#I aubr
oliveo-il · 1 year
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Aubrey! <3
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vvideonasties · 2 years
i just finished the white lotus s1 and can we PLEASE get all of the s2 out of the tag idc about all these young buff men i wanna reblog murray bartlett serving cunt!!!!!!
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nonbinaryaubrey · 2 years
tinkaton aubrey tinkaton aubrey tinkaton aubr-
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Auby tinkaton Auby tinkaton… literally the perfect creature for her.. tbh I was a bit nervous with this one since I wasn’t rlly sure how I would draw tinkaton but I think it turned out nicely ^_^ I had fun doing the lineart on her hammer. Aubrey would fucking love the tinkaton hammer. Perfect weapon for her.
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coldmori · 2 months
I'm curious if you have any rants about coldmori I'm invested!
asked: dec 10, 2023
things that have been and may be edited about coldmori that people dont know about:
rant; litterally so many spoilers
kel was planned to have a drug overdose
i was thinking about this drug overdose being from a supliment prescribed to kel from the hospital after the snowangel incident
but i couldnt find one that was lethal and relevant to kels condition enough to be perscribed by a doctor
(also im scared to search for that type of shit, i dont want the government thinking im going to kill myself or others)
this overdose could also be on adderal, kel in coldmori has adhd (and autism)
his parents could potentally put him on adderal, which he could even then take with his perscirbed drug, which would kill him
this is an idea that recently came to mind but will probably be scrapped due to , obviously, killing kel for real this time (and hes kinda important to the story)
aubreys mother was meant to die
after a fight with aubrey and aubreys mom , mari (ghost) would drown aubreys mother due to her going too far
aubrey would then be homeless which would cause a whole other side plot to be made which would consist of having to confide in kel or basil for help
she would probably opt for kel due to him being more trustworthy and being more fit to take care of her bunny
basil gets goomed
basil being unable to go outside would develop into someone who is clinically online, the only bit of outside-world humanity he has is talking care of his dying grandma and seeing kel on occasion
due to his bipolarism (basil being bipolar is also not set in stone) and his clincally online-ness he would attach to a person online who would abuse him
this was scrapped because i feel anxious writing about these situations
feeling like it could be seen as disrespectful to real victims, also very uncomfortable to discuss because of how real it is;
it would put coldmori on a new level of dark and horrifically fucked up that i do not think i am compitent enough to write
sunny was meant to open the door
in the first EVER comic of coldmori, back when coldmori wasnt even a blog,
coldmori as en entire concept was supposed to be a 2 part comic where kel has the idea to throw a snowball at sunnys window, and sunny finally comes out
this was retconned due to me wanting to do more with coldmori
there was also an idea of sunny being the one to save kel from hypothermia by opening the door and bringing him inside
this was also scrapped
they where suppoed to find maris body
after being told a lie about what happened on the lake, machinery would be brought out to the scene to try and get her body out of there to bury,
all of the main cast would be there to see her deterated body come up from the lake
and mari (ghost) would watch her own funeral to realize she is dead
this doesnt happen due to logistics, where did they get the machines? small town in the middle of nowhere theres barely even police
hollow omori being a cannibal/hollow omori eating himself
hollow omori was planned to be a cannibal for metaphorical reasons, eating kel both for that and because its established that all main gang headspace characters are made of marshmallow
i didnt add this because im unsure if canibalism in certain metaphor has sexual meaning which is ew
hollow omori was also planned to kill off hs main gang to eat his own organs that animated them
reprenting sunnys failing organs and his last stream of consiousness realizing that he is the only one who couldve brought this fate onto himself in the most distortend lens ever; snake eating its own tail
this may happen but idk man im not feeling it
aubrey having a crush on sunny
it was planned that aubrey wouldve had a passing childhood crush on sunny that sunny didnt reciprocate
i know people ship sunny x kel x basil x aubrey but personally i think its too crowded and clishe, love is kinda complicated, being poly doesnt fix every problem,
also aubrey is cannonically dating kim and doesnt give a shit about sunny anymore
(no not in a tsundere "its not like i like you or anything" way, she really doesnt care)
kel snaps
had a passing thought in my mind of kel snapping and beating the shit out of aubrey
nothing ever came of this
kel and sunny kiss pre maris death
kel and sunny where meant to have a scene alone under a tree where they share their first kiss
but nuh uh
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basilcatt143 · 1 month
ok guys who do i draw next
suny, basl, kle, hro, mri, aubr
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sleep-nurse · 5 months
i omor
i basl
i mar
l ke
o her
y aubre
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tiny-maus-boots · 1 year
Darkest of Nights pt 11
A/N: sorry for the delay. would have been done a few weeks ago but i went on vacation and then i had to recover from vacation.
