#I am so excited y'all :DDD
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 2 years ago
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r0tt1ngr4bb1t · 1 year ago
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Also I didn't draw a Twomp Anniversary Drawing on Time so pls take this as an Apology qwq
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grendel-menz · 1 year ago
Hi! My brother just sent me your drawing of Dean Su with crutches! I use crutches as well and was super excited to see someone drawn with them :DDD
Do you have a tag specifically for him? How could I find other drawings of him on your blog?
Thank you so much, I am so freaking excited about seeing a drawing of someone with the same mobility aid as me 💚
Awe, that's so sweet of your brother ;-;! Hope y'all are well!
There's not too much art of him on here esp because his backstory is still under wraps, but it should be under 'Oberon Su'. I'll leave some of it here!
He's in a comic I don't update often on Tapas called 'Aeaea Academy".
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abducius-morail · 7 months ago
OOC posting again!!!!
So me and a friend got bored out of our minds and made a discord roleplay server for TNMN! I am excited to share it with y'all.
Soooo HERE IT IS!!!
°Loading introduction...°
Hello! Are you looking for a place to live? To sleep? Well look no further than the VERY SAFE Doppelganger free DDD issued apartment building.
We have door guards, plenty of rooms, AND the DDD is always on standby.
If you're looking for a job, step RIGHT up to become a doorman! And it comes with FREE, that's right, FREE therapy!
°Interference detected... Please stand by°
Hey there! Welcome to OUR TNMN server!
We're so excited to meet you
We offer
Custom color roles
Tupper + pluralkit (pk not for Rp)
A safe space for Everyone.
An anti homophobic, transphobic etc. space!
Lots of characters to choose from!
Oh and one last thing.
Don't trust the DDD.
°Connection regained°
And remember! You're always safe in the hands of the DDD!
[ psst, click here for the invite ]
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arleniansdoodles · 2 years ago
Your gow fic has genuinely been a joy to watch evolve. I'm not even really in the fandom atm but i still come back here every so often to either see how its going or to read back through all the posts. Hope you aren't suffering burnout too badly but i am genuinely so so so excited for this!
Hope you have a wonderful day♡
Awww thank you so much, anon! It really made my day to read your comment <333 Rest assured I'm not too burnt out yet, I just need to get back in the flow of writing for GoW ^^;; Everything was so much easier back in the day when Atreus and Calliope were gallivanting across Greece and Rome! lmaoo
I hope you have a wonderful day too, anon! Here, let me share a snippet from the Rome arc with y'all; it's nothing too fancy, just a slice-of-life section of Atreus and Calliope getting cleaned up in a public bathhouse XDD Hope you enjoy! :DDD
(For context, Aelia is a bathhouse servant tasked to guide them around since this is Atreus' first time in a place like this)
After a few moments, Aelia took them through the large doors on the right of the tepidarium. They were immediately met with a gust of hot, steamy air. A large, circular bath filled the centre of the hall, sunk down into the floor, with citizens already lounging inside it. There were other smaller baths in the four corners of the hall. There were two small doorways to the left and right, and by the look of the steam escaping from under those doors, they likely led to hot-air baths.
“Hoc est caldarium,” Aelia announced.
“The hot room?” Atreus repeated in Greek, startled. A delighted grin spread over Calliope’s face.
“Vis frigidarium?” Aelia asked Atreus.
He turned to Calliope. “What kind of baths did you have in Sparta?”
“Hot air!” she said immediately. “They are very steamy and warm.” She pointed excitedly to the side doors. “Are those hot-air baths? Can we go there first?”
Atreus looked like he didn’t know whether to freeze or flee, but he nodded and turned to Aelia with the question. Aelia gestured for them to follow and moved to the left, passing by the hot pools and entering one of the side rooms.
It was empty, thank goodness. Steam rose up from a coal fire built into the centre of the floor, in turn heating the basin of water on top, releasing steam. Calliope hurried over to the stone benches that lined the walls, and sat down, swinging her feet. “Sit, Atreus!”
He sat down beside her. Aelia inclined her head to them and said something. Atreus replied, “Gratias tibi,” and Aelia departed from the room.
“She’ll be back in a quarter hour,” he said to Calliope. “We’re supposed to wait until we start sweating before going out to the water baths.”
“Yes,” Calliope agreed. “Then we can cool down after.”
Atreus leaned back against the frescoed wall. His skin was already starting to flush pink, and not from his earlier embarrassment. He reached up to undo his braid. “So … this is a hot-air bath, huh?”
“Do you like it?” Calliope asked eagerly. “Mother brought me to these all the time. It is very common in Sparta. Father told me he would go with his soldiers to the hot-air baths.”
“Really?” Atreus said, surprised. “All of them together?”
“Yes!” Calliope peered closer at Atreus’ red face. She giggled. “Are you shy?”
“What? No! It’s just, um, not what I’m used to. It’s pretty hot here, too.”
“Do you use hot water in your homeland?”
“Yeah. We have to heat it manually, since it’s usually cold to start with. But it’s never this hot, I think. Y’know, I’ve also taken some very cold baths.”
“How cold?”
“Like getting into a frozen lake.”
“Yep! Felt like knives all over me. Father just stood on the banks and grunted.”
Calliope shivered at the thought despite the heat of the room. “Aelia mentioned a cold room,” she remembered. “Maybe you will like those more?”
Atreus laughed lightly. “I mean, I don’t like being too cold or too hot. It’s just something I had to do when we didn’t have time to heat up the water.”
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partnersincrimesuau · 2 years ago
You doing alright?
Aww... y'all are so sweet. What did I do to deserve you guys?? TwT
Thanks for checking in on me, anon!!! I had just gotten back from a long trip when you sent me this, which is why I am responding very late to it ^w^
I am doing perfectly fine, so thank you for asking!! This year has been very good to me so far :DDD And I am happy to say that PIC is still going strong!!! I've been working on pages of Chapter 2 throughout the past couple of weeks, and lately I've been working SUPER hard on the script for Chapter 4 ~ I am stockpiling it full of foreshadowing and secrets, so I'm super excited to work on that one in the future!!! :D :D :D
Thanks again!!! I really hope you're doing alright too, anon. Bless you!!! <3333
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bizzy-beans · 2 years ago
Posting about this here so that maybe it'll get me to record it:
This is the sample version of an Imp & Skizz fan song I've written because I'm a massive fangirl and a sucker for wholesome friendships.
It has a voice part (which i need to sing, unfortunately for my self-consciousness), a violin part, a uke part (obviously what do you expect), and a drum part. I have the first three covered, but I've got someone doing the drums for me :D The lyrics are very cheesy and I made sure to throw plenty of references in them. You'll hear them when it's all done hehehe
I'll post all of the sheet music, the final recording, and the lyrics once everything is done. I don't have the best recording equipment (blue snowball baby let's go), nor am I particularly audio-savvy, so the audio itself might not be the best quality. However I am very proud of what I've done so far and am excited to see how it turns out :DDD
The hard part is being okay with it not being perfect and my skills not being that of a professional. That goes against at least 80% of the bones in my body so this may take a while lmao
Anyway I hope y'all enjoy!! <3
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billsfangearring · 3 years ago
wip ask game: whichever you want to answer of 14, 19 and 24! soooo excited that you’re writing (&& what i’m hearing is that your baby wip birthed another already? :DDD )
Hahahahaha. I had a feeling you would to catch that! 😉 Also, "baby wip" is exactly what it is. It's only just starting to babble.
