#I asked her for a love fortune and she said many people will fall for me.
shima-draws · 2 years
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milswrites · 7 months
Hobbies Part 11.
~ Azriel X Reader
Summary: In an attempt to keep Azriel away from Elain, Rhys sends him on a sabbatical to the Day Court. With a lot more free time on his hands Azriel needs to find something to keep him occupied. Unfortunately he meets Y/N who has the annoying habit of not staying away. Can she teach him that there’s more to life than he thought?
Grumpy!Azriel X Sunshine!Reader
Series masterlist
Warnings: mentions of sex
“Will you stop fussing? You look divine!” Azriel praised as he walked up to where Y/N was nervously fretting over her appearance in the mirror. His soothing hands meeting her waist as he pulled her backwards to rest against his chest in a comforting embrace. Mesmerised eyes taking in the reflection before him, Y/N wrapped perfectly in his arms as if she was the missing piece of what was the unfinished puzzle of Azriel’s life.
He placed a tender kiss against her cheek, moving his hands to appreciatively brush them along the fabric of her dress. Another marvellous creation of her own design. “You don’t happen to have a matching top for me, do you?” He asked, eyes still locked onto her angelic face in the mirror as he delicately planted sweet kisses along her neck. A twinkle appeared in her eyes as she pouted in faux disappointment, “I’m afraid not. I must say I’m surprised, I didn’t take you as the kind of person who would want to wear matching clothes with his lover in front of his family.”
“Well it’s a good job you’re not only my lover but my mate as well” he playfully bit the lobe of her ear, the blushing woman squealing in the tight grip of his arms as she tried to escape his affectionate nibbles. Azriel pulling her back into him, refusing to let the woman go, amber eyes moving back to the mirror to admire the happy couple smiling back at him in the reflection. Stomach doing somersaults at the love shining in Y/N’s eyes as she looked up at the male.
Azriel sighed heavily as he rested his chin onto Y/N’s shoulder, “Are you sure we can’t just stay here? I can think of many, much more scandalous, things I’d rather do with you than go and see my family.”
“And aren’t we so fortunate that we now have all the time in the world to do said scandalous things. We can try every sinful thought that crosses through that dirty mind of yours.”
Azriel’s grip on Y/N tightened at her words, his eyes growing dark as she sent a dangerously sensual image down the new found bond. She smirked at his growing predicament pressing against her, pleased at the power she held over the male, before she teased, “oh but what a shame. I think if we tried to escape your family any longer they might come and bash down my door and I’d rather not have an audience when I’m showing you just how much I love you.”
“Let them watch” he groaned, smile dropping from his face as she pulled away before he could act on his desires.
Y/N began to pace the room anxiously, repeating everything Azriel had told her about his friends, “So there’s Rhysand and Feyre, and they have the baby right?”
“Nyx yes.”
“And then there’s Cassian and Nesta. Then Mor, Amren and… oh gosh who was it? Ella? Eleanor?”
“Yes Elain! Ok.”
“You’ll be fine,” he reassured the fretting woman, just as he had been doing for the past six hours since Rhysand had sent them the invitation, “as much as I know I’m going to dislike it, I don’t think there’s a single person who could meet you and not fall unbelievably and entirely in love with you.”
Y/N stopped her pacing, flushing at Azriel’s words as she moved towards him to place her smaller hands in his, “well, unfortunately for them I only have eyes for my big grumpy mate who would no doubt show them who I belong to.”
“I’m not grumpy, I just don’t like people” Azriel defended with a scowl as a giggling Y/N pecked his cheek.
“Ok” she released a deep breath, giving Azriel’s hands a gentle squeeze, “I’m ready. Let’s go now before I change my mind.”
“The beds right there” Azriel pleaded as she rolled her eyes at his hint, playfully slapping his chest as he chuckled. The male drew her into a crushing embrace, sneaking in one last kiss on the top of her head before his shadows engulfed them. A storm of darkness surrounding their hold as the shadows whisked the loving couple away to the Night Court. To Velaris the City of Starlight.
The pair stepped out from the shadows into an empty cobbled street. A slight chill in the air causing Y/N to shiver at the unfamiliar climate, Azriel made a mental note to get her some more weather appropriate clothes for whenever she was to join him in the Night Court.
Azriel watched on with nervous interest as Y/N took in her new surroundings. Having never been to the night court, he prayed she would find Velaris just as magical as he had done. Hoping that maybe, just maybe, she may be looking at these streets as a place she would one day like to call home.
They hadn't yet had the chance to talk about how their relationship would work with the two hailing from different courts, but Azriel couldn't help but let his mind drift to sweet thoughts of the pair living together in a small cottage overlooking the Sidra. Once more dreaming of a perfect domestic life with the woman, only this time he could dream of them doing it all together as mates.
Y/N was beaming widely as usual, her bright eyes absorbing the view of the picturesque street. "Oh Az, it's beautiful! It looks just like something from a fairytale!" she exclaimed, Azriel releasing a relieved sigh at her open appreciation.
"Yeah?" he asked shyly, "Think you'd like to come back to visit me here?" He needed to hear the words from her lips so Azriel could be free to dream about the future he so longed to have.
Y/N laughed at his anxious question, finding it silly how he would think a place would change her opinion of the man, how it would change how deeply she felt about him, "Azriel," she smiled, pulling both of his hands into her own, "you could live in a literal ditch, and I would still visit you every opportunity I have. Because I love you Azriel, not your Court. Although it is a very beautiful one...you may find it quite difficult to get rid of me."
Now feeling silly about his previous worries, Azriel leaned forward to press a soft kiss against Y/N's lips, joking as he pulled away, "I'd wait to meet my family first before you say things like that, you may change your mind on that fairly quickly."
"I'm sure if they're even half as good as you are I'll love them" she replied, pulling the male in for another sweet kiss whilst they were still in the pleasurable bubble of their own company.
"Don't say I didn't warn you" Azriel teased as he began to lightly push Y/N in the direction they needed to go, his large hand resting protectively on the small of her back.
Azriel already knew this was going to be the most embarrassing night of his life. He had already prepared for that. What he hadn't prepared for was the impatient nudge of Rhysand's voice in his head telling him to hurry up and meet them at Feyre's art studio in the Rainbow. Azriel had expected a sit down meal, maybe even a trip to Rita's for a few drinks if the night went well, but of course it seems his brother has something more nefarious planned.
The shadowsinger, who already wished he was still holed up in the Day Court cottage with Y/N, sullenly led his mate to where the rest of his family were waiting for the pair. Y/N failed to notice his bitter mood, she was too preoccupied with gazing at her surroundings in awe as Azriel dragged her through the winding streets by her hand, trailing behind him like a lost puppy.
Her excitement over being in a new court steadily increasing, until by the time they had made it to the Rainbow Azriel was sure if she were any happier she'd likely combust from the enthusiasm.
He held the door open for her as they entered the studio, Y/N's eyes lighting with glee as she noticed where he had taken her. The inner circle were all waiting inside, turning from their conversations to face the newly together couple.
"Oh my cauldron you're beautiful!" Cassian cried overenthusiastically earning an eye roll from his mate due to his antics. Bounding over to the pair he mockingly wipes faux tears from his eyes before gripping Y/N by her arms and pulling her into the biggest bear hug he could muster. If Y/N were startled by his actions she didn't show it, instead she reciprocated the hug, grinning at the large man as she spoke, "You must be Cassian, I've heard so much about you."
The General gasped as he put her down, turning to yank his grumbling brother into a hug as he teased, "Oh Azzie, I knew you always talked about me!" The rest of his family began to approach the pair, exchanging welcoming hugs (which were less bone-crushing than Cassian's but just as warming) and polite greetings.
Azriel watched his family interact with the woman and he couldn't help but think that if Y/N could be likened to anything it would be the sun, her glowing energy forcing anyone near her to fall into a natural orbit. Her presence acting like gravity, drawing everyone towards her. They had been in the room for all of two minutes and Y/N was already animatedly chatting away with Feyre as she admired her studio, the two women acting as though they had been friends for centuries.
Whilst she was distracted, a grouchy Azriel hovered over to Rhysand, whispering sharply in the male's ear so not to be overheard, "What are we doing here?"
"I showed Feyre the painting from Y/N and she wanted to plan something that would make her feel comfortable, isn't that sweet Azzie?" Rhysand smirked at Azriel's bulging eyes, clearly finding his shock entertatining.
"You showed her the painting?" he grit through his teeth, cheeks turning red at the thought of the High Lady seeing something that felt so personal to Azriel.
"Oh...I showed everyone the painting" Rhys replied as if it was obvious, pointing over to where a flushed Y/N was smiling gently as Feyre held said painting in her hands as she talked about it to the woman.
"You actually hate me" Azriel concluded, eyes now drifting around the room in fear as he noticed the number of blank canvases standing on easels. Feyre's brilliant idea obviously being that they all had a family painting session.
"Don't worry brother," Rhysand grinned as he wrapped a comforting arm around Azriel, "I brought drinks!"
The concentration in the room was palpable. Well, from some of the members. Azriel, Feyre, Amren and Cassian all working in a focused silence, tongues absentmindedly poking from their lips. Elain was also opting to work quietly, unreadable eyes sometimes flickering in the direction of the shadowsinger and his new love. On the other hand: Rhysand, Mor, Nesta and Y/N were all happily chatting away as they gossiped whilst painting their creations. Wine flowing to their heads as they giggled to each other whilst occasionally stumbling on the tall wooden stools they were sat on.
"I have to say," Rhysand mumbled a confession as he squinted at his painting, "Azriel gave us quite the fright when he disappeared from here - twice may I add. He was acting like a feral beast, we all thought you had to mean a lot to him for him to be acting like that."
"Well," Y/N sighed contentedly, affectionate eyes meeting Azriel's from where he sat next to her, "I suppose finding out you're mates would do that to someone."
A chorus of surprised cries flooded the room. The inner circle chiding their friend for not breaking the news to them sooner. Sweet Elain squeaked in shock, spitting out a large gulp of wine all over her canvas. Meanwhile Cassian shouted, "I knew it!" and began to list all the unrelated reasons as to why he believed he had always known that Azriel found his mate during his stay in the Day Court.
"Mates?" Elain quietly sounded, eyes locking onto the floor in disappointment. Before she could say anymore her sister chimed in, Nesta leaning over to place a friendly hand on Y/N's own as she congratulated the couple, "That's wonderful news. We're really happy for you Azriel, you two make a wonderful pair."
Having been sat in a nervous stupor most of the night, praying that Y/N and his family got on well, Azriel flashed Nesta a crooked smile, thanking the woman for her kind words. "Yeah, we do" he replied earnestly, eyes moving to rest on his lovely mate.
"Well cheers to that!" Cassian bellowed as he raised his full glass in the air, liquid sloshing messily down his sleeve.
"What is that?" Y/N asked, squinting inquisitively at Cassian's masterful creation, "A horse?...A blue horse?".
Cassian frowned, a paint-stained hand coming to rest on his chin as he observed his painting alongside the woman. "It's supposed to be Azriel" he admitted in disappointment, "I guess I can't quite get the face right.” Y/N laid a supportive hand onto the general's shoulder, lying through her teeth in an attempt to make it feel better, "Oh of course! You're just forgetting the wings that's all!"
The General gasped at Y/N's words, beside himself that he forgot to paint his brothers wings, he eagerly lunged for his palette so he could complete the portrait of his, eyebrows still knitted together as he focused on painting the lines as steadily as he could.
Y/N moved past the male with a chuckle, wanting to see what other wonders Azriel's family had created. She came across the most exquisite piece, a lovely garden which radiated life, beautiful flowers of all shades decorating the scene. Gasping in awe at the tranquility of the scene, she turned to the artist to profess her appreciation, "It's beautiful! I've never seen a garden like it!"
"Oh...Thank you," Elain quietly answered, "It's of my own one."