"Aubrey? Can you hear me?"
The vampire opened her eyes and gave a soft pained grunt in response. Chloe’s chest constricted at the way Aubrey tried to smile weakly, the charred flesh of her face cracking and peeling from the movement. Getting to safety had been difficult and dangerous but they had managed to make it to a truck stop far enough away to buy them a little rest before the Blood Guard caught up to them again.
"She needs blood. Fresh blood and as much as she can get."
Beca looked distinctly uncomfortable with that information. She was the only living source of blood in the dark and dingy “No Tell Motel” room and Chloe understood that she was wondering if her veins were up for the offering.
"Don't worry, she would never."
Aubrey's weary, pale eyes rolled toward Beca and dimmed. Chloe knew she would rather die a true death than take blood from Beca. If any vampire could resist the siren's lure of necromancer blood it was Aubrey. She wasn't sure she could herself.
"So what do we do? She can't go out looking like the burnt end of a matchstick. And while I get that you guys have dietary needs, I'm not really cool with you luring folks to their death." 
Chloe hissed and flashed her fangs at Beca. This was not an argument she was going to have with the necromancer. They were vampires and they would do as they saw fit for survival.
"Okay see that right there is just rude."
"She is in pain Beca!"
"Chloe! We can not bring innocent people here to die! I said I would help you but not like that. I won’t do it."
Chloe stared at the brunette long enough for the smaller woman to take a step back. There was nothing she wouldn't do for Aubrey. Nothing. Even if she had to drag a church full of parishioners to their deaths.
Aubrey raised a weak hand and rested it over Chloe’s. She glanced down quickly and gently cradled Aubrey's head. They didn't need words to communicate, they never had. But even still she wished she could pretend she didn't understand the silent plea in Aubrey's eyes. 
Please. Don't. 
"Aubrey…you won't heal. You need it."
Aubrey's eyes rolled toward Beca then back to Chloe. Beca was right and she knew it. They were no better than the Council or any other monstrous vampire if they took the lives of innocent people now. Even if it was out of sheer desperation for survival. She didn’t know what to do, they were trapped by the sunlight in the middle of nowhere.
“Gimme the keys, I have an idea.” Chloe blinked over at Beca and raised a brow. “What? You think I’m going to run, really?”
The thought had crossed her mind but trust was a two way street and Beca was affording them a hell of a lot of trust when she had agreed to this crusade of theirs. Chloe dug around in her pocket and tossed the key to Beca. 
“I can’t leave her like this. I won’t be there to protect you if the Blood Guard shows up.”
Beca gave her a supremely offended look at the statement. “I can take care of myself just fine.”
“I mean. I did kidnap you. All by myself.”
“Remind me to tit punch you for that later.”
“So you want to touch my boobs?”
“Hey. Hey…look at me. Look at me in my face. Are you legit a sex addict?”
Aubrey gave a wheeze of a chuckle and the absurdity of their banter now of all times crashed down on her. A ball of emotion rose in Chloe’s throat and she laughed to keep the tears from bursting out instead. 
“Just go, Necromancer. And hurry. Please.”
Beca didn’t waste words she just nodded and grabbed a helmet off the nightstand. Chloe had already turned back to Aubrey with a pained soft smile. How had they ended up here, like this? Relying on a Necromancer for help and safety of all things. Chloe opened her mouth to apologize for dragging Aubrey from her crypt, forcing her to join this mission and for what? Suffering and pain? 
It was barely a hiss and she knew it must be costing Aubrey just to try and speak. Chloe brushed a tear from her cheek with an angry swipe of her palm. She wouldn’t show that weakness. Not now. That’s not what Aubrey needed from her. She needed Chloe to be strong and steadfast in what they were doing. 
“It’s alright. We’re alright. I’ve seen you come back from worse. Do you remember what happened in Greece? You took a lance to the heart and were nearly lifted clean from your saddle.”
There was no response save for a soft chuff of a groan from Aubrey. Chloe had been sure the blonde was dead then, but in true typical Aubrey fashion, the other vampire had snapped off the cumbersome handle and rode on into battle not at all hindered by a spear in her chest. Later, long after the field was left covered in blood and ashes, did she allow herself to slide off her mount and into Chloe’s arms for help. 