So, my "1-1.5 WIPs." Basically, a few scenes that I've written don't really mesh with the rest of the story. I'm still fully in first draft mode, but if I can't figure out how to make them fit while editing then they'll need to go. The specific scenes I'm thinking of are tonally aligned with each other and I quite like them, so there's a real possibility that I'll end up writing another fic just so I can use them!
14. what’s your favorite thing about writing?
I just answered this one here!
19. do you have a point person when you’re trying to bounce off ideas/voice your issues with your wip?
I don't at the moment, but maybe I should... I plan to get an alpha/beta or two later on, but so far I've largely kept it to myself other than occasionally sharing tiny snippets here and complaining to a few people about writing being hard. (Thank you for humoring me. 😅) I think my reticence at this stage mostly stems from the winning combination of having high standards for my writing in general while lacking confidence that I can meet them when writing fanfiction specifically. I need to get over myself!
24. do you have a writer you look up to in terms of writing routines/style?
I don't think I know enough about any writer's routines to look up to them for that, though I'm incredibly impressed by those like @chdarling who crank out intricate, gorgeous chapters week after week. My goal is 200 words per day and sometimes even that's a struggle, so I don't know how y'all are doing it!
I read my first book by Bill Bryson when I was in high school. I was really taken with his dry observational humor, and I had a little love affair with his books that summer. I'm not a particularly funny person, but I've been trying to channel some of that style in my fic—Sirius's voice needs to have a bit of levity even if he's going through it!
@squidgilator made an insightful observation in the comments of her fic Lie With Me about @montpahrnah's writing: "Before I wrote it I read a lot of montparnasse and what always struck me was how a war that's very localized and very *small*, and therefore almost entirely based on secrecy/small scale acts of betrayal (eg Peter, Snape), would be so strangely interwoven with the rest of everyone's lives." I've always liked that aspect of montparnasse's writing too, and that smallness is pretty central to my WIP. montparnasse's prose obviously speaks for itself.
Also, now that I'm on the topic of squidgilator, I am constantly in awe of how much plot she manages to fit into one-shots! I wish I had a tenth of that talent. Tell me your secrets!
(Sorry, this entire answer is a mess lol.)
Questions from the wip ask game!
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fanimesenseiwrites · 4 years ago
Another two parter because I just really love starting new lines and Tumblr can't stand it. But yeah, this addresses all the shit Mammon gets from his brothers because it really bugs me. NGL, I was inspired by the Devilgram story "One too many insults." Not in this part, but this story will feature eventual sexy times with a sort of trigger... (not me using my writing to deal with my issues again!)
Mammon's Lament
Hoshiko was in their apartment, studying a spell book when they got a text from Mammon.
-Hey, can you talk?-
Hoshiko looked at the message and grinned before replying.
-Yeah, you miss me?-
-I just really need to hear your voice right now-
Hoshiko frowned at the message; that didn't sound like Mammon. They called him immediately.
He answered almost immediately. "Hey Hoshiko," it was Mammon's voice but he sounded almost melancholy.
Hoshiko's frown deepened. "Hey honey, what's wrong?" They put a bookmark in the book and closed it.
"I just really wish I could see you right now."
Hoshiko didn't like the sound of his tone, they were growing increasingly worried by the second. "I'd love to see you too, I'll summon you if you tell me what's wrong."
"I... I'd rather not."
"Please? I'm worried. Just tell me what's wrong and then I'll summon you," Hoshiko tried to compromise.
He groaned. "I don't want to be near my brothers, okay?"
"I'm sorry but, that doesn't sound like anything new," Hoshiko told him, still trying to sound supportive.
"Just summon me and then I'll tell you the rest," he tried to bargain.
Hoshiko sighed. "Okay fine. Grab onto anything you wanna bring with you and give me a minute."
"Thank you," he told them before hanging up.
Hoshiko frowned and got up from where they were sitting on the couch. They walked over to their purse and pulled out their keys and held the keychain that Mammon gave them. Hoshiko ran their thumb over the keychain and briefly reminisced over the time that they got the keychains before kissing it, then speaking an incantation. "Hear me, denizens of the darkness. You who are born of shadow and you who give birth to it. Hear me and do as I command. I, Hoshiko Higure, call upon you to send forth one of your number, one whom I have made a pact with. I call forth, the Avatar of Greed, Mammon!"
A circle of light appeared on the floor and a humanoid silhouette slowly materialized within the circle.
Hoshiko smiled wide as they watched the process unfold before them.
The light faded and Mammon was left standing there holding his toothbrush and DDD charger.
Hoshiko smiled at him. "Hey Mammon."
Mammon looked at Hoshiko and smiled slightly before walking over to them and hugging them tightly.
Hoshiko found it unusual that he didn't say anything, but just hugged back. "Guess what."
"What?" He asked, still holding onto them.
"You're the first out of all of y'all that I've successfully summoned," they sang, actually really excited despite the circumstances.
Mammon pulled away just enough to look at them. "So you're saying that I'm another one of your firsts?" He asked with a grin.
Hoshiko nodded, feeling relief at seeing his usual shit-eating grin. "Yes, I am."
Mammon just hugged Hoshiko again, even tighter this time.
They rubbed his back. "... Will you tell me what's wrong now?"
Mammon sighed and dropped his head onto their shoulder.
Hoshiko ran a hand up his back and into his hair. "Do you want me to make you some tea? I can do that while you talk. Or we can just lay in bed and I'll hold you while you talk. But you gotta talk to me, I can't help if I don't know what's wrong."
Mammon sighed and pulled away from them to go sit on the couch. He set his things down on the side table. "I dunno if you can help..."
Hoshiko frowned and followed him. They sat down far enough away from him so that they could easily pull him down to lay his head in their lap. Hoshiko knew it was his favorite position when he was feeling down, but they also knew he wouldn't ask for it, so they just did it.
Mammon allowed himself to be moved and just looked up at Hoshiko once his head was in their lap.
Hoshiko stroked his hair and pulled off his sunglasses. "Will you please talk to me now? I'm worried," they pleaded.
Mammon sighed and looked away from them. "I'm just sick of bein' called an idiot."
Hoshiko frowned. "Is Lucifer in a mood?"
Mammon snapped his head to them. "Hell! I wish it was just Lucifer! It's all of 'em!"
Hoshiko frowned and scratched his scalp, hoping to get him to calm down.
"Its always "You're an idiot" or "a scumbag" and even when I am trying to do right I don't get any recognition for it! I get no respect! I'm the second oldest, the second strongest..."
Hoshiko would've sworn that they physically felt their heart break. They knew the brothers could gang up on Mammon, but they didn't know that it got to him that bad.
"I don't wanna be feared like Lucifer or nothin', I just... I want them to treat me like I'm their brother..." Mammon looked away from Hoshiko, a soft blush on his cheeks.
