dried off and got dressed. I did so quickly, carefully putting on the undies so as to not disturb the pad… okay that sounded weird haha. But I silently thanked Techno for picking out my favorite sweatpants for me to change into. I almost cried at the shirt he picked out for me. It was one of Wilbur’s hoodies. The one that was even too big for him, so that when I pulled it on it swallowed me whole and encased me in his scent. I couldn’t help but take a deep breath at the calming aroma. Even though I don’t always show it, I really do love my brothers. 
Leaving the bathroom, no one was in the hallway so I made my way down to the living room. Again, tears pricked in my vision at the sight. Pizza and soda were laid out on the coffee table with plates and cups sitting next to them. My brother’s sat on the couch in front of it, chatting softly. “You guys didn’t have to do this” I spoke softly causing all of their heads to snap to me. “We know… We wanted to” Wilbur told me gently. “Speak for yourself. I was a part of this for me!” Tommy jumped in, reaching forward and grabbing a plate, piling it high with pizza, before sitting back and stuffing his face. Wilbur elbowed him for the rudeness, but I couldn’t help but laugh. Of course Tommy would say that. “Come, sit. Eat” Techno said, holding his hand out beckoning me forward. I wasn’t going to argue with that. 
I settled between Wilbur and Techno with a plate of pizza and a cup half filled with my favorite soda. I didn’t eat as fast as I normally would, not wanting to get eating cramps on top of the other cramps that would soon occur. But the four of us sat there on the couch together for a while. At one point, Tommy jumped up and put on a movie. After that, it was an unannounced and unofficial lazy day. 
We were on the couch the whole day watching movies, only leaving to go to the bathroom or get food from the kitchen. At one point, the cramps began. Wilbur noticed my wincing and quickly jumped to get the cramp medicine that Techno had picked up. He put the pills in my hand and explained how often I could take it before also giving me a drink. After taking the medicine, I laid on my brother’s. My feet resting in Techno’s lap, my middle in Wilbur, and my head in Tommy’s. 
At first, Tommy complained, claiming he didn’t want to cuddle, but when I tried to move, his hand quickly found it’s way in my hair and scratched my scalp soothingly. “I guess you can stay here” he grumbled in distaste, but I could tell he felt really happy about being included. Wilbur’s warm hands rested on my stomach and slowly began to make soothing circles, easing the cramping muscles. Techno’s hands began to work wonders on my feet as he subsciously gave me a foot rub. With all that affection and warmth, it was no wonder I fell asleep. 
That’s how Philza found us that night when he came home from work. The gentle calling of my name woke me from my sleep. I carefully peeled my eyes open and found my father’s soft complexion smiling at me softly as he sat kneeled in front of me, his hand petting down my hair softly. “Hey kiddo. I hear you had a pretty big day today.” He whispered softly. I let out a small hum as I looked around and found that I was still lying across my brother’s laps, all of them still asleep. “How did you--” “Techno texted me when he went to the store. I’m sorry for not being here for it and I’m really really sorry I didn’t educate you better before it happened either,” Dadza apologized, looking genuinely sorry for it. “It’s okay… Wilbur did a pretty good job at taking care of me…” I informed him. Philza’s gaze flickered from my face to his oldest middle child, “Yeah? Of course he did. I always know I can count on him… I was going to offer to order pizza for dinner but it seems I’m a little late.”
 I giggled softly at that as Dadza looked around at the empty pizza boxes still laying on the coffee table. “Yeah… But we could get Chinese,” I offered up slyly, hoping he’d agree. His chuckle told me everything I needed to know, “Chinese it is… I’m going to let you nap a bit. I have some work I have to do, but once I’m done I’ll put the order in… Sound good?” “Sounds good,” I confirmed. Dadza gave me another smile before leaning over and pressing a sweet kiss to my forehead, “I love you so much honey,” “I love you too dad.” Dadza paused for a moment more before standing up, removing his hand from my head and leaving the living room. 
I let out a small content sigh before carefully rolling over and snuggling myself closer to my brothers. One of them let out a groan, Techno I think, but settled immediately, letting me burrow even closer to them. 
Periods suck. There is no doubt about it. They hurt and stain your clothes and can be embarrassing and make you feel overly emotional. But I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. My brother’s dropping everything to help me. Wilbur getting over his embarrassment to take care of me. Techno getting over his social anxiety to go out and buy me things. Tommy getting over his obnoxiousness so I could relax with all of my brothers… No I wouldn’t change this for anything. 
There you go! I really hope you enjoyed! If so, be sure to leave a like, maybe even a reblog or reply telling me your favorite part!!!
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Summer of Whump #27: Injured
Warnings: left to care for injuries alone, thoughts of death, torture, vomit, hallucinations, fever, hurt villain whumpee
Villain fumbled with his doorknob until it opened. He collapsed with it, using only his momentum to shut the door behind him. Immediately, he slumped against it as the world around him slowly started to fade to black.
When he regained consciousness a few moments later, he momentarily forgot where he was. The pain was so great that it blocked any thoughts from slipping into his mind. He mouth tasted like blood and when he licked his damp lips, he realize that they were covered in blood.
The memories flooded into his mind like a wave, fast and overwhelming. There was Supervillain and Hero and then... Villain choked back tears. Hero abandoned him... she...
Darkness threatened to overcome him again as his mind raced with thoughts. He blinked it away and allowed his gaze to drift down to his thigh. A dagger was in the side, pushed through all the way to the hilt. Villain, with shuddering breaths, grabbed onto it with sticky hands and pulled.
A white flash of pain exploded in front of hid eyes. He let go, his body going slack and his mind spiraling down through a tunnel of oblivion.
The last thing his clouded eyes saw before he blacked out again was new blood pouring out of his wound.
He sat like that for a while, drifting in and out of consciousness. Sometimes he found himself face first into a cool, wooden floor and other times, his cheek was leaned against a cushioning substance. He just barely tried to wonder what was going on. It really didn't matter, and the agony made sure of that.
Once, he woke up enough to drag his broken body to a cupboard. He breifly considered how smart he was to keep his first aid box in a low one before pain consumed him once again. His shaking arms threatened to give out he half hoped that they did.
Villain collapsed to the ground, but didn't pass out. He weakly grabbed to the door of the precious cupboard and opened it. Quickly, he grabbed the kit and opened it.
And then he vomitted without warning, right onto his floor. It racked his broken ribs as they moved with the motion. He began to cough until he started spatting up blood.
His face sunk into the blood and puke, exhausted. He wanted so desperately for someone to find him and help him. He closed his eyes, swimming through his memories. He knew that no one would come, the one that would betrayed him, so he had prioritize injuries.
A boot clashed with his ribs, snapping and breaking them.
A spud bar hit his finger, severing it off.
Another boot hit his jaw. There was a crack right?
Hands grappled at his throat while others tied a heavy chain right above his hips.
He was dragged through barbed wire, glass, and nails.
Tears flowed freely from Villain's bloodshot eyes. The salt stung the open cuts on his cheeks. Sure he was a villain, but did he deserve this? Did he deserve to be tortured half to death and then have to lick his wounds by himself? His head lolled to the side. He didn't know what to do. In the back of his head, he was vaguely aware that shock and adrenaline was preventing the true onslaught of pain from attacking.
He groaned. He had to take care of himself before he was unable to. He opened the first aid box and grabbed guaze pads and other supplies. The dagger was the first to be removed and it would bleed, a lot.
He wrapped a towel into a roll and placed it in between his teeth. The fabric tasted funny from being mixed with all the ointments, but Villain could care less.
His hands then went to the hilt and he hesited. What if he lost consciousness again? He could wake up in complete agony and would die of infection.
Villain pushed those thoughts aside and wrapped his hands around the dagger. Before he pulled, he realized that he was using his hand with four fingers, yet he felt no pain. His heart started beating in anticipation.
Drawing in a deep breath, Villain pulled the dagger out.
Only it stopped half-way out. Villain took in shaky breaths and blinked away the black splotches in his vision. It was barbed.
"Mm," Villain groaned, laying his head back down. He swallowed the limited saliva he had. This was impossible.
More tears spilled. Villain spit out the towel. It fell out, but landed on his cheek, irritating it. He weakly raised his hand to brush it off, but it didn't work. He tried again. No luck. He tried again until frustration allowed him to kick out.
Pain erupted through his leg, centering on the dagger. Villain screamed, loud and laced with sobs.
"I-it hurts," he cried as if someone was with him, tending to him. "It hurts soo bad."
The adrenaline disappeared, leaving Villain beyond tired with a dagger half-stuck in his flesh. Hero would have someone to take care of her. Heck, she would be so pumped full of painkillers that she wouldn't feel a thing as she drifted in and out of lala land. And here Villain was, completely alone without even a simple, warm hug.
He allowed his eyes to slip shut, knowing that sleep could act like a painkiller. But it didn't come, pain kept him awake just like it brought unwanted unconsciousness.
His eyes danced back towards the dagger. Maybe his brain would shut down if he accomplished that one simple task.
Villain dug his fingers into the gnarled flesh, clenching his teeth in pain. He worked to dislodge the dagger until it broke free, clattering on the ground.
Villain sighed in relief, but was caught mid sigh when blood started pouring out the wound at a crazy fast speed. Villain lunged forward, grabbing the towel and earning a broken scream from his throat. He pressed the towel to his thigh, but his arms were not strong enough the staunch the flow.
"Hero," Villain cried. As weak as it was, it sounded booming to Villain's desperate ears. Unless, it was his foggy mind playing tricks on him. Making it seemed like he could call Hero and she would come running. Heck, would he even start hallucinating that she was indeed here?
Villain finally was able to stop the blood flow. His trembling hands hovered over the hydrogen peroxide, but he decided against it. Pouring that over the wound would make it hurt. And hurt was not on Villain's wishlist.
He instead reached for a gauze pad and gingerly laid it over the gaping injury. His shaking fingers applied medical tape over the pad.
When he was done, he closed his eyes. His head limply hung over his chest. His lips turned up in a slight smile as exhaustion pulled him under like anesthesia.
Villain came to only a few minutes later- maybe ten, but to him, he felt like hours. He so desperately wanted to sink back into sleep when he remembered what happened. His mouth was oddly dry had an unpleasant taste in it.
"Hero," he whispered, lifting his head up only for it to flop forward again.
The gauze pad was now stained with blood, but Villain had neither the energy or the will to take care of it. His whole body ached, especially at his jaw. He moved it, testing it, but it creaked and fired up in agony. Broken.
Villain closed his eyes again. He tried not to, but his thoughts drifted to the long list of priorities he came up with. His finger was long gone and he wouldn't be able to care for his jaw. The bruises on his hip bones would fade as would the surface cuts on his face.
He could wrap his ribs up, but he wouldn't be able to get his arms around to his back.
His back.
He knew that he had glass and nails stuck in it. He knew that it would get badly infected within a couple days.
If he lived that long.
Villain shut his eyes close momentarily. He would live. He wouldn't give Supervillain or Hero the satisfaction of killing him.
Fueled by motivation, Villain shot to his feet. He immediately regretted it, however, when the world tilted and collapse in on itself. He blinked back the dizziness, gripping the counter like his life depended on it. In a strange way, it did.
Villain pushed himself towards the bathroom, sometimes having to lean against walls when a sudden wave of wooziness threatened to make him crumple. But he went on like a determined father in a snowstorm, trying to get home to his freezing wife and kids with firewood.
Villain finally reached the bathroom, triumphant, but he instantly fell onto the ground and threw up again. On his way down, he smacked his head against the tile floor.
A loud sob escaped his throat as he realized his dire situation. The previous energy faded into frustration and anger, but mostly exhaustion and loneliness. He pictured the thought of an injured Hero lying in a hospital bed.
She wouldn't be covered in sweat and vomit.
She wouldn't be lying on her bathroom floor.
She would be cared for.
Villain buried his head into the crook of his elbow, wiping snot and tears on it as he dived back into sleep.
Villain woke up on a couch. He didn't recall dragging himself onto it, but one glanced at the blood smeared floor confirmed that he indeed did.
His head felt like a hammer was hitting it. He groaned and brought a hand to his forehead. Almost instantly, he pulled backwards shocked.
His forehead waa sweaty and burning.