"You have a garden? Oh that's wonderful, I bet the painting doesn't even do it justice! You must be really talented if it looks anything as good as this."
Elain cracked a small smile of appreciation, "Thank you, you can come see it sometime if you like. The next time Azriel brings you up maybe?"
"I'd love that!" Y/N replied joyfully, having always had a love for gardens which had only increased by a tenfold since that night with her mate. Azriel tentatively approached the pair, slowly walking towards them before coming to a stop at Y/N's side. "Everything ok here?" he nervously asked, eyes flittering between the two.
"Yes!" Y/N beamed, resting her head against his shoulder, "I was just telling Elain how magnificent her painting is, and she's invited me to come see her garden next time I'm here!"
Azriel relaxed his muscles, not even noticing how tense he had been standing, he flashed Elain a grateful smile, eyes full of apologies for not telling her what had unraveled during his time in Autumn, for not giving her the closure she deserved, "Thank you Elain."
The woman grew a mischievous smile, pulling a sniggering Y/N to her side and into a one-armed hug, "I don't know why you're thanking me Azriel. It's Y/N who I invited, not you."
It had been a wonderful night. Meeting Azriel's family and being allowed a glimpse into his life here in the Night Court filled Y/N with an indescribable warmth she has failed to experience in her life until this moment. Still admiring the artwork they had created tonight, Y/N slowly approached Feyre's canvas, tears welling in her eyes at the sight before her.
There, huddled together in the center of the detailed painting was the inner circle. Arms wrapped around each other's figures, connecting them all in one large hug. Laughing faces stared back at Y/N, their eyes all overflowing with carefree humour as their dazzling smiles met her own.
And there, joined in the familial embrace, was Y/N. Locked tightly in a beaming Azriel's arms. Her smile as equally wide as his as her eyes twinkled with an uncontrollable joy.
Y/N had never had any family and spent most of her life growing up alone and uncared for. But here, wide eyes staring at the familiar woman in the painting who was surrounded by Azriel's loving family, Y/N allowed herself to dream of that family one day being hers as well.
"Oh wow that's amazing" Azriel's voice sounded from behind Y/N, his chin coming to rest on her shoulder as he admired Feyre's hard work. Y/N failed to hold the sob that broke from her mouth as she settled into Azriel's tender hold. "Hey...hey what's wrong?" Azriel asked worriedly, shifting Y/N in his embrace until her face was pressed against his chest. He murmured sweet nothings into her ear to calm her until she was able to speak, swaying them gently in an attempt to comfort the sniffling woman.
Once Y/N had settled enough to speak, she craned her neck back in order to look at her mate, eyes still red and watery. "You have the most amazing family" she wept, unable to stop the tracks of tears rolling down her cheeks.
"We do" Azriel replied simply, agreeing with her statement. He placed a small kiss on her forehead before beginning to gently wipe the tears from her face with his hands. Turning Y/N until she faced the painting once more, back nestled into his chest. "You know I'm not actually related to any of them through blood" Azriel pointed out, his low voice rumbling against her back, "But we found each other and built something special between us. Something that means more to us than just family."
Y/N still sniffled slightly but she was deadly focussed on listening to every word that came from Azriel's mouth as he continued, "Some bonds run deeper than blood. And you're a part of that now. You're one of us."
"Yeah?" Y/N asked hesitantly, fingers coming to brush up against her euphoric form in the painting. Azriel hugged her midsection tightly, gently pulling her back so her hand dropped from the piece, "don't go trying to rub yourself off. You're stuck with us now."
She laughed through her tears, opting to rest her hands on Azriel's encircling arms instead. Happy with the home she had found with the male.
Allowing the final few tears to fall, she breathed out deeply, allowing her overwhelming emotions to expire.
"What did you paint?" she asked curiously, realizing she had now seen every painting in the room except her mates.
"Come on," he smiled, holding out a hand for her to take, "I'll show you."
Y/N stared at the painting which glared right back at her. Absorbing the piece in it's entirety as she tried to figure out what it was.
It was beautiful, a swirl of misty yellows and glittering golds, whirling together on the canvas. Colours blending in harmony as they glided across the surface. The picture had a depth to it, sparking a desire inside her chest to try and climb into it, to see just how far she would make it into the glowing storm, wondering what kind of nirvana she would discover at the end of it.
"Its incredible Az! But...what is it?" she daren't remove her eyes from the painting, afraid that the spiritual journey it was taking her on would be cut short.
"It's you" he replied, his proud amber eyes burning into his own work, "what you make me feel, what the bond makes me feel. Every stroke of the brush, every whirl of paint, it's all you."
His words held truth, as Y/N stood and observed each flowing line that moved along the canvas, she felt a strange sense of intamacy with the artwork. As though Azriel had torn out her soul and plastered it across the surface. Her soul which Azriel had recognized before she had, her mate knowing every part of her in it's entirety.
"I see you for what you are" Azriel stated, bond already revealing your thoughts to him, "Just as you see me."
"Cauldron Azriel!" Cassian's shrill voice severed the consuming aura of the moment Y/N and Azriel were sharing, "Feyre needs to start giving you some lessons cause let me tell you that is one ugly-"
Notes: Hehe if you want to do what I did picture Azriel punching Cassian for that!
Everybody can thank the lovely @charlineraven for speaking this extra part into existence! (I'm so glad you did! 💕💕)
Just the epilogue to go now!
Also for all those expecting a big Elain confrontation I’m sorry! It felt wrong to belittle a woman just for having a crush (come on! Who can blame her I love Az so much)
@thelov3lybookworm @minnieoo @iluvyewman-blog @going-through-shit @laughterafter @amysangel @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @aaronwarnerobssessedmylove @honeybeeboobaa @justvibbinghere @willowpains @tele86 @mysticalfuncollectorus @mybestfriendmademe @starryhiraeth @gorlillaglue25 @moonlwghts @darling006 @anuttellaa @serendipityx150 @xxxalicerogersxx @that-one-little-soybean @scatteredstardustt @naturakaashi @nyx-the-alien @lostinpages13 @namelesssav @dreamlandreader @fightmedraco @maxmouse001
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aurumacadicus · 3 months
Listen, Steve is grateful he gets to work at a Stark-funded hospital. He is. Not only is the prestige of working there even for a year going to carry him through his entire career, but if he stays for five years, the Maria Stark Foundation will pay off all of his student loans. Their clientele are people typically in poverty and he loves that he can help the less fortunate. It's all he ever wanted to do after watching his single mother scrimp and save as a nurse just to make sure they had a roof over their heads. He would never do anything to jeopardize his position or the reputation of the hospital.
"That custodian is going to be the reason you're fired," Natasha declares, and both Clint and Bucky spin from their nursing charts just in time to watch Steve almost fall over as he attempts to get one more glimpse of Tony's ass as he pushes his cart, whistling, toward the elevator. "Is this your way of getting out of the gala? Getting shit-canned the day before?"
"Are you going to tattle on me to Dr. Potts?" Steve asks her bluntly.
Natasha says nothing for several minutes, mulling the idea over in her head. Finally, though, she mutters, "I guess you're better than Hammer. He actually put his hands on Tony."
Steve doesn't know how to respond, because he'd only gotten his position after Dr. Hammer had groped Tony one too many times (apparently Tony had never reported it? It had actually been one of the nurses) and got fired for it. Again, he's grateful for the position, but he knows other doctors would shank him for the opportunity. He's just looking, but maybe he shouldn't look? Tony isn't a piece of meat. He's a respected member of the hospital staff.
Tony stops and bends over to pick up a piece of garbage on the floor, and even Natasha whimpers as his pants lovingly cup each of his cheeks.
Luckily, they're saved by one of the PR interns coming out of a hospital room and chirping, "Are you going to the gala tomorrow, Mr. Tony?"
"Peter how many times do I have to tell you," Tony begins, sighing, then shakes his head. "Yes, my mother is finally forcing me to show up for the gala."
Steve does a minute fist pump, and Bucky immediately drags him into a noogie that makes him squawk about his hair in probably the most unattractive manner possible.
"Gala" is probably too fancy a term for it. Unlike the Foundation galas, where the Stark family squeezes donations from the other wealthy elite for all they muster, this is more of a get-together between other hospitals to compare notes. Women are in cocktail dresses and the men are a healthy mix of suits and slacks-and-polos. The only people really decked out in formal wear are those with the foundation.
Steve is trying to be very casual as he keeps an eye out for Tony. He hasn't seen him yet, but he's hoping to ask Tony for at least one dance. Dr. Potts had said Tony liked to dance when he'd been talking with her and Natasha at the start of the gala. (She'd made really deliberate eye contact with him when she'd said so, too, so Steve figures she at least approves of him??? Even if she also kind of scares him.)
"Oh my God," Bruce whispers, wine dripping down his chin. He's gone ashen.
Steve and Thor turn to see what he's looking at, and Steve immediately understands. He feels as if he's just been simultaneously punched in the gut and head.
Because Mrs. Stark has finally arrived at her gala, dressed to the nines and yet somehow making everyone feel at ease in their own clothes. She's being escorted by a handsome man in a tuxedo.
The man looks a lot like Tony from the custodial department. But Mrs. Stark keeps loudly and proudly announcing that he's her son.
"I'm so fired," Steve whispers, voice cracking, as Bucky finally steps up beside him and claps him on the shoulder.
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pelova4president · 9 months
My muses
Laura Freigang x Sydney Lohmann x Reader
summary~ In which you fall for two German girls that are in a relationship with eachother. They’ve had their eye on you for a little while now and decide to make a move now you’re working with their national team.
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Syd and Laura are bestfriends, everyone knew that. They roomed, sat and did basically everything together. They played for different clubs but that didn’t matter, they got to see eachother more than enough.
What most people didn’t know is that they are a little more than friends, girlfriends to be exact. They didn’t really try to keep it private but everyone just thought that they were good friends since they had always been like this.
When you moved from the Netherlands to Germany it felt like a big change, you were only twenty and, ofcourse you knew a few words and sentences but that was it. German sounds a bit like Dutch but it was still hard to understand all of the difficult business words, especially when they were talking so fast.
You’ve been a sports photographer for about three years now. It began with your love for women’s football. Watching your childhood club Ajax play week in week out, you wanted to capture it. After you realised your phone camera wouldn’t do the job anymore you bought a real professional camera, it had cost you a fortune and you had to work extra hours at the cafe you served at. But honestly, it was the best decision you’ve ever made. You tried to capture moments from your seat in the stands but that was hard when the bald men in the seats in front of you stood up at every exciting pass.
Eventually, you mustered up enough courage and mailed Ajax, asking them to get access to the field to photograph the players in action. A few days later you got a response back saying that they’d like that.
After capturing many more games you signed a contract with the club, not as a player but that didn’t matter.
That’s how you got here, signing a contract with the German women’s football team as media manager and photographer. You’ve photographed some of the players because some of the girls had played against Ajax. But this was all still very new to you, working in Germany and also managing the socials.
They also didn’t really bother to introduce you to the girls, you just had to start. Or well, that’s what you understood anyway.
The start of your new era began rather hectic. The German girls were going to Italy and Portugal for some friendlies. They would play against Iceland and England to prepare for the World Cup.
You were staying in the same hotel as the team and at dinner time you eventually met some of them. Sitting alone, Laura approached you.
“Hey, ich bin Laura, ich glaube, ich habe dich schon einmal gesehen.” (Hey, i’m Laura, i think i’ve seen you before.) she introduces herself. “Ich bin y/n, but uhh i don’t speak that much German. I’m the new media manager.” you say awkwardly. Why are you like this all of a sudden. “Oh sorry, i didn’t know but you’ve got an accent. Where are you from?” Laura asks you.
You tell her about your little journey, working for Ajax and photographing. Laura sits down at your empty table and you fall into a nice conversation. She apparently remembered you from a game she played against Ajax a few months ago.