Hoshiko had to will themself not to cry. "Oh..." They racked their brain for anything they could say to make him feel better. "Ya know, it always bothered me that you're the only one who got no kind of understanding for your sin."
Mammon looked back at Hoshiko.
"I know you all tease each other, but like... Asmo doesn't get strung up in the stairwell for going out and having a bunch of sex."
Mammon appeared to think about what they said. "Yeah... You're right!"
Hoshiko chuckled. "I know I am."
Mammon sat up and turned to look at Hoshiko. "And I don't ever lose control to the point of changing forms like Beel or Satan!"
Hoshiko nodded. "You're right. So how about you just stay here for a couple days, let your brothers worry a little and then by the time you go back down they should be nicer."
Mammon grinned, but it quickly faded. "Can't I just stay here forever?" He asked, his voice small.
Hoshiko blushed, they weren't necessarily opposed to the idea but they knew they had to be realistic too. "You know, Lucifer will come looking for you eventually."
"Then why don't we just see how long it takes Lucifer to find me?" Mammon asked, a mischievous grin growing on his face.
Hoshiko chuckled but shook their head. "No, just a few days. The longer we wait the more likely we're to be in trouble with Lucifer."
Mammon groaned. "Fiiinnneee...."
"How about we go shopping and I'll get you some more clothes for your stay here?"
Mammon immediately perked up. "I like the sound of that."
Hoshiko grinned. "I thought you might." They stood up and stretched; they looked down at their pajamas then back at Mammon. "Lemme change and then we'll go."
Mammon gave them a once over. "Oh, yeah."
Hoshiko chuckled. "Did you just notice that I'm still wearing pajamas?"
He sighed. "Yeah, I know. I'm an idiot..."
Hoshiko frowned and walked over and grabbed his face and made him look at them. "You're not an idiot. Sometimes we don't notice little things, especially when we're upset and focused on something particular. That doesn't make us stupid. It just means we're people, with thoughts and feelings. Having magical powers doesn't make us infallible."
Mammon just stared into Hoshiko's eyes.
Hoshiko blushed. They tried to decipher the look in Mammon's eyes, hoping to figure out how he felt, praying that they hadn't said something they shouldn't have. "Mammon?"
He pulled his face out of their hands, a blush staining his cheeks. "Thanks... go change."
Hoshiko just nodded and went to their bedroom and closed the door behind them.
Hoshiko couldn't get the look in Mammon's eyes out of their head as they got dressed. Had they embarrassed him? They were just trying to make him to feel better, he deserved to really feel good about himself. 
Hoshiko got dressed in some leggings, an oversized sweater and some over the knee boots before walking back out into the living room.
Mammon was up and looking at the pictures of Hoshiko and Asmo that were framed and hanging up. He looked at Hoshiko when they walked out. "Why do you only have pictures of you and Asmo up?" He asked with a pout.
"Those are the pictures we took together so he could give me something dear so that I could summon him."
Mammon nodded and looked back at the pictures.
Hoshiko walked over to him. "And the picture of the stars is Beel and Belphie's stars."
"They gave you their stars? Really?"
Mammon chuckled. "So... where's what I gave you?"
Hoshiko nodded then pointed to the framed script. "Levi gave me his script of 'With Me' that Simeon signed."
Hoshiko then pulled an old, leather bound book off the bookshelf. "Satan gave me the book that made him and Lucifer switch bodies, all the magic has faded from it now."
Hoshiko picked up their keys and shook them so that they jingled. "It comes with me everywhere I go."
Mammon grinned wide. "So I'm always with you?"
Hoshiko nodded. "You and Lucifer."
"Lucifer?" Mammon asked with a raised eyebrow.
Hoshiko held up their hand and showed him the ring of light. "Kinda can't take it off... unless we want the three realms to descend into chaos that is." They chuckled nervously.
Mammon nodded.
Hoshiko fidgeted with their hands, feeling awkward now. "So... ready to go to the mall?"
Mammon perked up. "Yes!"
Hoshiko smiled and grabbed their purse. "Come on, let's go."
They left the apartment together and took an Uber to the mall.
"That Uber thing is pretty cool," Mammon commented as they walked into the mall, hands in his pockets. "A lot easier than hailing a cab."
"And cheaper!" Hoshiko chimed.
Mammon grinned. "That's always good." He looked around the mall. "So, where to first?"
"I'm thinking Abercrombie and Fitch is good a spot for your style and my price point."
Mammon chuckled. "Sounds good, lead the way."
Hoshiko hooked their arm through his and led them through the mall.
Mammon grinned, more than happy to have Hoshiko on his arm.
As they shopped, Mammon seemed to turn back to his normal self more and more.
Hoshiko felt a lot better as Mammon's spirits lifted.
"Are you having fun?" Hoshiko asked him.
"I'm always having fun when I don't have to pay for stuff," he told them with a grin.
Hoshiko snorted but grinned. "Of course." The metaphysical store caught their eye from across the way. "Let's get you some demonius to have with dinner." They headed toward the metaphysical store.
Mammon raised an eyebrow as he followed them. "Uh, that's just one of those hokey chakra stores not a real magic store."
Hoshiko grinned at him. "Just follow me."
When they walked in, Hoshiko waved at the girl at the counter. "Hey Selene, we're going in the back."
Selene smiled at Hoshiko but eyed Mammon suspiciously.
Hoshiko grinned. "Selene, this is Mammon. Mammon, Selene; she's a witch."
Selene's eyebrows shot up at Mammon's name. "/The/ Mammon?" She asked with a grin.
Mammon grinned at Selene. "In the flesh!"
"Wow, I never thought I'd meet one of the seven rulers of hell."
Hoshiko made a face. "Selene, I have pacts with all of them. I was bound to bring one of them in here at some point."
"Yeah, but with my luck I thought it would've been on my off day."
Hoshiko chuckled and shook their head. "Like I said, we're going in the back."
Selene nodded. "Okay! It was nice to meet you Mammon ~"
Mammon grinned at her. "Always good to meet a fan."
Hoshiko rolled their eyes and pulled Mammon into the back room. They held their hand out parallel to their chest and a magical circle appeared around their hand. Hoshiko turned their hand to the right and a glamour barrier parted, revealing a lounge and a counter where true magical items could be bought.
Mammon grinned at Hoshiko. "That's pretty cool."
Hoshiko smiled wide and motioned for him to walk in.
Mammon walked in and Hoshiko followed him, resetting the barrier once they were both inside.
Mammon looked around briefly before plopping down on one of the couches.
Hoshiko shook their head and headed straight to the counter. "Hey Camille," Hoshiko greeted the girl behind the counter.
Camille smiled at Hoshiko. "Did you bring in who I think you brought in?" She asked with a grin.
Hoshiko chuckled. "Yeah. The Great Mammon, Avatar of Greed."
"Is he just... here, or are you doing something...?"
Hoshiko raised an eyebrow, suspicious of her attempt at a question. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Like... are you two doing a ritual or something?"
"Uh, no. We're just hanging out. We're actually friends. I will say, having a pact makes it convenient to see each other though."
Camille nodded. "I bet. So what did you come in here for?"
"Some demonius, a phoenix feather, and..." she eyed the pre-made potions on the back shelf.