Villain looked at his thigh and saw it festered and puffy. He knew that his back was no better.
And now he had a fever. Fabulous.
Within the next two days, Villain tried to tend to ongoing fever with little luck. He contemplated wasting the energy to drag himself to a phone and call 911, but decided against it.
He also started hallucinating.
Apparitions of Hero and Supervillain's face danced across his hazy vision. The floor around him also turned to lava. Between these realistic (according to Villain) and the burning pain of a fever, he was in a hole of misery.
Once he even woke up on the floor of the bathroom, leaning against the bath tub. Tylenol pills were strewn all over the floor in a sloppy attempt to take a few. A thermometer also made its home by Villain's feet. The number still read 104.
He shouldn't be alive.
It was a miracle, really, but part of him wanted to die and leave this mess.
"Hero," he would sometimes cry out. He wanted her- needed her. He hurt, oh so bad, and was scared and alone.
In his short spans of consciousness, he would take in his surroundings the same way each time. Look around, look at leg, and then give in again.
He remained in the bathroom, but was now collapsed on the floor, unable to do more than lift his finger.
Hero wondered what happened to Villain after beating him up. Many times, she wanted to go see, but she also feared her sister, Supervillain.
Not that Hero did not take any pleasure in injuring Villain; it was quite satisfying in an extent, but her sister went extreme when she did not allow Villain any care.
So what brought Hero to Villain's doorstep that evening? She didn't know. All she knew was that the second no one answered the door, she had this need to barge in and find Villain.
And find him she did.
Only it was not the sight she was hoping for.
Villain was passed out of the bathroom floor, shivering like a dog with hypothermia. He was covered in sweat, blood, and vomit. Wounds that covered his exposed back were deeply infected with pus.
Hero did not hesitate. She ran to Villain and scooped his figure into her arms, guilty and mortified. She allowed this to happen.
"Hey," Hero tapped Villain's cheek. "Wake ul for me, will you?"
No response.
"Villain?" Hero asked, starting to rock. Villain's eyes fluttered and he looked up at the hero in fear.
"Wha-wha," Villain tried to speak, but his heavy tongue made it difficult. He decided to just snuggle into Hero, happy to not be lonely.
"I'm so sorry," Hero reached forward and grabbed the thermometer. Villain opened his mouth willingly, but whimpered when Hero stuck the point under his tongue.
It beeped. 104.
Hero stood up with Villain still hanging limply in her arms. She would fix this.
She promised.
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viking-raider · 3 years
Southern Generation - Part IV
Summary: Sy wakes up in Lily’s arms and shows his gratitude for her comforting him. The mysterious caller is revealed, causing Sy to get extremely protective.
Pairing: Captain Syverson/OFC
Word Count: 7,178
Rating: M - Language, Protective!Sy, Domestic Kink, Stalking, Harassment, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Confession, Smut - Nipple stimulation, intercourse, orgasm, cream pie. 
Inspiration: Always wanted to write a Sy fic and this is a re-work on an old fic I wrote several years ago.
Author’s Note: Thank you for all the love and support, @wondersofdreaming​! Your ideas, suggestions and encouragement mean the world to me, and my stories.
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Sy woke the next morning wrapped around a warm body and a steady heart beat in his ear, he tipped his head back and was met with Lily's sleeping face, his head pillowed on her breasts. He smiled, hugging his arms snugger around her waist and sighed, comfortable and peaceful, nuzzling his face into her chest.
Lily moaned softly, making Sy smile against the fabric of the night shirt she was wearing, her hand moved against the broad expanse of his back, fingertips sleepily caressing his spine, unconsciously soothing him, before moving between his shoulder blades, tickling the nape of his neck and rubbing the back of his head with her palm.
He vaguely remembered her calling his name and holding him after his nightmare, whispering into his ear that he was safe and at home, with her. Lily made the choice to bring him to her bed, comforting him even more, until he fell asleep, and for the first time in years, Sy actually dreamt about something other than war and endless spaces of bloody sand.
Reaching up, Sy brushed his fingers through her bangs, smiling. “My Angel.” He whispered, not wanting to wake her.
Carefully unwrapping himself from around her, Sy slipped out of bed and gingerly covered Lily up, before tip toeing downstairs to the kitchen. Scratching the back of his head for a moment, Sy moved about the kitchen, setting up the coffee maker, pulled out the skillet and started making breakfast. He figured she had been making him breakfast every morning for the last several months, it was time for him to return the favor.
So, Sy went all out, once he had everything made, he brought it upstairs to her.
Lily took a deep breath and moaned, stretching and rolling onto her back, but found Sy was no longer in bed with her. She sat up, panicked that something had happened to him, and was about to get out of bed to look for him, when he appeared in the bedroom door, relieved he was all right.
“Morning.” He smiled, finding her sitting up.
“Did you make breakfast?” She frowned as he approached her side of the bed.
“I did.” He nodded, setting her steaming cup of tea on her bedside table. “I thought, since you always make me breakfast, that I'd make you breakfast this go around.” Sy explained, setting the tray of food over her lap.
“What's better than breakfast in bed?”
“Nothing currently comes to mind.” Lily smiled, a soft blush on her cheeks, actually pleasantly surprised at this change of events, touched at Sy’s sweet gesture.
“I didn't think so.” Sy chuckled, pulling up the chair that was at a small desk in her room and sat down, balancing his own plate of food in his lap.
“So, what's on your agenda today, Captain?” She asked, taking a sip of her tea and was surprised to find it was exactly to her liking.
“I think, it's time I started working on the roof.” He replied, bringing his fork to his mouth. “I want to at least give it some temporary patches, before the weather turns.” He told her, after swallowing. “It'll also give me a chance to find out what all the problems with it are, and if I'll need to re-roof it.”
“I hope not.” Lily frowned, washing down some of her food with a gulp of tea.
“Well, from what I've seen on the ground, it looks to be the original roof that was put on when the house was built.” He chuckled at her, setting his empty plate on her nightstand. “That was nearly a century ago.”
“Unless, you know about it being replaced since then?” He asked her, tilting his head.
“The realtor didn't mention it to me.” Lily replied, searching her mind for any scrap of memory of the day she bought the place.
“That's all right.” Sy assured her, gently touching her hand. “I'll get it done, don't you worry.”
Lily smiled at him, turning her hand to thread her fingers with his. “I'm not worried, since you're the one on the case.” She replied, softly.
Sy grinned at her, bringing her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingers, before letting go and collecting their plates. “You know, what would you say, if I managed to install a dishwasher for you?” He asked, pausing in the doorway of her bedroom.
“I have a dishwasher.” Lily giggled, holding up her hands and wiggling her fingers at him.
“You know what I mean, sugar butt.” He laughed, smirking even broader at her.
Lily shrugged, still giggling at him, her cheeks coloring at his nickname. “I don't know, Bear. I've never had one before.”
“Well then, Angel, I'll riddle that one out for you.” He promised in a soft voice.
“I believe you.” She whispered back, giddy, and not for a dishwasher.
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“I'm going to check the mail.” Lily said, drying her hands on a dish towel, after washing the dishes from lunch.
“All right.” Sy nodded, still sitting at the table.
Sy had stood to refill his coffee cup, when the phone rang. Biting his lip and glancing out of the kitchen, he saw Lily was too far down the driveway to call her back to answer it, so he picked it up instead; clearing his throat.
“Moore residence.” He spoke into the receiver.
“She's a sweet thing, isn't she?” A sinister voice asked from the other end.
“Excuse you?” Sy barked, a flash of hot anger bursting through his body.
“Oh yes.” The voice chuckled, incredibly delighted. “She is sweet as a Lily, so pure and good.”
“Who is this?” Sy demanded with a deep growl, his teeth gritted and bared as he gripped the handle of the phone even tighter in his hand.
“She's mine, you know.” They growled back at Sy, breathing heavily, their own anger mounting. “She's always been mine and she will always be mine.”
“Not anymore.” Sy hissed back and slammed the phone down in its cradle.
“Sy?” Lily frowned, coming into the kitchen as he hung up the phone. “Who was that?”
“I don't know, you tell me?” He replied, turning towards her, brows drawn together.
“I'm not the one that answered it, Austin.” She countered, shaking her head, confused by his anger.
“It was some guy, said you were his, always had been and would be.” Sy told her, pushing his jaw forward.
Lily's eyes glassed over, letting out a shuddering breath and started trembling. Sy blinked at her, his anger at the caller's words melting away to alarmed concern. He took a step forward, reaching out for her, but Lily stumbled away from him, tears finally spilling free.
“Lily.” He whispered softly, his chest tight. “Easy.” He cooed at her, licking his lips.
“I'm not his, not anymore.” She whimpered, shaking her head. “Why can't he just leave me be.”
Sy blinked at her, frowning harder. “What?”
“Nothing.” Lily mewled, biting her lip.
“No, come on.” He coaxed her, resting his hand on her arm and gently pulled her against him. “Tell me.” He whispered, gently rubbing her back.
“I thought I got away from him.” She sniffled against his shirt. “Thirteen hundred miles away from him. I was so careful—so careful.” She mumbled, hands clinging onto the sides of his shirt. “I don't-I don't know how he found me—unless...”
“Unless?” Sy frowned, still slowly rubbing her back and trying to process what she was telling him. “Sit down.” He said, moving them towards the breakfast table and pulled out a chair for her, before bringing the other one around from the other side to sit beside her.
“Start at the beginning.”
Lily cleared her throat and stared down at her hands, folded in her lap. “I was born and raised in Middleburg, Virginia. You know, that I'm an only child and that my mom died, when I was born. I was raised by my grandparents, because my dad was in and out of my life, before just finally disappearing from it, when I was nineteen.” She explained to him, licking her lips.
“He blamed me for my mom's death.” She added, quietly.
Sy reached out and rested his hand on her thigh, squeezing it gently, and gave her a sweet smile.
“When I was seventeen, I met a boy at church, Jak.” Lily continued to explain to him. “It was the only time I really got to interact with others, my grandparents were strict, homeschooling me and only really letting me out of the house, unless they were with me, which was usually only for church on Sunday.” She fidgeted, shyly. “He was the only boy to show any interest in me, which didn't and did surprise me. The little house on the prairie dresses my grandma made me wear, and the glasses I had back then, you could see the moon through them.” She chuckled, cheeks colored.
Sy smiled back at her, even picturing her as a little girl like that, he still found her beautiful.
“But, Jak didn't care, or at least he didn't say or show he did. I would sneak out at night to meet him in the apple orchard my grandfather grew. It had been in our family since the Revolutionary War, the land was given to my, how many times, great-grandfather as payment for his service in the war.”
“I bet it's beautiful.” Sy commented, warmed at the thought.
“They are, so many of the trees are the original ones that were planted.” She smiled back, picturing the orchard in her mind. “The first one that was ever planted, after he cleared away the land, is still there and yielding, there's a plaque staked by its roots, and people come from all around to see it and the orchard, the Warren Apple.”
Sy rested back in his chair. “Your family owns the Warren Orchard Company? You're one of those Warrens?”
“I am.” She nodded, smiling proudly at that fact, but it vanished.
“Anyway, Jak and I would sneak every moment we could to see each other. He even got a job, during the summer, in the orchard, so we could see each other even more.” She took a deep breath, letting it out softly. “But, a year after we met and started being sweet on each other, my grandparents lodged a missionary for his two year mission in our ward. Jak thought he and I were getting close, that my grandparents had actually brought him to live with us, so he and I could court and marry.”
“He grew jealous and possessive. I was stupid, naive and young, I didn't know what was happening, that he was being abusive, until it was almost far too late.”
“What happened, that caused you to realize it?” Sy asked, tilting his head at her.
“I met Jak in the orchard one night, when I was twenty, the day after the missionary went back home to Michigan, because his two years were up. When I got there, Jak was pacing, already angry. Livid. When he saw me, he started yelling about how he had seen me kissing the missionary, how we practically ate each other's faces on the back porch, while everyone else was in the house, during his farewell party.” She said, glancing out the window behind the breakfast table.