Laura was telling you about her love for photography when a certain midfielder came crashing the conversation. “Laura, warum hast du mir diese Schönheit nicht vorgestellt?” (Laura why didn’t you introduce me to this beauty?) the girl said. Laura rolled her eyes at her, “Syd this is y/n, our new media manager and sports photographer, y/n this is Sydney my idiot girlfriend.” Laura explained.
You didn’t even know the girl but to say you were disappointed that she was taken was an understatement. You really clicked and thought that she was even flirting a little bit with you but you were just imagining things apparently.
Syd sat down on the chair on the other side of you and began to ask you things too. But she had other questions in mind. “So, do you have a girlfriend.. or boyfriend?” the midfielder asked you shamelessly. “Uh no, i don’t have a girlfriend at the moment.” you said with a red face trying to look anywhere but at the couple. The two German girls smirked to eachother and continued to pester you with questions.
The next day Laura and Sydney wanted to take you out for the day since they had the afternoon and evening off. Laura had promised you some beautiful views and good food so you couldn’t resist a night out with the two girls.
You dressed up and had done your makeup and hair. The two girls knocked on your door and when you opened it you saw both of the girls looking you up and down. Sydney licked her lips and greeted you, “Du siehst echt gut aus” (You look really good) and Laura did the same, “Du siehst so schön aus.” (You look very pretty).
They walked you to the black BMW they had rented and Sydney opened the car door for you. Laura sat in the drivers seat and Sydney in the passenger’s. Sydney connected her phone and r&b played on the background of your lighthearted conversation. At some point in the conversation they stopped talking English and switched to German.
“Sie sieht gut aus.” (She looks good) Laura said looking in her little mirror. Syd hummed, “Sie ist sehr schön. Glaubst du, sie mag uns?” (She’s very pretty. Do you think she likes us?). You were looking out of the window, listening to Frank Ocean when you heard Laura speak English again. “I think so, i guess we’ll have to find out.” and with that she parked the car and opened your door.
They took you to a very nice restaurant, the vibe was good and the food and company was even better. They kept flirting with you and now it wasn’t just Laura when she was alone with you, they both were and they both seemed to be okay with it too.
“What got you into sports photography?” Sydney asked you. “Well, i wanted to capture the moments and you know, the women.” you laughed, your face heating up. The couple laughed at your answer and Laura spoke again, “I get it, i’m surprised none of my teammates made a move on you yet, you’re a pretty girl.”. You were surprised but flattered by her words. “Oh thank you, the both of you look really good too.” you complimented them.
“Sie ist niedlich.” (She’s cute) Laura said to her girlfriend. The brunette gave her teammate a smile and looked at you again. “Yeah, you think so, liebling?” Sydney asked you, trying to get more out of you. “Yeah- well i mean you know, you’re both really attractive and sweet and stuff.” you rambled and they let you. Both of the girls giggled at your rambling, finding it quite cute how you got flustered so easily.
The night ended after some more teasing and a nice dessert. They walked you to your door and told you that they enjoyed their evening with you and how they’d love to do something like this again sometime. Sydney kissed you goodnight on your forehead while Laura kissed you on the corner of your lips. You wondered of she did that on purpose or if she did it by mistake.
laurafreigang posted on their story
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liked by victoriapelova and 78.628 others
portugal📍, italy you’re next.
viviannemiedema 😍😍
stanwaygeorgia got that portugal glow
sydneylohmann looking good 👀
laurafreigang touring with a good view
l0hmannbayernn wait but syd and laura were at that same restaurant too
↳ germany_w0men they’re probably friends i think since y/n works for the national team
You traveled to Italy with the team and arrived in the evening. When you stepped out of the travel bus Sydney approached you. “We’re going to the beach with the team, do you want to join us?” she asked you calmly. You accepted her offer and walked to the beach together.
Syd told you about the time she went to Rome with Laura and how they got lost and nobody understood them because of their German accent. It was so funny that your stomach hurt from all the laughing. “Syd! Stop, my stomach!” you giggled. “Okay, okay i’ll stop.” Sydney hugged you from behind, her hands on your stomach. “Better now?” she asked you, you could feel her little smirk. “Yeah, all better.” you hummed leaning into her.
Sydney took your hand in hers and with your fingers intertwined you arrived at the beach. Apparently there were boats for rent and you couldn’t resist, floating on the water at sunset, that’s a dream. Laura saw the two of you get on the boat and joined, not wanting to miss out on more quality time.
The three of you sat at the front of the boat, looking at the sun disappearing into the sea. “I’ve had my eye on you for a little while now.” Laura suddenly says. You’re a bit shocked and your first reaction is to look in the direction of her girlfriend who laughs at your motion. “We’ve had our eye on you.” Syd corrects her girlfriend. Now you’re even more lost.
Not knowing where to look you look into the distance. “What do you mean?” you ask just above a whisper. “We both like you, romantically.” Laura says for the both of them. You look up and Laura is staring at you expecting some kind of reaction. You look at Syd and she nods assuringly.
Laura took your face into her hands and leaned in for a kiss. Your lips met hers. You’ve wanted this for longer than you’d like to admit. Your kiss with Laura was hungry but sweet. When you disconnected your lips Sydney saw that as her chance. The kiss with the midfielder was a little more rough and longer.
Laura saw the state of you and couldn’t help but smirk at your swollen lips and messy hair. “I’ll take that as a ‘i like you too’.” Sydney said giggling and pulling a strand of hair behind your ear. Your cheeks reddened and you nodded furiously. The girlfriends laughed at that and Laura kissed you on your red cheek.
laurafreigang posted on their story
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The next few days you photographed the girls at training, made content, went on little outings with the team and you even got to steal a few kisses here and there. Sydney and Laura were absolutely wonderful and amazing models, both of them are pretty, beautiful, sexy, everything honestly. You liked taking pictures of them, especially when they weren’t looking or after a game they’d won. But all three of you knew that after this camp you’d probably see eachother again at the preparations for the World Cup and that was weeks away.
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liked by lynnwilms_ and 103.728 others
got the best photographers out there 🎞️
y/n_y/l/n i got the best models out there
stanwaygeorgia tatted girl 👀
laurafreigang du bist sehr cool lohmann✌️✌️
jule_brand 😍😍
wos011 why did y/n comment??
↳ arsenalw21p they’re sooo dating
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liked by jule_brand and 118.620 others
best days away
lena_oberdorf looking good
y/n_y/l/n mooi meisje 😍
sydneylohmann got the coolest gf
↳ gerwntfann wait they’re dating???
sophie.kleinherne 😍😍
giuliagwinn laura freigang things
chels3akerrr why did y/n comment?
You were going from club to club in the break since you still needed to get some work done. Syd and Laura texted and called you a few times and they had a few dates planned between the camps. It was nice, they were absolutely perfect. You loved them.
The time flew by and the team had to get ready for the World Cup. You knew how much this meant to all of the girls. For some it was their first and for others just another. There was so much pressure on them, their nation was a winning one and everyone knew it, you could feel it. Germany was in it to win.
The team ended on top of their group and won all the other games in the knockouts. Fighting for every goal they got into the final. The final against England, the nation they lost the Euros title to. They wanted payback.
When you arrived at the stadium it felt like a dream. The atmosphere in the stadium was magic, nothing like you’ve ever seen before. Fans from all over the world eager to watch the rematch of the Euros final. As the match continued, it became clear that it would be a battle till the very end.
With the score tied at 1-1, it got hard to watch the game. The seconds were flying by, and both teams were pushing themselves to their absolute limit. Lohmann, your midfield maestro, got past Keira Walsh and Georgia Stanway. Spotting an opening, she passed a perfectly calculated ball to Freigang, your quick forward.
Laura, known for her fast pace and clinical finishing, sprinted towards the goal. Millie Bright tried to tackle Freigang but just couldn’t get to her. With adrenaline running through her, she released her shot in the top bins. The stadium erupted as Germany took the lead in the dying minutes of the game.
Sydney flew into Laura’s arms, but Laura was searching for you. She knew you were there, capturing every moment through your lens. With one of her cocky smirks, she made her way towards you, with the high of scoring such and important goal she leaned in, planting a kiss on the camera lens. Her eyes meeting yours as she playfully winks at the camera.
The game didn’t last much longer. The extra time was over and the German girls ran towards eachother while the English girls sunk to the ground.
Your two footballers hugged eachother and you captured the moment. Nothing could top this moment you thought, atleast not for now.
The girls came running towards you and included you in their hug. “Saw what i did there?” Laura whispered in your ear. You laughed, “Yeah, couldn’t really miss it eh?”. The goalscorer poked you in your side and Sydney laughed at the two of you.
Things went really fast from that moment on, Syd and Laura asked you to be their girlfriend and you said yes ofcourse. You signed a contract with Bayern for when you weren’t working for the National team. That made it possible for you to see Syd almost everyday. As promised you had a date night atleast once a week with your girlfriends and Laura announced her signing. Both of your girlfriends were playing for Bayern and you couldn’t be happier.
It had all gone fast. You fell fast, you got close fast and you started dating fast. But in your eyes it felt like you’ve always known. You loved them and wouldn’t trade this for the world.
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liked by daniellevddonk and 103.613 others
meine schätze
laurafreigang finally learned some german
↳ y/n_y/l/n just for the both of you
jillroord you’re supposed to root for us not Germany 🙄
sydneylohmann you’re our WAG 😍
↳ y/n_y/l/n honoured to be your WAG 😘
lovef00tball i knew it!!
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liked by jillroord and 271.624 others
thank you Australia and New Zealand ❤️
y/n_y/l/n mijn lieveheersbeestje 🐞❤️
↳ sydneylohmann you were scared of it so i don’t take it as a compliment
jillroord loohhmaaannn ❤️
sam_kerr_ winnerrrr 🥇
laurafreigang we’re so sexy
↳ y/n_y/l/n you are xx
↳ sydneylohmann thank you baby
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liked by alex.popp11 and 212.427 others
australia with my mäuschen
sydneylohmann you’re a rat
↳ laurafreigang awww you’re so sweet 😍
y/n_y/l/n you’ve charmed your way into my life
↳ laurafreigang it was the photographer rizz i think
↳ sydneylohmann no definitely the football rizz
sam_kerr_ freigang touring the world with her sidekicks
↳ sydneylohmann i’m not a sidekick!!
A/N the ending is a bit abrupt so there’s a chance that i’ll make a second part?? Thanks to @totaly-obsessed i think i’ve done pretty well with the german nicknames and sentences.
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whateverisbeautiful · 2 months
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#12: The Building (1.02)
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It was such a welcomed sight to see Michonne build bonds with people who cared about her and her goals and even wanted to aid her along the journey. And the person she built the closest bond to is particularly good at building things himself and that comes in handy along the journey. However, things sadly take a tragic turn when Michonne and co have their first run-in with Rick's captors - the CRM 😟...
After parting with Nat's group, we see Michonne in the very scenario we saw in the TWD series finale as she takes out a walker and approaches a massive horde looking regal in her armor on the horse.
Undeterred, Michonne charges forward and it’s a great cinematic shot. Also, this is how you know she is crazily in love with Rick because she sees the largest sea of walkers imaginable and still intends to go through that biblical-sized horde to get to him.
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Michonne uses the scream sticks to try and create an opening in the horde but that gas man catches fire and explodes, knocking her off her horse and turning the walkers' attention to her.
She gets up and takes out her sword prepared to take out as many as possible which is wild and shows her ultimate determination. But fortunately, she doesn’t have to do any of that because Nat’s purple light toys part the walkers like the Red Sea.
Michonne turns around to see that Nat and co have left their group and followed Michonne to help her on her journey. And again, seeing Michonne receive genuine friendliness and support was super refreshing. 🙌🏽🥹
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They sit by a fire at night and I love Michonne and Nat’s dynamic as he addresses her falling off the horse and her defending that she was knocked off. Their banter makes me smile. 😊 Michonne looks all cozy as she asks about the purple light and Nat explains he has a lot of toys and inventions. He’s clearly extremely smart and innovative.