“This isn’t that bad. A little lipstick and blood and you’ll be good as new.” Gentle hands caressed along Aubrey’s arm where the flesh was still whole and perfect. Aubrey’s hand squeezed hers. “It’ll get better when the sun goes down. We can get you somewhere safer…Beca’s magic might be strong enough to heal you some once the moon rises.” 
Aubrey rolled her eyes toward Chloe but she didn't try to speak. She didn't have to. Chloe knew it was bad. By the time they had seen Aubrey her entire head was engulfed in flames and smoke was billowing out of the neck of her jacket. 
She feared the fire had reached Aubrey’s heart. Once that happened the torso would combust and no vampire could survive that. Not even when pushed to the bottom of a pond to quench the flames. She wasn't at all sure how the blonde had gotten as far as she did but any longer and they would be mourning a pile of ash right now. 
Chloe gazed off toward the door and the direction Beca had gone. Even with her concern for Aubrey a part of her still felt compelled to follow the necromancer. She had heard the stories of course of other vampires that had tasted necromancer blood. Most of them turned to helpless thralls or had been driven mad. Very few survived for long and now she knew why. 
It had just been a sip really and already she felt this nearly overwhelming desire to be closer to Beca. Chloe looked back to Aubrey guiltily and found the other vampire already watching her with a weight of knowing in her gaze. 
“What is happening to me?”
She wasn’t so sure about that Chloe gave an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes. 
“Love. This isn’t real love. True love isn’t sparked by magic, that’s just…infatuation. Love is facing certain death to be with the one you need…”
As Aubrey had done for them. Chloe blinked at the other woman and Aubrey gave her a tired, sad smile. Too many new truths were coming too quickly for her to absorb. The blonde’s voice cracked between syllables as she wheezed out the only answer she had.
“New, old. Same obsession.”
Chloe’s lips pressed tight as the realization of that hit her. Whatever gave it a spark, the flame of it was obsession. It was that indefinable thing that made her want to run into the sun to be with Beca, and that which kept her longing for Aubrey for more lifetimes than one should have. Perhaps even what had kept Aubrey on her feet despite the agony of the sun. But was that love? Or was the madness of obsession the only thing a vampire could understand?
It was only now that she was beginning to understand what Aubrey had said so many times before. Verskret. Cursed. She met Aubrey’s gaze again and frowned at the tiny nod of acknowledgement. Love, obsession, whatever it was. It was a curse. 
A curse she knew she would bear for the rest of her days.
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cookiescrumb · 2 months
official summer project
working on a #wip rn and.... it's been a journey. TRULY
this is a project i've been working on since pre-finals, continuing into the second month of my summer break. I mostly wanted to knit something for myself, because i rarely knit (and i enjoy the hand movements it involves). anywhoooo, originally i wanted a fold over skirt, but that didn't work out, so its a tube top!!! woo yass, love it.
i'll make an inspo collage soonish, but ur left with this post for now!
all love, ttyl.
-aubre :D
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cloudcountry · 9 months
Ily aubr
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i love you too!!! <3
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 8 months
Nendomori - Y sunn
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Y sunn
Ey aubr
I basl
(Nendoroid designs NOT BY ME!)
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nikos-oneshots · 2 years
niko, may i request because, 1. I love your writing and 2. Uhhh idk i like you generally (because i love talking to people online or irl lol)
Anyway, aubrey and sunny with a uhhh very much not taking care of themselves and uhhh acting very much out-of-character(or in simple terms: having a mental illness(can be anything you think it is cause i didn't think of which)) hope this isn't to much for you, have a good week!
With Lots Of Love,
mf that can't take care of themselves well, ✨ anon (i wanna be referred to as javier for some reason)
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Aubrey and Sunny (Separate) X Mentally Ill! Reader
Warnings: Mental Illness, Omori Spoilers Word Count: 0.7k Pronouns: Second Person, They/Them Implied Notes: Tysm for the request ✨! It wasn't too much! I really hope you feel better soon! Drink lots of water! Also if you want to be called Javier, then do it! You could always just try it out for a bit and see if you like it! Or maybe you could have multiple names! Having multiple names is always fun!
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Sunny knows a lot about the subject of depression and overall not feeling very good since he has been in this situation for years because of the Mari incident.
He knows the pain and doesn't want anybody else to experience it, even if it's for a different reason.