“Of course, I hadn't been. Matt, the Missionary, and I had been on the back porch together, I had gone out there to get away from the press of all the people and he went out there to check on me. We had hugged, only the once, since doing so isn't really acceptable, two not courting, unchaperoned kids. But, we did nothing more, before going back inside. The truth didn't matter to Jak though, he had his version of what he saw and it was unchangeable.” Lily bit her lip and gripped Sy's wrist as his hand still laid on her thigh. “He lost his temper and hit me, but in my love sick stupidity, I didn't break it off there or tell my grandparents about it.”
“Instead, I enrolled in a university for Photography and Web Design, moved out of my grandparents' place and into one with him, like an idiot.”
“You weren't an idiot, Lily.” Sy told her, shaking his head and slipping his hand into hers. “It's more common than you think.”
“I know it is.” She sighed, clinging onto his hand.
“He only got worse and it got harder for me to get my school work done, with him accusing me that I was sleeping with my project partners, even teachers.” She huffed, shaking her head at his allegations, that now sounded so ridiculous. “The straw that broke the camel's back was,” She paused, biting and licking her lips, fighting down a bubble of emotions and memories. “One of my project mates called to ask me about the faux website we were designing for a fake company we had to make up, cause she wanted to know what time was good for us to meet up, and Jak answered the phone, claimed he heard a guy in the background, throwing the phone across the living room and went ballistic, saying I was having her call me to set up a time for me and the guy he heard, to try and fool him.”
“He spent the next hour going to town on me.” She said, glancing up at him, the hint and meaning in her eyes.
“Afterwards, he went to work and I packed a bag. I had some money from the family orchard business, so I took a good portion of it, bought a greyhound bus ticket to a cousin I was close to in New Jersey, Maggie, and stayed with her, knowing he wouldn't find me there, my grandparents wouldn't think I'd go there, and she wouldn't ever rat on me. While I was there, I petitioned for a name change, from Liliana Warren to Lily Ana Moore, and finished my degree, then found this place and moved out here.”
“So, how do you think he found you?” Sy asked, worried about her safety and angry that this asshole had the audacity to hurt her and wanted to try and hurt her again, but he kept a lid on his temper, not wanting to frighten her anymore than she already was.
“I've been keeping tabs on my grandparents, mostly through my cousin.” Lily answered, biting her lip. “She called me a year ago, to tell me that my grandmother had a stroke, a pretty bad stroke at that. She's apparently wheelchair bound now. Maggie went down there to visit them, and my grandfather was talking about how he needed someone to work on the company website, when Maggie let it slip that I have a web design business.”
“Oh.” Sy let out, eyes wide.
“Yeah.” She nodded back. “So, of course, they got upset, understanding that Maggie knew what had happened to me and where I was and all that. She called afterwards, apologizing up and down to me for it. She didn't tell them where I was or anything like that, just that I was safe and fine, and if I wanted to contact them, I would.”
“Did you?”
“I did.” Lily sighed, voice tight. “I figured after four years, I owed them a call.”
“So, do you think they told Jak?”
“I don't know.” She shrugged. “But, a week after I called them, I started getting hang up calls, then calls where no one would say anything for a few minutes, before hanging up. Then, two months ago, I got a call that was different from the others, he said something to me, and a month ago, he said something being soon.”
The wires connected in Sy's brain. “That's what caused you to take all those pills.”
Lily gulped and bit her lip, eyes burning, as she nodded her head. “Ye-ah.” She choked, fear and anxiety starting to mount inside of her again.
“Hey, hey.”
Sy cooed, wrapping his arms around her and pulled her into his lap, hugging her against his chest. “It's all right, Lily. It's going to be all right, I promised to protect you and I will. You are safe with me, you will always be safe with me, whatever the cost.” He whispered in her ear, holding her close and planning ways and means to protect her.
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“Sy?” Lily called from the open door of her bedroom, just as Sy stepped out of the hall bathroom, in nothing, but a pair of black boxers.
“Lily?” He replied, rubbing the towel over his head, and looked up at her, lifting a brow, inquisitively.
Lily rested her hand on the handle of her door and stepped sideways, giving a little motion of her head into her room, a soft and offering expression on her face. Sy blinked at her, surprised, then down at Aika, who sat in the doorway of his room, feeling like he was picking what lady to sleep with for the night.
He tilted his head at Aika and gave her a sympathetic expression.
“Sorry, Girl.” He whispered to the Shepherd, turning towards Lily.
Lily chuckled at him, smiling and shaking her head as he passed by her and into her room. “You can come too, Aika.” She called to her, then turned into her room.
“You're cool with this?” Sy asked, eyes motioning to her bed.
“It was my idea, wasn't it?” She smiled at him, then stepped inside her closet for a moment and came back in a t-shirt-like nightie with Mickey Mouse on it, before pulling down the blankets and crawling into bed.
“It was.” He nodded, then laid down with her, covering up.
Lily scooted closer to him and Sy draped his arm over her waist, tucking her against him and she let him lay his head on her chest, stroking his arm. She was comfortable with the warm weight of his body against hers, the clean scent of his skin and hair from his shower. She felt Sy's body slowly melt into hers as he fell asleep, it had been her plan. Lily knew there was a high likelihood of Sy having another episode or nightmare, but figured, if he was there, with her, already safe and comfortable in her arms, he wouldn't have it.
That was her deepest hope, at least.
But, the next thing Lily knew, she was being jerked roughly off the bed and pinned underneath Sy's mountainous weight, his heavy and hot breath puffing against the side of her face as he blanketed her with his body, clearly startled and on high alert. The room lit up with a quick flash of lightning and the furious sound of rain beating on all parts of the house filled the bedroom around them.
“Austin.” She gasped, grasping the back of his arms, nails digging into his sweaty skin, thinking he had been set off by the noise of the sudden storm. “Aust-”
“Ssshhh.” He hushed her, lips brushing her temple, the hairs of his beard tickling her skin. “Stay here.” He whispered into her ear, then moved off of her and out of the room, Aika sitting in the open doorway and growling into the darkness of the hallway after him.
Lily sat up on her elbows, knowing that what was happening couldn't have been from one of Sy's nightmares or the storm, because Aika wouldn't be acting like this, she was angry, like she was daring something Lily couldn't see to try and cross her. But, nothing came, not even Sy, and Lily was starting to get worried. So, getting up, she edged around Aika and tip toed downstairs, jerking at another boom of thunder and crack of lightning, until she found Sy standing in the entryway.
“Austin?” She called out to him, over the sound of the rain, which sounded much louder downstairs.
“I told you to stay upstairs.” He barked, not looking back at her.
“What's wrong?” She asked, knowing there had to be something, by the tone of his voice.
“Nothing, just go back to bed.”
Narrowing her eyes, Lily stepped closer to him and her eyes grew wide, seeing what had caused Sy to wake up and react like he had. The large bay window in the den that faced out onto the porch and the front of the property was smashed, the glitter of the broken glass shined in the lightning strikes and left the outline of the brick amongst them, the cause of the broken window. Lily's eyes snapped out the living room window, expecting to see someone, not just someone, but Jak, to be standing out in the yard, staring back at them. But, there was no one, but her and Sy's cars. Her heart started to race and pound, making her feel dizzy and lightheaded, trembling so hard she almost lost her balance, but caught herself on the back of the couch.
Sy turned and grabbed her, picking her up in his arms and carried her back up to bed. “Stay here.” He ordered her, pointing a stiff finger at her, then went back downstairs.
Going out back, Sy grabbed a large piece of plywood he had bought in preparation for repairing the roof and instead used it to board up the broken window, until the storm passed and morning came, so he could find a piece of glass to replace it, leaving him and the den floor mostly wet. He moped the den floor and laid out nearly every towel Lily had in the house in hopes the old floorboards wouldn't warp under the water damage.
He stepped out onto the porch for a moment, glaring into wet dark. “This is my house now.” He growled, knowing Jak was still out there somewhere nearby. “My girl.” He hissed, before turning back inside, going up to the guest room to change into a dry pair of boxers and joined Lily back in her bed.
“It was him.” She mumbled, hugging her pillow to her chest. “It had to be him.”
Sy sighed softly, locking his arms around her waist and hugged her to his chest, curving his body around hers. He didn't know what to say to her, they both knew it had to be Jak, who else would have thrown a brick through someone's window in the middle of a storm like this one, especially after all the other incidents over the last several months; all the lines drew back to Jak on his unhealthy, possessive rampage to reclaim Lily as his own. Sy was afraid that if he verbalized his agreement with her, it would only inflate her already inflamed fear of the obvious.
So, he just clutched her tighter to him, pressing his lips to her shoulder and squeezing his eyes shut against the bright flashes of lightning.
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“Lily, I'm going to go to town, I have something I need to pick up.” He told her, searching the living room for his car keys.
“I thought you already ordered the new windowpane?” Lily called back, appearing out of the kitchen, where she was washing the dishes.
“I did.” He nodded, he had found a shop that he could order a replacement windowpane for the den window that morning, but it wouldn't be ready until the next day. “This is for something else.” He told her, finding his keys under a magazine on the coffee table.
“What are you going for, then, Bear?” She asked, tilting her head at him.
Sy paused and regarded her. “Don't worry about it, Angel. I'll be back in an hour.” He told her, then, went out.
“Okay.” Lily frowned, glancing out the living room window, the thunder and lightning had passed during the early morning, but it was still raining cats and dogs.
Sighing, Lily turned back into the kitchen, taking a bucket and mop out of the utility closet, filled the bucket with warm water and soap, before getting down to mopping the floors, with nothing else to do in the current weather.
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Sy rushed out to his truck, but was still almost half soaked by the time he settled himself in the driver's seat. Turning on the car and cranking on the heat, Sy pulled off the property and headed towards Celina. He pulled into the small parking center the small town had, scanning the rain blurred signs, looking for the one he was heading for, before opening the door and rushing towards it, pulling open the door, with an electric ding, announcing his presence.
“How can I help you?” the shop owner asked, coming out of a small room in the back and stopped behind a long glass case.
“Yeah, I'm looking for something specific.” Sy replied, stopping on the other side of the glass case, a look of understanding in both men's eyes.
“What specifics would that be?”
“Taurus, PT111 G2, 9mm.” Sy rattled off with familiar ease.
“Do you have a license and ID?” The store owner asked, eyes scanning the case between them.
“Then, some.” Sy laughed, pulling out his wallet to show the man his qualifications.
“You're a retired Captain.” The man noted, seeing Sy's military ID.
“That I am.” Sy chuckled, grinning with some pride.
The store owner got Sy squared away with the weapon he wanted, a secure case and a couple rounds of ammo, while also chattering about the military, being a retired Staff Sergeant himself. Getting back into his truck, he put the case under the passenger seat, pausing to stare at it for a moment,emotions and thoughts brewing inside of him, then shook them off. Satisfied, Sy went back home to Lily, finding her dusting the living room, when he came in, carrying the case and sat it down on the coffee table.
Lily paused, dust rag poised above the mantelpiece, staring at the case. “Is that what I think it is?” She asked, finally looking up at him.
“If you think it's a gun, then yes.” Sy replied, sitting down on the couch and tugging on the soaked laces of his boots.
“Why,” She gulped, arm dropping to her side. “did you buy a gun and bring it here?”
“Because, I wanted to and as a precaution.” He answered her, yanking his boots off.
“A precaution?”
“There is a fucking asshole out there.” Sy barked, jerking his arm up and finger pointing out the window. “Trying to hurt you.” His finger moved to her, in emphasis. “I am a big man. I'm a strong man. I've killed and subdued more than one man with my bare hands, but a personal cost.” He explained to her, standing and jerking up his shirt, showing her a couple of scars on his sides and chest, some were round and puckered, gunshot wounds, others were stripes, like stab wounds.
“If that prick decides to come into this house, to try and put his hands on you. That,” He pointed down to the gun case. “is going to be the first thing he wants to meet, because if he has to get close enough to me, that I need to put my hands on him, then they will be that last thing he will ever feel.” He told her, chest heaving as he got worked up over the situation.
Lily gulped at him, biting her lip, a flash of fear in her eyes at his passionate words, seeing a vein of rage that Jak had also been capable of.
“I just want to protect you.” He said softly, taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself down; seeing he had scared her.
“I know you do, Austin.” She whimpered back, gulping, eyes shiny. “I know you do.”