Nat explains why he stayed in the caravan group for years and how he knew it was time to go a long time ago. Michonne thanks them and they thank her for waking them up to realize their community was not it.
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Michonne observes Aiden and Bailey and immediately picks up on something going on with them. Nat says, “I know how to build things and I know how to burn things. But it takes more than that at the end of the world. You showed them that. You showed me that.”
Look at Michonne always showing people the way and them knowing she shows them the way too. 🥰 And no one knows that more than Rick who told her that very thing in Say Yes and in his letter to her in the TWD series finale.
Then I love Nat saying, “We’ll take you as far as you need” Yes supporting her. 👏🏽😭 It’s everything Michonne deserves. And then I especially love Michonne saying, “When I get Rick, you’ll come back home with me all of you. You’ll be a part of it. It’s just gonna take a little building” I love it because she’s so hospitable and because she finally said Rick's name. I think it’s our first time hearing her say his name aloud since she found out he’s alive. 
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Nat excuses himself off to bed and Bailey says he’s going to get Aiden something to eat. Aiden tries to assure that she’s fine but Bailey is all lovingly determined to take care of her, and I know Michonne recognizes that type of love.
Michonne watches their exchange and says, “You’re pregnant.” Aiden confirms and says she had been craving honey and Bailey was determined to get it for her and surprise her.
Michonne listens and smiles hearing the story and it’s so bittersweet because I know this makes her think about how Rick wasn’t there during her pregnancy. 😢 You just know Rick, the ultimate gift-giving loverboy, would have searched far and wide to get Michonne whatever she craved when she was pregnant with RJ. And the fact that didn't get to happen is just...
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Michonne, the always kind comforter, tells Aiden that she and Bailey should just head to ASZ now. Aiden is adamant that, “We want to be there when you find Rick” and I know a Richonner when I see one and this woman is a Richonner, y’all. 😋 She was eager for that reunion just like us lol. I know she can just sense that whatever love Rick and Michonne have is one they don’t want to miss bearing witness to.
Even when Michonne is adamant and says no they should go to ASZ, Aiden says, “We will. After you find Rick” and I’m glad that after it felt like characters were only allowed to directly say Rick's name once or twice a season after he left now we’re hearing Michonne and others just outright talk about Rick. 
Michonne smiles and says ok as she warmly pats her and again I’m loving the friendships. But also Michonne is always right so…they probably should’ve just went to ASZ when she told them to because what happens next is pretty darn tragic for everyone involved. 😬
The next day Michonne walks alongside Nat as more of the group follow and Michonne playfully questions why so many people followed Nat if he only likes her, Bailey, and Aiden. Nat teases that the others have gone up a letter grade but not quite to like, which is a testament to Michonne’s likability that he wholeheartedly liked her so quick while others he traveled with longer are still not quite there in his book. Nat basically said...
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Michonne smiles and asks, “Who else in your life?” and I just really like seeing characters talk to get to know each other. I feel like at some point in the main show it was starting to feel like characters didn’t talk like this anymore so watching Michonne and Nat’s bond build through these conversations was nice to see.
I like how Nat says “me” as someone he likes lol and he also says his mom. Nat gives insight into some of his backstory as he shares that his dad wasn’t in the picture since he didn’t want a ‘little’ little kid and he had a lot of bullies so he started burning things and blowing things up in the woods.
Then Nat goes into a story that I realized on my rewatch very much parallels Michonne in a really sweet way.
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Nat starts to talk about this guy Danger who his mom met and who became his stepdad. Who also became a stepparent to a young boy? Michonne.
Nat shares that Danger met his mom at a time when she worked a horrible job and “had one very troubled kid who hated Danger as soon as he looked at him.” Who also met her true love while he was in a very tough predicament and had a troubled kid who didn’t seem to like her at first? Michonne.
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Nat says, “And this guy, with this stupid name, looked at that and said ‘hell yes’.” Who also looked at a person who would run around a prison seeing things and a kid who initially tried to push her away and ultimately said hell yes to them and embraced them as her family? Michonne.
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I love how Danger and Nat's story connects to Michonne and Carl - one of TWD's best duos, besties, and mother and son. 
Nat, whose a great storyteller, continues saying, “Anyway, he married my mom and right after he moved in suddenly Danger had these problems that he needed solved. You know like that he needed me to solve.”
That reminds me of how Michonne too made Carl feel like a valued member of the group and not just some kid to write off. She even told Carl info about herself first that she hadn’t yet told anyone else, like about her son Andre, because she cared to connect with him as a person. 
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Nat explains all the things he’d build around the house for Danger and then in a moment of great acting from Matthew Jeffers he begins to wonder if Danger really needed all that help or if he focused him up on how he can build things instead of burn them.
Nat says, “I guess that’s somebody else I liked” and Michonne says, “Sounds like you loved him.” Such a sweet moment and really well done in getting us to feel even more invested in a new character.
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I also really appreciate the way this pays homage to the beauty of step-parents who step up in a child’s life and come to mean the world to their kid. They could have made Danger a neighbor, teacher, uncle, etc, but making him a stepparent is definitely intentional here if you ask me. Because the great thing about TOWL is that every single scene is Richonne/Grimes family-related.
And hearing a story about a kid’s love for his great step-parent really reflects and pays homage to the great step-parent Michonne became to Carl and how he really loved her too. 🥲
I love how people stay telling Michonne life stories that parallel her own.
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Nat’s friends tell him they love him as he tells them to shut up and then the love fest is brought to an explosive end as a helicopter flies over them.
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It’s crazy finally seeing Michonne learn of the helicopters. They watch it fly and then Michonne quickly realizes this helicopter is here for nefarious reasons. She yells for the group to scatter as the helicopter bombs them with chlorine gas. The attack is brutal and has rapidly damaging effects.
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Michonne and friends just barely make it inside a mall and when they do finally get in, they place Aiden on the bed as it’s clear she’s not going to make it. The chlorine gas also had a bit of negativity-gas laced in it because these hopeful Richonners no longer think the mission to find Rick is worth the risk.
On her deathbed Aiden tells Michonne, “Go back to your babies. Don’t risk it” and it’s really sad because you know she knows she’s not going to live to see her unborn baby and she doesn’t want Michonne to miss out on seeing hers again. 
Michonne knows a medical plaza where they might be able to get oxygen tanks because they can’t get air. Always the one willing to go, Michonne prepares to go back out into the toxic air and get the oxygen tanks and she tells Bailey not to fall asleep next to his girlfriend. That always stands out to me that Michonne advises this because it’s almost like she knows from personal experience that when you lose your soulmate it makes you want to just stop fighting and be with them.
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As Michonne wheezes her way back inside the mall with the oxygen tanks it's unfortunately too late. She finds Aiden and Bailey both have turned. Nat is still alive, surrounded by fire and Michonne keeps Bailey from getting to him. This fire yet again speaks to the message of how fire both destroys and saves.
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Nat thanks Michonne because he couldn’t bring himself to take out his close friend and then he too expresses that he thinks the rescue-Rick mission is futile as he says, “She was…she was right. When you can, you need to go home. It’s been too long...He’s gone” The way he says 'he’s gone' I was like damn they really dropped the mission quick. But not Michonne tho as she adamantly says, "No."
Because see, while the episode may be called "Gone", Michonne knows her man is not gone. Rick is still out there, she still feels him, and she is still fueled by that belief. It’s just now the trifling CRM has put a delay on things. A year-long delay. 😣 The CRM has to burn for that among many other things.
So now Michonne is stuck in this mall - but even here in these circumstances, we get to see the resilience that is Michonne Grimes. Because this journey isn’t over until she says it is. 😌👌🏽 
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arisewanekosuki · 1 year
Traveler's little helper -Extra-: Aether x Fem!Reader [Divine prospect in love]
[ Teyvat , Mondstadt ]
[Archon Quest Chapter III: Act III - Dreams, Emptiness, Deception.]
 … -“Ahem, my friend here has some doubts regarding his future. Can we get a fortune reading for him?” said Nahida while borrowing Katheryne’s body. The little girl hummed. -“ Of course, of course. In that case...” her cats meowed, they didn’t seem to like your group. “Oho, it would seem that Harut and Marut are quite wary of you. Perhaps at some time in the past, you have somehow offended the gods?” - “Only mocking the God of Anemo, questioning the Lord of Geo's financial savviness, and brawling with the God of Electro... Do those count?” Paimon replied, you looked at Nahida to see her reaction for what your little friend said. But the Dendro Archon’s expression didn’t changed after hearing this, she probably already knew about it. The little girl looked confused at Paimon, but before she could ask anything, Nahida spoke. -“ Oh, nothing. Aether, go on, pick an aspect for her to divine.” -“Hm… then divine my prospects in love.” You didn’t expect Aether to ask for that, but you’re very curious what Nabiya will say. -“ Love prospects? No problem at all.” The girl concentrated and after a moment said “Hummm... The gods have spoken. The truth shall be revealed. One who is fated to cross your path will appear on…on..oh they already appeared in your life, but it seems they are oblivious to your feelings…And not only that but there…there are so… so many other people fighting for their heart?! How could that be…and this person is-” -“Alright, that’s enough for me to know.” Aether interrupted before the little girl could say who that special someone is. -“Eh? But… I’m curious now! Who are they?” You asked but Aether just ignored you. -“How about her divine prospect in love?” Aether pointed at you with his thumb. Now he is curious what Nabiya will say about you. -“Is it really okay?” you asked and Nahida smiled to you. -“We still have time, so hearing one more won’t be a problem”. Nabiya concentrated again and then -“One who is fated to cross your path will appear on... on... Huh!? So... so many people will fall for you!? How could that be...” she looked at her cats “Harut, Marut, did you two spoil my divinations? I've never read a fortunes so absurd.” The cats looked confused at their owner, meowing at her. -“ Uhh, actually, Paimon thinks this is probably the most accurate fortune-tellings you've ever done...” You looked at Paimon confused. -“I don’t think so? Many people falling for me? That’s impossible!” you said while scratching your head. Paimon only shook her head with ‘are you serious’ look, Aether is not even surprised anymore at your reaction. But this is not bad, for him it means he still have some chances to win your heart. But he wonder how should he approach you with his feelings. At this moment he’s sure that even if he said ‘I love you’ you’ll still think that he means it as platonic. Aether sighed. “This is no time to think about it.” He thought. …
When evening approached,  you two decided to call it a day and rest in the inn. You two already shared beds before, and because lately you spent too much mora, you decided to take room with only one bed. You couldn't help but think who is that special person for Aether, turning towards him you asked. -“Are you sleeping?” Aether opened his lovely, golden eyes and looked at you. -“Can’t fall asleep?” -“Yeah…I been wondering…who is that special someone?” he didn’t say anything. After a while he sighed. -“ Wasn't her divination wrong? I don't have anyone special like that.” He lied. This was good opportunity to just say ‘you’ but he knows that you will laugh and say something like ‘be serious!”. He closed eyes, hoping that you will let go of this subject and just go to sleep. The room was quiet, all he could hear was the soft snoring of Paimon, who was lying between you two. -“Is it Ayaka?” you broke the silence. -“No.” -“Hm…Amber?” -“No.” -“Oh! Keqing?” -“No.” -“Then…Ningguang?” -“No, can we go to sleep?” there was another silence, he opened his one eye. You were pouting. ‘Cute’ Aether smiled. -“Don’t tell me…is it a bo-“ -“No! Goodnight.” He turned his back to you. You hugged Paimon and said ‘goodnight’ as well. You were feeling a bit sad that Aether didn’t wanted to tell you something like this. There are many things you don’t know about him, things that he doesn't tell you, things that even this ‘connection’ doesn't let you know about. You fell asleep with the thought… “Is Aether still not trusting me?”. --- Sorry for any mistakes, it's already late but wanted to post it before going to sleep... (。-ω-)zzz
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bl4nchetts-lvr · 1 month
nsfw dom lou miller? THANK UUU I LOVE UR WORKS SM
Racer!Lou Miller x Fem!Younger!reader.