Camille watched them briefly before grabbing a small vial full of a shimmery purple liquid and setting it down in front of Hoshiko. "This is the one you want," she told them with a smirk.
"How do you know what I want?"
"Because demons can and have gotten humans pregnant, and it's not fun, especially if it's not expected."
Hoshiko felt their face get hot. "T- that's not-!" They tried to protest but they couldn't quite find the words.
"Oh wait, I know you're genderfluid but I thought you had female bits, am I wrong?" Camille asked, suddenly embarrassed.
Hoshiko shook their head. "No, you're right..." They were even more embarrassed than Camille.
Camille breathed a sigh of relief. "Good. But seriously, you want this one," she reiterated as she tapped the top of the bottle.
Hoshiko made a face. "I dunno..."
"How about you take this one for free, as a trial sample?" She asked but she still put it in a bag along with the other things Hoshiko had asked for.
Hoshiko sighed, still red in the face. "Fine." They had just handed their credit card off to Camille when they felt Mammon's demonic aura flare up behind them. Hoshiko whipped around, suddenly fearful that they had missed some attack, but that feeling quickly changed to some awful mix of anger and jealousy when they saw Mammon flaunting his demon form for a gaggle of witches who had gathered around him while their back was turned.
"I'm gonna kill him," Hoshiko muttered under their breath before marching over to him and grabbing one of his wings.
Mammon growled and whipped around to see who dared to touch him.
You could tell who the experienced witches were by the ones who didn't flinch at his show of aggression.
Hoshiko stood their ground and glared at him.
Mammon's face immediately softened when he saw that it was Hoshiko. "Oh, hey... why'ya pullin' on me?"
Hoshiko just stared at him for a moment, trying to decide on what to say. "Change back," they demanded, their voice eerily calm. "We're leaving."
"Oh, we're done shopping?" He asked, mildly oblivious to their change in demeanor.
"Yes," they responded as they took their card and bag from Camille. 
"Oh okay." He changed back to his human form.
Hoshiko walked over and parted the barrier so they could leave.
Mammon headed out.
"Bye Mammon~" a few of the witches called after him.
Mammon turned back to smile and wave at them. "Bye!"
"Oh my god, let's just go," Hoshiko nagged.
Mammon looked at them. "Yeah, yeah. I'm going." He walked out.
Hoshiko followed him out, resetting the barrier as they left.
Hoshiko was absolutely silent until they got back to the apartment; a deadly aura seemed to emanate from them.
Mammon, who had felt death auras many a times, didn't try to talk to Hoshiko until they got back into the apartment.
Part 1, 2, 3
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thedevildomdaily · 4 years ago
Demonic Possessions Ch 3.Mr. Happyface Sunshine Boy & The Best Route Responses
NOTE: I hope you're enjoying the new fic. I feel much happier and less exhausted. n_n Let me know in the notes or via private message your thoughts on anything related to the fic and/or my characters. I do want to develop relationships between all of the characters before the NSFW stuff happens. I hope y'all are cool with that.
Warnings: Just typical swearing this chapter
Lena was reluctant to say, “I think our exit from your bedroom this morning gave Levi the wrong impression...and it made him uncomfortable.” Lilly and Asmodeus had completely different reactions. The human was concerned, knowing how much anxiety Levi could have in situations that made him feel awkward. His younger brother, however, thought it was hilarious!
And of course he would. He interacted with the nephilim as intimately as possible, purposefully allowing his brothers to assume something happened with her. He didn’t realize just how strongly Leviathan would feel about it. It was quite amusing.
“Uhm...Lucifer?” Lena hesitantly called to the eldest demon. He, of course, looked irked by his brother’s exclamation and exit from the group. “My tour guide just ran away. What do you want me to do?” She accepted Lucifer as her ‘boss’ while staying in the Devildom. There was something about his demeanor, his smug expression, that irritated her a little. The way he looked down at her (quite literally) with an indifference.
“Satan. Escort Lena to her first class.” The blonde’s face was stuck in a book as he walked behind them. He sighed, and nodded, “Right. Follow me Lena.”
Lucifer continued before she could walk away, “Leviathan will be in each of your classes. Follow after him, even if he’s reluctant to walk with you. If he tries to actually abandon you, remind him that I told him to escort you and there will be consequences if he fails.”
Her eyes widened at that statement. That was a little extreme. It made her think that Lucifer really didn’t like or trust her at all. He absolutely wanted the indigo-haired otaku to stick with her, even against his will. “Ugh...okay…”
After agreeing to relay the message, Lena and Satan divided from the group. He at least had this first class with Leviathan and herself. Maybe it wouldn’t be so awkward? It was definitely premature to be getting jealous over her; they’d known each other for less than 24 hours. She’d really hoped to run into her brothers, but she’d settle for seeing them at lunchtime.
“How should I approach Leviathan?” Lena finally asked Satan. He seemed so absorbed in his reading that she didn’t really want to bother him too much.
Satan snapped his book shut in a nonchalant manner, and looked upwards as he thought. “Why would you want to approach him? He’s pretty much the greatest shut-in I’ve ever seen. He’s not one for making friends unless they are 2-D characters in his video games.”
Lena frowned, “Well for one, that’s really harsh. Two, that’s exactly why I’d like to talk to him. I want to be his friend, especially since he’s my ward under command of Mr. Happyface Sunshine Boy…” The nephilim mocked Lucifer’s stance and Satan froze for a moment.
“Did you just…?” He couldn’t believe someone referred to Lucifer as ‘Mr. Happyface Sunshine Boy’. Satan was on the verge of dying and sinking into Oblivion over that. He had to cover his mouth with his fist, trying his best to refrain from revealing the true joy he was feeling.
Of course caught on to him trying his best to hide the laughter. “What, is that not accurate? How about Sir Jubilant VanLaughs A Lot? Dr. Giggling WonderHugs?” she smirked and tried to peek at Satan, to see the tears beading-up around his eyes. His ears were red too and it was so cute and hilarious.
“S-top it..” he murmured. There was very little air left in Satan’s lungs, “I can’t. I think I will always refer to Lucifer as Mr Happyface Sunshine Boy...it’s so wrong…”
The two made the rest of the trip to the third floor alchemy lab mocking the eldest demon brother. Apparently he and Belphegor weren’t huge fans of his. Lena would take note of that as leverage for getting Belphegor to warm up to her later on if necessary. She wanted him to just give her a small chance if possible. Leviathan too. She thought she’d gotten off to a good start, talking games and anime the other evening before dinner.
Speak of the devil(haha)! Leviathan was sitting alone at a potions table, his face still glued to his phone. There was an empty seat beside him, so Lena actually bolted to it just as the bell rang. The demon’ eyes widened beneath his long bangs at her suddenly beside him. And since the bell rang, he couldn’t get up. Not that there were any other seats available now anyways.
“Looking to escape me?” Lena whispered, “too bad son! You’re stuck with me like glue until my time in the Devildom ends. Your delightfully charming brother Lucifer wanted me to let you know.” This caused his face to glow red and he gripped his DDD tightly. She couldn’t even tell if he was angry or embarrassed. She assumed both, but decided not to let up. If he was going to run, she would chase until he caved in. It was a little exciting.