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Sy moaned, something cold pressing into his neck. “Hm, Lily.” He chuckled, scrunching his head and shoulders together, grinning as the cold and wet touched his bare chest, making him grunt and wiggle away. “Why are you so col-” He started to laugh, opening his eyes, only to meet the soulful and tawny colored eyes of Aika.
“Aika, what are ya doin' here?” He frowned, and sat up, finding it was just him and the German Shepherd in the bed, Lily nowhere in sight. “Lily?” He called out, turning his head towards the master bathroom, but it was empty.
Panic filled Sy as he yanked the blankets back and pounded down the stairs into the living room, then the den. Sy squeezed his eyes shut, taking deep breaths and clenching his hands in and out of fists, trying to keep himself cool and calm, before going into the kitchen, hearing the screen of the back door knocking against the door frame, and found the main back door was ajar.
“What is she doing?” He whispered to himself, biting his lip and looking back, considering the option of going back upstairs and getting the gun, but something in his gut told him he wouldn't need it.
Opening the door, Sy stepped out onto the back porch, a shiver wracking his body as a strong gust of rainy wind rushed by him. He narrowed his eyes, scanning the drenched backyard, the tall, unruly and uncut grass bent from the pelting of the rain and gusts of wind, he caught a quick movement to his left and turned in that direction, stepping off the porch and followed after it, towards the barn, just catching the billowing fabric of Lily's white nightie, vanishing inside.
“Lily, what are you doing in here?” He called out, pushing open the barn door a bit more. “Lily?” He called again, frowning as he crossed the barn and found her huddled in one of the old horse stalls. “What are you doing in here, Angel?” He cooed at her, shaking his head, droplets of rain running down both of their faces, and watched her melt into the corner.
Lily panted, her back pressed against the warped and worn wall behind her, arms pressed to her chest, her nightie so soaked, it was almost see through. Sy bit his lip and gulped, slowly crouching down. He knew what was going on, he had seen and suffered things like this a million times over the last ten plus years. She was having a PTSD episode, running away from the terror that was inside her head, trying to hide and find somewhere safe from it. Everything over the last several months with Jak stalking and harassing her was really starting to affect her, finally breaking her it seemed.
“I'm not going to hurt you, love.” He said softly, keeping his voice soft and low. “Come here.” He gulped, opening his arms to her and biting his lip with apprehension. “It's all right. You know, you can trust me, Sugar.” He whispered, nodding his head as she slowly unfolded herself and crawled over to him.
“Hey, Angel.” Sy cooed, sighing softly, and closed his arms around her, pressing his lips to the top of wet her head. “Ssshh.” He hushed her, rubbing her back and cupping the back of her head, feeling her tears add to the raindrops on his chest.
“I c-can-can't ta-take it an-anymore.” She sobbed, trembling in his arms, overcome with emotions and cold.
“We'll get through this, Angel.” He whispered to her, cupping her chilled cheeks in his hands and tilted her head back to look up at him. “We will get through this. You and I will get through this together. Everything will work out.”
Lily shook her head, her pale lips trembling. “N-no, it wo-won't. He-he always g-gets what h-he wants. All-always.” She mewled, whining. “I don't kn-know why I-I thought I c-could ge-get away.”
Sy's expression was hard for a moment, before he brought their faces together and kissed her, deeply. Lily stiffened against him, taken off guard by his kiss, but she didn't pull away or push him away. Gulping, she shyly returned his kiss, resting her hands on him, feeling the skin of his sides jump and react to her icy touch.
“I've wanted to kiss you.” Sy said, pulling back. “For such a long time.” He admitted, looking into her eyes. “Since that day on the porch, when you woke me up.”
“Since, you gave me your hoodie at the fair.” She whispered back, licking her lips, the warmth of Sy's still lingering on them.
Sy leaned forward, kissing her gently and brushing his fingers through her dripping hair, Lily pushing forward to deepen it for a moment, letting out a breathy whimper. Sy smirked, then looked down at the floor between them, it was still strewn with decades old hay and dirt. He held up a finger and stood, bumping around in the dark barn before a scratching sound sounded among the patter of rain on the metal barn roof. A moment later, a teeny glow filled the space and Sy approached where Lily was still kneeling, holding an old, beat up, oil lantern he knew was in the barn from his many searches of the space, hanging it up on a bent and rusty nail on the stall wall, then disappeared for another moment.
“Stand up.” He said, motioning her out of the stall, holding something in his arms.
Lily frowned at him, but stepping out of the stall and out of his way, catching a glimpse of what it was, it was one of the drop clothes he bought for when he painted the house, keeping the paint off the new porch. Sy unfolded the drop cloth over the dirty hay and stall floor, making sure it was comfortable, then turned back to her.
“How gentlemanly.” Lily complimented him.
“I am a Southern boy.” Sy chuckled, letting his Southern drawl deepen, and wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her against him. “Who's in love with Southern Lady.”
Lily blushed as Sy kissed her again, hugging her against him and up off her feet, turning around and slowly dropped to his knees, gently laying her back on the situated drop cloth. Lily wrapped her arms around Sy's neck, moaning softly against his lips, feeling the fabric of her nightie rub against her cold hardened nipples as Sy moved to kiss down to her neck, sinking his teeth into her delicate skin and let out a loud moan, pushing up against him.
“Austin!” She cried out, pressing her cheek to his ear as he continued to bite and suck on her neck, his beard tickling and rubbing against the skin underneath her jaw, leaving it red and sensitive.
Sy chuckled, loving the sound of her calling out his name with the metal patter of rain, his hand gliding over the soaked material of her nightie, bunching and hiking it up out of his way, pressing his palm against her side, rubbing his big hands all over her exposed body, grunting and growling into her neck, like a wild grizzly bear, finally getting his claws on his prized catch. His big mitts were on her plump breasts almost instantly, squeezing and kneading them, rubbing the rough pads of his thumbs over the sensitive nubs of her nipples, making her moan and whimper, fidgeting beneath him and rubbing her legs together, adding to the growing slickness between them.
“You sound so sweet.” Sy moaned back, pulling away from her neck, a set of dark teeth marks left behind, dipping his head for a moment to swirl his tongue around one of her nipples.
“Sy.” She whined, gulping down a moan. “Sy, please.”
“Oh.” He smiled, impishly. “You like that?” He asked, flicking her erect nipple with the tip of his tongue and watched her partially melt. “Your sweet, sensitive, little buds.” He cooed, then closed his lips around one of them, suckling gently, rubbing and rolling his tongue against it.
“Ah, shit!” Lily gasped, gripping his shoulders, eyes rolling and fluttering back into her head, heels digging into the fabric of the drop cloth. “God damn it, Austin.” She snapped, pressing her palms to the back of his head, holding his mouth to her breasts, her moans and whimpers filled the barn, pushing against him, egging and begging him to keep going, her breathing growing rugged and labored, moans becoming more urgent and reckless.
“Ah, fuck fuck fuck.” She cried out. “Suck them harder.” She coaxed and demanded. “Oh shit! Please, Austin!!” She gasped suddenly, body going rigid with a soft tremor.
Sy pulled away from her and dripped a hand between her trembling thighs, finding an extremely wet patch there. “So, you come, when you get your pretty breasts sucked.” He grinned, fully turned on and impressed, licking her juices off his fingers and palm.
“I've also never heard you say such naughty words.” He added, teasingly.
Lily chuckled, slowly recovering and smiling shyly up at him.
“Oh, it's too late to get shy now, Angel.” Sy laughed, leaning down and kissed the corner of her mouth. “Your secret is out.” He continued to tease her, playfully bouncing her boobs in his palms.
“And, I'm not letting you off.”
“I'm going to regret this, I can just feel it now.” Lily huffed, shaking her head, but her smile gave away her true feelings.
“Yes, you are.”
Sy chuckled, his hand dipping back between her legs, rubbing her still dripping folds with his calloused fingers, melting her into a puddle of weak and vulnerable whimpers. “You're so sensitive and sound so sweet.” He cooed at her, licking his lips and watching her face. “So, so sweet.” He panted, mouth slightly ajar, slipping his free hand into his damp boxers, curling his fingers around his thick and rock hard shaft, giving it a few shallow strokes.
Lily's eyes drifted down the length of her sweaty body, watching Sy work his cock inside his underwear and felt herself shiver in want and anticipation of it. She licked her lips and looked up at him, their eyes in a silent communication of what they both wanted. Sy shifted, yanking off his boxers to kneel between Lily's legs, wrapping them around his waist, her hips and bottom resting atop his thighs, with the small of her back lifted off the drop cloth beneath her.
“You're sure?” Sy panted, gulping thickly and already breaking out into a sweat, staring at her with wide eyes and blown out pupils.
“Yes.” Lily sighed, nodding her head vigorously at him. “God, yes.” She moaned, squeezing her legs around his waist.
Sy smirked, pressed a hand to her hip, pushing it up her side to palm one of her breasts, squeezing and rubbing it, while taking the base of his cock in his other hand, pumping it a few times, rubbing the fat and cut tip against her still wet pussy, slowly slipping between her folds, brushing her entrance and pushing inside. Lily let out a moaning sigh through her nose, feeling his wide girth stretch her open far more than she had ever been before. Her toes curled and squeezed his hips between her calves and thighs, back arching and hips shifting against the nearly uncomfortable burn of his length being buried ever deeper inside her core. Sy tilted his head at her, bracing a hand on the drop cloth, beside her head, and leaned over her, causing Lily to let out a raspy gasp as his cock changed angles inside of her, and kissed her, slow and passionately, still pushing his hips into her.
“You are so beautiful.” He rasped against her lips, nibbling on her pouty bottom lip.
“Austin.” She whimpered back, breathy, hooking her arms under his arms and pressing her palms flat against tense and sweaty back, nails digging into his cool skin. “Austin.” She chanted, softly, rubbing her nose against his.
“Lily.” Sy moaned back, finally flush inside of her, and rocked into her, taking his time and enjoying her heavenly warmth wrapped around his cock, like a toasty sleeve. “I love you, Lily.” He whispered into her ear, kissing her jaw and cheek.
Lily blushed and let out an airy chuckle, hiding her face in his neck and broad shoulder, hugging her arms and legs tighter around his body, clinging onto him for dear life and squeezed her eyes shut, taking in the sound of Sy's heavy breathing and loud moans and groans, grunting, and sighing out her name, the still steady pitter-patter of the fat raindrops on the old, rusted tin roof and sun-kissed wood walls, all mixed with her own sounds of pleasure.
“Sy?” Lily whispered, after their shared climax, still feeling the euphoric and relaxing pleasure it gave both of them, as she laid on the drop cloth, half tucked underneath Sy's body for warmth in the drafty barn.
“Hm?” He hummed back, nosing her hair and took a deep breath.
Lily smiled, feeling the vibration in his chest, nuzzling back into him. “I love you too, Austin.” She whispered, turned her head to look back at him.
Sy lifted his head and looked down at her, a smile slowly pulling across his lips, an excited and giddy feeling in the pit of his stomach, reaching out to gently brush her hair out of her face, picking out a few bits of straw that happened to get stuck in it from earlier; before oh-so-tenderly kissing her.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me, Angel.” He murmured against her cheek.
“I'm guessing as happy as it makes me, Bear.” She chuckled back, kissing the tip of his nose.
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Lily softly stirred just before dawn, cradled in Sy's arms as he carried her out of the barn, the rain finally letting up, and into the house. He carried her upstairs to her room and gently laid her down on her bed, letting him help her out of her still damp nightie and tossed it through the open door of her master bathroom, before crawling into bed with her.
Both of them were out cold before the blankets settled around them, unaware of the audience they had a good deal of the night.
376 notes · View notes
Saving Grace S1 E3: The Trade
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Fox Mulder x Reader
Words: 3532
Summary: Getting closer to finding Grace means getting closer to your probable demise. Stress and panic make you pick a fight with your husband and Dana begins to suspect that you know more than you're letting on.
Notes: I’m so glad that you guys have enjoyed this series. As I’ve said, I don’t know when season two will be ready, but I hope you like this finale and look forward to more. Let me know what you think!
More Mulder Imagines Here
Richard Zimmer. His face grinned back at you from your television screen, making a new announcement about Zimtech’s developments in environmental restoration. The press hung on his every word, but all you could hear was his voice threatening your daughter’s life. He was the one calling the shots, and for whatever reason, he wanted you.