genre: smut
warnings: smut,praise(?)
word count: TBA
not proofread
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Street races are quite popular for the night streets of NYC, one of the most popular racers there is Lou Miller. unlike the other racers, she doesn't really care if she wins or no,she is there for the fun of it, the thrill of driving at the fast pace,wind blowing at her,hearing screams of fangirls ..
it's was around midnight when the race was about to start. the woman was sitting on her bike and putting on her helmet when she saw one and only girl she actually felt attracted to,You.
many people have said that lou is a playgirl,a womanizer, they may be right,but in the depth of her heart she never really cared for any of those girls.
she falls in love very rarely, but if she does — she hides it. she doesn't want to show her vulnerable side to anyone,doesn't want her image of a cold and hard-to-get woman to get ruined.
she saw the way other racer looked at you, the way his gaze was on your chest,waist and legs. how dare he look at you this way,only she could do that .. she knew damn well you were trying to make her jealous (which was working) by the way you smirked a little when you realized she was watching you two ..
the racer's blue eyes were darted towards you two,her jaw clenching and hands gripping the helmet. (un)fortunately,she was wearing gloves, so her veiny hands with knuckles turned white from squeezing her fists so much weren't showing.
when the race started,she was determined to win this time, to show you that she deserves you,and not that fish faced prick.
her determination was bigger than the great wall of china,she put her all in and easily won the race.
everyone was cheering,fangirls all around,her friends happy for her win,but she didn't care about any of them,all she cared about was you .. did you like the race? were you happy for her win? her pale blue eyes darted all around,hoping to stop her gaze at you ..
and she did. there you were,still with that racer .. giggling from a stupid joke he told.
her blood was boiling,the jealousy and possesiveness rising within her.
she walked closer to you,excusing and taking you away. finally you two will be alone,finally she'll get to have you all for yourself.
she held your wrist,then pinning you against the wall, as she finally could see your pretty face up close.
"don't you know how much it bothers me when i see you with that bastard?" she asked,her voice quiet and raspy from her anger.
you didn't say anything,just feeling flustered that the older woman who you were attracted to had you wrapped around her finger so easily.
"come on,baby,talk to me." she said.
"haven't i told you multiple times i hate when you talk to other people? especially someone as annoying as him? or do you want me to remind you..?" she leaned in closer,her hands in leather gloves fixing your hair.
she saw the way you blushed,she heard the thumping of your heart. she loved it.
she leaned in even closer,kissing your neck and whispering some lewd stuff in your ear. she knew how riled up you were, the way you were scared someone would walk in on you two.
her kisses trailed down to your chest,she put her hands on your shirt,looking up at you to ask for permission. when she saw you nod slightly,she smirked more and unbuttoned your shirt. oh,how she loved the sight of your body,it was so beautiful to her.
she bent down,kissing your chest faintly, just to tease you more..
"i should punish you for trying to make me jealous,no?" she bit your chest "isn't this what you wanted,honey?"
in less than 5 minutes you were already half naked,your short down to your ankles,your shirt unbuttoned and bra messily taken off by Lou.
her jacket and gloves were off,her freezing and veiny hands all over you.
she looked into your eyes when she pushed her fingers inside of your panties,feeling the wetness. she loved it.
"so wet .." she whispered in her raspy,smoker voice.
she gently rubbed circles at the spot she knew drove you crazy. the way you shivered,the way your cheeks turned a darker red hue turned her on.
"come on,darling,let me hear you .." she said,smirking more as she rubbed your sweet spot more,feeling you tremble underneath her wrath.
she finally pushed her fingers in when she heard you quietly beg her to. she wanted to tease you,but she wanted to hear you moan her name out loud for everyone to hear more.
she saw the way your eyes rolled back when she pushed her long,slender fingers in,curling them to hit -the- spot.
she leaned in, kissing your lower lip.
"you like this,huh?" she chuckled,the sound of it making you more weak and wet,making you gulp.
when you finally felt the climax approach,you gasped softly,grabbing lou's shoulder.
"let it all out like a good girl,no? let me hear you,baby." she whispered mockingly.
you trembled and held onto her shoulder tighter,letting out a slight shreak and then a loud,long moan.
"yes,just like that." she whispered,kissing your lobe and moving her fingers deeper,making you tremble more.
"will you make me jealous again,darling?" she asked in a firm tone.
she smirked when she saw you shook your head.
"that's my good girl."
she whispered and gave you a one last kiss on your lips,before pulling out her now sticky fingers.
Zzz ---------------------------------------------- zzZ
i do NOT like this work .. but thank you for submitting an ask <3
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shantismurf · 4 months
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"The Mushroom Mine" sign by @shantismurf, with assistance from @tickles-ivory
As part of the celebration of the one year anniversary of the Bagginshield Book Club, we asked the lovely @chrononautintraining a few questions about this wonderful work.
June 2024 Author Q&A with Chrononautical
Q1. What name would you like us to use and what are your pronouns?
A1. Chrononautical or Chrono, She/Her
Q2. How many years have you been writing? 
A2. Most of my life, but posting publicly for about 15 years.
Q3. What do you think of as your writing style - are you a plotter or pantster?
A3. Pantster, primarily, though I've learned my lessons and do like to know where a story is going to end when I start it these days so I try to plot. 
Q4. What’s your favorite genre/trope to write? 
A4. Speculative fiction: stories about magic or science fiction, primarily. 
Q5. Is there a genre/trope you haven't written as much of yet that you're excited about for future writing?
A5. I'd like to do more comedy.
Q6. Was there an idea or scene that inspired A Passion for Mushrooms?
A6. Passion for Mushrooms is one hundred percent inspired by the quote I used for an epigraph: "Hobbits have a passion for mushrooms, surpassing even the greediest likings of Big People." - The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien. 
When I decided to write it, the fandom already had more than a few stories about Bilbo planting gardens and deciding to stay in Erebor with a miraculously alive Thorin. I was completely here for all of that, of course, but I wanted a story where the garden wasn't special because of gold or rare plants bought with gold. I wanted there to be a treasure that Bilbo could appreciate with the Baggins half of his heart, as well as the Tookish bit. And I know next to nothing about mountains, but I do know mushrooms do okay in caves, so... 
Q7. Did you do any special research before writing the work?
A7. If you're asking this because I go deep on How To Pluck A Chicken In A Medieval Kitchen during the cooking scenes, you're right and you should say it. I am a middling cook, but all of my ingredients come from grocery stores. I had to do a fair bit of research on the cooking aspects of the story that were furthest from my own experience. Fortunately, the professor already put tomatoes and potatoes in Middle-earth, so I didn't have to go Full Historical. 
Q8. Did the story change from how you originally envisioned it? Were there scenes or plot elements you had to cut out?
A8. It absolutely did. Because I am, as previously said, a pantster. I wanted a bigger bang for the ending of the story than I was set up to get. I could have stopped with Bilbo and Thorin getting together and had some simple falling action, but that didn't perfectly tie the subplot of Dis and Tauriel back to the main pairing, which I knew I wanted. Having Doron try to poison Bilbo was actually a late in the game choice. If I'd planned that from the start, I would have threaded him into more of the middle sections of the novel. 
As for cutting things out, the additional stories in the series started as deleted scenes/reader requests that I couldn't find use for. So most of what I cut didn't end up in the rubbish bin. Anything that wound up there really wasn't worth posting. 
Q9. Do you have a favorite moment from the entire series?
A9. I still really like "A Spy In The Shire" a lot. I know it's so self-indulgent to say that about a story focusing on an OC, but if the point of the Battle of Five Armies is to reclaim Erebor for the dwarves, then I want that to mean something. I want the average dwarf to be in a bad place. I want the average dwarf to need Erebor the way Thorin needs Erebor, to be willing to do anything to get back to the Lonely Mountain. Because if that's the case, then all the sacrifice means something. When I talk about this one luckless dwarf on the world's silliest quest to figure out how to help the king hook up with a hobbit, I'm talking about hope for the future. I'm talking about all the people who long for and dream of the home that Thorin was willing to die to reclaim. I think about them going back there and living better lives. It brings me peace.
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ekwolfwriter-blog · 5 months
WIP Zutara Challenge: Divine intervention
Man oh man, do I love this prompt. As I have a few fics that I guess fall under this. Most of them are posted in Ao3 is people are curious. I will be posting them at the end so no worries. But honestly anything with the spirits - at least how I consider it - divine intervention - and I have too many ideas for it
Such as one fic idea of the spirits allowing Katara to go back in time with all the memories but cannot physically touch people that she was close to as it could make them remember the horrible future - for angst.
A transformation fic that I have been sitting one - well two - where both Katara and Zuko get turned into animals and find out that the other loves them through the barrier of the lack of human ego getting in the way. (Katara being turned into a fox-snow leopard is also on the docket with Blue Spirit, which I will share in a bit). And a few other ideas like OC's coming in and helping out with the time line or changing it to make it make sense - if you know, you know.
And I also have some links for on going projects with spirit intervention and if people are curious about what I will be doing and going with it, please read and leave a comment!
First on the docket is my all time fav and an intro to an OC that I adore and is definitely one that helps with the story more times than I can count: Fortune Teller Rewrite
Next is one I have to work on, but it does have some spiritual intervention with transformation: Right Time Wrong Tea
Another one is my Forget Me Never fic with implications of spirit intervention.
And Lastly, my new project that will have lots of Divine intervention and spirit shenanigans is Ghost of a Waterbender (of which a new chapter will be posted soon)
As for the WIP challenge, here is a snippet of WIP where Katara unknowingly makes a deal with a spirit intervening for her (P.S. mention of alcohol):
Damasu took another sip of the sake that got brought as he seemed to think for a moment. “Well, it seems to me you already have an idea about what you want. But are conflicted because it does not match what others think or who they think you should be with.”
“Well, yes!” Katara snapped. “I know I should choose but I always had to choose for everything when we were traveling! I always had to care for people and make sure they were cared for. Final decisions on what we ate and did. And yet, never was it my choice completely. And even if I choose, I know people will get hurt and it will be my fault. And just once, I want something easy given to me.”
“Hmm,” Damasu smirked. “Sounds like a way to go, to have things given to you. Much like an animal that gets pulled around and does what it’s told. Is that what you want?”
“What?! No! No way, I will never be jerked around like that. I am not some prize that can be flaunted and told to obey on command.”
“And yet you feel like you are now?”
Katara realized what she said and bit her lip as she looked away from the strange man.
But Damasu only gave a mischievous grin. “From what I can see, you have a wild heart, and that is good. At least for you. You want to have your freedom to fight your own battles and prove yourself but at the same time, would like to know someone will be there for you. Protect you and love you for the powerful and beautiful woman you are, right?”
Katara did not face Damasu again, but she could not help but nod to his question.
Damasu smirked as he took another sip of his drink and poured some more for Katara. “Well, then I think I can help with that. A little wager if you will.”
Katara scoffed. “Oh, and what would this wager be?”
“I bet that the man that will fulfill your wish will be able to see you for who you are, even if you are… shall we say, not looking your best.”
“What? Would I look like I just woke up and have massive bed hair?” Katara asked with slurred words. All the drinks of the night were starting to get to her.
“Something like that,” Damasu said softly, then continued. “The catch is, you must stay that way until either of them figures out it is you. And only then will you be able to find the one that loves you with an act of true love. Either by words or actions. In this new look that is.”
Katara squinted at Damasu as she felt suspicious of him again. “What is in it for you, if this is a proper wager?”