As soon as alchemy ended, the third oldest brother tried to bolt, but Satan and Lena both took his arms. The blonde decided to help out in exchange for the laughs she gave him at Lucifer’s expense earlier. She may be worthy of his little club ya know? Besides, he would somehow get blamed for leaving Lena otherwise unattended to if Levi didn’t cooperate.
“WAAAAGH!!!!” he exclaimed, “Let go! Physical contact is a no for me!”
“Will you please listen to me for a moment?” Lena asked. He shook his head ‘no’. It made her sigh and she let go of him. “Fine...I wish you’d just talk to me for a moment. I mean, wouldn’t Ruri-chan give me a chance?”
That caused the demon to freeze. What did she know about Ruri-chan!? Still, even though she was taking a wild guess, Lena was right. Ruri-chan always gave her friends the benefit of a doubt and was eager to hear anyone out.
The third oldest looked first to Lena, and then to Satan. Where she was looking dejected, his brother looked pissed. He’d tell Lucifer in a heartbeat if he were to run off again he was sure. He was already going to hear about it when he saw Lucifer next anyways and he was afraid he was going to get grounded from purchasing anything on Akuzon for a month.
“W-wait.” He stammered as Lena started to pull away from him, “That was a low-blow using my precious Ruri-chan against me!” He eyed her sternly and sighed, “What do you have to say to a shut-in like me anyways?”
“Firstly, I want to say this: Stop talking down about yourself. There’s nothing wrong with being an Otaku or an introvert. You’re way too hard on yourself and if it’s because your brothers make fun of them, then just ignore ‘em. They all have flaws too. Some of which are way worse than nerdy obsessions…” Lena gave a side glance at a knowing Satan. He had gone on a solid tangent about Lucifer earlier, and then remembered his anger towards Mammon.
Lena continued, following the brothers into the hall slowly, “Next, I want to address what happened with Asmodeus.” She couldn’t believe she was having this talk with a grown-ass demon. “Not that it is ANYONE’S business, but nothing happened between us last night. He was just being his flirty self. His implications were to just play a joke. He’s rather mischievous isn’t he?”
“You’ve got no idea…” Satan grumbled.
“I may be 5’4” and I am a half human. But I am probably older than Solomon himself and I don’t feel threatened at all by Asmo so you have nothing to fret over if you’re just concerned for my safety.” She knew that wasn’t the case. It was really cute knowing he was a little smitten by her in such a short time.
Leviathan saw the chance to get through this embarrassing event and move on. “Yes...I was just concerned about you and didn’t know how to address it. Asmo can be extremely lecherous and I didn’t know if a nephilim could resist his charm abilities.”
“Well I couldn’t deny that I was a little curious…” Lena snickered, “I’m just not that easy. And it's really nothing to get worked up over. His and my relationship is of it’s own and I wouldn’t let it stop me from pursuing others…” The brothers paused and blinked before looking at each other, not quite understanding what Lena meant. The expressions made her laugh some more.
“What does that mean exactly?” Satan asked. He’d glanced at the time and motioned for them to hurry on to their next class.
Lena played it coy at first, “I dunno..you tell me.” The blonde frowned and glared at her. She was just as bad as Asmo it seemed. “Fine. it’s means that I’m non-monogamous. I believe in open relationships…”
Leviathan’s brows raised and Satan got a little embarrassed for pressing the matter. “I see...well then I’m certain Asmo wouldn’t mind if you did decide to…you know what? Never mind. We’ve no time to discuss this. Get to class and I’ll see you both later. Leviathan. Don’t abandon her again or Lucifer will tie you up like he does Mammon…”
That made his older brother gulp and start picking up the pace, “C-Come on Lena!”
The nephilim laughed and followed after Leviathan to Advanced Demonology & Ethereal Beings. It seems that she had managed to fix things with him, only to embarrass Satan next. These demon lords were such easy targets and she wasn’t even trying. The only reason Leviathan didn’t get further involved into the conversation was because he wasn’t entirely sure he grasped what she was saying for one, and the fact that he swore he saw Lucifer in the distance glaring at him caused Leviathan to be distracted for another.
The two barely made it to their next class. Both Belphegor and Beelzebub were in there as well. After welcoming Lena and reviewing the material from the previous day, the instructor had the class silently read a couple of chapters and answer the corresponding review questions. Typical school stuff.
Bored, Lena decided to take her new DDD for a test drive by chatting with Levi who looked as extremely bored as her. She also noticed that the youngest brother was sound asleep and drooling so much. She snapped a picture of it for a later date. Too cute!
Lena:“So are you going to go shopping with us after school today?”
Levi: “Yeah I guess. There's a comic shop I want to show you that has crane games I want to try my hand at again.”
Lena: “Sweet! Should I invite the twins as well?”
Levi: “Lol you can try. Beel will go if he can eat somewhere. Belphie is totes salty w/ you still I bet!”
Lena: “Well he is the baby I guess? Lol I don’t want him to hate me though!!! T_T ”
Levi: “ROFL!! 1000% The baby! Idk how to get him to like you. Start with Beel first. He only listens to him.”
Lena: “Totally get it! My bros & I won’t listen to anyone else. Lol well, we only listen to Azri. He’s Boss Level diva and we don’t want him nagging at us! Kinda like a certain big bro of yours amiright!?! ;D”
Levi: “OMD!!!! ROFL!”
Leviathan actually chuckled a bit in the quiet classroom and Beelzebub took notice. Actually a couple others noticed. It made Lena giggle under her breath too and she put her head down on her open text book.
When class ended, Leviathan waited for Lena to get some additional assignments from the instructor so she could catch up. She didn’t look like it, but the nephilim was a solid A student and enjoyed learning new things. It came with being one of the oldest females alive in the human world, and going through the struggles of inequality. Like hell was she going to let her gender decide her ability to learn. She was glad her father was so progressive and allowed her to go to school and do pretty much anything her brothers did.
“It looks like the two of you are getting along better.” Beelzebub said to Leviathan as he nudged Belphegor awake.
Leviathan was going to choose the tsundere path during this play-through. “I don’t know what you mean. We’re fine. It’s not like I was personally upset with her, a 3D world member.” Sure. Sure.
“So you’re just afraid of Lucifer’s punishment?” Belphegor asked with a huge yawn between words, “Then why were you two giggling and texting each other during class?”
His two brothers stared at Belphegor dumbfoundedly, “how could you possibly know that?! You were sound asleep!” Levi exclaimed.
“You were snuggling your book as a pillow and now it’s covered in drool again…” Beel added. He held it up by the ‘dry corner’ to show a long slime trail dripping off the bottom. “Satan is going to be mad because he just got you this replacement.”
“Oh hey guys!” Lena interjected as she joined them, “Sorry it took a moment Levi.” He waved it off. “So did you ask them?”
“Ask us what?” Belphegor gave the nephilim a suspicious look. He still didn’t trust her and of course he was still salty about losing his clubhouse in the attic to her.
Lena took the opportunity to actually get a chance to talk with Belphegor, “Last night Lilly, Asmo, and Mammon decided to take me on a big shopping trip to get a few necessities and to show me around the downtown area.” She tried to gauge his face for a mood change, “I wanted to see if you two would like to join us?”