Fox was getting dressed upstairs and Scully was waiting at the office. You knew it would be today. Zimtech hadn’t made any more calls, but something inside of you knew Zimmer’s cocky grin was meant for you.
Footsteps boomed down the stairs and Fox walked past you, his undone tie still hanging loosely around his neck. You jumped up from your seat and stood in front of him.
“What are you-” He started as your hand found the fabric of his tie. A small, slightly confused smirk spread across his face while you looped and twisted the tie into place. “I can tie my own tie, you know.”
“I know, I just…” You trailed off. Looking into his eyes, you tugged on the fabric, pulling his lips to yours. You wanted to remember every part of it, from the kiss to his hands slowly reaching up to caress your face.
“What was that for?”
“Because.” You ran a hand down his chest, fighting back the tears that were filling your eyes. “Today, we’re going to find our daughter.”
Fellow agents watched as you and Fox passed, their usual disdain replaced by pity. There were no misogynist mutterings about ‘Mrs. Spooky.’ In fact, it was unsettlingly quiet. You felt like screaming if only to break up the silence, but you walked on beside your husband.
The elevator descended without either of you saying a word. You were afraid that you would let something slip or that he would be able to tell by the tone of your voice. Fox could always tell when something was wrong with you. Of course, your screaming fit last night certainly had him on high alert. He ran a hand down your arm as the elevator doors opened, his eyes asking if you were alright. You just gave him a small smile. You were as fine as you could be.
The office was a wreck. Piles of paperwork covered all of the desks, a few stray pages having fallen to the floor. Scully had yet to arrive, probably looking into the circumstances around the little girl’s death. Just thinking about it made you feel sick. Fox went to his desk and looked over old reports from when you both first started looking into Zimtech. Maybe he’d found something back then that could help now.
You watched him for a moment, noticing the way his brows furrowed as he read and how he pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. Everything in the room seemed to jump out at you. Things that had become so familiar, you had forgotten they were there. Pencils hung down from the ceiling like little stick bats- victims of your husband’s boredom. Pictures of oddities and U.F.O.’s covered the walls behind both of the desks.
Sitting on your desk was an old photograph that stopped your heart. It was from a couple of days after you’d brought Grace home from the hospital and Fox had fallen asleep next to her crib, his hand still holding onto her tiny one. You hadn’t wanted to wake them up, but you couldn’t resist the picture opportunity. Now, the photo broke your heart, sending your mind into a reeling series of regret and guilt.
You would never see them together again.
The thought brought tears to your eyes and you tried your best to hide them from Fox. Your breathing and heart rate picked up. You would never hear them laugh together, never see the way his eyes light up when he holds her. You would never get to watch him be a dad again.
You forced yourself to look away, instead looking at your notes from the past few days.
He wants me.
The only reason you could think of was that all this was a plot to kill you. Zimmer needed you to keep quiet about what Green had told you.
If Zimmer knew about your meetings with Mr. Green, then maybe there was something about Green that Zimmer wanted you to help him with. You couldn’t decide which was worse; dying a probably terrible death or being forced to help the man who killed dozens of innocent people as part of his sick project.
It was still something you couldn’t figure out. How could a partnership with you possibly be beneficial to him? Fox was the genius, Dana knew science better than you ever could. Other than your death, there was nothing you could offer him. Right?
“Y/N, take a look at this.” Fox pulled a paper from the fax machine and passed it over to you. “Zimtech employment records. Notice anything strange?”
“Half a dozen scientists were terminated three days before Grace was taken.” You gave him a confused look.
“Something happened. Something that pushed Zimmer over the edge and made him take Gracie.”
“Fox, they took Grace because they’re evil, remember?” You set the paper down with a sigh. “How does this help us find her?”
“If we find the mistake, we take down Zimmer.” The excited determination in his voice put you over the edge. He was never going to give this up and if he kept searching, you knew that Zimmer would do more than just make him disappear. If Fox didn’t quit, they’d kill him.
“Looking into them is what got us into this mess so don’t you think we should focus on getting our daughter back instead of looking at their damn records?” Your voice grew louder with every word until you were screaming.
“What, do you think I don’t care about getting her back?” Fox spat back.
“I think that looking into a half-dozen sacked scientists isn’t doing anything to find her!”
“I don’t see you coming up with any better ideas, honey!” He quickly turned away from you and went back to his desk.
You sat, fuming in a few minutes of quiet before you were able to calm down. The stress and anxiety of the day were making you turn against the one person you had. You weren’t angry. You were terrified. Fox was just trying everything he could. He just didn’t know it didn’t matter. You just wished they would stop dragging out his suffering and take you already.
Scully came in before you could say anything. “We’ve made an I.D. on the girl we found yesterday.” She announced grimly. “Her family reported her missing just a few hours before we found her.”
“So they’re just grabbing children off the street now?” You scoffed in mortified disbelief. Who could kill an innocent child just to use her as a decoy?
“And the longer it takes us to find Grace, the worse it’ll get.” Fox didn’t even look at you as he grabbed his jacket. “Scully, you and I can go look into this girl to see if it could lead us to Grace. Y/N… keep looking into those records. Maybe one of those guys can tell us something.” The disheartened tone in his voice left a hole in your chest. This wasn’t how you wanted to spend the time you had left with him.
“I’ll let you know if I find anything.” You watched him leave the office, shoulders hunched and head down. Scully gave you a concerned look, having sensed the tension from the moment she came in. You just shook your head and went back to the records Fox left you.
Of all the stupid reasons to get upset, the guilt you felt now was beyond anything else. With every name you looked into, you felt that hole in your chest widen. You wished you were with him. More than that, you wished Grace was already back in his arms- consequences for you be damned.
Fox didn’t say anything as he and Scully went back into the elevator. She watched him carefully, reading his expression and reaching the same conclusion she reached with you.
“The death of this girl is not your fault, Mulder.” She said sternly, but not without compassion. “Yours or Y/N’s.”
“They killed her to send us a message.” He snapped back. “They grabbed her off the street, murdered her in cold blood and put my-” His voice cracked, revealing the guilt and terror behind his frustration. Scully put a supportive hand on his arm. “They put her in my daughter’s sweater.”
“To get in your head.” She ran a hand down her face, trying not to look as bad as she felt. “Everything Zimtech has done has been to cover up the atrocities they’ve been committing for the past decade. None of it is your fault.”
He didn’t say anything for a long time. When he finally spoke, his tone was beyond desperate. It was complete and total despair.
“We’re losing it, Scully.” He said sadly. The elevator doors opened and other agents entered as the partners got off. He kept his voice low so only she would hear. “I found Y/N outside screaming at the trees last night and I-” His words hitched as he fought back tears. “I see Grace everywhere. I keep thinking she’s going to run into my office with a new drawing. If we don’t find her soon… or worse, if we find her and she’s…”
“Stop,” Scully said, keeping a hand on his arm as they walked. “Until we have hard evidence to suggest otherwise, we have to keep believing that Grace is alive. I refuse to lose hope and you should too.” Her eyes showed how much this meant to her.
Mulder stopped walking suddenly, pulling Scully into his arms in a tight embrace. The shorter woman was stunned at first but didn’t hesitate to hug him back. In all their years working together, she’d never seen him this torn apart. More than anything he and his wife just needed someone on their side. And she would be until the very end.
“Thank you, Dana.” He whispered into her ginger hair.
“Fox Mulder!” They heard someone cry out as they pulled apart. Fox let out a deep sigh, coming face-to-face with his father-in-law.
You weren’t completely surprised to see your father. After all, the man had been helping you and Fox raise Grace since the day she was born. This line of work meant needing a babysitter available 24/7 and your father was always more than happy to take her in. While your husband looked less than thrilled, you were grateful for your dad’s support. More importantly, you were grateful that he brought the package straight to you.
“I don’t know what it is. I hardly got the courage to even open it, but when I did, it didn’t make any sense to me.” He rambled. “You know how I am- never open something from an address I don’t know. With everything going on, I figured-”
“We really appreciate you bringing this, dad.” You cut him off, knowing he would just keep going until you stopped him.
“What exactly is ‘it’?” Fox asked, still not looking in your direction. Your dad gave him a look.
“You tell me.”
If the tension in the office wasn’t bad before, it was worse now. Fox and your father rarely ever saw eye to eye, and that’s putting it nicely. You were the first to open the box, freezing at the sight of its contents. This was it. This sign was for you.
You felt Fox up behind you, putting a hand on the small of your back. Just the small touch was enough to keep you at least somewhat together. Inside the box was the same plastic flying saucer that had hung in the tree and Gracie’s school.
“What does it mean?” Your dad asked.
“It doesn’t mean anything. Just another one of their mind games.” Fox scoffed, shoving the box away. You grabbed his hand.
“No.” You gave him a hopeful, convincing smile- but you couldn’t hide the sadness in it as well. “It means it’s time to get our little girl.”
And it was time to say goodbye.
Your heart was thundering in your ears. It seemed like you were aware of everything down to the blood pumping wildly through your veins. The closer the car got to your destination, the more and more you began to doubt.
How were you supposed to make the trade if you had an entire FBI team with you? Surely Zimmer didn’t think you could make it here alone. Or maybe he thought your father would only show the package to you. Maybe this really was just another decoy. Or worse; a way to get you all in one place so they could ambush you.
The return address on the package led you to an abandoned hospital in Baltimore. While the drive was roughly an hour, it felt like days before Fox pulled up in front of the run-down building. As soon as you saw it you knew. You didn’t know how, but you felt it.
“She’s here, Fox. I know it.”
He looked at you and your eyes connected and you couldn’t control your emotions anymore. Tears blurred your vision and spilled onto your cheeks. Fox’s hand found the back of your neck and he pressed his forehead against yours.
“She’s in there. And she’s going to be okay. We’re going to save her. And then we’re going to take her home.” His voice was meant to be calming, but his words were what made everything so much harder. He kept saying ‘we.’
A jolt went through you- drying your tears almost instantly. You were being selfish, letting your fear get in the way of that instinct stirring in your stomach. The instinct to go after your daughter no matter the cost. Grace was all that mattered. You couldn’t afford to be afraid. You were getting her back. No matter what.
“Let’s go.”
Everything from the last few days was rushing through your head, but only one thing drowned out your sadness and panic- rage. Anger drove every motion as you and the rest of the rescue team stormed the building.
Dana watched you, noting your complete change in demeanor with concerned curiosity. You knew something the rest of them didn’t, even Mulder. She thought of your notes, but in the intensity of the moment, she couldn’t focus enough for any of it to make any sense.
You were the first inside, the three of you taking the front while other teams went to the other entrances. Yours was the closest to the stairs and you felt pulled towards them.
“This way.”
You must have been moving faster than you thought because when you heard Scully yell, you had already climbed to the next set of stairs.
“Look out!” She shouted, grabbing Fox’s arm and pulling him off the landing just before the explosion.
“Fox!” You screamed, sputtering as smoke and dust filled your lungs. “Scully!”
“We’re alright.” You heard your husband cough. When the air started to clear, you could see that the entire landing, as well as the bottom half of the stairs you were on had been blown off.
That was definitely one way to get you alone.
“There’s got to be another way up. Wait there until we find you.” Fox said, quickly starting back. You took a deep breath, bracing yourself for what came next.
“We don’t have time.” Your tone made both of them stop in their tracks.
“Y/N, we don’t know what’s up there,” Dana said. “There could be other bombs.”
“I know that Grace is up there.” You locked eyes with her, wishing you could tell her so much more- how much her friendship has meant to you all these years. Hell, the woman was your maid-of-honor. But you didn’t have time. Then you turned to Fox- your best friend, your partner, your husband. You couldn’t bring yourself to say goodbye. “I’ll find her. I-” Your words caught in your throat, but you forced yourself to recover. “I love you.”
“Y/N wait!”
You heard both of them call after you as you sprinted up another flight of stairs, forcing everything else from your mind. Nothing else mattered but getting Grace back to Fox. You reached the fourth floor and froze. A scent made your stomach drop, your mind reeling with realization. Cigarette smoke.
Drawing your weapon, you slowly opened the door. It opened to a long hallway with three people standing at the other end. One man stood in a dark jacket and boots, his face instantly familiar to you; Alex Krycek. Behind him was, of course, Richard Zimmer; the man behind all of this- or so you thought. The one you couldn’t figure out was him. The Cigarette Smoking Man who had meddled with the X-files you and Fox started your investigations.