Damasu smirked. “Even while becoming intoxicated, you are still sharp. I love that. And the only thing I want… is a good show.” He said with that continuous mischievous look in her eyes.
Katara chuckled from his answer as she was finding it hard to believe. “So let me get this straight, I will look a certain way. Unrecognizable to the world, and will stay that way until the one who loves me the most figures out that it is me and I get my answer, and all you want is to just watch?”
“Yup,” he answered as he gave her drink and he poured some for himself.
“No strings attach?” Katara grilled him.
Damasu smiled as he reached for Katara’s necklace and tapped it. “In honor of the water and moon spirits that watch over us, I swear. That is all I am offering.”
Katara looked down at his hand then at him. Katara’s vision was getting a bit blurry but while it might be the drinks talking, it did sound nice to have that option. She then reached for the drink and raised it to Damasu. “You have a deal then.”
Damasu smirked as he raised his glass and clinked it to hers. “A deal then,” he quietly cheered. They both took the drink and then Katara sighed. “I should get home.”
“Fair, after all, it will be a busy day tomorrow,” Damasu said as he got up.
“Will I see you tomorrow then?” Katara’s words slurred more as she was getting tired.
Damasu did not answer as he put down something on the bar then tapped Katara’s forehead. “You will see me very soon,” he whispered to her and left.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
Bridgerton AU with the YV boy.
Would love to hear everyone's thoughts! May seem inaccurate but idc it's 10:55 and I speed typed this.
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Is a commoner but works for a Baron's house that his father use to work for. Who had a love for sweets, and where he fell for the cheif's child.
He really is glad he works for the Baron family since it's Seth's (hear me out) yes they did have their own relationship but, after they still stayed good friends.
I can see a lot of people wanting to hire him but he stays loyal to Seth's family. If you see Boo in one place at a party in the Baron's estate? Alphonse was not too far behind, they were a duo after all.
Okay him being the son of a Baron would be interesting bc! Jessie wanting to leave would be even more profane in the au. Who wants to be shackled to a Baron? Who doesn't even cares about her and she already gave him a heir!
Told his father he'd never marry or give a heir. *looks at Duke Hastings* but falls for Scout, happy to find them also a child of another Baron. Or maybe a Viscount, either one tbh.
He's glad Alphonse still works for his family but treats him like a friend. Also Boo too, both help Scout and Seth if needed. Scout was the reason mainly why there's more balls hosted in the Baron's estate and mansion.
Was a servant for Duke Auron, but was able to quit. He was the son of a footman and his mother was a personal maid for the dowry Duchess. Worked many jobs now for a man who sells food from Italy (trying to make Pete work here)
When younger he was a play mate to a young new money Earl family. Who had only one child, and said child saw him at a park. Played with him and begged their father if they could be friends.
After being away from Casper they were able to get their title up to a Marquess. Ignoring all of society and married (or got w) Charlie, did Duke Aurom attend? Who will know.
Son of a florist and seamstress, but raised by his grandma that owned a well known tea shop. Became the most loved florist and a good Bachelore to look at!
While making bouquets he met, Sunflower. Child of a maid that worked at Jack's family home. After meeting them they started talking as Sunflower got more flowers for the family's house. Soon they got together and Jack was happy for them.
Sunflower and Finn were happy together. To the point Sunflower quit being a servant for the household and work in the flower shop with Finn. They helped him make many connection and even help with a certain Duke making bouquets for his lover.
Son of the late Duke and Duchess. Some say it was said he couldn't inherit the family because he was deemed 'unworthy' of it by the late Duke. But no one dare say it to his face, it might be soft but his words are sharp.
Many tried to woo him to get fortune or money but stopped when Auron took being the Family's head. But one didn't, Star child of another Duke family. They were a beloved Batchelor by all but....their heart belonged to Faust.
After having an actual conversation with him, Faust wanted to court them. So rushing into Auron office he demanded how to make a poem for someone. The red head helped and was, but didn't show, pleased by this. Even pulling Star aside and saying they had his blessing. But if they harmed his brother they'll have to talk to him.
Duke Auron, was seen as a bastard that was lucky to snag such a title. Not even a drop of blood indicating he was one to take it. But in the will of the late Duke, was given it. Was quite the topic for a while in society, until Auron himself started showing up at social gatherings.
Speaking of social gatherings it's where he meet his lover. A child of a Baron, who was sharp witted along with a sharper tongue. Said tongue was the reason they got closer, no one really dared to speak to him but Rook. Went straight up to him and asked questions about his work.
He was astound at first but, let them talk away. Rook had to be dragged by their Mother to go away from the Duke. Auron couldn't get them out of his mind though, so he started to seek them out. Finding out what their hobbies were and much more, courting them was weird. He seemed happier and lots of people wondered what was so special about Rook? But their wedding did come and there was a new Duke/Duchess in town.
For this AU gonna make him a foreign family that came to live where ever this au should take place. Angel was a normal commoner, who worked at a printing shop actually. Lucien who wanted to go away from his family, a Marquess. Trying to find the popular Boo's bakery, where he bumped into a small body. Well compare to him.
He was the later born of the children, so no responsibilities only to live how he wanted. So meeting Angel he moved in, after deciding he wanted to be with them. They accepted bc he had money and was taking baking classes with the most famous baker.
Soon he too became one and asked Angel with the most beautiful cake to marry him. He did sent out invitations to his family, but only a few came. He doesn't mind only that his bakery that was on the other side of town, selled his country's desserts. It was a success, he married to the love of his life, and was happier than he'd ever been.
Jack is the son of a well respected Marchant that earned the title of Viscount. He wanted to become a man who didn't take everything given and went to college. Where he meet, Buddy someone who he bumped into in the halls. Helping them he began a friendship, learning they were the child of a Earl.
After talking to them more and more he felt a pull to them. But as graduation came his parents forced him to take the family's business and title. Unhappy he wished for Buddy to come to him. And they did, with a proposal.
Since he's to marry a higher title he can live with theirs and be happy since they are a only child. The wedding was simple and he was happy, unless he wanted too he didn't need to touch the family business since it was given to his spouse.
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jiliansky-blog · 9 months
The Nightmare and the Dreamer. Chapter 1. The girl, who dreams
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Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader
Rating: PG
Words: 1500
“You were reading again all day”, your sister admitted. “You’d better start to live in reality. "Don’t you have better things to do?”
“Like what?” you asked.
A few times a week, you hear these words from your parents or sister. But it didn’t stop you from reading books.
“You need to find a boyfriend”, she said. “What about that charming young man in glasses? I saw you were talking a few times.”.
“Talking and dating are two different things”, you sighed. “There is something strange in him. And I tried to avoid him”.
"What is strange?” she asked, confused.
“I don’t know”, you replied. “I just don’t like him”.
“You just waited for some actual prince charming to appear in your life”, she said. “Maybe it’s time for you to find a real man”.
Well, actually, you've fallen in love with fictional characters so many times that you just can’t fall in love with a real person. And you wished to travel to other words. You already like traveling to other countries and cities. Even your friends sometimes think that you are weird because you dare to dream about the impossible.
And you are going to the bookstore. But when you left your home, the young man in glasses appeared next to you.
“Hello, Y\N”, he almost purred and smirked. “Need a ride?”
“No, I can get everywhere on my foot”, you replied, and you tried to walk past him, but he didn’t let you. “I insist”.
“Thank you, but no”, you said. “I wanted to walk”.
“Can I keep you company?” he asked then.
You sighed. He was very persistent. Why did he even decide to flirt with you?
“No, I like walking alone”, you said. “But thank you for your offer”.
And you quickly walk away from him. You almost ran away. This guy... there was something wrong with him, but you can’t understand what.
“YN, hello”, said Julie, the owner of the bookshop. “I start to wonder when I see you again”.
“Sorry, I have some job to do at home”, you said. “My sister thinks that I read too much. So I was waiting for her to leave”.
“What do you want to read today?” she asked.
“About adventures”, you smiled. “And love”.
And you picked a few fantasy books. It was your favorite genre. You especially love stories about fairies and elves. And you love daydreaming about their worlds. Sometimes you see different beautiful places in your dreams.
When you picked books, you came to see your friend, who doesn’t understand your love for fantasy books and dreams.
“You picked these books again”, she admitted.
“Yes”, you replied. “Why?”
“You should start living in a reality”, she sighed. “The more of these books you read, the more you're torn off from reality”.
“And so what?” you asked. “It’s boring to live in reality all the time. I don’t say that it’s okay to live in books all the time. But I don’t see a sense in reading books about reality when you already live in it. It’s like eating the same food everywhere”.
“You will never find a boyfriend”, she sighed. “You only love the fictional characters, and they have nothing in common with real people”.
“So be it”, you said. “Stop criticizing me. You're just like my sister”.
So yes, everyone around you doesn’t understand you and thinks that you are weird. And it sometimes makes me feel alone, even in the crowd.
Only your father understands you. When you came home, he was alone, fortunately. He greeted you with a warm smile.
“How was your day?” he asked.
“As usual, everyone thinks I’m strange for dreaming and reading fantasy books”, you sighed. "Sometimes it's better to be alone than with someone”.
“Don’t give up hope”, he sighed. “You are clever and smart. And there’s nothing bad or strange in loving books and dreaming”.
You smiled and kissed him on the cheek. At least someone understands you.
But then, the next day, something happened. You were reading in the café as usual when your sister called you. Her voice was worried.
“What happened?” you asked. “Slow down”.
“Dad doesn’t wake up”, she said finally.
“What?” you asked, confused. “What do you mean?”
“He didn’t wake up in the morning”, she replied. “I called the doctor. He said to take him to the hospital. Where are you?”
“I’m coming”, you said, finishing the call.
You hurried home. Your sister was already upset and angry with you. Probably because she was too worried about our dad.
“Where have you been?” she asked. "Why are you never here when I need you?”
“Don’t start”. You replied. “What happened to dad? What did the doctor say?”
“He is fine at first sight”, she said. “He is just sleeping. But we need to put him in the hospital just in case”.
So you and your sister called the ambulance to get dad to the hospital. The doctor made all the checks and said that nothing threatened Dad’s health. And it’s not looks like coma even. He is just sleeping. But they need to make more measurements.
“I will stay with him tonight”, you said.
“Are you sure?" my sister asked.
“Yes, I am”, you said. “I just need to pack some things at home”.
“I can pick you something if you stay here right now”, she said.
“No, I can do it myself”, you replied.
She wasn’t pleased, but didn’t say anything. Instead of this, she made a list of what you should bring for your father in case he stays longer in the hospital. And you agreed.
So your sister gave you a lot of recommendations, said that she needed to prepare something, and went away. Now you can calm down a little.
“What happened to you, dad?” you sighed. “Why don't you want to wake up? If only I could get to you... To help you”.
And you didn’t notice how you felt asleep. And you appeared next to a beautiful but abandoned castle. In the middle of snowy lands. You didn’t see this place before in your dreams, but it looks very fantasy. So you decided to come inside.
And when you touched the door, it opened. Like you didn’t even do anything. And you stepped inside. The hall was huge and dark. There wasn’t any sunlight.
“Hello?” you asked. “Is anybody here?”
No one replied, but you could hear the whisper. And then the door to the next room opened, and you came inside. There was a fireplace, a table with tea, and an armchair. How nice of them. Whoever that was
You were going to sit next to the fire and drink some tea when you heard some noise coming from the other room. So you came here, deciding that this is not going anywhere. And you heard a plea for help. Your blood runs cold.
“Can anybody help me?” You heard your father’s voice. “Please, help me”.
“Dad?” you replied, running to the voice.
You found him locked in a room. Is he really here, or is it just your imagination playing games with you?
“Y\N, is it really you?” he asked.
“It’s me”, you replied. “What are you doing here? How did you get here?”
“I don’t know, I just dreamt this place”, he said. “Then I found a flower in the garden and wanted to pick it. I know that you love flowers. But then he appeared”.