The twins thought for a moment. Clearly Beel was waiting on his twin’s response because he was being supportive of him and his feelings. It was extremely sweet. To nudge them into agreeing, Lena decided to pander a little.
“Lilly told me that you would be the perfect person to show me where to get some good local food, Beel. Oh, uhm is it okay to call you that?” She asked cheerfully.
Beel’s full attention quickly shot to Lena, “Yes! I can definitely take you on a food tour through the city!” he chuckled, fully game to dine with her and totally forgetting his brother in the process. “And you can call me Beel, that’s fine!”
Belphegor could see what Lena was doing. She was clearly trying to charm the both of them like Asmo or Mammon when they wanted something badly. He was definitely not going to fall for it…
“And Belphegor...Asmo said you were the one to help him pick out those extremely soft pillows he’s got; the comforter too! Now, I’ve never been into the Celestial Realm or anything, but I imagine that must be what a Heavenly cloud feels like!?” Lena boasted, “Could you pretty please help me find something like that? You must be an expert finding the right fit…”
“Of course I am. I have a huge collection of different types of pillows…” and he fell for it!
By the end of their discussion, Lena had both Beel and Belphegor agreeing to tag along after school. Leviathan told her she chose the best Route Responses for the both of them and the Event would be successful.
They went on to their next class, and agreed to join the twins and others at lunch time to discuss the trip.
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 2 years ago
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vldlance · 4 years ago
The milkshake place in town just opened up for the summer (the first of the tourists have arrived. splendid /s) bUT THAT MEANS MILKSHAKES!! I'm very happy since I haven't had a huckleberry milkshake since Last summer and I miss them 💔 I'm probably gonna take my siblings on a milkshake run later this week! we may not have a walmart but we do have the best milkshakes ever so its ok ksjdhdhfjdkdhjdjf
N E WAY HOW ARE YOU?!? I know y'all have been busy with finals and shit :( I hope those go well for everyone :(((((
sending you lots of hugs!!!!!!!!! 💘💕🧁🍫🍨🥧🧁🍦🍥🍮🍭🍩🥧🍰🍫🍰🍫🎂💝💞💕🎂💕💘🍥💓🧁🥧🍰🥧🧁🍫🍭🍨🍮🍩🍪🧁🍪🍰🍫🍰💓🎂💗💘💝💞💕💌💓❣💓🍥💖🍰🥧🍥🍥🥧🍰🥧🍭🍮🍩🍮🍩🍫🍭🍫🍰💗💘💓💌💘💝💕💞💘💓❣💓💟💗💘🍪🧁🥧🍭🍯🍭🍮🍰🍩🍦🍭🍦🍭🍮🍨🍮🍰🥧🍰🥧🍥🥧🍥🍫🍰💓💘💓💞💞💕💘💝❣💓❣💓💌💗💘🍪🍥🥧🍥🍰🥧🍬🍪🍭🍫🍰🍯🍥🍪🍩🍦🍰🍮🍥🥧🍰💗🧁💓🍥💓💘💝💌💝🍥💕🧁💓🧁💓🍥🥧🍥🍫🍰🎂💗🎂🥧🍦🍫🍫🍭🥧🧁🥧🎂🥧🧁🍫🍥💗🍰💞💓❣💕💌💓💘💓💌💗❣💖❣💖💘💘💓🧁🍥💕🧁💕🍰🍫🧁🥧��🍪🍥🥧🍭🍮🍰🍦🍭🍮🍥🧁🥧🍰🍪🍥💗🍥💓💌💝💘💕💞💖💕💘💝❣💓💟💗❣💗💌💗🍥🍥🍫🧁🥧💔🥧🍭🥧🍩🥧🍨🍦🍭🍫🍥💌🍫💘💓💞💝🍰💕🍥💓💔💓🧁💗🧁🥧🍭🥧🍰🍮🍭🍮🍨🍦🍮🍭🍫🧁🍰💓🍥🍥💝🍰💓🧁💓🍥💓🍥💗🍰💗🧁🍥💗🍥💓💌💗💘💗❣💟💗💘💖🧁🥧🍭🥧🍩🍮🧁🍮💌🍥🥧🍭💗🍥
HI LIZZIE OMG!! good morning! i’m so happy about ur milkshakes omg i’ve never had a huckleberry or a huckleberry milkshake :0
im doing well tho!!! yeah it’s been super busy 😭 that should let up after tuesday tho bc all my finals finish by then which is exciting!! i’m so ready to be over this semester wkfjakfjskkd also this morning ren and i walked to a coffee shop and i got a lavender italian soda which is basically just like. lavender sparkling water but a little sweeter so i feel like a fairy~~~ which i am very happy about 🧚‍♀️🌸 (also why is there no lavender emoji omg)
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petrichormeraki · 4 years ago
You said before that you would have to send a drawing to answer the ask when we were sending in big brother au fluff a while ago while ur hand was hurt, are u gonna be answering the asks u got?
I sure am!! Starting tomorrow actually!! I'm so excited y'all have great ideas :DDD
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 years ago
one last amnesty liveblog :’)
i’m writing this literal seconds after it came out and i am hyped as all get out, let’s do this!!!!!
they haven't announced more than that trav is dming and i'm hype for it
dang i wanna listen to those so bad
love ya griffin :')
... i don't remember there being distortion there???
... this isn't just old quotes, these are memories we haven't seen before now mixed in. i'm 90% sure that was just a memory from thacker's perspective of mama finally finding thacker possessed by the quell
was that little aubrey getting inspired to be a magician? sweet baby
aww aubrey :'(
and that was duck in class the day after minerva visited him
"wayne newton? that can't be real" pfff
"this isn't how it happened" what the fuck is going on
it wasn't expecting him to grab beacon
... they're in the alien base aren’t they
this is terrifying holy shit
it's the rest of the pine gaurd
"we've a little bit of the griffin panic settin' in" mood
nice! first of those good good finale rolls this ep
oh thank god it didn't take dani again
at least sylvaine is okay then
i love beacon so fucking much
"i think we're pretty well fucked" bless duck
thacker is so good and i love him
never mind about those finale rolls holy shit
yeah aubrey's fucked for luck lol
what are you quoting
it is so fucking weird to hear people calling him wayne, and yet it works so well for him
griffin keeps pointedly calling him wayne to get him to react and justin's just not yes-anding him lmao
this is so fucking weird holy shit
aubrey no
bless you for still calling him duck aubrey
this is so weird holy shit
jesus i just looked at the timestamp and it's only been thirty minutes
this is more of what ned found with the shifter
i love minerva so
it's barry
the sudden music scares an intrigues me
it's making copies of their loved ones to scare them into not fighting
duck i love you so much
beacon is so horny for destruction and i love him
WAIT REALLY??? shit, we were all terrified for aubrey’s luck and forgot about duck’s completely
thank you for minmaxing so much trav
"oooookay" griffin sounds so excited and i love it
... why do i have a feeling this is billy
oookay, that makes sense
direct and fair
oh no, this is bad, this is very bad
"what that being represented" wtf
... they created a great filter. they created a great filter to keep themselves safe and killed off god knows how many worlds. holy fucking shit this makes so much make sense.
yes duck, it it aliens  -_-
not the most nuanced of takes there aubrey
i don't know if it's just me but i am having such a hard time mentally picturing this room
griffin loves his domes lmao
this music griffin holy shit
bless griffin
oh fuck, very bad, this is very very bad
duck took a fuckin turn here at the end, damn
"FUCK YOU, C'MON" i love you duck holy shit
natural human chitin
oh fuck i forgot they were there holy shit
jesus we have more than an hour left
well that's not great!!!
i cry, ned ; _ ;
nice nice nice
griffin i don't think you needed to specify that it wasn't literal whales
"duck, honey" mama ilu so
jesus fucking christ that's horrifying
what are you gonna do here trav
"you absolute ding dongs" griffin ilu
god damn clint has been killing these rolls today
"you and your bunch of commodore 64's" thacker i love you
what in the world did he do?????