“Agent Y/L/N.” He started. “Sorry, old habit. Welcome, Agent Mulder. My, that’s confusing.”
“We can skip the small talk.” Your hands tightened around your weapon.
“Mr. Krycek, please relieve Agent Mulder of her weapon.”
“You guys depended on a whole lot of luck to get me here alone, you know? I figured you’d be more precise than that.” You refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing your fear. Cancer Man just smiled.
“I guess it must be our lucky day then.” He looked at his associate. “Mr. Krycek.”
As soon as he stepped towards you, you could see a fourth person in the hall.
“Mommy!” Grace cried, the hand on her shoulder keeping her in place.
“Get your hands off my daughter you son of a bitch.” You kept your gun aimed at Zimmer, every cell in your body screaming to pull the trigger.
“Hand over your weapon, Agent.” Cancer Man said, his voice remaining as calm and confident as ever. Krycek approached you slowly.
“Come on, Y/N. Don’t do anything stupid.”
“Always chasing the next paycheck, right Alex?” You snapped, reluctantly handing him your gun.
“I’m just trying to stay alive, same as you.”
“We, unfortunately, don’t have all day. Let’s move this along, shall we?” Zimmer released Gracie and she ran down the hall and into your arms. She collided into you with a force that almost knocked you over.
“I’ve got you, baby. Mommy’s here. Everything is going to be okay.” You cried. You held her as tight as you could, committing the feeling of holding your little girl to memory. No matter what they did to you would take it away.
You felt a hand on your shoulder. It was Alex. “It’s time to go.”
You looked back and found the two men standing over you. Cancer Man took a long drag from his cigarette before throwing it to the floor and putting it out under his foot.
“We have to find a way up there,” Mulder said, finding another staircase blown to bits.
“Maybe someone can get a ladder.”
He shook his head. “There isn’t time.” He looked at the crumbling stairs before taking a few steps back and charging.
“Mulder!” Scully shouted as he leaped across the gap, catching himself on the ledge. He was able to pull himself up and hold out his hand.
“Come on, I’ll pull you up.”
“This is crazy.” She muttered under her breath, grabbing his hand. Once she was on the landing, they both heard a small, crying voice.
Mulder took off, Scully keeping close behind him. “Gracie!”
“Gracie!” He screamed again, turning the corner to find a pair of tearful green eyes staring back at him. “Oh my god.” Fox cried, lifting her up in his arms. He held her against his chest and cradled the back of her head in his hand. “You’re okay. You’re okay.” He repeated over and over through his relieved sobs.
“Mulder…” Scully said, looking around the empty hall. “Where’s Y/N?”
He lifted his head from Grace’s shoulder, eyes scanning his surroundings.
“The bad men... The-the b-bad men…” Grace bawled, trying to speak but her sobs made it near impossible to understand.
Scully froze, everything finally clicking into place. “He wants me.”
She looked at him with wide eyes. “It’s a trade. They’re taking her instead.”
Dread shot up Fox’s spine. No.
“Stay with her.” He handed Grace to Scully and sprinted back down the hall. He checked the second and third floor, his panicked voice ringing through the abandoned hallways.
He found it on the fourth floor, sitting ominously on the ground. Falling to his knees, he lifted your badge off the floor, staring hopelessly down at your photo, tears dripping onto your face.
There was nothing else. No signs of struggle or that anyone had been there at all. No secret message begging him to find you and bring you home. You were gone and he was left to scream into the emptiness.
End of Season One
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks; @kendahl0216
Mulder: @posiemax; @muldersufo
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pregnant-piggy · 3 years
Reminds me of home
Jesper Fahey x reader
words: 5.5k
warnings: mentions of food and animals, reader’s mother is dead, no pronouns used for the reader
A/N: this is my first time writing Jesper, so I struggled with his character and don’t think this is totally right, but I loved writing this too much not to share it with you :) please let me know what you think, thank you!
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The sun was setting slowly in the sky, painting orange strikes on a gradually darkening canvas, when Jesper checked the note in his hand one final time, before stepping onto the driveway of the old farmhouse. Around the farmhouse lay a yellow-green grass lawn, with on the left side of the house a little garden with flower beds in full bloom. Behind the house stood the stables and sounds of breezing horses and bleating goats filled the air, along with the lingering scent of drying grass. 
The front of the house was covering in shadow, the red bricks and woodwork a tone darker than they would be in the sunlight. Above the front door hung a single lamp, and the flickering of the fire inside of it wasn’t enough to compete with the light of the setting sun. 
Jesper groaned as he walked over the driveway to the front door. He wondered what the odds were that he had pulled the farm out of the stack with hideouts. 
A week ago, Kaz had come with his plans for a new job. This time the victim was a rich merchant, who had a large estate in the country lands outside of Ketterdam. The merchant’s name was Klaas Rover and he was well-known in wealthy circles. 
Just recently, Rover had bought a very pricey DeKappel painting and Kaz had found out that he was moving the painting to his country-estate at the beginning of that week. The basics of the plan had been easy. As long as Rover wasn’t at the house and the painting was, it would be impossible to get it with all the security. But, according to Kaz, there would be one moment of weakness in the security. From the morning Rover would step foot into his mansion to the night he’d fall asleep there, the merchant would want to showcase his painting to everyone who’d want to see it. That night had been the night to strike. 
And so had Kaz done. He had set out with a small team; Inej and Jesper had been at his side, followed by two other Dregs, Pieter and Roos. The whole operation had gone according to plan and the painting had come off the wall and outside without a hitch. 
That was why it had come as a surprise when Kaz had pulled out three pieces of paper with the notion that they had to hide for a couple of days. Inej had gone with Kaz, Pieter and Roos were together, and Jesper was alone. 
‘Remember, you are Thomas van Dijk now,’ Kaz had said before they had parted ways. ‘You are a student and stranded alone after a trip with your fellow students. I know the people there and they will take you in.’ 
Kaz had disappeared before Jesper could say anything and he had seen no other option than to follow Kaz’s orders. 
So now he was standing in front of a farmhouse, silently cursing his friend before knocking on the door. 
A broadly built man opened the door and eyed Jesper suspiciously. This one tried to keep his easy posture and smile, but he felt himself grow slightly uncomfortable under the gaze of the man. 
‘What do you want?’ he asked brusquely. 
Jesper swallowed and his hands automatically reached for his hips, finding nothing but air there as he had hid his revolvers in his bag, figuring it wouldn’t be too great of an entrance. He scratched the back of his head and let out a nervous chuckle. 
‘I’m Thomas van Dijk,’ he started, wondering if the man would ever believe him. ‘I uhh… I was out with friends—a break from studying, you see? And this morning when I woke up they were gone and they took all transport… so I was wondering if I could perhaps stay here until they pick me up again?’ 
The man glanced at Jesper for a while. ‘D’you know farm stuff?’ he then asked. 
‘Sure,’ Jesper shrugged, figuring that it couldn’t be all too hard. 
‘Alright, then,’ the man nodded and stepped aside to let Jesper in, ‘you can stay here for a few days.’ 
Jesper sighed relieved and walked into the farmhouse, only realising inside that he had had no plan if this hadn’t worked out. 
The interior of the house reminded Jesper of his home in Novyi Zem. The walls were painted in a warm colour green and an old rug lay on the stone floor. On the wall in the little hall hung a portrait of a beautiful woman standing in a field of wildflowers. She had long hair framing her face, falling down in curls around her shoulders. The woman looked like she was in her late thirties, but she had a smile that was ageless. 
Jesper followed the man into the next room, which was the living and dining area. There was an open door that led to the kitchen, from where Jesper could smell whatever the man was cooking. Another door probably led to a staircase, Jesper figured by the shape of the little space behind it. 
The main room was an extension of the hall. The same green coloured the walls here and more paintings hung on the walls. Jesper recognised the woman in more pictures on the wall, and sometimes she was accompanied by a child. 
Jesper looked around, wondering where the rest of the household was. Kaz had spoken about more than one person, but so far Jesper had only seen one; and that one was standing right in front of him. 
‘You can sit there,’ the man said and pointed at the chairs around the table. ‘You want dinner?’ 
‘I’d really appreciate that, sir,’ Jesper said and the man nodded before he disappeared into the kitchen.
The sky was dark and the last rays of the sun were setting behind the horizon when you heard the bell from the kitchen, telling you that dinner was ready. 
You always spent so much time outside that your father had given up on trying to find you for dinner. Instead he had installed the bell to let you know when you had to come home, and when you cooked you used it to get your father back home. 
You got up from your spot on the ground next to Klara. She was the oldest cow you had at the little farm and she had been your mother’s favourite. However, two nights back Klara had suddenly fallen ill and so far she hadn’t improved yet. You had spent the last two days neglecting your duties at the farm to take care of her. Klara was the one thing that was closest to your mother and you refused to say goodbye to her too. 
Silently you slipped from the stables and walked back to the house. There was light burning behind the windows and you saw the silhouette of your father inside, sitting at the dinner table. In a flash you thought you saw your mother there too, but as you blinked the image fell away. 
Stepping through the backdoor in the kitchen, you kicked off your boots and shrugged off your coat. Quickly you washed your hands and face and arranged your hair, before you walked into the living area, knowing that your father liked you to not be messy at dinner. 
‘Klara’s not any better,’ you said as you walked into the room. ‘She’s just lying still and—’
You stopped talking as your eyes found the stranger at the dining table. He was sitting opposite of your father, looking at you with a smile. The boy could be not much older than you were, but by the way he was clumsily sitting in the chair, you saw that he was a lot taller than you. His dark-skinned body was clothed by a dark green suit with flashy, golden buttons, lined with a silky lime-green fabric. Below his dark eyebrows two eyes glittered merrily and his smile got a little more confident as you sat down at the table. 
‘What’s going on?’ you asked your father. 
‘This is Thomas,’ your father answered, nodding towards the strange boy. ‘His friends ditched him and he needed a place to stay for a few days. With the situation around Klara, I figured a little help at the farm wouldn’t hurt.’ 
You stared at your father for a moment and then turned to Thomas. ‘Are you from the city?’ 
The boy nodded. ‘Yes, I go to the university in Ketterdam.’ 
‘What happened?’ 
‘We had a few days off and decided to go on a trip here. But when I woke up this morning my friends had left. I have no transport home and after searching for a place to stay all day, I got here.’ 
‘Nice friends you have,’ you mumbled and something in the boy’s face turned bitter. 
‘Don’t get me started,’ Thomas said and then he smiled at you. 
Jesper was woken early by a heavy, pounding headache. The sky outside was pink from the sunrise and with the figures of the trees and houses it looked like a painting to Jesper—one that was far more beautiful than the one he stole from Rover. 
As he rolled over in his bed and reached for his temples, it didn’t take long for Jesper to realise that it wasn’t his head that was pounding—there was someone at the door of the room. Groaning Jesper sat up in his bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes with the sleeve of the shirt that he had borrowed to sleep in. 
‘Coming, coming,’ Jesper groaned when the knocking kept going. 
He opened the door and was met with your eager face, painted with a big smile. You chuckled at Jesper and shook your head. ‘Come on, Thomas! Work doesn’t wait!’ 
Just for a split second Jesper was confused as to why you called him Thomas, but then he realised that the whole show he was putting up here was nothing more than that; a show. You didn’t know who he really was and, if he was honest, Jesper did feel a little guilty about it. You were so kind to him and he hadn’t even given you his real name. 
This was not the time for morale questions, however, and Jesper shook the guilt off him. ‘Right,’ he said slowly and then glanced into his room, finding the bag he had dumped on the floor. He had not brought anything other than his guns, the clothes he had been wearing and a little money. ‘Do you perhaps have some clothes I can borrow?’ 
Half an hour later, Jesper was standing in the stables next to the house with a buttered slice of bread in his hand. He was wearing a linen blouse and trousers of rough material that you had given him. He felt naked without his guns resting on his hips, but taking them with him had been out of the question. Now he felt like the Jesper he had been before he had gone to Ketterdam—poor, weak and unskilled. 