He's a very attentive person toward the people he likes, you are no exception. He would be more attentive to your body language because that is something he can read quite well.
Once he started noticing your body language slowing down, becoming more distanced and unenergized, he knew something was up.
He didn't want to talk to you about it right away, so he showed you that he cared first.
He makes sure you weren't alone like he was throughout the death of his sister. He tries to visit you more than he already does.
Even though he isn't a fan of doing stuff, he tries to get you to do stuff inside the comfort of your own home.
He likes to watch stuff, so you guys binge-watch many of your favourite movies, some movies you wanted to see, and maybe some to get a laugh out of you.
He respects your space, he doesn't want to overwhelm you with constant company because he knows that sometimes people just want to be alone.
When he notices you haven't been taking care of yourself, he won't try and push you to do things, since he knows it isn't that easy.
He instead, will do the things he wants you to do, and invite you to do them with him.
"Hey. I'm going to brush my teeth… Want to come with me.?" or "I'm making some food. Want to come help me?"
He tries to make himself a safe space without telling you that he is a safe space. He wants you to make that decision whether you want to tell him what's up or not.
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Aubrey cares about you. She will listen to you and she tries to do stuff for you.
Aubrey notices it fairly quickly, but she only notices it may be kind of serious if it has been going on for a while.
If it's just a day or 2 of you acting off, she won't think anything of it, that it's just an off day for you.
If it's like a week, she will start to suspect that something is up.
At first, she starts to think that somebody did something to you.
She will ask you stuff like "do you need me to beat anyone up?" Every once in a while because If you're with her, there's NO way she would allow anybody to do anything to you.
She wants answers, so she will kind of pry into you, it may not be the best thing to do, but she has good intentions.
If you tell her what's up, she will try to do everything in her power to try and make you feel better again.
She is there to listen, she is there to talk, she is there to distract you, she is there for you.
She knows what it feels like to be abandoned at your lowest point, so she makes a huge effort to stick with you through everything.
She likes to get you out of the house. That's a big thing for her. She saw what staying inside for long periods of time does for somebody. But she does know that some days are just indoor days.
If you like the hooligans, you all will hang out, but if you're not the biggest fans of them, Aubrey will respect that and have some 1-on-1 outdoor time with her.
She knows how to cook pretty well, so she will cook you some actually good meals to keep you healthy.
Wants to be by your side the entire time. She is kind of clingy in hopes that you will feel better, so hope you don't mind that!
She puts you first. Before she can do anything, she needs to know if you're ok; If you ate, drank water, slept, or anything else.
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Tysm again for the request! I hope I did this right! If there's anything off, please let me know! Also sorry for being kind of inactive for a month! Motivation was kicking my ass dsjhkfkj! I hope to come back to this blog because I really love posting here! I hope you all have a good day!
Lots of Love -Niko 🥞
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oliveo-il · 1 year
Oops, I did it to her too.
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I love Aubrey with both short and long hair I’m so torn ‼️
Lots of piercings
All of her accessories, mostly bracelets, were gifts from Mari (she wear ALL of them)
Practically creates a new wardrobe every month, she wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something twice in the same week
Short hair solely for convenience
Thinks she beat the system of transphobia by using all pronouns
(These two are my favs so if someone asks they can choose who’s next)
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omoris-bar · 1 year
*the sound of knocking can be heard*
Hm...? Who could that be?
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*OMORI opens the DOOR*
Hello. I am Aubrey from Aubrey Scout troop...
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Back off he's mine!
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*OMORI shuts the DOOR! The sound of battle can be heard outside*
How did they find me, they should still be in the Aubrey room! Oh no, what if the whole troop finds me!?
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AUBRE SCOUTS are available for asks!
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the-convergence · 2 years
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This week we're hard at work finishing the forum, which is adapted from Monty's i know the end skin! Here's a look at the work in progress, and a few of its features:
upper nav with easy links to everything useful, so that you never have to jump around to get to what you need
theme colors adjust by membergroup, pictured above in the memberlist cards (sioclite = purple, earth = orange, icrilles = blue, aubr = red)
memberlist filtering and sorting replaces our directory and makes it easy to find similar characters to plot with
everything about your character is on the mainprofile — including your shipper!
faceclaims and thread trackers are automagic (with many thanks to fizzyelf!)
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lilac-gold · 11 months
I Aubr 🦐
so real
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shrimp-and-rice · 1 year
Guys don’t worry I will post the aubr art soon!!!!! School is shitting on me tho
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