“Who?” you asked.
“A nightmare king”, Dad said. “He was very angry and said that I needed to stay here forever”.
“That is unfair!” you said.
“That is a fair price for stealing”, you heard a cold, deep voice behind you.
You turned around but saw only a male figure in a shadow. You felt like your skin was covered in goosebumps. Who is he?
“Who are you?” you asked. “And why did you hold my father here?”
“Your father is a chief”, he said. “And I am the lord of this castle”.
“He is not a chief”, you declined. “He only wanted to get one flower. And he wouldn’t do that if he knew that meant so much to you”.
"Still, he picked the rose without permission”, he said.
“Then let me stay instead of him”, you suddenly asked.
“What?” asked Dad. “No! You can’t do that”.
“I can, and I will”, you replied. “What do you say?”
“Foolish girl”, admitted the monster. “Whatever!»
“Don’t worry about me, dad”, you could say, before the stranger said:
“Wake up”, and dad disappeared.
“What happened to him?” you asked.
“He woke up”, the stranger replied. “It’s, obviously. Now you are going to stay here. And don’t you dare to leave this room and wander around the castle”.
And he shut you in the room. You sighed and sat in the corner of the room. There isn’t any furniture in the room, so it’s as good as a prison. You didn’t realize that you could find your father in the dream. And where? In the monster’s castle. And now you are the prisoner!
@shadowqueen1318 @mypsychoticlove @justathirstyhoe​ @ladymoztaza @sapphireonline @deniixlovezelda
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hollowwrites · 1 year
HC part 2! HC part 2!
(Only if you want to!)
HC part 2! HC part 2!
Loving super tall Ominis. I'll always love a good height difference 🥵
Ominis Headcanons Pt. 2
So when I said I thought about a little more, I lied I went a tad mad
I’ll refer to MC as Evelyn throughout this cause she’s my ship with Omi. This is basically my notes page. Things may conflict. Who cares? If anything grabs you please ask about it. You guys inspire me for way too much of my stuff 💚
Family (Angsty…)
Some waffle about Ominis can’t be alive past 50 because of Tom Riddles family tree? No. He separates from his family after he’s 18. He uses his Aunts notes to prove that she has passed away and because of this he learns she left everything she owned to Ominis. He uses her money (I like to think it’s the majority of the Gaunt fortune because she’s not a blood purist therefore is sensible with her money not spending it on trinkets and Slytherin heirlooms) to legally separate from his family so they scorch him from the records.
I think the developers gave Ominis blonde hair to win Malfoy points but I also think it symbolises his separation from his family. Tom Riddle and Art of the Gaunt Family all have dark hair so our boi Omi is physically different compared to them not just mentally. It also might help him later to disassociate from his family because he doesn’t look like them.
I genuinely can’t remember if this was mentioned in game or not (I stop playing after Beasts Class and pretend that nothing bad happens to any of our bois) but I imagine he’s suffered Crucio quite a few times. If his family are cruel enough to do it once, they’d do it multiple times.
I mention this in my Blindsided fic but I feel like Crucio would leave a scar behind. Avada Kedavra does so why not Crucio huh? Is it because I wanted Eve to tend to his wounds and try to remove the scarring?…maybe. Do I care if it makes any sense at all? No!
Obviously because of this I feel like Ominis is covered in scars. Always hidden so no one can see how horrible a family they are…even though everyone already knows.
His Patronus is a difficult one. I was Googling animals that have some of Ominis traits so I’ve narrowed it down to three:
Spider - I read an article ages ago debating whether or not spiders or insects in general feel pain or not. They either don’t or have a high tolerance for pain. So I feel like with how often Ominis gets tortured he’d have grown a tolerance for it like a Spider.
Vampire Bat - …I like Vampire Ominis what can I say? No obviously they use echolocation like his wand and they sleep in the day…need I say more?
A Blind Basilisk - THE UNINTENDED FORESHADOWING. Plus a basilisk is a dangerous snake, blind or not blind, like Ominis. People would maybe underestimate a blind basilisk thinking it would be easier to take down with its main weapon taken from it but I would still not want mess with one. JUST LIKE OMI
Either way I think once he falls in love with Eve his Patronus would change to Dove (I headcanon that Eves Mom used to call her a dove and her wand is a bird skull)
Speaking of Patronus’ he wouldn’t be able to cast one until he met Sebastian.
His first memory he could use to conjure a Patronus would be when Sebastian asks him to stay with him over the holidays. The mixture of guilt, relief, happiness and sadness he feels is powerful enough to cast one.
Second would be looking after Eve after she got Crucio’d in the Scriptorium. Despite the horrible origin of the day he looks back at it fondly. It’s where him and Eve truly started to bond and probably where his feelings for her originated.
General HCs
He snaps his wand a lot. It’s constantly in his hand and Sebastian is a trying person to be around so I imagine he just grips it too hard and snap. Learns to fix it himself after one too many visits to Ollivanders.
Maybe he completely snaps it one day after he separates from his family and has to get a completely new wand. Evelyn points out that it’s a lighter wood than before. I know the wood has nothing to do with anything like that but I like the though that he’s free of his dark past and his wand becomes lighter because of it
His boggart is just an amalgamation or screams and torture he’s pretty used to it. I go in detail here
He definitely grows up to be the next Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher just to rub it in his families face. Plus I think he’s close with Hecat she would put him forward for the position. Maybe he quits before Dumbledores era to travel with Eve finding ancient magic spots.
Thinking about the mirror of Erised is tricky with the boi cause blind BUT I think his deepest desire is just peace so maybe when he ‘looks’ into the mirror he can hear the wind blowing through grass and can smell roses, the distant sound of Eve and Sebastian laughing. I think he gets to live that anyway…he deserves it.
Relationshipy stuff (NSFW 🔞)
I don’t think he wants kids… I just can’t see him with them. I know people like Dadimis but…no. Maybe I’m projecting but kids take so much patience which he clearly does not have.
Contrary to everyone else’s opinion but I think he like public signs of affection he’s just a touchy person. He’s always had something in his hands whether it was a stick when he was younger or his wand he’s ALWAYS touching SOMETHING. It grounds him. So he’s touchy when he knows the person doesn’t mind.
I think he’d shamelessly hold Sebastian’s hand everywhere. I don’t think Seb would care either. If it’s comforting then whatever
(NSFW 🔞) So I’m expanding on the choking thing from last time 👀 I don’t think he’d do it in a dominating way, I think it’s more of a feeling thing? I imagine the first time it happened was an accident. He just slid his hand up her chest and went a bit too far up. He felt the vibrations of her moaning against his hand, yeah he can hear it but feeling it is better. After that it’s almost a certainty that his hand will find its way around her neck. Maybe it becomes a dom thing but not originally.
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sparklingmusicofstars · 2 months
Hi! I Want to ask your thought about this sorry its too long but theres so many things i want ro discuss about 😭. Fortune Lover Lore is just so interesting to me because we can see the chemistry between maria and the capture target, but at the same time it also feels off because we are not used to that 😭 it actually makes me kinda compare about How Maria influence them as person and How Katarina Influence them as a person, No hate to Maria Tho she is Sweet but I dont know, In the fortune lover I couldnt see the end of every character is truly a happy end for maria itself and for the other character. Maria maybe a ray of light that help the captura target overcoming their struggle in their lifes, like geordo who feels apathetic, Keith with his loneliness, Alan with his complex, and nicol with his unhappiness stereotype problem. But in the end theres also an unsettle things such as Mary position as fiance and I feel that in the game it didnt really potray maria hardship too which is sad :( what do you think about it? What makes maria and katarina difference in how they influence the guy in your opinion? I would like to hear your opinion about it thanks 💖
Hi ^^
It's indeed a lot of things but I'll try to answer clearly
What makes the Maria and Catarina difference in how they influence the guys ?
I think that Maria doesn't really dig too much into people's backgrounds unlike Catarina. From what I saw in the game what makes the guys fall in love with Maria is the fact she is hardworking, interesting and gentle (qnd beautiful of course) but to my opinion she doesn't really affect their personnality like Catarina. Maria helped Keith loving someone for the first time in his life while Catarina helped him growing with a gentlemanly personnality and taught him how it feels to love and being, not only by her but by everyone. And moreover Catarina is the reason why Keith is so overprotective ,shy and nervous with women so she completely change his original character. (of course the fact she is his sister have an impact but it's not only that) The same can be said about Geordo, to me his personnality didn't change at all after meeting Maria. Like Keith he fell in love with the first time and found something interesting but it didn't change his personnality at all (example he KILLED his fiancée while protecting Maria)
While with Catarina he tries his best to be better and worthy of Catarina. He knows he's not a good person but he sees that as part of his personnality. He said himself that if he had not meet Catarina he would have been unable to make friends like now. And I far as I know, in the game the only person Geordo ever loved was Maria.
It would be too long to explain the rest but it's the same with Nicol and Alan.
So I would say that since Catarina has the same qualities that makes the boys fell in love with Maria and more, she has greatly changed their original characters and of course the fact that unlike Maria Catarina is an inconscious charmer who always says the right thing at the right momen, knows how to touch people's heart and always put others' sake before her own.
I don't hide the fact that I don't think highly of OGMaria, she is boring and selfish and I think she only helped the guys because she was in love with them and not just for their sake. Unlike Catarina who helped them because she couldn't bear to see them suffering.
In short, the difference is that Catarina is making the guys feel better about themselves and wanting to be better unlike Maria who doesn't care that much and doesn't try to.
I hope I answered your question ^^
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
you write a lot for soohyuk, i was wondering if you’d consider writing for park joongil? his mom was awful in that past life and i can imagine her wanting to marry him off again and that relationship with his second wife would be so painful and sad and your guidelines say you are open to writing angst so if you do consider this thank you very much!
Anon I love you for this idea?? I wish my writing skills were better to do it justice but this concept is the perfect angst material?
Park Joonggil (Tomorrow) | Married again angst | 0.7k TW: mentions of suicide
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Watching your husband, separated only by a few steps as the cold air makes its way inside the house through the open door, there’s a tight feeling crushing your chest.
Standing right under the edge of the roof, only a breath away from the falling rain, Joonggil’s just a husk of his past self. You’ve heard about the fate of his late wife - who hasn’t. So many see it as the best thing that could happen, his own mother included. You’ve always wondered if they’re all blind. Because as tragic as death inevitably is, the loss of life before one passes is all the more painful.
Blind but not stupid, nobody expected your marriage to be easy. On the contrary, however, it’s been smooth sailing so far. Perhaps you’re sharing the last speck of fortune that you were given.
Anyway, the marriage works well. You were never suited to be a wife, to carry and care for a child, the household, and so when Joonggil approached you on your wedding night and as respectfully as he could expressed that he won’t be able to give you a child, nor the love you’re worthy of, it came as a bittersweet relief.
You care for each other, sure, but that’s about the extent of it. You’d be lying if you said you haven’t developed any feelings at all for the man. They’re a luxury you can’t afford, a guilty pleasure to indulge in whenever Joonggil brings you a gift from the travels duty sends him on. When he hands the objects to you, the smile never reaches his eyes. You’ve wondered more times than you can count whether there was ever an unspoken this made me think of you behind the gesture, or if they are just to keep appearances. 
You’re not naive enough to hope.
A part of you, one set on hurting you, wishes you could’ve met his previous wife. Joonggil never speaks of her, which is understandable, and you don’t push him, you don’t ask. Nonetheless, you’re curious. How unique that person must’ve been to capture Joonggil’s heart so? How wonderful she must've been that her death left behind a hollow shell of a man? You've only stopped doubting love is real after you've witnessed his devotion. How painful it is that you're not the object of it.
Sometimes you believe he wishes he'd have died with her. Other times you wonder whether, maybe, if you died people would believe him cursed and finally let him be alone and mourn the loss of the love of his life as he wishes. Even if that was the case, however, you could never take your life. You know that his mother would only push for another wedding. And more importantly, you could never do that to him. 