You came back with a large sack in your arms, that you dumped into Jesper’s arms. He stumbled under the sudden weight, but managed to keep his balance. 
‘My dad’s out on the fields today, so we have to take care of the stables,’ you said. ‘If you feed the chickens, I’ll do the goats and then we’ll get together again, okay? Don’t forget the eggs!’ 
You turned around and walked off and Jesper was left baffled. Unsure, he turned and walked to the chicken coop, finding a bunch of chickens there. A fat, white one looked up when Jesper stood over the coop and cooed softly. The chicken kept staring at him as he walked around the fence and Jesper slowly began to freak a little. 
He put his hand in the bag with food and grabbed a handful of seeds that he threw as far away from him in the chicken coop as possible. All the chickens rushed to the food—including the fat, white one—and Jesper quickly stepped over the fence and lowered to his knees so he could reach into the henhouse. He was met with the angry eyes of another chicken that was still sitting inside the house. She pecked at Jesper’s hand while he tried to find the eggs that you wanted. 
When he finally pulled back, he had found six eggs. His hand was throbbing and even bleeding at some places. As fast as he could he walked away from the chicken coop back to the stables, where he dropped the sack with food on the ground and sat down next to it, examining his hand. 
After a few minutes you came back from the goats and the smile on your face changed to worry when you saw Jesper sitting defeated on the ground. 
‘Are you alright?’ you asked. 
Jesper quickly jumped up and nodded, hiding his hand behind his back. He forced a smile on his face and tried to look excited at you. ‘I’m perfectly fine.’ 
You squeezed your eyes at him but dropped the subject. ‘Okay, if you say so,’ you mumbled and then nodded your head to the back of the stables. ‘We have to check on Klara again before we go on.’ 
‘Klara?’ Jesper asked. 
You walked off to the back and Jesper followed you, ending up at a dark stable where a big cow was lying on the ground, breathing deeply. She had her eyes closed and Jesper thought she was asleep, but when you stepped into the space, the cow opened her eyes and looked up at you. 
‘This is Klara,’ you unnecessarily explained. ‘She is our oldest cow, but it’s not looking so good for her now.’ 
You lowered to your knees and rested your hand on top of Klara’s head. The cow closed her eyes at the feeling and let out a deep breath. You closed your eyes momentarily and as a troubled shadow crossed your face Jesper realised that Klara wasn’t just another animal at the farm to you. 
‘Will she be alright again?’ Jesper asked, standing awkwardly at the entrance of the stable. 
‘I really don’t know,’ you sighed and you looked up at Jesper with sad eyes. ‘She’s not worse than yesterday, but also not any better.’ 
‘I’m sorry,’ Jesper said and he tried to give you a reassuring smile. 
You got up from the ground and gave Jesper a little smile back. ‘Thank you.’ 
Later that afternoon Jesper was sitting with you in the shadows of the house, looking out over the fields that surrounded the farm. Somewhere far in the distance he could see the figure of your father, as a little black silhouette against the bright light of the sun. 
Jesper was exhausted. Although he considered himself in good shape, the work on the farm was completely different from what he usually did in Ketterdam. Normally he would crouch, run and hide, but today he had had to use brute force and the running had only applied when one of the goats had gone after him. 
‘And,’ you said as you handed Jesper a glass of water, ‘how do you like it here?’ 
‘I’m so tired,’ he whined dramatically and you laughed, throwing your head back. ‘But it looks beautiful here. I like it—reminds me of home.’ 
‘Where’s home?’ 
Jesper hesitated for a moment, considering where his actual home was. 
‘I grew up in Novyi Zem, on a jurda farm,’ he told you, while staring out at the fields. ‘My dad still lives there, works on the farm now that I… am going to the university in Ketterdam…’ 
Carefully Jesper looked aside after his slip-up, but you hadn’t caught it. With your legs tucked to your chest and your arms wrapped around them, you were sitting in the chair, taking in the sunlight with your eyes closed. There was a soft golden glow on your face from the sun and the point of your nose glistened. 
‘...I guess that’s my home now,’ Jesper continued. ‘Ketterdam.’ 
‘Hmm,’ you hummed softly before you opened your eyes and looked at Jesper. ‘What’s it like? To live there?’ 
‘You’ve never been to Ketterdam?’ 
‘I have, but never for a long time,’ you said, giving Jesper an innocent smile. 
‘It’s… busy, noisy, crowded. There’s people everywhere, at all times of the day. When it’s hot the canals stink and when it rains the entire city turns grey. The rich people are mean and the poor are gross. It’s never safe and there’s a lot of crime.’ Jesper stopped talking to take a breath and noticed you were watching him with a raised eyebrow. Then he smirked. ‘It’s amazing.’ 
You leaned back in your chair and huffed. ‘I think I prefer the silence of the country.’ 
‘I get that. On my first day in Ketterdam I wondered how I could ever live there. I was sick with longing for home and the farm.’ 
‘What happened?’ 
Jesper grimaced. ‘I got a taste of real life.’ 
You waited for Jesper to continue, but he said nothing. He couldn’t really, not if he wanted to obey Kaz’s orders. Again he felt bad for you, for lying to you. You were so kind to him and all he did was lie about who he was; you didn’t even know his real name. 
You stepped out of your room while the sun wasn’t even up yet. The house was silent and dark, but you could easily find your way to the room you were headed for. This was the house you grew up in and you knew every secret hidden in every dark corner. 
‘Time to wake up!’ you said through the door and you knocked shortly. 
Yesterday, Thomas hadn’t been of great use with your animals, but you hoped that today he would. He had told you that he had grown up on a jurda farm so you figured fieldwork wouldn’t be as hard on him as the goats. 
There was a grunt from inside the room and you had to stifle a laugh. Once again you knocked—a little harder this time—and the grunt from inside came back louder. Yet there was little movement in the room and you rolled your eyes and grumbled something about lazy rich boys from stupid universities, before you threw the door open. 
‘What—hey!’ Thomas cried out. ‘I said I was coming!’ 
‘Sounded a lot more like you’d just roll over again,’ you said, leaning against the doorpost with your arms crossed. 
Thomas murmured something incomprehensible and he threw the blankets off of him. ‘If you wanted to see me naked, you could’ve just asked, you know?’ he smirked as he swung his legs off the bed and stretched his arms over his head. 
‘Hmm, if only I wanted,’ you shot back, but you couldn’t keep your eyes from gazing at his chest anyway. It was dark, but your eyes had gotten used to the darkness enough to be able to see the lines and shapes of Thomas’ bare body. There was no denying his fitness, but what caught your attention more were the scars littered over his torso. From small, almost innocent lines to light-coloured circles and dents. For the simple student he claimed to be, he had an awfully damaged body. 
You averted your eyes from his chest and shook your head. How this boy’s body looked was none of your business, so there was no point of dwelling on it. Yet, as you turned around to leave the room, you found yourself fighting the urge to get closer and feel his body under your hands. 
‘You like waffles?’ you asked over your shoulder, seeing a big smile break on the half-naked boy’s face. 
Your father had worked on the fields yesterday, and most work had been done already. All there was left for you and Thomas to do was harvest the potatoes on the last piece of land and then sort them with the rest. It was heavy, dull work and you were glad there was someone to help you. 
Thomas and you were bent over the crops, working opposite of each other on a row of potatoes. The sun was shining on your back fiercely and you felt it burning on your neck. It was long too late to prevent the sweat from breaking out and you felt hot and sticky. 
Opposite of you, Thomas wasn’t doing much better. Little droplets of sweat were rolling down his temples and the shirt he was wearing was soaked with his sweat. Yet there seemed to be some sort of glow around him, like he was energetic still—even after the hours of labour. 
It was late in the afternoon when you pulled out the last of the potatoes. You and Thomas dropped down on the grass on the edge of the field, both sighing with relief that the hard work was over. 
‘Only sorting left,’ Thomas said, wiping the sweat from his forehead. ‘How long will that take?’ 
You squeezed your eyes against the afternoon sun as you looked at the boy next to you and shrugged. ‘About two hours, I guess.’ 
‘Two hours in this heat is an eternity,’ Thomas stated. 
‘We could do it tonight,’ you suggested. ‘After dinner, when it has cooled a bit.’ 
‘And what do we do until then?’ 
You shot Thomas a cheeky smile and got up from the ground. ‘I have an idea.’ 
You led Thomas through the sunny fields and over the meadows around the farm, ignoring the sunshine in your face. Eventually you slowed at large bushes and a few trees and you smiled at the boy before you pushed aside some branches and stepped out into an open spot with a small lake. 
Thomas burst out in laughter and turned to you with a big smile on his face. 
‘Last one in the water has to get the other drinks!’ he shouted as he threw off his shirt. 
You followed after him, stepping out of your shoes and trousers. As you ran towards the water you took off your shirt, throwing it somewhere behind you on the grass. You pushed off on the side and wrapped your arms around your legs as you jumped into the water next to Thomas with a cheer. 
The cold water engulfed your entire body and you happily welcomed it after the whole day of sun. Gasping for air when your head reached above the water again, you turned to Thomas. 
‘You were last!’ he exclaimed. 
‘Only because you were already in the water when you said it!’ you defended yourself and splashed water towards Thomas. 
‘Still counts!’ 
He pushed water back and you closed your eyes against the waves. Water dripped down your hair and face, getting stuck in your eyelashes. You blinked the drops away and swam a little closer to Thomas. 
Planning to create a huge wave, you lowered your hands in the water, when you felt something slimy slither past your foot. You squealed and leaped into Thomas’ arms, almost drowning him with the sudden weight. Terrified you scanned the water around you, looking for the thing you had felt. 
‘What’s wrong?’ Thomas asked, trying to keep you in his arms while staying above the water. 
‘I felt something!’ you squeaked, still looking around you. 
‘Don’t tell me you’re afraid of fish,’ Thomas laughed. 
‘I am not! I just freaked because I—’ you started but stopped when you quit looking and found yourself very close to Thomas. 
That same deep urge as this morning crawled inside your mind before you could stop it. Despite yourself you admired the simple beauty of the face so close to yours. This boy had something enchanting, and it was more than just his jokes and smirks. Something about him made you want to cling onto him and not let go. 
You did let go, however, and quickly swam back to the side in silence. Thomas followed you and climbed on the grass, offering you a hand so you could get out of the water yourself. 
As you got dressed—with some difficulty because you were both still wet—far in the distance you heard the sound of a bell, telling you that dinner was ready. 
‘Finally,’ Thomas said, as he pulled his shirt over his head. ‘I was beginning to worry we wouldn’t eat at all.’ 
Jesper was sitting alone at the back of the house with two large baskets of potatoes in front of him. Luckily it had cooled down and it was now pleasant to sit outside. 
You stepped out of the house with a tray in your arms. Two glasses of lemonade and a plate of biscuits stood on the tray that you put down on the ground between Jesper and you, before you sat down yourself. 
‘How generous of you,’ Jesper started, as he took the glass. ‘Almost like you didn’t lose the race.’ 
You shook your eyes as you took a biscuit, which you used to point at Jesper. ‘That race wasn’t fair, and you know it.’ 
‘Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.’ 
You rolled your eyes but there was a smile on your face nevertheless. Then you nodded towards the baskets. 
‘Two piles,’ you said. ‘One with small potatoes and one with normal and large.’ 
You took out a few potatoes and showed Jesper how to determine the size. He got on quickly and you were already starting on the second basket when your father called you away. 
Jesper continued on his own while admiring the sunset he always missed in Ketterdam. He loved living in the city and wouldn’t want it any other way, but in moments like these he did miss his old home. He missed the simplicity of life back then, of knowing exactly what was going to happen in your day. Living in the city, living with the Dregs, had taken that certainty from Jesper. 
The sun had almost completely set when you came back and the last rays of sunshine reflected in the tears on your face. You sat down with a sigh next to Jesper and before he could ask you what was wrong, you burst into sobs. 
Before thinking, Jesper dropped the potato in his hand and crawled to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to his chest. He didn’t know where the action came from or why he did it, but seeing you so heartbroken hurt Jesper’s own heart. 
You buried your face in Jesper’s neck and he wrapped his arms a little tighter around you. He could feel your quivering breaths on his skin and your tears soaked his shirt but he didn’t care. 
‘It’s okay,’ he whispered and pressed a kiss on the top of your head without a second thought. ‘Let it out. It’s alright.’ 