...god damn, i need to take a moment to just... whoooo fuckin boy that was so good. that was so incredibly good. as soon as this is over i'm going back and doing an amnesty relisten because so much makes sense now, holy shit
yay billy can talk now :D
my god this is so good
i love how much billy is using y'all, you can tell he spent a lot of time with duck
fair lol
awww billy's gonna save everybody :')
... is anyone else remembering that stern is still in sylvain
i descended to your pairing??? oooh dissented, okay
prove em' wrong
... are we in the end game territory here
whomst clint???
a guest bivouac
i love thacker so freaking much guys, i love him so much
mama :'D
who is this person i am so confused
aww thacker :')
this music is destroying me holy fuck
"hi honey!" jesus fuck they're so cute
god this is such pretty imagery
i love these two girlfriends and their rabbit son
"i love the whimsy" janelle ilu
travis mcelroy you have murdered me
aww little mousies
aubrey my baby ilu so much
duck wtf my child
that hasn't happened yet technically tho? i’m pretty sure it's still 2017 i think in this canon but okay then? i might be wrong tho
i love these two so much 
wait a god damn minute
oooooh i am suddenly very much not looking forward to going into the tag later, oh boy. this right here is why i make a rule of not getting too invested in non-canon pairings.
minerva is a non-neurotypical mood
... god damn duck this is killing me right now
why are you quoting spiderman minerva
there are only ten minutes left holy shit
i have very limited comic knowledge here guys please help me here boys
justin i'm gonna cry here
oh good, stern made it back to kepler
griffin i weep
indruck may have been sunk but sternclay is sailing strong lol
janelle fell off a pudding fruit tree lol
NED :')
and that was it folks! there's the end of taz amnesty! it has been an amazing ride and, unlike balance, one i was actually here for from start to finish in real time. this finale more than lived up to my expectations as far as tying up loose ends and ending on a wonderfully happy note and i cannot wait to see all the art and fic that comes out of it. i love this amazing fandom that’s felt like a home to me these last three years, i can't wait to listen to the next amazing arc the mcelboys conjure up with all of you
see you all again when the ttazz comes out!
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sweet-beezus · 6 years ago
I just want to start this off by saying how excited I am to participate in @khoc-week again this year!!!
Thankfully, unlike last time, I'm not at a con so I have plenty of time to think these through and actually make it interesting. Not that College AU Izaberu wasn't funny. I had a friend pose because I didn't have ref access to get her to do it to 'em which was a highlight, in my opinion.
I'm looking forward to sharing my disaster with all of you while also getting the opportunity to learn more about other OCs in the community!
To newcomers, welcome to a week's worth of character development! I assure you this is a great time to work on and expand your characters while also having a great time showing them off!
To returning participants, I can't wait to see what y'all have in store for us! All the new OCs or maybe the new details that have never before been unveiled! I'm sure there's some neats tricks hidden up your sleeves!
That's all for my pleasantries, so without further ado...
Reintroducing for the nth time in my life...
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The new and improved Izaberu!
If you remember her, you qualify for a veteran's account-
She's now known as Iliana Beradon'na and has gone through a noteable amount of changes since the last KHOC Week, both in story and in design.
This just happens to be her current, post-KH3 design that I tend to doodle all the time. She looks vastly different from when she first started her adventure, due to quite a few unforseen circumstances.
Now lets see if I can summarize this without writing an entire essay...
Ana is an 18 to 19 year old phoenix-themed Keyblade wielder with a bone to pick with destiny.
She comes from a world on the outer rim of the universe called Hills of Progress, later known as Shadow Hallow due to an increase of Heartless numbers, and was born to two merchant parents. Naturally, merchants are supposed to be humble, but in this case the mother corrupted the father, thus the business began to go to illegal lengths.
Ana was raised, alongside her brother, by her grandmother, who happened to be a councilwoman in the Council of Elders, a bingo club that runs the world sort of like a king or a president would. They're almost like Parliament, if you really think about it.
Due to strong instincts and a lot of convincing on her grandmother's part, Ana is an honorary Princess of Heart, more commonly known as a Guardian of Heart. How's that? Long winded backstory business. Let's just say that I made some Foreteller OCs and one of them is a distant ancestor who fortold the falling of the light based on some ancient disaster stuff and now Ana has some big shoes to fill.
She also seemed to pick up the Heart Hotel condition that Sora had, but rather than the hearts being asleep they were quite active the first several years before she accidentally died. I'll touch on that later. Two of them, a couple of girls that had shown up at one point after her Keyblade powers had at age 13, went by Iris and Irene. They were very helpful to motivating her to work hard up until she had managed to flee before her world fell to darkness.
Yeah, her world fell to darkness just as all the greats do. Considering that the heart of the world hadn't been in the world where it belonged for a good long while, the structure was starting to crumble and give way to darkness because of the fact it shouldn't have existed at all.
So with that, Ana decided to try and flee with her brother, but ended up escaping the carnage alone.
Later, she runs into Maleficent and says a few choice words that gets her chased out of Hollow Bastion and landing in a fresh pile of rubble and viscera.
Thus her story begins. Cheerful way to start it off, huh?
Pretty much everything else in her journey follows the stories of 358/2 Days, KH2, DDD, and KH3, with a few things mixed in unique to her.
In Days, she masquerades around as Reixen, the Violet Empress, troublemaking number XV in the Organization known to impersonate anyone and everyone and is a resident snoop. Rei makes friends with the Sea Salt Trio and even Demyx while also battling with 3 sets of memories and a fate she doesn't want, only to be caught up in drama she didn't ask for.
KH2 through to KH2.9 follows her as she accompanies Sora and friends through various worlds and grows stronger as a wielder. Though she may earn the title of Master fair and square in DDD, it's still a big role to fill, especially with a bigger plot boiling behind the scenes. Before DDD, she finds herself awakening her ancestor's power with a Trial of the Heart and almost got norted by the prune himself, Master Xehanort. But with one strong "Begone, THOT!" she managed to shoo him out and unlock the ability to dual wield plus some other cool magical DLC.
Which now brings me to...
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Her Keyblades! I may have posted them before this, but because I was too lazy to draw her with them here they are again.