He still gets woken up by nightmares. Even tonight.
You know he can feel your eyes on him and so you get up. He's not stupid. You know he knows. But you have to keep up the charade. You're careful not to dirty your clothes as you step outside.
"y/n, go back to bed. The night is cold," he speaks without turning towards you.
Your name. Not wife like he used to call her - an information bestowed upon you by his mother. Apparently all that she does and says has to have a victim. Something to torment.
"Come back inside, Joonggil," you ignore his advice, "You're leaving tomorrow and you need strength."
He sighs.
"I'll be just a minute," he finally looks at you, giving you a slow nod. You return it, and just like that, you do as he’s told you.
Polite, short conversations, the usual. Come morning, he'll be gone before you can wake up. It hurts. Night seems to be the only time you can talk freely, without curious eyes and ears spying you. The rejection stings more for that.
Maybe it's for the best that he's leaving.
You’ll dutifully play the role of a wife missing her husband and you’ll play it well. It's the only role you play without pretending.
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kidge-planet · 7 months
Anaïs’ headcanons : Kidge's daughter/ Second kid...
new born :
the same people that cried the first time cried again.
Keith was mesmerized by how pretty his little princess (he started to call her that since the day he met her) was.
Kayden, her big brother, didn’t like her that much at first… But he was only 3yo.
She got many gifts from her family… Especially nonna Colleen.
Krolia also gifted her a blade and just like Kayden, Keith will give it to her when she’ll be ready.
She was crying less than Kayden when he was a newborn.
Just like she did with Kayden, Pidge filmed Keith when he first held Anaïs. The only difference is that he was now more confortable.
She sort of looked like Pidge but her hair was a bit darker and has Keith’s eyes.
Kosmo was allowed at the hospital and kept sniffing her and then licking Pidge’s face as if he was trying to congratulate her.
Colleen is very happy ; she wanted a grand-daughter so much!
Baby :
Just like her brother, She started to crawl early and was following Kosmo Around. The only difference is that she moves a bit less and sleeps a lot.
She is very VERY curious. Plus, whenever she sees something new to her, she immediatly wants to see it closer, touch it and put it in her mouth. Pidge and Keith learned to always keep an eye on her, so did Kosmo.
Once, she tried eating Kosmo’s fur. Pidge saw it ans immediatly stopped her.
She loves cuddles with her mommy and her daddy… Same with Kosmo and Kayden.
Kayden plays with her a lot, even tho he thinks she doesn’t play interesting games… ( She’s a baby, you give her a little car or a doll, she wont make sens out of it and will just put it in her mouth or throw it…)
She eats EVERYTHING except banana… She just doesn’t like it…
She also eats a LOT.
She likes watching cartoons and drawing… She’s just a baby so she doesn’t really understands the cartoons and when she draws, It doesn’t look like anything… But Pidge calls it « abstrait art » and keeps all of the drawings she does.
Once, there was a song on the TV and Anaïs tried singing even tho she can’t talk…. Pidge filmed that and it was so cute that she sent it to everyone…
She LOVES animals.
She also loves candies a bit too much…
Anaïs quickly started to try to walk… She was able to after less than a month even tho she still falls.
Her first word was « wolf ». Kayden laughed at this.
She admires her big brother and her father when they train. It makes her laugh when Kayden punches Keith.
She also likes to whatch her mommy when she works on her computer because the sound of the key-board is sort of relaxing to her.
She’s often curled up to Kosmo and asleep.
Once, she saw outside with Keith and found a racoon… She grabbed it and fortunately, the racoon didn’t hurt her…
Keith have a thousand nicknames for her ( he does for Kaiden too but I forgot to put it in his headcanons niebfvhnefv) His favorites are « princess », « baby », « Anna », « Annie », « my love » and « bunny »… Bunny is just because he thinks she’s cute and small, like a bunny…
She does drooly kisses… EW.
Kid :
She is still obsessed with animals… She once grabbed frogs and put them in her pockets… She then placed them in her room .
She also still draws a lot… « abstrait art »…
most importantly , SHE IS WAYYY TOO CURIOUS ! Now that she can talk, she asks a thousand questions, some times very useless or embarassing : « mommy, why does the lady wears a red dress ? », « Daddy, why is the baby so ugly ? » ( she said that one in front of the baby’s parents…), « Nonna, how we you do babie ? »
she gets sick often… Too often…
she started to train along with Keith and Kaiden… She learns to fight and to do many sports… She likes it a lot and she registered in a football club…
Her mother has a few jewlery and she took them to out it on her plushies…
She calls Matt « Uncle Matt-Matt ».
She is very out going ! At shcool, she’s friend with every single kids ! She’s the litteral opposit of her parents…
she climbs trees which often scare Keith and Pidge because the trees she climbs often look fragile.
She still is often found snuggled to Kosmo.
Despite her young age, she is very interested by sciences and plantes… So Pidge takes some time to explain some stuffs to her…. So does Colleen, Sam and Matt…
She likes to draw Pidge.
Keith treats her like a little princess and wants to show her how she should expect boys to treat her in the future. ( So he often buys her and Kaiden flowers, for exemple… He buys some to Kaiden too because Kaiden should know what to expect too and because he loves his son as much as his daughter )
When she discovered how meat was made, she cried and refused to meat ever again… She love animals way too much.
She and Kaiden enjoy to garden with their nonna.
Anaïs, just like her brother, loves space. So when granny Krolia is on earth, both of them beg her to take them in her ship to fly around earth.
Her room is a mess. Always.
I stop here because I have no inspiraton or headcanons left for her§ Hope you liked this and I'll write the last part as soon as possible! see yaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
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4 Times Nora Said Boop. 1 Time She Didn't.
Part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
4. Nobody talked about how traveling the continents really messed with your immune system. Switching from low altitude to high, and back again. Switching climates. Encountering an arctic tundra for the first time. Truly, somebody should’ve warned Nora it would mess with her immunity system before she caught a cold. Fortunately, Atlas Academy had the best doctors around. Unfortunately, they couldn’t make her nose stop running, her throat stop hurting, or her cough to stop coughing without her resting up. And that’s how she ended up getting all of her huntsmen assignments reassigned to others - much to her chagrin. She paced around the small room they gave her in the medical wing. It was basically like her own mini apartment.
While catching a cold was rare with everybody’s aura making them less likely to get sick, it wasn’t impossible. They still took precautions to keep the others well. She was going stir crazy - and she was lonely. She’d never really been alone. She’d always had Ren. She looked out at the window as people lived their lives in Atlas. She wished she could be out there with her team. But she knew she wouldn’t be of any help to anyone if she didn’t feel better. She threw herself into the room’s recliner and harrumphed.
A knock on the door.
“Come in,” she warbled, voice straining with the effort not to cough. Ren and Jaune poked their heads in. “Knock knock,” said Jaune. “We came to check on our favorite patient!” She grinned and jumped up. “Hey guys!” Promptly, she began to feel dizzy and launched into a coughing fit. The guys’ eyes widened as they shared a glance and rushed over to her. “No, no, don’t worry about me, I’m fine,” she rasped. “You both should go, I don’t want to get you sick.” Jaune rolled his eyes. “Honestly, I could use the break from all the parents,” he huffed. “I even brought you a casserole, they’ve given me so many.” Nora finally noticed the dish in his hands. Her eyes softened. “Thank you, Jaune.”
“You should rest,” Ren said briskly. “But that’s all I’ve been doing,” Nora whined. “Nora, you know we love you. We just want you to feel better,” Jaune said. Nora cut her eyes to Ren. He was pointedly looking out the window. She sighed. “Fine. Will you put the casserole in the fridge for me?” She asked, pointing towards the small kitchenette. Jaune promptly did as she asked, and Nora climbed into bed. “Noooo, I forgot my water,” she whined, straining towards the table by the recliner. Ren jumped into action, afraid she’d fall out of the bed since she was hanging off the side of it. Usual Nora - couldn’t do things normally. She always had her own way of doing things. “I’ve got it,” he said, setting it on the nightstand. She flopped back into bed with a sniff, attempting to clear her nose. “Thank you.”
Her hand flailed wildly to the nightstand, almost knocking over the water he had just rescued. “What do you need?” Ren asked. “I’m trying to find my medicine… I thought it was over here…” she said, feeling her way across the nightstand. Jaune smiled at his favorite people’s usual antics. Ren with his “Nora Grin,” as Nora told him she called it. Nora being… well, Nora. Jaune made his way over to the bed and sat down gently. “I found some medicine in the kitchen,” he said, handing it to Ren. Ren followed suit and sat down on Nora’s other side. He shook out a tablet and held it out to Nora. “Here you go.” She shook her head. “No, I don’t want it. It tastes bad.” Ren sighed. “Nora, you have to take it to feel better.” Nora rolled over to Jaune’s side of the bed. “You can’t make me!” She squealed. Jaune stroked Nora’s head. “You’re ridiculous.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “And you’re burning up.” Her tongue went back in.
Ren put his hand on her back. “Please,” he said. It was a wonder how that simple word, along with his touch, undid her. She sat up. “Fine. If I take my medicine, you have to stay and visit.” She croaked. “That is a deal I will happily make,” Ren said seriously, sticking out his hand. They shook on it. And promptly burst into laughter. Which caused Nora to have a coughing fit. “I’m fine, I’m fine, promise.” She said, right before taking her medicine.
Jaune looked at his best friends - the concern in Ren’s eyes for Nora, even if he was trying to hide it, and Nora, seeming a little dimmer than usual. “I think it’s time for me to head out.” He said. “But you promised to stay and visit if I took my medicine!” Nora pouted. “I never made such a promise - Ren did.” Jaune grinned. Somehow, it seemed like Nora pouted even more, and burrito-ed herself in her blankets. “It’s fine. I’m not hurt that you don’t wanna hang out with me.” Jaune rolled his eyes. “You know I do. But you also know as your leader I have things to do - and if you two hang out, I’ve gotta go pick up all the slack,” he responded dramatically, draping himself along Nora’s burrito-ed body. She giggled. “Fine Jaune. You’re dismissed. This time.” “Thank you,” he said, dramatically kissing her forehead. “Ah! Fever’s already going down.” This led to another giggle-cough fest by Nora. “Get out of here before you seriously injure her,” Ren grinned.
With Jaune gone, Nora unwrapped her burritoed blankets and scooched over to make more room for Ren. “Get comfy,” she said, dragging him over and throwing the blankets over him as well, forcing him to lay down. He complied, moving further onto the bed, but still felt stiff. Their communication hadn’t been great recently, and he knew that was partially on him. He wasn’t sure how to act around her right now. Nora, on the other hand, was feeling great. She was beginning to feel that cold-medicine-high, so she did what only seemed rational - she laid her head on his chest, followed by a hand. She could feel his heartbeat - did it… seem to speed up for a moment?
Reflexively, Ren wrapped his arm around her waist. How many nights had they slept like this throughout the years? Whether they started out in that position or not, whenever they shared a bed they almost always ended up wrapped up in each other by morning. But somehow, this time felt different. It wasn’t just to keep warm or take up less space. It meant something.
“I missed you, Ren,” she sighed, half asleep. He looked down at her. She seemed at peace for the first time in a while. “I’ve missed you too, Nora,” he replied. “I lo-” Nora started. “Nope, no chatting. We can do that later. Only rest right now. I need you to get better.” Ren said, unknowingly bringing her body closer to him. There was that feeling again - that feeling of electricity moving through Nora’s body. Except... there was no electricity. Why did it feel like her semblance was lighting her up, from her head to her toes?
Nora was too exhausted to try to parse through Ren’s words, or this feeling. She simply raised her hand in the general vicinity of his face - “Boop!” she announced, thwacking him in the face with her pointer finger. Ren smiled and closed his eyes. They both slept better that afternoon than they had in weeks.
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