After a while your tears stopped and your quivering breath changed for hiccoughs. You lifted your head from Jesper’s shoulder and looked at him with an apologetic look, that he discarded immediately. 
‘Don’t even dare to apologise,’ he said and you laughed softly. Jesper wiped the tears from your face and cradled your head in his hands. ‘What’s wrong?’ 
‘It’s Klara,’ you said as Jesper dropped his hands from your face to your hands. ‘My dad went looking at her and she’s doing even worse than before. I know she’s just a cow and everything, but she’s the strongest connection I have to my mother and I just…’ 
You looked up at Jesper and smiled sadly. ‘I don’t know, it probably sounds weird.’ 
Jesper shook his head and gave your hand a little squeeze. 
‘It doesn’t sound weird,’ he said, thinking of how he had clung to the littlest thing of his mother after she had passed. 
You sniffed and smiled at Jesper. ‘Thanks.’ 
‘Of course,’ he said, as he sat back next to you, taking a new potato in his hand. 
You followed his example and for a while you worked in silence, until Jesper took the last potato from the basket and threw it on the pile left of him. He turned to you and found you staring at the dark sky. 
‘What was your mother like?’ he asked finally, giving in to his curiosity. 
‘She was perfect,’ you said and you smiled faintly ahead of you. ‘She was caring, kind and smart. She kept things going around here. There is not much to do, but she always made sure I was never bored.’ 
You laughed shortly and turned to Jesper. ‘Perhaps I’m a little biased; she was my mother after all.’ 
‘Maybe,’ Jesper said and he gave you a smile. ‘But you’re allowed. Who better than kids to judge a parent?’ 
‘She was beautiful too,’ you added. ‘Did you see the paintings? My dad used to paint a lot, but since my mother passed away he hasn’t picked up a brush. It’s a shame, I think he’s really talented.’ 
Jesper nodded. He had wondered why the paintings had only been of the woman young, but she hadn’t aged anymore after that. 
Now that the sun had set, the warm air slowly turned cold. Jesper fought the urge to wrap his arms around his own body. He looked at you and noticed the goose bumps on your arms too. He got up and offered you his hand. 
‘Come on, let’s go inside,’ he said. ‘It’s freezing out here.’ 
You took Jesper’s hand and followed him to the backdoor of the house. When you walked past the path that led to the stables, you slowed and pulled lightly on Jesper’s hand. 
‘Can we…?’ you asked and before you had finished your sentence Jesper nodded. 
‘Of course.’ 
The stables were warmer than outside and though Jesper still hadn’t gotten used to the smell he much rather be there than outside. He much rather be there with you than alone in his bed. 
Klara lay in the back and you let go of Jesper’s hand to rush over to her. You dropped to your knees next to the cow and wrapped your arms around her. Big tears rolled down your cheeks and the soft sound of your crying filled the barn. 
Jesper sat down in a pile of dried hay and stared at his hands as he listened. After a while your crying stopped and only the heavy breaths of Klara could be heard. Feet shuffled and when Jesper looked up you weren’t sitting next to the sick animal anymore but next to him. 
Your cheeks were still wet from the tears, but you managed to give Jesper a little smile. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. Slowly he leaned back in the hay until his back found support and he was almost lying down. 
Without needing more words, you pulled your legs on the hay and settled against Jesper’s body. With one hand to your own chest and the other rising and falling with the motion of Jepser’s chest, you quickly fell asleep. 
Jesper glanced down at you and almost got unwell by the sense of comfort that washed over him. The longer he looked at you the more that little bubble of guilt in his stomach grew, but before he could do anything about it the hard work of the day took its toll on him and he dozed off. 
You woke up in a pile of hay by something that was nudging your leg. Slowly and grumbling against the bright morning light you opened your eyes to find a cow standing in front of you. 
‘Klara!’ you cried out and the happiness that filled you at seeing she had recovered during the night drowned out all the sleep left in your system. 
You jumped up and stumbled to the cow, throwing your arms around her neck. A few tears of happiness escaped your eyes and they dropped down on Klara. After last night you really didn’t think she would recover anymore, let alone be standing on her own feet. 
As you hugged Klara, you suddenly remembered that you hadn’t been alone last night. You let go of the cow and returned to the hay you had woken up in. Instead of the boy you had fallen asleep against last night now lay a little note. 
Good morning sleepyhead,
My friends finally picked me up early this morning and you looked too peaceful to be disturbed. I want to thank you and your father for letting me stay at your humble farm. It did me good to be out of the city for a while. I want to thank you as well for your company and honesty. I really hope Klara gets better—she seems quite cool.
I know you don’t like the city, but if you ever accidentally find yourself there and you miss my sparkling presence, go to The Crow Club and ask the bartender for Jesper Fahey. They’ll know who to find.
Take care, 
- - - - - - - - 
taglist: @is-it-really-a-secret @mrs-brekker15​
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doctorbeth · 5 years
Stripes the 50 year old tiger
This will be a longer post, because it’s all about the details, and there was a lot of going back and forth with photos and emails to get Stripes and his stripes just right.  So be sure you’re comfy when you sit down to read it. :-)
Stripes person first wrote to me back in December about her tiger, Stripes, and his companion RedEye the snake.  Both were starting to feel their age, but as she said,
“ As you can see Stripes is in the most need of repairs. Personally, I’m guessing that a full recovering is needed, but I’m certainly no expert and will follow your advice.  Here are some pics which show Stripes fur disappearing and soon he will be bald.  Amazingly he has no damage that I can find. His ears need some stuffing, but they have never been tall, firm standing Teddy Bear ears.”
Here are the diagnosis photos she sent:
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As you can see, his belly section was pretty good, but his furry parts were wearing and fading.  His person really wanted his fur recovered, in an orangier rather than tanner fur, and she opted for him to have a spa too.
Here he is in his bubble bath:
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Once he was dry, he got restuffed and of course, got a heart with a bit of his original stuffing.  Here’s his heart being made:
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Then it was time to choose furs.  As some of you know who’ve been reading for a while, usually with tigers we use a solid fur of the preferred background color, then add the stripes by hand afterwards.  Here were the best fur options:
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His person opted for the orangier, furrier one.
Stripes got recovered, and some smaller wounds on his belly were sewn.  Then, it was time for hand striping.  I did some basic  striping, and then sent photos for feedback:
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His person’s first response was:
Beth, you’ve made me cry at work.  I’m absolutely over the moon with Stripes new look!!!  Holy cats he’s looking beautiful!!  You are AMAZING!
But I was asking for striping feedback, and she happily provided it:
The stripes.  Thank you for being so conservative. :) I would like to add some more stripes. I’ve included an updated pic that shows where I would like some stripes added.
Tail:   Could you put 2 stripes in a ring pattern around the tail? They continue the black spots you started. I also noticed with other Gund tigers that the ring was painted at a slight angle or sprayed as 2 “halves”, not a straight ring that looked like a raccoon’s tail. (pics)  I know that there was more black at the tip of the tail, but I don’t think the whole tip was black.
Back Leg:   I’ve continued your 3 spots into stripes.
Body:  I’ve added 2 stripes, but if you will notice stripe #2 is in the shape of a ‘V”. (I remember this detail as a child)  The stripes do NOT have to line up with the fabric underneath.  They didn’t before.  :D
Face: I’ve added a short stripe above Stripes’ right eye. This detail always gave him a slight serious look without being mean. (not a lot of slant to the line, if any) I have always loved this detail about him.  And I’ve elongated the stripe on his forhead.
Beth, I’m pretty sure we will be adding some more stripes to the back, especially his head but I thought we might tackle this bit first.
She closed with:
Again, I just absolutely can’t thank you enough for your beautiful and loving work on my best friend. I have been showing people the before and after pics for the last 5 hours.  I’m so happy!!!
So back to drawing stripes on Stripes I went.  Here are the next batch of photos:
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Stripes person was thrilled:
Stripes looks spectacular!!  I mean he is just awesome with the stripes that you’ve filled out.
She wanted just one more stripe.  She sent a photo, but it was in another format, so I won’t put it here, but she also described what she wanted very well:
So I just have 1 more stripe for you.  If you look at my pic, you will see that I’ve drawn a line over the small black dot that is on his forehead.  In the last pic you sent me you can still see that it’s just a spot and not a stripe.  Could you lengthen that spot into a stripe for me?
Please note the position. When you are seated facing Stripes, this stripe includes/starts at the black spot and runs towards the right.  You have a pretty stripe that’s higher on the head already placed on the left so this one goes off to the right and is the same length as that one.
Adjustment made, I sent another photo (you can see the printout with her line instruction next to him):
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Her response:
Perfection Achieved!  I’m so so happy!!!!   How many exclamation points can I put in an email to show you how perfect Stripes is!!
So Stripes got packed up and headed home to a grateful human and snake.  Here he is at home with his pal, RedEye:
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His person was soooo happy!  She wrote a very long thank you, with a history of Stripes and RedEye, and I don’t want to edit it, so I’m copying it entirely here for you to read.  But you can skip it if you want and just know she was happy!
Hi Beth,
Sit back and relax.  This may be a little bit of a long happy read.  :D   Please feel free to use any content or pics from my emails for your blog.
I waited anxiously for Stripes to arrive.  Yes, my husband signed for the box and I couldn’t wait to get home!
And so the moment has arrived.  I brought Stripes best friend Redeye in from the bedroom to help me open the package. We open,  I close my eyes dig in past the packing peanuts and pull out our best friend.  Oh My Goodness!  He is beautiful! bright! and colorful! He practically glows! I see his face. Yes, yes! It’s Stripes!  I see the same face I’ve gazed into and loved for 50 years. And that’s when the tears start. Crying, mouth open in shock but my husband says he’s never seen me happier.  ..After many long years, I can finally cuddle my friend again.
Beth you have given me back something I thought I would never have again.  I love Stripes so, but I couldn’t, didn’t dare to pet him or cuddle him. I had to be so gentle, so afraid that I was doing more damage to him. But now all that is over!  I can sleep with my buddy by my side. I can take him on vacations again!  I’m tearing up just writing this.  I can’t express my joy…absolute joy over the work you have done. Stripes looks like a beautiful and bright toy again.  Thank you Beth.  Thank you so very much.
…And I’ll be sending Redeye to you some time in February.  I’ll be sure to email you first to start the process.
And here’s a little history about Stripes.  Stripes was a Christmas present in 1969. I have always loved tigers and I was in deep love the moment I saw him. He has enjoyed play tea parties with me, and watched drive-in movies sitting in the back window. He has looked over the candy hauls that I collected during Halloween and been in a beautiful oak tree during the crisp dry autumn. (Carefully placed on a towel, but he needed to experience a tree. He is a tiger after all.)   He has been with me in Japan for a year and traveled all over the US northwest  looking out of a train window. And he has done all these things with Redeye by his side.
--But let’s face the facts, in the last few years my friend was disappearing before my eyes. There was good fortune that his seams were okay but the fur was coming off. His stripes were completely gone in areas. He was looking more yellow everywhere. And I dared only to pat him. That’s when I began to search for help to restore my friend and so I found Realms of Gold on the internet.
Beth has been wonderful, corresponding with emails and working out details by sending pictures back and forth. She listened to my input and was absolutely amazing at applying the stripes in the right places. We actually discussed exactly where to put them.  :D  I trust Beth’s skills so much that I will be sending Stripes best friend Redeye along soon.  He was amazed and so happy with Stripes look, that he can’t wait to go to Realms of Gold!
Okay Beth, this may be a little serious but I wanted to express my honest feelings, and let you know why this has been so important to me.
With my 2 stuffed animals loosing hair and looking tired a sobering thought occurred to me. If something happened to me, what would happen to them? We have no children to give them to. We can’t donate them because being so worn out, no one would take them. And the thought that they might end up in a garbage bin was too much. Of course for me, my goal was to pet, play and enjoy them again.  That goes without saying.  But now, seeing Stripes beautiful bright colors, I am happy and secure in knowing that years from now, I can donate or will him to a children’s home where he will continue to be loved. (I have several friends who grew up in orphanages and we think it’s a wonderful idea.)
Thank you so much Beth!!!!!!
I don’t know about all of you, but that made me smile all day. :-)
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