Divine Hope was the one she travelled around with her whole journey. It wasn't meant to be a full time use Keyblade, yet she got stuck with it and it held up just fine.
Phoenix Fire was the one she unlocked after her trial and it adds a boost to fire based magic. See the missing keychain? Ana uses that as an earring, since it was given to her as an heirloom. It took me two centuries to properly design this thing and I love how this final design came out.
I guess that's all for the basics in story, so now it's onto a deep brain analysis.
Ana is a bit odd, if it wasn't already obvious.
She comes off as lazy and inconsiderate, mostly because of the way she acts. She's more into doing balanced amounts of work rather than not doing anything or doing pretty much everything. As long as she gets a decent break, she can do whatever you throw at her within reason.
She has little to no respect for people in a higher power, due to her old living situation. While others stand at attention, she's more relaxed and disinterested or stands her ground to show 'em who's boss. Despite her posing, she talks to them civilly unless they overstep their bounds.
She's not a big fan of getting involved unless it directly impacts her. She'll step in and lend a hand as needed, but nothing more.
She's not quick to trust. It's hard to make friends with her because she tends to shy away from that type of thing. She doesn't open up unless she's forced to be with someone for longer than she wants to be.
She's a bit crude, for someone with such a large amount of responsibility, and has a bad habit of making jokes out of grim situations.
Her face is always blushy, so you can tell if something said impacts her in a certain way because her face is a dead giveaway.
She holds her Keyblades backwards like Ventus. Why? She thinks it's comfortable, although she will fight with them facing the right way if needed.
She's ambidextrous, but her left hand seems to be the more commonly used one.
And with that comes her skills! She's very proficient in cooking and mechanics. She takes very good care of herself and her Gummi ship on a general basis.
With this whole info dump, I don't think adding useless little likes and dislikes will do this essay much better, so I guess I will end it off here.
Next up: New world!
We're gonna take her to some classics plus some potential additions!
See y'all in day 2!
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cxsmicmyeon · 4 years ago
ugh no my parents treated me like a baby. they allowed 0 independence. i think even til this day i have a lot to learn in social skills 😂 i'm too shy to start a conversation but if someone approaches my first then i can keep it flowing? so excited for you for when you're able to leave!!
OH MY GOSH STARRY I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!! 😧🥺 it isn't a pleasant thing to talk about regardless i should have chosen a different word 😭 HAHAHAHA no it made me chuckle out loud!! 🤣🤣 got some questioning looks from my son but yes 😂😂 these days i struggle to not hear exo things in my head.. everytime i see or hear "we are one" i hear myeon screaming exo SARANGHAJA wildly in my ear 😂🤣
looks like we're not the only ones that need to learn basic social skills and etiquette. but at least we're self aware!!
yep i originally came here to quietly exist and read fics and save some exo pics 😅 then i felt guilty so slowly started liking and reblogging. and now you've got me tagging! maybe more than needed but still 🤣 this is as close i get to being a fic writer. like youtube reactions but..tumblr? that makes you a tumblr influencer!! 😝
omg i used to be sooo obsessed with being a particular size in clothing. even now sometimes it affects my decision when buying clothes. i keep having to remind myself that the size is just a guide and it doesn't matter. i worked in retail for a long while so i was constantly surrounded my model-esque people 😔 i feel that too!! i came across a little documentary a while ago about autism in girls and the reason why statically boys are more likely to be diagnosed on the spectrum compared to girls is because girls actually "mask" their symptoms better? so pretending things are okay and trying to behave 'normally'. it's pretty interesting! i feel like it's the same for other mental health conditions. we should allll be screened just so we can get the right help! ooomygosh that sounds so sweet 🥺 minseokkie when is this happening!? i'm ready for you 😫
OMG STARRY! maybe a small exo series about first dates using these? 🙏 they're all so cute!! 🥺 but wait WHAT!? you haven't had kbbq or hotpot!? they're my favourite things in the world 😭 along with boba omg i'm obsessed with boba. i want to get another pet and name it boba 😂 SEHUNS DATE ALSO NEEDS BOBA!! 🧋🧋🧋 omfg if we weren't in pandemic times i would fly there and take you to get kbbq and hotpot 🤣
HAHAHA JUNMYEON WYD HONEY, WIFE HER UP SO Y'ALL CAN REPRODUCE SOME GORGEOUS BABIES!! but same i'm constantly being questioned how old i am and get all these judging looks from people when i'm out with my kids 🙃 i'm 27 okay not 16, relax 🙃🙃🙃 yes LOLL he was the ultimate geek ceo in that series 🤣
my dad hates tattoos with a passion and i know it's my body my rules but i just don't want to deal with the headache that it'll bring if i got one? like it just isn't worth. so i said later on down the track it'll happen, just not now. but the temptation to actually go and do it gets stronger every single time i talk about it 😫
SINCE U BEEN GONEEEEEE I CAN BREATHEE FOR THE FIRST TIME!! yeah f u c k them!! thank u NEXT!! hahahaha in that case you and me both 😂
lolll it was so hard to ask my parents to hang out with friends🙄🙄i never went out bc it was such a hassle😔😔but yes i suck when it comes to starting conversations but if someone else reached out first i can talk to them!!
don't worry about it l!! i should have said something somewhere lol but u know now that's all that matters!!! agh i loved when jun said "we are one exo saranghaja" i love imitating it it's hilarious🤣🤣yes i quote "shut up and go away" a lot when i get angry and every time i hear an english word that was in an exo song i always think of the song!!
agh i came to tumblr bc i read so many exo fics on here before making my account and i wanted to try out writing for exo and here we are!! 103 followers :DDD i'm so happy thank u all followers <33 and yes i love reblogging gifs and stuff it's a way to save it! omgg i'm a really small influencer loolll
i honestly have been a large for years so i've accepted being that size lol, although a couple times in high school when we had to order shirts/sweaters for events/clubs and i said large i got really insecure bc most of the people were healthy weight and stuff✌🏻oh wow masking symptoms? i don't think i really do so i feel i'm pretty expressive in my emotions and whatnot but i want to mask it when around others bc i don't want to show people how i feel esp if it's in school or something! and yes mental health awareness is soooo important! it's just as important as physical health!!!
WAIT??? THAT MAY BE A BLURB/DRABBLE SERIES??? YES??? OMG UR MIND!!! and ofc how could i forget sehun and boba? and AGH i want to go to get korean bbq and hotpot so bad!! maybe i'll go with my best friend they said they had korean bbq before and they said it was good!! omg boba is fantastic!! just the other day i had lychee green tea with lychee bubbles and it was the best thing ever!! lychee is so good😫😫
ugh i hate getting disapproving looks🙄🙄people suck sometimes,, but fun fact i did all my growing in middle school and when i was a freshman someone thought i was a junior🤣🤣🤣but i've basically looked the same since i was 14 loool (except i got longer hair and fatter)
ugh same my parents hate tattoos (and piercings, i want a nose ring and a belly button piercing lolll) but honestly i don't care because they'll be small so easily covered lmaooo,, my cousins have tattoos and piercings despite their parents wishes so why not follow suit? my cousin even joked about taking me to get my piercing🤣🤣 and when the time comes i may ask my cousins how it was to get tattoos and stuff lol!
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